Neighborhood Watch "The Quota" Part 7 - Classic

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the quota

oh come on- you didn't actually expect anyone to think you were a superhero did you?

this is where it all began for me....

just six months ago, on a night not unlike this one.

there was a girl.

pleasedon'tdon't hurt me-

she was in trouble.

...and i just stood there watching.

that sure is a nice looking purse.

the the


quota quota part part stealers seven: seven:stealers

now- give it to me!

you are the authority. take control.

remember: command presence.

now sound off like you got a pair. or i'm going to get fussy.

drop the purse?


you wouldn't like me when i'm fussy.

get your hands in the air?

i think that sounded pretty good.

not that i really expected them to. forget this penny anty stuff-

criminals are a mostly deaf and disobedient lot, after all.

here's the real action-

'course, they're not listening to me.

gonna bleed you masked man-

gonna make you scream for mercy!

be still my heart.

ready to eat a bullet, punk?


but i'll be happy to show what you can do with your pop gun.

oopretty fast for a big guy-

forgot about me, freak.

but not fast enough.

oh i didn't forget about you cochise.

last mistake you ever make hero!

i'm just working my way down the line.

nowwhere did "courtney love" go?


attention citizens!

have no fear- it is I-

american american pi pi -along with my hunky boyfriend-

alphamale alphamale

here to save the day!

great- more freaking yuppie superheroes... i'd like to carve you up, trust fund baby....

oh sweetie, haven't you heard?

i'm like- totally electric!!!

e eeeeeee

r rr r r re e e ee ek k k k k k!! k k !! !!

that outfit is like soooo 1994.

not bad for a trust fund baby, eh sweetie?

ewww...kentucky fried riot grrrl.

oh wowthank you- i mean what an honor it is-

i just love your hair.

y ou too girl.

btw that purse is toootaly a fab.

pretty hot, right?

okay- so how hot do my abs look in this new outfit?

no wonder bikini kill over there wanted to steal it.

uh...okay i give up.

who the heck are you people?

hey suckerlook what i found.

hold that thought.

look- i'm kind of in the middle of something here.

vigilante right? i figure you must be- what with the black and all.

this is my collar okay-

your collar? who told you that?

look- i've got a quota- go find your own thugs to thump on!

things are clearly under control here.

kill stealers. that's what you guys are. total freaking kill stealers.

well- don't you have something to say for yourselves?

listen...uh.... what was your name again?

my name?! whatwhat do you want my name for?

this guy's a tool. am i right?

really you vigilantes.

always taking yourselves so seriously.

i had a name before i even had powers.

i know. i meanwhat kind of hero doesn't have a name.

i have a name- okay?

my name is- is-

c'mon dude- it's superhero 101.

i'm...the..uhm amazing... magnificent...

mister mister

midnight!!! midnight!!! ...and may the forces of darkness beware my might!!!

so...yeah, better watch out then.

what a minuteisn't that namedude that name is totally taken.

helloo copyright infringement.

okay mister...midnighttell usuh....

what's your affiliation?


no. no. no. uh...

she meanswhat superteam are you on, dilbert.

not your denomination. i'm not on a team.

this guy really is a tool.

jeez lucethis guy probably isn't even registered.

are you even registered, dude?

what are you guys talking about? we better call this in.

it's the law, mister midnight.

now come on you can't be serious....

i mean we're on the same side!!! if you were on a team you'd know that.

unlicenced vigilantism is a class 3 felony and carries a mandatory sentence of like, two years.

'fraid not, bud. are kind of cute...

...and you're clearly new to the game so....

you're an illegal.

you've got to be kidding me. there should be a law against those tighty-whiteys.

you think i'm cute?

tell you what.... we're gonna give you a head start.


say to the count of three?

but this is just-

we really don't have to do this you know.

can't we just go back to the part about you thinking i'm cute?


too late for that, sweetie.


to to be be continued... continued...

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