YOTE Project 6th Newsletter

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OCTOBER 2015 Project number: 540327-LLP-1-2013-1-ES-LEONARDO -LMP


Inside this issue


1.YOTE Project Description We are pleased to release the sixth issue of the Youth On the Empowerment (YOTE) newsletter project in Lifelong Learning with a focus on Vocational Education and Training (VET) using formal, non-formal and informal learning for the world of work. which are presented within this newsletter. We hope you will find valuable information in the newsletter. We are interested to keep in contact with you as stakeholders, users, or interested persons. So please do not hesitate to contact us. The project work has continued and made serious progress in different parts of the work. We invite you reading about different aspects of the work

An electronic version of this newsletter and of other issues can be downloaded from the project website:


This project is funded with the financial support of the European Commission. This publication reflects only the views of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”

Page 2 2.ECVET – the advantages for Lifelong learners Page 3 3.5th transnational meeting Granada – Spain Page 4 4.Presentation of the new partner: FH JOANNEUM Page 6 5.Second experimentation phase of training course Page 7 6.Dissemination activities Page 10 7. Student Testimony from Spain Page 12 YOTE PROJECT NEWSLETTER N°6| OCTOBER 2015

YOTE Project description T

he Youth On The Empowerment “YOTE” is Leonardo Da Vinci multilateral project. The duration of the YOTE project is 24 months. The project idea consists on developing an innovative methodology based on “Units of Competence” that vocational students (from 17 to 24 year olds) will acquire as a training course. vide a better social integration or employability according to the Strategy 20/20. To validate the methodology, the 7 partners involved (6 from European Union and one third country) will promote the use, test and implementation ECVET by applying it to the qualification of the course according to the ECVET guidelines. UnThis new methodology will include activities of non-formal education, which will improve vocational training students, personal development in regards to their capacities, and psychological maturity that pro-

The expert selected by each partners country from some previous research (Euroempleo 115), some documents of European Commission and European Council, their own experience, and literature...will develop a methodology struc-

tured as “Units of Competence” follow the EFVET Guidelines to have the possibility to recognize the learning outcomes(WP2). The Methodology will be adapted as a “digital tool” and hosted in the project website (WP3), and it will be transferred to the vocational students as a “training course” (WP4). The results will be analyzed (WP6) and published in a research.

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ECVET – the advantages for lifelong learners

ECVET – what is it? Written by Renate ACKERMAN Volkshochschule Hannover - Germany

The “European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training “(ECVET) is: •a decentralized system relying on volunteer participation of Member States and stakeholders of vocational training, respecting national legislations and regulations,

•a methodological framework for describing qualifications in terms of learning outcomes using units, allowing to allocate transferable points for Member States with different education and qualification frameworks, •founded on granted partner agreements regarding qualification transparency and mutual stakeholder trust.” (www.ecvet-team.eu)

ECVET – how does it work? “The ECVET methodology includes inseparable provisions: •the description of qualifications in terms of learning outcomes (knowledge, aptitudes and skills) organized in learning outcome units which may be transferred, validated and accumulated, •the existence of a transfer process for learning outcomes including assessment, validation, recognition and accumulation of learning outcomes,

The benefit

•using a point system assigned to learning outcome qualifications and units.” (www.ecvet-team.eu)

ECVET in relation to the key-competences Following these provisions, it was obvious that knowledge of key competences also is a qualification which can be described in learning outcomes and can be associated with credit points. We decided to realise it for the fields of care and tourism because working in these branches acquire the knowledge of all the eight key competences in dif-

ferent ways. So learners will find in the training course the options “General”, “Care” and “Tourism”. The piloting in these specific courses is going on at the moment in Greece, Austria, Spain and Italy.

Successful learners have not only improved their knowledge about the key-competences, in addition they demonstrate this knowledge according to the required learning-outcomes in the fields of care or tourism. That may empower them to start an apprenticeship, training, a job or going abroad and getting new experiences in a mobility project.


5th transnational meeting in Granada - Spain The fifth transnational meeting of the YOTE Project has taken place in Granada between the 6th and 9th of October 2015. The meeting had a great relevance for the project in order to plot strategy for the next project period. The project partners have analyzed the project points that should be strengthened to achieve the expected results.

During the meeting, the partners had the opportunity to meet the new partner “FH JOANNEUM” from Graz, Austria and its contribution to the project. The responsibilities of each partner and the remaining tasks of each work package were reviewed.

Eurocultura (Italy) has presented a guideline to implement the workshop within Exploitation of results (WP6);

Each partner has presented the activities implemented:

Bureau Régional des Colonies de Vacances – (Tunisia) has presented the fifth newsletter of the YOTE project and the draft Newsletter N°6.

Docete Omnes Foundation (Spain), FH Joanneum (Austria), Association for Education and Development of Disabled People (Greece) and Eurocultura (Italy) have shared experiences on the second experimentation phase of the training course and the implementation of the training course in different centers in partner countries.

Volkshochschule Hannover (Germany) has presented the new version of the YOTE Users’ Guide adapted to the sectors of Care and Tourism.



The results achieved at the meeting were as expected, with an agreement by all partners in the decisions taken.




Presentation of the new partner: FH JOANNEUM

PRESENTATION With more than 4000 students FH JOANNEUM is a young university of applied sciences. FH JOANNEUM has an international network of partner institutions in different educational sectors and also within several industries. With its highly specialized degree programs in the areas of international business and technology, information engineering, mobility, media and design, social services and public health, FH JOANNEUM is one of Austria’s leading Universities of Applied Sciences. The degree programs are offered at university level and aim at a professional training on a scientific basis.

New associated partner: FH Joanneum – University of Applied Science, Graz - Austria

“© FH Joanneum, Marion Luttenberger”

FH JOANNEUM already participated in a high number of EU projects in which it acted as coordinator and partner. Therefore, the organization can rely on many years of experience and highly qualified staff when it comes to EU and company projects. The activities range from Development of Training Materials, Social Media, and Internationalization through Regional Development, Entrepreneurship & Intercultural Competences to Quality Management in HE and Labor Market Policy Instruments. FHJ is also the Austrian partner for the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, the biggest study on entrepreneurship of its kind.

Role in the YOTE project FH Joanneum will take over the dissemination tasks and the experimentation phase of the online training course within the YOTE project. With its vast network of public and private partners (HEIs, industry, VET centers, media, Start-up Centers) across the country and Europe, the university will contribute significantly to the success of the project.



Second experimentation phase of training course Written by Levi BETTIN Eurocultura – Vicenza - Italy

The second testing phase in Italy

After the adjustments made following the suggestions of students and teachers gathered during the first testing phase, we decided to recruit students for the elearning course through social media and our information channels. We therefore advertised the course on our website, in our newsletter Muoversi, which is sent to 37,000 subscribers, and on our Facebook page. The success was, to put it mildly, sensational! And all this in just over a month. 112 students have enrolled for the course “general”, 29 for the “care” and 41 for the “tourism”.

37,000 subscribers

Every day we receive emails from students who, having finished the course, ask us to sign and stamp their certificate of participation.

We believe that the excellent results in terms of participation in the course is a clear sign of how young people are able to take advantage of training opportunities when they relate to skills that are fundamental for their social and professional life as are the 8 key competences of the European Union.


Second phase of pilot training course in Greece Written by Georgios KONNSOULAS

From May to September 2015 (months 19 to 23), “YOTE” project, implementing the second phase for the e-learning training course. The course took place in the most knowing e-learning platform called «Moodle».

Association for Education and Development of Disabled People Kavala – Greece

In Greece, until now, 30 participants had attended this second phase. All of them are vocational students from the sector of “Care” or “Touristic”. Also about 10 of them are physical disabled persons.

30 partipants

All participants were informed firstly about the benefits of attending this educational program, and then they were informed about the technical details (the registration process on the platform, the length of time allowed to complete the program, the evaluation must pass to gain the certificate of attendance, etc.).

Until now and before we have the final feedback from the questionnaires of participants and their teachers, we can say that both groups communicate with each other via EMAIL, facebook, forums etc. and are satisfied with the methodology and teaching material program.

We wait with passion the analysis of the results of the questionnaires of the participants and their teachers, because the success of this program is a big challenge for all partners.



Second phase of pilot training course in Spain

Written by Fatima Carmona Docete Omnes Foundation – Spain-

Around 90 Spanish students participated in the first and second experimentation phase in three different courses: “General Statement”, “Care” and “Tourism”.

The course was implemented in the Vocational Training Centre la Blanca Paloma (La Zubia, Granada) with students of the Advanced Course of Social Integration and Sociocultural Animation, in the EFA el Soto School (Chauchina) with students of the “Management touristic rural accommodation” course, and in the School of Tourism Alhamar (Granada).

90 Students

The course has reached even more students thanks to the Facebook page of the Fundación Docete Omnes, which has 1,256 fans and an average reach of posts to 500 people. The PageRank of the Fundación is 3. The courses are having an excellent reception in our country and new students from different centres and regions in Spain are registering in our courses every day.

1,256 Fans

Dissemination activities in Euromed

Dissemination activities Dissemination is considered as a key activity for the YOTE project and all partners are encouraged to get involved in all aspects of dissemination activities. This section provides a summary of recent dissemination activities in EuroMed done by BRCV Sousse- Tunisia

Erasmus+ Youth program SALTO-YOUTH EUROMED TRAINING Within the framework of the Salto-Youth Euromed Training, Mohamed KAMOUN – Euromed youth trainer, BRCV Sousse – Tunisia (Partner 8 in YOTE project) participated in two events on the European level:

Written by Mohamed KAMOUN Bureau Régional des Colonies de Vacances BRCV Sousse - Tunisia

EuroMed Trainers Forum, “Together Each Achieves More “ Romenia National Agency, SALTO EuroMed , within the “Erasmus+” - European Union Programme, organized an International Forum for trainers and multipliers actives in the South Mediterranean cooperation. This event is dedicated to share, reflect and develop about new training concepts, specific EuroMed tools and participants’ projects.

1.EuroMed Trainers Forum, “Together Each Achieves More “in Romania from 13th to 17th October 2015 2.Partnership-building Activity: Jump in EVS EuroMed in Turkey between the 19th -23rd October 2015.

Testimony of participants Thanks to this opportunity, we made a presentation to the participants about the YOTE Project and its results/products. In addition, some testimonies about YOTE Project during the two European events. In order to watch all testimonies, please visit the project website:



PBA: Jump in EVS EuroMed (19-23 October 2015 | Turkey) The Partnership-building Activity (PBA) aims to provide new opportunities to create new and more consolidate partnerships to all NGOs that would like to start or to develop EVS within EuroMed cooperation.

Social media

Testimony of participants

In order to promote dissemination activities of the YOTE project and of its products and outcomes, also to reach a wider audience we used Facebook, the largest social networks. That’s way we published dessimination activities in the facebook page of the Entrepreneurship Students Club (more than 38 000 fans), the Vocational Training Center of Electronics Sousse and Tunisian EuroMed Youth Unit.


Laura Martinez- Technician in Social Integration - Spain

Student Testimony from Spain about the YOTE training course When I started the YOTE training course my knowledge on key competences was limited, throughout the course I have learned its meaning and what activities can help me to acquire these key competences.

For the interest of students, the key skills are included in the new Spanish Law for the Improvement of Educational Quality (LOMCE) as a core curriculum, so it is important to handle them.

On the one hand, it is essential the competence in foreign language to communicate, to exchange information and to improve our employability at European level. On the other hand, as a Technician in Social Integration, I think the civic and social competence is fundamental to help people in risk of social exclusion and to learn ways to work with them, because the core of this skill is based on equality and personal welfare.

I have also become aware of how important it is to participate in mobility programs to acquire the key competences and improve them. In short, key competences are essential for the adaptation and integration into society and into the labour market.


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