Dog and hound fall 2013

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Volume 2 • Number 4 • Fall 2013


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The Dog & Hound

Fall 2013

Fall 2013

P.O. Box 332 • Montmorenci, SC 29839-0332 • 803.643.9960 • •

Time Dated Material • Periodicals • Volume 2 • Number 4


ogs are people too. You may have read the article in the New York Times by that name. It was written by Gregory Berns, a professor of neuroeconomics at Emory University. In his regular research, Berns studies how the human brain works using M.R.I. imaging technology. Two years ago, he decided to try the same thing with his dog, a skinny shelter mutt named Callie. Using patience and positive reinforcement, he trained Callie to put her head into an M.R.I. scanner and to hold absolutely still for 30 seconds at a time. After some trial and error, he was able to get clear maps of her brain activity. Soon, other dogs joined the study and Berns’s team began to collect data. The more they saw, the clearer it became that a dog’s brain does not operate much differently than a human’s. This is especially true in the areas of the brain that process emotion. One particular area of the human brain, the caudate nucleus, is reliably activated in humans when they encounter something they enjoy. The exact same part of the dogs’ brains lit up when they were shown a hand signal for food, or when they smelled familiar humans, or when their owner returned after slipping out of view. To the scientist, all of this is the first step in proving, once and for all, that dogs have emotions just like people, and that they can anticipate joy, and can feel love. Well, no kidding, says anyone who has ever

owned a dog. We’ve always known that. But this is the first scientific proof, and it could be a significant first step toward granting dogs and other animals certain legal protections, or even, according to Berns, allowing them some kind of limited personhood. Dog people might have deeply mixed emotions about a major change in the legal status of their best friends of course. But this study, and others like it, is continuing a long process of discovery in which science has steadily dismantled the wall of difference between people and non-human animals. The more scientists investigate the inner lives and mental workings of dogs, the more they seem like humans. Whether this new knowledge helps us become a more humane society or not will ultimately be up to us. But, as Berns says “we can no longer hide from the evidence.” We think we have another great issue for you. Read about Xantos, the Belgian Malinois police dog on the Wagener Police Force. We met him and he is a handsome and impressive animal. Our breed feature this time is the Doberman, and we learned lots of new things about this beautiful and intelligent breed. We also have an article about training, about the progress that has been made in animal sheltering in America, and even one about a Halloween dog parade. We hope you enjoy it. Have a great fall!

The Dog and Hound EDITOR & PUBLISHER Pam Gleason ART DIRECTOR Gary Knoll ASSOCIATE EDITOR Jean Berko Gleason LAYOUT & DESIGN Gary Knoll ADVERTISING 803.643.9960 PHOTOGRAPHERS Pam Gleason Gary Knoll

Going Out Of Town? Don’t miss future issues of The Dog and Hound. We will send you a one year subscription (4 issues) for $14.00. Just send us a check or credit card number & your mailing address: P.O. Box 332, Montmorenci, SC 29839 Or sign up on the web at

About the Cover Our Cover shows Ch GnR You Don’t Know Jack CGC, a 2-year-old blue Doberman Pinscher. “Jackie” is owned by Wanda Gipp of Aiken, in partnership with Davida Roof, DVM, Jordan Goldblatt and Kim Matlock. He is currently in training to compete in agility, and Wanda is also hoping to take him to lure coursing events this winter.

Pam Gleason Editor & Publisher

Photography by Gary Knoll The Dog and Hound Policies: The opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publishers, editors, or the policies of The Aiken Horse, LLC. The Dog and Hound is owned by The Aiken Horse, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

All contents Copyright 2013 The Dog and Hound

Fall 2013

The Dog & Hound


Table of Contents 6 Xantos: Police Dog 9 Obedience 10 No Bake Treats 12 The Doberman 16 Shelter Progress 20 Regional Calendar of Events 22 Halloween Dog Parade


The Dog & Hound

Fall 2013

Fall 2013

The Dog & Hound



The Dog & Hound

Fall 2013

Changing the Game Wagener’s Canine Officer

by Pam Gleason, photography by Gary Knoll

e’s a game-changer, that’s for sure,” says Officer Jeremy Hill, “H looking at Xantos, his canine partner. “The biggest thing is just that he is a deterrent. A lot of times he doesn’t have to do anything, he

just has to be seen.” Xantos, a 2-and-a-half-year-old Belgian Malinois, has been working with Officer Hill at the Wagener Police Department since August of 2012. As Wagener’s first (and so far, only) K9 cop, Xantos is something of a celebrity in town. He is what is called a dual-purpose dog, meaning that he has been trained in drug detection as well as in police patrol work, including tracking. He can also help apprehend a suspect by running him down, catching him and holding him on command. Of course, he is also trained to release on command, and, although he will do what he must to detain a suspected criminal, he is trained not to inflict serious harm. “Using him to apprehend a criminal is considered ‘use of force,’ but not deadly force,” says Tom Gray, who is Wagener’s Chief of Police. “He’s considered on the same level as our tasers, not as our guns.” Deadly or not, if you are a criminal, Xantos is a force to be reckoned with. Eight-five pounds of pure muscle, he is an intense dog with intelligent eyes, sharply pricked ears, and a body that literally quivers with the desire to do something. “That shows his drive,” says Officer Hill. “That’s one of the things they select these dogs for when they’re just puppies.” Although he is clearly focused and serious, he is also an affectionate and loving animal. “All he wants is to be petted.” Like many police and working dogs, Xantos was bred in Europe – the Netherlands, to be exact. His training started the moment he was born, and he was selected for police work because of his inborn drive and intelligence. After his early training, he was shipped to Custom Canines Unlimited in Maysville, Georgia, a company that bills itself as a “global canine provider” for police dogs, military dogs and personal protection dogs. There he completed his training for police work in the United States. Back in March of 2012, he was purchased for the City of Columbia’s police force, but for one reason or another, he did not work out there, most likely because of a personality and style difference with his handler. He was returned to Custom Canines Unlimited, and when Jeremy Hill arrived there for training in the summer of 2012, the two were paired to one another. “They matched him up with me right away,” says Officer Hill. “They said that our personalities were both kind of laid back, and they figured we would be a good fit.” Officer Hill, an Army veteran who spent 14 months in Iraq on active duty, says he has always had an interest in working with a police dog. “We did some research and we found Custom Canines Unlimited, which is the company that supplies the dogs for the Richland County police force,” he says. “They have a VA program there: if you agree to become a certified trainer, your VA benefits will pay for the school, so all we had to pay for was the dog and not the training.” Officer Hill spent ten weeks in Georgia, learning first to be a police dog handler and then to train other people to handle dogs. He says that 80 to 90 percent of the time he was there was spent outside in the field, practicing traffic stops, area searches, tracking and the like. There was also some new paperwork to learn: in order for a police dog to maintain his certification, he needs to spend at least four hours each week in training. The handler is required to perform this training, and to fill out training logs to prove it. This training can be in drug detection – the Department of Justice provides various samples that can be hidden in a car or a building – in tracking, or in apprehension. After learning and practicing all of these new skills at Custom Canines, Officer Hill was a certified K9 handler and trainer, and he and Xantos were a certified team. As is customary for police dogs, Xantos is with Officer Hill pretty much all the time. During the day, he is often in the patrol car, and at night, he lives in the officer’s home. In order for a police dog to maintain his high drive and desire to please, it is important that the

Fall 2013

bond between the dog and his handler be exceptionally strong. For that reason, Xantos’s contact with other people and other dogs is limited. “We need him to feel that I am his source for everything,” says Officer Hill. At home, he lives most of the time in his kennel, and doesn’t socialize very much with Officer Hill’s wife, his 1-year-old child or his personal dog, a white Boxer. “He could, and I would trust him,” says Officer Hill. “But we aren’t supposed to.” For the same reason, Officer Hill limits how much he brings the dog out around town. “Everyone just wants to pet him,” he says. “Sometimes I let them, but then I put him up right after that. The only reason I allow it is because I trust him. But he is not supposed to have a lot of contact – he is supposed to think all his love comes from me.” In addition to affection from Officer Hill, Xantos works for the privilege of playing with his favorite object. “His reward for everything is a red Kong. That’s all he’s ever known, so that Kong is the most important thing in the world to him. Everything he does, at the end of it he gets the Kong. Then at the end of the day I’ll throw it for him a couple of times, and he might get to chew on it for 10 or 15 minutes. “We don’t train the dogs with treats for a couple of reasons,” continues Officer Hill. “There’s health issues – we don’t want the dogs to gain weight. Then, when we have a dog sniffing a car for drugs, if he is used to being rewarded with food and there’s food in the car, he might get distracted.” Finally, using the Kong as a reward reinforces the idea that everything the dog is doing, from tracking to drug detection to apprehending criminals, is a big game. “All it is to him is play time,” says Officer Hill, explaining that even when Xantos is apprehending a criminal, his tail is wagging the whole time. When the dogs are trained in apprehension, a volunteer acts as a “decoy” for the dog to practice on. The decoy wears a heavily padded protective jacket called a bite coat. “The bite coat is made out of the same stuff as a tug, so it’s just like a chew toy to him.” But what the dog sees as a game, is quite serious and intimidating to someone who is breaking the law. Since Xantos has been on the Wagener force, he has raised the profile of the police in town. He has also been credited with a number of arrests. For instance, in May of this year, there was a string of burglaries in town. Xantos was able to track the perpetrator from the scene of one of the burglaries right to his own front door. This gave the police probable cause to search the house, where they found missing items from some of the homes that had been burglarized. The case led to a conviction and a 12-year sentence. In another recent case, a wanted man was hiding in a trailer home. The police had surrounded the trailer, but they were concerned that the man would slip out and make a run for it. Then Officer Hill and Xantos arrived. “I got him out and put him in the down position on the ground in front of the house,” says Officer Hill. “Once we had the dog out on the ground, the man came on out and surrendered,” continues Officer Gray. “To a bad guy, a dog is very intimidating.” Chief Gray is highly impressed with Officer Hill and Xantos and what they can do together. He is also a believer in the value of a dog as a police tool. “Every police force should have one,” he says. “They really do change the game.”

The Dog & Hound


The Importance of Obedience The key to a good relationship By Susi Cohen


hy is it so important to have an obedient dog? The obvious answer is because it makes a happier, well-adjusted dog and a contented owner. Everyone loves a well-behaved dog. It is a pleasure to be around one. But what exactly is “obedience”? Every trainer will give you a different view. The dictionary defines obedience as being “willing to comply with authority.” Anyone who knows dogs recognizes that they really want to please, to be rewarded and to be respected. In other words, dogs want to be obedient.. With that in mind, consider how many jobs a dog can perform. A dog can be a household pet or possibly a show dog. Agility is an enjoyable and demanding discipline for any dog to learn. Perhaps you like hunting birds and want a well-trained bird dog. You certainly wouldn’t expect your own personal dog to be part of a fox hunting pack, but it is very exciting to watch a disciplined pack of foxhounds hunt their quarry according to the direction of the huntsman or master of foxhounds. All disciplines require a foundation of obedience in order for any dog to accomplish a given task. Brad Stauffer, a well-known racehorse trainer based in Aiken, has also been training dogs at the Palmetto Dog Club for over 12 years. Brad has trained puppies and adult dogs as well as problem dogs, and his dogs have competed successfully in agility and obedience. His training philosophy is simple. “Always keep things black and white,” he says. “Dogs do not think in grey.” Brad believes that dogs need to have firm boundaries and they need consistent, repetitive commands and positive praise. When he trains, Brad says he does not always use treats because he says some dogs will become dependent on them. “They are useful at times, however,” he says. “I plan the lessons for a short session, two to three times a day, and keep it simple. As the dog learns, he builds on the tasks accomplished. Every session has to be positive and happy so the dog will always look forward to the next one. Unfortunately, new owners can be impatient and inconsistent, which is a recipe for failure. Handlers need to set goals and build on their progress as the dog accepts each new task. This often requires continued assessment of the dog’s personality and demeanor as well as of your own skills as a handler.” Brad tries to avoid any kind of stress in his training regimen. “Stressful training is not positive,” he says. “A stress-free system is particularly important if the dog will be competing in any type of trial.” Mark Fulmer owns Sarahsetter Kennels in Aiken, where he breeds and trains working bird dogs for his own use as well as for hunting enthusiasts from around the country. He says he starts training his own bird dogs even before they have been born by keeping the pregnant bitch active and stimulated. Mark starts working with the puppies in a natural fashion several times a day when they are two to 14 days old. Once the puppies are weaned and on solid food, he starts training them to learn their names, and come when called with a soft voice. There is no negative input whatsoever. “I use all the dogs’ senses and utilize each dog’s strengths,” he says. “Their type of obedience is a bit different from the traditional concept as they are working dogs and have a job to do. Their obedience has to be exact – you cannot have dogs running all around disturbing the game. They are bred to point at birds, but they must be taught to remain still, wait for the release of birds, leave the handler on command and return when they are called.” Mark introduces the puppies to the sound of a gunshot in a gradual process, starting with a cap gun and slowly working up to a rifle. He says that by the time they are 12 weeks old, his puppies will hunt


The Dog & Hound

independently. Obedience is also vital for the animals that make up a working pack of foxhounds. Each pack must function as a unit rather than as a collection of independent hounds. Toni Roesch, who is now retired in Aiken, was a professional huntsman for 30 years, training and hunting packs across the country for various hunt clubs. Toni prefers to train puppies she has bred, but she says she has successfully taken undisciplined packs and retrained them to hunt cohesively. “This is no easy task when you have to get the attention of 40 hounds.” she says with a smile. When starting puppies, Toni always schools them as a group so they learn to work together. This means a lot of puppies: a single litter might have 12 puppies, and Toni might train more than one litter together. Toni tells us, “The first thing they learn is to find “mom” which would be me. Soon they learn to find me no matter where I am, on a horse or off. This is essential when recalling a pack or calling them off a quarry for some reason. I then add the horn signals so they learn to come to a certain call. One of the benefits of having many dogs is that the older ones can help the new pups learn the ropes. Of course, this presumes that the older hounds are well trained. “When the pups are older, I take a mature hound and couple it to the puppy using a pair of joining collars. When they go exercising with the horses, the young hound is taught by the older one. Sometimes this is simply accomplished by dragging the young one along until it gets the idea. The younger dog quickly learns to watch and listen for the huntsman and further instructions.” Toni believes that all dogs want to please, and advises that trainers start with that positive premise One of the best ways to have fun with your dog is to train for agility. In this sport, training the handler is just as important as training the dog. Melissa Jarriel, who lives in Aiken, is a veteran competitor who shows her dogs in agility, obedience and breed trials. She conducts handler-training classes at the Palmetto Dog Club on a volunteer basis. “Sometimes the dog is better than the handler because it naturally loves the sport,” she says to her students. “The dog is never bad – maybe a little misdirected, but never bad.” Melissa’s mantra is “Command – Action – Praise – Release”. She says, “Agility is all about performance and praise. It is obstaclefocused so the handler has to work at being very accurate in his commands. Some proficient agility dogs have their own idea of obedience. It all comes down to the handler/dog combination and the communication they have developed. I encourage this communication – maybe a little outside the box – because it often works better for these super athletes. They, as a team, achieve the obedience needed for success in the discipline.” An obedient dog is one that has learned the language of his job, whether that job is agility, foxhunting, pointing at birds, or just being a companion. It makes no difference what the job is: a dog with a job will try his very best to make his owner happy because it makes him happy. Creating an obedient dog takes a positive mindset and a willing attitude, but in the end, the owner will enjoy the rewards. Susi Cohen trains her dogs in obedience and agility at the Palmetto Dog Club on Banks Mill Road.

Fall 2013

Fall 2013

The Dog & Hound


No Bake Peanut Butter Snacks Recipes from The Bone-i-fide Bakery by Carly Jordan


y name is Carly Jordan and I own The Bone-i-Fide Bakery in Aiken, South Carolina. At the Bone-i-Fide Bakery, we make dog treats and cookies with all-natural, human-grade ingredients. Our customers love buying our treats because their dogs love eating them. People often ask me what the secret is to making a great dog treat, and I always tell them that we bake everything fresh daily, adding plenty of love to each recipe. Creating treats for dogs is fun, and we feel that treats can help strengthen the bonds between dogs and their caretakers. Today, I am sharing a simple “no bake” recipe for a healthy, peanut butter-oatmeal cookie so that everyone can experience the joy of cooking for their best friends. Ingredients ½ cup of low fat milk 1 cup of natural peanut butter 3 cups rolled oats (regular oatmeal is fine) Whisk together the milk and peanut butter and then slowly add the oats, one cup at a time. Mix well. Roll the mixture into small, bite sized balls and place on a parchment-paper-lined dish. Refrigerate the cookies


The Dog & Hound

for an hour before serving. Store what is not eaten in an air tight container and keep refrigerated. This no bake recipe is quick, easy and healthy and it has only three ingredients. All three are often found in your pantry and fridge already. Peanut butter is the star ingredient here, and that’s a good thing. Many canines love the taste of peanut butter, and it’s a great source of protein for them. It also contains heart-healthy fats, vitamin B, niacin and vitamin E. Oatmeal is also a great health food for dogs, providing fiber, iron, potassium, phosphorus, and B vitamins. Herbalists consider oats to be good for the nerves and digestive system, and nutritionists know that it lowers cholesterol. This recipe is sure to become one of your pet’s favorite treats! Carly Jordan’s The Bone-i-Fide Bakery not only is a first class dog bakery, it also carries high- grade, organic dog and cat foods, an array of luxury grooming products, USA-made dog toys, a selection of eco-friendly dog products, and gifts for dog and cat lovers alike. Contact Carly at theboneifiedbakery@gmail. com, visit the store on Laurens Street in Aiken, or check it out online at www.

Fall 2013

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The Dog & Hound


The Doberman Pinscher

Working Dog, War Dog, Wonder Dog by Pam Gleason


irst and foremost, the Doberman Pinscher is a working dog. The American Kennel Club considers dogs that belong to the Working Group to be animals that were bred to “perform such jobs as guarding property, pulling sleds and performing water rescues.” The Doberman Pinscher excels as a watchdog, a police dog, a war dog, a protection dog and as family companion. Highly intelligent and with a great deal of strength and energy, Dobermans need exercise, attention and something to do. They take their status as working dogs very seriously: if you don’t give them a job, they are likely to create their own.

Doberman History

The Doberman, like many of the modern dog breeds, was established in the second half of 19th century. It is named for Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann (1834-1891), who lived in Apolda, a town in the center of modern day Germany near Weimar (at that time it was in the Prussian

Empire.) Dobermann was a tax collector and a night watchman. He was also the town’s dogcatcher and ran the dog pound. In that era, Apolda was a dangerous place, rife with criminal activity. Dobermann’s job involved going door to door to collect taxes, which did not make him especially popular. Not surprisingly, he felt he needed a dog for protection, and set about breeding an animal that would give him the perfect combination of intelligence, loyalty, strength and a highly developed protective instinct. Several different strains of dog probably went into creating the animals that became known as Dobermann’s dogs. Different sources identify different breeds in the mix: the German Pinscher (a mediumsized terrier – “pinscher” means terrier in German), the Beauceron (a large sheep dog), Butcher’s dogs (the progenitor of the Rottweiler), the Weimaraner (an all purpose hunting dog.) Of course, when Herr Dobermann was breeding his dogs, most of the dog breeds we know today did not yet have registries, and few people were documenting their bloodlines. Dobermann was not a great record keeper either. Otto Gueller, who started the National Doberman Pinscher club in 1899, and was an acquaintance of Herr Dobermann, wrote that the foundation of the breed was an intelligent and fearless sheepdog-butcher’s dog cross named Schnuppe, bred to a pinscher-type guard dog. Some sources say that their puppies were crossed with German Pinschers, or dogs of that type, to create the first Doberman Pinschers. The standard for the Doberman Pinscher was written in 1890, when the breed was accepted into the German Kennel Club. In 1899, in order to shorten the coat and improve the type, Manchester Terrier blood was introduced into the gene pool. A little later, English Greyhound was brought in. The first Dobermans in the United States were imported by Theodore F. Jaeger of Rochester New York in 1907. The following year, in 1908, the breed was accepted by the American Kennel Club, and in 1921, George Howard Earle III founded the Doberman Pinscher Club of America. Earle was a submarine commander during World War I, who, after the war, became an avid dog breeder and the governor of Pennsylvania.

Working Dogs, War Dogs

Doberman Pinschers were first used as war dogs in World War I in Germany. During World War II, they were adopted as the official war dog of the United States Marine Corps. At the war dog training school in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, dogs were trained to be scouts, messengers or infantry dogs. Scouts learned to detect land mines and booby traps; messengers carried correspondence or supplies, and infantry dogs stood guard and alerted soldiers to the presence of enemy troops. Approximately 75% of the dogs Americans used in the Pacific theater of World War II were Dobermans. The most famous dog from that era was Kurt, a Doberman who saved the lives of 250 Marines in Guam when he sounded the alarm to prevent a Japanese ambush. Kurt was killed by a grenade in 1944, and was the first dog to be buried in the U.S. War Dog Cemetery in Guam. A statue of Kurt lies on top of the War Dog Memorial there, where the inscription reads “Always Faithful.” There are replicas of this memorial at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, at the Quantico Marine Corps Research Center in Virginia, and at the AKC Museum of the Dog in St. Louis. In peacetime, the Doberman has been most commonly used as a guard dog and a protection dog. In Europe, Dobermans are often used in police work, but that is less common in this country. They are also used as service dogs and search and rescue dogs. They can be found competing and winning in disciplines that run from Schutzhund to flyball. Versatility is their trademark, and they are supremely strong, quick and athletic. Most rankings of the intelligence of dog breeds place Dobermans in the top five.

Ears and Tails

The breed standard for the Doberman Pinscher in America calls for a medium-sized, compactly-built dog with a proud carriage. Male dogs stand 26-28 inches at the withers, while bitches are 24-26 inches. The head is “long and dry” with almond-shaped eyes. The neck is carried proudly and arched, the chest is broad and well-defined, and the belly is tucked up. The coat is smooth, hard and close-lying. Dobermans come in four acceptable colors. The most common is black with rust colored

markings above each eye, on the muzzle, chest, legs and feet and below the tail. Other base coat colors are red, blue, and fawn, also known as Isabella. The Doberman traditionally has a closely docked tail and ears that are cropped and trained to stand up. Tails are docked shortly after birth, and ears are cropped around seven weeks or somewhat afterward. After the crop is healed, the ears are “posted” up with tape, and they stay taped for several months, or until the cartilage in the ear hardens. After this, the ears will stand up on their own, and can function like the ears of a dog with naturally pricked ears, rotating to catch sounds and able to lie flat against the head. There are three different types of crop. The military or pet crop is the shortest and the most utilitarian, leaving less earflap to be potentially damaged, and requiring the least time to train. The medium crop is longer, with a more curved shape. The show crop is the longest of all, and takes the most time to train. Ears with a show crop have an elegant arc, extending the look of the dog’s neck and bringing emphasis to the beauty of his head. People who intend to show their dogs select the veterinarian to perform the ear crop on their puppies much as an aspiring actress or model might choose a surgeon to do her nose job, since the shape of the ear can have a profound influence on the dog’s overall appearance. Ear cropping is generally done at the breeder, before the puppy is sold. Tail docking and ear cropping are increasingly controversial procedures. While they remain absolutely standard for Dobermans in the United States, they are frowned upon, and even outlawed in some countries. For instance, tail docking for cosmetic reasons has been made against the law in Australia, Brazil, parts of Canada and throughout much of Europe and the United Kingdom, with the exception of France, and of Germany for some types of dog. Cosmetic ear cropping is illegal in even more places. Doberman fanciers in the U.S. tend to be devoted to the traditional look of their breed, and have argued for continuing to crop and dock. They are opposed by such institutions as the American Veterinary Medical Association, which issued a position statement in 2008 that said “The AVMA encourages the elimination of ear cropping and tail docking from breed standards.” The AKC has occasionally suggested that breed clubs be “encouraged to include a description of the natural tail of a docked breed” as well as of the natural ear. So far, this has not happened with the Doberman. In countries where docking and cropping is not performed, the Doberman has a dropped ear with a rounded edge, similar to a Weimaraner. If left natural, tails may be quite long.

The Dog with the Human Brain

“Nothing loves you like a Doberman,” says Philip Martin. “They call them ‘Velcro dogs,’ because they always want to be with you. They are there to serve you, to do for you. They’re a working dog that always wants to be doing something, but they are happy just to be with you. That’s what I love about them.” Philip Martin lives in Aiken, where he owns Powderhouse Pet Resort

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The Dog & Hound

Fall 2013

and Phillmar Dobermans. A Doberman expert of international stature, he has been the judge of major Doberman shows around the world, including the Argentinian Doberman Nationals, specialty shows in Australia, and, this year, the Doberman Pinscher Club of America National Specialty in California. Next year, he will be the judge of

the Brazilian National Specialty show. He has also bred 43 champions, including Ch Phillmar X-Static, who won the DCPA Ryan Award in 2007 for placing in the top 20 in the country in conformation and in obedience during the same year, only the second Doberman ever to achieve this honor. Philip says his first Doberman was one he and a friend rescued when he was a child growing up in North Carolina. Then, in 1989, he was watching the Westminister Kennel Club show on television, and he saw a Doberman win Best in Show. That convinced him that he wanted a Doberman show dog, and he finally got one in 1995. This dog became a champion, and went on to have many champion puppies. “I just got hooked,” he says. Many people who are attracted to Dobermans are looking for a dog that can protect them, and it is true that Dobermans make excellent watchdogs and protection dogs. Back in the 1970s, Dobermans had something of a bad reputation in the U.S., where they were characterized as inherently aggressive and dangerous, just as Pit Bulls are today. This reputation has diminished greatly over the years, both because breeders have placed more emphasis on temperament, and because they have been more careful about whom they sell their puppies to. “I think they’re great with children, but, like any breed it’s how they are raised,” says Philip. “Years ago, Dobermans got a bad rap, but you don’t hear bad things about them any more. Breeders are more careful to put them in the right homes, so we get the right outcome. If someone calls me and says they want an attack dog, then I know they have all the wrong intentions for my dogs.” According to Philip, Dobermans have a natural instinct to be protective and they have a great sense of when they need to act aggressive and when they don’t. “They pick up on what the owner is

Fall 2013

thinking.” Wanda Gipp, who trains dogs in Aiken, is devoted to Dobermans. She was first exposed to the breed when she was 10 years old and a friend of her father’s brought a war dog home from Korea. “He was awesome,” she says. “He could do anything his owner would ask him to, and he wouldn’t let anyone touch him unless he was cued.” She got her first Doberman in 1979, and hasn’t looked back since. She says her Dobermans have competed in agility, rally, flyball, obedience and lure coursing. “You name it, and I’ve done it with them, even herding. They are an extremely versatile breed and they like to be challenged with new jobs.” “They have a human brain,” she continues. “They almost know what we are thinking before we do, and they can figure things out. Dobermans think about things before they do them. That’s why it takes a special household to support a Doberman. They don’t like to be alone, and they need to be active. Training them can be a challenge, because they all learn differently, but I love it. They are the smartest, best dogs out there.” Wanda’s devotion to the breed is not at all unusual among owners of Dobermans, and they have earned a special kind of admiration from their owners for a long time. An article in the magazine Country Life in America, written by William Dyer and published in 1916, presages Wanda’s thoughts. Entitled “The Dog With The

Human Mind”, the article introduces the American public to the breed. “I know of no other group of dog owners who are readier to sing the praises of their breed than are Doberman owners,” writes Dyer. “They appear to claim every canine virtue for these dogs, raised to the nth power, and the remarkable fact is that they are not wholly unjustified in this.” Things have not changed much in the last century. Supremely loyal, the Doberman inspires loyalty from his owner. He also provides companionship, affection and protection, all wrapped in an elegant and athletic package. Doberman owners say their dogs have the most loving hearts in the world. According to owners, they aren’t just war dogs or working dogs or protection dogs. They are wonder dogs.

The Dog & Hound


The Coming Revolution Sheltering in the 21st Century

by Pam Gleason, Photography by Gary Knoll


he Humane Society of the United States estimates that in the early 1970s animal shelters in the U.S. put down as many as 20 million dogs and cats each year. By 2012, the HSUS says that number was down to about 3 million. What’s more, the numbers are dropping every year. In 2008, the number had been about 4 million: that’s a decrease of 25% in just four years. What is behind this dramatic improvement in outcomes for shelter animals? For one thing, the number of people who welcome animals into their homes has grown, with 179 million Americans owning a dog or a cat in 2013. (Compare that to 67 million in 1970.) For another thing, there have been massive efforts to shine a light on shelter killing, and to end it. On a national level, governmental and humane organizations have promoted and championed spay and neuter services that have vastly reduced the number of unwanted litters in America. Groups such as Maddies Fund have invested millions in promotional campaigns encouraging people to adopt from shelters. National pet store chains such as PetSmart no longer sell commercially produced animals in their stores. Instead they offer dogs and cats for adoption from local shelters and rescues. Progressive municipal shelters collaborate with the public to improve access to animals in their care. The rise in the use of microchips and online lost and found services have increased the number of lost pets that find their way home. Efforts to find homes for the homeless have accelerated recently, spurred by social media, the rising importance of pets in our culture, and a growing belief that ending shelter killing is not just a moral imperative, it is eminently possible. There are over 130 communities in America where the municipal shelters never kill an animal just because it does not have a home. That number is in addition to the entire state of New Hampshire, which says it has not killed an animal for space in over 13 years. According to the Target Zero Institute in Florida, other prominent places that have reached no-kill status include Austin, Kansas City, Richmond, Baltimore and San Francisco. Jacksonville, Fl has seen its euthanasia numbers drop by 78% in six years since starting a program called First Coast No More Homeless Pets. The city expects to be “no kill” by 2014. For parts of the country that are lagging behind, and South Carolina is one of them, the goal of never killing a healthy or treatable animal for space may seem unattainable. But people who have seen it happen elsewhere say it is not.

Animal Control vs. Animal Rescue

To understand the issue, it helps to recognize that animal control entities and humane groups have two different missions. The primary duty of animal control is public health and sanitation. Animal control’s mandate is to remove unwanted dogs and cats. The goal of humane groups is to care for lost, stray or abandoned animals, treat them if necessary, and find them homes. When private humane groups hold the animal control contract for a municipality, they can find themselves in a state of internal conflict, as can public animal control departments that are also animal shelters. Animal control has a long history, dating back at least to the Middle Ages when most towns in Europe and the British Isles employed dog catchers (“skinners”) whose job was to round up and kill strays. Animal welfare is a more recent invention. The first animal welfare society in the world was England’s Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, founded in 1824. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals came along a couple of generations later, in 1866, followed by the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in 1868. Very early on, America’s humane societies found themselves in charge


The Dog & Hound

of municipal contracts to handle animals at pounds. This meant that animals in the pound had a better chance to be fed and cared for, and it even gave them an opportunity to find homes rather than being summarily dispatched by drowning or worse. But if too many animals came into the pound, the humane society’s duty to public sanitation was to dispose of them. Their original mission to prevent suffering was then transformed from giving the animals a better life into giving them a better death. Until the last quarter of the 20th century, a good death was often the best an animal shelter could offer. The animal population in America grew rapidly after World War II. In the suburbs, dogs and cats were often left to roam free and to procreate. Shelters killed millions of them as a matter of course, but this was largely hidden from public view and most people didn’t know about it. People thought shelters were busy finding homes for their unwanted pets; shelters thought they were doing the people’s dirty work.

The No Kill Movement

The public began to be aware of what was really happening in animal shelters in the 1970s, when the numbers were at crisis levels. This sparked public campaigns to promote spaying and neutering, as well as new laws to keep animals from roaming. It also spurred innovations in animal sheltering and rescue work. One of the early leading lights of the movement to end shelter killing was Richard Avanzino, who was the president of the San Francisco SPCA from 1976 until 1999. By the early 1990s, the SPCA was using a number of programs that were designed both to reduce the number of animals coming into the shelter and to increase the number that left it alive. These included offering low cost spay and neuter, expanding the hours the shelter was open and implementing foster and other volunteer programs. By 1994, San Francisco was the first city in the nation to offer an adoption guarantee for every healthy cat or dog that entered

Fall 2013

the shelter. Most sick or injured animals were also treated and adopted. Avanzino is now the president of Maddie’s Fund in Florida, which offers a multitude of animal welfare services and programs. The San Francisco experience showed that at least 90% of animals entering shelters are adoptable. The remainder might be too sick, old or injured to be saved. A small number would be vicious dogs, too dangerous to be released to the public. Because of this, a 90% live release rate is generally accepted as the no kill threshold. Today, the loudest voice in the organized No Kill Movement is Nathan Winograd, who runs the No Kill Advocacy Center in California. His documents offer scathing criticisms of animal welfare agencies and national humane groups in America. Frustrated by the fact that so many of them see euthanasia as unavoidable, he believes the system is broken beyond repair. He expresses particular enmity toward the organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Contrary to the impression it conveys to the public, PeTA is opposed to the No

7. TNR (Trap, neuter, return) for feral cats 8. Volunteers in the shelter 9. Proactive return-to-owner and redemption programs 10. Transport options The final element, without which all the others can’t work, is a compassionate director who embraces life-saving as a primary goal. The No Kill philosophy has a growing following in the United States. Initially, the major animal welfare agencies argued against it, possibly because they didn’t believe that the No Kill Equation could work, and possibly because Winograd’s message and abrasive manner of delivery put them on the defensive. (His second book, Friendly Fire, documents all the ways the major organizations have resisted the reforms he calls for.) Recently, however, many of these organizations have begun to accept a no kill philosophy. One of the central beliefs of the No Kill movement is that the vast majority of people love and care for animals. Winograd has faith in the public, and believes that private citizens need to have more access to sheltered animals and more input into what happens to them. He says that old-fashioned “regressive” shelters have an opposite approach. Having seen animals that were abused and neglected, shelter workers distrust the public. Where regressive shelters blame the “irresponsible” public for their high kill rates, Winograd places the blame squarely on the shelters themselves. He disputes the oft-cited statement that “no one wants to kill animals” and offers many examples of situations where it certainly looks as if some animal shelters consider euthanasia their first solution, rather than their last resort. No Kill advocates use statistics compiled by the major humane societies to demonstrate that the claim that there is animal overpopulation in America is a myth. According to generally accepted numbers, every year, 23 million people in America will be looking for a pet. Some of those people have already decided that they will be getting their new pet from a breeder or at a shelter, but 17 million of them have not decided where that new pet will come from. The No Kill advocates say that if just 15-20 percent of those undecided people went to an animal shelter, every one of the estimated 2.7 million adoptable pets being killed in shelters each year would have a home. The problem, according to this logic, becomes one of distribution and marketing rather than overpopulation. The No Kill Advocacy Center has websites and Facebook pages that provide a myriad of documents, information and plans for creating No Kill communities. Winograd has also written two books, Redemption (2007) and Friendly Fire (2012) that outline his case. (www.

Getting to Zero

Kill ideal, and, in fact, at its one shelter in Virginia, routinely kills over 90% of the animals it receives. Winograd distributes a ten point program that he calls the No Kill Equation. He says that shelters and communities that implement these programs can reach save rates of 90% or better, no matter where they are located in the country and no matter whether the community is small or large, rural, urban or suburban. The programs are: 1. High-Volume, Low-Cost Spay/Neuter 2. Partnerships with rescue groups 3. Foster care, especially for neonatal kittens and puppies 4. Aggressive and comprehensive adoption programs including offsite adoptions 5. Pet retention programs 6. Medical and behavioral rehabilitation

Fall 2013

Although most people would probably support the ten points of Winograd’s No Kill Equation, his confrontational style has alienated segments of the animal welfare world. Even the words “No Kill” are considered offensive to some, since they contain an implicit indictment of animal control facilities that kill for space. Back in the early 1990s, animal welfare advocates in New Hampshire took a slightly different approach. It was successful: From 1994 to 2000, they cut the number of annual shelter deaths in that state by almost 90%. The New Hampshire Federation of Humane Societies, whose members handle more than 95% of the animals that enter New Hampshire shelters, release their yearly statistics as a group. In 2012, as they have since 2000, the shelters had a live release rate of over 90%. New Hampshire shelters have so few dogs and puppies that they have to bring them up from the South. The New Hampshire program is now the model for others across the nation, such as First Coast No More Homeless Pets in Jacksonville. How did they do it? Peter Marsh, a lawyer with Shelter Overpopulation Solutions (STOP) in Concord, N.H. and a co-founder of Target Zero Institute, provides a narrative and prescriptions in two books that can be downloaded free of charge from the STOP website. ( There are also two videos about the

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process. It started with a serious look at numbers and an analysis of where unwanted pets were coming from in the state. Once they realized that most unwanted puppies and kittens originated in low income communities where people did not have the means to spay and neuter their pets, they started implementing and aggressively marketing low cost spay and neuter services to people who were on public assistance. These services were funded by dog licensing fees. (Contrary to popular

are there for other reasons: they are lost, their owners can no longer care for them, they have behavioral problems, and so on. New Hampshire’s targeted spay and neuter program resulted in an immediate 30% decline in shelter admissions, which energized people in the animal welfare community and made them challenge their assumptions about what could be done. People from different parts of the community, who had previously been at odds with one another (shelter workers and rescuers, for instance) came together for

myth, there is no law that mandates spay and neuter in New Hampshire or in any other state as of this time.) They also paid attention to surveys that showed that more than 80 percent of litters are produced by animals whose owners fully intend to have them spayed, but not until after they have had a litter or two. This made them realize that the fastest and most cost effective way to reduce excess animals is to eliminate “spay delay.” So they started programs to encourage owners to spay before the first heat. Their primary goal was to reduce intake numbers in the shelters. “One of the things that was amazing to me was the almost one-to-one correlation between poverty and intake rates,” says Peter Marsh. “Then I looked at the correlation between intake numbers and euthanasia numbers, and it was about .95 to one. It is very clear that intake numbers drive euthanasia numbers, and that is just a mathematical fact wherever you look in the country.” Marsh likes to express statistics in terms of the numbers of animals in relation to the human population in an area. “Across the country, intake numbers are variable, but adoption numbers are relatively intransigent,” he says. “Nationwide, adoption numbers tend to be 7 to 9 animals per thousand people. It’s the intake numbers that vary and it’s the intake numbers that are the easiest to change.” In New Hampshire today, for instance, there are now 11 animals impounded per thousand people each year. Nationwide, the number is about 20. In Aiken County, it is 36.6. The promotion of spay and neuter was crucial in New Hampshire’s success, but it was far from being the whole story. There are also many other programs that help keep animals out of shelters, including rehoming, training and counseling programs. After all, there are many reasons besides lack of spay and neuter that cause animals to end up in a shelter. Strictly speaking, only puppies and kittens are in shelters because of lack of spay and neuter. Adult animals that once had a home

discussions that were run by a professional facilitator. “It was like group therapy,” says Marsh. “But gradually people came to respect one another. We started trusting each other, and believing in each other’s good natures. And the shelters started believing in people, and everything changed. More than anything it was because of a collaborative attitude. “I’ve been living here and working on this issue for a long time,” he continues. “And I thought I knew what had happened. I thought that what gave us success was the spay and neuter program driving down intake. But it wasn’t. The more I talked to people who were really instrumental, I saw that it was collaboration. Collaboration and a difference in approach.”


The Dog & Hound

The Future

New Hampshire, and other places that have addressed the problem on a community-wide basis, have shown that it is possible to eradicate shelter killing as a form of population control. To do so requires changes in the way shelters are managed and in the way they interact with the public. It requires more community involvement in animal welfare issues and a serious public commitment to helping underserved populations gain access to spay and neuter. Most of all, it requires a change in mindset and a willingness to work together. Although there are many communities that lag far behind, nationwide, outcomes for animals that enter shelters are on a steadily improving path. Public sentiment is squarely behind this: according to surveys, the vast majority of people believe that animals in shelters should not be killed unless it is medically necessary, and they think that publicly funded animal shelters should act as safe havens for animals. Different organizations have projected different dates when they believe that America will achieve no kill status. But there is no longer really a question of whether or not this will happen. There is just a question of when.

Fall 2013

Fall 2013

The Dog & Hound


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Tar Heel Retriever Club Field Trial. Dixie Green Farm, Snow Hill, NC. Jeff Telander, 919.618.8094, Emerald Coast Vizsla Club Field Trial. Quail Country Plantation, 1134 West Quail Country Road, Arlington, GA. Patty Hart, 954.647.6702, Youngsville Agility Trials. Teamworks Dog Training, 195 Robbins Road, Youngsville, NC. Augusta Kennel Club Dog Show. North Augusta River Park, 100 Riverview Drive, North Augusta, SC. Chattahoochee English Springer Spaniel Agility Trials. Chateau Elan Winery and Resort, Pavillon 100 Tour De France, Braselton, GA. www. Cove Creek Beagle Club Field Trial. Cove Creek Running Grounds, Pickens, SC. Sherren L. Powell, 864.419.8582. West Georgia Beagle Club Field Trial. J. L. Lester Wildlife Management Area, Polk County, Cedartown, GA. Ronnie Tibbitts, 770.443.2831, rtib@ Southwest Georgia Retriever Club Field Trial. Fox Hollow and Surrounding Properties, Americus, GA. Terri Curtis, 715.495.5455, Central Georgia Pointing Dog Club Field Trial. Battleground Plantation, Wrightsville, GA. Charlotte Agility Trials. Piedmont Kennel Club Showplace, 13607 Choate Circle, Charlotte, NC. Lumber River Retriever Club Hunting Test and Field Trial. The NashJohnson Farm, 342 Nash Johnson Road, Rose Hill, NC. Laurice Williams, 910.990.5491, Dachshund Club of Metropolitan Atlanta Earth Dog Test. The Canine Ranch, 165 Doug Smith Lane, Canton, GA. Armenia Winds Pointing Breeds Club Hunting Test. Armenia Hill Fleming Farms, 2917 Armenia Road, Chester, SC. Joy Fleming, 803.377.7937, Dog Obedience Club of Greenville Obedience Trial. Simpsonville Senior and Activity Center, 310 West Curtis Street, Simpsonville, SC. www. Cocker Spaniel Specialty Club of Georgia Obedience Trial. Atlanta Obedience Club Building, 1193-D Beaver Ruin Road, Norcross, GA. www. Indian Beagle Club Field Trial. Club Running Grounds, Vale, NC. Judy Proctor, 704.462.0999. Atlanta Dog Show. Atlanta Exposition Center South, 3850 Jonesboro Road, Atlanta, GA. 405.427.8181, Down East Hunting Retriever Club of North Carolina Field Trial. Pembroke Farm, Rocky Point, NC. Gwen Pleasant, 919.795.7541, Tuckasegee Beagle Club Field Trial. Club Grounds, Ellenboro, NC. Barbara McKay, 803.377.1179. Cherryville Beagle Club Field Trial. Club Running Grounds, Vale, NC. Judy Proctor, 704.462.0999. Central Georgia Beagle Club Field Trial. 200 Thompson Creek Road, Hampton, GA. Joe Hodges, 770.757.9782, Gainesville Agility Trials. Chicopee Woods Agricultural Center, Calvary Church Road, Gainesville, GA. Mari Magmer, 404.217.8746, riannx2@ Wags to Wishes Event at Taylor BMW in Augusta. 7-10 pm. Music, heavy hors d’ouvres, cash bar, live & silent auctions & more. Benefit for the Pawprints Foundation.pawprints Nancy McNair; 706-863-2067. Triangle Shetland Sheepdog Club of North Carolina Dog Show. APS Felicite Latane Animal Sanctuary, 6311 Nicks Road, Mebane, NC. www. Carolina Afghan Hound Club Dog Show. Piedmont Kennel Club Showplace, 13607 Choate Circle, Charlotte, NC. Mary Shaw, 828.299.7256, Autumn Winds Agility Trials. Autumn Winds Agility Center, 3701 Bosco Road, New Hill, NC. Diane Reed,919.524.1525, Collie Club of America Herding Test and Trial. Woods End Farm, 2221 Salem Road, Watkinsville, GA. American Bullmastiff Association Dog Show. Hilton Atlanta Northeast, 5993 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard, Norcross, GA. American Bullmastiff Association Obedience Trial. Hilton Atlanta Northeast, 5993 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard, Norcross, GA. www.

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25 25-26 25-27 26 26 26 26-27 26-27 26-27 26-27 28-31 29 31 Tokeena Beagle Club Field Trial. Pine Grove Road, Seneca, SC. Adam Blackwell, 864.985.3300, Marietta Dog Show. Jim Miller Park, 2245 Callaway Road SW, Marietta, GA. Foy Trent, 573.881.2655, Moore County Kennel Club Agility Trial. Bon-Clyde Learning Center, 3030 Lee Avenue, Sanford, NC, Atlanta Retriever Club Hunting Test. Backwater Farm, Buckhead, GA. Kate Hovan, 404.680.5256, Green River Beagle Club Hunting Test. Green River Beagle Club Running Grounds, 518 Springs East Road, Lincolnton, NC. Norman Murphy, 828.464.8577. Foothills Beagle Club Hunting Test. 417 Oakhill Road, Belton, SC. W Lewis Wilson, 864.915.7973, Carolina Lure Coursing Society Lure Coursing Trial. Polo Field, 130 Polo Lane, Camden, SC. Donna Richards, 704.483.6264, Bulldog Show. Piedmont Kennel Club Showplace, 13607 Choate Circle, Charlotte, NC. Libby Sigmon, 704.798.5670, Neuse Retriever Club Hunting Test. Neuse Way Nature Center, 401 W Caswell Street, Kinston, NC. Keith Maready, 252.916.6986, Asheville Kennel Club Obedience Trial. U.S. Army Reserve Center, 224 Louisiana Avenue, Asheville, NC. Chris Brooks, 864.263.7382, ashevillekc_ Lucas Agnew Dog Training. American Chesapeake Club Field Trial. H. Cooper Black Jr. Memorial Field Trial Area, Patrick, SC. Jonathan Schroll, 815.483.6210, Iodine State Beagle Club Field Trial. Iodine State Running Grounds, Ware Place, SC. John D. Edwards Jr., 864.809.6375,

November 1

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Cohutta Beagle Club Field Trial. J. L. Lester Wildlife Management Area, Polk County, Cedartown, GA. Johnny Kendrick, 706.483.1508, American Boerboel Club Dog Show. Piedmont Kennel Club Showplace, 13607 Choate Circle, Charlotte, NC. Rabbits Unlimited of South Carolina Hunting Test. 1112 Old Landfill Road, Iva, SC. Dennis Eugene Owens, 864.617.0155, denniseowens@ Carolina Terrier Association Earth Dog Test. Owl Hollow Farm, 6515 Whitney Road, Graham, NC. Tina Lunsford, 336.552.8369, tjoyl@yahoo. com. Piedmont Border Collie Association Herding Test and Trial. Whorton Farm, 8005 Mary Hall Road, Rougemont, NC. www.piedmontbordercollie. com. Gordon Setter Club of America Hunting Test. Middle GA Sportmans Club, 135 Etheridge Mill Road, Milner, GA. Carolinas Retriever Association Hunting Test. Diamond E. Farm, Mullins, SC. Piedmont Kennel Club Coursing Ability Test. Piedmont Kennel Club Showplace, 13607 Choate Circle, Charlotte, NC. Kathy Jeranek, 704.240.0128, Durham Kennel Club Tracking Event. Quail Roost Farm, Roxboro Highway, Rougemont, NC. Western Carolina Beagle Club Field Trial.Iodine State Running Grounds, Ware Place, SC. John D. Edwards Jr., 864.809.6375, johned4271@gmail. com. Broad River Beagle Club Field Trial. Middle Georgia Beagle Club Grounds, Roberta, GA. Richard Butterworth, 770.297.9483, butterworth. Chattahoochee Valley Beagle Club Field Trial. 530 Hickory Lane, Roberta, GA. William P. Moore, 706.570.9233, wpmoore6361@yahoo. com. Chattahoochee Weimaraner Club Field Trial. The Milner Lease, 135 Ethridge Mill Road, Milner, GA. Tarheel Beagle Club Field Trial. Tarheel Running Ground, 725 Warp Lane, Cleveland, NC. Colston Branch Beagle Club Field Trial. Colston Branch Beagle Club Running Grounds, Bamberg, SC. Andy Hood, 803.316.6469. Marietta Agility Trials. Jim Miller Park, 2245 Callaway Road SW, Marietta, GA. Karen Wlodarski, 843.696.2892, Youngsville Agility Club Agility Trials. Teamworks Dog Training, 195 Robbins Road, Youngsville, NC.

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Tar Heel Brittany Club Field Trial. Strawson Farms, Ruffin, NC. Phyllis Baker, 336.694.4401. German Shorthaired Pointer Club of South Georgia Field Trial. Utopia Plantation, Mead Road, Arabi, GA. Sonja Bradley, 229.273.1744. Carolinas Pointing Dog Association Field Trial. Barratt House, 707 Bryan Dorn Road, Greenwood, SC. Alyssa Carnahan, 262.227.2382, Sandhill Beagle Club Hunting Test. Teal Mill Chesterfield County, Cheraw, SC. Eddie Brock, 843.253.2871. Sandhills Pointing Breeds Club Hunting Test. Sandhills Pointing Breed Club grounds, 3280 Jackson Springs Road, Jackson Springs, NC. Www. Chattahoochee Weimaraner Club Hunting Test. The Milner Lease, 135 Ethridge Mill Road, Milner, GA. Tallahassee Hunting Retriever Club Hunting Test. Spring Hill and Borderline Plantation, Thomasville, GA. Nancy Duckes, 850.491.5052, Furniture City Kennel Club Dog Show. LJV War Memorial Coliseum, 300 Deacon Boulevard, Winston-Salem, NC. 336.379.9352, mbf@ Obedience Club of Asheville Obedience Trial. U.S. Army Reserve Center, 224 Louisiana Avenue, Asheville, NC. Betty Ann Brown, 828.768.0061, National Retriever Club Field Trial. Private and Public Grounds, Cheraw, SC. Mitch Patterson, 630.688.2402, mpatterson@addison-il. org. Winston-Salem Dog Training Club Tracking Event. Winston-Salem Dog Training Club, 3800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC. German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Atlanta Field Trial. Luke Weaver’s Farm, Route 3, Box 446, Jackson, GA. Concord Dog Show. Cabarrus Arena and Events Center, 4751 Highway 49 North, Concord, NC. Georgia Brittany Club Field Trial. Quail Country Plantation, 1134 West Quail Country Road, Arlington, GA. Betty Morgan, 404.429.3602, Chestnut Log Beagle Club Field Trial. Tommy Lawrence Running Grounds, 2046 Piedmont Highway, Cedartown, GA. Jamie McKenzie, 770.367.1854, Atlanta Obedience Club Obedience Trial. Atlanta Obedience Club Building, 1193-D Beaver Ruin Road, Norcross, GA. www. Cumberland Valley Dachshund Club Field Trial. 982 Babbs Mill Road, Hampton, GA. Greater Atlanta Labrador Retriever Club Dog Show. Chukkar Farms, 1140 Liberty Grove Road, Alpharetta, GA. Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of America Hunting Test. Stufield Farms, Lukes Ferry Road, Clarks Hill, SC. Fall Line Retriever Club of Georgia Hunting Test. Private Property, Lincolnton, GA. Gina Blitch, 706.830.2603, Catawba County Beagle Club Field Trial. Catawba County Clubhouse, Maiden, NC. George Hebert, 828.326.9370, Brushy Mountain Beagle Club Field Trial. Catawba County Clubhouse, Maiden, NC. George Hebert, 828.326.9370, abear4@ North Georgia Beagle Club Field Trial. 1339 Elliott Family Parkway, Dawsonville, GA. Eric B. Autry, 404.432.7007, autrysgraveyard@yahoo. com. Dogwood Rottweiler Club of Metropolitan Atlanta Herding Test and Trial. Sugre Herding Facility, 6985 Matt Highway, Cumming, GA. www. Carolina Lure Coursing Society Lure Coursing Trial. Polo Field, 130 Polo Lane, Camden, SC. Donna Richards, 704.483.6264, tntskids@aol. com. Vizsla Club of Metro Atlanta Field Trial. Luke Weaver Farm, Lee Maddox Road, Jackson, GA.

Foothills Beagle Club Field Trial. 417 Oakhill Road, Belton, SC. W Lewis Wilson, 864.288.3681, 29 Lotts Creek Beagle Club of East Georgia Field Trial. 22901 Talmadge Lane, Pembroke, GA. Sybil C Nease, 912.728.3340, 29 West Point Lake Beagle Club Field Trial. 640 John Lovelace Road, La Grange, GA. Ted Jackson, 706.594.1829, 29-Dec 1 Canaan Dog Club of America Agility Trials. T.Ed Garrison Arena, 1101 West Queen Street, Pendleton, SC. 29-Dec 2 Savannah Kennel Club Dog Show. Savannah International Trade & Convention Center, 1 International Drive, Savannah, GA. www. 29

December 1

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Winston-Salem Dog Training Club Tracking Event. Hilltops, Conrad Road, Lewisville, NC. Beaufort Kennel Club Obedience Trial. Savannah International Trade & Convention Center, 1 International Drive, Savannah, GA. www. Mecklenburg Beagle Club Field Trial. Cabarrus Beagle Club, Concord, NC. John D Kiser, 704.875.1212, Cape Fear Retriever Club Field Trial. Pembroke Farms, Rocky Point, NC. John W Thomas, Jr, 910.675.1296, Snowbird Retriever Club of South Georgia Field Trial. Properties in and Around Boston, GA. Barbara Younglove, 810.338.2667, barb@ Rocky River Beagle Club Field Trial. The Rocky River Club Running Grounds, Oakboro, NC. Mr. Wendell Warren McInnis, 704.563.8642, German Shorthaired Pointer Club of South Georgia Field Trial. Utopia Plantation, Mead Road, Arabi, GA. Lindsay Passmore, 229.947.2176. Winston-Salem Dog Show. LJV War Memorial Coliseum, 300 Deacon Boulevard, Winston-Salem, NC. 336.379.9352, Georgia Brittany Club Field Trial. Scharpf Farm, 184 Register Road, Gordon, GA. Betty Morgan, 404.429.3602, bettymorgan650@gmail. com. Lotts Creek Beagle Club of East Georgia Hunting Test. 22901 Talmadge Lane, Pembroke, GA. Sybil C. Nease, 912.728.3340, scnease@ Durham Kennel Club Obedience Trial. Durham Kennel Club, 7318 Guess Road, Durham, NC. Palmetto Pointing Breed Club Hunting Test. 106 Whitetail Drive, Walhalla, SC. Debbie Darby, 864.882.0215, whitetailgwp@mindspring. com. Cocker Spaniel Specialty Club of Georgia Hunting Test. Luke Weaver Farm, Lee Maddox Road, Jackson, GA. Sawnee Mountain Kennel Club of Georgia Obedience Trial. Family Pet Obedience School, 4890 Hammond Industrial Drive, Ste 100, Cumming, GA. Palmetto Retriever Club Hunting Test. H. Cooper Black Jr. Memorial Field Trial Area, Patrick, SC. Janet Hasty, 803.427.4321, Atlanta Obedience Club Tracking Event. Charles Osborne Farm, 1611 Cedar Road, Watkinsville, GA. Cabarrus Beagle Club Field Trial. Club Grounds, Barr Road, Concord, NC. Paul Bell, 704.982.5152. Tallokas Retriever Club of Georgia Field Trial. Brooks County, Pavo , GA. Lynn Troy, 229.291.8386, Sandhill Beagle Club Field Trial. Club’s Running Grounds, Cheraw, SC. Eddie Brock, 843.250.2871. Worth County Beagle Club Field Trial. South Georgia Beagle Club Grounds, 883 Dafodil Road, Ocilla, GA. Stacy Moore, 229.881.4207. Afghan Hound Club of America Lure Coursing Trial. Polo Field, 130 Polo Lane, Camden, SC. Larry Richards, 704.483.6269. North Georgia All Breed Herding Dog Association Herding Test and Trial. Woods End Farm, Farmington, GA. Gay Silva, 706.474.2744, gay.

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The Dog & Hound


The Halloween Dog Parade Looking Good in a Meat Dress by Christopher Yates


t was mid October, plastic jack-o’-lanterns dominating drugstore shelves, and my wife looked across at me and said, “I want to go to the Halloween dog parade.” “Sure,” I nodded. “And I want to dress Mabel.” “Oh.” “Listen, I’ve had a great idea. Lady Gaga… in the meat dress!” “Mm-hm.” “What’s wrong? It’s funny, because if a dog had some meat, it wouldn’t…” “I get it. I just don’t know if it’s right to dress up an animal for human entertainment. Isn’t it demeaning?” “It’s harmless fun. Lighten up.” So I agreed to attend, but I felt ambivalent about the dog parade. I would judge the situation while there and if I sensed that our English Cocker Spaniel, Mabel, was being demeaned, or felt ill-at-ease, I would bundle her up in my arms and begin my own parade. Straight home. But was it really going to hurt her dignity? Well, I reasoned, Mabel is a fond wearer of bandanas. If you approach her with a fresh color to tie around her neck, she wags her tail eagerly. And if one of her bandanas unties itself, she will sit on the dropped scarf, guarding it, possessing it, until you refasten it around her neck. So I couldn’t argue that she doesn’t like being ‘dressed’. But perhaps there was a question of degree. And at the Halloween Dog Parade in Tompkins Square Park in New York City, the degree is several light-years from restrained. It’s an outrageous event that draws the international press like randy hounds to a dog in heat and pulls in a crowd of thousands of cackling, cameratoting spectators. So what about Mabel’s outfit? Obviously real meat was out of the question. Surrounded by a miffed army of other costumed dogs, within seconds she would be stripped to the bone like a goat thrown to a school


The Dog & Hound

of hungry piranhas. But my wife had a solution. Mabel’s outfit would be a mixture of toy plastic meat (what, you mean you didn’t know they made toy meat?) and also a number of meat decals (bacon, ham hocks, chicken drumsticks), everything sewn and glued onto a dog coat. It looked good, I had to admit. It was also, I suppose, funny. But then there appeared a wig. Bright blue. “Oh no,” I said. “That’s going too far.” I have since discovered that Lady Gaga was not going through a blue period when she wore her infamous meat dress. (Her hair was a sort of cotton candy pink with only the very tips cotton candy blue.) I could have won this battle on grounds of authenticity if only I had been paying more than zero attention to TMZ all my life. Too late. The wig was in place. Mabel trotted up to our bedroom mirror, her nose an inch from the glass, and stared at herself. She looked interested, cocking her head to one side. And then my wife produced from behind her back a pound of raw ground beef. Suddenly Mabel was barely aware of her gaudy attire. Aha, that was the deal, then. Our dog would put aside her dignity for a beef feast. But, to be fair, it’s a proposition I’m not sure I myself would be able to turn down. ‘So wait, I have to wear a pink jumpsuit and tiara but I get to eat the 32 ounce ribeye for free? Okay.’ Off we headed to the parade. Mabel was clearly a hit even before we reached the park. She started to canter along with a sort of show dog swagger. Fighting my way through the crowd and feeding Mabel her raw beef I tried to convince myself that she wasn’t Lady Gaga, and she wasn’t a prima donna. She was a wolf; raw meat was her natural diet, and here she was surrounded by her pack. Sure, her pack consisted of Cleopatra, a hotdog, a muppet called Miss Puggy and the videogame Tron, but sometimes in life we don’t get to choose our packs. And then something terrible happened. Mabel won her round. Oh no, now my wife would become addicted to dog-costume victory. (Sadly, this did in fact turn out to be the case.) But anyway, we didn’t hang around for the grand finale. I had to put my foot down just a little, this was enough. Mabel had had her fun, she had wolfed her pound of meat, it was time to go home and leave celebrity behind. Only it took three times longer than usual to get home because every passer-by wanted a photo. Mabel showed incredible patience with their demands, posing like an A-lister, blinking contentedly, tongue lolling from happy mouth. And at home, having witnessed all this, I found it very hard to conclude our dog had been demeaned. Finally we de-meated her, unwigged her fluffy head. And Mabel took back her bandana with a great sense of dignity. Even, dare I say it, something not unlike pride. Christopher J. Yates is writer of the novel ‘Black Chalk’ available now as an e-book and a physical book published by Random House, April 1st, 2014. He blogs at

Fall 2013

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