Dog News, April 18, 2014

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Dog News The Digest Volume 30, Issue 16

Of American Dogs $5.00

April 18, 2014

ch. cragsmoor good time

handled by larry cornelius marcelo veras owned by victor malzoni, jr.

Pictured winning Two of his Four Best In Shows in a row Judge Mrs. Inge Semenschin Judge Mrs. Ruth Zimmerman

judges mr. desmond murphy and mrs. gloria geringer

Dog News 3

Dog News Contents • April 18, 2014 10 Editorial 14 Irving’s Impressions By Ronnie Irving 18 Too Small To Hunt Stag...but fast enough for everything else! (The Whippet) By MJ Nelson 22 Question Of The Week

By Matthew H. Stander

26 Off The Leash: Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad By Shaun Coen 30 “Alanized,” Flip-Flopping And More By Matthew H. Stander 34 Bests Of The Week 38 Ten Questions Asked of Alicia Morrison-Jones 40 Fiddlin’ Around In Branson...The 2014 Chow Chow National Specialty By Love Banghart

42 True Griff - Brussels Griffon National Specialty in Kentucky By Sharon Sakson

50 A “Walking Weekend”For The Irish Setter and

The First AKC Irish Setter Gun Dog Championship By Karolynne McAteer 58 Keeping Families And Pets Together During Difficult Times By Sharon Pflaumer 66 Bouviers Star In The Lone Star State By Jeannette Nieder 74 The Gossip Column By Eugene Z. Zaphiris 76 Click: Harrisburg Kennel Club By Eugene Z. Zaphiris 82 Click: Sacramento Kennel Club By Remy Smith-Lewis 88 Click: The Way We Were By Leslie Simis 90 Letters To The Editor

92 handlers directory 94 subscription rates 96 classified advertising 98 advertising rates POSTMASTER: Send address changes to DOG NEWS, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010

DOG NEWS (ISSN 0886-2133) is published weekly except the last two weeks in December by Harris Publications, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010. Periodical Postage paid at New York. 4 Dog News

All advertisements are copyrighted and owned by DOG NEWS, Harris Publications, unless received camera-ready. Permission to reprint must be requested in writing.


... Another Specialty Win! Team Gus wins the GSMDCA Cotton Classic Specialty in Perry, Georgia. Thanks to Judge Ms. Sue C. Catlin for this special win.

Top Winning Swissy In AKC History

Number 1 Swissy, All-Breed (All Systems)

Multiple Best In Show, National Specialty Best In Show

GCh. Derby’s Toast With Gusto Owned By: Rick & Sue Copeland Richmond, Texas

Bred By: Kristin Kleeman Robyn & Kenneth Toth

Presented By Scott Sommer Dog News 5

Dog News Cover Story - APRIL 18, 2014

GCh. Peluito's Papi Chulo Sire: Ch. Askin Geek In The Pink Dam: Ch. Peluito's Hermoso Bouquette







212 807.7100 x588 FAX NUMBER


Ian Miller 212 462.9624

Papi Chulo according to the Urban dictionary means “The Mac Daddy” or in other words, the super cool hot guy! This is just what Papi is. He is charming and very good looking! At two years of age, Papi is just coming into his own. We look forward to a fun ride with him! 

Thank you Judges Mrs. Marilyn C. Spacht for Best In Show (pictured on the cover), & Ms. Gay H. Dunlap for the Group First, above. 

Owned by: Arlene Etzig & Lynn Curtis Bred by: Arlene Etzig - AKC Breeder of Merit • Handled by: Andy Linton • 6 Dog News

Contributing Editors Sharon Anderson • George Bell Andrew Brace • Agnes Buchwald Patricia Gail Burnham • Shaun Coen Carlotta Cooper • Geoff Corish Michael Faulkner • Denise Flaim Geir Flyckt - Pedersen Allison Foley • Yossi Guy Ronnie Irving • Roz Kramer John Mandeville • Linda More Demond J. Murphy • M. J. Nelson Sharon Pflaumer • John Shoemaker Kim Silva • Matthew H. Stander Sari Brewster Tietjen • Patricia Trotter Connie Vanacore • Carla Viggiano Nick Waters • Seymour Weiss Minta (Mike) Williquette Dog News Photographers Chet Jezierski • Perry Phillips Kitten Rodwell • Leslie Simis

DOG NEWS is sent to all AKC approved Conformation Judges with more than one breed every week and have adjudicated at a licensed AKC show within the past three years on a complimentary basis. No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without written permission from the editor. The opinions expressed by this publication do not necessarily express the opinions of the publisher. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted.

Dog News 7

. . . e r o Seem First Group Judge ristina h C . s Mr ll Hubbe red) (pictu

Group Second Judge Mrs. Deb orah Ve r d o n

Group Second Judge nne Mrs. Suza Dillin

Multiple Best In Show • Best In Specialty Show Multiple Group Winning Own e r S i l s b y S . Pe l i s s e ro S h a do w Hi l l ES S S a n t a Ba r ba r a , C a l i fo r n i a 8 Dog News


Best o f Breed Judge Mrs. A nne Katon a

Am. GCh. & Can.

Exc l us i ve Handl e r f or Shadow Hi l l : El l e n Cot t i ngham 360 247-6717

! a i n r o f i l a C n i e m i t g Sprin

#6 Sporting Dog

T h a n k yo u Judges for a w a rd i n g S e e m o re o ve r 1,000 Sporting Gro u p points during this “ Vi n t a g e Cluster” weekend. Best of Breed Judge zanne Mrs. Su Dillin

Best of Bree d Judg e Mrs. Chris tina Hubb ell

Group First Judge phen M r. S t e ll Hubbe ed) (pictur

Best of Breed Judge M r. N e i l Graves

Ch. Hil-N-Don & Canyonwood Seemore Of Me C o -Own e r J a yne C ro u c h C a n yo nwo o d ES S

Bre eder Donna H offman Hi l -N -Don ESS Dog News 9

DO DOGS HAVE THE SAME LEGAL RIGHTS AS PEOPLE? This question has plagued American society for decades now and has been discussed periodically in these pages through the years. As Americans have continued the trend of treating dogs as family members the conundrum for the courts and the law have not always been in agreement with this kind of thinking. However as we in America began our spending splurges on dogs and all pets, which now total over 55.7 billion dollars a year, and as our attitudes changed so has the law been forced to change. Until the early 1900s dogs did not qualify according to The Wall Street Journal as even property but today they are as highly legally protected as any animal in the country. Judges on certain levels and varied jurisdictions have been willing to treat dogs like people in courtrooms allowing custody disputes over them, granting large awards in wrongful death instances and in cases of non economic damages typically reserved for the death of a spouse or a child awarding large grants to the grieving pet owner. Why in a few recent cases dogs have been awarded their own lawyers in courtrooms! Furthermore as veterinary medicine more and more resembles human medicine it is not unusual to find veterinarians getting sued in a manner similar to the human doctor as well. While the AVMA and state veterinary associations have begun battling legislation that would reclassify owners as “guardians” and filling briefs in court cases to limit damages for the loss of a dog the growing movement for dogs not to be considered “property” is a growing tide for the future. The rising legal status of the dog is something AKC would be wise to consider and debate as eventually they too could become victim to the thinking of the new generation which seems to be growing up with their dogs being considered virtual siblings rather than their being merely a pet of yore.

MORE OBSESSING OVER DOGS-NOW THROUGH HIGH TECH Both THE NEW YORK TIMES and THE WALL STREET JOURNAL this past weekend of April 12 and 13 featured prominent articles dealing with the obsession of dog owners with high tech instruments and/or doodads that both control and observe your dog when one is away as methods to test your child--oops dog--in any conceivable manner. The one which took the prize insofar as these pages is concerned is the quantified dog movement which is a wearable activity monitor that tracks a dog’s every sit, stay and roll over! Even better is the evolutionary anthropologist who studies dog behavior at the Canine Cognition Center at Duke. Last year he started something called Dognition, which is a web-based testing service that for $29 and up does a series of rigorousat-home video experiments to evaluate your dog’s cognitive skills. For people who want to get into the heads of their dogs the results from this test are fed into a database that includes tens of thousands of other dogs to determine one of nine personality types: “socialite”, “maverick”, “renaissance dog” and so on. This astounds these pages as much as the person on Facebook who has announced his research project to study those people who judge a group without having all the breeds in that group. He has started with the Working Group and claims to have a detailed spreadsheet set up to follow their most recent breed application, permit status, timing of this process, breeds remaining with a break out for low entry breeds remaining and on and on and on. At least in the cognitive situation someone is trying to make a buck--perhaps AKC should consider this model as a social media money maker to replace lost AKC registration money. Why one must ask is the gentleman on Facebook undertaking such a tedious and difficult to comprehend project with which to begin anyways?

AN ADDITION TO THE RATING SYSTEMS When AKC first introduced the Reserve Best in Show procedure these pages were adamantly against this Award. But so long as AKC insists upon this Rule change, which was approved by the Delegates themselves, it makes sense to reward the award with more than just a ribbon and a pat on the head. These pages had hoped AKC would revise its position and introduce a new type Rating System that would have consolidated all the Rating Systems into one and make for a more meaningful competition.

However, its refusal to act in this manner and the present basic non-recognition in any form of this comparatively newly introduced award has forced our hand to introduce to the Fancy an altered Rating System that includes the RBIS award as a point winning award. For now we are the exclusive rating system for such an all-inclusive award and remain proud to be the pioneer in this field for sure.

FIELD REPS AS JUDGES, TOO At the very least the last 5 Field Reps have all came from the ranks of the professional handler. And don’t misread these statements these pages are as strong a supporter of the good works of the professional handler as is anyone in this great and glorious sport of ours. But let’s face it--one of the jobs of the field rep is to evaluate judging performances, which in part entails analyzing the results of judges’ performances both as to procedure and as to placements. This in effect makes the person appointed to this position a virtual all-breed expert, which in fact they may not qualify to be. It is the opinion of these pages that newly appointed field reps from whatever area of the sport they come be it professional handler, judge, show super or owner/ exhibitor-- must be schooled by AKC in breeds before they are deemed allbreed evaluators or else be limited in evaluation to the breeds with which they are totally familiar and intimate.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Hot weather is here to stay in certain parts of the country and will be permanently here in the remainder of America in a very short while. Let us not forget that our first obligation is to the health and welfare of our dogs. Keep them well watered and in shady or airconditioned spaces and protected from the elements for sure. How nice it would be to go through one summer of shows without hearing that dreadful, scary and spooky announcement--dog in trouble in a car. Let’s stay on our toes and forestall and prevent unfortunate and horrifying accidents as have occurred in the past to dogs in cars, vans and even motor homes.

E d i t or i a l

10 Dog News


*The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed


Impressions By Ronnie Irving



here is little that I’d disagree with in most of the thoughtful answers to the Dog News Question of the Week a couple of weeks ago. The introduction to the question commented that a number of European dog fanciers had been critical of some American handlers at Westminster. They had argued that some handlers moved the dogs from table to ground and vice versa by holding them by the head and the tail – allegedly “hanging the dog in mid air”. The question was what did handlers actually think of this criticism? Ernesto Lara’s answer did not condone the practice and then went a bit further than most and, quite justifiably I think, was critical of certain people in Europe and elsewhere attempting to ban grooming arms and crates. He, also quite rightly, went on to say that most show dogs, which are perfectly accustomed to grooming and tabling, are probably far better looked after and far more cared for as far as husbandry is concerned than many so called pet dogs. The Dog News Editorial commenting on all of this said that: “Giving in to public reaction in many of these cases as was done and continues to be done in certain sections of the UK does not help the dog in the long run. It merely is a sign of caving into an uninformed or misled public opinion which can and should be changed by an educated group of concerned breeders of the purebred dog worldwide.”

LEADING RATHER THAN CAVING IN TO PUBLIC OPINION I even agree with some of that as well – but only the bit about trying to change public opinion by an educated group of concerned breeders of purebred dogs worldwide. As you can imagine I do not agree that the UK has ‘given in’ or ‘caved in’ to ‘public opinion. My view is that most of what we have done in the UK has been extremely sensible and is actually intended to lead public opinion not to ‘cave in’ to it. Of course it is utter nonsense to try to ban crates or grooming arms but it also has to be said there are ways of using these tools that can be criticised. Leaving dogs unattended on grooming tables or in crates for long periods cannot be excused. Excessive grooming, where a dog is subjected to hours and hours of obsessive brushing and combing, is also far from sensible. And in addition, items such as ‘show-stackers’ are frowned upon. People, not just the public but also most dog people here in the UK, simply do not understand how it can be right to train a dog to stand in this way – with the option being to stand stock still in the position decided by the handler - or fall off the show stacker on to the ground. The important issue for me is that we in the dog fancy should always realise that we do not live in a cocoon. Our very existence and success depends upon our hobby not only actually being a force for good as far as dogs

are concerned, but it must also be seen as a force for good as well. What we do is always in the public eye. After all we are involved in ‘showing’ dogs and therefore the way that we do that is on show at the same time. In the UK we today discourage only a very few practices which were once seen as perfectly acceptable. For example it was at one time seen as normal at dog shows for handlers not just to lift a dog by its head and bottom but to do so by holding the lead in one hand and the dog’s tail in the other and using that method of moving it from table to floor and vice versa. That is no longer acceptable. I know that sparring is still used by some judges but that is not encouraged in the UK. One of the reasons is that not all handlers of dogs are these days competent enough to deal with the practice. Having once stood and watched the quantity of blood that flows from an Irish Terrier’s ear when it gets bitten in a sparring incident at a show, I can tell you that it is not a pretty sight. And it is not helpful in promoting the idea of dog shows as a popular way of spending a pleasant and relaxed Saturday afternoon! (And by the way, in the case of Border Terriers, sparring was always frowned upon because it was and is very much against the original function of the breed. Dogs which could in any way be seen as looking quarrelsome would not have survived five minutes in the company of foxhounds.) Continued on page 44

14 Dog News


Dog News 15

16 Dog News

*The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed **All Systems ***CC System




* *


but fast enough for everything else! by M.J. Nelson


Evie (GCh Devereux’s Evening Star CD BN RE MC NAJ NJP CGC OTR CAV), one of Robin Brown and Angie Bass’ Whippets, won the versatility competition at the 2012 American Whippet Club National Specialty.

he original Whippet was something of a reject in the British Isles. Deemed too small for stag hunting by the nobility, the only people in England allowed to own hunting dogs under the Forest Law, these small Greyhounds were frequently returned to their breeders who were often peasants and thus prohibited from owning hunting dogs. Because of this, the dogs were generally maimed so that they were unable to hunt but the breeders kept these dogs and contin-

Bomber (Ch Surrey Hill’s U Sunk My Battleship DPCX NARX FCh OTR CR NLCC who is also a multi national specialty AOM winner), Karen Lee, Leila Anichini and Carolyn Bowers’ Whippet, also has a sister that is an outstanding tracker. Crime Spree (GCh DC Surrey Hill Silkrock Teenage Crime Spree at Mariner FCh DPC), another of Lee’s Whippets that is coowned with Kristen Fredricks, is also a RBIS and multi specialty AOM winner. 18 Dog News

ued to breed them because these smaller dogs were cheaper to feed and house than regularsized Greyhounds. This smaller version of the Greyhound was ideally suited for rat catching and for hunting hares and rabbits so when the Forest Law was repealed, they immediately became very popular. The British gentry in the northern areas of England and Wales soon discovered that these small sighthounds were really swift and Whippet racing became a major sport in these areas in the nineteenth century although it was generally disregarded in the rest of the country. Many of these early racing dogs were taken from the racetracks and exported all over the world. However, while Greyhound racing achieved considerable commercial appeal and became profitable through pari-mutuel betting, Whippet racing has, for the most part, remained an amateur sport. There is no doubt Continued on page 46

Dog News 21

What effect do you think the potential sale of Iams and Eukanuba to the Mars Company, the owners of Pedigree, will have upon the financial and moral support of AKC dog shows in America? Dennis Sprung This sale was not wholly unexpected. Therefore, during the last round of negotiations AKC included a number of business safeguards in our agreement for such an eventuality. I do not anticipate any immediate actions; however, there probably will be some effects as we enter the first or second quarter of 2015. From a moral support point of view, this is not a question of right or wrong but rather the result of a series of business decisions between a publicly owned corporation and a privately held family enterprise of which AKC has no control. Zane Smith Corporately speaking, I don’t think it will matter much whether Mars or Proctor & Gamble own these dog food companies, although given Mars’ ownership of Pedigree, I would think they could be encouraged to support AKC dog show events and activities, both financially and morally, with a very natural fit under their pet healthcare division. Maybe they could throw in some Milky Way bars and M & M’s for all the exhibitors, while the dogs chow down on the more nutritious Iams and Eukanuba dog food. And who said dogs and chocolate don’t mix!! Terry Stacy As a former Mars Associate I continue to have a high regard for their Management. I no longer have any contact with the Company and heard about this acquisition just as all others in our Fancy. I should think that there will be no immediate decisions about financial support. The decision to make this purchase has to be based on only what will be profitable for the Company. Sponsorship is something we in the Fancy need to keep quality events. It is very hard to measure what effect massive spending on events has on sales. I feel certain that Mars will incorporate the history of what Proctor and Gamble and its sponsorship programs has experienced. I would not expect to see any immediate changes.

Jane forsyth What the mind-set of the Mars Company is at this time is anyone’s guess. If they choose to support Purebred Dogs, that would be terrific, if not it will be a tremendous shock financially to the A.K.C. and the sport. Guess we must wait and see what direction Mars is going to take. Bob Smith This seems to portend another step in the gradual withdrawal of dog food companies’ sponsorship of dog shows in the U.S. While it will cause a hardship on some clubs, I don’t think this is necessarily all bad for the sport. It will also mean that AKC will have to seek alternative sponsorship of what we used to call “The Invitational.” Arlene Davis We just returned from Hawaii and this is the first we have heard about this potential sale. I have not had time to research the answer to your question. However, I would hope that major dog companies will support the AKC dog shows in America. It is a very positive way to show their product. It is beneficial to the shows as well as the company. It is a “win win” for both. I can’t think of a better way to showcase the product than handsome, well trained and well conditioned dogs.

QUESTION OF THE WEEK Charlie Olvis I think the sale of Iams and Eukanuba to the Mars company will not end up being a positive for the dog fancy as we all know Pedigree has gone against what the AKC stands for and have cut all ties to the dog shows in general. I cannot see how this sale can be a positive for the dog world. I hope it can be a positive looking back at their past track record but I see no way this is going to help the dog fancy.

Liz MuthArd I agree with Charlie and, too, have doubts that this sale will be good for the purebred dog fancy. We can only hope that the parent company wants to recover some of the market that was lost by the Pedigree label when they abandoned all of us and will realize that dedicated breeders DO influence dog food sales. Surely hope that this is not part of a bigger scheme to eliminate another pet food company’s loyalty to the pure bred market. We had better all enjoy the AKC/Eukanuba event while we still can!!!

By Matthew H. Stander

22 Dog News

Michael Canalizo I would expect that Mars Corporation see’s value in the Eukanuba brand for its solid position within the purebred dog community, which includes their longstanding relationship with many dog clubs, the AKC and breeders of Pure-Bred dogs. It would be premature to predict the future at this early juncture. Helen Lee James In my opinion, there will be little notice or response from the average small time exhibitor or breeder. The long term effects will depend upon which contracts, if any, are in place for the 2014 and future events. The atmosphere today is far different from that of many years ago when representatives of many dog food companies appeared at our events and, usually wearing an apron, “feed the shows”.




*The Dog News Top Ten List

Dog News 23


Mex./Am. Ch Sonnus Filho (Sanchez)


In only two months together, Erika and Sonnito have Now Won... Eight All Breed Best In Shows Two Reserve Best In Shows 14 Group First wins A very special thank you to all the Judges that have made Sonnito feel most welcome Owners James and Janet Moses 24 Dog News

Presented By Erika Lanasa 443 744-6300

Breeder/Owner Romulo Sanchez Torres

Dog News 25

The news out of Maryland was mostly positive this week, as Mayor Martin O’Malley signed into law three bills that affect dog owners, two of which had the backing of the American Kennel Club. measure with the highest profile was The the tandem House Bill 73 and

Senate Bill 247, which repeals the Tracey v. Solesky Court of Appeals ruling declaring that all “pit bulls” were inherently dangerous. The contentious issue has been grabbing headlines in Maryland and across the country since 2007, when a Towson boy was attacked and severely injured by a pit bull. As a result, several stabs at legislation were introduced and implemented, ranging from an all out ban on “pit bulls”, cross-breds and mixes of “pit bulls” to a more limited scope of the ruling that did not apply to mixed breed dogs. The debate was extended to include landlords, who could be held liable for renting to owners of certain types of dogs, and insurance providers, who could refuse to offer policies to dog owners. Now, six years later, Governor O’Malley may have finally resolved the issue by signing this measure, which rightfully creates strict liability for all dog owners regardless of the breed they own. By placing the emphasis on the responsibility of the dog owner and not a particular breed, the measure protects all people and encourages all dog owners to obey the law. The measure also establishes the necessary clarification that the owner of a dog is liable for any injury, death or loss to person or property caused

while their dog is running at large unless the loss was caused by someone committing or attempting to commit a trespass or other criminal offense or if the dog was being teased, tormented, abused or provoked. This protects the dog from, quite frankly, acting the way one would expect or hope a dog to act in certain situations, while also protecting responsible dog owners from a scenario in which they have no control. The measure also addresses the incidence of the “rebuttable presumption,” a circumstance that may arise if a dog causes personal injury or death. The “rebuttable presumption” is that the owner should have known that the dog had vicious or dangerous tendencies but under this measure a judge may not make a determination on the rebuttable presumption until after a jury has issued a verdict. This law, which is yet another victory on the breedspecific legislation front and further evidence of the country trending away from BSL, goes into effect immediately. While sympathies go out to Dominic Solesky, the 10 yearold boy who was severely injured by a dog attack and his family —and to all victims of dog attacks— congratulations are also in order for all who worked so hard to protect the rights of all dog owners. The

off Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad


26 Dog News

AKC, its constituents, the Maryland Dog Federation, all concerned dog owners who contacted their legislators and Mayor O’Malley should all be commended for performing due diligence and establishing a law that improves and encourages responsible dog ownership. The other victory in Maryland was the signing of Senate Bill 659, which would have required veterinarians to perform ear cropping, tail docking, dewclaw removal or surgical births using anesthesia. In the avalanche of legislation that crosses the desks of our elected officials, one would assume that such a measure would pass, as on the surface it would seem to protect the health of animals, correct? Well, thanks to the efforts of the American Kennel Club, which put in more than its two cents, the bill passed but with the addition of two very important words: “when appropriate”. The AKC pointed out that the procedure of tail docking is performed on dogs when they are too young to undergo anesthesia. While all of these procedures must still be performed by a licensed veterinarian, the use of anesthesia will now only be required “when appropriate”. The bill goes into effect on October 1, 2014. Although many dog owners were opposed to Maryland House Bill 667/ Senate Bill 600, which places a ban on surgical devocalization procedures on dogs and cats unless deemed medically necessary to treat an illness, injury or defect that is causing the animal harm or pain, as determined by a veterinarian who must provide written certification supporting diagnosis and findings of why the procedure is necessary, the measure was also signed into law by Mayor O’Malley and will go into effect on October 1, 2014. The devocalization issue has become quite common in recent years, cropping up in Rhode Is-

land, Massachusetts and New York, where legislation was enacted in 2013 banning the procedure. While many deem the procedure cruel and unnecessary, it may be a last ditch effort to keep a dog in a loving home.


he argument for devocalization or debarking is much more prominent in urban areas where problematic barking issues can cause disruption and social strife within communities. Here in New York City, where noise is the number one quality of life complaint received by the NY Police Department, one can surely empathize with those who cannot sleep because of persistent dog barking. Owners of barking dogs in NYC are subjected to fines of $70 to $525. These owners are often confronted or threatened with violence and may be forced to move or face the prospect of relinquishing their dog to a shelter. If the dog isn’t rehomed, it may be euthanized. Those opposed to the procedure claim that barking is how dogs communicate and this surgery ruins their ability to do so but when performed by a qualified veterinarian the devocalization procedure doesn’t fully silence the bark of a dog but rather it results in a softening of the bark. Perhaps if the procedure were referred to not as debarking or devocalization but as “voice softening” it may be viewed differently. The surgery should never be considered as strictly a matter of convenience, but only if all other attempts at behavioral modification have failed. A last resort of voice softening to save the life of a dog and keep it in a loving home is a decision best left to the owner and his veterinarian. Perhaps this issue will be revisited in those areas where it has been banned; persistence pays off in canine legislative matters, as proven in Maryland this week.



M re “Alan”ized, FlipFlopping...

by Matthew H. Stander ur good friend and writer for DOG NEWS O Geir Flyckt-Pederson in

one of his classic “Babbling” columns referred to someone -- I think it was himself -- as having been “Chuckled” at one time or another. Well my friends I now understand his pique much better having been recently “Alanized” by the Board Chair at AKC. Let me tell you my tale of woe. Alan asked me to interview him at Westminster since he had new and as I recall radical ideas to present to the Fancy about how AKC should be run and thought DN as the most logical place to present these ideas. He requested that the interview be printed after the March Board elections since he did not want to steal any thunder from the elections with what he was going to propose. Nor did he want to turn the elections around and for them to be decided on what he was saying as opposed to the debate among the candidates. By the time I recontacted him to remind him about his proposed interview (I had gone away on Holiday for two weeks after Westminster) HE decided that instead of a real interview (he did not use that term-that’s what I felt had 30 Dog News


happened) I should ask him any 10 Questions about AKC I thought pertinent. I was a bit surprised at this change in direction and expressed this surprise to him but acceded to his request. No longer were we to hear what he proposed for the future of AKC. Instead I submitted 10 Questions, three of which he objected to on the basis that he thought they were too personal in nature and not

issue-oriented. It seems his intent was to be asked what he considered to be issue-oriented questions, which intent he of course never communicated to me. Again I was not too happy to learn of this new limitation even though he agreed to answer all 3 if I objected too strongly to his objections. I agreed to change 2 of the 3 Questions since I did not consider them to be personal Continued on page 54

*The Dog News Top Ten List **All Systems




*Number Two overall, The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points

OF Bests THE WEEK Terry-All Kennel Club English Springer Spaniel

GCh. Foxboro N Shardust Authentic

Rhode Island Kennel Club I & II Smooth Coat Chihuahua

GCh. Sonnus Filho (Sanchez)

Judge Mrs. Karin B. Ashe Owners Ellen Charles, Sharleen Perreira, Susan Still, Ruth Dehmel Handler Linda O’Conner-Schneider

Judge Mr. Ralph (Sonny) Ambrosio Judge Mr. William deVilleneuve Owners Janet Lange Moses, James Moses, and Romulo Sanchez Torres Handler Erika Lanasa

Valdosta Kennel Club - Thursday & Friday Atlanta Kennel Club Portuguese Water Dog

Mason & Dixon Kennel Club Sunday Whippet

Judge Mr. Terry Stacy Judge Ms. Marjorie Martorella Judge Mr. Elliott B. Weiss Owners Milan Lint, Peggy Helming & Donna Gottdenker Handler Michael Scott

Judge Dr. Robert A. Indeglia Owners Barbara Call, Jane Cooney-Waterhouse, Dionne Butt & Amanda Giles Handler Amanda Giles

GCh. Claircreek Impression De Matisse

Harrisburg Kennel Club Samoyed

GCh. Pebbles’ Run Play It Again Ham

Judge Mr. Michael Buckley Owner Amy Kiell-Green Handler Andrew Green

GCh. Sporting Fields Shameless

Steel City Kennel Club - Saturday Dandie Dinmont Terrier

GCh. King’s Mtn Angelina Ballerina

Judge Mrs. Judith Brown Owners Patrice Stephens, MD & Donna Chambers-Rau Handler Carlos J. Puig Bartlesville Kennel Club Pembroke Welsh Corgi

GCh. Coventry Just A Little Crush To report a AKC All Breed Best In Show or National Specialty Win Call, Fax or Email before 12:00 Noon Tuesday. Fax: 212 675-5994 • Phone: 212 4629588 Email: 34 Dog News

Judge Mr. Don Duerksen Owners Jim & Judy Johnson, Bill Shelton, Steve Leyerly, and Becki Williams DVM Handler Michael Shepherd Continued on page 95

Dog News 35

The Dog News Top Ten List 36 Dog News

Points Given For The Time Has Come! Starting

Sample of Dog News Top Ten List All Breed System by Breed:

Sporting Group B. I. S. RBIS GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 TOTAL Brittanys

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

GCH CH Rainbow Splash’s Ruggedly Handsome C Douglas/J Andras/A Andras/K Hogan/A Cone GCH CH Britt’s Ramblin’ The Perfect Cut J Larson/N Larson/K Schoppa GCH CH Brookewood’s Just Too Hot CDX MX MXB E Drazek/C Miller GCH CH Sanbar’s Ride The Winds R West/P West/C West GCH CH Triumphant’s As Good As It Gets JH L Mccartney-Roy/K Mccartney GCH CH Millette’s Sweet Memories OA OAJ NAP W Archinal GCH CH Premier’s The Chosen One Of Dream Hi C Walters/D Walters/K Rickard GCH CH Star Flight Jumpin Jack Flash RN OA OAJ J Ceres CH Dogwood Hollow So Be It E Ctibor/M Ctibor/G Clements Hi-Britt’s Rj’s Bailey’s N Cream K Kanemoto/D Hisanaga

1 2 3

GCH CH Chesterhope State Of T Art J Mosing/J O’Neill GCH CH Hipoint Here Comes The Sun L Cayton/F De Paulo GCH CH Oncore Mykyna Run To Daylight P Haines/T Haines/P Davis/E Dziuk


In July

of 2012, a rule change voted in by the Delegate Body of the American Kennel Club added a Reserve Best in Show award at its licensed dog shows. This new concept was greeted with both pro and con reactions from all corners of the fancy. There was some confusion on the part of the judging community as to how to present this award. Was it to be given







2 11819







1 1864







1 1248







1 1201







0 774







1 538







2 333







0 114







1 88







0 27







1 3996







2 1324







1 826

before or after the best in show selection? Exhibitors and handlers wondered what was the purpose of the award. When this additional award was established, there were no points awarded for this accomplishment. It seemed unfair that Reserve Best in Show winners were not rewarded for their recognition from the best in show judge. As with any big change, time must be given for the change to be accepted and embraced by the fancy. That time has come

and the addition of a Reserve Best in Show winner has generally been accepted by all. Enough time has passed that DOG NEWS has decided to take the lead and be the FIRST to add points to its All Breed Top Ten Lists to acknowledge, encourage and reward this achievement. There is no change to the DOG NEWS TOP TEN BEST OF BREED LIST (Breed System). This only affects the DOG NEWS TOP TEN LIST (All Breed System). Starting with this month’s

Reserve Best In Shows with the April 25th issue of DOG NEWS...

Sample of Dog News Top Ten List All Breed Top Ten All Breeds List:

top ten all breed Based on All Breed Competition

1 2 3 4 5 6

GCH CH Bugaboo’s Picture Perfect Old English Sheepdogs R Scott/D Burke/C Johnson/H Johnson

(M) 49434

GCH CH Claircreek Impression De Matisse Portuguese Water Dogs M Lint/P Helming/D Gottdenker

(M) 43401

GCH CH Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie Skye Terriers V Malzoni/Cragsmoor Knl

(M) 16213

GCH CH Marlex Classic Red Glare Miniature Pinschers A Angelbello/L Monte

(F) 14731

GCH CH Dawin Hearts On Fire Poodles (Standard) L Campbell

(F) 14150

GCH CH Rainbow Splash’s Ruggedly Handsome (M) 11819 Brittanys C Douglas/J Andras/A Andras/K Hogan/A Cone

Sample of Dog News Top Ten List All Breed System Breeds in Group:

sporting group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

GCH CH Rainbow Splash’s Ruggedly Handsome (M) Brittanys C Douglas/J Andras/A Andras/K Hogan/A Cone GCH CH Weymouths En Fuego (M) Setters (English) P Disiena/G Godley/S Nordstrom GCH CH Whistlestop’s Riley On Fire (F) Spaniels (Irish Water) T Urban/B Urban/G Siner GCH CH Ashdown’s Time To Thrill (M) Spaniels (Cocker) Black G White Jones/B Van Deman/C Douglas GCH CH Promenade Pay It Forward (M) Spaniels (Field) J Chopson/J Schildman/N Kuhn GCH CH Telltale American Ride (M) Spaniels (English Springer) C Florence/D Strong/B Fink/R Novack/D Van Vorst/C Van GCH CH Simpatico Equal Justice (F) Weimaraners J Martin/J Logan/R Goularle

HOUND group 11819 7970 7303 7005 6702 6607 5305

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

GCH CH Tashtins Lookin For Trouble (F) Beagles (over 13 in.) L Crandlemire/K Crandlemire/B Cavanaugh/E Dzuik GCH CH Flessner’s International S’Cess (M) Bloodhounds S Vancamp/H Helmer/Z Helmer GCH CH Sandstorm Blue Nile Bubbles Of Jatara (F) Salukis J Harrington/S Winsted/S Middlebrooks GCH CH Tells Matrix Reloaded (M) Afghan Hounds M Galloway GCH CH Thaon’s Wallstreet (M) Afghan Hounds J Hafford/J Blanchard/D Rogers/J Rogers/B Moore/J Moore GCH CH Majenkir Bookstor Vintage Glamour (F) Borzois K Spey/H Spey/K Staudt-Cartabona GCH CH Raquel Welch Of Malabo Apd (F) Rhodesian Ridgebacks A Paola Diniz

10325 8933 5476 5431 4833 3881 3846

published list, which is retroactive to January 1, 2014, a new column will be added reflecting Reserve Best in Show awards. There will now be six listings: Best In Show, Reserve Best In Show, Group First, Group Second, Group Third and Group Fourth. While we strongly believe there is no bigger accomplishment than Best in Show, after careful deliberation we came up with the point count to compliment the DOG NEWS TOP TEN LIST, awarding points by elimination. For example, if a sporting dog is awarded best in show, and a hound is selected Reserve Best in Show, the sporting dog receives one point for every dog in competition and the hound dog receives one point for every dog in competition EXCEPT none of the points from the sporting group. So the formula is the Reserve Best in Show winner gets all the points except the points from the group that the Best in Show dog represents. This formula rewards the Best in Show exhibit and the Reserve Best in Show exhibit as well.

6 23 5 9 8 7 10 4


How did you decide on your kennel name?

I decided to use my mother’s Messenger Afghans kennel name that I grew up withHowever, Bill McFadden laughingly told me years ago I should have used “Brazen.”

What was your most disappointing dog show loss?

Who is/was your mentor in dogs?

In addition to my mother, I was fortunate to have truly good dog people in my life. Jan Reital, Bobbi Keller, Amy Rutherford and the Coastwind guys Mike Dunham and Richard Souza both mentored and inspired me.

The last book you read?

You get your news from CNN, Fox News, PBS, local or none? PBS and Brian Williams

Talk about coming down to Earth-the next day I walked out of BBE bitch with the previous day’s big winner!

“This Is Where I Leave You”

What was your most important dog show win?

It came when I was 16 years old when Santa Barbara WAS Santa Barbara. My BBE bitch won over 100 Afghans and the same day I won the huge Saluki Specialty. Wow, what a day that was.

Can you forgive and forget? Yes, I can forgive but I have a hard time forgetting.

Which two people would you have face off on “Survivor”? Phil Schafmayer and Karen Wagner.

Questions ASKED OF:


Would you rather judge or win best in show at the Westminster Kennel Club? Win!

You would like to be remembered as?

A great mom and someone who helped others-especially in the breeding of quality dogs.



Number One Cane Corso All Systems

Multiple Group Placements

GCh. Campo’s Petros Zeus The Corso, That Turns Heads! Owner: Richard Hudgens Breeder: Richard Hudgens Handler: Valerie Nunes-Atkinson Assissted By Lauren Hay-Lavitt And Antonio Vidmar Dog News 39

The 2014 Chow Chow National Specialty

Fiddlin’ Around In Branson... by Love Banghart, Chow Chow Club Inc. Publicity Chairman


he Chow Chow Club Inc. National Specialty is an event that chow fanciers worldwide look forward to attending each year. Our 2014 National Specialty was held in Branson, MO at the Radisson Hotel Branson. Many fanciers and their chows began arriving on Monday, March 31, in anticipation of the activities beginning the next day. The weather was great with only one night of thunder storms. Cool mornings and evenings were ideal for walking the dogs. Everyone commented on the nice dogfriendly accommodations and the hotel’s courteous staff. Our dedicated show chairman for the

40 Dog News

event was Bambi Walden, who did an outstanding job with the support of her committees. We were excited to have chow fanciers from Brazil, Canada, Thailand, and Germany join us this year. Branson is a well known tourist center and offers many shows and attractions for visitors and our fanciers took advantage of shopping at the outlet stores, touring Lake Taneycomo on the Lake Cruise boats, visiting the Titanic Museum, and enjoying the exciting show at the Dixie Stampede Dinner Theater. Tuesday, following a leisurely morning, many of our members and guests attended a very informative seminar regarding Continued on page 60



*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points **All Systems ***CC Systems



Brussels Griffon National Specialty in Kentucky One of the great things about the American Brussels Griffon Association National Specialty is that you don’t have to remember where it is. It is always in the same place -- Louisville, Kentucky, in mid-March. The national is an independent specialty held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel right at the front gate of the Kentucky Exposition Center. By Sharon Sakson Show photos by Booth Photography candids by Donna Vartanian


nother great thing is that the club puts on health education seminars for breeders and judges education for prospective judges. There is Brussels Griffon art, jewelry and keepsakes to collect at the national, and people do, as Brussels Griffon tchotchke is rare. This year, as every year but one since 1993, around 100 Griffs traveled to Kentucky with their humans to take part. This is certainly the only place in the United States you will ever see 100 Brussels Griffons all at once, a delightful prospect! 42 Dog News

Griffs arrive from both coasts and everywhere in between. Winners Dog was from Oregon and Reserve Winners Dog from Connecticut, spanning the entire lower 48. Internationally, one sweepstakes class winner was from Spain; an Award of Merit winner was from Russia. Beautiful Griffons from all over the world made it to Kentucky. On Wednesday, Richard Bohannon judged the puppy 4 to 6 months competition. Best Puppy was Bestie One, bred and owned by Robin Schmitt. Best Opposite was Hazeldean Oliver On Stage, bred by Heather Stants and Margaret Stants and owned by Heather Stants and Monte Michelsen. Sweepstakes judge was JoAnn Adamson. Best in Sweepstakes was Walkers Play It Again At Symphony bred by Karen Walker and owned by Cindy Muir and Karen Walker. Best Opposite was Tazlandz Ribbons and Bows, bred and owned by Julie Achord. Best of Veteran Sweepstakes was eight-year-old GCh Rhetoric Regards to Joli owned by Beverly Strange. On Thursday, Bill Usherwood was the breed judge. He started off the day by calling for a moment of silence for William Cunningham, who had been originally voted to judge this year. Sadly, Cunningham died just months before he could fulfill the assignment. Bill Usherwood choked up as he remembered his friend. “This is very devastating to me,” said Usherwood. “He should be here, not me.” Then it was on to business, with gorgeous classes one after the other. Usherwood said later, “I was very pleased with the quality. The outlines were great, with level toplines, broad underjaws, and good layback of nostrils; everything I was looking for. As I said at the banquet, I am not worried about my breed right now. My breed is in good shape.” There was a slight smile on Usherwood’s face as he judged,

which he explained later was caused by “seeing that my breed had held its own over a period of 10 to 20 years. Sure, there was the occasional low tailset and bad topline. We’ve always had that. But the overall improvement was tremendous. Movement is a key issue I’ve had with Griffs. I’ve been concerned for years about the splaying in front when they move. The dogs had narrow pelvises and wide chests and the feet would shoot out to the sides. This time, I didn’t see any of that. Movement was fabulous! They were balanced and Continued on page 62

Dog News 43


meeting up only with one another. Our shows will become more and more isolated and our breeds and dogs will become more and more extreme. That will frighten away many of the potential buyers of those of our puppies that are surplus to the requirements of our breeding programmes. That in its turn will continue the spiral downwards and send us into a vicious cycle until the fancy disappears almost entirely. I know that all sounds rather extreme but I think that the cracks are already appearing in the fancy in some parts of the world. As dog people we have to stop simply reacting to problems as they happen, and instead we must start to be proactive and head any problems off at the pass.

such was just three dogs less than last year. Of course unlike in the USA there are no breed club specialty shows run in conjunction with the National Terrier Show in the way that they are at Montgomery. The National Terrier Show is just another show on the championship show circuit and does not have any special breed club backing. But it is noticeable that these national group specific shows are very popular not only with the UK exhibitors but also with overseas visitors and exhibitors as well. They attract far bigger entries for the breeds in the group than the other all breed championship shows apart from Crufts manage to achieve. I wonder why this is the case? Is it perhaps because they have a more specialised knowledge of the breeds concerned and are therefore able to select more appropriate judges for the occasion? Or is it that they are of a smaller and more intimate nature and are a gathering point for old friends to meet and sort out the world.

GROUP SPECIALTY SHOWS Turning to another subject. As well as having man breed specialty shows in the UK, we have at least one annual speciality for each group and in the case of some groups we have two or three such shows a year. I am aware that in the Terrier Group you have Montgomery County KC and the Great Western. Do other groups in the USA have the equivalent with such world famous group shows as these two? So far this year we have had several championship points shows. Overall the entries thus far in the year to the beginning of April, are up by just under 3% on the equivalent shows last year. Crufts itself was up nearly 5% and the only other show whose entry was up by any reasonable amount was one of the national group shows - the UK Toydog Society Show, which was up 7.5% to just under 2,000 dogs. The National Terrier Show (our equivalent of Montgomery County) attracted an entry of 1,449 dogs and as

THE POPULARITY LEAGUE With Crufts as the exception which proves the rule, the popularity of shows generally in the UK seems to favour firstly the breed speciality events, then national group speciality shows and then thirdly the all breed shows. Perhaps there are some lessons to be learned from that by kennel clubs when they are thinking of ways by which the world of showing can be made more popular? UK shows overall for the first quarter are up by just under 3% in entries this year whereas at the same point last year they were actually down 2.5%. It is to be hoped that this may just mark the beginning of a stabilisation of show entries in the UK. The economy here seems to be looking a bit more optimistic. Let’s hope that optimism is flowing through to the UK dog fancy as well and let’s pray that we will see a continuing trend upwards in the rest of this year.

Impressions Continued FROM page 14

WE MUSTN’T SEEM ECCENTRIC OR FANATICAL The point that I think most of us have grasped in the UK, is that excesses of any kind either in presentation, showing styles, training methods or in any aspect of dog showing are not good for the reputation of the fancy in the longer term. Of course we should not bend to the silly views of the animal rights lobby – they themselves are the people seen as crazy by the public at large and we should ensure that it stays that way. However we have to recognise the world of dog showing has to exist in the wider world outside. If we are seen as a crowd of eccentrics doing things that are seen as cruel or even stupid or odd, not by the animal rights fanatics but instead by the average person – then our hobby will become more and more marginalised. Everything we in the fancy do that affects the welfare of our dogs, ought to be able to stand up to scrutiny by sane and normal people. If it doesn’t then we should stop doing it. I have mentioned before the famous words of my fellow Scot, the poet Robert Burns, who said: “O wad some Power the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us! It wad frae mony a blunder free us, An’ foolish notion” That verse translates as: “Oh would some Power give us the gift, To see ourselves as others see us, It would free us from many a blunder, And from many a foolish notion.” THE RIGHT IDEA I think Robert Burns had absolutely the right idea. It is no use us thinking that we can defy or even ignore public opinion. And by that I do mean “public opinion” – not the opinion of some animal rights lunatics. If we ignore public opinion we will lose the support of the average person. If we lose the support of the average person we will fail to attract newcomers into our sport and we will in the end become a smaller and smaller and everdwindling band of fanatics going around and 44 Dog News


Dog News 45 00 *The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points

THE WHIPPET Continued FROM page 18

Fifi (DC Oh So Devereux RN SC NAJ DPCX ARX PR2), another of Brown and Bass’ Whippets, clearly loves to run but has also been successful in both rally and agility. Ashley (OAP NA NAJ NJP CGC TT CAVX), one of Bobbi Lutz’ Whippets, helped convince her owner that this is not a breed that can be “drilled.”

these hounds love to run and almost all have a very high prey drive. This means the breed is very successful in lure coursing and racing. But, say the breed’s proponents, the athleticism of the breed also makes them suitable for a variety of other dog sports. “It makes no more sense to me to have a Whippet and never put it behind the lure than it would make for me to have a Labrador and never let it swim in a lake. Whippets are not just lovely to look at in the home, they are versatile athletes and as such they should be able to run, jump, turn at speed, gallop very fast and have a clean running ability where they do not interfere with Lutz was apparently able to make agility fun for Tyler (GCH UGRCH UAGII RO1 running mates. But, the WhipUCD Windryder’s Full Throttle AXP AJP pet has always been a versatile, OA OAJ RA FCh SC BN CGC TT CAVX.) sporty little breed. Being an all-around and useful game companion is in its very DNA. A family pet that hunted rabbits for the pot, raced for gambling purposes and sport, and was even an excellent ratter, it made a smooth transition to the show ring. As the decades have passed, Nellie (Ch Shamasan Flame ‘N’ Queen ARX DPCX CR RN we added more and WWW’08 ROMX), Phoebe Booth’s Whippet, was still more activities for the sound enough to course at the age of eleven. 46 Dog News

dogs and Whippets have taken to many of them. Dock diving, agility and barn hunt are three of the newest activities for which Whippets seem to be built to succeed. Plus, Whippets make really awesome therapy dogs,” said Karen Lee, who, with Leila Anichini and Carolyn Bowers, owns Bomber (Ch Surrey Hill’s U Sunk My Battleship DPCX NARX FCh OTR CR NLCC who is also a multi national specialty AOM winner) and with Kristen Fredricks owns Crime Spree (GCh DC Surrey Hill Silkrock Teenage Crime Spree at Mariner FCh DPC also a RBIS and multi specialty AOM winner.) She also chairs the American Whippet Club’s Public Education Committee as well as being a member of that organization’s board of directors. “Whippets are smart and eager to please,” said Robin Brown, who, with Angie Bass, owns Evie (GCh Devereux’s Evening Star CD BN RE MC NAJ NJP CGC OTR CAV), Fifi (DC Oh So Devereux RN SC NAJ DPCX ARX PR2), Prissy (BIF FC Devereux Sportingfield Truly Pristine RA MC NAJ CGC OTR PR TRP Fch) and Estee (MBIF DC Devereux A Star is Born LCX.) ”Their biggest asset, of course, is their desire to run and their high prey drive. But, the fact that they love us also makes them successful in conformation, obedience, rally and agility. They were bred to hunt small game and both Angie and I believe that it is extremely important to breed dogs that not only meet the breed standard but are also capable of doing what the breed was intended to do. We have to admit, however, that obedience and agility, by far, have been the most difficult for both us and our dogs. Whippets are Continued on page 48

THE WHIPPET Continued FROM page 46

bred to think and hunt independently so agility and obedience are not exactly natural sports for them. They can also be very sensitive. One of our Whippets is so tuned in to Angie’s feelings and emotions that if Angie is nervous going into an agility ring, the dog will want to leave the ring immediately because she figures something is wrong. They’re generally a quite soft breed and they don’t handle rough corrections. But with a lot of patience and positive reinforcement, they can be successful in obedience and agility. You have to find a balance that includes short training sessions, soft corrections and continuous positive reinforcement. And of course, practice, practice, practice.” “You absolutely have to make anything you do with a Whippet fun for them,” said Bobbi Lutz, who owns Ashley (OAP NA NAJ NJP CGC TT CAVX) and Tyler (GCH UGRCH UAGII RO1, UCD Windryder’s Full Throttle AXP AJP OA OAJ RA FCh SC BN

CGC TT CAVX.) “You can’t ‘drill’ this breed. In fact, if you can figure out a way to train them so that they think it’s their idea all the better. I had a Doberman before I got Whippets and Dobies can stand drilling to a certain extent and come back wanting more. When I got Whippets, I had to learn to temper that a WHOLE LOT! Whippets will do it one to three times and if you keep at it, they’ll either shut down or start inventing other ways to do what you are trying to teach them because obviously to them, they weren’t doing it right the first three times you asked them to do it. Whippets are very athletic and they are ‘smart as a whip’ if you’ll excuse the pun but they can also be quite manipulative so you absolutely have to stay ahead of them in training for any sport unless, of course, it’s something like lure coursing which most Whippets will do without any coaxing or even much, if any, training.” “Whippets can be very trainable but they are independent thinkers by nature which means they rarely enjoy repetitive exercises. The only repetition they really enjoy is eating, sleeping and chasing things.

“Whippets can be very trainable but they are independent thinkers by nature which means they rarely enjoy repetitive exercises. The only repetition they really enjoy is eating, sleeping and chasing things.”

GCh DC Ableaim Patent Pending MC, Chuck and Gail Boyd’s Whippet, is a grand champion in the show ring, a dual champion and a master courser. 48 Dog News

Whippets love their owners but they don’t live to please them. They are easily bored with obedience so you have to find ways to keep it interesting for them with lots of games and changes of pace. They can get very creative when they are bored. If you want to do performance activities with a Whippet, it is important to seek out lines with proven abilities. There are some Whippets that can be rather sulky, some have little interest in repetitive tasks and the breed, as a whole, is both sensitive and ultra-perceptive. They also tend to hold grudges and they don’t recover from bad experiences as readily as say a sporting dog or a working breed. Even with racing or coursing, which most Whippets relish, a dog can be ruined by one experience that is not rehabilitated quickly and with positively. Chili (Ch Shamasan Hound Hill Cherokee ARX DPCX RN CR) was well on his way to a successful obedience career when he was jumped by on the long down by a bigger dog. It was months before he could reliably do the long sits and downs,” said Phoebe Booth, who also owns Nellie (Ch Shamasan Flame ‘N’ Queen ARX DPCX CR RN WWW’08 ROMX.) There are some issues with trying to do both field work and Continued on page 52

Bonzo (Ch Marial’s Whitewater CD ARM ORC), one of Mary Beth and Doug Arthur’s Whippets is successful in both the show ring and the field.


*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points

Dog Dog News News 00 49

A “Walking Weekend” For The Irish Setter & The First AKC Irish Setter Gun Dog Championship

It seems

By Karolynne McAteer 50 Dog News

like yesterday that we all boarded planes in 2001 to attend the first ISCA walking weekend in Texas. Two days, devoted to the purpose of our breed, with a Saturday National Hunt Test and Sunday Walking Field Trial. Spearheaded then by Nina Johnson, the event has grown throughout the Irish Setter community, and is managed by a Walking Event Committee representing two-three members per region. The event is spurred on by the interest of members to work their dogs in the field without the worry of a horse, horse trailer and all that goes with it. A good dog, a pistol and great walking boots are all that is needed. Back in 2001, it was an all-amateur event, but four years later, Open stakes were added to the weekend’s agenda and as the event rotated through our four regions, we got to see dogs early in their field development, and then met up with them a few years later as they laid down their race to win. Galleries followed all braces, but in Open, dogs run by pros had followers in abundance as amateurs observed the quiet hands and voice of the pro. Sort of like a walking clinic!! Four years ago, with the two-day format having traversed the four regions twice, and with Board approval and support, an extra day was added to the walking weekend, with the advent of the ISCA Walking Championship. The club championship held to the requirements of an AKC championship, and the event committee worked diligently finding great walking grounds, outstanding and positive judges and giving everyone a new competitive experience. In 2012 the ISCA approached

the AKC about having the Club Championship become an AKC titled event, and with support and guidance from Doug Ljungren under whose hands this event falls at AKC, and Bonnie Hidalgo, Executive Field Rep who is happily a member of ISCA, we worked toward the 2014 AKC Gun Dog Championship…13 years in the making!


21, 22, 23, 2014 was the walking weekend with our first AKC Gun Dog Championship held at the Ralph Kellam C/R grounds in Petersburg, DE. For anyone who remembers this past Winter and Spring, I as National Chair, spent a good amount of time lighting candles for weather while Host Club Chair Kevin Culver dealt with the State of Delaware, which was an experience in frustration. When we signed on two years ago, the grounds had a decent clubhouse with kitchen and fireplace and “indoor plumbing.” The first thing to go was the kitchen. In late 2012 that whole area was removed from the clubhouse, but we just figured that’s what “take out/order in” is for. In late 2013 (meaning 4 months ago) rumblings began that the entire clubhouse would be removed in 2014. Both Kevin and I had a real

shock when we were told “it comes down in December.” So that was 4 months ago!! OK, take a breath, I ordered a big tent, added porto potties to both sides of the grounds. Food truck contacted to make up for “no kitchen/no clubhouse.” We were assured that the electric would stay on in the barn, and that the barn would not be touched!! The next call we got said the electric had been cut to the barn to make way for “something or other.” Ordinarily I’d have said “well shoot” and moved on, (I did say a lot more than “well shoot” but that cannot be published) but no electric also meant no pump working in the well to bring water up to the troughs for horses. It was at this point that I stopped answering any calls with a 540 area code (Kevin’s) because it was never good news!! Kevin worked this out by a gift of kindness from Jean Webb and Cassie Allen, who loaded two huge vats in their pick up, driven all the way with their horse trailer by the way, from Ohio. More kindness came from the local Beagle Club, less than a Continued on page 68

Dog News 51

THE WHIPPET Continued FROM page 48

conformation with a Whippet, said Chuck Boyd who, with his wife Gail, owns GCh DC Ableaim Patent Pending MC. “It’s difficult to compete in the show ring and the field at the same time because most judges in the show ring don’t like a properly conditioned performance dog. They prefer a softer dog without the bulges from muscle mass. So, we have to walk a fine line when my dogs are competing in both at the same time. We have to add a little weight before a show and then take it off before the dog runs in the field. An overweight Whippet coursing is much more prone to joint and muscle injury. Whippets love to run for the pure joy of it and given the chance will keep themselves in great shape. But, it is still important to leave the field with the dog wanting to do more. If they get run into the ground, the excitement is not there.” Mary Beth Arthur agreed that trying to show Whippets and also do field work or performance activities with them was becoming problematic. With her husband Doug, she owns Ch Marial’s Wistwind Cinderfela NA NAJ SRA DPCX and Ch Marial’s Whitewater CD ARM ORC. She said, “Back in the 60s and 70s, the

same Whippet could easily earn a conformation championship as well as a racing championship. Many people at that time were breeding dual purpose dogs. Then, beginning in the 1980s, people started specializing in racing Whippets which changed the look of the breed. It has continued to the point where we now have extreme conformation for successful racing dogs and show dogs that are often extreme in hindquarter angulation with a German Shepherdish side gait. For a dog to be successful in both the show ring and the field, it needs to be moderate in movement and angulation. Those things are not necessarily what judges look for in the ring. Probably one of the most difficult challenges the breed faces these days, along with breeders who don’t health test their dogs, are breeders who breed dogs for success strictly in one area or another.” Lee noted that breeding for both the show ring and for a performance activity that requires athleticism and speed is more challenging than having a specialist program. “While specialist programs will always produce the top ranked individuals in their specialty, I enjoy trying to produce a line of show dogs that has above average speed. I’ve tried to identify remnants of speed in my older show lines, the show lines of others and also incorporate import lines to see if there’s any speed there. You can condition the dog to the highest levels and

Gus (Ch Marial’s Wistwind Cinderfela NA NAJ SRA DPCX) doing agility. 52 Dog News

have four good legs but if you don’t have speed coming from somewhere in that pedigree, you are not going to have a particularly fast Whippet. The problem is that many of the best speed sources are not going to produce a line that is also consistently able to compete in the show ring so compromises have to be made. Lure coursing presents a much more level playing field. You can have top show dogs that also lure course well and can rank nationally in the show world. It is much harder to do this if you want to race your Whippet but I really wish more people who only show would come out and try racing or at least do more coursing. For one thing, it is great to get away from the subjectivity of the show ring and enjoy a sport where placements are awarded on whether the dog is first, second or third over the line or completes the course, not on someone’s opinion that Dog A’s nice head is worth a point more than Dog B’s sounder rear end. Field work as well as a lot of performance activities are the only time I get in my van after the event and I know exactly why my dogs won, what they won or lost and the dogs had fun either way. There really are so MANY things you can do with a Whippet that it is difficult to fit it all within your budget and how much time you can devote to training and competing but all of them are good for the breed as a whole. The Whippet is still a relatively healthy breed and is also still a breed that is able to perform at not just its traditional functions but also at many of the new ones. Dog shows are under attack accused of inevitably transforming useful breeds into unfunctional freaks that can no longer do the job of the breed. The numerous living multi-titled Whippets serve to dispute that inevitability.”

Dog News 53



PHOTOS THIS PAGE: HARRISBURG kc by eugene z. zaphiris

M re “Alan”ized, FlipFlopping...

Continued FROM page 30

at all but very issue issue-oriented. Nonetheless to keep the playing field level I went partially along with his request. One of the conditions for this so-called interview was that I print his answers as submitted. Furthermore I was under the distinct impression he was to answer these Questions without help from other Board Members or the Staff, which as things turned out I am told was not the case at all. These answers, which within time were received, were apparently the work of a team of a Board Member and Mr. Kalter and parts of the Staff as well. Which while not being a part of my original understanding hardly mattered in the long run as I thought and continue to think that the Answers were too general, hardly specific and in many instances either inaccurate or total nonanswers with which to begin. But that’s not the point of this story!

he point is that not only did Mr. Kalter send out the so-called Interview with a note to all T the Board Members prior to the distribution date of April 12th, which he claims he did not realize he had done, but he sent a separate note and mailing on April 11th as well to each member of the Delegate Coordinating Committee. Why the DCC had been included in such a mailing is a total mystery to me except that it confirms my theory that the DCC and the Committees generally are truly running things at AKC while the Board becomes less and less of a meaningful entity. (I have subsequently learned that the Vice-Presidents of AKC were also so informed by their superiors on that same date.) Candidly I have no problem with his having told the Board although I think he certainly should have asked and/or told me of his plans but why he would send out the story to the DCC or even the VicePresidents is difficult for me to comprehend. He says he sent it to the DCC for the sake of transparency, which may or may not be a reasonable reason EXCEPT for what he wrote to the members of the DCC about how this socalled interview came to pass. He claims these 54 Dog News

10 Questions submitted by me gave him the opportunity “to clarify several issues that seemed to be persistently misconstrued by some dog publications”. Well you coulda fooled me since that topic was never alluded to in the Questions for sure nor seemingly answered in the Answers either as far as I could tell. Indeed similar thoughts were presumably given in the Board note that accompanied the article. If Mr. Kalter were so anxious to clarify misconceptions created by the dog press generally and the DOG NEWS specifically why would he ask me to submit my 10 Questions to him? There was never any mention of his desire to even create an illusion of clarification on his part and indeed when given the opportunity to answer generally what he had to say was so non-committal as to be labeled boringif not inaccurate to boot. Anyways those are my thoughts about that man and that article-maybe next week I’ll do an analysis of his answers--maybe I won’t either. Continued on page 56

Dog News 55



M re “Alan”ized, FlipFlopping...

Continued FROM page 54

ell the Board is due to meet this coming Monday W and Tuesday--Lord willing there

will be no further discussion of the Bo Bengston flip-flops on its part. Bo is publisher and owner of a quarterly limited Hound magazine and as I understand claims he does not sell advertising for it. Well that may or may not be true but it is sort of like the Judge who was pictured selling dog food without using his name--just his photo. Eventually it was stopped because that’s the rule at AKC. When any publisher hands out an issue of a magazine at a dog show this is a form of solicitation-you just cannot interpret it as anything else-periodsimple and to the point. Whether or not this should prohibit someone from judging is another matter. Guess what I think— it’s the dumbest policy on the books. HOWEVER, if that’s the policy and it has been in effect for at least since 1972, AKC’s Board must abide by it or change the policy and not retroactively either. In my opinion AKC cannot legislate honesty but so long as they have it should just be common sense for any publisher or editor for that matter not to want to judge an advertiser’s dog at all. What advantage is there in letting an advertiser know what you really

think of his or her dog in the ring? Makes no sense to me unless the person is so terribly narcissistic that they believe they are above the rest of us. That publisher/ judge/editor was forced to give up his Delegate seat, which in my opinion under the present archaic rules he never should have been given, and his judges’ approval as well. Both were eventually and properly taken away from him or so I think anyways. Whether there will be another flip-flop remains to be seen. If there is, this is yet another example of a Board at AKC selectively deciding a policy based on its individual likes or dislikes of the individual involved and totally ignoring existing rules and/or policies.

“Guess what

I think—it’s the dumbest policy on the books. HOWEVER, if that’s the policy and it has been in effect for at least since 1972, AKC’s Board must abide by it or change the policy and not retroactively either.”

56 Dog News

dam Low, son of the late Mickey Low, ran A the London Marathon in

honor of his Dad. Proud mother Linda watched this feat as Adam put in a most respectable time in what was described in The New York Times as a “balmy London day” with the largest crowds in the history of the event watching it take place. The London marathon of course was and still is the original idea of Sir John Spurling, one of the owners of the PetPartners pet insurance plan with which AKC is associated. And with reference to The New York Times the Sunday Style Section had yet another major article related to people who have intro-

duced methods and chores for dogs to partake in which were unimaginable years ago. These theories being introduced can be as obtuse as to why a dog urinates in a magnetic north-south alignment (does anyone really care?) to endurance and dexterity tests and contests. More examples of dogs being treated as children as there is even a new doggy tick-tack toe puzzle that encourages “problem solving” and increases according to this article “eye-mouth” coordination!!!! I guess these are all part and parcel of the social media games and tchotchkes AKC is looking to to recoup its financial losses in registration downfalls. YELP oops I meant to write HELP us all if these are the waves of the future for sure. s a final note Gene and I attended two of the four shows A held in Harrisburg, PA this past

weekend. What a pleasant surprise the new venue was for us both as it is so well lit and cleaner looking than the older venue. I understand this is where the summer shows are now held and I think this is a huge improvement over the old building. The entries were down to 1,700 dogs but I think that it would be tough to hold a 2,500 event there. Rings were down from 25 to 13 I am told but I must say it made for a very comfortable and easy place to maneuver. I am sure the people who run these shows would like to see larger entries but more than 300 more in that building could be taxing--at least I think so anyways. I know the record breaking Min Pin won the first two shows, the Samoyed of Amy and Andrew’s, which has been on quite a roll, won the 3rd night and the lovely Whippet shown by Amanda Giles was awarded the final Best. I enjoyed the weekend or anyways the part of it we attended and think most of you would have, too.

Dog News 57


he Purina Play Haven and Dog Park was dedicated during a ribbon cutting ceremony held on March 18, 2014. Pictured above are (left to right): Jane Hoffman, Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals; Rose Pierre-Louis, Mayor’s Office to Combat Domestic Violence; Nathaniel Fields, Urban Resource Institute; Whittaker Mack, Urban Resource Institute; Lindsey Hogan, Nestlé Purina PetCare; and Amritpal “Paul” Singh, New Age Global Builders. Photo Credit: Nestlé Purina PetCare.

Keeping Families & Pets Together During DifficultTimes Almost 50% of domestic violence victims stay in abusive situations because they’re afraid of what would happen to their pets if they left them behind. Tragically, their concern is well founded. More than 70% of pet owners entering shelters report their abuser threatened, injured or even killed family pets. By Sharon Pflaumer


he problem is further compounded by the fact that few shelters for victims of domestic violence accommodate pet-owning residents and their pets. Thanks to a collaborative effort between the corporate and nonprofit sectors, this is beginning to change as one New York City shelter recently opened its doors to petowning victims and their animals. It’s hoped this model program would inspire other shelters across the country to address the staggering need to accommodate four-legged family members as well. 58 Dog News

Purina Play Haven a nd Dog Park On March 18, 2014, the first dog park in a NYC domestic violence shelter was dedicated. Thanks to Nestlé Purina’s financial support, the completion of “Purina Play Haven and Dog Park” marks the official expansion of the URIPALS—People and Animals Living Safely—Program. It is the city’s only initiative allowing families fleeing abusive situations to bring their pets along with them into shelter. The URIPALS Program was

founded by the Urban Resource Institute (URI) in June 2013. URI is a 32-year-old organization that provides comprehensive programs that help individuals and families overcome obstacles such as addiction and substance abuse, mental and physical disabilities, as well as domestic violence. “We are the largest provider of domestic violence shelter services in NYC and, as such, serve approximately 1400 adults and children each year,” says Jennifer White-Reid, Vice President, URI Domestic Violence Programs.


afe Haven’s furry friends explore their new playground. Photo Credit: Nestlé Purina PetCare.


ith the opening of the Purina Play Haven and Dog Park, domestic violence victims in NYC no longer must leave their pets behind when fleeing an abusive relationship. Photo Credit: Nestlé Purina PetCare.


écor and bright colors make this dog park an inviting atmosphere for victims and their pets to enjoy. Photo Credit: Jordan H. Star.


bstacles such as boxes, stairs and tunnels allow the pets at Safe Haven to have fun while getting some exercise. Photo Credit: Jordan H. Star.

“We operate three emergency shelters that allow families or individuals to come in from their homes when they’re in crisis and remain for up to six months. Our fourth shelter is a transitional site that accommodates clients, who may remain for up to one year after they were at one of our emergency shelters. We also offer numerous supportive programs such as job training and legal advocacy to help clients recover from trauma and move forward with their lives,” WhiteReid says. As already mentioned, the failure of most shelters to accommodate


quipped with planters and trellises, the dog park provides an opportunity for pets and their shelter resident owners to enjoy some green space outside. Photo Credit: Jordan H. Star.

pets prevents many victims of domestic violence from accessing services like the above. “In order to assist as many victims as possible, we looked at the community’s needs to discover any gaps in the services we provided,” White-Reid says. “Our research revealed that of the 50 domestic violence shelters in NYC, none accommodated victims with pets. Because pets are much-loved members of the family, no one should ever be forced to leave their pets behind in order to avoid a dangerous situation. Thus, we decided to launch a program that would enable clients to enter a shelter with their animals.”

The URIPALS Program To that end, URI worked with the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals, a coalition of 150+ non-profit shelters and rescue groups, to develop the URIPALS model for NYC. The pilot program was initiated at Safe Haven, the largest of the four domestic violence shelters operated by URI with accommodations for 120 adults and children. “We started small when we launched the pilot program by only allowing catowning victims of domestic violence to enter Safe Haven. In order to provide support not just for the humans who come into shelter there but for their Continued on page 70

Dog News 59

Fiddlin’ Around In Branson... Continued FROM page 40

elbow and hip dysplasia and the various databases maintained by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals presented by noted OFA radiologist Dr. Greg Keller, DVM. Education is an essential part of the CCCI event. The annual membership meeting of the Chow Chow Club, Inc was held that evening, very capably lead by president Carmen Blankenship. Wednesday’s schedule began with our Obedience competition judged by Mrs. Gail F. Brown. The high scoring winner for the day was Dreamland’s Euphoria BN RA, who earned her CD with this win, bred by Linda Brantley and Mathew Fan and owned by Soila Sukupolvi. Also in the morning, an excellent judges education presentation, including ringside mentoring the next day, was presented by breeder-judge Ms. Mary Wuest. The afternoon was time for our puppies and veterans to show off in the CCCI sweepstakes competition. Our Sweepstakes judge was the 2013 Non-Sporting breeder of the year Mr. Michael Brantley of Texas, who enjoyed an entry of 25 puppies and 1 veteran. Our puppy sweepstakes winner was GCH Flamingstar Some Like It Hot, Breeder/owner: Cathy Clapp, from the 12-18 month bitch class, and the BOS puppy sweepstakes winner was Padow Northwind’s The Original, bred by Kurt Williams and owned by: Wayne & Lynda Eyster and Kurt Williams, from the 6-9 month dog class. Best in Veteran Sweepstakes was Winsong Big Man Louie Donsue, bred by Merrlyn & James Brough and owned by Susan & Don Avila and Merrlyn Brough. The CCCI Parade of Titleholders was then enjoyed by the ringside fanciers. Continued on page 97

60 Dog News

! n a i f f u

WINNER OF TOP 20! Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America & Best of Opposite Sex

Thank you Judges for the very rewarding win: Breeder Judge Ms. Sherri Starbird of Peacefields BMD’s, and All Breed Judge Mrs. Joan Anslem, and thank you to Professional Handler and BMD extraordinaire Michelle Scott. Multiple Best In Specialty Show Winning

GCh. Marben’s Ruffian

Owner & Breeder Tiggie Gerli

Marben’s Bernese Mountain Dogs Sharon, Connecticut (860)364-2161

A very special thank you to Ruffian’s supporters, fellow exhibitors, breeders and handlers.

Professionally presented by; Sara Gregware HA, AKC Registered, AKC Apprentice, Morgan Campbell (860) 689-3934 Dog News 61

True GRIFF! Brussels Griffon National Specialty in Kentucky

Continued FROM page 43

correct in their sidegait. Coming and going was wonderful!” Winners Dog was Tazlandz Boys N Toys, bred and owned by Julia Achord of Oregon. RWD was Seagryphs Sleeping with the Anemone, bred by Maureen Rogers and Carole Ross and owned by Maureen Rogers and Kelly Rogers. In bitches, Homestead Zoom of Treyacres was Winners Bitch, and went on to win Best Opposite as well. She is bred by Evelyn Hole and Jacque Jones and owned by Nancy Ball, Jeff Bazell, Jeff Kestner and Evelyn Hole. Reserve Winners Bitch was Cherywn’s Pennies From Heaven, bred and owned by Cheryl A. Stevens. With the AKC’s new program, since both WD and WB won 5-point majors, the RWD and RWB were awarded 3-point majors. On to Best of Breed – 30 gorgeous specials entered the ring. You are only going to see 30 champion Brussels Griffons gathered together once in a year, and the crowd savored every moment. So did judge

62 Dog News

Usherwood, giving each Griff a thorough exam as the videographer captured the moment and Jeff Bazell read each name into the video record. After several cuts, GCh. Hilltops GQ Cover Boy emerged as Best of Breed. He is bred by Carole Ross and Sharon Tadlock and owned by Pat Brown, handled by Shari Rhodes Lee. WB was BOS. Select Dog: Ch. Huntwood’s Slick Moves, bred by Susan Kipp and Beverly Wyckoff & Charles D Ginsberg, owned by Susan Kipp. Select Bitch: Ch. JN Ambrosia’s Raise Your Glass, bred and owned by Jim Neposchlan & Michelle Dunsworth. Awards of Merit: Ch. Ivan-Molodetz Iz Mitkov Ekateriny, CGC, bred by E & N. Bauges and owned by Sharon Sakson. GCh. Fist Face Reloaded bred and owned by Rodney L & Linda G Vance. Ch. Homestead Zoey of Treyacres bred by Evelyn Hole & Jacque Jones and owned by St Johns Kennel & Evelyn Hole. GCh. Seagryphs Cuba Libre bred by Maureen Rogers and Carole Ross and owned by Maureen Rogers and Dr. Monroe and Edna Kornfeld. Ch. Knolland Intrigue bred by Luc Boileau and owned by Patricia and Kirsten Zielinski and Connor Michael Holzkopf. Zielinski. High Combined was Generations Class was won by Wisselwood Seriously Sharp, Alvinfarms-Rivergate Pocket Full UD, RN, bred by Lorene Vickersof Posies owned by Nancy Brooks Smith and owned by Pamela and Meg Prior appearing with two Loeb. of her darling children. Since this is the only place in Junior Showmanship was the country to see 100 Brussels won by Arek Napieraj handling Griffons all at once in the same Napieraj’s Fabled Hearts On Fire. place, Woody Wornall was at The club was particularly proud ringside. When asked which of of the nine entries in Obedience, his various hats he was working the biggest ever for this event. under, he replied, “None! I Credit goes to the new chair of came just for pleasure.” Performance Events, Pam Loeb, He was happy to tell friends for her diligent work. High in Trial that his daughter, Jenny Rangel, was Marsdon Hurricane Ruby bred had given birth to her daughter by Beverly Strange and owned by Continued on page 64

Dog News 63

True GRIFF! Brussels Griffon National Specialty in Kentucky

Continued FROM page 62

just the night before! Mother and daughter were reported to be doing fine, and hopefully so was dad, professional handler Christian Rangel, son of Westminster Best in Show-winning handler Gabriel Rangel. People tell the children of wealthy parents that they were born with a silver spoon in their mouth; this child will be told she was born with a silver lead in her hand. The excellent banquet was sold-out this year with all the far-flung Griff breeders who wanted to socialize during the one time a year they see each other. By the way, insiders in the breed use the nickname, “Griff” or “Griffon.” They can always tell an outsider because they will use the shortcut, “Brussels.” Old time breeders used to snap, “Would you call a German Shepherd a ‘German’?” The national is held on the first day of the four-day Kentuckiana circuit. For the next three days, the ABGA holds supported entries with Louisville Kennel Club and Evansville Kennel Club. Friday, the Louisville Kennel Club Show was exciting for the Griff crowd as the RWD from the National went BOB with his handler, Adam Bernardin, and on to Group 4! GCh. Chismick’s

64 Dog News

Lights on Broadway was Owner Handler Group 2. Saturday, Evansville Kennel Club Show, BOB was GCh. Fist Face Reloaded. GCh. Chismick’s Lights on Broadway repeated his Owner Handler Group 2 win. Sunday, the second Louisville Kennel Club Show, new Ch. Seagryphs Sleeping with the Anemone repeated his BOB win and went on to Group 2! An exciting start to a specials career for this red rough, natural-eared male. Club president Heather Stants did a fine job of making things go smoothly. She said, “People kept saying, ‘You’re the show chair, why are you picking up poop?’ I said, ‘Hey, I do it at home; why wouldn’t I do it here?’” She wanted to give particular credit to the great job of the Judges education committee, composed of Lorene VickersSmith, Dawn Vick Hansen, Jacque Jones and herself. “They gave a very positive, very detailed presentation,” she said. Bill Usherwood had some final thoughts. “I felt there was quality in each of the different coats, smooth and rough, and also in all of the colors; red, belge, black and black and tan. The quality in the pattern coats was lovely. I was very pleased to see that. Black and tans have been iffy in the past and blacks as well have not always been the best. Now, there is quality in all the coat colors.” The Brussels Griffon is the only breed which has a color called “belge.” The standard describes it as “black and reddish brown mixed, usually with black

mask and whiskers.” Spellcheck always corrects “belge” to “beige.” Usherwood continued, “I was very pleased with way dogs were presented. Even the puppies were trained! Only one or two had to be dragged around the ring. Most people had them gaiting as they should. We didn’t have puppies fighting with the leads as you sometimes do because people haven’t worked with them. “It is good to see that size is not a shock anymore. Only one or two were a little big. The size was fairly consistent throughout. Some years, you think, Oh my god, those could go in cocker ring! This year, I didn’t see anything that was offensive. Same with tinies, the tiny ones were well made. They had good bone.” In fact, in the early days, Brussels Griffons’ Open Classes were divided into “Under 6 pounds” and “Over 6 pounds.” The division was abandoned around 1960 because people stopped showing the small ones. (Miniature Dachshund exhibitors could probably tell why; it’s hard to win with a good small specimen over even a moderate Standard-sized one.) Usherwood said, “I would sum it up as, the ugly weren’t that ugly and the good were fabulous!” As everyone cheerfully headed home, the AKC was posting the chart on Most Popular Breeds. The breed has taken a dive; it rates as only #84 on the chart. After a Brussels Griffon was featured in 1997’s hit, “As Good As It Gets”, starring Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt, the number climbed a little, eventually getting to #52. Now, it’s back to its pre-movie position.

Dog News 65

Bouviers in Star THE


Lone Star  by Jeannette Nieder


ven if you did not follow the series, everyone knew of the Dallas cliffhanger episode. Fans would just show up at the “Ewing Mansion” at Southfork hoping to see the gun, the car and the wedding dress featured in the TV series. The original owners of the mansion eventually moved out in 1985 giving their home over as a tourist attraction. They later added the conference and event center. The current TV series is still filmed at the ranch. The carting competition interfered with episode filming. Though no Bouviers or their owners were tapped for stardom, the club received a healthy check for the inconvenience of moving the carting competition. The word used by all to describe the host site was “Great”. The staff was friendly, accommodating and welcoming. Everyone appreciated the facilities’ large ballrooms, beautiful expansive grounds to walk, relax and exercise the dogs and huge fields available for all events showcasing our Bouviers. The show committee chaired by Christa Townsend with Susan Upcraft serving as Texas liaison ensured that 66 Dog News

PHOTOS by nancy villwock

It would take a state as big as Texas to contain the excitement of the National Specialty and 50th Anniversary of the American Bouvier des Flandres Club (ABdFC). And the only place in Texas that could ratchet up that excitement is the legendary Southfork Ranch, location of the TV series DALLAS!

every detail was perfect. We appreciate all their work as well as the contributions of the entire committee, Judith Abramsohn, Bronwyn Bauer, Lee Calhoun, Susan Costanzo, Frank and Corrine Dreyfus, Dianne and Gene Geyer, June Guido, Mo Hieronimus, Denise and Tom Hunse, Patte Klecan, Beth Leabch, Gayle Mitchiner, Lee Murrer, Nereyda Pederson, Myra Roth, Ann Schallert, Howard and Bobbie Scott, Rich and Kim Wilson and Sue Vroom. Attendees praised the organization and venue calling it a “wonderful celebration”. Browyn Bauer, 2014 show chair, described the specialty; “Carting, herding, agility, obedience, rally, puppies, ribbons, trophies, auction, Top 20, anniversary cake, Futurity, Sweeps, logo wear, ROM, BOB, Stud dog, Brood bitch, old friends, new friends, visitors from afar, long time members, first time attendees, awards galore, Multi-level Performance, Hero Dog, Sportsmanship Award, Veterans, 25 year members, members remembered, tears and memories all in one week.” Quite a leap from the initial club meeting attended Continued on page 78

Dog News 67

A “Walking Weekend” For The Irish Setter & The First AKC Irish Setter Gun Dog Championship Continued FROM page 51

mile down the road in Petersburg and actually on the same grounds, to say “use our clubhouse, we have a great kitchen, indoor plumbing and water and hoses.” We took them at their offer, and swung around the plans, and just kept going. So, now here we are the morning of the event, and despite the fact we had 5 inches of snow followed by 4 inches of rain on the Monday and Tuesday, by Friday with a bit of rejiggering of the course, we had walkable grounds and sunshine in the sky! WHEW. But it is not over yet, a 4AM call from the food truck announced the truck was broken and wouldn’t be coming, and bird planter Sandy Fisher arrived, threw up and all but passed out. I mean we are 30 minutes from breakaway!!! But, Irish are resilient… Janet Parker jumped up on one of Kevin Culver’s beautiful horses, and Janet having come all the way from Michigan to watch, planted birds for three solid days. Jean Culver made trips to Subway and WaWa’s and before you knew it, breakfast and lunch was on site at the Beagle Club. Event Secretary, Sandy Jones, appeared to announce the start of the event, linesman Jerry Threadgill and dog wagon driver Suze Sullivan were collecting dogs, and at 7:35AM…just 5 minutes late, the first brace broke away, and what a day it was, Open

68 Dog News

Walking Gun Dog, followed by Amateur Walking Derby, followed by Amateur Walking Gun Dog and the day ended with Amateur Walking Puppy. Judges in the saddle for the four stakes on Friday were Jesse Chapman, Debbie Freidus, John Ward and Gus Allimonos. Open Walking Gun Dog was won by “Billy” aka Brownhaven Ballistic, owned by Georgia Brown and Sherry Ebert and handled by Bill Rhodes (all the way from Texas.) Derby was won by Ember, aka Mythodical’s Hot Little Ember, owned by Cassie Allen, Sandra Jones and Jean Webb and handled by Jean. In Amateur I think it’s safe to say the birds won, coupled with a winter that didn’t allow for much training. First, second and third were withheld, with fourth going to Ryan, aka Flights of Fancy Prince Charming bred, owned and handled by Nina Johnson. With this the day ended, we all did animal chores and gathered at the Beagle Club down the road, where the ladies of the Fireman’s Auxiliary had prepared a wonderful Southern Barbecue. It was standing room only, with much laughter, awarding of placements and general story telling.


aturday is always Hunt Test Day, this day was chaired by judge, field trailer and ISCA Member Smokey Hiles, so we were in good hands. Smokey had approved the Hunt Test course two weeks before when we were up at a local field trial so all was in good order. Everyone gathered for breakfast, including the ISCA Board members, headed by President Jeanette Holmes, with all board members wearing their orange PURINA hats. The board watched at the outskirts of the last field, where there was a good view of bird work. Judges Debbie Freidus and Florence Duggan were in the saddle. The three passes of the day came from Juniors who handled their birds and the grounds very well, so orange rosettes fluttered in the breeze. The Board left at lunchtime to gather back at the Best Western for a 5-hour meeting. Saturday night was “standing room only” at the celebration dinner, to acknowledge the first AKC Gun Dog Championship for Irish Setters. Tables were decorated and each attendee left with a Purina red/black towel. Roma’s in Dover, DE is a favorite of the field trial

crowd and the good food and general camaraderie was added to by an auction set up by Teresa Brown, and raffle to benefit the event itself. I think Anne Marie Kubacz must have won the “most sold raffle tickets;” she practically had a laundry basket full!! A tearful and poignant moment for all was when Bonnie Hidalgo spoke of dearly loved and greatly missed member Ken Ruff, to whom this event was dedicated and Bonnie shared with us the plaque that hangs in his memory in the Bird Dog Hall of Fame. Before we knew it, it was 10PM and time to get back to the dogs and go to bed….tomorrow and the first championship was just hours away. Sunday morning there was the air of excitement as dogs were staked out and judges’ horses were saddled. There was more wind than we’d had, and jackets were zipped up tightly, but it was warm and as the day went on, temperatures rose so heavy jackets were shed and all remained comfortable for walkers, handlers and dogs. Championship judges were Tim Carwile and Mark Calder, both well known for their fair and impartial view of a good working dog. 7:33AM and they were off! 7 braces of qualified Irish Setters, some whose dedication had been solely to the field, some Master Hunters, and some breed champions working toward their dual potential. Most had been on the grounds at least once before during this weekend, so, they knew what to expect and that the birds were out there! Again, a bad winter that prevented much training or conditioning played some part in a few dogs coming back early, but judges Carwile and Calder awarded all four placements, with the first AKC Irish Setter Walking Gun Dog Champion title going to McLauren’s Game Plan, bred by Helen Sanderson and owned by Helen and her husband Walt. “Cane” as he is known, was handled to this win by Kevin Culver. A big crowd stayed for picture taking, and to applaud the four placements. We are grateful to our event Sponsor, Purina, for all that they added to make this so special. The wind was so high at the end that the judges held the big PURINA banner in the photos to keep it from taking off. And with that “another first” is in the history books for Irish Setters. Many hands and much kindness by many caused this event to be a rousing success. Next year we head to California for the Walking Weekend, and onward in 2016 to Ohio.


Grand Ch. Tiburon Djibouti v Rhapsody “Safari” Thank you Judge Dr Robert Smith for the Group Second at the Garden City Kennel Club show Owner: Irina Sasu & John Dolan • Breeder: John Dolan Handlers: Teresa Nail and Ray Lively • 817-454-7417 Dog News 69

Keeping Families & Pets Together During Difficult Times Continued FROM page 59

Life is better When Purina later learned Safe Haven intended to create a dog park that would enable it to also open its doors to dogowning victims of domestic abuse, the company made a donation toward the cost of the dog park’s design and construction. According to Hogan, Purina was attracted to the URI dog park project because it aligns with the company’s core belief that when people and their pets are together life is better. “We’re also providing a one-year supply of Purina Fortiflora®, a probiotic for both dogs and cats that’s formulated for animals under stress,” she says. “It helps minimize any gastrointestinal or immune issues that might arise during this transitional period for pets.” Purina Play Haven and Dog Park was designed by Gerard P. Paul, of Geppaul Architects. It is built on a side alley adjacent to the shelter and has a number of unique features that include a ramp, tunnel and bridge upon which the dogs can play. Overhead trellises provide privacy and ne of the first clients to take advantage of the security. The trellises, URIPALS Program arrived at Safe Haven with along with the walls that her daughter and their cat, Chowder. Sadly, their pet already enclosed the also was traumatized during the abusive relationship. entire facility, conceal shelter residents’ identity Their abuser placed the feline in a microwave oven when they’re in the park and threatened to turn on the appliance if the client with their dogs. For dogdidn’t do what he told her to do. He also threw the cat owning shelter residents, against walls and trapped him inside of closets. the dog park provides Not surprisingly, Chowder was very frightened and a safe alternative to walking their pets on the especially afraid of men when he arrived at the shelter. street. As a result of URI’s cooperative effort with the Mayor’s “When walking a dog Alliance for NYC’s Animals, an animal behaviorist was on the street, people brought in to work with the family to identify steps may approach and speak they could take to help Chowder. As a result, Chowder to the owner,” WhiteReid says. “Even though became less fearful over time. our shelter is located in The above experience also proved to be an excellent a community that is safe opportunity to teach the for our clients, our fear client’s daughter how is that someone would recognize one of them or to take better care of their dog. Or someone an animal. Recognizing might strike up a clients’ need for

pets, too, steps were taken to make one-third of the apartments in the facility pet friendly. Window screens were secured and equipment such as carriers and litter boxes was provided,” White-Reid says. Purina’s involvement with the program began in October 2013 with an effort to support the increasing number of cat-owning families at Safe Haven. “At that time, we provided pet kits that included cat food, litter, toys and educational materials that detail how to provide good care for pet cats. When cat owning individuals or families were able to leave the shelter, we also provided them with a one-year supply of cat food and litter to ensure they were well-equipped to care for their pets,” Purina Brand Manager Lindsey Hogan says.

Chowder O

additional support in understanding how to provide proper pet care is another important aspect of the URIPALS Program. 70 Dog News


howder is one of Safe Haven’s cats. He was victimized by his owner’s abuser. Photo Credit: Nestlé Purina PetCare.

conversation with a shelter resident, who wouldn’t be able to explain why she lives in the community.” “Although the dog park is very protected for the safety of shelter residents, it still provides an opportunity to go outside and enjoy a little green space,” says Hogan. “It’s amazing what they were able to do with such a confined, relatively small area in the middle of Brooklyn, NY. It’s really just a portion of an alley between two apartment buildings. Yet, the trellises and planters make it feel very green.” Reducing barriers By helping to reduce barriers to safety for families with pets in domestic violence situations, URI and Purina are helping to keep families and their pets together during difficult times. They’re also increasing the general public’s awareness of the impact abuse has on the entire family unit including pets. “When escaping from an abusive situation, it’s very traumatic for individuals to have to leave everything behind; their family members and their personal belongings. Youngsters must leave their school and their friends. It is even more heartbreaking when they must leave a much loved pet behind to an uncertain fate. No one should be forced to make a decision to do that in order to be safe,” White-Reid says. “The goal here is to keep as much of the family unit in tact as possible--and that includes pets.” Hogan says. “In addition to removing a pet from a potentially dangerous situation, the love and unconditional support it provides is especially important for these folks at such a critical time.” To learn more about the URIPALS Program, visit http://urinyc. org/domestic-violence/pals/. For more information about URI, visit For more information about the $30 million Purina donated to fund pet welfare across the country, which includes 13 million to provide pet food and litter, visit Continued on page 72

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Keeping Families & Pets Together During Difficult Times Continued FROM page 70

The AKC Humane Fund


n 2008, the American Kennel Club Crosstrails says, “In 2013 alone, Humane Fund was created as we were able to provide warm and a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization loving foster homes for ten pets charged with promoting responsible while their families found safety and pet ownership. In order to achieve this freedom from abuse at Crossroads. goal, it awards grant money to other The AKC grant helped us keep the animal-focused nonprofit organizations doors open for these cuddly critters, upholding this value. and Crossroads’ clients and staff could “Many of the grants awarded in not be more grateful for this necessary the past supported the AKC rescue support.” network. There are about 500 rescue Oasis Shelter Home, Inc. says, groups across the country affiliated “The AKC grant helped our shelter with AKC parent program to purchase and clubs and their properly assemble and club affiliates that outfit an outdoor kennel. can apply for this While we do allow dogs funding,” says right inside our shelter Lisa Peterson, (with their human), we ask AKC Director of that dogs be kenneled up Communications. while the human is away Financial at appointments. We also support: The AKC purchased specific pet Humane Fund also friendly cleaning supplies he AKC Humane provides grants and have helped a couple Fund awards grant to human service of clients get their pet’s money to human organizations medical care.” service organizations that allow pet-owning that permit petAhimsa House, Inc. domestic violence owning victims of says, “The AKC Humane victims to stay in domestic violence Fund has been unique in their shelters. To to stay in their recognizing the importance date, the nonprofit shelters with their of programs like ours, as organization pets. In that role, well as in encouraging provided more than the organization human service agencies $100,000 to over provided grants to to develop programs for 60 women’s shelters over 60 women’s survivors with pets or other across the U.S. Photo shelters across the animals. Thanks to our AKC Credit: © American U.S. totaling more Humane Fund grant, we’ve Kennel Club. than $100,000. been able to provide over Funding provides 4,700 nights of emergency a variety of things for pets such as food, shelter for survivors’ animals across toys, equipment, medical care, kennels, Georgia so far this year.” leashes, collars, bowls, blankets, Grant recipient shelters: The outdoor runs, etc. following is a listing of shelters that The AKC Humane Fund has a far- received AKC Humane Fund Grants in reaching, perhaps even a life-saving the past. Note: The humane societies, impact in many instances, for victims animal shelters and rescue groups of domestic violence as a result of included in this listing work with the funding it provides. Consider the shelters for victims of domestic violence comments of the individuals who to enable them to accommodate pets. operate the grant recipient shelters (For more information about The AKC listed at right. Humane Fund, visit humane_fund/about.html.)


72 Dog News

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o s ip s G column the



OG NEWS has taken the next obvious step and will start including points for the Reserve Best in Show winner in the DOG NEWS TOP TEN LIST (All Breeds list, there is no change to the breed list) starting with next week’s issue. It is retroactive from January 1st and a detailed explanation of how the rating system has been changed to accommodate this addition and an example of the listings appear on pages 36 & 37. Another innovative move by DOG NEWS that I’m sure will be copied elsewhere. Two new American Kennel Club field representatives have been hired from the ranks of professional handlers. Colorado based DIANA WILSON will be based in that area and Michigan’s GUY FISHER will relocate to North Carolina where he will work both in the office and in the field. Both of these new hires have had success in the ring and years of experience that will aid them in their new positions; we send them our best wishes. With leases soon to

74 Dog News

expire at the American Kennel Club’s New York headquarters and Raleigh, North Carolina’s back office, ALAN KALTER has named RON MENAKER to head a committee to analyze what should be the next move, move everything back to New York, move everything to Raleigh, find a third location or leave it as it is. No matter what suggestion the committee comes up with I don’t envy them. No doubt RON is the most experienced with real estate decisions, given his years at J.P. MORGAN, and he is sure to include qualified persons to help him make that decision. This is not a new idea, several committees have been formed in the past, made their suggestions and were ignored, so time will tell where this will lead, or should I say move. It’s a girl named LUCIANA for LEONARDO & JODY PAQUETTE GARCINI born on April 14th. All the GARCINI’S are doing well and we congratulate the entire PAQUETTE & GARCINI families on the arrival of their granddaughter. A little P.S. to JODY, try ISAGENIX to knock off those few extra pounds. DOG NEWS’ Creative Director

SEAN KEVIN GAFFNEY and his lovely wife LORRIE are celebrating their 28th wedding anniversary; looks like it’s going to last. Celebrating Birthdays… That mother and daughter team CAROL & JAN SIMONDS and cohort JUDY DAVIS, JENNIFER STEVENS, GERARD HUGHES, MADGE FISH, ROBERTA DAVIES, MARLENE DEPALMA, BARBARA BEISSEL, husband and wife RAY & GINGER SCOTT, JEAN FOURNIER, BRYAN MARTIN (who just celebrated his first year as a field rep) and NANCY (who celebrated unbroken nails), STAN FLOWERS, MICHELE FEDERMAN, author of How To Make Your Roses Grow POLLY SMITH, DAWN HANSEN, JEANNE POPVITS, NICK VIGGIANO, BRIAN LIVINGSTON, a year closer to 90 BRIAN STILL, AMANDA POUGH, new grandma WENDY PAQUETTE, TIFFANY SKINNER, NICOLAS PINEIRO, NINA FETTER, CORREY KRICKEBERG, IVONNE RANGEL and ALICE BIXLER. This is one of those rare occurrences where PASSOVER, EASTER and GREEK EASTER are all celebrated at the same time…so have a Happy and safe holiday.

CLICK H a rri s burg Kennel Club By Eugene Z. Zaphiris

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Bouviers STAR In The Lone Star State

Continued FROM page 66

by seventeen Bouvier fanciers. It was 1962 when Carl May sent a letter inviting Bouvier fanciers to an organizational meeting at the Kennel Club of Philadelphia’s Dog Show. Carl chaired the committee that included Edmee Bowles, John L. Elliot Jr., Edith Sturges O’Connor and Fred Walsh. Together they steered the club through the application process for AKC recognition. Soon Ray and Marion Hubbard, Chet Collier, Sandi and Ralph Goldman, Bill and Jeanne Suazo, and Claire and Charlie McLean among others loaned their talents to the developing club. Many became delegates and judges in a willingness to support the AKC as well as the ABdFC. In November 1963, breed club columnist Mrs. G.B. Leggatt of New Jersey announced the AKC’s approval of the American Bouvier des Flandres Club in Popular Dogs and the American Kennel Club Gazette. She reported on the first sanctioned Plan B match held at Deewal Kennels in Frenchtown, New Jersey and on the eighteen Bouvier entries at Westchester in 1963. The first specialty was held in 1965 in Philadelphia, PA with judge J.J. Duncan choosing Konard Du Rotiane for Breed, Ch. Gianconda Du Clos Des Cerberes for BOS and awarding BOW to Thor Du Clos Des Cerberes. Carl May judged the 25th Anniversary National Specialty in Boston, MA awarding Best in Specialty to “Arco”, Ch. Zarko Iris v.d. Cerberushof owned by Christine, Louise and Elaine Paquette. Carl’s wife, Gladys, was also active in the club during those early days. She recalls that the club celebrated that first Specialty with a picnic in front of the benches. Over time the celebration progressed to a dinner in the upstairs banquet hall at the show site. Gladys remains active in the breed and co-owns a special. She named the 50th anniversary to be among the best she has attended with 78 Dog News

many new faces that included visitors from China and England. Gladys commented, “From outside the ring, the quality was very nice.” Gladys noted the changing style of dog over the years but found the dedication and appreciation of the breed to have remained constant over the years. Club historian Debbie Gschwender presented a comprehensive and informative display of the last 50 years with a DVD to commemorate the history. From the single day National Specialty event in 1965, we now enjoy a week of festivities and events. Twenty years later, obedience and sweepstakes were added. AHBA herding was introduced at the 25th anniversary specialty. In 1989, a second AHBA herding trial permitted the ABdFC to apply for permission to hold AKC Herding Trials. The

1990’s ushered in more additions to the schedule, creating a multiday event with veteran sweepstakes, futurity and maturity classes. As new performance and companion events such as carting, rally and agility were introduced, the ABdFC was among the first to embrace them. For the 50th anniversary, Bouviers joined in the recently AKC-approved Barn Hunt. An event this momentous required two logos, one to commemorate the 50th Anniversary and another to honor the National Specialty. A cloisonné medallion designed by Betty Bosio honored the class placements and Purina donated towels in addition to the beautiful trophies. We congratulate all the winners and participants who are now part of the ABdFC’s history. I have included the highlights of the wins but for complete results visit the ABdFC website specialty/2013/index.html. The specialty began on Sunday, October 27th with herding at the Alamar Farm in the countryside of Van Alstyne, TX. The farm conducts obedience and herding classes and workshops and is home to Border Collies that work cattle, sheep, and Continued on page 80

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Bouviers STAR In The Lone Star State

Continued FROM page 78

llamas. The North Texas Barn Hunters also held their all-breed hunt at the Alamar Farm. Bouviers are farm dogs with style and the Barn Hunt would certainly come naturally to them. They represented well with Ann Schallert’s Bouviers earning titles. Izzy and Mila earned their RATN titles and Mila earned her first leg towards her open title. Rebecca Allen-Robbins’ Sera passed RATI and qualified in Novice. Ash, owned by Melody Young, qualified in Novice. Donna Walker judged the AllBreed Herding Trial. Donna’s own dogs work on the farm and compete in herding trials. Having a day to day working relationship with her own dogs, she values the partnership of people and their herding dogs. High Score and Reserve High Score went to Kim Morsette’s Rock Run’s Ruby Tuesday on October 26. The next day’s High Score was Crestwood’s Belgian Quintessense de Fellstar owned by Pat and Tim Taylor, and Kim Morsette’s Rock Run’s Lillies of the Field, RN, HSAs, CGC was awarded Reserve High Score. Meanwhile, back at the ranch Carting, Agility, and TDI Testing were scheduled. Agility judge Blair Kelly earned the first Norwich Terrier MACH but is no stranger to Bouviers, having judged at the 2006 ABdFC National

80 Dog News

Specialty in Maryland. He shared the judging honors with Terry Culley. Terry’s Bouviers began their agility careers in 1990 winning best of breed in agility at the AKC Invitational in 2006. The Agility qualifiers on Saturday included firsts in Excellent Standard and in Open JWW for Caliente Del Sol Du Matin owned by Matthew Helge. First in Open P Standard was Ch. Stat I.V. d u Matin owned by Jody Head. Ch. Adara’s Jubelen Jedi owned by Chris and Anne Jurey and Leslie McFarland placed second in the Excellent JWW on Sunday and then placed first in Excellent JWW on Monday. Quiche Chances Are At Wormark owned by Janet Weeks placed second in the Masters P JWW on Sunday. War Bouviator Ash Wednesday owned by Melody Young placed first in the Novice P Standard on Monday. The Performance events continued through Monday until the evening’s Welcome Reception in the Legacy Room in the Southfork Hotel.


arting was judged outside on Tuesday. Carting judges Jennie Chen and Cliff Dahl share a love of drafting and carting. Jennie has been active in drafting for nearly a decade with her Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs. Cliff helped establish the New England Drafting & Driving Club. Ch. Adara’s Jubelen Jedi owned by Chris and Anne Jurey

and Leslie McFarland completed the requirements for ABdFC’s Champion Draft Dog. Rally and Obedience entries were judged at 8 am in the Ewing Ballroom. Charlene Dunn has judged Bouviers in both rally and tracking events. Known for her watchful eye for gait and stride issues that can affect performance dogs, she tends to watch teams closely to prevent injuries to a dog. Rally Highest Combined Score in Advanced B & Excellent B Classes was awarded to Ch. Adara’s Jubelen Jedi Oaj of Dd, Thd Ud, Re Pt Ax owned by Chris and Anne Jurey & Leslie McFar. The Obedience judge was our own Jean Nocilly. Her first Bouvier brought successes in conformation, obedience and herding, a tradition her subsequent Bouviers have continued. Highest Scoring Dog in Regular Classes was Hawkridge Symphony On Fire owned by Tina Clifford. Highest Scoring Champion of Record was 10½ year-old, Ch. Windsors Breckenridge Ale Na Naj, owned by Dennis Craig. Sherrod McDaniel came to her Futurity assignment with a thirty-year history of breeding top Bouviers and an understanding of the “thoughtfulness and effort of each breeder and owner that goes into every entry”. Sherrod is a founding member of the Bouvier Health Foundation and served on the ABdFC’s Board of Governors and was awarded ABdFC’s Top Twenty Outstanding Breeder Charter Member in 2011. Sherrod chose Best Dog in Futurity to Ch. Bon Idee’s LonContinued on page 84

It may have been pouring in Scottsdale, But it didn’t rain on the “Big A’s” parade!

“Big ” A

GCh. Carpe Diem’s Amadeus Group Fourth – Best of Breed – Scottsdale Dog Fanciers Association (2) Judge: Ms. Carolyn I. Alexander, pictured

Best of Breed – Scottsdale Dog Fanciers Association (1) Judge: Ms. F. Susan Godek Breeder / Owners Carpe Diem Anatolians Laura Edstrom - Smith & James Smith West Palm Beach, Florida

Presented by: Ric Plaut AKC Reg. Handler

Co-Owners Sakarya Anatolians Quinn & Marilyn Harned Alpine, California Dog News 81

CLICK S acra mento Kennel Club By Remy Smith-Lewis

82 Dog News

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Bouviers STAR In The Lone Star State

Continued FROM page 80

don Calling bred and owned by Dayle Sullivan and Angie Motta. Best Bitch in Futurity was Bon Idee’s Love American Style bred by Angie Motta and Dayle Sullivan and owned by Angie and Jacquie Moore. Later that afternoon the Canine Good Citizen testing was scheduled until it was time for everyone to begin preparations for the formal Top 20 competition. Spectators watched the Top Twenty judging from ringside tables. A video tribute to our dogs with candid photos of rescue Bouviers was shown. Each participant was called into the ring individually to receive a Rosette. Breeder Sheilah Hoffman, Handler Linda Clark and Judge Steve Keating chose GCh. Stonepillar’s Steel Blu, the same dog that would go on to win the 2014 National Specialty. Twenty-three well rounded Bouviers were invited to attend the Performance Top Twenty. Wednesday morning, Dr. Dana Massey of Win’Weim Weimaraners judged the 4-6 Puppy class. Dr. Massey is AKC 2012 Sporting Group Breeder of the Year. Her dogs carry AKC VCD1, TDX, SH with MH legs, All-Breed High in Trial in Obedience, and over 85 AKC performance titles plus several WCA Versatile Excellent designations. There is no doubt that she found the promise in each puppy entered. Her Best 4 to 6 Month was Puppy Dog Margaux’s Gunslinger bred by Sandi Lyon and Priscilla Martin and owned by Nicole Laver and Sandy. Best of Opposite 4-6 Month Puppy Bitch was La Chanson’s Mystify Me bred and owned by Rod Ott and Pilar Kuhn. Edd Bivin has long appreciated the Bouvier so we were honored that he judged sweeps. It was during the 15-18 month bitch sweeps class that the lights went out. A car ran into a utility pole and damaged the transformer. None of our own was involved in the accident that did not result in serious injuries. Two different power companies service the Ranch so only certain areas were in 84 Dog News

the dark. Fortunately, the large facility had space and resources available to move the judging. Recovering nicely from the surprise of sudden darkness as she was being judged, JBB’s Just Take It All bred and owned by Patte Klecan, Yvonne Savard, and Ray Waterman won Best in Sweepstakes. Best of Opposite in Sweepstakes went to Steinerhaus Bodacious Windsor bred by Lisa Steiner and owned by Lisa and Terry Scharber. Best in Veteran Sweepstakes was Valiant’s Sweet Science at Jasms bred by Jalynn Campion and owned by Jalynn and Joyce Vaughn.


usan Upcraft organized the Barn Hunt Interactive Demo with barn hunt judge, Traci Murdock. Traci explained the sport and titles to participants. Then she introduced twenty-five Bouviers to the caged rat. Most were eager while others found the rat downright icky and a few startled when seeing the rat. That startle response is still a good indicator of instinct to be encouraged. Terriers and hunting dogs are expected to show instinct. Traci considers the Bouvier to be a “pretty breed, probably a good working dog with a good work ethic”. So her introduction to the many Bouviers at the clinic was a real education. Of the breeds she has tested, she found the Bouvier as a group to be the most instinctive. They stayed on course and quickly picked up the

purpose of this game. She was also surprised to see the large Bouviers jump straight up on the hay bales during the trial. With that in mind, Traci reinforced the bales at the clinic to prevent a bad experience during this introduction. The Bouviers proved to be very varminty. Each one chose the right tube with the rat from the three set up for the run. Both owners and Bouviers were delighted to discover this great new game. As the week drew closer to Halloween, there had to be costumes. Sparing the dogs the indignity, the owners provided the entertainment. Since it was Texas, the theme had to be Big Hair and Bling! Californians Penny and Scott Anderson won the Best Dressed with the biggest hair and the best bling showing Texas that proximity to Hollywood gives an edge. Penny’s beehive wig was decorated with – well – bumble bees! She accessorized the Bouvier “Poodle” skirt with a pink petticoat and an oversized chunky “diamond” choker. Penny described Scott’s win as “two Californians beating the Texans at their own style! Scott was western dressed and it came down to Scott and Fritz Dilsaver for Best...but I think Scott won because of his mustache and the bottle of Bud he was carrying!” With each event attendees thought “How could they top this?” Well, the Auction committee rose Continued on page 86

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Bouviers STAR In The Lone Star State

Continued FROM page 84

to that challenge. Denise and Tom Hunse produced an auction catalog of the amazing collection and brought in a professional auctioneer. Beautifully displayed, the items included Laura Falloneer’s quilt “Around the World with the Bouvier,” a gorgeous sterling silver Bouvier motif bracelet handmade by Tony DiGiorno and Bobby Scott’s handmade stuffed Bouvier statute. Chet Jezierski donated the original artwork used for The Illustrated Bouvier. The Southfork donated two days lodging at the ranch and lunch with the crew to the Auction. Susan Upcraft parlayed the carting relocation into access to the cast of Dallas to autograph a magazine for the auction.


hursday, October 31 began early with Judges Education and DNA Blood Draws. At 10 am, the first dogs joined breeder-judge Nancy Eilks in the ring for regular classes. A strong advocate for honoring the performance abilities of the Bouvier, she established the Multi-Level Performance awards and managed the first tracking trials at the specialties. Nancy served in various Officer, Board and Committee positions including two terms as President and Show Chairman for the ABdFC. She is active in Judge’s Education and chairs the ABdFC Register of Merit and the Ways and Means Committees. The club hosted an Anniversary Observance between the Dog and Bitch Classes. Winner’s Dog was Margaux’s Call To Arms bred by Sandi Lyon, Priscilla Martin and Lee Calhoun and owned by Dennis and Jennie Specht. Reserve Winner’s Dog was Rocheuses Papa Was A Rollin’stone bred by Colton & Heather Johnson and owned by the breeders with Faris Taylor and Doug and Michaelanne Johnson. Angie Motta and Dayle Sullivan bred both Winners and Reserve Winners Bitches. WB was Bon Idee’s Love American Style, owned by Jacquie Moore and Angie Motta. RWB is Bon Idee’s Luck Of The Irish O’Riley owned by the breeders. Best Bred By was JBB’s Just Take It All; breeders and owners are Patte Klecan, Yvonne Savard and Ray Waterman. Best Pup-

86 Dog News

py was Obvious Boogie Shoes bred and owned by JR Gabber, S. Clute and C. Langley. Brittney Barber with Dante’s Blazing Inferno V.D. Cassiopeia was Best Junior. A specialty highlight for many was the Stud Dog Class. “Casper,” GCH Rocheuses Me And My Shadow Cornus, owned by Frank and Corrine Dreyfus, Heather and Colton Johnson and Karen Brown and bred by Douglas Johnson and Karen Brown was followed into the ring by fourteen of his get. As the spectators looked down the line-up they noted the consistency of the offspring. It was impressive to see so many of his puppies at the specialty and their owners to be so excited to be part of the sport and the event. That evening offered another chance for attendees to socialize and speculate on the next day’s outcome. Club business was addressed at the Annual Meeting and followed by the fun of Bouvier Bingo and an Ice Cream Social. The next day Mrs. Eilks awarded Best in Specialty to the winner of the Top 20, GCh. Stonepillar’s Steel Blu, bred by Diane and Bruce Hamm and M. Sears and owned by Daniel and Julianna Garrison and handled by co-owner Elaine Paquette from an entry of 138 with 116 competing. Best of Opposite Sex was CH Margaux’s Va Voom bred and owned by Sandi Lyon. Best of Winners and Award of Merit was Bon Idee’s Love American Style bred by Angie Motta and Dayle Sullivan and owned by Angie and Jacquie Moore. Select Dog was GCH Ch. Take Aim’s Playing For Gryffindor bred by Mo Hieronimus, Susan Digiorno and Lee Calhoun and owned by Terry and Penny Peterson and A and M Dimercurio. Select Bitch was Ch. Cam’s Just Be Jealous At Rana bred and owned by Catherine

A Humphrey and Marilyn L Adams. Award of Merit winners were Ch. Obvious Sonic Boom bred by Cindy Langley and owned by Cindy with JR Gabbert; CH Quiche Kenzi Girl Laurendell bred by Elaine and Louise Paquette and owned by them with Diane Dumaresq. Best Veteran was Valliant’s Sweet Science at Jasms bred by Jalynn Campion and owned by Jalynn and Joyce Vaughn. The specialty was a wrap with the Awards Banquet. The 2013 ABdFC’s AKC Outstanding Sportsmanship Award bears mention. Recipients Doug and Michaelanne Johnson are known to many as successful multi-breed professional handlers and breeders of BIS Bouviers and Old English Sheepdogs. They have passed on their love of purebred dogs and the sport to their children and now, grandchildren. Michaelanne is always present with a kind smile of encouragement and an offer of help. Doug has served as ABdFC President and Board Member, on the Bouvier Health Foundation and as Board Liaison to the Dirty Beards. The show community may claim the Johnsons but we in Bouviers know they claim us as theirs. Generous as mentors and as competitors, it does not surprise us to learn of their generosity to their community during the Colorado fires of the past two summers. They opened their kennels at no charge to over 300 displaced dogs and cats. They rallied fellow handlers to offer their rigs filled with crates and food should they need to evacuate the kennels if the fires threaten them. Patte Klecan, our AKC Delegate, wrote a tribute to the Johnsons for the ABdFC’s publication Dirty Beards Quarterly, quoting Doug’s summation of their philosophy: “Dogs will come and go, but friends will always be there. Family and friends always come first.”


nd so it was with the 2014 National Specialty. We celebrated the dogs with the recognition that it was friends’ shared dedication to each other and the Bouvier that brought us to this half century mark.

Memorial Day Weekend

ATLANTIC SHORE MEMORIAL CLASSIC 4 All Breed Shows, 4 Obedience Trials and 3 Rally Trials in beautiful East Freehold Park, Freehold, New Jersey

Friday, May 23, 2014

Staten Island Kennel Club

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Monmouth County Kennel Club Sunday, May 25, 2014

Plainfield Kennel Club Monday, May 26, 2014

Union County Kennel Club

Special Events Will Be Held May 23th-26th

• • • • • • • • • •

All Breed Match Friday after Best In Show Armband Raffle for Gas Cards each day Puppy Groups Owner Handler Series $400 for Best of the Best Owner Handler in the Cluster CGC Test AKC Registered Handler Program for Juniors Good Food Available Large selection of vendors Many excellent restaurants in downtown Freehold RV Parking with hook-ups available. • Like us on FACEBOOK

entries close noon, wednesday, May 7, 2014 Superintendent: Jim Rau Dog Shows, LTD. Phone: 610-376-1800 Fax 610-376-4939 Dog News 87

88 Dog News

Dog News 89

Letters To

The Editor

REACTION TO OUR NEW FORMAT Just a quick note to say how much I enjoy the new format!! Guess I am old fashioned, but I still enjoy sitting down of an evening and reading a real in-hands magazine!! Nothing compares to the printed pictures and easy reading of a magazine! Many Thanks! Rita Figg Laurel, FL I am a subscriber to your Dog News, a hobby show dog individual with golden retrievers. I like the new size. I received my April 4 edition yesterday and really like the size as it is much more manageable for me in my home. Lee Larson Franklin, TN Really like the new look! And my arthritic fingers thank you for the more comfortable grip. Chris Walkowicz East Moline, IL

Thank you, thank you. We are so happy that you have finally shrunk the size of your Magazine. We can now keep it on the coffee table without it taking up half the table. Maralyn Busse Odenville, AL I’m always late.....but I LOVE the new smaller format!!!!!!!!!:)))) Maripi Wooldridge Mebane, NC New format is well received, easier for all to handle. Michele Federman Ocala, FL Our compliments to you all on the “new” book, it’s really delightful. :-) Ethan Wheeler Sylvan Beach, NY By the way, love the new size of the issue, just reduced enough to slip into side pocket of most sacks and brief cases, crisp, easily read, like the repeated layout very much. Remark made in your opening editorial about still being the largest of publications....really it is

not the paper size that designates reading to me, but rather what’s inside the paper covers, and you are a star there! Don’t know how you do it week after week. Bravo all. Have a great weekend. Karolynne McAteer Pinehurst, NC Just got the magazine and love the new size!! Desmond J.Murphy Monroe, NY I like the new format very much. Mike Williquette Anderson, SC Thank you very much for the nice placement you gave my ad in the April 4th issue! I will definitely be advertising with you again. Taking a break from shows for a few months because I have a litter due, but will most likely be back to shows late summer. Good luck with the new format. It looks great! Valerie Stern Basehor, KS

  

90 Dog News

ON “CANNABIS AND CANINES” Have to tell you, Michael Faulkner’s 4/11 column had me laughing harder than I have in YEARS!!!! Thanks for printing it. I spoke to Michael and we had a laugh coming up with what judge we would most like to “participate”. LOL Sulie Greendale-Paveza Hamden, CT VETMATRIX JOINS WITH PETPARTNER APP TO OFFER ONLINE RESOURCES FOR PET CARE PROVIDERS April 6, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- VetMatrix, an internet marketing solutions provider, announced it has partnered with PetPartner to offer online marketing services to pet care providers nationwide. The newly formed relationship between PetPartner and VetMatrix presents new resources and internet marketing solutions to PetPartner clients. PetPartner provides an application platform for pet care providers that is designed to increase revenue by enabling them to better serve their existing client base. The online platform for veterinarians, groomers, and other pet care providers works by automatically collecting customer information, sending reminders, and providing a free downloadable mobile app to customers where they can manage information about their pets, appointments, and communications with the pet care provider’s business. The PetPartner App Platform enables pet care providers to see a higher ROI by reducing no shows, increasing appointment frequency, improving web conversions, boosting customer spend, and lowering customer churn. Inviting VetMatrix to become a partner enables PetPartner clients to not only maximize revenue from existing clients, but also help clients expand their businesses by attracting new customers. PetPartner clients will now have access to advanced online marketing resources, educational tools, and services to run their businesses and educate pet owners. As a partner of PetPartner, VetMatrix is able to provide internet marketing solutions to a broader network of pet

care providers. “At VetMatrix, we are committed to equipping local pet care providers for success with innovative online marketing solutions. The PetPartner App platform is an excellent resource for pet care providers to increase the ROI of their business and we are pleased to be working alongside them to assist local pet care providers,” said Ryan Peterson, Vice President of Business Operations at VetMatrix. Clients of PetPartner now have access to exclusive pricing, training webinars, unlimited phone support, resources such as e-books and infographics, as well as oneon-one consultations with internet marketing professionals. According to Peterson, VetMatrix is on the cutting-edge of internet marketing and technological advancements. He stated VetMatrix has a suite of internet marketing services that are designed to fit every budget and every need. The five services build upon one another and meet the needs of a pet care provider as the business grows. Peterson said VetMatrix strives to use the latest techniques to create comprehensive services. The techniques enable local businesses to increase visibility, connect with pet owners, earn the trust of potential clients, improve conversions, and become a dominant force in their local market. VetMatrix, an iMatrix Company, empowers veterinarians and pet care providers to succeed with a suite of web marketing services. iMatrix has been providing online marketing solutions to small, practice-based businesses since 2002. Online marketing solutions provided by iMatrix include advanced SEO, payper-click campaign management, custom HD video marketing, social media management, and websites designed for SEO. For more information, please visit or call 1-800-IMATRIX. CONTACT: VetMatrix, Sorrento Valley, 1-800-462-8749 SORRENTO VALLEY, Calif., Re: Your question:”Do you dislike those Reserve Best in Shows as much as I do?” Yes, yes and yes. – Thus far I haven’t seen anyone who looked particularly happy or even pleased about this useless placing. Supers and or Clubs haven’t made any provisions for placing of signs for these awards in the ring, at least as far a I have seen. In some cases it has looked like “Who Is On First” – A long time BIS judge in my company swore to me that handler #1 had won Best, when in fact, he had gone Reserve

and handler #2 (a shorter person) had gone Best. Both Best and Reserve were standing side by side. More confusion aside from the fact that it is a useless award. Does it ever occur to the “Powers That Be” to talk with some of us oldies and our Judges Associations? Just speaking with one oldie not so long ago whereas she lamented the fact that we as judges have been reduced to doing “paper” work. In other words we have to concentrate on checking all those little boxes in our books. AND – please don’t anyone not award the “Select” because some exhibitors have the idea that they are entitled. When, if ever are we going to go back to judging dogs the way they are meant to be judged?! AND – On the subject of the Europeans chiding us for picking up or taking down our Terriers from the table by the tails. So, haven’t Terriers been pulled out of a hole when going to ground? – I never, in my long career have had a dog scream in pain or squirm when being lifted off and on the table, AND – one of the opinions voiced in this same issue of the 3-282014 Dog News was that by tailing the dogs one might be “disturbing” the hairdo! – If hard coated Terriers are conditioned properly, the hairs will NOT move an inch out of place. – I have for years had to help an Airedale into my Station Wagon by the tail – NO problem!!! AND – Why oh why do we have to dance to the tunes of the Europeans, and or the Animal Rights people? This is the United States of America, and the sooner we all finally ignore that those individuals don’t count in this country, the better. It’s to our own shame that we have permitted the European way to infiltrate and ruin our Terrier breeds by some new types here in our country by not docking tails. How can one tell if that animal standing in front of you with that ugly “Teapot Handle” tail shows you that desired Terrier Spirit. AND – Some of these tails are also hiding a low set-on. I implore All Terrier Judges present and future to take a very good look. Regardless whether it breaks a major or not when excusing for LOM. Preserve our breeds the way they were meant to be. The Standards will guide you, read them. AND – it will help to keep our Terrier breeds from becoming “extinct.” AND – while I am on the so-called “bandwagon” – how about showing your Terriers in their “natural” color or at least don’t make it so obvious that the color is not what the dog was born with. A good dog is a good dog, regardless. Use more “elbow grease.” Cheers, Annemarie Moore Bartonville, TX

LAUNCH OF NEW KC JOURNAL – CANINE GENETICS AND EPIDEMIOLOGY The Kennel Club has announced the launch of a new scientific journal, Canine Genetics and Epidemiology developed in conjunction with open access publisher BioMed Central. The independent journal, which is available free to all, addresses genetic and epidemiological research focused on dogs and other canids. All articles featured in the journal have extended lay summaries and key take home messages aimed at dog breeders, owners and other interested parties as well as scientists and veterinarians. The first issue of Canine Genetics and Epidemiology is now available at www.cgejournal. org and features articles on the genetics behind eye disorders in various breeds and also those specifically found in Golden Retrievers. There is also an article on approaches to canine health monitoring. A further two articles will be published each quarter. The journal will be led by two Editors-inChief: Bill Ollier is Professor of Immunogenetics and Co-Director of the Centre for Integrated Genomic Medical Research at Manchester University; Gustavo Aguirre is Professor of Medical Genetics and Ophthalmology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. They will be supported by an international Editorial Board. Aimée Llewellyn, Health Information Manager at the Kennel Club, says: “This journal is a perfect way to support evidence-based medical advances for the veterinary profession, which they are under increasing pressure to consider. “As the first journal focusing purely on canine-specific research, the journal will impact the work of researchers around the globe as well as provide the general public and world of dogs with an amazing opportunity to keep up to date with research in canine genetics and epidemiology. “We feel very privileged to be involved with a project focused on bringing clear, accurate, and informative research in an inclusive way to all of those who care about dog health, making science accessible to all.” Professor Bill Ollier, Editor in Chief of Canine Genetics and Epidemiology says: “Dogs spontaneously develop many of the conditions seen in man and research at this interface provides important insight into how genetic and non-genetic factors contribute to both health and disease. This represents a ‘win’ for both species. “The new journal provides a much needed open access mechanism for reporting all aspects of this research. Free and open access of research findings to both scientists and the dog owning public also provides a major opportunity for engagement in research and science.” Deborah Kahn, Executive Vice President at BioMed Central says: “We are delighted to welcome Canine Genetics & Epidemiology to our growing portfolio of veterinary and animal science journals and look forward to working closely with the Kennel Club on this exciting new launch.” Laura Quickfall London, England Dog News 91



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OF Bests THE WEEK Continued FROM page 34

Sacramento Kennel Club - Saturday & Sunday Northern California Herding Group Show Old English Sheepdog

Ch. Bugaboos Picture Perfect Judge Ms. Rita Holloway Judge Mr. Kenneth Murray Judge Mr. Michael Faulkner Owners Ron Scott, Debbie Burke, Heather and Colton Johnson Handler Colton Johnson

Northeast Oklahoma Kennel Club Doberman Pinscher

Ch. Phillmar Superman Judge Mr. David Bolus Owner Tim Stone Handler Cindy Lane-Smith

Steel City Kennel Club - Sunday Pomeranian

GCh. Char’s Seattle Slew for Triple Crown Judge Ms. Terri Lyddon Owners Michele Lyons and Charlotte Meyer Handler Lynn Meyer

South Jersey Kennel Club - Thursday Lebanon County Kennel Club - Friday Miniature Pinscher

Ephrata-Moses Lake Kennel Club Saturday & Sunday Irish Setter

GCh. Chamberlayne’s Mutany O’Captiva

Judge Mrs. Debra Long Gschwender Judge Ms. Nancy Popovich Owner Craig Cooper Handler Christy Marley Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of America National Specialty

GCh. Clussexx Rolyart’s Payola

Judge Mr. Elliott Weiss Owner and Handler Shelly Spencer Marx Collie Club of America - Saturday Rough Collie

GCh. Headline’s Soldier of Light Judge Mrs. Nioma Stoner Coen Owner and Handler Theresa Sutter

American Pointer Club National Specialty

GCh. Bookstor Willy Wonka Judge Mr. Peter Green Owners Howard and Karen Spey, Diana Chan Handler Tuni Claflin

GCh. Marlex Classic Red Glare

Judge Mr. James Noe Judge Mrs. Terry Berrios Owners Leah Monte and Armando Angelbello Handler Armando Angelbello

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Fiddlin’ Around In Branson... Continued FROM page 60


ednesday evening festivities featured the fun-filled fundraiser buffet and auction, which was well attended and enjoyed. The auctioneer for the event was Kurt Williams, assisted by his team of club members. Kurt makes the event fun for everyone and raised a much appreciated sum for our chow welfare and the AKC Canine Health Foundation. Thursday morning was glorious and the conformation judging began in the ballroom at 9:30 am. Our National Specialty conformation judge this year was well-known breeder-judge Mr. Ekarat Sangkunakup from Thailand. Mr. Sangkunakup generously donated beautiful handmade trophies from his country and wore a handsome custom handmade silk jacket adorned with embroidered chow chows and flowers. He was complimented with an entry of 55 wonderful Chows. The Winners Dog, from the 9-12 month puppy class, was Chowlamars Redcloud Back To Black, bred by Zola Coogan and owned by Roy Bailey & Zola Coogan. Reserve Winners Dog was awarded to Padow Northwind’s The Original, bred by Kurt Williams and owned by Wayne & Lynda Eyster and Kurt Williams, from the 6-9 month puppy class. Winners Bitch and Best of Winners from the 6-9 month puppy bitch class was Le-Pash Olivia At Chowmania, bred by E. Ivanova and owned by Holley McKay. Reserve Winners Bitch was from the 9-12 mo puppy class, China Bay Jenuine Juju Gem, bred by Debbie Hockaday and owned by Jennifer Stroop & Debbie Hockaday. There was not an entry in the Veteran Dog class.

The Veteran Bitch winner was Deja Vu Masterpiece Hope Flts, bred by A & C Bridges and owned by Judy Webb and A&C Bridges. After a nice lunch break, Mr. Sangkunakup thoroughly enjoyed the Specials entries and after careful consideration, presented Best in Specialty to CH Solo Sen Sei, bred by Lonnie & Regina Burr and Jeffrey Sedillos and owned by Jeffrey Sedillos. Best of Opposite Sex was awarded to GCH Flaminstar Some Like it Hot, bred and owned by Cathy Clapp. Select Dog was CH Eastern-Magic Fly Me Safe, bred and owned by Mathew Fan; Select Bitch was GCH Padow Northwind’s Wicked Games, Bred by Kurt Williams and owned by Lynda & Wayne Eyster & Kurt Williams. The Award of Merit winner was GCH Redclouds Chowlamar Big Daddy, bred and owned by Roy Bailey & Zola Coogan. The Stud Dog class was won by GCH Lo-Re Pepperland Storm Warning, Bred and owned by Lonnie & Regina Burr and Jill Stillwell. What a wonderful group of Chow Chows! Congratulations to all of the winners! The annual awards banquet was enjoyed by all on Thursday evening to recognize the accomplishments of the 2013 top winning Chow Chows. Many thanks to the members of the 2014 CCCI Specialty Show Committee for a job well done. And especially to show chairman Bambi Walden, who seemed to be everywhere and had everything well under control. After 2 exciting Regional Specialties were held on Friday, the chows and their people were tired, happy and ready to go home, but already looking forward to the 2015 National specialty to be held in Chicago, IL March 18 March 21, 2015. Dog News 97

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y r t l Da

am., Can., australian Champion

Ch. Shekinah’s Jakar Pamir The Seeker Owned By Georjean Jensen

Pamir, reG. Bruce Schultz Bred By amy Donnell Leslie Stoffers Tara Schultz Presented by Bruce & Tara Schultz aKC reg. Handlers & PHa

Judge mr. Stephen Hubbell

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