PAGE 01 YOTE Projet Newsletter No3| January 2015
NEWSLETTER N°3 January 2015/ Issue 3 Project number: 540327-LLP-1-2013-1-ES-LEONARDO-LMP
YOTE Project description
Work package
Article about Digital Tool
Video of YOTE Project
Dissemination activities
P 4-5
3rd meeting of Wien – Austria p 6-7 Summary key competences p 8-9-10 YOTE Project meetings
Meeting gallery Wien
he third issue of the official newsletter of The Youth On the Empowerment (YOTE) Project. The present edition comes on the half way through a two-year project, we hope that you will continue to follow us on the next Newsletters in order to be informed about the news of the YOTE project.
he third newsletter is mainly dedicated to the meeting of Wien – Austria from 18th to 21st of November 2014, also to the summary of key competences and to the dissemination activities For more details about the YOTE project, please visit our website:
This project is funded with the financial support of the European Commission. This publication reflects only the views of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”
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YOTE Project description
he Youth On The Empowerment “YOTE” is Leonardo Da Vinci multilateral project. The duration of the YOTE project is 24 months. The project idea consists on developing an innovative methodology based on “Units of Competence” that vocational students (from 17 to 24 year olds) will acquire as a training course.
his new methodology will include activities of non-formal education, which will improve vocational training students, personal development in regards to their capacities, and psychological maturity that provide a better social integration or employability according to the Strategy 20/20. To validate the methodology, the 7 partners involved (6 from European Union and one third country) will promote the use, test and implementation ECVET by applying it to the qualification of the course according to the ECVET guidelines. The expert selected by each partners country from some previous research (Euroempleo 115), some documents of European Commission and European Council, their own experience, and literature...will develop a methodology structured as “Units of Competence” fol-
low the EFVET Guidelines to have the possibility to recognize the learning outcomes(WP2). The Methodology will be adapted as a “digital tool” and hosted in the project website (WP3), and it will be transferred to the vocational students as a “training course” (WP4). The results will be analyzed (WP6) and published in a research.
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Video-presentation of YOTE Project
Article about the Digital Tool Fatima Carmona
n september 2013, Giorgia Atezi, a volunteer in the project "Learns of Disability" of the European Programme Youth in Action, hosted by Docete Omnes Foundation, made a video about the 8 Key Competences recommended by the European Parliament and Council. Through the activity the volunteer has improved and implemented her Digital skills. Here you can find the link to the video in the website of the project:
Program coordinator at Docete Omnes Foundation
he Leonardo da Vinci project YOTE “Youth On The Empowerment” offers a new methodology which will improve the capacities and abilities of the students, and facilitate them the access to the labor market. As part of the project activities, we have created the “Digital Tool”, used to give the methodology a “digital format”. The Digital Tool is an e-learning platform in which students can find the theoretical part, the practical case and the evaluation of the 8 Key competences. Also they can find information about the European and international mobility programs to improve each key competence. It is the tool to transfer the method of “Key Competences” as a training course”. The system e-learning gives the accessibility to the course from anywhere with internet access.
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Dissemination activities Italy Greece Germany
Italy : Eurocultura
The Dissemination plan is divided in 4 Areas 1. Presentation in conferences/seminars 2. Presentation in meetings 3.TNetworking 4. Publications
YOTE National Meeting
Publications: • Muoversi (newsletter sent to 37.000 subscribers all over Italy)
• 30/10/2014 National (about 70 participants) • Leaflet • Printed material
Newsletter • Summary in Italian of the 1st and 2nd newsletter.
• Bollettino Eurosportello Veneto (newsletter of the Regional umbrella organzation of Chambers of Commerce sent to all the registered entrepreneurs of the region Veneto boll2014/11-15.htm#ALTRE INIZIATIVE) • Bollettino VERONA INNOVZIONE (newsletter sent to all teachers and trainers of Verona and provence) • Website Eurocultura
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Greece: Association for Education and Development of Disable People
ational event for the presentation of project at 7-10-2014. Participants were educators, teachers, endusers etc.
Many dissemination activities were organized at local, regional and national level in different places; • Vocational center “Ekpaideytiki Kavalas” • Technological institute of Kavala • Vocational center “edis-net” • Educational center of Municipality of Kavala • “Rotary Club”
Germany: Volkshochschule VHS Hannover
istribution of leaflet about the YOTE project in the conference of responsible persons for vocational training in Lower Saxony Publications: • Article in printed Program of VHS Hannover • Article in the Website of VHS Hannover
Information about the Project in conferences with: • Representatives of training centers and social enterprises, Region Hannover and Europe • Pedagogues in the vocational training in the Region of Hannover • Teacher in the school of the second chance • Representatives of educational system
• Article in the Newsletter of the Department of Vocational Training, VHS Hannover
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Review of the Digital Tool All the material is ready and a common practical case was created for all units of competences. The Digital tool is going to be enriched with forums, and one mentor for each partner organization.
Management and financial issues All partners have prepared the financial sheets for the interim report.
The 3rd transnational meeting of the YOTE project18th to 21st november,2014
Presentation of national events and other dissemination activities A leaflet to disseminate the project was created. The draft of the guide is ready and will be translated in partner languages.
Training course 180 students will be directly involved in the experimentation phase: Partner 1: Docete Omnes Fundación (Granada – Spain), Partner 4: Eurocultura (Vicenza – Italy), and Partner 5: Association for Educa¬tion and Development of Disable people (Kavala Greece) will be responsible do make the experimentation with students. Practical Case: A “general practical case including all competences” will be developed. The practical case is a story created by all partners: each partner will design a part of the story applying a key competence. Partner 3: Volk¬shochschule Hannover (Hannover – Germany) will be responsible to create the story with all story sections.
Evaluation of the test: The Training course is based on a score of 100 points Each test has a punctuation of 20 points. The practical case has a punctuation of 20 points. Certification of the Test: The certificate of achievement will be available on the project website and will be printed with all the logos: the logo of the partner institutions, the logo of the European Commission and the project´s logo.
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Next transnational Meetings -
4th meeting in Vicenza, Italy from 7th to 10th of April 2015 - 5th meeting in Kavala, Greece from 5th to 8th of October 2015
Newsletters The partners agreed about the content of the 3rd and the 4th newsletters .
September 2014/ Issue 2
Exploitation of Results Partner 4: Eurocultura (Vicenza – Italy) has created a model of “exploitation plan to be filled by each partner country the exploitation activities developed by each partner.
Project number: 540327-LLP-1-2013-1-ES-LEONARDO-LMP
elcome to the second issue of the official newsletter of the Youth On The Empowerment (YOTE) Project, ,which will inform you about the progress of the activities throughout the duration of the project (24 months). We will do our best to make it informative and interesting.
Contents YOTE Project description
Work packages
he second newsletter will be dedicated mainly to the meeting of Hannover-Germany from the 24th to the 27th of June 2014, also to the methodology and finally to the dissemination activities.
Developing key competances for Longlife Learning
Second meeting Hannover
Presentation of the key competences methodology by partners Presentation of the 1st newsletter by BRCV Sousse Tunisia Dissemination of results Review of Work Packages 3,4,5,6,7 and 8. Presentation of the key competences by partners
Dissemination activities YOTE project meetings
10 11 This newsletter is also available on the project website at : This project is funded with the financial support of the European Commission. This publication reflects only the views of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”
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Summary key competences
This edition is dedicated to the presentation of the summary of the key competences 1 to 4. In our next newsletter we will present the key competances 5 to 8.
Key competence 1: Communication in mother-tongue
Renate ACKERMANN (Volkshochschule Hannover - Germany) The European Commission describe it the competence to communicate in your mothertongue: “Communication in the mother tongue is the ability to express and interpret concepts, thoughts, feelings, facts and opinions in both oral and written form (listening, speaking, reading and writing), and to interact linguistically in an appropriate and creative way in a full range of societal and cultural contexts; in education and training, work, home and leisure.” (Official Journal of the European Union, L394/13, 30.12.2006, Annex) As a child you learnt your mother’s language at a very early age – the mother tongue. Every child learns the language without being taught simply by deeply memorizing the intonation and grammar. To a large extent, this process takes place automatically unless the child suffers from a special linguistic weakness.
magine you would not be able to use language, you would not communicate directly to your family and friends, you cannot share information in facebook or on twitter and believe me nobody would give you a job. The key skill “Language“ is of special significance for you apart from other key skills (e. g. computer competence, mathematic competence and social competence). But what happens to you if you move from one country to another because your parents or your self have to do so for studying or starting a job? Then you have to learn the language which is spoken in your new home-country for getting the same language-competence as you have in your mother-tongue. By learning this language you set a milestone for your private and professional future! So we have to divide the linguistic competence into 2 areas: • Native speaker competence • Foreign-language competence (in the language spoken in the country where you live) In the online-tool you will find some explanations about the preconditions of learning a language and some practical tips and tricks to do it successfully.
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Key competence 2: Communication in foreign language Nowadays, learning a foreign language has become practically indispensable for our work life. You stay in a country as tourist or for professional reasons but you would like to do some shopping or you need a taxi-driver! You are well prepared if you are able to speak the language of the visited country. An office clerk without this key skill encounters considerably more career difficulties than a colleague with foreign-language competence in this field, for example. “Communication in foreign languages broadly Renate ACKERMANN shares the main skill dimensions of communi(Volkshochschule cation in the mother tongue: it‘s based on the Hannover - Germany) ability to understand, express and interpret concepts, thoughts, feelings, facts and opinions in Studying or working abroad gives you the both oral and written form (listening, speaking, chance to get new experiences, to develop reading and writing) in an appropriate range of intercultural competence and to become societal and cultural contexts (in education and more independent. But the precondition training, work, home and leisure) according to for doing so is the knowledge of a foreign one's wants or needs. Communication in foreign language. Furthermore a stay abroad is a languages also calls for skills such as mediation value to add to your CV. and intercultural understanding. An individual's Acquiring foreign-language competence level of proficiency will vary between the four dialso results in a larger variety of possibilities mensions (listening, speaking, reading and writin one’s private life. You like to go to cinema ing) and between the different languages, and or movies in the internet? Watch them in according to that individual's social and cultural the original language and you will see them background, environment, needs and/or interfirst! And usually you enjoy them in a better ests..” (Official Journal of the European Union, way than the synchronized version. L394/13, 30.12.2006, Annex) By learning a foreign language you develop important resources for your professional and private life. If you have learnt one foreign language the next one is easier because you know how to do and your brain is used to learn foreign languages. Furthermore some languages have the same roots and similarities. In the online-tool you will find some explanations about learning a foreign language and some practical tips and tricks to do it successfully.
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Key competence 3: Mathematical competence and basic competences in Science and technology
Key competence 4: Digital Competence It’s a competency that we can say it’s necessary to everyone in our days.
Georgios KONNSOULAS Association for Education and Development of Disable people (Kavala - Greece) erson who captures those competencies has the ability to correspond to many jobs are related by their activities with science, environment protection, social issues etc, where ideas developed by science are used into practice and researches and scientific findings are integrated into those jobs.
But it’s not only workplaces that the person can take easier. Also has benefits in different facets like Social studies (history, geography etc.), Arts (music, painting, dance etc.), Poetry (meter of poetry, the number of words to include in a line etc), at Home (shopping, cooking etc.), Bank transactions (payments, bills etc.). In general we can say that Math and basic knowledge of science and technology are part of our lives, wherever we go, whatever we do, we use those competencies daily without even realizing it. So, someone who captures those competencies has an easygoing daily life.
Person who captures this competency has the ability to use information technology and communication as a means of intellectual and include the use of dual role of transmission and generation of information and knowledge. Also the person can use this competency for the production function, for example, as a tool for the application of mathematical models in natural, social, economic or artistic level. This skill allows people to manage rich and complex information, solve real problems, make resolutions, work in collaborative environments and create responsible and creative productions. The expected benefits to the person who eventually acquire digital skills are the following. • Access to services offered primarily through the Internet, • Faster and more efficient service when dealing with services, organizations, etc. • Enrichment of their knowledge • Prevent risks of social exclusion, • Better adaptation and responsiveness to changing conditions and demands.
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Kick-off meeting
Evaluation and Final meeting with students workshop
4TH MEETING : VICENZA, ITALY Analysis of results and exploitation meeting
Research Experts Meeting
Training for trainers and students and dissemination meeting
Meeting gallery Wien
Hopefully you enjoyed reading, knowing and learning more about YOTE project, join us in the fourth newsletter issue. This newsletter is also available on the project website at :