DogNews The Digest Volume 26, Issue 12
Of American Dogs $5.00
March 26, 2010
10 ♦ Editorial
March 26, 2010
18 ♦ The Upside Of The Seesaw BY SHARON ANDERSON
22 ♦ Question Of The Week BY MATTHEW H. STANDER
26 ♦ Veterinary Topics BY CONNIE VANACORE
30 ♦ Two Dissimilar Breeds At The Kennel Club BY NICK WATERS
34 ♦ Bests Of The Week 38 ♦ Ten Questions BY LESLEY BOYES
42 ♦ Vizsla Victorious At dfsCrufts BY BARBARA ANDERSON LOUNSBURY
48 ♦ Recognizing Foreign Kennel Clubs And More BY MATTHEW H. STANDER
50 ♦ Wow, Monticello! BY ANNA STROMBERG
56 ♦ The Gossip Column BY EUGENE Z. ZAPHIRIS
64 ♦ Click – Del Sur Kennel Club BY LESLIE SIMIS
72 ♦ Click – West Palm Beach Kennel Club BY PADDY SPEAR
76 ♦ Click – International Kennel Club Of Chicago BY BOOTH PHOTOGRAPHY
78 ♦ Click – The Way We Were BY PERRY PHILLIPS
80 dog show calendar • 84 handlers directory • 86 subscription rates • 88 classified advertising • 90 advertising rates All advertisements are copyrighted and owned by DOG NEWS, Harris Publications, unless received camera-ready. Permission to reprint must be requested in writing. 4 Dog News
DOG NEWS (ISSN 0886-2133) is published weekly except the last two weeks in December by Harris Publications, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010. Periodical Postage paid at New York.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to DOG NEWS, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010
ŠChristina Freitag 2009
Dog News 5
MARCH 26, 2010
Dog News Cover Story
212 807.7100 x588 FAX NUMBER
IAN MILLER 212 462.9624 CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Sharon Anderson Lesley Boyes Andrew Brace Shaun Coen Carlotta Cooper Geoff Corish Allison Foley Denise Flaim Yossi Guy Mary Jung John Mandeville Billy Miller Desmond J. Murphy M. J. Nelson Sharon Newcombe Robert Paust Lenora Riddle Sharon Sakson Gerald Schwartz Kim Silva Frances O. Smith, DVM Matthew H. Stander Sari Brewster Tietjen Patricia Trotter Connie Vanacore Carla Viggiano Nick Waters Seymour Weiss Minta (Mike) Williquette DOG NEWS PHOTOGRAPHERS Chet Jezierski Perry Phillips Kitten Rodwell Leslie Simis Paddy Spear
DOG NEWS is sent to all AKC approved judges every week on a complimentary basis. No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without written permission from the editor. The opinions expressed by this publication do not necessarily express the opinions of the publisher. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted. 6 Dog News
*The Dog News Top Ten List ** All Systems
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Deaf Dogs In Performance Competition
There is a definite attempt to get the Board to allow deaf dogs to compete in AKC Companion Events. The Delegate Obedience Committee voted 6 to 5 in favor of letting those dogs so afflicted compete in both agility and obedience despite the very strong opposition of the Dalmatian Club of America. Supposedly the matter is to go before the Board in April but whether or not the issue is included in the April board book is unknown as of this writing. Certainly arguments can be made both pro and con on the issue and at the present time these pages are not sufficiently versed on the topic to express an opinion. However it does appear obvious that the two Board members Patti Strand and Charlie Garvin who are also so heavily involved with the Dalmatian breed and are we believe on the Board of DCA as well should recuse themselves from voting on the issue. Why in the position paper from the Dalmatian Club of America itself is the statement that “Deaf pups should ALWAYS be humanely destroyed by a veterinarian”. How can one expect an unbiased reaction from anyone who represents a club which takes such a strong stand on an issue? In fairness both Mrs. Strand and Dr. Garvin should recuse themselves in order to assure as fair and unbiased a vote as possible.
many people recognize that dogs’ keen sense of smell makes them invaluable weapons in thwarting terrorists whose calling cards are roadside bombs and explosively rigged vehicles. That may all be good but in the long run one has to hope that the social value of the dog as a pet too will be recognized. That after the usefulness of the dog as a sniffer and protector is done with these animals will be properly cared for as the pets they deserve to become.
States Growing Tougher
The Environmental Protection Agency is requiring beefedup labeling for flea and tick products used on dogs and cats amid an increasing number of reports showing that pets given the pesticides may suffer from seizures and even die. The EPA says it will develop stricter testing and evaluation requirements for those treatments applied to pets’ skin. The agency will also begin reviewing labels to determine which ones need to say more clearly how to use the products. These products are widely used each year to prevent pets from getting fleas and ticks which can carry disease. Companies including Merck & Co., Bayer AG and Pfizer Inc. make these products. They are sold under names such as Frontline Top Spot for Dogs, Promeris Canine Flea Control and Enforcer Drops for Cats. The increasing complaints from pet owners about these “spot-on” products is not overly surprising is it? After all the responsible veterinarians with which these pages are aware have been warning about using the products since their inception.
Responding to growing evidence that people who abuse animals often go on to attack humans, states are increasing the penalties for animal cruelty and developing better methods for tracking offenders. States are paying closer attention to animal hoarders – people who keep large number of pets without providing basic needs. These offenders are prone to recidivism and can cost counties huge sums of cleanup costs and the care of rescued animals. At least 27 states now allow courts to bar convicted animal abusers from owning or coming into contact with pets, nearly double the number from a decade ago. Whether these measures should go as far as the establishment of animal abuse registries is a contentious subject among some. More than 30 states now have laws that shift the financial burden of caring for abused or neglected animals from taxpayers to the defendants. The same number of states now authorize veterinarians to report suspected animal abuse. That could be dangerous too but is something to consider. Furthermore within the last three years Arkansas, Illinois, Oregon and Washington DC have enacted laws that require or authorize child or spousal abuse investigators and animal control officers to inform each other when they find something potentially amiss in a home. May sound a little too “Big Brotherish” to some but in the long run and with the number of pets being owned by Americans growing in leaps and bounds these kind of steps are a necessity.
Dogs Now Lead In Iraq’s Terror War
Thought For The Week
Pet Flea Tick Overhaul
Iraqis aren’t what most people would call “dog people”. The streets are filled with mangy canines and dog owners are reputed to be but a few. Nonetheless in this country where bombs and explosives are an everyday fact of life many Iraqis may start learning to love man’s best friend too! The Iraqi police force hopes to introduce 1,000 bomb- sniffing dogs and their handlers on the streets of Iraqi within the next five years. The head of the Interior Ministry’s fledgling K-9 unit is quoted as saying “Iraqis are not fully comfortable with dogs yet but the people are coming to love them, because they realize what they can do to keep us safe.” Twenty-five dogs and their handlers were recently graduated and 120 more German shepherds, Malinois and Labradors are scheduled to be incorporated into Iraq’s police force by the end of the year. As in many Muslim countries Iraqis generally see dogs as unclean animals. Some of the religiously devout point to the teachings of the prophet Mohammed that prohibited believers from keeping animals in their homes. But now 10 Dog News
Oh my – how embarrassing!!! Just days after Crufts the co-owner of the winning Vizsla is banned from showing at, judging or attending any KC licensed event for a year after threatening and intimidating a judge. The incident occurred in July and the decision handed down in March two days after Crufts! The Disciplinary Sub-Committee sounds as though it took its time in handing down the verdict. Indeed it surely sound as though the decision was stalled deliberately until after Crufts. Rumor at Crufts was that Yogi (the call name of the dog) would never win because of the pending action but the dog was judged on the day! Fit for function fit for life is the “Crufts motto but wouldn’t everyone involved have been better served having the results of the Disciplinary Committee known before Crufts rather that two days afterwards? •
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*Number Two overall, The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points
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InsideOut by John Mandeville
The Grand Championship Arrives
he new “Grand Championship” title goes into effect May 12. I haven’t said anything about it, except late last summer after AKC’s August Board approved the new title, devoting 18 bullet points and 670 words to it in the Minutes, but somehow omitting the Grand Championship from its list of that month’s Board Highlights – you know, the short list of important items reported out of a Board meeting. A new dog show championship title wasn’t a Board meeting highlight? Calling that bizarre doesn’t begin to indicate how weird it is. The passage of time doesn’t make it any less ridiculous. It doesn’t compute. The Board approves a new super-champion title but it doesn’t make the meeting’s Highlights list? Obviously that’s wacky. The only question is it funny wacky, stupid wacky, routine wacky, or, not beyond belief, clever wacky … meaning intentional. Whatever that oddity may or may not have been, AKC deserves kudos for advancing the Grand Championship through the system as speedily as AKC world permits. Hmmm … anyone getting a whiff the Grand Championship benefitted from the Group Realignment fiasco with its delegate, et al, review committee, study, report and drawn out process resulting in naught, aside from plenty of angst? If there were indications prior to April 2009 a super-championship title was on the horizon they weren’t apparent. The first of two items concerning titles in that month’s Board Minutes doesn’t indicate a grand championship is around the corner: “The Board reviewed a staff proposal to create a pilot program to introduce additional AKC conformation titles. The pilot will be introduced through the Miscellaneous Class. The concept was presented to the Dog Show Rules Committee at the March Delegates meeting. This will be discussed further at the May meeting.” The second item was specific: “There was a brief discussion on the concept of an advanced Grand Champion Title in Conformation to encourage continued competition. This will be discussed further at a future meeting.” “Future” or specifically “future meeting” translates – and this is hardly unique to AKC – as somewhere between immediately and never. Obviously AKC was serious about a Grand Champion title. In May the Board “discussed the concept of a Grand Champion.” At the Board’s next meeting in July the “Grand Championship” was discussed again with the stated goal of creating “a system that will encourage more dogs to compete after completing their Championship and not just be a means to add yet another title for dogs and exhibitors that are already dominating competition.” July’s Minutes also state the grand championship will “be discussed further at the 14 Dog News
August meeting” and that it may then come to a vote. Discussed it was, with the Grand Championship being unanimously approved. Four months from first surfacing to Board approval on an entirely new championship title is impressive, no matter how unanimous Board sentiment. The Board clearly recognized “grand champion” was an idea the fancy would be receptive to – and which might easily be pecked to death over the details. So, as I’ve said, kudos to AKC for acting decisively. Delegate discussion immediately prior to voting on the Grand Championship in December concerned the new title’s name and neutered Veterans receiving grand champion points. Meaning there weren’t substantive complaints about the new title. It passed easily. The Grand Championship’s speedy voyage from surfacing to passage and smooth sailing along the way speaks to the fancy’s consensus – if not necessarily well-defined – for a second conformation title. After all every other AKC competition has multiple titles – if not dozens, Agility anyone? Then too, there has been broad and longstanding consensus – not among the cognoscenti alone – that the extant conformation championship has been devalued. I’d say “cheapened,” but since the economy went south background noise about the cost of entries and exhibiting generally has often seemed a chorus of complaining, “It all costs too much, ain’t nothing cheap about showing. Doo Dah.” All of which brings us to the other critical component of shows and titles, judges. DOG NEWS has observed editorially, to paraphrase, “the Grand Championship may be all well and good, but what about the grand championship qualifications of judges?” Dead on.
AKC judging approval makes all judges equal: Points given by Judge X approved for 22 years, having judged well over a 1,000 dogs in a breed at more than 100 different shows including 39 majors are no more valuable than Judge Y’s who has been judging for four years, was approved for the breed 22 months ago and has not yet finished the required provisional assignments … and so on. There’s more – make that a great deal more – to be said about grand championship requirements vis-á-vis judges. That can await another time. For today the bottom line is the Grand Championship is a worthy concept that as much as anything illustrates AKC needs a mechanism to meaningfully try things, evaluate, make adjustments, and then “finalize.” That’s the polite way of saying AKC’s all or nothing system of delegate-approved rules to effect change is antiquated. Actually it’s worse than that … a lot worse. So, how soon after May 12 will the first Grand Championship be earned? •
*The Dog News Top Ten List
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rizona in March, what could be better, their average high is 75. Oops, what happened this year, this Minnesotan drove through mountains and plains three days with three dogs to show at the Fiesta Cluster (one of my favorites) and it was cold and rained for two of the days. The arrival looked promising with 70’s and sunshine but then everything changed.
Upside Seesaw THE
by Sharon Anderson
ain started at noon on Sunday which caused our group to break camp. In agility everyone brings their tent and sets up their own little space. Without a doubt, agility has made the EZ UP tent company successful for the past 20 years. Loading a wet tent, floor mat, and mesh screen that wrapped around the tent and three dogs in driving rain proved a test of anyone’s marriage. Sadly the entire show of conformation, obedience, rally, and agility had to be canceled on Monday. I would guess a first for the two clubs that host the show, Scottsdale Dog Fanciers Association and Superstition Kennel Club. A cancelation in agility is a rarity as we tend to run in anything but lightning. The largest day of entry in conformation was Saturday at 2,616 so the cancellation on Monday affected an entry 1,940 – Mother Nature took Best in Show that day. It was a successful trip because I earned my Rally Novice title on my young Border Collie. Earning two first places reminded me of my very competitive nature to stand in front of the line and not in the back. My husband with his OTCH Golden Retriever in agility did not fare as well even though the judging was outstanding, grounds the first two days were perfect, and challenging courses that made you think were flowing and well designed. One of the amenities offered by the agility club was the golf cart ride from the parking lot to the rings, a long distance to walk. In addition to the usual Standard and Jumpers with Weaves classes offered, the Fiesta Cluster is one of six trials CONTINUED ON PAGE 52
18 Dog News
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LIKE FATHER. . . Dustin returns to Cerise in triumph! Ch. Cerise Signature of Telltale CD, RN, CGC, CTD, TDI
Sire: Ch. Telltale Freestyle “Gorsha” Dam: Am. Can. Ch. Cerise Winsome Winter Rose “Rosie”
Multipe Best in Show Multiple Best in Specialty Show Number Three* English Springer Spaniel 2009 Handled by Meagan Ulfers Win Supported Entry and Group Second in Detroit Owned and bred by Dorothy Cherry and Rosemary Fugit *The Dog News Top Ten List all breed system 2009
20 Dog News
...LIKE DAUGHTER A Star is Born! Ch. Cerise Tender is the Night
Sire: Ch. Cerise Signature of Telltale CD, RN, CGC, CTD, TDI “Dustin” Dam: Ch. Cerise Southampton My Heart’s Desire “Desiree”
First Weekend as a Special Best of Breed at Specialty Group First, Group Second, Group Fourth Handled by Howard Huber Owned by Dorothy Cherry Dog News 21
T he
of t he Week What Are Your Feelings About PETA?
Damara Bolte I have always thought they were a crazy lot. As someone who was involved for years in the business of animal labs, I found them impossible to deal with. They have too much power, have the ears of the world for no reason, and are totally against people owing pets. Scott Esporite Their motives may be high, which in itself is debatable, but the manner in which they conduct themselves is totally unacceptable to me. Linda Moore Their overall agenda is deceptive and, in fact, contrary to anyone who owns pets of any sort.
22 Dog News
Patty Haines My feelings about them have remained constant from its founding. They are an extremist animal rights organization whose goals are opposite to and contrary for anyone interested in the promotion and care of the purebreed dog – or any pet for that matter. Cindy Vogels They are a misguided group of individuals who mislead and strain the truth. Their motives are almost questionable, and anyone involved with any kind of animal should be distrustful of them and question their goals, no matter how appealing they may make them sound. •
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Apologies The long hiatus of this column in Dog News is hopefully over. Your correspondent has been incapacitated due to knee surgery. That has limited my motion and also my ability to sit at the computer to write for any length of time. Apropos of that, I received a column which describes a study in which adults who use pet therapy while recovering from total joint replacement require less pain medication than those who don’t. I am not sure about that, but it sounds good! The study, conducted at Loyola University, found that animal-assisted therapy can have a positive effect on a patient’s psychosocial, emotional, and physical well being. Researchers there founded the Canine Companions for Independence, which has grown into a nationally recognized organization, training dogs to help people in their daily lives. Now I have to tell you that my elderly, arthritic dog and I toddle around together, helping each other up and down stairs. Whether that is helping me write this column, I am not certain, but it promotes empathy between us. I guess we’re about the same age, in dog years, and that may be of some comfort to me, if not to her. Excuses aside, with legs propped up, I dive into my spring column about, what else, summer parasites! Ticks Ticks transmit more vector-borne diseases in the United States than do mosquitoes. These tiny pests carry viruses, bacteria, and protozoa. They adapt to different surroundings easily, changing the areas in which they live as well as the hosts they feed upon. Ticks feed upon many hosts as they go through different stages of their life cycle. They require large blood meals and they feed for long periods of time, during which they are able to transmit the diseases which they carry. One of the most recent examples of ticks’ ability to transmit diseases is that of a reported brown dog tick which had transmitted Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, a parasite usually found in the West and transmitted by the Rocky Mountain wood tick. Until recently the lone star tick was found predominantly in the Southeast but today it may be found further north. These ticks can transmit several types of parasites, some in less than 24 hours. Their symptoms may not show up for weeks and usually start with lameness, general malaise and fever, depending which parasites the ticks are carrying. Ticks can survive through cold climates but will emerge whenever the temperature rises above about 40˚F. If you find ticks on your pets, or suspect that they
26 Dog News
have been exposed, be observant for symptoms. If left untreated dogs may be permanently damaged, and may also transmit disease to others. To remove ticks, use a tweezers and pull straight up. Do not twist or the head of the tick may remain embedded and cause infection. Daub the site with alcohol to disinfect. Some tick bites cause local swelling after they have been removed from the animal. Heartworm Heartworm disease has been around for a very long time, but despite energetic efforts to eradicate this dangerous parasite its area of invasion continues to grow. For heartworm disease to spread there are several factors needed. Wild canids or dogs already infected with heartworm are the most likely sources. Heartworm microfilaria are carried by mosquitoes. There are more than 70 species of mosquitoes which carry heartworms. All of them require standing water to reproduce. With the amount of snow and rain blanketing the country this winter scientists are expecting a bumper crop of mosquitoes this year. Heartworm larvae develop at temperatures over about 50˚F and they live in standing water as small as a puddle or as large as a river. Flooding facilitates the growth of mosquitoes which lay eggs in standing water. There is no state in the country immune to heartworm infestation, so it is important that dogs be put on heartworm preventative. It is almost impossible to rid communities of standing water, especially this year, so to protect your dogs, administer the preventative before the first mosquito hatches in your area. Other Diseases to Watch For In addition to ticks migrating north from the Gulf Coast, other diseases are turning up. Migration of dog populations from the South and possibly now from the Caribbean after the earthquake in Haiti carry with them the likelihood that many carry parasites. One disease which is native to Central and South America is Chagas disease, caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. It causes boils and skin infections in pets and can be transmitted to humans, where the symptoms are fatigue, fever and swollen lymph glands. Sometimes it causes swelling of one eye. There is no prevention and no treatment for this disease, but it often is self-limiting. It is transmitted by bugs which live in the walls of substandard housing. CONTINUED ON PAGE 54
The 2009 Number One German Shepherd Dog*
Select Ch. Shoal Creek’s Sangria V Barick Is Still Number One*
FLASH: ck -to-Ba
Back In Show Bests ton Head.
at Hil to Judges Thanks Stacy and Mr. Terrydith Brown Mrs. Ju Thank you Judge Dr. J. Donald Jones for this Group First Award at the Pasco Florida Kennel Club Show Owner: Edward Farrell Co-Owners: B. Stamper, L. Jewel & G. Middei (Breeder) *Dog News & C.C. All Breed Standings through February, 2010
Handler: Scott Yergin Boss: Loren Yergin Dog News 27
28 Dog News
* -All Breed
Dog News 29
he latest exhibition at the Kennel Club Gallery in Mayfair, London is entitled, “Two Dissimilar Breeds - the French Bulldog and Schipperke.” Having just finished the text to my book, “The French Bulldog: Heritage and Art,” I know just what a wealth of Frenchie art there is in collections around the world, so I expected to be disappointed with the exhibition, but I was not – at least as far as the Frenchie is concerned. Staging an exhibition on one of the most popular breeds in art alongside one of the least popular, meant that one was going to overshadow the other and the Schipperke is the poor relation confined to one corner, which is a pity. If the breed was considered a priority, it would have been better cast CONTINUED ON PAGE 58
30 Dog News
Another Best in Show
Can. Ch. & AKC Ch. & CKCSC USA Ch. Mondrian V.H. Lamslag of Piccadil RE
Our appreciation to Judge Mr. Donavon Thompson for this Best In Show win!!
11 Group Firsts in Limited Showing 2010 Number 1 Cavalier 2008*, 2009**, 2010* With 12 Best In Shows! Always shown naturally by
Owner-Handler Janet York *The Dog News Top Ten List, All Breed
**All Systems
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32 Dog News
* *
*The Dog News Top Ten List
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The Bests oftheWeek
MARCH 26, 22010
Leavenworth Kennel Club - Thursday & Friday Bichon Frise Ch. Saks Hamelot Little Drummer Boy Judge Mr. Frank Sabella Judge Mrs. Lorraine Boutwell Owners B. Weidner, L. Darman, K. Griffin, C. Ruggles Handler Scott Sommer Lancaster Kennel Club York Kennel Club - Thursday Delaware County Kennel Club II Toy Poodle Ch. Smash JP Moon Walk Judge Mr. John Stanton Judge Mr. Martin Doherty Judge Ms. Yvonne Smith Owners Ron Scott and Debbie Burke Agent Kaz Hosaka Del Sur Kennel Club Airedale Terrier Ch. Sherwood’s King Arthur Judge Ms. Virginia Lyne Owners Scott and Lisa Bryan Handler Andrew Peel Louisville Kennel Club - Friday Boxer Ch. Winfall Brookwood Styled Dream Judge Mrs. Michele Billings Owners D. McCarroll, M. Fagan, Mrs. Jack Billhardt, S. Tenenbaum Handler Diego Garcia
To report an AKC All Breed Best In Show or National Specialty Win Call, Fax or Email before 12:00 Noon Tuesday Fax: 212 675-5994 Phone: 212 462-9588 Email:
Heart of America Kennel Club - Sunday Norwich Terrier Ch. Skyscot’s Poker Chip Judge Mr. Jon Cole Owner Caroline Dodwell Handler Brenda L. Combs Delaware County Kennel Club I Standard Poodle Ch. Jaset’s Satisfaction Judge Mrs. Beth Speich Owners Christi Bailey & Sandra Tonpkins Handler Ann Rairigh Heart of America Kennel Club - Saturday Maltese Ch. Ta-Jon’s Just Bee-Ing Silly Judge Mrs. Robert Forsyth Owner and Handler Tammy Simon York Kennel Club - Wednesday Rhodesian Ridgeback Ch. Nashira’s Ciro Of Anjari Judge Dr. Edna K. Martin Owners Annette Ernst and Concetta Jez Handler Karen Mammano Seattle Kennel Club Irish Water Spaniel Ch. Poole’s Ide Got Water Judge Mrs. Chris Walkowicz Owners Stacy Duncan, Colleen McDaniel and Greg Siner Handler Stacy Duncan
Ft. Lauderdale Kennel Club - Saturday Skye Terrier Ch. Cragsmoor Buddy Goodman Judge Mr. Joseph F. Joly III Owners Carolyn Koch & Victor Malzoni, Jr. Handler Larry Cornelius
Garden City, Kansas Kennel Club Border Terrier Ch. Meadowlake Whistler at Amberly Judge Dr. Lee Anthony Reasin Owners Louise Leone and Karen Fitzpatrick Handler Louise Leone
Mid Kentucky Kennel Club Evansville Kennel Club Standard Poodle Ch. Dawin Spitfire Judge Mrs. Denys Janssen Judge Mr. Houston Clark Owner Linda Campbell Handler Sarah Riedl
Bedlington Terrier Club Of America National Floating Specialty Ch. Sangeo FarScape Judge Col. Joe B. Purkhiser Owner and Handler Sandra Bethea
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36 Dog News
Dog News 37
What is your Judging this year at Westminster favorite dog show moment exclusive of a win?
Oh, there are so many!! Which talent would you most like to have?
Who is Muriel Freeman your real life hero or heroine?
“Whatever” Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
5 6 7 If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
I should have started judging at an earlier age.
Other people think I am:
How would you describe yourself in a personal ad?
Quiet and reserved
8 9 What was your most embarrassing moment at a dog show? The airline lost my luggage, and I had to immediately improvise an appropriate wardrobe.
Which judge, no longer alive or judging, do you miss the most? Muriel Freeman
10questions What do you miss the most at dog shows? Big entries
Asked of Grace McGlynn Born: Bronx, New York Resides: Orange County, New York Marital Status: Married – three children
38 Dog News
By Lesley Boyes
Dog News 39
#1 Great Dane Breed Points* # 1 Great Dane All Breed Points* Multiple Best in Show, Best in Specialty ShowWinning
Ch. Lobato’s Jitterbug Man “James” Continuing to do his Best…….. With Eight Consecutive Best in Specialty Shows! We would like to thank the following Breeder-Judges for their recognition. January 12, 2010 Great Dane Club of Mid Florida Judge Mrs. Lynette Pizzino
January 13, 2010 Great Dane Club of Mid Florida Judge Mrs. Jane Treiber
January 30, 2010 Great Dane Club of Oxford Judge Mrs. Maryann Wilson
January 31, 2010 Great Dane Club of Oxford Judge Mrs. Linda Tonnancour
March 5, 2010 Great Dane Club of Central Pennsylvania Judge Mr. Donald Carmody
March 6, 2010 Great Dane Club of Metropolitan Washington Judge Mrs. Norvel Alexander Benoit
March 7, 2010 Great Dane Club of Metropolitan Washington Judge Ms. Linda Ridder
March 20, 2010 Great Dane Club of Western Pennsylvania Judge Dr. Louis Bond
Presented by: Marie Somershoe Owner Mary Ellen Thomas Beech Hill 215 639-5789 40 Dog News
Breeders Mary Ellen Thomas
Co-Owners Joy Lobato
Joy Lobato
Glenda Cole
*All Systems **C.C. System
Vizsla Victorious at dfsCrufts
By Barbara Anderson Lounsbury photos by Barbara Anderson Lounsbury & Barbara Miller
here, I’ve said it: dfsCrufts. The first and last time that I’ll acknowledge that, if you are willing to put up enough money, you can put your mark on even our most iconic dog events. Somewhere up there in the stratosphere, the show’s originator, Charles Crufts, is twirling madly in his grave. With the defection of long-term sponsor Pedigree, the Crufts folks had to find some other source of funding. Enter The Right Honorable The Lord Kirkham CVO, otherwise known as Graham Kirkham, owner of DFS, Europe’s largest sofa manufacturers. He and his family have owned Dalmatians for a number of years, and he is not only patron of the North of England Dal Club, but is also the President of Driffield, which puts on their own championship show later in the year. The ad campaign promoted at Crufts featured family scenes with dogs and kids romping on stylish sofas, with a slogan that went something like “Comfort for the whole family.” Not offensive and not overly-intrusive. However, Lord Kirkham’s support came with two other more controversial conditions: the legendary Crufts logo featuring the crown and Saint Bernard was replaced by the DFS sofa logo, morphed to look somewhat like a rosette, and the company’s moniker became the show’s prefix. I’ve been told that it originally stood for Doncaster Furniture Company, but Lord Kirkham claims not to know the origin. I immediately thought of a discount shoe store where I look for bargains, called DSW. Can you imagine sending in your entry next year for dswWestminster??? My understanding is that the agreement, which is for two years at the moment, is worth several million pounds, certainly nothing to sneeze at (an appropriate metaphor, since I’m currently suffering from my annual post-Crufts flu). No surprise when BIS judge Valerie Foss chose the record-breaking Vizsla SH CH/Australian CH Hungargunn Bear It’N Mind as the Crufts Supreme Champion. Yogi was bred in Australia by Naomi and David Cragg, and he is co-owned by Naomi and Kathryn Armstrong, and handled by Moray Armstrong and John Thirlwell, the latter of whom was his handler at Crufts. John spotted him at a show in Australia when CONTINUED ON PAGE 62
42 Dog News
Judge Mr. Dennis Kniola Owners Ollie Firuski Bailey Lyons
Handler Sara Gregware, PHA, AKC Registered 860 482-0734 Dog News 43
44 Dog News
Dog News 45
Judge Mr. Robert Hutton
Judge Mr. David McIntyre
Judge Mrs. Sari Tietjen
Judge Mrs. Patricia Hastings
Judge Mr. Jon Cole
Judge Dr. Robert Smith
Judge Mr. Luc Boileau
Judge Mrs. Gloria Geringer
Judge Mr. W. Everett Dean, Jr.
Judge Dr. Lee Reasin
Judge Mrs. Charlotte Patterson Judge Ms. Elizabeth Muthard Judge Ms. Sandra Goose Allen
Judge Mrs. Paula Hartinger Judge Mrs. Francine Schwartz
Judge Mr. Ralph Ambrosio 46 Dog News
Judge Mrs. Robert Forsyth
Judge Mrs. Judith Daniels
Judge Mrs. Shirley Limoges
Judge Ms. Peggy Lloyd
Judge Mrs. Molly Martin
Judge Ms. Angela Porpora
Judge Mrs. Doris Cozart
Judge Mr. Kent Delaney
Judge Mrs. Peggy Haas
JJudge d M Mrs. JJean FFournier i
Owners: Joan L. Fisher Robert D. Speiser Barbara Wolfe
Handler Extraordinaire! Phoebe J. Booth 203 938-0226 *The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed
Dog News 47
Photos of the Canine Health Foundation Party at Chicago’s International Kennel Club by Booth Photography
n this day and age AKC has acknowledged in no uncertain terms the need to expand outside sources for additional income. Creatively one of the initial steps taken to accomplish this was under the Daniels administration which was the introduction of the AKC credit card. This proved to be a robust form of unanticipated income for AKC until together with registrations credit card income seems to have declined in a proportion to registration declines.
Creatively AKC has pretty much expanded outside sources of income with regularity using means which are agreeable to some but displeasing to others. But that’s what happens in business. One agrees with some decisions, disagrees with others. Pretty much under the Sprung-Menaker regime AKC has been progressive and pro-active in these areas and continues to so be. There is one area however which has been either not publicly discussed or alternatively ignored for the past several years which is in the moneys to be made by means of recognizing foreign kennel clubs. Several years ago AKC developed an organization from within to promote among other things the use of AKC technology to assist foreign kennel clubs. The first and only insofar as I know kennel club to sign the agreement, perhaps because as I recall they introduced the original idea to AKC was the NGKC of China. (If I am not mistaken one of the South Korean Kennel Clubs have made inquires as well but when AKC recognized a competing kennel club within South Korea those interests were dropped.) Eventually an agreement was reached between NGKC and AKC. The relationship between the two parties and how the deal itself has worked out is something of a “he-saidshe said” situation. It seems to depend to whom one speaks and at what time of day one speaks to them. It sounds as though it has been rocky at times and smooth at others but I suppose that is natural in any newly
Recognizing Foreign Kennel Clubs...
by Matthew H. Stander 48 Dog News
✩ o r i Z
+ Christy = Dream Team FLASH! ZIRO IS NUMBE R
Raincoast Newfoundlands Noelia Valle and Luis Fernandez Asturias, Spain
*Newfoundland, The Dog News Top Ten List - all breed
Seabrook Newfoundlands Kathy Griffin Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin Dog News 49
By Anna Stromberg Photos by JC Photo
Wow, Monticello!
ree branches were blowing across I-84 as I steered the Honda west from my home in Westchester County, New York. I must say, it had to be one of the nastiest days for travel that I have ever experienced! I was heading for Milton, New York (which I had to look up), very close to Poughkeepsie and Newburgh. It literally is located right on the west side of Hudson River, about 10 miles from the Newburgh Bridge, and the GPS had no problems finding the Hudson Valley Sportsdome. Pulling up as the rain poured down, I was more than pleasantly surprised that this blowup dome was as nice if not nicer than the one in Glen Falls for the Saratoga shows. First off, the staff was amazing and the in and out with equipment was spacious through a garage door airlock or the traditional turnstile door in the lobby. There were dome staff everywhere opening doors and helping out with everything! Fantastic! I felt really spoiled. In and out beats Saratoga with about a horse length. Inside the building is lighter in color, and ample plastic-covered grooming was available on both sides of the rings that were located in the middle and HUMONGOUS! There were even bleachers put out to sit ringside. The astroturf is my favorite surface for a dog show, and I will travel far and beyond to show my dogs on this. The club had set up the arena very smartly, and I think most handlers, owners, and visitors I spoke to were very pleased with this facility. On the wish list was more electric outlets, a tad bit more variety in the food menu, and definitely more parking. Speaking of parking, Monticello President John Penatello told me that 200 spots will be added to next year’s event. This might have been the only downside of this event but was magnified due to the awful weather outside. The parking lot filled up really quickly and it was annoying for latecomers to have to walk through sideways rain and 40 miles per hour winds to get back to the building after getting out of their vehicles. The electric situation was not so bad since no one can hog an outlet the entire show day and we all shared but naturally CONTINUED ON PAGE 87
50 Dog News
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Upside Seesaw THE
chosen to host the International Sweepstakes Class that gives the winners a “bye” to the World Team Tryouts to compete for a spot on the AKC/USA World Agility Championship team. European style courses and higher heights are run with FCI type of judging on the courses. It was great to witness the excitement of the winners as they realized they had won and would be eligible for the honor of representing their country should they win their way onto the team. Four rings and four judges for four days of competition were expertly run by Billie Rosen and her crew. With a great entry that topped out at a total of 3,069, runs for the four days were run as smooth as a one-day trial with one judge. Several Master Agility Championship titles were earned in the first two days of competition and the great way anyone knows in agility that you earned your championship is by the dog and handler being cheered by all as they grab a jump bar on the course and run around the ring with their dog in great joy. This is how I think all championships should be recognized by your peers – cheering and joy at your success. Life lessons in agility. The trip back home from Arizona to Minnesota proved a challenge at best. The mountain passes in Flagstaff were snowy and
icey and closed, so this forced the long way home through Tucson to Albuquerque. The high winds that lifted the van to the levitation state were the scariest to date for this driver. The life lesson learned here was to drive slower in high winds in the mountains and canyon passes. Rain and dense fog also slowed going home down. Even after all of the weather and long drive, I will be there again next year to enjoy a great trial.
ext trip on the agenda is the AKC Agility Nationals in Tulsa, Oklahoma, March 25 -28, 2010. The Expo Square horse arenas in the heart of Tulsa proved in the past to be a great site for the Nationals and surely will be again. Six judges and four rings for three days will showcase the best of the best. The entry is comparable to last year’s in North Carolina. The International Sweepstakes and State Team tournament day is Friday with 817 dogs and the Championship days are 948. Crufts has definitely brought England to the USA. Hopefully you watched the live broadcast available in the main arena which is where International Agility was run. More on this next time. I have been presented an opportunity in the Junior Handler arena come this June, where I will speak about AKC agility to the 4 H leaders at what they call a Super Session. I look forward to inviting in and educating the kids that have been associated with USDAA agility but not AKC agility due to their owning a mixed breed. The fighting of the prejudice in reverse for the mixed breed program has been an interesting battle. The mixed breed people are viewing AKC as the snobbish organization, they hear the purebred club people saying they don’t want them part of AKC, and that show committees are saying that they will never invite the mixed breeds to compete in their obedience/ rally trial and unfortunately some of the kennel clubs are also not allowing the mixed breeds in their agility trials. The American Mixed Breed Organization (AMBOR) has many passionate debates occurring right now regarding participating in AKC events. No one wants to feel rejected, unwanted or that they will be looked down on when going to compete with their special dog. This is a disappointment but change is hard for many on both sides, so it will take time to make it the norm for all dogs to compete at the same trials. Hats off to the clubs that already have premiums out allowing the mixed breeds into their trials. •
52 Dog News
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Fleas Our old friend, the flea, is bound to produce a bumper crop this year, as well, because of the heat and humidity. Enough has been written about diseases carried by fleas. There is also an amazing number of repellants and eradicators of this pest so that dogs can be protected, not only for their comfort, but to eradicate the diseases which they carry. (Veterinary Technician, March 2008, DVM Magazine, March 2010, Loyola University, November 2009) Skunks Not exactly a parasite, but a pest, nonetheless, is our furry black and white friend, the skunk. Skunks not only smell bad, but in some parts of the country they carry rabies. In Arizona, for instance, skunk rabies is on the rise, despite the fact that overall rabies cases have dropped throughout the country. In 2008 176 cases of animal rabies was reported in that state. In 2009 it had climbed to 280. According to CDC (Centers for Disease Control) tests it has been determined that a strain of rabies confined to bats has jumped over to the state’s skunk population. Last year, according to the CDC, 300-400 rabid dogs and cats were reported throughout the United States. All were infected by wildlife, either wild carnivores such as foxes, skunks and raccoons or from infected bats. Many states mandate vaccination against rabies. It is extremely important to vaccinate your animals against rabies in order to prevent them from contracting this fatal disease, but also to protect any humans who may come in contact with a rabid animal. (DVM Newsmagazine, March 2010) CHF Publishes Top Health Concerns The AKC Canine Health Foundation, in the Winter 2010 issue of its newsletter, Discoveries, has published the list of the top ten health concerns, based on Parent Club reports. In 2009 the list read as follows: 1. Epilepsy 2. Hip dysplasia 3. Bloat 4. Hemangiosarcoma 5. Lymphoma (tied for 4th place) 6. Osteosarcoma (tied for 5th place) 7. Allergies (tied for 5th place) 8. Hypothyroidism (tied for 5th place) 9. Patella Luxation (tied for 6th place) 10. Cataracts (tied for 6th place) This is a very interesting list, since many of the concerns are overlapping. Three cancer-related diseases (Hemangiosarcoma, Lymphoma, Osteosarcoma); two hip or joint-related (hip dysplasia and patella luxation); two often related (allergies and hypo thyroidism.) Some of these seem to be simply intractable. How many years have scientists been studying hip dysplasia, bloat or epilepsy? Yet the numbers remain the same. Hip dysplasia, bloat, epilepsy, patella luxation, allergies have all been shown to have a genetic component. Why are Parent clubs still reporting them as high on the “most wanted” list of undesirables? Could it be that breeders are not heeding the warnings, or 54 Dog News
just choosing to ignore them? If breeders turn a blind eye to problems in their breeding programs, who is to blame if the AR groups jump all over us? MYRSA Study The “superbug,” methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, is not a new infection, but strains of this bug have been on the rise for several years. It is becoming increasingly obvious to doctors and veterinarians that transmissions are occurring between humans and their pets. Humans can transmit the disease to their pets more frequently than the opposite, but over the past five years there has been an increase simultaneously in pets and people. There is now a superbug strain affecting both. Scientists are studying how the transmission between the two species occurs. It is a perfect example and test case of how professionals in both human and animal science are joining to find how the transmission occurs and what can be done to stop it. School News Veterinary Schools have been coping with severe budget cuts due to the depression which has seen state funding shortages. Dr. Margaret Pappaioanou, Executive Director of the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges, estimates that between $45 and $50 million in public support has been cut from the nation’s 28 veterinary colleges during the past two years. In just a few of the drastic measures which colleges have been forced to make, Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine has stopped it veterinary technology program indefinitely. The moratorium will take effect this fall. No new students will be admitted into the program until the college decides on whether to permanently discontinue the program. The University of California-Davis School of Veterinary Medicine has had to eliminate 130 staff positions, reduce programs, impose temporary pay cuts and work furloughs on all faculty and staff. This is among other other drastic cost cutting measures. At the University of Pennsylvania state appropriations for the Veterinary School would be cut 30%. The school is technically a private school, but receives about 35% of its funding from the state. Colorado State is discussing a raise in student tuition, as is Cornell University. All of this will mean hard times for researchers and students alike across the country. It will also mean that academic research may suffer, and will certainly depend more and more on private sources of funding. Both Morris Animal Foundation and the AKC Canine Health Foundation contribute largely to many university projects. Pharmaceuticals, such as Pfizer and Bayer, will be called upon to fund more and more projects in animal health. While this trend is welcomed and necessary for research to continue, it carries a direct threat to independent research. Researchers working at academic institutions will have to be particularly vigilant about keeping their research separate from the funding sources. Not an easy task. (JAVMA, March 15, 2010, in part) Spring Is Here Welcome to the Spring season. Please be aware of cool mornings and hot midday sun. Keep yourselves cool and hydrated. Carry your shade cloths and other warm weather paraphernalia. Let there be no reports of dogs left in the sun or in cars with no shade or the air conditioning malfunctioning with no one around to notice! Make this a happy season for all. •
*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points
Dog News 55
Gossip column
“I’M GOING TO DISNEY WORLD” is the usual response from one who wins a big sporting event in the United States… but in England things are a little different. It was more like SEE YOU IN A YEAR…In the days following the crowning of the best in show winning Vizsla, his owner MORAY ARMSTRONG was suspended for one year as a result of his telling off the gundog group judge RACHEL HERBERT for placing his Vizsla second in the group at the Welsh Kennel Club show last August. Lucky for him the wheels of justice turn exceedingly slow, or the dfsCRUFTS outcome would have been a lot different. Over the four days of dfsCRUFTS as it is now officially known, the visitors ranged from Princes (HRH PRINCE MICAHEL
56 Dog News
By Eugene Z. Zaphiris
OF KENT, KCVO) to a streaker (who was better served with his clothes on) and two demonstrators (unceremoniously carried out by the police). The new sponsorship went over smoothly and unlike former major sponsors dfs (the world famous sofa company) owned by the LORD GRAHAM KIRKHAM, did not even have a stand at the show. Its advertising was limited to banners and printed matter. The mostly black and white banners were quite classy and a big change from the multi-colored dog food company banners they replaced. Some even wondered why there was no stand and many wanted the use of a dfs sofa to sit on and relax. MARIE O’NEILL, the wife of the former American Kennel Club board member
and executive vice president CHUCK O’NEILL, has passed away. The love of pure bred dogs and working for the Kennel Club was not lost on their daughter, MARIBETH O’NEILL, who as assistant vice president skillfully runs the special services department in the Raleigh office. The O’NEILLS were part of what was affectionately known as the “Philadelphia Mafia” and commuted from there to the New York offices. All of us at DOG NEWS send our deepest sympathies to MARI-BETH and her family on this loss. This has been a trying time for MB with the recent losses of her dear beloved friends RICHIE BAUER and MICHAEL SAUVE. Wire Fox Terrier breeder and exhibitor ROBIN PENSINGER has passed away.
Our deepest sympathies to her family. Our sympathies to ERIN HALL and family on the passing of her beloved father. CATHY COOPER is off to judge in Moscow at the Eurasia shows, EDD BIVIN is judging in Argentina and just back from dfsCrufts, RON MENAKER is flying off to judge in Luxemburg. Ex pat BOBBY PAUST is celebrating the twentieth anniversary of his move to Sweden. Married with several children, BOBBY visits the States regularly to see friends and family. Can it be that little SUSIE DEPEW now KIPP celebrated her 50th birthday?...If “My Susie” is 50, how old does that make BARBARA MILLER? Many returns of the day.
Best In Show Winning
The Number One* Chinese Shar-Pei 2009 & 2010 2009 National Specialty Winner 2009 Top 25 Invitational Winner
Judge Mrs.Keke Kahn Breeders & Owners: Jeff & Vicki Mauk New Albany, Ohio 614 855-3095 *The Dog News Top Ten List, All Breed
Handlers Clint & Karen Livingston Brighton, Colorado 210 865-8415 Dog News 57
alongside art of three or four other breeds of which there is very little, where it could have taken its rightful place. In its own limited way there are some important Schipperke pieces on show. Frances Fairman’s portrait of Ch. Yaap with two puppies, Lilian Cheviot’s Ch. Queen of Clubs, Richard Fath’s terra cotta model, and some rare silver medals and flatware. As for the Frenchie, there is much to feast the eyes on, from Rembrandt Bugatti to “made in Japan” tat, fortunately very little of the latter. The Bugatti bronze, sculpted on Bugatti’s mother’s dog, of which very few were cast, is the highlight of the exhibition. Such rarities by such an important artist are seldom exhibited and this will probably be the only occasion most people viewing the exhibition will ever have of seeing a bronze dog by Bugatti. It’s a shame it was not mentioned in the press release, or given greater prominence in the exhibition. The porcelains are a journey around the major factories of Europe; Meissen, Copenhagen, Nymphenburg, Rosenthal, and others. The Sèvres models are deserving of attention. Not the factory at its best, but rarities and socially and historically important. The German occupying forces in World War Two insisted the factory continued production, and as a covert act of defiance and patriotism to the French nation, the modellers sculpted French Bulldogs. Other rarities are the models from the Wiener Werkstätte
58 Dog News
(Vienna Workshop) which in the early 20th century brought together architects, artists and designers whose first commitment was to design art which would be acceptable to everyone. The organization’s motto was: “Better to work ten days on one product than manufacture ten products in one day.” Obviously pictures by Warhol, Degas, Repin, and others in private and public collections overseas are outside the grasp of small private UK galleries, nevertheless, the work of many well-known artists is included; Maud Earl, Arthur Heyer, Enjar Vindfeldt, George Vernon Stokes and others. The pictures by Stokes were reproduced in Maurice Maeterlinck’s My Dog. The cabinets and drawers contain some beautiful medals, exquisite enamel boxes, jewellery, and oddities such as bell pushes and glove stretchers.
lso on show is a collection of night lights, many from the golden age of Art Deco, a selection of toys, including examples by Steiff, and an original “growler” which a hundred years ago would have been led along the seafront on the French Riviera by children of very rich parents accompanied by their doting nannies. The Gallery is situated at 1-5 Clarges Street, Piccadilly, London and is open Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. by appointment on artgallery@ •
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Vizsla Victorious at dfsCrufts
white dog. Very uncharacteristically, a dog fight broke out in the ring between the Estrella Mountain Dog and the Smooth Collie. It was a real fight, lasting 8 or 10 seconds – an eternity when two dogs are really going at it. The collie emerged from the fray with his front leg held up in the air and very lame. His owner moved him several times, but still he was definitely favoring the leg. What atrocious timing! When he made the cut, I thought, “Oh dear, this is even worse – lame for all the world to see!” But he moved out soundly enough on the out-andback to capture the Group Two spot. His owner used a “runner”, which is permitted at British dog shows if the owner isn’t physically up to gaiting the dog. The runner stands in an unobtrusive place in the ring until it’s time for the dog to be moved. Of course, conformation judging isn’t all that takes place at Crufts. The NEC is also host to dozens of other activities, including those of the Young Kennel Club, which sponsors agility, obedience and breed judging. It’s a great way for kids to become involved in the sport; I’m surprised that nothing like it has emerged here, what with all of our concern about the graying of the fancy. The evening’s events also include such things as flyball, junior handling finals, agility, the obedience championship competition and one of the most amazing gundog demonstrations I’ve ever seen. The big ring was also host to the finals of the Gamekeeper’s classes, which had run throughout the last day. These classes are for working gundogs, and there are classes open exclusively to those dogs used on active shoots, trained and handled by professional gamekeepers. To say that the Labrador in the Gamekeeper’s competition and the BOB Lab were two different breeds would be an understatement. Friday night featured the Breeder’s Competition which, I believe, is now being offered at each Champ show (and at a few of ours). An amazing 84 dogs, in groups of 4, entered the ring for Jeff Horswell to select the best.
Each of his shortlisted groups was moved once more, and he eventually selected the Border collie team as his best. The breeder, who was situated at the far end of the ring, was beside herself with joy, and each of her handlers ran over to the side of the ring to give her a hug, an event that caused some concern for the show organizers and camera people, who were having a hard time keeping the cameras pointed in the right direction at the best of times.
erriers were judged on Friday night by Jack Watson. He has owned and judged Cairns, Sealys and Smooths, and he ultimately shortlisted eight. It was a delightful surprise to see Kathi Mines in the ring, handling a Norwich, CH/AM CH Dunbars Kensington Square, who is an import owned by Mrs. B.A. Crosby, and bred by Joan Kefeli. Mr. Watson gave the red ribbon (first place in the U.K. – blue is second) to a Russian Scottie CH Rus/Slo/Eur Filicite Brash Celebration, owned by Miss V. Popova. It caused spectators some real confusion, as the dog wasn’t listed in the catalog for some reason. It didn’t matter to his owner, who was obviously delighted with the win. He is apparently a big winner in Europe. Second place went to a lovely Dandie AM/Aust CH Jollygaze Time Lord, owned by the Francis, Wolfskill and Greenway team. In third place was my friend Phil Davies’ Kerry CH Perrisblu Kennislain’s Chelsey. Handled by my good buddy Geoff Corish, this was only her second show with him, so both owner and handler were understandably elated. The fourth spot went to the Skye CH Salena Black Shadow, owned by Mrs. S. Breeze. In addition to his top four, Mr. Watson also shortlisted the Bedlington, Bull Terrier, Wire and Westie. I heard a few gasps when the Wire entered the ring, as the top dog in the UK, CH Blackdale Carousel, was one of the favorites to go all the way on Sunday night, but, in a real upset, she was beaten in the breed by the dog CH Travella Sharp AcCONTINUED ON PAGE 70
68 Dog News
Am. Ch. Karina’s Bourbon Street Beat Starting 2010 on the right note! A Top Ten* Keeshonden
Flash! econd S p u o r G n Housto Club Kennel ou Thank Y Judge da Dr. Wan i cc Spedia
Best of Breed Guadalupe Valley Dog Fanciers II under Judge Mrs. Houston Clark Our appreciation to the following Judges for the Breed wins and nice compliments: Mr. Edd Bivin, Dr. Steve Keating, Ms. Peggy Lloyd, Mrs. Peggy Hauck, Mr. John Booth, Mr. Michael Dachel, Mr. Kenneth Buxton, Mrs. Donna Buxton, Mrs. Doris Cozart, Mrs. Elaine Lessig, Mr. Eugene Blake, Mrs. Michele Billings, Mr. Michael Heflin, Mr. John J. Madieros, Mr. Lester Mapes, Mrs. Gloria Geringer, Mrs. Murrell Purkhiser, Mrs. Houston Clark and Mrs. Nancy Smith Hafner.
Donovan is expertly presented by Ms. Jill Bell Breeder/Owner: Vickie L. Louie Karina Keeshonden Tomball, Texas
Co-Owner: Chase Waddell Lionheart Tibetan Spaniels Lumberton, Texas *Breed Points, All Systems
Dog News 69
Vizsla Victorious at dfsCrufts CONTINUED FROM PAGE 68
tion. The breed was judged by Mr. Crooks.
ell-known allrounder Liz Cartledge passed on the Hound Group. She has done four groups at Crufts, as well as Best In Show. In addition to her worldwide judging assignments, Liz is also famous for her dedication to the junior handling program in the U.K. No surprise when she pointed to the top-winning Pharaoh Int CH Northgates’s As You Like It, owned by Miss J. Hall. He carries a Finnish registration number, but most people refer to him as the “Swedish Pharaoh,” that being the country in which Jennie Hall resides. “Qing” (how do you pronounce that?) is no stranger to top ribbons, having been, among other things, Reserve Best In Show at the World Show in Stockholm in 2008 at which the Sealy, Charmin, prevailed, and BIS at Bratislava the following year. He also topped the group last year at Crufts. For second place, Liz pointed to the PBGV Dutch CH Cappuccino Van Tum-Tums Vriendjes, owned by Mr. G Robertson and Miss G. Huikeshoven, with third going to the Mini Wire-Dachsie CH Stargang Malachite owned by M/M J. Blackburn-Bennett, the only British entry to place in this group. Fourth spot went to the Russian Ridgeback Int CH Aresvuma Zulu Zuka, owned by S. Nikitina. Mrs. Cartledge also shortlisted some lovely dogs, including the topwinning American import Basenji, CH/AM CH Klassics Million Dollar Baby at Tokaji, the Standard Wire Dachshund, the Whippet and the Greyhound. Again, on several occasions, the group commentator reminded us that the judges were to “only reward healthy dogs that are fit for function, fit for life.” Enough, already! While I think attendance was down somewhat, the place still draws around 150,000 spectators – enough to make a day out in the halls pretty unbearable. Being able to retreat to the Press Office is necessary to make it through the four days. I once wore a pedometer for the duration of the show and averaged ten miles per day! The 70 Dog News
Kennel Club press people are unfailingly cheerful, friendly and helpful. The World Dog Press Association, to which many of us belong, was very pleased this year to award its annual trophy to press officer James Skinner, who, year after year, makes the experience so pleasant for all of us. The AKC had its usual booth in Hall 3, but what was conspicuously and sadly absent was The Kennel Club Charitable Trust auction, which has been held on Sunday morning for a number of years. I was told that there just weren’t enough donations this year, whether a result of the economy or the bad publicity, who can say? It was no surprise when Toy Group judge Ann Horan chose the top-winning Maltese, CH Benatone Gold Ring for the top spot. He is a multi-BIS winner whose father was imported from the U.S. He is owned by Sarah and Mrs. R. Jackson. Second place went to the English Toy Terrier (aka Toy Manchester) CH Witchstone Telling Tails, owned by Messrs. Gourley and Leonard, with third to my friend David Guy and his Griffon Bruxellois bitch Roamaycee Royal Signature at Donzeata. David has had spectacular success in recent years with a string of top-winning Griffs. Geoff Corish was truly having a good show when he placed fourth with the young Bichon dog CH Pamplona Bring Me Sunshine, owned by partner Michael Coad. In fact, Geoff and Michael “did the double” in Bichons, taking the bitch ticket with CH Pamplona Could It Be Magic. Geoff and Michael’s recent top-winning Bichons trace back to “Buster” who was imported from Paul Flores and Tray Pittman in the U.S. some years ago, and who has proven to be a prolific sire. Ms. Harwood also shortlisted the Silkie, Long-Coat Chi, and the Pom. John Oulton showed the Phalene Papillion Am/Can CH Arkeno’s Ears to You, but failed to make the cut. Unfortunately, the owner of the Peke, who came all the way from the Netherlands, became ill and excused herself from the ring at the beginning of judging. Poodle expert Carol Harwood passed on the Utility (Nonsporting) group, giving the top spot to the Akita CH Ruthdale’s Next Top Model, piloted by Britain’s “show dog whisperer” Liz Dunhill. She is owned by the team of Bostock, Armstrong and Kovriguina. This breed (the American Akita) is not to be confused with the Japanese Akita Inu, which competes in the same group, and looks like a very large Shiba. Second place went to a lovely Chow, CH TowCONTINUED ON PAGE 74
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Dog News 71
k c i l c y photos b R SPEA PADDY
72 Dog News
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Vizsla Victorious at dfsCrufts CONTINUED FROM PAGE 70
mena In The Frame, owned by Mr. R. Oldham. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a Chow moved correctly – thank you Mr. Oldham! In third place was the Estonian Dalmatian, multi-titled CH Alphadirato Future Brand, owned my Mrs. L. Ratas, with fourth to the Min Poodle Tuttlebees Witch Trader, owned by Angela Corish and N. Butcher. Miniature and toy poodles are often shown in “trousers” which I guess we would describe as puppy trim, even as adults. This makes them look very different from their American cousins. To the Utility Group commentator – if you’re reading this - it’s pronounced Shar-pay, not Sar-Pay. Last year, there were daily demonstrations outside the NEC by Animal Rights fanatics, who threatened to do something dramatic during judging. Security was tight, and nothing happened. They were solicited via the internet, and encouraged to “wear a dog suit, if you own one.” Do many animal rightists own dog suits??? Anyway, I was told that they were there again this year, but each time I went outside, there were no protestors to be seen, and the security people were visibly more relaxed this year. Not a great idea, as it turns out…
unday night saw reporters and photographers troop en masse to the arena to secure seats for the grand finale. This is the only night on which specific seats are assigned to us. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be any consideration paid to which of us are reporters and which are photographers. Many of the folks doing photos need to get quickly out of the stands and to the photo area at the end of each group, and into the big ring at the end of BIS. However, many of us were pinned down by dozens of people sporting reporter’s badges, most of whom had obviously concluded their reportage at some earlier time. A plea to the good folks at the Press Office: can the first two or three rows be reserved for working photographers so that our repeated leave-taking isn’t quite so athletically challenging? It might be fine for the younger set, but asking a group of middle-aged people with big cameras to balance on chair seats while climbing from row to row is at best – amusing, and - at worst - an orthopedic surgeon’s fantasy. The Agility finals started things off, with an eleven-year-old “collie” in the top ribbons. Collie in obedience and agility means Border Collie. Of course his age made his performance impressive, and it gave the commentator another opportunity to say, “Talk about fit for function – this dog is eleven years old! Look at how fit he is!” I would assume that even those folk who had somehow never seen or heard of the repulsive BBC expose were now wondering, “Geez - what’s up with all this fit for function stuff? Why do they keep repeating it? Maybe these purebred dog breeders really DO have something to hide!” Talk about playing into the animal rights fanatic’s hands! I did gasp a bit when the judge of the Gamekeep74 Dog News
er’s classes strode into the ring, nattily attired in plus-fours and a snazzy jacket replete with fur collar, but there was seemingly no outcry. Yes, it certainly appeared to be real fur. In addition to the usual introduction, they made sure that we knew that “she always health tests all her dogs.” Each Sunday night we ready our hankies for the Friends for Life award ceremony. Five dogs are nominated, each of them for performing some heroic service for or on behalf of their owners. This year’s winner was an eight year old boy named Sam, whose assistance dog, Josie, helps him cope with being wheel-chair bound due to muscular dystrophy. Other competitors included a world-famous explosive detection dog who has seen service in Afghanistan, a mixed breed who has helped with her owner’s severe depression, a Springer cross who brings hope to his young owner suffering from cystic fibrosis, and a brown lab who alerts her owner before she experiences a life-threatening Addisonian crisis. It’s pretty difficult to remain unmoved by the videos and the stories. Interesting that, out of the five finalists in this year’s competition – which was voted on by the public via text messaging – three of the dogs were Labs, one in each color. Colin (Jock) Mackay is a life-long dog fancier, with a par-