Tamaki Green Infrastructure PLan

Page 1

GREEN  INFRASTRUCTRE  GROWTH  PLAN Upper  Tamaki  River  -­  Grange,  Papatoetoe

LAND7226  Studio  6 Heather  Docherty 1345281

Given  the  close  proximity  to  central  Auckland,  the  Tamaki  River  edge  provides  opportunities  to  test  future  urban  development  scenarios  for  the  region.  In  order  to  explore  and  propose  strategic  landscape  and  urban  design  interventions,  it  is  necessary  to  understand  environmental,  socio-­cultural  and  economic  implications.  Contemporary  landscape  theory  concerning  urban  growth  also  enhances  understanding,  providing  a  theoretical  framework  and  precedent  in  which  to  ground  design  proposals.  Stemming  from  speculative  outcomes  of  group  research  themes  (heritage  and  transport),  design  and  development  turns  the  focus  towards  the  Tamaki  River  as  an  entity.  Given  the  strategic  importance  and  long-­standing  human  use  of  the  area,  the  River  serves  as  a  cultural,  social,  transportation  and  environmental  heritage  feature.  There  are  many  issues  arising  from  the  past  and  potential  future  population  growth  of  Auckland  that  this  project  seeks  to  address  in  this  design  proposal.  Piecemeal  expansion  of  the  city  in  the  past  has  lead  to  community  severance,  both  social  and  ecological,  in  the  process  disconnecting  people  from  the  environment.  Vital  infrastructure  networks  that  have  appeared  over  time  have  sliced  up  the  city,  creating  pockets  of  urban  isolation.  What  was  once  industrial  land  has  now  been  engulfed  by  suburbia,  leading  to  areas  of  fragmented  urban  fabric,  created  by  outdated  planning  zone  rules.  As  the  urban  environment  has  grown,  so  too  has  the  volume  of  storm  water  run-­off.  Vast  quantities  of  untreated  stormwater  and  litter  enter  the  Tamaki  River,  particularly  from  stormwater  drains,  giving  the  River  one  of  the  poorest  ecological  ratings  in  the  Auckland  area.  If  the  amount  of  impervious  surface  areas  increase  with  anticipated  development  in  the  catchment  (e.g.  AMETI,  housing),  the  volume  of  run-­off  directly  entering  the  River  will  be  set  increase.  In  conjunction  with  XSJUDGLQJ WKH YHKLFOH Ă€HHW DQG UHWURÂżWWLQJ URRI VWUXFWXUHV WR DGGUHVV WKH VRXUFHV RI KHDY\ PHWDO FRQWDPLQDQWV LW LV YLWDO WKDW SHRSOH are  engaged,  educated  and  made  more  aware  of  the  River  and  the  unique  social  and  ecological  values  that  it  has  to  offer.  Mangrove  ecosystems  are  taken  for  granted  and  at  times  much  maligned.  However,  they  play  a  key  role  in  stabilising  coastline  sediment  run-­ RII DV ZHOO DV IXOÂżOOLQJ D YHU\ VSHFLDOLVHG HFRORJLFDO IXQFWLRQ 7KH 7DPDNL 5LYHU SURYLGHV DQ RSSRUWXQLW\ WR WHVW GHVLJQ LQWHUYHQWLRQV that  compliment  this  role,  while  improving  water  quality  and  taking  into  account  the  social  needs  of  the  current  and  future  population.

Tamaki  River  edge:  the  green  infrastructure  spine  of  sustainable  development  in  south-­east  Auckland

Scale  1:50,000@A3

the  problem

Regional  Context:  Auckland  Spatial  Plan

How  do  we  accomodate  future  growth  of  Auckland  sustainably? Â

Sustainable  urban  development  is  not  only  about  using  environmental  resources  responsibility,  it  also  involves  enhancing  social  conditions  for  people,  now  and  for  future  generations.  As  the  population  of  Auckland  increases,  further  pressure  is  placed  on  already  overburdened  natural  systems.  The  vision  of  Auckland  Council  is  to  create  the  world’s  most  liveable  city.  In  a  planning  seminar  in  August  2011,  Mayor  Len  Brown  and  storm  water  experts  discussed  ways  to  ensure  that  planning  is  intelligent,  and  takes  into  account  the  need  to  manage  storm  water,  working  with  nature,  and  not  against  it. Water  is  integral  to  Auckland’s  identity,  and  will  become  more  so  as  the  work  of  the  city’s  storm  water  engineers  improve  its  quality  and  enables  Aucklanders  to  enjoy  it  even  more. Â

Storm  water  management  is  high  on  the  priority  list  in  the  Auckland  Spatial  Plan,  with  $1.62  billion  allocated  to  improving  wastewater  services.  Auckland  Council  will  be  taking  a  more  strategic  approach  to  storm  water  management,  and  key  to  this  is  the  priority  given  to  water  sensitive  planning  in  development  and  redevelopment.  This  project  speculates  that  the  reaches  of  the  Upper  Tamaki  River  could  provide  the  backbone  of  a  green  infrastructure  network  for  the  southeast  of  Auckland.  By  doing  so,  issues  around  historically  poor  water  quality  and  generally  low  biodiversity  of  the  catchment  could  potentially  improve,  as  well  as   social  conditions  of  some  of  the  lowest  socioeconomic  areas  in  the  city.

At  a  higher  government  level,  water  management  is  a  key  issue.  The  issue  is  important  for  landscape  architecture,  as  pollution  of  waterways  is  a  national  problem  that  could  be  addressed  by  landscape-­based  strategies  and  interventions.  The  importance  of  water  to  New  Zealand’s  economy  and  way  of  life  is  in  early  stages  of  being  recognised  through  the  government’s  Fresh  Start  for  Fresh  Water  2011  reforms  that  include  the  National  Policy  Statement  on  Fresh  Water,  amongst  other  initiatives.  Research  into  breaking  the  urban  contaminant  transport  chain  is  being  undertaken  in  a  pilot  study  by  NIWA. “Urban  stormwater  carries  elevated  loads  of  total  suspended  solids  (TSS,  i.e.,  sediments)  and  contaminants  such  as  metals  (mainly  zinc  and  copper)  and  hydrocarbons.  A  substantial  part  of  stormwater  is  conveyed  via  roadside  gutters  and Â

catchpits  (i.e.,  drain  inlets)  to  the  reticulated  pipe  network  and  on  to  streams,  estuaries  and  harbours.  Roadside  gutters  and  catchpits  therefore  represent  an  obvious  point  at  which  to  intercept  and  remove  contaminants.  The  way  urban  water  is  managed  can  have  an  impact  on  urban  receiving  waters  at  least  as  great  as  climate  change.   Urban  change  can  both  exacerbate  and  mitigate  the  potential  impacts  of  climate  change.   The  following  are  a  few  of  the  possible  impacts  of  both  urbanisation  and  increased  winter  storminess  (projected  for  Auckland  in  NIWA  climate  change  scenarios)  and  therefore  stormwater  reaching  streams  and  receiving  environments:

sustainable  urban  development  to  create  the  world’s  most  liveable  city draft  Auckland  spatial  plan

Strategic  Direction  8  of  the  Auckland  Spatial  Plan   is  to  â€œcreate  a  stunning  city  centre,  with  well  connected  quality  towns,  villages  and  neighbourhoods.  â€œ It  is   noted  that  : 3DVW KRXVLQJ LQÂżOO ZLWKLQ VXEXUEDQ DUHDV FRPELQHG ZLWK GLVFRQQHFWHG URDGLQJ DQG subdivision  patterns,  has  degraded  some  parts  of  the  urban  environment  and prevented  opportunities  for  better  development  at  higher  densities.  Poor  quality  design  has  also  blighted  parts of  the  city  and,  with  the  legacy  of  low-­density  development,  these  have  shaped  much  of  Auckland’s  outer  suburbs.  Some  areas  of  Auckland  suffer  from  problems  such  as: ‡ SRRU SXEOLF VDIHW\ ‡ D ODFN RI SDVVHQJHU WUDQVSRUW FRQQHFWLRQV ‡ DQ DEVHQFH RI VHUYLFHV ZLWKLQ ZDONLQJ GLVWDQFH ‡ D ODFN RI FRQQHFWHG DQG XVDEOH SXEOLF RSHQ VSDFH ‡ D ODFN RI EHDXW\ DQG FLYLF DPHQLW\ ´ FODXVH 'UDIW $XFNODQG 6SDWLDO 3ODQ

increased  stream  bank  erosion  and  sediment  transport increased  deposition  of  sediments  in  estuaries  and  harbours LQFUHDVHG ORFDO Ă€RRG ULVN IRU XUEDQ Ă€RRG SODLQV LQFUHDVHG RYHUĂ€RZ IUHTXHQF\ DQG YROXPHV IDLOXUH RI VWRUPZDWHU GHYLFHV H J Ă€XVKLQJ RI VHWWOHG VHGLPHQWV IURP SRQGV Taken  together,  climate  change  can  exacerbate  the  impacts  of  urbanisation  and  vice  versa.   However  the  trend  towards  low  impact  urban  design  and  development  could  OLPLW LPSDFWV RI ERWK LQGHSHQGHQWO\ DQG WRJHWKHU ´ 1,:$

A  permanent  water  education  and  resource  centre  could  build  on  the  water  exhibition  currently  on  at  Auckland  Museum,  highlighting  the  importance  of  natural  water  resources  that  Aucklanders  often  neglect.   We  only  need  to  look  at  the  recent  drinking  water  crisis  in  Tokelau  and  Tuvalu  to  realise  how  precious  water  is  to  us,  yet  it  is  something  so  utterly  taken  for  granted.  With  pressures  of  global  issues  such  as  climate  change,  population  expansion  and  increasing  urbanisation,  water  will  become  a  resource  of  even  greater  demand.  The  question  is   -­  how  do  we  balance  this?

exisiting conditions census data analysis

Social indicators were extrapolated from the 2006 census data for census area units that have the Tamaki River as a boundary. Whilst these are braod, sweeping assumptions made on data that is 5 years old, the method was used as DQ LQGLFDWLYH SURFHVV IRU IXUWKHU UHVHDUFK .H\ ¿QGLQJV IURP WKLV VHULHV RI PDSV were that there were distinct areas with multiple signs of social problems, such as unemployment, multiple families living in one household and low household income, and that these areas are predominantly to the west and south of the river. Data was cross-­referenced to extract the 10 areas with the ‘highest’ record of poor social indicators for each statistic. Whilst the set of conditions was broad, it indicated isolated pockets of low-­socio economic areas that provided opportunity for further analysis. Indicative GIS maps displayed from top left to bottom right: language spoken ethnic group number of people per household number of bedrooms per household population age range employment status household structure home ownership status transport method to work OHYHO RI TXDOL¿FDWLRQ

social conditions How can we responsibly intensify housing density when there are existing social issues? Scale 1:200,000@A3

social conditions

sites with potential for social support interventions

Areas shaded green indicate low income areas, whilst shades of orange represent higher income areas. The map on the far left shows the location of the lowest 10 DUHDV LQ WHUPV RI VRFLDO LQGLFDWRUV WKDW ZHUH LGHQWL¿HG IRU IXUWKHU LQYHVWLJDWLRQ

social improvement = potential growth

Scale 1:50,000@A3 Scale 1:200,000@A3

exisiting conditions spatial distrbution + pattern

How can local people be reconnected to the Tamaki River by landscape architecture, whilst providing a range of socially, FXOWXUDOO\ DQG HFRORJLFDOO\ EHQH¿FLDO RXWFRPHV"

natural + cultural land patterns Scale 1:200,000@A3

exisiting  conditions drainage  patterns

%\ YLVXDOLVLQJ RYHUODQG Ă€RZ SDWKV DQG VWRUPZDWHU LQIUDVWUXFWXUH GDWD LV ZDV possible  to  see  the  locations  where  storm  water  was  entering  directly  from  impervious  surfaces  and  entering  water  bodies  untreated.  Each  sub-­catchment  RI WKH 7DPDNL ZDV DQDO\VHG DQG UDWHG LQ WHUPV RI QXPEHU RI RXWĂ€RZ GHYLFHV WKDW directly  entered  the  estuarine  system,  and  how  large  the  catchments  for  each  of  those  devices  is,  in  order  to  select  sub-­catchments  with  the  greatest  need  for  storm  water  treatment.  In  the  process,  it  was  discovered  the  great  number  of  outfall  devices  discharge  directly  into  riparian  situations  from  surrounding  roads,  contributing  to  and  compounding  the  poor  water  quality  and  ecological  value  of  the  River.  Sub-­catchments  with  the  10  poorest  ratings,  according  to  this  process,  where  highlighted  as  potential  areas   for  further  investigation.

storm  water  management How  effective  is  the  existing  infrastructure  network  in  treating  stormwater  run-­off? Scale  1:200,000@A3


Areas  of  Intrest Social  Issues  +  Stormwater  Treatment  Issues

pilot  study  site  selection

Selected  Area  of  Intrest  -­  Grange Social  Issues  +  Stormwater  Treatment  Issues

By  overlaying  the  top  10  sub-­catchment  results  with  the  top  10  social  indicator  results,  it  was  three  overlaps  were  recorded.  Each  of  these  overlaps  were  DVVHVVHG LQ WHUPV RI SRWHQWLDO ZLWK WKH ¿QDO VHOHFWLRQ RI *UDQJH PDGH LQ RUGHU WR cover  an  area  not  investigated  by  the  rest  of  the  class.  Grange  is  representative  of  many  suburbs  around  the  Tamaki  edge,  such  as  Point   England  and  Otara,  ZKHUH ROG HQWUHQFKHG DUHDV RI VWDWH KRXVLQJ KDYH EHHQ LQWHQVL¿HG DURXQG RU isolated  by  the  shift  of  industry  elsewhere.  This  raw  methodology  could  also  be  relevant  to  areas  of  the  Upper  Waitemata  harbour,  in  order  to  locate  subsequent  pilot  study  areas.

How  do  these  layers  of  map  relate  to  site  selection?

Grange, Â Â Papatoetoe Legend

U pp


ta ra  C er re  T ek am ak i  R iv er


W es n  t In ne s  Ea O ta st hu hu  E O ta as hu t hu  N or th Fa i rb ur n O ta ra  E as t G ra Po ng in e t  E ng la nd

G le

O ta

hu hu Â



Sub-­Catchment AU_NAME

t  T am

ng e



Ea s

G ra

O ta hu hu  W O es ta t hu hu  E O ta as hu t hu  N or th Fa i rb ur n O ta ra  E as t

Suburb  (Census  AU)

Scale  1:50,000@A3

pilot study context

In terms of infrastructure, the area around Grange was highly used by both Maori and European settlers. One of the earliest European stores, Baird’s Wharf, was located within the site, serviced by a wharf that sizeable ships could reach. Mangrove growth has increased rapidly over the past 50 years, preventing access to the water. The main barrier to accessing the river is the development of major grey infrastructure, including State HIghway 1, the main potable water main pipeline from the Hunua Ranges to supply Auckland and the national power grid, serviced by the nearlby HIghbrook Power Station.

the problem

community disconnection -­ social and ecological

,GHQWLW\ RI 7DPDNL HGJH VXEXUE *UDQJH GH¿QHG E\ LQIUDVWUXFWXUH KLVWRULF DFFHVV WR WKH River lost, along with cultural, social and environmental heritage ties to the water

piecemeal grey infrastructure = community severance

exisiting conditions issues

environmental + social issues poor ecological health, low water quality, invasive weed species, poor socio-­economic conditions, no access to open space, no direct connection to public transport

exisiting  conditions existing  cultural  land  use

7\SLFDO RI PDQ\ œV VWDWH KRXVH VXEXUEV *UDQJH LV FRPSULVHG RI FXUYLQJ roads  and  cul-­de-­sacs,  bound  by  the  Tamaki  River  along  the  north-­west  edge.  From  the  south,  only  one  road  leads  into  the  suburb  from  Otahuhu  via  Great  South  Road  (GSR),  while  SH1  creates  the  eastern  perimeter,  adjacent  to  Highbrook  Power  Station.  At  roughly  500  metres  at  the  widest  point  to  850  at  the  longest,  the  VXEXUE FRPSULVHV KHFWDUHV RI ORZ GHQVLW\ KRXVLQJ VHUYLFHG E\ :\PRQGOH\ Primary  School,  a  dairy  and  a  liquor  store.  At  present,  it  is  a  2km  (25mins)  walk  to  Otara,  the  nearest  town  centre  and  a  2.5km  walk  (30mins)  to  Papatoetoe. This  suburb  is  proposed  as  the  testing  ground  to  apply  the  theory  that  by  providing  opportunity  for  local  communities  to  (re)engage  with  the  Tamaki  River,  a  range  of  VRFLDO FXOWXUDO DQG HFRORJLFDO EHQH¿WV FRXOG EH SURGXFHG



Scale  1:5,000@A3

current  plans

0 . , 0+!0+! + ( + . .%+.%0%!/

positive  development

TAMAKI ESTUARY WE WANT TO WORK WITH PARTNERS AND OTHER LOCAL BOARDS TO ACHIEVE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE FORESHORE AND WATERWAYS WE SHARE. !/,%0! )+.! 0$ * 4! ./ +" 0.!! ,( *0%*# * .!/0+. 0%+* !""+.0/ 0$%/ 3 0!.3 4 %/ /0%(( $%#$(4 ,+((10! 0 %/ !/%#* 0! 4 0$! !, .0)!*0 +" +*/!.2 0%+* / * .! +"

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funding This  proposal  ties  in  with  existing  local  board  budget  allocation  and  project  funding,  such  as  the  riparian  revegetation  project  currently  underway.  The  project  could  be  used  as  a  living  resource  centre  to  educate  people  about  how  the  catchment  works  e.g.  the  storm  water  system,  which  could  then  lead  to  local  action  by  community  groups/  individual  property  owners,  such  as  stream  restoration  on  private  land.  Connecting  with  local  business  landowners  provides  an  opportunity  to  form  private-­public  partnerships  to  fund  creation  of  green  infrastructure  network,  such  as  rain  gardens  and  wetlands,  while  creating  interface  with  public  space.  Added  EHQH¿WV WR EXVLQHVV IURP WKLV FRXOG EH FRUSRUDWH UHVSRQVLELOLW\ WR VXVWDLQDELOLW\ charters,  and  potential  for  brand  enhancement.  It  could  also  be  used  as  a  gesture  RI FRUSRUDWH JRRGZLOO WR UDLVH WKH FRPSDQ\ SUR¿OH RU SXEOLF SHUFHSWLRQ ZKLOH creating  areas  for  workers  to  also  enjoy  whilst  on  breaks.  Proactive  sustainability  measures,   environmental  policy  and  sustainability  charters  are  becoming  more  commonplace  in  business,  and  in  some  cases  even  mandatory

MANUKAU HARBOUR FORESHORE THERE WILL BE A COLLABORATIVE EFFORT TO PROTECT, RESTORE AND REHABILITATE OUR COASTAL ENVIRONMENT AND PROVIDE FOR RECREATION BY DEVELOPING WALKWAYS. $! *1' 1 . +1. "+.!/$+.! 0/ 0+ ,.+0! 0 0$! 3 0!. +" 0$! $ . +1. ".+) 0$! ,+((10%+* +" ( * /! 0%2%0%!/ $! 1$%*1% !/!.2! %/ , .0 +" 0$! 01'101.1 .!/0.% 0! +*/!.2 0%+* .! +* 0$! 3!/0!.* /$+.!(%*! 5 3%0$ ( .#! / (0 ) ./$ 3!0( * * 1*%-1! !*2%.+*)!*0

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Existing  positive  elements  in  Grange  that  could  be  enhanced  and  tied  in  with  this  proposal  include: ‡ 1HZ PHGLXP GHQVLW\ VWDWH KRXVLQJ LQ *UDQJH EXLOW LQ FROODERUDWLRQ ZLWK Habitat  for  Humanity ‡ ([LVWLQJ (VSODQDGH 5HVHUYH DURXQG HQWLUH FRDVWDO HGJH RI VXEXUE DOWKRXJK inaccessible  in  places) ‡ /RFDO %RDUG UHYHJHWDWLRQ SURJUDPPH LQ DVVRFLDWLRQ ZLWK :DLFDUH ‡ 1HWZRUN RI SRWDEOH DQG ZDVWH ZDWHU SLSHV WR KLQJH SHGHVWULDQ DFFHVV DFURVV water  to  connect  to  surroundings  without  having  to  experience  high  volume  of  WUDI¿F RQ %DLUGV DQG *W 6RXWK 5RDGV

Otara/  Paptoetoe  Local  Board  Draft  Plan

case  studies

urban  green  infrastructure  plans Â

At  present,  green  infrastructure-­based  urban  renewal  plans  are  being  developed  in  major  cities  around  the  world.  If  the  aspirations  of  Auckland  to  contend  with  these  major  urban  players  as  the  â€˜most  liveable’  city  in  the  world  are  to  be  realised,  it  is  vital  that  a  formal  green  infrastructure  plan  becomes  the  driving  document  in  the  city’s  growth. Major  global  cities  are  realising  major  green  infrastructure  projects,  capturing  ecosystems  services,  achieving  a  range  of  environmental  and  social  goals  in  the  process.  Common  threads  that  ties  these  exemplar  projects  together  are:  Multifunctionality $ UDQJH RI VRFLDO FXOWXUDO HQYLURQPHQWDO DQG HFRQRPLF EHQHÂżWV DFKLHYHG 5H XVH RI FRPPHUFLDO ODQG EURZQÂżHOG DQG ÂľOHIW RYHUÂś VSDFHV  Low-­impact  design  used  to  integrate  storm  water  management  with  urban     development  Overlays  of  green  and  grey  infrastructure

urban  green  infrastructure  strategies:  livable  cities  As  part  of  the  development  of  East  London  on  preparation  for  the  2012  Olympic  Games,  a  sub-­regional  green  infrastructure  structure  plan  has  been  developed  to  connect  the  River  Thames  to  its  tributaries,  creating  a  green  and  blue  infrastructure  network.  The  Lea  Valley  Regional  Park  is  one  such  project  that  sits  within  the  plan,  with  the  main  object  to  provide  pedestrian  connectivity  while  also  managing  storm  water  and  enhancing  biodiversity.  As  the  Lea  Valley  was  once  the  supply  source  for  London’s  power  and  water,  and  sewage  treatment,  the  remnants  of  these  infrastructures  will  be  integrated  into  new  areas  of  the  park  to  celebrate  the  local  industrial  heritage.  The  aim  is  to  â€œ  overcome  the  KLVWRULFDO SROLWLFDO DQG VSDWLDO GLYLVLRQ WR ÂżQDOO\ VHUYH DV DQ DUPDWXUH IRU IXWXUH GHYHORSPHQW DQG FKDQJH ´ 7RSRV 6HSWHPEHU SJ 7KLV LV VRPHWKLQJ particularly  relevant  to  Grange,  given  the  string  sense  of  infrastructural  presence  LQ WKH VXEXUE WKDW ZRXOG EH GLIÂżFXOW WR UHPRYH %\ UHYHDOLQJ WKHVH DVSHFWV DQG acknowledging  them  as  part  of  the  urban  realm,  we  could  connect  to  processes  that  largely  go  ignored. Â

As  a  living  network  of  open  spaces,  river  and  other  corridors  connecting  urban  areas  to  the  river  Thames,  the  Green  Belt  and  beyond,  the  Green  Grid  will:     provide  new  and  enhance  existing  public  open  spaces,  reducing  areas  of         GHÂżFLHQF\ SURYLGH SXEOLF DFFHVV DORQJ WKH PDMRU ULYHU DQG JUHHQ DUHDV     provide  a  range  of  formal  and  informal  recreational  uses  and  landscapes,    SURPRWLQJ KHDOWK\ OLYLQJ SURYLGH QHZ DQG HQKDQFH H[LVWLQJ ZLOGOLIH VLWHV PDQDJH ZDWHU FROOHFWLRQ FOHDQVLQJ DQG Ă€RRG ULVN ZLWK PXOWL IXQFWLRQDO VSDFHV     provide  beautiful,  diverse  and  managed  green  infrastructure  to  the  highest     standards  for  people  and  wildlife.

London   East  London  Green  Grid

Sources: http://c1038.r38.cf3.rackcdn.com/group1/building4423/media/ELGG01.jpg KWWS ZLUHGQHZ\RUN FRP IRUXP VKRZWKUHDG SKS"W SDJH http://legacy.london.gov.uk/mayor/auu/green-­grid.jsp

In  the  past  year,  New  York  City  has  released  the  NYC  Green  Infrastructure  Plan,  an  ambitious  US$2.4-­billion  project  to  improve  water  quality  using  green  infrastructure  through  a  multiplicity  of  innovative  means,  such  as  reactivating  the  ZDWHUIURQW DQG UHVWRULQJ ELRGLYHUVLW\ 7KH SODQ DLPV WR JHW PXOWLSOH EHQHÂżWV IRU tax-­payers  money:  by  using  green  infrastructure  the  aim  is  to  not  only  improve  water  and  air  quality,  but  lower  energy  consumption,  increase  green  space,  decrease  the  urban  heat  island  effect  and  enhance  property  value.  As  noted  in  Topos  September  2011,  â€œNew  York  City  is  at  the  forefront  of  a  green  urban  age‌ [hoping  ]  to  establish  the  methods,  technologies,  and  projects  that  can  serve  as  PRGHOV IRU RWKHU FLWLHV LQWHUHVWHG LQ SXUVXLQJ WKHLU RZQ VXVWDLQDEOH JRDOV ´ S This  is  relevant  for  Auckland,  given  the  similar  disconnection  to  the  waterfront  as  what  was  once  in  New  York.  This  Green  Infrastructure  Plan  presents  an  alternative  approach  to  improving  ZDWHU TXDOLW\ WKDW LQWHJUDWHV ĘŠJUHHQ LQIUDVWUXFWXUH VXFK DV VZDOHV DQG JUHHQ roofs,  with  investments  to  optimize  the  existing  system  and  to  build  targeted,  VPDOOHU VFDOH ĘŠJUH\ RU WUDGLWLRQDO LQIUDVWUXFWXUH 7KLV LV D PXOWL SURQJHG PRGXODU and  adaptive  approach  to  a  complicated  problem  that  will  provide  widespread,  LPPHGLDWH EHQHÂżWV DW D ORZHU FRVW 7KH JUHHQ LQIUDVWUXFWXUH FRPSRQHQW RI WKLV strategy  builds  upon  and  reinforces  the  strong  public  and  government  support  that  will  be  necessary  to  make  additional  water  quality  investments.  A  critical  goal  of  the  green  infrastructure  component  is  to  manage  runoff  from  10%  of  the  impervious  surfaces  in  combined  sewer  water-­  sheds  through  detention  and  LQÂżOWUDWLRQ VRXUFH FRQWUROV

case  studies

urban  green  infrastructure  plans Â

Similarly,  Toronto  is  also  undertaking  a  massive  green  infrastructure  program  WR FRQQHFW SHRSOH WR WKH ZDWHUIURQW 8WLOLVLQJ SUHGRPLQDWHO\ EURZQÂżHOG VLWHV D number  of  public  spaces  have  been  created  to  enable  local  people  to  appreciate  the  Don  River. Waterfront  Toronto’s  integrated  and  holistic  community  building  and  urban  planning  model  is  creating  smarter,  healthier  and  more  sustainable  communities. A  key  consideration  for  every  Waterfront  Toronto  initiative  is  to  do  everything  possible  to  ensure  we  contribute  to  creating  a  healthy  environment.   We  also  believe  that  proximity  to  nature,  public  green  space,  and  pedestrian-­friendly  public  spaces  are  all  requirements  for  healthy  urban  living.  To  achieve  our  objectives,  our  approach  to  revitalization  incorporates  economic,  social,  cultural,  and  ecological  sustainability  criteria  into  all  decision  making.  It  will  all  add  up  to  a  lasting  environmental  legacy  now  and  a  revitalized  waterfront  that  is  the  envy  of  the  globe. Waterfront  Toronto  is  assigning  a  central  role  to  parks,  open  spaces,  bike  paths,  trails,  trees  and  water.  It’s  dedicating  25  percent  of  the  revitalized  area  to  waterfront  parks  and  public  spaces,  and  planting  about  34,000  trees. In  addition  to  connecting  people  with  the  waterfront,  we  are  striving  to  ensure  that  revitalization  has  a  positive  impact  on  water  quality  and  conservation.

New  York

Toronto   Don  River  Waterfront Â

NYC  Green  Infrastructure   Plan

Refernces: http://media.ourhudson.org/task-­force-­themes/land-­use/moma-­designing-­climate-­change-­solutions/  NYCGreenInfrastructurePlan http://www.nyc.gov/html/dep/html/stormwater/nyc_green_infrastructure_plan.shtml

References: Michael  Van  Valkenburgh  Associates  Lower  Don  Lands  Master  Plan KWWS ZZZ ZDWHUIURQWRURQWR FD LPDJHBJDOOHULHV ORZHUBGRQBODQGV http://www.waterfrontoronto.ca/our_waterfront_vision/our_future_is_green/healthy_environment  http://imageshack.us/

pilot  project

infrastructure  follows  infrastructure

Laxon  Ave,  Grange

SH1 ym W ad

o  R

y dle on Laxon  Ave

d oa



Upper  Tamaki  River  Park  Structure  Plan

stage  one  location  -­  Laxon  Ave  bridge ou

,Q FRQWUDVW WR /DW] 7KD\HU KDV D EURDGHU GHÂżQLWLRQ RI VXVWDLQDELOLW\ taking  into  account  ecological  principles.  This  text  highlights  concepts  such  as  increasing  urban/suburban  biodiversity  and  reinstating  or  enhancing  bio-­geo-­ physical  processes,  such  as  storm  water  treatment,  in  order  to  bring  human  communities  back  to  life.  The  authors  take  a  strong  stance  that  community  education  of  these  processes,  through  landscape  design,  is  fundamental  to  ensure  true  sustainability,  engraining  a  cultural  appreciation  in  perpetuity.  They  suggest  that  by  exposing  people  to  processes  that  are  hidden  by  infrastructure, Â

PXOWLSXUSRVH SXEOLF VSDFHV FDQ EH FUHDWHG WKDW KDYH DGGLWLRQDO EHQHÂżWV IRU ZLOGOLIH or  recreation  opportunities.  This  could  be  particularly  applicable  to  this  area  of  Otahuhu,  as  there  is  very  little  vegetation  and  a  predominance  of  infrastructure.  Very  little  residential  vegetation  exists,  possibly  due  to  the  high  proportion  of  Housing  NZ  rental  properties  in  the  suburb,  which  are  being  replaced  with  new  higher  density  stock.  Waterways  are  much  degraded,  populated  by  predominantly  exotic  species  and  copious  amounts  of  rubbish.  By  increasing  density  of  human  ODQG XVH SDWWHUQV ODUJHU DUHDV FRXOG EH FUHDWHG RU SUHVHUYHG IRU WKH EHQHÂżW RI LQFUHDVLQJ ELRGLYHUVLW\ LQ WXUQ EHQHÂżWWLQJ ORFDO SHRSOH ZLWK DFFHVV WR D KHDOWKLHU ecosystem  for  a  range  of  purposes,  such  as  recreation  or  transport. Â

t  S

use  of  space.  Given  the  constraints  of  the  motorway  and  the  River,  in  conjunction  with  the  dominating  presence  of  the  Otahuhu  power  station  and  the  wastewater  pumping  station  and  the  rich  heritage  of  Otahuhu  to  draw  from,  the  suburb  of  Grange  has  a  lot  of  opportunity  to  integrate  these  assets  into  more  useable  and  richly  layered  public  space.


According  to  Peter  Latz  (2007),  successive  transformations  form  the  rich  layering  of  a  site  contributes  to  the  emergence  of  a  unique  community  identity.  Latz  suggests  that  contemporary  suburban  development  typically  â€˜erases’  past  natural  and  human  systems,  leaving  communities  with  shallow  identities.  He  proposes  an  alternative  Adaptive  Design  Process  that  enables  communities  to  translate  change  and  transformation  over  time  into  a  coherent  process,  reinforcing  features  and  identity  of  a  site.  Infrastructure  is  a  key  attribute  of  communities  that  is  often  disregarded  in  contributing  to  the  evolving  identity  of  a  place.  As  the  research  group  noted  in  Part  1  of  this  studio,  Latz  points  out  that  city  growth  follows  infrastructure  -­  whether  it  be  road,  rail  or  river.  He  observes  that  â€œlittle  attention  LV SDLG WR WKLV ORQJ OLIH F\FOHG IHDWXUH´ S DQG VXJJHVWV WKDW LQIUDVWUXFWXUH FRXOG Âł SURYLGH DUPDWXUH IRU WUDQVIRUPDWLRQ RYHU WLPH´ S 7KH LGHD RI K\SHU development  is  propose  in  keeping  with  this  notion,  whereby  infrastructure,  public  space  and  private  buildings  are  fused  in  innovative  combinations  to  minimise  the Â

Bairds  Road

Infrastructure  follows  infrastructure By  utililsing  green  infrastructure  as  the  basis  for  an  urban  growth  plan,  it  is  VSHFXODWHG WKDW D UDQJH RI EHQH¿WV FRXOG EH DFKLHYHG H J LQFUHDVHG ELRGLYHUVLW\ treat  very  poor  water  quality  in  upper  reaches  of  harbour  and  increase  access  to  open  space.   This  concept  is  applicable  not  just  to  Tamaki,  but  could  also  apply  to  other  inner  harbour  areas  e.g.  Waitemata,  Kaipara,  and  to  the  region  as  a  whole.


design development Laxon Ave pedestrian pipe bridge

experimenting with design of bridge line to avoid foundation interfering with water mains pipeline, sensitive ecological areas, whilst maintaining direct pedestrian connectivity to Great South Road from Laxon Ave

concept sketches devloping pipe lines

model exploration of potential with pipe lines

infrastructure follows infrastructure

stage one concept plan Laxon Ave pedestrian pipe bridge

salt swamp -­ mangrove management salt marsh -­ revegetation sustainable hardwood steps to jetty down to salt marsh water mains pipe bridge viewing platform 3m wide sustainable hardwood bridge with stainless steel detailing over pipes permable paving 3-­6m wide footpath gathering plaza 3m wide sustainable hardwood boardwalks over vegetation storm water treatment wetlands coastal clay bank revegetation amenity plantings open space

100m Scale 1:5,000@A3

Laxon Ave


storm water treatment wetlands + riparian revegetation

P1 P2

ecological restoration + enhancement P1 view of storm water treatment wetlands from north looking south

stormwater management + treatment improved pedestrain connectivity to open space, community services, transport centres and key economic growth areas of Otahuhu and Papatoetoe


view of bridge looking west from east bank towards Tip Top bread factory


water pipe bridge + storm water treatment wetlands

re-­engagement with the Tamaki: stormwater management + education by design

west bank

east bank


perspectives water pipe bridge

P3 P4

integration of green + grey infrastructure utilising existing infrastructure to integrate

view of bridge looking south from parallel north bank

community integration + connectivity view of bridge looking east from west bank towards viewing platform


planting plan

Upper Tamaki Estuary -­ revegetation planting ecotone sequence

esturine riparian revegetation + storm water treatment wetlands

median high tide spring high tide median low tide amenity plantings

coastal clay bank

salt marsh

salt swamp

salt marsh

coastal clay bank

amenity plantings

storm water treatment wetland

exisiting vegetation

scale 1:200 @A1

proposed vegetation

native revegetation

General  references 'XQKDP -XRQHV ( DQG :LOOLDPVRQ - ,QWURGXFWLRQ 5HWUR¿WWLQJ 6XEXUELD ¹ 8UEDQ 'HVLJQ 6ROXWLRQV IRU 5HGHVLJQLQJ 6XEXUEV 1HZ <RUN -RKQ :LOH\ DQG 6RQV ,QF Latz,  P.   (2007)  In  Search  of  Identity  Over  Time.  Suburban  Transformations.  New  York:  Princeton  Architectural  Press. 7KD\HU 5 1HZ 6\PEROV RI 3RVVLELOLWLHV *UH\ :RUOG *UHHQ +HDUW 1HZ <RUN -RKQ :LOH\ DQG 6RQV ,QF Auckland  Council www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/EN/environment/Land_water/Pages/2011stormwaterseminar.aspx Ministry  for  the  Environment (http://www.mfe.govt.nz/issues/water/freshwater/fresh-­start-­for-­fresh-­water/index.html) NIWA  http://www.niwa.co.nz/our-­science/freshwater/our-­services/urban_aquatics/current_projects One  Drop  Exhibition www.onedrop.org/en/projects/projects-­overview/AquaNorthProject/Aqua/Experience.aspx Tamaki  -­  Papatoetoe  Catchment  Management  Plan  www.manukau.govt.nz/tec/catchment/tamaki_papatoetoe/tamaki_papatoetoe_index.htm

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