2023 Performance Handbook

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Tips for Mounting and Balancing Light Truck Tires

How Ride Height Impacts ADAS Dealers Share Secrets of Success

The Do’s and Don’ts of HP/UHP Tire Service

HP/UHP customers want to do business with you


For many people, tires are a grudge purchase — similar to getting a root canal or replacing a furnace. But not all customers feel that way.

Joe Findeis, renown tire expert and publisher of The Ultimate Wheel & Tire Plus Sizing Guide, says buyers of high performance (HP) and ultra-high performance (UHP) tires want to spend money at your dealership.

But to ensure those customers drive away from your shop happy and thrilled with their purchase, you need to keep the following things top of mind:

You’re the expert. The customer doesn’t always know what he or she wants, according to Findeis. “But they may think they do! A customer was once referred to me by a friend. He wanted to put a certain tire and wheel package on his Mustang. Right away I knew it wasn’t going to be a good fit. In fact, it was going to be an expensive nightmare! People will come in with an idea of what they want because it might look cool. But if you can’t drive the car — well, that’s not cool.

“Lead the customer in the right direction. Tell them, ‘Let me research that for you,’ or ‘Based on the information I have, here’s the right size — and here’s why.’”

Train your technicians. The skills and expertise required to successfully mount and balance HP and UHP tires have evolved. So has shop equipment.

“At all costs, you have to eliminate damage to the wheels and/or tires,” says Findeis. “Proper equipment and training are essential.”

Don’t be afraid to send your techs to training sessions — even if it takes them out of the service bay for half of a day. “Some managers or shop owners will

say, ‘I can’t afford to spare my employee for four hours to attend a class, because we’re busy.’ I get that. At the same time, they’re giving up on learning valuable information and further developing their people.”

Focus on the right and safe fit. This point goes hand-in-hand with the previous two, says Findeis. “Performance ratings, load ratings, ride height — these are things that people in this segment know, but don’t always follow.

“I’ve seen great-looking tire and wheel packages installed on cars and then found out that their load rating was inadequate. I live by this saying: ‘When in doubt, leave it out.’ You’re better off not putting on a fitment than putting one on that’s marginal and incorrect.”

Don’t knock other shops. Maybe the customer in front of you has visited another shop, where he or she received bad advice?

Resist the temptation to put that other installer down. “In a situation like that, you might have to gently say, ‘This load rating isn’t correct. Here’s what I would recommend.’

“There’s a lot of bad information out there. Always stay professional and above-board.”

Customer perception can affect your dealership’s reputation. Word travels fast in the HP/UHP tire world, says Findeis. “And it travels both ways. If a customer has a good experience buying tires and wheels from you, he will tell his friends. UHP is still a word-of-mouth business. Years ago, a guy would get together with his buddies and say, ‘I had a good experience. Go to this place.’ Now with the click of a mouse or the touch of a smart phone, he can tell thousands of people, ‘Don’t go to this place.’

“Word also travels quickly, whether it’s true or not,” says Findeis. “You could run a great business, but if one customer has a bad experience for whatever reason — and it may not even be your fault — he could broadcast the message.

“Not all bad reputations are warranted or earned. Some people like to complain more than praise. And they tend to remember bad things. It’s human nature. But the bottom line is, if you do a good job, it’s going to benefit you.”

Follow that advice and HP/UHP tire and wheel installation can lead to additional opportunities — like suspension and brake upgrades and other vehicle modifications.

Keep your customers happy and the rewards will follow.

Feel free to email me at mmanges@endeavorb2b.com.

Performance Handbook 2023 4 EDITORIAL
“Proper equipment and training are essential,” says Joe Findeis, HP/UHP tire expert and publisher of The Ultimate Wheel & Tire Plus Sizing Guide. PHOTO: BUTLER TIRES AND WHEELS


Encourages off-road mayhem.


Enhances traction in wet conditions, on or off-road.


Boasts a unique look and doubles the biting edge grip.

…they’d brag about their brains AND their brawn. Because when customers want to dominate tough terrain and look damn good doing it, you want to offer a mud tire engineered to deliver both. The knife blade-inspired Trail Blade MTS features a design borrowed from Atturo’s successful short course racing teams. So, for off-road excitement driven by technology, Go with Atturo.





probably not seem like much to the driver.

However, for the tire it will eventually become significant, so exceeding 130 mph on an H-rated performance tire for an extended period of time is not recommended. Likewise, the difference between a 149 mph V-rated tire and a W-rated tire is only 19 mph, but operating a vehicle at 168 mph on tires rated for 149 mph is not safe for the driver and/or other motorists.

In North America, the maximum legal speed limit is 85 mph on a 41-mile stretch of toll road in Texas. The western U.S. has a few states with highways that have a speed limit of 80 mph. But the overwhelming majority of the highways and interstates in the U.S., Canada and Mexico have a maximum speed limit of

70 to 75 mph. In that sense, speed rating should not matter.

But it does matter in terms of vehicle performance. The U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association (USTMA) and the Tire Industry Association (TIA) both agree that the original equipment (OE) speed rating for the vehicle should, at a minimum, match the speed rating on any replacement tires.

On some vehicles, the OE speed rating will be reflected on the placard and in others it will not. Regardless, the standard of care for replacement tires on passenger vehicles is that the OE speed rating must be retained or exceeded when replacing tires. If it isn’t listed on the placard, it’s reasonable to expect the retailer to access the information via the owner’s manual or any number of online

websites and fitment guides. This doesn’t seem like a big deal until it is.

The lone exception to downgrading the speed rating is when using winter tires. These tires have lower speed ratings because they are engineered for cold weather conditions and road temperatures, which means they have minimal resistance to heat at high speed.

In Europe, drivers have to slow down and adjust their speed if they have winter tires. In North America, drivers with winter tires are more worried about losing control, so speeds rarely approach the maximum speed for the tire and handling is more related to road conditions.

A legal matter

Downgrading a tire’s speed rating in a standard fitment is a layup for any plain-

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When installing HP tires and custom wheels, remember the mag seat lug nut has a washer that must spin and a collar that centers in the bolt hole. PHOTO: KEVIN ROHLWING

tiff’s attorney. No matter what happened before and during an accident in which the vehicle lost control, the fact the speed rating was insufficient for the vehicle will become problematic for the company that sold and installed the tires.

If that installation included a custom tire and wheel package completely different from the OE fitment, then the speed rating of the new tires must still be equal to or greater than the speed rating on the OE tires.

Load index is another layup if it’s less than the load index of the OE fitment. Again, installers of aftermarket tire and custom wheel packages must consider load index when replacing the OE size with a larger rim diameter and make sure it is equal to or greater than the load index on the original tires.

Sometimes the extra load or “XL” version is necessary to follow the guidelines

established by the USTMA and TIA that will be used in court. The XL size is more expensive, but it guarantees the tire can carry the maximum load for the vehicle and its contents.

The same rules apply to winter tires. While they get a pass on downgrading speed rating, that pass does not exist for load index. Once again, this doesn’t seem like a big deal until it is, so why take a chance?

The industry guidelines for speed rating and load index on standard replacement tires are very clear. In both cases, the new tires, regardless of size, must have a load index and speed rating that are equal to the OE fitment. No one is going to disagree with that position.

Other factors that must be considered when selecting or replacing performance tires are rim width and tire diameter.

On OE wheels, the customer may

want to go up a size and select a larger tire on the same rim. In these cases, the installer must ensure that the rim width for the larger size is compatible with the OE rim width. If the rim is too wide for a smaller tire, then excessive treadwear on the shoulders should be expected as the footprint is widened. Rim width that is too narrow for a larger tire will cause the footprint to crown and accelerate the treadwear in the center of the tread.

Proper rim width also results in the correct footprint to maximize handling at the proper inflation pressure. If the rim width is not approved for the tire, it will become a big deal even if it isn’t.

The right range

Tire diameter can become an issue when it’s too small or too large. The only published guideline is available from TIA and it states that the OE diameter

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When selecting a set of wheel locks for aluminum wheels with mag seat lug nuts, the best practice is to select a wheel lock with the washer and the collar so there should be no difference in clamping force at the recommended torque. PHOTO: KEVIN ROHLWING

must be within plus or minus 3% of the replacement tire diameter.

Plus-sizing represents the majority of the aftermarket tire and wheel fitments because vehicle owners want the visual appearance of a larger wheel. Staying with 3% of the OE diameter helps to ensure that vehicle safety systems like anti-lock brakes (ABS), electronic stability control (ESC) and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) operate as designed.

In particular, it’s been reported that ADAS may be affected when the ride height changes significantly, so the vehicle does not properly calculate the position of the vehicle directly in front. It won’t matter until it does.

One of my first civil cases involved a custom tire and wheel package that turned out to be around 0.15 inches over the 3% guideline. The tires were just over 1/10th of an inch larger than the allowed diameter and the plaintiff used that fact to argue that it contributed to the loss of control of the vehicle, which led to paralyzing injuries to multiple occupants.

Facts like the lack of seatbelts, excessive speed and a wine tasting earlier in

the day had a minimal impact on the accident, according to the plaintiff.

Their experts focused on how the 0.15-inch difference raised the center of gravity to the point where the vehicle was unstable, which is why the industry sets 3% as the maximum difference for diameter when compared to the OE fitment. Again, this didn’t matter until it did.

Plus-sizing creates additional risk for the installer. When the replacement tire is within 3% of the OE diameter, the risk is minimal. When the replacement tire is outside the 3% guideline, the risk is increased.

Vehicle owners who want lift kits and other modifications that raise the center of gravity on the vehicle must be informed that the alterations they desire will change the handling and possibly the operation of vehicle systems like ABS, ESC and ADAS.

From there, it’s up to the installer to ensure that all of the aftermarket manufacturer guidelines are followed when making the modifications. It won’t keep the retailer out of a lawsuit in the event of an accident, but it will create a better defense if the steps that were

taken during installation were consistent with the manufacturer specifications.

Mounting and balancing

While demounting, mounting and inflating performance tires is basically no different than servicing all-season tires, there are some considerations that must be made.

First, performance tires with an H-rating or higher are more difficult to demount and mount than their all-season S- and T-rated counterparts.

Second, as the aspect ratio gets smaller — and sidewall gets shorter — the demount and mount process increases in difficulty. Forcing the bead opposite the valve stem sensor to demount a 35-series tire with a 20-plusinch bead diameter is much easier when the machine has hydraulic arms to keep it in the drop center.

Likewise, mounting the top bead with a hydraulic arm is a safer practice than wedging the tire iron between the bead and the rim to keep the bead in the drop center during mounting.

Having the right equipment helps prevent bead, rim and tire pressure

11 Performance Handbook 2023 HIGH PERFORMANCE TIRES
The pattern on the end of the wheel lock must be an exact match for the wheel lock key. PHOTO: KEVIN ROHLWING

monitoring system sensor damage during demounting and mounting. It’s also a lot easier and safer for the technician.

The stiff sidewalls on low-profile HP tires create multiple issues for technicians during service. Besides demounting and mounting, bead seating and inflation procedures can also be affected.

Most rims have a bead hump that keeps the bead from unseating when there is little to no inflation pressure. When seating the beads, the tire will seal on the area behind the bead humps until the pressure is enough to force it over the hump and fully seat the beads against the rim flange.

On most tires, the seating process happens at low inflation pressures, so it usually results in a fairly loud “pop” or “bang” when the beads are seated. On a low-profile HP tire with stiff sidewalls, the pressure is often higher, so

the audible indication of bead seating is typically louder and more severe.

As far as the maximum inflation pressure to seat the beads is concerned, the answer depends on the circumstances. The USTMA’s position is to never inflate the tire over 40 psi to seat the beads. If the beads won’t seat at 40 psi, then the tire should be deflated, repositioned on the rim, re-lubricated and re-inflated.

TIA agrees that 40 psi is enough to seat the beads in most instances, but in situations where more than 40 psi is required, it is acceptable to seat the beads in a restraining device. The technician must be able to stand outside the trajectory of the sidewall and use an inflation device that includes a clip-on air chuck and an in-line valve with a pressure gauge, so the tire beads can be seated safely in the restraining device. The best method to improve bead

seating on a performance tire — or any tire for that matter — is to lubricate the rim in addition to the beads. Most tire technicians will lubricate the beads before mounting the tire. Part of that bead lube will be rubbed off by the rim flange during mounting, so only a portion of the bead is actually lubricated.

By lubricating the rim surface from both sides of the bead hump to the flange, the seating process typically requires less inflation pressure and concentric seating of the beads is improved. On a tire with short, stiff sidewalls, applying a solid paste lubricant to the leading edge of the bead hump before mounting the tire will also help the bead seating process and require less inflation pressure.

All in the RIST

In most cases, installation of a performance tire is the same as any other tire.

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When applying the final torque on a wheel lock with a manual torque wrench, apply slow and steady pressure to the end of the wrench until the wrench clicks when the torque is reached. This is an important part of the tire installation process. Technicians should always follow the RIST procedure. PHOTO: KEVIN ROHLWING
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Technicians should follow TIA’s RIST procedure every time a tire and wheel assembly is installed on the vehicle.

The “R” in RIST stands for remove debris from mating surfaces, which are all the places where metal touches metal. On some custom wheel fitments, the center bore of the wheel may not have a level so the fit with the concentric ring on the hub is very precise. In all cases, the area between the wheel and the ring on the hub must be cleaned. When the center bore is machined straight through the wheel, the interface with the hub must be near perfect.

The “I” in RIST requires an inspection of all the components. One area unique to custom wheels is the hubcentric ring when the center bore of the wheel is not an exact match for the concentric ring on the hub. Without these rings, the wheels may not be perfectly centered on the end of the axle, which

can result in a number of different vibration and/or loose wheel conditions. If the concentric ring is damaged, then it must be replaced. It’s also important to inspect the studs and nuts for any damage or severe wear. Worn fasteners can result in the loss of clamping force at the recommended torque so they must be inspected before the wheel is installed.

One particular type of fastener that is common in the performance tire and wheel market is the wheel lock. Wheel locks make it more difficult to remove the fastener without the special key at the end of the nut.

The precise fit between the key and the lock is both a blessing and a curse.

The blessing is that no two keys are identical and “universal” keys do not work, so the wheel lock is very effective in deterring theft.

The curse is that if the key is damaged, it may not fit, which creates

issues that cannot be easily resolved. Preventing wheel lock key damage is simple. Never use an impact wrench. Wheel locks are designed to be removed by hand, tightened by hand and then torqued to specification by hand. Stress on the key is magnified by the hammer mechanism in an impact wrench and compounded by the higher speed of powered tools.

Wheel locks should be removed with a breaker bar, installed by hand and then torqued to specification. Impact wrenches reduce the life of a wheel lock key. Servicing them by hand will extend the life of the wheel lock and the wheel lock key.

The next step in the RIST procedure is “S” for snug. Before torque can be applied, the assembly must be completely seated on the hub. The snug process always starts with the lug nut at the 12 o’clock position and then proceeds to the position closest to 6 o’clock, before continuing in a star pattern until all of the nuts have been snugged.

It’s also important to create tension in all of the studs so the wheel is evenly seated on the hub, especially if the vehicle is lowered to the ground for the final torque. As soon as the tires touch the ground, load is applied to the wheel. If one or more of the bolts have no tension because the nut is still loose under load, the end result can be a loose wheel, even if the proper torque was ultimately used.

Snug is also about making sure the correct fastener for the wheel is being utilized. Wheels with acorn seats require acorn lug nuts and ball seat wheels require ball seat lug nuts. Snugging the lug nuts on these wheels is relatively simple because the nuts will center when they make contact with the wheel.

Mag seat wheels, on the other hand, require extra attention because the collar on the mag seat lug nut needs to be centered in the bolt hole before it is tightened. It’s also important to make sure the washer is not frozen and spins freely to ensure it can generate sufficient clamping force without damaging the face of the wheel around the bolt holes.

Torque is the final step in the RIST procedure and it doesn’t guarantee anything. Performance tires and wheels are equipped on vehicles that are typically driven a little harder than the standard

Performance Handbook 2023 14 HIGH PERFORMANCE TIRES
Performance tires with an H-rating or higher are more difficult to demount and mount than their allseason, S- and T-rated counterparts. PHOTO: BUTLER TIRES AND WHEELS



















vehicle with all-season tires. Torque is important on every vehicle, but the forces applied to a performance tire and wheel assembly require extra attention.

If the mating surfaces are not clean, the components are damaged or worn and/or the wheel is not properly seated on the hub, the most expensive torque device in the industry will not prevent the wheels from becoming loose.

Torque is a measure of twisting force — nothing more. Clamping force holds the wheels on the vehicle and it cannot be measured in the field. The only way to approximate the correct amount of clamping force is to control the torque and the conditions of the bolted joint.

TIA’s RIST procedure is the recipe for clamping force and it should be followed every time a wheel is installed.

As far as achieving the correct torque

is concerned, the most common device is a standard clicker torque wrench. By turning the handle, the technician creates tension on a spring that causes the wrench to emit an audible click when the torque setting is reached.

In order to ensure the torque is properly applied to the lug nut, the technician should apply slow and steady pressure to the handle on the end of the wrench. When the click is heard, the pressure must stop. Bad technique — where the technician continues to apply force after the click — results in an over-torque situation. Even the slightest amount of pressure after the click can increase the torque by as much as 20 to 40 footpounds if it is enough to move the nut in a tightening direction.

Since a torque wrench is a precision instrument and accuracy depends

partially on the condition of its internal mechanism, the tension on the spring should be released at the end of the day at a minimum. If the spring is kept in constant tension, it will eventually start losing accuracy.

Torque wrench manufacturers recommend relaxing the tension to the lowest setting on the wrench when not in use to maintain the long-term tension in the spring. Regular calibration in accordance with the torque wrench manufacturer is another box that must be checked in the event of a loose wheel. It won’t matter until it does.

Repair advice

Finally, any discussion on performance tires must include the topic of tire repair. Like most aspects of performance tire and wheel service, the step-by-step repair process for a performance tire is exactly the same as a standard all-season tire.

Puncture repairs are still limited to the crown area; shoulder and sidewall repairs are not allowed and the maximum size is 1/4-of-an-inch.

One-piece combination repair units have a maximum angle of 25 to 35 degrees, depending on the manufacturer, while the two-piece system does not have any angle limits as long as the damage is limited to the repairable area.

For passenger and light truck tires, puncture repair procedures are universal regardless of the application.

Performance tires are different because they often have H speed ratings or higher. In some cases, the manufacturer does not recognize the speed rating after a repair and in others it does.

Some manufacturers place a limit on the number of repairs and their proximity to each other. In many cases, the tire manufacturer and the repair material manufacturer will have different limits in terms of the maximum number of repairs and proximity. From the legal perspective, the tire manufacturer guidelines always take precedence over the repair material manufacturer.

As discussed earlier, speed rating in North America is more like a performance rating that indicates how the tire will handle. The actual top speed should not be a factor because there are no roads that have unlimited speed limits. I recently purchased a 2017

Performance Handbook 2023 16
In civil litigation, there’s a microscope focused on everything that wasn’t consistent with industry best practices. There’s no defense for failing to follow universally accepted guidelines. PHOTO: BUTLER TIRES AND WHEELS





Toyota Corolla and the OE tires are P215/45R17 with an 87 load index and a W speed rating. I’ve put over 30,000 miles on it in the last year-and-a-half, so I’m confident in saying there is no possible way my car is capable of 168 mph, which is the max speed for a W-rated tire.

Toyota didn’t spec a W-rated tire because the vehicle would be traveling at 168 mph. They choose the W-rated tire because it gave the car the best handling characteristics. When I replaced the car’s tires last year, I wanted the W-rated tire because I like the way the car handles and don’t want that to change. I got them and it hasn’t.

In my opinion, the status of the speed rating after a repair should only matter if the tire will actually be operated at the maximum speed. I can see where a manufacturer is not willing to stand behind a speed rating when a repaired tire is traveling at the maximum speed and equally on-board with limiting the number of repairs and the proximity in

those situations. But a properly installed repair in the repairable area should have no impact on how the tire handles.

If I get a repairable injury in a tire on my car, I will have total confidence in the structural integrity of the tire after the repair because I know it will be installed correctly. It shouldn’t matter, but it does.

If you find yourself in civil litigation, the plaintiff is going to ask a lot of questions. They are going to review the policies and procedures, training records and statements of all the key witnesses, with the goal of painting the worst possible picture of the business.

The microscope will be focused on everything that was not consistent with industry best practices in order to argue that every box that was not checked contributed to the cause of the accident that led to the lawsuit.

Experts can argue about causation for hours, but there’s no defense for failing to follow the most universally accepted industry guidelines.

There have been those moments in a case where I have agreed that the defendant failed to meet the standard of care. Sometimes, I’m able to argue that it did not contribute to the accident, while in others, I have to admit that it could have contributed.

Every fault will be exposed to paint a picture of negligence for the jury. None of the details matter until they become part of an accident investigation.

If the industry guidelines for performance tire selection, service and installation are followed, the picture of the defendant (the retailer) will end up being much better in the eyes of a juror.

Someday, the details may matter, so it’s best to make sure that all of the boxes are checked on every performance tire that is installed or serviced.

Performance Handbook 2023 18 HIGH PERFORMANCE TIRES
Kevin Rohlwing is the Tire Industry Association’s chief technical officer. He can be reached at krohlwing@tireindustry.org. If you find yourself in litigation following an unforeseen incident, the plaintiff is going to ask you a lot of questions. They are going to review policies and procedures, training records and statements. It’s best to make sure all of the boxes are checked on every tire that is installed or serviced. PHOTO: KEVIN ROHLWING
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‘I want the customer experience to be perfect’


There’s always something neat going on here,” says Mike Gust, owner of American Wheel & Tire, a high performance (HP)/ ultra-high performance (UHP) tire and wheel retailer in Houston, Texas.

“We have a lot of fun!”

Making sure customers share in that excitement is a priority at the singlestore, 14-bay dealership, which Gust founded in 1985.

However, there’s more to American Wheel & Tire’s success than enthusiasm. Gust credits the dealership’s success to a variety of factors.

“It’s our level of knowledge,” he says. “It’s having been in business for 38 years. It’s the family feel we have.

“I also think it has something to do with the amount of inventory we hold. We can do things right away. And our integrity is second to none. We stand behind everything we do.

“We try to make our customers as happy as we can. And I think that’s what has kept us going in the right direction.”

As a result, drivers of all income levels and vehicles — from Rolls Royces and Bentleys to more mainstream SUVs and pickup trucks — continue to reward Gust and his team with repeat business.

Something for everyone

How did American Wheel & Tire, which started as a used tire store, develop into a “go-to” destination for HP/UHP tires, custom wheels and vehicle modifications?

Through hard work, jumping on opportunities and staying ahead of the curve, says Gust.

“When we started our store, I used to go around the corner to a (wheel retailer) and buy a set of wheels for $399,

which was their retail price. And then I would sell the same set for $499. It got to the point where I was doing 10 sets a month.”

Gust, just two years out of high school at the time, soon found a bigger, more reliable wheel vendor. “They gave me a credit line of $2,500,” he recalls. “I’ll never forget that!”

He decided to “get into the tire business” in a bigger way.

“We grew from there. We started doing plus-size tire and wheel fitments around 1994.”

More complex vehicle modifications — like lift kit installations — followed.

As the market evolved, the expertise of Gust and his team grew. And their customer base multiplied.

American Wheel & Tire continues to install HP/UHP tires and wheels on a good number of sedans. But the company is now working on more light trucks and SUVs.

“We do a lot of Range Rovers. We’ve done some Porsche Cayennes.”

On the car side, “we do a lot of Mercedes-Benz models. We do a lot of Teslas.”

The average tire/wheel package ticket — including installation — at Gust’s dealership now comes to around $5,000.

“A lot depends on the brand of tires and wheels customers go with,” he explains.

American Wheel & Tire offers a variety of tire and wheel brands at different price points.

Performance Handbook 2023 20 AMERICAN WHEEL & TIRE
“We try to make our customers as happy as we can,” says Mike Gust, owner of American Wheel & Tire in Houston, Texas. “And I think that’s what has kept us going in the right direction.” PHOTO: AMERICAN WHEEL & TIRE

“We sell a lot of Nitto (brand tires.) We do some Hankooks. We do a decent amount of Pirellis and Michelins. We also do private label stuff here and there.”

Luxury fitments

Over the years, Gust says American Wheel & Tire has won the trust of owners of expensive, high-end cars.

For these buyers, price is not the primary concern, he notes.

The dealership regularly installs tire and wheel packages on its share of Bentleys, Austin-Healeys and Lamborghinis. “We recently worked on a $500,000 McLaren,” says Gust.

“We also work with a lot of car dealerships. They send us high-end clients.”

Owners of ultra-expensive vehicles tend to “know what they want. And we like that. We know how to deal with them.

“Some of them have 15 or 16 cars! Sometimes they keep them. Sometimes

they change cars every six months to a year. We’re constantly changing tires and wheels.”

At the same time, “we still have customers who are on a budget, so we make sure our tires are priced right.

“We often see kids who are driving their first truck and want to put new tires and lift kits on them.”

American Wheel &Tire also sells and installs truck accessories. “We do LED lighting. We do full and partial wraps. We do audio/visual.”

But tires and wheels continue to make up “the core” of the company’s business, says Gust.

Low-pressure approach

Gust says he and his team try to “meet” customers where they are. That can mean a hands-off approach — at least initially.

“I have a rule of thumb and that’s if

someone walks into our store, I want them to tell me what they like. The last thing I want to do is talk them into something they don’t want.

“I let them walk around and if there’s something that piques their interest, we’ll talk.”

A popular stop inside the store is what Gust calls “our candy room,” a special area that showcases exotic wheels, plus other “high-end stuff.”

Customers are encouraged to lounge on couches and chairs in the room, which “has a cool vibe to it,” and soak up the ambience.

Other customers come in with “a good idea” about what they want, says Gust.

“Sometimes you get a fanatic who researches (products and fitments) like crazy. Some people will get on Google, see something they like and come in with a picture.

“We’ve had people take photos of cars

Performance Handbook 2023 22 AMERICAN WHEEL & TIRE
“You have to be able to explain to customers how a certain tire and wheel package will function,” says Gust. (Pictured, a Chevrolet C8 Corvette.) PHOTO: AMERICAN WHEEL & TIRE

in parking lots and say, ‘I like this look.’ Sometimes they’ll tell us about a certain style or tire brand they like.”

On occasion, customers will list desired tire attributes. “They’ll say, ‘I want a mud tire,’ or ‘I want a tire that doesn’t make any noise.’

“And some customers ask for our recommendation right away. I have customers who’ll ask me exactly what I would do on my own vehicle.”

Gust has found that customers appreciate American Wheel & Tire’s expertise — even when they receive disappointing news.

“You have to be able to explain to customers how a certain tire and wheel package will function.

“Someone once came in and wanted to put a 14-inch wheel on a truck that has a three-inch lift. We had to explain why that wouldn’t work.

“Fortunately, I have guys who have been with me for years and are wellversed in pretty much every fitment there is.”

It’s critical for salespeople and technicians to stay current on ever-changing sizes, fitments and processes, according to Gust.

“We’ve implemented a training program that some of our best guys put together. It covers all the different cars and trucks — probably the 10 top vehicles we do.

“Trucks are the hardest to figure out,” he explains, particularly when it comes to non-tire and wheel modifications.

“There are so many different lift kits. Take a new Chevy 1500. There could be three different kits for it. And if we put on the wrong kit, we’re stuck with it.”

Whether installing lift kits, lights or tires and wheels, “we always ask questions,” says Gust.

“On the tire side, I ask, ‘Are you worried about ride? Are you concerned about noise? Do you want more miles out of your tires? What are you looking for?’”

Tire and wheel styles — and size preferences — change often, says Gust. “22s are like 20s used to be. 22s are

probably our biggest sellers. We do some 21s. Last week, a guy came in with 23s from the factory. We do a lot of 24s on SUVs. We do 26s occasionally.”

“We pretty much know what our main movers are and keep a decent amount of those in stock.”

Frequent deliveries from wholesalers like American Tire Distributors Inc. help close the gap, he adds.

Word-of-mouth is still king in the Houston market, says Gust.

“We do some social media and Google ads. We take surveys here and there. But word-of-mouth is still our best form of advertising.”

In the competitive world of HP/UHP tire and wheel installation, nothing beats customer service, he says.

“We train our salespeople to respond quickly and follow up with customers. We call customers back before they can call us back.

“I want the customer experience to be perfect. That’s one of our main things and I’ve always tried to push for that.”

23 Performance Handbook 2023 AMERICAN WHEEL & TIRE *Covered by one or more U.S. patents, including: U.S. Patent 10,266,019 U.S. Patent 9,822,893 U.S. Patent 9,649,897 U.S. Patent 9,033,306 U.S. Patent 8,752,604 and other U.S. and foreign issued patents and pending patent applications listed at www. gaithertool.com P: 217-245-0545E: sales@gaithertool.comW: www.gaithertool.com 2304MTD_Handbook_GaitherTool.indd 1 3/27/23 9:26 AM

A Bear of a business


Mike Power says this about his retail tire shop: “We have the world’s worst location.” His dealership, Bear’s Tires, isn’t on a main road. The business is tucked away in an industrial park where Power says no customer would even think to look for a tire store. And local regulations forbid him from hanging an oversized sign to try to catch the eye of customers who may be in the area.

But none of that bothers Power, who has owned Bear’s Tires since 1994 and has worked there since 1987.

Behind the shop’s two bay doors are four service bays. And

for decades, the business was a tires-only operation. Only recently has Bear’s Tires added an alignment rack.

By virtue of its location in San Diego, Calif., Bear’s Tires is heavily focused on high performance (HP) and ultra-high performance (UHP) tires. At least 75% of its business is HP and UHP tires.

That number has been growing over the years, says Power, and he attributes that growth to original equipment fitments.

“I purely believe it’s the auto manufacturers. I always like to use Mini Coopers as an example. When they first came out, they had 15-inch (tires) on them. You can (now) get them with

Performance Handbook 2023 24 BEAR’S TIRES
Members of the Bear’s Tires team gather for a group photo. The tire dealership’s team consists of 10 employees, the largest its ever been since Mike Power has owned the business, which is based in San Diego, Calif. High performance and ultra-high performance tires make up at least 75% of its sales. PHOTO: BEAR’S TIRES


a 20-inch tire — for a little, tiny car. Most of them have 19s on them, which are still mostly ultra-high performance sizes. People like the look — the aesthetics.”

But that doesn’t mean consumers know much about the performance capabilities of those OE tires. Power says he and his team of 10 employees invest the time to interview customers to find out what they need and what the best fitment will be.

“There are people who are forced to go with summer tires” because tiremakers don’t yet offer all-season HP or UHP tires in their particular size.

But even in sunny California, Power says there are customers who want the assurance their tires will perform in rainy conditions and an all-season HP or UHP tire is a better option.

Power says some consumers break it down this way. “‘It very rarely rains here. I’ll just go with the summer tires.’ They like the way they handle — the performance aspect.”

There are times when treadwear and having a longer-lasting product is important to the customer.

“If we mention they have a summer tire and they’re only getting 15,000 miles (on them,) but there’s an all-season option and they might get 30,000 miles,” they could nearly double the lifespan of their tires.

And, says Power, “they’re more cost-effective, typically, because in most cases, the ultra-high performance all-season is a better value.”

As part of his customer interviews, after collecting the year, make and model of the vehicle, Power asks if there’s anything in particular they’re looking for in their next set of tires.

Some customers flatly say they need the least expensive option. Others want more mileage. Some want the ultimate in performance. Those answers “will typically narrow down your options.”

Sometimes a customer has a specific brand of tire in mind. Power says he’s learned not to talk a customer out of that preferred brand.

“We have products we like and sometimes the customer has something they like that we don’t like. I’m not going to tell them it’s horrible.

“People like what they like and there’s got to be a reason. You don’t want to alienate somebody by telling them, ‘This is a better option.’”

But Power says it’s fine to ask the customer questions. And sometimes the answers to those questions can open the door to offering an alternative.

Pricing and tiers

Power typically keeps about 1,800 tires in stock, though his inventory is larger than normal now with about 2,100 units on the racks. Even with that many tires in stock, he says a large percentage of his sales are special orders. He gets

Performance Handbook 2023 26
Bear’s Tires doesn’t offer traditional automotive service and instead refers customers to another nearby shop. But the tire dealership has expanded its profit possibilities with the addition of an alignment rack. The dealership currently charges $60 for an alignment. PHOTO: BEAR’S TIRES

twice-daily deliveries from a U.S. Autoforce LLC warehouse that’s 15 minutes away from his store.

Bear’s Tires is mostly a retail operation, but Power also works as a tire wholesaler to other automotive and specialty shops nearby.

And though his tire inventory includes products in tiers one, two and three, he describes Bear’s Tires as a mid-range shop. He says mid-range products generally offer the same technology as top-tier products, but don’t come with top-of-the-line pricing.

However, pricing has become trickier in the years since the pandemic and subsequent supply chain disruptions.

Power says that historically, “these price increases have always been across the board — and low-cost, mid-range and premium (tires) have all gone up.

“In this instance, yeah, everything went up like crazy, but at least the low-cost stuff is dropping down, where the mid-range and premium keep going up or they’re stabilizing.

“There’s a huge gap between low-cost and mid-range, especially in ultra-high performance.”

So has that opened the door to more customers choosing lowest-tier products?

“Most people are saying, ‘I don’t want the bottom of the barrel. I want something good, but I can’t afford the top.’

“A lot of people fall in that mid-range and that’s where our bread and butter is. We do a ton of Falkens because they have tires that fall in that market.”




27 Performance Handbook 2023 BEAR’S TIRES
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Even though most of his customers special order their tires, Power usually keeps around 1,800 tires in inventory, though he admits that stock has ballooned to about 2,100 units as of late.

New opportunity in alignments

In the last couple of months, Bear’s Tires has installed an alignment rack in one of its four service bays.

Power says he hasn’t even begun advertising the service, but has offered alignment services to its nearby wholesale customers. And so far, Power says business has been brisk.

“It’s been crazy — way busier than I thought,” he says. “I always knew we referred a lot (of alignments to another shop) down the street. But I’ve always wondered how many (customers) showed up” and had the work done.

Adding alignments is just the latest evolution in the Bear’s Tires story.

For years, it was a business built on used tire sales and when Power took over as owner in 1994, he started adding some new tires to the mix. It took less than 10 years for new tires to take over the majority of the company’s sales.

Eventually, Power says the complexity of tire sizes, along with liability questions, made it a relatively easy decision to get out of the used tire business entirely.

And while other tire dealers have turned to automotive service as an additional profit center, Bear’s Tires refers all of that business to another independent repair shop that’s nearby. That same shop buys all of its tires from Power through his wholesale operation.

Power says he doesn’t have the space to add automo-

tive service and thinks doing so could create many more headaches. He prefers to “keep it simple.”

Adding alignments seemed like an appropriate new revenue stream, he says. But Power has been a bit stunned by the prices some other automotive shops near him are charging for alignments. He’s even had another business owner, who charges $240 for an alignment, accuse him of undercutting the market.

Power says he’s charging other shops $60 for an alignment. He plans to raise the price eventually, but for now is using the lower price as a marketing tool to help drum up business.

“I think people are trying to get rich. People have their business models and that’s fine, but it’s just not ours. It’s probably an $80 transaction. That’s what it should be, if you calculate your man hours and the time it’s on the rack.

“Let’s say it (takes) a half-hour. If you charge $120 by the hour, it’s $60. (Charging) $240 for something that takes 20 minutes doesn’t make sense to me.

“If you treat people well and give them good prices and you’re not taking advantage of them, they refer your business.

“We’re not a sales shop. We don’t try to sell people anything. We’re here to help people out, meaning if they don’t need it, we need to let them know they don’t need it.”

Performance Handbook 2023 28 BEAR’S TIRES
Power begins every customer interview by gathering the year, make and model of the vehicle so he can look up the correct tire. “I don’t want to sell somebody a tire that’s not appropriate. That doesn’t make sense to me.” PHOTO: BEAR’S TIRES

The trend is your friend


Jake Miller, owner of L&M Tire and Wheel, a single-store dealership located in Abbottstown, Pa., says he has learned how to utilize the constant change and evolution in the high performance (HP) and ultra-high performance (UHP) tire market to make his company more successful.

However, he also says that part of L&M Tire’s success comes from being “in the right place at the right time.”

Falling in by default

Miller’s father started L&M Tire by selling used cars out of his house.

When another dealer mentioned he could make more money selling hubcaps and parts, Miller’s father started doing just that in 1987.

“My dad had acquired a lot of parts, being a used car salesman, and one day he just put all the tires and parts he had out for sale and people bought it up,” says Jake.

Then the dealership was approached by American Racing about selling its brand of wheels and that is how Miller and his family got into the custom wheel market.

Throughout the early 1990s, L&M Tire only sold used tires sourced from its used car lot.

Bergey’s Tire then offered the dealership an opportunity to sell Delta brand tires.

“We had no real knowledge or experience on speed ratings or plus sizing,” says Jake.

“It was all very basic, but we just continued to grow. Dad just wanted to buy product and grow, which brought us to the mid-’90s.”

Around this time, Jake says he started seeing vehicles like Honda Accords and Mazda Miatas that were “fuel efficient and popular among young drivers.”

The market was good at this point in time. Young drivers wanted to put wheels on their vehicles and their parents had the extra money to spend on them. Miller’s dad soon hired a car enthusiast to keep up with the wheel trends.

“This was the first time I had heard of a consumer being described as a car enthusiast,” says Jake.

“A car enthusiast was somebody who really wanted to modify their vehicle” beyond original equipment.

“They want to be different and want their personality to be seen on their car.”

Jake acknowledges that options for other car modifications were limited in those days and “wheels were king.”

As a result, L&M Tire was buying “tractor-trailer loads of custom wheels.

“We found out that these car enthusiasts talked to each other a lot. They would have car shows and ask each other where they got their car mods done. Word-ofmouth became huge for us.”

Fast and furious

“My dad always said, ‘The trend is your friend,’” says Jake, “and the trend of modifying your car was on fire — especially after 2001 when the film, ‘The Fast and the Furious,’ hit theaters.”

The movie sensationalized car customization and “boosted its popularity” to more mainstream customers.

During this time, Jake says “all these crazy aftermarket modifications” became popular, spurred on by trends that started in California, like the tuner craze.

Performance Handbook 2023 30 L&M TIRE
Jake Miller says HP/UHP tire customers are different than other retail customers because they have more information and tend to know what they want. PHOTO: L&M TIRE & WHEEL

Suspension upgrades, switching stock headlight bulbs to LED lights, mufflers “with that loud, signature noise” and other modifications were all part of it.

“But we know, as with bell-bottom pants, those trends get so popular they burn themselves out,” he explains.

“Then the 2008 stock market crash happened and kind of halted the vehicle modification market.

“Now, wheels weren’t king anymore because people didn’t have the excess money for those. But they still wanted to add personality to their vehicle. That’s when we started really focusing on HP/ UHP tires.”

“2008 changed everything for us,” says Jake. “For us, the wheel market fell out and the tire market grew.”

Jake says L&M Tire bought “hundreds upon hundreds” of size 205/40R17 tires.

His dealership became more knowledgeable about selling HP/UHP tires and realized that speed ratings are “crucial. If a manufacturer calls for a V-rated tire and you drop below that, you’ve just reduced the ability of the vehicle to handle properly.”

Jake says HP/UHP tire customers are different than typical retail customers because they have more information and tend to know what they want.

“When purchasing a high-performance or ultra-high-performance tire, your decision cannot be based on price. It must be based on speed rating.”

This is something he continuously educates customers about when they come into his shop.

“We always want a positive outcome, but understanding what it is the customer wants and how we can get that to them without sacrificing everything for the purchase price is a big concern.”

New ‘word-of-mouth’

In 2016, Jake bought the company from his father and started experimenting with social media, which is “a huge component of selling if you do vehicle mods or sell HP/ UHP tires,” he says.

Jake says that social media, as a marketing tool, “doesn’t have any rules.”

He found that social media brings customers to L&M Tire’s website and

the website brings customers into the dealership.

“Smartphones have revolutionized the market and if you want to be relevant in this market — or any retail market — you have to understand how to use social media,” he says.

Jake took his own advice to heart and hired people who understand and utilize social media better than he does.

“When we first did (social media), it was horrible and confusing,” he laughs.

“There are no rules to it. You can upload a video of a dancing cat and get a million views.”

Jake says a member of the team that handles social media for L&M Tire recently approached him, saying she needed three jars of strawberry jam.

“I looked at her and said, ‘How is jam going to promote a tire and wheel dealership?’ but she just said it’s for a Tik Tok (video) and to do it, so I got her the jars of jam.

“Next thing I know, I have three of my techs dancing to the song, ‘Pump Up the Jam,’ while literally (placing) these jars of jam up on car jacks. It was a hit!” (Find the tire dealership on Tik Tok @lmtirewheel.)

Jake, who is 46 years old, says he has noticed that younger tire buyers are more experience-motivated.

It’s the job of his team to find out what experience they are looking for.

“Whether it’s adrenaline, experience of the outdoors or something else, we are asking how we can get your vehicle to that destination for you to experience what you want to experience.”

“Our biggest joy in this whole thing has been customers walking in with an idea and vision they want for their vehicle and us being able to create that vision and package for them,” he says.

“It’s the best (experience) to watch their expressions as their vehicle rolls out of the bay.”

Customers show off their new car modifications on social media, which gives L&M Tire an opportunity to reach more customers.

Miller says that in order to stay up to date on what’s happening in the market, he assigns his people to focus on trends.

“It’s a moving and revolving platform that is always changing and so to be relevant, you need to have somebody on it more frequently,” he explains.

Performance Handbook 2023 32 L&M TIRE
“We always want a positive outcome, but understanding what it is the customer wants and how we can get them to that without sacrificing everything for the purchase price is a big concern,” says Miller. PHOTO: L&M TIRE & WHEEL

Trust is the magic word


Haleem Mediouni says success in selling high performance (HP) and ultra-high performance (UHP) tires boils down to one word: trust.

“You need to get your customer to trust you,” says the owner of HM Motor Works in Merrimack, N.H. “And to get them to trust you, you need to befriend them. There needs to be a relationship.”

For 13 years, Mediouni has developed close relationships with vehicle owners who entrust their expensive, high-end cars to his care. He doesn’t take the faith they place in his shop lightly.

A car guy

It helps that Mediouni is a self-professed “car guy. Growing up, I was the kid with the poster of a Porsche 911 on his wall.”

His daily driver is a Land Cruiser, which shares his home garage with an Audi A3 and a 23-year-old BMW M5.

“I also have a Mitsubishi Galant VR-4. And I have a restoration project on the lift — a 1972 Porsche 911.”

Before he founded HM Motor Works in 2010, Mediouni worked in a European car repair shop.

Opening his own business was a natural next step, he says. “This is a very well-to-do town. There are a lot of Audis and BMWs that come with UHP tires. There also are a lot of Italian and British exotics within a 30- to 40-mile radius.”

New car dealers are “over an hourand-a-half away,” which forced many vehicle owners to explore local options when it was time for new tires and wheels.

“Word got around” that HM Motor Works could meet their needs. “We started selling more low-profile HP and UHP tires.”

Mediouni also is an amateur racer. He says word about his shop’s expertise spread among local “track day addicts.

“I’d get a lot of inquiries from guys on track days. ‘How can I shave 2/10 of a second on my lap time? What kind of tire can I put on this car to make it faster than my buddy’s car?’”

Since then, Mediouni has only deepened his involvement in racing. “We have a Champ Car team that I use as a teambuilding tool. My staff loves it. Having a team that shares the same passion adds an accelerant to the whole thing.

“Most guys who have a track day car drive something similar at home.

Performance Handbook 2023 34 HM MOTOR WORKS
Haleem Mediouni says the area around his business, HM Motor Works, is “very well-to-do. There are a lot of Audis and BMWs that come with UHP tires. There also are a lot of Italian and British exotics within a 30- to 40-mile radius.” And other high-end brands are common. PHOTO: HM MOTOR WORKS

The guys who drive a BMW 3 Series (at an event) will drive a BMW M3 as their Sunday car. They bring their track day cars to me and they bring their daily drivers to me.”

Many of HM Motor Works’ enthusiast customers do their research, according to Mediouni.

“They are typically very tire-loyal — not just brand-loyal,” he says. “When a company discontinues a tire, these customers go into panic mode. They are very data-driven.”

But not all the data they uncover is correct, he adds.

“There can be some misinformation. It’s our job to educate them and set the record straight.

“After we educate them, they never question us. Trust is built through educating your customers. That’s how I’ve always done it.”

While money is no object for many of HM Motor Works’ customers, some of them are budget-constrained, says Mediouni.

“And we work within that budget” when selling HP and UHP tires to them.

However, this often requires a deeper discussion at the sales counter.

“We ask customers, ‘What are your wants? What are your needs? What are you doing with the car? What are your performance expectations? Do

you have a long commute? Do you work from home?’

“How do they perceive their car? Is it a tool or is it a big part of their life? All of that factors in.

“We’ve found that people either use their cars because it gets them from point A to point B or they cherish their vehicles. Then we’ll figure out what the best package is. Do we sell them a General AltiMax or a Continental ExtremeContact?”

Sterling reputation

What happens at the sales counter is one part of the equation, says Mediouni. The other is what happens in the service bay.

“My technicians go to a lot of training classes” to stay current on the latest products, machines and procedures.

“We have a good relationship with K&M Tire,” one of HM Motor Works’ suppliers. “They always point us in the right direction for education. They have allowed us to go to (training) events hosted by various tire companies.

“We’re proactive — more than I think most shops are. We’re also very proactive when it comes to equipment. We update our tire equipment every three to four years — all brand new machines. It’s a huge investment.”

Mediouni says his dealership’s hardwon reputation for excellence is paying dividends.

“One of my most memorable moments is when we had a new Mustang Shelby GT350R in our shop,” he recalls.

“The customer told me, ‘I’m bringing this to you because I’ve heard about you. I’ve never been here before, but I expect excellence. I need tires. But just so you know, the wheels (on the Mustang) are $3,000 to $5,000 a piece because they’re made of carbon. I know exactly what they look like. I know every single ding that’s on them. And I expect to receive them in the same condition I’m giving them to you.’

“The anxiety of that conversation spread throughout the shop like wildfire,” says Mediouni. “Every single one of us was concerned.

“My foreman took the project under his wing. He pulled the car in and waited until after 5 p.m. to work on it. He told everyone to go home — including myself. He said, ‘You all need to leave so I can mount and balance these tires. I’m not going to have nine people staring at me.’ He wanted to minimize all distractions. He spent three-and-a-half hours mounting and balancing four tires!”

The customer, says Mediouni, was thrilled with the results “and has since come back and spent well over five figures with us in the last year.

“We’re not afraid to take on challenges,” he adds. “It’s a brain trust here. We’ll figure it out.”

Performance Handbook 2023 36 HM MOTOR WORKS
“We update our tire equipment every three to four years — all brand new machines,” says Mediouni. “It’s a huge investment.” PHOTO: HM MOTOR WORKS “Trust is built through educating your customers,” says Mediouni. “That’s how I’ve always done it.” PHOTO: HM MOTOR WORKS

Does changing a vehicle’s ride height impact ADAS?


Installing plus-size tire and wheel combinations can sometimes change a vehicle’s ride height. What impact could that have on advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS?) What do installers need to keep in mind when it comes to ADAS?

In this article, representatives from Autel North America, Bosch Automotive Aftermarket, Hunter Engineering Co., Snap-on Inc., TEXA USA and

Vehicle Service Group (VSG) share tips and best practices.

Can the installation of plus-sized, aftermarket tire and wheel packages on a vehicle impact that vehicle’s ADAS? What do tire/wheel installers need to be aware of?

Richard Zenteno, national sales manager, ADAS, Autel North America:

Vehicles that have been raised or the steering and suspension modified will affect the ADAS, especially the forward-facing sensors.

Scott McKinney, senior product manager, Bosch Automotive Aftermarket North America: The general rule is that as long as the tires — or even a lift kit — are within the specs of a dealerinstalled package, it’s not a problem for

Performance Handbook 2023 38 ADAS
“The plus-sized package creates a different ride height by altering the manufacturer’s aiming of ADAS sensors,” says Ryan Gerber, product specialist, ADAS, Hunter Engineering Co. “Effects can be wide-ranging, depending on various factors.” PHOTO: HUNTER ENGINEERING CO.

calibration. However, if a plus-sized tire falls outside the standard wheel size, ADAS would most likely still calibrate and operate, but not in the way the (original equipment manufacturer) intended.

Ryan Gerber, product specialist, ADAS, Hunter Engineering Co.: Yes. The plus-sized package creates a different ride height by altering the manufacturer’s aiming of ADAS sensors. Effects can be wide-ranging, depending on various factors. (Vehicle manufacturers) have statements and/ or information regarding these types of packages that in some cases provide guidance for calibration.

Jordan Krebs, product manager, Americas, wheel alignment and ADAS, Snap-on Inc.: One thing that will never change in the automotive world is the fact that automotive enthusiasts will always want to be able to modify their vehicle to match their personality — whether it be through lift kits, aftermarket tire and wheel packages, paint jobs or aftermarket body panels.

These modifications can affect ADAS calibrations on a vehicle as most ADAS are mounted to the body or chassis and rely on suspension angles — namely total toe, steering, thrust, track width and ride height angles — to be in proper alignment before calibrating.

When modifying any part of a

vehicle with aftermarket parts, technicians need to review the OEM service information for that specific vehicle, as each manufacturer has a different stance on the subject of vehicle modification. Suppose the modifications a technician makes result in the car’s geometry changing in any way. In that case, there is a potential for ADAS sensors to fail to function properly, which could result in a safety system failure that causes injury or death.

TEXA USA tech support team: The installation of enlarged-sized wheels on a vehicle increases the ride height of the vehicle and the height of the sensor field of visibility. If the sensor height is increased, the distance for the visibility is increased, which may alter the distance for the warning or reaction time of the system.

In some cases, where the rear wheels are larger than the front, the vehicle may be pointed at a steeper angle than originally designed and cut down on the sensor field of visibility, which might eliminate the warning or reaction time for the system.

Lee Daugherty, vice president, ADAS sales and development, chief collision technology, VSG: The modification of tire/wheel size from the original equipment specifications absolutely has an impact on a vehicle’s ADAS. When changing the ride height — the distance from the highest point on the fender well to the ground of the

vehicle — by either raising, lowering or changing the relationship of front to rear, the ADAS sensors/cameras are in a different orientation than they were from the factory.

You can equate it to standing upright and looking at something and then squatting down and looking at the same object. Your perspective changes. Changing the ride height of a vehicle has the same effect on the ADAS sensors.

By changing the tire/wheel size, the driver is going to experience changes to how the vehicle’s ADAS react on the road. The cameras/sensors are now looking from a different perspective and may react quicker, slower or not at all to (the) driving situations you encounter.

What are some ADAS-related scenarios that could be created by the installation of plus-size tire/wheel packages and do they create situations where ADAS will need to be recalibrated?

Zenteno (Autel): Think about a straight road, where the left and right sides meet at the horizon. That point is called the “vanishing point.” For ADAS — including critical systems like collision warning — to work, they need a point of reference to make their calculations.

When you alter the vehicle’s position — be it by means of modifying the tire size or suspension’s height or the

39 Performance Handbook 2023 ADAS
“When changing the ride height — the distance from the highest point on the fender well to the ground of the vehicle — by either raising, lowering or changing the relationship of front to rear, the ADAS sensors/cameras are in a different orientation than they were from the factory,” says Lee Daugherty, vice president, ADAS sales and development, chief collision technology, VSG. PHOTO: VSG
FOR INFORMATION ON OUR PRODUCTS AND TO ORDER ONLINE VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT www.PlusSizingGuide.com Bulk Discounts Available For More Info Contact Wheel Consultants, Inc. 310-357-7293 or email: sales@plussizingguide.com SELL MORE TIRES. SELL MORE WHEELS. GET THE GUIDE! This year’s 597 Page Printing Contains Fitments From All Previous Editions for O. E. and Plus Sizes for Both Current and Vintage Vehicles & Includes: Bolt Pattern Hub Diameter Offset Range Lug Nut/Bolt Sizes Bolt Pattern Conversion Installation Guidelines OE Tire Sizes Plus Tire Sizes Physical Tire Dimensions Min/Max Rim Widths Performance Ratings Load Index Table In Addition to All Information in the Printed Guide the Online Subscription is Updated Throughout the Year and Includes the Following Extra Tools: Reverse Lookup by Tire Size Reverse Lookup by Bolt Pattern Plus Size Tire Calculator Minus Size Tire Calculator Offset/Backspace Calculator ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION AVAILABLE! i d

to stock before recalibrating. Adding an aftermarket bumper to add clearance for oversized wheels and tires would necessitate an ADAS calibration, per the manufacturer. In this case, replacing the bumper, performing ADAS calibration and then installing the new wheels and tires would be best. If a shop tried to do it all at once and did not perform any calibrations and the vehicle was involved in an accident, the shop could be potentially liable for the accident.

As you can see, when it comes to ADAS, quality and adherence to OEM (specifications) are vital to reducing potential liability. The risks involved with an improper ADAS calibration far outweigh any costs associated with adhering to the proper OEM procedures.

Reducing liability is key and the easiest way to do so when it comes to

ADAS is to adhere to the OEM service information without fail. Should a vehicle with aftermarket wheels and tires or suspension changes be involved in an accident where the vehicle’s ADAS sensors failed to warn the driver or take corrective action, the blame could come back to the last shop to touch the vehicle.

TEXA: If the vehicle height is altered, an ADAS calibration is required to adjust all the sensor visibilities to confirm the correct distance is being judged by the vehicle ADAS.

Daugherty (VSG): An example would be that you install plus-sized tire/ wheels on a vehicle and now the adaptive cruise control does not sense the vehicle in front of you, which is going slower than you, and does not slow you down as you approach it because it is

looking over the vehicle instead of at the rear of the vehicle.

If you installed a tire/wheel package that lowered the front ride height and raised the rear, you would create the same kind of situation where the vehicle will react too slowly to the vehicle you are approaching because the vehicle is looking down and not straight ahead.

If you change the ride height by raising the front and lowering the rear, you can create a situation that the vehicle’s automatic emergency braking (AEB) is activated when you approach an overpass on the expressway. It thinks the overpass is a stopped vehicle on the roadway and incorrectly applies the emergency braking system and the vehicle comes to an abrupt stop on the expressway, creating a very dangerous situation. Anytime you change the ride height to something different than the

Performance Handbook 2023 42 ADAS
“Most manufacturers understand that customers will modify their vehicles in one way or another and have provided instructions and limitations on the modifications that can be done to a vehicle with ADAS sensors,” says Jordan Krebs, product manager, Americas, wheel alignment and ADAS, Snap-on Inc. PHOTO: SNAP-ON INC.




More value. More performance. More reasons to buy. The Thunderer Mach V is an ultra-high-performance tire designed for exceptional handling in all weather conditions. On the city streets or on the country roads, the Mach V’s asymmetrical tread design and enhanced hydroplaning resistance technology provides superior performance for a quiet, comfortable, and dynamic ride. With 45,000-mile limited treadwear protection and our No Questions Asked, 25/365 Free Replacement Limited Protection Policy, the Mach V delivers power and performance wherever you roam.




original vehicle design, the systems need to be recalibrated. This can be somewhat tricky as there are no OEM repair procedures for recalibrating a vehicle with a modified ride height.

The other thing to keep in mind is that even removing the front bumper cover, adding a bumper guard, changing the grill or replacing the windshield will potentially require a recalibration of the ADAS.

What are two or three things that tire/wheel installers need to know about ADAS?

Zenteno (Autel): As mentioned before, when you alter the vehicle’s position or direction of travel, you are altering the system’s performance and response time.

There are many scenarios that can lead to malfunctions — for example,

a truck that had a lift kit installed and now the adaptive cruise control no longer detects the vehicle in front of it due to the new position of the forward-facing radar; the vehicle that was recently aligned and the ACC kept braking because the forward-facing sensor was seeing the vehicle in the lane beside it, thinking it was directly in front; or the lane departure system that was warning too early.

McKinney (Bosch): ADAS are vehicle technologies designed to improve driver safety by assisting drivers on the road.

A few examples include lane-keeping assist, automatic emergency braking and the very common rear back-up camera, which has been required on all new vehicles under 10,000 pounds since 2018.

ADAS technology works through the combination of cameras and sensors to collect and process information to assist in a safe driving experience.

Recalibrating ADAS sensors can be quite difficult as electrical signals from other components in a vehicle may interfere with the tech.

This can make it appear that the ADAS sensor has an issue when this may not be the case — causing confusion and frustration for technicians who are unfamiliar with recalibration techniques. When recalibrating a sensor, it’s best practice to determine the working status of other sensors in the vehicle to eliminate the possibility of electrical signals from other components interfering.

Gerber (Hunter): ADAS is an opportunity to increase driver safety, as well

Performance Handbook 2023 44 ADAS
“ADAS is an opportunity to increase driver safety, as well as an opportunity to realize a new revenue stream,” says Hunter’s Gerber. PHOTO: HUNTER ENGINEERING CO.

as an opportunity to realize a new revenue stream. Like all new technology, there is a (learning) curve, and it’s not altogether difficult. ADAS is now mandatory with automatic emergency braking (AEB), so it is on all cars.

Krebs (Snap-on): ADAS stands for advanced driver assistance systems — with the key word being “assistance.” These systems are only a partial solution for automated driving. When it comes to vehicle driving automation, there are six levels:

• Level Zero: No automation whatsoever;

• Level 1: Mode-specific minor assistance of steering, braking or accelerating;

• Level 2: Mode-specific increased assistance or takeover of steering, braking and accelerating;

• Level 3: Mode-specific automated driving of all dynamic tasks with human intervention, when requested;

• Level 4: Mode-specific automated driving of all dynamic tasks, even when human does not respond, and;

• Level 5: Full-time automated driving under all road/ weather conditions, without the need for any human interaction.

There are two types of ADAS on cars today: active and passive. Active systems will work to reduce accidents, such as automatic emergency braking, lane keep assist and automatic cruise control. Passive systems are just there to inform the driver, such as pedestrian recognition, traffic sign recognition, surround view, backup camera and night vision.

Similarly, there are two types of ADAS calibrations for systems on cars today and they vary by manufacturer and model: static and dynamic.

Static calibrations typically take place in a controlled environment — in a shop bay where targets are positioned in key locations around the vehicle and the vehicle is told to initialize a calibration and look for said targets to calibrate. These are most of your Asian import vehicles.

Dynamic calibrations are performed while driving the vehicle in a target-rich environment, but are subject to longer calibration times if there is inclement weather, a lack of traffic or too much traffic. These are most of your domestic vehicles.

TEXA: One essential ADAS calibration lesson is not all calibration systems are created equal.

Daughtery (VSG): Examples of systems are adaptive cruise control, blind spot monitoring, cross traffic alert, advanced collision warning, AEB, lane keep, etc. There are two classifications for these systems: passive and active.

A passive system will simply alert the driver to an impeding situation by giving an audible sound and/or flash a light or display a message.

Examples of these are blind spot warning or lane assist. An active system will actually take some type of action automatically without driver intervention.

Examples of active systems are adaptive cruise control, AEB, lane centering, etc. Since September 2022, every vehicle manufacturer has agreed to make AEB standard on all new vehicles made.

• 3D Mobile Wheel Alignment System

• Fully automatic. Beam can be moved up and down

• Compatible with all car lifts including 2 post lifts and mid-rise scissor lifts

• Shortest distance of rolling run-out compensation in the industry, no need to wait during rolling

• Dual display screens

• Fully Automatic. Super easy to operate

• Leverless Center Post. Rim size up to 30"

• Equipped with Wheel lift cart and a 12" display screen that shows the underside of the wheel when changing the tire

ADAS 45 Performance Handbook 2023
1 1/13/23 3:29 PM

Fit and function


Every tire dealer understands the importance of tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS) to their customers’ vehicles and the importance of their technicians understanding TPMS sensors and reprogramming.

While most technicians are comfortable performing TPMS service on regular tires, high performance (HP) and ultra-high-performance (UHP) tires may make things trickier.

Officials from 31 Inc., ATEQ TPMS Tools LC, Autel North America, Bartec


servicing TPMS on HP/ UHP tires.

31 Inc.’s TPMS/Technologies Marketing Manager John Rice says that HP and UHP tires are often low-profile tires. And more of these tires are coming from the factory as original equipment on cars. These often have a clamp-in style TPMS sensor.

“This means specific service requirements,” says Rice.“Low-profile tires have shorter sidewall heights, so when scan-

ning/activating TPMS sensors as part of recalibrating, it becomes more difficult because it is important to position the TPMS tool over the sidewall of the tire adjacent to the sensor (and) not directly over the sensor.”

“Clamp-in style TPMS sensors have serviceable parts — nuts, core, cap, grommet — that should be replaced any time a tire is removed from the wheel,” he notes.

“When demounting low-profile tires, special care should be taken to properly position the mount head behind the valve stem to avoid damaging the TPMS sensor.

“Similarly, when mounting these tires, the sensor should be positioned 180-degrees from the mount head to avoid damaging the sensor.”

Rice says it is always important for technicians to remember the basics when it comes to performing TPMS service on any tire — whether it be a HP tire, an UHP tire or a more traditional all-season tire.

He explains that it’s critical to “test before you touch” — meaning before

Performance Handbook 2023 46 TPMS
LLC and Schrader TPMS Solutions weigh in on the best practices to follow when The biggest thing to keep in mind regarding TPMS and performance vehicles, according to Mike Rose, OEM and industrial sales manager, ATEQ TPMS, is the speed at which the car’s wheels are spinning. PHOTO: ATEQ John Rice, director of TPMS products and support, 31 Inc. says it’s always important for technicians to remember the basics when it comes to performing TPMS service on any tire — whether it be a HP tire, an UHP tire or a more traditional all-season tire. PHOTO: 31 INC.

performing any service, the technician should check the TPMS sensors so they can identify any sensors that are not working properly.

Another tip is to keep tools updated and charged.

“There isn’t anything more frustrating than being in the middle of servicing your customer’s vehicle, reaching for a TPMS tool and realizing the battery is dead,” says Rice. “Charge your tools at least once a week.”

Rice encourages technicians to keep up with software updates in order to service TPMS more easily.

“A tool that is not updated can be just as frustrating” as a tool that hasn’t been charged.

ATEQ’s Mike Rose, the company’s OEM and industrial sales manager, says it is important to “understand that the car’s TPMS was designed to work with the original equipment (OE) wheel package.

“Therefore, following industry best practices to ensure the sensor’s angle remains close to the OE fitment will benefit the system overall.”

Rose adds that this is extra-important to remember because there are more and more tire pressure monitoring systems ending up on vehicles.

“Understanding what can be affected when components are altered or changed is critical to making sure the service performed on the vehicle will work as intended.”

According to Rose, the biggest thing to keep in mind regarding TPMS and performance vehicles is the speed at which the car’s wheels are spinning.

“With these vehicles being able to reach speeds in excess of 100 mph, the need for a valve stem that can withstand the additional force is required,” he says. “This is why you see these types of vehicles being fitted with what is commonly known as ‘high-speed’ valve stems.

“Depending on what the vehicle manufacturer is looking to achieve, these stems can be made of different rubber compounds or even a metal valve stem.”

When things also can become “interesting” is after an alternate or aftermarket tire/wheel package has been installed and technicians have to “verify that the sensor location and angle stay consistent with the OE fitment.”

Rose says this is one reason why aftermarket sensor companies offer different sensor configurations or alternative mounting hardware — “to keep up with the changes.”

Autel’s John Amato, the firm’s director of training, says that to understand TPMS on HP/UHP tires, the subject must first be broken down into two categories — HP/UHP street tires and motorsport applications.

pressure to increase vehicle handling and stability.

“Properly executed TPMS service and repair procedures lower the driver’s risk of having a failure on the road,” notes Amato, who adds that “250,000 accidents occur in the United States per year due to low tire pressure.”

Amato says it is important to keep in mind that tire pressure monitoring systems are designed and engineered to work within “specific tolerances.”

Moving the location of the sensor even by a few inches can affect sensor transmission and the effectiveness of the module.

Bartec CEO Scot Holloway maintains that HP/UHP tires require highperformance TPMS service and parts.

He says there are three things technicians need to consider when servicing TPMS on HP and UHP tires:

• performing the necessary system diagnostics,

• installing the proper wheel sensors, and

• making sure the vehicle is properly calibrated.

“With street applications, it is important to properly carry out diagnostic and relearn procedures while paying particular attention to the placard pressure,” says Amato.

“Underinflated, low-profile tires are more susceptible to pinch flats, sidewall (damage) or wheel damage. Remember, there is less room for deflection in the sidewall with lower-aspect ratio tires.”

In both street and motorsports applications, the accuracy of the tire pressure being reported by the system is “crucial in meeting the (vehicle’s) performance goals.

“Pressure must always be checked with a properly calibrated pressure gauge to ensure accuracy as driver safety is paramount in motorsports,” says Amato.

“Clamp-in valves are preferred in these applications, as they are more durable than rubber at high speeds. Make sure that the valve nut and stem mounting screw are torqued to factory specifications.”

He says it is also important to doublecheck the placard tire pressure value against the load range of the tire because HP/UHP tires often run at higher air

“System diagnostics include a baseline inspection of the TPMS sensors and a read from the TPMS control module,” Holloway notes.

The technician should be looking for any fault codes and should “always inform the customer of any system issues or faults prior to beginning work.

“Only use replacement parts that are rated for HP/UHP applications.

“High performance also applies to aesthetics, as well. Does the valve stem match the wheel? When in doubt, use aluminum stems with the sensor

Performance Handbook 2023 48
Although function is important to keep in mind when choosing sensors, aesthetics is another key consideration, according to Scot Holloway, CEO of Bartec USA LLC. PHOTO: BARTEC “Properly executed TPMS service and repair procedures lower the driver’s risk of having a failure on the road,” says John Amato, director of training at Autel North America. PHOTO: AUTEL

because aluminum stems are mechanically attached to the wheel.”

Aluminum stems also are best suited for higher air pressure levels and speed ratings.

And don’t forget function, says Holloway.

“Will it work on this application? Will it fit this wheel type? These are key questions techs need to be asking themselves,” says Holloway.

“It is important to pick a sensor that fits the look and (function) of the wheel and tire.”

Schrader Global Technician Training Manager Yanick Leduc recommends keeping a close eye on the type of wheel you are fitting the sensor to. Leduc says in many cases, the wheel is the main differentiating factor when it comes to OE and aftermarket tire/wheel packages.

“With low-profile tires or rims (that have) a very large offset, choosing the wrong sensor fitment can lead to sensor damage during tire mounting or dismounting or even (cause) sensor centrifugal distortion on high speed.”

Leduc says there are three “golden rules” technicians should follow regarding TPMS sensor and valve fitments.

“Number one, the valve should not extend over its contour.

“Number two, the sensor body should remain parallel to the bottom of the rim without being in contact with the rim.

“And number three, the angle of the sensor with the valve should be positioned so that the sensor should not extend over the rim hump.”

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“The angle of the sensor with the valve should be positioned so that the sensor should not extend over the rim hump,” says Yanick Ludec, global technician training manager at Schrader TPMS Solutions. PHOTO: SCHRADER

Mounting and balancing LT tires


If we need a reminder of the growing popularity of light truck tires, the increase in annual shipments is a good indicator.

In the replacement market, light truck tire shipments grew by 30.7% from 2012 through 2022, with total numbers growing from 28.3 million units in 2012 to 37 million tires in 2022.

The increase is even greater in original equipment, where LT shipments grew by 51.2% over that same time period — from 4.1 million units to 6.2 million.

With the ongoing popularity of larger vehicles and pickup trucks and fewer sedans on the road, it stands to reason that the popularity of LT tires is here to stay. That means tire technicians need to be well-versed on how to mount and balance these larger and heavier tires and how to avoid damaging their larger and more expensive wheels.

We turned to the experts who produce and market the industry’s mounting and balancing equipment to gather tips on providing top tier service for customers.

Jim Hudson, product manager for tire changers at Hunter Engineering Co., offered these suggestions:

• Use lifting aids wherever possible to make handling the tires easier. This includes a wheel lift on the tire changer and balancer, as well as top acting and bottom acting press devices on the tire changer to help get them positioned.

• Bottom bead demount can be especially challenging on large, heavy tires. A tire changer with a lower roller or locking demount disc will make short work of it, though.

• Larger, aftermarket LT wheels are

sometimes reverse drop center. A center clamp tire changer with a flange plate is the best way to handle them without fear of damage.

• Bead sealing can be a challenge,

especially in aftermarket fitments. A powerful blast inflation system like Hunter’s FastBlast can save a lot of time and energy getting large tires to take air.

Performance Handbook 2023 50 MOUNT & BALANCE
Hunter’s Jim Hudson says bottom bead demount can be especially challenging on large, heavy tires. Utilize the tools on the tire changer to make it easier, such as a lower roller or locking demount disc. PHOTO: HUNTER ENGINEERING CO.

• Be prepared for large center bore wheels with the proper centering kits for balancing. Hunter’s balancer kits are universal to all balancers in our line and offer excellent coverage in that range. The same can be said for center clamp tire changers. This is especially true if servicing medium duty assemblies as well, like the common 19.5-inch tire.

Chuck McCourt, president of McCourt Marketing Group, says there are two golden rules for mounting and balancing tires that apply in every application — and that includes light truck tires.

Apply “a good rubber lube and keep the bead in the drop center. The same rules apply whether it’s a 14-inch tire or a 22 — it’s just harder to keep it in drop center.

“You can’t let it ride up. You’ve got to hold it down in a drop center. You have a lot of tools to help you, but if it’s not drop center, you’ll tear beads and damage wheels.

to apply a good lube to the tire and keep the bead in the drop center. He markets Cemb tire equipment like the SM1100 tire changer, pictured.

“But, if it’s at drop center, it gives you the space you need.” McCourt says the tire is naturally going to lift up as it goes around on the tire machine

Aston Technologies Inc. says the Aston Fully Automatic 3 D Magnetic Levitation Wheel Balancer uses laser technology to pinpoint the location of the next weight placement.

and technicians need to be vigilant in watching it. “That’s where most technicians (make a mistake.) They don’t watch it.”

51 Performance Handbook 2023 MOUNT & BALANCE
Chuck McCourt says tire technicians need to be sure PHOTO: MCCOURT MARKETING GROUP/CEMB
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How to read a sidewall


The information on the sidewall of a standard passenger or light truck tire might be confusing to the average tire buyer. Here’s some information that will help you educate your customers about those letters and numbers on the side of their tires and what they represent.

Here’s an image of a Continental ExtremeContact Sport02 ultra-high performance tire in size 245/40ZR18


The first three numbers are the tire’s indicated section width in millimeters measured from sidewall to sidewall


The second pair of numbers is the tire’s aspect ratio or profile. This is a percentage representing the ratio of the sidewall’s section height to the tire’s section width


This indicates the tire is radial construction


This number is the diameter of the wheel in inches


This is the tire’s load index


This is the tire’s speed rating Extra Load

This designation denotes ability to carry extra load

Performance Handbook 2023 52 TIRE SIDEWALLS

The need for speed

All passenger tires are rated for certain speeds. Any tire with at least an Sspeed rating is considered a performance tire.

When Z-speed-rated tires were first introduced, they were thought to reflect the highest tire speed rating that would ever be required — in excess of 149 miles per hour. That was the speed rating ceiling at the time.

Later, W and Y speed ratings were added to identify tires that have even higher speed capabilities. (See chart below)

How to ID a tire’s age

“When was that tire made?” This is a question that a customer might ask. Determining a tire’s age is easy. All of the information you need can be found on the tire’s sidewall. Use this example:

Identification of tire age


To determine when the tire was produced, check out the Tire Identification Numbers (TIN), which identify when the tire was made.

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) requires that Tire Identification Numbers are a combination of the letters DOT, followed by eight to 13 letters and/or numbers that identify the manufacturing location (XX); tire size code (B3); and manufacturer’s code (ABCD), along with the week and year that the tire was manufactured.

Using the example above, the first two numbers identify the week (27) and the final two numbers identify the year of manufacturing (18).

Therefore, you can tell the customer that this tire was produced during the 27th week of 2018.

Performance tire speed ratings/maximum speeds (in miles per hour) and typical vehicle applications

S = 112 Family sedans and vans

T = 118 Family sedans and vans

H = 130 Sport sedans and coupes

V = 149 Sport sedans, coupes and sports cars

W = 168 Exotic sports cars

V = 186 Exotic sports cars

(Y) = >186 Exotic sports cars

Z = 149 Exotic sports cars

53 Performance Handbook 2023



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Performance Handbook 2023 60 PERFORMANCE SHOWCASE
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Performance Handbook 2023 64 PERFORMANCE SHOWCASE A dynamic, summer ultra-high performance tire for passenger cars, the ExtremeContact™ Sport 0ranges in size from 15--1 rim diameter. ExtremeContact™ Sport 02 An adaptive, summer ultra-high performance tire for passenger cars, crossovers and SUVs, the SportContact™ 7 ranges in size from 19--3” rim diameter. SportContact™ 7 ExtremeContact™ DWS06 Plus A premium, all-season ultra-high performance tire for passenger cars, crossovers and SUVs, the ExtremeContact™ DWS 06 Plus ranges in size from 16--- rim diameter. CrossContact™ LX25 A premium, all-season touring tire for crossovers and SUVs, the CrossContact™ LX -5 ranges in size from 16--- " rim diameter. TrueContact™ Tour A long-lasting, all-season touring tire for passenger cars and crossovers, the TrueContact™ Tour ranges in size from 15-19 " rim diameter. PureContact™ LS A luxury, all-season touring tire for passenger cars and crossovers, the PureContact™ LS ranges in size from 16--0 " rim diameter. TerrainContact™ H/T A premium, all-season touring tire for SUVs and light trucks, the TerrainContact™ H/T ranges in size from 16--- rim diameter. Te rra i n C o nt a c t™ H / T A premium all -season tire for SUVs and trucks the TerrainContac t™ H/ T ranges in size from 16 -- - diameter VikingContact™ 7 A premium winter tire for passenger cars, crossovers, SUVs and light trucks, the VikingContact™ 7 ranges in size from 15--- rim diameter. TerrainContact™ A/T A premium, all-season all-terrain tire for crossovers, SUVs and light trucks, the TerrainContact™ A/T ranges in size from 16--- rim diameter. CONTINENTALTIRE.COM 2304MTD_HandbookShowcase_ContinentalTire.indd 1 3/31/23 10:41 AM
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67 Performance Handbook 2023 PERFORMANCE SHOWCASE

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65,000-Mile Limited Treadwear

› 2-Year Roadside Assistance

› 1-Year Road Hazard Protection

› 45-Day Test Drive

› Lifetime Replacement for Workmanship and Material Defects



Highway All-Season SUV/LT

✔ Wide circumferential grooves quickly channel water for enhanced wet-road grip and hydroplaning resistance

✔ Wave-shaped lateral sipes deliver incredible braking on wet and dry surfaces

60,000-Mile Limited Treadwear

› 2-Year Roadside Assistance

› 1-Year Road Hazard Protection

› 30-Day Test Drive

› Lifetime Replacement for Workmanship and Material Defects


Studdable Winter Passenger/SUV

✔ Excellent traction on snow, ice and slush-covered roads

✔ Studdable for stable handling and comfort

✔ Rated for reliable winter driving in heavy snow

› Lifetime Replacement for Workmanship and Material Defects

*Limited Treadwear Warranty based on tire speed rating.

75 Performance Handbook 2023 PERFORMANCE SHOWCASE Three ways to view our complete lineup or become a dealer: Scan the QR code | Visit sumitomotire.com | Call (800) 238-6469 ✔ All-season, all-terrain performance in any weather ✔ Rated for reliable winter driving in heavy snow ✔ Rugged, durable construction for on- and off-road ENCOUNTER AT All-Terrain SUV/LT 60,000-Mile Limited Treadwear › 2-Year Roadside Assistance › 1-Year Road Hazard Protection › 30-Day Test Drive › Lifetime Replacement for Workmanship and Material Defects
› Lifetime Replacement for Workmanship and Material Defects
Performance Touring Up to 90,000-Mile* Limited Treadwear
2-Year Roadside Assistance
1-Year Road Hazard Protection
45-Day Test Drive
Lifetime Replacement for Workmanship and Material Defects
✔ Precision-engineered for driving enthusiasts ✔ Optimized tread design boosts ride stability and winter performance
✔ Durable construction for lasting performance and extended tire life
Touring SUV/CUV
✔ Optimized tread design for a comfortable, quiet ride 2304MTD_HandbookShowcase_TBCCorp.indd 1 3/30/23 1:48 PM
Performance Handbook 2023 76 PERFORMANCE SHOWCASE 2304MTD_HandbookShowcase_Tireco.indd 1 3/27/23 8:22 AM
77 Performance Handbook 2023 PERFORMANCE SHOWCASE 2304MTD_HandbookShowcase_TransamericaTire.indd 1 3/23/23 10:19 AM
Performance Handbook 2023 78 PERFORMANCE SHOWCASE WHEN IT RAINS LET IT POUR–www.vredestein.com contact.us@apollotyres.com OUTSTANDING WET PERFORMANCE 17 – 20" UHP Top Profitability 100 Day Trial 2304MTD_HandbookShowcase_ApolloTyres_Vredestein.indd 1 3/23/23 10:12 AM
79 Performance Handbook 2023 PERFORMANCE SHOWCASE FOR INFORMATION ON OUR PRODUCTS AND TO ORDER ONLINE VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT www.PlusSizingGuide.com Bulk Discounts Available For More Info Contact Wheel Consultants, Inc. 310-357-7293 or email: sales@plussizingguide.com This year’s 597 Page Printing Contains Fitments From All Previous Editions for O. E. and Plus Sizes for Both Current and Vintage Vehicles & Includes: Bolt Pattern Hub Diameter Offset Range Lug Nut/Bolt Sizes Bolt Pattern Conversion Installation Guidelines OE Tire Sizes Plus Tire Sizes Physical Tire Dimensions Min/Max Rim Widths Performance Ratings Load Index Table ONLINE OR IN PRINT! SELL MORE TIRES. SELL MORE WHEELS. GET THE GUIDE! Online Version is Updated Throughout the Year and Includes these Extra Tools: Reverse Lookup by Tire Size Reverse Lookup by Bolt Pattern Plus Size Tire Calculator Minus Size Tire Calculator Offset/Backspace Calculator 2304MTD_HandbookShowcase_WheelConsultants.indd 1 3/27/23 8:45 AM
trusted source for top-quality OEM, reproduction, and aftermarket replacement auto parts and accessories since 2010. We specialize in OEM, reproduction, and remanufactured wheels. READY TO SHIP, READY TO INSTALL. wheelership.com SCAN QR code to watch our video! 2304MTD_HandbookShowcase_WheelerShip.indd 1 3/24/23 1:33 PM
81 Performance Handbook 2023 PERFORMANCE SHOWCASE 2304MTD_HandbookShowcase_ZCRubber.indd 1 3/21/23 8:44 AM

OEM Factory Wheels

Quick quotes to buy or sell wheels can be obtained through our RimText system. Simply text pictures of wheels to 951-RimText (951-746-8398). We stock factory original used, new take-off, reconditioned and new replica alloy and steel wheels. Along with quick nationwide shipping, we provide one- to two-day delivery to most of the West.



Tire repair materials

31 Inc. is a leading manufacturer and supplier of professional tire repair materials, TPMS and other related tire service supplies. Our product brand, XtraSeal, is globally recognized for quality and performance. We manufacture XtraSeal products with the attitude as if these repair materials are destined for our own family vehicles. We pride ourselves on world class service, technical support and product training. You can count on XtraSeal and the team at 31 Inc. for your tire service needs.



American Omni Ranger A/TR

The RANGER A/TR is a purpose-built tire designed for rugged off-road terrains with excellent on-road manners capable of handling wintery conditions. The aggressive tread pattern provides superb off-road traction, while advanced 3D siping improves traction in wet conditions while maintaining element stability for off-road durability. The RANGER A/TR is severe-weather rated 3PMS (3-Peak Mountain Snowflake) with studable shoulder lugs for maximum winter performance. The RANGER A/TR is offered in 37 P-metric and LT sizes and comes with a 50,000-mile treadwear warranty and the Thunderer 25/365 Protection Policy.



American Omni Recon Sport

The RECON SPORT is an ultra high-performance all-season tire designed for exceptional grip and handling. Around the city streets or country roads, the RECON SPORT provides superior performance with a quiet and comfortable ride. The asymmetrical pattern provides performance tuned from the inside-to-outside. The higher density inner siping provides wet and light snow traction, while the outside provides excellent dry handling and cornering stability. The RECON SPORT is offered in popular sizing in 16-inch to 20-inch rim diameters and comes with a 45,000-mile treadwear warranty and the Americus 25/365 Protection Policy



Aston ATC-1700 tire changer

The ATC-1700 from Aston Technologies is a fully automatic, high-powered, vertical passenger, light truck and heavy-duty truck tire changer that is suitable for many types of vehicles. The machine features a dismount head, a pusher block that can be freely adjusted while working and fixed according to wheel position, a closed gearbox to help avoid damage and prolong the gear’s service life, a hydraulic motor transmission with large-diameter oil tubes, clamps to fit aluminum rims and more. The ATC-1700 is controlled by a joystick for safe, easy operation.



Performance Handbook 2023 82 PERFORMANCE DATAFILE

Atturo AZ850DR

Atturo’s real-world tested AZ850DR is now available for your customers. We tested against other industry leaders and beat them, achieving excellent slips in the process. On the track and driving to and from it, the AZ850DR is DOT-compliant and designed for rear axle applications, complimented by the AZ850 up front for modern muscle cars and all four corners on performance AWD vehicles. Extra-wide shoulder blocks and a wide center rib ensure maximum grip and stable traction over 1320 feet and the proprietary compound has been fine-tuned for low-pressure launches. Head to atturo.com for full specifications on the 11 available sizes and Go Your Own Way with Atturo.



Autel IA900WA

The Autel IA900WA System performs wheel alignment, ADAS calibration and diagnostics in a single workflow. Maximize shop profitability and efficiency by keeping diagnostics and ADAS in-house at the cost of a typical alignment system. Software includes illustrated alignment instructions, live readings, required tools and adjustment locations display on included 24-inch touchscreen screen. Six high-resolution positioning and tracking cameras in frame automatically monitor vehicle height on shop lift. Robotic frame movement for efficient use and alignment reading accuracy to 0.02 degrees for precise alignments. Alignment coverage includes U.S., Asian and European vehicles, 1996 and newer.



Bartec Tech600Pro

Made for the beginning service technician as well as the expert automotive service professional, the Tech600Pro is Bartec’s latest TPMS service tool. The Tech600Pro offers many advanced features that will help service more vehicles that have TPMS. Included are more OBDII relearns, Wi-Fi updating, VINDicate, RITE-SYNC, inductive charging and placard adjusting. Because of the wireless connection to the vehicle, the Tech600Pro is faster and more flexible. The Tech600Pro is fast, accurate, easy and wireless!



Continental ExtremeContactSport02

The ExtremeContact Sport02 is a dynamic, summer ultra-high performance tire for passenger cars. Ideal for both the street and track, this tire comes complete with SportPlus Technology, which provides responsive handling, better grip on wet roads and extended tread life. It also comes with built-in tread wear indicators and is backed by a 60-day customer satisfaction trial and a 30,000-mile warranty. The tire is available in nearly 80 sizes.




Cosmo Mud Kicker

The Mud Kicker is a next-generation mud tire that is all about functional design. Every inch of this tire has been thoughtfully engineered to deliver extreme performance. With its patented shoulder grip and three-ply sidewall, it’s built to take abuse. The Mud Kicker also includes an industry-first, patented bead grip for added traction surface in deep mud or snow, delivering you the first-ever mud-rated tire.



83 Performance Handbook 2023 PERFORMANCE DATAFILE

Kenda Klever M/T2 (KR629)

The Kenda Klever M/T2 is designed for enthusiasts and consumers who desire maximum traction in off-road environments. It has over two years of design and extensive testing in diverse terrain to provide exceptional dispersion and grip in mud, sand and rocks, while offering good wet and dry handling required by drivers on road. All sizes of the Klever M/T2 offer our Klever Triple Threat three-ply sidewall for exceptional durability. The optimized tread compound is formulated for chip and cut resistance and molded into a symmetric tread featuring Kenda’s proprietary interlocking tread blocks for aggressive off-road performance. The patented tread design includes debris ejectors and scalloped shoulder blocks, which blend with the new blockchain sidewall contours to enhance both grip and visual appeal. In addition to stylized raised black letters, Kenda will offer select sizes in raised red letters, honoring our winning race heritage.


Kumho Solus TA51a

Designed for American roads, the Solus TA51a provides a quiet, comfortable experience with confident grip and responsive handling in dry, wet and wintry conditions. Available in 82 sizes, the Solus TA51a features a 75,000 mileage warranty on T-speed sizes and a 65,000-mile warranty for H-speeds and above. Road hazard protection and a 30-day satisfaction trial are also included. Multi-functionalized polymers and high dispersion silica in the tread compound improve treadwear and maximize grip in winter conditions. Noise cancelling ribs dissipate resonance for a quieter ride. Interlocking sipes and chamfered block edges improve handling and stability by increasing block rigidity.



Beautiful black wheel locks, lug nuts and lug bolts

McGard’s lug nuts with a black chrome finish have a deep reflective look that will enhance the look of any wheel. Use them on black wheels for a monochromatic look or on silver or chrome wheels for a contrasting look, the company suggests. McGard lug nuts, lug bolts and SplineDrive lug nuts are guaranteed for life not to chip, peel or rust. The company’s wheel lock design is easy to use and provides “the best theft protection in the world,” says McGard. Lug nuts and wheel locks are available in Wheel Installation Kits, which include everything you need to install your new wheels in one convenient package. They are also available in bright chrome.



Milestar Patagonia A/T Pro

The all-new Patagonia A/T Pro is designed to conquer tough terrain all year long. Rigid tread blocks with step-down grooves enhance stability and handling, while angled tread notches provide increased void surface area for excellent mud and snow traction. MILETECH advanced sidewall compound technology enhances strength and impact protection for increased off-road durability. All sizes are backed by a 55,000mile limited warranty and carry the 3-Peak Mountain Snowflake rating for severe snow conditions.



85 Performance Handbook 2023 PERFORMANCE DATAFILE


The all-new Sailun TERRAMAX RT (Rugged Terrain) features an aggressive tread pattern designed to take on the toughest terrain, while still delivering a comfortable ride both on- and off-road. The staggered shoulder lugs with stone ejectors help maximize traction and remove debris, as the RT rubber compound and sequential tread design also deliver relentless grip and help reduce unwanted road noise when cruising. The TERRAMAX is 3PMS (3-Peak Mountan Snowflake)-certified for severe snow performance and available in 36 popular sizes, from 17- to 22-inches, with flotation sizes available in 33-, 35- and 37- inches.



Schrader - leading TPMS supplier

Pair Schrader’s S57 TPMS programming and diagnostic tool with the EZ-sensor programmable sensor family of products for everything you need for quick and efficient TPMS service. The tool programs EZ-sensor and other programmable TPMS sensors; reads, activates and relearns all known TPMS sensors in the market; and includes five years of software updates. The tool offers quick and convenient software updates through WiFi and features Bluetooth connectivity and a full-color touchscreen.



Sumitomo Tires Encounter HT2

The all-new Encounter HT2 provides the traction, toughness and versatility that modern SUV, CUV and pickup drivers demand. This all-season light-truck tire builds on the legendary performance of its predecessor, delivering incredible wet braking, impressive dry handling, extended tread life and a smooth, quiet ride, year-round. The Encounter HT2 features an innovative tread design, and an extensive size line-up of 52 metric and LT sizes in H-, T- and S-speed ratings. Backed by a 60,000-mile warranty, 2-year roadside assistance, one-year road hazard and free workmanship and materials coverage, the Encounter HT2 is a great choice for drivers seeking a reliable, comfortable and long-lasting tire for their everyday on-road adventures.



Swampthing A/T maximum traction all-terrain tire

We combined everything we have learned about all-terrain tire design from the Trail Hunter ATX and Terra Hunter X/T to design our best-performing Swampthing A/T tire. The stylish and aggressive tread pattern, mixed with its max traction all-terrain tread design, will surprise you with how quiet this handsome tire is when driving on the highway. Designed as a max traction all-terrain tire with a unique tread pattern that tames road noise on paved surfaces while delivering surefootedness off-road; aggressive dual-sidewall lug design provides an enhanced biting edge. Available in 12-ply design for vehicles requiring higher load ratings and a 55,000-mile limited treadwear warranty (22-inch sizes and smaller)



Performance Handbook 2023 86 PERFORMANCE DATAFILE

Vredestein Tires Hypertrac

The Hypertrac is an ultra-high performance tire that performs exceptionally well in all seasons and won’t let the rain hinder your day. It was developed for American roads and is suitable for premium and luxury sedans.



Wheel Consultants

The Ultimate Wheel & Tire Plus Sizing Guide is offering an online edition. It’s updated throughout the year with tire and wheel fitments for both OE and plus sizes for current and vintage vehicles. Your subscription features reverse lookups by tire size, bolt pattern/offset and a wheel brand name finder. Plus and minus tire calculators are included for customized fitments. For more information, call (310) 357-7293.




Since 2010, WheelerShip has been your trusted source for OEM, reproduction and aftermarket replacement automotive parts and accessories for retail customers and wholesalers. We make finding affordable, topquality car parts easy: OEM, remanufactured and reproduction wheels and accessories; replacement brake pads; electric vehicle chargers and adapters; headlights, tail lights and more; mirrors and other parts. Our family-owned and operated e-commerce store not only offers affordable, competitive prices, but our years of automotive expertise inspire confidence in our customers, ensuring they find the right part the first time. Whether by email, chat or over the phone, our live customer care team is ready to assist. Real Parts. Real People. Real Savings.



Arisun passenger car tires

The new Arisun passenger car tires include two lineups: Aggressor for passenger cars and Aresta for SUVs and light trucks. The Aggressor includes ZS03 and ZP01. The ZS03 is an all-season UHP tire with excellent high-speed handling, while the ZP01 is a high-value touring all-season tire with smooth riding. The Aresta includes 4x4 ZG02, H/T ZG04, A/T ZG06, R/T ZG07 and M/T ZG08, designed to provide a wide range of options perfect for both highway comfort and off-road durability.



87 Performance Handbook 2023 PERFORMANCE DATAFILE

OEM Wheels

1-800EveryRim OEM Wheels

12078 Florence Avenue

Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670

(800) 383-7974

Text 951-RimText (951) 746-8398

Chase Potter, manager

Products: OEM replacement wheels; used, new, take-offs, reconditioned, Buy/sell alloy and steel



31 Incorporated

100 Enterprise Drive

Newcomerstown, OH 43822 (800) 438-3302

Products: tire repair materials. TPMS and other related tire service supplies www.31inc.com

American Omni Trading

1221 Park West Green Drive

Katy, TX 77493

(281) 600-TIRE (8473)

Fax: (281) 600-8475

Chris Brackin, president

Products: UHP tires; radial passenger, light truck and medium truck tires; OTR tires; industrial and farm tires. www.american-omni.com

Apollo Tires U.S. Inc.

1175 Peachtree Street NE

Atlanta, GA 30361

(877) 234-0867

Products: Commercial truck tires www.apollotrucktires.com

Aston Technologies Inc.

14303 Sully eld Circle, Suite G Chantilly, VA 20151 (703) 348-3777, Ext. 1000

Products: Tire changers for passenger vehicles, light trucks and commercial trucks; wheel balancers for passenger vehicles, light trucks and commercial trucks; wheel alignment machines for passenger vehicles, light trucks and commercial trucks; two-post car lifts and full rise and mid-rise scissor lifts, mobile column lifts and alignment racks; A/C recycle, recover and recharge machines with 134A and 1234RF dual system; tire nitrogen lling system; 55inch and 72-inch 10-drawer tool chest www.astontechnologies.com

Atturo Tires

3250 North Oak Grove Avenue Waukegan, IL 60087 (855) 879-8548

Email: dealer@atturo.com

Products: Atturo Tires is dedicated to the growing light truck (4x4), SUV crossover and muscle car segments of the market, designing and distributing stylishly aggressive tires built to t the performance needs for both on-road and off-road. www.atturo.com


36 Harbor Park Drive

Port Washington, NY 11050 (855) 288-3587

Products: Cutting-edge diagnostic technology for all aspects of automotive repair. Products include ADAS calibration systems, diagnostic scanners, DIY code readers, key programming tablets, service and maintenance tools and TPMS tools and sensors. www.autel.com

Bartec USA

6475 19 ½ Mile Road

Sterling Heights, MI 48314

Sales Toll Free: (855) 877-9732

Tech Support Toll Free: (866) 407-8767

Of ce Fax: (586) 323-3801

Products: TPMS diagnostic and repair tools, Rite-Sensor TPMS sensors, tire in ators, tread depth tools




Continental Tire

Continental Tire the Americas LLC

1830 MacMillan Park Drive

Fort Mill, SC 29707

(800) 847-3349

Fax: (704) 587-6555

Jochen Etzel, CEO

Products: Ultra-high performance tires, passenger tires, light truck tires, medium/heavy truck tires, commercial tires, motorcycle tires, bicycle and specialty tires. www.continentaltire.com

Twitter: @continentaltire

Instagram: @continental_tire

Facebook: facebook.com/continentaltire

Gaither Tool Company Inc.

2255 W. Morton Avenue

Jacksonville, IL 62650

(217) 245-0545

Fax: (217) 245-0940

Products: Gaither manufactures equipment for demounting, mounting, in ating and repairing tubeless tires, as well as a complete line of professional lifting equipment. Brands: Gaithr, Winntec, ecube, Bead Bazooka, Moore-Safe, TRAC.


Performance Handbook 2023 88 PERFORMANCE

General Tire

Continental Tire the Americas, LLC

1830 MacMillan Park Drive

Fort Mill, SC 29707

(800) 847-3349

Fax: (704) 587-6555

Jochen Etzel, CEO

Products: Ultra-high performance tires, passenger tires, light truck tires, off-road tires, medium/heavy truck tires, commercial tires www.generaltire.com

Twitter: @generaltire

Instagram: @general_tire

Facebook: facebook.com/generaltire

Greenball Corporation

222 S. Harbor Blvd., Suite 700

Anaheim, CA 92805

(800) 946-9412

Products: Light truck, ATV/UTV, special trailer, golf cart, lawn and garden, mobile home.

Brands: Kanati, GBC Powersports, Centennial www.greenballtires.com

Kenda Tires USA

7095 Americana Parkway

Reynoldburg, OH 43068

(614) 866-9803

Fax: (614) 866-9805

Products: Ultra-high performance tires, passenger tires, light truck tires, including all-season highway, all-terrain (A/T), rugged-terrain (R/T) and mud-terrain (M/T), SUV/CUV tires, specialty tires, trailer tires, ATV tires, motorcycle tires, golf cart tires, ag/farm tires and bicycle tires. www.kendatire.com

McGard LLC

3875 California Road

Orchard Park, NY 14127

(800) 669-6887 or (716) 662-8980

Fax: (716) 662-8985

Durham McCauley, CEO; Peter McCauley, president; John Mondo, vice president of sales and marketing; Kevin Halt, vice president of sales, Japan, Asia & Oceania; Chris Smith, director of OEM sales Products: Wheel accessories, including wheel locks, lug nuts, lug bolts, spare tire locks. Vehicle security products, including tailgate locks and door locks for Jeep.


Sailun Tire Americas

1 Kenview Blvd., Suite 300 Brampton, Ontario, Canada L6T 5E6 (855) 499-3240 or (289) 499-3240

Fax: (905) 792-8583

Email: info@GoSailun.com

Products: Ultra-high performance tires, passenger tires, light truck tires, off-road tires, medium/heavy truck tires and commercial tires exclusively distributed by TBC Corp. www.GoSailun.com

Schrader TPMS Solutions

1960 Research Drive, Suite 100 Troy, MI 48083

(248) 530-6850

Email: SchraderNA@sensata.com

Products: Schrader offers a complete line of TPMS solutions ranging from their single-SKU, programmable EZ-sensor family of products to pre-programmed OE replacement sensors, programming and diagnostic tools, retro t kits and the industry’s rst free online TPMS training platform.

Social: Schrader TPMS Solutions


Kumho Tire USA

133 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 2800

Atlanta, GA 30303

(800) 445-8646

Products: Ultra-high performance tires; passenger car tires; light truck and SUV/ CUV tires; commercial tires, including on/ off-road and school bus. All-season tires, winter, all-terrain and mud-terrain tires. www.kumhotireusa.com


Sentury Tire USA

3850 West 108 Street, Suite 1

Hialeah FL 33018

(305) 621-5101

Maxwell Wee, executive vice president

Products: Ultra-high performance, CUV and passenger touring tires. Light truck; mud terrain, rough terrain, all-terrain, snow, premium HT tires. Brands: Delinte, GroundSpeed, Landsail, Sentury and Pantera. www.senturytireusa.com

Sumitomo Tires

4300 TBC Way

Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410

(866) 822-4968

Fax: (800) 467-4638

Products: Advertising/marketing programs, passenger tires, performance tires, high performance tires, SUV/CUV/light truck tires, radial medium/heavy truck tires, tire tubes, tire valves, tire pressure monitoring systems, wheel weights, steel and aluminum truck wheels, trailer wheels, alignment equipment, brake service equipment, lifts and jacks, tire display racks, tire mounting and balancing equipment, tire pressure monitoring system equipment, web and other online assistance and road hazard programs. www.sumitomotire.com

Tire Group International

7500 NW 35th Terrace

Miami, FL 33122

(305) 696-0096

Contact: tgi@tiregroup.com

Products: World leader in distribution and manufacturing of quality tires for all segments of the industry. www.tiregroup.com

89 Performance Handbook 2023 PERFORMANCE DIRECTORY

Tireco Inc.

500 W. 190th Street, Suite 600 Gardena, CA 90248 (310) 767-7990

Andrew Hoit, vice president of sales and marketing

Products: Ultra-high performance tires, passenger car tires, light truck and SUV tires, commercial light truck tires, commercial tires, specialty tires and wheels. www.tireco.com www.tireco.com

WheelerShip LLC

850 Washington Avenue

Carlstadt, NJ 07072 (877) 788-8283

Joseph Cannova, owner

George Popovich, director of sales

Products: OEM, reproduction and remanufactured alloy and steel wheels; TPMS sensors; lug nuts; center caps; brake pads; lighting; mirrors; EV charging; aftermarket parts and accessories; buy/sell aluminum; retail and wholesale. Live inventory, same-day free ground shipping Monday-Friday, warranty and volume discounts. www.wheelership.com support@wheelership.com

ZC Rubber America Inc.

663 Brea Canyon Road, Suite #4 Walnut, CA 91789

Tel: (909) -598-5585, ext. 5

Fax: (909) 598-5587

Products: Ultra-high performance tires, high performance tires, passenger tires, SUV/CUV/light truck tires, medium/ heavy truck tires, commercial tires, ATV tires, bicycle and specialty tires. www.arisuntires.com


Transamerica Tire Company Ltd. 5118 Park Avenue, Suite 60 Memphis, TN 38117 (626) 536-2339

Email- marketing@transamericatire.com

Products: We offer a complete line of products for various applications, including ST trailer tires, ultra-high performance tires, summer and winter passenger tires, light truck tires (all-terrain, rugged-terrain and mud-terrain) and other specialty tires. Our brands include Venom Power Tire, Predator Tire, Freedom Hauler Tire and Transeagle Tire. www.transamericatire.com

Vredestein Tires Inc.

1175 Peachtree Street NE Atlanta, GA 30361

(877) 234-0867

Products: High performance tires, passenger tires, classic tires, ag/farm tires, industrial tires, lawn/garden tires. www.vredestein.com

Wheel Consultants Inc.

213 N. Stephanie Street, Suite G-#303 Henderson, NV 89074

(310) 357-7293

Fax: (310) 427-7199

Products: The Ultimate Wheel & Tire Plus Sizing Guide. Contains tments for cars, trucks, SUVs and crossovers. Current and vintage vehicle applications. Speci cations and data for original equipment and plus sizesAvailable in print and digital formats. www.plussizingguide.com

Performance Handbook 2023 90 PERFORMANCE DIRECTORY Ad Index ADVERTISER PAGE WEBSITE 1-800EveryRim OEM Wheels 21 www.1800everyrim.com 31 Inc. 49 www.31inc.com American Omni Trading 17, 43 www.thunderertireusa.com Apollo Vredestein Tires Inc. 13 www.vredestein.com Aston Technologies 45 www.astontechnologies.com Atturo Tires 5 www.atturo.com Autel 7 www.autel.com Bartec USA 47 www.bartecusa.com Continental Tire 19 www.continentaltire.com Cosmo Tires 33 www.cosmotires.com Gaither Tool Company Inc. 23 www.gaithertool.com General Tire 31 www.generaltire.com Greenball Corporation 29 www.kanatitires.com Kenda Tires USA IBC automotive.kendatire.com Kumho Tire USA 25 www.kumhotireusa.com McGard LLC 27 www.mcgard.com Sailun Tire Americas 9 www.roadxtires.com Schrader TPMS Solutions 51 www.schradertpms.com Sentury Tire USA 15 www.delintetires.com Sumitomo Tires OBC www.sumitomotire.com Transamerica Tire Company Ltd. IFC www.predatortires.com Wheel Consultants Inc. 41 www.plussizingguide.com WheelerShip LLC 37 wholesale.wheelership.com ZC Rubber America Inc. 35 www.arisuntires.com




The 2nd evolution of the Klever mud terrain tire is engineered to conquer tough terrain from primal trails to grueling off-road races. High-tech features give it a distinct advantage in challenging terrain where the Klever M/T2 shines. To learn more about this hard-working tire, visit KendaTire.com

A-B tread pattern to minimize road noise

Optimized void area for mud evacuation

Interlocking tread pattern for optimized off-road forward and lateral traction

Aggressive “blockchain sidewall” designed to protect against cuts, tears and abrasion

Mud Diffuser allows mud to flow easily out of the pattern

Stone Ejectors remove rocks and mud from the pattern

Strong rim protect bar

30 initial sizes

Series: 85 – 60 & Flotation

Load Range: C, D, E, F

Rim Range: 15 – 22

Speed Rating: Q & R

/KendaTiresUSA Automotive.KendaTire.com /KendaTire
Triple Threat 3-ply sidewall with blockchain design Kenda Klever M/T2 highlighted features
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