Project name: Youth on the Empowerment “YOTE” Ref. 540327-LLP-1-2013-1-ES-LEONARDO-LMP Meeting place: Hotel “Capsis” Monastiriou 18, Thessaloniki Tel.: +30 2310 596800 Dates: From 7th to 10th of March, 2016 Place: Thessaloniki Meeting nº 6 –Thessaloniki Hosting organization: Association for education and Development of Disable people MEETING AGENDA March 7th Arrival Day 20.00h: Meeting in hotel Capsis lobby 20.15h: Dinner March 8th 09.15h: Meeting at Vocational Center “Apopsi” 09.30h: Welcome Presentation of the agenda 09.40h: Review of the Workpackages by each partner responsible: P1 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8
Management & Project quality Review of the Wp 2 Methodology: Guides, materials, videos... Exploitation of Results: Network, workshop and other exploitation activities Experimentation phase: Presentation of pen drives content Analysis of Results Dissemination Newsletters
11.15h: Coffee break 11.40h: P1 and P6: Analysis of Results: Main conclusions
Focus Group Teachers Students 12.40h: Management: Final Report Public Part Confidential Part Information required by partners 13.15h: Lunch 15.15h: WP 1 Financial issues and documents required for the final report -
Financial Sheets Questions
16.15h: WP 7 Dissemination of Results Newsletter number 7 New Articles New activities Tasks/activities/products Review of the documents and products on Google Drive 17.30h: Conclusions 20.00h: Dinner
March 9th 10.00h: Meeting at CEDEFOP with the expert Mr. Ernesto Villalba- GarcĂa 12.00 Back to the Meeting Place 12.15h. Quality: Questionnaire of quality 12.30h: Sustainability
13.00h: Innovation and add value in the project. -
Proposal to sign an agreement with companies to offer Yote Training course as Training for Employees. Tutorial Video to improve the accessibility to the platform. Contact with the National Centre ECVET in each project partner.
13.30h: Lunch 15.30h: Review of tasks deadlines and conclusions Evaluation of the Meeting (P4) March 10th Departure of participants George’s phone number: 00306937646440