Dog News, February 7, 2014

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Dog News The Digest Volume 30, Issue 6

Of American Dogs $10.00


February 7, 2014


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Dog News Contents s &EBRUARY 10 Editorial 14 The Way It Is: 2 Shows, 1 Day By Sari Brewster Tietjen 18 The Lighter Side of Judging: Drags To Bitches By Michael H. Faulkner 22 The Question Of The Week By Matthew H. Stander 310 handlers directory 26 Babbling: The American Dream! By Geir Flyckt-Pedersen 312 subscription rates 30 Inside The Sport: The Michigan Winter Classic By Pat Trotter 314 classified advertising 34 Bests Of The Week 316 advertising rates 38 Ten Questions Asked of Howard Huber, III 42 News From AKC’s President By Dennis Sprung 46 Irving’s Impressions: Westminster and Crufts Compared and Contrasted By Ronnie Irving 50 A Different Perspective: “On The Day” By Linda More 54 Valley of Aire Recreated in Pennsylvania By Martha L. Graham and April Clyde 56 Bite Of The Apple By Matthew H. Stander 58 Brace Yourself: The Need For Self Confidence In The Judging Ring By Andrew Brace 62 Delegates’ Comments About Mixed Breeds And The AKC 66 The Legacy Of Dr. Sheldon B. Adler, MD By Sharon Pflaumer 68 Delegates Questionnaire "Y *OHN -ANDEVILLE AND 2OZ +RAMER s #OMPILED "Y 3HAUN #OEN 70 Rare Breeds Of The World: The Thai Bangkaew Dog By Agnes Buchwald 78 Off The Leash: Q & A With Sheila Goffe, Director of AKC’s GR Dept. By Shaun Coen 80 A Conversation With Gina DiNardo, VP & Asst. Exec. Secretary of AKC By Karl M. Stearns 92 Westminster Revisited - A Photo Essay By Chet Jezierski 110 Dual Champion Champs - The Brittany Spaniel By MJ Nelson 122 The Dog Show With The Best Party Of The Year By Sharon Sakson 134 Personalities of Westminster: Percy Roberts By Chet Jezierski 144 The Retail Pet Store Rule: A Light At The End Of The Tunnel Or A Train? By Carlotta Cooper 148 The British Scene By Geoff Corish 170 Thrilla in Manila By Vince Hogan 182 Guardians Of America’s Freedom By Sharon Pflaumer 194 Interpreting AKC Numbers, A Feel Good Mentality And More By Matthew H. Stander 206 The Dog News Top Ten List - 2013 Final Statistics 224 Beware The Doberhuahua By Denise Flaim 230 The Dog News Top Ten Best of Breed List - 2013 Final Statistics 274 Wild, Wacky, Wonderful Westminster Stories By Shaun Coen 282 The Gossip Column By Eugene Z. Zaphiris 302 Click: Chain O’Lakes and Park Shore Kennel Club By Booth Photography 307 Letters To The Editor 308 Click: The Way We Were By Paddy Spear POSTMASTER: Send address changes to DOG NEWS, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010

DOG NEWS (ISSN 0886-2133) is published weekly except the last All advertisements are copyrighted and owned by two weeks in December by Harris Publications, 1115 Broadway, DOG NEWS, Harris Publications, unless received camera-ready. Permission to reprint must be requested in writing. New York, N.Y. 10010. Periodical Postage paid at New York. 4 Dog News


Team Gus thanks Judge Mr. Charles Olvis for this Group First

TEAM GUS! Top Winning Swissy In AKC History Number 1 Swissy, All-Breed (All Systems) Multiple Best In Show, National Specialty Best In Show

GCh. Derby’s Toast With Gusto Owned By: Rick & Sue Copeland Richmond, Texas

Bred By: Kristin Kleeman Robyn & Kenneth Toth

Presented By: Scott Sommer Dog News 5








212 807.7100 x588

WESTMINSTER  138  AND  MASTERS  AGILITY  1 BRING  OVER  3,000  DOGS  TO  NEW  YORK  CITY Both  events  on  live  television,  both  sponsored  by  Purina  Pro  Plan The  138th  Annual  Westminster  Kennel  Club  All  Breed  Dog  show,  the  sport’s  most  famous  and  prestigious  event,  is  bigger  than  ever  in  2014  with  its  largest  entry  since  1990  and  with  the  addition  of  America’s  most  popular  canine  sport  to  its  activities.  Westminster’s  iconic  dog  show,  scheduled  for  Monday  and  Tuesday,  Feb.  10-­11,  at  Piers  92/94  and  Madison  Square  Garden,  drew  an  entry  of  2,845  as  America’s  Dog  Show  extends  its  standing  as  the  second-­longest  continuously-­held  sporting  event  in  this  country,  a  streak  that  began  in  1877.  The  inaugural  Masters  Agility  Championship  at  Westminster  on  Saturday,  Feb.  8  at  Pier  94,  is  the  opening  act  Westminster  weekend,  drawing  its  entry  limit  of  225  dogs  for  what  the  American  Kennel  Club  calls  â€œthe  most  exciting  canine  sport  for  spectators.â€? When  added  to  the  entry  for  the  Dog  Show,  that  means  that  more  than  3,000  dogs  will  be  coming  to  New  York  to  keep  one  notable  streak  alive  and  start  another.  Both  events  will  be  televised  live.  Purina  Pro  Plan  will  serve  as  WKH RIÂżFLDO SHW IRRG VSRQVRU IRU ERWK HYHQWV D UROH WKDW LW KDV played  for  the  All  Breed  Show  since  2012.  For  more  up-­to-­the-­minute  results,  video  and  photo  coverage  of  the  show,  visit  and  to  receive  daily  updates  and  show  results  via  Facebook, visit 6 Dog News



IAN MILLER 212 462.9624 CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Sharon Anderson George Bell Andrew Brace Agnes Buchwald Patricia Gail Burnham Shaun Coen Carlotta Cooper Geoff Corish Michael Faulkner Denise Flaim Geir Flyckt - Pedersen Allison Foley Yossi Guy Ronnie Irving Roz Kramer John Mandeville Linda More Desmond J. Murphy M. J. Nelson Sharon Pflaumer John Shoemaker Kim Silva Matthew H. Stander Sari Brewster Tietjen Patricia Trotter Connie Vanacore Carla Viggiano Nick Waters Seymour Weiss Minta (Mike) Williquette DOG NEWS PHOTOGRAPHERS Chet Jezierski Perry Phillips Kitten Rodwell Leslie Simis

DOG NEWS is sent to all AKC approved Conformation Judges with more than one breed every week and have adjudicated at a licensed AKC show within the past three years on a complimentary basis. No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without written permission from the editor. The opinions expressed by this publication do not necessarily express the opinions of the publisher. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted.

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. . e . . r o m e e S

s e o G e H r e v e r e h W s t r a e H g n i r C ap tu

8 Dog News

Best In Show Best In Specialty Show Multiple Group Winning

Am. GCh. & Can. Ch. Hil-N-Don & Canyonwood Seemore Of Me

Thank y ou Mrs. Eva Judge for this Berg hi competi ghly Sporting tive G ro u p Win

Ow n e r S i ls b y S . Pe l i s s e ro S h a d o w H i l l ES S S an t a B a r b a r a , C a l i f o rn i a

Co-Owners / Breeders Jayne Crouch Canyonwood ESS Donna Hoffman Hi l - N - Do n ESS

Exclusive Handler for Shadow Hill: Ellen Cottingham Katie Gregor - Assistant 360 904-1777 Dog News 9

The Weather Equation The unpredictability of the weather throughout the nation (not just in the wintertime one must add) is yet another indication of how little control people have over many a destiny in life. The recent snow and ice storms which have hit the mid, southern and eastern parts of the county and the impossible droughts in California are but two recent examples of how man must learn to cope with these acts of nature. Schedules are eroded, daily life plans changed and humbled, as the vagaries of weather seem to disrupt long established plans and events. Of immediate concern to those of us involved with the competitive side of the dog show world is what effect these disruptions of weather may or may not have on the annual eagerly anticipated Westminster Kennel Club’s dog show event. Time will tell but two snow storms have already occurred within the preparatory Westminster weekend and a third and even more harrowing one is anticipated on the weekend before or even the first day of Westminster itself. The most comforting part of these outside problems, which may or may not affect the event itself, is that the team behind the show is one of the strongest and most capable groups of people involved with dog shows. If solutions to these anticipated particular problems can be found be advised that Séan McCarthy, Tom Bradley and the indominate power behind the scenes Florence Foti will find them or at the very least make life more comfortable under challenging situations. The Fancy in the States and the sport worldwide is fortunate to have this grand and glorious show in their hands. These pages are confident that despite whatever obstacles the weather throws in the path of the 138th Westminster if it is possible to solve them or to at least to make them more bearable no better three people in our sport could be at the helm of operations to see to it that the dogs and the people who own them are made as comfortable as conditions will permit.

The Social Media Barrage AKC’s web site has been transformed within the past several months to a “feel good” site with an emphasis on such topics as the “Super Bowl Lab-Clydesdale relationship” rather than a quintessential site stressing topics more meaningful to its constituents. Why even the President of AKC now gives restaurant advice to show goers attending Westminster under the headline of “Tell Them Dennis Sent You!” But when was the last time you have heard either the Chairman of

the Board or the President speak out publicly on issues such as masking, the matching program of AKC’s for the CHF or give specifics about what is being done to increase registration? It was only recently that Alan Kalter publicly gave out limited registration figures of the last three years and this after considerable pressure was put on the organization to so do. Why even the Delegates on their e-line, albeit in conversations amongst themselves, are more forthcoming than are the social media folk at AKC with its own constituency. Sure it’s great to have a million friends and even greater to appeal to John Q Public and show that AKC is not the elitist organization it once was. But to ignore virtually totally the problems facing AKC, to keep the President’s thoughts under wraps as though he may be in total agreement with all Board and Delegate actions (which he may be) is continuing archaic policies that were developed when Messrs. Stifel and Maxwell were at the so-called helm. They in fact were little more than puppets to the different Boards under which they served. Sure it’s nice to learn where Dennis Sprung eats--hip hip for social media--but wouldn’t it be nice for the Board to permit us to hear publicly what he thinks about confrontational issues, too?

The Directors Questionnaire In this week’s issue of DOG NEWS we publish the eagerly awaited Questionnaire asked annually for the past twenty-three years of Delegates desirous of becoming or keeping Board seats for the next four years. This Questionnaire will be kept posted on our Web Site until after the election but of course maybe read thereafter from the archived issues of DOG NEWS all of which continue online. This year’s Questionnaire is the combined efforts of John Mandeville and Roz Kramer, two tough knowledgeable cookies with input from Matt Stander as well. As one can imagine in these sort of instances the answers are all over the lot and depending on your own thinking and philosophies one can agree with some and totally disagree with others. Not surprisingly these pages were most in agreement with many of Ron Menaker’s answers and most in disagreement with Dr. Garvin’s, particularly in the judging area. Ms. Scully was impressively forthright most of the time although her past voting history on the Board hardly stood up to some of her progressive answers. As for Mr. Dok when and if he answered the question he was pretty much on all fours but these pages found many of his replies simplistic and even somewhat evasive at times. We cannot say that based on the overall answers that these pages were impressed sufficiently to support any one candidate over the other but by reading tween the lines and knowing some people better than others there was one standout, one who answered wisely but too negatively on too many topics to satisfy the demands of these pages. It’s unfortunate that only one person decided to run from the floor this year for if ever sitting board members could have been fodder for the discontented it was this year but with really there being only one open seat the election looks like a no contest situation.

The Registration Quandary-A Single Tier Solution??? The registrations for AKC - both litter and individual - continue to fall although it looks as though 2013’s drop was not as bad as at least the three prior years. Indeed it’s beginning to look as though AKC has become the boutique registry for which so many of the hardcore constituents were hankering. Nonetheless all should not be considered lost. Properly handled with new and old ideas developed the growth factor for registrations may still become a possibility. Notwithstanding the rejection of the single tier philosophy by the hired AKC focus groups, which unfortunately may have unduly influenced the opinions of certain Staff and Board Members, the need to redevelop this idea MUST be discussed and developed by AKC. Perhaps it was at the Board’s Special Meeting - time will tell. Additionally these pages fall back to the Parent Clubs and the possibility of requiring a percentage of its membership required to register all litters born. Think of the infusion of cash that would have for AKC. And thirdly some plan must be developed to make the AKC registration papers of value to those wanting to own a purebred dog. More fertile minds than ours should be able to come up with plans insofar as putting more value upon the AKC paper registration than presently exists as a means to appeal to the general public. The very foundation that has proved so profitable and successful financially for AKC during the last 50 years or so must be reanalyzed and redeveloped and remodernized to meet the needs of today’s customer and once again that golden goose will begin to lay those golden eggs for AKC-you wait and see.

Thought For The Week The recent Farm Bill approved by the House and now the Senate had two important changes pushed hard by AKC and others in regard to the APHIS situation. Having a stronger definition of a “breeding female” and redefining to a point and reducing the term breeder to a smaller number of individuals were important steps hailed by AKC. While these pages are basically joyous with the results of these changes the fact is that this only reemphasizes the need for all AKC clubs to support as much as possible with financial aid the AKC/PAC fund. That Sheila Goffe and the AKC’s Government Relations Department have done such a yeoman’s job cannot be overly applauded. This department is one of the shining stars within AKC today. Let’s show our support and thanks by assisting PAC as much as we can!!!


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December 2013 meeting, the Directors of the AmeriAT ITS can Kennel Club voted 12 to 1 to approve

a pilot program to permit certain all-breed and group clubs to hold two point shows in one day. The minutes of that meeting state: “The shows may be held by the same club or multiple clubs. The number of point shows for an individual breed is limited to two per day. Club(s) may hold two all-breed shows in one day, two group shows of the same group in one day or a combination of all-breed and group shows. Consecutive days of multiple shows in one day are allowed. After one year of implementation, the success of the pilot program will be assessed and a report will be presented to the Board with a recommendation for future shows. PILOT PROGRAM The following limitations be placed on this pilot program: s !VAILABLE FOR SHOWS HELD AFTER -AY s #LUBS THAT HAD A SHOW OF ENTRIES OR LESS THE PREVIOUS YEAR ARE ELIGIBLE FOR THE PILOT PROGRAM !PPEALS FOR EXCEPTIONS WILL BE REVIEWED ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS s !LL BREED SHOWS MUST OFFER GROUP AND BEST IN SHOW COMPETITION 'ROUP SHOWS MUST OFFER GROUP COMPETITION s 4HE USE OF MULTIPLE GROUP RINGS AT ALL BREED SHOWS IS ENCOURAGED s .O CONCURRENT OR EVENING SPECIALTIES MAY BE HELD IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE SHOWS s *UNIOR 3HOWMANSHIP COMPETITION IS ALLOWED s /BEDIENCE AND 2ALLY COMPETITIONS ARE ALLOWED AND ENCOURAGED


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What is interesting about all this is that it was enacted without Delegate input even though AKC’s By-laws (ArticleXIX: Rules) stipulate that “The Delegates to the AKC shall have sole power to make the Rules governing dog shows and field trials and the clubs and associations formed to conduct them.� Some may argue that the Board adopted this pilot program as a policy rather than a Rule, since it is temporary in nature. However, after the year is up and the Board reassesses the program will it then be put before the Delegates for a vote up or down? It should be – as a matter of fact, it should have been presented to the Delegate Rules Committee for input before being passed by the Board. It is interesting to note that the proposal was put forth by the Superinten-

“...will exhibitors/handlers be exhausted from the long hours necessitated by two shows in a day? Will judges be just “pointing� to a known face or previous winner at the end of the day because they are mentally and physically worn out?� dents Association and not the Delegates, nor any Delegate Committee. The Superintendents want it because it means more revenue for them as their income from a show is based on entries and with the present trend of sliding entries it would be beneficial. AKC would also benefit from these additional entries based on the fee per entry it receives. Handlers could get more handling fees; photographers maybe more photos; judges possibly additional fees. But what about the clubs themselves? Would they really benefit? In certain parts of the country, it could help clubs. Any additional expenses could be minimal and the added revenue could make the difference as to whether or not a club continues to hold a show. However, these instances would be few and far between. There certainly is no guarantee that two shows a day will mean that many more entries. Most exhibitors are looking for points and majors which are generally not present at the small shows. They tend to save their money and time for the larger

shows and clusters that generally attract the entries to qualify for points/major wins. Aside from bypassing the Delegates, there are two particular problems with this proposal: 1) the dogs. Two shows a day means having a dog always ready to go in the ring with little opportunity for down time and a chance to just be a dog; and 2) AKC has not spelled out how this is going to work. It is almost as if the Board decided on a program without thinking it through and, as a result, has given the fancy little to go by in trying to understand how it will work. The proposal stipulates that appeals for exemption from the 500 dog limit of the previous year will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Translation: a club with Board/staff contacts can circumvent that limit. Furthermore, with too many shows as it is today, how is adding more shows going to be a plus? And what does this do to the rating systems that exist today? Is a dog going to have to win at 175 shows a year in order to be considered a top dog? Are we diluting the value of a win at an all-breed/group show? Will this just add to the concept of too many champions who garner their title by defeating the same dogs over and over? Then there is the people factor: will exhibitors/handlers be exhausted from the long hours necessitated by two shows in a day? Will judges be just “pointing� to a known face or previous winner at the end of the day because they are mentally and physically worn out? The present limit for a judge of 175 dogs entered is on a per show basis. This number does not include the groups/BIS or all the extra competitions such as Best Puppy, Bred-by, Veteran, Owner-Handled. Will this mean that a judge could possibly face 350 entered dogs, plus the extras? AKC has not spelled this out and, if the present limit of 175 dogs per day would cover both shows, then clubs could be put in a situation of having to hire additional judges. All in all, this whole project – as presented above from the Board minutes – has not been thoroughly vetted, did not go before the Delegate Committee (as it should have given the Delegates’ authority over dog show Rules), and is fraught with unanswered questions and probable problems. While it is presented as just a pilot program, it raises too many issues that should have been addressed before being presented to the fancy or even adopted by AKC’s Board of Directors.

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The Lighter Side of Judging BY MICHAEL H. FAULKNER

From Drags to Bitches O ne of the greatest joys I experience while judging dog shows, other than finding wonderful examples of breed specific stock, is sharing adventures with life-long friends who are obsessed with the same passion. I am extremely selective to whom I open my heart and my home. But, once the door has been opened, I am loyal to a fault and treasure every moment I spend with those I value. So, you can only imagine my excited state while I continue to pack for the Middle Peninsula Kennel Club Dog Show and while I prepare to meet my two dear friends DR.D from Long Island and DOT (Daughter of Thor) from Chicago, who are both judging our local shows this weekend and who are scheduled to arrive at the host hotel in less than an hour’s time. “Yes, I would like to make reservations for five for this coming Saturday’s Drag Dinner, Please,” I relay to Jeff through the DROID held in my left hand. My left hand continues to stuff dress socks and underwear into black-ballistic-nylonrolling-garment-bag’s right side upper zippered compartment. “OK, we have you down for five. Your party needs to arrive by 6:15 and I will need a credit card to secure the reservation.” Providing the necessary combinations of letters, numbers, dates, and the security code located on the back of my VISA card, seals the deal. “Fabulous--after Saturday’s Middle Peninsula Kennel Club of Virginia’s dog show--BIG MICHAEL and I will be treating Dr. D and DOT (Daughter of Thor) along with MISSE (a dear friend from Tappahannock) to an evening of glitz and glamour at GODFREYS. And, the exciting part will be introducing DR.D, DOT, and MISSE to HEAVEN-LEIGH KENNEDY, BIG MICHAEL’S cousin and host for Godfrey’s Drag Dinner in Richmond, VA,” I silently ponder while Jeff finishes the conversation with added details. It takes me an additional ten minutes to complete the packing process. Before my departure, I quickly tap out a text message to HEAVEN-LEIGH KENNEDY to let

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her know we are coming to the show. “Hi there, Cousin Mike and I are coming to dine with you Saturday night with two friends from out of town. They are in Richmond to judge the dog show and thought we would have a fun night out. It will be great seeing you. I made reservations...I hope you are there. Oh, we are also bringing a dear friend from home, too.” “Wow that’s exciting. Thank you for coming. Yes I’m there! I’m hosting by the way. We’re going to have a ball. Cousin---Oops, Cousin In-Love.” “Perfect...I did not want to shock you and show

up unannounced...LOL” “LOL, well you know we get a little risqué---hope that’s going to be OK---I can get a little naughty on the microphone….” “Oh please, the more the merrier. This crowd can handle it!” “You must bust on my hunky best friend from Long Island---DR.D---it’s his birthday in a few weeks and he is great fun. Our other friend is from Chicago--DOT---she loves the boys…if you know what I mean. And, cousin M wants you to come and see us.” “Smooches......see you soon.” HEAVEN-LEIGH KENNEDY clicks off. While exiting the drive onto Route 17 en route to the Four Points Sheraton, Richmond International Airport Hotel, I phone BIG MICHAEL and leave him a voice message with scheduling updates, and news from cousin HEAVEN-LEIGH KENNEDY. I quietly reflect on her

courage and her ability to throw caution to the wind and go after what she loves to do. See, to me, drag queens do! They go after their dreams, their passions, and they put themselves out there and take risks. Halfway down route 684 to route 360, I fall victim to an OBE (out of body experience). I am amazed at my ability to simultaneously stay focused on the road while reflecting on my first, very own courageous (though unsolicited) drag experience. At the tender age of twelve, my two older sisters forcibly transformed me into a young girl in support of their personal efforts to meet three boys at the end of Vorhis Street. They established a mutual time to meet, with a guarantee that three young boys would meet and fall in love with three young girls. Well, since the sisters only numbered two, their scheme to transform me into voluptuous young “Vixen Number Three” became reality beyond my personal desires and WAY beyond my control. This particular transformation was not for the purpose of self-expression, performance, or entertaining. It was not a HEAVEN– LEIGH KENNEDY creative outlet, a means of self-expression or a cultural statement--it was pure hell. The process of getting a pre-pubescent twelve-year-old “me” into drag took little time compared to the hours it takes mature drag queens to get into character. Lies and brutal force were all it took to complete the finished product. I was threatened with the beating of my life, if I did not follow Sister One and Sister Two to the end of the street to meet our dates. I held my head low while grasping the stop sign at the intersection of Vorhis Street and Queen Ann Street (Go figure!). Two braided, blonde pigtails framed my face and helped disguise my nervous state. I had no intention of muttering a single word, let alone breaking out in song and dance for everyone’s enjoyment. Sister One and Sister Two anxiously paced between the stop sign and the railroad tracks, waiting for the three boys. After thirty minutes of waiting, sweating, and trying to compose myself, the three boys never showed, releasing me from the grips of my two sisters and the none too subtle threats of bodily harm. I immediately rushed back to the house, through the front door, up the stairs and locked myself in the CONTINUED ON PAGE 152

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With the city of Atlanta, Georgia paralyzed by an ice storm last Wednesday and Thursday do you think it took too long to call the show off that day?

h on Of T Questi

CARMEN BATTAGLIA Decisions to cancel a show must be given a lot of thought because of the number of people affected. I live north of the city and the show site is very near the airport on the south side of the city. This is a distance of about 30 miles. We have a number of interstate highways ( I- 10, I – 85, I 75 and I 285) that all connect inside our belt way. My neighborhood was dangerous for 3 days after the storm but the roads nearby were passable. It all depended on where you lived, your streets and connectors that varied with ice and passable roads. Atlanta often times gets storms and the affected areas differ considerably. I think those who had to make this call got a lot of mixed signals but made the right call. Those who I know that had entered agreed with the call and the time it took. SYLVIA ARROWWOOD YES! DARYL MARTIN I feel whether they called the show off or not, people have to make good judgement, no matter how they are involved with the show. Safety for people and safety for dogs should be anyone’s first concern. How much money is lost, or how many wins are lost should not enter the picture when there is an unforeseen disaster. JENNIFER STEVENS So Georgia is under a state of emergency, people are stuck in gas stations, or Home Depots, kids stuck in school, people on highways for 20 hours, they are calling it the worst traffic jam in American history, plow trucks are stuck, and the government is insisting no one go on the roads, but the dog show is not canceled? What’s wrong with this picture? MARIPI WOOLDRIDGE If the Governor of Georgia calls for a state of emergency on Wednesday, why would it take more time for a show chairman to cancel the dog show for Thursday? Delaying the show for two hours on Thursday before actually canceling was ridiculous.... just my humble opinion...

DON WATSON Emergency Coordinator, Cherokee Rose Cluster My name is Don Watson and I am the Emergency Coordinator for the Cherokee Rose Cluster and it was my responsibility to make the decision concerning whether to delay or cancel the show for Thursday. I knew that the weather was predicted to be cold with the possibility of a dusting of snow in the Atlanta area. I was at the show site on Tuesday A.M. and the weather was fine. When I returned home I found out that the storm had shifted north and that Atlanta would get more than a dusting. On Wednesday morning it was obvious that the storm was worse than anticipated. There are a lot of things that must be considered

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when canceling a show. First and foremost is the safety of exhibitors, Judges, and club members. Second, there were approximately 2000 entries at this show and the exhibitors had spent a lot of money on these entries, so consideration must be given to them so that they could show their dogs. On Wednesday morning, I notified the Superintendent that I was postponing the Thursday show until 12:00 noon. They in turn notified AKC of the pending delay. This was posted on both sites. Also I made calls to exhibitors and informed them of the delay and asked them to send text messages to all their friends and to help set up a network of letting as many exhibitors aware of the situation as possible. Later in the day, Wednesday, it became obvious that the conditions were getting worse and there were major traffic problems not only in Atlanta, but in the surrounding states. Around 2:00 P.M. I called the Superintendent and notified him that the Thursday show was being canceled and asked him to post it on his web site and notify AKC of this action. Again I started the network of texting to get the word to as many exhibitors as possible. I also had to consider the show on Friday, but conditions had improved and there were a lot of exhibitors on the show grounds, so I thought that it was not necessary to cancel the show on Friday. In conclusion, I gave consideration to all the possible factors and did what was best for the exhibitors both safety wise and fairness. I know that there were some exhibitor that did not get the notification, but I used every means at my disposal to get the word out. GAIL LABERGE I believe the correct decision was made in canceling Thursday’s show, the safety of people and dogs is more important than trying to host a show when travel conditions may not be safe. We are north of the City, 50 miles from the show site, and our weather conditions were different. By Wednesday afternoon travel was not a problem in our area. I did not hear anyone over the weekend complaining about the time it took for the show to be cancelled.

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e all know how much these three words have meant for so many. Coming from all over the world, this is the country of Freedom and Opportunity. The Melting Pot! Everything is possible, whether you aspire to become a successful businessman or famous actor, America was and probably still is the place where you can make it all happen. And sitting here as a US resident, with wife and son who were originally Swedish now being US citizens, while I still have a Norwegian passport, seems in a way unreal. On the other hand, Norwegians never liked Swedes, so maybe this transition will be a good thing for us all…Norwegians and Americans always get along.. Growing up in Bergen, Norway with a direct connection by sea to New York and America, what is particularly etched into my memory is the image of the “Christmas Ship” from NY, in full Christmas Attire (American style I suppose) sailing in the fjord at night, while hundreds and hundreds of spectators were lining the docks. There was something magic and mysterious about it. Many came just to enjoy the spectacle, but many to welcome home family members who years ago had emigrated to the Promised Land and finally had accumulated enough wealth to visit the family over Christmas “back home”. They were treated like royaltyand surely most of them were very proud of what they had achieved. (if you’d failed you probably did not return…) More than half of my grand parents’ siblings had emigrated 26 Dog News

and to this day I wonder how they who came from a freezing country could choose Minnesota, Wyoming or the Dakotas when there were places like Florida and California… Not much contact with these people during the year, but stacks of Christmas Cards and impressive photos of their homes and families. And of course, at times we telephoned our distant relatives in stead of cards and letters- and we were all allowed to speak for 2 minutessupervised by my father with stop watch in hand… Certainly a long way from today’s Skyping. My own American Dream was of a totally different character. My mentor was every month handed a bunch of doggy magazines from the US and these eventually ended up in my bedroom and were read and absorbed from the first page till the last. All those photos, articles and Ads- absolutely fantastic. The thought of importing any dog from the US was of course beyond my means, but I actually as a 12 year old wrote to a number of terrier breeders, and a couple of them became my “pen friends” for a few years. Living in a country where we had rather few all breed shows and only one dog magazine, the kennel club’s own, where you got all the news 2 or 3 months after they took place -and making a living from showing dogs seemed like a joke- all this insight into this heavenly place called America seemed like a dream. So My American Dream was to one day get a chance to cross the Atlantic and spend some time with one of those famous terrier handlers- or any handler for that matter.

For some reason that never happened as my first visit to this country happened many years later and even then I thought this was Heaven. Reading articles about famous kennels like Hetherington, the Mardomeres, the Rockefellers’ Bedlingtons, other kennels, lots of dogs and many employees- not to talk about shows like Westminster, Morris and Essex plus Santa Barbara. In our world it was virtually impossible to get a decent photo of a dog. Sweden had a few decent photographers, but I dare say, Norway none. Which of course makes it difficult to prove that we in days gone by had a number of excellent dogs in the country, as their photos in many cases are nothing but ugly. The English magazines were of course much better, but sadly so many breeders chose to use retouched photos in their ads, which were nothing but paintings and of no historical value whatsoever. So looking at those fabulous pictures signed Joan Ludwig and many of her excellent contemporaries was a real treat. Also the fact that breeders and owners were willing to spend so much money on photos and advertising was fascinating. And mentioned so many times: There was a country in the world where people could actually make a living by showing dogs. Unbelievable, but for some reason such a crutch when you tried to justify this interest or craze you were obsessed by, to yourselves as well as others. I loved all those stories told by English as well as Scandinavian people who had judged over there, about the dress code, discipline, level of handling and presentation. Names like Roberts, Kamp, Rogers, Forsyth, Gately, Ward, Young, Hallmark, later CONTINUED ON PAGE 168


The Number One* Bichon Frise 2013

Reserve Best In Show -足 Thank you Judge Mrs. Nancy Hafner

Bingo is a Multiple Best In Show and Multiple Specialty Best in Show winner Winner of the Bichon Frise Club of America National Specialty

GCh. SAKS Winning Card Breeders Roberta Bleecker Shirley Hamilton

Owners Sarah Ayers Cecelia Ruggles Sandra and Kieth Hanson

Presented By Scott Sommer

*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points

Dog News 27

28 Dog News


*CC System

Dog News 29

Inside The Sport



F EVER a cluster of dog shows could help stem the tide of public hostility fueled against dogs and dog lovers by PETA and their followers, the Michigan Winter Classic would be a top candidate. Thousands of spectators enjoyed the myriad of activities staged by the Livonia and Oakland County Kennel clubs in Novi MI, 20 miles outside of Detroit, last weekend with thousands of dogs getting their undivided attention. The Winter Classic was like a doggy Disneyland designed to attract families to our sport, and as spectators filed through the doors a large sign told them “How To Greet A Dog� with the first instructions listed directing them to talk to the owners first. The weekend provided a very userfriendly environment with assorted dog experiences that might inspire some to become future BY PAT TROTTER master breeders. For the conformation rings were Photos of Michigan Winter Classic surrounded by spectators with bleachers at each by Kim Booth CONTINUED ON PAGE 172

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32 Dog News

Dog News 33

OF BESTS THE WEEK Union County Kennel Club Wirehaired Dachshund

GCh. Legibach Captain Crunch SW

Judge Mr. Larry Berg Owners Sally Sweatt, Gina Middings, Pat Leone Handler Angela Lloyd

Sawnee Mountain Kennel Club of Georgia Lawrenceville Kennel Club Portuguese Water Dog

GCh. Claircreek Impression De Matisse

Judge Mr. Robert L. Vandiver Judge Mr. Robert Stein Owners Milan Lint, Peggy Helming & Donna Gottdenker Handler Michael Scott Hobbs New Mexico Kennel Club - Sunday Toy Poodle

GCh. Donnchada Angel Wings at Dulcinea Judge Dr. Anthony D. Dinardo Owners Sue Talkington & Elizabeth Brown Handler Elizabeth Brown Conyers Kennel Club of Georgia Skye Terrier

Ch. Cragsmoor Goodtime Charlie Judge Mr. Houston Clark Owners Victor Malzoni, Jr. Handler Larry Cornelius St. Joseph Kennel Club Siberian Husky

Ch. Antara’s Nothing To Sneeze At

Judge Mr. James Frederiksen Owners Tedi Devlin, Erin Brandon & Tommy O Handler Erin Brandon Alexandria Kennel Club Whippet

GCh. Karasar’s Masterpiece

Judge Mrs. Donnelle Richards Owners Kerrie Kuper, Neil Barthelette, Karen Mlynar & William Othick Handler Kerrie Kuper Great Barrington Kennel Club - Sunday Irish Water Spaniel

GCh. Whistlestop’s Riley On Fire Judge Mrs. Sandra Walker Owners Gregory Siner and Tom and Bethany Urban Handler Rick Krieger

34 Dog News

To report an AKC All Breed Best In Show or National Specialty Win Call, Fax or Email before 12:00 Noon 4UESDAY &AX s 0HONE Email:

Dog News 35

36 Dog News

Dog News 37

2.- W ho is/ was y MY our m D entor A 3.D-H in do O W WA gs? RD ha HU tw BE RJ as R. yo ur m os t im po rta nt do gs ho w wi n?


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Questions Asked of.:






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6.-Whic “Surviv h two people or”? would you hav IT’S e face o A TO Ȕ on 7.SS U P BE You TWE EN get THE y BET AL o ur n TIS B LO ROT ew FT HER s fr HE S AN DD M o m OUG . CN IE A ND N, JOH Fox N. Ne ws, PBS , lo cal or n one ?



Howard Huber III


38 Dog News

Feeling The Love... International BEST IN SHOW Winning



aka “

Adding to his recent win record another Group Second And Three Group Thirds at the VENTURA weekend. Thank You To All The Judges Owners Roberta Lombardi, Jan Lee Bernards and Kersti Paju

Breeders Roberta Lombardi, Kris Harrison & Peggy Hoffman

Handler David Murray

Dog News 39

News From AKC President, Dennis Sprung At the December 2013 Delegates meeting, I was honored to announce a new award initiative — AKC Breeders of the Year By Sport — and reveal the 2013 award recipients. Congratulations to these breeders. We’re proud to have people so dedicated to purpose-bred dogs participating in AKC events. Our 2013 honorees are: Agility: Janice DeMello of Rochester, Washington for her Hob Nob Border Collies Obedience: Yvonne Piefer of Neosho, Wisconsin for her Tanbark Golden Retrievers Rally: Elaine Brent of West Salem, Ohio for her One Ash Golden Retrievers Tracking: Amy & William Vose of Paw Paw, Illinois for their Ashmead German Shepherd Dogs Pointing Breed Field Events: Katie & Tom Tazza of Washington Depot, Connecticut for their Up ‘N Adam German Shorthaired Pointers Retriever Field Events: Mary Howley of Portage, Wisconsin for her Candlewood Labradors

THE 12

breeding programs we honored this year have excelled in producing dogs successful in a companion or performance event. The commitment to preserve, protect and improve a breed represents the very essence of the AKC and these breeders have dedicated themselves to improving the health, temperament and performance of the dogs in their sport. I think Doug Ljungren, AKC’s VP for Sports and Events, who was part of the selection committee that chose these breeding programs, said it best: “Not only did these individuals breed dogs that excelled in their selected sport, many of the dogs earned titles in other venues. The accomplishments of these breeders represent the highest level of commitment to their breeds and sports.” 42 Dog News

Spaniel Field Events: Gary Wilson of Cannisteo, New York for his Sunrise English Springer Spaniels ESS Hound Field Events: Robert Hartman of Columbia, Pennsylvania for his Del-Hart Beagles Herding: Rebecca Beckmann of Stacy, Minnesota for her Rising Sun Farm Border Collies Lure Coursing: Donna & Larry Richards of Denver, North Carolina for their TNT Whippets Earthdog: Harriet Haydon of Puyallup, Washington for her Sunkist Border Terriers Coonhounds: Terry Vance of Corinth, Kentucky for his Vance Treeing Walker Coonhounds Sincerely, Dennis B. Sprung President and CEO

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WESTMINSTER AND CRUFTS COMPARED AND CONTRASTED It was surely a no-brainer to move the breed judging for the Westminster Kennel Club Show from the Garden to some other place. I have only ever been able to attend Westminster a few times and on two of those occasions I went as a judge. My immediate reaction from that point of view was always that what I regarded as the most important part of any show – namely the breed judging – was not at all well served by the rings at the Garden.


rankly, in some breeds, you could hardly get all of the dogs in a class comfortably into the ring let alone give them a real opportunity to move and show to advantage. Equally, as exhibitors, it must have been really quite a headache in the crush and clutter of the benching area to get much pleasure from having dogs there. Now of course the exhibitors complain about the distance and the logistics of getting from the Piers to the Garden. Then there’s the fact that the show is held at a time of year when the weather in NYC can be quite vile. Equally there are the complaints that there are far too many members of the public present asking ‘stupid’ questions. And finally the media are sure to pick up on various ‘news issues’ on the back of the fame of Westminster. The tenor, though not necessarily the substance and details, of all of those complaints reminds me so much of the same type of criticisms that come every year from exhibitors and the UK dog fancy when Crufts approaches. ‘What a stupid time of year; far 46 Dog News

too many of the general public wandering around; far too difficult to get from one ring to the other; car parking too expensive and not conveniently placed; the national press taking a swipe at the world of dogs.’ Everyone likes to complain about Crufts just as they do about Westminster. That is one of the things that the two shows have in common. There are other resemblances to which I’ll return later but there are of course a number of significant differences as well.


One of the biggest differences is of course the size and number of dogs – Crufts covers about 25 acres of exhibition space and usually has between 21,000 and 22,000 dogs with Westminster these days being around 3000. That means that the largest breed entry at Westminster (Labrador Retrievers) at 76 is rather smaller than the largest at Crufts (Golden Retrievers) at 599. The range of canine activities at Crufts is also much wider with, as well as the

conformation show, everything from Heelwork to Music to Good Citizen Rings, Agility to Obedience and from Canine Health Zones to ‘Meet the Breeds’ (or ‘Discover Dogs’ as well call it). It is good that Westminster too has now decided to bring Agility into the fold. Another difference is that Crufts for the past seventy years or so has been owned and run by TKC. Westminster on the other hand very carefully guards fiercely and values greatly its independence from the AKC. But let us concentrate on the similarities between the two shows rather than the differences. The first similarity is of course that everyone in the USA has heard of Westminster just as everyone in the UK has heard of Crufts. Sometimes one imagines that many of them think that Westminster and Crufts are the only dog shows in their respective countries! In the case of the UK, when you tell friends who are not involved in the dog fancy that there are a total of over 4500 CONTINUED ON PAGE 120

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*The Dog News Top Ten List

48 Dog News

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Perspective “ON THE DAY”

Judges often speak of how they saw the dogs they judged ON THE DAY. What does that mean? Too many exhibitors may fail to grasp all the implications of that phrase. Judges use the phrase quite a bit, but do exhibitors really understand what the judges are saying?


ome while back, an exhibitor reportedly was lamenting about the “most devastating loss” of a lengthy career in dogs. What was this terrible loss? Well, it seems that many months before, the dog shown by the exhibitor won a very nice Best of Breed in excellent competition. The “terrible loss” was that this time around, the same judge awarded another entry Best of Breed on the day. A similar attitude can be heard at times when an exhibitor says the judge “dumped” his or her dog. What can be lost in the emotion of the moment is that the judge may very well have greatly liked the exhibitor’s dog, but ON THE DAY, another dog prevailed for some reason or other. That’s not “dumping,” it may be more like a photo finish, but in the conformation ring there are no ties - only one can win, even if it’s only by a nose. By way of illustration, quite (!) a few years ago (long, long before Selects) a friend was watching me judge a good size entry of a certain Herding breed at a show we’ll call the Soggy Bottom KC. To my eyes, of the several nice

50 Dog News

dogs in the Best of Breed class, there were two especially pleasing ones. One was a seasoned showdog, the other a relative newcomer, and the latter dog appeared a little soft and bouncy in topline, which cost him the BB win. About a year later, the former newcomer appeared again in my ring, mature and solid in topline, and I was happy to give him the breed and later on the Group. Upon hearing this my friend, who was not present at the second show, exclaimed, ”But you don’t like that dog!” Huh? I don’t? “Well you didn’t put him up at the Soggy Bottom show last year!” Dear friend, said I, I liked him very much at the SBKC, but on the day, he was bested by the BB winner on firmness of back. Dogs don’t stay the same over time, and competition doesn’t either. When a judge awards a dog, he or she does not buy that dog. He or she does not marry that dog; there is no vow to be faithful “for better or for worse.” Many things can be different ON THE DAY. The venue, for example. Judges have commented on dogs that shine out of doors in a spacious ring with good footing, while the same dog indoors in a smaller ring with less secure footing just doesn’t present the same appealing picture. Heat, cold, noise, bitches in season affecting both the boys and the girl in question, can alter the way a dog appears on the day. Condition – too fat, too thin, in poor coat either in quantity or quality, all must be weighed in the judge’s evaluation against the rest of the entry. Showmanship – does the dog appear weary and perhaps run down, or does it look happy and composed within the definition of correct CONTINUED ON PAGE 140

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GCh. Quiet Creek’s Kiss and Tell 52 Dog News


Kiss is now the top winning bloodhound bitch of all time with 30 All breed Best In Shows

# 4 Hound, #1 Bloodhound All Breed

Judge Dr. Gareth Morgan-Jones


Judge Mrs. Lowell Davis

Owners/Breeders: Susan LaCroix Hamil Heather Whitcomb Laguna Beach, California

Handlers: Bruce Schultz Tara Schultz *The Dog News Top Ten List




ontgomery 2013 has come and gone. For some, it was an unforgettable time at their first Montgomery weekend and for others it represented another year with special memories shared with special friends. Montgomery “week” is our Kentucky Derby, Super Bowl, Final Four and The Masters all wrapped into one! It is far more than a series of dog shows and performance events. Although we come together as a group connected by Airedale Terriers, we share much more. We have a history, we work together well, and we aim to advance the bar just a little for our breed. It is a labor of love and a huge commitment. We plan, sacrifice, and bond with our dogs and our friends. Those unable to maintain a breeding program participate and contribute in many other ways. We are a close family. This year our activities started on Tuesday with agility trials which ran through Friday. Wednesday was the Garden State All Terrier

dogs moving up in the ribbons. Best of Breed at both Hatboro events was awarded to GCh. Joval Angel’s Whisper owned by Valeria and John Rickard. “Whispa” went on to a Group 4 placement at the Thursday show. It was a special thrill to watch Thursday’s breed judge, Woody Wornall, sort out the Airedales on Thursday. Many spectators commented on his obvious enjoyment of the assignment and the gentle touch he had with both dogs and their handlers! Thursday night, our hospitality committee hosted a terrific party for attendees featuring cheeses, hors d’ oeuvres and liquid refreshment reflecting our English theme. An informative health seminar followed with Dr. Meryl Littman discussing “Kidney Disease in SCWT and Airedales”. She gave much credit to the Wheaten Club

Valley of Aire RECREATED IN PA. Trial for obedience/rally. Thursday was rally, Friday was obedience and Saturday was our ATCA obedience/rally. Sunday was Montgomery County obedience/rally. Our outstanding dog was Ch. Plum Perfect’s All That Jazz, UDX3, OM5, RNAXPAJP, owned by Christine Hyde. He was High Scoring Airedale at Garden State, HIT at our ATCA show and High Scoring Airedale at MCKC. It was a special treat this year to have obedience held on the conformation show grounds at Hatboro and Montgomery County Kennel Club to allow those exhibitors with dual interest to participate in and watch obedience and conformation events. Wednesday afternoon the ATCA Board of Directors met followed by an evening spent connecting with friends and participating in an excellent breeder’s seminar entitled “Selecting The Stud Dog and Other Games of Chance”. Our presenter was Kathi Brown, well known Scotty breeder and Terrier Judge. Her presentation prompted many discussions among serious breeders and all of us will have new thoughts when planning our next breeding. Conformation shows started with the Hatboro Dog Club events on Thursday and Friday. The sun shone brightly and our dogs tolerated the heat well. Entries were good and it was encouraging to see some younger 54 Dog News

for their commitment to this issue and explained the current issues and progress being made. Friday night featured our annual banquet with the theme “Valley of Aire“, followed ATCA’s annual meeting with President April Clyde presiding. Tables were decorated with sparkling centerpieces and English pub mugs painted with a beautiful Airedale logo for each guest. The AKC Good Sportsmanship award was presented to Linda Baake Jarvis. Following a good meal and our annual auction, it was off to dog chores and bed! Saturday’s Devon Show was again warm and the absence of rain and mud made for a good showsite. It was nice to see different dogs going up each day throughout the classes. On this day, judge Kathy Ferris found GCh. Penaire’s Chip Leader at Longvue owned by Joan and William Clarke and April and Todd Clyde for her Best of Breed award. Obviously this year the heavy weather gear stayed in our bags. Many spectators and exhibitors

made a shopping run to the local department stores in search of cotton to replace the wool show outfits in their suitcases! Warm weather prevailed throughout the week only to give way to an overcast, cooler morning on Sunday. Later, Best of Breed competition enjoyed sunny skies and the dogs seemed to know the spotlight was on them. This year’s entry of 89 for the Regular Classes and 23 for Puppy Sweepstakes reflected our breeder excellence and the commitment of the entry owners.


he setting at Montgomery is always a sight to see. Thanks to the MCKC show committee for providing a larger ring this year to show off the movement and sparring of the Airedale Terriers. The trophy table gleamed with Sterling Silver trophies crowned by the fabulous “Airedale Terrier bowl”. The trophy table and ring was decorated with fall flowers and pumpkins and it made for a beautiful backdrop for our dogs. The ring was surrounded with Airedale “family” and fans in rows of chairs, awaiting the results for each class, the traditional red book and pen in hand! There is a certain type of electricity in the air at the Montgomery show. We who are watching know it, exhibitors know it and the dogs know it! Sweeps is always fun to watch and the able hands of Susan Rogers found two bitch puppies for her winners. Singing Hills Allie of Waggin-Aire owned by Bruce and Caron Jones and Dorothy Boeving was awarded Best Puppy in Sweepstakes and Timberwyck Kiss N Tell owned by Susan Kuhn and Cece and Tom Bolz was awarded best Junior and Best in Sweepstakes. Our Best of Breed dog this year was a standout and in the end, received the nod from Breeder Judge Charlie Foley. The name of GCh. Penaire’s Chip Leader at Longvue owned by Joan and William Clarke and April and Todd Clyde will be added to the beautiful silver Airedale Bowl. If you were unable to be with us this year, we missed you. Keep the foul weather gear ready, just in case, and plan for Montgomery 2014. We’ll be looking for you! In keeping with our theme this year, we say “come next year ye lads and lassies”!

BiTE oF ThE ApPLe Circa 2014

56 Dog News

BY MATTHEW H. STANDER I will start this BITE OF THE APPLE with a thought very similar to the one expressed last year in the 2013 BITE. Why continue this sort of exercise in giving you the reader my uninformed opinion of where I like to visit in Manhattan? After all this sort of stuff is all over the social media outlets given by people who frequently get paid for their opinions in these matters, many of whom are considered expert in their fields. What I write is based on my experiences and travels through the years and I will admit that there is a hard core of you who do want to hear about what I have seen and done in the past year or so. The numbers seem to dwindle unfortunately as the years go by but those of you who are still around and value what I suggest (or merely want to make fun of what I write) here it goes for what it is worth. By the way, please do not tell anyone that I have sent you to their restaurant for unlike my good friend Dennis I have never in the some 25 or 30 years I have been writing this annual column wanted anything but anonymity in my relationships with these purveyors of goods and services. And oh, yes, as many of you will recall I usually start with restaurants and places near the Garden to go to but what with Westminster being split between the Piers and the Garden I have decided to start this BITE with happenings primarily on West 57th Street, which may encompass East 57th Street as well.

the street. Try the incredible lobster roll or the perfectly cooked Chatham Cod. And quite frankly there is not a better new steakhouse in NYC (don’t tell Dennis he still thinks that Benjamins is the cats meow-me I think it’s a whisker hardly a meow) than Mike Stillman’s tender, tender, tender Tomahawk rib chop at QUALITY ITALIAN AT 57 W.57 212-390-1111 where both the chicken and Veal parm are legendary and dished out in pizza sized slices of gigantic pizzas--no worry here about small portions. Try the steak for sure but be sure you are on the expense account believe you me. And then of course there is the CLEMENT in the PENINSULA HOTEL at 700 5th at 55th Street for a super-chic ambiance prevails with food a la farm to table fare or you may want to try ARMANI RESTORANTE inside the Armani Store on 5th Ave at 57th two stories above 5th. Open for lunch and dinner Monday through Saturday with Sunday brunch only it’s

BETONY 57TH STREET-MANHATTAN’S MIDTOWN MAKEOVER Certainly one of the hottest and most difficult restaurants to get a reservation is BETONY at 41 West 57th Street 212-465-2400 where the inventive food--try trout roe and extraordinary drinks are tough to beat. Opened by several alums of Eleven Madison Park, the portions are not the largest in the world as one might expect if you have ever eaten at 11 but they have brought the 21st century gourmet style to

sort of an odd but fun place. There are some good wines under $50 a bottle but ask the sommelier to find them--I could not. And then of course the famed KING COLE BAR in the ST REGIS has reopened and is serving food as well as drink again and sentimentally there is no place I like to return to more than that bar. Mrs. Cheever Porter years ago, who of course was one of Jane Forsyth’s more memorable clients, oft took me there for dinner usually the night after she had dinner with Jane and Bob the night before. The menu was the same-broiled fish and potatoes and since I was a “better” boy than Bob I got peas with my meal and a second shot at CONTINUED ON PAGE 82


Dog News 57

The Need for Self Confidence in the Judging Ring


years ago, when I was quite young, I remember being privy to a conversation that took place at a dog show where two quite elderly all-rounder judges who had been kind enough to take me under their wing were explaining what qualities were essential in an effective dog judge. One comment that I never forgot – probably because at the time it puzzled me to an extent – was “the dividing line between self-confidence and arrogance is as thin as a piece of cotton.” This observation had been made as the direction the conversation had taken had brought the two sages to a point where they were discussing judges who prefer to simply play followmy-leader rather than actually JUDGING the dogs in front of them without the advantage (or disadvantage, depending on one’s viewpoint) of knowing what individual dogs have won, how they were bred, owned and such like. They made the point that occasionally dogs do crop up in breeds that are very much ahead of the majority with whom they compete at breed level and often such dogs, with sensible campaigning, rack up mighty records of which they are entirely worthy. However, it was stressed that all too often such dogs have only to walk into the ring for them to be handed the Breed ribbon, regardless of their condition or performance on the day, and regardless of the competition. Many big-winning dogs, although their wins have been

BRACE YOURSELF BY ANDREW BRACE entirely deserved, do on occasion win automatically to reinforce their record, when one of the “sheep” is judging. I have written many articles in the past on the subject of the necessity to judge dogs “cold”, without giving any consideration to previous form or any of the other extraneous garbage that can cloud a judge’s mind if they let it. To many judges, rubber-stamping a top winner is a safe option. In so doing they rock no boats and join the band of the dog’s previous admirers. If the dog has been JUDGED and found to be up to the mark, then the win is deserved. If it is not however, because there is superior

“To many judges, rubberstamping a top winner is a safe option. In so doing they rock no boats and join the band of the dog’s previous admirers.”

competition waiting in the wings to be discovered, then the unremarkable judge has abandoned his obligation to the breed. That said, it must be emphasised that adopting the role of giant killer and going out of your way to demote the reigning superstar in a misguided attempt to prove “honesty” is nothing short of foolhardy and morally wrong. Denying any dog an award it deserves is more of a crime than making a dog win an award it doesn’t. Some people fail to see the difference but it is there, albeit subtle. Judges often subconsciously like to do something different, to find something new and thus avoid the “well that was predictable” moans ringside, but discovering for discovering’s sake when the requisite level of merit is not present to topple the opposition is highly irresponsible. So in my formative years I was well aware that it was necessary to judge every dog as if it were a stranger, ignoring any information I may well have about it, and as a result I have frequently added to the wins of great ones, but at the CONTINUED ON PAGE 124

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*Number Four overall, The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed

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COMMENTS What The Delegates Say Among Themselves On The Subject Of Mixed Breeds And The AKC



y later post suggested that we use performance venues with our purebreds to encourage owners of “dogs with uncertain backgrounds” to purchase a purebred and get interested in conformation as well as performance. I’ve never suggested that we throw the baby out with the bath water or veer from the mission of breeding and promoting the purebred dog. I don’t believe it is fair to label anyone in this group as wanting to abandon the purebred dog or their breeders. Kathy Coxwell BCCA Del


he Bernese Mtn. Dog Club of America followed the AKC’s policy and we now allow neutered mixed breeds in our draft tests. We have seen NO indication that anyone is crossbreeding because of this policy. Nor have I seen any indication of anyone doing cross-breeding breed a better obedience dog. I don’t do agility but I can’t imagine a more agile dog than many of the purebreds that I have witnessed when I have stewarded. Border Collies rock. When a Parent Club requires that a dog be neutered/spayed to be entered in their performance events, how does that promote breeding exactly? Mary Alice Eschweiler Waukesha KC


e certainly don’t need to allow mixed breeds in conformation, but I see no reason not to allow trained dogs to participate in performance events. We can refuse to change and be left behind (or destroyed), or we can start facing reality and move forward. But most importantly, we must work together to try and reach a compromise, not continue to tear one another apart for 62 Dog News

expressing an opinion. Speaking for myself, Kathy Coxwell Attorney and Alabama State Bar Certified Mediator BCCA Del


think this post hits our problem exactly on the head -- “.... we certainly need to stick together without blasting our base of existence.” With animal extremists pushing, with public opinion shifting, and with varying opinion among dog people including our delegate body, those dedicated to breeding purebred dogs, to conformation competition and all that involves the base of AKC’s existence - are feeling pushed out, if not blasted out quite yet. The underlying message being heard is “purebreds are passe’” -- “purebreds are right for no one”. Wyoma Clouss


’m not sure I understand this type of comment. We are Delegates to the AKC, not HSUS or PETA and need to work with and for the AKC to further their stated Purpose. That doesn’t mean we can’t work to change things, but we certainly need to stick together without blasting our base of existence. Jack McDaniel, Delegate, IWSCA (Irish Water Spaniel COA)


ou are so right Mary Alice, allowing neutered mixed breeds in Performance has nothing to do with promoting breeding of mixed breeds! In fact it is more likely that the mixed breed owner will watch that Vizsla, Pumi, Border Collie, Bernese Mountain Dog and, yes even Kuvasz and say to


Best In Show - Multiple Best In Specialty Show

GCh. Stratford’s Diamond Jim *












TOP SIRE 2010, 2011, 2012 (24 champions)

Jimmy - Making History Jimmy has been retired from showing this past year and was only shown at specialties and special shows in order to let his two sons, GCh. Stratford’s Alaskan Cruiser and GCh. Carasel’s Valentino their try in the ring. Congratulations to Cruiser #2 in the breed, and Valentino #1 Owner handled Breed and Group. To Luke & Diane Ehricht , the Judges, and Jimmy’s fans who have made it all posssible and who have shared in my joy in his success, my deepest appreciation. As Jimmy’s breeder you have made me very proud and I thank you for the memories. Breeder/Owner: Barbara Scott

*The Dog News Top Ten List

Presented by: Luke Ehricht Dog News 63

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“Dr. Adler played a vital role in the founding of the AKC Canine Health Foundation, which has led to over $40 million in funding for canine health research and education programs so far,” says Terry Warren, AKC CHF CEO and General Counsel. Photo courtesy of the American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation.

In the past, breeding dogs was an art. Now, it’s a science thanks to the vision of the late Dr. Sheldon B. Adler, MD, and others like him. BY SHARON PFLAUMER


Sheldon B. Adler, MD, Director Emeritius of the American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation (AKC CHF) helped the nonprofit organization become one of the world’s most influential forces in veterinary medicine in its role as the premier funder of canine health research. The Foundation raises funds to support scientific research to discover the causes of diseases; earlier, more accurate diagnoses; and better, more effective treatments. Since its inception, it funded more than 750 grants for scientific research and educational programs. Twenty years before the founding of the AKC CHF, Dr. Adler took the first in a series of steps that led him initially to breeding and showing Giant Schnauzers and later to advancing canine health. “It all began when our oldest son, Daniel, went away to college,” Mrs. Marcia Adler says. “Our

youngest son, 13-year-old Edward, didn’t want a ‘babysitter’ in his older brother’s absence. So, Shelly and I decided to get a dog to look out for Edward. We already had two but they were both small in size. We thought a larger, more formidable dog was needed. After we went through a list of guard dog breeds, we settled on Giant Schnauzers because they’re intimidating yet easily trained and also quite beautiful.” The couple got hooked on dog shows while showing “Timmy,” the Giant Schnauzer they purchased to be Edward’s companion. After they learned Timmy had some health issues that precluded him from breeding, Dr. Adler and his wife embarked on a breeding program to improve Giant Schnauzer health. The couple went on to produce more than 50 champions at their Ramahill Kennel during their 59year marriage. CONTINUED ON PAGE 306

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2014 Directors Questionnaire 3UHSDUHG %\ -RKQ 0DQGHYLOOH DQG 5R] .UDPHU ‡ &RPSLOHG E\ 6KDXQ &RHQ


There are three Board seats open in the March election for AKC’s Class of 2018. The Nominating Committee appointed by the Board of Directors named two sitting Directors for two of the three seats, Dr. Charles Garvin and Ms. Patricia Scully, and Mr. Ronald Menaker, a former Board Chairman of AKC, for the third open seat. James Dok opted to run from the floor in hopes of winning one of these seats as well. DOG NEWS sent this questionnaire to all four candidates who were kind enough to take the time to answer the queries raised by John Mandeville and Roz Kramer. This questionnaire has become somewhat of a tradition for the Westminster Issue and will be posted on the DOG NEWS WEB SITE until the election takes place. Please feel free to post to any site you think would be interested. The answers have been published in the order in which they were received in our offices and as usual we thank Shaun Coen for putting the article together. We also appreciate the fact that all four candidates were so cooperative in helping us to continue this tradition of 23 years of providing the Fancy at large with the opportunity to learn so much more about the individuals running for these prestigious positions. We wish them all good luck in their endeavor to be elected to AKC’s Board of Directors.

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and joyful when reading Mr. Nick Waters’ article of “Hunting the Huntaway” in the Jan. 10th Dog News mentioning my work. It felt like receiving a gift delivered when I just arrived home from a short but painful hospitalization. I am so grateful and happy realizing that my research articles please not only Mr. Waters but many of our dear readers who follow this outstanding magazine, that words simply cannot express. Thank you Mr. Waters, and thank you all my faithful readers. So let’s go to Thailand. The capital city is Bangkok, the country is a Unitary Parliamentary constitutional Monarchy. The King is Bhumibol Adulyadej, (Rama IX)*. The total area is 513,120 km2 - 198,115 sq mi, and the population is 66,720,153 (2011 estimate). There is evidence of human habitation in Thailand dating back 40,000 years. In the beginning of its written history Thailand was heavily influenced by the culture and religions of India, starting around the 1st century until the Khmer Empire (AD. 802–1431). The Indian influence on Siamese culture was mainly brought indirectly via some of the already Indianized kingdoms as for instance Cambodia. Probably the Buddhism arrived into Siam at the first millennium AD. Thailand was influenced by the South Indian and the Indian Gupta Empire. There are thousands of curious and different facts about this country, and I picked out just a few of them. Thailand is slightly larger than the size of Wyoming at 198,115 square miles (513,115 sq km). In Bangkok, there are around 12 million people and around 6 million cars excluding motorbikes. Thailand is home to the world’s largest gold Buddha, the largest crocodile farm, the largest restaurant, the longest single-span suspension bridge, and the world’s tallest hotel. The world’s CONTINUED ON PAGE 212

The Thai Bangkaew Dog – Thailand


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Best of Breed from the Bred by Exhibitor Class Japanese Chin Club of America National Specialty Judge Mrs. Houston Clark

SHE’S ALL THAT!! Ch. Chindale’s Anything She Wants Breeders, Owners Chindale, Reg. Mebane, North Carolina 72 Dog News

Breeder, Owner, Handlers Jennifer Stevens & Maripi Wooldridge

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The 2014 Dog News Westminster Kennel Club Winners Issue 74 Dog News



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The Top Winning Miniature Schnauzer of All Time The Number One Miniature Schnauzer All Systems & Number Four* Among All Terriers 2013







*The Dog News Top Ten List



American Kennel Club’s Government Relations Department is committed to championing the rights of all dog owners and breeders across the country. In 2013 alone, the department tracked over 1,300 measures of legislation. At the helm of the department is Director Sheila Goffe, who oversees AKC legislative policy strategy and all aspects of AKC outreach at the federal, state and local levels. Goffe works directly with legislators, legislative staff and regulators on key issues in canine policy and supervises the AKC Government Relations team, placing an emphasis on expanding AKC legislative education, outreach and support for state and local advocates. Goffe joined the AKC’s publications department in 2006 and in 2008, she became AKC’s Manager of Public Education. Shortly thereafter, she returned to her previous career in public policy/government affairs as AKC’s Director of Government Relations. Prior to working for the AKC she was a Senior Legislative Analyst/Editor and Deputy Director of Editorial Product Development for Congressional Quarterly in Washington DC. Previous experience included federal legislative staffing and advocacy, work as an editor and analyst for The Economist Intelligence Unit, and serving as an adjunct lecturer in Political Science/Comparative Politics at the State University of New York/Stony Brook. She has also completed Ph.D. coursework and research in American Politics/Public Policy, earned a Masters of Philosophy in American Politics and a MA in International Political Economy and Development at Fordham University and is a former Fulbright Scholar, studying Political Economy & Development in Sri Lanka. In addition to her professional background, she breeds and shows Siberian Huskies and is a member of the Siberian Husky Club of America, the Bull Terrier Club of America (she also owns a Bull Terrier) and several

Q and A with Sheila Goffe, Director of the AKC’s Government Relations Department


breed and all-breed kennel clubs. This combination of SHEILA GOFFE, professional and personal DIRECTOR experience is what makes Goffe uniquely qualified for OF AKC’S her role as Director of the GOVERNMENT AKC GR Dept. “I believe my own RELATIONS experience as a breeder and fancier helps me understand DEPARTMENT the fears and concerns that many breeders have about canine legislation and regulation,” she said. “It’s also helpful when speaking to a legislator or other public officials to be able to speak not only on behalf of AKC, but to also be able to relay my own relevant personal experiences as a breeder and fancier.” The vital work that Goffe and the AKC’s GR Department have been doing on behalf of all dog lovers has not gone unnoticed. President of the AKC Dennis Sprung said, “Sheila Goffe and the work of AKC’s Government Relations team is crucial as we continue to fight for the rights of all dog owners and promote responsible dog ownership. Their services to dog owners have been enhanced in many ways. We are grateful for their tireless work to keep owners and breeders informed of issues that impact them.” Chairman of the AKC Alan Kalter said, “Protecting our dogs and the rights of owners and breeders is a critical commitment of the American Kennel Club. Sheila Goffe’s passionate and intelligent leadership, along with the AKC Government Relations team, keeps us on the forefront of the legislative effort around the country. The department networks with legislative liaisons across the country; informs the public of pending federal, state, and local initiatives through newsletters and legislative alerts on the AKC website; and works to educate federal and state legislators. When it comes to protecting your rights, we could not have a better watchdog than Sheila Goffe.” Goffe recently took time out of her busy schedule to talk to Dog News. WHAT’S A TYPICAL DAY AT THE OFFICE FOR YOU - IF THERE IS A TYPICAL DAY? GOFFE: My days vary quite a bit depending on which legislative issues around the country may be heating up, requiring immediate attention, whether we’re working on strategic projects, and whether I’m in the office or travelling. It also depends on the time of the year: Congress and about 10 state legislatures are in session year-round. Historically, we tend to see more active state legislation in the first 6-9 months of the year, and more local activity toward the end of the year. Congressional or regulatory actions take place throughout the year. Typically, I try to get to the office early or work late on strategic projects. Regular business hours tend to get hectic with legislative analysis outreach, and CONTINUED ON PAGE 216

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A Conversation With

Gina DiNardo Vice President and Assistant Executive Secretary of the AKC BY KARL M. STEARNS


ina DiNardo is not a stranger to the sport of purebred dogs. Growing up as the daughter of Dr. Anthony D. and Sheila DiNardo (both AKC judges and accomplished breeders and exhibitors), she showed dogs beginning at a very early age. “My parents bought a Great Dane from Joel Rosenblatt as a family pet when I was two,” she recalled. “They started showing it in the puppy classes, were successful right away and got the dog show bug. My first dog shows were the Florida circuit when I was two. For my entire life until Prep School we would go to dog shows as a family almost every weekend. I stopped going to shows in Prep School and College – but right after graduation I took two years off and traveled around the country with my father showing my family’s dogs. They were two of the greatest years of my life.“ Gina is candid about her personal experience with showing. “I started showing a whippet from the Forsythe’s when I was 6. I didn’t enjoy juniors. My preference was to show my parents’ dogs at the breed level. I was always at shows, got to know all the handlers and cover for them.“ Her participation trailed off as


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a drink. Bob was usually limited to one drink and no peas as I recall. I assure you the new dining menu is far superior under the deft hand of chef John DeLucie Helming. And if it’s a spectacular view of Central Park you hanker for please go to the VICEROY HOTEL AT 120 W. 57TH STREET for the year-round rooftop bar. Skip even thinking about staying there, the rooms are itsy-bitsy bitsy 212-830-8005. On the other hand there is the ultra sophisticated QUIN HOTEL at 101 W. 57th Street where the phones have a Bergdorf button to connect you to a personal shopper--could Madam Sosnoff have made that suggestion I wonder? The hotel aims to be luxurious but not ostentatious and is located one block from Carnegie Hall, a few blocks from Lincoln Center and a stroll from Broadway. Quin stands for Quintessential and some people think this place is just the quintessential!


THE DOVER STREET MARKET Located at 30th and Lexington in a former bank building of grandiose faux -Greek façade, the walls are decorated in polka dots as the new shop/mall takes up seven floors stacked on top of each other like a tree house reached by a clear glass elevator that slowly moves through the center of the store. The concept for the store was brought over from London and almost turns shopping into theatre as the

elevator takes you on a dizzying fashion tour through the building as you watch the designers all each with its own mood show off some of the more interesting clothes for men and women presented anywhere. More fitting for the meatpacking district in New York City this mini-mall/department store may just turn this very non-descript part of the City into another fashion center. Part of the fun of going there is the people watching to say nothing of the marvelous Rosa Bakery -cafe on the ground floor. Having a restaurant in a store is nothing new nowadays but this little cafe has tempting, delicious food. Men’s and women’s clothes of very high style the store staff is uniformly beautiful and handsome and friendly to boot. Run by Comme des Garcons there is no denying that this is a new type shopping experience which undoubtedly will appeal to the fashion conscious and the wannabes who follow them around. The tourists are already mobbing the place and there are a staggering number of designers carried in a fairly limited space. That Comme des Garcons makes a lot of stuff that’s for sure but I’ll be perfectly candid with you and tell you until I visited here I never heard of them with which to begin. This place is most likely the call of the future and could make shopping online even less appealing than some people find it today. MORE THAN JUST POWER BREAKFASTS Now that the LOEW’S REGENCY HOTEL has reopened its Bar and Grill, which eatery practically coined the term “power breakfast”, it will be interesting to see the extent to which the other power-breakfast vortexes formed during this two-year lapse will continue to cater to New York’s divergent centers of power that have formed during this period of time. While many of the regulars may have returned to Loews Regency’s clubby restaurant at 540 Park Avenue to conduct morning meetings over expensive omelets their loyalty to THE STANDARD GRILL, THE BRESLIN at THE ACE HOTEL, BALTHAZAR, MICHAEL’S and my favorite, THE LAMBS CLUB, which have readily substituted CONTINUED ON PAGE 86

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*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points **CC System

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*Number Two, The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed **CCSystems

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for the Regency will probably be severely tested. This notwithstanding the fact that all of the above named restaurants are accomplished places to eat at for much more than breakfast alone and all seem to cater to different crowds of New Yorkers for sure. Starting with the LAMBS CLUB at 132 W.44th Street-212-9975262-a perfect place for all three meals the limestone fireplace on one of these real cold days makes the place feel like a 24-hour late night supper club. The huevos rancheros for breakfast, the salads at lunch and the diverse cosmopolitan menus for dinner attract a good hip magazine and Broadway crowd. My only complaint is that the drinks tend to be too small so I order doubles although I must admit when they see me coming they see to pour with a heavier hand than usual. Then of course I have told you about the BRESLIN before at the ACE right near our offices at 16 West 29th street-they take no reservations, which to me is a drawback, so that I do not try to get in for any meal at prime time. Seems to attract social media developers and nerds too-not necessarily my cup of tea--too young but if that’s your thing or you want some really novel and with it food give it a try-- Best table is no 42, a booth with curtains for privacy!!! The lemon ricotta pancakes are outstanding but be sure to order almonds and strawberries with them and the charcuterie is probably best I have tasted anywhere. For those of you looking for traditional conservative navy

suits paired with floral ties or pearl necklaces on the ladies go to MICHAEL’S morning or night to mix with the guardians of Old Media and the like. Decorated to the nth degree it’s a very pleasant sort of blast from the good old days. More modern and upbeat is BALTHAZAR, which is the most democratic and casual of these eateries-after 10am for breakfast mostly tourists but in the evening the crowd is quite sophisticated. 80 Spring Street - reservations suggested for all meals there. THE TALK OF THE TOWN - ONE ITALIAN THE OTHER JAPANESE I have to tell you that CARBONE and SUSHI NAKAWAZA both located in the West Village are probably the two most talked about new spots in the City today, which does not mean that there are not several other highly recognized new restaurants as well, many of which feature equally if not better menus and presentations but the buzz about Carbone and Sushi Nakawaza among food critics and their followers seems to be nonstop. Let me say I like Carbone when you can get into the place. The reservation telephone lines are impossible, its on-line reservations unusable

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FLASH Best In Show Union County Kennel Club Judge Mr. Larry Berg Dog News 87

this past weekend 3 shows 3 Group Firsts & Best In Show Conyers Kennel Club of Georgia Judge Mr. Houston Clark

ch. cragsmoor good time

was Hot in Atlanta!

handled by larry cornelius marcelo veras owned by victor malzoni, jr. 88 Dog News

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so it’s strictly a matter of chance here. The prices are dizzying but so are the portions and virtually anything you may order is red sauce delicious. The lobster fra diavolvo is almost the size of a sea monster and the brandy sauce just the end--the langoustines are fresh from Scotland for its scampi and so on. Also there is a Posillipo pan roast--a rich spicy seafood stew which is a mind blower-try it over and over again but if it’s meat you hanker they serve a mixed grill cacciatore for two on a butcher board the size of a manhole cover which contains sausages, chops and more and more--a man’s dish for sure!!! Located at 181 Thompson Street 212-254-3000. It’s a noisy place to boot but there is a great waiter there, Louie, who goes that extra step in helping out and I even know someone in dogs whose cousin owns the pizzeria down the street who can help get reservations for you. If I made the person’s name public they’d kill me!!! As for the sushi restaurant, which is so much more than a sushi restaurant, I defy anyone to tell me they tasted better Sushi anywhere--the saki pairings are not bad either so what if this

improbable restaurant on a tree-lined street in the West Village 23 Commerce off Bedford 212924-2212 charges $150 per person for starters at the omakese bar or within the restaurant proper? My favorite thing in the world in uni and I always will remember the uni scraped from the sides of cliffs in the Greek Islands as one of my great eating pleasures but I must tell you the uni served here brought in from Santa Barbara mind you surpasses any other I have ever eaten. Good luck in getting a res here as well--and I have no secret force to help here anyways. OTHER HOT SPOTS-THAI FOOD—BAR-BQUE AND KOREAN Over the years almost every region of Asia seems to have its fifteen minutes of fame. Of course Chinese food with NYC’s famed Chinatown still rules supreme but there are outlying areas of the City particularly in Elmhurst and Ridgefield where both Chinese and Korean food stand out. Now there are two restaurants, one Thai the other Korean, which really seem to head the list in Manhattan proper. HANJAN at 36 West 26th Street right around the corner from our offices I have told you about before but of late has really caught on. Not as traditional as the food found in Elmhurst, Queens, Hanjans food is exciting and a very modern interpretation of this form of cuisine. There is a soup served there only after 10pm that is unbelievable and the atmosphere itself is an overall fun one to be a part of. By the way right across the street from Hanjan is MAYSVILLE, which has an impressive collection of more than 200 single malts, bourbons and rye whiskeys with elegant southern delicacies to wash the food down. There’s a fried chicken leg you’d smack your best friend with there for sure. Back to Asia and Thai food at UNCLE BOON’S at 7 SPRING STREET where unlike most Thai restaurants the servers are more than willing to walk you through a somewhat complex food menu and head you in the direction of lip smacking massaman curry CONTINUED ON PAGE 100

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made with braised short ribs of beef and other unusual recipes. As for real Chinese food--not what we New Yorkers call Jewish Chinese food-- is HAN DYNASTY at 90 3rd Avenue (and 12th Street), which is a clean Sichuan accented menu that is very possibly the best real Chinese food we New Yorkers have seen in years. The noodle dishes and dumplings are incredible and there is a tasting menu (usually I hate them) that is so delicious and inexpensive ($20 each for six people) you can easily order 2 or 3 of them for what could be the best price deal in town. Yes, Dennis, I too love CHIN CHIN but the food is too Jewish and the prices skyrocket in comparison to Han Dynasty. And then too there is REDFARM at 2170 Broadway in the high 70’s, which has a Chinese menu of again real Chinese food with comparatively easy prices and an inventive menu headed by soy and papaya marinated pork chops, which for what the food is cannot be topped. While admittedly BarB-Que has not been the strength of New York food MIGHTY QUINN’S BARBEQUE may prove to be the exception to that rule. The presentation of MQ’s smoked beef rib, a wall of meat riding on a long surfboard of bone may not change anyone’s mind who hails from a State where BBQ is its specialty but it will surely shut them up into a temporary silence of awe and shock! While there’s a pulled pork sandwich equally as impressive and good-located at 103 2nd Ave 6th Street). A REFRESHED GILDED ARMORY AND A REFRESHED GILDED RESTAURANT, TOO One of the most exciting unveilings of the year for New Yorkers of every age has been the partial showing of the ambitious refurbishing of the landmark PARK AVENUE ARMORY also known as the 7TH REGIMENT ARMORY. Located on a full city block of 4 acres between 55th and 67th Street on New York’s Park Avenue when completed will bring to New York an alternate arts center unlike anything in the world. This national treasure involved an arduous transformation of the armory’s immense structured, which was built from 1877 to 1881 by the Seventh National Guard Regiment, the state’s wealthiest and most

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blue-blooded at that time, which also functioned as a bit of an upper-class men’s club. Late in 2006 the nonprofit Park Avenue Conservancy signed a 99-year lease with the state to restore the building and to operate it as an arts center. Budgeted at $200 million there is a final date set for restoration of 2018 but in late September there was an unveiling of the restored Board of Officers Room at the Armory that is now being used as an intimate art and performance hall. The fruits of this restoration have been meet with immediate acclaim and deserve a visit by one and all. The retrofitting of 19th-century buildings for art purposes in NYC began around 50 years ago in SOHO. This restoration seems destined to set a new standard both for its scale as well as for its respect and imagination. The Head House in particular, which houses the Board room, will be something very rare--a museum of quasi-period rooms that visibly straddle past and present while being actively used. It will be living, lived in history. And something similar but of a much lesser scale was the reopening and refurberation of VILLARD MICHEL RICHARD, which has recently opened in the old Villard Mansion at the NEW YORK PALACE HOTEL. For lunch go to the sun splashed Madison room or for an elegant dinner why not go to the Gallery and watch the French chefs move back and forth in the kitchen dressed in their tall white toques. A great place to celebrate something or other I would suppose. CONTINUED ON PAGE 104

~ Group Winning ~ GCh. Touche Mishamai Ringleader


Pictured with Pamela, his co-owner

After an extended “summer vacation�, we are delighted that Harley is heading home to California. Thank you to Hiram Stewart for presenting Harley so beautifully and to the judges who awarded Harley all his wins. Harley will miss all the Southern hospitality!

Lois and Pamela Magette owners of two group winning tri colored Chin Dog News 101


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*The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed


FLASH BEST IN SHOW Judge Mr. Jason Hoke BEST IN SHOW Judge Mrs. Judy Webb

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luncheon as well if you don’t at least go in and case “the joint” you should read no further. And now about the Hotel itself-The 168-room property was designed in the ‘grand European tradition’. The check-in area is pictured here filled with rich materials like embroidered raw silk while the rooms have claw foot tubs pictured here next to antique writing tables. I easily picture Tori Steele staying here for one. Brand new and absolutely worth the visit and only steps from the Garden at 207 W. 36th Street bet 7th and 8th nearer to 7th is DELMONICO’S KITCHEN-212-6955220--An offshoot of the original Delmonico’s and a branch of the Delmonico’s on Beaver Street is this spanking new glamorous--perhaps a bit too glamorous-- steak house and restaurant open for lunch and dinner. If you get dumped at the Pier and want some solitude try here where the food is truly top notch. It’s restaurant week in NYC through Feb. 8 which means a 3 course luncheon is $25 and a three course dinner here only $35. Definitely the find of the area particularly if you’ve gotten a bit tired of the very prosaic but acceptable NICK & STEF’S STEAKHOUSE which is very convenient for the Groups since it is so accessible. Not the kind of place to go to if you are not at the Garden but higher than average food in any event but given my druthers I’d go to Delmonico’s for the change of pace. Similarly and worth giving a try is CLYDE FRAZIER’S WINE AND DINE STEAKHOUSE located on 10th Avenue between 37th and 38th Street in Hell’s Kitchen--485 10th Avenue to be exact-- where the iconic basketball player can be seen whilst they serve up some pretty good steaks in an up-to-date atmosphere. Worth a trip but me I’ll take SPARKS over it for sure to say nothing of my Brooklyn favorite PETER LUGER, which out classes anything to my


CLOSE TO THE GARDEN One presumes that most people will continue to stay in hotels closest to the Garden even with the shift of daytime judging to the Piers in the West ‘50’s. By far the most glamorous and perhaps grandest restaurant to open in the City is located just a short walk or cab ride from the Garden. I was so impressed with the food and atmosphere that I did a summer tiny BITE to recommend it. Located on Broadway and 28th Street at 1170 212-347-5660 ( our offices are 25th and Broadway 1115-so you know I hang out there when I can both afford it and have the time) I make THE NOMAD RESTAURANT in the NOMAD HOTEL to be THE PLACE to eat, enjoy and be seen at in New York City. Now then a few caveats-it is difficult to get a reservation in the evening but the bar is this glittering enticing structure held up by carved mahogany elephants and a perfect place to dine. The restaurant is a series of rooms some large some small evoking a belle epoque house with the patrons reacting differently in each surrounding. The chef and co-owner is Daniel Humm of 11 MADISON a short five or so blocks away on Madison. To this day many consider 11 MADISON to have become one of the top restaurants in the City. But I’ll tell you something I like the food ever so much better at NOMAD than at 11 for a number of reasons. I find it and the atmosphere less precious and much less pretentious and Chef Humm has the food tasting more open with generous portions as opposed to those teeny tiny platters at 11. There are any number of eye catching courses but nothing compares to the Roast Chicken as eyes swivel for first time eaters there as it comes by. The cocktails are extraordinary, the zucchini bread one of a kind and the desserts unbeatable. Opened for breakfast and


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*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed

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mind for steaks. I would also suggest GAONNURI located on the 39th floor of an office building at 1250 Broadway (corner of 32nd street) for some of the best Korean barbecue and overall delicious food-212-971-9045--if you are an adventurous diner and want to experience incredibly good food with a great view try this newie only a block or two from the Garden and opened virtually 24/7. CLOSE BUT NOT QUITE AS CLOSE Also close to the MSG area is the ACE HOTEL and both the BRESLIN Bar and Restaurant on 26th and Broadway, where the JOHN DORY OYSTER BAR sits as well. This complex basically takes no reservations and appeals to a with-it-not necessarily youngish but certainly cool crowd. Food at both is delicious-Breslin leans to heavy pork dishes of all varieties whereas John Dory to seafood of the highest quality. Breslin has a Chef’s table of roasted suckling pig which must be ordered in advance for 10 or so people and if you try it I promise you will not be sorry-speaking of suckling pig the NOMAD prepares it as you will never forget it--something you will remember for a long time and for smaller parties it works just as well. Also a series of smaller boutique hotels have developed along Broadway in the mid 20’s with jazz bars and restaurants worth exploring. In our office building is the 40/40 Club owned by Jay Z which housed one of the Obama money raisers and is popular with the late crowd. Just two blocks further down at 200 5th is the extremely popular and busy EATALY which is a restaurant food court melange of all sorts of places to go and do all day and all night too! Very active, beautiful people from all over the world and a good time had by all. Not to go there is to do the City and yourself a major disservice.

STILL THE WINNER LE BERNARDIN is one of the few restaurants in New York City to earn year after year the coveted four star review from THE NEW YORK TIMES. It is a unique space recently redecorated which has to my mind improved tremendously the atmosphere created as it is more intimate and romantic than before. Prices remain as steep as ever and the service a little less daunting than before as the servers seem more human and not as intimidating as they once may have been. Alternatively I have learned how to react to them or they to me with a little less of an authoritative attitude. Gone is the feeling that you were entering a corporate board room which is replaced by a more personal welcoming feel. Additionally the bar was changed from a tiny uninteresting drink stop to a sleek leather-and steel lounge where indeed the full menu is available although I must admit eating on the bar stools here is not the same as at Nomad so I would strongly suggest dining in the main dining room. What the new bar does is to give a comfort feel to the customer with a lounge enter effect which permeates the entire establishment rather than the goaway effect of the old decor. It is a lively and intimate and almost playful approach although I must admit the new music is not me at all-but that’s mean. And now for the food which is the main reason one comes here with which to begin-it is just the greatest!!! There is just no better place to eat fish of every variety and preparation in NYC or the USA than here--possibly in the world and the sauces stand out like nowhere else. Reservations are essential you can try the bar-lounge but I wouldn’t and

if you are looking to treat someone for that extra special occasion such as an anniversary or Valentine’s Day which in some instances are the same (hint, hint Martin Sosnoff) this is the place to go for sure located at 155 West 55th St. 212-554-1515. SERVICES AND OTHER MISCELLANY CAR SERVICE-U.S. LIMO(800-962-2877)-Extremely reliable service with any kind of vehicle you may need--we have used them for years now. UP TO ICE SKATING?--I’d try BRYANT PARK at nearby 43rd Street- BENJAMIN’S STEAK HOUSE right nearby at 50 W. 41 Street which some people swear by-not totally for me although I will admit the atmosphere is great fun and down to earth. The owners have opened very recently a fish house too called the SEA FIRE GRILL at 158 East 48th Street which has excellently priced lunch and dinner meals with fresh, fresh fish--can be very noisy but a good new place to try for sure and if it’s a cold day or night ask to be seated near the fireplace! For something more upscale there is the AI FIORI RESTAURANT located in the SETAI BUILDING HOTEL/RESIDENCE at 400 5th Avenue-dining here at night one of the better and grander hotel food establishments you’ll find anywheres 212-613-8660-- lunch is equally as good I may add and of course not quite as dear. If it ice skating in Central Park you have to go to the PLAZA HOTEL’S food court which are fascinating just across the Street. CONTINUED ON PAGE 112

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#1 ENGLISH TOY SPANIEL (BLENHEIM & PRINCE CHARLES)* Reserve Best In Show, Multiple Group Winning, Multiple Best In Specialty Show Winning

d r a w o H

GCh. Chaseland’s



Judge Mr. Robert Ennis




Judge Mr. William DeVillenueve




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Her Royal Highness Sparky demanded total fawning obeisance from every single human who occupied the same field as she did or she would get in an imperial snit.



Easter (DC J&M Tex’s Easter Belle) is one of James and Mary Crawford’s thirteen dual champions.

Chik (American Field Champion DC AFC J&M Blazen Dixie Chik), another of the Crawford’s dual champions, with a nose full of quail scent.

Ty (FC Firestarter’s Cross the Line), another of Christensen’s Brittanys, shows the breed’s intensity on birds (flashpointphotos)

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or until arthritic knees complained so bitterly that the only option was to stop, a Chesapeake Bay Retriever and I moseyed along through the fields, brushy draws, wildlife management areas, waterfowl production areas and conservation reserve program lands in Kansas, Minnesota and Nebraska in the same general direction as a Brittany or two, my “second breed.” We were seeking that most gaudy of gamebirds, the ringneck pheasant or the equally she made sure that everyone she exciting, from the standpoint deigned to hunt with also knew it. of accelerated heart rates, You’ll note the word used is “with” coveys of bobwhite quail. not “for” because she demanded That we often succeeded total fawning obeisance from evin this quest was due almost ery single human who occupied the entirely to the bird finding same field as she did. The only entiskills of the Brits, one of which ty she ever hunted for was herself. If was so temperamental that proper homage was not paid to the the most tempestuous diva court of Her Royal Highness Sparky that ever trod the boards of or, God forbid, someone missed a the Metropolitan Opera would shot after she had found and pointhave seemed easy-going and ed a bird, she would get in an imcooperative by comparison. perial snit and proceed to show evShe was great, she knew it, eryone just how spectacular she was had the titles to prove it and but at distances which would have required the range of the guns on a battleship to complete the shot. She was an absolute bird-finding machine but lordy she was hard to live with afield. Yet, around the house, she was the kindest, sweetest, most undemanding and loving pet dog one could ever imagine. It was like Mary Poppins became Alice in Wonderland’s Queen of Hearts screaming “Off with their heads” at any real or imagined slight the instant she set a paw in the field. Fortunately, that sort of stormy and schizoid disposition is a rarity in the breed which is one reason why the Sawyer (DC AFC Timberline Strait to the Point JH), one of Andi Christensen’s Brittanys, also competes in the hunt test program.

Petey (UAGII URO3 UCD UCh GCh DC AFC Havapal’s Rev Me UP Repeat VCD1 SH OA OAJ RE BN NFP NAP NJP), Julie Asmus’ Brittany, has titles in conformation, the field, obedience, tracking, hunt tests, rally and agility.

Petey much prefers agility to obedience.

Brittany breed has produced more dual champions, in the traditional sense of that designation meaning a field championship and a conformation championship, than any other sporting breed. To be precise, at the end of 2013, 618 Brittanys had earned the designation DC. What this means is that the Brittany people have been very successful at preserving the standards, both field and conformation, for the breed. Every breed that enters the show ring has a written standard. Some of these standards have not changed since they were written more than a 100 years ago by people who actually used the breed for the purpose for which it was intended. Other breed standards have changed significantly. The ostensible reason for these changes has been to “modernize the breed” but in reality, it was done to incorporate conformation aspects that became popular in the show ring. In many cases where conformational aspects that are undesirable for good field performance have become acceptable in the show ring, the people within the breed whose primary interest is the dog’s working ability have declined to go along. The result of this division, in a number of breeds, has been such a wide gulf between “field” and “show” types that a dual championship is a virtual impossibility. In addition, with some breeds, the two sides in the “field” vs “show” dispute have become so polarized and at swords points with each other that no show dog would ever be allowed to win a field trial and no dog from the field side would get a second look in the show ring. Labrador Retrievers and English Springer Spaniels come immediately

“The Brittany people lead the way among sporting breeds that have so far successfully resisted the forces that would cause any significant split in the breed.”

to mind among the sporting breeds where this sort of extreme polarization has occurred where Labradors, despite their overwhelming numbers and success in field trials have not had an American dual champion since the mid-1980s and the last American Springer DC was crowned more than 80 years ago. The breeds that have strongly resisted the temptation to change their standard and have had active judges’ education programs designed to hold the conformation judges to those unchanged standards seem to be the ones that have fared the best at avoiding the disaster of having dogs that are beautiful to look at but virtually worthless when it comes to doing the job they were bred to do or dogs that are fine performers in the field but are a conformational mess. The Brittany people lead the way among sporting breeds that have so far successfully resisted the forces that would cause any significant split in the breed. The reason, according to many Brittany folks, is because there is a strong desire among Brittany breeders and owners to keep the breed “together,” something that is also encouraged at every turn by the American Brittany Club, which is dominated by field people who, in turn, have kept the club’s primary focus in field ability. “You can’t have dual champions without field

ability,” said James and Mary Crawford, who have had thirteen dual champions and are working on the fourteenth. “While the Brittany is first and foremost a hunting breed, the ABC supports the dual concept. The objective of the parent club is... ‘to discourage the breed from becoming split into groups of “field dogs” and “show dogs” and to strive to keep it forever a dual dog.’ The ABC is not a ‘show club’ but rather a ‘field club’ that encourages Brittany owners to also compete in conformation. The ABC officers and directors are mainly field people although the entire membership includes field trial, hunting and hunt test, show, agility and obedience people and Brittanys excel in all of these activities. The attention paid to the breed standard and field competition have helped keep Brittanys essentially the same as when they were first imported in the 1930s.” “Brittanys are eager to please, fun, happy dogs,” said Andi Christensen whose dog Sawyer (DC AFC Timberline Strait to the Point JH) has also ventured into the hunt test program from field trials. “Field trials are the most labor-intensive sport I’ve ever tried. It takes a lot of training, patience and most of all, time. Hunting is natural for a Brittany but teaching them to not chase birds certainly isn’t the easiest. It requires a lot of practice and I have used CONTINUED ON PAGE 128

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JUST TO SWEAT- There is of course and has been there since 1892 the RUSSIAN & TURKISH BATHS at 268 East 10th Street 212-674-9250 in the East Village. New Yorkers have been coming here forever to bathe, sweat and kibitz and I believe is a 24/7 operation--it’s an out of body experience even Michael Faulkner could not top-publicly that is-open for men and women too-take that you non-believers but there are some segregated dayscheck it out yourself-see you there!!! Cost is $35 per day. You may want to eat down there tooMOMOFUKO NOODLE BAR at 171 First Avenue is a place to go and is truly the place where the noodle craze began and continues in the City--There have been many copiers and offshoots but you can’t go wrong here at all as who can top those pork buns followed by pistachio and canoli ice cream. At 1am in the morningtop that one if you can-Round the corner is IPPUDO of Japanese Remsen Noodle fame--not quite as adventurous but very good if you are into basic noodle soup-65 Fourth Ave at 10th St. MUSEUM EXHIBITS TO CATCH THE THEODORE ROOSEVELT MUSEUM at the American Museum of Natural History has reopened as has the HALL OF NORTH AMERICAN MAMMALS. What a tribute to President Roosevelt who is buried very close to our home on Long Island as some $40 million was spent restoring the Central park entrance, the rotunda within and the memorial hall. No food company dinner again there is there? What was the name of

that Company? I cannot seem to remember--wonder why! It’s a great and exhilarating exhibit which does all proud-a visit here is well worth it and in a sense you are closer than ever with the Piers not too far away. A very short walk on CPW to 67th Street would take you to the LEOPARD DES ARTISTES at numero uno W.67th for an incredible brunch or really delicious and unusual Italian dinners and luncheons. A fine replacement for our old favorite Des Artistes which had been in the same spot all those years.

MENS BESPOKE-ALTON LANE 11 W. 25th Street where there is a complete line of men’s clothing from ties to what have you. LA PROMENADE des ANGELES is a short walk away at 461 W. 23rd Street 212-255-7400 Great Provencal dinners on the ground floor of the London Terrace in Chelsea. Very popular and being almost like in Nice. I find everything on the menu to be good and not too badly priced eithercomfort French Mediterranean food for sure with a coq-au vin to collapse for and a soup de poisson which evoked memories of Marseilles. I would tell you this is a really good find.

DELIS-Well no more STAGE DELIlandlord problems-still there is the CARNEGIE DELI at 55th and 7th-no more SARGE’S, burnt down-still there’s 2ND AVENUE DELI at 162 East 33rd which delivers all over the City if you do not want to go there-My favorite is still KATZ’S on the lower east side at 205 East Houston--President Clinton’s favorite too--that’s where you’ll find Gene and me with a few friends on Thursday night the 7th!!! Also for lox and sundries since 1914 is the internationally known RUSS & DAUGHTERS a few short blocks away-no eat in only take out--there’s also ZABAR’S of take out fame in the West 70’s and on 87th Street and Columbus Avenue the world famous BARNEY GREENGRASS where I defy anyone to find better chopped liver or anything else for that matter.

GREAT VIEWS AND GREATER COCKTAILS-THE SALON de NING, the rooftop bar at the Peninsula Hotel 700 5th Ave. can’t be heat and the terrace can be opened in winter as well with heat lamps of course-depends upon how frigid things may be--caveatvery pricey--well with that address what did you expect and the service can be slow--prepare yourself-still worth the views however--After or before I would go to GRENOUILLE right up the block provided of course you still have cash in the wallet or money in the cardthis would be a very expensive but particularly special evening. Grenouille is a very special place with very special people and the most beautiful floral arrangements you’ll find in any restaurant anywheres! Another rooftop place is downtown at THE JAMES HOTEL where THE DAVID BURKE GARDEN is located. 23 Grand Street (Ave of Americas) for views and pretty good food to boot-there is a chef’s table for 6 to 156 which makes for a fun party crowd but check in advance for sure--on Sunday night is suckling pig dinners if that’s for you. Heavy on the singles scene can this place be so be prepared!

OLD TIME APOTHECARYPASTEUR PHARMACY 805 Lexington Avenue-every remedy for anything which ails you real or imagined.


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*The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed

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NEAR THE PIERS-Well there is the entire LINCOLN CENTER COMPLEX headed by THE HUDSON HOTEL at 356 West 58th Street with a PJ CLARK’s Bar and Restaurant next to it. Those hamburgers are not what they used to be when the place started out on 55th and 3rd where the original still stands but still an acceptable place to eat. The stand out of the area without a doubt is BOULUD SUD BRASSERIE at 20 W. 64th Street. Perfect for pre and apres theatre or for any time of the day or evening for that matter is his new take on Mediterranean food--very, very good is all I can say but very, very noisy as well. Good prices so that should keep you happy if you find yourself drowning your sorrows or celebrating your wins at the very conveniently located Piers a few blocks away. TWO BOITES--ONE IN SOHO--THE OTHER THE LOWER EAST SIDE-One of the real hot night spots in the City toady is THE DALLOWAY at 25 Broome Street 212966-9620 and if the name doesn’t hit you in the face try and recall Virginia Woolf! It is situated near the Holland Tunnel--no doubt you may find the McCarthy’s there after they have visited Locanda Verde for dinner as it is the new meeting place for some of the most with-it people in the City. The fact that it caters to lesbians is secondary to the fact that gays and straight couples are usually found in equal numbers absolutely having the time of their lives. There is a restaurant for food on the main floor and a cozier action bar for some in the basement. The action starts after 11 pm but it’s a good place to eat at if you want to miss the dancing which is both upstairs and down. Then there is THE SLIPPER ROOM at 167 Orchard Street 212-253-7246 which opens at 8 pm and closes at 4 am. It is a return to wild and wacky NY burlesque where dollar bills are sometimes not picked up by the dancers’ hands if you get the picture. It occupies the 2nd and 3rd floor of the building-the restaurant TINY FORK is not associated with it so don’t get too confused. If you watch 116 Dog News



from the stage level you maybe tickled, licked or mocked so the meeker among you are better off staying in the mezzanineguess where you’ll find me!! Gays and heteros alike with the latter in the majority the music is really good but so are the dancers. There is a macaroon shop down the street for those of you more easily offended. OMG thank heavens Giuliani is not the Mayor--he would close this place down immediately but not before sneaking in for a peek I would imagine. IN ENDING I would be remiss in not mentioning two places-one a somewhat old time favorite-at 377 Greenwich Street called LOCANDA VERDE which is near Moore and about which I have written for a number of years now. Much more than an Italian place to eat in a very short time this eatery has established itself as a major meeting and eating place for all New Yorkers where you have a truly good time with

excellent food to help pass this time. Try it out 212-935-3797-very casual and very with it!!! In a new and beautiful space Danny Meyer has opened THE NORTH END GRILL at 104 North End near Murray 6461600--It evokes memories of Union Square Cafe which was his original restaurant as I recall. He is one of the great masters and this new Battery Park operation is casually beautiful and one of the best packages I have seen in years. Featuring Continental dishes a spot in the dining room is where you want to be although the front room accepts walk-ins. Still the package is not complete unless you are in the dining room-trust Matthew on that one for sure! HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS BITE--SEE YOU AT THE PIERS, THE GARDEN AND THE SPECIALTIES IN NEW JERSEY AND ROUND THE HOTELS FOR SURE--GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN

ALLISON IS COMING SOUTH! A well-�balanced Keeshond, with titles at both ends!

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canine events licensed by TKC every year they just don’t believe it. When you then translate that into an average of nearly a hundred licensed events a week, they find that even more difficult to accept. But these are the facts, and still Westminster and Crufts are seen as being virtually the only shows in town. In many ways these two shows have over the years become virtually national institutions of the countries in which they are based. They have therefore also by the same token become symbols of the sport which they represent. I’m sure if you say ‘horseracing’ in the USA everyone immediately thinks of the Kentucky Derby. In the UK if you say ‘tennis’ everyone thinks of Wimbledon. In the same way, if you say ‘dog show’ in the US or in the UK everyone in their respective nations immediately thinks of Westminster or Crufts. They automatically have a picture of the activity in their minds eye. I don’t know about the situation in the USA, but in the UK the number of times Crufts comes up in the newspapers or on TV all throughout the entire year is immense. And the number of times it appears as part of quiz or general knowledge contest questions is really quite remarkable.


If you ask yourself the question: “Why should this be?” you arrive at a number of other ways in which the two shows are similar. Firstly of course it’s because they have, over the years, carefully nurtured themselves as ‘brands’ in the same way as many companies have promoted their products as ‘brands’. They have over a long period had distinctly and consistently preserved colors and logos which, as soon as the public see them, are almost automatically recognised. Westminster’s purple and gold and Crufts’ green and white (the same colors as those of TKC); Westminster’s Pointer and Crufts’ St Bernard; the distinctive and consistent 120 Dog News

fonts that each of them respectively uses whenever they use either the word ‘Westminster’ or ‘Crufts’; all of those aspects help to make the Westminster and Crufts brands distinctive and therefore memorable. In the case of Crufts the green theme is carried through to even greater lengths even in the dog fancy. If you get an invitation to judge at Crufts you know what it is - even before you open the envelope. Why – because the envelope itself is colored entirely in Crufts green! Crufts hasn’t yet however managed to get Big Ben floodlit in green and white.


Another similarity between the two shows is that they have both concentrated on TV coverage and both still do that even today, when the power of social media and the internet are challenging TV as the most important communications medium. When I was Chairman of TKC, and just after that dreadful TV show criticised the dog fancy in a big way in 2008, the BBC decided to drop televising the show after over 40 years of doing so. That was a great blow at the time, and we all set about remedying the position. We had to get enough sponsorship to help us to finance a different approach to televising the show and I will always be eternally grateful to the sponsors who helped us to do that. The show is, I’m happy to say, now back with four days of coverage on terrestrial channels and the Best in Show night gets major national coverage on one of the top national channels in the UK. I sometimes wonder just when the BBC will come back trying to recover its previous position?


But that TV coverage has not diminished the use of streaming and the internet. That is much more difficult for Crufts to do in the same depth as Westminster however, because at Crufts there are normally around forty conformation rings plus another four or five large performance event rings on the go for around eight to ten hours a day - over a total of four days. That would be a total of about 1600 hours coverage (or over two months of continuous broadcasting!) and it would employ at least fifty cameras and operators for four days. That makes it an impossibility to cover all of the Crufts breed judging – and even if you did it would doubtless be very boring in any case except for a few real enthusiasts! Another parallel between the two shows is that they both have qualifications needed before the dogs are allowed to compete. At Crufts the level of achievement in some breeds in terms of UK wins, is probably rather easier to attain than the Westminster qualifier. Both shows went to having a qualifier because they were trying to restrict numbers due to lack of space and time available to get through all of the judging. The end result however is that this has created rather a different effect. That is that the need to gain qualifications before being able to enter a dog has added considerably to the caché that winning at these two events now gives.


Then, for dog people, there is yet another common attraction that the two shows have. That is that it’s at Westminster and Crufts that you are sure to meet old friends that you haven’t seen since the previous year’s show. They are both events of international significance as well, and you can have no doubt that everyone who is anyone in their respective home countries will be sure to be there. And what of the dogs? That’s always a matter of great debate in the eyes of certain people who shall remain nameless. Some American observers regard the average quality of the dogs at Crufts as being somewhat inferior to the average quality at Westminster. That may well be true even if only just because of the simple force of the numbers of dogs involved. After all the total entry of dogs each year at Westminster probably amounts to just over half a per cent of the total number of dogs registered by the AKC each year. At Crufts the equivalent percentage of dogs present at the show is nearer to ten percent of a year’s registrations at TKC! But at the pinnacle, and leading the group competitions there is no doubt in my mind that in the main the two shows do both produce some really good top winners and they both do the sport of dogs in both countries a great deal of good. So what do we conclude? Yes these two world famous dog shows do have some major differences between them - but overall they have far more attributes in common than they have at variance. Exhibitors, visitors and handlers in both countries usually complain endlessly about the respective headaches and tribulations they encounter in attending the two shows. Year in and year out however, we still come back for more ‘punishment’. That must be a sign that we see far more positives than negatives in these two world famous events. They have both been in existence for a very long time and judging by the continued enthusiasm for both of these great institutions, they will doubtless still be in existence in some form or another for many years to come. Certainly - I for one very much hope that they will!

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Many cities in Florida have wonderful dog shows. Brooksville has the 10-show Florida circuit. Orlando has the AKC Eukanuba Championship. Lakeland, Pensacola, Deland, West Palm Beach – all can honestly claim they give the exhibitors a good dog show weekend. But only The Gator Classic has Larry Cornelius and Marcelo Veras’s party on the last weekend of January, so they must take the title of Most Outstanding Dog Show Weekend of the Year in Florida! CONTINUED ON PAGE 132


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same time not been afraid to raise eyebrows by finding something way down in the classes and taking it all the way through when it simply was the “Best of Breed”. However the need for self confidence is perhaps even greater in another context, if we closely examine the responsibility of judges and assume that they are not in the centre of the ring to merely hand out ribbons. It is a fact of life that, whether we like it or not, breeds change. Not all breeds, but most breeds with the passage of time undergo subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) changes for a variety of reasons. Sadly few of these changes are function-related improvements; the majority come about as a result of fads and fashions and often fall into the category of unnecessary exaggeration. Whether it is down to the success of a particular dog or an influential handler, nothing inspires exhibitors more than success, such is their desire to win. It is said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but unjustified imitation can also be damaging when it becomes widespread. Mrs Clarke coined a wonderful expression when she first started talking about the “drag” of a breed, referring to a fault that has become so widespread in a breed that it is almost endemic. Annie felt that judges should be aware of any such faults and, when they judged, penalise them heavily. At the same time she felt that dogs who excelled in the “drag” area should be looked upon especially favourably, all things being equal. One fault may well be considered a drag on a breed, but when several gain a foothold a breed


The Need for Self Confidence in the Judging Ring

will see a complete shift in type as the breed takes on a new look. This can be related to overall balance, to head shape, to expression or coat texture and here we come to the need for self confidence when a judge faces a breed where the majority of the entry has drifted away from typical. The great judges of whatever generation had crystal-clear mental pictures of breed type and what elements contributed to achieving it. They understood which faults could be tolerated and which should be dealt with harshly for fear of the consequences. Such judges invariably had stockman outlooks and both knowledge of and success in breeding over a period of time. They could deal with the dogs brought to them cold and would deal with each individual in direct relation to its breed standard. Sadly there isn’t exactly a surfeit of iconic judges around these days; they have been in many cases replaced by those who fall into the “I know what I like” category and whose idea of breed type is very much dictated by the majority of dogs that are around at the time, and this is where we get into dangerous waters.

When faced with a class of 20 dogs, 19 of one shape and “type”, and just one that looks different, the majority of judges will assume that the odd man out is wrong, when in truth it could well be that this is the one dog that remains faithful to the breed standard and it is the others, in numbers, that have drifted away from it. When faced with this kind of situation it requires not just knowledge but great self-confidence to put the “different” dog at the head of the line. I was put in that position not that long ago, judging in a country, far from home, a breed which I have been around for close to fifty years. It saddened me to see so many dogs that had completely untypical heads, short legs and incorrect coats that were hideously barbered, yet in amongst this jungle of mediocrity was one shining star, free of all these “drags”, and so the words of my wise old mentors resounded in my brain as I made the decision to give the odd man out not just the breed but the group. Sadly in a circuit of twelve shows he won the breed on just one more occasion, being beaten in some instances by dogs that had not been graded higher than Very Good under me. Whenever we step into the ring to judge a breed we should be confident in our own minds about breed type and all that it involves, and not just merely go with the majority, because we could be doing the breed a great disservice and no self-respecting judge would ever wish to be accused of that.

“The great judges of whatever generation had crystal-clear mental pictures of breed type and what elements contributed to achieving it. They understood which faults could be tolerated and which should be dealt with harshly for fear of the consequences. “ 124 Dog News


*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points

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m o d e e r F

36 Dog News

The Best In Show Winning

Gr. Ch. Sandpiper’s Let Freedom Ring SDHF Best In Show Handled by:

Owned by: Los Encinos Toyomi Tsumura

KennelBruce Club & Tara Schultz Assisted by: Judge Mrs. Debbie Campbell-Freeman Bred by: Patty Pace

Casandra Clark & Daniel Magee

Dog News 37


Meg (DC AFC HIT Rubyridge’s Meg Will Do UDX OM1 RE MH MX MXJ), Janet Hamner’s Brittany is a fine retriever in addition to being an obedience, rally and agility dog.

Showing the versatility of the breed, Meg jumps through the tire on an agility course. She also has a high-in-trial.

professional trainers when necessary since I work full-time which means my time is limited. I also ran into a problem in that I live in Colorado and most of the field trials in this area are open to all breeds so my Brits have to be better than the local pointers, setters etc from the time they are puppies. This is a very competitive state with multiple recent national champions here including a GSP, Vizsla, English Setter and Pointer to name a few. Since the ABC requires a win at a field trial put on by a Brittany club and there are only a few of these close by so we have had to do a lot of traveling for both field points and points in the show ring as majors are also rare in Colorado.” Brittanys can succeed and are successful in a variety of dog sports according to Janet Hamner who owns DC AFC HIT Rubyridge’s Meg Will Do UDX OM1 RE MH MX MXJ (“Meg.”) “The Brittany package comes with tremendous natural hunting instincts, they are extremely intelligent, structurally sound with lots of drive and a great disposition with an intense desire to please. Keeping them active in a variety of dog sports enhances these attributes and these attributes are also what makes them very successful in a variety of activities. A Brittany is capable of doing it all and do-

ing it well. Actually the most difficult titles Meg earned were the ones in obedience because it was always a challenge to keep her from getting bored with it. I had to make it positive, exciting and I had to avoid a lot of repetitions as well as making sure she knew what I wanted and that I was consistent. Her field titles were relatively easy as she had a tremendous amount of natural hunting instincts and it was sheer joy to be her partner in the field.” Julie Asmus also found obedience to be her most difficult activity with Petey (UAGII URO3 UCD UCh GCh DC AFC Havapal’s Rev Me UP Repeat VCD1 SH OA OAJ RE BN NFP NAP NJP.) “We both struggle with obedience just because of the time it takes for perfection and it is easy to do it so much that it’s not fun anymore. In fact, Petey’s gotten a bit sour on obedience. He’d be great in training but when we’d go to a trial, as soon as we’d enter the ring, his head would go down, he’d start to sniff the ground and he’d tune me out. So I decided to give him a year off to just be a dog except for going to a few shows to finish his grand championship and a few agility trials and hunt tests just to keep him interested.

“Despite the success at keeping the breed as one, it still remains the greatest challenge for the Brittany community.“

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I’m hoping that making obedience more fun and starting fresh helps as we’re just starting to do some open and utility exercises again. In the performance activities–obedience, rally and agility—distractions are also a big problem for Petey. Because of my limited time, it’s hard to go to run-throughs and practice in ‘show like’ situations. As a consequence, he’s gotten ‘show smart’ and I haven’t quite figured out how to overcome that problem as yet except to get as many runthroughs as possible. For performance events, I try to make sure my dog is ready before I even enter an event. Then I cut back training to once a week and I don’t train at all the week before the event.” Despite the success at keeping the breed as one, it still remains the greatest challenge for the Brittany community. “The greatest challenge we face as a breed is keeping the future Brittany a dual prospect because the importance of these dual quality dogs cannot be overemphasized. The vitality and future of the breed depends on them. We also have to support and encourage other Brit owners whether it is encouraging them to enter their dog in a hunt test or inviting them to attend a dog show. The ABC also recognizes that Brittanys excel in other activities such as obedience, agility, rally and tracking and supports them. While there are some members in the ABC who are strictly field people and others that are strictly show there are strong groups in between that are dual people. They are the ones who will have to keep the breed true,” said Mary Crawford.

” “Derby

has been the Number One Soft Coated Wheaten All Systems for 2012 and 2013

Thank you Judge Ms. Linda More for the Terrier Specialty Placement

Multiple Group Winner

GCh. Doubloon’s Extreme Play Derby has 11 Specialty Best of Breeds, including the National Specialty at Montgomery County Kennel Club Derby is bred, shown and owned by Elena Landa, Doubloon Wheatens Dog News 129

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given at the home of Larry and Marcelo as a charity for Take the Lead was not simply a great party – it was an event of amazing proportions! But let’s back up. First things first. This was the first year for a new cluster, the Gator Classic, four shows given by Greater Gainesville Dog Fanciers Association and Lake Eustis Kennel Club. It took place at Greater Ocala Dog Club showgrounds, a lovely, well-tended site. There was plenty of parking, either in the spacious fields or under shade trees. There are three permanent roofed structures, one used for grooming and the others as shelter for judges and exhibitors between rings. Two Whippet breeders from France attended the shows, Yves Vilanova from Toulouse and Vicki Thompson from Callian on the Riviera. The dog show itself they found to be similar in most ways to a European dog show, with owners hustling with their Poodles or Bostons or retrievers or Chihuahuas. Setting up chairs and dog mats ringside. Feeding treats to the dogs and buying new collars and toys for them. The same. Other things they found to be quite different. They were amazed by the size and number of motorhomes and RVs. When the doors of these vehicles popped open and dogs were 132 Dog News

sorted out into ex-pens, they were amazed by the quantity of dogs. American grooming of almost every breed is over the top, they thought. They were enthralled by the lovely quality of some dogs, just as a true dog person is in any country. When Yves reviewed his photos, only half were of canines, though. Half were motor vehicles and the lunch wagon displaying “Corn Dogs” and Nachos Cheese” and “Chicken Basket”, items not normally served at French dog shows. Naturally there were differences in culture to overcome. For instance, when someone sneezed, Yves said, “You need to wear socks on your head,” which sounds like a shocking insult but is apparently his translation of a polite French saying along the lines of “God bless you.”

BEST IN SHOWS: Thursday - Norfolk Terrier Ch. Dunbar’s Heir Apparent Friday – Old English Sheepdog Ch. Bugaboo’s Picture Perfect Saturday -- Brittany Ch. Rainbow Splash’s Ruggedly Handsome Sunday - Tibetan Spaniel Ch. Kan Sing’s Tenzin

were well covered by the local media, including the Gainesville newspaper, which used photos of Daphne Lewis’ Smooth Collie, Tug, pulling a child in a cart, the dog looking happy and proud to be doing the job. Italian Greyhound breeder Diana Chapman has won many breeds and group placements, but the photo that went in the paper was not of a big win but her Iggy, Odette, wearing a pink fur coat because the weather was rather chilly at times. While everyone was exhibiting, there was one noticeable absence, the handling team of Larry Cornelius and Marcelo Veras, who live only five miles from the show site. These men travel thousands of miles every year to get to shows; why miss the one in your own backyard? Larry said, “There were a lot of preparations for the party. And just before the party, a couple things went really wrong.” Well, whatever those things were, they were put right before anyone got there. Because at this party, from the moment you arrived, you were plunged into the time of your life. The theme was “Prom Night Under the Stars” and the invitation, published to everyone in Dog News, invited guests to wear the prom outfit of their dreams. For those who didn’t pack formal dress, Larry said, “Don’t worry, come as you are.” But at least 80% of the guests were dressed to the nines. Sydney Good was outstanding in a red lace gown borrowed from Connie Sager. It looked like it had been designed for her, but in fact, “We hemmed it with duct tape,” Sydney laughed. Angela Pickett wore red velvet gloves with her black gown and had shiny red hair to match. She was carrying a martini glass the size of a gallon Vodka bottle. Larry Cornelius wore a tuxedo jacket that was lime green, canary yellow, and watermelon pink. He looked like the dweeby kid at school who doesn’t quite get the dress code. His partner Marcelo wore a jacket of purple with baby blue, pink and lime stripes, likely more outrageous than anything he wore to the high school prom in Teresina, Brazil. CONTINUED ON PAGE 136

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The most startling guests were Jerry and Tonya Jordan, MBF superintendents who apparently double as crossdressing cabaret dancers in their spare time! Tonya passed as Charlie Chaplin with her black moustache and pointy men’s shoes. Jerry was Marilyn Monroe with flowing blond tresses and a virginal white ballgown that, let’s be frank, showed a little too much cleavage! Greg Myers was in purple vest, green bowtie and sporty white formal shoes. MariBeth O’Neill hit a high note in her pink satin cocktail gown with faux white mink stole and excessive beehive of ash-blond hair. To enter the party, the local police force directed traffic onto Bannerdown’s horse pastures. Then, you walked past a chef grilling meat on a barbecue. You went round the corner of the house and entered the garage, where Randy Garren collected your ticket. You paused in front of the photo studio set up of silver metal arches garlanded with white carnations and silver strands, just like at your prom, where Marcelo snapped your photo. You saw mysterious, formally-dressed people you did not recognize floating by (who later turned out to be Mari-Beth and Jan Paulk and Pino Renzulli). You stepped out to the swimming pool area – to be greeted by EXTREMELY 136 Dog News

TALL PEOPLE in tuxedos and ballgowns, dancing to ‘80s disco music! You had to tilt your head back to see them! They were not only tall; they were gorgeous, funny, and charming. The two couples on stilts danced with everyone. They constantly changed costume out in Larry’s dog show van, and appeared in mint green, snowstorm white, and finally a kind of Star Wars outfit with blinking lights that made you expect they would be beamed aboard an alien craft at the end of the evening. There’s more – a juggler strolled among the guests, tossing his bowling pins with ease. And then, two extremely athletic men appeared and bowed next to a tall pole. “Pole dancing,” someone whispered, but in fact these were performers from Cirque du Soleil who did an amazing balancing act that had everyone gasping in disbelief. The acts were booked through Greg Brown’s Hardrive Productions, a company that books Disney and Universal acts. Fortunately, he is also a Dachshund fancier and very generous contributor to this party for Take the Lead. What did the entertainers think of the dog show people? Larry said, “That’s the fun part, some of them have come to

every party (there have been six) and they tell me they really have fun. They look forward to it.” Mid-party, Larry took the stage to announce Prom King – Dan Dahlberg (Parson Russell Terrier breeder whose other title is show chair at Manatee Kennel Club) and Prom Queen – Mari-Beth O’Neill (AKC assistant vice-president for special services). Prom Princess was Caitlyn Jewett. Dan Dahlberg attended the show the next day in order to wear his Prom King crown and sash around the grounds. Cathy Dahlberg said, “The prom king and queen idea was a great way to get everybody involved. The attitude and interest was just awesome. It was the first time my husband ever got dressed up like that! And I got to go home with the Prom King. Most people thought it was the best party yet.” Let’s report the outcome – the party raised $73,000 for Take the Lead! An amazing amount, particularly since the entrance fee is a reasonable $25. Larry said, “Every year, people tell us to raise the ticket price, because $25 is not a lot. But Marcelo and I talk it over and every year he says no, we want to keep it so everyone can afford to come. And then we just hope that people will be generous. And they were!”


Pictured with Judge Mrs. Charlotte McGowan

Group Winner and Multiple Group Placer

GCh. Stonewall Iski De La Salsa Sire: BISS Tiwa Josh De La Salsa

Dam: BIS, BISS CH. Stonewall Bedazzle

Bred and owned by Judith Abramsohn and Pamela Anderson Presented by Joseph Berkau Dog News 137

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A Different

Perspective “ON THE DAY”


temperament and character for its breed? For instance the Labrador typically bounces into the ring saying “oh boy oh boy, I get to wag and grin at someone and eat treats!!!” while the Irish Wolfhound often conveys a message of “I’m tolerating this because it’s what you want but really my dear, it’s not my idea of fun.” We should not expect one to act just like the other. Movement – is the dog moving easily to his best advantage, or is he fighting the lead or weaving? Competition – is this a small entry of average quality, in which a slightly above average entry is a star ON THE DAY, or is it an entry filled with quality such that several or even many could be winners? When an exhibitor tries to understand why his or her dog did not win – on the day – he or she is likely to take a less than objective view of things. The disappointed exhibitor may focus on just one factor – showmanship, or who was showing the winner, perhaps, or even the color of the dogs. But there’s so much more to it. I can recall times when a dog I have admired but never awarded a big win for one reason or another, comes into the ring and all that dog’s stars align on the day – type, movement, condition, attitude, the competition present – and it is very satisfying to see that dog reach his potential and to be able to reward him. Conversely, now and then a dog a judge has really loved, and rewarded, comes in and today for whatever reason, it’s just not his or her time. Judges are obligated to judge the dogs as they are on the day; it is simply not right to judge on sentiment or past history. Is there a pang when one decides one should put another dog over a previous favorite? 140 Dog News

You bet there is, but if there were a breed standard for judges, it would call for objectivity, thick skin and resilient character. That brings us to consider the other end of the lead, the end that does the complaining when things don’t go as desired or perhaps expected. The dog leaving the ring is, after all, the same dog as it was when it entered the ring. Winning has not made it suddenly sprout new faults, and losing has not diminished its positive attributes. Such changes are only in the eyes of observers such as critics and fond owners.


recent article in Dog News by Joe Tomsic laid much of the blame for some exhibitors leaving the sport of conformation, at the feet of some judges. If I understood him correctly, he was referring to those judges who, because of insecurity, or lack of knowledge about a breed, pick the superficially easy choice, especially in Best of Breed competition. That easy choice might well be the highly visible, perhaps much advertised, professionally handled entry. According to the article, owner handled dogs win the breed only 10% of the time although statistics show at least 80% of the entries at most shows are not professionally handled. As an aside, however, it would be interesting to know how many of the entries in Best of Breed competition are in fact owner handled, because I would be willing to place a small bet that it is not 80% but something less, thanks in part to the ratings systems mania. That said though, certainly we have seen judges who clearly have little understanding of desirable type characteristics in a breed and so they take the easy

way out. Perhaps some of these are judges who have rushed to acquire as many breeds as possible, without taking the time to judge the breeds they already have long enough to become comfortable and confident in them. It does take time and seeing many dogs, unless one has been fortunate enough to have bred and/or shown the breed or had good friends or clients who shared their wisdom about the breed over many years. We have all seen entries of breeds we know well being badly “guessed at” by judges who are in over their heads on those breeds. And as one experienced old dog man said when commenting on an inept judging job in his breed, “it is hard to be a religious person and watch the church being burned.” In a large enough entry, it may be possible for the judge to be fairly consistent with his or her choices – or it may not. If it was possible, that can provide the observant exhibitor knowledge about what style (as distinguished from type) of dog the judge prefers in that breed and what priorities are most important to that judge. If the exhibitor has a dog at home that is more the judge’s preferred style, perhaps that’s the one to enter the next time that judge comes around. It’s unfortunate that exhibitors have in general come to focus more on Best of Breed wins and Group placements, rather than on the classes, because watching a judge work through a class entry of fair size can offer many hints about the way that judge sees the breed. Still, when an exhibitor reviews reasons why his or her dog did not win, it is essential to take all those “on the day” factors into consideration, as objectively as possible. Perhaps the exhibitor’s dog has indeed been overlooked by a less than knowledgeable judge, in which case the exhibitor should probably save his money the next time that judge is doing the breed. Perhaps though it was that the competition was intense. And perhaps there is something else, or something more, that the exhibitor could do to improve his dog’s chances of winning in future shows. At this point the exhibitor might do well to take a step back mentally, and try to review the whole entry dispassionately – not just his dog – but how each dog looked, the type and condition of each, how each moved, and acted on the day.



Group Winning

GCh. ZenPahlavi You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet, JC Breeders/Owners: Ellen Klosson and Karen Wagner Handler: Terri Galle PHOTOS BY TEDDY LEI *The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed

Dog News 141

Multiple Thai Best In Show, Multiple

Ch. HiTimes What

Special Thanks To Best In Show Judge Mr. James Reynolds And Thanks to the Group First Judges: Mrs. Ann Hearn, Owners are Bonnie Bird and Udomisin Littichaikun 142 Dog News

American Best In Show

The Inferno

What a Weekend!

Special Thanks To Best In Show Judge Mrs. Ann Hearn Mr. James Reynolds, Mrs. Pamela Peat, Mrs. Cecilia Ringstrom!! Presented By Curtiss Smith Dog News 143

Is That A Light At The End of The Tunnel Or A Train? BY CARLOTTA COOPER

No doubt you’ve seen the recent AKC 'OVERNMENT 2ELATIONS NEWS RELEASE h&EDERAL 5PDATE #ONGRESS 0ASSES &ARM "ILL WITH 4WO Improvements to the Animal Welfare Act.” Since I’m a naturally optimistic person, I was left feeling like we should jump for joy after reading the contents. But this is Congress and the USDA we’re talking about. It’s probably a good idea to take a closer look.


hat actually happened? The House and the Senate had problems agreeing about the Farm Bill – an agricultural bill that determines what kind of subsidies farmers receive, how much consumers pay for milk, who will get food stamps, and more. Since the Farm Bill is about agriculture, other agricultural issues that are covered by the USDA can be addressed, and they were. HSUS lobbied to strengthen the anti-animal fighting law. They lobbied against the King amendment, which would have prevented California from applying their animal husbandry standards to out-of-state farmers if they wanted to sell things like eggs in California. It also turns out that AKC and others were lobbying about the retail pet store rule that has been so upsetting for hobby pet breeders. In order to reach a compromise on the thorny issues, the House and Senate set up a committee to iron out an agreement. The conferees on this committee looked at the retail pet store rule and made some determinations/ recommendations/suggestions to the USDA. Here is what came out of their meeting: s 4HE 2ETAIL 0ET 3TORE 2ULE that was put into effect in late 2013 has been codified and is now part of the Animal Welfare Act statute. It has the same weight under law as the rest of the Animal Welfare Act.

s 4HE CONFERENCE MANAGERS want a “de minimis” within the rule. If a dealer or exhibitor (the USDA’s meaning, not a dog show exhibitor – this would be someone such as a magician with a rabbit) is so small in terms of animals bred and raised or gross dollar amounts EARNED THEN !0()3 SHOULD NOT require them to have a license. “Secretary of Agriculture to focus the U.S. Department of !GRICULTURE !NIMAL AND 0LANT Health Inspection Service’s limited budget and inspection and enforcement staff on entities that pose the greatest risks to animal welfare and public safety.” The de minimis is an amount so small as to merit disregard. The conference managers said that they EXPECTED !0()3 TO COMPLETE THIS new rulemaking to determine the de minimis “expeditiously and would suggest a timeframe not to exceed one year from the date of enactment.” (Note that non-profit entities such as animal shelters or rescues are not automatically considered “de minimis.” The definition would be based on the number OF ANIMALS BRED /2 GROSS DOLLAR amounts earned.) s 4HE CONFERENCE MANAGERS also want a definition of “breeding female” which, so far, has been lacking from the retail pet store rule and from the AWA. h4HE -ANAGERS URGE !0()3 TO clarify that only those female animals capable of reproduction and actively being used in a


144 Dog News

We celebrate the close of a remarkable career in the breed ring, finishing the year as the Number Four* Briard!

Multiple Best in Specialty Show & Multiple Group Winner

GCh. Deja Vu Mia Cake Walk Cagney will continue on with KayCee in Juniors... we are so very proud of their accomplishments in BOTH rings! Wishing them both the Best of Luck at upcoming shows! Owners Mon Amie Briards Gina & KayCee Klang Breeders / Co-Owners Deja Vu / Mia Terry Miller & Amie Melton

*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points

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*The Dog News Top Ten List

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The British Scene BY GEOFF CORISH


award for 2013 was clear cut until the very last few shows. Leading the field all year was the Wire Fox Terrier Ch Travella Striking Steel, he had had an amazing year being only the second dog ever to win 8 best in shows in a show season, the first being the Chinese Crested Ch Vanitonia Unwrapped. In a numerically small breed in the show ring, he has fewer opportunities than some of his rivals to win challenge certificates, and indeed he has often won through from the unclassified classes. Perhaps at this point l should mention how our system works. Not every breed is allocated cc’s at every show, the larger number breeds have more chances in this respect. At shows where the breed has cc’s then they get two points for a cc and one point for best of breed. Group 1 gets five points, group 2 gets three, group 3 two and group 4 one. Best in Show gets an extra five and reserve gets three. I have always been critical of this system as if you are one of the minority breeds then you will struggle to get as many points as the breeds who have cc’s at every show. A minority breed might easily have the same dogs at a show without cc’s as it does when there are cc’s but without cc’s then you get no points for going best of breed, you have to get a group placing to get any points at all. A little unfair on the minority breeds l feel. Anyway that’s my rant over and back to the awards. The Wire FT is bred by Bill 148 Dog News

Brown-Cole and comes from a kennel and strain which has been at or near the top for the entire post-war period. Bill’s father Bill (senior) made many champions and won a BIS, and in recent years the kennel has enjoyed a spectacular run. ‘Oliver’, being the fifth best in show winner of the new era. He is sired by BIS winner Ch Travella Starlord, now in South America, ex Travella Scarlet Rose, and the pedigree is entirely Travella for many generations. However, a great run at the last couple of shows saw the Wire overtaken by the narrowest of margins by the black Standard Poodle Ch/Am Ch Afterglow Maverick Sabre. Had the Wire won best in show at the last show of the year The Ladies Kennel Association it would have ended in booth having the same points, something which has never happened in the history of the competition. The Poodle was bred by Mike Gadsby and Jason Lyn, owned by Jason Lyn and Sandra and John Stone and sired by BIS winner Ch/Am Ch Del Zarzoso Salveme from Afterglow, out of Ch Topcatana Sugar Cube Afterglow. This was the fourth top dog bred by Mike, the others being American Cocker Sh Ch Boduf Pistols at dawn and Ch Afterglow Douglas Fashion and Ch Afterglow the Big Tease. Third top dog is from the herding group, and winner of the same group at Crufts 2013 is the Australian Shepherd Ch Allmark Fifth Avenue. She led the ranking in the first half of the year. ‘Tiffany’ is owned by Neil Allan and Robert Harlow who bred her with CONTINUED ON PAGE 204

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y r t l Da

Am., Can., Australian Champion

Ch. Shekinah’s Jakar Pamir The Seeker

Presented by Bruce & Tara Schultz AKC Reg. Handlers & PHA Bred By Amy Donnell Leslie Stoffers Tara Schultz Owned By Georjean Jensen

PAMIR, REG. Bruce Schultz 150 Dog News

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The Lighter Side From Drags to Bitches of Judging CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18

bathroom. Methodically, I removed the layered transformation – wig, clothing, makeup and shoes, returning to my former self. Rebounding back to the present, I make a mad dash through the Bank of America drive through. I deposit four checks at once, request two-hundred dollars in cash (I want to make sure I have plenty of tip money for HEAVENLEIGH KENNEDY and the other Drag Queens) and wait for the automated machine to deliver my receipt. Knowing that for security purposes my transaction is being filmed, I also wave, say “Hello” and share simple pleasantries with the camera until it is time to move forward. I arrive at the Four Point Sheraton on schedule. DOT and DR.D have arrived, checked in, and are waiting in their rooms to be taken to dinner. We spend the evening catching up on details of life, love, the pursuit of happiness, dog show obsessions, and yes, our mutual excitement surrounding tomorrow’s Drag Dinner with HEAVENLY- KENNEDY. “I find it hard to believe that Richmond, VA has a premier drag venue,” DR.D remarks. “Well, look at this.” I hand DR.D my Droid, having search and opened Godfrey’s web page. DR.D reads aloud, “Welcome to Godfreys Restaurant and Nightclub---where the atmosphere is alive and you’re always invited. At Godfreys, our bartenders serve drinks with a wink and our managers are out there enjoying the scene with you. Saturday---The Double D, Divas and Dinner event---despite our Divas being the star attraction here, We are open to all customers of all colors and sexual orientations. Whether you’re gay, straight, or purple---You’ll be telling all your friends about Godfreys.” “Not unlike the dog show, except the Divas are usually an assortment of various breeds that take hours of preparation, grooming, makeup, and big hair before prancing around the ring,” I silently ponder the comparison. DR.D slides DROID across the table. I continue to click through the website sharing various photographs and names of the featured Divas – “Alvin Arnell Davenport, Tiffany Devereaux, Stasha Sanchez, Klexis Davenport, Victoria C. Snow, Brandi Mizrahi, and others.” It is obvious from the photographs that the common thread for success among the profession is LOTS of mascara, big hair, high heels, attitude, and an amazing name.” “Also, you know---they say you establish your drag identity by using the call name of your first dog as your first name and last name is the street name of your childhood home. That makes my drag name ‘Tinker-Bell Vorhis,’” I laughingly offer. “Bootsie Washtenaw is mine,” DOT blurts out, followed by DR.D, who adds, “Oh, well my drag name is Beauzeau Henri.” “You’re the only one I know who could be from Long Island and have a French drag name,” I add to the collective laughter.

With 8:00 AM judging looming in the morning, our social gathering ends early, and I make sure to get our two esteemed judges back to the hotel for a good night’s rest. The day of canine adjudicating and club management proves to be the perfect pre-activity in preparation for the grand finale. DR.D, DOT, and I depart the Richmond Raceway Complex after DR.D completes his judging of the Sporting Group, promptly at 5:00 PM. DROID sends BIG MICHAEL and MISSE a text message: “We are just leaving the showsite – headed to the hotel to change and we will meet you at Godfreys between 6:00 and 6:30 – XXOO.” Within seconds a reply is sent. “We are on our way--Looks like it will be closer to 6:30---See you soon.” The hotel is a twelve-minute drive from the show grounds. DOT maneuvers her rental car into the parking lot and we are amazed at the number of vehicles and guests compared to when we departed early this morning. “Looks like a convention of some sort,” I remark. There are people everywhere. We squeeze into the elevator along with three, large men adorned in Shriner clothing and accessories. “So I take it there is a Shriner event going on?” I ask. “Yes, big event for us,” two of them collectively respond. I cannot help but be totally amazed and impressed with their pride, courage and their dedication

to their passion to wear such costumes in public. We exit the elevator. I go to room 420, DOT goes to 421, and DR.D continues down the hall and to his right. “OK, see the two of you in fifteen minutes in the lobby,” I cheerfully instruct. Changing into a pair of jeans, a black sweater, and black boots, I ponder the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, known as Shriners. I wonder how they came about such pageantry and open willingness to dress in costume for all the public to see. I activate DROID to settle my curious mind and to my wonder, what does appear---an answer to my query. I quickly read several articles and in summary, there was a gentleman by the name of William J. Florence from Manhattan, a world-renowned actor, who took the idea of stressing fun and fellowship while on tour in Marseilles in the year 1870. He was invited to a party given by an Arabian diplomat and the entertainment was an elaborately staged musical comedy full of merriment and costumes. The evening ended with the guests becoming members of a secret society. Florence took notes and drawings, and returned to New York with his creative inspiration and showed the materials to his friend, Fleming, who used them to form the organization, write the ritual and design the costumes. “Well, if this is just not too damn funny---maybe at the end of tonight’s Double D--- Dinner and Drag---we will have formed a new society that will promote fun, fashion, and service within the dog community?” DR.D, DOT, and I return to the same elevator on the fourth floor for our departure. Already in the elevator is a new collection of three Shriners holding paper plates filled with half-eaten pork ribs. Now, I can tell you---the three of us, hungrier than hell, were ready and able to dropkick the Shriners, steal their ribs, and run, the minute the elevator door opened. However, we remain stoic, admiring their wardrobes, knowing we were about to have dinner in less than an hour. Godfreys is located at 308 E. Grace Street. It takes us, with DOT driving, approximately fifteen-minutes to secure a parking spot directly in front of the entrance. I am the first to exit the rental car. There is a large group of middleaged women exiting from a chauffeured bus and several already standing in front of the entrance. “Hi there my name is Suzie! It’s my birthday and we are celebrating tonight---I love you already. Are you going to the show?” she asks while wrapping her arms around my neck. “Yep, we are and these are my friends DR.D from New York and DOT from Chicago.” “OMG! I can’t believe you came all this way.” “We are in town to judge the dog show,” DR.D announces. “Hey everyone, we have dog show judges over here ----DR.D and DOT from New York City and Chicago… and Michael, he’s just from Virginia. Come meet them. They’re going to the show, too,” SUZIE shrieks to the world CONTINUED ON PAGE 156

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*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points

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The Lighter Side of Judging

From Drags to Bitches


with a slight slur to her voice signaling the birthday girls have already started the party. SUZIE’s lady friends, some of them wearing boas, proceed directly past DOT and me to fawn over DR.D. I signal to the crowd that we are moving the party indoors. We enter and immediately we find ourselves in the dance, stage area of the complex. Numerous other ladies wait in line to enter the restaurant bar area. DR.D and I are the only men among the crowd. We immediately become the focus of the demanding estrogen. SUZIE holds court and wastes no time confirming her admiration and desire for DR.D. “Hello everyone---I have dollar bills if you need change---remember our ladies look forward to their tips and we want them happy. If they are happy, you are happy, too,” a welcoming gentleman shouts from above---tossing singles through the air and into the hands of several anxious guests. I seize the moment, push through to the front of the line, and enter the bar / restaurant area to inquire about our reservation. Our table is way in back, next to the bar and near the entrance to the kitchen. “What the hell? I’m not going worry about the location. HEAVENLEIGH KENNEDY will know where we are and make sure we enjoy the night,” I say to myself. During my discussion with one of the owners, the line is released. The space fills instantly with a mixed crowd of young, old, straight, gay, etc., all eager for an evening of entertainment, fun, and fellowship. Not unlike the Shriners back at the hotel. While the three of us wait for BIG MICHAEL and MISSE to arrive, we order a cocktail and two appetizers. Amazingly enough, the appetizers are quite tasty and the drinks, even better. “Wow! I am impressed so far,” DR.D extols with DOT sipping her Manhattan and nodding her head in agreement. “Cousin-in-Law, Michael – OMG – it is so nice to see you,” a voice from behind cheerfully announces. I turn, stand, and wrap my arms around HEAVEN-LEIGH KENNEDY. She has yet to embark on her personal transformation into Drag and is extremely beautiful in her natural state. “I would like you to meet my dear friends from the dog show world--DOT from Chicago and DR.D from New York.” Heavenly begins, “Well, so nice to meet you both.” She stops, smiles and then stares intently at Dr. D…” And you… Big Boy… must be the “hunky one” that I heard was coming to the show.” Heavenly now includes the rest of us in her remarks. “I can already tell tonight is going to be very special for me, if this gorgeous creature has anything to do with it,” she says while wrapping her arms around DR.D’s upper torso and caressing his pectoral muscles through his tight-fitting short sleeved shirt. “Listen, BIG MICHAEL and our friend MISSE will be here in just a few minutes,” I interject. “Perfect – gotta run and make it happen!” HEAVEN-LEIGH KENNEDY exits through the side door of the restaurant/ bar area. The three of us continue to enjoy drinks, music and food. At 6:32 BIG MICHAEL and MISSE arrive. We crowd around the small table in the corner, order more drinks, our dinner, 156 Dog News

and anxiously wait for the show to begin. MISSE is a tall, striking young lady who resembles Grace Kelly. She is wearing a skintight multi-print dress, heels to die for and she appears to be willing to give any of the Drag Queens a run for their money if needed. BIG MICHAEL, a rather talented photographer, agrees to be the official photographer for the night. We order another round of drinks, the music changes, a spotlight is turned on and HEAVEN-LEIGH KENNEDY enters. She introduces herself, welcomes the crowd, does a little housekeeping, and starts to perform. She works the crowd from left to right and squeezes her way back to our table. “Ladies and Gentleman---I have some special guests in the house tonight and I would like to introduce my family.” She leans over, grabs BIG MICHAEL and declares, “This here handsome, big man is my cousin MIKE and over here is his husband, my Cousin-in- Love, MICHAEL, too. Honey, how long have the two of you been together?” she asks. “We have been together fourteen years,” I reply to crowd approval. HEAVEN-LEIGH KENNEDY

politely introduces DOT, MISSE and wastes no time manhandling DR.D and presenting him to the eager crowd, as if he is part of the half-time celebration. Of course, DR.D winks and waves to his many adoring fans. “Also, ladies and gentleman DR.D, DOT, and COUSIN-IN-LOVE are in town for the dog show---they are judges and this one can examine me any day of the week,” she proudly shares, still clinging to DR.D’s torso. BIG MICHAEL shoots a few photos. HEAVEN-LEIGH KENNEDY breaks loose and hits the runway for cash. She completes the first performance of the night and is followed by ALVION DAVENPORT. Through the large windows at the front of the restaurant a mass of bright orange feathers fills the sidewalk. With the help of a couple of attendants, ALVION DAVENPORT turns sideways and squeezes through the narrow entrance door. The crowd, including an ever-intoxicated SUZIE, screams and whistles at the brightly feathered Diva. “Oh yes, I must have my picture taken with her,” DR.D blurts out, “Me, too!” screams MISSE. The two of them rush towards ALVION DAVENPORT waving money in hopes of a personal photo opportunity. BIG MICHAEL follows with camera in tow. DOT and I watch from afar and the DR.D works his Drag charm. ALVION DAVENPORT never misses a lip sync moment. She stops, holds the two of them close, kisses DR.D on the head, and BIG MICHAEL captures a winning shot. ALVION DAVENPORT completes her number and HEAVEN-LEIGH KENNEDY reenters the dining room/bar in a deep red, long gown, a full length fur coat, big hair and belts out the sultry sounds of Reba singing her hit “Fancy” by Bobbie Gentry.

“Well, I remember it all very well lookin’ back It was the summer that I turned eighteen We was hard-pressed When momma spent every last penny we had To buy me a dancin’ dress lived in a one-room, run down shack On the outskirts of New Orleans We didn’t have money for food or rent To say the least At this juncture in the performance, HEAVEN-LEIGH KENNEDY works the crowd to her left. SUZIE---in a thoroughly CONTINUED ON PAGE 160

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The Lighter Side From Drags to Bitches of Judging CONTINUED FROM PAGE 156

inebriated state----attempts to crawl toward her with cash in hand. HEAVEN – LEIGH KENNEDY, recognizing a potential disaster, grabs the money and saunters our way. She stops at the bar counter’s edge and works a table of ten men (Yes, one other table did finally have some men in attendance) to her left.

“Well, momma washed and combed and curled my hair Then she painted my eyes and lips Then I stepped into the satin dancin’ dress It had a split in the side, clean up to my hips It was red, velvet-trimmed and it fit me good And standin’ back from the lookin’ glass Was a woman Where a half grown kid had stood” The men adoringly worship her role and they financially acknowledge her Drag greatness. She snaps her head towards our table. DR.D and MISSE stand to the occasion and welcome her with open arms. Prior to reaching our table the tempo increases.

“She said, “Here’s your last chance, Fancy, don’t let me down Here’s your last chance, Fancy, don’t let me down God forgive me for what I do But if you want out, girl, it’s up to you Now get on out, you better start sleepin’ uptown” No sooner does she release the words “sleepin’ uptown”, when she swings her wrists in multiple directions, throws off the fur coat, snatches the front of her dress, and everything goes a flying. Standing directly in front of our table-- -for our up close and personal entertainment value--is the lovely HEAVEN-LEIGH KENNEDY with a tight little red number hugging her bottom and nothing but rhinestone pasties covering her nipples. The full effect is nothing short of spectacular. “Oh yes, oh yes…..this is perfect!” MISSE screams. “Work it girl!” DR.D calls to the wild. BIG MICHAEL, DOT, and I smile in amazement. Reba exits, leaving us all thirsty, hungry and exhausted. Dinner is

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served. DOT ordered a broiled porch chop and announces to the table, “This is, without a doubt, the best pork chop I have ever eaten. Who is the chef? Who is responsible for this wonderful meal? Damn it, the Drag Queens get all the credit---I want to know who cooked this pork chop,” she inquires at the top of her voice with the stripped pork chop bone dangling from her fingertips. “His name is MELVIN---the cook in the kitchen, MELVIN is his name,” our waiter shares. “Well, get MELVIN out here, I want to thank him in person!!!” DOT continues. Seconds later MELVIN appears from the side kitchen entry. MELVIN is dressed in traditional white kitchen staff attire. He is not too tall, full-bodied, and seems to be a bit shocked that an admirer is demanding his attention. DOT pulls MELVIN on her lap and smothers him with lavish attention for his spectacular Pork Chop. We all watch and BIG MICHAEL, once again, captures the moment in time. MELVIN is called back to the kitchen and DOT is forced to focus on the next performance of the evening by ANGELICA SPAULDING. She is a 7ft tall, slender goddess. She leaves all of us breathless. “Another photo must!” DR.D and MISSE rush forward for a repeat adventure. For three straight hours, HEAVEN-LEIGH KENNEDY, ANGELICA SPAULDING, and ALVION DAVENPORT offer us the best in drag entertainment. The evening ends on a high note, with all us getting our photos with the ladies on stage. BIG MICHAEL and HEAVEN-LEIGH KENNEDY bond as only close family member can, DOT lingers near the kitchen in hopes of spending more time with MELVIN, and DR.D remains on stage within the arms and legs of ANGELICA SPAULDING and ALVION DAVENPORT. “Time to go---Come on y’all, say your goodbyes. We have to get to bed and get rested for our 8:00 AM judging time,” I say in hopes of getting DR.D off the stage and in the car. I say goodnight to BIG MICHAEL and MISSE, who have a one-hour drive back to our home. SUZIE offers a unique version of goodbye as she crawls aboard the rented shuttle. DOT and DR.D joyfully enter the car and we proceed to the hotel. We laugh ourselves sick walking into the hotel lobby and seamlessly melt into the stream of Shriners, who at this point in the evening have consumed a few cocktails and enjoyed merriment and costumes. Once again, DOT retires to room

421, I enter 420, and DR.D proceeds down the hall and to his right. Due to an eleven-thirty PM fire alarm, the three of us meet outside one last time before bed (that is another story). I rise at 4:30 AM and meet the ever-wonderful MS.KC from Oregon in the lobby. We agreed to depart early and get things set for the day and give DR.BOB and MS.POLLY a much needed break. Creatively energized by last night’s activities, I find myself excited, knowing I will be judging several of my new provisional breeds for the first time, later in the morning. Due to health reasons, one of the judges on the panel had to cancel at the last minute and I was given the opportunity. So, knowing I would be judging a local show, BIG MICHAEL took it upon himself to announce to our local community that I would be performing at the Richmond Raceway Complex. His efforts did not disappoint. At the start of my assignment, debut, performance, or whatever you want to call it, seventeen members of our local community show up to watch. “Ladies and gentleman, for one night only, the bald, the brave, the beautiful, TINKERBELL VORHIS, for your dog-loving pleasure,” I laughingly share with no one before I sign the start time in the judge’s book. I periodically sneak a peek through the corner of my eye and notice my audience is no longer at ringside, in awe of my performance. I complete the judging of my first assigned breed. Taking a swallow of water from the plastic bottle resting on my table, I scope the large space for signs of my adoring fans/friends. I spot them at various other rings watching the glamorous breeds being judged--the breeds with big hair, with fancy outlines, with breed popularity. I knew that I could never hold their undivided attention with a handful of Canaan Dogs slinking around the ring with their tails tucked between their rear legs. No, I just did not have seductive powers of HEAVEN-LEIGH KENNEDY to overcome the circumstances. And, God forbid I should attempt to lure them by taking my clothes off. In the end, I say goodbye to my friend DR.D, who leaves to catch an earlier flight back to New York. I say goodbye to my friends from home after they mingle, greet, and are photographed with the Best in Show winner, the Portuguese Water Dog. Like BIG MICHAEL, I take their photographs as they all rush towards the beautiful black stallion of a dog, groomed to perfection, in glorious condition for all to enjoy. I, on the other hand, assist with the cleanup of the show, after which, I escort DOT back to our home for wine, dinner, and a relaxing evening with BIG MICHAEL, and MURPHY FRENCH--- thankful for sharing adventures with life-long friends who are obsessed with the same passion.



” atashaå Golden Gate Kennel Club Thank you Judge: Mrs. Edith Tichenor Hanson

National Specialty Best In Show Winning

GCh. Lakota’s Witch Witch Are You SC. Sire: MBIF, AM CAN. CH. Amberwind’s Casanova SC. LCM2.VFCH Dam: MBIF NSEL.DC. Kimera’s Suntse Limited SC

L akota Whippets Breeder, Owner and Handler: Frank Bradley Briscoe Dog News 161

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Dog News 163

Now On Sale!

The Dog News Annual Magazine 2014

164 Dog News

$20 per issue, plus $5.00 S/H

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Dog News 167




even Green and that flamboyant guy from California named Sabella or something…and any handler involved with terriers or spaniels. And imagining GSD handlers showing their dogs wearing jacket & tie. Such a contrast to our jeans, t-shirts, trainers, gold chains and a possible tattoo! Not many dogs were imported to Norway from the US. The quarantine restrictions made it very expensive, so it would remain just a dream for many of us. In Sweden, however, some excellent American imports were doing well. And Sweden even exported dogs as well as people who made their marks over here. Heard of names like Caj Hakanson, Sylvia Hammarström, Mona Nolinder Martin? And a little later a guy named Bo Bengtson. They all made their marks- not only on their own breeds over here, but also became the envy of some frustrated young Scandinavians who were all “dog mad”. One export from Norway to the US in 1957 - a dog this time- who really hit the high notes in his new country was Ch Tortåsens Bjönn ll, a Norwegian Elkhound whose success over here made Norwegians so proud! His progress was followed and reported in the Norwegian Kennel Club’s magazine, Hundesport, and for some years created a lot of interest in what happened to the breed in the US. The fact that Bjönn by 1962 had sired 16 American and 5 Canadian Champions seemed unbelievable!!! A number of Norwegian Elkhound specialists judged the breed in the US and Mr Aarflot came back after judging Chicago in 1962 with glowing reports about his Best of Breed winner (out of some 70 entered!!!) Gladjac Royal Oslo, who was also Best in Show. One of the breed’s most influential experts was a lady named Gerd Berbom. She went to England to attend a school for kennel maids in 1925, brought over a few Elkhounds and remained in the country until 1939 when she returned to Norway. Her Jarlsberg kennel name was carried by many top winners of the breed in England, where I think she also introduced the Buhund. A lovely lady who was active in the Norwegian dog world for many yearsand I think she went back to the UK during the war bringing with her a few 168 Dog News

Elkhounds to save the breed. When I got to know her she was a well respected judge of a number of breeds, but would forever remain loyal to her original breed. But as mentioned earlier: I was fascinated by the American show scene so any story told would live with me forever and I will never forget when she told me about this lady in California, a school teacher, who was the most dedicated Elkhound enthusiast you could ever imagine. Who had done more winning with the breed than anybody in the world- and had more energy than you could ever imagine, driving thousands of miles to dog shows every week, and only needing a few hours sleep per night! I suppose that if anybody read this, they have already guessed the lady’s name was Pat Craig (Trotter) of the famous Vin-Melca’s and I was so pleased when she in a recent interview mentioned Gerd Berbom as an influence in her life. As it was my impression that Miss Berbom was very proud and pleased about what this American protégé achieved. Whenever I meet Mrs. Trotter at a show, I am reminded of this story and how it impressed me at the time. And still does!

the breed club’s approval were the Kennel Klub’s shows and as Bergen was an area with hardly any Elks and very few Elkhounds, we never had classes for the breed at our local shows. The ambition to preserve the breed’s look as well as hunting ability was obvious and any attempt from pet people-or judges- to make this into a glorified show doll would be dealt with! I once suggested to an exhibitor that a bath would improve his dogs’ appearance and chances to win considerably. No response, but I will never forget the look of disgust on his face! The only reason many of them ended up in the show ring was that to obtain their “Hunting title” they needed proof that they were also typical Elkhounds, so needed at least to obtain a Second prize in Quality! No special treatment or bath required!! There are of course no rules without exception, many dogs were well cared for and some of the best ones lived happy lives as part time housedogs, but the majority were hunting dogs. If they proved to be useless as such, they would be very short-lived.

I think what fascinated Norwegians was that Elkhounds could be among the top winning show dogs in the US as in its country of origin it was first and foremost a hunting dog. I cannot recall ever having known a big kennel of Elkhounds in Norway, maybe 2 or 3 generations on site for the past, the present and the future. But that was all for hunting purposes. Very few Elkhounds were actually family pets (although I know they can be great housedogs given the chance). They lived on farms, if lucky with a shed and a fenced in run, but I think mainly chained up to their kennel and then prior to the start of the Elk hunting season, given a lot of attention and exercise to be in great shape for trials as well as regular hunting. Many breeders would refuse to sell puppies to pet homes. They considered it cruelty to not give the dogs a chance to do what they were bred for and what they also loved doing! The only shows that could include breed classes for Elkhounds without

I don’t know if any of the American top dogs of this breed have ever gotten a chance to prove that their hunting instinct is still intact, but I am certain that just like our imported terriers: When they were required to go to ground as the final qualifier for their International title even after 100 years and many generations as show dogs, their instinct was still as strong as ever. It just makes you more impressed with these guys who originally created all these breeds. But even if you as a breeder or exhibitor of any breed have realized your “American Dream”-and even made a few adjustments to the look of the breed to make it look more attractive as a show dog – I think we owe it to the “founders and creators” to never forget what the breed was created to accomplish. Both regarding looks and temperament.

Consistent Group Placements Even Though Shown Occasionally Handler: Michael Holland

l a e D l The Rea in Steel

Another Level of Champion with Super Bowl Trophy

Champion Gladiator S Zolotogo Grada ”Ricky” Breeder Svetlana Zolotova Moscow

Check out Ricky on!

Owner/Handler Sarah E. Gaunt Chattanooga, TN

Dog News 169

BEST IN SHOW DAY ONE of the Philippines circuit was the well known Doberman from the USA, Fifi, judged by Miguel Angel Martinez, the President of the FCI Americas Section.

Vince Hogan Feels The Heat In The Far East

Thrilla inManila! BY VINCE HOGAN

Downtown Manila has the feel of New York City!

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George Foreman and Mohammed Ali got there before me with that headline a few years ago, but it just seemed appropriate. What the ‘Thrilla’ fact turned out to be was a whole circuit of dog shows staged on the fifth floor of a swish Manila shopping mall, held over four days and organised by the Philippines Canine Club. Four of the shows were their own, 73rd show right through to the 76th on Sunday. The other shows gave people in the Far East the chance to win at the shows of the Kennel Clubs from …wait for it…. Montenegro, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Cyprus, El Salvador and

Costa Rica! Yes the world of dogs is truly international nowadays. CLUSTER SHOWS These cluster shows are now actually being phased out by the FCI following a fairly close vote at a recent general assembly in Geneva last August. Some people love em, others not so; whatever your view, it certainly worked wonders here where they garnered 6000 entries over the 4 days from about 600 dogs. It made for a frenetic and warm four days and judging that lasted right through until midnight on some days. This was my first time both in the Philippines and Manila, which is a massive urban sprawl. Don’t mention the traffic jams! This was a country that

BEST IN SHOW DAY TWO at the Philippines Circuit Show was the Siberian Husky judged by Gerard Jipping the Vice President of the FCI

had been devastated recently in some of the more remote parts by a huge storm (we all know about those nowadays) but here in Manila the dog show became quite an item on TV and in the local press. The show setting reminded me of some aspects of Westminster… the handlers area was well organised with designated sections, electric laid on for groomers and security at either end for good measure. The venue itself was like going up on the escalators to the Toy show in the Pennsylvania Hotel…only higher! The excellent exhibition facility was located on the fifth floor of the SM Mega Mall so when you were not showing you could pop out for a bit of shopping or to get something to eat from the many stalls and shops. OUR DOGS had been appointed the International Media Partner for the show and we had promoted widely on line before hand….in association with HotDog

Judge Carla Molinari, Treasurer of the FCI.


The busy show arena in Manila was reminiscent of the handlers area at the old Garden.

The Russian connection with Oleg and Natalya.

Desi Murphy and Kimberlie Steele from the States pictured in Manila Dog News 171


end of the spacious group ring filled to capacity. Young people, who appeared fascinated by these experiences, asked handlers, juniors and even judges how they could become involved in showing dogs. Many attended the well-publicized “Afternoon with Professional Handlers” on Saturday as well as the “My Dog Can Do That!” event where professional trainers and agility experts helped them coax their dogs of mixed heritage through tunnels, over small jumps and other fun activities and provided tips on training dogs. This program is part of AKC’s game plan to reach out to the public, and from my observations during a break in my schedule, I think this activity and others like it might help pump some new blood into our sport. My own first childhood dog was a mixed breed I showed in occasional “pet shows” before taking the next step. With outstanding daily television coverage and prominent advertising throughout the area, public awareness was quite evident. Because large dog shows can be very confusing to the first-time attendee, it was most impressive to see humongous signs high above the crowd locating everything from the information booth to each specialized event. In addition, maps and information papers were provided to everyone explaining what each section of this huge indoor facility known as the Suburban Collection Showplace offered spectators in canine entertainment. (The place is large enough that it housed a car showing in a perimeter area within the building simultaneously with the dog show. Four health clinics for dogs were also located in this general area.) Dr. Alan Dorfman, of the Oakland County Kennel Club, provides much of the leadership for this fantastic cluster and is recognized accordingly by the American Kennel Club as he will address the delegate body on “How To Put On A Dog Show” at the March meeting. His 172 Dog News

innovative ideas have been supported by officials of both clubs including David Gibbons, OCKC president; Donald Leonard, Cluster Coordinator; Lee and Mike Patten; Tamra Green, LKC president and a team of volunteers not to be believed. Furthermore, the numer-

ous young people helping with ring hospitality, clean-up and a host of other jobs testify to the fact that the two clubs’ leaders are looking to the future! When clubs cooperate CONTINUED ON PAGE 176

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Inside The Sport CONTINUED FROM PAGE 172

like these two, it is a true tribute to the people dogs select to own them. Entries are bolstered by special attractions such as the Best OwnerHandled Dog Series, Best Puppy, Best Veteran, Best Bred by Exhibitor and Best 4-6 Month Old Puppy. With numerous specialty shows and supported entries, majors predominated in many breeds. Groups were strong and deep. The BIS honors were divided four ways with the first one going to the Russell Terrier that has won hearts throughout the fancy for this new breed. Three newcomers to the campaign traila black Cocker Spaniel, a Shih Tzu and a Border Terrier bitch-were also BIS winners serving notice on the weekend they will be contenders for this year’s honors. The Saturday and Sunday winners were rewarded with $1,000 for BIS! Cash prizes also went to the winners of the armband draws at the weekend shows.


he large group ring was carpeted and the scene of lots of activities over the noon hour-including Meet The Breeds and a K-9 Police demonstration. Canine Good Citizenship Tests were available daily and other popular attractions included obedience, rally, agility, weight pulls and Duck Herding. Again, bleacher seating in this separate hall enhanced spectator enjoyment. The mascot of the Detroit Lions “Bobby” was on hand, much to the delight of all. Trimmed like a lion to reflect his support of the NFL team, this Golden Retriever is truly an ambassador for his breed. Football fans on Sunday lamented the fact their Lions weren’t on the big screen on championship playoff day-maybe next year? For those who ended the 2013 show year at Orlando and started 2014 in Novi, they were definitely treated to multi-faceted weekends with plenty of action. Handlers were allowed to drive in before the shows


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har ly

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Int’l., American, Dutch, Croation, Canadian Champion Champagne Charly V Tani Kazari Owned by Dr. Michael Tipple Bred by Mieke Cooijmans, Charly is the half brother to Westminster Best In Show Winner “Banana Joe” Co-Owned by Viruch Phrukwattanakul Handled by Allison Foley CPHA 902 220 1632

Winner Amsterdam, Winner Bundessieger Germany Winner of the Purina National (Canada’s Largest Dog show in 2013, and the Ottawa Kennel Club’s “Show of Shows”) Winner of 31 All Breed Best In Shows in 2013 in shows Making him Canada’s #1 Affenpinscher, #1 Toy and #2 of All Breeds breeds and Breaking Records breaking All records for the Breed breed Dog News 179

Inside The Sport CONTINUED FROM PAGE 176

to unload and set-up and back in again on Sunday night after BIS to load-up…much appreciated in the winter weather of 2014. Spacious grooming areas abounded with a “day of show” area for those weekend warriors who work for a living. The dog bathing area was right next to grooming and easily available for busy handlers and their assistants. In essence, the clubs are doing their best to make the cluster user friendly. Next year they hope to utilize permit judges and those hoping to expand their breeds to judge the special attractions.


anuary shows always project the idea of a new beginning, and in that vein there were some super puppies throughout the breeds. The finals of the four to six month class were spotlighted in the BIS ring with the honor going to a baby Whippet that was pushed by a very nice Shar Pei and a promising Alaskan Malamute. Best Puppy in Show (regular classes) on Friday was a fabulous six-month old English Setter. Such youngsters inspire us all as they signal the sport is in relatively good shape in spite of the many black clouds hovering over us. With movers and shakers like this hard-working cluster team to inspire us, it’s no wonder AKC is asking Dr. Dorfman to be part of the forum on staging dog shows at the March delegates meeting.

180 Dog News

e r i F f o s s e d d o G ’s r e i c a Ch. Gl



! ints* R o A P E d Y e T e A r E B R d G e A y WOW, WHAT ll Breed Points & #6 Samo G ro u p S e c o n d #3 Samoyed A nsel

wender M r. R ic k G s c h n o ll y M r. J o h n C o n . B u x to n D r. K e n n e th A B u x to n Ms. Donna J. a tt e rs o n M r. Ti m o th y C nsel M r. R o b in S ta A K ro g h M rs . S h a ro n

G ro u p F ir s t & d e re B f o t Bes nd & G ro u p S e c o B e s t o f B re e d G ro u p F o u rt h G ro u p F ir s t B e s t In S h o w B e s t In S h o w G ro u p F ir s t & d e re B f o t Bes

And Thank You To All Of The Judges Who Made 2013 A Great Year For Pele!:

ta M rs . R o b in S ta n s e l M rs . R o b in S lu e M s . Ly n e tt e B u ll ig a n M r. V in c e n t M in M r. E d d E . B iv u s s e ll M rs . N a n c y R c o tt M s . J o a n P. S

lt y S h o w B e s t In S p e c ia lt y S h o w B e s t In S p e c ia G ro u p F ir s t & G ro u p F ir s t B e s t o f B re e d G ro u p S e c o n d & d e re B f o t Bes & G ro u p F ir s t B e s t o f B re e d

O w n er: D eb orah Med ei ros A l i ’i Sam oyed s l u vm ys am s @aol .c om B reed ers : Yan an d N ovi a Vi n c z e Han d l er: Li s a Fen n el l *The Dog News Top Ten List

Dog News 181

Guardians of America’s Freedom On October 28, 2013, the Military Working Dog Teams National Monument was dedicated by the United States Military and the John Burnam Monument Foundation, Inc. at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland in San Antonio, Texas. The “Not Forgotten” dog and handler water fountain is fully functional. Dogs may drink from it when visiting the monument with their owners.

The Military Working Dog Teams National Monument was dedicated by the United States Military and the John Burnam Monument Foundation, Inc., on October 28, 2013 at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland in San Antonio, Texas. It is the first national monument to honor our nation’s fourfooted heroes for the countless thousands of American lives they saved beginning with World War II.

BY SHARON PFLAUMER Photos courtesy of the John Burnam Monument Foundation, Inc.


Five flags fly above the monument. Each represents a branch of the armed forces that used military working dogs in different capacities since World War II: the Army; Navy; Marines; Air Force; and Coast Guard.

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uardians of America’s Freedom” is inscribed on the granite pedestal beneath the 9-ft. tall bronze monument that stands as a tribute to the courage, intelligence and loyalty of military working dogs. The seven sculptures crafted by artist Paula Slater feature a military dog handler flanked on either side by two different breeds. The four depicted served as military working dogs beginning with WWII: the German Shepherd Dog, Doberman Pinscher, Labrador Retriever and Belgian Malinois. “I wanted the monument to commemorate the primary breeds that served as military working dogs in World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, and the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,” says John C. Burnam, the monument’s designer and builder.

He also spearheaded the fundraising effort to secure the necessary funds to build it. Of the 2 million dollars needed, he secured corporate sponsorships from Maddie’s Fund, Inc.; Petco, Inc.; and Natural Balance Pet Foods, Inc. Collectively, they donated 1.8 million dollars; with the balance of the funds needed contributed by various dog organizations and the general public. “The German Shepherd Dog and Doberman Pinscher were the primary breeds used during World War II in both the European and Pacific theatres,” Burnam says. The German Shepherd Dog went on to serve in all subsequent conflicts since WWII. The use of the Doberman Pinscher declined, however, despite the fact it had a significant presence during WWII where both breeds served as scout dogs, sentries and message carriers. “During the Korean and Vietnam Wars, dogs were deployed for sentry duty, scouting and explosives detection,” Burnam says. “The Labrador Retriever was first used in Vietnam as a tracker dog tasked with

John Burnam at the monument’s dedication ceremony.

enemy concentrations reconnaissance and search and rescue missions. During the Gulf War and the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Belgian Malinois, Labrador Retriever and German Shepherd Dog were used to detect improvised explosive devices and drugs. They also led patrols and did search and rescue missions.” The four breeds on the monument are not depicted wearing any specific equipment because Burnam didn’t want to identify any particular breed with any particular war because all but the Doberman served in multiple wars. However, the military dog handler is represented wearing equipment that would be used in Iraq and Afghanistan today in honor of all those past and present.

The “History” Wall

The wars in which each breed served are inscribed on the pedestal beneath the sculptures. The jobs each breed performed in each war are inscribed on the “History Wall” behind them. A collage of 23 action photos taken of the dogs in combat situations in each war is laser etched on the backside of the History Wall in the polished, black granite. Five different flags fly above the monument.

The 9-f

t. by 16

-ft. “His

Each represents a branch of the armed forces that used dogs in different capacities: the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard. For example, the Coast Guard used the German Shepherd Dog to guard the Atlantic and Pacific coastlines during WWII.

The “Not Forgotten” Fountain

It was important to Burnam that the monument be accessible not only to members of the general public but to their dogs as well. To guarantee their access, he had it written into the law passed that provided approval to build the monument. But he didn’t stop there. “I wanted to do something more to honor the military working dogs by doing something special for the dogs that visit the monument,” he says. “I thought about it for a long time and decided to include a functional water fountain for them. The inspiration for the ‘Not Forgotten’ fountain came to me when I remembered how I provided water for Timber and Clipper, the two German Shepherd Dogs I handled as a military dog handler in Vietnam. I’d take off my helmet and fill it with water from my canteen. Then, I’d let them drink from it.” (See the sidebar on page 221 for more about Burnam’s service as a military dog handler in Vietnam and the beloved dogs who served with him.) CONTINUED ON PAGE 220

tory Wa


The photo collage laser etched in the granite on the backside of the “History Wall.”

Dog News 183



themselves, what a beautiful dog, for my next dog I want a ............ because of their attitude, their ability or even the person’s new breed understanding. I haven’ t met anyone who said wow, look at that mixed breed, my next dog will be one of those. Other than breeders of pure bred dogs, who want to breed the next great pure bred dog, I have never heard an owner of a mixed breed dog say they are interested in breeding. I have heard them ask questions about a specific breed and ask if I can recommend a breeder, or where to find a good breeder of a specific breed. I frequently hear them question someone about what breeder they got their dog from. In my mind encouraging mixed breed owners to participate in AKC Performance events brings them into contact with the pure breed community. These relationships destroy the animal activist mantra that pure breed enthusiasts are all “puppy mills” and monsters that don’t care about their dogs. This experience changes peoples minds and does more to promote pure breed dogs than you can imagine. Connie Townsend Kuvasz Club of America


o….. as a Delegate for a Parent club are you suggesting that we promote cross breeds??? Our club, Irish Water Spaniels, has a strong dislike for cross breeding. It seems to me that the more we encourage mixed breed competition the bigger the push to encourage cross breeding. Sort of damned if you do and damned if you don’t. Jack McDaniel, Delegate IWSCA


doubt I’m the only breeder who actively searches out Junior homes. But yes a national coordination would be nice. Monica Henderson Stoner Delegate, Saluki Club of America


e’ve had great success in “converting” some of our mixed breed 4H kids to purebred dogs. And even if these families/ individuals remain with mixed breed/shelter dogs, they have become advocates for the AKC and the kinds of events that we hold. I have often wished there was some sort of a vehicle that would help us (individuals and clubs) to assist 4-Hers in acquiring a nice purebred puppy for a project dog. What part did I misunderstand of “Why can’t

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‘just a dog’ have our respect? Why would a dog need to be ‘purpose bred’?” ?? It is my understanding that every breed of dog was a “purpose bred” dog, whatever its job was from a working job to a companion, bred for certain characteristics to suit that purpose. ... whereas breeding a Doberman to a Chihuahua, such as the Audi commercial illustrated, was not bred for a purpose... except perhaps, to reinforce the idea of “Dobermans are too aggressive” in the public perception, covered over as a joke. It is my understanding that AKC was founded by people who had purpose bred dogs in mind. AKC has expanded that to include mixed breeds in events that are not breed specific companion events of agility, obedience, rally, but not in performance events which are deemed breed specific, hunting trials etc. I am reading posts on this list from people who, for instance, appear to want their physician to be able to compete in more AKC events with her Cavichon... Since she is already able to complete in companion events, that only leaves the breed specific events to be opened up. If or when AKC becomes the registry for the designer mixes, perhaps she will be able to compete in the rest of events then. I’m not hearing about expanding purebred conformation events, about supporting purebred breeding in general, just about more events and more opportunities for mixed breeds. That’s fine. It is just my observation of how the Delegate body reflects the general public opinion, the emails seem to show the direction the Delegate body is moving, they appear to illustrate what our Delegate body believes, and where they will be expecting AKC to go. Wyoma Clouss Speaking for myself


don’t recall anyone on the list suggesting that conformation or breeding pure bred dogs for whatever purpose is passé. Kathy Coxwell BCCA Del


y point in an earlier post was based on the concept of Parent clubs protecting the breed from becoming used in “doodle” breeding. As someone pointed out, most breeds are purpose bred so we are just farther along the path than newer crosses.

*The Dog News Top Ten List

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190 Dog News

Dog News 191



In the Irish Water Spaniels, we have worked tirelessly to discourage breeders from breeding for a specific trait and foregoing other very important factors. We really push the “All Rounder” award which requires Conformation, Obedience, and Field. We do not want to fall into the trap of “show bred” or “Field bred”. Now, we must look at the fact that we are a rare breed and as the requirements for breeding dogs without defects becomes harder and harder. Where do we draw the line? We have people setting breeding requirements that are very strict and inflexible. How do you keep a breed from heading down a path that takes it over a cliff?? Jack McDaniel, Delegate IWSCA


here you have it. As part of the justification for including mixed breeds, we were told it would shift opinion. In five short years, we have delegates who don’t understand breeding for a purpose. Message coming thru loud and clear. Purebred, conformation ‘passe’. AKC’s financial future is mixed breeds, becoming the registry for designer mixes. Budget to redirect, phase out any programs related to protect breeding of purebreds, i.e. DNA, inspections, legislative. Wyoma Clouss, speaking for myself


continue to be horrified at some of the tone on this list. There is just no room in our sport, at this time, for negativity and lack of support. If we don’t like an idea that is proposed, it is our “job”embrace it, to suggest an alternative or modification, but not to blow the idea, and with it the organization right out of the water. Truly what is wrong with all of us, we are the “boots on the ground” for the AKC, and unless we want our boots to be walking in a direction we would truly NOT approve of, and under a commander with whom we have no common goal, we had better get our acts together, support what we can, suggest betterment where we see it, and not vocalize to the rest of the world our discontent. This is an imperfect world, but the adage that if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem rings true. Additionally, I cannot tell you the number of families that incorporate a pure bred and a non pure bred. When you turn away one dog from activities, it is likely you are also turning away the other and losing not only the adults who would come with their dogs both pure bred and non, but their youngsters who would/could be involved for decades and the future. So, room for suggestions and solutions, no room for disdain and negativity. Just not useful!! Speaking for myself and my own big red dogs. John Davidson 192 Dog News


do understand that, but how would she ever know this? Are we aggressively promoting these activities? As a delegate, I was not even sure to what extent she could participate with her “mutts”. Does anyone note the distain and disgust with which this term is used on this list? I remember when the discussions about mixed breeds occurred and the alarm that a purebred dog might do a long down next to a mutt. As Carl proposes, this is going to have to happen. The other registries are way ahead of us. I hate to resurrect my Titanic analogy, but I can her the violins now! Dr. John F Davidson-in my opinion Illinois Valley KC


our physician can now participate in all but conformation. Not sure what more you would want her to do with her dog without having a purebred dog. Susan Sholar BRTCA


have long advocated that all dog lovers should be welcome beneath the AKC tent. We must unite to face those who threaten our sport and our dogs. I also think that we need to offer more for those dogs who may not be conformation dogs. I will never forget the sting years ago from a letter from AKC , telling me my breed was not sufficiently purebred to be AKC registered. I wish I had been told that there were other AKC activities in which my dogs could participate. I wish I had heard that while my breed was in “time out” right now, that it could participate in obedience, rally, carting, barn hunts, nosework, dock diving, terrier racing, canine good citizenship, etc. My physician has medical and law degrees from Harvard and Yale. Yet, she would not consider another “breed” but her Cavashons. I keep thinking how our registry would benefit, if her dogs could do more in AKC. I will now retire to my bunker- I think I already hear the missiles! Dr. John F Davidson-my thoughts only Illinois Valley KC


ravo, Karolynne! I have a perfect example.My neighbors have a fabulous mixed breed dog on whom they have spent thousands of dollars to arrest a cancer. They are always interested in hearing about our dogs. I give them my copies of Dog News and took them to their first dog show last Fall. They may never own a purebred dog, but they are best dog owners I ever saw. I would be happy if they owned one of mine. What would they think of us if we did not embrace their rescue dog with the same care that they do? Connie Vanacore CONTINUED ON PAGE 196


the number one* Lhasa Apso dog for 2013! ‡ 0XOWLSOH *URXS :LQQLQJ $P *UDQG ,QW·O &K ‡ &KDPSLRQ RI &]HFK 5HSXEOLF (VWRQLD /LWKXDQLD 6HUELD 6ORYDNLD




Bred By 6KHUU\ 6ZDQVRQ %HQ 6ZDQVRQ *Number Three overall, The Dog News Top Ten List All Breed

Dog News 193



M RE Interpreting AKC Numbers, A Feel Good Mentality...


There seems to be a new feel good communal attitude fostered by

the social media people headed by Chris Walker et al at AKC, which is the first thing one sees when and if one gets on the AKC web site. Now then this may be a good idea sociologically but practically I am not too sure what indeed this accomplishes in fact for the hardcore constituency. One million friends are great to have one supposes but unless these “friendships” last and prove to be a lot more than casual relationships AKC may be better off concentrating on long standing constituents rather than the fickleness oft associated between new friends. Perhaps akin to the attitude which is said to exist between the new consulting firm and certain “in” Board Members. From what I have been hearing the status of The Edelman Group with AKC is considered very strong in certain quarters and/or on the way out or already finished by others on the Board. Right now the “feel good camp” is probably at its strength and if they produce what they are promising (I am not too sure what that is) they will continue to peak. But knowing how AKC Staff and Board reacts to failures to perform or not performing as promised there is little room for empathy by those who have been basically kept in the dark about what is or is not going on in these areas. If this sounds esoteric it is meant to be so since I really do not want to name names.


ithin the last week or so Alan Kalter finally made public to all-not just select individuals as had been done for the last three years- some registration figures. Pretty they were not to read that was for sure! Nor was Alan’s statement that they were never a secret with which to begin. Hogwash I say to that and candidly if that was his decision and policy in the past and he decided to change his mind that’s his call also. Just don’t deny what was going on is all I for one ask of him. Then of course there was finally the release by AKC (and I think Eukanuba) of both the long sought after spectator at194 Dog News

tendance figures for AENC and the results of the live-streaming viewership for the show. (It is reprinted on the opposite page for your edification in case you missed it). The attendance figures first-Considering the fact that I have been attempting to get these figures since mid-December and was met by one of the biggest stone walling jobs ever (I have previously written what I had been told by AKC) I was not too surprised to see a number released which in my opinion is 100% inflated and an exaggerated figure. Claiming over 34,000 dog lovers came to the show “over the weekend” totally skirts the issue as to the number of paying spectators in attendance. Let’s face it, with a conformation entry of close to 4,000 and the Agility, Obedience, concessionaires and Eukanuba and AKC members to say nothing of the Meet the Breed people and the foreign contingencies in attendance one could account for easily 7,000 individual tickets plus the dupes handed out with the entries so that close to 15,000 of this 34,000 number of dog lovers did not pay any admittance fee. In my estimation that’s a lowball figure that was probably closer to at least 25,000 individuals with free tixs! This would leave 9,000 potential attendees who had no direct connection with the event itself in attendance. If my analysis is correct or off even a tad one must really question why Orlando is used for the entire event but surely a re-evaluation of holding Meet the Breeds at the AENC must be made.


s to the live streaming the dramatic increase over last year is something to applaud and appreciate. This is true notwithstanding the fact that no analysis was given as to whether this increase is attributable to more interest in the show from John Q Public or from people within the sport itself. Without knowing that fact and without it even having been mentioned or referred to my objections to dropping TV continue to stand. Yes, yes, yes, all the figures contained therein are impressive and laudable however one of the initial purposes for this event when it was first started was to reach out to those not involved with the show dog and possibly serve as an incentive A PRESS to own a purebred dog. NothRELEAS ing in this release even touches E FROM 2013 AKC upon that subject nor that fact, /EUKAN UBA NAT LIVE STR that’s for sure. IO E


N New York, N AMING MORE THA AL CHAMPIONSH Y IP N (J DOUBLED ne other sensitive area the 13th AKC anuary 30, 2014) - The V I E W ERSHIP O en /Eukanuba N about AKC figures apV ational Cham hanced event schedule a n a ti o n a l e v e nt than ever, peared in an article in DOG nd expanded ER 2012 pionship (AE in N o C) nli clu of views from NEWS wherein it was stated 2012 -- and a ding 3 million views of th resulted in greater expos ne coverage of tt u e e re for the inte live stream ndance of mo that the size of the “businessâ€? “We’re please m rr e d o r th to e a th s n e a e 3 n double the 4,000 dog lo the AKC/Euk of AKC was $111 million. This with strong s n v u e anuba rs ov mber up statement caused a certain siasts from a port from breeders and ex National Championship er the weekend. rou co hib amount of critical reaction CEO. “The en nd the world,â€? said Denn itors across the United S ntinue to grow in popular within financial circles at AKC. is B. Sprung, tates as well tertaining, ed as dog show e ity, AENC Show C ucational live with viewers The way it was explained to nth ha from 135 cou s ntries tuning tream allowed us to mak irman and AKC Presiden u“This year’s me is that “based on the aut and e in to see the crowning of th the AENC a truly global dited consolidated financial interest in th enhanced live streaming e v e ent, an ne e statements, total revenues 127,000 hou event, with views growin d expanded coverage dem xt National Champion.â€? r g o s n would indicate that AKC is Championship of content around the w from 1.3 million to 3 m strated increased worldw an approximately $66 milorld to viewe illion. We de and the Euka livered more ide rs interested P&G Pet Car n u b a W o lion operation. Referring r ld than in the AKC/ C e and Assista Eukanuba N nt Show Chair hallenge,â€? said Jason Tay The 2013 eve to the business of AKC as a ti lo m o r, Communic an ations Directo nal $111 million maybe mismore activitie nt, held December 14-15, . r for 2 s 0 leading I am told since featuring 16 than ever for fanciers an 13 at Orlando’s Orange Co 5b u d the dog-lov that figure does not take ing public, in nty Convention Center, off Classic, with reeds, breeder seminars clu er , the AKC Ag into account the $74 milthe AKC Own ility Invitatio ding AKC Meet the Bree ed er-Handled S on Friday. lion of liabilities as of nal and the eries Finals d and a day of new AKC Ob s(r) 12/31/12. I am told that edience specialties kic king off the when institutions such as 2013 AKC/E w eekend ukanuba Nati Forbes publishes its list onal Champio nship By the of the top charities, the Numbers: L iv e s tr e a m ranking is based on total ing: * 3 million v revenue size rather than iew * More than s in 2013 vs. 1.3 million assets. More than I care to understand but an from outside 127,000 hours of conten views in 2012. ts th interesting distinction UK, Russia, J e US. The top 10 countrie erved to 135 countries * 30% of live s apan, Mexico s tuning in w if accurate, isn’t it! tr , Germany, F rance and So ere the United States, Ca eam views came nada, Austra uth Korea. Attendance: ell with baited lia, the 5WZM \PIV breath along XMWXTM with you we await the weekend. Ă…TTML \PM WV M UQTTQWV [Y] weekend weather IZM NWW\ +WV ^MV\QWV +MV\M and the Monday and Z ÆWWZ W^MZ \ S o c ia l: Tuesday after shocks. PM * 30 million I have the fullest U impressions on #Celebr confidence in Sèan, ate QTTQ time during th WV ^QM_[ WN \PM VM_ 4WW Dogs hashtag on Twitter Tom and Florence’s S; v e 2013 live s ability to pull this treaming. Lo PIZM \MKPVWTWOa I VM_ N s. 22 million impression okshare offer ] s in off but Mother Nas photos to v VK\QWVITQ\a WNNMZML NWZ \P M e d ia C ie M o Ă… w verage ers in real-tim Z[\ ture may have othe. * 466 million : er thoughts. Let’s m * Major place edia impressions, a 60% hope “the teamâ€? Sentinel. New ments on CBS Sunday M increase over the 292 mil can overcome the lio s orning, Busin predicted and States and as of the show appeared in ess Week and n impressions in 2012. pu far away as M local coverag anticipated plans oscow globall blications as far away as e in the Orla y ndo H . onolulu, Haw for sure. a ii in the Unit AKC Meet th ed eB * 165 Parent reeds(r): Clubs particip ated Full coverage of the show is available on th e AKC websit e.



Dog News 195




s national coordinator for BCCA Rescue, I can say that our policy is always to try and find the breeder first when a purebred Beardie shows up for rescue. Unfortunately, there have been refusals by one or two breeders to take a dog back or even help rehome it. We don’t mess around. As soon as we know what the breeder’s response is, we know exactly what to do. If the dog is picked up by animal control and no one claims it, and the dog is not chipped, we go straight to the shelter and identify the dog as a Beardie. Unfortunately, however, it seems that shelters think any shaggy dog is a Beardie. Happily we have more applications to adopt than we have dogs waiting for homes. That’s where this club is when one of our breed is in need. Kathy Coxwell BCCA Del


as anyone seen the ads for the Puppy Bowl? All are rescue dogs, and not purebreds. Stats on last year’s viewing were impressive. The days of Mrs. Dodge and those like her are passed. If we don’t move forward, we will be passé. Kathy Coxwell Speaking for myself BCCA Del


’ve only seen the ad once, but I saw several purebred puppies in the ad. If they are from shelters, where are the breeders and parent clubs? Fran Stephens Puyallup Valley Dog Fanciers Mary Alice wrote: yoma, You are being unfair in your evaluation of Jerry’s comment.


everal weeks ago I posted an inquiry about the upcoming vote for reduced junior fees and new impartiality language regarding field trial rules for pointing breeds. I have not heard anything about this, nor have any of the clubs that participate in these events said anything about them whether they are for or against them? I would be interested in a discussion or hearing from those clubs on how these new rules would impact them. H.Geoff Geoffrey Delegate West Volusia Kennel Club

196 Dog News

Concerning your question, my club would not be impacted; I was also hoping for input to make an informed decision. As for the issues which do not interest you: These issues might not be before us at this time but sharing information is never a bad thing. If it doesn’t interest you, it might interest someone else. We should be proactive in gathering information Monica Henderson Stoner Delegate, Saluki Club of America


f your breed was facing extreme health problems, due in part to a reduced gene pool, and you could solve those problems with an outcross, would you do it? ....... Would you sacrifice the health of your dogs and your breed for the nebulous concept of ‘purity’? -LADYBUGBMF


or what its worth, this is my opinion…When it comes to a registry for purebred dogs, purity is the heart and soul on which everyone relies. I see nothing nebulous in the concept. Parentage is something that needs to be correct or else we will all soon be stumbling around in the dark trying to improve or fix things based on erroneous information. I do not believe that surreptitious cross breeding would achieve the desired effect of saving an entire breed. Serious attempts to cure a wide ranging problem of health or structure, particularly in a breed with a small gene pool, should only be conducted in complete and open honesty for the benefit of all. Gerry Shastid Panhandle KC of Texas


ere’s a question for the breeders in our group. If your breed was facing extreme health problems, due in part to a reduced gene pool, and you could solve those problems with an outcross, would you do it? Or would you let yourself get to the point of: “my bloodline has heart problems, the sire’s bloodline has cancer problems but not so much heart so I’m going to try this breeding and hope some of the puppies are healthy.” By outcross I mean to a related breed, possibly one of the breeds used in creating your breed, possibly a breed using similar foundations. Would you sacrifice the health of your dogs and your breed for the nebulous concept of ‘purity’? Monica Stoner

Dog News 197


Her record for itself...

198 Dog News

AM. GCH. CAN GCHE Multiple Best In Show, Multiple Best In Specialty Show

Ch. Vetset Kate Winsit CGN

Canada’s #1 Poodle All Varieties for 3 consecutive years #1 Non Sporting #3 All Breeds #1 Bitch of All Breeds Winner of 51 all breed Best in shows Westminster Kennel Club Best of Variety winner handled exclusively by Allison Foley CPHA 902 220 1632 for owner breeder Dr Elly Holowaychuk Vetset Poodles Dog News 199

{ We sincerely appreciate our fellow Breeders, Judges and The Fancy’s support of our phenomenal Red Head!

e l e d A

Breeders/Owners Ken Wall, Joel D. Fisher, DVM, Tracy & Roger McNeal

TWO BEST IN SHOWS Thank you Judges Ms. Peggy Beisel-McIlwaine & Mr. Jeffrey Pepper Five Specialty Best In Shows (one from the Classes!) Five Reserve Best In Shows 15 Group Firsts

Shown at the end of 2013 for only 9 weeks as a special, Adele’s record speaks for itself

GCh. Militza’s My Cherie Amour

Multiple Best In Show, Multiple Best In Specialty Show

202 Dog News

Dog News 203

The British Scene CONTINUED FROM PAGE 148

Neil’s wife Angie who handled her. They previously campaigned another Aussie to the top pastoral award, Ch/ Am Ch Heatherhill Shock NAwe, and Angie has owned several big-winning old English sheepdogs. Her dam is the group winner Ch Hallmark Careless Whisper, who spent a month in the US where she was mated to Am/ Braz Ch Dazzles Bill-A-Bing Bill-ABong. The resulting litter included two other champions both with 2013 group places, and a certificate winner as well as Tiffany. In fourth is another terrier, the Airedale Ch Katherines Land Spicy Cherry at Saredon, owned by the famous Judy Averis whose kennel has produced so many leading terriers, and Tony Barker whose Irvonhill kennel has also campaigned several leading terriers in recent years, including some top winning Irish-indeed the team also showed a BIS-winning Irish this year. Handler is Judy’s son John. ‘Keera’ was bred in Estonia, just one example of the rise of the eastern European nations in producing internationally competitive dogs. Her breeder Ekaterina Kantievskaya who mated her Int/Est/Rom/Lit/Fin/ Rus Ch Katherina’s Land One Cherry Again to Ch/Dan/Lat/Est/Norw/Rus h Saredon American Gangster, bred by Judy and conceived in the US. He spent some time in Russia. Top gundog and another bred in the Afterglow kennel is the American Cocker Show Ch Afterglow Pearls A Sugar, owned by her handler Susan Crummey and Jason Lynn. Sired by Show Ch Afterglow Trinidad ex Japanese import Sh Ch/Jap Ch Nerald JP Mele Kalikimaka, who won a best in show on her British debut. It’s not often we get a tie but we do for the ones in 6th place. One of 204 Dog News

the pair is the Chinese Crested Ch Debrita Diaz, bred and owned by Tina Dixon, who has produced many champions in a number of breeds, and handled by her daughter Dawn. She is sired by Ch Habiba Shake Wiggle Wiggle ex Ch Debrita Danita. During the year she also took the breed record previously held by her grandsire and before that by am ancestor from her own kennel. The other joint leader is the Pekingese breed record holder Ch Yakee Ooh Aah Cantona, who was outright toy in 2012. ‘Eric’ was bred by Bert Easdon and Philip martin, and owned by Philip. His successful sire is Ch Livanda Santana ex Ch Yakee Of Noble Birth, a daughter of Ch Yakee A Dangerous Liaison who was top dog all breeds and best in show at Crufts. The toy group in the UK has been very strong for a number of years and is indicated by another toy close behind the previous two. The King Charles Spaniel Ch Maibee Theo, who made history by being the first of the breed to take a UK general championship show best in show since 1929, under Dan Ericsson from Sweden. He was bred by the late Shelagh Waters, who also produced many Cavalier champions, and Joyce Robins. Bred from two Maibee’s ‘Teddy’ and ‘Sweet Memory’. In ninth place we

have once again joint winners. The Pointer Sh Ch Wilchrimane Ice maiden is owned and bred by Annette Siddle and handled by her daughter Amelia. She won two groups during the year and is sired by Wilchrimane Black Ice ex Pipeaway Diamond Tulip. On equal points is John Thirlwell’s Welsh Springer Sh Ch Ferndel Aeron Macgregor, the latest in a long line of title holders bred and owned by John. He is sired by Sh Ch/Sw Ch Menstonia Marcel ex Sh Ch Ferndel Mosaic, a daughter of all-time top brood bitch Sh Ch Ferdel Cecilia. Top working for the second year running is an import from the USA. The Bouvier Ch/Dutch Ch I’m Special Inessence Movado at Kanix. Bred by Pat Murray in the US and jointly owned with her in the UK by Fiona Lambert and Janet Hughes. He is sire by Am Ch I’m Special Every Move I Make ex Am Ch Praxtar’s Jenni. He is handled by Dave Killilea better know for his Redwitch Akitas. For the top hound that depended on the very last show of the year and ended with the winner being Jane Wilton Clark’s Whippet Ch Shalfleet Simply A Lord. Owned and bred by Jane and sired by Shalfleet Simply Jazz ex Shalfleet Song Of Dreams. This is a very famous affix founded by Jane’s mother Barbara and has a long history of major awards including many champion Whippets and BIS winning Greyhounds too.

Dog News 205

sporting group

1 GCH CH Whistlestop’s Riley On Fire Spaniels (Irish Water) T Urban/B Urban/G Siner 2 GCH CH Clussexx Collaboration With Traddles Spaniels (Clumber) W Holbrook/B Dowd/A Jaramillo/M Capone/J 3 GCH CH Mt. View’s Ripsnortersilvercharm Pointers (German Wirehaired) V Malzoni 4 GCH CH Promenade Pay It Forward Spaniels (Field) J Chopson/J Schildman/N Kuhn 5 GCH CH Stargaz’R ‘N Wingfield Time Will Tell Setters (English) D Coller/P Coller/E Hackett 6 GCH CH Chesterhope State Of T Art Pointers J Mosing/J O’Neill 7 GCH CH Waterway Game Crk Hot Diggity JH Spaniels (American Water) L Hattrem/J Hattrem/J Rose/S Rose/P Mett 8 GCH CH Summits Emery Its In The Bag Retrievers (Golden) B Johnson/J Sedivec/K Sedivec 9 GCH CH Chesastar Hudson Bay RN Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) K Sosik/J Sosik 10 GCH CH Dogwdcreek’s La Vita E Belle Pointers (German Shorthaired) L Duncan

(F) 40843

(M) 33879 (M) 25949 (M) 18330 (M) 18126 (F) 17384 (M) 15130 (F) 14787 (M) 13376 (F) 13293

hound group

1 GCH CH Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box (F) American Foxhounds E Charles/L Miller 2 GCH CH Downhome Hitech Innovator (M) Harriers J Sanchez 3 GCH CH Tells Matrix Reloaded (M) Afghan Hounds M Galloway 4 GCH CH Quiet Creek’s Kiss And Tell (F) Bloodhounds S Lacroix/H Whitcomb 5 GCH CH Sandstorm Blue Nile Bubbles Of Jatara (F) Salukis J Harrington/S Winsted/S Middlebrooks 6 GCH CH Exlysta Aries Ciel Noir (M) Afghan Hounds P Rooks/C Smith/P Schafmayer/S Ferraro 7 GCH CH Starline’s Oxford Victim Of Love (F) Whippets L Lawrence/C Lawrence/L Wilson 8 GCH CH Topsfield-Sanchu Eenie Meenie Miney Moe (M) Basset Hounds S Shor/C Orlandi/C Steidel 9 GCH CH Aberdeens Under The Influence (M) Otterhounds A Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine 10 GCH CH Windbourne Hd Ranch King Of The Road (M) Black and Tan Coonhounds S Campbell/C Rutten/T Skinner/S Skinner

working group 36093 26697 22617 21313 19857 14675 12092 11802 11035 9913

1 GCH CH Claircreek Impression De Matisse Portuguese Water Dogs M Lint/P Helming/D Gottdenker 2 GCH CH Kenro’s Witching Hour Giant Schnauzers R Greenslade/L Norton/D Hill 3 GCH CH Longo Miller N Lore’s Diamond Lil Great Danes T Longo/J Miller/L Matherly/C Crawford 4 GCH CH Blackhawk Finnegan’s Wake Standard Schnauzers L Studley/K Studley/L Green 5 GCH CH Cr - Wicca’s Trade Secret Akitas A Bavaria/C Burke/T Bavaria/J Charnik 6 GCH CH Winfall I Dream Of Style Boxers K Robbins/C Robbins/G Adkins/B Adkins/T 7 GCH CH Hi-Tech The King Of Sherry Shoot Jp Boxers J Billhardt/S Tenenbaum/D Mccarroll 8 GCH CH Tiburon Arsenal Doberman Pinschers J Dolan/A Dolan 9 GCH CH Tiburon Ariel Bella Dona Doberman Pinschers M Moyer/T Moyer/K Drake/J Drake 10 GCH CH Snowmist’s Quicksilver Speigas Siberian Huskies L Baryte/H Shimtzu

(M) 94187 (F) 46872 (F) 31384 (M) 26970 (M) 18046 (F) 17280 (M) 16884 (M) 15948 (F) 15154 (M) 14193

the dog news top ten dogs 6QR 6GP +P )TQWR † $CUGF 1P #NN $TGGF %QORGVKVKQP

The Dog News Top Ten List contains Best In Shows, Group Firsts and ALL Group Placements.

Final 2013 Statistics

THE DOG NEWS TOP TEN LIST is a monthly listing of the Top Ten Dogs All Breeds and the Top Ten Dogs in each Group. There is also a listing of the Top Ten Dogs in Each Breed. All of these statistics are based on All Breed competition. 206 Dog News

The American Kennel Club compiles these figures from the AKC licensed and member club shows. These figures will be printed monthly in DOG NEWS by Annual Awards Rating System. These are the most current statistics available to the fancy.

terrier group 1 GCH CH Afterall Painting The Sky (F) Fox Terriers (Wire) V Malzoni/T Steele/S Olund/M Olund/D Rya 2 GCH CH Goldsand’s Columbus (M) Russell Terriers M Ulrich/C Areskough 3 GCH CH Shaireab’s Bayleigh Maid Of Honor (F) Welsh Terriers S Abmeyer/K Bailey/T Lee/X Xie 4 GCH CH Allaruth Just Kidding V Sole Baye (M) Miniature Schnauzers Y Phelps/R Ziegler 5 GCH CH Yarrow Venerie Ticket To Ride (M) Norfolk Terriers P Beale/J Beale 6 CH Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie (M) Skye Terriers V Malzoni/Cragsmoor Knl 7 GCH CH Crispy Legacy (M) Fox Terriers (Wire) A Agenta/D Eggert/J Eggert/A Astrom 8 GCH CH Larkspur Acadia Save Me A Spot (M) Lakeland Terriers A Barker/S Fraser/M Sacco 9 GCH CH Absolutely Talk Of The Town (F) Fox Terriers (Smooth) J Smith/E Boyes 10 GCH CH Joval Angel’s Whisper (F) Airedale Terriers V Rickard/J Rickard

107102 34964 25188 23575 14561 14042 13687 10923 10870 10698

toy group 1 GCH CH Marlex Classic Red Glare Miniature Pinschers A Angelbello/L Monte 2 GCH CH Caper’s Sirius Endeavor Pugs P Fisher/C Fisher/J Rowell/L Rowell 3 GCH CH Yakee Easily Persuaded Pekingese S Middlebrooks/D Fitzpatrick 4 GCH CH Scylla’s Small Kraft Re-Lit Maltese D Burke/R Scott/T Rowell 5 GCH CH Hill Country’s Tag I’M It Pugs C Koch 6 GCH CH Involo The King Of Pop Papillons M Mosing/G Garofalo 7 GCH CH Smash Jp Sakura Poodles (Toy) R Scott/D Burke 8 GCH CH Lto Prosperity English Toy Spaniels (King Charles & Ruby) R Cole/M Landers 9 GCH CH Cr Chase What Matters Pomeranians C Solano 10 GCH CH Victory Spencer Japanese Chin M Mc Cormick/M Cooley

(F) 68335 (M) 23627 (M) 20151 (M) 19579 (M) 18249 (M) 16902 (F) 16411 (M) 14986 (M) 14392 (M) 14264

non sporting group

1 GCH CH Brighton Lakeridge Encore (F) Poodles (Standard) T Sosnoff/M Sosnoff 2 GCH CH Vogelflight’s Honor” To Pillowtalk” (M) Bichons Frises E Charles/K Vogel/M Abbott/P Abbott 3 GCH CH Kan Sing’s Tenzin (M) Tibetan Spaniels M Feltenstein 4 GCH CH Shine’s Deck The Halls (F) Chinese Shar-Pei D Cooper/R Cooper/L Teitelbaum/R Penteco 5 GCH CH Dawin Hearts On Fire (F) Poodles (Standard) L Campbell 6 GCH CH Saks Winning Card (M) Bichons Frises A Mackenzie/K Mackenzie/C Ruggles/K Hans 7 GCH CH Jade East Do You Know The Way To San Jose (F) Chinese Shar-Pei L Anders/E Minne/K Nijholt 8 GCH CH Mytoys Epic Against The Wind (M) Bulldogs D O’Connor/T Oconnor/L Scott/A Mcdearmon 9 GCH CH Jaset’s Satisfaction (M) Poodles (Standard) C Bailey/S Tompkins 10 GCH CH Del Zarzoso Salvame From Afterglow (M) Poodles (Standard) S Barnett/G Lindemann/M Gadsby/J Lynn

26942 20536

18436 16228 15966 15433 15099 11585 11214 9980

herding group

top ten all breed Based on All Breed Competition

1 GCH CH Afterall Painting The Sky (F) 107102 Fox Terrier (Wire) V Malzoni/T Steele/S Olund/M Olund/D Rya

6 GCH CH Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box American Foxhound E Charles/L Miller

(F) 36093

2 GCH CH Claircreek Impression De Matisse Portuguese Water Dog M Lint/P Helming/D Gottdenker

(M) 94187

7 GCH CH Goldsand’s Columbus Russell Terrier M Ulrich/C Areskough

(M) 34964

3 GCH CH Marlex Classic Red Glare Miniature Pinscher A Angelbello/L Monte

(F) 68335

8 GCH CH Clussexx Collaboration With Traddles (M) 33879 Spaniel (Clumber) W Holbrook/B Dowd/A Jaramillo/M Capone/J

4 GCH CH Kenro’s Witching Hour Giant Schnauzer R Greenslade/L Norton/D Hill

(F) 46872

9 GCH CH Longo Miller N Lore’s Diamond Lil Great Dane T Longo/J Miller/L Matherly/C Crawford

(F) 31384

5 GCH CH Whistlestop’s Riley On Fire Spaniel (Irish Water) T Urban/B Urban/G Siner

(F) 40843

10 GCH CH Bugaboo’s Picture Perfect Old English Sheepdog R Scott/D Burke/C Johnson/H Johnson

(M) 29775

1 GCH CH Bugaboo’s Picture Perfect (M) 29775 Old English Sheepdogs R Scott/D Burke/C Johnson/H Johnson 2 GCH CH Aubrey’s Tails Of Mystery (F) 23227 Cardigan Welsh Corgis C Savioli/V Savioli 3 GCH CH Coventry Allure At Wyndstar (F) 22572 Pembroke Welsh Corgis A Geremia/B Shelton 4 GCH CH Wolf Creek Galaxy Of Merivern (M) 19741 German Shepherd Dogs E Farrell/P Walker 5 GCH CH Grandgables The Frat Boy (M) 14516 Shetland Sheepdogs P Buckles/A Buckles/J Moses 6 GCH CH Deja Vu Mia Cool As A Cucumber (M) 13694 Briards T Miller/A Melton/D Dube/L Bernard 7 GCH CH Cordmaker Topsy Turvey (F) 13354 Pulik J Beaudoin/S Huebner/P Kelly 8 GCH CH Karizma’s Ike Of Edale (M) 11263 German Shepherd Dogs S Birch/S Birch/J Moses/S Moses 9 GCH CH Paray’s Preferential (M) 10941 Shetland Sheepdogs K Furlong/T Pittman 10 GCH CH Harmony Hill’s Money Talks (M) 10246 Australian Shepherds CONTINUED ON PAGE 218 L Goetz/H Braddock Dog News 207

2014DirectorsQuestionnaire Questions asked by John Mandeville and Roz Kramer, compiled by Shaun Coen CONTINUED FROM PAGE 69

GENERAL and PHILOSOPHICAL :KDW VSHFLĂ€F RSHUDWLRQ ZRXOG \RX EHJLQ WR RYHUFRPH WKH QDWLRQDO SHUFHSWLRQ WKDW DGRSWLQJ D GRJ IURP D VKHOWHU LV PRUH DFFHSWDEOH WKDQ SXUFKDVLQJ D SXUHEUHG GRJ IURP D EUHHGHU" MENAKER: Realizing that there are some purebred dogs that are in our shelters, a situation usually dealt with by our hardworking parent club rescue groups, the American Kennel Club advocates for the welfare of all dogs. However, the AKC’s primary mission is the promotion and celebration of purebred dogs. We must initiate new programs and strengthen existing ones to educate the American dog-buying public that the predictability of a purebred dog is the key to a long and happy relationship with our dogs. Incompatibility often results in a poor outcome with dogs often being surrendered to shelters. SCULLY: The AKC should use the social media outlets, WOOFipedia, Facebook, Instagram, Google, and Twitter, to emphasize the many advantages of owning a purebred dog from a breeder. GARVIN: It is a challenge to try to change the tide of public opinion, especially when there are well-funded special interest groups, such as animal rights radicals, who are pushing that perception. However,AKC must change the conversation. First, we must raise the opinion of AKC in the minds of the general public. We can do this by showing the public that we are THE organization that is for all people who love dogs. As we increase the number of people who trust what we have to say, we can explain the advantages of the predictable, healthy, carefully bred and raised purebred dog. But it needs to be more than just the central AKC hierarchy that does all the talking: we need a grassroots effort where our breeders, owners, delegates, judges, and others will speak up and extol the virtues of purebred dogs and the advantages of acquiring a lifetime companion from a caring, ethical breeder. DOK: Successful initiatives via “social mediaâ€? marketing.

208 Dog News

+DV $.&¡V %RDUG EHHQ SURDFWLYH RU UHDFWLYH LQ WKRVH DUHDV RI GHDOLQJ ZLWK WKH DQLPDO ULJKWV RUJDQL]DWLRQV DQG RU WKH QDWLRQDO SUHVV" MENAKER: We need to be more aggressive in promoting the good things we do for our dogs including emphasis on health and well being. SCULLY: AKC has been very reactive. The organization should reach out to those many millions of dog owners who know nothing about all the wonderful things that AKC does for dogs. The Edelman *URXS SXEOLF UHODWLRQV Ă€UP KDV EHHQ KLUHG WR DVVLVW GARVIN: AKC is becoming much more proactive in at least two areas. Our new social media team, led by Chris Walker, has shown great understanding of our marketplace and the mind of the public, and the techniques needed to successfully tell our story and gain supporters. Our Government Relations Department and the legislative staff do tremendous work in tracking and analyzing upcoming legislation and providing tools and information to Ă€JKW HIIHFWLYHO\ DJDLQVW WKRVH SURSRVDOV WKDW ZRXOG be detrimental to dog owners, breeders and competitors. DOK: Reactive – we can do better continuing with the legislative caucus. $V D UHVXOW RI WKH 'HOHJDWH %RG\ FKDQJLQJ WKH %\ ODZV WR DOORZ $JLOLW\ &OXEV WR EHFRPH 0HPEHU &OXEV ZLWK 'HOHJDWH 5HSUHVHQWDWLRQ VKRXOG WKH %RDUG DQG RU WKH 'HOHJDWH %RG\ LPPHGLDWHO\ HVWDEOLVK D VWXG\ WR UHVWUXFWXUH WKH HQWLUH JRYHUQDQFH RI WKH $PHULFDQ .HQQHO &OXE" MENAKER: Even without considering the admission of agility clubs we certainly should immediately address our 125-year-old bylaws created to govern a sport far different then what we have today SCULLY: No. There are very few Agility clubs eligible for AKC membership, and not one has applied. GARVIN: There has been lots of discussion and efforts over the years about restructuring the AKC, but most of the proposals have not been enacted. For now, it is more important and our energies can be better spent in trying to move in a positive direction, which does not need to be limited by our governance structure. DOK: There is an initiative from the Delegates Advocate & Advisory Committee to the Board of Directors, under advisement. I do not believe throwing out “everythingâ€? to affect better governance is the issue at hand. CONTINUED ON PAGE 240


210 Dog News



Dog News 211

The Thai Bangkaew Dog – Thailand


smallest mammal, the Craseonycteris thonglongyai (the bumble bat), is found in Thailand. Siamese cats are native to Thailand, and in Thai they are called wichen-maat, meaning “moon diamond.” A 14thcentury book of Thai poems described 23 types of Siamese cats, but unfortunately today only six breeds are left. Giving a pair of Si Sawat cats (a breed of Siamese cats) to a bride is supposed to bring good luck to the marriage. The largest living lizard, the Monitor, is native to Thailand and can grow as long as 7 feet. If one likes reptiles he must to visit the Samutprakarn Crocodile Farm.


ver 300,000 Thai people have settled in North America with the largest communities along the West Coast in cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Vancouver. The world-famous golfer champion Tiger Woods is the son of an American father and a Thai mother. Finally, both the Hollywood movie and Broadway play of The King and I are banned in Thailand. Based on the Siamese ruler King Mongkut and a teacher named Anna Leonowens, the movie is seen as insulting to the king. While the movie depicts him as uncultured, he is believed to be the first Asian ruler to speak, read, and write English fluently. He also is considered highly intelligent, cultured, and well read, and is known as the father of Thai scientists. The temples of Bangkok are a unique part of the capital’s heart, a must to be seen by any tourist. The architecture is incredible and the glittering gold decoration is unique. These temples (‘wats’) are a very important part in Buddhist traditions. Thousands of Monks live in the temple complexes. Thai temples are sacred places so one must dress appropriately and discretely or won’t be allowed in. There are more than

212 Dog News

400 temples in Bangkok, and three of them are the most famous; Wat Pra Kaew, Wat Arun and Wat Pho. There are many other marvelous temples also worth a visit. Thailand is the first on the list of 10 countries with the biggest dog population. The country has approximately 9 million pet dogs. Thailand’s cities are practically full of dogs, some are owned, most are stray. Large concentrations of these stray dogs are found around temples where the Buddhist monks will not let dogs or any animal starve. This different and somewhat mysterious land is the nest of our Bangkaew dog, which is rare out of its homeland, but well known and adored by the local people. The history of Thailand is very rich, and above all they are known to be animal lovers. The Thai people, formerly known as Siamese, or the Tai Siam people, are divided into 70 ethnic groups. The Song, a race of Thai people, have migrated and settled in the Huay Chan village. The settlement

is about a mile away from the Bangkaew village where the TBDs originally inhabited. The Song people are cattle raisers and shepherds who migrated with their herding dogs. The people in the villages established trade and the interaction with them and their dogs and from the dogs mating the foundation stock of the TBD was produced. As no other breed lived around, the isolation caused by the local flood was the main contributor to define the gene pool. The estrus cycle of the bitches (September to February) coincides with the rain that causes flooding and cuts off the Bang Kaew village from the other neighbors. As we can see the TBDs were in/line bred as the flooding acted as a natural barrier separating any other dogs from mating to the local dogs. Bangkaew is a village located in the Bang Rakam District, in the central region of Thailand. In this district, near the Yom River, there is a monastery called Wat Bangkaew. The monastery is situated in a forest inhabited by elephants, wild boars, jackals and many other wild animals.

The TBD is said to have been developed there about 100 years ago by Luan Puh Maak Metharee, the third Abbot of Wat Bangkaew Temple. The breed was named after its place of origin, the Bangkaew village, Thailand’s central region province of Phitsanulok. Located in this village is the Abbot’s monastery, Luang Puh Maak. Metharee was well known for his love of animals, he kept a great number who took refuge in the monastery under the care of the old monk. He was gifted with a female who was about to whelp and it was speculated that it may have mated with a jackal. The bitch produced longhaired black and dark brown puppies. (A chromosome study of Thai Bangkaew dog confirmed that the breed is the result of domestic dog and jackals’ interbreeding). The Abbey, captured by the puppies’ good look and intelligence, began to work on the new breed. Presently the TBDs are mostly kept by the Yom River houseboat residents, and this resulted in most of the dogs being excellent swimmers and divers. The TBD has some curious habits; they love the water, but what they really like is to dig, and are recognized

for the most skillful and highly developed digging ability. This breed can make a magnificent subterranean cavern, and is noted for its remarkable ability to build a new landscape out of the garden of his owner. These are very agile and energetic animals, originally developed to be companion dogs. They are very alert, watchful and protective of its family. One can imagine that this high level of intelligence would make the TDB training easy. However, having so many qualities these dogs are stubborn, and need patient, gentle but firm owners to train them. The classes should be short with positive reinforcement, making the dog enjoy the session. As with all other breeds early obedience training and socialization is imperative for these dogs. It is good to remember that the Thai Bangkaew Dog was first developed to be a home companion and a protector. They are used to hunt snakes but its prime purpose is to protect its family. A TBD sits atop of high places from where it can easily keep an eye on all the things it has to protect. The dog is wary of strangers and known to show an aggressive temperament toward other dogs. The Thai Bankaew Dog is a medium sized compactly built Spitz type breed. Males measure from 19 to 21 inches and weigh from 40 to 45 pounds. Females stand from 17 to 19 inches and weigh approximately 30 to 40 pounds. This agile dog has a smooth, effortless gait. The thick predominantly white double coat is “decorated” with all shades of red, black, grey and brown patches. The dog never fails to get second looks because the lion-like ruff and the well-plumed tail are truly eye catching features of this breed. The proud head, the square shaped compact and wellproportioned build and the brisk effortless gait presents a breed of dog of immense agility, strength and alertness. The strong dry head is well proportioned to the body. The stop is moderate. Medium in length and in width, the muzzle that is neither snipy nor coarse tapers

towards the black pigmented nose. Erect triangular ears that are proportionate to the size of the head are set on high. Strong teeth meet in a scissor bite. Well-muscled arched neck proudly carries the head and gracefully blends into the sloping shoulders. A TBD has well muscled and moderately laid back shoulders. The back is straight, the top line level. The dog has a moderate fore chest and a deep chest that reach the level of the elbows. The firmly muscled loin has a moderate tuck up. Strong forelegs are moderately boned, straight and parallel when viewed from the front. Short pasterns are slightly sloping. Parallel and moderately spaced hindquarters have moderate angulations. Round feet have tight and arched toes. The breed has the typical Spitz tail. The tail is long, has a thick base and is well-plumed. Well set on, the tail is carried over the back with an upward curve. This Asian breed has a medium length double coat. The soft undercoat is thick and full. Long and harsh guard hair grows through the undercoat to form the outer coat. Thicker and longer hair around the neck and chest forms an impressive lion-like ruff. This ruff is well developed on males, moreso than on bitches. The long outer coat that extends from the withers to the croup, feathers the forelegs and covers the hind legs to the hocks enhances the attractive appearance of this breed. The predominantly white coat has a wide variety of black, brown, gray and red markings.


nfortunately, similar to other breeds, the TBD’s popularity decreased. In 1983, the breed was almost extinct. Fortunately a group of enthusiasts led by an idealist veterinarian, Dr. Nisit Tangtrakarnpong, have started a nationalist movement called the “Bang Kaew Khuen Thin” (Bangkaew Goes Home), working hard to recuperate the breed. The project was successful and nowadays The Thai Bangkaew Dog is one of the most popular Thai breeds ready to be adopted by the fanciers, and by the dog lovers of the whole world. The breed is recognized by the Kennel Club of Thailand, and by the FCI (April, 14th 2011) in Group 5 Spitz and primitive type Section 5 Asian Spitz and related breeds without working trial. Our dear readers can find a complete written and pictured standard at; *King Bhumibol Adulyadej was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America, on 5 December 1927. He is the reigning King of Thailand and is known as Rama IX. Having reigned since 9 June 1946, he is the world’s longest serving current head of state and the longest reigning monarch in Thai history. Dog News 213

Spirit INT.L Ch. of Beaute

Guardian Spirit of the Coastline

Guardian Spirit of the Cosastline Two years of age

The ONLY North American Bred Briard to achieve the title of INTL CH. overseas

Bred by Ellen Myers, USA

Briards of the Coastline

Briards of the Coastline

Owned by Conterissoso Malinvero, IT

214 Dog News


Spirit’s Dam:

Multiple Best In Specialty Show Am. Bronze

GCH. BellaDel Conte Rissoso, & CAN CH. TT, Rass Sel Canada and USA, OS Westminster Kennel Club, Crufts Eligible, Herding Tended Title. The First Briard in Canadian History to

Bred by Conterissoso Malinvero, IT Owned by Ellen Myers, USA and Nancy Valiquette, (CA)

Dog News 215


other actions that demand immediate attention. The GR team prepares two e-newsletters (Taking Command and In Session), and is involved in a broad range of educational, advocacy or other outreach activities such as the national legislative conference that we hosted at the end of January, and the legislative tools in our online toolbox. We’re regularly assessing what we can do to provide support and help our clubs, federations and legislative liaisons take the lead in legislation that impacts them. We’re always interested in hearing from folks who may be facing legislative and regulatory threats in their communities. We especially depend on our federations and legislative liaisons to let us know if there’s an issue at the local level they’d like us to help them with. We use legislative tracking software to track legislation at the state level – and we make our canine legislation tracking system available for free on the GR webpage so that everyone can keep track of bills that could impact them—but at the local level, we depend on hearing from legislative liaisons, clubs or individuals. There’s no mechanism to track local legislation, so it’s hard for us to know what’s going on in a small community 1,000 miles away. Google searches are helpful, but can’t pick up everything. I think what a lot of people don’t realize is how active we are at the local level. The old expression “all politics is local” really is true. The local level is where most legislation that’s likely to impact people’s day-to-day life takes place—and it’s also the place where individuals can make the greatest difference. The reality is the average owner or small breeder is far more likely to come to the attention of local animal control than they are APHIS or USDA. We do a lot of outreach to cities, municipalities and counties about proposed local ordinances, but the local alerts generally only go to the clubs and legislative liaisons within the area that will be impacted by the proposals. We limit the number of alerts we send out because there’s a big burnout threat with e- alerts. If someone is constantly getting alerts for issues that don’t impact them, it’s going to be hard to get them to act when you really need them for an issue in their own community. 216 Dog News

Q and A with Sheila Goffe, Director of the AKC’s Government Relations Department HOW MANY PEOPLE WORK FOR THE AKC’S GR DEPT.? GOFFE: The GR team consists of five full-time staff and one part-time person. Our legislative tracking and outreach activities, including our outreach to legislative liaisons and federations are broken into regions, with a team member responsible for each region. We also work with a federal advocate, who represents AKC in Washington. WHAT DO YOU SEE AS THE BIGGEST LEGISLATIVE THREAT TO DOG OWNERS AND BREEDERS? GOFFE: There are a number of serious legislative threats to dog owners and breeders: they range from mandatory spay-neuter, to limit laws, to breeding restrictions, to breed-specific dangerous dog laws (BSL), to the more recent trend of proposals designed to restrict where we can obtain pets. Successful legislation doesn’t occur in a vacuum. It’s generally the result of an attempt to fix some perceived problem. So to understand the threats to our future, we really need to look at what’s happening to create the demand for legislation. In a very broad sense, I’d say there are two big issues: 1) irresponsible ownership that leads to demands for new laws; and 2) attempts by animal rights groups to redefine how society thinks about animals, including responsible dog ownership. Many of the proposed laws we see –especially those at the local level—are a direct outgrowth of some bad situation involving irresponsible ownership. Wellpublicized dog bite tragedies often lead to BSL; law enforcement actions or complaints against substandard kennels often lead to proposals to restrict ownership or breeding. Where these issues do occur, individual irresponsibility is the core of the problem. Even though there are already laws on the books that address and criminalize these actions, when these laws are broken in a dramatic way, people naturally want to ensure it never happens again, and many clamor for new laws. The problem is you cannot legislate responsibility. However, you can educate people about responsibility and you can enforce existing laws, and both options are often more effective than new laws. AKC GR is concerned with finding real solutions to real

problems while ensuring that rights of responsible breeders and owners remain intact. This is why we spend so much effort on promoting education and enforcement of reasonable laws –and why we raise concerns about ineffective proposals that don’t address the real issues. The majority of efforts by animal rights groups to redefine responsible animal ownership take place at the social, public relations and educational level – long before they get to legislation or government policy. By the time initiatives designed to limit dog ownership or breeding reach the legislative stage, many have already become mainstream, and we are already playing defense. This is why one of the most important things Government Relations does is not only push back on bad legislation, but also work with AKC Communications and our legislative liaisons and federations to educate our clubs, fanciers and the public about responsible dog ownership and the threats to our ability to be responsible dog owners. Because the GR team can’t be everywhere, we provide support to local constituents to educate and advocate about the value of dogs and responsible ownership/ breeding. By working together, we can ensure that our collective voice is recognized as the expert when it comes to issues of dog ownership and breeding. A good example of how social messaging impacts public perception and leads to bad legislation is the recent dramatic increase in state and local bills that not only encourage people to purchase animals from shelters, but take the movement one step further by creating laws by which the government dictates where a person may obtain their pet. While the AKC has long believed that the best place for a person to obtain a pet is directly from the breeder, we also recognize that the selection of a pet that best fits a person’s lifestyle is an important personal decision, and the right animal may not be available from a local breeder. Many people find pets that are a good match for their lifestyle CONTINUED ON PAGE 228

y n i a R

Silver GCh. Blue Max Pretty Woman V. Encore 2014 Doberman Pinscher Club of America Top Twenty Contender

Thank you Judges Mr. Pete Dawkins, Mr. Arley Hussin, Mrs. Patricia Sosa, Mrs. Grace Black and Mr. Vincent O’Brien for a wonderful AKC/Eukanuba Invitational Championship


Shows Judges Ribbons

• Multiple Best of Breeds • Group Winner • Multiple Group Placements Presented by: Judy L. King 870 814-9032

Owner Beverly Seielstad Co-Owners Jerry & Kathy Drake

Dog News 00


The Dog News Top Ten List Presents


Based on All-Breed Competition

Final 2013Statistics

Sporting Group  BRITTANYS Â

 1  GCH  CH  Rainbow  Splash’s  Ruggedly  Handsome   C  Douglas/J  Andras/A  Andras/K  Hogan/A  Co  2  GCH  CH  Brookewood’s  Just  Too  Hot  CDX  MX  MXB    E  Drazek/C  Miller  3  GCH  CH  Star  Flight  Jumpin  Jack  Flash  RN  OA  OAJ   J  Ceres  4  GCH  CH  Triumphant’s  As  Good  As  It  Gets  JH   L  Mccartney-­Roy/K  Mccartney  5  GCH  CH  Marsport  Hot  To  Ride  Lucky  Seven  MH   P  Snider/L  Snider  6  GCH  CH  Mich’s  Mt  Ready  Aim  Fire   T  Rickard/L  Rickard/K  Rickard/J  Davies  7  GCH  CH  Sanbar’s  Ride  The  Winds   R  West/P  West/C  West  8  GCH  CH  Sovereign’s  Chasing  Legends   D  Droel/J  Droel  9  GCH  CH  Kabina’s  Keep  The  Change   A  Wilkerson/K  Sanchez  10  GCH  CH  Copley  Paper  Dragon   E  Ewart


(M) Â 1 Â 5 Â 4 Â 6 Â 3 Â 2051

(M) Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 0 Â 3 Â 1496

 1  GCH  CH  Heirborn  Moor  Bang  For  The  Buck   M  Jonas/P  Jonas/C  Jonas/A  Richter  2  GCH  CH  Destiny  As  Good  As  It  Gets  CDX  JH   E  Mound  3  GCH  CH  Windy  Hill  Dance  To  The  Music  JH   R  Rickert/S  Rickert/L  Selof/M  Bettis  4  GCH  CH  Feathurquest  Moonlight  Sonata   R  Morrill/R  Briganti/M  Shimizu/K  Shimizu  5  GCH  CH  Timberblac’s  All  Hands  On  Deck  RN   J  Martin  6  GCH  CH  Beacon’s  Jesse  James  II   C  Zelbst *&+ &+ %OD]LQ¶V -RLH 'H 9LYUH &'; -+  D  Bierer/S  Bierer  8  GCH  CH  Fishercreek  S  A  Star  Is  Born  UD  RN  JH   B  Harrison/P  Harrison  9  GCH  CH  Shannara’s  Boston  Legal   W  Heikes/M  Burrows/T  Spires  10  GCH  CH  Windsor’s  Chairman  Of  The  Board   C  Ryberg/D  Edwards/R  Kulp/C  Elder

(M) Â 1 Â 3 Â 6 Â 2 Â 1 Â 1243


(M) Â 2 Â 22 Â 30 Â 20 Â 11 Â 10944 (M) Â 0 Â 6 Â 10 Â 18 Â 8 Â 5685 (M) Â 0 Â 10 Â 10 Â 11 Â 4 Â 3343 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 5 Â 9 Â 3 Â 3314 (M) Â 1 Â 2 Â 1 Â 4 Â 4 Â 3230 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 6 Â 4 Â 2835 (M) Â 0 Â 5 Â 4 Â 5 Â 3 Â 2797 (M) Â 1 Â 5 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 1140 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 3 Â 1063 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 4 Â 967

 1  GCH  CH  Dogwdcreek’s  La  Vita  E  Belle   L  Duncan  2  GCH  CH  Stelor’s  Royalty  Remembered   D  Stelmach  3  GCH  CH  Robin  Crest  Edelmarke  Investigator   T  Feneis/T  Depietro/C  Trost  4  GCH  CH  Kan-­Point’s  Makin’  The  Chase   R  Stanley/R  Stanley/L  Coonrod  5  GCH  CH  Robin  Crest  Great  Expectations   R  Remondi/R  Remondi  6  GCH  CH  Ehrenvogel  Say  Cheese   M  Lara/C  Swensson/G  Hostetter/A  Lester  7  GCH  CH  Skypoint’s  Our  River  Runs  Free   F  Del  Prete/L  Del  Prete  8  GCH  CH  Ehrenvogel  Key  To  My  Heart  CA   A  Lester/E  Baldobino/M  Lara  9  GCH  CH  Robin  Crest  Spectacular  Bid  JH   J  Hasart/R  Remondi *&+ &+ 6WDU¿HOG¶V $UP\ 6WURQJ 9 %XONOH\ -+  L  Rhodes/S  Herman Â

(F) Â 2 Â 30 Â 13 Â 14 Â 8 Â 13293

 1  GCH  CH  Mt.  View’s  Ripsnortersilvercharm   V  Malzoni *&+ &+ 0RXQWDLQ 9LHZ 1DWLRQDO $FFODLP  N  Paduch/P  Paduch/B  Stroh *&+ &+ +H\ZLUH µ1 +LJK¿HOG¶V +H\ /RRN 0H 2YHU -+  P  Kincaid/L  Kincaid/B  Brawn  4  GCH  CH  Harvest  Meadow’s  Truth  Be  Told   L  Minnick/A  Resnick  5  CH  Daybreak’s  Morning  Blend   J  Loken/K  Loken/D  Phillips &+ +K /RRNRXW &HOWLF )LHOG 2I 9LVLRQ -+  J  Boyd/M  Boyd/J  Witt/E  Shupp  6  CH  Willamette’s  Bess  Be  Scout’N   S  Sprinkle/J  Sprinkle  8  GCH  CH  Darnelle’s  Makin’  The  Shot   J  Herrera/D  Pusateri/L  Napoli  9  CH  Hawk  Havens  Go  Daddy’s  Girl   P  Paduch/N  Paduch  10  GCH  CH  Wirewick  Dalliance  JH   R  Wickes Â

(M) Â 22 Â 41 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 25949

RETRIEVERS  (CHESAPEAKE  BAY)   1  GCH  CH  Chesastar  Hudson  Bay  RN   K  Sosik/J  Sosik  2  GCH  CH  Albridens  The  Show  Must  Go  On   S  Larson/D  Baker  3  GCH  CH  Chesacolahardwoodbaltimoreraven   G  Sheetz  4  GCH  CH  Shiloah’s  Harvard  Girl  One  Smart  Spicy    T  Coene/S  Grasso  5  GCH  CH  Spinnakers  Kodiak  Fisher  JH   C  Kling  6  GCH  CH  Quailridge’s  Top  Dee  O  Gee  Maximilian   C  Macina/C  Macina  7  GCH  CH  Poisett’s  Doctor  Mallard   P  Henshaw/A  Henshaw  8  GCH  CH  Calico’s  Colonial  Rum  Fire   J  Coutu/M  Coutu  9  GCH  CH  Chesabar’s  Anyone  Anyone   T  Dennis/D  Glasser  10  GCH  CH  Desert  Winds  Eight  Second  Ride   LSchisler/R  Schisler Â

218 Dog News

(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 7 Â 5 Â 5 Â 3523

(F) Â 14 Â 62 Â 17 Â 12 Â 7 Â 17384



 1  GCH  CH  Down  Datrail  Hunting  Thrills  CD   S  Macre/D  Akins  2  GCH  CH  Clarion’s  Blackberry  Bramble   J  Gentry/P  Gentry  3  GCH  CH  Kurly  Kreek  Artic  Express  6 6KLIÀHWW 0 6KLIÀHWW  4  GCH  CH  Riverwatch  Grand  Illusion   M  Meek/G  Meek  5  GCH  CH  Kyraco  Kyrabean  Pirate  CA   M  Morel Â


 1  GCH  CH  Chesterhope  State  Of  T  Art   J  Mosing/J  O’Neill  2  GCH  CH  Oncore  Mykyna  Storm   P  Haines/T  Haines/P  Davis  3  GCH  CH  Chesterhope  Miss  D’Arcy   L  Cayton/F  De  Paulo/D  Ying  4  GCH  CH  Penpoint  King  Arthur   K  Bakker/L  Stagg  5  GCH  CH  Seasyde  Edgehill  Heart  Of  Gold   M  Lane/H  Medeiros/R  Goldstein/J  Johnston  6  GCH  CH  Bookstor  Willy  Wonka   K  Spey/H  Spey/D  Chan/S  Morawiec  7  GCH  CH  Seasyde  Dobe’s  Den  In  Fashion   J  Pahl/D  Pahl/H  Medeiros  8  GCH  CH  Solivia’s  Like  Fine  Wine  At  Hipoint   J  Mirto/R  Mirto  9  CH  Solivia’s  Dexterity  At  Skyhi   J  Krohn/M  Krohn/S  Thompson/K  Brown  10  GCH  CH  Solivia’s  Kalahari  Of  Marsuz   C  Green/S  Thompson/D  Brown/K  Brown Â



(F) Â

2 Â 16 Â 10 Â 5 Â 2 Â 5067

(F) Â

0 Â 6 Â 5 Â 7 Â 2 Â 3012

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 4 Â 2 Â 1187 (F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 1075

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 4 Â 730 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 1 Â 2 Â 706 (F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 3 Â 1 Â 661

(M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 7 Â 4 Â 2 Â 3373 (M) Â 0 Â 6 Â 5 Â 5 Â 5 Â 2965 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 8 Â 5 Â 5 Â 2169

(M) Â 0 Â 5 Â 5 Â 4 Â 3 Â 2145 (F) Â

0 Â 3 Â 6 Â 6 Â 6 Â 1914

(F) Â

1 Â 1 Â 4 Â 7 Â 1 Â 1479

(F) Â

0 Â 4 Â 3 Â 2 Â 5 Â 1248

(M) Â 0 Â 5 Â 3 Â 1 Â 2 Â 1237 0

0 )

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 5 Â 4 Â 1266

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 225 )

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 220

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 184 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 133

(F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 113

(M) Â 0 Â 23 Â 33 Â 20 Â 12 Â 13376 (M) Â 1 Â 4 Â 9 Â 4 Â 6 Â 3424 (M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 3 Â 6 Â 6 Â 2400 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 5 Â 4 Â 9 Â 1331

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 1 Â 715 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 687 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 1 Â 627 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 612 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 534 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 372


 1  GCH  CH  Summits  Emery  Its  In  The  Bag   B  Johnson/J  Sedivec/K  Sedivec  2  GCH  CH  Rush  Hill’s  Drama’Geddon  JH   T  Struble/M  Struble/C  Meddaugh  3  GCH  CH  Easthill  Broxden  Woodland  Lettuce    C  Collins/J  Supple/S  Skilkoff/J  Ovalle/A  4  GCH  CH  Trance  Mission  Jp  Cunard  Adventure   T  Tsumura *&+ &+ 9HQWXUH¶V %R\V 1 7R\V  T  Mccray/A  Heuslein  6  GCH  CH  Hillock’s  Bacardi  CD  RE   T  Tomlinson/C  Ross/D  Ross  7  GCH  CH  Steadmor’s  Take  A  Gander   J  Morasco/N  Sherick  8  GCH  CH  Glaciers  Ringing  In  The  New  Year   C  Martin  9  GCH  CH  Regency  Raise  The  Bet  9 )UDQFKL / )UDQFKL 6 &DUSHQWHU / %DOODU  10  GCH  CH  Emery’s  White  Out   P  Sherry/R  Sherry/B  Bischoff


(M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 4 Â 4 Â 2 Â 1230 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 4 Â 854 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 707

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 72

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 4 Â 5 Â 3 Â 1857 (F) Â

0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 4 Â 2 Â 1462

(F) Â

1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 0 Â 1364

(M) Â 1 Â 2 Â 0 Â 5 Â 1 Â 700 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 5 Â 590 0 (M) Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 460 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 458 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 0 Â 440 (F) Â 8 Â 37 Â 16 Â 16 Â 3 Â 14787 (M) Â 7 Â 22 Â 8 Â 3 Â 2 Â 12350 (M) Â 0 Â 6 Â 9 Â 12 Â 7 Â 5331 (M) Â 0 Â 10 Â 14 Â 6 Â 3 Â 4250 0 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 6 Â 1573 (M) Â 1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1423 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 7 Â 1373

(F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 3 Â 3 Â 1293

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 5 Â 2 Â 1277

 1  GCH  CH  Tande  Grand  Finale   J  Bowman-­Cashman/K  Cashman  2  GCH  CH  Frakari’s  Kool  As  Kiefer   C  Fisher/L  Weiss  3  GCH  CH  Tampa  Bay  &  Snobo  Gusty  Seas  Batten    E  Elliott/L  Hess  4  GCH  CH  Big  Skys  Augustus  JH   B  Bridges  5  GCH  CH  Everso’s  Elephants  &  Flowers  JH   S  Perrine  6  GCH  CH  Beechcroft  Midnight  Rose’s  Baccara   M  Wiest/M  Wiest  7  GCH  CH  Casbar’s  A  Hart  Act  To  Follow   J  Moore/D  Ammerman  8  GCH  CH  Premiere’s  Ice  Cold  &  Hot  Wired   I  Jackson  9  GCH  CH  Briarwood’s  Eye  On  The  Prize   M  Henricks/S  Sellers/P  Sellers  10  GCH  CH  Broyhill  Naughty  Knickers   B  Nowak/K  Nowak/K  Jacobson Â

(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 2 Â 3 Â 1417

 1  GCH  CH  Pikkinokka’s  Lightning  Bug   S  Einck-­Paul/N  Mages  2  GCH  CH  Javahill  Surf2  An  8  Second  Ride  BN   K  Schultze/L  Fitzmaurice/A  Pasko  3  GCH  CH  Roaneden’s  Int’L  Harvester   R  Jones/C  Jones  4  GCH  CH  Lennoxlove  Susqudilla’s  Mini  Cooper  CD  RN   R  Haskin/P  Campanella/M  Waterstreet/J  Ha  5  GCH  CH  Tollerpride  Gathering  Storm   J  Gordon/H  Gordon/R  Fearon  6  GCH  CH  Kd’s  Tens  Are  Wild  CD   J  Knight/D  Nichols  7  GCH  CH  Princess  Cut  Diamond  Beekauz  CD  RN  JH   S  Kauzlarich/K  Kauzlarich/D  Kauzlarich  8  GCH  CH  Foxvale  Foxbrooke  Dare  To  Cruise   K  Lawless/J  Lawless  9  GCH  CH  Pikkinokka  Gift  Of  Moonboots   M  Niquidet  10  GCH  CH  Foxvale  Avatar  Best  Of  Times   D  Gibbs Â

(M) Â 3 Â 13 Â 16 Â 15 Â 14 Â 10848

 *&+ &+ 6WDUJD]¶5 µ1 :LQJ¿HOG 7LPH :LOO 7HOO  D  Coller/P  Coller/E  Hackett  2  GCH  CH  Aerden’s  Pretty  In  Pink  JH  / (QJHO 5 0LOOHU 9 &LDUDYLQR % 6LOEHUQDJ  3  GCH  CH  Lochlomond’s  Wrapped  Up  In  You  JH   S  Kuniansky/F  Neal  4  GCH  CH  Set’R  Ridge’s  Dirty  Dancing   M  Newman/J  Gray/P  Gray  5  GCH  CH  Linwood  Resolute’s  New  Beginning  RN  CGC   R  Lloyd/W  Lloyd  6  GCH  CH  Sagebrush’s  Simply  Irresistible   J  Harris


(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 3 Â 2 Â 1332 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 4 Â 2 Â 1150 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 4 Â 3 Â 0 Â 960 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 4 Â 1 Â 903

(F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 657

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 634 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 595 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 2 Â 593 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 562



(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 6 Â 9 Â 6 Â 3116 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 4 Â 1258 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 7 Â 1205 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 1169 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 504 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 4 Â 400

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 351 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 344 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 253

(F) Â

2 Â 19 Â 16 Â 8 Â 9 Â 7413

(M) Â 1 Â 8 Â 3 Â 5 Â 5 Â 3835 (M) Â 0 Â 6 Â 9 Â 6 Â 5 Â 3076 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 5 Â 12 Â 4 Â 2485 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 10 Â 2 Â 2 Â 2317


*&+ &+ :\QGVZHSWÂśV 5HĂ€HFWLRQ 2I 7KH +HDUW  D  Mack/S  Costa  8  GCH  CH  Stardom  Country  Squire  Livin’  In  The    D  Jordan/S  Jordan/D  Jauron  9  GCH  CH  Palisades  B52   M  Dorward  10  GCH  CH  Set’R  Ridge’s  Imagin  The  Future   D  Scott/M  Newman


0 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 7 Â 2 Â 2 Â 1836 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 9 Â 3 Â 1628 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 4 Â 0 Â 1284

 1  GCH  CH  Hollyhunt  Take  A  Chance  On  Me   M  Hunsinger/C  Hunsinger  2  GCH  CH  Sandpiper’s  Castles  In  The  Air   D  Grant/J  Beattie/D  Snyder/P  Reilly  3  GCH  CH  Sastya’s  Eleven  Eleven   W  Leonard/M  Leonard  4  GCH  CH  Buteo’s  Midnight  Silence   A  Johnson-­Edwards/C  Edwards  5  GCH  CH  Saranac  Toblerone   E  Fisher/W  Fisher  6  GCH  CH  Bran  Linn  Talisman   C  Bell/J  Bell/N  Maounis  7  GCH  CH  Willowglen’s  In  The  Midnight  Hour   D  Burton  8  GCH  CH  Mcq  Time  To  Crank  It  Up   C  Cazier/D  Cazier  9  GCH  CH  Amberlove’s  Are  We  A  Pair?  JH   C  Kushell  10  GCH  CH  Albannach  A  Knight’s  Tale  JH   K  Parke/E  Desimone/T  Albers/A  Albers Â

(F) Â 4 Â 19 Â 4 Â 10 Â 6 Â 8807

 1  GCH  CH  Aramis  Farms  High  Road  To  Killary   D  Peterson/J  Zawikowski *&+ &+ 7XOODPRUH 7RI¿ -+  A  Jones  3  GCH  CH  Mizen  Duchas  Dilis  JH   J  Baumgartner  4  Paterjay  Ari  Di  Luna   A  Jones  5  GCH  CH  Laurel  Oak  Santana  Heart  Of  Red  Rocks    A  Lonardi/S  Lonardi

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 523



(M) Â 0 Â 7 Â 10 Â 10 Â 8 Â 7171 (M) Â 2 Â 11 Â 14 Â 8 Â 4 Â 5827 (M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 1 Â 5 Â 4 Â 1277 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 4 Â 4 Â 1124 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 474 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 317 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 262 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 221 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 159


(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 246 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 147

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 90

 1  GCH  CH  Northwinds  First  Reign   R  Arch/J  Arch/D  Keane/N  Keane  2  GCH  CH  Crimsonacre  Wind  Chime   R  Perry  3  GCH  CH  Militza’s  My  Cherie  Amour   T  Mcneal/R  Mcneal/K  Wall/J  Fisher  4  GCH  CH  Evergreen  Good  Intentions   M  Merlo  5  GCH  CH  Militza’s  Glamorous  Attire   M  Foote/B  Foote/J  Fisher/K  Wall/T  Mcneal *&+ &+ 9HUPLOLRQÂśV 6HD %UHH]H  M  Foote/B  Foote  7  GCH  CH  Cairncross  Concierge  With  Tullane   M  Hills/C  Hills/C  Paine/R  Berggren  8  GCH  CH  Bluerose  Phantasmagorical   D  Hyman/M  Hyman  9  GCH  CH  Abbeylane  Tramore  Above  The  Limit   D  Michaelson/B  Rasmussen  10  GCH  CH  Chamberlaynes  Mutiny  O’Captiva   C  Cooper Â

(M) Â 1 Â 15 Â 11 Â 12 Â 6 Â 8507

 1  GCH  CH  Waterway  Game  Crk  Hot  Diggity  JH   L  Hattrem/J  Hattrem/J  Rose/S  Rose/P  Mett  2  CH  Kei-­Rin’s  Bandida  De  Offshore   K  Hayes  3  GCH  CH  Ca-­  Beavercrk’s  Best  Kpt  Secret  RN  CGC   L  Thorsness &+ 1LVVRSÂśV 9HVL .RLUD  D  Possin  5  CH  Kei-­Rin’s  American  Honey   P  Kozak/K  Kozak  6  Aspen  Springs  Mountain  Zephyr   B  Stuart/L  Stuart Â

(M) Â 4 Â 32 Â 22 Â 13 Â 18 Â 15130

 1  GCH  CH  Hollow  Creek’s  Texas  Trace   G  Hurley/P  Watts  2  CH  Top  Gun  Keeping  Faith  JH   J  De  Angelo  3  GCH  CH  Texas  Trace  Yellow  Rose  RN  CGC   M  Machala/G  Hurley  4  CH  Texas  Trace  Hunter   G  Copeland/M  Copeland  5  GCH  CH  Pocotaligo’s  Nama  Karoo  MH  JHR   C  Gebhard/K  Parkman

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 306




 1  GCH  CH  Clussexx  Collaboration  With  Traddles   W  Holbrook/B  Dowd/A  Jaramillo/M  Capone/J  2  GCH  CH  Nexus  Total  Eclipse   S  Miller/C  Miller/J  Fankhauser/B  Freeman  3  GCH  CH  Cajun’s  A  Change  Is  Gonna  Come   P  Holman/M  Cole/R  Froman  4  GCH  CH  Chiffon  Revolution   A  Ries/D  Wahman  5  GCH  CH  Nexus  Dark  Horse   P  Mccune/T  Mccune  6  GCH  CH  Clumon  Ragin  Cajun  At  Breakaway   J  Scott/D  Starr/R  Moss  7  GCH  CH  Shogun’s  Im  It  N  Thats  That  BN  RN  JH   D  Marquart  8  CH  Clussexx  Freddie  The  Frog   D  Bach/J  Haverick  9  GCH  CH  Breakaway’s  Stevedoreâ€?â€?   D  Fitzpatrick/P  Holman/M  Cole  10  GCH  CH  Nexus  Locksley  Point  Of  No  Return  . +DPDNHU 0 9DQ '\NH - )DQNKDXVHU

(F) Â

0 Â 8 Â 11 Â 5 Â 8 Â 5691

(F) Â

2 Â 15 Â 6 Â 4 Â 1 Â 3958

(M) Â 0 Â 6 Â 2 Â 7 Â 3 Â 2505 (M) Â 1 Â 5 Â 3 Â 3 Â 2 Â 2363 0 (M) Â 0 Â 5 Â 4 Â 4 Â 3 Â 2079 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 2 Â 3 Â 3 Â 2014 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 5 Â 2 Â 3 Â 1888 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 4 Â 0 Â 1244

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 2 Â 337

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 191

0 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 98

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 35

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 132

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 50

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 48 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 41 (M) Â 21 Â 86 Â 22 Â 17 Â 12 Â 33879 (M) Â 2 Â 14 Â 16 Â 14 Â 14 Â 8259 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 7 Â 8 Â 1306 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 4 Â 886 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 1 Â 2 Â 700 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 4 Â 361 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 287 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 1 Â 0 Â 261 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 3 Â 247 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 215



 1  GCH  CH  Trinity’s  Tucked  Under  His  Wing   S  Gray/S  Dobmeier  2  GCH  CH  Blt  Into  The  Wild   B  Lou/T  Lam  3  GCH  CH  Aspire’s  Semper  Paratus   C  Rosales/L  Rosales  4  GCH  CH  P’Gell  N  Blt  Bonus  Bucks   C  Kelley/P  Kelley  5  GCH  CH  HiTrails  Clouds  In  My  Eyes   K  Fairey  6  GCH  CH  Be-­Fit’s  N  Arikara  Too  Hot  To  Touch   C  Thompson/P  Nazarko/D  Christian *&+ &+ 0DUGL *UDV /D 'ROFH 9LWD  R  Logrie  8  GCH  CH  Jems  May  The  Force  Be  With  You   J  Stamm/D  Rosenblum/S  Rosenblum  9  GCH  CH  Showtime  My  Lady  Jane   D  Harris/C  Harris  10  GCH  CH  Aspire’s  Semper  Forte   M  Wilson/D  Wilson Â

(M) Â 1 Â 1 Â 6 Â 6 Â 10 Â 4251 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 6 Â 1 Â 1092 (F) Â

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 3 Â 0 Â 570 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 463 (F) Â

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 392 (F) Â


0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 336

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 274

 1  GCH  CH  Mario  N  Beechwood’s  Midnight  Express  CGC  (M)   F  Charest/C  Charest/M  Ragusa/P  Ragusa  2  GCH  CH  Pbj’s  Fearless  (F)   B  Pruitt/M  Pruitt  3  GCH  CH  Ashdown’s  Time  To  Thrill  (M)  * :KLWH -RQHV % 9DQ 'HPDQ & 'RXJODV  4  GCH  CH  Casablanca’s  Thrilling  Seduction  (M)  / 0RRUH % 9DQ 'HPDQ & 'RXJODV 0 :DONHU  5  GCH  CH  Tamra’s  N  Positively  Over  The  Top  (M)   M  Walls/J  Newton  6  GCH  CH  Sovran’s  Aranjuez  (M)   A  Santos/M  Buckley  7  GCH  CH  Korean  Crystal  Palace  The  Apple  Of  My   (F)   J  Sarkisian  8  GCH  CH  Amik-­Creek  Swiped  By  Marshens  (M)   A  Morgante/H  Armour/M  James  9  GCH  CH  Bib  â€˜N’  Tux  Born  This  Way  (F)   B  Warren *&+ &+ $YDORQVÂżUVW , $P 7KH 2QH 0  B  Santos/M  Santos  1  GCH  CH  Conquest’s  This  Is  It!   M  Torres-­Young  2  GCH  CH  Monthaven’s  The  Birdcage   J  Montanelli  3  GCH  CH  Sherwood  &  Lomapoint  Captain  Crunch   J  Bjelland/K  Olsen  4  GCH  CH  Bodega’s  Big  Man  On  Campus   L  Lareau/A  Del  Sol  5  GCH  CH  Monthaven’s  And  The  Band  Played  On   J  Montanelli  6  GCH  CH  Sherwood  N  Winchester’s  The  Thunder  Rolls   D  Eastham/K  Hampton *&+ &+ 9LYDFH -S & *ROG 9HJD  Y  Tsuemura  8  GCH  CH  Flair-­Rill  N  Tri-­Pod  Speed  Trap   K  Tukua/D  Podratz  9  GCH  CH  Tsunami’s  Curtain  Call   I  Tsvetkova  10  GCH  CH  Afterglow  Tristar   H  Cole/S  Roberts

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 3 Â 461




0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 4 Â 863

1 Â 8 Â 12 Â 5 Â 6 Â 6563 1 Â 11 Â 6 Â 5 Â 7 Â 4628 0 Â 10 Â 8 Â 3 Â 3 Â 2586 1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2360 0 Â 3 Â 4 Â 3 Â 8 Â 1626 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 4 Â 2 Â 1225 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 4 Â 3 Â 866 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 2 Â 865 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 1 Â 4 Â 483

(F) Â 0 Â 9 Â 13 Â 7 Â 11 Â 5216 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 4 Â 4 Â 5 Â 1051 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 469 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 1 Â 440 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 5 Â 414 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 397 0 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 360 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 340

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 275

 1  GCH  CH  Foxwoods  Dublin  Diva   K  Lyons/D  Mauterer  2  GCH  CH  Fieldstone  Carousel  Hell’s  Kitchen   K  Florentine/C  Kirby *&+ &+ %ODFNVWRQH 9HU\ 9DVVDU  E  Courtney/A  Howard/J  Torres  4  GCH  CH  Nonnies  No  Doubt  - *HUULVK 9 8PSOHE\  5  GCH  CH  Dawnglow  Knight  Rider  ( 1HII 6 /DĂ€DPPH % +HQGULFN  6  GCH  CH  Majestic  Sweet  Apple  French  Martini   K  Belter/D  Belter/N  Sweet  7  GCH  CH  Edgewood  Devilish  Design   S  Loritz/B  Threlfall  8  GCH  CH  Foxwoods  Midnight  Romance   N  Pearson/D  Mauterer/K  Lyons  9  GCH  CH  Indigo’s  Quintessential  Solution   L  Dobbins/C  Bono/M  Dobbins  10  GCH  CH  Gallant  Majestic  Shaken  Not  Stirred   K  Belter/N  Gallant/D  Belter Â

(F) Â 1 Â 11 Â 18 Â 24 Â 10 Â 10229

 1  GCH  CH  Ocoee  Dsqd  With  A  Vengeance   M  King/K  Lorentzen/B  Breese/L  Kiener  2  GCH  CH  Hil-­N-­Don  &  Canyonwood  Seemore  Of  Me   S  Pelissero/J  Crouch  3  GCH  CH  Cerise  Dixieland  Duchess   A  Summerfelt/D  Cherry  4  GCH  CH  Cerise  Sentinel   D  Cherry/K  Kirk  5  GCH  CH  Telltale  American  Ride   C  Florence/D  Strong/R  Novack/B  Fink  6  GCH  CH  Wynmoor  Champagne  Supernova   E  Kerfoot/C  Florence/D  Streng/E  Fink/R  N  7  GCH  CH  Winamere  N  Goldcamp  Simply  Dâ€?  Bestâ€?   G  Mccain/L  O’Connor  8  GCH  CH  Segre’s  Brown  Derby  BN  RA  OA  OAJ   D  Larson/M  Mizelle  9  GCH  CH  Suncoast  Wil-­Orion  Anticipation   S  Zuker/K  Milne/N  Siver  10  GCH  CH  Legacy  Random  Titleist   R  Mockoviak/S  Mockoviak/K  Fitzgerald

(M) Â 4 Â 18 Â 12 Â 8 Â 7 Â 8402


(M) Â 0 Â 17 Â 19 Â 12 Â 8 Â 8904 )

(M) Â 2 Â 5 Â 10 Â 8 Â 13 Â 4419 (M) Â 1 Â 8 Â 3 Â 5 Â 2 Â 3575 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 7 Â 7 Â 1812

(F) Â

0 Â 3 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 956

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 6 Â 666 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 1 Â 550 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 2 Â 2 Â 526

(M) Â 1 Â 24 Â 16 Â 11 Â 10 Â 8318 (F) Â

0 Â 13 Â 15 Â 15 Â 9 Â 7540

(M) Â 0 Â 14 Â 14 Â 7 Â 3 Â 5859 (M) Â 3 Â 4 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 5188 (M) Â 3 Â 6 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 4589 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 14 Â 9 Â 9 Â 3611 (M) Â 1 Â 9 Â 5 Â 3 Â 7 Â 3481 (F) Â

0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 6 Â 8 Â 3290

(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 4 Â 3 Â 4 Â 3090



 1  GCH  CH  Promenade  Pay  It  Forward   J  Chopson/J  Schildman/N  Kuhn  2  GCH  CH  Sandscape  Pardon  Me  Boys   G  Perry/C  Dooley/N  Bunch  3  GCH  CH  Tamarack’s  Race  You  To  Calico   S  Thornhill/B  Hirschy/S  Snyder-­Work  4  GCH  CH  Pemberley’s  Night  Prowler  BN  RN  OA  NAP    D  Stover  5  GCH  CH  Killara’s  Grand  Idea  RA   A  Eley/K  Balinski *&+ &+ 3URPHQDGH 3LHUFH 7KH 9HLO  J  Schildman/C  Carroll  7  GCH  CH  Killara  Ono!  The  British  Are  Coming  CA   H  Fiedler/K  Balinski/D  Fiedler  8  GCH  CH  Karomil’s  Marbled  Pumpernickel  RN   C  Goodell  9  GCH  CH  Nautica’s  Got  Game   R  Ertle/D  Brewer  10  GCH  CH  Upland’s  Rockets’  Red  Glare   L  Blaser/B  Spencer Â

(M) Â 8 Â 33 Â 13 Â 13 Â 12 Â 18330

 1  GCH  CH  Whistlestop’s  Riley  On  Fire   T  Urban/B  Urban/G  Siner  2  GCH  CH  Whistle  Stop’s  Wind  On  The  Water   M  Cummings  3  GCH  CH  Whistlestop’s  Fire  &  Ice   S  Duncan/C  Mcdaniel/C  Shelby &+ %HDXÂżHOGÂśV %RXQGDU\ :DWHUV $W 3RROHÂśV ,GH  B  Kvarnlov/G  Siner/D  Patterson  5  GCH  CH  Poole’s  Ide  Got  Water  RN   S  Duncan/C  Mcdaniel/C  Shelby/G  Siner  6  GCH  CH  Poole’s  Ide  Reversal  Of  Fortune   T  Urban/B  Urban/G  Singer  7  GCH  CH  Mallyree  Here  Comes  The  Son  RN   A  Getchell/P  Manus/P  Getchell  8  GCH  CH  Whistle  Stop’s  The  Wind  On  Fire   G  Siner  9  GCH  CH  Navarone’s  Back  In  Black  RN  CGC  3 9RQ %DFKR / %DJOLD  10  CH  D’Locks  Honeydukes  Hogan  RE   M  Williams-­Marter

(F) Â 26 Â 81 Â 32 Â 10 Â 5 Â 40843



(F) Â

0 Â 5 Â 17 Â 9 Â 8 Â 7028

(F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 763

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 3 Â 752 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 479

0 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 197 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 185 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 161 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 101

(F) Â

1 Â 11 Â 13 Â 7 Â 9 Â 7897

(F) Â

0 Â 4 Â 8 Â 3 Â 0 Â 4511

0 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 0 Â 660 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 604 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 578 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 242

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 214 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 108

 1  GCH  CH  Remedi  Maritime  Criminalintent   A  Morris/K  Booth  2  GCH  CH  Sundowners  Orion  Coast  To  Coast  JH   J  Clendenon/D  Clendenon/C  Cooper/A  Coope  3  GCH  CH  Companionway  Sutton  It  Had  To  Be  You   C  Holt  4  GCH  CH  He’s  Simply  Godiva’s  Duck  Chocolate   D  Engbertson/M  Henderson/S  Caniff  5  GCH  CH  Terreline’s  Little  Tug  Of  Old  North  Wharf   C  Peterson/M  Peterson  6  GCH  CH  Wild  Cherry  Remedi  In  My  World   E  Heiple/D  Miller  7  GCH  CH  Kamand  Tangled  Up  In  Blue   K  Toner/A  Toner &+ /H[[ÂżHOG 6WRQ\EHFN %RE  J  Hepper  9  GCH  CH  Companionway-­Sutton  Mandolin  Wind   L  Carver/R  Carver  10  GCH  CH  Chatapa  Jason  And  The  Argonauts  5 9DOHQ]DQR & 9DOHQ]DQR Â

(F) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 4 Â 1161

 1  GCH  CH  Trystyn  Statesman  Cactus  Blue   S  Doss/S  Doss/M  Riese-­Bassel/S  Holmes  2  GCH  CH  Clussexx  Rolyarts  Payola  NAJ   S  Marx  3  GCH  CH  Rolyart’s  Tale-­Gator   C  Ford/S  Traylor  4  GCH  CH  Clussexx  Win’Throp  Loves  Springtime   J  Haverick/D  Massey  5  GCH  CH  Ivywild’s  Seven  Blessings   D  Sakach/R  Sakach  6  GCH  CH  Statesman’s  Kenducky  Derby   M  Helms/P  Gilson  7  GCH  CH  Holly  House’s  Making  Waves  RN  TD   S  Roth/A  Legare  8  GCH  CH  Royailes  Willem  Of  Windsor   R  Burgess/S  Burgess/N  Carlton/G  Carlton *&+ &+ +ROO\ +RXVH *U\IÂżQGRU 5(  S  Merriken/A  Legare  10  GCH  CH  Farhill’s  Liberte   M  Hilliard

(M) Â 3 Â 9 Â 2 Â 1 Â 1 Â 4552



 1  GCH  CH  Javal  Tangerine  Man   J  Austad/K  Norton  2  GCH  CH  Bela’s  This  Time  It’s  Hudson   P  Miller/L  Miller/K  Miller  3  GCH  CH  Javal  I’M  Movin  On  To  Hootwire  BN  RN  CGCA   D  Perrott/S  Knipe  4  GCH  CH  Amico  Peloso’s  Double  Dare  You   C  Fritts/L  Kunz  5  GCH  CH  Brier  Creeks  Ophelia  Del  Fredo  JH   R  Koch  6  GCH  CH  Quattro  Zampe  Micca  JH   T  Turner  7  GCH  CH  Sweetbriar’s  Excalibur  Niccolo  Massimiliano   D  Cooker/D  Graff *&+ &+ &RXFKÂżHOGV *LXOLD $W &DUSH 'LHP  S  Hudson/M  Brustein/D  Brooks  9  GCH  CH  Lancetta’s  The  Heart  Of  Rock  &  Roll   J  Joens/M  Fornens-­Joens  10  Collina  D’Oro  Honky  Tonk  Woman   S  Belt/A  Kinney/T  Kinney

(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 1 Â 2 Â 730 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 677 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 453 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 428 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 385 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 366 0 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 338 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 311

(M) Â 1 Â 2 Â 4 Â 3 Â 9 Â 3030 (F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 8 Â 5 Â 3 Â 1369

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 0 Â 4 Â 975 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 4 Â 1 Â 846 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 4 Â 3 Â 806 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 3 Â 686 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 2 Â 643 0 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 257

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 4 Â 5 Â 1664 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 7 Â 4 Â 2 Â 1216 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 471 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 462 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 313

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 2 Â 309

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 256 )

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 0 Â 184 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 101


Dog News 219

Guardians of America’s Freedom


“Although I wanted the monument to be located on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., National Park Service Regulations prevented it. I was told that would set a precedent whereby other special military units would be able to place memorials there as well. Lackland was chosen as an alternate location because it’s the base where all of the working dog and handler teams are trained for each branch of the armed forces.”

The compelling force

Since 2001, Burnam devoted most of his time and energy to making the monument a reality. The compelling force that drove him to its realization is rooted in his memories of the two scout dogs he handled in the jungles of Vietnam more than 40 years ago. Although he served as an infantryman with the 7th Calvary Division in the Vietnam War during his 1st tour of duty between 1966 and 1967, he was a military dog handler during his 2nd tour between 1967 and 1968. As a scout dog handler, Burnam handled two German Shepherd Dogs: Timber and Clipper as already mentioned. Scout dogs were tasked with leading infantry patrols through enemy territory, i.e., the dogs and their handlers walked in “point” position ahead of patrols in order to “clear” the area of enemy threats. The dogs checked for and alerted to the presence of snipers, punji pits, boobytrapped explosives, hidden basecamps, camouflaged tunnel entrances, etc. If the dogs alerted to any threat, their handlers conveyed that information to the patrols behind them. Timber, who performed heroically in extreme combat situations, eventually was wounded. Unfortunately, he was never the same. “It was like he was done and didn’t want to be a scout dog anymore. He would just sit in the

John Burnam and his second Scout Dog, Clipper, at Basecamp in 1967. Note: The only existing photo of Burnam’s first Scout Dog, Timber, is a 47-year-old Polaroid snapshot that would not reproduce well.

back of his run and tremble. Anytime he heard a loud noise, he flinched. You can’t have a dog like that in combat. So, I just took care of him and played with him whenever I had time,” Burnam says. Burnam handled Clipper for the remaining 10 months of his 2nd tour of duty. Clipper also performed heroically in extreme combat situations. “He successfully alerted to enemy ambushes, trip wired booby traps, hidden base camps and camouflaged tunnel entrances,” Burnam says. “He became a savvy soldier of war and even captured one of the enemy during an ambush.”

Saving lives on a daily basis

Like Timber before him, Clipper saved Burnam’s life and those of the troops that followed behind them on an almost daily basis. For example, Burnam and Clipper were out with the second of three patrols operating in a rubber plantation one day. “We couldn’t see the first platoon because they were too far away from us but we were in radio contact with them,” Burnam says. “After the first platoon emerged from a village and moved back into the rubber trees, an explosion ripped one soldier’s leg to shreds. He had detonated a grenade hidden by the knee-high grass when he stepped on a tripwire rigged to a tree. “After that happened, I decided to put Clipper on point and have the second patrol walk behind us in single file. Clipper stopped and hesitated; then, changed directions four different times before we reached the edge of our basecamp. Each of the four times Clipper changed directions, it was because he found a tripwire that I hadn’t seen. Three of them were wired to grenades and one was wired to a mortar round. If Clipper hadn’t detected them, our casualties would have been much higher that day. The patrol leader thanked us for saving the lives of all of his men.”

A bounty on their heads

Military Working Dogs were there to help the troops stay alive. Their effectiveness at doing so was reflected by the Viet Cong’s bounty on them, which was higher than the bounty paid on military dog handlers. With the hope of taking out most of the dogs in Burnam’s unit, the enemy launched a surprise attack on the kennels after midnight on November 9, 1967. “Mortars rained down on the kennel roof and exploded,” Burnam says. “The kennel was burning and all of the dogs were terrified. Although we lost several of them, Clipper wasn’t hurt—just scared and badly shaken. But his best friend, Shadow, was killed in the kennel next to him. “Clipper never forgot his friend. Months after the attack, whenever I let Clipper out of his run he’d go into Shadow’s old run and sniff the dried blood stain that remained on the concrete floor. I think that Two Scout Dog friends: Shadow (left) and Clipper (right) was his way of grieving for his best friend.”

They didn’t know they were heroes

Of course, military working dogs don’t know they are heroes. “They just wanted to be loved,” Burnam says. “In Vietnam, we didn’t give them treats and toys

On point in front of a patrol, John gives Clipper a momentary rest in the heat of the Vietnamese jungle.

220 Dog News

With the hope of taking out most of the dogs in Burnam’s unit, the Viet Cong attacked the kennels one night with mortars. Several dogs were killed including Clipper’s best friend Shadow.

to reward them for doing their job and saving our lives. All we could friend’s rescue. At his friend’s urging, he also began penning what would do was give them are our hearts and hugs, and playfully roll around on turn out to be a long succession of stories about Timber and Clipper. the ground with them. We became so tightly bonded with our dogs The more stories he wrote about them, the more that came to mind as that all we had to do was give them a look and they understood what he studied the photos and artifacts he brought home from Vietnam and we wanted them to do. If they were killed or wounded, we carried stored in a cardboard box in a closet for 25 years. By 1998, he’d captured them back. We didn’t just leave them out there. We gave our dogs all the tales of his beloved dogs in a lengthy manuscript. But he chose not a hero’s burial in a small cemetery where they still remain to this day.â€? to tell anyone about it. As is evident by Burnam’s comments, military Fate intervened when a neighbor gave him a handlers developed intense feelings for their magazine with an article about a military dog handlers’ dogs because of their special relationship with organization. Burnam joined the organization in order them and all of the traumatic experiences they to search for old military dog handler buddies. At that shared. point in time, GRB Entertainment, Inc. was looking “A dog is a buddy that you lived with day in for Vietnam veteran dog handlers to help produce and day out for a 12-month tour of duty if you a documentary called “War Dogs.â€? After Burnam were both lucky enough to stay alive that long. sent two of his stories to its producer, he became In 1942, the U.S. Military began He saved your life almost every time you ran one of the documentary’s headline storytellers and its LWV Ă€UVW ZDU GRJ SURJUDP 'RJV IRU into a bad situation that he recognized but you technical advisor. 'HIHQVH $IWHU D ELJ SXEOLFLW\ FDPSDLJQ didn’t,â€? Burnam says. At the conclusion of the project, Burnam was SURPRWLQJ WKH XVH RI GRJV LQ WKH ZDU All of which made the following that much involved with the production of documentaries for HIIRUW IDPLOLHV DFURVV WKH FRXQWU\ ORDQHG the History Channel, Dogs with Jobs and National more difficult to accept. At the time, U.S. military WKHLU SHWV WR WKH PLOLWDU\ %HFDXVH policy dictated handlers were not allowed to take Geographic. He also wrote his first book, Dog Tags of their military working dogs home with them at FLYLOLDQV VWLOO RZQHG WKH GRJV WKH Courage. While promoting his book at book signings the end of their tour of duty. Instead, the dogs PLOLWDU\ ZDV REOLJDWHG WR UHWXUQ WKHP across the country, the general public often asked him continued to serve with new handlers. if there was a national monument to commemorate WR WKHLU RZQHUV ZKHQ :RUOG :DU ,, ZDV “We were supposed to return home at the service of military working dogs. After doing RYHU the end of our tour of duty and leave our dogs some research early in 2001, he learned there wasn’t :KHQ WKH .RUHDQ DQG 9LHWQDP :DUV behind not knowing what fate they might suffer. one. HDFK EHJDQ WKH PLOLWDU\ FKDQJHG LWV We were supposed to get on an airplane and go “My research came to a dead stop after 9/11 UHTXHVW WR WKH JHQHUDO SXEOLF ,QVWHDG home to our family and forget about them when when I was stunned by the death of Vietnam veteran RI DJDLQ DVNLQJ FLYLOLDQV WR ÂśORDQ¡ WKHLU all we wanted to do was take them home with scout dog handler, Robert B. Nagel, a New York City GRJV WR WKH FDXVH WKH\ VDLG ÂśGRQDWH ¡ us,â€? Burnam says. Fire Department Lieutenant killed in the collapse of 2QFH WKH PLOLWDU\ KDG IXOO RZQHUVKLS RI the World Trade Center,â€? Burnam says. WKH GRJV LW FODVVLĂ€HG WKHP DV HTXLSPHQW Heroes left to die “After the Afghanistan and subsequent Iraq DQG ZDV IUHH WR GR ZKDWHYHU LW ZDQWHG At the end of the Vietnam conflict, a few hundred Wars were well underway in 2004, I got back involved dogs were transferred out to other military bases. ZLWK WKHP 7KDW PHDQW LW FRXOG with the national monument project. Along with two Some others were given to South Vietnamese ´GLVSRVHÂľ RI WKHP KRZHYHU LW VDZ Ă€W other Vietnam veteran military dog handlers, Richard forces, which probably didn’t work out well Deggans and Larry Chilcoat, we established the John ZKHQ WKH\ ZHUH QR ORQJHU QHHGHG because the dogs were trained to respond to Burnam Monument Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit ,Q WKDW SROLF\ FKDQJHG ZKHQ commands in English and not Vietnamese. organization. Our goal was to build a national WKH 0LOLWDU\ 'RJ $GRSWLRQ 3URJUDP Because dogs often are eaten in Far East countries monument in honor of all military working dogs. ZDV HVWDEOLVKHG WKDQNV WR %LOO 3XWQH\ like Vietnam, many of these four-legged heroes “In 2005, I met with Congressman Walter B. '90 $ PLOLWDU\ GRJ KDQGOHU LQ may have ended up on dinner plates. Thousands Jones, [NC] in his office on Capitol Hill in Washington, WKH 0DULQH &RUSV GXULQJ ::,, KH more were either euthanized or left behind to DC. He agreed to sponsor congressional legislation DQG KLV 'REHUPDQ 3LQVFKHU &DSS\ fend for themselves. that would establish the U.S. Military Working Dog KDG KHOSHG OLEHUDWH *XDP IURP WKH “God only knows what happened to the ones Teams National Monument. It was signed into -DSDQHVH 3XWQH\ ZDV VR WLUHG RI GRJV that were abandoned,â€? Burnam says. law by President George W. Bush on January 28, EHLQJ HXWKDQL]HG E\ WKH PLOLWDU\ DIWHU Because Vietnam was an extremely unpopular 2008. President Barack Obama amended the law war in the U.S. and the dogs were classified as LW ZDV GRQH ZLWK WKHP KH FRQWDFWHG on October 28, 2009, authorizing the John Burnam equipment, perhaps the military justified the &RQJUHVVPDQ 5RVFRH * %DUWOHWW 0( Monument Foundation to design, fund, build and euthanasia and abandonment of such a large maintain the national monument.â€? +H XUJHG WKH &RQJUHVVPDQ WR VSRQVRU number of them as necessary in order to meet OHJLVODWLRQ WKDW ZRXOG HQG WKH SUDFWLFH the short timeline by which it had to evacuate all I don’t want to know . . . &RQJUHVVPDQ %DUWOHWW ZURWH D UHVROXWLRQ of its ground forces at the end of the conflict. To this day, Burnam still tries not to think about what WKDW DXWKRUL]HG WKH 'HSDUWPHQW RI “They also didn’t want any liability if the might have happened to Timber and Clipper, and 'HIHQVH WR DGRSW RXW ZDU GRJV WR dogs brought an infectious disease back to the the other war dogs left behind after the U.S. Military PHPEHUV RI WKH JHQHUDO SXEOLF ZKR U.S.,â€? Burnam says. “Whatever their reasons pulled out of Vietnam. But that doesn’t mean he’s SURYHG WR EH OHJLWLPDWH RZQHUV were, thousands of America’s hero dogs were left forgotten them. $IWHU PRUH WKDQ \HDUV RI behind to die.â€? “I don’t know what happened to my dogs and I GLVSRVLQJ RI XQZDQWHG PLOLWDU\ ZRUNLQJ don’t want to know,â€? he says; the pain still palpable GRJV DQ\ ZD\ WKH PLOLWDU\ VDZ Ă€W WKH Too painful to think about in his voice. “But my memories of them were what Because it was too painful to think about, Burnam SUDFWLFH HQGHG ZLWK WKH SDVVDJH RI drove me to build the monument. That’s why I never tried to put his concerns about what might have +RXVH 5HVROXWLRQ RQ 1RYHPEHU gave up on it until it was done.â€? happened to Timber and Clipper behind him For more information about the Military Working 7KH GDUNHVW FKDSWHU LQ PLOLWDU\ when he returned home from Vietnam. He didn’t Dog Teams National Monument or to make a ZRUNLQJ GRJ KLVWRU\ FDPH WR DQ HQG talk about them with anyone and tried not to think donation to its maintenance fund, visit http://www. ZKHQ 3UHVLGHQW &OLQWRQ VLJQHG WKH about them. For the most part, he succeeded OHJLVODWLRQ LQWR ODZ +XQGUHGV RI ZDU in blocking the painful memories from his life for GRJV KDYH EHHQ DGRSWHG VLQFH WKHQ two decades. Resources by John C. Burnam: )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW Then, the two German Shepherd Dogs, Dog Tags of Courage: The Turmoil of War and the WKH 0LOLWDU\ 'RJ $GRSWLRQ whom Burnam had buried so deeply in his heart, Rewards of Companionship, Oct 1, 1999. 3URJUDP YLVLW KWWS ZZZ sprang to life on the pages of manuscript in 1991. A Soldier’s Best Friend: Scout Dogs and Their PLOLWDU\ZRUNLQJGRJDGRSWLRQV FRP After he was reunited with an old friend whose Handlers in the Vietnam War, Feb 10, 2003. life he had saved during his first tour of duty in Canine Warrior: How a Vietnam Scout Dog Inspired Vietnam, Burnam set out to write the story of his a National Monument, available April 2014.

The Darkest Chapter in Military Working Dogs History

Dog News 221

222 Dog News

*The Dog News Top Ten List

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BEWARE THE DOBERHUAHUA! Super Bowl commercials have always been about the zeitgeist, holding the mirror up to our cultural selves – at which point, amid the nachos and hot wings, we contemplate Botox. BY DENISE FLAIM


t $4 million for a 30-second spot, Super Bowl ads have to be edgy and buzz-worthy without overtly offending, or pushing buttons that are better left unpushed. But sometimes, when it’s difficult to tell how many buttons there are, the ads run headlong into areas where the culture is at a crossroads – and minefields ensue. Consider, for example, this year’s spot from Coca-Cola, called “It’s Beautiful,” which featured multi-hued Americans singing “America the Beautiful” in seven different languages, along with the first gay family to be portrayed in a Super Bowl ad. Times they are a-changing, but apparently not fast enough: Social media exploded with complaints about the national anthem being sung in anything but English. (Never mind that “America the Beautiful” is not the national anthem. Details, details.) As Super Bowl commercials strive to push the envelope without alienating consumers, dogs can be a safe bet. “You can’t go wrong with a dog,” said cultural anthropologist Robbie Binkoff in a story about 2012’s dog-centric Super Bowl ads. “The dogs are idealized versions of ourselves. The dogs aren’t dogs – they’re us.” But if this year’s batch of big-buck commercials are any indication, our

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sense of ourselves as it relates to our four-legged companions has a touch of split-personality disorder. And nowhere is that more obvious – to those who are paying attention, anyway – than in the 2014 broadcast’s most popular commercial, Budweiser’s “Puppy Love,” featuring a friendship between one of the Anheuser-Busch Clydesdales and an irresistible yellow Lab puppy. Undeniably, as fanciers we see these commercials through our own prism, and with its first few frames, “Puppy Love” struck me with its cognitive dissonance: The commercial opens with a shot of a wooden sign that reads “Warm Springs: Puppy Adoption” in front of a cozy-looking white house, rocking-chair porch and all. Cut to an ex-pen full of typey, attractive and uniform puppies outside a barn, being picked up and cooed over by various adopters. Anybody who’s been in dogs for 10 minutes knows how unrealistic that scene is: When did you ever see an entire litter of well-bred 10-week-old Labrador Retrievers placed through a idyllic countryside rescue group that specializes only in puppies? “Given the specific training needs and that the ad was shot in California, the puppies were selected from a reputable breeder on the West Coast,” explains an Anheuser-Busch spokesperson. “After the ad shoot, each puppy was adopted out to a welcoming family.”

Adopted out to a welcoming family? Surely the puppies’ breeder did not sell them as a whole litter to the trainer, but rather had them returned so they could be placed directly by her, with a contract requiring spay/neuter and containing a return-to-breeder clause. Were the dogs sold? “The breeder made special arrangements ahead of the ad shoot for the puppies to be placed in loving homes after production,” the spokesperson says. That doesn’t answer my question, exactly, but I suppose charging for a puppy you breed is a red flag these days. CONTINUED ON PAGE 270

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* 5 2 8 3 7 : 2 - 8 ' * ( 0 5 ' ( 1 1 , 6 0 & & 2 < ( 5 , ( . ( 1 1 ( / & / 8 %

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Q and A with Sheila Goffe, Director of the AKC’s Government Relations Department


from other sources, including local shelters, purebred rescues, breeders a long distance away, or regulated pet stores. Although the recent influx of legislation that limits where pets can be obtained is primarily targeting pet stores, the implications of this regulation for the future of all dogs should be chilling to breeders and pet owners alike. WHAT CAN DOG OWNERS DO TO PROTECT THEMSELVES AND THEIR DOGS? GOFFE: Get involved in your community, be a good representative of the breeding/fancier community, be a model for responsible dog ownership and expertise in your community; and reach out to community leaders before an issue comes up. As a recognized and credible source of canine expertise in your community, when issues arise, leaders will know they can turn to you for input and advice. WHAT MORE CAN THE AKC DO TO PROTECT DOGS AND THEIR OWNERS AND BREEDERS? GOFFE: GR’s role is to educate, inform and serve as a resource on legislative issues. We can’t be everywhere, but we are happy to provide legislative analysis and to provide tools, planning and oneon-one assistance to help breeders and owners to fight back against radical proposals that may harm them or their dogs. Protecting dog owners and breeders is a big task. We are continuously working on new ways to help owners and breeders protect their dogs and their rights, but we can’t do it alone. We need everyone to get involved. There are many ways to do this, from being a legislative liaison, to participating in dog-related community outreach, to writing letters and phone calls when asked, and many other activities. Together we can make a difference, and AKC GR is committed to providing assistance and resources to make this happen.

228 Dog News

WHAT’S THE BEST WAY TO ENLIGHTEN LEGISLATORS? GOFFE: One of the best things a person can do is to get to develop a relationship with their representatives before there is an issue. Legislators are most interested in what their constituents have to say, and most legislators do not have a lot of experience with dog issues. This means that they need credible contacts like constituent breeders or hobbyists they can rely on for advice about dog issues. AKC GR provides a variety of tools to help local clubs, federations and individuals reach out to their legislators and get involved in the public debate. Some of these tools include the AKC PAC, AKC talking points and issue briefs, the AKC GR toolbox, legislator of the year awards, and the new dog-friendly community award. Information about these tools is available on our webpage, governmentrelations. HOW IMPORTANT ARE LEGISLATIVE LIAISONS FOR THE AKC’S GR DEPT.? GOFFE: Legislative Liaisons are extremely important to AKC GR. We depend on them to spread the message whenever we send out an alert, to let us know when they hear of an issue in their community, and to discuss legislative issues. They are among the first to receive invitations to our legislative conference, our newsletters, and the latest legislative tools. ARE THERE AREAS WHERE CLUBS CAN IMPROVE THEIR ABILITY TO ENLIGHTEN LEGISLATORS OR THE COMMUNITY? GOFFE: Absolutely. Clubs are key to our success. One of the most important things they can to is to be a visible source of good for their community. Examples of this include providing training classes to the public, educational programs, sponsoring health/microchip or low cost health clinics, donating time or funds to deserving local shelters, participating in therapy programs, or supporting police

or SAR dogs, and publicizing all of these activities. Opportunities are limited only by your imagination. Winners of the AKC Community Achievement Award and Bebout legislative excellence award winners provide fantastic examples of the ways that clubs have successfully enlightened and impacted legislators and their communities. Reach out to your legislators and invite them to address your club meeting or consider sharing our economic benefits flyers with community leaders including your local chamber of commerce. Other tools that can help are AKC GR candidate surveys, the AKC PAC, dog friendly community/ legislator awards, CLSF education grants. WHAT ROLE DO DOG SHOWS PLAY IN THE GR EFFORTS? GOFFE: They play an important role. They showcase us as breeders, as a wholesome family activity and as a community of dog lovers and dog experts. Shows often provide a major economic benefit for the community they’re in, and they provide an excellent opportunity to educate the public and legislators. We recommend to all clubs that they invite as many local officials to their shows as possible and include them in trophy presentations, tours, and other honorary or educational opportunities. For example, in 2013 the Raleigh Kennel Club had a My Dog Can Do That event at their show. We invited a number of state legislators and staff to come by. They had a great time watching the show and some even gave My Dog Can Do That a try. They came away with a new respect for the clubs and their members. These memorable experiences can translate into lasting good relationships with policymakers. This shouldn’t be just for conformation, but for all club events. And at minimum, when showing, it’s important for participants to never forget that the impression that visitors to a dog show take away from the show will impact how the dog community will be perceived in the future.

Dog News 229

Sporting Group Brittanys

880 GCH CH Brookewood’s Just Too Hot CDX MX MXB E Drazek/C Miller 813 GCH CH Triumphant’s As Good As It Gets JH L Mccartney-Roy/K Mccartney 767 GCH CH Rainbow Splash’s Ruggedly Handsome C Douglas/J Andras/A Andras/K Hogan/A Co 593 GCH CH Mich’s Mt Ready Aim Fire T Rickard/L Rickard/K Rickard/J Davies 539 GCH CH Sanbar’s Ride The Winds R West/P West/C West 499 GCH CH Star Flight Jumpin Jack Flash RN OA OAJ J Ceres 387 GCH CH Copley Paper Dragon E Ewart 379 GCH CH Marsport Hot To Ride Lucky Seven MH P Snider/L Snider 234 GCH CH Dogwood Hollow Little Surfer Girl G Clements/G Clements/C Mika 209 GCH CH Britt’s Ramblin’ The Perfect Cut J Larson/N Larson/K Schoppa


350 GCH CH Chesterhope Miss D’Arcy L Cayton/F De Paulo/D Ying 241 GCH CH Chesterhope State Of T Art J Mosing/J O’Neill 240 CH Solivia’s Desiderata D Brown/K Brown/S Thompson 220 GCH CH Bookstor Willy Wonka K Spey/H Spey/D Chan/S Morawiec 180 GCH CH Solivia’s Like Fine Wine At Hipoint J Mirto/R Mirto 166 GCH CH Oncore Mykyna Storm P Haines/T Haines/P Davis 149 GCH CH Creeksyde’s Heartbreaker G Griffin/J Walton/K Rath 84 GCH CH Black Alder Archer Mayor P Kroll 69 GCH CH Seasyde Fashion Avenue H Medeiros/J Griffith/H Griffith 67 GCH CH Solivia’s Kalahari Of Marsuz C Green/S Thompson/D Brown/K Brown

Pointers (German Shorthaired)

1361 GCH CH Dogwdcreek’s La Vita E Belle L Duncan 809 GCH CH Kan-Point’s Makin’ The Chase R Stanley/R Stanley/L Coonrod 804 GCH CH Robin Crest Edelmarke Investigator T Feneis/T Depietro/C Trost 605 GCH CH Stelor’s Royalty Remembered D Stelmach 480 GCH CH Starfield’s Army Strong V Bulkley JH L Rhodes/S Herman 459 GCH CH De Lombardie Bulkley Solstice L Cere/G Hostetter/C Cunningham 452 GCH CH Robin Crest Great Expectations R Remondi/R Remondi 439 GCH CH Ehrenvogel Say Cheese M Lara/C Swensson/G Hostetter/A Lester 437 GCH CH Skypoint’s Our River Runs Free F Del Prete/L Del Prete 392 GCH CH Homesteader’s Star Burst JH A Vitarius/B Vitarius/N Campbell

Pointers (German Wirehaired)

635 GCH CH Mountain View National Acclaim N Paduch/P Paduch/B Stroh 200 GCH CH Mt. View’s Ripsnortersilvercharm V Malzoni 127 GCH CH Harvest Meadow’s Truth Be Told L Minnick/A Resnick 76 GCH CH Neudorf’s Cool Hand Luke Afterhours F Newwirth/C Whitmore 57 GCH CH Ebbtide Lookout Gambler JH A Summerfelt/G Persinger/H Huber/F Funde 55 GCH CH Heywire ‘N Highfield’s Hey Look Me Over JH P Kincaid/L Kincaid/B Brawn 51 GCH CH Geronimo’s Goddess V Dazzle J Steffes 40 GCH CH Aimn Hi Jet Stream RN MH CGC K Gunnarson/L Gunnarson 35 CH Hh Lookout Celtic Field Of Vision JH J Boyd/M Boyd/J Witt/E Shupp 32 GCH CH Hh Lookout’s Cherryfield S Oehlers

Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay)

739 GCH CH Chesastar Hudson Bay RN K Sosik/J Sosik 300 GCH CH Chesacolahardwoodbaltimoreraven G Sheetz 256 GCH CH Albridens The Show Must Go On S Larson/D Baker 250 GCH CH Hardwood’s Full House V Bartnicki/J Ohrnberger

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(M) (M) (M) (M)

205 GCH CH Calico’s Colonial Rum Fire J Coutu/M Coutu 173 GCH CH Quailridge’s Top Dee O Gee Maximilian C Macina/C Macina 154 GCH CH Poisett’s Doctor Mallard P Henshaw/A Henshaw 151 GCH CH Irish’s Robert Garcia Depadua T Jennings/J Jennings 131 GCH CH Shiloah’s Harvard Girl One Smart Spicy T Coene/S Grasso 116 GCH CH Spinnakers Kodiak Fisher JH C Kling

Retrievers (Curly-Coated)

179 GCH CH Down Datrail Hunting Thrills CD S Macre/D Akins 139 GCH CH Kurly Kreek Artic Express S Shifflett/M Shifflett 100 CH Amberlea’s Faultline Rattle BN RA CGC W Reed 68 GCH CH Riverwatch Grand Illusion M Meek/G Meek 51 GCH CH Kyraco Kyrabean Pirate CA M Morel 47 GCH CH Charmstar Travels With Ghislaine CAA M Morris 32 GCH CH Clarion’s Blackberry Bramble J Gentry/P Gentry 28 GCH CH Walden Farm’s Zoot Suit Riot RN J Siebecker 18 CH Sun Devil Bohemian Rhapsody Ordered By The L Rush 14 GCH CH Fullcircle Gale Force BN RN JH CA J Harms/W Harms

Retrievers (Flat-Coated)

628 GCH CH Timberblac’s All Hands On Deck RN J Martin 382 GCH CH Bertschire Horse Power JH A Holsinger/K Goulding 335 GCH CH Destiny As Good As It Gets CDX JH E Mound 306 GCH CH Wind Dancer’s Kick A Little K Forni 298 GCH CH Windy Hill Dance To The Music JH R Rickert/S Rickert/L Selof/M Bettis 238 GCH CH Bertschire’s Triple Play BN PCD RAE AX R Morton/B Griffin/A Holsinger 199 GCH CH Moonlight Wish Upon A Star RN R Morrill/S Morrill/P Briganti/R Brigant 172 GCH CH Gamekeeper’s Medal Of Honor RA SH OA R Rickert/M White/L Lowy/M White 167 GCH CH Westlawn Free Born Man E Fino/D Fino 165 GCH CH Feathurquest Moonlight Sonata R Morrill/R Briganti/M Shimizu/K Shimizu

Retrievers (Golden)

2975 GCH CH Summits Emery Its In The Bag B Johnson/J Sedivec/K Sedivec 2218 GCH CH Easthill Broxden Woodland Lettuce C Collins/J Supple/S Skilkoff/J Ovalle/A 2124 GCH CH Rush Hill’s Drama’Geddon JH T Struble/M Struble/C Meddaugh 1656 GCH CH Venture’s Boys N Toys T Mccray/A Heuslein 1619 GCH CH Trance Mission Jp Cunard Adventure T Tsumura 1207 GCH CH Shadowland’s Paws For Applause At Tristar S Dominke/M Honari 926 GCH CH Pennylane Jansun Justin Credible J Jesberger 922 GCH CH Hillock’s Bacardi CD RE T Tomlinson/C Ross/D Ross 730 GCH CH Glaciers Ringing In The New Year C Martin 692 GCH CH Regency Raise The Bet V Franchi/L Franchi/S Carpenter/L Ballar

Retrievers (Labrador)

1462 GCH CH Gateway’s Nothin’ But Trouble V Creamer/M Creamer 1341 GCH CH Frakari’s Kool As Kiefer C Fisher/L Weiss 961 GCH CH Epoch’s Moccasin Joe C Skiba 908 GCH CH Big Skys Augustus JH B Bridges 692 GCH CH Tabatha’s Sunfest Decker L Parschauer/K Parschauer/C Heidl/N Nive 645 GCH CH Briarwood’s Eye On The Prize M Henricks/S Sellers/P Sellers 637 GCH CH Everso’s Elephants & Flowers JH S Perrine 613 GCH CH Belquest Deep Run Easy Peasy P Giroux/S Moses/J Moses 562 GCH CH Rosewater Babalu A Berarducci/R Harkow 552 GCH CH Tampa Bay & Snobo Gusty Seas Batten E Elliott/L Hess

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Retrievers (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling)

392 GCH CH Javahill Surf2 An 8 Second Ride BN K Schultze/L Fitzmaurice/A Pasko 386 GCH CH Pikkinokka’s Lightning Bug S Einck-Paul/N Mages 221 GCH CH Tollerpride Gathering Storm J Gordon/H Gordon/R Fearon 178 GCH CH Princess Cut Diamond Beekauz CD RN JH S Kauzlarich/K Kauzlarich/D Kauzlarich 137 GCH CH Lennoxlove Susqudilla’s Mini Cooper CD RN R Haskin/P Campanella/M Waterstreet/J Ha 108 GCH CH Foxvale Avatar Best Of Times D Gibbs 104 GCH CH Hawks Nest Divine Providence RN CA R Kurth/M Martin/C Kurth 103 GCH CH Starway Keeper Of The Stars V Anderson/L Smith/K Audette 100 GCH CH Vermilion’s Ram’Njam’N Rosco Of Tnt CD RN H Hietapelto/K Koebensky-Como 77 GCH CH Aqueus Walks On Water OA OAJ OAP AJP W Johansen/D Bannasch

Setters (English)

1260 GCH CH Stargaz’R ‘N Wingfield Time Will Tell D Coller/P Coller/E Hackett 572 GCH CH Sagebrush’s Simply Irresistible J Harris 316 GCH CH Aerden’s Pretty In Pink JH L Engel/R Miller/V Ciaravino/B Silbernag 294 GCH CH Sleepy Hollow’s Scarlett O Hara J Mowery/L Mowery 250 GCH CH Wyndswept’s Reflection Of The Heart D Mack/S Costa 248 GCH CH Legends Love Potion No. Nine F Carisle/J Carlisle 241 GCH CH Linwood Resolute’s New Beginning RN CGC R Lloyd/W Lloyd 240 GCH CH Palisades B52 M Dorward 204 GCH CH Lochlomond’s Wrapped Up In You JH S Kuniansky/F Neal 182 GCH CH Oakley’s B’Dazzled E Strickland/J Strickland

Setters (Gordon)

720 GCH CH Hollyhunt Take A Chance On Me M Hunsinger/C Hunsinger 703 GCH CH Sandpiper’s Castles In The Air D Grant/J Beattie/D Snyder/P Reilly 657 GCH CH Sastya’s Eleven Eleven W Leonard/M Leonard 289 GCH CH Saranac Toblerone E Fisher/W Fisher 225 GCH CH Buteo’s Midnight Silence A Johnson-Edwards/C Edwards 129 GCH CH Amberlove’s Are We A Pair? JH C Kushell 83 GCH CH Grizz’s Angus Firestorm N Warchant CGC D Hamilton/S Hamilton 75 GCH CH Bluewin’s Wild Wild West CD D Ellis/N Ellis 72 GCH CH Amberlove The One That I Wanted For L Ward/T Ward/R Schwiegerath 65 GCH CH Sunrunners Untouchable B Young-Tompkinson

Setters (Irish Red and White) 95 50 39 37 35 34 25







(M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M)

GCH CH Mizen Duchas Dilis JH J Baumgartner GCH CH Tullamore Toffi JH A Jones GCH CH Aramis Farms High Road To Killary D Peterson/J Zawikowski GCH CH Nyastar’s Theif Of Hearts Of Riverun K Miller/S Hazen/K Ramirez GCH CH Nyastar’s Bright Flame Burning K Miller/T Sexton GCH CH Paterjay Analita T Orcutt/C Orcutt/Z Orcutt GCH CH Tymaran Masterful L Derosa/S Derosa Paterjay Ari Di Luna A Jones CH Nyastar’s Dirty Little Secret K Miller/J Holt CH Shireoak Crimson Ice B Steinheimer/M Steinheimer/G Harrison/L

Setters (Irish)

773 GCH CH Vermilion’s Sea Breeze M Foote/B Foote 694 GCH CH Crimsonacre Wind Chime R Perry 670 GCH CH Northwinds First Reign R Arch/J Arch/D Keane/N Keane 558 GCH CH Darnelle’s Pennies From Heaven M Higby 457 GCH CH Dancin’ Prelude To Winter JH S Folts


383 GCH CH Militza’s My Cherie Amour T Mcneal/R Mcneal/K Wall/J Fisher 307 GCH CH Antares Bobby Jones M Goeke/P Goeke 254 GCH CH Jadestar Rifleman C Brewer/J Smith 243 GCH CH Abbeylane Tramore Above The Limit D Michaelson/B Rasmussen 238 GCH CH Cairncross Concierge With Tullane M Hills/C Hills/C Paine/R Berggren


Spaniels (American Water)

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19 17 13

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13 12 9 8 8

GCH CH Waterway Game Crk Hot Diggity JH L Hattrem/J Hattrem/J Rose/S Rose/P Mett CH Aspen Springs Northern Star RN D Parker/F Parker Beavercreek’s Mystic Firestorm RATN CGC L Thorsness/L Mcgrath/H Pemble CH Aspen Springs Blazing Sun D Parker/F Parker GCH CH Beavercreek’s Chance Of A Life Time RATN L Thorsness/H Pemble GCH CH Ca- Beavercrk’s Best Kpt Secret RN CGC L Thorsness CH Carolina’s Running With The Hare BN RN SH JHR L Mccracken CH Kei-Rin’s Bandida De Offshore K Hayes Aspen Springs Mountain Zephyr B Stuart/L Stuart GCH CH Beavercreek’s Secret Celebration RN RATN L Mcgrath/L Thorsness/H Pemble CH Aspen Springs Ursa Major D Parker/F Parker

Spaniels (Boykin)


113 GCH CH Pocotaligo’s Nama Karoo MH JHR C Gebhard/K Parkman 75 GCH CH Hollow Creek’s Texas Trace G Hurley/P Watts 63 GCH CH Texas Trace Vega G Copeland/M Copeland 54 GCH CH Texas Trace Yellow Rose RN CGC M Machala/G Hurley 38 GCH CH Texas Trace Skipper K Johnston/G Copeland 29 CH Top Gun Keeping Faith JH J De Angelo 19 CH Larley’s Keeper Of The Code D Deloatch/N Deloatch 18 GCH CH Hollow Creek’s Jagger Meister G Copeland 17 GCH CH Thornhill’s Sula Of Heronwyck JHR L Kern 16 CH Larley’s Shake Rattle And Roll P Knudsen/H Davis


Spaniels (Clumber)

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495 GCH CH Clussexx Collaboration With Traddles W Holbrook/B Dowd/A Jaramillo/M Capone/J 214 GCH CH Nexus Total Eclipse S Miller/C Miller/J Fankhauser/B Freeman 124 GCH CH Clumon Ragin Cajun At Breakaway J Scott/D Starr/R Moss 84 GCH CH Chiffon Revolution A Ries/D Wahman 62 GCH CH Breakaway’s Stevedore”” D Fitzpatrick/P Holman/M Cole 60 GCH CH Clussexx King’s Ransom T Shores/M Merritt/J Haverick 56 GCH CH Whitehawk Nonsuch Wessex C L Sidorovich/V Simmonds 56 GCH CH Nexus Dark Horse P Mccune/T Mccune 55 GCH CH Jazzin’s Shake A Tail Feather M Morris/C Jaynes/C Brannon 43 GCH CH Lake Desire’s James Patterson’s The Gift C Wiseman/J Wiseman


Spaniels (Cocker) ASCOB

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679 GCH CH Trinity’s Tucked Under His Wing (M) S Gray/S Dobmeier 348 GCH CH Aspire’s Semper Paratus (F) C Rosales/L Rosales 325 GCH CH Jems May The Force Be With You (M) J Stamm/D Rosenblum/S Rosenblum 152 GCH CH Blt Into The Wild (M) B Lou/T Lam 151 GCH CH Be-Fit’s N Arikara Too Hot To Touch (F) C Thompson/P Nazarko/D Christian 143 GCH CH Creekridge Eye Wanna Be A Rock Starr (M) C Bredenbeck/F Bredenbeck 120 GCH CH St. Hubert’s N Stanfield Farms Double Talkin (F) P Bigsby 112 GCH CH Showtime My Lady Jane (F) D Harris/C Harris 109 GCH CH Silverhall Strike Force (M) R Beinhauer/C Cohn 103 GCH CH Kaplar’s Heartsong (M) L Henson

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Spaniels (Cocker) Black


503 GCH CH Mario N Beechwood’s Midnight Express CGC (M) F Charest/C Charest/M Ragusa/P Ragusa 437 GCH CH Pbj’s Fearless (F) B Pruitt/M Pruitt 347 GCH CH Sovran’s Aranjuez (M) A Santos/M Buckley 271 GCH CH Casablanca’s Thrilling Seduction (M) L Moore/B Van Deman/C Douglas/M Walker 241 GCH CH Ashdown’s Time To Thrill (M) G White Jones/B Van Deman/C Douglas 225 GCH CH Tamra’s N Positively Over The Top (M) M Walls/J Newton 192 GCH CH Bib ‘N’ Tux Born This Way (F) B Warren 171 GCH CH Homespun’s Winchester (M) J Boote/L Boote 147 GCH CH Quasar - Midnight’s On The Money (M) K Flanders 130 GCH CH Amik-Creek Swiped By Marshens (M) A Morgante/H Armour/M James

Spaniels (Cocker) Parti

503 GCH CH Conquest’s This Is It! M Torres-Young 428 GCH CH Monthaven’s The Birdcage J Montanelli 215 GCH CH Ka-Sa-Ra’s Positively Priceless K Korab/H Hesskew 181 GCH CH Nosowea’N Wib’s New Brew-Who Knew! J Thorp 152 GCH CH My-Ida-Ho N Jems Captain E Ross/S Gerling 129 GCH CH Sherwood & Lomapoint Captain Crunch J Bjelland/K Olsen 121 GCH CH Lynn D’s Turn’N To The Dark Side D Swier/J Mcnelly 109 GCH CH Jems Going For The Knockout J Stamm 105 GCH CH Pinecliff’s Naughty Little Angel L Gaertner 104 GCH CH Tsunami’s Curtain Call I Tsvetkova

Spaniels (English Cocker)

933 GCH CH Foxwoods Dublin Diva K Lyons/D Mauterer 717 GCH CH Nonnies No Doubt J Gerrish/V Umpleby 474 GCH CH Blackstone Very Vassar E Courtney/A Howard/J Torres 416 GCH CH Majestic Sweet Apple French Martini K Belter/D Belter/N Sweet 397 GCH CH Fieldstone Carousel Hell’s Kitchen K Florentine/C Kirby 375 GCH CH Dawnglow Knight Rider E Neff/S Laflamme/B Hendrick 299 GCH CH Jolyn N Indigo’s Rions Flag E Matuk/L Dobbins/C Bono/C Schlecht 200 GCH CH Edgewood Devilish Design S Loritz/B Threlfall 168 CH Dawnglow Ebonwood’s Whirlaway P Janzen/J Kaul 157 GCH CH Indigo’s Quintessential Solution L Dobbins/C Bono/M Dobbins

Spaniels (English Springer)

1240 GCH CH Ocoee Dsqd With A Vengeance M King/K Lorentzen/B Breese/L Kiener 993 GCH CH Cerise Dixieland Duchess A Summerfelt/D Cherry 856 GCH CH Winamere N Goldcamp Simply D” Best” G Mccain/L O’Connor 851 GCH CH Hil-N-Don & Canyonwood Seemore Of Me S Pelissero/J Crouch 822 GCH CH Suncoast Wil-Orion Anticipation S Zuker/K Milne/N Siver 624 GCH CH Cerise Sentinel D Cherry/K Kirk 441 GCH CH Seaview’s Too Busy Being Fabulous D Van Vorst/C Florence/B Fink/R Novack 373 GCH CH Legacy Random Titleist R Mockoviak/S Mockoviak/K Fitzgerald 342 GCH CH Segre’s Brown Derby BN RA OA OAJ D Larson/M Mizelle 314 GCH CH Wynmoor Champagne Supernova E Kerfoot/C Florence/D Streng/E Fink/R N

Spaniels (Field)

358 GCH CH Sandscape Pardon Me Boys G Perry/C Dooley/N Bunch 272 GCH CH Pemberley’s Night Prowler BN RN OA NAP D Stover 99 GCH CH Karomil’s Marbled Pumpernickel RN C Goodell 72 GCH CH Promenade Pierce The Veil J Schildman/C Carroll 72 GCH CH Killara’s Grand Idea RA A Eley/K Balinski 68 GCH CH Winfarthing Pride & Prejudice RN SH S Haskell/J Zachow/G Kofron

27 26 22 22

GCH CH Killara Ono! The British Are Coming CA H Fiedler/K Balinski/D Fiedler GCH CH Cabot N Seabreeze Night Train To Wicksford S Meachem/L Carver/D O’Neil/D Mccrae GCH CH Promenade Pay It Forward J Chopson/J Schildman/N Kuhn GCH CH Wolftree’s Painted Rock S Miller GCH CH Nautica’s Got Game R Ertle/D Brewer

(M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Spaniels (Irish Water)


269 GCH CH Whistlestop’s Riley On Fire (F) T Urban/B Urban/G Siner 138 GCH CH Whistlestop’s Fire & Ice (F) S Duncan/C Mcdaniel/C Shelby 75 GCH CH Whistle Stop’s Wind On The Water (F) M Cummings 59 CH Beaufield’s Boundary Waters At Poole’s Ide (M) B Kvarnlov/G Siner/D Patterson 54 GCH CH Mallyree Here Comes The Son RN (M) A Getchell/P Manus/P Getchell 48 GCH CH Navarone’s Back In Black RN CGC (M) P Von Bacho/L Baglia 33 GCH CH Nawedshoe Dawns Early Lite O Freedom CGC (M) P Chapman 28 CH Archwave A Shot Of Irish Mist (F) S Shanahan 25 GCH CH Waterford’s Anything You Want (F) S Ensign 24 GCH CH Poole’s Ide Reversal Of Fortune (M) T Urban/B Urban/G Singer


Spaniels (Sussex)

(F) (M) (M) (F)


137 GCH CH Wild Cherry Remedi In My World E Heiple/D Miller 78 GCH CH Companionway Sutton It Had To Be You C Holt 60 GCH CH Remedi’s Deep In The Heart T Launder/B Launder 57 GCH CH Kamand Tangled Up In Blue K Toner/A Toner 54 GCH CH He’s Simply Godiva’s Duck Chocolate D Engbertson/M Henderson/S Caniff 49 GCH CH Sundowners Orion Coast To Coast JH J Clendenon/D Clendenon/C Cooper/A Coope 48 GCH CH Chatapa Jason And The Argonauts R Valenzano/C Valenzano 42 GCH CH Clussexx Pink Polka Dots MH P Petraglia/C Yankowski/J Haverick 38 GCH CH Remedi Maritime Criminalintent A Morris/K Booth 37 GCH CH Terreline’s Little Tug Of Old North Wharf C Peterson/M Peterson


Spaniels (Welsh Springer)

(M) (M) (F) (F)

(F) (M) (F) (F)


392 GCH CH Trystyn Statesman Cactus Blue S Doss/S Doss/M Riese-Bassel/S Holmes 170 GCH CH Clussexx Rolyarts Payola NAJ S Marx 130 GCH CH Saga’s Winsome Watson RN CGC J Cooley 107 GCH CH Ivywild’s Seven Blessings D Sakach/R Sakach 103 GCH CH Riverside’s Remington Magical Gun R Sieranski/P Nardone/C Wrenn/A Wrenn 92 GCH CH Holly House’s Making Waves RN TD S Roth/A Legare 85 GCH CH Rolyart’s Tale-Gator C Ford/S Traylor 81 GCH CH Avalon’s All Hallows Eve Perseus J Lowry 81 GCH CH Farhill’s Liberte M Hilliard 72 GCH CH Clussexx Win’Throp Loves Springtime J Haverick/D Massey 72 GCH CH Trystyn’s State Secret P Williamson/R Williamson/S Holmes


Spinoni Italiani

(M) (F) (M) (M)

(M) (F) (M) (M) (F)

(M) (M) (M)

(F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)

190 GCH CH Amico Peloso’s Double Dare You C Fritts/L Kunz 114 GCH CH Couchfields Giada At Dry Grass M Brustein/J Brustein/D Brooks 78 GCH CH Nine Gates Matilda J Kennard 72 GCH CH Javal Tangerine Man J Austad/K Norton 72 GCH CH Bela’s This Time It’s Hudson P Miller/L Miller/K Miller 63 GCH CH Collina D’Oro Get Off Of My Cloud CGC S Belt/D Cannon/J Hileman 58 GCH CH Brier Creeks Ophelia Del Fredo JH R Koch 54 GCH CH Darby Canyon Mick Jagger D Cannon/L Williams Stanton 53 GCH CH Quattro Zampe Micca JH T Turner 45 GCH CH Lancetta’s The Heart Of Rock & Roll J Joens/M Fornens-Joens

(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M)

(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M)

(M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M)


2261 GCH CH Regal Point Pinnacle Of Kilauea JH D Verret/S Rushing/D Sullivan/S Middlebr 691 GCH CH Jaybren’s Irish Star J Brennan/J Brennan 583 GCH CH Solaris Tuzes Paprika JH CA A Gilliam/M Szechenyi/B Kirven/R Murphy 518 GCH CH Tamaron’s Tag You’Re It L Westerbeck/T Westerbeck 472 GCH CH Lorac’s Cap’N Jack Sparrow S Nakamura/W Sommerfelt/C Sommerfelt 401 GCH CH Nyircsaszari Szilva Palinka JH S Kerr 361 GCH CH Grouse Point Semper Fi Pretty In Pink C Miklos/T Lucas/R Bernstein 278 GCH CH HRQ Guess Who’s In Trouble JH OA OAJ C Meacham/S Sibley 277 GCH CH Jen’s Penny Tamaron Tiana’s Perfect Alibi D Helms/C Helms/N Guarascio/T Westerbeck 274 GCH CH Just Spike JH L Busch


1488 GCH CH Doc N’ Camelot’s Heaven Can Wait S Thomas 759 GCH CH Simpatico Equal Justice J Martin/J Logan/R Goularle 615 GCH CH Silhouette’s All Revved Up C Cassidy/B Cassidy 504 GCH CH Unity’s Bzyfeet Laverne Defazio G Mclogan/V Ruiz/A Tourond 449 GCH CH Diamond Mk The Eagle Has Landed M Wilson/N Lane 440 GCH CH Win’Weim’s It’s My Grey Goose D Massey/S Line 264 GCH CH Rosewin Clasic Schwin Of Anson P Sage/A Sage/M Gearhart/W Gearhart 234 GCH CH Camelot’s The Best Of Times II J Sherry/S Thomas 191 GCH CH Nani’s So What B Shepard/C Grisell 179 GCH CH Frost Oak N Quantrels Git R Done N Todd

Wirehaired Pointing Griffons

166 GCH CH Whiskeytown Brandewyn SH K Rogney/G Rogney 134 GCH CH Fireside’s Riding High SH S Martin 128 GCH CH Kyloe’s Trekking Kb Amstel JH J Resler/J Riederer 109 GCH CH Bear Hug Fire In The Hole JH L Carroll/M Carroll 81 GCH CH Fireside’s Hollow Crown Elsy W Marlow/P Marlow 73 GCH CH Marquis Bear Hug Blue Fireworks CA M Dozier/S Dozier 61 GCH CH Wyncliff’s Dark Shadow R Baggenstos/D Baggenstos 49 CH Chukar Well Dressed Sharpshooter CD RN JH T Korthals 47 GCH CH Fireside’s Mother Of Pearl M Tuttle/C Tuttle 44 GCH CH Whiskeytown Chibuku J Tucker/K Rogney

3 (M) (M) (M)

1331 GCH CH Tells Matrix Reloaded M Galloway 1317 GCH CH Exlysta Aries Ciel Noir P Rooks/C Smith/P Schafmayer/S Ferraro 711 GCH CH Elmo’s Martian Chronicles C Harker 490 GCH CH Mahali Arriva Sandpiper J Baukus/D Cooley/S Neill/L Schanzle/J P 473 GCH CH Thaon’s Wallstreet J Hafford/J Blanchard/D Rogers/J Rogers/ 344 GCH CH Maya’s Mockingbird C Rahaman/A Rahaman/K Bunce 223 GCH CH Boanne’s Thunderation A Evans/G Evans/B Blewett/G Ullom/L Mill 223 GCH CH Karakush Storm In A D-Cup D Sorey/S Fisher/B Clark 219 GCH CH Jolie Orion J Taylor/J Taylor 189 GCH CH Jakar An Affair Most Wicked B Warren

American English Coonhounds 41 39 17 14

GCH CH Color Me Bad Double Stuff Oreo A Alexander GCH CH Moonlight’s Most Wanted J Spieth/S Spieth CH Kentucky Mtn Diamond Cutter P Jessup GCH CH Alexanders Color Me Bad Ginn A Alexander

(F) (F)

American Foxhounds


191 GCH CH Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box E Charles/L Miller 43 GCH CH Dunstan Tucker G Shultz 22 GCH CH Crossroads Just Right Joe A Whitfield 17 GCH CH Devlon’s Fame And Fortune K Kendall/D Leonard/K Leonard 15 GCH CH Kiarry’s Foolish Pride D Deonofrio 15 CH Tallyho Jade D Leonard/K Leonard 11 CH Hillwood’s Matilda S Grossman 9 Hillwood’s Jackson S Grossman 8 CH Tri County Crossroads Calaminty Jane A Hodges 6 CH Kiarry & Deluxe Adam’s Rib R Lux/J Lux



(M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M)


(F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)

(F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M)

Hound Group

Afghan Hounds


I’M A Diamond Of A Peach J Green Color Me One Rotten Peach A Alexander/J Green

(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(M) (M) (M) (F)

(F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F)

688 GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin J Jones/K Jones/C Kok 445 GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Halleleujah Makes A Joyful J Behles/R Walley 403 GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC N Sherman/N Scherwin


347 GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet T Kirstein/T Huff 303 GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow! P Geoffroy/S Lund/S Coe 272 GCH CH Jokuba C-Quest First Round Knock Out R Bowen/C Russell 191 GCH CH Sirobe Egotistical Rosewood B Phifer 176 GCH CH Illusion’s Stairway To Heaven T Reed/B Reed 133 GCH CH Ab Day Trip To Tanza-Jamaa SC CA J Sheldon/P Fragassi/T Rollins 124 GCH CH Berimo Cavalia P Marshall


Basset Hounds

743 GCH CH Topsfield-Sanchu Eenie Meenie Miney Moe S Shor/C Orlandi/C Steidel 365 GCH CH Topsfield-Sanchu Bibidy-Bobidy-Boo C Orlandi/C Steidel 277 GCH CH Barnyard 3 Oaks Spark Of Hope C Lane/V Mcmackin/C Star/P Harder 265 GCH CH Splash’s Riverboat Gambler J Nolan/B Nolan/J Nolan/W Nolan 251 GCH CH Gypsy’s Pert ‘Neer’ Perfect K Collier/D Hagy 242 GCH CH Fort Merrill Brunswick J Urban/A Costilla 231 GCH CH Ingram’s Martha D Ingram/H Ingram 202 GCH CH Kahl Me Foxglen’s Cool Dude B Kahl 167 GCH CH Olde Fashion Affare D’Amore Italiano B Berger/J Baetz 165 GCH CH Castlehill’s Ace In The Hole At Sasquatch S Dok/J Dok/T Whitney/T Whitney

(F) (M)

(F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)

(M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M)

Beagles (13 in. and under)

474 GCH CH Bougain’E Naughty-N-Lovely Alvin (M) S Adungchongruk/S Ott 321 GCH CH Encore’s Rerun Of Roirdan (M) C Kaplan/C Herr/T Nesmith/E Dziuk 270 GCH CH Vinla-Cabaret’s Gold Standard (M) S Ayers/K Brooks 119 GCH CH Barrister’s Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend (F) B Manifold/S Robblee 98 GCH CH Saranan’s Sweet Sensation (F) N Prideaux/P Schmelkin 76 GCH CH Kinsglo Road To Rhode Island (M) R Johnson/S Houle 61 GCH CH Vinla’s L.A.Ink (F) J Lux/K Brooks 54 CH Mtn Brook Sterling B (M) C Marlow/P Marlow 50 GCH CH Hidden Dreams Premier Cru (F) L Mcpherson 49 GCH CH We-Fuss Who’s At Riverrun (F) D Severns/M Severns/C Luetkens

Beagles (over 13 in.)

546 GCH CH Bridgehill’s Mr. Mason’s Misbehavin’ D Milke/G Milke 333 GCH CH Legacy Busch’s Bold And Brave C Busch/W Busch/M Martin 329 GCH CH Tashtins Lookin For Trouble L Crandlemire/K Crandlemire/B Cavanaugh/

(M) (M) (F)



Based on breed competition Dog News 231




 1  GCH  CH  Regal  Point  Pinnacle  Of  Kilauea  JH   D  Verret/S  Rushing/D  Sullivan/S  Middlebr  2  GCH  CH  Solaris  Tuzes  Paprika  JH  CA   A  Gilliam/M  Szechenyi/B  Kirven/R  Murphy  3  GCH  CH  Nyircsaszari  Szilva  Palinka  JH   S  Kerr  4  GCH  CH  Jaybren’s  Irish  Star   J  Brennan/J  Brennan  5  GCH  CH  Tamaron’s  Tag  You’Re  It   L  Westerbeck/T  Westerbeck  6  GCH  CH  Jakra’s  Flirtn  With  Fifty  Shades   D  Pedersen/J  Koch  7  GCH  CH  Cinnabar’s  Sasco  Finale   K  Stookey/S  Potocik  8  GCH  CH  Grouse  Point  Semper  Fi  Pretty  In  Pink   C  Miklos/T  Lucas/R  Bernstein  9  GCH  CH  Classic  That  Girl  CD   C  Cline/P  Lane/M  Folley/S  Cabral  10  GCH  CH  Lorac’s  Cap’N  Jack  Sparrow   S  Nakamura/W  Sommerfelt/C  Sommerfelt Â

(M) Â 0 Â 19 Â 20 Â 11 Â 17 Â 7780

 1  GCH  CH  Doc  N’  Camelot’s  Heaven  Can  Wait   S  Thomas  2  GCH  CH  Simpatico  Equal  Justice   J  Martin/J  Logan/R  Goularle  3  GCH  CH  Silhouette’s  All  Revved  Up   C  Cassidy/B  Cassidy  4  GCH  CH  Diamond  Mk   The  Eagle  Has  Landed   M  Wilson/N  Lane  5  GCH  CH  Unity’s  Bzyfeet  Laverne  Defazio  * 0FORJDQ 9 5XL] $ 7RXURQG  6  GCH  CH  Win’Weim’s  It’s  My  Grey  Goose   D  Massey/S  Line  7  GCH  CH  Colsidex  Made  Off  With  The  Money  JH   J  Cook  8  GCH  CH  Poets  Bossa  Nova  Baby  CA   A  Stowell/N  Lillehamer  9  GCH  CH  Camelot’s  The  Best  Of  Times  II   J  Sherry/S  Thomas  10  GCH  CH  Rosewin  Clasic  Schwin  Of  Anson   P  Sage/A  Sage/M  Gearhart/W  Gearhart

(M) Â 3 Â 23 Â 13 Â 10 Â 14 Â 12134


 WIREHAIRED  POINTING  GRIFFONS   1  GCH  CH  Fireside’s  Riding  High  SH   S  Martin  2  GCH  CH  Wyncliff’s  Dark  Shadow   R  Baggenstos/D  Baggenstos  3  GCH  CH  Fireside’s  Mother  Of  Pearl   M  Tuttle/C  Tuttle  4  GCH  CH  Fireside’s  Rio  Grande  JH  CGC   E  Hunsicker/J  Scheck  5  GCH  CH  Bear  Hug  Fire  In  The  Hole  JH   L  Carroll/M  Carroll  6  GCH  CH  Whiskeytown  Brandewyn  SH   K  Rogney/G  Rogney  7  GCH  CH  Kyloe’s  Trekking  Kb  Amstel  JH   J  Resler/J  Riederer  8  GCH  CH  Bear  Hug  High  Explosive   M  Potter/L  Carroll/M  Carroll  9  GCH  CH  Stonehenge  Spontaneous  Flashpoint  Of    L  Rogers/J  Rogers/S  Martin  10  GCH  CH  Stonehenge  Spontaneous  Will-­O’-­The  Wisp    D  Conner-­Wood

(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 6 Â 5 Â 7 Â 2309 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 9 Â 5 Â 2112

(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 4 Â 7 Â 5 Â 2012 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 9 Â 3 Â 1 Â 1974 (F) Â

0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 2 Â 1 Â 969

(M) Â 1 Â 2 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 879 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 1 Â 837

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 0 Â 4 Â 615

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 3 Â 605

(F) Â

0 Â 8 Â 26 Â 21 Â 11 Â 10594

(M) Â 0 Â 5 Â 6 Â 7 Â 8 Â 3277 (M) Â 0 Â 8 Â 3 Â 4 Â 5 Â 2815 (F) Â

0 Â 5 Â 5 Â 5 Â 6 Â 2618

(M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 5 Â 7 Â 4 Â 2397 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 4 Â 2 Â 1 Â 576 (F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 454

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 417 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 414

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 7 Â 3 Â 11 Â 2444 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 2 Â 4 Â 2014

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 4 Â 868

(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 832 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 359 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 318

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 0 Â 300 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 3 Â 0 Â 275 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 197 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 173


 1  GCH  CH  Tells  Matrix  Reloaded   M  Galloway  2  GCH  CH  Exlysta  Aries  Ciel  Noir   P  Rooks/C  Smith/P  Schafmayer/S  Ferraro  3  GCH  CH  Thaon’s  Wallstreet   J  Hafford/J  Blanchard/D  Rogers/J  Rogers/  4  GCH  CH  Elmo’s  Martian  Chronicles   C  Harker &+ ;DQGDOL %RQ 9LYDQW  C  Fairleigh/L  Robertson  6  GCH  CH  Jakar  An  Affair  Most  Wicked   B  Warren  7  GCH  CH  Maya’s  Mockingbird   C  Rahaman/A  Rahaman/K  Bunce  8  GCH  CH  Mahali  Arriva  Sandpiper   J  Baukus/D  Cooley/S  Neill/L  Schanzle/J  P  9  GCH  CH  Regimes  Thriller  Of  Elmo  5 *RGIUH\ 0 9LYHLURV  10  GCH  CH  Zen-­Pahlavi  You  Ain’T  Seen  Nothing  Yet  JC   E  Klosson/K  Wagner


 1  GCH  CH  Kiarry’s  Pandora’s  Box   E  Charles/L  Miller  2  GCH  CH  Dunstan  Tucker   G  Shultz  3  GCH  CH  Kiarry’s  Foolish  Pride   D  Deonofrio  4  CH  Tallyho  Jade   D  Leonard/K  Leonard  4  GCH  CH  Kiarry’s  Back  In  The  Saddle   E  Charles/L  Miller  6  CH  Crossroads  Josie’s  Dunwishin   J  Rathbun/T  Mulhausen  7  GCH  CH  Kiarry’s  Rag  Doll   A  Alexander/H  Miller/L  Miller  8  GCH  CH  Devlon’s  Fame  And  Fortune   K  Kendall/D  Leonard/K  Leonard  9  CH  Hillwood’s  Matilda   S  Grossman  10  Kiarrys  Foolish  Jokester  % &RI¿HOG ' .LSS / 0LOOHU

232 Dog News


 1  GCH  CH  Jasiri-­Sukari  Win  Tin  Tin   J  Jones/K  Jones/C  Kok  2  GCH  CH  Meisterhaus  Happy  Hour  At  Signet   T  Kirstein/T  Huff  3  GCH  CH  Ahmahr  Nahr’s  Halleleujah  Makes  A  Joyful    J  Behles/R  Walley  4  GCH  CH  Jokuba  C-­Quest  First  Round  Knock  Out   R  Bowen/C  Russell  5  GCH  CH  Klassic’s  Slam  Dunk   S  Gruber-­Kite/J  Gillespie  6  CH  Teazer  Kazor  Ekundayo  For  Johari   C  Garcia/D  Yeager/J  Gaidos  7  GCH  DC  Atarasi’s  D’Lucks  Edition  SC   N  Sherman/N  Scherwin  8  GCH  CH  Akuaba  N  Eldorado  Betcha  By  Golly  Wow!   P  Geoffroy/S  Lund/S  Coe  9  GCH  CH  Laurel  Aswan  Abi  Capt  Morgan  JC   M  Ross/A  Jahnke  10  GCH  CH  Laurel  S’Simply  Shocking  Sabrina   L  Hesse Â

(M) Â 11 Â 73 Â 23 Â 11 Â 10 Â 22617 (M) Â 10 Â 43 Â 29 Â 15 Â 7 Â 14675 (M) Â 2 Â 12 Â 4 Â 2 Â 1 Â 4839 (M) Â 1 Â 20 Â 18 Â 15 Â 8 Â 4647 0 1 Â 8 Â 5 Â 2 Â 3 Â 1860

(M) Â 2 Â 12 Â 19 Â 15 Â 9 Â 9436 (F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 7 Â 9 Â 2431

(F) Â

0 Â 10 Â 6 Â 9 Â 3 Â 2361

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 5 Â 4 Â 6 Â 1599 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 4 Â 1 Â 824 (M) Â 3 Â 13 Â 4 Â 2 Â 0 Â 794 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 3 Â 646 (F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 1 Â 2 Â 458

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 5 Â 395

(F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 385


 1  *&+ &+ 7RSV¿HOG 6DQFKX (HQLH 0HHQLH 0LQH\ 0RH  (M)   S  Shor/C  Orlandi/C  Steidel *&+ &+ 7RSV¿HOG 6DQFKX %LELG\ %RELG\ %RR )  C  Orlandi/C  Steidel  3  GCH  CH  Kahl  Me  Foxglen’s  Cool  Dude  (M)   B  Kahl  4  GCH  CH  Gypsy’s  Pert  â€˜Neer’  Perfect  (M)   K  Collier/D  Hagy  5  GCH  CH  Castlehill’s  Ace  In  The  Hole  At  Sasquatch  (M)   S  Dok/J  Dok/T  Whitney/T  Whitney  6  GCH  CH  Splash’s  Riverboat  Gambler  (M)   J  Nolan/B  Nolan/J  Nolan/W  Nolan  7  GCH  CH  Bobac  Boss’s  Grand  Canyon  (M)   M  Fairris/M  Fairris/R  Nance/S  Nance  8  GCH  CH  Feenreich’s  Buddy  Of  Country  Time  CGC  (M)   P  Swan  9  GCH  CH  Blossomhil’s  Movin’  Out  (M)   S  Shor  10  GCH  CH  Olde  Fashion  Affare  D’Amore  Italiano  (F)   B  Berger/J  Baetz Â


 1  GCH  CH  Bougain’E   Naughty-­N-­Lovely  Alvin   S  Adungchongruk/S  Ott  2  GCH  CH  Encore’s  Rerun  Of  Roirdan   C  Kaplan/C  Herr/T  Nesmith/E  Dziuk *&+ &+ 9LQOD &DEDUHW¶V *ROG 6WDQGDUG  S  Ayers/K  Brooks *&+ &+ 9LQOD¶V / $ ,QN  J  Lux/K  Brooks  5  GCH  CH  Barrister’s  Diamonds  Are  A  Girl’s  Best  Friend   B  Manifold/S  Robblee  6  GCH  CH  Shoreviews  Mango   B  Tague/A  Lambie  7  GCH  CH  Gwencalon’s  Macaroon   K  Friend/W  Friend  8  GCH  CH  We-­Fuss  Who’s  At  Riverrun   D  Severns/M  Severns/C  Luetkens  9  CH  Dyno-­Mite  Party  Girl   K  Wallack/L  Ugenti/I  Schmitt  10  GCH  CH  Lomapoint  Huckleberry   C  Long

 BEAGLES  (OVER  13  IN.)  B.  I.  S.    GP1       GP2      GP3     GP4          TOTAL Â

(F) Â


 1  GCH  CH  Daniel  Boon  (Pelaez)   F  Trigueros  2  GCH  CH  Tashtins  Lookin  For  Trouble   L  Crandlemire/K  Crandlemire/B  Cavanaugh/  3  GCH  CH  Foxtail’s  Race  For  The  Chase   S  Berndt-­Smith/D  Smith *&+ &+ %ULGJHKLOO¶V 0U 0DVRQ¶V 0LVEHKDYLQ¶  D  Milke/G  Milke

4 Â 23 Â 21 Â 12 Â 9 Â 11802 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 6 Â 8 Â 1103 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 559 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 1 Â 410 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 338 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 331 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 1 Â 322 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 264 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 4 Â 0 Â 252

(M) Â 2 Â 9 Â 6 Â 15 Â 8 Â 6330 (M) Â 1 Â 3 Â 10 Â 10 Â 10 Â 4024 0 )

(F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 4 Â 5 Â 994

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 588 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 2 Â 441

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 3 Â 383

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 0 Â 285

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 263 (M) Â 1 Â 10 Â 9 Â 12 Â 6 Â 3173 (F) Â

0 Â 5 Â 5 Â 5 Â 3 Â 2447

(M) Â 1 Â 5 Â 2 Â 1 Â 2 Â 2262 0

The Dog News Top Ten List Presents

(M) Â 0 Â 6 Â 8 Â 5 Â 3 Â 1768 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 974 (M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 3 Â 4 Â 1 Â 969 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 4 Â 2 Â 2 Â 940

(M) Â 1 Â 6 Â 10 Â 8 Â 8 Â 3165 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 343

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 1 Â 343 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 4 Â 238

(F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 136

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 126 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 102

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 82

 5  GCH  CH  Lokavi’s  Battle  Flag  Of  The  South   J  Bell/L  Norman  6  GCH  CH  Legacy  Busch’s  Bold  And  Brave   C  Busch/W  Busch/M  Martin  7  GCH  CH  K-­Run’s  We  Could  Have  Had  It  All  Around   K  Weichert/J  Rodes  8  GCH  CH  Torquay  Be  Nice  To  Me   M  Chagas/M  Botelho/A  Botelho  9  GCH  CH  K-­Run’s  Count  Your  Blessings  All  Around   J  Rodes  10  GCH  CH  Honeypot’s  Poetry  In  Motion   D  Wolf/A  Wolf Â


Based on All-Breed Competition

Final 2013Statistics

(M) Â 0 Â 5 Â 7 Â 4 Â 5 Â 1657 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 5 Â 5 Â 3 Â 1372 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 5 Â 1 Â 6 Â 1035 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 1026 (F) Â

 1  GCH  CH  Windbourne  Hd  Ranch  King  Of  The  Road  (M)   S  Campbell/C  Rutten/T  Skinner/S  Skinner *&+ &+ )R[¿UH )XOO )RUFH *DOH )  A  Mcilwaine/R  Urban  3  GCH  CH  Bayaway  Jersey’s  Due  Process  Of  Law  (M)   G  Rezendes/D  Rezendes/J  Stora  4  CH  Southchase’s  Wilbert  Roy  (M)   J  Lobb/J  Lobb/E  Mccarthy  5  GCH  CH  Kalan’s  Ramblin  Rose  Of  Oak  Hill  (F)   O  Owens/A  Willard/K  Willard  6  GCH  CH  CSG  Clover  Creek  Big  Daddy  CD  RE  NJP  (M)   K  Winn  7  GCH  CH  Kennisaw  I’m  Getting  Sentimental  Over  You  (F)   J  Doran *&+ &+ -D]]PDQ 6RXWKHUQ 3DFL¿F %LJ %R\ 0  J  Magenau/Z  Bolin  9  GCH  CH  Windbourne  Every  Hand’s  A  Winner  (M)   A  Mitchell  10  GCH  CH  Kalan’s  Lucky  Lager  (F)   M  Fackrell Â


 1  GCH  CH  Quiet  Creek’s  Kiss  And  Tell   S  Lacroix/H  Whitcomb  2  GCH  CH  Flessner’s  International  S’Cess  6 9DQFDPS + +HOPHU = +HOPHU  3  GCH  CH  Flessner’s  International  Space  Station  At    J  Mcdonald  4  GCH  CH  Soonipi  Friends  In  Low  Places  Mlh   K  Dewey/S  Katos  5  GCH  CH  The  Magpie’s  Sophisticated  Lady   C  Kaminski  6  GCH  CH  Badgershill  Muldoon  Of  Heather   L  Sherman  7  GCH  CH  Heathers  A  Little  Night  Music   E  Befus  8  GCH  CH  I  Get  A  Kick  Out  Of  You  At  The  Magpie   K  Briglia/Z  Helmer/K  Berestecky/C  Kamins  9  GCH  CH  Sherick’s  Dakota  Agatha  Christy  &  The  Orient   M  Schnepel/A  Schnepel  10  CH  Quiet  Creek’s  Limited  Edition   S  Lacroix  Hamil Â

6 Â 21 Â 15 Â 9 Â 6 Â 9913 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 4 Â 5 Â 930 0 Â 3 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 482 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 2 Â 404 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 2 Â 314 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 311 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 0 Â 179 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 130

(F) Â 10 Â 41 Â 24 Â 16 Â 7 Â 21313 (M) Â 3 Â 18 Â 18 Â 18 Â 15 Â 9843 (M) Â 1 Â 8 Â 6 Â 8 Â 11 Â 4155 (M) Â 2 Â 5 Â 10 Â 7 Â 5 Â 3569 (F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 8 Â 2 Â 1683

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 5 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1448 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 7 Â 0 Â 1177 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 3 Â 431 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 5 Â 2 Â 413

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 280


 1  GCH  CH  CCH  Charwin  Fairmont  Sweet  Society  Blue   (F)   C  Woods/T  Kastner  2  GCH  CH  Live  Oaks  Call  Me  Kryptonite  (M)   S  Lloyd  3  CH  CGCH  Cedar  Creek’s  Tellin  Secrets  (F)   B  Fischer  4  CH  Shaker  Trees  Gable  (M)  9 3RZHOO  5  CH  CCH  Plum  Tree’N  Hootchy  Cootchy  (M)   P  Bodeving/K  Bodeving/J  Duby/D  Duby Â


0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 5 Â 3 Â 728

(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 1 Â 5 Â 614


0 Â 5 Â 10 Â 8 Â 9 Â 3172 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 163 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 137 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 109 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 92

 1  GCH  CH  Majenkir  Bookstor  Vintage  Glamour   K  Spey/H  Spey/K  Staudt-­Cartabona  2  GCH  CH  Greyhaven  This  Rough  Magic  SC  ) 9RJHO 0 +RXJK / 6SLHUV  3  GCH  CH  Sylvan  Silver  Springbok   C  Neale/P  Neale  4  GCH  CH  Aashtoria  Wildhunt  Hidden  Agenda   R  Riel/C  Riel/S  Mcgraw  5  GCH  CH  Raynbos  Run  For  The  Roses   J  Zucker/R  Zucker/E  Szymanski  6  GCH  CH  Promises  Crown  Jewel  Nicholas   J  Durdin  7  GCH  CH  Zabava  Ostrov  Casablanca   I  Terra/K  Terra  8  GCH  CH  Morozova  Sierra  Sunrise  At  Rey  JC   K  Novotny/G  Novotny/S  Cordova  9  GCH  CH  Aruzia  Priority  One  JC  CGC   L  Scott/J  Scott  10  GCH  CH  Jubilee  Tadbit  O’Brindle  Mist   C  Gredys/A  Gredys/R  Stachon Â

(F) Â 2 Â 11 Â 8 Â 5 Â 2 Â 4932

 1  GCH  CH  Hundeleben  Queen’s  Armada  Sl   C  Puig/K  Gonzalez/P  Stephens  2  GCH  CH  Sleepy  Hollow  Carolina  Special   M  Taylor/B  Wlodkowski  3  GCH  CH  Sweetgrass  Johann  Tipper   C  Martine/R  Sak/D  Sak  4  GCH  CH  Aviance’s  Pramada  For  Terms  Of   9 'LNHU  5  GCH  CH  Gemdach  Don’T  Blame  Me   N  Haupt/K  Haupt  6  GCH  CH  Stonybrook’s  Phinito   T  Durvin/B  Durvin/R  Gianopoulos/M  Kepala  7  GCH  CH  Serenity’s  Louisiana  Getaway  Sl  RN   W  Snyder/R  Cooper/P  Baker  8  GCH  CH  Walmar-­Solo’s  Iou  Sl   S  Snyder  9  GCH  CH  Walmar-­Solo’s  Omg  Sl  3 &DUWHU . 9LGULQH : -RQHV 0 -RQHV  10  GCH  CH  Doxdane’s  Aviance  Encore  Sl   N  Pearson

(M) Â 2 Â 31 Â 14 Â 14 Â 8 Â 7565


(F) Â 33 Â 106 Â 23 Â 6 Â 4 Â 36093 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 7 Â 10 Â 3 Â 865


(M) Â 0 Â 15 Â 8 Â 10 Â 12 Â 2588 (F) Â

1 Â 5 Â 6 Â 2 Â 3 Â 1843

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 3 Â 0 Â 785 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 4 Â 1 Â 619 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 0 Â 2 Â 476 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 5 Â 0 Â 446

(F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 417

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 416 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 389

(M) Â 0 Â 6 Â 7 Â 2 Â 9 Â 2815 (M) Â 0 Â 5 Â 8 Â 8 Â 9 Â 2279 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 4 Â 11 Â 14 Â 2014 (F) Â

0 Â 6 Â 4 Â 3 Â 5 Â 1502

(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 2 Â 10 Â 1386 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 5 Â 1 Â 10 Â 1198 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 5 Â 967 (M) Â 0 Â 5 Â 4 Â 1 Â 0 Â 891 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 5 Â 2 Â 629



 1  GCH  CH  Spellbound’s  You  Go  First   N  Cooper  2  GCH  CH  Bessdachs  Electric  Martini   M  Lara/B  Jeffery *&+ &+ %HDFKVLGH 'R[ +DYDQD 'D\GUHDPLQ 9  C  Ramos/M  Singleton/W  Cunningham  4  GCH  CH  Grandgables  Sumbuddy  Walden   D  Waldo  5  GCH  CH  Passport  Boy  You’Re  One  Of  My  Kind  Ss   A  Debraganca/J  Debraganca  6  GCH  CH  R  Hill’s  Total  Knockout  Ms  RN   T  Frenia  7  CH  Grandgables  Ms  French  Kiss   G  Jeavons/M  Houston-­Mcmillan *&+ &+ 0DUJLQQV )UHGULFND 9 5XI .QDEH  S  Lutosky  9  GCH  CH  Diagram  Joy-­Dens  Grant  Ss   J  Warren  10  GCH  CH  Turningpt  Cass  Edge   R  Eltringham/P  Eltringham Â

(M) Â 0 Â 8 Â 12 Â 7 Â 17 Â 4115

 1  GCH  CH  Leoralee’s  Baywatch  Mw   M  Singleton/B  Lasater  2  GCH  CH  Rivendells  Hotwire  Sw   P  Caddell/K  Williams/D  Rockwell  3  GCH  CH  Del  Prado’s  Bar  Code  W   A  Bischel/M  Bedowitz  4  GCH  CH  Legibach  Captain  Crunch  Sw   S  Sweatt/G  Middings/P  Leone  5  GCH  CH  Incahoots  Howlin’  Tornado   A  Cotteleer/R  Cotteleer/C  Heitzmann  6  GCH  CH  Raydachs  Ride  My  Ducati  Sw   S  Ray *&+ &+ 5D\GDFKV )LUH 'RZQ %HORZ 9 *OHLVKRUEDFK  S  Ray/J  Sakoda/M  Sakoda  8  GCH  CH  Tievoli  Rumors  Oh  Hail  Yeah-­Mw   K  Smith/S  Ehr  9  GCH  CH  Daybreak’s  Bewitching  Blossom   P  Grant/D  Krieg  10  GCH  CH  Kadell’s  Rustic  Gold  W   L  Reynolds/C  Cahill/J  Cahill

(M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 8 Â 7 Â 12 Â 2916



(F) Â

0 Â 4 Â 8 Â 9 Â 8 Â 2092


(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 5 Â 1052 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 1 Â 2 Â 4 Â 765 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 1 Â 4 Â 661 (F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 439


(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 287 (F) Â

(F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 259

0 Â 4 Â 3 Â 4 Â 7 Â 2088

(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 2 Â 6 Â 9 Â 1859 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 5 Â 7 Â 11 Â 1696 (M) Â 0 Â 10 Â 5 Â 8 Â 8 Â 1543 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 10 Â 4 Â 8 Â 1527 0 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 8 Â 1117 (F) Â

0 Â 3 Â 2 Â 4 Â 4 Â 932

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 542

 1  GCH  CH  Monocacy  Bend’s  Wellington   T  Koerber  2  GCH  CH  Sunup’s  Hellofapuzzle   S  Whaley  3  GCH  CH  Sunup’s  Heavenly  Scent   S  Whaley  4  Taillis  Au  Birchwood  Tamsall   L  Lindberg  5  GCH  CH  Monocacy  Bend’s  Willow  BN  RN  OA  AXJ  OF    K  Eckard  6  Monocacy  Bend’s  Wayward  Fox   T  Koerber  7  Taillis  Au  Absolem  Tamsall   M  Owen/S  Owen  8  CH  Cottonwood’s  Just  My  Little  Prince   A  Kretschmaier/J  Hendricks  9  CH  Wee  Beginnings  Chloe   P  Mann/A  Kretschmaier Â

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 292

 1  GCH  CH  Grandcru  Phelps  Insignia   M  Steele/P  Caddell/C  Dabbs/A  Phelan/R  Ga  2  GCH  CH  Grandcru  Caymus  JC   T  Hilbert/R  Rice  3  GCH  CH  Shylo  The  Party  Spot   B  Clark/S  Fisher/R  Ungar  4  CH  Lorricbrook  Royal  Picture   M  Magder/P  Smekens  5  GCH  CH  Chaparral  Tour  De  France   C  Curlee/T  Marzlut  6  GCH  CH  Grandcru  Orion  With  Mistweave   C  Dabbs/R  Gaudet *&+ &+ $UDJRQ %ODFN ,FH 9&' 5( -& $; $;-  H  Hamilton  8  CH  Wildwood  Helios  Clark  Gable   A  Adam/P  Lyster  9  CH  Grandcru  Stag’s  Leap  With  Mistweave  JC   M  Steele/R  Gaudet/C  Jewett  10  GCH  CH  Tyran’s  The  Patriot   C  Stumbo

(F) Â 0 Â 9 Â 14 Â 10 Â 8 Â 4136



(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 180 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 164

(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 127 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 104

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 76 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 60 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 46 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 39

(M) Â 0 Â 5 Â 6 Â 2 Â 2 Â 1633 (F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 3 Â 2 Â 882

(F) Â

0 Â 4 Â 5 Â 1 Â 3 Â 873

(M) Â 1 Â 3 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 821

 7  GCH  CH  Loco  Motion’s  Dancing  Queen   K  Hjelm  8  DC  Alfheim’s  Beyond  The  Fringe  BN  RA  SC   A  Mcleod/S  Mcleod  9  CH  Serandida  East  Abbaio  Armando  JC   S  Murphy/D  Arbeit/K  Burkholder  10  CH  Nahala’s  Midnight  Train  To  Georgia   M  Ridenour/M  Ridenour/A  Mitchell  IRISH  WOLFHOUNDS   1  GCH  CH  Quest  Rachel  Alexandra  Of  Kerryarc   C  Collier/M  Tyler/C  Tyler  2  GCH  CH  Ansa  Mo  Caoimhin  Modigliani  CGC   K  Schaffter/A  Schaffter  3  CH  Kuriann  Of  First  Avenue   J  Ryan  4  GCH  CH  Taryn  Hickory  Hollow   B  Fairbanks/G  Fairbanks  5  GCH  CH  Dun  Myrica  Doctor  Gonzo  Of  Eagle   R  Kubacz/N  Salmon  6  GCH  CH  Kerryarc  Breawyn  Ffynnon  Garw   D  Gallant/A  Gallant *&+ &+ 0LVWHU\ ,] 9ROVKHEQRJR /HVD 9 0XUSKUHH  8  GCH  CH  Kellcastle  Rushmore   J  Ault/A  Spalding  9  GCH  CH  Dun  Myrica  Lyra  Of  Eagle   J  Roland/K  Roland/S  Mcdonald  10  GCH  CH  Pinehurst  Garret   K  Catov-­Goodell Â


(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 181

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 179 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 176 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 170 (F) Â 0 Â 1 Â 5 Â 6 Â 1 Â 3605 (M) Â 0 Â 8 Â 5 Â 2 Â 3 Â 1455 (M) Â 1 Â 2 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 1212 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 8 Â 1 Â 1104 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 4 Â 3 Â 5 Â 837 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 376 )

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 327 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 292

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 281

 1  GCH  CH  Vin-­Melca’s  The  Norseman   P  Trotter/J  Reed  2  GCH  CH  Aspenrepublik  Into  The  Wind   M  Kenton  3  GCH  CH  Tioka’s  American  Ride   L  Webster  4  GCH  CH  Aspen’s  A  Hard  Act  To  Follow   R  Rhoden/R  Rhoden  5  GCH  CH  Silhouettte’s  Au  Fish   E  Olsen/K  Olsen/S  Kaplan  6  GCH  CH  Somerri  Dunharrow’s  Dynamo   J  Silker/W  Totten *&+ &+ 9LQ 0HOFD¶V &ROOHFWLEOH  R  Sampson *&+ &+ 9LNUHVW µ1 5XVNDU +\ 6W\OH 6 $QGHUVRQ / )RUUHVW 3 9LNHQ  9  GCH  CH  Somerri  Jamieson’s  Sea  Whiskey   J  Lewis/L  Lewis *&+ &+ (OYEHQG¶V 5LGH 2I 7KH 9DON\ULHV  A  Peterson/J  Peterson Â

(M) Â 1 Â 9 Â 6 Â 4 Â 5 Â 4137

*&+ &+ $EHUGHHQV 8QGHU 7KH ,QÀXHQFH  A  Mcilwaine/J  Mcilwaine/J  Mcilwaine  2  GCH  CH  Scentasia’s  End  Of  An  Era   E  Conway/D  Emery/J  Moyer  3  GCH  CH  Aberdeen’s  Ultimate  Addiction   J  Mullen/D  Blunt/J  Mcilwaine/A  Mcilwaine  4  GCH  CH  Corcragael  Frazer  Nash   R  Damron/G  Damron/B  Loddesol  5  CH  Riverrun  Mchugh  TDX   E  Glennon/M  Hennessey  6  GCH  CH  Magicwood  Willie  Mae   S  Plucheck/W  Plucheck  7  Otterbee’s  Killian  Red   S  Lumbery/A  Constable/A  Ghione  8  Riverrun’s  Magenta  Morning  Blaze  5 9RQ 'HU /LQGHQ  9  Riverspruce’s  No  Redoubt  About  It  OAP  NJP   R  Abernathy/K  Cheatham Â



(F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 9 Â 3 Â 1968

(M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 4 Â 5 Â 0 Â 1185 (F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 7 Â 8 Â 1138

(M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 2 Â 3 Â 3 Â 948 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 8 Â 3 Â 828 )

0 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 1 Â 329


(M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 2 Â 5 Â 7 Â 1550 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 264 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 227 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 198 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 156

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 85 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 58 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 51

(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 1 Â 1 Â 820 )

(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 330 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 273

The Dog News Top Ten List Presents

(M) Â 15 Â 71 Â 33 Â 13 Â 6 Â 26697

 1  GCH  CH  Serandida  East  So  Bigstar   J  Mosing/S  St  John-­Brown/L  Sikora  2  GCH  CH  Harehill’s  Ace  In  The  Hole   K  Gindler/D  Gindler/W  Anderson  3  GCH  CH  Serandida  Abbaio  La  Contessa  Scalza  SC   D  Arbeit/R  Zelig/S  Murphy  4  GCH  CH  Alfheim’s  Hawaii  Five  O  SC   K  Williamson-­Jensen  5  GCH  CH  Arbeca’s  Opus  For  Danzante  SC   D  Nester/J  Stevens  6  GCH  DC  Aliki’s  Yada  Yada  Yada  SC   A  Mirestes/C  Shaw

(F) Â 1 Â 11 Â 22 Â 12 Â 10 Â 4899

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 5 Â 2 Â 1 Â 735 )

0 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 31


(F) Â

0 Â 4 Â 3 Â 10 Â 5 Â 2651

(F) Â

0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 7 Â 5 Â 1943

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 5 Â 3 Â 861 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 184 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 0 Â 183



Based on All-Breed Competition

Final 2013Statistics


 1  GCH  CH  M&M’s  Fear  The  Beard   D  Moore/J  Hayes  2  GCH  CH  Monkhams  Famous  Grouse   J  Neuschaefer/D  Bruce/J  Lacey-­Black/L  Sk  3  GCH  CH  Celestial  Cj’s  All’s  Well  That  Ends  Well   J  Hurty/L  Florian/C  Hurty/M  Florian/P  He  4  GCH  CH  Mirepoix’s  Figgy  Pudding   J  Zigich/R  Litman  5  GCH  CH  Chien  Blanc  Summer  Breeze   D  Garrett  6  GCH  CH  Always  Blue  Caboose   J  Hacker  7  GCH  CH  Jaren’s  Ready  Set  Don’T  Go  At  R-­N-­B   R  Jones/B  Helvey/K  Prott-­Clugston  8  GCH  CH  Jaren’s  Put  A  Girl  In  It   K  Prott-­Clugston  9  Soletrader  Peek  A  Boo   S  Robertson/W  Doherty  10  CH  Chepaul’s  Bouton  De  Rose   A  Tavtigian Â

(M) Â 4 Â 15 Â 13 Â 12 Â 7 Â 7639

 1  GCH  CH  Osiris  Cowboy  Casanova   M  Del  Duca/K  Carella/T  Del  Duca/B  Carell  2  GCH  CH  Farao  Anubis  Inferno  RN  SC   D  Cooper/B  Clooten  3  GCH  DC  Hallam’s  Jordan  Of  Arolet  SC   S  Sipperly/D  Carota  4  GCH  CH  Shalimar  Wild  Fire  Osiris  9 +DUULV / 'UROHW  5  GCH  CH  Faouziah’s  Faramir   J  Mosing/J  Hall  6  GCH  DC  Mia’s  Bakhu  Risky  Business  Of  Hallam  RN    D  Kunard *&+ '& 1HIHU 7HPX 9RX 7H &RQWDU 6&  E  Kerridge  8  GCH  DC  Mia  Bakhu  Sleeping  With  The  Enemy  Of    R  Newman/D  Carota/P  Haig/L  Witt *&+ &+ 0LD %DNKX &RQVSLUDF\ 7KHRU\ 9 +DOODP 6&  T  Haig/P  Haig  10  GCH  CH  Shalimar  Fire  By  Desire   P  Anthony/K  Paone/L  Drolet/R  Ertle Â

(M) Â 0 Â 8 Â 23 Â 16 Â 13 Â 6745

 1  CH  CGCH  C-­Cruz  Mob  Boss  Vito’s  Gotcha   A  Alexander  2  CH  Hosker’s  Heads  I  Win   J  Hosker/G  Hosker  Portuguese  Podengo  Pequenos   1  GCH  CH  Houla’s  Potter   C  Houlihan/K  Sullivan *&+ &+ 3LUDWD ,, 'H 9LDPRQWH &0  J  Evanoff/K  Oglesby  3  GCH  CH  Prairie  Pond’s  Born  In  The  Usa  CM   C  Well/M  Well/J  Tusten  4  GCH  CH  Pioneer’s  Carolina  CM2   G  Simonds/A  Ghione  5  Ketka’s  Benchmark  Pendragon   D  Kahla  6  GCH  CH  Houla’s  Border  Patrol  Pw  CM2   P  Reisert/S  Faw/S  Faw  7  GCH  CH  Brokenroad  I  Believe  In  Fairies  CM   G  Nagy Â

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 213



(M) Â 1 Â 15 Â 24 Â 16 Â 15 Â 5461 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 10 Â 10 Â 12 Â 3277 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 4 Â 3 Â 3 Â 932

(F) Â

1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 903

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 2 Â 821 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 3 Â 1 Â 617

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 4 Â 5 Â 2 Â 527

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 451

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 2 Â 332

(M) Â 1 Â 6 Â 8 Â 2 Â 8 Â 2407 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 7 Â 7 Â 2 Â 1169 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 3 Â 1003 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 2 Â 3 Â 823 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 4 Â 4 Â 732 0 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 506 0 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 1 Â 482

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 62 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 12 Â 13 Â 2761 0 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 3 Â 279 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 241

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 164 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 142 (F) Â


 1  GCH  CH  CWSG  CCH  Sidearm  Jungle  King  Mufasa  (M)   J  Mills/L  Mills  2  GCH  CH  Twisted  Creek  Gentlemen,  Start  Your  Engines  (F)   S  Dellapenta/J  Kochensparger  3  CH  Sidearm  Return  Of  The  King  (M)   L  Mills/T  Mills/J  Mills  4  GCH  CH  Idole’  Coonfused  Cleatus  (M)   N  Grubb/C  Paul  5  CH  CCH  Grand  River’s  Ok  Dixie  Mae  Doo  (F)   M  Turner  6  Big  D’s  Old  Brag  Bubba  (M)   C  Cooper  7  GCH  CH  CSG  Second  Edition’s  Making  Waves  (M)   S  Smith 5HGKDZNV 0DUN 2I 9DORU 6LHUUD /HJDF\ 0  D  Dang Â


(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 270

 1  GCH  CH  Downhome  Hitech  Innovator   J  Sanchez  2  GCH  CH  Tallyho  The  Time  Of  My  Life   D  Maguire/M  Nell &+ 3DFL¿F $QWKHP 2I 5K ,Q¿QLWD %1 51 &*&  P  Rhyner *&+ &+ 3DFL¿F¶V +H $LQ¶7 +HDY\ +H¶V 0\ %URWKHU  K  Crary/P  Crary  5  CH  Icon  Oak  Hill’s  Harmony  In  The  Hills   M  Walsh &+ :\Q¿HOG &KDUPHG $W %ULJJFDVWOH  J  Briggs/E  Parr Â



0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 40 0 Â 3 Â 5 Â 5 Â 4 Â 1252 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 0 Â 347 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 232 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 138 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 104 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 65 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 52

 1  GCH  CH  Raquel  Welch  Of  Malabo  Apd   A  Paola  Diniz *&+ &+ &DPHORW¶V 9HQWXUD $GYHQWXUH  F  Walters/G  Walters/C  Heathcock  3  GCH  CH  Camelot’s  Red  Hot  Tamale   C  Heathcock/C  Hadley  4  GCH  CH  Diablo’s  Dark  Knight’s  Nemesis   L  Weiss/N  Faville *&+ &+ 6SULQJ 9DOOH\¶V *UHDW 9LQFHUR  H  Trapasso *&+ &+ %DNDUL¶V /RU 9LWUD &D\PXV &*&  N  Ballantyne/G  Ballantyne  7  GCH  CH  Hunter’s  Ridge  Sure  Shot  By  Kwetu   D  Engelking/C  Burridge/S  Ford/T  Fielder  8  GCH  CH  Tajamani  Kwetu’s  Rust  Too   J  Morrone/B  Sawyer-­Brown/D  Engelking  9  GCH  CH  Spurridge’s  Axl  Of  Lionridge  CGC   P  Olney  10  GCH  CH  Kuluta  Along  The  Watchtower  0 +DW¿HOG ( %HOW & :HOO Â

(F) Â 3 Â 31 Â 19 Â 16 Â 7 Â 6242

 1  GCH  CH  Sandstorm  Blue  Nile  Bubbles  Of  Jatara   J  Harrington/S  Winsted/S  Middlebrooks  2  GCH  CH  Appalachia’s  Allamyrra  Hajji   P  Arwood/M  Mccowan/G  Thornton  3  GCH  CH  Aurora’s  The  Song  And  Dance  Man   J  Mueller/E  Blake  4  GCH  CH  Jamora  Mystic  Topaz  JC   S  Forsyth/J  Forsyth/K  Anselmo/J  Morrison

(F) Â 16 Â 67 Â 16 Â 7 Â 2 Â 19857



0 (F) Â

1 Â 9 Â 5 Â 4 Â 4 Â 4275

(M) Â 0 Â 5 Â 8 Â 10 Â 4 Â 3646 0 0 (M) Â 0 Â 6 Â 5 Â 3 Â 0 Â 1310 (M) Â 1 Â 3 Â 3 Â 4 Â 3 Â 1177 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 2 Â 3 Â 605 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 3 Â 2 Â 560

(F) Â

2 Â 30 Â 17 Â 8 Â 4 Â 6115

(M) Â 2 Â 13 Â 10 Â 3 Â 1 Â 4336 (M) Â 1 Â 3 Â 4 Â 4 Â 6 Â 2359

Dog News 233


GCh. SaraNan’s Sire: GCH. Lanbur’s Curly Joe

Bred, Owned and Handled by Nanette Prideaux All accomplished with limited showing.... “Naturally” 234 Dog News

Bred by Nanette Prideaux & Sara Prideaux

Top 10* 13” Beagle 2012 Top 5** 13” Beagle 2013 with Multiple Group Placings Select Bitch in National Specialty 2012 & 2013

Sweet Sensation Dam: GCH. SaraNan’s Singing In The Rain

A special thank you to Ted Swedalla for his expert handling

Owned by Nanette Prideaux & Peggy Schmelkin *Show Beagle Quarterly Breed points

**The Dog News Top Ten List Breed points

Dog News 235

Thrilla inManila! CONTINUED FROM PAGE 171

magazine from Russia; HotDog were at the show and brought with them a number of Russian exhibitors who are now such a feature of many of the shows around the world. In fact we are surprised when a Russian dog doesn’t feature in the main line-ups. STRONG PANEL Dinky Santos, the organiser of the show, chose his panel wisely both in political terms and for a good entry. The hierarchy of the FCI were judging; from the top, the President Rafael de Santiago from Puerto Rico, the Vice President Gerard Jipping from Holland, the FCI Treasurer from Portugal Carla Molinari and the head of the Americas section Miguel Angel Martinez from Argentina. Then from the other countries making up the circuit, representative judges, plus other top names from Europe including Cristian Stefanescu, the President of the Kennel Club in Romania, organiser of the recent European dog show in 2012, and Desi Murphy flying the flag for the States. So a plethora of Presidents to preside over shows that ran from 10am right through the day, so it was not for the faint hearted for judges and exhibitors alike. All seemed to tick over as dog shows do and there was great success for a number of handlers from the States including the owners of Fifi the well known Doberman, judged one day by Desmond Murphy, who always had a smile for every dog and every exhibitor at the show. Mr. Murphy awarded Fifi with Best in Show…although I am not quite sure which

show that was…..they seem to come so thick and fast! I think Fifi won six BIS awards overall and was the dog to beat! After the show both Fifi and owner handler Jocelyn appeared on the local TV channels along with some other winners. This was a busy weekend in the world of dogs with major shows in Moscow (Sabaneeva), Thailand ran its main Championship shows and Romania and others in Europe ran their Champion of Champion events. At the time of going to press we also have learned that the entry for Crufts in the UK is up by over 1000 dogs, thus flying in the face of recent downturns in entries. The entry for Crufts from overseas is up a massive 25%, which shows the interest both in Crufts itself and the willingness to travel…just like they did to the Thrilla in Manila! TEAM DINKY Dinky Santos and his team worked incredibly hard for all their guests and exhibitors. Dinky, real name Augusto Benedicto S. Santos lll, has recently taken over as the head of the FCI section show and seems intent on raising the profile of his section. He told me “Many years ago, I could only dream of organizing a 'world-class' dog show in my country. Unlike Europe and the Americas where one can drive from country to country, we, in the Philippines, live in a country of 7100 islands and we even need to fly domestically from one island to another. Thus, the dream was farfetched and merely a figment of my imagination. “It was five years ago when we won the nomination for the Asian Dog Show 2012. We had no experience in organizing shows of such magnitude. Hence, it was a herculean task for

us to establish the event but we made sure we exhausted all our efforts in order to make the show 'one for the books'. We made it! We upped the ante for all the Asian countries, which I feel, to this date, is the benchmark for all the 'big' shows held in this continent. This was the start and the first year of the Philippine Circuit. “This year, our third year, we have invited 17 judges and 3 foreign journalists. We are honoured to have with us some of the great luminaries in our 'dogdom'. We are also privileged to have with us the President of the FCI, Rafael de Santiago, who also happens to be a PCCI Honorary Member. Many great names are included in the judging panel and it will take me many more paragraphs to introduce all of them. Again, this is the biggest panel thus far in Asia.” The organisation has been in existence now for 51 years, something you do not expect perhaps. Dinky was full of praise for his team and it is a fitting ending to quote him, “The PHILIPPINE CIRCUIT would not have been possible without the help of the dynamic Board of Directors of the PCCI, our hardworking staff, our members, our exhibitors, our dogs and all of you out there who have supported us in your own ways. The continued success is our blood, sweat and tears.” Against the background of a terrible natural disaster in their country, these friendly people certainly made their mark this year and for sure, the Far East cannot be ignored in dog terms in the future. Many new friendships were forged at what proved to be a really good international event for dogs and dog people!

On the last day of the show, the club held its 76th Championship Show, judged by the FCI President Rafael de Santiago. The Alaskan Malamute winner was from South Korea, Multi BIS INT KOR PHL GR CH WolfHolic's Extraordinary, known as Mr Jade to his friends! The handler was Piter Sanghoon Lee, the dog is owned by Jun and Vanessa Sunga, who were delighted with this win. Pictured centre with the orange/red tie is ‘Dinky’ Santos, show organiser and President of the FCI Asia Section. 236 Dog News

Simply Sensational


Ch. Champagne Celebration Midnight Dancer Donnchada NLD Puppy Champion Multiple Specialty Best Puppy awards Multiple Best of Breed & Best of Variety wins … and already placing in the Group! A special Thank You to all the Judges who continue to recognize Reagan’s outstanding qualities. Owned by: Pamela A. Francis, Calabasas CA Beautifully Handled and Presented by: Carlton B. Tucker Photography: Scott Davis Dog News 237


Am. Can GCh. Glenns Monte Carlo

Mrs. Keke Kahn Devon DSA 2013 Best of Winners – Montgomery 2012 -­ Mrs. Sue Thompson Best of Breed – Eukanuba 2012 -­ Dr. Kirsi Sainio (Helsinki, FIN) Best of Breed – Hatboro 2013 -­ Mrs. Judith A. White Group 2 – Chambersburg KC 2013 -­ Mr. Jon Cole Group 2 – Northern Neck KC 2014 -­ Mr. Alfred Ferruggiaro Bred and Owned By Wendy Falls Carp, Ontario 238 Dog News

Handled and Conditioned by Chrystal Murray and Paul Clas PHA Hanover, PA

Mr. William Powell Chesapeake VA DFA 2013

Ms. Peggy Beisel-足McIlwaine Tidewater VA KC 2013 Dog News 239

2014DirectorsQuestionnaire CONTINUED FROM PAGE 208

+DYH WKH %RDUG¡V UXOLQJ PDMRULWLHV RI WKH ODVW VHYHUDO \HDUV EHHQ WRR VHFUHWLYH DQG QRW RSHQ HQRXJK ZLWK ERWK WKH JHQHUDO FRQVWLWXHQF\ DQG HYHQ LWV RZQ %RDUG DQG 6WDII" MENAKER: For the successful operation of any RUJDQL]DWLRQ HVSHFLDOO\ D QRW IRU SURĂ€W RUJDQL]DWLRQ there must be robust communication among all departments from staff to board, to the delegates and to the clubs they represent. It is essential for the governance of the AKC that this dialogue be encouraged. SCULLY: No. GARVIN: I favor more open and bidirectional communication, especially among the board, the delegates, and the staff. However, as we make bold and innovative moves in the marketplace, some of the board’s discussions and decisions need to be NHSW FRQĂ€GHQWLDO :H NQRZ ZH KDYH PDQ\ FRPpetitors and enemies out there who would love to know more about our plans and internal strategic directions, and would use that information to our detriment. On the other hand, as we work to build and enlarge our constituency, we will need to communicate more frequently, honestly, enthusiastically, and engagingly. DOK: Yes, and it appears more than occasionally; it needs to be reined in, but this takes leadership from the top. +DYH WKH 'HOHJDWH &RPPLWWHHV VHHPLQJO\ EHFRPH WKH OHDGHUV LQ WKH RYHUDOO DWWHPSWV WR PRGHUQL]H E\ SLHFHPHDO OHJLVODWLRQ VRPH RI WKH LQQHU ZRUNLQJV RI $.&" MENAKER: The delegate committees are a valuable asset to the governance of the AKC. Some of WKH FRPPLWWHHV IXOĂ€OO WKHLU PLVVLRQ EHWWHU WKDQ RWKers. Many of our progressive changes have come from these committees, such as the current bylaws amendment that would allow clubs to choose their own delegate regardless of occupation. SCULLY: The Delegate Committees supply very useful information; and, all of us working together in unison from a position of strength will move the AKC forward. GARVIN: The Delegate Committees have very YDOXDEOH DQG ZHOO GHĂ€QHG UROHV WR SOD\ DV GHĂ€QHG LQ WKHLU 6WDQGLQJ 5XOH 7KH $.& %RDUG KDV WKH Ă€GXciary responsibility for the inner workings of AKC. The best results are obtained when both parties work together for the common good of the organization.

240 Dog News

DOK: Natural course of pre-emptive action taken by the nine standing committees. Since Sept. 1993, when these committees were IRUPHG WKHLU LQWHQW ZDV QRW FOHDUO\ GHÀQHG they were an experiment at best. Twenty years later, a few of these committees have morphed into something, at best described as ...more personality, less substance. With the few exceptions, the majority of our standing committees are proactive, discerning, & capable of great value to AKC. They conVLVW RI YHU\ TXDOLÀHG LQGLYLGXDOV DV FRPPLWtee members, and should be appreciated for their dedication. The success of the standing committees, as well as the Delegates from WKH à RRU LV VROHO\ WKHLU DELOLW\ WR DFFHSW WKH deliberative process and excel within it. 6. Does AKC have the resources to adequately market itself and its products and is it using its own products such as PetPartners to its fullest economic advantage? MENAKER: If the AKC does not have the resources it would certainly be in its best inWHUHVWV WR ÀQG WKHP ,W LV DOZD\V ZLVH IURP time to time to assess the allocation of its resources in order to make intelligent thoughtful decisions. SCULLY: Yes. PetPartners will launch a new product in 2014 with the dog owner setting the limits, additional inherent and congenital coverage (InheritedPlus) will be added, and the wellness coverage will be offered at a lower price. GARVIN: AKC does have the resources to make progress in the market, and we have FRQVLGHUHG VHYHUDO VLJQLÀFDQW LQYHVWPHQWV recently. We always need to be willing and able to leverage valuable opportunities, such as monetizing our database, and efforts along those lines are in the works now. DOK: Ten years ago I could have addressed this issue with Pet Partners clearly. Today is another issue. What percentage of Pet Partners is really owned (interest) by AKC vs the holding company of this off-shore insurer? As for resources, that becomes a line item budget consideration. CONTINUED ON PAGE 272



*CC System

Dog News 241



 5  GCH  CH  Hediyeh  Uriela  Priya  Bat  Yosef  JC   C  Pearce/R  Pearce/J  Aaron/J  Pearce *&+ &+ %D\ :DWFK %DEH 9RQ $JUDQL  K  Setty/L  Bettis  7  GCH  CH  Starlite’s  Made  Of  The  Best  Stuff  On  Earth    T  Turley-­Kocab/M  Kocab  8  GCH  CH  Quanmarra  Thonolan   K  Scerbo/R  Scerbo/I  Rasmussen  9  GCH  CH  Baha  Persian  Of  Interest  CD  RN  SC  NA  AXJ    C  Coile  10  GCH  CH  Sundara’s  Here  Comes  The  Sun   E  Coogan/M  Haag Â

(F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 4 Â 6 Â 1630


 1  GCH  CH  Lehigh  Ennis  Carmichael  JC   P  Pascoe/G  Winchell  2  GCH  CH  Jaraluv  Tarot   J  Brinlee/R  Brinlee  3  GCH  CH  Highlander’s  Celtic  Carol  RN  CGC   M  Freeman/J  Freeman *&+ &+ 7KLVWOHJOHQ )R[FOLIIH 9LQWDJH 6SLULW  J  Frye/C  Dove  5  GCH  CH  Lehigh  Eilig  Of  Dunsmuir  JC   L  Studer  6  GCH  CH  Gemma  O’  The  Greenwood   J  Hills  7  GCH  CH  Jaraluv  Rain  Dance  CGC   F  Straw  8  Graybeard’s  Bog  Myrtle  O’Riverspruce  NA  NAJ   K  Cheatham/R  Abernathy  9  GCH  CH  Glencrag’s  Kiann  O’Fernhill   J  Giles/J  Giles  10  CH  Gayleward’s  Star  Caerwicce   G  Bontecou Â

(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 4 Â 2 Â 1572

 1  GCH  CH  CCH  Alexanders  Gold  Rush  Xcetera   A  Alexander  2  GCH  CH  How  The  West  Was  Won   D  Planche/S  Randolph/A  Alexander  3  CH  Stackem  Up  My  Way  Or  Highway   T  Snedegar/B  Snedegar &+ /RQH 3LQH 6NXOO 1 %RQHV 9RP 6WN &*& 9 %UDFKIHOG 5 %UDFKIHOG / 5DPVH\  5  CH  Stackem  Ups  Broadway  Mistress   A  Carter/J  Rentfro  6  GCH  CH  Stackem  Up  I  Did  It  My  Way  CM   T  Snedegar/B  Snedegar  7  PR  WILDWOODS  TX  FOXIE  )RUHLJQ 'RJ 5HJLVWUDWLRQ 3HQGLQJ

 7  GCH  CH  CSG  Stackem  Ups  Best  Kept  Secret  CM2   R  Geffs/D  Geffs  9  Second  Winds  Mosaic   J  Hunter Â

(M) Â 2 Â 19 Â 11 Â 8 Â 4 Â 4395

 1  GCH  CH  Starline’s  Oxford  Victim  Of  Love   L  Lawrence/C  Lawrence/L  Wilson  2  GCH  CH  Bo-­Bett’s  Quick  Pick   C  Harris  3  GCH  CH  Karasar’s  Remembrence   K  Kuper/N  Barthelette/K  Mlynar  4  GCH  CH  Artemis  Hypnotic  Opium  SC   R  Gold/M  Small  5  GCH  CH  Sporting  Fields  Shameless   D  Butt/A  Giles *&+ &+ &RWWRQZRRG 9HUVDFH $W &RUH\PRUH  S  Carbajal  7  GCH  DC  Ableaim  Que  The  Music  MC   G  Boyd/J  Boyd  8  GCH  CH  Kamada’s  New  York  Minute   D  Davenport/K  Davenport/D  Kipp  9  GCH  CH  Sporting  Fields  Bahama  Sands   D  Butt/A  Giles  10  GCH  CH  Solaris  Saxon  Shore  Hypnotiq  Kamio   P  Magette/D  Lockhart

(F) Â 1 Â 38 Â 26 Â 20 Â 9 Â 12092




(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 6 Â 3 Â 2 Â 1454 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 9 Â 3 Â 3 Â 1278 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 4 Â 4 Â 0 Â 898 (M) Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 706

(M) Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1226 (F) Â

0 Â 3 Â 2 Â 4 Â 5 Â 969

0 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 2 Â 485 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 359

(F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 1 Â 0 Â 281

(F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 2 Â 1 Â 251

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 0 Â 218 (F) Â

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 213

0 Â 3 Â 0 Â 4 Â 3 Â 631

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 0 Â 285 0 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 122

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 93 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 67

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 67

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 55

(F) Â

2 Â 16 Â 18 Â 14 Â 7 Â 6736

(F) Â

1 Â 23 Â 13 Â 7 Â 3 Â 4390

(F) Â

2 Â 5 Â 10 Â 12 Â 2 Â 4247

(F) Â

1 Â 8 Â 4 Â 1 Â 2 Â 3909

0 (F) Â

0 Â 4 Â 12 Â 5 Â 3 Â 1856

(F) Â

0 Â 5 Â 8 Â 5 Â 2 Â 1701

(F) Â

1 Â 5 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1437

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 5 Â 3 Â 3 Â 1330

Working Group  AKITAS Â


 1  GCH  CH  Cr  -­  Wicca’s  Trade  Secret   A  Bavaria/C  Burke/T  Bavaria/J  Charnik  2  GCH  CH  Ruthdales  Candy  From  A  Baby   L  Stark/R  Stark  3  GCH  CH  Stardust’s  See  You  At  The  Show  RN   P  Rogers/R  Rogers/T  Witte/R  Witte  4  GCH  CH  Redwitch  Adreneline  Junkie   M  Bauman/X  Wang  /  Bauman  5  GCH  CH  Hikay’s  Witch  With  Attitude  . 9HQH]LD  6  GCH  CH  Sondaisas  Crossfyre   C  Sullivan  7  GCH  CH  Sondaisa  Fyre  When  Ready  CD   C  Sullivan  8  GCH  CH  Liric’s  Cinderella  Man   L  Coffey/B  Coffey  9  GCH  CH  Nakodo’s  My  Blue  Heaven  . 9HQH]LD  10  CH  Dynamic  Force  Sharp  Dressed  Man  With    M  Huls/M  Bostock-­Armstrong Â

(M) Â 7 Â 31 Â 26 Â 17 Â 10 Â 18046

 1  GCH  CH  Peaceriver  Silverice  Summer  Solstice   L  Bryne/A  Syar  2  GCH  CH  Catanyas  Latin  Lover   P  Kendrisk/A  Martinez/A  Syar/M  Stone  3  GCH  CH  Peace  River’s  Gathers  No  Moss  At  Sunstra   T  Robinson/A  Syar/M  Coburn/K  Robinson  4  GCH  CH  Mytuk’s  Technical  Knock  Out   D  Milburn/A  Milburn  5  GCH  CH  Sno  Quest’s  For  The  Holy  Grail   A  Sautbine/M  Sautbine  6  GCH  CH  Weir  River’s  Building  Your  Dream   P  Cronk/M  Cronk

(M) Â 1 Â 5 Â 7 Â 2 Â 3 Â 3837


242 Dog News

(F) Â

 7  GCH  CH  Storm  Kloud’s  Test  Of  Time   J  El  Dissi  8  GCH  CH  Jazzland  Rain  On  Quileute   J  Dewing/R  Dysart/C  Neely  9  GCH  CH  Wolfmtn  Luckysky  Bze  Be’N  Fabulous   S  Spurling/P  Jenkins  10  GCH  CH  Koolrunnings’N’Terraglos’U’Can’T  Touch    G  Toussaint/T  Toussaint



(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 0 Â 2 Â 551 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 531

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 1 Â 430 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 376

 1  GCH  CH  Lucky  Hit  Bethany  Beyaz  Kumru   J  York/E  Conard  2  GCH  CH  Carpe  Diem’s  Amadeus   L  Edstrom-­Smith/J  Smith/Q  Harned/M  Harne  3  GCH  CH  Aegean’s  Duke  Of  Milos   D  Kyres/G  Kyres  4  CH  Asiri  Hisar  Kazara   A  Suhajda/P  Suhajda  5  GCH  CH  Carpe  Diem’s  Old  School   S  Wykle  6  GCH  CH  Timaru  Serag  Mounir   L  Brabyn/J  Brabyn  7  Islandfarm’s  Heathrow  ' *UXQQDK - 9RVV Â

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 3 Â 465

 1  GCH  CH  Avatars  Smooth  Criminal   L  Diaz  Fernandes/K  Groves  2  GCH  CH  Tallpine’s  Life  Of  The  Party   D  Hitchcock/S  Crisp  3  GCH  CH  Alpenspirit  It’s  Our  Game   D  Kelley/B  Bauersfeld/M  Turbide *&+ &+ 9LQQ 2FWREHU ,W +DG 99 <RX  E  Buonpane *&+ &+ 0DUEHQ¶V 5XI¿DQ  T  Gerli  6  GCH  CH  B-­Havens  Sherpa’s  Mtn  Endeavor   J  Byers  7  GCH  CH  Greenway’s  Test  Of  Time  CGC   D  Laveran/R  Tamberino/R  Gallizzo  8  GCH  CH  Holiday’s  Singular  Sensation   C  Jones  9  GCH  CH  Sendache’s  Moving  Heaven  And  Earth  At    S  Dominke/S  Dominke/M  Honari *&+ &+ 9LOODLUQV 7DJ <RX¶UH ,W  S  Slade/K  Hodgson Â

(M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 8 Â 4 Â 6 Â 3895

 1  GCH  CH  Aristes  Paint  It  Black   D  Poulson/C  Stumm/C  Wathen/T  Wathen *&+ &+ 9DON\ULH¶V )XQQ\ *LUO 51 9 9HVW % 6RWKFRWW  3  GCH  CH  Zilya’s  Chicago  Blues  Fusion  At  Runes  CD    D  Patterson  4  GCH  CH  Midnightsolo  Ulan  Chorniy   D  Tudor/J  Brown  5  GCH  CH  Gladiator  S  Zolotogo  Grada   S  Gaunt  6  CH  Russian  Bears  Rooting  Tooting  Shooting  Cowboy   H  Haldi  7  GCH  CH  Rus  Maknalis  Shtorm  Of  Arbat   M  Mastroianni  8  GCH  CH  Fun  Nord’s  Hariton  Gavrilovich   P  Gladu/M  Hernandez  9  GCH  CH  Black  Pearls  Avatar  Iz  Russkoi  Dinastii   M  Mesh/J  Mesh/L  Mesh/M  Curtis/D  Ludwig  10  GCH  CH  Queens  Over’s  The  Last  Airbender  RN   M  Holloman/E  Caldwell

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 7 Â 14 Â 8 Â 3997




 1  GCH  CH  Winfall  I  Dream  Of  Style   K  Robbins/C  Robbins/G  Adkins/B  Adkins/T  2  GCH  CH  Hi-­Tech  The  King  Of  Sherry  Shoot  Jp   J  Billhardt/S  Tenenbaum/D  Mccarroll  3  GCH  CH  Draco  Greets  Dassin  With  Fourbears  : 7UXHVGDOH = 7UXHVGDOH - 9HUJQHWWL - 3L

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 341 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 277 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 208

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 160 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 127 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 112

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 9 Â 3 Â 9 Â 2637 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 7 Â 3 Â 5 Â 2302 )


(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 7 Â 2 Â 0 Â 1507 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 5 Â 1 Â 4 Â 1340 (F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 2 Â 4 Â 1311

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 1 Â 1184 0


(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 11 Â 1256 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 451 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 2 Â 411 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 355 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 326 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 1 Â 299 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 272 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 178 (F) Â 8 Â 42 Â 23 Â 18 Â 10 Â 17280 (M) Â 6 Â 32 Â 36 Â 14 Â 5 Â 16884 (F) Â

2 Â 8 Â 10 Â 12 Â 2 Â 5632

The Dog News Top Ten List Presents

1 Â 17 Â 13 Â 13 Â 8 Â 10145

(M) Â 1 Â 6 Â 4 Â 6 Â 3 Â 2636 0 Â 1 Â 5 Â 4 Â 2 Â 1606

(F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 4 Â 5 Â 1564

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 5 Â 3 Â 2 Â 1507 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 581

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 454

(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 5 Â 0 Â 2317 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 2 Â 1 Â 1031 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 834

(F) Â


(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 590

Based on All-Breed Competition

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 559

Final 2013Statistics

2 Â 10 Â 9 Â 10 Â 2 Â 4090

(M) Â 0 Â 6 Â 10 Â 10 Â 6 Â 3499 )

(F) Â

0 Â 3 Â 6 Â 5 Â 7 Â 2789

(F) Â

1 Â 3 Â 0 Â 6 Â 6 Â 2245

(F) Â

2 Â 5 Â 3 Â 2 Â 0 Â 2215

 1  GCH  CH  Dal  Primo  Magic  Moment   M  Harwood/C  Corner  2  GCH  CH  Newcastle’s  Blame  It  On  The  Sun   A  Scully/K  Spencer  3  GCH  CH  Windovers  Hey  There  Handsome   D  Pendleton/H  Brogan/M  Mcgovern/M  Mcgove  4  GCH  CH  Starrdogs  Midnight  Rambler   W  Ofshlag/J  Ofshlag  5  GCH  CH  Newcastle’s  Cutting  Edge   A  Scully/K  Spencer/P  Mills/J  Shadoian  6  GCH  CH  Baron  Dye  Of  Ridgetop   R  Wynes  7  GCH  CH  Rops  Stealsaheart  Bruin,  Seeking  Banner    A  Baumeister/B  Baumeister/H  Gussis/L  Bro  8  GCH  CH  Starrdogs  Kingston  Horton   J  Horton/K  Roberts  9  GCH  CH  Tnt’s  Ground  Breaker   A  Hodge  10  GCH  CH  Starrdogs  Power  Play   K  Hebert/Z  Melkonian Â

(M) Â 2 Â 9 Â 8 Â 5 Â 8 Â 4558

 1  GCH  CH  Firehorse  Franklin   J  Weaver/R  Hoser  2  GCH  CH  Liberty’s  Armed  And  Dangerous   R  Cuzzo/J  Hovorka/S  Ribbs  3  GCH  CH  Timoniere  Zolee   D  Musto  4  GCH  CH  Castleguard’s  Caillou   W  Rivera  5  GCH  CH  Del’  Agreste  Bin  Up  To  No  Good  At  Sno-­    D  Rotkowski/W  Yingling  6  GCH  CH  Epic  Diesel  Of  Castleguard   C  Cline/R  Cline/H  King  7  GCH  CH  Campo’s  Cosmo  Di  Amato  Billy  Whiteshoes   R  Hudgens  8  GCH  CH  Wildwoods  Cirino  Di  Campo  CGC   R  Hudgens  9  GCH  CH  Firehorse  Kickin  Out  The  Jams   J  Molchan/R  Hoser  10  GCH  CH  Lionheart’s  La  Nostra  Stella  Brillante   G  Giraudo/M  Giraudo/B  Martin/J  Martin Â

(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 2 Â 3 Â 7 Â 2740

 1  Sandhill’s  Ranger   T  Brown/C  Brown Â

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 293

 1  GCH  CH  Tiburon  Arsenal   J  Dolan/A  Dolan  2  GCH  CH  Tiburon  Ariel  Bella  Dona   M  Moyer/T  Moyer/K  Drake/J  Drake *&+ &+ 3URWRFRO¶V 9HQL 9LGL 9LFL  S  Lundy/D  Lundy/J  Mullins/K  Mullins *&+ &+ 9RQGXUD¶V ;FHOHUDWRU %HOOH $PLH  R  Tracy/J  Covert/M  Dellorto/K  Fox *&+ &+ &DPEULD¶V 9UDLPHQW 3DUIDLW  G  Lajeski/A  Wulbrecht/K  Thompson/A  White  6  GCH  CH  D’s  Remember  When   A  Dinardo/S  Dinardo/G  Demilta  7  GCH  CH  Jaroe  Legend  Of  Irish  Spirit   R  Kelly  8  GCH  CH  Sharjets  Starr  Catcher  CD  RA   S  Marinelli/J  Marinelli/S  Kapp/G  Hanna/M *&+ &+ )R[¿UH¶V 7HOO 0H $ERXW ,W 0 6DQWDQD 6 6W -RKQ *&+ &+ $OLVDWRQ %ODFNELUG 9 $OOXUH %HDXODQH  R  Kusumoto/J  Kusumoto/L  Cornelius Â

(M) Â 2 Â 35 Â 23 Â 10 Â 9 Â 15948




(F) Â

1 Â 4 Â 4 Â 6 Â 3 Â 2393

(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 4 Â 5 Â 2217 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 6 Â 3 Â 10 Â 1904 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 1 Â 2 Â 1669 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 0 Â 4 Â 1 Â 804 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 1 Â 646 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 0 Â 3 Â 519 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 472 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 459

(F) Â

1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 1 Â 1547

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 4 Â 838 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 5 Â 828 (M) Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 681 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 3 Â 652 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 1 Â 631 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 396 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 244 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 196

(F) Â

4 Â 27 Â 25 Â 19 Â 7 Â 15154




(M) Â 1 Â 9 Â 10 Â 4 Â 5 Â 5682 (M) Â 2 Â 8 Â 10 Â 5 Â 1 Â 4212 (F) Â

0 Â 7 Â 5 Â 1 Â 10 Â 3871



 1  GCH  CH  Evergreen’s  Rub  My  Belly  At  Rising  Star   (M)   J  Roberts/L  Parker  2  GCH  CH  Mount  Sinai’s  Neanderthal  St  Amand  (M)   P  Duvall/W  Duvall *&+ &+ $JR = 9OFNRYVNHKR 0O\QD 0  J  Garcia  Flores *&+ &+ 9RQ +RI¶V &LVFR .LG 0 7 .HOO\ ' 9RQ +RI Â

2 Â 7 Â 3 Â 7 Â 12 Â 6352

 1  GCH  CH  Midernoch  A  Phortune  Of  Phranklins  CA  (M)   C  French  2  GCH  CH  Rivendells  Material  Girl  (F)   K  Schiff  3  GCH  CH  Daveren’s  Peaceful  Dream  CAA  (M)  - 5RELQVRQ - (DVWPDQ 5 %URZQ¿HOG  4  CH  Legacy’s  Time  To  Shine  (M)   D  Bixler/L  Mills  5  GCH  CH  Windamir’s  Dajavu  Ganymede  (F)   S  Morgan/K  Dorwart  6  GCH  CH  Daveren’s  Party  Girl  (F)   S  Harlow/J  Eastman  7  GCH  CH  Windamir  Lover’s  Tryst  (F)   C  Jobb/S  Morgan  8  GCH  CH  Diamondmines  One  Class  Act  (F)   B  Diamond/R  Diamond  9  Nevars  Quintessential  Fabala  (F)   K  Waltz/F  Stuby

0 Â 1 Â 4 Â 9 Â 8 Â 2004


(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 735 (F) Â



(M) Â 2 Â 12 Â 8 Â 8 Â 5 Â 4513


(M) Â 3 Â 19 Â 11 Â 13 Â 10 Â 8690 (F) Â

 4  GCH  CH  Nantess  Caleno  Numero  Uno   G  Tafur/S  Tafur/N  Savage/T  Savage  5  GCH  CH  Jacquet’s  Annie  El  Encanto   D  Sparks/N  Sparks  6  GCH  CH  Ho-­Pa’s  Grand  Slam   A  Anderson/S  Anderson *&+ &+ 'D\EUHDN¶V %DG ,QÀXHQFH  A  Russell/G  Steele/M  Rocca/D  Galante  8  GCH  CH  Lazy  K’s  Dulce  De  Leche   S  Gubernatis/A  Clark/J  Rosen/G  Karwoski  9  GCH  CH  Kaja’s  Ruby  Red  Rascal  At  Maximus   L  Dissinger/J  Smith/D  Dissinger  10  GCH  CH  Jokar’s  N  Happy  Tail’s  Fergalicious   A  Bieri/M  Burleson/M  Bell

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 2 Â 585

0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 5 Â 1938 0 Â 0 Â 5 Â 3 Â 7 Â 1583 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 215 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 204 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 120 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 0 Â 110 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 70 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 65


 10  GCH  CH  Daveren’s  Tribute  To  An  Amazing  Dream   J  Eastman Â

(F) Â

 1  GCH  CH  Kenro’s  Witching  Hour   R  Greenslade/L  Norton/D  Hill *&+ &+ /RZGRZQ 5HP\V *LUO 9 $UGHQKRXW  M  Low/L  Low  3  GCH  CH  Ramahill  Absolutes  I  Am  Legend  Of  Rw   J  Edmonds/L  Edmonds/M  Adler  4  GCH  CH  Skansen’s  Havannah   C  Sansone/S  Sansone  5  GCH  CH  Skansen’s  Holy  Knight   C  King *&+ &+ 1LJKWOLQH 9LNLQJ $ 7DQJOHZRRG  E  Fojtik/J  Erath/C  Erath  7  GCH  CH  Skansen’s  Leather  &  Lace  Of  Twilight   P  Poole  8  GCH  CH  Skansen’s  Harvard   G  Reyna/J  Boston  9  GCH  CH  Skansen’s  Rose  Colored  Glasses   J  Davis  10  GCH  CH  Skansen’s  Got  Guinness?   R  Poyfair/J  Poyfair Â

(F) Â 31 Â 75 Â 31 Â 16 Â 6 Â 46872

 1  GCH  CH  Longo  Miller  N  Lore’s  Diamond  Lil   T  Longo/J  Miller/L  Matherly/C  Crawford  2  GCH  CH  Mjm’s  Hi-­Air  All  Eyes  On  Me   A  Solnick/L  Solnick/L  Maulucci/M  Maulucc  3  GCH  CH  Ghdd  Seamus  Lord  Of  The  Dance   K  Kish/D  Davis/J  Deeming/J  Ball  4  GCH  CH  Raintree  Erinwood  Dixie  For  Heaven’s  Sake   R  Gumbs/P  Deloria/L  Landrum/L  Cornelius  5  GCH  CH  Lobato’s  Caught  Red  Handed   L  Hotchkiss  6  GCH  CH  Graycn  Lost  Creek  The  Descendant  Of  Elan   J  Finck/S  Finck *&+ &+ $OSLQHÂśV ,FH :DUULRU 9 +DZWKRUQH  L  Clesi/P  Clesi/A  Heavey *&+ &+ 6KDODNR ,WÂśV $OO $ERXW 0H 9 5HJHQW  S  Taylor/M  Davisson *&+ &+ ' 6 6 .LQJV 5DQVRP -S 0F /DUHQ  T  Mita/H  Sayama  10  GCH  CH  Hauerdane’s  Don’t  Bury  The  Treasure  v  Caps   A  Brill

(F) Â 25 Â 53 Â 28 Â 23 Â 6 Â 31384




 1  GCH  CH  Honor’s  Promise  Of  The  Future   B  Ducker/K  Bruneau *&+ &+ )UDPERLVH 6RPHWKLQJ 9HQWXUHG 6RPHWKLQJ  P  Hughes/S  Hughes/P  Watson  3  GCH  CH  Rivergroves  Chateau  De  Castelnau   M  Falatach  4  GCH  CH  Guardenia’s  Splish  Splash  9 &RIIPDQ . -XVWLQ ' &RIIPDQ & 0RRUH  5  GCH  CH  Rivergroves  Sky’s  The  Limit   J  Hanover/J  Hanover/J  Boyd *&+ &+ 5LYHUJURYHV 9HUD :DQJ  A  Stonehouse/J  Boyd/M  Cox/M  Stewart  7  GCH  CH  Euzkalzale’s  Legacy  Of  Hope   W  Olson/T  Denney-­Combs  8  GCH  CH  Rivergroves  Enough  Said   J  Boyd/M  Cox/M  Stewart  9  GCH  CH  Rivergroves  Bon  Appetit  BN  PCD  RE  CA   R  Morton/J  Boyd  10  GCH  CH  Pyrpressure  Connu,  Mais  A’  Dieu   G  Johnson/M  Johnson Â



0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 61

(M) Â 2 Â 11 Â 4 Â 5 Â 6 Â 4177 (F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 9 Â 13 Â 3 Â 3415

(M) Â 1 Â 7 Â 7 Â 4 Â 5 Â 3018 0 (F) Â

0 Â 4 Â 5 Â 3 Â 4 Â 2725

(M) Â 2 Â 10 Â 8 Â 0 Â 3 Â 2597 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 1 Â 6 Â 1204

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 4 Â 2 Â 1001

(F) Â

1 Â 7 Â 7 Â 5 Â 5 Â 3072

(M) Â 1 Â 3 Â 2 Â 9 Â 8 Â 3003 (F) Â

1 Â 8 Â 4 Â 4 Â 8 Â 2559

(F) Â

1 Â 2 Â 4 Â 7 Â 5 Â 2240

(M) Â 1 Â 5 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1700 0 )

0 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 1053

(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 6 Â 7 Â 7 Â 4695 0 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 5 Â 3 Â 4 Â 1811 (F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 4 Â 3 Â 1142

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 1 Â 4 Â 1106


(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 2 Â 690 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 683 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 676

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 4 Â 1 Â 631

 1  GCH  CH  Derby’s  Toast  With  Gusto   S  Copeland  2  GCH  CH  Painted  Mtn  Oliver  Twist  Of  Fate   K  Markley/R  Markley  3  GCH  CH  Derby’s  X  Marks  The  Spot   A  Mcfadden/D  Echols *&+ &+ &DO\SVR 9 $OH[ 5DYHQ 0RRQ  A  Wilson/C  Wilson/T  Brown/B  Brown  5  GCH  CH  Derby’s  All  American   M  Rusk/A  Rusk/C  Selleck/B  Selleck  6  GCH  CH  Nox’s  George  Bailey’s  Irish  Creme  CGC   N  Kechner/J  Comer/C  Robson  7  GCH  CH  Rivendell’s  Twilight   R  Ney/R  Ney/S  Ney/S  Ney  8  GCH  CH  Wildest  Dream  Midnight  In  Havana   R  Mezzanotte/S  Trenholm/T  Bailey/J  Baile  9  GCH  CH  Breezy  Ridge  Maximus   T  Conway/K  Krumpe  10  GCH  CH  Dandelion  Oskar   S  Bullock/L  Bullock Â

(M) Â 6 Â 28 Â 12 Â 9 Â 11 Â 9179

 1  GCH  CH  Quintessential  Chauncey   S  Wilczewski/D  Wilczewski  2  GCH  CH  Nagyalma  Unforgettable  Too  $ :KLWH 9 0FQHOLV  3  Brae’s  Joska  A  Pompas   B  Johnston  4  CH  Ibis  Goody  Two  Shoes   C  Evans

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 4 Â 3 Â 2 Â 1688



(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 7 Â 8 Â 2732 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 4 Â 6 Â 1367 0 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 497 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 496 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 244

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 205


 7  Taliszman  Pull  The  Perfect  Pint  CGC   G  Hayes/K  Knapp/M  Lee  8  GCH  CH  Szumeria’s  Sing  A  Song  Of  Sixpence   L  Brady/C  Townsend/S  Herring


 1  GCH  CH  A.  Feiner  Eros   L  Bazlen  2  GCH  CH  Kalahari’s  Call  To  Attention  RN   J  Cook *&+ &+ 9DYRRP 0REVWHU 9 6DQIWHQORHZHQ &*&  T  Rogers/K  Knight/K  Hennefer  4  GCH  CH  Corleone’s  Hidden  Agenda   H  Austin/N  Austin  5  GCH  CH  Desperado’s  Gentleman  George   L  Taft/B  Dankanich  6  CH  Khaimas’  4  Y  Daydream  Believer  CGC   K  Mallory/D  Mallory *&+ &+ $UWHPLV 9RQ $OSHQVHH  A  Greendyk  8  GCH  CH  Corleone  Joyful  Burton  CGC   M  Davidson/P  Isaacson/R  Isaacson  9  CH  Gavius  Gentius  Domus  Corona  RN  CGCA   K  Becker/B  Travis/B  Thompson  10  GCH  CH  Haus  Gutfreund  Acorn  Diamond  In  The  Sky    B  Goodfriend/N  Goodfriend


(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 58 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 36

(M) Â 1 Â 6 Â 8 Â 9 Â 16 Â 6872 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 7 Â 7 Â 6 Â 1588 0 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 213 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 159 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 136 )

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 132 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 125 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 120

 1  GCH  CH  Willow  Ridges  Risky  Business   J  Swarts/N  Walker/M  Tichenor  2  GCH  CH  Kimmit’s  Rockstar   K  Wampler/L  Gabhart  3  GCH  CH  Milleniums  Moonshine   T  Plezbert/C  Jones  4  GCH  CH  Lazy  D’s  Spartacus  At  Her  Majesty’s  Request   K  Williams  5  GCH  CH  Sky  High  Fireside’s  Hearts  Desire   C  Sanchez/J  Sanchez/D  Drozdoff/M  Drozdof  6  GCH  CH  Jadems  Oliver  Twist   J  Berning/T  Woods  7  GCH  CH  Lexington  Divine’s  Put  Me  In,  Coach  RN    J  Sanchez/C  Sanchez/M  Delisa/E  Tortorell  8  GCH  CH  Jadems  Rythm-­N-­Boo   T  Woods  9  GCH  CH  Beowulfs  Walkin  On  Sunshine   T  Collins/K  Collins  10  GCH  CH  Dandylions  Blowin’  It  Out  Da  Box   J  Cole Â

(M) Â 5 Â 23 Â 21 Â 14 Â 15 Â 12987

 1  GCH  CH  Ironwood’s  Papparrazi   J  Deppen/S  Van-­Spruill  2  GCH  CH  Otella  Bruto   A  Gurrola  3  CH  Il  Drago  Severino   C  Boczar  4  GCH  CH  Ironwood’s  Marcelo  Roman  Luciano  6 9DQQ 6SUXLOO  5  CH  Mastino  Templar  Knight  Of  Cydonia   A  Hosking/R  Hosking/L  Ramos  6  CH  Artu’  Patrizio  Italia   A  Gurrola/J  Wolf Â

(M) Â 1 Â 2 Â 7 Â 4 Â 7 Â 3232

 1  GCH  CH  Rosewood’s  Royal  Flush   M  Morris  2  GCH  CH  Pouch  Cove’s  Seabrook  Enough  Said  3 +HOPLQJ . *ULIÂżQ  3  GCH  CH  Darbydale’s  All  That  And  More  * *ULIÂżWK . .HPS  4  GCH  CH  Seacrest’s  I’M  Not  What  You  Think   J  Taylor/D  Nelson/D  Nelson  5  GCH  CH  Susitna’s  Deal  Me  In   K  Gerrits/H  Gerrits/H  Kramer/A  Gerrits *&+ &+ 1XPDÂśV &HVW /D 9LH 6HDEURRN . *ULIÂżQ 3 +HOPLQJ

(M) Â 2 Â 6 Â 12 Â 8 Â 13 Â 6653



(M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 10 Â 11 Â 4 Â 3852 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 3 Â 14 Â 2723 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 5 Â 2 Â 5 Â 1071 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 4 Â 2 Â 3 Â 922

(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 5 Â 1 Â 0 Â 906 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 0 Â 839 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 828 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 748

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 1 Â 498

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 3 Â 944 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 195 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 85 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 30

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 25

(F) Â

1 Â 15 Â 11 Â 11 Â 13 Â 5291

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 6 Â 3 Â 2437 (M) Â 1 Â 3 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2146 (M) Â 0 Â 7 Â 3 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1969 0

The Dog News Top Ten List Presents

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 199 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 173

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 505 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 426 (F) Â

 1  GCH  CH  Szumeria’s  Wildwood  Silver  Six  Pence  CGC  (M)   M  Vila/L  Brady/C  Muir/C  Townsend *&+ &+ 0DWWLDFL +LJK 9ROWDJH $W *ODFLHU &UHHN )  D  Blank *&+ &+ &DVDEODQFDÂśV 9DNPHUR 3DQGXU 0  G  Dash/N  Berger  4  GCH  CH  Glacier  Creek’s  Sparks  A  Flyin’  (M)   S  Stephens  5  GCH  CH  Double  Ring  Tarees  Dream  Machine  (M)   C  Ringering/K  Ringering/I  Miller/R  Mille  6  CH  Szumeria’s  Prince  Rainier  (M)   L  Brady/H  Nichols/K  Nichols/C  Townsend

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 157 4 Â 8 Â 5 Â 3 Â 1 Â 4331 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 183 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 153 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 120


Based on All-Breed Competition

Final 2013Statistics


 7  GCH  CH  Spillways  Man  About  Town  Kodiak   R  Emery/K  Emery  8  GCH  CH  Heartsease  King  Of  The  Jungle   M  Casler/L  Anderson  9  GCH  CH  Windhaven  She’s  The  Real  Cruz-­Penelope  & /HJJ / 9DQGH 9HQ  10  GCH  CH  Castanewf’s  Kodiak  Bear   D  Wilken/L  Wilken Â

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 7 Â 1806

 1  GCH  CH  Claircreek  Impression  De  Matisse   M  Lint/P  Helming/D  Gottdenker  2  GCH  CH  Roseknoll  Sunny  Benjamin   C  Diamant/C  Teasley/S  Teasley/E  Leyda  3  GCH  CH  Sail  Away  Root  Beer  Float   M  Parszewski/T  Smith  4  GCH  CH  Spyglass  N  Aviator  Sail  With  The  Wind   C  Blancett  5  GCH  CH  NorthStar’s  Hit  The  Deck  Running  RA  NAJ    S  Soviero/J  Soviero  6  GCH  CH  Dandelion’s  Maxwell’s  Silver  Hammer  RN  9 0RUUR : 9DUU ,LL  7  GCH  CH  Cortereal  Iron  Man  CD  BN  RA  AX  MXJ  MXF    J  Berger/N  Hunter *&+ &+ 9LQGRXURÂśV %\ $OO 0HDQV  K  Weinberg/M  Groth  9  GCH  CH  Patriot’s  Designer  Girl  CGC   T  Snyder/L  Snyder/K  Maguire  10  GCH  CH  Aspencoves  Nothing  Like  This  Majik   K  Durr/J  Whetzel Â

(M) Â 94 Â 136 Â 19 Â 8 Â 3 Â 94187

 1  GCH  CH  Chancellor  Flirt’s  Hi  Flyin’  Gladiator   W  Lewellen  2  GCH  CH  Hemlock’s  Jack  Of  Hearts  RA  CGC   K  Bang/R  Bang  3  GCH  CH  Highwood’s  Call  Of  The  Wild   D  Austin/T  Austin  4  GCH  CH  Avatar  Cosmac  Storm   M  Brennan/J  Mcilwaine/G  Bidgood/A  Mcilwa *&+ &+ *DPHJDUGV ,Âś/O +DYH $QRWKHU 9 %UDHVLGH  H  Eldred  6  GCH  CH  Parisans  Stingray  of  RiverRidge   R  Ramsour/T  Johnston  7  GCH  CH  Ecko  Ridge’s  Big  Easy  Fast  And  Furious   T  Larroquette/B  Larroquette  8  GCH  CH  Eis  Haus  Ivy  League  Big  Red  CD  THD  CGC  - 0DUWLQGDOH 9 0FJUDZ  9  GCH  CH  High  Hills  Holy  Smoke  CD  BN  RA  CGC   E  Ross  10  GCH  CH  Lorals  Walk  This  Way   P  Clark  SAMOYEDS   1  GCH  CH  Mcmagic’s  Candied  Ham  Of  Pebblesrun   A  Kiell  Green/A  Green/P  Mccallum  2  GCH  CH  McMagic’s  Mojo   P  Mccallum  3  GCH  CH  Glacier’s  Goddess  Of  Fire   D  Medeiros  4  GCH  CH  White  Magic’s  Seasoned  Traveler-­Trekâ€?â€?   M  Matto  5  GCH  CH  Pebbles’  Run  Play  It  Again  Ham   A  Kiell  Green *&+ &+ *ODFLHUZKLWH 0RRQOLWH 0LVW &KDQHO 1R  A  Murphy  7  GCH  CH  Polar  Mist  N  Bark  Bark’s  Built  Tough   C  O’Neill/J  O’Neill  8  GCH  CH  White  Eagle’s  The  Sky’s  The  Limit  For    T  Litton/C  Montgomery/M  Augustus/J  Augus  9  GCH  CH  Snoline  â€˜N  Snowater’s  On  A  Roll   K  Granacki/S  Alexander/N  Alexander  10  GCH  CH  Polar  Mist  Cruz’N  T’Party  At  Zamosky   E  Widjaja/L  Blue Â

(M) Â 2 Â 15 Â 5 Â 10 Â 4 Â 9927




 1  GCH  CH  Snowmist’s  Quicksilver  Speigas   L  Baryte/H  Shimtzu  2  GCH  CH  Topaz  Bad  Action   H  Tang  3  GCH  CH  Snowmist’s  Quidditch  Seeker   K  Leblanc  4  GCH  CH  Mileka’s  Belle  Starr   S  O  Connell  5  GCH  CH  Kaniska’s  Kauz  For  Kamotion  At  Talkeetna   M  Hinkle  6  GCH  CH  Kontoki’s  Isaiah  Little  Prayer  For  You   N  Wisniewski/R  Tang/S  Kao/M  De  Palma/T  O  7  GCH  CH  Ziemabora’s  Strut  Your  Stuff   B  Schaeffel  8  GCH  CH  Myla  â€˜N  Poli’s  Winter  Rose   M  Falconer/F  Polimeni/M  Polimeni/R  Davie  9  GCH  CH  Paragon’s  You  Had  Me  At  Merlot   T  Erickson/L  Wilson  10  GCH  CH  Jes  Just  A  Rockets  Red  Glare   N  Char/C  Zimmerman/S  Zimmerman/D  Char


 1  GCH  CH  Jamelle’s  Aristocrat  V  Elba  BN  RN  CGC   L  Baker/E  Baker  2  GCH  CH  Gliddens  Lady  Isabella   K  Glidden  3  GCH  CH  Jamelle’s  Camelot   M  Mulligan/J  Mulligan  4  GCH  CH  Szajda’s  Neverending  Story  CGC   A  Szajda/B  Quagliaroli  5  GCH  CH  Revilo’s  Liquid  Asset  From  Redside   D  Oliver/B  Oliver  6  GCH  CH  Sleepy  Hollows  Ice  Slicer   T  Sleep *&+ &+ 7UDGHPDUNÂśV $ 5HHG %DUWRQ 9RQ -R\  J  Joy/F  Joy &+ /DVTXLWHV 8OD 2I 9DOGH]  B  Mead/M  Smith

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 6 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1498 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 2 Â 1460

(M) Â 1 Â 3 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1015

(M) Â 0 Â 6 Â 10 Â 5 Â 7 Â 6157 (F) Â

0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 11 Â 11 Â 3821

(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 2 Â 3 Â 2 Â 1375 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 6 Â 6 Â 1373 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 6 Â 1276 (M) Â 1 Â 3 Â 0 Â 0 Â 4 Â 1210 0 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 2 Â 670

(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 640

(M) Â 0 Â 12 Â 19 Â 15 Â 7 Â 6159 (M) Â 2 Â 16 Â 11 Â 7 Â 2 Â 5737 (M) Â 2 Â 5 Â 9 Â 7 Â 8 Â 5042 0 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 6 Â 7 Â 5 Â 3238 (M) Â 0 Â 7 Â 10 Â 10 Â 9 Â 3042 (M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 5 Â 4 Â 5 Â 2350 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 3 Â 2 Â 1546 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 5 Â 5 Â 2 Â 1384 (F) Â 4 Â 14 Â 9 Â 6 Â 3 Â 10578 (M) Â 2 Â 10 Â 12 Â 9 Â 4 Â 7399 (F) Â

2 Â 6 Â 3 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2900

(M) Â 0 Â 5 Â 2 Â 4 Â 7 Â 1979 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 3 Â 2 Â 1892 )

(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 5 Â 0 Â 1623 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 2 Â 3 Â 1540 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 2 Â 1 Â 3 Â 1140 (M) Â 1 Â 2 Â 3 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1119 (M) Â 7 Â 20 Â 22 Â 13 Â 13 Â 14193 (M) Â 0 Â 7 Â 10 Â 8 Â 7 Â 5286 (M) Â 2 Â 12 Â 8 Â 16 Â 3 Â 4276 (F) Â

0 Â 4 Â 5 Â 5 Â 2 Â 2449

(F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 8 Â 3 Â 3 Â 2072

(M) Â 2 Â 2 Â 3 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1939 (M) Â 0 Â 6 Â 5 Â 6 Â 2 Â 1609 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 4 Â 0 Â 1530

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 3 Â 4 Â 1405 (M) Â 5 Â 12 Â 2 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1273 (M) Â 3 Â 18 Â 19 Â 17 Â 10 Â 9448 (F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 7 Â 9 Â 2753

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 1133 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 782 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 3 Â 1 Â 600 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 3 Â 486

0 )


Dog News 243



*&+ &+ 6N\GDQFHU =HQ\DWWD 9 6]DMGD  A  Szajda/B  Quagliaroli/D  Meyers  10  CH  Royal  K’s  Royal  Remington   P  Kramme Â


 1  GCH  CH  Blackhawk  Finnegan’s  Wake   L  Studley/K  Studley/L  Green  2  GCH  CH  Mistic’s  Longfellow  Serenade   S  Marsh/A  Derenzis  3  GCH  CH  Steinhaus  Maxim  Courage  RN   D  Morse  4  GCH  CH  Chateau  Palos  Treaty  Of  Goarrhein  TD   E  Mohrenweiser/M  Just/H  Mohrenweiser *&+ &+ .DWRQ¶V (\H 2I 7KH 7LJHU 9 0RUJHQZDOG  K  Koehler/P  Duffee/C  Reidner *&+ &+ &KDULVPD 0D[LP 9RQ 'LDEOH  L  Adiletti/J  Adiletti *&+ &+ 9LNLQJXV &DHVDU (\WXNDQ  C  Sanchez/M  Sanchez *&+ &+ 9RQ %HUJ¶V 3URRI ,¶0 7UXH 7R )RUP  C  Kristensen/S  Shardlow  9  GCH  CH  Seneca’s  Sterling  Midnight  Tango   G  Beeson  10  GCH  CH  Sketchbook  Smarty  Jones   L  Hansen/G  Freeman

(M) Â 7 Â 42 Â 42 Â 23 Â 16 Â 26970


(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 126

(M) Â 3 Â 6 Â 3 Â 7 Â 7 Â 6366 (M) Â 2 Â 8 Â 4 Â 9 Â 10 Â 5590 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 6 Â 6 Â 3364 )

0 0 0 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 308 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 303


 1  GCH  CH  Dreamcatcher  Major  Victory  Of  Loki  CGC  (M)   D  Parsons/W  Slayton  2  GCH  CH  Drakyi  Lion  Of  Judah  (M)   M  Lott  3  GCH  CH  Sierras’  Sasha  -­  Yakone  Nanuk  (M)   J  Butler/R  Gallegos  4  GCH  CH  Comancheria’s  Ciye  Chiricahua  Cochise  (M)   G  Nunnally  5  CH  Dawa’s  Pay  Dirt  (M)   D  Nechemias/L  Claus/Z  Smith  6  GCH  CH  Sierras’  Folly  Loves  Fame  At  Dawa  (F)   L  Claus/D  Nechemias  7  GCH  CH  Aujudon’s  Song  Of  The  South  (F)   A  Lee/J  Lee

2 Â 19 Â 15 Â 15 Â 1 Â 8008 0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 6 Â 6 Â 2261 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 1 Â 3 Â 1196 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 4 Â 590 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 244 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 235 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 27



 1  GCH  CH  Joval  Angel’s  Whisper   V  Rickard/J  Rickard  2  GCH  CH  Penaire’s  Chip  Leader  At  Longvue   J  Clarke/W  Clarke/T  Clyde/A  Clyde  3  GCH  CH  Huntwood’s  Command  Performance  Of   & 9LWRVK - /LQQ 6 .LSS  4  GCH  CH  Epoch’s  New  York  Minute   A  Moore/D  Moore  5  GCH  CH  Epoch’s  Time  Bandit   A  Moore/D  Moore  6  GCH  CH  Joval  It’s  My  Time  9 5LFNDUG - 5LFNDUG  7  CH  Avondale  Isaac  Tewton  Of  Tartan  Scottshire   M  Loshak/C  Scott *&+ &+ 5D\QDLUH 9 &UHVFHQW¶V 6HFUHW 6WRUP  C  Johnson/K  Coffey  9  GCH  CH  Windancer’s  Aerosmith’s  Dream  On   C  Pitts  10  CH  Huntwood’s  Willin’  And  Able  Of  Tobylinn   T  Pedersen/J  Linn Â

(F) Â 4 Â 35 Â 28 Â 15 Â 11 Â 10698

 1  GCH  CH  Angarda  Deja  Vu  Looking  At  You   E  Mckee-­Heath  2  GCH  CH  Alpine’s  Ring  Of  Fire  CGC  - 0RVLQJ ( 7KRPDVRQ . 7KRPDVRQ 9 3LOW]  3  GCH  CH  Alpine’s  Highwayman  CGC   E  Thomason/K  Thomason/J  Branch/S  Janga *&+ &+ 9DFD 9DOOH\¶V %ROG 5XOHU )RU )UDMDHF  G  Brown/K  Rudzik/B  Gottier/D  Pesenti/J  M  5  GCH  CH  Chavez  Let  It  Ride  At  Bonsai   G  Simonds/A  Ghione  6  GCH  CH  Lbk’s  Enuf  Talk  About  Ruby  Of  Mule  Creek   L  Jagta/L  Keller  7  GCH  CH  Alpine’s  Lonewolf  Whisky  River   S  Killen/L  Killen/G  Thorton  8  GCH  CH  Diablos  Queen  Sophie  Anne   R  Whitlow/S  Whitlow  9  GCH  CH  Sierra’s  Ground  Zero   L  Wilson  10  GCH  CH  Cicero’s  Clash  Of  The  Titans   N  Patrick/J  Patrick

(M) Â 2 Â 14 Â 13 Â 18 Â 15 Â 7352

(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 4 Â 7 Â 7 Â 1764 (M) Â 0 Â 5 Â 3 Â 5 Â 2 Â 541 (M) Â 0 Â 5 Â 4 Â 6 Â 6 Â 473 (M) Â 0 Â 5 Â 5 Â 2 Â 0 Â 465 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 1 Â 396 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 106 )

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 84 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 82



 1  GCH  CH  Dunham  Lake  Scout  Master   T  Steinmetz/J  Steinmetz/T  Goiffon  2  GCH  CH  Temora  Ri  Diercc   Z  Smith  3  GCH  CH  Ryba’s  Call  Me  Irresponsible   S  Bachman/T  Schreeder  4  GCH  CH  Nellyson’s  Mr  Dont  Skip  The  Zip   C  Mechalke/J  Mechalke  5  GCH  CH  Benayr   Nick  Of  Time   M  Porter  6  GCH  CH  Shastakin  Flying  Dust  Buster  = 9DQ :\FN 'H 5RSS  7  GCH  CH  Ryba’s  Gotham  City  Hero   M  Langham/S  Bachman/T  Schreeder  8  GCH  CH  Arista  Redskys  Love  Is  All  There  Is   P  Levy  9  CH  Temora  American  Maid   J  Seaton/Z  Smith *&+ &+ 3 6 3KRHEH ,L &KULVWKLOO  K  Hill/W  Christensen Â

244 Dog News

(M) Â 2 Â 16 Â 11 Â 6 Â 6 Â 5109 (M) Â 3 Â 4 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1786 0 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 7 Â 3 Â 5 Â 1093 (F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 3 Â 5 Â 847

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 5 Â 6 Â 542 (F) Â


 1  GCH  CH  First  Class  Willow  Wind  The  Phoenix   S  Friedemann/J  Fogel  2  GCH  CH  Pineriver’s  Show  Me  The  Money   S  Holden/J  Berk  3  GCH  CH  Wrightwyn’s  Power  Play   S  Bethea  4  GCH  CH  Glaurieus  Top  Supermodelle   L  Friesen/W  Friesen  5  GCH  CH  Lamz  Heads  I  Win  Tails  You  Lose  CAA   L  Zembrzuski/G  Gilbeau  6  GCH  CH  Bling  Bling’s  Bleu  Sapphire   J  Steele/E  Wolkenmuth  7  GCH  CH  Patchwork’s  Built  To  Last   B  Lundy  8  GCH  CH  Sandon  N’  Oakhill  Jazzy’s  Top  Secret   C  Foti  9  GCH  CH  Carillon  Chazzen  De  Hayyim   L  Heyman  10  GCH  CH  Peremi  I  M  A  Player   J  Weiskopf/L  Nilsson Â

(M) Â 0 Â 9 Â 10 Â 10 Â 6 Â 1819

 1  GCH  CH  Meadowlake  Simply  Sinful   K  Courtelis/K  Fitzpatrick/J  Wilkinson/D  2  GCH  CH  Meadowlake  Pants  On  Fire   K  Fitzpatrick/T  Bradley/K  Courtelis  3  GCH  CH  Mchill’s  Hrh  Prince  Gizmo  House  Of  Gremlin   P  Holson/A  Barrios  4  GCH  CH  Ristle  Alley  Hoop  At  Coldstream  JE   R  Cobussen/G  Cobussen  5  CH  Orangebox  Firecracker   S  Kane  6  GCH  CH  Devons  La  Tua  Cantante   K  Myers/G  Myers  7  GCH  CH  Foxburrow  Celebrity  Apprentice   G  Scott/R  Scott  8  GCH  CH  Bellwether  It’s  Hard  To  Be  Me  At  Coldstream   R  Cobussen/P  Hulsing/A  Straka  9  GCH  CH  Surefyre’s  Just  In  Time   M  Smith/C  Bartlett  10  GCH  CH  Brocair  Field  Of  Cherry  Blossoms   A  Donovan Â

(F) Â 4 Â 13 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 4501

 1  GCH  CH  Banbury  Bedrock  Bright  Star  Bright   M  Remer/R  Lamkins/K  Lamkins/W  Mackay-­Smi  2  GCH  CH  Glentom’s  Dirty  Harry   T  Cournoyer/G  Wright  3  GCH  CH  Yoeckydoe’s  Kissproof   H  Knockaert *&+ &+ $UDJRQ¶V 5XI¿Q ,W $W +RQH\WUHH 3 6HON 9 (YHUHWW 3 *UHFFR 0 %DQNXV  5  GCH  CH  Action  First  Try   C  Claburn/F  Berez  6  GCH  CH  Soquel  Millenium  Seafarer   G  Harlamoff/N  Waynee  7  CH  Hawthorn  Leap  Of  Faith   M  Quinn/P  O’Driscoll  8  GCH  CH  Javarke  King  At  Arnolds   A  Salas/G  Anderson  9  GCH  CH  Rockytop’s  Outlaw  Kid   L  Stafford/G  Stafford/R  Poole/W  Poole  10  GCH  CH  Old  England’s  Montgomery   A  Bavol/W  Bavol Â

(F) Â 1 Â 10 Â 6 Â 2 Â 0 Â 2187

 1  GCH  CH  Global  Mighty  White  At  Kilacabar   C  Whitmer/S  Whitmer/C  Kilpatrick/C  Kilpa  2  GCH  CH  Bulliards  Good  Hearted  Woman   J  Snider/M  Long  3  GCH  CH  Bullseye  Oliver  Orion   N  May/M  May  4  GCH  CH  Banbury  Bedrock  Bright  Diamond   K  Longhofer/M  Remer/K  Lamkins/W  Mackay-­S

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 7 Â 4 Â 6 Â 608




(M) Â 0 Â 6 Â 6 Â 4 Â 10 Â 1412 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 7 Â 7 Â 8 Â 1114 (F) Â

0 Â 4 Â 7 Â 6 Â 2 Â 668

(M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 4 Â 2 Â 5 Â 666 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 4 Â 1 Â 4 Â 482

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 4 Â 6 Â 5 Â 444 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 6 Â 374

(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 4 Â 3 Â 1 Â 325 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 225

(F) Â

0 Â 16 Â 10 Â 15 Â 3 Â 3473

(M) Â 0 Â 6 Â 14 Â 10 Â 9 Â 2964 (F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 5 Â 4 Â 1008

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 6 Â 574 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 2 Â 537 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 5 Â 7 Â 461

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 2 Â 347 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 1 Â 305 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 0 Â 2 Â 244

(M) Â 0 Â 9 Â 9 Â 8 Â 10 Â 1630 (M) Â 1 Â 7 Â 2 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1314 )

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 390

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 1 Â 300 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 254 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 158 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 123 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 103

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 7 Â 2 Â 0 Â 553

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 3 Â 5 Â 538 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 177

The Dog News Top Ten List Presents

0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 5 Â 1 Â 379

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 1 Â 364

(M) Â 2 Â 19 Â 14 Â 12 Â 9 Â 3776 (M) Â 0 Â 15 Â 11 Â 9 Â 8 Â 2498 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 1 Â 627 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 2 Â 3 Â 491 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 274 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 269 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 150 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 2 Â 133


 5  Stonebull  Matrix  Revolutions   R  Macdonald  6  CH  Winsor  And  Legacy  Mojo  Rising   S  Wylie/D  Wilson/M  Dussault/F  Wilson  7  GCH  CH  Allegro  Rockstar   S  Harris/D  Harris  8  CH  Jump  â€˜N’  Jive  At  Bullistic  The  Joker   I  Morden/D  Morden  9  CH  Nuance  Naughty  Or  Nice   C  Parker  9  GCH  CH  Brickhouse  Lone  Ranger   K  Frickert/J  Bouthilet



Based on All-Breed Competition

Final 2013Statistics

(F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 3 Â 3 Â 162

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 156 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 0 Â 101 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 94

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 93

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 93

 1  GCH  CH  Hjohoo’s  Save  Hjour  Love  For  Me   V  Malzoni/E  Theodorsson  2  GCH  CH  Connacht  A  Ha’  Penny  Will  Do   M  Joyce  3  GCH  CH  Rocco’s  Collar  King  Carl  Xvi  Gustaf   K  Kauffman/W  Eckard  4  GCH  CH  Cyntu’s  Twist  N  Shout  ' 9RJW 6 9RJW  5  GCH  CH  Terriwood  Mvp   T  Godwin/K  Godwin/B  Doyle/N  Doyle  6  GCH  CH  Dogwood  Treasure  Hunter   P  Davis  7  GCH  CH  Stonebridge  Just  A  Little  Bit  Better   D  Ziesmer  8  GCH  CH  Cairndale  Wonderful  Life  At  Lovat  RN   P  Patzman/J  Mortenson  9  GCH  CH  Hjohoo’s  Just  The  Way  Hjo  Are  ( 7KHRGRUVVRQ 9 0DO]RQL  10  GCH  CH  Bordairn’s  Total  Chaos   M  Welch Â

(F) Â 0 Â 3 Â 20 Â 14 Â 9 Â 4459

*&+ &+ =ODWDSUDKD *LOOHVSLH %OXH¿UH  P  Huber/N  Huber/T  Smith/P  Bale  2  GCH  CH  Milenka’s  Hector  In  Act  Four   L  Kapustina/A  Kapustin/L  Marino Â


 1  GCH  CH  Lonsdale  Sir  Joseph  Porter   A  Simpson  2  GCH  CH  Pastime  The  Dandie  Wears  Prada   K  Cramer *&+ &+ .LQJ¶V 0WQ $OLFH 6SULQJV  C  Chriscaden/M  Furlong *&+ &+ .LQJ¶V 0WQ $QJHOLQD %DOOHULQD  S  Hickson/B  Stenmark  5  CH  Aranisle’s  Brute  Force   S  Mcdannald/B  Mcdannald  6  GCH  CH  Derrydown  Double  Indemnity   G  Myers/K  Myers  6  Elfwish  Mr  Peepers   S  Wasserman/D  Francis/S  Wolfskill  8  CH  Schooner’s  Spirit  Of  Denison   P  Carr/K  Dorn  9  GCH  CH  Clossongrey  Jack  O  Lantern   B  Baese  10  CH  Derrydown  Schooner’s  Keeping  Up  Appearances   L  Shelton/K  Dorn/P  Carr/L  Carr Â

(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 5 Â 3 Â 5 Â 563

 1  GCH  CH  Absolutely  Talk  Of  The  Town   J  Smith/E  Boyes  2  GCH  CH  Broxden  Waybroke  Halstan  Heritage  9 0DO]RQL  3  GCH  CH  Sayo’s  Jai  Ho   M  Briceno/J  Possenti  4  GCH  CH  High  Mtn  Everso  Smooth   S  Perrine/C  Snavely  5  GCH  CH  Wedigit  Paparazzi   T  Haines/L  Smith  6  GCH  CH  J’Cobe  Broxden  Danea  9 0DO]RQL $ %RRWK 3 %RRWK : 'DOOLQJ  7  GCH  CH  Lil’Itch  Pretty  Woman  At  Foxwatch   W  Perry/W  Perry/S  Hoesman  8  GCH  CH  High  Mountain  Everso  In  Command   P  Farmer  9  GCH  CH  Foxjar  Absolutely  Awesome   A  Ruggieri/J  Smith/D  Gabel  10  GCH  CH  Lil’Itch  Steeplechase   M  Aroney/T  Haines/A  Aroney Â

(F) Â 11 Â 32 Â 7 Â 1 Â 2 Â 10870

 1  GCH  CH  Afterall  Painting  The  Sky   V  Malzoni/T  Steele/S  Olund/M  Olund/D  Rya  2  GCH  CH  Crispy  Legacy   A  Agenta/D  Eggert/J  Eggert/A  Astrom  3  GCH  CH  Crynwyd  Caprice   H  Cole/K  Harris  4  GCH  CH  Gordon’s  Bite  Of  The  Apple   J  Hanson/S  Hanson  5  GCH  CH  Fox  Creek  Jp  I  Wish   H  Tsuyuki/J  Diehl  6  GCH  CH  Br’Er  Fox  Philippa  Of  Hunterston   J  Hunter/C  Mouris  7  GCH  CH  Frenchpark  Ard  Ri  Niall   M  Hermon/J  Killeen  8  CH  Fox  Creek  J  Flagship  At  Santeric   H  Tsuyuki/R  Kramer  9  GCH  CH  Garcini  &  Rangel’s  Rock  N  Rolla   L  Garcini/K  Rogers/J  Paquette  10  CH  Fyrewyre  Fit  To  Be  Tied   K  Courtelis/D  Benn/J  Wilkinson

(F) Â 85 Â 149 Â 11 Â 0 Â 1 Â 107102





(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 344

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 6 Â 2 Â 619




 1  GCH  CH  Kilkenny’s  Sullivan  Of  Castlerock   C  Chiddister/S  Blum  2  GCH  CH  Liberty’s  Darren  Of  Daulton   P  Estes/J  Daulton  3  CH  Tipperary  Rumor  Has  It   M  Ewald/M  Mcdaniel/J  Lynn

(M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 16 Â 20 Â 7 Â 3640 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 8 Â 9 Â 8 Â 1785 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 8 Â 11 Â 14 Â 1383 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 5 Â 6 Â 6 Â 1349 (M) Â 0 Â 5 Â 9 Â 6 Â 5 Â 1218 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 7 Â 8 Â 4 Â 838 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 3 Â 234

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 181

(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 2 Â 4 Â 169

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 52

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 289



(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 91 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 60

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 60 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 52 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 45 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 26

(M) Â 2 Â 30 Â 15 Â 18 Â 7 Â 4595 (F) Â

6 Â 23 Â 19 Â 2 Â 4 Â 4261

(M) Â 0 Â 5 Â 12 Â 9 Â 7 Â 1908 (M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 5 Â 5 Â 5 Â 1504 (F) Â

0 Â 6 Â 2 Â 6 Â 0 Â 1456

(F) Â

0 Â 4 Â 9 Â 7 Â 8 Â 1174

(M) Â 0 Â 5 Â 3 Â 5 Â 0 Â 1073 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 6 Â 7 Â 787 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 6 Â 3 Â 3 Â 691

(M) Â 12 Â 31 Â 12 Â 9 Â 3 Â 13687 (F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 11 Â 0 Â 1370

(M) Â 0 Â 5 Â 3 Â 2 Â 1 Â 805 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 2 Â 719

(F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 0 Â 0 Â 418

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 3 Â 2 Â 361 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 288

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 3 Â 2 Â 282 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 278

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 6 Â 503 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 232 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 102


 4  Glentyrs  Lady  Isabelle  At  Castlerock   C  Chiddister  5  GCH  CH  Finnabair  Song  O’My  Heart   M  Mcdaniel/M  Ewald  6  GCH  CH  Liberty’s  Padraig   E  Pires/A  Lynn  7  GCH  CH  Daulton’s  Sen  Quinn  Of  Blessington   S  Eck/J  Daulton/P  Estes  8  GCH  CH  Daulton’s  Emerald  Green   J  Daulton/P  Estes/M  Greene/C  Greene  9  CH  Emerald  Isle’s  Keely  With  Daulton   T  Thomas/S  Thomas/J  Daulton/P  Estes  10  GCH  CH  Abberann  Abaigeal   S  Blum/J  Blum Â

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 93

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 42

 1  GCH  CH  Rockledge  Mccallen  Of  Meath   L  Honey/J  Wilson/J  Macdonald  2  GCH  CH  Sharob’s  Commander  In  Chief   S  Lindgren/R  Lindgren  3  GCH  CH  Windeire  Aurora  Borealis   P  Macdonald  4  GCH  CH  Gingerbread’s  Dark  and  Stormy   T  Lahti  5  CH  Breezy’s  Redhawk  Jack  Clancy  ( &DPSEHOO 7 9DQGH]DQGH  6  CH  Fleet  St  Fire  And  Ice   A  Barker  7  CH  Red  Devil’s  Irish,  Lucifers  Fireâ€?â€?   J  Philip/M  Mattus *&+ &+ .HOOV 7RXFK 2I )OHHW 6W  A  Barker  9  GCH  CH  Anamcara  Aidan’s  Angel   J  Herring/R  Hoh  10  GCH  CH  Trackways  Sun  Stone   C  Rivera/K  Warner/T  Cassidy Â

(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 10 Â 8 Â 10 Â 2316

 1  GCH  CH  True  Blue  Madonna   E  Randall  2  GCH  CH  Class  Act  By  Hallsblu   W  Berry  3  GCH  CH  Saredon  Shock  Waves  Of  Irisblu   A  Norman/H  Quigg  4  GCH  CH  Irisblu  Mirage   J  Garahan/K  Garahan  5  GCH  CH  Edbrios  Russian  Roulette   E  Hansen  6  GCH  CH  Dinnyesvarosi  Mexico   L  Zambrano  7  GCH  CH  Ciarrai’s  Beltane  Embers   P  Fox/J  Deaton  8  GCH  CH  Kamagh  Too  Busy  Bein  Fabulous   N  Han/W  Mcfadden  9  GCH  CH  Kerrisel’s  Here’s  Looking  At  You   R  Nicholson/C  Nicholson  10  GCH  CH  Morwin’s  Holidazzle   W  Morris Â

(F) Â 1 Â 30 Â 32 Â 19 Â 12 Â 7714

 1  GCH  CH  Larkspur  Acadia  Save  Me  A  Spot   A  Barker/S  Fraser/M  Sacco  2  GCH  CH  Hi-­Kel  Terrydale  Fortune  Forward   Terrydale  Knl/K  Mcindoe/C  Dowd/B  Dowd/C  3  GCH  CH  Hi-­Kel  Terrydale  Fortune  In  My  Eyes   A  Geremia/F  Cashin/Terrydale  Knl  4  GCH  CH  Nanhalls  Koichi  Hikel  Terrydale   B  Bates/W  Bates  5  GCH  CH  Delzar  Sweet  Sin-­Sation   P  Harbison  6  CH  Hi-­Kel  Terrydale  Delzar  Kanaloa  . %URZQ 5 6UD\ 9 6NRX 0 6NRX  7  CH  Brocair’s  Hrh  Prince  Harry   L  Rogan/K  Rogan *&+ &+ 6KHIÂżHOGÂśV 'DPVHO 2I ,ULVK 6SLULWV  J  Mccarthy/R  Mccarthy  9  Larkspur  Acadia  Summer  Secret  At  Greycottage   M  Sacco/N  Kenney/L  Kenney/S  Fraser  10  CH  Snowtaires  Back  To  The  Future   B  Decker/L  Parker Â

(M) Â 4 Â 37 Â 22 Â 12 Â 11 Â 10923

 1  GCH  CH  Oasis  Razzmatazz   V  Stanert/B  Stanert  2  GCH  CH  Toria  Royalty  In  The  Making  7 7D\ORU 9 +HUEHUW 7KRUVODQG  3  GCH  CH  Wilane’s  Midnight  Rydor   R  Gates/B  Wood/K  Brewer  4  GCH  CH  Medley’s  War  Hunt   E  Tonini/J  Tonini/J  Tonini-­Zanotto  5  GCH  CH  Oasis  Pillow  Talk   M  Belanger/G  Anderson/J  Anderson  6  GCH  CH  Rum  Runners  Careless  Love  Udy   J  Meister/C  Waddell/A  Guthrie  7  CH  Doubletrees  Apollo  On  Stage   E  Harris/T  Smith  8  CH  Wilane’s  All  We  R  Is  Dust  On  The  Wind   B  Wood/B  Wood/J  Emerick  9  GCH  CH  Y-­Not  Party  Everyday  CA   K  Craig/R  Osborne/R  Osborne  10  GCH  CH  Reid’s  Impeccable  Topsey   S  Harris/P  Hall Â

(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 10 Â 5 Â 802

 1  GCH  CH  Cambria’s  Kid  N  Play   L  Baggenstos/R  Baggenstos/A  Guerrero/D  G *&+ &+ '\WRQD 9LS  M  Jacobs/A  Klishas/E  Feuz  3  GCH  CH  Amchara  Roc  Ur  World   K  Toland/S  Toland  4  GCH  CH  Evolution  Runs  With  Scissors   S  Cummings/K  Toomey/C  Jensen  5  GCH  CH  Bonsai  Winning  Colors  At  Bullikountry   R  Kennedy/G  Simonds

(M) Â 5 Â 28 Â 27 Â 15 Â 10 Â 7801




(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 40 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 37 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 26

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 21

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 17

(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 7 Â 5 Â 674 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 5 Â 3 Â 391

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 4 Â 2 Â 285 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 206 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 0 Â 0 Â 188

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 113 0 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 46

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 38

(M) Â 2 Â 22 Â 18 Â 12 Â 6 Â 5199 (F) Â

0 Â 8 Â 7 Â 5 Â 5 Â 2216

(F) Â

1 Â 7 Â 8 Â 3 Â 8 Â 2023

(F) Â

0 Â 5 Â 7 Â 9 Â 8 Â 1515

(M) Â 1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 2 Â 2 Â 898 (F) Â

0 Â 7 Â 5 Â 6 Â 5 Â 771

(F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 3 Â 2 Â 647

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 4 Â 2 Â 2 Â 315 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 6 Â 263

(M) Â 2 Â 17 Â 12 Â 7 Â 1 Â 5862 (F) Â

0 Â 6 Â 13 Â 5 Â 9 Â 2864

(M) Â 0 Â 7 Â 13 Â 5 Â 3 Â 1728 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 3 Â 752

(F) Â

1 Â 7 Â 5 Â 4 Â 3 Â 647

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 0 Â 197 )

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 98

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 0 Â 90




 6  GCH  CH  Eggstream  Gespiel’s  G  Force   W  Goldacker/J  Goldacker/L  Duncan  7  GCH  CH  Ruffshaad’s  Caprice  At  Royalbard   R  Hausken/O  Hausken/E  Held/C  Korn  8  GCH  CH  Gridiron  Minotaur  Mission  To  Marzipan  3 'HQERZ 9 *LDPR  9  CH  Debully’s  Royal  Spirit   L  Mann  10  CH  Badlesmere  Black  Russian   L  Pethke/J  Shaw Â

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 0 Â 147

 1  GCH  CH  Allaruth  Just  Kidding  V  Sole  Baye   Y  Phelps/R  Ziegler  2  GCH  CH  Regency’s  Play  For  Keeps  ' /HZLV . /HZLV % 9HUQD  3  GCH  CH  Joker  Land’s  Glacyka  Fci   M  Uryu/J  Constantine  4  GCH  CH  Tomar’s  Captain  Kirk   M  Paisley  5  GCH  CH  Kruse’s  High  Interest   M  Lande/B  Kruse  6  GCH  CH  Rockyhill  Icees  Raisin’  The  Barâ€?â€?   S  Fry  7  GCH  CH  Legend’s  B-­B-­B  Bad  To  The  Bone   D  Huff/S  Huff  8  GCH  CH  Laroh’s  Irish  Road  Warrior   R  Hartshorn/L  Hartshorn/B  Kilbourne  9  GCH  CH  Kelly’s  Tamar’s  Made  Of  Steele   G  Kelly/L  Tamar  10  GCH  CH  Repittion  Jolee’s  Spring  Time  In  April   J  Williams/K  Garmaker

(M) Â 19 Â 65 Â 30 Â 8 Â 2 Â 23575



 1  GCH  CH  Yarrow  Venerie  Ticket   To  Ride   P  Beale/J  Beale &+ <DUURZ 9HQHULH 7UDGHU 9LF )URP 2ZO +ROORZ  B  Thomas/A  Thomas/P  Beale  3  GCH  CH  Barnstable  Bold  Over  NFP   S  Stemmler  4  GCH  CH  Max-­Well’s  Diamond  Thief   B  Miller/M  Mcternan  5  GCH  CH  Avalon’s  Spring  Cove’s  Simon  Eyes   K  Nelson  6  CH  Arroyo’s  Jingle  All  The  Way   A  Dum/E  Dum *&+ &+ 0D[ :HOOÂśV 9DOOH\ *LUO  D  Glas  8  GCH  CH  Happy  Hart’s  Queen  Lilly   J  Hartley  9  GCH  CH  Caprock  Life  Of  The  Party   E  Davenport/J  Harper  10  GCH  CH  Some  Buddy  Llwydd  Eric  The  Red   J  Carter/T  Carter/H  Cole


 1  GCH  CH  Camio’s  Educated  Exemplar   C  Rogers  2  GCH  CH  Skyscot’s  Texas  Hold  â€˜Em   S  Esposito  3  GCH  CH  Highwood’s  Whirling  Dun   J  Fonyo/N  Fonyo  4  GCH  CH  Thunderwood’s  First  Robin  Of  Spring   T  Willrich/K  Conlan  5  GCH  CH  Apollo   C  Chen/C  Trexler/C  Foucrault  6  GCH  CH  Itsy  Bitsy  Tanglewood  Ranger   K  Cwik/A  Cwik  7  GCH  CH  Foxwood  Chasing  A  Dream   K  Mines/A  Kress  8  GCH  CH  Dunbar’s  Heir  Apparent   J  Kefeli  9  GCH  CH  Ma-­Ya  Sweet  â€˜N’  Sassy   Y  Harr/M  Harr  10  GCH  CH  M  &  M’s  Macho  Man   D  Moore

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 8 Â 7 Â 1112 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 7 Â 10 Â 988


0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 113

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 106

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 96

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 71

(M) Â 2 Â 6 Â 14 Â 6 Â 7 Â 4056 (M) Â 0 Â 7 Â 9 Â 11 Â 4 Â 2066 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 7 Â 4 Â 3 Â 1334

0 Â 1 Â 4 Â 4 Â 8 Â 908

(F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 3 Â 312

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 7 Â 4 Â 7 Â 924 (M) Â 1 Â 3 Â 2 Â 2 Â 4 Â 572 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 490

(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 377 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 1 Â 4 Â 366 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 119

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 5 Â 6 Â 900


0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 6 Â 0 Â 434

(M) Â 6 Â 44 Â 25 Â 18 Â 10 Â 14561 0 (M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 3 Â 8 Â 0 Â 663 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 313 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 111 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 88


(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 4 Â 63

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 49

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 47 (M) Â 1 Â 11 Â 12 Â 11 Â 11 Â 2683 (M) Â 1 Â 7 Â 6 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1534 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 8 Â 3 Â 5 Â 1429

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 5 Â 318 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 264 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 228 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 4 Â 4 Â 210

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 7 Â 2 Â 200

The Dog News Top Ten List Presents



Based on All-Breed Competition

Final 2013Statistics

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 97 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 79 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 71

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 63 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 48 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 34 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 32 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 17

(M) Â 1 Â 6 Â 12 Â 5 Â 9 Â 1568 (F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 3 Â 7 Â 777

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 3 Â 557

(F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 0 Â 3 Â 548

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 3 Â 389 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 189

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 2 Â 186 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 185

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 90

 1  GCH  CH  Invercrest  Surely  Why  Not   D  Eggert/J  Eggert  2  GCH  CH  Mcvan’s  Be  Bop  Baby  9 +XEHU 5 &URVV  3  GCH  CH  Kelwyn’s  History  In  The  Making   K  Edell/D  Edell  4  GCH  CH  Mcvan’s  To  Russia  With  Love   M  Khenkina  5  GCH  CH  Charthill  Top  Billing  . 9RJW & +LOO . +LOO  6  GCH  CH  Kingsview  Just  Ebony   C  Blain/L  Tuttle  7  GCH  CH  Chyscott’s  Making  An  Entrance   L  Shafer/W  Shafer/K  Simmons  8  GCH  CH  Dynasty’s  Br  Donald  Rockfeller   D  Burge/R  Cross  9  GCH  CH  Friendship  Hill  Stars  And  Stripes   P  Gallatin/M  Browne  10  GCH  CH  Cumbria’s  Ready  Jet  Go   P  Wooster/T  Wooster Â

(F) Â 1 Â 12 Â 14 Â 14 Â 12 Â 4093

 1  GCH  CH  Efbe’s  Thunder  Rd  At  Burberry   S  Hawks/F  Bergeron/L  Tetreault/S  Middleb  2  GCH  CH  Wildwind  Mojito   B  Snyder/J  Ferrera/B  Fain  3  GCH  CH  Hotshot’s  Royal  She’ll  Make  â€˜Em  Cry   B  Dunlap/R  Dunlap  4  GCH  CH  Slyfox  Sassy  Lady  Of  Bluff’s  End   C  Echelbarger/J  Taggart/K  Jacobson  5  CH  Thunder  Rds  Blueberry  Hill   S  Hawks  6  CH  Efbe’s  Goodspice  Special  Agent   M  Good/F  Bergeron  7  CH  Thunder  Rd  Walking  In  The  Sand   I  David  8  CH  Free  Range  White  Warrior   B  Monteleone  9  Bedlam’s  High  Speed  Car  Chase  At  Nerak   R  Wegner/K  Wegner/W  Jones/M  Jones Â

(M) Â 0 Â 9 Â 16 Â 17 Â 20 Â 4377

 1  CH  Cragsmoor  Good  Time  Charlie   V  Malzoni/Cragsmoor  Knl  2  GCH  CH  Talakan  Trumpeter  Swan   J  Davis  3  GCH  CH  Gleanntan  Wonderful  Wizard  Of   Oz   Gleanntan  Knl

(M) Â 11 Â 35 Â 20 Â 6 Â 2 Â 14042


(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 138

(F) Â


(M) Â 0 Â 6 Â 2 Â 3 Â 2 Â 926

(F) Â

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 146

(M) Â 1 Â 2 Â 4 Â 3 Â 3 Â 1672

(M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 5 Â 9 Â 9 Â 1284

(M) Â 27 Â 103 Â 23 Â 6 Â 9 Â 34964

(M) Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 648

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 156


 1  GCH  CH  Goldsand’s  Columbus   M  Ulrich/C  Areskough  2  GCH  CH  Appassionato  Jp  Monamour’s  Star   A  Hargrave/C  Areskough  3  GCH  CH  Rivendell’s  Tinker  Toy   S  Sobel  4  GCH  CH  Monamour  Jpp  Energy  Of  Kiss   E  Reisman  5  GCH  CH  Goldsand’s  Billie  Jean  CA   M  Wooldridge/J  Stevens/C  Manelopoulos/R  6  GCH  CH  Monamour  Jp  Part  Time  Lover   K  Miichi  7  GCH  CH  Meadowbrook  Madison  CM   S  Sobel  8  CH  Falling  Branch  The  Patriot   L  Mckinney/L  Grimsley  9  CH  Kajsenborg’s  Dirty  Diana   H  Andersen/T  Grennaae  10  CH  Edison’s  Knick  Knack   B  Edison

(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 4 Â 3 Â 649

0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 0 Â 3 Â 326

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 102


(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 206

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 3 Â 2 Â 374

(F) Â

(F) Â 2 Â 11 Â 6 Â 9 Â 3 Â 2318

 1  Bur-­Way  Without  Limits   B  Trammell/F  Trammell  2  GCH  CH  Stoneybays  Ur  Martini’s  Serv’D  CM   S  Mcwilliams/T  Jordan  3  Dos  Kn  Pn  Rnb  He’s  The  Wizard   S  Hendrix/D  Hendrix  4  Hdk’s  Sweetest  Thing  On  Golden  Hills   A  Burns  5  GCH  CH  Raganrat’s  Quintessential  Q  CM  RN  OA  OAJ    D  Ragan/H  Browne  6  Cohills  You  Can  Do  Magic   T  Dennis/A  Hill  7  CH  Kenann’s  Liv’N  N  Lov’  N  Life  CM   A  Agostine  8  GCH  CH  Riverridge  Trin2  Sail  2  The  Top  CM  CA   B  Brown/S  Mcwilliams  9  CH  River  Ridge  Winning  Ways   L  Iazzetti/S  Mcwilliams Â

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 5 Â 5 Â 756

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 425

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 123


 1  GCH  CH  Foxbend  Colour  Me  More   K  Courtelis/D  Bryson/J  Wilkinson *&+ &+ 5RVHZRRGV 2 0 *  S  Johnson/C  Howton  3  GCH  CH  Shasta  N  Sonship  A  Skip   L  Reinhard/T  Reinhard *&+ &+ )R[ 9DOOH\ 'HYLO ,Q 'LVJXLVH  C  Florence/J  Felten  5  GCH  CH  Panther  Creek  The  Full  Monty   J  Ramming/R  Ford  6  GCH  CH  Posey  Canyon  No  Brainer!   T  Stanczyk/R  Stanczyk  7  GCH  CH  Cobblestone  Gathers  No  Moss  JE   S  Tolleson/K  Baker  8  GCH  CH  Dream  Hi’s  Lil’  Surfer  Dude   K  Rickard/L  Rickard  9  CH  Posey  Canyon  Classic  Stun  Gun   T  Stanczyk/J  Johnston  10  GCH  CH  Northern  Lights  Mysia  Zaglada   M  Strom-­Bernard/T  Bernard

(F) Â

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 8 Â 627

(F) Â



(F) Â

1 Â 2 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2611

(M) Â 0 Â 6 Â 19 Â 13 Â 8 Â 2220 (F) Â

0 Â 4 Â 4 Â 2 Â 5 Â 2212

(M) Â 0 Â 7 Â 7 Â 8 Â 8 Â 1967 (F) Â

0 Â 5 Â 9 Â 10 Â 14 Â 1058

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 4 Â 4 Â 5 Â 1049

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 4 Â 1 Â 723 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 601 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 2 Â 232

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 5 Â 2 Â 2 Â 445 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 3 Â 368

(F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 164

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 4 Â 2 Â 132 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 20

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 7 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 4 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 1 Â 802 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 3 Â 9 Â 644 CONTINUED ON PAGE 248

Dog News 245

246 Dog News

Dog News 247



 4  GCH  CH  Solana  Demolition  Man   M  Shiue  5  GCH  CH  Jay-­Roy  Byrne  â€˜N  Hot  For  You   D  Salandro  6  GCH  CH  Solana  Big  Lebowski   M  Shiue  7  GCH  CH  Desire  Of  Love  Dell’Antica  Caledonia   S  Middleton  8  GCH  CH  Marwyn  Keeper  Of  The  Stars   A  Scott/C  Schuman/M  Smith &UDJVPRRU 0U *RRG 6WXII 9 0DO]RQL &UDJVPRRU .QO  10  GCH  CH  Gleanntan  Gaelforce   T  Wright/Gleanntan  Knl Â

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 6 Â 3 Â 481

 1  GCH  CH  Doubloon’s  Extreme  Play   E  Landa  2  GCH  CH  Shandalee  Fireworks   D  Sealy/N  Bailey *&+ &+ $LQOH 9LOODQRYD 0RXWK 2I 7KH 6RXWK &*&  K  Elliot  4  GCH  CH  Lochlinear  Gleanngay  Cha  Ching   P  Mullin *&+ &+ 9LOODQRYD %ODPH ,W 2Q 7KH %RVVDQRYD  C  Phelps/B  Phelps  6  GCH  CH  Bonney  Labor  Of  Love  9 *RVQHOO ' *RVQHOO % 6Q\GHU  7  GCH  CH  Blessing  High  Regard   L  Morgan/W  Morgan  8  Doubloon’s  All  That  Glitters   E  Landa  9  GCH  CH  Greentree  Gold  Charm   B  Mcdonald/K  Mcdonald  10  GCH  CH  Mil  Mear  Geragold  Galileo  CGC   B  Hempel/M  Kipp/N  O’Sullivan Â

(F) Â 0 Â 3 Â 10 Â 6 Â 8 Â 2986



 1  GCH  CH  Cumhil  Hell  Raiser   Z  Smith  2  CH  Seenworstaff  Lucky  Me   M  Bryant/S  Carter  3  GCH  CH  Shortyrocks  Jasper  By  Dumbriton   M  Bryant/S  Carter  4  GCH  CH  Sylon  Bruce  Of  Ringmaster   M  Darwish/J  Miller  5  GCH  CH  Red  Samurai   Z  Smith *&+ &+ 9RPKDXVKDUURFN 'RQGLHJRUHGURFN  L  Heimbuch/T  Alberg  7  GCH  CH  Challenger’s  Honky  Tonk  Man   R  Mcgaugh/S  Hill/T  Boyle  8  GCH  CH  Reigning  Bulls  Analyzed  By  The  Devil   C  Chun/J  Chun  9  GCH  CH  Empire  N  Divines  Change  In  My  Pocket  CA   L  Divine/T  Glover  9  GCH  CH  Red  Rocks  Desert  Storm   B  Kriger/C  Kriger


 1  GCH  CH  Shaireab’s  Bayleigh  Maid  Of  Honor   S  Abmeyer/K  Bailey/T  Lee/X  Xie  2  GCH  CH  Malvado  Devil  Woman   P  Clark/N  Clark  3  GCH  CH  Darwyn  Esmeralda  In  Sanherpinc   J  Anspach/M  Duafala/P  Allen/S  Pinto  4  GCH  CH  Sanherpinc  Poporopo  At  Teritails   T  Lohmuller  5  GCH  CH  Shaireab’s  Bayleigh  Last  Call  To  Penbryn   S  Abmeyer/K  Bailey/T  Lee/X  Xie  6  GCH  CH  Malvado  Thunder  Storm   P  Clark/J  Stephens  7  CH  Abbeyrose  Black  Diamond   J  Anspach/M  Duafala/P  Allen  8  CH  Noraly  Of  The  New  Husken   B  Schwartz/R  Berg/S  Curran  9  GCH  CH  Summersun’s  Sweet  Memories   J  Simmons  10  Shaireab’s  Bayleigh  Caught  With  The  Cash   S  Abmeyer/K  Bailey

(M) Â 0 Â 7 Â 4 Â 1 Â 4 Â 431 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 5 Â 397 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 3 Â 1 Â 374

(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 0 Â 3 Â 172 0 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 133

(F) Â

0 Â 7 Â 10 Â 12 Â 5 Â 1395


(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 3 Â 1 Â 331


 1  GCH  CH  Deerhaven  Hez  Justin  Kredible  At  Orion  (M)   D  Bouderra/J  Kays/G  Kays/I  Keushgenian  2  GCH  CH  Camcrest  Andsurely  Jasmine  (F)   J  Downing/S  Campbell/R  Roberts/A  Sanders  3  GCH  CH  Devonshire  Out  Of  The  Starting  Gate  (M)   T  Pancost *&+ &+ 7XOO\EORRP¶V &ODVVL¿HG &UHGHQWLDOV )  P  Cohen/C  Cohen  5  GCH  CH  Ashgate  U  S  Great  Expectations  (M)   L  Pacheco/N  Brown  6  GCH  CH  Wyndbrae’s  Maclaren  (M)   P  Whiting/S  Byrd/W  Noble  7  GCH  CH  Glenns  Monte  Carlo  (M)   W  Falls  8  GCH  CH  A’Hylan  New  Moon  A  Rise’N  (M)   P  Marks  9  GCH  CH  Doncastle’s  Nathan  Of  Mac-­Ken-­Char  (M)   D  Peacock/J  Glodek  10  GCH  CH  White  Oaks  Invincible  Snowplow  (M)   S  Meisels/G  Meisels Â


Toy Group

(F) Â


0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 196

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 175 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 157

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 2 Â 153

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 2 Â 141 (M) Â 2 Â 19 Â 15 Â 20 Â 17 Â 3848 (F) Â

1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 935

(M) Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 897 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 4 Â 5 Â 6 Â 811 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 3 Â 8 Â 685 0


 1  GCH  CH  Tamarin  Tarheel   A  Shultz/G  Shultz  2  GCH  CH  Yarrow’s  Hi-­Tech  Ben  There  Done  That   W  Truesdale/W  Truesdale/L  Wubbell  3  GCH  CH  Xela’s  Party  Hat   S  Jones/S  Hill/A  Romero *&+ &+ %DQDQD -RH 9 7DQL .D]DUL  Z  Truesdale/M  Cooymans  5  CH  Tamarin  Tanner   C  Clapp  6  GCH  CH  Airescot  Peer  Gynt   D  Gehnert/L  Bitz  7  GCH  CH  Xela’s  Party  Tric   D  Wood/S  Jones/D  Hichborn/P  Belmont *&+ &+ 9LO\¶V $SROR 2KQR 9 +XWWRQ  9  GCH  CH  Airescot  Sunset   L  Baker  10  GCH  CH  Strongfort  Opium  Puffn  Muffn   L  Carpenter/C  Beaver/M  Peat Â

(F) Â

(F) Â 16 Â 70 Â 23 Â 17 Â 5 Â 25188 (F) Â

0 Â 9 Â 4 Â 6 Â 6 Â 1588

(F) Â

1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 0 Â 3 Â 1009

(F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 8 Â 4 Â 3 Â 885

(F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 3 Â 236

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 210

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 4 Â 196

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 169

The Dog News Top Ten List Presents

Based on All-Breed Competition

Final 2013Statistics

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 671 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 5 Â 2 Â 579 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 315 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 2 Â 302 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 275

0 Â 6 Â 8 Â 9 Â 6 Â 3380

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 3 Â 2 Â 982 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 3 Â 1 Â 869 0 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 0 Â 3 Â 565

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 2 Â 527 0 Â 10 Â 14 Â 13 Â 12 Â 7017 1 Â 10 Â 10 Â 13 Â 20 Â 6819 2 Â 13 Â 13 Â 8 Â 9 Â 6092 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 5 Â 7 Â 1691 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 4 Â 7 Â 1519 0 Â 4 Â 7 Â 4 Â 6 Â 1500 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 2 Â 4 Â 984 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 0 Â 755 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 302 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 237

 1  GCH  CH  Miletree  Northern  Star   E  Whitney/R  Whitney/S  Henry/B  Henry *&+ &+ 4XDLO *DUGHQ /RFK /RPRQG 'HMD 9X  J  Mittelman/K  Subramanian  3  GCH  CH  Piccadil’s  Twist  And  Shout  CD  BN  RN   J  York  4  GCH  CH  Burbrook  Storm  Chaser   J  Ioia/B  Ioia/D  Petralia/C  Rose  5  GCH  CH  Full  Of  Malarkey  Miles  Of  Aisles   T  Kelly/P  Kelly  6  GCH  CH  Norlangos  Nonpareil   B  Schneider/M  Schneider  7  GCH  CH  Grantilley  Galaxy  Moon   M  Talley/J  Talley  8  GCH  CH  Orchard  Hill  Only  Human   G  Bill/G  Wells  9  GCH  CH  Fleet  Street  Bet  Me  At  Rosebriar   W  Stang  10  GCH  CH  We-­Syng  Royal  Etiquette   G  Reardon Â

(M) Â 2 Â 17 Â 20 Â 18 Â 17 Â 10793

 1  GCH  CH  Bayard  Wendy   M  Newell/E  Lanasa *&+ &+ 0DWULDUW /J 0XI¿Q  A  Paola  Diniz/L  Guilmerme  Diniz  Pretoni  3  GCH  CH  Bayard  Yours  Truly   M  Newell/B  Miller/K  Saenz  4  GCH  CH  Mini  Cooper  (Lamuno)   J  Lamuno  Gonzalez  5  GCH  CH  Timeless  Cottondale  Pink  Champagne   D  Miller/S  Miller/K  Potts *&+ &+ 9LFWRU\ 0DVN 2I =RUUR  K  Hulstein/S  Hartwig  7  GCH  CH  Jetstar’s  Simply  Outrageous   J  Chandler  8  GCH  CH  Lone  Pine’s  Boston  Legal  D’Ouachitah   M  Blank/C  Eugene/L  George  9  GCH  CH  Pollack’s  Trace  (Sanchez)   C  Totten  10  GCH  CH  Whiteclouds  Miss  Kitty   D  Franklin/D  White

(F) Â 0 Â 5 Â 11 Â 8 Â 7 Â 2800

0 (M) Â 0 Â 5 Â 11 Â 12 Â 3 Â 2358 (M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 3 Â 7 Â 6 Â 2142 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 3 Â 5 Â 1606 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 4 Â 1256 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 2 Â 3 Â 7 Â 1196 (M) Â 0 Â 5 Â 2 Â 2 Â 0 Â 1075 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 1 Â 5 Â 941 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 1 Â 2 Â 862

0 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 5 Â 7 Â 4 Â 1375 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 4 Â 3 Â 3 Â 1279 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 6 Â 4 Â 1202

0 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 1 Â 3 Â 1087 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 4 Â 2 Â 986 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 3 Â 856 (F) Â


 1  GCH  CH  Sandy’s  Babes  Tradewinds  As  Ever   D  Corl  2  GCH  CH  Shorepointe’s  Buddy  Dazzler   W  Mccollister/J  Ward/S  Chavez/J  Standish  3  GCH  CH  South  Fork’s  Sweet  Harmony   M  Held  4  GCH  CH  Gaga  Lady  De  Aqlla   M  Blank/L  George  5  GCH  CH  Genbrook’s  Playin’  With  Fire   B  Kaye/G  Stiles  6  GCH  CH  Koniki’s  Queen  Of  De  Nile  4  Bellachi   S  Molash/K  Hirn-­Sheppard  7  GCH  CH  Grannycreeks  One  And  Only  Wild  Bill   J  Guichon  8  GCH  CH  Ouachitah  Defying  Gravity   L  Monte  9  GCH  CH  Silver  Bluff  Mahogany  Sonador   L  Wolfson/R  Maser  10  GCH  CH  Jomey  Benny  Boo   P  Duong Â

(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 12 Â 4 Â 8 Â 2483

 1  GCH  CH  Dejavu  I  Want’A  Talk  About  Me   R  Kusumoto/J  Kusumoto  2  GCH  CH  Kulana’s  Sh-­Boom   S  Frumkin/M  Frumkin  3  GCH  CH  Storytime’s  Rocky  Road  For  Gingery   M  Fields/A  Butterklee/J  Temple  4  GCH  CH  Belews  Les  Bons  Temps  Rouler   D  Parker/M  Parker/S  Frampton  5  GCH  CH  Stillmeadow  Solo  In  The  Spotlight   M  Patti/J  Patti  6  GCH  CH  Kaylens  Girls  Just  Want  To  Have  Fun  7 ,VKHUZRRG . 3HLVHU 9 'RUULV  7  GCH  CH  Koridawns  In  Your  Wildest  Dreams   K  Karraker  8  GCH  CH  Egillo  Z  Teramonu   A  Lynn  9  GCH  CH  Hampton  Court’s  Charlie  Of  Legend   J  Deeming  10  GCH  CH  Daretobebare  Flashy  Threads   K  Perret/S  Lyon

(M) Â 2 Â 10 Â 16 Â 7 Â 9 Â 6261


(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 4 Â 2 Â 2 Â 1145




0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 4 Â 7 Â 715



(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 5 Â 3 Â 0 Â 206

(M) Â 0 Â 13 Â 27 Â 15 Â 8 Â 6201

(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 4 Â 2 Â 1 Â 587

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 0 Â 206

0 Â 4 Â 13 Â 17 Â 13 Â 1969

(M) Â 2 Â 21 Â 14 Â 17 Â 14 Â 10203

(M) Â 1 Â 4 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 669

(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 4 Â 0 Â 270

0 Â 9 Â 18 Â 15 Â 11 Â 3628


 1  GCH  CH  Paragons  Sharp  Dressed  Man  At  Greengates  (M)   F  Cashin/M  Gale/K  Fleener  2  GCH  CH  Hilltop’s  GQ  Cover  Boy  (M)   P  Brown  3  GCH  CH  Fist  Face  A  Penny  For  Your  Thought  (F)   D  Burvee  4  GCH  CH  Hilltop’s  Watch  Me  Now  (M)   M  Grafton  5  GCH  CH  Marsdon  Frankly  Speaking  (M)   B  Strange  6  GCH  CH  Seagryphs  Cuba  Libre  (F)   M  Rogers/M  Kornfeld/E  Kornfeld  7  GCH  CH  Tupelo  Axel  Rose  Br  (M)   J  Saba/P  Kolesar-­Stoltz/J  Constantine/L  8  GCH  CH  Chismick’s  Lights  On  Broadway  (M)   K  Jaeger/M  Jaeger  9  GCH  CH  Jimijo’s  Bare  With  Me  (M)   K  Jacobson  10  GCH  CH  Karmas  My  Fair  Lady  (F)   M  Jaeger/K  Jaeger

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 5 Â 2 Â 3 Â 366

0 Â 7 Â 10 Â 12 Â 12 Â 3867

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 0 Â 409


(M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 3 Â 7 Â 10 Â 2199 (F) Â

0 Â 3 Â 7 Â 6 Â 2 Â 1562

(F) Â

0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 3 Â 2 Â 1506

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 5 Â 1056

(F) Â

0 Â 4 Â 1 Â 3 Â 1 Â 1033

(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 814 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 3 Â 717 (F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 1 Â 3 Â 683

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 2 Â 551

(F) Â

0 Â 5 Â 10 Â 4 Â 7 Â 3105

(M) Â 0 Â 6 Â 5 Â 7 Â 9 Â 2935 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 9 Â 1 Â 4 Â 1872 (F) Â

0 Â 3 Â 4 Â 3 Â 3 Â 1429

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 6 Â 3 Â 1084

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 2 Â 1 Â 936 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 2 Â 5 Â 1 Â 846 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 3 Â 2 Â 660 (F) Â

0 Â 4 Â 2 Â 0 Â 1 Â 527

 ENGLISH  TOY  SPANIELS  (BLENHEIM  &  PRINCE  CHARLES)   1  GCH  CH  Loujon  Thornwood  Little  Jacob   K  Miller/J  Ward  2  GCH  CH  Chaseland’s  Howard  Glodek   B  Miller/J  Glodek  3  GCH  CH  Loujon  Backroads  To  Paris   C  Williams/J  Ward/K  Miller  4  CH  Cheri-­A  Wingo  Lord  O’Henry  Marchog   J  Wood/W  Goddyn  5  GCH  CH  Clussexx  Champagne  Breakfast   D  Johnson/J  Hubbard/J  Peterson  6  Xela’s  Et  Phone  Home   S  Hill/M  Hill/A  Romero *&+ &+ 6DQFKL 9DOHQWLQR  B  Miller  8  CH  Cheri-­A  Wingo  Lord  Oakridge   W  Goddyn/J  Wood/J  Elliott  9  CH  Betsy  Karaj   M  Johnson  10  Maibee  Orlando   C  Williams Â

(M) Â 0 Â 9 Â 5 Â 9 Â 7 Â 3275

 1  GCH  CH  Lto  Prosperity   R  Cole/M  Landers  2  GCH  CH  Southdown  Nevermind  % 9DQ 'HPDQ  3  GCH  CH  Novel  All  Aquiver   S  Hepler  4  GCH  CH  Novel  Backroads  Run  For  The  Roses   S  Plance/H  Reid/M  Reid  5  CH  Danaho’s  Golden  Notebook   D  Hopkins  6  GCH  CH  Marsward  Miss  Conduct   J  Swaine/M  Tuesley Â

(M) Â 10 Â 30 Â 24 Â 17 Â 14 Â 14986

 1  GCH  CH  Yup’s  Malibu  Dream   E  Omeara/J  Birdsall/D  Stout  2  GCH  CH  Oeste’s  Flirt’N  With  An  Outlaw  5 6FKLQGOHU 0 .LQJ - 9RJHO *&+ &+ 4ELQ¶V 6WULFWO\ &RQ¿GHQWLDO $W (QJLQXLW\  A  Liebing/A  Welling  4  GCH  CH  Fuzzy  Farm  Qbin  Who’s  On  First   S  Lawrence/A  Lawrence  5  GCH  CH  Peluito’s  Papi  Chulo   A  Etzig/L  Curtis  6  GCH  CH  Yayas  Dancing  Through  Life   D  Planche/C  Livingston/K  Livingston/B  Ca  7  GCH  CH  Harbor’s  Sky-­Blue  Pink   C  Field/H  Bennett/B  Call  8  GCH  CH  Marcosa’s  Bachelor  Button   J  Mcgrath/H  Kolzow  9  GCH  CH  That’s  Adorabull’s  Dreaming  Of  You   D  Scheiris/J  Chavez/D  Scheiris/P  Lucas/S *&+ &+ %HOODWDN 9DOOHH¶V 0D[LPXP 'UHDP  K  Patrick

(M) Â 0 Â 7 Â 14 Â 14 Â 10 Â 5520

(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 15 Â 9 Â 2845 (M) Â 2 Â 4 Â 1 Â 2 Â 3 Â 2643 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 0 Â 407 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 199 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 194 0 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 117 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 94

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 59




 1  GCH  CH  Donavin’s  Caramel  Macchiato   D  Davis/J  Davis  2  GCH  CH  Trotwood  July  Fourth  Rocket  Of  Bo-­Betts   P  Swindell  3  GCH  CH  Integra’s  Masquerade  Party   M  Lucas/R  Weyer  4  GCH  CH  Gdm  Zenyatta  At  Lakeside   M  Manning/D  Snoble/J  Kulic  5  GCH  CH  Maplewood’s  Aces  And  Eights   M  Caton

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 3 Â 2 Â 640 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 2 Â 599 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 167 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 114 (F) Â

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 47

0 Â 10 Â 8 Â 11 Â 11 Â 5241

0 (M) Â 0 Â 10 Â 7 Â 17 Â 10 Â 3233 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 10 Â 2 Â 4 Â 2335 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 6 Â 9 Â 4 Â 2311 (F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 5 Â 7 Â 7 Â 2187

(M) Â 1 Â 3 Â 5 Â 8 Â 5 Â 2141 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 4 Â 9 Â 7 Â 1840

0 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 8 Â 11 Â 7 Â 3320 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 10 Â 2 Â 1606 (F) Â

0 Â 3 Â 6 Â 1 Â 4 Â 1586

(F) Â

0 Â 5 Â 4 Â 6 Â 4 Â 1583

(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 3 Â 5 Â 1021


 6  CH  Integra  Maja  Scattered  Pearls   M  Lucas/R  Weyer/T  Catterson  7  GCH  CH  Wynson  Swan  Princess   D  Chapman/W  Chapman *&+ &+ 9RLFL :KHUH 7KHUH¶V 6PRNH 7KHUH¶V )LUH / *ULI¿RHQ . *LEVRQ  9  GCH  CH  Cantex  Gris  Gris  Sonofa  Doc   B  Broom/T  Mayers *&+ &+ 9RLFL ,VODQG 2I 0\NRQRV / *ULI¿RHQ 5 &RQUDG Â


(F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 1 Â 0 Â 773

(F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 534

0 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 0 Â 1 Â 421 0

 1  GCH  CH  Victory  Spencer   M  Mc  Cormick/M  Cooley  2  GCH  CH  Pem  We-­Syng  Lucky  Mi   J  Dalton/J  Turjoman/M  Ballard  3  GCH  CH  Dunkirk  Hop  To  It   T  Reese/R  Winters  4  GCH  CH  Touche’s  Top  Hat  And  Tails  At  Samskara   D  Martenson/J  Martenson/R  Wilson  5  GCH  CH  Pochinka  Polka  Dot  Dekobras   J  Dalton/J  Turjoman  6  GCH  CH  Pem  We-­Syng  Perfect  Pitch  At  Sirius   D  Christensen/G  Christensen  7  GCH  CH  Junley’s  Stan  The  Man  Buke   S  Lysandrou/J  Lysandrou  8  GCH  CH  Mar-­Pem’s  Tiz  A  Tizzy   B  Reese  9  GCH  CH  Sunojo’s  Red  Hot  Chinni  Pepper   R  Norris-­Jones/L  Baggenstos  10  GCH  CH  Desert  Jade  Fabel-­Mi  Firedragon   J  Dalton/J  Turjoman/M  Ballard Â

(M) Â 3 Â 39 Â 24 Â 12 Â 12 Â 14264

 1  GCH  CH  Scylla’s  Small  Kraft  Re-­Lit   D  Burke/R  Scott/T  Rowell  2  GCH  CH  Rhapsody’s  Someone  Like  You   T  Holibaugh/K  Kasten  3  GCH  CH  Rhapsody  N  Cherub’s  Oh  So  Henry   T  Mackenzie/K  Mackenzie *&+ &+ 0DOWDQJHO +HDYHQO\ 9LVLRQ  I  Gram/M  Harrigan  5  GCH  CH  Ta-­Jon’s  Pawsitively  Pawparazzi   T  Simon *&+ &+ 5LFKHOLHX¶V 9DOHQWLQR  P  Keen  Fernandes/J  Mcquiston  7  GCH  CH  Richelieu’s  Here  Comes  Trouble  Again   L  Lawrence/J  Mcquiston  8  GCH  CH  Divine’s  Work  Of  Art   K  Kent/A  Stanberry  9  GCH  CH  Fletcher  Andes  Henshaw   R  Setty/L  Bettis  10  CH  Affair  White  Star  Of  Eternity   S  Scheffczyk Â

(M) Â 10 Â 54 Â 29 Â 10 Â 8 Â 19579

 1  GCH  CH  Rustic  Lane  Still  Waters  Run  Deep   P  Lapinski/J  Debraganca/C  Horowitz/A  Deb  2  GCH  CH  Blossom’s  Let’s  Dance   B  Scott-­Heim  3  GCH  CH  Fwaggles  Avant  Garde   R  Travis/A  Kelly/W  Kelly *&+ &+ %XUPDFN¶V +LJKODQGHU $W &KHVWHU¿HOG  K  Levario/P  Mackesey/J  Burrows  5  CH  Nantam  The  Admiral’s  Daughter   L  Miner/T  Green  6  CH  Fwaggles  She’s  So  Fine   W  Kelly/A  Kelly  7  CH  Rustic  Lane  Mad  Max   B  Hodges/C  Horowitz  8  CH  Spiceisle  Stand  Your  Ground   Z  Spicer/K  Richardson/A  Richardson  9  CH  Burmack’s  Something  To  Talk  About  At  Aztec  Sun   J  Acton/J  Burrows/P  Mackesey  10  GCH  CH  Celtic  Cross  Lady  Of  Shalott  At  Carpe  Diem   T  Meeks Â

(F) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 7 Â 14 Â 2829

 1  GCH  CH  Marlex  Classic  Red  Glare   A  Angelbello/L  Monte  2  GCH  CH  Kimro  N  Spiva’s  Super  Trooper   K  Pastella  Calvacca/R  Greenslade/H  Schwe  3  GCH  CH  Brackley  My  Amazing  Warrior   K  Haney/D  Haney *&+ &+ 0DUOH[ .LVD :LOG¿UH  K  Noel/J  Wilds/A  Angelbello  5  GCH  CH  Blythewood  Golden  Warrior   J  Huber *&+ &+ .LVD 7KH ,FHPDQ &RPHWK 9 0DUOH[  L  Dewey/P  Dewey  7  GCH  CH  Marlex  N  Marisol  Bold  Moves   A  Angelbello/M  Hackett  8  GCH  CH  Keridan  My  Favorite  Toy   K  Hawkins/K  Haney *&+ &+ 'DU 5LFK 6LULXV¶ (LQVWHLQ 9 5HGEDUQV  J  Ward  10  GCH  CH  Dynasty’s  Little  Bear   H  Greene Â

(F) Â 64 Â 122 Â 17 Â 3 Â 0 Â 68335

 1  GCH  CH  Involo  The  King  Of  Pop   M  Mosing/G  Garofalo *&+ &+ :LOG¿UH 2Q 7KH 5HFRUG  N  Shaw/A  Pickett/C  Pickett  3  GCH  CH  Fenice  Le  Beaudreaux   R  Greathouse/E  Akers-­Perry/M  Perry  4  GCH  CH  Wingssong  Here  We  Go  Again   P  Jones/C  Jones  5  GCH  CH  Brevette  Kid  Incredible   A  Moser/L  Tapyrik/J  Ybaben *&+ &+ :LOG¿UH 2Q 7KH (GJH  G  Bontecoo  7  GCH  CH  Titian’s  Risky  Business   R  Navarre/M  Navarre/T  Mcintyre/C  Fredric

(M) Â 8 Â 43 Â 36 Â 18 Â 4 Â 16902





(F) Â

3 Â 20 Â 7 Â 2 Â 1 Â 5965

(M) Â 2 Â 4 Â 4 Â 3 Â 8 Â 2843 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 0 Â 5 Â 1097 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 4 Â 0 Â 971

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 707 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 2 Â 4 Â 619 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 4 Â 0 Â 485

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 370 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 360

(F) Â

0 Â 16 Â 20 Â 23 Â 10 Â 6754

(M) Â 1 Â 12 Â 14 Â 10 Â 9 Â 6490 )

(M) Â 1 Â 11 Â 4 Â 0 Â 0 Â 3217 0 (M) Â 0 Â 6 Â 7 Â 2 Â 3 Â 1916 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 3 Â 5 Â 1385 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 3 Â 4 Â 909 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 0 Â 1 Â 480

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 4 Â 2 Â 7 Â 1372 (F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 3 Â 5 Â 944

0 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 339

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 269

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 254 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 201 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 174 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 159

(M) Â 0 Â 11 Â 13 Â 13 Â 8 Â 3619 (M) Â 1 Â 4 Â 5 Â 8 Â 3 Â 3224 )


 8  GCH  CH  Micfriends  Trujoy  Eye  Candy   S  Johnson/D  Peterson  9  GCH  CH  Jareaux  Rip  It  Up  Laren   T  Sommerson-­Wilcox/J  Mclaren  10  GCH  CH  Hallmark’s  Wolfgang  Amadeus  Mozart   J  Snider Â

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 4 Â 3 Â 1265

 1  GCH  CH  Yakee  Easily  Persuaded   S  Middlebrooks/D  Fitzpatrick  2  GCH  CH  Dunkirk  Imagine  That   M  Merrill/T  Reese/R  Winters  3  GCH  CH  Oakhill’s  Caught  Red  Handed   C  Koch/K  Cook/M  Cook  4  GCH  CH  Schuyler’s  Laparata  Robert   M  Campbell  5  GCH  CH  Oakhill’s  Two  Times  The  Dragon   J  Franklin/B  Royer/G  Sisneros  6  GCH  CH  Dunkirk  Center  Stage   J  Jacobsen/S  Marotto/T  Reese/R  Winters  7  GCH  CH  Sunn  Yenn  Uncensored  Dachari   D  Cole  8  GCH  CH  Hoong  Tao’s  Walk  This  Way   S  Reznick/L  Reznick  9  GCH  CH  Benaire’s  N  Elphasun’s  Razzmatazz   B  Ray/S  Masnick  10  GCH  CH  Windemere’s  This  Style’s  For  You   L  Markham Â

(M) Â 13 Â 65 Â 15 Â 10 Â 1 Â 20151

 1  GCH  CH  Cr  Chase  What  Matters   C  Solano  2  GCH  CH  Tab’s  Scootin’  Boomer  Of  Storm   T  Brunner  3  GCH  CH  Ac  Dynasty  Dream  Works   S  Freitas/F  Almeida  4  GCH  CH  Char’s  Hotter  Than  Hot   C  Meyer/K  Stuart  5  GCH  CH  Castile’s  Endless  Love   G  Sisneros  6  GCH  CH  Oakrose  High’N  Mighty   N  Walker/R  Walker/J  Rose/G  Stewart  7  GCH  CH  Mc’s  The  Last  Stand   M  Armstrong/C  Armstrong/C  Iken  8  GCH  CH  Canton  Jet  Li   B  Yap  9  GCH  CH  Char’s  Love  Story   M  Paredes  10  GCH  CH  Blue  Moon  &  Lana’s  L  A  Ink   L  Price/L  Kamrath Â

(M) Â 4 Â 38 Â 16 Â 12 Â 7 Â 14392

 1  GCH  CH  Smash  Jp  Sakura   R  Scott/D  Burke  2  GCH  CH  Donnchada  Angel  Wings  At  Dulcinea   S  Talkington/E  Brown  3  GCH  CH  Sharbelle  Silhouette   J  Lange/J  Moses  4  GCH  CH  Smash  Jp  Winning  Ribbon   J  Steinhour  5  GCH  CH  Baliwick  Honey  Boo  Boo   I  Bloomquist/D  Dahl  6  GCH  CH  Baliwick  Behold  And  Believe   I  Bloomquist/M  Waldrop  7  GCH  CH  Kaylen’s  Oh  Really!  9 'RUULV % %LUG . 3HLVHU  8  GCH  CH  Sharbelle  Greg-­Mar  International  Boy   R  Stevens/S  Stevens/M  Gregory  9  CH  Smash  Jp  Beauty  &  Beat   R  Scott/D  Burke  10  GCH  CH  Foxmore  Boxwood  Bewitching  Da  Maya   Z  Borges  Torrealba Â

(F) Â 9 Â 47 Â 28 Â 10 Â 6 Â 16411

 1  GCH  CH  Caper’s  Sirius  Endeavor   P  Fisher/C  Fisher/J  Rowell/L  Rowell  2  GCH  CH  Hill  Country’s  Tag  I’M  It   C  Koch  3  GCH  CH  Winsome-­Nirvana-­Blaque  Triple  Play  ( 9HOWPDQ 9 &R[ )ODWOH\ % 5REHUWV

(M) Â 10 Â 39 Â 42 Â 18 Â 5 Â 23627





(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 0 Â 1 Â 726 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 0 Â 3 Â 713

(M) Â 1 Â 14 Â 8 Â 8 Â 6 Â 4322 (M) Â 1 Â 6 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1967 (M) Â 1 Â 3 Â 3 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1897 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 2 Â 4 Â 4 Â 1701 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 2 Â 3 Â 1000 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 2 Â 796 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 9 Â 789 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 754 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 3 Â 742

(M) Â 0 Â 6 Â 8 Â 10 Â 6 Â 2916 (M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 7 Â 3 Â 2 Â 2612 (M) Â 0 Â 6 Â 5 Â 8 Â 8 Â 2085 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 6 Â 3 Â 1450 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 2 Â 6 Â 1446 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 5 Â 3 Â 1307 (M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 3 Â 3 Â 4 Â 1270 (F) Â

0 Â 3 Â 1 Â 3 Â 4 Â 1236

(M) Â 1 Â 3 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 1228

(F) Â

0 Â 16 Â 13 Â 15 Â 12 Â 7389

(F) Â

4 Â 12 Â 0 Â 3 Â 1 Â 4488

(F) Â

1 Â 7 Â 10 Â 6 Â 9 Â 4143

(F) Â

3 Â 9 Â 9 Â 3 Â 6 Â 3243

(M) Â 1 Â 6 Â 2 Â 3 Â 5 Â 3103 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 9 Â 4 Â 8 Â 2360 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 2 Â 2 Â 1 Â 1557 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 838

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 3 Â 564

(M) Â 11 Â 64 Â 24 Â 7 Â 6 Â 18249 (M) Â 0 Â 17 Â 23 Â 10 Â 5 Â 7263

The Dog News Top Ten List Presents

0 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 6 Â 1323 (M) Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1160 0 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 4 Â 448

(M) Â 0 Â 9 Â 27 Â 12 Â 9 Â 6664 (M) Â 0 Â 7 Â 7 Â 12 Â 9 Â 2933 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 9 Â 5 Â 2532 0 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 5 Â 6 Â 1278

 4  GCH  CH  Pocket’s  Ameci   J  Bale-­Woodside/R  Robles  5  GCH  CH  Moonstruck’s  In  The  Pocket!   C  Koch  6  GCH  CH  Belaire’s  Special  Agent  Leroy  Jethro  Gibbs   E  Sedlak  7  GCH  CH  Foursquare  I’Ll  Be  A  Shostopa  Tu   D  Johnson/J  Johnson  8  GCH  CH  Warpug  Black  And  Blue  Reme   J  Cupp/G  Cupp/J  Black  9  GCH  CH  Moonstruck’s  Smooth  Sailing!   R  Brewer  10  GCH  CH  Castlerock  Pine  Cone  Mountain  Rain   A  Fischer Â

(M) Â 1 Â 7 Â 8 Â 8 Â 4 Â 3124

 1  GCH  CH  Hallmark  Jolei  Bells  Will  Be  Ringing   L  Ehricht/D  Ehricht  2  GCH  CH  Krissy’s  Savvy  Jasper   L  Lawrence/J  Miller  3  GCH  CH  Jadesilk  Luv  T’  Auburn  Locks   B  Chopey/S  Orford  4  GCH  CH  Xeralane’s  Just  Face  It   Xeralane  Knl  5  GCH  CH  Ista’s  Hurricain  Chaser   D  Wheeler  6  GCH  CH  Lohona  Zephyr  I  Can’T  Look  Away   D  Haley  7  CH  Zephyr  Monogram  Maybe  Marilyn   D  Haley/C  Williams/A  Mcdearmon  8  GCH  CH  Ista’s  Just  The  Way  You  Are   G  Larson/T  Larson  9  GCH  CH  Rocking  K  Mia’s  Precious  Surprise   L  Mulder/R  Kitchens  10  GCH  CH  Amitzu  You  Look  Marvelous   T  Forman/M  Forman/T  Mcfadden Â

(M) Â 1 Â 32 Â 24 Â 17 Â 12 Â 11766

 1  GCH  CH  Tawny  Mist  Myan  Mystic   S  Biles/E  Biles/K  Wilson/D  Renton  2  GCH  CH  Lamplighter’s  Tattle  Tail   M  Benson/B  Beissel  3  GCH  CH  Karisma  Heart  And  Soul   M  Hodge/K  Gilbert/M  Gagliardi/P  Laperruq  4  GCH  CH  Wind  Dancer  Jenstar  Backstage  Pass   T  Gallegos/L  Hurt/D  Renton *&+ &+ 0DULEOX )RUHYHUPRUH $W 6D¿UH  M  Solvason/J  Pizzirulli  6  GCH  CH  Dorien  Dancin’  On  A  Breeze   D  Weintraub  7  GCH  CH  Hullablu’s  Hellzabob   S  Calestini  8  GCH  CH  Anjo  Blu’s  Once  In  A  Blue  Moon   P  Gates  9  GCH  CH  Snow  Glen’s  Tesoro  Cover  Story   D  Adamcik/D  Caselli/P  Laperruque  10  CH  Stelin  The  Amazing  Gracie   L  Gross Â

(M) Â 1 Â 14 Â 10 Â 9 Â 9 Â 5665

 1  GCH  CH  Dejavu’s  Big  Dog  Daddy   J  Spence  2  GCH  CH  Ultra  Quest  Go  For  The  Gold  NAJ   W  Howard *&+ &+ 9DOFRS\ 6KLYHO\ 6RQ 2I $ *XQ  D  Plonkey/R  Davis  4  GCH  CH  Canby  Icefox  Keno  Ninico   D  Temple-­Burgess  5  GCH  CH  Centennial  Farms  Ironman   W  Bellamy  6  GCH  CH  Snocrest  Tom  Boy   S  Noe  7  GCH  CH  Jane’s  Christmas  Gift   J  Reed  8  GCH  CH  Foxlair  Hi-­De-­Ho  Smokey  Joe  9 'HQQH\ ( :DUG  9  GCH  CH  Adamant  Bang  A  Drum   K  Lowe/K  La  Rue/J  Joseph  10  GCH  CH  Promenade  When  She  Loved  Me   W  Hughes/L  Hughes Â

(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 7 Â 6 Â 22 Â 3234

 1  GCH  CH  Trio’s  Big  Shot   K  Goldfarb  2  GCH  CH  Exmoor’s  Epitome   J  Hupp/B  Walker  3  GCH  CH  Images  Playboy  At  Serenade   Xeralane  Knl/B  Fink/P  Fink  4  GCH  CH  Cantlon’s  Jer-­Ree’  Jer-­Ree’  % &DQWORQ 0 0DWKHZV 9 6WHLQEHUJ / %XW]  5  CH  Nicnak’s  Second  To  None   G  Webster  6  GCH  CH  Nicnak’s  Aftershock   D  Bryers  7  GCH  CH  Stratford’s  Alaskan  Cruiser   B  Scott  8  GCH  CH  Linshire’s  Rolling  Stone  . 5\DQ /DYDLO 3 *UHJVRQ 9 0HDGRZV  9  GCH  CH  Gotyorkies  Dream  High  Stryker   T  Kulessa/K  Lambert  10  GCH  CH  Silkiss’D  Lets  Rock   G  Echols/B  Booty  Bozung Â

(M) Â 1 Â 9 Â 7 Â 13 Â 3 Â 4476





(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 7 Â 6 Â 8 Â 1339




Based on All-Breed Competition

Final 2013Statistics

(M) Â 0 Â 7 Â 15 Â 5 Â 8 Â 2962 (M) Â 1 Â 8 Â 6 Â 6 Â 2 Â 2919 (M) Â 1 Â 12 Â 8 Â 5 Â 2 Â 2838 (M) Â 0 Â 8 Â 6 Â 4 Â 6 Â 2561 (M) Â 1 Â 6 Â 7 Â 3 Â 1 Â 2467 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 6 Â 5 Â 7 Â 1411

(M) Â 0 Â 7 Â 14 Â 15 Â 14 Â 6064 (F) Â

7 Â 17 Â 9 Â 6 Â 3 Â 5548

(M) Â 1 Â 9 Â 6 Â 10 Â 0 Â 2024 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 6 Â 3 Â 4 Â 1689 (F) Â

0 Â 3 Â 5 Â 5 Â 1 Â 1633

(F) Â

0 Â 3 Â 0 Â 4 Â 5 Â 1402

(M) Â 0 Â 6 Â 4 Â 3 Â 0 Â 1155 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 2 Â 6 Â 1035

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 2 Â 1 Â 752

(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 5 Â 8 Â 9 Â 3312 (M) Â 1 Â 6 Â 3 Â 5 Â 6 Â 3146 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 4 Â 3 Â 1 Â 822 )

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 4 Â 2 Â 546

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 3 Â 525 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 3 Â 338

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 331

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 302

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 10 Â 10 Â 2835 0 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 438 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 332 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 331 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 295 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 284 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 209 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 198

(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 4 Â 4 Â 10 Â 2312 (M) Â 1 Â 4 Â 6 Â 6 Â 0 Â 1139 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 2 Â 1 Â 903 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 3 Â 0 Â 776 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 0 Â 670 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 1 Â 506 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 1 Â 2 Â 458 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 447 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 422

Non Sporting Group


 1  GCH  CH  Nuuktok’s  Atka  Inukshuk   S  Robertson  2  GCH  CH  Sierra’s  Hallmark   R  Sampson/S  Schuldt  3  GCH  CH  Ducat’s  Smokin’  Hot   H  Dorrance *&+ &+ 9R\DJHUV &DXVH , &DQ &XGGOH  L  Clark


(M) Â 2 Â 19 Â 17 Â 14 Â 1 Â 5972 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 14 Â 9 Â 9 Â 2913 (M) Â 1 Â 4 Â 2 Â 3 Â 3 Â 1195 )


Dog News 249

250 Dog News

Dog News 251


 5  GCH  CH  Anana’s  Look  Into  The  Future   K  Strunk/S  Strunk *&+ &+ 0V :L]¶V 5DLQ 2I 7HUURU  B  Davidoff  7  CH  Pat’s  Irish  Alpine  Custom  Built   S  O’Donnell/R  Strong  8  CH  Sierra’s  Summer  Celebration   M  Mitchell  9  GCH  CH  Emerald  Citys  Wildcard  Winner   K  Oliversen *&+ &+ 3LQHEURRN 6PLOLQ¶ 0LOR 2I 9LER &$  D  Christensen


*&+ &+ 9RJHOÀLJKW¶V +RQRU´ 7R 3LOORZWDON´  E  Charles/K  Vogel/M  Abbott/P  Abbott  2  GCH  CH  Saks  Winning  Card   A  Mackenzie/K  Mackenzie/C  Ruggles/K  Hans  3  GCH  CH  Paray’s  Power  &  Privilege   P  Flores/L  Rosio  4  GCH  CH  Overtops  And  The  Winner  Is   Z  Luo/N  Keung/J  Rubin  5  GCH  CH  Glenleigh  Gangs  N’  Roses   R  Lauer/K  Tormey/L  Carlton/L  Letsche/M  Z  6  GCH  CH  Karmel’s  Banana  In  Pajamas   S  Phillips/C  Bakker/R  Drumond  7  GCH  CH  Cher  Ami’s  Toast  With  Remy  Martin   D  Mathog/R  Mathog/R  Wolfe  8  GCH  CH  Shyladawn’s  Timeless  Beauty   S  Newton  9  GCH  CH  L’Etoiles  It’s  All  About  Me   D  Wycoff  10  GCH  CH  Judges  Choice  One  Block  Over   M  Dunn/M  Winkler


 1  GCH  CH  Gunther’s  Gussied  Up  Edna   A  Mcilwaine/B  Berth/J  Mcilwaine  2  GCH  CH  Kennedy’s  N  Barcomm’s  On  The  Catwalk   B  Rettick/S  Kennedy/R  Rettick  3  GCH  CH  Motif’s  Unstoppable  At  Rio   A  Beskau/K  Beskau  4  GCH  CH  Kennedy’s  Wild  Traveling  Man   M  Stahmer/L  Fisher/S  Kennedy *&+ &+ 'HMD 9X ,¶0 7KH 3ULQFH  R  Binder/D  Brunning/D  Pine  6  GCH  CH  Windermeres  Mystify   J  Covill  7  GCH  CH  Campbell  Clan’s  Idol  Chatter   K  House/D  Campbell/G  Campbell  8  GCH  CH  Naughty  Norteno’s  Clik  Clik  Bang   M  Fish/K  Norton  9  GCH  CH  Kc’s  Just  Out  Of  Reach   K  Bogenholm/J  King  10  GCH  CH  Gumbo’s  Stargazing  At  Northern  Lights   J  Mangum/A  Mangum/C  Mcenaney


 1  GCH  CH  Mytoys  Epic  Against  The  Wind   D  O’Connor/T  Oconnor/L  Scott/A  Mcdearmon  2  GCH  CH  Newcomb’s  Pandamonium  @Beda   B  Long/C  Johnson/B  Newcomb  3  GCH  CH  Imperious  Hamitup  Southern  Bell   Imperious  Knl/Hamitup  Knl/Hetherbull  Knl  4  GCH  CH  Wilson-­Dixon’s  Wd-­40   J  Wilson/C  Wilson/R  Dixon/W  Dixon  5  GCH  CH  Cherokee  Legend  Cowboy   C  Sickle/C  Chambers *&+ &+ ,PSHULRXV +DPLWXS 'RXEOH 9LVLRQ  L  Jordan/J  Jordan *&+ &+ 0DJLF 9DOOH\V 3XUSOH 5DLQ  K  Kirsch/R  Meck  8  GCH  CH  Majestic  I’m  Her  Man!   S  Neely/G  Neely  9  GCH  CH  Only  Bill  Bailey   C  Eke  10  GCH  CH  Fairytale’s  Knight  In  Shining  Armour   T  Sweeney/G  Sinibaldi/R  Whitley


(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 276 )

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 203 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 174

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 112

0 0 (M) Â 12 Â 46 Â 21 Â 10 Â 4 Â 15433 (M) Â 0 Â 16 Â 26 Â 13 Â 5 Â 7915 (M) Â 2 Â 17 Â 18 Â 9 Â 6 Â 6774 (M) Â 3 Â 22 Â 20 Â 11 Â 9 Â 5886 (M) Â 1 Â 9 Â 6 Â 3 Â 11 Â 3634 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 5 Â 6 Â 4 Â 1131 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 4 Â 4 Â 2 Â 808

(F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 8 Â 3 Â 766

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 6 Â 701 (F) Â 2 Â 24 Â 24 Â 15 Â 14 Â 8458 (F) Â

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 4 Â 4 Â 1069 0 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 4 Â 4 Â 8 Â 1014 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 4 Â 4 Â 850 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 0 Â 2 Â 840 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 5 Â 3 Â 4 Â 754

(F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 4 Â 1 Â 567

(M) Â 5 Â 26 Â 20 Â 15 Â 11 Â 11585 (M) Â 2 Â 18 Â 16 Â 7 Â 6 Â 4994 (F) Â

252 Dog News

0 Â 7 Â 9 Â 3 Â 10 Â 2859

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 4 Â 10 Â 6 Â 2234 (M) Â 0 Â 9 Â 9 Â 5 Â 3 Â 2214 0 0 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 2 Â 2 Â 2 Â 945 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 6 Â 782 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 5 Â 749

 1  GCH  CH  Shine’s  Deck  The  Halls  (F)   D  Cooper/R  Cooper/L  Teitelbaum/R  Penteco  2  GCH  CH  Jade  East  Do  You  Know  The  Way  To  San   (F)   L  Anders/E  Minne/K  Nijholt *&+ &+ 9DMH¶V -HWKUHQH %RGLQH ) 7 3DGGRFN 6 3DGGRFN - 0DXN 9 0DXN  4  GCH  CH  R-­Lee  Sparkle  Plenty  (F)   L  Harvey/D  Harvey  5  GCH  CH  Jade  East  Is  This  The  Way  To  Amarillo  (F)   L  Anders/K  Nijholt/E  Minne  6  GCH  CH  Yu  Kou’s  Keep  On  Luvn  U  CGC  (F)   G  Schaefer *&+ &+ 1XVWDU 'ROO\ 3DUGRQ 0H %R\V ,¶0 +HUH 9 -JDU )  J  Kerstein/G  Richards/J  Wyatt  8  GCH  CH  Tabirds  Issac  Newton  (M)   D  Bird  9  CH  Jade  East  Mission  Into  Space  (M)   L  Anders/K  Nijholt/E  Minne  10  GCH  CH  Blurubein  Aged  To  Perfection  (M)   J  Lockery/R  Steinke  1  GCH  CH  Dreamland’s  Wanna  Be  A  Billionaire   R  Banghart/L  Banghart/M  Brantley/L  Brant  2  GCH  CH  Padow’s  Twilight  Embrey  In  A  New  Moon  At    A  Sanders/K  Williams/A  Young  3  GCH  CH  Padow’s  Too  Hot  To  Handle   R  Sampson/K  Willaims  4  GCH  CH  United’s  Light  My  World   E  Sangkunakup/S  Miller  5  GCH  CH  Jidi  The  Great  One  At  Rebelrun   R  Banghart/L  Banghart  6  CH  Flamingstar  The  Lion  King  9 'HJUX\ 3 'HJUX\

0 Â 3 Â 2 Â 3 Â 5 Â 1251

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 4 Â 8 Â 1092



7 Â 48 Â 44 Â 20 Â 9 Â 16228 6 Â 48 Â 34 Â 22 Â 9 Â 15099

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 3 Â 2 Â 599

 1  GCH  CH  Bret  D  N  Engine  Co  To  The  Rescue   J  Bachey/M  Zink/J  Shupp  2  GCH  CH  Spotted  Bliss  Oreo  Delight  ' %UXP¿HOG . 6PLWK *&+ &+ )RONORUH &HOWLF &URVV¿UH 7UDLO  R  Skibinski/D  Skibinski/J  Boyd/M  Boyd  4  GCH  CH  Kastle’s  Go  Speed  Racer   M  Squire  5  GCH  CH  Canal-­Side’s  Imperator   B  Little/J  Eversole/J  Langevin/P  Masasch  6  GCH  CH  Bret  D  Gabriel’s  Lost  Art  CD  BN  RAE  RD  CGC   K  Carey *&+ &+ 0LOOHGDOV $OLVD $W 3HDFH 9DOOH\  M  Gifford/A  Miller *&+ &+ &HQWXULRQ $QWLFLSDWLRQ &KDUPLQJ 'DO¿HOG  E  Lindhorst  9  GCH  CH  Alfredrich  Indigo’s  Dark  Roast  Of  Robbsdale   T  Robbins/D  Goebel/E  Osowski/J  Millaire  10  GCH  CH  Mapleaf  Don’T  Stop  Believin  In  Sunrunner   A  Smith/K  Rochin

(F) Â 1 Â 10 Â 18 Â 7 Â 6 Â 4503



(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 1 Â 5 Â 2 Â 588 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 500

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 4 Â 446

(M) Â 0 Â 11 Â 10 Â 14 Â 11 Â 3984 0 (M) Â 0 Â 5 Â 9 Â 10 Â 11 Â 2994 (M) Â 0 Â 10 Â 8 Â 5 Â 5 Â 2473 (M) Â 0 Â 8 Â 5 Â 1 Â 2 Â 1324 )


(M) Â 1 Â 2 Â 1 Â 4 Â 4 Â 1202 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 3 Â 6 Â 1122

 1  GCH  CH  Finkkila’s  Nalle  Poika   K  Swisher/D  Helland  2  GCH  CH  Dv9k9’s  Red  Hot  Star   A  Bruce/E  David  3  GCH  CH  Mickywins  Mainio  Skandia  CGC   P  Urton  4  GCH  CH  Marblehill’s  Gleaming  Icecaps   J  Anastas/L  Saari  5  GCH  CH  Finkkila’s  Tuk   K  Raleigh/M  Walker/C  Stone  6  GCH  CH  Pikkinokka’s  This  Girl  Rockz  BN  RA   H  Horton/A  Bruce  7  GCH  CH  Dv9k9’s  Alaskan  Winter  Wilderness   E  David/H  Mak  8  GCH  CH  Pikkinokka  Badgr  Sir  Barksalot   M  Badger/H  Leftwich  9  CH  Marblehill’s  Pikku  Karhu   L  Saari/P  Denno  10  GCH  CH  Jayenn’s  Archer   J  Grant/L  Carlson-­Elliott Â

(M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 14 Â 14 Â 12 Â 3470

 1  GCH  CH  Lebull’s  El  Morocco  At  Lecirque   A  Geremia  2  GCH  CH  Bandog’s  Major  League  Homerun  at  TX  Star   N  Shaw/C  Stephens/A  Phelan *&+ &+ &RFR 9LDODWWH 5REREXOO +RW )ODVK &*&  K  Yamanaka  4  GCH  CH  Diva’s  Bastille  My  Heart   P  Shaw  5  GCH  CH  Evergreen’s  Girls  In  White  Dresses   J  Cooney-­Waterhouse/J  Flowers *&+ &+ %HOOD 5LGJH ,PSHULDOH 6KDG\KDUERU 0D¿D  B  Covalucci/J  Neidig/L  Schettino  7  GCH  CH  Lefox  Born  To  Boogie   S  Sweatt/J  Drucker  8  GCH  CH  Hilsman  Napachai  Cruel  Intentions   D  Berrey/A  Lee/R  Hilsman  9  GCH  CH  Rockydell  Hotschott  Sirius  Dancer   M  Schott  10  GCH  CH  Foxmoor  Petite  Cherie  Coup  De  Grace   D  Berrey/W  Stoyka/A  Mcintyre/P  Berry Â

(M) Â 1 Â 18 Â 15 Â 10 Â 11 Â 6331

 1  GCH  CH  Summerwind’s  Rumor  Has  It   J  Gauchat-­Hargis/J  Hargis *&+ &+ )R[IDLU 5XG\ 9DOHQWLQR  H  Myers/D  Lynch

(M) Â 1 Â 27 Â 16 Â 13 Â 7 Â 7125



(M) Â 1 Â 4 Â 4 Â 1 Â 5 Â 1822 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 6 Â 7 Â 1356 (F) Â

0 Â 3 Â 1 Â 3 Â 5 Â 614

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 305 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 167

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 138 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 135 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 71 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 48

(M) Â 0 Â 19 Â 18 Â 21 Â 8 Â 5676 0 (F) Â

1 Â 12 Â 13 Â 6 Â 8 Â 3359

(F) Â

0 Â 7 Â 3 Â 12 Â 8 Â 2009

0 (M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 2 Â 6 Â 6 Â 1606 (M) Â 1 Â 3 Â 4 Â 2 Â 6 Â 1483 (M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 4 Â 7 Â 7 Â 1247 (M) Â 1 Â 7 Â 4 Â 3 Â 5 Â 1236


The Dog News Top Ten List Presents

0 Â 5 Â 6 Â 4 Â 4 Â 1568 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 2 Â 818 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 1 Â 0 Â 394 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 350 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 208

(M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 8 Â 10 Â 13 Â 3295 (M) Â 0 Â 7 Â 5 Â 5 Â 4 Â 1753 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 5 Â 6 Â 769

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 1 Â 0 Â 674 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 4 Â 3 Â 3 Â 599

 3  GCH  CH  Ruttkay  Chance   M  Mcloughlin  4  GCH  CH  Karina’s  You  Can’T  Stop  The  Beat  9 /RXLH & :DGGHOO  5  GCH  CH  Kj’s  Hot  Date   K  Dowd  6  GCH  CH  Nightwind’s  Little  Ricky   M  Moriarty/D  Beurmann  7  GCH  CH  Karolina  Bonnyvale  Meant  To  Be   B  Stroud/P  Stroud/D  Bosch/D  Smith  8  GCH  CH  Trumpet’s  It’s  Good  To  Be  King   B  Blankenship  9  GCH  CH  Showtyme’s  Happy  Feet   L  Hooper  10  GCH  CH  Kj’s  Dream  Date   K  Dowd



Based on All-Breed Competition

Based on All-Breed Competition

As of November 30, 2013 Final 2013Statistics

(M) Â 1 Â 4 Â 7 Â 12 Â 7 Â 2155 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 5 Â 11 Â 6 Â 1720 (M) Â 0 Â 8 Â 4 Â 5 Â 2 Â 1379 (M) Â 0 Â 7 Â 4 Â 3 Â 4 Â 1255 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 5 Â 4 Â 2 Â 958 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 5 Â 6 Â 3 Â 930 (M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 1 Â 2 Â 3 Â 651 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 457

 1  GCH  CH  Ta  Sen  Westgate  On  A  High   S  Giles/C  Sehnert/E  Lonigro  2  GCH  CH  Sundancer  Hylan  Shotru  Secret  Dawn   K  Hamilton/M  Worlton  3  GCH  CH  Shoyu  Blowin’  My  Horn  At  Orlane   M  Papke/R  Alexander  4  GCH  CH  Rufkins  Monarchs  Love  Bytes   K  Paju/R  Lombard/J  Bernards  5  GCH  CH  Hope-­Fulls  Hugs  Kist  By  Northwind   J  Hope/C  Butsic  6  GCH  CH  Suntory  Leonetti   C  De  La  Rosa/R  De  La  Rosa  7  GCH  CH  Kumi  Kian  Strike  A  Pose   T  Mclaughlin/A  Lanterman  7  GCH  CH  Kai-­La-­Sha  Legacy  & 0DUOH\ 3 +XIIPDQ ( 9DOOH  9  GCH  CH  Monarchs  Destination  Dreamscape   K  Harrison/M  Stafford  10  GCH  CH  Sutra  Gemk’s  Sweet  William   G  Moses/M  Stretch Â

(F) Â 0 Â 7 Â 4 Â 10 Â 10 Â 3023

 1  GCH  CH  Paceaway  Play  It  Again   P  Dyer/L  Dyer  2  GCH  CH  Laser  Kiji  No  Way  No  How   W  Koistinen/R  Crowder  3  GCH  CH  Sweetmeadows  Don’T  Make  My  Brn  I’s  Blu   K  Bumiller *&+ &+ 7RXFKH¶V 9LQGLFDWLRQ  R  Lawless/J  Lawless/A  Schlaud/G  Denninge  5  CH  Bihar  Windsor’s  Sweet  Memories  At  Senecan   M  Cropsey/K  Giles  6  Ikon  Clap  For  Caveman   L  Harding/R  Harding/E  Iverson/B  Iverson  6  CH  Boondock’s  Bailey’s  N  Cream  Musicbox   J  Davis/D  Jones  8  CH  Musicbox  Double  Dare  Dickens   J  Shepherd/D  Jones  9  GCH  CH  Musicbox  Upon  A  Star   D  Jones/G  Robertson/L  Neel  10  CH  Bare  Tracks-­Desusa  Heads  Will  Turn   L  Pettengill Â

(M) Â 0 Â 10 Â 8 Â 13 Â 15 Â 3824

 1  CH  Neocles   Aleksander   K  Conroy-­Votca/L  Afong Â

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 161

*&+ &+ %HOOHÀHHW¶V /LYLQJ ,Q 7KH )DVW /DQH  A  Reichertz  2  GCH  CH  Durandel  Bella  Donna   R  Wanger  3  GCH  CH  Rio  Skye’s  Flashback   C  Chaddock/T  Chaddock/A  Shishido  4  GCH  CH  Karadale  Clarion  Born  This  Way  . %HUOLQG . .HQQHG\ 9LJLO $ .HQQHG\  5  GCH  CH  Dimarko  Endurance   M  Bigham  6  GCH  CH  Rio  Luci  In  The  Skye  With  Diamonds   C  Chaddock/T  Chaddock  7  GCH  CH  Sandstorm  X’s  In  Texas  AX  AXJ   J  Neal  8  GCH  CH  Surrey  Sugar  Baby   R  Scott/D  Burke/K  Hosaka  9  GCH  CH  Nalani  Regency  Time  Brings  Hope   C  Rivers/A  Rivers/H  Tomb-­Taylor  10  GCH  CH  Jaboas  Second  To  None   B  Thomas





0 Â 7 Â 3 Â 1 Â 6 Â 1119

(M) Â 2 Â 16 Â 9 Â 17 Â 8 Â 7716

(F) Â

 6  GCH  CH  Fair  Hill’s  Plymouth  Rock   L  Leonzio/M  Leonzio  8  GCH  CH  Are-­Jay’s  Harlem  Renaissance   R  Jackson/G  Kantak  9  GCH  CH  Padow  Northwind’s  Wicked  Games   L  Eyster/W  Eyster/K  Williams  10  GCH  CH  Milin’s  Emerson  Tappin’  On  The  Bay  CGC   P  Fehr/R  Fehr Â


(F) Â

0 Â 13 Â 9 Â 7 Â 9 Â 2355

(M) Â 0 Â 5 Â 4 Â 8 Â 10 Â 1935 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 9 Â 3 Â 6 Â 1446 (M) Â 2 Â 5 Â 4 Â 5 Â 3 Â 1283 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 6 Â 1 Â 1011 (F) Â

0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 0 Â 0 Â 778

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 7 Â 3 Â 778 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 1 Â 4 Â 758 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 5 Â 2 Â 653

(M) Â 0 Â 5 Â 7 Â 10 Â 5 Â 2450 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 0 Â 347

0 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 80

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 55 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 55 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 46 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 29

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 19

(F) Â

0 Â 8 Â 5 Â 9 Â 5 Â 3270

(F) Â

1 Â 4 Â 8 Â 8 Â 4 Â 2303

(M) Â 0 Â 7 Â 7 Â 5 Â 4 Â 1638 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 6 Â 8 Â 9 Â 1577 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 8 Â 4 Â 1185

(F) Â

1 Â 3 Â 5 Â 5 Â 0 Â 1050

(F) Â

0 Â 5 Â 5 Â 1 Â 0 Â 806

(M) Â 2 Â 9 Â 2 Â 2 Â 0 Â 731 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 3 Â 1 Â 525

 1  GCH  CH  Brighton  Lakeridge  Encore   T  Sosnoff/M  Sosnoff  2  GCH  CH  Dawin  Hearts  On  Fire   L  Campbell  3  GCH  CH  Jaset’s  Satisfaction   C  Bailey/S  Tompkins  4  GCH  CH  Del  Zarzoso  Salvame  From  Afterglow   S  Barnett/G  Lindemann/M  Gadsby/J  Lynn  5  GCH  CH  Penndragon  Owain   J  Smith/K  Smith/K  Bates/R  Bates *&+ &+ /XPLQDU\ %ODFN 9HOYHW %HMHZHOHG :LWK 3HDUOV 9 /DZ / (VWDYHU  7  GCH  CH  Brighton  Mikamoto   R  Smith  8  GCH  CH  Ale  Kai  Hillwood  Celebration   E  Charles/A  Fisher/K  Lefrak  9  GCH  CH  Litilann’s  Show  Time   J  Kinsey/A  Rairigh  10  GCH  CH  Dawin  Wildrose  Raisin’  The  Stakes   L  Campbell Â

(F) Â 25 Â 62 Â 3 Â 1 Â 1 Â 26942

 1  GCH  CH  De  Lamer  Point  Break   N  Lazarowitz/D  Mankovich  2  GCH  CH  Dante  Fire  When  Ready   A  Gossman/S  Middlebrooks/M  Jameson/P  All

(M) Â 0 Â 11 Â 14 Â 10 Â 9 Â 3571


(F) Â

9 Â 66 Â 19 Â 5 Â 5 Â 15966

(M) Â 11 Â 22 Â 5 Â 1 Â 1 Â 11214 (M) Â 7 Â 27 Â 9 Â 9 Â 5 Â 9980 (M) Â 2 Â 19 Â 9 Â 5 Â 3 Â 4181 )

(F) Â

1 Â 9 Â 10 Â 6 Â 0 Â 2538

(M) Â 0 Â 17 Â 9 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2307 (M) Â 0 Â 9 Â 2 Â 9 Â 6 Â 2302 (M) Â 0 Â 5 Â 3 Â 7 Â 4 Â 1877

(M) Â 2 Â 7 Â 5 Â 3 Â 0 Â 2926


 3  GCH  CH  Bonchien  Cedric  The  Entertainer   K  Henry  4  GCH  CH  Rivendel’s  Barefoot  Bandit   A  Halterman  5  GCH  CH  De  Lamer  Black  Ice   K  Nuovo  6  GCH  CH  Beachviews  Oops  I  Did  It  Again   S  Carter/J  Penatello  7  GCH  CH  Delamer  Off  The  Hook   K  Nuovo  8  GCH  CH  De  Lamer  Sea  Ya  At  The  Top   J  Giovinetti/R  Stone/K  Nuovo  9  GCH  CH  Bonchien  Prodigal  Son   R  Rollins/B  Burke  10  GCH  CH  Aned’s  Guillaume   J  Murphy/M  Simanek Â

(M) Â 0 Â 9 Â 10 Â 6 Â 5 Â 2643

 1  GCH  CH  Lee-­Fen’s  An  Everlasting  Love  & *LI¿Q . 6RDIHU $ <RXQJ  2  GCH  CH  Jotoichi  Perfect  Madness   D  Trotter  3  GCH  CH  Mr2  Three  Ships  To  The  Wind   T  Harris/S  Rolenaitis/T  Rolenaitis  4  GCH  CH  Kumi  One  Ten  Soldier   P  Peterson  5  GCH  CH  Morningstar’s  Dances  With  Wolves   L  Cribbs  6  GCH  CH  San  Jo  Jay-­Z   C  Mamiya  7  GCH  CH  Morningstar  Jack  Sparrow  Black  Pearl   M  Peterson/D  Peterson  8  GCH  CH  Cantebriar  Red  E  Set  Go   D  Lucero/F  Lucero  9  GCH  CH  Gold  Strike  Takachiyo  Go   H  Dickey/D  Dickey/T  Arndt  10  GCH  CH  Taichung  Oso  Handsome   L  Perkinson/A  Perkinson

(M) Â 0 Â 6 Â 1 Â 6 Â 3 Â 1505



(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 5 Â 4 Â 8 Â 1294 (F) Â

1 Â 2 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 1270

(F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 2 Â 8 Â 1182

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 7 Â 2 Â 0 Â 1065 (M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 2 Â 3 Â 5 Â 931 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 4 Â 2 Â 751 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 6 Â 5 Â 635

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 5 Â 9 Â 1328 (M) Â 1 Â 2 Â 1 Â 2 Â 0 Â 1023 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 6 Â 6 Â 874 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 5 Â 3 Â 6 Â 569 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 536 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 2 Â 452 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 3 Â 277

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 2 Â 227 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 196

 1  GCH  CH  Kan  Sing’s  Tenzin   M  Feltenstein  2  GCH  CH  Shilo  Time  For  A  Good  Time   S  Carroll  3  GCH  CH  Wanaseas  Mystic  Lake  Effect   L  Gembala  4  GCH  CH  Starlite  The  Gremlin   S  Lucernoni/M  Lucernoni  5  GCH  CH  Wexford  Namtrah  Second  Hand  News   D  Tyree/H  Hartman/M  Hartman  6  GCH  CH  Wassong’s  Riva  Ridge  CGC  9 0DUNV 3 6DUOHV  7  GCH  CH  Lionheart’s  E-­Z  Always  Betts  On  The  River   C  Waddell  8  Ambrier’s  Rokirk  Zendo  Dozen   L  Unfried  9  GCH  CH  Maciain’s  North  Side  Irish   M  Acker/L  Acker  10  CH  Tibroke’s  Thrilling  Possibilities   K  Dickeson Â

(M) Â 7 Â 63 Â 31 Â 15 Â 10 Â 18436

 1  GCH  CH  Rinchen’s  Blazing  Black  Icon   E  Coppola/C  Coppola/J  Wiseman  2  GCH  CH  Kimik’s  Sir  Gawain   K  Bolak/C  Rose-­Bolak/D  Planche  3  GCH  CH  Rinchen’s  Blazing  Illusion  By  Dzine  / 0H\HU 0 $OOZD\ 0 /DIÀHU & &RSSROD  4  GCH  CH  Players  Palermo   L  Whittier  5  GCH  CH  Starlight’s  Lady  In  Waiting   C  Basgall/C  Friemel  6  GCH  CH  Ri  Lee’s  Stellar  Performance   N  Kinziger  7  GCH  CH  Aurora’s  Welcome  To  The  Jungle   D  Haynam  8  GCH  CH  Cedar  Creek  She’s  Got  It  All  & 9DQ 3HOW  9  GCH  CH  Pandan  Ashlyn’s  Meeka  At  Honeycreek   A  Soderman/J  Martin/R  Jaramillo

(M) Â 2 Â 24 Â 11 Â 12 Â 9 Â 5028


(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 9 Â 8 Â 8 Â 2751 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 4 Â 2 Â 534 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 4 Â 475 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 4 Â 4 Â 414 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 2 Â 362 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 1 Â 1 Â 328 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 214 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 186

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 152

(M) Â 0 Â 5 Â 15 Â 14 Â 13 Â 4038 (F) Â

0 Â 4 Â 10 Â 13 Â 13 Â 2457

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 5 Â 2 Â 1236 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 6 Â 5 Â 3 Â 874

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 5 Â 3 Â 664 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 4 Â 460 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 1 Â 2 Â 389

(F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 0 Â 319

the top ten dogs

The Dog News Top Ten List Presents

Based on All-Breed Competition

Final 2013Statistics


 10  GCH  CH  Kimik’s  Who  Dunnit   D  Planche/M  Demers/L  Demers Â

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 257


 1  GCH  CH  Bayshore  Stonehaven  Espiritu  Isabella  De   (F)   D  Voss/S  Middlebrooks/J  Baylis  2  GCH  CH  Fullibus  Aquia  (F)   R  Yenchesky/C  Bossart/D  Baker  3  GCH  CH  Bayshore  Georgio  Armani  (M)   J  Baylis/L  Hylton/T  Johnson  4  GCH  CH  Blancho’s  Tonateuh  (M)  0 0RURV = 9RQSRKOPDQ  5  GCH  CH  Shida  Mighty  Joe  Young  (M)   C  Loutzenniser/J  Young-­Johnson  6  GCH  CH  Bayshore  Stonehaven  La  Perla  Negra  (F)   J  Boose  7  CH  Bayshore  Sol-­Azul  (M)   L  Hylton/J  Bayliss  8  CH  Blanch-­O’s  Carolina  Herrera  (F)   A  Barfoot/D  Mullusky  Caponetto/J  Caponet  9  GCH  CH  Himnotico  Caliente  (M)   E  Burch/K  Wise/A  Wise  10  CH  Blanch-­O’s  Lolita  At  Dreamstar  (F)   T  Garrod

0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 4 Â 7 Â 816 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 5 Â 3 Â 812 0 Â 4 Â 1 Â 3 Â 4 Â 777 0 Â 0 Â 4 Â 1 Â 4 Â 728 0 Â 3 Â 1 Â 3 Â 2 Â 700 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 2 Â 298 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 149 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 143 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 130 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 102

Herding Group



 1  GCH  CH  Kokopelli’s  Sobe  It   J  Rowland/H  Warn/K  Watkins/C  Kurpas  2  GCH  CH  Turnabout  Fort  Apache  CGC   T  Thomas/D  Thomas/T  Wilkinson  3  GCH  CH  Onthego’s  Here’s  Lookin’  At  Ya   D  Quain/P  Salladay/J  Pulliam *&+ &+ /LWWOHÀRFN 7KH 3HDFHPDNHU  S  Swanton  5  GCH  CH  Desperados  Bless  The  Broken  Road   D  Price/C  Price/C  Moore/R  Moore *&+ &+ 0RRQÀ\V 0DLG )RU 6KRZ  L  Hilt  7  GCH  CH  Buzzards  Tazmanian  B’  Devil  HSAds   M  Hunter/G  Calvert *&+ &+ /LWWOHÀRFN 6WDQG 0\ *URXQG +7  G  Todd *&+ &+ %X]]DUGV .HHO\ 'RHV 9HJDV  K  Warner/M  Warner  10  GCH  CH  Dawn  Heir’s  He’s  The  Boss!   D  Price/C  Price Â

(F) Â 0 Â 11 Â 7 Â 13 Â 11 Â 4097

 1  GCH  CH  Harmony  Hill’s  Money  Talks   L  Goetz/H  Braddock  2  GCH  CH  Woodstock’s  Belle  Starr   L  Buell  3  GCH  CH  Mcmatt’s  Autumn  Breeze  ) 0FGDQLHO - /RHKU 9 :HKUOH  4  GCH  CH  Copperridge  What’s  Your  Dream   J  Hanigan/J  Miller/J  Margeson  5  GCH  CH  Aussbern  Premier  Ticket  Of  Myshara   S  Fontanini/J  Clute  6  GCH  CH  Broadway’s  Cruisin’  Like  Royalty  of  Canyon    S  George/M  Pryor  7  GCH  CH  Melodys  Armed  And  Dangerous   R  Duellge  8  GCH  CH  Rosevalley’s  Special  Edition   K  Ostrander/L  Kennedy  9  GCH  CH  Melody  Hit  The  Jackpot  CD  RN  PT  CGC   T  Edwards/E  Edwards  10  GCH  CH  Double  R’s  Alberta  Clipper   R  Kirwan/K  Fox/E  Lanasa Â

(M) Â 6 Â 28 Â 18 Â 8 Â 3 Â 10246

 1  GCH  CH  Dunhill  Celebration   C  O’Neil/R  Harrington  2  GCH  CH  Ha’Penny  Mirimar  The  Fab  Fawn  - 6FKQHLGHU 0 0DULQL 9 1XOO  3  GCH  CH  Spiritwood’s  Gandalf  The  Blue   S  Larsen/J  Larsen  4  GCH  CH  Wigglesworth  Thriller   A  Yura/D  Mieras/S  Ipser  5  GCH  CH  Spiritwood’s  A  Dream  Is  A  Wish   S  Larsen/J  Larsen  6  GCH  CH  Daybar  For  Your  Eyes  Only   B  Barton/D  Frady/C  Perron  7  GCH  CH  Ha’Penny  Deja  Aphrodite  6 6KDIHU 9 6KDIHU  8  GCH  CH  Classical’s  Magical  Meemie   J  Atkins/C  Namey/B  Sawka  9  GCH  CH  Scott  Ragtyme  You  Are  The  Music  In  Me   C  Wathen/L  Zagerella/J  Olivera/S  Olivera  10  GCH  CH  Legacy’s  Chance  Of  A  Lifetime   S  Underhill/N  Otto Â

(F) Â 4 Â 43 Â 31 Â 16 Â 12 Â 9436

 1  GCH  CH  De  Joie  Du  Chateau  Rocher  CA   M  Palmer  2  GCH  CH  Beowolf  Rime  Des  Monts  Du  Lac   P  Prager/J  Prager  3  GCH  CH  Falcon  Blue  Du  Chateau  Rocher   K  Davis/R  Bednarski/L  Hanna-­O’Neill/H  Cl  4  GCH  CH  Bijou  Noir  Du  Chateau  Rocher  RE  HT   J  Tornquist *&+ &+ (R 'HV 2PEUHV 9DOHXUHX[  D  Skinner/D  Pluss  6  Geter  De  Montclea   S  Cea +RO\ *UDLO 0HV <HX[ 9LJLODQWV  A  Scott/S  Bass  8  CH  Garmin  Du  Chateau  Rocher   L  Porter  9  CH  Fenix  Noir  Du  Chateau  Rocher   K  Davis Â

(M) Â 0 Â 13 Â 10 Â 8 Â 12 Â 4406




(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 5 Â 7 Â 5 Â 1141 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 5 Â 5 Â 957 0 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 0 Â 4 Â 494 )

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 363 0 )

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 261

(F) Â

4 Â 23 Â 10 Â 6 Â 4 Â 8009

(F) Â

3 Â 12 Â 15 Â 12 Â 6 Â 5823

(F) Â

0 Â 9 Â 11 Â 12 Â 13 Â 3750

(M) Â 0 Â 6 Â 4 Â 8 Â 6 Â 2117 (M) Â 1 Â 7 Â 5 Â 2 Â 0 Â 1861 (M) Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1812 (F) Â

0 Â 3 Â 4 Â 7 Â 5 Â 1559

(M) Â 1 Â 4 Â 3 Â 3 Â 2 Â 1527 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 7 Â 6 Â 1480

(M) Â 1 Â 19 Â 15 Â 9 Â 11 Â 5287 (M) Â 1 Â 9 Â 7 Â 8 Â 6 Â 4907 (M) Â 0 Â 8 Â 12 Â 16 Â 3 Â 3626 (F) Â

2 Â 4 Â 0 Â 3 Â 0 Â 2058

(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 4 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1158 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 5 Â 7 Â 1 Â 1050

(F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 9 Â 2 Â 1008

(F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 4 Â 8 Â 777

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 2 Â 446

(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 2 Â 2 Â 719 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 4 Â 636 (F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 2 Â 0 Â 603

0 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 98 0 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 82 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 78


 1  GCH  CH  Broadcreek’s  Marcus  Junis  Brutus   M  Kornfeld/S  Legg/L  Legg/E  Kornfeld *&+ &+ 'H 9HO &\ 3UHV¶ +6$VF  A  Bath  3  GCH  CH  Burr  Oak’s  Rock  My  World  OA  AXJ  NF   L  Wetherell/C  Russell  4  GCH  CH  Broadcreek’s  Abbey  Road   S  Legg/L  Legg  5  CH  Caveat’s  Hd  Ultra  Classic  Outlaw   B  Todd  6  GCH  CH  Mystique’s  Son  Of  A  Beach  BN  RN  CGC   B  Blume  7  GCH  CH  Caveat’s  The  Road  To  Sturgis  BN  RN  CGC   S  Williamson *&+ &+ +DOOH %HUU\ 'X 'RPDLQH 'H 9DXURX[  J  Ennis/C  Ennis  9  GCH  CH  Desert  Mtn  Hope’s  Eternal  Fyre  BN  RN   S  Belger/L  Swarthout  10  GCH  CH  Bull  Mtns  To  Kill  A  Mockingbird  CDX  RE  PT   A  Swarthout/L  Swarthout Â

(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 5 Â 2 Â 782 0 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 225 (F) Â

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 146 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 112 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 0 Â 104


(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 95

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 88


 1  GCH  CH  Bonntymes  Keepn  It  Real  At  Devine  HSAs  (M)   S  Manier/B  Leonard  2  GCH  CH  Sanderle  Kindred  R  (M)   R  Chumbley/R  Skinner  3  GCH  CH  Sans  Brancos  Stunned  At  Kindred  RN  (M)  5 &KXPEOD\ 7 9RWDYD ' 5DPVH\  4  GCH  CH  Sundown’s  Nitemagic  Just  What  I  Do  (M)   C  Toma/D  Toma  5  GCH  CH  Sarron  Simply  Complicated  CGC  (M)   S  Swabb *&+ &+ 9HUVHDX¶V 3DVVDJH 7R ,QGLD 0; 0;- 0-% )  A  Mcgregor/S  Mcgregor/P  King/R  Kraft  7  GCH  CH  Hobbiton’s  Song  Of  Solomon  Of  Laralee    (M)   L  Gilbert *&+ &+ &KDUJDQ\¶V 9R\DJHXU 0  J  Powers/J  Powers  9  GCH  CH  La  Neige’s  Once  In  A  Blue  Moon  (F)   C  Ryder/T  Holloway/P  Snow  10  GCH  CH  Sans  Brancos  Ultimatum  (M)  $ -RQHV 0 -RQHV 7 9RWDYD Â


 1  GCH  CH  Sky  Acres  Flying  Solo   M  Edling  2  GCH  CH  Tacara’s  Racelon  Rembrandt  CD  RN  NA  NAJ   C  Lautzenheiser  3  GCH  CH  Mishaook  Lulu  At  Chateau  Blanc  HSCs  HICs    D  Laurin/J  Laurin  4  GCH  CH  Stonewall’s  Let’s  Make  It  A  Double  9 +DYLFRQ 5 6NLHI  5  GCH  CH  Hillside  Special  And  Hamazing   B  Kreider/S  Kreider  6  GCH  CH  Mishaook’s  Lautrec   K  Gauchat/J  Pavlichko  7  GCH  CH  Sky  Acres  Flying  Dutchman  PT   E  Harding  8  GCH  CH  Georgi  Bear  De  Faire  L’Affaire   D  Dawe/J  Dawe *&+ &+ &KDWHDX %ODQF¶V ,¶0 &R\RWH 7URXEOH 9&'  K  Eldredge/D  Eldredge  10  GCH  CH  Matilde  Of  Anduin  CD  RN   L  Friedow/R  Friedow


 1  GCH  CH  Tang  Dynasty  Rocky   N  Tang  2  GCH  CH  F  Si  A  Ge  Of  Fu  You  Yuan  Kennel   J  Mosing/J  Li  3  GCH  CH  Majestic  Avatar  Storm  Warning  PT   R  Johnson/J  Braylis/M  Karger/R  Delay  4  GCH  CH  Kensington’s  Artful  Dodger   L  Waldo  5  GCH  CH  Sporting  Field’s  Heiress  HSAs  HIAs   D  Butt/D  Einck/A  Giles  6  GCH  CH  Borderton  Lou  Easy  An  I  A   T  Edwards/E  Edwards  7  GCH  CH  Bordalace  Flash  N  Dash   C  Geiss/J  Lacey-­Black  8  GCH  CH  Hamilton’s  Secret  Agent  Of  Bayshore   C  Hamilton/J  Boylis  9  GCH  CH  Kensington’s  Dragon  Heart  CGC   A  Iwamoto/B  Bailey  10  GCH  CH  Bayshore’s  Hot  Chocolate  Of  Avatar  CGC   N  Mages/J  Baylis/S  Einck-­Paul


0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 151

0 Â 5 Â 7 Â 5 Â 3 Â 1872 0 Â 1 Â 11 Â 4 Â 8 Â 1584 1 Â 3 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 765 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 5 Â 584 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 3 Â 3 Â 494 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 3 Â 404 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 362 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 0 Â 356

(F) Â 1 Â 12 Â 7 Â 12 Â 3 Â 4899 (M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 5 Â 5 Â 8 Â 1578 (F) Â

1 Â 5 Â 3 Â 4 Â 1 Â 1446

(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 5 Â 3 Â 8 Â 1413 (F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 980

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 4 Â 1 Â 5 Â 825 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 4 Â 2 Â 3 Â 644 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 3 Â 558


(F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 0 Â 2 Â 377

(M) Â 2 Â 13 Â 27 Â 14 Â 9 Â 5451 (M) Â 0 Â 7 Â 14 Â 16 Â 19 Â 4313 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 14 Â 14 Â 13 Â 4143 (M) Â 0 Â 5 Â 7 Â 9 Â 8 Â 3591 (F) Â

0 Â 3 Â 6 Â 2 Â 3 Â 1073

(M) Â 1 Â 3 Â 3 Â 2 Â 2 Â 968 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 6 Â 5 Â 4 Â 874 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 6 Â 3 Â 649 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 1 Â 4 Â 544 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 4 Â 481

 1  GCH  CH  Stonepillar’s  Steel  Blu   D  Garrison/J  Garrison/E  Paquette *&+ &+ 7DNH $LP¶V 3OD\LQJ )RU *U\I¿QGRU  T  Peterson/P  Peterson/M  Hieronimus-­Dimer  3  GCH  CH  Margaux’s  Takes  Two  To  Tango   P  Martin/S  Lyon  4  GCH  CH  Delux  Jumpin’  Jack  Flash   J  Edick *&+ &+ $XVWLQ $OO\ 9DQ $DFKHQ  W  Gillespie  6  GCH  CH  Wise  Choice  Hercule  Poirot  CGC   S  Carter/S  La  Croix  7  GCH  CH  Cam’s  Rogue  Warrior  CD  BN  THD   B  Sturgill/P  Sturgill/M  Adams  8  GCH  CH  Stonewall  I-­Zak  De  La  Salsa   J  Abramsohn/P  Anderson/R  Bishop/S  Brocke  9  GCH  CH  Margaux’s  Stacked  Deck   P  Martin  10  GCH  CH  I’M  Special  Kountry’s  Great  Communicator   P  Murray/J  Litogot  BRIARDS   1  GCH  CH  Deja  Vu  Mia  Cool  As  A  Cucumber   T  Miller/A  Melton/D  Dube/L  Bernard

(M) Â 2 Â 35 Â 23 Â 6 Â 9 Â 9818 0 (M) Â 1 Â 8 Â 8 Â 16 Â 4 Â 2776 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 5 Â 3 Â 4 Â 1198 0 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 6 Â 1 Â 850 (M) Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 684 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 597 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 0 Â 467 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 454 (M) Â 7 Â 41 Â 33 Â 26 Â 10 Â 13694


Dog News 253



 2  GCH  CH  Lighting  Strike  El  Xargall   M  Millner/T  Millner  3  GCH  CH  Majestique  Brave  Heart   M  Warcholik *&+ &+ 'HMD 9X 3RPPH 'HVSDLU &DPH .QRFNLQJ  M  Sanders/T  Miller  5  GCH  CH  Sendero’s  Femme  Fatale   M  Millner/T  Millner *&+ &+ 'HMD 9X 0LD &KDLQ 2I )RROV  J  Holava/M  Holava *&+ &+ 'HMD 9X 0LD &DNH :DON  G  Klang/T  Miller/A  Melton *&+ &+ /D 9LH 5RVH 'LRU $XJXVW 0RRQ &' 51  M  Minor/R  Minor  9  GCH  CH  Ne  Orageux’s  Flash  Point   M  Millner/T  Millner  10  GCH  CH  Aladax’s  Divine  Dream  By  Kaliphi  RN  HSAs   9 6ZDURZVNL ' 0RUURZ 0 +XVOLJ Â

(M) Â 3 Â 27 Â 19 Â 9 Â 8 Â 9346

 1  GCH  CH  Pleasant  Hill  Magnum  Of  Samara   P  Rosman  2  GCH  CH  Rivroc  Lycm  Own  Dream  Bsnatch  Rsndog   C  Miller/E  Miller/M  Houchard  3  CH  Mad  River  Cool  Breeze  Blowing   R  Davila/C  Sargent Â

(M) Â 1 Â 12 Â 19 Â 17 Â 17 Â 6337

 1  GCH  CH  Aubrey’s  Tails  Of  Mystery   C  Savioli/V  Savioli  2  GCH  CH  Riverside  Telltail  Coco  Posh   D  Planche/D  Shindle/J  Divens  3  GCH  CH  Mariel’s  Harvest  Moon   M  Mizelle  4  GCH  CH  Allegro  Southern  Charm   J  Lamy  5  GCH  CH  Kingsbury  Tail  Ridge  Road   B  Poole/D  Poole/J  Glenn  6  GCH  CH  Kosmar  Striking  Back  Of  Bridgelady   M  Stahr/G  Roach  7  GCH  CH  Serah  Celtic  Legend  Of  Llynhill   B  Tannahill/P  Smith  8  GCH  CH  Legacy  Legend’s  Run  For  The  Triple  Crown   S  Wilson/C  Clark  9  GCH  CH  Turn-­Key’s  Little  Big  Man  RN   M  Hulme  10  GCH  CH  Beaguile’s  Suit  Up   F  Beashau/J  Beashau/N  Willoughby

(F) Â 15 Â 66 Â 27 Â 9 Â 6 Â 23227




(M) Â 0 Â 6 Â 9 Â 10 Â 7 Â 3202 )

(F) Â

0 Â 3 Â 6 Â 2 Â 3 Â 968

0 0 0 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 4 Â 469

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 439

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 205

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 33

(F) Â

3 Â 18 Â 21 Â 13 Â 7 Â 6666

(M) Â 1 Â 9 Â 17 Â 8 Â 10 Â 4426 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 1 Â 5 Â 1088 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 3 Â 7 Â 891 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 1 Â 6 Â 823 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 760 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 2 Â 657 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 5 Â 2 Â 616 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 470

 1  GCH  CH  Devinwood  A  Perfect  Stranger   J  Caruso/R  Caruso  2  GCH  CH  Windcrest  Blown  Away   H  Morgan  3  GCH  CH  Milas  Latin  Fever   L  Butler/L  Hedman  4  GCH  CH  Rainbow’s  Rising  Karma  At  Weston   M  Holliday/N  Reid  5  GCH  CH  Highcroft  Night  Ryder   L  Jeszewski/D  Jeszewski  6  GCH  CH  Gentry’s  About  Face  THD   K  Convertini/R  Stachon  7  GCH  CH  Clarion  Nightline  II   J  Evans/A  Sanchez  Corea/L  Sanchez  Corea *&+ &+ :\QGODLU &KHURNHH 9LQGLFDWLRQ  R  Beals/L  Rizzo/M  Stelter/A  Stelter  9  GCH  CH  Highcroft  Hush  Hush   C  Dowling/A  Dowling/L  Dowling/D  Jeszewsk  10  GCH  CH  Highcroft  A  Grateful  Heart   L  Jeszewski/D  Jeszewski Â

(M) Â 1 Â 8 Â 6 Â 14 Â 6 Â 3599

 1  GCH  CH  C  And  J  Silver  Charm  Of  Chrysalis   J  Walburn/C  Thompson  2  GCH  CH  Provenhill’s  Devilicious   K  Provenzano/L  Cohen  3  GCH  CH  Row-­Bar’s  Heartbreaker   J  Brady/R  Johns/S  Mcalear/K  Mcpherson  4  GCH  CH  Cyndella’s  Yes,  I’M  Charmed   K  Neeley  5  GCH  CH  Travler  Kelise  Overdrive   R  Ardizzone/C  Ardizzone/B  Ardizzone/K  Re  6  GCH  CH  Travler’s  Pierce  Arrow   C  Ardizzone/R  Tehon/B  Ardizzone/G  Lewis  7  GCH  CH  Sunnland’s  Top  Gun   K  George/S  Ray/O  George *&+ &+ 6XQQODQG¶V &RSDFDEDQD 9&' 5$( 37 1$3 $ *ULI¿WK 0RUULV  9  GCH  CH  Gateside  Kiss  The  Sky  At  Greyfriar   D  Eramo/R  Robertson  10  GCH  CH  Tir  Nan’  Og  The  Legend  Of  Banzai  Maguire   E  Blaisure Â

(F) Â 1 Â 5 Â 3 Â 4 Â 3 Â 2567

 1  GCH  CH  Jumanji  V.  Brunswick  RN  CGC   T  Lilliedoll/N  Lilliedoll/R  Hahn

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 459



 1  GCH  CH  Lumiturpa  Arvi   M  Feltenstein  2  GCH  CH  Yutori’s  Shades  Of  Autumn   L  Drumm/C  Pollack  3  GCH  CH  Calaban’s  Armahani  Rakentaa   C  Brillinger  4  GCH  CH  Sugarok  Macce  Too   B  Murray/L  Marden  5  GCH  CH  Teelikamentten  Iikka   L  Marden  6  CH  Yutori’s  Winter  In  The  Heart   L  Drumm/C  Pollack  7  GCH  CH  Sugarok  Robert  Redford   L  Marden  8  Calaban’s  Kuutamo   C  Brillinger/D  Lohn

254 Dog News

(F) Â

0 Â 8 Â 2 Â 8 Â 3 Â 1966

(M) Â 0 Â 6 Â 8 Â 5 Â 6 Â 1713 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 3 Â 1 Â 698

(M) Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 595 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 3 Â 0 Â 589 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 1 Â 557 0 (F) Â

0 Â 4 Â 1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 472

(F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 439

(F) Â

1 Â 1 Â 4 Â 4 Â 2 Â 1862

(M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 2 Â 5 Â 5 Â 1169 (F) Â

1 Â 3 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1113

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 5 Â 3 Â 2 Â 886 (M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 3 Â 0 Â 1 Â 693

 9  GCH  CH  Sugarok  Stonewall  Jackson   S  Lockwood  10  GCH  CH  Sugarok  Casanova  CM   E  Blanch/W  Blanch


 1  GCH  CH  Wolf  Creek  Galaxy  Of  Merivern   E  Farrell/P  Walker  2  GCH  CH  Karizma’s  Ike  Of  Edale   S  Birch/S  Birch/J  Moses/S  Moses  3  GCH  CH  Pine  Hill’s  Payday  Of  Hays  Hill   P  Hays/B  Hill/K  Salvucci  4  GCH  CH  Anne-­Isle’s  Promise  Keeper  RA  TDX  OAP    C  Laczniak/K  Laczniak/M  Simonett  5  GCH  CH  Suboja’s  Army’s  Soldier  HT   S  Sisemore  6  GCH  CH  Winter  Hawk’s  Breakfast  At  Rohan   C  Simmons/J  Frentz  7  GCH  CH  Windcrest  Gun  Powderd  Led   S  Wendel/S  Roudebush/L  Wendel *&+ &+ /RFNHQKDXV¶ 5XPRU +DV ,W 9 .HQO\Q  P  Mcelheney/K  Boyles/A  Derose/M  Derose  9  GCH  CH  Imp-­Cen  Diamonds  Are  Forever   C  Halliday/C  Halliday/S  Myers  10  GCH  CH  Woodside’s  Lacy   S  Anderson


 1  GCH  CH  Vinlands  Leifur  CGC   J  Sanders  2  GCH  CH  Bjarkarkots  Hroi  Hottur  Luke  MX  AXJ  OF   L  Dribinsky  3  GCH  CH  Isneista  Alspora  Snati  Of  Bayshore   T  Runolfsson  4  GCH  CH  Isneista  Christmas  Star  BN  RA   P  Ross


(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 62 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 42 (M) Â 13 Â 70 Â 23 Â 15 Â 3 Â 19741 (M) Â 4 Â 41 Â 32 Â 18 Â 8 Â 11263 (M) Â 1 Â 13 Â 15 Â 6 Â 7 Â 5028 (M) Â 2 Â 3 Â 1 Â 4 Â 1 Â 1534 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 7 Â 8 Â 4 Â 1492 (F) Â

1 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1023

(F) Â

0 Â 6 Â 0 Â 4 Â 2 Â 1000


(F) Â

1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 0 Â 0 Â 859

(F) Â

0 Â 3 Â 2 Â 0 Â 3 Â 803

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 8 Â 7 Â 9 Â 2504 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 1 Â 1234 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 2 Â 446 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 124

 1  GCH  CH  Jotunn  Bella  Binna   V  Eberhardt/J  Bradstreet  2  GCH  CH  Hundehaven’s  Gigi   C  Lassesen  3  GCH  CH  Trollheimen  Kiss  My  Cash   E  Turner  4  GCH  CH  Kyon’s  Bold  Norseman   D  Deeley  5  GCH  CH  Trollheimen’s  Moonstruck  At  Grandcru   J  Comish/E  Comish  6  GCH  CH  Randalyn  Spring  Jada  CD  BN  RN  AX  AXJ  NF   C  Mazzotta/E  Yacknin  7  CH  Arnscroft  Di  Sing  An  Aire   J  Fowler/R  Fowler Â

(F) Â 0 Â 3 Â 5 Â 5 Â 7 Â 2293

 1  GCH  CH  Bugaboo’s  Picture  Perfect   R  Scott/D  Burke/C  Johnson/H  Johnson  2  GCH  CH  Lambluv’s  Live  The  Dream   J  Marder/C  Hastings/K  Richardson  3  GCH  CH  Snowdowne  My  Favorite  Color  Is  Purple   D  Freiheit/C  Grady/C  Crawford-­Gorath  4  GCH  CH  Whisperwood’s  Wild  Horse   J  Wetzler/K  Burdash  5  GCH  CH  Masquerade  Mikey  Likes  It   J  Hewitt  6  GCH  CH  Lambluv’s  Daytime  Hustler   L  Douglas/J  Marder  7  GCH  CH  Zottels  Shaggy  Star   C  Furtado/J  Furtado/J  Ansell  8  GCH  CH  Wynward’s  Remember  That   E  Fujikawa/R  Glickman  /G  Fujikawa  9  GCH  CH  Ken-­Bear’s  Herbie  The  Love  Bug   L  La  Zebnik/B  Ginther/C  Drummonds  10  GCH  CH  Lambluv  Elmknolls  Dream  Girl   K  Joe/N  Winter

(M) Â 23 Â 56 Â 11 Â 4 Â 0 Â 29775



 1  GCH  CH  Coventry  Allure  At  Wyndstar   A  Geremia/B  Shelton  2  GCH  CH  Riverside  Get  Over  It  ' 6KLQGOH 9 0DO]RQL

(F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 3 Â 4 Â 768

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 204 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 175 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 81

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 70

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 49

(F) Â

2 Â 22 Â 22 Â 20 Â 16 Â 8328

(F) Â

2 Â 3 Â 4 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2965

(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 5 Â 4 Â 6 Â 1652 (M) Â 0 Â 4 Â 7 Â 7 Â 5 Â 1493 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 6 Â 4 Â 4 Â 1311 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 4 Â 2 Â 1 Â 1277 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 3 Â 7 Â 4 Â 1101 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 4 Â 2 Â 746 (F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 4 Â 1 Â 663

(F) Â 11 Â 50 Â 31 Â 15 Â 11 Â 22572 (F) Â

1 Â 16 Â 13 Â 12 Â 13 Â 5782

The Dog News Top Ten List Presents

(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 1 Â 2 Â 4 Â 672 )

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 529 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 3 Â 521

(M) Â 0 Â 6 Â 10 Â 7 Â 22 Â 3747 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 4 Â 3 Â 593 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 0 Â 381

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 1 Â 199 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 153 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 137 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 84 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 79


Based on All-Breed Competition

Based on All-Breed Competition

As of 2013Statistics November 30, 2013 Final


 3  GCH  CH  Coventry  Just  A  Little  Crush   J  Johnson/J  Johnson/B  Shelton/S  Leyerly/  4  GCH  CH  Nchanted  Silk  Lining   C  Braunstein  5  GCH  CH  Riverside  Xtra  Style   P  Panzarella/D  Shindle  6  GCH  CH  Eden  Crowns  Designer  Label   L  Williams/J  Williams  7  GCH  CH  Coventry  Swinging  On  A  Star   B  Shelton/S  Leyerly/B  Williams/D  Salow  8  GCH  CH  Hillcrest  Xiv  Karat  Cause  For  Applause   K  Lord  9  GCH  CH  Gwyndolyns  Kalypso  Great  Jubilee   C  Luce/M  Poineal  10  GCH  CH  Honeyfox  So  Dash  N  Debonair  CD  BN  RAE    J  Richardson/W  Richardson Â

(F) Â

 1  GCH  CH  Swan  Crest  The  Power  Of  Love  Eternal   M  Hirata/L  Bettis/R  Wolfe  2  GCH  CH  Ponwood’s  Smoky  CGC   B  Bruns/W  Stamp  3  GCH  CH  Stonebrook’s  Divine  Design   M  Cabral/B  Wilson  4  GCH  CH  Snowhill’s  Zak  Misha  Z  Starpons  CGC   R  Young/D  Holloway/D  Gray  5  Druh  Dziechcinek   B  Lynch  6  GCH  CH  Applewood’s  Mojo  Flow   S  Heavens  7  CH  Sinclair’s  Little  Miss  Zoee   K  Nottingham/D  Nottingham/R  Kerner/C  Ker  8  GCH  CH  Stonebrook  Mon  Amies  Chance  Worth  Ta    K  Klang/G  Klang  9  CH  Swan  Crest’s  Silver  Lining  @  Stonebrook   B  Wilson/M  Cabral/D  Busby  10  CH  Swan  Crest  Pons  Lady  Godiva   M  Hirata

(M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 8 Â 8 Â 3 Â 1240



0 Â 5 Â 11 Â 10 Â 15 Â 3672

(M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 6 Â 4 Â 9 Â 1861 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 5 Â 7 Â 10 Â 1711 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 3 Â 2 Â 928 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 4 Â 1 Â 833

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 4 Â 631 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 1 Â 482 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 3 Â 459

(M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 1 Â 5 Â 952 (F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 1 Â 3 Â 408

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 3 Â 1 Â 3 Â 396 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 2 Â 260 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 178

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 113

(F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 107

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 94 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 81

 1  GCH  CH  Cordmaker  Topsy  Turvey   J  Beaudoin/S  Huebner/P  Kelly  2  GCH  CH  Fuzzy  Farm  Twist  And  Shout   A  Lawrence/S  Lawrence  3  GCH  CH  Mt  Hood’s  Leapin’  Linni  Of  Tordor   B  Stelz/G  Stelz/B  Hiett  4  GCH  CH  Cordmaker  Rumpus  Bumpus   J  Beaudoin/S  Huebner/F  Licciardi  5  GCH  CH  Moonshadow  Rongyos  Kis  Medve   K  Kocsondy/Z  Kocsondy  6  GCH  CH  Wallbanger  Fringe   A  Bowley/D  Zeman/B  Zeman  7  GCH  CH  Prydain  Joshua  CGC   D  Fields/K  Edwards  8  GCH  CH  Zaydah  Guns  A  Blazing   R  Dimatteo  9  GCH  CH  Prydain  Oscar’s  Wilde  Child   P  Smeenk  10  GCH  CH  Cedarrun  Little  Caesars   D  Melroy Â

(F) Â 3 Â 79 Â 35 Â 11 Â 9 Â 13354

 1  GCH  CH  La  Brise  Sun  Bear   P  Princehouse/K  Laram  2  GCH  CH  La  Brise  Renardette  9 'DYLV / +XOO  3  GCH  CH  La  Brise  Louis  Quatorze   J  Steddom/P  Princehouse  4  CH  Eclipse  De  La  Petite  Ferme  De  Wihr   P  Princehouse/E  Edgerton  5  GCH  CH  La  Brise  Bali  Batik   P  Princehouse  6  GCH  CH  La  Brise  Golden  Bear  BN  RA   C  Wilmoth/P  Princehouse  7  CH  Hourcadet  De  Terra-­Blue   J  Williams  8  GCH  CH  Terra-­Blue  Ariege   K  Rice/P  Princehouse Â

(M) Â 0 Â 16 Â 21 Â 14 Â 25 Â 7092

 1  GCH  CH  Grandgables  The  Frat  Boy   P  Buckles/A  Buckles/J  Moses  2  GCH  CH  Paray’s  Preferential   K  Furlong/T  Pittman  3  GCH  CH  Jesstar  Nirvana  5 9RQ 3XVFK - 6WDUEXFN *&+ &+ *UDQGJDEOHV -ROLH 9LFWRU /XGRUXP  P  Hannah/K  Hannah  5  GCH  CH  Acadia  Stage  Presence   C  Pruss  6  GCH  CH  Suncrest  Cerulean   G  Speeks/D  Mock  7  GCH  CH  Serenity’s  Walk  In  The  Park  9 :HLV  8  GCH  CH  Thunderhill’s  Apple  Bottom  Jeans   M  Miller/M  Miller/A  Power  9  GCH  CH  Mistybrooks  Panda  Crossing   S  Waller-­Michalsky  10  GCH  CH  Sandcastle  Raggedy  Ann   C  Meek/K  Meek

(M) Â 5 Â 52 Â 20 Â 21 Â 16 Â 14516




 1  GCH  CH  Solborg  Faramir   A  Vetter  2  GCH  CH  Caliente  Once  In  A  Blue  Moon  RAE  HSAds    M  Fromm  3  GCH  CH  Minikota  Mill  Creek’s  October  Rust   D  Tapp/L  Schaunaman  4  GCH  CH  Beidelyn  Still  The  One  St   L  Law/C  Rolfe  5  GCH  CH  Svedala  Sven  Snickaren  Fran  Hall   R  Hooper/S  Hooper/L  Fisher/G  Hall  6  GCH  CH  Corval  Bless  Yer  Cot’N  Socks   S  Mullinix/S  Keth  7  CH  Jonricker  Prince  Oscar  BN  RN  OA  AXJ  AXP  MJP2    D  Polito

(F) Â

1 Â 6 Â 13 Â 9 Â 13 Â 3252

(F) Â

1 Â 5 Â 9 Â 9 Â 4 Â 2902

(M) Â 2 Â 10 Â 3 Â 2 Â 1 Â 2694 (M) Â 0 Â 3 Â 1 Â 3 Â 3 Â 995 (M) Â 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 3 Â 3 Â 921 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 3 Â 3 Â 5 Â 862 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 3 Â 2 Â 556 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 1 Â 1 Â 2 Â 499 (M) Â 1 Â 2 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 465

(F) Â

0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 122

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 109 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 2 Â 0 Â 0 Â 95 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 48

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 43 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 42 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 29

(M) Â 4 Â 25 Â 13 Â 8 Â 9 Â 10941 (M) Â 2 Â 19 Â 23 Â 7 Â 3 Â 7301 0 (F) Â

1 Â 11 Â 2 Â 8 Â 4 Â 2542

(F) Â

1 Â 3 Â 2 Â 5 Â 2 Â 1720

(M) Â 1 Â 3 Â 0 Â 1 Â 4 Â 1621 (F) Â

0 Â 2 Â 2 Â 1 Â 3 Â 1144

(M) Â 1 Â 2 Â 2 Â 1 Â 0 Â 841 (F) Â

0 Â 4 Â 1 Â 3 Â 1 Â 782

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 255 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 2 Â 105 (M) Â 0 Â 1 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 102 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 82 (M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 63 (F) Â

0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 29

(M) Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 0 Â 1 Â 11


breeding program qualify as breeding females.� This would greatly reduce the number of hobby breeders who potentially needed to be licensed since it would omit young bitches being shown or grown out to see how they develop; and older bitches who have retired from the whelping box. Any “de minimis� or the number of “breeding females� would simply be based on the actual number of bitches currently being used for breeding. This change would also allow breeders to continue to participate in fostering dogs and rescue because those female dogs will not be counted against their number of “breeding females.� These are the main points that I’ve seen discussed relating TO THE 2ETAIL 0ET 3TORE 2ULE AND the Farm Bill. So, what’s not to like, right? Well, the problem is that government agencies, such as the USDA, tend to act like their own little kingdoms. Congress can make these suggestions to them but Congress just handed the Secretary of Agriculture nearly a trillion dollars with the passage of this bill and there won’t be another Farm Bill for another five years or so. There’s no particular reason why the USDA has to do anything Congress wants right now. None of the suggestions made by the committee came with the proviso of “Do this or we will cut your budget.� So, it remains to BE SEEN WHETHER 53$! !0()3 will really follow through and promulgate a new rule about a de minimis exemption for breeders/dealers or come up with that elusive definition of “breeding female.� With the exception of the 2ETAIL 0ET 3TORE 2ULE WHICH USDA pursued at lightning speed, they have often been very slow to produce or implement rules. Some animal welfare rules are still waiting to be implemented even though they were finalized years ago.

Is That A Light At The End of The Tunnel Or A Train?

Based on the recommendations from the conference committee, there’s reason to be hopeful that the 2ETAIL 0ET 3TORE 2ULE COULD BE improved and many hobby breeders would no longer need to be licensed. However, MUCH DEPENDS ON !0()3 AND what they intend to do. I also have to point out that it is troubling that the 2ETAIL 0ET 3TORE 2ULE IS NOW A permanent part of the Animal Welfare Act. While Congress seems to desire a de minimis for small scale breeders, those same breeders are included by statute law under the authority of the USDA now. This means that they do have the right to regulate virtually everyone who breeds a dog or cat in the United States. I find that to be a disturbing amount of government over-reach. You may be wondering where this leaves the lawsuit brought against USDA by the Associated Dog Clubs of New York State (ADCNYS)? Is the suit now dead or moot? I don’t know what the clubs will do but I think the suit is still valid. There is still no definition of “breeding female� at this time and many other points in the suit are still relevant. In my opinion, considering the fact that Congress has little leverage at this time, the lawsuit seems to be one way to continue to pressure USDA to make the desired changes to the rule/law. That’s where we are right now. There is a light ahead but it’s just too soon to tell if it’s daylight or a train headed toward us. But we’ll get through it. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sheila Goffe and the people IN THE 'OVERNMENT 2ELATIONS Department for their work. They have done a wonderful job. Things are so much better than they could have been.

Dog News 255


Dog News Top Ten List CONTINUED FROM PAGE 231

Based on breed competition

323 GCH CH Lokavi’s Battle Flag Of The South J Bell/L Norman 235 GCH CH Daniel Boon (Pelaez) F Trigueros 225 GCH CH Honeypot’s Poetry In Motion D Wolf/A Wolf 181 GCH CH X’Plorer’s Destiny Done It L Bryson/R Ott/P Kanchana 179 GCH CH K-Run’s We Could Have Had It All Around K Weichert/J Rodes 161 GCH CH Jabrwoki’s A Canterbury Tail S Robblee/B Robblee 140 GCH CH Lochnaw Black Tie Affair N Adams/E Goldstein

Black and Tan Coonhounds

138 GCH CH Windbourne Every Hand’s A Winner A Mitchell 108 GCH CH Foxfire Full Force Gale A Mcilwaine/R Urban 100 GCH CH Jazzman Comebacker Z Bolin 96 GCH CH Bayaway Jersey’s Due Process Of Law G Rezendes/D Rezendes/J Stora 93 GCH CH Windbourne Hd Ranch King Of The Road S Campbell/C Rutten/T Skinner/S Skinner 76 GCH CH Kalan’s Ramblin Rose Of Oak Hill O Owens/A Willard/K Willard 24 GCH CH Jazzman Southern Pacific Big Boy J Magenau/Z Bolin 24 GCH CH CCH Wyeast Willow Of Orion-Redsea B Warner/M Finch/V Redditt 16 CH Winbourne Time To Rock E Mccarthy/S Campbell 15 CH CCH Windbourne Like A Rock S Campbell 15 CH Kosnik’s Black It Is What It Is J Kosnik 15 CH Jazzman Never Count Your Money A Magenau/J Magenau


529 GCH CH Flessner’s International S’Cess S Vancamp/H Helmer/Z Helmer 405 GCH CH Quiet Creek’s Kiss And Tell S Lacroix/H Whitcomb 175 GCH CH Soonipi Friends In Low Places Mlh K Dewey/S Katos 157 GCH CH Flessner’s International Space Station At J Mcdonald 114 GCH CH The Magpie’s Sophisticated Lady C Kaminski 113 GCH CH Badgershill Muldoon Of Heather L Sherman 70 GCH CH I Get A Kick Out Of You At The Magpie K Briglia/Z Helmer/K Berestecky/C Kamins 46 GCH CH Quiet Creek’s Windfall K Hansen/M Hansen/S Hamil/L Burch 45 GCH CH You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby At M Thompson/C Kaminski 40 CH Benthe Of Joyful Happiness T Winkley

Bluetick Coonhounds 84 45 43 36 24 23 10 9 8 7

GCH CH CCH Charwin Fairmont Sweet Society Blue C Woods/T Kastner GCH CH Live Oaks Call Me Kryptonite S Lloyd CH CCH Plum Tree’N Hootchy Cootchy P Bodeving/K Bodeving/J Duby/D Duby CH CGCH Cedar Creek’s Tellin Secrets B Fischer CH Evenstar N Heritage Mint Julep B Potash CH ‘Bawlin’ Blues Rock Me Baby Z Lewis/L Snyder CH Ghost Creek Jethro Augustus K Martin/K Barnes CH Charwin Fairmont Stella’s Sister Blanche C Woods/T Kastner GCH CH CSG So. Flame Blame It On The Rain C Grooms/G Black Sidearm Southern Comfort K Block/B Gerst


493 GCH CH Sylvan Silver Springbok C Neale/P Neale 417 GCH CH Aashtoria Wildhunt Hidden Agenda R Riel/C Riel/S Mcgraw 373 GCH CH Majenkir Bookstor Vintage Glamour K Spey/H Spey/K Staudt-Cartabona 292 GCH CH Promises Crown Jewel Nicholas J Durdin

256 Dog News

(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

283 GCH CH Greyhaven This Rough Magic SC F Vogel/M Hough/L Spiers 282 GCH CH Raynbos Run For The Roses J Zucker/R Zucker/E Szymanski 258 GCH CH Aruzia Priority One JC CGC L Scott/J Scott 225 GCH CH Jubilee Tadbit O’Brindle Mist C Gredys/A Gredys/R Stachon 160 GCH CH Aashtoria Wildhunt 4 Your I’s Only RA G Duncan/R Jamison 145 GCH CH Zabava Ostrov Casablanca I Terra/K Terra

Dachshunds (Longhaired)

1155 GCH CH Hundeleben Queen’s Armada Sl C Puig/K Gonzalez/P Stephens 1001 GCH CH Sweetgrass Johann Tipper C Martine/R Sak/D Sak 789 GCH CH Sleepy Hollow Carolina Special M Taylor/B Wlodkowski 753 GCH CH Walmar-Solo’s Iou Sl S Snyder 526 GCH CH Stonybrook’s Phinito T Durvin/B Durvin/R Gianopoulos/M Kepala 455 GCH CH Gemdach Don’T Blame Me N Haupt/K Haupt 430 GCH CH Aviance’s Pramada For Terms Of V Diker 418 GCH CH Serenity’s Louisiana Getaway Sl RN W Snyder/R Cooper/P Baker 373 GCH CH J-Lyn’s All About The Bling Mld J Van Niman/T Van Niman 367 GCH CH Jt’s Kaycees Phoenix Of Tam-Boer Mld L Tamboer

Dachshunds (Smooth) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F)

(M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)

1034 GCH CH Bessdachs Electric Martini M Lara/B Jeffery 794 GCH CH Spellbound’s You Go First N Cooper 689 GCH CH Beachside Dox Havana Daydreamin V C Ramos/M Singleton/W Cunningham 628 GCH CH Grandgables Sumbuddy Walden D Waldo 523 GCH CH Marginns Fredricka V Ruf Knabe S Lutosky 214 GCH CH R Hill’s Total Knockout Ms RN T Frenia 214 GCH CH Diagram Isn’T She Lovely V Brownwood J Cerasini/D Graham 192 GCH CH Passport Boy You’Re One Of My Kind Ss A Debraganca/J Debraganca 170 GCH CH Toskydox Witchy Woman Ss S Lutosky 155 GCH CH Dynadaux Redneck Fancy Boy Ms C Senff/P Spencer/B Claxton/B Sandoval

Dachshunds (Wirehaired)

1012 GCH CH Del Prado’s Bar Code W A Bischel/M Bedowitz 778 GCH CH Leoralee’s Baywatch Mw M Singleton/B Lasater 594 GCH CH Legibach Captain Crunch Sw S Sweatt/G Middings/P Leone 535 GCH CH Rivendells Hotwire Sw P Caddell/K Williams/D Rockwell 479 GCH CH Daybreak’s Bewitching Blossom P Grant/D Krieg 374 GCH CH Raydachs Ride My Ducati Sw S Ray 369 GCH CH Incahoots Howlin’ Tornado A Cotteleer/R Cotteleer/C Heitzmann 243 GCH CH Raydachs Ruby Tuesday Sw S Ray 147 GCH CH Tievoli Rumors Oh Hail Yeah-Mw K Smith/S Ehr 118 GCH CH Twinkle’s Orrin At Carowynd C O’Neil 118 GCH CH Kadell’s Rustic Gold W L Reynolds/C Cahill/J Cahill

English Foxhounds 59

(F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M)

34 9 8 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

(F) (M) (F) (M)

GCH CH Monocacy Bend’s Wellington T Koerber GCH CH Sunup’s Hellofapuzzle S Whaley GCH CH Sunup’s Heavenly Scent S Whaley GCH CH Monocacy Bend’s Willow BN RN OA AXJ OF K Eckard CH Cottonwood’s Just My Little Prince A Kretschmaier/J Hendricks CH Sunup’s Hoisted High S Whaley Monocacy Bend’s Wayward Fox T Koerber CH Wee Beginnings Freedom P Mann CH Drycreek Chuggin Down The Line A Johnson/C Stewart/B Patterson/J Patter GCH CH Sunup’s Steeplechase S Whaley Foxhunter’s General Lee M Owen/S Owen/J Somogui/R Peet Taillis Au Absolem Tamsall M Owen/S Owen CH Wee Beginnings Chloe P Mann/A Kretschmaier


338 GCH CH Grandcru Phelps Insignia M Steele/P Caddell/C Dabbs/A Phelan/R Ga 86 GCH CH Aragon Black Ice VCD1 RE JC AX AXJ H Hamilton 79 GCH CH Sky Hi’s The Show Goes On M Bertoli/S Cinotti/A Pugh












47 46

(M) (M)

Harriers 47
















5 5

(F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M)

(M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)

GCH CH Huzzah Cuchulain Irish Lace SC K Gingles/P Ide/B Gingles CH Greycott Shylo Ruff N Ready S Thomson/C Thomson Comstock GCH CH Tyran’s The Patriot C Stumbo GCH CH Sierra’s Maserati Spyder S Hempel/B Hempel/M Money GCH CH Chaparral Tour De France C Curlee/T Marzlut GCH CH Aroi Aryal Remarkable CD BN CGC D Arcaro GCH CH Trireme Doctor Who J Ramming/K Kostic


GCH CH Downhome Hitech Innovator J Sanchez CH Pacific Happytail’s Heartbreaker W Mccleery CH Icon Oak Hill’s Harmony In The Hills M Walsh Guernsey’s Poe’s Cask Of Amontillado W Lamb/S Keaton Lamb/R Lamb/D Thomas-Lam CH Wynfield’s Money Talks R Hoffecker GCH CH Pacific’s He Ain’T Heavy He’s My Brother K Crary/P Crary Jackpots Ginger Snap J Miller CH Blythmoors Scholarly Pursuit M Dykstra CH Wulfflairs Yeager Buzz The Tower M Isham/E Isham CH Downhome Prestidigitator At Mason K Reid/S Lowder Guernsey’s Verne’s Captain Nemo W Lamb/S Keaton Lamb/R Lamb/D Thomas-Lam

Ibizan Hounds

385 GCH CH Harehill’s Ace In The Hole K Gindler/D Gindler/W Anderson 203 GCH CH Serandida Abbaio La Contessa Scalza SC D Arbeit/R Zelig/S Murphy 134 GCH CH Serandida East So Bigstar J Mosing/S St John-Brown/L Sikora 125 GCH CH Alfheim’s Hawaii Five O SC K Williamson-Jensen 110 GCH DC Bramblewood’s Synergy Of Atair SC NAJ C Allen/J Parker 83 GCH CH Ahram You Ve Got The Look J Pusztay/S Pusztay/R Pusztay/M Paulin 78 GCH CH Loco Motion’s Dancing Queen K Hjelm 76 FC Arbeca’s Jump For Joy SC CGC M Fox/T Burke 72 GCH DC Aliki’s Yada Yada Yada SC A Mirestes/C Shaw 49 GCH CH Arbeca’s Opus For Danzante SC D Nester/J Stevens

Irish Wolfhounds

634 GCH CH Quest Rachel Alexandra Of Kerryarc C Collier/M Tyler/C Tyler 236 GCH CH Carrickaneena Tyrconnell E Flanagan/E Flanagan 232 GCH CH Limerick Frosty The Showman J Bartlett/E Bartlett 167 CH Hound Hill Valley Of Aerie D Brown/D Marx/A Benjamin 155 GCH CH Taryn Hickory Hollow B Fairbanks/G Fairbanks 132 GCH CH Dun Myrica Doctor Gonzo Of Eagle R Kubacz/N Salmon 119 GCH CH Gigolo Roan Inish A Constable 113 GCH CH Loyalty’s Tie Dyed Trouble A Pederson/D Mar 108 Rockhart Treason L Simon 107 GCH CH Ansa Mo Caoimhin Modigliani CGC K Schaffter/A Schaffter


Norwegian Elkhounds


334 GCH CH Vin-Melca’s The Norseman P Trotter/J Reed 111 GCH CH Silhouettte’s Au Fish E Olsen/K Olsen/S Kaplan 106 GCH CH Tioka’s American Ride L Webster 93 GCH CH Aspen’s A Hard Act To Follow R Rhoden/R Rhoden 86 GCH CH Somerri Dunharrow’s Dynamo J Silker/W Totten 85 GCH CH Aspen’s Playin’ Around R Rhoden/R Rhoden 81 GCH CH Somerri Jamieson’s Sea Whiskey J Lewis/L Lewis 80 GCH CH Vikrest ‘N Ruskar Hy Style S Anderson/L Forrest/P Viken 63 CH Vikrest Silver Leif B Drake/P Viken/L Forrest 63 GCH CH Silver Sleuth Vikrest P Viken/L Forrest

(F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)

(F) (F) (M)


214 GCH CH Aberdeens Under The Influence A Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine 84 GCH CH Aberdeen’s Told You So A Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine/A Co 65 GCH CH Scentasia’s End Of An Era E Conway/D Emery/J Moyer 40 GCH CH Magicwood Willie Mae S Plucheck/W Plucheck 34 GCH CH Aberdeen’s Ultimate Addiction J Mullen/D Blunt/J Mcilwaine/A Mcilwaine











(M) (M)

(M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M)

(F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M)

Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens

330 GCH CH Celestial Cj’s All’s Well That Ends Well J Hurty/L Florian/C Hurty/M Florian/P He 188 GCH CH M&M’s Fear The Beard D Moore/J Hayes 159 GCH CH Monkhams Famous Grouse J Neuschaefer/D Bruce/J Lacey-Black/L Sk 120 GCH CH Mirepoix’s Figgy Pudding J Zigich/R Litman 112 GCH CH Tetu Comedie Francais De Bordeaux R Claude/D Claude 90 GCH CH Jus Strike It Rich M Morey 77 GCH CH Jaren’s Ready Set Don’T Go At R-N-B R Jones/B Helvey/K Prott-Clugston 71 GCH CH Chien Blanc Summer Breeze D Garrett 67 GCH CH Soletrader Maggie May D Moore 66 GCH CH Lacey’s I Don’T Give A Sit J Lacey-Black/D Bruce/J Neuschaefer

Pharaoh Hounds

184 GCH CH Osiris Cowboy Casanova M Del Duca/K Carella/T Del Duca/B Carell 176 GCH DC Hallam’s Jordan Of Arolet SC S Sipperly/D Carota 172 GCH CH Farao Anubis Inferno RN SC D Cooper/B Clooten 157 GCH CH Mia-Bakhu Conspiracy Theory V Hallam SC T Haig/P Haig 108 GCH DC Mia Bakhu Sleeping With The Enemy Of R Newman/D Carota/P Haig/L Witt 88 GCH DC Nefer-Temu Vou Te Contar SC E Kerridge 75 GCH DC Mia’s Bakhu Risky Business Of Hallam RN D Kunard 68 GCH CH Siphra’s No Remorse JC L Lysher 42 GCH CH Faouziah’s Faramir J Mosing/J Hall 34 GCH CH Shalimar Wild Fire Osiris V Harris/L Drolet

Plotts 20 19 16





















(M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M)

(M) (M) (M) (F) (M)

GCH CH Wild West Texas Two-Step K Bostick/D Russell GCH CH White River’s News Flash S Malone/M Couch CH Riverrun Mchugh TDX E Glennon/M Hennessey CH Hunter’s Taking Moonlight Chances T Kahn GCH CH Blue Fairy’s Wizard Of Oz J Gordon

CH Hosker’s Heads I Win J Hosker/G Hosker CH Stackem Ups Travelin With Toad C Tyler/M Tyler/J Strohm/C Collier GCH CH Alexanders Mob Boss Capone A Alexander CH CGCH C-Cruz Mob Boss Vito’s Gotcha A Alexander Suncrest Outstanding Roz B Church Vandygriff’s Skyline Kira D Vandygriff CH Hosker’s Emily Em J Hosker/K Block/K Schwenke CH Hosker’s Thatcher G Hosker/J Hosker Live Oaks I Am Legand S Lloyd/D Hoard County Line She’s A Keeper C Officer CH Hosker Gollygosh G Hosker/J Hosker CH County Line Eleanor C Officer/P Jessup CCH County Line Lil Miss Ricki P Jessup

Portuguese Podengo Pequenos

235 GCH CH Pirata II De Viamonte CM J Evanoff/K Oglesby 200 GCH CH Houla’s Border Patrol Pw CM2 P Reisert/S Faw/S Faw 148 GCH CH Houla’s Potter C Houlihan/K Sullivan 89 GCH CH Miguel Da Casa De Maio CM2 R Hidlay/R Hidlay/D Devaney 70 GCH CH Phaererin Agustinho CM J Fitzpatrick/L Mcginness 63 GCH CH Prairie Pond’s Born In The Usa CM C Well/M Well/J Tusten 60 GCH CH Pioneer’s Carolina CM2 G Simonds/A Ghione 59 GCH CH Brokenroad I Believe In Fairies CM G Nagy 46 CH Falcao’s Fired Up G Bowles 39 CH Magnifico Da Terra De Montoito S Truitt

Redbone Coonhounds

(F) (M) (M) (M) (M)

(M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M)

(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

(M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F)

(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M)

143 GCH CH CWSG CCH Sidearm Jungle King Mufasa (M) J Mills/L Mills 66 GCH CH Twisted Creek Gentlemen, Start Your Engines (F) S Dellapenta/J Kochensparger 47 GCH CH Sidearm Reba Is Taylor Made (F) H Joyce 43 GCH CH Twisted Creeks Xlnt Adventure (M) M Smith/C Smith/B Casciole 19 GCH CH Tree Rizin’ Maine Edition (F) P Samuelson


15 10

Dog News Top Ten List Based on breed competition

17 15 14 13 13 13

GCH CH CSG Second Edition’s Making Waves S Smith CH Sidearm Return Of The King L Mills/T Mills/J Mills CH Red Ferns Sierra Kan Do Madge T Winkley CH Anlon’s Natural Disaster P Renison/C Cottrill Sidearm Mufasa’s Peacemaker At Bnd D Michaud/B Michaud CH Jagged Edges D Baker

Rhodesian Ridgebacks

2164 GCH CH Diablo’s Dark Knight’s Nemesis L Weiss/N Faville 1420 GCH CH Raquel Welch Of Malabo Apd A Paola Diniz 1283 GCH CH Camelot’s Red Hot Tamale C Heathcock/C Hadley 1021 GCH CH Spring Valley’s Great Vincero H Trapasso 946 GCH CH Camelot’s Ventura Adventure F Walters/G Walters/C Heathcock 941 GCH CH Bakari’s Lor Vitra Caymus CGC N Ballantyne/G Ballantyne 477 GCH CH Hunter’s Ridge Sure Shot By Kwetu D Engelking/C Burridge/S Ford/T Fielder 470 GCH CH Spurridge’s Axl Of Lionridge CGC P Olney 455 GCH CH Whirlaways Ida Belle’s A Ringing L Fitzgerald/J Lozowski/C Kitsch 328 GCH CH Kuluta Along The Watchtower M Hatfield/E Belt/C Well


691 GCH CH Sandstorm Blue Nile Bubbles Of Jatara J Harrington/S Winsted/S Middlebrooks 649 GCH CH Jamora Mystic Topaz JC S Forsyth/J Forsyth/K Anselmo/J Morrison 458 GCH CH Aurora’s The Song And Dance Man J Mueller/E Blake 315 GCH CH Ladyhawk Guinness The Menace Of Tazi S Ghaemmaghami 310 GCH CH Starlite’s Made Of The Best Stuff On Earth T Turley-Kocab/M Kocab 288 GCH CH Hediyeh Uriela Priya Bat Yosef JC C Pearce/R Pearce/J Aaron/J Pearce 286 GCH CH Appalachia’s Allamyrra Hajji P Arwood/M Mccowan/G Thornton 278 GCH CH Quanmarra Thonolan K Scerbo/R Scerbo/I Rasmussen 232 GCH CH Baha Persian Of Interest CD RN SC NA AXJ C Coile 212 GCH CH Scimitar Avari Aajah Jager C Steiner

Scottish Deerhounds

238 GCH CH Lehigh Ennis Carmichael JC P Pascoe/G Winchell 113 GCH CH Thistleglen Foxcliffe Vintage Spirit J Frye/C Dove 101 GCH CH Highlander’s Celtic Carol RN CGC M Freeman/J Freeman 96 GCH CH Jaraluv Tarot J Brinlee/R Brinlee 90 GCH CH Dhu Mohr Gentom Pennant’s Peacekeeper S Matheson/F Smith 77 GCH CH Hobarra’s Let’s Get It Started S Hogan-Cirincione/A Cirincione/T Rizzit 45 GCH CH Glencrag’s Kiann O’Fernhill J Giles/J Giles 41 GCH DC Altnamara’s Cappuccino SC A Hammond/R Wilkins 38 GCH CH Gemma O’ The Greenwood J Hills 37 GCH CH Jaraluv Rhapsody In Blue R Rice/B Rice/R Brinlee/J Brinlee

Treeing Walker Coonhounds

207 GCH CH CCH Alexanders Gold Rush Xcetera A Alexander 50 CH Stackem Up My Way Or Highway T Snedegar/B Snedegar 44 GCH CH CSG Stackem Ups Best Kept Secret CM2 R Geffs/D Geffs 31 GCH CH C-Cruz Gold Rush X-Rated A Alexander/C Willis 25 GCH CH Dry River’z Shattered Dreams J Confer/K Purchiss 24 GCH CH How The West Was Won D Planche/S Randolph/A Alexander 16 CH CGCH Brushy Mtn Dust To Diamonds K Block/B Gerst

(M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F)

(M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)

(F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M)

(M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F)

(M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M)

9 9

CH Lone Pine Skull N Bones Vom Stk CGC V Brachfeld/R Brachfeld/L Ramsey GCH CH Stackem Up I Did It My Way CM T Snedegar/B Snedegar CH Pony Mtns May The Odds B Ever N Your Favor R Geffs/D Geffs GCH CH White Deer Lil Nite Music N Winton/J Confer


1883 GCH CH Starline’s Oxford Victim Of Love L Lawrence/C Lawrence/L Wilson 819 GCH CH Bo-Bett’s Quick Pick C Harris 743 GCH DC Ableaim Que The Music MC G Boyd/J Boyd 715 GCH CH Karasar’s Remembrence K Kuper/N Barthelette/K Mlynar 642 GCH CH Sporting Fields Shameless D Butt/A Giles 521 GCH CH Artemis Hypnotic Opium SC R Gold/M Small 497 GCH CH Cottonwood Versace At Coreymore S Carbajal 444 GCH CH Solaris Saxon Shore Hypnotiq Kamio P Magette/D Lockhart 335 GCH CH Sporting Fields Heavenly Body JC M Indeglia 317 GCH CH Kamada’s New York Minute D Davenport/K Davenport/D Kipp

(M) (M) (F) (F)

(F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F) (F)

Working Group Akitas

917 GCH CH Cr - Wicca’s Trade Secret A Bavaria/C Burke/T Bavaria/J Charnik 619 GCH CH Stardust’s See You At The Show RN P Rogers/R Rogers/T Witte/R Witte 565 GCH CH Ruthdales Candy From A Baby L Stark/R Stark 223 GCH CH Dem-Be’s Smokin Hot A Draper/M Draper 212 GCH CH Sondaisa Fyre When Ready CD C Sullivan 189 GCH CH Liric’s Cinderella Man L Coffey/B Coffey 175 GCH CH Redwitch Adreneline Junkie M Bauman/X Wang / Bauman 160 GCH CH Sondaisas Crossfyre C Sullivan 132 GCH CH Mt Joys Notice To Airmen At Yuzawa J Vendramin/J Vendramin/P Ellis 131 GCH CH Sondaisa Tough Act To Follow Stardust C Sullivan/R Witte/T Witte/S Milton

Alaskan Malamutes

350 GCH CH Sno Klassic Nanuke Lifes A Dance J Taylor/P Peel/M Peel 339 GCH CH Storm Kloud’s Test Of Time J El Dissi 290 GCH CH Peaceriver Silverice Summer Solstice L Bryne/A Syar 256 GCH CH Jazzland Rain On Quileute J Dewing/R Dysart/C Neely 243 GCH CH Sno Quest’s For The Holy Grail A Sautbine/M Sautbine 196 GCH CH Ice Crystal’s Top Gun N Bennett/J Plourde 173 GCH CH Catera’s Keepin’ It World Class A Kanzelberger 170 GCH CH Alcan Come Snodanc With Me D Mccomb/D Ragsdale 152 GCH CH Illusions Beyond Imagination P Fusco/J Fusco 147 GCH CH Canute’s U Talking To Me A Welch

Anatolian Shepherd Dogs

154 GCH CH Birinci’s Piedpiper Goes Full Circle J Hahn/N Wargas 112 GCH CH Timaru Serag Mounir L Brabyn/J Brabyn 87 GCH CH Carpe Diem’s Amadeus L Edstrom-Smith/J Smith/Q Harned/M Harne 50 CH Asiri Hisar Kazara A Suhajda/P Suhajda 50 GCH CH Sahin’s Ekstra Faith L Long/D Bayer 44 GCH CH Full Circle’s Treasure Island N Wargas/D Grunnah 32 GCH CH Lucky Hit Divakiz Rondo Alla Turca L Ayers 28 GCH CH Rbr Karabash Vasi C White 27 GCH CH Lucky Hit Bethany Beyaz Kumru J York/E Conard 26 GCH CH Carpe Diem’s Optimus Prime L Edstrom-Smith/J Smith

Bernese Mountain Dogs

991 GCH CH Avatars Smooth Criminal L Diaz Fernandes/K Groves 573 GCH CH Tallpine’s Life Of The Party D Hitchcock/S Crisp 450 GCH CH Greenway’s Test Of Time CGC D Laveran/R Tamberino/R Gallizzo 437 GCH CH Indian Hill’s Unleash The Dragon G Vogel/C Gersler 430 GCH CH Vinn October It Had 2VV You E Buonpane 418 GCH CH Marben’s Ruffian T Gerli

408 GCH CH Jura’s Premier Vintage Quintessa K Mcintyre 345 GCH CH B-Havens Sherpa’s Mtn Endeavor J Byers 261 GCH CH Alpenspirit It’s Our Game D Kelley/B Bauersfeld/M Turbide 246 GCH CH Brightwater’s Jest A Wicked Rhyme G Reeve/D Cox

(M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)

(F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)

(F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M)

(M) (M) (F)

265 GCH CH Aristes Paint It Black (M) D Poulson/C Stumm/C Wathen/T Wathen 260 GCH CH Valkyrie’s Funny Girl RN (F) V Vest/B Sothcott 226 GCH CH Zilya’s Chicago Blues Fusion At Runes CD (M) D Patterson 166 GCH CH Fun Nord’s Hariton Gavrilovich (M) P Gladu/M Hernandez 85 GCH CH Black Pearls Avatar Iz Russkoi Dinastii (M) M Mesh/J Mesh/L Mesh/M Curtis/D Ludwig 59 GCH CH Gladiator S Zolotogo Grada (M) S Gaunt 57 GCH CH Over The Moon About Nagyka (F) S Robinson/C Robinson 48 GCH CH Tsaritsa Ekaterina Iz Russkoi Dinastii (F) A Shishkin/O Vorobyeva 44 GCH CH Midnightsolo Ulan Chorniy (M) D Tudor/J Brown 40 GCH CH Malahovskiy Graf Rossiyskiy CD RAE CA CGC (M) E Pleskov

3022 GCH CH Hi-Tech The King Of Sherry Shoot Jp J Billhardt/S Tenenbaum/D Mccarroll 2762 GCH CH Winfall I Dream Of Style K Robbins/C Robbins/G Adkins/B Adkins/T 1591 GCH CH Nantess Caleno Numero Uno G Tafur/S Tafur/N Savage/T Savage 1261 GCH CH Draco Greets Dassin With Fourbears W Truesdale/Z Truesdale/J Vergnetti/J Pi 1082 GCH CH Daybreak’s Bad Influence A Russell/G Steele/M Rocca/D Galante 1081 GCH CH Ensign’s Justified D Young/J Young/A Clark/J Crane/G Freer 1071 GCH CH Lazy K’s Dulce De Leche S Gubernatis/A Clark/J Rosen/G Karwoski 962 GCH CH Ho-Pa’s Grand Slam A Anderson/S Anderson 773 GCH CH Irondale’s Look At Me Now A Gonzalez/C Vose/W Bettis 706 GCH CH Jacquet’s Annie El Encanto D Sparks/N Sparks


927 GCH CH Dal Primo Magic Moment M Harwood/C Corner 467 GCH CH Starrdogs Midnight Rambler W Ofshlag/J Ofshlag 446 GCH CH Windovers Hey There Handsome D Pendleton/H Brogan/M Mcgovern/M Mcgove 423 GCH CH Newcastle’s Cutting Edge A Scully/K Spencer/P Mills/J Shadoian 334 GCH CH Baron Dye Of Ridgetop R Wynes 271 GCH CH Starrdogs Power Play K Hebert/Z Melkonian 261 GCH CH Rops Stealsaheart Bruin, Seeking Banner A Baumeister/B Baumeister/H Gussis/L Bro 245 GCH CH Newcastle’s Blame It On The Sun A Scully/K Spencer 216 GCH CH Tondra’s What’s Cookin’ Highpoint K Gonzalez/S Gonzalez/M Mcgovern/E Falk 162 GCH CH Nambe Hy-Bull Rainmaker CD P Sturiale/L Hyer

Cane Corso

530 GCH CH Firehorse Franklin J Weaver/R Hoser 315 GCH CH Castleguard’s Caillou W Rivera 279 GCH CH Timoniere Zolee D Musto 209 GCH CH Liberty’s Armed And Dangerous R Cuzzo/J Hovorka/S Ribbs 193 GCH CH Del’ Agreste Bin Up To No Good At SnoD Rotkowski/W Yingling 183 GCH CH Campo’s Petros Zeus R Hudgens 170 GCH CH Italica’s We Didn’T Start The Fire Z Devita/A Petillo/M Petillo 149 GCH CH Lionheart’s La Nostra Stella Brillante G Giraudo/M Giraudo/B Martin/J Martin 130 GCH CH Wildwoods Cirino Di Campo CGC R Hudgens 130 GCH CH Campo’s Cosmo Di Amato Billy Whiteshoes R Hudgens

Chinooks 31 22













CH Channahon’s Kikiah Tyee CM M Mandt CH Lakeside Run’s Little Bear CA K Holleran CH Forever Greene Talis CM RN P Richards Intervale’s Riverstone Beltaine BN RN CA N Bartol Forever Greene Tagluk P Richards Moonsong Never Cry Wolf C Taylor Mountainthunder Scarletbegonia D Schiller/K Schiller Greatmountain Tanaina D Schiller/J Maurer

2 Crossing Creek Encore D Fowler/J Blackman 2 Sandhill’s Ranger T Brown/C Brown 2 Frontier In Bocca Al Lupo RN S Fletcher/D Silvertree

(F) (M) (F)

Doberman Pinschers

Black Russian Terriers




(M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F)

2633 GCH CH Tiburon Ariel Bella Dona M Moyer/T Moyer/K Drake/J Drake 2441 GCH CH Tiburon Arsenal J Dolan/A Dolan 1425 GCH CH Cambria’s Vraiment Parfait G Lajeski/A Wulbrecht/K Thompson/A White 1252 GCH CH Vondura’s Xcelerator Belle Amie R Tracy/J Covert/M Dellorto/K Fox 905 GCH CH Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici S Lundy/D Lundy/J Mullins/K Mullins 843 GCH CH Alisaton Blackbird V Allure Beaulane R Kusumoto/J Kusumoto/L Cornelius 811 GCH CH Sharjets Starr Catcher CD RA S Marinelli/J Marinelli/S Kapp/G Hanna/M 793 GCH CH Jaroe Legend Of Irish Spirit R Kelly 792 GCH CH O’s Godiva Dark Demitasse M Byrns/P Onley 789 GCH CH Foxfire’s Tell Me About It M Santana/S St. John

Dogues de Bordeaux

537 GCH CH Evergreen’s Rub My Belly At Rising Star J Roberts/L Parker 130 GCH CH Mount Sinai’s Neanderthal St Amand P Duvall/W Duvall 123 GCH CH Trojans Timetobe Notice Mount Sinai’s G Rodriguez 108 GCH CH Storm De Legeane J Chicatelli 77 GCH CH Urszula Z Orisku J Chicatelli 74 GCH CH Ago Z Vlckovskeho Mlyna J Garcia Flores 59 CH Varela’s King Phillip” M Langley 50 GCH CH Heartstrings Claire J Chicatelli 48 GCH CH Primal’s Gorgon Guardian Medusa”” R Bina/S Fabian 46 GCH CH Beaches Deveraux’s Leon Pierre A Page

German Pinschers (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M)

217 GCH CH Daveren’s Peaceful Dream CAA J Robinson/J Eastman/R Brownfield 179 GCH CH Rivendells Material Girl K Schiff 103 GCH CH Clefell’s Romeo M Salva/L Mills 94 GCH CH Midernoch A Phortune Of Phranklins CA C French 73 GCH CH Windamir’s Dajavu Ganymede S Morgan/K Dorwart 67 CH Legacy’s Time To Shine D Bixler/L Mills 61 GCH CH Windamir’s Franco Des Charmettes N Coppinger/K Dowart 47 GCH CH Diamondmines One Class Act B Diamond/R Diamond 46 GCH CH Windamir Lover’s Tryst C Jobb/S Morgan 31 GCH CH Nevars Quick Silver F Stuby/A Issleib/D Velda/M Barkman

Giant Schnauzers (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M)

497 GCH CH Kenro’s Witching Hour R Greenslade/L Norton/D Hill 325 GCH CH Ramahill Absolutes I Am Legend Of Rw J Edmonds/L Edmonds/M Adler 174 GCH CH Skansen’s Havannah C Sansone/S Sansone 162 GCH CH Nightline Viking A Tanglewood E Fojtik/J Erath/C Erath 109 GCH CH Lowdown Remys Girl V Ardenhout M Low/L Low 106 GCH CH Skansen’s Got Guinness? R Poyfair/J Poyfair 91 GCH CH Skansen’s Leather & Lace Of Twilight P Poole 87 GCH CH Skansen’s Rose Colored Glasses J Davis 75 GCH CH Skansen’s Harvard G Reyna/J Boston 54 CH Onyxstar’s Black Falcon M Jones/S Fox

(F) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F)

(M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M)

(M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M)

(F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M)

Great Danes

(M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F)

2772 GCH CH Longo Miller N Lore’s Diamond Lil (F) T Longo/J Miller/L Matherly/C Crawford 1379 GCH CH Raintree Erinwood Dixie For Heaven’s Sake (F) R Gumbs/P Deloria/L Landrum/L Cornelius 1126 GCH CH Mjm’s Hi-Air All Eyes On Me (F) A Solnick/L Solnick/L Maulucci/M Maulucc 1063 GCH CH Ghdd Seamus Lord Of The Dance (M) K Kish/D Davis/J Deeming/J Ball 957 GCH CH Hauerdane’s Don’t Bury The Treasure v Caps (F) A Brill 761 GCH CH Shalako It’s All About Me V Regent (F) S Taylor/M Davisson 717 GCH CH Alpine’s Ice Warrior V Hawthorne (M) L Clesi/P Clesi/A Heavey 689 GCH CH Alpine’s Bohemian Rhapsody (M) P Smallwood 639 GCH CH Sunstrike Spellbinder At Karmel CGC (M) M Yellish 625 GCH CH Diola’s Saks And The City V Hi Class (M) S Bealko CONTINUED ON PAGE 260

Dog News 257

258 Dog News

Dog News 259

The Dog News Top Ten List CONTINUED FROM PAGE 257

Great Pyrenees

318 GCH CH Honor’s Promise Of The Future B Ducker/K Bruneau 251 GCH CH Rivergroves Chateau De Castelnau M Falatach 150 GCH CH Framboise Something Ventured Something P Hughes/S Hughes/P Watson 130 GCH CH Rivergroves Sky’s The Limit J Hanover/J Hanover/J Boyd 126 GCH CH Rivergroves Bon Appetit BN PCD RE CA R Morton/J Boyd 99 GCH CH Calurian Ailo Mountain Sage RA N Wood-Taber 97 GCH CH Guardenia’s Splish Splash V Coffman/K Justin/D Coffman/C Moore 93 GCH CH Monark Abbeyroads Molly Malone T Duncan/S Simard/M Hudon 76 GCH CH Pyrpressure Connu, Mais A’ Dieu G Johnson/M Johnson 70 GCH CH Euzkalzale’s Legacy Of Hope W Olson/T Denney-Combs

Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs

591 GCH CH Painted Mtn Oliver Twist Of Fate K Markley/R Markley 281 GCH CH Derby’s Toast With Gusto S Copeland 256 GCH CH Derby’s All American M Rusk/A Rusk/C Selleck/B Selleck 235 GCH CH Nox’s Luck Of The Irish CD RE D Fralick/B Fralick 231 GCH CH Derby’s X Marks The Spot A Mcfadden/D Echols 214 GCH CH Wildest Dream Midnight In Havana R Mezzanotte/S Trenholm/T Bailey/J Baile 196 GCH CH Breezy Ridge Maximus T Conway/K Krumpe 102 GCH CH Serendipity’s Handsome Dr.Zhivago D Holly 100 GCH CH Nox’s George Bailey’s Irish Creme CGC N Kechner/J Comer/C Robson 98 GCH CH Calypso V Alex Raven Moon A Wilson/C Wilson/T Brown/B Brown

Komondorok 32 13 12 10 6 6 5 4 4 4

GCH CH Nagyalma Unforgettable Too A White/V Mcnelis GCH CH Quintessential Chauncey S Wilczewski/D Wilczewski CH Ibis Goody Two Shoes C Evans Quintessential Calamity Jane CGCA D Fry/L Fry/J Reisinger Cupolo Brae’s Joska A Pompas B Johnston CH Lajosmegyi’s Nagyalma U2 A Quigley/N Jacobson/P Turner CH Meadow View Southern Gentleman Of Ibis S Harman/M Harman/C Evans CH Zoe The Lovable A Collado/R Collado/K Raleigh Kevilyn’s Fischer Finley Of Meadow View D Miller/S Harman Delwyn Ivan The Lovable R Collado/A Collado


141 GCH CH Mattiaci High Voltage At Glacier Creek D Blank 128 GCH CH Szumeria’s Wildwood Silver Six Pence CGC M Vila/L Brady/C Muir/C Townsend 107 GCH CH Casablanca’s Vakmero Pandur G Dash/N Berger 39 CH Aegys Unforgettable RN L Vogel 23 GCH CH Casablanca Elso Peachtree In Cahoots M Goodman/B Lenoski/R Ham/G Dash 19 GCH CH Double Ring Tarees Dream Machine C Ringering/K Ringering/I Miller/R Mille 17 CH Elso’s Prairie Smoke B Lenoski/M Goodman/B Rasco 17 GCH CH Glacier Creek’s Sparks A Flyin’ S Stephens 14 CH Gypsy Wind Purple Heart C Clegg/R Barnes/M Clegg 13 GCH CH Rebel Ridge Blue Moon I Miller/R Miller


624 GCH CH A. Feiner Eros L Bazlen 118 GCH CH Bluebonnet’s Fricis Is On Fire Of Acorn BN A Mozeleski/W Jones/J Hatlas-Pepper 95 GCH CH Yoks Vom Kaniberg M Beck/R Beck 92 GCH CH Corleone’s Hidden Agenda H Austin/N Austin 90 GCH CH Haus Gutfreund Acorn Diamond Jubilee B Goodfriend/N Goodfriend 69 GCH CH Bellawood’s Deja Vu V Sanftenloewen M Ruggiero-Smith/K Knight 65 GCH CH Koosa Van Leodipako RN K Stickel 57 GCH CH Haus Gutfreund Acorn Diamond In The Sky B Goodfriend/N Goodfriend 56 GCH CH El Dorado’s Chili Pepper P Mcdaniel/L Taft 52 GCH CH Desperado’s Gentleman George L Taft/B Dankanich

260 Dog News

(M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M)

(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)

(M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M)

(F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)

(M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M)

Based on breed competition



1034 GCH CH Willow Ridges Risky Business (M) J Swarts/N Walker/M Tichenor 547 GCH CH Kimmit’s Rockstar (M) K Wampler/L Gabhart 407 GCH CH Mcf Midnight Masquerade (M) J Lovece/C Lovece 388 GCH CH Bendegeit’s William The Brave (M) C King 379 GCH CH Talamascas Big Cheese (M) L Watson/M Mcgilvery/T Sholes 372 GCH CH Milleniums Moonshine (M) T Plezbert/C Jones 321 GCH CH Lazy D’s Spartacus At Her Majesty’s Request (M) K Williams 312 GCH CH Jadems Oliver Twist (M) J Berning/T Woods 292 GCH CH Jadems Rythm-N-Boo (M) T Woods 270 GCH CH Genesis Jethro At Rydalmount RN CGC (M) G Cuthbert

Neapolitan Mastiffs

164 GCH CH Otella Bruto A Gurrola 132 GCH CH Ironwood’s Papparrazi J Deppen/S Van-Spruill 40 CH Il Drago Severino C Boczar 24 CH Maximum’s Morocco M Aaron-Mcelyea 23 CH Amazing Love’s Locked And Loaded CGC L Hershberger/S Deans 22 CH New Moon Carlisle Of Amazing Love S Subler/L Hershberger 20 CH Omar Patrizio Italia L Moles 20 CH Mastino Templar Knight Of Cydonia A Hosking/R Hosking/L Ramos 17 CH Cassio Del Gheno A Pierret 17 CH Centurian Mastini Phoenix Platino A Goetz/W Goetz 17 King Gigi Of The Oaks T Hood


844 GCH CH Pouch Cove’s Seabrook Enough Said P Helming/K Griffin 721 GCH CH Rosewood’s Royal Flush M Morris 443 GCH CH Spillways Man About Town Kodiak R Emery/K Emery 405 GCH CH Darbydale’s All That And More G Griffith/K Kemp 370 GCH CH Susitna’s Deal Me In K Gerrits/H Gerrits/H Kramer/A Gerrits 310 GCH CH Darbydale’s Don’T Stop Believin’ RN K Rowland/C Bergmann 237 GCH CH Windhaven She’s The Real Cruz-Penelope C Legg/L Vande Ven 217 GCH CH Seacrest’s I’M Not What You Think J Taylor/D Nelson/D Nelson 197 GCH CH Heartsease King Of The Jungle M Casler/L Anderson 195 GCH CH Legacy’s Sir Lucan Of Camelot V Nguyen/G Dotzman/L Roser

Portuguese Water Dogs

1651 GCH CH Claircreek Impression De Matisse M Lint/P Helming/D Gottdenker 625 GCH CH Roseknoll Sunny Benjamin C Diamant/C Teasley/S Teasley/E Leyda 509 GCH CH NorthStar’s Hit The Deck Running RA NAJ S Soviero/J Soviero 415 GCH CH Spyglass N Aviator Sail With The Wind C Blancett 367 GCH CH Sail Away Root Beer Float M Parszewski/T Smith 326 GCH CH Cortereal Iron Man CD BN RA AX MXJ MXF J Berger/N Hunter 311 GCH CH Dandelion’s Maxwell’s Silver Hammer RN V Morro/W Varr Iii 200 GCH CH Patriot’s Designer Girl CGC T Snyder/L Snyder/K Maguire 182 GCH CH Odyseas Reel Sailors Eat Spinach CD S Forman/F Forman 171 GCH CH Prata Lua Tsar Nickolas Of Farallon S Holden


1673 GCH CH Hemlock’s Jack Of Hearts RA CGC K Bang/R Bang 1292 GCH CH Chancellor Flirt’s Hi Flyin’ Gladiator W Lewellen 1055 GCH CH Eis Haus Ivy League Big Red CD THD CGC J Martindale/V Mcgraw 824 GCH CH Ecko Ridge’s Big Easy Fast And Furious T Larroquette/B Larroquette 733 GCH CH Avatar Summer Storm Chaser RN C Walker 670 GCH CH Avatar Cosmac Storm M Brennan/J Mcilwaine/G Bidgood/A Mcilwa 607 GCH CH Parisans Stingray of RiverRidge R Ramsour/T Johnston 512 GCH CH Highwood’s Call Of The Wild D Austin/T Austin

491 GCH CH Gamegards Rhythm Of The Rain C Krown/V Weaver/P Marsh/D Rosetta 491 GCH CH Gamegards I’Ll Have Another V Braeside H Eldred

675 GCH CH McMagic’s Mojo P Mccallum 599 GCH CH Mcmagic’s Candied Ham Of Pebblesrun A Kiell Green/A Green/P Mccallum 597 GCH CH Polar Mist N Bark Bark’s Built Tough C O’Neill/J O’Neill 501 GCH CH Storytales Past Present & Future B King/K King/N King 501 GCH CH White Magic’s Seasoned Traveler-Trek”” M Matto 472 GCH CH Glacier’s Goddess Of Fire D Medeiros 461 GCH CH Glacierwhite Moonlite Mist Chanel No. 5 A Murphy 441 GCH CH Pebbles’ Run Cot’Npic’N Cotton Gin M Goodenough/A Kiell Green 255 GCH CH White Eagle’s Full Moon Rising On Alpine T Litton/M Augustus/J Augustus/C Montgom 247 GCH CH T-Snow Star’s Beyond Destiny M Willdigg/L Ragsdale

Siberian Huskies (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)

(F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)

(M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)

1797 GCH CH Snowmist’s Quicksilver Speigas L Baryte/H Shimtzu 795 GCH CH Topaz Bad Action H Tang 539 GCH CH Highlander’s Rumour Has It M Ralsky/C Pacht 534 GCH CH Britestars Jamesons Whiskey A Aguirre/L House/C French 483 GCH CH Kaniska’s Kauz For Kamotion At Talkeetna M Hinkle 425 GCH CH Paragon’s You Had Me At Merlot T Erickson/L Wilson 325 GCH CH Tackora’s Cookie Cutter D Studwell/P Benincasa 317 GCH CH Ziemabora’s Strut Your Stuff B Schaeffel 308 GCH CH Tiji’s Fire On The Moon W Kanchitsirikul 301 GCH CH Snowfire’s Holy Moses M Lehman/L Lehman

St. Bernards

901 GCH CH Jamelle’s Aristocrat V Elba BN RN CGC L Baker/E Baker 645 GCH CH Revilo’s Liquid Asset From Redside D Oliver/B Oliver 497 GCH CH Gliddens Lady Isabella K Glidden 307 GCH CH Opdyke’s Your Place Or Mine? C Cataldo/G Radcliffe 153 GCH CH Belle Isle’s Cookie V Cretan R Patterson/J Little/D Cox 135 GCH CH Trademark’s A Reed & Barton Von Joy J Joy/F Joy 119 GCH CH Twin Branch’s Red Bull Of Empty Keg D Boyd/B Boyd 108 GCH CH Sleepy Hollows Ice Slicer T Sleep 101 GCH CH Szajda’s Neverending Story CGC A Szajda/B Quagliaroli 82 GCH CH Starbrite’s Olive V. Northpointe R Ertle/M Zwerk

Standard Schnauzers

1016 GCH CH Mistic’s Longfellow Serenade S Marsh/A Derenzis 815 GCH CH Blackhawk Finnegan’s Wake L Studley/K Studley/L Green 290 GCH CH Chateau Palos Treaty Of Goarrhein TD E Mohrenweiser/M Just/H Mohrenweiser 232 GCH CH Steinhaus Maxim Courage RN D Morse 208 GCH CH Bardwoods Black Hat Harry P Lombardi/R Lombardi 195 GCH CH Vikingus Caesar Eytukan C Sanchez/M Sanchez 176 GCH CH Uhlan A Star Is Born J Legan 150 GCH CH Seneca’s Sterling Midnight Tango G Beeson 108 GCH CH Sketchbook No Deductions CGC T Rothwell/L Hansen 75 GCH CH Sketchbook Smarty Jones L Hansen/G Freeman 75 GCH CH Shana’s Ultimate Utopia L Shank/C Brown

Tibetan Mastiffs (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

265 GCH CH Dreamcatcher Major Victory Of Loki CGC D Parsons/W Slayton 157 GCH CH Comancheria’s Ciye Chiricahua Cochise G Nunnally 64 GCH CH Sierras’ Sasha - Yakone Nanuk J Butler/R Gallegos 37 CH Drakyi Timberline’s Moxie D Bosak/C Radcliffe 37 GCH CH Drakyi Lion Of Judah M Lott 32 GCH CH Dawa’s Welcome Stranger From Sierras D Nechemias/L Claus/W Wickman/D Wickman 28 GCH CH Himalaya’s A F Mufasa Of Stone W Puckett/D Puckett 22 GCH CH Aujudon’s Song Of The South A Lee/J Lee 19 CH Sequoiaoaks Aleutian R Eichhorn/M Brantley/L Brantley 14 CH Great Lakes Citadel Jin Viraat M Szarek/K Hannan/K Dewitt

(F) (M)

(M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F)

Terrier Group Airedale Terriers

795 GCH CH Joval Angel’s Whisper V Rickard/J Rickard 484 GCH CH Penaire’s Chip Leader At Longvue J Clarke/W Clarke/T Clyde/A Clyde 167 GCH CH Raynaire V Crescent’s Secret Storm C Johnson/K Coffey 115 GCH CH Epoch’s New York Minute A Moore/D Moore 107 GCH CH Huntwood’s Command Performance Of C Vitosh/J Linn/S Kipp 85 GCH CH Bryndale Penaire Mistletoe ‘N Holly A Brinker/C Brinker/J Clarke/W Clarke 67 GCH CH Joval It’s My Time V Rickard/J Rickard 57 GCH CH Epoch’s Time Bandit A Moore/D Moore 53 GCH CH Jet Aire’s Ursa Major, The Greater Bear D Turba/J Turba 43 GCH CH Timberwyck Glenayr Heads Up P Frye/S Kuhn/T Maher

American Staffordshire Terriers (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

982 GCH CH Angarda Deja Vu Looking At You E Mckee-Heath 721 GCH CH Lbk’s Enuf Talk About Ruby Of Mule Creek L Jagta/L Keller 337 GCH CH Alpine’s Lonewolf Whisky River S Killen/L Killen/G Thorton 276 GCH CH Cicero’s Clash Of The Titans N Patrick/J Patrick 263 GCH CH Chavez Let It Ride At Bonsai G Simonds/A Ghione 254 GCH CH Alpine’s Ring Of Fire CGC J Mosing/E Thomason/K Thomason/V Piltz 182 GCH CH Vaca Valley’s Bold Ruler For Frajaec G Brown/K Rudzik/B Gottier/D Pesenti/J M 163 GCH CH Major League’s Silver Slugger C Ward/H Ward 157 GCH CH Old River’s Talk About A Mystery S Allison/L Jones 140 GCH CH Diablos Queen Sophie Anne R Whitlow/S Whitlow

Australian Terriers (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F)

(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)

(M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M)

268 GCH CH Ryba’s Call Me Irresponsible S Bachman/T Schreeder 235 GCH CH Temora Ri Diercc Z Smith 157 GCH CH Dunham Lake Scout Master T Steinmetz/J Steinmetz/T Goiffon 116 GCH CH P.S. Phoebe Ii Christhill K Hill/W Christensen 115 GCH CH Benayr Nick Of Time M Porter 113 GCH CH Nellyson’s Mr Dont Skip The Zip C Mechalke/J Mechalke 72 GCH CH Ryba’s Gotham City Hero M Langham/S Bachman/T Schreeder 65 GCH CH Shastakin Flying Dust Buster Z Van Wyck De Ropp 65 GCH CH Arista Redskys Love Is All There Is P Levy 57 GCH CH Ryba’s A Bit Risque S Bachman/T Schreeder

(F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)

(M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)

(M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)

Bedlington Terriers 300 GCH CH Wrightwyn’s Power Play S Bethea 249 GCH CH Lamz Heads I Win Tails You Lose CAA L Zembrzuski/G Gilbeau 179 GCH CH First Class Willow Wind The Phoenix S Friedemann/J Fogel 110 GCH CH Patchwork’s Built To Last B Lundy 105 GCH CH Sandon N’ Oakhill Jazzy’s Top Secret C Foti 96 GCH CH Carillon Chazzen De Hayyim L Heyman 59 GCH CH Kaylynn’s Guiding Light S Beutler/R Beutler/E Beutler 58 GCH CH Bling Bling’s Bleu Sapphire J Steele/E Wolkenmuth 57 GCH CH Peremi I M A Player J Weiskopf/L Nilsson 51 GCH CH First Class Delaine Merino J Fogel

Border Terriers

752 GCH CH Mchill’s Hrh Prince Gizmo House Of Gremlin P Holson/A Barrios 535 GCH CH Meadowlake Pants On Fire K Fitzpatrick/T Bradley/K Courtelis 236 GCH CH Ristle Alley Hoop At Coldstream JE R Cobussen/G Cobussen 220 CH Ganymede’s Hope And Glory M Matheson/J Matheson 203 GCH CH Foxburrow Celebrity Apprentice G Scott/R Scott 163 GCH CH Devons La Tua Cantante K Myers/G Myers 162 GCH CH Surefyre’s Just In Time M Smith/C Bartlett 150 GCH CH Brocair Field Of Cherry Blossoms A Donovan 120 GCH CH Kilcreggans Poppy Of Eilean Donan M Bond/W Bond 112 GCH CH Riverside Play By Play S Mannings/B Novak

(M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M)

(M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M)

The Dog News Top Ten List

Based on breed competition

90 83 80

Bull Terriers (Colored)

145 GCH CH Action First Try C Claburn/F Berez 140 GCH CH Yoeckydoe’s Kissproof H Knockaert 122 GCH CH Banbury Bedrock Bright Star Bright M Remer/R Lamkins/K Lamkins/W Mackay-Smi 109 GCH CH Aragon’s Ruffin It At Honeytree P Selk/V Everett/P Grecco/M Bankus 83 GCH CH Javarke King At Arnolds A Salas/G Anderson 82 GCH CH Glentom’s Dirty Harry T Cournoyer/G Wright 74 GCH CH Soquel Millenium Seafarer G Harlamoff/N Waynee 53 CH Magor Millenium Moonstruck G Smith/N Smith/S Byzewski 50 GCH CH Bur Oak’s Oscar Of Winsor K Turner/B Ralston 49 GCH CH Iceni Shot Taken K Bebb/M Campbell Hegg/L Myall

18 (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)

Bull Terriers (White)

187 GCH CH Sandstone’s Conceived In Liberty For Paradox (F) G Snyder/I Hudson/M Whitehair/T Whitehai 97 GCH CH Global Mighty White At Kilacabar (M) C Whitmer/S Whitmer/C Kilpatrick/C Kilpa 95 GCH CH Allegro Rockstar (M) S Harris/D Harris 87 GCH CH Glentom Seeking Fame And Fortune (M) A Graulau/J Graulau/T Cournoyer/G Wright 68 GCH CH Banbury Bedrock Bright Diamond (F) K Longhofer/M Remer/K Lamkins/W Mackay-S 50 GCH CH Bulliards Good Hearted Woman (F) J Snider/M Long 48 GCH CH Bullseye Oliver Orion (M) N May/M May 42 GCH CH Rhydaman Frosty (M) L Martin/I Morden 40 GCH CH Sandstone’s Visions Of Liberty (F) E Bluhm/T Bluhm/M Whitehair/T Whitehair 38 CH Nuance Naughty Or Nice (F) C Parker

Cairn Terriers

466 GCH CH Terriwood Mvp T Godwin/K Godwin/B Doyle/N Doyle 466 GCH CH Hjohoo’s Save Hjour Love For Me V Malzoni/E Theodorsson 466 GCH CH Rocco’s Collar King Carl Xvi Gustaf K Kauffman/W Eckard 460 GCH CH Connacht A Ha’ Penny Will Do M Joyce 362 GCH CH Cyntu’s Twist N Shout D Vogt/S Vogt 286 GCH CH Stonebridge Just A Little Bit Better D Ziesmer 263 GCH CH Dogwood Treasure Hunter P Davis 170 GCH CH Hjohoo’s Give Me Hjour Love L Spain 138 GCH CH Hjohoo’s Just The Way Hjo Are E Theodorsson/V Malzoni 132 GCH CH Maverston Double Dutch T Erickson/M Lucier

Cesky Terriers 91 27 25 19 19 14 13 13 10 7 7

GCH CH Zlatapraha Gillespie Bluefire P Huber/N Huber/T Smith/P Bale GCH CH Xcaliber Laraff D Loewe GCH CH Chalma’s Fiky Dzem L Brandt-Comer/R Comer GCH CH Devineheart’s Goodnight Irene N Devine/J Devine/B Risi-Diamond CH Talyot Hermione D Loewe/L Richardson/S Richardson/D Wils GCH CH Devineheart’s Idus Martias L Drew Zlatapraha Jazz T Cashman CH Artur Of Bumble-Bee Castle J Hester-Kyttle/N Devine CH Sambarbs Cedric Diggory B Hopler Devineheart’s Hill & Dayl N Devine/J Devine GCH CH Milenka’s Hector In Act Four L Kapustina/A Kapustin/L Marino

Dandie Dinmont Terriers 74 69 68 51 32 29 24 22 19

GCH CH King’s Mtn. Angelina Ballerina S Hickson/B Stenmark GCH CH Pastime The Dandie Wears Prada K Cramer GCH CH Derrydown Double Indemnity G Myers/K Myers GCH CH Lonsdale Sir Joseph Porter A Simpson CH Pennywise Tiddlywinks C Nelson GCH CH Clossongrey Frankystein K Dorn/L Dorn GCH CH King’s Mtn. Alice Springs C Chriscaden/M Furlong GCH CH Tigh O’Tykes Hugo N Ryan CH Von Maser’s Highland Fling J Maser

(M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)

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(F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

CH Aranisle Star Of San Jacinto C Blair/B Mcdannald

Fox Terriers (Smooth)

366 GCH CH Wedigit Paparazzi T Haines/L Smith 326 GCH CH High Mtn Everso Smooth S Perrine/C Snavely 298 GCH CH Broxden Waybroke Halstan Heritage V Malzoni 177 GCH CH Foxjar Absolutely Awesome A Ruggieri/J Smith/D Gabel 157 GCH CH Lil’Itch Steeplechase M Aroney/T Haines/A Aroney 140 GCH CH Absolutely Talk Of The Town J Smith/E Boyes 137 GCH CH Sheeze-Beez Soldier Of Fortune Tlc V Boyle 120 GCH CH J’Cobe Broxden Danea V Malzoni/A Booth/P Booth/W Dalling 92 GCH CH Nileefox Taylor Made D Rathgeber/S Rathgeber 90 GCH CH Warfox Wild Flower L Nelson/S Nelson/M Kralik/P Kralik

Fox Terriers (Wire)

573 GCH CH Afterall Painting The Sky V Malzoni/T Steele/S Olund/M Olund/D Rya 158 GCH CH Crispy Legacy A Agenta/D Eggert/J Eggert/A Astrom 125 GCH CH Garcini Rangels Concerto With TES L Garcini/J Paquette/E Singer 115 GCH CH Aljamar Accentuate The Positive M Laschinski/J Warling/A Waters 101 GCH CH Crynwyd Caprice H Cole/K Harris 98 GCH CH Frenchpark Ard Ri Niall M Hermon/J Killeen 93 GCH CH Garcini & Rangel’s Rock N Rolla L Garcini/K Rogers/J Paquette 89 GCH CH Briarlea’s Keaira V Matanic 57 GCH CH Gordon’s Bite Of The Apple J Hanson/S Hanson 56 GCH CH Fox Creek Jp I Wish H Tsuyuki/J Diehl

Glen of Imaal Terriers

106 GCH CH Liberty’s Darren Of Daulton P Estes/J Daulton 66 GCH CH Liberty’s Padraig E Pires/A Lynn 59 GCH CH Daulton’s Clodagh From Cill Dara J Daulton/L Knight/P Estes 58 GCH CH Finnabair Ardmore Ned D Doyle 53 GCH CH Rainbow Springs Wicklow’s Warrior Of Ber -DW Roland/R Roland/M Carty 49 GCH CH Kilkenny’s Sullivan Of Castlerock C Chiddister/S Blum 38 GCH CH Daulton’s Emerald Green J Daulton/P Estes/M Greene/C Greene 30 GCH CH Finnabair Pride Of Wicklow A Tighe/S Kohlhepp/M Mcdaniel 28 GCH CH Daulton’s Sen Quinn Of Blessington S Eck/J Daulton/P Estes 26 GCH CH Abberann Abaigeal S Blum/J Blum

Irish Terriers

267 GCH CH Rockledge Mccallen Of Meath L Honey/J Wilson/J Macdonald 110 GCH CH Gingerbread’s Dark and Stormy T Lahti 106 GCH CH Donedaire’s Emerald Of Erin P Shaw/M Shaw 104 GCH CH Windeire Aurora Borealis P Macdonald 87 GCH CH Sharob’s Commander In Chief S Lindgren/R Lindgren 20 CH Fleet St Fire And Ice A Barker 19 GCH CH Glenstal’s Standing Ovation J Nash/J Nash 19 GCH CH Breezy’s X-Tra Top Priority T Vandezande/B Vandezande 18 CH Takala’s Hot Topic Casey T Carr 15 CH Woodley’s Rough Flynn Rustle M Lee/J Lee/D Rapport 15 GCH CH Donedaire Sharob’s Good As Gold W Webber/B Webber/S Lindgren 15 CH Laochragh’s Aurora Borealis P Gill/C Marsh/K Marsh

Kerry Blue Terriers

544 GCH CH True Blue Madonna E Randall 354 GCH CH Class Act By Hallsblu W Berry 199 GCH CH Irisblu Mirage J Garahan/K Garahan 132 GCH CH Saredon Shock Waves Of Irisblu A Norman/H Quigg 124 GCH CH Ciarrai’s Beltane Embers P Fox/J Deaton 119 GCH CH Edbrios Russian Roulette E Hansen 90 GCH CH Tontine’s Chance Redemption L Croley/C Dwyer


GCH CH Dinnyesvarosi Mexico L Zambrano GCH CH Kamagh Too Busy Bein Fabulous N Han/W Mcfadden GCH CH Kerrisel’s Here’s Looking At You R Nicholson/C Nicholson

Lakeland Terriers (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (F)

212 GCH CH Larkspur Acadia Save Me A Spot A Barker/S Fraser/M Sacco 110 GCH CH Hi-Kel Terrydale Fortune In My Eyes A Geremia/F Cashin/Terrydale Knl 45 GCH CH Delzar Sweet Sin-Sation P Harbison 38 GCH CH Hi-Kel Terrydale Fortune Forward Terrydale Knl/K Mcindoe/C Dowd/B Dowd/C 35 CH Snowtaires Back To The Future B Decker/L Parker 26 GCH CH Nanhalls Koichi Hikel Terrydale B Bates/W Bates 26 GCH CH Delzar Lucania’s Bippity Boppity Boo L Coppedge/T Szaras 25 CH Glacieridge Goodie Two Shoes JE R Mcmillan 18 CH Wakefield Face The Music M Wamback/K Hoy/J Kerr 18 O’Brady Hollybriar Renaissance Man J Braddy/P Mccann/H Kain

Manchester Terriers (Standard) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F)

214 GCH CH Medley’s War Hunt E Tonini/J Tonini/J Tonini-Zanotto 156 GCH CH Toria Royalty In The Making T Taylor/V Herbert-Thorsland 77 GCH CH Oasis Razzmatazz V Stanert/B Stanert 49 GCH CH Medley’s Joker’s Gamble S Gerritz/T Myers 47 GCH CH Wilane’s Midnight Rydor R Gates/B Wood/K Brewer 40 GCH CH Oasis Blue Lagoon S Cafferty 35 GCH CH Medley’s The World Is Not Enough S Berrend/T Myers/D Asplund-Green 26 CH Ra’s Unsinkable Molly Brown At Mosaic R Jonas 25 GCH CH Jetcitys Little Red Rocker At Spirit A Cain/L Nonog 24 GCH CH Wilane’s Sophisticated Lady B Wood/B Wood/J Emerick

Miniature Bull Terriers (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F)

426 GCH CH Cambria’s Kid N Play L Baggenstos/R Baggenstos/A Guerrero/D G 204 GCH CH Dytona Vip M Jacobs/A Klishas/E Feuz 100 GCH CH Evolution Runs With Scissors S Cummings/K Toomey/C Jensen 86 GCH CH Amchara Roc Ur World K Toland/S Toland 68 GCH CH Kingsmere Rambunctious Romeo L Lethin/G Simonds 59 GCH CH Ruffshaad’s Caprice At Royalbard R Hausken/O Hausken/E Held/C Korn 56 GCH CH Bonsai Winning Colors At Bullikountry R Kennedy/G Simonds 44 CH Pagwin Little Big Man B Hee/J Kane 38 GCH CH Envisionregistan Sweet William V Driscoll 31 GCH CH Cambria’s Odd Man Out D Guerrero/M Ward

Miniature Schnauzers (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F)

(F) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M)

1153 GCH CH Allaruth Just Kidding V Sole Baye Y Phelps/R Ziegler 653 GCH CH Tomar’s Captain Kirk M Paisley 603 GCH CH Kruse’s High Interest M Lande/B Kruse 503 GCH CH Repittion Jolee’s Spring Time In April J Williams/K Garmaker 393 GCH CH Regency’s Play For Keeps D Lewis/K Lewis/B Verna 354 GCH CH Joker Land’s Glacyka Fci M Uryu/J Constantine 311 GCH CH Rockyhill Icees Raisin’ The Bar”” S Fry 292 GCH CH Regency’s Playmaker B Verna/S Wang 250 GCH CH Minuteman Toxicology C Mcmillan/K Prokopetz 228 GCH CH Legend’s B-B-B Bad To The Bone D Huff/S Huff

Norfolk Terriers

642 GCH CH Yarrow Venerie Ticket To Ride P Beale/J Beale 93 CH Yarrow Venerie Trader Vic From Owl Hollow B Thomas/A Thomas/P Beale 91 GCH CH Barnstable Bold Over NFP S Stemmler 78 GCH CH Some Buddy Llwydd Eric The Red J Carter/T Carter/H Cole 54 GCH CH Avalon’s Spring Cove’s Simon Eyes K Nelson 51 CH Arroyo’s Jingle All The Way A Dum/E Dum 45 GCH CH Rightly So Smart Syndicate M James/R Newton/S Augustine 37 CH Avalon’s First Mate L Pelletier 33 GCH CH Tater Tot’s Bisou Des Montagnes L Vogt/G Belcher 29 GCH CH Dexter M Seewald

(M) (F) (M)

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(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M)

Norwich Terriers

563 GCH CH Apollo C Chen/C Trexler/C Foucrault 523 GCH CH Highwood’s Whirling Dun J Fonyo/N Fonyo 308 GCH CH Dunbar’s Heir Apparent J Kefeli 243 GCH CH Tuxedo Junction J Little/S Little/D Hanna 238 GCH CH Thunderwood’s First Robin Of Spring T Willrich/K Conlan 232 GCH CH Waiterock Jack Falstaff C Harper 217 GCH CH Roserock’s Atticus Finch A Garcia Gomez/M Lopez 217 GCH CH Camio’s Educated Exemplar C Rogers 131 GCH CH Watermark Hunter At High Pines P Giroux 125 GCH CH Michan’s Mick Like A Rolling Stone L Marshall/H Marshall

Parson Russell Terriers

432 GCH CH Panther Creek The Full Monty J Ramming/R Ford 321 GCH CH Foxbend Colour Me More K Courtelis/D Bryson/J Wilkinson 231 GCH CH Shasta N Sonship A Skip L Reinhard/T Reinhard 136 GCH CH Fox Valley Devil In Disguise C Florence/J Felten 131 GCH CH Rosewoods O.M.G. S Johnson/C Howton 131 GCH CH Ardsley Run Heaven Sent J Smith/J Gardner 102 GCH CH Shalimar Wild Montana Sky Of Orejac C Burgasser/J Caulk 75 GCH CH Dream Hi’s Lil’ Surfer Dude K Rickard/L Rickard 59 GCH CH Cobblestone Gathers No Moss JE S Tolleson/K Baker 57 GCH CH Premiere Gossip Girl @ Sunrock T Houser/D Chenoweth/K Owsley/D Anibal

Rat Terriers

128 GCH CH Stoneybays Ur Martini’s Serv’D CM S Mcwilliams/T Jordan 86 GCH CH Raganrat’s Quintessential Q CM RN OA OAJ D Ragan/H Browne 74 GCH CH Riverridge Trin2 Sail 2 The Top CM CA B Brown/S Mcwilliams 41 GCH CH River Ridge’s Level Of Intrigue S Mcwilliams 29 CH Cohills Night Passage T Dennis/A Hill 27 CH Sands’ Black Diamond Wilson BN RN CGC L Lee/J Leigh 23 Dos Kn Pn Rnb He’s The Wizard S Hendrix/D Hendrix 23 GCH CH River Ridge’s I Put A Spell On U J Babarsky/S Mcwilliams 22 CH Tanaga Baileys Tru Obsession CM RN R Lutwinas 19 CH Kenann’s Liv’N N Lov’ N Life CM A Agostine 19 CH King Pen Rnb’s Queen Ann S Hendrix

Russell Terriers

318 GCH CH Goldsand’s Columbus M Ulrich/C Areskough 153 GCH CH Rivendell’s Tinker Toy S Sobel 86 GCH CH Monamour Jp Part Time Lover K Miichi 80 GCH CH Goldsand’s Billie Jean CA M Wooldridge/J Stevens/C Manelopoulos/R 57 CH Falling Branch The Patriot L Mckinney/L Grimsley 47 GCH CH Meadowbrook Madison CM S Sobel 43 GCH CH Star Valley Baer Dude Impact CM BN RA K Baer/A Black 33 GCH CH Monamour Jpp Energy Of Kiss E Reisman 33 GCH CH Heritage Jp Cotton Snow M Yamazaki 27 GCH CH All Jacks Be Special A All Jacks 27 GCH CH Appassionato Jp Monamour’s Star A Hargrave/C Areskough

Scottish Terriers

447 GCH CH Mcvan’s To Russia With Love M Khenkina 408 GCH CH Charthill Top Billing K Vogt/C Hill/K Hill 300 GCH CH Invercrest Surely Why Not D Eggert/J Eggert 299 GCH CH Charthill Premier Performance C Hill/K Hill 259 GCH CH Kelwyn’s History In The Making K Edell/D Edell 251 GCH CH Chyscott’s Making An Entrance L Shafer/W Shafer/K Simmons 218 GCH CH Mcvan’s Be Bop Baby V Huber/R Cross 160 GCH CH Cumbria’s Ready Jet Go P Wooster/T Wooster 126 GCH CH Roundtown Everyday Magic Of Maryscot A Musser 107 GCH CH Kingsview Just Ebony C Blain/L Tuttle

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Dog News 261

The Dog News Top Ten List CONTINUED FROM PAGE 261

Sealyham Terriers

181 GCH CH Efbe’s Thunder Rd At Burberry S Hawks/F Bergeron/L Tetreault/S Middleb 118 GCH CH Hotshot’s Royal She’ll Make ‘Em Cry B Dunlap/R Dunlap 92 GCH CH Wildwind Mojito B Snyder/J Ferrera/B Fain 39 GCH CH Slyfox Sassy Lady Of Bluff’s End C Echelbarger/J Taggart/K Jacobson 13 CH Wildwind Keep Your Hat On B Snyder/J Ferrera 12 CH Afterglow’s Rapunzel L Inman/R Inman 12 CH Dubwyre Cherrydun Ladyhawke J Thill/D Francois/N Dunleavy 11 CH Thunder Rds Blueberry Hill S Hawks 11 Afterglows Princess Kate L Inman/R Inman 10 CH Thunder Rd For A Dancer S Hawks

Skye Terriers

125 CH Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie V Malzoni/Cragsmoor Knl 115 GCH CH Gleanntan Wonderful Wizard Of Oz Gleanntan Knl 91 GCH CH Jay-Roy Byrne ‘N Hot For You D Salandro 76 GCH CH Kuhlbreeze Voice Of Reason D Ridley/D Divis/E Ridley 61 GCH CH Marwyn Blackfyre Rebellion E Shaw/C Schuman 59 GCH CH Desire Of Love Dell’Antica Caledonia S Middleton 54 GCH CH Talakan Trumpeter Swan J Davis 38 GCH CH Solana Big Lebowski M Shiue 25 GCH CH Solana Demolition Man M Shiue 25 CH Talakan Winterhawk At Ladybank S Parsons/P Koff

Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers

792 GCH CH Doubloon’s Extreme Play E Landa 304 GCH CH Shandalee Fireworks D Sealy/N Bailey 240 GCH CH Lochlinear Gleanngay Cha Ching P Mullin 234 GCH CH Diamonds Cactus Cash B Hillwig 212 GCH CH Ainle Villanova Mouth Of The South CGC K Elliot 207 GCH CH Greentree Gold Charm B Mcdonald/K Mcdonald 193 GCH CH Cuilinn Expresso Con Panna H Million 178 GCH CH Greentree Cayenne Dancer R Reey/B Mcdonald 156 GCH CH Mirikal Double Top Breakout NA NAJ S Mcgee 139 GCH CH Bonney Labor Of Love V Gosnell/D Gosnell/B Snyder 139 GCH CH Reyem’s Red Rover Come Over R Hager/L Hager/G Meyer

Staffordshire Bull Terriers

514 GCH CH Sylon Bruce Of Ringmaster M Darwish/J Miller 413 GCH CH Red Samurai Z Smith 147 GCH CH Vomhausharrock Dondiegoredrock L Heimbuch/T Alberg 142 GCH CH Shortyrocks Jasper By Dumbriton M Bryant/S Carter 131 CH Ashbull Odriscoll T Matusiak/M Czyzak 129 GCH CH Trugrip Summer Dayz T Pawson 126 GCH CH Tartans Eddie Van Halen By Dynastaff M Haney 125 GCH CH Moonstruck Calamar’s Mighty Worrier M Neale/J Heller 110 GCH CH Empire N Divines Change In My Pocket CA L Divine/T Glover 103 GCH CH Red Rocks Desert Storm B Kriger/C Kriger

Welsh Terriers

422 GCH CH Shaireab’s Bayleigh Maid Of Honor S Abmeyer/K Bailey/T Lee/X Xie 162 GCH CH Andover See-Z The Moment P See/J See 140 GCH CH Malvado Devil Woman P Clark/N Clark 106 GCH CH Sanherpinc Poporopo At Teritails T Lohmuller 37 GCH CH Brynmawr Loud And Proud K Rost/J Callens 30 GCH CH Summersun’s Sweet Memories J Simmons 28 GCH CH Malvado Thunder Storm P Clark/J Stephens 26 GCH CH Redragon’s Brown Eyed Girl F Adams/P Adams 21 GCH CH Cambrian Four Star Brigadier General J Fox-Stephens/T Stephens 18 CH Musart Ruby Dee Of Maridawn J Williams

262 Dog News

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(F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

Based on breed competition

West Highland White Terriers

846 GCH CH Deerhaven Hez Justin Kredible At Orion D Bouderra/J Kays/G Kays/I Keushgenian 599 GCH CH Camcrest Andsurely Jasmine J Downing/S Campbell/R Roberts/A Sanders 354 GCH CH Tullybloom’s Classified Credentials P Cohen/C Cohen 335 GCH CH Devonshire Out Of The Starting Gate T Pancost 245 GCH CH Ashgate U S Great Expectations L Pacheco/N Brown 232 GCH CH Mizzentop Storm King M Fiore/H Fiore 229 GCH CH Glenns Monte Carlo W Falls 208 GCH CH Wyndbrae’s Maclaren P Whiting/S Byrd/W Noble 148 GCH CH Plum Creek’s Hear Me Roar E Keener/K Mcdonald 135 GCH CH Whitesprite’s Most Happy Fella Of Glenmaw J Auger Maw

(M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Toy Group Affenpinschers

490 GCH CH Tamarin Tarheel A Shultz/G Shultz 256 GCH CH Yarrow’s Hi-Tech Ben There Done That W Truesdale/W Truesdale/L Wubbell 76 GCH CH Strongfort Opium Puffn Muffn L Carpenter/C Beaver/M Peat 42 GCH CH Xela’s Party Tric D Wood/S Jones/D Hichborn/P Belmont 39 GCH CH Aberdeens Monkey Man K Hickey 37 GCH CH Airescot Peer Gynt D Gehnert/L Bitz 33 GCH CH Airescot Sunset L Baker 21 CH Coachlight Frolicn Highwayman S Boyd/S Wymore 21 GCH CH Induna’s Ink Spot C Duran/L Duran 20 CH Schnaffentangens Norwegian Wood J Plank

Brussels Griffons

439 GCH CH Paragons Sharp Dressed Man At Greengates F Cashin/M Gale/K Fleener 354 GCH CH Hilltop’s GQ Cover Boy P Brown 304 GCH CH Hilltop’s Watch Me Now M Grafton 246 GCH CH Fist Face A Penny For Your Thought D Burvee 232 GCH CH Marsdon Frankly Speaking B Strange 161 GCH CH Tupelo Axel Rose Br J Saba/P Kolesar-Stoltz/J Constantine/L 131 GCH CH Chismick’s Lights On Broadway K Jaeger/M Jaeger 71 GCH CH Krossfire Bellini D Henderson 68 GCH CH Seagryphs Cuba Libre M Rogers/M Kornfeld/E Kornfeld 67 GCH CH Genesis Ben-Jamin To My Own Beat S Yarnall/S Seymour

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

1755 GCH CH Quail Garden Loch Lomond Deja Vu J Mittelman/K Subramanian 1412 GCH CH Miletree Northern Star E Whitney/R Whitney/S Henry/B Henry 944 GCH CH Piccadil’s Twist And Shout CD BN RN J York 785 GCH CH Orchard Hill Play For Keeps C Darr/E Venier/R Venier 606 GCH CH Kinvaar Make Pretend G Reardon 594 GCH CH Tudorose Apollo P Mixon 584 GCH CH Grantilley Galaxy Moon M Talley/J Talley 481 GCH CH Burbrook Storm Chaser J Ioia/B Ioia/D Petralia/C Rose 455 GCH CH Orchard Hill Only Human G Bill/G Wells 432 GCH CH Fleet Street Bet Me At Rosebriar W Stang

Chihuahuas (Long Coat)

638 GCH CH Timeless Cottondale Pink Champagne D Miller/S Miller/K Potts 634 GCH CH Mini Cooper (Lamuno) J Lamuno Gonzalez 596 GCH CH Matriart Lg Muffin A Paola Diniz/L Guilmerme Diniz Pretoni 552 GCH CH Jetstar’s Simply Outrageous J Chandler 470 GCH CH Bayard Wendy M Newell/E Lanasa 460 GCH CH Don’T Blame Me I’M Cute (Lamuno) J Gonzalez Lamuno 380 GCH CH Victory Mask Of Zorro K Hulstein/S Hartwig 373 GCH CH Lone Pine’s Boston Legal D’Ouachitah M Blank/C Eugene/L George 368 GCH CH Whiteclouds Miss Kitty D Franklin/D White 331 GCH CH Bk’s Wild About Harry B Smith

(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)

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Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat)

397 GCH CH Genbrook’s Playin’ With Fire B Kaye/G Stiles 355 GCH CH Gaga Lady De Aqlla M Blank/L George 350 GCH CH South Fork’s Sweet Harmony M Held 341 GCH CH Sandy’s Babes Tradewinds As Ever D Corl 314 GCH CH Shorepointe’s Buddy Dazzler W Mccollister/J Ward/S Chavez/J Standish 300 GCH CH Flo-Davi ‘N Timeless Creating Havoc F Davis/D Davis/K Potts 297 GCH CH Aqlla Quo Vadis A Dinardo 289 GCH CH Super Cj Of Golden Side M Macaraig/G Manas 285 GCH CH Koniki’s Queen Of De Nile 4 Bellachi S Molash/K Hirn-Sheppard 262 GCH CH Krispin Ever Done Good J Breazeale/S Guthrie/B Overstreet

Chinese Crested

869 GCH CH Dejavu I Want’A Talk About Me R Kusumoto/J Kusumoto 754 GCH CH Storytime’s Rocky Road For Gingery M Fields/A Butterklee/J Temple 656 GCH CH Kaylens Girls Just Want To Have Fun T Isherwood/K Peiser/V Dorris 550 GCH CH Belews Les Bons Temps Rouler D Parker/M Parker/S Frampton 539 GCH CH Egillo Z Teramonu A Lynn 489 GCH CH Stillmeadow Solo In The Spotlight M Patti/J Patti 458 GCH CH Kulana’s Sh-Boom S Frumkin/M Frumkin 363 GCH CH Hampton Court’s Charlie Of Legend J Deeming 346 GCH CH Pegasus Ace In The Hole T Watson 308 GCH CH Creekside’s Put On The Red Light V Burdine

(F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F)

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English Toy Spaniels (Blenheim & Prince Charles) 221 GCH CH Chaseland’s Howard Glodek B Miller/J Glodek 92 GCH CH Loujon Thornwood Little Jacob K Miller/J Ward 65 GCH CH Clussexx Champagne Breakfast D Johnson/J Hubbard/J Peterson 63 GCH CH Loujon Backroads To Paris C Williams/J Ward/K Miller 25 GCH CH Adair’s Journey To Ravissant OA AXJ J Smedley 24 GCH CH Sanchi Valentino B Miller 23 CH Dragon’s Lair Hoard Of Treasure I Cary 21 GCH CH Legacyrock My World D Stevens Lindemaier 18 GCH CH Sequel Martin Chuzzlewit D Cunningham 15 CH Danaho’s Jack Of Hearts D Hopkins

English Toy Spaniels (King Charles & Ruby) 205 GCH CH Lto Prosperity R Cole/M Landers 194 GCH CH Southdown Nevermind B Van Deman 49 GCH CH Novel Backroads Run For The Roses S Plance/H Reid/M Reid 49 GCH CH Novel All Aquiver S Hepler 39 GCH CH Denim Wicked Storm C Hess 22 GCH CH Backroads Ruff An Rowdy S Plance/C Williams 21 CH Marjaniemen Golden Ivory J Peterson 20 GCH CH Marsward Miss Conduct J Swaine/M Tuesley 19 CH Southwycks Send Me Home J Dooley 19 CH Surucas Time To Shine S Jackson


1190 GCH CH Oeste’s Flirt’N With An Outlaw R Schindler/M King/J Vogel 921 GCH CH Yup’s Malibu Dream E Omeara/J Birdsall/D Stout 837 GCH CH Marcosa’s Bachelor Button J Mcgrath/H Kolzow 816 GCH CH Harbor’s Sky-Blue Pink C Field/H Bennett/B Call 635 GCH CH That’s Adorabull’s Dreaming Of You D Scheiris/J Chavez/D Scheiris/P Lucas/S 592 GCH CH Wyhaven’s How D’Ya Like Me Now C Wilson 565 GCH CH Qbin’s Strictly Confidential At Enginuity A Liebing/A Welling 517 GCH CH Yayas Dancing Through Life D Planche/C Livingston/K Livingston/B Ca 489 GCH CH Fuzzy Farm Qbin Who’s On First S Lawrence/A Lawrence 374 GCH CH Windfall’s Dude With Attitude K Ambler

Italian Greyhounds

1004 GCH CH Donavin’s Caramel Macchiato D Davis/J Davis 411 GCH CH Integra’s Masquerade Party M Lucas/R Weyer 345 GCH CH Voici Island Of Mykonos L Griffioen/R Conrad

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325 GCH CH Gdm Zenyatta At Lakeside M Manning/D Snoble/J Kulic 319 GCH CH Trotwood July Fourth Rocket Of Bo-Betts P Swindell 259 GCH CH Kashmir’s Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler! C Weatherhead 240 GCH CH Maplewood’s Aces And Eights M Caton 185 GCH CH Wynson Swan Princess D Chapman/W Chapman 183 GCH CH Voici Where There’s Smoke There’s Fire L Griffioen/K Gibson 182 GCH CH Deerfield’s Point Blank D Wallace/A Shute

Japanese Chin

799 GCH CH Victory Spencer M Mc Cormick/M Cooley 302 GCH CH Touche’s Top Hat And Tails At Samskara D Martenson/J Martenson/R Wilson 191 GCH CH Pem We-Syng Perfect Pitch At Sirius D Christensen/G Christensen 179 GCH CH Blue Willow Cherbo Lil Bit Rocknroll M Dulin/C Boice/N Stedman 176 GCH CH Mar-Pem’s Tiz A Tizzy B Reese 175 GCH CH Dunkirk Hop To It T Reese/R Winters 162 GCH CH Pochinka Polka Dot Dekobras J Dalton/J Turjoman 149 GCH CH Cin-Don On The Road Again B Merritt 147 GCH CH Pem We-Syng Lucky Mi J Dalton/J Turjoman/M Ballard 144 GCH CH We-Syng Black Jack Luck B Czapor


527 GCH CH Rhapsody’s Someone Like You T Holibaugh/K Kasten 445 GCH CH Scylla’s Small Kraft Re-Lit D Burke/R Scott/T Rowell 226 GCH CH Rhapsody N Cherub’s Oh So Henry T Mackenzie/K Mackenzie 223 GCH CH Divine’s Work Of Art K Kent/A Stanberry 199 GCH CH Richelieu’s Valentino P Keen Fernandes/J Mcquiston 190 GCH CH Maltangel Heavenly Vision I Gram/M Harrigan 115 GCH CH Fletcher Andes Henshaw R Setty/L Bettis 107 GCH CH Rolling Glenn’s Baby Bear A Glenn 96 GCH CH Mollydear’s Schubert Impromptu V Yanez/S Rowe 88 GCH CH Richelieu’s Here Comes Trouble Again L Lawrence/J Mcquiston

Manchester Terriers (Toy)

254 GCH CH Rustic Lane Still Waters Run Deep P Lapinski/J Debraganca/C Horowitz/A Deb 136 GCH CH Blossom’s Let’s Dance B Scott-Heim 117 GCH CH Burmack’s Highlander At Chesterfield K Levario/P Mackesey/J Burrows 84 GCH CH Rosewood Casanova D Texter/P Rank/B Hodges 65 GCH CH Fwaggles Pret A Porter CGC K Cornell/A Kelly/W Kelly 49 CH Fwaggles She’s So Fine W Kelly/A Kelly 46 GCH CH Rustic Lane Walks On Water M Lee 38 GCH CH Celtic Cross Lady Of Shalott At Carpe Diem T Meeks 34 CH Poricias Straight From My Heart To Jades D Becker 32 GCH CH Fwaggles Avant Garde R Travis/A Kelly/W Kelly

Miniature Pinschers

877 GCH CH Marlex Classic Red Glare A Angelbello/L Monte 583 GCH CH Brackley My Amazing Warrior K Haney/D Haney 314 GCH CH Marlex Kisa Wildfire K Noel/J Wilds/A Angelbello 274 GCH CH Blythewood Golden Warrior J Huber 254 GCH CH Pinnacole Winters Feel The Fire K Swilling/R Tarlton/K Winters 247 GCH CH Kimro N Spiva’s Super Trooper K Pastella Calvacca/R Greenslade/H Schwe 171 GCH CH Dar-Rich Sirius’ Einstein V-Redbarns J Ward 171 GCH CH Marlex N Marisol Bold Moves A Angelbello/M Hackett 161 GCH CH Keridan My Favorite Toy K Hawkins/K Haney 154 GCH CH Aleight Satin’s My Eyes Of Jorja J Leigh/J Stout-Reynolds


2142 GCH CH Involo The King Of Pop M Mosing/G Garofalo 1720 GCH CH Fenice Le Beaudreaux R Greathouse/E Akers-Perry/M Perry 1395 GCH CH Wildfire On The Record N Shaw/A Pickett/C Pickett 1127 GCH CH Brevette Kid Incredible A Moser/L Tapyrik/J Ybaben 804 GCH CH Micfriends Trujoy Eye Candy S Johnson/D Peterson 793 GCH CH Titian’s Risky Business R Navarre/M Navarre/T Mcintyre/C Fredric

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The Dog News Top Ten List 678 GCH CH Wingssong Here We Go Again P Jones/C Jones 537 GCH CH Jareaux Rip It Up Laren T Sommerson-Wilcox/J Mclaren 393 GCH CH Domino Clearlake Raise The Bar E Vandermoleu/L Temperato/L Domino/S New 334 GCH CH Wildfire On The Edge G Bontecoo


291 GCH CH Yakee Easily Persuaded S Middlebrooks/D Fitzpatrick 269 GCH CH Dunkirk Imagine That M Merrill/T Reese/R Winters 178 GCH CH Sunn Yenn Uncensored Dachari D Cole 146 GCH CH Oakhill’s Caught Red Handed C Koch/K Cook/M Cook 143 GCH CH Windemere’s This Style’s For You L Markham 111 GCH CH Dunkirk Center Stage J Jacobsen/S Marotto/T Reese/R Winters 111 GCH CH Schuyler’s Laparata Robert M Campbell 83 GCH CH Hoong Tao’s Walk This Way S Reznick/L Reznick 74 GCH CH Sunburst Sunshine Superman T Jenkins/V Hedrick 63 GCH CH Saymore’s Orson Wells I La Fleur


1674 GCH CH Cr Chase What Matters C Solano 701 GCH CH Ac Dynasty Dream Works S Freitas/F Almeida 608 GCH CH Oakrose High’N Mighty N Walker/R Walker/J Rose/G Stewart 602 GCH CH Char’s Hotter Than Hot C Meyer/K Stuart 510 GCH CH Tab’s Scootin’ Boomer Of Storm T Brunner 475 GCH CH Canton Jet Li B Yap 446 GCH CH Castile’s Endless Love G Sisneros 404 GCH CH Char’s Love Story M Paredes 331 GCH CH Mc’s The Last Stand M Armstrong/C Armstrong/C Iken 293 GCH CH Blue Moon & Lana’s L A Ink L Price/L Kamrath

Poodles (Toy)

1133 GCH CH Donnchada Angel Wings At Dulcinea S Talkington/E Brown 658 GCH CH Smash Jp Sakura R Scott/D Burke 421 GCH CH Smash Jp Winning Ribbon J Steinhour 347 GCH CH Kaylen’s Oh Really! V Dorris/B Bird/K Peiser 234 GCH CH Baliwick Honey Boo Boo I Bloomquist/D Dahl 132 GCH CH Sharbelle Silhouette J Lange/J Moses 131 GCH CH Sharbelle Greg-Mar International Boy R Stevens/S Stevens/M Gregory 122 GCH CH Laurelbury Zasu On The Runway B Rivet/K Rivet 100 GCH CH Fontella’s Thank You Frances T Meyers/D Dahl 94 GCH CH Baliwick Behold And Believe I Bloomquist/M Waldrop


1547 GCH CH Hill Country’s Tag I’M It C Koch 1263 GCH CH Caper’s Sirius Endeavor P Fisher/C Fisher/J Rowell/L Rowell 1180 GCH CH Winsome-Nirvana-Blaque Triple Play E Veltman/V Cox-Flatley/B Roberts 688 GCH CH Warpug Black And Blue Reme J Cupp/G Cupp/J Black 541 GCH CH Moonstruck’s In The Pocket! C Koch 514 GCH CH Foursquare I’Ll Be A Shostopa Tu D Johnson/J Johnson 459 GCH CH Pocket’s Ameci J Bale-Woodside/R Robles 435 GCH CH Pine Cone’s Green Mountain Boy A Fischer/E Sheeran 403 GCH CH Moonstruck’s Smooth Sailing! R Brewer 391 GCH CH Castlerock Pine Cone Mountain Rain A Fischer

Shih Tzu

713 GCH CH Hallmark Jolei Bells Will Be Ringing L Ehricht/D Ehricht 665 GCH CH Krissy’s Savvy Jasper L Lawrence/J Miller 264 GCH CH Jadesilk Luv T’ Auburn Locks B Chopey/S Orford 231 GCH CH Ista’s Hurricain Chaser D Wheeler 192 GCH CH Rocking K Mia’s Precious Surprise L Mulder/R Kitchens 185 GCH CH Lohona Zephyr I Can’T Look Away D Haley

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Based on breed competition

175 CH Zephyr Monogram Maybe Marilyn D Haley/C Williams/A Mcdearmon 171 GCH CH Amitzu You Look Marvelous T Forman/M Forman/T Mcfadden 156 GCH CH Xeralane’s Just Face It Xeralane Knl 134 GCH CH Shroki-Wilakii’s Time To Play S Rowe/J Wilson/J Currie

Silky Terriers

359 GCH CH Lamplighter’s Tattle Tail M Benson/B Beissel 318 GCH CH Tawny Mist Myan Mystic S Biles/E Biles/K Wilson/D Renton 278 GCH CH Karisma Heart And Soul M Hodge/K Gilbert/M Gagliardi/P Laperruq 110 GCH CH Wind Dancer Jenstar Backstage Pass T Gallegos/L Hurt/D Renton 100 GCH CH Anjo Blu’s Once In A Blue Moon P Gates 95 GCH CH Mariblu Forevermore At Safire M Solvason/J Pizzirulli 79 GCH CH Hullablu’s Hellzabob S Calestini 71 GCH CH Wyncliff’s Wallstret Wonder D Baggenstos/R Baggenstos 60 GCH CH Dorien Dancin’ On A Breeze D Weintraub 39 GCH CH R-Blu’s Captain Jack E Sparrow R Rich

Toy Fox Terriers

435 GCH CH Ultra Quest Go For The Gold NAJ W Howard 253 GCH CH Adamant Bang A Drum K Lowe/K La Rue/J Joseph 247 GCH CH Centennial Farms Ironman W Bellamy 234 GCH CH Snocrest Tom Boy S Noe 189 GCH CH Canby Icefox Keno Ninico D Temple-Burgess 157 GCH CH Foxlair Hi-De-Ho Smokey Joe V Denney/E Ward 142 GCH CH Azefer Sir Isaac L Fast 141 GCH CH Jane’s Christmas Gift J Reed 125 GCH CH Valcopy Shively Son Of A Gun D Plonkey/R Davis 121 GCH CH Dejavu’s Big Dog Daddy J Spence

Yorkshire Terriers

1002 GCH CH Trio’s Big Shot K Goldfarb 484 GCH CH Stratford’s Alaskan Cruiser B Scott 437 GCH CH Exmoor’s Epitome J Hupp/B Walker 408 GCH CH Brookview’s Rebel Yale M Johnson 371 GCH CH Stratford’s Diamond Jim B Scott 354 GCH CH Gotyorkies Dream High Stryker T Kulessa/K Lambert 334 GCH CH Cantlon’s Jer-Ree’ Jer-Ree’ B Cantlon/M Mathews/V Steinberg/L Butz 211 GCH CH Silkiss’D Lets Rock G Echols/B Booty Bozung 204 GCH CH Carasel’s Valentino CGC T Cuchiaro 193 GCH CH Annstef’s Gotta Dream P Groves/M Hogan Groves

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Non-Sporting Group American Eskimo Dogs

313 GCH CH Nuuktok’s Atka Inukshuk S Robertson 188 GCH CH Sierra’s Hallmark R Sampson/S Schuldt 186 GCH CH Ducat’s Smokin’ Hot H Dorrance 134 GCH CH Anana’s Look Into The Future K Strunk/S Strunk 129 GCH CH Ms. Wiz’s Rain Of Terror B Davidoff 58 GCH CH Pinebrook Smilin’ Milo Of Vibo CA D Christensen 50 GCH CH Artc Mgc’s Heart Of Hearts C Wood/J Wood 43 GCH CH Ducat’s Frosty Polar Prince H Dorrance 37 GCH CH Anana’s Magnificent 1 CGC S Strunk/K Strunk 35 GCH CH Voyagers Cause I Can Cuddle L Clark 35 GCH CH Mystic Knight Of Magic K Scholz

Bichons Frises

401 GCH CH Saks Winning Card A Mackenzie/K Mackenzie/C Ruggles/K Hans 366 GCH CH Paray’s Power & Privilege P Flores/L Rosio 343 GCH CH Vogelflight’s Honor” To Pillowtalk” E Charles/K Vogel/M Abbott/P Abbott

(M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)

(M) (M) (M)

341 GCH CH Overtops And The Winner Is Z Luo/N Keung/J Rubin 329 GCH CH Glenleigh Gangs N’ Roses R Lauer/K Tormey/L Carlton/L Letsche/M Z 294 GCH CH L’Etoiles It’s All About Me D Wycoff 271 GCH CH Karmel’s Banana In Pajamas S Phillips/C Bakker/R Drumond 138 GCH CH Lormi Ecco’s Anticipation Y Seok/L Lim 104 GCH CH Cher Ami’s Toast With Remy Martin D Mathog/R Mathog/R Wolfe 101 GCH CH Shyladawn’s Timeless Beauty S Newton

Boston Terriers

1386 GCH CH Gunther’s Gussied Up Edna A Mcilwaine/B Berth/J Mcilwaine 576 GCH CH Kc’s Just Out Of Reach K Bogenholm/J King 541 GCH CH Kennedy’s N Barcomm’s On The Catwalk B Rettick/S Kennedy/R Rettick 474 GCH CH Naughty Norteno’s Clik Clik Bang M Fish/K Norton 413 GCH CH Katbird’s Evolution Matters At Kayas A Hullender/A Hullender 407 GCH CH Windermeres Mystify J Covill 381 GCH CH Campbell Clan’s Idol Chatter K House/D Campbell/G Campbell 327 GCH CH Ivylane N Barrett Train Of Love S Frederick/T Starr/P Duffy 310 GCH CH Peja’s N’ Ken’s Saddle’ Em Up For Suze S Roberts 296 GCH CH Gumbo’s Stargazing At Northern Lights J Mangum/A Mangum/C Mcenaney


2494 GCH CH Mytoys Epic Against The Wind D O’Connor/T Oconnor/L Scott/A Mcdearmon 1840 GCH CH Newcomb’s Pandamonium @Beda B Long/C Johnson/B Newcomb 1779 GCH CH Imperious Hamitup Southern Bell Imperious Knl/Hamitup Knl/Hetherbull Knl 1631 GCH CH Dowats Decisive Double Down L Watson/D Watson/J Milam/E Hugo-Milam 1161 GCH CH Wilson-Dixon’s Wd-40 J Wilson/C Wilson/R Dixon/W Dixon 816 GCH CH Cherokee Legend Cowboy C Sickle/C Chambers 813 GCH CH Imperious Hamitup Double Vision L Jordan/J Jordan 620 GCH CH Majestic I’m Her Man! S Neely/G Neely 504 GCH CH Only Bill Bailey C Eke 494 GCH CH Kr Emperor Pyrus R Brown/K Anderson

Chinese Shar-Pei

961 GCH CH Jade East Do You Know The Way To San L Anders/E Minne/K Nijholt 776 GCH CH Shine’s Deck The Halls D Cooper/R Cooper/L Teitelbaum/R Penteco 338 GCH CH R-Lee Sparkle Plenty L Harvey/D Harvey 329 GCH CH Vaje’s Jethrene Bodine T Paddock/S Paddock/J Mauk/V Mauk 277 GCH CH Yu Kou’s Keep On Luvn U CGC G Schaefer 171 GCH CH Jade East Is This The Way To Amarillo L Anders/K Nijholt/E Minne 146 GCH CH Tabirds Issac Newton D Bird 112 CH Shine’s It’s Miller Time R Pentecost 104 GCH CH Nustar Dolly Pardon Me Boys, I’M Here V Jgar J Kerstein/G Richards/J Wyatt 99 GCH CH Tzo Wen’s Love Story T Bohlke/B Lavere

Chow Chows

890 GCH CH Dreamland’s Wanna Be A Billionaire R Banghart/L Banghart/M Brantley/L Brant 736 GCH CH Padow’s Twilight Embrey In A New Moon At A Sanders/K Williams/A Young 252 GCH CH United’s Light My World E Sangkunakup/S Miller 176 GCH CH Moonshine’s Magic Man T Alexander 172 GCH CH Padow’s Too Hot To Handle R Sampson/K Willaims 102 GCH CH Fair Hill’s Plymouth Rock L Leonzio/M Leonzio 76 GCH CH Are-Jay’s Harlem Renaissance R Jackson/G Kantak 71 GCH CH Tamarin Velvet Fogg P Baxter/P Martinez 70 GCH CH Jidi The Great One At Rebelrun R Banghart/L Banghart 66 GCH CH Xlnt’s Oops Imasmooth At Tedi-Lan D Myers


953 GCH CH Spotted Bliss Oreo Delight D Brumfield/K Smith 827 GCH CH Kastle’s Go Speed Racer M Squire 681 GCH CH Milledals Alisa At Peace Valley M Gifford/A Miller 573 GCH CH Folklore Celtic Crossfire Trail R Skibinski/D Skibinski/J Boyd/M Boyd 570 GCH CH Bret D N Engine Co To The Rescue J Bachey/M Zink/J Shupp 494 GCH CH Canal-Side’s Imperator B Little/J Eversole/J Langevin/P Masasch

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366 GCH CH Spotlights Ruffian (M) J Lyons/B Lyons 319 GCH CH Bret D Gabriel’s Lost Art CD BN RAE RD CGC (M) K Carey 292 GCH CH Mapleaf Don’T Stop Believin In Sunrunner (M) A Smith/K Rochin 279 GCH CH Centurion Anticipation Charming Dalfield (F) E Lindhorst

Finnish Spitz

181 GCH CH Finkkila’s Nalle Poika K Swisher/D Helland 115 GCH CH Mickywins Mainio Skandia CGC P Urton 101 GCH CH Dv9k9’s Red Hot Star A Bruce/E David 81 GCH CH Pikkinokka Badgr Sir Barksalot M Badger/H Leftwich 57 GCH CH Dv9k9’s Royal Star H Leathers/M Leathers 54 GCH CH Finkkila’s Tuk K Raleigh/M Walker/C Stone 33 GCH CH Dv9k9’s Alaskan Winter Wilderness E David/H Mak 31 GCH CH Finkkila’s Tulipallo Poika T Walker/M Walker 31 GCH CH Marblehill’s Gleaming Icecaps J Anastas/L Saari 19 CH Finkkila’s Kaveri T Walker/M Walker

French Bulldogs

2061 GCH CH Lebull’s El Morocco At Lecirque A Geremia 1754 GCH CH Coco Vialatte Robobull Hot Flash CGC K Yamanaka 1293 GCH CH Bandog’s Major League Homerun at TX Star N Shaw/C Stephens/A Phelan 1020 GCH CH Evergreen’s Girls In White Dresses J Cooney-Waterhouse/J Flowers 760 GCH CH Lefox Born To Boogie S Sweatt/J Drucker 646 GCH CH Diva’s Bastille My Heart P Shaw 565 GCH CH Hilsman Napachai Cruel Intentions D Berrey/A Lee/R Hilsman 542 GCH CH Lionheart’s Fortune Five Hundred J Miklos/M Miklos 536 GCH CH Gypsy Canyon Bubbling Romance With L Parshaver/K Parshaver/J Kott 467 GCH CH Chitawee’s Jest In Case K Clayton/C Atteberry


654 GCH CH Kj’s Hot Date K Dowd 462 GCH CH Summerwind’s Rumor Has It J Gauchat-Hargis/J Hargis 451 GCH CH Sprookje Lunar Appellation S Sorice/M Sorice 294 GCH CH Trumpet’s Gimme Back My Bullets B Blankenship 224 GCH CH Windrift’s Money Maker R Gum/T Gum 199 GCH CH Trumpet’s It’s Good To Be King B Blankenship 190 GCH CH Daimler’s Caviar Dreams T Benz/D Benz 189 GCH CH Legend’s Breaking Rules At Earlscamp J Clymer/D Cox/S Anton 175 GCH CH Ruttkay Chance M Mcloughlin 138 GCH CH Wyndjamr’s Winward Isle RN A Williams/R Skinner

Lhasa Apsos

319 GCH CH Ta Sen Westgate On A High S Giles/C Sehnert/E Lonigro 178 GCH CH Sundancer Hylan Shotru Secret Dawn K Hamilton/M Worlton 175 GCH CH Ha-Lee Kiki-Ari Captain Morgan T Bagley/J Sauve/D Heller 152 GCH CH Suntory Leonetti C De La Rosa/R De La Rosa 139 GCH CH Shoyu Blowin’ My Horn At Orlane M Papke/R Alexander 126 GCH CH Santa Inez Charlie Just Like His Dad M Henley 122 GCH CH Monarchs Destination Dreamscape K Harrison/M Stafford 114 GCH CH Kai-La-Sha Legacy C Marley/P Huffman/E Valle 108 GCH CH Hope-Fulls Hugs Kist By Northwind J Hope/C Butsic 103 GCH CH Rufkins Monarchs Love Bytes K Paju/R Lombard/J Bernards


237 GCH CH Paceaway Play It Again P Dyer/L Dyer 226 GCH CH Laser Kiji No Way No How W Koistinen/R Crowder 93 GCH CH Lamberts Sundance Kid E Dingel/M Murphy 86 GCH CH Musicbox Upon A Star D Jones/G Robertson/L Neel 75 GCH CH Sweetmeadows Don’T Make My Brn I’s Blu K Bumiller 46 CH Bihar Windsor’s Sweet Memories At Senecan M Cropsey/K Giles 41 CH Sage Hill’s Ariosa Nobody Does It Better J Seibert 25 CH Marday’s Flash & Sass Of Senecan E Giles/K Giles 23 CH Tyyris Ego D Jones

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Dog News 263

264 Dog News

Dog News 265

The Dog News Top Ten List

Based on breed competition



GCH CH Marquesan’s Madriglace Encore J Swindler/C Hawkes/N Creedon/J Beckett

Norwegian Lundehunds 34 29 17 17 16 13 12 9 8 5 5 5 5

GCH CH Hammarhojdens Ypsilon L Hustad GCH CH Norsetrek’s Yankee Klipper L Hustad GCH CH Cliffhanger Floria Of Neocles L Afong/S Pederson GCH CH Dusty Dawn Lonewolf L Hustad GCH CH Sakari’s Bound For Infamie S St.Cyr/T Rousseau CH Sonja Christina Lundejeger L Hustad CH Neocles Aleksander K Conroy-Votca/L Afong CH Emma Tallulah Lonewolf L Hustad CH Branstock Tyr Rockdancer K Rainesalo/L Morrison CH Seacliff Claire Luna K Woerner Fleurette Lonewolf T Rousseau/P Rousseau Cliffhanger Elsking Prinsess T Rousseau/P Rousseau CH Maud Angelica Seacliff L Hustad

Poodles (Miniature)

596 GCH CH Rio Luci In The Skye With Diamonds C Chaddock/T Chaddock 468 GCH CH Dimarko Endurance M Bigham 453 GCH CH Durandel Bella Donna R Wanger 399 GCH CH Bellefleet’s Living In The Fast Lane A Reichertz 278 GCH CH Rio Skye’s Flashback C Chaddock/T Chaddock/A Shishido 235 GCH CH Karadale Clarion Born This Way K Berlind/K Kennedy Vigil/A Kennedy 194 GCH CH Jaboas Second To None B Thomas 160 GCH CH Sandstorm X’s In Texas AX AXJ J Neal 138 GCH CH Skygem Busy Being Fabulous S Kuklina/G Morisette 118 GCH CH Makays Shoulda Been A Cowboy M Williams/E Brown


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Poodles (Standard)

1618 GCH CH Dawin Hearts On Fire (F) L Campbell 850 GCH CH Brighton Lakeridge Encore (F) T Sosnoff/M Sosnoff 667 GCH CH Luminary Black Velvet Bejeweled With Pearls (F) V Law/L Estaver 559 GCH CH Del Zarzoso Salvame From Afterglow (M) S Barnett/G Lindemann/M Gadsby/J Lynn 508 GCH CH Brighton Mikamoto (F) R Smith 469 GCH CH Penndragon Owain (M) J Smith/K Smith/K Bates/R Bates 425 GCH CH Hillwood Dassin Rock On By (F) J Vergnetti/E Charles 407 GCH CH Jaset’s Satisfaction (M) C Bailey/S Tompkins 381 GCH CH Byrequest Bon Mot (F) W Penn 381 GCH CH Dawin Wildrose Raisin’ The Stakes (M) L Campbell


399 GCH CH Bonchien Cedric The Entertainer K Henry 285 GCH CH Bonchien Prodigal Son R Rollins/B Burke 264 GCH CH De Lamer Point Break N Lazarowitz/D Mankovich 257 GCH CH Dante Fire When Ready A Gossman/S Middlebrooks/M Jameson/P All 168 GCH CH Rivendel’s Barefoot Bandit A Halterman 157 GCH CH Beachviews Oops I Did It Again S Carter/J Penatello 142 GCH CH Willow’s Make My Day D Johnson/T Johnson 135 GCH CH Bonchien Park Place M Dauven/J Outhet 130 GCH CH Tangerea’s Where’s The Beef D Grulke 105 GCH CH Tumbleweed Walkin’ Streets O’Gold J Moore/T Lucas

Shiba Inu

430 GCH CH Lee-Fen’s An Everlasting Love C Giffin/K Soafer/A Young 236 GCH CH Gold Strike Takachiyo Go H Dickey/D Dickey/T Arndt 216 GCH CH Kumi One Ten Soldier P Peterson 209 GCH CH Jotoichi Perfect Madness D Trotter 190 GCH CH San Jo Jay-Z C Mamiya 167 GCH CH Morningstar Jack Sparrow Black Pearl M Peterson/D Peterson

266 Dog News

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112 GCH CH Morningstar’s Dances With Wolves L Cribbs 105 GCH CH Mokelumne Reno Sakura Banjo K Besana/J Holden 93 GCH CH Kunikototoro Maui Go Des-Mar D Cole/M Cole 93 GCH CH K-Bar’s Heartbreaker B Rarick

Tibetan Spaniels

1254 GCH CH Kan Sing’s Tenzin M Feltenstein 336 GCH CH Shilo Time For A Good Time S Carroll 231 GCH CH Lionheart’s E-Z Always Betts On The River C Waddell 179 GCH CH Wanaseas Mystic Lake Effect L Gembala 162 GCH CH Wassong’s Riva Ridge CGC V Marks/P Sarles 159 GCH CH Wexford Namtrah Second Hand News D Tyree/H Hartman/M Hartman 138 GCH CH Starlite The Gremlin S Lucernoni/M Lucernoni 122 GCH CH Duart’s Chevalier D’Or J Briggs 94 GCH CH Maciain’s North Side Irish M Acker/L Acker 87 GCH CH Lionheart’s E-Z Calls Place Your Betts C Waddell

Tibetan Terriers

708 GCH CH Rinchen’s Blazing Black Icon E Coppola/C Coppola/J Wiseman 369 GCH CH Kimik’s Sir Gawain K Bolak/C Rose-Bolak/D Planche 290 GCH CH Rinchen’s Blazing Illusion By Dzine L Meyer/M Allway/M Laffler/C Coppola 137 GCH CH Aurora’s Welcome To The Jungle D Haynam 108 GCH CH Starlight’s Lady In Waiting C Basgall/C Friemel 97 GCH CH Players Palermo L Whittier 96 GCH CH Fabulous Teddy’s I Will Return B Algar/N Kinziger 90 GCH CH Bluvali Stormy Weather B Leonard/M Wikerd 76 GCH CH Cedar Creek She’s Got It All C Van Pelt 76 GCH CH Alilah Real Mchoy For Siddhartha G Carr/S Carr


106 GCH CH Bayshore Stonehaven Espiritu Isabella De D Voss/S Middlebrooks/J Baylis 82 GCH CH Bayshore Georgio Armani J Baylis/L Hylton/T Johnson 76 GCH CH Shida Mighty Joe Young C Loutzenniser/J Young-Johnson 75 GCH CH Blancho’s Tonateuh M Moros/Z Vonpohlman 71 GCH CH Himnotico Caliente E Burch/K Wise/A Wise 54 CH Un Papalote Caliente C Caliente 54 GCH CH Fullibus Aquia R Yenchesky/C Bossart/D Baker 46 CH Bayshore Stonehaven South Of The Border L Hylton/J Baylis/J Margeson/J Dale 40 GCH CH Blanchos Rosita Fernandez A Barfoot/D Mullusky Caponetto/J Caponet 30 CH Besitos Munequita T Vila/K Crosby 30 GCH CH Bayshore Stonehaven La Perla Negra J Boose

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Herding Group Australian Cattle Dogs

885 GCH CH Kokopelli’s Sobe It J Rowland/H Warn/K Watkins/C Kurpas 328 GCH CH Turnabout Fort Apache CGC T Thomas/D Thomas/T Wilkinson 327 GCH CH Littleflock The Peacemaker S Swanton 259 GCH CH Onthego’s Here’s Lookin’ At Ya D Quain/P Salladay/J Pulliam 216 GCH CH Buzzards Tazmanian B’ Devil HSAds M Hunter/G Calvert 168 GCH CH Moonflys Maid For Show L Hilt 159 GCH CH Desperados Bless The Broken Road D Price/C Price/C Moore/R Moore 158 GCH CH Cinnabar’s Single Shot P Cembura 140 GCH CH Littleflock Stand My Ground HT G Todd 130 GCH CH Dawn Heir’s Maverick A Renegade HSAs J Rowland/M Youmans-Griffith/E Baldwin

Australian Shepherds

1820 GCH CH Woodstock’s Belle Starr L Buell 1702 GCH CH Harmony Hill’s Money Talks L Goetz/H Braddock 1207 GCH CH Copperridge What’s Your Dream J Hanigan/J Miller/J Margeson 885 GCH CH Mcmatt’s Autumn Breeze F Mcdaniel/J Loehr/V Wehrle

684 GCH CH Aussbern Premier Ticket Of Myshara S Fontanini/J Clute 535 GCH CH Double R’s Alberta Clipper R Kirwan/K Fox/E Lanasa 528 GCH CH Rosevalley’s Special Edition K Ostrander/L Kennedy 453 GCH CH Copper Hills No Reservations S Rapadas/N Resetar 373 GCH CH Copperridge’s Debonair CD RA J Miller/S Miller 358 GCH CH Melody Hit The Jackpot CD RN PT CGC T Edwards/E Edwards

Bearded Collies

672 GCH CH Wigglesworth Thriller A Yura/D Mieras/S Ipser 525 GCH CH Dunhill Celebration C O’Neil/R Harrington 374 GCH CH Ha’Penny Deja Aphrodite S Shafer/V Shafer 367 GCH CH Ha’Penny Mirimar The Fab Fawn J Schneider/M Marini/V Null 227 GCH CH Spiritwood’s Gandalf The Blue S Larsen/J Larsen 224 GCH CH Daybar For Your Eyes Only B Barton/D Frady/C Perron 128 GCH CH Dreamchaser Follow Your Dreams C Desmond/J Desmond/D Quadland/T Dixon 107 GCH CH Colquhoun’s Noble Wizard BN RN D Gentile/R Hood 101 GCH CH Scott Ragtyme You Are The Music In Me C Wathen/L Zagerella/J Olivera/S Olivera 82 GCH CH Dunhill Locomotion D Frame-Bealer/R Harrington


250 GCH CH De Joie Du Chateau Rocher CA M Palmer 99 GCH CH Falcor Mes Yeux Vigilants RN C Hartwell 37 GCH CH Fury Mes Yeux Vigilants J Rosenthal 30 GCH CH Falcon Blue Du Chateau Rocher K Davis/R Bednarski/L Hanna-O’Neill/H Cl 26 GCH CH Eo Des Ombres Valeureux D Skinner/D Pluss 25 CH Garmin Du Chateau Rocher L Porter 23 CH Fenix Noir Du Chateau Rocher K Davis 19 CH Harbin L’Amour De Ma Vie CGC P Johnson/C Hartwell 19 CH Hadrian Chevaliers Du Roland D Bitz 15 CH Levi De L’Amouraudiere K Davis

Belgian Malinois

339 GCH CH Broadcreek’s Marcus Junis Brutus M Kornfeld/S Legg/L Legg/E Kornfeld 104 GCH CH Broadcreek’s Storm Warning J Rotondo/S Legg 86 GCH CH Burr Oak’s Rock My World OA AXJ NF L Wetherell/C Russell 80 CH Ireland Du Hameau St-Blaise RN D Anderson/A Mccalla 65 GCH CH Element’s Written In Red HSAs E Harding/T Pluim 62 GCH CH Gallents Stillwater Reflection J Gallent 35 CH Caveat’s Hd Ultra Classic Outlaw B Todd 30 GCH CH De Vel Cy Pres’ HSAsc A Bath 26 GCH CH Mystique’s Son Of A Beach BN RN CGC B Blume 25 GCH CH Tbears Life In D’Fast Lane BN RA HT J Lasater

Belgian Sheepdogs (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)

252 GCH CH Bonntymes Keepn It Real At Devine HSAs S Manier/B Leonard 168 GCH CH Verseau’s Passage To India MX MXJ MJB A Mcgregor/S Mcgregor/P King/R Kraft 164 GCH CH Hobbiton’s Song Of Solomon Of Laralee L Gilbert 162 GCH CH Sanderle Kindred R R Chumbley/R Skinner 108 GCH CH Sans Brancos Ultimatum A Jones/M Jones/T Votava 104 GCH CH Morningstar’s All That Jazz Ma’Am C Copeland/J Fiechter 99 GCH CH Adagio’s Beastie Boy HSAs CGC F Patterson 99 GCH CH Sundown’s Nitemagic Just What I Do C Toma/D Toma 74 GCH CH Cibola’s Brazos De Dios Of Adagio M Andric/J Niemeck 70 GCH CH Sans Brancos Wynonna RN T Votava/S Hanley/H Wrobel/P Ginocchio

Belgian Tervuren (F) (M) (F) (F)

384 GCH CH Sky Acres Flying Solo M Edling 298 GCH CH Stonewall’s Let’s Make It A Double V Havicon/R Skief 262 GCH CH Hillside Special And Hamazing B Kreider/S Kreider 175 GCH CH Mishaook’s Lautrec K Gauchat/J Pavlichko 161 GCH CH Hexen House Beyohnd OA OAJ L Shafer

(M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)

153 GCH CH Georgi Bear De Faire L’Affaire D Dawe/J Dawe 142 GCH CH Chateau Blanc’s I’M Coyote Trouble VCD2 K Eldredge/D Eldredge 131 GCH CH Tacara’s Racelon Rembrandt CD RN NA NAJ C Lautzenheiser 121 GCH CH Sky Acres Flying Dutchman PT E Harding 86 GCH CH Nizhoni’s Me First (T) CA P Morgan/S Walker

Border Collies (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F)

1050 GCH CH Majestic Avatar Storm Warning PT R Johnson/J Braylis/M Karger/R Delay 564 GCH CH Tang Dynasty Rocky N Tang 509 GCH CH Hamilton’s Secret Agent Of Bayshore C Hamilton/J Boylis 483 GCH CH Kensington’s Artful Dodger L Waldo 343 GCH CH F Si A Ge Of Fu You Yuan Kennel J Mosing/J Li 253 GCH CH Kensington’s Image Of Bon-Clyde B Buchanan 238 GCH CH Bordalace Flash N Dash C Geiss/J Lacey-Black 230 GCH CH Bayshore’s Hot Chocolate Of Avatar CGC N Mages/J Baylis/S Einck-Paul 172 GCH CH Rising Star’s Dancin’ In The Moonlight CD J Aniskoff 153 GCH CH Kensington’s Dragon Heart CGC A Iwamoto/B Bailey

Bouviers des Flandres (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

698 GCH CH Stonepillar’s Steel Blu D Garrison/J Garrison/E Paquette 337 GCH CH Take Aim’s Playing For Gryffindor T Peterson/P Peterson/M Hieronimus-Dimer 180 GCH CH Delux Jumpin’ Jack Flash J Edick 170 GCH CH Wise Choice Hercule Poirot CGC S Carter/S La Croix 155 GCH CH Margaux’s Stacked Deck P Martin 109 GCH CH Stonewall I-Zak De La Salsa J Abramsohn/P Anderson/R Bishop/S Brocke 106 GCH CH Maijeune’s Amazing Grace K Schydlowski/T Greer/G May 105 GCH CH Bedrock’s Kingfish Of Barbu P Klecan/Y Savard 97 GCH CH Quiches Intrepid Captain Sully S Bowerman/E Herring 93 GCH CH Austin Ally Van Aachen W Gillespie

Briards (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)

477 GCH CH Deja Vu Mia Cool As A Cucumber T Miller/A Melton/D Dube/L Bernard 304 GCH CH Lighting Strike El Xargall M Millner/T Millner 197 GCH CH Deja Vu Pomme Despair Came Knocking M Sanders/T Miller 116 GCH CH Deja Vu Mia Cake Walk G Klang/T Miller/A Melton 108 GCH CH Caleidoscope De L’Heureux T Lee 106 GCH CH Aladax’s Divine Dream By Kaliphi RN HSAs V Swarowski/D Morrow/M Huslig 103 GCH CH Majestique Brave Heart M Warcholik 82 GCH CH La Vie Rose Dior-August-Moon CD RN M Minor/R Minor 75 GCH CH Sendero’s Femme Fatale M Millner/T Millner 52 GCH CH Ne Orageux’s Flash Point M Millner/T Millner

Canaan Dogs (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)

(F) (M) (F) (M) (M)

103 GCH CH Pleasant Hill Magnum Of Samara P Rosman 57 GCH CH Rivroc Lycm Own Dream Bsnatch Rsndog C Miller/E Miller/M Houchard 22 GCH CH Bandersnatch Rsndg Ida Know Rivroc RN A Pough/J Rosenthal/C Miller 20 CH Ph Firestorm’s View From Above T Vinson 18 GCH CH Celev Ron’s Bashert Ameetz C Grider/M Gardiner 18 CH Celev Boot’s Coco And All That Jazz C Grider/M Gardiner 12 CH Rivroc Onto Somethin Bsnatch Rosndog C Miller/E Miller 10 GCH CH Cherrrysh Burning Desire C Hennings 8 CH Naturally Noahs At Eastland A Israel 6 CH Serenity Lane Rumor Has It L Anderson/M Linton 6 GCH CH Pleasant Hill Heavenly Daze K Shank/C Shank/D Dodson 6 Celev Shoshana D Goodstein/H Goodstein

Cardigan Welsh Corgis

1210 GCH CH Aubrey’s Tails Of Mystery C Savioli/V Savioli 699 GCH CH Riverside Telltail Coco Posh D Planche/D Shindle/J Divens 646 GCH CH Mariel’s Harvest Moon M Mizelle 344 GCH CH Kosmar Striking Back Of Bridgelady M Stahr/G Roach

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(F) (F) (M) (M)

The Dog News Top Ten List 313 GCH CH Allegro Southern Charm J Lamy 204 GCH CH Telltail Like A Rolling Stone L Sams 190 GCH CH Heart Of Gold Power Play L Phillips/J Phillips 188 GCH CH Kingsbury Tail Ridge Road B Poole/D Poole/J Glenn 185 GCH CH Turn-Key’s Little Big Man RN M Hulme 183 GCH CH Tregaron Rhys Emrys R Doggett/R Wolf

Collies (Rough)

796 GCH CH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger J Caruso/R Caruso 441 GCH CH Wyndlair Cherokee Vindication R Beals/L Rizzo/M Stelter/A Stelter 431 GCH CH Blu Ridge Make Way J Johnson 414 GCH CH Kirkhaven Gold Strike J Kirkland 362 GCH CH Overland Remembrance Of Things Past E Chang 338 GCH CH Windcrest Blown Away H Morgan 261 GCH CH Milas Latin Fever L Butler/L Hedman 235 GCH CH Concord The Franchise R Altvater/S Altvater 231 GCH CH Gentry’s About Face THD K Convertini/R Stachon 216 GCH CH Tartanside Ticonderoga S Mayes/J Buddie

Collies (Smooth)

563 GCH CH Provenhill’s Devilicious K Provenzano/L Cohen 541 GCH CH C And J Silver Charm Of Chrysalis J Walburn/C Thompson 414 GCH CH Gateside Kiss The Sky At Greyfriar D Eramo/R Robertson 318 GCH CH Travler’s Pierce Arrow C Ardizzone/R Tehon/B Ardizzone/G Lewis 257 GCH CH Row-Bar’s Heartbreaker J Brady/R Johns/S Mcalear/K Mcpherson 248 GCH CH Bandor’s The Wyching Hour L Cox 212 GCH CH Calibre’s Key To The Fortune S Kaelin 177 GCH CH Sunnland’s Top Gun K George/S Ray/O George 167 GCH CH Travler Kelise Overdrive R Ardizzone/C Ardizzone/B Ardizzone/K Re 167 GCH CH Jereco’s Satin Sheets C Sulewski/J Sulewski/C Sulewski/K Sulew

Entlebucher Mountain Dogs 55 27 12 10 10 9 8 3 3 2

GCH CH Jumanji V. Brunswick RN CGC T Lilliedoll/N Lilliedoll/R Hahn GCH CH Natessah Von Adhem J Vincent GCH CH Liberty Run’s A Dash Of Sass A Wallace CH Liberty Run’s A Ruckus Among Us A Wallace GCH CH Queso Von Adhem RA CGC R Hahn Liberty Run’s Beautiful Things A Wallace CH Pettier Von Adhem CGC J Lockhart Larry Of Brunswick R Hahn/J Morro CH Applecreek’s Sigmund D Sumner/A Sumner CH Liberty Run’s A Room A Zoom Zoom A Wallace

Finnish Lapphunds

127 GCH CH Sugarok Robert Redford L Marden 108 GCH CH Lumiturpa Arvi M Feltenstein 86 GCH CH Yutori’s Shades Of Autumn L Drumm/C Pollack 41 GCH CH Teelikamentten Iikka L Marden 33 GCH CH Calaban’s Armahani Rakentaa C Brillinger 33 GCH CH Sugarok Stonewall Jackson S Lockwood 28 GCH CH Sugarok Macce Too B Murray/L Marden 27 GCH CH Sugarok Casanova CM E Blanch/W Blanch 20 CH Ciowa Des Chevaloupsgreg C Brillinger 19 GCH CH Calaban Armahani Iwannatalkaboutme CM C Petersen

German Shepherd Dogs

1845 GCH CH Wolf Creek Galaxy Of Merivern E Farrell/P Walker 931 GCH CH Karizma’s Ike Of Edale S Birch/S Birch/J Moses/S Moses 664 GCH CH Pine Hill’s Payday Of Hays Hill P Hays/B Hill/K Salvucci

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(M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)

(M) (M) (M)

Based on breed competition

588 GCH CH Suboja’s Army’s Soldier HT S Sisemore 436 GCH CH Neo’s Ego V Pearl R Beham/D Davari 371 GCH CH Depahl’s Halston M Campo/N Campo/J Perez-Gurri/K Perez-Gu 286 GCH CH Von Zecher’s Broken Arrow RN M Cressman/J Cressman 269 GCH CH Mar Haven’s Johnnie Black H Lee/S Lee/B Basu 252 GCH CH Windfall’s Who Says V Chablis T Bartley/J Pyle/T Bogdanich/G Szymczak/ 219 GCH CH Kysarah’s Cauz’N Trouble F De Bem/C Huff/M Huff

Icelandic Sheepdogs

261 GCH CH Vinlands Leifur CGC J Sanders 166 GCH CH Bjarkarkots Hroi Hottur Luke MX AXJ OF L Dribinsky 82 GCH CH Isneista Fjari C Smith 81 GCH CH Isneista Alspora Snati Of Bayshore T Runolfsson 69 GCH CH Glacier Point’s Jazzy Kinda Blue S Freeman/X Moreno 52 GCH CH Fox Meadow Hausti Solstafir D Whitescarver/J Secondino 31 CH Fox Meadow Thorra Kari J Secondino/D Whitescarver 29 CH Caradoc’s Heaven Help Us CGC S Sucky/G Romney/V Romney 24 GCH CH Caradoc’s Just Shy Of Heaven CGC B Williams/S Sucky 19 GCH CH Eyjahunda Thorarinn PT CGC D Mcdermott/T Warnock 19 GCH CH Vinlands Sunna D Hampton/M Merrell

Norwegian Buhunds

122 GCH CH Hundehaven’s Gigi C Lassesen 71 GCH CH Jotunn Bella Binna V Eberhardt/J Bradstreet 39 GCH CH Trollheimen’s Moonstruck At Grandcru J Comish/E Comish 33 GCH CH Trollheimen Kiss My Cash E Turner 33 GCH CH Kyon’s Bold Norseman D Deeley 25 GCH CH Jotunn Gnipa Bergitta V Eberhardt/J Bradstreet 20 GCH CH Trollheimen’s Pink Tourmaline P Adcox/E Turner 12 GCH CH Port Gamble Fjord’s Anders V Eberhardt/B Daniels 7 CH Port Gamble Fjord’s Annika V Eberhardt 6 Thunderpaws Spirit Of The Wolf L Higgins 6 Nordspetsens Kuzco L Higgins

Old English Sheepdogs

417 GCH CH Lambluv’s Live The Dream J Marder/C Hastings/K Richardson 381 GCH CH Bugaboo’s Picture Perfect R Scott/D Burke/C Johnson/H Johnson 245 GCH CH Zottels Shaggy Star C Furtado/J Furtado/J Ansell 200 GCH CH Snowdowne My Favorite Color Is Purple D Freiheit/C Grady/C Crawford-Gorath 164 GCH CH Blue Panda Kissing Bandit CD RN CGC L Barchenger/D Rowland/L Long 142 GCH CH Love’N Stuff Summertime Blues K Marshall/M Marshall 117 GCH CH Masquerade Mikey Likes It J Hewitt 87 GCH CH Ken-Bear’s Herbie The Love Bug L La Zebnik/B Ginther/C Drummonds 84 GCH CH Lambluv’s Daytime Hustler L Douglas/J Marder 83 GCH CH Cottonwood Man In The Moon D Caswell/R Caswell

Pembroke Welsh Corgis

1338 GCH CH Coventry Allure At Wyndstar A Geremia/B Shelton 1223 GCH CH Riverside Get Over It D Shindle/V Malzoni 663 GCH CH Coventry Just A Little Crush J Johnson/J Johnson/B Shelton/S Leyerly/ 503 GCH CH Aubrey’s Moon River C Savioli/V Savioli 478 GCH CH Riverside Xtra Style P Panzarella/D Shindle 456 GCH CH Llandians Champagne On Ice D Connolly 388 GCH CH Nchanted Silk Lining C Braunstein 309 GCH CH Eden Crowns Designer Label L Williams/J Williams 234 GCH CH Coventry Swinging On A Star B Shelton/S Leyerly/B Williams/D Salow 222 GCH CH Jorash Aim For The Heart At Corgard E Schusterson/Y Davies/K Boll

(M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F)

(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F)

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(F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M)

Polish Lowland Sheepdogs

140 GCH CH Swan Crest The Power Of Love Eternal M Hirata/L Bettis/R Wolfe 87 GCH CH Applewood’s Mojo Flow S Heavens 69 GCH CH Ponwood’s Smoky CGC B Bruns/W Stamp 51 GCH CH Snowhill’s Zak Misha Z Starpons CGC R Young/D Holloway/D Gray 36 GCH CH Starpons Magical Mystery Tour Z Ponder Us J Gryck/B Gryck 33 GCH CH Stonebrook’s Divine Design M Cabral/B Wilson 32 GCH CH Stonebrook Mon Amies Chance Worth Ta K Klang/G Klang 24 GCH CH Sasquehanna Malwa M Maciagiewicz 21 CH Nadzieja Midnite Merlot K Willson/S Willson 20 GCH CH Applewood’s Where’s My Sheep? S Appel/D Appel/J Appel/E Appel 20 Druh Dziechcinek B Lynch


105 GCH CH Mt Hood’s Leapin’ Linni Of Tordor B Stelz/G Stelz/B Hiett 71 GCH CH Fuzzy Farm Twist And Shout A Lawrence/S Lawrence 60 GCH CH Moonshadow Rongyos Kis Medve K Kocsondy/Z Kocsondy 57 GCH CH Cordmaker Topsy Turvey J Beaudoin/S Huebner/P Kelly 54 GCH CH Zaydah Guns A Blazing R Dimatteo 54 GCH CH Wallbanger It’s All In The Genes S Schickedanz 50 GCH CH Prydain Joshua CGC D Fields/K Edwards 35 GCH CH Wyldmor Unscripted Z Stadelman/P Anspach 30 GCH CH Moremi Matter Of Fact B Pessina/P Anspach/S Mcconnell/I Crowth 28 GCH CH Prydain Oscar’s Wilde Child P Smeenk

(F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M)

(F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Pyrenean Shepherds

256 GCH CH La Brise Sun Bear P Princehouse/K Laram 46 GCH CH La Brise Louis Quatorze J Steddom/P Princehouse 33 Chaparral’s Eureka HS SDS S Buttivant 30 GCH CH La Brise Special Agent K Rice/P Princehouse 27 CH Ederra Du Castelmouly T Walker 26 GCH CH Terra-Blue Ariege K Rice/P Princehouse 17 CH Eclipse De La Petite Ferme De Wihr P Princehouse/E Edgerton 17 CH Burgerhaus Lumiere Noire De La Foret TD NA S Snyder 15 GCH CH La Brise Renardette V Davis/L Hull 15 CH Eprise De Coolmoor M English/A Burnette 15 CH Hourcadet De Terra-Blue J Williams

Shetland Sheepdogs

2457 GCH CH Jesstar Nirvana R Von Pusch/J Starbuck 2079 GCH CH Grandgables The Frat Boy P Buckles/A Buckles/J Moses 1361 GCH CH Paray’s Preferential K Furlong/T Pittman 1022 GCH CH Grandgables Jolie Victor Ludorum P Hannah/K Hannah 622 GCH CH Sandcastle Raggedy Ann C Meek/K Meek 525 GCH CH Serenity’s Walk In The Park V Weis 483 GCH CH Suncrest Cerulean G Speeks/D Mock 481 GCH CH Homespun Casual Blues PT NA OAJ NF J Iverson 411 GCH CH Acadia Stage Presence C Pruss 294 GCH CH Rosmoor Mojave J Hynes/R Tomlin

Swedish Vallhunds


110 GCH CH Corval Bless Yer Cot’N Socks S Mullinix/S Keth 61 GCH CH Champoeg High Tales At Stillwater M Day/B Jette/C Vannoy 53 GCH CH Minikota Mill Creek’s October Rust D Tapp/L Schaunaman 33 CH Suddanly Lunar Eclipse M Hewitt/S Hewitt/D Campeau 28 GCH CH Caval’s Mia NJP C Albert/L Kiedaisch/M Ispas-Hennessey 27 GCH CH Beidelyn Still The One St L Law/C Rolfe 23 GCH CH Caliente Once In A Blue Moon RAE HSAds M Fromm 23 GCH CH Xsbaggage Pippi Longstocking C Telleen/J Franzen 20 CH Sunfire’s Class Act RN L Clayton 17 CH Minikota’s Ramblin’ Man L Schaunaman 17 CH Hightower Where’s Waldo S Pokorski 17 CH Mill Creek’s Guilty Pleasure D Tapp

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Dog News 267

Cragsmoor Reg. Skye Terriers

THE HOME OF: The Top Winning Skye Terrier in the History of the Breed Westminster Kennel Club Group Winner World Dog Show Group Winner Multiple Best In Show Winners Multiple National Specialty Best of Breed Winners Multiple Specialty Best of Breed Winners Top Producing Sires, Dams Cragsmoor Kennels, reg.

Eugene Z. Zaphiris Matthew H. Stander THE DOG NEWS A177AL

268 DogNews News 00 Dog

Oyster Bay Cove, New York

The next generation. THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL Dog DogNews News269 00


What gives? Presumably, the ad didn’t want to appear too pro-breeder and incur the wrath of animal-rights activists. (Although, if you’re not celebrating purebreds …. what exactly is a Clydesdale?) So, rent some purebred puppies (because where else are you going to easily find a whole litter with the visual consistency to be aesthetically pleasing on TV?) and have them appear to come from a rescuer (a curvy, hot, blond rescuer, all the better to match the hunky Clydesdale keeper, but that’s another discussion entirely). Some viewers picked up on the dichotomy, and their online comments showed that by wanting to have it all, the ad satisfied no one – or, at least, no one who understands the politics of animal welfare. “Those of us in rescue could find you the exact same pup sitting on death row at a local shelter,” wrote one commenter on the web site of a Fox News affiliate in Salt Lake City. “They should have shot this ad at their local animal shelter and given them credit for it. It is what it is and while it is cute and well done it does not promote adoption in any way.” Perhaps the sanest of them all: “Hello! It’s a commercial for Budweiser, not a debate on puppy adoption. I don’t drink but some of you need to have a Bud to relax and enjoy a sweet commercial.”

270 Dog News

Would only that we purebred dog breeders could relax. But the popular culture has taken a turn, and thrown us off the rails: We have come to be regarded as morally inferior; though our puppies are desirable, their provenance is not. These days, if you’re purposely procreating dogs, that scarlet letter is a “B,” for “breeder.” Let’s move on to another Super Bowl XLVIII stand-out, Audi’s “Doberhuahua,” intended as a rib-tickling parody. On the advice of a petstore clerk, a conflicted couple – she wants a Doberman, he wants a smaller package, like a Chihuahua – acquire an unfortunate cross that can only be described as a Toy dog with monster-truck dentition. Throughout the commercial, these obviously fake furry marauders attack children on sidewalk cycles, lunge from the designer pocketbooks of fashionistas, and terrorize dog parks, whose denizens scream, “Doberhuahua! Save yourself!” Given Audi’s tag line – “Compromise scares us, too” – this send-up of so-called designer breeds can’t be called anti-purebred. Even rescuers get a ribbing: In a zany reverb of her haunting “Angel” public-service ads for the ASPCA, musician Sarah McLachlan sings an ode to the Doberhuahua – only to have it maul the neck of her acoustic guitar. And dog shows get equal time, too, when a Doberhuahua is exhibited in a “Best in Show”-like setting – only

to lunge for the two television commentators. (David Frei would have doubtless found an elegant line amid his famous index cards to smooth that over.) Nonetheless, “Doberhuahua” struck some fanciers the wrong way – and most of the comments I saw were not from Doberman people, who have a right to be sensitive. Saddled with a “turn on your master” rap for more than a half-century, the Doberman Pinscher can’t seem to shake that bad PR. It is frustrating – and damaging – when a breed becomes shorthand for a negative attribute, because it’s a slippery slope from there to breed bans. Journalists frequently use “pitbull” to describe someone who is tenacious in an often aggressive way; some fanciers don’t always sympathize, because that breed often isn’t in our direct orbit. But it happens with Rottweilers, too: Think of ex-pope Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, dubbed “God’s Rottweiler.” Or former French First Lady Valerie Trierweiler,

who earned that rhyming nickname long before her recent antiques-smashing rampage on learning that beau President Hollande had stepped out with a French actress. I think the deeper, most unsettling chord that Doberhuahua strikes is the idea of any large dog – even a fictitious, papier-mache-modeled one – inflicting bodily damage on humans. Dogs bite, we know that. But in order to exist in our society, they can’t. And it’s become politically incorrect – even politically suicidal – to acknowledge that they sometimes do. Finally, let’s turn to Doritos’ “Crash the Super Bowl” contest, in which five videos vied for enough votes to be played during the game. One of the contenders, “Cowboy Kid,” didn’t win the popular vote – or the $1 million prize – but as the company’s pick, it was aired during the game, too. With the Lone Ranger’s “William Tell Overture” playing triumphantly in the background, a young boy rescues a bag of chips from the clutches of his older

brother by jumping on the back of his huge fawn Mastiff, who even rears up on his hind legs, a consummate canine version of Silver. Compared to much of what is in the ring these days, the Doritos dog was incredibly sound. But Mastiff fanciers, predictably, were not amused. “Cowboy Kid is not as cute as people would like to think,” wrote one visitor to Doritos’ Facebook page, expressing the ire of many. “This is irresponsible advertising at its best, in that children will see this, not realize it is Photoshopped, and try it with their own large-breed dogs. It is not just about Mastiffs. Dogs and children alike can be seriously injured.” There you have it: Three commercials, three divergent viewpoints on dogs, and our relationships with them. It must be torture for those adagency execs, perplexed at just what is politically correct. Because in the end, of course, it depends whose just whose politics you embrace. Dog News 271

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THE CANINE HEALTH FOUNDATION QUANDARY :LOO WKH $.& &DQLQH +HDOWK )RXQGDWLRQ VXFFHHG LQ JHWWLQJ WKH QXPEHU RI QHZ FRQWULEXWRUV $.& KDV UHTXLUHG" MENAKER: I do not serve on either the AKC or Health Foundation boards and therefore I do not have the information to allow me to answer the question. SCULLY: I believe that this most worthy and important organization will be successful. GARVIN: I certainly hope so, as I have been a long-time supporter of the AKC Canine Health Foundation, and a board member since 2007. AKC-CHF has recognized the need to go beyond the members of the fancy who are always called upon to support many worthwhile charitable dog causes and to focus more on garnering support from the much larger general dog-loving public. DOK: I believe that the Canine Health Foundation will achieve/exceed their goals. +DV $.& DGHTXDWHO\ PRQLWRUHG WKH SHUIRUPDQFH RI WKH &DQLQH +HDOWK )RXQGDWLRQ" MENAKER: Again, since I neither sit on the AKC nor the Health Foundation board I cannot adequately address the question, although I have seen nothing to indicate otherwise. SCULLY: Yes. GARVIN: AKC-CHF is a separate independent organization, as required by IRS regulations, so it is appropriate for AKC to monitor the Foundation’s activities, but not to control it. AKC-CHF has been highly successful in many of their endeavors, and having several members serving on both AKC and AKC-CHF boards serves both organizations well. DOK: Following the passing of Bob Kelly, the $.& &+) KDG VRPH GLIÀFXOW LVVXHV ÀQDQFLDOO\ Since 2005, I believe the AKC has adequately PRQLWRUHG WKLV F ÀQGLQJ LW ÀQDQFLDOO\ VRXQG DQG ZLWK DSSURSULDWH ÀQDQFLDO UHSRUWLQJ benchmarks in place. 9. AKC’s revenues have been off by 6+% does that justify a more than 50% reduction in its annual contribution for canine health research? MENAKER: The Health Foundation is one of the most valuable entities of the AKC, both for the health of our dogs and the reputation of our 272 Dog News

RUJDQL]DWLRQ :H PXVW FRQWLQXH WR Ă€QG WKH way to insure its success. SCULLY: No. There does not have to be a 50% reduction in the annual contribution of the AKC to the Canine Health Foundation. GARVIN: The work and success of the AKC Canine Health Foundation is vital to the identity of AKC, and a key factor in “the good things we doâ€? campaign. The decision to reduce the AKC annual donation of $1,000,000 (plus in-kind) to $500,000 occurred in 2009, the year I was not on the AKC Board due to term limits. I am in favor of increased donations to AKC-CHF, but the greater the AKC donation, the more there can be a perception that AKC-CHF does not need any more money, thus discouraging outside donations. DOK: Absolutely. There is no correlation between AKC’s revenue position, and the Board’s decision to implement new direction and benchmarks with its participation with the AKC/CHF. ,I WKH UHVWULFWLRQV SODFHG RQ $.&¡V GRQDWLRQ WR WKH &DQLQH +HDOWK )RXQGDWLRQ UHVXOWV LQ GRQDWLRQV RI OHVV WKDQ ZLOO \RX YRWH IRU DQ DGGLWLRQDO $.& FRQWULEXWLRQ" MENAKER: In keeping with my response to the previous question, I would always vote to ensure the continued success of this very important foundation. SCULLY: I believe that the Canine Health )RXQGDWLRQ LV JRLQJ WR EH Ă€QDQFLDOO\ VXFFHVVful with the contributions from new donors. If this is not the case, I would vote for additional funds for the CHF. GARVIN: The matching fund concept is designed to be an incentive to encourage more new donors for AKC-CHF, so a prospective promise of more funding would defeat that purpose. However, at the December 2012 AKC Board meeting, I moved to provide an extra $250,000 funding for AKC-CHF, but the motion was tabled. DOK: The proper answer lies on the successful AKC/CHF business plans established, ZLWK WKHLU PHDVXUHG Ă€QDQFLDO UHWXUQV UHDOL]HG on their initiatives. I have addressed this question in your past issues; one might refer back to my remarks back then.They were spot on! CONTINUED ON PAGE 286

The March Alamo Cluster 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9, 2014 Exposition Building s Joe & Harry Freeman Coliseum 3201 E. Houston Street s San Antonio, Texas 78219

SPECIALTIES - MARCH 5, 2014 Celeb ratinhg Our 100t ! Anniversary

High Dollar Raffle During The Whole Event!

Cash ! Prizes

Veterans Competition Saturday, March 8, 2014

First Veteran In Group: $150.00 Best In Show Veteran: $1500.00 Special Guest Judge Ms. Maxine Beam


March 6, 7, 8, & 9 YEE No suits or ! HAW ties needed!

FREE BAR-B-Q FOR EXHIBITORS & VENDORS SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 2014 (following the Veteran’s Best In Show)

Dog News 273

, d l i W


l u f r e d n o W r e t s n i m t Wes ! s e i r o St COMPILED BY SHAUN COEN

Wild, winter weather is always a possibility come Westminster time, which often plays into the drama and the ordeal of getting around the Big Apple and attending dogdom’s finest show and the accompanying festivities.

In the 1969 snowstorm Walter Goodman was famously seen carrying a Skye Terrier in his arms to the Garden while his mother trudged alongside through the elements. Someone asked him why he didn’t carry his mother and let the dog walk and he replied, “I’m not showing my mother!” Walter of course then went on to win Best In Show with Susie. Dog News asked fanciers for some of their wild, wacky and wonderful Westminster memories. Here are some of the replies.

274 Dog News


Several years ago while working for Eukanuba/Iams at the event, I saw one of my favorite football players, now sports anchor walking through the benching area, I quickly left the booth and probably not so casually walked up to him and said “Aren’t you Boomer Esiason” and he said “Yes, aren’t you Vicki Seiler” totally flattered I said “you know me????” and he said “No, your wearing a name tag.” When I was 12 years old, I had a great relationship with a group of juniors from my area, (and still very close friends.) The very brave parents of Bobby Kinley Blewitt and Sheri Kinley Alligood volunteered to take a few of the girls to Westminster for the show. There are so many CRAZY stories from that trip from a person killed in the Hotel Pennsylvania freight elevator to our group befriending child star Jody (From the TV series Family Affair). My dog and I, a Siberian Husky named Ch. Lobo Rey placed 4th in the group under Pete Knoop, I remember to this day being interviewed by the New York Times, all of the giddy little girls contributing to the article, I am sure the reporter found it as entertaining as we did. Bob and Carolyn Kinley did recover after several years of rest and therapy.


A few memories. My first Westminster. I went by myself with my Irish Setter, a carload of “stuff” and no idea how to park, get into the building or anything else. I recall pushing my grooming table on wheels up 7th Avenue into the building. Of course, it was freezing cold and slushy. I realized then, a professional handler is the only way to brave “the Garden.” Another memory. I used to cover the Garden for my local weekly paper. After each group I would run around the aisles to the press room and call in the results. No cell phones or portable computers in those days. And then there were the Terrier folk who rode the subway with their dogs up to the 168th Armory on Sunday before Westminster, since dogs weren’t allowed in cabs in those days.


This will be my 57th Westminster and I have many, MANY recollections as do so many others. One, however, particularly sticks in my mind. One year, I don’t remember which, I was near the Westie benches and noticed a young couple walking my direction. I remembered the young man from a non-doggy connection and called him by name. “Marty,” said I. Well, Marty remembered me too and his response to seeing me was “Seymour, what are you doing here? As anyone who knows me knows I am seldom at a loss for a quick comeback and I said “What am I doing here? I BELONG HERE! What are you doing here?” They were actually looking to connect to a Sibe breeder, but our exchange I thought was funny.


Not sure if this applies, but last year I was watching the groups on Tuesday night from the stands with some friends, and about 3 rows in front of us a mentally handicapped woman completely lost it and started screaming her head off, throwing drinks at people, and punching several of them as hard as she could. She was screaming at the top of her lungs for a good two minutes, and every person in the Garden was turning around looking at her... as if the dog show wasn’t even happening. Security guards and paramedics came to help, but she wouldn’t let them anywhere near her for about ten minutes. Fortunately after awhile they were finally able to calm her down enough to remove her from the building. Between that and the PETA incident it was certainly an awkward, uncomfortable night. I kept wondering what other weird things might have happened. CONTINUED ON PAGE 304

Dog News 275

Jeff & Melissa

Brucker PO Box 3698 Belleview, Florida 34421 352-347-4628

Dog News 276

Best  In  Specialty  Show  Winning  GCh.  Mileka’s

Judge  Mrs.  Cindy  Meyer



7ZR 5HVHUYH %HVW ,Q 6KRZ 6HYHQ *URXS )LUVWV Two  Best  In  Specialty  Shows  %UHHGHU 2ZQHU 0LOHND 6LEHULDQV ‡ 6DOO\ 2¶&RQQHOO ‡ *DLQHVYLOOH )/  +DQGOHU -HIIUH\ %UXFNHU ‡ %HOOHYLHZ )/ ‡ *Number Four overall, The Dog News Top Ten List

Dog News 277

TLAS AMonarch’s

Iron Man Sire: GCh. D’s Remember When Dam: GCh. Monarch’s Borgata

Breeder / Handler: Jeff and Melissa Brucker Belleview, FL 352-347-4628 Owner: Gavin Britz Houston, TX

Photos by Melissa Brucker 278 Dog News

Dog News 279

280 Dog News

Dog News 281

o s ip G scolumn the



elcome to New York, home of DOG NEWS, Westminster and the American Kennel Club. With the city getting hit by three storms in the last week, it might be snowy and cold outside, but the temperature will rise with the competition at the Westminster Kennel Club. The powers that be at Westminster are flexible and they thought outside of the box, with moving the daytime breed judging to the Piers and retaining their tradition with the evening group judging at Madison Square Garden. Expanding their sites, this year Westminster introduces Agility. This first at Westminster has generated lots of national press. That event will be held on Saturday preceding the bench show. In another change, sadly professional handler MARLENE SCOTT HALSEY passed away last Monday. MARLENE was always picture perfect beautifully dressed with coiffed hair, and one could find her in the Pomeranian ring, her breed of choice. She was a fixture at the Professional Handlers Association booth at the Garden for more years than I care to remember. Seated with her husband BERT, that PHA booth will never look the same without her. All of us at DOG NEWS send our deepest sympathies to BERT and family. Added to that the recent loss of another Garden fixture, FRED OLSON, leaves a big void in the dog show this year. Weather has played havoc with travel plans. Weather caused SIR JOHN SPURLING, whose company PET PARTNERS underwrites the American

282 Dog News

Kennel Club’s Humane Fund Theatre Benefit, to cancel his trip to New York from London. Because of his generosity all the proceeds from the evening go directly to the Humane Fund. PET PARTNERS is the American Kennel Club’s choice for pet insurance. Don’t forget to read MATT STANDER’S BITE OF THE APPLE, for restaurant and other points of interest in Manhattan. There is a lot to do that is not dog related but if you must, there is the AKC CANINE HEALTH FOUNDATION cocktail party held at the Affinia. Then there is the Saturday Agility runs at the Pier, BONHAMS BARKFEST on Sunday, BILL SECORD’S GALLERY and Sunday will bring members from around the country to the Affinia for the annual meeting of the Morris & Essex Kennel Club. Celebrating Birthdays… MARCELO CHAGAS, BERGIT KABEL, MARCELO VERAS, LARRY CORNELIUS, JANE MYERS, JOY QUALLENBERG, LORI KAUTH, R.C. CARUSI, BRYAN BOYES, JOAN FISHER, JOHN KRUKAR, SUSAN CARR, AMBER LAMBIE, SIOUX FORSYTH, KENNY WHITE, KRISTIN KARBOSKI, JOANNE SCHULLER, JAN RAY, ROGER PRITCHARD, BRUCE SHAYNE, NEIL RITTER, KIP KOPATCH, TONIA HOLIBAUGH, KERRY KUPER, CAROLYN HERBAL, THE HOUSE TWINS STEPHANIE & LAUREN and ROBERT ROBERTSON. So once again, welcome to our hometown and come by the DOG NEWS stand, which will be at Piers 92 and 94 this year.


FLASH Best In Show Sahuaro State Kennel Club under Judge Mrs. Loraine Boutwell!

*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points

Dog News 283


Outbackred’s Advent Star Bred by Dori Anderson, Breeder of Merit and Janet Peters


Ch. Element Star Struck V A-List Sire: Ch. A-List N Moa’s Knight Strike Dam: Element Reach for the Stars

Carly finished her championship with Multiple Best of Breeds/Best of Opposite Sex over Specials and a Group Second from the classes.


Pictured with Judge Dr. Gerard C. Penta

Ch. Shyan’s Willa Cammcastle Chelsea showed Willa a total of 8 times finishing her with four majors Pictured with Judge Ms. Deborah Conradt Breeders R. & K. Trimble & S. Guynn & C. Haynes Owner J. Church

Denise Kamine + A-List Kennels + 262-389-8870 284 Dog News

GCh. TLC’s Mauck One At Dioladanes


Sire: CH. Amador Moredanes In Your Dreams Dam: GCH Diolas Promise Kept 4 TLC Breeders Linda S. Dalton & Seryna Martindale

Owners: Sandy Mauck, Lori Marthe and Julie Diola

Ch. Kinjack’s Dark of the Moon


Pictured with Judge Mrs. Paula Nykiel Finished with Three Majors Breeders: Marcy Bell, Amy Bieri & Eleanor Jackson

Janterra n A-List Spicing it Up


Chai is living up to her name getting 4 points including a major from the 6-9 month class... can’t wait to see what this year holds for this redhead. Pictured with Judge Mr. Lawrence J. Sinclair Breeders: Jolie and Adrian Janssen

+ + Dog News 285

2014DirectorsQuestionnaire CONTINUED FROM PAGE 272

BOARD MATTERS ,I HOHFWHG WR WKH %RDUG DUH \RX SUHSDUHG WR YRWH IRU D QHZ FKDLUPDQ" MENAKER: Yes, if the current Chairman does not wish to serve in that capacity. SCULLY: It depends on the slate running. GARVIN: To the best of my knowledge, there will only be one candidate for Chairman in March. DOK: Yes, Article XI, Section2, spells this out clearly. The newly elected Board selects the Chairman,Vice Chairman, President, Chief OpHUDWLQJ 2IĂ€FHU 7KH ([HFXWLYH 6HFUHWDU\ DQG WKH &KLHI )LQDQFLDO 2IĂ€FHU DW WKLV PHHWLQJ :RXOG $.&¡V %RDUG EHQHĂ€W IURP KDYLQJ PHPEHUV ZKR DUH QRW GHOHJDWHV EXW GR KDYH VSHFLDO H[SHUWLVH LPSRUWDQW IRU $.& H J YHWHULQDU\ UHVHDUFK FRPSXWHU WHFKQRORJ\ VRFLDO PHGLD HWF " MENAKER: Absolutely. If there are experts LQ Ă€HOGV WKDW ZRXOG EHQHĂ€W WKH RUJDQL]DWLRQ who are willing to serve on the board in a non-voting capacity, why wouldn’t we welcome them? SCULLY: Yes, as consultants. GARVIN: There already is a wealth of talented and expert people in the delegate body WKDW FRXOG EHQHĂ€W $.& HYHQ PRUH LI WKH\ were on the board. Recently though, anyone running for or serving on the board frequently becomes the target for unwarranted criticism and attacks – it takes thick skin to be a board member. Thus, many good delegates have declined to run for the board, and we then lose the advantages of their expertise on the board. The concept of having board members who are not elected by the delegates raises many potential problems, such as accountability, motivation, dedication, narrow focus, and GLIĂ€FXOWLHV RI WHUPLQDWLRQ 7KH XVH RI KLUHG consultants when needed, and improving the atmosphere to encourage expert delegates to run and serve on the board are better options. DOK: I am not in favor of such an inclusion to the Board of Directors.

:LOO \RX YRWH LQ IDYRU RI WKH 'HOHJDWH %\ODZV &RPPLWWHH UHFRPPHQGDWLRQ WR DPHQG $57,&/( 9, 6(&7,21 RI WKH %\ODZV WR UHPRYH RFFXSDWLRQV PDNLQJ LQGLYLGXDOV LQHOLJLEOH WR VHUYH DV D 'HOHJDWH" MENAKER: Yes. Clubs should have the right to appoint anyone they wish as their delegate. SCULLY: Yes. GARVIN: Yes. Just as having more entries in a dog show class increases the probability of a MXGJH Ă€QGLQJ JRRG GRJV WR SODFH KDYLQJ D ZLGer pool of potential delegates should increase the overall quality of the delegate body in the long run. DOK: Yes, knowing full well that this issue has come to a vote at least three times in the past 20 no avail. The full scope of the exclusions may well be deliberated once again. 'R \RX WKLQN LQGLYLGXDO $.& PHPEHUVKLSV VKRXOG EH FRQVLGHUHG" MENAKER: I am willing to consider any initiative that reaches out to our constituency and to the general public. SCULLY: No. GARVIN: An individual membership plan was tried by AKC-CHF and proved unsuccessful. +RZHYHU WKH FRQFHSW RI Ă€QGLQJ HIIHFWLYH ZD\V for the widespread general dog-loving public WR KHOS Ă€QDQFLDOO\ VXSSRUW $.& DQG RXU PDQ\ good works is a great idea, and that is currently being pursued. DOK: Well worth consideration, and it is common in some countries internationally (Australia,) for example; their purpose of offering memberships is passed thru as an “annual permitâ€? allowing individuals to exhibit dogs in their calendar year. This issue has some merit when approached accordingly. 6KRXOG $.& UHQHZ LWV OHDVH LQ 1<& MXVW NHHS D SUHVHQFH LQ 1<& PRYH RXW RI 1<& DOWRJHWKHU RU PRYH RXW RI 1RUWK &DUROLQD DQG UHRUJDQL]H LQWR RQH ORFDWLRQ LQ 1& RU HOVHZKHUH" MENAKER: 7KH ORFDWLRQ RI DOO $.& RIĂ€FHV LV a complex issue requiring in-depth analysis. ToGD\ ZH DUH DOO EXW Ă€YH \HDUV DZD\ IURP WKH QHDU simultaneous expiration of both leases in New CONTINUED ON PAGE 288

286 Dog News


Silver GCh. Pleasant Hill Magnum Of Samara MAGNUM IS THE TOP WINNING CANAAN DOG IN BREED HISTORY Number One Canaan Dog All Systems 2013 & Top 20* Herding Dog 3 Bests in Show, 29 Group Wins with over 175 Group Placements 2013 Canaan Dog Club of America Best in Specialty Show Winner 2013 AKC/Eukanuba National Championship Best of Breed Winner First Group Placing Canaan Dog (2013) in Westminster Kennel Club History

Owned by: Pamela Rosman and Richard Vulliet

Photo by InFocus by Miguel

Professionally presented by: Bruce and Tara Schultz Dog News 287

2014DirectorsQuestionnaire CONTINUED FROM PAGE 286

York and Raleigh. The AKC board acted wisely when they agreed to begin addressing this topic LQ 6LJQLĂ€FDQW GXH GLOLJHQFH ZLOO EH QHFHVsary to make an informed decision on the matter of lease renewal or relocation, as it would affect QRW RQO\ $.& Ă€QDQFHV EXW D ODUJH QXPEHU RI dedicated, loyal and valuable staff. There are numerous important and complex factors that must be considered during the evaluation process. I would recommend using a real estate expert to help the Board and management work through the options, as was done for the previous two leases. SCULLY: This requires research and due diligence. I would have to review the data carefully from all locations before making a decision. GARVIN: This question is answered in detail in my reply to the Delegates Perspectives question. Basically, the 2018 New York lease expiration and the 2020 Raleigh lease expiration need to be examined together, in the context of an overall assessment and estimation of our current and future organizational needs and priorities, with all reasonable options considered and investigated. The AKC cannot make a wise decision without having all the facts on the table. DOK: This issue has come up, somewhat prematurely, since the New York lease renews in 2018, followed two years later in 2020 for the Raleigh operations. My remarks are inside the “Delegates Perspectiveâ€? issue currently in print. You might refer to that; I believe my perspectives were well articulated. 6KRXOG %RDUG 0HPEHUV FRQWLQXH WR EH JLYHQ D PRQWK WR DWWHQG PHHWLQJV SOXV D DQQXDO VWLSHQG WR DWWHQG VKRZV DQG WKH OLNH" MENAKER: The Delegates voted many years ago to provide a $1,000 monthly stipend to the board in recognition of the many hours that they VSHQG RQ $.& EXVLQHVV RXWVLGH RI WKH RIĂ€FLDO meetings. It is also used to cover incidental expenses associated with their position as a board member. There is also an annual stipend of up to a maximum of $6,000, which board members may use, to attend AKC activities that they would not normally attend. Attending these events and activities enables board members to be better informed when they are called upon to make decisions.

SCULLY: I would decrease the amount of the $6,000- annual stipend to attend shows, etc. GARVIN: Yes. Similar to question 13, the fewer factors that would potentially limit or SUHYHQW D ZHOO TXDOLĂ€HG GHOHJDWH IURP VHUYLQJ on the board, the more good candidates will volunteer to serve. DOK: Yes. These stipends are well within naWLRQDO DYHUDJHV IRU 1RQ SURĂ€WV DQG )RU SURĂ€WV +DV WKH $.& &DQLQH 3DUWQHUV EHHQ KHOSIXO WR $.& DQG LI VR LQ ZKDW VSHFLĂ€F DUHDV" MENAKER: Regardless of whether or not &DQLQH 3DUWQHUV KDV EHHQ Ă€QDQFLDOO\ VXFFHVVful, our acceptance of mixed breeds under the AKC umbrella shows our commitment to all dogs. SCULLY: Yes. It shows that the AKC is not an elitist organization, and that it cares about the lives and well being of all dogs. GARVIN: Although the numbers of listed dogs has not met the original projections, there has EHHQ VRPH IDYRUDEOH Ă€QDQFLDO UHWXUQ (YHQ more important has been the role of accepting mixed breed dogs in the process of moving toward AKC becoming perceived in the public’s eyes as the ultimate expert and advocate for all dogs, and the premier organization that benHĂ€WV DQG VHUYHV HYHU\RQH ZKR ORYHV GRJV DOK: Yes. Two reasons, (1) it has demonstrated successfully that AKC “Is All Things To All Dogs,â€? (2) any initiatives AKC can put in action to assist our constituency to like us better, is the right direction for AKC to be mindful. 6KRXOG UHJLVWUDWLRQ Ă€JXUHV DJDLQ EH PDGH SXEOLF DQG ZLOO WKH\ UHERXQG DV D UHVXOW RI $.&¡V VRFLDO PHGLD HIIRUWV" MENAKER: ,I LW LV WUXH WKDW UHJLVWUDWLRQ Ă€Jures are no longer available, I would need to know the rationale for this new policy, particularly if it was made as part of a business decision. As far as registrations rebounding, we can only hope that our efforts, including social media have positive results. SCULLY: Yes. We have now reached over 1 million fans/friends on Facebook. The average dog owner must realize the many advantages of registering a dog and being involved with AKC, even if they do not compete in the sports. CONTINUED ON PAGE 290

288 Dog News

2014DirectorsQuestionnaire CONTINUED FROM PAGE 288

GARVIN: It is encouraging that recently there has been an improvement in registration numbers by a decrease in the rate of decline, with several months showing increases in year-to-year comparisons. I support publishing our numbers but do have concerns that such data could be used for negative purposes by outside groups. DOK: Absolutely! We are better served when we know where we really are within the scope of this question. As to “social media� efforts....the right direction, at the right time, and will set AKC apart, as willing to “risk being different then just about everyone else.�

DELEGATE QUESTIONS 6KRXOG FOXEV EH UHTXLUHG WR VHOHFW DV WKHLU GHOHJDWHV LQGLYLGXDOV DFWLYHO\ LQYROYHG LQ WKH VSRUW H J EUHHGLQJ H[KLELWLQJ MXGJLQJ HWF " MENAKER: Clubs should be free to select the individual who can best represent the interests of their club and the sport, so long as that person is in good standing with the American Kennel Club. SCULLY: The club has the right to select its own Delegate; however, the individual should be active in the sport. GARVIN: A decade ago, I spoke out that AKC provided clubs inadequate guidance on what factors to consider when selecting their delegate. When I was board liaison to the Delegate Advancement and Advocacy Committee, they worked hard over several years to create a document that now gives clubs that guidance. I believe that giving clubs appropriate recommendations, guidance, and suggestions, accompanied by solid reasoning, is a better approach than mandating who a club could or could not appoint as their delegate. DOK: DAAC has discussed this issue for the past four years; we all recognize that the balance one individual PDNHV DV D 'HOHJDWH LV PDQ\ WLPHV UHà HFWLYH RI WKHLU participation in our sport; conformation, obedience, Field Trials, Companion events, Performance events, Agility/Rally. We have a large pool of interest to bring us the best Delegates from Member Clubs. Having said that, it is the responsibility of each Member Club to present their members credentials, when they have made their decision. In my twenty years, the Delegate body has not approved such Delegates presented only two times. That’s good for our organization.

290 Dog News

$V D FRVW VDYLQJ PHDVXUH ZRXOG \RX HOLPLQDWH DQ\ RU DOO RI WKH IROORZLQJ 'HOHJDWHV OXQFKHRQ WKH 'LUHFWRUV VWLSHQG 'HOHJDWH &RPPLWWHH PHPEHUV¡ VWLSHQG UHGXFLQJ WKH QXPEHU RI GHOHJDWH PHHWLQJV E\ RQH KROGLQJ RQH RU PRUH 'HOHJDWH 0HHWLQJV RQ ZHHNHQGV UHGXFLQJ WKH QXPEHU RI $.& HPSOR\HHV DW WKH $.& (XNDQXED VKRZ UHGXFLQJ IXQGLQJ IRU WKH $.& 0XVHXP RI WKH 'RJ IUHH]H RU LQ VRPH LQVWDQFHV UHGXFH H[HFXWLYH VDODULHV" MENAKER: The American Kennel Club does not have an expense problem but rather a revenue problem. I am opposed to any cost cutting that negatively affects our core revenue activities; e.g. the approval of judging panels, show dates, registration etc. Staff reductions in these departments impede the work of our volunteer event committees. It is always a good business policy for management to review expenditures on a regular basis. SCULLY: I would investigate some of these expenses. GARVIN: No, no, no, maybe, yes, no, no, probably not. AKC does not have an expense problem, we have a revenue problem. Expenses have for the most part been kept in check, sometimes even going too far. However, we must try various new approaches to gain more revenue, without counting on just our traditional registration dollars. DOK: No. As for Executive salaries, which encompass “performance bonus incentives,â€? these need to be reviewed by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors carefully. With respect to the number of meetings for Delegates, I do think we would serve ourselves better going WR WKUHH PHHWLQJV 7KLV LVVXH FDPH WR WKH Ă RRU and was turned down.Will it resurface, most likely, but its potential value will take some time to mature. 6KRXOG 'HOHJDWH &RPPLWWHHV FRQWLQXH WR KDYH 6WDII IURP $.& GR UHVHDUFK ZRUN IRU WKHP" MENAKER: As long as it is screened by the CEO or COO who are responsible for the management of the staff. SCULLY: Yes, but limited work on a cost charged basis since it does take time away from the assigned duties of the Staff. CONTINUED ON PAGE 292

The Best in Show, Best in Specialty & Multiple Group Placing

See you at upcoming shows! *Sterling e u S n e r a K & Breeders: Suzann Hoesman, Sara Lopez, & Judith Bingham Lil ‘Itch Smooth Fox Terriers Exclusively Owner Handled by: Karen Sue Herr Wild Country Smooth Fox Terriers Check us out on Facebook Dog News 291

2014DirectorsQuestionnaire CONTINUED FROM PAGE 290

GARVIN: Staff has proven to be very effective in helping the Delegate committees perform their role. However, some projects can end up requiring substantial amounts of resources and can interfere with other important projects. The system already in place by which committees can request assistance can be and should EH HIIHFWLYH LQ VRUWLQJ RXW WKHVH FRQĂ LFWLQJ SULorities. DOK: Absolutely, when appropriate with the same guidelines we have in place currently. Approval for such research work/study must be approved by the President, with concurrence ZLWK WKH &KLHI )LQDQFLDO 2IĂ€FHU DV WR FRVW VHQsitivities. JUDGING QUESTIONS :HUH WKH 6PLWK &RPPLWWHH UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV LPSOHPHQWHG ORQJ HQRXJK WR FKDQJH WKHP DV UDSLGO\ DV ZDV GRQH" MENAKER: No. SCULLY: We will have this answer in the near future. GARVIN: The vast majority of the recommendations from the Smith Committee are still in place and have not been changed. DOK: Not really! +DYH WKH ´PDVNLQJ Âľ HWF UHYLVLRQV LQ WKH MXGJLQJ DSSURYDO V\VWHP EHHQ ZRUWKZKLOH" MENAKER: I do not see how this procedure results in more competent judging nor do I see how its success can be determined with any accuracy. SCULLY: If the new system does not work and does not give us knowledgeable judges in a timely fashion, I would vote to edit and make changes. GARVIN: The most urgent issues that caused many poor perceptions of the judging approval process have been addressed and corrected by the board. DOK: No. $UH \RX VDWLVĂ€HG ZLWK WKH FXUUHQW MXGJLQJ DSSURYDO SURFHVV" MENAKER:Yes, except for the masking provision. I recognize that there is no perfect system. SCULLY: It is too soon to know. We are at the beginning of a new process. GARVIN: No, there are several improvements that can and should be implemented, and those are the recommendations that the Judging Task 292 Dog News

Force is working on. However, some of the imSURYHPHQWV PD\ WDNH ORQJHU WKDQ Ă€UVW DQWLFLSDWHG DQG LQLWLDO SURSRVDOV PD\ EH PRGLĂ€HG DV IXUWKHU LQput is received. DOK: No. 6KRXOG WKH MXGJHV¡ DSSURYDO FRPPLWWHH LQFOXGH D PHPEHU ZLWK QR H[SHULHQFH EUHHGLQJ RU H[KLELWLQJ SXUHEUHG GRJV" MENAKER: No. SCULLY: No. GARVIN: The current judging approval committee, the entity that makes the approval/disapproval deciVLRQV FRQVLVWV RI Ă€YH PHPEHUV WZR $.& H[HFXWLYH Ă€HOG UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV DQG WKUHH DFWLYH MXGJHV ZKR are randomly selected from a pool of twelve. They all have great experience in exhibiting and/or judging purebred dogs. This arrangement seems to be working very well. DOK: No. :RXOG \RX YRWH WR SHUPLW VSHFLDOW\ FOXEV WR VHOHFW DQ\RQH LQ JRRG VWDQGLQJ ZLWK $.& WR MXGJH WKHLU VSHFLDOW\ VKRZV" MENAKER: Currently we allow anyone in good standing with extensive background in the breed to judge the national specialty show if requested by the parent club. I would not extend this to every local specialty club. SCULLY: No. GARVIN: Parent Clubs can now invite anyone in good standing to judge their national specialty show. That provision has been used relatively rarely so far, and so extending this privilege to all specialty shows seems unwarranted at this time. DOK: Only if licensed by AKC on a provisional or regular status. /LNHZLVH ZRXOG \RX YRWH WR SHUPLW DOO EUHHG FOXEV WR VHOHFW DQ\RQH XS WR D VSHFLĂ€F QXPEHU RI LQ JRRG VWDQGLQJ ZLWK $.& WR MXGJH WKHLU VKRZV" MENAKER: No. Why then have judging approval procedures? Exhibitors have the right to have inIRUPHG GHFLVLRQV E\ LQGLYLGXDOV ZKR DUH TXDOLĂ€HG E\ the AKC to judge that breed. SCULLY: No. GARVIN: No. All AKC judges have worked long and hard to develop their expertise and prove their ability to judge our dogs. Our exhibitors deserve nothing less. DOK: Only if licensed by AKC on a provisional or regular status. CONTINUED ON PAGE 294


Balanced and true to breed type.

From finishing his Championship at 12 months of age to being the ONLY AMERICAN BRED Breed Winner at Westminster at 21 months, this upcoming young dog consistently continues to be the Irish Red and White Setter to watch.

From the IRWSAA Standard.... “The Irish Red & White Setter is bred primarily for the field. Bench Shows must be encouraged to judge the exhibits chiefly from the working standpoint. The appearance is strong and powerful, well balanced and proportioned without lumber; athletic rather than racy with an aristocratic, keen and intelligent attitude.”


“Start Spreading the News....I want to be a part of it...” Lovingly owned by: Deb Peterson and Judith Zawikowski Killary Irish Setters

*The Dog News Top Ten List

Perfectly presented by: Deb Peterson & Devon Kipp

Am. Can. & BGCh. Aramis Farms High Road To Killary

#1 Irish Red and White Setter All Breed for 2013

Dog News 293

2014DirectorsQuestionnaire CONTINUED FROM PAGE 292

6KRXOG IRUHLJQ MXGJHV UHTXHVWLQJ DSSURYDO WR MXGJH DQ $.& VKRZ EH UHTXLUHG WR KDYH MXGJHG D EUHHG V D FHUWDLQ PLQLPXP QXPEHU RI WLPHV ZLWK D PLQLPXP QXPEHU RI WRWDO HQWULHV LQ WKHLU KRPH FRXQWU\" MENAKER: No. We have reciprocal agreements. As long as the judges are approved in their own country and that breed is in that country’s registry, they should be allowed to judge that breed. This is the same policy that affects our own judges who are invited to judge in a foreign country and I see no reason for us to be more restrictive. Remember it is our own clubs making the request, not the judge. SCULLY: Yes. GARVIN: No. As I understand it, the Kennel Club (of England) has similar limitations on which breeds AKC approved judges are permitted to judge in England, and that is not popular at all with our judges. AKC currently will approve judges from approved countries to judge here those breeds that their countries’ kennel club has given them approval. We have enough of a challenge at AKC working to improve and perfect our own judging approval process. It would be unwise to try to get involved with the judging approval processes of other countries. DOK: The word reciprocity comes into my mind when considering “visiting judges.â€? It is clear that CKC accelerates their judges/Group approval process. Sometimes it works; sometimes it isn’t in a Kennel Club’s best interest. ,) 7+(5( ,6 $1<7+,1* <28 :28/' /,.( 72 $'' 3/($6( )((/ )5(( 72 '2 62 +2:(9(5 3/($6( .((3 7+( $'',7,216 72 72 :25'6 GARVIN: The sport of breeding and owning purebred dogs is under attack, throughout this country and the world. There is a widespread air of negativity all around us, even with our own fanciers. We frequently demonstrate too much RXWVSRNHQ FRQĂ LFW DPRQJ H[KLELWRUV MXGJHV clubs, media, delegates, board, and staff. Sometimes we are our own worst enemies. This cannot help the success of AKC and our sport. Of course, one basic component of dog shows and trials is competition, and so some FRQĂ LFW LV WR EH H[SHFWHG +RZHYHU FRQĂ LFW does not require meanness, unfair and inappropriate criticism, or denigrating other perVRQV GRJV RU JURXSV &RQĂ LFW WKDW LV PDQDJHG LQ D FRQVWUXFWLYH ZD\ FDQ UHVXOW LQ EHQHĂ€WV WR

294 Dog News

all those involved, especially when we all have the same RYHUDOO JRDOV RI ZDQWLQJ RXU $.& WR EH VXFFHVVIXO LQà Xential, and respected as an organization second to none at serving the interests of all people who love dogs. We all know we need to encourage newcomers to our sport, and we need to encourage everyone to have a higher opinion of breeders, competitors, and the broad world of AKC. We all need to come together in a positive manner, carefully considering how we express our RSLQLRQV JLYLQJ WKH EHQHÀW RI WKH GRXEW ZKHQ DSSURSULate, and looking for new ways to cooperate. We all need to focus less on complaining about what is wrong and focus more on what we can do to improve. So what does all this have to do with my candidacy for the AKC Board? I have spent most of my career doing eye surgery and also managing a large group of physicians, many of whom, like many dog people, can be RSLQLRQDWHG FRPSHWLWLYH FRQÀGHQW EUDVK FRPSXOVLYH and skeptical of authority. I have learned how to manage SRWHQWLDOO\ H[SORVLYH FRQà LFW VLWXDWLRQV DQG IRUJH JRRG UHVXOWV ZLWKRXW ÀJXUDWLYH EORRGVKHG Several examples are relevant. I was a key player in managing the merger of the two rival hospitals and WKHLU QRQ SURÀW ERDUGV LQ RXU VPDOO WRZQ 'HVSLWH GHHS divisions in the community and substantial political obstacles to overcome, the end result has been very positive for the patients and the community. Then, as the ÀUVW SUHVLGHQW RI WKH PHGLFDO VWDII , ZDV DEOH WR JHW WKH doctors groups, who had been bitter enemies for 40+ \HDUV WR FRPH WRJHWKHU LQ D XQLÀHG FRUGLDO DQG HIIHFtive medical staff. More recently, we at the Smith Clinic, our large multi-specialty medical group practice, realized that after 90 years of progressive growth, our business model would not succeed in the new US healthcare environment. As president, I was able to lead the group in a completely new direction, eventually consolidating with a major hospital corporation. 7KHVH ZHUH HPRWLRQDO FRQà LFWV ÀOOHG ZLWK XQFHUtainty, suspicions, insults, recriminations, and rumors, but they turned out successfully when all of us could put aside our differences, emphasize our similarities, and focus on our shared goals. The important point is that I have demonstrated the VNLOOV WDOHQW DQG ÀQHVVH UHTXLUHG WR HIIHFWLYHO\ PDQDJH GLIÀFXOW VLWXDWLRQV IXOO RI FRQà LFW DQG SUHVVXUH 7KURXJK it all, I have maintained an optimistic, positive, enthusiastic attitude, and encouraged others to share that perspective. My life as an exhibitor, breeder, judge, and President of both a Parent Club and an All-Breed club has helped me grow as a dog person. Those experiences have helped make me an effective member of the AKC Board of Directors, and I hope the delegates will appreciate the value I bring.

Help send the winner of the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship Junior showmanship competition

Katelyn Edgecomb representing the United States of America to compete at the International Junior Showmanship Competition at the Crufts Dog Show March, 2014 Your support is greatly appreciated The PayPal account to use is

Dog News 295

We are already planning and working on the next

October, 2015 See you there 296 Dog News



American Black and Tan Coonhound Club American Pointer Club American Sealyham Club Bedlington Terrier Club of America Black Russian Terrier Club of Northern New Jersey Cocker Spaniel Club of New Jersey Delaware Valley Pug Club English Cocker Spaniel Club of America French Bulldog Club of America German Shepherd Dog Club of America Irish Water Spaniel Club of America

Afghan Hound Club of Northern New Jersey Airedale Terrier Club of America American Cesky Terrier Fanciers Association American Chesapeake Retriever Club American Foxhound Club American Maltese Association American Miniature Schnauzer Club American Whippet Club Cairn Terrier Club of America Collie Club of Northern New Jersey Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club of America – Eastern Region Delaware Valley Havanese Club Dogue de Bordeaux Society of America Eastern German Shorthaired Pointer Club Eastern Irish Setter Association Empire Miniature Pincher Club Field Spaniel Society of America Garden State Great Pyrenees Club Glen of Imaal Terrrier Club of America Gordon Setter Club of America Great Dane Club of Raritan Valley Greyhound Club of America Hudson English Setter Club Irish Red & White Setter Association Knickerbocker Dachshund Club Lenape Boston Terrier Club Meadowlands Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club Norwich Terrier Club of America Pekingese Club of New Jersey Scottish Terrier Club of America Skye Terrier Club of America Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of America

Specialty Information Contact Lorraine W. Bisso 504-833-1780

Dog News 297

A Conversation With Gina DiNardo CONTINUED FROM PAGE 81

high school sports took the place of shows, and then college consumed her time. Apparently this short break did no harm to her handling skills. She continued the story: “My parents put their dogs out with handlers. My father had a very busy single dentist practice-the largest in Connecticut at the time. I finished college (Bachelors in English and Business from Skidmore College) and went back to live with my parents. My ambition was to go to veterinary school. On weekends, I would go to shows with a Doberman my father gave me.“ Then things took an unexpected turn. “We had a Doberman (CH Lemil’s Triple Threat) ranked #1 or #2 at the time. There was a falling out with the handler. What to do? It was near the end of the year, and we wanted to try to finish the year strong and not lose our ranking. So, I took him out to show the next weekend.” That would prove to be a remarkable decision. “I went to Back Mountain Kennel Club in Pennsylvania and went Best In Show. During the next two years, I put 21 Best In Shows on Dobermans.” The DiNardo family has campaigned Great Danes, Doberman Pinschers, Boxers, Bichon Frises, and Golden Retrievers. Gina’s brother, Dr. Anthony D. DiNardo III, a psychologist in California, shows Chihuahuas. Her sister, Toni, has pugs and golden retrievers. The bad news is that Cheri, Gina’s other sister, grew up violently allergic to dogs. “She even had her own separate apartment in our house when she was a teenager,” commented Gina. “We all thought it was pretty cool, but it was still a big problem for her.” Fortunately, she’s able to tolerate a Toy Poodle, and

today enjoys canine companionship. DiNardo has a 15-year-old son, William, who loves the family dogs (a Doberman, Whippet, and Toy Manchester) but has no aspirations to get in the show ring. “He loves to do video work,” observed Gina. “He likes to edit video and he likes to draw. He also fences, and I force him to play tennis. What does he want to do when he grows up? That changes every week.” Sounds like a normal 15-year-old! Gina continues, “One of my goals

in life is to help my son be the very best person he can be.” Gina spends a good deal of her time on the tennis court when all other things have been covered. “I’m an avid USTA team league player and captain. I captained my team to the National Championships that will be held this April.” She also has another passion. “I love to cook. It is one of my favorite ways to relax. I love to host dinner parties for my friends.” She admits, though, to a food weakness: “I can’t pass up a good home cooked Italian meal. My mother is one of the greatest cooks I have ever known. She would earn at least two Michelin stars from me.” Our conversation turned back to The American Kennel Club, and how she began working there. “I intended to apply for veterinary school,” she told me. “However, my boyfriend lived in New York City. I wanted to live there, but I needed a job. I thought ‘Maybe AKC…’.” Dennis Sprung was Vice President of Events at the time, and found a position for Gina. She worked in Event plans for two years and then directly for him. Gina took two years off from AKC when she had her son, William, and opportunity began knocking. “Al Cheuré saw my parents and said ‘We miss Gina. We’re going to create a new position for advertising. I’d like to offer her the job.’” She continued, “I returned part-time, but they wanted me to be in communications. I went back full time as director of communications, then assistant executive secretary, then assistant vice president. I was put in charge of the publications division. Then I was promoted to Vice President.” Gina is presently training to CONTINUED ON PAGE 300

298 Dog News

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A Conversation With Gina DiNardo CONTINUED FROM PAGE 298

learn Jim Crowley’s job. It’s daunting considering the pace at which AKC has developed in the last few decades, during which time Crowley became the “constant feature” who seemed to know where everything was, the background of every major decision, and how things got done. Indeed, Crowley has lived through fully one-third of the existence of AKC. As he once said in an interview with me, “Every year I’m one vote away from being unemployed.” This is because all of the Executive Officer positions are voted back to their jobs every year by the Board. I joked with Gina about being given the combination to the safe. “Ah, yes, the safe,” she chuckled. “Do you know there was a time in AKC’s history where the only way the Board could see the minutes was if Jim retrieved them from the safe and gave them copies which they were not allowed to keep.” It highlights the seriousness of maintaining the integrity of records in an organization as large and influential as the AKC. It also shows how critical this position is to the functioning of the AKC. “Jim is amazing,”Gina remarked. “As rules and by-laws change, Jim can retrieve things faster than a computer.” We conversed about the fact that decisions regarding the by-laws actually become like case law in a courtroom. “That’s just the point,” she said. “We often face situations where there is turnover in the Delegate body and new people bring up issues that have already been discussed, considered, and voted on in the past. They think they’re great ideas, but they don’t know that those ideas have already been considered by previous members and they did not pass for one reason or another.” It’s 300 Dog News

the ability of the Secretary to recall those things that becomes very important in these discussions. “I’ve heard Jim get involved in a discussion and he’ll say something like ‘We discussed that in 1979 during a meeting in June, and we decided this or that’.” So, how will Gina learn everything from Jim? “I sit with Jim as often as I can and learn from him. I sit in on Board meetings. Jim will feed me piles of things to study. The fact is, I love this because my hobby has become my job.” Of course, it’s not like she arrived

yesterday. With a family history in the sport of purebred dogs and a 19-year career working for AKC, what does she hope people will learn from her? Gina responded, “Remember in this sport the dogs are the most important thing. Make decisions about showing and breeding with the best interest of the dogs and the sport in mind and you will never go wrong. Treat everyone with respect and kindness. Protect the sport so that it will be here for our grandchildren.“ Based on her many years of experience in purebred dogs, I asked her what newer

people should learn. She told me, “Find a mentor in your breed. Learn everything they know. Knowledge only gets passed on this way. Sit ringside, learn and watch. Learn why they made choices in breeding they did.” As I contemplated this advice from her, I realized that after all the years I’ve been doing these interviews for Dog News I’ve had the privilege of writing about some of the most interesting, accomplished people in the sport of purebred dogs. Without fail, they have all given the exact same advice. Makes one wonder why people continue to look for shortcuts…… Talking to Gina, one hears a strong sense of direction and a great deal of energy. I asked Gina what drives her. She gave an answer that bodes well for the fancy. “I learned many lessons about people, dogs and myself through participation in the sport – Dogs and dogs shows have in part made me the person I am today. I am grateful for those experiences and for meeting so many wonderful people through the sport. I want to preserve and protect the sport for the future and do what I can to safeguard purebred dogs and our rights to own and breed them.” Gina will continue public appearances on behalf of AKC. Viewers were able to see her on the live streaming of Eukanuba. No doubt her experience in communication and other areas of AKC will serve her well as a spokesperson for the organization. Future plans? “I plan to travel the world. I’m going to finish my masters in genetics, breed a few great Dobermans and watch my son grow up.”

Dog News 301


Chain O’Lakes and Park Shore KC

Photos by Booth Photography

302 Dog News

Dog News 303

Wild, Wacky, W on derful

Westminster Stories! CONTINUED FROM PAGE 275


My funniest moment at the Garden was when we accidentally let Gene in the booth and a Doberman, first time advertiser, proceeded to tell him she was not happy with the placement of her ad. The rest I cannot repeat, but Chris was there and can give you “The Rest of the Story”. It was hilarious, the look on her face was hilarious, but after that we did a better job of keeping people away from him if he had to stop by the booth to get film, etc. Loved it and working for them. Never dull moment!


Hmmmm, unfortunately, can’t think of anything exceptional ----- or printable. I do remember vividly when a certain standard poodle handled by a very notable handler, who had a good chance of doing very well, had his topknot cut off at the scalp right before the show by a wacky co-owner. That was the end of her career in dogs.


Well…Years ago I had a Norfolk, Ch. Nanfan Crunch, he was a half inch above what the standard calls for. But at the time most of the breed were “weedy”. Crunch had not only great bone but the pizazz that made you look at him in the ring. Crunch was the grandsire of the top winning dog and bitch earning more Best in Shows at the time than any other Norfolk. He was entered at Westminster. A judge who shall remain nameless asked of someone, “Who won the breed?” When told it was Crunch the same judge replied, “Oh that moose.” Not realizing I was standing nearby the same judge qualified the answer and said, “ I mean mouse.” To which I said, “Moose I can believe. Mouse never.” Crunch went on to put the breed on the map with numerous Specialty wins, 14 Bests and two terrier Group placements at Westminster.


It was 2006. Huge snowstorm/blizzard hit New York area with 18 to 20 inches of snow on the Sunday before the Garden. My friend, Kathy Kirk and I had to get our dogs into the city. She picked me up with her van at the height of the storm. With white-out conditions, I remember Kathy saying she felt like we were in the movie Dr. Shivago (without Omar Shariff). We were the only vehicle on the road. Clearly if it had been any other type of commitment, we would have cancelled, but not for the Garden! Turned out to be a good choice, as that was the year Kathy went Best with Rufus, the Colored Bull Terrier. A memory we will always cherish. 304 Dog News


When I called my husband to tell him that I had been asked to judge Best In Show at Westminster in 2009, Herman, who is not very involved in the dog world, asked me in response - without skipping a beat and I imagine hopefully - “The Best In Show dog usually retires after winning Best at Westminster, what about the BIS judge? Naturally, I told him, “Dear, it does not work that way!”


1989 - Andy Linton & I flew into New York and to our horror “Indy” bloated sometime during the flight.(“Indy” aka Ch. Royal Tudor’s Wild As The Wind, UDTX, was the Doberman Andy handled to Top Dog All Breeds in 1988.) Marjorie Martorella & Bo Bengtson drove us to the emergency room. During the weekend she stayed at the vet hospital. They released her on Monday. She was not herself during the breed, she’d been through so much. She slept on the bench from the breed until the group that evening. By then,she was back to herself and was glorious. She won the group and the crowd loved her. Tuesday night, Indy won Best in Show under the late, Mrs. Muriel Freeman. Indy went home to California and had her surgery and never bloated again. That was our Westminster roller coaster. Thank God for happy endings.


Claire Kelly bought Ch. Rudel Reindeer Mimi from Dr. Elsie Neustadt off the bench at Westminster and, when she tried to leave with new purchase she was turned back, as Elsie knew she would be. The bench time was not over yet. Claire did eventually get Mimi out of Madison Square Garden and she was the dam of the last Clairidge Greyhound litter. When I took Chris to Westminster there had been a blizzard. At the airport, Chris saw his first snow. He dived headfirst into a huge fluffy snowbank like a seal diving into a wave. Then he threw his head up to toss snow all down his back. This California blond absolutely loved snow. At Westminster, once the bench floors were strewn with wood shavings they were slick, and Chris decided that he couldn’t walk on them. For the rest of the day I recruited folks to help me carry his 100-pound body around the show like a sultan. I would take the head and shoulders and solicit strangers to carry the other end. Nobody refused. (The actual rings had carpeting so they were no problem.) CONTINUED ON PAGE 317

March Madness Cluster of Dog Shows

+ + + + + + + + Owner Handler Series and Best in OHS Puppy Groups

Health Clinics

New Title Rosettes

AOM’s in each breed

60 breeds with majors in 2013 Judging Juniors Seminar

Gas Card Raffle

March 20, 21 & 22, 2014

New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center 97 Sunfield Avenue, Edison, New Jersey THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 Big Apple Sporting Association Non-Sporting Group of the Garden State Herding Group Association of NJ Progressive Dog Club (Toys Only) FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014 Specialties Boxer Club of Long Island (Puppy & Vet. Sweeps) Dalmatian Club of Central New Jersey (Puppy & Vet. Sweeps) Supporting Clubs Mid-Jersey Labrador Retriever Club Garden State Neapolitan Mastiff Club Bull Terrier Club of America Pug Dog Club of Greater NY Bulldog Club of New Jersey Collie Club of Northern New Jersey Thursday (evening) Big Apple Sporting Society, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 2014 Progressive Dog Club (Toys), Specialties Non-Sporting Group Club of the Pointer Club of Central New Jersey (Puppy & Vet. Sweeps0 Garden State, Herding Group New Jersey Boxer Club (Puppy & Vet. Sweeps) Garden State Neapolitan Mastiff Club (Puppy & Vet. Sweeps) Assoc. of NJ Delaware Valley Manchester Terrier Club (Puppy & Vet. Sweeps) Greater Delaware Valley Papillon Club (Puppy & Vet. Sweeps) Friday Delaware Valley Pug Club (Puppy & Vet. Sweeps) New Brunswick Kennel Club: Watchung Mountain Poodle Club Owner Handler Groups, Best Chihuahua Club of Mid-Jersey (Puppy & Vet. Sweeps) Dalmatian Club of Central New Jersey (Puppy & Vet. Sweeps) Puppy Competition, Awards Belgian Sheepdog Club of America, Inc. (Puppy & Vet. Sweeps) of Merit offered in all breeds Hunterdon Hills Collie Club (based on number of dogs entered in Best of Breed/Variety), Supporting Clubs Rosette for dogs finishing their American Chesapeake Bay Retriever Club (Puppy & Vet. Sweeps) Championship Mid-Jersey Labrador Retriever Club (Puppy & Vet. Sweeps) Eastern Irish Setter Association (Puppy & Vet. Sweeps) English Cocker Spaniel Club of America (Puppy Sweeps) Saturday Afghan Hound Club of Northern New Jersey New Brunswick Kennel Club: Borzoi Club of Central New Jersey (Puppy & Vet. Sweeps) Owner Handler Groups, Best Dachshund Club of New Jersey Puppy Competition, Awards Black Russian Terrier Club of Northern New Jersey Northeast Regional Leonburger Club of Merit offered in all breeds North Jersey Siberian Husky Club (Puppy & Vet. Sweeps) (based on number of dogs enRaritan Valley Australian Terrier Club tered in Best of Breed/Variety), Bull Terrier Club of America Rosette for dogs finishing their Philadelphia Kerry Blue Terrier Club Championship Pekingese Club of New Jersey (Puppy & Vet. Sweeps) Bichon Frise Club of Northern New Jersey Lenape Boston Terrier Club Sunday Bulldog Club of New Jersey Bronx County Kennel Club: Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of the Garden State (Puppy & Vet. Sweeps) Owner Handler Groups, Awards Delaware Valley Cardigan Welsh Corgi Association of Merit offered in all breeds (based on number of dogs enSUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2014 Specialties tered in Best of Breed/Variety), English Springer Spaniel Club of Long Island (Puppy & Vet. Sweeps) Rosette for dogs finishing their Dachshund Club of Long Island Championship New York Boxer Club (Puppy & Vet. Sweeps) Delaware Valley Manchester Terrier Club (Puppy & Vet. Sweeps) Supporting Clubs ENTRIES CLOSE Hudson Valley Golden Retriever Club MARCH 5, 2014 Knickerbocker Standard Schnauzer Club Raritan Valley Australian Terrier Club RAU SUPT. Dog News 305


Advancing canine health “Shelly would do anything to improve the quality of life of the dogs we bred,” Mrs. Adler says. But Dr. Adler wasn’t solely devoted to improving the health of Giant Schnauzers. Because of his involvement with human medicine as a board certified surgeon, he was well aware that advances in canine health could be made through research. He also understood that advances in human medicine often were linked to advances in veterinary medicine. Thus he readily accepted an opportunity to help advance canine health after being elected to the then Delegates Committee on Health Research and Education in September 1993, when the Delegate Standing Committees were first formed. As such, he served on the Delegates Committee responsible for founding the AKC CHF in 1995. “Dr. Adler played a vital role in the founding of the AKC Canine Health Foundation, which has led to over $40 million in funding for canine health research and education programs so far,” says Terry Warren, AKC CHF CEO and General Counsel. Dr. Adler served on the Committee until September 2007: initially, as the Committee’s Vice Chairman from September 1993 until September 1994; and later, as the Committee’s Chairman from September 1994 until September 2005. CHIC As Chairman of the Committee for Canine Health and Education within the AKC Delegates Committee, Dr. Adler also was instrumental in developing the concept for the Canine Health Information Center [CHIC],” says Susan LaCroix Hamil, the current Chairman of the AKC Delegates Health Committee. CHIC is a centralized canine health database that lists the results of the ever increasing number of 306 Dog News

Dr. Sheldon Adler in the ring with CH Ramahill’s Lois Lane. Photo © Ashbey Photography

health screenings available as result of AKC CHF funded research. It was established by the AKC CHF and Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) in 2005 as a resource where breeders could record and research information about health issues prevalent in their specific breed. Dr. Adler served on other committees as well. For example, he and other Grants Committee members, along with peer reviewers on an external panel of experts, determined the eligibility of applications for AKC CHF funded grants on the basis of each research project’s scientific merit. A life well lived Dr. Adler completed medical school at NYU School of Medicine before he was 23 years old and was a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. He served

as the Chief of Surgery at Good Samaritan Hospital in Suffern, NY. When he retired in 2000, the ambulatory care center was named in his honor. He was made an AKC CHF Director Emeritus in 2006. Although he passed away in 2012 at the age of 84, his legacy lives on in all dogs because they live longer, healthier lives thanks to AKC CHF funded research. Indeed, his contribution helped enable the Foundation to have an enormous impact on canine health for generations of dogs to come. “Today, no breeder of any quality breeds his dogs without first testing them for inherited health problems,” Mrs. Adler says. “It is a testament to his legacy that his family and close friends continue to generously support the Foundation in Dr. Adler’s memory,” Warren says.

FEDERAL UPDATE: Congress Passes Farm Bill with Two Improvements to the Animal 7ELFARE !CT s &EBRUARY


he American Kennel Club (AKC) lauds the US Senate for passing a new five-year Farm Bill today that addresses some of the AKC’s concerns regarding recent regulatory changes to the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) by the USDA/APHIS Retail Pet Stores and Licensing Exemptions rule. The House of Representatives passed the bill last week. AKC outlined to Farm Bill negotiators from the Senate and House Agriculture committees that although the intent of the changes to the rule was to regulate large-scale breeders and Internet pet sellers, it also would have required some small hobby breeders who maintain more than four “breeding females� and transfer an occasional dog sight unseen, to be licensed and regulated as commercial pet dealers. The regulation also would have required small hobby breeders who provide foster homes for rescue dogs to be licensed as commercial breeders if they maintain more than four female dogs and occasionally use an intermediary to transfer a foster dog to its new home. The changes in the Farm Bill (HR 2642) will reduce the number of breeders and dealers otherwise required to obtain a license if the size of their business is determined to be “de minimis� (minimal). The Farm Bill Conference Report also allows USDA to “determine if the number of animals they breed or sell or the gross annual dollar amounts earned are so minor as to merit disregard.� The measure’s conference report states that this will free up more USDA resources and recommends that APHIS finalize a rule regarding this change within the year. “We believe these changes will be welcome to responsible small breeders who not only breed occasionally, but also provide foster homes for rescue dogs,� said AKC Government Relations Director Sheila Goffe. “Without these changes, many could have been forced to give up their rescue activities unless they could obtain a USDA pet dealer license.� A second measure supported by the AKC directs APHIS to clarify the term “breeding female�. This term is currently used in AWA regulations to define who should be regulated as a pet dealer, but it lacks authority because it does not appear in the underlying statute. The conference report urged APHIS to clarify that only those female animals capable of reproduction and actively being used in a breeding program should qualify as breeding females. The AKC thanks the many members of Congress, Congressional staff and AKC club members whose dedicated efforts made these changes possible. “We are extremely grateful

to the Farm Bill negotiators for addressing some of AKC’s concerns regarding the Retail Pet Stores and Licensing Exemptions. We would especially like to thank the leadership of the House and Senate Agriculture committees, Chairman Frank Lucas, Livestock Subcommittee Chairman Rick Crawford and Ranking Member Jim Costa, and Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow and Ranking Member Thad Cochran for their leadership in including these beneficial changes to the AWA in the Farm Bill Conference report,� said AKC President and CEO Dennis Sprung. A third measure in the Farm Bill also codifies the regulatory changes made by USDA/APHIS in the Retail Pet Stores and Licensing Exemptions rule in late 2013. The measure now goes to the White House for President Obama’s signature. AKC Government Relations Dept. Raleigh, NC 4OP #HILDREN S !UTHORS "ACK 2EADING 4O $OGS 4O "OOST #HILD ,ITERACY


opular children’s authors, Anna Wilson, Andrew Cope and Viviane Schwarz are supporting children reading to dogs in a bid to boost literacy and improve children’s selfconfidence, to coincide with National Storytelling Week. The authors have pledged their support to the Kennel Club’s Bark and Read Foundation on the back of the latest statistics from the National Literacy Trust that revealed that only around a quarter of children surveyed said they read in their own time and more than one in five children admitted they were embarrassed to be seen reading. [1] Organised by the Society for Storytelling, National Storytelling Week (Saturday February 1st - Saturday February 8th 2014) aims to promote storytelling in schools, libraries, museums and art galleries across

the UK. As part of the awareness week, the Kennel Club has asked schools taking part in its popular Bark and Read scheme to let children choose their favourite book to read to their canine reading partner. Anna, author of books including The Smug Pug and Pup Idol, will be visiting Vallis First School in Frome, Somerset, on Thursday 6th February to observe the children reading her latest book, Monkey Madness to their reading dog. Anna commented: “Reading aloud and storytelling have always been very important to me. As an author, I go into schools and see how reading stories aloud can help build confidence and improve literacy skills. Reading to dogs is a fantastic, innovative idea - it will help boost the confidence of children who are nervous of reading aloud in front of a class, for example, and will encourage a lifelong love of books and reading, I’m sure. I frequently read to my own dog when I am trying out new passages of writing, so I can highly recommend it!� The Bark and Read Foundation is funded by the Kennel Club Charitable Trust, and supports organisations that take dogs into schools and libraries for children to read to. The scheme has been running for two years and has seen fantastic results, as teachers have reported an increase in confidence, reading levels and interest in reading. As well as Anna, children’s authors Andrew Cope and Viviane Schwarz have also pledged support for reading to dogs. Viviane commented on her own experience: “I know from my own experience how hard it can be to read to other people, and I am grateful to the kind animals who happily listened to me with rapt attention while I practised and learned at home. When I was in school, I could not read without a stammer, and it was a frightening ordeal that got worse every time. I hope Bark and Read will help many children to have a better learning experience, especially those who don’t have a pet of their own to help them out.� Andrew commented: “I’m a great believer in reading aloud and, as the author of CONTINUED ON PAGE 315

Dog News 307

308 Dog News

Dog News 309

Dog News

Handler’s Directory Safari Handling and Training LLC

Robert A. Fisher Kaki Fisher

All Breed Professional Dog Handlers

Kathy Eiler

614-352-5017 cell












Diana Wilson



Debbie angela l lloyd Old West Goldstein PROFESSIONAL DOG HANDLER


& Groomer Kennels 2418 Grandview Drive 703-622-5808

P.O. Box 180 Forestville, Pennsylvania Sparta, N.C. 16035 28675 724-735-9994 C 412-491-5520



DAVE & LYNDA O’CONNOR-SCHNEIDER Members PHA & AKC Registered Handlers


1981 East 141 Avenue Brighton, Colorado 80602 210 865 8415 - Clint 210 865 2348 - Karen

9691 Flinn Springs Road El Cajon, CA 92021 (619)443-8250 Fax (619)443-0944 E-mail /


Tiffany Knox

CARLOS CARRIZO Professional Handling


Summerwind Canines

0/ "OX s 7OODLAND #! 3.10





Jenny Wornall Rangel Christian Rangel Andrew Peel

Heritage Show dogs All Breed Dog Handler 3 5NION s 4ULSA /+ s 6.13


Cell: 415 819-5773





Clint and Karen Livingston

7.11 4.14


12.13 9.14


REGINA 570 369-0192 email:

113 Capone Lane Saylorburg, PA 18353

7430 Sierra Ponds Lane Cell: 415-819-5773 Granite Bay, CA Phone: 916-791-5207 95746-7300 Fax: 916-791-5209 Email: 9.10 6.14


336 372-2039 © Debbie Goldstein

SUE 570 992-5705 email:


303/638-1669 1298 Bluejay Avenue Brighton, CO 80601

*Fees feed rescued horses*

Sue Capone, PHA Regina Keiter


Show Dogs Beautifully Presented



12.14 12.13

Training class Joe T. Caton 614-313-9536 cell information: 614-262-1317 3.14


Professional Dog Handlers Frakari Kennels 194 Quivey Hill Road/P.O. Box 204 Middle Granville, NY 12849 .1/ ‡ F 12.09 NDNLÀVKHU#HDUWKOLQN QHW

Ernesto Lara

AKC Registered Handler Assisted by Leonardo Garcini


Greenfield P.O. Box 330 Tel: (717) 445-9936 1181 Reading Road Fax: (717) 445-0577 Bowmansville, PA 17507 email: 6.10 6.14 mobile: 717-475-7069



Hailey Griffith Tiffany Saxon PROFESSIONAL DOG HANDLER All Breed Dog Handler

1637 Moon Rock Rd Fallbrook, CA 92029

905 933-8412

Office: 760-723-9564 Cell: hailey_griffith@hotmail.com626-277-7172 11.14 1.11

310 Dog News





Integrity. Commitment. Passion. The American Kennel Club Registered Handlers Program “the care and well being of the dogs is of prime importance.� AKC Registered Handlers Current Membership Roster Jason Bailey Barbara Beissel Doug Belter * Amy Booth Phillip Booth Kerry Boyd Dana Bryson-Benn * Stephen Cabral Kim Calvacca Sue Cannimore Amanda Carlson Douglas Carlson Carlos Carrizo R.C. Carusi Kelley Catterson Paul Catterson Kevin Chestnut * Marianne “Tuni� Claflin Dave Clendenon Juliet Clendenon Page Conrad Gretchen Conradt Timothy Conradt Larry Cornelius Tom Davis Geoff Dawson Gwen DeMilta

Carissa DeMilta-Shimpeno * Karen Mammano Mark Desrosiers Sam Mammano Pam Desrosiers Corinne Miklos James Dickson Lisa Miller C.J. Favre Kathryn Mines Nina Fetter Roslyn Mintz Kaki Fisher Moe Miyagawa * Guy Fisher Tammy Miyagawa Robert Fisher Leesa Molina * Lisa Gallizzo Lori Mowery * Rindi Gaudet Frank Murphy Andrew Green Pat Murray Sara Gregware Krista Musil * Kassandra Hamaker Christine Nethery Dee Hanna Mary Norton-Augustus James Harbert Lynda O’ConnorTina Harbert Schneider Tara Krieger Hartman Jorge Olivera Shane Hooper Susie Olivera Cynthia Huckfeldt * Julie Parker Maureen Jewett Betty Jo Patterson Bergit Kabel Clark Pennypacker Erin Karst Matt Perchick Laura King Ric Plaut Susan Kipp Chris Rakyta Ernesto Lara Gabriel Rangel Angela Lloyd Ivonne Rangel Sarah Riedl

Lori Sargent Cheri Schmitz Dave Schneider Bruce Schultz Tara Schultz Michael Shepherd * Dave Slattum Scott Sommer Valerie Stanert Jason Starr * Cliff Steele Hiram Stewart * Gary Stiles Greg Strong Debbie Struff Erin Struff Alison Sunderman Sharon Svoboda Evan Threlfall * Stacy Threlfall Louis Torres Meagan Ulfers Charlotte Ventura Peter Ventura Marcelo Veras Alissa Welling * John Wilcox * Tammie Wilcox Linda Williams


*Also AKC Junior Showmanship Judges.


Dog News

Handler’s Directory Doug And Mandy Carlson AKC Registered Handlers Doug 405 370-1447 Mandy 405 826-3884 5.14

8260 McColl Drive W Savage, Minnesota 55378 Phone: 952 890-6010 3.13


All Breed Professionals AKC Reg. and PHA






Mary Dwyer %\ 3DVV ‡'HUU\ 1+ ( ‡ 6

407 810-4036 4.14




312 Dog News


5540 San Miguel Rd. Bonita, California 91902

Bruce: 951 314-8357 Tara: 951 515-0241 3.14


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Classified Advertising 12.14


I have collected over 70 years dog books from 1800 to current 12.10





FREE Subscription to Grooming Industry Magazine! FOLEY BOYS CRATE MEN

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Bob Flemm 12.10

12.14 5.12


P.O. Box 2000 * Perris, California 92570 WWW.DAVISANIMAL.COM Email: 12.14


Mason Fence Kennel Enclosures Upgrading Our Pet Resort and have the following available for sale:



Bill & Patty Pace



(all states)


REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE All-Breed Transportation Sale Home With Kennel

)0##: ,&//&- "/% )0.& Cargo - Trucks For Vans sale- Minivans in Northern

California redwoods, semi-rural area, two plus bedrooms, two baths, nice kennel building with three in / out chainlink runs and room for more. 856-220-3582 $POUBDU .FMBOJF BU ,JOH 3FBMUZ GPS QIPUPT 707 677-0733 Delivery Available NFMMJFL!IPUNBJM DPN PS 541 254-0678

In Chiefland,Transit Florida, Connects near Gainsville/Ocala/ Brooksville, ft, Leading East3,200 CoastsqFord Fabulous 3BR, 2 1/2 BA, I/G Pool, all tile, Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep Dealer Hot Tub, Patios, RV carport, 50 & 30 Offering preferred pricing to amp all plugs for guests, fenced dog yard, Owners/Handlers/Breeders/AKC Members Large Concrete Runs, Gated, 6 Acres,

7.09 4.11 2.12


Based in Arizona 12.11


30 Years of Accounting And Tax Knowledge in the Dog World

EDUCATIONcessful Kennel Busi

ness Su c Learn Professional Pet Grooming! New Jersey Licensed Kennel For Sale PRICE REDUCED!

.FSSZmFME 4DIPPM PG 1FU (SPPNJOH JT MPPLJOH GPS QFPQMF MJLF ZPV XIP MPWF Great opportunity for a Handler, Breeder or just an Entrepreneur. BOJNBMT *O +VTU FYDJUJOH NPOUIT ZPV XJMM MFBSO UIF TLJMMT OFDFTTBSZ UP An established 30-year kennel with an unlimited kennel license, 24 indoor/outdoor covered runs, RVBMJGZ BT B QSPGFTTJPOBM 1FU (SPPNFS +PC PQQPSUVOJUJFT BSF FYDFMMFOU BOE 8 turn out paddocks, upgraded electric, newer septic and a grooming business all on 5 fenced ZPV DPVME FWFO TUBSU ZPVS PXO QSPmUBCMF CVTJOFTT acres. Property includes a 3 bedroom remodeled guest or managers cottage, a four car garage.FSSZmFME 4DIPPM PG 1FU (SPPNJOH XJMM QSPWJEF ZPV XJUI FWFSZUIJOH ZPV OFFE with a tractor bay, a four stall UP TVDDFFE JODMVEJOH UIF BEWBOUBHF PG )"/%4 0/ USBJOJOH XJUI MJWF BOJNBMT barn, run in shed, paddock and fenced pasture. All the property *U T UIF POMZ XBZ UP MFBSO :PV BSF MFBSOJOH CZ EPJOH is surrounded by farm land preservation. The vintage 1840 cenWHU KDOO FRORQLDO KDV D IURQW WR EDFN IR\HU WZR VWRQH ÀUHSODFHV 'PS NPSF JOGPSNBUJPO BCPVU BO FYDJUJOH DBSFFS XPSLJOH XJUI BOJNBMT an elegant living room and dining room, all remodeled kitchen $BMM .FSSZmFME 4DIPPM PG 1FU (SPPNJOH with granite and much more. There is an inground pool to com/FX DMBTTFT BSF GPSNJOH OPX plete this stunning property. To view this beautiful property or BOE mOBODJBM BTTJTUBODF JT BWBJMBCMF UP UIPTF XIP RVBMJGZ to receive a brochure please contact carol N Comerford @ Colding OW!! well Banker 908-534-4085 147rm or my cell 908-581-6206. ClassesX Fo




Breeders Directory Puppies occasionally and stud service phone 800 454-5067 fax 303 745-7319 Pedigrees done for all AKC breeds





Rottweilers and Toy Manchesters


314 Dog News

Accounting & Set-up IRS Defense • EXHIBITORS • HANDLERS •JUDGES

“Proudly Employing Collegiate Student Athletes�



Tax Preparation


DIVIDER PANELS: 32 – 48� w x 51� h

3ERGIO "ROWN President


GATES: 4 – 45� w x 38� h 22 – 43� w x 38� h 2 – 46� w x 51� h 31 – 34� w x 51� h

2.14 3.12

DIVIDER PANELS: 5 – 5’ w 30 – 4’ w All 72� h

Available Sept. 2014:


Available Jan. 2014: GATES 2 – 80� w 2 – 60� w 7 – 48� w 23 – 42� w All 72� h

181 Bronico Way Phillipsburg, NJ 08865

Unique Business Opportunity In Northern New Jersey! Perfect For A Professional Handler or Serious Breeder. Fully Licensed Boarding Kennel on Approx. 9.36 Beautiful Acres Surrounded by State Land and a Summer Camp. Easy Access To All Shows In N.J., N.Y., PA., New England And The Eastern Seaboard. Two Separate Kennels, Each With 32 I/O Spacious Runs. One For Your Dogs or Your Clients’ Dogs, And One For Income Generating Boarding. Room For Expansion And Additional Opportunities To Increase Services.

Includes A Lovely 5 Bedroom Home With Lots Of Glass And Decking, Small Barn With Fenced Pasture And A Large Garage With Attached Workshop. Good Schools, Quality Living, Income And Privacy, All In One Place. For Sale By Owner, Reasonably Priced At 875K. For More Information or To View, Call

973 875-3908


Spy Dog, I always run ideas past my trusty mutt, Lara. The Bark and Read Foundation is a great way of facilitating school and library visits with dogs, and anything that encourages children to want to read, particularly aloud, is extremely positive.” For more information on the Bark and Read Foundation, and the benefits of children reading allowed to dogs, visit Laura Quickfall London, England Re: Denise Flaim’s Article h(OW 4O "REED 9OUR $RAGONv loved the article and your ability to interpolate it into our breeding programs...also loved the fact that you can learn from your kids even at age 10. Thanks. Jay Hyman Mt. Airy, MD


Dog Show Definitions 1. Great stud dog...Mounts anything that can fog a mirror. 2. Excels in movement...If he gets loose, run like hell. 3. Personality Plus...Wakes up if you put liver up his nose. 4. Good bite...Missed the judge, got the steward. 5. Large boned...Looks like a Clydesdale. 6. Good obedience prospect...Smart enough to come in from the rain, but ugly. 7. Quiet and good natured...In his kennel. 8. Excels in type and style...However, moves like a spider on speed. 9. Won in stiff competition...Beat four puppies and a 9 year-old novice dog. 10. Multiple group winner...At two puppy matches. 11. Pointed...His head is shaped like a carrot. 12. Noted Judge...He put up our dog. 13. Respected Judge...He put up our dog twice. 14. Esteemed Judge...He puts up anything that crawls. 15. Specialty Judge...Puts up anything that looks like his own breeding. 16. Won in heavy competition...The other dogs were revoltingly overweight. 17. Shown sparingly...Only when we had it in the bag. 18. Show Prospect...He has 4 legs, 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 tail.

19. Finished in 5 shows...And 89 where he failed to win a ribbon. 20. Well Balanced...Straight as a stick, front and rear. 21. Handled brilliantly by...Nobody else can get near him. 22. At stud to “approved” bitches...Those bitches whose owner’s check is good. 23. Linebred from famous champions...Ch. Whoozitz appears twice 6th generation. 24. Terrific brood bitch...Her conformation is the pits, but she conceives big litters. 25. Wins another Best In Show...His second, under the same judge, our uncle. Johnny Shoemaker Las Vegas, NV 2E + 1UARTET 'ETS 3TANDING /VATION hank you for printing the article entitled “K-9 QUARTET GETS STANDING OVATION”in the 1/17/14 edition of DOG NEWS. I am sure the Officers will be thrilled to see their story in print. This is the 3rd or 4th article you have printed for the Delaware County Kennel Club. To see our Officers made “famous”in DOG NEWS is a way to thank them for their dedication and service. Cordially, Marge Remolde, Publicity Chair Delaware County Kennel Club


Dog News 315

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Wild, Wacky, W on derful

Westminster Stories! CONTINUED FROM PAGE 304


I have two stories for you, one my own and one I’ve heard through the years and always enjoy. First, mine: About 15 years ago, I was showing one of our Dalmatians, Ike, at Westminster. He’s made it to the last cut in a large entry so we were feeling good as we headed back to the benching area. As we turned the corner, we ran into what looked like a wall of Mastiffs heading toward their ring. I could feel Ike tense a bit so instinct kicked in and I reached down, picked him up and carried him back to our bench. My husband had gotten separated from us but he told me that we were easy to find when he saw Ike’s black and white spotted head bobbing over the crowd. It was the only time I carried a 55 pound dog back from the ring! Now, the story I’ve heard, which also has to do with carrying a dog: Many years ago, or so the legend goes, esteemed Terrier breeder Walter Goodman was showing a dog that was expected to do well at Westminster. It was a year of considerable snowfall in New York City and Mr. Goodman and his elderly mother were making their way across the street through the slush and snow to the Garden with Mr. Goodman carefully carrying his dog (a Skye, if I recall correctly) in his arms while his mother gingerly made her way across the street unassisted. A friend saw this “parade” and shouted out to ask why Mr. Goodman wasn’t helping his mother through the snow. Of course, Mr. Goodman, being a true dog man immediately replied, “I’m not showing my mother!” I don’t know if the second story is true, but I’ve always loved it because it speaks to the dedication we all feel about showing at Westminster.


I have 2 short stories…When the Great Pyrenees we bred Fame won the working group we didn’t have tickets for Best In Show the following evening and couldn’t get them anywhere. The entire event was sold out. We eventually had to sneak into the garden and watched Best In Show from one of the top row nosebleed seats! One year Victoria (Coffman) and I took separate cars into the Garden because we had visitors from Japan and we needed the extra space. Victoria isn’t that familiar with New York City and searched for a parking garage and found one several blocks away. We had a rental car because we needed the extra space to take our friends home. This was the year of the “blizzard” and our 4 friends from Japan were very late and brought a puppy for us as a gift. We didn’t expect it but we won the breed that day and of course stayed for the group. When we left late that night the parking garage was closed and

we couldn’t get our car! We actually weren’t able to retrieve the car for 4 days after that. Victoria and I along with Devon - the best of breed dog, a 10-weekold puppy and 4 friends from Japan all drove home in a two-seater van through the snow! It was quite a day to remember!


Don and I have been to the Garden and the last time was really bad! We were helping someone with their booth and accidently our luggage got on the forklift that was going to the booth upstairs. By the time the forklift got to the set-up we had no luggage, which pretty much means everything. Then to make matters worse, we had rented a van at the airport and someone either forgot to lock it or it was busted (don’t remember) everything was gone from the van except this ratty old dress cover traveling thing (the hang up kind) They left that!!! Funny thing, my full-length mink coat was in there! Off we went to the bargain basement of Gimbals to go shopping!!! Me with my coat!


Many years ago, my non-dog show brother came down from college in Connecticut to meet me in New York at Westminster. He was a friendly, blond college kid. We were having fun walking around looking at the dogs. He was sitting with my Whippet while I went to the Ladies Room. When I came back, I couldn’t find him anywhere. People said they thought he went out to the ring. I walked out to the floor and to my shock saw him running around the ring with a Beagle bitch! This was his first dog show! He had never even brushed a dog in his life! Turned out a woman mistook him for a junior handler and asked him to help with the bitch while she showed her male. He just followed everyone else and did what they did. Fortunately, the bitch didn’t need any help and showed herself or it would have been a disaster. He has never been to a dog show since. His one and only dog show experience was showing a Beagle at Westminster.


Going to Mass in an 8 foot snowdrift one year and helping the priest to clear the sidewalk before going to the show was an experience…and then having to pray for Matthew and Gene at the same time!


In the early days we stayed at the Taft Hotel, they had a master key stolen and there were over 100 rooms where valuable were taken. My wife had put her jewelry under the cushion in the Ridgebacks crate, it was not touched.

Dog News 317





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