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Developing the right ''exam prep'' strategies
Start your revision early
Don’t leave revision till last minute. Psychologically this could panic or anxiety which can lead to negative impact on your exam performance.
Most education experts recommend starting your revision two or three months before your exams – so ideally you should be starting your revision no later than the beginning of March.
However, if you end up start your revision in May, do not panic. Stay composed, it’s all about making the most of the time left – if you use it wisely, you can still achieve outstanding results.
We recommended all late starters to watch Sarah Chu's 4-week revision plan (below), which we believe will give you some useful insights.
Master key topics
It’s extremely important to be familiar with the topics that are likely to be examined and the right approach to answering questions –using past papers / mark schemes / examiner reports and the syllabus / curriculum guide / learning outcomes for hints.
In general, it is often pointless to spend a lot of time practising answering questions or topics that won’t or can’t be or have never been examined. What the examiner is looking for is the evidence of understanding of the intended learning outcomes, and your revision should involve purposeful practice at evidencing those learning outcomes.
Practice revision time-management excellence
Exceptional students always plan their day/ week/month ahead throughout the exam season.
• Having a planner / calendar / diary / sticker-notes / highlighters can help you balance homework, revision, and socialising / exercising / gaming /mobile phone time.
• Establish your daily priorities, every morning.
• Break down revision tasks into projects lasting 30/45/60-minute blocks.
• Schedule these into your planner/ calendar/diary.
• Stick you your routine, where possible, and keep working on your self-discipline until it becomes second nature to you.
Positive Attitude
Research has prove that the expectations stu ents have a out themselves have a significant impact on their attainment.
Numerous psychologists have also note that stu ents ith a positive attitu e have a gro th achievement riven min set that learns from mista es an strives for excellence.
t is ho ever crucial to ma e sure your expectations are pitche at the appropriate levels not too lo not too high. They must e realistic not too challenging yet also not too easy.
vi ence has sho n that unrealistic expectations may have negative aca emic performance an may lea to stress an anxiety for learners uring exam time.
Develop a disciplined, healthy lifestyle during the exam season
Healthy habits and lifestyle need to be incorporated in your daily routines if you are going to be a highflyer. Some simple practices that you could embed in your daily routines during this exam season include:

Keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water both at home and at school/college –
Stay active physical activity inclu ing al ing to school college sporting activities ogging gym or any other activities that can e fitte aroun your revision timeta le. xercise ill ma e you more alert an positive.
Deep breathing practice regular eep reathing to oost your focus an clarity efore an uring the exam.
Maintain a healthy diet, ith more fruit an veg healthy snac s an less un foo fi y rin s sugar an fats. voi s ipping rea fast emem er too much caffeine can ma e you feel anxious an istur your sleep.
Maintain optimum sleep levels nsure you get sufficient sleep to help hen processing information in your revision sessions an in the exam. leep gives your o y an rain rest for a fresh next ay a sharper memory improve concentration an helps protect your mental health. im for a minimum of hours of sleep every ay.
Regulate phone usage avoi too much se entary still time spent on your mo ile phone on T on your computer or gaming consoles. ften times its not only asting precious revision time ut it may also ea en your mental performance hilst also negatively impacting your eight Exam Season