The key to your next
s c i e n t i f i c ac h i e v e m e n t
research grant programs
Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail
D o y o u k n o w. . . Do you know that the Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail (IRSST) gives grants every year to outside researchers so that they can carry out research projects and activities? Other organizations offer grant programs, but none provides the support and advantages that the IRSST offers you.
Follow the guide…
The IRSST’s research grant programs could be the key to your next scientific achievement.
grant programs?
IRSS T ’ s r e s e a r c h
Why choose the
The IRSST was the first occupational health and safety research centre in Canada, and sets itself apart in several ways from research funding agencies devoted exclusively to the advancement of scientific knowledge. This is how: A h i g h a c c e p ta n c e r at e a n d fa c i l i tat i n g c o n d i t i o n s • Due to the support that the IRSST provides to researchers throughout the application process, a high proportion of the submitted projects are accepted by the decisionmakers. This is an enviable advantage compared to acceptance rate observed with other funding organizations. • The IRSST’s grant programs, in contrast to those of other organizations, do not establish beforehand any minimum or maximum amount of money for the funding envelope that a researcher can apply for to carry out a project.
• Due to the IRSST’s alliances and partnerships with other organizations, researchers can have access to co-financing in the context of special projects. • The IRSST can offer financial support to Québec researchers, but also to their collaborators outside Québec.
Since 1990, our ongoing technical and scientific collaboration with the IRSST has been very beneficial to the advancement of research related to indoor air quality and health protection. During this solid cooperation between Concordia University and the IRSST, much experimental and analytical research work has been carried out on issues related to the potential contamination of fresh air intakes of buildings by emissions originating from building exhausts. The collaboration between Concordia University and the IRSST is an example of real success!
Ted Stathopoulos, Ph.D., Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Concordia University
S u p p o rt i n s e v e r a l f o r m s A research management advisor can support researchers who want to submit a grant application throughout their application process. Researchers can also benefit from the advice and expertise of the research leader in a research field who, because he carries out this function, clearly understands the programming, the concerns of the different communities, and the emerging issues in his field of activity.
4 From the development of the research project to its completion, a researcher benefits from the support of a knowledge transfer advisor mainly to optimize knowledge translation, a requirement that funding agencies are increasingly insisting on.
Toan Vu-Khanh, Ph.D., Research Chair in Materials and Equipment, École de technologie supÊrieure de MontrÊal
The close collaboration between researchers in the Research Chair in Materials and Equipment and those of the Protective Equipment field at the IRSST has allowed significant advances to be made in worker safety, including the development of methods for characterizing the protective properties of gloves, such as resistance to puncture by medical needles, and characteristics related to comfort, such as suppleness and adherence. Practical tools, including an information guide and a tool for selecting gloves for protection against mechanical stressors have also been produced.
As both a research centre and a granting agency, the IRSST offers enviable advantages that organizations without this double mission cannot provide to researchers.
Fav o u r e d c o l l a b o r at i o n a n d a c c e s s • Researchers have the possibility of establishing collaboration with the IRSST’s highly qualified scientific personnel in various disciplines. • Researchers have preferred access to various research fields because of the very close ties that the IRSST maintains with its workplace partners. • Researchers can more easily and more rapidly establish favoured links with employer, union or professional associations that are members of the occupational health and safety network to which the IRSST belongs, and thus obtain support for their project. • Researchers have access to occupational health and safety indicators as well as to the expertise of the IRSST’s Statistical Research and Surveillance Group. • Researchers can have access to the IRSST’s certified laboratories, in the fields of chemistry and microbiology as well as in instrumentation, and to the expertise of its scientific and technical personnel in carrying out analyses and developing analytical or sampling methods.
In the last 25 years, approximately thirty research projects that I have directed were financed in whole or in part by the IRSST, thus enabling me to advance knowledge in the field of occupational hygiene, mainly in solvent substitution. The application of our research results to the reality of Québec workplaces is a concern shared by our two organizations.
Michel Gérin, Ph.D., Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal
a n a p p l i c at i o n
How to submit
By consulting the Grants section on the IRSST’s Web site, you will find the eligibility conditions, funding procedures, and deadlines for submitting research applications to the IRSST. There, you can follow the step-by-step procedure for submitting an application to any
of the grant programs. You can also download all the necessary documents for each of these steps.
The key to your next scientific achievement
Marie-José Durand, Ph.D., Department of community health sciences, Université de Sherbrooke
For several years now, I have been collaborating on research projects on the management of workers on long-term disability. For me, the IRSST is an organization open to innovative research, concerned about carrying out research on the acute needs of workers, namely pragmatic research that will improve people’s health in the future. The IRSST is a driving force for change in my field.
grant programs
o f f e r s va r i o u s
T h e IRSS T
The Competitive research grant program is intended for researchers who wish to conduct an occupational health and safety research project. This can involve studies, analyses, design or development. The work must be carried out according to a scientific procedure and be likely to contribute to the advancement of knowledge. Two competitions are held annually. Applications should be received by the first Tuesday in September and February. T h e C o l l a b o r at i v e r e s e a r c h g r a n t p r o g r a m covers the same type of work as the Competitive research grant program, but differs in the fact that its activities are defined interactively with the IRSST and fall within the priority themes announced. Collaborative research proposals are developed by the researchers, in consultation with the research leader in the field involved. T h e C o l l a b o r at i v e a c t i v i t y g r a n t p r o g r a m relates to work defined interactively with the IRSST, but whose cost and duration are more limited than for a research project. For the most part, this involves activities corresponding to the IRSST’s priority themes. They are carried out before and after a research project. This work can mainly take the form of knowledge reviews, preliminary, exploratory or feasibility studies, statistical analyses or expertise applying a proven method, as well as the promotion of a technique, procedure, or product resulting from a project. Furthermore, the IRSST may announce special programs, such as calls for proposals. These programs result from specific agreements by which the Institute and other scientific organizations (funding or research organizations, structured research networks) become partners and committed to offering joint grant programs for developing specific occupational health and safety research sectors.
T h e g at e way s Research management advisors provide the interface between the researchers and the IRSST in the preparation, management and follow-up of funding applications. Mi c h e l a s s e l i n Research Management Advisor for Chemical Substances and Biological Agents field, Protective Equipment field, Safety of Industrial Tools, Machines and Processes field • 514 288-1551, ext. 298
Rodica Tcaciuc Research Management Advisor for Noise and Vibration field and Work Context and OHS field Musculoskeletal Disorders field and Occupational Rehabilitation field • 514 288-1551, ext. 202
Research leaders propose the research orientations in their particular field, describe the projects being developed, act as scientific mentor, and mobilize outside researchers. Esther Cloutier Researcher and research leader for Work Context and OHS field • 514 288-1551, ext. 256 Franck Sgard Researcher and research leader for Noise and Vibration field • 514 288-1551, ext. 331
Jaime Lara Researcher and research leader for Protective Equipment field • 514 288-1551, ext. 305 B e rt r a n d A r s e n au lt Researcher and research leader for Occupational Rehabilitation field • 514 288-1551, ext. 207 Pau l - É m i l e B o i l e au Scientific Director and research leader for Safety of Industrial Tools, Machines and Processes field • 514 288-1551, ext. 249 j o s e p h z ay e d
Research leader for Chemical Substances and Biological Agents field • 514 288-1551, ext. 400 M a r i e S t- Vi n c e n t Researcher and research leader for Musculoskeletal Disorders field • 514 288-1551, ext. 280
With IRSST laboratory personnel, we have converted the results of my research on heat stresses into computer-based tools accessible by everyone, from established hygienists to workers. Then, with the Knowledge Transfer and Partner Relations Department, we have promoted these tools directly in workplaces. Carrying out research, from the initial question to the transmission of the answer directly to users, is very satisfying.
Pierre C. Dessureault, Ph.D., Department of Industrial Engineering, École d’ingénierie, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Knowledge transfer advisors are scientific professionals who facilitate collaboration between the researcher and partners in carrying out research projects. They establish contacts with workplace representatives in order to obtain their support for the project and contribute, if need be, to the implementation of a follow-up committee that will provide its field expertise to the researcher during the various phases of the project. Regarding knowledge translation, they ensure that the research results are adapted and implemented in the workplaces by the stake holders/end-users. Charles Gagné Advisor associated with the Work Context and OHS field • 514 288-1551, ext. 232 Louis Bousquet Advisor associated with the
Noise and Vibration and Protective equipment fields • 514 288-1551, ext. 309 louise sutton Advisor associated with the Occupational Rehabilitation and Musculoskeletal Disorders fields • 514 288-1551, ext. 294 marie-france d’amours Advisor associated with the Safety of Industrial Tools, Machines and Processes and Chemical Substances and Biological Agents fields • 514 288-1551, ext. 264
In order to ensure the next generation of scientists, the Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail graduate scholarship program facilitates access to graduate studies for students whose field of interest is occupational health and safety.
Graduate Studies Scholarship Program SCHOLARSHIPS
Master’s $14,100 Doctorate $18,000 to $24,000 30,000 to $36,000 Postdoctorate $27,000 (Scholarship amount for 2009-2010)
Ergonomics Natural sciences and engineering ● Health sciences ● Social sciences and humanities ● ●
Thematic scholarships for master’s and doctoral students with projects in the field of Protective Equipment or that of Safety of industrial tools, machines and processes.
Information and applications
5 0 5 , b o u l e va r d D e M a i s o n N e u v e O u e s t Montréal (Québec) H3A 3C2 Telephone: 514 288-1551 Fa x : 5 1 4 2 8 8 - 7 6 3 6 w w w. i r s s t. q c . c a
ISBN : 978-2-89631-363-1 ISBN : 978-2-89631-364-8 (pdf)