YOTE Project First Newsletter

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ISSUE 1 / JUNE 2014

The scope Newsletter of the YOTE, Youth On The Empowerment Project will be issued every 3 months in order to inform and promote the results and outputs of the YOTE project. The first issue of the YOTE Project Newsletter is dedicated to the description of this project, the kick-off meeting in Granada and also the presentation of the partners’ organizations of this partnership.

Welcome to the YOTE Project Newsletter, which will inform you about the progress of our project activities throughout the duration of the project (24 months). We will do our

The newsletter will also be available on the project website at :


best to make it informative and interesting.

YOTE projet newsletter No1 | June 2014

This project is funded with the financial support of the European Commission. This publication reflects only the views of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”

YOTE Project description The Youth On The Empowerment “YOTE”is Leonardo Da Vinci multilateral project. Duration of the YOTE project is 24 months. The project idea consists on developing an innovative methodology based on “units of competence” that vocational students (from 17 to 24 years) will acquire as a training course.

To validate the methodology, the 7 partners involved (6 from European Union and one third country) will promote the use, test and implementation ECVET by applying it to the qualification of the course according to the ECVET guidelines.

This new methodology will include activities of non-formal education, which will improve vocational training students, personal development in regards to their capacities, and psychological maturity that provide a better social integration or employability according to the Strategy 20/20.

The expert selected by each partners country from some previous research (Euroempleo 115), some documents of European Commission and European Council, their own experience, and literature...will develop a methodology structured as “Units of Competence” follow the EFVET Guidelines to have the possibility to recognize the learning outcomes(WP2).

The Methodology will be adapted as a “digital tool” and hosted in the project website (WP3), and it will be transferred to the vocational students as a “training course” (WP4) The results will be analyzed (WP6) and published in a research

Work Packages of the YOTE project: WP4 Training course for students WP7 Dissemination of the re (from month 12 to month 18): sults (from month 6th to 24th):


Management (from month 1 to 24): Partner 1: Docete Omnes Fundación (Granada – Spain)


Building the methodology (from month 2 to Month 9) theory/practices/ Mobility program: Partner 3: Volkshochschule Hannover (Hannover – Germany)

WP3 Developing the web site & digital tools (from month 4 to 12): Partner 2: Karriere Club (Vienna, Austria);


Partner 5: Association for Educa- Partner 2: Karriere Club (Vienna, tion and Development of Disable Austria) people (Kavala - Greece) Partner 7 : Bureau Régional des Partner 1: Docete Omnes Founda- Colonies de Vacances de Sousse tion (Grenada- Spain); BRCV (Sousse – Tunisia). Partner 4: Eurocultura (Vicenza – WP8 Quality/Evaluation Italy); Plan (months from 7th – 8th, 12th – 15th, 19th - 20th, 23rd – 24th) Partner 1: Docete Omnes Foundation WP5 Analysis of results (from month 18th to 21st) Partner 6: AIFED (Granada – Spain).


Exploitation of results (month 5th -7th, 11th – 13th, 16th to 23rd (14th month) Partner 4: Eurocultura (Vicenza – Italy) ;

YOTE projet newsletter No1 | June 2014

First transnational kick-off meeting in Granada – Spain 11th -14th March 2014 The kickoff meeting of the Leonardo da Vinci Project for Transfer of Innovation YOTE (Youth On The Empowerment), reference number 540327-LLP-1-2013-1-ES-LEONARDO-LMP, was held in Docete Omnes Foundation in Granada, Spain, between 11th and 14th of March 2014. 10 members from 6 countries have taken part in this meeting.

The 7 partners organisations of the consortium are : Docete Omnes Fundación (Grenada- Spain): Project coordinator; Karriere Austria);



V o l k s h o c h s c h u l e Hannover-´ (Hannover – Germany); Eurocultura Italy);


Association for Education and Development of Disabled People - ASEDDEDIPE (Kavala Greece); Asociación de Innovación Formación y Empleo para el Desarrollo Sostenible - AIFED (Granada – Spain); Bureau Régional des Colonies de Vacances de Sousse BRCV (Sousse – Tunisia).

All the partners took part in the firt kickoff meeting except partner 6. The first project meeting began with a welcome remark delivered by Maria José Martinez & Fátima Carmona, representative of the host partner institution – Docete Omnes Foundation. The kickoff meeting allowed the participants to : - Present organisations.



- Explain the work packages.

- Visit the Docete Omnes Fundación head quarter (training rooms, administrations, specialised rooms, libraries, outdoors animation spaces ). It is expected that all organisation take part in all upcomming project events. All participants wish successful and fruitful results for the YOTE project. PS: The next meeting date will take place in Hannover, Germany from 24th to 27th of June 2014. It will be mainly dedicated to the methodology.

- Clarify the tasks of each partner. - Fix deadline of achievement of each task.

YOTE projet newsletter No1 | June 2014


PARTNERSHIP The project’s coordinator

Docete Omnes Foundation Granada-Spain Docete Omnes Foundation (Granada, Spain) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization. It is an educational and public interest institution by virtue of a Ministerial Order. The Foundation is a social complex working in two branches, one vocational training, and an educational centre. Since 1968, we are an active centre in the development of innovative policies, training teachers, developing research projects, etc... In those more than forty years of experience, we have had teachers of all levels in our classrooms to be trained and formed. This experience is the support of the project. Nowadays, the foundation is a large organisation of one hundred and eighty workers, among them, at least thirty teachers and experts of high level of experience whose opinion will be relevant for the program we present.

Its branches extend in different directions. Among the activities that take place within the Foundation are: Blanca Paloma Training Centre: It has had thousands of students with various skills trained within its classrooms, both in regulated training: occupational training and continuing education. Nowadays, we make a great effort to adapt our training expertise demanded by the world of employment, in order to provide our students with the key to their employability. Complejo Social Padre Villoslada. At present includes: An occupational centre, founded in 1982 to serve people with mental retardation, which now also includes people with mental illness and others in the risk of social exclusion. The occupational centre group a number of workshops for the development of life skill and employment, and each adapted to various demands of different learning needs.

Old people homes. Many elderly people are cared for by our professionals.

European Programs Department: Since 2008 our centre is as well working on several European Projects within the Long life Learning Programmes. In those almost forty years of experience, this foundation has coordinated and participated in various different investigation projects about different areas related to education, such as research about key skills, teachers formation, counselling to employability from our formation centre, and many others European projects.

ROLE IN THE YOTE PROJECT The Docete Omnes Foundation partner will be responsible for WP1 Project Management & WP8 Quality/Evaluation Plan. It will participate in all other WPs. It will also participate on WP4 Training Course, WP7 Dissemination and WP9 Exploitation in its own country.


YOTE projet newsletter No1 | June 2014

Karriere club Vienna-Austria

Karriere Club (Wien, Austria) is an independent service centre which acts as a trusted advisor to its clients providing full range of career management, development, and training programs. Our team consists of different highlyqualified specialists –economists, educationalists, psychologists, psychotherapists, specialists in data processing and linguistics. We work with people from 14 to 60 years’ old. Many of them are people from disadvantaged target groups (elders, slow learners, people without education, disabled people, people with social needs,).

Karriere Club has experience in international projects since 2003; we acted in Grundvit, Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus, Youth and ESF as promoters, coordinators and partners. We developed psychological, economical, educational, linguistical areas with different target groups (PwD, marginal educated individuals, young job seekers, etc.).

Our main activities are :

Karriere Club developed a European project “Search & Found” an online platform to assess the skills of young people; this organization is an expert in pedagogical digital tools.

• test development

On the other side karriere club has its own project management system for operating in international activities and organising different projects.

• single consultation • trainings and workshops/curricula • personnal consultation • personnel and organisational development

• project management • research and development • international projects


The Karriere Club partner will be responsible for WP 3 website & Digital Tool, WP 7 Dissemination of Results; they will participate in WP Dissemination and Exploitation results in its own country.

YOTE projet newsletter No1 | June 2014


Volkshochschule Hannover Hannover-Germany The `Volkshochschule Hannover´(Hannover-Germany) is a non-profit adult education institution under tutorship of the Municipality of Hanover.

The school offers a program each year of around hundred and twenty thousand teaching periods. In total around thirty thousand participants attend to our further education courses each year. The further education program includes all aspects of general, vocational, social and cultural education. All `Volkshochschulen´in Germany pursues shared educational aims and are linked through an umbrella organisation. They are financed through course fees and public subsidies. Traditionally “Volkshochschulen” are unofficially recognized as providers of further education, esp. vocational and second-chance education (school leaving certificates).

ROLE IN THE YOTE PROJECT The `Volkshochschule Hannover´ partner will be responsible for WP 3 Methodology; also they will participate in WP 7 & WP 8 Dissemination and exploitation of results in Germany.

A lot of our participants are young people who failed in the regular school system and want to have a second chance for a school leaving certificate with the help of the VHS-Hannover. They are taught by our own teachers or teachers who work on a regular school as well. So we know the most urgent problems of these young people with and within the regular school system and are able to prepare new methods for communication which might be a signal for a change. Our staff also guarantees an exchange of experiences with other schools in our local area. The main areas of the European projects in which the VHS was involved in the past are social dialogue, employment, development of further education for trainers, recognition and certifying of knowledge and competences. They are expert in teaching and in methodologies.


YOTE projet newsletter No1 | June 2014

Eurocultura Vicenza-Italy

Eurocultura (Vicenza, Italy) is a non-profit research, training and career counselling organization set up in 1993. Our projects and initiatives aim to promote international mobility and improvement of employability of people, especially youngsters.


International projects granted by different European Programs and focused on issues as vocational counselling, training, employment, youth, social affairs, culture, European unification etc. Mobility projects in Italy: In the frame of Leonardo Mobility and Erasmus Placement Eurocultura hosts about 160 trainees per year for periods from 3 weeks up to 6 months. Our main partners are vocational training institutes in Germany, Spain, Norway, Austria and Portugal. Career management: Eurocultura provides client-designed career advice and guidance to people seeking an experience abroad to implement their professional and personal skills in an international environment. We advise on active job and traineeship search strategies, vacancies, how to write an application, communication techniques for interviews, intercultural issues. Labour law legislation, working conditions, health, education and social system are also topics we deal with during our guiding process. We also cooperate with academic institutions, high schools and vocational training centers, youth information centers and private aimed to improve professional knowledge and competences in career guidance with an international

perspective, lectures and seminars for their clients, aimed to provide general frameworks and practical tools to implement an experience abroad, individual career service, support in developing activities related with international mobility. Researches: we are involved with European and national projects in research activities on issues as labour market trends, education and training, etc. Networking: During almost 20 years of activity, we became part of different networks at local, national and international level. At local and national level we co-operate with institutions (municipalities, labour offices, health

department), universities, vocational training centres, trade unions, chambers of commerce, employing organizations covering all productive and services sectors, including the hotel and catering industries, NGOs. At international level, we are part of a vast network of organizations dealing with the European dimension in training, education, social issues and culture. Specific expertise: We carried out a Leonardo Transfer of innovation project, ended in 2010, (ECE: European Commitment to Entrepreneurship) in order to enlarge the trading possibilities of young entrepreneurs in secondary schools, educational institutions and companies and this to let young people get acquainted with the European context of entrepreneurship. We are actually involved in the network “Entrepreneurship Education and the World of Work�, that combines the dimension of entrepreneurial spirit, career management skills and transitions to the world of work with the values of networks, policies and governance under educational, employment and social perspectives (Comenius Multilateral projects 2010-2013).

ROLE IN THE YOTE PROJECT The Eurocultura organization will participate in WP4 development of training course, WP7 dissemination and WP8 exploitation activities in its own country

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Association for Education and Development of Disable People Kavala-Greece Association for Education and Development of Disable People (Kavala, Greece) - ASEDDEDIPE is a non for profit association that wants to give the possibility to its members (people with disabilities) to be involved in all sectors. The institution organizes courses in collaboration with other institutions, such as courses of computers, accountancy, language etc. The Association was founded by members that were mainly disabled and families so as to offer employment, education and professional rehabilitation to disabled people. The creation of the association was a mean to improve the everyday life of disabled and furthermore to give a collective character to members’ demands.

The association supports disability by offering: - Advisory and Psychological Support to trainees and their families - Socialization Programs




- Pedagogical programs - Computer and accounting courses - Domestic Economy programs - Gymnastics and Athletics programs - Entertainment and Creative Occupations The association came to fill a gap in the city of Kavala. We have voice and presence, hope and perspective. For this reason the acceptance of this effort by the local community is positive and encouraging. Responsibility and duty of the association is to preserve strict principles of focus and achievement of its targets, providing to people with disabilities quality to their lives, similar and equal for all people. The long term goals are:

- Insisting and fighting for an accessible city.

- Provide employment and lifelong learning, living and hospitality to the disabled.

- Continuous training through Seminars

- Provide accessibility to all areas.

- Communication via the Internet (our website and e-mail) with more and more people around us and constantly updated on issues relating to disability.

- Explore economic resources to support structures.

All the above intent to empower the disabled people and provide them with all necessary skills and experience in order to correspond to today’s demands.

- Ensure continued care and vocational rehabilitation of disabled people

ROLE IN THE YOTE PROJECT The Association for Education and Development of Disabled People will be in charge of WP 4 Training Course. They will also collaborate in WP 7, WP 8 Dissemination and exploitation of results in the partner country.


YOTE projet newsletter No1 | June 2014

AIFED, Asociación de Innovación Formación y Empleo para el Desarrollo Sostenible Granada-Spain AIFED, Asociación de Innovación Formación y Empleo para el Desarrollo Sostenible (Granada, Spain) is an organization of professionals in the field of education and employment. Our legal status is private and non-profit organization. It is a public body. Our main activities are in the field of training (training for trainees and staff ), so it plays an important role in adult education. AIFED works sometimes in collaboration with other associations around us. AIFED participates in seminars and courses about the equality of the genders; the importance of the family is also present in our courses and seminars. AIFED has experience working within Lifelong Learning programs, specifically; it is developing a Grundvig Partnership project about physical disabilities. AIFED has experience as well in research, results analysis, developing reports, consulting, and evaluation of results. In collaboration with other entities, development of statistical analysis, information, questionnaires and statistics in many European projects to evaluate the quality of the project.


AIFED will be in charge of the management of WP 4 (collecting the results of the training courses), WP 5 Analysis of results; they will collaborate also in WP 7 and 8 Dissemination & Exploitation of results.

YOTE projet newsletter No1 | June 2014


Bureau RĂŠgional des Colonies de Vacances (BRCV) Sousse-Tunisia

BRCV Sousse (Tunisia) is a regional non-governmental organization working in childhoud and youth field. We also prepare and train youngsters in entrepreneurial skills, and therefore, to develop their entrepreneurial spirit and self- employment,facilitating the transition from education to labour market. The main activities of our association is to organize thematic camps for children and youngsters. We have other activity themes (environment, social exclusion, youth recreation ..). the members of our association are volunteers. Our organization is involved in the Euromed Youth program and Youth in Action program since 2004, we have organized and participated in many activities (youth exchanges, seminars, training ...). About our activities in the field of empowerment, culture of entrepreneurship and job creation:

and now we are invited to develop other clubs. The main objective of these clubs is to develop the personality of youth to better prepare them for the labour market ,to be Competitive and create in them the power to be a leader and to ensure success in life. Activities consists of weekly meetings (Wednesday afternoon) visits to companies, institutions related to job creation, to share with new young entrepreneurs success stories or failure stories, We organize seminars on various topics

related to the creation of jobs and the best way to find a job, we participate in many national and international seminars on entrepreneurship and exhibitions. In short our goal is to empower young people and prepare them for the labour market. Note that all the activities of those clubs are prepared and realised by the students and the facilitator is a coordinator. We presented our experience at national and international level, the last one took place in Spain: a seminar in Mollina.

We have a particular interest in empowering young students for life and work, and in particular the culture of entrepreneurship at the University of Sousse and the vocational training center in Sousse. We launched our first club in 2003 in the “ University Cultural Center of Sousse “ and five years later, the second club in the vocational training center in Sousse

ROLE IN THE YOTE PROJECT The BRCV Sousse will be in charge of designing and deciding on the content of the periodical newsletter (all partners provide ideas). Besides, they will support the coordinator in the Management of the YOTE Project in the Third country (WP1). 10

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1st meeting : Granada, Spain

Kick-off meeting – 3 staff persons for hosting partners + 2 persons for each partner participating to the 3 days meeting- Granada, Spain.

Research Experts Meeting.

2nd meeting : Hannover, Germany

– 3 staff persons for the hosting partner + 2 persons for each partner participating to the 2 days meeting. 8th month Hannover, Germany (except Partner 6 AIFED, 1 participant).

Training for trainers and students and dissemination meeting.

3rd meeting: Wien, Austria

– 3 staff persons for the hosting partner + 2 persons for each partner participating to the 2 days meeting ( except Partner 6, AIFED 1 participant). Month 12. Meeting in Wien, Austria.

Analysis of results and exploitation meeting

4th meeting : Vicenza, Italy

– 3 staff persons for the hosting partner + 2 persons for each partner participating to the 2 days meeting. Month 18th. Meeting in Vicenza, Italy (except Partner 6, AIFED 1 participant).

Evaluation and Final meeting with students workshop.

5th meeting :Kavala, Greece

– Final meeting – 3 staff persons for hosting partners + 2 persons for each partner participating to the 3 days meeting (except Partner 6, AIFED 1 participant). Month 23 Meeting in Kavala, Greece.

Administrative meetings The leading partner will also participate to the administrative meetings organized by the Agency (2 meetings per year) for 2 days The real important aspect of this package, is to provide the good guidelines to the well development of the rest work packages, where the partners will really develop the new methodology and the results.

If you want to know more about the Project, activities and events, you can go through the different sections on the website :


YOTE projet newsletter No1 | June 2014



YOTE projet newsletter No1 | June 2014

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