22 minute read

Learning disability or difficulty, the reality

It is estimated that there are approximately 2.16% of adults and 2.5% of children with a learning disability in the UK (Office for National Statistics 2019). This may seem like a small number, but in reality, it is difficult to accurately determine a more exact figure because many individuals pass through the education system and much of their working life undiagnosed.

They either develop individual strategies to address the challenges that learning disability presents or chalk it up to not being smart. Individuals with learning disabilities often have difficulty asking for help with peer-related situations, they often lack the social-emotional skills necessary to handle peer pressure, bullying, and reading social cues of others and consequently often suffer in silence. However, for those that know and understand their difficulties, and learn to acknowledge their coping strategies, life can be challenging yet rewarding in equal measure.


So, what is the difference between learning disability and learning difficulty? Learning disability describes when an individual finds it harder to learn, understand and communicate. In contrast, learning difficulty refers to specific challenges with learning resulting from medical, emotional or language problems (SEN). Therefore, an individual with specific difficulties such as dyslexia does not necessarily have learning disabilities.

Overall, learning disabilities are neurologicallybased processing problems which interfere with learning basic skills. This inevitably opens the debate regarding intelligence. While there is some data to suggest a relationship between some learning disabilities and lowered IQ, it is not enough to suggest causation. Further, higher level skills such as organising, time planning, abstract reasoning, long or short-term memory and attention are usually also affected by neurologically based problems.

There are many types of learning disabilities: ADD/ ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), Dyslexia, Dysgraphia. Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia, Auditory processing disorder, Visual processing issues, Nonverbal learning disabilities, to name a few. The general use of the expression, “a slow learner,” further complicates matters. “A slow learner” is not a diagnostic category. It is an expression used to describe a student who can learn necessary academic skills but at a rate and depth below the average of his or her peers.

I have had the privilege of interviewing two young adults, Daniel and Ashley, who have both passed through the education system, including university, and both have learning disabilities. Their frank description of their experiences is compelling, reflecting the impact that their learning disability had and continues to have on their lives.

In the rest of the article, I highlight the challenges that both Ashley and Daniel have had while studying and then transitioning into the adult world of work as they endeavour to fulfil their ambition.

University experience – AD(H)D and the Domino Effect: For students, university can be a turbulent and challenging time; but it is exactly these experiences that form character and strengthen individuals. The struggles are not uniform, however, and some may have a larger challenge ahead of them than others.

Daniel and Ashley are two professionals who have persevered through the education system and graduated from university, despite facing hardships that have come with their learning disabilities. Both have AD(H)D but are also both adamant that their diagnoses are challenges, not excuses, and both believe there are equally as many benefits as there are hindrances that come with the disorder.

I have interviewed them and they have concluded that their seemingly negligible experiences of having AD(H)D have, over time, compounded into a domino effect, which has ultimately resulted in losing control.

Many students with AD(H)D struggle to maintain attention, which means that, being able to absorb content in lectures is nigh on impossible. Both Ashley and Daniel described leaving lectures unable to recall much of what occurred and believed that their attendance was futile - reading, watching educational videos, or even just listening to a dicta-phone recording of the lecture would have all been better uses of their time.

The key point to these activities is that if you lose attention, you can easily go back through the parts you’ve missed. In a lecture however, missing one important point could mean you spending the remainder of the lecture trying to work out what is going on. Furthermore, even if attention was able to be maintained throughout the lecture, both Daniel and Ashley described that recalling information was difficult, a common tendency of AD(H)D.

This was worsened by the fact they could not simultaneously listen and take notes. As a result of all this, they would both attend lectures but still require time to read, watch or listen to further educational material. They thus had less time to complete coursework; the first domino to losing control set in place.

Independent learning challenges: Working from home can cause a lot of problems; productivity can be affected by not having a clear distinction between work and life space. However, communal work environments come with their own set of issues for those with AD(H)D.

Despite Daniel and Ashley studying subjects that involved working in very different environments, they both encountered similar issues. The focal point of these issues revolved around distraction; Ashley found that sounds very easily interrupted her workflow; for Daniel, it was all too easy to become engrossed in assisting other people with their work, struggling to prioritise his own work above others. Failing to work effectively in these environments was another domino in the struggle for control.

Generally speaking, those with AD(H)D often struggle with sleep; being wide awake at times when they should rest; and very tired at times when they should be attentiv e . Ashley and Daniel often lost a lot of sleep for a multitude of reasons and ‘all-nighters’ were a frequent occurrence during term time - not just during deadlines.

They disclosed that working during the night gave them the space to work without the distractions that were present during the day, but it also was the time they felt most productive; often being alert and more focused at times when everyone else would be getting ready to sleep. But working late often meant that day-time obligations were hard to maintain, and their social lives were often disrupted. To sustain either meant to lose out on sleep, which is ultimately a very corrosive action to take. A large domino in the struggle for control.

Prioritisation and time management: Another trait that is common to AD(H)D, is taking on too much. With such varied interests, it can be hard to prioritise what you spend your time doing. Ashley took on a lot of additional responsibilities in her household, without considering the ramifications.

Unable to prioritise and often choosing urgency overimportance;Ashleyevenfoundherselfdriving without insurance which had been cancelled as payments bounced during her exam period.

Daniel, similarly, took on too many responsibilities at university, running the architecture student society and becoming student representative. Whilst these activities were very beneficial, they came at a cost to his academic performance and social life. This inability to prioritise was the domino that tipped in a long line of dominos. Whilst control was seemingly lost early-on in their studies, by the end of university both Daniel and Ashley eventually devised their own coping mechanisms and had sought help with managing their time. Both advocate that getting assistance was key to turning their studies around; simply having someone to talk to objectively and openly was fundamental. But they also strongly believe that by not trying to fit into the norm and devising their own approaches to studying - tackling their issues in their way - were paramount to not only succeeding but excelling in university. With the right approach, AD(H)D can benefit as much as it inhibits.

Transitioning to the workplace: Transitioning from school or university to work for individuals with learning disabilities presents a whole new set of challenges that go unnoticed by the general public. Whilst the university setting may have offered a great deal of flexibility and support to students with learning disabilities, the world of work is, generally not as accommodating. That is not to say that learning disability prevents individuals from thriving in the workplace. Rather, it just requires greater overall awareness, planning andwillingnessonallpartiestodevelopandadopt appropriate support strategies.

When I first managed a member of staff with a learningdisability,heencouragedmetodevelopan appreciationofnotjusthisdisabilitybutassociated behavioural implications. Simple things helped such as ensuring that he was given more time in meetings to express his views. I also ensured that demanding work-related opportunities were not inadvertently withheld in a misguided effort not to make things too challenging for him.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank both Ashley and Daniel for sharing their very personal experiences.

Jameka Neil (Author)

Latha Kathakamathamby (Interviewer) Alexander Partners www.alexanderpartners.org.uk

What is the Best Way to Revise?

Tips for home-educators

Claire Senior, who has over 20 years experience as tutor, teacher and examiner, shares her insights into the best way to revise for GCSE and A Level exams, covering everything from past papers to effective revision techniques.

If you’ve ever Googled ‘best way to revise’, then chances are, you’re in need of some study motivation and a few pointers to help you prepare for your upcoming exams. As aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart said, “The most effective way to do it, is to do it.” Having said that...some methods of revision have a much greater impact than others. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you’re doing lots of revision because you’re spending an hour starting at a book. Fifteen minutes of adopting another method can often be a much more efficient use of time.

So, why do students still fall into the “sitting in the library” thinking trap? Well, because it’s easier than the methods that require brain power and analysis. Yet, it’s much less effective.

Here are my top tips on the best way to revise, so you’ll pass exams with flying colours.

Find Out What You’ll be Tested On

While it might be interesting to read around the subject (and helpful in many cases), exams are based on a specific set of topics and skills. Firstly, find out which exam board will be setting your exam

They provide specifications for each of the exams they set. These are easily accessible from a quick internet search if you haven’t been given one by your teacher.


When it comes to revising for exams, preparation is key. One of the best ways to get organised is to go through all your coursework notes and pull out those that are relevant to your exam. Not everything that you’ve studied throughout the year will be directly relevant to your tests, so only select the topics are.

You can then arrange your ‘exam’ notes in a new folder, so that they’re easily accessible should you need to check anything. This condensed version of your coursework can also be useful reading material in the hours leading up to your exam, to familiarise yourself with the content and get you in the right mindset for the test.

For more advice on how to organise your course notes, take a look at this video from student Olivia Greenhalgh.


Once you know what you’ll be tested on, how can you guarantee that you’ll actually put the time and effort in? One of the best ways to revise is to use a revision timetable. Not only do they hold you accountable for studying when you’re supposed to, but they can be a great motivator as you mark off each day that you complete.

A revision timetable doesn’t need to be elaborate. It can be as simple as a spreadsheet or a written schedule. If you prefer a more technological approach however, why not try a free revision timetable app like Adapt, which calculates the perfect amount of revision for each day.

For those of you who prefer visual learning techniques, using a wall planner as a revision timetable is a great way to see your entire plan in the one place. Boxclever Press have a great revision wall planner you can buy on Amazon or similar sites. If you choose this DIY approach to creating a timetable, then you’ll want to:

• Work out how many weeks you have left until each exam.

• Decide how many hours per week you need to study each subject.

• Choose one subject, break up the hours throughout the week and mark on your calendar when you’ll study it.

• Try to be as specific as possible with what you’ll study. Don’t just write the subject name, specify what topics you’ll cover and remember to schedule time at the end of each week for practicing with specimen papers.

• Do this for each subject and before you know it, you’ll have created a personal revision plan to help guide your studying.


Make sure you understand all the content. Memorising facts without knowing the context will only get you so far. For application-based questions, you’ll need to thoroughly understand the information as well as how it all links together.

If you’re not sure whether or not you understand something, try explaining it to an eight-year old (seriously). This might feel like an odd thing to do for GCSE or A Level subjects, but the more you understand something, the simpler you can make it sound when writing it in the exam.

One of the biggest mistakes students make when revising is only using one approach. Sure, you may enjoy reading through textbooks and highlighting notes, but sometimes a more proactive approach is required to ensure you actually retain the information you’re revising. Here are some revision techniques you should use to mix up your approach:

Keyword Recall – Using your exam notes, write out individual keywords and phrases that relate to each topic. You can write them out all on the one page, on flashcards or, better still, on post-it notes. Stick the keywords around the house and every time you see one, try to recall as much information about the topic as you can. It’s best to verbalise your thoughts out loud to strengthen your memory.

Student as Teacher – Again, using your exam notes, have a friend or family member choose a topic from your folder. Your role is to act as the teacher, teaching the other person about the subject as if they were the student. This is a good revision technique to improve your confidence as you realise how much you know.

Mind Mapping – Creating mind maps can be a good way of organising key themes or important equations into a visual reminder. Start by writing the subject in the centre of the page and creating stems that connect to each theme or formula. You can then add other relevant information around each theme. This technique works particularly well for visual learners or for creative students that are studying a more logical subject.

Study Groups – Your fellow classmates can be a great source of information, inspiration and support. Joining or organising a study group can provide you with the motivation to revise even when you don’t feel like it. In a study group, students can help you with any areas of a subject that you feel stuck with. It also makes revising more fun and you can organise quizzes or competitions to keep things interesting.

For some more revision techniques, check out this video from student Emma Louise:

If you’ve exhausted all the past papers in your subject, you can also try practising with specimen papers that are created by education companies and designed in the same style as those from the exam boards. Doddle has its own set of practice exam papers for each examination board.

Don’t Overdo it - Schedule Regular Breaks

Analyse and Practice with Past Papers

One of the best ways to revise is to analyse past papers. Practising exam questions is great, but if you don’t know where you have gained or lost marks, then you’ll likely make the same mistakes in the next test too.

Take the time to read the mark scheme. Find out which words and phrases the exam board give marks for and which ones lose you marks. Okay, so this can be a bit time consuming, but it’s definitely a much more efficient use of your time than just reading through notes, and hoping for the best.

Once you know how points are awarded, it’s time to get down to business. Gather all the past exam papers that you can from your exam board’s website (useful links at the end of this section) and work your way through them one-by-one.

As your exam approaches, start to tackle full papers in one go, under exam conditions and within the allowed time frame. This will improve your exam technique, get you used to answering questions under pressure and improve your time management skills.

Here are some useful links to past papers from each of the major exam boards:

OCR: https://www.aqa.org.uk

CAMBRIDGE: www.cambridgeinternational.org

CCEA: https://ccea.org.uk

EDEXCEL: https://qualifications.pearson.com

OCR: https://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications

SQA: https://www.sqa.org.uk/pastpapers/

WJEC: https://www.wjec.co.uk/home

As the saying goes, ‘all work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy’. It’s important to take regular breaks when you’re revising for exams. It can be tempting to continue revising for long hours when you feel in the mood, but it’s actually best to stop at the point that you feel you’re ‘in the flow’. If you take a break when you’re feeling engaged, you’ll find it much easier to get back into the swing of things when you go back to it.

One way to make sure you don’t overdo it with long periods of study is to use the Pomodoro technique. Essentially, this involves setting a timer for half-hour periods and working without distraction until the buzzer sounds. You can then take a 10 or 15-minute break until you set the timer again.

Your child's journey to Oxbridge or a Russell Group University.

From Year 8 to admissions, here’s a guide to what your child’s journey may look like if they want to attend an Oxbridge or Russell Group University.

Year 8/9 - Choose their GCSEs / N5s wisely, choosing subjects they are very strong at, thoroughly enjoy and have a connection with their future studies and career.

Year 11 - Ruthlessly pass their GCSEs / N5s. Choose their A Levels / Scottish Highers/IBs wisely.Atthisstagetheymusthavedecidedwhich degree courses or subject areas they are likely to pursue and what pre-requisite subjects they need to be accepted. Remember the key priority is to pick ‘facilitating subjects’ as much as possible.

Year 12 - Get some relevant work experience linked to their chosen subject area, if possible. Participate in extra-curricular activities and if possible, campaign for a leadership position to help decorate their Oxbridge / Russell Group application. Get their admission test preparation underway. Start drafting their personal statement and addressing any areas of weakness. If they are doing their AS Level exams or Scottish Highers, make sure they give them their best shot. If not, they still need to excel in their Year 12 Mocks / End of Year Exams.

Year 13 - Complete the UCAS Application, check the deadline (usually in October). We can never over-emphasise the importance of getting the personal statement right – make sure its spoton. Admissions tests are usually taken between October and November, so make sure they are fully prepared. (Warning – they can be s uper-challenging – so heavy preparation is extremely recommended). Interviews are usually in December and January – again, thorough preparation is essential. Offers are usually made in January. May/June is the exam season – the ultimate cr unch time! Some courses such as Cambridge Maths degrees sit their STEP admissions test around this time as well. Before they know it, it’s summer – Results season and starting Uni is just around the corner!

Oxbridge admissions process

Being accepted at Oxford or Cambridge or a Russell Group university is notoriously challenging. Things to consider before including Oxford or Cambridge or a Russell Group university on their UCAS application university choices:

1. Your child must have excellent GCSE / N5 grades under their belt.

2. They must have a strong set of AS or A Level / Scottish Advanced Higher / IB grades or predicted grades to demonstrate their exceptional academic abilities. They are generally expected to be on course to achieve AAA or 39-42 IB points (776 at Higher Level) as a bare minimum to stand a chance.

3. Make sure their personal statement is unique –demonstrating their exceptional academic abilities and potentials, their true passion for the chosen subject, as well as curiosity, critical reflection, a growth mindset, intriguing extra-curricular achievements and a well-rounded personality.

4. They must ace the admissions tests. A strong admissions test score gives them a chance to be considered for interview.

5. They must excel in the interview to get the final part of the jigsaw puzzle in place – a high interview score will only come through a lot of practice.

Year 12/13 UCAS personal statement tips

With only 4000 characters (around 500 –600 words), every sentence must remind the admissions tutors of your child’s abilities, potential, motivation, passion and enthusiasm. For each sentence they write, they should ask themselves: “Does this clearly demonstrate to the admissions tutors why they should enrol me on this course?”

Tip 1: Start preparation early

Given the October deadline, applicants are encouraged to start drafting their personal statement in Year 12 or over the summer holidays before starting Year 13.

Tip 2: Emphasise on academic stamina

Your child should prove their academic excellence and commitment in their subject through mentioning or critiquing:

• subject-relevant books, journals or digital publications they have read

• essays/blogs/portfolios/websites/ programming languages/research they have carried out

And in addition, include details of:

• their EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) essay

• team or individual competitions they have participated in

• prizes or awards they have won

• relevant lectures/webinars/online courses/ summer school they have attended or watched

• work experience projects/assignments they have undertaken

• what kept them intellectually active during any gap-year/year-out

• documentaries/podcasts they have watched or listened to

Tip 3: Demonstrate an understanding of university learning style

Your child should be ready to demonstrate to the admissions tutors that they understand the difference between Year 13 (A Levels / Scottish Highers/ IBs) and University. They must prove that they fully appreciate the depth, rigour, selfdirected independent learning and challenging style of assessment at a top university.

Tip 4: Give examples and reference to extracurriculars in context

Ensure your child includes detailed examples, putting them into context, and try to link them to the subject they are applying for. Illustrate in detail how their specific personal experiences and accomplishments link with their relevant personal traits, for instance passion, motivation, leadership ability, self-discipline and perseverance.

Tip 5: Practise, practise, practise

Use Oxbridge and Russell Group preparation websites or attend courses such as: www.oxbridgeapplications.com www.u2tuition.com www.kingseducation.com www.bellerbys.com www.bonasmacfarlane.co.uk www.oxfordtutors.com

Admissions test tips

Most Oxbridge and some Russell Group degree courses use a specific Admission Test, which in most case is tailored and relevant to the subject.

Tip 1: Start preparation early

Most successful candidates start preparing for admissions tests around May/June, as soon as they are done with Year 12 Mocks / AS Exams.

Tip 2: Identify the relevant admission test

Once your child knows the universities and courses they wish to apply for, they should find out which Admissions Tests they require.

Style of questions could include the following:

1. What is a number? What is your favourite number and why?

2. Do you think a robot needs comfort if unwell?

3. What are you expecting to get out of this degree?

4. What have you been researching on recently?

5. Do you thinking smoking should be banned and why?

Popular admissions tests used by Oxbridge and Russell Group Universities:

• STEP (Sixth Term Examination Paper) – Maths, Computing, Engineering and Economics courses

• MAT (Mathematics Admissions Test) – Maths and Computing related courses

• TMUA (Test of Mathematics for University Admissions) – Maths and Computing courses

• CTMUA (Cambridge Test of Mathematics for University Admissions) – Maths and Computing courses

• CSAT (Computer Science Admissions Test) –Computing courses

• PAT (Physics Aptitude Test) – Physics, Engineering and Material Science courses

• ENGAA (Engineering Admissions Assessment) –Engineering courses

• NSAA (Natural Sciences Admissions Assessment) – Natural Science (Physics, Chemistry & Biology) courses

• ECAA (Economics Admissions Assessment) –

Economics courses

• TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment) – Politics, Philosophy, Economics, Management and History courses

Tip 3: Make full use of past papers

They can begin by going through the content and when they start feeling comfortable, try attempting past papers, if possible, under timed conditions to fine-tune their exam technique. They should use this opportunity to practice time management by allocating time to each section and sticking to those time allocations. If they have time, consider practicing questions from other admissions tests too.

• If they are struggling with a multiple-choice question and are running out of time, there is no harm in taking a guess. Try to eliminate giving answers that are clearly wrong.

• For essay-type subjects, it’s recommended to practice critical thinking, formulating arguments and writing convincing essays.

Interview tips

Interviews are usually the next step for candidates with the required admission test scores. Most interviews are around 30 minutes, typically conducted by two or three subject tutors.

The purpose of interviews is not to catch your child out. They want to ensure they are resilient and can cope with the academic intensity of this level of study, their analytical and logical judgements and how agile and adaptable they are to new complex challenges being thrown at them.

It’s usually not the accuracy of their response that matters most – it’s their approach and way of thinking that is important – so encourage your child to share their thoughts and reasoning so tutors can assess what their learning and communication style is.

Tip 1: Planning is key

Make the necessary travel and accommodation preparations. Some universities like Oxford may require your child to stay for 2-3 nights, so do bear that in mind in your planning.

Tip 2: Check if there is a ‘at-interview’ test

Some universities, such as Cambridge, may want your child to sit an admissions test on the interview day. Get them to confirm this and if so, help them, to be fully prepared.

Tip 3: Research the type of questions usually asked Your child should:

• Prepare thoroughly with a friend or relative

• Thoroughly review their A Level / Scottish Higher / IB content as it may form the basis of some of the interview questions

• Read widely on the subject.

Be aware that:

• Some universities mix general and subject specific interviews.

• Some interviews start with the standard, ‘Why this subject?’ question. Always be ready to answer this one.

With most interviews being more subject specific, it is unlikely to have many questions based on your child’s personal statement, unless the admission tutors find something intriguing or that requires clarification.

Some questions can be very technical. Your child will definitely find it useful to carry out research on the style of questions specific to the course and university they are applying for. Some course interviews present a problem sheet to attempt prior to the test, then the interview will focus on your child’s approach to answering this.

The key to success throughout is in the preparation. It starts very early on in your child’s academic career at school, and this should of course be supplemented by extra-curricular pursuits to build a well-rounded candidate, ready for the challenges and rewards of attending Oxbridge or Russell Group Universities.

An Oxbridge or Russell Group University can be slightly different to others, so here’s a brief guide on what to expect, from degree length to customs and traditions.

Degree length

Most Oxbridge and Russell Group bachelors’ degrees last three years. However - Oxbridge undergraduate degrees leading to a Masters in the subject – for example, Computer Science (MCompSci), Engineering Science (MEng), Maths (MMath) and Physics (MPhys) last four years. Most Oxbridge Bachelor of Arts graduates are automatically conferred or promoted to the degree of Master of Arts (MA) as an academic rank, and not a qualification.

Academic year

Each Oxford or Cambridge and some Russell group academic year is divided into three ‘intense’ terms, which are each eight weeks long:

• Michaelmas term from October to December

• Hilary (Oxford) or Lent (Cambridge) term from January to March

• Trinity (Oxford) or Easter (Cambridge) term from April to June

In-between students have substantial vacation / holidays within which they will be studying from home.

However - some Russell Group universities’ academic year is divided into 2 semesters.

Collegiate system

Universities like Oxford and Cambridge (and a few other Russell Group universities such as Durham and York) operate a residential college system. Every Oxford or Cambridge student belongs to a college. There are 45 colleges at Oxford and 31 colleges at Cambridge.

Applicants usually choose a particular college to apply to and colleges ordinarily handle their own application processes. Each college is like a little ‘complex of historic and attractive buildings’ of student support services including accommodation, common rooms, cafes and bars, library services, computing facilities, health and finance services.

Oxbridge colleges are closely-knit social hubs and communities of undergraduate and post-graduate students studying different degrees, who work as a team in a lot of social events and participate as a team in intercollegiate competitions and sporting events. Colleges also provide academic support to students through their tutors and academic supervisors.

Teaching and learning

Teaching is delivered using a range of methods including

• Lectures: Lectures act as a starting point for each topic and typically last around 50 minutes to an hour.

• Problem sheet/example sheet assignment questions: sets of questions based on recent lectures.

• Tutorials/supervision: one-to-one or smallgroup sessions (1-3 students) providing the opportunity to explore the student’s subject more deeply, discuss their current essay or piece of work and ideas, and receive regular feedback from their tutor / academic supervisor. Debates with tutors take place too and will enhance intellectual confidence.

• Labs/practicals: laboratory classes focusing on practical elements of the course.

• Classes and seminars: small/mediumsized group discussions led by an academic providing students with the opportunity to discuss topics in more detail.

• Field trips, study visits, study abroad and language courses: several Oxbridge and Russell Group courses include opportunities to go on field trips, study visits, language courses or international exchange programmes.

• Essays and independent research: an opportunity for students to undertake their own research study (self-directed learning), explore theories and critically generate ideas. They will receive lots of reading lists and will be expected to write at least one essay a week, in most cases.

• Work experience: a chance to explore the world of work in the student’s chosen career. This often could lead to the opportunity of a securing a job upon graduating.


Most Oxbridge courses are assessed by exams at the end of the first and last years.

• First year examinations (prelims / moderations): these exams must be passed in order to progress to the second year.

• Final year exams (finals): must be passed to achieve the degree and determine the classification of the degree together with any practical work and/or dissertation.

• Colleges may also set their own progress tests or mock exams or ‘collections’, at the start/ end of each term to check that students are progressing satisfactorily through the course. These do not count towards the final degree class.

• Most Russell group courses are assessed each year, with the second and third year results determining the final degree classification.

Customs and traditions

Most Oxbridge colleges have their own traditions on all sorts of things, such as:

• Dress codes for various events and seasons

• ‘Formal dress’ dinners with tutors

• ‘Fancy dress’ college balls

• Sporting events such as the ‘Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race’

• Matriculation - a celebration of formal admission wearing full fusc (gown and mortarboard).

This article is from: