The Modern Basenji - Worldwide

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The Gene Discovered!, by Dr. Jo Thompson, OH


Dallas-Ft. Worth Basenji Club News, by Fran Medley, TX

10 The B-Legal Blog, by Karla Schreiber, IL


12 How Technology Has Changed Dog Shows, by Thomas Meade II, OH 14 Breeder Interview - Arubmec Basenjis, Patricia Cembura, CA 16 It’s Only Color, by Mary Lou Kenworthy, GA SPECIAL FEATURE - BASENJI CLUB OF AMERICA NATIONAL SPECIALTY COVERAGE 19 BCOA 2011 - Judge’s Critique, by Lisa Tyler, UK 27 BCOA 2011 - African Stock Exhibition, Judge’s Critique, Mia L�wbeer, Sweden 36 BCOA 2011 - Agility, by Susan Cook, WI 38 BCOA 2011 - Lure Coursing & LGRA Results 39 BCOA 2011 - Memory Walk, by Lisa Marshall, WI 40 BCOA 2011 - Elements, A Study of the Breed Standard, by Clay Bunyard, WI

Judge Lisa Tyler, UK


40 BCOA 2011 - ASFA Trial and AKC JC Tests, Karla Schreiber, IL 41 BCOA 2011 - Wearables Committee Runs Amok!, by Lisa Lemberger, WI 41 BCOA 2011 - The Auction!, by Nicole Freedman, IL 41 BCOA 2011 - And on Seminars, by Lisa Marshall, WI 49 German Basenji Club Specialty Critique, by Judge Sally Wallis, UK 51 Basenjis in Brazil and South America, by Savio Steele, SA

EVENT RESULTS, STANDINGS, & DEPARTMENTS 42 Hoosier Basenji Club Specialty Results IN 43 Evergreen Basenji Club Specialty Results, WA 44 Basenji Club of Southeastern Wisconsin Results, WI 46 Basenji Club of Northern California Results, CA

52 AKC Top 20 Breed, All-Breed, Grand Champion 53 Top 20 - NOTRA, LGRA, AKC Field, ASFA Field 54 Standings - Australia 55 Standings - Finland 56 Standings - Canada All-Breed

47 Basenji Club of New South Wales, AUST

57 United Kingdom, Norway, Brazil

48 German Basenji Club Specialty, Germany

58 Upcoming Events around the World

50 Basenji Club of Great Britain Results, UK

59 Advertising & Subscriptions

50 Basenji Owners & Breeders Association, UK





our first year we have been so focused on making sure The Modern Basenji - Worldwide is providing the best coverage of basenjis worldwide that we never properly introduced ourselves and described our jobs. We are a small group, which means it’s not unusual for any one team member to wear several “hats.” In a nut shell, here is what we do. [Listed in alphabetical order as every job is critical to the success of The Modern Basenji.] Tad Brooks, someone most everyone knows, gathers content, show coverage, news, you name it. He also is part of the Advertising team. It’s amazing how “in touch” Tad is with the show scene. No doubt many of you hear from Tad when it’s time to encourage you to place an advertisement in The Modern Basenji. Heather Ervin manages the subscription work. You will be hearing from her soon as subscription renewals are fast approaching for those of you who started with us on that inaugural edition. The magazine was such a hit that first issue sold out! Melody Falcone is the other member of the Advertising team. She, too, keeps up with what is going on in the show world so don’t be surprised to hear from her shortly after you walk out of that ring with the big rosette. When you look at most of the ads in The Modern Basenji, credit Melody with those creative layouts. She can take pictures and text and turn them into magic. Remember Melody when you are ready to place that next ad. It was Melody’s idea to give the magazine a Facebook presence. She posts news about the magazine to keep everyone informed. Be sure to stop by our Facebook page often. Jason Maleck makes our digital magazine rock. He is a master at the software required to make our slick magazine come to life. Jason also developed and manages The Modern Basenji website. He is a top ad designer and creates some of the ads when he has time. Jason also owns Ribit Design so, no doubt, many of you have seen his work in the popular all-breed magazines. Wanda Pooley coordinates the content and production schedule and is responsible for the appearance of the magazine. All those articles, reports, tallies, and ads require careful planning and placement, and without exception, everything needs special attention to look attractive. She is the one who sets the deadlines, keeps track of the work that’s finished and follows up on what is outstanding. Wanda also is our “bean counter.” She pays the bills and keeps the financial end of The Modern Basenji on track. We are very fortunate to have some meticulous copy editors. Each issue Maxine Elliott, Heather Ervin, Sue Joyner, and Anne Rogers carefully review all the content searching for typos, accuracy of text, grammar, and anything else they can find to make the magazine read better. In short, they put the polish on the magazine. The digital magazine is still available to everyone. We have been kicking around ideas of how to use this medium more effectively. We decided to hold off on the log-on for online access because we want everyone to see this great magazine. As always, The Modern Basenji Team promises to keep the magazine fresh and interesting. We celebrate the first year of the magazine and look forward to bringing our readers another great year of news in 2012! h


Pg #

BCOA 2012 Specialty


Boyd, Kathy, OK


Brooks, Tad, KY


Campbell, Katie, WA


Colbert, Terry, IL


Fragassi, Pat, CA

4, 5

Heidebrecht, Marie, Canada Hesse, Laura, WI

9 22, 23

Huff, Tim, OH


Joyner, Sue, IL

28, 29

Kahl, Jan, MO


Kushnir, Patricia, TX


Marshall, Lisa, WI


Maxka, Chris, NJ


Sheldon, Jeff, CA


Smith, Susan, TX


Steele, Paula, England Stewart, Lisa, MO Vaihemäki, Sari , Sweden Whitehurst, Gale, GA Wuornos, Sally, MN


47 IBC 36 17, 25 11




THE GENE DISCOVERED ! by Dr. Jo Thompson


the past four years, biochemical research focused on found an enormous deletion of 370 base with good success methodically examining patterns of pairs. They examined in detail 70 basenji breeders substitutions or insertions in the nucleotide additional basenjis afflicted with Fanconi used a linked marker test to avoid base pairs that correlated with diseased Syndrome and confirmed that this very producing dogs who might develop basenjis, for example if an A-T base pair large deletion was the identifier for the Fanconi Syndrome and to predict one consistently appeared in a specific location disease mutation form of the Fanconi aspect of their dogs’ health status. But the in normal basenjis but was replaced by a Syndrome gene. linkage test was intended to be a G-C base pair in all the afflicted basenjis. The mutant form of the gene has a temporary measure deletion of 370 base put in place while pairs, which is “...we must acknowledge those owners who tested researchers responsible for their dogs for both the DNA used in research and for continued the hunt Fanconi Syndrome. their financial role in financing the work and those who for the identity of Graduate student the actual gene, Ms. Fabiana Farias reported anomalous results. It couldn’t have happened which in its mutant identified the gene without you.” form is responsible and its specific for Basenji Fanconi position in Syndrome. For other inherited diseases, variant Chromosome 3. Using the comparison of As described in The Modern Basenji sequence patterns associated with afflicted full genome sequences for the boxer and -- Worldwide (Vol. 1, Issue 2, pages 6-10, dogs have been found in single base pairs the basenji, it was determined that the Summer 2011), until earlier this year or longer sequences of 2-4 bps. But even mutant form of the identified gene was not research efforts had focused on the search after years of painstaking research, the one of the previous candidate genes. It for a candidate gene based on differences identity and location of the actual gene was only when they developed the full (substitutions or insertions) between the remained elusive. genome that they could use a different nucleotide bases found in afflicted basenjis In January 2011 the quest for the gene analysis approach and found the huge compared to that found in normal basenjis. took an important leap forward. Dr. Gary deletion responsible for basenji Fanconi Briefly, the canine genome as a whole is Johnson and his research team at the Syndrome on Canine Chromosome 3. comprised of ~19,000-20,000 genes in 39 University of Missouri Department of This important scientific discovery paired chromosomes. Like-chromosomes, Veterinary Pathobiology mapped the and tremendous breakthrough which will contributed one from the sperm (the sire) whole-genome sequence of a Fanconi improve the wellness and betterment of and one from the egg (the dam), are afflicted dog and were able to analyze the our breed was supported by funding from coupled together during reproduction. data by comparing it to the genome of a the Basenji Health Endowment, the Each of the two paired chromosomes boxer, producing approximately 8 million Basenji Club of America, the AKC Canine contains a single spiraling, doublechromosomal positions where the Health Foundation, a MIZZOU Advantage stranded DNA molecule. The two strands sequences differed between the two. award, and other critical donations. But, of the molecule are bound together by four Following their prior approach, they more importantly, we must acknowledge repeated chemical components called looked for substitutions or insertions in the those owners who tested their dogs for nucleotides [Adenine (A), Thymine (T), nucleotide base pairs of the target region both the DNA used in research and for Cytosine (C), and Guanine (G)] paired determined through prior analysis but their financial role in financing the work together. Two joined nucleotides are nothing was revealed. With further and those who reported anomalous results. called “base pairs” (bps). They are the comparison of the two sequences (the It couldn’t have happened without you. script that codes the programming for basenji and the boxer), the researchers With knowledge of the gene identity individual inherited traits. A gene is noticed gaps where base pairs were and the causative mutation, effective 29 simply the inherited functional unit of base missing in the basenji genome. That was August 2011, the University of Missouri pairs found in a specific location in the of significant interest. The technology Department of Veterinary Pathobiology chromosome, which determines enabled them to see that the gaps were began using a new test for the direct gene. characteristics or traits. Each gene in the biased towards deletion of G-C rich base The linkage test for markers ended on 28 chromosome is a short section of coding pair regions. Then they discovered an August 2011 and will not be used again. chain. anomalous gap in an A-T rich base pair Since chromosomes are found in pairs Beginning in January 2003, region. Within this A-T rich gap they (joined during reproduction), each gene on THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 6

Continued on page 8


Dallas Ft. Worth Basenji Club, Inc.


a given chromosome has a matching gene at the same position on the corresponding joined-chromosome. Each component of the matched gene is called an allele and the combined effect of the two matched alleles determine a particular trait. If the two matched alleles are the same, the chromosome is “homozygous”. If they are different, the chromosome is “heterozygous.” Now, armed with the knowledge of exactly which gene to examine, a test for the mutation definitively determines if a dog is normal/ clear (no mutation), a carrier (heterozygous for the mutation), or genetically affected and at risk for developing the disease (homozygous for the mutation). There is no longer an “Indeterminate” status such as when using the linked marker test. Results from the direct gene test do not use the word “Probably.” A DNA test for the actual gene enables breeders to make informed breeding decisions, with certainty, in an effort to avoid producing affected dogs and to provide better health management where appropriate. However, it is important to remember that most genes have more than one function, and the Fanconi Syndrome gene may be discovered to impact other traits we consider desirable for the breed, traits that we want to preserve. For breeders and owners who tested their dogs with the linked marker test, the Basenji Health Endowment will subsidize $15 of the retesting cost for each direct gene test until 31 December 2013. When ordering the DNA test as a retest on the OFA website at, select the “Fanconi Retest” at a cost of $50 per dog. The research laboratory at the University of Missouri will determine if sufficient DNA remains in storage from the linked marker test sample (for both blood or buccal cells from a cheek swab) to run the test. If they have enough DNA on file, a new sample will not be required. However, if the previous test does not have adequate DNA remaining to conduct another test, more DNA must be provided, in which case a test kit will be sent to you. For those breeders and owners who wish to test dogs previously tested but using new DNA samples, select “Fanconi DNA” on the OFA website at a cost of $65 per test. Our breed fancy is indebted to Dr. Gary Johnson and his team for their long-term commitment towards this effort and their pivotal discovery for the health and well-being of our dogs. But their work is not done. There are still a number of important questions that Dr. Gary Johnson and his research team will consider in order to describe the mechanisms that cause the disease to manifest. Some of their questions may include what triggers cause an ‘Affected’ dog to become symptomatic (afflicted), what other genetic factors affect expression of Fanconi Syndrome and what variation exists in expression of the gene (such as degree of severity and age at onset). Are there modifiers which may alter gene expression, how does the identified gene actually contribute to the onset of Fanconi Syndrome, and are there ways to improve management of the disease for those that progress faster than others? Only time and research will reveal the sources of these mysteries.

by Fran Medley This year marks the 35th year of dedication to this breed we all love so very much. We even have a couple of members who have been with the club since its beginning. Now that’s real dedication! We have been busy since our Specialty last March. First our annual All-Breed Lure Coursing Fun Run was held on April 23 at the Haggard’s farm with the emphasis on teaching newcomers the sport. Watching first-time pups get their first look at “the bunny” and seeing the excitement in their eyes and the enthusiasm in their run is a joy. One basenji and an Italian Greyhound tried to go through the pond – boy were they surprised! Lunch was served to all the folks while we enjoyed visiting. We held two interesting educational programs at club meetings. The first, in April, Patricia Williams, DVM, spoke about first aid for dogs and what to do in case of an emergency. The second speaker in August was Canine Sports Massage Therapist, Roberta Kirby who demonstrated massage on one of our dogs and spoke of how our lure coursing athletes could benefit from massage. AKC has encouraged clubs to host a Responsible Dog Owner’s Day to educate folks about different breeds, their specific requirements to make them a better fit into human households, and just good dog care in general. DFWBC participated with the Ft. Worth Kennel Club (FWKC) sponsored event on September 24th at Veteran’s Park in White Settlement. Weather was perfect, and many people from the community stopped by to visit our booth. At least 10 other breed clubs took part by setting up booths, providing literature and answering questions. We were very surprised and pleased to win first prize for the best decorated booth. We spent the day greeting the public and educating them about basenjis. Three of the four colors of basenjis were represented – Zoë, a red & white seven-year old bitch, Zan, an 11-year old red & white male, Pharaoh, a three year old tri male, and Paladin, a black and white six-month old male puppy. All were on their best behavior, being both cautious and eager to meet the public. The DFWBC Specialty is March 23, 2012 at the usual place – Will Rogers Memorial Complex, Fort Worth. Various other breed club specialties will be held Friday night, followed on Saturday and Sunday by the FWKC’s All-Breed Shows. A club dinner will be held Saturday night at a member’s home; all show folk welcome. Our Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes Judge will be Mike Graves of Leander, TX, a long time basenji breeder and handler. Mike has great hands on puppies. The breed judge is Theresa Hundt of Newtown, CT who has handled basenjis in the past. Trophies will be some lovely African or Egyptian themed items with a special trophy for the Oldest Veteran in Sweeps. See our website in November for more information. <>



THE B-L EGAL BLOG By: Karla Schreiber

One For All And All For One


his Quarter’s B-Legal Blog isn’t going to cover a specific legal topic. Instead, I want to plant a seed. A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to explore the website of the Dog Federation of Wisconsin. While reviewing the site, I was struck by the fact that this organization is doing something extremely important to the survival of purebred dogs in an increasingly hostile environment. As Animal Rights groups everywhere assault us from all sides, and as we (and AKC) fumble to formulate articulate and persuasive responses to these attacks, the mission statement of the Dog Federation of Wisconsin seemed particular poignant: “The Dog Federation of Wisconsin is a grassroots organization consisting of dog clubs, and individuals from all walks of life. Our membership includes Wisconsinites involved in dog conformation, agility, obedience, rally, freestyle, tracking and fly ball activities. Working dogs that participate in herding, sled dog racing, carting, search and rescue, hunt tests, field trails and hunters are found in our ranks. Many of our members are also actively involved with breed rescue and pet therapy. We represent and promote responsible dog breeding and dog ownership. DFOW represents the full spectrum of dog owners in Wisconsin. We are the experts.” The DFOW works tirelessly to combat dog-ownerdiscriminative legislation at both the national and state level, while at the same time promoting the positive aspects of purebred dog ownership to the public. There are quite a few state organizations out there, consisting primarily of AKC conformation-based kennel clubs, that attempt to influence legislation and work for a positive image of purebred dogs. But from where I sit (and this is my blog!) the DFOW goes a step or two further. DFOW includes EVERYBODY involved in any way with purebred dogs – everyone from die-hard breeders and conformation exhibitors to rescue folks and companion owners. Everybody who loves and cares about the continued existence of healthy, well-bred purebred dogs is welcomed, and the DFOW, therefore, speaks with considerable broad-based expertise when it seeks to influence legislation. For many years, those of us in “the fancies” have relied on AKC or similar parent club organizations abroad to “be our voice” when it comes to Animal Rights based laws and proposals. As we close the

books on 2011, I want to express the thought that while AKC and other parent club organizations and registries may have attempted (in good faith) to take on the role of “expert” when dealing with local and national legislation, this effort has not been successful. In short, DFOW has it right. What can, and does influence legislation is a cohesive and broad-based group of LOCAL experts, speaking authoritatively and confidently about the positive impact of purebred dogs, and the ongoing benefits of allowing breeders and owners to continue providing quality, hobby-bred, health-tested pups to those who want a purebred dog. To do otherwise is to risk allowing purebred dogs to go the way of the fur coat – branded by the Animal Right as a “dirty word” – an antiquated concept that is bourgeois and irrelevant. Purebred dogs in general, and certainly our ancient, landrace breed, are not bourgeois or irrelevant. They are living artifacts of our shared human past. Their existence on this planet informs our future, and our children’s futures. As we move from an old year to a new year, please consider the concept that unites the DFOW. Please consider how useful it may be for all of us involved in purebred dogs – breeders, owners, and rescuers – to beat our swords into plowshares. Now is the time to pull together. Together we can take a stand and protect what is important to us. Our purebred dogs are not “fur coats” – luxury items that are “for sale” at the expense of the quality of life of the animals that produce them. Our purebred dogs are history. Our purebred dogs are beautiful and useful. Our purebred dogs are not a “dirty word” – they are as much a part of humanity as we are. Those who want to take beauty and utility and turn those concepts into “dirty words” are the ones who are wrong-headed. Those of us who live in, and support the world of purebred dogs have much more in common than our differences of direction might sometimes suggest. If we join hands, we will be strong – strong enough to defeat those who seek to harm us. If we cannot join hands, we will be weak, and we may not prevail. Until next year….

Karla The B-Legal Blogger The B-Legal Blog provides general information on lawrelated topics for Informational purposes only. It does not provide personalized legal advice regarding the topics discussed, and it is not intended in any manner as a substitute for the services of a qualified, State-licensed attorney.





by Thomas Meade II - Junior Columinst


the 1970s exhibitors either filled out an entry form at the show superintendent’s desk or called in their entries. Much has changed since then. Probably the first thing that comes to mind when you think of how today’s technology affects dog shows is submitting online entries. To enter a dog show, you can use a website such as Infodog, owned and operated by MB-F. Just fill out the required information in the online form, pay for the entries with a credit card, click the submit button, and record a transaction number. You are now entered in the show and have confirmation of the entry. An immediate confirmation is sent to the e-mail address of the exhibitor’s choice. Another facet of digital technology is the ability of superintendents, such as MB-F, to show real-time results from their shows. MB-F uses an operating system called Multibase. This operating system, developed by Cykic Software, was designed specifically for them. They have taken advantage of this technology to give us results in real-time. This is wonderful because it’s easy to see how people have done at the MB-F shows almost immediately, without even needing to ask, call or text someone for results. Another useful feature of this software is the ability to read how a show dog is doing. You can also manage your kennel on-line with Infodog’s Kennel management feature. There are numerous other features on the Infodog website such as an on-line dog show calendar which can be viewed by selected states or by a weekly time period. In many cases, each show is linked to past entries and show results, and any current judge changes. It is a very useful site. Infodog does charge a nominal monthly fee for users - approximately $10.00. The site offers a discount for on-line entries for subscribers. In all cases, it is a very useful tool for the dog fancier and professional dog handler. Information is stored from previous dogs entered, making it very easy to submit additional and future entries to show superintendents.

Other enjoyable features that have arisen from the Internet are services such as Yahoo Groups and Facebook. These were initiated by the exhibitors. Dog fanciers can add each other as “Friends” on Facebook and update their individual pages or groups. There are discussion groups for people who are just interested in specific breeds, or those interested in making majors at shows, especially shows that might not normally have many entries. This has created more friendships and champions too! One nice advancement of the digital revolution is the many webhosting services available to create kennel websites. Way back, if you wanted to see a top winning dog, you either had to see the dog in person, or you had to find it in a dog publication. Of course, video has added a nice dimension to the sport of dog showing, too! Today you only need to open your favorite web browser and type the web address of the kennel you want to research. There you can see pictures, video, additional links to other helpful websites and resources. The use of the Internet for kennel websites has been particularly useful for individuals interested in researching breeding programs around the world. Language translation programs now make it possible for people who don’t speak the same language to discuss many topics, including the sport of dogs and shows. Technology has even changed how we watch the BIG shows such as The Westminster Kennel Club (WKC) and The National Dog Show (Eukanuba). A few years ago, the WKC began offering live feeds from the breed rings during the day. This was big news! I remember rushing to a computer during the day to see specific breeds. It was a bit slow at first, but when the results and videos were downloaded, it was magic. This has definitely changed the face of the sport at the BIG shows. If you’re not at Madison Square Garden in person, you can definitely feel close at hand if you have a computer and an THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 12

Internet service. Sure, you can wait until the eight o’clock live telecast and watch the group competition... but why would you? Let’s say you want to watch the breed judging and then see how the breed winner in the group looks compared to other dogs that were in the breed ring. Even if you are at the Garden as an exhibitor, you can now review how you and your dog performed, your strengths and weaknesses, and compare your entry against the other competitors in the ring. The websites for Westminster and Eukanuba are excellent resources for information. In addition to the ability to download a show premium, all the information needed to attend the show is provided. Both websites have helpful information ranging from entry requirements to transportation and hotel information. What makes these sites particularly useful is their ‘up-to-date’ and ‘of-the-moment’ news links. In addressing our basenji breed specifically, technology is very useful in discussing health issues, especially Fanconi research this year. I followed the excellent discussions right before the 2011 national specialty. The use of our basenji newsgroups on Yahoo and Facebook discussions facilitated getting out the information quickly, correctly and efficiently to club members and additional individuals in the breed. In closing, technology has greatly changed the sport of purebred dogs. It has helped us enter our dogs more efficiently and effortlessly in shows, communicate with others in the sport, and become better educated about our breeds through websites and on-line research. It has promoted links between individuals, kennels, clubs and national organizations. It has assisted us in becoming more efficient, educated and accountable in our sport. 


MBIS/MBISS CH. Arubmec’s Sweet Spot SC One last wave....

Arubmec BASENJIS Interview with Pat Cembura

How did you choose your kennel name and what does it signigy? I was with my friend and mentor, Russell Hendren, at a dog show, and we were talking about kennel names. I said I liked “ARUBMEC” which was my last name backwards. I told my husband, Paul, that I would put his name on the map in basenjis; I just didn’t tell him it would be backwards. How did you acquire your first basenji and why are you still this breed today? I was always interested in dogs as a youngster but had not heard of a basenji until I met my husband. He said he had a friend with a dog that didn’t bark or have a dog odor. I thought, “Hey, the perfect dog!” I bought one for my husband for Valentine’s Day in 1974. We treated “Taj” like a normal dog, took him camping with us and on all day trail rides with our horses, the dogs following behind. I fell in love with the breed and then acquired my foundation bitch from Della Biggs of “Pero” basenjis, Ch. Pero’s Cayenne of N’Gi aka Pepper. How long have you been breeding basenjis? I bred Pepper to Ch Asari’s Ti-Jii in 1981. This was my first litter, so I guess you could say I have been a breeder for 30 years, but I have owned basenjis since 1974. My first breeding produced Ch. Arubmec’s Allspice, aka Alli. He lived until Sept 1996 and died due to a throat tumor. What do you feel your greatest accomplishments have been in the breed, and why? I feel my greatest accomplishment is the type that I have bred. My biggest compliment came from someone who said they could recognize one of my dogs anywhere in the country. “Your ‘cookie-cutter’ dogs are your stamp.” Also, having “Victor” featured in Susan Coe’s “Out of Africa” as one of the top show dogs was a real thrill.

What are some of your favorite awards / wins and why do you consider them your favorites? Of course the Best in Show will always be my favorite win. I handled Ch. Arubmec’s the Victor to a BIS in 1988. He was the first basenji to go BIS in California and was breeder-owner handled. Another favorite win was watching Mike Work win the 1986 BCOA National under the late Anne Clark with Victor. I have had many Specialty wins that were thrilling. The same can be said for every new one that I win. I was able to be present when Erin Roberts won BIS on my “Spotti” in 2004. I drove to Oregon to watch them, and let me tell you the 10-hour drive home flew by as I re-ran that moment in my head many times. The Diane Coleman Memorial Hound Group Award was another thrill. Thanks to Erin, Michael and Patrick. Of the dogs that you have bred, which ones do you feel have made the greatest impact on your breeding program and why? I feel Ch. Arubmec’s the Victor has made the greatest impact on the breed as he is behind many of the great dogs that we know today. DC Arubmec’s Encore SC


©photo by Dave Barrett


is known for putting his flying side-gait on his offspring. I have been very lucky on the health side that many of my stud dogs have produced good health and temperaments. Name a couple of basenjis that you feel have been the most influential to our breed and why. Ch. Reveille Re-Up goes back to all my dogs so his health had to be a factor. I bred to Ch Djakomba’s Spotlight several times as I loved his type. MBIS Ch Zindika’s Johnny Come Greatly JC did a great job of getting the brindle color seen in the BIS ring.

DC Arubmec’s Encore SC - Cori

CH Arubmec’s Final Mission JC - Maddi

What are your favorite breeding combinations litters, and why do you feel they are your favorites? One of my favorite breedings was MBIS/ MBISS CH Arubmec’s Sweet Spot SC to DC Arubmec’s Hannah SC. I got excellent type movement and some of the best temperments that I have ever seen. Offspring of these litters also have the health that I want and excellent temperaments.

to Jon Curby for his relentless work with Dr. Johnson. Without Jon we would not have had someone pushing for this test and the results that have been acquired. I have seen great results in our eye exams and hip problems; we need to make sure we keep this going. What is your thought process when planning that next breeding and your priorities. When I plan a breeding, I look for the dogs to compliment each other. I look at what those dogs have produced and work with that to get my final (hopefully) outcome.

Have you had any other breeds during your years in the sport of dogs? I had an Italian Greyhound in 1985 that I finished at nine months old and then placed with one of my puppy buyers that fell in love with him as a companion for their puppy. I now have two Australian Cattle Dogs. I bought Duece for my What are your current breeding plans, or husband when his older cattle dog, Kiwi, DC Arubmec’s Thriller “Mikey” what’s in the future that you are excited was in failing health. I presented him with about? this 10-week old blue puppy. The cattle This year I plan to breed DC Arubmec’s dog people said the older dog would teach Encore SC (Cori) to Ch.Arubmec’s I will the younger dog how to act. They were Survive (Lucy). When Lucy comes in season right. Kiwi taught Deuce how to sleep real I will use frozen semen. Cori puts that great well, all day long. I got Deuce’s brother, side-gait on his puppies, and Lucy is a Ace, from a vet who loved Deuce for his beautiful leggy tri bitch who could not get any size and manners. One day I brought sweeter. In the future, I would like to use my Deuce to the clinic where I worked when stored Spotti semen on only the right bitches. he was 11-weeks old. He slept at my feet all day. The vet exclaimed, “I want a dog What do you feel breeders have improved like that!” So, I bought Ace, Deuce’s during your time in the breed? littermate, when he was 8-months old and I cannot say enough about temperment. presented him to the surgeon. He was When I got into the breed you could barely thrilled, but his wife wasn’t. After one take another basenji into the ring if it was not yours or had not night they brought him back because they didn’t want to deal known you for a while. with a puppy. I was going to take Ace back to the breeder in three weeks when I was in Washington state, but after two days Ace What do you think needs improvement in the breed? was glued to me, and I fell under his spell. After having basenjis Toplines and feet and tail sets are starting to get too low. for almost 30 years and having them tell me where to go when I wanted them to do something, I discovered that cattle dogs are so What breed traits do you feel are the most important and why? different. When you tell cattle dogs something twice, they know Wrinkled foreheads, which is a main part of our breed it! Ace ranked #7 ACD in group points before he even had his standard, also moderate layback and rear angles. If you have championship. I guess I should take him out for his Grand straight fronts and over-angled rears it may make a pretty picture Championship title now. but will not move correctly. If you didn’t own basenjis, what breed do you think you would have In light of the new DNA test for Fanconi, which health problems do and why? you feel are now a priority in our breed and why? I always had mixed-breeds before I got into basenjis, so I I am so thankful that we now have the direct gene for probably would have some type of rescue dog along the lines of Fanconi. I must take a few moments to say a big THANK YOU the Australian Cattle Dog. Continued on page 18 THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 15

IT’S ONLY COLOR But color can tell you a lot. by Mary Lou Kenworthy

Standards were written by knowledgeable people who knew and understood the origin and purpose of their breed. Standards are the guidelines that were meant to preserve the breed as it was meant to be.


basenji, once considered “Nature’s Masterpiece”, has been traced back in time to the second branch from the wolf where the basenji split off onto a branch by itself. Only the basenji was on this branch and carried on for centuries without the addition of any other canine species. The isolation provided by the environment kept this strain pure making the basenji one of the most ancient existing dog breeds that developed by natural selection without human selection until recent years. For thousands of years these basenjis evolved in the wild unimpeded by man. The basenji’s earliest reported history is from cave drawings, drawings in tombs and earliest history written by explorers. Here the colors of the basenji are reported to be the same as most wild canines, colors of the ‘A’ series. These are (Ay) -yellow, red, tan etc. depending on what breed it is applied to, (a) - recessive black, (at) - black with tan points or any of the other ‘A’ series alleles like saddle and sable. This was the original nature-made basenji. The following paragraph is a quote from the BCOA Column in the July 1958 AKC Gazette written by Walter Philo, president of the Basenji Club of America from 1955-1956: “Visiting the basenji bench at the Westminster K.C. some seven years ago, (1951) Dr. James P. Chapin of the American Museum of Natural History remarked that from a naturalist’s viewpoint, it was

commendable of U.S. dog fanciers to undertake the preservation of a pure strain of the African barkless dog. ‘The BASENJI in Africa is a welldefined breed,’ he has said, ‘evidence of long isolation from the outer world and a surprising thing in a country where natives practice little selection in domestic animals.’ Like many of us, he has been concerned that, with the influx of Europeans, bringing with them dogs of all sorts, the BASENJI was becoming mongrelized in the more traversed parts of the Congo.” In the August 1958 AKC Gazette column Walter Philo writes the following on basenji color: “As long ago as the Museum’s 1909 - 1915 Congo expedition, Dr. Chapin noted that there is a great variation in the coat of the BASENJI from sandy yellow to rich yellow-brown, from light reddish brown to deep blackish brown. The last color, he said is the least common, but a dark brown BASENJI with a white collar was the kind that he found most attractive. The handsome tri-colored BASENJI of our show rings is very rare in the Belgian Congo and apparently does not appear in the French Congo.” In his book, Basenji Dog from the Past, Forrest Bryant Johnson searches for information on the basenji in ancient Egyptian texts and historical records. The colors he mentions all fit the “A” series alleles. No one has ever discussed the other color that was found in the mid-nineteen THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 16

hundreds. It seems strange that no one questioned the brindle color that suddenly appeared in basenji-like African dogs at this time. The brindle pattern, like barking, is a dominant trait and comes only from a parent with this trait. The brindle pattern was never found in the wild. In spite of being called “tiger striped”, breeding has proven that this is the same brindle that is found in domestic breeds of dogs. It is a dominant color pattern so it can come only from a brindle parent. Brindle (kbr) was never found in the wild; it is a mutation that started in domestic dogs. Whatever breed(s) introduced (kbr) into the African dogs was not apparent after a few generations because the basenji has a primal body canid design. This proves to breed true and is seen in pariahs as well as many pure breeds around the world. Any dog with prick ears and slightly curly tail is dubbed a part or full basenji. Any mix soon shows many basenji features. Most dogs of unknown ancestry turned into shelters are labeled “part basenji” whether they are or not. Long domestication tends to change traits of the original dogs and color is the trait most easily seen. When human selection is involved, anything new and different is suddenly prized and preserved, even if the trait would be culled by nature in the wild or was not an original color. Civilization has been creeping into Africa for the past century or more and bringing with it domestic breeds of dogs. All dogs run free, and there is little or no selective breeding so canines are free to mate with whatever they can find. It is only in the most isolated parts of central Africa that the nature-made basenji is still pure. In order to preserve a natural breed (not man-made) one must resist the temptation to change what nature created. The show ring has destroyed many breeds - whether natural or man-made. The Continued on page 18


ARUBMEC BASENJIS, Pat Cembura Interview Continued from page 15

What do you feel are a breeder’s greatest challenges, and how have those challenges changed over the time you have been in the breed? The most challenging thing for a breeder to do is to stick with the type that they have picked, and, of course, health and temperament. I sometimes think that breeders do not pay a lot of attention to puppy temperaments if that puppy looks like a real winner. I don’t care how pretty or correct the dog looks, if you can’t touch it, it should not reproduce. Another challenge is finding the right family for the puppy. Please share a few photos of Arubmec dogs and tell us a little about each. MBIS/MBISS CH. Arubmec’s Sweet Spot SC (2000-2011) (pictured on page 14) Spotti was probably one of the sweetest and silliest basenjis I have ever owned. The photo is one of my group placements with him as a young dog before he went on “tour” with Erin Roberts. Thank you to Michael Jamison, Patrick Allison and Erin for getting the best out of Spotti and for all your help and support. Spotti was tested as Probably Affected for Fanconi but has never showed any signs or symptoms. I worked

at a Specialty clinic and constantly had him tested; the results always came back normal. For those of you who don’t know, I was at the National in Wisconsin this year when my husband called to say he found Spotti dead in his crate the morning of Sept. 18th. He told me that Spotti had been acting completely normal the night before, he ate his dinner, ran upstairs to his crate and gave him his nightly cookie. I was in disbelief; I couldn’t believe my Spotti was gone. My super silly boy that was the sweetest and best “waver” -- he stood on his hind legs and waved to everyone for anything -- that I have ever known. Rest in peace, my sweet boy. You are greatly missed. Another photo is of my latest new champion (#73) Ch. Arubmec’s Thriller. Mikey finished with five majors, a Best of Breed from the classes from breeder-judge, Kathy Britton. Thank you, Kathy, for the Best Puppy in Show award, shown by my good friend, Kelly Collins, who is always willing to stand in for me when my knees give out, and through my up-coming knee replacement this winter. Mikey hopefully will live up to my expectations. His sister, Izzi, Arubmec’s This Is It at Itapuca, owned by Savio Steele in Brazil certainly did. 

It’s Only Color Continued from page 16

breeds change, and not always for the better, because of the breeders’ desire for pretty colored ribbons. The trend is to breed for the latest winning fad even if it is not what the standard calls for. Standards were written by knowledgeable people who knew and understood the origin and purpose of their breed. Standards are the guidelines that were meant to preserve the breed as it was meant to be. Unfortunately, standards have been changed to suit man’s will. Adding a different color just because it’s new and someone likes it will only dilute the authenticity of a breed. In nature, the only lasting changes that take place are for the preservation of the breed. Has no one ever questioned how brindle just appeared out of thin air in the mid-nineteen hundreds? Brindle is a dominant color and can come only from another brindle. Brindle was never a wild color pattern. It didn’t appear in African basenjis until after the influx of other breeds from other countries. The same is true of dominant black, it is not reported in the wild either. It appeared in Liberia where history tells us cross-breeding was practiced by workers on the Firestone Plantation. Some fanciers there started a line of dominant black

“basenjis.” Clarence C. Little, who wrote The Inheritance of Coat Color in Dogs, placed this dominant black color in the ‘A’ series and this was thought to be correct for many decades. Modern research and DNA has proven this to be incorrect. Both dominant black and brindle are on the ‘K’ series. The black on the ‘A’ series is recessive (like our Fula blacks) or part of the black/tan pattern. Black, although not fully understood at the time, was in the original basenji standard. Brindle was added to the standard in recent times (1991) allowing further contamination from some other breed or breeds and a dilution of the pure basenji. This is why ‘color’ is important; it can, at times, define the purity or impurity of a breed. Is adding other colors more important than maintaining the purity of an ancient natural breed? Both dominant black and brindle are now long ingrained into our basenji gene pool. There are a few who would like to add more colors even if they are not the original basenji colors. This would further dilute the original basenji gene pool. Is it worth bringing in impurities for the sake of a new color? We have allowed human desired changes to creep into the basenji - a THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 18

natural breed that we were entrusted to preserve. Further contamination will only take us further from “Nature’s Masterpiece.” If we are to preserve the true basenji, any new additions to our gene pool must be only of the purest natural basenjis. These dogs must come from the furthest possible area away from civilization where their isolation has been documented for centuries. These areas are far away from coastal regions where population first builds up and access is easy from other countries. These dogs must resemble the earliest recorded basenjis as opposed to what man has created for the show ring. They must be of an original ‘wild’ color and not carry other color genes or barking from domestic dogs. It is only in the deepest, most uncontaminated by civilization part of Africa where such native basenjis can still be found. Only these ancient descendants can offer us the proper type and can pull the breed back into the moderation of the original basenjis and away from the extreme caricatures that the show ring fads have created. DNA color testing can help provide us with dogs that carry only the “wild” color genes from the original basenjis. This can help us maintain a higher degree of purity.


ack in 2008 I was thrilled and delighted to be elected to judge this show, and after much anticipation the reality did not disappoint. I understand that the class entries were down somewhat, understandable given the state of the economy worldwide at the moment, but the quality on the whole was pretty high. In the males a fair sprinkling of top class

a light tidy and a touch of chalk. I was pleased to see that for the most part, square dogs were square because they were short in back and not because they were lacking in angles. However, a lack of ribbing was not uncommon, where sometimes chests sufficiently deep at elbow cut away too sharply. There were a few otherwise very typy basenjis that lacked foreleg length. I hope the preceding comments are taken in the spirit in which they are intended; as an outsider I was generally more than impressed with the quality of the entry and any minor criticism is only to pinpoint where attention might need to be focused; specifically for me, on front movement and heads. WINNERS DOG: from the 9-12 r\w class, Laurel S’Simply Goes Too Far, sound, well made, correct and compact, nice typy head and good eye shape and colour, really scored on movement, clean as a whistle coming and going, covered the ground well in sidegait

2011 BCOA National Specialty Comments by Judge Lisa Tyler, UK

animals, a good solid ‘middle’ of decent quality and only a few that were disappointing. In the bitch classes there were more of those really high class ones; this was reflected in the very good entry of specials as well, and a higher proportion of those coveted Awards of Merit went to bitches. Some observations on the entry as a whole; profile movement was generally excellent, much better than I am used to seeing; and there were only a few that weren’t good going away. However, clean front movement was a lot harder to find; while only a few were really untidy, a degree of toeing in was very common and cost a few otherwise top notch hounds higher awards on all three days. When a puppy does this it is unlikely to improve. Feet were generally good, again there were a few exceptions. I was heartened to find that front assembly seemed to be much improved from what I had observed ringside on recent visits, and fewer hounds lacked fill in front; that tacked on, super-straight, short upper arm was rare too. Heads still need work. Quite a few round and/or light eyes, long snipy muzzles and unappealing expressions; the best heads were on a par with what can be seen in Europe, but there weren’t a majority of those. Amongst the winners, I mostly had a good clean wedge and decent head planes, but not always the fine detailing of wrinkle and cushions. Interesting that a number of those with the most typy heads came from a small number of kennels; two of the best male heads were father and son, two of the best bitches, sisters. I found quite a few hounds that I would like to have seen a little more flesh on. My winners were all just nicely covered so that the ribs could be felt but not seen. Pliant, flexible skin was not by any means common, and I wonder how many judges know to check for it. Tri and brindle markings were usually good and clear, and it was a pleasure for me to note the multi-coloured nature of my final winners, with brindles going BOB, RWD and RWB, blacks taking SD and AOMs as did several of the tricolours. I was struck by the amount of preparation that some had clearly had. As a judge one can only assess what is in front of one in the ring, and it is not my job to inspect the contents of grooming boxes! But I hope our breed never becomes one that generally needs more than

and just kept moving better and better as the class went on, great feet and good bone, colour good, but coat a touch heavier than perfection. RESERVE WINNERS DOG: from Open Brindle, Karnak’s Raven Rock N Rollin, very elegant and stylish, good head and fine wrinkle, very clear markings and level topline, clean coming and going and a light free action, most promising. Also in contention for Winners were: Bred-By Exhibitor Dog: Sonbar’s Xactlyas Xpected; compact, elegant red with a pleasing well-wrinkled head, level topline, clean out and back, superb long ground covering stride on the move. Croup slopes a touch. 9-12 AOAC: Flutesong’s Imagine; substantial tri, lovely head shape with short muzzle, clean bone and good feet, level topline, strong rear, superfine coat and colour, short back. A little short in neck and not quite as good in front assembly as the winners. American Bred, Emerant’s Heez Got Gusto, very elegant, square and short-backed b/w with a nice head and pleasing outlook, fine coat, correct angles, decent mover; would like a touch more body on him. Open Red/White: Kibushi the Oracle; surprised he is not a Ch, masculine dog with a very nice head and good front, super clean front movement, short back, good rear angulation, tail standing off back a little. Veteran Dog 7-10 years: Ch Jerlin-SS General Powell, b/w male with lovely type and outline, substantial but elegant, nice head and good front, strong rear, good depth, covered ground really well on the move. Veteran Dog 10+ years: Ch Berimo African Warpaint, compact b/w who scored on his free light movement, not showing his age at all, correctly made and made the best of what he has got. Field Trial Dog: GCh DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC, LCX, r/w with exceptionally good head shape and almond eyes, level topline, good clean front and strong well-muscled rear, short back, slightly longer coat. Impressive that he is also the sire of the second and third, those performance genes are clearly being


passed on! WINNERS BITCH/BEST OF WINNERS: from BBE, Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina; balanced, compact r/w with a pretty head, good eye and wrinkle, fine coat and deep red colour, short back. Absolutely sound in every department, free moving and with great athleticism, she never stopped showing for a second. Litter sister to WD, she demanded the top spot and could not be denied. RESERVE WINNERS BITCH: from 6-9 Puppy, Songwe’s Rock Star Legend; well marked light brindle, very feminine with a very nice attractive head and excellent wrinkle and earset. Excellent front with good forechest, good feet, deep chest and good heartroom, clean coming towards me which won her RWB. Also in contention for Winners were: 9-12 RW: Meisterhaus Signet One ‘n Only; perfection stacked and I liked her as soon as I looked at her. Nice head with short muzzle, correct front assembly, level topline and strong rear with high tailset and good reach, lovely profile movement and good going away, but not quite as good in front which cost her in the challenge. 9-12 AOAC: Berimo ‘n Taji Zenyatta; most attractive b/w with a very nice outline and overall type, moved very well when she settled to it, good front and pleasing outlook, correct rear, most promising. nd 2 in BBE, Taji’s Chock Full o’Moxie; oozed basenji type with lovely feminine head, fine bone, superb coat colour and texture, good feet, lovely profile movement, correctly angled rear. Just needs to fill a little more in front. Open RW: Meisterhaus Signet Hell or High Water; upstanding bitch, very typy and with a super outline; good front assembly, strong driving rear, moved very well when she relaxed. 12-18: Raven Rock n Karnak’s All That Jazz; petite and feminine red, nice head and good coat and colour, moved very nicely, good feet and fine bone. Veteran Bitch 7-10 years: Ch Taji’s Klassic Beauty JC; what a fantastic mover this tri bitch still is; absolutely effortless ground covering stride, clean both ends, could balance a glass on her topline, and she has superb tri markings and a very nice head, still in strong contention with the top bitches. Veteran Bitch 10+ years: Ch Jerlin’s Lyric in Black, stylish well constructed b/w with a very nice head, still an excellent mover all round, very well preserved and liked her a lot. Field Trial Bitch: DC Epic’s Accidental Magic SC, attractive tri bitch who looked very stylish going around, good coat and colour, nice head, strong front, competitive. AWARDS OF MERIT: GCh AB-Rafiki the Icon of Cool: the consummate showman, this very stylish tri never misses a beat, beautiful masculine head with perfect earset, crested neck into good front, rock solid topline and highset tail, well ribbed up, moving out well in profile and with a strong driving rear action. Toeing in in front. Ch Taji’s Klassic Beauty JC (see comments above) Ch Rosewood’s Mystic Illusion: extremely elegant upstanding b/w bitch with a striking outline and most attractive head, excellent front and matching well angled rear, short back and strong rear action, clean free movement, feet not her fortune. GCh Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl: one of the best heads in the entry and she is a good mover too; one that looked better gaiting than stacked, she moved her way up the order with her

head, sidegait and clean front. GCh Sonbar’s Sonic Shockwave RE NAJ: attractive masculine well-made dog, approaching the top of the substance continuum, clean moving in all directions and ultra sound. As a top performance basenji he knows how to do a day’s work and he is well equipped for it. Ch Klassic’s Gift from Paris: square, very feminine attractive tri who looks nice enough stacked but whose virtues become apparent when she starts to move, flowing free stride and clean both coming and going, couldn’t be overlooked. GCh Taji Goes Platinum: petite and extremely typy r/w bitch with a beautiful head and stunning fine orange red coat, double curl well set, good angulation and moved very well. A shade wide in front. GCh Klassic’s Slam Dunk: attractive well made tri with excellent sidegait. Nice masculine head, level topline, good depth of body, well ribbed up, just not quite the angles behind that he has in front but he makes maximum use of what he has. Ch Sonbar’s Xclusive Xtrovert; r/w bitch, still very much a baby but showing extreme promise, both chock full of type and sound as a bell. Not willing to stack nicely for more than a few seconds at a time, but did enough to show me what she had, and I fell for it! Ch Jerlin-SS General Powell (see comments on page 19) SELECT DOG: Ch Kasendo-Tutu Special Agent Gibbs, this ultra sound b/w is not a showy dog and really needs to have hands on to appreciate fully, when you realise how correct he is. Good clean front and feet with correct front assembly, level topline and strong rear, ample body, correctly shaped head, perhaps a little light in eye. In superb show condition with superfine coat, sound as a bell on the move. SELECT BITCH: GCh DC Bantu’s Playing Rochambeau SC, this r/w bitch was a little star, fabulous on the move with terrific sidegait, clean all round, typy elegant outline, beautifully put together with well matching angles, attractive head and expression, didn’t put a foot wrong and just had the misfortune to come up against one of the outstanding basenjis of this or maybe any era; but this little one made her work for it. Beautifully handled and put down to perfection. BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX: GCh Jasiri Sukari Win Tin Tin, I realised that this leggier r/w was a young dog but not that he was only 9 months old! Such poise for one so young; he has a beautiful head and wrinkle, very elegant and typy with good leg length and tight feet with good slope of pastern, good fill, excellent in profile and clean coming and going, high set tail with good curl, must have a big future. BEST OF BREED: GCh Meisterhaus Dazzle n’ Daze, have admired this lovely brindle bitch, and her mother before her, since she was a puppy, and so was disappointed to hear that she had been retired after her Westminster win, and that I would not get the chance to go over her and find out if she was as good as she looked. Well, her owners and handler are true sportsmen and so to my surprise, here she was; and yes, she is! Pretty, wedge shaped head, short muzzle, well arched neck into correct front, deep chest and well ribbed up, strong rear with broad second thighs, short back. Perfectly sound in all directions and totally effortless in profile. This is one that really does look as if she could go all day, and has that indefinable ring presence that makes a good hound a great one. The best basenji I have ever had my hands on and very difficult to fault.



©Photos by George Woodard


©Photos by George Woodard



Presented by the Host Club - Basenji Club of Southeastern Wisconsin

Not pictured are members Jan Cook, Andy Hayek, & Terry Colbert

©Photos by Susan & Lennah

Tuesday - September 20, 2011 OBEDIENCE Judge: Mr Ed Haas HIGH IN TRIAL........................ GCH Sonbar’s Sonic Shockwave, RE, NA, OAJ BEGINNER NOVICE B OBEDIENCE 1 198.0 DC Lacada’s Con Man K’s Kaper, CD MC MX MXJ AXP AJP OF RAE5. Owner: Belinda Kaufman. 2 196.5 FC Solar Kasai Celestial Dancer, SC NA RAE. Owner: Elizabeth M. Lundell. NOVICE B OBEDIENCE 1/HT 191.0 GCH Sonbar’s Sonic Shockwave, RE, NA, OAJ. Owner: Sally & Kari Wuornos. 2 187.0 Sonbar’s Autumn Velveteen Vixen. Owner: Mary Langula & Gary Langula & Sally Wuornos. VETERAN OBEDIENCE 1 181.0 DC Lacada’s Con Man K’s Kaper, CD MC MX MXJ AXP AJP OF RAE5. Owner: Belinda Kaufman.

RALLY - Judge: Mr Ed Haas RALLY NOVICE A 1 100 CH Arendahl’s Carnival Night JC NA.. Owner: Lisa & Amy Marshall. 2 94 Kiroja Loving Every Minute.. Owner: Jan Cook & Andy Hayek. RALLY ADVANCED A 1 92 CH Sonbars Dann Braknalltherules, Owner: Laura Caldwell. RALLY ADVANCED B 1 98 DC Lacada’s Con Man K’s Kaper, CD MC MX MXJ AXP AJP OF RAE5. Owner: Belinda Kaufman. 2 96 DC Tammen’s Can’t Touch This SCRE NA NAJ Owner: Susan Cook & Laura Gilchrist. 3 91 FC Solar Kasai Celestial Dancer, SC NA RAE Owner: Elizabeth M. Lundell. 4 91 DC Rafikis Twilights Last Gleaming SC RE OA OAJ Owner: Susan Cook & Michelle Gahgan. RALLY EXCELLENT B 1 96 FC Solar Kasai Celestial Dancer, SC NA RAE. Owner: Elizabeth M. Lundell. 2 92 DC Lacada’s Con Man K’s Kaper, CD MC MX MXJ AXP AJP OF RAE5 Owner: Belinda Kaufman.


87 DC Tammen’s Can’t Touch This SCRE NA NAJ Owner: Susan Cook & Laura Gilchrist. 4 83 DC Rafikis Twilights Last Gleaming SC RE OA OAJ. Owner: Susan Cook & Michelle Gahgan. RALLY RELAY 1 96 CH Sonbars Dann Braknalltherules Owner: Laura Caldwell. 1 96 GCH Sonbar’s Sonic Shockwave, RE, NA, OAJ Owner: Sally & Kari Wuornos. 1 96 Ch. Sonbar’s Nifty Natalie RE Owner: Diana Dickhausen & Sally Wuornos. 2 2 2

85 CH Arendahl’s Carnival Night JC NA. Owner: Lisa & Amy Marshall. 85 DC Tammen’s Can’t Touch This SCRE NA NAJ Owner: Susan Cook & Laura Gilchrist. 85 FC Solar Kasai Celestial Dancer, SC NA RAE. Owner: Elizabeth M. Lundell.



Basenji Club of America National Specialty - Manitowoc, WI Sept. 20 thru 25th, 2011 PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES - Judge: Debbie Hauri Thursday, September 22, 2011 BEST PUPPY IN SWEEPS.............................................................. Kazor’s Mak’n My Way BEST OP PUPPY IN SWEEPS............................................................. Sonbar’s Zfor Zorro PUPPY 6-9 DOGS 1/BOSS Sonbar’s Zfor Zorro. Owner: Sally Wuornos. 2 New World As You Like It. Owner: Nicole Freedman and Robert Freedman. PUPPY 9-12 RED & WHITE DOGS 1 Laurel’s S’Simply Goes Too Far. Owner: Laura Mae Hesse. 2 Sonbar’s Xactlyas Xpected. Owner: Sally Wuornos & Kari Wuornos Winger. 3 Annandael’s Land of Nod.. Owner: Benjamin Palmer and Danielle Johnston. PUPPY 9-12 AOAC DOGS 1 Meisterhaus No Nonsense. Owner: Sherri Heichelbech. 2 Joy-Us Move It On Over. Owner: Susan Joyner. 3 Flutesong’s Imagine.. Owner: Nancy Craigie and Penny Lee. 4 Reveille One For The Money. Owner: Damara Bolte’, Jane Lodge, & Kelly Wisch. PUPPY 12-18 DOGS 1 Raven Rock N Country Karnak. Owner: Brittney Smith and Karen Terry and Karen Hutchison. BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR DOGS 6 MO - 18 MO 1 Kazor’s Take Me All The Way.Owner: Carol A. Webb. 2 AB Rough Rider To UnderCover. Owner: Gale N. Whitehurst, Connie L. Camp, W. Pooley, & D. Mizzoni. 3 GCh Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin. Owner: Julie & Kathy Jones and Chua Ming Kok. 4 Nuttinbut-Undercover Frasier. Owner: Janice O. Harrison & Gale N. Whitehurst. PUPPY 6-9 BITCHES 1 Arubmec’s This Is It At Itapuca. Owner: Savio P. Steele. 2 Mariah’s Essence Of Cool. Owner: Christopher & Maria Clecak. 3 Kibushi MV This Time For Africa. Owner: Kelly Wisch, Jon Curby, Max Krainer & Joyce Wilkinson. 4 Kazor’s Try’n Top Me. Owner: Carol A. Webb. PUPPY 9-12 RED & WHITE BITCHES 1 Sonbar’s Xclusive Xtrovert. Owner: Sally Wuornos & Kari Wuornos Winger. 2 Meisterhaus Signet One Way or Another. Owner: A. Tad Brooks. 3 Meisterhaus Neon Nights. Owner: Joe Stewart & A. Tad Brooks. 4 Karnak’s Trixie Luna Blue Moon. Owner: Matt & Felicia Boyer and Karen Hutchinson. PUPPY 9-12 AOAC BITCHES 1 Berimo N Taji Zenyatta. Owner: Pat Marshall & Katie Campbell. 2 Meisterhaus Neverwinter Nights. Owner: Lisa Stewart & A. Tad Brooks. 3 Starfyre’s Tri A Lil’ Pizzazz. Owner: Denise Searcy & Kathy Grayson. Agent: Carrie Jones 4 Illusion’s Dark Moon Rising Owner: Bob & Terry Reed. PUPPY 12-18 BITCHES 1 Raven Rock N Karnak’s All That Jazz Owner: Karen Terry & Karen Hutchison. BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR BITCHES - 6 MO - 18 MO 1/BISS Kazor’s Mak’n My Way. Owner: Carol A. Webb. 2 Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina. Owner: Laura Mae Hesse. 3 Meisterhaus Signet One ‘N Only. Owner: A. Tad Brooks & Melanie Pierce. 4 Taji’s Chock Full O’moxie. Owner: Katie Campbell with Samantha & Todd Roshak.

VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES - Judge: Debbie Hauri BEST VETERAN IN SWEEPS................................................ CH Taji’s Klassic Beauty JC BEST OP SEX VETERAN IN SWEEPS.............................CH Laurel B’Ki L’Dashiell Do It VETERANS 7-9 YEARS DOGS 1/BOSS CH Laurel B’Ki L’Dashiell Do It. Owner: Laura Mae Hesse. 2 CH Starfyre’s Tu Hansum At Jambo. Owner: Rocky Ruland & Denise Searcy.Agent: Carrie Jones VETERANS 9-11 YEARS DOGS 1 CH Jerlin-SS General Powell. Owner: Linda K Ehlers. 2 CH Kazor Bay-Senji Yuara Natural. Owner: Carol A. Webb & Felicia M. Cashin. 3 CH Berimo African War Paint Owner: Judith Glass & Pat Marshall. 4 CH Reveille Bells And Whistles. Owner: Jeffrey P /Slonaker & Scott S /Slonaker. VETERANS 11-13 YEARS DOGS 1 CH Illusion’s Rio Grande Of Dune Owner: Bob & Terry Reed and Douglas Joy. 2 Mankia’s Kero Matata. Owner: Lynn & Dennis Arrand. VETERANS 13+ YRS DOGS 1 CH Nyanga’s Star Of Kidibu SC Owner: Suzanne La Croix & Geoffrey Barker. VETERANS 7-9 YEARS BITCHES 1/BISS CH Taji’s Klassic Beauty JC Owner: Susan Smith, Lilia Augustine & Katie Campbell . 2 CH Ankhu Steel Magnolia. Owner: Caryn & Michael Jones. 3 CH Meisterhaus Kiroja Kiss N Tell RA JC NA NAJ. Owner: Kelli Harmon. VETERANS 9-11 YEARS BITCHES 1 DC Ra-Shes Future View Of TuTu, JC. Owner: Elda R. & Tom Cross. 2 Ch. Kugawa’s Soprano Reveille. Owner: S.Sher. VETERANS 11-13 YEARS BITCHES 1 CH Jerlin’s Lyric In Black Owner: Linda K. Ehlers. 2 CH Jerlin-Ankhu Patton Leather, JC. Owner: Caryn J. & Michael P Jones. 3 CH Kibushi Nyanga Cha ChaOwner: Annette Muenter & Jon Curby. 4 CH Jerlin’s Airborne. Owner: Robert & Nicole Freedman and Linda K. Ehlers. VETERANS 13+ YRS BITCHES 1 CH Sonbar’s Tek Elusive Target Owner: Eric & Terisa Kangas. 2 Mankia’s Tamu Ibilisi Owner: Lynn & Dennis Arrand, Terri Fleming and Robert Erickson.





BCOA African Stock Exhibition Manitowoc, WI September 22,2011 by Judge Mia Löwbeer Yulara Basenjis, Sweden


I would like to thank all of you who made this possible; it was an experience I will never forget! The BCOA who invited me, Amy who picked us up at the airport, Lisa, Beth, Heather, Judy, my steward, Robert who drove us to the airport, and then all of you old friends and new friends who made our stay very special! Thank you! I felt very honoured to be invited to judge the Africans, and I looked forward to it very much. I was very pleased to see the new imports from 2011 as well, five of them. They will all contribute in their own way to the population, and I hope we all will be able to make wise and intelligent decisions as to what to breed them to in the future. In came the puppies and I must say I was very pleased with them, especially the

photo by Monica Massih

½ Africans. I was impressed! The head of my winner was gorgeous, and she was so well put together and looked square and high on the legs. My BOS puppy was ¼ New African. Immediately you see the influence from our domestic lines. An interesting observation I had was that some of them were a little different, a lot of very loose skin, a little lower on leg, longer in body, and a little heavier. After I read the catalogue I realized they were from a little different area compared to those from the more northern part of DR Congo. This area has dense jungle so it is better to be lower on leg, as well as loose skin, to be able to run through the thick vegetation not found in the northern ones.

BEST PUPPY............................................................................ KIBUSHI POPPY OF YAMBOKA BEST OPPOSITE SEX PUPPY..........................................................SONBAR’S ZFOR ZORRO BEST ADULT...........................................................................................KIBUSHI THE ORACLE BEST OPPOSITE SEX ADULT.................................................... CH ELDORADO’S BARCODE PUPPY COMPETITION 1/4 AF PUPPY DOG 1/BOP Sonbar’s Zfor Zorro Owner: Sally Wuornos 2 Kibushi Kayode To Deerfield Owner: Karla Rehfeldt & Tina Rehfeldt 1/2 AF PUPPY DOG 1 New World As You Like It Owner: Nicole & Robert Freedman FULL AF PUPPY DOG 1 Avongara Moses Of Immeasurable Worth Owner: Vaughn & Colleen Spears 1/2 AF PUPPY BITCHES 1/BP Kibushi Poppy Of Yamboka Owner: Jon Curby 2 Kibushi Mv This Time For Africa Owner: Kelly Wisch, Jon Curby, Max Krainer & Joyce Wilkinson 3 New World Midsummer Night’s Dream Owner: Karla Schreiber 4 Istari New World Owner: Ms. Kirsten Sigrist FULL AF PUPPY BITCHES 1 Lukuru Constellation Pegasus Owner: Robert Freedman, Nicole Freedman & Jo Thompson

In the northern region it also is savannah and semi-jungle where dogs need to have longer legs to be fast enough to hunt the game. It was lovely to see the amount of wrinkle some of them had. So much needed today in the breed. It will be very interesting to see the result when they are mixed in with the domestic population. My adult winner has so much breed type, lovely head, square and high on legs with an easy movement. And was I pleased to see that he has the same mother as my BOB-puppy. My BOS adult had so much quality as well with a lovely shoulder and upper arm, and I discovered she was a Champion! It was fantastic to be honoured to be part of the Africans. I really think they have a future in the breed. They have so much to offer, and again we have to make intelligent choices when we breed to benefit the breed rather than promote our own egos. We have a breed to preserve for the future. The effort to bring dogs from Congo should be very much encouraged.

Thanks again! ADULT COMPETITION 1/4 AF DOGS 1 Dc Jadaka National Security Sc Owner: David Kahl & Janice Kahl 2 Wakan Patriot Dream Owner: Elizabeth M. Lundell 3 Dc Jadaka’s Independent Spirit Sc, Scrc, Orc, Fch, Vb Owner: Terry Colbert 1/2 AF DOG 1/BA Kibushi The Oracle Owner: Jon Curby 1/4 AF BITCHES 1 Viento’s Delite Fantastic Owner: Betty Jo Bradshaw 1/2 AF BITCHES 1/BOS Ch Eldorado’s Barcode Owner: Terry Cox Fiedler VETERAN BITCHES 1 BIF Reveille Unique Edition Owner: Suzanne La Croix & Damara Bolte’







Basenji Club of America National Specialty - Manitowoc, WI Sept. 20 thru 25th, 2011

REGULAR CONFORMATION - Judge: Ms. Lisa Tyler Sept. 23 - 25th, 2011

OPEN RED & WHITE DOGS 1 Kibushi The Oracle. Owner: Jon & Vicki Curby.Agent: Michael Work

BEST OF BREED.........................................................GCH Meisterhaus Dazzle ‘N’ Daze. BEST OF OP. SEX TO BOB................................................ GCh Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin BEST OF WINNERS.....................................................Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina BEST BRED-BY EXHIBITOR.......................................Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina BEST VETERAN..................................................................... CH Taji’s Klassic Beauty JC SELECT DOG.......................................................CH Kasendo-Tutu Special Agent Gibbs SELECT BITCH...............................................GCh DC Bantu’s Playing Rochambeau SC WINNERS DOG................................................................Laurel’s S’Simply Goes Too Far RESERVE WINNERS DOG................................................. Karnak’s Raven Rock n Rollin WINNERS BITCH..........................................................Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina RESERVE WINNERS BITCH.................................................Songwe’s Rock Star Legend AWARDS OF MERIT: 1....................................................185 GCH AB-Rafiki The Icon Of Cool 2........................................................... 144 CH Taji’s Klassic Beauty JC 3..................................................... 230 CH RoseWood’s Mystic Illusion 4............................................... 222 CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl 5...........................167 GCH Sonbar’s Sonic Shockwave, RE, NA, OAJ. 6.......................................................... 220 CH Klassic’s Gift From Paris 7..................................................................184 GCH Taji Goes Platinum 8...............................................................169 GCH Klassic’s Slam Dunk 9............................................................... 38 Sonbar’s Xclusive Xtrovert 10........................................................ 109 CH Jerlin-SS General Powell DOGS: PUPPY (6-9 MOS) DOGS 1 Sonbar’s Zfor Zorro. Owner: Sally Wuornos. 2 Dafina’s Rogue Wave.Owner: Tami Neargarth. 3 Kibushi Kayode to Deerfield.. Owner: Karla & Tina Rehfeldt. 4 New World As You Like It.. Owner: Nicole Freedman & Robert Freedman. PUPPY (9-12 MOS) RED & WHITE DOGS 1/W Laurel’s S’Simply Goes Too Far. Owner: Laura Mae Hesse. 2 Annandael’s Land of Nod. Owner: Benjamin Palmer and Danielle Johnston. 3 Select IC Information. Owner: Tracy Leonard, DVM and Jeffrey Leonard, PE . PUPPY (9-12 MOS) AOAC DOGS 1 Flutesong’s Imagine. Owner: Nancy Craigie and Penny Lee. 2 Reveille One For The Money. Owner: Damara Bolte’, Jane Lodge, & Kelly Wisch. Agent: Kelly Wisch 3 Annandael’s I See the Moon. Owner: Danielle Johnston. 4 Reveille Revue des Mousquetaires Noirs. Owner: Suzanne La Croix & Damara Bolte’. 12-18 MOS DOGS 1 Raven Rock N Country Karnak. Owner: Brittney Smith and Karen Terry and Karen Hutchison. AMATEUR OWNER HANDLER DOGS 1 Jerlin’s Mystic Warrior.Owner: Charles B. Bruton. BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR DOGS 1 Sonbar’s Xactlyas Xpected. Owner: Sally Wuornos & Kari Wuornos Winger. 2 AB Rough Rider To UnderCover. Owner: Gale N. Whitehurst, Connie L. Camp, W. Pooley, & D. Mizzoni. 3 Kazor’s Take Me All The Way. Owner: Carol A. Webb. 4 Meisterhaus No Nonsense.Owner: Sherri Heichelbech. AMERICAN BRED DOGS 1 Emerant’s Heez Got Gusto, SC. Owner: Lisa R. & Bryce Hart. 2 Reveille Tolls Nightwatch Musketeer. Owner: Suzanne La Croix & Damara Bolte’. OPEN BLACK & WHITE DOGS 1 Kasendo- Tutu Black Ty Affair. Owner: Kathryn Boyd & Elda Cross. 2 Berimo N Taji’s Sunday Silence. Owner: Tammy McQuigg, Pat Marshall, Katie Campbell. 3 Berimo Special Delivery.Owner: Gail Kennedy & Pat Marshall . 4 Emerant’s Heez Born to be Wild JC. Owner: Sarah Smith.Agent: Lisa Hart OPEN BLACK, TAN & WHITE DOGS 1 Taji’s Boy Scout. Owner: Jeff, Amy and Wyatt Ross, Katie Campbell.Agent: Cali C Shattuck 2 FC Emerant’s Heez Reminiscent SC Owner: Sarah Smith-Falkner & Lisa Hart. 3 Reveille Tri To Conquer. Owner: Deborah Henning. 4 Tammen’s Born In The USA For Illusion. Owner: Bob & Terry Reed. OPEN BRINDLE & WHITE DOGS 1/R Karnak’s Raven Rock n Rollin. Owner: Christopher Batistelli & Karen Hutchinson. 2 Wakan Patriot Dream.Owner: Elizabeth M. Lundell. 3 Kisa Clear and Present Danger. Owner: Kim Byrd & Gail Dluzeski.Agent: Gail Dluzeski


RESERVE WINNERS DOG BITCHES: PUPPY (6-9 MOS) BITCHES 1/R Songwe’s Rock Star Legend.Owner: Susan Schroeder & Renee Wise. 2 AB Taking Texas By Storm.Owner: Wanda Pooley. 3 Arubmec’s This Is It At Itapuca. Owner: Savio P. Steele. 4 Kibushi Poppy of Yamboka.. Owner: Jon Curby. PUPPY (9-12 MOS) RED & WHITE BITCHES 1 Meisterhaus Signet One ‘N Only. Owner: A. Tad Brooks & Melanie Pierce. 2 Meisterhaus Signet One Way or Another. Owner: A. Tad Brooks. 3 Meisterhaus Neon Nights. Owner: Joe Stewart & A. Tad Brooks. 4 Karnak’s Trixie Luna Blue Moon. Owner: Matt & Felicia Boyer and Karen Hutchinson. PUPPY (9-12 MOS) AOAC BITCHES 1 Berimo N Taji Zenyatta. Owner: Pat Marshall & Katie Campbell. 2 Meisterhaus Neverwinter Nights. Owner: Lisa Stewart & A. Tad Brooks. 3 Starfyre’s Tri A Lil’ Pizzazz. Owner: Denise Searcy & Kathy Grayson.Agent: Carrie Jones 4 Undercover-Nuttinbut Fiona. Owner: Janice O. Harrison & Gale N. Whitehurst. 12-18 MOS BITCHES 1 Raven Rock N Karnak’s All That Jazz. Owner: Karen Terry & Karen Hutchison. AMATEUR OWNER HANDLER BITCHES 1 Dakotah’s Chantellie Lace JC. Owner: Terry and Lisa Lemberger. BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR BITCHES 1/W/BW/BBE Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina. Owner: Laura Mae Hesse. 2 TAJI’S CHOCK FULL O’MOXIE. Owner: Katie Campbell with Samantha & Todd Roshak. 3 Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet. Owner: A. Tad Brooks. 4 Klassic’s Just Dance Owner: Sue Kite & Jeff Gillespie.


Basenji Club of America National Specialty - Manitowoc, WI Sept. 20 thru 25th, 2011

AMERICAN BRED BITCHES 1 Teazer Khani’s I’m Coming Out Owner: Kathryn Britton, John Gaidos & Ainsley Halemanu. 2 Select IC InfoDotCom.. Owner: Tracy Leonard, DVM and Jeffrey Leonard, PE . OPEN BLACK & WHITE BITCHES 1 FC Emerant’s Sheez Gotcha, SC.. Owner: Lisa R. & Bryce Hart. 2 Berimo N Mardi Gras Spinout. Owner: Pat Marshall & Mike Graves. OPEN BLACK, TAN & WHITE BITCHES 1 Illusion Tri Alil Tenderness Of Dune. Owner: Bob & Terry Reed. 2 Sirobe Causing Chaos. Owner: Brad Phifer . 3 Bubalak Mirage For Illusion. Owner: Bob & Terry Reed. 4 Mankia Duara Mila Kwa Tesa. Owner: Dennis Arrand. OPEN BRINDLE & WHITE BITCHES 1 Mariah’s Princess Kahirah. Owner: Patricia Hudson & Maria Clark. 2 Basenji Park Make N Time. Owner: Gail & Gary Dluzeski.Agent: Gail Dluzeski OPEN RED & WHITE BITCHES 1 Meisterhaus Signet Hell or High Water. Owner: A. Tad Brooks. 2 Laurel S’Salways Wonder & Amazement Owner: Laura Mae Hesse. 3 Astarte’s Aria Of Mentzos. Owner: Heather Mentzos (Stella Sapios). 4 Viento’s Delitefully Enchanted. Owner: Betty Jo Bradshaw.

NON-REGULAR CONFORMATION CLASSES VETERAN (7 & UNDER 10 YEARS) DOGS 1/AOM C CH Jerlin-SS General Powell. Owner: Linda K Ehlers. 2 CH Kazor Bay-Senji Yuara Natural. Owner: Carol A. Webb & Felicia M. Cashin. 3 CH Starfyre’s Tu Hansum At Jambo. Owner: Rocky Ruland & Denise Searcy.Agent: Carrie Jones 4 CH Laurel B’Ki L’Dashiell Do It. Owner: Laura Mae Hesse. VETERAN (10+ YEARS) DOGS 1 CH Berimo African War Paint. Owner: Judith Glass & Pat Marshall. 2 CH Illusion’s Rio Grande Of Dune.. Owner: Bob & Terry Reed and Douglas Joy. 3 Mankia’s Kero Matata. Owner: Lynn & Dennis Arrand. 4 CH Reveille The Bell Tolls JC. Owner: Suzanne La Croix & Damara Bolte’. FIELD TRIAL CLASS DOGS 1 GCH DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC, LCX. Owner: Terry Colbert. 2 DC Jadaka National Security SC. Owner: David Kahl & Janice Kahl. 3 DC Jadaka’s Independent Spirit SC. Owner: Terry Colbert. 4 DC Joy-Us Fire On The Mountain, SC, FCH.. Owner: Susan Joyner. VETERAN (7 & UNDER 10 YEARS) BITCHES 1/AOM/BV CH Taji’s Klassic Beauty JC. Owner: Susan Smith, Lilia Augustine & Katie Campbell . 2 CH Ankhu Steel Magnolia. Owner: Caryn & Michael Jones. 3 CH Meisterhaus Kiroja Kiss N Tell RA JC NA NAJ. Owner: Kelli Harmon. 4 Ch. Kugawa’s Soprano Reveille. Owner: S.Sher. VETERAN (10+ YEARS) BITCHES 1 CH Jerlin’s Lyric In Black. Owner: Linda K. Ehlers. 2 CH Kibushi Nyanga Cha Cha. Owner: . Owner: Caryn J. & Michael P Jones. 3 Ch. Signet Nyanga Alice ‘N Wonderland Owner: Kimberly A. Siefert.Agent: A Tad Brooks FIELD TRIAL CLASS BITCHES 1 DC Epic’s Accidential Magic JC. Owner: Ellen Hawkens & Becky Blansett. 2 KIROJA HART N SOUL RA SC. Owner: Kelli Harmon. MULTIPLE-ENTRY NON REGULAR CLASSES STUD DOG 1 CH Jerlin-SS General Powell. Owner: Linda K Ehlers. 2 GCH DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC, LCX Owner: Terry Colbert. BRACE 1 Select IC InfoDotCom. Owner: Tracy Leonard, DVM and Jeffrey Leonard, PE . 1 Select IC Informant.. Owner: Tracy Leonard, DVM and Jeffrey Leonard, PE .


JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP - Judge: Kalen Dumke BEST JUNIOR.................................................................................................SHELBY MILLER JUNIOR (OPEN SENIOR) 1/BJ GCh DC Bantu’s Playing Rochambeau SC.. Owner: Jennifer Miller, Shelby Miller. 2 CH AB-Rafiki Of Cool, JC. Owner: Mikala & Kaye Bennett and Wanda Pooley. 3 CH Klassic’s Knockout Punch. Owner: Sharon Unrau & Thomas Meade.




Basenji Club of America National Specialty - Manitowoc, WI Sept. 20 thru 25th, 2011 BEST OF BREED


Photo by Terry Fiedler Cox







Photo by Terry Fiedler Cox





C.I.B.* FI CH, EE CH, LV CH Dakarai Beyond Belief (SE CH, Dipop Red Dancer x FI CH, EE CH, FI RC CH Dakarai Jamili Lina)

DOB 2.11.2008 her achievements: CACIB x 8 resCACIB x 1 BOB x 4 BOS x 10 CC x 16 res-CC x 8 BOB-junior x 1 BOS-junior x 1 BIS2-puppy x 1 BIS2-bitch puppy x1 (Finnish Basenji Speciality) BOB-puppy x 5 BOS-puppy x 1 Lure coursing 5 X CQ

breeder: Sanna-Maija Helevä / Kennel Dakarai, Finland owners: Sari Vaihemäki and Sanna-Maija Helevä

BCOA 2011 Agility

Susan Cook Agility Chair


basenjis and eight incredibly optimistic handlers attended the BCOA 2011 Agility Trial, held on Sunday, Sept 18th as part of the Manitowoc County Kennel Club Agility trial. The handlers sported bright yellow custom made team shirts, designed by Belinda Kaufman. The color made them really stand out in the crowd! Not untypical of September, the weather was cool and blustery. The wind played havoc with the timer, compounding the challenge for success that day. Although the dogs gave some excellent performances, most ended up over time. With 20 runs of basenjis we had one qualifying team, Jada and Jan Cook! Thank goodness we had a basenji to give all those awards! Name Jada Rusty Aubrey Arrow Kaper Bakari Miranda Whistler Chili Sonar

Top row L to R: Sally Wuornos, Lisa Marshall, Carol Kuna, Burl Cavanaugh, Jeff Slonaker. Bottom row L to R: Pat Wand, Susan Cook, Jan Cook, Belinda Kaufman

Registered Name Handler Kiroja Loving Every Minute JC OA, OAJ Jan Cook Vinaka’s XIV Karat Goldn Boy JC NA NAJ Jan Cook DC Rafikis Twilights Last Gleaming SC RE OA OAJ Susan Cook DC Tammen’s Can’t Touch This RE SC NA NAJ Susan Cook DC Lacada’s Con Man K’s Kaper CD BN RAE5 MC MX MXJ AXP AJP XF NFP Belinda Kaufman Ch Azizi’s Time Out NA NAJ Carol Kuna CH Arendahl’s Carnival Night JC NA Lisa Marshall CH Reveille Bells and Whistles CD RA NA NAJ Jeff Slonaker Sonbar’s Indigo Ice NA NAJ Pat Wand GCH Sonbar’s Sonic Shockwave RE NAJ Sally Wuornos

Photos by Clay Bunyard



BCOA 2012 National Specialty Eisenhower Hotel and Conference Center Gettysburg, PA July 9-15, 2012*

“We are met on a great battle-field of that war...” Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863 For more information visit: or email Look for regular updates on the web and in Basenji publications. Show chairman Lee Beth Cranmer

Meet us in Gettysburg! *subject to AKC approval

BCOA 2011 - Lure Coursing and LGRA ASFA LURE COURSING September 21, 2011 Nora Mayfield – 2011 BCOA ASFA Trial Secretary

Photos by Wanda Pooley

BEST IN FIELD - DC JOY-US FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN SC FCH OPEN (12) 1 Zade - Reveille Tri To Conquer 2 Robin - Kugawa’s Robin the Boy Wonder 3 Remi - FC Emerant’s Heez Reminiscent SC 4 Denver - South House Echelon Denver Debonnaire 5 Gotcha - Emerant’s Sheez Gotcha SC FIELD CHAMPION (7) 1/BIF Micki - DC Joy-Us Fire On The Mountain SC FCH 2 Roxie - Kiroja Hart N Soul RA SC FCH SGRC JOR 3 Gandina - GCH CH Taji’s Gandina Carnation FCH 4 Keira - FC Tompkins Karibbean Treasure SC FCH GRC SOR 5 Boo - DC Select Rugosa Rose Bouquet MC FCH VETERAN (4) 1 Zuri - GCH DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX LCM V-FCH SGRC2 ORC VB 2 Aubrey - DC Rafikis Twilights Last Gleaming RE SC OA OAJ JOR GRC LCM V-FCH 3 Bruiser - Tompkins Cruzin For A Bruzin MC FCH GRC ORC SOR SINGLE (13) 1 Ellie - Chantellie Lace JC 2 & 3 (tie) Stella - CH Joy-Us Stella D’Oro SC and Jake - CH NBN Tonkawa Dream Catcher 4 Natty - Sonbar’s Nifty Natalie

AKC JUNIOR COURSER TESTS PASSED TEST A AND TEST B Dafina Rafikis Brightman, .......................................................................................T Neargarth Dafina Rafikis Devilish Driver..................................................................................T Neargarth Dakotah’s Kuma Cum-Laude................................................................... R Mathers/S Mathers CH Flutesong’s I’M Henry The 8th I Am...................................................................... N Craigie Miss Chloe Murray, ..................................................................................................... E Murray Rafikis Fancy Colors.............................................................................. T Neargarth/M Gahgan GCH CH Taji’s Gandina Carnation .................................... T McQuigg/K Campbell/T McQuigg GCH CH Undercover Meisterhaus Hi Ho Quianna By Signet.............................. G Whitehurst/ A Brooks/J Harrison


September 23, 2011 Terry Colbert: 2011 BCOA LGRA Meet Secretary High Point................Ari - DC Jadaka’s Independent Spirit SC SGRC ORC FCh VB Opposite High Point.............................................. Roxie - Kiroja Hart N Soul SGRC Veteran High Point.............................................................. Cody - Cody IV SGRC2 Opposite Veteran High Point................. Cleo - Meisterhaus Kiroja Kiss N Tell GCC 1 2 3 4 5

Ari - DC Jadaka’s Independent Spirit SC SGRC ORC FCh VB Zuri - GCh DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX SGRC2 ORC LCM VFCh VB Roxie - Kiroja Hart N Soul SGRC Remi - Emerant’s Heez Reminiscent Cody - Cody IV SGRC2


Basenji Club of America National Specialty - Manitowoc, WI Sept. 20 thru 25th, 2011 What the Host Group had to say...

Memory Walk

By Lisa Marshall, Assistant Chair One thing I love to do is look at the national club websites of other breeds. If a club lists an upcoming national specialty, I’ll click through the site to read all the specialty information -- the schedule, the list of judges, where the show is being held, and I also look to see what special events are planned. Memory Walk While perusing the Vizsla Club of America, Inc. 2010 national specialty website, I came across a fund raising event called The Memory Walk. What a wonderful way to celebrate the memories of special dogs and pets, and people who have passed on. Luminaries - candle-lit bags - were set along a pathway, each one representing a dog, other pet, or person who has passed on. I attended the Vizsla Memory Walk and loved what I saw. I even made a short video and showed it to some of the 2011 BCOA host club members. They were enthusiastic about having our own Memory Walk, so we scheduled it for Thursday night of the national week. People completed a sign-up form and donated $15 for each luminaria. A simple catalog, with a color cover depicting basenjis running down memory lane, included a short description of each of the 38 memorials. Many volunteers helped make the Memory Walk a lovely and memorable event. Rande Mathers r Cox designed stencils that she Fiedle Terry y b to placed inside each luminaria bag. Pho When the battery-powered candles were lit, the outlines of a basenji head and tail or a firefly glowed through the bag. Susan Cook and Lisa Tyler (our specialty judge) filled the luminaria bases with water for weight in case the evening was breezy, and Pat Wand enlisted other helpers to make an arch of balloons in rainbow colors using PVC tubing. This arch was the start and finish of

Photo by Sylvia Jordan

Photos by Sylvia Jordan

the pathway. Lisa Lemberger set up a DVD player to play a wonderful selection of songs in the background for all the visitors. Steve Mathers bought several small flashlights to hand out to people so they could read their catalogs as they wandered through the path of luminaries. Many more people helped - if I try to name everyone I will miss someone, but thank you to all. Those who bought luminaries set up displays of photographs, collars, toys and other mementos beside their luminaria(s). It turned out to be a lovely night to take a stroll down Memory Lane.

“Guess the Kennel Name” basket game

The Welsh Corgi 2010 National Specialty had a fun game called Guess the Kennel Name baskets. People put together baskets with items hinting their kennel names. People wrote their guess for each basket, the winner received a prize, and the baskets were then donated to their auction. Our host group liked the idea and it was really no work on our part other than publicizing it. Eight very creative baskets were entered and displayed daily in the show ring area. Forms were set out for people to use to submit their guesses for each basket. These were collected and scored on Saturday at lunch. A three-way tie occurred with seven correct guesses out of eight which prompted a drawing for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. The winners, Karen Hutchison, Joyce Hughes, and Sandy Beaudoin, each chose a basket. The remaining five baskets went to the live auction. The 1st place winner also got a DVD of the 1988 trip to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, donated by Jon Curby. Thank you Jon! Thanks to the basket makers, NewWorld, Karla Schreiber, Sonbar, Sally Wuornos, Arendahl, Lisa Marshall, T’Zn, Sandy Tucker, Ruler and Dasher, Laura Caldwell, Klassic, Sue Kite, Bluegrass Collar and Lead, Nick Russell, Joy-Us, Sue Joyner, for their clever creations! THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 39

Basenji Club of America National Specialty - Manitowoc, WI Sept. 20 thru 25th, 2011 What the Host Group had to say... Elements, A Study of the Breed Standard by Clay Bunyard


Best Trick competition was held prior to the ELEMENTS Educational Exhibition. The surprise guest judge was Mayor of Manitowoc, Justin Nickels, who incidentally is also one of Susan Cook with the youngest mayors in the Arrow & Aubrey. U.S. (elected at 22, currently 25). Despite being a self-confessed “cat person”, Mayor Nickels got into the spirit of the event and judged the eight teams entered in the competition. In front of an enthusiastic crowd, the teams performed tricks ranging from “stick your paws in the air”, a find the treat “shell game,”and returning tissues to the trash can. In the end, Mayor Nickels chose the team of Susan Cook and her dogs, Arrow and Aubrey, as the Best Trick of the evening with their dueling tricks comedy routine. The ELEMENTS educational exhibition was first introduced at the 2010 BCOA National Specialty in

Greeley, CO as an informal and fun way to learn more about the basenji breed standard. Analogous to a “parts” class competition, the focus of the event is on the individual “elements” of the breed standard which are broken out into separate classes. Breeder judges from across the country were selected (and kept secret until the time of the event) for the challenging task of focusing in and judging only one aspect of the dogs in front of them. Exhibitors were free to enter a dog in any of the seven classes which resulted in a total of 40 dogs entered in the competition for 135 individual class entries. The competition was divided into two parts, starting with a round-robin judging at seven different judging stations to narrow the pool of dogs for each class down to the six highest scoring finalists (via numerical scoring). While not necessarily spectator friendly, the round robin had a significant time-saving Above: ELEMENTS judges. Back row (L-R) Karen Hutchison, Pat Marshall, advantage for accommodating the large Carol Webb, Chair: Clay Bunyard. Front row Wanda Pooley, Katie number of entries and allowed the Campbell, Sandy Beaudoin, Gale Whitehurst. entire event to be completed in about BELOW: Karen Hutchison selecting Best Hindquarters out of the 6 finalists. two hours. The judges then reexamined the finalists and made the 1st-4th placements for their particular Element. Following the placements, the judges gave their perspective on the Element they evaluated and explained their placements to the audience.  ©Photos by George Woodard

ASFA Trial and AKC JC Tests Karla Schreiber, Field Trial Chair Decent weather and a gaggle of great-running hounds was the order for the day. Thirty-six basenjis were entered in the ASFA event, and ten basenjis earned both legs of their AKC JC titles. Best in Field winner was a repeat from 2010 – Sue and Bob Joyner’s DC Joy-Us Fire on The Mountain SC FCH (Micki), winning from the Field Champion stake! Putting on a field trial is an exercise in coordination, cooperation, and plain old hard work. This is the fourth time I’ve chaired a BCOA National Specialty field trial and each time I’ve hit the jackpot in terms of “cast and crew...” My hat is off to the following folks, and to everybody who helped out on the day! Field Trial Secretary: Nora Mayfield. Field Clerks: Don Goodrich and Lisa Marshall. Huntmasters: Connie Camp, Karla Schreiber. Lure Operators: Connie Camp, Karla Schreiber, Terry Lemberger. Roll Call: Lisa Marshall, Pat Wand, Beth Straub, Susan Cook. Paddock: Susan Smith. The Paddock Master keeps the whole ball of wax in motion - and Susan did it in a walking cast, from a folding chair!

Trophies: Nicole and Rob Freedman. Don Goodrich. Our resident potter / trophy-maker Field set-up: Andy Hayek, Terry Lemberger, Karla Schreiber. Snow Fence Brigade: Lisa Marshall, Susan Cook, Andy Hayek, Jan Cook, Terry Lemberger, Dr. Jo Thompson, Kirsten Sigrist, Connie Camp, Gale Whitehurst, Wanda Pooley, Steve & Rande Mathers, Bob & Sue Joyner, Kari Wuornos-Winger, Sally Wuornos, Laura Caldwell, Terry Fielder. Judges: Kevin Carlson, Scott Hurlburt (ASFA), Scott Hurlburt, Karla Schreiber (AKC JCs) Kevin and Scott generously judged our trial for what I’m 99% sure was something LESS than their actual expenses - THANKS guys! Judges’ Lunch: Lisa Lemberger. Judges’ Gift Bags: Lisa Lemberger. Equipment Hauler Extraordinaire: Terry Lemberger Terry shuttled the coursing equipment up to Manitowoc, procured a storage facility for it, brought it all to the field, and took it home ”Woot!!” And one more special thank you to all of you who ran your hounds in the trial, tests or practice, and the folks who just came out to watch. It was uplifting to see such a good-sized gallery cheering on the runners! As the old Jackson Browne song says… “You got up on your feet, and made the show!”


Basenji Club of America National Specialty - Manitowoc, WI Sept. 20 thru 25th, 2011 What the Host Group had to say...

Wearables Committee Runs Amok! by Lisa Lemberger


kay, we admit it. We got carried away with the number of shirt options offered for the 2011 Basenji Nationals. Eighteen choices to be precise and in a range of seven sizes, which meant 126 different possibilities. To be honest, we didn’t do the math when we started. It all began with an amazing logo from Wanda Pooley, and the theme “The Test of Time.” Rande Mathers was immediately inspired to use safari colors, greens, golds and Photo by W anda Pooley oranges, to really show off the logo. But since those colors don’t look great on everyone, we decided it was important to include some neutrals like tan, blue and black. Then it was about marketing. Terry Lemberger gathered all the color swatches from the manufacturers’ websites and inserted a .jpg file of the logo on each swatch so buyers could see what the shirt would look like. Next, Clay Bunyard and Carmella Troisi-Hoerr loaded all the images onto Facebook® and the National Website and the sales began! In the first round of orders, we sold 205 shirts to 90 different people. There was such interest at the Specialty, we decided to do a second round of orders. Despite having to pay for shipping, we sold an additional 85 shirts to 50 people. Some people from the first round even ordered more shirts! Overall 120 different people ordered 290 shirts, an average of 2.5 shirts per person. And the reason we have all these numbers is because Lisa Lemberger is an Excel geek (she loves Pivot Tables!).

As you can see, it takes a village to do wearables! 

The Auction! By Nicole Freedman and Janet Ketz, Co-Chairs


he National Specialty received some wonderful items for its auction. Some of the live auction items included an authentic African bell, a signed Veronica Tudor Williams Blue Book, and a beautifully framed and matted original print of an African woman with three basenjis donated by Mike Work from his most recent trip to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Photo by Terry Fiedler Cox The silent auction was located near the ring every day for people to browse and bid. On Saturday after lunch, the silent auction was closed so the winners could check out early and not have to wait for the live auction Saturday night. This year people were able to check out through PayPal using either a computer set up at the live auction, or their own smart phones. Carmella Troisi-Hoerr, the 2011 national specialty website administrator, set up the PayPal site. Janet Ketz worked diligently to ensure that things went smoothly. Katie Campbell, Wendy Anderson, and Dennis Arrand made sure the live auction was fun for all. The auction raised $4,590. Special thanks to everyone who participated - by donating, working, and buying - to make this year’s auction a success.

And on Seminars...

from Lisa Marshall Thursday evening at the Holiday Inn a standing room only crowd gathered to hear a presentation by Dr. Jo Thompson, Oxford University educated primatologist who is an international expert on the Bonobo, considered the rarest of the great apes. In the course of her years of fieldwork in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dr. Jo has lived in the remote areas where native basenjis are still found. Dr. Jo’s presentation included fascinating and beautiful photos of many native basenjis in her research areas. She also showed a video of basenjis on a hunt, providing valuable commentary on the dogs and the hunting traditions of the local people.h


REGULAR CONFORMATION - Judge - Mr. William F. Potter II WINNERS DOG/BOW...............................................................Meisterhaus No Nonsense RESERVE WINNERS DOG.................................................... Kaleonahe’s Timar Imagine WINNERS BITCH/BEST PUPPY.............................................. Mariah’s Essence Of Cool RESERVE WINNERS BITCH...................................................Bushwacker Cherry Bomb


SWEEPSTAKES - JUDGE - Dr. Tracy Leonard BEST PUPPY ...........................................................................Meisterhaus No Nonsense BEST OF OP SEX PUPPY...................................................... Mariah’s Essence Of Cool 6-9 MOS SWEEPS PUPPY DOGS 1/BSS (21) Meisterhaus No Nonsense.. A. Tad Brooks & Sherri Heichelbech. 2 (25) Kaleonahe’s Timar Imagine. Jean Martin & Kyle Cabral & Stephen Strobel. 6-9 MOS SWEEPS PUPPY BITCHES 1/BOSS (14) Mariah’s Essence Of Cool Christopher & Maria Clecak. 2 (12) Briden’s Second Chance For Possum Creek.. C. Kirk & D. Vertrees. 3 (16) Meisterhaus Signet Out Of Your League. A. Tad Brooks. Agent Tim Huff VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES BEST VETERAN.................................................... CH Baruh’s Timothy Of Schaumburg BEST OF OP SEX VETERAN....................................... CH Briden’s Pinstriped Possum 7 YRS & UNDER 10 YRS DOGS 1/BVS (29) CH Baruh’s Timothy Of Schaumburg.. Pamela A. Sweeney. 7 YRS & UNDER 10 YRS BITCHES 1/BOVS (32) CH Briden’s Pinstriped Possum. C. Kirk & Denise A. Vertrees. 2 (30) Reveille Line-Up For Tomjo. Ric Wright & James E. Berry.

BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS 1/W/BW 21 Meisterhaus No Nonsense.. A. Tad Brooks & Sherri Heichelbech. 2/RW 25 Kaleonahe’s Timar Imagine. Jean Martin & Kyle Cabral & Stephen Strobel. 3 15 Bushwacker Cor Leonis. Chris Frost. 4 11 Mariah’s Striped To Thrill.. Christopher & Maria Clecak. 6-9 MOS. PUPPY BITCHES 1/W/BPUP 14 Mariah’s Essence Of Cool.. Christopher & Maria Clecak. 2 16 Meisterhaus Signet Out Of Your League. A. Tad Brooks. Agent Tim Huff 3 12 Briden’s Second Chance For Possum Creek.. C. Kirk & D. Vertrees. BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES 1/RW 24 Bushwacker Cherry Bomb.. Chris Frost. 2 20 Moore Of A Riot Than You’ll Ever Know. Michelle Smith & Nancy L. Moore. 3 26 Sirobe Clever Endeavor For Baruh.. Bradley Phifer. 4 18 Mariahs Princess Kahirah. HP36534503. Patricia M. Hudson & Maria Clecak. OPEN RED & WHITE BITCHES 1 28 Hacker’s Too Hot Too Handle At Mariah. Maria Clecak & Ann Harrison. Agent Nina Fetter VETERAN 7 YRS & OLDER BITCHES 1 32 CH Briden’s Pinstriped Possum. C. Kirk & Denise A. Vertrees. BEST OF BREED OR VARIETY B/G2 40 CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl. Bitch. Edna Johnson & Sandra Millbrooks & T. Brooks & B. Cassell. Agent Erin Roberts BOS GCH Victory Meisterhaus The X Factor.. Dog. Tim V. Huff. SEL DOG GCH Eldorado N Akuaba Untamed Heart At Kaleonahe. Dog. Kyle Cabral & Steve Strobel. SEL BITCH CH Moores Back For Moore Fun.. Bitch. Nancy L. Moore & Michelle L. Smith & Christy D. Featherston.





Photos by Terry Cox Fiedler THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 42


©Photos by George Woodard

BEST IN FUTURITY............................................. Jumoke Baru Mr. Moonlight RES BEST IN FUTURITY.................Taji Tries Inferno Purgatory & Paradise


BEST IN MATURITY..................................Platinum Taji X-Treme Competitor RESERVE BEST IN MATURITY.....................................Proudlaan Sunny Jim

REGULAR CONFORMATION - Judge: Mrs. Edna K. Martin Best of Breed or Variety.........................GCH CH Taji’s Klassic Lil Black Dress SC, K Campbell Best of Opposite Sex................................CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin , J Jones/K Jones/C Kok Select Dog............ CH Baraka Jumoke Salish Samish, P Root/W Bowlus/B & LGregory/LSaban Select Bitch................................................GCH CH Taji’s Breakfast At Tiffanys SC, K Campbell Best of Winners...........................................................................FC Emerant’s Sheez Gotcha SC Winners Dog ...........................................................Salish Sea’s Supernatural Superserious Man Reserve Winner Dog ................................................................................... Proudlaan Sunny Jim Winners Bitch .............................................................................FC Emerant’s Sheez Gotcha SC Reserve Winner Bitch ..................................................................................... Khanis Icarly Barun Best Junior Handler..........................................................................................Amelia McLaughlin

CLASS WINNERS: PUPPY DOG, 6-9 MOS 1 Jumoke Baru Mr. Moonlight, M Carter/G Woodard/B Gregory/L Gregory BRED BY EXHIBITOR, DOG 1/WD Salish Sea’s Supernatural Superserious Man, L Saban OPEN DOGS, BLACK/WHITE 1 Emerant’s Heez Born To Be Wild JC, S Smith OPEN DOGS, BLACK/TAN/WHITE 1 Taji Tries Inferno Purgatory & Paradise, T Hickey/K Campbell PUPPY BITCHES, 6 - 9 MOS. 1 Prize N DragnQuest Sangria, T Cuzzetto BITCHES, BRED BY EXHIBITOR 1/WB/BOW FC Emerant’s Sheez Gotcha SC, L Hart/B Hart OPEN BITCHES, BLK WHT 1 FC Fopaw’s Black Pearl SC, S Pintar/T Leimback OPEN BITCHES, BLK WHT TN 1 Platinum Nelson Blue Diamond SC, J Bayley/D Nelson OPEN BITCHES, RD WHT 1/RW Khanis Icarly Baru, G Woodard/K Britton VETERAN DOGS, 7 TO 10 YRS 1 CH Bordeaux African Jumoke SC, K Franks/J Funchess VETERAN DOGS, 10 & OVER 1 CH Emerant’s The Instigator JC, R Ferguson/L Hart VETERAN BITCHES 7 TO 10 YRS 1 DC Platinum And Nelson At Taji SC, L Nelson/M Quinnett/D Nelson STUD DOG CLASS 1 GCH DC Southhouse Jumoke Ltle Big Man Malawi, Lisa Saban,Bryan Gregory,Laurie Gregory BROOD BITCH CLASS 1 CH Emerant N Fopaws Sheza Seeker Lisa R Hart,Bryce Hart BRACE 1 GCH DC Southhouse Jumoke Ltle Big Man Malawi, SC: Lisa Saban,Bryan Gregory,Laurie Gregory 1 CH Salish Sea’s Baraka Jumoke Ms Diamond, Lisa Saban,Paul Root,William Bowlus,Laurie Gregory,Bryan Gregory

August 6, 2011 JUDGE: Mrs. Jeraldeen Crandall Best Of Breed DC Atarasi’s D’lucks Edition SC. Owners: Natalie Scherwin,Nancy Sherman (Dog) Best Of Opposite CH Salish Sea’s Baraka Jumoke Ms Diamond, JC. Owners: Lisa Saban,Paul Root,William Bowlus,Laurie Gregory,Bryan Gregory (Bitch) Sel Dog........... Tazamisha Prize N Ace’s Spotted Arrow.. Owners: Theresa Cuzzetto (Dog) Sel Bitch...................CH Jumoke’s Trifecta. Owners: Bryan Gregory,Laurie Gregory (Bitch) JAM .............................. CH Jumoke Southhouse Congo, Owners Bryan & Laurie Gregory Winners Dog/BOW............................................................Emerant’s Heez ReminiscenT SC Reserve Winners Dog.....................................Salish Sea’s Supernatural Superserious Man Winners Bitch.................................................................................Taji’s Chock Full O’Moxie Reserve Winners Bitch...............................................................FC Fopaw’s Black Pearl SC


PUPPY DOGS 6 MOS. & UNDER 9 MOS 1 JUMOKE BARU MR. MOONLIGHT. Owners: Melina Carter,George Woodard,Bryan Gregory,Laurie Gregory BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOG 1/RD SALISH SEA’S SUPERNATURAL SUPERSERIOUS MAN. HP39621 Owners: Lisa Saban AMERICAN BRED DOGS 1 FC BARAKA PRINCE OF ABU TIG SC. Owners: Bob Gooderl OPEN DOGS, BLACK/TAN/WHITE 1/WD/BW EMERANT’S HEEZ REMINISCENT SC. Owners: Sarah Smith-Falkner OPEN DOGS, RED/WHITE 1 FC ZURIS LAGAT SC. Owners: Kenneth Leighton,D. Troyna Agent: Kim Jensen PUPPY BITCHES 6 MOS. & UNDER 9 MOS. 1 ARUBMEC’S THIS IS IT AT ITAPUCA. Owners: Savio P Steele BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES 1/WB TAJI’S CHOCK FULL O’MOXIE. Owners: Katie Campbell,Samantha Roshak,Todd Roshak OPEN BITCHES, BLACK/WHITE 1/RB FC FOPAW’S BLACK PEARL SC. Owners: Suzanne Pintar OPEN BITCHES, BLACK/TAN/WHITE 1 FC TAJI’S BANH MI ON THE RUNWAY TO BLUE NOTE. Owners: Holly Hamilton,Katie Campbell,Jung Kim,Mark Farnsworth OPEN BITCHES, RED/WHITE 1 KHANI’S ICARLY BARU.. Owners: George Woodard,Kathryn Britton,Daniel Britton




Basenji Club Of Southeastern Wisconsin Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2011 - Manitowoc, WI SWEEPSTAKES - JUDGE: Ms. Erin Roberts BEST PUPPY................................................................................Kazor’s Mak’n My Way BEST OP SEX PUPPY......................................................... Sonbar’s Xactlyas Xpected

CLASS WINNERS: PUPPY 6-9 DOGS 1 Sonbar’s Zfor Zorro. Owner: Sally Wuornos PUPPY 9-12 DOGS 1/BOSS Sonbar’s Xactlyas Xpected Owner: Sally Wuornos & Kari Wuornos Winger. PUPPY 12-18 DOGS 1 Raven Rock N Country Karnak. Owner: Brittney Smith and Karen Terry and Karen Hutchison. BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR DOGS 6 - 18 MOS 1 Karnak’s Raven Rock n Rollin.. Owner: Christopher Batistelli & Karen Hutchinson. PUPPY 6-9 BITCHES 1 AB Taking Texas By Storm. Owner: Wanda Pooley. PUPPY 9-12 BITCHES 1 Sonbar’s Xclusive Xtrovert. Owner: Sally Wuornos & Kari Wuornos Winger. PUPPY 12-18 BITCHES 1 Raven Rock N Karnak’s All That Jazz. Owner: Karen Terry & Karen Hutchison.

BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR BITCHES - 6 - 18 MO 1/BISS Kazor’s Mak’n My Way. Owner: Carol A. Webb. VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES BEST VETERAN........................................................CH Starfyre’s Tu Hansum At Jambo BEST OP SEX VETERAN...................................................... CH Taji’s Klassic Beauty JC

CLASS WINNERS:: VETERANS 7-10 YRS DOGS 1/BISS CH Starfyre’s Tu Hansum At Jambo. Owner: Rocky Ruland & Denise Searcy. Agent: Carrie Jones VETERANS 10+ YRS DOGS 1 CH Berimo African War Paint Owner: Judith Glass & Pat Marshall. VETERANS 7-10 YRS BITCHES 1/BOSS CH Taji’s Klassic Beauty JC. Owner: Susan Smith, Lilia Augustine & Katie Campbell . VETERANS 10+ YRS BITCHES 1 CH Jerlin-Ankhu Patton Leather, JC.Owner: Caryn J. & Michael P Jones.




BEST JUNIOR GCh DC Bantu’s Playing Rochambeau SC Owner: Jennifer Miller, Shelby Miller

CONFORMATION - JUDGE: Mr. Michael Dougherty BEST OF BREED ......GCh DC Bantu’s Playing Rochambeau SC..Bitch Owner: Jennifer Miller, Shelby Miller. BEST OF OP SEX ........ GCh Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin. Dog Owner: Julie & Kathy Jones and Chua Ming Kok. AOM/SELECT DOG..........GCH Sonbar’s Sonic Shockwave, RE, NA, OAJ. Dog Owner: Sally & Kari Wuornos. AOM/SELECT BITCH..................... CH Jasiri-Sukari Congo Lines. Bitch. Owner: Julie L. & Kathleen A. Jones AOM/BEST VETERAN ...............................................................................................CH Berimo African War Paint WINNERS DOG....................................................................................................................Joy-Us Move It On Over RESERVE WINNERS DOG......................................................................................Raven Rock N Country Karnak WINNERS BITCH/BOW.................................................................................................. Sonbar’s Xclusive Xtrovert RESERVE WINNERS BITCH.................................................................................................Kazor’s Mak’n My Way PUPPY (6-9 MOS) DOGS 1 Dafina’s Rogue Wave Owner: Tami Neargarth. PUPPY (9-12 MOS) DOGS 1 Flutesong’s Imagine. Owner: Nancy Craigie and Penny Lee. 12-18 MOS DOGS 1/R Raven Rock N Country Karnak. Owner: Brittney Smith and Karen Terry and Karen Hutchison. BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR DOGS 1/W Joy-Us Move It On Over. Owner: Susan Joyner. AMERICAN BRED DOGS THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 44

Basenji Club of Southeastern Wisconsin (continued) 1 Reveille Tolls Nightwatch Musketeer. Owner: Suzanne La Croix & Damara Bolte’. OPEN BLACK & WHITE DOGS 1 Berimo Special Delivery.Owner: Gail Kennedy & Pat Marshall . OPEN BLACK & TAN & WHITE DOGS 1 Tammen’s Born In The USA For Illusion. Owner: Bob & Terry Reed. OPEN BRINDLE & WHITE DOGS 1 Wakan Patriot Dream.Owner: Elizabeth M. Lundell. PUPPY (6-9 MOS) BITCHES 1 Arubmec’s This Is It At Itapuca. Owner: Savio P. Steele. PUPPY (9-12 MOS) BITCHES 1/W/BW Sonbar’s Xclusive Xtrovert. Owner: Sally Wuornos & Kari Wuornos Winger. 12-18 MOS BITCHES 1 Raven Rock N Karnak’s All That Jazz.. Owner: Karen Terry & Karen Hutchison. AMATEUR OWNER HANDLER BITCHES 1 Dakotah’s Chantellie Lace JC. Owner: Terry and Lisa Lemberger. BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR BITCHES 1/R Kazor’s Mak’n My Way Owner: Carol A. Webb. OPEN BLACK & TAN & WHITE BITCHES 1 Illusion Tri Alil Tenderness Of Dune.Owner: Bob & Terry Reed. VETERAN (7-10 YEARS) DOGS 1 CH Starfyre’s Tu Hansum At Jambo. Owner: Rocky Ruland & Denise Searcy.Agent: Carrie Jones VETERAN (10+ YEARS) DOGS 1/AOM CH Berimo African War Paint. Owner: Judith Glass & Pat Marshall. VETERAN (7-10 YEARS) BITCHES 1 CH Taji’s Klassic Beauty JC. Owner: Susan Smith, Lilia Augustine & Katie Campbell VETERAN (10+ YEARS) BITCHES 1 CH Jerlin’s Airborne.Owner: Robert & Nicole Freedman and Linda K. Ehlers. BROOD BITCH BITCHES 1 GCH Karnak’s Pure and Simple Allure. Owner: Karen Terry & Karen Hutchison.








BASENJI CLUB OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA DESIGNATED SPECIALTY - Oct. 21, 2011 JUDGE: Mrs. Anne Katona BEST OF BREED .........................................GCH DC Bantu’s Playing Rochambeau SC. Bitch. Owner: Jennifer Miller & Shelby Millerr BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX ........................... GCH ‘Tis-A Arubmec’s Circle Of Life. Dog. Owner: Joyce & Fred Hughes & P E Cembura SELECT DOG .........................................................GCH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin. Dog. Owner: Julie & Kathy Jones & Chua Ming Kok SELECT BITCH ........................................ CH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D’nile MC. Bitch. Owner: Deborah Nelson & Mary K Quinnett AWARD OF MERIT ......................................................CH Jokuba-Kazor’s The Way I Am.. Dog. Owner: Teresa Gavaletz & Kelly Shane WINNERS DOG/BEST OF WINNERS..................................................................................................................... Jumoke’s Twist And Shout RESERVE WINNERS DOG................................................. Tailwind’s Azizi Johari From Samburu. Owner: Kerry Krisherr & Julie Leicht WINNERS BITCH..................................................................................................................FC Taji’s Banh Mi On The Runway To Blue Note RESERVE WINNERS BITCH..................................................................................................................... AB Tanza Life In The Fast Lane JC CLASS WINNERS Puppy, 9 & Under 12 Mo Dogs..................................................................... Jumoke Baru Mr. Moonlight. Owner: Melina Carter & George Woodard & Bryan Gregory & Laurie Gregory Bred by Exhibitor Dogs.............................................................................................................................................Jumoke’s Twist And Shout. Owner: Bryan Gregory & Laurie Gregory Open, Black, Tan, and White Dogs....................................................................................................... Taji Tries Inferno Purgatory & Paradise. Owner: Taylor Hickey & Katie Campbell Open, Red and White Dogs...................................................................................................................................................................Illusion’s Love Bug Of Dune. Owner: Douglas Joy Puppy, 9 & Under 12 Mo Bitches...............................................Starfyre’s Tri A Lil’ Pizzazz. Owner: Denise Searcy & Kathy Grayson BEST OF BREED Bred by Exhibitor Bitches.............................................................................................Kazor’s Mak’n My Way. Owner: Carol A Webb Open, Black, Tan, and White Bitches. ................................. FC Taji’s Banh Mi On The Runway To Blue Note. Owner: Holly Hamilton & Katie Campbell & JG Kim & M Far Open, Brindle and White Bitches................... Karosel Dragnquest Itzyu Dark Shadows JC. Owner: Stormy Maddux & Donna Lubbe Open, Red and White Bitches.............................. AB Tanza Life In The Fast Lane JC. Owner: Pat Fragassi & Ted Judd & W Pooley

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2011 PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES - JUDGE: Mrs. Diana D. Smiley BEST PUPPY..................................................................................................................... Taji Tries Inferno Purgatory & Paradise BEST OP SEX PUPPY.................................................................................................................................... Kazor’s Try’n Top Me CLASS WINNERS Bred by Exhibitor, 6 Mo & Under 18 Mo Dogs.........................Jumoke’s Twist And Shout Owner: Bryan Gregory & Laurie Gregory Puppy, 9 & Under 12 Mo Dogs. ............................ Taji Tries Inferno Purgatory & Paradise. Owner: Taylor Hickey & Katie Campbell Bred by Exhibitor, 6 Mo & Under 18 Mo Bitches............Jumoke’s Abbey Road Of Masiya. Owner: Paulette Rinck & Bryan Gregory Puppy, 9 & Under 12 Mo Bitches...................................................................................Kazor’s Try’n Top Me. Owner: Carol A Webb


VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES BEST VETERAN....................................................................................................................................Jumoke Khani Baru Rumba BEST OP SEX VETERAN................................................................................................................................ DC Zuri’s Matuko SC CLASS WINNERS 7 Yrs & Under 9 Yrs Dogs...................... CH Jumoke Khani Baru Rumba. Owner: G Woodard & B Gregory & K Britton & L Gregory 13 Yrs & Over Dogs........................................................................................DC Tanza’s Tego. Owner: Jeff Sheldon & Pat Fragassi 11 Yrs & Under 13 Yrs Bitches......... DC Zuri’s Shada Le Chienne Nikita MC. Owner: Donna Troyna & M Hutchinson & M Leighton 13 Yrs & Over Bitches................................... DC Zuri’s Matuko SC Owner: Donna Troyna & M Hutchinson & M Leighton., Danville

REGULAR CONFORMATION - JUDGE: Mr. Edward W. Hall BEST OF BREED .........................GCH ‘Tis-A Arubmec’s Circle Of Life. Dog, Owner: Joyce & Fred Hughes & P E Cembura BEST OF OP SEX ....................CH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D’nile MC.. Bitch. Owner: Deborah Nelson & Mary K Quinnett SEL DOG/AOM ...................................... GCH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin. Dog. Owner: Julie & Kathy Jones & Chua Ming Kok SEL BITCH /AWARD OF MERIT ..................................GCH Taji’s Klassic Lil Black Dress SC . Bitch. Owner: Katie Campbell WINNERS DOG/BEST OF WINNERS............................ Zindika Zips It Up With Sulou. Owner: Cecily Rappe & Susan Howard RESERVE WINNERS DOG............................................................................................................................................. Zuri’s Lagat WINNERS BITCH........................................................................................................................................... Kazor’s Mak’n My Way RESERVE WINNERS BITCH......................................................................................................... Platinum Nelson Blue Diamond CLASS WINNERS Puppy, 9 & Under 12 Mo Dogs... Jumoke Baru Mr. Moonlight. Owner: Melina Carter & George Woodard & Bryan & Laurie Gregory Bred by Exhibitor Dogs.......................................................... Zindika Zips It Up With Sulou. Owner: Cecily Rappe & Susan Howard. Open, Black and White Dogs.................................................................... Emerant’s Heez Born To Be Wild JC Owner: Sarah Smith Open, Black, Tan, and White Dogs.....FC Emerant Fopaw Triwizard At Tanza SC RN. Owner: Ann Patterson-Hine & Pat Fragassi Open, Red and White Dogs......................................................................................Zuri’s Lagat. Owner: K & M Leighton & D Troyna Puppy, 9 & Under 12 Mo Bitches............................................................ Obazande Bushbabies Special Order Owner: Jeelle Russi Bred by Exhibitor Bitches............................................................................................ Kazor’s Mak’n My Way. Owner: Carol A Webb Open, Black and White Bitches....................................................................Bushbabies Wait Until Dark. Owner: Teresa B Gavaletz Open, Black, Tan, and White Bitches................................ Platinum Nelson Blue Diamond. Owner: Joan V Bayley & Debbie Nelson Open, Brindle and White Bitches..................Karosel Dragnquest Itzyu Dark Shadows JC. Owner: Stormy Maddux & Donna Lubbe Open, Red and White Bitches................................ Khani’s Icarly Baru. Owner: George Woodard & Kathryn Britton & Daniel Britton Veteran, 7 Yrs & Under 10 Yrs Dogs...... CH Jumoke Khani Baru Rumba. Owner: G Woodard & B Gregory & K Britton & L Gregory Veteran, 7 Yrs & Under 10 Yrs Bitches......... DC Platinum And Nelson At Taji SC Owner: Larry & Deborah Nelson & M K Quinnett Veteran, 10 Yrs & Under 13 Yrs Bitches.................................... CH Zuri’s Mugabe JC Owner: Ken & Marilyn Leighton & D Troyna Veteran, 13 Yrs & Over Dogs.......................................................... Amun All-Starr From Cynosure RE BN. Owner: J K & J K Lange Veteran, 13 Yrs & Over Bitches.....................................DC Zuri’s Matuko SC Owner: Donna Troyna & M Hutchinson & M Leighton Pictures take Oct. 22, 2011. © BunnyRunners Photos by Lori Baxter




Best In Specialty/Bitch CC

Basenji Club of New South Wales

JUNIOR BITCH (6) 1/Junior in Show Ch Remwin Kissmy Cheek Mrs L Hughes INTERMEDIATE BITCH (4) 1/Intermediate in Show Ch Zanzipow Red Lady Bird Mrs J Power LIMIT BITCH (5) 1/Limit in Show Lomar Zabrina Mrs L Marsden STATE BRED BITCH (4) 1/Opposite State Ch Jebelmarra Dixie Chick Mrs K Eldred AUSTRALIAN BRED BITCH (9) 1/Opposite Aust Bred Ch Kanibaru Del Evita Ms D Hopkins OPEN BITCH (8) 1/Opposite Open Ch Kanibaru Del Diamante Ms K Delacourt VETERAN BITCH 7-9 YRS (3) 1/Opposite Veteran Gd Ch Remwin Senajay Mrs L Hughes VETERAN BITCH OVER 10 YRS (3) 1/Veteran in Show Ch Jebelmarra Flash Trash Mrs K Eldred

8th October 2011 Judge: Mrs. Renee Sporre-Willis (Sweden) BISS/Bitch Challenge (25).......... Ch Remwin Kissmy Cheek RUBISS/Res Bitch......................Remwin Showsome Cheek BOIS/Dog Challenge (25)......... Ch Kanibaru Vanilla Fruche Res Dog....................................... Wazazi Living on the Edge Sire of the Day..........................Gd Ch Baagna Alpha Cheek Dam of the Day.....................Ch Wazazi Awesome Glamour CLASS WINNERS: BABY DOG (13) 1/Opposite Baby Zandeena A Twist of Fate Mrs C Petersen BABY BITCH (17) 1/Baby in Show Zandeena a Girl on the Run Ms M Fox JUNIOR DOG (6) 1/Opposite Junior Ch Kanibaru Khufu Lords Realm Mrs C Petersen INTERMEDIATE DOG (3) 1 /Intermediate in Show Wazazi Living on the Edge Mrs C Petersen LIMIT DOG (6) 1/Opposite Limit Wazazi Double Dare D & S Toman STATE BRED DOG (5) 1/State Bred in Show Ch Remwin Littlebitof Cheek Mrs L Hughes AUSTRALIAN BRED DOG (5) 1/Aust Bred in Show Ch Jebelmarra Fire N Dandy Mr K Pearson OPEN DOG (10) 1/Open in Show Ch Kanibaru Vanilla Fruche Ms D Hopkins VETERAN DOG 7-9 YRS (2) 1/Best Veteran in Show Ch Telde Classic Love Afair Miss M Darr VETERAN DOG 10 YRS & OVER (1) 1/Opposite Veteran Gd Ch Jebelmarra Harum Scarum Mrs K Eldred


ŠPhotos by Millissa Fox


German Basenji Club Specialty August 27, 2011 Judge: Sally Wallis, UK Best of Breed/Best Male....................................................................................................................................Matabichi Fahari Zola Best of Opposite/Best Female..........................................................................................................................Ch Hannah Ekibondo Best Puppy................................................................................................................................................ Nganga’s Clark Kent (dog) Best Veteran.................................................................................................................................................. Ch Isimo ti-n Abou Teka CLASS WINNERS RÜDEN - VETERANENKLASSE RÜDEN - EHRENKLASSE/MALES - HONOUR CLAS RÜDEN - JÜNGSTENKLASSE/MALES - PUPPY CLASS RÜDEN - ZWISCHENKLASSE/ MALES - INTERMEDIATE CLASS RÜDEN - CHAMPIONKLASSE/MALES - CHAMPION CLASS RÜDEN - OFFENE KLASSE/MALES - OPEN CLASS HÜNDINNEN - VETERANENKLASSE/BITCHES - VETERAN CLASS HÜNDINNEN - EHRENKLASSE/BITCHES - HONOUR CLASS HÜNDINNEN - JÜNSTENKLASSE/ BITCHES - PUPPY CLASS HÜNDINNEN - JUGENDKLASSE/BITCHES - YOUTH CLASS HÜNDINNEN - ZWISCHENKLASSE/BITCHES - INTERMEDIATE CLASS HÜNDINNEN - CHAMPIONKLASSE/BITCHES - CHAMPION CLASS HÜNDINNEN - OFFENE KLASSE/BITCHES - OPEN CLASS

Ch Isimo ti-n Abou Teka V-VDH-Ch.A., Bester Veteran Ch Zahleka King of Kongo Nganga’s Clark Kent vielversprechend/promising,Bester Welpe Matabichi Fahari Zola vorzüglich/excellent, VDH-Ch.A., Klub-CAC, Klubsieger, BOB Ch Mutabaruga’s Jimmy Cliff vorzüglich/excellent , VDH-Ch.A., Klub-CAC Ch Chafuku Amani Toka Kilima vorzüglich /excellent VDH-Ch.A., Klub-CAC Ch Primetime out of Africa V.-VDH-Ch.A Ch Old Legend’s Chinese-Peony Zahleka Kissing Katla vielversprechend/promising Mutabaruga’s Labour of Love vorzüglich , J-VDH-Ch.A, J-Klub-CAC, bester Jugendhund Msumari’s Aza Aminouh vorzüglich/excellent, VDH-Ch.A, Klub-CAC Ch Old Legend’s Desideria-Zuri vorzüglich/excellent, VDH-Ch.A, Klub-CAC Ch Hannah Ekibondo vorzüglich/excellent, VDH-Ch.A, Klub-CAC, Klubsiegerin, BOS




Photography by Sabine Nagel

Noel Baaser & Rainer Findel THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 48

German Basenji Club Specialty TRECHTINGSHAUSEN Show - 28th August, 2011 Sally Wallis, Zande Basenjis


hen Noel Baaser invited me to judge the biennial show organised and run by herself and Rainer under the auspices of the 1st German Basenji Club, I was delighted to accept, and I hoped, for their sakes, that their confidence in my judging would be repaid by a nice big entry ! Noel’s email saying “66 dogs from NINE different countries – a record !” was hard to believe. I should like to say a very big “THANK YOU” to all those lovely people who travelled such distances and brought such a wonderful collection of super basenjis. The venue has to be among the very best I’ve ever judged or shown at. High up in the mountains above Trechtingshausen, the forest opens to reveal a large open space, mown grass and 6 gazebos grouped together for protection of the table, the raffle, the paperwork and the officials. Many exhibitors had their own tents along the bank overlooking the action. Eukanuba tape was pegged to the ground around the ring, not flapping in the breeze. A touch I feel could be emulated . . . The ring was big enough to really show off true basenji gait. Plenty of space to stride out. The rain was a bit of a nuisance but the open-sided tents also provided sanctuary for dogs and handlers when needed – We could see blue sky over the mountains and it was just a question of patience! The condition of the dogs exhibited was superlative, teeth were clean, nails (mostly) well clipped and they were well-presented. Quality was also there, in great abundance. I’m old-fashioned (or just old) and I like a wedge head with correct proportions and side wrinkle, small ears, a good crest – neck flow into the shoulders, a short back with a well set tail and a shelf. A balanced dog, in fact, that looks like a basenji! All too often these days, muzzles (fore-faces) are too long and side wrinkle & cushion totally lacking. Some ‘basenjis’ have little or no angulation – the hock descends in a straight line and there is no shelf. Before you shout. “There is no mention of ‘shelf’ in the Standard,” I know. But an adequately angulated basenji has a decent bum! I use the word ‘adequately’ because that is what I am looking for. NOT an over-angulated rear or front assembly. Adequate is more than adequate! If you take away the head and rear end of one of our wonderful little dogs what do you have? Not a basenji but a plain little brown dog. Basenjis are supposed to be high on the leg, but they are also expected to present a square outline. Thus I am not too worried about size (height) as long as the dog meets all my other demands. Elegance should not be sacrificed, and that was certainly not the case here. Movement was pretty good in the majority of cases. If space permits, any basenji will move truer on a loose lead. Strung up, the weight distribution can be distorted and the neck-shoulder flow spoiled. The grass was, by turns, wet and steamy, and although it was flat and level, the surface does make a difference to gait. I surprised myself – brindle is not my favourite colour for our breed, but if you read what I am looking for, you’ll admit that these attributes are far more prevalent in the brindles than in the reds. At risk of being facetious, I have to ask, could this be that they are closer

to African dogs, and there have been fewer generations for humans to ‘improve’ on what came out of Africa? ©Photo by Sabine Nagel The concept that every exhibitor has paid the same entry fee and is, therefore, entitled to the judge’s opinion, in writing, to take home at the end of the day, is wonderful. Every single dog there, not just the first two in each class. A good ring secretary makes it easy. In UK, you will often find in a critique the words ‘unlucky to meet 1’ or some other comparison between dogs. Judging each dog to the Standard and writing a critique there and then is both very difficult and also much easier. Its easier because you have the dog standing in front of you; you have just seen it move and have gone over it on the table. So you don’t have to scribble frantic notes you later can’t read and then compose a critique for the Dog Press – often weeks after the event. It’s more difficult because you can’t explain WHY you particularly prefer one dog over another – and its almost impossible to avoid using a similar vocabulary for every dog! I want to mention a couple of dogs in particular– Prime Time out of Africa. 12 years old, in superb condition and one of the truest movers on the day. She lost out on age to a younger Veteran male, Isimo ti-n Abu Teka, but only by a whisker. She is a great credit to her owner, and it was a pleasure for me to go over her. When Hannah Ekibondo came towards me on the out and back, having performed a superb, true, go-around, I almost gasped out loud. SUPER MOVER! I absolutely loved her. No paddling (crossing of the forefeet) – that girl came on as straight as straight, with a lovely forearm movement, shoulder muscles rippling under the skin. I knew Best of Breed would be a hard choice, but Hannah was cold by the final Challenge and the young man Matabichi Fahari Zola held his topline (and his nerve) and took the final honours. After the BOB challenge came the Sweepstakes - no entry fee, anyone can join in and very many did - for best wrinkle, best feet, best mover, best yodeler (the handlers yodeled encouragement to their charges). A lovely relaxing way to end the serious competition and I did take the opportunity to spread the honours around a bit! There were even spot prizes for least distance traveled by an exhibitor (5 kilometers.) and the first to enter the show. In the evening a Gasthaus in the town was taken over and filled exclusively by a large crowd of exhibitors and folks from the German Basenji Club - supper and conversation went on for hours. Exhibitors took the rain and my judging in good humour, and I am very grateful to everyone for making me so very welcome. Thank you, Sally Wallis


Basenji Club of Great Britain Championship Show 18/09/2011 Judge: Robin Sadler Basenjis entered - 45. Absentees - 8. Additionally NFC - 7.

Dog CC / Best of Breed ................................................................................Zordia’s Ajani Dog Reserve CC - ...................... Eng Ch Tokaji American Gigolo at Embeau JW ShCM Bitch CC - ................................................................................Kissangani Only Dreaming Bitch Reserve CC - ................................................................. Tokaji California Dreaming Best Puppy - .......................................................................................Tokaji Texas Ranger Best Veteran - ..............................................................................Antefaa Bereke Kohinur Best OS Veteran - ................................................... Bel/Lux Ch Abotere’s Zahir for Hicel

Best in Specialty, Reserve BIS, Bitch CC MINOR PUPPY DOG (2/2) 1 Gaskell’s Memetuka Juakali 2 Hooper’s Bubas Pharaoh’s Fortune PUPPY DOG (3/3) 1/BP Cullen’ & Agnew’s Tokaji Texas Ranger ©Photo by Scott Wright 2 Hooper’s Bubas Pharaoh’s Fortune 3 Hardy’ & Hallam’s Tokaji Kentucky Blue POST GRADUATE DOG (2/4) 1 Makepeace’s Sandigara Black Onyx 2 Baseley’s Marzuku Mzuri LIMIT DOG (3/5) 1 Hanna’s Zordia’s Ajani CC/BOB/BIS) 2 Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Elsco Amatillyson 3 Richens’ Sikilaa African Jackal OPEN DOG (3/4) 1/RCC/RBOB Grayson’s Ch Tokaji American Gigolo At Embeau 2 Cooley’s Ch Jethard Timed To Perfection 3 Hardy’, Hallam’ & Webb’s Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley BRED BY - DOG (1/1) 1 Gaskell’s Memetuka Jabali). NOT BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOG (3/4) 1 Ellis’ Tokaji American Gangster At Tenfield 2 Chavez-Novoa’s Ned/Lux Ch Abotere’s Zahir for Hicel 3 Middleton’s Zande Habibi . VETERAN DOG (2/3) 1 Chavez-Novoa’s Ned/Lux Ch Abotere’s Zahir for Hicel 2 Lane’s Antefaa African Emigrant . VETERAN BITCH (3/4) 1/BV Lane’s Antefaa Bereke Kohinur 2 Bateman’s Ch Jethard A Different Light With Ijnesab) 3 Richens’ Sikilaa African I’m Catkin PUPPY BITCH (2/2) 1/RCC Hardy’ & Hallam’s Tokaji California Dreaming 2 Matthews’ Gooses Glint Of Gold. JUNIOR BITCH (1/1) 1 Matthews’ Gooses Glint Of Gold. Post Graduate Bitch (2/3) 1 Cooley’s Zande Ihsani 2 Chavez-Novoa’s Marzuku Mzara . LIMIT BITCH (6/6) 1/CC Adams’ Kissangani Only Dreaming 2 Legget’s Elsco Amastunner At Swanwite 3 Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Elsco Amatiger 4 Gray’s Woodella Northern Delight of Jisgard 5 Eydmann’s Woodella Northern Dashiki . OPEN BITCH (6/6) 1 Singleton’s Ch Jethard Pardon Me Boys 2 Allen’s Ch Zordia’s Wazzala 3 Drummond’s Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser 4 Steele’s Ch Akmar Queen Ankhesenamun 5 Makepeace’s Jethard String of Pearls NOT BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCH (3/3) 1 Legget’s Elsco Amastunner At Swanwite ) 2 Chavez-Novoa’s Marzuku Mzara 3 Gray’s Woodella Northern Delight of Jisgard.

Basenji Owners & Breeders Association Championship Show

02/10/2011 Judge: Sharon Thompson (Kiamera) Basenjis entered - 42. Absentees - 9. Additionally NFC - 9. Dog CC / Best of Breed ................................................................... Tokaji Kentucky Blue Dog Reserve CC - ...................... Eng Ch Tokaji American Gigolo at Embeau JW ShCM Bitch CC - .............................................................. Woodella Northern Delight of Jisgard Bitch Reserve CC - .................................................................... Eng Ch Zordia’s Wazzala Best Puppy - .............................................................................. Tokaji Kentucky Blue (tri) Best Veteran - ..........................................Bel/Lux Ch Abotere’s Zahir for Hicel (brindle) Best OS Veteran - A........................................................................ ntefaa Bereke Kohinur DOG CLASSES Minor Puppy Dog (1/1) 1 Gaskell’s Memetuka Juakali PUPPY DOG (1/2) 1/ CC/BOB/BIS/BP Hardy’ & Hallam’s Tokaji Kentucky Blue POST GRADUATE DOG (4/4) 1 Baseley’s Marzuku Mzuri 2 Wright’s Domewood Last Call 3 Dowey’s Bubas Wing Commander 4 Rowland’s Woodella Moon Gazer. LIMIT DOG (4/6) 1 Hanna’s Zordia’s Ajani 2 Wright’s Domewood Last Call 3 Castell’s Atrigema Memnyth Speed) 4 Dowey’s Bubas Wing Commander. OPEN DOG (4/5) 1RCC Grayson’s Ch Tokaji American Gigolo At Embeau 2 Baldwin’s Robelroy Real Smart 3 Cooley’s Ch Jethard Timed To Perfection) 4 Wright’s Domewood Last Call. VETERAN DOG (3/3) 1 Chavez-Novoa’s Ned/Lux Ch Abotere’s Zahir for Hicel 2 Middleton’s Jethard Mezzotint 3 Lane’s Antefaa African Emigrant. BRED BY - DOG (2/2) 1 Gaskell’s Memetuka Jabali 2 Miller’s Ch Benkura Take A Chance On Me ShCM NOT BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOG (5/7) 1 Ellis’ Tokaji American Gangster At Tenfield 2 Middleton’s Zande Habibi 3 Chavez-Novoa’s Ned 4 Wright’s Domewood Last Call 5 Dowey’s Bubas Wing Commander. PUPPY BITCH (2/3) 1 Hardy’ & Hallam’s Tokaji California Dreaming 2 Matthews’ Gooses Glint Of Gold. POST GRADUATE BITCH (2/5) 1 Baldwin’s Robelroy Reach For A Star 2 Cooley’s Zande Ihsani. LIMIT BITCH (2/5) 1 Gray’s Woodella Northern Delight of Jisgard 2 Adams’ Kissangani Only Dreaming). OPEN BITCH (3/4) 1/RCC Allen’s Ch Zordia’s Wazzala 2 Singleton’s Ch Jethard Pardon Me Boys 3 Drummond’s Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser VETERAN BITCH (2/2) 1 Lane’s Antefaa Bereke Kohinur 2 Miller’s Antefaa Nakura Wood Nymph NOT BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCH (3/3) 1/CC Woodella Northern Delight of Jisgard 2 Tyler’s Ezillie’s Ayida Wedo Over Shernazar 3 Waldron’s Woodella’s Moon Quest


BEST OF BREED Tokaji Kentucky Blue

©Photo by David Adams

Basenjis in Brazil and South America By Savio Steele – Itapuca Kennel


Brazilian National Specialty Show 2011 and the scenario of the breed in Brazil and South America

the basenji breed is not popular in South America, we do not have an extensive number of breeders here. The majority are backyard breeders who don’t show and have poorer quality dogs. This makes it difficult to see many basenjis at shows. At most there may be no more than two basenjis entered, even in the big shows. However, we do have a few breeders doing their best for the breed. We do see good basenjis winning in great shows here, especially in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Ecuador, and sometimes in Colombia and Chile. In Brazil, I’m the biggest enthusiast of the breed and the best breeder of basenjis since 2007 by our official ranking (CBKC). I have been a breeder since 2003. Since 2010 I have organized the only Specialty Show for basenjis in Brazil. We refer to this as our National Specialty Show. It really is not an official name since there isn’t a club for basenjis in Brazil. We don’t have enough breeders to create a club to organize a national specialty.

By the way, I and some others breeders arrange for this Specialty to always be held with a big all-breed show to attract the public to show off the breed. This year our National was held with the largest show in Brazil, the KCSP in October. This show is always held in San Paulo by the Kennel Club of the State of San Paulo (KCSP). The KCSP always organizes a festival of Specialties, too, one of them this year was our National in 14 of October. Mrs. Barbara D. Aldermann, long-time AKC judge from the USA, was a great judge. We had 17 basenjis entered. Mrs. Aldermann said that our dogs are really nice and certainly have the quality to be shown in USA. Mrs. Aldermann judged one of the all breed Shows, the most important of the weekend -- the International Show CACIB. Her choice for the Best in Show was Bupe Itapuca. This is the first time a basenji has won this prize in Brazil! For us, the KCSP is the same as Westminster for the Americans. Follow this link to see the vídeo the Specialty


Best of Breed ..............................................................................................................................................Bupe Itapuca, breeder/owner Savio Steele Best of Opposite Sex.............................................(Am CH) Reveille Push The Limit to MV, breeder Damara Bolte, Owners: Kelly and Claire Wisch Best of Breed................................... Kazor’s Take Me All The Way breeder Carol A. Webb, Owners: Savio Steele, Diego Antunes and Carol Webb Best of Opposite Sex........Arubmec’s This is it at Itapucam breeder Patricia E. Cembura, Owners: Savio Steele, Diego Antunes and Pat. Cembura Best of Breed.......................................................................................Daslu Itapuca, breeder Savio Steele, Owned by Airton Rodrigues Pinto Junior Best of Opposite Sex.......................................................................................................................Duck Sauce Itapuca, breeder/owner Savio Steele Best of Breed..........................................................................................................................Djalma Itapuca, breeder Savio Steele, owner Alex Piffer Best of Opposite Sex....................................................................................Djade Itapuca, breeder Savio Steele, Owner Vicente Carlos de Almeida

Djalma Itapuca

Bupe Itapuca

©Photos by Savio Steele

Kazor’s Take Me All The Way THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 51

American Kennel Club -

Top 20 Breed Standings as of Oct. 31, 2011



1.......................... GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl............................................................................................................................................................................... 782 2.......................... GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Bucking The Trind............................................................................................................................................................................... 292 3.......................... GCH DC Bantu’s Playing Rochambeau SC............................................................................................................................................................................ 219 4.......................... GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Ryder Of The Voodoo Child............................................................................................................................................................ 208 5.......................... GCH CH ‘Tis-A Arubmec’s Circle Of Life................................................................................................................................................................................ 188 6.......................... GCH CH Undercover Meisterhaus Hi Ho Quianna By Signet JC........................................................................................................................................... 178 7.......................... GCH CH Meisterhaus Dazzle ‘N’ Daze................................................................................................................................................................................... 169 8.......................... GCH CH Taji’s Klassic Lil Black Dress SC............................................................................................................................................................................. 150 9.......................... GCH CH Karnak’s Pure And Simple Allure............................................................................................................................................................................. 140 10........................ GCH CH Emerant’s The Navigator JC.................................................................................................................................................................................... 140 11........................ GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 117 12........................ GCH CH Reveille Push Button............................................................................................................................................................................................... 116 13........................ GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 109 14........................ GCH CH Meisterhaus Signet Glitz ‘N’ Glamour...................................................................................................................................................................... 109 15........................ GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC................................................................................................................................................................................... 107 16........................ GCH CH Sonbar’s Sonic Shockwave CD RE NA OAJ........................................................................................................................................................... 106 17........................ GCH CH Mardi Gras’ Oliver Twist.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 106 18........................ GCH CH Victory Meisterhaus The X Factor........................................................................................................................................................................... 101 19........................ GCH DC N’Focus Santa Baby SC............................................................................................................................................................................................ 99 20........................ GCH DC Southhouse Jumoke Ltle Big Man Malawi SC........................................................................................................................................................... 90

American Kennel Club STANDING NAME

Top 20 All-Breed Standings as of Oct. 31, 2011


1.......................... GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl............................................................................................................................................................................. 7170 2.......................... GCH CH Taji’s Klassic Lil Black Dress SC........................................................................................................................................................................... 2415 3.......................... GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Bucking The Trind............................................................................................................................................................................. 2061 4.......................... GCH CH Reveille Push Button............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1308 5.......................... GCH CH ‘Tis-A Arubmec’s Circle Of Life................................................................................................................................................................................ 959 6.......................... GCH CH Undercover Meisterhaus Hi Ho Quianna By Signet JC........................................................................................................................................... 678 7.......................... GCH CH Victory Meisterhaus The X Factor........................................................................................................................................................................... 620 8.......................... GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Ryder Of The Voodoo Child............................................................................................................................................................ 608 9.......................... GCH CH Teazer Signet Bad Romance................................................................................................................................................................................... 553 10........................ GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 517 11........................ GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 500 12........................ GCH CH Meisterhaus Signet Glitz ‘N’ Glamour...................................................................................................................................................................... 429 13........................ GCH CH Kazor-Jokuba’s American Treasure........................................................................................................................................................................ 420 14........................ GCH DC N’Focus Santa Baby SC.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 397 15........................ GCH CH Karnak’s Pure And Simple Allure............................................................................................................................................................................. 343 16........................ GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba Zensational................................................................................................................................................................................... 342 17........................ GCH DC Bantu’s Playing Rochambeau SC............................................................................................................................................................................ 316 18........................ GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Never Surrender...................................................................................................................................................................... 300 19........................ GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC................................................................................................................................................................................... 265 20........................ GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Untamed Heart At Kaleonahe.................................................................................................................................................. 205

American Kennel Club - Top STANDING DOG NAME

20 Grand Champions as of Nov. 1, 2011


1........................... GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl......................................................................................................... Bitch..............................................................262 2........................... GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Ryder Of The Voodoo Child...................................................................................... Dog...............................................................181 3........................... GCH CH Karnak’s Pure And Simple Allure....................................................................................................... Bitch..............................................................138 4........................... GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Bucking The Trind......................................................................................................... Dog...............................................................119 5........................... GCH CH ‘Tis-A Arubmec’s Circle Of Life.......................................................................................................... Dog...............................................................112 6........................... GCH CH Undercover Meisterhaus Hi Ho Quianna By Signet JC..................................................................... Bitch..............................................................111 7........................... GCH CH Starfyre’s Rock’N With Danica........................................................................................................... Bitch..............................................................107 8........................... GCH CH Victory Meisterhaus The X Factor..................................................................................................... Dog.................................................................83 9........................... GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba Zensational............................................................................................................. Dog.................................................................75 10......................... GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin.................................................................................................................... Dog.................................................................69 11......................... GCH CH Reveille Push Button......................................................................................................................... Dog.................................................................68 12......................... GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum............................................................................................................................ Bitch................................................................62 13......................... GCH CH Mardi Gras’ Oliver Twist.................................................................................................................... Dog.................................................................58 14......................... GCH CH Meisterhaus Signet Glitz ‘N’ Glamour................................................................................................ Bitch................................................................57 15......................... GCH DC Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot SC............................................................................................... Bitch................................................................54 16......................... GCH DC N’Focus Santa Baby SC.................................................................................................................... Bitch................................................................53 ............................. GCH DC Southhouse Jumoke Ltle Big Man Malawi SC................................................................................... Dog.................................................................53 18......................... GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Never Surrender................................................................................................ Dog.................................................................52 19......................... GCH CH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D’Nile SC................................................................................................. Bitch................................................................51 20......................... GCH CH Dragnquest My-Tym Read Btwn Thelines......................................................................................... Dog.................................................................45 THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 52

NOTRA - Top 20 - As of Oct. 24, 2011 CALL NAME REGISTERED NAME


LGRA - TOP 20 - As of Oct. 24, 2011 YTD

1 Jada Kiroja’s Loving Every Minute NA NAJ GRC SORC2 Cook/Hayek/Harmon 23 2 Scarlet FC Apu Pinache SORC Marsicano 19 3 Ari DC Jadaka’s Independent Spirit SC GRC ORC FCH Colbert 15.5 4 Tutu FC Apu Pi De Deux SC GRC SORC Christensen 10 5 L’Ox Kinetic Interesting Times Voss 5 6 Fern CH Apu Painted Sand RN SC GRC VBX SOR ORC Marsicano 4 7 Dax-S 5Star Dax De Fax JC Sauceda 3 8 Rio FC Kinetic Sourcery SC SOR ORC Voss 2.5 9 Zuri DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX SGRC ORC VB LCM Colbert 2.42 10 Trii Me Zuri’s Trii Me JOR Sehm/Troyna 1.5 11 Bella Kinetic-Enchanted Timeless Beauty JOR Voss 1 11 Catcher Kazor’s Catch a Falling Star JOR Ockerman 1 11 Rocky UKC-CH Kiroja Chicago Hood At Jaroufa SGRC5 SOR ORC Ladick 1 11 Dax Sundiata Curzon Gamble 1 11 Remi Emerants’ Heez Reminiscent Smith/Hart 1 11 Solomon Loki Inkosi Solomon, JC Baxter/Gurth 1 17 Rusty-C Vinaka’s XIV Karat Goldn Boy NA NAJ FCh SGRC Cook 0.67 18 Beauty FC Svengali’s Dark Beauty MC FCh ORC Sehm 0.5 18 Kumani FC Kazor’s Tamu Kumani SC FCh Baxter/Webb 0.5 18 Zuni Aastarte’s Zuni Breeze at Fun River Garel 0.5





1 Rocky Kiroja Chicago Hood At Jaroufa SGRC5 Ladick 27.50 2 Ari DC Jadaka’s Independent Spirit SC SGRC ORC FCh VB Colbert 27.00 3 Tutu Apu Pi De Deux SGRC Christensen 18.50 4 Rio-V Kinetic Sourcery Voss/Stump 15.00 5 Bella Kinetic-Enchanted Timeless Beauty GRC Voss 14.00 6 Scarlet Apu PiNache RN JC SGRC2 Marsicano 13.00 7 Fern Apu Painted Sand RN JC SGRC Marsicano 11.00 8 Zuni Astarte’s Zuni Breeze at Sun River GRC Garel/Sapios 9.50 9 Zuri GCh DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX SGRC2 ORC LCM VFCh VB Colbert 9.25 10 L’Ox Kinetic Interesting Times GRC Voss 6.17 11 Anubus Lord Anubs - Studdard Studdard 5.00 12 Chili Deepwoods Hot Chili Mambo GRC Elliot/Cameron 4.00 12 Jules DC Eldorado’s Made You Look MC, LCX, RE, BN, GRC Johnson 4.00 12 Searsha N’Focus Santa Baby GRC Sanders 4.00 15 Echo-L FC Dharian’s Echo Kasi Up SC GRC NJP NAP Langford 3.50 16 Daximillan 5 Star Dax De Fax Sauceda 3.00 16 Velvet Ch Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speedster Johnson 3.00 18 Roxie Kiroja Hart N Soul SGRC Harmon 2.25 19 Taya Taya Unoli Crawford Crawford/Studdard 2.00 20 Billy Ray Worrywort Achy Breaky Heart GRC Ladick/Lipford 1.75

AKC Lure Coursing - Top 20 - as of Oct. 19, 2011 RANK REGISTERED NAME OWNER 1 FC Ntomba Mosika B Gregory/L Gregory 2 FC Platinum Nelson Sardonyx Lady SC, E Monzon/M Quinnett 3 FC Taji’s Alster Echo, JC M Chaffin 4 FC Fopaw’s Black Pearl SC S Pintar/T Leimback 5 GCH DC Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot ,SC J Johnson 6 DC Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speedster, SC J Johnson 7 FC Emerant’s Sheez Gotcha,SC L Hart/B Hart 8 FC Taji’s Banh Mi On The Runway To Blue Note SC H Hamilton/K Campbell/M Farnsworth/J Kim 9 DC Meisterhaus Deal Or No Deal, MC, RN, LCX L.& J.Stewart/A.T.Brooks 10 FC Emerant’s Heez Reminiscent, SC L Hart/B Hart 11 DC Tazamisha Dp Mckenzie’s Quest SC V Cortez/C Gross/M Cortez 11 Emerant’s Heez Got Gusto, L Hart/B Hart 13 DC Eldorado’s Made You Look BN RE MC LCX J Johnson 14 FC Select Ww A Bonnie Boo SC L Lipford/T Leonard 14 Platinum Nelson Blue Diamond, J Bayley/D Nelson 16 FC Stilwell’s Suletu Flies With The Wind MC L Stilwell/A White/J Linebaugh 16 FC Zuri’s Trii Me ,SC, LCX2 D.Sehm/D.Troyna 18 DC Eldorado’s Look Smart At Kaleonahe SC, K Cabral/S Strobel/P Geoffroy 19 DC Stilwell’s Tadita Runs With The Wind MC, LCX L Stilwell/A White/J Linebaugh 20 Ch Eldorado’s Quality of Mercy At Kaleonahe, SC S STROBEL/K CABRAL 20 Kinetic Interesting Times, SC L Voss/S Stump

BOWEN PTS BOB 110 5 81 2 62 2 50 3 45 7 43 6 39 1 36 4 35 9 34 32 1 32 29 2 27 2 27 1 25 3 25 2 24 2 23 5 22 1 22 4



ASFA Lure Coursing - Top 20 - as of Sept. 1, 2011 Rank Call Name Dog Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 16 16 18 19 19

Searsha Merlin Ajax Eddie Dawn Lulu Zuri Legend Remi Midnight Robin Banh Mi Gandina Romeo Kidege Mosika Houdini Cleo Sassy Sammy

GCh,DC N’Focus Santa Baby, FCh,SC,GRC FC Thor’s Kikozi, LCM,SC Nelson Platinum Onyx of Amun, FCh,SC DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition, FCh,SC FC Platinum Nelson Sardonyx Lady, SC,CGC FC Fopaw’s Black Pearl, FCh,SC DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VFCh,MC, SGRC,ORC,LCX Taji’sTriLegendInTheMakingAtMcQu, FCh Emerant’s Heez Reminiscent FC Thor’s East Of Midnight, LCM6,MC,LCX5 Kugawa’s Robin The Boy Wonder FC Taji’sBanhMiOntheRunwaytoBlueno, FCh,SC GCh,Ch Taji’s Gandina Carnation, FCh Suddanly Raleigh Romeo FC Thor’s Itzyu Kidege, LCM,SC Ntomba Mosika DC Thor’s Jukebox Hero, LCM2,MC FC Mantz’s Cleopatra, SC Suddanly Sassafras Baraka Jumoke Salish Samish


K.Sanders J.Brader D.& L.Nelson/J.Lange N.Sherman/N.Scherwin E.Monzon/M.K.Quinnett S.Pintar/T.Leimback T.Colbert T.& T.McQuigg/K.Campbell L.& B.Hart J.Brader S.& S.Sher/C.Zapata/P.Burkhart Hamilton/Campbell/Kim/Farnsworth T.& T.McQuigg/K.Campbell C.Phillips J.Brader B.& L.Gregory J.Brader V.Mantz A.Bach Root/Bowlus/Gregory/Saban


Region Pts BOB BIF 8 8 1 1 1 1 6 3 1 8 8 6 3 1 8 1 8 1 7 1

75 63 45 44 40 29 28 27 22 21 20 18 17 16 16 14 14 13 12 12

14 4 2 3 1 1 4 9 1 0 2 3 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 0

3 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

Australia - Standings as of October 12, 2011


Based on Best / Runner-Up in Show and Best / Runner-Up in Group wins only. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Aust Gr Ch Tamsala Mitena Magic ....................... NSW ............. Jess Walker ....................................... 699 Aust Ch Remwin Kissmycheek .............................. NSW ............. Lyn Hughes ....................................... 587 Aust Ch Afrikenji Hot August Knight ..................... WA ............... Miss J Stewart .................................. 480 Barzoom Master Crane ........................................ QLD .............. Mr C & Mrs N Verrall ........................ 450 Aust Ch Unomee Ultra Million ............................. VIC ................ M Lindsay ......................................... 108 Aust Ch Tambuzi How Soon Is Now ...................... VIC ................ Adam Druce ....................................... 72 Aust Ch Bayenzi Sugar Minott .............................. NSW ............. J P Cook & J M Lumb .......................... 69 Aust Ch Debrak On The Road Again AI ................ VIC ................ Adam Druce ....................................... 56 Aust Ch Yysur Lookbutdontouch .......................... QLD .............. A J & F Paterson ................................. 51


Based on Best of Breed and Runner-Up of Breed wins only at any Championship Show throughout Australia. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Aust Gr Ch Tamsala Mitena Magic ....................... NSW ............. Jess Walker ....................................... 630 Aust Ch Remwin Kissmycheek .............................. NSW ............. Lyn Hughes ....................................... 463 Aust Ch Tambuzi How Soon Is Now ...................... VIC ................ Adam Druce ..................................... 174 Aust Ch Bayenzi Sugar Minott .............................. NSW ............. J P Cook & J M Lumb ........................ 130 Barzoom Master Crane ........................................ QLD .............. Mr C & Mrs N Verrall ........................ 122 Aust Ch Debrak On The Road Again AI ................ VIC ................ Adam Druce ..................................... 108 Aust Ch Afrikenji Hot August Knight ..................... WA ............... Miss J Stewart .................................... 99 Fayrelyn Haile Selassi ........................................... QLD .............. Freda Snell ......................................... 44 Glendawn Runnamuck ......................................... QLD .............. Mrs L R Thompson ............................. 41 Aust Ch Fayrelyn Eyez OfThe Tygrista ................... QLD .............. Chris & Niki Verrall ............................. 33 Glendawn Sir Laughalot ....................................... QLD .............. Robyn Thompson ............................... 17 Aust Ch Baagna Czarina Maya .............................. QLD .............. Robyn Thompson .............................. 16 Aust Ch Yysur Lookbutdontouch .......................... QLD .............. A J & F Paterson ................................. 16 Aust Ch Glendawn Memyselfandi ........................ QLD .............. Robyn Thompson ............................... 15 Aust Ch Wazazi High Definition ............................ NSW ............. J Cook and J Lumb .............................. 12 Wazazi Diamonds are forever .............................. QLD .............. Tammy Mobley .................................... 6


Recognises the top breeders in this breed based on various wins and titles earned by dogs that they have bred. 1 AFRIKENJI ............................................ D & H Veless ............................................................................ 134 2 REMWIN .............................................. Lyn Hughes .............................................................................. 100 3 TAMBUZI .............................................. Adam Druce .............................................................................. 52 4 TAMSALA ............................................. J Robert & H Budd ..................................................................... 45 5 YYSUR .................................................. A J & F Paterson ........................................................................... 7 6 UNOMEE ............................................. Sarah Egan ................................................................................... 2 BAYENZI ............................................... Carla Parr ..................................................................................... 2


Finland - TOP 20 STANDINGS As of Sept. 18, 2011

Vuoden Uros/Basenji Dog of the Year

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 18 20



FI CH, FiJW-09, NordJW-09, NordW-09 Kimwitu’s Duke E................................................................................................................................ 99 FI & EE CH Bulldobas Cream And Sugar........................................................................................................................................................... 95 FiJW-10 Sternhimmels Manu Scriptum.............................................................................................................................................................. 88 FI CH Sternhimmels Lux In Nocte...................................................................................................................................................................... 81 FI CH, EeJW-09 Ankhu Baroos At Bulldobas..................................................................................................................................................... 71 FI & SE CH, FIW-10 Bulldobas Catch The Wind................................................................................................................................................ 70 FI & EE CH Klassic’s Daydream Believer........................................................................................................................................................... 65 FI CH Kanjaras Magical Paws............................................................................................................................................................................ 60 Ajibu Heart And Soul........................................................................................................................................................................................... 57 Hi-Lite Dashing Bulldobas................................................................................................................................................................................... 53 Kanjaras Whoop-De-Doo.................................................................................................................................................................................... 51 C.I.B & FI & SE CH, BaltW-09 Sternhimmels Jour Et Nuit................................................................................................................................. 50 FI & NO & SE & NORD CH Rosone’s Primo Profitto.......................................................................................................................................... 49 HeJW-10 Zahleka Taji Watch’N Learn................................................................................................................................................................ 47 Bulldobas Coolest Cowboy................................................................................................................................................................................. 39 FI CH Kenjaali Hadhiri-Hawker........................................................................................................................................................................... 39 FI & EE CH Ajibu Feeling Good.......................................................................................................................................................................... 32 FI CH Safeguard’s Dijon Bulldobas.................................................................................................................................................................... 30 FI CH Sharaba Lovejoy....................................................................................................................................................................................... 30 Ajibu Foolin’ Around............................................................................................................................................................................................ 29

Vuoden Narttu / Basenji Bitch of the Year

1 2 3 4 4 6 7 8 9 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19



C.I.B. & FI & NO & EE CH, EEJW-09 Bulldobas Crown Jewel......................................................................................................................... 100 C.I.B.* & FI & NO & EE & SE & NORD CH, FiW-09, NordW-09 Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo........................................................................... 91 FiJW-10 Ajibu Good Vibrations........................................................................................................................................................................... 88 Bulldobas Cute As A Button................................................................................................................................................................................ 83 FI CH Dakarai Q’Ute........................................................................................................................................................................................... 83 Wapenzi Morowa................................................................................................................................................................................................ 69 Ajibu Hungry Heart.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 68 Aittakankaan Arabesk Akwaba........................................................................................................................................................................... 67 C.I.B.* & FI & EE & LV CH Dakarai Beyond Belief ............................................................................................................................................ 62 FI CH Hanishan Que Sera Sera......................................................................................................................................................................... 62 C.I.B. & FI & NO & SE & NORD CH, FI RC CH, BaltVW Sternhimmels Bene Benedicta.................................................................................. 56 Heriaheri Harvest Moon...................................................................................................................................................................................... 52 FI CH Rosone’s Prima Preziosa......................................................................................................................................................................... 47 Ajibu Foolish Heart.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 43 FI CH Hanishan Reveal The Mystery................................................................................................................................................................. 39 FI CH Bribas Papaya Picker............................................................................................................................................................................... 36 Hi-Lite D’vine Bulldobas...................................................................................................................................................................................... 34 FI CH Sternhimmels Laterna Magica.................................................................................................................................................................. 31 C-Quest Jokuba Double Play ............................................................................................................................................................................. 30 Kanjaras Wish Upon A Star................................................................................................................................................................................ 30

Vuoden Veteraani / Basenji Veteran of the Year 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 7 9 10

VETERAN NAME Sukupuoli/Sex....Pisteet/Points C.I.B & NORD & FI & NO & SE CH, FI RC CH, BaltVW-09 Sternhimmels Bene Benedicta.............................. narttu/bitch...............................43 C.I.B. & FI & SE & DK CH, FI & EE LC CH, FIN RC CH, DV-03, VMM-07 Bulldobas Caliente Candela........... narttu/bitch...............................21 C.I.B. & FI & LV & LTU CH, FIW-05, LVW-06 Kanjaras Zindika......................................................................... uros/dog...................................17 FI & EE CH Hanishan Titilayo Sharab................................................................................................................ narttu/bitch...............................14 FI CH Ikelas Dafina............................................................................................................................................. narttu/bitch...............................11 C.I.B. & FI & NO & SE & EE & NORD CH, FIJW-01 Kanjaras Kianga .............................................................. narttu/bitch...............................11 Behukai Angel Rose........................................................................................................................................... narttu/bitch...............................10 FI CH Furahan Haijambo Daima......................................................................................................................... narttu/bitch...............................10 C.I.B. & FI & SE & EE CH, FIW-99, BALTW-00, EUVW-06 Pukkanut Dawn Chorus......................................... narttu/bitch.................................8 FI CH Perrada Unican Real Ranee..................................................................................................................... narttu/bitch.................................6 THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 55

Canada From Arlene Bacon, ON Well, Autumn is definitely underway and closing in on Winter. Already my basenjis are getting lazy and fat. While good nutrition is an important part of their well being. sometimes even a little food is too much for my dogs. We held a booster for basenjis in October. The results are listed below. Add to that, we are gearing up for our next National Specialty. More information will be coming soon along with updates as news becomes available. Mark your diaries for the Purina National, a CKC Charity Event, on 9-11 March 2012. The CKC’s flagship event next year will be held in Hall 5 of the International Center in Mississauga, Ontario, close to the international airport. This event features three all-breeds shows, three obedience trials, three rally trials, junior handling, an international panel of judges and over $40,000 in prize money. Basenji Club of Canada will hold a booster on Saturday, 10th March, for which the club is offering

the following prizes: Rosette ribbons & medallions for BOB, BOS, BOW and BP, plus gifts for WD, WB, RWD and RWB. In addition, the BOB winner will take home a hardback, limited edition (No. 19 of 20) “Basenji Champions 1978-1989” by Jayne Wilson Stringer, inscribed and signed by the author. This is volume two of the three volume paperback series, all now out of print and difficult to find. The hardback versions are very rare and only came to light after her death. The BCOC will also have a booth in the Breeders Village this same weekend to highlight our breed. The show superintendant is Check this link for details as they become available. A list of judges can be found on the Canuck Dogs website, (go to Ontario Events). BCOC is looking for rescue volunteers and foster homes in the Canadian regions. Please visit the Rescue page on the website for all the forms.

London Canine Association-Basenji Booster Results From Sunday October 16, 2011 Best of Breed.......................................................................................CH Bushwacker Cor Leonis, -- B/O: Chris Frost Best of Opposite Sex.........CH Blackwings Redamber Of Conamore, -- B: Tullia Upton, O: Cheryl & Wynn Egerton Winners Dog....................................................................................Blackwing’s Jack Be Nimble-- B/O: Kathie Upton Winners Bitch/BOW/BP ............... Mankia Zuri Mboni Kwa Jumanne-- B: Lynn & Dennis Arrand, O: Lynn Arrand Reserve Winners Bitch........ Habari’s Dream A Little Dream-- B: Arlene Bacon; Robyn Dubbert; Deborah Voss, O: Arlene Bacon & Robyn Dubbert

CANADA - ALL-BREED - As of Oct. 11, 2011 Rank.. Dog Name.................................................................................... G1......... G2......... G3......... G4..... BIS... Total Points 1........Ch. Ahmahr Nahr’s Casanova Jack at Whitewater............................ 27...........13............7.............4..........3..............1976 2........Ahmahr Nahr’s Hallelujah Makes A Joyful Noise................................ 2.............0............0.............0..........1................201 3........Ch. Blackwings Redamber of Conamore............................................. 2.............3............1.............2............................153 4........Ch. Bushwacker Cherry Bomb............................................................. 0.............2............0.............2............................105 4........Sonbar’s Worth Watching at Miloki.................................................... 0.............1............1.............3..............................91 5........Twinvue’s Tribute to Mankia............................................................... 0.............1............2.............4..............................66 6........Beaubri’s On the QT............................................................................ 0.............1............4.............1..............................56 7........Timar’s On The Dark Side...................................................................................0............0.............0..............................52 8........Bushwacker Cor Leonis....................................................................... 0.............1............0.............0..............................40 9........Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel............................................... 0.............1............0.............0..............................38 10......Beaubri’s Ace of Spades...................................................................... 0.............0............0.............1..............................37 11......Sphinx Best Pose................................................................................. 0.............0............1.............0..............................31 12......Duara Azize Sauda............................................................................... 0.............0............0.............1..............................26 13......Africanadian Mia of AhmahrNahr....................................................... 0.............1............0.............0..............................25 14......Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot........................................................ 0.............0............1.............0..............................21 15......Ch. Adama’s African Chieftain............................................................. 0.............0............0.............1..............................19 16......Terrarust’s Ace of Spades.................................................................... 0.............1............1.............0..............................18 17......Bushwacker Chase the Ace................................................................. 0.............0............0.............1..............................12


United Kingdom - Standings

as of 10-12-2011 - Tallied by Sally Wallis, Zande Basenjis

Pedigrees of all these (and thousands of other) dogs can be found at Name Dog’s Name Sex CC RCC BOB GRP 1.............Kissangani Dream Maker At Djoser (tri) ........................................................ B ..................... 8 ..................... 1.................... 6..........................0 2.............Ch Tokaji American Gigolo at Embeau ........................................................... D ..................... 5 ..................... 5.................... 2.................. Grp 3 3.............Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley .......................................................... D ..................... 4 ..................... 4.................... 1...................Grp 1 4.............Ch Zordia’s Wazzala ....................................................................................... B ..................... 4 ..................... 4.................... 1..........................0 5.............Tokaji American Beauty ................................................................................. B ..................... 1 ..................... 2.................... 1...................Grp 2 6.............Elsco Amatillyson ........................................................................................... D ..................... 2 ..................... 2.................... 1..........................0 7.............Tokaji Kentucky Blue ...................................................................................... D ..................... 2 ..................... 1.................... 1..........................0 8.............Tokaji American Gangster at Tenfield ............................................................ D ..................... 1 ..................... 1.................... 1..........................0 9.............Zordia’s Ajani ................................................................................................. D ..................... 1 ..................... 0.................... 1..........................0 10...........Ch Akmar Queen Ankhesenamun ................................................................. B ..................... 1 ..................... 1.................... 0..........................0 11...........Kissangani Only Dreaming ............................................................................. B ..................... 1 ..................... 1.................... 0..........................0 12...........Woodella Northern Delight of Jisgard ........................................................... B ..................... 1 ..................... 1.................... 0..........................0 13...........Atrigema Memnyth Speed ............................................................................. D ..................... 1 ..................... 0.................... 0..........................0

Norway - Standings Plassering: Navn:


1 ..................... Ch Doberguard’s Maya Masterpiece..................................................................................................................................................... 53 2 ..................... Shahrans Phantom Of The Opera......................................................................................................................................................... 52 3 ..................... Ch Faraoland Beatrix Potter.................................................................................................................................................................. 50 Ch Kingwanas Exhausting Federal Xpress............................................................................................................................................. 50 5 ..................... Faraoland Va Todo Al Ganador............................................................................................................................................................. 40 Kingwanas Fairy Of Tails....................................................................................................................................................................... 40 7 ..................... Kingwanas Flirting Figaro...................................................................................................................................................................... 33 Ch Matabichi Exlusive Moja Nyota....................................................................................................................................................... 33 9 ..................... Kingwanas Foxy Femme Fatale............................................................................................................................................................. 29 10 ................... Kingwanas Glory Of The Spotlight........................................................................................................................................................ 27 11 ................... Ch Abotere’s Zharim............................................................................................................................................................................. 20 Bushongo Chara Alula........................................................................................................................................................................... 20 13 ................... Ch Mzalia Making Headlines................................................................................................................................................................. 17 Amanita Rubescens Tami’s TamTamy................................................................................................................................................... 12 Ch Chagmas Pirate Princess Red Ruby.................................................................................................................................................. 12 Doberguard’s Kee-Kee Masterkey......................................................................................................................................................... 12 17 ................... Citadell Anubis Fiona............................................................................................................................................................................ 11 18 ................... Ch Doberguard’s Master Of The Nile.................................................................................................................................................... 10 19 ................... Wild Pearl’s Ashley Of Echo.................................................................................................................................................................... 8 20 ................... Kardohill’s Congo Dazzling Chacha......................................................................................................................................................... 7 Kingwanas Hot Shadow Of D’Guard....................................................................................................................................................... 7 22 ................... Kingwanas Fabolous Unicorn.................................................................................................................................................................. 5 23 ................... Chewa..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Ch Vicita’s Fancy Face............................................................................................................................................................................. 4 25 ................... Kingwanas Happy Hunter Of D’Guard.................................................................................................................................................... 3

Brazil - Standings Rank Dog



1............. Klassic’s Guri Itapuca ............................................................. Savio Picanço Steele ................................................................................ 2119 2 ............. Bupe Itapuca........................................................................... Savio Picanço Steele................................................................................. 1064 3 ............. Am. Ch. Reiveille Push The Limit To Mv.................................. Kelly And Claire Wisch................................................................................ 589 4 ............. Blaue King Limited Edt. Akale ................................................ Patricia Montenegro .................................................................................... 99 5 ............. Catatau Itapuca ...................................................................... Liv Irene Nyflot ............................................................................................ 75 6 ............. Master Allen’s Courtney Love ................................................ Armin William Brand Allen Arlinho.............................................................. 65 7 ............. Cacau Itapuca ........................................................................ Savio Picanço Steele .................................................................................... 14 8 ............. Arubmec’s This Is It At Itapuca ............................................... Savio Picanço Steele ...................................................................................... 8 Coronel Itapuca ..................................................................... Savio Picanço Sttele ....................................................................................... 8 10 ........... Cometa Itapuca ..................................................................... João Luiz Oliveira Lopes ................................................................................. 7 11 ........... Master Allen’s Cher ................................................................ Armin William Brand Allen/Savio Steele ........................................................ 4 12 ........... Semba Itapura ....................................................................... Daniel Paes De Camargo ................................................................................ 3 Starting Gate´S Afrikan Bunmi ............................................... Carlos Capone ................................................................................................ 3 14 ........... Lola ........................................................................................ Paulo César Pentagna .................................................................................... 2 15 ........... Blaue King First Edt. Balli ....................................................... Savio Picanço Steele ...................................................................................... 1 Am. Ch. Klassic’s Git R Done .................................................. Savio Picanço Steele ...................................................................................... 1 THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 57

Upcoming Events – Around the World Date



December 10, 2011


The Nordic Winner Show - 2011 Hosted by Sweden Judge: Ms. Kay Eldred, Jebelmarra Basenjis

December 17-18, 2011 USA

AKC/Eukanuba NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW Orlando, FL Basenji Judge: Mr. Kent Delaney, USA

January 18, 2012


Willamette Basenji Club Annual Specialty, Washington Mulnomah Country Expo Center Judge: Ms. Kathryn Britton Sweepstakes judge: Mr. Mark C. Chryssanthis

March 8-11, 2012


Crufts The NEC, Birmingham, England Breed Judging - March 11 Breed Judge: Miss D. Jenny Startup

March 23, 2012


Dallas-Fort Worth Basenji Club Specialty Will Rogers Memorial ColiseumFort Worth, TX Breed Judge: Ms. Theresa L Hundt Sweepstakes Judge: Mr. Michael Graves

April 14-15, 2012


Western Hound Association of Southern California Silverado, CA Superintendent: Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows

May 5, 2012


German and British Show Festival Basenji Klub Deutschland Specialty Judge: Michael Quinney, GB

May 18-20, 2012


World Dog Show Salzburg, Austria

May 25-26, 2012


Basenji Club of Cincinnati Designated Specialties with Warren County Kennel Club Supported Entry with Cincinnati Kennel Club on May 27, 2012

June 1-2, 2012


Basenji Club of Canada National Specialty Caledona, ON June 1 - Sweepstakes Judge: Ms. Ann Smith June 2 - Breed Judge: Mr. Eugene Blake

July 9-15, 2012


Basenji Club of America National Specialty In historic Gettysburg, PA Eisenhower Hotel and Convention Center

Breed Judge: Mr. John Reeve-Newson, Canada Sweepstakes Judge: Mrs. Carrie Jones, MN July 22, 2012


Basenji Klub Deutschland Specialty

July 27, 2012


Basenji Club of Southeastern Wisconsin Ixonia, WI Breed Judge: Cheryl Myers Egerton, Canada Sweepstakes Judge: Mrs. Patricia Marshall, TX

Oct. 5-7, 2012


European Dog Show - European Section Bucharest, Romania


Advertising & Subscriptions The Modern Basenji - Worldwide is published quarterly in print and online.

Beginning with the 2nd Qtr 2011 issue, the online magazine will be a modified format that includes advertising and limited content. The digital version is available at no charge.


Subscription Rates

Advertising Rates.......................... Individual Commercial

US Residents..................................... $35.00 Canadian Residents........................... $47.00 All Other Countries............................. $55.00

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Addtl photos (limit 4 per page).................... n/c

Advertising Melody Falcone & A. Tad Brooks Ad Design Jason Maleck & Melody Falcone

Deadlines for Advertising & Editorial Submissions February 1st (March issue) August 1st (September issue) May 1st (June issue) November 1st (December issue) Contact The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide

Send inquiries to The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide 221 Oak Wood Road Kerrville, TX 78028 (830) 257-0481

Copy Editing Heather Ervin Anne Rogers Maxine Elliott M. Susan Joyner Subscriptions Heather Ervin

For Subscritpions -

If submitting camera-ready ads, please contact the Advertising Manager for layout details before sending finished ads.

Editors & Magazine Layout Wanda Pooley, Jason Maleck, & Melody Falcone Content Editor A. Tad Brooks

SPECIAL CATEGORIES – per year rate Breeder/Kennel Directory Listing............. $ 60.00 Stud Dog/Brood Bitch listing with 1 photo........................................... $ 75.00

For Advertising needs


The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide is interested in your editorial submissions. Please contact us at

Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publishers. The Modern Basenji takes no responsibility for statements or claims made in advertisements. We reserve the right to edit and/or refuse all copy. We are not responsible for errors in cameraready ads that come in from an outside designer. All manuscripts become the property of The Modern Basenji. Reports, tallies and photographs of events submitted by individuals are published as space allows. Any win photos must be identified.



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