K E Y I N S I G H T S , T R E N D S A N D S T R AT E G I E S F O R T O M O R R O W ’ S I N D U S T R Y—T O D AY A D A P TA U T O M O T I V E . C O M
A D A P TA U T O M O T I V E . C O M / FA C E B O O K
LOCATION EQUITY IN AN AUTONOMOUS FUTURE The future of autonomous technology appears to be limitless—unless you live in a limited area. Omar Ahmad is the deputy director at the National Advanced Driving Simulator (NADS), located on the University of Iowa’s campus. Ahmad heads one of NADS’ research programs, which is called Automated Driving Systems (ADS) for Rural America. It aims to bring awareness to the unique challenges of driving autonomous vehicles on rural roads. In February 2019, Des Moines, Iowa, received over one foot of snow, according to the National Weather Service. Autonomous vehicles are able to operate via the use of sensors and cameras that are placed throughout the vehicle. These sensors are intentionally designed to pick up everything in its view, but in states like Iowa, that view can often be restricted due to weather conditions. “We want to avoid solely testing on urban roadways,” Ahmad says, “because the solutions will be very urban-centric.” To read more about this research, head to adaptautomotive.com/ruralhurdle.
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M AY 1 0 - 11 , 2 0 2 1 NASHVILLE, TENN.
Hopefully your shop hasn't had to deal with a ransomware attack. You don't want your shop's digitally stored information to be stolen and held hostage. While that's an extreme case, the steps you can take to avoid these situations are also great guidelines for computer use in your shop. Chris Deater is the team lead for technical support at Sage Microsystems, which is now part of the DRB Systems brand. He goes through what a ransomware attack is and follows with a bunch of easy, effective tips for safe computing. adaptautomotive.com/podcasts
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