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Tips for
Visit The School
Visit the school or attend the transition day with them if you can. Have a chat with a member of the Pastoral Team to understand if there is any extra guidance and support provided to help them settle in.
Rehearse Travel To School
If they are going to use public transport or walking, you may want to rehearse travelling the journey together, to boost their confidence. If required, ensure you get them a bus pass, oyster card or train season tickets. Where necessary, give them the necessary safety hints and tips on any tricky parts of the journey. It is also worth advising them what to do and how to seek for help if there are to face any problems along the journey.
Support Them Emotionally
Listen to them and encourage them to open up if they show signs of anxiety, feeling overwhelmed or bullying during the first days.
Encourage them to also use the school’s confidential services to help them deal with any pressures or challenges.
Encourage A Good Sleep
Insist that they go to bed early and ensure they switch off or mute any unnecessary electronic devices.
Fill In Necessary Forms
Fill in any forms required by the school for things like data protection / GDPR and applying for the cashless payment system for purchasing dinner.