Dog News, January 18, 2013

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Dog News The Digest Volume 29, Issue 3

Of American Dogs $5.00

January 18, 2013


Judge Mr. Robert Stein

Number One* Skye Terrier & Number Seven* Among All Terrier Breeds Multiple All Breed Best In Show Winner National Specialty Best of Breed Winner American, Finnish, Estonian, Russian International Champion Of Skyeline Captain Hook

Owned by Victor Malzoni, Jr. Hampton Court bred by Kirsi Sainio Helsinki, Finland Handled By Larry Cornelius Marcelo Veras

*The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed


Dog News 3


Contents 10 Editorial

46 Make A Difference

14 The Lighter Side Of Judging: Fitness Test

50 Off The Leash: Recall Redux

18 Inside The Sport: The Lake Wobegon Syndrome

52 Toy Dogs That Want A Job: Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

22 Question Of The Week

54 Hunte and CAR, A Return Home And More

26 Brace Yourself: AKC/Eukanuba National Championship

60 Last Shows of The Year In Cleveland

BY sharon newcomb

BY Shaun Coen

BY Michael Faulkner

BY MJ Nelson

BY Pat Trotter

BY Matthew H. Stander

BY Matthew H. Stander

BY sharon sakson

BY andrew brace

30 The Fancy Speaks: It’s A Big World Charlie Brown!... Or Is It?

70 Basset Hound National Specialty and Tracking National BY jacqueline fogel and sanda launey

82 The Gossip Column

BY roz kramer

34 Bests Of The Week 38 Ten Questions Asked Of Grahm Swayze

BY Eugene Z. Zaphiris

90 Click - Greater Fredericksburg KC

January 18, 2013 42 Judges’ Choice: Parson Russell Terrier

BY Eugene Z. Zaphiris

reprinted courtesy of the kennel gazette

94 Click - The Way We Were

44 From A Field-Show Judge’s Perspective: The Cheetah and the Anatolian

98 Letters To The Editor

BY George bell

By Eugene Z. Zaphiris

• 100 handlers directory • 102 subscription rates • 104 classified advertising • 106 advertising rates DOG NEWS (ISSN 0886-2133) is published weekly except the last two weeks in December by Harris Publications, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010. Periodical Postage paid at New York. 4 Dog News

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to DOG NEWS, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010 All advertisements are copyrighted and owned by DOG NEWS, Harris Publications, unless received camera-ready. Permission to reprint must be requested in writing.


*All Systems

Dog News Cover Story - January 8, 2013





The All American



212 807.7100 x588 FAX NUMBER


Ian Miller 212 462.9624 Contributing Editors Sharon Anderson George Bell Andrew Brace Agnes Buchwald Patricia Gail Burnham Shaun Coen Carlotta Cooper Geoff Corish Michael Faulkner Denise Flaim Geir Flyckt - Pedersen Allison Foley Yossi Guy Ronnie Irving John Mandeville Desmond J. Murphy M. J. Nelson Sharon Pflaumer Kim Silva Matthew H. Stander Sari Brewster Tietjen Patricia Trotter Connie Vanacore Carla Viggiano Nick Waters Seymour Weiss Minta (Mike) Williquette

America's Number One American Foxhound All Systems Number One* Among All Hound Breeds and Number Eight* Among All Breeds Owners: Mrs. Ellen MacNeille Charles • Harry & Lisa Miller Presented By Breeder: Lisa Miller *The Dog News Top Ten List

6 Dog News

Dog News Photographers Chet Jezierski Perry Phillips Kitten Rodwell Leslie Simis

DOG NEWS is sent to all AKC approved Conformation Judges every week on a complimentary basis. No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without written permission from the editor. The opinions expressed by this publication do not necessarily express the opinions of the publisher. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted.

Angel On A Leash Best In Show Benefit starring

Malachy (2012) Hickory (2011) Uno (2008) Saturday, February 9, 2013 • 5-7 p.m. Open Bar and Hor d’oeuvres The Affinia Manhattan 371 Seventh Avenue (31st St.) NYC

Join these great champions for pictures and pets and cocktails with our host Ruth Pereira as we honor our own Halo Award winners for 2012 Tickets are $100. Order now, this event has been sold out in past years. Order on line, mail, fax, email or phone Name Address Phone Card #

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630 Ninth Avenue * 1009 New York, NY 10036 (646) 259-3811 office (646) 349 - 4747 fax (for your e-tickets Dog News 7


*The Dog News Top Ten List

Dog News 9

major concern is the AKC’s own event the AENC. The new NINE OF TEN AMERICAN BRED The top ten all-breed results were printed in last week’s issue of panel has just been released for the 2013 show and sadly DOG NEWS and nine of the ten top dogs in America for the year some major entry breeds are being adjudicated upon by 2012 were American bred! That 90% number is something for individuals of questionable backgrounds even in their own American breeders to crow about for sure. This incredibly high countries for the breeds they will be adjudicating upon at the number reflects the deep concern and intense devotion American AENC. But getting by the AENC what about at your own local breeders have to both their own dogs and to their breeding programs, show? How do some of these names appear and how are which strive to improve upon the dog itself and the general health they given the breeds they are given by the show chairmen and welfare of these animals. In one of the closest and most exciting involved? It’s one thing when the breeds are of a similar type competitions for top dog seen in years two sporting dogs, the German in America as in the judge’s home country but when they Wirehaired Pointer and the English Springer Spaniel, fought it out are of a totally dissimilar type why is the American exhibitor to the bitter end with the GWP the eventual victor by a mere 2,156 punished as the show chairman thanks the visiting judge for points. Congratulations are certainly in order for this winner. Under the recent assignment to his or her country? It’s bad enough to be saddled with some of the American judges we the present system these competitions are basically unregulated by are forced to exhibit under week after AKC. AKC for a very substantial fee records and sells week but to add the questionable the results of its dog shows to various buyers both foreign judges to any American individually and media ways. This has turned slate is uncalled for and makes out to be a good alternate source of outside a travesty of the show giving income for AKC particularly in light of the club. free-fall decline in registrations continuing to occur. There is no official designation by MORE THAN ONE AKC proclaiming an overall winner but the HEADQUARTERS points speak for themselves in each and every January 18, 2013 It is ironic as to how similar problems Breed and Group. Most everyone loves and supports seem to arise at the same time for the world’s these competitions through the year but as the number of two largest kennel clubs, the TKC in the UK and the AKC in all-breed shows have increased unabashedly in the past decade or so rather than to have gotten more involved in establishing some the States. The latest overlapping situation revolves round form of system to determine top ranking competitions AKC appears whether kennel club headquarters and kennel club activities to have turned the other cheek and has allowed the competitors to should continue in a major prestige city or in a less remote establish their own rules and standards instead of establishing an area or perhaps even both. The Brits are in a more envious official regulated system and/or competition. The result has been an situation in this matter than are we in America since not unchecked competition that encourages excesses for dogs to be at only do they own the property just off London’s Piccadilly more and more shows in order to accumulate more and more points. Square but there is a major redevelopment of the area going Over six years ago the Board at AKC paid lip service to the problem on. TKC would be able to move to a brand new custom then by asking the staff’s Strategic Planning core to come up with built property 30% larger than its present building and will some new ideas. Unfortunately nothing was forthcoming from that receive a payment of 12 million pounds, too, which of course idea and so today as the year 2013 begins nothing has been spoken is close to over $19 million dollars! No such luck for we in about much less enacted to resolve the existing excesses. This should the States. It is rumored that when Mrs. Dodge passed away be a prime concern of those running for the Board in the March lo those many years ago and offered the AKC her property elections. Let’s see if it is even discussed much less acted upon in on 5th Avenue and 60th Street upon which her home was built and the offer declined had it been accepted AKC could the months to come. have perhaps been in a similar “dilemma” as is TKC today. In any event the members of TKC have been called to a JUDGES ON FACEBOOK There is a growing tendency for AKC Judges to comment on Facebook Special Meeting to vote on this proposal January 31, which pages of individuals who are promoting their dogs’ wins using that of course would be ridiculous to turn down one would think. form of media. Now then certainly owners or handlers have every Furthermore and unlike our own Delegate Body the individual right to do so if they so choose. But for a judge to comment extolling members of TKC may vote by proxy further ensuring passage the dog, the owner, the breeder or the win is entirely beyond the scope one would think. TKC may vote by proxy which AKC may not of his or her authority. It’s sort of similar to the judge sitting at ring do on any level. However one would imagine they too could side applauding for their own choice within a group or best situation. use teleprompter meetings when necessary which of course AKC when asked about the problem of an unsolicited comment by our Directors do not do as they call special meetings which a judge on these pages has taken the usual stand that unless they cost a pretty penny as well. As to the moves to be discussed receive a complaint in writing there is nothing they can do about by AKC those discussions should be hot and heavy and will such happenings. That’s purely nonsense insofar as these pages certainly be well worth watching. In next week’s issue Ronnie are concerned. When a judge or an exhibitor acts improperly and it Irving will discuss the merits of the TKC proposals in detail. is observed publicly AKC has an obligation to step in and stop them from both continuing and repeating these misdeeds. One would hope THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK that the Judges Organizations as well would admonish its members The Board March elections are almost upon us and the to discontinue such practises too. Isn’t it about time to re-investigate annual DOG NEWS Questionnaire is in the hands of the the procedures AKC follows in these areas and to modernize them to seven candidates running for the four open Board seats. The twist this year is that Roz Kramer will be conducting keep up with the times? the Questionnaire instead of John Mandeville. Roz should present a fresh and different viewpoint to the Questionnaire USING THE FOREIGN JUDGE The use of the foreign judge (or visiting judge as the more politically this year. This is important since 5 of the 7 people running proper way of referring to these people seems to be) is not only a have all answered Questionnaires in the past. As a former growing fact of life for American exhibitors as Premium lists will employee of AKC, a present judge and past handler of note attest to but an area which seems to be causing more problems Roz’s background and respect is known to most in the Fancy. at AKC particularly in the areas of approving and or disapproving Her questions should prove enlightening in this election for their assignments. Certainly one show at which this practice is of sure.



10 Dog News

Introducing Scott’s new dog


FLASH ent Bingo w Show Best in at the iver Nolan R Kennel ow Club sh ay, on Sund 6th. Januar y

GCh. SAKS Winning Card Judge Mrs. Inge Semenschin

In limited showing in 2012, Bingo had 10 Group Firsts and Two Reserve Best In Shows Breeders Roberta Bleecker Shirley Hamilton

Owners Anthony and Kim MacKenzie Cecelia Ruggles, High Ridge Sandra and Kieth Hanson, SAKS

Handler Scott Sommer Associates Alfonso Escobedo and Ashlie Whittmore Dog News 11

GCh. Hil-N-Don & Canyonwood Seemore Of Me

Owner Silsby S. Pelissero SHADOW HILL ESS Santa Barbara, California

12 Dog News

Co-Owner and CO - Breeder Jayne Crouch Canyonwood ESS


Breeder Donna Hoffman Hil-N-Don ESS

Exclusive Handler for Shadow Hill: Ellen Cottingham 360 904-1777 Assisted by Ariel Wolters

Dog News 13

TheLighter Side By Michael Faulkner

of Judging

Fitness Test


o this day, I relive the fear of climbing long, thick ropes hanging from gymnasiums’ ceilings and sliding back down tearing the skin off my hands in support of passing the yearly grade-school fitness exam. During the sixties, our small rural school system continued President Kennedy’s physical fitness program. I remember feeling pride in being part of a national program and I remember with vivid details running, doing sit-ups with another student holding my ankles to the floor, push-ups, multiple stretches…and climbing those damn ropes. Yes, I hold these early, mandatory fitness days responsible for my constant physical selfevaluation, for my struggling with my yearly New Year’s resolution toward a personal goal---to reform a perceived bad-habit and my newly adopted lifestyle change. To this day, every year, I pledge to improve my physical well-being, eat healthier foods, exercise more, complete another marathon, laugh more, and enjoy life. I turn Jeep into the parking lot of River Fitness (my local training facility) at 6:00 AM and quickly notice that I am not alone in the quest for health. As Jeep slides between a Volvo wagon and Mini-Cooper, I notice that the parking lot---usually filled with no more than six autos in the early morning hours--- is almost full, with only a few parking spaces remaining. I gather my gym bag, towel, flip-flops, and personal hygiene kit and head for the entrance. Once through the fitness center doors, I scan my personal ID tag attached to my key chain, clearing me for entry. My routine is always the same---every other day, I enter the locker room, locate my locker, undress, dress, put on my running shoes, fill my water bottle, grab a small towel and proceed to the elliptical rowing machine. I complete forty-five minutes of cardio and then proceed

14 Dog News

with thirty minutes of weight training. On opposing days, I run for one hour near home before leaving for work and sometimes afterwards if I am feeling a bit lazy. I put myself through this endurance routine not just because of early childhood trauma, but rather to insure a long and healthy life and to optimize the possibility that I will be able to continue judging and showing my dogs to a ripe old age. On this particular January morning, I am pleased to see a lady exiting the elliptical machine (Elliptical) as I enter the main fitness area. Quickly, I jump on board---swinging the hand towel around the upper bar---place my water bottle in the cup holder, and begin to program my workout. Age, weight, speed, incline, time, level---I press all the appropriate buttons and finish with the green start button. I am now rhythmically moving my legs and arms in unison. When exercising I think of everything. Thoughts come and go. I often solve major world crises, create new dinner menus, plan parties, orchestrate pedigrees, plan the demise of those I dislike, but on this particular morning, I stay focused on my physical well-being and the well-being of all AKC dog show judges. “Would it not be a wonderful thing if AKC required a fitness test as part of the application process!” I state out loud knowing full well no one can hear me over the loud, thumping music. “Yes, a simple test that closely represents the various physiological demands of dog judging. One would have to break down the sport / occupation into different fitness components.” I continue, “For a small-breed specialty club, let’s say Pomeranians, it would be fairly straight forward. Other breeds such as the German Shepherd, Mastiff, Pointer, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, and Basset Hound, for example, are a little more complex. And, an even more complex example would be the judge who is lucky enough to judge one hundred and seventy-five various dogs at the breed level, followed by two or more groups, and/or the coveted Best in Show assignment.” Elliptical directs me to push a little harder with my arms, Continued on page 58

Dog News 15



16 Dog News

Number Three overall, *The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed **CC System

Dog News 17

Inside The Sport By Pat Trotter



nce upon a time, a fictional town in Minnesota where “all the women are strong, all the men are good looking and all the children are above average” became the subject of a novel by Garrison Keillor published in 1985 and later made into a movie. This particular term-Lake Wobegon Syndrome- is now used by psychologists and other behavioral experts to describe the inherent human tendency to overestimate one’s abilities and accomplishments in relation to those of others. Research shows this to be true among athletes, coaches, college students, teachers, preachers, military officers, astronauts, parents, drivers, CEOs, actors, politicians, media stars, stock market analysts, educational administrators, physicians, lawyers and a host of other professionals. You get the picture. Is it possible this is true among dog show judges too? Never has this question been more vital to the well being of the sport than it is today. The obvious reason for this is the reaction of judges through their various judges organizations to AKC’s fledgling Judges Approval System developed under the auspices of Dr. Robert Smith’s Committee and introduced to the fancy in the spring of 2012. The purity of purpose of this committee of dog experts was to create a system designed to move along exceptional judging ability and encourage those of more modest capabilities to remain in their comfort zone before proceeding. The idea was to bring the best possible judging to exhibitors in their efforts to select the best breeding stock available. In the past my columns have asked two questions: When did judging dogs become more important to folks than breeding dogs? Why did judging dogs become more important than breeding dogs? Readers and the general dog public are assisting me in answering some of these questions and my future columns will reflect their collective opinions perhaps as accurately as surveys by judging groups. Why? Because said surveys have only asked questions of judges and have not addressed the concerns of exhibitors and breeders who, after all, bring the dogs to the shows to be judged. I mean, what if you threw a great party and nobody came? Early in life I was very fortunate to have the most realistic and loving parents in the world. As a teenager my father sat me down for a father-daughter discussion I will never forget. “Even though you are not the most beautiful girl in your school, or the brightest girl in your school, you will achieve 18 Dog News

more than most of them because you will outwork them.” Through my entire life I have carried my father’s words as my workaholic mantra, continuing to reach for the stars and accepting the failures en route. Hopefully I will have a certain degree of success as a journalist/judge trying to become part of the solution in dealing with this current controversy. Please know I care and want to see things work out for the good of the order of our sport! Charles H. Green, author of Trust Based Selling (McGraw-Hill, 2005) serves as a motivational speaker and expert advisor to huge financial institutions across the U.S. A native of the Midwest who came to New York in his youth, drove a taxi, graduated from Columbia and went on to get his MBA from Harvard, Green conducts seminars and leadership forums and reports the results of a survey of a room full of conference participants. Attending professionals were asked to lower their heads and then raise their hands if they thought they were in the top 50% of performers in the room... Then they were to keep their hands up (and heads down) if they thought they were in the top 25% of performers in the room; then the top 10%. Participants were then asked to keep their hands up and raise their heads, where they could clearly see that more than half of the room thought they were in the top 10%! It seems the concept of unconditional positive regard is understood by educational therapists and other professionals in the field to be quite widespread. But what happens when one’s sense of selfregard is not realistic? What happens when you are convinced that you are more competent than you truly are? When one is in denial about one’s worth in any given environment? This business world expert points out that Generation Y has been raised on a sense of entitlement and therefore is having a very difficult time adjusting to today’s economic environment. It seems many think they should be able to work remotely and have flexible schedules to their liking while reaping great rewards from the world of business. Are these young people in denial or what? When I conduct my seminars for breeders, it almost always presents a question from the audience about factoring in judges’ decisions while selecting breeding stock. How much credibility should be placed on judges’ opinions? This column will be addressing these important issues and continuing to reflect the thinking of the dog fancy at large-not just that of judges, judges’ groups and the powers-that-be. Meanwhile, think about Lake Wobegon “where all the women are strong, all the men are good looking and all the children are above average.” What a wonderful world that must be. TO BE CONTINUED…

Dog News 19

20 Dog News

Dog News 21

Do You Believe AKC Should Permit Five Consecutive Days Of All Breed Dog Shows On The Same Site? Denise Sutton No. Michelle Scott Funny you should ask this question immediately following our first 5-day weekend of 2013...and for many their FIRST weekend back at dog shows. We can only wonder if your responses may be a bit different due to the timing of the question! With that being said...we see nothing wrong with 5 consecutive shows on a given weekend. Most people work at least a 5-day work week do they not? It definitely is more tiring and more work caring properly for our dogs...but we know that, accept it and just do it. No doubt user friendly venues and hard working assistants are key factors in the equation. Jay Hyman I do not take a position on this, it seems to me if exhibitors or handlers object to it they can not come. This year I am advised that Florida suffered and the Virginia and Maryland shows have benefited.

Question Of The Week By

Judy Walker I, personally, could not withstand five days of showing and I think it is very hard on the dogs especially those that are kenneled or in a truck. I know the Clubs are suffering trying to put these shows on and I can see two Clubs joining together for 4 days; but Mondays are poorly attended...also Thursdays if it starts there. Some of the exhibitors like it due to gas expenses and I understand; but you have to be a handler or a “showaholic” to put yourself and your dog through 5 days...A lot of greed on AKC’s part in my estimation.

22 Dog News

Frank Murphy From the viewpoint of a handler, five days pay without moving (tearing down and setting up again), sounds great. I think the issue is where the ex-pens are. We don’t leave the dogs in the building overnight. We like to leave the dogs out for an hour in the morning and several hours at night. Five days of dogs urinating on the same ground smells awful and can’t be too sanitary. In previous years down in Brooksville, we had four shows, a day off and, four more. When you got over there from Deland on Monday and left on Monday after the shows, you were there for fourteen days. After that much time with large dogs urinating on the same spot, the topsoil is saturated with pee. Never mind if a dog gets loose stool or diarrhea. This year if you did all the shows that are in Ocala, you will have been there for THREE weeks! If you are going in to Ocala for part of the circuit you are going to park where someone was parked for the previous shows. Now your ex-pens are on the ground where their ex-pens were. I don’t have to explain about the questions running through your mind about whether or not they had a sick dog with them. I think dogs and exhibitors need a break after four days when a circuit Matthew H. Stander runs for two weeks. I think maybe five days in a row are ok when they stand alone. I think that when a circuit runs for three weeks in the same location there are sanitary issues to consider. Bryan Martin Other professions limit their personnel to operational times (truck drivers limited driving times, airline pilots and stewardesses can only fly set hours, etc.) why should we pound our dogs or judges to work overtime? Neither can be mentally sharp, as well as handlers and owners, at 5 days. Add to that unsanitary conditions in ex-pens and limited walking or turn out areas, as well as limited bathing facilities, all lead to a disaster waiting to happen. 5 days cannot be a healthy environment for man or beast. Also add to this that shows lose their identity by the end of the week, and most everyone looks at the final day(s) as “getaway day”. This just leads to “sheep” judging (following what has been done earlier in the week) and ribbon handing out, rather than true evaluation of breeding stock, the initial intention of Dog Shows!

Special Thanks to Judge Mr. Norman L. Patton

Multiple Breed and Group Winner

GCh. Wingold’s Eagle Scout JH RN WC VC Owners: Jim and Jayne Cassella

Professionally Handled & Loved by Cortney Corral

Breeder/Owners: Julie and Ron Bell

Dog News 23

What A Weekend!

Team Gus Wins

Back - To - Back Group Firsts Plus

Best In Show &

Reserve Best In Show There’s Only One… 24 Dog News


Best In Show, National Specialty Best In Show

GCh. Derby’s Toast With Gusto

Team Gus thanks Judges Mrs. Keke Kahn (Group First, plus Reserve Best In Show), Dr. Wanda Spediacci (Group First), and Mrs. Jacqueline Stacy (Best In Show). Sire: Best In Specialty Show Winning Ch. Derby’s Academy Award (Two-Time Westminster Kennel Club Best of Breed Winner) Dam: Ch. Derby’s Toast To Belline

GUS’S HIPS O.F.A. EXCELLENT! (Eyes & Elbows Normal) Bred By: Kristin Kleeman Robyn & Kenneth Toth

Owned By: Rick & Sue Copeland Richmond, Texas

Presented By: Scott Sommer Assisted by Alfonso Escobedo & Ashlie Whitmore Dog News 25

by Andrew Brace AKC Eukanuba National Championship

Steve Barrett and I arrived at The Peabody Hotel in the early hours of Tuesday morning, the hotel being situated directly opposite the vast Orange County Convention Centre where three days of all-breeds shows were being held, followed by the two-day extravaganza of the American Kennel Club Eukanuba National Championship show, where this year non-Champions were also allowed to enter.


fter a relaxing Tuesday, the week’s proceedings a flag-carrier. He did admit to not knowing began on Wednesday evening with a poolside when the policy was agreed upon or who inwelcome party at the Orlando Hilton where stigated it, but when Eukanuba is a generEukanuba was hosting all those lucky enough ous sponsor of Crufts this mysterious stance to be participating in its World Challenge. The strikes me at best as bad business sense. hospitality meted out by Eukanuba is legendary and very We were delighted to be sat at the tamuch appreciated by the World Challenge Finalists who ble of AKC President Dennis Sprung and his are looked after royally. lovely wife Susan. Matt Stander and Gene Early on Thursday all finalists met with Eukanuba Zaphiris confirmed that the company was staff and AKC Events Manager Michael Canalizo, were the best and at one point Eukanuba USA’s given their instructions for the week and supplied with all Jason Taylor actually broke into song! the tickets and wristbands that would be necessary. That I was in the ring bright and early at evening everyone dined at the atmospheric Cuba Libre 8 a.m. on Saturday morning, beginning with restaurant (where they serve the best mojitos!) but mana good entry of Bloodhounds. My aged to leave at a respectable hour. BOB was a young bitch, a free mov Most of my Thursday and Friday were spent talking to the ing, athletic hound with beautifully various World Challenge handlers, extracting as much information clear eyes and a good mouth. Evias possible for the live-streaming commentary that I was to prodently her owners plan to take her vide. This year Eukanuba had also invited Svetlana Valoueva to out of the ring now and breed from provide a commentary in Russian alongside me and that proved her; I suspect she will be even better to be an interesting innovation. after the maturity that motherhood On Friday evening the American Kennel Club held its judges should bring. I then had Sussex dinner at The Peabody. Anne Macdonald and I were the only BritSpaniels where BOB was essentialish judges on the panel whilst Ann Ingram and Harry O’Donoghue ly between two Champions, a dog represented Ireland. Gerald King was in attendance as Chairman and bitch. I preferred the topline of of Crufts, with wife Diana, and I was keen to discover why our Kenthe bitch but the male scored heavnel Club people still refuse to carry the British flag for the World ily in head qualities and so it was he Challenge opening ceremony. Whilst Presidents and Chairmen of who won the breed. Finally I had an other Kennel Clubs from around the world wave their flags with interesting entry of Löwchens where great national pride, Gerald assures me that it is “Kennel Club I found some to be sizey and rather policy” that no Kennel Club representative is allowed to act as Continued on page 66 26 Dog News

Dog News 27


28 Dog News

Dog News 29

The Fancy Speaks

By Roz Kramer


e live in a Big World---fast paced, loads of technology, many different businesses, politics, lifestyles, lots of everyday things we all have going on, plus world news we hear on a daily basis. None of which are related in any way to the dog world. In comparison to our everyday life of hustle and bustle and international happenings, the dog world pales and appears to be a very small world of its own. Or is it? Recently a very dear and close friend of mine was scheduled for a delicate open heart surgery. Early morning of the day he was being admitted to the specialty hospital, I received a message from an acquaintance. The message simply stated “do not worry about your friend. He is in good hands and we will take care of him”. This came from an acquaintance of 25+ years—an acquaintance I’ve have seen from time to time at dog shows. I knew she was a nurse but nothing more and had no idea where she lived or worked. In fact I have not even seen her in about 5 years! Naturally this intrigued me—so I responded. She stated that she was in charge of the Intensive Care Unit nurses at this hospital. When she noticed a fellow dog person on the surgery list—she immediately scheduled the best ICU nurses to monitor my friend’s progress. Please note—she in no way is a friend of my friend who was hav30 Dog News

It’s a Big World Charlie Brown!... Or is it? ing surgery or his family—but to put it bluntly, he is just another dog person. Yet she assured me that he was in the best hands and had the top surgeon at the hospital—one she would go to--and with the family’s permission would keep me in the loop on his progress. This I thought was extremely kind---something that she did not need to go out of her way to do---but did it anyway without hesitation. Later that day I called my friend’s wife, as surgery was being performed. She said as they finished checking into the hospital that morning, a woman walked up and said—“not sure if you know or remember me, as it has been many years, but anything you need please ask any nurse or employee to contact me”. Subsequently she checked on the family hourly, relayed messages from the operating room and kept the entire family in the loop during surgery. Additionally, she sent me messages hourly on his progress in the OR. Not simple tweet sized messages, but detailed stuff! When surgery was over she personally escorted the family to the ICU. After her shift she went home and called the nurses in ICU to get updates on my friend’s recovery, then relayed messages to the family and myself. My friend’s course in the ICU has been a long one. Throughout his stay (even on the nurse’s day off or when her shift was over) this acquaintance kept tabs on a fellow dog person, and has been KIND and RESPECTFUL to his family and friends. So in this Mad, Mad, Mad world we live in, with all the hustle and bustle, arguments over who has the best dog, who is best for the AKC Board and the most certain negativity associated with everyday life and the dog world, just remember: Although dog people may fight, kick and scream, we as a community will stick together and help one another when things get tough. The dog world is only as big as YOU make it. As a dear friend said to me when my husband Andrew and I got married--Just a word of advice—just be nice to each other. The dog world is bigger than we all think…..

Best In Specialty Show Winning

Dog News 31


32 Dog News

*The Dog News Top Ten List

Dog News 33

Nolan River Kennel Club - Sunday Bichon Frise Ch. Saks Winning Card Judge Ms. Victoria Jordan Owners Tony and Kim MacKenzie, Cecelia Ruggles, Kieth and Sandy Hanson Handler Scott Sommer Corpus Christi Kennel Club - Saturday Greater Swiss Mountain Dog GCh. Derby’s Toast With Gusto Judge Mrs. Jacqueline Stacy Owner Sue and Rick Copeland Handler Scott Sommer Manatee Kennel Club - Sunday & Tuesday Pasco Florida Kennel Club Tampa Bay Kennel Club Clearwater Kennel Club German Wirehaired Pointer GCh. Mt. View’s Ripsnorter Silver Charm Judge Mr. Robert Stein Judge Mrs. Joan Scott Judge Mrs. Peggy LLoyd Judge Mr. Ronald Menaker Judge Ms. Victoria Jordan Owner Victor Malzoni, Jr Handler Phil Booth

Kennel Club of Niagara Falls - Wednesday Schipperke Ch. Dante Fire When Ready Judge Mr. Jon Cole Owners Amy Gossman, Sandra Middlebrooks, Michael Jameson MD & Patrick Alison Handler Erin Roberts Greater Lowell Kennel Club I & II Doberman Pinscher GCh Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici Judge Mr. Robert J. Shreve Judge Mrs. Sandra Walker Owner Suzy Lundy & Dick Lundy & J Mullins & K Mullins Handler Jocelyn Mullins Winnegamie Dog Club Oshkosh Kennel Club Standard Poodle Ch. Jaset’s Satisfaction Judge Dr. Roger S. Pritchard Judge Mrs. June A. Penta Owner Michele Molnar & Jamie Danburg Handler Ann Rairigh Golden Triangle Kennel Club Of Mississippi Pointer GCh. Seasyde Edgehill Heart of Gold Judge Mrs. Barbara Dempsey Alderman Owners Megan Lane, Helyne Medeiros, Jane Johnston, Rick Goldstein, John Kearney Handler Megan Lane

ts Week

Golden Triangle Kennel Club of Mississippi II Samoyed GCh. Polar Mist Cruz’n T’party At Zamosky Judge Mr. Peter Dawkins Owners Evy Widjaja & Lynette Blue Handler Robert Chaffin


of the

To report an AKC All Breed Best In Show or National Specialty Win Call, Fax or Email before 12:00 Noon Tuesday. Fax: 212 675-5994 • Phone: 212 462-9588 Email:

34 Dog News

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Dog News 37


What person do you most look forward to seeing at the dog shows? nick viggiano, sarah miller

What is your greatest extravagance? victoria’s secret.

What do you dislike most about your appearance? my smile

What dog person would you like to see on ‘dancing with the stars’? lisa miller.


If you were forced to get a tattoo, what would it be?

my grandmother’s birthdate.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you want to have with you? john miller, cell phone, my

asked of

Grahm Swayze

Born: Atlanta, GA Resides: Mechanicsville, MD Marital Status: Single

chihuahua molly.

When and where are you the happiest? At home with friends and family.

Other people think i am...? unapproachable.

What did you want to be when you were growing up? a veterinarian.

What would be your last request? that my friends, fAMily and dogs are taken up.

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Dog News 39

*Number Three overall All Breed, Number Two overall Breed, The Dog News Top Ten List

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Dog News 41

Judges’ Choice The Parson Russell Terrier Reprinted with permission from The Kennel Gazette

We asked a number of Championship Show judges following three qusetions about Parson Russell Terriers: 1. What is the best dog and bitch you have judges in this breed? 2. Describe what makes a great Parson Russell Terrier. 3. Has the breed changed since you first awarded CCs, and if so, how?

Continued on page 92

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Ch. Bohem Swan Song Sire: Specialty Best In Show GCh. Counterpoint Painted by Bohem, SC

Dam: GCh. Charlamar Sashays In White Linen

Rosa finished at 10 months with three majors, three Best of Breeds over specials and a Group Second from the Puppy class, as well as two Puppy Hound Group First. At the big year-end shows in Orlando she was the only bitch to make the cut all four days, got Select after top winning competition and took 1st Award of Excellence at AKC Eukanuba National Championship at just 12 months old. Litter brother Ch. Bohem Last Call finished even faster with Best of Breed over seven specials from the Puppy class at 10 months. He was Best of Opposite Sex at the Greater San Diego Whippet Association specialty in Palm Springs in an entry of 112, in spite of recent surgery and several stitches. We predict the world will hear a lot more of Rosa and her brother in 2013. Thanks for all the enthusiastic comments from ringside! Rosa’s owner: Mary Henricks Co-owner & handler: Barbara Wayne Breeder & co-owner: Bo Bengtson Dog News 43

From A Field-Show Breeder’s Perspective

The Cheetah & The Anatolian, Unlikely Joint Ambassadors


By George Bell •all photos property of CCF e first met Laurie Marker soon after she co-founded “The Cheetah Conservation Fund” (CCF) based in Namibia, Africa in 1990. We traveled to Africa specifically to video document her work in the field in rehabbing captive born cheetahs into the wild and saving the species from extinction. Of course this project is far more complicated than what I can explain in a few words here. Now some 23 years later, Laurie is the preeminent conservationist in the world in saving the endangered species known as the fastest land animal on earth. She has tirelessly spent all of her 23 years in the field in Africa, and returns each year only to lecture and fund raise in the US and around the world. Continued on page 00

Raised together as infants in captivity, both the Cheetah named Chewbacca and the Anatolian Shepherd Dog named Koya are ambassadors at The Cheetah Conservation Fund in Namibia, Africa and are great buddies. In the wild, the Cheetah is the predator, and the Anatolian protects its herds of goats and sheep from predation from animals such as the Cheetah. Together in the wild, they are on opposite ends of the spectrum which in turn saves the Cheetah from the farmers gun and makes both the Cheetah and the Anatolian the unlikely ambassadors of CCF. Photo courtesy of CCF. 44 Dog News


aving never met Dan and Laurie, it was in 1991 when we arrived one evening after sundown at CCF in Namibia, Africa just in time for Spaghetti dinner made with giant 12” diameter Namibian mushrooms sliced and sautéed into the sauce. After the long drive from the Namibian capital airport, we were more than ready to turn in for the night. At daybreak I was awaken to the rustling of an animal on the outside my bedroom wall, and upon further investigation I found that the sounds emanated from a cheetah. When the cheetah saw me, it began to loudly purr, so I ran to get my video camera. Gizzy, as she was called, was the first cheetah ambassador at CCF. Laurie saved her from a severe bout of malnutrition as a baby cub and consequently was raised in captivity. Gizzy unquestionably invited me into her compound. It is a long story, but a tame cheetah cannot just be released back into the wild. It takes at least 18 months of training with its mother for the cheetah to learn how to hunt and survive on it’s own. So good morning, and is this what Africa is like? I’m up close with a live breathing cheetah? Are you kidding me? Most folks believe, as did I, cheetahs hunt on the plains of the Serengeti in east Africa, and that must certainly be where most cheetahs live. When in fact the cheetah capital of the world is in the bush country of Namibia. Most all of the large African species such as lions, elephants etc. have been relocated into animal parks like Etosha Park in Namibia. It takes at least 3 days to see the entire Etosha Park, and you do so in your own vehicle and are not allowed to leave your vehicle unless you are in an enclosed protected encampment where lodging is available. The protected encampments have safe areas where you can photograph water holes 24 hours a day as they are lighted at night. It was a common occurrence to see 30 elephants in the water hole at the same time at night. I suppose they have guided tours, but that is not for me. Cheetahs do not pose a threat to humans, and are seldom seen in the farmlands during the day, but are often blamed for stock losses by the farmers. As cheetahs are seldom seen during daylight hours, many of the farmers have live catch cages they position near “Play Trees”, (an area

Sally Bell, Laurie Marker and Dan Krause with Gizzy the cheetah in 1991, Namibia, Africa. Photo by the author.

where cheetahs congregate) and as a matter Cheetah in full of course, the farmer shoots the cheetahs in collected phase the cage if they believe they are a problem. of the double Laurie spent many of her early years trying to suspension convince the farmers to call her to come and gallop. Photo remove the cheetahs rather than shooting courtesy of CCF. them. Laurie had an effective tracking device of following collared cheetahs with an airplane equipped with telemetry receivers. This was a way of proving to the farmers that the cheetahs were not bothering their livestock, or she would move problem cheetahs and release them in remote areas away from the farms. We were privileged to video and track cheetahs from the airplane on one of these outings in 1991. It was a couple of years later in 1993 that a Namibian farmer named Johaan Coetzee was interviewed on an American TV magazine type program, it could have been 60 Minutes. Mr. Coetzee was an admitted, unashamed, killer of cheetahs as he had cheetah skins draped over his furniture. He explained that killing cheetahs was a way of life in protecting his livestock. Mr. Coetzee however was one of the first farmers to agree to notify Laurie to pick up trapped cheetahs rather than shooting them. In 1993/94 he was I believe the first Namibian Farmer to accept an Anatolian Shepherd dog to use as protection for his sheep and goats. It was another effective strategy of Laurie to use “livestock Continued on page 74

Dog News 45


Make A

By Sharon Newcomb

Australian Shepherd

Judges should reward the balanced and sound athlete that most closely exhibits the physical attributes described in the standard. The Australian Shepherd is an allround working dog, corral the stock, guard the house and babysit the kids, athletic, agile and light on his feet. (The standard says, “medium size, coat moderate length, moderate bone, moderate, well-defined stop, triangular ears of moderate size, neck moderate length, croup moderated sloped, moderate tuck-up of underline, pastern medium length, moderate mane.) It is not a breed of exaggerations. Leon Goetz • Breeder, owner-handler, parent club mentor.


There are two acceptable heads, two acceptable bites and two acceptable color patterns. (The standard says nose is slightly higher at the tip than the muzzle at the stop; or parallel planes of the skull and muzzle. Bite is even or scissor. Color is liver, lemon, black, orange, either in combination with white or solid color.) It is a moderate breed without hound characteristics or exaggeration. The Pointer should not have long ears, long tails, long bodies, skirting, round bone, excessive flew and plodding movement. Susan Thompson • Breeder, exhibitor

Afghan Hound

The head properties are key. ……..a sight hound needs a clear out look……..The standard calls for it specifically……level planes afford that directive……a down faced Afghan hound…… does just that……looks down….and that of course is not a “clear outlook”……..can’t catch a bunny that way unless already under your nose!!! Ever see a Bunny sitting under a hound with “powerful jaws???? Not a live one, I bet! Michael Canalizo • Breeder, owner-handler.

Boston Terrier

The biggest problems in the breed are poor rears and bad toplines. Leonard Myers • Breeder, handler (Quote from 9/10/10)


The biggest mistake judges make is judging in stages. A typical cycle would be to award basic, handsome, sound dogs while starting in a breed. With more exposure to the breed, the eager student learns the finer points of breed type and begins to judge on breed specific nuance only, discounting the elements of the basic, handsome and sound dog they used to prefer. The best judges, though, learn to put all of that together and judge the whole dog, one that looks, moves and acts the part. Wayne Cavanaugh • Breeder, exhibitor, “Student”.

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Dog News 49 *The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed



nce again, chicken jerky treats are the culprit, but this time the treats have been recalled in the United States due to trace amounts of residual antibiotics that were found in the products. Testing of the products conducted by the New York State Department of Agriculture turned up the presence of four antibiotics that do not meet standards in the U.S. To further complicate matters, standards are different in each country, so while the treats were pulled from U.S. shelves, they are still available in other countries, including Canada. Some stores, such as Costco, have voluntarily withdrawn the products from their shelves in Canada even though they are considered safe by Canadian standards. They are also safe by Chinese standards, and it may come as no surprise that the treats were made from chicken jerky products in China. reported this week that as many as 500 dogs and nine cats may have died in the U.S. after eating chicken jerky pet treats made in China, and cited an updated tally of FDA reports showing that it has received “2,674 reports of illness involving 3,243 dogs including 501 deaths.” Of the nine illnesses in cats reported, one death has been reported. The FDA has still not identified the cause of alleged illnesses and deaths in the treats and its investigation is ongoing. Major retailers (as well as the American Kennel Club, whose logo has adorned some of the treats) have been taken to task in the past for putting profits before the concern of our nation’s pets’ well being but until a direct link is made to the source of contamination the products continue to find their way onto store shelves here and abroad. Due to the differences in U.S. and Chinese, Canadian and European union regulations, this latest batch of treats containing trace amounts of antibiotics that are not approved in the U.S. continue to be sold elsewhere. The Nestle Purina PetCare Company decided to voluntarily recall its Waggin’ Train and Canyon Creek Ranch dog treats in the U.S. until further notice, though NYS authorities had initially requested that the company only remove the treats from locations in the state of New York. Nestle Purina maintains that the trace amounts of antibiotic residue, which are in the parts-per-billion range, do not pose a health or pet safety risk. Consumers who purchased Waggin’ Train and Canyon Creek Ranch dog treats can get a refund by calling 800-982-0704. The Del Monte Corporation also voluntarily recalled its Milo’s Kitchen Chicken Jerky and Chicken Grillers home-style dog treats nationwide. Both treats are sourced from the same chicken suppliers. Consumers who purchased the Milo’s Kitchen recalled products can get a full refund by calling 877-228-6493. The FDA supported both major retailers on the voluntary recall, stating, “FDA commends Del Monte and Nestle-Purina for withdrawing these products from the market in response to this product quality issue.” The Publix Super Market and grocery store chain also pulled products this week due to trace

50 Dog News

Recall Redux

Yet another dog treat recall has dog owners everywhere scurrying through their pantries to make sure they are not in possession of the possibly harmful treats. Mold and Salmonella contamination have been the reasons behind the rash of recent recalls but this latest wave is something entirely different.

ByShaun Coen amounts of antibiotic residue. The products were sold under the name Publix Chicken Tenders Dog Chew Treats, in a 3.5 ounce bag, which were sold in Publix Super Markets and grocery stores in Florida, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee. If in possession of these treats, contact the stores for details, or to file a complaint with the FDA visit http://www.fda. gov/petfoodcomplaints. Also among the products recalled this week were Cadet Brand Chicken Jerky Treats, sold in the U.S. by the IMS Pet Industries, Inc. As was the case with Nestle Purina and Del Monte’s Milo’s Kitchen treats, NY State authorities originally requested that IMS Trading Corp. remove the tainted treats from retail locations in the state of New York only. However, like Nestle Purina and Del Monte, the company decided to conduct a voluntary withdrawal of the products nationwide. According to a statement issued by IMS, the company claims, “A double testing program is being established to check for these antibiotics in China (point of origin) and the United States before we consider to sell these products in the future…Testing will be based on a scientifically sound statistical sampling program…” Such statements are welcomed, but offer little consolation to those who have already unknowingly fed their beloved pets tainted treats. While it’s somewhat comforting to know that there are checks in place to protect the human and pet food supply consumers have to take responsibility on what they are feeding

their dogs and cats. Unless they live under a rock or have absolutely no access to television, radio, newspapers, the Internet or social media, they have to be aware of the repeated warnings about feeding chicken jerky treats that originate from China. Granted, some packages cleverly disguise the fact that the products are made in China or made from products imported from China, and some products even boast American flags on them, but the message should be loud and clear: buyer beware. Take the time to read the fine print and determine the origin of the treats, if you dare risk feeding them to your pets at all. It must be reiterated that treats are not a necessary part of a dog’s diet. Owners are urged to find some other reward for their dogs, whether it’s extra playtime, a safe toy or a piece of dry kibble from a trusted source. IMS, like the other retailers, is claiming that the trace amounts of antibiotic residue do not pose a health or safety risk. IMS also stated “There is no indication that the trace amounts of antibiotic residue are linked to the FDA’s ongoing investigation of chicken jerky products.” The FDA supported this claim with its own statement, “Based on the FDA’s review of the NYSDAM results, there is no evidence that raises health concerns, and these results are highly unlikely to be related to reports of illnesses FDA has received related to jerky pet treats.” The use of antibiotics to keep chickens healthy and disease free while raising them is a widely accepted, standard practice on poultry farms whose feed is intended for both human and pet consumption. However, not all of the antibiotics are approved for use in the U.S. When NYS’s Dept. of Agriculture conducted its testing it discovered the presence of four such unapproved antibiotics and notified the manufacturers. About those practices employed by NYSDA, the FDA stated, “FDA also welcomes additional information about NYSDAM’s testing methodology, which is different and reportedly more sensitive than currently validated and approved regulatory methods.” This latest recall provides another reason to give one pause when choosing what to feed one’s pets. The FDA has been warning consumers to use caution when feeding dog treats since 2007. Retailers are expected to go into damage and quality control mode in the wake of such recalls and consumers are urged to exercise caution when choosing what to feed their pets. Many American dog owners are thankful for the fact that NY State authorities picked up on the presence of antibiotic residue in the treats. It’s best to err on the side of caution when it comes to protecting man’s best friend.

Dog News 51

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Toys That Want A Job By M.J. Nelson


like to think of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels as small sporting dogs that happen to compete in the toy group,” said Janet York, who has had two OTCH Cavaliers and four that attained a MACH including one MACH3. “This is a big little dog of many talents that likes to have a job. There is very little that a Cavalier cannot do. I have done conformation, obedience, agility, rally, flyball, pet therapy, nose work, canine freestyle, scent hurdles and lure coursing with my dogs. Others have tried the sport of dock jumping with their Cavaliers. It is a breed that is versatile, talented and multi-faceted.” “I love variety and would be bored only doing one thing. I also love to show everyone all the things that a Cavalier can do. Cavaliers have these sweet little faces and people think they are just lap dogs so they’re not taken seriously but once they start working, people sit up and take notice,” said Ileana Nadal who owns MACH 3 NATCH VersatilityNATCH ATCH PDCH C-ATCH T-ACh U-GRACH Fair Oaks Han Solo XF CGC TDI (“Solo”) who is a multiple champion

Eileen Wilson and Ch Gray Stone Tinker Toy UD NAJ (“Tinker”) on an agility course.

52 Dog News

in seven different agility organizations and MACH St. Jon Rocketman of Bijou CD RE MXB MJS XF EAC EJC OCC TN-E TG-E WV-E CL3 TSAD TG-3 (“Rocketman”). “They can do virtually any of the dog sports,” said Eileen Wilson, who owns Ch Grey Stone Tinker Toy UD NAJ (“Tinker.”) “Even though they are viewed as companion dogs, they are generally very athletic and physically able to do whatever you ask. They want to be with you and because they enjoy your attention, the time you spend training them is enjoyable for both you and the dog as long as there is a positive relationship and the training methods are positive. They are such happy, outgoing dogs that they attract a lot of attention from other exhibitors and the spectators. We need to show that the breed is physically healthy and capable of doing more than sitting on a lap or walking around the show ring. Performance activities provide a great opportunity to share information about the breed with the public which, in light of the negative propaganda by people like HSUS, PETA and other animal rights groups, is part of what we always need to be doing as purebred dog owners. The more we can educate the public about purebred dogs, the better able we are to attract support Ch Cecile VH from the voters when these AR people Lamslag of Picand their legislative sympathizers try to cadil CD AX AXJ slip restrictive covenants into city and (“Cecile”), one state ordinances.” of Janet York’s That does not mean that problems Cavaliers, weaves won’t surface in training a Cavalier. Dee her way through the poles on an Wallis, who owns Ch Roi’L C’est La Vie agility course. RA CFFII (“Celia”), said that many of her dogs have had problems mastering the stand-for-exam in obedience. “Cavaliers tend to be very wiggly and responsive so I have had to put special focus on this exercise. With one particularly wiggly dog, I resorted to carrying around a bag of tuna fish cans and I would stand her on the cans to remind her where her feet were. She and the rest of the class thought it was pretty funny but it brought focus to her work. Fortunately, this is a breed that is by nature sociable and eager to work as part of a team. But, it is not always easy to locate good trainers and supportive colleagues. There are many people who see their success as necessarily built on others’ failure. I find it difficult to avoid having these negative people poison the atmosphere and limit the joy of working with a dog. You have to be careful to limit your association to those with positive attitudes about themselves, the sport and other people participating in that activity. There are also

some Cavaliers that, by temperament or lack of socialization, do not enjoy working. You need to know your dogs well enough to pick the right dog and the right activity. One of my early Cavaliers did not like agility at all. She would leave the ring, given an opportunity. So I planned all my runs with her to place myself between her and the outside of the ring. I had to run an extra mile keeping to the perimeter but I kept her in the ring long enough to finish her open titles. Then she got to retire.” “You can’t let them get bored,” said Nadal. “It requires so much training time to be competitive in obedience as it requires a lot of precision. But too many repetitions will cause the dog to shut down so you have to train for precision without boring the dog in the process. What I do is train every day but at a different activity. It’s like cross-training. One day we’ll do some agility, obedience the next, conditioning one day a week and swimming as well. Incidentally, Cavaliers have great scenting ability and nosework does not require anywhere near the amount of training time needed for obedience or agility. Solo, my 12-year-old Cavalier, loves nosework. During the show season, we do a lot of short sequences to keep skills sharp and always I do nothing with the dogs on the Monday after an event to let them and me rest and recharge. I’ll also take a week off once in awhile so the dogs can rest both physically and mentally.” According to York, one of the problems with the breed in obedience is that Cavaliers like to interact with their handler on a verbal level as well as watching your body language and the obedience rules that won’t let you talk to your dog except for a few commands. “Over-training can be a real issue with a Cavalier because, unlike a Border Collie, for example, Cavaliers give you just so much and then they shut down. Enough is enough, they indicate. Short training sessions two to three times a week seem to bring the most success. When doing obedience with my dogs, I train consistently and do a play activity with a ball or food or a toy between and at the end of each exercise. I used to start a puppy with rally because you can talk and interact bodily more with them in that activity but now I like to start with obedience, the most difficult activity for me, and then move into more fun activities such as rally and agility later.” “You have to know what you are training and approach it in steps,” said Wilson. “Dogs learn by building on the behaviors needed to complete the exercise and each dog is a new experience. You have to learn to read each other to limit the issues or problems. However, there are always a few hiccups in any learning process but by using past experience and listening to the dog, I’ve been able to work through our difficulties. There will always be some exercises that are more difficult to train than others and you

One of Ileana Nadal’s Cavaliers, MACH 3 NATCH Versatility-NATCH ATCH PDCH C-ATCH T-ACh U-GRACH Fair Oaks Han Solo XF CGC TDI (“Solo”), threads through the weave poles on an agility course.

Rocketman ( MACH St. Jon Rocketman of Bijou CD RE MXB MJS XF EAC EJC OCC TN-E TG-E WV-E CL3 TSAD TG-3) and Nadal doing obedience.

won’t always have the same problem with every dog. Also, they are dogs which means they can know an exercise cold and still have a ‘senior moment.’ It is important to go to classes with instructors you can trust to have ideas on how to work through issues. Another good source I’ve found are friends who are also competing in the same activities as my dogs and I. You have to do your best to make training a positive experience for both you and your dogs. The challenge in training is finding ways to best keep your dog a willing and happy worker. The time and effort spent training is worth it because you are rewarded with a close trusting relationship with a well-behaved, polite dog. I would train for manners even if I wasn’t competing but I’ve found that I appreciate the reward of a well-executed performance in the ring when we can both show the joy and delight we share working as a team.”

Celia (Ch Roi’L C’est La Vie RA CFFII) and Dee Wallis do their best imitation of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in a freestyle competition.

Two issues seem to be nagging the breed, according to these Cavalier fanciers, both of which are related. One is health and the other is the popularity of the breed. “Our breed faces a number of life threatening hereditary health issues that we have worked on for many years,” said Wallis. “We don’t have all the solutions to breeding healthy, sturdy Cavaliers who can work and enjoy life but we have made progress. We need to continue to raise money and put our effort into solving the problems of mitral valve disease and syringomyelia.” “The popularity of the breed has grown so much in recent years that we’re dealing more and more often with dogs from puppy mills and backyard breeders who don’t health test their dogs. People buy from them to save money but then end up spending more on vet bills. The dog buying public really doesn’t know enough about health testing to ask if any was done with the breeding stock.” Dog News 53


support any sacrifices for a commercial puppy broker in this day n the January 4th issue I wrote an editorial and age. It’s questionable enough that AKC does business with about a report I had received which indicated that such a puppy broker with which to begin but understandable the Hunte Corporation, one of the major commercial and acceptable to this writer in any event when alleged to having puppy brokers in the world, was about to have a debt of been done to “help dogs generally”. It is totally another thing to $310,000 forgiven to it by the AKC/CAR corporation. And help them out to make its bottom line look better. And when one while the debt was to be written off as non collectable, which considers that CHF had its donation cut by AKC it makes the I called as did this report a necessary accounting protocol prospect of helping out Hunte all the more unacceptable. all due efforts to somehow collect these monies from Hunte I can only presume that the following letter was posted on were to be made by CAR. It was further alleged that a soluthe Delegate e-line on January 11th is in answer to the Editorial tion to help resolve the debt and which was allegedly supI mentioned above: Continued on page 105 ported by some of the people who served on the AKC Board as well as the Board of CAR was TO HAVE AKC PAY THE DEBT TO CAR ON BEHALF OF HUNTE! Allegedly but not The AKC CAR spelled out in the original Editorial was for AKC to adverBoard would lik e to share some mance of Americ facts about the pe an Kennel Club tise on Hunte’s website and to sponsor Hunte’s breeder Companion Anim rforseparate affiliate al Recovery (AKC of AKC. conferences among other monetary proposals as a form C A R ), a · AKC CAR enrollm of the payment. This concept was said to be supported en ts have reached ne cessfully reunited arly 5 million. W over 420,000 lost by at least one CAR Board members who is presently site have sucpets with their ow this past year. ners… nearly 15 ting on both AKC’s and CAR’s Board and is running for ,000 in · We closed the year with significa re-election to AKC’s Board this year as well as another best financial perf nt net surplus of revenue, yielding ormance in 8 year our s. former AKC Board member also seeking re-election to T he forecast for 2013 · Our strong is even better. financial perform ance is attributed AKC’s Board. The editorial strongly questioned the wisforts of Tom Shar to the significant p and AKC CAR efstaff to continue – in particular gr dom of such a stand stating that in no uncertain terms to diversify our busi owth from our P ne ar en ss t Club microchip programs. Today, should it be permitted for AKC to pay the debt to CAR program and shel no single custom er accounts for m ter revenue; which in in any form on behalf of Hunte. Whatever the reasons ore than 5% of sulates the organi ou r to za ta tio l single business. n from the finan for this debt being allowed to slide for so long whethcial performance of a · Our strong finan er it revolves around a bad deal made between CAR ci al pe rf or m ance has allowed cantly support th and Hunte with regard to microchips sold by CAR to e good work of AKC CAR to sign the AKC – and ifistronger support w e ha ve committed to in 2013. Hunte for Mexican use or due to a too cozy relationev en · Last year (2 012) saw continue ship some on CAR’s Board may have had with Hunte d commitment to that give so much give back to the to us. The Search or for reasons somewhere in between the fact is that dogs an d to support those Rescue Fund mad ve e meaningful gran ry special dogs and a cash-strapped AKC cannot financially nor morally ts their owners impa their handlers, an cted by Hurricane d to those dogs an Sa d nd y. · The American Kennel Club has Consequently, th no liability associ e AKC CAR boar ated with AKC C AR. d has no expect else is responsibl ation that AKC e for any debt. or an yo ne · AKC CAR, like al l businesses that who may fall behi extend terms, ha nd in meeting th s some customer eir payments. We s address outstand diligently and ag ing receivables w gressively ith the goal of achi from the custom eving full paymen er. AKC CAR is fu t directly lly responsible fo Any current or fu r its financial perf ture losses are so ormance. lely funded from The success achi the assets of AKC eved in 2012 only CAR. serves to spur ou to strengthen AK r efforts for new C CAR’s role in ways helping reunite lo and ongoing supp st pets with thei ort of the AKC’s r ow ners go od works to help Board and Staff all dogs. The AK are committed to C CAR realizing those go Thomas M. Davie als. s, Chairman AKC CAR for the AKC CA R Board of Direc tor

Hunte And CAR, A Return Home ...

More By Matthew H. Stander

54 Dog News

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Dog News 57

TheLighter Side.. Fitness Test Continued FROM page 14

speed up, and increase the incline. I follow directions and beads of sweat begin to form on my brow. “My AKC fitness program will be an intricate blend of aerobic and anaerobic endurance, strength, power, speed and agility. The examinations will include physical fitness tests that measure each of these components, and each test must replicate the energy demands and the movement pattern required of an AKC judge on the job.” “Slow down and change your direction, using only your lower body,” Elliptical instructs. The transition from forward to backward goes off without a hitch and only a minor “pop” deep within my right hip. “That’s it!” I say. “Once the energy and movement demand for each breed are understood (from a judging perspective) the appropriate AKC physical fitness test can be administered. In fact, the Parent Clubs---in collaboration with the All-Breed Clubs--can even create their own tests, so long as they meet the following criteria: Validity: This refers to the degree the test measures what it is supposed to measure. This is usually straightforward---a distance run through the airport aboard an electric cart or wheelchair would not be a valid measure of explosive judging power and stamina. Reliability: This refers to the consistency or repeatability of the AKC fitness test. If a judge does not change his or her athletic capability, then, a reliable test---administered on a pre-test and post-test basis---will show no difference in athletic preparedness for judging. The only variable the test should measure is the one it is designed to assess. Control of “reliability” is less straightforward than “validity”. For example, when evaluating and timing AKC judges as they enter and exit a twelve passenger shuttle to and from the dog show, an unreliable test may occur because: • The trainer / examiners selected for retesting use a slightly different protocol. • The AKC examiner uses poor technique, failing to standardize the test and calibrate the equipment (allowing step stools and a hand for some, and nothing for others---forcing judges sitting in the very back to struggle with seatbelts around their necks when attempting to secure competitive times). • External factors do not allow for identical testing environs such as dissimilar environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, testing at different show, etc.), or using a different make of vehicle for example. • Internal factors have not been controlled. When did the AKC judge last eat/drink? When was the last bathroom break? What time of day, or month, did the testing take place? And, lastly, when did the last knee or hip replacement occur? Before attempting an AKC Judge’s fitness test, all judges should warm up thoroughly before performing or judging. Beyond the normal elimination concerns and morning shower routine, one needs a quick invigorating jaunt down the hotel hall-

58 Dog News

way to breakfast. Avoid---at all costs---too much food, or smoking and alcohol on the morning of your AKC test and the morning of your judging assignments. (One never knows when a Breathalyzer measurement might be added to the fitness protocol.) Elliptical signals that I should switch direction and go at full speed. The increased speed, increased incline and intensity cause me to sweat profusely. I wipe my face with the hand towel, take a gulp from the water bottle, and forge ahead. Twentytwo minutes remaining on the program. I continue to ponder the validity/reliability issues related to my newly discovered AKC fitness program/testing, coming to the conclusion---at level twenty-one on the elliptical machine---that it is essential to consider the age of the general AKC judging population when making the test both valid and reliable. Totally drenched in sweat, I release myself from thought, grab the water bottle and consume a large guzzle from the dark blue plastic retractable nipple. The young athletic man to my left, appearing to be in his early twenties, sustains an energetic speed at level twenty-six and shows no sign of dehydration or sweating. I turn and focus on the elderly woman to my left, taking comfort in cheering her to level one. Twelve minutes twenty-one seconds remaining. I get back in the swing of things, increasing my speed and raising the level to twentyseven. “OK, what will the new AKC fitness test look like? What areas of concentration will I want AKC to focus on?” I ask myself. “AKC will need a physical fitness test that will measure strength, speed, power, endurance, and flexibility. A test that will require little or no equipment---or equipment that is readily available at most AKC dog shows,” I emphatically decide. “It will be important that the order of the fitness tests remain the same when retesting! We will have to test at the same time of day and in similar environmental conditions! We must use the same equipment making sure it is properly calibrated before each testing session and each AKC Representative must be experienced in administering the tests.” I continue---while getting more energized and more excited--driving Elliptical to new levels. The AKC fitness test becomes clearer and clearer in my mind. Continued on page 62

Laverne wins a Specialty Best of Breed under Judge Ms. Marjorie Martorella, right, en route to a Group Fourth under Judge Ms. Sharon R. Lyons - on the January Florida Circuit!

Dog News 59

Last Shows of the Year in Cleveland The year 2012 exited the dog show world on several weekends in December. Two thousand dogs gathered in Cleveland for four days of the Crown Classic. Three clubs put on four shows; Richland County Kennel Club, Medina Kennel Club, and Western Reserve Kennel Club. There were many specialties and supported shows.

By Sharon Sakson • Photos by JC Photography 60 Dog News


n the East, many exhibitors have wonderful memories of this circuit as the special last show of year. For most people it’s the place to chase a final major or grab a final point. For those with an eye on the Top Ten point systems, it’s the last chance to establish your dog’s standing for the year. Even though it’s on the same weekend as the AKC Eukanuba National in Florida, Cleveland continues to be a big draw. There was an entry of 1,808 for the Thursday show – not bad for a weekday - while Brevard Kennel Club in Florida on the same day drew 2,577. Cleveland entries for the weekend shows were around 2,000, while down in Florida AENC doubled that, with 4,000. In Cleveland, the weather outside was frightful; a bitter cold that hovered in the 20s. But inside, the International Exposition Center creates its own environment. It is such a large

detailed down to the casks around their necks, an amazing culinary, artistic and architectural feat! St. Bernard breeder Linda Baker of New Jersey said, “I had to break my diet for these!” About the Cleveland circuit, “We go because they have big entries at the specialties. We don’t have the numbers that they have in the Midwest. We get to see lots of people we don’t usually see. And, they have the most amazing space for grooming. The people are very warm and welcoming. They help you out.” Her Saint, Ch. Jamelle’s Aristocrat v. Elba, didn’t mind Cleveland’s freezing temperatures. “We had to take him outside a lot because he was warm indoors.” She was especially glad to have made the trip when Aristocrat was awarded two Working Group Ones over the four days. Carrie Squires showed her Basenji bitch

place that an 2,000 entry dog show takes up less than a quarter of the available space. Whippet breeder Karen Lee said, “It’s not so much for chasing end-of-the-year points as it is for one last weekend dog show blast before you have to put all that aside and do your family duty.” Walking around the Expo Center certainly put one in the holiday spirit. People decorated their grooming set-ups with Christmas trees and twinkling lights. There were dozens of vendors in the huge space, all doing a brisk business in gifts that were probably going to end up under Christmas trees or in Christmas stockings in a few days. Rescue groups had their adoptees outfitted with elves’ hats and red blankets. Everyone was in the holiday spirit, like the big dysfunctional family that we are. After the Maumee Valley St. Bernard Club Supported Entry, Cincinnatian Lora Vigam served members special cupcakes with icing sculpted into grinning St. Bernard puppies, exquisitely

Callie, chasing after that elusive major. Carrie was nervous. For her part, the Basenji was distracted; she seemed to be thinking, “What are those interesting smells?” She put her head to floor, aping a mantrailing Bloodhound, which made it impossible to move with the light, elastic steps of a Basenji. Carrie described her as, “the Hoover vacuum that wouldn’t pick her nose up off the ground.” The judge instructed Carrie to keep the lead up behind her ears. The young handler was inwardly groaning to herself, “I know that!” Eventually the team fell into step well enough to pick up RWB, an award some people hate but Carrie was glad to receive because it meant their performance had improved. Carrie is working on fighting her nervousness. “We’ve been showing together for almost 4 years now! I tend towards being a nervous handler, especially if Callie is acting weird. I really appreciate it when a judge gives us feedback. Not many judges do.” Continued on page 103

Dog News 61

TheLighter Side.. Fitness Test Continued FROM page 58

Strength Tests 1) One repetition---The standard strength test for all AKC Judges---Lifting and transporting a standardsized grooming table four feet. 2) Sit-up Test---A good indication of core strength--Drop your napkin during your lunch break, bend over, and pick it up three times. 3) Press up Test---Used to test strength and endurance---Have your photo taken with sixty-five different dogs of at least thirty different breeds, all amateur-handled. Speed and Power Tests 1) A simple test to measure power---Liver Toss--Throw large hunks of liver at least twenty-feet, ten times in a row. 2) Standing vertical jump---Standing in the middle of the Best in Show Ring, hold the ribbon high in the air, jump up and down and yell, “First one to grab the ribbon wins!” Those judges who survive the first “jump” will repeat the exercise two times. Endurance Tests 1) A fitness test to measure aerobic power---A quick scavenger hunt to find your payment for judging---The club treasurer will be sequestered somewhere on the show premises. 2) Multistage shuttle run---Entering and exiting a twelve-passenger shuttle van--- Seat location and time requirements vary depending on age and number of knee / hip replacements---Must complete two repetitions without entwining oneself in the seatbelts. 3) Rockport test---Simply a round trip walking test between hospitality and your assigned ring for less active judges. 4) Sprint fatigue---Successfully evaluate a class of fifteen dogs of any breed in sixty seconds or less per dog---Ring procedure and timing will be evaluated by the approved AKC Representative/tester---Breed placements will be evaluated by two highly regarded members of the breeds’ Parent Club Judge’s education committee. Flexibility Tests 1) Sit and reach test---Sit in a chair and without raising your feet, bend over, untie your shoe and lace it back up within two minutes. If wearing loafers, take them off---using your hands---and place them back on your feet---using your hands---in one minute. 2) Trunk rotation test---Standing in the middle of the ring, place your hands on your hips. Without moving your lower body, check in an entire class of forty dogs--

62 Dog News

-calling out their armband numbers to the tester. Importance is placed on full rotation of the upper body at least 90O, while the lower body remains steady and still. The judge will be blindfolded until all dogs have entered the ring and all handlers will have their numbers clearly facing ring-center. 3) Breed-Specific Elastic Locomotion--Specifics to be determined by the Parent Clubs---An example would be the Basset Hound Waddle. The judge must be able to locomote at least 35 feet, bending at the knees and simulating the speed and gait of the Basset. This ability carries much cachet at National Specialties. (frequently driving spectators and exhibitors alike into frenzied cheering) and adds extra points on the overall fitness test. At no time may the derriere be carried higher than the plane of the head. 4) Groin flexibility---“One of my worst injuries as an AKC judge was pulled muscles in the groin area! Trust me; it takes a long time to heal!” Judges must keep their groin area flexible, to prevent painful, nagging injuries while evaluating breeding stock. Sit on the floor with knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and with legs together. Let your knees drop sideways as far as possible, keeping your feet together. Place the soles of your feet together. Grab your feet and pull your ankles as close to your body as possible. The AKC representative will measure the distance from your heels to your groin and record the results. The desired measurement will be determined by sex, age and inseam. The closer your feet are to your groin the better! “You have completed your workout training--THANK YOU!” Elliptical digitally informs me with glowing red letters. I slow down and utilize three additional minutes for cooling down. Now that I have completed my own daily wellness program and developed a battery of physical fitness tests for AKC Judges, I am all too eager to rush my plan to AKC Headquarters for the start of early-season competitions. I imagine they will want to use precisely the same set of tests to measure judges after six months and note their progress in their respective files. Also, I think it would be a lofty idea, if judges test themselves just prior to the start of the new year and then test again a couple of times during the competitive season, in order to make sure their choices in and out of the ring are made from sound body and sound mind.

All Grown Up And Ready To Run!

Reserve Best In Show and Multiple Group Winning

GCh. Talamascas Big Cheese Thank You Judge Mrs. Pat MowbrayMorgan La Selva Beach Mastiffs

Professionally Presented By Terry Smith Dog News 63

64 Dog News

Dog News 65

Continued FROM page 26

long cast. For some strange reason the breed is classified in the Non Sporting Group in the States, and maybe this is why some of them are far from toy-like. In any event I went for a particolour bitch who appealed for her size and compactness and she has great style on the move. After an early dinner the big ring competitions were due to start at 7 p.m. so well before Svetlana and I were in position for the commentary. After the finals of Junior Showmanship and the Opening Ceremony of the Eukanuba World Challenge Portugal’s Carla Molinari judged the first group, Hounds, where her winner was the Saluki, GCh Shiraz California Dreamin, bred in the USA but living in Sweden and he was also competing in the Eukanuba World Challenge for an incredible fourth time. Virginia Lyne from Canada then judged what appeared to be a red-hot Toy Group where she found nothing to get past the record breaking Dutch-bred Affenpinscher, GCh Banana Joe v Tani Kazari. Sporting (Gundogs) came next with Terry Stacy judging and his winner was Number One all breeds last year, the American Cocker GCh Casablanca’s Thrilling Seduction. Svetlana and I mused as to whether the fourth group – Non Sporting – would follow the same pattern as the previous three, which were won by black dogs. Indeed it did and Gene Mills pointed to the Standard Poodle, UK Ch Del Zarzoso Salvame from Afterglow, still in the ownership of Mike Gadsby and Jason Lynn, though he now has an American co-owner for his campaign Stateside. I had watched Barbara Dempsey Alderman’s Standard Poodle judging earlier and there was huge excitement when Dino won Winners Dog and then triumphed over a raft of Champions in the BOB class. I must admit Mike Gadsby seemed to control his enthusiasm remarkably well. fter group judging we joined the party at The Hilton for a few hours, and then on Sunday it was back in the ring at 8 a.m. to judge the Alaskan Malamutes. There were some good ones but for me a standout was a six-year- old male who really impressed me for his overall type, wonderful carriage and effortless movement. I learnt later that he has won many BISs and twice the National Specialty. Next

A 66 Dog News

came Briards and once again I met up with the UK export who had won a big Specialty under me in Ohio earlier in the year, improving on the Reserve CC he had won under me at Southern Counties. In Orlando he won BOS behind a beautiful fawn bitch that made a huge impression and moved so smoothly. The big ring programme on Sunday began with Jim Frederiksen judging Herding where his winner was the Bouvier, GCh Rocheuses Me And My Shadow of Cornus, who broke the “black” mould! Then came the World Challenge Finals, which I have reported on previously. Terriers came next with Peggy Beisel-Mcilwaine judging and she pointed to the Wire bitch, GCh Afterall Painting The Sky. Pat Craige Trotter was the very appropriate choice of judge for the Best Bred By Exhibitor in Show award and this went to the Dobermann bitch who was the Top Working Dog last year, GCh Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici. Norm Kenney then judged the Working group and I was obviously delighted to see the Malamute come out on top. There was just the Breeder of the Year award to be made – ultimately won by Jim Smith of the Absolutely Smooth Fox Terriers – before we came to the climax of Best in Show, the winner walking away with $50,000. The honour of making the award was Edd Bivin’s. He is one of America’s best respected judges and takes his job very seriously. You all know by now that he awarded the top spot to the Wire bitch handled by popular Gabriel Rangel with the Saluki shown by Nicklas Eriksson Reserve. Photos over, it was up to the ballroom for the farewell party, and then many of us moved on to The Hilton to catch the end of the Eukanuba World Challenge party. Everyone was grateful for the opportunity to unwind after a hectic but thrilling week, many hoping that they will get to Orlando again next year.

AKC Humane Fund

is still accepting reservations for the annual

Westminster Theater Benefit Friday, February 8, 2013

The Smash Musical Hit “Nice Work if You Can Get It” Starring Matthew Broderick & Kelli O’Hara

Followed by Dinner at the famous 21 Club (Transportation from the theater to the the 21 Club provided)

Price Per Person - $350 For reservations contact: Aliza Burns • American Kennel Club • 260 Madison Avenue • New York, NY 10016 • 212 696-8225 Dog News 67

68 Dog News

* *Number Three overall, All Systems

Dog News 69

Basset HoundClub ofAmerica NationalSpecialty &TrackingNational 70 Dog News


By Jacquelyn Fogel • Photos by Mike Wilkinson, Harry

Chipman, Ken Hutchinson, Julie Walter Kilner and Sanda Launey.

have attended National Specialties in several other breeds besides Basset Hounds, but I have never attended any that have been as consistently fun and rewarding as the BHCA events. I have some theories about why this is – perhaps it’s because Basset grooming can be done almost entirely at a leisurely pace days before the event. Perhaps it is because Bassets are typically easy dogs to travel with if you don’t mind a little hound odor. Perhaps it is because basset people always bring food and drink when they gather. In reality I think it’s because Basset people are a lot like their dogs. Bassets are scent hounds that hunt in packs independent of human command. They are stubborn, independent, nonassuming, smarter than they appear, willing to accept any other creature no matter how weird the haircut, and they don’t mind being underestimated. They are competitive, but they do not possess a strong instinct to kill. That pretty much describes their owners, too. Continued on page 86

Dog News 71


*The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed

72 Dog News

Dog News 73

From A Field-Show Breeder’s Perspective Continued FROM page 45

guardian dogs” (LGD) to protect the sheep and goats on the farms from predation by jackals, baboons, and cheetahs. It was with the cooperation of Ray Coppinger of Hampshire College in Amherst, Mass. the first donation of several Anatolians arrived at CCF in Namibia to be used on the farms. The first pup was given to Mr. Coetzee and his registered name was “Birincis Flintis.” The pups were introduced to the livestock at a very early age and left to imprint with the herd as one of them. It wasn’t long before Flintis took the lead in protecting the herd. He dispatched predators such as jackals that disregarded his warnings. For a large Turkish breed, the Anatolian is deceptively fast. Some suspect that another Turkish breed, the Saluki maybe in their background development. A cheetah will never fight over the chance at food and a sufficient warning will drive them away. Any injury with this specialized animal could cause its demise. There is always fleeing prey available elsewhere. The Anatolian is a different story. He will give up his/her life in the protection of whatever he is left to protect and by its very nature, it could be chickens, humans, or sheep. Long before AKC recognized the breed, I videoed an Anatolian specialty match with an entry of about 35 Anatolians. I had a lapel mic on the judge and couldn’t help but hear some strange requests from the judge in order to maintain safety in the ring. Most of the Anatolians were not accustomed to strangers or the show ring, and upon awards, the judge put BOB in one corner of the ring, BOW in another corner and BOS in yet another corner. There was no way they could have been lined up next to the adjoining ring markers. Even though they were the same breed, it was in their natural primary instinctive behavior to protect their people and they had no interest in sniffing each other or making friends with other Anatolians. Back in Namibia in Dec of 1994, a troupe of about 35-40 baboons approached Mr. Coetzee’s herd of sheep and Flintis was there to warn them to stay away. The more the baboons closed in, the more Flintis advanced to warn them he meant business and soon Flintis, according to the sheepherder was locked in battle with the baboon alpha male. In most cases, a dog wouldn’t stand a chance with a fully adult male baboon with its 3”-4” fangs, and now Flintis was in full battle with the alpha male of the troupe. The sheepherder ran to fetch Mr. Coetzee and the vicious battle continued until Mr. Coetzee and the herder returned to find the alpha male baboon laying dead and a good distance farther was the next adult male laying dead with Flintis barely breathing

The 6-8 week Anatolian pup accompanied with a relative is placed with the sheep or goats to bond with the herd. Photo courtesy of CCF. 74 Dog News

Typical Anatolian in charge of his goats. Notice the termite mound in the bush country of Namibia, Africa. Photo courtesy of CCF.

and almost perished in the battle as well. After 5 days of dressing his wounds and administering antibiotics, Flintis was finally able to raise his head to drink water and take some food. After another week or so Flintis was chewing through restraints and limping to return to his herd. They finally had to chain him to keep him home to recover from his wounds. He did eventually fully resume his herd protection duties. The news of the Flintis legend spread far and wide with the Namibian farmers in his valiant effort to protect the livestock. The waiting list for Anatolians grew longer at CCF. Placing Anatolians with the Namibian farmers is an educational process for CCF and it takes many volunteers to complete the Anatolian project in Namibia of making sure the dogs are adequately nourished and trained to accomplish their task. Each one of the farms is much larger than farms in the US and is thousands of acres so the distances are great to check on the working Anatolians around the country.


n 1995 while my wife and I were on an around the world judging junket, after judging in Europe and Johannesburg, South Africa, we took a side trip to again to visit CCF before going on to judge in Australia. At CCF we met Boots, a female Anatolian, who was later bred to Flintis and produced 13 LGDs that were put to work on the Namibian farms to help protect the cheetahs from eventual extinction. Too date, over 200 Anatolians have been Dog News readers should send inquiries about CCF to working to protect the tahs from the livestock herds To help out cheetahs and support our Anatolians and on the Namibian farms. Who Kangals they can do three things knows how many cheetahs’ Donate to CCF at lives have been saved by the Anatolian efforts and Dr. Come visit us in Namibia either as a Laurie Marker’s more than a volunteer or as a guest (more information quarter century devotion to also at the species? The Anatolian project is only scratching the Keep up with our work by joining our email list surface of what Dr. Marker (at following us on Facebook has accomplished in the (CCFcheetah) or on Twitter (CCFUSA) ongoing preservation of the cheetah.

12 3

Dog News 75


America’s Number 1* Basset Hound and Number Seven* Among All Hound Breeds 2012 Eight Best In Shows

48 Group Firsts 64 Group Placements Pictured winning Group First under Judge Mrs. Loraine Boutwell

en route to Back To Back Best In Shows

Claudia Orlandi Topsfield PO Box 169 Essex Jct, VT 05453


*The Dog News Top Ten List All Breed

76 Dog News

Claire “Kitty” Steidel Sanchu 10040 E Happy Valley Rd #229 Scottsdale, AZ 85255

GCh. Topsfield-Sanchu Eenie Meenie Miney Moe Sire: Ch Maredge Good To Go

Dam: Ch Topsfield-Sanchu Teeter Totter

Handlers: Bryan & Nancy Martin

Dog News 77

78 Dog News

The Deadline For The Westminster Kennel Club 2013 issue of

Dog News

The Digest

Of American Dogs

which publishes on Friday, February 8, 2013 will be Friday, February 1, 2013 Dog News 79


The Number One Pon All Systems 2012

Ch. Ponwood’s

Wins the only two specialties for the breed

Central Florida Polish Lowland Sheepdog Fanciers Club Judge Mrs. Melanie Williams and the American Polish Lowland Sheepdog Club (APONC) Judge Mrs. Lee Canalizo Breeders/Owners Barbara Bruns & Wolfgang Stamp Ponwood Kennels Elbufer Strasse 12 21423 Winsen Germany

80 Dog News

Handled By Bryan & Nancy Martin AKC RHP

Dog News 81

Gossip The


By Eugene Z. Zaphiris


s has been the custom for decades, DOG NEWS sends a questionnaire to those Delegates that are running for a seat on the board of directors. This year is it our pleasure to announce that ROZ KRAMER will conduct the questionnaire. ROZ is immensely qualified as she has first hand experience as a breeder, professional handler, former AKC field representative and current judge. That questionnaire will appear in the WESTMINSTER issue of DOG NEWS. Members of the ENGLISH KENNEL CLUB will vote at a specially called meeting at the end of January to vote on the pending sale of it’s building in London. In a very sweet deal for the Kennel Club, the prospective buyers will build a new building, larger than the existing one, on the same street, plus give the club approximately 19 million dollars. Seems like a win win situation and I’m sure the yeas will out number the nays when the vote is cast. BETTY WHITE, an American institution is celebrated her 91st birthday this week. For a lady who has everything, it is only natural that she ask for those who want to help celebrate this occasion donate to here are still several tickets available for the AKC Humane Fund Theatre the MORRIS ANIMAL FOUNDATION. As a Benefit. Information for the event appears in this issue of DOG NEWS. former board member, I can tell you it is a Best wishes for a speedy recovery to KIKI COURTELIS’ mother LOUISE most worthy organization and BETTY one of as she recuperates from knee replacement surgery. BETH SWEIGART, PETER it’s biggest supporters. MORRIS ANIMAL GREEN and EDD BIVIN are off to judge in Moscow. On their return to help FOUNDATION will be celebrating their 65th them warm up, PETER & BETH will fly to St. Bart’s, where they will join LIZ anniversary helping animals have healthier TOBIN and JOE VAUDO for their annual fun in the sun. Following further and better lives. You can reach them via discussions, the English Kennel Club has moved the Kooikerhondje, which was email mailbox@morrisanimalfoundation. to have competed in the working group, to the utility group effective January org or write to MAF, 10200 East Girard 1, 2014. Celebrating wedding anniversaries are LESLEY & EDDIE BOYES Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80231 telephone and HARRIET & GEORGE MURRAY. Congratulations to BILL (R.WILLIAM) 800.243.2345. Next weekend two TAKE TAYLOR on his being honored with the QUEEN ELIZABETH Diamond Jubilee THE LEAD events will take place on the Medal presented by the Governor General of Canada at a ceremony this same day (who planned that?). The first is Saturday on behalf of the Queen in Quebec for his work in purebred dogs. the annual gala held at the Florida home This honor coincides with BILL’S 85th birthday. Also celebrating Birthdays… of handlers LARRY CORNELIUS and MATT STANDER, JEAN HETHERINGTON, PAT TROTTER, BILL SAHLOFF, MARCELOS VERAS with this year’s theme DARYL MARTIN, PENNY DUGAN, MICHAEL WORK, NANCY MARTIN, of “Days of Disco”, one can only imagine JOHN WADE, NEIL O’SULLIVAN, WILLIAM DOLAN, GLORIA GERINGER, the costumes that will be worn that evening. AMY GREEN, MANDY CARLSON, KAREN BRUNEAU, SARAH LAWRENCE, And for the first time at the Virginia dog LINDA HOF, JESSICA PLOURDE, CHUCK KROTHE, JO ANNE MITTLEMAN, shows a themed event “Race to the Finish”. CATHERINE BELL, PEGGY HELMING, RHANDA GLENN and the ageless (as the venue has a lot of race car banners). MARCELO VERAS.


82 Dog News

Morris & Essex

The General Meeting Sunday, Feb. 10th 1 P.M. Affinia Hotel

Dog News 83

2013 All-Breed & Specialty

Dog News Dog Show Calendar Including All Breed & Specialty Shows

Is Now On Sale

$15.00 per copy with free shipping! Club discounts available for 20 copies or more The 2013 Dog News All -Breed & Specialty Dog Show Calendar CHECK ONE:





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MAIL TO: Dog News • 1115 Broadway • New York, NY 10010 84 Dog News

Also available at • Cherrybrook

• Davis Animal Products

• Red Barn Pet Products Elliott and Michelle Federman Dog News 85

BassetHoundClubofAmericaNationalSpecialty&TrackingNational Continued FROM page 71

Basset Nationals draw the wonderful people who own these dogs from all over the country – and the world. We gather as much for the social benefits as we do for the expectations of a win. We love our dogs even if they smell funny, are difficult to breed, and are not taken seriously by a large number of other serious dog people. We love them if they compete in conformation, obedience, rally, agility or for the preferred spot on our couch. Nothing is cuter than a basset puppy – no matter who it belongs to, and we all stand in line to hold and cuddle with anybody’s puppies who come to the Nationals (our Nationals are always plural for some unknown reason). Bassets are difficult to breed. They are not always good mothers, and the puppies want to die. They do not breed true. You will never know what you’ve got until it is done – at 2.5 to 3 years, although breeders familiar with their bloodline are all pretty good at guessing. But add one outcross, and all bets are off. So planning for an annual event like the Nationals is always tricky. Very often the strongest classes are the Veteran classes because at seven, we are pretty sure we know how the dogs will turn out. The Nationals held in Mansfield, MA was no different from most. The entry was a little lower because of its location on the extreme East coast. Most of us drive because flying with a basset is not easy, especially if you are alone. It is nearly impossible to fly with any more than one dog per person because they are big, and in constant motion when not in their crates. So Nationals on one side of the country or another will naturally draw a smaller number of exhibitors than Nationals held in the center part of the country.


asset Nationals always hire breeder judges. Judges are nominated well in advance, and we vote for our favorites a year in advance – the results of the voting are announced at the annual dinner held following our Nationals judging. Judges may not judge more frequently than once every five years, and we hire three judges each year – one for dogs, one for bitches, and one for intersex (Best of Breed). As you can guess, there is a pretty deep pool of breeder judges in Bassets. And with three different judges, it is almost always possible to bring something in your breeding program to interest at least one of the judges. For the most part, Basset breeders and exhibitors

86 Dog News

like to support their breeder judges, even if they do not always agree with them. This is a very healthy attitude among exhibitors, but one I find much less commonly in other breeds. Surprisingly few breeder judges are boycotted by Basset exhibitors.


he Mansfield Nationals were preceded by two host specialties: Potomac, and Pilgrim Basset Hound clubs. Unfortunately I was unable to attend either of these two shows, but as I drove from Wisconsin to Massachusetts I was getting updates on the results of these two shows from friends who were there. My drive was beautiful and uneventful, and these updates were such fun during my long 2-day drive. In addition to these two specialties, Pilgrim KC and BHCA hosted Field trials at the Beagle club grounds in Warwick, RI Wednesday through Friday (see Sanda Launey’s report below). Tracking was held on Saturday and a Hunt Test on Sunday. Olde Fashion Singing in the Rain, owned by Barry and Linda Self qualified for TD. Field Trial Absolute Winner went to DC Westwind Cassidy, TD, VS, owned by Jo Ann Hillaker. Most people do not think of the versatility of this breed, and are always surprised to hear of the many venues in which Bassets compete and excel. It is not just Sporting breeds that have multiple uses and abilities! You have not seen fun until you watch a Basset tracking, in the field or at an agility trial. Monday featured Futurity/Maturity judging. The participants of these two events elect their judge, and this year the honor went to Heidi Martin. Heidi chose Castlehill’s Peg O’My Heart, owned and bred by Jim and Sharon Dok as her Best in Futurity, and GCh Topsfield Bibidy-Bobidy-Boo, bred and owned by Claudia Orlandi and Kitty Steidel as her Best in Maturity. This dog also won an Award of Merit on Friday. Tuesday started the Nationals off with Obedience and Rally in the

morning, then Sweepstakes in the afternoon. Thirteen dogs were entered in obedience. High in Trial was awarded to Ch. Topsfield-Vision Silver Noodles, BN, RA, NAP,NJP, owned by Claudia Orlandi, Anne Testoni, Claire Steidel, Nancy Richmond and Bjorn Zetterlund, with a score of 181.5. She was handled by Anne Testoni. Some of you may remember “Noodles” as the #1 conformation Basset hound shown a few years ago by Bryan Martin. It is great to see retired conformation dogs go on with their careers in the performance arena! Noodles is a truly amazing competitor, and her handler really does a nice job with her.


weepstakes was judged in the afternoon by Kirk Joiner. This is one of my favorite competitions because I love to watch basset puppies. These puppies are masters at making their owners look like foolish novices no matter how long the owners have been exhibiting dogs. This is the first time in the week many of them have been shown, and they are full of fun. My own barely 9-month-old puppies were so happy to be out of their crates after two days of driving, that they acted like they had never been on a leash before, much less had any training. My puppy dog never did hold a stack for me. My puppy bitch, in spite of the fact that she has been to several shows and lots of training classes, has decided it is important for her to go potty sometime in the ring, and she makes a practice of it every time we are

Continued on page 88

Maryland Maryland Kennel Club Kennel Club First Weekend after the Garden, stop in Baltimore!

New Show Date Saturday and Sunday February 16 & 17, 2013

First Weekend after the Ga Howard County Fairgrounds stop in Baltimore ! West Friendship, Maryland Closing January 30, 2013 MB-F INC

February 18-19, 201 See You There!

Howard County Fairgrou Sanctioned “B”Match Saturday Night (Kennel Club of Anne Arundel)

CLOSING FEBRUARY 1, 2012 MB-F Dog News 87

BassetHoundClubofAmericaNationalSpecialty&TrackingNational Continued FROM page 86

there. Neither the judge nor I was amused, but she did not care. Kirk’s choice for Best in Sweepstakes went to the lovely 6-9 month puppy bitch, Ambrican Holly Golightly, bred and owned by Randy, Penny and Rachel Frederiksen. Unfortunately the really great weather we had grown used to for the previous week ended on Wednesday, and the crisp, clear New England sunshine was replaced by drizzle, fog and rain. This can be deadly for breeds that require a lot of grooming, but for Basset people, the transition was nearly seamless. Instead of walking our dogs across the parking lot pavement, most of us carried them, or brought along a towel and arrived ringside in plenty of time to get their legs and undercarriage dry. Many people were set up in the grooming rooms across the hall from the ballroom, so their dogs rested comfortably on warm, dry bedding until their judging. Bassets and their owners take everything in stride and are rarely frazzled by things over which they have no control.


gility was judged in the morning, and the dog classes were judged in the afternoon. Carol Makowski judged agility and gave High in Trial, High Combined to Lucas’s Living On the Edge MXP MJP NFP, owned by Lisa Lucas. Dog classes were judged by Mark Chryssanthis. The biggest surprise of the Dog entry was that there was only one entry in the Bred-ByExhibitor class. Usually this is the class with the toughest competition, and to have only one dog entered was a bit of a shock. Mark chose Alexander’s Here For A Good Tyme, bred and owned by Ellen Johnson, and shown in the 12-18 month

88 Dog News

class, for Winners Dog. He also chose CH Birnam’s Killian Of Kaizen, shown by Norm Wiginton, as Best Veteran Dog. This veteran also won Select Dog on Friday.


ednesday afternoon was my only non-scheduled time during the Nationals, but the rain prevented me from going up to Boston for some sightseeing and shopping. So even though I was within 30 miles of Boston, I still cannot claim to have been there. Someday it will happen! One advantage to a small entry at a Nationals held in a location known for good food, is that participants will have time to enjoy their restaurant discoveries. I joined with several Canadian friends, and one friend from Texas, and we found a couple of fabulous restaurants within 6 miles of our show location. We are all totally grateful for our GPS, however. I don’t think I would have been brave enough to venture too far from home base without the expert guidance of “Ms Garmin,” as she became affectionately known to the carload of people following her direction. The Club hosts some evening events, but most exhibitors like to sample the local cuisine outside of the host hotel. Thursday morning Bob Opeka judged bitches. Bob is always fun to watch, and handles his ring most professionally. His choice for Winners Bitch came from the Open class, Darwin’s Dream vGrunsven, bred and owned by Rudy Smits. She is from Sweden, but is sired by the topwinning AKC dog, GCh Splash’s The Professor. She is a lovely, open red and white bitch with fabulous ring presence. This bitch later went on to win Best of Winners. Best Veteran Bitch was Ch. Hullabaloo’s Breath of Spring, owned and bred by Debra Hull. This bitch also won an Award of Merit on Friday. Because my other breed is a terrier, I left the Basset Nationals Thursday afternoon to drive to Philadelphia for the rest of the Montgomery County weekend. And as luck would have it, Celeste Gonzales (another Basset breeder judge) was at the Hatboro, Devon and Montgomery County shows, so between the two of us we were able to keep tabs on the results for the rest

of the BHCA Nationals, even as we did our terrier stuff. It was hard for me to leave the Basset Nationals early – Basset people are so easy to be around. And to leave them behind to head out for an intense few days of terrier rivalries and grooming marathons made it especially difficult. From the yards and yards of Basset-related raffle items, to the extraordinarily polite 5050 raffle ticket sellers, to the seminars and Basset University options, to the field trials, agility and obedience competitions, the Basset Nationals are always well organized, interesting and fun. The hospitality room always has a good mix of people from around the country and the world sharing stories, jokes and pictures. Some people get a little intense when discussing their frustrations with a breeding program or an untrained puppy, but there is rarely an angry exchange. Even with the intense competition of Nationals, basset people remain laid-back, friendly and helpful. I think representatives from all other breeds should make a point of attending at least one Basset Nationals to see how it can be done right.


h, and the final results? I can only report, since I did not witness, that judge Eugene McDonald chose GCh Blossomhil’s Hello Dolly, bred and owned by Suzanne Shor for Best of Breed. Best of Opposite went to BaywindCraigwoodSmokin in Havana, bred and owned by Michael and Debbie Moore. Select Bitch was won by GCh. Barnyard 3 Oaks Spark of Hope, owned by Claudia Lane, Vicki McMackin, Connie Kremenik and Pat Harder. Select Dog was the Veteran Dog. Awards of Merit went to the Veteran Bitch and Ch Cheers Lullaby of Broadway, owned by Roman and Lynne Tatarowicz and Cheryl Winters; Ch Fort Merrill Brunswick owned by Joan Urban and Aaron Costilla; GCh Ingram’s Martha owned by Hayes and Diane Ingram, and GCh Topsfield-SanchuBibidy-BobidyBoo, the Maturity winner. Next year the Basset Nationals will be held in the St Louis area the entire week before the Montgomery County weekend, so I will be able to attend the whole thing! I am excited, and already thinking about which dogs I will be able to bring along. Maybe I can even train the dogs I plan to bring. Now that is a challenge! I hope to see you there – everyone is welcome.

Continued on page 101

Name That Cluster, Cluster Tallahassee, Florida Save The Date!!! Thursday, February 21 through February 24, 2013

Q Ochlockonee River Kennel Club and Panama City Dog Fanciers Associaiton ONOFRIO, Show Superintendent

Four Day All Breed Dog Show

Easy Access from Greenville, SC or Lakeland, FL Shows


Coffee and donuts in the morning • Great Food Vendors • Great Vendor Shopping Free Peach Cobbler / Ice Cream Welcome reception 6:00 pm Thursday, February 21 Rottweiler Specialty Wednesday, February 20 Supported Rottweiler Entry for Four Days All Breed Obedience & Rally Wednesday, February 20 Sponsored Cavalier Entry all four days, with Sweepstakes Supported Cardigan Welsh Corgi Entry - Two days of Sweepstakes AGILITY: Friday, Saturday, Sunday Heart & Eye Clinics: Saturday Saturday Night: Dinner and Special Event of the Grounds Great Venue Leon County Fairgrounds Hook-Ups Cluster Chairs: Pat Herring 850 294-2145 - email • Leah James 850 445-5409 - email Dog News 89

CLICK Greater Fredericksburg Kennel Club BY EUGENE Z. ZAPHIRIS

90 Dog News

Dog News 91

Judges’ Choice Continued FROM page 42

92 Dog News

Judges’ Choice

Continued on page 96

Dog News 93

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Dog News 95

Judges’ Choice Continued FROM page 95

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Judges’ Choice

Dog News 97

Letters To The Editor WORKS FROM THE ROYAL COLLECTION GO ON DISPLAY AT THE KENNEL CLUB’S ART GALLERY The Welsh Corgi In Art And Literature 4th February – 19th July 2013 he Royal Patron of the Kennel Club, Her Majesty The Queen, is generously to lend the Kennel Club Art Gallery a collection of paintings and photographs from the Royal Collection for an upcoming exhibition, The Welsh Corgi in Art and Literature, opening on February 4th. Works from the Royal Collection include original photographs, showing the Queen and the Royal Family with their Corgis, along with paintings and a drawing of The Queen’s favourite pets. The Kennel Club’s own painting of Her Majesty The Queen at Frogmore by Terence Cuneo will also be on display along with an original registration form for a Royal Corgi signed by Her Majesty The Queen. It will also include a display of art, trophies, sculptures and ephemera all depicting the Corgi in art. The exhibition celebrates the 75th anniversary of the Welsh Corgi League, which was established in 1938 to promote the interests of, and safeguard the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. The native Welsh breed is on the Kennel Club’s ‘At Watch’ list, as it is at risk of becoming a vulnerable breed due to declining puppy registrations. A breed is recognised as vulnerable when it has fewer than 300 puppy registrations a year - the Pembroke Welsh Corgi has been teetering just above this mark for a number of years. Diana King, Chairman of the Welsh Corgi League said: “The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a wonderful breed. It is best known for being a favourite of The Queen and even had a starring role in the Olympics opening ceremony. Last year really was the year for the Corgi - with the Diamond Jubilee and the Olympics it received a lot of attention and I really hope this helps put it in the minds of puppy buyers again as it does make a fantastic pet. “2013 promises to keep the excitement going - with our 75th anniversary combined with this fantastic exhibition at the Kennel Club Art Gallery, it is going to be another great year for the Corgi.” Ciara Farrell, Kennel Club Library and Collections Manager said: “Ephemera such as unique photograph albums, jewellery and medals make this a rare exhibition which we are delighted to be able to host. An array of portraits in oil and pastel, trophies from the Welsh Corgi League and a wonderful


98 Dog News

collection of rare Corgi porcelain models, will be shown alongside both photographs and paintings from the Royal Collection, making it an exhibition not to be missed.” The Kennel Club Art Gallery is open Monday – Friday 9.30am – 4.30pm by appointment. The nearest tube station is Green Park. Appointments can be made by contacting the Art Gallery on 020 7518 1064 or emailing The Royal Collection, one of the world’s greatest art collections, is held in trust by The Queen for her successors and the nation. The collection is administered by The Royal Collection Trust, a registered charity. To learn more about the Royal Collection, go to Laura Quickfall London, England IN RESPONSE TO BRIAN MEINDEL n response to the letter Brian Meindel wrote on AKC looking at changing the point schedule for rare breeds...We have had the point schedule for decades and it has worked fine over these years. It is not just recently that points have been difficult to find in certain breeds. Let us look back into our sport in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Most shows were small under 1000 dogs entered and not as many shows. At that time in breeds that required 4 dogs for a 3 point major you were able to call the show chairman of a club and request that he combine the sexes at his show in your breed. We did this numerous times in American Foxhounds. Therefore, you were guaranteed that one dog got a major. Also working with other breeders or exhibitors to build a major helps to foster a strong following for rare breeds. Certainly, it has gotten expensive to shows dogs but so has food, gas, etc. Your comment on why bother to show I guess depends on why you got into the sport to begin with. Certainly when we got in it was expensive but we were competitive and loved our breeds and wanted to breed the best Foxhounds and compete with them. Winning over specials should not count for more. Actually we could put those dogs back in the classes. If the 3 special dogs had been class dogs she still would only have gotten 2 points but if sexes had been combined she would have gotten 3 points. Look at England, they finished far fewer dogs in breeds then we do but have a larger number shown. They continue to show and breed. Mrs. Robert D. Smith St. Stephens Church, VA


Puppy Mill Industry Fights New Missouri Law The new Canine Cruelty Prevention Act, which improves standards of care for dogs confined in puppy mills, is facing strong criticism from dog breeders. t a recent hearing before the Interim Commission of Agriculture Innovation and Economic Recovery, a representative for Hunte Corporation, the largest broker of pet store puppies in the country, complained that their business has declined by over 50% and that they have downsized from 350 employees to 150 since the passage of the Canine Cruelty Prevention Act. Hunte’s decrease in business is a result of hundreds of dog breeders leaving the business since the passage of the new law. Unfortunately, what wasn’t explained to this legislative Committee was the reason why so many commercial dog breeders have stopped breeding dogs. Namely, that far too many were in the business simply for a quick buck. The single most distinguishing characteristic of many of these breeders was to produce puppies as cheaply as possible regardless of the welfare of the breeding dogs. Too often, a breeding dog could be replaced cheaper than having it treated by a veterinarian and thus many breeding dogs were left to languish in the hope it would get better on its own. Fortunately, the Canine Cruelty Prevention Act now requires veterinary care for a seriously ill animal and every breeding dog must be examined at least once a year by a veterinarian. While most pet owners routinely have their dogs examined yearly, such a requirement for dogs producing up to two litters a year was seen as too costly for many commercial dog breeders. The new law also requires that breeders provide their dogs with adequate living space and access to the outdoors. If there was ever hard evidence of the abusive living conditions of puppy mill dogs, it is the fact that 50% of the dog breeders have closed down rather than meet these basic humane standards of care for their animals. In addition, dog breeding representatives have filed a lawsuit to overturn key provisions in the Canine Cruelty Prevention Act. The suit names Governor Nixon, Attorney General Chris Koster, and Director Jon Hagler of the Missouri Department of Agriculture. The industry’s initial request for a temporary restraining order against the regulations has thankfully failed. It is truly telling when common sense measures such as veterinary care, adequate living space, and fresh air are drawing so much ire from the commercial dog breeders. As one USDA inspector told a group of Missouri breeders shortly after the new law passed, you should welcome the new law as it finally gives you an opportunity to rid yourself of the moniker of “puppy mill.” Regrettably, the mindset of the industry has not changed as they continue to fight and oppose basic care of their breeding animals. On the plus side, our new law is forcing out the bad breeders and their stubborn resistance to the new law is clear evidence that we are making significant progress in ending puppy mill abuse in Missouri. Missouri Alliance For Animal Legislation


AKC/EUKANUBA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP TO AIR FEBRUARY 2ND ON ABC TELEVISION NETWORK Watch Top Dogs Compete for Best in Show and $225,000 in Cash and Prizes he 12th edition of the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship, featuring the country’s premier dogs vying for the biggest dog show prize in the world and special features like a ceremony honoring hero dogs, will air on ABC on Saturday, February 2nd at 2 pm EST (check local listings). AKC’s Gina DiNardo and ESPN anchor Todd Grisham will share commentary duties during the broadcast of the National Championship. With DiNardo’s life-long involvement in the sport of purebred dogs and Grisham’s humor and enthusiasm, it will make for a fun as well as educational broadcast for all dog lovers. “The AKC/Eukanuba National Championship offers the public the opportunity to learn more about each of AKC’s 175 breeds and how the predictability of purebred dogs can make it easy to match a particular breed to fit your lifestyle,” DiNardo said. “Viewers will be able to see each Best of Breed winner compete in the group ring, watch highlights from our Breeder of the Year and AKC Humane Fund Awards for Canine Excellence presentations, and much, much more. We hope you enjoy the show!” Two new AKC-recognized breeds will make their AKC/ Eukanuba National Championship debut during the broadcast – the Russell Terrier and the Treeing Walker Coonhound. Watch them compete during the broadcast and learn more about their history and function at During the broadcast, AKC will host a Virtual Viewing Party at 2 pm EST with behind-the-scenes tidbits on Facebook and a Tweet Chat on Twitter using the hashtag #celebratedogs. Fans can stop by to root for their favorites, chat with other dog show enthusiasts or post a photo of their dog enjoying the broadcast. Highlights from the daytime Best of Breed judging and the Bred-By-Exhibitor groups are also available here. Visit for more information about the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship. Lisa Petersen New York, NY


Dog News 99


Directory Robert A. Fisher Kaki Fisher

Jessy & Roxanne Sutton Professional Dog Handlers

Specializing in Terriers and Working Dogs

Professional Dog Handlers Frakari Kennels 194 Quivey Hill Road/P.O. Box 204 Middle Granville, NY 12849 518.642.9225 KNL • 440.813.6388 c 12.09

Jessy phone: 215-778-1253 7.09 12.12










Roxanne phone: 513-235-2099



Sue Capone, PHA Regina Keiter SUE 570 992-5705 email:


REGINA 570 369-0192 email:

113 Capone Lane Saylorburg, PA 18353

Diana Wilson

Show Dogs Beautifully Presented

303/638-1669 1298 Bluejay Avenue Brighton, CO 80601 • 4.13

*Fees feed rescued horses*




Debbie Old West PROFESSIONALGoldstein HANDLER ALL BREEDS Professional

Members PHA & AKC Registered Handlers



& Groomer Kennels 2418 Grandview Drive

P.O. Box 180 Forestville, Pennsylvania Sparta, N.C. 16035 28675 724-735-9994 C 412-491-5520

336 372-2039 © Debbie Goldstein

Clint and Karen Livingston 1981 East 141 Avenue Brighton, Colorado 80602 210 865 8415 - Clint 210 865 2348 - Karen

9691 Flinn Springs Road El Cajon, CA 92021 (619)443-8250 Fax (619)443-0944 E-mail /



Carlos Carrizo

Tiffany Knox


3.12 All Breed Dog Handler 7.13


Jenny Wornall Rangel Christian Rangel Andrew Peel

Heritage Show dogs

Professional Handling

AKC Registered Handler




9372 S Union • Tulsa, OK 74132 • 508-864-6262 6.13

PO BOX 331 • Santa Ynez, CA 93460 LLC 805.686.1708 • Fax 805.686.9548 7.13 •

Cell: 415 819-5773


Ernesto Lara

AKC Registered Handler Assisted by Leonardo Garcini


Greenfield 3.10


Tiffany Saxon

P.O. Box 330 Tel: (717) 445-9936 1181 Reading Road Fax: (717) 445-0577 Bowmansville, PA 17507 email: 6.10 6.13 mobile: 717-475-7069

Professional Presentation & Care of Show Dogs A drienne O wen 6849 S hadow R idge P l ace A lta L oma , CA 91701 909-472-5519 adrienne @ newpointkennel . com www 8.09 . newpointkennel . com 7.12


All Breed Dog Handler

1637 Moon Rock Rd Fallbrook, CA 92029

Office: 760-723-9564 Cell: 626-277-7172 1.11

100 Dog News





BassetHoundClubofAmericaNationalSpecialty&TrackingNational Continued FROM page 88

Nationals Tracking “Golden” By Sanda Launey


n September 29th BHCA trackers gathered at the Golden Lamb Buttery to host a TD and TDX test. The Buttery has turned an old historic barn into an award winning restaurant with oriental carpets laid over the worn boards of the central hall and rustic trestle tables adorned with fresh cut flowers and fine china place settings. Wait staff greet guests anticipating culinary delights and when you have been standing out in the rain several hours you wish you weren’t dressed in your soggy tracking clothes and could enter in as one of those guests. We trackers were busy in the farm’s many gently rolling green fields defined by old rock walls. Dave Crawford, recipient of BHCA’s 2012 AKC Sportsmanship Award, served as Test Chairman and Secretary. Sally Elkins served as Chief Tracklayer and Michael Clemens and Arthur Twiss officiated as judges. The tests were opened to other breeds and we had Basset Hound Olde Fashion Singing in the Rain and Papillon Sanatas Crazy Little Thing negotiate their tracks to successful conclusion. Barry and Linda Self’s Basset playfully bounded between the first and second flags then settled into serious tracking finding her way to the glove. We watched the small white Papillon competently track through a field even flushing a pair of geese into flight on the way to her glove. Tracker Elsie Tagg had entered two hounds in the TD test. Her first hound started his track confidently then stopped in his tracks at the mournful bray of a donkey stabled in the barn and refused to advance, her second hound christened both a rental car and stone wall on the way to his start flag, but seemed not to want to track this day. Linda Gonzalez watched her tracking partner Basset Gin Dic’s Silvan Crazy Heart roll on the first leg, then she could not, would not make her second turn. Farther down the picturesque country lane TDX trackers pursued their titles. Linda Self and another of her Bassets started well yet the hound was drawn downhill toward the woods and received the whistle there. Freda Burks and her hound failed to start and we all watched JoAnn Hiliker and her hound take off from the start flag with confidence. Cassidy was fresh off his win of the field trial dog classes and we onlookers were encouraged when he confidently tracked over one of the rock walls. He was drawn off track by scent trapped at the juncture of two rock walls down by the road and that caused him

to miss an article and receive the whistle. Sunday’s VST test offered fair and interesting tracks in the office park surrounding the nationals’ host hotel. We celebrated a new VST title earned by Golden Retriever Goldenways Thanks For The Memories VCD1 TDX OA OAJ NF RA ThD after following her along her successful track. The moment of truth came soon after the first article, yet the golden had to search for it. After successfully reaching the final article her handler declared “I knew there was an article, she circles franticly if she can’t see it but smells it!” The German Shepherd tracker started nicely advancing down the track working to the right where the scent was evident along a bank of junipers against a building. Eventually the dog went off track into a parking lot not traversed by the tracklayer. Tracker Linda Gonzalez and her Basset had a credible start and worked steadily. Her hound was enticed into an alcove but recovered and progressed down his track. The track turned left at the end of the stone retaining wall for an upper parking lot. Linda’s hound searched too far to the right trying to ascertain the direction of the track and was unable to make the left turn. Ellen Ripper’s basset made steady progress from the start even working past a loading dock. The challenge came after successfully negotiating the track between two buildings when Ellen walked over an article. Roberta Furchak’s Trumbull’s Betsy Ross UD TDX RE TDI negotiated much of her track successfully tracking around three sides of a building over grass, brick walkways, parking spaces and concrete. She had trouble negotiating the moment of truth in a second building’s parking lot. Though the Basset turned down the new leg three times, she just couldn’t cross over a particular strip of bark and pine needles even though she had successfully negotiated others on her track. Thanks to Dave and Pam Crawford, Sally Elkins, judges Arthur Twiss and Michael Clemens, tracklayers and trackers for a most wonderful tracking weekend in New England.

Dog News 101


Directory Aaron R. Wilkerson Janice Granda

Doug And Mandy Carlson AKC Registered Handlers

Doug 405 370-1447 Mandy 405 826-3884 5.12

All Breed Professional Handlers Port St. Lucie, FL

8260 McColl Drive W Savage, Minnesota 55378 Phone: 952 890-6010

803 421.9832 352 283.0979



Professional Dog Handler Murbe Kennels DHG, PHA & AKC Registered 11293 Dunnigan Road Emmett, Michigan 48022

Home 810 384-1844 Fax 810 384-8225 Cell 810 417-0469

E mail: Web site:



All Breed Professionals AKC Reg. and PHA


--ALL BREEDS-Jimmy & Mary Dwyer

Evan & Stacy Threlfall


407 810-4036 3.13

PO Box 99• Selkirk, NY 12158 E 919.741.0226 • S 518.209.7988



BRUCE & TARA SCHULTZ Board Certified Professional Handlers Members of P.H.A.


102 Dog News

Guy H. Fisher


5540 San Miguel Rd. Bonita, California 91902

Bruce: 951 314-8357 Tara: 951 515-0241



Last Shows of the Year in Cleveland Continued FROM page 61

On Wednesday, December 12, there was only one dog show in the country, and that was in Florida. Blogger Billy Wheeler of said, “People who saw the Sporting group in Florida saw the finest line up of show dogs anywhere, ever, in the United States.” There was the top winning sporting dog of all time, the Black Cocker Spaniel, Ch. Casablanca’s Thrilling Seduction. There was the Number One Dog All Breeds, the German Wirehaired Pointer, Ch. Mt View’s Ripsnorter Silver Charm, and the Number Two Dog, the English Springer Spaniel, Ch. Wynmoor Champagne Supernova. After the show, the Springer and Pointer rushed to the airport and landed one thousand miles north in Cleveland. They met in BettyAnne Stenmark’s Sporting Group where they finished one/two, with the Springer, Peyton, advancing to the Best in Show ring. The Cocker stayed in Florida and won the Sporting Group there under Vicki Abbott. Joining Peyton was a fellow traveler from Orlando, the Harrier, Ch. Downhome Hitech Innovator. Reserve went to the Springer and Best In Show to the Harrier. Chet’s handler, Susie Olivera, was glad to have made the trip, because this 26th BIS of the year put him into the Top Ten Dog All Breeds. The next day, Friday, Chet won another Hound Group, and the Springer was Best in Show. The only Russell Terrier to have won a Best in Show, Ch. Goldsand’s Columbus, added an RBIS to his resume. The competition between the top dogs was so close that at this point, it was still too early to declare a Number One Dog for 2012, with only two more days of shows before the end of the season. The GWP and Springer were still battling it out.


aturday, the Springer won the Group but Best In Show went to the breeder-owner handled Doberman Pinscher, Ch. Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici. FiFi’s 46th BIS of the year meant she finished the year as the Number Three Dog All Breeds, giving hope to those who have bred, own and show a great dog. On Sunday, December 15, in Cleveland, the Springer won the group, but did not go Best, while GWP went to Allentown, Pennsylvania, and went Best there. Whew. The Number One position was decided on the very last show day of the year. The Title “Number One Dog All Breeds” went to the German Wirehaired Pointer. All the dashing back and forth had many people talking about the stress placed on dogs. Billy Wheeler recalled talking to a famous Working dog breeder who pointed out that guarding breeds are not comfortable with a lot of travel. “He told me it makes them uneasy because their job is to guard their area, and when they’re traveling all the time they don’t know what they are supposed to guard.” Billy reckoned that sporting, hound, and terrier

breeds might have an advantage because their job is to travel somewhere and go out and hunt. The Top Ten list for 2012 is fairly well spread out among the groups: 2 sporting, 2 hound, 2 working, 1 terrier, 2 toy, 1 non -sporting, 0 herding. Many dog people who were at the airports were shocked to see well-known show dogs dressed in “Service Dog” vests so they can travel in the cabin. The Service Dog designation is designed to let handicapped people travel with their dogs. It was never intended to provide a way for dog show handlers to jet around the country picking up points on their dogs. It requires getting paperwork from a physician, so the handlers asking for prescriptions are doing so illegally and unethically. The doctors giving out these prescriptions are either being fooled or breaking the law. One judge said, “I landed in Orlando and thought I was in the middle of a handicapped convention. Dogs were all over with these ‘Service Dog’ vests on. If the animal rights people get hold of this, they can put everyone in the dog show world to shame.” At the show, a judge approached me and asked, “Are you the delegate of the Whippet club?” I’m not, but I told him that I am a Whippet breeder. “I gave a Whippet Best in Show,” he said angrily, “and the same night, at the airport, I saw that handler and that dog with a handicapped vest on. I was shocked. I want you to know that I will never give another award to that dog.” A judge who is an AKC delegate said, “If I could figure out a way to stop it, I would do it.” He speculated that reporting them to the airlines would not work, as airlines are not allowed to question handicapped persons about their handicap. The handlers are probably telling the doctors they have some kind of psychological handicap, which requires them to have the dog with them. Another person wondered about asking all dog show people to take photos of the handicap impostors at airports and posting the photos on Facebook. That would expose the ones doing it. It’s that relentless hunt for points and position. Billy Wheeler mused, “The second year I wrote the blog, I was having lunch in May with a judge and three well-known handlers. I asked them, ‘Who were the top five dogs from last year?’ Not one could remember! If you want to make a name for yourself, forget about the point system. Breed a good dog, put it down well, and take it places where people are going to see it. It’s the informed gallery watching the dogs who really matter. Not a lot of points.” We all drove away from Cleveland in the dark and cold, with dogs snoozing in the back of the car. The dogs didn’t realize it, but they didn’t have to go back to shows for awhile. As Billy Wheeler said, “I like the idea that everybody gets to take two weeks off. This is a strange little club we belong to. We should do something else now and then.” On to 2013. Dog News 103



familiar with issues involving ownership, breeding, care, and handling of show dogs, animal control matters, veterinarian claims and defenses, and dog related injuries and damages.


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104 Dog News


Continued FROM page 54


ow that’s a very interesting report from Dr. Davies about AKC/CAR and its operations. We are all delighted that CAR is doing so well and totally understand that the inference is and very properly so that the amount of business Hunte does with CAR is so small as to be negligible in affecting the successes of the AKCCAR operation. But nowhere does Dr. Davies address the problems raised above by me nor in the Editorial of January 4th. Does Hunte owe CAR these monies, have the monies been written off and was there a move by certain CAR Board members to have AKC reimburse CAR for the monies to be or already written off. Is it true that a meeting is set with Hunte for February 5th to redefine the situation. Normally these inner business workings are not the concern of the Fancy at large, a fact to which these pages wholly subscribe, but in light of the upcoming March elections are not at least the Delegates if not the Fancy at large entitled to be made aware of the relationships between Hunte and CAR and the AKC as well? I believe each AKCCAR Board Member has an obligation to be transparent in this matter with the Fancy and the Delegate Body and I ask Alan Kalter, Carl Ashby,Tom Davies, Carmen Battaglia, Steve Gladstone, John Lyons and Peter Farnsworth to simply share the facts of this matter with us all.


ent to the Fredericksburg Virginia Cluster this past weekend in the very usable and dog friendly Fredericksburg Expo and Convention Center. Having attended and graduated from UVA in nearby Charlottesville lo those many years ago I returned expecting to find the sleepy somewhat Southern town of Fredericksburg as I remembered it from school days. Wrong with a double W--grown to a full suburb of the District the charm of old was totally changed to a modern and updated City although I must admit in the old town I felt somewhat a tang of the past. Nothing I suppose ever remains the same but I wonder whether the change has to be so drastic. In any event the Virginia Cluster consisted of five straight days of all-breeds. How could that be I asked--five straight days--and I was told that in the case of an extraordinary venue AKC makes those kinds of exceptions. Well I truly thought the site fine but five days is too much for me in any situation extraordinary or not!! The Foxhound bitch swept three of the five Bests while the Black Dane won Saturday while the Border went up the Friday night. We arrived very late due to that I-95 traffic outside of Washington DC-more than 2 hours to cover less than 50 miles-made the LIE seem like a super-highway dream. What was a total dream was the Working Group of Saturday night which was as strong a one as I have seen in years. What an impressive group of dogs. One of the nicest things about the show is the nearness of a myriad of restaurants (most of them chains but of a higher variety) and a Wegmans within walking distance for food--and really deliciously prepared meals at that! Totally eliminated the need to go to the food hall in the building which was below par at best. This is an exciting new venue which Cluster was developed through the perseverance of its members tenacity. Never give up was the motto of those running this group of shows and in the long run this facility is a great addition for the dog show world in this highly urbanized area. Good luck for the years to come!

Dog News 105

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