YOTE Project 4th Newsletter

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YOTE projet newsletter No4 | April 2015



ISSUE 4 / April 2015

YOTE project


Contents YOTE Project description


elcome to the 4th newsletter of the YOTE project in Lifelong Learning with a focus on Vocational Education and Training (VET) using formal, non-formal and informal learning for the world of work. Dear Reader,

Work packages


Meetings Summary


Dissemination activities


YOTE Web Resources


Summary key competences


With this edition of the YOTE Project Newsletter, we would like to invite you to look back with us on the three previews transnational meetings that took place in Spain, Germany and Austria during the first year of the YOTE Project. If you want to review these meetings more thoroughly please have a look on the YOTE Website. Moreover, some prominent dissemination activities undertaken by partners in Tunisia, Germany, Italy and Greece are presented in brief. Finally, a summary of key competences is given. Wishing you an informative read! YOTE Team

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This project is funded with the financial support of the European Commission. This publication reflects only the views of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.�


YOTE projet newsletter No4 | April 2015

First transnational kick-off meeting in Granada – Spain 11th -14th March 2014 The kickoff meeting of the Leonardo da Vinci Project for Transfer of Innovation YOTE (Youth On The Empowerment), reference number 540327-LLP-1-2013-1-ES-LEONARDO-LMP, was held in Docete Omnes Foundation in Granada, Spain, between 11th and 14th of March 2014. 10 members from 6 countries have taken part in this meeting. The first transnational kick-off meeting was aiming to bring the partners together in order to plan how the project will be delivered over the next two years. The 7 partners organisations of the consortium are :


Project’s coordinator: Docete Omnes Fundación (Grenada- Spain)

Partners: 2

Karriere Club


V o l k s h o c h s c h u l e Hannover-´ (Hannover – Germany);


Eurocultura(Vicenza – Italy);


Association for Education and Development of Disabled People - ASEDDEDIPE (Kavala - Greece);



(Vienna, Austria);

Asociación de Innovación Formación y Empleo para el Desarrollo Sostenible - AIFED (Granada – Spain);

Bureau Régional des Colonies de Vacances de Sousse BRCV (Sousse – Tunisia).

All the partners took part in the first kick-off meeting except partner 6. The first project meeting began with a welcome remark delivered by Maria José Martinez & Fátima Carmona, representative of the host partner institution – Docete Omnes Foundation. The kick-off meeting allowed the participants to: •Present the partner organisations. •Explain the work packages.

•Clarify the tasks of each partner. •Fix deadline of achievement of each task. •Visit the Docete Omnes Fun- dación head quarter (training rooms, administrations, special- ised rooms, libraries, outdoors animation spaces). It is expected that all organisa- tion take part in all upcomming project events.


YOTE projet newsletter No4 | April 2015

Second meeting in Hannover Germany from the 24th to the 27th of June 2014 The second meeting of YOTE project took place in Volkshochschule in Hannover- Germany from the 24th to the 27th of June 2014.

Dissemination activities in Tunisia: Presentation of the YOTE project to young participants of the youth in action program called « It’s me I’m great » (18th of july 2014)

The same was done with the participants of the youth exchange “EL CLASSICO” that took place in Sousse from the 15th to the 22nd of august 2014 with the participation of 48 youngsters from Finland and Tunisia. Among the presentations and the subjects debated, we can mention: Presentation of the key competences methodology by partners Every partner presented the work that they prepared concerning the eight key compe-

tences methodology. The subject matter was discussed and corrected, also some propositions were suggested. All partners have agreed to include in the training course of each key competence, the following documents:

Theoretical part Practical activities (mobility activities) Evaluation (improve your competencies) Summary & Short summary

Meeting of training centers’ directors of Sousse in Tunisia ( September 2014): meeting gathering directors of vocational training centers of Sousse as well as trainers and German experts about the program « Employment Pact in Tunisia » , Presentation of the objectives, the content and the expected results of the YOTE project.


YOTE projet newsletter No4 | April 2015

The 3rd transnational meeting Wien –

Austria from 18th to 21st November, 2014 Review of the Digital Tool


All the material is ready and a common practical case was created for each unit of competency. The Digital tool is going to be enriched with forums, and one mentor for each partner organization

Training course


180 students will be directly involved in the experimentation phase: Partner 1: Docete Omnes Fundación (Granada – Spain),

Partner 5: Association for Education and Development of Disable people (Kavala - Greece) will be responsible do make the experimentation with students.

Partner 4: Eurocultura (Vicenza – Italy), and 3

Dissemination activities Eurocultura – Italy

YOTE National Meeting : 30/10/2014 National conference (about 70 participants) Leaflet - Printed material Summary in Italian language of the 1st and 2nd newsletter. Publications : Muoversi (newsletter sent to 37.000 subscribers all over Italy)

Association for Education and Development of Disable People – Greece National event for the presentation of project at 7-10-2014. Participants were educators, teachers, end-users etc. Many dissemination activities were organized at local, regional and national level in different places; • Vocational center “Ekpaideytiki Kavalas” • Technological institute of Kavala • Vocational center “edis-net” • Educational center of Municipality of Kavala • Rotary Club”

Volkshochschule Hannover – Germany Distribution of leaflet about the YOTE project in the conference of responsible persons for vocational training in Lower Saxony



YOTE projet newsletter No4 | April 2015

YOTE Web Resources The website aims to provide readers with free access to news, updates and current events to the progress of the YOTE project materials and activities, and will thus be updated regularly during project duration

ď ś A project website was set up and is available under the following URL facebook page



ď ś YOTE Training Courses A restricted (password-protected) site gives full access to instructional materials developed during the project was created. To enroll in the eLearning course, the participant will be required to complete some personal details, validate his ac-

count by receiving an e-mail from the system, and lastly, to enter an enrollment key. The URL link for our e-learning (Moodle) platform is: http://goo.gl/TyXKe1


YOTE projet newsletter No4 | April 2015

1. Communication in the mother tongue; 2. Communication in foreign languages; 3. Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology; 4. Digital competence; 5. Learning to learn; 6. Social and civic competences; 7. Sense of initiative and entre preneurship; 8. Cultural awareness and expression

Link: http://goo.gl/rfvnax

ď ś User Guide of the 08 Key – Competences

These skills are the same for all members of the European Union, which represents

The guide introduces in a short way the eight key competences and presents the methodology of the training course. Important information about enrolment and use of the online tool are provided in this guide.

a first step in the harmonization of educa-

This course is based on an innovative Methodology about key skills, and combine theoretical part and practical exercises to acquire a thorough knowledge of the ability; there are 8 key competences for Lifelong Learning, based on the recommendation of the European Parliament and Council of 18 of December 2006:

tences into National Curricula, but to do a

tion systems. The European countries have made great efforts to incorporate the key compecomplete process it is necessary to develop an assessment. The user guide is accessible on the YOTE website by this link: http://goo.gl/rfvnax in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian language.



YOTE projet newsletter No4 | April 2015

Summary key competences Key competence 5: Learning to learn In order to keep up with the progress in a nowadays knowledge based society, where

As defined in the Recommendation of the

the technological development influences

European Parliament and of the Council of

needs and requirements of individuals, to

18 December 2006 on Key Competences for

learn efficiently in less time and to keep more

Lifelong Learning:

information, knowing your type of learning is absolutely a must.

Learning to learn’ is the ability to pursue and persist in learning, to organise one’s own learning, including through effec-

tive management of time and information, both individually and in groups. This competence includes awareness of one’s learning process and needs, identifying available opportunities, and the ability to overcome obstacles in order to learn successfully. This competence means gaining, processing and assimilating new knowledge and skills as well as seeking and making use of guidance. Learning to learn engages learners to build on prior learning and life experiences in order to use and apply knowledge and skills in a variety of contexts: at home, at work, in education and training. Motivation and confi-

dence are crucial to an individual’s competence.

The Center for Resarch on Education and Lifelong Learning, CRELL, created in 2008 a framework based on former researcher and defined three dimensions of learning: the cognitive, the affective, and the metacognitive. In literature, there are different models of learning styles. We used the following types: -

Auditory Learner: learning by listening


Visual Learner: learning by watching

and reading


Communicative Learner: learning by

discussing the content


Motor Learner: learning by trying

things out on your own



YOTE projet newsletter No4 | April 2015

Key competence 6: Social and civic competences Social competence is related to the social welfare and the development of healthy lifestyles for oneself, one’s family and for the social environment. The social competence promotes the understanding of “the codes of conduct and manners generally accepted in different societies and environments “, at work for instance, there are healthy conditions at workplaces, a respect for the work schedule, a communication with the workmates to develop the tasks individually or as a work team. We act respecting certain principles like the principle of gender equality and non-discrimination that are fundamental in the society. The core skills include the ability to communicate constructively in different environments, to show tolerance, express and un-


derstand different point of views, to negotiation skills, the ability to create confidence, and to feel empathy for other cultures. It makes more free individuals, and invites to participate as an active member in the activities taking place in the community. Social competence encourages participation in social organizations working for the welfare of different collectives. The competence promotes an active participation and compromise of the individual, who should be interested in the socio-economic development and socio- cultural dialogue in the society.

Civic competence is linked to the concepts of democracy, justice, equality or civil rights. The individual becomes a “citizen” who participates in decision-making at local, national, regional and European level. The citizen becomes aware of how decisive is their participation or vote for the development of policies and projects in the community.

The core skills of the competence

election, being part of an organiza-

sense of responsibility that we make

involve the ability to engage ef-

tion that works to protect the rights

our work in accordance with current

fectively with others in the public

of different collectives, or respect-

standards and values that guide

domain, and to display solidarity

ing the values and principles recog-

society. At the same time, the civic

and interest in solving problems af-

nized in national constitutions and

competence involves a behavior of

fecting the local and wider com-

European and International Treaties.

respect and understanding for oth-

munity. For example, you can take

At work, for instance, we are gov-

er cultures, and a sense of solidarity

part through the vote during the

erned by a professional ethic and

and social cohesion.


YOTE projet newsletter No4 | April 2015

Key competence 7: Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship The concept of the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship assumed to serve as the engine of the developments needed. At the same time, the European Parliament and the European Council carries a recommendation that the Member States integrate the key competences in their future school reforms. The principal goal of entrepreneurship education is “to give students the attitudes, knowledge and skills to act in an entrepreneurial way.” The European Framework for Life-

and promote good governance.”

long Learning, defines the key com-

Like other key competences, the

petence Sense of initiative and en-

sense of initiative and entrepreneur-

trepreneurship “as an individual’s

ship consists of three interrelated

ability to turn ideas into action. It

ingredients: knowledge, skills & at-

includes creativity, innovation and

titudes. These three types of com-

risk-taking, as well as the ability to

ponents are deeply interlocked and

plan and manage projects in order

cannot be developed in isolation.

to achieve objectives. This supports individuals, not only in their everyday lives at home and in society, but also in the workplace in being aware of the context of their work and being able to seize opportunities, and is a foundation for more specific skills and knowledge needed by those establishing or contributing to social or commercial activity. This should include awareness of ethical values

During the training course, students in all fields will greatly benefit from learning about - and gaining experience of entrepreneurship. In fact, personal skills and qualities that are relevant to entrepreneurship such as spirit of initiative and creativity can be useful to everyone in their working responsibilities and in their day-to-day existence.



YOTE projet newsletter No4 | April 2015

Key competence 8: Cultural awareness and expression On the one hand Cultural Awareness and Expression is related to the development of creativity and attention to aesthetics side of the works done at professional field.

On the other hand Cultural awareness and expression is linked to the interest in the cultural heritage and participation in cultural life. Cultural expression is essential to the development of creative skills, which can be transferred to a variety of professional contexts.

It is a competence that not only have the artists, in any profession you can bring out your creative side, showing your ideas, presentations and seeking ways to improve the tasks. In the workplace is also important to take care of aesthetics, and paid attention to detail the work that we do. The interest for Cultural awareness enables us to understand the cultural and linguistic diversity in Europe and other regions of the world, and the local, national and European cultural heritage.

The individual is able to appreciate and enjoy the works of art and performances, and self-expression as well. Skills include also the ability to identify and realize social and economic opportunities in cultural activity.

YOTE projet newsletter No4 | April 2015


Next Issue of the Newsletter The next issue of the YOTE Project Newsletter will be published by June 2015.

Welcome to YOTE Project blog In this section, we will publish news, events, reviews and more about our project. You are invited to join us in this exciting adventure‌ We look forward to your opinions and comments. We really need your feedback! http://goo.gl/CjRqur

We hope you appreciate the information given in this Newsletter. Feedback on its content is highly appreciated. http://goo.gl/840jwB


YOTE projet newsletter No4 | April 2015

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