YOTE Project 7th Newsletter

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MARCH 2016

NEWESLETTER 7 Project number: 540327-LLP-1-2013-1-ES-LEONARDO -LMP



NEWSLETTER 7 CONTENT : Welcome (7th newsletter)

Welcome to the last Youth On the Empowerment (YOTE) Project Newsletter! In this seventh edition we are delighted to update you about the project ending and the future development of our good practice. You can find out more about the main project outcomes and results by visiting the YOTE project on our website : http://www.yote.eu/

Final meeting of YOTE project , Meeting at CEDEFOP Greece Analysis of results

Sustainability of the YOTE project The actors of YOTE project

01 0304-05

What’s YOTE Project National Event in Austria




Fundación Docete Omnes compain



Innovation and added value in the YOTE project



The present edition is mainly dedicated to the the final transnational meeting of Thessalonica – Greece from 7th to 10th of March, 2016. It includes also the Analysis of Results: Main conclusions about the YOTE Training Courses that took place in Spain, Italy and Greece. Finally, the dissemination activities done by partners to promote results and products of the YOTE project for all interested key actors. If you want to know more, please do not hesitate to contact us via our website. We are happy to keep you informed about YOTE’s activities. We wish you an informative read!

Last YOTE project newsletter


YOTE Project description T

he Youth On The Empowerment “YOTE” is Leonardo Da Vinci multilateral project. The duration of the YOTE project is 24 months. The project idea consists on developing an innovative methodology based on “Units of Competence” that vocational students (from 17 to 24 year olds) will acquire as a training course.

vide a better social integration or employability according to the Strategy 20/20. To validate the methodology, the 7 partners involved (6 from European Union and one third country) will promote the use, test and implementation ECVET by applying it to the qualification of the course according to the ECVET guidelines. UnThis new methodology will include activities of non-formal education, which will improve vocational training students, personal development in regards to their capacities, and psychological maturity that pro-

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The expert selected by each partners country from some previous research (Euroempleo 115), some documents of European Commission and European Council, their own experience, and literature...will develop a methodology struc-

Newsletter 7 (March 2016)

tured as “Units of Competence” follow the EFVET Guidelines to have the possibility to recognize the learning outcomes(WP2). The Methodology will be adapted as a “digital tool” and hosted in the project website (WP3), and it will be transferred to the vocational students as a “training course” (WP4). The results will be analyzed (WP6) and published in a research.

Final meeting of YOTE project , Greece

Thessalonica, 7th to 10th of March, 2016 The final meeting of YOTE project took place from 6th to 10th of March at Thessaloniki. First day (8 march 2016) Partners attended the meeting at vocational center “E-DIS-NET” one of the biggest vocational with a lot of branches all over Greece. During the meeting partners were informed about vocational center’s activities and the programmes that are materialized this period. Ms Fatima Carmona, the Spanish project coordinator, presented Yote project to vocational center’s staff.

MAIN TOPICS ADDRESSED DURING THE MEETING Review of the Work packages by each partner responsible P1 Management & Project quality




P3 Review of the WP 2 Methodology:


Guides, materials, videos...

Management: Final Report


P4 Exploitation of Results: Network, workshop and other exploitation

WP 1 Financial issues and documents


required for the final report




WP 7 Dissemination of Results

Presentation of pen drives content

Quality: Questionnaire of quality

P6 Analysis of Results


P7 Dissemination

Innovation and added value in the

P8 Newsletters

project Review




conclusions Evaluation of the Meeting Newsletter 7 (March 2016)

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Metting at CEDEFOP Thessaloniki Greece On the 9th of March, the partnership of the YOTE project visited the CEDEFOP, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, in Thesalonica, Greece, and met Ernesto Villalba-GarcĂ­a, Expert in the Department of Learning and Employability.

Throughout the project, we have been in contact with several experts in the CEDEFOP, experts in VET and Competences. Upon the completion of the project, we will send you the results.

This meeting was of great importance to the project, due to the quality and impact of the CEDEFOP, a renowned institution in the European Union and the area of Vocational Training.

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Newsletter 7 (March 2016)

During the work meeting, the partners had the opportunity to present the YOTE project, its aims, activities and current state, its adaptation to ECVET and its state of implementation in each partner country. The Expert provided materials and tools to explore, such as ESCO, so as to understand how the learning outcomes of the units are related or can be related to ESCO platform, translated into occupations, aptitudes and competences in all European languages. We also discussed the existing tools at a European level for transparency and acknowledgement of the competences in European countries. The expert positively valued the work carried out by the partnership.


• Provide technical advice and propose ideas for VET policies; • Fill knowledge gaps and generating new insights that identify trends in and challenges for VET; • Increase awareness of VET’s image and importance; • Bring together policy-makers, social partners, researchers, and practitioners to share ideas and debate the best ways to improve VET policies; • Support and encourage joint European approaches, principles and tools to improve VET.

Cedefop, the European Union’s reference centre for vocational education and training, is working with the European Commission, Member States and social partners to find answers to these questions and others like them. Its mission is to support development of European vocational education and training policies and to contribute to their implementation.

Cedefop works closely with the European Commission, Member States’ governments, representatives of employers and trade unions, VET researchers and practitioners. It provides them with up-to-date information on developments in VET as well as opportunities for policy debate. The right VET policies depend on understanding how economies, societies and people are changing. Cedefop works to strengthen European cooperation and provide the evidence on which to base European VET policy. Cedefop’s added value is the high quality of its comparative analyses and expertise gathered through research and networking, which are used to:

Cedefop disseminates its information through its website, publications, social media, networks, conferences and seminars. Cedefop’s activities are guided by its mission and medium-term priorities.

Newsletter 7 (March 2016)

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YOTE „Youth on the Empowerment“ 28.Jänner 2016 19:00 Café im Kurhaus, Bad Gleichenberg

8 Schlüsselkompetenzen und ihre Bedeutung für den Einstieg in den Arbeitsmarkt Nationaler Event des EU-geförderten Projektes YOTE Youth on the Empowerment (540327-LLP-1-2013-1-ES-LEONARDO-LMP) Weitere Informationen: Sandra Meier FH Joanneum Institute of International Management Eggenberger Allee 11 8020 Graz Sandra.Meier@fh-joanneum.at Dieses Projekt wird mit der Unterstützung der Europäischen Kommission durchgeführt. Die Veröffentlichung gibt nur die Ansichten der Autoren wider, die Kommission ist nicht verantwortlich für die Nutzung des Inhalts.

National Event in Austria In January 2016 FH JOANNEUM hosted the YOTE National Event in Bad Gleichenberg, Austria. The main aim of the event was the dissemination of YOTE project results and the discussion about the potential integration of the developed Online Training Course in national VET systems. 45 interested people joined the event, including teachers and students of the Online Training, several VET stakeholders and the general public. A special part of the event was the discussion about the importance of key competences for VET students with migration background. Mr. Wolfgang Benedek, an expert in migration and refugee issues talked about the actual refugees’ movement in Europe and the chances and risks of migrant students on the labour market.

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Newsletter 7 (March 2016)

Article written by Sandra Meier FH JOANNEUM Graz Austria


Article written by Fatima Carmona Sanchez (Spain)

All the answers have been included in the General Report – Focus Group. A specific part, developed by partner 6, devoted to analyse the questionnaires answered by students and teachers. This report is much more specific and aims at analysing the answers of the questionnaires completed by the teachers involved in the experimentation phase and by students. In this part, we obtained statistical data based on the answers of the teachers and the student’s implication, motivation and support that teachers received during the experimentation phase on behalf of the institution of reference. On the other hand, regarding the questionnaires answered by students, we also obtained interesting data concerning their level of knowledge on key

Having completed the experimentation phase of the YOTE project, AIFED began to carry out the analysis of results. This work package is composed of different parts: A general part, called Focus Group, is developed by each country (P1, P3, P4, P5, P7, BRCV Sousse) about the possibilities of implementing the course in their countries. The partners of each country have selected 5 experts in different areas related to key competences (pedagogy, foreign language, ICTs, Tourism, etc.) so as to acquire a vision of the course’s usefulness, the methodology and its implementation at a national level.

competences before and after completing the course, and their increasing interest in mobility programmes upon completion of the course. The usefulness of the contents of the course for their future professional career is also emphasised. The results will be sent to CEDEFOP to be assessed by its experts.

Newsletter 7 (March 2016)

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Fundación Docete Omnes compain on Facebook and video tutorial : Fundación




coordinator of the Leonardo da Vinci Project “Youth on the empowerment” YOTE, is very active on social networks, especially on Facebook. The FDO is in charge of promoting the project’s activities both on its Facebook page and on the YOTE project’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/yote.eu).

Article written by Fatima Carmona Docete Omnes Foundation – Spain-

Among other activities, the FDO carried out an advertising campaign of the YOTE course so as to enhance its visibility and reach. The results were excellent: it reached 35,437 users between the ages of 17 and 30. This definitely helps young people to get to know and become interested in the key competences presented in our project and to improve its dissemination

FDO has also recorded a video tutorial explaining step by step how to access the YOTE online course (http://www.yote. eu/index.php/yote-enrolment-video-tutorial/. This activity has also been a success. It has reached 21,065 users on social networks between the ages of 16 and 30 and has been watched 2,694 times.

Through these activities developed under the framework of the project, YOTE is achieving great results, gaining consolidation beyond the project and the importance of key competences in the professional sector. If you want to check our latest activities, please, visit our Facebook page.

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Newsletter 7 (March 2016)


The partners of the YOTE project will make available the results through their network of educational centres, especially those of vocational training, enabling the realization of course beyond the end of the project, and also through enterprises and other public and private institutions. In order to promote the sustainability labour, the website of the project will remain active beyond the end of the project. Each partner implemented the YOTE course in its centre by means of their training plan, mobility plan, etc. and teachers and students will be able to benefit from it once the project has ended.

The partners have worked hard so as the results of YOTE become the starting point of other European and National projects. Some have already been presented and several YOTE partners are also participating: Training course Erasmus + on entrepreneurship competence, juvenile exchanges, etc. The idea is that the digital tool remains open so as more students can benefit from

Article written by Fatima Carmona Docete Omnes Foundation

the key competences for their future careers. The analysis of results of the project will also be sent to the CEDEFOP to get to know their opinion on the project and its results.

Newsletter 7 (March 2016)

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INNOVATION AND ADDED VALUE IN THE YOTE PROJECT Article written by Fatima Carmona Sanchez ( FDO Spain)

After the success of the YOTE courses, the partnership has decided to leave the platform open for new registrations. Once the course has been completed, the certificate can be automatically downloaded from the website and can be sent to the centres of reference to be signed and sealed. In our search of a quality label at a European level, we intend to contact the national ECVET centres in each partner country following the indications of the technician in Brussels in order to improve the certification of the diploma.

A video tutorial was created to improve the platform accessibility. Many new elements not included in the application form have been created. We are going to create a file to include the enterprises involved directly or indirectly in the project.

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Newsletter 7 (March 2016)

THE ACTORS OF YOTE PROJECT Docete Omnes Fundaci贸n (Grenada- Spain):

E u ro c u l t u r a Vicenza-Italy

The `Volkshochschule Hannover麓(HannoverGermany)

BRCV Sousse (Tunisia)

Association for Education and Development of Disable People (Kavala, Greece)

FH JOANNEUM Graz Austria

Newsletter 7 (March 2016)

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LAST YOTE PROJECT NEWSLETTER Dear readers of the newsletter of YOTE project. The editorial team hopes the 7 issues of the YOTE project newsletter gave you a clear idea about the project content as well as all activities and results achieved.

Thank you for the interest you have shown for our newsletter from the 1st issue till the 7th . We also wish to thank all project partners for their efforts provided in writing articles on the activities carried out in their countries.

The newsletter team Mr Mohamed Kamoun: Editorial Manager Mr Lotfi Garzoun: Editor in Chief Mr Akram Mlika: Designer Mr Mohamed el hedi Kortas: Editor Ms Asma Denguezli: Secretariat and correction of English texts

Y O U C A N A N Y T I M E C O N TA C T WITH US www.yote.eu https://www.facebook.com/ yote.eu/?fref=ts

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