Dog News, April 16, 2010

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DogNews The Digest Volume 26, Issue 15

Ch. Pawsinn ThreePonds Lancelot

Of American Dogs $5.00

April 16, 2010


*The Dog News Top Ten List

10 ♦ Editorial

CONTENTS April 16, 2010


18 ♦ The Way It Is BY SARI TIETJEN

22 ♦ Question Of The Week BY MATTHEW H. STANDER

26 ♦ Inside The Sport BY PAT TROTTER

30 ♦ Brace Yourself BY ANDREW BRACE

34 ♦ Bests Of The Week 38 ♦ Ten Questions BY LESLEY BOYES

42 ♦ Dog News Top Ten List 46 ♦ Dog News Top Ten Best Of Breed List 54 ♦ Jerry Speaks BY GERALD SCHWARTZ

58 ♦ Off The Leash BY SHAUN COEN

62 ♦ What Nerve, A Spring Fling And More BY MATTHEW H. STANDER

66 ♦ 2010 Eurasia Dog Show BY CATHY COOPER

106 ♦ The Gossip Column BY EUGENE Z. ZAPHIRIS

116 ♦ Click – The Spring Fling (Trap Falls, Troy & Great Barrington) BY EUGENE Z. ZAPHIRIS

116 ♦ Click – The Way We Were BY PERRY PHILLIPS

124 dog show calendar • 130 handlers directory • 132 subscription rates • 134 classified advertising • 136 advertising rates All advertisements are copyrighted and owned by DOG NEWS, Harris Publications, unless received camera-ready. Permission to reprint must be requested in writing. 4 Dog News

DOG NEWS (ISSN 0886-2133) is published weekly except the last two weeks in December by Harris Publications, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010. Periodical Postage paid at New York.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to DOG NEWS, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010

10 ♦ Editorial

CONTENTS April 16, 2010


18 ♦ The Way It Is BY SARI TIETJEN

22 ♦ Question Of The Week BY MATTHEW H. STANDER

26 ♦ Inside The Sport BY PAT TROTTER

30 ♦ Brace Yourself BY ANDREW BRACE

34 ♦ Bests Of The Week 38 ♦ Ten Questions BY LESLEY BOYES

42 ♦ Dog News Top Ten List 46 ♦ Dog News Top Ten Best Of Breed List 54 ♦ Jerry Speaks BY GERALD SCHWARTZ

58 ♦ Off The Leash BY SHAUN COEN

62 ♦ What Nerve, A Spring Fling And More BY MATTHEW H. STANDER

66 ♦ 2010 Eurasia Dog Show BY CATHY COOPER

106 ♦ The Gossip Column BY EUGENE Z. ZAPHIRIS

116 ♦ Click – The Spring Fling (Trap Falls, Troy & Great Barrington) BY EUGENE Z. ZAPHIRIS

116 ♦ Click – The Way We Were BY PERRY PHILLIPS

124 dog show calendar • 130 handlers directory • 132 subscription rates • 134 classified advertising • 136 advertising rates All advertisements are copyrighted and owned by DOG NEWS, Harris Publications, unless received camera-ready. Permission to reprint must be requested in writing. 4 Dog News

DOG NEWS (ISSN 0886-2133) is published weekly except the last two weeks in December by Harris Publications, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010. Periodical Postage paid at New York.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to DOG NEWS, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010

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APRIL 16,, 2010

Dog News Cover Story








212 807.7100 x588 FAX NUMBER




IAN MILLER 212 462.9624

Ch. Pawsinn ThreePonds

Lancelot Handlers: Martin Cabral and Beverly Wilson

6 Dog News

Owners: Dr. Vu Nguyen and Mr. Gregory Dotzman 1027 Sagebrush Road • Carlsbad, CA 92011 • 760-402-9715

CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Sharon Anderson Lesley Boyes Andrew Brace Shaun Coen Carlotta Cooper Geoff Corish Allison Foley Denise Flaim Yossi Guy Mary Jung John Mandeville Billy Miller Desmond J. Murphy M. J. Nelson Sharon Newcombe Robert Paust Lenora Riddle Sharon Sakson Gerald Schwartz Kim Silva Frances O. Smith, DVM Matthew H. Stander Sari Brewster Tietjen Patricia Trotter Connie Vanacore Carla Viggiano Nick Waters Seymour Weiss Minta (Mike) Williquette DOG NEWS PHOTOGRAPHERS Chet Jezierski Perry Phillips Kitten Rodwell Leslie Simis Paddy Spear

DOG NEWS is sent to all AKC approved judges every week on a complimentary basis. No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without written permission from the editor. The opinions expressed by this publication do not necessarily express the opinions of the publisher. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted.

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Closing The Revolving Door

The Board voted 11 to 2 (Garvin and Ashby casting nay votes) to remove term limits from the By-Laws of AKC. Now this recommendation is to be read to the Delegates in June and voted upon at the September meeting. A two-thirds vote is necessary to repeal this Amendment. The likelihood of attaining this number is remote, however not impossible to achieve. While it is never a good idea to pass or reject any By-law proposal on a personal basis predicated upon how it may affect any individual, most people are bound to consider this vote to be an endorsement or a rebuff to Ron Menaker personally and the accomplishments of his Board. For you see if the proposal does not pass Mr. Menaker will be unable to run again for the Board – if it is approved he will be able to do so. There are those who believe, correctly or not, that Messrs Garvin and Ashby are motivated in their negative votes by a desire to take over Mr. Menaker’s position as Board Chair. That’s up to you to decide and/or comment about. These pages have never been in favor of term limits for any organization even when it was fashionable and politically correct to so think. Ultimately term limits have the effect, in our opinion, of destroying continuity and long term planning for any organization. So long as there is a means to change the people affected, which there is for AKC, in the form of the Delegates voting for Board Members the electorate has the ability to remove and/or replace people with whose performances they are unhappy. What makes the current situation even the more unpalatable is the kind of term limits the Delegates originally adopted. The one year turn around has resulted in a revolving door situation where people previously on the Board “retire” for one year and then run again. This totally defeats the very concept supporters of term limits seem to be advocating. These pages totally support the majority of the Directors in their present stand against term limits both philosophically and with an eye to the immediate results. Hopefully member clubs and their membership will fight and persuade their Delegates to vote for this change too.

The Annual Report

Well the news from Canada may not be good financially and registrations are anything but climbing but if you read the latest annual report put out by AKC it seems to be financially stronger than ever before! Certainly the financial acumen of the Board Chairman together with his President and the CFO have resulted in eye-opening figures for what is frequently described as a troubled economy. The corporation continues to grow stronger financially notwithstanding the discouraging numbers concerning the core of its business registrations. It is said that there is an estimated demand annually in America for 5 to 7 million new puppies to be supplied to dog owners. If this is a reliable number where in the world are these puppies coming from and who are the breeders. Certainly the show/hobby breeder produces nowhere near that figure. Is it possible the domestic commercial breeders can meet this demand or are the numbers supplemented by the importation of foreign puppies by foreign commercial breeders. The Farm Bill of two years ago which was passed in the hopes of restricting the importation of these foreign puppies has not been enforced to any noticeable degree. Indeed it is said it is being deliberately ignored. The goals of too many organizations and legislators themselves seems to be 10 Dog News

misguided ones. Instead of attempting to reduce the availability of puppies from show/breeders these people should be concentrating their efforts on the commercial breeders both international and domestic. Arguing that 3.5 million dogs are euthanized annually in America highlights a horrible figure, which is of course less than half the demand of people looking for new pups. If the 7 million figure is to be believed many will argue and correctly so, we believe that the problem is not so much an overpopulation of dogs, but a mismatch between the demand for puppies and the availability of adult dogs. Making hobby/ show breeding more expensive and difficult, as these animal rightists seem wont to do, actually makes the problem worse. Punishing the concerned responsible breeders solves nothing. After all it is the hobby/show breeder who takes the extra steps at socialization and pushes for and supports animal welfare and health protective advances which the commercial breeder generally does not do.

Totally Unacceptable

The PETA posters which appeared in Birmingham in the UK just before Crufts showing a Maltese with a comb placed beneath its nose like a Hitlerlike moustache was just about as offensive an advertisement as any one will ever encounter. Indeed we’ve had a few of those in the States too. The words beneath the posters read: ”Master race? Wrong for people. Wrong for dogs. Boycott breeders. Adopt.” It’s hard to imagine anything more offensive than those thoughts is it! To imply, nay state a comparison between dog breeders and Nazi eugenicists is not only ridiculous but clearly offensive, incorrect and improper. The KC in the UK complained to the Advertising Standards Authority in that country Yet according to an executive from that organization rejecting the complaint stating, “We acknowledge that the image and text were emotive but did not consider the advertisement was likely to cause serious or widespread offense.” What nonsense!! Of course it was more than offensive it was down right nasty, unfair and foul. If this or similar publicity appears in the future in either the UK or USA everyone should get together to protest these tactics and prevent them from happening again.

Thought For The Week

Is there a thaw in the air between BBC and Crufts? It seems that this past week or so the KC Building in Stoneleigh Park hosted auditions for the role of Toto in a gala performance of a forthcoming stage production of the Wizard of Oz as part of a BBC program entitled Over the Rainbow. Prospective Totos started arriving at 6:30 am and were not just limited to Cairn Terriers but included a wide variety of dogs ranging from Chihuahuas to Leonbergers as well as plenty of cross and mixed breeds too. The KC worked with the BBC producers it is reported happily and well. Too bad the same can not be said of the producers of the program “Pedigree Dogs Exposed.” Nonetheless it benefits no one for the split between these two organizations to continue and perhaps this will be the start of a new relationship for both. •

Am. & Can.

Ch. Lambluv’s Gambolon Blue Thunder and Jere Marder



Thank you Judge Mr. Edd Bivin and Group First Judge Mrs. Phyllis Wolfish Owned by: Kay Richardson-Bloomington, IL Jere Marder-Valparaiso, IN Breeders: Jere Marder and Gail Radke Dog News 11

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Yes or No?

InsideOut by John Mandeville

Yes or No: You never win when you don’t expect to. The weather’s only lousy when you attend outdoor shows. Good shows have to be big shows. It’s not a great show if you don’t win. You care about AKC doings. Are you kidding? Good judges never make mistakes. You’re always a good loser. Sometimes when a class walks in the ring you wonder what the point is. That’s not because they’re all bad. But they’re not any good either. AKC should buy the United Kennel Club. It’s not for sale. Everything has a price. There’s an “it” factor in great show dogs. Great dogs may not have the “it” factor. They’re not going to be great winners. They’ll break your heart. AKC delegates must be amateurs. Delegates can be paid to groom dogs. And they’re still amateurs. Is that inconsistent? Or hypocrisy? Or both? And AKC wonders why people have a jaundiced view of them? Remember: You must choose “Yes” or “No” for each statement. Professional handlers should be able to judge specialty shows. Anyone should be able to judge independent specialties. AKC doesn’t advance talented judges fast enough. Judges are never as good as they think they are. Sometimes they are. Good breeders will be good judges. Maybe. Clubs’ judging panel decisions are too often done on the cheap. All-breed shows should be required to use some provisional judges. Shows were better before clusters. Are you nuts? There needs to be a “Hall of Fame” for the sport. The Canine Health Foundation is the best thing AKC has ever done. That’s a tad over the top. 14 Dog News

No it isn’t. All-breed shows have to have field reps present. Field rep responsibilities are defined in the Dog Show Rules. Field reps have to be able to step on your toes without ruining the shine. Thanks, Frank. If you don’t know who was from Clovis, NM you’re a real newbie. AKC’s member club-delegate structure has gotten us to where we are today. AKC’s structure is a disaster for getting us through the next 125 years. There is no substitute for experience in dogs. None. A great bitch who never produces will break your heart. Breeding is two steps forward and one step back. Unless it’s one step forward and two back. Chilled and frozen semen are of incalculable benefit. You spend too much time on the Internet. If you answered yes, you’re still young enough not to be over the hill. AKC funded the breakthrough research in frozen semen. Using any of George Carlin’s seven dirty words in the ring is ill-advised. Actually there’s more than seven. Some judges take themselves too seriously. Don’t we all sometimes. Some stud owners aren’t as forthcoming as they should be. There aren’t enough new people coming into the sport. A higher percentage of junior handlers should have a Y chromosome. The collapse of AKC registrations is far from over. AKC is becoming a boutique registry for the fancy. This is a disaster. No it’s not. Shows with the best judging panels are always a 12 hour drive from home. Or more. Never, ever place a puppy you think has outstanding show potential. More needs to be done to assure the health and vitality of parent clubs. None of us are as young as we once were. The typical fancier can’t name four AKC directors. There’s nothing wrong with that. The sport could use another Rachel Page Elliot. Handlers are more objective than breeders. Except for the dogs they’re handling. So, “Yes” or “No” it’s still about the dogs?


*Number Four overall, The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed

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W icken Ch.Toskydox Witchy Woman

Top 5 Smooth Dachshund*

This young bitch has been catching the eye of judges as well as exhibitors in her start this year. Watch for her as she travels with kennel mate Sammy.

Our appreciation to Judge Mr. Eugene Blake For this Best of Variety and for the Best of Breed to Sammy

Breeder/Owner: Sharon Lutosky Presented by: Lorene Hogan *The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed

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S ammy Ch. Sunteckel’s Samuel II

#1 Longhaired Dachshund* Top 20 Hound**

In addition to Sammy’s Group placings, he has 5 Specialty Best of Variety wins and 3 Specialty Best of Breeds in 2010.

Our appreciation to Judge Ms. Elizabeth Muthard

Owners: Sharon Lutosky and Terry Abst Presented by Lorene Hogan *All Systems, through March 2010 **C.C. System

Dog News 17

the Way Itis by Sari Tietjen


t is always interesting to study Annual Reports to determine the health of a corporation. This is especially true for non-profits concerning not only overall health, but the vitality of its interests. In the case of the American Kennel Club, which is a not-for-profit entity, its Annual Reports reflect both its fiscal health and the health of the sport of dogs it oversees. A comparison of two tenyear spans reveals a lot about the times and trends: 1989



# of All-Breed shows




# of All-Breed entries




# of Specialty shows




# of Specialty entries




# of clubs




# of member clubs




# of litters registered




# of dogs registered




$$$ size of corporation

6 million

52 million

95 million

What have we learned from the above? There has been a tremendous growth of shows in the past 20 years, but entries have not equaled that growth. Obviously 1999 saw the greatest number of entries, while 2009 had far more conformation shows, but in percentage fewer entries. The average all-breed conformation entry for 1989 was 1,137, for 1999 it stood at 1,316 and fell last year to 979. For Specialty shows, the ’89 average entry was 88, ’99 was 82 and, again, fell in ’09 to 63. (These figures represent entries as stated in AKC’s Annual Reports and not actual dogs in competition, which will be lower due to absentees.) It is also interesting that the number of clubs (representing every AKC sanctioned, licensed, and member club of all persuasions) has increased over the years, but the percentage of these clubs that are member clubs has stayed basically the same – around 12%. Unfortunately, this growth of club interest is not reflected in the number of litters and dogs registered. It is in this category that AKC has hemorrhaged over the past 20 years going from 550,300 litters registered in 1989 to 309,422 in 2009, a drop of 240,878 litters or almost 43%! The number 18 Dog News

of dogs registered has also plunged going from 1,257,700 in 1989 (a record year) down to 649,677 in 2009, a drop of 608,023 dogs, or just over 48%. This is no surprise to those of us who have been watching AKC for years. We all have acknowledged that the banner years for registrations are well over. However, what is surprising is the fact that the percentage of dogs registered compared to the number of litters registered has remained almost the same: 2.3 for 1989 and 2.1 for 2009. A conclusion that can be drawn from this is that there is the same degree of interest in registering individual dogs with AKC today as there was 20 years ago. The same number of people who register their litter will also register their dogs to the level they did then as they do today. (A further in-depth study into the size of the actual litters for the years under discussion, the type of breeds registered [smaller dogs have smaller litters], and the possibility there may be more smaller dogs owned and bred today [given the increased popularity of small dogs and our aging participants] leading to fewer puppies to register could lead to a conclusion that there is a greater interest in registering individual dogs with AKC than previously thought.) Of course, the real question is why is there such a dramatic decrease in the number of litters being registered with AKC over the past 20 years. Is it due to the commercial breeders going elsewhere? The commercial breeders going out of business due to lack of profitability and the passing of legislation that makes breeding more arduous? The increased market for imported dogs being wholesaled from Eastern Europe, hence no litters to register? The fact that the Mom-andPops with an occasional or one time litter 20 years ago, have spayed/neutered their current pet? (It is known that the occasional breeder comprised the bulk of AKC’s registration business.) Backyard breeders of the past being no longer interested in raising puppies with all the expense and headaches that go with the process have phased out their operations? Or/ And the aging of the active dog fancy who is unable or unwilling to go through the trials and tribulations of raising litter after litter? All of these – and more, I’m sure - are possible reasons. What is also interesting in studying the figures is the fact that AKC has gone from being a $6million corporation to a $52million in ten years to $95million in ten more years while its main base of income (registrations) has sunk. Quite a feat, which is probably due to belt tightening in some areas, an outreach to other means of income, increased fees, new programs, and wise investments. What have we ascertained from all of this? Figures do tell a story: there are more shows and more clubs than ever before, yet fewer entries (conformation); the number of dogs per registered litter is practically the same as it was 20 years ago – the problem is fewer litters; and while AKC is constantly pleading poverty, its balance sheet is pretty healthy for this economy. All of this puts a different light on what is happening in our sport and to “our” kennel club. •

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T he

of t he Week Are You In Favor Or Against A Proposal To Permit Deaf Dogs To Compete In Obedience And/ Or Agility At AKC Events? Please Explain Your Position.

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Corrine Miller Sure, why not - and how could you tell with many of them anyway? David Miller Some years ago we helped a deaf almost white Harlequin Great Dane find a home after he was abandoned. He was about 18 months old and whoever had him must have loved him a lot because he understood most things a Dane of that age would be expected to have learned. We discovered quite by accident that he knew how to sit, lay down, and healed on a leash quite well. He would also come, he had to see you and you needed the correct hand signals. We would have not known how to communicate these commands had it not been for a friend who had worked with deaf dogs. We placed this wonderful guy with a large family where he lives to this day. He can do all kinds of terrific things that normal hearing dogs would be expected to do and many things you would only expect from an obedience trained animal. So my answer to your question is yes, with the right dog and trainer I think we would all be surprised.

Jim Beckley I would like to address some of the “issues” that are raised in opposing deaf dogs in agility. Some contend that a deaf dog couldn’t be called off. I’ve seen hearing dogs that were aggressive and couldn’t be called off. The assertion of startling in deaf dogs is patently absurd – some dogs startle, and others do not, and it has nothing to do with deafness, but with the dog’s self confidence. Cathy Artis There are many myths concerning deaf dogs that are perpetuated that are utterly false (i.e. deaf dogs startle easily, become agressive etc.) The mantra we must follow is first they are a dog, second they are a certain breed, third they have their own personality, and lastly they happen to be deaf. They train like any other dog (albeit by sign) and need socializing like any other dog. There are many resources out there to help an owner train a deaf dog.

*Breed points, All Systems

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InsideTHESPORT by Pat Trotter



he excitement that goes with March Madness in America isn’t always just about basketball. Sometimes it’s about great events in our sport like the Louisville Cluster. While most folks in Kentucky mourn their 2010 NCAA basketball loss, Kentucky’s best dog people are justifiably proud of their 2010 winning contribution to our sport. Reports raved about the superb lineups and the everpresent user-friendliness of the Cluster. Unfortunately, I missed this year’s Louisville event while conducting a breeding seminar in Victoria, British Columbia. This came two weeks after a similar presentation in Halifax, Nova Scotia. These two seminars were exhilarating experiences enhanced by the input of truly good dog people from each of Canada’s coasts. Such students themselves are indeed great teachers. One seminar featured a litter evaluation with observations, remarks, and commentary by many good dog people including the experienced breeder of the litter. This group exercise truly spotlighted what judging is all about – the selection of breeding stock. Breeders are always “judging dogs” when they select a bitch to put into the pedigrees of the future and a sire to use on her. Their “judging” continues as they grade the resulting litter and determine which puppies, if any, to retain for the future. And judges are participating in the breeding process when they select dogs to reward whether they realize it or not. Winning brings dogs into prominence allowing them to become the focus of aspiring breeders as potential sires. Yet we all acknowledged that “show dogs” that were not truly breeding stock have caused the decline of more than one breed. That is why judging dog shows is such an awesome responsibility. The judge is leading the Fancy and contributing to the future well being of the breed. Judging involves a studied analysis of individual animals, measuring those animals against the ideal of the breed standard as well as each other. It is aimed at selecting the best and endorsing them accordingly and it is far more than the placing and awarding of dogs in just the show ring. It is about recognizing exceptional dogs that are strong where the breed is getting weak. It is about avoiding trends moving in the wrong direction for a given breed. One asks oneself silently, “Which individual can contribute the most to the breed and harm it the least?” Sometimes the comparison phase of the judging procedure is the most difficult one of all. The judge has the knowledge, the judge is

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truly focused, and the judge is fair. The tough part of the comparison process is trying to decide what virtues to emphasize and what shortcomings must be forgiven. Should poor feet be more penalized that a light eye? The horseman would certainly think so. Should a showy style and attractiveness be more important than sound running gear on a bored dog? The stockman would say no way! All judges find themselves in the position of deciding what to reward and what to forgive over and over on every day that they judge. In Western Canada, our seminar was enlightened by two very knowledgeable lady judges. Our discussion on sires led us to a powerful dog who many considered the best in a popular breed in the 1970s. Unfortunately, bitches in season and other circumstances led him to make a fool of himself and his handler at the national specialty causing many breeders to turn against him. Perhaps the potentially outstanding young sire of the decade, his fall from favor backed the breeders off. Yet the British Columbia seminar attendee bred to him anyway with exceptional results. Those who did use him are still thankful for what he brought to the gene pool. Knowing when to go against the tide is an important skill of great breeders and great judges. Knowing dogs are not machines is always a must. Yet unfavorable behavior on a given day on a huge stage can result in more than just a loss in the show ring.


reat discussions ensued regarding objectivity and subjectivity and their resulting impact on breed improvement. Because dogs are so easy to love and bring so much to our lives, it is often difficult to be objective when evaluating them. Once we have learned about dogs in general and our own breed in particular, we strive to be objective based on our acquired knowledge. Having the wisdom to put aside our emotions and make decisions that avoid subjective choices more often than not means biting the bullet. Both of these seminars featured attendees focused on making such tough calls. Their collective ability to discuss and analyze the nuances of their own breed left a lasting impression on this presenter! My March Canadian experiences were both exhilarating and educational. We are always enriched by meaningful exchanges dog people share with us. Learning is an ongoing experience for all of us and brings to mind the words of Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner: “You learn at your best when you have something you care about and can get pleasure in being engaged in.” Whether you were in Kentucky or Canada during March Madness, you were doing something you care about and getting pleasure from it. How could one not learn? •

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BRACE YOURSELF by Andrew Brace

Misleading Propaganda


ince Crufts I have been thinking about the attempted disruption caused by “animal rights” protestors at the show and also at Westminster weeks earlier. The more I think about their message – breeders kill shelter dogs – the angrier I have become. Do these people not realize that most dogs that find themselves homeless are the result of unplanned breedings effected by thoughtless people, mainly from unsupervised cross-bred bitches. They were owned by uncaring people who abandoned them. Of course not all the unwanted dogs in shelters are cross-breds, some of them are pure-bred but invariably these dogs have been produced by puppy mills where financial gain is the prime objective and commerce the driving force. Commercial breeders do not worry about health and welfare, do not screen potential parents and have no understanding of or interest in pedigrees. They have no respect for any breed, its original function or traditions. The vast majority of pedigree dog breeders who breed for the show ring have a very rigid policy of taking back any dogs they have bred and re-homing them, should their owners’ circumstances change. How can the activists seriously believe that it is breeders who cause shelter dogs to be destroyed? If the inference is that potential pet owners automatically buy a well-bred pedigree puppy from a reputable breeder rather than consider adopting a homeless dog, that is no longer the case. Thanks to massive publicity and several high profile TV programs, these days many wouldbe pet owners now make rescue centres their first port of call. Today it is fashionable and trendy to adopt “second chance” dogs and many celebrities have helped further this cause. Furthermore, in the wake of Pedigree Dogs Exposed the general public has been left with the impression that all pure-bred dogs are unhealthy, unfit ... and all as a result of their being “in-bred.” The extremist’s propaganda is ill founded and incorrect. They have a hidden agenda and maybe should be keener to investigate just how much of the money raised by their sponsoring organisations actually goes towards helping homeless dogs, rather than paying fat-cat salaries and pensions. Pedigree breeders who exhibit their dogs remain the most responsible group of all, and to be targeted in this way is totally unfair and ill deserved.•

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Unrecognized Colors


he fact that several dogs from Russia competed successfully at Crufts, despite the fact that they did not appear in the catalogue, has given rise to all sorts of rumors. I imagine that for any non-catalogued dog to be allowed in the ring, a slip would have to be completed by the office testifying that proof of entering had been supplied. This applies to dogs from the UK, and I assume extends to dogs from overseas too, though traditional “proof of posting” forms may not be available. Presumably credit card slips were provided? It is, however, confusing to hear allegations that some of the Russian exhibitors openly admitted at the show that they had not actually entered, because when they won at the qualifying show in their own country and were presented with a certificate, they assumed that they were automatically entered. So what is the truth? One of the Russian BOB winners that was not catalogued was the Miniature Schnauzer and it was in that ring that another controversy unfolded, as in a very strong entry with the cream of the breed in the UK present the RCC was awarded to a foreign dog that was white. The acceptance of white Miniatures has been an ongoing hot potato in the breed for some years now. There are some breeders who feel that, as the white color is accepted in the breed’s country of origin, we should follow suit. Others feel strongly that white is not one of the original Schnauzer colors and that Britain should resist the temptation to accept it. At present the Kennel Club’s Breed Standard for Miniature Schnauzers states quite clearly under the “Colour” paragraph, “All pepper and salt colours in even proportions, or pure black, or black and silver. That is, solid black with silver markings on eyebrow, muzzle, chest and brisket and on the forelegs below the point of elbow, on inside of hindlegs below the stifle joint, on vent and under tail.” That seems quite straightforward – pepper and salt, black or black and silver. There is no mention of white. I am sure that the judge in question would argue that she viewed the non-recognised color as merely one fault, and would probably in defence quote a sentence from the opening paragraph of the Standard, “Correct conformation is of more importance than colour or other purely ‘beauty’ points.” However, whichever way you look at it, it is a sad reflection on the cream of the breed in Britain when a dog of an unrecognized color can travel from overseas and beat them all. Furthermore, should the CC winner be disqualified if satisfactory proof of entry is not forthcoming, then the white dog could well end up taking the Crufts CC. What message exactly does that send out to other breeds where controversial colors exist? This situation begs the question whether or not when the country of origin accepts a “new” color or variety, other countries should automatically follow their lead. For some years now the countries under the FCI umbrella have accepted White Miniatures as a separate variety, this color competing for national CACs along with the Pepper and Salts, Blacks and Black and Silvers, all the different colors then competing for one CACIB in either sex. In any event , if nothing else this has proved to be a great talking point amongst Miniature Schnauzer breeders internationally. •

One of the Nation’s TOP Non-Sporting Dogs!! and the Number One* Chinese Shar-Pei Dog all systems Thanks to all who have recognized “Mossi” Special thanks to Judges Mr. Gary Anderson, Mrs. Barbara Dempsey Alderman, Mr. Douglas Johnson and Mrs. Faye Strauss for Mossi’s Back to Back Best In Show Wins Thanks also to Judges Mr. Jon Cole and Mrs. Gloria Geringer for Mossi’s recent Group Placements *Number Two* overall, All Breed, Number Three * overall, Breed

Multiple Best In Show & Best In Specialty Show Winning

CH. CHAOYANG’S TAKE IT TO THE LIMIT AT NUSTAR Owned and loved by NuStarShowDogs Bred By: ChaoYang Glen and Linda Cosier And Asia Lisa Myers

Deb and Robert Cooper 2912 State Porter Beach, Indiana 46304 AND Linda Teitelbaum, MingYu NuStar Show Dogs are always presented by: Nina Fetter, PHA, DHG, AKC Or his Owner Deb Cooper Assisted by Stephanie Palmer Dog News 31


*The Dog News Top Ten List

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The Bests oftheWeek

APRIL 16, 201 2010

Kennel Club of Yorkville German Wirehaired Pointer Ch Ripsnorter’s Mt. View Lookout Judge Mr. Brian Meyer Owner Kiki Courtelis, J. & H. Witt, J. Wilkinson Handler Frank Murphy

To report an AKC All Breed Best In Show or National Specialty Win Call, Fax or Email before 12:00 Noon Tuesday Fax: 212 675-5994 Phone: 212 462-9588 Email:

Greater Orange Park Dog Club Skye Terrier Ch. Cragsmoor Buddy Goodman Judge Mrs. Judy Webb Owners Carolyn Koch & Victor Malzoni, Jr. Handler Larry Cornelius

Yosemite Kennel Club Smooth Fox Terrier Ch. Slyfox Sneaks A Peak Judge Mr. Bart A. Miller Owner J. W. Smith Handler Edward Boyes

Yosemite Kennel Club - Thursday Boxer Ch. Duba-Dae’s Who’s Your Daddy Judge Mr. David M. Krogh Owners Charles Vose, Wendy Bettis and Lynn Janson Handler Wendy Bettis

Shenandoah Valley Kennel Club Toy Poodle Ch. Smash JP Moon Walk Judge Ms. Karin Ashe Owners Ron Scott and Debbie Burke Handler Kaz Hosaka

Salina Kennel Club Pharaoh Hound Ch. Northgate’s As You Like It Judge Mr. Michael Dachel Owners Jennifer Mosing & Jenny Hall Handler Brian Livingston

Timberland Valley Dog Fanciers Association I & II Standard Poodle Ch. Brighton Lakeridge Summer In Hampton Judge Mr. Robert D. Ennis Judge Mrs. Joan Goldstein Owners Toni and Martin Sosnoff Handler Tim Brazier

Troy Kennel Club - Saturday Great Barrington Kennel Club - Sunday American Staffordshire Terrier Ch. Castle Rock’s Sbigstaff Mad About You Judge Ms. Arlene Czech Judge Mr. Frank Washabaugh Owners Genoa Brown, Ruth Sampson, Dayna Pesenti Handler Kimberly Rudzik

Kachina Kennel Club Whippet Ch. Starline’s Chanel Judge Mr. Robert Whitney Owners Lori & Carey Lawrence Handler Lori Wilson

Kachina Kennel Club - Saturday Boxer Ch. R and G’s Mystical Dancer Judge Mr. Roger Hartinger Owners Roberto Bezerra, Richard Sevetnick, Carole Desmond, Barbara Bachman, Gary Steele, Kimberlie Steele - Gamero, Gayann Jones Handler Kimberlie Steele-Gamero

Trap Falls Kennel Club Pekingese Ch. Palacegarden Malachy Judge Ms. Theresa L. Hundt Owners Iris Love, Sandra Middlebrooks & David Fitzpatrick Handler David Fitzpatrick Kennel Club Of Yorkville, Illinois - Sunday 15” Beagle Ch. Torquay Midnight Confession Judge Dr. Robert A. Indeglia Owners Mr. & Mrs. Marco Flavio Botelho, Marcelo Chagas Handler Marcelo Chagas

34 Dog News

TerryAll Kennel Club Border Terrier Ch. Meadowlake Whistler at Amberly Judge Mr. Carl E. Gomes Owners Louise Leone and Karen Fitzpatrick Handler Louise Leone Saginaw Valley Kennel Club - Sunday Scottish Deerhound Ch. Lehigh-Darkwynd Enella Judge Miss Dorothy Macdonald Owners Paula Pascoe & Pam Smithson Handler Paula Pascoe

Tuscaloosa Kennel Club Standard Poodle Ch. Jasets Satisfaction Judge Mr. Houston Clark Owners C. Bailey, S. Tompkins, B. Harris & M. Winters Handler Ann Rairigh Birmingham Kennel Club I Pekingese Ch. Franshaw Hear Me Roar Judge Mr. Eugene Blake Owner John Shaw Handler Hiram Stewart Hutchinson Kennel Club Kansas Toy Dog Club Shih Tzu Ch. Hallmark Jolei Austin Powers Judge Mr. Elliott B. Weiss Judge Mr. Michael Dachel Owners Joe and Bobbi Walton Handler Luke Ehricht Piedmont Kennel Club - Saturday & Sunday Siberian Husky Ch. Indigo’s Hilltop Istate Judge Mrs. Jean Fournier Judge Dr. Linda Fowler Owners David and Sheila Qualls Handler Dr. David Qualls Arrowhead Kennel Club - Monday Smooth Coat Chihuahua Ch. Lugari Holiday Rocco Judge Mrs. Paula Hartinger Owner Ivan Lugo Handler Paula Murray American Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club National Specialty Ch. Mondrian V.H. Lamslag Of Piccadil Judge Ms. Sandra Goose Allen Owner and Handler Janet York Schipperke Club of America National Specialty Ch. Dante Fire When Ready Judge Mrs. Barbara Dempsey Alderman Owners Amy Gossman, Sandra Middlebrooks, Michael Jameson MD & Patrick Allison Handler Erin Roberts

Dog News 35

36 Dog News

Dog News 37


What is your favorite dog show moment exclusive of a win?

Showing in Best In Show with Amy on Tux, my sister, Megan, on her beagle, and me on the English Setter. We all just smiled and had fun the whole time…and none of us won!


“Oh my gosh!” Which and “Are you words or phrases do kidding me?” you most overuse?


Which talent would you most like to have?


Any athletic ability that would allow me to compete in the Olympics – how awesome would that be?

Who is your real life hero or heroine?

My mom – she’s just AWESOME! She raised me to be the person I am today. Hard work, dedication, setting standards, and being true to yourself will gain you respect, and I truly believe that. Tommy – he’s the Yin to my Yang.

5 6 7 If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

MY HEIGHT!!! Just an inch or two more would be fantastic!

Other people think I am: Professional, driven, and quirky

How would you describe yourself in a personal ad?

Athletic, dedicated, real, interesting, educated, nice, Newfie girl, enthusiastic

8 9 What was your most embarrassing moment at a dog show?

When I was a Junior, I was working so hard to keep my Newfoundland on the mats (and there wasn’t much space for me to run between the mats and the ring) that my foot caught the ring post knocking me down along with all of the rings posts of the interior of 4 ring. Needless to say I did not win that day.

Which judge, no longer alive or judging, do you miss the most? Norm Herbel, and I would have said Bill Shelton but … he’s BACK!!!! :)

10questions What do you miss the most at dog shows?

Being naïve –thinking the best dog will win no matter who is on the end of its lead.

Asked of Adrienne Hill (soon to be Owen)

Born: Montclair, California Resides: Alta Loma, California Marital Status: Engaged – the big day is March 19, 2011

38 Dog News

By Lesley Boyes

The Number One German Shepherd Dog*

Select Ch. Shoal Creek’s Sangria V Barick

Thank you Judge Mr. Terry Stacy for this Best In Show Award at the Hilton Head Island Kennel Club Show

Owner: Edward Farrell Co-Owners: B. Stamper, L. Jewel & G. Middei (Breeder) *The Dog News Top Ten List All Breed Standings through March, 2010

Handler: Scott Yergin Boss: Loren Yergin Dog News 39


*S.S. Group First Rankings

40 Dog News

Dog News 41

AS OF MARCH 31, 2010

The Dog News Top Ten List lists Best In Shows, Group Firsts and ALL Group Placements. ompetition petition titi TOP TEN IN GROUP • Based on All-Breed Competition

Sporting Group Hound Group

Working Group

1 CH Shadagee Caught Red Handed 17140 Setters (Irish) D Burke/N Conner 2 CH Casablanca’s Thrilling Seduction 12424 Spaniels (Cocker) Black L Moore/B Van Deman/C Douglas/M Walker/C 3 CH Ripsnorter’s Mt View Lookout 10382 Pointers (German Wirehaired) K Courtelis/J Witt/H Witt/J Wilkinson 4 CH Fireside’s Spontaneous Combustion 6755 Wirehaired Pointing Griffons J Coughlin/E Hunsicker 5 CH Poole’s Ide Got Water RN 6448 Spaniels (Irish Water) S Duncan/C McDaniel/C Shelby/G Siner 6 CH Firethorn And Sandpiper Easy On The Eyes 6420 Setters (Gordon) D Coller/P Coller/M McLoughlin/C Kirby 7 CH Rush Hill’s River Road Payoff 3796 Retrievers (Golden) T Struble/M Struble/K Dunn 8 CH Star K’s Mile Hi Valentine 3476 Pointers (German Wirehaired) R Stark/L Stark/V Malzoni, Jr. 9 CH Kaska’s Capture The Moment 2488 Setters (English) L Kuhn/L Gancer 10 CH Bracon’s Leapin Lilly Pads 2389 Spaniels (Cocker) Black H Sullivan

1 CH Winfall Brookwood Styled Dream Boxers D McCarroll/J Billhardt/S Tenenbaum 2 CH Duba-Dae’s Who’s Your Daddy Boxers C Vose/W Bettis/L Jansson 3 CH Seng Khri Bartok Of Dawa Tibetan Mastiffs Z Smith/D Nechemias/L Claus 4 CH Cammcastle’s Friar Tuck Rottweilers A O’Brien/V O’Brien 5 CH Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici Doberman Pinschers J Mullins/K Mullins 6 CH Bravo N Sunset Stealing Time Boxers K Robbins/C Robbins/G Adkins/B Adkins/D 7 CH Aviators Luck Be A Lady Portuguese Water Dogs M Dugan/C Dugan 8 CH Topaz T.R.O.U.B.L E. Siberian Huskies K Courtelis/C French/B Yarling 9 CH Catanyas Latin Lover Alaskan Malamutes P Kendrick/A Martinez/A Syar 10 CH Mojo’s Rock’N Your World Akitas S Borrmann/B Rule

1 CH Starline’s Chanel 11964 Whippets L Lawrence/C Lawrence/N Lawrence 2 CH Foxcliffe Hickory Wind 10723 Scottish Deerhounds S Sweatt/C Dove/R Dove 3 CH Genesis Silverado 8076 Afghan Hounds J Shaw 4 CH Sporting Fields Bahama Sands 4472 Whippets D Butt/J Cooney-Waterhouse 5 CH Grandcru Clos Erasmus 4271 Greyhounds R Gaudet/M Steele 6 CH Soletrader Donald Duck 2901 Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens D Gau/G Robertson 7 CH Silver Ridge Showtyme At Windbourne 2867 Black and Tan Coonhounds S Campbell/L Schermerhorn/S Skinner/T Sk 8 CH Afterglow Ebeneezer 2845 Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens B Thompson/S Russell/R Ellingford/M Gads 9 CH Pupukearidge Ikaika O Sprngvly 2768 Rhodesian Ridgebacks T Peach/B Peach/P Lambie/I Mc Kinnon/S M 10 CH Thaon’s Mowgli 2766 Afghan Hounds J Hafford/J Blanchard/A Sterner

THE DOG NEWS TOP TEN LIST is a monthly listing of the Top Ten Dogs All Breeds and the Top Ten Dogs in each Group. There is also a listing of the Top Ten Dogs in Each Breed. All of these statistics are based on All Breed competition. The American Kennel Club compiles these figures from the AKC licensed and member club shows. These figures will be printed monthly in DOG NEWS by Annual Awards Rating System. These are the most current statistics available to the fancy.

42 Dog News

14887 10899 6664 6437 6252 6224 5919 4399 4375 3827

Terrier Group 1 CH J’Cobe Kemosabe Vigilante Justice Fox Terriers (Smooth) S Hoffen/H Hoffen/A Booth/P Booth 2 CH Slyfox Sneak’s A Peek Fox Terriers (Smooth) J Smith 3 CH Skyscot’s Poker Chip Norwich Terriers C Dodwell 4 CH Cragsmoor Buddy Goodman Skye Terriers C Koch/V Malzoni, Jr. 5 CH Bayleigh Shaireab’s Super Hero Welsh Terriers M Jacobs/K Bailey/S Abmeyer 6 CH Fleet St. Fenway Fan Irish Terriers A Barker/V Malzoni, Jr. 7 CH Roundtown Mercedes Of Maryscot Scottish Terriers A Musser 8 CH Dalriada’s Mystic Fox Terriers (Wire) C Campbell/M Doleski/C Ruggles/B Dowd 9 CH Sherwood’s King Arthur Airedale Terriers L Bryan/S Bryan 10 CH Tyrolian Eight Belles At Meadowlake Border Terriers K Fitzpatrick/T Bradley

19558 7479 5565 4743 4544 3616 3443 2796 2596 2572

Toy Group

1 CH Palacegarden Malachy Pekingese I Love/S Middlebrooks/D Fitzpatrick 2 CH Hallmark Jolei Austin Powers Shih Tzu J Walton/R Walton 3 CH Smash Jp Moon Walk Poodles (Toy) R Scott/D Burke 4 CH Franshaw Hear Me Roar Pekingese J Shaw 5 CH Ayrwen Star Kissed Delight Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) G Johnson/A Johnson 6 CH Cashin’s Walk The Line Brussels Griffons F Cashin/C Ross 7 CH Riversong’s Broadway Joe Pugs C Koch 8 CH Tamarin Tug Affenpinschers P Smith/P Smith

11121 10968 8807 8398 5764 5628 4809 3614

9 CH Kimro’s Soldier Boy Miniature Pinschers L Stark/R Stark/K Calvacca 10 CH Mondrian V.H. Lamslag RE Cavalier King Charles Spaniels J York


Based on All-Breed Competition


Non-Sporting Group 1 CH Dawin Spitfire 12996 Poodles (Standard) L Campbell 2 CH Jaset’s Satisfaction 7230 Poodles (Standard) C Bailey/S Tompkins 3 CH Kepley’s Showbiz Razzle Dazzle 6614 Bulldogs J Fisher/R Speiser/B Wolfe 4 CH Saks Hamelot Little Drummer Boy 6071 Bichons Frises B Weidner/L Darman/K Griffin/C Ruggles 5 CH Hillwood Dassin De-Lovely 4290 Poodles (Standard) J Vergnetti/E Charles/K Lefrak/W Sammet/G Lajesky 6 CH Dante Fire When Ready 3966 Schipperkes J Gossman/A Gossman/M Jameson/P Allison 7 CH Penndragon Masaniello 3282 Poodles (Standard) K Bates/R Bates 8 CH Cedar C Barnstrom L&D Edition 2841 Tibetan Terriers P Bernardo/M Lafler/D Ogden 9 CH Vaje’s Miss Jayne Hathaway 2457 Chinese Shar-Pei J Mauk/V Mauk 10 CH Chaoyangs Take It To The Limit 2237 Chinese Shar-Pei D Cooper/R Cooper/L Teitelbaum

Herding Group 1 CH Bugaboo’s Georgie Girl Old English Sheepdogs B Callahan/C Johnson/H Johnson 2 CH Tolkien Raintree Mister Baggins Bearded Collies E Charles/A Stein/L Stein/S Ross/L Woodc 3 CH Paray Cirque Du Soliel Shetland Sheepdogs T Pittman/J Wixson/D Clabby 4 CH Segni At Coventry Pembroke Welsh Corgis A Geremia/B Shelton 5 CH Lambluv Gambolon Blue Thunder Old English Sheepdogs K Richardson/J Marder


10763 7514 3737 3731 3718


CH J’Cobe Kemosabe Vigilante Justice 19558 Fox Terrier (Smooth) S Hoffen/H Hoffen/A Booth/P Booth


CH Shadagee Caught Red Handed Setter (Irish) D Burke/N Conner



CH Winfall Brookwood Styled Dream Boxer D McCarroll/J Billhardt/S Tenenbaum



CH Dawin Spitfire Poodle (Standard) L Campbell



CH Casablanca’s Thrilling Seduction 12424 Spaniel (Cocker) Black L Moore/B Van Deman/C Douglas/M Walker/C


CH Starline’s Chanel Whippet L Lawrence/C Lawrence/N Lawrence



CH Palacegarden Malachy Pekingese I Love/S Middlebrooks/D Fitzpatrick



CH Hallmark Jolei Austin Powers Shih Tzu J Walton/R Walton



CH Duba-Dae’s Who’s Your Daddy Boxer C Vose/W Bettis/L Jansson


10 CH Bugaboo’s Georgie Girl Old English Sheepdog B Callahan/C Johnson/H Johnson


6 CH Shoal Creek’s Sangria V Barick German Shepherd Dogs E Farrell/B Stamper/L Jewell/G Middei 7 CH Mysharas Dream Girl Australian Shepherds S Fontanini 8 CH Avalon Frontier Sleepnlady Webber Bouviers des Flandres J Mcconnell/S McDaniel/J Guido/L Fenner/ 9 CH Kridler’s Nutmeg V. Signature German Shepherd Dogs R Dickson/J Moses/S Moses 10 CH Gentry’s Braveheart Collies (Rough) P Gordon/G Nash/L Greer



3523 3013 3001 2141

Dog News 43

44 Dog News

Dog News 45

Based On Breed Competition

AS OF MARCH 31, 2010

The Dog News Top Ten List

Sporting Group Brittanys 239 CH RJ’s Sierra Edition SH J Wire/R Wire 144 CH Willowick Talltean C Fitzgerald 102 CH Sovereign’s Mvp D Planche/J Droel 100 CH Mich’s Mt Ready Aim Fire K Rickard/L Rickard/J Davies/D Peek 98 CH Vem Country Mile G Manifold/N Redick/H Manifold/R West 89 CH Gourley’s Dfl 99 Carat Diamond G Stern/C Gourley 75 CH Shelttany’s Against All Odds R Tomasi/H Glick/E Ewart 60 CH Carrollton’s Count Lancelot L Martin/W Wijaya/G Hartman 56 CH Dualan Marsport Supercharger H Harrison/D Harrison 50 CH Chilcote’s Credit Genius S Chilcote

Pointers 114 CH Bookstor Inherit The Wind K Spey/E Reisman/B Reisman/H Spey 80 CH Solivia’s A Walk In The Clouds J Herrera/D Brown/K Thompson Brown/S Tho 56 CH Tahari’s To Wild To Be Serious L Cayton/D Ying/F DePaulo 50 CH Dobe’s Den Point Zapata J Wornall/D Breim 45 CH Seasyde Berries Jubilee L Canfield/H Medeiros 41 CH Seasyde Dobe’s Den In Fashion J Pahl/D Pahl/H Medeiros 35 CH Solivia’s Successor J Deeming 28 CH Penpoint In Dress Blues L Stagg 25 CH Eclipse Jjj First Copy TDX J Johnston/J Johnston 25 CH Creeksyde’s Witches Promise J Walton/G Griffin/K Rath Pointers (German Shorthaired) 267 CH Kan-Point’s Leading The Chase R Stanley/L Stanley/L Coonrod 237 CH Shortales N Cahoots W Irondale JH L Estes/W Bettis/M Bettis 202 CH Ehrenvogel It Amazes Me M Juch/M Lara 168 CH Dogwoodcreek’s Hot Money L Duncan 120 CH Markann-N-Kk’s Hot Topic K Kohlmeyer/K Jeglum 100 CH Crk In The Fast Lane M Farone/W Farone 84 CH Artemis Hoosier Cornfedfarmboy JH C Featherston/C Douglas-Featherston 75 CH Hunterspride The Canadian Way JH M Moinier/S Wright/M Farley 75 CH Stelor’s Foxhill Reign Field D Stelmach 72 CH Berihill Bonze K Verkutis Pointers (German Wirehaired) 126 CH Ripsnorter’s Mt View Lookout K Courtelis/J Witt/H Witt/J Wilkinson 47 CH Afterhours Reece Have Gun Will Travel F Neuwirth/C Whitmore 36 CH K-S-Tzarr-Balkanoff Vom Sepp K Sunda/B Stroh 29 CH Star K’s Mile Hi Valentine R Stark/L Stark/V Malzoni 23 CH Weidenhugel Abby V Jessie C Heiller/K Boyd 20 CH Tagalong’s Cherry Bomb M Marley 11 Drakkar N Rlb’s Eye’ Ma Lookout H Witt 8 CH Schnellbergs Freedom Reigns S Degraw 7 CH Timo II V. Bockenhagen At Kimmax P McCullough/M McCullough 7 Claddagh’s Hotcakes At Sangrud P Wehking/K Wehking/C Vogel/W Bastian Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) 80 CH Mudcreek Red Moose D Lentz/L Lentz 79 CH Alibi ‘N’ Royals Heiress S Grasso/R Plaut 75 CH Cal-I-Co Hialeah J Colvin/J Colvin 73 CH Xanadu Maltese Falcon Decoy C Van Duzer/C Van Duzer 55 CH Cabin Ridge’s Mega Margarita C Meyer/K Rauschmeier/J Martin 54 CH Chesabar’s True Grit R Barber/P Barber 48 CH Chesabar’s Brimstone Kodiak E Zboran 47 CH Sandbar’s Stock Exxchange D Baker/F Konrad/G Gearhart/A Gearhart 32 CH Chesabar’s Anyone Anyone T Dennis 29 CH Desert Winds Moroccan Sand L Schisler

46 Dog News

Retrievers (Curly-Coated) 32 CH Kurly Kreek Artic Express S Shifflett/M Shifflett 28 CH Kurly Kreek Sherlock Holmes M Shifflett/S Shifflett 16 CH Dryfork Curly Moe RN L Rush 15 CH Manawanui Blackberry Jack H Stout/R Alley 14 CH Riverwatch Frozen Assets G Meek/M Meek 10 CH Clarion’s Blackberry Bramble J Gentry/P Gentry 9 CH Down Datrail Hunting Thrills CD S Macre/D Akins 8 CH Gladrags Original Buttonfly R Cataldo/M Mcgroarty 8 Summerwind’s Delight Of Thunder RN K Hayes/D Hayes/D Hayes 7 CH Gladrags Intruder E Bills/W Bills

Setters (English) 353 CH Esthete’s Claudette Monet JH L Matter/J Warren/V Nunes-Atkinson 175 CH Kaska’s Capture The Moment L Kuhn/L Gancer 159 CH Willglen’s To The Max P Canino/T Williams 157 CH Honeygait Wilsonlake On The Rocks L Larson/H Larson/T Kleinschmidt/K Klein 105 CH Esthete’s The Mountain King L Mowery/J Warren 97 CH Reidwood Red Alert H Tuthill/N Tuthill 64 CH Wyndswept’s Encore D Mack/E Weiss 62 CH Set’R Ridge’s Exclusively Gold L Alexander/N Alexander/M Newman 59 CH Set’R Ridge’s Ever After M Newman 57 CH Horizon’s Rag’s To Riches T Callo

Retrievers (Flat-Coated) 177 CH Blacklace Magic Mocha Sapphire C Johnson/K Johnson 151 CH Quillquest Etched In Stone RN JH OA AXJ S Mclean 145 CH Bay Creek I’M All For That R Rickert/S Rickert/L Selof/M Bettis 127 CH Glenwan’s Sidney On Lanier JH NAJ W Jacobson 56 CH Whazthat’s Headliner CD RN JH S Garolis/J Allen 49 CH Jubilee’s Curveball Majic P McClain 47 CH Wingmaster’s History Repeats CD RE JH A Schultz/G Murtonen 46 CH Quillquest’s Living Legend D Sickles/L Zimic/G Impey 43 CH Shannara’s Chamber Of Secrets JH W Heikes/T Spires 40 CH Petersfield Famous Amos S Stilwell/P Debree/S Stilwell/D Edwards

Setters (Gordon) 182 CH Firethorn And Sandpiper Easy On The Eyes D Coller/P Coller/M McLoughlin/C Kirby 108 CH Glen Oaks River Breeze Shiraz M Wetzel/G Godding/M Devalt 71 CH Sastya Raggededge Peer Review M Leonard/W Leonard/C Mayers/M Grill 64 CH Edgewater’s All Eyez On Me V Radonis/J Radonis/S Montgomery/P Scott 64 CH Blazen Mackhyber’s Cosmic Voyage M Dorward 45 CH Windcrest Travelin’ Prayer K Davidson-Christman 42 CH Woodsmoke Ten Cents A Dance L Lavigne 40 CH Portree’s American Dream JH E Dinets/A Pickrell 21 CH Taliesin Allure Of Magick P Engler 16 CH Shogun Magick For Taliesin P Engler Setters (Irish Red and White) 49 CH Rossmore Ruanard JH H Hazen 26 CH Shireoak Caniscaeli Windsong Y Herrera/L Stark/V Malzoni/G Harrison/D 23 CH Moonstone Darcy D Cournoyer/P Cournoyer 18 CH Affinity Honey Bun R Schwiegerath/R Schwiegerath 11 CH O’Dobhailien Mochroi’ Seamus S Nusslock 6 CH Tymaran Masterful L DeRosa/S DeRosa 5 Shireoak Wayward Wind RN B Steinheimer/M Steinheimer 4 CH Shireoak Into The Wind K Spelmer/R Taylor/M Taylor 4 CH Aramis N’ Waidman’s California Dreamin C Phillips/M Lamp 3 Redwing Squire Rowan Bailey JH J Koshoffer

Retrievers (Golden) 668 CH Eldorado’s Promises D’Best H3x J Inman/C Browning 539 CH Sunjoie ‘N Woodland Anyway U Slice It S Shilkoff/J Davis 503 CH Tempo’s U’Ve Got What Gets Me C Meddaugh 446 CH Gaia Of Yoshida Enterprise K Oshima/L Jordan-Fenner 430 CH Goodtime’s I Rest My Case K Smith/L Fernandes 357 CH Toasty’s Treasure Island P Oxenberg/J Oxenberg/C Douglas/J Bates 357 CH Rush Hill’s River Road Payoff T Struble/M Struble/K Dunn 328 CH My Buddy’s Boppity-Bop Blue Moon RN L Chew 321 CH Dalane Doizaki Buckingham’s Pride H Doizaki/J Jensen 307 CH Toasty’s Rag Doll P Oxenberg/J Oxenberg/Y Shen/K Bornhofen Retrievers (Labrador) 829 CH Robnie Home For The Holidays T Jerman/B Anthony 718 CH Casbar’s Hart To Hart D Ammerman 362 CH Gingerbred Celestial Thunder A Leitao 292 Blackwing Izzy M Hamilton 253 CH Rosewater 24 R Harkow/L Harkow 233 CH Beechcroft’s Belladonna Thriller M Wiest/M Wiest/F Negron 213 CH Lubberline’s Sweet Purslane E Gleason 201 CH Signal Hill Joey B Thompson 186 CH Gingerbred Bacchus’ Journey D Whitaker/J Whitaker 177 CH Janlon’s Light My Fire C Grannemann/J Grannemann Retrievers (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) 79 CH Lennoxlove Susqudilla’s Mini Cooper R Haskin/J Merred/P Campanella 72 CH Honeyrun Simply Amazing D Gibbs/J Gibbs/K Lawless 64 CH Littleriver’s Brynwood Celtie E Boryczka 40 CH Seastar’s Dark’N Stormy Kelty Fife M McGrath/J Folkman 38 CH Cyon’s Calamity Jane S Rodgers 36 Tosser’s Chantilly Lace B Plimmer 29 CH Javahill Steal My Heart RA JH A Soderman/P Soderman 22 CH Pikkinokka’s Lightning Bug S Einck-Paul 20 CH Readyfor Going To The Max C Calado/J Klein 18 CH Littleriver’s Sailing Spirit M Joseph

Setters (Irish) 458 CH Shadagee Caught Red Handed D Burke/N Conner 297 CH Jewelset’s Up Up N Away S Reilly/J Waters/K Velletri/J Arch 219 CH Greengate Buzz Lightyear J Killam/M Killam/B Elliott 154 CH Greengate Bells N Whistles B Watanabe 97 CH Herihunda’s Table For One J Young/K Young 80 CH Vineyards Contender R O’Keefe/B O’Keefe 73 CH Ramblin Red Luxury Tax K Schwartz/A Kubacz/M O’Malley/L Rogers 65 CH Courtwood Always Bailey D Denny 63 CH Rosette’s No Stone Unturned D Carl/L Edwards-Johnson 53 CH Kaerdon’s Just Tickled Pink JH S Kinney/J Kinney/L Graham/W Graham Spaniels (American Water) 16 CH Kei-Rin’s Honeyweiss K Kozak/P Kozak 15 CH Mountain Star Aspen Charger C Curtis-Dihel/S Juetten 12 CH Aspen Springs Northern Star D Parker/F Parker 10 Beavercreek’s Chance Of A Life Time L Thorsness 10 CH Ca- Beavercrk’s Best Kpt Secret RN L Thorsness 8 CH Waterway Game Crk Ralphie Boy-How Sweet It D Hancock/L Hattrem/P Boyer 6 Beavercreek’s Secret Celebration L Mcgrath/L Thorsness 3 CH Carolina’s Wild March Hare RE NA NAJ L Mccracken 2 CH Waterway Game Crk Hot Diggity J Hattrem/L Hattrem/P Boyer 2 CH Game CRK-Waterway Kylends Joyia CDX RE A Prior Spaniels (Boykin) 127 CH Sunseeker Pirate’s Code L Knudsen

34 CH Sc’s Who’s Wearn’ The Pants Now RA L Plott/K Heinz 9 Hollow Creek’s Jagger Meister G Copeland 8 CH Carolina’s Cocoa Channel RN JH J De Angelo 7 Logan Of April Farms E Foster 7 Hollow Creek’s Woody Watts P Watts 6 Hollow Creek’s Santee Cooper D Judy/P Watts 6 Hollow Creek’s Peaches Watts P Watts 5 CH Carolina’s Jamaica Me Crazy P Knudsen/L Pitts 4 CH O’Skot’s Praline Of Dogwood L Knudsen/H Jesse Spaniels (Clumber) 93 CH Clussexx See You Later Alligator J Haverick/D Johnson/K Holbrook/W Holbro 58 CH Nexus Dark Horse P McCune/J Fankhauser 48 CH Casmir Creswick Sgt Pepper B Patterson/L Connell/L Wickwire/V Lovin 38 CH Moonrysn’s Moon Dawg P Holman/M Cole/J Sutherland 24 CH Moonrysn Critter James Dean J Sutherland/J Friis/C Sutherland 22 CH Hihill’s Empire Builder Vlde L Browder/W Browder/K Tumey 18 CH Casmir Guns N Red Roses V Lovins/M Gundlach 15 CH Slyfox Gunsmokes Marshall Matt L Watt/R Watt 14 CH Avalea The Pumpkin King W Schernekau/J Schernekau/A Lefebvre/R T 13 CH Friar’s The Wind Cries Mary C Crouch/A Crouch Spaniels (Cocker) ASCOB 125 CH Carbert Arikara Magic Touch C Shute/P Nazarko 115 CH Shaman’s No Doubt About It J Stamm/J Fehring 97 CH Broken Ridge’s Wild At Heart D Rismyhe 90 CH Aspire’s Rocket Man M Reid/M Wilson 57 CH Nickleby’s Shine On Me J Eggers/M Walker 41 CH Mei-Hardt’s Shining Quasar J Meister/S McAlister 38 CH Windsong All Kidding Aside K Toner/A Toner 34 CH Tribute’s Show Me The Money M Boyle/J Boyle/M Athens 30 CH Sunhaven’s Premier Package C Omatsu/A Lawrence 24 CH Mardi Gras Strut The Stage R Logrie Spaniels (Cocker) Black 220 CH Casablanca’s Thrilling Seduction L Moore/B Van Deman/C Douglas/M Walker/C 154 CH Bracon’s Leapin Lilly Pads H Sullivan 121 CH Markann-N-Kk’s Charlotte’s Winning Web K Jeglum/K Kohlmeyer 81 CH K-J & Coldry Sherman Tank J Pruitt/K Pruitt/C Grimes/A Grimes 68 CH Sjoblom’s All That He Touches V Mackie/K Mackie 63 CH Hartlines True To Bear M Hart/K Brown/K Weaver/J Stern 60 CH Echowood’s Summertime Seduction W Lamson 42 CH Hillside’s Black Miracle X Larson/R Larson 40 CH Buckinghamhill Bird Of Paradise M Smoller-Phillips 39 CH Lomapoint 18k You Da Man J Bjelland/T Kelso Spaniels (Cocker) Parti 115 CH Pbj’s Gimme All Your Lovin B Pruitt/J Pruitt 92 CH Windsor 18k Rolls Royce J Bjelland/T Kelso 88 CH Conquest’s Legend Of The West M Torres-Young 85 CH Normandy N Alamara’s Big City Show R Beinhauer/P Hoover 77 CH Showcase Medicine Man S Forbes/B Rapoport 55 CH Sherwood’s Orion’s Star M Santos/B Santos 53 CH Dal-Mar’s Pea Pickin’ Heart B Mcmanigle/S McAlister 51 CH Stephens Minvin Chip Off The Block K Korab 43 CH My-Ida-Ho Lucky Strike S Gerling 37 CH Tri-Pod’s Feel That Fire D Podratz Spaniels (English Cocker) 258 CH Sweet Apple Sir Prize N Sweet/M Benson 144 CH Nonnies Deja Vu L Munro/V Umplely/G Sprague

124 CH Larkspur Milestone Flyby J Lindheim/B Lindheim 115 CH Worlewood Aint No Sunshine V Lyne/S Derrick 113 CH Golden Gait’s Never Lose Hope D Owczarzak 84 CH Lynann’s Touchstone L Gall/R Gall/D Deane 60 CH Especially Magic Happens P Harris/S Moss/M Bartholomew 57 CH Jaybriar’s Clouseau C Gredys/A Gredys/J Corbett 54 CH Indigo’s Priceless M Dobbins/L Dobbins 48 CH Dawnglow Checkmate R Vanier/S Laflamme Spaniels (English Springer) 380 CH Wil-Orion’s Twenty Twenty L Green/E Johnson/E Jesseman/J Johnson 255 CH Otein’s Tommy Bahama R Nieto 209 CH Cerise Jesse James D Cherry/R Fugit 139 CH Capulet’s Innovation L Myslinski 123 CH Otein Cap’N Jack Sparrow G Ryser/R Nieto/J Ryser/L Nieto 119 CH Alpine’s Grand Central B Massie/S Munoz 118 CH Tiffanys Esspecial Imagery C Florence/E Fink/K Goodhue-McWilliams/D 108 CH Cerise Tender is The Night D Cherry 96 CH Cerise Signature Of Telltale CD RN S Pelissero/C Pelissero/R Fugit/D Cherry 91 CH Darkover Don’T Dream It’s Over S Pelissero/C Pelissero/B Daniel Spaniels (Field) 59 CH Tamarack’s Race You To Calico S Thornhill/B Hirschy 52 CH Capriole’s Normandy Commander CD RA K Wiechmann 24 CH W-Haven’s Traces Of Gold S Strong/S Douthit/A Winters 19 CH Killara’s Riders On The Storm G Elliott/K Balinski 18 CH Winfarthing Fentwood Talisman D Fentress 14 CH Freedoms Not To Be Forgotten J Jernstrom 12 Wawayanda’s Hairspray The Musical L Pierce/J Armstrong 12 CH Overlook’s Beaumont H Howard/D Howard 12 Promenade Promise Her Anything J Kellar Schildman 9 CH Nautica’s Ladies Knight RN L St Hilaire/D Brewer/A Morissette Spaniels (Irish Water) 97 CH Poole’s Ide Got Water RN S Duncan/C McDaniel/C Shelby/G Siner 28 CH Saracen Blue Thunder On The Marsh CD JH S Sarracino/R Deihl 21 CH D’Locks Evenstar Of Beaufield B Kvarnlov/L Musgrave 18 CH D’Locks St. James’s Gate CD JH R Rubin 14 CH Tara’s Water Baroness CD RA S Ensign 5 Eire’s No More Lonely Nights K Dingledy 4 Carlenn’s Jus Duckie C Randel/G Randel 4 Finnibone’s The Juno Mission L Baglia 4 Folly’s Lone Star Ace At Carlenn C Randel/G Randel 4 CH Muddy Waters Made In America CD JH S Roth/T Roth Spaniels (Sussex) 44 CH Seamist On A Windward Tack RN P Peterson/T Peterson/A McGloon/S McCull 27 CH Remedi’s Maritime Stern Star A Morris/K Booth 19 CH Erinhill Cpnwy Mr Fuzzywrinkles C Curtis/C Holt-Grenier 10 CH Riverotter’s Real & Spectacular J Reis/S Lucas/M Reis 9 CH Remedi’s Fastrax Heart O’Gold J Haenszel/C Drake 7 CH Ziyadah Just A Jayhawk J Boaz/J Boaz 6 CH Three D Vansan Rumor Has It J Toebben/D Duffy/V Koolhof/S Ezersky 5 CH Primetime American Idol RN L Erb 4 Companionway Sutton It Had To Be You C Holt-Grenier 3 Decoventrie Sebastianaocastles D Slatton Spaniels (Welsh Springer) 80 CH Heatherstone’s Jopa Blue K Sinclair-Dunn 67 CH Aurora Come Fly With Me R Kuhn 52 CH Statesman’s Winners Circle A Grant/V Gill/M Helms/P Gilson 28 CH Clussexx Rolyarts Payola S Marx/J Haverick 27 CH Statesman’s Heartfelt Sentiments T Garaux/B Garaux 18 CH Statesman’s Corinthian M Bassel/S Riese 15 CH Tydakys All Fired Up J Clark/C Krohn 15 CH Saga’s Sweet Sherlock J Cooley 13 Up North All Of Me C O’Keefe/J Sackrison 12 Fireside’s Rhianna R Paice

Spinoni Italiani 62 CH Lake Desires Princess Isabella J Wiseman/C Wiseman 38 CH Klondike’s Frederico Ilario S Moen/C Sheridan 33 CH Amico Peloso’s Diamond World C Fritts/R Maxwell/J Standish 27 CH Sharpshot Aris A Schultz 26 CH Bela’s Presto Change-O P Miller/L Miller/K Miller 22 CH Spinfandel Mariah’s Storm JH M Faeth 19 CH Busy B’s Elliott Ess MH A Costello/J Costello 19 CH Vericool Leggenda Del Mare JH S McGregor/S Acquistapace 18 CH Gisa’s Fantascienza Of Isis RN H Jenner/D Jenner 17 CH Stone House Birichino C Gellatly/B Gellatly Vizslas 311 CH Kezdet’s Grand Mark Gedeon N Russo 282 CH Artisan Grouse Point Pink Panther JH C Miklos/S Lonabaugh/R Bernstein/J Toepk 265 CH Renaissance Girls Gone Wild L Durham/G Durham 171 CH Mehagian’s Sleepy Hollow The Beat Goes On R Mather/S Olivera 130 CH Annian’s Gone With The Wind JH V Mcarthur/C McArthur/S Towne 116 CH Cinnabars Aldebaran Epiphany D Becker/A Becker 116 CH Storm Winds Namaste Warrior A Smith/K Davis/B Wanjon 80 CH Poquito’s Oro Jag In Pursuit JH NA OAJ OF G Fleming 77 CH Jen’s Penny Matra Baci’s Boogie Fever M Stratford/N Guarascio/J Woodside 69 CH Renaissance Kiss’s Casanova G Dutson/D Dutson/L Durham Weimaraners 323 CH Silhouettes Lifeinthefastlane C Cassidy/B Cassidy 229 CH Harline Win’Weim It’s My 2nd Martini S Line 220 CH Northwoods Send Money Honey H Warren/T Palmer/P Warren 129 CH Smokycity Nanis Dbl Silhouette C Cassidy/B Cassidy 120 CH Rosewin Anson’s Cervelo D Alarie 103 CH Doc’s Seven Ships Of Acadia A Stewart-Zimmerman/A Stewart/D Stewart/ 99 CH Rosewin Clasic Schwin Of Anson P Sage/A Sage/M Gearhart/W Gearhart 91 CH Kolata’s Moving Violation R Hilgenbrink/D Hilgenbrink/C Grisell 82 CH Pikespeak Annie Get Your Gun NA NAJ L Novosad Dvm 81 CH Hibourne’s It’s All About Me B Lane/S Lane Wirehaired Pointing Griffons 34 CH Harmonys Varekai Victor JH C Kushner/J Kushner 33 CH Wyncliff’s Wanna Be Loved By U R Baggenstos/D Baggenstos/S Biles/E Bile 28 CH Snowybrooks Pr Pointing Boy Floyd R Rodriguez/B Keller/V Rodriguez/A Kelle 27 CH Fireside’s Spontaneous Combustion J Coughlin/E Hunsicker 24 CH Bear Hug Charming Prince Bernhard D Conway/J Conway 20 CH Butte View’s Pranqster Gal S Edginton/L Edginton/B Van Kleeck 19 CH Flatbrook Ace’s I’M So Vain J Lockhart/K Rogney 17 CH Ear Mountains Outlaw Kid Curry JH G Curtis/R Byrne 16 CH Bear Hug Cee Barry Rockbridge JH K Boehner 15 CH Wet Acres Quervo Gold JH J Tucker/T Tucker/L Gagnon

Hound Group Afghan Hounds 331 CH Thaon’s Mowgli J Hafford/J Blanchard/A Sterner 280 CH Genesis Silverado J Shaw 164 CH Suliman Incendio J Rogers /L Mercer/D Pfeil/B Pfeffer 142 CH Polo’s The Aviator L Amadeo/D Eiswerth 90 CH Shekinah Jakar Raising The Bar L Stoffels/A Donnell 80 CH Kassan Windwalker Of Skyview J Boone/M Suess/D Suess 72 CH Xenos Jimlet W Slowe 64 CH Har-Lou’s Gorgeous Jorge N Wisher/D Schellhorn/D Golden/L Hedstro 60 CH Wynsyr China Doll D Pfeil/W Pfeffer/D Rogers/J Rogers 57 CH Maya’s Northern Lights C Rahaman/A Rahaman/K Bunce American Foxhounds 39 CH Kelly Mt. American Idol J Rea/J Lance 30 CH Devlon’s Fame And Fortune K Kendall/D Leonard/K Leonard 18 CH Kiarry’s Foolish Pride B Wyckoff/H Miller/L Miller 13 CH Kiarry’s Walkin On Sunshine H Miller/L Miller 13 CH Hewly Camilla S Petter/R Urban/G Shultz

12 CH Kiarry’s Walk This Way J Herrera/Y Herrera/W Sommerfelt/C Somme 4 CH Pacar’s Pacific Original Design P Crary/K Hackler 4 CH Devlon’s It’s Now Or Never D Leonard/K Leonard/K Kendall/S Leonard 1 CH Kiarry’s Foolish Pleasure P Rally/H Miller/L Miller/D Grant Basenjis 90 CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Harlequin Cassanova Jack At J Behles/R Holt 75 CH Tazamisha’s Critical Mass V Cortez/J Cortez/N Cortez 73 CH Reveille Push Button D Bolte 71 CH Foresses La Dolce Vita S Bruce 68 CH Klassic’s Slam Dunk S Kite/J Gillespie 60 CH Ab-Rafiki The Icon Of Cool M Jameson/W Pooley/S Middlebrooks 57 DC Zindika Svengali Determinator SC C Wyatt/E Oberg/A Aiello/G Aiello 55 CH Emerant’s The Navigator B Hart/L Hart 41 DC C-Quest’s Jokuba Hide And Sneak SC C Russell/R Bowen-Wilkerson 40 CH Jasiri-Sukari Bucking The Trind J Jones/K Jones/P Lopez/R Lopez Basset Hounds 273 CH Splash’s The Professor J Nolan/B Nolan/J Nolan/S Ponsart 165 CH Topsfield-Sanchu American Express C Orlandi/C Steidel/S Frischmann 71 CH Brynmor Zenith J Burk/J Walker 68 CH Switchstand Cannonball D Taylor 67 CH Houndwalkers Theodore T Bear J Walker/J Walker 63 CH Symphony’s Debonair Crooner K Whelan/D Whelan 61 CH Solow Craigwood’s Albert L Cain/S Campbell/J Becerra 55 CH Craigwood Ol’ South’s U Can’T Touch This R Opeka/K Hutchinson/K Joiner 50 CH Vogue’s Woebgon Black Jack H Simonek/J Simonek/D Bullock/P Bullock 50 CH Touchstone Hurricane Camille S Vick/M Vick/M Hawley Beagles (13 in. and under) 134 CH Del Rey Roosevelts Rough Rider R Hilton/D Lipari/E Brandt/J Catz 72 CH Roirdan Lanbur Motor City D Kirby/P Lipani/J Woodring/C Herr 42 CH Irish Coffey Shadows On The Shannon P Coffey/B Coffey 36 CH Skyline’s Dream Big K Forbes/J Forbes 33 CH Shadynook’s You Lite Up My Life R Werlein 22 CH Tesoros Winner Takes It All N McCormick 21 CH Lo-Jo’s Riverrun Heart Throb D Severns/M Severns 19 CH Van-Mar What Happens In Vegas C Wambaugh/J Spiess 18 CH Skyline’s Think Big K Forbes/J Forbes/C Conger 17 CH Meadowlands Cedar Roxanne D Nickles/S Irwin/A Irwin Beagles (over 13 in.) 174 CH Shoreviews The Blues Brothers B Tague/S Swanson 170 CH Durrisdeer’s Rudolpho C Haydinger/P Staub 164 CH Shadynook Mcdreamy At Rk Tooker B Kidwell/R Kidwell/C Mcelroy 132 CH Torquay Midnight Confession M Chagas/M Botelho/A Botelho 66 CH Skyline’s Big Wheel K Forbes/J Forbes/C Conger/S Todd 65 CH Rockwoods Milo Tipster J Hubenak/S Moore/S Hubenak 59 CH Quijote De La Plaza Grunauer L Cranford 55 CH Chardon Garden Party D Kitchell/J Levine/M Levine 53 CH Barrister’s Eclat De La Foudre B Manifold/S Robblee 45 CH Lovelyn The Wright Revolution M Nolan/M Nolan Black and Tan Coonhounds 124 CH Silver Ridge Showtyme At Windbourne S Campbell/L Schermerhorn/S Skinner/T Sk 48 CH Windbourne Every Hand’s A Winner A Mitchell 27 CH CSG Clover Creek Big Daddy RE K Winn/J Carr 16 CH Windbourne Dr Watson L Seabrook/R Seabrook/S Campbell 11 CH Foxfire Fashionista R Urban 8 CH Windbourne High Performance E McCarthy/S Tasker/S Campbell 8 CH Orionredsea-Windbourne Purple Mountain T Mitchell 7 Southwind’s Walking In Memphis R Reynolds/S Lowthian 6 CH Tri-Blu Della’s Gone D Rezendes/J Stora 5 CH Windbourne Black Pearl S Campbell Bloodhounds 170 CH Flessner’s International Harvester B Flessner/C Flessner 73 CH Legend’s Nutrageous Hamlet M Zitek/S Anderson/S VanCamp/C Thomas 69 CH Heathers A Little Night Music E Befus

36 CH Ingenium Gamester For Rosehill A Miller 34 CH Quiet Creek’s Windfall K Hansen/M Hansen/S Hamil/L Burch 18 CH Ghost Hollow’s Spectacular Bid L Griffith/J Hahn 17 CH Quiet Creek’s Kiss And Tell S LaCroix/H Whitcomb 16 CH Mayflower’s Shipwreck L Duke/D Brewer 14 CH Huggables Blue Lace Agate T Wirth/K Wirth 14 CH Churchils Treasured Moon J Walker/J Kano/M McKinney Bluetick Coonhounds 13 Black Knights Balu Power D Crump/A Heiser/A Alexander 9 So. Flame Blame It On The Rain C Grooms/G Black 5 Regal-C Blue’s Lacey J D Gunter 5 Regal-C He’s Blue All Over Again D Gunter 2 Silver Lake Zillah D Van Kirk/L Halverson 1 Rr Touchdown Tennessee K Smith Borzois 185 CH Blackmoor Samwise At Konza K Cassella/P Cassella 87 CH Jubilee-Katushka Ebel C Gredys 82 CH Aashtoria Wildhunt Hidden Agenda R Riel/C Riel 56 CH Majenkir Ringmaster At Raynbo R Zucker/J Zucker/K Staudt-Cartabona 56 CH Aruzia Priority One JC L Scott/J Scott 51 CH Aria’s The Quiet Man R Rice/B Rice 49 CH Borchis Amras Numenesse SC E Tolley/D Nutting/T Steele 48 CH Reflections I’M The Lucky One R Glenn/F Murphy 46 CH Kansai’s All That Attitude J Mcminn/J Patten 44 CH Vento Danza Independence Day D Burkholder/C Cedeno Dachshunds (Longhaired) 360 CH Sunteckel’s Samuel II S Lutosky/T Abst 336 CH Pramada’s Living Legend L M Peat 191 CH Leoralee’s American Gangster Sl D Amiel/M Singleton 155 CH Rose Farm’s Red Rum Ml V Diker 146 CH Serenity’s Steel Magnolias W Snyder/B Snyder/C Werner/D Abrams 137 CH Homar’s Solo Aviator Sl C Puig/W Jones/M Jones 131 CH Kaycees Galewinns All Revved Up Mld S Ceplius/S Ceplius/T Carlson/J Carlson 114 CH Beacon Hill Tequila Manhattan L C Heitzmann/N Turner/N Froy 111 CH Goldidachs Veronica Kiki E Goldin 110 CH Xeralane’s Supersonic M Vila/Xeralane Knl Dachshunds (Smooth) 171 CH Brodny Schoolhouse Dixie F Vogel/C Vogel/J Anderson/N Eby 142 CH Brownwood Legacy V Laddland Ss W Cunningham 125 CH Lucene’s Merlin J Sudinski/M Stall 109 CH Grandgables Ms Stripey Brown G Jeavons/M McMillan 102 CH Toskydox Witchy Woman Ss S Lutosky 98 CH Hialeah’s Cinnabar V Lucene S Lutosky 78 CH Rellih’s V Benbon Splendorinthegrass Ms B Gold 67 DC Darshan Reddy Or Not JE N Cooper 50 CH Grandgables Sumbuddy Walden D Waldo/G Jeavons/M Houston-Mcmillan 50 CH Laddland Coal In Your Stocking J Cerasini/R Brown Dachshunds (Wirehaired) 150 CH Jake’s Desperado Sw J Mayhall/K Jensen/D Maloney 137 CH Leoralee’s Dancing With The Stars Mw S Steele/M Singleton 120 CH Raydachs Playing With Fire V Gleishorbach Sw S Ray/M Sakoda/J Sakoda 105 CH Kadell’s Black Gold W L Reynolds/J Cahill/C Cahill 87 CH Wire Me Twinkle Little Star Mw C O’Neil 86 CH Treis Pinheiros Starbarack Kent M Heywood/C Pedoros Neto 80 CH Willowfield Lidia V Usonia-Swold B Waldkirch/K Rayner/L Relli/S Sackett 61 CH Wagswell’s Ray Of Cambria T Dettmer/K Dettmer 60 CH Roushland’s Alexandra Sw F Roush/j roush` 52 CH Mako Winfall Wild West Willie Mw R Van Elgort/A Van Elgort English Foxhounds 35 CH Sunup’s Shamrock Ride The Wave R Wilson/J Wilson/S Whaley 21 CH Sunup’s Green Valley Serenade L Allison-Foley/J Nowell 16 CH Wee Beginnings Ardent P Mann/S Whaley


Dog News 47

48 Dog News

Dog News 49

AS OF MARCH 31, 2010

Based on All-Breed Competition

Sporting Group Continued from page 43

Brittanys 1 CH Willowick Talltean C Fitzgerald 2 CH Vem Country Mile G Manifold/N Redick/H Manifold/R West 3 CH RJ’s Sierra Edition SH J Wire/R Wire 4 CH Trio’s Mr. Rocktober K Beardslee/C Livingston 5 CH Melridge Stir N It Up D Bingham/F Bingham 6 CH Gourley’s Dfl 99 Carat Diamond G Stern/C Gourley 7 CH Shelttany’s Against All Odds R Tomasi/H Glick/E Ewart 8 CH Magic Read My Lips K Hanson/B Hultgren/N Otterson 9 CH Mich’s Mt Ready Aim Fire K Rickard/L Rickard/J Davies/D Peek 10 CH Star Flight Jumpin Jack Flash OA NAJ J Ceres Pointers 1 CH Solivia’s A Walk In The Clouds J Herrera/D Brown/K Thompson Brown/S Tho 2 CH Tahari’s To Wild To Be Serious L Cayton/D Ying/F DePaulo 3 CH Seasyde Dobe’s Den In Fashion J Pahl/D Pahl/H Medeiros 4 CH Dobe’s Den Point Zapata J Wornall/D Breim 5 CH Penpoint In Dress Blues L Stagg 6 CH Solivia’s Successor J Deeming 7 CH Chesterhope My Boys Girl P Kroll 8 CH Creeksyde’s Witches Promise J Walton/G Griffin/K Rath 9 CH Coralwood Valcopy Switch Hitter R Davis/D Plonkey 10 CH Bookstor Inherit The Wind K Spey/E Reisman/B Reisman/H Spey Pointers (German Shorthaired) 1 CH Shortales N Cahoots W Irondale JH L Estes/W Bettis/M Bettis 2 CH Robin Crest Champagne Wishes R Remondi/R Remondi 3 CH Kan-Point’s Leading The Chase R Stanley/L Stanley/L Coonrod 4 CH Dogwoodcreek’s Hot Money L Duncan 5 CH Freiheit Spurhund Double Dare A Cullen Tormey/C Pembleton/S Pembleton 6 CH Laden Field’s Mighty Wind Kaposia B Ladenheim/B Sandberg/C Coomes/G Hostet 7 CH Vjk-Myst Garbonita’s True Bliss JH A Manning/A Weiss/V Nunes-Atkinson 8 CH Brush Country Can’T Buy Me Love A Richter/M Finley 9 CH Artemis Hoosier Cornfedfarmboy JH C Featherston/C Douglas-Featherston 10 CH Ehrenvogel It Amazes Me M Juch/M Lara

50 Dog News

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4

B.0I. S. GP1 4 GP2 2 GP3 1 GP4 0

TOTAL 1864

0 2 0 1 3


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0 1 1 1 0


Pointers (German Wirehaired) 1 CH Ripsnorter’s Mt View Lookout K Courtelis/J Witt/H Witt/J Wilkinson 2 CH Star K’s Mile Hi Valentine R Stark/L Stark/V Malzoni 3 CH Aspendel’s Pale Rider JH B Watkins/R Perry/S Ferraro 4 CH Tagalong’s Cherry Bomb M Marley 5 CH Mountain View’s Mr Jack SH R Brannan 6 CH Afterhours Reece Have Gun Will Travel F Neuwirth/C Whitmore 7 CH Drakkar’s Rlb Celtic Private Eye J Boyd/M Boyd/J Wilkinson 8 CH K-S-Tzarr-Balkanoff Vom Sepp K Sunda/B Stroh Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) 1 CH Sandbar’s Stock Exxchange D Baker/F Konrad/G Gearhart/A Gearhart 2 CH Mudcreek Red Moose D Lentz/L Lentz 3 CH Chesabar’s Anyone Anyone T Dennis 4 CH Chesabar’s True Grit R Barber/P Barber 5 CH Quailridge’s Top Dee O Gee Maximilian C Macina/C Macina 6 CH Cal-I-Co Hialeah J Colvin/J Colvin 7 CH Chesabar’s Brimstone Kodiak E Zboran 8 CH Quail Run’s Grizzlypeake Wake Up Bomb M Schumann/C Johnson/H Johnson 9 CH Cabin Ridge’s Mega Margarita C Meyer/K Rauschmeier/J Martin 10 CH Alibi ‘N’ Royals Heiress S Grasso/R Plaut Retrievers (Curly-Coated) 1 CH Dryfork Curly Moe RN L Rush 2 CH Clarion’s Blackberry Bramble J Gentry/P Gentry 3 CH Pizzazz Trigger I Andre/S McDowell/C McDowell 4 CH Manawanui Blackberry Jack H Stout/R Alley 5 CH Kurly Kreek Sherlock Holmes M Shifflett/S Shifflett 6 CH Down Datrail Hunting Thrills CD S Macre/D Akins Retrievers (Flat-Coated) 1 CH Quillquest Etched In Stone RN JH OA AXJ S Mclean 2 CH Petersfield Famous Amos S Stilwell/P Debree/S Stilwell/D Edwards 3 CH Wingmaster’s History Repeats CD RE JH A Schultz/G Murtonen 4 CH Cedarhill Karasail Summer Moon UD JH K Mueske 5 CH Valhala Born On The 4th Of July J Pinto/M Doheny 6 CH Gamekeeper’s The Sportster RN D Knapp/J Knapp 7 CH Light-Foot’s Sugar On Snow T Mohr/S Meaker 8 CH Glenwan’s Sidney On Lanier JH NAJ W Jacobson 9 CH Butterblac Rider At Freestyle C Roy 10 CH Starworkers King Of The Castle JH K Postrozny


0 15 15 8 3


0 10 9 4 2


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Retrievers (Golden) 1 CH Rush Hill’s River Road Payoff T Struble/M Struble/K Dunn 2 CH Gaia Of Yoshida Enterprise K Oshima/L Jordan-Fenner 3 CH Glengowan’s Great Balls Of Fire R Caldwell/P Branch/R Gear 4 CH Dalane Doizaki Buckingham’s Pride H Doizaki/J Jensen 5 CH Eldorado’s Promises D’Best H3x J Inman/C Browning 6 CH Goodtime’s I Rest My Case K Smith/L Fernandes 7 CH Xcelerate Victorious Secret A Seuberling/B Randermann 8 CH Toasty’s Rag Doll P Oxenberg/J Oxenberg/Y Shen/K Bornhofen 9 CH Toasty’s Treasure Island P Oxenberg/J Oxenberg/C Douglas/J Bates 10 CH Nautilus Ripley’s Coyote Ugly S Brentson/L Fernandes Retrievers (Labrador) 1 CH Robnie Home For The Holidays T Jerman/B Anthony 2 CH Casbar’s Hart To Hart D Ammerman 3 CH Ghoststone’s Otterly Fantastic Hollywood Kid F Craver/G Craver 4 CH Sounder’s Slate Of Cedarbrook B Demille 5 CH Nipntuck Stocking Stufffer R Jack 6 CH Beechcroft Study’s Top Secret M Caban/C Martinez/M Wiest 7 CH Lubberline’s Sweet Purslane E Gleason 8 CH Bandalier Alakazam Of Woebegone A Mook/L Janke/N Janke 9 CH Salty Dog Of Tampa Bay L Hess 10 CH Rosewater 24 R Harkow/L Harkow Retrievers (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) 1 CH Javahill Steal My Heart RA JH A Soderman/P Soderman 2 CH Littleriver’s Brynwood Celtie E Boryczka 3 CH Lennoxlove Susqudilla’s Mini Cooper R Haskin/J Merred/P Campanella 4 CH Honeyrun Simply Amazing D Gibbs/J Gibbs/K Lawless 5 CH Manitou’s Granturismo JH C Lindemer/G Lindemer 6 CH Seastar’s Dark’N Stormy Kelty Fife M McGrath/J Folkman 7 CH Javahill’s Backwoods Boy RN P McDonald/L Fitzmaurice 8 CH Jetstream’s Sit Up And Take Notice C Siflinger/L Siflinger Setters (English) 1 CH Kaska’s Capture The Moment L Kuhn/L Gancer 2 CH Esthete’s Claudette Monet JH L Matter/J Warren/V Nunes-Atkinson 3 CH Reidwood Red Alert H Tuthill/N Tuthill 4 CH Country Squire Rockette S Jordan/D Jauron 5 CH Esthete’s The Mountain King L Mowery/J Warren 6 CH Honeygait Wilsonlake On The Rocks L Larson/H Larson/T Kleinschmidt/K Klein

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


1 4 2 2 0


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7 CH Colthouse’s Genuine Draft A Carswell/A Laurier 8 CH Set’R Ridge Intensely Intarsia R Barnes/D Bean/C Debnam 9 CH Wyndswept’s Encore D Mack/E Weiss 10 CH Wyndswept’s Best Kept Secret J Romeo/D Mack Setters (Gordon) 1 CH Firethorn And Sandpiper Easy On The Eyes D Coller/P Coller/M McLoughlin/C Kirby 2 CH Sastya Raggededge Peer Review M Leonard/W Leonard/C Mayers/M Grill 3 CH Glen Oaks River Breeze Shiraz M Wetzel/G Godding/M Devalt 4 Gilnockie Grtlnd Th 1 Ur Ma Warnd U Bout JH J Bryan-Dolsby/S Armstrong Setters (Irish) 1 CH Shadagee Caught Red Handed D Burke/N Conner 2 CH Greengate Buzz Lightyear J Killam/M Killam/B Elliott 3 CH Kaerdon’s Just Tickled Pink JH S Kinney/J Kinney/L Graham/W Graham 4 CH Ramblin Red Luxury Tax K Schwartz/A Kubacz/M O’Malley/L Rogers 5 CH Courtwood Always Bailey D Denny 6 CH Jewelset’s Up Up N Away S Reilly/J Waters/K Velletri/J Arch 7 CH Windrose I’Ve Got A Secret C Horner/J Horner 8 CH Kenora Eyema Stinker J Brodersen Watson/R Gear/C Tye 9 CH Rosette’s No Stone Unturned D Carl/L Edwards-Johnson 10 Roclyn Brewed At Killary D Peterson/J Zawikowski/C Stanford Spaniels (American Water) 1 CH Waterway Game Crk Hot Diggity J Hattrem/L Hattrem/P Boyer Spaniels (Clumber) 1 CH Clussexx See You Later Alligator J Haverick/D Johnson/K Holbrook/W Holbro 2 CH Nexus Dark Horse P McCune/J Fankhauser 3 CH Moonrysn’s Moon Dawg P Holman/M Cole/J Sutherland 4 CH Avalea The Pumpkin King W Schernekau/J Schernekau/A Lefebvre/R T 5 CH Clussexx After While Crocodile G Perry/R Perry 6 CH Moonrysn Critter James Dean J Sutherland/J Friis/C Sutherland Spaniels (Cocker) Black 1 CH Casablanca’s Thrilling Seduction L Moore/B Van Deman/C Douglas/M Walker/C 2 CH Bracon’s Leapin Lilly Pads H Sullivan 3 CH Exl’s Leather N Lace S Knaus/J Wright 4 CH Kimbar-Picabo Tandancer G Jorgensen/B Steuert 5 CH Tl’s On The Ball T Procuniar 6 CH Hartlines True To Bear M Hart/K Brown/K Weaver/J Stern 7 CH Markann-N-Kk’s Charlotte’s Winning Web K Jeglum/K Kohlmeyer 8 CH K-J & Coldry Sherman Tank J Pruitt/K Pruitt/C Grimes/A Grimes 9 CH Beechwood’s Expressing It Best F Charest/C Charest 10 CH Lehi’s Crystal Ball At Bluriver B Guyer/H Armour/N Guyer/A Morgante Spaniels (Cocker) ASCOB 1 CH Shaman’s No Doubt About It J Stamm/J Fehring 2 CH Mardi Gras Strut The Stage R Logrie 3 CH Broken Ridge’s Wild At Heart D Rismyhe 4 CH Carbert Arikara Magic Touch C Shute/P Nazarko 5 CH Sunhaven’s Premier Package C Omatsu/A Lawrence 6 CH Nickleby’s Shine On Me J Eggers/M Walker 7 Troy’s Good To The Last Drop T Albert 8 D&D Cashmir Opulence G Brown/J Brown 9 CH Mei-Hardt’s Shining Quasar J Meister/S McAlister 10 CH Tribute’s Show Me The Money M Boyle/J Boyle/M Athens

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


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Spaniels (Cocker) Parti 1 CH Windsor 18k Rolls Royce J Bjelland/T Kelso 2 CH Showcase Medicine Man S Forbes/B Rapoport 3 CH Keda’s Hellz A Poppin’ D Sutliff/K Neal/C Gray/J Gray 4 CH Pbj’s Gimme All Your Lovin B Pruitt/J Pruitt 5 CH PBJ’s High Roller T Tucker-Warren/B Pruitt Spaniels (English Cocker) 1 CH Nonnies Deja Vu L Munro/V Umplely/G Sprague 2 CH Larkspur Milestone Flyby J Lindheim/B Lindheim 3 CH Lynann’s Touchstone L Gall/R Gall/D Deane 4 CH Kabree Ragtime Espresso T Deyette 5 CH Sweet Apple Sir Prize N Sweet/M Benson 6 CH Blueprint Winfree Party Waggin A O’Keefe 7 CH Tevershall Texas Jack B Van Meter/T Van Meter 8 CH Brasswinds Remember When L Fusco 9 CH Jaybriar’s Clouseau C Gredys/A Gredys/J Corbett 10 CH Worlewood Aint No Sunshine V Lyne/S Derrick Spaniels (English Springer) 1 CH Cerise Jesse James D Cherry/R Fugit 2 CH Capulet’s Innovation L Myslinski 3 CH Wil-Orion’s Twenty Twenty L Green/E Johnson/E Jesseman/J Johnson 4 CH Darkover Don’T Dream It’s Over S Pelissero/C Pelissero/B Daniel 5 CH Otein’s Tommy Bahama R Nieto 6 CH Cerise Signature Of Telltale CD RN S Pelissero/C Pelissero/R Fugit/D Cherry 7 CH Cerise Tender is The Night D Cherry 8 CH Otein Cap’N Jack Sparrow G Ryser/R Nieto/J Ryser/L Nieto 9 CH Windmoor Superstition B Fink/C Florence/D Streng/K McWilliams 10 CH Crownroyal’s Tea Caddy M Osbun/L Green/E Jesseman Spaniels (Field) 1 CH Tamarack’s Race You To Calico S Thornhill/B Hirschy 2 CH Gooseberrys Nite On The Town T Hike 3 CH Wicksfords Nessie Kenmare G Perry 4 CH Bitterblue Here Comes Da Judge K Sullivan/H Howard/L Finney 5 CH Gooseberrys Red Sky At Night K Salerno/S Ward Fernau 6 CH Promenade Pridemark Pizzazz T Osborn Spaniels (Irish Water) 1 CH Poole’s Ide Got Water RN S Duncan/C McDaniel/C Shelby/G Siner 2 CH Poole’s Ide Bonnie Brook S Lewis/L Macdonald 3 CH D’Locks St. James’s Gate CD JH R Rubin 4 CH Saracen Blue Thunder On The Marsh CD JH S Sarracino/R Deihl 5 CH D’Locks Evenstar Of Beaufield B Kvarnlov/L Musgrave Spaniels (Sussex) 1 CH Seamist On A Windward Tack RN P Peterson/T Peterson/A McGloon/S McCull 2 CH Remedi’s Fastrax Heart O’Gold J Haenszel/C Drake 3 CH Sundowners Orion Once Upon A Time J Moffett Spaniels (Welsh Springer) 1 CH Clussexx Rolyarts Payola S Marx/J Haverick 2 CH Heatherstone’s Jopa Blue K Sinclair-Dunn 3 CH Saga’s Sweet Sherlock J Cooley 4 CH Statesman’s Heartfelt Sentiments T Garaux/B Garaux 5 CH Statesman’s Winners Circle A Grant/V Gill/M Helms/P Gilson

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


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6 CH Royaile’s Man For All Seasons R Burgess/S Burgess/N Carlton 7 CH Statesman’s Corinthian M Bassel/S Riese 8 CH Royailes Hollywood Legend N Carlton/G Carlton 9 CH Rock SPGS Hawk Of The Battle K Goodrich Spinoni Italiani 1 CH Klondike’s Frederico Ilario S Moen/C Sheridan 2 CH Bela’s Presto Change-O P Miller/L Miller/K Miller 3 CH Sharpshot Aris A Schultz 4 CH Italix Massimiliano D Graff/K Holden 5 CH Amico Peloso’s Diamond World C Fritts/R Maxwell/J Standish 6 CH Vericool L’Arte Della Leggenda S Acquistapace 7 Macho Amegos Di Morghengo JH C Marmis/F Marmis/M Coe 8 Amico Peloso’s Here Comes The Sun M Cobban/J Cobban/M Cobban Vizslas 1 CH Artisan Grouse Point Pink Panther JH C Miklos/S Lonabaugh/R Bernstein/J Toepk 2 CH Kezdet’s Grand Mark Gedeon N Russo 3 CH Renaissance Girls Gone Wild L Durham/G Durham 4 CH Russet Leather Boulder’s Wild Tok MH T Walden/J Hetkowski/E Hetkowski/C Dosta 5 CH Jen’s Penny Matra Baci’s Boogie Fever M Stratford/N Guarascio/J Woodside 6 CH Lostcreek’s Jrnysbgun Hilldale W Kempfer/R Kempfer 7 CH Heartsong First Edition JH K Craig/A Craig/T Congleton/J Cox 8 CH Mehagian’s Sleepy Hollow The Beat Goes On R Mather/S Olivera 9 CH Relwood’s Mgm Grand L Pang/D Oakley/J Gaidos 10 CH Sun Meadow Norm On The Run J Coffey/L Clayton Weimaraners 1 CH Silhouettes Lifeinthefastlane C Cassidy/B Cassidy 2 CH Harline Win’Weim It’s My 2nd Martini S Line 3 CH Doc’s Seven Ships Of Acadia A Stewart-Zimmerman/A Stewart/D Stewart/ 4 CH Pikespeak Annie Get Your Gun NA NAJ L Novosad Dvm 5 CH Bowbent Carousel Hidden Gem R McClure/A McClure/B Van Camp/P Van Cam 6 CH Smokycity Nanis Dbl Silhouette C Cassidy/B Cassidy 7 CH Unity’s Juscanis Sure Fire E Brown Clement/G McLogan 8 Simpatico Silk Pajamas J Martin 9 CH Bowbent Carousels Perfect World M Doherty/N Mages/P Van Camp/A McClure 10 CH Moonstone Earth’s Angel R Trifari/J Farley/B Cook Wirehaired Pointing Griffons 1 CH Fireside’s Spontaneous Combustion J Coughlin/E Hunsicker 2 CH Ear Mountains Outlaw Kid Curry JH G Curtis/R Byrne 3 CH Wyncliff’s Wanna Be Loved By U R Baggenstos/D Baggenstos/S Biles/E /E BBile ililee

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Hound Group

Afgh Hounds Afghan 1 CH Genesis Silverado J Shaw 2 CH Thaon’s Mowgli J Hafford/J Blanchard/A Sterner 3 CH Suliman Incendio J Rogers /L Mercer/D Pfeil/B Pfeffer 4 CH Xenos Jimlet W Slowe 5 CH Har-Lou’s Gorgeous Jorge N Wisher/D Schellhorn/D Golden/L Hedstro 6 CH Kassan Windwalker Of Skyview J Boone/M Suess/D Suess



Dog News 51

Mondrian Thank you so much Ms. Sandra Goose Allen for this prestigious Win! Mondrian has had and continues to have a remarkable career! Number One* Cavalier 2008 Number One* Cavalier All Systems 2009 Number One* Cavalier 2010 with 10 Group First’s in Limited Showing A Top Ten* Toy! With 12 Best in Shows! Always shown naturally by

Owner-Handler Janet York P.S. See Mondrian’s new Book

“Mondo Man the Smartest Dog In All The Land” Here we see Mondo in his Therapy Dog Attire!

52 Dog News

*The Dog News Top Ten List, All Breed


Can. Ch. & AKC Ch. & CKCSC USA Ch. Mondrian V.H. Lamslag of Piccadil RE GCG

Wins the National!

Dog News 53


new class of directors for the American Kennel Club Board of Directors has been chosen and their task is, to say the least, challenging! The nation’s economy is frightening and that fright may directly affect the very financial stability of the entire AKC operation. The fact that people have less resources to spend on other than basic needs will require the new Board’s priorities be weighed with a “common sense reality.” It is imperative that the Board evaluate where the AKC is and project where it is apt to be in the years to come. by Gerald Schwartz

Jerry Speaks

A Big Plate

Now, perhaps as never before, they should take a long and hard look backward to the “whens” and “whys” of the club’s formation. As I understand, it was organized to encourage the improvement of the performance of breeding stock, which led to show ring competitions. It was and remains these competitions that requires the purity of its registry. What at that time was far less challenging and a far simpler world is now quite the opposite! AKC has morphed from a somewhat exclusive club serving the interests of a relatively few number of rather wealthy sportsmen to serving a coalition of the many. This evolution required many changes and adaptations to “keep up with the times.” There are many of the “Old Guard” who are uncomfortable with some or many of those perceived to be needed changes – i.e. they (me) question the benefit of AKC recognizing the registry of so many foreign kennel clubs. Many of that “Old Guard” find worrisome the registering of the large number of new and unfamiliar breeds. Some (more than some) of the “O.G.” are uncomfortable with the allowing of mixed breeds to compete with AKC registered dogs at many AKC events. The 180 54 Dog News

degree change in views and dealings with commercial breeders makes some (me) wonder. The selling of the American Kennel Club’s name and reputation to manufactures to many (me) is disappointing. It appears commercial interests are trumping the original goals of the founders! It seems there is more to come. As of this writing there are plans for the addition of a “Grand Champion” competition. Selling the advertising of show wins on an AKC Web site, sponsoring a “Breeders Sweepstakes” in partnership with a dog food manufacturer and who knows what else! Stay tuned! Some (me) may wonder if these projects are in keeping with what AKC is all about or should be all about. Is simply survival the goal, and if that is the case are these changes apt to accomplish that (not so) noble goal? The new Board has a lot on its plate, nothing of more importance than maintaining the worthiness and reputation of the American Kennel Club! I implore the Board not to compromise away the hard earned proud status of OUR club! Note, there is a legitimate question as to the American Kennel Club’s obligation to the welfare of all dogs, whether registered or not. I only hope that fulfilling that concern can be accomplished without diminishing the advantage of ownership of AKC registered dogs!•


*Breed points, All Systems, & C.C. All Breed

Dog News 55

y d d u

B ch.


owners carolyn koch victor malzoni, jr. handlers larry cornelius marcelo veras breeders eugene z. zaphiris matthew h. stander

56 Dog News


The Number One* Skye Terrier and Number Four* Among All Terrier Breeds Best of Breed Westminster Kennel Club Judge Mr. Peter Green

Recent Wins Include Four Group Firsts out of five on the Tar Heel Circuit and the following weekend Back-to-Back Group Firsts and a Best In Show and again the next weekend Back to Back Group Firsts and another Best In Show *The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed points

Dog News 57


hile much of the nation was embroiled in the debate over universal health care or Obamacare, there was another debate going on across the pond regarding insurance for all. Only it wasn’t pertaining to universal health care for all people, it was a plan being discussed that would require all dog owners in England and Wales to insure against their pet attacking people. The movement came about, as these things often do, in the weeks before a general election, as the government attempts to amend the 1991 Dangerous Dog Act, which banned ownership of four types of dogs: the pit bull terrier, the Japanese tosa, the dogo Argentino and the fila Brasileiro. The 1991 DDA also gave police far reaching powers to deal with any dog that acted out of control in public, including destroying the dog. But if a dog that is not on the banned list of breeds causes on injury on private property, it is not covered by the 1991 DDA. How should officials proceed, for instance, should a Rottweiler attack a trespasser in the dog owner’s home? The BBC reports that government authorities are attempting to address its dangerous dog problem, as more than 100 people a week are admitted to hospitals after dog attacks. However, just one week after suggesting that all dog owners be required to insure against their pets attacking people, the government has now ruled out such a plan, because it didn’t want to penalize responsible dog owners. Proponents of the insurance mandate argued that forcing five million owners to take out third-party insurance would cover compensation for the victims of dog attacks. But those opposed prevailed, arguing that a vast majority of responsible pet owners would be unfairly punished and that the minority of owners who use dogs as weapons simply wouldn’t comply with the law.

Perhaps Nick Starling, of the Association of British Insurers, summed it up best when he said, “We are pleased that the government has dropped the unworkable proposal to make it compulsory for all dog owners to have third-party insurance… Compulsory insurance is always difficult to enforce; the very people that the government is targeting – those who mistreat their dogs or use them as weapons – are the same people who will not buy cover.” This, of course, is the problem with much of the canine legislative movements – both in the States and abroad. The intended targets – irresponsible owners – are already acting outside the law’s limits. Expecting them to comply with further restrictions, requirements or fees is unrealistic. Responsible owners are left footing the bill for those who fail to obey the existing laws and are compelled to abide by further restrictive and increasingly expensive measures. The irony is, the arguments over compulsory insurance in the U.K. sound very similar to the ones heard here in the States while health care reform continues to be debated. Expect the arguments regarding the 1991 DDA to rage on but if health care reform here is any indication, there won’t be any changes overnight. A similar scenario has been unfolding in Florida, as the Florida Senate has been advancing a controversial bill that could lead to tougher municipal laws on owners of pit bills and other “dangerous” breeds. The push for the legislation began back in 2008 but the first hearing on the bill didn’t commence until March 1 of this year. Originally, the bill couldn’t get a sponsor but it was approved by senators in the Community Affairs Committee by a 9-2 vote on March 1. One of the “no” votes was delivered by Sen. John Thrasher, R-Jacksonville, who claimed he’s gotten “more calls on this issue than any other issue this session.” If passed, the bill would repeal Florida’s 1990 ban on breed-specific dog

OFF LEASH by Shaun Coen


58 Dog News

regulations, as long as any new rules stop short of an outright ban. Cities and counties could require owners of certain breeds to carry insurance to pay for attacks, take ownership training or keep their dogs muzzled in public. The first hearing centered on “pit bulls”. Miami-Dade is the only county in Florida to have a ban on pit bulls, which was imposed in 1989. It was grandfathered in before Florida adopted the ban on breed specific regulations. The session ends April 30, so there are many steps that need to be taken before the bill becomes law. Expect long and loud arguments.

Spay/Neuter Surgeries


ne of the mandates often discussed when it comes to canine legislation regards mandatory spay/neuter for all pets. If the movement hasn’t yet come to your state, municipality or community, it will. Those championing the mandate – the humane societies, animal welfare organizations, et al – will talk about unwanted pets from unplanned pregnancies filling up shelters, and the number of dogs being euthanized. In addition, they will surely point out the benefits of owning altered pets: they’re less likely to roam, fight or soil the house, which is widely believed to be true. They also won’t get testicular, uterine or ovarian cancer or infections, which is definitely true, since they will no longer have those organs. However, there are risks involved with these surgeries. Both prospective and current owners should be aware of them before they make a final decision. There can be an increased incidence of some cancers in neutered male dogs, including the usually fatal bone cancer osteosarcoma, prostate cancer and transitional cell carcinoma. Spayed females may have an increase in bladder infections and incontinence. Both altered males and females also undergo changes in how their metabolism functions, resulting in heavier pets and all the compliments associated with obesity, and have a higher incidence of anterior cruciate ligament injuries. There are many beneficial reasons for opting for these surgeries and in many cases it remains the most responsible choice for pet owners. However, it’s not always irresponsible for opting not to have these surgeries. It’s the responsibility of the pet owner to become educated on the pros, cons and repercussions of these surgeries but ultimately, the choice should belong to the pet owner, not the state.


Ch. Hanna’s Dam Inge Fair Sun Multiple Group and Specialty Best in Show winner Thank you Judge Mrs. Gloria Geringer for this Group First! Breeders/Owners Arvid and Holly Sundbeck Beach City, TX

Handled By: Betty Brown Dog News 59

Number Four* Doberman

60 Dog News

Dog News 61


e took the comparatively short ride up to Springfield, Massachusetts for what is euphuistically called its Spring Fling Cluster of dog shows. The three all-breeds using the Eastern States Show Grounds consist of one club from Connecticut – the Trap Falls KC, one from New York State – the Troy KC, and one actually from Massachusetts called the Great Barrington KC. How well I remember the old days when all three of these clubs held its own show in its own geographic territory and rather successfully as I recall.


Of course today’s geographical situation insofar as the AKC is concerned is quite different than when clubs were originally granted territories in which to operate. The situation has been exasperated to the point that under the old method in which AKC granted geographic territories remains in effect on paper with exceptions given by AKC to the point that the exceptions seem to rule while the geographic territories are either ignored or impugned upon to make the distinctions appear ridiculous to most. I mean for the Queens KC of New York City to continue to be allowed to hold its shows in Springfield, Massachusetts is just absolutely ridiculous. The one year exception originally given by the Board has been continued year after year with little sign that it will be changed. In that instance it’s strictly a case of knowing the right people – the rules and policies be damned. Nonetheless, ignoring the underlying philosophical problems most acknowledge to exist insofar as AKC refusing to face up to its responsibilities in restructuring the chaotic geographic state of many a member clubs geographic territories does not prevent one from still have a good time at shows held under these circumstances. And such was the case at Troy on Saturday, which had 1,287 dogs with a total entry of 1,318. That’s a respectable number of entries and was the largest on the East Coast for sure with only possibly the three day Arizona circuit being larger for the weekend. What pleasantly surprised me was the number of quality new dogs I got to see both in the classes and in the Group rings. In the Hound group for instance I saw three new dogs (for me) which I had never seen before which were truly competitive – an Afghan, a Borzoi, and a Basset hound. I also finally got to see the Peke doing all the winning who is a real comer as well as a Peke bitch special which impressed me as well. There was a lovely Keeshound, some adorable standard Poodle pups, a black Pom of merit, a lovely Dalmatian and on and on. Those kinds of surprises make the shows really worth going to, and I think at the smaller, less publized kind of events one is more likely to find these dogs since there is not as much going on to distract you. And lastly of course was a new young Am Staff bitch which walked off with two of the three Bests, the first going to the Peke. I hear that at yesterday’s Board Meeting a judge was suspended for life and fined $1,000 for being a really naughty, stupid kind of a boy! It seems he called an exhibitor/owner asking her to enter a low entry breed under him so he could get approval towards his judging application. That in itself is not an uncommon practice although one with which I strongly disagree, but that’s another matter. When the exhibitor said the dog would be shown elsewhere it seems he entered the dog himself using his credit card with the entry service or the show super. On the day of the show he marked his book having given the absent dog, entered by himself the breed thereby fulfilling the so-called judging requirements. Subsequently the owners found out what he had done and he was properly reported and suspended. The fine of $1,000 is probably uncollectable anyways so I would have fined him much more just to indicate the severity to say nothing of the stupidity of his actions. I understand this has raised the question as to whether or not other people may have done or a doing the same thing. Hard to believe anyone would but if this guy did it who knows??? Don’t be too surprised to hear news coming out of China, which will give NGKC a major heads-up over all the other kennel clubs there. To the extent that FCI may have to reverse its field and recognize that kennel club if they want to do business and hold shows in China at all. And while I know many people at AKC think that my feelings about NGKC are poorly founded I still believe AKC should recognize that club forthwith. Indeed as I have written before I believe they recognized the wrong club in South Korea and should revisit that recognition too. I have been meaning to suggest a book to read called “Dog Boy.” This novel, about a young boy named Romocka who grows up with a pack of feral dogs will unnerve you for sure. Abandoned by his mother and uncle the boy ventures out of the safety of his apartment building into the streets of Moscow. Cold and hungry, he follows a stray dog to her lair where he’s accepted as one of the pack. Eventually, the boundary between being human and dog fades with natural human desires prevailing. The author, Eva Hornung, does a great job using the well-worn theme of feral children to our attention and uses the dog as the conduit. This is a wonderfully written and haunting tale until the very end when the spell is broken outlandishly. Otherwise I strongly think this is a definite read for one and all. Published by Viking – cost is listed at $25.95. •

What Nerve, A Spring Fling...

by Matthew H. Stander

62 Dog News

Our sincere appreciation to Judge Mr. Charles Nett

The Number Two Bouvier All Breed*

*The Dog News Top Ten List

Dog News 63

64 Dog News

Dog News 65

2010Eurasia DogShow March27&28 by Cathy Cooper photos by Phyllis O’Brien


ust as spring had finally arrived on the East Coast after a brutal winter, I was packing my bags and heading to Moscow to judge at the Eurasia Dog Show. I was very happy to find that the weather in Moscow was actually quite pleasant. The International Dog Show Eurasia 2010 was held March 27 and 28 in the Crocus Expo IEC. The organizer of the event was the Russian Kynological Federation (RKF). This show is designed to be Russia’s most prestigious show, a Russian version of the Eukanuba in the US or Crufts in England. There was an entry of over 6,700 dogs. The RKF invited over 65 judges from 28 countries to officiate at the conformation classes alone. The USA was represented by Xandra Huber and myself. There were 185 different FCI breeds entered and 17 non FCI breeds. Alexandr Inshakov, president of the RKF, is an actor with a wonderful flair for the dramatic, so there was much glamour and pageantry involved with all of the president’s greetings and introduction of sponsors. In addition to the conformation judging the RKF provided spectators with two full days of additional and entertaining events. On Saturday there was the Agility Championships followed by Fly ball and Frisbee competitions. A large and varied costume class was greeted enthusiastically by the Russian spectators. The first place was awarded to a Pomeranian dressed up as a butterfly complete with wings and an apparatus that made her appear to fly around the ring. Other costumes included a bull fighter and his black Russian terrier dressed as El Toro, a dachshund dressed like a caterpillar, a bull dog dressed as a Soviet policeman, and many, many more. Also hugely popular was the free style dancing competition. Dogs and their owners performed a wide variety of dances complete with costumes. Some of the crowd favorites included a


66 Dog News




Best In Show Winning

Ch. Kaylen’s In A Perfect World

Sire: Am. & Can. Ch. Tivin Colours Of The Wind

Dam: Ch. Kaylen’s I’M Here For The Party

A Very Special Thank You To Group First Judge Mrs. Houston Clark And Judge Mr. Stephen J. Hubbell For Awarding Eve This Best In Show Owners: Nancy Trombley Vic-Tori Standard Poodles and Kay L. Peiser

Breeders: Mary Ellen Macke and Kay L. Peiser

Handler: Sharon Svoboda

Dog News 67

. . . S E U N I T N O C E K I R T S D L O G THE

E Y A B E L O S / H T U R A L L A CH. ’ THE GOLDBLOK CHIPO est Kelvercr o t e c a Carmel R Sire: Ch.

aye v Sole B ld o G a h Riv . Allarut h C : m a D

Handled Always With The Expertise of Bergit & Hans Kabel “Chip” is Co-Owned by Ruth Ziegler - “Allaruth” and Yvonne B. Phelps - “Sole Baye” Los Angeles & El Monte, California 310 472-7993 - 626 448-3424 68 Dog News


Group First - Thank you Judge Mr. James J. Ham Best of Breed Madera County Kennel Club Thank you Judge Ms. Dorothy B. Taylor

Best of Breed & Group Second Canada Del Oro Kennel Club Thank you Judge Mr. Robert D. Black

Best of Breed Kern County Kennel Club Thank you Judge Mrs. Denys Janssen Group Second Thank you Judge Mr. Vincent T. Grosso

Best of Breed Kern County Kennel Club Thank you Judge Mr. Charles E. Trotter Group Second Thank you Judge Mrs. Denys Janssen

*The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed Dog News 69

2010Eurasia DogShow CONTINUED FROM PAGE 66

jazz themed dance, a “horror/slasher movie” dance with the dog seeming to flee and eventually triumph over an attacker with a Halloween mask, and a traditional folk dance. On Sunday the Obedience Cup of Russia was held. This was followed by a Presentation of the National Breeds and an extremely large Junior Showmanship Competition. In the meantime in an area next to the group ring a children’s art competition was underway. The theme for the competition was “Our best friend-dog.” The Junior Showmanship was then completed and the art competition awards were handed out. This was followed by another freestyle dance competition. Prior to the judging of the 10 groups there were several multiple dog classes. These included the Couples competition, Progeny competition and a Kennel competition. These were followed by the Best Baby, Best Puppy and Best Veteran Group. There are very large entries in all of these classes and they are very interesting to watch, especially the multiple dog classes.

The judging of the 10 groups actually goes quite quickly as the judges do not examine every dog but make a cut after watching the first go around. Once all of the group winners were selected the Best Juniors (12-24 months) competition began. I could not hazard a guess as to how many dogs were in the ring, but they made three full circles in a very large ring. On Saturday Dr. Goren Bodegard (Sweden) selected a Dandie Dinmont as Best Junior dog. On Sunday, Gert Christensen (Denmark) selected a handsome Newfoundland. There is a class following Best Junior called “The Pride of Russia.” This class features only the Russian breeds. On Saturday, a Russian Greyhound, Erofey iz Razdolia, was the winner. The Sunday winner was a Central Asian Ovcharka, Gurgin Eltin Yulduz Dlya Vit Bir.


n the Best in Show ring on Saturday Frank Kane (Great Britain) selected a Shih Tzu, Ryzhaia Sonia Tremendous Goodluck, as first Best in Show. Second BIS was a Scottie, Gemma Stonehenge Estate and third was Newfoundland Aetna vom Riesrand. On Sunday Uwe Fischer (Germany) chose the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Andvol Pinkerton as first BIS followed by Samoyed, Pilgrimage Snow Ball and Golden Retriever, Le Monrashe Iz Doma Domeni. As this was the first all breed FCI show that I had judged, I found it all very interesting and different from the US. I had previously judged an FCI Sennenhund Specialty so I was familiar with the critiques but still found it challenging to articulate my description of the individual dogs. The interpreter in the ring holds three different colored flags representing excellent, good, or very good ratings. Once the rating is given the flag is waved so the crowd all knows the outcome. If a dog does not receive an excellent they cannot continue in further competition. Classes include Baby, Puppy, Intermediate, Junior, and Champion for both sexes. CACIB’s and reserve CACIB’s are awarded but I must confess those are still a mystery to me. When the winners are selected the rings are flooded with amateur photographers. There is tons of paperwork involved in each breed ring. Instead of one steward there are two secretaries and one interpreter along with the judge. It takes a lot of manpower to put on a show of this size. The RKF is extremely hospitable to its judges. We were treated to a ballet on Friday night, dinner at the Yar Restaurant on Saturday, and a gala dinner at the hotel on Sunday. In typical European fashion most of these dinners did not begin until close to 10 p.m. and made for some very long, but memorable evenings. The 2010 Eurasia show was a wonderful event. There are some excellent dogs in Russia and the Russians are very enthusiastic about all aspects of the sport. •

70 Dog News

Dog News 71

72 Dog News

Dog News 73

Based on All-Breed Competition CONTINUED FROM PAGE 51

7 CH Cheri-A’s Schiaparelli SC J Wood/J Elliott 8 Nefertari The Few Proud And Brave JC R Wennberg/L Wennberg 9 CH Majic Whatever I Want K Todd/L Bettis 10 CH Jabir Southern Nights SC C Farrar American Foxhounds 1 CH Kiarry’s Foolish Pride B Wyckoff/H Miller/L Miller 2 CH Devlon’s Fame And Fortune K Kendall/D Leonard/K Leonard 3 CH Kiarry’s Walkin On Sunshine H Miller/L Miller 4 CH Kiarry’s Walk This Way J Herrera/Y Herrera/W Sommerfelt/C Somme 5 CH Hewly Camilla S Petter/R Urban/G Shultz 6 CH Kelly Mt. American Idol J Rea/J Lance 7 CH Pacar’s Pacific Original Design P Crary/K Hackler 8 CH Devlon’s It’s Now Or Never D Leonard/K Leonard/K Kendall/S Leonard Basenjis 1 CH Wakili Signet Dooney T Curry 2 CH Reveille Push Button D Bolte 3 CH Ab-Rafiki The Icon Of Cool M Jameson/W Pooley/S Middlebrooks 4 CH Jasiri-Sukari Bucking The Trind J Jones/K Jones/P Lopez/R Lopez 5 CH Klassic’s Slam Dunk S Kite/J Gillespie 6 DC C-Quest’s Jokuba Hide And Sneak SC C Russell/R Bowen-Wilkerson 7 CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Harlequin Cassanova Jack At White J Behles/R Holt 8 CH Karnak’s Pure And Simple Allure K Terry/K Hutchison 9 CH Tazamisha’s Critical Mass V Cortez/J Cortez/N Cortez 10 CH Meisterhaus You Better Believe It JC C Goss/A Brooks Basset Hounds 1 CH Topsfield-Sanchu American Express C Orlandi/C Steidel/S Frischmann 2 CH Splash’s The Professor J Nolan/B Nolan/J Nolan/S Ponsart 3 CH Brynmor Zenith J Burk/J Walker 4 CH Blossomhil’s Mamma Mia S Shor 5 CH Kelmic’s Anjo Pepper Of Bugle Bay M Helms/C Helms 6 CH Topsfield-Sanchu Pop Art O’Bridi C Orlandi/C Steidel 7 CH Switchstand Cannonball D Taylor 8 CH Sasquatch Double Exposure B Brandt/D Coker 9 CH Baywind-Craigwood Smokin In Havana D Moore/M Moore/S Campbell 10 CH Showtime’s Shock And Awe H Haskell/B Haskell/M Chrysanthis/S Chry Beagles (13 in. and under) 1 CH Del Rey Roosevelts Rough Rider R Hilton/D Lipari/E Brandt/J Catz 2 CH Roirdan Lanbur Motor City D Kirby/P Lipani/J Woodring/C Herr 3 CH Shadynook’s You Lite Up My Life R Werlein 4 CH Irish Coffey Shadows On The Shannon P Coffey/B Coffey 5 CH Tesoros Toot Toot All Around J Rodes/M Austin 6 CH Skyline’s Dream Big K Forbes/J Forbes 7 CH Roirdan’s Meant To Be E Nesbitt/S Mason-Saunders/C Herr 8 CH Alamo’s El Caporal P Baffert/K Brooks 9 CH Barrister’s Final Curtain B Manifold 10 CH Copper Rose Myles Of Smiles T Gaier Beagles (over 13 in.) 1 CH Torquay Midnight Confession M Chagas/M Botelho/A Botelho 2 CH Durrisdeer’s Rudolpho C Haydinger/P Staub 3 CH Belcanto Flags A’Flyin R Willett 4 CH Shadynook Mcdreamy At Rk Tooker B Kidwell/R Kidwell/C Mcelroy

74 Dog News

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5 CH Skyline’s Big Wheel K Forbes/J Forbes/C Conger/S Todd 6 CH Cabaret Come Chase The Dream T Olson/J Simpson/C Stone/P Ivett 7 CH Shoreviews The Blues Brothers B Tague/S Swanson 8 CH Rockwoods Milo Tipster J Hubenak/S Moore/S Hubenak 9 CH Quijote De La Plaza Grunauer L Cranford 10 CH Foxtail’s Master Of The Sea M Kurtzner/S Berndt-Smith/D Smith Black and Tan Coonhounds 1 CH Silver Ridge Showtyme At Windbourne S Campbell/L Schermerhorn/S Skinner/T Sk 2 CH CSG Clover Creek Big Daddy RE K Winn/J Carr 3 CH Windbourne High Performance E McCarthy/S Tasker/S Campbell 4 CH Windbourne Dr Watson L Seabrook/R Seabrook/S Campbell 5 CH Windbourne Every Hand’s A Winner A Mitchell 6 Southwind’s Walking In Memphis R Reynolds/S Lowthian Bloodhounds 1 CH Quiet Creek’s Windfall K Hansen/M Hansen/S Hamil/L Burch 2 CH Heathers A Little Night Music E Befus 3 CH Flessner’s International Harvester B Flessner/C Flessner 4 CH Quiet Creek’s Kiss And Tell S LaCroix/H Whitcomb 5 CH Legend’s Nutrageous Hamlet M Zitek/S Anderson/S VanCamp/C Thomas 6 CH Churchils Treasured Moon J Walker/J Kano/M McKinney 7 CH Soonipi Friends In Low Places Mlh K Dewey/S Wittman 8 CH Ghost Hollow’s Spectacular Bid L Griffith/J Hahn 9 CH Heather’s Father And Son L Sherman/H Whitcomb 10 CH Huggables Blue Lace Agate T Wirth/K Wirth Bluetick Coonhounds 1 Black Knights Balu Power D Crump/A Heiser/A Alexander Borzois 1 CH Aashtoria Wildhunt Hidden Agenda R Riel/C Riel 2 CH Blackmoor Samwise At Konza K Cassella/P Cassella 3 CH Kansai’s All That Attitude J Mcminn/J Patten 4 Jubilee Glacier No Place Like Home C Gredys/L Durand 5 CH Jubilee-Katushka Ebel C Gredys 6 CH Auroral’s Ajax J Steele 7 CH Aria’s The Quiet Man R Rice/B Rice 8 CH Tzirina Baikal SC M Dewitt/M Dewitt 9 CH Reflections I’M The Lucky One R Glenn/F Murphy 10 Borzowski’s C’Est La Vie Y Umeki Dachshunds (Longhaired) 1 CH Sunteckel’s Samuel II S Lutosky/T Abst 2 CH Serenity’s Steel Magnolias W Snyder/B Snyder/C Werner/D Abrams 3 CH Xeralane’s Supersize Xeralane Knl 4 CH Pramada’s Living Legend L M Peat 5 CH Bonnfel’s Maverick Spirit Wind K Ryan 6 CH Homar’s Solo Aviator Sl C Puig/W Jones/M Jones 7 CH Beacon Hill Tequila Manhattan L C Heitzmann/N Turner/N Froy 8 CH Vongays It’s A Wrap Sl M Boyle/G Richards 9 CH Gemdach Red Rocker N Haupt/K Haupt 10 CH Xeralane’s Supersonic M Vila/Xeralane Knl Dachshunds (Smooth) 1 CH Brodny Schoolhouse Dixie F Vogel/C Vogel/J Anderson/N Eby 2 CH Grandgables Ms So Sweeet N So Low G Jeavons/M McMillan

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3 CH Brownwood Legacy V Laddland Ss W Cunningham 4 CH Grandgables Ms Stripey Brown G Jeavons/M McMillan 5 CH Bessdach Drisheen Hot Shot M Lara/D Bell 6 CH Pawprints Add Sim’s Sahara Ms C Simones/R Addison 7 DC Vschwalbes Red Hot Boudin Ms J Schwalbe/R Schwalbe 8 CH Seacrest Double Delight Ss R Hernandez/S Britten-Ilouno 9 CH Kochana’s Hiswill Ain’T Misbehavin D Poranski 10 Dynadaux Redneck Dirty Girl Ms L Batchelder/C Senff Dachshunds (Wirehaired) 1 CH Jake’s Desperado Sw J Mayhall/K Jensen/D Maloney 2 CH Wire Me Twinkle Little Star Mw C O’Neil 3 CH Gleneagle’s Who’s Famous Now A Bischel/C Erickson 4 CH Raydachs Playing With Fire V Gleishorbach Sw S Ray/M Sakoda/J Sakoda 5 DC Doxdane’s American Idol Ms C Heitzman/N Pearson 6 CH Brodny Schoolhouse Street Smart E Williams/J Anderson 7 CH Camridge Love Is Boreas G Tutt/R Hernandez/S Britten-Ilouno 8 CH Roushland’s Alexandra Sw F Roush/J Roush` 9 CH Leoralee’s Dancing With The Stars Mw S Steele/M Singleton 10 CH Ez Goins Wire-E-Coyote MW S Rodriguez/B Rodriguez/R Loyd English Foxhounds 1 CH Foxrhode Virgils Morgan T Furr/C Furr 2 CH Foxhrode Thndafrmdwnunda C Stewart/A Johnson/J Patterson/B Patter 3 CH Sunup’s Parliament M Heile/C Heile/S Whaley 4 CH Whipperin’s The Wizard M Henricks/V Crowell-Book/M Penny Greyhounds 1 CH Grandcru Clos Erasmus R Gaudet/M Steele 2 CH Gaia Elfin Dance M Kunisa/J Ito/S Lemieux 3 CH Quicksilver Sierra Jaguar D Hempel/B Hempel 4 CH Helios Foxglove Atheart S Bartel/S Johnston 5 CH Solstice Gainsborough N Soyster/M Uva 6 CH Rubicon’s He’s So Fine P Rubinstein 7 CH Wildwood Dali At Heart K Henderson/W Delfino 8 CH Aryal Aroi Stoney Ridge CD RE TD SC NAJ H Hamilton 9 Huntington’s Cinderella SC L Drew 10 CH Gaia Woodland Waltz J Raymer/T Richardson/S Lemieux Harriers 1 CH Pacific’s Serenading Anthem E Benner 2 CH Jackpot Kingsbury Beamer D Shettle/L Whitney/C Whitney 3 CH Kingsbury Salsa De Chile Habenero S Rathbone/R Moore Ibizan Hounds 1 DC Orion’s Xxx Of Eden MC LCX3 J Dannenbring/C Freeling/M Paulin-Brown 2 CH Sunrumba’s Honor And Harmony Of Aigh JC P First/R Castillo 3 CH Ahram Charikar Here Comes The Sun H Haas 4 CH Harehill’s Ace In The Hole K Gindler/W Anderson 5 CH Serandida’s Spirit Of Sikora’S L Sikora/N Sikora 6 DC Gryphons Pogo Podenco SC T Forbes 7 CH Bodean’s Six-Pack St Pauli Girl D O’Neal 8 Alisian Fields Epic Gyrl From Ipanema A Barbour Irish Wolfhounds 1 CH Tirowen Lord O The Dance S Weeks/C McLean/F McEvoy/A McEvoy 2 CH Cash Of Limerick L Souza/J Souza-Bartlett CONTINUED ON PAGE 78

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#1 GSP All Breed*

Am. & Can. Ch. Shortales N Cahoots W Irondale, JH Multiple Group Winning and Multiple Best In Specialty Show Winning Thank You Judge Mrs. Christina Hubbell

Presented By James and Wendy Bettis *The Dog News Top Ten List

Bred and Owned By Leita Estes, Shortales GSP’s Co-owned By Wendy and Matthew Bettis Dog News 75

76 Dog News

Dog News 77

Based on All-Breed Competition CONTINUED FROM PAGE 74

3 CH Pinehurst Garret K Goodell 4 CH Desert Dune At Curiann J Ryan 5 CH Ansa Mo Merlin D’Eirinn K Schaffter/A Schaffter 6 CH Gordon Of Aerie A Benjamin/D Marx 7 Brimstone Moria Of The Ridge J Cooper/S Mcclure Norwegian Elkhounds 1 CH Somerri Dunharrow’s Devil Ray J Silker/Somerri Knl 2 CH Vin-Melca’s Voyager P Trotter 3 CH Bristlecone’s Tracker L Gamble/L Gamble 4 CH Kamgaard Kover Your Tracks S Simmonds/M Mott 5 CH Lindvangen Nemo M Litchfield-Reid 6 CH Somerri Jamieson’s Sea Whiskey J Lewis/L Lewis 7 CH Skyemar’s Silver Cyclone A Hoak 8 CH Vin-Melca’s True Blue P Trotter/J Richardson 9 CH Vikrest Step To The Future P Viken/L Forrest 10 CH Silhouette’s Kaboom K Olsen/E Olsen/S Garrity Otterhounds 1 CH Scentasia’s Double Trouble S Malone/M Couch 2 CH Adeline’s Sticky Wicket N Wallens/R Wallens/R Van Houten/B Van H 3 CH Aberdeen’s People Are Strange D Barrioz Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens 1 CH Soletrader Donald Duck D Gau/G Robertson 2 CH Afterglow Ebeneezer B Thompson/S Russell/R Ellingford/M Gads 3 CH Rokeena Carte Blanche J Herrera/C Herrera/R Wallis/R Wallis 4 CH Celestial Cj’s Hearts On Fire J Hurty/C Hurty/L Florian/M Florian/P He 5 CH Jodell Boogie Back To Texas D Moore 6 CH Dehra Amazona Bvlgari J Stark/R Stark 7 CH Lacey’s It’s A Jungle Out There! J Lacey Black 8 CH Spellbound La Petite Coquette A Sneider 9 CH Tangaer Quelque Choses S Belflower/R Belflower Pharaoh Hounds 1 DC Hallam’s Phorest Of Bekaby RN MC LCX2 R Newman/D Carota/S Sipperly 2 CH Galadrial’s Aurora Red Du Ciel RA SC S Swanson/S Hoffman 3 DC Hallam’s Busiris Ra Qena MC LCX S Parker/G Stevens/D Carota/S Sipperly 4 CH Xoez JC L Evans/J Buchanan/R Frank/D Frank 5 CH Siphra’s No Remorse JC L Lysher 6 Northgate’s As You Like It J Mosing 7 CH Sendji Nefer-Temu Neptune-Triton SC E Kerridge 8 CH Reedly Road Deep Blue D Anuka 9 CH Tiara Ne-Kabu Abu Simbel Ankh J Ault/K Grega/T Ault 10 Eneas Nehemiach Tal Sannat JC J Gates/R Rohrig Plotts 1 CH White Deer Texas Playboy K Baxter Redbone Coonhounds 1 CH Jackpot’s Sound Simon J Bennett/S Bennett 2 Tree Rizin’ Maine Edition P Samuelson 3 CH Sikora’s Everytime I Roll The Dice N Sikora/L Sikora 4 CH CWSG Sidearm Jungle King Mufasa J Mills/L Mills Rhodesian Ridgebacks 1 CH Pupukearidge Ikaika O Sprngvly T Peach/B Peach/P Lambie/I Mc Kinnon/S M 2 CH Nashira’s Ciro Of Anjari JC A Ernst 3 CH Tumomak Simbamoyo JC S Rexford

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4 CH Tji-Wara’s Distant Drums C Well/K Rice/M Hatfield 5 CH Adili’s American Idol K Courtelis/T Lynch/K Lafleur 6 CH Tucker Ridge Dugga Boy Simba Ridge M Gaunaurd 7 CH Symetrivikela Mischief Managed JC H Fulton/R Fulton 8 CH Oakhurst Fruit Of The Vine K Morgan/D Morgan/B Rupert 9 CH Spring Valley’s Gandalf Of Pr S Mc Kinnon/I Mc Kinnon 10 CH Kimani’s Sneak Preview L Campbell Salukis 1 CH Carma’s Indian Summer L Ackerman 2 CH Aurora’s Walk This Way J Mueller/E Blake 3 DC Shahtani Ivory Moon SC L May 4 CH Sandstorm Blue Nile Bubbles Of Jatara J Harrington&Sara Winsted 5 CH Cat Tales Cat Mandu H Onto-Murphy/C Murphy/G Neidig/S Hamilt 6 CH 7seas Int’L Safari Al Sayad K Kelly-Burns 7 CH Excelsior Yosef Areli J Aaron/S Easter 8 CH Inisfailte Manasseh Of Wisdom B Steer/T Steer/S Faust/C Waymire 9 Khiva’s Akilah M Lawson/V Hamilton 10 DC Solari Talisa Instygator SC J Oslund/L Oslund/J Newton/G Newton Scottish Deerhounds 1 CH Foxcliffe Hickory Wind S Sweatt/C Dove/R Dove 2 CH Gayleward’s Jaraluv Nike G Bontecou 3 CH Lehigh-Darkwynd Enella P Pascoe/P Smithson 4 CH Lehigh Eilig Of Dunsmuir JC L Studer Whippets 1 CH Starline’s Chanel L Lawrence/C Lawrence/N Lawrence 2 CH Sporting Fields Bahama Sands D Butt/J Cooney-Waterhouse 3 CH Karasar’s Parexcellence K Kuper/N Barthelette 4 CH Kamada’s Instant Millionaire D Davenport/K Davenport 5 CH Cove Creek Minuette N Slauson/D Seiler 6 CH Sonsteby’s In A Pickle K Padon/K Kenyon 7 Windborn N Oxford Twilight At Starline P Snell/H Snell/L Wilson 8 CH Sporting Fields Tiger Lily S LeRoy 9 CH Kamada’s Happy Hour D Devenport/D Kipp 10 CH Bretica Man With The Big Cigar T Hutchings

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Working Group

Akitas Akit 1 CH Mojo’s Rock’N R k’N Yo Your W Worldld S Borrmann/B Rule 2 CH Stardust Sherob Georgia On My Mind T Witte/R Witte/S Wallis 3 CH Nakodo’s Reign Of Glory K Venezia 4 CH Rossimon By The Boss R Short/M Denney 5 CH Sondaisa Seize The Moment C Sullivan/T Kaartinen/M Varpula/A Meyer 6 CH Buckridge’s Positive Energy D Osborn/E Vanden Avond 7 CH Sondaisas Spice It Up C Sullivan/M Amae 8 CH Dream Hi’s I Got My Game On T Rickard/L Rickard/K Rickard/J Davies 9 CH Cas Cobo Haul Eudora C Smith/R Moore/C Moore 10 CH Cr - Wicca’s Trade Secret A Bavaria/C Burke/T Bavaria/J Charnik Alaskan Malamutes 1 CH Catanyas Latin Lover P Kendrick/A Martinez/A Syar 2 CH Nanuke’s Take It To The Limit J Radford/S Andrea

1 5 2 2 1


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0 0 0 2 0


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2 6 2 3 1


0 2 2 1 1


3 CH Sno Klassic Play The Game P Peel/M Peel 4 CH Wolfmountain’s Special Ops P Jenkins/E Jenkins 5 CH Onan’s Promises Promises P Hazelwood 6 CH Terraglo’s One Awesome Dude G Toussaint/T Toussaint 7 CH Catera’s Funfast N Worldclass A Volkomener/n Volkomener 8 CH Kiewa Perfect Pitch Of Snodanc M Walker 9 CH Wind’s Fury Jacob Trailblazer N Russell/B Salvadore/S Hjermstad/T Muld 10 CH Rogues Jonny Walker Blk Labl S Weston/J Weston Anatolian Shepherd Dogs 1 CH Eiserntor Aa Mustafa Of Turkay L Curran/S King 2 CH Lucky Hit Shadow Lavanta J York/E Conard Bernese Mountain Dogs 1 CH Alpenspirit’s Lion King D Hitchcock/M Turbide 2 CH Blumoon Tanzenite V Blackrock CD D Cox/G Reeve/T Yrjonen 3 CH Taplacs Invincible Vinny RN E Buonpane/G Taplac 4 CH Loriendells Sword Of Elendil J Giannone/K Giannone 5 CH Avatars Try Try Again K Groves/L Fernandes/F Bushnell 6 CH Alpenspirit Just In Time J Singleton/M Turbide 7 CH Sapphires Practical Magic M Rosello/C Arbuthnot/R Arbuthnot 8 CH Trevi’s Lonestar B Bych 9 CH Sendache’s Xmas Xchange V Astia S Lutz/J Matthisen 10 CH Alpenspirit Who’s On First A Summers/G Summers Black Russian Terriers 1 CH Petr Pervy Iz Russkoi Dinastii L Jordan 2 CH Nord Praid Roskosh Dushechka L Jordan 3 CH Kamila At Aristes S Nadezhdonoi Poljany C Stumm/F Dilsaver/S Gaunt/W Nelson 4 CH Chelentano Iz Chigasovo D Rakers/L Rakers 5 CH Over The Moon About Borislav R Keeling/C Keeling 6 CH Mechta Kiev-Grada Iz Sozvezdiya Alex RN H Haldi Boxers 1 CH Winfall Brookwood Styled Dream D McCarroll/J Billhardt/S Tenenbaum 2 CH Duba-Dae’s Who’s Your Daddy C Vose/W Bettis/L Jansson 3 CH Bravo N Sunset Stealing Time K Robbins/C Robbins/G Adkins/B Adkins/D 4 CH R And G’s Mystical Dancer R Bezerra/B Bachman/R Servetnick/G Steel 5 CH Carillon’s M V P A Anderson/S Anderson 6 CH Hi-Tech’s Southern Belle J Poller/G Alix/Z Truesdale 7 CH Winfall I Dream Of Style T Porter/L Stanton/J Pinzon 8 CH Kim’s Amazing Grace Custom Made V Dorris/K Finlay/E Barnhart/O Lee-Water 9 CH Jacquet’s Laredo El Encanto L Casella/R Tomita/C Shea/M Mastrapasqua 10 CH Katandy’s Fast Forward L Morris Bullmastiffs 1 CH Nix Stacked Quarterback T Durkee/A Millett 2 CH Ishana’s Play It Again Sam A Kay/T Kay 3 CH Starrdogs Concrete Cowboy RN M Edwards/J Lane/K Roberts 4 CH Beahives Vanillie RN S Hiller/R Hiller 5 CH Sumertym Southwind Magic Carpet Ride R Manuel/K Manuel/N Parker 6 CH Big Game Acton Augustus R Overly 7 Bastions Sovereign Bishop S Allen 8 CH Newcastle’s Top Shelf T Blount/A Scully 9 CH Paradise’s Always Faithful R Snow/B Barnhart 10 CH Brude Murbe Samson C Hunt/W Hunt CONTINUED ON PAGE 82

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Dog News 79

The Multiple Group & Best In Specialty

Judge Mrs. Rita Holloway Best of Breed The Non-Sporting Group Club of the Garden State

Judge Dr. Michael Manning Best of Breed Lenape Boston Terrier Club Supported Specialty

Ch. Classic’s Owners Dr. Ellen Kennedy & Mary Ann Gallagher KEYNOTE BOSTON TERRIERS Philadelphia, PA Breeder & Owner Carole Ann Mohr-Rio CLASSIC Ocala, Fl 80 Dog News

Show Winning


Sweeping Up The Competition At This Very Competitive East Coast Circuit!

Breeder- Judge Mr. Carl Gomes Best of Breed & Group Fourth New Brunswick Kennel Club

To Be Or Not To Be Professsion Professionally nallyy Presented Presented by by Chris Berg Berg & Kellie Kellie Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Bear, B eaar, DE DE

Dog News 81

Based on All-Breed Competition CONTINUED FROM PAGE 78

Doberman Pinschers 1 CH Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici J Mullins/K Mullins 2 CH Allure Blazing Star Alisaton N Bosley/J Porter/C Pitts 3 CH Mi-Ti’s Three Cheers J Goldblatt/S Baker/C Silverman/D Roof 4 CH A’Monde’s Sand & Dunes Of Sahara A Levine/F Mendes/R Silverman/L Ferrara 5 CH Steinway’s Paris Is Burning M Loflin 6 CH Phillmar Sobe Monster M Klein/H Farias/A Farias/P Martin 7 CH Sun Style’s Sensation V Sweeny 8 CH Abadie’s Crystal Vision R Hagmann/L Hagmann 9 CH Allure Envy Me Royalwood V Schohaus L Schoeneman/J Schoeneman/C Pitts 10 CH By Design Bandera V. Mac’s Vali D Dietz Dogues de Bordeaux 1 CH Mount Sinai’s Crusader St Amand P Duvall 2 CH Gargoyles Brando T Beefcake V Barfield 3 CH Emberez Endeavor H Yiannos 4 Chateaurouge’s Witches Brew P Muth/T Muth 5 Annies Red Tank T Edwards Giant Schnauzers 1 CH Kenro’s Happy Hour R Greenslade 2 CH Skansen’s Sir August Brigs M Williams 3 CH Skansen’s C’Sofia Of Grandeur R Rechler/A Stromberg 4 CH Sonnenschein River Chase R Foster/P Foster 5 CH Skansen’s Bacchus II S Sansone 6 CH Seven Seas Auroras Adonis K Sevastopoulos/C Athanasvos 7 CH Skyline’s Eliminator T Fay/W Fay/C Mazzenga/A Mazzenga 8 CH Doc’s Pride And Joy D Izmirlian Great Danes 1 CH Lobato’s Code Red J Lobato/A Stillwell/K Lyon/T Miller 2 CH Lobato’s JitterBug Man M Thomas/J Lobato/G Cole 3 CH Echolane-Darlin’s Beyond A Shadow Of A Doubt D Davis/J Brungard/L Moser 4 CH Summerfield’s Lady Of Hope F Hogg/J Dumesnil/S Hennessey/N Lerch 5 CH Shalako Conspiracy Of Rondomar D Marks 6 CH Raintree Erinwood Dixie Magic Dragon R Gumbs/P Deloria/L Cornelius/S Fetters 7 CH Rainmaster’s She’s A Show Girl J Miner 8 CH Raintree Erinwood Dixie Easy Does It V Sarjack P Deloria/L Cornelius/S Fetters 9 CH Rosendane’s Just Like Heaven A Kusmiesz 10 CH Shoreline-East-West Playit Again Sam N Schycker-Bailey/J Bailey/M Mattioli Great Pyrenees 1 CH Pyrpressure L’Orgueil M Johnson/G Johnson 2 CH Dieudonne William Of Orange N Sharpe/K Simons/P Midgorden 3 CH Pyrless Les Monts De Lourdes K Piston/R Piston 4 CH Rivergroves Coco Mademoiselle J Boyd/M Cox/M Stewart 5 CH Talisman’s The Best Is Yet To Come D Dougherty 6 CH Calurian Ailo Mountain Sage RA N Wood-Taber 7 CH Honor’s Promise Of Glory B Ducker/K Bruneau 8 CH Rivergroves Dom Perignon CDX RN A Stonehouse/J Boyd 9 CH Rivergroves Star Sapphire J Boyd/M Cox/M Stewart 10 CH Rivergroves When Stars Go Blu J Boyd/M Cox/M Stewart Komondorok 1 CH Nagyalma Unforgettable Too N Liebes/E Liebes/V McNelis 2 CH Meadow View Officer N A Gentleman S Harman/M Harman/J Cupolo 3 CH Lajosmegyi Djaam N Powell/T Powell

82 Dog News

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


1 4 5 4 1


3 8 0 0 0


0 0 4 2 2


1 6 2 1 4


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0 0 2 0 0


0 0 1 1 1


0 0 0 1 2


0 0 2 0 0


4 CH Ragdoll’s Amazing !!! P Mroz/N Liebes Kuvaszok 1 CH Mattiaci High Voltage At Glacier Creek D Blank 2 CH Szumeria’s Wildwood Silver Six Pence L Brady/C Townsend/C Muir 3 CH Szep Tars Heart’s Cry RN M Ginther/T Ginther/C Ferrall 4 Fur Rondies Full Of Spirit J Volkheimer Mastiffs 1 CH Resolute’s Ticket To Ride T Smith/L Watson/S Low 2 CH Lexington Divine’s Put Me In, Coach J Sanchez/C Sanchez/M Delisa/E Tortorell 3 CH Britestar’s Dueling Desperado P Wilkinson/B House 4 CH Lazy D’s Bonnie Blue N Walker/C Livingston 5 CH Friends Big Gun “Gunnar” J Friend 6 CH Lexington I Got Da Blues P Wirsching 7 CH Mcf Stop The Music J Lovece/C Lovece 8 CH Spring Hollow Roady’s Glory M Horner/D Reece 9 CH Southports Masquerade W Lum/C Sanchez/R Lum/J Sanchez 10 CH Imagine El Oso Kodiak Grande T McMahan/B Roventini Neapolitan Mastiffs 1 CH Bruno Della Vecchia Roma J Wolf 2 Cinciripini’s Filippo L Cinciripini/J Cinciripini 3 CH Beefcake Bodacious Of Majestic J Deppen/S Neely/G Neely Newfoundlands 1 CH Rain Coast Partner-Of-Dreams L Fernandez/N Garcia Valle 2 CH Seabrook’s Best Man At Pouch Cove P Helming/K Griffin 3 CH Skipper’s Eminence King Of Helluland L Vande Ven/P Helming 4 CH Bowater’s Even Now D Sylvester/C Sylvester 5 CH Fairweather’s Keepsake At Darbydale C Bergmann 6 CH Bifrost’s Gust O’Boradaile W Betchley/P Betchley 7 CH Big Dog Farm Oh My Baby Huey L Cole/R Cole 8 CH Bear N Mind’s The Guardian CD C Gorsuch/D Gorsuch 9 CH Tempest’s Encore Kilyka J Thibault/J Thibault/S Petsch/D Petsch 10 CH Pawsinn Threeponds Lancelot V Nguyen/G Dotzman Portuguese Water Dogs 1 CH Aviators Luck Be A Lady M Dugan/C Dugan 2 CH Driftwood’s I Have A Dream E Ginn/M Powell 3 CH Fishbay’s Faith Hope And Love L Adams 4 CH Surfdogs Haole Boy “Gq” K Kissel/G Gillion 5 CH Bantry’s Umber Ecco R Valliant/L Motta 6 CH Timbermist Foot Off The Boat K Varner/W Varner 7 CH Navio’s Flower Of The Sea P Cazenave/F Cazenave 8 CH Pouch Cove’s Mizrahi C O’Neil 9 CH Driftwood’s Coffee Break Jake J Wechsler/M Powell/A Fleisschli Brown 10 CH Peja Divine Comedy Of Hope K Kramer/P Thomas Rottweilers 1 CH Cammcastle’s Friar Tuck A O’Brien/V O’Brien 2 CH Falkoretakingcareofbiznessstnhdg H Tollison/B Ward Tollison 3 CH Cammcastle’s My Gigolo G Renzulli/W Renzulli 4 CH Cammcastle’s Kore Elements P Schumacher/S Otto 5 CH Briaroaks Caliente V Barste S Thomas 6 CH D’Oro Solidos Feliciano Uno D Cabe 7 CH Nighthawk’s X-Mas Bonus CD RE E Janner/S Janner

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4

0 0 0 0 1



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8 CH Lorals Number One Caesar T Spiece 9 CH Parisans Helo Of Riverridge R Ramsour/T Johnston/S Eikanger-Stoops 10 CH Chancelor’s Gorgeous Patrone P Rubio/W Lewellan St. Bernards 1 CH Mickey III K Welch/C Figueroa 2 CH Alta Vista’s Billion Kilowatt CD RN T Brown/R Bonito 3 CH Tinkberbells Solid Gold B Leech/S Furgeson/K Parkman 4 CH Summerlyn’s Keeping It Real W Buell/J Schart/M Pierce 5 CH Lasquite’s Banjo V Orlando P Woods/J Woods/M Smith 6 CH Skydancer Cosmos Gazr Rathlegue R Carter/S Carter Samoyeds 1 CH Polar Mist War Admiral L Olsson 2 CH Pebbles’ Run Hammy Davis Jr A Kiell 3 CH Pebbles’ Run Love Actually A Kiell 4 CH Cuvee’s Bridgette Bordeaux K Allison/K Allison/M McNeil 5 CH Echo’s Prophecy To Daystar C Smith/J Warner/N Smith 6 CH Selene Of Inn Wang San Kr J Elford/E Son 7 CH Holly’s Sabre Jet D Hollingsworth/D DiDomizio 8 CH White Eagle’s Celestial Sky T Litton/S Klar/M Augustus/J Augustus/C 9 CH “Stolichnaya” Stoli L Edel/J Augustus 10 CH T-Snow Star’s Journe’ Of The Heart M Willdigg/L Ragsdale Siberian Huskies 1 CH Topaz T.R.O.U.B.L E. K Courtelis/C French/B Yarling 2 CH Indigo’s Synama Wood Imp D Qualls/J Duwaldt-Coutu/P Powell/B Mitc 3 CH Topaz Enjoy The Ride L House 4 CH Poli’s ForgetAboutit M Polimeni/F Polimeni 5 CH Paragon’s Red Red Wine T Erickson 6 CH Indigo’s Hilltop Istate D Qualls/S Qualls 7 CH Melrose Walk The Line J Carpenter/L Carpenter 8 CH Dynasty’s Husky Dream Girl H Tang 9 CH Kontoki’s A Bend In The Road N Wisniewski/J Guin/M De Palma/T Oelschl 10 CH Cryin’ Time Of The Midnight Sun S Streweler/B Lawrence Standard Schnauzers 1 CH Pepper Tree Zorro V Morgenwald P Duffee 2 CH Shalimars Golden Ticket J Trombley 3 CH Centara Under Fire C Filer 4 CH Goarrhein Chateau Palos Shiraz RN TD PT M Just/D Just/E Mohrenweiser/H Mohrenwei 5 CH Charisma Maxim Von Diable L Adiletti/J Adiletti 6 CH Pepper Tree Apollo V Silverado J Legan 7 CH County Clare’s Jewel Of Beauty M Thomas/J Thomas 8 CH Sketchbook Neon Lights L Hansen 9 CH Halcyon’s Don Quixote II E Davison 10 CH Ruger Von Berg P Durgin Tibetan Mastiffs 1 CH Seng Khri Bartok Of Dawa Z Smith/D Nechemias/L Claus 2 CH Citadel’s Dpal Byad Ma Seng B Lott 3 CH Shang-Hai’s Kurukula For Loki S Novarro/D Parsons/P Novarra 4 CH Legends Kailas Himalayan S Frank/L Boyer CONTINUED ON PAGE 86

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


1 1 1 0 0


0 0 1 1 1


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2 5 2 4 6


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0 0 2 0 3


84 Dog News

*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points

Dog News 85

Based on All-Breed Competition CONTINUED FROM PAGE 82

Terrier Group B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4

Airedal Te AAiredale Terriers ie 1 CH Sherwood’s King Arthur L Bryan/S Bryan 2 CH Stirling Cool Hand Luke T Steele/F Pulice 3 CH Buon Maras Little Me J Mara/R Mara/L Buonauro/C Pikul 4 CH Bajanaire Now That’s Justice A Borkgren/J Baker/P Borkgren 5 CH Stone Ridge Tobylinn J Linn/J Framke/S Kipp American Staffordshire Terriers 1 CH Gaff’s I’M Here For The Party Z Smith/P Carter 2 CH Castle Rock’s Sbigstaff Mad About You G Brown/D Pesenti 3 CH Wonderlands Heavily Armed Agitator A Alexander 4 CH Bergstaff Sundancer CDX L Cabral/S Cabral/C Cline 5 CH Blue Niles-Ace K Cobb/K Crider 6 CH Alpine’s Lonewolf Whisky River S Killen/L Killen/E Thomason/K Thomason 7 CH Fraja Ne Hot Ticket R Sampson/B Gottier/K Rudzik 8 CH Pirouette Rebbull Exemplar H McClure 9 CH Circle C’s Whimpy C Wick 10 CH Fraja Ne Gold Ticket J Lee/K Rudzik Australian Terriers 1 CH Ryba’s Matinee Idol M Langham/T Schreeder/S Bachman 2 CH Blue Moon Call Me Irresistible J Popovits 3 CH Aka Inu Story Teller S Hopkins/K Occhiuti/S Boyd 4 CH Marble Arch Lady From Castile S Weigle 5 CH Wild West’s Double Cat J Kirkpatrick/E Steele 6 CH Banjopats Cody Dean Riffle A Riffle/G Riffle/D Cahill 7 CH Abq San Isidro Christhill K Hill/W Christensen 8 CH Benayr Clay Tucker L Weaver Bedlington Terriers 1 CH Boardwalk’s Bling Bling J Steele/E Kenmuth/R Kraft/K Kraft 2 CH Check Point Charlie Of Celtic Odyssey J Fogel/T Rich 3 CH Sangeo Farscape CD RA MX MXJ AXP OJP OF OFP S Bethea 4 CH Tiffanie’s Blast From The Past D Smith/D Smith 5 CH Vendome Of Celtic Odyssey J Fogel/C Rappaport/N Rappaport/P Mills 6 CH Kaylynn’s Party Crasher R Beutler/M Strickland/S Beutler 7 CH Robracs Talladega Nights C Dawson/J Dawson 8 CH Glaurieus Top Supermodelle L Friesen/W Friesen 9 CH Tiffianie’s Too Hot To Handle B Redinger 10 CH Rorex Beautiful Blue Danube J Rorex/L Heyman/T Gustavson Border Terriers 1 CH Tyrolian Eight Belles At Meadowlake K Fitzpatrick/T Bradley 2 CH Devon Lady Simper Fi S Middlebrooks/A Miller/L Miller 3 CH Jen-Lar Secret Warrior Of Marlyn M Title/C McKenzie/J Larson 4 CH Meadowlake Overnight Celebrity R Scott/G Scott/T Bradley/K Fitzpatrick 5 CH Meadowlake Whistler At Amberly L Leone/K Fitzpatrick 6 CH Meadowlake Simply Irresistible S Moore/K Fitzpatrick 7 CH Otleys Nobodies Fool J Smith/M Smith 8 CH Full Throttle’s Tweed Of Kilcreggan W Bond/M Bond/D Bartholomay 9 CH Standish’s See The Light J Keim/R Schaefer 10 CH Standish’s Total Knock Out JE R Cobussen/G Helmbrecht/K Conrey/D Chapm

86 Dog News


1 3 4 1 4


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0 0 0 1 0


B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4

Bull Terriers (Colored) 1 CH Nocturnal Knight At Arnold’S A Salazar/G Anderson 2 CH Crescent Silmaril Shadowfax V Everett/D Chorn/P Frangos/M Bankus 3 CH Glentom’s You Were Mint For Me T Cournoyer/M Cournoyer/G Wright/T Wrigh 4 CH Magor The Minotaur From Stonebull R Macdonald 5 CH Bullyhills Midnight Special T Troy/R Troy 6 CH Winsor’s Lady Lola At Bur Oak R Taylor/J Taylor/B Ralston Bull Terriers (White) 1 CH Bully Manor’s Centurion P Azeur 2 CH Tng N Buoys Concrete Blonde NA NAJ J Killion/J Krukenkamp/I Krukenkamp 3 CH Dauntless Upsie Dazy B Miller/J Miller/P Landry/L Landry 4 CH Bogart’s The Whole World Luv’s A Clown K Burnett 5 CH Bur Oak’s Schulz Of Winsor J Stewart/M Dussault/B Ralston

0 1 0 0 0


0 0 0 1 1


0 1 2 0 2


0 0 1 2 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 1 0 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 1 0


0 1 1 0 3


0 0 2 0 0


0 0 0 1 0


Cairn Terriers 1 CH Dogwood Love Affair 0 P Davis 2 CH Maverston Double Dutch 0 T Erickson/M Lucier 3 CH Yellowbrickroad Wring Of Fire 1 L Dangelmaier/P Pikini/S Bidegain 4 CH Stonehaven Lord Of The Rings 0 C Burleson/L Harpel 5 CH Mchan’s Diamond Chip 0 N Lovelady/D Bullard 6 CH Hampton Court’s Fergus 0 J Valle 7 CH Kiowa Mmdw Driving Miss Daisy 0 S McAlpin/P Hassey/B Fykerud 8 CH Thistlegate Gamekeeper 0 B Kornylo/J Kornylo 9 CH Thistledown’s Dancing In The Dark On Willowbay 0 L Rusinowski 10 CH Caledonian In-For-A-Penny Of Wolfpit 0 V Malzoni Dandie Dinmont Terriers 1 CH Pastime Eloise At The Plaza K Cramer/P Cramer 2 CH King’s Mtn. Fievel Mousekewitz S Hickson/J Hecker Fox Terriers (Smooth) 1 CH J’Cobe Kemosabe Vigilante Justice S Hoffen/H Hoffen/A Booth/P Booth 2 CH Slyfox Sneak’s A Peek J Smith 3 CH Warfox High Mtn Rocky Mountain High L Nelson/S Nelson 4 CH Foxlorr Double Dare J Fishbach/L Gyenge 5 CH Foxxsake American Spirit A Chapa/J White 6 CH J’Cobe Broxden The Headliner A Gollwitzer/W Dalling/A Booth 7 Sunlyn Living Legend S Laughlin/E Laughlin/K Griffith 8 CH Lil’Itch Chemen De Fere S Hoesman/S Lopez 9 CH Frenchpark Moon Of Wintertime JE J Valle 10 CH Lil’Itch Devill In Prada C Rivera Fox Terriers (Wire) 1 CH Dalriada’s Mystic C Campbell/M Doleski/C Ruggles/B Dowd 2 CH Jadee-Connacht Just You Wait J Diehl/L Manning/K Reges 3 CH Gallant Statesman Of Steele T Steele 4 CH Purston Spitfire Of Foxxfyre D Newell 5 CH Tamedale Orinoco V Malzoni 6 CH Aljamar Dealin With The Devil M Laschinski/J Rue 7 CH Topwyre Candy Man L Hembree/R Pensinger/S Roberts 8 CH Smywyre Make My Day M Smith/D Smith 9 CH Tamedale Vanity B Mcfadden/P Gyori 10 CH Kathrich Maximo K Reges Irish Terriers 1 CH Fleet St. Fenway Fan A Barker/V JNR 2 CH Dearg Madra’s Foolish Pleasure M Ulrich/L Ulrich


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16 26 3 3 0


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1 15 6 3 1


0 3 2 3 1


3 CH Donedaire’s He’s The Boss M Shaw/P Shaw 4 CH Donedaire Defoxy Lady R Lindgren/S Lindgren/P Shaw/M Shaw 5 CH Shamrock Red’s Sweet Leah F Serbicki/P Serbicki Kerry Blue Terriers 1 CH Cranmoss Finbar Of Colinca J McGrath 2 CH Bluebeard’s Suddenly Bridey L Brown/C Brown 3 CH Diana’s Glory Of Deaglan D Thompson 4 CH Trozian Onyx At Torum E Yingling/L Yingling 5 CH Aon Rhythm N Blues M Johnson/P Johnson 6 CH Everglory’s The Sultan Of Swat N Westbrook/L Westbrook/J Lambert/S Clut 7 CH Edbrios Stradivari E Randall 8 CH Kallehans Hot N Spicy Of Jorkaite N Loya/N Han 9 CH Valtera’s Celtic Dancer T Worful 10 CH Kallehan What’s Luv Got To Do With It N Han Lakeland Terriers 1 CH Black Watch On The Rocks J Heath/S Atherton/W Cosby 2 CH Manoir’s Match Pointe R Wilson/M Wilson 3 CH Saredon For Your Eyes Only A Geremia/F Cashin/J Cashin 4 CH Talydales Friend Of The Force S Smith 5 CH Tuscaroran Champ Luna P Martinez/H Luna 6 CH Brocair’s Kira At Echo RN P Johansson 7 CH Thor-Kourt Kweetbt Tyrakeag M Cohen/B Robinson 8 CH Char Dar’s Merry Manhattan J Heath/S Atherton/W Cosby 9 CH Brocair’s Flower Power At Revelry T Thomas/D Green 10 CH Rusticwood Fortune Cookie C Dison/D Murphy/J Crowe Manchester Terriers (Standard) 1 CH Oasis Hi Jack The Show W Rngel/G Anderson 2 CH Saint Lazar’s Ring Of Fire R Travis/W Walker/C Walker 3 CH Medley’s War Hunt E Tonini/J Tonini 4 CH Wilane’s Notorious Rebel B Wood/J Emrick 5 CH Kadenz A Different Rhythm R Rasmussen/J Rasmussen 6 CH Kismet’s Little Red Corvette L Robertson 7 CH Stafire’s Girl With The Midas Touch Of Subira B Odell/E Hines 8 CH Ambricks Tailor Made Oasis M Zoz/T Zoz/J Anderson/G Anderson 9 CH Jumpstart Rodeo Rodolfo B Brashear 10 Wilane’s Sophisticated Lady B Wood/J Emrick/B Odell Miniature Bull Terriers 1 CH Evolution’s Eddie Izzard S Cummings/K Toomey/D Toomey/J De Grucci 2 CH Sabath Od Rudej Wiedzmy C Raynor/R Raynor 3 CH Eggstream Edwina Over Easy L Duncan 4 CH Dier’s Gabrielle Of Brownstone C Brown-Stone/S Stone 5 CH Mooncraft’s Picture Perfect At Diers D Takayama/R Takayama 6 CH Xsbaggage Brownstone’s Jake C Brown-Stone/S Stone Miniature Schnauzers 1 CH Allaruth Solebay Chipothgoldblok Y Phelps/R Ziegler 2 CH Lonestar’s Wicked Good S Edwards/R Edwards 3 CH Regency’s I Believe In Miracles B Verna 4 CH Earthsong Remedy For The Blues K Hoffmann/R Hoffmann 5 CH Blythewood Full Metal Jacket J Huber 6 Regency’s Twist O’Honey At Augustas B Verna/L Arendt 7 CH Sterling’ Ugly From The Front J Tuttle CONTINUED ON PAGE 90

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


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CAMILLA Ch. Hewly Camilla Sire: Polk’s Final Answer

Dam: Hewly Cameo

She’s Got The Look! Pictured winning under Judge Mr. Terry Stacy Owned by: Gary Shultz, Stanley D. Petter, Jr. and Robert Urban

Bred by: Stanley D. Petter, Jr. and Ned S. Polk

Handled by: Robert Urban, Foxfire Hounds Dog News 87

88 Dog News

Dog News 89

Based on All-Breed Competition CONTINUED FROM PAGE 86

8 CH T-Lan’s Carmel Locomotion R Riley/C Wallace/C Ewer 9 Kellys Mlous Frosting On The Cake G Kelly/M Genthner 10 Rockyhill Twisted Spiced Ice S Fry Norfolk Terriers 1 CH Cracknor Cross The Ts P Beale/E Matell/B Sweigart 2 CH Max-Well’s Rainbow K Kopack/B Miller/S Kipp 3 CH Max-Well’s Violet S Kipp/B Miller 4 CH Venerie’s Regatta Dr. Who P Beale/R Stamm/P Dzuik 5 CH Barnstable Bold Over S Stemmler 6 CH Bigwig’s Most Happy Fella K Slump/D Hall 7 CH Max-Well’s Mr. Cruise S Kipp/B Miller 8 CH Bigwig’s Mack The Knife H Cole/D Hall/C Cole/K Slump Norwich Terriers 1 CH Skyscot’s Poker Chip C Dodwell 2 CH Abbedale Take Two At Taliesin L Sons/J Sons/J Eckert 3 CH Maystar’s Coast To Coast D Vogt/S Vogt 4 CH Winsome Harry Sam I Am L Marshall/H Marshall 5 CH Janoras Ace Of Spades N Braun 6 CH Winsome’s Aston Martin R Hoch 7 CH Back In Black J Outhet/J Outhet/M White/A White 8 CH The Island’s My Cup Of Tea C Wilson 9 CH Avenue’s Two Minute Warning K Deutsch/S Douglas 10 CH Yarrow Yenerie Starlite Express W Pape Parson Russell Terriers 1 CH Bayshore N’Rv Queen Victoria Y Herrera/J Baylis 2 CH Thunder Hill Soul Journey J Gardner/J Miller 3 CH Brillwood Dress Blues L Edwards 4 CH Ratrace Surfer Girl Rosewood T Rickard/L Rickard/K Rickard/J Davies 5 CH Stonebrook’s Academy Award B Wilson/M Cabral/K Dawson 6 CH Posey Canyon No Brainer! T Stanczyk/R Stanczyk 7 CH Ricochet-Foxfire Riff Raff R Urban/T Zeitz 8 CH Burnbrae Louella Parson P Burmeister/E Hackett/K Hanlon 9 CH Zealous Brodie Daybreak D Page/D Page Scottish Terriers 1 CH Roundtown Mercedes Of Maryscot A Musser 2 CH Blueberry’s Surely You Jest J Eggert/D Eggert 3 Slievecroob Micolene W Kamai 4 CH J-Mar’s All That Jazz P Burge/D Burge/J Burge 5 CH Mcvan’s Lightning And Lace Strikes Ballyhoo A Solomito 6 CH Hi-Acre’s Keriwinkel H Miyamura/T Miyamura 7 CH Besscotts Born Supremacy E Cooper 8 CH Anstamm Born Free J Klumpel/Anstamm Knl 9 Hijinks Cautcha Lookin M Dawson 10 CH XTC Rumor Has It D Rasmussen/N Xander Sealyham Terriers 1 CH Efbe’s Goodspice Easy Money F Bergeron/M Good 2 CH Efbe’s Merci Pour Le Poivre M Good/S Middlebrooks 3 CH Goodspice Sweep’Em Up Hoover V Teany 4 CH Shshown’s Royal Double Dip Delight RN B Dunlap Skye Terriers 1 CH Cragsmoor Buddy Goodman C Koch/V Malzoni 2 CH Solana Avantgarde M Shiue

90 Dog News

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5 18 8 4 2


0 0 1 1 3


3 CH Gleanntan Comeflywithme! G Wolf/Gleanntan Knl 4 CH Talakan Trumpeter Swan J Davis 5 CH Solana Big Lebowski M Shiue 6 Rover Run Hawaii Skye K Claybaugh/M Drake Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers 1 CH Doubloon’s Salt Of The Earth E Landa 2 CH Sho-Well’s Bree’s Boy Toy K Elliot 3 CH Acacia’s Bat Out O’Hel M Lopez/B Smith 4 CH Lovesong’s A Touch Of Jazz N Mansfield 5 CH Pitterpat’s Mabe Funke J Campbell/S Beitch 6 CH Michaleen’s Song O’Morning Star D Gordin/P Weir 7 CH Lovesong’s Top O’ The Mornin’ N Mansfield Staffordshire Bull Terriers 1 CH Cresstock Walk The Line C Pew/L Woodward/B Cresse 2 CH Angranian Derry Mucker Z Smith 3 CH Prada Classic Aranisle At Donnellas P Briasco/P Briasco/R Hopkinson/D Hopkin 4 Devils And Fairies Flesh For Fantasy T Keetch 5 CH Cornerstone Soliloquy M Goethals/L Goethals 6 CH Mustang Sally’s Dream Boy D Rashke/P Rashke 7 CH Zeracious Met Eish L Heimbach/F Coetzer/M Gaffney/T Alberg 8 CH Trugrip One Singular Sensation D Merritt/E Day/J Merrittt 9 CH Cornerstone Tapestry P Levine/J Levine/D Folmar 10 CH Jaxstock’s Life Of Crime P Levine/C Jacksic Welsh Terriers 1 CH Bayleigh Shaireab’s Super Hero M Jacobs/K Bailey/S Abmeyer 2 CH Darwyn’s Webslinger L Hotchin 3 CH Teritails National Treasure T Lohmuller 4 CH Malvado Dust Devil N Clark/P Clark 5 CH Shaireab’s Celyn I Kid You Not C Wolters/S Abmeyer 6 CH Marydale’s Limited Edition M Duafala/E Leaman/J Anspach 7 CH Sanherpinc Galilea A Pennypacker 8 Yorkpark Zee Zee Jones F Neuwirth 9 CH Cambrian Four Star General J Stephens 10 Esty Glen’s Caden D Mead/L Mead/E Seacord West Highland White Terriers 1 CH Plum Creek Di’s Amazing Grace J Forster 2 CH Mac-Ken-Char’s Superhero J Glodek/J Jaacks/B Neff 3 CH Gailaurie’s Zoom Zoomzoom T Fraser/J Fraser/G Krieger 4 CH Glennhaven’s Danny Boy O’ Donnybrook F Askin/B Miran 5 CH Serendipity’s Crazed About You D Huffman/I Langner 6 CH Pandwyck’s Pistol Packin’ Mama D Diemer 7 CH Blythefell Fergus C Hufnagel 8 CH Calabay Caelan B Callaway/S Callaway 9 CH Ashscot’s Secret Of Tullybloom P Cohen/C Cohen/J White 10 CH White Oaks Riddick The Warrior S Meisels/G Meisels

Toy Group Aff pi ch Affenpinschers 1 CH Tamarin Tug P Smith/P Smith 2 CH Tamarin Top Banana M Kahlo 3 CH Induna Oliver Twist S Jones/C Carlyle/S Hill/A Romero

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


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4 CH Ferlin’s It’s All About Me L Ferris 5 CH Tamarin Towntalk Nyteflyte A Alvarez 6 CH Velvet Dandy’s Dipsy B Gresser/S Gresser Brussels Griffons 1 CH Cashin’s Walk The Line F Cashin/C Ross 2 CH Knolland Little Devon O’ Luna B Wyckoff/C Ginsberg/S Kipp 3 CH Jo-Li I’M A Tease B Strange/S Snyder-Work 4 CH Cloud Nine Happy Hour P Henson 5 CH Hilltop’s Mr Big Stuff C Ross/A Rutherford 6 CH Raja Got An Xtra Boost At Norbest B Yoakum/L Vanderpool 7 CH Fist Face’s Woot Woot R Vance/L Vance 8 CH Aberglen Hilltop Rope Trix J Achord 9 CH Knolland Amber Moon L Boileau Cavalier King Charles Spaniels 1 CH Mondrian V.H. Lamslag RE J York 2 CH Full Of Malarkey Miles Of Aisles T Kelly/P Kelly 3 CH Maibee Perfect Pitch Crizwood Kennels 4 CH Orchard Hill Shirmont Backtalk S Henry/E Venier 5 CH Bekenhall Jailhouse Rock F Hall 6 CH Forestcreek’s Lucky Number One K Cline/D Cline/P Mixon/J Mixon 7 CH Sheeba Diamonds Are Forever I Cahn/M Treacy 8 CH Stepamgar King Of Memphis L Shreffler/J Shreffler 9 CH Mcytation Irish Blessing M Mc Cormick 10 CH Mayfield Lottie Dottie Doo M Mayfield Chihuahuas (Long Coat) 1 CH Dragon Lair Wildrose Mojo Risin C Marley/K Garrett 2 CH Silver Bluff White Mercedes B Fischer 3 CH Sweet Indeed Newyorkbound R Facchin 4 CH Ouachitah Giselle P Holzkopf/M Holzkopf/L George 5 CH Saiyai’s Thai Little Florist “Malee” Y Sakawee/S Sakawee 6 CH Mina’s Yes It’s Stu Little M Anderson 7 CH Bayard Let Me Play Among The Stars K Saenz/W Miller/E Lanasa 8 CH Tradewinds Hidwig B Custodio 9 CH Ouachitah Return Of The King L George 10 Marli’s Dyna Mite-L D Franklin Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) 1 CH Ayrwen Star Kissed Delight G Johnson/A Johnson 2 CH Lugari Holiday Rocco I Lugo 3 CH Blanch-O Whale Of A Tale Silver Bluff S Weigand/B Fischer 4 CH Baroque Creme De Cassis M Hamilton 5 CH Dartan On The Rocks D Lewitzke 6 CH South Fork’s Stylish Contender M Held 7 CH Yococo’s Olympic Bolt J Eoff/M Eoff 8 CH Kianas Batteries Not Included V Sabelle B Custodio 9 CH Lee-Gray’s Chip Off The Ole Rock L Silvia/K Robinson/S Gray/D Gray 10 CH Rafina Designer Genes B Pendergrass/L Monte Chinese Crested 1 CH Whispering Ln’ Chasing That Sensation J Kusumoto/R Kusumoto/T Baldwin-Smart/M 2 CH Pahlavi Peepin’ Tom S Johnston/S Frazier 3 CH Vanitonia Devil Wears Prada V Dorris/K Peiser 4 CH Crestline Butters Scotch M Vila

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


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Ch. Nova’s V Kelview Zane Red V Barchett

Sire: Ch. Trotyl De Black Shadow

Dam: Ch. Nova’s Zina V Kelview

Thank you Judges Mr. Skip Thielen, Mr. David Bolus, and Dr. J. Donald Jones for your early recognition of Gunther, and to Judge Mrs. Catherine Bell, who awarded him his Championship at 18 months. Thank you also to Judge Mrs. Janis Watts, pictured, for giving him a great start in his campaign career with a very competitive Best of Breed win in Spartanburg. Owners Beverly Casey & Eileen Schenck

Professionally Handled By: Jessy & Roxanne Sutton

Breeders Eileen Schenck & P.D. Edwards Dog News 91

92 Dog News

Dog News 93

Based on All-Breed Competition CONTINUED FROM PAGE 90

5 CH Risin Star’s China Doll J Miller/L Davi 6 CH Belews Natural Heartbreaker RN S Frampton/T Frampton 7 CH Edelweiss Material Girl By Jove V Wittler 8 Risin Stars As A Spark M Sanchez 9 CH Kamikazi Starr’s China Mist P Smith English Toy Spaniels (Blenheim & Prince Charles) 1 CH Royalist Ready To Reign D Johnson/J Haverick/J Hubbard/W Holbroo 2 CH Loujon Backroads To Paris C Williams/J Ward/K Miller 3 CH Cheri-A Wingo Lord Nelson J Wood/J Elliott/W Goddyn English Toy Spaniels (King Charles & Ruby) 1 CH Southdown Nonetheless B Van Deman Havanese 1 CH Los Perritos-Shallowbrook Heir I Am L Nieto/J Ambrose 2 CH Harbor’s Don’t Eat The Daisies C Field/H Bennett 3 CH Bellatak Mcdreamy J Oakes/C Shea/K Patrick/T Patrick 4 CH Gingerbred Yukon Jack Desiderio P Lucas/S Lucas 5 CH Askin Steppin’ To The Bad Side L Curtis/E Curtis 6 CH Qbin’s Happy Feet At Enginuity A Liebing/A Welling 7 CH Heartland’s Rumor Has It W Koistinen/R Crowder/K McCabe/S McCabe 8 CH Fuzzy Farm Devil Made Me Do It S Lawrence/A Lawrence 9 CH Bryce Creek Diamond Solitaire G Bryce 10 CH Highmoonexpressyourselfatgreenwood M Kiamanesh Italian Greyhounds 1 CH Honore’s Lily-Belle D Milko/J Milko 2 CH Bo-Bett’s Open Button C Harris 3 CH Terra Pavan Bright Angel Rising D Sandve/C Sandve 4 CH Pineridge Anji’s St Cecilia S Galloway/G Galloway/A Leonard 5 CH Hearsay Tebo Blue Integra M Lucas 6 CH Horizon’s Ms Bandita Via Gioia Mia B Angelino/F Angelino 7 CH Kc’s Shake Your Groove Thing C Bakker/K Bakker 8 CH Viva-Anji’s St Michael A Leonard 9 CH Lorac Like A Charm C Wiedmer 10 CH Bo-Bett’s Willy Whiteout C Harris Japanese Chin 1 CH Victory Viceroy Of Kirin B Gossett/D Gossett 2 CH Kelaury Good Luck From We-Syng L Bertani/N Wright/A Free 3 CH Deco’s Gentleman’s Quarterly M Feltenstein 4 Tidal Raves Jitterbug J Moyer/T Moyer 5 CH Randalets Oso Lucky K Donnelly 6 CH Touche Heady’s Black Orchid D Heady Maltese 1 CH Ta-Jon’s Just Bee-Ing Silly T Simon 2 CH Ta-Jon’s Whose Your Sugar Daddy? T Lehman/T Simon 3 CH Rhapsody’s Regarding Henry T Holibaugh 4 CH Seabreeze Caribbean Sun Calling S Bingham-Porter 5 CH Richelieu’s Sugar Rush A Escapita Villegas/J McQuiston/P Keen F 6 CH Divine’s I’M Here For The Party A Stanberry/L Stanberry 7 CH Rolling Glenn’s Baby Bear A Glenn 8 CH Oakwynd Whipper Snapper M Reinke 9 I Lovitt Dibonis Shasta F Lovitt 10 Donryn Hot To Trot D LaRosa/K La Rosa Manchester Terriers (Toy) 1 CH Burmack’s Rosie V Evrmor J Burrows/P Mackesey

94 Dog News

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2 CH Aquarius Next Generation R Bristol/K Bristol 3 CH Bright Light’s Rosewood B Hodges/P Rank 4 CH Kismet’s Jasmine Flower At Otella J Wolf/M Gonzalez 5 CH Party Tymes General Dynamcs T Serrault 6 CH Saint Lazar’s Topaz W Walker/C Walker/P Hall 7 CH Burmack’s Here Comes The Sun RN B Scott Miniature Pinschers 1 CH Kimro’s Soldier Boy L Stark/R Stark/K Calvacca 2 CH Marlex Classic Red Glare A Angelbello/L Monte 3 CH Brackley He’s My Warrior M Henricks/G Wittmeier/W Boyette 4 CH Orchid’s High Speed Bump L Riley 5 CH Altanero Code Red K Byrd/S Goldman/J Wilds 6 CH San Spur’s Forty Five Calibur A Fields 7 CH Bubic Check Mate S Butler/J Butler 8 CH Winters Incredible Me K Winters 9 CH Flashfires Fast & Furious @ Riess J Riess/K Swilling 10 CH Flashfires The Meko J McDuff/J McDuff/N Shepherd/R Shepherd Papillons 1 CH Wildfire On The Rocks A Pickett 2 CH Forevr Errol Flynn L Landis 3 CH Wingssong Rock Star P Jones 4 CH Arsuma’s Brilliant Diamond A White/D Ashburn/S Markham 5 CH Miracol’s Ace In The Matrix D Duppstadt/C Kirby/D Duppstadt 6 CH Arkeno’s Ears To You K Mckay/M Berg/S Alfadl/M Loye 7 CH Flashpoint’s Celebration E Akers-Perry/M Perry 8 Involo Smooth Criminal D Garofalo/M Garofalo/G Garofalo 9 CH Kirin Bold Bandit P Porreca/B Gossett 10 CH Starsign’s Trickn’ St. Nick H Moses/V Cantwell/J Cantwell/P Gemmill Pekingese 1 CH Palacegarden Malachy I Love/S Middlebrooks/D Fitzpatrick 2 CH Franshaw Hear Me Roar J Shaw 3 CH Pevyne’s Lady Pricilla C Koch/J Timmons/J Thoms 4 CH Roll-About’s Gold Contender C Forsyth 5 CH Linn-Lee’s For The Good Times E Holcombe/C Carter 6 Pequest Love Conquers All T Jenkins/V Hedrick 7 CH Beijing Lionshadow Enchantment P Martello/E Jones 8 CH Dunkirk Center Stage J Jacobsen/S Marotto/T Reese/R Winters 9 CH Pequest Play With Fire D Fitzpatrick 10 CH Ai Kou Just One More Chance L Thomas Pomeranians 1 CH Mountain Crest U Don’T Own Me D Gilstrap/C Gilstrap 2 CH Pufpride Somewhere In Time L Beard/V Dimick 3 CH Powerpom High Performance P Pongsak 4 CH Horizon’s A Fly On The Wall R Smith/M Smith/K Morris 5 CH Valcopy Jamel Let’s Rumble D Plonkey/J Paris 6 CH Windsor’s Quick Draw G Bertrand 7 CH Horizon-N-Janesa Indian Sundown R Smith/M Smith/K Morris 8 CH Velocity’s Shake Ur Bon Bon D Yona 9 CH Char’s Bringin’ Sexy Back C Meyer 10 CH Lana’s American Icon L Price Poodles (Toy) 1 CH Smash Jp Moon Walk R Scott/D Burke 2 CH Excell Belle Of The Ball S Talkington

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3 CH Sharbelle All That Glitters R Stevens/S Stevens/C Bebawen 4 CH Cache’s Lord Grayson H Tyson/S Basinger 5 CH Journey’s Winter Walker S Mathern 6 Kanani’s Float N On A Cloud B Baker 7 Rnr Winner Takes It All B Ramsey/S Smith/K Britton 8 CH Cabryn Perfectly Posh C O’Rourke 9 CH Darcon’s Are You Sirius D Crosby Pugs 1 CH Riversong’s Broadway Joe C Koch 2 CH Winsome’s Trouble At Coral Bay J Sanchez/C Sanchez/V Flatley/C Giles 3 CH Dulittle’s Takhini Gotta Secret Crush J Minatra/D Broyles-Little 4 CH Woowoo Serendipity J Cupp/G Cupp 5 CH Caper’s Sirius Endeavor P Fisher/C Fisher 6 CH Kenshei And That’s The Way It Is S Kessler/K Meyer 7 CH Woowoo It’s A Derby Shuga Daddy C Koch 8 CH Bleuridge’s Katmandu At Kngz K Grueninger/M Graham/B Murray 9 CH Winsome’s Gold Standard V Cox Flatley 10 CH Nirvanas’ Blue Angel E Veltman/B Roberts Shih Tzu 1 CH Hallmark Jolei Austin Powers J Walton/R Walton 2 CH Amitzu China Doll T Forman/M Forman 3 CH Krissy’s Dream Lover L Lawrence/R Lawrence 4 CH Olive’s Grove Odd Thomas P Shea Zackin/R Zackin 5 CH Pekings Midnight Vision At Wenshu L Lawrence 6 CH Symarun’s Look N Good C Randle/C Randle 7 CH Xeralane’s Face The Music Xeralane Knl 8 Wenrick’s Busy Bee N’ Palaquins W Paquette/J Paquette/R Paquette/B Brem 9 Karyon How Sweet It Is P Fletcher 10 CH Ultra’s Kiss Kiss Bang Bang E Nicholas Silky Terriers 1 CH Lamplighter’s Bingo M Benson/B Beissel 2 CH Safire Rock It To The Stars A Syar/S Calestini 3 CH Wyncliff’s Tawny Mist Tumtrees D Renton/P Powell/D Baggenstos 4 CH Alltogether Its All About Me E Harrison/L Mowrer/L Rosewell 5 CH Mtnview Prince Chbaka Ekruro N O’Rourke/S O’Rourke 6 CH Bar-B’s Tawnymist Topias W Leavell/B Leavell 7 CH Tawny Mist Tumtation Strikes D Renton 8 CH Blackrange Shalee Master Plan A Smith/S Jones 9 CH Snow Glen’s Tesoro Cover Story D Caselli/P Laperruque 10 Stelin The Will O’The Whisp L Gross Toy Fox Terriers 1 CH Prairie Farm Angel Eyes K Stanforth 2 CH Winstar Electra Cute S Cassel/G Fetro 3 CH Barbary Rough ‘N Ready C Sutton/R Sutton/J Sutton 4 CH Winstar Royal Piper Of Midlothian I Bishop 5 CH Lalique Marc Of Distinction D Fisher 6 CH Barbary’s Fame ‘N Fortune W Bellamy Yorkshire Terriers 1 CH Lane’s Mini Cooper V Wilson/N Amies/M Dearinger 2 CH Stratford’s Diamond Jim B Scott 3 CH Stringer’s Somethings Gotta Give A Stringer/S Barnes 4 CH Trio’s Olympia K Goldfarb 5 CH Tophat That’s Amore A Fultz/L Farmer

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Pictured winning Best Puppy in Show at Progressive Dog Club March 25th under Judge Mrs. Grace Moran. This was Legend’s first dog show.

3/25/10 3/26/10 3/27/10 3/28/10 4/1/10

Best of Winners Reserve Best of Winners Best of Winners Best of Winners

4 pts 4 pts 4 pts 3 pts

Judge Mr. Kenneth Kauffman Judge Mr. Kenneth McDermott Judge Dr. Steve Keating Judge Mrs. Patricia Mowbray-Morgan Judge Mr. Joseph Gregory to finish

Special thanks to David Fitzpatrick for showing him the remaining days in Syracuse as a move-up. Handler Polly J. Lamarine

Breeder/Owner The LateAudrey Mulligan Co-Owner Jacqueline Hofer,Aljac Pugs

*pending AKC confirmation

Assisted by Catherine Figueroa Dog News 95

96 Dog News

Dog News 97

Based on All-Breed Competition CONTINUED FROM PAGE 94

6 CH Legacy’s Beat The Odds S Misner/J Misner 7 CH Gemstones Hips Don’T Lie Eng. B Erickson 8 CH Empee’s Ritz Carlton M Dearinger 9 CH Tyava’s Genuine Article M Dearinger 10 CH Durrer’s Talk About Bossy T Fredrickson/S Bingham

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 0 0 1 1


0 0 0 2 2


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


Non-Sporting Group American Eskimo Dogs og 1 CH Timber’s Next Step Up S Sung 2 CH Silveroaks First & Foremost R Sampson 3 CH Smokey Mtn Trader Pup E Tamburine 4 CH Nuuktok’s Atka Inukshuk S Robertson 5 CH Sujo’s Kort-Mar Lucky Tahavyo R Kortemeier/E Kortemeier 6 CH Silveroak’s Big Easy R Sampson/R Benns 7 CH Silveroak’s Marsha Mellow R Sampson/R Benns 8 Kodiak Von Thunderpas D Krajack/D Krajack 9 CH Silveroak’s Dogone Fire S Brown/J Hackmeyer

Bichons Frises 1 CH Saks Hamelot Little Drummer Boy B Weidner/L Darman/K Griffin/C Ruggles 2 CH Paray’s Rime Time L Rosio/M Winston/P Flores 3 CH Mybliss Petite Coquette L McDonald/M Wotton/C Boele 4 CH Risgae’s Duke Of Wessex J Clas/R Day 5 CH Bibelot’s Purple Heart O’Mine P Abbott/M Abbott/P Hendricks/B Dennis 6 CH Risgae Miabella Sweet Georgia S Kapella/R Day 7 CH Bodacious Moon Madness G Blue 8 CH Miabella Gone With The Wind S Kapella/D Jones/R Day 9 CH Paray’s Private Label II S Phillips/T Pittman/P Flores 10 CH Mybliss Dandy Devil Wears White J Shetzer/A Shetzer/M Wotton Boston Terriers 1 CH Gumbo-Kean’s Cosmic Stargazer J Mangum/A Mangum 2 CH Ken’s N’ Roobarb N’ The Horse Ya Rode In On K Roux/J Allen 3 CH Annalee Told Ya So D Huml 4 CH Classic’s To Be Or Not To Be E Kennedy 5 CH Oui’s Midnight Maverick C Adams/T Adams 6 CH Keynote’s Knockout Kid G Weyandt/J Harner/C Mccord/V Prater 7 CH Windermeres Mystify J Covill 8 CH Chaseland’s Wellona Weltona C Howard/C Brossard 9 CH Sunwood Cosmic Wind To Victory D Brunning/D Brunning 10 CH Sharon Valley Stryk’N” It Rich S Stoll Bulldogs 1 CH Kepley’s Showbiz Razzle Dazzle J Fisher/R Speiser/B Wolfe 2 CH Calees The Skye Is The Limit K Hennefer/C Plummer/J Winick 3 CH Stellars Usual Suspect K Westergard 4 CH Graybulls Ketel One K Gray/W Gray/A Gray 5 CH Exact Classic Sugar Ray A Gatt/L Gatt 6 CH Major League National Treasure T McDermott/H Mcdermott/C McDermott 7 CH Globe And Anchor Sgt Iron Mike D Boyd/D Boyd/V Hearne/M Hearne 8 CH Karma’s Big Shot C Smith/M Smith/P Dearden/W Tinsley 9 CH High Caliber’s Lady Remington K Hobbs 10 CH Empires Prince Marcus F Richardson Chinese Shar-Pei 1 CH Vaje’s Miss Jayne Hathaway J Mauk/V Mauk 2 CH Chaoyangs Take It To The Limit D Cooper/R Cooper/L Teitelbaum 3 CH Elite’s By Design S Woodall

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4 CH Chaoyang Chick Magnet At Asia B Berney/H Kamp 5 CH Chaoyang Bestofmy Love At Asia M Davis/P Davis/L Myers 6 CH R-Lee Ticket To U Got The Look S Sibert 7 CH Firetown’s Out Of The Blue M Calltharp 8 CH Panache Double Jeopardy T Luddeke Chow Chows 1 CH Ayran Hong’s Red Passion P Clerice 2 CH Liontamer’s Dial 1-800-Hotstuff K Tracy/G Roberts/R Roberts 3 CH Kelin’s There Can Be Only One J Esposito/O Hayes 4 CH Charming Rockefella C Grayson/J Grayson 5 CH Imagine Loves Second Chance D Spence/T Spence/G Beliew/K Beliew 6 CH Sitze-Gou’s Glazz Paragon B Buell 7 CH Lo Re’ Sassafras M Sevigny/R Sevigny/L Burr/R Burr 8 CH Paramount Pilot’s Tahlulla J Sedillos/S Sedillos 9 CH E-Lin Traveling Man V Fernandez/L Albert 10 CH Woodland Devil Went Up To St. Louie M Wacker/D Wacker Dalmatians 1 CH Troika’s Adagio J Bachey/M Markoff/M Zink 2 CH Tramac Joyride’N With Spotlite J Thorburn/J Smith 3 CH Nspird Spotsafire Its A Wrap T Bailey/C Jordan 4 CH Paisley Nspird By Broadway S Macmillan/M Iwaoka/G Iwaoka 5 CH Bret D Gabriel’s Lost Art K Carey 6 CH Royalty’s Splash Of Taylor W Polaski/P Polaski 7 CH Tramac Just Walk’N On Sunshine J Smith/M Callea 8 CH Rockstar All Around Road Trip J Rodes/P Fisher 9 CH Rockledge’s Bring Them Young T Jones/S Jones 10 CH Sunnyoaks N Yankee Dals House That Ruth Built J Fosenburg/J Fosenburg Finnish Spitz 1 CH Pikkinokka Badgr Sir Barksalot M Badger/H Leftwich 2 CH Dv9k9’s Red Hot Star A Leathers/M Leathers 3 CH Mickywins Mainio Skandia P Urton French Bulldogs 1 CH Highwood’s Big Shot A Vorbeck 2 CH Bandog Bayou’s The Warrior N Shaw 3 CH Robobull Fabelhaft Im On Fire S John/J Dalton 4 CH Lebull’s New Hope Wooly Bully A Geremia/A Alford 5 CH A’Vigdors Caudataire Du Roi Tuunrat’s El Che M Cicuta/M Leguizamon 6 CH Devine’s LA Confidential M Devine/D Kowata/A Weinberg 7 CH Justus I’M Your Man Justus Knl 8 CH Petite Cherie Femme De Puissance W Stoyka/A McIntyre/P Berry 9 CH Fabelhaft Robobull Hot Commodity J Cooney-Waterhouse/J Dalton 10 CH Floresta Ramnes Riddle Me This RN T Mcgill Keeshonden 1 CH Daimler’s Caviar Dreams T Benz/D Benz/C Cinnamon 2 CH Karolina Bonnyvale Meant To Be B Stroud/P Stroud/D Bosch/D Smith 3 CH Ruttkay Sam I Am L Evans 4 CH Windrift’s Dance To The Music J Reed 5 CH Trumpet’s Signed Sealed Delivered... B Bell Bond/B Bell/B Bell 6 CH Baronwood Infinity And Beyond K Denton/D Smith 7 CH Quest Stand By Me M Winters/J Sturgeon 8 CH Sprookje Lunar Appellation S Sorice/M Sorice 9 CH Darkenwald Cavalier O’ Southcar L Hewitt/S Lefebvre 10 Daimler’s Viva La Vegas S Taylor

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


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Lhasa Apsos 1 CH My Thai Ta Sen Halleluiah Chorus S Giles 2 CH Rushmar’s Charmer L Mccutcheon/D Planche 3 CH Sundancer Aleksandra K Hamilton/L Johnson 4 CH Suntory Beastie Boy C De La Rosa/R De La Rosa 5 CH Hylan Shotru Riverview Our Dream P Naumann/P Keen Fernandes 6 CH Sharil Sera Tabu Pa Holy Frijoles S Vaughn/M Brockway/L Lehman/C Jozwick 7 CH Suntory Prada C De La Rosa/R De La Rosa 8 CH Alasara Northwind Anbara Maestro B Wood/S Fitzgerald 9 CH Nuseng’s Oh What A Gal Singdu B Adams 10 CH Red Fox’s One Wing In The Fire S Cannimore/D Cannimore Lowchen 1 CH Chic Choix Bihar Cuba C Strong 2 CH Touche’s Undercover Agent Rainbow C Laskey/R Lawless/J Lawless 3 CH Seafever’s Killian Red J Nienhaus Poodles (Miniature) 1 CH Splash Di Caprio Z Torrealba 2 CH Campostela The Perfect Storm K Berlind/M Watson/E Phelps 3 CH Durandel Fashionista L Simis 4 CH Dassin Hillwood Dierks Bentley J Vergnetti/E Charles/M Sturz 5 CH Rosebell N Pzazz Queen Of Hearts C Gauche/J Gauche 6 CH Mon Coeur Center Stage J Browning 7 CH Reignon Francesca J Lange/J Moses 8 CH Clarion Camelot Persuasion A Kennedy/K Kennedy/M Fishler/D Augustus 9 CH Nalani Regency Time Brings Hope C Rivers/A Rivers/H Tomb-Taylor 10 CH Surrey Sugar Pie K Hosaka/S Negishi Poodles (Standard) 1 CH Dawin Spitfire L Campbell 2 CH Jaset’s Satisfaction C Bailey/S Tompkins 3 CH Hillwood Dassin De-Lovely J Vergnetti/E Charles/K Lefrak/W Sammet/G Lajesky 4 CH Penndragon Masaniello K Bates/R Bates 5 CH Brighton Lakeridge Summer In Hampton T Sosnoff/M Sosnoff/D Ferguson-Jones 6 CH Hanna’s Dan Inge Fair Sun H Sundbeck/A Sundbeck 7 CH Kaylen’s In A Perfect World N Trombley/K Peiser 8 CH Hillwood Ale Kai Dynamo K Smyth/E Charles/K Lefrak/W Sammet 9 CH Brighton Endeavour L Brennan/A Green 10 CH Chrystal’s Totally Chromed Out M Sanders/D Hancock Schipperkes 1 CH Dante Fire When Ready J Gossman/A Gossman/M Jameson/P Allison 2 CH De Lamer Pink Flamingo C Falk 3 CH Bonchien Mr.Monopoly K Henry 4 CH Bonchien Cedric The Entertainer K Henry 5 CH De Lamer Sea Ya At The Top J Giovinetti/R Stone/K Nuovo 6 CH Bonchien Prodigal Son R Rollins/L Henry 7 CH De Lamer Point Break N Lazarowitz/D Mankovich 8 CH Starship’s I’M A Believer B Brimacomb 9 CH Riptides I’M Nothin’ But Trouble D Studwell 10 CH Didebs Le Jonny Be Good D Dellamonica/D Studwell Shiba Inu 1 CH Rihatsu Shizu-San Go Satori M Smilanich/G Griffith/A Sakayeda 2 CH Jogoso’s Fool For Love M McCarty/H McCarty 3 CH Tobishi’s Rough ‘N Ready T Szabo/A Szabo 4 CH Oak’s Fuyu Kazan Ryuu P Gilliard 5 CH Roscka’s Bijutsu No Sosaku B Richardson/C Ross 6 CH San Jo I’M A Rock Star C Catalano/L Engen

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


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Dash Continues

photo unretouched 100 Dog News

His Reign

Flash Two more Group Fir sts! Judges Mrs. Susa n St. John Brown and Mrs. Joan Zieli nski

Group First - Judge Mrs. Sally Ray Baugniet

Owned By: Doug Johnson Jamie Hubbard Jeane Haverick Wayne Holbrook Jackie Rifenbergh

Number One* English Toy Spaniel 2010

Presented By Laura King Erin Gimbut Assisted By Alex Romero

*The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed points

Dog News 101

Ch. Clussexx See You The Audacity of the Alligator #1 Clumber All Systems Breeders Doug Johnson Jeane Haverick Wayne and Kellie Holbrook Presented by Laura King Erin Gimbut Assisted by Alex Romero OWNERS Beth Dowd, Pinehurst, North Carolina Tracey Garvey, Sydney, Australia Gail Drucker, Mill Neck, New York Jeane Haverick, Antioch, Illinois Kellie Holbrook, Alpharetta, Georgia 104 Dog News

Later Alligator FLAS H Anoth er Grou p unde First Mrs. r Judge Judy Webb

Group First Heart of America Kennel Club Judge Mrs. Anne Savory Bolus Dog News 105

ING L F G N I THE SPR roy & ls, T Trap Fal ington rr Great Ba

k c i l c

y photos b PHIRIS A Z . Z E EUGEN

116 Dog News

Dog News 117

The Dog News Top Ten List Based On Breed Competition CONTINUED FROM PAGE 47

8 CH Foxhrode Thndafrmdwnunda C Stewart/A Johnson/J Patterson/B Patter 7 CH Foxrhode Virgils Morgan T Furr/C Furr 7 CH Sunup’s Sweet Tea S Whaley/C Mooney 7 CH Sunup’s Hellofapuzzle S Whaley 2 CH Whipperin’s The Wizard M Henricks/V Crowell-Book/M Penny Greyhounds 181 CH Grandcru Clos Erasmus R Gaudet/M Steele 66 CH Gaia Elfin Dance M Kunisa/J Ito/S Lemieux 47 CH Sierra’s Lamborghini Diablo S Hempel/B Hempel/G Sherman/C Robertson 33 CH Quicksilver Sierra Jaguar D Hempel/B Hempel 29 CH Aryal Aroi Stoney Ridge CD RE TD SC NAJ H Hamilton 23 CH Wildwood Dali At Heart K Henderson/W Delfino 18 CH Rubicon’s Ice Maiden P Rubinstein/S Cassey/J Schulz 13 CH Helios Foxglove Atheart S Bartel/S Johnston 13 CH Grimner Brigid Of Imbolc SC M Franzen/S Franzen 11 CH Rubicon’s Snow King S Allert/G Davis Harriers 12 CH Amblin’s Courageous L Norwood 11 CH Bluhils Sakura Catch Me If You Can B Fox/J Fox/J Lawrence/L Johnston 6 CH Jackpot Kingsbury Sports Illustrated D Smiley-Auborn/K Shupenia 6 CH Pacific’s Serenading Anthem E Benner 6 CH Kingsbury Jackpot Hustler D Smiley-Auborn/K Shupenia 6 CH Hartshire Walkabout R Phillips 2 Jackpot Kingsbury Exhibitionist K Shupenia/D Smiley-Auborn 2 CH Downhome Family Tradition W Truesdale/Z Truesdale/S Lowder 2 Kingsbury Bunnahabhain D Smiley-Auborn/J Auborn 2 CH Jackpot Kingsbury Penthouse D Leonard/K Shupenia/K Leonard Ibizan Hounds 124 CH Harehill’s Ace In The Hole K Gindler/W Anderson 57 CH Bramblewood’s Pussycat Doll J Schneider/J Staudinger 46 CH Bodean’s Six-Pack St Pauli Girl D O’Neal 39 CH Sunrumba’s Honor And Harmony Of Aigh JC P First/R Castillo 35 CH Serandida East Helaina J Verebelyi/S Brown 34 CH Serandida’Ss Spirit Of Luxor S St. John Brown/K Hamaker/T Inlow/L LUC 33 CH Ahram You Ve Got The Look J Pusztay/S Pusztay/R Pusztay/M Paulin 17 CH Bodean’s Six-Pack Dos Equis A Davison/D O’Neal/L Thorne/A Mitchell/M 15 CH Araceli Del Sol D’Or M Morris 12 DC T’Marras Hooray For Just Jack SC P Mutchek/G Cameron/M Arias Irish Wolfhounds 171 CH Wolfhvn Dont Go Breakn My Heart D Osborne 150 CH Mysham Edoc’Sil Of Redwall G Hawksworth/C Collier 72 CH Garlow Neesha Of Eagle S McDonald 70 CH Ansa Mo Merlin D’Eirinn K Schaffter/A Schaffter 64 CH Cash Of Limerick L Souza/J Souza-Bartlett 60 CH Cu Muirin Tallulah JC S Heller/D Heller 45 CH Pinehurst Garret K Goodell 43 CH Desert Dune At Curiann J Ryan 38 CH Tirowen Lord O The Dance S Weeks/C McLean/F McEvoy/A McEvoy 30 Hound Hill Taggerty D Brown Norwegian Elkhounds 167 CH Vin-Melca’s Voyager P Trotter 45 CH Silhouette’s Kaboom K Olsen/E Olsen/S Garrity 33 CH Skyemar’s Silver Cyclone A Hoak 31 CH Riverwind Windy Cove Midnight Cowboy E Parmer/M Peterson/C Smith/S Smithers 31 CH Peer Gynt Stings Like A Bee M Oliver 29 CH Aspen’s A Hard Act To Follow R Rhoden/R Rhoden 28 CH Bristlecone’s Tracker L Gamble/L Gamble 22 CH Jaru’s Who’s Your Daddy J Rugila 21 CH Vikrest Step To The Future P Viken/L Forrest 16 Greyplume Denmar Fairytale Ending G Lyne Otterhounds 94 CH Scentasia’s Double Trouble S Malone/M Couch

Dog News 120

25 CH Poplar Hill’s Unbridled Spirit K Munger 14 CH Blue Fairy’s Black Mamba RN J Gordon 11 CH Aberdeen’s People Are Strange D Barrioz 5 CH Corcragael’s Golden Lotus V Ria N Brown/J Brown/G Damron 5 CH Lonestar Angus Prime Choice R Loddesol/B Loddesol/R Damron/G Damron 5 CH Aberdeen’s Told You So A Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine/A Co 5 CH Adeline’s Sticky Wicket N Wallens/R Wallens/R Van Houten/B Van H 4 CH Scentasia’s White River Titanium S Malone/M Couch 4 CH Poplar Hill’s Beat The Devil M McKenna/K Bergeson Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens 86 CH Soletrader Donald Duck D Gau/G Robertson 69 CH Jodell Boogie Back To Texas D Moore 53 CH Celestial Cj’s Hearts On Fire J Hurty/C Hurty/L Florian/M Florian/P He 38 CH Afterglow Ebeneezer B Thompson/S Russell/R Ellingford/M Gads 30 CH Westwinds Idol Simon Growl P Koprovic 27 CH Jodell’s Shakein It Up D Gogulski/C Hajek 25 Hicotton Can’T Stop Rockin B Childs/E Cates/T Childs 24 CH Rokeena Carte Blanche J Herrera/C Herrera/R Wallis/R Wallis 22 CH Dehra Amazona Bvlgari J Stark/R Stark 14 CH Jus Don’T Mess With Texas M Henricks/J Shannon Pharaoh Hounds 66 DC Hallam’s Busiris Ra Qena MC LCX S Parker/G Stevens/D Carota/S Sipperly 53 CH Sendji Nefer-Temu Neptune-Triton SC E Kerridge 44 CH Siphra’s No Remorse JC L Lysher 32 DC Hallam’s Phorest Of Bekaby RN MC LCX2 R Newman/D Carota/S Sipperly 29 CH Xoez JC L Evans/J Buchanan/R Frank/D Frank 17 DC Mia Churuka Bright Side Of Life SC P Haig/R Newman/Longlesson Knl 17 CH Xo’s Invincible K Carella/B Carella 16 Eneas Nehemiach Tal Sannat JC J Gates/R Rohrig 14 CH Reedly Road Deep Blue D Anuka 13 CH Anubis’ Queen Ankhesenamon A Wood/M Doyle/S McFadden Plotts 30 CH Alexanders Mob Boss Capone A Alexander 2 Stackum Ups Miss Suzzy Q N Constance-Cook/T Snedegar 2 Stackem Up County Line Mocha Latte T Snedegar/J Horner Redbone Coonhounds 53 CH CWSG Sidearm Jungle King Mufasa J Mills/L Mills 35 CH CCH Black Nights Witchy Lil Ann D Crump/A Heiser/A Alexander 33 CH Jackpot’s Sound Simon J Bennett/S Bennett 22 Red Ferns Dominio T Winkley 16 Sugartree Riley C Smith 15 Redhawks Can You Hear Me Now E Dang/D Dang 14 CH Sikora’s Everytime I Roll The Dice N Sikora/L Sikora 14 CH Redhawks Forever Charmed D Dang/E Dang 13 Twistedcreektheycallme Thunder M Smith/C Smith 13 CH CSG Twisted Creeks Zip-A-Dee-Dooda M Smith/C Smith Rhodesian Ridgebacks 625 CH Pupukearidge Ikaika O Sprngvly T Peach/B Peach/P Lambie/I Mc Kinnon/S M 268 CH Nashira’s Ciro Of Anjari JC A Ernst 179 CH Oakhurst Fruit Of The Vine K Morgan/D Morgan/B Rupert 164 CH Khoikhoi Lecremes Rising Phoenix P Saunders/A Moha/S Price/A Price 117 CH Tji-Wara’s Distant Drums C Well/K Rice/M Hatfield 111 CH Paradigm Aariel’s Entourage CD RA S Ford/A Ford 108 CH Symetrivikela Mischief Managed JC H Fulton/R Fulton 96 CH Adili’s American Idol K Courtelis/T Lynch/K Lafleur 96 CH Ashantis Regulus Of RoyalStars RN JC N Nieminski/J Strobel 95 CH Regulus Speeding Bullet M Rodgers/C Kelly/T Rodgers Salukis 251 CH Carma’s Indian Summer L Ackerman 111 DC Shahtani Ivory Moon SC L May 72 CH 7seas Int’L Safari Al Sayad K Kelly-Burns 58 CH Shiraz Dreamweaver JC M Edwards/E Edwards 51 CH Feliice Mistletoe Kisses D Feliciano

43 CH Cat Tales Cat Mandu H Onto-Murphy/C Murphy/G Neidig/S Hamilt 41 CH Sandstorm Blue Nile Bubbles Of Jatara J Harrington&Sara Winsted 40 DC Jamora High Society SC S Forsyth/J Forsyth/K Anselmo/J Morrison 37 CH Lorrequer Kharyder L Hawkyard 34 CH Ahmadi To Sir With Luv R Scerbo/K Scerbo/E Steel/C Diener-Farre Scottish Deerhounds 200 CH Foxcliffe Hickory Wind S Sweatt/C Dove/R Dove 27 CH Tannochbrae’s Iagan At Glencrag J Giles/J Giles 14 CH Cu Liath Lady Of The Lake SC L Kiaer/C Edwards 13 CH Windshift Wild Thyme SC C Bowe 9 Jaraluv Queen M Rose/R Brinlee/J Brinlee 7 CH Lyonhil Kwik Trick JC R Lyons 7 CH Loch Dhu Braeden D’Lux RN SC M Kitson 4 Big Sky’s Beckett J Mcphail/D Mcphail 4 Big Sky’s Byrde J Mcphail/D Mcphail 4 CH Briarwood’s Amethyst Of Valevue B Shaw/J Shaw Whippets 728 CH Starline’s Chanel L Lawrence/C Lawrence/N Lawrence 332 CH Sporting Fields Bahama Sands D Butt/J Cooney-Waterhouse 266 CH Karasar’s Parexcellence K Kuper/N Barthelette 194 CH Kamada’s Instant Millionaire D Davenport/K Davenport 159 CH Kamada’s Happy Hour D Devenport/D Kipp 146 CH Andauer Porsche Carrera Gt K Gibson/S Boyd 111 CH Sonsteby’s In A Pickle K Padon/K Kenyon 92 CH Oxford Sunbeam Sleeplessin Seattle G Cushman/D Cushman/D Bowen/L Lawrence 76 CH Runner’s Call To Arms C Nelson/I Stoffers 76 CH Sporting Fields Tiger Lily S LeRoy

Working Group Akitas 167 CH Sondaisa Seize The Moment C Sullivan/T Kaartinen/M Varpula/A Meyer 129 CH Mojo’s Rock’N Your World S Borrmann/B Rule 110 CH Nakodo’s Reign Of Glory K Venezia 96 CH Stardust Sherob Georgia On My Mind T Witte/R Witte/S Wallis 79 CH Dream Hi’s I Got My Game On T Rickard/L Rickard/K Rickard/J Davies 54 CH Takara’s Right Up My Ally J Berg/D Berg/J Breen 54 CH Cas Cobo Haul Eudora C Smith/R Moore/C Moore 53 CH O’Ryan’s One More Time R Biddle 38 CH Chiheisen Sunrise Who’s Yer Daddy G Mcmoran/E Mcmoran/S Thomas/D Kessler 35 CH Rossimon By The Boss R Short/M Denney Alaskan Malamutes 128 CH Catanyas Latin Lover P Kendrick/A Martinez/A Syar 88 CH Sno Ridge’s Sudden Impact L Ryer/T Szabo 85 CH Wolfmountain’s Special Ops P Jenkins/E Jenkins 79 CH Nanuke’s Take It To The Limit J Radford/S Andrea 73 CH Wind’s Fury Jacob Trailblazer N Russell/B Salvadore/S Hjermstad/T Muld 69 CH Velvet Sky’s Tunnel Of Love N Ramsey/S Ramsey/M Peel/P Peel 68 CH Aluk’s Carry A Big Stick M Cronk/M Chilinski/L Berg/L Hofer 64 CH Ice Crystal’s Top Gun J Plourde 60 CH Rogues Jonny Walker Blk Labl S Weston/J Weston 60 CH Catera’s Funfast N Worldclass A Volkomener/n Volkomener Anatolian Shepherd Dogs 42 CH Inanna Bay Boudreau Of Luckyhit E Tallon/K Marcus 34 CH Eiserntor Aa Mustafa Of Turkay L Curran/S King 16 CH Santan’s Johnnie Walker Gold T Leese 16 CH Island Farm Case Closed D Barron/D Grunnah 15 CH Lucky Hit Shadow Lavanta J York/E Conard 11 CH Aegean’s Theia K Gerlach 11 CH Birinci’s Hint Of Hoja C Emanuel/L Emanuel 11 CH Lucky Hit Bethany Keskin E Conard/J York 9 J-Haven Firefly’s Protego Totalum C Weger 8 CH Lucky Hit Bethany Bear Z Bates

Bernese Mountain Dogs 231 CH Avatars Try Try Again K Groves/L Fernandes/F Bushnell 220 CH Blumoon Tanzenite V Blackrock CD D Cox/G Reeve/T Yrjonen 199 CH Alpenspirit’s Lion King D Hitchcock/M Turbide 169 CH Alpenspirit Who’s On First A Summers/G Summers 158 CH Taplacs Invincible Vinny RN E Buonpane/G Taplac 145 CH Adesa The Heat Is On R Harrison 127 CH Loriendells Sword Of Elendil J Giannone/K Giannone 124 CH Anastasia’s Royal Rumpus D Godfrey/N Ellis 115 CH Trevi’s Lonestar B Bych 107 CH Country Wings No More Credit O Hildre/D Hildre Black Russian Terriers 73 CH Over The Moon About Borislav R Keeling/C Keeling 32 CH Petr Pervy Iz Russkoi Dinastii L Jordan 32 CH Mechta Kiev-Grada Iz Sozvezdiya Alex RN H Haldi 19 CH Setextra-Chevalier Noir D Lynn/K Lynn 17 CH Russian Bear’s Riki Brianna CD RAE2 E Caldwell 14 CH Filimon Rbk Iz Galickih Zemel RN E Leisure/H Haldi/P Bartley 14 CH Nord Praid Roskosh Dushechka L Jordan 9 CH That’s Rozalia Liliya Vita D Scheiris/D Scheiris/C Jones/K Jones 9 CH Rus Maknalis Shtorm Of Arbat M Mastroianni 8 CH That’s Magdalena Maksimovna D Scheiris/D Scheiris Boxers 1629 CH Winfall Brookwood Styled Dream D McCarroll/J Billhardt/S Tenenbaum 738 CH Bravo N Sunset Stealing Time K Robbins/C Robbins/G Adkins/B Adkins/D 683 CH Duba-Dae’s Who’s Your Daddy C Vose/W Bettis/L Jansson 548 CH Carillon’s M V P A Anderson/S Anderson 467 CH R And G’s Mystical Dancer R Bezerra/B Bachman/R Servetnick/G Steel 228 CH Aracrest Marksman J Keil/M Keil/M Rocca/D Galante 226 CH Mahogany’s It’s About Time G Tafur/S Tafur 211 CH Jacquet’s Laredo El Encanto L Casella/R Tomita/C Shea/M Mastrapasqua 158 CH Pheasant Hollows All Time High K Jones/A Jones/D Jones 157 CH Hi-Tech’s Southern Belle J Poller/G Alix/Z Truesdale Bullmastiffs 236 CH Sumertym Southwind Magic Carpet Ride R Manuel/K Manuel/N Parker 137 CH Danier’s Major General L Gordanier/C Corner/E Gonzalez 96 CH Brynmar’s Road Warrior A Gurrola 94 CH Starrdogs Concrete Cowboy RN M Edwards/J Lane/K Roberts 91 CH Nix Stacked Quarterback T Durkee/A Millett 91 CH Peerless I Am The Love Bug C O’Larry/A O’Larry 89 CH Dalprimo’s In It To Win With Trugrit S Whitely 89 CH Paradise’s Woks Empire State E Revuelta/K Skow/R Stephanos 78 CH Big Game Acton Augustus R Overly 77 CH Paradise’s Always Faithful R Snow/B Barnhart Doberman Pinschers 991 CH Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici J Mullins/K Mullins 759 CH Mi-Ti’s Three Cheers J Goldblatt/S Baker/C Silverman/D Roof 401 CH Phillmar Sobe Monster M Klein/H Farias/A Farias/P Martin 388 CH Steinway’s Paris Is Burning M Loflin 203 CH A’Monde’s Sand & Dunes Of Sahara A Levine/F Mendes/R Silverman/L Ferrara 167 CH Sevenly Above The Law B Neuner/C Neuner 163 CH Abadie’s Crystal Vision R Hagmann/L Hagmann 151 CH Sun Style’s Sensation V Sweeny 144 CH Baystar’s Get Smart D Kipp/E Palsat/L Palsat 144 CH Allure Envy Me Royalwood V Schohaus L Schoeneman/J Schoeneman/C Pitts Dogues de Bordeaux 104 CH Mount Sinai’s Crusader St Amand P Duvall 68 CH Von Hof’s Cisco Kid T Kelly/D Von Hof 56 CH Gargoyles Brando T Beefcake V Barfield 40 CH Emberez Endeavor H Yiannos 30 CH Magnus Z Orisku M Montgomery/M Rogers 28 CH Oak Hollow D’Star Bogilicious H Branscum



Ch. Petr Pervy Iz Russkoi Dinastu Number One Black Russian Terrier All Breed*

Group First Thank you Judge Mrs. Terry Berrios

Flash cond e S p u o r G der n u y a d the next dle d i R n e r rs. Ka M e g d u J

“Mackx” Presented by David Rich Bred in Russia By Marina Simonova


Owners Laura Jordan Sean Jordan

*The Dog News Top Ten List

Dog News 121

Entries Close April 28, 2010

Dog News 123

Handler’s Directory Jessy & Roxanne Sutton

Robert A. Fisher Kaki Fisher

Professional Dog Handlers

Specializing in Terriers and Working Dogs

Professional Dog Handlers Frakari Kennels 194 Quivey Hill Road/P.O. Box 204 Middle Granville, NY 12849 518.642.9225 KNL • 440.813.6388 c 12.09 12.10


Jessy phone: 215-778-1253



Roxanne phone: 513-235-2099 2.10

Sue Capone 1.11




Old West

Members PHA & AKC Registered Handlers




P.O. Box 180 Forestville, Pennsylvania 16035 724-735-9994 C 412-491-5520








Clint and Karen Livingston 1981 East 141 Avenue Brighton, Colorado 80602 210 865 8415 - Clint 210 865 2348 - Karen

9691 Flinn Springs Road El Cajon, CA 92021 (619)443-8250 Fax (619)443-0944 E-mail /






AKC PHA RVT Tulsa, OK 918-625-8124 (cell) 7.10


Cell: 415 819-5773

7.10 1.11

Ernesto Lara

AKC Registered Handler Assisted by Leonardo Garcini


Greenfield 3.10

P.O. Box 330 Tel: (717) 445-9936 1181 Reading Road Fax: (717) 445-0577 Bowmansville, PA 17507 email: 6.10 6.10 mobile: 717-475-7069


Tiffany Saxon



All Breed Dog Handler

1637 Moon Rock ock Rd Fallbrook, CA A 92029

Office: 760-723-9564 Cell: 626-277-7172 1.11

130 Dog News

12.10 1.10



The American Kennel Club’s Registered Handlers Program wants to encourage exhibitors to ask yourself these questions: 1) Does your ‘handler’ have a safe, clean, well maintained and temperature controlled vehicle to transport and house your dog while on the road? RHP professional member handlers are required to have safe, clean, suitable, fully registered and insured vehicles for the animals that they transport (with documentation on file at AKC). Initial vehicle inspection is performed by AKC staff and mandatory annual reinspection by RHP regional reps. 2) Have you visited and visually inspected your ‘handler’s’ kennel facilities? RHP professional member handlers are required to have kennel facilities appropriate for the breeds that they typically carry and house. Facilities are inspected (with documentation on file at AKC) by AKC staff. 3) Is your ‘handler’ insured? RHP professional member handlers are required to maintain Care, Custody and Control insurance for the dogs in his/her care and must show proof of insurance annually before the program will renew their membership. 4) Has your ‘handler’ provided you with a professional rate sheet and written contract? RHP professional member handlers are required to provide their clients with a rate sheet and contract which should be signed by all parties prior to the handler accepting the dog. 5) How much experience does your ‘handler’ have? RHP professional member handlers are required to have a minimum of seven years experience showing dogs for a fee and/or have worked as an AKC Apprentice Handler before they are eligible for membership in the AKC Registered Handlers Program. Additionally, the AKC RHP is the ONLY professional dog handling organization that requires its membership to complete annual mandatory ongoing education as a condition of membership and renewal.

You are entrusting your handler with your dog’s health and well being. Be sure you know the qualifications of who you are hiring. The American Kennel Club’s Registered Handlers Program. The safety, security and well-being of the dogs are placed above all considerations. For more information and a directory of RHP member handlers: (919) 816-3590

The AKC RHP is sponsored by:

Dog News 131

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