Christie's Bulletin for Professional Advisers Winter 2021

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Christie’s Bulletin for Professional Advisers

Hybrid Offers in Lieu from Christie’s Heritage and Taxation perspective As many Bulletin readers will know,

discussions with the offerors and also

the Acceptance in Lieu (AIL) scheme

identified to HMRC at the beginning of

is an extremely beneficial tool to

the process when registering the offer.

consider when dealing with an Estate

Luisa Romanelli Heritage & Taxation Department, Christie’s Luisa joined Christie’s in 2012 after obtaining a BA in Italian and History of Art from the University of Reading and holding positions at The Royal Collection Trust and The National Gallery. She was appointed Associate Director in 2021 and recently qualified as a Chartered Tax Advisor (CTA), specialising in the Taxation of Individuals and Inheritance Tax, Trusts and Estates. Luisa has worked on a number of Offers in Lieu and Conditional Exemption claims for UK Estates, across multiple artistic specialities. She also provides a range of clients with advice on the tax issues surrounding the acquisition, disposal and inheritance of works of art.

which has an Inheritance Tax (IHT)

Naturally, it is not possible to register a

liability and an art collection, or even

hybrid offer without naming an institution

a single pre-eminent work of art.

who has confirmed their willingness to raise funds for the hybrid payment. Without

To briefly recap the benefit of the AIL

this, the offerors would be required to

scheme in general terms, when an open

forgo any excess tax credit that the offer

market sale of artwork following a death

may generate, which could defeat the

occurs, the Estate will pay 40% of the

purpose of undertaking an offer in lieu as

proceeds to HMRC as IHT, leaving 60%

opposed to an open market sale. No formal

of the value to be retained by the Estate.

agreement is required to be entered into

The AIL scheme offers a douceur (literally

at this stage between the offerors and the

a sweetener) of 25% of the value of tax

institution, but it is important to have both

due on the work of art after the IHT has

identified a potential candidate and in turn,

been taken into account. Thus the Estate

to provide them with an indication of the

will be able to receive 70% of the value of

sum that they are likely to be required to

the artwork as a tax credit for the Estate.

raise. In the current economic climate in particular, the latter is important for any

In the vast majority of cases, the tax credit

funding applications that may be submitted

generated by the artwork being offered

to source extra cash for the acquisition.

will produce either sufficient tax credit for the Estate or more likely, not quite

Returning to the AIL process, with a

enough, leaving the remaining amount of

non-hybrid offer, once the item has been

IHT to be paid in cash. There are, however,

considered by the AIL Panel and values and

circumstances when the value of the

pre-eminence have been confirmed, the offer

tax credit that the offer generates will

can complete fairly quickly. With a hybrid

exceed the tax liability of the Estate.

offer, depending on how the other aspects of the Estate are faring, this can often be

In such a case, a museum or gallery may

only the beginning as the other aspects

be willing to make up the difference with

of the Estate must be brought together.

a cash payment to the offerors. This type of transaction is known as a ‘hybrid’ offer

The Executors will have submitted fixed

in lieu — being a hybrid of an offer in lieu

values for parts of the Estate which can

and a Private Treaty Sale (the latter being

be stated with certainty, such as cash,

a tax favoured sale to a UK institution).

investments and listed shares. In terms of elements of the Estate which are variable


It is vital in such cases that the hybrid

such as property and artwork, it is these

element is identified at the outset. It is very

estimated figures which will have been

unlikely that it will be quantified exactly at

used to calculate the projected IHT due

the initial stages of the Estate administration

and consequently the estimated quantum

(due to values having to be formally

of the hybrid payment. There is a chance

agreed with HMRC and the likelihood of

of course that by the time the value of the

sales occurring), but the possibility of a

artwork being offered has been agreed by

hybrid offer must be ascertained following

the AIL Panel, that some of the variable

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