New Reason for Men to Manage Weight

Page 1 New Reason for Men to Manage Weight A new study has found that men with large waists urinate more frequently than their slimmer counterparts. This is another reason, a direct irritating symptom, for men to try their hardest not to give in to obesity. The health news comes from Cornell University, where researchers found that men with waists measuring over 100 centimeters (cm) reported up to three times more urinary problems than men with waists of less than 90 cm. They also found that larger waist measurements were linked to high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and sexual organ-related issues. The epidemics of obesity and diabetes have led to a striking increase in the number of people with metabolic syndrome, which is essentially a cluster of symptoms that put your heart at risk. Now emerging data suggests that metabolic syndrome may have an effect on how often men urinate. The study included 409 men (40 to 91) who had moderate or severe lower urinary tract symptoms. Key findings included: – 37.5% of men had a waist circumference of less than 90 cm; 33.5% measured 90 to 99 cm; and 29% measured 100 cm or more. Men in their 70s were most likely to be in the third group. – Larger waist circumference was associated with more frequent urination; 39% of the men in the large waist group urinated more than eight times in 24 hours, compared to 16% of the men with the smallest waists. – 44% of men in the larger waist circumference group urinated more than twice in the night, compared to 15% in the smallest waist group. – 75% of men with larger waists reported erection problems, compared to 32% with the smallest waits.

– The same pattern was shown with high blood pressure (34% versus 15%), coronary artery disease (29% vs. eight percent), type 2 diabetes (33% vs. 11%), and cholesterol (254 mg/dL vs. 148 mg/dL). The study also found that, due to a higher risk of prostate volume issues, men with larger waists faced a great risk of serious issues with the prostate (including cancer). They just literally had far higher risks of all the health issues so far discussed here. It goes back to the frequent urination issues, especially in the nighttime. “Waist measurement,” the researchers write, “may therefore represent an easy diagnostic tool when it comes to the likelihood of male urinary problems.” Article Source: New Reason for Men to Manage Weight Doctors Health Press is a leading source of weight loss tips and other health news. Our health newsletter provides natural health advice and herbal remedies for different diseases and conditions.

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