WHO ARE WE? DOCUPERU is a non-profit organization that promotes, disseminates, and produces multi-format documentary materials, as tools of expression and empowerment to encourage the democratization of communication and the development of national and international communities. The organization prioritizes human relations and processes of implementation in order to foster participative and collaborative methodologies aimed to empower the communities involved in the production of documentary materials.
DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES Docuperu seeks a more just, ecologically responsible, democratic, and inclusive society where citizens are active actors in the narration of their own stories. Docuperu fervently believes in proactive action and in dialogue-based communication in order to build new codes and new forms of relationships among citizens Docuperu strives for a just representation of all urban and rural communities within the communicative and social spectrum. 1 | DOCUPERU
work history and projects
documentary caravan
11 edicions made 35 locations undertaken 142 documentaries produced 1,074 participants
12 edicions made Lima (Peru), Cochabamba (Bolivia), Guadalajara and Colima (Mexico) 51 documentaries produced 238 participants
media that moves
documentary backpack
06 edicions made 10 locations undertaken 44 documentaries produced 71 participants
04 edicions made 5 locations undertaken 15 documentaries produced 45 participants
2005 documentary caravan
media that moves
documentary backpack
incidence and Social intervention After years of work and association with various communities, we have reached the conclusion that it is necessary to generate projects and documentary products with a different purpose from the traditional ones, which allow us to position ourselves and face the neoliberal policies and the new world order that govern us. We assume the political responsibility that our ending products are relevant to the visible and invisible reality of our territories and it’s our main goal that our products come from a relevant judgement and of media activism interest.
Documentary caravan (2005) In a country where traditional media and the majority of audiovisual production are targeted to sectors that respond to economic and social interests, the results are that the cultural and human aspects of issues remain invisible. Rural farmer organizations, community based organizations, women’s organizations, cultural stories and ancestral practices are some of the topics that we want to recover and give voice to, at Docuperu. We assume memory, subjectivity and daily life activities as the main components of every narrative. Caravana Documental - Documentary Caravan, is then a traveling decentralized route of communication and content production in a participatory / collaborative way that allows us to fulfill this objective. We use an experiential methodology that seeks, through the use of different media supports (video, photo, radio, fanzine, mural and more), the empowerment and self-representation of the communities in their territories.
Media that moves (2009) Medios que conmueven - Media that moves is a project for the production of communication content, in different formats (video, photography, radio, fanzine, mural painting and plastic arts), that aim to generate documentary products for campaigns and action strategies on social, political, human rights and gender issues that are not visible in traditional media.So far, we have worked with communities affected by forced sterilization, forced eviction, State violence, State abandonment at different levels, pollution and environment problems. 5 | DOCUPERU
Education We seek, through the communicative processes and products, to intervene, transform and produce documentary projects that reflect and influence on our realities, through self-representation. We understand education as a process of knowledge assimilation from different languages and disciplines, having as a main tool the various documentary manifestations, genres and its implications. We believe in a methodology based on subjectivity and personal points of view to generate processes and documentary products.
Another kind of documentary (2007) El Otro Documental (EOD) - Another kind of Documentary, initiated on 2007, it is an alternative documentary learning space aimed at the prospect to re-think and transform all documentary possibilities. It was the first intensive workshop for documentary production nationwide and it was the need for such preparation and growth space, which could provide theoretical and technical tools, what originated its creation. During the EOD, what we prioritize is the documentalist motivation and its relation with the subject to develop. We work with an alternative approaching method towards the subject and the reality that surrounds it.
As today, twelve years later after EOD was funded, it is one of the most highlighted references of documentary production under an alternative methodology, theoretically constructed and confirmed throughout the years, during our many different projects. Apart from the Lima editions, EOD has also been taken place in Colima-Mexico (2014, 2015 and 2018), Cochabamba-Bolivia (2017) and it is looking forward to expand and to share the experience with several communities and territories.
Documentary backpack (2014) Mochila Documental - Documentary Backpack, is an alternative nomadic space of mediaeducation and training aimed at community leaders, organizations and collectives throughout national territory. We seek to reinforce the capabilities and tools of the community leaders for the documentary production on the existing issues concerning the community and territories, through the exchange of communication tools, creating integral collective action plans and strategies that go hand in hand to the according objectives of their organizations. Mochila Documental was born in 2014, as a result from many years of work and contribution between many grassroots organizations and after having built communicative articulations, all over the country and alliances with different institutions that develop topics such as human rights, gender, education, child and youth, protection of territory, environment, among others.
PRODUCTION DOCUPERU, through its long years of work, has also been a training space for its members. Many creative endeavours have started from projects worked and motivated by integral trips and interconnections with several communities. For this reason, Docuperu is currently also a production house that is different from other commercial producers in relation with methodology, spirit and work logic. We provide internal and external services, which offers to produce a variety of audiovisual communication products.
DOCUPERU METHODOLOGY DOCUPERU makes available services to organizations and national or international entities that wish to put to use our participatory methodology to obtain results, products or necessary dynamics inside their work and pursuits. It is vital to create documentaries or communicative products that express and can translate ideas, points of view and concrete results. We consider necessary to use an audiovisual language to visualize related projects and induce dynamics of integration and selfrepresentation.
INTERNAL PRODUCTION After years of persistence and growth in creating an alternative space for documentaries, Docuperu has given itself the task of producing internal documentary projects that can be screened in commercial and non-commercial circuits and exhibitions, at a national and international level. Docuperu currently has several personal and internal projects in different stages of production. Current projects Bruma Dir. José Balado / Docuperu / Peru Winner of the Peruvian Ministry of Culture 2018 National Cultural Management Contest for Film and Audiovisual Production, feature format, in the “In Progress” category.
Upcoming projects In the Inca’s footsteps Dir. Nataniel Furgang / Docuperu / Peru Cristina Gálvez Dir. Jimena Mora / Docuperu / Peru
We provide audiovisual production services, project development and communication campaigns tailored to the client’s needs and project objectives, using our methodology and production strategies, based on an educational and development perspective. Our clients have included national and international entities, academic centers, ministries and a diverse range of associations related to human rights, environment, gender and education, among other issues. National
We also offer personalized consultations for documentary projects at any stage of production.
Strategic partners
OUR GOALS 1. To be a permanent and formal training space. 2. To continue with our advocacy and travel in Peru, through projects such as the Media that Moves Caravan, contributing to the development of a country-album in documentary form. 3. To have a physical space supplied with technological tools and infrastructure that allows for the development of new projects. 4. Improvement and specialization of the Docuperu team, in order for the organization’s projects to continue growing. 5. Continue with the internationalization of Docuperu, through joint projects and methodology exchanges with educational institutions, production houses and related organizations.
rESULTS pRODUCtIONS 1. Docuperu has produced a country-album of images, documentaries, photos and stories from throughout national territory. There are around 310 documentaries, more than 2,000 photos and other media products generated in different workshops. 2. We have developed a participaticipatory and collaborative methodology for collaboration with communities throughout Peru. 3. During these years, the educational area and knowledge transfer has been strengthened in an experiential way. This work began in Lima, but has now expanded to Mexico and Bolivia.
synergies In our 17 years of work, we have achieved partnerships and mutual support between the public sector, grassroots organizations and international collaborators, as well as in the private sector: National and International · Spanish Cultural Center / AECID (Peru) · Place of Memory Museum / Lugar de la Memoria (Peru) · Zanate Film Festival / Festival de Cine Zanate (Mexico) · Ministry of Culture of Peru / Ministerio de Cultura - Directorate for Audiovisual,
· Broederlijk-Delen (Belgium) · National Museum of the American Indian / Smithsonian (USA) · Festival de Cine LASA / LASA Film Festival (Canada) · Festival de Cine de Lima / Lima Film Festival (Peru) · Televisión de América / Latina Latin American Television / TAL (Brasil) · Hot Docs International Documentary Festival / Hot Docs International Documentary Festival (Canada) · Anmistía Internacional / Ammnesty International (Peru) Local and regional · · Casa Panchita · Programa de Democracia y Transformación Global (PDTG) · Proyecto Jugando Aprendo · CEDEP Ayllu · Cooperacción · Grufídes · Mujeres de mi barrio · Flora Tristán · Demus · Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos (CNDH)
Phonographic and New / DAFO (Peru) · Jan Vrijman Foundation (Holland) DOCUPERU | 14
calendar 2019 North Coast Documentary Caravan 2019 / Pto. Pizarro - El Ñuro - Sta. Rosa - Trujillo · 16 documentaries · 38 photographic essays · 05 sound - documentary · 04 musical pieces y 1 music video · 04 murals · 01 fanzine Bruma Dir. José Balado / Docuperu / Peru Winner of the Peruvian Ministry of Culture 2018 National Cultural Management Contest for Film and Audiovisual Production, feature format, in the “In Progress” category.
Documentary Backpack Paruro Palestina (2018 - 2020) Assessment and design of a communication plan for the communities of Calca, Cocha and Omacha (Paruro, Cusco). First Paruro - Palestina Meeting / June 2019 · Editing workshop · Whatsapp workshop · Art and stage performance workshop for children Humanizing communication / EOD JULY 2019 Theoretical workshop that breaks down and discusses the paradigms, references and experiences found during the elaboration and intervention of the Documentary Caravan Route, with the objective of discussing, presenting, confronting and exposing the participants to a methodology that is based on proactive action.
Documentary Backpack Paruro Palestina (2018 - 2020) Intervention #1 - December 2018 · 06 documentaries · 09 photographic essays · 02 sound - documentary
Truths and lies / EOD OCTOBER 2019 Theoretical workshop that examines the history of the documentary genre in film and video, through narrative styles and options, theoretical paradigms developed since its inception, and different production formats and methods.
· 03 graphic pieces · 01 fanzine · 09 writing essays
Documentary Backpack Paruro Palestina (2018 - 2020) Meeting #2 (November - December 2019)
calendar 2020 JANUARY
Bruma / January - April
Documentary Backpack Paruro Palestina / January - August
La Resi - Accha / from January 12 to 25
Office work / Production
Another kind of documentary - Accha / from January 19 to February 08 DOCUPERU | 16
DOCUMENTAL PERUANO CONTACT JosĂŠ Balado (Director) (+51) 997 503 656 Gabriela Urco (Producer) (+51) 947 310 267