Dog News, February 22, 2013

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Dog News The Digest Volume 29, Issue 8

Of American Dogs $5.00

February 22, 2013


*The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed


*The Dog News Top Ten List

Dog News 3

Contents 10 editorial

14 irving’s impressions

50 the “gene Kelly” of Dogdom: the italian greyhound By Mj nelson

By ronnie irving

52 the Dog news top ten Best of Breed list

18 connie’s comments

54 the British scene

22 Question of the Week

58 off the leash: Business as Usual?

26 Babbling: Brain Washed?

60 rare Breeds of the World: Dutch Kooikerhondje

30 the AKc speaks

66 fatty, fatty 2x4, can’t fit through the Doggie Door!

34 Bests of the Week

72 More thoughts on “the” Weekend And More

By geoff corish

By connie vAnAcore

By MAttheW h. stAnDer

By geir flycKt-PeDersen

By jAMes P. croWley, AlAn KAlter & Dennis sPrUng

By shAUn coen

By Agnes BUchWAlD

By shAron PflAUMer

By MAttheW h. stAnDer

38 ten Questions Asked of joe Walton

86 the gossip column

40 Brace yourself: Westminster 2013 the Best laid Plans of Mice and Men...

By eUgene Z. ZAPhiris

90 click - rocky Mountain cluster

By AnDreW BrAce

By jennifer costAntiniDis

42 A Different Perspective: sit on it

94 click - the Way We Were

By linDA More

By eUgene ZAPhiris

44 the Dog news top ten list

111 letters to the editor

46 the fancy speaks: Politics and Pros By roZ KrAMer

February 22, 2013

120 handlers directory • 122 subscription rates • 124 classified advertising • 126 ADvertising rAtes DOG NEWS (ISSN 0886-2133) is published weekly except the last two weeks in December by Harris Publications, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010. Periodical Postage paid at New York. 4 Dog News

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to DOG NEWS, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010 All advertisements are copyrighted and owned by DOG NEWS, Harris Publications, unless received camera-ready. Permission to reprint must be requested in writing.

Dog News 5

Dog News Cover Story - February 22, 2013







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CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Sharon Anderson George Bell Andrew Brace Agnes Buchwald Patricia Gail Burnham Shaun Coen Carlotta Cooper Geoff Corish Michael Faulkner Denise Flaim Geir Flyckt - Pedersen Allison Foley Yossi Guy Ronnie Irving Roz Kramer John Mandeville Linda More Desmond J. Murphy M. J. Nelson Sharon Pflaumer Kim Silva Matthew H. Stander Sari Brewster Tietjen Patricia Trotter Connie Vanacore Carla Viggiano Nick Waters Seymour Weiss Minta (Mike) Williquette DOG NEWS PHOTOGRAPHERS Chet Jezierski Perry Phillips Kitten Rodwell Leslie Simis

For more up-to-the-minute results, video and photo coverage of the show, visit and to receive daily updates and show results via Facebook, visit *The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed

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DOG NEWS is sent to all AKC approved Conformation Judges every week on a complimentary basis. No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without written permission from the editor. The opinions expressed by this publication do not necessarily express the opinions of the publisher. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted.

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*The Dog News Top Ten List

Dog News 9

THE REVERBERATIONS GO ON Board members can get overseas assignments or their friends Certainly the debate has sharpened as to how much AKC knew before can—when are we going to redirect the emphasis in judging the Times attack and how it handled itself after as well. Last week on the ability of the person to perform as a judge and not upon Dog News printed an NAIA version of an answer to the attack and this what gains Board members can get in these situations? And the week is printed the AKC answer as prepared under the supervision Board has extended the foreign judge who can adjudicate here of Board Chairman Alan Kalter, as well as President and CEO Dennis from the CACIB judge of the FCI status to the CAC status of the Sprung’s letter to the NY Times. The fact that these attacks on AKC national judge. That’s somewhat of a slap to the FCI and opens from the national media occur periodically cannot be denied. Indeed the door tremendously to the judges from China particularly for the same weekend as the NYT’s attack the Los Angles Times ran a the kennel club recognized by AKC. It should open the doors similar type article. The reason for these kinds of reportage run deep as well to many South American and Mexican judges as well as in our social structure and are frequently agenda pushed by the animal Canadian judges too--just what we need, you think? rights organizations. Certainly the success of the last several years in pushing the adoption of dogs into a more acceptable way of getting a THE BOARD ELECTIONS pet is an example of a well laid foundation prepared by the humane With four seats open it makes the entire process difficult societies and a food company or two anxious to make a buck to analyze for us. Finding three people with from the situation. Throughout this period of time proper Board experience and knowand particularly when Pedigree led the way using how is tough enough but how do Westminster as its unwitting and unwilling source you find four of them? What of sponsorship the signs were on the wall as to these pages like best which what was going on. Note Westminster ended does not seem to have gathered that relationship as soon as it was legally able! any steam is Alan Kalter’s However where was and today what has AKC proposal that the entire Board formulated in terms of publicity campaigns to be elected every four years instead FEBRUARY 22, 2013 answer so many of these fallacious ideas promoted by of having to go through the motions of animal rightists and accepted by certain elements within the annual elections which disturb the ability of journalistic community and the veterinary community as well? It is the Board to properly function and cut the work year almost absolutely 100% necessary to get our message and the true message in half if not more. This probably is too practical a step for out to the American public lest our reputation be totally destroyed by the Delegates to consider and approve but an idea well worth those out to get those who breed dogs. One of the major advantages exploring. We have not officially seen the letters being sent to of having Alan Kalter serve as Board Chairman is and was his expertise the Delegates from the Candidates but a few have been sent in the advertising and PR areas. True, he cannot act individually as to us by those wanting to keep these pages abreast of what he is accountable to a split Board and a Delegate Body difficult if not is going on. Based on some of them no wonder they were not impossible to define. Nonetheless one would have expected public sent to us--photos of happenings as though they are high school attempts to the constituency by him and to have created a program popularity contests. As usual these pages will not make any to fight these people and their agenda. It’s still not too late to do just endorsements for at least two reasons-number one we cannot that but based upon his quotes to DOG NEWS in the last issue of this find four people for whom to suggest you should vote and those magazine his reasoning and statements seemed reactive and not the these pages would endorse would no doubt hurt the chances least bit pro-active. It’s way past time for this Board and its Members of those running. What we would suggest is that you check out to become pro-active in this fight against the animal rightists and not the facts of what some of these people are saying or not saying sit back and react to each given situation. about their backgrounds and ask yourself what makes you think you have earned the privilege of sitting on the Board of a $60 THE BOARD MEETING million dollar business--just a thought! Still the Board Minutes have not yet been posted-the posting it is understood is due February 19th close to two weeks after the meeting. THE LOWER ENTRY BREED QUANDARY True it is Board Highlights have been released some of which were The decision of the Board that a Permit judge (the old Provisional discussed last week but these pages find that those Highlights tend one would presume) be observed was eased such that after 6 to gloss over the real meat of the meetings. In the Highlights there is assignments and a Permit judge has not been observed a Field a reference to changes made with regard to the foreign judge coming Rep the judge will be advanced to regular status. That begs the to adjudicate here. Based on what was presented in the Highlights question of what the prospective judge may or may not know it sounds to these pages as though those judge/directors who are about the breed much less how interested they are in the breed. frequently invited to judge overseas will get their wishes for even more Why is the ease of these matters confined to the breed status assignments in foreign lands. Granted the wording is confusing and only--if after 6 assignments let the person be treated as though the foreign judge may still buy for $25 after taking an open book test they have the breed--asterisk their name which-is now so de breeds recognized here but not in their own country and get a group rigueur--advance them to be allowed to do the group-after all to boot but the foreign judge is extended privileges denied American the foreign judge is getting such treatment now but hold off judges totally!! It would appear that a foreign judge who has only three actually awarding the breed until they are observed and okayed. or four breeds in his own country can now judge a group here if those Stop treating the lower breed entry dogs as though they are not breeds total 80% or more of the total entry in America for that group the equal to the heavy entry bred dogs!!!! year before! In other words take the Non-Sporting Group--if the foreign judge has Poodles, Dalmatians, Bichons, Frenchies and Bulldogs and THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK those breeds total 80% or more of the total entry he or she can now judge Of late the problem keeps getting raised as to when a dog should a group here!!! Is that fair to the American judge one must emphatically be put to sleep. One vet used the 60 percent rule-were half of the ask. Look at what an American judge has to go through here to get dog’s days happy? Unfortunately the weighing of life just as with the other breeds. And as importantly how fair is this to the breeders humans is a very difficult if not impossible thing to do. As dogs and exhibitors of the other breeds--allowing people with no background become more and more family members the problem becomes whatsoever to adjudicate upon their breed of dog. What are these pages more and more complicated. There are hospice vets available missing one must ask. Why are the smaller entry breeds being treated for this kind of countenance but ultimately the decision is yours more and more as second-class citizens by the Board of Directors of the to make--try not to overcompensate to the dogs’ detriment are AKC? Why are American judges being discriminated against? So a few our thoughts in this very sad matter.



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IRVING’s ImpRessIoNs

By Ronnie Irving

WESTMINSTER AND CRUFTS – COMPARE AND CONTRAST It is said that comparisons are odious and Shakespeare even went as far as to say that they were odorous! However as we have just seen the 2013 Westminster Kennel Club Show come and go, and we can now see Crufts Show appearing over the horizon in March, I thought it might be interesting to compare and contrast the two events despite the inherent dangers of doing so. In one major respect the two shows are very similar to one another. That’s in the area of ‘brand recognition’. The names ‘Westminster’ and ‘Crufts’ are very well known by the general pubic at large, by the respective national media and also by the dog fancy in the USA and the UK respectively. The place that they have in the psyche of their home countries is unique. There is no doubt that for most ‘John Doe’ Americans, Westminster is synonymous with dog shows. Equally for most ‘Joe Public’ Brits, Crufts has the same reputation. Westminster ‘equals’ dog shows in the USA and Crufts ‘equals’ dog shows in the UK. Both events have a mystique about them that has turned them into national institutions. Most members of the general public don’t even realise, or at least certainly never think, that there is a whole hinterland of dog events lying behind these two prestige shows. For many people Westminster and Crufts are the only dog shows they have ever heard of.

LOOKING AT THE TOP FIFTEEN BREED ENTRIES AT WESTMINSTER, THESE ARE IN ORDER • 1st - *Golden Retrievers (61) 1st - *Golden Retrievers (61) • 2nd - *Labrador Retrievers (54) 2nd - *Labrador Retrievers (54) • 3rd - Rhodesian Ridgebacks (50) Rhodesian Ridgebacks (50) 3rd - • 4th - French Bulldogs (46) 4th - French Bulldogs (46) • 5th - Australian Shepherds (43) 5th - Australian Shepherds (43) • 6th - Chinese Cresteds (40) 6th - Chinese Cresteds (40) • 7th – German Short Haired Pointers (39) 7th – German Short Haired Pointers (39) • 8th - equal Boston Terriers (34), 8th - equal Boston Terriers (34), • 8th *Pugs (34), *Pugs (34), • 8th *Cavalier King Charles (34) *Cavalier King Charles (34) • 11th equal Smooth Coated Chihuahuas (33) & Smooth Coated Chihuahuas (33) & • 11th Samoyeds (33) Samoyeds (33) • 13th Borzois 29 Borzois 29 • 14th equal *Whippets (27), 14th equal *Whippets (27), *Flat Coated Retrievers (27), & *Flat Coated Retrievers (27), & Smooth Haired Dachshunds (27)

SIMILARITIES As well as in the field of brand recognition, there are one or two other areas where the shows have similarities. Each of them has a long history. In the case of Westminster this goes back to 1877 and for Crufts to 1891, though Charles Cruft its founder had already been running his ‘Great Terrier Shows’ for a number of years before that. Another similarity is that, because of space restrictions and probably also to maintain an aura of ‘exclusivity’, each show demands a certain level of wins from all dogs before they are allowed to be entered. Other similarities are, arguably, that neither of the two shows has been nearly as ‘international’ in its outlook as some of the shows on the Continent of Europe. Both of them are now however changing in that respect, and for Crufts that has mainly been brought about since the UK’s very strict quarantine laws were significantly relaxed in 2001. Today just over ten percent of the Crufts entries (this year 2,131 foreign dogs) come from outside the UK. In the case of Westminster the equivalent percentage is just over four per cent with three percent of them from Canada (117 foreign entries with Canada at 104.) Both shows are benched, but then of course every one of the all-breed championship shows in the UK are also benched, so this is not so unusual in the UK as it is in the USA nowadays.

• 1st - *Labrador Retrievers (490) 1st - *Labrador Retrievers (490) • 2nd - *Golden Retrievers (454) 2nd - *Golden Retrievers (454) • 3rd – *Whippets (416) 3rd – *Whippets (416) • 4th - 4th - Border Border Collies (379) Collies (379) • 5th - Cocker Spaniels (English of course!) (367) 5th - Cocker Spaniels (English of course!) (367) • 6th - 6th - Staffordshire Staffordshire Bull Terriers (361) Bull Terriers (361) • 7th - Irish Setters (351), 7th - Irish Setters (351), • 8th - *Flat Coated Retrievers (337), 8th - *Flat Coated Retrievers (337), • 9th King Charles Spaniels (334), 9th - *Cavalier *Cavalier King Charles Spaniels (334), • 10th equal - Bearded Collies (293) & equal - Bearded Collies (293) & • 10th Shetland Sheepdogs (293), Shetland Sheepdogs (293), • 12th - Border Terriers (274), 12th - Border Terriers (274), • 13th – 13th – Pointers (260), Pointers (260), • 14th – 14th – *Pugs (258) and *Pugs (258) and • 15th – 15th – Beagles (255). Beagles (255).

SIZE – THE BIGGEST DIFFERENCE Perhaps the biggest difference between the two shows is that of size. Westminster this year, despite having migrated its breed rings to the Piers and having slightly relaxed its entry qualifications, had a total entry of 2,721 dogs while the Crufts entry, despite a fall of 2.2%, has come in at 20,566.

The contrasts here are staggering with perhaps Shetland Sheepdogs at 293 dogs at Crufts and only 14 at Westminster and my own breed Border Terriers with 274 at Crufts and only 13 at Westminster, being among the most noticeable.

THE TOP FIFTEEN AT CRUFTS THIS yEAR WILL BE AS FOLLOWS (I(I have marked with an asterisk * those six breeds that are common have marked with an asterisk * those six breeds that are common to the two top fifteen league tables.)

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onnie’s omments There has been enough said about the 2013 Westminster Kennel Club show to fill a small book. It would be remiss, however, not to make some comments about the new layout and production of this year’s show. Despite dire predictions, and due to the creative management by Westminster members, superintendent and outside experts on crowd control and planning, the show was a success. From the dogs’ point of view it must have been bliss. Wide corridors, grooming by the rings, plenty of daylight streaming through the two enclosed Hudson River Piers, comfortable climate for the dogs. What more could they ask? For the people, all the above applies, as well. No question, though, that comfortable shoes are a must, a course in physical fitness to walk or run from one Pier to another, more ringside seating and more food concessions would have made the venue perfect. Chartered bus service from the main hotels used by exhibitors and spectators, was fast and easy. Even the Mayor of New York cooperated in whisking the traditional February snow off the streets in record time. Many of us remember the piles of snowdrifts clogging the avenues and making side streets impassable. We recall being holed up in the Hotel Pennsylvania for days, when the food ran out and no one could extricate their cars from the garages. It’s a different world now. Madison Square Garden, where the Groups and Best in Show were held, along with the evening benefit for Take The Lead, is still under construction behind the scenes, but I would be surprised if the show would go back to the crowded benches of this venue. It is so amazing that New York City (meaning Manhattan) does not have another forum for events like this. One would have thought that when the JAVITS Center was built someone would have insisted on including an arena, as well as decent parking. But, as the saying goes, “They didn’t ask me.” It was probably the strongest line-up for Best in Show that I have seen in years. The arena was filled on the final night and the crowd was enthusiastic and roaring for its favorites. The Group judges sent a fine line-up for Best, and the Affenpinscher was a deserving winner over worthy competitors. Breeders of that small breed had better prepare themselves for an onslaught of puppy mill Affies to appear, unless they are careful. On to other things. In case you have been in outer space, or totally disinterested in AKC affairs, there will be a contested election for the Board of Directors next month. For what it is worth, here is this writer’s choice, in alphabetical order of the candidates running for office. Since I am no longer a Delegate, but an informed member of the community, you can feel free to ignore these feelings. For the Class of 2017, I would vote for Lee Arnold. He has been an active club member of three clubs. He has been a breeder of Shar Pei and is currently Chair of the AKC Canine Health Foundation. His work for the Foundation provides an important link to the AKC Board. Until retirement, he was an ac18 Dog News

By Connie Vanacore

tive Broadcaster on both radio and TV, with useful ties to the public relations community. Alan Kalter, present Chair of the AKC Board of Directors, has spent his professional life in advertising and public relations. As the Chair of a multi-national corporation his experience as a business executive equips him well to guide AKC for the next four years. Many of his ideas are just now being implemented and he deserves to remain on the Board to bring his vision for AKC into fruition. He and his wife are active breeders and exhibitors of Bullmastiffs. Gail LaBerge brings a much needed focus to an area which affects all purebred dog owners. She is a registered lobbyist, who works on canine legislation on a daily basis. We need one of our own to represent us most effectively in Congress. The last AKC Board member who lobbied for us in Congress was the late Jim Holt. He was most effective in Washington and diligent on keeping the Board and Delegates informed about legislation affecting our interests on a national level. (I am aware that AKC has (or had) a professional lobbyist in DC, but we seldom hear the results of his labors.) Gail is also active in conformation, obedience, Field Trials, Earth Dog and Tracking events as an active participant in all those venues with her Standard Wirehaired Dachshunds and Cardigan Welsh Corgis. Harvey Wooding is a relatively new Delegate, but deeply involved in both Field and Conformation. He has been an executive in sales and marketing and currently runs his own business. He is active in his Parent Club, the English Setter Club of America and in the Westminster Kennel Club. He is a Board member of the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) and runs his dogs in field and hunt tests. This is an area much needed on the Board at this time. There is no one on the current Board with any experience in the field, even though the Hunt Test program is one of AKC’s most successful endeavors. I urge all Delegates to bring their informed opinions to their clubs. Delegates have the best access to the facts about all the candidates. If you are representative of a club that gives its Delegate free rein to vote as they please, take advantage of that. If your club Board of Directors insists on having a say, give it your best opinion, based on the facts as you have learned them, through personal contact, reading their letters, studying the profiles gathered for you in the February 8th issue of Dog News. This will be an important election. Use your votes wisely. If you only attend one meeting a year, this should be the one.



Team Gus thanks Judge Mr. norman B. Kenney for Gus’ Best of Breed win at the 2013 Westminster Kennel Club


GCh. Derby’s ToasT WiTh GusTo Bred By: Kristin Kleeman Robyn & Kenneth Toth

Owned By: Rick & Sue Copeland Richmond, Texas

Presented By: Scott Sommer Assisted by Alfonso Escobedo & Ashlie Whitmore Dog News 19

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*The Dog News Top Ten List

Dog News 21

How do you handle the problem of deciding when and if to put your dog to sleep? Kim meredith-Cavanna I am not sure I should be answering this question. I started to get teary eyed even reading the question. My dogs are my house dogs and constant companions. When I lose one, part of me goes with them. I take it very hard. Deciding when to “let go” is different for everyone. I just had to let my 12 year-old Alaskan Malamute female go to the bridge due to cancer. She had two breasts removed, surgery on her foot after it moved there; plus chemo. I tried everything I could, and always do. I know that I got another year with her that I would not have had. We went to the beach often that she loved, and I smiled each and every extra day I had with her. I have always fought it to the bitter end (well, me and my VISA).

deborah Cooper This is the most dreaded question to true dog people and a decision that never gets easier no matter how many dogs we have, or how long we have been in dogs. Key to this decision is to NOT be selfish and not keep your canine companion and family member alive for yourself, but measure your dog’s quality of life. When bad days out number good days, it is time to say goodbye. When your dog can no longer do the things he/she loves to do, and survive with dignity, it is time to say goodbye. Always remember, you owe our dog the consideration and opportunity to leave you knowing he/ she is loved by you and to leave with dignity. Do not wait too long. It is not fair to the dog who did nothing but show you love and compassion for his/her whole life.

Question of the Week

Jay hyman If we start with the proposition that dogs are luckier than people, we can figure out when is the proper time. Consider that you can tell toni SoSnoff a person that chemo or radiation will I have no wisdom to share. hurt you but you will get better, we Each story stands on its can not tell that to dogs. It is our reown merits. When it is your sponsibility to assure that their quality of dog, you know the character By Matthew H. Stander life is good. I do not agree with those who and constitution of your dog. It is say that the loss of a dog is so bad they will up to us armed with this knowledge never have another dog. I have loved many dogs to assess what the end game is. A very over the 70 years I have had them, I miss each one and sick dog can be saved if you have researched have had a practice of writing an essay about the dog when it dies, the facts and believe they are not yet “done”. Some perhaps it will be a book? My definition of “quality of life” is that a dogs just signal “I’m done. Take care of me as you aldog can continue its ordinary existence without pain or suffering. ways have”. Take heart and do the right thing. I was It is my heart, or mind, that tells me when that is, and it is at that taught that in most cases we are meant to outlive our time I take them to the vet. My inviolate rule is that I am always dogs. So do what gives you peace and never second there to say good by, I do not just leave them for the vet to make guess yourselves. the final step! traCy Kornfeld Xiomara b. larSon After over three decades of breeding and showing and That is a very hard question to answer. I am sure most of us dedia lifetime of ownership, it is still the hardest decision to cated breeders would answer pretty close to my opinion. When I make. With the exception of when a dog is suddenly am faced with situations such as the illness of one of my precious gravely ill and the vet has said “it’s time”. Every other dogs, I normally come to the decision to put my dog down after dog that I have ever owned has told ME when it’s time. my vet and I exhausted all our resources and the dog is no longer You can see it in their eyes when enough is enough. comfortable. Quality of life is everything. If the dog is only staying It’s all about quality of life. It hurts me to see an owner alive for you, then you must let him pass. Not until then do I make spend over $10,000 to the vet for six more months of the final decision to let him go. poor quality of life for the dog.

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*The Dog News Top Ten List

Dog News 25

babbling By Geir Flyckt-Pedersen



keep comIng back to how much better I remember things that happened 20-50 years ago in my life, than what happened 15 minutes ago! Those who know me also know that I often wished there was a 5 second delay from a thought being formed in my head until it escaped my mouth! For obvious reasons!! What I really would like nowadays when there are questions coming up, I know I know the answer, is a fast forward of the thought process - it does eventually come up, but it takes forever... So I would never do well on Jeopardy, which really frustrates me! There is no doubt that things we experienced -of any importance- in our early lives stay with us forever-and that includes in my case- the way dogs were judged and the attitude projected by the judges. We had normally for the British breeds, British judges- who of course normally were polite and rather gentle. For the German and many of the Continental breeds, we had German or Continental judges- and they had a tendency to be very strict and more or less gave the impression they were looking for faults rather than virtues. Maybe the breeds involved at that time were in need of severe and honest critiques to be able to improve and move forward, but many of the breed clubs adopted the same strict, rather negative attitude, which in my opinion was destructive, not constructive and encouraging, which I today think would have been a better choice.

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I remember a lovely Rottweiler bitch, by far the best in the country at the time. She had one obvious fault: 1 missing premolar. Under any all rounder or not teeth-counting judge she won a lot, but under the German or any breed specialist, she was normally awarded Second in Quality, which meant that she was not eligible for further competition... Because of this one missing tooth , despite all her other virtues, she was banned from breeding. Her owner would still be able to register the puppies with the Kennel Club, but would be expelled from the breed club- and if expelled from any affiliated breed club-banned from taking part in any kennel club approved activities… So the owner decided to follow the club’s instructions- as being outlawed was not a very attractive alternative… Another friend of mine was showing a German Shepherd bitch which did a lot of winning, not least due to her outstanding movement! She amassed a number of Certificates, but to claim the title of Champion, you needed a clear HD certificate. One of her hips was found to be “inconclusive”-in other words a borderline caseso she never became a champion- and could never have a litter of puppies. I believe she lived- and moved without problems – as a working police dog till the age of 11 or 12! We did not really question any of these rules at the time- as that was the way things were. I was showing a number of Giant Schnauzers in those days- and if you know anything about how their coats develop (at least in certain lines), you are aware of the fact that during their puppy and junior stages, the best black coats often have a lot of white “stickelhaar”- and although we spent

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By James P. Crowley, Alan Kalter and DennisSprung


here have been a number of quesTions raised on The Delegate list regarding the adequacy of the AKC response to the negative article in the New York Times. The letter below has been prepared by the AKC Communications Department, at the request of the Chairman, to address some of those concerns. Dear Delegates, The email below was a first step in a planned, strategic response crafted in conjunction with our PR firm. It was important to get the facts out quickly to a wide audience to combat the biased reporting in the New York Times and to encourage people to post in the comments section on their website before the comments section was closed. The email was sent to the widest possible email distribution which included the Delegates, all club officers, (10,500) and AKC registrants, including 1.4 million of the general public, for a total of nearly 1.7 million emails. The Times closed comments when it reached 375 comments, so getting out the email with our rebuttal to the fancy and the public within 24 hours of the story appearing online and the same day of publication in the print edition, Sunday, Feb. 10 was critical. In fact, one of the NYT’s “pick” of the comments included a link to our email. We are working to provide the NYT with our response to the article within the parameters the paper offers for rebuttal. For example, one avenue would be a Letter to the Editor, with the following guidelines: Letters to the editor should only be sent to The Times, and not to other publications. We do not publish open letters or thirdparty letters. Letters for publication should be no longer than 150 words, must refer to an article that has appeared within the last seven days, and must include the writer’s address and phone numbers. No attachments, please. We regret we cannot return or acknowledge unpublished letters. Writers of those letters selected for publication will be notified within a week. Letters may be shortened for space requirements. As we move forward with our strategic response we will be sure to let you know the results of our outreach. James P. Crowley Executive Secretary AKC

30 Dog News

february 10, 2013 dear fellow dog Lover, The New York Times published an article using unsubstantiated, anecdotal episodes to paint a grossly misleading and biased picture of dog breeders who register their dogs and litters with the AKC. In addition, they relied on opinions of other animal rights organizations, without facts to back them up, in an attempt to refute the AKC’s good working relationship with law enforcement, animal control officers, lawmakers and others who care about animal welfare and reporting animal cruelty. aKC respected as an animal Welfare organization The article states, “But the A.K.C. is increasingly finding itself ostracized in the dog world, in the cross hairs of animal protection services, law enforcement agencies and lawmakers who say that the club is lax in performing inspections and that it often lobbies against basic animal rights bills because they could cut into dog registration fees.” • The truth is the vast majority of breeders are responsible; in fact, over 99% of the 55,000 that the AKC has inspected since 2000, have been found to be in compliance. When AKC does discover substandard conditions, our policies require that we immediately report them to local, state and federal officials. • AKC has a productive, working relationship with local animal controls, state and local law enforcement, state departments of agriculture throughout the country, as well as the USDA, and works cooperatively with all of those agencies to ensure the enforcement of cruelty and neglect laws, as well as the provisions of the federal Animal Welfare Act. • In fact, in many instances, the highly publicized raids for which animal rights groups take credit in the media have come about as a direct result of AKC’s reporting to law enforcement. • AKC is well respected by lawmakers who consider us credible experts on dog issues, and rely on our thoughtful and considered advice when it comes to legislation that will impact dogs and their breeders and owners. misguided opinions versus facts The article also quotes ASPCA President and CEO Ed Sayres who says “a majority of the commercial breeders in the raids that his group participated in had ties to A.K.C.-registered litters.” But, there is no proof or numbers given to back up this charge. He goes on to state “The irony to the consumer is that they’re paying a lot for a fake Rolex.” and that he thinks “dogs are often genetically compromised and come from traumatic environments.” Both of these statements are opinions that were printed erroneously as fact. The ASPCA has a history of such tactics. Recently they reached a legal settlement with Feld Entertainment, Inc., the producer of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, agreeing to pay Feld $9.3 million to settle all claims related to ASPCA’s part in more than a decade of manufactured litigation brought by animal rights interest groups that attempted to outlaw elephants in the company’s Ringling Bros. Circus. This settlement applies only to the ASPCA. Feld Entertainment’s lawsuit, including its claims for litigation abuse and racketeering (RICO), continues against the remaining defendants, the Humane Society of the United States, the Fund for Animals, Animal Welfare Institute, Born Free USA united with Animal Protection Institute, Tom Rider and the attorneys who were involved. Discovery in the initial lawsuit uncovered over $190,000 that these animal activist groups and their lawyers paid to Tom Rider who lived off of the money while serving as the “injured plaintiff” in the lawsuit against the circus. CoNtiNueD oN page 76

” i k i K “\ Thank you to all of the judges who recognized


2012 National Specialty Winner 5 All Breed Best In Shows 5 Specialty Best In Shows 21 Group Firsts

in 2012... Looking Forward to 2013!

GCh. Aerden’s Pretty In Pink JH Breeders: Laurie Engel and Rose Miller Owners: L. Engel, R. Miller, B. Silbernagel, V. Ciaravino Presented and Conditioned By: Vito & Amanda Ciaravino • 708-288-4967 Assisted By: Sabrina Rundle Dog News 31

Dog News 33

South Arkansas Kennel Club - Sunday Bichon Frise Ch. Saks Winning Card Judge Mr. Houston Clark Owners Anthony and Kim MacKenzie, Cecelia Ruggles, Sandra and Kieth Hanson Handler Scott Sommer Colorado Kennel Club - Tuesday Wire Fox Terrier GCh. Afterall Painting The Sky Judge Mrs. Karen Wilson Owners Victor Malzoni Jr & Torie Steele & S & M Olund & D Ryan Handler Gabriel Rangel Maryland Kennel Club - Sunday Toy Poodle GCh. Smash JP Sakura Judge Mrs. Patti Widick Neale Owners Ron Scott & Debbie Burke Handler Kaz Hosaka South Arkansas Kennel Club Puli Ch. Cordmaker Topsy Turvy Judge Mrs. Patricia Mowbray Morgan Owner & Handler Jackie Beaudoin Central Indiana Kennel Club Hoosier Kennel Club Portuguese Water Dog GCh. Claircreek Impression De Matisse Judge Mr. Houston Clark Owners Milan Lint, Peggy Helming, Donna Gottdenker Handler Michael Scott

The Progressive Dog Club - Friday Sara Bay Kennel Club - Monday Miniature Pinscher GCh. Marlex Classic Red Glare Judge Mrs. Charlotte Patterson Judge Ms. Elizabeth Muthard Owners Leah Monte and Armando Angelbello Handler Armando Angelbello Greenville Kennel Club Afghan Hound GCh. Tells Matrix Reloaded Judge Mrs. Dorothy Dalton Owners Missy Galloway Handler Christian Manelopoulos Spartanburg Kennel Club - Saturday Welsh Terrier GCh. Shaireab’s Bayleigh Maid of Honor Judge Mrs. Delores Burkholder Owners Tony Lee, Xiangyu Xie, Keith Bailey and Sharon Abmeyer Handler Luiz Abreu Indianapolis Kennel Club - Saturday Chinese Shar-Pei GCh. Shine’s Deck the Halls Judge Mr. Charles Olvis Owners Deborah and Robert Cooper, Linda Teitelbaum and Rebecca Pentecost, DVM Handler Nina Fetter Plum Creek Kennel Club of Colorado - Saturday Cardigan Welsh Corgi GCh. Aubrey’s Tails of Mystery Judge Mrs. Donna Francis Owners Cynthia & Vincent Savioli Handler Sherri Hurst

ts Week

Yorkshire Terrier Club of America National Specialty GCh. Trio’s Big Shot Judge Mr. Timothy Catterson Owner Kimberly Goldfarb Handler Kirsten McGregor


of the

To report an AKC All Breed Best In Show or National Specialty Win Call, Fax or Email before 12:00 Noon Tuesday. Fax: 212 675-5994 • Phone: 212 462-9588 Email:

34 Dog News

F eel T he F ire

Phoenix is Smok’n!

Palm Springs Breed Wins, and Group Second In January!

More To Come....

Judge Mr. Glen Lajeski

Specialty Best In Show Winning

GCh. Pinnacole Winters Feel The Fire Handler: Kim Swilling Owners: Kim Swilling And Ruth Tarlton Co-Owner And Breeder: Katie Winters • M ike And Melissa Cole Dog News 35

Multiple Best In Show & Multiple Best In Specialty Show Winning


36 Dog News

Dog News 37


What person do you most look forward to seeing at the dog shows? john mccartney and ed flanagan.

What is your greatest extravagance? food and wine.

What do you dislike most about your appearance? turkey neck.

What dog person would you like to see on ‘dancing with the stars’? gabriel rangel.


If you were forced to get a tattoo, what would it be? rosie the riveter.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you want to have with you?

asked of

Joe Walton Born: Wichita falls, TX Resides: Chapel Hill, NC Marital status: Married.

a good bottle of wine, an ipod full of classical and jazz and my wife.

When and where are you the happiest? at home

Other people think i am...? too talkative.

What did you want to be when you were growing up? professional basketball player.

What would be your last request? did i win? 38 Dog News


2012 National Specialty Best In Show Winning

GCH. PYRLESS NO-BRAINER, HOF The Top Producing Sire for 2012!

Multiple Group & Specialty Winner


The Number Two* Great Pyrenees in Breed & All Breed for 2012 in Limited Showing

Our appreciation to Judges Mr. Eric Ringle and Mrs. Catherine Bell for this recognition Breeder Dr. Valerie Seeley *The Dog News Top Ten List

Owners Sean & Rebecca Garvin

Handler Sue Capone, PHA

Dog News 39

Westminster 2013

by Andrew Brace Westminster Kennel Club photos by Eugene Zaphiris

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men ... The plans for my Trip To WesTminsTer were all in place and i was looking forward to it enormously. after attending what many agreed was the best pup of the year competition ever i drove south to Birmingham where i was overnighting in readiness for

40 Dog News

a 6 a.m. flight to amsterdam, then taking a connection on to new york. When we were at Crewe hall i had received a few messages telling me of anticipated blizzard conditions in the Big apple and had warned frank Kane and mike Gadsby, both of whom were flying off to Westminster on the friday, that we could be in for some travel disruption. They however were flying direct from manchester.

Once in Birmingham i tried tO get as much information as possible on the weather in New York and it did not look good. I managed to check in online for my flights but via various airline websites I noticed that flights to NY were being cancelled right, left and centre. I was notified that my flight from Amsterdam to New York had been cancelled but that I had been put on a later flight. At 3 a.m. I was woken by a telephone call from KLM telling me that this flight had also been cancelled and that I had now been put on flights on Saturday. Then that NY flight was cancelled. By now I was getting more and more frustrated and had come to the conclusion that a decision had to be made if I didn’t want to risk getting stranded in Amsterdam or rerouted somewhere other than New York once airborne. I wasn’t judging in New

York and was going primarily to watch the show, cover it for BRITISH DOG WORLD and of course attend the parties and dinners to which I had been invited. Looking at the conditions in

and around New York, the prospect of schlepping across to the piers for the breed judging became less and less attractive. I knew that Jason Lynn and Ian Gabriel were already in the USA so we had backup there for coverage of the show, so I decided that common sense should for once prevail and cancelled the whole trip, with hindsight possibly a little rashly, but it meant that I could return home and watch The Garden via the wonders of live streaming from the comfort of my own home. Keeping in touch with Frank and Mike, I felt a tad jealous when I learnt that although their schedules were somewhat disrupted they had made it

through to New York. Frank was actually judging several breeds at Westminster so I realised how anxious he would have been about getting there. As the pictures of the Saturday night Showdogs Awards Dinner began to appear on Facebook I couldn’t help feeling that maybe I should have stuck it out, but there was no going back so it was a question of grinning and bearing it.

One of the advantages of watching the breed judging at the piers via the live streaming was that you could hop from ring to ring at the touch of a button so in reality I probably got to see more of the actual breed judging than I would have done had I been there in person. With breed judging having been moved from Madison

Square Garden to the piers, the rings appeared much larger, but obviously there wasn’t the same kind of atmosphere that was so very much part of the whole Garden experience where the aisles were jam packed and conditions somewhat crowded. With the time difference it also meant that, instead of having to be ringside at 8.30 a.m., I could tune in at 1.30 p.m. for the earliest breeds. So having accessed the streaming via the Westminster Kennel Club website, I watched some of the Pugs in Ring 1, then all of Pekingese in Ring 3 where David Fitzpatrick won the breed with Ch Yakee Easily Persuaded, his latest import from the legendary Scottish kennel, now co-owned with Sandra Middlebrooks, who has backed so many top winning show dogs in recent years. Then it was back to Ring 1 to watch Affenpinschers where GCh Banana Joe v Tani Kazari put on a great performance for Ernesto Lara. It was no secret that Joey was supposed to be returning home to his Netherlands breeder Mieke Cooymans after The Garden where he was to enjoy his retirement and entertain the occasional female. Would he go out on a high having already broken the BIS record for the breed? When in the USA Joe has been co-owned and financed by Tina Truesdale whose Hi-Tech Boxers have for many years been at the top, always piloted by the gifted Kim Pastella. Next stop was Ring 4 for Standard Poodles where I was keen to see how Dino looked up against London, two black males that both have an army of fans and both of whom I have awarded top honours independently. Eventually it was Dino – Ch Del Zarzoso Salvame from Afterglow – who edged ahead of London – GCh Jaset’s Satisfaction – but it was the white bitch, GCh Brighton Lakeridge Encore, piloted by vintage Poodle handler Tim Brazier for the Sosnoffs, who won the breed. My eye was constantly drawn to a black bitch who ended up winning the Select Award and it was interesting to discover that Ch Dawin Hearts of Fire was a daughter of Ch Dawin Spitfire, the bitch who was my BOB winner at Westminster in 2010. Following the judging was relatively easy as I had the catalogue page up on the iPad screen whilst watching the judging on the laptop. Almost all the armband Continued on page 80

dog news 41

A Different PersPective PersP by Linda More



ell no, I don’t mean that the way you might think I mean it! In this instance, “sitting on it” means holding something back, a dog for example, until it is fully ready. I think we used to see more of this than we do now. This year, however, the Old English Sheepdog entered and shown at Westminster in the Bred by Exhibitor class, got the nod from three established judges and rocketed to Reserve Best in Show. What fun for the audience! And what tremendous fun for the breeder-owner-exhibitors of this dog! And thank you Westminster for bringing back class dogs! Apparently the owners of the dog had more or less “sat on him”, showing him sparingly, though obviously he had garnered the points necessary to qualify to be entered at WKC. Some years ago (and never mind how many years) a friend of mine had a very promising young dog of her breeding, and she cleverly did not rush to show him. She held him back, and eventually he was shown only three times in the classes, winning three five point majors at three specialties including the national, to finish with a grand flourish and a fine reward for my friend’s restraint and planning. Of course, there was some “racing luck” involved in that the judges coming up were ones most likely to recognize the dog’s quality and appreciate his look. This dog went on to become a multiple specialty and all-breed BIS winner. Why don’t we see more of this now? I can think of several reasons. First, most if not all of us started going to dog shows, however long ago that was, because we found it fun. In these days of fanciers keeping many fewer dogs, it may be much harder to “sit on” one for months or more if you have nothing else to show. I don’t believe we have that many dedicated dog show nuts that go to shows just to see the dogs and spend time with friends without having an exhibit – except 42 Dog News

at big shows like Westminster or the AKC show, or national specialties. And it does seem as if those who do go just to watch are often no longer breeding or exhibiting, and they are also often not……….young. Next there is the typically American zeal for instant gratification. Get that puppy out and get it finished as soon as possible. But then what? Go for the Bred-by medallion so put that immature puppy in the BBE class, whether or not it’s even leash trained or mentally ready? How many entry fees will be spent this way, likely making points for other dogs? How about the ads that say things such as “all this and he’s only a year old!” Is that a good thing? We’ve all seen the flashy puppy that won big as a baby, and then it grew up, and, well, let’s just say that maturity was most unkind to it. Yes, judges must judge “on the day” – though that’s a topic for another time. But from a breeder’s perspective, will this flash in the pan youngster that later fell apart then be used for breeding and perpetuate its shortcomings? Instead of instant but small gratification now, how about really big gratification later on? Third is the challenge in these times of getting your young dog appropriate ring training. In the “old days” when I started showing in the Northeast, we had many matches, as not every weekend had point shows. Some of our matches drew several hundred entries (one I recall hit 600 entries), and they were the ideal training venue for dogs, exhibitors, judges, and stewards. Of course we had our “match kings and queens” who made a career of accumulating and boasting about match wins but never entered a point show. But we had fun, got to know a lot of people, and learned a lot as did our dogs. We also had numerous breed handling classes at which to practice, and while

there may be fewer of those now, there are still some around as well as clinics given by accomplished professional handlers. Matches given as part of a regular show weekend or cluster just don’t provide the same extensive opportunities as those big all day matches did, though thank goodness there are still some clubs giving matches. Now we have the AKC 4 to 6 month puppy competition, which is proving to be popular with many. This event offers the chance to get your baby puppy into the ring for some good training and exposure to the atmosphere of a dog show. At the same time this competition recognizes the reality that many exhibitors want to bring their younger puppies along to shows for training as well as to avoid dog sitting costs. At a few shows I have attended the 4-6 competition has been a great spectator pleaser, too. After all, what is cuter than puppies? In the ring they run the gamut of the big breeds at the endearing “all legs and knobs” stage, to the fluffy (or not) little pups of small hairy breeds. Some act like seasoned contenders, others are adorably naïve. Personally I hope more shows will see their way to offering this event. The judges of the 4-6 must be AKC approved judges which increases the probability that your puppy will be examined by someone who will treat the baby gently. The judges need not be approved for the group of breeds they are assigned, so it can be a learning experience for them as well. All in all, if you are sufficiently motivated, there are still ways to socialize and train your young dogs without entering them in the regular classes at point shows before they are ready. So if you have a promising young dog at home, do you think you might be able to overcome the obstacles and your own impatience and “sit on it” until the dog is ready to make a really noteworthy debut?

Dog News 43

sporting group

hound group

1 GCH CH Clussexx Collaboration With Traddles 6222 Spaniels (Clumber) W Holbrook/B Dowd/A Jaramillo/M Capone/J 2 GCH CH Mt. View’s Ripsnortersilvercharm 5552 Pointers (German Wirehaired) V Malzoni 3 GCH CH Summits Emery Its In The Bag 4114 Retrievers (Golden) B Johnson/J Sedivec/K Sedivec 4 GCH CH Wynmoor Champagne Supernova 3186 Spaniels (English Springer) C Florence/B Fink/E Kerfoot/K Goodhue-Mc 5 GCH CH Whistlestop’s Fire & Ice 2877 Spaniels (Irish Water) S Duncan/C Mcdaniel/C Shelby 6 GCH CH Stargaz’R ‘N Wingfield Time Will Tell 1856 Setters (English) D Coller/P Coller/E Hackett 7 GCH CH Northwinds First Reign 1589 Setters (Irish) R Arch/J Arch/D Keane/N Keane 8 GCH CH Mountain View National Acclaim 1338 Pointers (German Wirehaired) N Paduch/P Paduch/B Stroh 9 GCH CH Roaneden’s Int’L Harvester 1252 Retrievers (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) R Jones/C Jones 10 GCH CH Doc N’ Camelot’s Heaven Can Wait 1232 Weimaraners S Thomas

1 GCH CH Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box 4943 American Foxhounds E Charles/L Miller 2 GCH CH Downhome Hitech Innovator 2875 Harriers J Sanchez 3 GCH CH Quiet Creek’s Kiss And Tell 2874 Bloodhounds S Lacroix/H Whitcomb 4 GCH CH Sandstorm Blue Nile Bubbles Of Jatara 2740 Salukis J Harrington/S Winsted/S Middlebrooks 5 GCH CH Tells Matrix Reloaded 1764 Afghan Hounds M Galloway 6 Xandali Bon Vivant 1754 Afghan Hounds C Fairleigh/L Robertson 7 GCH CH Bougain’E Naughty-N-Lovely Alvin 1628 Beagles (13 in. and under) S Adungchongruk/S Ott 8 GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin 1548 Basenjis J Jones/K Jones/C Kok 9 GCH CH Windbourne Hd Ranch King Of The Road 1438 Black and Tan Coonhounds S Campbell/C Rutten/T Skinner/S Skinner 10 GCH CH Sporting Fields Bahama Sands 1437 Whippets D Butt/A Giles

working group 1 GCH CH Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici Doberman Pinschers S Lundy/D Lundy/J Mullins/K Mullins 2 GCH CH Blackhawk Finnegan’s Wake Standard Schnauzers L Studley/K Studley 3 GCH CH Longo Miller N Lore’s Diamond Lil Great Danes T Longo/J Miller/L Matherly/C Crawford 4 GCH CH Kenro’s Witching Hour Giant Schnauzers R Greenslade/L Norton/D Hill 5 GCH CH Chancellor Flirt’s Hi Flyin’ Gladiator Rottweilers W Lewellen 6 GCH CH Winfall I Dream Of Style Boxers K Robbins/C Robbins/G Adkins/B Adkins/T 7 GCH CH Claircreek Impression De Matisse Portuguese Water Dogs M Lint/P Helming/D Gottdenker 8 GCH CH D’s Remember When Doberman Pinschers A Dinardo/S Dinardo 9 GCH CH Derby’s Toast With Gusto Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs S Copeland 10 CH Lowdown Remys Girl V Ardenhout Giant Schnauzers M Low/L Low

6010 3800 3276 2701 2696 2249 2112 1966 1911 1910

the dog news top ten dogs Top Ten In Group • Based On All-Breed Competition

The Dog News Top Ten List contains Best In Shows, Group Firsts and ALL Group Placements.

As of January 31, 2013

THE DOG NEWS TOP TEN LIST is a monthly listing of the Top Ten Dogs All Breeds and the Top Ten Dogs in each Group. There is also a listing of the Top Ten Dogs in Each Breed. All of these statistics are based on All Breed competition. 44 Dog News

The American Kennel Club compiles these figures from the AKC licensed and member club shows. These figures will be printed monthly in DOG NEWS by Annual Awards Rating System. These are the most current statistics available to the fancy.

terrier group 1 GCH CH Afterall Painting The Sky Fox Terriers (Wire) V Malzoni/T Steele/S Olund/M Olund/D Rya 2 GCH CH Goldsand’s Columbus Russell Terriers M Ulrich/C Areskough 3 GCH CH Meadowlake Simply Sinful Border Terriers K Courtelis/K Fitzpatrick/J Wilkinson/D 4 GCH CH Allaruth Just Kidding V Sole Baye Miniature Schnauzers Y Phelps/R Ziegler 5 GCH CH Larkspur Acadia Save Me A Spot Lakeland Terriers A Barker/S Fraser/M Sacco 6 GCH CH Shaireab’s Bayleigh Maid Of Honor Welsh Terriers S Abmeyer/K Bailey/T Lee/X Xie 7 GCH CH Alpine’s Ring Of Fire CGC American Staffordshire Terriers J Mosing/E Thomason/K Thomason/V Piltz 8 GCH CH J’Cobe Broxden Danea Fox Terriers (Smooth) V Malzoni/A Booth/P Booth/W Dalling 9 GCH CH Dytona Vip Miniature Bull Terriers M Jacobs/A Klishas/E Feuz 10 GCH CH Doubloon’s Extreme Play Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers E Landa

9492 2549 2184 1813 1429 1272 1256 996 854 787

toy group 1 GCH CH Marlex Classic Red Glare Miniature Pinschers A Angelbello/L Monte 2 GCH CH Dejavu I Want’A Talk About Me Chinese Crested R Kusumoto/J Kusumoto 3 GCH CH Hill Country’s Tag I’M It Pugs C Koch 4 GCH CH Victory Spencer Japanese Chin M Mc Cormick/M Cooley 5 GCH CH Scylla’s Small Kraft Re-Lit Maltese D Burke/R Scott/T Rowell 6 GCH CH Pem We-Syng Lucky Mi Japanese Chin J Dalton/J Turjoman/M Ballard 7 GCH CH Caper’s Sirius Endeavor Pugs P Fisher/C Fisher/J Rowell/L Rowell/R Wa 8 GCH CH Yakee Easily Persuaded Pekingese S Middlebrooks/D Fitzpatrick 9 GCH CH Schuyler’s Laparata Robert Pekingese M Campbell 10 GCH CH Tamarin Tarheel Affenpinschers A Shultz/G Shultz

6345 2776 2726 2167 2137 1995 1946 1844 1272 1262

Based on All Breed Competition

1 GCH CH Afterall Painting The Sky 9492 Fox Terrier (Wire) V Malzoni/T Steele/S Olund/M Olund/D Rya

6 GCH CH Brighton Lakeridge Encore Poodle (Standard) T Sosnoff/M Sosnoff


2 GCH CH Marlex Classic Red Glare Miniature Pinscher A Angelbello/L Monte

7 GCH CH Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box American Foxhound E Charles/L Miller


3 GCH CH Clussexx Collaboration With Traddles 6222 Spaniel (Clumber) W Holbrook/B Dowd/A Jaramillo/M Capone/J

8 GCH CH Paray’s Preferential Shetland Sheepdog K Furlong/T Pittman


4 GCH CH Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici Doberman Pinscher S Lundy/D Lundy/J Mullins/K Mullins

9 GCH CH Summits Emery Its In The Bag 4114 Retriever (Golden) B Johnson/J Sedivec/K Sedivec


5 GCH CH Mt. View’s Ripsnortersilvercharm 5552 Pointer (German Wirehaired) V Malzoni

10 GCH CH Blackhawk Finnegan’s Wake Standard Schnauzer L Studley/K Studley

1 GCH CH Brighton Lakeridge Encore 5183 Poodles (Standard) T Sosnoff/M Sosnoff 2 GCH CH Saks Winning Card 2747 Bichons Frises A Mackenzie/K Mackenzie/C Ruggles 3 GCH CH Jaset’s Satisfaction 2079 Poodles (Standard) M Molnar/J Danburg 4 GCH CH Dante Fire When Ready 1786 Schipperkes A Gossman/S Middlebrooks/M Jameson/P All 5 GCH CH Dawin Hearts On Fire 1656 Poodles (Standard) L Campbell 6 GCH CH Vogelflight’s “Honor” To Pillowtalk 1607 Bichons Frises E Charles/K Vogel/M Abbott/P Abbott 7 GCH CH Overtops And The Winner Is 1577 Bichons Frises Z Luo/N Keung/J Rubin 8 GCH CH Jade East Do You Know The Way To San Jose 1484 Chinese Shar-Pei L Anders/E Minne/K Nijholt 9 GCH CH Paray’s Power & Privilege 1425 Bichons Frises T Pittman/P Flores 10 GCH CH Kan Sing’s Tenzin 1153 Tibetan Spaniels M Feltenstein

herding group

top ten all breed 6345

non sporting group


1 GCH CH Paray’s Preferential 4837 Shetland Sheepdogs K Furlong/T Pittman 2 GCH CH Grandgables The Frat Boy 2895 Shetland Sheepdogs P Buckles/A Buckles/J Moses 3 GCH CH Spiritwood’s Gandalf The Blue 2458 Bearded Collies S Larsen/J Larsen 4 GCH CH Harmony Hill’s Money Talks 2256 Australian Shepherds L Goetz/H Braddock 5 GCH CH Aubrey’s Tails Of Mystery 2025 Cardigan Welsh Corgis C Savioli/V Savioli 6 GCH CH Melodys Armed And Dangerous 1812 Australian Shepherds R Duellge 7 GCH CH Jesstar Nirvana 1534 Shetland Sheepdogs R Von Pusch/J Starbuck 8 GCH CH Coventry Allure At Wyndstar 1501 Pembroke Welsh Corgis A Geremia/B Shelton 9 GCH CH Lambluv’s Live The Dream 1212 Old English Sheepdogs J Marder/C Hastings/K Richardson 10 GCH CH C And J Silver Charm Of Chrysalis 1190 Collies (Smooth) J Waiburn/C Thompson CoNtiNueD oN page 48 Dog News 45

The Fancy Speaks By Roz Kramer


ast year we were all surrounded daily with political ads, speeches, and thus the all-consuming presidential election season of 2012. Once again we are surrounded by another election---AKC Board of Directors. The week of Feb 8, 2012, Dogs News published the Directors’ Questionnaire, which was answered by all candidates running for the Board. I found it quite interesting, that MOST of the answers provided by the candidates were reminiscent of presidential campaigns: answer the question by not answering the question. They were asked to give concrete ideas and plans for the future of AKC---but instead many responses were “my history or my past”, with references given to their prior achievements in business or their biographies. Or the pithy non-answer “The Board has a policy in place”. What does this say about the candidates? Are we going to go through ANOTHER round of board members living on 46 Dog News

Politics and Pros

their past laurels, with no new ideas coming to the table? Another round of egos taking control so they can sit and argue and yet no progress made? AKC is already in a stupor—so where are the new ideas??? More importantly WHY were the questions not answered? For example one of the questions we asked was “Registrations have been in a free-fall –What concrete recommendations do you have for turning this around?” What were the answers we received? One was a lengthy response of why they have declined—NOT a hint of what to do about it!!!! And that was only one!!! And how’s this for insightful: “I can’t tell you what the current board has in mind as it will compromise the situation”. Perhaps I should have added another question of Board Members, past/present: What have you achieved, what was the date and if not achieved, why not? Personally I am sick of the politics and egos associated with running for the Board. When and who is going to take some action? If these candidates can’t answer simple questions that were posed to them now—what are they going to accomplish as a sitting board members? As a fancy we are tired of the non-action associated with recent boards—wake up and smell the roses—or lack thereof candidates and board members. Quite frankly I was extremely disappointed in most responses, and am afraid our board is just going to be the same old stuff—with nothing getting done and AKC declining into oblivion. Sure does remind me of Washington politics.

Dog News 47

The Dog News Top Ten List Presents

the top ten dogs Based on All-Breed Competition

As of January 31, 2013

sporting group CoNtiNueD FRoM page 45


1 GCH CH triumphant’s as Good as it Gets JH L Mccartney-roy/K Mccartney 2 GCH CH Mich’s Mt ready aim Fire t rickard/L rickard/K rickard/J Davies 3 GCH CH Dual Lanes Cam JH C robinson/L robinson/K sullivan 4 GCH CH Brookewood’s Just too Hot CDX MX MXB MXJ E Drazek/C Miller 5 CH Premier’s the Chosen One Of Dream Hi C Walters/D Walters/K rickard 6 GCH CH Copley Paper Dragon E Ewart 7 GCH CH Britt’s ramblin’ the Perfect Cut J Larson/n Larson/K schoppa 8 GCH CH rainbow splash’s ruggedly Handsome C Douglas/K Hogan/J Hogan 9 CH sovereign’s Chasing Legends D Droel/J Droel


1 GCH CH seasyde Edgehill Heart Of Gold M Lane/H Medeiros/r Goldstein/J Johnston 2 GCH CH Oncore Mykyna storm P Haines/t Haines/P Davis 3 GCH CH solivia’s Kalahari Of Marsuz s thompson/D Brown/K Brown 4 GCH CH Marsuz sahara Of solivia s Passalacqua/M Haas 5 GCH CH seasyde Dobe’s Den in Fashion J Pahl/D Pahl/H Medeiros 6 GCH CH sweet Bay Coralwood tara Of High stakes D Bell/D Bell/C Gregory 7 GCH CH stonebrook Creksyde Dbl Vision J Mechling/M Mechling 8 GCH CH sun Creek Halfway to santa Fe V stern

POintErs (GErMan sHOrtHairED)

1 GCH CH Dogwdcreek’s La Vita E Belle L Duncan 2 GCH CH robin Crest Great Expectations r remondi/r remondi 3 GCH CH Laden Field’s Mighty Wind Kaposia JH B Ladenheim/B sandberg/C Coomes/G Hostet 4 GCH CH O’Charida’s remember Fu Manchu JH r Bell/K Bell/P Cleary 5 GCH CH Kan-Point’s Makin’ the Chase r stanley/r stanley/L Coonrod 6 GCH CH Homesteader’s star Burst JH a Vitarius/B Vitarius/n Campbell 7 GCH CH Ehrenvogel say Cheese M Lara/C swensson/G Hostetter/a Lester 8 GCH CH shomberg’s Perfect timing J tierney/a tierney 9 GCH CH Cedar run Fire On the Mountian L Zimmerman/J Zimmerman 10 still’s storm Chaser Von rugerheim P stillman/G stillman

POintErs (GErMan WirEHairED)

1 GCH CH Mt. View’s ripsnortersilvercharm V Malzoni 2 GCH CH Mountain View national acclaim n Paduch/P Paduch/B stroh 3 GCH CH Heywire ‘N Highfield’s Hey Look Me Over P Kincaid/L Kincaid/B Brawn 4 CH Darnelle’s Makin’ the shot J Herrera/D Pusateri/L napoli

rEtriEVErs (CHEsaPEaKE Bay)

1 GCH CH Chesastar Hudson Bay rn K sosik/J sosik 2 GCH CH Chesacolahardwoodbaltimoreraven G sheetz 3 GCH CH Desert Winds Eight second ride L schisler/r schisler 4 GCH CH Calico’s Colonial rum Fire J Coutu/M Coutu 5 CH Ches-shores Moer than Faith CD Z Livingstone 6 GCH CH Chesabar’s anyone anyone t Dennis/D Glasser 7 GCH CH Pond Hollow special Delivery L Cayton/D Baldwin 8 GCH CH Quailridge’s top Dee O Gee Maximilian C Macina/C Macina 9 GCH CH Poisett’s Doctor Mallard P Henshaw/a Henshaw 10 GCH CH Quailridge’s Coupe De Ville L Plaut/r Plaut

rEtriEVErs (CurLy-COatED)

1 GCH CH Down Datrail Hunting thrills CD s Macre/D akins/G Kofron

rEtriEVErs (FLat-COatED)

1 GCH CH Destiny as Good as it Gets CD JH E Mound 2 GCH CH Wind Dancer’s Kick a Little K Forni 3 GCH CH stormwatch rocks u Like a Hurricane JH C Davis/K Leonhardt/a Williams 4 GCH CH timberblac’s all Hands On Deck rn J Martin

48 Dog News

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5 GCH CH Feathurquest Moonlight sonata r Morrill/r Briganti/M shimizu/K shimizu 6 GCH CH stormwatch Whirlwynd P Forte/K Leonhardt 7 artic sun Winds Of Change na D Brown/s Brown

rEtriEVErs (GOLDEn)

1 GCH CH summits Emery its in the Bag B Johnson/J sedivec/K sedivec 2 GCH CH Easthill Broxden Woodland Lettuce Entertain you C Collins/J supple/s skilkoff/J Ovalle/a 3 GCH CH rush Hill’s Drama’Geddon JH t struble/M struble 4 GCH CH summits sonny side up P Wedding/M Wedding/B Johnson 5 CH sandpiper’s Let Freedom ring t tsumura 6 CH Dalane Pleasure is My Business J Jensen/C Meddaugh 7 GCH CH trance Mission Jp Cunard adventure t tsumura 8 GCH CH Gemini’s Hot tamale C Pearce/r Pearce 9 GCH CH regency raise the Bet V Franchi/L Franchi/s Carpenter/L Ballar 10 Saffire’s I Ship U Knot s Melhuish/H Whitcomb

rEtriEVErs (LaBraDOr)

1 GCH CH Frakari’s Kool as Kiefer C Fisher/L Weiss 2 GCH CH Broyhill naughty Knickers B nowak/K nowak/K Jacobson 3 GCH CH nipntuck stocking stufffer r Gorton 4 CH Huckleberry’s you Belong With Me J Kostka-Leary/D Leary 5 GCH CH rosewater Babalu a Berarducci/r Harkow 6 Easthills splash-n-Dash G Bollheimer 7 GCH CH Chambrays Celestial n Counter J Marrero/J Herzon 8 CH Cornerstone’s Big Game James L Zisman 9 CH summithill Joshua’s Battle Of Jericho C Wilkening 10 Briarwood’s Joie De Vivre s sellers/P sellers

rEtriEVErs (nOVa sCOtia DuCK tOLLinG) 1 GCH CH roaneden’s int’L Harvester r Jones/C Jones 2 GCH CH tollerpride Gathering storm J Gordon/H Gordon/r Fearon 3 GCH CH Foxvale Foxbrooke Dare to Cruise K Lawless/J Lawless 4 GCH CH Pikkinokka’s Lightning Bug s Einck-Paul/n Mages 5 CH Foxvale avatar Best Of times D Gibbs 6 GCH CH Lennoxlove susqudilla’s Mini Cooper WC r Haskin/P Campanella/M Waterstreet/J Ha

sEttErs (EnGLisH)

1 GCH CH Stargaz’R ‘N Wingfield Time Will Tell D Coller/P Coller/E Hackett 2 GCH CH Oakley’s B’Dazzled D Jenseh/G Jensen/E strickland/J strickl 3 GCH CH aerden’s Pretty in Pink JH L Engel/r Miller/V Ciaravino/B silbernag 4 GCH CH set’r ridge’s Dirty Dancing M newman/J Gray/P Gray 5 GCH CH Linwood resolute’s new Beginning rn CGC r Lloyd/W Lloyd 6 CH Bj’s Festivity Bugatti Veyron K Mooney/B Parsons 7 GCH CH Palisades B52 M Dorward

sEttErs (GOrDOn)

1 GCH CH Hollyhunt take a Chance On Me M Hunsinger/C Hunsinger 2 GCH CH sandpiper’s Castles in the air D Grant/J Beattie/D snyder/P reilly 3 GCH CH sastya’s Eleven Eleven W Leonard/M Leonard 4 GCH CH Buteo’s Midnight silence a Johnson-Edwards/C Edwards 5 GCH CH albannach a Knight’s tale JH K Parke/E Desimone/t albers/a albers

sEttErs (irisH)

1 GCH CH northwinds First reign r arch/J arch/D Keane/n Keane 2 GCH CH abbeylane tramore above the Limit D Michaelson 3 GCH CH Erinfyr sports talk M Lamphier/J Lamphier 4 GCH CH Militza’s Glamorous attire M Foote/B Foote/J Fisher/K Wall/t Mcneal 5 GCH CH Darnelle’s Pennies From Heaven M Higby 6 GCH CH shine-On Just Like a Dream uD MX aXJ B Buscareno/J Buscareno 7 GCH CH Lucky Morn Firecracker J Ziech


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B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4

8 CH Jadestar Rifleman C Brewer/J smith 9 GCH CH Cairncross Concierge With tullane M Hills/C Hills/C Paine/r Berggren 10 GCH CH seafarer’s red Hot and Green J Clay

sPaniELs (aMEriCan WatEr)

1 GCH CH Waterway Game Crk Hot Diggity JH L Hattrem/J Hattrem/J rose/s rose/P Mett 2 aspen springs Mountain Zephyr B stuart/L stuart

sPaniELs (CLuMBEr)

1 GCH CH Clussexx Collaboration With traddles W Holbrook/B Dowd/a Jaramillo/M Capone/J 2 GCH CH nexus total Eclipse s Miller/J Fankhauser/C Miller 3 GCH CH shogun’s im it n thats that Bn rn JH D Marquart 4 GCH CH Cajun’s a Change is Gonna Come P Holman/M Cole/r Froman 5 Clussexx Freddie the Frog D Bach/J Haverick

sPaniELs (COCKEr) asCOB

1 GCH CH Hitrails Clouds in My Eyes K Fairey 2 GCH CH trinity’s tucked under His Wing s Gray/s Dobmeier 3 GCH CH Blt into the Wild B Lou/t Lam 4 GCH CH Winelight travelin Man J Bruce


1 GCH CH Casablanca’s thrilling seduction L Moore/B Van Deman/C Douglas/M Walker 2 GCH CH tamra’s n Positively Over the top M Walls/J newton 3 GCH CH Korean Crystal Palace the apple Of My Eyes J sarkisian 4 GCH CH amik-Creek swiped By Marshens a Morgante/H armour/M James 5 GCH CH Lomapoint n Lakota no Bodies Perfect J Bjelland 6 CH Makin-Halakai sweet Dream’s i Makin/G Cadiz

sPaniELs (COCKEr) Parti

1 GCH CH Conquest’s this is it! M torres-young 2 GCH CH afterglow tristar H Cole/s roberts 3 CH tsunami’s Curtain Call E sicurello

sPaniELs (EnGLisH COCKEr)

1 CH Lynann’s Hallmark L Gall/r Gall/L Matter 2 GCH CH Edgewood Casino Celebrity K Florentine/L Cornelius/M Veras 3 GCH CH Fieldstone Carousel Hell’s Kitchen K Florentine/C Kirby 4 CH Faerytails Gut Feeling M Bartholomew/K schluer/B Penny 5 GCH CH Foxwoods Dublin Diva K Lyons/D Mauterer 6 CH Karola’s Xerxes J Winkels 7 GCH CH Faerytails Beach Bum Forever K Canaan/M Bartholomew 8 CH Dundee Dancin’ in the Dark J Mcclure/D Demorest 9 CH Foxwoods Midnight romance D Mauterer/K Lyons 10 GCH CH abaco’s Havana Day Dreaming s norris/a norris

sPaniELs (EnGLisH sPrinGEr)

1 GCH CH Wynmoor Champagne supernova C Florence/B Fink/E Kerfoot/K Goodhue-Mc 2 GCH CH Cerise Dixieland Duchess a summerfelt/D Cherry 3 GCH CH Ocoee Dsqd With a Vengeance M King/K Lorentzen/B Breese/L Kiener 4 GCH CH suncoast Wil-Orion anticipation s Zuker/K Milne/n siver 5 CH Legacy random icon r Mockoviak/s Mockoviak/K Fitzgerald 6 GCH CH Winamere n Goldcamp simply “D” Best G Mccain/L O’Connor 7 GCH CH Hil-n-Don & Canyonwood seemore Of Me s Pelissero/J Crouch 8 GCH CH Caran’s Days Of Future Passed CD Oa OaJ C racey 9 GCH CH Cerise starlight Express M Eschborn/E tiftickjian/s Corrigan 10 GCH CH Designers i think i’M in a Dance Off B Keith/C Coffield/M Coffield/A Arrant

sPaniELs (FiELD)

1 GCH CH Promenade Pay it Forward J Chopson/J schildman 2 GCH CH tamarack’s race you to Calico s thornhill/B Hirschy/s snyder-Work 3 GCH CH sandscape Pardon Me Boys C Dooley/n Dooley Bunch 4 GCH CH nautica’s Got Game r Ertle/D Brewer


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sPaniELs (irisH WatEr)

1 GCH CH Whistlestop’s Fire & ice s Duncan/C Mcdaniel/C shelby 2 GCH CH Whistlestop’s riley On Fire t urban/B urban/G siner 3 GCH CH Poole’s ide Got Water rn s Duncan/C Mcdaniel/C shelby/G siner

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1 CH terreline’s Little tug Of Old north Wharf C Peterson/M Mizelle 2 GCH CH remedi Maritime Criminalintent a Morris/K Booth 3 GCH CH stonecroft Windsong Banneker P Davern/E tenuta/s adams

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sPaniELs (WELsH sPrinGEr)

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sPaniELs (sussEX)

1 CH Holly House Gryffindor RE s Merriken/a Legare 2 CH royailes Willem Of Windsor r Burgess/s Burgess/n Carlton/G Carlton 3 CH Clussexx Win’throp Loves springtime J Haverick/D Massey

0 0 1 0 0 183

sPinOni itaLiani

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1 GCH CH Javal tangerine Man J austad/K norton 2 GCH CH sweetbriar’s Excalibur niccolo Massimiliano D Cooker/D Graff 3 GCH CH Bela’s this time it’s Hudson P Miller/L Miller/K Miller

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1 GCH CH regal Point Pinnacle Of Kilauea JH 0 D Verret/s rushing/D sullivan/s Middlebr 2 GCH CH Lorac’s Cap’n Jack sparrow 0 s nakamura/W sommerfelt/C sommerfelt 3 GCH CH Jen’s Penny tamaron tiana’s Perfect alibi 0 D Helms/C Helms/n Guarascio/t Westerbeck 4 GCH CH Kezdet’s Grand Mark Gedeon 0 n russo 5 GCH CH Bluewater’s Fionn Mac Cumhaill Of Skipfire RA 0 C Ward/L Medley 6 GCH CH Just spike JH 0 L Busch 7 GCH CH Jaybren’s irish star 0 J Brennan/J Brennan 8 GCH CH Dynata’s Bound to Huntmore MH 0 s Barnes/L Fairchild 9 GCH CH solaris tuzes Paprika 0 a Gilliam/B Kirven 10 GCH CH Kezdet’s russet Leather river Whisper 0 a Wanjon/B Wanjon/J saddlemire/B Golob

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1 GCH CH Doc n’ Camelot’s Heaven Can Wait s thomas 2 GCH CH Win’Weim’s it’s My Grey Goose D Massey/s Line 3 GCH CH unity’s Bzyfeet Laverne Defazio G Mclogan/V ruiz/a tourond 4 GCH CH simpatico Equal Justice J Martin/J Logan/r Goularle 5 CH silversmith Castile aragon D Green/s Mcdaniel 6 GCH CH Poets Bossa nova Baby a stowell/n Lillehamer 7 GCH CH Camelot’s the Best Of times ii J sherry/s thomas 8 Grayhart’s Launch My Line J Boyd/M Boyd

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WirEHairED POintinG GriFFOns

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1 GCH CH stonehenge spontaneous Will-O’-the Wisp JH Ca 0 0 0 0 1 D Conner-Wood 2 GCH CH Kyloe’s trekking Kb amstel JH 0 0 1 0 0 J resler/J riederer 3 GCH CH Fireside’s Oscar Hemingway JH 0 0 0 0 1 C tuttle/M tuttle

hound group aFGHan HOunDs

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4

1 GCH CH tells Matrix reloaded M Galloway 2 Xandali Bon Vivant C Fairleigh/L robertson 3 GCH CH Exlysta aries Ciel noir P rooks/C smith/P schafmayer/s Ferraro 4 GCH CH Mahali arriva sandpiper J Baukus/D Cooley/s neill/L schanzle/J P 5 GCH CH Jakar an affair Most Wicked B Warren/a Donnell/t schultz/M tokarski 6 GCH CH Stormhill’s Sweet Dreams Of Raffica G Games/s Games/s Frei/t Vanderezee 7 GCH CH Prohphecy- n - Zoso’s - Gucci - Poochie - rado n shandre 8 GCH CH sharrah’s Dhealz t Horman 9 GCH CH Maya’s Mockingbird C rahaman/a rahaman/K Bunce 10 GCH CH suhden nicholi nigella D Blehm/s King/K ray

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aMEriCan FOXHOunDs

1 GCH CH Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box E Charles/L Miller 2 GCH CH Dunstan tucker G shultz 3 GCH CH Kelly Mt. american idol J rea


1 GCH CH Jasiri-sukari Win tin tin J Jones/K Jones/C Kok 2 GCH CH Jokuba C-Quest First round Knock Out r Bowen/C russell 3 GCH CH ahmahr nahr’s Halleleujah Makes a Joyful noise J Behles/r Walley 4 Berimo Cavalia P Marshall 5 GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour at signet t Kirstein 6 GCH CH ahmahr nahr’s the Lost angel Gabriel J Behles/r Walley 7 CH teazer Kazor Ekundayo For Johari C Garcia/D yeager/J Gaidos

BassEt HOunDs

1 GCH CH Topsfield-Sanchu Eenie Meenie Miney Moe C Orlandi/C steidel 2 GCH CH Gypsy’s Pert ‘neer’ Perfect K Collier/D Hagy 3 CH silverado next top Model M tysseling/J tysseling 4 GCH CH Ol’south’s Craigwood’s Ludacris M Meadows/s Whaley 5 GCH CH Kahl Me Foxglen’s Cool Dude B Kahl 6 CH Halcyon Double Jeopardy D taylor 7 GCH CH sasquatch My Best Friend B Brandt/D Coker

BEaGLEs (13 in. anD unDEr)

1 GCH CH Bougain’E naughty-n-Lovely alvin s adungchongruk/s Ott 2 GCH CH Vinla-Cabaret’s Gold standard s ayers/K Brooks 3 GCH CH Encore’s rerun Of roirdan C Kaplan/C Herr/t nesmith/E Dziuk 4 Dyno-Mite Party Girl K Wallack/L ugenti/i schmitt 5 CH shoreviews Mango B tague/a Lambie 6 CH Perfect Companion’s tiger Lilly C Phongthep/P Peerapong 7 Peacock-Eagle ridge Devilishly Diana Of Hereford D thomas/P Kretchmer/G Cudworth 8 CH Vinla’s J Lux/K Brooks 9 GCH CH irish Coffey shadows On the shannon P Coffey/B Coffey/M Lee

BEaGLEs (OVEr 13 in.)

1 GCH CH tashtins Lookin For trouble L Crandlemire/K Crandlemire/B Cavanaugh/ 2 GCH CH Lokavi’s Battle Flag Of the south J Bell/L norman 3 GCH CH titus rough and tumble K rose/M rose/M austin 4 GCH CH torquay Be nice to Me M Chagas/M Botelho/a Botelho 5 GCH CH Cabaret Come Chase the Dream t Olson/J simpson/C stone/P ivett 6 GCH CH Legacy Busch’s Bold and Brave C Busch/W Busch/M Martin 7 GCH CH azores Wickid Haad Hitta J Leitao/D Henry-Vota/C Kellerman 8 CH Keon alexandra the Great a tsagarakis 9 GCH CH K-run’s We Could Have Had it all around K Weichert/J rodes 10 CH Ornre One Dixieland Delight J Braun/C rutherford

BLaCK anD tan COOnHOunDs

1 GCH CH Windbourne Hd ranch King Of the road s Campbell/C rutten/t skinner/s skinner



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1 GCH CH Quiet Creek’s Kiss and tell s Lacroix/H Whitcomb 2 GCH CH Flessner’s international s’Cess s Vancamp/H Helmer/Z Helmer 3 GCH CH soonipi Friends in Low Places Mlh K Dewey/s Katos 4 GCH CH Flessner’s international space station at J Mcdonald 5 GCH CH Badgershill Muldoon Of Heather L sherman 6 CH Citation’s First and Foremost C Mcardle 7 GCH CH i Get a Kick Out Of you at the Magpie K Briglia/Z Helmer/K Berestecky/C Kamins


1 GCH CH Charwin Fairmont sweet society Blue snuff C Woods/t Kastner

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CoNtiNueD oN page 104

Dog News 49

Four of Vikki Landes’ Italian Greyhounds race each other. Left to right Jo-Na-Da’s Bye Bye Love D’Folly GRC (“Lula”), Ch Jo-Na-Da’s Kiss N Tell D’Folly JC SGRC2 JOR VCX (“Tally”), D’Folly Harlequin Girl JoNa-Da JC SGRC SOR ORC (“Quin”) and Ch D’Folly Lil Bit O Sushi Jo-Na-Da JC GRC JOR VC (“Sushi.”)

Zuli (DFolly Lazuli Di Lapis SGRC SOR), another Landes’ IG, won the 2011 Large Gazehound Racing Association national and was second in the National Oval Track Racing Association’s national.

According to Linda Kennedy, Lamby (Ch La Scala Carmina Di Levriere NAJ NA) displays her hound heritage by being just plain evil if she doesn’t feel like performing.

The“Gene Kelly”Of Dogdom THE ITALIAN GREYHOUND By M.J. Nelson


mall in Stature at 5’7”, the late, great american dancer, actor and singer, Gene Kelly was often described as “high energy” “ having great power” “earthy” and “a linebacker.” When asked to compare Kelly to his long-time good friend and fellow master dancer Fred Astaire, a critic said, “Fred is athletic elegance, Gene is elegant athleticism.” Owners of Italian Greyhounds say that these depictions of Kelly could also be applied their breed. The high-stepping, dancing action of the breed, like that of Kelly, has, over the more than 2,000 years of its existence, delighted commoners and royalty alike. And, like Kelly, this tiny sighthound has an elegant athleticism only on four dancing feet instead of two. While the breed’s name is “Italian Greyhound,” breeders and owners in England and Scotland are credited with having brought this toy breed to its current state. Part of this effort was due to the fact that the breed graced the royal palaces of Mary Queen of Scots, Charles I, Queen Anne and Queen Victoria. Even though the breed functioned largely as a pet in the British Isles, Italian Greyhounds likely were also used early in their development for hunting small game or to control rodents and other pests where it functioned as a sighthound. Not all of this ability has disappeared over the centuries as IG owners are discovering in a variety of field and performance activities. 50 Dog News

“Italian Greyhounds are agile, athletic, fast and smart. If you keep them focused and excited, they are great teammates,” said Wendy Hesterly, who owns Int’l BIS & Bah Ch Littleluv DiMare Alexis Foxhill RAE CDX AXJ VCM CGC (“Lexi”) and Ch Littleluv’s TKO Kelly RAE BN OA OAJ CGC (“Kelly.”) “They are built to be a very functional breed,” said Barbara Steinlage, who owns Ch. Razzo’s Blonde Bombshell Bellagio JC RAE BN OJP OAP VCX. “Although they may seem slight and diminutive, the Italian Greyhound has a lot of power. When I compare them to other toy breeds, there are few that I could consider as equally prepared to succeed in competition in the various performance activities as the IG. Behind the facade that’s often seen as selfishness is actually a willingness to please.” “They have a sighthound’s drive and the streamlined body that excels at speed. If you can channel this drive, it makes for a confident, excited and ready-to-please-you dog. There is a mindset in both sighthound field events and performance activities that an IG is too small and frail or even that their drive is not like that of a ‘real’ dog. In fact, our own parent club suffers, to a degree, from this mindset. But, my FCh has won over many people in coursing and the same can be said for some in the agility arena,” said Sue Ostrander, whose field champion “Luca” was a rescue from the Italian Greyhound Club of America’s res-

Int’l BIS & Bah Ch Littleluv DiMare Alexis Foxhill RAE CDX AXJ VCM CGC (“Lexi”), one of Wendy Hesterly’s Italian Greyhounds, displays some of the breed’s athleticism and jumping ability in an obedience event.

Luca, one of two rescued Italian Greyhounds owned by Sue Ostrander, is a field champion that has earned several bestsin-field and bests-in-event along with an LCM, VFCh, JC, SC, NA, NAJ and is still running, at the age of 9½, working on a veterans lure coursing master title.

Ch. Razzo’s Blonde Bombshell Bellagio JC RAE BN OJP OAP VCX, Barbara Steinlage’s IG, shows that while the breed may seem slight and diminutive, it possesses a lot of power.

cue operation. The dog has earned several bests-in-field and bests-inevent along with an LCM, VFCh, JC, SC, NA, NAJ and is still running, at the age of 9½, working on a veterans lure coursing master title. “This breed has been around for 2000 years. They are adaptable and they love whatever their owners love. I’ve seen IGs that love to go running with their owners and others that are pure couch potatoes. They are intelligent and they want to be with you but they are also hounds which means they think for themselves. Mine killed a jackrabbit this Thanksgiving and brought it in front of the fire to eat it in front of all of my family just after we had finished our Thanksgiving meal. Of course, this made for a pretty lively moment but the dogs knew it was time for a feast. They are really smart and you have to make the games you want them to play worth while for them which means a lot of positive reinforcement. Because they are hounds pleasing you is not always their top priority. Lamby (Ch La Scala Carmina Di Levriere NAJ NA) can be just plain evil if she doesn’t feel like performing. I have to be more interesting than a jackrabbit or whatever. They can easily devise their own rewards if you don’t have something great,” said Linda Kennedy, who owns, in addition to Lamby, GCh La Scala L’Ultima Evvita D’Coccolare CGC (“Gus”) that is training to be a diabetic alert dog, Lexi (Levriere Lexi Kennedy NAJ NAP NJP OJP CGC) and others just beginning to compete.


g’S are very intelligent. Some of them are more intelligent than otherS. They are sighthounds and therefore independent thinkers. They need to want to do an activity because they enjoy it or because they enjoy doing it WITH YOU or because they want to please you. They can be very clear about setting limits! Their nature as sighthounds is to think and act independently so they may well look at a course and decide to do it in a more creative way

ZiZi (GRCh Sardis Bluebell Fairy RAE NAJ OA), Annette McCarthy’s IG is happy to retrieve dumbbells over jumps and on the flat but ask her to pick up a glove and she treats it like an indignant dowager picking up a dirty napkin.

Snoopy (Count Snoopy von Edison SGRC 17 SC CGC VC), Terri Jones’ IG, excels in straight track events but has figured out how to cheat in lure coursing and oval track racing.

than the judge intended. Also, if an IG doesn’t want to do something they probably won’t. If you are showing an IG in conformation or doing obedience outdoors on a cold day, you’ll probably get no ‘sits’ and the dog’s topline will more closely resemble a pretzel than a Greyhound because they really don’t like being cold. They often have very clear likes and dislikes. For example, ZiZi (GRCh Sardis Bluebell Fairy RAE NAJ OA) will retrieve both on the flat and over jumps in obedience but she prefers a dumbbell. Ask her to pick up a glove and she does it rather like an indignant dowager picking up a dirty napkin. Her entire attitude says ‘I’ll touch as little of this as possible,’” said Annette McCarthy. In some circles, there seems to be a bias against Italian Greyhounds. “When I first started running my dogs in all-Whippet clubs, there was a stigma about these little guys. People seemed to think that an IG is a shy, retiring dog that is shaky and sad looking. My dogs are nothing like that. They are outgoing and pretty unafraid as well as being very, very fit. However, I went into racing to have fun and as soon as the people in these clubs saw these game little dogs run their hearts out, they were sold and most of them were supportive. My dogs live to race the bunny both on a straight track and an oval one. They love to work at anything that they think is their idea so you need to find out what they like and build on it. You can’t train an IG to do something they do not want to do. They will do things that you enjoy but only if they also like doing it. My dogs won’t really buckle down to lure coursing but in straight track racing, the bunny is a stuffed bunny with a squawker and they’ll run their hearts out for the stuffed bunny. Even though all my dogs were bred first and foremost as show dogs, all have done some successful running which means that they have brains and drive and aren’t just pleasant little CoNtiNueD oN page 119

Dog News 51

Sporting Group




82 58

45 44 41 37 30 26 25 23

GCH CH Mich’s Mt Ready Aim Fire T Rickard/L Rickard/K Rickard/J Davies GCH CH Triumphant’s As Good As It Gets JH L Mccartney-Roy/K Mccartney GCH CH Credit Where Credit Is Due J Schulz/S Chilcote CH Jack Pine’s High Desert Steamboat G Lynn/T Lynn/J Lynn GCH CH Copley Paper Dragon E Ewart GCH CH Ataboy’s Dazzle Me Daphne JH A Godfroid GCH CH Brookewood’s Just Too Hot CDX MX MXB E Drazek/C Miller GCH CH Hurricane’s Bet’N On The Ace R Bugaj CH Premier’s The Chosen One Of Dream Hi C Walters/D Walters/K Rickard GCH CH Star Flight Jumpin Jack Flash RN OA OAJ J Ceres

Pointers 49 19 19 18 18 14 14 14 12 11

GCH CH Seasyde Fashion Avenue H Medeiros/J Griffith/H Griffith GCH CH Brackenmoor The Duchess JH J Pullan/S Cronyn GCH CH Oncore Mykyna Storm P Haines/T Haines/P Davis GCH CH Chesterhope My Boys Girl P Kroll GCH CH Marsuz Sahara Of Solivia S Passalacqua/M Haas GCH CH Robwyn Magic Touch G Griffin/K Rath/J Walton GCH CH Stonebrook Creksyde Dbl Vision J Mechling/M Mechling GCH CH Cumbrian Time Bandit N Crate/D Crate/H Tuthill/N Tuthill GCH CH Penpoint In Dress Blues L Stagg/J Palmer/L Palmer CH Marjetta The Sky’s The Limit At Pointgold D Harper/M Petrequin/R Ertle

Pointers (German Shorthaired)

250 GCH CH Dogwdcreek’s La Vita E Belle L Duncan 84 GCH CH Kan-Point’s Makin’ The Chase R Stanley/R Stanley/L Coonrod 64 GCH CH Robin Crest Great Expectations R Remondi/R Remondi 54 GCH CH Ehrenvogel Say Cheese M Lara/C Swensson/G Hostetter/A Lester 52 GCH CH Homesteader’s Star Burst JH A Vitarius/B Vitarius/N Campbell 46 GCH CH Robin Crest Edelmarke Investigator T Feneis/T Depietro/C Trost 32 GCH CH Laden Field’s Mighty Wind Kaposia JH B Ladenheim/B Sandberg/C Coomes/G Hostet 32 CH Quinsea’s War Admiral D Leroux/D Leroux 31 CH Kempfers Diddy Dirty Money JH K Fulk 31 GCH CH Skypoint’s Our River Runs Free F Del Prete/L Del Prete

Pointers (German Wirehaired) 93 46 40 28 22 15 14 14 9 2

GCH CH Mountain View National Acclaim N Paduch/P Paduch/B Stroh GCH CH Harvest Meadow’s Truth Be Told L Minnick/A Resnick GCH CH Aimn Hi Jet Stream SH K Gunnarson/L Gunnarson GCH CH Mt. View’s Ripsnortersilvercharm V Malzoni GCH CH Geronimo’s Goddess V Dazzle L Myles/J Steffes CH Surefire’s Thorny Little Secret JH J Payton/A Payton CH Neudorf’s Cool Hand Luke Afterhours F Newwirth/C Whitmore GCH CH Heywire ‘N Highfield’s Hey Look Me Over P Kincaid/L Kincaid/B Brawn CH Aimn Hi Scotian Ghostdance L Reeves/L Puppo Neudorf’s Play It Again Sam Afterhours F Newwirth/C Whitmore

Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay)

80 58

48 42

GCH CH Calico’s Colonial Rum Fire J Coutu/M Coutu CH Ches-Shores Moer Than Faith CD Z Livingstone GCH CH Chesastar Hudson Bay RN K Sosik/J Sosik GCH CH Quailridge’s Top Dee O Gee Maximilian C Macina/C Macina Albridens The Show Must Go On S Larson


23 20

GCH CH Chesabar’s Anyone Anyone T Dennis/D Glasser CH Colonial’s Spiced Rumfire J Coutu/M Coutu GCH CH Chesacolahardwoodbaltimoreraven G Sheetz GCH CH Desert Winds Eight Second Ride L Schisler/R Schisler GCH CH Spinnakers Kodiak Fisher JH C Kling

Retrievers (Curly-Coated) 10 8 4 4 2 2 2 1 1

GCH CH Kurly Kreek Artic Express S Shifflett/M Shifflett GCH CH Down Datrail Hunting Thrills CD S Macre/D Akins/G Kofron Charmstar’s Running The Moonshine A Shinkle Charmstar Travels With Ghislaine M Morris Amberlea’s Earthquake Shake W Reed GCH CH Walden Farm’s Zoot Suit Riot RN J Siebecker Sun Devil Bohemian Rhapsody Ordered By The L Rush Cottage Toll Newcastle Upon Tyne RN CGC P Stearns/M Stearns/P Sleeth Riverwatch Crescent City Postmark M Kime/G Meek/M Meek

Retrievers (Flat-Coated) 84 52 41 38 38 38 30 29 25 24

GCH CH Timberblac’s All Hands On Deck RN J Martin GCH CH Gamekeeper’s Medal Of Honor RA SH OA R Rickert/M White/L Lowy/M White GCH CH Seafox Set Sail For Blacklace M Hemming/K Kondrat GCH CH Wind Dancer’s Kick A Little K Forni GCH CH Feathurquest Moonlight Sonata R Morrill/R Briganti/M Shimizu/K Shimizu CH Windy Hill God Of Fire RN JH R Rickert/S Rickert/L Selof/M Bettis CH Windy Hill Calliope, Muse Of Zeus R Rickert/S Rickert/L Selof/M Bettis GCH CH Stormwatch Rocks U Like A Hurricane JH C Davis/K Leonhardt/A Williams GCH CH Blazin’s Joie De Vivre CD JH D Bierer/S Bierer CH Gamekeepers Carbon Night L Schmidt/R Schmidt

Retrievers (Golden)

714 GCH CH Summits Emery Its In The Bag B Johnson/J Sedivec/K Sedivec 210 GCH CH Easthill Broxden Woodland Lettuce C Collins/J Supple/S Skilkoff/J Ovalle/A 191 GCH CH Venture’s Boys N Toys T Mccray/M Mccray 165 GCH CH Summits Sonny Side Up P Wedding/M Wedding/B Johnson 156 GCH CH Shadowland’s Paws For Applause At Tristar S Dominke/M Honari 152 CH Sandpiper’s Let Freedom Ring T Tsumura 141 GCH CH Trance Mission Jp Cunard Adventure T Tsumura 116 GCH CH Wingold’s Eagle Scout RN JH J Cassella/J Cassella/J Mcdaniel/R Bell 108 GCH CH Westben Chip Van Winkle C Westergaard 95 GCH CH Gemini’s Hot Tamale C Pearce/R Pearce

Retrievers (Labrador)

271 GCH CH Belquest Deep Run Easy Peasy P Giroux/S Moses/J Moses 247 GCH CH Frakari’s Kool As Kiefer C Fisher/L Weiss 245 GCH CH Rosewater Babalu A Berarducci/R Harkow 145 CH Harlequin When Saints Come Marching D Sullenberger/T Sullenberger 92 GCH CH Brawner Creeks Penelope D Brown/N Brown 88 CH Cedarwoods Signature Browning Copied JH D Sullivan/E Matt 80 GCH CH Nipntuck Stocking Stufffer R Gorton 73 GCH CH Chambrays Celestial N Counter J Marrero/J Herzon 71 CH Everso’s Elephants & Flowers JH S Perrine 71 CH Teracrofts Ship A-Hoy S Sasser/B Shavlik

27 27 22 20 18 12 8

GCH CH Princess Cut Diamond Beekauz CD RN JH S Kauzlarich/K Kauzlarich/D Kauzlarich CH Brynwood’s Oh My Goodness CD RN E Boryczka GCH CH Roaneden’s Int’L Harvester R Jones/C Jones GCH CH Javahill Steal My Heart BN RE JH A Soderman/P Soderman CH Foxvale Avatar Best Of Times D Gibbs GCH CH Lennoxlove Susqudilla’s Mini Cooper WC R Haskin/P Campanella/M Waterstreet/J Ha GCH CH Starway Keeper Of The Stars V Anderson/L Smith

Setters (English) 88 73 52 31 29 18 18 18 16 15

GCH CH Sagebrush’s Simply Irresistible J Harris GCH CH Oakley’s B’Dazzled D Jenseh/G Jensen/E Strickland/J Strickl GCH CH Stargaz’R ‘N Wingfield Time Will Tell D Coller/P Coller/E Hackett GCH CH Colthouse’s Genuine Draft G Perry/A Carswell/A Laurier GCH CH Aerden’s Pretty In Pink JH L Engel/R Miller/V Ciaravino/B Silbernag GCH CH Colthouse Crown Royal E Hakala/A Laurier GCH CH Stagedoor It Amazes Me N Stankovic-Brown/J Savage CH Somerset Whirlwind Of Wind Dancer CA K Rodriguez/J Brimble GCH CH Linwood Resolute’s New Beginning RN CGC R Lloyd/W Lloyd GCH CH Stagedoor Pawnee Spirits To G&J G Sturm/J Sturm

Setters (Gordon) 70 69 34 26 19 17 16 16 14 14

GCH CH Sastya’s Eleven Eleven W Leonard/M Leonard GCH CH Buteo’s Midnight Silence A Johnson-Edwards/C Edwards GCH CH Albannach A Knight’s Tale JH K Parke/E Desimone/T Albers/A Albers CH Schofield Here Comes The Hard Rock L Boyce/R Schmidt GCH CH Hollyhunt Take A Chance On Me M Hunsinger/C Hunsinger GCH CH Sandpiper’s Castles In The Air D Grant/J Beattie/D Snyder/P Reilly CH Sundance Serendipity S Gift/G Anderson/B Anderson CH Thendhia Aye Of My Heart JH M Papin CH Mcq Time To Crash The Party R Weber GCH CH Saranac Toblerone E Fisher/W Fisher

Setters (Irish Red and White) 12 12 10 5 4 3 2

CH Shireoak Ice Rose K Gaut/B Parsons CH Shireoak Crimson Ice B Steinheimer/M Steinheimer/G Harrison/L GCH CH MACH4 Affinity Day Tripper RN MXC2 MJG2 P Wallace-Jones/T Tennison Mountain Star Danny Boy S Samson/H Hazen GCH CH Shireoak Spring Twister JH B Parsons/K Gaut GCH CH Aramis Farms High Road To Killary D Peterson/J Zawikowski Mountain Star Donegal H Hazen/B Hazen

Setters (Irish)

153 GCH CH Northwinds First Reign R Arch/J Arch/D Keane/N Keane 67 GCH CH Bluerose One For The Money T Peterson/C Peterson/P Booth/A Booth 66 GCH CH Dancin’ Prelude To Winter JH S Folts 47 GCH CH Mi Jean’s Reason To Believe SH NA NAJ NF A Middleton/J Holmberg 46 GCH CH Challenge Home Run M Mowry/R Robinson/P Robinson 46 GCH CH Abbeylane Tramore Above The Limit D Michaelson 32 GCH CH Antares Bobby Jones M Goeke/P Goeke 31 CH Rosette Mandolin Wind N Boshoven/L Edwards-Johnson 31 CH Avon Farm Candle In The Wind L Russell/G Browne 30 GCH CH Shine-On Just Like A Dream UD MX AXJ B Buscareno/J Buscareno

Retrievers (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling)

Spaniels (American Water)




GCH CH Tollerpride Gathering Storm J Gordon/H Gordon/R Fearon GCH CH Pikkinokka’s Lightning Bug S Einck-Paul/N Mages CH Vermilion’s Ram’Njam’N Rosco Of Tnt H Hietapelto/K Koebensky-Como


GCH CH Beavercreek’s Chance Of A Life Time L Thorsness/H Pemble GCH CH Waterway Game Crk Hot Diggity JH L Hattrem/J Hattrem/J Rose/S Rose/P Mett CH Ca- Beavercrk’s Best Kpt Secret RN CGC L Thorsness

2 2

Aspen Springs Mountain Zephyr B Stuart/L Stuart Beavercreek’s Mystic Firestorm L Thorsness/L Mcgrath/H Pemble

Spaniels (Boykin)

14 11 11 5 4 2 1

CH Pocotaligo’s Nama Karoo MH C Gebhard/K Parkman GCH CH Hollow Creek’s Texas Trace G Hurley/P Watts GCH CH Texas Trace Yellow Rose M Machala/G Hurley Brio’s Ready Here I Come D Nielsen/K Nielsen Brio’s Idog K Nielsen/D Nielsen Jc Schooner Or Later D Nielsen/J Phillips GCH CH Sunseeker Pirate’s Code L Knudsen

Spaniels (Clumber) 77 54 10 4 4 4 2 2 2 2

GCH CH Clussexx Collaboration With Traddles W Holbrook/B Dowd/A Jaramillo/M Capone/J GCH CH Nexus Total Eclipse S Miller/J Fankhauser/C Miller GCH CH Cajun’s A Change Is Gonna Come P Holman/M Cole/R Froman GCH CH Bluemoonrysn Critter Double Helix J Friis/J Sutherland Chiffon Life Goes On L Chiado/D Wahman CH Moonrysn’s It’s All About Meme J Sutherland/L Sutherland Clussexx Freddie The Frog D Bach/J Haverick Pinecliff Room To Let Fifty Cents K Wasson CH Moonrysn’s God Only Knows J Sutherland/L Sutherland/J Darcy GCH CH Shogun’s Im It N Thats That BN RN JH D Marquart

Spaniels (Cocker) ASCOB 69 31 28 28 23 19 18 16 13 12

GCH CH Kaplar’s Heartsong L Henson GCH CH HiTrails Clouds In My Eyes K Fairey GCH CH Trinity’s Tucked Under His Wing S Gray/S Dobmeier GCH CH Aspire’s Semper Paratus C Rosales/L Rosales GCH CH Blt Into The Wild B Lou/T Lam GCH CH Aspire’s Semper Forte M Wilson/D Wilson GCH CH Aspire’s Rocket Man M Reid/M Wilson GCH CH Creekridge Eye Wanna Be A Rock Starr C Bredenbeck/F Bredenbeck GCH CH Crazy Q’s N Winelight Soulful Sensation L Pino GCH CH Hartlines Keep An Eye On Me M Hart/K Brown/S Livingston

Spaniels (Cocker) Black

111 GCH CH Casablanca’s Thrilling Seduction L Moore/B Van Deman/C Douglas/M Walker 38 GCH CH Twilights Wings Of Fortune D Prock 32 GCH CH Sovran’s Aranjuez A Santos/M Buckley 31 GCH CH Sherlane Fast Forward S Luebker 23 GCH CH Toybox Starshine At Caralot C Fennelly/E Carson 19 GCH CH Amik-Creek Swiped By Marshens A Morgante/H Armour/M James 18 GCH CH Lomapoint N Lakota No Bodies Perfect J Bjelland 13 GCH CH Hartlines All About Me All About 1 J Stern 11 GCH CH Norjac’s All That Jazz L Davis 10 CH Kman’s Golden Treasure V Mackie/K Wiseman/B Reddick/S Reddick

Spaniels (Cocker) Parti

76 70 25 20 16 14 14

GCH CH Conquest’s This Is It! M Torres-Young GCH CH My-Ida-Ho N Jems Captain E Ross/S Gerling GCH CH Ka-Sa-Ra’s Positively Priceless K Korab/H Hesskew GCH CH Daystar’s Soldier Of The Cross D Hatfield GCH CH Afterglow Tristar H Cole/S Roberts GCH CH Sherwood N Winchester’s The Thunder Rolls D Eastham/K Hampton GCH CH Nosowea’N Wib’s New Brew-Who Knew! J Thorp GCH CH Sherwood & Lomapoint Captain Crunch J Bjelland/K Olsen

The Dog News 37

52 Dog News




11 11

CH Jems Not Just Another Pretty Face J Stamm/J Brickett CH Pbj’s N Janfred’s Parti Rock B Pruitt

3 1

GCH CH Remedi’s Deep In The Heart T Launder/B Launder CH Sundowners Orion Coast To Coast J Clendenon/D Clendenon/C Cooper/A Coope

Spaniels (English Cocker)

Spaniels (Welsh Springer)




47 33 29 29 28 27 26 26

GCH CH Nonnies No Doubt J Gerrish/V Umpleby GCH CH Jolyn N Indigo’s Rions Flag E Matuk/C Matuk/L Dobbins/C Bono GCH CH Blackstone Very Vassar E Courtney/A Howard/J Torres GCH CH Eclipse Wind Dancer K Volkman/C Cowley GCH CH Edgewood Casino Celebrity K Florentine/L Cornelius/M Veras CH Tevershall Dissident L Amick GCH CH Gallant Majestic Shaken Not Stirred K Belter/N Gallant/D Belter GCH CH Winfree Dream Boy At Rosecliffe K Estlund Radiance N Calypso’s Classic Bentley RN J Vandecar/K Monroe CH Dawnglow Man In Black S Laflamme/R Vanier


7 6 6 5 5 4 4 4

Spaniels (English Springer)

270 GCH CH Wynmoor Champagne Supernova C Florence/B Fink/E Kerfoot/K Goodhue-Mc 80 GCH CH Winamere N Goldcamp Simply “D” Best G Mccain/L O’Connor 62 GCH CH Designers I Think I’M In A Dance Off B Keith/C Coffield/M Coffield/A Arrant 58 GCH CH Cerise Dixieland Duchess A Summerfelt/D Cherry 49 GCH CH Hil-N-Don & Canyonwood Seemore Of Me S Pelissero/J Crouch 46 GCH CH Segre’s Brown Derby BN RA OA OAJ D Larson 38 CH Topsail Jack Black & Wright G Wright/J Wright 35 GCH CH Fairhaven Wildrose Out Of Grace NF C Jansen/K Priestley/C Marley 34 GCH CH Suncoast Wil-Orion Anticipation S Zuker/K Milne/N Siver 31 Beswin Salutaire Stolenmoments W Bessemer/B Watts

Spaniels (Field) 12 12 12 9 4 3 3 3 2 1

GCH CH Sandscape Pardon Me Boys C Dooley/N Dooley Bunch GCH CH Karomil’s Marbled Pumpernickel RN C Goodell GCH CH Nautica’s Wind River Gold RN N Dooley Bunch/D Brewer/M Bunch GCH CH Promenade Pay It Forward J Chopson/J Schildman GCH CH Cabot N Seabreeze Night Train To Wicksford S Meachem/L Carver/D O’Neil/D Mccrae GCH CH Pioneer’s Jim Bowie K Holmes GCH CH Pemberley’s Night Prowler BN RN OA NF CGC D Stover GCH CH Tamarack’s Race You To Calico S Thornhill/B Hirschy/S Snyder-Work CH Nor-Coast Sir Garrett V Kita RN A Fry CH Lacincha’s Kd Did It B Cox

Spaniels (Irish Water) 37 10 10 8 6 5 2 2 1 1

GCH CH Whistlestop’s Fire & Ice S Duncan/C Mcdaniel/C Shelby CH Navarone’s Back In Black RN P Von Bacho/L Baglia GCH CH Whistle Stop’s Wind On The Water M Cummings GCH CH Poole’s Ide Got Water RN S Duncan/C Mcdaniel/C Shelby/G Siner GCH CH Whistlestop’s Riley On Fire T Urban/B Urban/G Siner GCH CH Nawedshoe Dawns Early Lite O Freedom P Chapman GCH CH D’ Locks Look To Windward C Turner/N Turner CH Saracen Blue Thunder On The Marsh CD JH MHU S Sarracino-Deihl/R Deihl Beaufield’s Boundary Waters At Poole’s Ide B Kvarnlov/G Siner/D Patterson Quiet Storm Turbulence A Barr/D Sayers

GCH CH Trystyn Statesman Cactus Blue S Doss/S Doss/M Riese-Bassel/S Holmes GCH CH Saga’s Winsome Watson CGC J Cooley CH Rolyart’s Gracious Endeavor P Grudis CH Clussexx Win’Throp Loves Springtime J Haverick/D Massey Clussexx Steppin’ Out J Haverick/K Gonzalez CH Royailes Willem Of Windsor R Burgess/S Burgess/N Carlton/G Carlton GCH CH Rolyart’s Tale-Gator C Ford/S Traylor CH Holly House Gryffindor RE S Merriken/A Legare CH Up Norths Gunflint Tail CDX RN J Sackrison/D Sackrison GCH CH Up North All Of Me J Sackrison/D Sackrison

Spinoni Italiani 54 17 14 13 13 11 9 9 7 7

GCH CH Darby Canyon Mick Jagger D Cannon/L Williams Stanton GCH CH Couchfields Giulia At Carpe Diem S Hudson/M Brustein/D Brooks GCH CH Javal Tangerine Man J Austad/K Norton GCH CH Bela’s This Time It’s Hudson P Miller/L Miller/K Miller GCH CH Adagio’s Zenzero Piccante N Dodge/T Dodge/G Krausar GCH CH Klondike’s Frederico Ilario S Moen/C Sheridan CH Nine Gates Caruso J Kennard GCH CH Lancetta’s The Heart Of Rock & Roll J Joens/M Fornens-Joens CH Collina D’Oro Pretty Boy Pink Floyd JH R Tevis/K Tevis CH Ilvolare Down Of A Thistle K Womack


110 GCH CH Regal Point Pinnacle Of Kilauea JH D Verret/S Rushing/D Sullivan/S Middlebr 92 GCH CH Jaybren’s Irish Star J Brennan/J Brennan 78 GCH CH Just Spike JH L Busch 64 GCH CH Kezdet’s Grand Mark Gedeon N Russo 50 GCH CH Plaza’s Save The Last Dance JH D Scott 47 GCH CH Kyllburg’s Guess That’s Why They Call It The A Freyer/A Freyer 41 GCH CH Bluewater’s Fionn Mac Cumhaill Of Skipfire C Ward/L Medley 36 GCH CH Skipfire’s Bella Blu JH H Koopman/J Fowler/S Dorries 34 GCH CH Aldebaran’s Remarkable Renata D Becker/A Becker 33 GCH CH Jen’s Penny Tamaron Tiana’s Perfect Alibi D Helms/C Helms/N Guarascio/T Westerbeck


216 GCH CH Doc N’ Camelot’s Heaven Can Wait S Thomas 77 GCH CH Simpatico Equal Justice J Martin/J Logan/R Goularle 55 GCH CH Win’Weim’s It’s My Grey Goose D Massey/S Line 55 GCH CH Unity’s Bzyfeet Laverne Defazio G Mclogan/V Ruiz/A Tourond 54 GCH CH Rosewin Clasic Schwin Of Anson P Sage/A Sage/M Gearhart/W Gearhart 35 GCH CH Camelot’s The Best Of Times II J Sherry/S Thomas 32 CH Slvrlining Ventures Bird In The Hand L Sales/R Torres 28 GCH CH Diamond Mk The Eagle Has Landed M Wilson/N Lane 27 CH Silversmith Castile Aragon D Green/S Mcdaniel 23 GCH CH Sagenhaft’s Amazing Grayse C Boldrick/B Thompson

Spaniels (Sussex)

Wirehaired Pointing Griffons




6 4

GCH CH Kamand Tangled Up In Blue K Toner/A Toner CH Chatapa Jason And The Argonauts R Valenzano/C Valenzano GCH CH Stonecroft Windsong Banneker P Davern/E Tenuta/S Adams GCH CH Remedi Maritime Criminalintent A Morris/K Booth CH Hilands Out Of The Blue T Tarrant


12 10

GCH CH Fireside’s Oscar Hemingway JH C Tuttle/M Tuttle GCH CH Whiskeytown Chibuku J Tucker/K Rogney CH Marquis Bear Hug Blue Fireworks M Dozier/S Dozier/L Carroll GCH CH Kyloe’s Trekking Kb Amstel JH J Resler/J Riederer CH Aelizabeth Sir Wyldewood J Wood

7 6 6 6 5

GCH CH Bear Hug Fire In The Hole JH L Carroll/M Carroll Whiskeytown’s Eyes To The Skyy For Oozlefinch N Mantooth/L Mantooth GCH CH Bear Hug Cee Barry Rockbridge JH THD K Boehner CH Fireside’s Hollow Crown Elsy W Marlow/P Marlow GCH CH Stonehenge Spontaneous Will-O’-The Wisp D Conner-Wood

HOUND Group Afghan Hounds

135 GCH CH Tells Matrix Reloaded M Galloway 110 GCH CH Mahali Arriva Sandpiper J Baukus/D Cooley/S Neill/L Schanzle/J P 85 GCH CH Exlysta Aries Ciel Noir P Rooks/C Smith/P Schafmayer/S Ferraro 44 GCH CH Stormhill’s Sweet Dreams Of Raffica G Games/S Games/S Frei/T Vanderezee 38 GCH CH Elmo’s Martian Chronicles C Harker 36 GCH CH Simoon’s Cheve Ho Of Marquis J Plank/L Renaud/A Taillon 33 GCH CH Maya’s Mockingbird C Rahaman/A Rahaman/K Bunce 33 GCH CH Beaujon Keltic Colors P Martin/D Beauregard 26 GCH CH Xenos Condren W Slowe 23 GCH CH Komar’s Wild Violette Skye B Hall

American English Coonhounds 4 3

CH Color Me Bad Double Stuff Oreo A Alexander I’M A Diamond Of A Peach J Green

American Foxhounds 38 6 1

GCH CH Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box E Charles/L Miller CH Kiarry & Deluxe Adam’s Rib R Lux/J Lux GCH CH Orion Sundevil Luna L Patchell/D Pincheck


108 GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Halleleujah Makes A Joyful J Behles/R Walley 36 GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin J Jones/K Jones/C Kok 34 GCH CH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D’Nile SC D Nelson/M Quinnett 31 GCH CH Jokuba C-Quest First Round Knock Out R Bowen/C Russell 27 GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet T Kirstein 27 GCH CH Reveille One For The Money D Bolte’/J Lodge/K Wisch 26 GCH CH Mardi Gras’ Oliver Twist M Graves/C Graves 24 GCH CH Dragnquests Prize Trebbiano For My-Tym D Lowit/R Newton/J Jones/T Jones 22 GCH CH Klassic’s Slam Dunk S Gruber-Kite/J Gillespie 20 GCH DC Baraka Jumoke Salish Samish SC P Bowlus-Root/W Bowlus-Root/B Gregory/L

Basset Hounds

102 GCH CH Barnyard 3 Oaks Spark Of Hope C Lane/V Mcmackin/C Kremenek/P Harder 76 GCH CH Topsfield-Sanchu Eenie Meenie Miney Moe C Orlandi/C Steidel 41 GCH CH Topsfield-Sanchu Bibidy-Bobidy-Boo C Orlandi/C Steidel 34 GCH CH Desiree Acres Dozer J Mack/J Casey 34 GCH CH Gypsy’s Pert ‘Neer’ Perfect K Collier/D Hagy 31 CH Topstone’s Ol’ South’s Savannah J Rivera/K Joiner 25 GCH CH Fairytail’s Semper Fi J Aitken/S Aitken 25 CH Desiree Acres Ichabod M Lukins/R Lukins 21 GCH CH Kahl Me Foxglen’s Cool Dude B Kahl 20 CH Silverado Next Top Model M Tysseling/J Tysseling

Beagles (13 in. and under) 81 57

GCH CH Bougain’E Naughty-N-Lovely Alvin S Adungchongruk/S Ott GCH CH Vinla-Cabaret’s Gold Standard S Ayers/K Brooks GCH CH Encore’s Rerun Of Roirdan C Kaplan/C Herr/T Nesmith/E Dziuk

17 11 8 7 4 3 3

CH Newpoint’s Criminal Mind M Hill/C Hill/A Owen GCH CH Ursa Minor’s Full Moon Of Mpw RN C Morris/D Metcalf-Morris CH Vinla’s L.A.Ink J Lux/K Brooks CH Shoreviews Mango B Tague/A Lambie Tarr Hill Promise Kept J Hendricks GCH CH Windkist Bossa Nova L Bertagnolli/C Stahle GCH CH Everwind’s Tira’s On My Mind J Wurst

Beagles (over 13 in.) 79 55 48 40 29 23 19 19 15 14

GCH CH Lokavi’s Battle Flag Of The South J Bell/L Norman GCH CH Tashtins Lookin For Trouble L Crandlemire/K Crandlemire/B Cavanaugh/ GCH CH Just Wright The Full Monty RN J Wright/L Breyson/B Ott GCH CH Barrister’s Manhattan Melodrama B Manifold GCH CH Titus Rough And Tumble K Rose/M Rose/M Austin GCH CH K-Run’s We Could Have Had It All Around K Weichert/J Rodes GCH CH X’Plorers Way To Goal P Kanchana GCH CH Bridgehill’s Mr. Mason’s Misbehavin’ D Milke/G Milke GCH CH Cherry Creek Believe It Or Not R Biesiedzinski/V Biesiedzinski/T Skinne GCH CH Woodland West’s Wallet Candy L Clark/K Clark/T Knox

Black and Tan Coonhounds 20 17 15 8 6 5 4 4 3 2

GCH CH Windbourne Hd Ranch King Of The Road S Campbell/C Rutten/T Skinner/S Skinner GCH CH Windbourne Every Hand’s A Winner A Mitchell CH Windbourne Like A Rock S Campbell GCH CH Bayaway Jersey’s Due Process Of Law G Rezendes/D Rezendes/J Stora GCH CH Jazzman Comebacker Z Bolin CH Kalan’s Lucky Lager M Fackrell Jazzman Southern Pacific Big Boy J Magenau/Z Bolin GCH CH CSG Orionredsea-Windbourne Old Faithful M Finch GCH CH Jerseys Hattie Belle J Magenau/A Magenau GCH CH Kalan’s Ramblin Rose Of Oak Hill O Owens/A Willard/K Willard

Bloodhounds 80 24 21 9 8 6 5 5 5 4

GCH CH Quiet Creek’s Kiss And Tell S Lacroix/H Whitcomb GCH CH Flessner’s International S’Cess S Vancamp/H Helmer/Z Helmer GCH CH Badgershill Muldoon Of Heather L Sherman Benthe Of Joyful Happiness T Winkley GCH CH Quiet Creeks Double Or Nothing For Heather H Whitcomb/S Hamil GCH CH Soonipi Friends In Low Places Mlh K Dewey/S Katos GCH CH Flessner’s International Space Station At J Mcdonald CH Citation’s First And Foremost C Mcardle CH Fane De Badea Gheo T Winkley CH Yahoo’s Pearl Necklace D Lockridge

Bluetick Coonhounds 9 6 5 4 2 1

Plum Tree’N Hootchy Cootchy P Bodeving/K Bodeving GCH CH Live Oaks Call Me Kryptonite S Lloyd Sidearm Brando Of Johnson Crk J Mills/L Mills Cedar Creek’s Tellin Secrets B Fischer Harper’s Blue Annie In Paradise R Greuel Bawlin’Blues Stormy Monday Z Lewis/L Snyder

Borzois 56 50 50

GCH CH Aruzia Priority One JC L Scott/J Scott GCH CH Vento Danza Versachi Of The Wild Hunt D Burkholder/C Cedeno/B Waldkirch CH Sylvan Pewter Gazelle C Neale/P Neale GCH CH Majenkir Bookstor Glamour Girl K Staudt-Cartabona/K Spey

Top Ten List 3




CoNtiNueD oN page 112

AS OF JANUARY 31, 2013

Based on breed competition Dog News 53


ith quarantine noW gone in the uK, the

doors were open for breeding programmes to be extended, and in some cases, breeds were saved from virtual extinction. So when the top stud and top broods leagues are announced it’s always interesting to see ‘what came from where’. For the second year running, Top Stud Dog all breeds is the Irish setter Show Ch Caskeys Concept at Aoibheanne. He is a great-great-grandson of Sh ch Kerryfair Night Fever who won this award five times in succession. Another Irish setter to win the trophy was Night Fever’s double grand-son Sh Ch Caspians Intrepid. Moving up one position into second place, and topping the hounds for the second year is the American-bred Basenji Ch/American champion Kazor’s Make Way For Riley. He is owned by Dee Hardy and Trish Hallam in partnership with his breeder Carol Webb and is by Am Dual Ch Taki’s Classic Architecture ex Am Ch Kazors Ima Lilytoo. He himself a group and reserve best in show winner. ‘Riley’ was imported as a mate for his aunt, the famous Ch/ Am Ch Klassic’s Million Dollar Baby, and two mating’s to her produced several cc winners including the top Basenji for 2012 Ch Tokaji California Dreaming. In third place is the most familiar of faces, the Hungarian Vizsla Sh Ch/Aus Ch Hungargunn Bear It’n mind, arguably Britain’s most famous showdog of all time, whose death l announced recently. Bred in Australia by Naomi Cragg and sired by Aus Gr Ch Hubertus Dealers choice ex Aus Ch Hungargunn Unforgettable, he was owned jointly by her and Kathryn Armstrong. In all, he has sired 18 champions. On a personal level, it gives me great satisfaction to say that in fourth place is the Bichon Frise Ch Pamplona Bring Me Sunshine, owned by Michael Coad and top dog breeds in 2011, and now top toy stud for 2012. Also bred by Michael, ‘Eric’ is a multiple best in show winner, sired by Pamplona Harry potter ex Pamplona By request. He retired at Crufts having taken the cc record from his grand sire, the great Ch/Am Ch Paray’s I Told You So. Michael of course had something to follow on and his son Ch Pamplona Brings It On became top Bichon for 2012 and another son Ch Chasnaz Touch of Frost at Pamplona, the 2012 ‘Pup of the Year’ winner also gained his title and Ch Arthlorns Ready to Rumble won the Eukenuba ch stakes final and represented the UK at the World Challenge in Florida, where Ireland’s representative, was amazingly, another son of his. Topping the working group is the Dobermann Ch Amazon El Torro, this kennel has produced some great Dobes over the years and great input to the breed. Owned by Clive and Nancy Evans and sired by the breed record holder Ch/Lux Supetas Ozzy Osbourne ex Ch Amazon She Will Be Loved. And we have another gundog in sixth place, and another bred in a famous kennel. Sh Ch Asquannes Gillespie, the black cocker Spaniel, bred by Anne and the late Allan Webster. A very

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British SCENE By Geoff Corish

consistent breeder and he is bred from two other Asquannes champions, Sh Ch Gonzales and his grand-daughter Sh Ch Georgette. We had a Dobe in fifth, and now have his father in seventh place, that of Ch/Lux ch Supetas Ozzy Osbourne. His sire is the Russian import Ch Korifey iz Zoosfery ex Ch Supetas Enuf Alredi. He is the current breed record holder and was top Doberman in 2012. In eighth place is the dual-BIS-winning Afghan Ch Saxonmill Rum Tum Tio, owned and bred by Roberta Hall and by the Danish import Ch/Int/Sw/Ir/Dan/Lux/Bel Ch Exxos Gameboy at Zharook ex Ch Saxonmill Jellicle Jett, who was twice all-breeds top brood bitch. A Border Collie, bred in Finland, heads the herding group. His name must be a spelling nightmare!! Sh Ch Pikkupaimenen Great Pretender at Lochiel, as l previously said, bred in Finland by Sari Solanti and co-owned by her and Heather Turner. He is sired by the Australian-bred Aus/Am/Fin/Est ChNahrof The Cohort ex Fin/Am Ch Pikkupaimenen Front Page News. Topping the terriers is a breed that often tops the number of dogs in this group, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. So in tenth place it is Ch/ Ir/Int Ch Lackyle Diabhai Og. Bred in Ireland by James Byrnes and owned in the UK by Fred Jones. Sired by Knockon The Divil Himself at Kilvana ex Ir Ch Lackyle Solas Na Gealai. And in `11 place, is the winner of the non-sporting group, the fawn French Bulldog ch friend De La Parure. Of course bred in the famous Belgium kennel of Victor, Ricky, Dimitry and Chantal van Ramsdonk and owned in the UK by Darren Friend. He comes from a long line of De La Parure champions and ‘friend’ is sired by Confucious De La Parure ex the Italian-bred Luce del Mielocchi dell’Akiris”. Last time l gave you the winners of the top stud dogs in the UK. This time it’s the ladies turn, those unsung heroes, who always seem to be left in the background but whose contributions are tremendous. As in the stud dog table, we have a second consecutive victory in the top brood bitch competition. Overall winner is the US bred and imported tri colored Basenji CoNtiNueD oN page 92

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*The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed

Dog News 57



he highly publicized aTTacks on The dog fancy that appeared in the New York Times on the eve of and on the first day of Westminster continue to raise the ire of many. The Times printed the American Kennel Club’s reply to being bashed on Sunday, Feb. 17th, in the form of a letter from AKC President and Chief Executive Dennis Sprung (see ‘The AKC Speaks’ on pg. 30 of this issue). Mr. Sprung’s clear and concise missive — the Times limits responses to 150 words and edits as it sees fit — addressed many of the inaccuracies and opinions presented by the Times’ reporters in the Feb. 10th article. In telling fashion, however, Mr. Sprung’s letter was followed by not one but two letters that further questioned the AKC’s motives and operations. Fair and balanced the NY Times has not been when it comes to the AKC. One would think that an organization such as the AKC, which calls New York City home (it has a second home in North Carolina), would receive not exactly a home court advantage so to speak but at the very least a fair shake at answering its detractors. Nobody expects a homer a la Michael Kay pimping the Yankees on the YES network but equal time via a point/counterpoint shouldn’t be too much to ask. The AKC is, after all, an organization that has repeatedly shown its commitment to the canines and citizens of the Big Apple. In the wake of 9/11, the AKC was instrumental in getting needed equipment to Ground Zero to treat Search and Rescue Teams. It then created DOGNY as a tribute to Search and Rescue Dogs, which raised over $100,000 for SAR organizations nationwide, as well as the AKC CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund, to further support professional and volunteer SAR organizations throughout the country. More recently, the AKC established the Sandy Fund to assist organizations that provide support and services for dogs and owners who suffer from natural disasters — not only from Superstorm Sandy, but in the event of future disasters as well. Both the AKC and The Westminster Kennel Club kicked in $10,000 apiece to establish this fund. When the New York Yankees sought to help dogs and their owners in the region that were displaced and affected by Sandy, they reached out to Mr. Sprung at the AKC, who, in turn, contacted Jason Taylor

at Eukanuba, which arranged for 44 tons of dog food to be delivered to Yankee Stadium and distributed throughout the area. Such good deeds aren’t only performed in the wake of disasters and terrorist attacks, they are a common occurrence. The AKC Humane Fund helps so many people and dogs in so many ways, awarding scholarships and grants, including donations to women’s shelters that permit pets. The AKC Canine Health Foundation has funded over $35 million since 1995 for research and educational programs to prevent, treat and cure canine diseases. But apparently the NY Times and its reporters aren’t interested in those types of stories or don’t find them controversial enough. The NY Times’ policy of determining whether to allow a rebuttal to be printed in the same section of the same edition of the newspaper (in this instance, the Sports Section of the Sunday paper) must be re-examined. By the time such a rebuttal appears (if it appears at all) in this age of ultra connectedness and instant communication, an impression has already been made and public opinion swayed. The tens of thousands of dog show fanciers, enthusiasts and media personnel that descended upon NYC were long gone by the time Mr. Sprung’s reply was printed in the Times, thus limiting its effectiveness. Heck, preparations are already being made for next year’s Westminster. It’s hoped that the AKC is making preparations to head off such future public attacks as well. Instead of resorting to damage control and being on the defensive, the AKC must thwart such attacks by becoming more proactive; put the animal rights extremists on the defensive for a change and don’t leave it up to organizations such as to expose the agendas of the Humane Society of the United States, PETA and others of their ilk. Maybe it’s time for Chairman Kalter, the advertising and PR guru and former CEO and Chairman of Doner (the largest independent ad agency in terms of revenue in the US), who provided the AKC with its “We’re more than Champion Dogs. We’re the dog’s champion” slogan and ad campaign pro bono several years back, to invest some of the $60 million reserve fund left behind from prior regimes into television advertising promoting the value of the AKC, its breeders and purebred dogs. Yes, such a cam-

business as usual? ByShaun Coen

58 Dog News

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GCh. Evergreen’s Girls in White Dresses

Judge Dr. Roger Pritchard Owner: Jane Cooney-Waterhouse Handlers: Stan and Jane Flowers, DHG • Dog News 59

are Breeds Of The World by Agnes Buchwald

Nederlandse Kooikerhondje or Dutch Kooikerhondje The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore. — Vincent Van Gogh* No one has ever become poor by giving. — Anne Frank**


have already talked about Netherland, also referred as Holland, but equally to the before commented countries Holland has many more unknown fascinating sights, secrets, and yes, some more rare dog breeds, too. It is impressive how much history and culture lies in the towns of The Netherlands. Netherland has two capital cities; the official one since the 19th. Century is Amsterdam, but (since 1584) also is Hague were the seat of the government is. Hague’s history dates back to premedieval times when many artists and craftsmen migrated to the city which is the reason of Hague having an enormous and rich art heritage. The Netherlands were an Imperial power with its own unique language, and the inhabitants are proud of its history and culture. There is a historical dialect spoken in Friesland, which is almost impenetrable to outsiders. Nederland’s (meaning “Low Country”) has 16,783,092 inhabitants, and an area of 41,543 square ki-

* Vincent Willem van Gogh (30 March 1853 – 29 July 1890) was a Dutch postImpressionist painter whose work, notable for its rough beauty, emotional honesty and bold color, had a far-reaching influence on 20th-century art. After years of painful anxiety and frequent bouts of mental illness, he died aged 37 from a gunshot wound, generally accepted to be self-inflicted (although no gun was ever found). The world’s recognition arrived only after his tragic death. 60 Dog News

** Annelies “Anne” Marie Frank, German born (12 June 1929 – early March 1945), was one of the most discussed Jewish victims of the Holocaust. Her diary has been the basis for several plays and films. She lived most of her life in Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. She gained international fame posthumously after her diary was published. It documents her experiences hiding during the German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II.

lometers. The Dutch United Provinces declared their independence from Spain in 1579. At the 17th century the country became an important seafaring and commercial power, owner of several settlements and colonies around the world. After the French occupation (of 20 years) the Kingdom of the Netherlands was formed in 1815. The Netherlands remained neutral in World War I, but suffered invasion and occupation by Germany in World War II. A modern, industrialized nation, the Netherlands is also a large exporter of agricultural products. The country was a founding member of NATO and the EU. There are thousands of items important to mention about Holland as the 2007 UNICEF’s report on child well being ranked the best country in the world. New York City of US started as a Dutch colony and was called New Amsterdam. First sold as a medicine the Gin was created in Netherland and named Jenever. Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania as well as the Mauritius Islands were discovered by the Dutch. I just learned that the Dutch (in 1610) were the second to introduce the tea to Europe, and the first to popularize it in the US. This item deserves a special note; the Portuguese Jesuit Father Jasper de Cruz was the first European to bring this beverage to Europe. Later Holland would also begin trades with East Asia. Holland first introduced Tea to America. It was introduced in 1650 to the personnel of the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam (modern day New York). Tea was not introduced to England for two more years, making them the last of the major nations of the time to partake in this highly popular beverage. England would have a huge influence over tea, resulting in several wars including the American Revolution. The Boston Tea Party of December 16, 1773, took place when a group of Massachusetts Patriots, protesting the monopoly on American tea importation recently granted by Parliament to the East India Company, seized 342 chests of tea in a midnight raid on three tea ships and threw them into the harbor. The government has legalized same sex marriage since 2001 and euthanasia in 2002. The country has art-

ists such as Rembrandt, Vermeer, and Vincent Van Gogh. Dutch inventors created the telescope, the pendulum clock, the mercury thermometer, and the Dutch “Philips” company created the Audio-Tape, the Video-Tape, the Compact Disc, and the CDROM. As we can observe the country is famous for more than its clog, 1810 windmills, and tulips. Did you know that KLM the Dutch Airline was founded in 1919 and is the longest running national airline in the world? Amsterdam has besides the Van Gogh and Anne Frank, many more museums worth the visit. And there is the town I talked about already, but will refresh my admiration for; the city of Giethoorn, the beautiful and quiet little village unique in that road is almost nonexistent. Giethoorn is connected by waterways and paths and some biking trails. Visitors are always welcomed and encouraged to rent an electric and noiseless “Whisper Boat” to explore this little piece of heaven.


always wondered why the color orange Is assocIated with the Netherlands? The first time I saw the Dutch national soccer team playing in the World Cup, as many people I also was surprised, of the fact that besides the team all the soccer fans were wearing orange? The colors of the Dutch flag are red, white and blue there’s no orange at all, so why the orange? I went on digging, and learned that the orange carrots first appeared in Netherland in 16th century, and was selected from the white, red, back, and purple ones. The orange carrot was homage from the people to the House of Oranje-Nassau whose existence dates back to Willem van Oranje (William of Orange). Finally the color orange has royal roots in the Netherlands, and symbolizes pride in the country and in being Dutch. This complex and interesting land is also the home of the Nederlandse Kooikerhondje. The name derives from a duck trap called “kooi”, used by hunters along the canals in the Netherlands, “Hond” means hound dog; “je” is a suffix meaning small. ”Nederlandse” refers to the dog’s country of origin. The literal translation is “a small hound dog from The Netherlands who works with the hunter who uses the kooi trap.” There is a history that a Kooikerhondje is an important dog in its country because it saved the life of Prince William of Orange from an assassination plot. The dog barked at the assassins, awakened and alerted the Prince, who was able to escape. During the sixteenth century the Dutch used an interesting way of hunting ducks, a trap they call eendenkooi were built on ponds that were frequented by ducks. Kooikerhondje was taken from the name of the trap. It also means “decoy dog” and “dog of the decoy boss”. This spaniel type dog also goes by the name of Kooiker Hound, Kooiker Dog, Small Dutch Waterfowl Dog, and Dutch Decoy Dog. Upon the hunter’s hand signals, the Kooikers would start catching the duck’s atCoNtiNueD oN page 98

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IRVING’s ImpRessIoNs CoNtiNueD FRoM page 14

QUALITy OF THE DOGS ENTERED Another difference between these two prestige shows, and part of the cause of the differences in size, is the difference in the respective qualifiers. Clearly the Westminster bar is set higher than for Crufts and this, as well as the fact that all breed shows in the USA are normally much smaller than those in the UK generally, must be the two main reasons why one show is much larger than the other. That brings us to another issue – namely the quality of the dogs being shown. That is a very dangerous subject on which to embark. I would certainly not go as far as to call the Crufts entries “nothing more than farm dogs”. This is an expression that was once used by some notable American visitors to the show. But my own opinion is that it is inevitable, just because of the simple force of numbers, that the overall average quality of the dogs at Crufts is likely to be less than at Westminster. The same is likely to be said of the overall presentation of the dogs. But equally, now that the Crufts Committee has begun to look rather more carefully at the qualifications of the individual breed judges, I would argue that the quality of the dogs at the top at Crufts is generally just as good as at Westminster. PRESENTATION When it comes to presentation, comparison of the two shows becomes even more complicated and even more fraught. Many will argue that the presentation of the dogs at Westminster is far better than at Crufts. I think that very much depends on your definition of ‘better’. There are some who would say that in some breeds, presentation at shows in the USA including Westminster is totally ‘over the top’. My view is probably quite controversial and that is that the more dog shows become grooming contests the less likely they are to survive and prosper. The more difficult we make it for the average dog owner to compete with their dogs at shows, the more likely is the dog fancy to decline in popularity with participants, and to decline in social acceptability in the eyes of the general public at large. Is the fact that they are not ‘fancy’ enough one of the reasons there were 13 Border Terriers at Westminster but there will be 274 at Crufts? But that is perhaps a subject to develop on another occasion – not here. OWNERSHIP OF THE SHOW A further area of contrast is the respective ownership of Westminster and that of Crufts. Crufts is now (since 1939) owned by TKC and Westminster is very much not owned by the AKC! It may not be well known in the USA but Crufts Show started its life as the personal (for profit) property of Charles Cruft himself. In the early years it was one of the few shows here in the UK run, not by a club or a kennel club or a dog show society, but instead by a private individual. And what is more Charles Crufts

64 Dog News

was a great showman and made good money out of the business venture. He is often described here as the British Barnum and my old friend the late Frank Jackson in his book on the history of Crufts says: “His wife, Emma, acted as his treasurer, and his Secretary from 1925 until his death, was Miss Hardingham. The staff at his home at 12, Highbury Grove, London consisted of Kit his cook, Gillow his chauffeur, his maids Sophie and Beattie, and Barlow his gardener. Doubtless, his country home at Windmill Farm, Coulsdon Common, Surrey also had its staff. Charles Cruft lived very comfortably on the proceeds of his show.” After Charles Cruft died in 1938 his wife successfully ran the 1939 show. It was well known however that Mrs Crufts didn’t want to carry on running the event and a number of people expressed an interest in buying the rights to the show. Eventually TKC wakened up to this fact and made a bid for the show. The price paid by TKC for the show is reputed to have been quite a small amount but even so with the outbreak of WW2 in 1939 TKC may have wondered if it had actually done the right thing. No major shows were held in the UK between 1939 and 1946. Anyway the first Crufts Show held in the ownership of TKC was held in 1948 and since then the event has never really looked back. OTHER ACTIVITIES It is probably the fact that Crufts Show is owned by TKC that has allowed it, and indeed maybe even forced it, to develop all of the other activities that it now incorporates. Unlike Westminster, Crufts caters for all dogs, pedigree and non-pedigree. It has huge sections for Agility, Obedience, FlyBall and Heelwork to Music, as well as a major section for Discover Dogs (Meet the Breeds.) There are also separate rings for TKC’s Good Citizen Dog Training Program and for various activities of the young Kennel Club. There is a large area of the show devoted to canine health and the Health Zone showcases just what TKC and purebred breeders and breed clubs are doing for the future benefit of purebred dogs. The whole event, lasting four days in all, is used by TKC to promote all of its activities and to act as a celebration of everything to do with dogs - whether they are purebred dogs or otherwise. In a sense you might describe Crufts as a larger British version of Westminster plus the AKC Invitational combined into one event. IT’S THE DIFFERENCES THAT MAKE THEM UNIQUE As can be seen from the above there are similarities and differences between these two shows but we should probably take more time to celebrate the differences rather more than the similarities. It is, after all, those differences that ensure the uniqueness of these two great world renowned dog shows!

Dog News 65

by Sharon Pflaumer

Fatty Fatty 2x4, Couldn’t Fit Through The Doggie Door! Vet school opens animal obesity clinic in response to the estimated 88.4 million overweight pets.


et obesity is a serious health problem. Research studies have linked it to diabetes, respiratory disease, pancreatitis, skin disease, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia (high fat levels in the blood), some types of cancer, osteoarthritis as well as poorer quality of life and shortened lifespan. Recent studies also have shown that between 60 and 70 percent of dogs and cats are obese or overweight according to veterinarians. To address this burgeoning issue, the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University opened The Tuft’s Obesity Clinic for Animals in September 2012. It’s one of the first obesity clinics for pets in the nation and is located at the Henry and Lois Foster Hospital for Small Animals in Grafton, MA.

The new clinic, which has three board-certified clinical nutritionists on staff, focuses on three areas. The first is providing effective weight loss programs for pets deemed overweight and obese, i.e., hard-to-manage cases, pets with multiple medical conditions, and pets in multiple pet homes. The second is educating veterinary professionals and the general pet-owning public on how to prevent, identify and combat obesity in dogs and cats. The third is conducting state-of-the art clinical research on the optimal methods for the treatment and prevention of obesity. Deborah E. Linder, DVM, DACVN, is the clinic’s Head and one of its Board-certified Clinical Nutritionists. In the following interview, she discusses various aspects of pet obesity; including its diagnosis, treatment and prevention as well as recent research. What is the scope of the problem?

Dr. Linder: Obesity is an incredibly serious and widespread problem. In my clinical experience, I’ve seen it affect pets of all ages. We have seen patients ranging in age from a 10 month-old puppy to a 16 year-old cat. What is the biggest challenge when treating overweight or obese pets?

The Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University opened the nation’s first animal obesity clinic solely dedicated to the treatment of overweight pets and headed by a board-certified veterinary nutritionist. Jasmine Arnold (pictured) is one of the dogs benefitting from treatment. She weighed 18 lbs. initially, and dropped to 15 lbs. The Schnauzer lost weight very slowly over a period of about a year due to all of her medical conditions. Photo: Michele Arnold. 66 Dog News

Dr. Linder: Oftentimes, the biggest challenge we face at the clinic is convincing owners they need our help! Studies have shown that owners underestimate their dog’s body condition score and thus may not be aware of the health consequences that overweight status may have on their dogs. [Body condition scoring is a method for evaluating the amount of body fat. It combines visual assessment with palpitation.] One of the goals of the clinic is to educate owners and veterinarians and thereby raise awareness of the significance of this issue. In addition to posting a website [ vet/obesity/faq.html] with frequently asked questions about pet obesity, I’ve been visiting local veterinarians in order to help them better communicate the problem to pet owners. In the upcoming year, we also hope to offer continuing education directly to owners and veterinarians in a webinar format.

Given the estimated number of obese dogs and cats, apparently, owners have trouble dealing with the problem even when they know their pet is overweight. Why is that?

Dr. Linder: I have tried to answer that question in my research. For example, when we compared diets marketed for weight loss, we found it’s very confusing for owners because there are a wide range of weight loss diets being marketed. In some cases, some pets actually would gain weight on these diets if the feeding directions were followed! [See http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/pubmed/20043803.] We also are looking at what we can do to make weight loss more effective and safer. To that end, we are conducting several studies that investigate the optimal nutrient profile of weight loss diets. One was published already and another will be published soon. [See http://] Are canine patients referred to the obesity clinic by other veterinarians and, if so, on what basis?

Dr. Linder: We see pets at any weight above ideal. Patients come to us in one of two ways: directly at the owner’s request or at the suggestion of a local veterinarian. For example, some owners have a hard time maintaining their pet’s weight when exercise restriction is necessary due to an orthopedic injury. They need help adjusting calorie intake during that time period. How is obesity treated?

Dr. Linder: Much of the process involves discussing the environment at home and identifying challenges to weight loss in the past. Selecting an ideal diet for each patient, calculating calorie requirements, and discussing exercise when it’s possible are all critical. But those steps won’t be successful alone unless the whole pet is considered–including its lifestyle and home environment. Are dogs usually put on a prescription diet food?

Dr. Linder: Each pet has different nutrient needs and each family situation is different. Many pets come to us with comorbidities [other medical conditions], so we have to be careful in our selection of a diet. However, all pets need a high nutrient to calorie ratio to ensure they receive all of the essential nutrients while restricting calories. Some do well with a higher fiber ration because they feel fuller. But others may be fiber intolerant or owners may have trouble adjusting to the increased defecation that increased fiber causes. It’s a matter of individualizing the plan to meet the needs of each patient and family.

Could a home-cooked weight loss diet recipe be fed?

Dr. Linder: Optimizing a home-cooked diet for weight loss can be very challenging and thus is discouraged. Ensuring that all essential nutrients are met while decreasing calories often requires multiple reformulations. Commercial diets are recommended during the weight loss process. Once target weight has been reached, a home-cooked diet recipe can be formulated so pets maintain their optimal weight. Couldn’t owners just feed less of their dog’s regular food?

Dr. Linder: In some cases, this may work. However, many foods designed for maintenance feeding may not provide enough essential nutrients if restricted to the amount necessary to induce weight loss. We want to reduce calories while ensuring the pet is still getting all the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. For those pets needing severe dietary restriction in particular, a specially formulated therapeutic diet is the safest way to avoid nutrient deficiency. Can treats still be given?

Dr. Linder: Yes! We want to ensure that pets are happy while losing weight, so we try to include treats as a part of the weight loss plan. Food reserved from the daily food allotment can be given as a treat, or there are some low calorie commercial treats and fresh foods we recommend. Are there any drugs available to treat obesity in dogs?

Dr. Linder: I’m aware of one medication in the U.S. It’s called Slentrol. What does it do and when is it prescribed?

Dr. Linder: Slentrol works by reducing appetite in dogs. However, the medication has limitations and must be considered on an individual basis for each pet. For example, it could be considered in a household where some family members have trouble participating in the weight loss program–such as when a family member has Alzheimer’s. This medication is not for every dog and veterinarians still must address behaviors and lifestyles in the family or the weight lost will be regained after the medication is discontinued. Slentrol is for the treatment of obesity in dogs only and is not suitable for cats.

What type of exercise and how much is recommended to facilitate weight loss?

Dr. Linder: The amount and frequency of exercise is dependent on the patient. For example, some dogs may have joint problems and thus have exercise restriction. Many others do well with low intensity activity such as walking, swimming, or underwater treadmill work. Because dogs have to turn quickly [when they do it], retrieving a ball may put additional pressure on their joints. So, it isn’t recommended as a low intensity exercise that would build-up muscle without putting pressure on the joints. At what rate should owners expect their dog to lose weight?

Dr. Linder: We recommend a slow and gradual rate of weight loss. It has been shown to reduce the risk of regaining weight and encourage fat loss instead of muscle. We aim for most pets to lose 1% of their body weight per week and no more than 2% per week. After the weight is lost is there risk pets will regain it?

Dr. Linder: Yes. Studies have shown that pets can regain the weight they lost more easily than pets that were never overweight. We carefully instruct owners on weight maintenance because many dogs will need lifelong calorie restriction. What steps may owners take to prevent obesity in the first place?

Dr. Linder: They should assess their pet’s body condition score and talk with their veterinarian about how many calories their pet needs. After dogs are neutered or spayed, their calorie requirements can decrease by up to 30%. So, owners should reassess their pet’s body condition [after these surgeries] and discuss appropriate amounts to feed with their veterinarian. What guidelines may owners use to determine if their pet is obese?

Dr. Linder: We use a body condition scoring system to help determine the amount of body fat an animal has. It’s based on the amount of fat covering a pet’s ribcage. When owners feel their dog or cat around its ribcage, it should feel no more padded than the back of their hand. Is there anything else you would like to add?

Dr. Linder: Obesity is an area of special interest to me because we can have the most impact on it. It is not only preventable but completely treatable. Dog News 67

b a bbling Brain Washed??? CoNtiNueD FRoM page 26

hours trying to remove these unwanted hair strawsone of the dogs I showed was disqualified by a German judge due to “weisse stickelhaar” and the same if there was any shade of grey or brown in the coatand the coat did not have the correct texture all the way down to their feet: Out! Some of these judges would have a fit if they saw some of the coats winning today, not only in this country, but even Europe. And of course if you tried to show a Boxer with an unpigmented third eyelid- you were automatically out! The same applied in some cases to English Cockers.

of a beautiful dog, maybe a stand-out in the breed or the class thinking: Shoot…I have to grab myself by the neck not to succumb to old learnt in, negative way of condemning a dog due to faults- instead of weighing them up against the virtues. Of course there are faults, particularly those who affect breed type, which have to be penalized, but teeth are probably the most common reason why dogs are “dumped”. To judge a bite and eye color is easy, but to judge type, balance, proportions, angulation, eye –and ear placement, coat texture, movement etc. is a totally different cup of tea- and they are all ingredients to be taken into consideration when making your decisions.

So showing a dog of any breed which did not have an absolutely correct mouth, was completely out of the question- and the same applied to movement. In these areas there was really no room for compromise. That was the way I was raised- and that was what I carried with me into the world of terriers. In Scandinavia I would never even consider showing a Wire Fox Terrier-or any other breed- with a tooth missing or not a completely perfect bite. This was also the attitude I took with me when moving to the UK, but after having judged a few times over there and had opened few mouths- I decided to show a very pretty bitch who had 2 missing teeth- and she became an easy champion. But because of the mouth, I never bred from her, but gave her away as a pet. Another bitch which was also an English champion, purchased unseen, produced one puppy with 2 teeth missing- so she was also given away as a pet. I have regretted these stupid decisions many times since, but what opened my eyes was a conversation with Raymond Oppenheimer. Well, not really a conversation at the time as I was in awe of this person, so mainly listened to his philosophy! Anyone who ever read his books or listened to him talk about judging/breeding Bull Terriers will know that what he preached was exactly the opposite of what I was being taught in my early years in this sport.

As a breeder it is of utmost importance that you work with a vet who also knows and understands what this is all about. And when we moved to the UK we found a real gem. This was a gentleman of the old school and on his list of clients were people like Oppenheimer, Cartledge and Sutton. He was also a Track Vet for the local Greyhound Racecourse- and I remember early on bringing a bitch puppy to him –sold as a pet due to a wrong mouth- for a health certificate! When I mentioned to him I wanted the pups mother spayed and intended to give her away as a pet, he asked WHY?: What are the other pups like? They were lovely, but I had decided to let them go due to this one bad mouth! He told me I needed my brain checked- as this was the stupidest thing he’d ever heard- and he lectured me about selective breeding- and again to look for the positives… So without knowing it Dr. Guthrie and Raymond Oppenheimer actually have a lot to answer for when it comes to the way I look at breeding and dogs in general. The fact that I during all those years I bred Wire Fox Terriers only had 2 undershot puppies is of course something I am proud of- but what I lost in other respects by being overly selective, will forever remain a mystery. Breeding dogs, raising and training puppies have always been my favorite parts of this hobby. The shows are of course important- as breeding “something” to win with is what we are aiming for. But what really drove and inspired me was- and is -the fact that I love dogs and that having them around just makes me feel good ! Hopefully most of you feel the same way and not show dogs just to have something to win with…

I think this changed my way of looking at thingsall of a sudden focusing on i.e. head qualities and breed type and prioritize that over a incorrect bite, erratic movement etc., etc. But I really had to work on it. And even today I catch myself opening a mouth

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he hecTic WesTminsTer Weekend is of course much more than Westminster on Monday and Tuesday--it is preceded by scores of Specialty Shows primarily in the Meadowlands of Secaucus, New Jersey and the Shows at the Pennsylvania-this year had the addition of a blizzard thrown in hitting the Northeast pretty hard and reducing to shambles the entries of these Specialties primarily those held on Friday and Saturday. Many people were concerned it would affect the Piers as well but fortunately that was minimized due to the superior clean-up in both the City and at the Piers--except of course for those of you in Connecticut or Massachusetts who were basically snowed in for at least a day or two. One of our pressing concerns was getting the February 8th issue into the Piers on time and thanks to Paul Reilly and his PRSCourier Service all this was accomplished as though there was no storm at all. Paul is a good dogman who is a pilot as well and runs this Courier Service so if ever you need this kind of work I strongly suggest seeking his services out. As many of you are aware people begin arriving on the Wednesday before the Show and with the problems and expense inherent in the flying of dogs these days to say nothing of the unpredictability of the weather it’s smart to do just that. Most of the big parties of old have been dispensed with although the Sosnoff do continues prior to the Theatre Benefit for the AKC Humane Foundation underwritten of

More Thoughts On “THe” Weekend...

More By Matthew H. Stander

Westminster Kennel Club photos by eugene Zaphiris

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late by PetPartners, AKC’s pet insurance partner. The Sosnoffs provided buses to their home from the Affinia due to the blizzard conditions, which was really nice of them and resulted in a large turnout. The Theatre Benefit was really great this year and I know a lot of people think the dinner afterwards is too late to attend but perhaps due to the weather everyone seemed to have a better time than usual and the lateness of the hour added a good sense to me at any rate. Again attendance spectator ways at the Penn shows and I am told NJ shows too was way down on Friday as were entries too--by Saturday there was an improvement in both but nothing major. Meanwhile we made our way up to the Piers for the first time--the mags arrived and our booth was set-up. Florence, Sean and Tom were a huge help to everyone both on Saturday and Sunday when the dogs began to arrive after 12 noon and the people who worked the Piers could not have been nicer. Saturday was the awards dinner which has been pared down considerably but which I hear went nicely although the pale cast due to the nonpayment of certain people was an underlying current of discontent for some but not all the participants. Also on Saturday there was the Angels party and the CHF fetes, both of which are worth attending but I really think a change in venue from the Affinia to something more interesting would accomplish a lot more for both organizations. I mean let’s face it--the Affinia is the Affinia and is hardly more than a two star hotel--is it that much? By Sunday there seemed to be a major type recovery for the Specialties and the Hotels were swinging with people and dogs and again certainly in warmer rooms and set-ups at the Affinia the Malzoni Party celebrating the GWP’s Number One status for the year 2012 as well as the Santa Barbara party were held in concert but independently. At the Piers bright and early Monday am and as reported before the entire atmosphere was less stressful and fun inducing than ever the Garden was--Nestle Purina provided both breakfasts and luncheons for its members which were ravenously received by dog people as only dog people can react to food--the food situation at the Piers for the general public or those few not involved with Neslte Purina needs to be worked on and I am sure this will be accomplishedone of the beauties to the Piers is its flexibility which was never the strength of the Garden--smiling faces at the Piers from all CoNtiNueD oN page 100

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The AKC Speaks CoNtiNueD FRoM page 30

aKC is a Leading not-for-Profit organization The article also states, “As recently as 2010, roughly 40 percent of the A.K.C.’s $61 million in annual revenue came from fees related to registration. Critics say a significant part of that includes revenue from questionable breeders like the Hamiltons, or so-called puppy mills, which breed dogs en masse with little regard for basic living standards.” We gave the reporter statistics that dispute this claim but they were not used. In fact, less than 5 percent of our total revenue comes from commercial breeders who register dogs and litters with us. • The AKC, for 129 years, has been committed to responsible dog ownership and responsible breeding of dogs, and we will continue our proactive efforts to further those goals, even when those efforts impact our bottom line. • AKC saw substandard breeders leave the registry in droves in the mid-1990’s when it instituted a care and conditions policy, and more leave when we sought to insure the integrity of the registry through DNA testing. an incomplete Picture Portrayed hamilton Case: While the article inaccurately portrays Hamilton as a high volume breeder or “puppy mill,” court documents make clear that this was a situation where “hoarding is likely a factor in what was occurring as the Hamilton’s were clearly unable to part with dogs that they had collected over the years.” Williams Case: The article fails to mention that Mr. and Mrs. Williams were charged in July of 2012 with one count of cruelty, and that charge was subsequently dismissed in September of 2012, based on the judge’s determination that the warrant that led to the illegal search of the Williams’ home and seizure of their dogs and the filing of the single charge was invalid. The Williams engaged in civil litigation to retain custody of their dogs from the “rescue” organization involved in the illegal seizure. This is similar to the more egregious case of Dan Christiansen in Montana who is suing the HSUS for $5M over a 2009 “raid” of his hunting dog kennel. A judge later ruled that the warrant for the raid was obtained based on intentionally misleading information, and all of the cruelty charges against Mr. Christiansen were dismissed. Chilinski Case: Likewise, the story fails to acknowledge that along with the seizure of Mr. Chilinski’s dogs, law enforcement seized over 200 marijuana plants that he was growing on his property, a vocation which likely led to the deterioration of his kennel and his overall ability to care for his dogs in the two years between his last AKC inspection and the raid of this property. voice Your opinion While the AKC’s critics may be vocal, they are few, led by extremist national animal rights groups who see their legislative influence and massive fundraising abilities diminished by growing recognition that the focus of their efforts is not bettering the lives of dogs or enhancing our relationship with them.

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nonetheless, aKC continues to: • Spend millions annually on a kennel inspections program • Donate millions for the advancement of canine health research • Continues to give millions to canine search and rescue and disaster assistance • Continues to support the rights of responsible breeders to breed and raise dogs, and fight for the rights of responsible individuals to own them. It is important to note that in any enforcement and regulatory program, there will be those who approach the regulated activity with a disregard for compliance with the rules. As a result, there is always a risk that those non-compliant few will reflect negatively on the vast majority who are in compliance. Nonetheless, the AKC remains committed to its inspection program and its belief that the AKC is helping breeders achieve compliance through education regarding best practices for breeding and caring for dogs. Please share with your friends and family the facts and go to the NYT website and take the opportunity to post your comments about your commitment to responsible breeding and ownership of dogs. Sincerely, Alan Kalter Chairman of the Board American Kennel Club

The Letter That appeared in The feb. 17th issue of The nY Times: To the Sports Editor: Re “Safety Concerns Stoke Criticism of Kennel Club,” Feb. 10: This article paints a misleading picture of the American Kennel Club’s efforts to support responsible dog breeding and its good relationships with law enforcement and others who care about animal welfare. In the mid-1990s, the American Kennel Club voluntarily instituted a breeder inspection program. Since 2000, the A.K.C. has conducted more than 55,000 inspections; as a result, hundreds of substandard breeders no longer register their litters with the club. Less than 5 percent of the A.K.C.’s total revenue comes from commercial breeders. Choosing to conduct inspections costs $1.5 million annually, and while not in the club’s best financial interest, it’s a crucial safeguard for dogs’ health and well-being. The A.K.C. is not a law enforcement agency. However, if we discover substandard conditions, we immediately report them to local officials. DENNIS SPRUNG New York The writer is the president and chief executive of the American Kennel Club.

GCh. Frakari’s Kool as Kiefer

Best of Breed 2013 Westminster Kennel Club Judge Ms. Beth Sweigart #1 Labrador Retriever* Group Winner and Reserve Best In Show Winner Owners Catherine Fisher and Lisa Weiss *The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed

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Continued FRoM page 41

numbers were clearly visible so it was straightforward to look up each dog in the catalogue. Afghans and Cavaliers were on at about the same time so it was a question of hopping from Ring 9 to Ring 1 and juggling it so that I didn’t miss BOB in either. In Afghans it was interesting to see how the Chilean-bred bitch GCH AlNacira Bint Roula Von Haussman was looking. She has won in so many countries around the world, including BOB at The Garden in 2010 and 2012 and in 2011 she was the number one Afghan here in the UK. Last year I judged her in Italy where I had her third in a quality BIS line up. With her much-travelled Swedish handler Elisabeth Leven she managed to win BOS at this year’s Westminster behind the impressive black male, GCH Exlysta Aries Ciel Noir. In Cavaliers BOB went to a very free moving dog, GCH Bonitos Companeros Halli Galli, handled and co-owned by Ted Eubank who judged Cavalier males at our Blackpool show in 2011. At that show Ted’s CC winner was the evergreen Ch Keyingham Branwell who also won BOB and later third in the group. Halli Galli was bred in Germany by Klaus Vorderstrasse and Markus Kirschbaum who still co-own her with Ted and Nicola Morrison. She is by Branwell out of a daughter of a Craigowl sire and Pascavale dam so is very much the product of classic British breeding. As I digitally flitted from ring to ring I was perturbed to see several toy dogs being lifted off the table by their leads and tails, effectively “hanging” the dogs. This is a practice which I abhor and in view of the fact that all handlers knew they were being filmed I wondered why on earth they would treat their dogs so disrespectfully and give the animal rights lobby even more ammunition against the show world. The next port of call was Old English Sheepdogs where my good friends Nikolas Kanales and Matteo Autolitano were ringside and here there was a very interesting outcome. In recent years Westminster has confined its limited entry to Champions but this year opened up to dogs who have won Majors. Effectively that would be like Crufts opening a Champions-only entry to include CC winners who are not yet titled. After working the BOB competition to the max, Jim Reynolds pointed to Bugaboo’s Picture Perfect as his winner, an historic decision as he was a non-Champion who came from the Bred by Exhibitor class. Nikolas was delighted to watch GCh Aryakas Hermes win a Select Award, especially as two of his UK Champions had such a great year in 2012, ending up as Top Dog and Top Bitch in the breed. Groups did not start until 1 a.m. UK time but I was determined to stay up and not miss out on the Garden experience any more than I had done. With the wonders of technology and all the pieces of kit that many of us have now been talked into getting, just after midnight I was all set up with the iPad ready on which I would watch the live streaming, the laptop already turned to Facebook where there was considerable discussion as to which link would work the best, and had the iPhone to hand as I knew I would be getting a running commentary via text messages from Doctor Ian whose observations on all breeds are always so valid. So just after one in came the Hound Group which was judged by my old pal Luc Boileau. Many recall Luc winning BIS at Westminster under Frank Sabella with Ch Wendessa Crown Prince the Pekingese back in 1990. I was very taken by the PBGV bitch who turned out to be GCh Soletrader Maggie May and I thought she 80 dog news

and the Afghan would be tough to beat. As it was Luc went for the big winning and gleaming American Foxhound, a breed that many outsiders find difficult to understand with its unusual outline, followed by a handsome Basset male, the PBGV bitch and an Otterhound male. Next on was Dennis McCoy who has handled so many big winning Standard Poodles over the years and I thought this was a very strong Toy group. From the outset the Affenpinscher was bang on form, the Cavalier really moving out, and I still loved the tricolour English Toy Spaniel who had won BOB under me in Ohio last year. The Min Pin bitch with her spine-tingling gait and carriage was another standout I felt and I recall being drawn to her last year too. I also spotted the Longcoat Chihuahua from Japan, Ch Brilliant Win JP Famous Ambrose, who after I had seen him in Japan came to the UK where in a very short campaign he won his title in the hands of the Afterglow boys. This was a great win as he is no longer a young dog. I liked the look of the Pom and the Maltese too, so there was no shortage of potential winners.

Without exhausting the dogs Dennis made a popular choice when Joey the Affenpinscher took the top spot, followed by the Min Pin bitch, the Yakee Pekingese and the Pug male.

Non Sporting followed with Florence Males judging who of course worked for 16 years as an AKC Field Rep. As they came in I thought a comfortable winner would be the Dalmatian who won the group here last year. I admired him on screen then and got to actually judge him in Ohio last year where I confirmed that he was every bit as good in reality. He was Peter Green’s BIS winner on one of those Canfield days. I was also very impressed with the Schipperke and liked both the Bulldog and French Bulldog whilst the Xoloitzcuintli put on a great performance and was as good as I’ve seen. The group was won by a typy Bichon male, GCh Vogelflight’s Honor to Pillowtalk, and seeing that kennel name took me back years as I remember the Streatfields bringing Choir Boy into the UK long before the breed ever had CCs. Honor is the result of using semen from UK Dog of the Year Ch & UK Ch Paray’s I Told You So which was stored by Paul and Tray before he left for Pamplona. Second was the white Standard Poodle bitch, then the fawn French Bulldog male and the Tibetan Spaniel male handled by who British Boxerites consider to be the heartthrob of the Boxer world, Diego Garcia. The last group of the night was Herding with Chuck Trotter in charge, as famous for being the husband of Pat Craige Trotter as he is for being a former handler, notably of German Shepherds. Personally I didn’t find this a particularly strong group but felt the Old English would be the dog to beat and the Pembroke bitch seemed to have a lot of quality. The Beauceron had won one of the groups in Ohio last year and I recall then thinking he was as good as I’d seen in Europe. The Old English made Garden History (at least in recent years) by winning the group, not even a Champion, followed by a Cordmaker Puli male, the Beauceron and a Canaan Dog male ... too bad Ms. Hastings was not there to watch and enjoy. So after a deserved lie-in, I tuned in early Tuesday afternoon to watch some breed judging. Obviously most of my time was taken up with my good friend Frank Kane who had 117 dogs to get through in Ring 9 but was as thorough as ever. He started with Flatcoats, then had Curly Coats, Fields and Sussex to get through before he got to Irish Waters which were always going to be interesting as there were no less than four of Merlin’s sisters competing. Frank kept us on the edge of our seats as he examined and re-examined various dogs, eventually making GCh Whistlestop’s The Wind On Fire his breed winner. I judged this beautiful bitch in Denmark at the Spaniel Specialty in 2011 when I loved her and then watched her push Merlin all the way last year at Crufts when she took the Bitch CC. With her owner Greg Siner handling she looked like a million dollars. Continued on page 88

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Dog News The Digest

Of American Dogs

The Westminster Winners Issue

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To be published March 1st, 2013 Deadline, February 26th, 2013

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Gossip The


By Eugene Z. Zaphiris


ven a snowstorm didn’t dampen the travel plans of those attending the cocktail party hosted by TONI & MARTIN SOSNOFF. To help their guests arrive on time in the snowy weather, the SOSNOFF’S supplied buses from the Hotel Pennsylvania to transport their guests to the upper West Side. AKC HUMANE FUND THEATRE BENEFIT…the Friday night theatre and dinner at the 21 Club was a sold out event. The evening’s musical selection was SOFIA VALENTINA. Congratulations to KAREN & “Nice Work If You Can Get It” starring MATTHEW CLINT LIVINGSTON on the birth of their daughter BRODERICK and KELLI O’HARA. As in years past, DEMERY WYNELLE. Glad to report that babies and the evening was organized by RON MENAKER mothers are doing well. Some employment news from and underwritten by SIR JOHN SPURLING’S pet the American Kennel Club…BOBBY BIRDSONG, the insurance company PETPARTNERS. Following the director of Event Operations, is retiring and two-time performance MATTHEW BRODERICK and JUDY American Kennel Club field representative (in between KAYE attended the dinner. Among the guests were a time in the Raleigh office) JOHN WADE has been LORNA HASTINGS, SUSAN & DENNIS SPRUNG, released from his duties. WENDY WILLHAUCK is CINDY & DAVID VOGELS, NANCY SHAW, LARRY recuperating from knee replacement surgery; we wish CORNELIUS, SUSAN & IRA SCHULMAN, STEVE her a complete and speedy recovery. DIANA (MRS. GLADSTONE, JAN RITCHIE, ALAN KALTER, GINA THOMAS) POWERS passed away on February 14th, DINARDO, MICHELLE & DARYL HENDRICKS, two weeks after a bad fall that resulted in a broken ROMANA & LEE ARNOLD, HELGA & PETER pelvis. A well- known and successful breeder of BAYNES, ANN BISCHEL, GAYLE BONTECOU, AMY Irish Wolfhounds under the Powerscourt prefix and BOOTH, ELLEN CHARLES, CLAY COADY, SUSAN & later a popular judge, she moved from her longtime JON COLE, CHRIS ERICKSON, LYNN & CHARLES New Jersey home to Southern California to be near GARVIN, INGELA GRAM, AMY & ANDREW GREEN, her son and daughter-in-law TOM & LANI POWERS. SUSAN & JOHN HAMIL, BENITA & PAUL KIELL, All of us at DOG NEWS send TOM & LANI and the KAREN JUSTIN, CHERYL & CHRIS KOENITZ, LIVIA entire POWERS FAMILY our deepest condolences. KRAINER, GLEN LAJESKI, SARAH LAWRENCE, DONALD AND PATRICIA RODGERS and their 18-yearREBECCA LAWRENCE, KAREN LEFRAK, DAVID old daughter, DEBRA, are in our thoughts and prayers MERRIAM, MARY MILLER, CATHY & GEORGE as they recover from an accident in their motorhome MILUTINOVICH, BILL NEWMAN, BARBARA driving home from California last weekend. OHMANN, BRUCE SCHWARTZ, JOAN KEFELI, POLLY & BOB SMITH, PAULA SPECTOR, TINA & elebrating Birthdays… SUSAN SPRUNG, BILL TRUESDALE, ETHAN WHEELER, CLAIRE DENNIS SPRUNG, LEE RIDDLE, ALLISON WISCH, BARBRA VON BORSTEL, MARJORIE SUNDERMAN, NANCY RUSSELL, ROGER UNDERWOOD, SHARON & STEPHEN POPOVICH, ELLIS, TERRY STACY, LINDA O’CONNOR ELLEN MYERS, POLLY & BOB SMITH, BETH SCHNEIDER, JOY BREWSTER, TRACY SWEIGART, PETER GREEN, BARBARA & JOHN IOIA POTTS, TERRY MILLER, CHARLOTTE PATTERSON, and MATT STANDER. Baby news…Congratulations EDD BIVIN, PAT KOLESAR, PATSY WADE, KRISTA to WENDY & SANTIAGO PINTO on the birth of DROOP, RINDI GAUDET, ANGIE DIEHL, LYNN BRADY, their first child, born on January 16th, a girl named KERRIE KUPER, MICHAEL DOUGHERTY, JACKIE BEAUDOIN and TRAY PITTMAN.


86 Dog News

Cherry April Blossom Cluster 19, 20, 21, 22, 2013

Maryland State Fairgrounds • Timonium, Maryland Five Events: Four Days 26 Combined Specialties Friday: Baltimore County Combined Specialties Columbia Terrier Association Of Maryland (

Saturday: Old Dominion Kennel Club (www

Sunday: Baltimore County Kennel Club (

Monday: Catoctin Kennel Club (

One Location:

Maryland State Fairgrounds, 2200 York Road, Timonium, Maryland 21093 158,000 sq. ft. building, Obedience Building 38,000 sq. ft. all rings and grooming – INDOORS Easy Access, Acres of Paved Parking RV Parking With Electric 20,30,50 Amp & Water Available ( ) Reserve Early FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 2013

COLUMBIA TERRIER ASSOCIATION OF MARYLAND SpecialtIES Airedale Terrier Club of Metropolitan Washington, DC (& Sweepstakes and Veteran Sweepstakes) Potomac Cairn Terrier Club, Inc. (& Sweepstakes and Veteran Sweepstakes) Fox Terrier Club of Maryland, Inc. (& Sweepstakes) United States Lakeland Terrier Club (& Sweepstakes) Parson Russell Terrier Association of America, Inc. (& Sweepstakes and Veteran Sweepstakes) Scottish Terrier Club of the Greater Baltimore Area, Inc. (& Sweepstakes) Potomac Skye Terrier Club (& Sweepstakes) SUPPORTED ENTRIES: Staffordshire Terrier Club of America (& Sweepstakes and Veteran Sweepstakes) US Kerry Blue Terrier Club (& Sweepstakes) Norwich Terrier Club of America (& Sweepstakes) Potomac Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club, Inc. (& Sweepstakes and Veteran Sweepstakes) Chesapeake Bay West Highland White Terrier Club (& Sweepstakes and Veteran Sweepstakes)

FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 2013

BALTIMORE COUNTY SPECIALITIES National Capital English Setter Club (Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes) Susquehanna Valley English Springer Spaniel Club (Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes) Potomac Valley Doberman Pinscher Club of Northern Virginia, Inc. (Sweeps & Veteran Sweepstakes) Potomac Valley Samoyed Club, Inc.

(Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes) Irish Terrier Club of America, Inc. - National (& Sweepstakes) Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore (Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes) Pug Dog Club of Maryland (& Sweepstakes) National Capital Area Lhasa Apso Club SUPPORTED ENTRIES Weimaraner Club of the Washington, D.C. Area, Inc. (Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes) Potomac Valley Borzoi Club (Sweepstakes & Veteran S weepstakes) Potomac Boxer Club, Inc. (& Sweepstakes) Potomac Valley Standard Schnauzer Club, Inc. Potomac Cairn Terrier Club, Inc. Potomac Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club (Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes) Chesapeake Bay West Highland White Terrier Club (Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes) Washington Poodle Club, Inc. Mount Vernon Tibetan Terrier Cl ub, In c. (Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes) Greater Washington Bouvier des Flandres Club


For Show information

OLD DOMINION KENNEL CLUB SPECIALTIES National Capital English Setter Club Potomac Valley Doberman Pinscher Club of Northern Virginia, Inc. Puppy/Vet Sweeps Potomac Valley Samoyed Club, Inc. Puppy/Vet Sweeps Irish Terrier Club Of America Roving National Specialty Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore Puppy Sweeps Pug Dog Club Of Maryland Puppy Sweeps National Capital Area Lhasa Apso Club

SUPPORTED ENTRIES Weimaraner Club of the Washington DC Area, Inc. Puppy/Vet Sweeps Potomac Boxer Club Puppy Sweeps Potomac Valley Borzoi Club Puppy/Vet Sweeps Potomac Valley Standard Schnauzer Club Potomac Cairn Terrier Chesapeake Bay West Highland White Terrier Club Puppy/Vet Sweeps Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club Puppy/Vet Sweeps Washington Poodle Club Greater Washington Bouvier des Flandres Club The Susquehanna Valley English Springer Spaniel Club Puppy/Vet Sweeps

SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 2013

BALTIMORE COUNTY SPECIALITIES National Capital English Setter Club (Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes) Maryland Boxer Club, Inc. (& Sweepstakes) Metropolitan Baltimore Doberman Pinscher Club Central Maryland Lhasa Apso Fanciers SUPPORTED ENTRIES Gunpowder River Golden Retriever Club of Maryland, Inc. Susquehanna Valley English Springer Spaniel Club (Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes) Weimaraner Club of the Washington, D.C. Area, Inc. (Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes) Metropolitan Baltimore Dachshund Club, Inc. Chihuahua Club of Maryland, Inc. Boston Terrier Club of Maryland, Inc. Washington Poodle Club, Inc. National Capital Bearded Collie Club, Inc. (Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes) Greater Washington Bouvier des Flandres Club

MONDAY, APRIL 21, 2013: Catoctin Kennel Club

Superintendent: MB-F Inc. • P O Box 22107 Greensboro NC 27420 Phone: 336-379-9352 • Fax: 336-272-0864 • Website:

CloSIng Date: noon, WeDneSDay, aprIl 3, 2013

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I left Frank for a while to watch Beth Sweigart finish Labradors and thought she put up a very impressive and great moving yellow male. Kerry Blues were compulsive and I was keen to see if George Wright would pull off the breed with his big winning Irish-bred male, but he had to be content with BOS. I got to Scotties in time to watch Ernesto Lara win the breed with the Scottish-bred GCh Lomondview Clementina who looked in fine form. I was determined to switch to Ring 10 to watch the wonderful Kimberly MeredithCavanna judging Malamutes as the dog who had so impressed me in December when I judged the breed at the AKC show in Florida was competing. Again I felt he was a standout, and clearly so did Kim. I managed to see some the Bullmastiff judging and again contemplated how many good movers you tend to see in this breed in the USA, with real power. I needed to switch back at Ring 9 for Frank’s Clumber judging – making sure I texted friends in Croatia and Weston super Mare to let them know when he was about to start. The point of interest was the lovely bitch from Croatia who won BOB at Crufts 2012 only to be barred from competing in the group on the say-so of some vet. Having won on several occasions in Europe under Frank she was back at The Garden to take on America’s best. Lee Cox and I had an ongoing text conversation as we watched the breed and agreed that two males impressed us enormously. One was GCh Nexus Total Eclipse and the other GCh Clussex Collaboration with Traddles. We discussed the two dogs in detail as both were very impressive dogs and it was the Clussex dog who finally triumphed with the other male being Frank’s Select and Ch Chervood’s Snowsun (the winner of 3 UK CCs but not yet a Show Champion) well deserved BOS.

I totally missed Dobermanns but constant Facebook contact with Josh Henderson in Ireland confirmed that “Fifi” (the most unlikely Dobe name ever!) had got the breed and was considered a hot tip to go all the way.

By midnight there was again some confusion as to which link would bring us the live broadcast as the Westminster site just didn’t work for groups and in the USA Tuesday’s big ring finals were going out on a different network. However, I soon found a functioning link to the USA network and spent half an hour frantically copying and pasting to friends who were still searching. Sporting came first where Karen Wilson was judging. I spent some days with Karen in Japan a year or two ago and she is fabulously fun company. She looked very glamorous, as do all the Garden Group ladies, and got on with the job with the minimum of fuss. Obviously I liked the Irish Water and the Clumber put on a great show as did the Labrador. When it came to the hands-on I cringed every time a handler wrapped the ears of a Spaniel or Setter over its eyes, presumably to show off its long razored neck! Surely the breeds in this group of all should display a natural outline at all times? And, try as I might, I just cannot get my head around Spaniels and Setters with veritable curtains of straightened hair hanging almost to the floor. In the group was GCH Javal I’M Movin On To Hootwire, the Italian Spinone bred in Scotland whilst the Irish Red & White, GCH Mizen Duchas Dilis, was appropriately bred in Ireland whereas in this breed BOS was GCh Tullamore Toffi, bred in England. The big winning German Wirehaired Pointer who was top dog of all breeds last year, GCh Mt View’s Ripsnortersilvercharm, is another top dog owned by Victor Malzoni and it was he who topped this group with Karen placing a former Dog of the Year, the black American Cocker male second, the “English” Springer male third and Frank’s Clumber fourth. Robert Vandiver then took centre stage to judge the Working Group. Andrew 88 dog news

Green was again out there with wife Amy’s Samoyed bitch, repeating her last year’s breed win. I liked the Portuguese Water Dog very much and, regardless of where your type preferences lie when it comes to Dobermanns, Fifi is a dog that cannot be ignored as she is a show dog par excellence who just never stops posing and trying. Certainly she had the very vocal crowd behind her. However she had to play bridesmaid on this occasion as the judge went for the Portuguese Water Dog male, GCh Claircreek Impression de Matisse. Interesting I see that he has a Pouch Cove sire. What outstanding breeders are Peggy and Dave Helming; they seem to have green fingers in whatever breed they turn their hands to. They revolutionised Newfoundlands, made their mark in Portuguese Water Dogs and I suggest that Norwich Terrier people should now be quaking in their boots as that is their latest challenge. The Water Dog’s dam won the group under Carla Molinari at the World Show in Mexico a few years back and was named by Carla in the Kennel Gazette Judges’ Choice feature on the breed as one of her all-time favourites. Carla almost bought the Garden group winner as a puppy for a friend of hers and she really rates him. I suspect Mr. Vandiver may well be getting an invitation to tea at the White House following this momentous win. The smart red Boxer bitch came in third and a good moving Rottweiler male fourth. The final group was Terriers and this of course is when Dr. Ian gets very excited. Infuriatingly the transmission went down for a few anxious minutes and normal service was only resumed when we got to B for Bedlington, annoying as the Australian was sired by Ch Millvalley Red Rufus. The White Bull Terrier was sired by Ch Dajan Top Act With Action I see. The Norfolk Terrier was bred by Beth Sweigart and Pam Beale, sired by the Coco son, Ch Cause for Celebration, out of a Kinsridge bitch so how Elisabeth Matell would have wallowed in that reflected glory. GCh Yarrow Venerie Ticket To Ride was handled by Roxanne Sutton, who certainly walked off with the award for the most talked about handler’s outfit of the show. I will guarantee she wasn’t dressed by Bethy that evening! Jay Richardson, another former handler in his heavier days, judged what I thought was a cracking Terrier group. I liked the Border and Welsh enormously, both Fox Terriers, the hugely popular and recently recognised Russell Terrier – despite the fact that his handler hanged him off the table, the Scottie and the brindle Bull Terrier. I liked the look of the Stafford, GCH Angranian Derry Mucker, who was bred in Ireland. Jay’s choice made it a real Fox final with the Smooth male pipping the Wire bitch (another co-owned by Victor Malzoni) into second with the Border bitch and Russell male completing the quartet.

And so we came to the grand finale and of course this year for the first time Westminster would see a Reserve Best in Show declared, as is the practice at all AKC shows since last year. Obviously as judge Michael Dougherty did his last walk-along and paused to study each of the seven group winners the crowd did their loudest to express their support. Clearly the little black Monkey dog from the Netherlands had as many fans as anyone and he knew it. Announcing his Reserve Best first, the non-Champion Old English was declared as the winner. Then, as the world held its breath, Michael made a lot of people happy as he motioned to the little dog at the end of the line ... the Affenpinscher was Best in Show. At this point I was really kicking myself that I hadn’t persevered more with my travel plans as I just knew that an all-night party would ensue at which many of my friends would be congratulating Ernesto Lara who came from Mexico as a kennel help to Peter Green, worked his way up steadily, and is now following in his mentor’s footsteps. Sometimes common sense isn’t always the best option! And as for Joey, his return home to The Netherlands has been delayed for a week or so to enable him to fulfil the various obligations that the public expect of the Westminster BIS winner. Across the pond the winner of Best at America’s most famous dog show acquires celebrity status. If only the Crufts BIS winner was similarly applauded in this country.


Carpe Diem’s


Now in the West

Presented by Ric Plaut, AKC Registered Handler Breeder / Owners Laura Edstrom - Smith & James Smith

Co-Owners Quin and Marilyn Harned Dog News 89


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British SCENE CoNtiNueD FRoM page 54

Ch/Am Ch Klassic Million Dollar Baby at Tokaji, she was top brood 2011-and she was top hound brood in 2010. She was a great showgirl gaining many top awards. After winning her American title as a puppy, ‘Millie’ came to the UK where she quickly gained her title, was best of breed at Crufts five years running, smashed the breed record, became the first Basenji bitch to win best in show at a general championship show and won the top hound award. She was bred by Sue Kite and Jeff Gillespie in the US and is co-owned by Dee Hardy and Trish Hallam in the UK. She is sired by Am Ch Penda Taji’s Tri-Umphant One ex Am Ch Klassic’s Rooty Toot Toot, herself also a spectacularly successful show and brood bitch. ‘Millie’ had two litters, both by her brother’s son Ch/Am Ch Kazors Make Way For Riley, also imported from the US by Dee & Trish and himself top hound stud dog 2011/12 and overall runner-up 2012. Among the resulting ch progeny was the top Basenji for 2012 Ch Tokaji California Dreaming. Yet another hound is in second place and another that comes from a long line of bitches that regularly appear in this competition. This Ch Saxonmill Star Struck, an Afghan Hound owned and bred by Roberta Hall, and one of the many champions produced by a former double Top Brood all breeds, Ch Saxonmill Jellicle Jet. Her sire is the Danish dog, Int/Dan/Sw/Norw/Lux/Ger/Fr Ch Boxadan Grandpa Lives Forever, bred by the famous, and unforgettable, Lottie Jorgenson in Denmark. All of ‘Star Struck’s’ litter of 5 have won cc’s and 4 are already champions. The top gundog for the second year, and in the top five for the third year, is the third-placed German Short Haired Pointer Int/Dutch Ch Isara Kurzhaar Chatline of Kavacanne, owned by Sue and Peter Rose and bred by thelate great Fio Roberts and sired by Sh Ch Stormridge Moonraker of Bessalone ex Isara Kurzhaar Jakobine. In fourth it’s the herding group winner, the Swedish Vallhund, imported from Australia, Dlarah Summer Rain at Starvon. Owned by Ada and Tim West and bred by Leonie Darling in Australia. Sired by Finnish-bred Aus Gr Ch Konnunkodon Draco Malfoy ex Aus Ch Dlarah Rock A Hula. We have another gundog in fifth place and yet again from a kennel that has produced some of the best of their 92 Dog News

breed for many years. I am speaking of the Weimaraner Sh Ch Gunalt Delicious, bred by Steve and Patsy Hollings and owned by Jane Elders and Genna Samria. Sired by Sh Ch Gunalt Rumours about Sybaris ex Sh Ch Gunalt Intuition. The list of champions from this kennel just goes on and on, and including the progeny from this bitch, was the top Weimaraner for 2012 Sh Ch Gunalt De Ice at Stridview. In sixth is the well travelled Australian Shepherd Ch Allmark Careless whisper, bred by Neil and Angie Allen by the US import Bayshore’s Tears Of A Clown ex Ozzypool Molly Malone at Allmark. She is owned in partnership with Robert Harlow and the Allen’s, she went to the US for her first mating, these puppies included the top herding ’12, all-breed reserve best in show and group show best in show winner Ch Allmark Fifth Avenue. Her second litter involved a journey to Italy where she produced another cc winner. And yet another from the herding group is in seventh place, the Malinois Bonvivont Ombrage at Belsharose, bred by Jan Ralph by Bonviants C’est Moi Sabrefield ex the Belgian import Chiraze du Terril des Loups avec Bonvivant and owned by Debra and Paul Lloyd. And yet another herding is in eighth place and that’s the Great Pyrenees Ch Gillandant Annie Oakley, bred and owned by Gill Pollard and sired by former Top Stud Dog Ch Shanlimore Midnight Cowboy ex Ch Gillandant Krystaleen. She herself won a cc at the breed club show in 2012. The top Pyrenean for 2012 Ch Gillandant Rockafella was one of her progeny. The leader of the working group is the Portugese Water Dog Bregantia Funky Diva, bred and owned by Rachel Redden and Ruth Bussell, by Rarjo the Prodigy ex Breghantia Oriana. She was the dam of the breed record holder Ch Rarjo’s She’s The One. There are two bitches who share the tenth place. The Finnish Spitz Ch Toveri Samppanja herself won a cc during 2012. She is owned by The Thompson family and Angela Cavill. Bred of course by Angela and Dave Cavill and from two of their ch’s, Ch Toveri Ville and Ch Toveri Pirtea from Santasepon. The Welsh Springer Spaniel Weslave Hope For The Future for Glenbrows was bred by John and Joy Hartley by Haregate Rue ex Sh Ch Ferndel Cameo on Weslave, and is owned by Tim & Honor Harrison. Top non sporting, and yet another top kennel who produces ch after ch, is the Akita Echo Stars Portrait at Redwitch, owned by Dave and Jenny Killilea and Arlene Clure and bred from two Redwitch exports in Sweden by Mirko Lunden, by Ch/Fin/Sw/Norw Ch Redwitch The Heat Is On ex Sw Ch Redwitch Pardon Me Boys. The Terrier group is led by the Bedlington Ch Bisbee Benvenuto bred and owned by Dorothy Owen by Ch Rathsrigg Ranolph ex Ch Josoll Juliana by Bisbee. Top toy brood is from another line of bitches which has featured here frequently down the generations. She is the Miniature Pinscher Ch Impala Chase The Sun to Vardenais, owned by Aileen Coull and bred by Sue Burns by Ch Impala Johnny Angel ex Ch Hawkesflight In The Pink at Impala. Indeed she is the third generation to take this award following her dam and grand-dam Ch Viva Forever at Hawkesflight.

Top Twenty Silky Terrier 2012 *

*CC All Breed System

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Off LEASH CoNtiNueD FRoM page 58

paign would be expensive but the cost of sitting back waiting for a fair debate with well-heeled extremist organizations may be too steep for dog lovers and breeders. As Rick Berman, the lobbyist behind, once told 60 Minutes correspondent Morley Safer, “There’s no sense in putting out a 17 page scientific report that nobody will read. So, I put out a 30 second commercial that makes the point.” There has been a shift in the way the world communicates, and the AKC has rightly ramped up its online presence and firmly established a large, growing network through social media. In this year’s Director’s Questionnaire, Chairman Kalter said, “The best source of credible information for the people we must reach is not traditional media, like TV or print; it is, in fact, social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, plus You Tube.” But more traditional media outlets shouldn’t be shunned entirely. It’s easy to “like” the AKC on Facebook, as nearly 114,000 people have done, but it’s difficult to win converts to register or purchase purebred dogs after they’ve been inundated with anti-purebred dog messages from animal rights extremists. Chairman Kalter’s response to the Times article landed in some 1.7 million email inboxes but how many of those went into spam filters or were deleted without being read? Chances are if your name is on that email list, you’re already a supporter of the AKC. But more folks and new blood are needed in the fold to help combat the deep pockets and long tentacles of the AR extremists and traditional media can still be effective in reaching them. Gone are the AKC’s ads that used to regularly grace the pages of the Sunday NY Times Magazine (could the subsequent negative reportage on the AKC and purebred dog breeders in the NYT possibly be a consequence?), Parade magazine, USA Weekend magazine, Better Homes and Gardens, Parenting and Oprah magazines. Ditto the AKC “Words,” “Beyond” and “Superstars” commercials that used to air on television. A glance at the AKC’s archive of public service announcements, television commercials and magazine advertisement campaigns reveals that there hasn’t been one since 2008. Meanwhile, the animal rights folks seem to be continuously able to afford to trot out A and B list celebrities and songwriters to drum up support and solicit donations, filling the airwaves and grabbing headlines. When asked if the AKC was considering finding a 96 Dog News

similar celebrity spokesperson Chairman Kalter replied, “We have given, and continue to give, a great deal of consideration to utilizing a celebrity to promote purebred dogs and responsible dog ownership. Unfortunately, we have not been able to find that intersection of a meaningful personality who is motivating and is also affordable.” When Alan Kalter was named the Chairman of the Board it was widely held that his extensive experience in advertising would propel the AKC’s image in the public eye and effectively market the AKC brand. Lately it seems that the only traditional media coverage the AKC has received has been negative and the only time its ‘brand’ mentioned was in conjunction with chicken jerky treats that may be making dogs sick. It’s hoped that Chairman Kalter’s vision for the future bodes well for the AKC, its breeders and constituents. Perhaps not all areas of the master plan to shore up registrations and promote the value of its breeders and dogs have been fully revealed, but the AKC needs to do more than preach to the choir in order to sustain its registry.


eanwhile, as The akc was Taking iT on The chin from the Times’ hatchet job during Westminster week, its Government Relations Department was performing business as usual. Adding injury to insult, while the AKC was spinning damage control the GR Dept. was fighting Assembly Bill 1204 in NY, which would ban the practice of debarking. It’s easy to understand how the kneejerk reaction to ban such procedures come about. AR zealots spin the “abuse” card and the general public jumps on the bandwagon, but debarking is a safe procedure when performed by a qualified veterinarian that softens a dog’s bark. It is often a last-ditch effort that dog owners turn to in order to keep their pets. It must remain an option for dog owners, especially in New York City, where so many dogs live in apartment buildings. Would the animal rights extremists rather see healthy dogs euthanized than have their barks softened? While the second day of breed judging was getting underway at the Piers, the AKC GR Dept. was also keeping tabs on the Committee hearing in Albany, NY for Assembly Bill 740, which seeks to regulate “pet dealers.” A pet dealer is defined as one who sells nine or more dogs per year. This superfluous law would allow for strict, overly burdensome regulations that cannot be less stringent than state law for those that meet this definition. Unfortunately, both of these bills advanced. Business as usual indeed.

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Rare Breeds of the World CoNtiNueD FRoM page 61

tention. The dogs used their white bushy tipped tail to entice and lure the ducks to follow. The dog would wave in and out of blinds and the curious ducks would follow further into the trap, the hunter is already there to block the way with nets. To be able to stimulate the interest of the ducks without barking or making a sound, the dog has to be cunning and self confident. This can be a difficult task as the ducks would not chase the dog. The captured ducks are either killed for the table or given for ornithological research. This is a self-confident, lively and agile breed, good natured, faithful, persevering, always alert, but not noisy at all. The breed is friendly with children and other pets. Besides hunting the dog is taught to find and kill vermin, therefore needs to be keen, swift and tough. This is a true sporting dog, attentive, energetic and always ready for work. These dogs are very attractive white with red or orange patches, and their unique coat would take two years to mature fully. A very distinct feature of the dog is the so called earrings, which are long black tips on the dog’s ears. Not all Kooikers have earrings. The early breeders used dogs with a lot of black coat in the hope that the pups would have earrings, but the result was

98 Dog News

black and white and tricolored Kooikers. Unfortunately these dogs did not meet the standard, and were disqualified from the conformation shows. Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes appear in history as early as the 16th and 17th centuries, but did not become an officially recognized breed in Europe until 1966. The two World Wars were harmful for the NK’s population which almost disappeared, but due the efforts of Baroness Van Hardenbroek van Ammerstol, in the beginning of the WWII (1942) its survival was guaranteed. The Baroness gave a picture of the type of dog she was looking for to a peddler and asked him to look out for such dogs. At a farm in the province of Friesland he found the bitch now well known as Tommy who became the founding bitch of the Kooikerhondje. In 1966 the Raad van Beheer (the Dutch Kennel Club) adopted the breed and in 1971 it was officially recognized. the KooIKerhondje Is a harmonIously buIlt orange-red parti-colored small sporting dog of almost square body proportions. He moves with his head held high; in action the well-feathered waving tail is carried level with, or above the top line. The ears have black hair at the tip, the so-called earrings. The dog is presented with a natural, untrimmed coat. The length of the body from the point of the shoulder to the point of the buttocks may be slightly longer than the height at the withers. Skull and muzzle are of about equal length. The head is of moderate length, fitting in with the general appearance, clean-cut, with flowing lines. The tail’s last vertebra should reach the hock joint. The gait should be flowing and springy, well extended, with good drive. The coat is of medium length, slightly wavy or straight and close lying. Soft hair, and well-developed undercoat with distinct patches of clear orangered color on pure white although a few small spots on the legs are accepted. The orange-red color should be predominant. Some black hair intermingling with the orange-red color and a slight form of ticking are accepted but less desirable. The ideal height (measured at the withers) for males is 15.7 in. (40 cms.), and for females 15 in (38 cms.) They are only now gaining recognition and visibility in North America thanks to their dedicated fans of the Kooikerhondje Club of the USA, and the Kooikerhondje Society of America (KSA). Our dear readers can find the complete standard at the FCI’s breeds section, or at the K.C.of USA, and the K.S.A.

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personnel which is something perhaps some of the hired dog personnel would be wise to practice-certainly the Harry Miller parking team and crowd control people were as helpful as could be and nicer than ever-who does that leave one to deal with?? Figure it out yourself. By three pm breed winners began to leave for the Garden and at four all other dogs were able to leave in a minimum of anxiety and stress. Crowds were in the area of 15,000 each day at the Piers so certainly support for midweek independent shows was not missing at Westminster where the evening crowds were even larger and more eyepopping than ever. It sure does look as though the ten-year contract the Big W signed for the Piers was a good deal for all concerned. Monday night at the Garden produced the usual histrionics although I must say that I thought certain sight hound breeds suffered immeasurably by one judge in particular reducing the quality of those dogs to the point in case you had not noticed that all four dogs placed in the Hound Group were scent not sight hounds. The other three Groups were basically very competitive with the highlight of course being the awarding of a class dog--Bred by at that--the Group. While the Old English looked very competitive I am not commenting about his apparent virtues and quality but the fact that with this win at Westminster which reintroduced the class dog it should serve to encourage more class competitors next year as well. The basic total environment of the Piers will result in more class competition you watch and see--next year too!! Then of course onto the TAKE THE LEAD PARTY which was enjoyable and extremely well-attended. It puzzles me how some people complain about the lateness of the Theatre party benefit which is held on a Friday night but happily attend until the wee hours TTL and have to be at the Big W the next morning or same day as it were!!! Tuesday am back to an even more crowded Pier spectator ways and same basic routine with exhibitors and handlers even more relaxed than the day before since most of us now had some idea as to how the routine worked. Elevator glitches going from Pier to Pier hopefully will be gone by next year as both an escalator and elevator were out of service due to Sandy as I understood it. Same procedures CoNtiNueD oN page 102

100 Dog News

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Superintendent: MB-F, Inc. • 336.379.9352 • MBF Dial-N-Entry Service: 800.334.8978 Dog News 101


CoNtiNueD FRoM page 100

on Tuesday although by then ASPCA got its comeuppance from Westminster officials and stopped handing out copies of the obnoxious NYT article of Sunday Feb 10-personally I found the 2/11 NYT article even more insulting than that of Sunday’s as it attacked personally the lifestyle of one person without having checked facts or traditions within the sport--it was not only bad taste but very poor journalism as far as I was concerned. And don’t worry I called the reporter up and told her so. Not that it accomplished anything but it made me feel better. Could not have been happier with the WSJ report on DOG NEWS--that was for sure. Throughout both days there was live streaming of the breeds followed by some--Andrew Brace reports on that in this issue as well. Tuesday night no real great surprises for me anyways-once I heard last years Terrier winner was coming I thought it would be in there for sure--which it was more than in there-it won the group for the second year in a row. The other new dog for me to see was the Portie which I had heard a lot about and was not disappointed in at all as it swept to the Working Group Blue. The final line-up was exciting and top notch and of course little Joey has been a favorite of mine from the first time I ever saw him. Ernesto of course is top notch and one of the most deserving and hardest workers there is while Tina Truesdale’s long history in dogs is well documented for sure. And it’s even nicer when friends get that kind of a win isn’t it!!! Michael Dougherty is also a good friend whose father too was a friend so it was sort of like a family win-win affair for me. Too bad those lady reporters of the NYT fail to understand the progression and foundations upon which our sport is built and turn what are obvious, long, hard earned commitments to the breeding of dogs into a sub-culture they neither understand nor made an attempt to understand. The only thing they are interested in is causing a sensation--THE FACTS BE DAMNED. This was more than just another Westminster-this was an historic step forward for the sport of the dog and be sure to thank both Sean and Tom for delivering so expertly the next time you see them. I would be remiss to not mention the passing of Diana Powers, mother of Board Member Tom Powers. Mrs. Powers was one of the true ladies of our sport, a grande dame in every sense of the word and a good friend to me. Although I have not seen her for the last year or so whenever she came to a California show I sought her out and my heartfelt sympathies go to Tom and his wife Lani. 102 Dog News

• Only two hours from NC State Fair at Raleigh NC “Tarheel” • Plenty of RV Parking - Full hook-ups EntriEs closE March 13, 2013

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CoNtiNueD FRoM page 49


1 GCH CH Majenkir Bookstor Glamour Girl K staudt-Cartabona/K spey 2 GCH CH Greyhaven this rough Magic sC F Vogel/M Hough/L spiers 3 GCH CH Vento Danza Versachi Of the Wild Hunt D Burkholder/C Cedeno/B Waldkirch 4 Jubilee Glacier Good Witch Of the north Z Hawkins

DaCHsHunDs (LOnGHairED)

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 0 1 2 1


0 0 2 0 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 1 1 0


1 GCH CH Briardach’s rock star 0 M Martin/P Martin/s Bennett/P Chapman 2 GCH CH Hundeleben Queen’s armada sl 0 C Puig/K Gonzalez/P stephens 3 GCH CH sleepy Hollow Carolina special 0 M taylor/B Wlodkowski 4 GCH CH aviance’s Pramada For terms Of Endearment sl 0 M Peat 5 GCH CH sweetgrass Johann tipper 0 C Martine/r sak/D sak 6 GCH CH Walmar-solo’s iou sl 0 s snyder 7 GCH CH Pramada’s rough-n-tumble L 0 M Peat/M Heaslet 8 GCH CH Obsession V Lockshire Copacabana sl 0 t Lockyer/D Van Hook 9 artic sun’s Coldfoot Pilsner 0 L Mihm-Kunz 10 GCH CH Ozo’s Manmar island taboo Ml txc 0 K Doi/r Doi

DaCHsHunDs (sMOOtH)

1 GCH CH Bessdachs Electric Martini M Lara/B Jeffery 2 GCH CH spellbound’s you Go First K Brown 3 GCH CH Beachside Dox Havana Daydreamin V Leoralee C ramos/M singleton/W Cunningham 4 GCH CH Grandgables Lil Ms Brier rose D taplin/B shepard 5 CH toskydox Have Gub Will travel ss s Lutosky 6 GCH CH rhill Grandgables Wee thorny adventure H ackby

DaCHsHunDs (WirEHairED)

1 GCH CH J’s starbarrack’s Babybug’sdevil Ofabug s Johnson/M Heywood 2 GCH CH Leoralee’s Baywatch Mw M singleton/B Lasater 3 GCH CH Caidrac’s san antones Famous Madam Mw E Ellis/J Ellis 4 GCH CH Lockshire Detour to sanlyn K Lockyer/t Lockyer/M Chryssanthis/s Chr 5 GCH CH Legibach Captain Crunch sw s sweatt/G Middings/P Leone 6 GCH CH tievoli rumors Oh Hail yeah-Mw K smith/s Ehr 7 GCH CH Dixiedachs absolutely Fearless V aus-Bar Bn ra D Faulkner/J Faulkner 8 GCH CH raydachs ruby tuesday sw s ray


1 CH Grandcru Caymus M steele/P Caddell/C Dabbs/a Phelan/r Ga 2 GCH CH Grandcru Orion With Mistweave C Dabbs/r Gaudet


1 GCH CH Downhome Hitech innovator J sanchez 2 GCH CH tallyho the time Of My Life D Maguire/M nell 3 CH Pacific Anthem Of Rh Infinita BN RN CGC P rhyner

iBiZan HOunDs

1 GCH CH serandida East so Bigstar J Brown/s st John-Brown/L sikora/J Manos 2 GCH CH Harehill’s ace in the Hole K Gindler/D Gindler/W anderson

irisH WOLFHOunDs

1 CH Quest rachel alexandra Of Kerryarc C Collier/M tyler/C tyler 2 GCH CH Kellcastle rushmore J ault/a spalding 3 GCH CH Carroy Dermot Mcduncan L rosebrock/D rosebrock 4 CH Zajacz Can’t Wait to see stardust J speckert/C Zayac 5 GCH CH Dun Myrica Lyre Of Eagle s Mcdonald/J roland/K roland


1 GCH CH tioka’s american ride L Webster 2 GCH CH Vin-Melca’s the norseman P trotter/J reed 3 GCH CH aspen’s Playin’ around r rhoden/r rhoden 4 GCH CH somerri Jamieson’s sea Whiskey J Lewis/L Lewis 5 CH silver sleuth Vikrest P Viken/L Forrest


1 GCH CH aberdeen’s ultimate addiction J Mullen/D Blunt/J Mcilwaine/a Mcilwaine 2 GCH CH Aberdeens Under The Influence a Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine

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3 1 1 0


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0 2 1 0


1 0 0 0


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0 0 0 1


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0 0 0 1 1


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0 0 0 0 3 183

PEtits BassEts GriFFOns VEnDEEns

1 GCH CH M&M’s Fear the Beard D Moore/J Hayes 2 GCH CH Monkhams Famous Grouse J neuschaefer/D Bruce/J Lacey-Black/L sk 3 GCH CH Celestial Cj’s all’s Well that Ends Well J Hurty/L Florian/C Hurty/M Florian/P He 4 GCH CH Jaren’s ready set Don’t Go at r-n-B r Jones/B Helvey/K Prott-Clugston 5 CH M&M’s texas Mae West D Moore 6 CH Jodell’s Bulletproof at r-n-B r Jones/B Helvey/D Gogulski

PHaraOH HOunDs

1 GCH CH Faouziah’s Faramir J Mosing/J Hall 2 DC Hallam’s Jordan Of arolet sC s sipperly/D Carota 3 GCH CH siphra’s no remorse JC L Lysher 4 GCH CH Mia-Bakhu Conspiracy theory V Hallam sC Ca t Haig/P Haig

POrtuGuEsE PODEnGO PEQuEnOs 1 Houla’s Potter C Houlihan/J Ernst 2 CH Houla’s Border Patrol Pw CM P reisert/s Faw/s Faw 3 Pirata ii De Viamonte CM J Evanoff/K Oglesby


1 GCH CH CWsG CCH sidearm Jungle King Mufasa J Mills/L Mills

rHODEsian riDGEBaCKs

1 GCH CH rollings ansel adams By springvalley C Graeff/s Ford/M Elliston 2 GCH CH spring Valley’s always there a thompson 3 CH Koda’s Mighty Man Of Valor r nelson/D nelson 4 GCH CH Hunter’s ridge sure shot By Kwetu D Engelking/C Burridge/s Ford/t Fielder 5 GCH CH raquel Welch Of Malabo apd a Paola Diniz 6 GCH CH Karhiba n adili’s Winning Hand JC n Vaccarino/C rodgers/C Hoffman/G Hoffma 7 GCH CH spring Valley’s Great Vincero H trapasso 8 GCH CH Kuluta along the Watchtower M Hatfield/E Belt/C Well 9 GCH CH shabani’s Johnnie Walker Blue r Macfarlane/K Macfarlane 10 GCH CH Camelot’s Ventura adventure F Walters/G Walters/C Heathcock


1 GCH CH sandstorm Blue nile Bubbles Of Jatara J Harrington/s Winsted/s Middlebrooks 2 GCH CH Hediyeh uriela Priya Bat yosef JC C Pearce/r Pearce/J aaron/J Pearce

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 2 0 1 1


0 3 0 0 1


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The Dog News Top Ten List Presents

the top ten dogs Based on All-Breed Competition

As of January 31, 2013

3 GCH CH Jamora Mystic topaz JC s Forsyth/J Forsyth/K anselmo/J Morrison 4 GCH CH Bay Watch Babe Von agrani K setty/L Bettis 5 GCH DC shahtani ivory Moon sC L May/G thornton/M Mccowen 6 GCH CH Baha Persian Of interest CD sC na aXJ nF C Coile 7 GCH CH Omens Vardarose Of sahara JC K Musante/C noah/J Poncharik 8 CH ro-Cel Pharoah Menkaura C Hahn/t sorth 9 GCH CH Quanmarra thonolan K scerbo/r scerbo/i rasmussen 10 CH Wisdom’s tribute to Modigliani B steer/t steer/C Waymire/s Faust


1 GCH CH alexanders Gold rush Xcetera a alexander


1 GCH CH sporting Fields Bahama sands D Butt/a Giles 2 GCH CH starline’s Oxford Victim Of Love L Lawrence/C Lawrence/L Wilson 3 GCH CH solaris saxon shore Hypnotiq Kamio P Magette/D Lockhart 4 GCH CH Kamada’s new york Minute D Davenport/K Davenport/D Kipp 5 GCH CH Karasar’s remembrence K Kuper/n Barthelette/K Mlynar/a alvarez 6 GCH CH Endeavor’s White roses On nysa Hill J shepherd/L stewart 7 GCH CH artemis Hypnotic Opium sC r Gold/M small 8 GCH CH snow Hill Beatrix soul Delight JC Ca W Dvorak/s Hughes 9 GCH CH snow Hill Calliope sC s Hughes 10 GCH CH northwind’s round House Kick s Krieger/K nierengarten

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 0 0 1 0


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0 0 0 0 1


working group aKitas

1 GCH CH ruthdales Candy From a Baby L stark/r stark 2 GCH CH Cr - Wicca’s trade secret a Bavaria/C Burke/t Bavaria/J Charnik 3 CH Dynamic Force sharp Dressed Man With ruthdales M Huls/M Bostock-armstrong 4 GCH CH stardust’s see you at the show rn P rogers/r rogers/t Witte/r Witte 5 GCH CH Liric’s Cinderella Man L Coffey/B Coffey

aLasKan MaLaMutEs

1 GCH CH Catanyas Latin Lover P Kendrisk/a Martinez/a syar/M stone 2 GCH CH Mytuk’s technical Knock Out D Milburn/a Milburn 3 GCH CH Windrift’s Prodigal son L Wells 4 GCH CH alcan Come snodanc With Me D Mccomb/D ragsdale 5 GCH CH Koolrunnings’n’terraglos’u’Can’t touch this G toussaint/t toussaint

anatOLian sHEPHErD DOGs

1 GCH CH Lucky Hit Bethany Beyaz Kumru J york/E Conard

BErnEsE MOuntain DOGs

1 GCH CH avatars smooth Criminal L Diaz Fernandes/K Groves 2 CH sevens One in a Million rn s slade 3 GCH CH sendache’s Moving Heaven and Earth at tristar s Dominke/s Dominke/M Honari 4 GCH CH sendache’s Xmas Xchange V astia rn s Lutz/J Matthisen 5 GCH CH Hickory’s Playing it Cool s Wellenstein/a tucker/t young 6 CH Lavish’s Dark Horse V ayehli L Bouaoun/F Bushnell 7 GCH CH Wyndrift’s steal your Heart away CD Bn rE t Keith/C Keith 8 GCH CH tallpine’s Life Of the Party D Hitchcock/s Crisp 9 GCH CH amidar Lovita E Heddens schantz

BLaCK russian tErriErs

1 GCH CH aristes Paint it Black D Poulson/C stumm/F Dilsauer 2 GCH CH Valkyrie’s Funny Girl rn V Vest/B sothcott 3 GCH CH Zilya’s Chicago Blues Fusion at runes CD rn D Patterson 4 GCH CH rus Maknalis shtorm Of arbat M Mastroianni 5 GCH CH Barbi s Bronich Master Danila L Merman/y Merman 6 GCH CH Queens Over’s the Last airbender rn M Holloman/E Caldwell

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 1 2 1 0


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B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


1 GCH CH Winfall i Dream Of style K robbins/C robbins/G adkins/B adkins/t 2 GCH CH r and G’s Mystical Dancer r Bezerra/B Bachman/r servetnick/C Desmo 3 GCH CH Maxl’s stay Gold B rocca/M rocca/J Galante/D Galante 4 GCH CH Hi-tech the King Of sherry shoot Jp J Billhardt/s tenenbaum 5 GCH CH Jacquet’s annie El Encanto D sparks/n sparks 6 GCH CH Ho-Pa’s Grand slam a anderson/s anderson 7 GCH CH nantess Caleno numero uno G tafur/s tafur 8 GCH CH Encore’s Over the Moon J Mumford/C Cates 9 GCH CH Dorado’s High Hope Of Essence K Knox/H Xin 10 GCH CH Draco Greets Dassin With Fourbears W truesdale/Z truesdale/J Vergnetti/J Pi


1 GCH CH Dal Primo Magic Moment M Harwood/C Corner 2 CH Leatherneck’s it’s a Bull’s-Eye Bn rn C Eull 3 GCH CH Clover City’s twist Of Fate rn CGC D Grimm/M Grimm/V Potratz 4 GCH CH newcastle’s Blame it On the sun a scully/K spencer 5 GCH CH starrdogs Midnight rambler W Ofshlag/J Ofshlag 6 GCH CH starrdogs Power Play K Hebert/Z Melkonian 7 CH Leatherneck Wishing On a star C Garcia/D yeager

CanE COrsO

1 GCH CH Firehorse Franklin J Weaver/r Hoser 2 GCH CH Castleguard’s Caillou W rivera/s Demoss


1 sandhill’s ranger t Brown/C Brown

DOBErMan PinsCHErs

1 GCH CH Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici s Lundy/D Lundy/J Mullins/K Mullins 2 GCH CH D’s remember When a Dinardo/s Dinardo 3 GCH CH tiburon arsenal J Dolan/a Dolan 4 GCH CH Vondura’s Xcelerator Belle amie r tracy/J Covert/M Dellorto/K Fox 5 GCH CH tiburon ariel Bella Dona M Moyer/t Moyer/K Drake/J Drake 6 GCH CH Jaroe Legend Of irish spirit r Kelly 7 GCH CH Foxfire N Icon Gotta Lotta Moxie M santana/t ross/s st. John/n Besand/P B 8 GCH CH O’s Godiva Dark Demitasse M Byrns/P Onley 9 GCH CH Holly Woods Catwoman t Kronovich/L Kronovich 10 GCH CH tevro’s Director’s Choice M Winchell/D Winchell/t Miller

GErMan PinsCHErs

1 GCH CH Midernoch a Phortune Of Phranklins Ca C French 2 GCH CH rivendells Material Girl K schiff

Giant sCHnauZErs

1 GCH CH Kenro’s Witching Hour r Greenslade/L norton/D Hill 2 CH Lowdown remys Girl V ardenhout M Low/L Low 3 GCH CH skansen’s Got Guinness? r Poyfair/J Poyfair 4 GCH CH skansen’s Harvard G reyna/J Boston 5 GCH CH nightline Viking a tanglewood E Fojtik/J Erath/C Erath 6 CH skansen’s Leather & Lace Of twilight P Poole 7 skansen’s Jackpot r Galarneau/J Galarneau 8 GCH CH Payne’s royal Velvet D Berkshire 9 GCH CH skansen’s Havannah C sansone/s sansone 10 GCH CH seven seas auroras adonis K sevastopoulos/athanasvos

GrEat DanEs

1 GCH CH Longo Miller n Lore’s Diamond Lil t Longo/J Miller/L Matherly/C Crawford 2 GCH CH Ghdd seamus Lord Of the Dance D Kish/K Kish 3 CH D.s.s. Kings ransom Jp Mc Laren t Mita/H sayama 4 GCH CH Hauerdane’s Don’t Bury the treasure v Caps a Brill 5 GCH CH Mjm’s Hi-air all Eyes On Me a solnick/L solnick/L Maulucci/M Maulucc


6 GCH CH raintree Erinwood Dixie For Heaven’s sake r Gumbs/P Deloria/L Landrum/L Cornelius 7 GCH CH sunstrike spellbinder at Karmel CGC M yellish 8 GCH CH Lobato’s Caught red Handed L Hotchkiss/J Lobato 9 GCH CH southern star Gen stonewall Jackson s Moore/J Moore

2 2 4 1 0


1 1 0 0 0


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0 0 1 1 0


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0 0 0 1 0


1 GCH CH Framboise something Ventured something P Hughes/s Hughes/P Watson 2 GCH CH Pyrless Don’t Blink P Knutson/G Knutson 3 GCH CH Honor’s Promise Of the Future B Ducker/K Bruneau

0 0 0 0 1


GrEatEr sWiss MOuntain DOGs

0 0 0 1 0


0 0 1 1 0


0 0 1 1 0


1 GCH CH szumeria’s Wildwood silver six Pence M Vila/L Brady/C Muir/C townsend

0 0 1 0 0



0 0 0 1 0


1 GCH CH a. Feiner Eros L Bazlen

0 0 0 0 1



0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 1 0


0 1 0 1 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


5 11 1 2 0


0 4 4 2 1


0 2 3 0 0


0 0 0 2 0


0 1 1 0 0


0 1 0 1 0


GrEat PyrEnEEs

1 GCH CH Derby’s toast With Gusto s Copeland 2 GCH CH twinpeaks Dunes Of the Cape E Pritchard/E Mcwilliams/J scott


1 GCH CH Jadems rythm-n-Boo t Woods 2 GCH CH Kimmit’s rockstar K Wampler/L Gabhart 3 GCH CH Fireside’s He’s the Bomb! S Barfield/D Barfield 4 GCH CH Willow ridges risky Business J swarts 5 GCH CH Milleniums Moonshine t Plezbert/C Jones 6 GCH CH Lazy D’s spartacus at Her Majesty’s request K Williams

nEaPOLitan MastiFFs


0 0 0 1 0


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0 0 1 0 0


2 4 2 3 0


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7 GCH CH annisquam Light’s Perfect Gentleman s russell/J Patino 8 GCH CH tempest’s M.O. Quinsigamond rn s Mendleson/t Bennett/s Petsch 9 CH Black Watch’s timbucktoo rn G strong/r Kestin 10 GCH CH avalon Bey’s Chairman Of the Board M Wadsworth/a Wadsworth/L rader/J Fitser

POrtuGuEsE WatEr DOGs

1 GCH CH Claircreek impression De Matisse M Lint/P Helming/D Gottdenker 2 GCH CH roseknoll sunny Benjamin C Diamant/C teasley/s teasley/E Leyda 3 GCH CH sail away root Beer Float M Parszewski/t smith 4 GCH CH Downeast Paintin’ the town Bn ra s Lefebvre/C Dostie 5 CH yare’s Goblet Of Fire J Eastham allred/J Bailey 6 GCH CH Freestyle the Wiz Bn rn J Freeman/M Forgach


1 GCH CH Chancellor Flirt’s Hi Flyin’ Gladiator W Lewellen 2 GCH CH Hemlock’s Jack Of Hearts ra K Bang/r Bang 3 CH Parisans stingray of riverridge s Eikanger-stoops/t Johnston/r ramsour 4 GCH CH Ecko ridge’s Big Easy Fast and Furious t Larroquette/B Larroquette 5 GCH CH Loral’s trooper L Pyeatt/a Pyeatt 6 GCH CH ivoss sonny’s angel D Voss 7 GCH CH stoneridge Midnight Warrior CD Bn ra C Hagen 8 GCH CH steinplatz Just incredible C Coon/D Coon 9 CH Portcity teddy Bear W nesmith 10 CH Black Jack’s Princess Jasmine V Waylaine Bn W yamaguchi/E yamaguchi


0 0 1 0 0


1 GCH CH Polar Mist Cruz’n t’Party at Zamosky E Widjaja/L Blue 2 GCH CH sammantic Piroschka B Bruns/W stamp 3 GCH CH Pebbles’ run Play it again Ham a Kiell Green 4 CH Celticfrost Kodiak Bear J Deleo/L Deleo 5 GCH CH White Magic’s seasoned traveler-”trek” M Matto 6 GCH CH McMagic’s Mojo P Mccallum 7 CH Celticfrost radiant splendour L Person/G Person 8 GCH CH ala-Kasam’s spirit Of the snow B Delaney/t Delaney 9 icycube’s Let the Bullets Fly C Li

0 0 0 0 1


siBErian HusKiEs

0 0 0 1 0


0 0 1 0 2


0 0 0 0 1


1 2 4 3 3


0 2 0 1 3


0 0 0 2 2


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0 0 0 1 0


2 6 5 2 0


1 2 0 0 0


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0 0 1 1 0


0 1 0 0 0 290

1 GCH CH ironwood’s Papparrazi J Deppen/s Van-spruill

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


1 CH numa’s Cest La Vie seabrook K Griffin/P Helming 2 GCH CH Heartsease King Of the Jungle M Casler/L anderson 3 GCH CH Darbydale’s all that and More G Griffith/K Kemp 4 GCH CH Windhaven she’s the real Cruz-Penelope C Legg 5 GCH CH rosewood’s royal Flush M Morris 6 GCH CH spillways Man about town Kodiak r Emery/K Emery

0 1 1 0 0


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0 0 0 0 1


The Dog News Top Ten List Presents

the top ten dogs Based on All-Breed Competition

As of January 31, 2013

1 GCH CH snowmist’s Quicksilver speigas K Leblanc/L Baryte 2 GCH CH topaz Bad action H tang 3 GCH CH Kontoki’s isaiah Little Prayer For you n Wisniewski/r tang/s Kao/M De Palma/t O 4 GCH CH Playmor’s Leap Of Faith L Hanson 5 GCH CH snowmist’s Quidditch seeker K ramey-Leblanc 6 GCH CH Jes Just a rockets red Glare n Char/C Zimmerman/s Zimmerman/D Char 7 GCH CH snocrest Medaglia D’Onore s Barkon/M shveima 8 GCH CH stormwatch’s trapper Creek C Preble/K Preble/C Curtis/D Curtis 9 GCH CH nordpol’s saturday night Fever C Wegerer/t Wegerer/P Meek

st. BErnarDs

1 GCH CH Jamelle’s aristocrat V Elba rn CGC L Baker/E Baker 2 GCH CH Jamelle’s Camelot M Mulligan/J Mulligan 3 GCH CH Gliddens Lady isabella K Glidden 4 CH Gordon’s Working On a Dream W Gordon/L Gordon

stanDarD sCHnauZErs

1 GCH CH Blackhawk Finnegan’s Wake L studley/K studley 2 GCH CH Charisma Maxim Von Diable L adiletti/J adiletti 3 GCH CH Mistic’s Longfellow serenade s Marsh/a Derenzis 4 GCH CH steinhaus Maxim Courage rn D Morse 5 GCH CH seneca’s sterling Midnight tango G Beeson

tiBEtan MastiFFs

1 GCH CH Dreamcatcher Major Victory Of Loki D Parsons/W slayton 2 GCH CH sierras’ sasha - yakone nanuk J Butler/r Gallegos CoNtiNueD oN page 106

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 0 0 1 0


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1 4 2 2 1


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Dog News 105

terrier group CoNtiNueD FRoM page 105

airEDaLE tErriErs

1 GCH CH Joval angel’s Whisper V rickard/J rickard 2 GCH CH Penaire’s Chip Leader at Longvue J Clarke/W Clarke/t Clyde/a Clyde 3 GCH CH Huntwood spyglas Of stone ridge tobylinn J Linn/s Kipp

aMEriCan staFFOrDsHirE tErriErs

1 GCH CH alpine’s ring Of Fire CGC J Mosing/E thomason/K thomason/V Piltz 2 GCH CH Chavez Let it ride at Bonsai G simonds/a Ghione 3 GCH CH angarda Deja Vu Looking at you E Mckee-Heath 4 GCH CH Lbk’s Enuf talk about ruby Of Mule Creek L Jagta/P Miller/L tulloch 5 GCH CH alpine’s Lonewolf Whisky river s Killen/L Killen/E thomason/K thomason 6 CH Vaca Valley’s Bold ruler For Frajaec G Brown/K rudzik/B Gottier/D Pesenti 7 GCH CH Major League’s silver slugger C Ward/H Ward 8 GCH CH Old river’s talk about a Mystery s allison/L Jones 9 american V.i.D. Mamiya E Ceragioli 10 GCH CH new Era’s Closer to My Dreams K Cobb/E nichols

austraLian tErriErs

1 CH ryba’s Call Me irresponsible s Bachman/t schreeder 2 GCH CH temora ri Diercc C Hill 3 GCH CH shastakin Flying Dust Buster Z Van Wyck De ropp 4 GCH CH Dunham Lake scout Master t steinmetz/J steinmetz/t Goiffon 5 GCH CH P.s. Phoebe ii Christhill K Hill/W Christensen 6 GCH CH abq san isidro Christhill K Hill/W Christensen

BEDLinGtOn tErriErs

1 GCH CH First Class Delaine Merino J Fogel 2 CH Peremi i M a Player J Weiskopf/L nilsson 3 CH Carillon Chazzen De Hayyim L Heyman

BOrDEr tErriErs

1 GCH CH Meadowlake simply sinful K Courtelis/K Fitzpatrick/J Wilkinson/D 2 GCH CH Mchill’s Hrh Prince Gizmo House Of Gremlin P Holson/a Barrios 3 CH Meadowlake Pants On Fire K Fitzpatrick/t Bradley/K Courtelis 4 GCH CH Brocair Field Of Cherry Blossoms a Donovan/J Behan 5 GCH CH surefyre’s Just in time M smith/C Bartlett 6 Mchills Major League J Geiszler/s Geiszler 7 ranthorn rob roy ra P stillman 8 CH Faireview storm Warning Bn rn M Henning/a Henning/K Henning 9 Copperstill Fiddlestix E Prezbindowski/K schooler 10 Otley Delightful P Mizuno

BuLL tErriErs (COLOrED)

1 GCH CH action First try C Claburn/F Berez 2 Hawthorn Leap Of Faith M Quinn/P O’Driscoll 3 GCH CH Old England’s Montgomery a Bavol/W Bavol 4 CH Caben’s Can’t stop the Muse-ic J Fournier-Fike/s Fike/G snyder

BuLL tErriErs (WHitE)

1 GCH CH Brickhouse Lone ranger K Frickert/J Bouthilet 2 stonebull Matrix revolutions r Macdonald

Cairn tErriErs

1 GCH CH Hjohoo’s Just the Way Hjo are E theodorsson/V Malzoni 2 GCH CH Dogwood treasure Hunter P Davis 3 GCH CH Connacht a Ha’ Penny Will Do M Joyce 4 GCH CH rocco’s Collar King Carl Xvi Gustaf K Kauffman/W Eckard 5 GCH CH Cyntu’s twist n shout D Vogt/s Vogt 6 GCH CH stonebridge Just a Little Bit Better D Ziesmer 7 GCH CH Hampton Court’s ringmaster V Malzoni 8 GCH CH alascairn’s sapphire Oa aXJ C tolson/t tolson

106 Dog News

CEsKy tErriErs

1 CH Milenka’s Hector in act Four L Kapustina/a Kapustin/L Marino

DanDiE DinMOnt tErriErs

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 2 4 1 1


0 0 0 1 0


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0 0 1 0 0


0 0 0 1 0


1 GCH CH King’s Mtn. alice springs C Chriscaden/M Furlong

FOX tErriErs (sMOOtH)

1 GCH CH J’Cobe Broxden Danea V Malzoni/a Booth/P Booth/W Dalling 2 CH sayo’s Jai Ho M Briceno/J Possenti 3 GCH CH High Mountain Everso in Command C snavely/r snavely 4 GCH CH Wedigit Paparazzi r young/B Hunsaker/t Haines 5 GCH CH Broxden Waybroke simphuni Burlesque B Huntington/D simpson 6 GCH CH Hopewell Grand slam From Flair-rill C Kelley 7 CH absoultely Designer Edition J steel/L steel/D Gabel 8 CH Harewood Foxcove Gunpowder and Lead a Harwood-aroney/M aroney/a Peterson 9 CH Laurelton We Dig sin City D Carder 10 Black Marbles Viking Princess M Hermon

FOX tErriErs (WirE)

1 GCH CH afterall Painting the sky V Malzoni/t steele/s Olund/M Olund/D rya 2 GCH CH Gordon’s Bite Of the apple J Hanson/s Hanson 3 CH aljamar accentuate the Positive M Laschinski/J Warling/a Waters 4 CH Beinneins Verona D Heck 5 CH Outfoxed at the Captain’s Game J thatcher/L Moore 6 GCH CH Elmdale’s steele “Bb” n Hittepole/B Balata

GLEn OF iMaaL tErriErs

1 Glentyrs Lady isabelle at Castlerock C Chiddister 2 GCH CH Kilkenny’s sullivan Of Castlerock C Chiddister/s Blum

irisH tErriErs

1 GCH CH rockledge Mccallen Of Meath L Honey/D rapport/J Wilson/J Macdonald

KErry BLuE tErriErs

1 GCH CH Class act By Hallsblu W Berry/a austin 2 saredon shock Waves Of irisblu a norman/H Quigg 3 GCH CH true Blue Madonna E randall 4 GCH CH Edbrios Cosmopolitan E Hansen

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 6 2 3 0


5 CH Morwin’s Holidazzle W Morris 6 GCH CH Dornick’s El Capitan D Fletcher 7 CH Edbrios russian roulette E Hansen 8 CH Perrisblu Paris D Gau 9 GCH CH Heritage Lord Dunsany W Kearney/C Kearney/r roth/i roth

1 2 3 0 0


LaKELanD tErriErs

0 2 2 1 0


0 0 1 2 0


0 0 1 2 0


0 1 1 0 0


0 0 0 0 1


1 GCH CH Larkspur acadia save Me a spot a Barker/s Fraser/M sacco 2 CH nanhalls Koichi Hikel terrydale B Bates/W Bates 3 GCH CH Hi-Kel terrydale Fortune in My Eyes a Geremia/F Cashin/terrydale Knl 4 Hi-Kel terrydale Delzar Kanaloa M skou/V skou 5 CH Delzar sweet sin-sation t szaras/B Phelps/L abreu

0 0 0 0 1


ManCHEstEr tErriErs (stanDarD)

0 0 0 0 1


0 0 1 0 0


3 14 0 0 0


1 CH Wilane’s all We r is Dust On the Wind B Wood/B Wood/J Emerick 2 CH Oasis Pillow talk M Belanger/G anderson/J anderson 3 GCH CH toria royalty in the Making t taylor/V Herbert-thorsland 4 GCH CH Oasis razzmatazz V stanert/B stanert

0 4 3 2 0


MiniaturE BuLL tErriErs

0 0 0 1 0


0 0 1 0 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


1 GCH CH Dytona Vip M Jacobs/a Klishas/E Feuz 2 GCH CH Cambria’s Kid n Play L Baggenstos/r Baggenstos/a Guerrero/D G 3 GCH CH Eggstream Gespiel’s G Force W Goldacker/J Goldacker/L Duncan 4 GCH CH Evolution runs With scissors s Cummings/K toomey/C Jensen

MiniaturE sCHnauZErs

0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 1 2


0 4 4 1 0


0 0 1 0 1


0 0 1 2 2


0 1 3 0 0


The Dog News Top Ten List Presents

the top ten dogs Based on All-Breed Competition

As of January 31, 2013

1 GCH CH allaruth Just Kidding V sole Baye y Phelps/r Ziegler 2 GCH CH regency’s Play For Keeps D Lewis/K Lewis/B Verna 3 GCH CH Legend’s B-B-B Bad to the Bone D Huff/s Huff 4 GCH CH Cholet’s Brymos Loaded Gun E Mombela/J Mombela/B Mombela 5 CH tomar’s Captain Kirk M Paisley 6 CH Wards Creek’s rafael Mein schutzengel E Gephart/a Gephart/G schnetzer 7 GCH CH Joker Land’s Glacyka Fci M uryu/J Constantine 8 Hardinhaus Pointed to Bravo! M Harding/D Hills 9 GCH CH rockyhill icees “raisin’ the Bar” s Fry 10 GCH CH rivers Force Of nature t scott

nOrFOLK tErriErs

1 GCH CH yarrow Venerie ticket to ride P Beale/J Beale 2 GCH CH Max-Well’s Diamond thief B Miller/M Mcternan/s Kipp 3 GCH CH Max-Well’s Valley Girl s Kipp/B Miller 4 GCH CH Caprock Life Of the Party E Davenport/J Harper

nOrWiCH tErriErs

1 GCH CH Camio’s Educated Exemplar C rogers 2 GCH CH apollo C Chen/C trexler/C Foucrault 3 GCH CH Foxwood Diamond in the ruff K Mines 4 GCH CH skyscot’s texas Hold ‘Em s Esposito 5 GCH CH ascot sanspur at yarrow L Crawley/B sweigart/P Beale 6 GCH CH thunderwood’s First robin Of spring t Willrich/K Conlan 7 GCH CH scalawag the sheriff at stetland t nyari

ParsOn russELL tErriErs

1 GCH CH Fox Valley Devil in Disguise C Florence/J Felten 2 GCH CH Foxbend Call My agent s Crawford

russELL tErriErs

1 GCH CH Goldsand’s Columbus M ulrich/C areskough 2 CH Monamour Jp Part time Lover K Miichi 3 GCH CH Meadowbrook Madison CM s sobel 4 GCH CH Goldsand’s Billie Jean M Wooldridge/J stevens/C Manelopoulos/r 5 CH appassionato Jp Monamour’s star a Hargrave/C areskough

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 1 0 1


0 0 1 0 0


0 1 1 0 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 4 5 3 1


0 2 3 1 1


0 0 1 1 0


0 0 0 2 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 1 0 1 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 1 2 0


0 0 0 2 2


0 0 1 2 0


0 0 1 2 1


1 5 1 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 1 1 1


0 1 1 0 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 1 1


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 3 0 3 3


0 2 1 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


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0 0 0 3 1


0 0 0 2 0


0 0 0 0 2


0 1 1 1 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 1 0 0 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 1 2


2 7 3 2 3


0 0 2 1 1


0 0 0 1 1


0 0 1 0 1


0 0 1 0 0


sCOttisH tErriErs

1 GCH CH Friendship Hill stars and stripes P Gallatin/M Browne 2 CH invercrest surely Why not D Eggert/J Eggert 3 GCH CH Kelwyn’s History in the Making K Edell/D Edell 4 GCH CH Kingsview Just Ebony C Blain/L tuttle 5 GCH CH Blueberrys shall We Dance s Maniscalco/a Maniscalco 6 Destiny’s ruff and ready C Leffler/S Finn 7 GCH CH Woburn Camelot unbridled spirit D russell/s russell 8 GCH CH Barbary Why Why Delilla r Mcconnell/M Mcconnell 9 Christimoor Hillview smalltown Charm J Bartholomew/C O’Brien

sEaLyHaM tErriErs

1 CH Efbe’s thunder rd at Burberry F Bergeron/L tetreault/s Hawks 2 GCH CH Hotshot’s royal she’ll Make ‘Em Cry B Dunlap/r Dunlap

sKyE tErriErs

1 GCH CH Of skyeline Captain Hook E Zaphiris/M stander/K sainio

sOFt COatED WHEatEn tErriErs

1 GCH CH Doubloon’s Extreme Play E Landa 2 GCH CH ainle Villanova Mouth Of the south K Elliot/M Vance 3 GCH CH sundance second Chance s russo/F russo

staFFOrDsHirE BuLL tErriErs

1 CH roughnecks Masta Of Puppets J Massie 2 GCH CH unionjack’s Partner in Crime D Drozdoff/M Drozdoff/P Levine/H Eldred 3 CH Edelhaus’ all White Everything B Donaldson/C Patterson 4 GCH CH Challenger’s Honky tonk Man r Mcgaugh/s Hill/t Boyle 5 GCH CH reigning Bulls analyzed By the Devil C Chun/J Chun 6 GCH CH Cumhil Hell raiser Z smith 7 Clandara’s Outlaw (Foreign Dog - registration Pending.) 8 GCH CH red rocks Desert storm B Kriger/C Kriger

WELsH tErriErs

1 GCH CH shaireab’s Bayleigh Maid Of Honor s abmeyer/K Bailey/t Lee/X Xie 2 GCH CH Darwyn Esmeralda in sanherpinc J anspach/M Duafala/P allen 3 GCH CH Malvado Devil Woman P Clark/n Clark 4 CH shaireab’s Bayleigh Last Call to Penbryn s abmeyer/K Bailey/t Lee/X Xie 5 CH Hollis Haven’s Bridget n Hollis/L Hollis

WEst HiGHLanD WHitE tErriErs

1 GCH CH Deerhaven Hez Justin Kredible at Orion D Bouderra/J Kays/G Kays/i Keushgenian 2 GCH CH Devonshire Out Of the starting Gate t Pancost 3 GCH CH Camcrest andsurely Jasmine J Downing/s Campbell 4 GCH CH White Oaks invincible snowplow s Meisels/G Meisels 5 GCH CH Blythfell talisker J Jardine/L Jardine 6 CH Fifeshires Flying right Over rivrvue J simmons 7 GCH CH altrincham Camelot’s Foil Highland Glen L Marino

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 2 0 0 1


0 3 2 1 0


0 1 1 2 2


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 1 0 0


0 1 0 0 0


4 GCH CH Crizwood’s undeniable K Ferrell 5 GCH CH Chadwick Passion Puzzle at Brynwood C Carter/C Eckersley 6 GCH CH Lacanina Fratello sole Caa V schuler/C Greenshields/E Lesko 7 GCH CH Burbrook storm Chaser J ioia/B ioia/D Petralia/C rose 8 GCH CH Forestcreek Brass in Pocket M Mayfield/K Chandor 9 GCH CH We-syng royal Etiquette G reardon 10 CH Hill’s Prince Miles i Eyler

0 0 0 1 0


CHiHuaHuas (LOnG COat)

0 0 0 0 1


0 1 1 1 1


0 0 0 1 0


1 GCH CH tamarin tarheel a shultz/G shultz 2 GCH CH Xela’s Party Hat s Jones/s Hill/a romero

BrussELs GriFFOns

1 GCH CH Paragons sharp Dressed Man at Greengates F Cashin/M Gale/K Fleener 2 CH Fist Face a Penny For your thought P Catterson/K Catterson/a Catterson/L Va 3 GCH CH Marsdon Frankly speaking B strange 4 GCH CH Hilltop’s GQ Cover Boy P Brown

CaVaLiEr KinG CHarLEs sPaniELs

1 GCH CH Full Of Malarkey Miles Of aisles t Kelly/P Kelly 2 GCH CH Quail Garden Loch Lomond Deja Vu J Mittelman/K subramanian 3 GCH CH Orchard Hill Play For Keeps C Darr/E Venier/r Venier


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 2 0 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 1 0 1 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 1 0


1 GCH CH Victory Mask Of Zorro K Hulstein/s Hartwig 2 GCH CH timeless Cottondale Pink Champagne K Potts/s Boyd 3 CH Lone Pine’s Boston Legal D’Ouachitah M Blank/C Eugene/L George 4 Capitol academ’s Fury L Mcguffey

CHiHuaHuas (sMOOtH COat)

0 2 0 0 0


0 0 1 1 2


0 0 0 0 2


0 1 0 0 1


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 1 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


1 GCH CH sandy’s Babes tradewinds as Ever D Corl 2 GCH CH Ouachitah Defying Gravity L Monte 3 GCH CH Gaga Lady De aqlla M Blank/L George 4 GCH CH rsun King Lewis Of Ppc r Miller 5 GCH CH Genbrook’s Playin’ With Fire B Kaye/G stiles 6 GCH CH silver Bluff Eight Belles r Ly/B Fischer 7 GCH CH Grannycreeks One and Only Wild Bill J Guichon 8 Krispin Ever Done Good J Breazeale/s Guthrie/B Overstreet 9 GCH CH south Fork’s sweet Harmony M Held

0 0 1 0 1



0 1 1 0 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 1 0


1 5 4 0 0


1 2 1 0 1


0 0 1 0 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 1 0 0


0 0 0 2 1


0 0 1 1 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 1 0


0 1 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


toy group aFFEnPinsCHErs

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 2 1 0 2


0 1 0 0 0


0 0 1 0 1


0 1 0 1 0


0 0 1 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 1 2 0


0 1 1 0 1


0 0 0 1 2


1 GCH CH Dejavu i Want’a talk about Me r Kusumoto/J Kusumoto 2 GCH CH storytime’s rocky road For Gingery M Fields/a Butterklee/J temple 3 CH Gracieux Backwoods Barbie M Portaluppi 4 GCH CH Belews Les Bons temps rouler D Parker/M Parker 5 GCH CH Gingery’s sweet tea a Butterklee/B Cleveland/V Helu 6 GCH CH stillmeadow solo in the spotlight M Patti/J Patti 7 GCH CH Ghostmar’s Dark shadows s Hill/M uriarte/s Lybrand 8 CH Destiny’s Passionate Kisses L Pabst/L Jacobsen

0 1 0 1 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 3 0 1


0 0 0 1 1


0 0 1 0 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 1 0 0


0 0 1 0 0


1 2 2 1 1


0 0 0 1 2


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 2 0 0


B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4

9 GCH CH Edelweiss Dirty sexy Money K Knoles/a Beard 10 GCH CH Pammar Pirates Of the Caribbean C Landsberger

the top ten dogs

0 0 0 0 1


0 0 1 1 0


0 0 0 1 0


EnGLisH tOy sPaniELs (KinG CHarLEs & ruBy)

1 GCH CH Lto Prosperity r Cole/M Landers 2 GCH CH southdown nevermind B Van Deman


1 GCH CH Marcosa’s slip slidin’ away H Kolzow/C Kolzow/P Bass 2 GCH CH Oeste’s Flirt’n With an Outlaw r schindler/M King/J Vogel 3 GCH CH Heartland’s sure Bet P tschohl/s Mccabe/K Mccabe/W Koistinen 4 GCH CH yup’s Malibu Dream J Birdsall/D stout 5 GCH CH yayas Dancing through Life D Planche/C Livingston/K Livingston/B Ca 6 GCH CH Marcosa’s Bachelor Button J Mcgrath/H Kolzow 7 GCH CH Windfall’s Dude With attitude K ambler 8 GCH CH Mojito’s Dressed to Kill J Mcgrath 9 GCH CH askin Bidin’ My time L Curtis/E Curtis 10 GCH CH amara soliloquy Of narwyn K smith

itaLian GrEyHOunDs

1 GCH CH Donavin’s Caramel Macchiato D Davis/J Davis 2 GCH CH integra’s Masquerade Party M Lucas/r Weyer 3 GCH CH Caliente’s Maker’s Mark Of Bravehound J Milko/D Milko 4 GCH CH Voici island Of Mykonos L Echols/r Conrad 5 GCH CH Everafter’s Best Bet yet s Middlebrooks/t Brooks/J Maleck

JaPanEsE CHin

1 GCH CH Victory spencer M Mc Cormick/M Cooley 2 GCH CH Pem We-syng Lucky Mi J Dalton/J turjoman/M Ballard 3 GCH CH taichin’s notorious D’Eriq K schoenhard 4 GCH CH Blue Willow Cherbo Lil Bit rocknroll C Boice/n stedman 5 GCH CH Junley’s stan the Man Buke s Lysandrou/J Lysandrou 6 CH starstruck’s Born this Way C Eussen/J Eussen/G rivers


The Dog News Top Ten List Presents


EnGLisH tOy sPaniELs (BLEnHEiM & PrinCE CHarLEs)

1 GCH CH Loujon Backroads to Paris C Williams/J Ward/K Miller 2 GCH CH Loujon thornwood Little Jacob K Miller/J Ward/C Williams

1 GCH CH scylla’s small Kraft re-Lit D Burke/r scott/t rowell 2 CH rhapsody’s someone Like you t Holibaugh/K Kasten 3 CH ta-Jon’s Pawsitively Pawparazzi t Lehman/t simon 4 GCH CH rhapsody n Cherub’s Oh so Henry t Mackenzie/K Mackenzie 5 GCH CH Divine’s Work Of art K Kent/a stanberry 6 GCH CH Maltangel Heavenly Vision i Gram/M Harrigan 7 GCH CH richelieu’s Here Comes trouble again L Lawrence/J Mcquiston 8 CH richelieu’s Valentino P Keen/J Mcquiston 9 GCH CH Divine’s Veni Vidi Vici s newton/a stanberry

ManCHEstEr tErriErs (tOy)

1 GCH CH rustic Lane still Waters run Deep P Lapinski/J Debraganca/C Horowitz/a Deb 2 GCH CH Cottage Lake’s Bela Horizonte r travis/M Charger 3 CH splash’s Moon Pie at Burmack J Burrows/P Mackesey/E Cressler/s Beatti 4 GCH CH Blossom’s Let’s Dance B scott-Heim

MiniaturE PinsCHErs

1 GCH CH Marlex Classic red Glare a angelbello/L Monte 2 GCH CH Brackley My amazing Warrior K Haney/D Haney 3 GCH CH Marlex n Marisol Bold Moves a angelbello/M Hackett 4 GCH CH Kimro’s Dora the Explorer K Pastella Calvacca/a Calvacca/r Greensl 5 GCH CH Wannabee Casanova s Walter 6 GCH CH Pinnacole Winters Feel the Fire M Cole/M Cole/K Winters


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CoNtiNueD oN page 108

Based on All-Breed Competition

As of January 31, 2013

Dog News 107

CoNtiNueD FRoM page 107


1 GCH CH Fenice Le Beaudreaux r Greathouse/E akers-Perry/M Perry 2 GCH CH involo the King Of Pop G Garofalo/D Garofalo/M Garofalo 3 GCH CH Wildfire On The Record n shaw/a Pickett/C Pickett 4 GCH CH Jazzbo’s Headline news D Clas 5 GCH CH Wildfire On The Edge G Bontecoo 6 GCH CH Muneca Betting On Belmont t stone 7 GCH CH Okekai the Mighty Quinn a ninomoto/G ninomoto/B ankersmit 8 GCH CH Nightfire’s Love Letter B Hernandez 9 GCH CH Betlen riegel Blessed is the reign a Lane/C Dennie/G Colucci


1 GCH CH yakee Easily Persuaded s Middlebrooks/D Fitzpatrick 2 GCH CH schuyler’s Laparata robert M Campbell 3 GCH CH Benaire’s n Elphasun’s razzmatazz D Greenwald/C Greenwald 4 GCH CH Oakhill’s two times the Dragon J Franklin/B royer 5 CH sunn yenn uncensored Dachari D Cole 6 GCH CH Windemere’s this style’s For you L Markham 7 GCH CH Dunkirk imagine that M Merrill/t reese/r Winters 8 GCH CH Briar-Mar american Gigolo at Vannjty E Poole/D Poole/s shephard


1 GCH CH Cr Chase What Matters M Koga 2 GCH CH Char’s Love story M Paredes 3 GCH CH Babbi’s Captain Of the ship Of Mtn Crest B Meyer 4 GCH CH starlight’s sugar Daddy D stratton 5 CH aljens Manny Pacquiao Of Lenette a Lapuz 6 GCH CH Cr Global affair C solano/r solano/D simon 7 GCH CH reigningstarz its 5 Oclock somewhere C Marsh/t Phillips 8 CH Sofine’s So You Think You Can Dance C Oganeku/y Oganeku/J Green 9 GCH CH Winsum’s northern Magic Of Lenette C taylor/M taylor 10 CH Afina’s Against All Odds L Lewis


1 GCH CH smash Jp sakura r scott/D Burke 2 GCH CH sharbelle Greg-Mar international Boy r stevens/s stevens/M Gregory 3 GCH CH Donnchada angel Wings at Dulcinea s talkington/E Brown 4 GCH CH smash Jp Winning ribbon J steinhour 5 Kaylen’s Oh really! V Dorris/B Bird/K Peiser 6 CH Hillwood Mr Kibbles E Charles 7 Bradlene’s Made in america B Odagiri/a Odagiri


1 GCH CH Hill Country’s tag i’M it C Koch 2 GCH CH Caper’s sirius Endeavor P Fisher/C Fisher/J rowell/L rowell/r Wa 3 GCH CH Winsome-nirvana-Blaque triple Play E Veltman/V Cox-Flatley/B roberts 4 GCH CH sweetbriar Boo-Koo Bucks P Caldwell/r Caldwell 5 GCH CH Foursquare i’Ll Be a shostopa tu D Johnson/J Johnson 6 GCH CH Kirby’s Just say the Word J Ettinger/M Kirby-Green/P Kirby-Green 7 GCH CH Brigadoon’s Canton Ginger L Bridge/J Bridge 8 CH Moonstruck’s in the Pocket! C Koch 9 GCH CH Pine Cone’s Green Mountain Boy a Fischer/E sheerah 10 GCH CH Castlerock Pine Cone Mountain rain a Fischer

sHiH tZu

1 GCH CH Hallmark Jolei Bells Will Be ringing L Ehricht/D Ehricht 2 GCH CH Krissy’s savvy Jasper L Lawrence 3 GCH CH ista’s Hurricain Chaser D Wheeler/G Larson 4 GCH CH Lohona Zephyr i Can’t Look away D Haley 5 GCH CH Foxfire Pocket Edition t Fox/K Bilicich 6 GCH CH Xeralane’s Just Face it Xeralane Knl

108 Dog News

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 3 1 0 1


0 4 0 2 0


0 0 1 0 0 160 0 0 0 0 1


0 0 1 0 0 97 0 0 0 0 1


0 0 1 0 0


0 0 0 0 1 49

siLKy tErriErs

1 GCH CH snow Glen’s tesoro Cover story D adamcik/D Caselli/P Laperruque 2 CH Karisma Heart and soul M Hodge/K Gilbert/M Gagliardi/P Laperruq 3 GCH CH Lamplighter’s tattle tail M Benson/B Beissel 4 GCH CH Mariblu Forevermore At Safire M solvason/J Pizzirulli 5 CH Cantell Daybreaker K Oglesby/r Oglesby/J Evanoff

0 0 0 0 1


1 4 3 1 0


1 2 1 0 0


0 2 1 1 2


0 1 1 0 0


1 GCH CH Valcopy shively son Of a Gun D Plonkey/r Davis 2 GCH CH Dejavu’s Big Dog Daddy J spence 3 GCH CH Foxlair Hi-De-Ho smokey Joe V Denney/E Ward

0 0 0 0 1


yOrKsHirE tErriErs

0 0 0 0 1


0 0 1 0 0


0 0 1 0 0


0 5 0 1 1


0 1 1 1 2


0 1 0 1 2


0 0 0 2 1


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 1 1 0 119 0 0 0 1 1


0 0 0 0 1 78 1 4 2 1 0


0 2 1 1 0


0 1 0 2 2


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


1 6 4 2 2


0 1 8 2 2


0 0 1 1 1


0 1 2 1 0


0 0 1 1 2


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 2 0 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 5 1 1 1


0 0 1 2 2


0 0 3 0 1


0 1 2 0 0


0 0 1 0 0 379 1 2 0 0 0


B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4

7 GCH CH symarun’s Love t’Look W Lee 8 CH yingsu’s Keep Me in Mind M Jones 9 GCH CH Wenshus shesa Dream D Gerl/L Lawrence 10 Falling star’s stargate t Dargin/J Howell


0 1 0 0 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 1 1 0


0 0 0 1 1


0 0 0 0 2


0 1 1 0 0 175 0 0 0 1 0

tOy FOX tErriErs

1 GCH CH trio’s Big shot K Goldfarb 2 GCH CH Cantlon’s Jer-ree’ Jer-ree’ B Cantlon/L soars/V steinberg/M Mathews 3 nicnak’s second to none G Webster 4 GCH CH annstef’s Gotta Dream H Jacobs/a stringer 5 GCH CH Lake Buena Vista nina ricci K sloan 6 GCH CH Linshire’s rolling stone K ryan-Lavail/P Gregson/V Meadows 7 CH Qoccle’s Mahina Kealoha t Bell


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 0 3


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 3 0


0 1 0 1 0


0 0 0 2 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 1 0 1


0 0 0 1 0


non sporting group aMEriCan EsKiMO DOGs

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 1 1 3 0


0 0 0 1 0


2 5 1 1 2


1 GCH CH nuuktok’s atka inukshuk s robertson 2 GCH CH nuuktok’s Winter sky M Mitchell

BiCHOns FrisEs

1 GCH CH saks Winning Card a Mackenzie/K Mackenzie/C ruggles 2 GCH CH Vogelflight’s “Honor” To Pillowtalk E Charles/K Vogel/M abbott/P abbott

1 6 1 0 3 1607

The Dog News Top Ten List Presents

the top ten dogs Based on All-Breed Competition

As of January 31, 2013

3 GCH CH Overtops and the Winner is Z Luo/n Keung/J rubin 4 GCH CH Paray’s Power & Privilege t Pittman/P Flores 5 GCH CH Glenleigh Gangs n’ roses r Lauer/K tormey/L Carlton/L Letsche 6 GCH CH Belle Creek’s Over the rainbow L Van Keuren/L Carlton/L Letsche 7 CH shyladawn’s timeless Beauty s newton 8 GCH CH L’Etoiles it’s all about Me D Clapper 9 CH Miabella allure’s Ooh La La s Kapella/L Des Camps

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 1 3 3 0


0 2 1 0 1


0 0 0 1 1


0 0 0 1 0


0 1 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 4 0 1


0 0 0 2 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 1 1


0 0 0 1 1


0 1 2 3 1


0 0 1 0 1


0 1 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 2


0 1 0 1 0


0 0 0 1 1


0 0 1 0 0


0 0 0 0 2


0 1 0 0 0


0 0 0 0 2


0 4 4 3 2


0 1 5 3 1


0 0 1 0 1


0 0 0 1 1


0 0 0 2 1


0 0 2 1 1


0 0 0 1 1


0 0 0 1 1


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 1 0 0


0 0 0 0 1


BOstOn tErriErs

1 GCH CH Gunther’s Gussied up Edna a Mcilwaine/B Berth/J Mcilwaine 2 GCH CH Kennedy’s Wild traveling Man M stahmer/L Fisher/s Kennedy 3 GCH CH taylwagons Blackberry Wine spritzer L taylor 4 CH Katbird’s Evolution Matters at Kayas a Hullender/a Hullender 5 GCH CH Kc’s Just Out Of reach K Bogenholm/J King


1 GCH CH Mytoys Epic against the Wind D O’Connor/t Oconnor/L scott/a Mcdearmon 2 CH newcomb’s Pandamonium @Beda B Long/C Johnson/B newcomb 3 GCH CH imperious Hamitup Double Vision L Jordan/J Jordan 4 GCH CH Only Bill Bailey C Eke 5 GCH CH Majestic i’m Her Man! s neely/G neely 6 CH Fabrizio Zephyr Of Camelot M Quesada/a Quesada 7 GCH CH tumbleweed i’M all shook up H Hunter/a retezatu 8 GCH CH Low rider Jer-ne’s Cocked Locked & ready to C Long/t Jacobs 9 CH Evergreen’s Hey! Gorgeous J Flowers/s Flowers 10 GCH CH Kepley’s the Buck stops Here E Olesen/J Kepley/M Kepley

CHinEsE sHar-PEi

1 GCH CH Jade East Do you Know the Way to san Jose L anders/E Minne/K nijholt 2 GCH CH shine’s Deck the Halls D Cooper/r Cooper/L teitelbaum/r Penteco 3 GCH CH Vaje’s Jethrene Bodine t Paddock/s Paddock/J Mauk/V Mauk 4 GCH CH Margem’s Bogart Here’s Looking at you s Diercks/F Diercks


1 GCH CH Dreamland’s Wanna Be a Billionaire r Banghart/L Banghart/M Brantley/L Brant 2 GCH CH Padow’s twilight Embrey in a new Moon at a sanders/K Williams/a young 3 CH Padow northwind’s Wicked Games L Eyster/W Eyster/K Williams 4 GCH CH Fair Hill’s Plymouth rock L Leonzio/M Leonzio 5 GCH CH Kelin’s Highland Mystic O Hayes/J Hayes 6 Eastern-Magic Macy s schlafer 7 CH (Cejam’s) Oso Of Puumba and Kiara s Chaplin


1 GCH CH Spotlights Ruffian J Lyons/B Lyons 2 GCH CH Paisley all around the World J rodes/J Macmillan 3 GCH CH Bret D n Engine Co to the rescue J Bachey/M Zink/J shupp 4 GCH CH Mapleaf Don’t stop Believin in sunrunner B Becker/a smith/K rochin 5 GCH CH Xanadus angel sabrina J ulloa/a ulloa 6 GCH CH spotted Bliss Oreo Delight D Brumfield/K Smith 7 GCH CH tramac Just Watch Me shine J smith/M Callea 8 GCH CH Folklore Celtic Crossfire Trail r skibinski/D skibinski/J Boyd/M Boyd 9 GCH CH Merry Go round steppin Lively at Galliyard s thompson/E thompson 10 CH Canal-side’s imperator B Little/J Eversole/J Langevin/P Masasch

FinnisH sPitZ

1 GCH CH Finkkila’s nalle Poika K swisher/D Helland 2 GCH CH Mickywins Mainio skandia P urton


1 GCH CH Coco Vialatte robobull Hot Flash K yamanaka 2 GCH CH Lebull’s El Morocco at Lecirque a Geremia/a alford 3 CH Hilsman napachai Cruel intentions D Berrey/a Lee/r Hilsman 4 GCH CH Evergreen’s Girls in White Dresses J Cooney-Waterhouse/J Flowers

1 2 5 0 1


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5 GCH CH C and D’s Why-Knot-the-teddy-Bear P Kurth/s Kurth 6 GCH CH a’Vigdors Caudataire Du roi tuunrat’s El Che M Cicuta/M Leguizamon 7 CH Bandog’s Major League Homerun at tX star n shaw/C stephens/a Phelan 8 GCH CH Diva’s Bastille My Heart P Hearst shaw 9 CH Boule & Onuba Zenith C Beldad/M ruiz 10 GCH CH Messiah’s robobull Cnd Hot Butta rum t Marks/K stephens


1 GCH CH summerwind’s rumor Has it J Gauchat-Hargis/J Hargis 2 GCH CH Foxfair rudy Valentino H Myers/D Lynch 3 GCH CH Karolina Bonnyvale Meant to Be B stroud/P stroud/D Bosch/D smith 4 GCH CH Windrift’s Money Maker r Gum/t Gum 5 GCH CH trumpet’s Winner takes it all V Louie/C Waddell/B Blankenship 6 GCH CH ruttkay Chance M Mcloughlin 7 GCH CH Wund-r y’s Best Kept secret t Van schyndel 8 GCH CH thistledown Chautauqua Lace s Johnson/G Johnson/i Maxwell 9 GCH CH Daimler’s Caviar Dreams t Benz/D Benz 10 GCH CH Markwright-n-articsun Long Haul L Mihm-Kunz/i Oliver

LHasa aPsOs

1 CH Kumi Kian strike a Pose t Mclaughlin/a Lanterman 2 CH Monarchs Destination Dreamscape K Harrison/M stafford 3 GCH CH Xeralane’s Kid rock Xeralane Knl/s Giles/W Harper/M Wolverto 4 GCH CH shoyu Blowin’ My Horn at Orlane M Papke 5 GCH CH sundancer Hylan shotru secret Dawn K Hamilton/M Worlton 6 CH riverview Hylan shotru Whats the rush P naumann/P Keen 7 CH Jeda Lasacas Bostonian J Dargie/J Dargie/J Lacasse 8 GCH CH red Fox’s One Wing in the Fire s Cannimore/D Winslow 9 CH red Fox’s strike it rich s Cannimore/D Winslow 10 CH Milehaus Desiderata Hot stuff P Jackson/B Greig/a Miller


1 GCH CH Laser Kiji no Way no How W Koistinen/r Crowder 2 CH Paceaway Play it again P Dyer/L Dyer

POODLEs (MiniaturE)

1 GCH CH surrey sugar Baby r scott/D Burke/K Hosaka 2 GCH CH Durandel Bella Donna r Wanger 3 GCH CH Karadale Clarion Born this Way K Berlind/K Kennedy Vigil/a Kennedy 4 CH Jaboas second to none B thomas 5 By request De La Passion idole W Penn/C Dean/n Grubb/C Paul 6 GCH CH Dimarko Endurance M Bigham

POODLEs (stanDarD)

1 GCH CH Brighton Lakeridge Encore t sosnoff/M sosnoff 2 GCH CH Jaset’s satisfaction M Molnar/J Danburg 3 GCH CH Dawin Hearts On Fire L Campbell 4 GCH CH Hillwood Dassin rock On By J Vergnetti/E Charles 5 GCH CH Penndragon Owain J smith/K smith/K Bates/r Bates 6 GCH CH Brighton Meadow at Lakeridge L Brennan/V Dorris/D Jones 7 GCH CH Litilann’s Photo Finish a rairigh 8 GCH CH Beauciel Presque Parfait C Crawley 9 GCH CH Bar-none Fabulosity n Wilson/J thompson 10 isla Oasis a alvarez


1 GCH CH Dante Fire When ready a Gossman/s Middlebrooks/M Jameson/P all 2 GCH CH De Lamer Black ice K nuovo 3 GCH CH tangerea’s Where’s the Beef D Grulke

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


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B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4

4 GCH CH Willow’s Make My Day D Johnson/t Johnson 5 GCH CH rivendel’s smokin’ Joe a Halterman/M Kraus 6 Crosswind’s Double trouble From Dotsu K Davis/t Hahn 7 GCH CH tumbleweed’s Burn the ships M Kasten 8 GCH CH Beachviews Oops i Did it again J Penatello

sHiBa inu

1 GCH CH Mr2 three ships to the Wind t Harris/s rolenaitis/t rolenaitis 2 GCH CH Kawamaisou’s secret agent Man M Peterson/D Peterson 3 GCH CH Oak’s the Wizards apprentice P rosado/E Cruz 4 GCH CH royal’s Fame and Fortune B Cutting/P Peterson 5 GCH CH Morningstar’s Dances With Wolves L Cribbs

tiBEtan sPaniELs

1 GCH CH Kan sing’s tenzin M Feltenstein 2 GCH CH shilo time For a Good time s Carroll 3 CH Wexford namtrah second Hand news D tyree/H Hartman/M Hartman 4 CH tuqute Jimanie’s squeek toy s Hedgepath/s Bonser 5 GCH CH shenanwood simply imagine this s reeve/K Okey/C Bias Chaffee 6 GCH CH Maciain Jameson rarest Vintage M acker

tiBEtan tErriErs

1 GCH CH rinchen’s Blazing illusion By Dzine L Meyer/M Allway/M Laffler/C Coppola 2 GCH CH rinchen’s Blazing Black icon E Coppola/C Coppola 3 GCH CH ri Lee’s stellar Performance n Kinziger 4 CH Cedar Creek she’s Got it all C Van Pelt 5 GCH CH Kimik’s sir Gawain K Bolak/C Bolak 6 CH Pandan ashlyn’s Meeka at Honeycreek a soderman/J Martin/r Jaramillo 7 GCH CH Fabulous teddy’s i Will return B algar/n Kinziger


1 GCH CH Bayshore Georgio armani J Baylis/L Hylton/t Johnson


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herding group austraLian CattLE DOGs

1 GCH CH Dawn Heir’s He’s the Boss! D Price/C Price 2 GCH CH Buzzards tazmanian B’ Devil Hsads M Hunter/G Calvert 3 GCH CH Kurpas’ Holy smoke rn a Baxter/C Kurpas/J Kurpas 4 GCH CH Littleflock Stand My Ground HT G todd 5 CH Devon’s Diamond in the ruff V Fowler

austraLian sHEPHErDs

1 GCH CH Harmony Hill’s Money talks L Goetz/H Braddock 2 GCH CH Melodys armed and Dangerous r Duellge 3 GCH CH Woodstock’s Belle starr L Buell 4 GCH CH Copperridge’s sugar n spice s Miller/J Miller 5 GCH CH Melody Hit the Jackpot rn Pt t Edwards/E Edwards 6 GCH CH ninebark silver Buttons s Kalkes/K Kalkes/K Patterson/V yates 7 GCH CH Mcmatt’s autumn Breeze F Mcdaniel/J Loehr/V Wehrle 8 CH Crofton Fat Chance L Braun 9 CH northbay’s Who’s that? a Holstege/H Herron 10 GCH CH a Heatherhill Monet 4 Madelyn M ruble/a Mccorkle


1 GCH CH spiritwood’s Gandalf the Blue s Larsen/J Larsen 2 GCH CH Wigglesworth thriller a yura/D symes/s ipser 3 GCH CH Dunhill Celebration C O’neil/r Harrington 4 GCH CH Daybar For your Eyes Only B Barton/D Frady/C Perron 5 GCH CH Ha’Penny Mirimar the Fab Fawn J schneider/M Marini/V null 6 GCH CH Lakewood Forever Cool J Patzius 7 GCH CH Lammermuir-stonehaven My Memories i Carson/D nutting/E tolley


1 GCH CH De Joie Du Chateau rocher Ca M Palmer 2 GCH CH Beowolf rime Des Monts Du Lac P Prager/J Prager 3 GCH CH Bijou noir Du Chateau rocher rE Ht J tornquist

BELGian MaLinOis

1 CH Halle Berry Du Domaine De Vauroux J Ennis/C Ennis

The Dog News Top Ten List Presents

the top ten dogs

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


1 CH Verseau’s Passage to india aX aXJ a Mcgregor/s Mcgregor/P King/r Kraft 2 GCH CH Isengard’s Wildflower L Miller 3 GCH CH Chargany’s Voyageur J Powers/J Powers 4 GCH CH Bonntymes Keepn it real at Devine Hsas s Manier/B Leonard 5 GCH CH sundown’s nitemagic Just What i Do C toma/D toma 6 GCH CH Liswyn’s Vaquero ra a Hopkins/K Hopkins 7 GCH CH sans Brancos stunned at Kindred rn r Chumblay/t Votava/D ramsey 8 GCH CH sans Brancos ultimatum a Jones/M Jones/t Votava 9 nitemagic’s i’Ll Have another D toma/C toma 10 nitemagic’s aura Of the Knight C toma/D toma

BELGian tErVurEn


1 GCH CH Hovne Es-Pen av revehiet J Murphy/t Hulsund 2 GCH CH Mishaook Lulu at Chateau Blanc HsCs HiCs D Laurin/J Laurin 3 adele the Dream Of My Dreams J Hawes 4 GCH CH stonewall’s Let’s Make it a Double V Havicon/r skief 5 CH Hr Putt’n On the ritz For tervalla Pt D austin 6 GCH CH tacara’s racelon rembrandt na naJ OF C Lautzenheiser

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


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CoNtiNueD oN page 110

Based on All-Breed Competition

As of January 31, 2013

Dog News 109

CoNtiNueD FRoM page 109


B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4

1 GCH CH Kensington’s artful Dodger 0 L Waldo 2 GCH CH sporting Field’s Heiress Hsas 0 D Butt/D Einck/a Giles 3 tanG Dynasty rOCKy 0 (Foreign Dog - registration Pending.) 4 GCH CH Majestic avatar storm Warning Pt 0 M Karger/J Baylis/r Delay 5 CH F si a Ge Of Fu you yuan Kennel 0 L Jing 6 GCH CH Bayshore’s Cast a spell at avatar Hsas 0 r Johnson/J Baylis/s Einck-Paul 7 CH rising star’s Dancin’ in the Moonlight Pt Oa OaJ nF0 J aniskoff 8 GCH CH Bon-Clyde’s Pistol Pete Of nahrof 0 n Mages/E Wagner 9 rise Of Boreekennel 0 (Foreign Dog - registration Pending.) 10 GCH CH Cloverdale ‘n Lacey’s the navigator to Cashel 0 J Lacey-Black/C richardson/C Geiss

BOuViErs DEs FLanDrEs

1 GCH CH stonewall i-Zak De La salsa J abramsohn/P anderson/r Bishop/s Brocke 2 GCH CH Vanleighof’s special agent Gibbs L Mccann/M Zusman/D Poulson 3 CH Barbu Jenarae Ruffian W Miller 4 GCH CH Quiche’s Jewels are Forever E Paquette/L Paquette 5 GCH CH Quiches intrepid Captain sully s Bowerman/E Herring 6 GCH CH Lakotah’s High Flying adore Biloxi J anderson-Parker


1 GCH CH Deja Vu Mia Cool as a Cucumber t Miller/a Melton/D Dube/L Bernard 2 GCH CH Deja Vu Mia Chain Of Fools J Holava/M Holava 3 GCH CH Lighting strike El Xargall M Millner/t Millner 4 CH sendero’s Femme Fatale M Millner/t Millner 5 GCH CH suite Car named Desire J Mourning/F Mourning 6 GCH CH aladax’s Divine Dream By Kaliphi rn Hsas V swarowski/D Morrow/M Huslig 7 GCH CH Majestique Brave Heart M Warcholik 8 GCH CH Cumano Of the Coastline E Myers 9 GCH CH ne Orageux’s Flash Point M Millner/t Millner

Canaan DOGs

1 GCH CH Pleasant Hill Magnum Of samara P rosman 2 CH Mad river Cool Breeze Blowing r Davila-sargent/C sargent

CarDiGan WELsH COrGis

1 GCH CH aubrey’s tails Of Mystery C savioli/V savioli 2 GCH CH Mariel’s Harvest Moon M Mizelle/J Bruce 3 GCH CH riverside telltail Coco Posh D Planche/D shindle/J Divens 4 GCH CH allegro southern Charm J Lamy 5 GCH CH serah Celtic Legend Of Llynhill B tannahill/P smith


1 Balverie Escapade P smith/W smith 2 Moxie Chillin’ Like a Villin’ M Barber/a Pearson 3 GCH CH Devinwood a Perfect stranger J Caruso/r Caruso 4 GCH CH rainbow’s rising Karma at Weston M Holliday/n reid 5 GCH CH Pleasant acre shalimar Partly Cloudy K Mulligan/J Mulligan 6 GCH CH Gentry’s about Face K Convertini/r stachon 7 CH Milas Latin Fever L Butler/L Hedman 8 azalea Hills Keowee sand storm B Fairbanks/n reid 9 GCH CH taradell’s timeless at sterling L Dowling/a Dowling/C Dowling/L Jeszewsk


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B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


1 GCH CH C and J silver Charm Of Chrysalis J Waiburn/C thompson 2 GCH CH sunnland’s Copacabana VCD1 rE Pt A Griffith-Morris 3 CH thistlebrae the Devil in Her J Pringle 4 GCH CH aspen’s i’Ll Chase the sunbeam s Hesterberg 5 GCH CH Provenhill’s Devilicious K Provenzano/L Cohen 6 GCH CH row-Bar’s Heartbreaker J Brady/r Johns/s Mcalear/K Mcpherson 7 CH Byluc unmasked Of snowdove t Byerly/B Byerly/C Kirkbride 8 GCH CH Bandor’s the Wyching Hour L Cox 9 GCH CH Gateside Kiss the sky at Greyfriar D Eramo/r robertson

FinnisH LaPPHunDs

1 GCH CH Lumiturpa arvi M Feltenstein 2 CH Calaban’s armahani rakentaa C Brillinger 3 GCH CH yutori’s shades Of autumn L Drumm/C Pollack 4 sugarok stonewall Jackson s Lockwood 5 GCH CH sugarok Casanova CM E Blanch/W Blanch


1 GCH CH Wolf Creek Galaxy Of Merivern E Farrell/P Walker 2 GCH CH Karizma’s ike Of Edale s Birch/s Birch/J Moses/s Moses 3 GCH CH Woodside’s Lacy s anderson 4 GCH CH Pine Hill’s Payday Of Hays Hill P Hays/B Hill/K salvucci 5 GCH CH signature’s Philip Marlow V Kridler F Brugger 6 GCH CH Mythical Zeus Of Black Forest C Karner 7 J-Lyn’s Let’s roll L novotasky/s Lapinski/B Zils 8 GCH CH Heidelberg’s austin V Melissa J schumacher 9 GCH CH Celeste Of r.O. anne-isle M simonett/V Dukeman 10 CH ivyledge-Fantasys Private Eye K Locke/P Locke/F Freeman/a Freeman


1 GCH CH Bjarkarkots Hroi Hottur Luke MX aXJ OF L Dribinsky

1 2 0 0 0


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1 GCH CH Lambluv’s Live the Dream J Marder/C Hastings/K richardson 2 GCH CH Zottels shaggy star C Furtado/J Furtado/J ansell 3 GCH CH Lambluv’s Daytime Hustler L Douglas/J Marder 4 GCH CH Whisperwood’s Wild Horse J Wetzler/K Burdash 5 GCH CH to-Jo’s sweet tune Lanward a Popp/L Williams 6 GCH CH Barkshire’s Jim Dandy J Collen 7 GCH CH Cottonwood Man in the Moon D Caswell/r Caswell 8 GCH CH Masquerade Mikey Likes it J Hewitt/M Harris 9 GCH CH Daisies-n-Dreams Master sebastian B Hughes-Ladrigue 10 GCH CH Lambluv’s street Of Dreams CD Bn ra C Leszinske/r Leszinske/J Marder


1 GCH CH Coventry allure at Wyndstar a Geremia/B shelton 2 GCH CH riverside Xtra style P Panzarella/D shindle 3 CH Hillcrest Xiv Karat Cause For applause K Lord/s Hurst 4 GCH CH riverside Get Over it D shindle 5 GCH CH nchanted silk Lining C Braunstein 6 GCH CH Wyndtree Leave Me Breathless at Birch Hill t Mulhausen/P Wiedel 7 CH Coventry swinging On a star B shelton/s Leyerly/B Williams/D salow 8 CH Laststop ty One On C Dowd/B Dowd 9 GCH CH Coventry Just a Little Crush J Johnson/J Johnson/B shelton/s Leyerly/ 10 sundance Grace Kelly K Janiszak/D Price/L Price


1 GCH CH swan Crest the Power Of Love Eternal M Hirata/L Bettis/r Wolfe 2 GCH CH Ponwood’s smoky B Bruns/W stamp


1 Cordmaker topsy turvey (Foreign Dog - registration Pending.) 2 GCH CH Prydain Joshua D Fields/K Edwards 3 GCH CH Moremi Matter Of Fact B Pessina/P anspach/s Mcconnell/i Crowth 4 GCH CH Prydain Oscar’s Wilde Child P smeenk

PyrEnEan sHEPHErDs

1 GCH CH La Brise sun Bear P Princehouse/K Laram

The Dog News Top Ten List Presents

the top ten dogs Based on All-Breed Competition

As of January 31, 2013 110 Dog News



1 GCH CH Paray’s Preferential K Furlong/t Pittman 2 GCH CH Grandgables the Frat Boy P Buckles/a Buckles/J Moses 3 GCH CH Jesstar nirvana r Von Pusch/J starbuck 4 GCH CH Dreamline starphire Mahalo r Baker/n ager 5 GCH CH Solange Significant L nicholas 6 GCH CH Kensil’s irish Cream B thompson 7 GCH CH Homespun Casual Blues Pt na OaJ nF J iverson 8 CH Odyssey Whispering it’s My Party a thomas/K Watt 9 GCH CH Lanstarr squire talfryn O’Boyle M Boyle/E Lanser 10 GCH CH Km’s shaken Mona Lisa ra K Pike


1 GCH CH solborg Faramir a Vetter

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


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How did you think the new set-up for Westminster worked out? HANS KAbEL

i wish i could give the Westminster Kennel Club thumbs up. they did try their best. it is not a workable situation. HELmA WEEKS

it was very good. the rings at the piers were spacious, the dogs could be seen in natural light and the benching looked good. the evenings at the garden were as exciting as ever. Westminster is to be commended for its efforts to provide transport from midtown to the piers and for having lots of personnel at the piers “guiding” people to the elevators, etc. it was also nice to see the walls decorated with the Westminster emblem and the past winners. the extensive carpeting made walking and standing easier. i am sure the show will be fine-tuned and it will be an even better experience next year. DEb SHINDLE

generally speaking, i think the new set up was fabulosious. the pier benching and rings were more spacious. the conversion of the pier with draping, carpet, signage and wall coverage was very garden like. our multi breed benching area was too good to be true. ex pens just behind the curtain, rings in front of us and food and restrooms to the side. the early release time for breed winners and the provision of a shuttle bus for breed winners was great. the 5pm release time for everyone else was also helpful. the benching and spectators was worse than usual. they were so close to the wonderful Westminster provided grooming tables you couldn’t groom your dog and the spectators couldn’t move. roping off a walking aisle, would be helpful to all. showing in the last group on monday night was an interesting experience as far as catching the shuttle bus to the piers. brian martin almost witnessed a “Jewish princess” tantrum in action, as i was sure the shuttle forgot us and had wheeled back to the garden to ask 20 questions about where, why, who, when it showed up. When we got to the pier, those going back to hotels by msg, were smart enough to ask the shuttle to wait for them. i was staying close to the pier and planned to catch a cab. When we arrived in the pier at 11:50, the guard said the doors would be locked in 10 minutes. barely enough time to feed my dog and luckily i had exed her at msg. behind me was nina fetter who absolutely would not accept 10’, and i heard she stayed until she was done at 1:15 am. meanwhile, i walk out the one unchained door by pier 92 and see that the road where the cabs come in, is closed off at night. there was a guard who pointed me to the main road with instructions to flag down a cab, the opposite direction of my hotel. i chose to walk to the main road in the same direction of my hotel. plenty of cars, no cabs. in fact no cabs until i had walked to a block from my hotel. but i loVeD tHe purple rubber banDs!

Kennel Club response to efra seleCt Committee report on Dog Control anD Welfare he Kennel Club has today broadly welcomed the report published by the environment, food and rural affairs (efra) select Committee, which aims to reduce dog attacks and improve dog welfare, but rues the missed opportunity to take a tougher stance on puppy farmers. the Kennel Club agrees with many of the recommendations including a comprehensive consolidation of the legislation relating to dangerous dogs and the introduction of Dog Control notices as introduced in the Control of Dogs (scotland) act 2010. it also fully agrees with the need for agencies responsible for enforcing dog control legislation, including the police and local authorities, to provide their staff with full training in dog welfare and control practices. Caroline Kisko, Kennel Club secretary, said: “the current Dangerous Dogs act is one of the worst and most ineffective pieces of legislation in history. We are pleased that the committee has recognised the huge benefits associated with microchipping and we commend the government in their decision to make this compulsory, which the Kennel Club has long been campaigning for. We are keen to help Defra to take this forward. “We agree that Dog Control notices are vital in preventing serious dog related incidents by dealing with the owners of dogs that are out of control at the earliest signs of a problem. However, we are disappointed that it is recommended that the secretary of state be given the power to ban more breeds deemed to have aggressive characteristics. any dog can be dangerous in the wrong hands and the focus on banning certain breeds continues an outdated approach that has been proven to be ineffective and in many cases counterproductive, by turning banned breeds into status symbols.” in relation to dog breeding recommendations in the report the Kennel Club fully supports recommendations for Defra to develop a voluntary Code of practice to which internet sites offering dogs or puppies for sale should adhere. the Kennel Club, as a member of the pet advertising advisory group (paag), has already been working with advertisers towards developing such a code and offers advice and minimum standards to publishers and advertising websites. the Kennel Club is also educating puppy buyers about how to spot an irresponsible breeder.


Continued on page 125

dog news 111



Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens






Dog News Top Ten List Based on breed competition

CoNtiNueD FRoM page 53

10 10 9 8 7 7 6 6

GCH CH Aroi Aryal Remarkable D Arcaro CH Aragon Desert Willow JC L Drew/H Hamilton GCH CH Trireme Absolutely Fabulous K Kostic/D Kostic/A Kostic GCH CH Sierra’s Maserati Spyder S Hempel/B Hempel/M Money GCH CH Blue Spring All That And More K Whitaker/P Triandos CH Grandcru Caymus M Steele/P Caddell/C Dabbs/A Phelan/R Ga GCH CH Huzzah Cuchulain Irish Lace SC K Gingles/P Ide/B Gingles GCH CH Arghandab Sacred Dance At Cebar JC E Edgerton Wildwood Helios Clark Gable A Adam/P Lyster CH Tyran’s The Patriot C Stumbo

Harriers 2

43 41 26 25 24 23

GCH CH Morozova Sierra Sunrise At Rey JC K Novotny/G Novotny/S Cordova GCH CH Aashtoria Wildhunt Hidden Agenda R Riel/C Riel/S Mcgraw GCH CH Greyhaven This Rough Magic SC F Vogel/M Hough/L Spiers GCH CH Radharc Royal St. Kitts M Lucia CH Ostrov Zabava Confetti P Wiseman/I Terra/K Terra GCH DC Jedawn’s Princess Aurora SC NA L Walenta/C Hunt

Dachshunds (Longhaired) 92 87 61 51 48 44 42 40 34 31

GCH CH Sleepy Hollow Carolina Special M Taylor/B Wlodkowski GCH CH Hundeleben Queen’s Armada Sl C Puig/K Gonzalez/P Stephens GCH CH Walmar-Solo’s Iou Sl S Snyder GCH CH Rose Farm’s Frasier Of Nantucket Ml R Weinman GCH CH Sweetgrass Johann Tipper C Martine/R Sak/D Sak GCH CH Insight’s Illusionist Sl C Taylor/C Geiser CH Leoralees I Can Do Bad All By Myself M Singleton GCH CH Pramada’s Rough-N-Tumble L M Peat/M Heaslet GCH CH Aviance Solo’s He’s The One Sl V Diker GCH CH Laurjosh’s Prince Palatine Of Poulstead D Humphrey

Dachshunds (Smooth)

101 GCH CH Toskydox Witchy Woman Ss S Lutosky 64 GCH CH Bessdachs Electric Martini M Lara/B Jeffery 48 GCH CH Spellbound’s You Go First K Brown 46 GCH CH Grandgables Sumbuddy Walden D Waldo 44 GCH CH Dynadaux Redneck Fancy Boy Ms C Senff/P Spencer/B Claxton/B Sandoval 42 GCH CH Beachside Dox Havana Daydreamin V C Ramos/M Singleton/W Cunningham 24 GCH CH Ransum’s Grand Hopes For Sumbuddy’s D Carnathan/A Carnathan 24 CH Lucene’s Austin Healey M Stall/J Sudinski 23 GCH CH Trakehndachs Wascally Wabbit J Fagervik 23 GCH CH Woldorfs V Sausage Stables Tyler Ss M Perry/S Wolden

Dachshunds (Wirehaired) 71 64 43 31 28 28 24 24 23 22

GCH CH Legibach Captain Crunch Sw S Sweatt/G Middings/P Leone GCH CH Del Prado’s Bar Code W A Bischel/M Bedowitz GCH CH Leoralee’s Baywatch Mw M Singleton/B Lasater GCH CH Daybreak’s Awesome Image W D Krieg GCH CH Dontis I’M Just A Glitterbug At Drakken A Mendenhall GCH CH Caidrac’s San Antones Famous Madam Mw E Ellis/J Ellis GCH CH Dprado Perfectly Stirred At The Bar M Bedowitz GCH CH Verdon’s Devil In Disguise Mw S Snyder/S Henderson GCH CH Jeric’s Last Chance To Dance W. L Cope GCH CH Rivendells Hotwire Sw P Caddell

English Foxhounds 3 3 3 2 1

CH Sunup’s Hoisted High S Whaley CH Sunup’s Hellofapuzzle S Whaley CH Sunup’s Heavenly Scent S Whaley GCH CH Monocacy Bend’s Willow RN K Eckard GCH CH Monocacy Bend’s Wellington T Koerber

GCH CH Happy New Year’s Celebration “Bray” K Bowers/S Bowers

Ibizan Hounds

33 13 13 10 10 10 9 6 6 6

GCH CH Harehill’s Ace In The Hole K Gindler/D Gindler/W Anderson DC Kamars Flyin’ Solo SC K Belz CH Harehill’s Agent Provocateur W Anderson/K Anderson GCH CH Loco Motion’s Dancing Queen K Hjelm CH L-Wynds Gone In Sixty Seconds SC E Seward GCH CH Ahram You Ve Got The Look J Pusztay/S Pusztay/R Pusztay/M Paulin Malachites Doowop Dancin At Firerock B Fleming/L Campbell CH Harehill’s Knock Your Socks Off W Anderson/K Anderson GCH CH Sunrumba’s Honor And Harmony Of Aigh JC P First/R Castillo GCH CH Serandida East So Bigstar J Brown/S St John-Brown/L Sikora/J Manos

Irish Wolfhounds

116 CH Quest Rachel Alexandra Of Kerryarc C Collier/M Tyler/C Tyler 39 GCH CH Kellcastle Rushmore J Ault/A Spalding 35 GCH CH Dun Myrica Lyre Of Eagle S Mcdonald/J Roland/K Roland 28 CH Riverlawn Exit Of Aerie D Marx/A Benjamin 26 GCH CH Taryn Hickory Hollow B Fairbanks/G Fairbanks 16 August Maya E Kroll/J Kroll 14 CH Cabells Macduff Of Highgate L Finucane 14 GCH CH Carroy Dermot Mcduncan L Rosebrock/D Rosebrock 13 CH Heronoak Mojo Vip Package C Bowers/R Bowers 13 CH Kailne Midnight Blue C Campbell-Corley

Norwegian Elkhounds 38

24 20 20 18 17 15 11 10 9

GCH CH Vin-Melca’s The Norseman P Trotter/J Reed CH Silver Sleuth Vikrest P Viken/L Forrest GCH CH Hestsko’s Shawn J Woito CH Jaru’s Gunpowder And Lead J Rugila/M Raisor GCH CH Aspen’s Playin’ Around R Rhoden/R Rhoden GCH CH Somerri Jamieson’s Sea Whiskey J Lewis/L Lewis GCH CH Tioka’s American Ride L Webster GCH CH Somerri Dunharrow’s Dynamo J Silker/W Totten GCH CH Riverwind Windy Cove Midnight Cowboy E Parmer/M Peterson/C Smith/S Smithers GCH CH Silhouette’s Kaboom K Olsen/E Olsen/S Garrity

Otterhounds 33

13 6 3 3 3 2 2 2 1

GCH CH Aberdeen’s Ultimate Addiction J Mullen/D Blunt/J Mcilwaine/A Mcilwaine Hunter’s Taking Moonlight Chances T Kahn GCH CH Aberdeen’s Told You So A Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine/A Co GCH CH Aberdeens Under The Influence A Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine CH Magicwood Willie Mae S Plucheck/W Plucheck CH Lonestar Abilene M Schrader CH Corcragael’s Golden Lotus V Ria N Brown/J Brown/G Damron GCH CH Poplar Hill’s Unbridled Spirit K Munger GCH CH Adeline’s Sine Metu NF J Gregory Riverrun Funny Girl J Meyer/B Pava/N Scarci


29 20 16 10 9 8 7 4

GCH CH Celestial Cj’s All’s Well That Ends Well J Hurty/L Florian/C Hurty/M Florian/P He GCH CH M&M’s Fear The Beard D Moore/J Hayes GCH CH Jaren’s Ready Set Don’T Go At R-N-B R Jones/B Helvey/K Prott-Clugston CH M&M’s Texas Mae West D Moore GCH CH Always Blue Caboose J Hacker CH Jodell’s Bulletproof At R-N-B R Jones/B Helvey/D Gogulski GCH CH Monkhams Famous Grouse J Neuschaefer/D Bruce/J Lacey-Black/L Sk CH Skipton Call Me The Breeze L Seabrook/Z Helmer CH Clancy’s The Wild N’ The Innocent RN M Esherick/D Esherick CH Suton Crepu Visage Collage De L’Amour M Wiliquette/S Cooper


35 34 32 30 26 17 16 15

Pharaoh Hounds

Scottish Deerhounds




18 12 10 10 8 6 5 5

GCH CH Farao Anubis Inferno SC D Cooper/B Clooten GCH CH Faouziah’s Faramir J Mosing/J Hall GCH DC Mia Bakhu Sleeping With The Enemy Of R Newman/D Carota/P Haig/L Witt DC Hallam’s Jordan Of Arolet SC S Sipperly/D Carota GCH CH Siphra’s No Remorse JC L Lysher CH Siphra’s King Of Hearts L Lysher/B Sundquist GCH CH Churuka Mia Ruadh The Day At Mirare T Harper/A Farrow/L Witt/P Haig GCH DC Shalimar Neon Moon By Fire Light SC L Drolet GCH CH Osiris Cowboy Casanova K Carella/B Carella GCH CH Mia-Bakhu Conspiracy Theory V Hallam SC T Haig/P Haig

Plotts 3 2 2 2

CH County Line Eleanor C Officer/P Jessup CH Stackem Ups Travelin With Toad C Tyler/M Tyler/J Strohm/C Collier Vandygriff’s Skyline Kira D Vandygriff Live Oaks Return Home To Blackwolf S Bell

Portuguese Podengo Pequenos 42 16 12 7 6 5 4 3 3 2

CH Houla’s Border Patrol Pw CM P Reisert/S Faw/S Faw Pirata II De Viamonte CM J Evanoff/K Oglesby Houla’s Potter C Houlihan/J Ernst Phaererin Agustinho CM J Fitzpatrick/L Mcginness Oscar Do Vale Negro R Hidlay/R Hidlay Margarida Da Casa De Maio CM R Hidlay/R Hidlay/D Devaney Falcao’s Candyman D Burgess Nazare Da Casa De Maio S Gillen/D Devaney Falcao’s Hard Rock L Iazzetti Falcao’s Gigi G Bowles

Redbone Coonhounds 17 13 10 9 6 3 3 2

GCH CH Twisted Creek Gentlemen, Start Your Engines S Dellapenta/J Kochensparger GCH CH CWSG CCH Sidearm Jungle King Mufasa J Mills/L Mills CH Red Ferns Sierra Kan Do Madge T Winkley GCH CH Twisted Creeks Xlnt Adventure M Smith/C Smith/B Casciole Don’T Mess With The Duke R Raymond/G Herbrand Raymond CH CCH Second Edition’s Making Waves S Smith GCH CH Dc’s Rockin Ruby D Russell Critter Creeks Cry Me A River S Smith/A Wooten

Rhodesian Ridgebacks

256 GCH CH Camelot’s Red Hot Tamale C Heathcock/C Hadley 186 GCH CH Diablo’s Dark Knight’s Nemesis L Weiss/N Faville 165 GCH CH Raquel Welch Of Malabo Apd A Paola Diniz 105 DC Of Afrikka Spring Valley Dorian Gray RN SC C Wistrom 79 GCH DC Blue Nile Lotus Of Mihos SC C Smith/W Schultz 79 GCH CH Hunter’s Ridge Sure Shot By Kwetu D Engelking/C Burridge/S Ford/T Fielder 77 GCH CH Spring Valley’s Always There A Thompson 75 CH Sweetcreek’s Lamarde Perro Bugsy S Cook/L Wilson 72 GCH CH Bakari’s Lor Vitra Caymus CGC N Ballantyne/G Ballantyne 68 GCH CH Rollings Ansel Adams By Springvalley C Graeff/S Ford/M Elliston


7 6 4 3 3 3 3 2

GCH CH Jaraluv Tarot J Brinlee/R Brinlee GCH CH Jaraluv Raise The Bar S Jun/D Jun CH Cu Liath Psalm At Gadhar Torr L Resseguie/L Resseguie Cu Liath Bonnie Brae L Kiaer/C Edwards GCH CH Jaraluv Rhapsody In Blue R Rice/B Rice/R Brinlee/J Brinlee CH Foxcliffe’s Garadun High Road K Schini CH Tannochbraes Illusionist From Glencrag P Miller Litespeed’s Yellowstar Thistle SC J Alpert/S Youngkin Gentiehun Heather R Meyer/F Meyer Kininvie D’Lux E Winter/K Winter

Treeing Walker Coonhounds

26 7 6 6 3 3

GCH CH Alexanders Gold Rush Xcetera A Alexander GCH CH C-Cruz Gold Rush X-Rated A Alexander/C Willis CH Dry River’z Shattered Dreams J Confer/K Purchiss Stylish Baby Jane M Hampton GCH CH CSG Stackem Ups Best Kept Secret CM R Geffs/T Snedegar GCH CH Stackem Up I Did It My Way CM T Snedegar/M Schimmoller


154 GCH CH Starline’s Oxford Victim Of Love L Lawrence/C Lawrence/L Wilson 106 Lakota’s Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun Brown D Knutson/F Briscoe 101 GCH CH Sporting Fields Bahama Sands D Butt/A Giles 100 GCH CH Karasar’s Remembrence K Kuper/N Barthelette/K Mlynar/A Alvarez 95 GCH CH Endeavor’s White Roses On Nysa Hill J Shepherd/L Stewart 82 CH Adagio Jilzan Fire On Ice J Brown/J Baum/L Johnson 65 GCH CH Kamada’s New York Minute D Davenport/K Davenport/D Kipp 51 GCH CH Snow Hill Beatrix Soul Delight JC CA W Dvorak/S Hughes 46 GCH DC Ableaim Que The Music MC G Boyd/J Boyd 45 GCH CH Solaris Saxon Shore Hypnotiq Kamio P Magette/D Lockhart

WORKING Group Akitas

133 GCH CH Ruthdales Candy From A Baby L Stark/R Stark 78 GCH CH Stardust’s See You At The Show RN P Rogers/R Rogers/T Witte/R Witte 41 CH Dynamic Force Sharp Dressed Man With M Huls/M Bostock-Armstrong 31 GCH CH Cr - Wicca’s Trade Secret A Bavaria/C Burke/T Bavaria/J Charnik 28 GCH CH Buckridge’s Positive Energy D Osborn/E Vanden Avond 26 GCH CH Mt Joys Notice To Airmen At Yuzawa J Vendramin/J Vendramin/P Ellis 21 CH London’s Getting My Happy Back J Taylor 12 GCH CH Liric’s Cinderella Man L Coffey/B Coffey 10 GCH CH V Platinum’s Boom Boom Fyrepower M Haas/M Broman 10 CH Nishijimas Red Flag Fire Warning G Nishijima/R Short

Alaskan Malamutes 93 71 41 27 24

112 Dog News

GCH CH Jamora Mystic Topaz JC S Forsyth/J Forsyth/K Anselmo/J Morrison GCH CH Sandstorm Blue Nile Bubbles Of Jatara J Harrington/S Winsted/S Middlebrooks GCH CH Z’Bee’s The Time Of Your Life At Mazada C Taylor/B Barth GCH CH Carmas Hope JC L Ackerman GCH CH Quanmarra Thonolan K Scerbo/R Scerbo/I Rasmussen GCH CH Hediyeh Uriela Priya Bat Yosef JC C Pearce/R Pearce/J Aaron/J Pearce CH Scimitars Affirmed JC C Steiner GCH CH Baha Persian Of Interest CD SC NA AXJ NF C Coile GCH CH Omens Vardarose Of Sahara JC K Musante/C Noah/J Poncharik GCH DC Shahtani Ivory Moon SC L May/G Thornton/M Mccowen

GCH CH Storm Kloud’s Test Of Time J El Dissi GCH CH Mytuk’s Technical Knock Out D Milburn/A Milburn GCH CH Winterchill’s Cruz’N Spirit G Robertson GCH CH Illusions Beyond Imagination P Fusco/J Fusco GCH CH Stormswepts Keep’N Th Right Direction S Czarapata



Dog News Top Ten List Based on breed competition

65 63 50 50 48 46 46 32 24 24

24 23 16 16 14

CH Sno Quest’s For The Holy Grail A Sautbine/M Sautbine GCH CH Alcan Come Snodanc With Me D Mccomb/D Ragsdale GCH CH Northern Lites Patriot Of Snowvale H Donovan/R Phillips/D Phillips GCH CH Joshua’s Guns And Roses C Chauvie/C Sires GCH CH Kenia’s Rock Solid Adventure S Moore

Anatolian Shepherd Dogs 15 8 8 7 6 5 3 2 2

CH Skyview’s X Marks The Spot C O’Brien GCH CH Rbr Karabash Vasi C White GCH CH Golden Gate’s Banu S Dalton/S Dalton Tamoora’s Ranger Of Uriel S Pritchett Carpe Diem’s Amadeus L Edstrom-Smith/J Smith/Q Harned/M Harne Lucky Hit Kuvvet Mia Makes The Case L Ayers/E Conard Full Circle’s Treasure Island N Wargas/D Grunnah GCH CH Lucky Hit Bethany Beyaz Kumru J York/E Conard Horizon’s Banshee At Chevaliers Du Roland D Bitz

Bernese Mountain Dogs

126 GCH CH Avatars Smooth Criminal L Diaz Fernandes/K Groves 83 GCH CH Sendache’s Xmas Xchange V Astia RN S Lutz/J Matthisen 82 CH Sevens One In A Million RN S Slade 81 GCH CH Brightwater’s Jest A Wicked Rhyme G Reeve/D Cox 66 GCH CH Vinn October It Had 2VV You E Buonpane 62 GCH CH Hickory’s Playing It Cool S Wellenstein/A Tucker/T Young 61 GCH CH Greenway’s Test Of Time CGC D Laveran/R Tamberino/R Gallizzo 59 GCH CH Cameo’s Centerfold L Fourre/S Otto 51 GCH CH Tallpine’s Life Of The Party D Hitchcock/S Crisp 43 CH Alpenspirit It’s Our Game M Turbide

Black Russian Terriers

56 52 20 20 17 10 10 8 6 2

GCH CH Valkyrie’s Funny Girl RN V Vest/B Sothcott GCH CH Aristes Paint It Black D Poulson/C Stumm/F Dilsauer CH Malahovskiy Graf Rossiyskiy CD E Pleskov GCH CH Queens Over’s The Last Airbender RN M Holloman/E Caldwell GCH CH Zilya’s Chicago Blues Fusion At Runes CD D Patterson GCH CH Sora’s Pride Of The Desert-Czar CD RAE A Castro-Marlowe/M Mastroianni GCH CH Russian Bears Juri Tupolev CD RA D Hawkes GCH CH Midnightsolo Ulan Chorniy D Tudor/J Brown GCH CH Barbi S Bronich Master Danila L Merman/Y Merman CH Sora’s Legacy Mazal M Mastroianni


302 GCH CH Winfall I Dream Of Style K Robbins/C Robbins/G Adkins/B Adkins/T 250 GCH CH Draco Greets Dassin With Fourbears W Truesdale/Z Truesdale/J Vergnetti/J Pi 188 GCH CH Nantess Caleno Numero Uno G Tafur/S Tafur 179 GCH CH Irondale’s Look At Me Now A Gonzalez/C Vose/W Bettis 171 GCH CH Hi-Tech The King Of Sherry Shoot Jp J Billhardt/S Tenenbaum 96 GCH CH Jacquet’s Annie El Encanto D Sparks/N Sparks 95 GCH CH Maxl’s Stay Gold B Rocca/M Rocca/J Galante/D Galante 88 GCH CH Ho-Pa’s Grand Slam A Anderson/S Anderson 79 GCH CH Silverlane’s Take No Prisoners B Redrow/L Pearce 59 CH Cinnrhee’s Queen Of Hearts H Small

GCH CH Starrdogs Midnight Rambler W Ofshlag/J Ofshlag GCH CH Windovers Hey There Handsome D Pendleton/H Brogan/M Mcgovern/M Mcgove GCH CH Dal Primo Magic Moment M Harwood/C Corner GCH CH Newcastle’s Picturesque Picasso K Spencer/A Scully GCH CH Starrdogs Power Play K Hebert/Z Melkonian GCH CH Blyroc Ballard Of Bullmast J Beers CH Best Of The West Of Bullmast B Uyeno/T Uyeno GCH CH Baron Dye Of Ridgetop R Wynes CH Newcastle’s Top Gear D Martinez/A Scully CH Absolute Reprisals Sweet Promise K Freeman/E Pierce

Cane Corso

60 34 29 28 19 18 14 11 9 8

GCH CH Firehorse Franklin J Weaver/R Hoser GCH CH Castleguard’s Caillou W Rivera/S Demoss GCH CH Timoniere Zolee D Musto GCH CH Blusteel’s Midnight Raider J Leinen GCH CH Del’ Agreste Bin Up To No Good At SnoD Rotkowski/W Yingling GCH CH Liberty’s Armed And Dangerous R Cuzzo/J Hovorka/S Ribbs GCH CH Ultima Sangue Magnifica A Astor/S Astor GCH CH Sleeping Giant’s Vittore E Sawyers-Robles/K Cressia CH Maestoso’s Mateo Di Turchino J Phillips/J Phillips GCH CH Angelo Del Guardiano Sergio A Pingsterhaus


15 9 2 2

Channahon’s Kikiah Tyee CM M Mandt Forever Greene Talis CM RN P Richards Frontier In Bocca Al Lupo S Fletcher/D Silvertree Sandhill’s Ranger T Brown/C Brown

Doberman Pinschers

304 GCH CH Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici S Lundy/D Lundy/J Mullins/K Mullins 252 GCH CH Tiburon Arsenal J Dolan/A Dolan 203 GCH CH D’s Remember When A Dinardo/S Dinardo 189 GCH CH Caryola’s Antigua N Barksdale/M Barksdale/D Avedon 154 GCH CH Jaroe Legend Of Irish Spirit R Kelly 123 GCH CH Sunburg’s Street Sense J Davis/T Galle 106 GCH CH O’s Godiva Dark Demitasse M Byrns/P Onley 101 GCH CH Tiburon Ariel Bella Dona M Moyer/T Moyer/K Drake/J Drake 91 GCH CH Vondura’s Xcelerator Belle Amie R Tracy/J Covert/M Dellorto/K Fox 84 GCH CH Tevro’s Director’s Choice M Winchell/D Winchell/T Miller

Dogues de Bordeaux

36 30 28 12 11 10 8 8 6 6

GCH CH Storm De Legeane J Chicatelli GCH CH Mount Sinai’s Neanderthal St Amand P Duvall/W Duvall CH Waterfront Kenzo M Rendon/J Rendon GCH CH Primal’s Gorgon Guardian “Medusa” R Bina/S Fabian CH Maritime’s Heavenly Suck Em Up Kirby S Cantrell/J Cantrell GCH CH Evergreen’s Rub My Belly At Rising Star J Roberts/L Parker GCH CH Powerhouse Everyone Loves A Bentley M Montgomery/M Rogers CH Crimson’s Captain Jack S Tyagi-Harrison/D Harrison CH Mount Sinai’s Solomon St Amand G Schmidt/W Duvall GCH CH Rising Star’s I’ll Fly Away P Smith/V Smith

German Pinschers

47 41 4 3 2

GCH CH Rivendells Material Girl K Schiff GCH CH Clefell’s Romeo M Salva/L Mills CH Oakwoods Secret Agent J Schmidt/G Schmidt/K Schiff GCH CH Desert Moon Arriving In Style D Lang Legacy’s Riding The Storm Out M Gray/L Mills

Giant Schnauzers

63 49 20 14

GCH CH Kenro’s Witching Hour R Greenslade/L Norton/D Hill GCH CH Skansen’s Got Guinness? R Poyfair/J Poyfair GCH CH Payne’s Royal Velvet D Berkshire GCH CH Nightline Viking A Tanglewood E Fojtik/J Erath/C Erath

9 7 7 6 4 4

CH Lowdown Remys Girl V Ardenhout M Low/L Low GCH CH Ramahill Absolutes I Am Legend Of Rw J Edmonds/L Edmonds/M Adler GCH CH Skansen’s Havannah C Sansone/S Sansone GCH CH Seven Seas Auroras Adonis K Sevastopoulos/Athanasvos GCH CH Skansen’s Harvard G Reyna/J Boston GCH CH Momentumm Stars And Bright Lights TD C Lietzau

Great Danes

278 GCH CH Longo Miller N Lore’s Diamond Lil T Longo/J Miller/L Matherly/C Crawford 163 GCH CH Hauerdane’s Don’t Bury The Treasure v Caps A Brill 154 GCH CH Alpine’s Ice Warrior V Hawthorne L Clesi/P Clesi 126 GCH CH Naples Tlbrk Dana Sanroque Cause And M Donovan-Tandy 121 GCH CH Fireside Tallbrook Jezebel J Garcia/B Garcia/J White-Vorst/R Biscar 114 GCH CH Diola’s Saks And The City V Hi Class S Bealko 111 GCH CH Sunstrike Spellbinder At Karmel CGC M Yellish 111 GCH CH Southern Star Gen Stonewall Jackson S Moore/J Moore 104 CH Daynakin Danelind Up To No Good R Lunde/R Lunde/E Lind/G Hymmen 98 GCH CH Mjm’s Hi-Air All Eyes On Me A Solnick/L Solnick/L Maulucci/M Maulucc

Great Pyrenees

98 28 26 21 18 16 14 14 8 7

GCH CH Framboise Something Ventured Something P Hughes/S Hughes/P Watson GCH CH Honor’s Promise Of The Future B Ducker/K Bruneau GCH CH Monark Abbeyroads Molly Malone T Duncan/S Simard/M Hudon GCH CH Rivergroves Star Sapphire J Hanover/J Hanover/J Boyd GCH CH Karolaska Tor Ruby Of Shadowrun J Parke CH Rivergroves Cloudy Bay J Boyd/M Cox/M Stewart CH R Pyr Jail House Rock! T Strom GCH CH Beren’s Hope Of Thorn Hill J Wood/T Franklin/D Daugherty/D Daughert GCH CH Abstrax Premier Edition M Metzler CH J & R Rancho Absolut Twilight At Solstice C Lundberg/R Faulk

Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs

38 21 18 18 17 13 11 11 10 9

GCH CH Painted Mtn Oliver Twist Of Fate K Markley/R Markley GCH CH Alastair’s Smokey Mountain Rain D Gerzabek/C Gerzabek GCH CH Nox’s Luck Of The Irish CD RE D Fralick/B Fralick GCH CH Nox’s George Bailey’s Irish Creme N Kechner/J Comer/C Robson GCH CH Derby’s All American M Rusk/A Rusk/C Selleck/B Selleck CH Seneca’s Day Tripper J Kaiser Alpinez Colorful Dream A Shah GCH CH Matterhorn’s Oscar The Grouch D Moskowitz GCH CH Derby’s Toast With Gusto S Copeland CH Wildest Dream’s Country Boy J Budin-Smithers/T Bailey/J Bailey



CH Meadow View Southern Gentleman Of Ibis S Harman/M Harman/C Evans


42 16 6 2 1 1

GCH CH Mattiaci High Voltage At Glacier Creek D Blank CH Casablanca Elso Peachtree In Cahoots M Goodman/B Lenoski/R Ham/G Dash GCH CH Szumeria’s Wildwood Silver Six Pence M Vila/L Brady/C Muir/C Townsend GCH CH Double Ring Tarees Dream Machine C Ringering/K Ringering/I Miller/R Mille CH Furrondie Alaskan Whiteout S Dankberg-Yontz/A Dankberg CH Casablanca’s Vakmero Pandur G Dash/N Berger


40 35 33 30 28 10 9 9 8 8

GCH CH Haus Gutfreund Acorn Diamond Jubilee B Goodfriend/N Goodfriend GCH CH Corleone’s Hidden Agenda H Austin/N Austin GCH CH El Dorado’s Chili Pepper P Mcdaniel/L Taft GCH CH A. Feiner Eros L Bazlen GCH CH Bluebonnet’s Fricis Is On Fire Of Acorn A Mozeleski/W Jones/J Hatlas-Pepper GCH CH Kwenobe Balfen Shiku P Junehall Yoks Vom Kaniberg M Beck/R Beck CH King Of The Hills A.J. Allmendinger F Harman GCH CH Valioso Von Alpensee A Rios/A Lawson GCH CH Haus Gutfreund Acorn Diamond In The Sky B Goodfriend/N Goodfriend


155 GCH CH Jadems Rythm-N-Boo T Woods 111 GCH CH Talamascas Big Cheese L Watson/M Mcgilvery/T Sholes 57 GCH CH Silverado’s Bijoux Precieux Skyfield A Darnell/T Armstrong/M Devier 56 GCH CH Kimmit’s Rockstar K Wampler/L Gabhart 52 GCH CH Fireside’s He’s The Bomb! S Barfield/D Barfield 48 GCH CH Genesis Jethro At Rydalmount G Cuthbert 37 GCH CH Kaigan’s What’s The Holdup? CGC L Burns 34 GCH CH Lazy D’s Take Charge At Thunder Sky D Greaver/N Walker/C Furr/M Greaver 32 GCH CH Mountainviews Kissa My Face Contessa V Hueg/J Viera 32 GCH CH Hoosier Lucky Lady J Steigner

Neapolitan Mastiffs

26 14 13 7 3 2 2 1 1 1

GCH CH Ironwood’s Papparrazi J Deppen/S Van-Spruill CH Omar Patrizio Italia L Moles King Gigi Of The Oaks T Hood/L Moles CH Angelo Del Pacifico J Velasco/N Velasco Newworldmastino’s Gino E Ibarra Dato La Luna M Mcdonald/G Mcdonald Cassio Del Gheno A Pierret Vincent De Bluhouse M Mcdonald/G Mcdonald Amazing Love’s Elvira L Hershberger Bella Of The Oaks II L Moles


107 GCH CH Darbydale’s All That And More G Griffith/K Kemp 70 GCH CH Rosewood’s Royal Flush M Morris 56 GCH CH Legacy’s Sir Lucan Of Camelot V Nguyen/G Dotzman/L Roser 54 GCH CH Heartsease King Of The Jungle M Casler/L Anderson 54 GCH CH Susitna’s Deal Me In K Gerrits/H Gerrits/H Kramer/A Gerrits 50 GCH CH Spillways Man About Town Kodiak R Emery/K Emery 42 GCH CH Bright Str Berrin Charles Jager P Ruegger/R Danielson 41 GCH CH Avalon Bey’s Chairman Of The Board M Wadsworth/A Wadsworth/L Rader/J Fitser 41 GCH CH Bear N Mind’s Maritime Traveler CD C Gorsuch/D Gorsuch 33 GCH CH Seabrooks Hoosier Daddy Pouchcove RA C White

Portuguese Water Dogs

155 GCH CH Claircreek Impression De Matisse M Lint/P Helming/D Gottdenker 101 GCH CH Manitou Lone Star CD GN RA A Phelan 73 GCH CH Roseknoll Sunny Benjamin C Diamant/C Teasley/S Teasley/E Leyda 60 GCH CH Aviators Asta Primadona M Davis/B Waters 46 CH Driftwood’s It Had To Be You V Gorman/R Gorman 45 GCH CH Vindouro’s By All Means K Weinberg/M Groth 38 GCH CH Amarinhar Sailor’s Valentine P Jones/T Jones 27 GCH CH Prata Lua Tsar Nickolas Of Farallon S Holden 26 GCH CH Sail Away Root Beer Float M Parszewski/T Smith 22 High Winds Little Buddy C Mannor/S Carter


356 GCH CH Chancellor Flirt’s Hi Flyin’ Gladiator W Lewellen 187 GCH CH Hemlock’s Jack Of Hearts RA K Bang/R Bang 111 GCH CH Avatar Cosmac Storm M Brennan/J Mcilwaine/G Bidgood/R Robert 71 GCH CH Ivoss Sonny’s Angel D Voss 59 GCH CH Big Beach’s Cammcastle Miss Bad Mama D Stevens/S Guynn 45 CH Brandy Hills Inherit The Wynn V Reichrott R Allegrini/J Allegrini/J Panaro 44 GCH CH Schonheit’s Hop On The Bus, Gus RE J Scotten/R Scotten 42 GCH CH Stoneridge Midnight Warrior CD BN RA C Hagen 40 GCH CH Glen De Fir’s I’M A Joyful Gift BN RN S Canady/R Combs 39 GCH CH Redfield’s Itz My Tyme RE F Sanquino/A Everton


114 GCH CH Polar Mist Cruz’N T’Party At Zamosky E Widjaja/L Blue 78 GCH CH White Magic’s Seasoned Traveler-”Trek” M Matto 77 GCH CH Rossia’s Denali Star S Markow/E Markow 68 GCH CH Pebbles’ Run Play It Again Ham A Kiell Green CoNtiNueD oN page 114

Dog News 113


Dog News Top Ten List CoNtiNueD FRoM page 113

65 55 54 54 42 37

Based on breed competition

GCH CH Sammantic Piroschka B Bruns/W Stamp GCH CH Storytales Past Present & Future B King/K King/N King GCH CH Glacierwhite Moonlite Mist Chanel No. 5 A Murphy/L Clayton GCH CH McMagic’s Mojo P Mccallum CH Snoline N Snowater’s The Real Deal S Alexander/K Granacki CH Celticfrost Kodiak Bear J Deleo/L Deleo

Siberian Huskies

150 GCH CH Britestars Jamesons Whiskey L House 118 GCH CH Topaz Bad Action H Tang 82 GCH CH Snowmist’s Quicksilver Speigas K Leblanc/L Baryte 55 GCH CH Kaniska’s Kauz For Kamotion At Talkeetna N Hinkle/J Golding 50 GCH CH Kontoki’s Isaiah Little Prayer For You N Wisniewski/R Tang/S Kao/M De Palma/T O 44 GCH CH Snowmist’s Quidditch Seeker K Ramey-Leblanc 44 GCH CH Playmor’s Leap Of Faith L Hanson 39 GCH CH Tackora’s Cookie Cutter D Studwell/P Benincasa 35 CH Nalowinds Nobody Does It Better RN K Hunt/C Hunt/B Duarte 32 GCH CH Jo-Kar’s Cartier Limited Edition At O Kanjanachusak

St. Bernards 33 27 26 21 21 16 15 14 13 12

GCH CH Gliddens Lady Isabella K Glidden GCH CH Lasquite’s Denver V Lucas M Glover/M Smith/B Boman/N Boman GCH CH Jamelle’s Aristocrat V Elba RN CGC L Baker/E Baker CH Sunkatanka Piute V Loramar P Katz/V Graves GCH CH Belle Isle’s Cookie V Cretan R Patterson/J Little/D Cox CH Ramblewood’s Aces Wild C Costa/M Costa CH Sherick’s Fassli R Boldt/S Boldt GCH CH Mtn Home Linus Stoan V Lasquite CD M Larson/L Larson GCH CH Jamelle’s Camelot M Mulligan/J Mulligan CH Star’s Henry Aquilla B Jansen/J Jansen

Standard Schnauzers

54 51

41 19 17 15 13 12 12 11

GCH CH Mistic’s Longfellow Serenade S Marsh/A Derenzis GCH CH Blackhawk Finnegan’s Wake L Studley/K Studley GCH CH Charisma Maxim Von Diable L Adiletti/J Adiletti GCH CH Bardwoods Black Hat Harry P Lombardi/R Lombardi GCH CH Sketchbook Neon Lights L Hansen/K Rice GCH CH MACH3 Paramount London Ranger CDX RA D Wall GCH CH Jordan Gable Of Windtree CD BN RE S Lambert/M Lambert GCH CH Sketchbook No Deductions T Rothwell/L Hansen CH Elkhart’s Black Lace RN L Boyd CH Von Berg’s Proof I’M True To Form C Kristensen/S Shardlow

Tibetan Mastiffs

35 8 8 7 4 4 3 2 2

GCH CH Dreamcatcher Major Victory Of Loki D Parsons/W Slayton CH Great Lakes Citadel Taboo Tia At Majestic R Sundberg/K Dewitt/B Lott CH Dawa’s Welcome Stranger From Sierras D Nechemias/L Claus/W Wickman/D Wickman GCH CH Comancheria’s Ciye Chiricahua Cochise G Nunnally GCH CH Himalaya’s Ayasha Ho’Nehe Tishomingo G Nunnally GCH CH Sierras’ Sasha - Yakone Nanuk J Butler/R Gallegos CH Northstar’s Ku-Miko D Bosak Dawa’s Kia Kane Romo C Kane GCH CH Himalaya’s A F Mufasa Of Stone W Puckett/D Puckett

114 Dog News



Airedale Terriers


55 23 12 8 7 7 6 4 4 4

GCH CH Penaire’s Chip Leader At Longvue J Clarke/W Clarke/T Clyde/A Clyde GCH CH Timberwyck Glenayr Heads Up P Frye/S Kuhn/T Maher GCH CH Epoch’s Time Bandit A Moore/D Moore GCH CH Joval Angel’s Whisper V Rickard/J Rickard Jet Aire’s Ursa Major, The Greater Bear D Turba/J Turba GCH CH Huntwood Spyglas Of Stone Ridge Tobylinn J Linn/S Kipp CH Joval It’s My Time V Rickard/J Rickard Rock’N A’s Veritable Delite N Arnold/J Cook GCH CH Bryndale Penaire Mistletoe ‘N Holly A Brinker/C Brinker/J Clarke/W Clarke Cinnawind Monterra Storm Chaser CGC J Brown/S Brown

American Staffordshire Terriers

149 GCH CH Lbk’s Enuf Talk About Ruby Of Mule Creek L Jagta/P Miller/L Tulloch 67 GCH CH Alpine’s Lonewolf Whisky River S Killen/L Killen/E Thomason/K Thomason 66 GCH CH Chavez Let It Ride At Bonsai G Simonds/A Ghione 41 GCH CH Angarda Deja Vu Looking At You E Mckee-Heath 40 GCH CH Alpine’s Ring Of Fire CGC J Mosing/E Thomason/K Thomason/V Piltz 37 GCH CH Old River’s Talk About A Mystery S Allison/L Jones 24 GCH CH New Era’s Closer To My Dreams K Cobb/E Nichols 22 CH Vaca Valley’s Bold Ruler For Frajaec G Brown/K Rudzik/B Gottier/D Pesenti 19 GCH CH Major League’s Silver Slugger C Ward/H Ward 14 GCH CH Cicero’s Clash Of The Titans N Patrick/J Manchester

Australian Terriers

128 CH Ryba’s Call Me Irresponsible S Bachman/T Schreeder 52 GCH CH Temora Ri Diercc C Hill 16 CH Benayr Nick Of Time M Porter 15 CH Dreamweaver’s General J.E.B. Stuart L Weaver 13 GCH CH Abq San Isidro Christhill K Hill/W Christensen 12 CH Kambara’s Santivo RN K Floyd/G Floyd 11 GCH CH Shastakin Flying Dust Buster Z Van Wyck De Ropp 10 GCH CH P.S. Phoebe Ii Christhill K Hill/W Christensen 8 CH Ryba’s Gotham City Hero M Langham/S Bachman/T Schreeder


2 2 2

CH Caben’s Can’T Stop The Muse-Ic J Fournier-Fike/S Fike/G Snyder CH Brigadoon Bananarama Ohana C Alexander/L Salvador/L Salvador/D Alex Imperials Bewitched B Aguillard/J Jones/A Lloyd/H Jones GCH CH Soquel Millenium Seafarer G Harlamoff/N Waynee Nemesis Thunderally Suny Behr N Cosby/C Gray/D Farrell Action Chaos Butter My Muffin R Idone

Bull Terriers (White)

23 18 8 8 6 5 5 4 2 2

GCH CH Allegro Rockstar S Harris/D Harris GCH CH Sandstone’s Conceived In Liberty For Paradox G Snyder/I Hudson/M Whitehair/T Whitehai Bullistic Solitaire (Foreign Dog - Registration Pending.) Global Mighty White At Kilacabar C Whitmer/S Whitmer/C Kilpatrick/C Kilpa GCH CH Brickhouse Lone Ranger K Frickert/J Bouthilet CH Brigadoon Banchory Sentinel D Alexander/L Santos CH Shadowood Smooth Operater B Strahley/B Strahley/S Whalen-Keillor Brookbully Big Bang H Uplinger/J Emett GCH CH Kilacabar Mystic Moondance C Whitmer/S Whitmer/C Kilpatrick/C Kilpa Stonebull Matrix Revolutions R Macdonald

Cairn Terriers

129 GCH CH Hjohoo’s Just The Way Hjo Are E Theodorsson/V Malzoni 74 GCH CH Rocco’s Collar King Carl Xvi Gustaf K Kauffman/W Eckard 53 GCH CH Dogwood Treasure Hunter P Davis 51 GCH CH Cyntu’s Twist N Shout D Vogt/S Vogt 50 GCH CH Connacht A Ha’ Penny Will Do M Joyce 48 GCH CH Terriwood Mvp T Godwin/K Godwin/B Doyle/N Doyle 48 CH Harmony’s Soul Of Mccairn RN S Anderson/K Loken 19 CH Yellowbrickroad King Of The Road E O’Neill 19 CH Braemar Scotch Broom Eilidh K Geyer/N Delyea/R Fischer/J Wilson 16 CH Danmar’s Desperado D Quinn/M Quinn

Cesky Terriers


CH Milenka’s Hector In Act Four L Kapustina/A Kapustin/L Marino

Dandie Dinmont Terriers

9 7 3

GCH CH King’s Mtn. Fievel Mousekewitz S Hickson/J Hecker GCH CH King’s Mtn. Alice Springs C Chriscaden/M Furlong King’s Mtn. Neville Longbottom J Hecker GCH CH Clossongrey Frankystein K Dorn/L Dorn

Bedlington Terriers



Fox Terriers (Smooth)


9 4 4 4 3 2 2 2

CH Peremi I M A Player J Weiskopf/L Nilsson GCH CH Lamz Eleanor Rigby L Zembrzuski/G Gilbeau GCH CH Pineriver’s Show Me The Money S Holden/J Berk Jacobine Von Mⁿnchhausen K Pankratova GCH CH Lamz Derby Day Mint Julep L Zembrzuski/G Gilbeau/L Young/L Frey GCH CH Kaylynn’s Party Crasher R Beutler/M Strickland/S Beutler CH Chelsea’s Xmas Cookie L Freeman Bling Bling’s Amethyst Violet J Steele/E Wolkenmuth CH Carillon Chazzen De Hayyim L Heyman GCH CH First Class Syrah D’Hermitage J Fogel

Border Terriers

108 GCH CH Mchill’s Hrh Prince Gizmo House Of Gremlin P Holson/A Barrios 44 GCH CH Surefyre’s Just In Time M Smith/C Bartlett 31 GCH CH Standish’s N Webe Beleve It Or Not K Myers/J Standish/R Maxwell 29 GCH CH Lndi’s Ott To Be Villain Or Hero S Ott 22 GCH CH Tilted Kilt Catch-22 RN J Lott/C Depriest 21 CH Meadowlake Pants On Fire K Fitzpatrick/T Bradley/K Courtelis 16 GCH CH Brocair Field Of Cherry Blossoms A Donovan/J Behan 16 GCH CH Meadowlake Simply Sinful K Courtelis/K Fitzpatrick/J Wilkinson/D 15 CH Maustrappe’s Miss Congeniality At Faireview JE B Coffield/J Keane/E Brown 14 GCH CH Koshare Rakki Tj RN JE S Olsen

67 33 30 21 19 17 13 12 11 10

GCH CH Wedigit Paparazzi R Young/B Hunsaker/T Haines CH Absoultely Designer Edition J Steel/L Steel/D Gabel GCH CH High Mtn Everso Smooth S Perrine/C Snavely GCH CH Laurelton Last Chance V O’Connor/D Carder GCH CH J’Cobe Broxden Danea V Malzoni/A Booth/P Booth/W Dalling GCH CH High Mountain Everso In Command C Snavely/R Snavely CH Sheeze-Beez Soldier Of Fortune Tlc V Boyle GCH CH Broxden Waybroke Simphuni Burlesque B Huntington/D Simpson CH Sayo’s Jai Ho M Briceno/J Possenti Black Marbles Viking Princess M Hermon

Fox Terriers (Wire)


28 24 7 6 5 5 5 5

GCH CH Gordon’s Bite Of The Apple J Hanson/S Hanson GCH CH Afterall Painting The Sky V Malzoni/T Steele/S Olund/M Olund/D Rya CH Aljamar Accentuate The Positive M Laschinski/J Warling/A Waters CH Tsarshadow Walks The Hiwire D Deeley/R Lowe CH Outfoxed At The Captain’s Game J Thatcher/L Moore CH Beinneins Verona D Heck GCH CH Enchantment Lady Bentley O’Santerric CDX O Adams GCH CH Random Ruse K Read Kottas Lord Admiral Preston RN O Adams Breitwire Life As A Rockstar S Boryk/R Boryk/D Breiter

Bull Terriers (Colored)



Glen of Imaal Terriers


13 12

GCH CH Action First Try C Claburn/F Berez GCH CH Old England’s Montgomery A Bavol/W Bavol Hawthorn Leap Of Faith M Quinn/P O’Driscoll CH Rocky Top’s Kid Antrim R Poole/W Poole

10 10 6

CH Liberty’s Padraig E Pires/A Lynn Liberty’s Barkley A Lynn/K Georgianna Emerald Isle’s Wild Irish Rose A Pember

4 3 3

CH Daulton’s Sen Quinn Of Blessington S Eck/J Daulton/P Estes GCH CH Kilkenny’s Sullivan Of Castlerock C Chiddister/S Blum Liberty’s Colors Of Keadeen A Tighe/J Kindall

Irish Terriers

37 19 18 10 9 5 3

GCH CH Rockledge Mccallen Of Meath L Honey/D Rapport/J Wilson/J Macdonald GCH CH Glenstal’s Standing Ovation J Nash/J Nash CH Takala’s Hot Topic Casey T Carr CH Trackways Sun Stone C Rivera/K Warner/T Cassidy GCH CH Sharob’s Commander In Chief S Lindgren/R Lindgren Kincora’s Chelan Thunder H Good/M Good/B Good CH Gingerbread’s Dark and Stormy T Lahti

Kerry Blue Terriers

54 33 28 23 23 15 13 13 10 9

CH Irisblu Mirage J Garahan/K Garahan GCH CH Heritage Lord Dunsany W Kearney/C Kearney/R Roth/I Roth GCH CH Edbrios Cosmopolitan E Hansen GCH CH True Blue Madonna E Randall GCH CH Class Act By Hallsblu W Berry/A Austin Kallehan’s Some Like It Hot S Stull/N Han GCH CH Kerifieldkerion Iadoru V Payson/J Manders/J Agnew CH Lighthouse Because Of You S Clark CH Morwin’s Holidazzle W Morris CH Krisma’s Plenty Of Panache L Grier/T Grier

Lakeland Terriers 31 13 6 3 2

GCH CH Larkspur Acadia Save Me A Spot A Barker/S Fraser/M Sacco GCH CH Hi-Kel Terrydale Fortune In My Eyes A Geremia/F Cashin/Terrydale Knl CH Rhoadesville Pride Of Gardinaire T Rhoades/D Rhoades Snowtaire’s Secret Element Of Gusto R Graham/B Decker CH Glacieridge Goodie Two Shoes R Mcmillan/S Peterka

Manchester Terriers (Standard) 22 19 18 15 13 5 5

GCH CH Medley’s Joker’s Gamble S Gerritz/T Myers GCH CH Medley’s War Hunt E Tonini/J Tonini GCH CH Oasis Razzmatazz V Stanert/B Stanert GCH CH Toria Royalty In The Making T Taylor/V Herbert-Thorsland CH Oasis Pillow Talk M Belanger/G Anderson/J Anderson GCH CH Medley’s Muy Caliente At Jetcity RN L Nonog CH Wilane’s All We R Is Dust On The Wind B Wood/B Wood/J Emerick

Miniature Bull Terriers

69 58 17 14 13 6 4 4 2 2

GCH CH Dytona Vip M Jacobs/A Klishas/E Feuz GCH CH Cambria’s Kid N Play L Baggenstos/R Baggenstos/A Guerrero/D G GCH CH Pepabp Del Cornijal B Wyckoff/C Ginsberg GCH CH Eggstream Gespiel’s G Force W Goldacker/J Goldacker/L Duncan GCH CH Evolution Runs With Scissors S Cummings/K Toomey/C Jensen CH Envision Registan Calendar Girl G Beringer/S Beringer Richbrands-Pax Of Temris B Escamilla/R Escamilla CH Temris Welcome To The Jungle R Ingersoll/D Ingersoll CH O’Gadsby’s Shooting Star J Dolphin Bonsai Yankee Doodle Dandy A Ghiome/G Simonds

Miniature Schnauzers

80 67 60 56 55 33 30 19 18 13

GCH CH Brookhaven’s Solo Dapper-Rapper B Walker GCH CH Regency’s Play For Keeps D Lewis/K Lewis/B Verna GCH CH Kruse’s High Interest M Lande/B Kruse GCH CH Allaruth Just Kidding V Sole Baye Y Phelps/R Ziegler GCH CH Legacy’s Pohl Dancer Of Tomar M Pohl/V Pohl/P Ledgerwood/M Paisley CH Ebonheir Keepsake Truth Or Dare A Deer GCH CH Legend’s B-B-B Bad To The Bone D Huff/S Huff CH Tomar’s Captain Kirk M Paisley GCH CH Joker Land’s Glacyka Fci M Uryu/J Constantine GCH CH Cholet’s Brymos Loaded Gun E Mombela/J Mombela/B Mombela



Dog News Top Ten List Based on breed competition

21 18 15 11

Sealyham Terriers

10 9 6

39 18 14 13 9 8 8 5 5 4

GCH CH Some Buddy Llwydd Eric The Red J Carter/T Carter/H Cole CH Woodhaven Hope For The Lottery M Hovet GCH CH Yarrow Venerie Ticket To Ride P Beale/J Beale GCH CH Caprock Life Of The Party E Davenport/J Harper CH Tenterra Dancing In The Moonlight N Anderson GCH CH Max-Well’s Diamond Thief B Miller/M Mcternan/S Kipp GCH CH Rightly So Just In Time T Smith/T Harrold/D Ford GCH CH Landmark Head Over Heels J Sybor Rightly So Smart Syndicate M James/R Newton/S Augustine Iandae Honey Do This’N That D Barres/G Barres

Norwich Terriers

137 GCH CH Apollo C Chen/C Trexler/C Foucrault 56 GCH CH Foxwood Diamond In The Ruff K Mines 53 GCH CH Watermark Hunter At High Pines P Giroux 53 GCH CH Waiterock Jack Falstaff C Harper 21 CH Castanewf’s In The Red J Knudsen/D Castonguay 18 GCH CH Camio’s Educated Exemplar C Rogers 17 GCH CH Kaleidoscope Claybrook Carter NA D Lang-Stephenson 17 GCH CH Foxwood Chasing A Dream K Mines/A Kress 12 GCH CH Thunderwood’s First Robin Of Spring T Willrich/K Conlan 11 GCH CH Fly’N High’s Sonic Boom S Jones

Parson Russell Terriers

61 57 43 28 14 13 10 8 7 4

GCH CH Shasta N Sonship A Skip L Reinhard/T Reinhard GCH CH Premiere Gossip Girl @ Sunrock T Houser/D Chenoweth/K Owsley/D Anibal GCH CH Rosewoods O.M.G. S Johnson/C Howton GCH CH Shalimar Wild Montana Sky Of Orejac C Burgasser/J Caulk GCH CH Foxbend Call My Agent S Crawford CH Panther Creek The Full Monty J Ramming GCH CH Bayshore N’Rv Nitty Gritty A Lowery/J Mcdaniel/J Baylis/L Carroll GCH CH Heart-Songs Breath Of Heaven SE CA L Geyer-Limitone/R Limitone CH Bayshore’s Victorias Secret S Fuller/J Baylis/C Oldt GCH CH Posey Canyon No Brainer! T Stanczyk/R Stanczyk

Russell Terriers

33 26 18 16 10 8 8 6 6 3

CH Monamour Jp Part Time Lover K Miichi GCH CH Goldsand’s Billie Jean M Wooldridge/J Stevens/C Manelopoulos/R GCH CH Meadowbrook Madison CM S Sobel GCH CH Foxscott Jack Eaze Up Turbo C Lundin/K Scott CH Heritage Jp Cotton Snow M Yamazaki Ruscal Ramblin Man RA ME M Bayley Bayjink The Dragon Slayer M Bayley GCH CH Fransin Jumper In November CM C Mascuch/A Kiell Green CH Appassionato Jp Monamour’s Star A Hargrave/C Areskough GCH CH Goldsand’s Columbus M Ulrich/C Areskough

Scottish Terriers

96 55 37 33 32

GCH CH Friendship Hill Stars And Stripes P Gallatin/M Browne CH Invercrest Surely Why Not D Eggert/J Eggert GCH CH Kingsview Just Ebony C Blain/L Tuttle GCH CH Mcvan’s Northern Lights V Huber/M Krolewski CH Eroglen’s Broadway Baby E Varner/S Ero

Wildwind Keep Your Hat On B Snyder/J Ferrera CH Dunnville D’Artagnan D Lloyd/R Lloyd Afterglow’s Rapunzel L Inman/R Inman

Skye Terriers


Norfolk Terriers

GCH CH Charthill Top Billing C Hill/K Hill Marcowy Kocur Koncept D Ewles CH Destiny’s Secret Weapon P Harp/S Finn/M Degyves/J Allen CH Glenkinch The Flying Scot L Kincheloe/T Kincheloe GCH CH Rock Castle’s Jovial Patriot A Thomas/B Medina

8 3 2 2 1

CH Gold River Man For All Seasons K Sanders/W Sanders GCH CH Solana Big Lebowski M Shiue GCH CH Talakan Trumpeter Swan J Davis CH Gleanntan Wonderful Wizard Of Oz G Knl CH Gallondean Moonshine J Degnan/L Weber/P Zeller CH Clandonan The Flying Yankee D Brown

Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers 91 63 40 37 34 29 28 20 19 17

GCH CH Doubloon’s Extreme Play E Landa GCH CH Ainle Villanova Mouth Of The South K Elliot/M Vance GCH CH Bonney New England Patriot B Snyder GCH CH Banrions Give The Girl A Kiss J Bratton/T Walter GCH CH Sundance Second Chance S Russo/F Russo CH Bonney Labor Of Love V Gosnell/D Gosnell/B Snyder GCH CH Morningstar Gold Standard O’Michaleen D Gordin/H Gordin GCH CH Diamonds Cactus Cash B Hillwig CH Serendipity’s Urban Legend R Taylor/C Taylor CH Pitterpat Working On A Dream S Beitch/R Skerry

Staffordshire Bull Terriers

44 29 25 24 23 21 21 20 20 18

GCH CH Sylon Bruce Of Ringmaster M Darwith/J Miller GCH CH Empire N Divines Change In My Pocket CA L Divine/T Glover Red Samurai (Foreign Dog - Registration Pending.) GCH CH Classy Staffys An Outlaw Gang RN NAP L Heimbuch/S Edinger/K Edinger GCH CH Trugrip Good Boy Dex R Schwab/K Steinbock/J Merritt GCH CH Unionjack’s Partner In Crime D Drozdoff/M Drozdoff/P Levine/H Eldred GCH CH Agoe Apache D Ferrin/D Merritt/E Day GCH CH Rockstaff Code Red Mountain Dew J Kezsbom/E Harris CH Roughnecks Masta Of Puppets J Massie Vomhausharrock Dondiegoredrock L Heimbuch/T Alberg

Welsh Terriers 17 16 13 10 9 9 8 7 4 3

Darwyn’s Special Blend L Hotchin CH Redragon’s Brown Eyed Girl F Adams/P Adams CH Bruhil’s Kiddos Choice B Schwartz GCH CH Shaireab’s Bayleigh Maid Of Honor S Abmeyer/K Bailey/T Lee/X Xie CH Andover See-Z The Moment P See/J Gottlieb/J See GCH CH Malvado Devil Woman P Clark/N Clark GCH CH Darwyn Esmeralda In Sanherpinc J Anspach/M Duafala/P Allen Wagabound’s Celtic Quest C Schauermann Sanherpinc Poporopo At Teritails T Lohmuller Brynmawr Copetin K Rost

West Highland White Terriers

72 59 50 31 22 16 15 13 12 11

GCH CH Deerhaven Hez Justin Kredible At Orion D Bouderra/J Kays/G Kays/I Keushgenian GCH CH Camcrest Andsurely Jasmine J Downing/S Campbell GCH CH Donnybrook’s Louis S Chaplick GCH CH Shamrock James Bond J Emerson GCH CH Mizzentop Storm King M Fiore/H Fiore GCH CH Altrincham Camelot’s Foil Highland Glen L Marino GCH CH Blythfell Talisker J Jardine/L Jardine GCH CH Devonshire Out Of The Starting Gate T Pancost Ceili’s You Sing N’ I’Ll Dance P Ottinger/M Skapof/P Marks GCH CH Wyndbrae’s Maclaren P Whiting/S Byrd/W Noble

TOY Group




53 13 11 2 1 1 1

GCH CH Tamarin Tarheel A Shultz/G Shultz GCH CH Xela’s Party Tric D Wood/S Jones/D Hichborn/P Belmont GCH CH Induna’s Ink Spot C Duran/L Duran CH Collindale’s Shenagh J Daley/J Collins Yarrow’s Hi-Tech Time Traveler J Forunell-Ferrall/H Fournell-Ferrall CH Amethyst Acres Archer L Martin CH Watermark Bayshore Rock The Red P Giroux/J Baylis

Brussels Griffons

56 29 24 16 14 13 9 8 6 6

GCH CH Paragons Sharp Dressed Man At Greengates F Cashin/M Gale/K Fleener GCH CH St Johns The Chimney Sweep St Johns Knl GCH CH Endor And Donandru’s New Moon R Pereira GCH CH Krossfire Bellini D Henderson CH Fist Face A Penny For Your Thought P Catterson/K Catterson/A Catterson/L Va GCH CH Hilltop’s GQ Cover Boy P Brown GCH CH Hilltop’s Watch Me Now M Grafton GCH CH Chismick’s Lights On Broadway K Jaeger/M Jaeger CH Jb-Shua Honky Tonk Angel V Givens CH Inspector Gadget Monkeyface Norman K Morang

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

208 GCH CH Quail Garden Loch Lomond Deja Vu J Mittelman/K Subramanian 163 GCH CH Tudorose Apollo P Mixon 137 GCH CH Orchard Hill Play For Keeps C Darr/E Venier/R Venier 123 GCH CH Miletree Northern Star B Henry/S Henry/B George 105 GCH CH Full Of Malarkey Miles Of Aisles T Kelly/P Kelly 90 GCH CH Chadwick Passion Puzzle At Brynwood C Carter/C Eckersley 87 GCH CH Burbrook Storm Chaser J Ioia/B Ioia/D Petralia/C Rose 63 CH Kinvaar’s Mile High Romance G Reardon 58 GCH CH Kinvaar Make Pretend G Reardon 55 GCH CH Revelry Sensation At Saranade P Freberg

Chihuahuas (Long Coat) 86 85 66 63 46 39 37 37 36 36

GCH CH Jetstar’s Simply Outrageous J Chandler GCH CH Victory Mask Of Zorro K Hulstein/S Hartwig GCH CH Timeless Cottondale Pink Champagne K Potts/S Boyd GCH CH Bk’s Wild About Harry B Smith GCH CH Mini Cooper (Lamuno) J Lamuno Gonzalez CH Wynjyn Sunshine Superman V Hauber GCH CH Roseland Eli T Bregman CH Winsome Ringmaster At Jilan C Byles-Comber CH Dewcastle Texas Red J Dew/J Phariss GCH CH Moonhill’s Your Mama Don’T Dance S Purdue

Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat)

50 43 42 41 41 40 34 34 31 29

GCH CH Genbrook’s Playin’ With Fire B Kaye/G Stiles GCH CH Gaga Lady De Aqlla M Blank/L George GCH CH Rsuns Struttin Down The Runway J Thurman GCH CH Flo-Davi ‘N Timeless Creating Havoc F Davis/D Davis/K Potts GCH CH Sandy’s Babes Tradewinds As Ever D Corl GCH CH Wincoo Royal Dutchess M Bozzo CH Tegs Naughty I’M Sure G Desjardins/T Desjardins CH Belissimo Bravo Blitz Conan Conqueror O Loginova GCH CH Conemara Morning Glory C Robinson CH Dewcastle’s Tobiano J Dew

Chinese Crested

146 GCH CH Dejavu I Want’A Talk About Me R Kusumoto/J Kusumoto 113 GCH CH Kaylens Girls Just Want To Have Fun V Dorris/K Peiser 77 GCH CH Edelweiss Dirty Sexy Money K Knoles/A Beard 76 GCH CH Hampton Court’s Party Time At Legend V Malzoni 59 GCH CH Stillmeadow Solo In The Spotlight M Patti/J Patti


31 27

GCH CH Ghostmar’s Dark Shadows S Hill/M Uriarte/S Lybrand GCH CH Belews Les Bons Temps Rouler D Parker/M Parker CH Hampton Court’s Charlie Of Legend V Malzoni GCH CH Rookey Hero’s Rock’In And Roll’In At Raffica S Games/G Games CH Moa’s Just A Little Squirt At Edelweiss G Freer/C Cook/K Knoles

English Toy Spaniels (Blenheim & Prince Charles) 15 6 6 4 4 2 1

CH Chaseland’s Howard Glodek B Miller/J Glodek GCH CH Loujon Thornwood Little Jacob K Miller/J Ward/C Williams Sanchi Pleasant Surprise B Miller GCH CH Loujon Backroads To Paris C Williams/J Ward/K Miller Fox Hollow Slainte A Sunderman Ravissant Hoist The Colours NAJ A Sunderman/T Cousins GCH CH Danaho’s Grand Design I Cary

English Toy Spaniels (King Charles & Ruby)

14 8 1 1

GCH CH Lto Prosperity R Cole/M Landers GCH CH Southdown Nevermind B Van Deman GCH CH Novel Backroads Run For The Roses S Plance/H Reid/M Reid Danaho’s Ring Of Fire D Hopkins


137 GCH CH Oeste’s Flirt’N With An Outlaw R Schindler/M King/J Vogel 116 GCH CH Yayas Dancing Through Life D Planche/C Livingston/K Livingston/B Ca 85 GCH CH Marcosa’s Slip Slidin’ Away H Kolzow/C Kolzow/P Bass 80 GCH CH Harbor’s Sky-Blue Pink C Field/H Bennett 76 GCH CH Marcosa’s Bachelor Button J Mcgrath/H Kolzow 73 GCH CH Yup’s Malibu Dream J Birdsall/D Stout 53 GCH CH Mystic Ji Jo’s Virgil Earp S Atwell/M Dwyer/J Dwyer 45 GCH CH Windfall’s Dude With Attitude K Ambler 42 GCH CH Heartland’s Sure Bet P Tschohl/S Mccabe/K Mccabe/W Koistinen 37 GCH CH Askin Bidin’ My Time L Curtis/E Curtis

Italian Greyhounds

113 GCH CH Donavin’s Caramel Macchiato D Davis/J Davis 48 GCH CH Kaos Mini-Daytona Five Double O S Swanson/B Swanson 38 GCH CH Integra’s Masquerade Party M Lucas/R Weyer 38 GCH CH Everafter’s Best Bet Yet S Middlebrooks/T Brooks/J Maleck 34 GCH CH Caliente’s Maker’s Mark Of Bravehound J Milko/D Milko 26 GCH CH Wynson Swan Princess D Chapman/W Chapman 24 CH Dachsmith All Bets Are Off K Chant 24 GCH CH Cantex Gris Gris Sonofa Doc B Broom/T Mayers 23 GCH CH Kashmir’s Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler! C Weatherhead 21 GCH CH La Plage Rendezvous At Kc A Mccarthy/T Sinclair/W Hesterly

Japanese Chin

100 GCH CH Victory Spencer M Mc Cormick/M Cooley 34 GCH CH Cin-Don On The Road Again B Merritt 31 GCH CH Mar-Pem’s Tiz A Tizzy B Reese 30 GCH CH Pem We-Syng Lucky Mi J Dalton/J Turjoman/M Ballard 24 GCH CH Bliss’s Chinsational Wasabi J Heller 21 GCH CH Kaminari’s Maximum Impact B Speight/W Crumpler/K Lockyer/T Lockyer 21 GCH CH Tanzen’s Ok Storm Of Zen-Chins G Heiman/E Heiman 16 GCH CH Blue Willow Cherbo Lil Bit Rocknroll C Boice/N Stedman 13 CH Touche’s Champagne Wishes B Gorodner/A Bower 10 Touche’s Seldom Seen B Gorodner/A Bower


63 28 27 20 19 18 16 16

GCH CH Scylla’s Small Kraft Re-Lit D Burke/R Scott/T Rowell CH R-Cranberry Of Crystal Castle S Girven GCH CH Divine’s Work Of Art K Kent/A Stanberry CH Dimondz Rock N Roll Romeo D Brewer GCH CH Rhapsody N Cherub’s Oh So Henry T Mackenzie/K Mackenzie GCH CH Divine’s Veni Vidi Vici S Newton/A Stanberry GCH CH Maltangel Heavenly Vision I Gram/M Harrigan CH Rhapsody’s Someone Like You T Holibaugh/K Kasten

CoNtiNueD oN page 116

Dog News 115



Dog News Top Ten List Based on breed competition

CoNtiNueD FRoM page 115

12 9

Luvlee’s Rags To Riches L Albritton CH Re-Al’s I’M Just Tea-Sing R Graff

Manchester Terriers (Toy) 35 25 15 13 10 9 9 8 7 4

GCH CH Rosewood Casanova D Texter/P Rank/B Hodges GCH CH Rustic Lane Still Waters Run Deep P Lapinski/J Debraganca/C Horowitz/A Deb GCH CH Blossom’s Let’s Dance B Scott-Heim GCH CH Spotted Oak’s Vampire Slayer J Tonini-Zanotto/D Zanotto CH Splash’s Moon Pie At Burmack J Burrows/P Mackesey/E Cressler/S Beatti GCH CH Burmacks Disco Man By Marler J Burrows/M Marler/P Mackesey CH Lani’s Stewart Granger L Miner GCH CH Burmack’s National Treasure At Medley RN T Myers/J Burrows GCH CH Burmack’s Highlander At Chesterfield K Levario/P Mackesey/J Burrows CH Earendil’s Road Show At Heaven Hi D Texter

Miniature Pinschers

147 GCH CH Brackley My Amazing Warrior K Haney/D Haney 67 GCH CH Pinnacole Winters Feel The Fire M Cole/M Cole/K Winters 56 GCH CH Marlex Classic Red Glare A Angelbello/L Monte 38 GCH CH Marlex N Marisol Bold Moves A Angelbello/M Hackett 26 GCH CH Sagehill Camera Ready B Creed 18 GCH CH Marlex Kisa Wildfire K Noel/J Wilds/A Angelbello 18 GCH CH Kisa The Iceman Cometh V Marlex L Dewey/P Dewey 16 CH Brackley My Warrior Princess B Stanert/V Stanert 13 GCH CH Valdon’s Matinee Idol E Ward/J Krumm 12 Teralea’s Cutiepatootie D Brandsma


202 GCH CH Fenice Le Beaudreaux R Greathouse/E Akers-Perry/M Perry 81 GCH CH Titian’s Risky Business R Navarre/M Navarre/T Mcintyre/C Fredric 81 GCH CH Involo The King Of Pop G Garofalo/D Garofalo/M Garofalo 67 GCH CH Siljans Disney Jr L Bayless/D Bayless/B Leonard/D Bauer/M 65 GCH CH Blairwynn’s He Gives Me Chills C Blair 56 GCH CH Jareaux Rip It Up Laren T Sommerson-Wilcox/J Mclaren 55 GCH CH Wingssong Here We Go Again P Jones/C Jones 50 GCH CH Topflite Arkeno High Performance E Moore/S Schumacher 47 GCH CH Queen Bless Jp Mr. Fuji A Czech/M Korpi 45 GCH CH Wildfire On The Record N Shaw/A Pickett/C Pickett


23 22

17 15 13 13 12 11 9 8

GCH CH Yakee Easily Persuaded S Middlebrooks/D Fitzpatrick GCH CH Dunkirk Imagine That M Merrill/T Reese/R Winters CH Finnfair Amerglo Leonnatos T Damon/S Martinez GCH CH Sunburst Sunshine Superman T Jenkins/V Hedrick CH Oakhill’s Caught Red Handed K Cook/M Cook GCH CH Finnfair Cardee’s Amerglo Ariston T Damon/S Martinez/C Blakesley Suruca Southdown Full Of Malarky B Van Deman CH Coodeefoo Bringin’ On The Fire E Hinson/R Ferguson Mack Island Jokers Wild M Warren CH Katering’s Rolling Thunder G Nash/R Nash

115 GCH CH Char’s Love Story M Paredes 114 GCH CH Cr Chase What Matters M Koga 99 GCH CH Starlight’s Sugar Daddy D Stratton 55 GCH CH Randy’s Huckleberrie Friend R Buske/E Smith/D Spann 45 CH Mythical Rydin’ To Hitimes J Carcasole/A Carcasole 45 GCH CH Babbi’s Captain Of The Ship Of Mtn Crest B Meyer 40 GCH CH Reigningstarz Its 5 Oclock Somewhere C Marsh/T Phillips 39 CH Comet’s Odin Obvious Oppertunity Occur R Thanyasindamrong 37 CH Aljens Manny Pacquiao Of Lenette A Lapuz 35 GCH CH Cr Global Affair C Solano/R Solano/D Simon

Poodles (Toy)

70 59 45 41 41 34 30 23 10 9


178 GCH CH Hill Country’s Tag I’M It C Koch 134 GCH CH Winsome-Nirvana-Blaque Triple Play E Veltman/V Cox-Flatley/B Roberts 99 GCH CH Foursquare I’Ll Be A Shostopa Tu D Johnson/J Johnson 88 GCH CH Castlerock Pine Cone Mountain Rain A Fischer 87 CH Winsome’s Gold Standard V Flatley/B Loken 64 GCH CH Sweetbriar Boo-Koo Bucks P Caldwell/R Caldwell 59 CH Brigadoon’s Shanghai Charlie L Bridge/J Bridge 57 GCH CH Pine Cone’s Green Mountain Boy A Fischer/E Sheerah 53 CH Moonstruck’s In The Pocket! C Koch 52 CH Brazos River Nee-Hi Back For More S Ayers/C Ruggles

Shih Tzu 44

43 34 19 18 16 14 13 10 10

GCH CH Jianzhuang-De Buster Brown F Govostes GCH CH Ista’s Hurricain Chaser D Wheeler/G Larson GCH CH Lohona Zephyr I Can’T Look Away D Haley GCH CH Foxfire Pocket Edition T Fox/K Bilicich CH Rocking K Mia’s Precious Surprise L Mulder/R Kitchens GCH CH Symarun’s Love T’Look W Lee GCH CH Hallmark Jolei Bells Will Be Ringing L Ehricht/D Ehricht GCH CH Ista’s Sweet Caroline R Marshburn CH Yingsu’s Keep Me In Mind M Jones CH Palaquins N Wenrick’s Lotus Blossom B Brem

Silky Terriers

77 29 16 11 10 10 10 6 6 5

GCH CH Lamplighter’s Tattle Tail M Benson/B Beissel GCH CH Tawny Mist Myan Mystic S Biles/E Biles/K Wilson/D Renton GCH CH Snow Glen’s Tesoro Cover Story D Adamcik/D Caselli/P Laperruque CH Karisma Heart And Soul M Hodge/K Gilbert/M Gagliardi/P Laperruq CH Cantell Daybreaker K Oglesby/R Oglesby/J Evanoff Tawny Mist Wyncliff House Odds D Renton GCH CH Mariblu Forevermore At Safire M Solvason/J Pizzirulli GCH CH Hullablu’s Hellzabob S Calestini GCH CH Wyncliff’s Wallstret Wonder D Baggenstos/R Baggenstos CH Black Opal’s Blu Skye In The Morning P Gasper/M Klabonde/D Gasper

Toy Fox Terriers

38 37 24

116 Dog News

GCH CH Smash Jp Winning Ribbon J Steinhour GCH CH Donnchada Angel Wings At Dulcinea S Talkington/E Brown CH Hillwood Mr Kibbles E Charles GCH CH Laurelbury Zasu On The Runway B Rivet/K Rivet GCH CH Sharbelle Greg-Mar International Boy R Stevens/S Stevens/M Gregory GCH CH Smash Jp Sakura R Scott/D Burke CH Laurelbury Balanchine B Rivet/K Rivet CH Seaford’s Pryceless Mayhem In Brown C O’Leary CH Heatherly Nautty But Nice D Houston/A Houston/B Nelson CH Smash Jp Go Go Summer J Steinhour

GCH CH Valcopy Shively Son Of A Gun D Plonkey/R Davis GCH CH Foxlair Hi-De-Ho Smokey Joe V Denney/E Ward GCH CH Dejavu’s Big Dog Daddy J Spence

19 12 12 7 6 6 6

GCH CH Barbary’s That’s So Raven L Smith/P Nieto GCH CH Ultra Quest Go For The Gold W Howard GCH CH Valcopy Shively Super Charged A Sturm CH Absolute Cindy Lu Who N Richter Burway Hoopla! F Trammell GCH CH Valcopy Shively Sundance Kid A Raychel/B Yerington/D Plonkey Thorsbys Real Jacobsobjpegasus F Trammell

Yorkshire Terriers

79 48 38 35 28 27 24 23 23 21

GCH CH Brookview’s Rebel Yale M Johnson GCH CH Trio’s Big Shot K Goldfarb GCH CH Lake Buena Vista Nina Ricci K Sloan GCH CH Cantlon’s Jer-Ree’ Jer-Ree’ B Cantlon/L Soars/V Steinberg/M Mathews GCH CH Stratford’s Alaskan Cruiser B Scott GCH CH Stringer’s Sergeant James Edward Rorie B King/A Stringer GCH CH Annstef’s Gotta Dream H Jacobs/A Stringer GCH CH Rosemark’s Dangerously Cool R Fett GCH CH Bon’Amis Divoo N Amies CH Starstruck Va Va Vavoom B Babcock


272 GCH CH Dowats Decisive Double Down L Watson/D Watson/J Milam/E Hugo-Milam 220 GCH CH Mytoys Epic Against The Wind D O’Connor/T Oconnor/L Scott/A Mcdearmon 147 CH Newcomb’s Pandamonium @Beda B Long/C Johnson/B Newcomb 121 GCH CH Majestic I’m Her Man! S Neely/G Neely 106 GCH CH Only Bill Bailey C Eke 69 GCH CH Kr Emperor Pyrus R Brown/K Anderson 65 GCH CH Legacy Tobe With The Archangels B Morgan/K Simmons 65 GCH CH Schear Royalty British Pound Sterling P Schear/T Turner 61 CH Rockee Top Its A Marvelous Night For A D Nelson 60 GCH CH Imperious Hamitup Double Vision L Jordan/J Jordan

Chinese Shar-Pei 83 76 45 34 17 16 12

NON - Sporting Group American Eskimo Dogs

35 32 27 20 14 6 6 6 5 5

CH Mystic Knight Of Magic K Scholz GCH CH Ms. Wiz’s Rain Of Terror B Davidoff GCH CH Anana’s Magnificent 1 S Strunk/K Strunk GCH CH Pinebrook Smilin’ Milo Of Vibo CA D Christensen CH Snopuf’s That’s What She Said T Vinson GCH CH Anana’s Look Into The Future K Strunk/S Strunk CH Wintersun’s Once In A Blu Moon T Powers/L Redding CH Sr Gimego’s Captain Hook A Dew L Townsend CH Sunfall’s The One And Only B Beynon/J Reed GCH CH Artc Mgc’s Heart Of Hearts C Wood/J Wood

Bichons Frises 71 42 30 20 19 19 16 16 9 8

GCH CH Paray’s Power & Privilege T Pittman/P Flores GCH CH L’Etoiles It’s All About Me D Clapper GCH CH Karmel’s Banana In Pajamas S Phillips/C Bakker/R Drumond GCH CH Glenleigh Gangs N’ Roses R Lauer/K Tormey/L Carlton/L Letsche GCH CH Vogelflight’s “Honor” To Pillowtalk E Charles/K Vogel/M Abbott/P Abbott CH Shyladawn’s Timeless Beauty S Newton GCH CH Overtops And The Winner Is Z Luo/N Keung/J Rubin GCH CH Saks Winning Card A Mackenzie/K Mackenzie/C Ruggles GCH CH Vogelflight’s Shira Yuri Shogun J Hartmann/G Hartmann CH Miabella Allure’s Ooh La La S Kapella/L Des Camps

Boston Terriers

86 70 56 50 46 42 41 41 39 35

GCH CH Kc’s Just Out Of Reach K Bogenholm/J King GCH CH Campbell Clan’s Idol Chatter K House/D Campbell/G Campbell GCH CH Kennedy’s Wild Traveling Man M Stahmer/L Fisher/S Kennedy GCH CH Guardians Angel At Mtnview C Jones GCH CH Gunther’s Gussied Up Edna A Mcilwaine/B Berth/J Mcilwaine GCH CH Ivylane N Barrett Train Of Love S Frederick/T Starr/P Duffy GCH CH Escalibur’s Kc Double The Trouble T Rendic/D Rendic CH Ken’s N Candar’s Spoon Full Of Sugar C Gerson/D Gerson/C Gerson GCH CH Yendorbe’s Jackson B Ware GCH CH Kennedy’s N Barcomm’s On The Catwalk B Rettick/S Kennedy/R Rettick

11 8 6

GCH CH Jade East Do You Know The Way To San L Anders/E Minne/K Nijholt GCH CH Shine’s Deck The Halls D Cooper/R Cooper/L Teitelbaum/R Penteco GCH CH Asias The Big Easy A Gonzalez/L Myers GCH CH Yu Kou’s Keep On Luvn U G Schaefer/D Schuerman GCH CH Vaje’s Jethrene Bodine T Paddock/S Paddock/J Mauk/V Mauk GCH CH Margem’s Bogart Here’s Looking At You S Diercks/F Diercks GCH CH Brekkukots Black Stiletto S Bjornsson GCH CH Blackwitch Devil Wears Prada D Beagle GCH CH Nordic Star’s In The Nick Of Time C Stewart GCH CH Nustar Dolly Pardon Me Boys, I’M Here V Jgar J Kerstein/G Richards/J Wyatt

Chow Chows

93 21 14 12 12 10 9 7 7 6

GCH CH Dreamland’s Wanna Be A Billionaire R Banghart/L Banghart/M Brantley/L Brant CH Padow Northwind’s Wicked Games L Eyster/W Eyster/K Williams GCH CH Dreamland’s Light Up The Sky J Phillips/A Smith GCH CH Padow’s Twilight Embrey In A New Moon At A Sanders/K Williams/A Young CH Tamarin Velvet Fogg P Baxter/P Martinez CH Tanseks Ky Chings Midnight Rendezvous K Tansek/S Hassett CH Gemini Rudy M Fabry/T Fabry GCH CH Fair Hill’s Plymouth Rock L Leonzio/M Leonzio Jidi The Humorous D Hillygus/J Hillygus Who Me “His Majesty” K La Deau


91 89 57 49 48 42 40 40 39 35

GCH CH Spotlights Ruffian J Lyons/B Lyons GCH CH Kastle’s Go Speed Racer M Squire GCH CH Mapleaf Don’T Stop Believin In Sunrunner B Becker/A Smith/K Rochin GCH CH Tramac Just Watch Me Shine J Smith/M Callea GCH CH Diamond C’Ya At The Finishline CD RN J Bulger/S Bulger GCH CH Koira Guardian Of The Longbow K Feltman/C Hackett GCH CH Xanadus Angel Sabrina J Ulloa/A Ulloa GCH CH Paisley All Around The World J Rodes/J Macmillan GCH CH Bret D N Engine Co To The Rescue J Bachey/M Zink/J Shupp GCH CH Merry Go Round Steppin Lively At Galliyard S Thompson/E Thompson

Finnish Spitz

45 28 25 5 2

GCH CH Mickywins Mainio Skandia P Urton GCH CH Dv9k9’s Royal Star H Leathers/M Leathers GCH CH Finkkila’s Nalle Poika K Swisher/D Helland Rocyn’s And The Beet Goes On J Parker/C Stansell/R Stansell Marblehill’s Pikku Karhu L Saari/P Denno

French Bulldogs

317 GCH CH Coco Vialatte Robobull Hot Flash K Yamanaka 127 GCH CH Lebull’s El Morocco At Lecirque A Geremia/A Alford 123 GCH CH Evergreen’s Girls In White Dresses J Cooney-Waterhouse/J Flowers 113 CH Hilsman Napachai Cruel Intentions D Berrey/A Lee/R Hilsman 75 GCH CH A’Vigdors Caudataire Du Roi Tuunrat’s El Che M Cicuta/M Leguizamon 67 GCH CH Lefox Born To Boogie S Sweatt/J Drucker 66 GCH CH Gypsy Canyon Bubbling Romance With L Parshaver/K Parshaver/J Kott 58 GCH CH Foxmoor Petite Cherie Raison D’Etre W Stoyka/A Mcintyre/P Berry 50 GCH CH Lionheart’s Fortune Five Hundred J Miklos/M Miklos 48 CH Bandog’s Major League Homerun at TX Star N Shaw/C Stephens/A Phelan


Poodles (Standard)

Dog News Top Ten List Based on breed competition

Keeshonden 60 40 38 34 27 24 19 18 17 16

CH Windrift’s Native Dancer J Reed GCH CH Sprookje Lunar Appellation S Sorice/M Sorice GCH CH Windrifts Non-Negotiable Asset L Mcknight GCH CH Summerwind’s Rumor Has It J Gauchat-Hargis/J Hargis GCH CH Showtyme’s Happy Feet L Hooper GCH CH Windrift’s Money Maker R Gum/T Gum GCH CH Baronwood Infinity And Beyond K Denton/D Smith GCH CH Trumpet’s Winner Takes It All V Louie/C Waddell/B Blankenship GCH CH Wund-R Y’s Best Kept Secret T Van Schyndel CH Cedarhills First Harvest-Quincy B Cook/B Cook/T Cook

Lhasa Apsos 22 21 21 21 18 13 12 11 9 8

CH Kumi Kian Strike A Pose T Mclaughlin/A Lanterman GCH CH Cozmos Custombuilt M Lucas GCH CH Rufkins Monarch Not Just Any Mardi Gras R Lombardi/J Bernards GCH CH Hi Tide Catch The Summer Wind C Fegan/T Mohr/N Varney CH Monarchs Destination Dreamscape K Harrison/M Stafford CH Kai-La-Sha Legacy C Marley/P Huffman GCH CH Xeralane’s Kid Rock Xeralane Knl/S Giles/W Harper/M Wolverto GCH CH Northwind Hope-Fulls Trouble Tu J Hope/C Butsic GCH CH Tabu Pa Believe! N Plunkett/J Plunkett GCH CH Sundancer Hylan Shotru Secret Dawn K Hamilton/M Worlton


19 14 8 5 4 4 4 4 4 3

GCH CH Laser Kiji No Way No How W Koistinen/R Crowder GCH CH Musicbox Tail Of Two Cities M Billman/V All Sage Hill’s Ariosa Nobody Does It Better J Seibert CH Paceaway Play It Again P Dyer/L Dyer CH Marquesan’s Niall’s Boy Cucanomga C Hawkes Roseland Ashfords Panache V Kismet K Fletcher Sage Hills Ariosa Anticipation L Harper/J Seibert CH Boondock Shake N Not Stired Musicbox L Johnson/B Johnson Tyyris Ego D Jones Marday’s Ruff Tuff Creme Puff D Lewis

Norwegian Lundehunds


CH Hammarhojdens Ultra S Pederson

Poodles (Miniature)

70 61

38 35 26 24 21 16 16 15

GCH CH Karadale Clarion Born This Way K Berlind/K Kennedy Vigil/A Kennedy GCH CH Durandel Bella Donna R Wanger GCH CH Rio Luci In The Skye With Diamonds C Chaddock/T Chaddock GCH CH Surrey Sugar Baby R Scott/D Burke/K Hosaka GCH CH Skygem Busy Being Fabulous S Kuklina/G Morisette CH Priceless Hidden Treasure E Luke-Pugh/M Pugh CH Glen-Kell’s Brightness And Light K Fisher CH Jaboas Second To None B Thomas GCH CH Marjonlie Simply Irresistible B Shimmel/T Sullivan/M Sullivan Xplicit Lyrics B Galloway

252 GCH CH Brighton Lakeridge Encore T Sosnoff/M Sosnoff 170 GCH CH Dawin Hearts On Fire L Campbell 92 GCH CH Jaset’s Satisfaction M Molnar/J Danburg 65 GCH CH Hillwood Dassin Rock On By J Vergnetti/E Charles 62 GCH CH Luminary Black Velvet Bejeweled With Pearls V Law/L Estaver 60 GCH CH Penndragon Owain J Smith/K Smith/K Bates/R Bates 49 GCH CH Brighton Mikamoto R Smith 49 GCH CH Brighton Meadow At Lakeridge L Brennan/V Dorris/D Jones 42 GCH CH Beauciel Presque Parfait C Crawley 25 CH L’Paige Smokey Mountain Memories E Reynolds/P Reynolds


Belgian Malinois




16 14 13 9 8 6 5 4

GCH CH Blanchos Rosita Fernandez A Barfoot/D Mullusky Caponetto/J Caponet GCH CH Bayshore Georgio Armani J Baylis/L Hylton/T Johnson CH Bayshore Stonehaven Espiritu Isabella De Ivoss D Voss CH Blanch-O’s Life Is A Cabaret D Mullusky Caponetto/J Caponetto/M Lucas GCH CH Shida Mighty Joe Young C Loutzenniser/J Young-Johnson Amoroso’s Amador My Spanish Lover K Norton Blanch-O Dancing To The Ocarina At Sonnydue S Vancamp CH Fullibus Aquia R Yenchesky/C Bossart/D Baker CH Blanch-O’s Lollapalooza At Cabaret P Krueger Xochipilli E Vandermolen


85 44 43 36 28 27 24 13 12 11

GCH CH Dante Fire When Ready A Gossman/S Middlebrooks/M Jameson/P All GCH CH Willow’s Make My Day D Johnson/T Johnson GCH CH Bonchien Prodigal Son R Rollins/B Burke GCH CH Tumbleweed Walkin’ Streets O’Gold J Moore/T Lucas CH Sea-Breez’s Daydream Believer A Lessig/T Hahn GCH CH Starship’s Law N’ Order K Anderson GCH CH Bonchien Park Place M Dauven/J Outhet GCH CH Rivendel’s Smokin’ Joe A Halterman/M Kraus GCH CH Ropaws Witzful Klassic Jyve P Campbell CH Crosswind’s Gale Force D Nash/K Davis

Shiba Inu

73 27 25 14 12 11 11 10 10 10

GCH CH Kunikototoro Maui Go Des-Mar D Cole/M Cole Kalin Go Sengokudou C Ishikawa/K Yoshida GCH CH Kisaragi No Kouten Go Amamisou D Chenoweth/J Morningstar GCH CH Morningstar’s Wings Of An Angel L Fogleman/J Morningstar/S Sadler GCH CH Mr2 Three Ships To The Wind T Harris/S Rolenaitis/T Rolenaitis GCH CH Oak’s The Wizards Apprentice P Rosado/E Cruz San Jo Meghan Fabulous L Engen CH Copperdots Beikoku Hideko D Smiley CH Mamiyas Sarina Of San Jo L Bellah/C Mamiya CH Nichibei Sayuri Go Kinmonso L Longstreth/M Sako

Tibetan Spaniels

56 54 29 26 21 14 13 10 9 8

GCH CH Kan Sing’s Tenzin M Feltenstein GCH CH Shilo Time For A Good Time S Carroll CH Oshozens Myles Of Style S Cottrell CH Sandon’s Klever Quest D Narehood GCH CH Tin-Man Three Sheets To The Wind S Rose CH Aldea Party Crasher At Bb Jo’S J Thomas/D Ford CH Tuqute Jimanie’s Squeek Toy S Hedgepath/S Bonser CH Wassong’s Prince Royal At Gayleward G Bontecou GCH CH Ambrier’s All Decked Out At Rokirk B Thompson CH Dreamcast Catching The Rings J Habiger/M Kennedy

Tibetan Terriers

30 29 24 15 14 14 13 11 11 9

GCH CH Kimik’s Sir Gawain K Bolak/C Bolak GCH CH Rinchen’s Blazing Illusion By Dzine L Meyer/M Allway/M Laffler/C Coppola GCH CH Starlight’s Lady In Waiting C Basgall/C Friemel GCH CH Rinchen’s Blazing Black Icon E Coppola/C Coppola GCH CH Teasia Loree Star Spangle Banner K Ridall/M Mond/L Watson GCH CH Fabulous Teddy’s I Will Return B Algar/N Kinziger CH Sunsi’s Rumble In The Jungle J Turner/D Helfgott/L Fardell GCH CH Kensington’s Oliver Twist W Behrend GCH CH Ri Lee’s Stellar Performance N Kinziger GCH CH Ka-Ta Midnight Khan S Hedden


16 16 14 14 12 10 9 7

GCH CH Burr Oak’s Rock My World L Wetherell/C Russell GCH CH Broadcreek’s Marcus Junis Brutus M Kornfeld/S Legg/L Legg/E Kornfeld GCH CH Bei Cani Sassy Shes All That Coco L Stephens Gallents Stillwater Reflection J Gallent London Du Hameau St-Blaise A Mccalla/B Arellano CH Carousel’s Southern Saga S Fogarty/C Shields GCH CH Element’s Written In Red PT E Stearns/T Pluim CH Stardust’s Fly Me To The Moon L Kudna/C Shields CH Isell’s Itoby H Doucette/C Kaiser CH Broadcreek’s Storm Warning J Rotondo/S Legg

Belgian Sheepdogs

HERDING Group Australian Cattle Dogs

101 GCH CH Kokopelli’s Sobe It H Warn/K Watkins/C Kurpas 96 GCH CH Kurpas’ Holy Smoke RN A Baxter/C Kurpas/J Kurpas 81 GCH CH Buzzards Tazmanian B’ Devil HSAds M Hunter/G Calvert 61 GCH CH Dawn Heir’s He’s The Boss! D Price/C Price 55 GCH CH Dawn Heir’s Maverick A Renegade HSAs J Rowland/M Youmans-Griffith/E Baldwin 38 GCH CH Onthego’s Here’s Lookin’ At Ya D Quain/P Salladay/J Pulliam 22 GCH CH Carben Copy’s Long Time Comin’ H Warn/T Carlton 17 GCH CH Pioneers Once In A Blue Moon RA M Mathews/L Pruett 17 GCH CH Littleflock Stand My Ground HT G Todd 15 GCH CH Briarmoor’s Wanderlust L Moseley/P Gipson

Australian Shepherds

305 GCH CH Harmony Hill’s Money Talks L Goetz/H Braddock 193 GCH CH Woodstock’s Belle Starr L Buell 141 GCH CH Melody Hit The Jackpot RN PT T Edwards/E Edwards 128 GCH CH Copperridge’s Sugar N Spice S Miller/J Miller 99 GCH CH Mcmatt’s Autumn Breeze F Mcdaniel/J Loehr/V Wehrle 86 GCH CH Equinox The Edge Of Reason RE C Bell 76 GCH CH Mysharas Dancing Queen S Fontanini/E Swain 71 GCH CH Ninebark Silver Buttons S Kalkes/K Kalkes/K Patterson/V Yates 69 CH Wedgewood Sazbrat Love Me 2 Times RA H Williams/M Gisselbeck 61 GCH CH Star’s Gold Ringer L Baylis/S Garrison

Bearded Collies

95 87 30 24 24 22 19 18 11 11

GCH CH Wigglesworth Thriller A Yura/D Symes/S Ipser GCH CH Spiritwood’s Gandalf The Blue S Larsen/J Larsen GCH CH Ha’Penny Mirimar The Fab Fawn J Schneider/M Marini/V Null GCH CH Dunhill Celebration C O’Neil/R Harrington GCH CH Woodsong Pandemonium CGC R Morris/J Morris/O Lazarus/N Lazarus GCH CH Baileysong He’s The One W Wylie GCH CH Old Smuggler’s Front Runner C Fehrer/D Fehrer GCH CH Dreamchaser Follow Your Dreams C Desmond/J Desmond/D Quadland/T Dixon CH Classical’s Magical Meemie J Atkins/C Namey/B Sawka GCH CH Majela Maiseachd Bancharaid M Larroux/J Larroux


46 28 11 8 4 3 1

GCH CH Falcor Mes Yeux Vigilants RN C Hartwell GCH CH De Joie Du Chateau Rocher CA M Palmer CH Finley Mes Yeux Vigilants A Scott/S Bass Levi De L’Amouraudiere K Davis GCH CH Eo Des Ombres Valeureux D Skinner/D Pluss GCH CH Beowolf Rime Des Monts Du Lac P Prager/J Prager Great Expectations For Bleue Du Chateau Rocher S Gates/L Zemouri/K Davis

45 26 24 22 21 20 18 17 17 16

GCH CH Sanderle Kindred R R Chumbley/R Skinner GCH CH Adagio’s Balalaika Prima T Holbrook/K Sutton/A Mcartor CH Liket’s Old Time Rockn Roll M Brand/D Brand GCH CH Isengards Oncore CD RN HSAs P King/L Miller CH Liket’s Kick A Little II L Lachnitt GCH CH Bonntymes Keepn It Real At Devine HSAs S Manier/B Leonard CH Sans Brancos Best Bet CD BN RE NAJ A Levine GCH CH Adagio’s Beastie Boy HSAs CGC F Patterson CH Verseau’s Passage To India AX AXJ A Mcgregor/S Mcgregor/P King/R Kraft GCH CH Isengard’s Wildflower L Miller

Belgian Tervuren

50 40 25 24 20 19 13 10 10 10

GCH CH Sky Acres Flying Solo M Edling GCH CH Hovne Es-Pen Av Revehiet J Murphy/T Hulsund GCH CH Chateau Blanc’s I’M Coyote Trouble VCD2 K Eldredge/D Eldredge GCH CH Hexen House Beyohnd NA OAJ L Shafer CH Mishaook’s Lautrec K Gauchat/J Pavlichko GCH CH Georgi Bear De Faire L’Affaire D Dawe/J Dawe GCH CH Waldenmark’s Here’s Lookin At Ewe HSAds I Friedenson/J Friedenson CH Chantryile Gold Standard E Heagy/G Storms/D Giesbrecht/C Giesbrec CH Bilgay’s Eye Of The Hurricane R Grinsell/L Wetherell GCH CH Stonewall’s Let’s Make It A Double V Havicon/R Skief

Border Collies

78 60 48 29 29 28 26 26 20 16

GCH CH Majestic Avatar Storm Warning PT M Karger/J Baylis/R Delay GCH CH Kensington’s Artful Dodger L Waldo GCH CH Sporting Field’s Heiress HSAs D Butt/D Einck/A Giles GCH CH Hamilton’s Secret Agent Of Bayshore C Hamilton/J Boylis CH Kensington’s Image Of Bon-Clyde B Buchanan GCH CH Ownbrooks Magic Wind Dancer J Fry/H Smith/J Smith Borderton Lou Easy An I A B Kennel GCH CH Bon-Clyde’s Pistol Pete Of Nahrof N Mages/E Wagner GCH CH Bayshore’s Cast A Spell At Avatar HSAs R Johnson/J Baylis/S Einck-Paul CH F Si A Ge Of Fu You Yuan Kennel L Jing

Bouviers des Flandres 73 44 43 36 21 10 10 6 6 6

GCH CH Quiche’s Jewels Are Forever E Paquette/L Paquette CH Barbu Jenarae Ruffian W Miller GCH CH Vanleighof’s Special Agent Gibbs L Mccann/M Zusman/D Poulson GCH CH Stonewall I-Zak De La Salsa J Abramsohn/P Anderson/R Bishop/S Brocke GCH CH Quiches Intrepid Captain Sully S Bowerman/E Herring CH Margaux’s Takes Two To Tango S Lyon GCH CH Margaux’s Stacked Deck P Martin/S Lyon Galheights Lafite Du Francnord RN S Galland/F Perreault/N Poirier GCH CH Romeo’s Jacque Jeremiah S Monte CH Bittersweet Keeper Of Dreams P Robertson/M Zacharias

CoNtiNueD oN page 118

Dog News 117



Dog News Top Ten List Based on breed competition

CoNtiNueD FRoM page 117

Briards 20 19 17 10 9 9 9 8 8 7

GCH CH Majestique Brave Heart M Warcholik GCH CH Deja Vu Mia Chain Of Fools J Holava/M Holava GCH CH Caleidoscope De L’Heureux T Lee GCH CH Lighting Strike El Xargall M Millner/T Millner GCH CH Aladax’s Divine Dream By Kaliphi RN HSAs V Swarowski/D Morrow/M Huslig GCH CH Deja Vu Mia Cool As A Cucumber T Miller/A Melton/D Dube/L Bernard GCH CH Elaina Lynn Of Mystic Oaks BN RN PT M Holmes/J Holmes/K Holmes GCH CH Suite Car Named Desire J Mourning/F Mourning CH Sendero’s Femme Fatale M Millner/T Millner CH Bijou Educated Guess CD BN RE T Thorleifson/C Wolfram/H Pemble

Canaan Dogs 8 6 5 5 4

CH Celev Boot’s Coco And All That Jazz C Grider/M Gardiner Serenity Lane Rumor Has It L Anderson/M Linton CH Ph Firestorm’s View From Above T Vinson GCH CH Rivroc Lycm Own Dream Bsnatch Rsndog C Miller/E Miller/M Houchard CH Celev Ron’s Bashert Ameetz C Grider/M Gardiner

Cardigan Welsh Corgis

76 72 60 51 48 38 37 29 28 22

GCH CH Riverside Telltail Coco Posh D Planche/D Shindle/J Divens GCH CH Aubrey’s Tails Of Mystery C Savioli/V Savioli GCH CH Allegro Southern Charm J Lamy GCH CH Serah Celtic Legend Of Llynhill B Tannahill/P Smith GCH CH Mariel’s Harvest Moon M Mizelle/J Bruce GCH CH Aurigan Dunes National Treasure Y Loveland/W York-Patten GCH CH Afara Send In The Clowns E Banaszak/P Chen GCH CH Sundance Itakemineblack D Price/L Price GCH CH Blackdales Kiss Of The Dragon E Lewis/C Black/D Debeck GCH CH Fernbriar Songs In The Key Of Q M Mann/D Mann/M Gardner

Collies (Rough)

130 GCH CH Overland Remembrance Of Things Past E Chang 116 GCH CH Windcrest Desert Rose L Willeford/P Eddy 92 GCH CH Wyndlair Island Vacation M Stelter/J Duhon 76 GCH DC Northshield Sweet Remembrance CD HSBd R Shields/D Shields 61 GCH CH Blu Ridge Make Way J Johnson 59 CH Lochlaren Kings Valley Fire Within B Walker/B Cleek/N Mcdonald 57 GCH CH Rockledge Lochlyn Relentless K Wilkins 56 GCH CH Rainbow’s Rising Karma At Weston M Holliday/N Reid 53 GCH CH Sunnland’s Follow That Dream G Michelson 50 GCH CH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger J Caruso/R Caruso

Collies (Smooth)

98 87 70 69 48 35

118 Dog News

GCH CH Kimberee Under The Influence L Montero/T Montero GCH CH Provenhill’s Devilicious K Provenzano/L Cohen GCH CH Travler’s Pierce Arrow C Ardizzone/R Tehon/B Ardizzone/G Lewis GCH CH C And J Silver Charm Of Chrysalis J Waiburn/C Thompson GCH CH Sunnland’s Copacabana VCD1 RE PT A Griffith-Morris GCH CH Row-Bar’s Heartbreaker J Brady/R Johns/S Mcalear/K Mcpherson

28 24 23

GCH CH Gateside Kiss The Sky At Greyfriar D Eramo/R Robertson GCH CH Ceilidh’s Project Runway HSAs E Chang GCH CH Aspen’s I’Ll Chase The Sunbeam S Hesterberg GCH CH Cyndella’s Yes, I’M Charmed K Neeley

Entlebucher Mountain Dogs


CH Liberty Run’s A Room A Zoom Zoom A Wallace

Finnish Lapphunds

21 13 6 6 4 1

GCH CH Yutori’s Shades Of Autumn L Drumm/C Pollack GCH CH Sugarok Casanova CM E Blanch/W Blanch GCH CH Sugarok Macce Too B Murray/L Marden CH Sugarok Robert Redford L Marden CH Calaban Armahani Iwannatalkaboutme CM C Petersen GCH CH Lumiturpa Arvi M Feltenstein

German Shepherd Dogs

185 GCH CH Wolf Creek Galaxy Of Merivern E Farrell/P Walker 89 GCH CH Mar Haven’s Johnnie Black H Lee/S Lee/B Basu 85 GCH CH Lonestar’s Margarita Rose S Mckinnon 69 GCH CH Celeste Of R.O. Anne-Isle M Simonett/V Dukeman 65 GCH CH Karizma’s Ike Of Edale S Birch/S Birch/J Moses/S Moses 64 GCH CH Pine Hill’s Payday Of Hays Hill P Hays/B Hill/K Salvucci 48 GCH CH Woodside’s Lacy S Anderson 47 CH Kohlein’s Marchesa M Mcdonald/M Mcdonald/K Mcdonald 44 GCH CH Lakota’s Hitman Of Cantar HT E Brehony/S Brehony/V Cayer/R Alcantara 40 GCH CH Imp-Cen Diamonds Are Forever C Halliday/C Halliday/S Myers

Icelandic Sheepdogs

46 11 10 4 4 3 3 3 2 2

GCH CH Bjarkarkots Hroi Hottur Luke MX AXJ OF L Dribinsky GCH CH Gimgolets Urnir R Barnes/L Ball-Gisch CH Isneista Alspora Snati Of Bayshore T Runolfsson GCH CH Vinlands Leifur CGC J Sanders Frostfyres Mesti Thorpari Hrokur D Staton/R Staton GCH CH Dyggur’s Twilight Jasper Of Glacier Point X Moreno/A Harwell Glacier Point’s Mirror Lake X Moreno/J Ankenbruck GCH CH Enska Puck Of Caradoc RN S Sucky GCH CH Fox Meadow Hausti Solstafir D Whitescarver/J Secondino Nordurvindur Sjavarulfur S Marsh

Norwegian Buhunds

20 8 7 5 5 3 1

GCH CH Kyon’s Bold Norseman D Deeley GCH CH Trollheimen’s Pink Tourmaline P Adcox/E Turner CH Port Gamble Fjord’s Annika V Eberhardt CH Leite-Gard’s Karl Hakonson C Lassesen/R Lassesen CH Port Gamble Fjord’s Anders V Eberhardt/B Daniels CH Trollheimen’s Iorek C Gonzalez-Loesch Zodiac’s Little Kimura Loki D Schueller/C Gilgenbach

Old English Sheepdogs

113 GCH CH Zottels Shaggy Star C Furtado/J Furtado/J Ansell 40 GCH CH Lambluv’s Live The Dream J Marder/C Hastings/K Richardson 31 GCH CH Loehr’s Major Attraction J Loehr/N Loehr 23 GCH CH Cottonwood Man In The Moon D Caswell/R Caswell 23 GCH CH Daisies-N-Dreams Master Sebastian B Hughes-Ladrigue 16 GCH CH To-Jo’s Sweet Tune Lanward A Popp/L Williams 15 GCH CH Barkshire’s Take It To The Limit L Hunt/J Collen 15 GCH CH Lambluv’s Daytime Hustler L Douglas/J Marder 14 GCH CH Masquerade Mikey Likes It J Hewitt/M Harris 12 GCH CH Snowdowne My Favorite Color Is Purple D Freiheit/C Grady

Pembroke Welsh Corgis

159 GCH CH Coventry Allure At Wyndstar A Geremia/B Shelton 74 GCH CH Riverside Xtra Style P Panzarella/D Shindle 58 GCH CH Aubrey’s Moon River C Savioli/V Savioli 54 GCH CH Heartsong Brynlea Pavarotti D Hock/V Sandage/B Stiles/C Staup 48 GCH CH Lismore’s Phantom Legacy P Kleven/L Bullert/S Weiss/L Kleven-Pete 46 CH Hillcrest Xiv Karat Cause For Applause K Lord/S Hurst 44 CH Lindfox Kinion Moonstruck J Summer/N Lindstrom 39 GCH CH Riverside Get Over It D Shindle 36 CH Coventry Swinging On A Star B Shelton/S Leyerly/B Williams/D Salow 36 GCH CH Dragonjoy New Girl In Town R Blume

Polish Lowland Sheepdogs 13 7 7 6 5 5 3 3 3 2

GCH CH Swan Crest The Power Of Love Eternal M Hirata/L Bettis/R Wolfe CH Bratsiostra Pon Sensacja E Newnham/W Munsey GCH CH Bluegrass Ivy League Z White Star J Devlin GCH CH Applewood’s Where’s My Sheep? S Appel/D Appel/J Appel/E Appel GCH CH White Star’s Christmasgift J Marshall/R Marshall/M Finch-Cirtwell/J GCH CH Ponwood’s Smoky B Bruns/W Stamp GCH CH Ponjude’s Polish Jewel Stolen Treasure J Torge CH White Star’s Southern Charm B Schneider/M Finch-Cirtwell/J Cirtwell/ CH Sunshine’s Don’T It Feel Good J Devlin GCH CH Sunshine’s I Feel The Love J Devlin/S Gough


7 2 2 2 1

CH Bakahazi-Pengo Kacer K Koteles GCH CH Moremi Matter Of Fact B Pessina/P Anspach/S Mcconnell/I Crowth CH Roundabout Midnight At Woodmark B Tannen/R Tannen GCH CH Prydain Oscar’s Wilde Child P Smeenk CH Moonshadow Im Being Followed S Czekaj

Pyrenean Shepherds

10 3 2

GCH CH La Brise Sun Bear P Princehouse/K Laram La Brise Moustique Bleu OA AXJ NF K Maier Hourcadet De Terra-Blue J Williams

Shetland Sheepdogs

235 GCH CH Jesstar Nirvana R Von Pusch/J Starbuck 190 GCH CH Paray’s Preferential K Furlong/T Pittman 173 GCH CH Grandgables The Frat Boy P Buckles/A Buckles/J Moses 111 GCH CH Solange Significant L Nicholas 85 GCH CH Sandcastle Raggedy Ann C Meek/K Meek 79 GCH CH Serenity’s Walk In The Park V Weis 70 GCH CH Km’s Shaken Mona Lisa RA K Pike 60 GCH CH Homespun Casual Blues PT NA OAJ NF J Iverson 59 GCH CH Dreamline Starphire Mahalo R Baker/N Ager 59 GCH CH Kismet’s Snow Leopard Of Springmist C Gorman/M Gorman/G Chancey

Swedish Vallhunds

20 10 7 6 3 2 1 1 1 1

GCH CH Corval Bless Yer Cot’N Socks S Mullinix/S Keth GCH CH Arrow Bullseye Billy RN PT NA NAJ NF M Carter/T Carter GCH CH Solborg Faramir A Vetter GCH CH Minikota’s If I Were A Painting L Fisher/L Schaunaman GCH CH Champoeg High Tales At Stillwater M Day/B Jette/C Vannoy GCH CH Solborg Sophie Uma Av Luna Sea Lt D Quick/M Quick Kingscrest Lucky To Be Me R James/R James CH Hogland Sterling Pip Pip G Dahl GCH CH Caliente Once In A Blue Moon RE PT NA M Fromm Kingscrest The Lucky One R James/R James/C Dignam/T Birchfield

The“Gene Kelly”Of Dogdom THE ITALIAN GREYHOUND CoNtiNueD FRoM page 51

turn over the four hurdles. “Italian Greyhounds are energetic, fast and agile. I see them as ‘wasted’ if all they get to do is conformation. They are happy and keen to work although they require a huge amount of patience and kindness but they are super athletes. There are some people who seem to think that an IG can never compete but Mystic (Can Ch Ladyday’s Blue Rodeo Avimimus SDX [scent hurdle dog excellent]) has changed some minds. In fairness, there have also been some other Mystic (Can Ch Ladyday’s Blue Rodeo folks who have been genuinely Karen Barthen-Mantie’s IG Olive (Ch CoachAvimimus SDX [scent hurdle dog excellent]), supportive from the start helping wynns Kalamata CDX RAE OA OAJ AXP one of Fiona Boulet’s IG s, has changed the NJP2 NFP JOR GRC) has titles in conforme teach my dogs how to retrieve minds of some folks who have the idea that mation, obedience, rally, agility and both oval an IG will never be competitive with her peras they do not learn in the same track and straight track racing. formance in scent hurdle events. way as the usual breeds you see in scent hurdle racing like Jack Russell Terriers, Border Collies, toys even though they love to grace the sofa and bury themselves in Poodles and Golden Retrievers. In fact, we had a bit of an issue with Mystic piles of soft comforters. But then again, show me a dog that doesn’t in the beginning as a scent hurdle dog. She was always able to identify like these things,” said Vikki Landes, who owns Zuli (DFolly Lazuli Di which was her dumbbell and she had no problems running and jumping Lapis SGRC SOR) that won the 2011 Large Gazehound Racing Asthe hurdles but she absolutely refused to bring the dumbbell back over the sociation national and was second in the National Oval Track Racing hurdles. But with patience and making sure that training stayed fun, she Association’s national along with several others that are conformafinally got the idea. Happily for both of us, I found a training place that is tion champion Italian Greyhounds that are also champions or titled quite open-minded about all breeds and they have started offering agility in straight or oval track racing. classes specifically for small dogs.” The bias against the breed as a performance or racing dog can One of the major problems in getting more Italian Greyhounds involved be a real deterrent to IG owners who want to try these sports, accordin dog sports are fears harbored by their owners according to Karen Barthing to Terri Jones. “When we first started entering the LGRA events, en-Mantie whose IG Olive (Ch Coachwynns Kalamata CDX RAE OA OAJ AXP we were snubbed by other breed owners. Until they saw that my dog NJP2 NFP JOR GRC) has titles in conformation, obedience, rally, agility and was focused and athletic, they were viewed as just toys. Now they are both oval track and straight track racing. “There are a lot of owners that respected and the success my dogs have had has enabled other IG might want to compete but they think the dog will get hurt, or the dog is owners to enter the sport without having to endure the ridicule. But too small, or their dog doesn’t like other dogs. Too many owners throw up this can be a huge deterrent to owners. If they are subjected to ridicule roadblocks in their own minds. Italian Greyhounds are intelligent. If they in the beginning, they tend to not want to participate in that sport. have the correct conformation, they can do a great many of the dog sports. Also, as is the case with most dog sports, you can’t bring your dog to Although they can be clowns, they really do want to please you.” an event and expect them to do well without training. We have tried three different running events—straight track racing, oval track racing and lure coursing and all require training or your dog won’t know what to do and won’t follow the rules. You can’t go to these events once a year. The dog has to go frequently enough to reinforce what the dog has learned. One thing about Italian Greyhounds is that they are both smart and very opinionated. They learn quickly which makes lure coursing more difficult than straight track racing because they can quickly figure out how to cheat. Snoopy (Count Snoopy von Edison SGRC 17 SC CGC VC) excels in straight track events but we have been training for years to be competitive in oval track racing. It’s basically the same thing but just different enough so he’s great at one and cheats at the other. We also had to give up on lure coursing after he got his senior courser title because he had cheating down pat and it was a problem that we were never able to fix. This is a smart breed and they remember!” said Terri Jones. Fiona Boulet has an unusual combination in that her dog is a conformation champion and has a scent hurdle racing title. This growing sport in Canada is a relay race with four dogs on a team. Each dog jumps four hurdles, then must find and pick up its own scented dumbbell from a box containing all four dumbbells and re-


ne iSSue that SurfaceS with regularity for thoSe ig ownerS interested in performance sports is that with many dogs, traditional training techniques are ineffective. “Italian Greyhounds are really not bred for performance sports,” said Hesterly. “What this means is that you can’t usually use accepted training methods with them. It takes a lot of patience, a lot of training and you can’t drill the same thing over and over again. When my dogs get something right, we have a party, take a break and then move on to something different. If I ask Lexi to keep repeating an exercise after she has done it correctly, she will start to change it and try different things.” A significant problem facing the breed is its growing popularity. “With no doggy odor and their funny, cute personalities, it is rare that folks are not smitten with them,” said Kennedy. “But when a breed becomes popular, it ends up in puppy mills or volume breeders and these people do not do the health testing, genetic diversity research that good breeders do. With our small gene pool, popularity could easily make this rather healthy breed very unhealthy. Good breeders stand behind their pups for the rest of the dog’s life and will take that pup back anytime. Pups from reputable breeders are not the ones that wind up in shelters or rescue.” Dog News 119


Directory Robert A. Fisher Kaki Fisher

Jessy & Roxanne Sutton Professional Dog Handlers

Specializing in Terriers and Working Dogs

Professional Dog Handlers Frakari Kennels 194 Quivey Hill Road/P.O. Box 204 Middle Granville, NY 12849 518.642.9225 KNL • 440.813.6388 c 12.09

Jessy phone: 215-778-1253 7.09 12.12










Roxanne phone: 513-235-2099



Sue Capone, PHA Regina Keiter SUE 570 992-5705 email:


REGINA 570 369-0192 email:

113 Capone Lane Saylorburg, PA 18353

Diana Wilson

Show Dogs Beautifully Presented

303/638-1669 1298 Bluejay Avenue Brighton, CO 80601 • 4.13

*Fees feed rescued horses*




Debbie Old West PROFESSIONALGoldstein HANDLER ALL BREEDS Professional

Members PHA & AKC Registered Handlers



& Groomer Kennels 2418 Grandview Drive

P.O. Box 180 Forestville, Pennsylvania Sparta, N.C. 16035 28675 724-735-9994 C 412-491-5520

336 372-2039 © Debbie Goldstein

Clint and Karen Livingston 1981 East 141 Avenue Brighton, Colorado 80602 210 865 8415 - Clint 210 865 2348 - Karen

9691 Flinn Springs Road El Cajon, CA 92021 (619)443-8250 Fax (619)443-0944 E-mail /



Carlos Carrizo

Tiffany Knox


3.12 All Breed Dog Handler 7.13


Jenny Wornall Rangel Christian Rangel Andrew Peel

Heritage Show dogs

Professional Handling

AKC Registered Handler




9372 S Union • Tulsa, OK 74132 • 508-864-6262 6.13

PO BOX 331 • Santa Ynez, CA 93460 LLC 805.686.1708 • Fax 805.686.9548 7.13 •

Cell: 415 819-5773


Ernesto Lara

AKC Registered Handler Assisted by Leonardo Garcini


Greenfield 3.10


Tiffany Saxon

P.O. Box 330 Tel: (717) 445-9936 1181 Reading Road Fax: (717) 445-0577 Bowmansville, PA 17507 email: 6.10 6.13 mobile: 717-475-7069

Professional Presentation & Care of show Dogs a Drienne o wen 6849 s haDow r iDge P l aCe a lta l oma , Ca 91701 909-472-5519 aDrienne @ newPointkennel . Com www 8.09 . newPointkennel . Com 7.12


All Breed Dog Handler

1637 Moon Rock Rd Fallbrook, CA 92029

Office: 760-723-9564 Cell: 626-277-7172 1.11

120 Dog News





Integrity. Commitment. Passion. The American Kennel Club Registered Handlers Program “the care and well being of the dogs is of prime importance.” AKC Registered Handlers Current Membership Roster Jason Bailey Barbara Beissel Doug Belter Adam Bernardin Jamie Donelson-Bernardin * Amy Booth Phillip Booth Kerry Boyd * Heather Bremmer * Stephen Cabral Kim Calvacca Sue Cannimore Amanda Carlson Douglas Carlson Carlos Carrizo R.C. Carusi Kelley Catterson Paul Catterson Kevin Chestnut * Marianne “Tuni” Claflin Dave Clendenon Juliet Clendenon Page Conrad Gretchen Conradt Timothy Conradt Larry Cornelius Tom Davis Geoff Dawson Gwen DeMilta Carissa DeMilta-Shimpeno Mark Desrosiers

Pam Desrosiers James Dickson * Diane Engelking C.J. Favre Nina Fetter Kaki Fisher Guy Fisher Robert Fisher Paul Flores Karen Galipeault * Lisa Gallizzo * Rindi Gaudet Andrew Green Sara Gregware * Kassandra Hamaker Dee Hanna James Harbert Tina Harbert Tara Krieger Hartman Shane Hooper Cynthia Huckfeldt Frank Jewett Maureen Jewett Bergit Kabel Erin Karst Laura King Scott Kipp Susan Kipp Ernesto Lara Angela Lloyd

* Karen Mammano Sam Mammano * Bryan Martin Nancy Martin Coleen McGee Corinne Miklos Lisa Miller Kathryn Mines Roslyn Mintz Moe Miyagawa Tammy Miyagawa Leesa Molina Lori Mowery Frank Murphy Pat Murray Krista Musil Christine Nethery Mary Norton-Augustus Lynda O’Connor-Schneider Jorge Olivera Susie Olivera * Julie Parker Betty Jo Patterson Clark Pennypacker Matt Perchick Tray Pittman Ric Plaut Chris Rakyta Gabriel Rangel Ivonne Rangel

Sarah Riedl Lori Sargent Cheri Schmitz Dave Schneider Bruce Schultz Tara Schultz Robin Seaman Michael Shepherd * Dave Slattum Scott Sommer Valerie Stanert Jason Starr * Cliff Steele Hiram Stewart * Gary Stiles Greg Strong Debbie Struff Erin Struff Alison Sunderman Sharon Svoboda Evan Threlfall * Stacy Threlfall Louis Torres Meagan Ulfers Charlotte Ventura Peter Ventura Marcelo Veras Alissa Welling * John Wilcox * Tammie Wilcox Linda Williams


*Also AKC Junior Showmanship Judges.

• • • 919 816-3590 Dog News 121


Directory Aaron R. Wilkerson Janice Granda

Doug And Mandy Carlson AKC Registered Handlers

Doug 405 370-1447 Mandy 405 826-3884 5.12

All Breed Professional Handlers Port St. Lucie, FL

8260 McColl Drive W Savage, Minnesota 55378 Phone: 952 890-6010

803 421.9832 352 283.0979



Professional Dog Handler Murbe Kennels DHG, PHA & AKC Registered 11293 Dunnigan Road Emmett, Michigan 48022

Home 810 384-1844 Fax 810 384-8225 Cell 810 417-0469

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All Breed Professionals AKC Reg. and PHA


--ALL BREEDS-Jimmy & Mary Dwyer

Evan & Stacy Threlfall


407 810-4036 3.13

PO Box 99• Selkirk, NY 12158 E 919.741.0226 • S 518.209.7988



BRUCE & TARA SCHULTZ Board Certified Professional Handlers Members of P.H.A.


122 Dog News

Guy H. Fisher


5540 San Miguel Rd. Bonita, California 91902

Bruce: 951 314-8357 Tara: 951 515-0241



Dog News 123




I have collected dog books for over 70 years from 1800 to current I have collected over 70 years General and breed specific Many valuable---Serious Inquiries only dog very books from 1800 to current



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Handler/Hobby Kennel Louisville-Cincinnati-Indianapolis Area Over 150 shows annually within 350 miles. Four Bedroom, 3 bath 3,000 sq. ft. Cedar/Rock Home with 16 Mason Fence Indoor-Outdoor Runs. Features include Large Heated Training Room, Feed Room, Grooming Room, Indoor Parking with Electric and Sewer Hookup for up to 42’ Motorhome. Multi Indoor Storage Areas. Large One B/R Townhouse-type Apartment In Kennel Building, plus another full B/R Apt. in Home. All this on 15 Acres with 7 Fenced Grass Paddocks for Dogs to Exercise. Asking $450,000.00, with possible Owner Financing. (812) 689-3274 4.11

Breeders Directory

Rottweilers and Toy Manchesters Puppies occasionally and stud service phone 800 454-5067 fax 303 745-7319 Pedigrees done for all AKC breeds



124 Dog News

Letters To The Editor Continued FRoM page 111

professor steve Dean, Kennel Club Chairman, said: “We welcome the recommendations that will see a Code of practice to improve the standards for online sites selling puppies. as more and more people buy puppies over the internet, which is an open invitation for rogue dealers to trade anonymously, we desperately need grass roots action to inform people about how to buy responsibly. the bottom line is that if people do not buy from irresponsible breeders, they will no longer be able to trade. “We regret that the committee has missed an opportunity to call for legislation requiring all dog breeders to comply with standards similar to those followed by Kennel Club assured breeders. two thirds of dogs are bred outside of the Kennel Club registration system and action needs to be taken to regulate these breeders. those who register with the Kennel Club are bound by our Code of ethics but we need the government to get tough on certain principles, such as mandatory health testing, before we can expect those outside our assured breeder scheme to fall in line with concepts, such as mandatory health testing. the requirements of our assured breeder scheme can only be extended when dog breeders are required by law to breed to the same standards.” the Kennel Club shares the efra Committee’s concern about the breeding of dogs with health problems. However, the Kennel Club’s breed standards, which are a picture in words describing a breed’s look and temperament, are already reviewed four times a year with the veterinary profession and other experts and are worded to make it clear that exaggerations are unacceptable. there was also an extensive review in 2009, again with input from veterinary surgeons, to ensure that breed standards demand that health must always come first. professor Dean continued: “a breed standard only influences those who breed pedigree dogs under the Kennel Club umbrella, and they are only really relevant to those who show their dogs. further changes to breed standards would therefore have no impact on those who breed irresponsibly such as puppy farmers or breeders of ‘designer crossbreeds’ and status dogs, who breed outside the Kennel Club’s influence and often with no regard to the consequences of their actions and potential health risks.

“Currently the Kennel Club’s assured breeder scheme is the only active scheme which sets standards for and regularly monitors dog breeders in this country. meanwhile, puppy farmers and other breeders outside the Kennel Club’s fold are essentially unregulated and that’s where we continue to have a massive welfare problem. We recognise that it is difficult to tackle those who are unregistered and not easy to trace, but we would like to see the government take action and address the root of the issue, but efra has failed to recommend this.” Department for environment, food and rural affairs (Defra) parliamentary under-secretary of state, lord de mauley, who gave evidence during the inquiry, cited the “impressive work” being undertaken by the Kennel Club in relation to pedigree dog breeding. lord de mauley highlighted his department’s view that at present no additional regulation was necessary by government in relation to dog breeding and instead encouraged independent schemes that promote good breeding practices. laura Quickfall london, england

mistaKe in ambioriX artiCle 2.15.13 i apologize for a mistake in my report of the latest ambiorix trophy. the winning dog was the newfoundlander, new angels Knoxx, which is pictured here. Karl Donvil belgium

dog news 125

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