Project name: Youth on the Empowerment “YOTE” Ref. 540327-LLP-1-2013-1-ES-LEONARDO-LMP Dates: From 24th to 27th of June 2014 Place: Hannover 2nd Meeting Yote Hosting organization: Ada-und-Theodor-LessingVolkshochschule Hannover
24th June 2014 Arrival Day 20:15 Dinner 25th June 2014
09: 15h. Meeting at the centre Ada-und-Theodor-LessingVolkshochschule Hannover Presentation of the Key competences methodology by partners :WP 2 BUILDING THE METHODOLOGY P1 Fundación Docete Omnes – (6) Social & Civic competente (8)Cultural awareness P2 Karriere Club – (5)Learning to learn P3 Volkshochschule Hannover-(1) Communication in Mother tongue (2) Communication in foreign language. P4 Eurocultura- the influence of Mobility Programs in the key competences P5 Association for Education and Development of Disable people (3) Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology. (4)Digital Competence.
P7 BRCV Sousse –(7) Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship
11: 00 Coffee break 11:15 WP 2 BUILDING THE METHODOLOGY: next steps Tasks 12: 30 Lunch 14:30h. Management & financial issues Questions answered by European Commission about travel & subsistances Staff, subcontracting cost… 15:30 Presentation by BRCV Sousse of 1st newsletter 16:30 Preparation of 2nd newsletter: information and tasks for partners Review of the meeting topics 17:30 Conclusions 20:00 Dinner 26th of June 2014 9:30 Prsentation By Fundación Docete Omnes of the Website Proposal for the Digital Tool :WP 3 10:30 Structure of WP 8 “Exploitation of results”: Presentations of Ideas to working on Dissemination & exploitation of results 11:00 Coffee Break 11.15 Review of WP 4, 5, 6, 7, Activities & deadline 12: 30 Lunch
14:00Next project Meeting 14:30 WP 8 Evaluation Plan 15.30 Review of tasks deadlines, questions and conclusions 27th of June 2014 Departure of participant