By Patrick Domkowski So, now that you’ve decided that you want to have a sleeve gastrectomy, you’re wondering what the recovery plan looks like and how long it’ll take. Immediately after surgery, you’ll wake up feeling groggy and sore. Most people spend one or two nights in the hospital after surgery. The abdomen will be sore for a few days and it’ll feel much like the soreness you get after doing a lot of sit-ups. The beginning is a little rough because you’re throat will also be sore and swollen and you’ll feel dehydrated and want to drink something. Slowly, you’ll be able to introduce liquids to your diet, and by day two or three you’ll be on your way home. Then it’s all up to you to follow your recovery plan and take responsibility for the things you do to your body. It’ll take a little getting used to at first, but you’ll get the hang of things. Eventually everything will become easy, effortless and automatic. Until then, you can follow these steps to ease yourself into the bariatric lifestyle and make your gastric sleeve recovery a breeze.
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Check Out The Full Indepth Details Here: Gastric Sleeve Recovery Plan: Steps to Follow
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