Contents MARCH 25, 2011
Brace Yourself
The Upside Of The Seesaw
22 Question Of The Week BY MATTHEW H. STANDER
26 A Critique Of Best In Show At Crufts Championship Show BY PAOLO DONDINA
30 dfs Crufts 2011: Celebrating Happy, HEALTHY Dogs BY BARBARA ANDERSON LOUNSBURY
34 Bests Of The Week 38 Ten Questions BY LESLEY BOYES
42 Kennel Club (UK) Judges Training Programme (Breed Shows) BY LAURA QUICKFALL
46 The Fancy Speaks BY JOY BARBIERI
50 A Word From Sweden BY ROBERT PAUST
54 Off The Leash BY SHAUN COEN
56 Two Changes of Mind, Kentuckiana And More BY MATTHEW H. STANDER
64 The Gossip Column BY EUGENE Z. ZAPHIRIS
66 Click – Take The Lead Dinner BY CHRISTINA FREITAG
76 Click – Louisville Cluster BY MATTHEW H. STANDER
82 Click - The Way We Were BY PERRY PHILLIPS
86 Letters To The Editor
88 dog show calendar 90 handlers directory 92 subscription rates 94 classified advertising 96 advertising rates
4 Dog News
All advertisements are copyrighted and owned by DOG NEWS, Harris Publications, unless received cameraready. Permission to reprint must be requested in writing. DOG NEWS (ISSN 0886-2133) is published weekly except the last two weeks in December by Harris Publications, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010. Periodical Postage paid at New York. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to DOG NEWS, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010
Contents MARCH 25, 2011
Brace Yourself
The Upside Of The Seesaw
22 Question Of The Week BY MATTHEW H. STANDER
26 A Critique Of Best In Show At Crufts Championship Show BY PAOLO DONDINA
30 dfs Crufts 2011: Celebrating Happy, HEALTHY Dogs BY BARBARA ANDERSON LOUNSBURY
34 Bests Of The Week 38 Ten Questions BY LESLEY BOYES
42 Kennel Club (UK) Judges Training Programme (Breed Shows) BY LAURA QUICKFALL
46 The Fancy Speaks BY JOY BARBIERI
50 A Word From Sweden BY ROBERT PAUST
54 Off The Leash BY SHAUN COEN
56 Two Changes of Mind, Kentuckiana And More BY MATTHEW H. STANDER
64 The Gossip Column BY EUGENE Z. ZAPHIRIS
66 Click – Take The Lead Dinner BY CHRISTINA FREITAG
76 Click – Louisville Cluster BY MATTHEW H. STANDER
82 Click - The Way We Were BY PERRY PHILLIPS
86 Letters To The Editor
88 dog show calendar 90 handlers directory 92 subscription rates 94 classified advertising 96 advertising rates
4 Dog News
All advertisements are copyrighted and owned by DOG NEWS, Harris Publications, unless received cameraready. Permission to reprint must be requested in writing. DOG NEWS (ISSN 0886-2133) is published weekly except the last two weeks in December by Harris Publications, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010. Periodical Postage paid at New York. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to DOG NEWS, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010
GCh. Isabeau de La Brise
FLASH! Group Fourth at York Kennel Club Thank you Judge Mr. Lawrence Terricone!
Izzy has it all! Type, movement, style, femininity and the perfect outline
Presented by owner Roger Krieger co-owned by breeder Patricia Princehouse La Brise Pyrenean Shepherds Chardon, OH 440-478-5292 Dog News 5
212 807.7100 x588 FAX NUMBER
212 243.6799
IAN MILLER 212 462.9624
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Sharon Anderson Lesley Boyes Andrew Brace Agnes Buchwald Shaun Coen Carlotta Cooper Geoff Corish Allison Foley Yossi Guy John Mandeville Desmond J. Murphy M. J. Nelson Robert Paust Sharon Sakson Gerald Schwartz Kim Silva Matthew H. Stander Karl Stearns Sari Brewster Tietjen Patricia Trotter Connie Vanacore Carla Viggiano Nick Waters Seymour Weiss Minta (Mike) Williquette DOG NEWS PHOTOGRAPHERS Chet Jezierski Perry Phillips Kitten Rodwell Leslie Simis
DOG NEWS is sent to all AKC approved Conformation Judges every week on a complimentary basis. No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without written permission from the editor. The opinions expressed by this publication do not necessarily express the opinions of the publisher. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted. 6 Dog News
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The day after last week’s Editorial was written about the HSUS Conference in late April these pages were advised that the program manager Dr. James Serpell had arranged to eliminate the airing of the controversial Pedigree Dogs Exposed film which caused such an uproar in the UK. Unfortunately contractual arrangements precluded the possibility of also taking its producer Jemima Harrison off the schedule as well, if indeed there were thoughts to that effect. Nonetheless and for whatever the reason these pages consider this to be a major concession on the part of the conference holders. CHF, however, based on the alleged decision of its Executive Committee, has withdrawn from participating in the program at all. Legitimate arguments can be made both pro and con in the matter but from where these pages sit and based upon the compromise mentioned above this was an ill-advised decision particularly since its participation was to be an accountability of what health areas and causes CHF has helped out in funding since its founding. AKC itself was strongly opposed to this participation, which is an unfortunate position to have taken. Indeed as this editorial is being written negotiations are going on to replace CHF with a person of impeccable credentials and knowledge in this area with an extremely strong background in matters AKC. It will be interesting to see whether or not this will come to pass. This could be a major breakthrough in the sense that proper recognition of the true role AKC plays in furthering the health and welfare of purebred dogs could be presented to those so critical of our positions in these matters. Negatively of course is the open letter sent out by the RSPCA about Crufts which appears in this week’s issue of Letters To The Editor. These pages are longtime critics of the RSPCA even before they became so totally anti-pedigree dogs and breeders—similar to HSUS time after time and no matter the facts or figures both organizations eventually seem to become duplicitous in their workings with either AKC or TKC and end up on the “can’t be trusted list”. This latest RSPCA fiasco is the latest example of how that organization really acts, which is a shame since it is a co-sponsor with HSUS of the late April conference. That’s what all the fuss is truly about—whether or not to trust these two organizations!!!
The major question at the Kentuckiana Cluster basically revolved round the question of what were “concurrent specialties” and when were they instituted. The details of the concurrent specialties is found in the online Board Policy Manual at!!!!! (Give us those good old press releases please.) In any event the Board approved a 2-year trial period permitting specialties to be held concurrently with all-breed shows with certain limitations--permission from the allbreed; only 3 shows can be approved; same grounds; limited to 100 entries; held after all-breed classes but not to interfere with Group judging and of course a proviso that evening specialties will also be permitted for those clubs not holding concurrent specialties. In Kentuckiana they were basically held two hours after all-breed judging. About as necessary and useful as a snowball in hell is our reaction. Just more points by competing against the same dogs which does little but cheapen the American championship but does provide judges with more assignments and perhaps earns the show-giving club a few hundred more bucks! Whether or not it is healthy for the dogs in competition seems of little or no concern. Better though than nighttime specialties which only upset the dogs staying overnight in the exhibition halls and result basically in some dogs competing for 12 or 18 hours on end! Kentuckiana may prove to be the largest of the Clusters and the shows but these ‘little extras’ are anything but beneficial to the dogs nor the system of earning championship points. Indeed these pages consider them a detriment rather than a help. On another subject the book called a catalogue for the Cluster is about as impressive a document as you want to read. Of inter-
Editorial MARCH 25, 2011
10 Dog News
est of course is some of the advertising which is commented about in this week’s AND MORE column. Additionally it is hard to ignore the fact that what these pages always considered an abortive attempt to outline AKC’s so-called Code of Sportsmanship was not included in the catalogue. Apparently the Code is not required but AKC encourages the superintendents to include it if a page is available. These pages are told the Code is currently published less frequently of late as Breeder of Merit and Grand Champion ad slicks are alternated and/ or substituted for the Code of Sportsmanship. Perhaps a better use of these available pages would be both ad slicks entitled ABOVE AND BEYOND--which spells out what distinguishes AKC from other registries (which was printed in last week’s DOG NEWS) or even the DEED NOT BREED slick (also printed last week). Take your pick, that’s for sure.
Well the 2010 AKC Financial Report arrived in the mail yesterday. It was as illuminating financially and contained relevant figures as to numbers of shows held in conformation versus agility for example as one would have expected. Virtually nothing specific—sort of like reading the Board Minutes. Oh to see and hear Denny Kodner’s reaction were she still alive. Beautifully presented, full of self-appreciation and accomplishments with what can only be described as little meat and all potatoes! An homage to accomplishments real or imagined right down to a full four-page cartoon picture of “a famous scene from THE LADY and the TRAMP as recreated at New York’s AKC Meet the Breeds” on page 36 of the 44-page report. This page is opposite the introduction to the figures for the Financial Report as though the comedy was to continue nonetheless it is stated on page 37 that “A copy of the complete 2010 consolidated audited financial statements, including KPMG’s (apparently AKC’s accounting firm) unqualified independent auditor’s report, is available upon request”. The suggestion here is that you take AKC up on this offer and write in for the report if you really want to understand what is going on at AKC. Surely you know Denny would have done just that!
For a first on Long Island the Islip Animal Shelter will waive its adoption fee in a bid to encourage more people to adopt pets and save the town the cost of housing animals for longer periods. Compare this attitude to an animal shelter in Sterling, Massachusetts which has brought in, it is reported, over 14,000 shelter dogs from Virginia paying a reported $25 a head for the dogs and then selling them for adoption for between $250 and $395 a head!!! This entire shelter business whether local or private needs to be investigated. Shaun Coen was right on last week when he wrote in DOG NEWS of the shadowy underworld of interstate and international trafficking of dogs, some of which may be even being commercially massed produced! His call for a “Shelter Dogs Exposed” film akin to the PDE is not all that far fetched and something an organization such as NAIA could sensibly investigate. Furthermore, the Hempstead, LI shelter boss these pages wrote about a few weeks ago earning a salary of upwards of $100,000 with nine other paid political seat holders has lost her post due to alleged improper behavior at a euthanization of a kitten. A can of worms to look into one would think.
Well if it were going to happen who would have thought it would have been in China but in China it was as a Tibetan Mastiff pup is said to have been sold for close to $1.5 million!!! His name is Splash and while the details of the sale are as confidential as the buyer and seller seem to want them to be it is rumored that the buyer is a coal baron from the north of China. These pages have heard of large sums of monies being paid for this breed but the quoted figure is certainly out of the ordinary. Just think about it though—poor Splash having been bred in China would be ineligible to be shown in either the USA or the UK. Neither kennel club recognizes any dogs bred in China notwithstanding the fact that AKC is currently in a business relationship with an organization called the NGKC through its AKC Global Business organization. One would think the time has come to reexamine our relationship with the registries in that country and if NGKC is not the one to use than end your existing relationship and find a registry worth recognizing. In the long run inaction will result in an FCI take over of the relationship and a shortsighted AKC will be left to watch FCI reap in the profits while AKC is on the outside looking in.
12 Dog News
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Staying Power Triumphs at Crufts
Is it the biggest? Is it the best? For many Crufts is a love or hate show and for others a love and hate show. It is huge and people who claim it is now a trade show with dogs could be forgiven as sometimes it is difficult to track down the breed judging rings amongst the hundreds of trade stands which sell everything from floor mops to riding boots.
am not sure what the official figures are but certainly on none of the four days did I feel the crowds were as congested as we have seen in the past. Thursday was Gundog day (or Sporting if you prefer) and it was interesting to watch some of the breed judging. Comparisons are always made with Crufts and Westminster but really the two events are as unalike as chalk and cheese. Conformation judging remains the major focus at The Garden whilst Crufts has in recent years tried to promote the bigger picture of dogdom where all the various disciplines are embraced. Of course, at Westminster you can comfortably watch several breeds in one day unless they happen to clash whereas at Crufts in the majority of popular breeds judging takes up pretty much all day. Frank Kane has a massive entry of Pointers which literally took all day, leaving him little time to prepare for his TV duties – yes there was some TV coverage again on the More4 channel since the BBC dumped Crufts, but I have to confess to not having got round to watching any of it. It seems to have met with mixed reactions. Ron James’ eventually group winner was the almost-ten-year-old Flat-coated Retriever who has really come into his own since being of veteran age. I was amused last summer when Beth Sweigart had spotted this dog in the ring and dragged Peter over to see what she obviously felt was a new discovery. She seemed somewhat dismayed when I told her that he was of a certain age and was then on 50 plus Challenge Certificates! The Irish Water who stood second has always taken my eye and I believe has a sibling being shown in the USA; she was a BIS winner last year. Third was a Cocker (English that is) bitch who won the breed last year and continued the year by topping her breed. Fourth was a Golden Retriever winning his first CC. He might not sit easily with the American eye but I have to say that he moved considerably better than some Goldens I have seen coming into the group ring at Crufts from breed entries in excess of 400! Others in the group
that took the eye were the now famous Bracco from Italy who topped the World Challenge in 2009 and the Chesapeake Bay. Although the gundog group possibly sees more type variation than any other between the British perception and that overseas, there was no shortage of foreign presence in the group with an American Cocker from Russia, a Gordon Setter from Italy, a young Clumber from Croatia and an English Springer from Denmark. Working and Pastoral (Herding) breeds were shown on Friday and here I spent a lot of time at the German Shepherd ring where the judge went about his task in typical specialist fashion, appearing to having a linedrawing on his clipboard for every single exhibit on which he presumably marked each individual’s pluses and minuses. Known to be something of a “middle of the road” advocate, he found nothing to lower the colours of the German import who was the top winning dog in the group last year and who is the first GSD to win several BISs at all breeds Championship shows in many year. Interestingly the ringside included various Kennel Club dignitaries as well as celebrities from the VDH and the WUSV ... oh to have been a fly on that wall! The BOB winner certainly conducted himself beautifully both in the breed and group ring.
eter Green was brought in as a last minute substitute judge for the Cardigan Welsh Corgis and here the breed went to the veteran male from Denmark who has impressed most of the leading specialists and all rounders alike both in his native land and here in the UK. Ellis Hulme, arguably our most respected all rounder, judged this group and ended up with a very international quartet. The Shepherd came out on top, a very popular decision it seemed, followed by a truly beautiful Samoyed bitch from Estonia, a country that seems to be making more and more of an impact on the international show scene. Third was the US-bred but Danish owned Australian Shepherd who was actually Group 2 at this show four years ago so clearly he has weathered well. Fourth was a Norwegian Buhund from Belgium but who was bred in Norway, continuing the international theme, and a good win for a breed that sometimes gets overlooked at this level. I also liked the look of the Bearded Collie and the CONTINUED ON PAGE 58
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Daisy Peel and her Border Collie, Solar, take second in the International Competition in England. The AKC agility team showing at the Crufts Dog Show on March 12, 2011 was the best to date for the USA. There were 22 Countries represented in the International Agility Competition.
he courses were very difficult and not ones that would be approved in the AKC agility program due to nearly impossible entries to weave poles and tight spacing. None of this bothered the outstanding team of Daisy Peel and her steady, fast Border Collie, Solar. It took a well trained dog to be able to complete perfectly two obstacles with the handler running with the dog walk between herself and her dog. This is called layering, a very difficult maneuver in agility. The first round was Jumpers and the USA team took 3rd and the second round was Standard with Daisy and Solar winning first place. This put them in the first place seed or meaning running last in the finals competition, a pressure spot for sure. With over 160,000 spectators cheering for their country, most from England, it was great to have Dennis Sprung and Ron Menaker front and center to cheer on the winning AKC team. It is the second time AKC has been the first seed in the finals but the first time to have the USA team post two clean rounds. The time of Solar was just slightly slower than the team from the Netherlands who took first place, with the AKC/USA taking second place. All of Solar’s runs can be viewed on You Tube: The Kennel Club made every effort to better prepare the dogs and handlers from other countries this year by providing a practice place off site prior to the competition. Something the USA dog has not had the ability to do in the past. Loosening up the handler and dog is so important after such a long flight. The AKC once again used Pets on Jets to make sure the dog was given first class treatment in the process of bringing a dog into England, which is the most difficult country to clear the paperwork and fees for a dog. There were obedience dogs from the USA this year as well at Crufts. This is a team competition of three dogs performing in exercises quite different than the AKC style of obedience. There is a 4 to 7 minute heeling pattern and many other very entertaining, interesting maneuvers in this competition. Celeste Meade has been a driving force in promoting this USA representation. Another first for the AKC agility program, CONTINUED ON PAGE 60
” e n h “Dap Back-to-Back Best of Breeds and a Group Third At the 7th Annual Stafford Showdown Sun Maid Kennel Club, Fresno, California February 5th & 6th, 2011
Thank you to Judges: UK Breed Specialists Mr. Mansel Frayne, Anselmo Staffords Mr. Paul Martin, Loyalstaff for their recognition and Mr. F.M. (Butch) Mac Donald for highlighting Daphne in the Group.
Ch. Homebrewed Page Three Girl Sire: Ch. Bowtman’s Homebrewed Cellar Keep
Dam: Ch. Carnig Dot Com
Owned by: Lorelei Craig & Jason Nicolai Handled by Lorelei Craig, Penn Valley, California Bred By: Jason Nicolai See More of Daphne here: Learn more about the Staffordshire Bull Terrier here: Dog News 19
20 Dog News
Dog News 21
The Board approved a 2-year trial period permitting independent specialties to be held CONCURRENTLY with an all-breed show--basically this means an independent specialty may be held with certain limitations two hours after all-breed judging. Have you seen this in action and whether you have seen it or not what do you think of this idea? Patricia A. Hess Yes, I have seen it in action, and I do not think it is a bad idea -- however, limiting the entry probably caused some problems, but on the other hand judges really don’t want to judge until midnight, etc. I think it also will help some of the smaller specialty clubs to perhaps increase their entries during the daytime show.
Gloria Kerr I haven’t seen independent specialties held concurrently with an all breed show as yet. It would seem to be a good financial consideration for all concerned. If the space is available, there will be judges, dogs, owners and handlers to participate. It might be a good training exercise for young dogs. I think it is a good idea to try and see how it goes.
Helma Weeks That makes a pretty stressful day for the dogs and owners. There is nothing preventing a breed club from having a specialty at an allbreed show. Maybe this rule will allow clubs to have two specialty shows in one day--they are then not really special! There are too many specialties anyhow. A specialty win used to mean something, now it doesn’t. I am not for this.
Edith Hanson I have not witnessed this but am inclined to be against it. I believe the current option of a designated specialty at an all-breed is preferable when the breed club is small either in working members or breed entries. But I do understand the reasoning to allow a breed club the “luxury” of an independent specialty without a lot of the normal work and expenses.
Mary Ann Alston I judged a concurrent specialty in Louisville on Friday - the Weimaraners. Yes, it does give an opportunity for another set of points (hopefully majors) instead of adding a whole day on to the schedule; however, I feel there are too many shows - I worry about the dogs. Somewhere along the way we have to start to realize that all these shows have to be hard on the dogs!!!
Seymour N. Weiss Having just judged the regular classes at a concurrent specialty (Westie Club of Indiana as part of the Kentucky cluster in Louisville), I have mixed feelings. For a seasoned campaigner, it would be like showing in breed and then progressing to the group so no hardship. However, some less experienced dogs may show with less of an edge on the second event. It’s not a bad idea, but a great deal depends on the individual dog being shown. This format probably offers some advantages to show-giving specialty clubs, but it needs trying out enough times to see if it will work well with shows in the USA.
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By Paolo Dondina
A Critique of Best In Show at Crufts Championship Show
irst of all I want to warmly thank the chairman of the KC Committee, the Chairman of dfs Crufts, the efficient staff and the many friends from all over the world that made my “dreamy day” become a reality. The superb final line up was the result of a smart and keen selection made by dedicated and expert judges. My immense gratitude is for the breeders, owners and handlers for the opportunity they gave me to admire, handle, and judge the seven stars of dfs Crufts 2011. Last but not least I like to express all my admiration and respect to the sportive participation of the thousands of spectators that filled the immense arena. I had to split the hair due to the quality of the seven group winners on parade. My final decision, after deep consideration for each dog standing and moving, went to the nine year-old male Flat Coated SH.CH VBOS THE KENTUCKIAN, a popular winner, smashing specimen in great show conditions. He conquered me because of his great type, soundness, balance in body and ideal friendly temperament.
Paolo with grandson and Peter Green.
THE BEST IN SHOW JUDGE SPEAKS About my choice and comments on the seven group winners I send you my critiques to Dog World and Our Dogs in the UK, which we printed above. Now, after a few days from my exciting judging experience I send you by mail to print it in your weekly world famous magazine, some more reasons why I chose my BIS and reserve. I had the older (Flat Coated black male) and the younger (PBGV, female - the only one) out of the seven group winners. The past and the future! Both from sportive Breeds (Gundogs and Hounds). Both very natural and very true (according to their standards: type, conformation, movement, temperament). Both looked full of stamina, very healthy with excellent quality of coat texture. Both very much athletic, also considering their very different sizes. Both their owner-handlers are from Scotland. The two great Show winners. Jet, breed record holder with 58 CCs and the young smart Jilly (only five times attending dog shows) after beating thousands of exhibitors, because of great appeal and soft temperament could be easily the ideal choice for a family “pet”! This because, in my opinion, dog shows must also have an educational finality and is the reason why they are still so popular after over one hundred years (this year I had the great honour to judge BIS at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show held at the Madison Square Garden since the first one opened in 1880). 26 Dog News
photos by Barbara Anderson Lounsbury
Paolo Dondina awarding Best In Show at Crufts.
His superb movement around the big ring also conquered not only the judge but also thousands of dog lovers. His owner/handler made easier my decision, being the two a real joy to watch moving around. Reserve BIS was the only female. A beautiful feminine, very young PBGV SOLETRADER PEEK A BOO with a great future in my opinion. A fantastic extrovert temperament, sweet expression with an ideal houndy head and correct balance in body, correct topline, front and back; harsh coat, very well presented. Her smooth and agile movement could not be missed. I am sure “Jilly” can be crowned as “Miss Crufts”. I also very much liked the immaculate CH Pamplona Bring Me Sunshine, put down to perfection, great type - beautiful coat outstanding presentation. Hot competition especially on movement by the super German Shepherd CH. ELMO VOM HUNHNEGRAB, great ambassador of Germany, correct in type and conformation. A very typical mover. As a terrier fancier I thought the young W.F. T. CH TRAVELLA STARLORD is great for size and expression. Impeccable movement and presentation. CH VICMARS RAVE ON JW, black Standard Poodle male, was impressive and in full coat well assisted on movement by the clever handler. CH / IR WINUWUK LUST AT FIRST SIGHT, boxer male, excellent easy mover with masculine head and good conformation.
One Weekend! Four Supported Entries One Specialty Best of Breed Win Two Group Firsts One Group Second One Group Third Best In Show
Our sincere appreciation to Judges Mr. Mark Kennedy, pictured, Ms. Patricia Laurans, Ms. Theresa Hundt, Miss Sandra Lex, Mrs. Paula Nykiel and Ms. Nena Dee for these wins!
GCh. Cerise Signature of Telltale RN CD Owned and bred by Dorothy Cherry and Rosemary Fugit Handled by Meagan Ulfers
Dog News 27
y d d u
ch. cragsmoor
owners carolyn koch victor malzoni, jr. handlers larry cornelius marcelo veras breeders eugene z. zaphiris matthew h. stander
28 Dog News
the number one skye terrier number one among all terrier breeds all systems
judge mrs. glenda dawkins judge mr. jay richardson judge mr. norman patton last weekend: back to back group firsts and a best in show Dog News 29
dfs CRUFTS 2011
Celebrating Happy,
HEALTHY DOGS You may remember the lyrics to the hit song that go “I might as well face it, I’m addicted to love…” In my head, however, the lyrics say “I might as well face it, I’m addicted to Crufts!”
his year marked the 120th anniversary of what many consider to be the greatest dog show in the world. Even those who relish a “Crufts vs. The Garden” debate have to acknowledge that it’s certainly the largest. This year, 21,422 dogs competed over four days at the National Exhibition Center in Birmingham, an entry nearly ten times that of Westminster. With a gate of 138,000 spectators, it has an excitement and an electricity that is unique in the dog show world. This year was also unique in that Italian judge Paolo Dondina was chosen to adjudicate Best In Show less than a month after standing in center ring at the Garden. Ultimately, his choices for top dog couldn’t have been more different: at the Garden, he chose the lovely Deerhound CH Foxcliffe Hickory Wind. At dfs Crufts, the title of Supreme Champion went to the Flat Coated Retriever SH CH Vbos The Kentuckian, owned and shown by Jim Irvine. While this might seem an astonishing win for a breed that’s pretty rare in the U.S., in England, Flatcoats are very popular with an entry of 355 in the breed. No stranger to the winner’s circle, Jet had amassed an amazing 61 Challenge Certificates in the run up to Crufts, and was BOB at Crufts in 2008. What’s most astonishing is not the fact that he has more than half a dozen Best and Reserve Bests in Show. It’s that the dog is still competing and winning at top levels at 9 ½ years of age! Although most dfs Crufts BIS dogs retire after winning the big one, his owners say that they’ll show him as long as he seems to enjoy it. By the way, if you’re wondering about the three letters that precede the name of the show, you’ll have to read to the end of the article. The four-day marathon called Crufts began on Thursday, with an huge entry of Gundogs. The group is very similar to our Sporting Group, with a few additions, like the Kooikerhondje (which my Dutch-speaking friend has tried for years to teach me to pronounce correctly) and the German Longhaired Pointer. Of course, English Cockers are called just plain Cockers, and our Cockers are colloquially called “Americans.” And, because CONTINUED ON PAGE 62
*All Systems
Double O-O...
Judge Dr. Jack Brown
Ch. Hetherbull Topline O-O 32 Dog News
FLASH Another Spe cialty Bulldog Club of America, Div VII Judge Mr. Robert L . Newcomb
Judge Mrs. Caroline Miller
Means Double Wins. Owners Mrs. Ellen MacNeille Charles and Breeders Jean Hetherington & Paula Turner Handled by Jean Dog News 33
BESTS of the WEEK Evansville Kennel Club Pekingese Ch. Palacegarden Malachy Judge Mr. Stephen F. Hurt Owners Iris Love, Sandra Middlebrooks & David Fitzpatrick Handler David Fitzpatrick
Louisville Kennel Club II Standard Poodle GCh. Jaset’s Satisfaction Judge Mr. Richard William Powell Owners C. Bailey, S. Tompkins, B. Harris & M.J. Winters Handler Ann Rairigh
Del Sur Kennel Club I & II Standard Poodle Ch. Brighton Lakeridge Encore Judge Dr. Lee A. Reasin Judge Mrs. Betty Anne Stenmark Owners Toni and Martin Sosnoff Handler Tim Brazier
Delaware County Kennel Club - Monday Weimaraner GCh. Northwoods Send Money Honey Judge Mr. Lawrence C. Terricone Owners Heidi Warren, TJ Palmer and Phillip Warren Handler Michelle Scott
Houston Kennel Club - Saturday Whippet GCh. Starline’s Chanel Judge Mr. Robert Slay Owners Carey & Lori Lawrence Handler Lori Wilson Ft. Lauderdale Dog Club I Skye Terrier Ch. Cragsmoor Buddy Goodman Judge Mr. Eric Ringle Owners Carolyn Koch & Victor Malzoni, Jr. Handler Larry Cornelius Ft. Lauderdale Dog Club II French Bulldog CH. BANDOG BAYOU’S THE WARRIOR Judge Mrs. Elaine Lessig Owner Nancy Shaw Handler Marcelo Chagas Lancaster Kennel Club - Friday English Springer Spaniel GCh. Cerise Signature Of Telltale Judge Mr. Mark Kennedy Owners Dorothy Cherry & Rosemary Fugit Handler Megan Ulfers
Heart Of America Kennel Club II Standard Poodle GCh. Dacun Kaylen’s He’s A Heartbreaker Judge Mrs. Dorothy N.Collier Owners Virginia Dorris and Kay Peiser Handler Kay Peiser Louisville Kennel Club - Friday Boxer Ch. Winfall Brookwood Styled Dream Judge Mr. Edd E. Bivin Owners D. McCarroll, Mrs. J. Billhardt, S. Tenenbaum Handler Diego Garcia Seattle Kennel Club - Sunday Cavalier King Charles Spaniel GCh. Full of Malarkey Miles of Aisles Judge Ms. Joanne Paulk Owners Patrick Kelly, Tamara Kelly Handler Patrick Kelly Kuvasz Club of America GCh. Szumeria’s Wildwood Silver Six Pence Mrs. Anitra Cuneo Owners Mercedes Vila, Lynn Brady, Connie Townsend, and Claudia Muir Handler Diana Wilson
Delaware County Kennel Club - Saturday Pug GCh. San Remo’s Tug Of War Judge Mrs. Gloria Kerr Owners Barbara & Myron Glazer Handler Kimberly Pastella Calvacca
MARCH 25, 2011 34 Dog News
To report an AKC All Breed Best In Show or National Specialty Win Call, Fax or Email before 12:00 Noon Tuesday Fax: 212 675-5994 • Phone: 212 462-9588 • Email:
95 Group Firsts 17 Bests in Show Two Time National Specialty Best of Breed Winner Thank you to the following judges for recent Group Firsts: Mr. W. Everett Dean, Jr. Ms. Betsy Dale Mrs. Barbara D.Alderman Mrs. Joan Goldstein Mr. Carl Yochum Mrs. Pamela Peat Ms. Marjorie Underwood
BEST OF BREED 2011 Westminster Kennel Club Judge Mr. Leonard Reppond
BEST IN SPECIALTY SHOW Metro New York Shih Tzu Fanciers Judge Mrs. Patricia Scagliotti
Multiple Best In Show Winning
GCh. Hallmark Jolei Austin Powers Owned By Joe & Bobbi Walton
Bred and Handled By Luke & Diane Ehricht Dog News 35
Wendy & Paul
38 Dog News
Born: Wendy: Newton, MA Paul: Boston, MA Reside: Mansfield, MA & Palm City, Florida Marital status: Married 30 years Age: Paul: 72 - Wendy: I stopped counting at 45
What year did you start showing dogs and what breeds were they?
Wendy: I showed my first Alaskan Malamute in l970. Prior to that, I had shown a Great Dane at matches. Paul: 1966, Siberian Husky.
Which dog no longer being shown would you liked to have shown or owned?
Wendy: Coco, the Norfolk. Paul: It would be difficult to narrow it down to any one dog.
Why do you think most people want to judge?
Wendy: I think that it is a natural progression for most people. As they age, they want to remain active in the fancy and share their knowledge (hopefully). Paul: I would hope that most judges would want to influence the quality of the dogs being shown and bred.
Who are your non-dog heros or heroines exclusive of immediate relatives?
Wendy: Hillary Clinton. I admire her perseverance in the face of extreme adversity. Paul: People who care for children in critical care settings.
If you could change one thing about your relationship what would it be?
Wendy: I would like Paul to actually listen to me when I speak to him. Paul: Nothing.
How would you describe yourselves in personal ads?
Wendy: Loves animals, children, a good book, and stimulating conversation. Paul: Quiet, laid-back.
Do you think there are too many dog shows?
Wendy: Yes. Paul: Yes.
Which are your three favorite dog shows?
Wendy: Any national specialty, anywhere I can be with friends, wherever I am judging. Paul: Morris and Essex, Westminster, Eukanuba.
Do you think there should be a limit on the number of times a dog may be exhibited in a year?
Wendy: No, but I would hope that owners and handlers would act in a responsible and caring manner. Paul: No. It would depend upon the dog’s temperament.
How do you react to people flying in and out of shows on the same weekend?
Wendy: I don’t like it. Paul: I agree.
Dog News 39
Multiple Best InShow InShow&Mul &Multiple Best InSpecialty ShowWi Show WinningGCh.Lobato’s
40 Dog News
*All Systems
The Number One* Great Dane, All Breed The Number Nine* Working Dog
Dog News 41
Kennel Club Judges Training Programme (Breed Shows) For aspiring CC Judges, the judges training programme is based on the requirements laid out in the Advisory Criteria for the Compilation of Breed Club Judges Lists Framework Document found at
o address these requirements the Kennel Club Training Board was formed under the Chairmanship of the late Terry Thorn ably assisted by experts in the various disciplines and the appointment of Accredited Trainers to organise and deliver training seminars and assessments.
Aspiring CC Judges (Breed Specialists) have to comply with the following requirements to be listed on Breed Club’s A3 list.
(1). Minimum of 7 years judging experience in the breed and have the support of the XXX Council/Club/Society. (KC Policy). (2). To have judged at XXX breed club Show/s and/or XXX breed club Supported Entry Shows. (Optional by Club). (3). To have judged the breed at XXX Open Shows or Championship Shows without CCs with an adequate geographical spread. (Optional by Club). (4). To have judged a minimum of XXX classes. (Optional by Club). (5). To have judged a minimum of XXX dogs. (KC Policy – number optional by Club). (6). To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer, and passed the relevant examination on Kennel Club Regulations and Judging Procedures. (KC Policy as of 1.7.2001.). (7). To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer on Conformation and Movement. (KC Policy as of 1.7.2001). 2 (a). To have attended a Conformation & Movement “Hands-on Assessment” conducted by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and passed the assessment. (KC Policy as of 1.7.2005) (8). To have attended at least one breed specific seminar run in accordance with the relevant Kennel Club Code of Best Practice and passed an examination and/or assessment where applicable. (KC Policy as of 1.7.2001). (9). To have bred and/or owned a minimum of 3 dogs when they obtained their 1st entry in The Kennel Club Stud Book (Save in exceptional circumstances). (KC Policy). (10). To have stewarded at 12 Shows. (KC Policy).
With reference to (8) above the Code of Practice referred to can be found at www.thekennelclub. codebpbreedseminar.pdf This has recently been updated to be consistent with the Group Judges Development Programme Code of Practice. In short: • Requirements of a Dog Show Judge seminar and examination on Kennel Club Rules and Regulations (80% pass required) based on the Kennel Club publication ‘Guide for Judges and Ring Stewards’, available for download at www.thekennelclub. pdf • Conformation and Movement Seminar (Attendance Certificate required) • Conformation and Movement ‘Hands On’ Assessment (one to one assessment with KC Accredited Trainer) download/3834/SR12.pdf • Breed Specific Seminar and Assessment of Judging Competence The Training Board now under the Chairmanship of Gerald King review seminar statistics and candidate feedback at its meetings 5 times a year and hold an Accredited Trainers Annual Review to ensure trainers are up to date with Breed Watch and how this has to be incorporated into their seminars. All of the seminars and assessments are under regular review and developed further as required.
Multiple Group Placi
GCh. Xenos Jimlet
Number Five Afghan Hound in Breed for 2010* Number Two Afghan Hound All Breed and Number Three in Breed for 2011** We would like to thank all the Judges who have acknowledged the exceptional qualities in this Bitch. Owner: Dr. Wendy Slowe
*All Systems **The Dog News Top Ten List
Presented By: Norman Fargo 716 550-1818 Dog News 43
Four Groups
Judge Mrs. Houston Clark
Judge Mrs. Barbara D. Alderman
Judge Mr. Raymond Filburn, Jr.
Judge Mr. James Hupp
44 Dog News
And A Best In Show
Judge Mr. William Usherwood
Multiple Group, Specialty Best In Show and Best In Show Winner
Ch. Brackley He’s My Warrior
Owner Mary Henricks
Handler/Co-Owner Gary Wittmeier
Breeder/Co-Owner Wendy Boyette Dog News 45
The FANCY Speaks Anarchy in the AOH Class
By Joy Barbieri
In the summer of 2010, I noticed an entrant in the Amateur Owner-Handler class whom I have known to have shown dogs for other people. I looked back at online catalogs, and sure enough, I found that at no less than fifteen shows she was listed as agent on dogs she did not own.
sent an email to the AKC explaining the situation, and I copied the catalogs to show at least two different dogs on which her name was listed as agent. As I did not hear back from them, and as I did not again see the exhibitor entered in the AOH class, I naively assumed the matter had been resolved. Fast forward to December of 2010. This particular person was once again entered in (and exhibited in) the AOH class. I spoke with the AKC Field Representative at that show about eligibility in the AOH class. She affirmed what I had thought: Anyone who has been listed as agent on a dog at anytime in the past is not eligible for the AOH class. Now, to avoid boring you immediately with the details of my exhaustive emailing with employees at the AKC, I will launch right into the debate. First we must look at the definition of the class. I have outlined in bold the pertinent phrase: Chapter 1, Section 7 of Rules Applying to Dog Shows: SECTION 7. The Amateur-Owner-Handler class shall be for dogs that are at least six months of age that are not champions. Dogs must be handled in the class by the registered owner of the dog. This class is restricted to exhibitors who have not, at any point in time, been a professional dog handler, AKC approved conformation judge, or employed as an assistant to a professional handler. Additionally, members of the immediate family or household of a current professional handler are ineligible for this class (as defined in Chapter 11, Section 13). Professional handlers are defined as any person who belongs or has belonged to a professional handlers’ organization, distributed rate cards, or otherwise advertised or represented themselves as handling dogs for pay.
My initial argument, which I erroneously assumed would put an end to the discussion, was that as this exhibitor has been listed as agent on multiple occasions on multiple dogs in the past, she has indeed represented herself as handling for pay. The first minion from the AKC replied, “[A]ccording to our definition of the word, “agent,” does not necessarily indicate that a person has been paid for their services. Some evidence in the form of a contract, rate cards, or website will need to be provided in order to investigate this matter thoroughly.” Ok, fair enough. Here I offer my counter: If we are going to police this class based on semantics, then let us look a little more closely at that definition. The highlighted area in the definition of the class, which is preceded by the word “OR,” implying it is its own separate clause, does not specify that the person would need even to have ever been paid. The mere act of “representing [oneself] as handling for pay” -- not actually being paid -- would be enough to exclude one from this class. As far as I have understood dog shows, the one sure way to identify people who are “representing themselves as handling for pay” would be to see their names printed in a catalog with the word “agent” next to it. In addition to countering her request for proof of monetary transfer, I even hypothesized that the ONLY way to thoroughly police this class would be through catalog evidence, which would show a person listed as agent or handler on a dog. The restrictions of the class, according to the definition, extend back indefinitely. How would we research back past the age of the internet except by looking at catalogs? And, CONTINUED ON PAGE 84
46 Dog News
Introducing... The Best In Specialty Show Winning
Dog News 47
*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points
48 Dog News
Dog News 49
Word from
The dream for the past 20 years of having a uniform set of rules within the Nordic countries has finally come to pass on the 10 of January 2011. The Countries of Iceland, Norway, Demark, Finland and Sweden, which make up the Nordic Kennel Union, have been working hard the last few years to make it a reality.
his effort will give the exhibitors competing in those countries the assurance that they had not made a mistake in entering, or being unfamiliar with the special rules for competing there. The changes starts with the ages for the classes. Junior class is the one where the change was made. The age for this class is now from 9 months up to 18 months, which earlier was up to 15 months. The young dog class is still 15-24 Months and the remaining classes, working and open, are from 15 months. Many were not happy with the 18 months for junior class because it will give the chance for an older dog that could one weekend be in open and the next in junior class, giving he is under 18 months. The old grading system was a first, second and third, and that grade decided if you would compete in overall placement class. Those with a first would continue, and if awarded a Champion quality, can then compete for best male/female. With the new rules a dog will receive an excellent, very good, good or sufficient, with the excellents competing in the best male/female class. Certificates for Championship are still given out in the best male/female class, to the first non-Swedish champion. The new rules also award a reserve certificate. Champions can now win a certificate from the champion class as long as it is not a Swedish champion. This is a major change for exhibitors and the show committee. Many times have I had people from other Nordic countries come and ask to change classes from champion to open, because they didn’t know the rule at that time in Sweden was the champion could not win the certificate. It was never a pleasant task for me to explain, that yes, they could be best in show but not a Swedish champion that day. And all those expenses they paid and could not go home as a Swedish champion! All placements, from the class to the group and best are now 1-4, saving the clubs the expense of one extra rosette. While the USA is considering the addition of several more
groups, the Nordic union has approved for the Dachshund (group 4) and the Scent and tracking dogs (group 6) from the first of January 2013. The thought of having the two sporting dog groups put together was not approved. If a judge is listed on the judges list as reserve and there is a judge change the exhibitor is not entitled to have his money returned. The new rules also do not allow for sick dogs to have their entry fee returned. All these rules are being tried this year with the chance for adjustments at the end of the year. Americans in Sweden The judges lists for the year are now appearing on the clubs home pages. And those Americans coming over to try out the new system will be Lydia Hutchinson, Scott Wolfe, Dr. James Sillers, Dennis McCoy, and Randy Garren. The all-breed club I work with has many breed and specialty clubs that we work with and share judges. This does give us the chance to invite many more breed specialist from around the world. I am also often commented on, for bring over so many Americans, but we do have just as good if not better judges in America. This year Edd Bivin, Tom Bradley, Dorothy Collier, and Bo Bengtson. Mr Bivin will be doing best in show for us. Swedish Winner Show This years title show, Swedish winner 2011, will be held in Norrköping. The show attracts many more dogs than usual and from neighboring countries. The dates for the show, 20 & 21 of August. More information can be found on their home page for the show, Heading over to judge there will be Eugene Blake, Joe Walton, Gloria Kerr, Bill deVilleneuve and Richard Beauchamp. This is the year that we have our bi-annual kennel club meeting. To be held again in September, against an earlier decision to have it in May, so that the members of the club that will can go hunting. The election of president and several plays on the board will take place as well as changes or new rules added to the charter. The kennel clubs awards for being outstanding breeders will be given out as well as awards to those people that have worked hard for the Swedish kennel club organisation.
Dog News 51
here are very nice Rottweilers in the United States, as well as abroad. However, historically the dogs we see today came without exception from the heritage passed on by dogs imported from our “parent country”, Germany. The United States, New Zealand and possibly another country or two are the only countries remaining which allow docking of Rottweiler tails. This has been the situation for over 10 years now. The breed’s heritage and source of origin for all the specimens we see and love in this country today can no longer be ignored.When those ancestors were imported 15, 20 or more years ago, if they had tails would they have been shown, finished, specialed and therefore bred...passing along the genetic qualities many love today ? One of the stated goals and purposes of the American Kennel Club as it relates to conformation competition, is to better respective breeds through selective breeding based upon evaluation in the ring. Genetic diversity, and a new supply of “blood” from other countries, has always sustained us and must sustain us in the future to remain viable genetically for both health and structure. The “Forward” to AKC’s Rules Applying to Dog Shows states in part “Competition in conformation . . . can best demonstrate the progress that has been made in breeding for type, quality, and/or for practical use, stamina and obedience.” For over 10 years, a great chasm has been dug between those who demand only docked dogs and others who demand a choice. That chasm must be filled and our breed become inclusive if we are to survive and make a positive impact on future generations of Rottweilers in this country and around the world. The Rottweiler as we recognize it, is only a few hundred years old. It’s ancestors are, however, ancient. Those ancestors were not docked. In fact, the early dogs we would recognize as Rottweilers in many cases had natural tails. There are many “stories” of why the Rottweiler
became docked at some point in history. Some say it was for “cleanliness” while others say to avoid “injury” while pulling carts. There is no documented science or even verifiable historical accounts to confirm these reasons as more than anecdotal. The most likely cause for docking was to avoid “livestock” taxes on animals with tails. This is a well-known proposition and position in looking at the history of the breed. The AKC Breed Standard is designed to describe the ideal structure and cosmetics of the breed to best ensure negative hereditary/genetic traits are penalized and not passed along to future generations, while promoting “desired” hereditary characteristics. There are numerous faults and even serious faults listed in the Breed Standard for many hereditary traits both structural and cosmetic. There are none for a natural tail. Even if the tail were to be characterized as a flaw, fault or something to be penalized it would not change the fact that it is not “hereditary” in the sense of something negative which would be passed along to future generations, barring a decision by owners in the next generation to continue docking their dogs as they are currently allowed to do. Blackwood has always docked and has no plans to stop docking at this point, as allowed by the American Rottweiler Club Mandatory Breeding Practices. Adult amputation is not allowed and no docking permitted after 7 days of age. Simply ask yourself as an owner, exhibitor, or judge, what harmful or negative trait would be passed on by awarding or rewarding dogs with true hereditary “faults” versus refusing to consider a dog without those faults but with a natural tail? A very few of the most ardent “anti-tail” owners have realized the need for continued diversity and bred to dogs of “merit” , yet those same people do not believe the dogs they use have the “merit” to be shown in AKC conformation. Does this make sense? The best way to preserve our right to make a choice on docking in this country is to do just that, allow a choice. The AKC has forbidden use of disqualifications in Breed Standards for alterations
Blackwood Rottweilers
such as docking. Why is this the case? Requiring any type of procedure to alter structure or appearance before someone can compete would be just the ammunition some might want to take aim at removing our right to make choices for our beloved breed. Preserving choice means giving a choice. Recent history with other Breed Standards which have been added to the AKC confirm that where breeds have a country of origin other than the United States, and are no longer allowed to dock, we must take that into consideration when evaluating and/or creating a standard for that breed in this country. The Rottweiler is no less a dog from a “country of origin other than United States” than a German Pinscher, Black Russian Terrier, or Cane Corso. The ultimate purpose of AKC shows as identified in AKC’s mission statement is to select the best representatives of the breed for furthering genetic betterment for the health and longevity of various breeds of dogs we have all grown to love. Selecting the dog which best exemplifies the genetics and structure that can be passed on to future generations by AKC judges is the way this occurs. Of course, a secondary stated goal of the AKC is to welcome and encourage newcomers in the sport, not ostracize them and discourage participation by telling someone to “go show your dog in Canada”. These types of divisive statements and division among people who love the breed on both sides must end. Telling judges how to interpret the Breed Standard, that they must or should excuse dogs that in no way can pass on “genetic abnormalities” must stop. What matters is the health and genetic diversity of our dogs and the right to have a choice of owning them and loving them as we best see fit as responsible and caring owners. That is what is best for our dogs. A close inspection of the current standard and use of simple reasoning make it clear we already have room within the framework of our standard for rewarding “merit” both phenotypically and genotypically. That is all anyone could ever request.
Member American Rottweiler Club Loving the breed and supporting AKC participation for decades! 52 Dog News
“Look mom, that Rottweiler has a tail ....!” “ That’s OK .... he was born that way ....”
Hugo van het Falconsnest (Belgium) AKC #WS354578/01
2009 Belgian Junior Winner 20 X “V” rated and multiple CAC winner in Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium and Austria CHIC Registered #70225(Hips, elbows, heart and eyes )
Blackwood Rottweilers Member American Rottweiler Club Loving the breed and supporting AKC participation for decades! Magnolia, Texas
Presented by Karen Newman, PHA
** If anyone tells you how to judge a tailed dog, or to “Excuse “, please report them to an AKC Field Representative. It is your choice as the judge .......Docking adult dogs is NOT allowed by the American Rottweiler Club Dog News 53
Off The Leash Imagine, as a dog owner or breeder, the following scenario: you are charged with animal cruelty despite any evidence outside of a warrant, your dogs are seized by animal control or you are coerced to surrender them to the local dog warden, a lengthy, expensive trial ensues during which you must pay for the boarding costs of the seized animals as well as legal fees, and you are eventually found innocent of all the charges. Imagine the emotional wear and tear to both you and the dogs not to mention your smeared reputation.
hat happens to the dogs? What if you can’t afford to pay their boarding costs during the length of the hearing? And what if after being found innocent and cleared of all charges, you weren’t reimbursed for the costs and not all the dogs were returned to you? Sounds like a bizarre scenario, but it’s possible. Similar situations have indeed happened and a movement seems to be afoot to further the agendas of animal rights extremists that want to eradicate dog owning and breeding in this country. They will attempt any means necessary to achieve their goals and what better way to expedite their agendas than through animal wardens and local animal control authorities? In the United States, we believe in a judicial system that says we are innocent until proven guilty and have the right to a fair trial. However, owners and breeders accused of cruelty charges that were later dropped have actually lost some dogs even though they were found innocent. Luckily for fanciers, owners and breeders, the American Kennel Club has the similar belief that we are innocent until proven guilty. Even more importantly, the AKC and its Government Relations Department is well aware of the methods of the AR extremists. The AKC’s GRD was on guard and ready to counterattack when a legislative measure came to the fore recently in Colorado that would’ve allowed for the seizure of animals during a cruelty trial and the requirement that the person(s) charged with cruelty pay the boarding costs of the seized animals during a hearing regardless of the length of the trial. Colorado Senate Bill 11-009, which made significant changes to the impoundment laws and the ability of owners to get their animals back if they are seized during a cruelty investigation, was postponed indefinitely in the House Agriculture, Livestock & Natural Resources Committee this week and will not advance this year, thanks to the efforts put forth by the AKC’s GRD, the Colorado Federation of Dog Clubs and the 111 AKC dog clubs and their thousands of owners in Colorado, as well as many other breeders and owners who contacted their legislators to voice opposition to the bill. Current Colorado law already requires a bond be posted to cover costs of caring for seized animals during a cruelty trial. The new, superfluous proposal made no provisions for low-income individuals who may not be able to afford legal fees and boarding costs. In addition, there would be no reimbursement of any kind if the charges were later dismissed. Furthermore, if the owner(s) proved unable to pay at any point, they would forfeit their ownership rights as well as the right to challenge the costs! Everyone knows how expensive the legal process can be, and SB 11-009 would’ve allowed up to 30 days before an initial hearing was conducted, during which the owners would have to pay the boarding costs before having the opportunity to challenge the charges! Hold on, there’s more. Included in the proposed bill was also a provision that a warrant shall be sufficient cause for impoundment. No specific evidence or testimony required, just a warrant. How’s that
By Shaun Coen 54 Dog News
for a scare tactic? Any hobby breeders or kennel owners want to play by those rules? SB 11-009 smacks of a fear campaign to scare breeders and kennels out of business. Kudos to the AKC and all of Colorado’s owners and breeders who took a stand for their rights. Dog owners and breeders must remain vigilant and united in fighting for the rights to own and breed dogs responsibly while also supporting the humane treatment of dogs, and must constantly be on the lookout for new challenges to the rights to do so. (Californians should keep an eye on AB 1117, which as written sounds an awful lot like Colorado’s SB 11-009, and would seem to allow for animals seized for neglect or under a search warrant to be legally taken away from owners even if they’re acquitted). It’s hard to believe we’re not yet three full months into 2011 and owners and breeders have already successfully fought off a mountain of potentially damaging legislation. Here are just a few of the successful campaigns that the AKC and fanciers have waged: •Also in Colorado, an attempt to place an ordinance on the Fort Collins city ballot to define a hobby breeder as anyone who sells less than two litters per year and to prohibit the sale of ALL pets in pet stores failed to garner enough signatures to qualify. • In California - The City of Cypress will not proceed with an ordinance to require the mandatory spay/neuter of specific dog breeds. The idea was rejected before a formal draft was finalized so the included breeds were not determined. • In Maryland – House Bill 169 would have added problematic provisions to the state’s dangerous dog law, including declaring a dog “potentially dangerous” if it bites one time in its lifetime, regardless of the severity. If the dog bit a second time, it would be declared dangerous and the owner would be subject to numerous regulations. The bill died in the House Judiciary Committee. • In Montana, two bills that sought to regulate breeders and impose problematic care and enclosure requirements were defeated. • In Virginia - The Virginia House Courts of Justice Committee has decided to not take action on House Bill 2195, which would have banned debarking unless the procedure was necessary to treat or relieve an injury or illness. Veterinarians would have been required to keep records of any debarking procedure they performed for four years and been subject to an audit. • In Wyoming – The Wyoming Legislature passed a bill that creates the crime of “household pet animal cruelty”. Senate File 100 sought to define “hoarding” and “puppy mills” by the number of dogs owned, and other vague and arbitrary terms, but after the AKC’s GRD organized a letter writing campaign and legislative alert, a more reasonable and fair amendment was approved by the House of Representatives that deleted the original language and instead defined“household pet animal cruelty”as anyone who keeps household pets “in a manner that results in chronic or repeated physical harm” or “confined in conditions which constitute a public health hazard.”
here have been many other victories, both small and large, and perhaps garnering the most national attention was the reversal of the ballot initiative Prop B in Missouri, which passed in November due to strong backing by the HSUS. But the fight is not only national or statewide, like all politics, it’s local, too. The decision to own and breed dogs responsibly is a serious commitment and it’s becoming more evident that in battling for the rights to do so we must remain equally committed and united.
here have been at least two new developments with regard to the so-called health conference being sponsored jointly by HSUS and RSPCA— first of all CHF has decided not to participate in the conference at all. I am told this was an Executive Committee decision on the part of CHF prompted in my opinion by pressure from leading financial contributors to CHF. Understandable to a point but a decision with which I disagree particularly based on the following information. Immediately after going to print last week we were informed that the person in charge of the program had agreed to eliminate the airing of PDE but that due to prior commitments Jemima Harrison would still appear as a speaker.Well to my mind that was a major concession which cannot be ignored. Based on that fact and the reaction of most everyone who took up on my offer for their opinion about whether or not I should attend the conference, being virtually unanimous in agreeing I should, I have changed my mind and will attend. Additionally I know that there are negotiations going on to replace CHF with a speaker most favorable to our position who has impeccable credentials—this person will be attending the conference no matter whether they end up on the program or not. This to me is a positive rather than a negative spirit, which seems to be the AKC stand—a negative one. To further CONTINUED ON PAGE 87
Pedigree ad circa 1995
Pedigree back cover 2011
Dog News 57
Staying Power Triumphs at Crufts CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14
Finnish-bred Smooth Collie both of whom made it in the final cut. It was also interesting to see a French exhibitor taking BOB in Briards at Crufts on her first visit to the show. The Working Group was mixed and I wondered how some of the BOB winners would have fared had they been included in the fifteen “high profile” breeds that had to be vetted before continuing to the group. Speaking to judge Kari Wilberg afterwards she certainly shared my concern at the movement seen in some of the representatives that appeared. The ultimate winner was the Boxer male who was last year’s top working dog and he has always been a favourite of mine, as indeed he has been of the group judge at this show, but I have seen him in recent months when he has appeared a little flat and not given of his best. Almost as if he knew that this show really mattered, he was up on his toes, head held proudly and tail up as he ate up the ground and went on to his consecutive Crufts group. Upholding the overseas honour was the Irish-based but Swiss-bred Newfoundland who took G2, followed by the UK bred Dobermann and Rottweiler. Both the Giant Schnauzer and Russian Black Terrier were Russian bred and owned whilst the Bullmastiff had come from Belgium. The Tibetan Mastiff BOB winner was from Poland. Saturday saw Terriers and Hounds on show, and this year there didn’t seem to be as many heavyweight Americans as we have seen in the past. Philip Greenway judged the group and he ended up pointing to the British-bred for generations Wire who has been Brazilian owned for some months and will soon be heading out there. Last year’s top terrier, the Kerry Blue bitch, won the breed but failed to progress further in the group. Behind the Wire stood the American Airedale recently imported into the UK and handled here by his American breeder Todd Clyde. Third was a crowd-pleaser for the red Staffordshire Bull Terrier whilst a Norwich winning his first CC completed the quartet. Liz Tobin won the Bitch CC in Smooths but lost the breed to an Italian male. Both were winning their UK titles but I wonder how many American dogs can claim to have won their UK Championship exclusively with Crufts CCs? Such is Snow Angel’s record. Scottie-watching was compulsive with the mighty Russian male back again and challenging the lovely Croatian bitch for BOB, the fairer sex getting the nod. The Australian Terrier had come from Sweden, the Irish from the USA via Germany, the Border Terrier from the USA (I wonder what Chairman Irving made of that!!!), the Dandie from Czechia and the Welsh from Germany. Her many friends were pleased to see Hound group judge Eleanor Bothwell looking so well after a period of ill health but not surprised that this determined lady honoured an appointment she had clearly been looking forward to for some time. Again the foreigners had their fair share of the key placings. The Swedish bred, but American sired Borzoi took second, an Afghan from Ireland third and a Whippet from Italy fourth, however the group was won by a PBGV of just 17 months. Many were thrilled at the win as her owner/breeder/handler has had many near misses at Crufts in the past. He also won the breed in Fauves. 58 Dog News
The Smooth Haired Dachshund had travelled from Russia, the Grand from Holland, her owner winning both CCs and both Reserves! She also bred the sire of the group winning Petit so must have had a memorable Crufts. The Irish Wolfhound was from Holland and I am a great fan of the elegant brindle Greyhound bitch from Norway.
n Sunday Toys had Richard Haynes sitting in judgement and once again international was the order of the day, though the group winning Bichon was UK bred but contains a good helping of Paray breeding in his pedigree. Second was the Finnish dog of the year winning Löwchen who was also claiming his UK crown on the day. In third position was a Pug bitch from Norway and fourth the Danish Pomeranian bitch who had also won the breed under me in 2009 when she again won fourth in the group. Her owners must love Crufts as they had won the group there with her sire previously. There was obviously huge interest in the Chinese Crested ring to see if Nora – the history making Dog of the Year – would take the breed but she was not shown as she was in season and wisely resting up. Interestingly BOB in Cresteds went to the same Swedish kennel for the fourth year running! I am lost in admiration for those exhibitors who come to show at Crufts in breeds where there are no CCs on offer, and two such enthusiasts won the breed in both Cotons de Tulear and Havanese. The Utility group, judged by gentle giant Terry Nethercott, had a British based quartet though the third placed Akita has American co-owners. Winning the group was the young black Standard Poodle who shares a sire with two whites who previously won BIS and Reserve at Crufts. Second was the elegant Lhasa Apso bitch and fourth a Shih Tzu male of just ten months who had topped the breed under Yakee Pekingese wizard Bert Easdon. The Chow Chow BOB looked familiar and I soon realised that this was the Danish bitch who had won BOB under me in Sweden last year, having taken the Bitch CC at Crufts last year and since completed her UK title. The Miniature Poodle had come from Sweden and the Shar Pei was the US bred but Dutch owned male who had won BOB under me at the European show in Slovenia last year. With the group winners decided, we had the usual big ring performances of Mary Ray who went Bollywood this year with her dancing dogs and the Friends for Life presentations that I felt were missing the former emotion with the absence of the marvellous singers who gave so much to this aspect of the last night. Having had the ultimate dress rehearsal at Madison Square Garden the previous month the Italian BIS judge Paolo Dondina threw himself into the task in hand and chose the evergreen Flatcoat as Best and the young Petit as Reserve. And so another Crufts was wound up, doubtless with many happy that the outside world had seen that British pure-bred show dogs can get to ten years of age and still get round the huge Birmingham arena, happy, healthy and fit for purpose.
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and it didn’t take long, an All American finished his Master Agility Championship. Prince Doggie, a five year old little bundle of energy, in 10 months time completed the requirements for his MACH. His fast progress in agility was attributed to his owner, Andrade Marshall, setting up small agility obstacles in her house for constant practice. To have earned his 750 speed points and 20 double Q’s in the Jumpers and Standard Excellent courses he truly must be a consistent dog without a doubt. Prince Doggie also is a Therapy dog in the Detroit area, which makes him a very good representative for the AKC Canine Partners program. This All American team will be able to now compete in the AKC National Agility Championship, the second mix to be able to do so. Unfortunately, there still is a number of Kennel Club’s not accepting the All American entry in agility and obedience at their trials. Agility clubs throughout the country open their trials to the mixed breeds but many of the long time kennel clubs still have the attitude of “not on my watch”. Hopefully time will soften this old fashioned attitude since the entry money is the same and the kennel clubs are enjoying the profit from the agility trials. Also on the other side is the mixed breed owners, the attitude is changing and they are coming into the AKC fold. Many of the mixed breed owners that were involved in agility through the organizations that already did accept the mixes were opposing the AKC program. If you count up the number of agility opportunities out there, the dollar is being stretched mighty thin for some. AKC, USDAA, UKC, ASCA, CPE, Tea Cup Agility, NADAC, and now the new European agility that has moved over to the USA makes it almost impossible to find a weekend that doesn’t double up on an agility trial.
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The road trip to Lexington, Virginia for the AKC National Agility Championships, April 1-3, 2011, is one I look forward to. Getting out of the Minnesota snow and cold will be a welcome change as well as the beautiful country that will be traveled through, especially Kentucky. The Agility Staff will be spending the week before the Nationals perfecting its new scoring and check in program and setting up the entire event which is a massive undertaking. Be sure to follow the competition on Twitter which will have all the rings featured,, for example, through Ring 5. Also when the jump height has concluded its round of competition, a complete list of results will be posted both on Twitter,, and on Facebook, http:// I for one look forward to seeing so many of the employees that I used to work with at AKC and the top dogs and handlers from all over the country. A number of junior handlers have also entered and will compete equally with all. The AKC Nationals are also a qualifier for the dogs and handlers that wish to compete for the honor of representing the AKC/USA at the World Agility Championships in France this year. The first day of competition is called the International Sweepstakes in which those wins give credit to the dog’s ability to compete against the best in the country on the same course with the same course times. The Nationals also prove the handler can compete in the pressure/ stress of running with the best for three days. The scores and placements of the Championship competition days of Saturday and Sunday also are used on the resume of the dog when the team selection is made. All three days are very important to those who wish to compete at the AKC World Team Tryouts in May, every run counts.
“major” Number One* Tibetan Mastiff
Best In Specialty Show Winning
GCh. DreamCatcher’s Major Victory for Loki Handled by Tony Carter
DreamCatcher Kennels Home of top showing and producing Tibetan Mastiffs Graham, Washington *The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points
Loved by: Debbie Parsons Brad Slayton Co-Owned by Sabrina Novarra Dog News 61
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of the prohibition against docking that went into effect several years ago, many of them now have full tails, which is not, to me, terribly disconcerting in Cockers, but is extremely disturbing in breeds like Rotties and Dobes. Of course, ear cropping has been prohibited for 100 years or so, significantly changing the head and expression of some of our traditionally cropped breeds like Boxers and Danes. I wouldn’t have recognized the all natural Min Pins except for their hackney gait. The Gundog Group was judged by Dr. Ronald James, a vet who has shown a number of breeds, but whose greatest success came in Pointers. As you already know, he chose the Flatcoat as his top dog, with “Reserve Best In Group” going
to the top winning Irish Water Spaniel SH CH Stanegate Sparks Will Fly (AI). Two interesting things about this dog’s name. The first, which he shares with all of the Gundog Group ribbon winners, is the “SH” in front of the CH. This indicates “Show Champion” which distinguishes these dogs from “full champions” which must also qualify in the field. As you can imagine from the difference in this country between show dog type and field trial type, attaining a full championship is an unusual feat. The second interesting thing is that the method of this dog’s conception is there for all to see. Approval must be sought from the Kennel Club to register a litter conceived via artificial insemination, and the designation becomes a permanent part of the dog’s name. Dora is only the fourth Irish Water Spaniel to go BIS in the UK, and the first to do it in over a century. She is breeder/owner handled by Judith Carruthers. Dr. James gave third place to the Cocker (that’s English Cocker to us) SH CH Lujesa Touch The Sky JW. The letters after her name stand for Junior Warrant, a title that’s won by winning at Open shows where Challenge Certificates are not on offer. Before you think that I’m talking about something similar to our matches, you should know that many Open shows have entries that far exceed our point shows in the U.S. She is owned by the Misses A & S Kettle and has amassed 31 CCs, in addition to going BOB at Crufts last year. Group 4 went to the Golden, Linirgor Mactavish, owned by Mrs. I Frater and Miss L. Dunbar, who is not yet a champion and who came, rather amazingly, from Limit Dog in an entry of 491.
he first day of the show is like Old Home Week for press people, who begin to populate the press room early in the morning, and use it as home base for the next four days. I can’t imagine surviving the show without it; with over 20,000 dogs and 138,000 people in the place, a relatively quiet spot to have a few minutes of R&R is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. The Kennel Club press people
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n the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami that hit northern Japan, offers of assistance from the AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB have been rejected by the JAPAN KENNEL CLUB. I’m not sure of the reason for the refusal, but it is said that all rescue and financial help must go through the government. A very glossy four-color 2010 annual report has been released by the American Kennel Club. Two of the 42 pages, get to the real issue, money. The rest is a nice self-promotion wrapped around forty pages of pictures of the famous and not so famous. The 3rd annual stand alone AKC MEET THE BREEDS has announced its new dates of November 19th & 20th at the Javits Center in Manhattan. The expo is sponsored by PETPARTNERS, the official pet insurance company of the American Kennel Club. The two-day show has expanded to over 160,000 square feet with more than 200 breeds of dogs and cats. The anticipated gate is over 40,000 people. There is no greater venue to educate the public about pure bred dogs and sport of breeding and exhibiting. So make sure that your parent club will be represented and that you have ample literature to give to the public. What bigger strain than campaigning a top winning dog to test the mettle of a relationship? Just ask handlers SARAH RIEDL and MATTHEW PERCHICK who have done so and have announced their engagement
to be married …congratulations. GEORGE MARQUIS and GEORGE MURRAY just returned from a judging assignment in Zhengzhou, China. While following a ten-year absence, JOAN & STAN ZIELINSKI are packing for a return trip to South Africa for a judging assignment and a safari holiday. Friends and family will be attending a memorial service for the late CAROL STRONG on April 1st at the Lincklaen House in Cazenovia, New York (twenty minutes away from the dog shows at the Syracuse fairgrounds). The service starts at 6:30 P.M. and food and drinks will be served. Guests will be able to share a special memory, if they so wish. A fitting farewell to a wonderful lady. The family has requested that those wishing send a contribution to Take The Lead or Lowchen Club of America Rescue Fund. All of us at DOG NEWS were saddened to hear of the unexpected passing of ALEXANDER BENJAMIN BARBASH, the son of ANN & STEVEN BARBASH of Victor, New York whose TAILS OF YESTERYEAR was featured in this year’s D MAGAZINE. Our deepest sympathies to the BARBASH family. If a prospective puppy buyer questions you on the price of your puppies, you might want to tell them of a Tibetan Mastiff puppy that was recently sold in China for over one million dollars. Birthdaying…DORIS COZART, MARJORIE MARTORELLA, CINDY SMITH, SHANNON STONE and MARY ROGERS.
photo by Tracey Mele
R Y K E R GCh. DRD’s The Revelation Florida Panhandle Circuit: 4 Best of Breeds Group Second Group Fourth Owners: Barbara Hainline and Cari Jensen Breeder: Cari Jensen Handler: Doug Toomey
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are unfailingly pleasant and helpful, even in the face of the occasional snarky journalist. James Skinner has been the point man for years, and I think I speak for most of the press when I say that we not only admire him for his efficiency, but love him for his kindness and patience. Thanks to James, Kelly and all of the press office folk for making our lives so much easier. James was the deserving recipient last year of the World Dog Press Association “person of the year” award. I can’t imagine a Crufts without him. Each year Dog News sponsors the Overseas Visitors Lounge where people can chat over a cup of tea and escape the noise and crowds for a minute or two. Of course, in addition to breed judging each day, there are dozens of other activities going on. The obedience and agility championships take place throughout the four days, as well as Young Kennel Club events, the Kennel Club’s Good Citizen Dog Scheme, Gundog demonstrations, and International Junior handling finals, to name just a few. There are more than 200 trade stands selling everything from dog beds to designer handbags, and a thorough tour takes the better part of a day in itself. Over the years, I’ve learned that what seems like a good idea on Sunday has to be stuffed into an already full suitcase on Monday, and so I now abstain. I saw several spectators leaving the show at 10AM, their wheeled carts full to overflowing with “stuff.” Obviously, more than a few people come to shop, never discovering the dog show taking place around them! Speaking of discovering things, one of the most popular features of the show is Discover Dogs, after which our Meet the Breeds is modeled. While you can only see dogs from one or two groups on exhibit each day, you can see a representative of every breed recognized by the Kennel Club at the Discover Dogs display each day. No matter when I made my way there, it was always crowded.
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Speaking of obedience, the U.S. Obedience team finished in a tie for 5th place in the Obedience World Cup, a most impressive feat given that obedience is considerably different in the U.K. It involves somewhat different exercises and a different style, so it’s quite an accomplishment that the American dogs and handlers finished so well.
orking and Pastoral (Herding) breeds were judged on Friday, with Kari Wilberg and Ellis Hulme taking center ring in the evening. Kari, a native of Norway, is famous for her Kanix Bouviers, although she has owned many different breeds and can boast of having won 425 CCs and more than 38 Groups, including the Group at Crufts. She gave first place to the top-winning Boxer CH/IR CH Winuwuk Lust At First Sight, owned by his handler Julie Brown and Tim Hutchings. He has been the top Working Dog in England for the past two years, is #5 all-breed, has two all breed Bests to his credit, and 19 Group One’s. Number two in the Group was the Newfie CH/IR CH Fairweathers Knock Out With Brooklynbear, owned by the Dobbins family. He stands 9th in place in the Top Dog standings and is no stranger to the winner’s circle at Crufts. Group Three went to the Dobermann (yes, two “n’s”) CH Supeta’s Ozzy Osbourne JW, owned by the Smith, Bennett and Mycroft team, with fourth place to the Rottweiler (pronounced with a “V”) CH Olearia Blaze of Gold, owned by M. Monk and C. Drabble. Speaking of Boxers, some exhibitors in the breed ring still engage in the strange behavior of throwing a small bath mat down under the hind legs of the dog when it’s stacked, presumably to keep its rear legs from sliding out from under it. I saw less of it this year than before, but it surely makes you wonder about a dog whose angulation is such that it needs additional traction to stand up! CONTINUED ON PAGE 72
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Mercifully, the Boxer’s handler did not indulge. Ellis , who passed on the Pastoral group, has been involved in dogs for most of his 70+ years, with great success in Papillons. His top-winning bitch made history when she topped the Toy Group at Crufts in 1982. Ellis gave first place this time to the top-winning German Shepherd Dog CH Elmo Vom Hunhnegrab, owned by Mr. J. Cullen. Elmo is top Pastoral Group dog, with three Bests in Show to his credit. While I can’t decipher all of the letters following his name, he does hold a Schutzhund 3 title, which attests to his intelligence and his soundness. Since some of the GSD folks are on the outs with The Kennel Club over issues of exaggeration and soundness, it’s great to see such a nice dog making good PR for the breed. The Reserve Best In Group winner (a holdover from the days when there were only two Group placements) came from Estonia in the form of Samoyed CH Pilgrimage Snow Ball. Apologies for not including the six championship titles that precede his name. Suffice it to say that he is multititled. He is owned by Ms. Chen and Mrs. Uspenski. Group 3 went to the multi-titled CH Thornapple Aftershock, who competed under an American “Authority to Compete” number (required for all foreign dogs) but is resident, according to the catalog, in Denmark. American Aussies are so popular in the UK and Europe that twelve of the Aussies entered in Open Dog and Open Bitch had American ATC numbers. Fourth place went to the Norwegian Norwegian Buhund (no, that’s not a typo!) He is the multititled Kimura’s Jensemann, and is owned by C. Sonberg. (Actually, I was too lazy to type NUCH LUXCH NORDV-10 BEW-10, which are the letters that precede his name. Apart from Luxembourg Champion, I’m afraid I can’t translate). When you’ve attended Crufts for 15 years, as I have, you get a bit blasé about the size of it all. The NEC measures about 25 acres of floor space, and the show takes up five halls, each much larger than the floor at the Garden. In addition, there is the huge arena - more often occupied by rock stars than by show dogs - where the Groups and Best In Show are held. I once wore a pedometer and clocked ten miles in one day! The festivities begin at about 5:00 each evening, and include such things as agility, flyball, gundog and obedience demos, as well as 72 Dog News
the International Junior Handling finals and the annual Friends For Life competition. Each year, five dogs who have changed or saved lives are nominated, and the public selects the winner via text messaging. This year the award went to Kaiser, a Golden/Poodle cross who helps his owner to cope with a debilitating muscle disease. Also in contention were a medical assistance dog who looks after a young girl with severe diabetes, an emotional support dog who helps his young owner cope with autism, a bomb-sniffing dog who helped during the 7/7 London bombings and a Search and Rescue dog who saved lives in Haiti following the earthquake. As the television camera panned the audience, you could see hundreds of sniffling spectators, and the press section was not immune. On the first morning, KC Chairperson Ronnie Irving welcomed us all to the show, filled us in on coming events, and pointed out that there would be coat testing, as all foreign substances are illegal in the UK. (Someone should have told that to the lady I saw vigorously spraying up the topknot of her poodle in the grooming area!) In fact, they did do some testing in poodles but I’ve heard nothing about results. Mr. Irving said something to the effect that, while such things as chalk and hairspray are illegal in some other countries, they seem to turn a blind eye to it, but NOT so in the UK. Wonder what country he was referring to? CONTINUED ON PAGE 74
Consistently recognized by Breeder-Judges Special thanks to Judge Mrs. Romayne Strilka-Switch and Mrs. Starr White who recognized Tucker most recently with Best of Opposite Sex and Award of Merit awards at the Empire Saluki Club Supported and Specialty shows. Breeders: Ian Rasmussen and P J Bennett (Australia) Owners: Keith and Roberta Scerbo, Cathy Farrell and Eric Steel Handled by Roberta
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Terriers and Hounds occupied the NEC on Day Three. Phillip Greenway did the Terrier Group. Known for his Rayfos Boxers and Lakies, the kennel has won over 400 CCs in breeds as diverse as miniature poodles and German Shorthaired Pointers. It was no surprise when he pointed to CH Travella Starlord, the Wire Fox Terrier who is tied for sixth place all-breed with the Pastoral winning GSD. Handled by the talented Richard Allen, he is owned by Victor Malzoni who was on hand to see him win. Rumor has it that he’s on his way to the U.S. Reserve Best in Group went to the American-bred Airedale CH/AM CH Longvue Jackpot of Saredon, who is owned by Judy Averis, one of the UK’s most successful terrier breeders with a long line of topwinning dogs in several breeds. He was bred by Todd and April Clyde, and was handled by Todd. He prevailed over an entry of 94. To say that April and Todd were overjoyed would be an understatement! Mr. Greenway gave third place to the Staffordshire Bull Terrier CH Hubbulls The Promise owned by Mr & Mrs B. Trow. Staffies are hugely popular in the UK, with an entry of 328 in the breed this year. In fourth place was the Norwich Ragus Jazz King, owned and shown by Leslie Crawley whose name is synonymous with winning Norwich.
ounds were judged by Eleanor Bothwell who has made a mark in Beagles, having owned 28 titleholders with over 100 CCs. Her #1 pick was the young PBGV Soletrader Peek A Boo, who has only been shown lightly prior to her Crufts appearance. She is owned by Sarah Robertson and handled by husband Gavin. Their Soletrader dogs are known worldwide, although this win was something of a surprise since Peek A Boo is only 16 months old. They’ve won the breed six times at Crufts and bred the top PBGV in the UK, Canada and the U.S. in 2010. Sarah and Gavin were both successful junior handlers. It’s interesting to see so many young people in the Group Ring and competing at top level. While we lament the scarcity of young people making their mark in our dog show world, the UK seems to be in pretty good shape. The difference is, no doubt, due to the fact that owner-handlers predominate, and young people with a serious interest in dogs (and 74 Dog News
often a family history in the breed) can make up champions and win at Group and BIS level. Second in the Hound Group came from Sweden in the form of Borzoi CH Borzowski’s Phenomenon, owned by L. Hamel, with third to the Afghan Irish CH Ashahni Amir owned by Mrs. C. O’Callaghan. Mrs. Bothwell gave fourth place to another foreign dog, the Whippet Italian CH Sobers Ingrid, owned by the Primavera family. I had a special interest in Toys, as my good friend Michael Coad was #1 in the UK Toy Group standings and in third place all-breed with his homebred Bichon CH Pamplona Bring Me Sunshine. I was delighted to get a text message that Michael and “Eric” had won the breed, and so it was with great anticipation and more than a little nervousness that I watched their performance in the Group ring. Richard Haynes was the judge. After a start in Gundogs, he found his way to the Toy group in the ‘60’s and has bred and shown Yorkies ever since. Mr. Haynes apparently shared my opinion of Eric by giving him the nod for #1 in the Toy Group. Michael has shared CONTINUED ON PAGE 78
Quality Northeast
Multiple Group Placing
Specialty Best In Show Winning
GCH. SOMERRI JAMIESON’S SEA WHISKEY Number One* Norwegian Elkhound Bitch Starting the year off right with another Group Second. Thank You Judge Dr. James Sillers. Like all top quality Whiskey this one only gets better with age! Owned & Bred by Jamieson Lewis Laura Hall Lewis Merrimack, NH
SOMERRI KENNELS 50 YEARS with 14 Generations of Norwegian Elkhounds Bea Hall & Ed Hall & Laura Hall Lewis & Alicia
Handled by Laura Hall Lewis Holly Lewis
*Number five overall, The Dog News Top Ten List, C.C. & S.S. All Breed Systems through February 2011
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handling chores with partner Geoff Corish, who was judging on Saturday and Sunday, but who was there to see Michael and Eric’s big win on Sunday night. This makes the tenth Group win for the Corish/Coad partnership and, between the two of them, they’ve captured three Crufts Bests in Show, most recently with the immortal Kerry CH/AM CH Torum’s Scarf Michael, aka “Mick” in 2000. In second place was the Lowchen Nordic CH Chic Choix Markey Lifar from Finland, owned by Mr. I Ojala. Third place went to another foreign dog, the Pug CH Tangetoppen’s Unbreakable News, who hails from Norway and has titles in nine countries. Fourth in Group was also a foreign dog, the Pomeranian CH Soffies Queen Bee, who also sports four championship titles, including her home country of Denmark. There were a total of 1231 exhibitors from outside the UK this year, representing 36 countries. Nineteen came from the U.S., down from 27 last year, a decrease that’s no doubt explained by the difficult economy. There were 39 American dogs entered in 2008. Largest foreign entry came, not surprisingly, from Ireland, with the Netherlands not far behind. An astonishing 104 dogs came from Russia, with 110 each from France and Italy. Of course, we heard about the disaster in Japan during the show, and I spoke to several Japanese spectators who were trying desperately to contact family at home. One journalist who sat next to me on Sunday night had been able to contact her family in Tokyo and found that they were safe. One of my friends in the press is involved with international search and rescue dogs. We were having dinner one night at the hotel when he got a phone call and said, “I have
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to leave. They’re sending search and rescue dogs to Japan and I need to prepare a press release.” After he returned to the table, he reported that they were deploying teams from Japan, Hawaii and California. When the Japanese competitor in Junior Handling entered the ring on Sunday night, the applause was deafening.
ast group up was the Utility Group, which we call Nonsporting. Terry Nethercott did the honors. He has owned champions in Pekes, Whippets and Tibetan Terriers, and has been involved in dogs for 40 years. He found his #1 dog in the Standard Poodle CH Vicmars Rave on JW, owned by Mrs. Sharon Pine-Haynes. He is top poodle, all sizes, and was BIS at the national specialty. I was overjoyed to see the Lhasa bitch CH Zentarr Elizabeth, owned by Mrs. M. Anderson, take the Reserve spot, as CONTINUED ON PAGE 80
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she was sent forward by my friend Geoff Corish, who judged an entry of 167 earlier in the day. Third went to the Akita CH Ruthdales Candy From A Baby, owned by the Bostock, Armstrong & Stark team, and handled by Akita/Shiba/Rottie specialist Liz Dunhill. Santosha Thunderbolt, the Shih Tzu owned by the Crossley’s, took the fourth place spot. I was amazed to learn that Group competitors are told that they are not to kneel down with their dogs while the other dogs in the Group are being judged. Apparently the Kennel Club feels that it looks “untidy”! While we all admire the dog who free baits endlessly with no outside assistance, I know from a lifetime in terriers that it’s often necessary to get down to “dog level” to get the most out of your dog in the ring. Apparently one very successful toy exhibitor was told, during Group judging, to get up off the floor, and she told the Group steward in no uncertain terms to mind his own business! Crufts’ slogans over the years have been “The Best of the Very Best” or “The World’s Ultimate Dog Show.” After the very damaging television show Pedigree Dogs Exposed, in which purebred dogs were described as “mutants” suffering from an endless variety of health problems, the Kennel Club has been in damage-control mode. For the past several years, the slogan has been “Celebrating healthy, happy dogs.” While the repetitive “these dogs are fit for function, fit for life” was so excessive in past years that it was almost embarrassing, this year it seemed to have moderated somewhat. Prominently featured in Hall 3
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was a large sign that said “Breeding For The Future Zone” staffed by vets, geneticists and “breeder specialists.” Also offered was the Mate Selection Toolbox, with which breeders could obtain information on inbreeding coefficients for dogs and their offspring. The mating of close relatives was prohibited by the Kennel Club sometime after the offensive TV show referred to above. Also included in Ronnie Irving’s opening address to the press was the request that we all refer to the show by its new name, dfs Crufts. The company known as dfs is the largest purveyor of sofas in the UK and has provided major sponsorship for Crufts for two years, a necessity after Pedigree pulled out. With apologies to Mr. Irving, I just can’t wrap my mind around it. I’m grateful that their sponsorship has allowed the show to continue as the iconic event that it’s been for many years. I just wish that they had been content to sponsor the event, not change a name that’s been in place since 1891. While I sat with fingers crossed for my friends’ Bichon, Mr. Dondina, as you’ve already read, ultimately chose the Flatcoat for his Best In Show, with Reserve going to the winner of the Hound Group, the young PBGV. After Best In Show judging was over, Mr. Dondina stood at ringside chatting with Peter Green, his arms around his grandson who was clutching a stuffed beagle. One look at the boy’s face told you that he was captivated by the excitement of Crufts. Fifteen years after my first Crufts, I still feel that way too.
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