Project name: Youth on the Empowerment “YOTE” Ref. 540327-LLP-1-2013-1-ES-LEONARDO-LMP
4th Meeting “YOTE” Dates: From 7th to 9th of April, 2015 Place: Vicenza, Italy Meeting place: Hosting Organization: EUROCULTURA MEETING AGENDA 7th April 2015 Arrival Day 8th April 2015
09: 15h. Meeting at the hotel meeting room
Project Review: Progress Report: Recommendations of the expert and submission of the Progress report . Improvements, ECVET.... Amendment : New amendment with an extension of 6 months: New Work plan, products, output and partner tasks All partners 11: 20 Coffee break
11:40 WP4 Conclusions about first experimentation phase and improvements for the second round. Partner 1, 4 & 5 Videos about Experimentations & pen drives-Ideas 12: 30 Lunch 14:30h. WP 5 Analysis of Results: “Reports from partners: 1) General Report 2) specific report Partner 1
15:30 Next step: WP 6 Exploitation Plan: New outputs, deadlines and activities Partner 4
16:30 WP 7 Dissemination Activities: Presentation of 4º Newsletter -Preparation of 5º Newsletter: Articles from partners... -Other dissemination activities: Articles in websites, magazines....; -Discussion about the translations of the newsletters Partner 7 & Partner 3 17:30- 18:30 Review of the meeting topics & Conclusions
20:00 Dinner 9th April, 2015 9:00 Ideas to improve the Project: Project approach to employment, mobility programs, ECVET guidelines, translation of materials , website.. 10:30 of WP 1 Management & Financial aspects of the project. Templates, sheets and instruction to develop the tasks, doubts about financial issues: New partner, and new meeting??? Activities & deadline
11:00 Coffee Break
11.15 WP 9 Evaluation Plan: Evaluation of the meeting, Questionnaires for partners 12.00 12: 30 Lunch 14:00Next project Meetings: Kavala (Greece) Possibility to set a new meeting. Review of the dates. 15:00 Space to Disseminate other programs & Projects 16.30 Review of tasks deadlines, questions and conclusions -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------