DESCRIPTION Learning online about Key Competences 4THTRANSNATIONAL MEETING VICENZA – ITALY Training course: Testing phase
NEWSLETTER 5 2015 july
Project number: 540327-LLP-1-2013-1-ES-LEONARDO -LMP
Welcome Welcome to the fifth issue of the official newsletter of The Youth On the Empowerment (YOTE) Project.
in order to be informed about the news of the YOTE project. For more details about the YOTE
project, please visit our website:
The present edition is mainly dedicated to the 4th transnational meeting of Vicenza – Italy from 7th April to 10th April 2015. It includes also the launch of the YOTE Training Courses about the 08 key competences for lifelong learning that took place in Spain, Italy and Greece. Finally yet importantly, the dissemination activities done by partners to promote results / products of the YOTE project for all interested key actors. We hope that you will continue to follow us on the next Newsletters
This project is funded with the financial support of the European Commission. This publication reflects only the views of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”
YOTE Project description The Youth On The Empowerment “YOTE” is Leonardo Da Vinci multilateral project. The duration of the YOTE project is 24 months. The project idea consists on developing an innovative methodology based on “Units of Competence” that vocational students (from 17 to 24 year olds) will acquire as a training course.
W P2
Work Packages: Management (from month 1 to 24): Partner 1: Docete Omnes Fundación (Granada – Spain)
Building the methodology (from month 2 to Month 9) theory/practices/ Mobility program: Partner 3: Volkshochschule Hannover (Hannover – Germany)
W P1
W P4 Developing the website & digital tools (from month 4 to 12): Partner 2: Karriere Club (Vienna, Austria);
W P3
This new methodology will include activities of non-formal education, which will improve vocational training students, personal development in regards to their capacities, and psychological maturity that provide a better social integration or employability according to the Strategy 20/20.
research (Euroempleo 115), some documents of European Commission and European Council, their own experience, and literature... will develop a methodology structured as “Units of Competence” follow the EFVET Guidelines to have the possibility to recognize the learning outcomes(WP2).
To validate the methodology, the 7 partners involved (6 from European Union and one third country) will promote the use, test and implementation ECVET by applying it to the qualification of the course according to the ECVET guidelines.
The Methodology will be adapted as a “digital tool” and hosted in the project website (WP3), and it will be transferred to the vocational students as a “training course” (WP4)The results will be analyzed (WP6) and published in a research
The expert selected by each partners country from some previous
Training course for students (from month 12 to month 18): Partner1: Docete Omnes Foundation (Grenada- Spain); Partner 4: Eurocultura (Vicenza – Italy); Partner 5: Association for Education and Development of Disable people (Kavala - Greece)
Learning online about Key Competences – get Skills for your Job Written by Renate ACKERMAN (Volkshochschule Hannover Germany)
01 Communication in the mother
05 Learning to learn;
06 Social and civic competences;
02 Communication in foreign
07 Sense of initiative and
03 Mathematical competence and The European Parliament and Council of 18th December 2006 recommended 08 key competences as important for the employment of people everywhere in the European Union:
W P6 Analysis of results (from month 18th to 21st) Partner 6: AIFED (Granada – Spain).
Exploitation of results (month 5th -7th, 11th – 13th, 16th to 23rd (14th month) Partner 4: Eurocultura (Vicenza – Italy) .
W P5 Under the aim to develop a tool which helps young people to improve their key competences we started a common project in November 2013. Organizations out of Spain, Italy, Greece, Tunisia, Austria and Germany collaborate in “Youth on the Empowerment – YOTE”, a project financed by the European Union. End of 2014 we finalized our work on the online-tool which offers a training in all the eight key competences. The training in each key competence starts with a theoretical part followed by a couple of questions for self-evaluation. At the end, a practical case requires the knowledge about all these competences in the daily life or in a professional context. The participants get a certificate at the end if they have done all the evaluation successfully. The piloting started at the beginning of 2015 and nearly 90 young people out of Spain, Italy and Greece worked on
basic competences in science and technology;
08 Cultural awareness and expression.
04 Digital competence; Dissemination of the results (from month 6th to 24th): Partner 2: Karriere Club (Vienna, Austria) Partner 7 : Bureau Régional des Colonies de Vacances de Sousse BRCV (Sousse – Tunisia).
W P8 Quality/Evaluation Plan (months from 7th – 8th, 12th – 15th, 19th - 20th, 23rd – 24th) Partner 1: Docete Omnes Foundation
W P7 it successfully. A first evaluation shows that there are some modifications in the evaluation required but that in general the young participants found the tool helpful to improve their key competences. A second piloting will start in June. That a good level of key competences can support students and apprentices in starting their job career is out of question. Furthermore, the key competences have a strong relation to the skills and competences required in the professional life. Thus, the improvement of key competences by successful use of the online tool should be credited in a formal way. We chose the professional areas of care and tourism for analyzing carefully the relations between the skills and competences needed in these jobs and the key competences improved by using the online tool. The syllabuses for Care Operator and Tourism Service related to
ECVET points show a wide range of skills and attitudes relevant for these jobs. In a next step, we match a short explanation about the related key competence to the listed skills and attitude and link them to the online tool. The general practical case in which the participants should demonstrate their knowledge about all the key-competences finally will be adapted too for the areas of tourism or care. That means participants have to choose which kind of course they will enter, the general one or the specific one for care or tourism. In this way, the online tool gets useful to achieve the ECVET credit points in several units of learning. The project works under the leadership of “Foundation Docete Omnes” in La Zubia, Granada, Spain. You can find the online-tool and further information on the project The tool is for free.
4th transnational meeting in Vicenza Italy from the 7th to 9th of April 2015 The fourth transnational meeting was hosted by Eurocultura in Vicenza - Italy between 7th and 9th of April 2015. The event was the occasion to focus on the project progress both on the technical and financial level and to verify the respect of project indicators and outputs with reference to the first reporting period. A detailed planning of future actions to be undertaken was also agreed among the partners.
Project Review:
• New amendment fort the YOTE project with an extension of 6 months. • Progress Report: Recommendations of the expert and submission of the Progress report . • Adapting the YOTE project to ECVET priorities: recognition, target group, the sector. We decided to use two profiles: Tourism and Care fields .
WP4: Training course for students Evaluation of the first experimentation phase and improvements for the second round. During this phase, the three partners involved will take intoaccount all the reports from bothstudentsand teachersaboutthe course,withqualitative & quantitative data.
Consortium partners involved: 1. Partner 1: Docete Omnes Foundation (Grenada- Spain) 2. Partner 4: Eurocultura (Vicenza – Italy); 3. Partner 5: Association for Education and Development of Disable people (Kavala - Greece).
WP 7 : Dissemination Activities - Presentation of the Newsletter N째4 by Mohamed KAMOUN, BRCV Sousse - Tunisia - Discussion about the content of the Newsletter N째5: Articles from partners, activities,... - Other dissemination activities: Articles in websites, magazines
Next transnational Meetings! -Extra meeting in Spain from 6th to 9th of October 2015
- 5th meeting in Kavala, Greece in March 2016.
Training course: Experimentation phase
YOTE Training course in Italy
Three countries are directly involved in the experimentation phase concerning the YOTE training course in two sectors; Care & Tourism as described in ECVET:
1.Eurocultura (Vicenza –Italy),
2.Docete Omnes Fundación (Granada – Spain)
3.ASEDOEDFE (Kavala - Greece)
In Italy, the testing phase of the Yote training course covered the period March/April 2015 and involved 35 young people. The participants are students who are following an intensive German language and culture course, including units for the development of soft skills, in view to their transfer to Germany to do an apprenticeship in the tourist and catering sector. We divided the group in 5 small classes and they attended the
During the last lesson, we asked the participants whether they thought that the course was useful and if they would recommend it to other young people. The answers were all was very positive. The students said that
the training activity had been interesting and had improved their skills, especially with regard to the awareness of how important for personal development and for employment the European key competences are.
course in presence with the support of a tutor, in order to collect first hand feedbacks that allowed us to see the parts of the course that need to be strengthen. The students were very interested in the topics proposed by the course, especially because they feel very strongly the need to enhance their key competences to be able to deal with their experience of international mobility in Germany.
YOTE training course in Spain
The foundation Docete Omnes´s training centre, La Paloma Blanca, is the one of all the associates which has conducted the training course on key expertise development in the scope of the "Youth Empowerment" project.
The participants were students from high-level courses such as Technical and Socio-Cultural and Social Integration Technician. Although the course is on-line, there have been several class sessions in the centre with teachers to guide students and gather firsthand impressions, during the month of February 2015. Students and teachers highly value this
experience and have had the opportunity to get to know in depth what it is and how to acquire and improve key expertise that the government recognizes and as the European Parliament specifies essentially for lifelong learning. In general, they believe the course is an ideal complement to the training received at the centre.
YOTE Training course in Greece:
In 30/04/2015, Association for Education and Development of Disable People (ASEDDEDIPE) completed the first phase of the pilot training program on 8 Key Competencies. The results of this phase, in accordance with the opinion of the trainees were satisfying, and we believe that the improvements that will be made in the second pilot phase of the program, will improve the conquer knowledge that young people need on 8 Key Competencies. In this context the Association held an informative event on 30.04.2015. In this event the public (young people, potential users of the program) were informed for the first phase of the pilot conduct, the improvements that were decided according to the results of this first phase and also for the next pilot program implementation phase.
Dissemination activities
Dissemination is considered as a key activity for the YOTE project and all partners are encouraged to get involved in all aspects of dissemination activities. The dissemination activities are divided into four main areas: 1. Presentation in conferences/seminars 2. Presentation in meetings 3. Networking 4. Publications
tion activit Dissemina
chule s h c o h s k l Vo VHS Hannover Germany
In May 2015 a group of Georgian stakeholders visited our adult education institution. The group has been a mixture from heads of adult education institutes, teachers and policy makers. Most of them did not speak English or German but an interpreter translated all very fast. The guests from Georgia have been very strong interested in online learning because it is for them an easy accessible way of learning in the further education. So we presented them the YOTE tool. They found it very helpful in general but said that the expected knowledge of English language would be an obstacle for the participants from Georgia.
tion activit Dissemina
nes m O e t e c o D n Foundatio pain S a d a n a r G
Both, the newsletters and de articles about the first phase of experimentation have been shared in different groups of Facebook about Youth in Action, Education, and Erasmus Plus like the European Youth Network for
It has also been made dissemination about the project in seminars and working groups on Youth in Action and Erasmus plus, where some of the topics covered were the key skills, such as the seminar which took place in Granada with volunteers under the Youth in Action Programme in April 2015. Here you can find some images of our publications:
Creativity and Innovation with 3686 members in July 2015 or EU Opportunities & Discussion Group with 3381 members in the same date.
In recent months, the Docete Omnes Foundation has conducted several dissemination activities of the YOTE project; our organization is very active on internet and social networks, that´s why there have been several publications through the Facebook page of Docete Omnes Foundation (www. facebook .com), through the Facebook page of our municipality in La Zubia (https://www.facebook. com/ayuntaimientodelazubia) and through the website of the company “Prevention Quesada” specialised in formation and prevention ( como-ayudar-a-personas-condiscapacidad-un-ejemplo-a-seguirfundacion-docete-omnes/)
tion activit Dissemina
for n o i t a i c o s As and n o i t a c u d E nt of e m p o l e v De ople e P e l b a s i D ece e r G a l a v a K
Those activities included 3 official presentations of the project at 23/1/2015, 6/2/2015 and 30/4/2015 in which about 150 participants have participated (vocational training students, vocational training teachers/trainers/ experts, relevant stakeholders and wider public). Also we published an article in the bigger educational site in
After the preparation of the educational materials and the materialization of e-learning platform, the staff and the members of our association start a “sprint running” to inform the interesting parties about “YOTE” project.
Greece and leaflets of the project in Greek language. Beyond these formal presentations the members of our association (who work daily on the vocational education and training field) at every opportunity informed their students, their colleagues and any potential who was interested about the project “YOTE”.
Public presentation 06/02/2015
Public presentation 23/01/2015 11
tion Dissemina
ional g ĂŠ R u a e r Bu ies de n o l o C s e d RC V ) B ( s e c n a c Va nisia u T e s s u o S
Training courses at national level with EuroMed Youth Programme Five presentations about the YOTE project were done for youth workers, representents of NGOs, stakeholders of educational institutions from April to June 2015, in different regions of Tunisia (North, center and south). In all, nearly 600 participants have benefited from this training course.
Vocational training center On 13th may 2015, a dessimination and testing of the YOTE project training course were done with the participation of 20 trainees, in the Vocational Training Center of Electronics Sousse.
During the last period (from April to August 2015), BRCV Sousse has conducted several dessimination activities in regional, national and international events about the YOTE project and its results/ products, which reached a wide and varied audience.
University Cultural Center of Sousse On 5th July 2015 and during the annual seminar of the Entrepreneurship Students Club, a presentation of the YOTE project was done for about 100 students from different university institutions.