SFMTA brandstandards 4 9

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San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Brand Standards SFMTA Logo Lockup

One Color Treatments

Incorrect Logo Usage Logo Treatments

Divisional Lockups

Additional SFMTA Subsidiary Logos

Version 4-9

Table of Contents

SFMTA Brand Policy


SFMTA Logo SFMTA Logo Lockup One Color Treatments Incorrect Logo Usage Logo Treatments Divisional Lockups SFMTA Subsidiary Logos

6 7 8 9 10 11

Corporate Color Palette Primary Color Palette Incorrect Color Usage

13 14

Typography SFMTA Typography Primary Typography Secondary Typography

16 16 17

Stationery Applications Stationery System Stationery Layout

21 22

Graphic Elements Watermark Multilingual Taglines

24 25

Brand Templates SFMTA One Sheet Templates - MS Word Division One Sheet Templates - MS Word Poster (11x17) Templates Report Templates - MS Word Report Templates - Offset Printing Factsheet Templates - MS Word Outreach Publications Presentation Board

27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

Electronic Templates Email Signature Email Headers PowerPoint Presentations

36 37 38

SFMTA Brand Policy


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency

Brand Policy

Version 4-9


SFMTA Brand Policy

SFMTA Brand Policy The SFMTA brand is a valuable asset and its expression provides a symbolic message about the agency and its mandate to serve the City and County of San Francisco. The SFMTA Brand Standards guide how the agency portrays itself across all aspects of its work internally and externally with employees, stakeholders and the public. These standards provide a unique visual system for the SFMTA that helps ensure a clear and consistent approach to the agency’s projects, products and services. Following them closely will streamline the preparation of agency materials saving time and money. Correct and proper use of the SFMTA Brand Standards is required on all communications and collateral materials, including but not limited to brochures, presentations, correspondence, maps, forms, documents, videos, websites, applications, and signs, and all other material types in print or digital format. Existing materials should be updated to meet brand standards on a rolling basis as materials are altered or adjusted. All newly created materials must follow the brand standards prior to printing or release. New Logos and Marks: A new logo or mark produced by the SFMTA must be approved well in advance and prior to implementation on an initiative.

For questions about using the SFMTA Brand Identity Standards or for approvals of new logos and marks, please contact Chimmy Lee at chimmy.lee@sfmta.com or call 415.701.2449.

SFMTA Logo SFMTA Logo Lockup One Color Treatments Incorrect Logo Usage Logo Treatments Divisional Lockups SFMTA Subsidiary Logos


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency


Version 4-9


SFMTA Logo Lockup

These examples show proper usage of the SFMTA Logo in full color and black color treatments. The SFMTA Logo can not be redrawn or recreated from separate graphic and type elements. The only reproduction of the SFMTA Logo can only be achieved by using the official master artwork files. The full-color SFMTA Logo will always appear on white background. The SFMTA Logo must appear at least once on all communication media. Changes to the SFMTA Logo are not allowed (e.g., graphic effects, shadows, inner-glows or other graphic elements). The SFMTA Logo may not be represented as a drawing or any other type of illustration.

Original artwork can be downloaded from inside.sfmta.com within the Corporate Identity page. For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency


Version 4-9


One Color Treatments

These examples show proper usage of the SFMTA Logo in one color treatments. Pantone 2035 Red

It is essential that the SFMTA Logo be placed on the correct background. When placing the SFMTA Logo against darker backgrounds, the Logo should be white. Against lighter backgrounds, the Logo should be in one color.

Pantone 370 Green

Pantone 2915 Blue


Reverse Treatment

Original artwork can be downloaded from inside.sfmta.com within the Corporate Identity page. For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency


Version 4-9


Incorrect Logo Usage

Please avoid backgrounds that dilute the readability and effectiveness of the Logo.

Do not skew the Logo

Do not place the Logo on a similar color background

Do not angle the Logo

Do not place the Logo on a stripe background

Do not flatten the Logo

Do not place the Logo on a busy pattern

Do not break up or stack the Logo

Do not place the Logo on busy photography

Do not rearrange the Logo

Do not place the Logo over a shape that cuts through the Logo

Never re-draw the SFMTA Logo, alter its shape with filters or other software, or try to re-create it using a font. It would be impossible to list in this guide all of the accepted uses and all of the misuses for the SFMTA Logo. SFMTA employees, contractors and partners should employ common sense and the basic principles of this styleguide when representing the SFMTA Logo. The examples here show some common misuses of the SFMTA Logo.


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency


Version 4-9


Logo Treatments

Clear Space Requirement



For the SFMTA Logo, the minimum clear space around the Logo should equal the height of the letter “M” in the safe area of the logo. The clear space requirements displayed on this page are intended to maintain the integrity of the SFMTA Logo by ensuring an appropriate amount of space around the logo. No other elements should infringe on the clear space of the Logo. Clear space requirements for the Logo are shown here. The clear space requirements act as a ratio. The larger the Logo, the larger the minimum clear space around it should be. The minimum size for the SFMTA Logo is 1.25” wide proportionally.

Minimum Size Requirement

Minimum Size 1.25” width


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency


Version 4-9


Divisional Lockup

A division lockup is the combination of the SFMTA Logo and the name of a specific division and department. Follow the fonts, size and placement requirements in all communication documents. Do not deviate from the templates. Reversed color division banners will be provided, see link below.

Reversed with color background lockup.

Finance & Information Technology Accounting & Operating Budget Full-color lockup.

Sustainable Streets Security, Investigations & Enforcement 1 color lockup.

Original artwork can be downloaded from inside.sfmta.com within the Corporate Identity page. For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency


Version 4-9


SFMTA Subsidiary Logos

Muni and SFpark are two subsidiary brands under the SFMTA family. Each follows it’s own set of brand standards, available upon request through chimmy.lee@sfmta.com.

Corporate Color Palette Primary Color Palette Incorrect Color Usage


Brand Standards

Version 4-9

Municipal Transportation Agency

Corporate Color Palette


Primary Color Palette




Red Pantone 2035 R: 240 G: 70 B: 60 C: 0 M: 87 Y: 80 K: 0



Dark Green Pantone 370 R: 100 G: 140 B: 60 C: 65 M: 26 Y: 100 K: 9




Light Green Pantone 367 R: 165 G: 210 B: 95 C: 40 M: 0 Y: 82 K: 0




SFMTA has five corporate colors available throughout SFMTA’s communications media. One of the corporate colors should be incorporated into every communications medium where color can be used as a design tool. The primary colors for the SFMTA color palette are Red (Pantone 2035), Dark Green (Pantone 370), Light Green (Pantone 367), Blue (Pantone 2915) and Gray (Pantone 423). The Pantone values for these colors are shown in the color chart. The chart also shows the various shades of the SFMTA color palette from 25 percent to full solids. The black color can be used along with the SFMTA color palette in communication medium as the primary text or body copy color.


Blue Pantone 2915 R: 100 G: 180 B: 230 C: 57 M:14 Y: 0 K: 0




Gray Pantone 423 R: 138 G: 140 B: 140 C: 48 M: 39 Y: 39 K: 4

Black Pantone Black R: 138 G: 140 B: 140 C: 60 M: 40 Y: 40 K: 100 For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com


Brand Standards

Version 4-9

Municipal Transportation Agency

Corporate Color Palette


Incorrect Color Usage

Do not introduce new colors into the SFMTA Logo.

Do not add new color combinations within the SFMTA Logo.

Do not use gradient in more than one color family.

Do not introduce new colors in the SFMTA communication media.

When reversed out of a solid background, the SFMTA Logo shall never be rendered in two or more colors.

Do not mix colors in similar shades.

For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com

Typography SFMTA Typography Primary Typography Secondary Typography


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency


Version 4-9


SFMTA Typography

Typography is an important part of The SFMTA Logo system. Consistent use of typefaces in all SFMTA communications will demonstrate SFMTA’s commitment to consistency and professionalism.

Primary Typography - Univers Font Family

Univers 55 Roman ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*() Univers 45 Light ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()

The primary font for all SFMTA signage and the SFMTA print business system is Univers. This font is versatile, professional and visually appealing, and is easy to read. The Univers font family is approved for usage on SFMTA signage, business cards, stationery, envelopes, other print assets, SFMTA-branded applications. Use the Univers font in both internal and external SFMTA communications.

Univers 65 Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*() Univers 75 Black ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Univers 55 Oblique ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*() Univers 47 Light Condensed ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*() Univers 57 Condensed Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()

For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency


Version 4-9


Secondary Typography - Arial Font Family

Arial Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*() Arial Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()

The primary font for SFMTA internal communication is Arial. This font is the system font for all communications, screens and computer platforms. Arial is highly readable in small text sizes and easily legible.

Arial Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*() Arial Narrow Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()

For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency


Version 4-9


Secondary Typography - Garamond Font Family

Garamond Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()

This font family is suitable for correspondence that needs a formal style.

Garamond Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*() Garamond Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*() Garamond Bold Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()

For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency


Version 4-9


Secondary Typography - Sabon Font Family

Sabon Roman ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()

This unique style font family is reserved for special publications and projects with limited runs.

Sabon Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*() Sabon Small Caps & Oldstyle Figures ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*() Sabon Roman ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()

For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com

Stationery Applications Stationery System Stationery Layout


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency

Stationery Applications

Version 4-9


Stationery System

Edwin M. Lee, Mayor Tom Nolan, Chairman Malcolm Heinicke, Director JoĂŠl Ramos, Director

Cheryl Brinkman, Vice-Chairman Jerry Lee, Director Cristina Rubke, Director

Edward D. Reiskin, Director of Transportation

Nuscius, autendereium facium nust ad eaquias dis sit odit officiis in non repedi temporepudam idus desti ut arciis sin niscimuscid ullanda niendio officienis elesequaerum aut eius qui cus eum volorro blabo em si sequam int. Ic tempori tibus, volorrovit inctet enis ra velitat ibuscitatur as nus moluptatium ullo esed eum delit, qui quam, que voloriant pa ea placimi nctureptati acerferro dolorem ipit, seruptae. Itatusa ditiatet, am ea poreicia illor accusandi dolescium alit alia et qui dis deleceri commolor ibus quae. Susam laborpos aut aruntio necullicium est, si alictissim nonessi tataqui berovid moluptae optae sum fuga. Ut acius alis dolupta sperias mint ma con ra excepel lectatur mintium aliquis iduciaturia con rem evelectem essit, coremqui bearum que non etur sima net reruptas aut magnam in cus esciis aliquis non pa doluptaquis autet omnimost la quibus, quo bea consequid untibus esci umre, nos ea ipisciandita que volor accum fugit laborio blat elitium aut ut di dunt molore, id utescil luptat. Genimin ulparcia ident. Bit quatis se volorum faccullibus, quia net fugia plabo. Nem expercitam dolupis exerspi dundist velia & RESIDENTIAL PERMITS ilit et videm.CITATION Et latus name iducia id quidess ecaboribea perum etur mi, nit ma dolo odi de volent, que 1 South Van Ness Avenue, 7th Floor prae pro doloSancuptatur, ea que nus di di rem aut dollaces accus voluptistrum nient veliqui Francisco, CA sincipsam 94103 atisci volore inus quae si bernaturitis quo inulpa endae ese pel eligendit qui ulluptam lit adis nimi, 415.701.0000 Phone Nameandam qui debitae pora dolupit quid quas quas audia dit ea ad et maxim exeratur andignam quibus 415.701.0000 Mobile Job Title prat quaecto tasseque latur? Department


Is verovid quid miliqui nos nimus ea sit rferibusae et adit offic tem ent idendelest hitinventis alibust, 1 South Van Ness Avenue con explis eumquis des iur audandam lacesequam vendemquodi quam quiam est, id mo vel eiuscip7th Floor sum licat. San Francisco, CA 94103 Equam que vide eum alit omnihit atatque exerro cus et, quia corerumet enia placimo diciam iliquis aut ide non esequi necto deliquis ea et omnihilicime nonseque pliquibus re nimin nihit aut qui del ipis doluptatus restotat. Tium et optatem poremporio tore, vellaboribus mi, ium voluptatat. Lut alisque cum quaectur apelit eum in re labo. Nam facestrum doles et pre eati alis recta natiore nonsed utexplacearis es as atur si quidi sitioreperum harum aspicime nonsent ioritia nis iliti il id ex et doluptatque culparum am et invenim quia qui volupis tiumet quae repe rion cuptatem laborrovitae ex cesse quasitatur accum que voluptio blaut doloremquae. Et offic tet perum doluptatem res doluptas accupta tibus, nis ad qui qui ut ex eost el imo lore persper spellitae vel magnit enditatiosam qui nos vel ipsae pa pratia conet minctoreius est, aria quis experioreius expere delia sit eiunt fugia is nis et aut off icatem. Namendandi coribus quae. Doluptusant fuga. Am el ipienda serchillam remp edis ut et rem el et doloria volum repe eaquatemqui nis et odio. Ratur, sitatem sitvercs sum quuntuscipit re voluptat re nus, simint.

1 South Van Ness Avenue 7th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103



Online ordering is possible through inside.sfmta.com within the Corporate Identity page. For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency

Stationery Applications

Version 4-9


Stationery Guideline

SFMTA letters should be structured in Garamond font families with left justification for paragraphs. Copy should be a minimum of 12 pt. font size and follow the format provided below.

Edwin M. Lee, Mayor Tom Nolan, Chairman Malcolm Heinicke, Director Joél Ramos, Director


Cheryl Brinkman, Vice-Chairman Jerry Lee, Director Cristina Rubke, Director

Edward D. Reiskin, Director of Transportation


Nuscius, autendereium hita facium nust ad eaquias dis sit odit officiis in non repedi temporepudam idus desti ut arciis sin niscim scid ullanda niendio officienis elesequaerum aut eius qui cus eum volorro. Ic tempori tibus, volorrovit inctet enis ra velitat ibuscitatur as nus moluptatium ullo esed eum delit, qui quam, que voloriant pa ea placimi nctureptati acerferro dolorem ipit, seruptae. Itatusa ditiatet, am ea poreicia illor accusandi dolescium alit alia et qui dis deleceri commolor ibus quae. Susam laborpos aut aruntio necullicium est, si alictissim nonessi tataqui berovid moluptae optae sum fuga. Ut acius alis dolupta sperias mint ma con ra excepel lectatur mintium aliquis iduciaturia con rem evelectem essit, coremqui bearum que non etur sima net reruptas aut magnam in cus esciis aliquis non pa doluptaquis autet omnimost la quibus, quo bea consequid untibus esci umre, nos ea ipi sciandita que volor accum fugit laborio blat elitium aut ut di dunt molore, id utescil luptat. Gen imin ulparcia ident. Bit quatis se volorum faccullibus, quia net fugia plabo. Nem expercitam dolu pis exerspi dundist velia ilit et videm. Et latus name iducia id quidess ecaboribea perum etur mi, nit ma dolo odi de volent, que prae pro dolo cuptatur, sincipsam ea que nus di di rem aut dollaces accus voluptistrum nient veliqui atisci volore inus quae si bernaturitis quo inulpa endae ese pel eligendit qui ulluptam lit adis nimi, quid quas quas audia dit ea ad et maxim exeratur andignam quibus andam qui debitae pora dolupit prat quaecto tasseque latur? Is verovid quid miliqui nos nimus ea sit rferibusae et adit offic tem ent idendelest hitinventis alibust, con explis eumquis des iur audandam lacesequam vendemquodi quam quiam est, id mo vel eiuscipsum licat. Equam que vide eum alit omnihit atatque exerro cus et, quia corerumet enia placimo diciam iliquis aut ide non esequi necto deliquis ea et omnihilicime nonseque pliquibus re nimin nihit aut qui del ipis doluptatus restotat. Tium et optatem poremporio tore, vellaboribus mi, ium voluptatat. Lut alisque cum quaectur apelit eum in re labo. Nam facestrum doles et pre eati alis recta natiore nonsed utexplacearis es as atur si quidi sitioreperum harum aspicime nonsent ioritia nis iliti il id ex et doluptatque culparum am et invenim quia qui volupis tiumet quae repe rion cuptatem laborrovitae ex cesse quasitatur accum que voluptio blaut doloremquae. Et offic tet perum doluptatem res doluptas accupta tibus, nis ad qui qui ut ex eost el imo lore pe rsper spellitae vel magnit enditatiosam qui nos vel ipsae pa pratia conet minctoreius est, aria quis experioreius expere delia sit eiunt fugia is nis et aut off icatem. Namendandi coribus quae. Dolup tusant fuga. Am el ipienda serchillam remp edis ut et rem el et doloria volum repe eaquatemqui nis et odio. Ratur, sitatem sitvercill andignimus sum quuntuscipit re voluptat re nus, simint.Peles et et plabo. Dem eatio. Rit repe nonseres estiisi ncilis et alis de nonesti nam, tem niminusa sant ad eatur? Ceperibus, nossitas quo beribus magnisit imi, autas nobitiis pedisti dolor rempore, qui blabore, idignatem inctet voluptio tem imo bea sapelicatem es quia dolorias sus quo iusaped ullita aperunt quo que explis a plaut ent litiaecum elent.



1 South Van Ness Avenue 7th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103



Templates can be downloaded from inside.sfmta.com within the Corporate Identity page. For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com

Graphic Elements SFMTA Logo Watermark Multilingual Taglines


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency

Graphic Elements

Version 4-9



The SFMTA Symbol can be use as a watermark, with the opacity set at percent against the background. The watermark is to be placed on the lower right quadrant of the document and off the page. Use white SFMTA Symbol over color background only. Color SFMTA Symbols can only be used over white background.

Templates can be downloaded from inside.sfmta.com within the Corporate Identity page. For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency

Graphic Elements

Version 4-9


Multilingual Tagline

311 multilingual tagline should be used on all SFMTA ads, campaigns and notices. In addition, Muni and accessible tagline should be added to any campaign, ad or notices on collateral to be positioned in all Muni vehicles.

Templates can be downloaded from inside.sfmta.com within the Corporate Identity page. For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com

Brand Templates SFMTA One Sheet Templates Division One Sheet Templates Poster (11x17) Templates Report Templates Factsheet Templates Outreach Publications Presentation Board


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency

Brand Templates

Version 4-9


SFMTA One Sheet Templates - MS Word

External outreach one sheet template with 311 contact information in 10 languages. Follow font usage standards stated in the MS Word templates.

Internal one sheet template.

Document Title SFMTA.COM

Templates can be downloaded from inside.sfmta.com within the Corporate Identity page. For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency

Brand Templates

Version 4-9


Division One Sheet Templates - MS Word

Division generic one sheet document in both color and one-color templates. Follow font usage standards stated in the MS Word templates.

Templates can be downloaded from inside.sfmta.com within the Corporate Identity page. For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency

Brand Templates

Version 4-9


Poster Templates (11x17) - MS Word

Poster templates can be downloaded via The SFMTA intranet. Use Univers or Arial font families.


½â€? Border around

Templates can be downloaded from inside.sfmta.com within the Corporate Identity page. For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency

Brand Templates

Version 4-9


Report Templates - MS Word

Follow font usage standards stated in the MS Word templates.

Panel Deliverables 1. Develop a priority list of recommendations to address the balancing of the FY 2013 and FY 2014 Operating Budget. 2. Developed a priority list of recommendations to address the structural deficit. The recommendations will be provided to the SFMTA Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and the Mayor.

Final Report 2012 Budget Balancing Panel

Panel Overview The SFMTA has held seven Panel meetings to discuss the short- and long-term financial options to secure adequate operating and capital resources for the SFMTA to fulfill its mission. Co-chaired by the Executive Director of San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association (SPUR) and the Director of Transportation from SFMTA, individuals from the following organizations participated on the panel and helped shape the final recommendations:

June 1, 2012 San Francisco

Financial Services

TRANSIT Operations Planning & TEP

• Building Owners & Managers Association • Capital Partnerships • Chamber of Commerce • SFMTA Citizens Advisory Council • City Park • Committee on Jobs • Controller’s Office • Livable City • Mayor’s Office • SFMTA Multimodal Accessibility Advisory Committee • Parsons Brinckerhoff • Planning Association for the Richmond • People Organizing to Win Economic Rights (POWER) • Rescue Muni • San Francisco Bicycle Coalition • San Francisco Labor Council • San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association (SPUR) SF Travel • SFMTA Board of Directors • Senior Action Network • Transit Riders Union • Union Square Business Improvement District • Walk San Francisco • IBEW Local 6



Final Report 2012 Budget Balancing Panel June 1, 2012 San Francisco

Financial Services


Templates can be downloaded from inside.sfmta.com within the Corporate Identity page. For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency

Brand Templates

Version 4-9


Report Templates - Offset Printing

Please contact creative services (Chimmy.Lee@sfmta.com) for cover and layout assistance.

Templates can be downloaded from inside.sfmta.com within the Corporate Identity page. For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency

Brand Templates

Version 4-9


Factsheet - MS Word

Factsheet templates available in black and white as well as in color formats.

Project Name August 18, 2013 | Division INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION



Lorem ipsum dolor sit

amet , consect et ur adipiscing elit . Int eger ornare urna cenas auct or met us t rist ique venenat is sagit t is.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit

Follow font usage standards stated in the MS Word templates.

amet , consect et ur adipiscing elit . Int eger ornare urna cenas auct or met us t rist ique

• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet , consect et ur adipiscing elit . Int eger ornare urna cenasauct or met us t rist ique

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet , consect et ur adipiscing elit . Int eger ornaress Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet , consect et ur adipiscing elit . Int eger ornaress

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ornare urna vel urna pretium, vel rutrum augue euismod. Fusce fringilla odio ipsum, vitae fermentum leo ullamcorper at. Curabitur sit amet ipsum eu dui euismod sagittis id bibendum nisi. Proin congue quis sem sit amet rhoncus. Praesent commodo elit velit, et fringilla nulla faucibus ultrices. Quisque a ornare nunc. Praesent semper euismod consectetur. Integer fermentum tellus a felis ultrices faucibus. Sed dui arcu, pulvinar in eros vel, lobortis bibendum nunc. Donec quis ultrices est. Sed at mi tortor. Pellentesque eget mattis lectus. Nulla ac accumsan augue, in scelerisque diam. Duis iaculis massa ac elementum sodales. Pellentesque vitae nunc sed leo laoreet vulputate. Maecenas rhoncus vestibulum nisi, sit amet hendrerit lorem viverra nec. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas auctor metus tristique venenatis sagittis. Nullam facilisis massa aliquam tincidunt malesuada. Nulla dapibus velit a magna accumsan pharetra. Aliquam et ultricies risus. Fusce at tempus leo. In a aliquet est, id rutrum mi. In faucibus venenatis felis vel consectetur. In a enim ut leo luctus ultricies. Duis vitae commodo nisl. In aliquam risus et porta suscipit. Fusce molestie risus ac eros fermentum venenatis. Maecenas suscipit non velit quis mollis. Pellentesque scelerisque orci tellus, sed placerat dolor bibendum

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ornare urna vel urna pretium, vel rutrum augue euismod. Fusce fringilla odio ipsum, vitae fermentum leo ullamcorper at. Curabitur sit amet ipsum eu dui euismod sagittis id bibendum nisi. Proin congue quis sem sit amet rhoncus. Praesent commodo • Loremelit ipsum dolor sit amet velit, et fringilla nulla,faucibus ultrices. consect et ur adipiscing elit . Int eger ornare urna

Financial Division 1 South Van Ness 415.701.1111 8.18.2013

Templates can be downloaded from inside.sfmta.com within the Corporate Identity page. For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency

Brand Templates

Version 4-9


Outreach Publications

Communication outreach materials including postcard, take one brochures, and comment flyers. Please contact creative services (Chimmy.Lee@sfmta.com) for cover and layout assistance.

Templates can be downloaded from inside.sfmta.com within the Corporate Identity page. For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency

Brand Templates

Version 4-9


Presentation Board

Presentation board is sized at 36” wide by 26” tall to be mounted onto foam boards. Follow font usage standards stated in the pdf or Adobe InDesign templates.

Graphic and Board Title (Arial font, 85pt size)


S F M TA . C O M

Project Title (Arial Font 36pt size)


(Date & Location, Arial Font 24pt size) JULY XX, 2013 SAN FRACISCO, CALIFORNIA


Stop Treatments

Pedestrian Treatments



Travel Time Reduction Proposal Sample TTRP Toolkit Elements

Parking & Zones

Transit Curbwork

Relocate Stop

Install Bulb

Install Bulb

Extend Bus Zone

New Stop

Install Crosswalk

Install Island (Bus)

New Peak Hr Tow Away Zone

Remove Stop

Install Island

Install Island (Rail)

Extend Tow Away Zone Hours

Extend Bulb

Parking Removal

Extend Island

Parking Addition or Relocation

Remove Bulb

Loading Zone Removal

New Stop with Bulb

Lane Treatments

Traffic Control

Turn Restriction


New Turn Pocket

Pilot Highlighting Options


Remove Stop Sign


Reconfigure Lanes


Queue Jump

New Loading Zone


New Bicycle Lane


Install Traffic Signal

Blue Halo

New Transit Only Lane

S F M TA . C O M



Templates can be downloaded from inside.sfmta.com within the Corporate Identity page. For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com

Electronic Templates Email Signature Email Headers PowerPoint Presentations


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency

Electronic Templates

Version 4-9


Email Signature

Name Position, Division

Form an electronic business card to appear at the bottom of emails. Use this standard to create your email signature.

San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency 1 South Van Ness Avenue XXFloor San Francisco, CA 94103

Do not vary the signature or the SFMTA logo.

Email: First.Last@sfmta.com Phone: 415.701.0000 Fax: 415.701.0000 www.sfmta.com

Use Arial font. Copy should be in 11 pt. font size and follow format provided here. Open “SFMTA-EmailSignature-Temp.dotx� under the Electronic Templates section from the Corporate Identity page on inside.sfmta.com. Copy and paste the sample signature from the MS Word document to your signature cue in Outlook. To find your signature preference in Outlook: 1. In a new message, on the Message tab, in the Include group, click Signature, and then click Signatures.

Find us on Facebook Twitter Youtube

2. On the E-mail Signature tab, click New. 3. Type a name for the signature, and then click OK. 4. In the Edit Signature box, paste the text that you want to include in the signature. 5. After you finish creating the signature, click OK.

Templates can be downloaded from inside.sfmta.com within the Corporate Identity page. For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency

Electronic Templates

Version 4-9


Email Header

Email headers can be used to create an official announcement. Simply place, drag or insert the art file onto the first line of the message window.

Colleagues: On Thursday, July 4, the 2013 America’s Cup will kick off an exciting series of waterfront events in the City. As part of our efforts to support the summer-long festivities, we are calling for SFMTA volunteers to be ambassadors throughout the summer From July to September, fans from around the world will be in San Francisco and the SFMTA will be actively promoting walking, bicycling, Muni, and taxis. We will also be providing additional buses, trains and streetcars on select dates to accommodate the large crowds that will be riding Muni. The SFMTA Ambassadors will play a key role in providing exceptional customer service to visitors and others in need of assistance finding their way during the America’s Cup events. There will be several opportunities to volunteer throughout the summer. Most volunteers are needed for activities taking place on weekends and holidays particularly the dates of July 4-7, 13-14, 20-21, 23, 27-28, August 6-7, 10-11,17-18, 24-25, September 1-2, 7-15,17, 19, and 21. Volunteer shifts are in minimum three hour periods with available shifts between the hours of 9 a.m. and 7 p.m.

Templates can be downloaded from inside.sfmta.com within the Corporate Identity page. For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency

Electronic Templates

Version 4-9


PowerPoint Presentation

Follow font usage standards stated in the PowerPoint templates.

Presentation Title Date & Location

Templates can be downloaded from inside.sfmta.com within the Corporate Identity page. For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency

Electronic Templates

Version 4-9


PowerPoint Presentation (continued)

Follow font usage standards stated in the PowerPoint templates.

Presentation Title Date & Location

Presentation Title Date & Location

Templates can be downloaded from inside.sfmta.com within the Corporate Identity page. For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency

Electronic Templates

Version 4-9


PowerPoint Presentation (continued)

Follow font usage standards stated in the PowerPoint templates.

Templates can be downloaded from inside.sfmta.com within the Corporate Identity page. For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com


Brand Standards

Municipal Transportation Agency

Electronic Templates

Version 4-9


PowerPoint Presentation (continued)

Follow font usage standards stated in the PowerPoint templates.

Templates can be downloaded from inside.sfmta.com within the Corporate Identity page. For assistance on the SFMTA Brand Standards, please contact chimmy.lee@sfmta.com

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Create a flipbook
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