Dog News
The Digest Volume 29, Issue 16
Of American Dogs $5.00
April 19, 2013
Dog News 3
Contents 10 Editorial
50 “Mr.” Musser, Sponsoring Shows And More
14 Inside The Sport: The Ever-Changing Judging Approval Process
52 The Dog News Top Ten Best of Breed List
18 Individual Memberships
64 Third Time’s The Charm! Israeli Kennel Club Holds Triple CACIB Show
22 Question Of The Week
68 Judges’ Choice: The Brussels Bruxellois
26 Brace Yourself: The Reason Breeds Change
72 Bluegrass And Blue Ribbons: Pomeranian National
By Matthew H. Stander
by pat trotter
BY yossi Guy
By jay phinizy
reprinted courtesy of the kennel gazette
By Matthew H. Stander
By andrew brace
30 Heelwork To Music: Story Behind The Routines By richard curtis
82 The Gossip Column
38 Ten Questions Asked Of Zack Helmer
BY Eugene Z. Zaphiris
86 Click - Sacramento Kennel Club
42 Off The Leash: Tracking Trends
BY Eugene Z. Zaphiris
BY shaun coen
90 Click - Western Hound Association
44 The Dog News Top Ten List
BY sharon anderson
80 Remembering R.D. “Dan” Musser
BY geir flyckt-pedersen and Roz Kramer
34 Bests Of The Week
46 The Upside Of The Seesaw
BY vicki oelerich
BY kitten rodwell
April 19, 2013
116 Click - The Way We Were BY christian agard
104 handlers directory • 106 subscription rates • 108 classified advertising • 110 ADvertising rates DOG NEWS (ISSN 0886-2133) is published weekly except the last two weeks in December by Harris Publications, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010. Periodical Postage paid at New York. 4 Dog News
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to DOG NEWS, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010 All advertisements are copyrighted and owned by DOG NEWS, Harris Publications, unless received camera-ready. Permission to reprint must be requested in writing.
Number One Briard All Systems Number Seven* Herding
Best In Show Winning
Thank you Judge Mr. David Markus
Multiple Best In Show GCH. Deja Vu Mia Cool As A Cucumber Sweeping the Harrisburg Briard specialty weekend! Appreciation to Judges Ms. Elizabeth Muthard, Mrs. Judy Harrington, Mr. Brian Meyers Owned By Lynn Bernard, Terry Miller, Dominique DubĂŠ, Amie Melton Handled By Regina Keiter ad created by Dominique *The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed
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Dog News Cover Story - April 19, 2013
212 807.7100 x588 FAX NUMBER
Ian Miller 212 462.9624
* *
Contributing Editors Sharon Anderson George Bell Andrew Brace Agnes Buchwald Patricia Gail Burnham Shaun Coen Carlotta Cooper Geoff Corish Michael Faulkner Denise Flaim Geir Flyckt - Pedersen Allison Foley Yossi Guy Ronnie Irving Roz Kramer John Mandeville Linda More Desmond J. Murphy M. J. Nelson Sharon Pflaumer Kim Silva Matthew H. Stander Sari Brewster Tietjen Patricia Trotter Connie Vanacore Carla Viggiano Nick Waters Seymour Weiss Minta (Mike) Williquette Dog News Photographers Chet Jezierski Perry Phillips Kitten Rodwell Leslie Simis
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DOG NEWS is sent to all AKC approved Conformation Judges every week on a complimentary basis. No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without written permission from the editor. The opinions expressed by this publication do not necessarily express the opinions of the publisher. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted.
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DOG FOOD RECALLS So far in 2013 and according to the FDA web site at least 13 dog food products have been recalled this year alone! The list runs from BARF Natural Products to Nutra-Vet Chicken Jerky Treats most of which contain the words these recalls are due to a “fear of salmonella”. The recalls maybe initiated by a firm on its own initiative, by an FDA report or by an FDA order under statutory authority. Many of these recalls particularly those initiated by the firms themselves state that the recall is announced since the food or treat may be contaminated with Salmonella and are strictly precautionary in nature. Check out this FDA list to reassure yourselves about the status of the dog food you may be using. Dogs with Salmonella infections can experience lethargy, vomiting, fever and diarrhea. People can, according to a Food Poisoning Bulletin, contract salmonella simply by handling the pet food. Perhaps plastic gloves should be used when mixing dog food generally. Many of the foods on the recall list are sold through veterinary clinics and pet specialty retailers as well as online. Regrettably these pages have seen little to no warnings from AKC on either its web site nor to the press and/or public directly concerning these recalls. True it is that announcements of the recalls can appear on the AKC web site but most candidly they are very neutral in nature and do very little to warn its constituents about how to react in these cases. To the minds of these pages these are tempered reactions to a growing problem perhaps based on the continued endorsement AKC gives to jerky treats from China which are sold under its own logo. AKC must be the leader in this area and attempt to use powerful means to be sure that the FDA is both aggressive and tough in the area of dog food recalls.
“STATUS” DOGS These pages must admit when the expression ‘status dogs’ first passed across our collective desks the reaction was to discuss the cost of buying a purebred or crossbred designer dog. Expense related was the reaction until it became apparent that particularly in the UK and in certain urban areas of the States the term ‘status dog’ was interchangeable by some with the concept of using a dog as a weapon and/ or for primarily criminal purposes. Indeed in a study by the British criminologist Simon Harding a link is presented between crime and status dogs as well as making these dogs into no more than a commodity which are being bred and sold simply to make money. Mr. Harding says that “Status Dogs” or “Weapon Dogs” as they are sometimes called are easily visible on social housing estates throughout the UK and also in projects in the USA”! That’s his quote-not these pages!!!! He further states these dogs “are increasingly linked to urban street gangs and present a danger to the ordinary public especially those APRIL 19, 2013 using parks and open spaces”. And while Harding’s three year study cited status and protection as a key reason for owning these dogs he found the primary motivation was often making money--breeding and selling the most aggressive animals”. Sort of reminds one of the Michael Vick situation of a few years ago with a new more dignified name given to the dog! There is apparently an entire cultural of owners of these status dogs as having criminal records per Mr. Harding which has prompted the Kennel Club to take a hard stand both against the use of any dog for these purposes and to educate the public and local authorities of the commitment and responsibility for owning any kind of dog. While AKC has taken similar general stands these pages can find no reference to the so called status dog problem in the States and how AKC will or has reacted to these situations.
A CONUNDRUM FOR SURE It’s extremely difficult to evaluate a judges performance in the ring when it comes to a desire to excusing an exhibit for lack of merit when there are the constant reminders of how difficult it is to keep new people and their dogs active on the show circuit and the dog show scene. One is faced as Gretchen Bernardi so succinctly stated it in an answer to last weeks Question of the Week “with a choice between doing what we know is best for the sport of the purebred dog in general and doing what is considered necessary for our (AKC’s) survival.” How can a judge be expected to excuse or withhold a ribbon for an exhibit competing in a lesser class by someone who is obviously whom is obviously a new participant in the sport when that very decision probably will discourage a person from ever returning to a dog show ring? How could a judge, were a rating system of dogs ever to be established, award a poor to a Grand Champion of record? In the UK today there is an emphasis upon judges to stress apparent health inadequacies whilst judging and to deny points or excuse exhibits with apparent health problems. How could we in the States ever enforce this concept of stressing healthy dogs able to function properly when the very motivating factor AKC presently operates under is that all dogs no matter their quality be exhibited at shows in order to increase revenues for AKC? That American exhibitors are less than interested in hearing a judge mention their dog’s faults is a given in the international show world. But how much of a chance do judges really have to express their dissatisfaction with certain exhibits under the current economic client which encourages the showing of all dogs no matter the quality of the exhibit.
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INDIVIDUAL AKC MEMBERSHIP For years now these pages have supported the idea of individual general public membership to the AKC very similar to what the United States Lawn Tennis Association offers. AKC always seems to be on the edge of enacting such an idea but never quite makes it happen. Queries about what the status of the open membership usually brings responses such as “legal problems” and the like of which there maybe many. On the other hand in this weeks issue a former Board member urges the adoption of this idea and these pages add a hardy and strong “hear hear” to Mr. Phinizy’s stand. You know you can beat a good idea to death and find a million reasons not to implement something but certainly there must be a law firm or individual who specializes in these matters and who can suggest a way to legally implement this proposal. Enough with the stalling and beating around the bush. Just let’s get it done and pronto too-what an ideal way to raise monies for AKC without making concessions to ideals the corporation is alleged to support and maintain. THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK The celebration of the life of Dan Musser was highlighted by the presence of two United States Senators and three Governors of the State of Michigan and 1,200 people at his funeral. Mr. Musser was a passionate show dog goer, owner, breeder and exhibitor throughout most of his some 80 years of life. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him and the dog world particularly was fortunate indeed to have him as such an active participant. DOG NEWS extends its condolences to his wife Amelia and the entire Musser family as well.
*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed & All Breed
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Inside The Sport The Ever-Changing Judging Approval Process By Pat Trotter
ust in case somebody out there is paying attention, I want you to know I hope this will be my last column for a while on the ever-changing Judging Approval Process. I use the term ever-changing because those who have judged for any length of time have applied under many different systems over the years as AKC has struggled to produce the perfect process that will deliver our sport the very best judges possible. With the newly elected board of the American Kennel Club focusing on this subject and determined to get it right, this writer is encouraged by these continued efforts of the powers-that-be to move in the right direction. The first giant step towards an enlightened process began with the report of the Dr. Robert Smith Committee and the ensuing implementation of the process in early 2012. The purity of purpose of this committee of dog experts was to create a system designed to move along those of exceptional judging ability and encourage those of more modest capabilities to remain in their comfort zone before proceeding. The idea was to bring the best possible judging to exhibitors in their efforts to select the best breeding stock available. The implementation of the process has been of great interest to the fancy. The process has been rightly supported and at the same time criticized. Just as any new program radically different from those of the past goes into effect, some of the results were unintended even though perhaps predictable. Hindsight is always more accurate than foresight, and it is the hope of this column that it will serve the AKC Board well as they seek to tweak the system and make it better than ever! Thanks to the feedback I have received from months of dialogue with fanciers from across the broad spectrum of the dog show community, I’ll put my two cents into print for all to consider! The new board has a golden opportunity to use the best of the past and make it all the better for the future. The following suggestions represent a cross-section of the opinions of the most accomplished persons in our sport- outstanding judges, handlers and breeders all. Their collective ideas send a strong signal to the aforementioned powers-that-be to make wise calls with any changes they might make. Because the most admired part of the recent changes in the judging process is also the most controversial, I will deal with the Rapid Advancement Process first. I have aired the fancy’s complaints about this process in previous columns: friends helping friends with en-
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dorsement letters; the chauvinistic appearance of so many men being fast-forwarded with few women enjoying the opportunity; the advancing of some who are relatively new judges and the cronyism appearance of it all to name a few. At the same time, the fancy is behind the process because some outstanding judges have been given the elusive green light, and our sport is all the better for this positive approach for knowledgeable dog people to utilize. The consensus opinion is that this process is too good to junk but needs to be tweaked. So here are some ideas to kick around at the next official conclave. · Make the system clearer for all to understand. Be both specific and transparent about all processes with different avenues to judging status, thus allowing all to advance according to their individual skills. E-mail the simplest interpretation of the policy to all judges. Those who lack computer skills can send in a self-stamped, self-addressed envelope to receive the policy. Continue to make progress in communicating. · Expand the committee to five members. Currently, the work-load is on three people in our sportvolunteer experts Edd Bivin and Dr. Robert Indeglia and AKC’s head field rep Patricia Proctor. We need at least one more professional field rep on the committee and another respected member of the fancy at large. Sue Vroom and Mary Dukes are the two field reps whose names came up the most often. They watch judges and evaluate them on a regular basis. Dr. Robert Smith, who chaired the original committee to revamp our system and is now retired from the board, also has the support of the fancy and should be a consideration. · Eliminate marathon field rep interviews that take field reps away from their other jobs at the dog show. If lengthy interviews are absolutely necessary due to the unknown knowledge of the applicant, perhaps AKC needs to hire a specialized field rep whose sole job would be conducting such interviews. · Discourage the writing of letters to nominate an individual for rapid advancement when it is obviously a chain-letter process amongst certain groups of friends. Reduce the situation that leads to friends helping friends. Such cronyism compromises the good intentions of the original committee and abuses the system. · Establish the endorsing letter-writer’s credentials with a downloadable questionnaire to accompany the downloadable “Recommendation for Advancement Form.” This questionnaire might ask the letter-writer such questions as: How long have you been in the sport and what are your significant accomplishments? Have you exhibited dogs to this judge? What were the results? How many persons
have you endorsed through this process to date? In 100 words or so, explain why you feel qualified to evaluate this individual’s potential ability to judge. · On the subject of Rapid Advancement: Should there be a minimum number of years judging before a judge can be considered for rapid advancement? · Should AKC develop an arbitrary minimum time between applications from any given judge? Old time respected judges are baffled by new judges who think they should make another application as soon as the ink is dry on the last one. (Once they have done a minimum of provisionals). In other words, would a truly dedicated student of dogs prefer to go past the basic minimum requirement on most of their breeds before rushing into another application? · Appreciate the many outstanding judges who are unnoticed because of many factors-included but not limited to the lack of field reps to support them-and reward them accordingly. Stop idiotic responses where the individual applicant’s strongest breeds are denied when determining which breeds to be given. Accounts of such action over the years prove there is no substitute for common sense. The situation with field reps is one that needs to be explored further, and the fancy feels it is not the place for AKC to tighten the financial belt. · Consider a regular judge’s application (i.e.: nonRapid Advancement) that allows applicants to use the new synopsis essay process along with their previous checked boxes information in combination to establish their preparation to judge a given breed. It is absolutely necessary for judges themselves to understand that not all judges have equal ability. The current process is aimed at determining what one has learned regarding the essence of the breed to progress with one’s judging career. Rather than become miffed because they didn’t become an instant all breed judge, judges need to seek ways to self-educate themselves. And I am not just talking about expensive trips all over to attend national specialties and seminars. Some of those experiences can be less than educational, to say the least. Make it your business to learn those facets of evaluating dogs that master breeders and master judges have acquired. Learning experiences are available in great books, talking to true dog people and understanding that some of history’s greatest leaders have been self-educated. Do you judge a breed with the standard requiring a pronounced occiput? If so, do you understand that it takes length of back skull for that trait? In other words, make the most of your dog life by seeking knowledge and continuing to be curious. In the meantime, another avenue for judges to explore is judging at “open shows.” Perhaps this has been an overlooked possibility for judges who are members of dog clubs to consider. Should their all breed clubs be encouraged to give open shows occasionally on their regular date? If so, would AKC agree to hold that date for them to stage regular point shows in the future? Would rotating “open shows” with regular point shows every other year encourage new judges to get more judging experience? Living through judging breeds actually raises many of the questions you have about a breed anyhow. Furthermore, such shows are what our newcomers need because they would be so much more relaxed. Such “open shows” would take the place of the wonderful match shows of yesteryear where all of us old-timers learned so much. I will try to address ways for all dog people to teach and learn more about our shared passion in future columns. Certainly, we need to make the most of all of our people assets in our mutual efforts to continue to produce the world’s best judges.
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Individual Memberships By Jay Phinizy
Ed. Note: Jay Phinizy was a member of the AKC’S Board of Directors from 1992 - 1996.
Recently, there has been discussion about whether or not to have an AKC individual membership. My first reaction was somewhat negative; however, it’s kind of an interesting idea from several perspectives. have refrained from commenting publicly or criticizing AKC policy for nearly fifteen years. There is nothing more boring or worse than a former board member “opining” on what AKC should do or how it should be done, and, believe me, it’s been difficult at times not to be critical. It’s roughly similar to having to listen to great Uncle Harry tell the next generation how to function and behave, prefacing each idea with “when I was your age” or “when I was on the board, we did it this way and you should…” Well, in this instance, I am going to break this self-imposed rule and vow of silence, for the idea of having an individual membership is an idea whose time very well may have come. This is not a criticism but merely a suggestion, encouraging an idea. Here goes! When I was on the board in the ‘90s, several of us more radical board members favored having a credit card with an AKC logo and the picture of the cardholder’s breed on the card. We felt that this enhanced credit card would create a sense of belonging and personal entitlement belonging. The cardholder, a purebred dog owner, not only became committed even more to purebred dogs but donated passively to the club’s well being and continued success with every transaction. The AKC received a substantial up front fee paid by the credit card company for this product. This endowment alone was worth the effort, but the fact that AKC had at its disposal a mailing list of people committed to purebred dogs, proud of their involvement, was an invaluable tool in the fight against anti purebred, animal rights groups. We had a ready-made nationwide, distribution list if and when it became necessary to counteract or blunt anti breeding and anti AKC legisla-
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tion. This latter aspect, I do not believe AKC really ever capitalized on. (Ah! an example of the “this is what you should have done. If only you listened to me…” syndrome). The proposal was ‘dissed’ at the time by many who felt it “too” mercenary; what an incredibly myopic position to take under the circumstances. Particularly since, we were getting hit hard by animal rights groups with anti-breeding legislation at the state and federal level. There were ‘puppy protection act’ bills that targeted responsible breeders, and on and on and on. So, why should we consider individual memberships? AKC sells AKC logo baseball caps, key rings, can holders, t-shirts, all kinds of bibelot; so, why not do something sensible and productive for a change and really capitalize on what is left of the brand. Sell memberships? Were there to be an AKC individual membership, a member of AKC is invested in the being and welfare of the club and purebred dogs, in the continuation of a sport that has been enjoyed for more than 125 years, and the perpetuation of an avocation that is part of the American psyche. Perhaps, I am being a bit overly dramatic, but many people do still have a high regard for the club and purebred dogs. There is not a week that goes by that I am not asked about Westminster or purebred dogs, the AKC or dog shows. The public loves their dogs, and AKC - up to recently - had been the personification of purebred dogs. The singular most humorous but indicative instance I can think of in which I was involved happened during a House session day in the New Hampshire House a few years back. It occurred shortly after Westminster; I had to get back to New Hampshire early the next morning after Best in Show. The House Clerk caught my eye and signaled discreetly for me to come down to “the Well”. I got out of my seat, sauntered down and leaned my ear towards her. There was a rather serious debate happening at the same time. “Who won Westminster last night, I had to go to bed?” she asked. People love purebred dogs and still respect the AKC as an entity.
It would not be difficult to do, and there are many, membership based “clubs” that show it could be viable. As an example, I am a member of the AMA - no, not the medical association but the motorcycle association. Not only do I ride on the road, I road-race motorcycles. In order to race at events, I have to be a member of AMA. For this membership fee, I have certain privileges such as road assistance, reduced insurance at events, and I receive a monthly magazine. I pay $35 a year; so, let’s apply that number to an imaginary, individual AKC membership and see what could be the benefit for AKC, aside from the obvious benefits provided by direct customer base. If I remember correctly, AMA has about 400,000 paid memberships. At $35 per year, were AKC to have that many subscribers, it could gross over $14,000,000, which the club could easily use. With this increase in revenue, AKC could rescind a portion or all of the “bogus” surcharge above the recording fee it now places on entry fees and which has a very negative financial effect on show giving clubs. If the Board did not do that, at least it could offer a ‘club member’ a $2-3 rebate on their first entry. Just think, after 17-18 shows, the membership fee has paid for itself, and AKC still will have grossed $13.2 million dollars. If the club member were to join an all breed, obedience or breed club, there could be a reduction in the $35 membership fee annually – let’s say $5.00. At $30 dollars, the AKC would still net over $10 million dollars. Unless there has been a change in policy, most people do not realize, that an individual is a member of AKC by virtue of their membership in an all breed, obedience or breed club. Still, the rebate would encourage individual “AKC members” to join a local club. We need the workers. Who knows, AKC could then afford to print a “Gazette” again. At first, I thought an individual membership was a silly idea; it has merit. AKC should break out of convention, not just rely on selling ball caps, and think ‘outside of the box’. Just think, I can charge my “individual membership” with my AKC credit card. Perhaps, the time has come.
Watch for THE Number One Chinese Crested, All Breed & A Top Toy Winner of Five All Breed Best ln Shows
exciting 2012 ‘s Number One Chinese Crested All Systems Number Seven* Toy Dog, Westminster Best of Breed,
new duo of Multiple Best ln Show & Multiple Best ln Specialty Show Winner
Toby & Daryl! GCh. Dejavu l Want’A Talk About Me
Owners Roy & Joann Kusumoto Bred By Karla Matlock, Ann Freeman & Sharon Jacobson Handled Exclusively By Daryl Martin *The Dog News Top Ten List -
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& Number 12 Sporting Dog **
*All Systems **CC System
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On the vaccination controversy do you think every pup should be immunized against distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus and leptospirosis? Dr. Fran Smith I think every puppy should be vaccinated against distemper, Adenovirus 1 (hepatitis), and parvo . Any possible exposure to wildlife or runoff water is a risk for leptospirosis. Lepto is the number one cause of acute kidney failure in dogs so in my practice I usually vaccinate against lepto. All vaccines should be decided on a risk/benefit basis. George Wright Yes, I do think every pup should be vaccinated for distemper, leptospirosis, hepatitis and parvovirus. We have our veterinarian do our DHL shots at 8, 12, and 16 weeks. I am a believer in separating the parvovirus shot from the DHL shot and doing the parvovirus shot on alternating weeks. Then going forward a booster at one year and forever after that only a yearly titer test. We also give the rabies shot separately at 6 months of age.
Question Of The Week By Matthew H. Stander
Due to the few responses to this week’s question, we are also including this Question from the November 16, 2012 Dog News
What if any changes should be made to the implementation of the Grand Championship Award-For instance should Puppies be continued to be awarded such titles and should a requirement be added that an exhibit must earn at least one Best of Breed prior to being awarded the GC Title?
Elliott B. Weiss I did not know what to make of the grand champion award when it was first introduced. However it is a success with the exhibitors and seems to have increased entries in the champions class. As it stands with the requirements as they are, the award in my judgement is of little value. I do think that the added requirement of not one or two, but at least three best of breed awards in competition, might help to add some creditability. As for puppies receiving the award; I am against it. That said, I am also against puppies receiving a champion award. I have seen to many quality puppies become to coarse or even go over sized as young adults. John Constantine To me, it is often easier to gain a Grand Championship than a Championship. I believe a requirement for a dog to get at least 1 Best of Breed against a minimum of 4 champions entered, or 2 for Low Entry breeds, would make the Grand Championship a little more meaningful. Deborah Cooper I think that the Grand Champion title should be used to reward the best of the best. As a result, I think that the majority of points (perhaps all majors?) should be rewarded to adult dogs. Further, the majority of points should be rewarded resulting from Best of Breed wins. Making these changes does not detract from AKC’s desire to draw in more of the fancy but makes the title more meaningful.
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Larry Cornelius I think an exhibit should have to win at least two bests of breed with competition. I also think at least one of the grand majors should be won after the age of 18 months. Deb Shindle I think dogs should not be able to earn the GCH with out winning a BOB and there should be a minimum age limit for the last win towards GCH of 18 months. I do think the title has been a good thing as it encourages owners to show their new Champions and gives them another goal. While showing for their GCH title, whether owner or professionally handled, it also gives them a window into the future of their dog and its success as a real special or not. Michael Dachel I would leave the system as is, seems to be working to increase entries.
by Andrew Brace
The Reasons Breed Change
wonder how often we – as breeders, exhibitors or judges – stop to consider how easily we become accustomed to changes within a breed? In some cases these changes can actually become so ingrained in a breed that they are elevated to the level of desired characteristics, even though they might be quite alien to typical and necessary. It is generally the case that such changes begin with dogs shown by well-known exhibitors or handlers, as these so often set the benchmark that others gladly follow. How do changes come about? They begin with the breeder who produces a litter that gets to an age where the puppies need to be evaluated. The breeder who fully understands his breed is looking at every puppy in terms of the breed standard and what is correct for the breed. In most breeds “moderation” is a requirement that is desirable in many aspects, and it is the consistency of moderation throughout any animal that will contribute significantly to its balance, and the impression that everything fits. However, occasionally there will be a puppy who has something about it that always catches the eye, and invariably that “something” tends to be an exaggeration of some kind or another … too long a neck, too refined or overtyped a head, excessive rear angulation … and here is where the danger lies. The totally steeped-in-the-breed breeder will 26 Dog News
see exaggeration for what it is and will discard the guilty puppy as being alien to correct type. Many others, however, will be realistic enough to acknowledge that the exaggeration, which is constantly catching his eye, will also catch the eye of the judge when the dog hits the show ring. And so the puppy is kept, nurtured, schooled and groomed. As soon as a dog whose type deviates from correct starts winning, the ball is set rolling. That dog appears in the big ring and other judges comment on its great bone, long neck, fabulous angulation, ultra-short back, high tailset, great open side-gait or whatever, even when these may not be breedspecific attributes. They reward it when they get it, and others follow suit. In due course breeders see this dog and all the winning it is doing, and they think that they had better start breeding something like it. They rush off to use said dog, and within a matter of years the rather deviant type has got a foothold in the breed. It takes a little time, but soon judges arrive at a situation where they get a class of six dogs – five of them are of the “new” rather offbeat type, one is completely correct. The knowledgeable and constructive judge will know enough about the breed to be able to say with conviction “This one is right – the others are wrong” and judge accordingly. Many other judges, however, perhaps lacking depth of knowledge of
that breed, will take the easy option, assume that the five must be right as they form the majority, and the sixth dog gets left out of the awards. This particularly applies to size in a breed. So many of our breeds have, over the years, got bigger, maybe because of improved nutrition and very gradually size has crept up. As we only routinely measure or weigh a handful of breeds that have more than one variety determined by size this increase is barely noticed. However, when some dedicated breeder puts in the ring a dog that is of absolutely correct size in terms of its Breed Standard it is criticised by other exhibitors as being small. In truth, this is the correct sized dog, it’s just that the others are over size. At this juncture the dedicated breeder who has been intent on maintaining type and simply intensifying quality begins to get, understandably, frustrated. He knows what he is breeding is correct, but the numbers of those who are drifting away from type are such that other breeders, exhibitors and judges seem to be going with the flow, and he is left swimming upstream. This has happened in several breeds in Britain and beyond, and I have seen many “old time” breeders reduce their exhibiting activities dramatically, simply because they feel it is pointless showing dogs under judges who just don’t understand breed priorities. These are the very breeders who SHOULD have stock in the ring, so that those who do have independent minds can see and appreciate it. When dogs with major faults – usually of the “attractive” kind – continue to win and be bred from, newer breeders will see no reason to correct and improve. Why should they? These dogs are winning. Those who own the “modern” dogs can usually talk the talk, and provide convincing arguments as to natural evolution and obvious improvement. In some cases strong-minded individuals can actually be instrumental in persuading breed clubs to change the breed standard to fit these new dogs … a heinous crime in anyone’s book. And then of course there is the power of advertising! Sadly many of the breed changes we have witnessed are pleasing to the average eye – so what if a dog is too necky, too hairy, too upright, too short, too long? It looks pretty and the judges like the look! Although showing dogs is today, in truth, more about chasing Challenge Certificates, ribbons and points than it is about preserving breeds, the show ring should remain the breeders’ shop window. It would be sad to think that genuine breeders who are keen to maintain true breed type could not find the dogs necessary to perpetuate correctness in the next generation.
Best In Specialty Show & Multiple Group Winning
*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points
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*The Dog News Top Ten List
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Heelwork To
Story behind the routines Whizz pink panther – Whizzy performed a burglar themed routine to the techno version of the Pink panther
By Richard Curtis
rying to put one routine together and remember it is bad enough but three is a nightmare. This year I had to prepare three routines for Crufts as I had qualified two dogs in the freestyle final and I was partnering Mary Ray again in her final night routine. I don’t know whether it’s because I’m getting older but trying to keep three routines in my head seemed harder than usual this year. Luckily I’m one of those people who tries to be organised so I start planning my own dog’s routines early. This year I had opted for Whizzy to perform to a techno version of the Pink Panther. I have had this track for a while and it is much more upbeat than the normal version. Someone had used the Pink Panther music before so I decided
30 Dog News
that I needed to put a twist on the idea. I always tell my handlers that you can use a track of music but invent a different theme to it. When I listened to the techno version of the Pink Panther, I felt that it could lend itself well to a burglar theme with the idea being we are looking around, find a trophy, then end up in jail. From this initial idea I thought it needed a little extra in it as it could get a little boring if I took this idea all the way through. After some thought I had the idea of Whizzy at one point turning into the police and there was some kind of chase. I could see this would work as I could use Whizzy’s jump moves in this secContinued on page 89
a look at THE bitch...
GCH. IMPERIOUS HAMITUP SOUTHERN BELL Best In Sweepstakes at Bulldog Club of America National, 11/12 Four Specialty Majors to finish: Judges Mrs. Beverly Staley, Mrs. Faye Richardson, Mr. James Dundas and Mr. Fred Haynes And at 13 months Seven Best of Breed Bulldog Specialty Wins: Judges Ms. Doris Boyd, Mr. Harrold McDermott, Mr. Harry Meierarend, Jr., Mrs. Faye Richardson, Mr. Mike Staley, Mrs. Darlene Steudemann (pictured) and Mrs. Mary Brunk Owners: Landon Jordan, Imperious, Hamitup and Hetherbull Bulldogs • Owner/handlers: Kelly and Rick Franz and Jean Hetherington Dog News 31
GCh. Jamelle’s
V. Elba, CGC, RN, HOF, PE *
Best of Breed Supported entry of Middle Atlantic St. Bernard Club Judge Mrs. Beverly Nosiglia
Group Placement Middle Atlantic St. Bernard Club Judge Mr. Douglas Holloway
Owners: Ed & Linda Baker • Elba Saints Hopewell, NJ *All Systems
32 Dog News
The #1 All Breed Saint* and a Top Working Dog Group First Pensacola Dog Fanciers Association Judge Miss M. Ann Schwartz
Group First Ochlockonee River Kennel Club of Florida Judge Ms. Sharol Candace Way
Always Loved and Handled By: Melody “Snooki” Salmi Dog News 33
Sacramento Kennel Club - Saturday & Sunday Wire Fox Terrier GCh. Afterall Painting The Sky Judge Mr. Ronald Rella Judge Mr. Edd E. Bivin Owner Victor Malzoni Jr. & Torrie Steele & S. & M. Olund & D. Ryan Handler Gabriel Rangel Mason & Dixon Kennel Club - Sunday Maltese GCh. Scylla’s Small Kraft Re-Lit Judge Mrs. Alice Inman Owner Debbie Burke, Ron Scott & Tara Martin Rowell Handler Tara Martin Rowell Valdosta Kennel Club Samoyed GCh. McMagic’s Candied Ham Of Pebbles’ Run Judge Dr. John Reeve-Newson Owners Amy Kiell-Green, Andrew Green and Patti McCallum Handler Andrew Green Ephrata-Moses Lake Kennel Club I & II Standard Poodle GCh. Brighton Lakeridge Encore Judge Mrs. Robert D. Smith Judge Dr. Robert D. Smith Owners Toni and Martin Sosnoff Handler Tim Brazier Terry-All Kennel Club II Standard Poodle Ch. Jaset’s Satisfaction Judge Mrs. Vicki L. Abbott Owners Michele Molnar & Jamie Danburg Handler Ann Rairigh
Northeast Oklahoma Kennel Club II Pointer Ch. Chesterhope State Of T Art Judge Mr. Fred Bassett Owners Jennifer Mosing & Jordyn O’Neill Handler Brian Livingston Rhode Island Kennel Club - Saturday Lakeland Terrier GCh. Larkspur Acadia Save Me A Spot Judge Mr. Jay Richardson Owners Tony Barker, Susan Fraser, Maria Sacco Handler RC Carusi Austin Kennel Club - Saturday Cardigan Welsh Corgi GCh. Aubrey’s Tails of Mystery Judge Mr. Robert J. Shreve Owners Cynthia & Vincent Savioli Handler Sherri Hurst Miniature Pinscher Club of America GCh. Marlex Classic Red Glare Judge Mrs. Janis Mercer Owners Leah Monte and Armando Angelbello Handler Armando Angelbello American Cavalier King Charles Spaniel National Specialty GCh. Miletree Northern Star @ Shirmont Judge Mr. Frank Kane Owners Dr. Bruce and Shirley Henry and Betsy George Handler Clint Livingston
ts Week The
of the
To report an AKC All Breed Best In Show or National Specialty Win Call, Fax or Email before 12:00 Noon Tuesday. Fax: 212 675-5994 • Phone: 212 462-9588 Email:
34 Dog News
36 Dog News
*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed
What person do you most look forward to seeing at the dog shows? all my friends and fellow competitors.
What is your greatest extravagance? opening my boarding kennel.
What do you dislike most about your appearance? that I look too young.
What dog person would you like to see on ‘dancing with the stars’? greg strong.
If you were forced to get a tattoo, what would it be?
Something in memory of my
asked of
Zack Helmer Born: Easton, MD Resides: Queenstown, MD Marital Status: Married.
If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you want to have with you? water, food and my bloodhound.
When and where are you the happiest? at home with my wife.
Other people think i am...? high strung.
What did you want to be when you were growing up? a vet.
What would be your last request? a big bowl of ice cream.
38 Dog News
Dog News 39
40 Dog News
*All Systems
Dog News 41
he ever-increasing and important role of the dog in our society was once again on display this week in the aftermath of the terrorist bombings in Boston during its annual marathon on Patriots’ Day. Bomb-sniffing dogs were reportedly on hand at the starting and finish lines of the marathon (and there were also accounts of a bomb-sniffing dog test being performed prior to the explosions) but unfortunately the explosive devices went undetected and at press time three deaths were confirmed and over 175 injuries had been reported. Immediately after the explosions Boston police sent out a call to surrounding areas seeking assistance, and dogs from nearby areas such as Quincy as well as the Rhode Island State Police were dispatched to Beantown to look for other explosives. Subsequent searches did not turn up any other explosives. Nationwide, cities from New York to San Francisco also employed bomb-sniffing dogs to various public locations. Anyone visiting sporting events, airports and public transit hubs, government buildings and landmarks across the country in the coming weeks can expect to see bombsniffing dogs and their handlers out in full force. An uptick in the presence of bomb-sniffing dogs was also expected across the pond, with the funeral for Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and the London Marathon scheduled to be held just days after the Boston attack. The senseless Boston massacre serves as a sad reminder that we must remain vigilant at all times and that municipalities and police forces must remain committed to employing the valuable services of police K9s and bomb-sniffing dogs to keep the public protected. These dogs have proven to be irreplaceable and they provide an invaluable service at a modest cost. The demand for qualified dogs and handlers will surely increase in the near future.
requirements that hobby breeders, dog owners and handlers will deem problematic. If meeting the definition of a commercial breeder in the state of West Virginia, you will be subjected to inspections twice a year. You will also be required to obtain an annual permit and an annual business license. In addition, no primary enclosure or cages may be stacked, and they must have solid flooring. If West Virginians would like to see how their representatives voted on the issue, they can log on to http://www. house/00334.pdf and if they would like to express their concerns to Governor Earl Ray Tomblin they can call 304 558-2000 or 888 438-2731 or they can submit comments online at SubmitaCommenttotheGovernor.aspx. There’s also a mixed bag of feelings regarding HB 930, which was introduced in North Carolina, where the AKC houses its Operations Center. The bill was introduced with the intention of preventing animal cruelty but it only applies to “large commercial dog breeders,” which it defines as those with 10 or more breeding females and excludes dogs used for hunting, sport, field or show. Cruelty laws should be designed to protect all dogs and to address all offenders. Such an obvious oversight ought to be corrected. The good news concerning HB 930 is that the sponsors and humane organizations supporting the bill are in agreement that the AKC Care and Conditions of Dogs Policy offers the best standards of care for all dogs and they are using them as the basis for the bill. The bad news is, many of the basic standards of care outlined in the policy have been totally ignored. Socialization and grooming standards aren’t broached at all, nor are issues of disaster preparedness or adequate oversight to care for animals. Such omissions leave one dumbfounded. If citing the policy of the leading canine registry in the country — which houses its Operations Center in the very state the bill is being introduced — why not consult the entire document? The AKC Government Relations Department will undoubtedly be on top of this bill, monitoring its progress and offering suggestions and amendments. One would hope that the sponsors of HB 930 — and sponsors of similar bills in other states — would consider the complete AKC’s Care and Conditions of Dogs Policy when writing and revising legislation of this nature.
Tracking Trends ByShaun Coen
While the attacks in Boston were on the minds of most this week, there were several developments on the canine legislation front that deserve fanciers’ attention. The West Virginia Legislature passed Senate Bill 437, which will now go to Governor Earl Ray Tomblin for his signature or veto. The bill regulates those who own 11 or more intact dogs of over one year of age “for the exclusive purpose of actively breeding.” The bill provides exemptions for those who keep or breed dogs for the purpose of herding or guarding livestock animals, hunting, tracking or exhibiting in dog shows, performance events or field and obedience trials. The end result of what was sent to the Governor is viewed as a compromise of sorts, as it did address some but not all of the concerns of the American Kennel Club and hobby breeders. The 50-dog ownership limit was removed from the bill, which is considered a major victory, and judges will now provide breeders up to one year to correct deficiencies before being charged with a misdemeanor and forced to pay a large fine. In a previous version of the bill there was no opportunity for correction prior to the misdemeanor being charged. Also removed from the bill were regulations for specific primary enclosure sizes, breeding ages and kennel temperature requirements – all victories for responsible dog owners. However, slipped into Senate Bill 437 are some new 42 Dog News
n New York this week, the Assembly Codes Committee was to consider a bill (AB 3952) that would prohibit insurance companies from denying, cancelling or raising premium rates for homeowners’ insurance based on the breed of dog owned by the policyholder. This is an issue that is cropping up repeatedly across the country, and one that dog owners should be tracking. A similar bill will be considered next week in Maine. Known as LD 1192, this bill prohibits insurance companies from cancelling, refusing to issue, or charging an increased premium for a property insurance policy solely on the basis of a policyholder’s ownership of a certain breed of dog. Additionally, the bill provides that insurance companies are not prohibited from such actions if a dog has been designated as a dangerous dog in accordance with state law. All dog owners in Maine are urged to contact the members of the Joint Committee on Insurance and Financial Services to express their support of this bill.
Dog News 43
sporting group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
GCH CH Mt. View’s Ripsnortersilvercharm Pointers (German Wirehaired) V Malzoni GCH CH Clussexx Collaboration With Traddles Spaniels (Clumber) W Holbrook/B Dowd/A Jaramillo/M Capone/J GCH CH Summits Emery Its In The Bag Retrievers (Golden) B Johnson/J Sedivec/K Sedivec GCH CH Wynmoor Champagne Supernova Spaniels (English Springer) C Florence/B Fink/E Kerfoot/K Goodhue-Mc GCH CH Whistlestop’s Riley On Fire Spaniels (Irish Water) T Urban/B Urban/G Siner GCH CH Northwinds First Reign Setters (Irish) R Arch/J Arch/D Keane/N Keane GCH CH Dogwdcreek’s La Vita E Belle Pointers (German Shorthaired) L Duncan GCH CH Whistle Stop’s Wind On The Water Spaniels (Irish Water) M Cummings GCH CH Stargaz’R ‘N Wingfield Time Will Tell Setters (English) D Coller/P Coller/E Hackett GCH CH Doc N’ Camelot’s Heaven Can Wait Weimaraners S Thomas
19680 11448 7065 4589 4573 4470 4182 3617 3570 3095
working group
hound group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
GCH CH Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box American Foxhounds E Charles/L Miller GCH CH Downhome Hitech Innovator Harriers J Sanchez GCH CH Quiet Creek’s Kiss And Tell Bloodhounds S Lacroix/H Whitcomb GCH CH Tells Matrix Reloaded Afghan Hounds M Galloway GCH CH Topsfield-Sanchu Eenie Meenie Miney Moe Basset Hounds C Orlandi/C Steidel GCH CH Sandstorm Blue Nile Bubbles Of Jatara Salukis J Harrington/S Winsted/S Middlebrooks GCH CH Starline’s Oxford Victim Of Love Whippets L Lawrence/C Lawrence/L Wilson GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin Basenjis J Jones/K Jones/C Kok GCH CH Vin-Melca’s The Norseman Norwegian Elkhounds P Trotter/J Reed GCH CH Bougain’E Naughty-N-Lovely Alvin Beagles (13 in. and under) S Adungchongruk/S Ott
13574 8031 7055 7027 6404 5970 3875 3801 2845 2823
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
GCH CH Claircreek Impression De Matisse Portuguese Water Dogs M Lint/P Helming/D Gottdenker GCH CH Blackhawk Finnegan’s Wake Standard Schnauzers L Studley/K Studley GCH CH Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici Doberman Pinschers S Lundy/D Lundy/J Mullins/K Mullins GCH CH Chancellor Flirt’s Hi Flyin’ Gladiator Rottweilers W Lewellen GCH CH Longo Miller N Lore’s Diamond Lil Great Danes T Longo/J Miller/L Matherly/C Crawford GCH CH Winfall I Dream Of Style Boxers K Robbins/C Robbins/G Adkins/B Adkins/T GCH CH Kenro’s Witching Hour Giant Schnauzers R Greenslade/L Norton/D Hill GCH CH D’s Remember When Doberman Pinschers A Dinardo/S Dinardo/G Demilta GCH CH Tiburon Arsenal Doberman Pinschers J Dolan/A Dolan GCH CH Hi-Tech The King Of Sherry Shoot Jp Boxers J Billhardt/S Tenenbaum
19583 10010 8535 8364 6774 6733 6662 4488 4410 3951
the dog news top ten dogs Top Ten In Group • Based On All-Breed Competition
The Dog News Top Ten List contains Best In Shows, Group Firsts and ALL Group Placements.
As of March 31, 2013
THE DOG NEWS TOP TEN LIST is a monthly listing of the Top Ten Dogs All Breeds and the Top Ten Dogs in each Group. There is also a listing of the Top Ten Dogs in Each Breed. All of these statistics are based on All Breed competition. 44 Dog News
The American Kennel Club compiles these figures from the AKC licensed and member club shows. These figures will be printed monthly in DOG NEWS by Annual Awards Rating System. These are the most current statistics available to the fancy.
terrier group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
GCH CH Afterall Painting The Sky Fox Terriers (Wire) V Malzoni/T Steele/S Olund/M Olund/D Rya GCH CH Goldsand’s Columbus Russell Terriers M Ulrich/C Areskough GCH CH Allaruth Just Kidding V Sole Baye Miniature Schnauzers Y Phelps/R Ziegler GCH CH Meadowlake Simply Sinful Border Terriers K Courtelis/K Fitzpatrick/J Wilkinson/D GCH CH Shaireab’s Bayleigh Maid Of Honor Welsh Terriers S Abmeyer/K Bailey/T Lee/X Xie GCH CH Larkspur Acadia Save Me A Spot Lakeland Terriers A Barker/S Fraser/M Sacco GCH CH Hi-Kel Terrydale Fortune Forward Lakeland Terriers Terrydale Knl/K Mcindoe/C Dowd/B Dowd/C GCH CH Cambria’s Kid N Play Miniature Bull Terriers L Baggenstos/R Baggenstos/A Guerrero/D G GCH CH Dytona Vip Miniature Bull Terriers M Jacobs/A Klishas/E Feuz GCH CH Yarrow Venerie Ticket To Ride Norfolk Terriers P Beale/J Beale
28314 9737 6744 4501 3816 3444 3356 3010 2260 2171
toy group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
GCH CH Marlex Classic Red Glare Miniature Pinschers A Angelbello/L Monte GCH CH Hill Country’s Tag I’M It Pugs C Koch GCH CH Smash Jp Sakura Poodles (Toy) R Scott/D Burke GCH CH Yakee Easily Persuaded Pekingese S Middlebrooks/D Fitzpatrick GCH CH Caper’s Sirius Endeavor Pugs P Fisher/C Fisher/J Rowell/L Rowell GCH CH Scylla’s Small Kraft Re-Lit Maltese D Burke/R Scott/T Rowell GCH CH Cr Chase What Matters Pomeranians M Koga GCH CH Victory Spencer Japanese Chin M Mc Cormick/M Cooley GCH CH Pem We-Syng Lucky Mi Japanese Chin J Dalton/J Turjoman/M Ballard GCH CH Lto Prosperity English Toy Spaniels (King Charles & Ruby) R Cole/M Landers
non sporting group 21245 7685 6690 5736 5414 5318 4967 4483 4193 3734
top ten all breed Based on All Breed Competition
1 2
GCH CH Afterall Painting The Sky 28314 Fox Terriers (Wire) V Malzoni/T Steele/S Olund/M Olund/D Rya GCH CH Marlex Classic Red Glare Miniature Pinschers A Angelbello/L Monte
3 GCH CH Mt. View’s Ripsnortersilvercharm 19680 Pointers (German Wirehaired) V Malzoni 4 GCH CH Claircreek Impression De Matisse 19583 Portuguese Water Dogs M Lint/P Helming/D Gottdenker 5 GCH CH Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box American Foxhounds E Charles/L Miller
6 GCH CH Clussexx Collaboration With Traddles 11448 Spaniels (Clumber) W Holbrook/B Dowd/A Jaramillo/M Capone/J 7 GCH CH Blackhawk Finnegan’s Wake 10010 Standard Schnauzers L Studley/K Studley 8 GCH CH Goldsand’s Columbus 9737 Russell Terriers M Ulrich/C Areskough 9 GCH CH Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici 8535 Doberman Pinschers S Lundy/D Lundy/J Mullins/K Mullins 10 GCH CH Chancellor Flirt’s Hi Flyin’ Gladiator 8364 Rottweilers W Lewellen
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
GCH CH Brighton Lakeridge Encore Poodles (Standard) T Sosnoff/M Sosnoff GCH CH Jaset’s Satisfaction Poodles (Standard) M Molnar/J Danburg GCH CH Kan Sing’s Tenzin Tibetan Spaniels M Feltenstein GCH CH Saks Winning Card Bichons Frises A Mackenzie/K Mackenzie/C Ruggles/K Hans GCH CH Jade East Do You Know The Way To San Jose Chinese Shar-Pei L Anders/E Minne/K Nijholt GCH CH Shine’s Deck The Halls Chinese Shar-Pei D Cooper/R Cooper/L Teitelbaum/R Penteco GCH CH Dawin Hearts On Fire Poodles (Standard) L Campbell GCH CH Vogelflight’s “Honor” To Pillowtalk Bichons Frises E Charles/K Vogel/M Abbott/P Abbott GCH CH Dreamland’s Wanna Be A Billionaire Chow Chows R Banghart/L Banghart/M Brantley/L Brant GCH CH Del Zarzoso Salvame From Afterglow Poodles (Standard) S Barnett/G Lindemann/M Gadsby/J Lynn
7302 5576 4670 4637 4592 4539 4489 4046 3860 3817
herding group GCH CH Paray’s Preferential 6743 Shetland Sheepdogs K Furlong/T Pittman GCH CH Grandgables The Frat Boy 6663 Shetland Sheepdogs P Buckles/A Buckles/J Moses GCH CH Aubrey’s Tails Of Mystery 6289 Cardigan Welsh Corgis C Savioli/V Savioli GCH CH Bugaboo’s Picture Perfect 5680 Old English Sheepdogs C Johnson/H Johnson GCH CH Coventry Allure At Wyndstar 5458 Pembroke Welsh Corgis A Geremia/B Shelton GCH CH Spiritwood’s Gandalf The Blue 3827 Bearded Collies S Larsen/J Larsen GCH CH Deja Vu Mia Cool As A Cucumber 3685 Briards T Miller/A Melton/D Dube/L Bernard GCH CH Wolf Creek Galaxy Of Merivern 3349 German Shepherd Dogs E Farrell/P Walker GCH CH Harmony Hill’s Money Talks 2880 Australian Shepherds L Goetz/H Braddock CH Cordmaker Topsy Turvey 2880 Pulik J Bruce/J Beaudoin/S Huebner Continued on page 48 Dog News 45
Upside OF The Seesaw By Sharon Anderson
Approved Agility Member Clubs
t still amazes me that the delegate body has approved agility Clubs to become member clubs. How this plays out in the next ten years will be interesting to watch. It will be no surprise if it takes that long before agility clubs feel compelled to have a voice in the proceedings of running the American Kennel Club. The Skyline Agility club located in New York is one of the first agility only clubs to be formed and they would be the most likely club to elect to participate immediately. It does surprise me that the Bylaws did not have to be changed before this vote was taken as the previous arguments were always that the Bylaws were the reason the clubs could not be considered. Does this mean the door is open to Lure Coursing, Earth Dog and Herding clubs as well? That will definitely change the face of the delegate body. One would wonder if the adding of agility delegates influenced the Westminster Club to hold its first Sanctioned A match to be approved for agility
or is it that they need more draw for the gate or now they have the space at their show to host agility? I assume it is the latter but this will definitely add to the gate as well. Adding agility was something discussed several years ago but dismissed due to lack of space. The Junior Handler is certainly the future of the American Kennel club and all dog sports. In agility the number of juniors participating has grown yearly. The parents are realizing the value of a wholesome sport and good influence on the youth. There were 14 juniors at the Agility Nationals and two of them made it to the finals. They remember courses so easily, run fast and love their dog, which translates to good teamwork. The 4H programs are really benefiting from adding agility to their program as it is bringing in many more young people. Finally I can say that the Super Sessions for 4H are including much more experienced and accomplished instructors for the kids. Many of these juniors are now moving on to compete in AKC agility and succeeding. Previously they were in a separate class, on leash and very second class in other venues of competition. Now that AKC has encouraged a juniors competition team in the European Open youth, they really are aiming high. They have their own coach and will be having their own practices as well. Also the adContinued on page 101
46 Dog News
Multiple Best In Specialty Show Winning
*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points
Dog News 47
The Dog News Top Ten List Presents
the top ten dogs Based on All-Breed Competition
As of March 31, 2013
sporting group
Continued FROM page 45
Brittanys 1 GCH CH Rainbow Splash’s Ruggedly Handsome 0 C Douglas/J Andras/A Andras/K Hogan/A Co 2 GCH CH Brookewood’s Just Too Hot CDX MX MXB MXJ 0 E Drazek/C Miller 3 GCH CH Triumphant’s As Good As It Gets JH 0 L Mccartney-Roy/K Mccartney 4 GCH CH Mich’s Mt Ready Aim Fire 0 T Rickard/L Rickard/K Rickard/J Davies 5 GCH CH Kabina’s Keep The Change 0 N Crandall/K Sanchez 6 GCH CH Star Flight Jumpin Jack Flash RN OA OAJ 0 J Ceres 7 GCH CH Copley Paper Dragon 0 E Ewart 8 GCH CH Dual Lanes Cam JH 0 C Robinson/L Robinson/K Sullivan 9 GCH CH Britt’s Ramblin’ The Perfect Cut 0 J Larson/N Larson/K Schoppa 10 GCH CH Gourley’s Dfl 99 Carat Diamond 0 G Stern/C Gourley Pointers 1 CH Chesterhope State Of T Art 3 J O’Neill/J Mosing/G Garofalo 2 GCH CH Oncore Mykyna Storm 0 P Haines/T Haines/P Davis 3 GCH CH Seasyde Dobe’s Den In Fashion 0 J Pahl/D Pahl/H Medeiros 4 GCH CH Solivia’s Kalahari Of Marsuz 0 C Green/S Thompson/D Brown/K Brown 5 GCH CH Seasyde Edgehill Heart Of Gold 1 M Lane/H Medeiros/R Goldstein/J Johnston 6 GCH CH Marsuz Sahara Of Solivia 0 S Passalacqua/M Haas 7 CH Solivia’s Like Fine Wine At Hipoint 0 K Trogdon/S Thompson 8 CH Solivia’s Dexterity At Skyhi 0 J Krohn/M Krohn/S Thompson/K Brown 9 GCH CH Penpoint In Dress Blues 0 L Stagg/J Palmer/L Palmer 10 GCH CH Chesterhope Miss D’Arcy 0 L Cayton/D Ying/F De Paulo/D O’Neill Pointers (German Shorthaired) 1 GCH CH Dogwdcreek’s La Vita E Belle L Duncan 2 GCH CH Robin Crest Great Expectations R Remondi/R Remondi 3 GCH CH Ehrenvogel Say Cheese M Lara/C Swensson/G Hostetter/A Lester 4 GCH CH Stelor’s Royalty Remembered D Stelmach 5 GCH CH Kan-Point’s Makin’ The Chase R Stanley/R Stanley/L Coonrod 6 GCH CH Robin Crest Edelmarke Investigator T Feneis/T Depietro/C Trost 7 GCH CH Braerwood Country Wind Duchess Of York R Mccasland/E Jennings 8 GCH CH Silverlakes Taittinger Millesime B Mcneill/G Mcneill 9 GCH CH Robin Crest Spectacular Bid JH J Hasart/R Remondi 10 GCH CH Homesteader’s Star Burst JH A Vitarius/B Vitarius/N Campbell Pointers (German Wirehaired) 1 GCH CH Mt. View’s Ripsnortersilvercharm V Malzoni 2 GCH CH Mountain View National Acclaim N Paduch/P Paduch/B Stroh 3 GCH CH Heywire ‘N Highfield’s Hey Look Me Over P Kincaid/L Kincaid/B Brawn 4 GCH CH Harvest Meadow’s Truth Be Told L Minnick/A Resnick 5 CH Darnelle’s Makin’ The Shot J Herrera/D Pusateri/L Napoli 6 GCH CH Drakkar’s Rlb Celtic Private Eye J Boyd/M Boyd/J Wilkinson 7 CH Hh Lookout Celtic Field Of Vision JH J Boyd/M Boyd/J Witt/E Shupp Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) 1 GCH CH Chesastar Hudson Bay RN K Sosik/J Sosik 2 GCH CH Chesacolahardwoodbaltimoreraven G Sheetz 3 GCH CH Calico’s Colonial Rum Fire J Coutu/M Coutu 4 GCH CH Chesabar’s Anyone Anyone T Dennis/D Glasser 5 GCH CH Quailridge’s Top Dee O Gee Maximilian C Macina/C Macina 6 GCH CH Desert Winds Eight Second Ride L Schisler/R Schisler 7 CH Ches-Shores Moer Than Faith CD Z Livingstone 8 GCH CH Poisett’s Doctor Mallard P Henshaw/A Henshaw 9 GCH CH Kaela’s Cinnamon Toast D Milder 10 GCH CH Pond Hollow Special Delivery L Cayton/D Baldwin
48 Dog News
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
3 6 5 1 1885
2 2 1 3 1194 0 1 3 0 1090 0 1 3 0 956 1 1 1 1 691 0 1 1 1 397 0 1 0 1 388 0 0 1 2 346 1 0 2 0 312 0 0 0 1 186 7 2 2 1 2615 5 1 1 0 1503 2 0 2 0 1075 2 0 3 1 658 1 4 0 0 544 0 1 1 0 333 1 0 0 0 263 1 1 0 0 223 0 0 2 0 219 0 0 0 1 204
0 6 3 6 4 4182 0 1 2 1 1 925 0 2 1 2 2 594 0 0 1 0 1 566 0 0 1 1 2 534 0 1 1 1 0 432 0 0 3 1 1 408 0 1 1 1 0 379 0 1 2 1 0 328 0 0 1 1 0 308 14 24 0 1 0 19680 0 1 4 2 4 3030 1 1 2 4 4 2094 0 0 1 0 0 185 0 0 1 0 0 184 0 0 0 1 0 80 0 0 0 1 0 52 0 7 5 3 1 2915 0 1 2 2 0 716 0 1 0 1 1 464 0 1 0 2 2 461 0 0 0 1 1 405 0 0 0 1 0 370 0 0 0 0 1 290 0 0 1 1 0 289 0 0 0 1 0 269 0 0 1 0 0 257
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
Retrievers (Curly-Coated) 1 GCH CH Down Datrail Hunting Thrills CD 0 1 3 1 3 1972 S Macre/D Akins/G Kofron 2 GCH CH Kurly Kreek Artic Express 0 0 0 0 1 181 S Shifflett/M Shifflett 3 GCH CH Clarion’s Blackberry Bramble 0 2 1 0 0 121 J Gentry/P Gentry Retrievers (Flat-Coated) 0 0 1 1 0 344 1 GCH CH Feathurquest Moonlight Sonata R Morrill/R Briganti/M Shimizu/K Shimizu 2 GCH CH Destiny As Good As It Gets CD JH 0 1 0 1 0 306 E Mound 3 GCH CH Stormwatch Whirlwynd CGC 0 0 0 1 1 264 P Forte/K Leonhardt 4 GCH CH Wind Dancer’s Kick A Little 0 0 0 1 0 219 K Forni 5 GCH CH Moonlight Wish Upon A Star RN 0 0 0 0 1 211 R Morrill/S Morrill/P Briganti/R Brigant 6 GCH CH Stormwatch Rocks U Like A Hurricane JH 0 0 0 1 0 168 C Davis/K O’Brien/A Williams/K Leonhardt 7 GCH CH Timberblac’s All Hands On Deck RN 0 0 0 1 0 126 J Martin 8 GCH CH Beacon’s Jesse James II 0 0 1 0 0 120 C Zelbst 9 Artic Sun Winds Of Change NA 0 0 0 0 1 49 D Brown/S Brown Retrievers (Golden) 1 GCH CH Summits Emery Its In The Bag 3 12 6 7 1 7065 B Johnson/J Sedivec/K Sedivec 2 GCH CH Rush Hill’s Drama’Geddon JH 1 4 1 0 0 2336 T Struble/M Struble 0 0 3 3 2 1420 3 GCH CH Easthill Broxden Woodland Lettuce Entertain You C Collins/J Supple/S Skilkoff/J Ovalle/A 4 GCH CH Trance Mission Jp Cunard Adventure 0 2 3 1 1 1125 T Tsumura 5 GCH CH Summits Sonny Side Up 0 1 3 1 2 647 P Wedding/M Wedding/B Johnson 6 GCH CH Sandpiper’s Let Freedom Ring 0 1 0 1 0 623 T Tsumura 7 GCH CH Hillock’s Bacardi CD RE 0 0 1 0 1 510 T Tomlinson/C Ross/D Ross 8 GCH CH Shadowland’s Paws For Applause At Tristar CD RA 0 2 0 0 0 481 S Dominke/M Honari 9 GCH CH Venture’s Boys N Toys 0 0 2 0 0 457 T Mccray/M Mccray 10 GCH CH Forevers Quest For Atlantis 0 1 0 0 0 388 J Rullo/C Nee/J Nee Retrievers (Labrador) 1 GCH CH Frakari’s Kool As Kiefer 0 1 1 1 1 1053 C Fisher/L Weiss 2 GCH CH Premiere’s Ice Cold & Hot Wired 0 0 0 0 1 595 I Jackson 3 GCH CH Paradocs Obsidian 0 2 0 1 0 537 K Helmers/J Helmers 4 GCH CH Broyhill Naughty Knickers 0 0 1 0 0 455 B Nowak/K Nowak/K Jacobson 5 GCH CH Nipntuck Stocking Stufffer 0 0 0 0 1 401 R Gorton 6 GCH CH Chambrays Celestial N Counter 0 1 1 0 2 390 J Marrero/J Herzon 7 CH Huckleberry’s You Belong With Me 0 0 1 0 0 370 J Kostka-Leary/D Leary 8 GCH CH Casbar’s A Hart Act To Follow 0 1 0 0 0 356 J Moore/D Ammerman 9 GCH CH Quail Chase Broadway Joe Windfall 0 0 0 0 1 315 D Donahue/T Donahue/K Rock 10 GCH CH Everso’s Elephants & Flowers JH 0 0 0 2 0 278 S Perrine Retrievers (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) 1 GCH CH Pikkinokka’s Lightning Bug 0 2 2 3 4 2432 S Einck-Paul/N Mages 2 GCH CH Roaneden’s Int’L Harvester 0 0 2 1 4 1252 R Jones/C Jones 3 GCH CH Lennoxlove Susqudilla’s Mini Cooper WC 0 0 0 1 3 577 R Haskin/P Campanella/M Waterstreet/J Ha 4 GCH CH Tollerpride Gathering Storm 0 0 0 1 0 395 J Gordon/H Gordon/R Fearon 5 GCH CH Javahill Surf2 An 8 Second Ride 0 0 1 1 1 383 K Schultze/L Fitzmaurice/A Pasko 6 GCH CH Foxvale Foxbrooke Dare To Cruise 0 1 0 1 0 351 K Lawless/J Lawless 7 CH Foxvale Avatar Best Of Times 0 0 0 1 0 253 D Gibbs 8 GCH CH Aqueus Walks On Water OA OAJ OAP AJP OF 0 0 0 1 0 225 W Johansen/D Bannasch 9 GCH CH Princess Cut Diamond Beekauz CD RN JH 0 0 1 0 1 186 S Kauzlarich/K Kauzlarich/D Kauzlarich 10 GCH CH Cinnstar Kd’s Red Tornado CD 0 0 0 0 1 159 J Knight/D Nichols Setters (English) 1 GCH CH Stargaz’R ‘N Wingfield Time Will Tell 1 8 4 4 1 3570 D Coller/P Coller/E Hackett 2 GCH CH Aerden’s Pretty In Pink JH 0 2 4 2 1 2385 L Engel/R Miller/V Ciaravino/B Silbernag 3 GCH CH Oakley’s B’Dazzled 0 3 2 1 0 1262 E Strickland/J Strickland 4 GCH CH Set’R Ridge’s Dirty Dancing 0 2 5 1 3 1161 M Newman/J Gray/P Gray 5 GCH CH Stardom Country Squire Livin’ In The Limelight 0 2 1 1 0 697 D Jordan/S Jordan/D Jauron 6 GCH CH Lochlomond’s Wrapped Up In You JH 0 0 0 2 1 554 S Kuniansky/F Neal 7 GCH CH Linwood Resolute’s New Beginning RN CGC 0 0 1 1 0 366 R Lloyd/W Lloyd 8 GCH CH Palisades B52 0 0 0 1 1 286 M Dorward
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
9 GCH CH Esquire Fourwinds Travel’N Man S Rundle/A Quigley 10 CH Wyndswept’s Reflection Of The Heart D Mack/S Costa Setters (Gordon) 1 GCH CH Hollyhunt Take A Chance On Me M Hunsinger/C Hunsinger 2 GCH CH Sastya’s Eleven Eleven W Leonard/M Leonard 3 GCH CH Sandpiper’s Castles In The Air D Grant/J Beattie/D Snyder/P Reilly 4 GCH CH Saranac Toblerone E Fisher/W Fisher 5 GCH CH Buteo’s Midnight Silence A Johnson-Edwards/C Edwards 6 GCH CH Bran Linn Talisman C Bell/J Bell/N Maounis 7 GCH CH Albannach A Knight’s Tale JH K Parke/E Desimone/T Albers/A Albers Setters (Irish) 1 GCH CH Northwinds First Reign R Arch/J Arch/D Keane/N Keane 2 GCH CH Militza’s Glamorous Attire M Foote/B Foote/J Fisher/K Wall/T Mcneal 3 GCH CH Abbeylane Tramore Above The Limit D Michaelson 4 GCH CH Crimsonacre Wind Chime R Perry 5 GCH CH Jadestar Rifleman C Brewer/J Smith 6 GCH CH Seafarer’s Red Hot And Green J Clay 7 GCH CH Shadowmere’s Sentimental Journey K Harrison 8 GCH CH Rosette’s No Stone Unturned D Carl 9 GCH CH Erinfyr Sports Talk M Lamphier/J Lamphier 10 GCH CH Lucky Morn Firecracker J Ziech Spaniels (American Water) 1 GCH CH Waterway Game Crk Hot Diggity JH L Hattrem/J Hattrem/J Rose/S Rose/P Mett 2 Kei-Rin’s Bandida De Offshore K Hayes 3 Aspen Springs Mountain Zephyr B Stuart/L Stuart Spaniels (Boykin) 1 GCH CH Hollow Creek’s Texas Trace G Hurley/P Watts Spaniels (Clumber) 1 GCH CH Clussexx Collaboration With Traddles W Holbrook/B Dowd/A Jaramillo/M Capone/J 2 GCH CH Nexus Total Eclipse S Miller/J Fankhauser/C Miller 3 GCH CH Cajun’s A Change Is Gonna Come P Holman/M Cole/R Froman 4 CH Chiffon Revolution A Ries/D Wahman 5 GCH CH Shogun’s Im It N Thats That BN RN JH D Marquart 6 Clussexx King’s Ransom T Shores/M Merritt/J Haverick 7 GCH CH Breakaway’s Outrigger S Beaird/D Starr/D Fitzpatrick 8 CH Clussexx Freddie The Frog D Bach/J Haverick 9 GCH CH Clussexx Proof Positive C Cox/J Haverick Spaniels (Cocker) ASCOB 1 GCH CH Blt Into The Wild B Lou/T Lam 2 GCH CH HiTrails Clouds In My Eyes K Fairey 3 GCH CH Trinity’s Tucked Under His Wing S Gray/S Dobmeier 4 GCH CH Jems May The Force Be With You J Stamm/D Rosenblum/S Rosenblum/J Fearin 5 GCH CH Be-Fit’s N Arikara Too Hot To Touch C Thompson/P Nazarko/D Christian 6 GCH CH Showtime My Lady Jane D Harris/C Harris 7 Max Come Fly Away J Makoujy 8 GCH CH P’Gell N Blt Bonus Bucks C Kelley/P Kelley 9 GCH CH Winelight Travelin Man J Bruce Spaniels (Cocker) Black 1 GCH CH Casablanca’s Thrilling Seduction L Moore/B Van Deman/C Douglas/M Walker 2 GCH CH Tamra’s N Positively Over The Top M Walls/J Newton 3 GCH CH Sovran’s Aranjuez A Santos/M Buckley 4 GCH CH Amik-Creek Swiped By Marshens A Morgante/H Armour/M James 5 GCH CH Avalonsfirst I Am The One B Santos/M Santos
0 0 1 0 0 278 0 0 0 1 0 243 0 5 0 3 1 1414 0 2 3 0 3 1379 0 1 3 4 0 1323 0 0 1 1 4 660 0 1 1 1 1 603 0 0 1 0 1 374 0 0 0 0 1 159 0 7 4 6 3 4470 1 4 2 1 1 2014 0 0 1 0 1 602 0 0 3 0 0 558 0 3 3 0 1 498 0 3 2 2 1 411 0 0 0 1 0 411 0 0 0 1 0 294 0 1 0 0 0 268 0 0 0 0 2 242 0 3 6 3 3 2513 0 0 1 0 0 61 0 0 0 0 1 35 0 0 0 1 0 195 3 20 4 5 5 11448 0 3 1 3 6 1866 0 1 0 4 1 457 0 0 1 1 0 295 0 0 0 0 1 287 0 0 0 0 1 210 0 0 0 0 1 162 0 0 1 0 0 89 0 1 0 0 0 62 0 1 0 4 1 784 0 1 1 1 0 463 0 0 0 0 3 461 0 0 0 0 1 392 0 0 0 0 1 214 0 0 0 1 0 183 0 0 0 0 1 168 0 0 0 1 0 95 0 0 0 0 1 92 1 2 1 0 0 1312 0 2 2 3 1 638 0 0 1 2 0 606 0 0 1 1 1 506 0 0 0 0 2 291
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
6 GCH CH Pbj’s Fearless B Pruitt/M Pruitt 7 GCH CH Lomapoint N Lakota No Bodies Perfect J Bjelland 8 GCH CH Mario N Beechwood’s Midnight Express CGC F Charest/C Charest/M Ragusa/P Ragusa 9 GCH CH Showstar’s Spectacular Spirit V Rosado 10 GCH CH Korean Crystal Palace The Apple Of My Eyes J Sarkisian Spaniels (Cocker) Parti 1 GCH CH Conquest’s This Is It! M Torres-Young 2 GCH CH Afterglow Tristar H Cole/S Roberts 3 GCH CH Tsunami’s Curtain Call E Sicurello 4 GCH CH Sherwood N Winchester’s The Thunder Rolls D Eastham/K Hampton 5 GCH CH Sherwood & Lomapoint Captain Crunch J Bjelland/K Olsen Spaniels (English Cocker) 1 GCH CH Dawnglow Knight Rider E Neff/S Laflamme 2 GCH CH Fieldstone Carousel Hell’s Kitchen K Florentine/C Kirby 3 GCH CH Foxwoods Dublin Diva K Lyons/D Mauterer 4 GCH CH Nonnies No Doubt J Gerrish/V Umpleby 5 GCH CH Blackstone Very Vassar E Courtney/A Howard/J Torres 6 CH Lynann’s Hallmark L Gall/L Matter/R Gall/D Deane 7 GCH CH Edgewood Casino Celebrity K Florentine/L Cornelius/M Veras 8 GCH CH Foxwoods Midnight Romance D Mauterer/K Lyons 9 GCH CH Majestic Sweet Apple French Martini K Belter/D Belter/N Sweet 10 GCH CH Edgewood Devilish Design S Loritz/B Threlfall Spaniels (English Springer) 1 GCH CH Wynmoor Champagne Supernova C Florence/B Fink/E Kerfoot/K Goodhue-Mc 2 GCH CH Ocoee Dsqd With A Vengeance M King/K Lorentzen/B Breese/L Kiener 3 GCH CH Cerise Dixieland Duchess A Summerfelt/D Cherry 4 GCH CH Hil-N-Don & Canyonwood Seemore Of Me S Pelissero/J Crouch 5 GCH CH Legacy Random Titleist R Mockoviak/S Mockoviak/K Fitzgerald 6 GCH CH Winamere N Goldcamp Simply “D” Best G Mccain/L O’Connor 7 GCH CH Suncoast Wil-Orion Anticipation S Zuker/K Milne/N Siver 8 CH Legacy Random Icon R Mockoviak/S Mockoviak/K Fitzgerald 9 CH Fairhaven Wildrose Out Of This World B Selthofer/K Selthofer/C Marley 10 GCH CH Cerise Starlight Express M Eschborn/E Tiftickjian/S Corrigan Spaniels (Field) 1 GCH CH Promenade Pay It Forward J Chopson/J Schildman/N Kuhn 2 GCH CH Sandscape Pardon Me Boys G Perry/C Dooley/N Bunch 3 GCH CH Tamarack’s Race You To Calico S Thornhill/B Hirschy/S Snyder-Work 4 GCH CH Nautica’s Got Game R Ertle/D Brewer Spaniels (Irish Water) 1 GCH CH Whistlestop’s Riley On Fire T Urban/B Urban/G Siner 2 GCH CH Whistle Stop’s Wind On The Water M Cummings 3 GCH CH Whistlestop’s Fire & Ice S Duncan/C Mcdaniel/C Shelby 4 GCH CH Poole’s Ide Got Water RN S Duncan/C Mcdaniel/C Shelby/G Siner 5 GCH CH Mallyree Here Comes The Son RN A Getchell/P Manus/P Getchell 6 GCH CH Whistle Stop’s The Wind On Fire G Siner/S Narfstrom/C Phillipson 7 GCH CH Cat N Pats Luck Of The Irish K Dassel Spaniels (Sussex) 1 GCH CH Kamand Tangled Up In Blue K Toner/A Toner 2 CH Terreline’s Little Tug Of Old North Wharf C Peterson/M Mizelle 3 GCH CH He’s Simply Godiva’s Duck Chocolate D Engbertson/M Henderson/S Caniff 4 GCH CH Remedi Maritime Criminalintent A Morris/K Booth 5 GCH CH Stonecroft Windsong Banneker P Davern/E Tenuta/S Adams 6 CH Remedi’s Fastrax Eye Of The Storm J Haenszel/C Drake
0 0 0 0 1 278 0 0 0 0 2 200 0 0 0 0 1 164 0 0 0 0 1 131 0 0 0 0 1 130 0 5 7 3 4 2771 0 0 0 0 2 275 0 0 0 0 1 245 0 0 0 0 1 228 0 0 0 0 1 103 0 2 1 2 0 1142 0 2 3 2 0 1075 0 1 1 4 0 878 0 0 0 1 3 548 0 2 0 1 0 451 0 0 0 0 1 389 0 0 2 0 0 354 0 0 0 0 4 325 0 0 0 2 0 300 0 1 0 0 0 223 3 6 0 1 0 4589 1 3 4 1 1 2749 0 1 4 5 2 2018 0 1 2 2 3 1905 0 2 0 1 1 1018 0 1 4 1 0 929 0 1 0 0 2 519 0 2 0 0 1 504 0 0 2 0 0 459 0 1 0 1 0 420 0 6 2 2 3 2739 0 2 2 0 0 762 0 1 0 2 1 761 0 0 0 1 0 161 0 6 10 1 2 4573 1 5 4 2 3 3617 0 0 5 2 0 2877 0 0 2 0 0 464 0 0 1 0 0 386 0 1 0 0 0 242 0 0 0 1 0 101 0 0 0 0 1 366 0 0 0 0 1 364 0 0 0 1 0 319 0 0 0 1 0 292 0 1 0 0 0 232 0 0 0 1 1 190
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
7 CH Chatapa Jason And The Argonauts R Valenzano/C Valenzano 8 CH Sundowners Orion Coast To Coast J Clendenon/D Clendenon/C Cooper/A Coope 9 Ziyadah Piece Of Ynysowen At Flora-Bama K Cahoon/M Deugan 10 CH Snowfire Puff The Magic Dragon J Anderson/V Hoag Spaniels (Welsh Springer) 1 GCH CH Rolyart’s Tale-Gator C Ford/S Traylor 2 GCH CH Clussexx Win’Throp Loves Springtime J Haverick/D Massey 3 GCH CH Clussexx Rolyarts Payola S Marx 4 GCH CH Holly House’s Making Waves RN TD S Roth/A Legare 5 CH Holly House Gryffindor RE S Merriken/A Legare 6 CH Royailes Willem Of Windsor R Burgess/S Burgess/N Carlton/G Carlton 7 GCH CH Rolyart’s Full Force K Johnson/B Johnson/S Traylor/C Ford 8 GCH CH Royaile Rocksprings Dafydd K Goodrich/N Carlton Spinoni Italiani 1 GCH CH Javal Tangerine Man J Austad/K Norton 2 GCH CH Amico Peloso’s Double Dare You C Fritts 3 CH Brier Creeks Ophelia Del Fredo JH R Koch 4 GCH CH Sweetbriar’s Excalibur Niccolo Massimiliano D Cooker/D Graff 5 GCH CH Couchfields Giulia At Carpe Diem S Hudson/M Brustein/D Brooks 6 GCH CH Bela’s This Time It’s Hudson P Miller/L Miller/K Miller 7 GCH CH Couchfields Here For The Party CD RE D Davenport/B Dail 8 GCH CH Lancetta’s The Heart Of Rock & Roll J Joens/M Fornens-Joens 9 GCH CH Bela’s Presto Change-O RN P Miller/L Miller/K Miller Vizslas 1 GCH CH Regal Point Pinnacle Of Kilauea JH D Verret/S Rushing/D Sullivan/S Middlebr 2 GCH CH Nyircsaszari Szilva Palinka JH S Kerr 3 GCH CH Jaybren’s Irish Star J Brennan/J Brennan 4 GCH CH Szizlin Autumn’s Joy Kaya Happy Tails JH A Chaikin 5 GCH CH Grouse Point Semper Fi Pretty In Pink C Miklos/T Lucas 6 GCH CH Lorac’s Cap’N Jack Sparrow S Nakamura/W Sommerfelt/C Sommerfelt 7 GCH CH Classic That Girl CD C Cline/P Lane/M Folley/S Cabral 8 GCH CH Captivatin’s I’M The One JH M Green/J Green 9 GCH CH Tamaron’s Tag You’Re It L Westerbeck/T Westerbeck 10 GCH CH Kezdet’s Grand Mark Gedeon N Russo Weimaraners 1 GCH CH Doc N’ Camelot’s Heaven Can Wait S Thomas 2 GCH CH Simpatico Equal Justice J Martin/J Logan/R Goularle 3 GCH CH Unity’s Bzyfeet Laverne Defazio G Mclogan/V Ruiz/A Tourond 4 GCH CH Win’Weim’s It’s My Grey Goose D Massey/S Line 5 GCH CH Diamond Mk The Eagle Has Landed M Wilson/N Lane 6 GCH CH Simpatico Muy Caliente J Martin 7 GCH CH Colsidex Made Off With The Money JH J Cook 8 GCH CH Sindar Valaroma Von Silversmith R Clow/M Hartley 9 GCH CH Colsidex Pennywood Call To Liberty R Chalifoux/J Chalifoux/J Colan/C Lent 10 CH Silversmith Castile Aragon JH D Green/S Mcdaniel
0 1 0 0 0 174 0 0 0 1 0 167 0 0 0 0 1 145 0 0 1 0 1 97 0 0 2 2 0 326 0 0 0 0 2 282 0 0 0 0 2 206 0 0 0 1 1 185 0 0 1 0 0 183 0 0 0 1 0 176 0 0 0 0 1 150 0 0 1 0 0 120 0 1 0 1 1 663 0 0 0 1 1 392 0 0 0 1 0 313 0 0 1 0 0 256 0 0 1 0 0 228 0 0 0 0 1 114 0 0 1 0 0 100 0 0 1 0 0 87 0 0 0 0 1 85 0 2 5 4 5 2187 0 0 1 3 1 739 0 0 1 1 1 392 0 0 1 0 0 326 0 0 0 1 0 258 0 0 0 1 0 245 0 0 2 0 0 220 0 0 0 1 0 217 0 0 1 0 0 186 0 0 0 0 1 185 0 5 3 2 5 3095 0 0 3 3 5 1752 0 1 1 1 2 687 0 3 0 1 2 664 0 0 1 1 0 463 0 1 0 0 0 397 0 0 1 1 0 269 0 0 0 0 1 242 0 0 0 0 1 219 0 0 0 0 1 198
Wirehaired Pointing Griffons 1 GCH CH Bear Hug Fire In The Hole JH 0 1 0 0 3 357 L Carroll/M Carroll 2 GCH CH Fireside’s Riding High SH 0 0 1 0 0 245 S Martin 3 GCH CH Wyncliff’s Dark Shadow 0 1 0 0 0 241 R Baggenstos/D Baggenstos 4 CH Fireside’s Mother Of Pearl 0 0 1 0 1 186 M Tuttle/C Tuttle 0 0 0 0 1 173 5 GCH CH Stonehenge Spontaneous Will-O’-The Wisp JH CA D Conner-Wood 6 GCH CH Kyloe’s Trekking Kb Amstel JH 0 0 1 0 0 151 J Resler/J Riederer 7 GCH CH Fireside’s Oscar Hemingway JH 0 0 0 0 1 97 C Tuttle/M Tuttle Continued on page 54
Dog News 49
he passing last week of R.D. (Dan) Musser, Jr. at age 80 is noted with sadness by this writer. Mr. Musser fell into that mysterious category of people who I could never call by their first name. Indeed in my October 26, 2011 AND MORE column I made note of this fact writing that Mr. Musser was in the category for me of “Mr. LaFore, Mr. Brumby, Mrs. Fell, Mrs. Reed, Mr. and/or Mrs. Wear, Mr. Kendrick, Mrs. Jeffords and so on,” which was a very elite company of people who I would not or could not call by their first names. Within a week of having written that article I received one of his lovely personal notes written on Grand Hotel stationary very gently admonishing me about what I had said and insisting that I call him Dan. Unfortunately I did not see him too many times thereafter but when I did see him at Montgomery in 2012 and called him Mr. Musser he refused to acknowledge my greeting until I called him Dan--which I did do but very reluctantly for sure. Dan Musser was just that extra special a person steeped in dog show lore and history and a particularly unusual individual to have earned and demanded that sort of respect. You may or may not be aware that Mr. Musser was brought up in the traditions of the dog show world and in a sense was passionately nurtured learning about AKC as it once was. An uncle of his, the very famous and erudite George Hartman, was a chief honcho at AKC in that period of time which included the ‘40’s, early 50’s and mid 60’s as well. Mr. Hartman was not only a Director of AKC and an extremely respected judge and breeder of
Amelia and Dan Musser on the porch of the Grand Hotel.
“Mr.” Musser, Sponsoring Shows...
More By Matthew H. Stander
50 Dog News
Wire Fox Terriers but a man who judged BIS at Westminster twice, Montgomery Best a number of times and is said to have been the ruling power at AKC whilst serving two terms on the Board of Directors at AKC. During that period of time Mr. Musser was busy being a Dartmouth undergraduate and whilst a student there began working at the world famous Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island in Michigan for yet another uncle who owned it, W. Stewart Woodfill. This is the person from whom Mr. Musser eventually purchased the “world’s largest summer hotel,” the Grand Hotel in Mackinac Island, Michigan. And it was at sometime during this time that his passion for the show dog and the purebred dog was developed with his sidekick, the lovely and fetching Amelia Musser, his beloved wife throughout his life. And on Wednesday April 17th Mr. Musser was buried in East Lansing, Michigan with the pomp and circumstance befitting a man of his accomplishments and stature. More than 500 attendees at All Saints Episcopal Church paid respect to him with three Governors of the State of Michigan present and at least two United States Senators, as well a streaming video replication of the services for those unable to get into the church. Additionally most every flag in the State of Michigan was at half staff to pay respect to this beloved and outstanding individual. And yet he was ineligible to be a Director of AKC since he was not a Delegate! Can you imagine an antiquated outdated Constitutional requirement such as that which prevented an accomplished and successful businessman such as he who was an owner of two different Westminster winners and a dedicated breeder with a passion for the sport evidenced by so very few, being denied the privilege of serving on the Board because of rules adopted 100 years ago? Virtually every Board Chairman of the last 30 years has attempted to change this Rule--to no avail--the Delegates will not permit it--much less two thirds of them. And one wonders why week after week requests nay demands for a change and restructure of the governance rules of AKC are ignored by those in authority. Admittedly I do not know if Mr. Musser even wanted to serve on the Board but don’t you think a man of his accomplishments and stature deserved the opportunity to do so? Who would you have preferred to represent the corporation? Anyone of the 13 sitting Board members or one R.D. (Dan) Musser? That’s no contest, is it? While my thoughts and prayers are with the entire Musser family and especially to his beloved Amelia I cannot help but think of what could have been had the services of “Mr. Musser” been enlisted by AKC to help in these very troubled days at the American Kennel Club.
few weeks ago in an Editorial I wrote a piece questioning AKC’s stance permitting people to financially support a show and have this fact announced in the show catalogue and to exhibit at the same show! I come from the school which considers that for sure a perceived conflict of interest if not a downright actual conflict of interest. AKC seems to condone the policy and I think they should re-examine its position. I am told that one of the individuals doing this has reconsidered and will continue the financial support but not exhibit-which makes sense to me anyways. But other people less aware and perhaps even less sensitive to the implications of doing this may be continuing the practice. Hopefully they too will see the light and discontinue what they were doing but certainly AKC should discourage this form of dual “exhibitor-financial supporters” situation. And I am not referring to trophy or monetary donations to a club’s fund but to major corporate support such as a food company gives with strings on employees exhibiting at such shows. The policy must be redefined. I had a nice talk with Tom Davies in Springfield two weeks ago and am hopeful he will seek another term on the Board come the next election in March. He was pretty much on the fence about this but I believe that his input on the Board is an important one to encourage. On an entirely different note I recently heard of a dog going Best in Show that was entered as a Special but in fact had not finished. The Rule is fairly simple and weighted very heavily in favor of the exhibitor-if the exhibitor’s records indicate the dog had finished you can show the dog for up to 90 days in the Special Class or until the time that AKC informs you the dog has not completed his or her championship. Once you know the actual situation you are then obligated to change the status as I understand it. There was a very famous terrier some years back which had accumulated close to 100 all-breed best in shows. After the exhibit was retired AKC’s records caught the error and asked the owners to return the ribbons and to finish the exhibit-well as you can very well imagine that was never done but those were in the old, old days when AKC’s records were anything but as up-to-date as they are today.
Is Sirius About Winning! #5 TOY* Best of Breed Supported Entry Judge Mr. Jason Huff Best of Breed Judge Mrs. Jan Paulk
Also Group Third Judge Mrs. Robert Smith Our Appreciation to all for these Great Wins during the BIG Louisville Cluster
Platinum GCh. Caper’s Sirius Endeavor Breeder/Owners: Phil & Carol Fisher
Handler-Owners: Linda & John Rowell *CC System
Dog News 51
Sporting Group
Brittanys 206 179 156 144 83 77 54 51 50 49
GCH CH Triumphant’s As Good As It Gets JH L Mccartney-Roy/K Mccartney GCH CH Mich’s Mt Ready Aim Fire T Rickard/L Rickard/K Rickard/J Davies GCH CH Brookewood’s Just Too Hot CDX MX MXB E Drazek/C Miller GCH CH Copley Paper Dragon E Ewart GCH CH Rainbow Splash’s Ruggedly Handsome C Douglas/J Andras/A Andras/K Hogan/A Co GCH CH Star Flight Jumpin Jack Flash RN OA OAJ J Ceres GCH CH Dual Lanes Cam JH C Robinson/L Robinson/K Sullivan GCH CH Credit Where Credit Is Due J Schulz/S Chilcote GCH CH Britt’s Ramblin’ The Perfect Cut J Larson/N Larson/K Schoppa GCH CH Sanbar’s Ride The Winds R West/P West/C West
78 69 64 53 43 33 32 32 30 28
GCH CH Oncore Mykyna Storm P Haines/T Haines/P Davis GCH CH Seasyde Fashion Avenue H Medeiros/J Griffith/H Griffith GCH CH Seasyde Dobe’s Den In Fashion J Pahl/D Pahl/H Medeiros GCH CH Solivia’s Kalahari Of Marsuz C Green/S Thompson/D Brown/K Brown GCH CH Chesterhope Miss D’Arcy L Cayton/D Ying/F De Paulo/D O’Neill GCH CH Monarch’s Young At Heart S Bambule GCH CH Creeksyde’s Witches Promise J Walton/G Griffin/K Rath CH Chesterhope At The Top A Abajo GCH CH Penpoint-Honor Abracadabra K Smith/K Rasmussen GCH CH Robwyn Magic Touch G Griffin/K Rath/J Walton
Pointers (German Shorthaired) 530 306 167 160 155 145 131 99 91 72
GCH CH Dogwdcreek’s La Vita E Belle L Duncan GCH CH Kan-Point’s Makin’ The Chase R Stanley/R Stanley/L Coonrod GCH CH Stelor’s Royalty Remembered D Stelmach GCH CH Ehrenvogel Say Cheese M Lara/C Swensson/G Hostetter/A Lester GCH CH Robin Crest Edelmarke Investigator T Feneis/T Depietro/C Trost GCH CH Homesteader’s Star Burst JH A Vitarius/B Vitarius/N Campbell GCH CH Robin Crest Great Expectations R Remondi/R Remondi GCH CH Skypoint’s Our River Runs Free F Del Prete/L Del Prete GCH CH Schutzen’s Son Of A Gun BN RE SH T Novoa/D Novoa/B Novoa GCH CH Quinsea’s War Admiral D Leroux/D Leroux
191 69 48 40 26 24 24 22 22 15
GCH CH Mountain View National Acclaim N Paduch/P Paduch/B Stroh GCH CH Mt. View’s Ripsnortersilvercharm V Malzoni GCH CH Harvest Meadow’s Truth Be Told L Minnick/A Resnick GCH CH Aimn Hi Jet Stream SH K Gunnarson/L Gunnarson GCH CH Neudorf’s Cool Hand Luke Afterhours F Newwirth/C Whitmore GCH CH Ripsnorterncladdagh Backfld N Motion RN M Howard/L George GCH CH Heywire ‘N Highfield’s Hey Look Me Over P Kincaid/L Kincaid/B Brawn GCH CH Cynisters Time Turner Cando JH C Milachek/C Magoon GCH CH Geronimo’s Goddess V Dazzle L Myles/J Steffes CH Surefire’s Thorny Little Secret JH J Payton/A Payton
Pointers (German Wirehaired)
Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) 221 115 84 79 75
GCH CH Chesastar Hudson Bay RN K Sosik/J Sosik GCH CH Calico’s Colonial Rum Fire J Coutu/M Coutu GCH CH Chesacolahardwoodbaltimoreraven G Sheetz GCH CH Quailridge’s Top Dee O Gee Maximilian C Macina/C Macina GCH CH Chesabar’s Anyone Anyone T Dennis/D Glasser
58 51 40 38 38
CH Ches-Shores Moer Than Faith CD Z Livingstone CH Albridens The Show Must Go On S Larson/D Baker GCH CH Desert Winds Eight Second Ride L Schisler/R Schisler GCH CH Alibi N’ Royal’s Road Warrior C Dennis GCH CH Spinnakers Kodiak Fisher JH C Kling
Retrievers (Curly-Coated) 42 36 32 29 17 14 11 8 6 4
GCH CH Kurly Kreek Artic Express S Shifflett/M Shifflett GCH CH Down Datrail Hunting Thrills CD S Macre/D Akins/G Kofron GCH CH Clarion’s Blackberry Bramble J Gentry/P Gentry GCH CH Kyraco Kyrabean Pirate M Morel CH Charmstar Travels With Ghislaine M Morris GCH CH Fullcircle Gale Force BN JH J Harms/W Harms GCH CH Softmaple’s Dark Star CDX SH C Buchanan/E Buchanan GCH CH Riverwatch Grand Illusion M Meek/G Meek CH Kyraco Kyrabean Grand Reflection M Morel CH Charmstar’s Running The Moonshine CGC A Shinkle
Retrievers (Flat-Coated) 232 162 94 83 83 63 61 49 49 41
GCH CH Timberblac’s All Hands On Deck RN J Martin GCH CH Gamekeeper’s Medal Of Honor RA SH OA R Rickert/M White/L Lowy/M White GCH CH Stormwatch Rocks U Like A Hurricane JH C Davis/K O’Brien/A Williams/K Leonhardt GCH CH Wind Dancer’s Kick A Little K Forni GCH CH Moonlight Wish Upon A Star RN R Morrill/S Morrill/P Briganti/R Brigant GCH CH Destiny As Good As It Gets CD JH E Mound GCH CH Feathurquest Moonlight Sonata R Morrill/R Briganti/M Shimizu/K Shimizu GCH CH Windy Hill God Of Fire RN JH R Rickert/S Rickert/L Selof/M Bettis GCH CH MACH Shasta Brownstone CD RA JH MXS J Brackney GCH CH Seafox Set Sail For Blacklace M Hemming/K Kondrat
Retrievers (Golden)
1393 GCH CH Summits Emery Its In The Bag B Johnson/J Sedivec/K Sedivec 700 GCH CH Easthill Broxden Woodland Lettuce C Collins/J Supple/S Skilkoff/J Ovalle/A 441 GCH CH Shadowland’s Paws For Applause At Tristar S Dominke/M Honari 411 GCH CH Trance Mission Jp Cunard Adventure T Tsumura 384 GCH CH Venture’s Boys N Toys T Mccray/M Mccray 312 GCH CH Pennylane Jansun Justin Credible J Jesberger 299 GCH CH Sandpiper’s Let Freedom Ring T Tsumura 272 GCH CH Rush Hill’s Drama’Geddon JH T Struble/M Struble 270 GCH CH Wingold’s Eagle Scout RN JH J Cassella/J Cassella/J Mcdaniel/R Bell 239 GCH CH Emery’s In The Midnight Hour P Sherry/R Sherry/B Bischoff/J Moreno
Retrievers (Labrador) 821 499 283 273 267 267 229 194 191 176
GCH CH Frakari’s Kool As Kiefer C Fisher/L Weiss GCH CH Belquest Deep Run Easy Peasy P Giroux/S Moses/J Moses GCH CH Rosewater Babalu A Berarducci/R Harkow GCH CH Fortune’s Feet Don’T Fail Me Now E Bowron/J Bowron GCH CH Premiere’s Ice Cold & Hot Wired I Jackson GCH CH Everso’s Elephants & Flowers JH S Perrine GCH CH Moonlit’s Royal Hot N Sexy S Bennington GCH CH Paradocs Obsidian K Helmers/J Helmers GCH CH Epoch’s Moccasin Joe C Skiba GCH CH Broyhill Naughty Knickers B Nowak/K Nowak/K Jacobson
Retrievers (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) 158 94
GCH CH Pikkinokka’s Lightning Bug S Einck-Paul/N Mages GCH CH Tollerpride Gathering Storm J Gordon/H Gordon/R Fearon
52 47 44 35 34 31 27 26
GCH CH Princess Cut Diamond Beekauz CD RN JH S Kauzlarich/K Kauzlarich/D Kauzlarich GCH CH Lennoxlove Susqudilla’s Mini Cooper WC R Haskin/P Campanella/M Waterstreet/J Ha GCH CH Javahill Surf2 An 8 Second Ride K Schultze/L Fitzmaurice/A Pasko GCH CH Tamarac’s EZ Duz It All BN RA M Siniski/N Tucker/L White GCH CH Aqueus Walks On Water OA OAJ OAP AJP W Johansen/D Bannasch CH Vermilion’s Ram’Njam’N Rosco Of Tnt CGC H Hietapelto/K Koebensky-Como GCH CH Brynwood’s Oh My Goodness CD RN E Boryczka GCH CH Starway Keeper Of The Stars V Anderson/L Smith
Setters (English) 217 182 144 108 97 96 77 57 56 56
GCH CH Stargaz’R ‘N Wingfield Time Will Tell D Coller/P Coller/E Hackett GCH CH Oakley’s B’Dazzled E Strickland/J Strickland GCH CH Sagebrush’s Simply Irresistible J Harris GCH CH Aerden’s Pretty In Pink JH L Engel/R Miller/V Ciaravino/B Silbernag GCH CH Esthete Topsails Vjk London RN NA J Warren/L Matter GCH CH Linwood Resolute’s New Beginning RN CGC R Lloyd/W Lloyd GCH CH Colthouse’s Genuine Draft G Perry/A Carswell/A Laurier GCH CH Kelyric Jet Blue D Kennedy/K Kennedy GCH CH Sleepy Hollow’s Scarlett O Hara J Mowery/L Mowery GCH CH Stargaze’R ‘N Wingfield Wait Wait Don’T D Coller/P Coller/E Hackett
Setters (Gordon) 178 160 109 107 94 34 33 33 21 19
GCH CH Sandpiper’s Castles In The Air D Grant/J Beattie/D Snyder/P Reilly GCH CH Sastya’s Eleven Eleven W Leonard/M Leonard GCH CH Buteo’s Midnight Silence A Johnson-Edwards/C Edwards GCH CH Hollyhunt Take A Chance On Me M Hunsinger/C Hunsinger GCH CH Saranac Toblerone E Fisher/W Fisher GCH CH Albannach A Knight’s Tale JH K Parke/E Desimone/T Albers/A Albers GCH CH Schofield Here Comes The Hard Rock L Boyce/R Schmidt GCH CH Amberlove’s Are We A Pair? JH C Kushell CH Mcq Time To Strike A Pose J Fonda/C Fonda GCH CH Amberlove Sastya Midnight Thunder R Huttenhow/L Huttenhow
Setters (Irish Red and White) 13 12 12 10 10 8 7 5 5 5
CH Nyastar’s Spark To A Flame K Miller/J Holt/S Hazen CH Shireoak Ice Rose K Gaut/B Parsons CH Shireoak Crimson Ice B Steinheimer/M Steinheimer/G Harrison/L GCH CH MACH4 Affinity Day Tripper RN MXC2 MJG2 P Wallace-Jones/T Tennison GCH CH Mizen Duchas Dilis JH J Baumgartner Laurel Oak Santana Heart Of Red Rocks CGC A Lonardi/S Lonardi GCH CH Tymaran Masterful L Derosa/S Derosa Mountain Star Danny Boy S Samson/H Hazen Mountain Star Donegal H Hazen/B Hazen GCH CH Aramis Farms High Road To Killary D Peterson/J Zawikowski
Setters (Irish) 464 170 140 134 108 105 105 101 96 75
GCH CH Northwinds First Reign R Arch/J Arch/D Keane/N Keane GCH CH Bluerose One For The Money T Peterson/C Peterson/P Booth/A Booth GCH CH Antares Bobby Jones M Goeke/P Goeke GCH CH Crimsonacre Wind Chime R Perry GCH CH Dancin’ Prelude To Winter JH S Folts GCH CH Challenge Home Run M Mowry/R Robinson/P Robinson GCH CH Militza’s Glamorous Attire M Foote/B Foote/J Fisher/K Wall/T Mcneal GCH CH Darnelle’s Pennies From Heaven M Higby CH Avon Farm Star Rider C Daugherty/A Bertelsen CH Roclyn St. Pauli’s Girl JH P Bradbury/C Murray/C Stanford
Spaniels (American Water) 21 16 15 9 8 7 6 5 3 2
CH Aspen Springs Northern Star RN D Parker/F Parker GCH CH Waterway Game Crk Hot Diggity JH L Hattrem/J Hattrem/J Rose/S Rose/P Mett GCH CH Beavercreek’s Chance Of A Life Time L Thorsness/H Pemble CH Carolina’s Running With The Hare RN JH L Mccracken CH Aspen Springs Blazing Sun D Parker/F Parker Beavercreek’s Mystic Firestorm L Thorsness/L Mcgrath/H Pemble GCH CH Beavercreek’s Secret Celebration RN CGC L Mcgrath/L Thorsness/H Pemble CH Ca- Beavercrk’s Best Kpt Secret RN CGC L Thorsness Beavercreek’s Take ‘Em By Storm L Thorsness/L Mcgrath/H Pemble Aspen Springs Mountain Zephyr B Stuart/L Stuart
Spaniels (Boykin) 30 20 18 16 11 5 5 4 3 2
GCH CH Hollow Creek’s Texas Trace G Hurley/P Watts CH Pocotaligo’s Nama Karoo MH C Gebhard/K Parkman GCH CH Texas Trace Skipper K Johnston/G Copeland Texas Trace Vega G Copeland/M Copeland GCH CH Texas Trace Yellow Rose M Machala/G Hurley GCH CH Sunseeker Pirate’s Code L Knudsen Brio’s Ready Here I Come D Nielsen/K Nielsen Brio’s Idog K Nielsen/D Nielsen GCH CH Texas Trace Uvalde G Copeland/M Copeland CH Sunseeker Kiss My Britches Beekauz RN MH JHR S Kauzlarich/D Kauzlarich/K Kauzlarich
Spaniels (Clumber) 127 59 28 27 22 21 20 17 14 13
GCH CH Clussexx Collaboration With Traddles W Holbrook/B Dowd/A Jaramillo/M Capone/J GCH CH Nexus Total Eclipse S Miller/J Fankhauser/C Miller GCH CH Clussexx After While Crocodile G Perry/R Perry CH Anatar’s Red October J Donnelly-Schoffstall CH Jazzin’s Shake A Tail Feather M Morris/C Jaynes/C Brannon Clussexx King’s Ransom T Shores/M Merritt/J Haverick GCH CH Breakaway’s Outrigger S Beaird/D Starr/D Fitzpatrick GCH CH Chiffon Abbey Road D Wahman/G Wahman CH Clussexx Freddie The Frog D Bach/J Haverick GCH CH Cajun’s A Change Is Gonna Come P Holman/M Cole/R Froman
Spaniels (Cocker) ASCOB 129 100 87 67 61 54 46 46 36 35
GCH CH Aspire’s Semper Paratus C Rosales/L Rosales GCH CH Trinity’s Tucked Under His Wing S Gray/S Dobmeier GCH CH Kaplar’s Heartsong L Henson GCH CH Blt Into The Wild B Lou/T Lam GCH CH Layton The Teamleader D Eastham/K Hampton/P Elkins GCH CH HiTrails Clouds In My Eyes K Fairey GCH CH Be-Fit’s N Arikara Too Hot To Touch C Thompson/P Nazarko/D Christian GCH CH Jems May The Force Be With You J Stamm/D Rosenblum/S Rosenblum/J Fearin GCH CH Winelight Travelin Man J Bruce GCH CH Aspire’s Semper Forte M Wilson/D Wilson
Spaniels (Cocker) Black 117 117 112 71 62 50 42
GCH CH Casablanca’s Thrilling Seduction L Moore/B Van Deman/C Douglas/M Walker GCH CH Sovran’s Aranjuez A Santos/M Buckley GCH CH Mario N Beechwood’s Midnight Express CGC F Charest/C Charest/M Ragusa/P Ragusa GCH CH Bib ‘N’ Tux Born This Way B Warren GCH CH Toybox Starshine At Caralot C Fennelly/E Carson GCH CH Pbj’s Fearless B Pruitt/M Pruitt GCH CH Sherlane Fast Forward S Luebker
The Dog News 52 Dog News
39 39 38
GCH CH Aine’s Jason, Son Of Jacob L Kerr GCH CH Avalonsfirst I Am The One B Santos/M Santos GCH CH Twilights Wings Of Fortune D Prock
162 76 72 60 47 47 35 33 31 27
GCH CH Conquest’s This Is It! M Torres-Young GCH CH Nosowea’N Wib’s New Brew-Who Knew! J Thorp GCH CH My-Ida-Ho N Jems Captain E Ross/S Gerling GCH CH Sherwood & Lomapoint Captain Crunch J Bjelland/K Olsen GCH CH Tsunami’s Curtain Call E Sicurello GCH CH Sherwood N Winchester’s The Thunder Rolls D Eastham/K Hampton GCH CH Dalin’s Written In The Stars L Donaldson/D Donaldson/T Higdon GCH CH Ka-Sa-Ra’s Positively Priceless K Korab/H Hesskew GCH CH Nesmar’s I’M A Real Good Man S Alfield/M Ness GCH CH Daystar’s Soldier Of The Cross D Hatfield
186 123 114 109 93 90 86 60 58 57
GCH CH Nonnies No Doubt J Gerrish/V Umpleby GCH CH Dawnglow Knight Rider E Neff/S Laflamme GCH CH Jolyn N Indigo’s Rions Flag E Matuk/L Dobbins/C Bono/C Schlecht GCH CH Foxwoods Dublin Diva K Lyons/D Mauterer GCH CH Majestic Sweet Apple French Martini K Belter/D Belter/N Sweet GCH CH Blackstone Very Vassar E Courtney/A Howard/J Torres GCH CH Edgewood Devilish Design S Loritz/B Threlfall CH Jarde’ Ever Present Past D Mcclelland/J Mcclelland GCH CH Newstead Echoes Of Love R Tingley/F Tingley GCH CH Eclipse Wind Dancer K Volkman/C Cowley
Spaniels (Cocker) Parti
Spaniels (English Cocker)
Spaniels (English Springer) 314 256 228 225 210 194 147 120 111 94
GCH CH Wynmoor Champagne Supernova C Florence/B Fink/E Kerfoot/K Goodhue-Mc GCH CH Winamere N Goldcamp Simply “D” Best G Mccain/L O’Connor GCH CH Hil-N-Don & Canyonwood Seemore Of Me S Pelissero/J Crouch GCH CH Cerise Dixieland Duchess A Summerfelt/D Cherry GCH CH Ocoee Dsqd With A Vengeance M King/K Lorentzen/B Breese/L Kiener GCH CH Suncoast Wil-Orion Anticipation S Zuker/K Milne/N Siver GCH CH Designers I Think I’M In A Dance Off B Keith/C Coffield/M Coffield/A Arrant GCH CH Legacy Random Titleist R Mockoviak/S Mockoviak/K Fitzgerald GCH CH Kismet Nice Try! L Naimo/J Naimo GCH CH Seaview’s Too Busy Being Fabulous D Van Vorst/C Florence/B Fink/R Novack
Spaniels (Field) 69 33 26 20 19 18 17 13 11 9
GCH CH Sandscape Pardon Me Boys G Perry/C Dooley/N Bunch GCH CH Promenade Pierce The Veil J Schildman/A Ratcliffe CH Killara Ono! The British Are Coming H Fiedler/K Balinski/D Fiedler GCH CH Killara’s Riders On The Storm G Tydings/S Mcatee/K Balinski GCH CH Killara’s Grand Idea RA A Eley/K Balinski GCH CH Karomil’s Marbled Pumpernickel RN C Goodell GCH CH Nautica’s Wind River Gold RN N Dooley Bunch/D Brewer/M Bunch GCH CH Cabot N Seabreeze Night Train To Wicksford S Meachem/L Carver/D O’Neil/D Mccrae GCH CH Nautica’s Got Game R Ertle/D Brewer GCH CH Promenade Pay It Forward J Chopson/J Schildman/N Kuhn
Spaniels (Irish Water) 40 39 37 26
GCH CH Whistlestop’s Riley On Fire T Urban/B Urban/G Siner GCH CH Whistle Stop’s Wind On The Water M Cummings GCH CH Whistlestop’s Fire & Ice S Duncan/C Mcdaniel/C Shelby GCH CH Mallyree Here Comes The Son RN A Getchell/P Manus/P Getchell
20 11 10 9 7 7
GCH CH Poole’s Ide Got Water RN S Duncan/C Mcdaniel/C Shelby/G Siner GCH CH Whistle Stop’s The Wind On Fire G Siner/S Narfstrom/C Phillipson CH Navarone’s Back In Black RN P Von Bacho/L Baglia CH D’Locks Causin A Commotion N Midwood G Foy/E Marfella Realta Zoom Zoom Zoom N Geyza GCH CH Nawedshoe Dawns Early Lite O Freedom P Chapman
Spaniels (Sussex) 22 20 12 10 8 7 6 6 6 6
CH Chatapa Jason And The Argonauts R Valenzano/C Valenzano GCH CH Kamand Tangled Up In Blue K Toner/A Toner CH Hiland Monarch Butterfly S Folsom/B Folsom/L Peterson Ziyadah Piece Of Ynysowen At Flora-Bama K Cahoon/M Deugan Kamand’s Full Of Beans @ Erinhill K Toner/A Toner GCH CH Clussexx Pink Polka Dots MH P Petraglia/C Yankowski/J Haverick CH Companionway Sutton It Had To Be You C Holt GCH CH He’s Simply Godiva’s Duck Chocolate D Engbertson/M Henderson/S Caniff GCH CH Castles Gift Of The Wizard TDX K Marshburn/R Marshburn GCH CH Stonecroft Windsong Banneker P Davern/E Tenuta/S Adams
Spaniels (Welsh Springer) 53 41 38 37 37 31 30 21 16 14
GCH CH Trystyn Statesman Cactus Blue S Doss/S Doss/M Riese-Bassel/S Holmes GCH CH Saga’s Winsome Watson CGC J Cooley GCH CH Clussexx Rolyarts Payola S Marx GCH CH Riverside’s Remington Magical Gun R Sieranski/P Nardone/C Wrenn/A Wrenn GCH CH Clussexx Win’Throp Loves Springtime J Haverick/D Massey GCH CH Harmony’s Welsh Fanfare B Wegner/K Wegner CH Ivywild’s Seven Blessings D Sakach/R Sakach GCH CH Rolyart’s Tale-Gator C Ford/S Traylor GCH CH Mystic Acres Just A Thought K Vooris/E Vooris/D Simberlund CH Stonewick’s Jumpin’ Jack Flash RN CGC R Gratz/B Gratz
Spinoni Italiani 54 48 42 36 29 26 25 20 18 15
GCH CH Darby Canyon Mick Jagger D Cannon/L Williams Stanton GCH CH Amico Peloso’s Double Dare You C Fritts GCH CH Javal Tangerine Man J Austad/K Norton GCH CH Lancetta’s The Heart Of Rock & Roll J Joens/M Fornens-Joens GCH CH Couchfields Giulia At Carpe Diem S Hudson/M Brustein/D Brooks CH Brier Creeks Ophelia Del Fredo JH R Koch CH Ilvolare Honeysuckle T Teifert GCH CH Collina D’Oro Pretty Boy Pink Floyd JH R Tevis/K Tevis GCH CH Couchfields Paolo Del Mucrone C Levine/D Brooks/M Brustein GCH CH Couchfields When In Rome P Perham/L Perham/M Brustein/D Brooks
Vizslas 480 215 167 154 130 117 103 101 95 85
GCH CH Regal Point Pinnacle Of Kilauea JH D Verret/S Rushing/D Sullivan/S Middlebr GCH CH Jaybren’s Irish Star J Brennan/J Brennan GCH CH Just Spike JH L Busch GCH CH Grouse Point Semper Fi Pretty In Pink C Miklos/T Lucas GCH CH Tamaron’s Tag You’Re It L Westerbeck/T Westerbeck GCH CH Plaza’s Save The Last Dance JH D Scott GCH CH Lorac’s Cap’N Jack Sparrow S Nakamura/W Sommerfelt/C Sommerfelt GCH CH Szizlin Autumn’s Joy Kaya Happy Tails JH A Chaikin GCH CH Bluewater’s Fionn Mac Cumhaill Of Skipfire C Ward/L Medley GCH CH Double Gun’s A Royal Flush JH J Buttermore/J Buttermore/S Thomas
Weimaraners 446 193 127 101 88 77 72 68 57 48
GCH CH Doc N’ Camelot’s Heaven Can Wait S Thomas GCH CH Simpatico Equal Justice J Martin/J Logan/R Goularle GCH CH Unity’s Bzyfeet Laverne Defazio G Mclogan/V Ruiz/A Tourond GCH CH Sindar Valaroma Von Silversmith R Clow/M Hartley GCH CH Win’Weim’s It’s My Grey Goose D Massey/S Line GCH CH Colsidex Made Off With The Money JH J Cook GCH CH Diamond Mk The Eagle Has Landed M Wilson/N Lane GCH CH Rosewin Clasic Schwin Of Anson P Sage/A Sage/M Gearhart/W Gearhart GCH CH Silhouette Pretty As A Princess W Schwery GCH CH Jewel’s One Wild Night JH C Meyer/S Meyer
90 32 25 23 20 17 15 15 14 13
GCH CH Bear Hug Fire In The Hole JH L Carroll/M Carroll GCH CH Whiskeytown Chibuku J Tucker/K Rogney CH Fireside’s Hollow Crown Elsy W Marlow/P Marlow GCH CH Duchasseur Gibson Girl SH K Rogney GCH CH Fireside’s Oscar Hemingway JH C Tuttle/M Tuttle GCH CH Stonehenge Spontaneous Will-O’-The Wisp D Conner-Wood CH Marquis Bear Hug Blue Fireworks M Dozier/S Dozier/L Carroll GCH CH Kyloe’s Trekking Kb Amstel JH J Resler/J Riederer CH Kootenay Highlander’s Laird L Lowe/R Lowe CH Butte View’s Oktoberfest Kegger B Van Kleeck/J Poyner
Wirehaired Pointing Griffons
Hound Group
Afghan Hounds 371 275 178 164 139 111 105 82 55 49
GCH CH Exlysta Aries Ciel Noir P Rooks/C Smith/P Schafmayer/S Ferraro GCH CH Tells Matrix Reloaded M Galloway GCH CH Mahali Arriva Sandpiper J Baukus/D Cooley/S Neill/L Schanzle/J P CH Jolie Orion J Taylor/J Taylor GCH CH Elmo’s Martian Chronicles C Harker GCH CH Maya’s Mockingbird C Rahaman/A Rahaman/K Bunce GCH CH Karakush Storm In A D-Cup D Sorey/S Fisher/B Clark GCH CH Jakar An Affair Most Wicked B Warren/A Donnell/T Schultz/M Tokarski GCH CH Boreales Llacue’s One In A Million J Llano/J Botet/M Cuevas/J Morales GCH CH Scaramouche Show Must Go On A Stromberg/B Franzoso/C Van Den Bergh
American English Coonhounds 27 9 4 3
GCH CH Moonlight’s Most Wanted J Spieth/S Spieth CH Kentucky Mtn Diamond Cutter P Jessup CH Color Me Bad Double Stuff Oreo A Alexander I’M A Diamond Of A Peach J Green
American Foxhounds 93 9 6 3 3
GCH CH Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box E Charles/L Miller Hillwood’s Jackson S Grossman CH Kiarry & Deluxe Adam’s Rib R Lux/J Lux GCH CH Dunstan Tucker G Shultz GCH CH Orion Sundevil Luna L Patchell/D Pincheck
Basenjis 160 120 118 74 71 59
GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Halleleujah Makes A Joyful J Behles/R Walley GCH CH Jokuba C-Quest First Round Knock Out R Bowen/C Russell GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin J Jones/K Jones/C Kok GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC N Sherman/N Scherwin GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet T Kirstein GCH CH Klassic’s Slam Dunk S Gruber-Kite/J Gillespie
53 43 37 34
GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow! P Geoffroy/S Lund/S Coe GCH CH Dragnquests Prize Trebbiano For My-Tym D Lowit/R Newton/J Jones/T Jones GCH CH Reveille One For The Money D Bolte’/J Lodge/K Wisch GCH CH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D’Nile SC D Nelson/M Quinnett
Basset Hounds 244 125 108 102 69 63 56 49 45 35
GCH CH Topsfield-Sanchu Eenie Meenie Miney Moe C Orlandi/C Steidel GCH CH Topsfield-Sanchu Bibidy-Bobidy-Boo C Orlandi/C Steidel GCH CH Gypsy’s Pert ‘Neer’ Perfect K Collier/D Hagy GCH CH Barnyard 3 Oaks Spark Of Hope C Lane/V Mcmackin/C Kremenek/P Harder CH Splash’s Oceanic Whitetip Shark B Nolan/J Nolan/J Nolan/W Nolan GCH CH Splash’s The Professor J Nolan/B Nolan/J Nolan/S Ponsart/A Pons GCH CH Splash’s Riverboat Gambler J Nolan/B Nolan/J Nolan/W Nolan GCH CH Fairytail’s Semper Fi J Aitken/S Aitken GCH CH Fort Merrill Brunswick J Urban/A Costilla GCH CH L’Ile De Feu’s Moondoggie B Visokay
Beagles (13 in. and under) 152 99 75 22 20 18 17 14 14 12
GCH CH Bougain’E Naughty-N-Lovely Alvin S Adungchongruk/S Ott GCH CH Vinla-Cabaret’s Gold Standard S Ayers/K Brooks GCH CH Encore’s Rerun Of Roirdan C Kaplan/C Herr/T Nesmith/E Dziuk GCH CH Lomapoint Huckleberry C Long GCH CH Newpoint’s Criminal Mind M Hill/C Hill/A Owen CH Shadynook I’Ll Play For You R Werlein CH Vinla’s L.A.Ink J Lux/K Brooks CH Mtn Brook Sterling B C Marlow/P Marlow GCH CH Perfect Companion’s Tiger Lilly C Phongthep/P Peerapong GCH CH Windkist Hellon Wheels K Paladino/R Paladino
Beagles (over 13 in.) 149 136 127 83 79 75 66 65 47 47
GCH CH Lokavi’s Battle Flag Of The South J Bell/L Norman GCH CH Tashtins Lookin For Trouble L Crandlemire/K Crandlemire/B Cavanaugh/ GCH CH Bridgehill’s Mr. Mason’s Misbehavin’ D Milke/G Milke GCH CH Torquay Be Nice To Me M Chagas/M Botelho/A Botelho GCH CH K-Run’s We Could Have Had It All Around K Weichert/J Rodes GCH CH Titus Rough And Tumble K Rose/M Rose/M Austin GCH CH Just Wright The Full Monty RN J Wright/L Breyson/B Ott GCH CH Barrister’s Manhattan Melodrama B Manifold CH Manahound Hard Drive At Rkntooker B Kidwell/E Rosbach GCH CH Legacy Busch’s Bold And Brave C Busch/W Busch/M Martin
Black and Tan Coonhounds 60 53 43 36 29 15 12 8 8 5
GCH CH Kalan’s Ramblin Rose Of Oak Hill O Owens/A Willard/K Willard GCH CH Windbourne Every Hand’s A Winner A Mitchell GCH CH Bayaway Jersey’s Due Process Of Law G Rezendes/D Rezendes/J Stora GCH CH Windbourne Hd Ranch King Of The Road S Campbell/C Rutten/T Skinner/S Skinner GCH CH Jazzman Comebacker Z Bolin CH Windbourne Like A Rock S Campbell GCH CH Kalan’s Lucky Lager M Fackrell GCH CH CCH Wyeast Willow Of Orion-Redsea B Warner/M Finch/V Redditt GCH CH Foxfire Full Force Gale A Mcilwaine/R Urban GCH CH Desert Bills, Sing It To Me Baby D Smith/S Cafferty
Bloodhounds 151 98 77
GCH CH Quiet Creek’s Kiss And Tell S Lacroix/H Whitcomb GCH CH Flessner’s International S’Cess S Vancamp/H Helmer/Z Helmer GCH CH The Magpie’s Sophisticated Lady C Kaminski
Top Ten List AS OF MARCH 31, 2013
Continued on page 92
Based on breed competition Dog News 53
hound group
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
Continued FROM page 49
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
Afghan Hounds 2 15 5 5 8 7027 1 GCH CH Tells Matrix Reloaded M Galloway 2 GCH CH Exlysta Aries Ciel Noir 0 3 5 5 3 1889 P Rooks/C Smith/P Schafmayer/S Ferraro 3 Xandali Bon Vivant 1 1 0 0 0 1754 C Fairleigh/L Robertson 4 GCH CH Thaon’s Wallstreet 1 3 1 1 1 1179 J Hafford/J Blanchard/D Rogers/J Rogers 5 GCH CH Elmo’s Martian Chronicles 0 0 4 1 2 629 C Harker 6 GCH CH Jakar An Affair Most Wicked 0 3 1 1 1 563 B Warren/A Donnell/T Schultz/M Tokarski 7 GCH CH Mahali Arriva Sandpiper 0 0 1 0 2 490 J Baukus/D Cooley/S Neill/L Schanzle/J P 8 GCH CH Maya’s Mockingbird 0 1 2 2 1 415 C Rahaman/A Rahaman/K Bunce 9 GCH CH Silhouette’s Starlight Express 0 1 1 1 0 237 E Berman/R Berman 10 GCH CH Stormhill’s Sweet Dreams Of Raffica 0 0 0 1 0 211 G Games/S Games/S Frei/T Vanderezee American Foxhounds 12 30 5 1 1 13574 1 GCH CH Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box E Charles/L Miller 2 GCH CH Dunstan Tucker 1 3 4 2 3 1898 G Shultz 3 GCH CH Kiarry’s Foolish Pride 0 0 1 1 0 100 J Fitzpatrick/J Fitzpatrick/M Echols/L M 4 GCH CH Kelly Mt. American Idol 0 0 1 0 0 39 J Rea Basenjis 2 3 6 4 0 3801 1 GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin J Jones/K Jones/C Kok 2 GCH CH Jokuba C-Quest First Round Knock Out 0 0 3 1 3 1042 R Bowen/C Russell 3 GCH CH Klassic’s Slam Dunk 0 1 1 2 0 515 S Gruber-Kite/J Gillespie 4 GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Halleleujah Makes A Joyful Noise 0 2 0 1 0 365 J Behles/R Walley 5 GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet 0 0 1 1 0 171 T Kirstein 6 GCH CH Epic Select Tri For Da In Zone SC 0 0 0 1 1 119 R Berry/B Blansett/T Leonard 7 CH Mardi Gras’ Zydeco Of Zindika 0 0 0 0 1 111 M Graves/C Graves 8 CH Berimo Cavalia 0 0 0 0 1 101 P Marshall 9 CH Teazer Kazor Ekundayo For Johari 0 3 1 0 0 79 C Garcia/D Yeager/J Gaidos 10 CH Fopaw’s Dlucks Moon Dance 0 0 0 1 0 78 N Scherwin/N Sherman/T Leimback Basset Hounds 1 GCH CH Topsfield-Sanchu Eenie Meenie Miney Moe 3 13 9 7 3 6404 C Orlandi/C Steidel 2 GCH CH Gypsy’s Pert ‘Neer’ Perfect 0 0 0 2 1 414 K Collier/D Hagy 0 0 2 1 1 307 3 GCH CH Topsfield-Sanchu Bibidy-Bobidy-Boo C Orlandi/C Steidel 4 CH Silverado Next Top Model 0 0 0 1 0 202 M Tysseling/J Tysseling 5 GCH CH Ol’South’s Craigwood’s Ludacris 0 0 1 0 0 139 M Meadows/S Whaley 6 DC Apple Country’s Branscombe Homer 0 0 0 0 1 127 J Meahl 7 GCH CH L’Ile De Feu’s Moondoggie 0 0 1 0 0 120 B Visokay 8 GCH CH Fort Merrill Brunswick 0 1 0 0 0 117 J Urban/A Costilla 9 GCH CH Bugle Bay’s Cherry Cola TD 0 0 0 0 1 113 M Cook 10 GCH CH Kahl Me Foxglen’s Cool Dude 0 0 0 0 1 101 B Kahl Beagles (13 in. and under) 1 GCH CH Bougain’E Naughty-N-Lovely Alvin 0 0 1 6 4 2823 S Adungchongruk/S Ott 2 GCH CH Vinla-Cabaret’s Gold Standard 0 1 4 4 1 1030 S Ayers/K Brooks 3 GCH CH Encore’s Rerun Of Roirdan 0 0 3 1 2 464 C Kaplan/C Herr/T Nesmith/E Dziuk 4 CH Vinla’s L.A.Ink 0 0 0 3 2 346 J Lux/K Brooks 5 GCH CH Lomapoint Huckleberry 0 0 0 0 2 263 C Long 6 Dyno-Mite Party Girl 0 0 1 1 0 219 K Wallack/L Ugenti/I Schmitt 7 CH Shoreviews Mango 0 0 0 0 1 213 B Tague/A Lambie 8 GCH CH Lanbur Angel Wears Prada 0 0 0 1 0 152 K Lockwood/J Woodring 9 GCH CH Perfect Companion’s Tiger Lilly 0 0 0 1 0 123 C Phongthep/P Peerapong 10 GCH CH Shoreviews Raise Your Glass 0 0 0 1 1 88 B Tague/C Herr Beagles (over 13 in.) 1 GCH CH Tashtins Lookin For Trouble 0 3 3 4 3 1906 L Crandlemire/K Crandlemire/B Cavanaugh/ 2 GCH CH Torquay Be Nice To Me 0 2 1 2 2 1026 M Chagas/M Botelho/A Botelho 3 GCH CH Lokavi’s Battle Flag Of The South 0 3 6 1 3 912 J Bell/L Norman 4 GCH CH K-Run’s We Could Have Had It All Around 0 1 3 1 4 868 K Weichert/J Rodes
54 Dog News
5 GCH CH Bridgehill’s Mr. Mason’s Misbehavin’ D Milke/G Milke 6 GCH CH Legacy Busch’s Bold And Brave C Busch/W Busch/M Martin 7 GCH CH Titus Rough And Tumble K Rose/M Rose/M Austin 8 GCH CH Cabaret Come Chase The Dream T Olson/J Simpson/C Stone/P Ivett 9 CH Daniel Boon (Pelaez) F Trigueros 10 GCH CH Vinla’s Right Recipe For Deluxe J Lux/R Lux Black and Tan Coonhounds 1 GCH CH Windbourne Hd Ranch King Of The Road S Campbell/C Rutten/T Skinner/S Skinner 2 GCH CH Kennisaw I’m Getting Sentimental Over You J Doran 3 GCH CH CSG Clover Creek Big Daddy CD RE K Winn 4 GCH CH Windbourne Every Hand’s A Winner A Mitchell 5 GCH CH Kalan’s Lucky Lager M Fackrell 6 GCH CH Kalan’s Ramblin Rose Of Oak Hill O Owens/A Willard/K Willard 7 GCH CH Bayaway Jersey’s Due Process Of Law G Rezendes/D Rezendes/J Stora Bloodhounds 1 GCH CH Quiet Creek’s Kiss And Tell S Lacroix/H Whitcomb 2 GCH CH Flessner’s International S’Cess S Vancamp/H Helmer/Z Helmer 3 GCH CH Soonipi Friends In Low Places Mlh K Dewey/S Katos 4 GCH CH Heathers A Little Night Music E Befus 5 GCH CH The Magpie’s Sophisticated Lady C Kaminski 6 GCH CH Flessner’s International Space Station At J Mcdonald 7 GCH CH Flessner’s Aces N Eights D Ozee/C Ozee 8 CH Mojusta’s Fame B Rayls/C Wells 9 GCH CH Badgershill Muldoon Of Heather L Sherman 10 CH Citation’s First And Foremost C Mcardle Bluetick Coonhounds 1 GCH CH Charwin Fairmont Sweet Society Blue Snuff C Woods/T Kastner Borzois 1 GCH CH Majenkir Bookstor Vintage Glamour K Spey/H Spey 2 GCH CH Greyhaven This Rough Magic SC F Vogel/M Hough/L Spiers 3 GCH CH Majenkir Bookstor Glamour Girl K Spey/H Spey 4 GCH CH Blackmoor Tempo Del Sol T Rickford/K Wilkin/D Rickford/C Hart 5 GCH CH Raynbos Run For The Roses J Zucker/R Zucker 6 CH Kansai’Z Windsheer K-C Xbox K Murray/K Parks/L Thorp 7 GCH CH Auroral’s Jasmine Oronzova J Steele/J Steele 8 GCH CH Kankan Stepowy Goniec E Misko 9 DC Zoiboyz Eclipse Of The Heart SC T Golcher/K Thompson 10 CH Skyler Tryst’s Tribute To Khanzade R Robins/M Hundley
0 0 1 1 1 376 0 0 1 3 0 241 0 1 0 0 0 238 0 0 1 1 0 201 0 1 0 1 0 201 0 0 1 0 1 156 0 2 5 3 1 1872 0 0 0 2 0 186 0 0 0 1 0 147 0 0 2 0 0 136 0 0 0 0 1 130 0 0 0 1 0 125 0 0 0 0 1 84 2 10 6 7 0 7055 0 1 6 7 6 2067 1 1 2 2 0 1224 0 0 2 3 0 806 0 1 1 2 0 771 0 0 0 3 2 672 0 0 0 0 1 182 0 0 1 0 0 150 0 0 0 0 1 116 0 1 0 0 0 109 0 3 3 4 6 1452 1 4 0 1 0 1696 0 3 3 1 2 799 0 0 1 2 1 341 0 0 0 0 1 174 0 0 1 0 0 141 0 0 1 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 1 108 0 0 0 0 1 102 0 0 1 0 0 101 0 0 0 2 0 85
The Dog News Top Ten List Presents
Based on All-Breed Competition
As of March 31, 2013
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
Dachshunds (Longhaired) 1 GCH CH Hundeleben Queen’s Armada Sl 0 C Puig/K Gonzalez/P Stephens 2 GCH CH Sleepy Hollow Carolina Special 0 M Taylor/B Wlodkowski 3 GCH CH Briardach’s Rock Star 0 M Martin/P Martin/S Bennett/P Chapman 4 GCH CH Aviance’s Pramada For Terms Of Endearment Sl 0 V Diker 5 GCH CH Sweetgrass Johann Tipper 0 C Martine/R Sak/D Sak 6 GCH CH Stonybrook’s Phinito 0 T Durvin/B Durvin/R Gianopoulos/M Kepala 7 GCH CH Walmar-Solo’s Iou Sl 0 S Snyder 8 GCH CH Kaycees Jt’s Lucky Dog Liam Ml 0 N Owens 9 GCH CH Pramada’s Rough-N-Tumble L 0 M Peat/M Heaslet 10 GCH CH Gemdach Don’T Blame Me 0 N Haupt/K Haupt
7 1 4 3 1600 2 1 0 2 643 0 0 2 1 364 0 2 2 1 337 2 0 0 1 248 1 0 0 0 132 0 0 0 1 111 0 1 0 0 107 0 0 0 1 98 1 0 0 0 94
Dachshunds (Smooth) 1 GCH CH Spellbound’s You Go First 0 1 2 2 3 1052 K Brown 2 GCH CH Bessdachs Electric Martini 0 2 0 3 0 479 M Lara/B Jeffery 3 GCH CH Toskydox Witchy Woman Ss 0 0 0 0 1 180 S Lutosky 4 GCH CH Beachside Dox Havana Daydreamin V Leoralee 0 0 0 1 2 172 C Ramos/M Singleton/W Cunningham 5 GCH CH Grandgables Lil Ms Brier Rose 0 1 0 0 0 132 D Taplin/B Shepard 6 CH Toskydox Have Gub Will Travel Ss 0 0 1 0 0 131 S Lutosky 7 GCH CH Rhill Grandgables Wee Thorny Adventure 0 0 1 0 0 62 H Ackby 8 Bessdachs Quick As A Flash 0 0 0 0 1 55 D Salyer 9 CH Hialeah’s Catwoman I’M Just Too Sexy 0 0 0 0 1 47 L Richmond 10 GCH CH Bardale’s Isis 0 0 1 0 0 41 L Peterson Dachshunds (Wirehaired) 1 GCH CH Leoralee’s Baywatch Mw 0 1 0 1 7 817 M Singleton/B Lasater 2 GCH CH Kadell’s Rustic Gold W 0 0 0 0 2 460 L Reynolds/C Cahill/J Cahill 3 GCH CH Del Prado’s Bar Code W 0 2 1 0 3 423 A Bischel/M Bedowitz 4 GCH CH Raydachs Ruby Tuesday Sw 0 1 1 0 1 279 S Ray 5 GCH CH Rivendells Hotwire Sw 0 0 1 0 1 242 P Caddell 6 GCH CH J’s Starbarrack’s Babybug’Sdevil Ofabug 0 0 1 0 2 216 S Johnson/M Heywood 7 GCH CH Caidrac’s San Antones Famous Madam Mw JE 0 0 0 0 1 203 E Ellis/J Ellis 0 0 1 1 0 192 8 GCH CH Dixiedachs Absolutely Fearless V Aus-Bar BN RA D Faulkner/J Faulkner 9 GCH CH Lockshire Detour To Sanlyn 0 0 0 1 1 139 K Lockyer/T Lockyer/M Chryssanthis/S Chr 10 GCH CH Dontis I’M Just A Glitterbug At Drakken 0 0 0 1 1 135 A Mendenhall Greyhounds 1 GCH CH Grandcru Caymus T Hilbert/R Rice 2 GCH CH Grandcru Orion With Mistweave C Dabbs/R Gaudet 3 GCH CH Shylo The Party Spot B Clark/S Fisher/R Ungar Harriers 1 GCH CH Downhome Hitech Innovator J Sanchez 2 GCH CH Tallyho The Time Of My Life D Maguire/M Nell 3 CH Pacific Anthem Of Rh Infinita BN RN CGC P Rhyner Ibizan Hounds 1 GCH CH Serandida East So Bigstar J Brown/S St John-Brown/L Sikora/J Manos 2 GCH CH Harehill’s Ace In The Hole K Gindler/D Gindler/W Anderson 3 GCH DC Aliki’s Yada Yada Yada SC A Mirestes/C Shaw 4 GCH CH Alfheim’s Hawaii Five O SC K Williamson-Jensen 5 CH Serandida East Abbaio Armando JC S Murphy/D Arbeit/K Burkholder 6 GCH CH Ahram You Ve Got The Look J Pusztay/S Pusztay/R Pusztay/M Paulin Irish Wolfhounds 1 GCH CH Quest Rachel Alexandra Of Kerryarc C Collier/M Tyler/C Tyler 2 GCH CH Kellcastle Rushmore J Ault/A Spalding 3 GCH CH Carroy Dermot Mcduncan L Rosebrock/D Rosebrock 4 CH Mistery Iz Volshebnogo Lesa V Murphree 5 CH Zajacz Can’T Wait To See Stardust J Speckert/C Zayac 6 GCH CH Dun Myrica Lyre Of Eagle S Mcdonald/J Roland/K Roland Norwegian Elkhounds 1 GCH CH Vin-Melca’s The Norseman P Trotter/J Reed Continued on page 58
0 5 6 2 2 1633 0 1 3 1 1 716 0 0 1 0 1 92 2 18 11 2 2 8031 0 1 5 2 1 735 0 0 0 1 0 46 0 4 8 1 1 1569 0 1 0 3 1 730 0 0 0 1 0 103 0 0 0 1 0 102 0 0 0 0 1 89 0 0 0 1 0 49 0 1 1 1 1 1663 0 0 0 0 1 205 0 0 1 0 0 119 0 0 0 0 2 108 0 0 0 0 1 90 0 0 1 0 0 88 1 5 4 1 1 2845
Dog News 55
56 Dog News
Dog News 57
Continued FROM page 54
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
2 GCH CH Tioka’s American Ride 0 0 0 5 0 440 L Webster 3 GCH CH Aspenrepublik Into The Wind 0 0 1 0 1 393 M Kenton 4 GCH CH Silhouettte’s Au Fish 0 0 0 0 2 232 E Olsen/K Olsen/S Kaplan 5 CH Greyplume’s Shades Of Green 0 0 0 1 0 207 G Haggerty 6 GCH CH Somerri Jamieson’s Sea Whiskey 0 0 0 2 0 200 J Lewis/L Lewis 7 GCH CH Aspen’s A Hard Act To Follow 0 0 2 0 1 197 R Rhoden/R Rhoden 8 GCH CH Somerri Dunharrow’s Dynamo 0 0 0 1 0 129 J Silker/W Totten 9 GCH CH Aspen’s Playin’ Around 0 0 0 1 0 116 R Rhoden/R Rhoden 10 GCH CH Hestsko’s Shawn 0 0 0 1 0 105 J Woito Otterhounds 1 GCH CH Aberdeens Under The Influence 0 2 5 2 5 2243 A Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine 2 GCH CH Aberdeen’s Ultimate Addiction 0 0 0 0 1 231 J Mullen/D Blunt/J Mcilwaine/A Mcilwaine Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens 1 GCH CH Monkhams Famous Grouse 0 5 7 0 3 2103 J Neuschaefer/D Bruce/J Lacey-Black/L Sk 2 GCH CH M&M’s Fear The Beard 0 2 3 2 2 1116 D Moore/J Hayes 3 GCH CH Celestial Cj’s All’s Well That Ends Well 0 0 2 3 4 794 J Hurty/L Florian/C Hurty/M Florian/P He 4 GCH CH Jaren’s Ready Set Don’T Go At R-N-B 0 1 1 2 1 563 R Jones/B Helvey/K Prott-Clugston 5 GCH CH Always Blue Caboose 0 0 0 1 2 393 J Hacker 6 GCH CH Soletrader Maggie May 0 0 0 1 0 312 D Moore 7 GCH CH Lacey’s Hocus Pocus 0 1 1 0 0 207 D Bruce/J Lacey-Black/J Neuschaefer 8 GCH CH M&M’s Texas Mae West 0 0 0 2 0 149 D Moore 9 Centerstage Rising Star 0 0 1 0 0 85 D Immordino/P Whitlock 10 CH Jodell’s Bulletproof At R-N-B 0 0 0 0 1 56 R Jones/B Helvey/D Gogulski Pharaoh Hounds 0 0 1 3 3 998 1 GCH CH Osiris Cowboy Casanova K Carella/B Carella 2 GCH CH Faouziah’s Faramir 0 2 1 2 3 823 J Mosing/J Hall 3 GCH DC Hallam’s Jordan Of Arolet SC 0 0 3 0 1 409 S Sipperly/D Carota 4 GCH CH Farao Anubis Inferno SC 0 0 1 0 1 277 D Cooper/B Clooten 0 0 0 1 3 204 5 GCH DC Mia’s Bakhu Risky Business Of Hallam RN SC CA D Kunard 6 GCH CH Churuka Mia A Simple Twist Of Fate 0 0 1 0 0 183 L Witt/G Witt 7 GCH CH Xo Bellini 0 0 0 1 0 140 L Evans/J Buchanan 8 GCH CH Siphra’s No Remorse JC 0 0 0 1 1 104 L Lysher 9 CH Shalimar Fire By Desire 0 0 0 0 1 98 P Anthony/K Paone/L Drolet/R Ertle 10 GCH DC Nefer-Temu Vou Te Contar SC 0 0 0 0 1 96 E Kerridge Portuguese Podengo Pequenos 1 CH Houla’s Potter C Houlihan/J Ernst 2 Pirata II De Viamonte CM J Evanoff/K Oglesby 3 CH Houla’s Border Patrol Pw CM P Reisert/S Faw/S Faw Redbone Coonhounds 1 GCH CH CWSG CCH Sidearm Jungle King Mufasa J Mills/L Mills 2 GCH CH Twisted Creek Gentlemen, Start Your Engines S Dellapenta/J Kochensparger 3 CH CCH Grand River’s Ok Dixie Mae Doo M Turner Rhodesian Ridgebacks 1 GCH CH Camelot’s Red Hot Tamale C Heathcock/C Hadley 2 GCH CH Camelot’s Ventura Adventure F Walters/G Walters/C Heathcock 3 GCH CH Raquel Welch Of Malabo Apd A Paola Diniz 4 GCH CH Hunter’s Ridge Sure Shot By Kwetu D Engelking/C Burridge/S Ford/T Fielder 5 GCH CH Spring Valley’s Great Vincero H Trapasso 6 GCH CH Diablo’s Dark Knight’s Nemesis L Weiss/N Faville 7 GCH CH Karhiba N Adili’s Winning Hand JC N Vaccarino/C Rodgers/C Hoffman/G Hoffma 8 GCH CH Sunstone’s Magic Man R Springer 9 GCH CH Rollings Ansel Adams By Springvalley C Graeff/S Ford/M Elliston 10 GCH CH Spring Valley’s Always There A Thompson Salukis 1 GCH CH Sandstorm Blue Nile Bubbles Of Jatara J Harrington/S Winsted/S Middlebrooks 2 GCH CH Bay Watch Babe Von Agrani K Setty/L Bettis 3 GCH CH Jamora Mystic Topaz JC S Forsyth/J Forsyth/K Anselmo/J Morrison
58 Dog News
0 1 1 1 2 695 0 0 0 2 1 96 0 0 0 0 1 34 0 1 3 1 0 375 0 1 1 0 0 209
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
4 GCH CH Hediyeh Uriela Priya Bat Yosef JC C Pearce/R Pearce/J Aaron/J Pearce 5 GCH CH Aurora’s The Song And Dance Man J Mueller/E Blake 6 GCH DC Shahtani Ivory Moon SC L May/G Thornton/M Mccowen 7 GCH CH Baha Persian Of Interest CD SC NA AXJ NF C Coile 8 GCH CH Issibaa’s Goinforthe Gold E Yerty/A Yerty/S Kinney 9 GCH CH Windstorm Unleashed Spirit JC CGC B Griffith/R White/S White 10 GCH CH Omens Vardarose Of Sahara JC K Musante/C Noah/J Poncharik Scottish Deerhounds 1 GCH CH Highlander’s Celtic Carol CGC M Freeman/J Freeman 2 GCH CH Lehigh Ennis Carmichael JC P Pascoe/G Winchell 3 CH Gayleward’s Star Caerwicce G Bontecou 4 GCH CH Jaraluv Tarot J Brinlee/R Brinlee 5 CH Jaraluv Touche’ J Brinlee/R Brinlee 6 Kininvie D’Lux E Winter/K Winter 7 CH Jaraluv Reach For Glory J Brinlee/R Brinlee 8 CH Glasdun Ella Enchanted Of Nahr-Volts D Narwold
0 0 0 1 0 278 0 0 0 0 1 142 0 0 1 1 0 132 0 1 0 0 0 132 0 0 0 1 0 99 0 0 0 1 0 94 0 1 1 1 1 373 0 0 1 0 0 344 0 0 0 0 1 146 0 0 0 1 0 136 0 0 0 1 0 118 0 0 0 1 0 105 0 0 0 0 1 63 0 0 0 0 1 59
Treeing Walker Coonhounds 1 GCH CH Alexanders Gold Rush Xcetera A Alexander Whippets 1 GCH CH Starline’s Oxford Victim Of Love L Lawrence/C Lawrence/L Wilson 2 GCH CH Sporting Fields Bahama Sands D Butt/A Giles 3 GCH CH Karasar’s Remembrence K Kuper/N Barthelette/K Mlynar/A Alvarez 4 GCH CH Bo-Bett’s Quick Pick C Harris 5 GCH CH Solaris Saxon Shore Hypnotiq Kamio P Magette/D Lockhart 6 GCH CH Kamada’s New York Minute D Davenport/K Davenport/D Kipp 7 GCH CH Artemis Hypnotic Opium SC R Gold/M Small 8 CH Ableaim Question Me C Boyd/G Boyd/J Boyd 9 GCH CH Cottonwood Vuitton H Vincent 10 GCH CH Chapleton’s Crosstown Traffic JC L Jordan/K Gibson/S Boyd
0 4 2 2 2 1226 0 10 5 8 2 3875 1 5 0 1 1 1437 0 10 3 1 0 1310 0 3 4 3 3 1176 0 0 2 2 2 827 0 1 2 1 0 481 0 1 1 2 0 425 0 0 0 0 1 382 0 2 0 0 0 361 0 0 1 1 1 347
working group B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
Akitas 1 GCH CH Ruthdales Candy From A Baby L Stark/R Stark 2 GCH CH Stardust’s See You At The Show RN P Rogers/R Rogers/T Witte/R Witte 3 GCH CH Cr - Wicca’s Trade Secret A Bavaria/C Burke/T Bavaria/J Charnik 4 CH Dynamic Force Sharp Dressed Man With Ruthdales M Huls/M Bostock-Armstrong 5 GCH CH Nakodo’s My Blue Heaven K Venezia
1 4 5 2 5 3316 0 4 6 1 2 2313 0 0 0 1 1 454 0 1 0 1 1 441
The Dog News Top Ten List Presents
1 4 0 0 1 1806 0 1 3 4 3 1104 0 4 1 4 0 823 0 1 2 1 0 414 0 0 0 3 1 411 0 1 1 1 1 407 0 1 0 0 0 350 0 0 1 0 1 316 0 1 0 0 1 251 4 17 5 2 1 5970 1 2 0 0 3 1469 0 0 0 1 1 413
Based on All-Breed Competition
As of March 31, 2013
0 6 4 4 3 3452
0 0 0 0 1 104
0 1 0 2 0 370
0 0 0 1 3 325
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
6 GCH CH Liric’s Cinderella Man L Coffey/B Coffey 7 GCH CH Chiheisen Spirit M Rohrer/T Rohrer 8 GCH CH Sondaisa Fyre When Ready C Sullivan 9 GCH CH Jurojin High Plains Drifter S Milton/A Regan 10 CH Regalia’s High Noon-Cooper J Robison/I Wagner Alaskan Malamutes 1 GCH CH Catanyas Latin Lover P Kendrisk/A Martinez/A Syar/M Stone 2 GCH CH Mytuk’s Technical Knock Out D Milburn/A Milburn 3 GCH CH Weir River’s Building Your Dream P Cronk/M Cronk 4 GCH CH Alcan Come Snodanc With Me D Mccomb/D Ragsdale 5 GCH CH Canute’s U Talking To Me A Welch 6 GCH CH Wolfmtn Luckysky Bze Be’N Fabulous S Spurling/P Jenkins 7 GCH CH Windrift’s Prodigal Son L Wells 8 GCH CH Koolrunnings’N’Terraglos’U’Can’T Touch This G Toussaint/T Toussaint 9 GCH CH Storm Kloud’s Test Of Time J El Dissi 10 GCH CH Kenia’s Rock Solid Adventure S Moore Anatolian Shepherd Dogs 1 GCH CH Lucky Hit Bethany Beyaz Kumru J York/E Conard
0 3 0 1 0 373 0 0 1 0 0 155 0 0 0 0 1 123 0 0 0 1 0 118 0 0 0 0 1 102 0 3 3 3 0 1994 0 0 1 0 1 709 0 0 0 1 0 448 0 0 1 1 0 357 0 0 0 0 1 233 0 0 1 0 0 196 0 0 0 0 1 177 0 0 1 0 0 168 0 0 1 0 0 92 0 0 0 1 0 25 0 0 0 1 1 47
Bernese Mountain Dogs 1 GCH CH Avatars Smooth Criminal 0 1 2 1 3 1427 L Diaz Fernandes/K Groves 2 GCH CH Loriendells Sword Of Elendil CD 0 2 0 0 0 776 J Giannone/K Giannone 0 1 0 1 0 575 3 GCH CH Sendache’s Moving Heaven And Earth At Tristar S Dominke/S Dominke/M Honari 4 CH Sevens One In A Million RN 0 0 0 1 0 360 S Slade 5 GCH CH Tallpine’s Life Of The Party 0 0 1 1 1 285 D Hitchcock/S Crisp 6 GCH CH Greenway’s Test Of Time CGC 0 0 0 1 1 271 D Laveran/R Tamberino/R Gallizzo 7 GCH CH Sendache’s Xmas Xchange V Astia RN 0 0 0 1 0 246 S Lutz/J Matthisen 8 GCH CH Gatekeeper Vom Gipfelfeuer 0 0 0 1 0 213 S Johnson 9 GCH CH Hickory’s Playing It Cool 0 1 0 0 0 159 S Wellenstein/A Tucker/T Young 10 GCH CH Marben’s Ruffian 0 0 1 0 0 158 T Gerli Black Russian Terriers 0 0 3 3 3 1668 1 GCH CH Aristes Paint It Black D Poulson/C Stumm/F Dilsauer 2 GCH CH Valkyrie’s Funny Girl RN 0 0 0 1 4 638 V Vest/B Sothcott 3 GCH CH Zilya’s Chicago Blues Fusion At Runes CD RN 0 0 0 0 3 255 D Patterson 4 GCH CH Queens Over’s The Last Airbender RN 0 0 0 1 2 178 M Holloman/E Caldwell 5 GCH CH Rus Maknalis Shtorm Of Arbat 0 0 0 0 1 151 M Mastroianni 6 GCH CH Barbi S Bronich Master Danila 0 0 0 1 0 124 L Merman/Y Merman 7 GCH CH Fun Nord’s Hariton Gavrilovich 0 0 1 0 0 35 P Gladu/M Hernandez Boxers 1 GCH CH Winfall I Dream Of Style 3 14 8 5 0 6733 K Robbins/C Robbins/G Adkins/B Adkins/T 2 GCH CH Hi-Tech The King Of Sherry Shoot Jp 2 7 6 3 2 3951 J Billhardt/S Tenenbaum 3 GCH CH Draco Greets Dassin With Fourbears 2 3 2 5 0 2967 W Truesdale/Z Truesdale/J Vergnetti/J Pi 4 GCH CH R And G’s Mystical Dancer 1 3 2 1 0 1716 R Bezerra/B Bachman/R Servetnick/C Desmo 5 GCH CH Jacquet’s Annie El Encanto 0 1 1 2 1 801 D Sparks/N Sparks 6 GCH CH Ho-Pa’s Grand Slam 0 2 1 2 2 793 A Anderson/S Anderson 7 GCH CH Nantess Caleno Numero Uno 0 3 0 1 0 729 G Tafur/S Tafur 8 GCH CH Maxl’s Stay Gold 0 2 0 0 0 592 B Rocca/M Rocca/J Galante/D Galante 9 GCH CH Encore’s Over The Moon 0 0 2 1 1 458 J Mumford/C Cates 10 GCH CH Kaja’s Ruby Red Rascal At Maximus 0 0 0 1 1 353 L Dissinger/J Smith/D Dissinger Bullmastiffs 1 GCH CH Dal Primo Magic Moment 0 0 2 4 1 1541 M Harwood/C Corner 2 GCH CH Newcastle’s Cutting Edge 0 1 0 0 2 940 A Scully/K Spencer 3 GCH CH Starrdogs Midnight Rambler 0 0 2 0 2 420 W Ofshlag/J Ofshlag 4 GCH CH Windovers Hey There Handsome 0 0 0 1 0 393 D Pendleton/H Brogan/M Mcgovern/M Mcgove 5 GCH CH Roxedge’s All Fired Up 0 0 2 0 0 377 C Randolph 6 GCH CH Starrdogs Kingston Horton 0 0 0 0 1 263 J Horton/K Roberts 7 CH Leatherneck’s It’s A Bull’S-Eye BN RN CGC 0 0 2 1 0 253 C Eull 8 GCH CH Starrdogs Power Play 0 1 0 0 1 188 K Hebert/Z Melkonian Continued on page 62
Sweden’s #1 All Breed Dog of the Year
Best In Show, Specialty Best In Show
Am. Swed. Nor. CH. ALEPH AMERICAN IDOL Pictured winning Best In Show at Stockholm in December 2012. Thank you to Judge Mr. Carlos Reanu and to Lotta Sandell for her beautiful presentation and loving care of Simon while in Sweden. Owners: Elizabeth Brown and Paula Morgan
Simon will be campaigned in the US by Elizabeth Brown
Handled in Europe by Lotta Sandell Huffish Kennels Dog News 59
He’s The #1 Choice
60 Dog News
Piccadil’s TWIST & Shout BN, CD Best In Specialty Show Reginal Specialty National weekend under breeder-Judge Mrs. Annette Jones, UK
Dog News 61
Continued FROM page 58
9 GCH CH Starrdogs Fay Wray Of Silverback R Stephanos/B Barnhart/E Reuvelta 10 GCH CH Newcastle’s Blame It On The Sun A Scully/K Spencer Cane Corso 1 GCH CH Firehorse Franklin J Weaver/R Hoser 2 GCH CH Castleguard’s Caillou W Rivera/S Demoss 3 GCH CH Liberty’s Armed And Dangerous R Cuzzo/J Hovorka/S Ribbs 4 GCH CH Rockhaven’s Bruno H Griffith/L Barton 5 GCH CH Timoniere Zolee D Musto 6 CH Dolcetto Dionysus Of Garritani CGC M Roderiques 7 CH Italica’s The Sky Is The Limit CGC C Sholar-Cherry/Z Devita 8 CH Cyrano De Impero Russo Of Ballard J Ballard 9 GCH CH Mar E Sol’s Lucretia Della Legion RN CA A Simonski/D Connors/R Simonski Chinooks 1 Sandhill’s Ranger T Brown/C Brown Doberman Pinschers 1 GCH CH Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici S Lundy/D Lundy/J Mullins/K Mullins 2 GCH CH D’s Remember When A Dinardo/S Dinardo/G Demilta 3 GCH CH Tiburon Arsenal J Dolan/A Dolan 4 GCH CH Tiburon Ariel Bella Dona M Moyer/T Moyer/K Drake/J Drake 5 GCH CH Sharjets Starr Catcher CD RN S Marinelli/J Marinelli/S Kapp/G Hanna/M 6 GCH CH Jaroe Legend Of Irish Spirit R Kelly 7 GCH CH Vondura’s Xcelerator Belle Amie R Tracy/J Covert/M Dellorto/K Fox 8 GCH CH Foxfire’s Tell Me About It M Santana/D Miller 9 GCH CH O’s Godiva Dark Demitasse M Byrns/P Onley 10 GCH CH Raklyns Talbot Of Alisaton C Shimpeno Dogues de Bordeaux 1 GCH CH Evergreen’s Rub My Belly At Rising Star J Roberts/L Parker 2 GCH CH Mount Sinai’s Neanderthal St Amand P Duvall/W Duvall German Pinschers 1 GCH CH Midernoch A Phortune Of Phranklins CA C French 2 GCH CH Rivendells Material Girl K Schiff 3 GCH CH Daveren’s Party Girl S Harlow/J Eastman Giant Schnauzers 1 GCH CH Kenro’s Witching Hour R Greenslade/L Norton/D Hill 2 GCH CH Lowdown Remys Girl V Ardenhout M Low/L Low 3 GCH CH Skansen’s Harvard G Reyna/J Boston 4 GCH CH Skansen’s Havannah C Sansone/S Sansone 5 GCH CH Nightline Viking A Tanglewood E Fojtik/J Erath/C Erath 6 GCH CH Skansen’s Got Guinness? R Poyfair/J Poyfair 7 CH Skansen’s Leather & Lace Of Twilight P Poole 8 GCH CH Skansen’s Holy Knight C King 9 GCH CH Payne’s Royal Velvet D Berkshire 10 Skansen’s Jackpot R Galarneau/J Galarneau Great Danes 1 GCH CH Longo Miller N Lore’s Diamond Lil T Longo/J Miller/L Matherly/C Crawford 2 GCH CH Ghdd Seamus Lord Of The Dance D Kish/K Kish 3 GCH CH Raintree Erinwood Dixie For Heaven’s Sake R Gumbs/P Deloria/L Landrum/L Cornelius 4 GCH CH D.S.S. Kings Ransom Jp Mc Laren T Mita/H Sayama 5 GCH CH Mjm’s Hi-Air All Eyes On Me A Solnick/L Solnick/L Maulucci/M Maulucc 6 GCH CH Alpine’s Ice Warrior V Hawthorne L Clesi/P Clesi 7 GCH CH Hauerdane’s Don’t Bury The Treasure v Caps A Brill 8 GCH CH Anjadane’s Regene V. Malvern C Mundt 9 GCH CH Sunstrike Spellbinder At Karmel CGC M Yellish 10 GCH CH Sisco’s Ladies Love Country Boys At Syvile L Hernandez
0 0 2 0 0 182 0 0 0 1 0 166 0 1 0 1 1 618 0 0 0 1 1 267 0 0 1 0 0 148 0 0 0 1 0 145 0 0 0 0 1 126 0 0 0 0 1 115 0 0 0 0 1 102 0 0 0 1 0 81 0 0 0 0 1 46 0 0 0 0 1 293 7 17 3 2 0 8535 1 8 6 4 5 4488 0 7 8 2 2 4410 0 4 5 4 0 1627 0 3 2 0 1 1262 0 1 2 1 1 1240 0 2 1 4 0 1126 0 1 3 1 1 1041 0 2 3 4 0 785 0 1 0 2 0 553 0 0 0 2 4 1423 0 0 0 2 0 308 0 0 1 1 3 718 0 0 0 1 1 498 0 0 0 0 1 120 2 6 9 5 4 6662 0 2 0 3 6 2891 2 6 3 0 1 1877 0 0 2 4 0 970 0 0 0 3 2 715 0 0 0 3 2 596 0 1 0 1 1 493 0 0 0 0 2 359
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
Leonbergers 1 GCH CH A. Feiner Eros L Bazlen 2 GCH CH Kalahari’s Call To Attention RN J Cook Mastiffs 1 GCH CH Willow Ridges Risky Business J Swarts/N Walker/M Tichenor 2 GCH CH Jadems Rythm-N-Boo T Woods 3 GCH CH Kimmit’s Rockstar K Wampler/L Gabhart 4 GCH CH Milleniums Moonshine T Plezbert/C Jones 5 GCH CH Jadems Oliver Twist J Berning/T Woods 6 GCH CH Lexington Divine’s Put Me In, Coach RN J Sanchez/C Sanchez/M Delisa/E Tortorell 7 GCH CH Fireside’s He’s The Bomb! S Barfield/D Barfield 8 GCH CH Bendegeit’s William The Brave C King 9 GCH CH Talamascas Big Cheese L Watson/M Mcgilvery/T Sholes 10 GCH CH Rainy Days Eight Second Ride CGC T Pearson/S Pearson/A Sanders Neapolitan Mastiffs 1 GCH CH Ironwood’s Papparrazi J Deppen/S Van-Spruill 2 GCH CH Otella Bruto A Gurrola 3 CH Mastino Templar Knight Of Cydonia A Hosking/R Hosking/L Ramos Newfoundlands 1 GCH CH Numa’s Cest La Vie Seabrook K Griffin/P Helming 2 GCH CH Darbydale’s All That And More G Griffith/K Kemp 3 GCH CH Rosewood’s Royal Flush M Morris
0 1 1 0 0 415 0 0 0 0 2 374 0 0 0 1 1 287 0 0 0 0 1 189 0 0 0 2 0 142 0 0 0 0 1 135 0 0 0 1 0 130 3 6 2 4 2 2967 0 0 1 1 0 635 0 1 0 0 0 386 0 0 0 1 0 112 0 0 0 1 0 111 0 2 5 3 0 1761 1 2 1 2 4 1946 0 0 0 2 2 399 1 1 3 0 5 2972 0 0 0 1 1 601 0 0 0 2 1 473 0 0 0 0 3 461 0 2 2 0 0 394 0 0 1 0 0 365 0 0 0 0 2 320 0 0 0 0 1 240 0 1 2 1 1 197 0 0 0 0 1 166 0 0 2 1 1 530 0 0 0 0 2 361 0 0 0 0 1 30 0 2 3 1 2 1426 0 1 2 2 1 1067 0 1 1 1 2 959
The Dog News Top Ten List Presents
0 0 0 1 0 213 5 11 9 7 3 6774 1 2 0 1 0 1033 0 2 2 1 2 896 0 0 1 2 1 835 0 0 2 1 0 528 0 0 0 1 1 465 0 0 1 0 0 436 0 0 0 0 1 406 0 0 1 1 0 258 0 0 1 0 0 232
Based on All-Breed Competition
As of March 31, 2013
0 0 0 0 1 443
0 0 0 2 0 300
Great Pyrenees 1 GCH CH Framboise Something Ventured Something 0 1 1 2 2 1656 P Hughes/S Hughes/P Watson 2 GCH CH Honor’s Promise Of The Future 0 0 1 3 1 1071 B Ducker/K Bruneau
62 Dog News
3 GCH CH Impyrial’s Home Run Matsui A Kiell-Green/C Mascuch/K Justin/V Coffm 4 GCH CH Pyrless No-Brainer R Garvin/S Garvin 5 GCH CH Guardenia’s Splish Splash V Coffman/K Justin/D Coffman/C Moore 6 GCH CH Pyrless Don’T Blink P Knutson/G Knutson 7 GCH CH Rivergroves Chateau De Castelnau M Falatach 8 GCH CH Pyrpressure Connu, Mais A’ Dieu G Johnson/M Johnson 9 GCH CH Thimble Farm Dieudonne Eclipse V Davis/L Hull 10 GCH CH Saddle Ridge Chek Mate B Weiss Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs 1 GCH CH Derby’s Toast With Gusto S Copeland 2 GCH CH Painted Mtn Oliver Twist Of Fate K Markley/R Markley 3 GCH CH Calypso V Alex Raven Moon A Wilson/C Wilson/T Brown/B Brown 4 GCH CH Twinpeaks Dunes Of The Cape E Pritchard/E Mcwilliams/J Scott 5 GCH CH Rivendell’s Twilight R Ney/R Ney/S Ney/S Ney Kuvaszok 1 GCH CH Szumeria’s Wildwood Silver Six Pence CGC M Vila/L Brady/C Muir/C Townsend
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
4 GCH CH Windhaven She’s The Real Cruz-Penelope 0 C Legg 5 GCH CH Heartsease King Of The Jungle 0 M Casler/L Anderson 6 GCH CH Pouch Cove’s Shakespeare Of Britestar 0 J Hickey 7 GCH CH Summerfords Three Hour Cruise 0 C Koffman-Heard 8 GCH CH Spillways Man About Town Kodiak 0 R Emery/K Emery 9 GCH CH Annisquam Light’s Perfect Gentleman 0 S Russell/J Patino 10 CH Black Watch’s Timbucktoo RN 0 G Strong/R Kestin Portuguese Water Dogs 1 GCH CH Claircreek Impression De Matisse 11 M Lint/P Helming/D Gottdenker 2 GCH CH Roseknoll Sunny Benjamin 0 C Diamant/C Teasley/S Teasley/E Leyda 3 GCH CH Sail Away Root Beer Float 0 M Parszewski/T Smith 4 GCH CH Cortereal Iron Man CD BN RA AX MXJ XF 0 J Berger/N Hunter 5 GCH CH Downeast Paintin’ The Town BN RA NA 0 S Lefebvre/C Dostie 6 CH Yare’s Goblet Of Fire 0 J Eastham Allred/J Bailey 7 GCH CH Cnsand Ardanwood Whitewash The Fence 4 Me 0 K Cofiell/A Wagner 8 GCH CH Surf’s Up Big Kahuna 0 K Kissel/G Gilliom 9 GCH CH Freestyle The Wiz BN RN 0 J Freeman/M Forgach 10 GCH CH Northstar’s Hit The Deck Running RN 0 S Soviero/J Soviero Rottweilers 2 1 GCH CH Chancellor Flirt’s Hi Flyin’ Gladiator W Lewellen 2 GCH CH Hemlock’s Jack Of Hearts RA 0 K Bang/R Bang 3 GCH CH Parisans Stingray of RiverRidge 0 S Eikanger-Stoops/T Johnston/R Ramsour 4 GCH CH Ecko Ridge’s Big Easy Fast And Furious 0 T Larroquette/B Larroquette 5 GCH CH Sierra Gold’s Jackpot V Ironstone 0 R Denboer/J Miller/M Miller 6 GCH CH Avatar Cosmac Storm 0 M Brennan/J Mcilwaine/G Bidgood/A Mcilwa 7 GCH CH Stoneridge Midnight Warrior CD BN RA 0 C Hagen 8 GCH CH Eis Haus Ivy League Big Red CD THD CGC 0 J Martindale/V Mcgraw 9 GCH CH Loral’s Trooper 0 L Pyeatt/A Pyeatt 10 GCH CH High Hills Holy Smoke BN CGC 0 E Ross/L Montgomery Samoyeds 1 GCH CH Mcmagic’s Candied Ham Of Pebblesrun 0 A Kiell Green/A Green/P Mccallum 2 GCH CH McMagic’s Mojo 0 P Mccallum 3 GCH CH Polar Mist Cruz’N T’Party At Zamosky 1 E Widjaja/L Blue 4 GCH CH Sammantic Piroschka 0 B Bruns/W Stamp 5 GCH CH Pebbles’ Run Play It Again Ham 0 A Kiell Green 6 CH Celticfrost Kodiak Bear 0 J Deleo/L Deleo 7 GCH CH Danica’s Lex Marks The Spot 0 J Kovitch/J Kovitch 8 GCH CH White Magic’s Seasoned Traveler-”Trek” 0 M Matto 9 GCH CH Glacier’s Goddess Of Fire 0 D Medeiros 10 GCH CH Polar Mist N Bark Bark’s Built Tough 0 C O’Neill/J O’Neill Siberian Huskies 1 GCH CH Snowmist’s Quicksilver Speigas 0 K Leblanc/L Baryte 2 GCH CH Snowmist’s Quidditch Seeker 0 K Courtelis/K Leblanc 3 GCH CH Topaz Bad Action 0 H Tang 4 CH Myla ‘N Poli’s Winter Rose 0 M Falconer/F Polimeni 5 GCH CH Jes Just A Rockets Red Glare 4 N Char/C Zimmerman/S Zimmerman/D Char 6 GCH CH Paragon’s You Had Me At Merlot 0 T Erickson/L Wilson 7 GCH CH Kontoki’s Isaiah Little Prayer For You 0 N Wisniewski/R Tang/S Kao/M De Palma/T O 8 GCH CH Playmor’s Leap Of Faith 0 L Hanson 9 GCH CH Kaniska’s Kauz For Kamotion At Talkeetna 0 N Hinkle/J Golding/S Callahan 10 GCH CH Britestars Jamesons Whiskey 0 A Aquirre/L Horse/C French St. Bernards 1 GCH CH Jamelle’s Aristocrat V Elba RN CGC L Baker/E Baker 2 GCH CH Jamelle’s Camelot M Mulligan/J Mulligan 3 GCH CH Trademark’s A Reed & Barton Von Joy J Joy/F Joy 4 GCH CH Gliddens Lady Isabella K Glidden 5 GCH CH Revilo’s Liquid Asset From Redside D Oliver/B Oliver Continued on page 66
1 1 1 1 855
0 2 0 1 840 0 0 1 1 606 0 0 1 1 548 0 0 0 2 338 0 0 1 0 184 1 0 0 1 169 25 8 3 2 19583 0 1 1 1 1041 2 2 1 1 801 0 0 0 4 252 0 0 1 1 245 0 0 1 0 200 0 0 0 1 182 0 0 0 1 172 0 0 0 1 150 0 0 0 1 76 10 3 7 4 8364 3 1 3 2 1611 1 1 3 0 1025 1 2 0 1 471 1 1 1 0 425 1 1 0 0 269 1 0 2 0 265 0 0 1 0 260 0 0 0 2 230 0 1 0 0 224 2 5 1 3 3309 1 2 2 2 1341 2 3 1 1 1119 1 3 0 2 889 0 1 2 1 688 1 0 0 1 504 0 0 0 1 370 0 0 1 2 337 1 0 0 0 326 1 0 1 0 318 3 7 1 1 2063 4 4 8 2 1398 1 3 0 0 1057 1 1 0 0 988 7 0 0 0 943 0 0 3 2 873 0 2 1 0 593 0 0 2 0 505 0 2 0 0 423 0 1 0 0 225
2 5 3 6 5 3174 0 0 0 1 2 483 0 0 0 2 1 413 0 0 0 2 0 274 0 0 0 1 0 214
Dog News 63
For the first time in its history, the Israeli Kennel Club held a triple CACIB show. The show took place at the historical site of Israel’s first Hebrew speaking school, Mikveh Israel, established in 1870. Instead of a weekend, the late president of the IKC, Eitan Etinger, who passed away last October, decided to hold the show on weekdays within the Jewish festival of Passover. The show, combined with a cat show, reptile exhibition, horse riding events and various attractions for children, drew a nice entry including several dozen overseas dogs and thousands of paying spectators.
Third Time’s
64 Dog News
The Charm! Story & Photos By Yossi Guy
he one thing that marked the late Eitan Etinger’s term in office was his business acumen that managed to sweep the Israeli Kennel Club (IKC) forward within a matter of months. He received a run-down office on a busy street without any parking facilities. The office was equipped with a completely outdated computer system programmed in DOS with a dot matrix (pin) printer, the only one of its kind that had survived into the 21st century. For general assemblies, the IKC was required to rent a hall and its CACIB shows were budgeted at a loss. Then along came Eitan, who showed the IKC how to put together a show that brought in money and then he initiated a huge affair in Tel Aviv that drew 20,000 spectators in one day and made bundles. With this money, he moved the offices to a new location that has its own lecture and assembly hall and updated the software so that everything, from litters to show results, is on a single system. Last year, during the IKC’s 40th anniversary celebration, we saw a completely different person. The incredibly strong man, both physically and mentally, turned into a mere semblance of his old self
Continued on page 103
Dog News 65
Continued FROM page 62
6 GCH CH Skydancer Zenyatta V Szajda A Szajda/B Quagliaroli 7 CH Gordon’s Working On A Dream W Gordon/L Gordon 8 GCH CH Starbrite’s Olive V. Northpointe R Ertle/M Zwerk 9 GCH CH Sleepy Hollows Ice Slicer T Sleep Standard Schnauzers 1 GCH CH Blackhawk Finnegan’s Wake L Studley/K Studley 2 GCH CH Steinhaus Maxim Courage RN D Morse 3 GCH CH Charisma Maxim Von Diable L Adiletti/J Adiletti 4 GCH CH Mistic’s Longfellow Serenade S Marsh/A Derenzis 5 GCH CH Chateau Palos Treaty Of Goarrhein TD E Mohrenweiser/M Just/H Mohrenweiser 6 GCH CH Uhlan A Star Is Born J Legan 7 Crusade Rock Crystal M Thomas/J Thomas 8 CH Von Berg’s Proof I’M True To Form C Kristensen/S Shardlow 9 GCH CH Seneca’s Sterling Midnight Tango G Beeson 10 GCH CH Sketchbook No Deductions CGC T Rothwell/L Hansen Tibetan Mastiffs 1 GCH CH Dreamcatcher Major Victory Of Loki D Parsons/W Slayton 2 GCH CH Sierras’ Sasha - Yakone Nanuk J Butler/R Gallegos 3 GCH CH Drakyi Lion Of Judah B Lott 4 GCH CH Sierras’ Folly Loves Fame At Dawa L Claus/D Nechemias 5 GCH CH Comancheria’s Ciye Chiricahua Cochise G Nunnally
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
0 0 0 0 1 116 0 0 0 1 0 112 0 0 0 0 1 43 1 17 13 5 4 10010 0 2 0 3 3 942 0 1 0 1 0 765 0 1 0 0 3 704 0 1 0 0 1 423 0 0 1 1 0 283 0 0 0 1 0 164 0 0 0 0 1 161 0 0 0 0 1 146 0 0 0 0 1 118 0 4 4 4 1 3045 0 2 0 1 0 700 0 0 2 0 1 305 0 0 0 0 1 235 0 0 0 2 2 200
terrier group
Airedale Terriers 1 GCH CH Joval Angel’s Whisper V Rickard/J Rickard 2 GCH CH Penaire’s Chip Leader At Longvue J Clarke/W Clarke/T Clyde/A Clyde 3 CH Joval It’s My Time V Rickard/J Rickard 4 GCH CH Huntwood Spyglas Of Stone Ridge Tobylinn J Linn/S Kipp 5 GCH CH Epoch’s Time Bandit A Moore/D Moore American Staffordshire Terriers 1 GCH CH Alpine’s Ring Of Fire CGC J Mosing/E Thomason/K Thomason/V Piltz 2 GCH CH Angarda Deja Vu Looking At You E Mckee-Heath 3 GCH CH Alpine’s Highwayman E Thomason/K Thomason/J Branch/S Janga 4 GCH CH Chavez Let It Ride At Bonsai G Simonds/A Ghione 5 GCH CH Lbk’s Enuf Talk About Ruby Of Mule Creek L Jagta/P Miller/L Tulloch 6 GCH CH Vaca Valley’s Bold Ruler For Frajaec G Brown/K Rudzik/B Gottier/D Pesenti 7 GCH CH Alpine’s Lonewolf Whisky River S Killen/L Killen/E Thomason/K Thomason 8 GCH CH Major League’s Silver Slugger C Ward/H Ward 9 GCH CH Dotcom’s Inherit The Stars K Mccabe/J Morris/A Smith 10 CH Trailblazings Spot Of Bother K Helgeson/K Helgeson Australian Terriers 1 GCH CH Temora Ri Diercc Z Smith 2 GCH CH Dunham Lake Scout Master T Steinmetz/J Steinmetz/T Goiffon 3 CH Ryba’s Call Me Irresponsible S Bachman/T Schreeder 4 GCH CH Shastakin Flying Dust Buster Z Van Wyck De Ropp 5 GCH CH Nellyson’s Mr Dont Skip The Zip C Mechalke/J Mechalke 6 GCH CH P.S. Phoebe Ii Christhill K Hill/W Christensen 7 CH Benayr Nick Of Time M Porter 8 GCH CH Abq San Isidro Christhill K Hill/W Christensen 9 GCH CH Rock Village Izabella Dinki-Di ME CAA CGC S Jacobsen Bedlington Terriers 1 GCH CH Wrightwyn’s Power Play S Bethea 2 GCH CH Pineriver’s Show Me The Money S Holden/J Berk 3 GCH CH Glaurieus Top Supermodelle L Friesen/W Friesen 4 GCH CH First Class Delaine Merino J Fogel 5 CH First Class Willow Wind The Phoenix S Friedemann/J Fogel 6 CH Peremi I M A Player J Weiskopf/L Nilsson
66 Dog News
0 0 0 0 1 152
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
0 7 10 4 6 2037 0 1 0 2 3 575 0 0 0 1 0 148 0 0 1 0 0 32 0 0 0 1 0 18 0 4 8 1 0 2125 1 2 1 2 5 1995 2 2 0 0 0 778 0 0 3 0 2 493 0 1 1 1 3 401 0 0 1 2 3 307 0 0 2 2 0 170 0 1 2 3 0 165
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
7 GCH CH Lamz Heads I Win Tails You Lose L Zembrzuski/G Gilbeau 8 GCH CH Lamz College Road Trip M Miller/L Zembrzuski/G Gilbeau 9 CH Rorex Big Ben Time After Time J Rorex 10 CH Carillon Chazzen De Hayyim L Heyman Border Terriers 1 GCH CH Meadowlake Simply Sinful K Courtelis/K Fitzpatrick/J Wilkinson/D 2 GCH CH Mchill’s Hrh Prince Gizmo House Of Gremlin P Holson/A Barrios 3 GCH CH Meadowlake Pants On Fire K Fitzpatrick/T Bradley/K Courtelis 4 GCH CH Ristle Alley Hoop At Coldstream JE R Cobussen/G Cobussen 5 GCH CH Brocair Field Of Cherry Blossoms A Donovan/J Behan 6 CH Otley Delightful P Mizuno 7 GCH CH Devons La Tua Cantante K Myers/G Myers 8 GCH CH Surefyre’s Just In Time M Smith/C Bartlett 9 CH Cb’s Gold Standard P Mccune 10 CH Mchills Major League J Geiszler/S Geiszler Bull Terriers (Colored) 1 GCH CH Banbury Bedrock Bright Star Bright M Remer/R Lamkins/K Lamkins/W Mackay-Smi 2 GCH CH Action First Try C Claburn/F Berez 3 Hawthorn Leap Of Faith M Quinn/P O’Driscoll 4 GCH CH Aragon’s Ruffin It At Honeytree P Selk/V Everett/P Grecco/M Bankus 5 GCH CH Old England’s Montgomery A Bavol/W Bavol 6 GCH CH Glentom’s Dirty Harry T Cournoyer/G Wright 7 GCH CH Bridadoon La Belle Grande Dame M May/N May 8 Arnold’s Javarke Queen @ Some Okies A Cox 9 CH Caben’s Can’T Stop The Muse-Ic J Fournier-Fike/S Fike/G Snyder Bull Terriers (White) 1 CH Banbury Bedrock Bright Diamond K Longhofer/M Remer/K Lamkins/W Mackay-S 2 Jump ‘N’ Jive At Bullistic The Joker I Morden/D Morden 3 GCH CH Brickhouse Lone Ranger K Frickert/J Bouthilet 4 CH Bullseye Oliver Orion N May/M May 5 Stonebull Matrix Revolutions R Macdonald 6 Magor Remember Me B Dahler/G Smith/N Smith Cairn Terriers 1 GCH CH Connacht A Ha’ Penny Will Do M Joyce 2 GCH CH Rocco’s Collar King Carl Xvi Gustaf K Kauffman/W Eckard 3 CH Hjohoo’s Save Hjour Love For Me V Malzoni/E Theodorsson 4 GCH CH Cyntu’s Twist N Shout D Vogt/S Vogt 5 GCH CH Dogwood Treasure Hunter P Davis
0 0 0 0 1 34 0 0 0 0 2 34 0 0 0 1 0 33 4 13 1 1 1 4501 0 1 4 4 0 768 0 2 1 2 0 373 0 0 2 0 2 362 0 1 1 0 2 194 1 1 1 1 1 165 0 0 1 0 0 145 0 0 1 0 0 96 0 0 0 0 1 63 0 0 0 0 1 48 0 2 0 1 0 400 0 0 1 0 1 390 0 0 0 1 1 174 0 0 2 0 1 123 0 0 0 1 0 103 0 0 1 0 0 75 0 0 0 0 1 69 0 1 2 0 0 59 0 0 0 0 1 20 0 0 1 0 0 109 0 0 0 1 0 94 0 0 1 0 0 93 0 0 0 1 0 70 0 0 0 1 2 41 0 0 0 0 1 14 0 0 3 7 2 1031 0 0 1 3 0 361 0 0 2 1 1 352 0 0 1 1 4 241 0 1 2 1 0 214
0 0 0 0 1 99 0 0 1 2 0 50
The Dog News Top Ten List Presents
0 4 2 1 3 826 0 0 1 3 1 361 0 0 0 1 0 307 0 0 0 1 1 274 0 0 1 1 0 167 0 0 1 0 0 61 0 0 0 0 1 61 0 0 1 0 0 57 0 0 0 0 1 57 0 0 1 3 1 277 0 1 1 0 1 247 0 0 1 2 0 129 0 0 0 2 1 78
0 0 0 1 1 55
Based on All-Breed Competition
0 0 1 0 0 55
As of March 31, 2013
0 0 0 1 0 44
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
6 GCH CH Hjohoo’s Just The Way Hjo Are E Theodorsson/V Malzoni 7 GCH CH Bordairn’s Total Chaos M Welch 8 GCH CH Maverston Double Dutch T Erickson/M Lucier 9 GCH CH Nakoa Tropical Scotch CD BN RE NAJ NF L Dangelmaier 10 GCH CH Stonebridge Just A Little Bit Better D Ziesmer Cesky Terriers 1 GCH CH Milenka’s Hector In Act Four L Kapustina/A Kapustin/L Marino
0 0 0 1 0 181 0 0 1 1 2 69 0 0 0 0 1 65 0 0 0 1 2 61 0 0 0 1 0 38 0 0 0 1 0 52
Dandie Dinmont Terriers 0 0 0 0 1 214 1 GCH CH King’s Mtn. Alice Springs C Chriscaden/M Furlong 2 GCH CH Pastime The Dandie Wears Prada 0 0 0 0 2 175 K Cramer 3 GCH CH Clossongrey Jack O Lantern 0 0 0 0 1 45 B Baese 4 CH Schooner’s Spirit Of Sherman 0 0 0 1 0 16 B Mcdannald/S Mcdannald/P Carr Fox Terriers (Smooth) 1 GCH CH Sayo’s Jai Ho 3 8 5 1 2 1657 M Briceno/J Possenti 2 GCH CH J’Cobe Broxden Danea 0 6 2 6 0 1456 V Malzoni/A Booth/P Booth/W Dalling 3 GCH CH High Mountain Everso In Command 0 5 3 5 0 1073 C Snavely/R Snavely 4 GCH CH Wedigit Paparazzi 0 1 3 2 2 880 R Young/B Hunsaker/T Haines 5 CH Absolutely Talk Of The Town 1 3 0 0 0 777 J Smith/E Boyes 6 GCH CH Lil’Itch Pretty Woman At Foxwatch 0 0 0 1 4 317 W Perry/W Perry/S Hoesman 7 GCH CH Harewood Foxcove Gunpowder And Lead 0 0 1 0 2 248 A Harwood-Aroney/M Aroney/A Peterson 8 GCH CH High Mtn Everso Smooth 0 1 0 2 1 235 S Perrine/C Snavely 9 GCH CH Slyfox Sneak’s A Peek 0 1 0 0 0 213 J Smith 10 GCH CH Broxden Waybroke Simphuni Burlesque 0 0 1 2 1 164 B Huntington/D Simpson Fox Terriers (Wire) 15 35 5 0 0 28314 1 GCH CH Afterall Painting The Sky V Malzoni/T Steele/S Olund/M Olund/D Rya 2 Crispy Legacy 1 1 1 2 1 1497 A Agenta/D Eggert/J Eggert/A Astrom 3 GCH CH Gordon’s Bite Of The Apple 0 5 3 2 1 805 J Hanson/S Hanson 4 Frenchpark Ard Ri Niall 0 0 0 1 1 155 M Hermon/J Killeen 5 Jadee-Delzar Fireproof 0 1 0 0 0 125 J Diehl/T Szaras/D Salzaberg/F Salzberg 6 CH Aljamar Accentuate The Positive 0 0 0 1 0 92 M Laschinski/J Warling/A Waters 7 CH Beinneins Verona 0 0 1 0 0 38 D Heck 8 CH Outfoxed At The Captain’s Game 0 0 0 0 1 31 J Thatcher/L Moore 9 GCH CH Elmdale’s Steele “Bb” 0 0 0 0 1 22 N Hittepole/B Balata 10 GCH CH Enchantment Lady Bentley O’Santerric CDX BN 0 0 0 1 0 7 O Adams Glen of Imaal Terriers 1 GCH CH Kilkenny’s Sullivan Of Castlerock 0 0 1 3 2 306 C Chiddister/S Blum 2 Glentyrs Lady Isabelle At Castlerock 0 0 0 1 0 66 C Chiddister 3 Emerald Isle’s Keely With Daulton 0 0 0 0 1 21 T Thomas/S Thomas/J Daulton/P Estes Irish Terriers 1 GCH CH Rockledge Mccallen Of Meath L Honey/D Rapport/J Wilson/J Macdonald 2 GCH CH Sharob’s Commander In Chief S Lindgren/R Lindgren 3 GCH CH Kells Touch Of Fleet St. A Barker Kerry Blue Terriers 1 GCH CH True Blue Madonna E Randall 2 GCH CH Class Act By Hallsblu W Berry/A Austin 3 CH Saredon Shock Waves Of Irisblu A Norman/H Quigg 4 GCH CH Kamagh Too Busy Bein Fabulous N Han/W Mcfadden 5 GCH CH Irisblu Mirage J Garahan/K Garahan 6 GCH CH Edbrios Cosmopolitan E Hansen 7 GCH CH Edbrios Russian Roulette E Hansen 8 CH Perrisblu Paris D Gau 9 CH Morwin’s Holidazzle W Morris 10 GCH CH Dornick’s El Capitan D Fletcher Lakeland Terriers 1 GCH CH Larkspur Acadia Save Me A Spot A Barker/S Fraser/M Sacco 2 GCH CH Hi-Kel Terrydale Fortune Forward Terrydale Knl/K Mcindoe/C Dowd/B Dowd/C 3 CH Nanhalls Koichi Hikel Terrydale B Bates/W Bates Continued on page 70
0 1 1 4 3 644 0 1 1 0 1 182 0 0 0 0 1 48 0 1 6 6 4 1680 0 6 9 3 3 1383 0 0 2 0 2 576 0 1 1 2 1 482 0 3 2 0 2 287 0 1 3 0 0 249 0 0 2 3 0 211 0 3 2 2 0 174 0 0 0 0 1 81 0 0 1 0 1 66 1 15 9 6 2 3444 2 8 4 1 0 3356 0 7 8 3 2 1331
*The Dog News Top Ten List
Dog News 67
Judges’Choice Reprinted with permission from The Kennel Gazette
The Griffon Bruxellois We asked a number of Championship Show judges the following three questions about Griffon Bruxellois: 1. What is the best dog and bitch you have judges in this breed? 2. Describe what makes a great Griffon Bruxellois. 3. Has the breed changed since you first awarded CCs, and if so, how?
Continued on page 102
68 Dog News
Dog News 69
Continued FROM page 66
4 GCH CH Hi-Kel Terrydale Fortune In My Eyes A Geremia/F Cashin/Terrydale Knl 5 CH Delzar Sweet Sin-Sation T Szaras/B Phelps/L Abreu 6 Hi-Kel Terrydale Delzar Kanaloa M Skou/V Skou 7 CH Sheffield’s Damsel Of Irish Spirits J Mccarthy/R Mccarthy Manchester Terriers (Standard) 1 CH Oasis Pillow Talk M Belanger/G Anderson/J Anderson 2 CH Wilane’s All We R Is Dust On The Wind B Wood/B Wood/J Emerick 3 GCH CH Toria Royalty In The Making T Taylor/V Herbert-Thorsland 4 GCH CH Oasis Razzmatazz V Stanert/B Stanert 5 GCH CH Rum Runners Careless Love Udy J Meister/C Waddell/A Guthrie Miniature Bull Terriers 1 GCH CH Cambria’s Kid N Play L Baggenstos/R Baggenstos/A Guerrero/D G 2 GCH CH Dytona Vip M Jacobs/A Klishas/E Feuz 3 GCH CH Evolution Runs With Scissors S Cummings/K Toomey/C Jensen 4 GCH CH Eggstream Gespiel’s G Force W Goldacker/J Goldacker/L Duncan 5 GCH CH Amchara Roc Ur World K Toland/S Toland 6 GCH CH Gridiron Minotaur Mission To Marzipan P Denbow/V Giamo 7 CH Mooncraft’s Picture Perfect At Diers D Takayama/R Takayama Miniature Schnauzers 1 GCH CH Allaruth Just Kidding V Sole Baye Y Phelps/R Ziegler 2 GCH CH Regency’s Play For Keeps D Lewis/K Lewis/B Verna 3 GCH CH Kelly’s Tamar’s Made Of Steele G Kelly/L Tamar 4 GCH CH Legend’s B-B-B Bad To The Bone D Huff/S Huff 5 GCH CH Kruse’s High Interest M Lande/B Kruse 6 GCH CH Rockyhill Icees “Raisin’ The Bar” S Fry 7 GCH CH Tomar’s Captain Kirk M Paisley/B Walker 8 GCH CH Joker Land’s Glacyka Fci M Uryu/J Constantine 9 GCH CH Laroh’s Irish Road Warrior R Hartshorn/L Hartshorn/B Kilbourne 10 GCH CH Cholet’s Brymos Loaded Gun E Mombela/J Mombela/B Mombela Norfolk Terriers 1 GCH CH Yarrow Venerie Ticket To Ride P Beale/J Beale 2 GCH CH Barnstable Bold Over S Stemmler 3 GCH CH Max-Well’s Diamond Thief B Miller/M Mcternan/S Kipp 4 CH Yarrow Venerie Trader Vic From Owl Hollow B Thomas/A Thomas/P Beale 5 GCH CH Max-Well’s Valley Girl S Kipp/B Miller 6 GCH CH Caprock Life Of The Party E Davenport/J Harper Norwich Terriers 1 GCH CH Skyscot’s Texas Hold ‘Em S Esposito 2 GCH CH Thunderwood’s First Robin Of Spring T Willrich/K Conlan 3 GCH CH Camio’s Educated Exemplar C Rogers 4 GCH CH Highwood’s Whirling Dun J Fonyo/N Fonyo 5 GCH CH Apollo C Chen/C Trexler/C Foucrault 6 GCH CH Foxwood Chasing A Dream K Mines/A Kress 7 GCH CH Itsy Bitsy Tanglewood Ranger K Cwik/A Cwik 8 GCH CH Foxwood Diamond In The Ruff K Mines 9 GCH CH Ascot Sanspur At Yarrow L Crawley/B Sweigart/P Beale 10 GCH CH Fly’N High’s Rocket Man S Jones Parson Russell Terriers 1 GCH CH Rosewoods O.M.G. S Johnson/C Howton 2 GCH CH Fox Valley Devil In Disguise C Florence/J Felten 3 GCH CH Dream Hi’s Lil’ Surfer Dude K Rickard/L Rickard 4 GCH CH Foxbend Colour Me More K Courtelis/D Bryson/J Wilkinson 5 GCH CH Shasta N Sonship A Skip L Reinhard/T Reinhard 6 GCH CH Rag Valley Golden Girl S Youngblood/M Good 7 GCH CH Posey Canyon No Brainer! T Stanczyk/R Stanczyk 8 GCH CH Foxbend Call My Agent S Crawford 9 GCH CH Windy Ridge Any Given Sunday JE R Warner/G Warner 70 Dog News
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
0 0 5 3 0 807
0 0 0 0 3 533 0 2 1 2 0 107 0 0 0 1 0 98 0 0 2 0 1 154 0 1 0 2 1 138 0 0 0 0 2 65 0 0 0 0 1 37 0 0 1 0 0 22 2 4 0 4 4 3010 0 2 6 6 1 2260 0 0 1 2 4 300 0 0 1 2 0 147 0 0 0 1 0 107 0 0 0 1 0 106 0 0 0 0 1 14 5 16 7 0 1 6744 0 0 3 0 4 655 1 1 0 2 2 648 0 1 1 2 3 427 0 1 0 1 1 391 0 0 1 3 3 370 0 0 0 0 2 205 0 0 0 2 1 180 0 1 2 0 1 147 0 1 1 0 0 120 0 13 2 6 5 2171 0 1 0 4 0 323 0 2 1 0 1 313 0 3 0 2 2 254 0 0 0 0 1 50 0 0 0 1 2 49 1 3 5 1 1 1224
Russell Terriers 1 GCH CH Goldsand’s Columbus M Ulrich/C Areskough 2 GCH CH Goldsand’s Billie Jean M Wooldridge/J Stevens/C Manelopoulos/R 3 GCH CH Monamour Jp Part Time Lover A Kiell Green/K Miichi/C Mascuch 4 GCH CH Meadowbrook Madison CM S Sobel 5 CH Kajsenborg’s Dirty Diana H Andersen/T Grennaae 6 CH Appassionato Jp Monamour’s Star A Hargrave/C Areskough 7 CH Edison’s Knick Knack B Edison 8 CH Duckling’s Jr Just Joy A Hargrave Scottish Terriers 1 GCH CH Invercrest Surely Why Not D Eggert/J Eggert 2 GCH CH Friendship Hill Stars And Stripes P Gallatin/M Browne 3 GCH CH Kelwyn’s History In The Making K Edell/D Edell 4 GCH CH Charthill Top Billing C Hill/K Hill 5 GCH CH Kingsview Just Ebony C Blain/L Tuttle 6 CH Marcowy Kocur Koncept D Ewles 7 GCH CH Cumbria’s Ready Jet Go P Wooster/T Wooster 8 GCH CH Morgan Tam O’Shanter J Roche 9 GCH CH Blueberrys Shall We Dance S Maniscalco/A Maniscalco 10 GCH CH Chyscott’s Making An Entrance L Shafer/W Shafer/K Simmons Sealyham Terriers 1 CH Efbe’s Thunder Rd At Burberry F Bergeron/L Tetreault/S Hawks 2 GCH CH Hotshot’s Royal She’ll Make ‘Em Cry B Dunlap/R Dunlap Skye Terriers 1 GCH CH Solana Big Lebowski M Shiue 2 GCH CH Gleanntan Wonderful Wizard Of Oz Gleanntan Knl 3 GCH CH Of Skyeline Captain Hook E Zaphiris/M Stander/K Sainio Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers 1 GCH CH Doubloon’s Extreme Play E Landa 2 GCH CH Ainle Villanova Mouth Of The South CGC K Elliot 3 GCH CH Sundance Second Chance S Russo/F Russo 4 GCH CH Mil Mear Geragold Galileo B Hempel/M Kipp/N O’Sullivan 5 CH Bonney Labor Of Love V Gosnell/D Gosnell/B Snyder 6 CH Greentree Gold Charm B Mcdonald/K Mcdonald 7 CH Pitterpat Allons-Y! K Davis/G Davis/S Beitch 8 GCH CH Mirikal Double Top Breakout S Mcgee 9 GCH CH Shandalee Fireworks D Sealy/S Goldberg 10 GCH CH Cuilinn Expresso Con Panna H Million
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
5 21 8 3 6 9737 0 1 2 0 2 351 0 0 2 1 1 301 0 0 0 2 2 189 0 1 1 1 0 185 0 0 3 0 2 132 0 1 0 0 0 65 0 0 0 1 0 60 0 5 4 1 1 797 0 2 0 0 2 601 0 1 6 2 2 513 0 1 0 1 1 270 0 0 2 3 2 243 0 0 0 1 1 196 0 0 0 1 0 105 0 0 0 1 0 97 0 0 0 1 0 80 0 0 0 1 0 79 0 2 8 2 4 1239 0 0 0 2 0 54 0 0 0 0 4 331 0 0 0 2 1 110 0 2 0 0 0 83 0 1 5 3 4 1660 0 0 5 1 2 272 0 1 0 0 1 110 0 0 1 0 1 109 0 0 0 1 0 100 0 0 0 0 1 96 0 0 0 1 0 58 0 0 0 0 1 50 0 1 0 0 0 44 0 0 0 0 1 38
0 4 1 2 0 581 0 0 1 3 1 553 0 0 2 0 2 472
The Dog News Top Ten List Presents
0 0 1 3 1 397 0 0 0 2 1 264 0 0 0 0 1 181 0 0 0 0 2 141 0 0 0 0 1 66 0 0 0 0 2 56 0 1 2 0 2 588 0 0 1 3 2 253 0 0 0 1 2 223 0 2 0 0 2 145 0 0 0 2 0 110 0 1 0 0 0 103 0 1 1 1 0 94 0 0 0 1 2 63 0 0 0 0 1 26
Based on All-Breed Competition
As of March 31, 2013
Staffordshire Bull Terriers 1 GCH CH Cumhil Hell Raiser Z Smith 2 GCH CH Sylon Bruce Of Ringmaster M Darwith/J Miller 3 GCH CH Red Samurai Z Smith 4 CH Roughnecks Masta Of Puppets J Massie 5 GCH CH Unionjack’s Partner In Crime D Drozdoff/M Drozdoff/P Levine/H Eldred 6 Tomorrow’s Buddy Love S Clark 7 CH Edelhaus’ All White Everything B Donaldson/C Patterson 8 GCH CH Reigning Bulls Analyzed By The Devil C Chun/J Chun 9 GCH CH Red Rocks Desert Storm B Kriger/C Kriger 10 GCH CH Challenger’s Honky Tonk Man R Mcgaugh/S Hill/T Boyle Welsh Terriers 1 GCH CH Shaireab’s Bayleigh Maid Of Honor S Abmeyer/K Bailey/T Lee/X Xie 2 GCH CH Darwyn Esmeralda In Sanherpinc J Anspach/M Duafala/P Allen/S Pinto 3 GCH CH Malvado Devil Woman P Clark/N Clark 4 CH Cambrian Four Star Brigadier General J Fox-Stephens/T Stephens 5 CH Noraly Of The New Husken B Schwartz/R Berg/S Curran 6 GCH CH Shaireab’s Bayleigh Last Call To Penbryn S Abmeyer/K Bailey/T Lee/X Xie 7 CH Cambrian Supernova J Fox-Stephens/P Clark 8 CH Hollis Haven’s Bridget N Hollis/L Hollis West Highland White Terriers 1 GCH CH Camcrest Andsurely Jasmine J Downing/S Campbell 2 GCH CH Deerhaven Hez Justin Kredible At Orion D Bouderra/J Kays/G Kays/I Keushgenian 3 GCH CH Devonshire Out Of The Starting Gate T Pancost 4 GCH CH Tullybloom’s Classified Credentials P Cohen/C Cohen 5 GCH CH White Oaks Invincible Snowplow S Meisels/G Meisels 6 GCH CH Shamrock James Bond J Emerson 7 GCH CH Blythfell Talisker J Jardine/L Jardine 8 CH Fifeshires Flying Right Over Rivrvue J Simmons 9 GCH CH Altrincham Camelot’s Foil Highland Glen L Marino 10 GCH CH Deerhaven An Heir About Him J Riggs
toy group
Affenpinschers 1 GCH CH Tamarin Tarheel A Shultz/G Shultz 2 GCH CH Banana Joe V. Tani Kazari Z Truesdale/M Cooymans 3 GCH CH Xela’s Party Hat S Jones/S Hill/A Romero 4 GCH CH Yarrow’s Hi-Tech Ben There Done That W Truesdale/W Truesdale/L Wubbell 5 GCH CH Xela’s Party Tric D Wood/S Jones/D Hichborn/P Belmont 6 GCH CH Airescot Peer Gynt D Gehnert/L Bitz 7 GCH CH Aberdeens Monkey Man K Hickey 8 GCH CH Induna’s Ink Spot C Duran/L Duran 9 CH Minsmere Mariposa A Alvarez/K Kuper Brussels Griffons 1 GCH CH Hilltop’s GQ Cover Boy P Brown 2 GCH CH Paragons Sharp Dressed Man At Greengates F Cashin/M Gale/K Fleener 3 GCH CH Marsdon Frankly Speaking B Strange 4 CH Fist Face A Penny For Your Thought P Catterson/K Catterson/A Catterson/L Va 5 GCH CH Hilltop’s Watch Me Now M Grafton 6 GCH CH Chismick’s Lights On Broadway K Jaeger/M Jaeger 7 White Oaks True Grit K Kolling/K Poirier
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
0 1 4 2 5 836 0 0 0 1 1 217 0 0 0 1 3 171 0 0 0 1 0 149 0 0 1 0 2 139 0 0 0 0 1 87 0 0 0 0 1 85 0 1 1 1 0 80 0 0 2 1 0 78 0 0 1 0 1 69 2 10 7 5 2 3816 1 2 2 0 3 1009 0 3 1 0 1 551 0 0 0 1 0 221 0 0 0 1 0 210 0 0 0 0 1 99 0 1 0 0 0 33 0 0 1 0 0 29 0 0 4 2 2 748 0 0 0 5 2 716 0 1 5 4 2 605 0 0 0 2 2 311 0 0 0 0 1 139 0 0 0 0 1 84 0 0 0 1 0 55 0 1 0 0 1 51 0 0 0 0 1 41 0 0 0 0 1 21
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
0 4 4 6 4 3232 1 1 1 0 0 2379 0 1 1 3 2 846 0 0 1 3 0 535 0 0 0 0 1 164 0 1 0 0 0 143 0 0 0 0 1 123 0 0 0 0 1 85 0 0 0 0 1 46 0 3 2 3 3 1627 0 2 4 0 2 1204 0 0 1 0 2 495 0 1 0 1 0 336 0 0 1 0 1 331 0 0 0 1 0 290 0 0 0 0 1 109
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels 1 GCH CH Quail Garden Loch Lomond Deja Vu 0 3 3 3 3 J Mittelman/K Subramanian 2 GCH CH Miletree Northern Star 0 3 4 3 4 B Henry/S Henry/B George 3 GCH CH Burbrook Storm Chaser 0 2 1 2 2 J Ioia/B Ioia/D Petralia/C Rose 4 GCH CH Full Of Malarkey Miles Of Aisles 0 0 2 2 1 T Kelly/P Kelly 5 GCH CH Lacanina Fratello Sole CAA 0 0 0 3 1 V Schuler/C Greenshields/E Lesko Continued on page 74
1698 1504 1044 979 474
Dog News 71
Pomeranian National By Victoria Oelerich, APC President
luegrass/Blue Ribbons was the theme this year as Pomeranians from all over the country and all over the world came together in Louisville, Kentucky for the American Pomeranian Club’s 102nd annual National Specialty. With an entry over 300, Pomeranians were extremely well represented from puppyhood to the veteran classes with examples of our breeders’ best handiwork. It is always amazing to see how breeders can make a difference from even one year to the next through selective breeding practices in efforts to eradicate problems or flaws that may have become apparent within a breed. Such was the case this year as evidenced in the quality of dogs and bitches lining the ring throughout one class and another. The week of March 10th-13th was certainly action packed for the attending Pom enthusiasts but then again that is what Nationals are all about. The kick off event was an AKC Sanctioned Puppy Match of more than 50 wonderful puppies judged by myself, Victoria Oelerich. Not only was the quality of the pups breathtaking but the level of training and socializing accomplished by owners of babies so young was very inspiring. Everyone loves puppies and it is a wonderful way to welcome the Pomeranian community back together again for their National. Obedience and Rally classes opened the day on Monday morning with quite possibly the most extraordinarily trained Poms imaginable. They marched through their paces under the watchful eye of obedience 72 Dog News
judge Ms. Catherine Thompson. Seventeen competitors worked throughout the morning trying to further their titles by adding legs to their already impressive resumes. Some were successful in the endeavor and some were not but what was consistent was the enjoyment of all involved. Sweepstakes filled the afternoon hours on Monday with close to 80 puppy entries being judged by Mr. David Gilstrap of the well known Mountain Crest Pomeranians. Sweepstakes always gives the fancy a glimpse of what has been going on in the whelp boxes of expert breeders across the country over the last year and a half. It is an indication of things to come within a breed and exceedingly important. Mr. Gilstrap’s choice for Best Junior went to a fantastic 6-9 month puppy dog, Robcary’s Silver Starlight, owned and bred by Caryl Scrimpsher. This year’s Grand Sweepstakes winner as well as Best Senior went to Master Poms Eclipse of the Sun owned and bred by Narongsorachon Srisamrit. As an adjunct to the daily judging are the afternoon educational seminars. No matter how many years any of us have put into purebred dogs there is always an opportunity to learn something more. Monday afternoon’s presenter was Paul Eckford, PhD on the topic of alopecia-x. The club is blessed to have amongst them this Pom breeder with a research background who has been generous enough with his time and efforts to have taken on the challenge of trying to make sense of the skin condition that Pomeranians are notorious for. Though we do not as of yet have a cure nor a genetic marker, Dr. Eckford went a long way to help guide us through the process of making wise decisions within our own breeding programs. Tuesday afternoon’s presenter was well known Pom breeder and exhibitor Mrs. Fran Stoll on the subject of caring for and saving our neonates. As anyone who has bred Poms knows all too well, it takes much expertise to raise and save some of these newborns. Some are born on a fragile thread called life and the slightest modifications can mean living or dying for these tiny beings. Mrs. Stoll had a seemingly endless supply of knowledge on the subject of problem solving in the neonate. Conformation events spanned over two days’ time with the esteemed judge Mrs. Jackie Stacy presiding. Mrs. Stacy has been a well known Pom enthusiast for many, many years. Her dedication to the breed, which includes breeding and exhibiting Poms, also includes being a member of The American Pomeranian Club herself since 1975. Mrs. Stacy is known for her expertise as well as love for the breed, which made it an added thrill for the exhibitors and spectators alike. Tuesday’s dog judging concluded with Winner’s Dog being awarded to the lovely Canton’s Jet Li from the open ROCS class. He is owned and bred by Mr. Basilio Yap of the Phillipines. Reserve Winner’s dog went to Sunterras Sugar Sweet also from the ROCS class bred by Mr. Doug Stratton and owned by Ms. Rachel Johnson. Wednesday morning began Bitch class judging and finished up just before lunchtime with Winner’s Bitch going to Mountain Crest Mango Punch bred by Carlene and David Gil-
strap and owned by Kimberly Nowland. Reserve Winner’s Bitch winner was Foxworth Fine Tuned Instrument from the 6-9 month puppy class owned and bred by Larry Fox and Pam Dodsworth from Canada. After lunch, judging resumed with 50 entries in the Best of Breed category. Specials, one more beautiful than the next, were broken into groups to allow room for movement, viewing and ease of judging. As Mrs. Stacy worked through her entry with precision, excitement and tension mounting. She whittled down her entry making multiple cuts within the specials and bringing up the rear with her Winner’s Dog, Winner’s Bitch, Veteran Dog and Veteran Bitch. Before her final go around she signaled forward her Winner’s Dog, placed him at the front of the line and sent them around for the final lap. That would be it! Winner’s Dog, Best of Winners and Best of Breed would go to the fabulous Canton’s Jet Li owned and bred by Mr. Basilio Yap! The other award winners falling in line behind were as follows: Best of Opposite Sex GCH Horizon Carleez Raise The Bar Breeders, C. Leemhuis and L. Otis Owner, C. Leemhuis Select Dog GCH Starlight’s Sugar Daddy Breeder, S. Ekviriyakit Owner, Douglas Stratton Select Bitch GCH Foxworth Follow Me Boys Breeder, Owner, Larry Foxworth and Pam Dodsworth Awards of Merit GCH CR Chase What Matters Breeder,R. and C. Solano Owner, Margo Koga Ch. Silhouette Shadow Boxer Breeder, Owner, E. Heckert GCH Dee Little Who’s The Boss Breeder, Owner, C. Crane Ch. Classic’s Coco Chanel Breeder, Owner, P. and A. Gross Mountain Crest Mango Punch Breeder,C. and D. Gilstrap Owner, K. Nowland Once again the National Specialty came to a close all too quickly. Many Pom friends said good-byes until the next weekend, but for most others, it meant saying goodbye until next year. Nonetheless, another National come and gone and another year for the record books.
Dog News 73
Continued FROM page 70
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
6 GCH CH Orchard Hill Play For Keeps 0 0 0 1 3 444 C Darr/E Venier/R Venier 7 GCH CH Norlangos Nonpareil 0 0 0 0 2 415 E Apostolidis 8 GCH CH We-Syng Royal Etiquette 0 0 1 1 0 326 G Reardon 9 GCH CH Forestcreek Brass In Pocket 0 0 1 1 1 297 M Mayfield/K Chandor 10 GCH CH Brookhaven Dante 0 1 0 0 0 296 P Ayers/B Martz Chihuahuas (Long Coat) 0 1 0 1 1 563 1 GCH CH Victory Mask Of Zorro K Hulstein/S Hartwig 2 CH Bayard Yours Truly 0 1 1 1 0 305 M Newell/B Miller/K Saenz 3 GCH CH Timeless Cottondale Pink Champagne 0 0 1 0 1 232 K Potts/S Boyd 4 CH Capitol Academ’s Fury 0 0 1 1 1 215 L Mcguffey 5 CH Bayard Wendy 0 0 0 1 0 188 M Newell 6 GCH CH Whiteclouds Miss Kitty 0 0 0 1 0 175 D Franklin/D White 0 0 0 0 1 168 7 GCH CH Matriart Lg Muffin A Paola Diniz/L Guilmerme Diniz Pretoni 8 GCH CH Pollack’s Trace (Sanchez) 0 0 0 0 1 123 C Totten 9 GCH CH Jetstar’s Simply Outrageous 0 0 0 0 1 118 J Chandler 10 GCH CH Lone Pine’s Boston Legal D’Ouachitah 0 0 0 1 0 88 M Blank/C Eugene/L George Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) 0 0 6 2 2 1179 1 GCH CH Sandy’s Babes Tradewinds As Ever D Corl 2 GCH CH Ouachitah Defying Gravity 0 0 1 1 3 530 L Monte 3 GCH CH Genbrook’s Playin’ With Fire 0 0 1 0 1 317 B Kaye/G Stiles 4 GCH CH Grannycreeks One And Only Wild Bill 0 1 0 1 0 299 J Guichon 5 GCH CH Koniki’s Queen Of De Nile 4 Bellachi 0 2 0 0 0 287 S Molash/K Hirn-Sheppard 6 GCH CH Gaga Lady De Aqlla 0 0 1 0 0 205 M Blank/L George 7 CH Krispin Ever Done Good 0 0 1 0 1 193 J Breazeale/S Guthrie/B Overstreet 8 GCH CH Rafina Logan’s Run 0 0 0 1 0 188 B Pendergrass 9 GCH CH Rsun King Lewis Of Ppc 0 0 0 0 1 184 R Miller 10 GCH CH Silver Bluff Mahogany Sonador 0 0 0 1 1 154 L Wolfson/R Maser/J Deeming Chinese Crested 1 GCH CH Dejavu I Want’A Talk About Me 1 2 2 1 1 2776 R Kusumoto/J Kusumoto 2 GCH CH Kulana’s Sh-Boom 0 0 2 2 3 1002 S Frumkin/M Frumkin 3 GCH CH Storytime’s Rocky Road For Gingery 0 0 0 3 4 730 M Fields/A Butterklee/J Temple 4 GCH CH Belews Les Bons Temps Rouler 0 0 1 1 1 450 D Parker/M Parker 5 GCH CH Ghostmar’s Dark Shadows 0 2 0 0 1 293 S Hill/M Uriarte/S Lybrand 6 GCH CH Gingery’s Sweet Tea 0 0 0 1 1 286 A Butterklee/B Cleveland/V Helu 7 GCH CH Hampton Court’s Charlie Of Legend 0 1 0 0 0 208 V Malzoni 8 GCH CH Kaylens Girls Just Want To Have Fun 0 0 0 2 0 191 V Dorris/K Peiser 9 GCH CH Omegaville Picture Perfect 0 0 1 0 0 177 M Miyagawa/T Miyagawa 10 CH Gracieux Backwoods Barbie 0 0 0 1 0 175 M Portaluppi English Toy Spaniels (Blenheim & Prince Charles) 1 GCH CH Loujon Backroads To Paris 0 2 1 1 2 856 C Williams/J Ward/K Miller 2 CH Cheri-A Wingo Lord Oakridge 0 0 0 0 1 117 W Goddyn/J Wood/J Elliott 3 GCH CH Loujon Thornwood Little Jacob 0 0 0 1 0 97 K Miller/J Ward/C Williams English Toy Spaniels (King Charles & Ruby) 1 GCH CH Lto Prosperity 2 6 3 5 5 3734 R Cole/M Landers 2 GCH CH Southdown Nevermind 0 1 2 3 2 640 B Van Deman Havanese 1 GCH CH Oeste’s Flirt’N With An Outlaw 0 3 1 4 3 1588 R Schindler/M King/J Vogel 2 GCH CH Yayas Dancing Through Life 0 1 2 3 1 982 D Planche/C Livingston/K Livingston/B Ca 3 GCH CH Yup’s Malibu Dream 0 0 3 5 2 876 J Birdsall/D Stout 4 GCH CH Marcosa’s Slip Slidin’ Away 0 2 2 0 1 625 H Kolzow/C Kolzow/P Bass 5 GCH CH Harbor’s Sky-Blue Pink 0 1 0 3 1 600 C Field/H Bennett 6 GCH CH Marcosa’s Bachelor Button 0 1 2 2 1 548 J Mcgrath/H Kolzow 7 GCH CH Fuzzy Farm Qbin Who’s On First 0 2 1 2 0 541 S Lawrence/A Lawrence 8 GCH CH Heartland’s Sure Bet 0 0 2 1 0 459 P Tschohl/S Mccabe/K Mccabe/W Koistinen 9 GCH CH Windfall’s Dude With Attitude 0 0 1 1 1 417 K Ambler 10 GCH CH Ji Jo’s And Shatara’s High Voltage 0 0 0 2 1 360 M Soave/S Tomassi
74 Dog News
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
Italian Greyhounds 1 GCH CH Donavin’s Caramel Macchiato D Davis/J Davis 2 GCH CH Integra’s Masquerade Party M Lucas/R Weyer 3 GCH CH Infiniti Rave Review At Valhasar R Valentini/K Frennier/R Frennier 4 GCH CH Trotwood July Fourth Rocket Of Bo-Betts P Swindell 5 GCH CH La Plage Rendezvous At Kc A Mccarthy/T Sinclair/W Hesterly 6 GCH CH Cantex Gris Gris Sonofa Doc B Broom/T Mayers 7 GCH CH Caliente’s Maker’s Mark Of Bravehound J Milko/D Milko 8 GCH CH Voici Island Of Mykonos L Echols/R Conrad 9 GCH CH Everafter’s Best Bet Yet S Middlebrooks/T Brooks/J Maleck 10 GCH CH Cielo Kuluta Moonstone M Hatfield/E Belt/K Swan Japanese Chin 1 GCH CH Victory Spencer M Mc Cormick/M Cooley 2 GCH CH Pem We-Syng Lucky Mi J Dalton/J Turjoman/M Ballard 3 CH Desert Jade Fabel-Mi Firedragon J Dalton/J Turjoman/M Ballard 4 GCH CH Junley’s Stan The Man Buke S Lysandrou/J Lysandrou 5 GCH CH Touche’s Top Hat And Tails At Samskara D Martenson/A Moran/W Lhote/P Dewaele 6 GCH CH Pem We-Syng Perfect Pitch At Sirius D Christensen/G Christensen 7 GCH CH Taichin’s Notorious D’Eriq K Schoenhard 8 GCH CH Mar-Pem’s Tiz A Tizzy B Reese 9 GCH CH Blue Willow Cherbo Lil Bit Rocknroll M Dulin/C Boice/N Stedman 10 Chindale’s Anything She Wants J Stevens/M Wooldridge/V Adams Maltese 1 GCH CH Scylla’s Small Kraft Re-Lit D Burke/R Scott/T Rowell 2 GCH CH Ta-Jon’s Pawsitively Pawparazzi T Lehman/T Simon 3 GCH CH Rhapsody’s Someone Like You T Holibaugh/K Kasten 4 GCH CH Rhapsody N Cherub’s Oh So Henry T Mackenzie/K Mackenzie 5 GCH CH Maltangel Heavenly Vision I Gram/M Harrigan 6 GCH CH Richelieu’s Here Comes Trouble Again L Lawrence/J Mcquiston 7 GCH CH Richelieu’s Valentino P Keen/J Mcquiston 8 GCH CH Divine’s Work Of Art K Kent/A Stanberry 9 Ta-Jon’s Hi Diddle Dee Dee T Simon 10 CH Maltangel Heaven Sent For Donryn K La Rosa/D Larosa
0 0 1 4 3 1068 0 2 2 0 2 755 0 1 3 0 0 360 0 0 0 3 0 352 0 0 0 0 2 269 0 1 1 0 0 192 0 0 0 1 1 146 0 0 0 1 0 107 0 0 1 0 0 94 0 0 1 0 0 76 0 11 8 2 3 4483 2 13 4 1 1 4193 0 0 0 1 1 360 0 1 0 0 1 262 0 0 0 0 2 230 0 1 0 0 0 175 0 0 0 0 1 174 0 0 0 1 0 169 0 0 0 0 1 145 0 0 0 0 1 134 1 11 12 1 5 5318 1 8 3 0 0 2822 0 6 5 4 4 2085 1 2 3 2 2 2004 0 2 1 3 2 1160 0 2 1 1 2 834 0 0 0 4 1 831 0 0 1 1 2 445 0 0 0 1 0 153 0 0 1 0 0 68
Manchester Terriers (Toy) 1 GCH CH Rustic Lane Still Waters Run Deep P Lapinski/J Debraganca/C Horowitz/A Deb 2 CH Fwaggles She’s So Fine W Kelly/A Kelly 3 GCH CH Cottage Lake’s Bela Horizonte R Travis/M Charger 4 CH Splash’s Moon Pie At Burmack J Burrows/P Mackesey/E Cressler/S Beatti
0 0 1 2 4 1111 0 0 1 0 0 269 0 0 0 0 1 132 0 0 1 0 0 107
The Dog News Top Ten List Presents
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
Based on All-Breed Competition
As of March 31, 2013
5 GCH CH Blossom’s Let’s Dance B Scott-Heim Miniature Pinschers 1 GCH CH Marlex Classic Red Glare A Angelbello/L Monte 2 GCH CH Brackley My Amazing Warrior K Haney/D Haney 3 GCH CH Kisa The Iceman Cometh V Marlex L Dewey/P Dewey 4 GCH CH Kimro’s Dora The Explorer K Pastella Calvacca/A Calvacca/R Greensl 5 GCH CH Marlex N Marisol Bold Moves A Angelbello/M Hackett 6 GCH CH Blythewood Golden Warrior J Huber 7 GCH CH Marlex Kisa Wildfire K Noel/J Wilds/A Angelbello 8 GCH CH Kimro N Spiva’s Super Trooper K Pastella Calvacca/R Greenslade/H Schwe 9 GCH CH Dynasty’s Little Bear H Greene 10 GCH CH Wannabee Casanova S Walter Papillons 1 GCH CH Involo The King Of Pop M Mosing/G Garofalo 2 GCH CH Wildfire On The Record N Shaw/A Pickett/C Pickett 3 GCH CH Fenice Le Beaudreaux R Greathouse/E Akers-Perry/M Perry 4 GCH CH Micfriends Trujoy Eye Candy S Johnson/D Peterson 5 GCH CH Hallmark’s Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart P Rust/J Snider 6 GCH CH Jareaux Rip It Up Laren T Sommerson-Wilcox/J Mclaren 7 CH Wildfire Uncensored A Pickett/C Pickett 8 GCH CH Wingssong Here We Go Again P Jones/C Jones 9 GCH CH Blairwynn’s He Gives Me Chills C Blair 10 GCH CH Nightfire’s Love Letter B Hernandez Pekingese 1 GCH CH Yakee Easily Persuaded S Middlebrooks/D Fitzpatrick 2 GCH CH Schuyler’s Laparata Robert M Campbell 3 GCH CH Dunkirk Imagine That M Merrill/T Reese/R Winters 4 GCH CH Benaire’s N Elphasun’s Razzmatazz B Ray/S Masnick 5 GCH CH Oakhill’s Two Times The Dragon J Franklin/B Royer 6 GCH CH Windemere’s This Style’s For You L Markham 7 CH Oakhill’s Caught Red Handed K Cook/M Cook 8 CH Sunn Yenn Uncensored Dachari D Cole 9 CH Hoong Tao’s Walk This Way S Reznick/L Reznick 10 GCH CH Briar-Mar American Gigolo At Vannjty E Poole/D Poole/S Shephard Pomeranians 1 GCH CH Cr Chase What Matters M Koga 2 GCH CH Char’s Love Story M Paredes 3 GCH CH Ac Dynasty Dream Works S Freitas/F Almeida 4 GCH CH Starlight’s Sugar Daddy D Stratton 5 GCH CH Babbi’s Captain Of The Ship Of Mtn Crest B Meyer 6 GCH CH Jan Le’s Deck The Walls J Lehtinen/J Mehciz 7 GCH CH Sofine’s So You Think You Can Dance C Oganeku/Y Oganeku/J Green 8 Mc’s The Last Stand C Armstrong/M Armstrong 9 CH Aljens Manny Pacquiao Of Lenette A Lapuz 10 CH Comet’s Odin Obvious Oppertunity Occur R Thanyasindamrong Poodles (Toy) 1 GCH CH Smash Jp Sakura R Scott/D Burke 2 GCH CH Donnchada Angel Wings At Dulcinea S Talkington/E Brown 3 GCH CH Sharbelle Greg-Mar International Boy R Stevens/S Stevens/M Gregory 4 GCH CH Kaylen’s Oh Really! V Dorris/B Bird/K Peiser 5 GCH CH Smash Jp Winning Ribbon J Steinhour 6 GCH CH Rfs Hells A Blazen Frank N. Stein K Petersen 7 CH Smash Jp Go Go Summer J Steinhour 8 CH Rodells Hello Gorgeous R Connors 9 CH Dvm Farthing Token Of Trust C Dallas 10 GCH CH Chrysalis Lucky One Apex Too K Wheeler/M Ueno Continued on page 78
0 0 0 1 0 53 17 34 9 2 0 21245 1 3 3 1 0 1893 0 0 0 3 2 542 0 0 1 0 2 357 0 0 0 1 1 346 0 0 1 1 1 312 0 0 0 1 0 241 0 0 0 2 0 194 0 0 0 1 1 105 0 0 0 0 1 87 1 9 11 5 1 3602 1 6 5 1 1 2183 0 4 5 3 2 1821 0 0 2 1 3 771 0 1 2 0 0 420 0 1 1 0 0 336 0 1 0 0 0 219 0 0 1 0 1 214 0 1 0 0 0 189 0 0 0 0 3 175 2 11 9 4 0 5736 1 3 3 0 0 1734 0 2 2 2 1 1100 0 2 1 1 2 754 0 2 1 0 2 600 0 0 1 0 1 347 0 1 0 0 1 300 0 0 0 0 1 159 0 0 1 0 0 139 0 0 1 0 0 130 1 12 4 5 2 4967 0 3 1 2 4 1199 0 2 1 1 1 993 0 0 2 3 3 974 0 1 0 1 4 726 0 1 1 1 4 668 0 3 2 1 0 340 0 0 0 1 1 306 0 0 0 1 0 290 0 0 1 1 0 262 6 13 8 1 1 6690 0 2 2 5 6 1720 0 3 2 2 1 1557 0 0 2 1 6 757 0 1 0 2 0 526 0 1 0 1 0 262 0 0 0 1 0 144 0 0 0 0 1 135 0 0 0 1 0 127 0 0 0 0 1 127
Dog News 75
76 Dog News
*Doberman Pinscher, CC System
Dog News 77
Continued FROM page 74
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
Pugs 1 GCH CH Hill Country’s Tag I’M It C Koch 2 GCH CH Caper’s Sirius Endeavor P Fisher/C Fisher/J Rowell/L Rowell 3 GCH CH Winsome-Nirvana-Blaque Triple Play E Veltman/V Cox-Flatley/B Roberts 4 GCH CH Castlerock Pine Cone Mountain Rain A Fischer 5 GCH CH Sweetbriar Boo-Koo Bucks P Caldwell/R Caldwell 6 GCH CH Moonstruck’s In The Pocket! C Koch 7 GCH CH Kirby’s Just Say The Word J Ettinger/M Kirby-Green/P Kirby-Green 8 GCH CH Pine Cone’s Green Mountain Boy A Fischer/E Sheeran 9 GCH CH Foursquare I’Ll Be A Shostopa Tu D Johnson/J Johnson 10 GCH CH Careva’s Boodelicious M Henricks/P Stoltz/R Stoltz Shih Tzu 1 GCH CH Hallmark Jolei Bells Will Be Ringing L Ehricht/D Ehricht 2 GCH CH Krissy’s Savvy Jasper L Lawrence 3 GCH CH Lohona Zephyr I Can’T Look Away D Haley 4 GCH CH Xeralane’s Just Face It Xeralane Knl 5 GCH CH Ista’s Hurricain Chaser D Wheeler/G Larson 6 GCH CH Symarun’s Love T’Look W Lee 7 GCH CH Foxfire Pocket Edition T Fox/K Bilicich 8 GCH CH Wenshus Shesa Dream D Gerl/L Lawrence 9 GCH CH Wenrick’s Hollywood Memories W Paquette/J Paquette/R Paquette 10 CH Yingsu’s Keep Me In Mind M Jones Silky Terriers 1 GCH CH Karisma Heart And Soul M Hodge/K Gilbert/M Gagliardi/P Laperruq 2 GCH CH Tawny Mist Myan Mystic S Biles/E Biles/K Wilson/D Renton 3 GCH CH Lamplighter’s Tattle Tail M Benson/B Beissel 4 GCH CH Mariblu Forevermore At Safire M Solvason/J Pizzirulli 5 GCH CH Snow Glen’s Tesoro Cover Story D Adamcik/D Caselli/P Laperruque 6 GCH CH Anjo Blu’s Once In A Blue Moon P Gates 7 GCH CH Blufire Kharah’s Flashforward J Harris 8 GCH CH Dorien Dancin’ On A Breeze D Weintraub 9 CH Cantell Daybreaker K Oglesby/R Oglesby/J Evanoff Toy Fox Terriers 1 GCH CH Dejavu’s Big Dog Daddy J Spence 2 GCH CH Valcopy Shively Son Of A Gun D Plonkey/R Davis 3 GCH CH Barbary’s That’s So Raven L Smith/P Nieto 4 GCH CH Foxlair Hi-De-Ho Smokey Joe V Denney/E Ward 5 GCH CH Azefer Sir Isaac L Fast
4 16 14 6 6 7685 1 3 14 7 2 5414 0 0 2 2 2 1083 0 0 2 2 1 678 0 1 2 1 0 524 0 0 2 1 0 467 0 1 0 1 0 460 0 0 3 1 2 449 0 1 1 1 2 434 0 1 1 1 0 371 0 6 3 4 2 2491 0 1 1 5 6 1647 0 3 4 2 0 1162 1 2 2 4 0 1031 0 1 3 1 1 845 0 2 1 0 0 586 0 0 1 0 0 379 0 0 1 1 0 223 0 0 0 2 0 210 0 0 0 1 0 145 0 0 0 2 3 760 0 2 0 2 1 681 0 0 1 1 2 598 0 1 2 0 0 359 0 0 1 1 0 331 0 0 1 0 2 236 0 0 0 1 0 145 0 0 0 0 1 59 0 0 0 1 0 55 0 0 0 0 4 298 0 0 0 1 0 212 0 0 0 0 1 189 0 0 0 0 1 171 0 0 0 0 1 117
The Dog News Top Ten List Presents
Based on All-Breed Competition
As of March 31, 2013
78 Dog News
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
6 GCH CH Ultra Quest Go For The Gold W Howard Yorkshire Terriers 1 CH Nicnak’s Second To None G Webster 2 GCH CH Trio’s Big Shot K Goldfarb 3 GCH CH Exmoor’s Epitome J Hupp/B Walker 4 GCH CH Cantlon’s Jer-Ree’ Jer-Ree’ B Cantlon/L Soars/V Steinberg/M Mathews 5 GCH CH Annstef’s Gotta Dream H Jacobs/A Stringer 6 GCH CH Carasel’s Valentino T Cuchiaro 7 GCH CH Lake Buena Vista Nina Ricci K Sloan 8 GCH CH Windsor’s Trump Card C Garrett 9 GCH CH Stratford’s Diamond Jim B Scott 10 GCH CH Linshire’s Rolling Stone K Ryan-Lavail/P Gregson/V Meadows
0 0 0 0 1 106 0 2 1 3 0 776 0 0 0 4 1 709 0 0 0 0 2 400 0 1 0 1 0 281 0 0 0 2 0 281 0 1 0 0 1 249 0 0 0 0 1 149 0 0 0 0 1 145 0 0 0 0 1 132 0 0 1 0 1 112
non sporting group B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
American Eskimo Dogs 1 GCH CH Nuuktok’s Atka Inukshuk S Robertson 2 GCH CH Voyagers Cause I Can Cuddle L Clark 3 GCH CH Sierra’s Hallmark R Sampson/S Schuldt 4 CH Island’s Mystic Stella Blue R Brown/G Mann 5 GCH CH Silveroak’s Ranier R Sampson/A Grimes 6 GCH CH Nuuktok’s Winter Sky M Mitchell Bichons Frises 1 GCH CH Saks Winning Card A Mackenzie/K Mackenzie/C Ruggles/K Hans 2 GCH CH Vogelflight’s “Honor” To Pillowtalk E Charles/K Vogel/M Abbott/P Abbott 3 GCH CH Overtops And The Winner Is Z Luo/N Keung/J Rubin 4 GCH CH Paray’s Power & Privilege T Pittman/P Flores 5 GCH CH Glenleigh Gangs N’ Roses R Lauer/K Tormey/L Carlton/L Letsche 6 GCH CH Shyladawn’s Timeless Beauty S Newton 7 GCH CH Belle Creek’s Over The Rainbow L Van Keuren/L Carlton/L Letsche 8 GCH CH Karmel’s Banana In Pajamas S Phillips/C Bakker/R Drumond 9 GCH CH L’Etoiles It’s All About Me D Clapper 10 GCH CH Miabella Allure’s Ooh La La S Kapella/L Des Camps Boston Terriers 1 GCH CH Gunther’s Gussied Up Edna A Mcilwaine/B Berth/J Mcilwaine 2 GCH CH Kennedy’s Wild Traveling Man M Stahmer/L Fisher/S Kennedy 3 GCH CH Campbell Clan’s Idol Chatter K House/D Campbell/G Campbell 4 GCH CH Taylwagons Blackberry Wine Spritzer L Taylor 5 GCH CH Windermeres Mystify J Covill 6 GCH CH Oui Believe In Magic D Terry/M Burgess 7 GCH CH Weywood’s Outrageous Fortune G Weyandt 8 GCH CH Kennedy’s N Barcomm’s On The Catwalk B Rettick/S Kennedy/R Rettick 9 CH Katbird’s Evolution Matters At Kayas A Hullender/A Hullender 10 GCH CH Weywood’s Fortune 500 K Drake/A Drake/G Weyandt Bulldogs 1 GCH CH Mytoys Epic Against The Wind D O’Connor/T Oconnor/L Scott/A Mcdearmon 2 GCH CH Imperious Hamitup Double Vision L Jordan/J Jordan 3 GCH CH Wilson-Dixon’s Wd-40 J Wilson/C Wilson/R Dixon/W Dixon 4 GCH CH Newcomb’s Pandamonium @Beda B Long/C Johnson/B Newcomb 5 GCH CH Only Bill Bailey C Eke 6 GCH CH Magic Valleys Purple Rain K Kirsch/R Meck 7 GCH CH Evergreen’s Hey! Gorgeous J Flowers/S Flowers 8 GCH CH Majestic I’m Her Man! S Neely/G Neely 9 GCH CH Ancrum’s Magic Man L Jordan 10 GCH CH Sweet Beach’s Alan Runs The Wrecker P Hill
0 3 3 4 0 1186 0 0 0 1 1 416 0 0 0 1 2 361 0 0 1 0 0 83 0 0 0 0 1 72 0 0 0 1 0 53 4 11 5 2 2 4637 2 18 5 0 3 4046 1 5 9 3 2 3065 0 5 7 6 0 2982 1 4 5 2 3 1607 0 0 1 1 0 302 0 0 0 1 1 292 0 0 0 0 3 265 0 2 0 1 1 249 0 1 0 1 2 214 0 10 4 2 2 2109 0 0 0 2 1 341 0 1 0 2 1 303 0 0 0 1 1 232 0 0 0 1 1 193 0 0 1 0 0 186 0 0 0 2 0 171 0 0 1 0 0 170 0 0 0 1 1 156 0 0 0 0 1 151 0 3 2 5 6 2027 0 2 2 1 4 1441 0 0 1 4 2 1006 0 0 1 0 1 456 0 1 0 0 2 442 0 0 1 2 1 363 0 1 0 1 1 359 0 1 0 1 1 318 0 1 1 0 1 275 0 0 0 1 1 254
Chinese Shar-Pei 1 GCH CH Jade East Do You Know The Way To San Jose L Anders/E Minne/K Nijholt 2 GCH CH Shine’s Deck The Halls D Cooper/R Cooper/L Teitelbaum/R Penteco 3 GCH CH Vaje’s Jethrene Bodine T Paddock/S Paddock/J Mauk/V Mauk 4 GCH CH Jade East Is This The Way To Amarillo L Anders/K Nijholt/E Minne 5 GCH CH Nustar Dolly Pardon Me Boys, I’M Here V Jgar J Kerstein/G Richards/J Wyatt 6 GCH CH Margem’s Bogart Here’s Looking At You S Diercks/F Diercks 7 CH Rivu Vu’s Maiden Of The Mist D Gillett/J Cadenelli 8 GCH CH Asias Amadeo At Tiffany J Gilroy 9 Jade East Woman In Red Smug’Lrs S Ellingson 10 GCH CH Tabirds Issac Newton D Bird Chow Chows 1 GCH CH Dreamland’s Wanna Be A Billionaire R Banghart/L Banghart/M Brantley/L Brant 2 GCH CH Padow’s Twilight Embrey In A New Moon At A Sanders/K Williams/A Young 3 GCH CH Padow Northwind’s Wicked Games L Eyster/W Eyster/K Williams 4 GCH CH Jidi The Great One At Rebelrun R Banghart/L Banghart 5 GCH CH Redclouds Chowlamar Big Daddy R Bailey/Z Coogan 6 CH United’s Light My World E Sangkunakup/S Miller 7 CH Pendleton Ginger D Foose/P Foose 8 GCH CH Lo-Re’ Pepperland Storm Warning L Burr/R Burr/J Stillwell 9 GCH CH Padow’s Too Hot To Handle R Sampson/K Willaims 10 GCH CH Kelin’s Highland Mystic O Hayes/J Hayes Dalmatians 1 GCH CH Bret D N Engine Co To The Rescue J Bachey/M Zink/J Shupp 2 GCH CH Folklore Celtic Crossfire Trail R Skibinski/D Skibinski/J Boyd/M Boyd 3 GCH CH Spotlights Ruffian J Lyons/B Lyons 4 GCH CH Kastle’s Go Speed Racer M Squire 5 GCH CH Paisley All Around The World J Rodes/J Macmillan 6 GCH CH Canal-Side’s Imperator B Little/J Eversole/J Langevin/P Masasch 7 GCH CH Mapleaf Don’T Stop Believin In Sunrunner B Becker/A Smith/K Rochin 8 GCH CH Spotted Bliss Oreo Delight D Brumfield/K Smith 9 GCH CH Xanadus Angel Sabrina J Ulloa/A Ulloa 10 GCH CH Riverside’s The Sisters R Baker Finnish Spitz 1 GCH CH Finkkila’s Nalle Poika K Swisher/D Helland 2 GCH CH Mickywins Mainio Skandia P Urton 3 GCH CH Finkkila’s Tuk K Raleigh/M Walker/C Stone 4 GCH CH Marblehill’s Gleaming Icecaps J Anastas/L Saari/T Davies 5 GCH CH Pikkinokka Badgr Sir Barksalot M Badger/H Leftwich 6 CH Finkkila’s Goldie Of Suvi T Walker French Bulldogs 1 GCH CH Coco Vialatte Robobull Hot Flash K Yamanaka 2 GCH CH Lebull’s El Morocco At Lecirque A Geremia/A Alford 3 GCH CH Bandog’s Major League Homerun at TX Star N Shaw/C Stephens/A Phelan 4 GCH CH Lefox Born To Boogie S Sweatt/J Drucker 5 GCH CH Diva’s Bastille My Heart P Hearst Shaw 6 GCH CH Lionheart’s Fortune Five Hundred J Miklos/M Miklos 7 GCH CH Evergreen’s Girls In White Dresses J Cooney-Waterhouse/J Flowers 8 GCH CH Hilsman Napachai Cruel Intentions D Berrey/A Lee/R Hilsman 9 GCH CH Cuttingedge Hollywood Frog In Fog City A Weinberg/D Kowata/B Edge/S Barnett 10 GCH CH Rockydell Hotschott Sirius Dancer M Schott Keeshonden 1 GCH CH Summerwind’s Rumor Has It J Gauchat-Hargis/J Hargis 2 GCH CH Karolina Bonnyvale Meant To Be B Stroud/P Stroud/D Bosch/D Smith 3 GCH CH Foxfair Rudy Valentino H Myers/D Lynch 4 GCH CH Ruttkay Chance M Mcloughlin 5 GCH CH Trumpet’s It’s Good To Be King B Blankenship Continued on page 84
2 11 9 4 3 4592 1 4 10 7 3 4539 0 3 7 2 2 1394 0 1 1 0 2 246 0 0 1 1 0 169 0 0 0 1 1 148 0 0 0 1 0 124 0 0 0 0 1 95 0 0 1 0 0 72 0 0 0 1 0 67 1 4 2 4 4 3860 0 1 3 3 5 1302 0 0 0 1 1 424 0 1 1 0 0 401 0 0 1 0 1 266 0 0 0 1 1 249 0 0 1 0 0 219 0 0 2 0 0 167 0 0 0 1 0 162 0 1 0 1 0 161 0 2 2 3 1 1041 0 1 5 0 4 937 0 4 5 1 0 838 0 0 2 3 2 698 0 0 0 1 3 682 0 1 1 1 3 625 0 2 1 2 2 585 0 0 4 2 2 448 0 0 0 0 1 310 0 1 0 1 1 279 0 1 5 6 1 1274 0 1 0 2 3 491 0 0 0 0 1 127 0 0 0 0 1 124 0 0 0 0 2 81 0 0 0 1 0 38 0 1 3 1 4 1636 0 3 7 2 2 1474 0 3 6 6 0 1130 0 2 0 2 1 783 0 2 1 0 2 623 0 3 0 0 1 440 0 0 0 2 2 423 0 1 1 0 1 354 0 0 1 0 1 324 0 1 1 0 0 235 0 3 7 3 0 1833 0 2 3 4 2 868 0 1 2 3 3 738 0 1 2 0 3 494 0 0 3 2 2 431
Dog News 79
R.D. “DAN” A Grand Man, A Great Loss
By Geir Flyckt-Pedersen
have just received the sad message that one of the men I have admired and respected most in this world died today, Saturday, April 13, 2013. We all knew that Dan had been unwell for several months, but the news still came as a shock and filled us with great sadness. One of the best things George Ward ever did was to introduce Amelia and Dan Musser to us nearly 30 years ago. George and Roz were heading for the UK and were staying with us- and we were asked if it was ok to bring their clients along. Which they did- and I will never forget the first meeting on our doorstep- both looking rather embarrassed and apologizing for imposing themselves upon us –without ever having met us before. I am happy to say that we very soon got them over that and for the next couple of weeks they had Lambridge Farm (our home) as their base in between tours to different parts of the country. We all had a great time and our entire family fell in love with The Mussers! The beginning of a longtime friendship, repeat visits to Lambridge Farm and for us countless visits to Grand Hotel as well as their lovely home in Lansing, Michigan. Memorable visits to great restaurants in our local area as well as London- and at least one unforgettable shopping extravaganza at Harrods… Dan’s success as President and owner of Grand Hotel is well known to most of the world, but what he and Amelia did for a lot of people within our dog world is in my opinion equally impressive. He shared Amelia’s love and enthusiasm for dogs and took great pride in all the fabulous RoundGeir Flycktpedersen & r.d. musser at Montgomery 2012. 80 Dog News
town Westies that George handled for them during the yearsand the generosity he showed his handler made me decide that if I ever ended up in this profession, I would definitely attempt to steal the Mussers!!! Then they -I believe per Mr. Ward’s wish- added a number of top winning Wire Fox Terriers, campaigned the famous Scottie bitch Shannon (when her original owner no longer could), followed by the top-winning Parson Russell Fuzz and of course culminating with Sadie, THE Scottie, which in the capable hands of Ivonne and Gabriel Rangel became the nation’s Top Dog all breeds as well as Westminster’s Best in Show winner. And I know he was looking forward to seeing some of their “new” dogs being campaigned. I loved spending time ringside with Dan. He did not ever waste many words, but whatever he said was well worth listening to and I assure you he knew much more about dogs than most “experts” I know. And his general knowledge was equally impressive. He possessed the unique quality of authority combined with kindness! You normally get one-without the other… Being blessed with a wonderful wife and 3 great children I think Dan enjoyed his life and was very proud of the way son Danny (R.D Musser III) took over when he retired as President of Grand Hotel. Although he never let go completely and as long as he was able to, he was in his office every day! For the rest of our lives we will treasure the fact that we got to know this man, spend time with him and his family and accumulate so many wonderful memories! To actually have a job you enjoy waking up to every day, being surrounded by a wonderful wife, successful children and great grandchildren, might seem like a dream to many, but I think that was Dan Musser’s reality. To Amelia and all the family our deep felt sympathy and condolences.
MUSSER By Roz Kramer
t is with great sadness and a heavy heart I write this artimany years and is a Vice President working closely with her brother cle---about a man who was not only kind and generous, but a carDan. All of this made Dan very proud, as Mimi and Dan are 3rd gening and loyal human being. R.D. Musser, Jr. – known to all as Dan eration Musser’s to run the hotel. Musser passed away Saturday, April 13, 2013. In addition to Grand Hotel and Mackinac Island, Dan had a secDan Musser was born April 29, 1932 in Circleville, Ohio. He grew up ond passion in life – Dogs. on a dairy farm, raised purebred cattle, and was a member of the local He loved beautiful animals and thought of them as a piece of 4H club. He was a graduate of Dartmouth College and served in the art. Dan and Amelia purchased their first Westie from B.G. Frame US Army as an intelligence officer in the and through her met their friend and hanKorean War. Dan was highly respected dler George Ward. Throughout the years in the hospitality industry, and was past the Mussers’ bred many champions and Chairman of the American Hotel Assoachieved many groups and Best in Shows. ciation Resort Committee, and was a In the 80’s they also began showing and member of the Tavern Club in New York breeding Wire Fox Terriers in addition to the City. Westies-- again achieving many champiDan was part of Grand Hotel for on, group and Best in Shows. more than 60 years, starting there as a Dan enjoyed going to shows and college student in 1951, when the howatching beautiful dogs—no matter what tel was owned by his uncle, W. Stewart the breed was. His enjoyment and love for Woodfill. He became president in 1960 seeing a great dog was endless. During the and then purchased the hotel with his days George showed the Scottie – “Shanwife Amelia in 1979. Grand Hotel celnon” (Ch. Braeburn’s Close Encounter), ebrated its 125th Anniversary in 2012 Dan and Amelia Musser stood on the sideand this year marks the family’s 80th lines and cheered for this little terrier. She year of stewardship for the hotel. did not belong to them nor was she bred When Dan first went to the hotel in by the Mussers, but they were always there 1951, it had about 200 rooms, was open cheering her on and enjoying a beautiful from July 4 through Labor Day and had animal. After Shannon’s owner passed an interior much like any other hotel away (in the midst of her show career) Dan or motel. In the intervening years unsaid to George “what a shame you have der Dan’s leadership, the hotel has exto stop showing this beautiful dog”. Dan panded to 385 rooms, and the season Three generations of musser men. offered to pay for the remainder of Shannow runs from the beginning of May to non’s career – with one stipulation- that the end of October, and the interior has been completely transformed. the Musser name not go on the dog and no one was to know who paid Dan and Amelia began a complete makeover of the hotel in the the bills. He was a quiet man who never wanted any recognition. They 70’s, bringing in Carleton Varney, the president and owner of Dorothy wanted the dog to be known for being herself. This was a reflection Draper Design in New York. Working together, they transformed the hoof the warmth and generosity of Dan and type of gentleman he was. tel into a bright summery atmosphere with no two rooms alike. Mary O’Neil their long time Kennel Manager introduced Dan and Dan was known for his close attention to detail in the operation of Amelia to their first Scottie puppy, Sadie. With Gabriel Rangel’s masthe hotel. Before the season every year he walked through every room to terful guidance, Dan and Amelia enjoyed the pinnacle of their life in make sure it was ready to open. He was also known in the hotel for his dogs. Sadie won Westminster in 2010, and was the number one dog hand written notes to employees, sometimes as many as 50 or 60 per all breeds that year. Sadie is the only Triple Crown winner to date. day, pointing out items that needed immediate attention. This was a highlight in their showing career and a once in a lifetime Grand Hotel achieved world class status under Dan’s leadership. opportunity. It is listed perennially as one of Travel and Leisure’s Top 500 Hotels in Dan was more than a client or even a good friend to me – he was the world, Conde Nast Traveler’s Top 5 Midwest Resorts, and has been a father figure, giving me away at my wedding, which was one of the named AAA Four Diamond Award for 19 consecutive years. proudest and happiest moments in my life. Dan was very proud to have his son Dan (R.D. Musser III) follow in He was a man who gave advice and support, a man who was his footsteps. Young Dan has worked at the hotel since college, bethere through thick and thin, and had so much common sense. Yet came president in 1989 and chairman in 2011. Dan has continued his he treated everyone the same—with respect and dignity, and kindfather’s superior leadership and Grand Hotel remains at the top! Adness and love. ditionally his daughter Mimi Cunningham has worked at the hotel for A grand man, and an even greater loss. Dog News 81
Gossip The
By Eugene Z. Zaphiris
he best laid plans of mice and men and DEBBIE BURKE work. She arranged a surprise 70th birthday party at the West Shore Country Club for RON SCOTT and it came off a without a hitch. Among the guests that included their golfing buddies were KAZ HOSAKA, TARA ROWELL, SANDIE & TOM ROLENAITIS, MIZUKI MURAKAMI, KOUSUKE WYOSIDA, DAVID FITZPATRICK, ERNESTO LARA, attend dog shows. The fancy has lost a steadfast ANGIE LLOYD, HOWARD & HEIDI HUBER, supporter and we have lost a friend. All of us CHRISTINE NETHERLY, ROXANNE & JESSY at DOG NEWS send our deepest sympathies to SUTTON and daughter CHARLIZE, ALAN his wife AMELIA, their three children and seven WATERMAN, DEE ANGELO, ROZ MINTZ grandchildren. Services were held this week and FOSCO, LISA CROFT-ELLIOTT, BECKY & the family has requested those wishing to make JEFF ARCH, JOAN LUNA, ERIC LIEBES, a donation in DAN’S memory to the Mackinac MICHELLE SOAVE, SCOTT TOMASSI, Island Community Foundation Library Fund, CHARLIE OLVIS, LIZ MUTHARD, JUNE & which was started by the MUSSERS and held GERRY PENTA, JUDY HARRINGTON, LISA very dear to their hearts. The address is P.O. WARREN, MARILYN & RODNEY HERNER, Box 1933, Mackinac Island, Michigan 49757. JOHN ASHBEY, JIMMY MITCHELL, SANDY JAY RICHARDSON & CHUCK WINSLOW are D’ANDREA, SUSAN GILES, BARBARA judging in China this weekend. Celebrating OHMANN and CHRISTINE WEISSE. DAN Birthdays…CAROL SIMONDS and her daughter MUSSER, well known West highland white JAN SIMONDS, JUDY DAVIS, JENNIFER terrier breeder passed away on Saturday at STEVENS, GERARD HUGHES, MADGE FISH, the age of 80. DAN and his wife AMELIA bred, ROBERTA DAVIES, MARLENE DEPALMA, owned and exhibited several top winning BARBARA BEISSELL, GINGER SCOTT, JEAN terriers, including the 2010 Westminster FOURNIER, BRYAN MARTIN, JOHN RAMIREZ, Kennel Club best in show winning Scottie. STAN FLOWERS, MICHELLE FEDERMAN, The late GEORGE WARD was their long POLLY SMITH, DAWN HANSEN, JEANNE time handler and mentor and in later years POPOVITS, NICHOLAS VIGGIANO, BRIAN GABRIEL RANGEL brought home the big LIVINGSTON, BRIAN STILL, AMANDA POUGH, win in New York. Universally known as the WENDY PAQUETTE, TIFFANY SKINNER, owner of the world famous 125-year-old NICHOLAS PINEIRO, NINA FETTER, CORREY GRAND HOTEL located on Mackinac Island, KRICKEBERG, IVONNE RANGEL and ALICE Michigan, the MUSSERS were marvelous and BIXLER. generous hosts, if you were lucky enough to be a guest at the hotel. A true gentleman, Dan always took time away from his hotel duties to
82 Dog News
End of an Era?
! t e Y r e v O t ’ It Ain
Flash Group Firs t Harrisburg Kennel Clu Thank you b Jud Dr. Eric Lie ge bes!
The culmination of 30 years of breeding Best In Show, Group Winning and National Specialty Winning Otterhounds.
Ch. Scentasia’s End of An Era CGC Scentasia Betsy Conway Donna Emery Handler Kitty Burke, PHA 610-737-4891 Dog News 83
Continued FROM page 78
6 GCH CH Skyline’s Path Of Least Resistance S Cromer Berman/G Berman 7 GCH CH Kj’s Dream Date K Dowd 8 GCH CH Trumpet’s Winner Takes It All V Louie/C Waddell/B Blankenship 9 GCH CH Windrift’s Money Maker R Gum/T Gum 10 GCH CH Shainakees Abundant Asset Is Mercy R Seibert/S Lefebvre Lhasa Apsos 1 GCH CH Sundancer Hylan Shotru Secret Dawn K Hamilton/M Worlton 2 GCH CH Monarchs Destination Dreamscape K Harrison/M Stafford 3 CH Kumi Kian Strike A Pose T Mclaughlin/A Lanterman 4 GCH CH Shoyu Blowin’ My Horn At Orlane E Jones/L Smith 5 CH Ta Sen Westgate On A High S Giles/C Sehnert/E Lonigro 6 GCH CH Rufkins Monarch Not Just Any Mardi Gras R Lombardi/J Bernards 7 GCH CH Kai-La-Sha Legacy C Marley/P Huffman 8 GCH CH Xeralane’s Kid Rock Xeralane Knl/S Giles/W Harper/M Wolverto 9 GCH CH Suntory Temujin C De La Rosa/R De La Rosa 10 GCH CH Riverview Hylan Shotru Whats The Rush P Naumann/P Keen Lowchen 1 GCH CH Paceaway Play It Again P Dyer/L Dyer 2 GCH CH Laser Kiji No Way No How W Koistinen/R Crowder 3 GCH CH Sweetmeadows Don’T Make My Brn I’s Blu K Bumiller Poodles (Miniature) 1 GCH CH Bellefleet’s Living In The Fast Lane A Reichertz 2 GCH CH Rio Skye’s Flashback C Chaddock/T Chaddock/A Shishido 3 GCH CH Surrey Sugar Baby R Scott/D Burke/K Hosaka 4 GCH CH Durandel Bella Donna R Wanger 5 GCH CH Karadale Clarion Born This Way K Berlind/K Kennedy Vigil/A Kennedy 6 GCH CH Jaboas Second To None B Thomas 7 GCH CH Sandstorm X’s In Texas OA OAJ J Neal 8 GCH CH Dimarko Endurance M Bigham 9 GCH CH Glen-Kell’s Brightness And Light K Fisher 10 By Request De La Passion Idole W Penn/C Dean/N Grubb/C Paul Poodles (Standard) 1 GCH CH Brighton Lakeridge Encore T Sosnoff/M Sosnoff 2 GCH CH Jaset’s Satisfaction M Molnar/J Danburg 3 GCH CH Dawin Hearts On Fire L Campbell 4 GCH CH Del Zarzoso Salvame From Afterglow S Barnett/G Lindemann/M Gadsby/J Lynn 5 GCH CH Penndragon Owain J Smith/K Smith/K Bates/R Bates 6 GCH CH Hillwood Dassin Rock On By J Vergnetti/E Charles 7 GCH CH Brighton Meadow At Lakeridge L Brennan/V Dorris/D Jones 8 GCH CH Litilann’s Photo Finish A Rairigh 9 GCH CH Luminary Black Velvet Bejeweled With Pearls V Law/L Estaver 10 GCH CH Dawin Wildrose Raisin’ The Stakes L Campbell Schipperkes 1 GCH CH Dante Fire When Ready A Gossman/S Middlebrooks/M Jameson/P All 2 GCH CH De Lamer Black Ice K Nuovo 3 GCH CH Delamer Off The Hook K Nuovo 4 GCH CH Bonchien Cedric The Entertainer K Henry 5 GCH CH Beachviews Oops I Did It Again J Penatello 6 CH Delamer She Sells Seashells K Nuovo 7 GCH CH Bonchien Prodigal Son R Rollins/B Burke 8 GCH CH Tangerea’s Where’s The Beef D Grulke 9 GCH CH Aned’s Guillaume J Murphy/M Simanek 10 GCH CH Willow’s Make My Day D Johnson/T Johnson Shiba Inu 1 GCH CH Mr2 Three Ships To The Wind T Harris/S Rolenaitis/T Rolenaitis 2 GCH CH Morningstar’s Dances With Wolves L Cribbs 3 GCH CH Jotoichi Perfect Madness D Trotter
84 Dog News
0 0 1 0 1 358 0 1 1 0 0 259 0 0 1 1 0 217 0 0 0 0 1 167 0 1 0 0 0 166 0 2 3 2 4 721 0 1 1 0 2 579 0 2 2 0 0 481 0 0 1 2 1 386 0 0 1 0 2 312 0 0 0 1 1 257 0 0 1 2 1 256 0 1 2 0 1 206 0 0 0 0 1 121 0 0 1 0 0 75 0 1 2 7 2 1018 0 2 3 2 0 759 0 0 0 1 0 106 0 3 3 2 2 1107 0 0 1 4 3 917 0 5 5 1 0 806 0 1 0 1 2 756 0 3 1 1 1 522 0 0 1 0 1 246 0 0 1 2 0 235 0 0 1 1 1 171 0 0 0 0 1 99 0 0 1 0 0 78 3 14 2 1 0 7302 4 13 4 1 0 5576 4 20 5 2 0 4489 4 6 1 0 0 3817 1 6 1 3 2 2225 0 4 3 4 0 1262 0 4 3 2 1 658 0 2 1 0 1 458 0 3 0 1 1 366 0 0 0 2 1 288 2 7 5 3 0 2926 1 2 0 1 2 1270 0 1 5 1 0 746 0 1 1 2 1 645 0 1 0 0 4 405 0 0 1 1 1 281 0 0 0 2 0 254 0 0 1 0 1 243 0 0 0 0 2 209 0 0 0 0 1 156 1 2 0 2 0 921 0 2 1 1 2 390 0 0 0 0 2 200
4 GCH CH Kawamaisou’s Secret Agent Man M Peterson/D Peterson 5 GCH CH Oak’s The Wizards Apprentice P Rosado/E Cruz 6 GCH CH Royal’s Fame And Fortune B Cutting/P Peterson 7 CH Jotoichi Truth Be Told R Shaw/K Shaw 8 CH Cantebriar Red E Set Go D Lucero/F Lucero 9 Horizon Hi-Jinx Cabernets Delight L Hughes/J Hughes 10 CH Nic-Reg Kumagoro Edjo J Pieper/E Pieper Tibetan Spaniels 1 GCH CH Kan Sing’s Tenzin M Feltenstein 2 GCH CH Shilo Time For A Good Time S Carroll 3 CH Maciain’s North Side Irish M Acker/L Acker 4 GCH CH Wanaseas Mystic Lake Effect L Gembala 5 GCH CH Wexford Namtrah Second Hand News D Tyree/H Hartman/M Hartman 6 CH Tuqute Jimanie’s Squeek Toy S Hedgepath/S Bonser 7 GCH CH Shenanwood Simply Imagine This S Reeve/K Okey/C Bias Chaffee 8 GCH CH Maciain Jameson Rarest Vintage M Acker 9 GCH CH Tin-Man Shot In The Dark S Rose 10 GCH CH Dragonsong Miramichi’s Silk Stockings D Koopman Tibetan Terriers 1 GCH CH Rinchen’s Blazing Illusion By Dzine L Meyer/M Allway/M Laffler/C Coppola 2 GCH CH Rinchen’s Blazing Black Icon E Coppola/C Coppola 3 GCH CH Kimik’s Sir Gawain K Bolak/C Rose-Bolak/D Planche 4 GCH CH Ri Lee’s Stellar Performance N Kinziger 5 GCH CH Cedar Creek She’s Got It All C Van Pelt 6 GCH CH Aurora’s Welcome To The Jungle D Haynam 7 GCH CH Barnstorm’s Grissom T. T. C.S.I. P Bernardo/L Meyer/M Laffler 8 GCH CH To-Jo’s Adominos Barry Apeel’N J Chaix/J Sheffield 9 CH Pandan Ashlyn’s Meeka At Honeycreek A Soderman/J Martin/R Jaramillo 10 CH Tripitaka Kinda Kute S Lydon/C Lydon
0 0 0 0 1 101 0 0 0 0 1 93 0 0 0 0 1 72 0 0 0 0 1 51 0 0 0 1 0 49 0 0 0 0 1 29 0 2 1 0 0 14 1 14 11 5 3 4670 0 0 3 4 4 1417 0 0 0 1 0 186 0 0 0 1 0 128 0 0 0 0 1 72 0 0 0 0 1 69 0 0 0 1 0 62 0 0 0 1 0 61 0 0 0 0 1 58 0 0 0 0 1 36 0 1 1 5 6 893 0 3 2 1 2 879 0 0 5 3 4 810 0 0 0 3 1 224 0 0 2 1 0 198 0 0 0 1 2 163 0 0 0 1 0 128 0 0 0 1 1 75 0 0 0 1 0 72 0 0 0 1 0 69
Xoloitzcuintli 1 GCH CH Bayshore Georgio Armani 0 3 1 2 1 557 J Baylis/L Hylton/T Johnson 2 GCH CH Bayshore Stonehaven Espiritu Isabella De Ivoss 0 0 0 1 1 280 D Voss/S Middlebrooks/J Baylis 3 GCH CH Shida Mighty Joe Young 0 1 1 0 0 247 C Loutzenniser/J Young-Johnson 4 CH Bayshore Sol-Azul 0 0 0 1 0 149 L Hylton/J Bayliss
herding group
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
Australian Cattle Dogs 1 GCH CH Kokopelli’s Sobe It 0 1 1 4 2 1184 J Rowland/H Warn/K Watkins/C Kurpas 2 GCH CH Onthego’s Here’s Lookin’ At Ya 0 1 0 2 0 439 D Quain/P Salladay/J Pulliam 3 GCH CH Dawn Heir’s He’s The Boss! 0 0 1 0 0 261 D Price/C Price 4 GCH CH Buzzards Tazmanian B’ Devil HSAds 0 0 1 0 0 221 M Hunter/G Calvert 5 GCH CH Buzzards Keely Does Vegas 0 0 1 2 1 198 K Warner/M Warner 6 GCH CH Devon’s Diamond In The Ruff 0 0 1 0 2 182 V Fowler 7 GCH CH Littleflock Stand My Ground HT 0 0 0 0 2 166 G Todd 8 GCH CH Fair Dinkum’s Action Jaxson 0 0 0 0 1 143 L Pontius 9 GCH CH Kurpas’ Holy Smoke RN 0 0 0 1 1 138 A Baxter/C Kurpas/J Kurpas 10 GCH DC Creekspirits True Grit Lnr HSAs HXAsc 0 0 1 0 0 134 D Stebbens Australian Shepherds 1 GCH CH Harmony Hill’s Money Talks 1 8 2 2 0 2880 L Goetz/H Braddock 2 GCH CH Melodys Armed And Dangerous 1 1 0 0 0 1812 R Duellge 3 GCH CH Mcmatt’s Autumn Breeze 1 3 3 1 0 1511 F Mcdaniel/J Loehr/V Wehrle 4 GCH CH Woodstock’s Belle Starr 0 1 4 0 1 1151 L Buell 5 GCH CH Broadway’s Cruisin’ Like Royalty of Canyon Lake R 1 2 2 1 0 1107 S George/M Pryor 6 GCH CH Hearthside Riveredge Sure Is Summum 0 1 3 1 1 1018 C Poitras 7 GCH CH Copperridge’s Sugar N Spice 0 3 1 3 0 668 S Miller/J Miller 8 GCH CH Melody Hit The Jackpot CD RN PT 0 1 1 2 1 650 T Edwards/E Edwards
9 GCH CH Mysharas Dancing Queen S Fontanini/E Swain 10 GCH CH Equinox The Edge Of Reason RE C Bell Bearded Collies 1 GCH CH Spiritwood’s Gandalf The Blue S Larsen/J Larsen 2 GCH CH Dunhill Celebration C O’Neil/R Harrington 3 GCH CH Wigglesworth Thriller A Yura/D Mieras/S Ipser 4 GCH CH Ha’Penny Mirimar The Fab Fawn J Schneider/M Marini/V Null 5 GCH CH Daybar For Your Eyes Only B Barton/D Frady/C Perron 6 CH Winberlee’s It’s Me Eloise J Burgett/I Copus/R Copus 7 GCH CH Lakewood Forever Cool RN J Patzius 8 GCH CH Lammermuir-Stonehaven My Memories I Carson/D Nutting/E Tolley 9 GCH CH Ha’Penny Deja Aphrodite V Shafer/S Shafer 10 GCH CH Dunhill Steeler Nation R Harrington/K Harrington/M Rohn Beaucerons 1 GCH CH De Joie Du Chateau Rocher CA M Palmer 2 GCH CH Beowolf Rime Des Monts Du Lac P Prager/J Prager 3 GCH CH Bijou Noir Du Chateau Rocher RE HT J Tornquist Belgian Malinois 1 CH Caveat’s Hd Ultra Classic Outlaw B Todd 2 CH Halle Berry Du Domaine De Vauroux J Ennis/C Ennis 3 GCH CH Broadcreek’s Marcus Junis Brutus M Kornfeld/S Legg/L Legg/E Kornfeld 4 GCH CH Trisorts Cassiopeia RA L Brandt/K Brandt/L Knock Belgian Sheepdogs 1 CH Verseau’s Passage To India MX MXJ T2B A Mcgregor/S Mcgregor/P King/R Kraft 2 GCH CH Sanderle Kindred R R Chumbley/R Skinner 3 GCH CH Bonntymes Keepn It Real At Devine HSAs S Manier/B Leonard 4 GCH CH Isengard’s Wildflower L Miller 5 GCH CH Chargany’s Voyageur J Powers/J Powers 6 GCH CH Cibola’s Brazos De Dios Of Adagio M Andric 7 GCH CH Sundown’s Nitemagic Just What I Do C Toma/D Toma 8 GCH CH Liswyn’s Vaquero RA A Hopkins/K Hopkins 9 GCH CH Sans Brancos Ultimatum A Jones/M Jones/T Votava 10 GCH CH Hobbiton’s Song Of Solomon Of Laralee HSAs L Gilbert Belgian Tervuren 1 GCH CH Sky Acres Flying Solo M Edling 2 GCH CH Mishaook Lulu At Chateau Blanc HSCs HICs D Laurin/J Laurin 3 GCH CH Hillside Special And Hamazing B Kreider/S Kreider 4 GCH CH Tacara’s Racelon Rembrandt NA NAJ OF C Lautzenheiser
0 1 2 2 0 611 0 1 3 1 4 553 1 5 5 3 4 3827 1 9 4 2 0 2045 0 1 3 2 1 1026 0 2 4 1 2 985 0 1 2 1 1 751 0 0 0 1 0 276 0 0 2 0 0 210 0 0 0 1 2 208 0 0 1 0 0 110 0 0 0 1 0 73 0 2 3 1 4 1524 0 2 3 2 2 719 0 0 0 2 0 140 0 0 0 0 1 146 0 0 0 1 0 101 0 0 0 1 0 97 0 0 0 0 1 87 0 0 1 1 0 470 0 0 0 1 2 316 0 0 0 2 1 285 0 0 0 1 0 262 0 0 1 0 0 221 0 0 1 0 1 211 0 0 0 2 0 174 0 1 0 0 1 149 0 0 0 2 0 140 0 0 1 0 0 137 1 3 1 1 1 2040 1 2 1 0 1 925 0 1 0 1 0 443 0 0 0 2 3 389
Continued on page 88
The Dog News Top Ten List Presents
Based on All-Breed Competition
As of March 31, 2013
Dog News 85
K C I CL o t n e m a r c a S b u l C l e n n e K
86 Dog News
Dog News 87
Continued FROM page84
5 GCH CH Mishaook’s Lautrec 0 0 2 1 0 293 K Gauchat/J Pavlichko 6 GCH CH Hovne Es-Pen Av Revehiet 0 0 0 0 1 238 J Murphy/T Hulsund 7 GCH CH Bon Di Snowflower Rush’D Up Mt-Index BN RE 0 0 1 0 0 167 P Woolworth/H Pemble 8 GCH CH Sky Acres Flying Dutchman PT 0 0 0 0 1 125 E Stearns/M Edling 0 0 0 1 0 114 9 GCH CH Waldenmark’s Here’s Lookin At Ewe HSAds HIAds I Friedenson/J Friedenson 10 GCH CH Bonheur Scyran All In 0 0 0 1 0 114 B Fleetwood/K Ryan Border Collies 1 GCH CH Kensington’s Artful Dodger L Waldo 2 GCH CH Majestic Avatar Storm Warning PT R Johnson/J Braylis/M Karger/R Delay 3 GCH CH F Si A Ge Of Fu You Yuan Kennel L Jing 4 GCH CH Tang Dynasty Rocky N Tang 5 GCH CH Sporting Field’s Heiress HSAs HIAs D Butt/D Einck/A Giles 6 GCH CH Wildfire’s Burnin’ Blue Rippin’ Through CDX T Moncheski 7 GCH CH Bayshore’s Hot Chocolate Of Avatar N Mages/J Baylis/S Einck-Paul 8 GCH CH Bayshore’s Cast A Spell At Avatar HSAs R Johnson/J Baylis/S Einck-Paul 9 GCH CH Rising Star’s Dancin’ In The Moonlight PT OA J Aniskoff 10 GCH CH Bon-Clyde’s Pistol Pete Of Nahrof N Mages/E Wagner Bouviers des Flandres 1 GCH CH Stonepillar’s Steel Blu D Ham/B Ham 2 GCH CH Stonewall I-Zak De La Salsa J Abramsohn/P Anderson/R Bishop/S Brocke 3 GCH CH I’M Special Kountry’s Great Communicator P Murray/J Litogot 4 CH Take Aim’s Playing For Gryffindor M Hieronimus/A Dimercurio 5 GCH CH Barbu Jenarae Ruffian W Miller 6 GCH CH Vanleighof’s Special Agent Gibbs L Mccann/M Zusman/D Poulson 7 GCH CH Margaux’s Stacked Deck P Martin/S Lyon 8 GCH CH Quiche’s Jewels Are Forever E Paquette/L Paquette 9 GCH CH Delux Jumpin’ Jack Flash J Edick 10 GCH CH Cobeauche Jakabo Xavier R Glenn/R Glenn/R Saum/M Brown Briards 1 GCH CH Deja Vu Mia Cool As A Cucumber T Miller/A Melton/D Dube/L Bernard 2 GCH CH Lighting Strike El Xargall M Millner/T Millner 3 GCH CH Majestique Brave Heart M Warcholik 4 GCH CH Deja Vu Mia Chain Of Fools J Holava/M Holava 5 GCH CH Deja Vu Pomme Despair Came Knocking M Sanders/T Miller 6 GCH CH Sendero’s Femme Fatale M Millner/T Millner 7 GCH CH Suite Car Named Desire J Mourning/F Mourning 8 GCH CH Aladax’s Divine Dream By Kaliphi RN HSAs V Swarowski/D Morrow/M Huslig 9 GCH CH Cumano Of The Coastline E Myers
0 2 4 4 2 1776 0 0 2 5 1 1370 0 4 0 1 3 772 0 1 6 2 2 764 0 2 2 2 2 632 0 0 2 0 0 471 0 0 1 0 1 173 0 2 0 0 0 164 0 1 0 0 0 82 0 0 0 0 1 80 0 3 4 1 1 1196 0 1 1 1 2 597 0 1 1 0 0 454 0 2 0 1 0 412 0 1 0 1 0 290 0 0 0 0 1 257 0 0 1 1 0 240 0 0 0 1 1 200 0 0 0 1 0 178 0 1 0 0 0 177 2 10 4 5 2 3685 1 4 2 1 3 2533 0 3 1 1 3 682 0 0 1 1 1 606 0 0 0 2 2 377 0 0 1 2 1 316 0 0 0 1 0 204 0 0 0 1 0 200 0 0 1 1 0 187
The Dog News Top Ten List Presents
Based on All-Breed Competition
As of March 31, 2013 88 Dog News
10 GCH CH Deja Vu Mia Cake Walk G Klang/T Miller/A Melton Canaan Dogs 1 GCH CH Pleasant Hill Magnum Of Samara P Rosman 2 GCH CH Rivroc Lycm Own Dream Bsnatch Rsndog C Miller/E Miller/M Houchard 3 CH Mad River Cool Breeze Blowing R Davila-Sargent/C Sargent Cardigan Welsh Corgis 1 GCH CH Aubrey’s Tails Of Mystery C Savioli/V Savioli 2 GCH CH Riverside Telltail Coco Posh D Planche/D Shindle/J Divens 3 GCH CH Mariel’s Harvest Moon M Mizelle/J Bruce 4 GCH CH Serah Celtic Legend Of Llynhill B Tannahill/P Smith 5 GCH CH Allegro Southern Charm J Lamy 6 GCH CH Turn-Key’s Little Big Man RN M Hulme 7 GCH CH Kingsbury Tail Ridge Road B Poole/D Poole/J Glenn 8 GCH CH Kosmar Striking Back Of Bridgelady M Stahr/G Roach 9 GCH CH Telltail Like A Rolling Stone L Sams 10 GCH CH Pluperfect Merrymoon Paper Tiger W Bendinelli/J Williams Collies (Rough) 1 GCH CH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger J Caruso/R Caruso 2 Balverie Escapade P Smith/W Smith 3 GCH CH Rainbow’s Rising Karma At Weston M Holliday/N Reid 4 GCH CH Milas Latin Fever L Butler/L Hedman 5 CH Moxie Chillin’ Like A Villin’ M Barber/A Pearson 6 GCH CH Gentry’s About Face K Convertini/R Stachon 7 CH Darlyns Legacy In Gold L Olsen 8 GCH CH Highcroft Worth The Wait D Jeszewski/L Jeszewski/J Belluomini 9 GCH CH Pleasant Acre Shalimar Partly Cloudy K Mulligan/J Mulligan 10 GCH CH Sunnland’s Follow That Dream G Michelson Collies (Smooth) 1 GCH CH C And J Silver Charm Of Chrysalis J Waiburn/C Thompson 2 GCH CH Row-Bar’s Heartbreaker J Brady/R Johns/S Mcalear/K Mcpherson 3 GCH CH Sunnland’s Copacabana VCD1 RAE PT A Griffith-Morris 4 GCH CH Travler’s Pierce Arrow C Ardizzone/R Tehon/B Ardizzone/G Lewis 5 GCH CH Cyndella’s Yes, I’M Charmed K Neeley 6 CH Thistlebrae The Devil In Her J Pringle 7 GCH CH Aspen’s I’Ll Chase The Sunbeam S Hesterberg 8 GCH CH Shanarock Windkist Hometown Celebrity K Price/A Harbin/N Lawrence 9 GCH CH Provenhill’s Devilicious K Provenzano/L Cohen 10 CH Wild Wind’s Promise A Fast Finish T Sims Finnish Lapphunds 1 GCH CH Lumiturpa Arvi M Feltenstein 2 CH Calaban’s Armahani Rakentaa C Brillinger 3 GCH CH Yutori’s Shades Of Autumn L Drumm/C Pollack 4 CH Teelikamentten Iikka L Marden 5 Sugarok Stonewall Jackson S Lockwood 6 GCH CH Sugarok Casanova CM E Blanch/W Blanch German Shepherd Dogs 1 GCH CH Wolf Creek Galaxy Of Merivern E Farrell/P Walker 2 GCH CH Karizma’s Ike Of Edale S Birch/S Birch/J Moses/S Moses 3 GCH CH Pine Hill’s Payday Of Hays Hill P Hays/B Hill/K Salvucci 4 GCH CH Imp-Cen Diamonds Are Forever C Halliday/C Halliday/S Myers 5 GCH CH Woodside’s Lacy S Anderson 6 GCH CH Suboja’s Army’s Soldier HT S Sisemore 7 CH Marquis’ They Call Me Heartbreaker Of Anne-Isle L Oster 8 GCH CH Millertime’s Boston Legal C Ricker/C Miller 9 CH Windcrest Gun Powderd Led S Wendel/S Roudebush/L Wendel 10 GCH CH Signature’s Philip Marlow V Kridler F Brugger Icelandic Sheepdogs 1 GCH CH Bjarkarkots Hroi Hottur Luke MX AXJ OF L Dribinsky
0 0 1 0 0 73 0 5 3 1 5 1755 0 0 0 0 1 92 0 0 0 0 1 33 3 12 6 4 2 6289 1 4 7 2 4 2387 0 2 6 2 1 1285 0 2 0 1 2 532 0 1 0 0 2 441 0 0 0 3 1 291 0 0 1 1 1 208 0 0 0 0 1 170 0 0 0 1 1 130 0 0 1 1 0 113 0 4 1 5 0 1340 0 0 1 1 0 387 0 1 1 0 1 296 0 0 1 2 0 278 0 0 0 0 1 245 0 0 0 2 0 208 0 0 0 1 0 136 0 0 0 1 0 110 0 0 1 0 0 98 0 0 0 1 0 98 1 2 0 0 0 1190 0 3 2 2 2 666 0 0 1 0 1 545 0 2 2 0 0 265 0 0 0 0 1 264 0 1 0 1 0 256 0 1 0 0 0 228 0 0 0 0 1 164 0 0 1 0 0 150 0 1 0 0 0 132 0 0 3 0 8 710 0 0 0 2 0 319 0 1 0 1 1 242 0 0 0 1 1 65 0 0 0 1 0 62 0 0 0 1 0 42 1 12 7 5 1 3349 0 7 7 4 3 1966 0 4 2 1 2 795 1 2 0 0 0 660 0 3 2 0 0 628 0 0 1 2 1 313 0 0 1 1 0 242 0 0 1 1 0 192 0 1 0 0 0 175 0 0 0 1 0 125 0 1 1 0 1 715
2 GCH CH Isneista Christmas Star BN RA P Ross Norwegian Buhunds 1 GCH CH Jotunn Bella Binna V Eberhardt/J Bradstreet 2 GCH CH Trollheimen Kiss My Cash E Turner 3 CH Trollheimen’s Moonstruck At Grandcru J Comish/E Comish Old English Sheepdogs 1 GCH CH Bugaboo’s Picture Perfect C Johnson/H Johnson 2 GCH CH Lambluv’s Live The Dream J Marder/C Hastings/K Richardson 3 GCH CH Zottels Shaggy Star C Furtado/J Furtado/J Ansell 4 GCH CH Lambluv’s Daytime Hustler L Douglas/J Marder 5 GCH CH Cottonwood Man In The Moon D Caswell/R Caswell 6 GCH CH Whisperwood’s Wild Horse J Wetzler/K Burdash 7 GCH CH Masquerade Mikey Likes It J Hewitt/M Harris 8 GCH CH To-Jo’s Sweet Tune Lanward A Popp/L Williams 9 GCH CH Bagatelle Moonlit River S Johns-Difrenza/B Charest/J Charest/R C 10 CH Lambluv The Show Must Go On Four Ewe C Reidinger/J Marder Pembroke Welsh Corgis 1 GCH CH Coventry Allure At Wyndstar A Geremia/B Shelton 2 GCH CH Riverside Get Over It D Shindle 3 GCH CH Coventry Swinging On A Star B Shelton/S Leyerly/B Williams/D Salow 4 GCH CH Nchanted Silk Lining C Braunstein 5 GCH CH Coventry Just A Little Crush J Johnson/J Johnson/B Shelton/S Leyerly/ 6 GCH CH Riverside Xtra Style P Panzarella/D Shindle 7 GCH CH Eden Crowns Designer Label L Williams/J Williams 8 GCH CH Hillcrest Xiv Karat Cause For Applause K Lord/S Hurst 9 GCH CH Laststop Ty One On C Dowd/B Dowd 10 CH Jorash Aim For The Heart At Corgard E Schusterson/Y Davies/K Boll Polish Lowland Sheepdogs 1 GCH CH Ponwood’s Smoky B Bruns/W Stamp 2 GCH CH Swan Crest The Power Of Love Eternal M Hirata/L Bettis/R Wolfe 3 GCH CH Sunshine’s I Feel The Love J Devlin/S Gough Pulik 1 CH Cordmaker Topsy Turvey J Bruce/J Beaudoin/S Huebner 2 GCH CH Cordmaker Rumpus Bumpus J Beaudoin/S Huebner/F Licciardi 3 GCH CH Zaydah Guns A Blazing R Dimatteo 4 GCH CH Mt Hood’s Leapin’ Linni Of Tordor B Stelz/G Stelz/B Hiett 5 CH Moonshadows Lost In The Ivy CDX RE N Guagenti/A Guagenti/B Pessina 6 CH Fuzzy Farm If Not Now, When? S Lawrence/A Lawrence 7 GCH CH Mt Hood’s Peak Perfection BN RN NAP C Pronzini/J Moen/B Hiett 8 GCH CH Prydain Joshua D Fields/K Edwards 9 GCH CH Fuzzy Farm Twist And Shout A Lawrence/S Lawrence 10 GCH CH Moremi Matter Of Fact B Pessina/P Anspach/S Mcconnell/I Crowth Pyrenean Shepherds 1 GCH CH La Brise Sun Bear P Princehouse/K Laram Shetland Sheepdogs 1 GCH CH Paray’s Preferential K Furlong/T Pittman 2 GCH CH Grandgables The Frat Boy P Buckles/A Buckles/J Moses 3 GCH CH Jesstar Nirvana R Von Pusch/J Starbuck 4 GCH CH Serenity’s Walk In The Park V Weis 5 GCH CH Grandgables Jolie Victor Ludorum P Hannah/K Hannah 6 GCH CH Homespun Casual Blues PT NA OAJ NF J Iverson 7 GCH CH Dreamline Starphire Mahalo R Baker/N Ager 8 GCH CH Karosel Kartwheels D Planche/K Schmutz/D Hines 9 GCH CH Solange Significant L Nicholas 10 GCH CH Thunderhill’s Apple Bottom Jeans M Miller/M Miller/A Power Swedish Vallhunds 1 GCH CH Solborg Faramir A Vetter
0 0 0 1 0 124 0 1 2 0 2 609 0 0 0 0 2 204 0 0 0 0 1 64 2 9 1 0 0 5680 1 3 2 2 4 1879 0 1 2 1 0 884 0 0 1 1 3 655 0 0 1 1 3 498 0 0 1 1 3 476 0 0 3 2 2 457 0 0 0 2 1 439 0 2 1 0 1 324 0 1 0 1 0 271 1 13 7 8 3 5458 0 3 3 4 3 1171 0 0 2 3 0 604 0 0 3 2 2 600 0 1 1 2 1 437 0 1 1 2 2 426 0 1 1 1 0 387 0 0 0 0 2 290 0 1 1 0 2 242 0 0 0 1 1 232 0 1 2 1 1 528 0 0 1 3 0 457 0 0 0 0 1 28 1 9 10 2 6 2880 0 2 1 1 0 336 0 0 1 0 1 232 0 0 2 0 0 216 0 0 0 1 0 199 0 0 0 0 2 138 0 0 0 0 2 127 0 0 0 0 1 122 0 0 0 0 2 101 0 0 1 0 0 75 0 0 1 2 8 1284 4 8 3 2 2 6743 4 16 2 3 5 6663 1 7 8 1 1 2052 1 3 0 1 1 1327 0 1 3 2 1 543 0 1 0 1 3 393 0 1 1 0 1 339 0 1 3 1 0 294 0 0 1 2 0 271 0 0 1 0 0 268 0 0 1 0 0 255
Heelwork To MUSIC
tion. Firstly I just inserted some police sirens into the but turned into something unexpected. Training started music track but it sounded a little boring. That’s when in early October as I didn’t want to leave it much later I had the idea of mixing the sirens with the fun Benny as I had the other routines to practise. After trying out Hill music. I like to do fun routines and the addition of various pieces of music Mary mentioned she liked a Youthe Benny Hill music I felt lifted the feel of the piece Tube video to Putting on the Ritz but the music wasn’t and having it near the end would hopefully energise available. So I went home and searched for a version that the routine at the right point. might suit the routine. I eventually found a version which At the semi finals the routine didn’t go as well as was in fact on a ballroom cd and at first it felt quite fast it could but I managed to cover some of the mistakes but when you got up and moved around, you seemed to be that could have made the routine look messy. At the able to move at normal pace to it. semi finals Whizzy won the freestyle division but it still So with the music chosen it was time to choreograph meant we needed to do some work to polish the routhe routine. I put together some rough sequences which tine. In the main ring at Crufts Whizzy was a little over we then worked on when we came together to train. When motivated I felt at times, which was my fault as I perworking with another dog haps should have worked her and handler it can be hard more before I entered the ring. “I had from working to find things that the dogs Saying that having watched do at the same speed. It was Whizzy in the the routine back it wasn’t as that I needed to give essential in the second part bad as I thought and with two of this routine that the dogs judges scoring it highly it can- her looked very synchronised. so before we went in I did not have been too bad. One move that we could inThe other dog I had in with stantly see suited both dogs the final was little Betty, who her to was where they followed the could not be more different end of the cane, trotting unfrom Whizzy. Being so small derneath. We were going to she was obviously going to be dwarfed in the main use canes in the routine so I came up with the idea of ring so my aim was always just to get her through the having a lighted cane which I felt would give the routine routine and show people that you don’t need a collie a little more showbiz. There was one problem, which was to get to the finals in this sport. Betty is very quick in that I would be in a caretaker’s outfit to start with holding her movement so the music needed to be quite fast a broom, so my cane had to be hidden. Luckily I devised paced. By chance I happened to hear on television the a way of putting the cane down the centre of the broom theme tune to the TV programme the Professionals. which meant I could extract it at the right time. Although I am too young to remember it being on TV I After many months of training the routine together have heard the music before. As with Whizzy’s routine we had some practises in the main arena. They didn’t go I wanted to create something that wasn’t necessarily as well as we would have liked so there was some nerves connected to the TV programme as many people like going into the ring for the live performance. I had learnt myself would not know what it was about. I also had from working Whizzy in the freestyle final that I needed to some ideas on props that I wanted to use, which is how give her more warming up so before we went in I did more the idea came about whereby we would be searching exercises with her to focus her mind. I had my fingers as detectives for the stolen Crufts trophy. On the day crossed that my voice would hold up as during Crufts I Betty did her best even though she was getting very had picked up the dreaded flu bug that seemed to be hot under the lights. Knowing we were not likely to going around, which had made my throat sore. As usual beat the bigger dogs I was delighted to get a fourth the routine seemed to pass in a flash and I don’t think we with her and she rightly, I feel, deserves her place in could believe how well it had gone. With everyone now usthe history books as the highest placed smallest dog ing the social media sites we very quickly received feedin the freestyle final. back from others that had been watching it saying how The last routine I had to perform was a pair’s much they enjoyed it, which is great for us to hear. routine with Mary Ray. We have worked together on So that was another Crufts over with, now it’s time for other routines so when we were talking last year about me to decide what dogs I will aim to qualify for next year ideas for Mary I suggested that we could do a routine and also start to look for that illusive track of music for which at the start looked like a normal Mary routine a new routine.
learnt freestyle final more warming up more exercises focus her mind.”
Dog News 89
90 Dog News
Dog News 91
Dog News Top Ten List Based on breed competition
Continued FROM page 53
32 30 25 20 16 14 12
GCH CH Flessner’s International Space Station At J Mcdonald GCH CH Soonipi Friends In Low Places Mlh K Dewey/S Katos GCH CH Badgershill Muldoon Of Heather L Sherman GCH CH Quiet Creeks Double Or Nothing For Heather H Whitcomb/S Hamil GCH CH Flessner’s International Espionage R Owen GCH CH Houndwalkers Sebastian Of The Groves D Groves/M Groves/K Groves CH Mojusta’s Fame B Rayls/C Wells
Bluetick Coonhounds 27 23 16 14 5 3 3 3 2 1
GCH CH Live Oaks Call Me Kryptonite S Lloyd GCH CH Charwin Fairmont Sweet Society Blue Snuff C Woods/T Kastner Plum Tree’N Hootchy Cootchy P Bodeving/K Bodeving CH Cedar Creek’s Tellin Secrets B Fischer CH Sidearm Brando Of Johnson Crk J Mills/L Mills Calvera Evenstar Every Rose Has A Thorn T Byers/M Duke/K Martin Evenstar Soldier Of Fortune K Martin Ghost Creek Jethro Augustus K Martin/K Barnes Harper’s Blue Annie In Paradise R Greuel Bawlin’Blues Stormy Monday Z Lewis/L Snyder
131 104 100 77 68 68 59 52 50 48
GCH CH Aruzia Priority One JC L Scott/J Scott GCH CH Majenkir Bookstor Vintage Glamour K Spey/H Spey GCH CH Greyhaven This Rough Magic SC F Vogel/M Hough/L Spiers GCH CH Majenkir Bookstor Glamour Girl K Spey/H Spey GCH CH Jubilee Tadbit O’Brindle Mist A Gredys/C Gredys GCH CH Raynbos Run For The Roses J Zucker/R Zucker GCH CH Vento Danza Versachi Of The Wild Hunt D Burkholder/C Cedeno/B Waldkirch CH La Verite Belote R Terry CH Sylvan Pewter Gazelle C Neale/P Neale GCH CH Morozova Sierra Sunrise At Rey JC K Novotny/G Novotny/S Cordova
342 228 186 185 148 120 86 82 77 76
GCH CH Hundeleben Queen’s Armada Sl C Puig/K Gonzalez/P Stephens GCH CH Sweetgrass Johann Tipper C Martine/R Sak/D Sak GCH CH Sleepy Hollow Carolina Special M Taylor/B Wlodkowski GCH CH Walmar-Solo’s Iou Sl S Snyder GCH CH J-Lyn’s All About The Bling Mld J Van Niman/T Van Niman GCH CH Seidach’s Diggin’ Up Bones B Wuest/H Wuest GCH CH Pramada’s Rough-N-Tumble L M Peat/M Heaslet GCH CH Insight’s Illusionist Sl C Taylor/C Geiser GCH CH Jt’s Kaycees Phoenix Of Tam-Boer Mld L Tamboer GCH CH Laurjosh’s Prince Palatine Of Poulstead D Humphrey
Dachshunds (Longhaired)
Dachshunds (Smooth) 225 211 172 170 155 136 61
GCH CH Spellbound’s You Go First K Brown GCH CH Bessdachs Electric Martini M Lara/B Jeffery GCH CH Grandgables Sumbuddy Walden D Waldo GCH CH Toskydox Witchy Woman Ss S Lutosky GCH CH Dynadaux Redneck Fancy Boy Ms C Senff/P Spencer/B Claxton/B Sandoval GCH CH Beachside Dox Havana Daydreamin V C Ramos/M Singleton/W Cunningham GCH CH Dynadaux Hey Good Girlicious Ms C Senff
92 Dog News
58 58 40
GCH CH Criscross Black Antonio S C Natali/R Schumm/J Hamman GCH CH Lucene’s Austin Healey M Stall/J Sudinski GCH CH Doxliebe Pink Tourmaline J Siegel/J Siegel
Dachshunds (Wirehaired) 273 211 173 166 96 77 59 58 57 50
GCH CH Del Prado’s Bar Code W A Bischel/M Bedowitz GCH CH Leoralee’s Baywatch Mw M Singleton/B Lasater GCH CH Raydachs Ruby Tuesday Sw S Ray GCH CH Legibach Captain Crunch Sw S Sweatt/G Middings/P Leone GCH CH Incahoots Howlin’ Tornado A Cotteleer/R Cotteleer/C Heitzmann GCH CH Rivendells Hotwire Sw P Caddell GCH CH Tarlyn’s Cool Hand Luke Mw D Kish/K Kish/S Krieger/T Krieger GCH CH Dontis I’M Just A Glitterbug At Drakken A Mendenhall GCH CH Kadell’s Rustic Gold W L Reynolds/C Cahill/J Cahill GCH CH Daybreak’s Awesome Image W D Krieg
English Foxhounds 24 7 4 3 2 2 2 1
GCH CH Sunup’s Hellofapuzzle S Whaley CH Sunup’s Heavenly Scent S Whaley GCH CH Monocacy Bend’s Wellington T Koerber CH Sunup’s Hoisted High S Whaley GCH CH Monocacy Bend’s Willow RN NAJ K Eckard CH Wee Beginnings Freedom P Mann CH Drycreek Chuggin Down The Line A Johnson/C Stewart/B Patterson/J Patter GCH CH Sunup’s Steeplechase S Whaley
Greyhounds 40 35 33 28 24 22 20 20 18 18
CH Greycott Shylo Ruff N Ready S Thomson/C Thomson Comstock GCH CH Grandcru Caymus T Hilbert/R Rice GCH CH Sierra’s Maserati Spyder S Hempel/B Hempel/M Money GCH CH Rubicon’s He’s So Fine R Paust/P Robinstein GCH CH Blue Spring All That And More K Whitaker/P Triandos CH Aragon Desert Willow JC J Senior/H Hamilton/L Drew GCH CH Aroi Aryal Remarkable CGC D Arcaro CH Trireme Doctor Who J Ramming/K Kostic GCH CH Huzzah Cuchulain Irish Lace SC K Gingles/P Ide/B Gingles CH Sirius’s Bolshoi Ballet Electra N Fetter
Harriers 8 8 5 5 2 2 2 1 1 1
Guernsey’s Poe’s Cask Of Amontillado W Lamb/S Keaton Lamb/R Lamb/D Thomas-Lam GCH CH Downhome Hitech Innovator J Sanchez CH Downhome Prestidigitator At Mason K Reid/S Lowder CH Wynfield’s Money Talks R Hoffecker CH Wynfield Starlight Star Bright M Dykstra GCH CH Happy New Year’s Celebration “Bray” K Bowers/S Bowers CH Pacific Anthem Of Rh Infinita BN RN CGC P Rhyner CH Pacific’s Going Rogue M Worth/K Crary Guernsey’s Verne’s Captain Nemo W Lamb/S Keaton Lamb/R Lamb/D Thomas-Lam Guernsey’s The Myth Of Hercules W Lamb/S Keaton Lamb/R Lamb/D Thomas-Lam
Ibizan Hounds 206 59 40 38 30 22 22 17 13 13
GCH CH Harehill’s Ace In The Hole K Gindler/D Gindler/W Anderson GCH DC Aliki’s Yada Yada Yada SC A Mirestes/C Shaw GCH CH Ahram You Ve Got The Look J Pusztay/S Pusztay/R Pusztay/M Paulin GCH CH Jakona’s Russian Roulette J Armstrong/T Armstrong/S Payne GCH CH Serandida East So Bigstar J Brown/S St John-Brown/L Sikora/J Manos GCH CH Loco Motion’s Dancing Queen K Hjelm GCH CH Alfheim’s Hawaii Five O SC K Williamson-Jensen DC Alisian Fields Epic Sweetwater Buck O’Roo SC A Kittrell/M Grabowski DC Kamars Flyin’ Solo SC K Belz CH Harehill’s Agent Provocateur W Anderson/K Anderson
Irish Wolfhounds 200 91 53 46
GCH CH Quest Rachel Alexandra Of Kerryarc C Collier/M Tyler/C Tyler CH Kellykerry Peony Of Aerie G Myer GCH CH Kellcastle Rushmore J Ault/A Spalding GCH CH Taryn Hickory Hollow B Fairbanks/G Fairbanks
40 39 38 35 28 24
GCH CH Gigolo Roan Inish A Constable GCH CH Erinwood Sophia G Schneidman CH Mistery Iz Volshebnogo Lesa V Murphree GCH CH Dun Myrica Lyre Of Eagle S Mcdonald/J Roland/K Roland GCH CH Riverlawn Exit Of Aerie D Marx/A Benjamin GCH CH Kailne Midnight Blue C Campbell-Corley
Norwegian Elkhounds 194 52 36 34 33 30 29 29 29 27
GCH CH Vin-Melca’s The Norseman P Trotter/J Reed GCH CH Silver Sleuth Vikrest P Viken/L Forrest GCH CH Somerri Jamieson’s Sea Whiskey J Lewis/L Lewis GCH CH Riverwind Windy Cove Midnight Cowboy E Parmer/M Peterson/C Smith/S Smithers GCH CH Silverdal’s Hope Diamond R Vaturro/B Wade-Vaturro GCH CH Hestsko’s Shawn J Woito GCH CH Somerri Dunharrow’s Dynamo J Silker/W Totten GCH CH Aspen’s Playin’ Around R Rhoden/R Rhoden CH Greyplume’s Shades Of Green G Haggerty GCH CH Silhouettte’s Au Fish E Olsen/K Olsen/S Kaplan
Otterhounds 71 33 21 16 13 8 6 4 4 3
GCH CH Aberdeens Under The Influence A Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine GCH CH Aberdeen’s Ultimate Addiction J Mullen/D Blunt/J Mcilwaine/A Mcilwaine GCH CH White River’s News Flash S Malone/M Couch GCH CH Aberdeen’s Told You So A Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine/A Co Hunter’s Taking Moonlight Chances T Kahn CH Wild West Texas Two-Step K Bostick/D Russell CH Scentasia’s End Of An Era E Conway/D Emery/J Moyer Hunter’s Harvey Corrigan M Robertson CH Magicwood Willie Mae S Plucheck/W Plucheck CH Dekenchar’s Raisin’ A Ruckus E Carmichael/D Carmichael/D Steffen/K St
Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens 83 81 67 67 57 28 20 18 16 15
GCH CH Celestial Cj’s All’s Well That Ends Well J Hurty/L Florian/C Hurty/M Florian/P He GCH CH M&M’s Fear The Beard D Moore/J Hayes GCH CH Monkhams Famous Grouse J Neuschaefer/D Bruce/J Lacey-Black/L Sk GCH CH Jaren’s Ready Set Don’T Go At R-N-B R Jones/B Helvey/K Prott-Clugston GCH CH Always Blue Caboose J Hacker GCH CH M&M’s Texas Mae West D Moore CH Jus Shout It Out To Dehra J Shannon/N Frost CH Centerstage Marquee P Nizborski GCH CH Jus Double Your Pleasure J Shannon GCH CH Celestial’s Extreme Makeover P Helmer/P Ritter
Pharaoh Hounds 61 57 42 38 26 24 24 20 17 12
GCH CH Osiris Cowboy Casanova K Carella/B Carella GCH CH Farao Anubis Inferno SC D Cooper/B Clooten GCH CH Faouziah’s Faramir J Mosing/J Hall GCH CH Siphra’s No Remorse JC L Lysher GCH CH Siphra’s King Of Hearts L Lysher/B Sundquist GCH DC Mia Bakhu Sleeping With The Enemy Of R Newman/D Carota/P Haig/L Witt GCH DC Nefer-Temu Vou Te Contar SC E Kerridge GCH DC Hallam’s Jordan Of Arolet SC S Sipperly/D Carota CH Farao Anubis Ramiro JC D Carota/S Sipperly GCH CH Churuka Mia Ruadh The Day At Mirare T Harper/A Farrow/L Witt/P Haig
Plotts 6 3 3 2 2 2 1
Vandygriff’s Skyline Kira D Vandygriff CH County Line Eleanor C Officer/P Jessup County Line Lil Miss Ricki P Jessup CH Stackem Ups Travelin With Toad C Tyler/M Tyler/J Strohm/C Collier Live Oaks Return Home To Blackwolf S Bell CH CGCH C-Cruz Mob Boss Vito’s Gotcha A Alexander CSG Frankenstein’s Nightmare B Marcum
Portuguese Podengo Pequenos 58 42
CH Houla’s Border Patrol Pw CM P Reisert/S Faw/S Faw CH Houla’s Potter C Houlihan/J Ernst
38 23 20 15 15 11 10 10
GCH CH Houla’s Blue Bonnet Pw CM P Reisert/S Faw/S Faw CH Miguel Da Casa De Maio CM R Hidlay/R Hidlay/D Devaney Pirata II De Viamonte CM J Evanoff/K Oglesby CH Houla’s Lincoln Rhyme Bokate CM B Stenzel/C Houlihan/L Albrecht/R Stenze CH Brokenroad Tequila Sunrise CM P Reisert/S Faw/S Faw Phaererin Agustinho CM J Fitzpatrick/L Mcginness CH Margarida Da Casa De Maio CM R Hidlay/R Hidlay/D Devaney Cristovao Da Casa De Maio CM D Devaney
Redbone Coonhounds 55 26 19 10 6 6 5 4 3 3
GCH CH CWSG CCH Sidearm Jungle King Mufasa J Mills/L Mills GCH CH Twisted Creek Gentlemen, Start Your Engines S Dellapenta/J Kochensparger GCH CH Twisted Creeks Xlnt Adventure M Smith/C Smith/B Casciole CH Red Ferns Sierra Kan Do Madge T Winkley Sidearm Mufasa’s Peacemaker At Bnd T Mills/L Mills Don’T Mess With The Duke R Raymond/G Herbrand Raymond Big D’s Old Brag Bubba C Cooper Twisted Creek’s Deadly Force C Smith/M Smith GCH CH Dc’s Rockin Ruby D Russell CH Sidearm Reba Is Taylor Made H Joyce
Rhodesian Ridgebacks 721 516 501 225 215 185 165 147 122 120
GCH CH Diablo’s Dark Knight’s Nemesis L Weiss/N Faville GCH CH Camelot’s Red Hot Tamale C Heathcock/C Hadley GCH CH Raquel Welch Of Malabo Apd A Paola Diniz GCH CH Spring Valley’s Great Vincero H Trapasso GCH CH Camelot’s Ventura Adventure F Walters/G Walters/C Heathcock GCH CH Hunter’s Ridge Sure Shot By Kwetu D Engelking/C Burridge/S Ford/T Fielder GCH CH Sweetcreek’s Lamarde Perro Bugsy S Cook/L Wilson DC Of Afrikka Spring Valley Dorian Gray RN SC C Wistrom GCH CH Spurridge’s Axl Of Lionridge P Olney GCH CH Bakari’s Lor Vitra Caymus CGC N Ballantyne/G Ballantyne
Salukis 304 142 106 89 64 47 41 36 30 26
GCH CH Sandstorm Blue Nile Bubbles Of Jatara J Harrington/S Winsted/S Middlebrooks GCH CH Jamora Mystic Topaz JC S Forsyth/J Forsyth/K Anselmo/J Morrison GCH CH Hediyeh Uriela Priya Bat Yosef JC C Pearce/R Pearce/J Aaron/J Pearce GCH CH Aurora’s The Song And Dance Man J Mueller/E Blake GCH CH Carmas Hope JC L Ackerman GCH CH Quanmarra Thonolan K Scerbo/R Scerbo/I Rasmussen GCH CH Z’Bee’s The Time Of Your Life At Mazada C Taylor/B Barth GCH CH Issibaa’s Goinforthe Gold E Yerty/A Yerty/S Kinney GCH CH Bay Watch Babe Von Agrani K Setty/L Bettis CH Scimitars Affirmed JC C Steiner
39 33 28 27 22 15 15 13 12 10
GCH CH Lehigh Ennis Carmichael JC P Pascoe/G Winchell GCH CH Jaraluv Tarot J Brinlee/R Brinlee CH Dhu Mohr Gentom Pennant’s Peacekeeper S Matheson/F Smith GCH CH Highlander’s Celtic Carol CGC M Freeman/J Freeman GCH CH Foxcliffe Enchanted Evening C Dove/R Dove CH Gayleward’s Star Caerwicce G Bontecou CH Cu Liath Seaforth L Kiaer/C Edwards GCH CH Jaraluv Raise The Bar S Jun/D Jun CH Jaraluv Reach For Glory J Brinlee/R Brinlee CH Hobarra’s Let’s Get It Started S Hogan-Cirincione/A Cirincione/T Rizzit
Scottish Deerhounds
Treeing Walker Coonhounds 40 24 8 6 6 6 5 3
GCH CH Alexanders Gold Rush Xcetera A Alexander GCH CH C-Cruz Gold Rush X-Rated A Alexander/C Willis Stackem Up My Way Or Highway T Snedegar Stylish Baby Jane M Hampton GCH CH White Deer Lil Nite Music N Winton/J Confer CH Dry River’z Shattered Dreams J Confer/K Purchiss GCH CH CSG Stackem Ups Best Kept Secret CM R Geffs/T Snedegar GCH CH Stackem Up I Did It My Way CM T Snedegar/M Schimmoller
Bernese Mountain Dogs
Dog News Top Ten List Based on breed competition
2 2
CH Trinity 2 Vegas And Back D Castro/D Mclaurin Dry River’s Mountain Music N Winton
751 274 266 205 146 132 127 121 106 101
GCH CH Starline’s Oxford Victim Of Love L Lawrence/C Lawrence/L Wilson GCH CH Bo-Bett’s Quick Pick C Harris GCH CH Karasar’s Remembrence K Kuper/N Barthelette/K Mlynar/A Alvarez GCH DC Ableaim Que The Music MC G Boyd/J Boyd GCH CH Cottonwood Vuitton H Vincent GCH CH Solaris Saxon Shore Hypnotiq Kamio P Magette/D Lockhart GCH CH Artemis Hypnotic Opium SC R Gold/M Small GCH CH Shamasan Island Of Imagination J Davies/M Boyer Lakota’s Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun Brown D Knutson/F Briscoe GCH CH Sporting Fields Bahama Sands D Butt/A Giles
Working Group
Akitas 268 248 132 128 65 49 46 41 39 35
GCH CH Stardust’s See You At The Show RN P Rogers/R Rogers/T Witte/R Witte GCH CH Ruthdales Candy From A Baby L Stark/R Stark GCH CH Mt Joys Notice To Airmen At Yuzawa J Vendramin/J Vendramin/P Ellis GCH CH Cr - Wicca’s Trade Secret A Bavaria/C Burke/T Bavaria/J Charnik GCH CH Liric’s Cinderella Man L Coffey/B Coffey GCH CH Sondaisa Fyre When Ready C Sullivan GCH CH Sondaisa Tough Act To Follow Stardust C Sullivan/R Witte/T Witte/S Milton CH Dynamic Force Sharp Dressed Man With M Huls/M Bostock-Armstrong GCH CH Jurojin High Plains Drifter S Milton/A Regan GCH CH Nakodo’s My Blue Heaven K Venezia
111 78 71 57 53 51 46 43 41 38
GCH CH Storm Kloud’s Test Of Time J El Dissi GCH CH Alcan Come Snodanc With Me D Mccomb/D Ragsdale GCH CH Mytuk’s Technical Knock Out D Milburn/A Milburn CH Wolfmountain’s U. S. Socom P Jenkins/M Jenkins GCH CH Illusions Beyond Imagination P Fusco/J Fusco GCH CH Sno Klassic Nanuke Lifes A Dance P Peel/M Peel GCH CH Stormswepts Keep’N Th Right Direction S Czarapata GCH CH Nfoakixa Over The Rainbow A Mayberry-Welch/R Roffey GCH CH Winterchill’s Cruz’N Spirit G Robertson GCH CH Canute’s U Talking To Me A Welch
34 15 13 13 13 11 8 8 8 7
GCH CH Birinci’s Piedpiper Goes Full Circle J Hahn/N Wargas CH Skyview’s X Marks The Spot C O’Brien Carpe Diem’s Amadeus L Edstrom-Smith/J Smith/Q Harned/M Harne Lucky Hit Kuvvet Mia Makes The Case L Ayers/E Conard GCH CH Lucky Hit Bethany Beyaz Kumru J York/E Conard GCH CH Rbr Karabash Vasi C White CH Birinci’s Bold Ruler L Emanuel/C Emanuel/E Collins GCH CH Golden Gate’s Banu S Dalton/S Dalton CH Sakarya’s Dawn’s Amber Light S Dalton/S Dalton Tamoora’s Ranger Of Uriel S Pritchett
Alaskan Malamutes
Anatolian Shepherd Dogs
381 267 226 196 127 123 115 112 102 87
GCH CH Avatars Smooth Criminal L Diaz Fernandes/K Groves GCH CH Tallpine’s Life Of The Party D Hitchcock/S Crisp GCH CH Indian Hill’s Unleash The Dragon G Vogel/C Gersler GCH CH Brightwater’s Jest A Wicked Rhyme G Reeve/D Cox GCH CH Trevi’s Big Star B Bych GCH CH Loriendells Sword Of Elendil CD J Giannone/K Giannone GCH CH Gatekeeper Vom Gipfelfeuer S Johnson GCH CH Greenway’s Test Of Time CGC D Laveran/R Tamberino/R Gallizzo GCH CH Sendache’s Xmas Xchange V Astia RN S Lutz/J Matthisen GCH CH Cameo’s Centerfold L Fourre/S Otto
Black Russian Terriers 129 97 77 59 35 27 19 17 17 13
GCH CH Valkyrie’s Funny Girl RN V Vest/B Sothcott GCH CH Aristes Paint It Black D Poulson/C Stumm/F Dilsauer GCH CH Zilya’s Chicago Blues Fusion At Runes CD D Patterson GCH CH Fun Nord’s Hariton Gavrilovich P Gladu/M Hernandez GCH CH Malahovskiy Graf Rossiyskiy CD CGC E Pleskov GCH CH Queens Over’s The Last Airbender RN M Holloman/E Caldwell GCH CH Sora’s Pride Of The Desert-Czar CD RAE A Castro-Marlowe/M Mastroianni GCH CH Dorofey San Slavnitza Iz Teremka K Levin/V Levin GCH CH Rus Maknalis Shtorm Of Arbat M Mastroianni GCH CH Black Pearls Avatar Iz Russkoi Dinastii M Mesh/J Mesh/L Mesh/M Curtis/D Ludwig
Boxers 965 647 588 291 276 276 223 209 191 188
GCH CH Winfall I Dream Of Style K Robbins/C Robbins/G Adkins/B Adkins/T GCH CH Hi-Tech The King Of Sherry Shoot Jp J Billhardt/S Tenenbaum GCH CH Draco Greets Dassin With Fourbears W Truesdale/Z Truesdale/J Vergnetti/J Pi GCH CH Irondale’s Look At Me Now A Gonzalez/C Vose/W Bettis GCH CH Nantess Caleno Numero Uno G Tafur/S Tafur GCH CH Jacquet’s Annie El Encanto D Sparks/N Sparks GCH CH Lazy K’s Dulce De Leche S Gubernatis/A Clark/J Rosen/G Karwoski GCH CH R And G’s Mystical Dancer R Bezerra/B Bachman/R Servetnick/C Desmo GCH CH Ho-Pa’s Grand Slam A Anderson/S Anderson GCH CH Ensign’s Justified D Young/J Young/A Clark/J Crane/G Freer
Bullmastiffs 271 188 154 117 101 92 70 69 55 50
GCH CH Dal Primo Magic Moment M Harwood/C Corner GCH CH Newcastle’s Cutting Edge A Scully/K Spencer GCH CH Windovers Hey There Handsome D Pendleton/H Brogan/M Mcgovern/M Mcgove GCH CH Starrdogs Midnight Rambler W Ofshlag/J Ofshlag GCH CH Trugrit Tally Ho Tucker J Elkas/K Elkas GCH CH Starrdogs Power Play K Hebert/Z Melkonian GCH CH Beowulf The Perfect Wife Happylegs CGC J Baum/C Lezotte/A Kalter/K Benkiser GCH CH Blyroc Ballard Of Bullmast J Beers GCH CH Woebegone Chitlins Con Carne C Duncan/B Duncan GCH CH Newcastle’s Picturesque Picasso K Spencer/A Scully
Cane Corso 175 147 91 78 54 32 28 27 26 23
GCH CH Firehorse Franklin J Weaver/R Hoser GCH CH Liberty’s Armed And Dangerous R Cuzzo/J Hovorka/S Ribbs GCH CH Castleguard’s Caillou W Rivera/S Demoss GCH CH Timoniere Zolee D Musto GCH CH Epic Diesel Of Castleguard C Cline/R Cline/H King GCH CH Wildwoods Cirino Di Campo R Hudgens GCH CH Blusteel’s Midnight Raider J Leinen GCH CH Angelo Del Guardiano Sergio A Pingsterhaus CH Cyrano De Impero Russo Of Ballard J Ballard GCH CH Stonecroft Prince Xerxes Nel Palazzo S Ard/S Ard
Chinooks 30 18 6 5 5 2
CH Channahon’s Kikiah Tyee CM M Mandt CH Forever Greene Talis CM RN P Richards Intervale’s Riverstone Beltaine RN CA N Bartol Moonsong Never Cry Wolf C Taylor Lakeside Run’s Little Bear K Holleran/C Orton Frontier In Bocca Al Lupo S Fletcher/D Silvertree
2 1
Sandhill’s Ranger T Brown/C Brown Mountainthunder Scarletbegonia D Schiller/K Schiller
Doberman Pinschers 632 621 441 441 385 305 300 267 221 199
GCH CH D’s Remember When A Dinardo/S Dinardo/G Demilta GCH CH Tiburon Arsenal J Dolan/A Dolan GCH CH Tiburon Ariel Bella Dona M Moyer/T Moyer/K Drake/J Drake GCH CH Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici S Lundy/D Lundy/J Mullins/K Mullins GCH CH Raklyns Talbot Of Alisaton C Shimpeno GCH CH Foxfire’s Tell Me About It M Santana/D Miller GCH CH Jaroe Legend Of Irish Spirit R Kelly GCH CH Vondura’s Xcelerator Belle Amie R Tracy/J Covert/M Dellorto/K Fox GCH CH O’s Godiva Dark Demitasse M Byrns/P Onley GCH CH Tevro’s Director’s Choice M Winchell/D Winchell/T Miller
287 61 52 28 21 21 20 19 13 12
GCH CH Evergreen’s Rub My Belly At Rising Star J Roberts/L Parker GCH CH Mount Sinai’s Neanderthal St Amand P Duvall/W Duvall GCH CH Storm De Legeane J Chicatelli GCH CH Waterfront Kenzo M Rendon/J Rendon GCH CH Primal’s Gorgon Guardian “Medusa” R Bina/S Fabian GCH CH Trojans Timetobe Notice Mount Sinai’s G Rodriguez GCH CH Ago Z Vlckovskeho Mlyna J Garcia Flores CH Maritime’s Heavenly Suck Em Up Kirby S Cantrell/J Cantrell CH Dog’S-Land Miracle Man D Blakeney GCH CH Mount Sinai’s Crusader St Amand P Duvall
62 57 20 18 18 16 16 11 11 11
GCH CH Rivendells Material Girl K Schiff GCH CH Clefell’s Romeo M Salva/L Mills GCH CH Midernoch A Phortune Of Phranklins CA C French GCH CH Leilani’s Blackberry Jam J Haas/K Wilcox GCH CH Nevars Jules A Issleib/F Stuby GCH CH Daveren’s Peaceful Dream CA J Robinson/J Eastman GCH CH Diamondmines One Class Act B Diamond/R Diamond GCH CH Whimsy Dirty Lil Secret Temerity B Porter/J Porter/S Asher/A Issleib CH Windamirs Burning Bush C Jobb GCH CH Legacy’s Wish List T Meade/L Mills/S Unrau
Dogues de Bordeaux
47 42 34 34 33 33 29
GCH CH Pyrless No-Brainer R Garvin/S Garvin GCH CH Guardenia’s Splish Splash V Coffman/K Justin/D Coffman/C Moore CH Rivergroves Bon Appetit BN RE R Morton/J Boyd GCH CH R Pyr Jail House Rock! T Strom GCH CH Abstrax Premier Edition M Metzler GCH CH Pyrpressure Connu, Mais A’ Dieu G Johnson/M Johnson GCH CH Impyrial’s Home Run Matsui A Kiell-Green/C Mascuch/K Justin/V Coffm
Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs 162 64 59 47 34 31 29 26 21 20
GCH CH Painted Mtn Oliver Twist Of Fate K Markley/R Markley GCH CH Derby’s X Marks The Spot A Mcfadden/D Echols GCH CH Derby’s All American M Rusk/A Rusk/C Selleck/B Selleck GCH CH Nox’s Luck Of The Irish CD RE D Fralick/B Fralick GCH CH Calypso V Alex Raven Moon A Wilson/C Wilson/T Brown/B Brown GCH CH Derby’s Toast With Gusto S Copeland CH Cornerstone’s Exquisite Warrior Maiden CD BN RN J Lind/A Rimler GCH CH Nox’s George Bailey’s Irish Creme N Kechner/J Comer/C Robson GCH CH Alastair’s Smokey Mountain Rain D Gerzabek/C Gerzabek GCH CH Cornerstone’s Cool Hand Luke CD CGC J Schottinger/P Cosner
German Pinschers
6 5 4 2 2 1
Giant Schnauzers
Kuvaszok 44 GCH CH Szumeria’s Wildwood Silver Six Pence CGC M Vila/L Brady/C Muir/C Townsend 42 GCH CH Mattiaci High Voltage At Glacier Creek D Blank 16 CH Casablanca Elso Peachtree In Cahoots M Goodman/B Lenoski/R Ham/G Dash 12 CH Aegys Unforgettable RN L Vogel 11 GCH CH Glacier Creek’s Sparks A Flyin’ S Stephens 10 CH Gypsy Wind Purple Heart R Barnes/D Clarke 6 CH Casablanca’s Vakmero Pandur G Dash/N Berger 5 GCH CH Double Ring Tarees Dream Machine C Ringering/K Ringering/I Miller/R Mille 4 CH Furrondie Alaskan Whiteout S Dankberg-Yontz/A Dankberg 2 Glacier Creek’s Silver Bullet D Blank
175 74 60 33 29 25 22 21 16 6
GCH CH Kenro’s Witching Hour R Greenslade/L Norton/D Hill GCH CH Lowdown Remys Girl V Ardenhout M Low/L Low GCH CH Skansen’s Got Guinness? R Poyfair/J Poyfair GCH CH Skansen’s Havannah C Sansone/S Sansone GCH CH Skansen’s Harvard G Reyna/J Boston GCH CH Ramahill Absolutes I Am Legend Of Rw J Edmonds/L Edmonds/M Adler GCH CH Nightline Viking A Tanglewood E Fojtik/J Erath/C Erath GCH CH Payne’s Royal Velvet D Berkshire GCH CH Skansen’s Holy Knight C King GCH CH Seven Seas Auroras Adonis K Sevastopoulos/Athanasvos
769 360 331 273 263 262 240 198 194 186
GCH CH Longo Miller N Lore’s Diamond Lil T Longo/J Miller/L Matherly/C Crawford GCH CH Sunstrike Spellbinder At Karmel CGC M Yellish GCH CH Alpine’s Ice Warrior V Hawthorne L Clesi/P Clesi GCH CH Hauerdane’s Don’t Bury The Treasure v Caps A Brill GCH CH Shalako It’s All About Me V Regent S Taylor/M Davisson GCH CH Raintree Erinwood Dixie For Heaven’s Sake R Gumbs/P Deloria/L Landrum/L Cornelius GCH CH D.S.S. Kings Ransom Jp Mc Laren T Mita/H Sayama GCH CH Mjm’s Hi-Air All Eyes On Me A Solnick/L Solnick/L Maulucci/M Maulucc GCH CH Diola’s Saks And The City V Hi Class S Bealko GCH CH Naples Tlbrk Dana Sanroque Cause And M Donovan-Tandy
Great Danes
Great Pyrenees 111 91 70
GCH CH Framboise Something Ventured Something P Hughes/S Hughes/P Watson GCH CH Honor’s Promise Of The Future B Ducker/K Bruneau GCH CH Monark Abbeyroads Molly Malone T Duncan/S Simard/M Hudon
CH Ibis Goody Two Shoes C Evans CH Meadow View Southern Gentleman Of Ibis S Harman/M Harman/C Evans GCH CH Nagyalma Unforgettable Too A White/V Mcnelis Kevilyn’s Fischer Finley Of Meadow View D Miller/S Harman Kevilyn’s Everyone’s Talking D Miller/S Miller GCH CH Quintessential Chauncey S Wilczewski/D Wilczewski
Leonbergers 133 56 46 35 35 33 27 19 15 13
GCH CH A. Feiner Eros L Bazlen GCH CH El Dorado’s Chili Pepper P Mcdaniel/L Taft GCH CH Haus Gutfreund Acorn Diamond Jubilee B Goodfriend/N Goodfriend GCH CH Corleone’s Hidden Agenda H Austin/N Austin GCH CH Bluebonnet’s Fricis Is On Fire Of Acorn A Mozeleski/W Jones/J Hatlas-Pepper GCH CH King Of The Hills A.J. Allmendinger F Harman GCH CH Haus Gutfreund Acorn Diamond In The Sky B Goodfriend/N Goodfriend CH Seelowen’s Kayak Calm Waters R Robitaille/A Robitaille CH Starhavens Clementine Girl S Pearsall Good Life’s Country Christmas Magic J Stacey/J Stacey
Mastiffs 218 209 153 128 126 112 109 109 106 101
GCH CH Jadems Rythm-N-Boo T Woods GCH CH Talamascas Big Cheese L Watson/M Mcgilvery/T Sholes GCH CH Willow Ridges Risky Business J Swarts/N Walker/M Tichenor GCH CH Jadems Oliver Twist J Berning/T Woods GCH CH Kimmit’s Rockstar K Wampler/L Gabhart GCH CH Silverado’s Bijoux Precieux Skyfield A Darnell/T Armstrong/M Devier GCH CH Lexington Divine’s Put Me In, Coach RN J Sanchez/C Sanchez/M Delisa/E Tortorell GCH CH Lazy D’s Spartacus At Her Majesty’s Request K Williams GCH CH Bendegeit’s William The Brave C King GCH CH Milleniums Moonshine T Plezbert/C Jones
Neapolitan Mastiffs
30 GCH CH Ironwood’s Papparrazi J Deppen/S Van-Spruill 23 Il Drago Severino C Boczar Continued on page 94
Dog News 93
Dog News Top Ten List Continued FROM page 93
Based on breed competition
23 16 13 13 10 7 3 3
GCH CH Otella Bruto A Gurrola CH Omar Patrizio Italia L Moles King Gigi Of The Oaks T Hood/L Moles CH Mastino Templar Knight Of Cydonia A Hosking/R Hosking/L Ramos Cassio Del Gheno A Pierret CH Angelo Del Pacifico J Velasco/N Velasco Newworldmastino’s Gino E Ibarra Bella Of The Oaks II L Moles
228 184 143 126 125 120 118 117 99 80
GCH CH Darbydale’s All That And More G Griffith/K Kemp GCH CH Spillways Man About Town Kodiak R Emery/K Emery GCH CH Summerfords Three Hour Cruise C Koffman-Heard GCH CH Windhaven She’s The Real Cruz-Penelope C Legg GCH CH Rosewood’s Royal Flush M Morris GCH CH Heartsease King Of The Jungle M Casler/L Anderson GCH CH Pouch Cove’s Shakespeare Of Britestar J Hickey GCH CH Legacy’s Sir Lucan Of Camelot V Nguyen/G Dotzman/L Roser GCH CH Annisquam Light’s Perfect Gentleman S Russell/J Patino GCH CH Bear N Mind’s Stand Up And Cheer RN D Kappe/C Gorsuch/D Gorsuch
Portuguese Water Dogs 648 196 140 102 85 81 78 71 68 64
GCH CH Claircreek Impression De Matisse M Lint/P Helming/D Gottdenker GCH CH Roseknoll Sunny Benjamin C Diamant/C Teasley/S Teasley/E Leyda GCH CH Manitou Lone Star CD GN RA A Phelan GCH CH Cortereal Iron Man CD BN RA AX MXJ XF J Berger/N Hunter GCH CH Vindouro’s By All Means K Weinberg/M Groth GCH CH Northstar’s Hit The Deck Running RN S Soviero/J Soviero GCH CH Sail Away Root Beer Float M Parszewski/T Smith GCH CH Aviators Asta Primadona M Davis/B Waters GCH CH Freestyle The Wiz BN RN J Freeman/M Forgach GCH CH Prata Lua Tsar Nickolas Of Farallon S Holden
Rottweilers 1065 GCH CH Chancellor Flirt’s Hi Flyin’ Gladiator W Lewellen 461 GCH CH Hemlock’s Jack Of Hearts RA K Bang/R Bang 317 GCH CH Eis Haus Ivy League Big Red CD THD CGC J Martindale/V Mcgraw 180 GCH CH Ecko Ridge’s Big Easy Fast And Furious T Larroquette/B Larroquette 156 GCH CH Ivoss Sonny’s Angel D Voss 153 GCH CH Avatar Cosmac Storm M Brennan/J Mcilwaine/G Bidgood/A Mcilwa 99 GCH CH Parisans Stingray of RiverRidge S Eikanger-Stoops/T Johnston/R Ramsour 94 GCH CH Avatar Summer Storm Chaser RN C Walker 71 GCH CH Gamegards Rhythm Of The Rain C Krown/V Weaver/P Marsh/D Rosetta 70 GCH CH Loma’s Rhinestone Cowboy Of Rott’N Acre’S J Eaton
Samoyeds 291 212 169 167 138 127 124 114
GCH CH Polar Mist N Bark Bark’s Built Tough C O’Neill/J O’Neill GCH CH Mcmagic’s Candied Ham Of Pebblesrun A Kiell Green/A Green/P Mccallum GCH CH White Magic’s Seasoned Traveler-”Trek” M Matto GCH CH McMagic’s Mojo P Mccallum GCH CH Rossia’s Denali Star S Markow/E Markow GCH CH Magellan’s Only Connect G Jenks GCH CH T-Snow Star’s Beyond Destiny M Willdigg/L Ragsdale GCH CH Polar Mist Cruz’N T’Party At Zamosky E Widjaja/L Blue
94 Dog News
112 104
GCH CH Storytales Past Present & Future B King/K King/N King GCH CH Polar Mist Traces Of Trouble L Blue
407 229 172 164 132 120 95 81 79 76
GCH CH Snowmist’s Quicksilver Speigas K Leblanc/L Baryte GCH CH Britestars Jamesons Whiskey A Aquirre/L Horse/C French GCH CH Topaz Bad Action H Tang GCH CH Paragon’s You Had Me At Merlot T Erickson/L Wilson GCH CH Kaniska’s Kauz For Kamotion At Talkeetna N Hinkle/J Golding/S Callahan GCH CH Snowmist’s Quidditch Seeker K Courtelis/K Leblanc GCH CH Tackora’s Cookie Cutter D Studwell/P Benincasa GCH CH Snowfire’s Holy Moses M Lehman/L Lehman CH Tokima’s Intermezzo M Ralsky/J Russell/C Pacht/M Foster GCH CH Amorok’s Light Brigade At Kadian A Tench/D Fitzgerald/S Kamm/J Fitzgerald
Siberian Huskies
St. Bernards 156 134 111 109 54 50 49 36 35 33
GCH CH Gliddens Lady Isabella K Glidden GCH CH Jamelle’s Aristocrat V Elba RN CGC L Baker/E Baker GCH CH Trademark’s A Reed & Barton Von Joy J Joy/F Joy GCH CH Revilo’s Liquid Asset From Redside D Oliver/B Oliver GCH CH Sleepy Hollows Ice Slicer T Sleep GCH CH Lasquite’s Denver V Lucas M Glover/M Smith/B Boman/N Boman GCH CH Starbrite’s Olive V. Northpointe R Ertle/M Zwerk GCH CH Trademark’s Zephan A Shook CH Windpt’s Issa Joy Of Baronhorn P Keller GCH CH Ramblewood’s Aces Wild C Costa/M Costa
228 156 58 48 44 38 34 33 33 30
GCH CH Blackhawk Finnegan’s Wake L Studley/K Studley GCH CH Mistic’s Longfellow Serenade S Marsh/A Derenzis GCH CH Bardwoods Black Hat Harry P Lombardi/R Lombardi GCH CH Charisma Maxim Von Diable L Adiletti/J Adiletti GCH CH Sketchbook No Deductions CGC T Rothwell/L Hansen GCH CH Uhlan A Star Is Born J Legan GCH CH Blackhawk Meyer Of Comiskey Park J Greenberg GCH CH Chateau Palos Treaty Of Goarrhein TD E Mohrenweiser/M Just/H Mohrenweiser GCH CH Cortaillod Dexter C Davies/M Davies GCH CH Korppret’s Friendly Persuasion J Houskeeper/D Houskeeper
Standard Schnauzers
Tibetan Mastiffs 121 81 14 13 10 8 8 6 5 4
GCH CH Dreamcatcher Major Victory Of Loki D Parsons/W Slayton GCH CH Comancheria’s Ciye Chiricahua Cochise G Nunnally CH Drakyi Timberline’s Moxie D Bosak/C Radcliffe CH Sequoiaoaks Aleutian R Eichhorn/M Brantley/L Brantley GCH CH Sierras’ Sasha - Yakone Nanuk J Butler/R Gallegos GCH CH Dawa’s Welcome Stranger From Sierras D Nechemias/L Claus/W Wickman/D Wickman CH Great Lakes Citadel Taboo Tia At Majestic R Sundberg/K Dewitt/B Lott CH Kayakyi Buddha Pu-Tai J Bach/K La Rose GCH CH Shang-Hai’s Repeat Offender At Susitna A Gerrits/K Gerrits/S Novarra GCH CH Sierras’ Folly Loves Fame At Dawa L Claus/D Nechemias
Terrier Group Airedale Terriers 127 107 34 29 27 24 20 19 12 11
GCH CH Penaire’s Chip Leader At Longvue J Clarke/W Clarke/T Clyde/A Clyde GCH CH Joval Angel’s Whisper V Rickard/J Rickard GCH CH Bryndale Penaire Mistletoe ‘N Holly A Brinker/C Brinker/J Clarke/W Clarke GCH CH Timberwyck Glenayr Heads Up P Frye/S Kuhn/T Maher GCH CH Epoch’s Time Bandit A Moore/D Moore CH Brisline’s Zeta Jones G Mcrae/B Fakkema CH Joval It’s My Time V Rickard/J Rickard GCH CH Bryndale Penaire Texas Silver Spur K Reynolds-Foley/M Foley/A Brinker Arley Hall Texter Bean Counter C Kranz-Scott GCH CH Raynaire V Crescent’s Secret Storm C Johnson/K Coffey
American Staffordshire Terriers 254 165
GCH CH Lbk’s Enuf Talk About Ruby Of Mule Creek L Jagta/P Miller/L Tulloch GCH CH Angarda Deja Vu Looking At You E Mckee-Heath
133 128 116 99 78 72 69 53
GCH CH Alpine’s Ring Of Fire CGC J Mosing/E Thomason/K Thomason/V Piltz GCH CH Alpine’s Lonewolf Whisky River S Killen/L Killen/E Thomason/K Thomason GCH CH Old River’s Talk About A Mystery S Allison/L Jones GCH CH Vaca Valley’s Bold Ruler For Frajaec G Brown/K Rudzik/B Gottier/D Pesenti GCH CH Major League’s Silver Slugger C Ward/H Ward GCH CH Chavez Let It Ride At Bonsai G Simonds/A Ghione GCH CH Cicero’s Clash Of The Titans N Patrick/J Patrick GCH CH New Era’s Closer To My Dreams K Cobb/E Nichols
Australian Terriers 128 106 32 19 17 16 16 14 12 12
CH Ryba’s Call Me Irresponsible S Bachman/T Schreeder GCH CH Temora Ri Diercc Z Smith GCH CH P.S. Phoebe Ii Christhill K Hill/W Christensen GCH CH Dreamweaver’s General J.E.B. Stuart L Weaver GCH CH Abq San Isidro Christhill K Hill/W Christensen GCH CH Nellyson’s Mr Dont Skip The Zip C Mechalke/J Mechalke CH Benayr Nick Of Time M Porter GCH CH Redsky Flyboy Wellington E Linda Demartine GCH CH Rock Village Izabella Dinki-Di ME CAA CGC S Jacobsen GCH CH Kambara’s Santivo RN K Floyd/G Floyd
12 8
Shadowood Irresistabull Tainted Love S Whalen-Keillor/B Bila/D Bila Bullistic Solitaire (Foreign Dog - Registration Pending.)
183 149 138 130 121 106 75 54 49 44
GCH CH Rocco’s Collar King Carl Xvi Gustaf K Kauffman/W Eckard GCH CH Connacht A Ha’ Penny Will Do M Joyce GCH CH Hjohoo’s Just The Way Hjo Are E Theodorsson/V Malzoni GCH CH Terriwood Mvp T Godwin/K Godwin/B Doyle/N Doyle GCH CH Cyntu’s Twist N Shout D Vogt/S Vogt GCH CH Dogwood Treasure Hunter P Davis GCH CH Stonebridge Just A Little Bit Better D Ziesmer GCH CH Maverston Double Dutch T Erickson/M Lucier GCH CH Harmony’s Soul Of Mccairn RN S Anderson/K Loken CH Mistywyns Tarton Of Old Isle Of Skye L Rusinowski
Cairn Terriers
Cesky Terriers 7 6 1 1 1
GCH CH Milenka’s Hector In Act Four L Kapustina/A Kapustin/L Marino GCH CH Zlatapraha Gillespie Bluefire P Huber/N Huber/T Smith CH Alchemy Dolce Vita N Fletcher/D Fletcher CH Sambarbs Cedric Diggory B Hopler Chalma’s Freya Of Sambarbs B Hopler
Bedlington Terriers
Dandie Dinmont Terriers
Border Terriers
Fox Terriers (Smooth)
Bull Terriers (Colored)
Fox Terriers (Wire)
Bull Terriers (White)
Glen of Imaal Terriers
85 47 44 21 20 16 15 15 14 14
228 103 96 68 66 57 57 53 46 37 60 41 37 27 27 23 21 14 13 13 63 36 32 29 18 17 14 13
GCH CH Wrightwyn’s Power Play S Bethea CH Chelsea’s Xmas Cookie L Freeman GCH CH Kaylynn’s Guiding Light S Beutler/R Beutler/E Beutler CH Peremi I M A Player J Weiskopf/L Nilsson GCH CH Elante Evening In Paris D Stille/M Soper CH First Class Willow Wind The Phoenix S Friedemann/J Fogel CH Ashcroft Xemplar K Miller/A Miller/D Pearson GCH CH Lamz Eleanor Rigby L Zembrzuski/G Gilbeau GCH CH Pineriver’s Show Me The Money S Holden/J Berk GCH CH First Class Delaine Merino J Fogel GCH CH Mchill’s Hrh Prince Gizmo House Of Gremlin P Holson/A Barrios GCH CH Foxburrow Celebrity Apprentice G Scott/R Scott GCH CH Ristle Alley Hoop At Coldstream JE R Cobussen/G Cobussen GCH CH Meadowlake Pants On Fire K Fitzpatrick/T Bradley/K Courtelis GCH CH Brocair Field Of Cherry Blossoms A Donovan/J Behan GCH CH Meadowlake Simply Sinful K Courtelis/K Fitzpatrick/J Wilkinson/D GCH CH Surefyre’s Just In Time M Smith/C Bartlett GCH CH Devons La Tua Cantante K Myers/G Myers GCH CH Lndi’s Ott To Be Villain Or Hero S Ott GCH CH Standish’s N Webe Beleve It Or Not K Myers/J Standish/R Maxwell GCH CH Action First Try C Claburn/F Berez GCH CH Javarke King At Arnolds A Salas/G Anderson GCH CH Aragon’s Ruffin It At Honeytree P Selk/V Everett/P Grecco/M Bankus GCH CH Iceni Shot Taken K Bebb/M Campbell Hegg/L Myall GCH CH Old England’s Montgomery A Bavol/W Bavol CH Sinabar Linric Breeze Air S Frascone GCH CH Banbury Bedrock Bright Star Bright M Remer/R Lamkins/K Lamkins/W Mackay-Smi CH Caben’s Can’T Stop The Muse-Ic J Fournier-Fike/S Fike/G Snyder Hawthorn Leap Of Faith M Quinn/P O’Driscoll CH Imperials Bewitched B Aguillard/J Jones/A Lloyd/H Jones GCH CH Allegro Rockstar S Harris/D Harris GCH CH Bulliards Good Hearted Woman J Snider/M Long CH Magor Pretty Fly 4 A White Guy G Smith/N Smith CH Global Mighty White At Kilacabar C Whitmer/S Whitmer/C Kilpatrick/C Kilpa GCH CH Sandstone’s Conceived In Liberty For Paradox G Snyder/I Hudson/M Whitehair/T Whitehai GCH CH Hawthorn Summer Shandy P O’Driscoll CH Arnold’s Pandora Rose To The Occasion M Saldivar/S Saldivar CH Rocky Top’s Glamour Girl J Fox/C Fox/R Poole/W Poole
21 15 15 15 15 9 7 3 3 2
133 121 120 87 43 43 34 33 27 23
GCH CH Pastime The Dandie Wears Prada K Cramer GCH CH King’s Mtn. Fievel Mousekewitz S Hickson/J Hecker GCH CH Lonsdale Sir Joseph Porter A Simpson GCH CH Clossongrey Frankystein K Dorn/L Dorn CH Dreamboat Deck The Halls L Chapal CH Derrydown Double Indemnity G Myers/K Myers GCH CH King’s Mtn. Alice Springs C Chriscaden/M Furlong King’s Mtn. The Flying Scotsman L Becker/E Becker/S Pretari Hickson King’s Mtn. Neville Longbottom J Hecker CH Schooner’s Spirit Of Sherman B Mcdannald/S Mcdannald/P Carr GCH CH High Mtn Everso Smooth S Perrine/C Snavely GCH CH Wedigit Paparazzi R Young/B Hunsaker/T Haines GCH CH J’Cobe Broxden Danea V Malzoni/A Booth/P Booth/W Dalling CH Absolutely Oh No J Smith/L Boyes GCH CH High Mountain Everso In Command C Snavely/R Snavely GCH CH Nileefox Taylor Made D Rathgeber/S Rathgeber GCH CH Sayo’s Jai Ho M Briceno/J Possenti CH Absoultely Designer Edition J Steel/L Steel/D Gabel CH Absolutely Talk Of The Town J Smith/E Boyes GCH CH Laurelton Last Chance V O’Connor/D Carder
142 57 27 25 17 15 10 9 9 9
GCH CH Afterall Painting The Sky V Malzoni/T Steele/S Olund/M Olund/D Rya GCH CH Gordon’s Bite Of The Apple J Hanson/S Hanson CH Aljamar Accentuate The Positive M Laschinski/J Warling/A Waters CH Tsarshadow Walks The Hiwire D Deeley/R Lowe CH Garcini Rangels Concerto With TES L Garcini/J Paquette/E Singer Crispy Legacy A Agenta/D Eggert/J Eggert/A Astrom Frenchpark Ard Ri Niall M Hermon/J Killeen GCH CH Fox Creek Jp I Wish H Tsuyuki/J Diehl GCH CH Enchantment Lady Bentley O’Santerric CDX O Adams Burrencroft Private Eye J Murko
11 10 10 9 6 5 4 4
CH Liberty’s Barkley A Lynn/K Georgianna CH Liberty’s Padraig E Pires/A Lynn GCH CH Finnabair Pride Of Wicklow A Tighe/S Kohlhepp/M Mcdaniel GCH CH Kilkenny’s Sullivan Of Castlerock C Chiddister/S Blum Emerald Isle’s Wild Irish Rose I Anderson/A Howell/A Pember GCH CH Rainbow Springs Wicklow’s Warrior Of Ber -DW Roland/R Roland/M Carty CH Daulton’s Sen Quinn Of Blessington S Eck/J Daulton/P Estes Emerald Isle 24K Gold C Koons/A Pember
Dog News Top Ten List Based on breed competition
3 3
Liberty’s Colors Of Keadeen A Tighe/J Kindall Glentyrs Lady Isabelle At Castlerock C Chiddister
71 33 19 18 13 10 9 7 6 5
GCH CH Rockledge Mccallen Of Meath L Honey/D Rapport/J Wilson/J Macdonald GCH CH Gingerbread’s Dark and Stormy T Lahti GCH CH Glenstal’s Standing Ovation J Nash/J Nash CH Takala’s Hot Topic Casey T Carr GCH CH Sharob’s Commander In Chief S Lindgren/R Lindgren CH Trackways Sun Stone C Rivera/K Warner/T Cassidy CH Gloccomara Gentleman James E West GCH CH Leahy’s Lad Of Redloch E Nagel/R Nagel/F Kuntz GCH CH Windeire Aurora Borealis P Macdonald Kincora’s Chelan Thunder H Good/M Good/B Good
Irish Terriers
Kerry Blue Terriers 89 79 68 54 50 33 33 29 28 20
GCH CH True Blue Madonna E Randall GCH CH Irisblu Mirage J Garahan/K Garahan GCH CH Tontine’s Chance Redemption L Croley/C Dwyer GCH CH Kamagh Too Busy Bein Fabulous N Han/W Mcfadden GCH CH Class Act By Hallsblu W Berry/A Austin GCH CH Heritage Lord Dunsany W Kearney/C Kearney/R Roth/I Roth GCH CH Krisma’s Plenty Of Panache L Grier/T Grier GCH CH Cordial Party Doll A Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine/D Wilde GCH CH Edbrios Cosmopolitan E Hansen GCH CH Edbrios Russian Roulette E Hansen
Lakeland Terriers 36 15 11 9 6 6 3 2 2 2
GCH CH Larkspur Acadia Save Me A Spot A Barker/S Fraser/M Sacco GCH CH Hi-Kel Terrydale Fortune In My Eyes A Geremia/F Cashin/Terrydale Knl CH Delzar Sweet Sin-Sation T Szaras/B Phelps/L Abreu CH Nanhalls Koichi Hikel Terrydale B Bates/W Bates CH Rhoadesville Pride Of Gardinaire T Rhoades/D Rhoades Snowtaires Back To The Future B Decker/L Eidal Snowtaire’s Secret Element Of Gusto R Graham/B Decker Slicey Precious Talisman A Renoud-Grappin Snowtaires Dynamic Dyna B Decker CH Glacieridge Goodie Two Shoes R Mcmillan/S Peterka
Manchester Terriers (Standard) 41 37 35 22 16 15 10 9 8 8
GCH CH Toria Royalty In The Making T Taylor/V Herbert-Thorsland GCH CH Medley’s War Hunt E Tonini/J Tonini GCH CH Oasis Razzmatazz V Stanert/B Stanert GCH CH Medley’s Joker’s Gamble S Gerritz/T Myers CH Oasis Pillow Talk M Belanger/G Anderson/J Anderson Ra’s Unsinkable Molly Brown At Mosaic R Jonas CH Jetcitys Little Red Rocker At Spirit A Cain/L Nonog CH Wilane’s All We R Is Dust On The Wind B Wood/B Wood/J Emerick GCH CH Wilane’s Sophisticated Lady B Wood/B Wood/J Emerick GCH CH Wilane’s Midnight Rydor R Gates/B Wood/K Brewer
Miniature Bull Terriers 138 94 42
GCH CH Cambria’s Kid N Play L Baggenstos/R Baggenstos/A Guerrero/D G GCH CH Dytona Vip M Jacobs/A Klishas/E Feuz GCH CH Evolution Runs With Scissors S Cummings/K Toomey/C Jensen
25 24 23 20 12 11 10
GCH CH Gridiron Minotaur Mission To Marzipan P Denbow/V Giamo CH Mooncraft’s Picture Perfect At Diers D Takayama/R Takayama GCH CH Eggstream Gespiel’s G Force W Goldacker/J Goldacker/L Duncan GCH CH Pepabp Del Cornijal B Wyckoff/C Ginsberg GCH CH Ruffshaad’s Caprice At Royalbard R Hausken/O Hausken/E Held/C Korn GCH CH Bullikountry’s It’s All About Me H Rhine/R Kennedy CH Envisionregistan Sweet William V Driscoll
Miniature Schnauzers 251 187 138 129 122 108 97 67 66 56
GCH CH Tomar’s Captain Kirk M Paisley/B Walker GCH CH Kruse’s High Interest M Lande/B Kruse GCH CH Brookhaven’s Solo Dapper-Rapper B Walker GCH CH Regency’s Play For Keeps D Lewis/K Lewis/B Verna GCH CH Allaruth Just Kidding V Sole Baye Y Phelps/R Ziegler GCH CH Repittion Jolee’s Spring Time In April J Williams/K Garmaker GCH CH Rockyhill Icees “Raisin’ The Bar” S Fry GCH CH Legend’s B-B-B Bad To The Bone D Huff/S Huff GCH CH Legacy’s Pohl Dancer Of Tomar M Pohl/V Pohl/P Ledgerwood/M Paisley GCH CH Kelly’s Tamar’s Made Of Steele G Kelly/L Tamar
Norfolk Terriers 87 66 29 25 21 18 17 15 13 12
GCH CH Yarrow Venerie Ticket To Ride P Beale/J Beale GCH CH Some Buddy Llwydd Eric The Red J Carter/T Carter/H Cole CH Dexter M Seewald CH Eastman’s Marcy O’ Huntwood M Gomez CH Tater Tot’s Bisou Des Montagnes L Vogt/G Belcher CH Woodhaven Hope For The Lottery M Hovet CH Yarrow Venerie Trader Vic From Owl Hollow B Thomas/A Thomas/P Beale GCH CH Bigwig’s Most Happy Fella K Slump/D Hall/H Cole GCH CH Caprock Life Of The Party E Davenport/J Harper GCH CH Barnstable Bold Over S Stemmler
Norwich Terriers 256 120 95 86 69 69 64 56 56 38
GCH CH Apollo C Chen/C Trexler/C Foucrault GCH CH Highwood’s Whirling Dun J Fonyo/N Fonyo GCH CH Watermark Hunter At High Pines P Giroux GCH CH Thunderwood’s First Robin Of Spring T Willrich/K Conlan GCH CH Skyscot’s Texas Hold ‘Em S Esposito GCH CH Foxwood Chasing A Dream K Mines/A Kress GCH CH Waiterock Jack Falstaff C Harper GCH CH Michan’s Mick Like A Rolling Stone L Marshall/H Marshall GCH CH Foxwood Diamond In The Ruff K Mines GCH CH Camio’s Educated Exemplar C Rogers
Parson Russell Terriers 76 67 57 54 54 50 48 46 40 33
GCH CH Shasta N Sonship A Skip L Reinhard/T Reinhard GCH CH Dream Hi’s Lil’ Surfer Dude K Rickard/L Rickard GCH CH Premiere Gossip Girl @ Sunrock T Houser/D Chenoweth/K Owsley/D Anibal GCH CH Panther Creek The Full Monty J Ramming/R Ford GCH CH Rosewoods O.M.G. S Johnson/C Howton CH Ardsley Run Heaven Sent J Smith/J Gardner GCH CH Foxbend Colour Me More K Courtelis/D Bryson/J Wilkinson GCH CH Shalimar Wild Montana Sky Of Orejac C Burgasser/J Caulk GCH CH Fox Valley Devil In Disguise C Florence/J Felten GCH CH Friendship-Barnun’s Heaven Knows B Burns/J Lambert
Russell Terriers 55 55 45 36 23 21 14 14 12
GCH CH Monamour Jp Part Time Lover A Kiell Green/K Miichi/C Mascuch GCH CH Goldsand’s Billie Jean M Wooldridge/J Stevens/C Manelopoulos/R GCH CH Goldsand’s Columbus M Ulrich/C Areskough GCH CH Meadowbrook Madison CM S Sobel CH Heritage Jp Cotton Snow M Yamazaki GCH CH Foxscott Jack Eaze Up Turbo C Lundin/K Scott CH Mon Amour Jp Masterpiece At Clayco S Sobel CH Rivendell’s Tinker Toy S Sobel CH Star Valley Baer Dude Impact CM RA ME EE CA K Baer/A Black
CH Appassionato Jp Monamour’s Star A Hargrave/C Areskough
Scottish Terriers 105 96 93 92 71 68 52 50 47 38
GCH CH Chyscott’s Making An Entrance L Shafer/W Shafer/K Simmons GCH CH Friendship Hill Stars And Stripes P Gallatin/M Browne GCH CH Invercrest Surely Why Not D Eggert/J Eggert GCH CH Rock Castle’s Jovial Patriot A Thomas/B Medina GCH CH Kelwyn’s History In The Making K Edell/D Edell GCH CH Charthill Top Billing C Hill/K Hill GCH CH Kingsview Just Ebony C Blain/L Tuttle GCH CH Cumbria’s Ready Jet Go P Wooster/T Wooster GCH CH Morgan Tam O’Shanter J Roche GCH CH Dilligad Get Smart L Watson/S Watson/D Sutton/E Avery
Sealyham Terriers 12 10 9 6 4 4 2 2 2 1
GCH CH Hotshot’s Royal She’ll Make ‘Em Cry B Dunlap/R Dunlap Wildwind Keep Your Hat On B Snyder/J Ferrera CH Dunnville D’Artagnan D Lloyd/R Lloyd Afterglow’s Rapunzel L Inman/R Inman Dunnville Diamond In The Ruff J Eubanks/K Haugland Afterglows Princess Diana M Welton/L Inman Shshown’s Island Amador M Mirre/M Mirre Tripp The Light Fantasic By Bedlam T Childers/J Childers/M Childers/W Jones Blackmore’s Barefoot Contessa P Kennedy/S Boyd CH Efbe’s Thunder Rd At Burberry F Bergeron/L Tetreault/S Hawks
32 27 21 16 14 13 10 6 5 2
GCH CH Gleanntan Wonderful Wizard Of Oz Gleanntan Knl GCH CH Solana Big Lebowski M Shiue CH Gold River Man For All Seasons K Sanders/W Sanders CH Gleanntan Goin’ To Show-Me E Willis/Gleanntan Knl GCH CH Solana Demolition Man M Shiue GCH CH Solana Dance Into The Fire M Shiue/S Spicer GCH CH Talakan Trumpeter Swan J Davis GCH CH Gleanntan Gaelforce T Wright/Gleanntan Knl GCH CH Jay-Roy Byrne ‘N Hot For You D Salandro Talakan Winterhawk At Ladybank S Parsons/P Koff
Skye Terriers
Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers 187 119 81 76 59 58 49 49 43 42
GCH CH Doubloon’s Extreme Play E Landa GCH CH Ainle Villanova Mouth Of The South CGC K Elliot GCH CH Bonney New England Patriot B Snyder GCH CH Diamonds Cactus Cash B Hillwig GCH CH Greentree Cayenne Dancer R Reey/B Mcdonald CH Greentree Gold Charm B Mcdonald/K Mcdonald GCH CH Cuilinn Expresso Con Panna H Million GCH CH Mil Mear Geragold Galileo B Hempel/M Kipp/N O’Sullivan GCH CH Greentree Rachael Alexandra B Mcdonald/K Mcdonald GCH CH Sundance Second Chance S Russo/F Russo
Staffordshire Bull Terriers 120 83 57 56 55 46 37 36 34 32
GCH CH Sylon Bruce Of Ringmaster M Darwith/J Miller GCH CH Red Samurai Z Smith GCH CH Trugrip Good Boy Dex R Schwab/K Steinbock/J Merritt GCH CH Trugrip Summer Dayz T Pawson GCH CH Sikaistaff Dancing Devil T Lohr CH Immerlachen Im Roly Poly O Chief M Morrison/C Keegan Ashbull Odriscoll T Matusiak/M Czyzak GCH CH Daydream Sin With A Grin CA D Lemke GCH CH Empire N Divines Change In My Pocket CA L Divine/T Glover CH Reddawn’s Black Magic Girl M Lopez/F Peavy
Welsh Terriers 69 40 20 20
GCH CH Andover See-Z The Moment P See/J Gottlieb/J See GCH CH Malvado Devil Woman P Clark/N Clark CH Redragon’s Brown Eyed Girl F Adams/P Adams GCH CH Shaireab’s Bayleigh Maid Of Honor S Abmeyer/K Bailey/T Lee/X Xie
17 15 15 13 11 10
Darwyn’s Special Blend L Hotchin CH Cambrian Four Star Brigadier General J Fox-Stephens/T Stephens CH Noraly Of The New Husken B Schwartz/R Berg/S Curran GCH CH Bruhil’s Kiddos Choice B Schwartz CH Wagabound’s Celtic Quest C Schauermann GCH CH Darwyn Esmeralda In Sanherpinc J Anspach/M Duafala/P Allen/S Pinto
West Highland White Terriers 156 153 94 54 52 50 50 47 45 35
GCH CH Deerhaven Hez Justin Kredible At Orion D Bouderra/J Kays/G Kays/I Keushgenian GCH CH Camcrest Andsurely Jasmine J Downing/S Campbell GCH CH Tullybloom’s Classified Credentials P Cohen/C Cohen GCH CH Wyndbrae’s Maclaren P Whiting/S Byrd/W Noble GCH CH Mizzentop Storm King M Fiore/H Fiore GCH CH Donnybrook’s Louis S Chaplick GCH CH Shamrock James Bond J Emerson GCH CH Devonshire Out Of The Starting Gate T Pancost GCH CH Deerhaven An Heir About Him J Riggs GCH CH Alborada Romain I Martino
Toy Group Affenpinschers 167 104 21 13 11 11 8 6 5 3
GCH CH Tamarin Tarheel A Shultz/G Shultz GCH CH Yarrow’s Hi-Tech Ben There Done That W Truesdale/W Truesdale/L Wubbell GCH CH Induna’s Ink Spot C Duran/L Duran GCH CH Xela’s Party Tric D Wood/S Jones/D Hichborn/P Belmont CH Schnaffentangens Norwegian Wood J Plank GCH CH Aberdeens Monkey Man K Hickey GCH CH Xela’s Party Hat S Jones/S Hill/A Romero Yb’s Helmer At Velvet Dandy K Debruin/J Debruin GCH CH Banana Joe V. Tani Kazari Z Truesdale/M Cooymans CH Minsmere Mariposa A Alvarez/K Kuper
109 102 68 57 56 54 37 34 29 20
GCH CH Paragons Sharp Dressed Man At Greengates F Cashin/M Gale/K Fleener CH Tupelo Axel Rose Br J Saba/P Kolesar-Stoltz/J Constantine/L GCH CH Marsdon Frankly Speaking B Strange GCH CH Hilltop’s GQ Cover Boy P Brown GCH CH Chismick’s Lights On Broadway K Jaeger/M Jaeger GCH CH Endor And Donandru’s New Moon R Pereira GCH CH Hilltop’s Watch Me Now M Grafton GCH CH Krossfire Bellini D Henderson GCH CH St Johns The Chimney Sweep St Johns Knl CH Tazlandz Making Waves J Achord/T Achord
Brussels Griffons
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels 538 408 368 254 240 173 143 113 105 104
GCH CH Quail Garden Loch Lomond Deja Vu J Mittelman/K Subramanian GCH CH Miletree Northern Star B Henry/S Henry/B George GCH CH Orchard Hill Play For Keeps C Darr/E Venier/R Venier GCH CH Burbrook Storm Chaser J Ioia/B Ioia/D Petralia/C Rose GCH CH Tudorose Apollo P Mixon GCH CH Lacanina Fratello Sole CAA V Schuler/C Greenshields/E Lesko GCH CH Full Of Malarkey Miles Of Aisles T Kelly/P Kelly GCH CH Forestcreek Brass In Pocket M Mayfield/K Chandor GCH CH Orchard Hill Indiscreet E Venier/R Venier/L Slusher GCH CH Chadwick Passion Puzzle At Brynwood C Carter/C Eckersley
Chihuahuas (Long Coat)
251 GCH CH Mini Cooper (Lamuno) J Lamuno Gonzalez 177 GCH CH Matriart Lg Muffin A Paola Diniz/L Guilmerme Diniz Pretoni 152 GCH CH Jetstar’s Simply Outrageous J Chandler 145 GCH CH Timeless Cottondale Pink Champagne K Potts/S Boyd 126 GCH CH Don’T Blame Me I’M Cute (Lamuno) J Gonzalez Lamuno 124 GCH CH Whiteclouds Miss Kitty D Franklin/D White 118 GCH CH Victory Mask Of Zorro K Hulstein/S Hartwig 116 GCH CH Bk’s Wild About Harry B Smith Continued on page 98
Dog News 95
96 Dog News
Dog News 97
The Dog News Top Ten List
Based on breed competition
Continued FROM page 95
115 115
GCH CH Roseland Eli T Bregman GCH CH Dewcastle Texas Red J Dew/J Phariss
Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) 147 142 137 131 83 82 75 73 73 64
GCH CH Gaga Lady De Aqlla M Blank/L George GCH CH Genbrook’s Playin’ With Fire B Kaye/G Stiles GCH CH Sandy’s Babes Tradewinds As Ever D Corl GCH CH Grannycreeks One And Only Wild Bill J Guichon GCH CH Koniki’s Queen Of De Nile 4 Bellachi S Molash/K Hirn-Sheppard GCH CH Ouachitah Defying Gravity L Monte GCH CH Bolding Brinn G Bolding GCH CH Wincoo Royal Dutchess M Bozzo GCH CH South Fork’s Sweet Harmony M Held GCH CH Shorepointe’s Buddy Dazzler W Mccollister/J Ward/S Chavez/J Standish
Chinese Crested 269 216 197 146 137 132 100 100 99 98
GCH CH Kaylens Girls Just Want To Have Fun V Dorris/K Peiser GCH CH Storytime’s Rocky Road For Gingery M Fields/A Butterklee/J Temple GCH CH Hampton Court’s Charlie Of Legend V Malzoni GCH CH Dejavu I Want’A Talk About Me R Kusumoto/J Kusumoto GCH CH Gingery’s Sweet Tea A Butterklee/B Cleveland/V Helu GCH CH Ghostmar’s Dark Shadows S Hill/M Uriarte/S Lybrand GCH CH Belews Les Bons Temps Rouler D Parker/M Parker GCH CH Stillmeadow Solo In The Spotlight M Patti/J Patti GCH CH Kulana’s Sh-Boom S Frumkin/M Frumkin GCH CH Edelweiss Dirty Sexy Money K Knoles/A Beard
English Toy Spaniels (Blenheim & Prince Charles)
51 30 8 6 6 4 2 2 1 1
GCH CH Loujon Backroads To Paris C Williams/J Ward/K Miller GCH CH Chaseland’s Howard Glodek B Miller/J Glodek Dragonfly Great Balls Of Fire S Tietsworth/G Buck Sanchi Pleasant Surprise B Miller GCH CH Loujon Thornwood Little Jacob K Miller/J Ward/C Williams Fox Hollow Slainte A Sunderman CH Ravissant Hoist The Colours NA NAJ A Sunderman/T Cousins Kd’s Piano Man D Hill/K Lawrence Dixie Acres Agatha Christie At Triple H K Hammond GCH CH Danaho’s Grand Design I Cary
English Toy Spaniels (King Charles & Ruby)
19 17 16 16 12 3 1 1 1 1
GCH CH Novel Backroads Run For The Roses S Plance/H Reid/M Reid GCH CH Southdown Nevermind B Van Deman GCH CH Lto Prosperity R Cole/M Landers CH Denim Wicked Storm C Hess CH Backroads Ruff An Rowdy S Plance/C Williams Enchanting Spirit He Walks Among Us S Tietsworth/S Lutz/R Oates/B Waldkirch M’ S Lady Jane Adair Of Pin Oak M Choby Caledonia Adair Madison C Morgan Danaho’s Golden Notebook D Hopkins Backroads Moonlight R Morgan/C Morgan
366 333 263 253 225 169 114 114 95 85
GCH CH Oeste’s Flirt’N With An Outlaw R Schindler/M King/J Vogel GCH CH Harbor’s Sky-Blue Pink C Field/H Bennett GCH CH Yup’s Malibu Dream J Birdsall/D Stout GCH CH Marcosa’s Bachelor Button J Mcgrath/H Kolzow GCH CH Yayas Dancing Through Life D Planche/C Livingston/K Livingston/B Ca GCH CH Wyhaven’s How D’Ya Like Me Now C Wilson GCH CH Windfall’s Dude With Attitude K Ambler GCH CH Askin Bidin’ My Time L Curtis/E Curtis GCH CH Peluito’s Papi Chulo A Etzig/L Galloway GCH CH Marcosa’s Slip Slidin’ Away H Kolzow/C Kolzow/P Bass
98 Dog News
Italian Greyhounds 254 235 75 73 66 60 60 45 43 43
GCH CH Donavin’s Caramel Macchiato D Davis/J Davis GCH CH Integra’s Masquerade Party M Lucas/R Weyer GCH CH Kashmir’s Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler! C Weatherhead GCH CH Kaos Mini-Daytona Five Double O S Swanson/B Swanson GCH CH Caliente’s Maker’s Mark Of Bravehound J Milko/D Milko GCH CH Gdm Zenyatta At Lakeside M Manning/D Snoble/J Kulic GCH CH Trotwood July Fourth Rocket Of Bo-Betts P Swindell GCH CH Deerfield’s Point Blank D Wallace/A Shute GCH CH Cantex Gris Gris Sonofa Doc B Broom/T Mayers GCH CH Voici Island Of Mykonos L Echols/R Conrad
272 102 94 83 77 65 62 54 39 34
GCH CH Victory Spencer M Mc Cormick/M Cooley GCH CH Touche’s Top Hat And Tails At Samskara D Martenson/A Moran/W Lhote/P Dewaele GCH CH Pem We-Syng Perfect Pitch At Sirius D Christensen/G Christensen GCH CH Mar-Pem’s Tiz A Tizzy B Reese GCH CH Pem We-Syng Lucky Mi J Dalton/J Turjoman/M Ballard GCH CH Tanzen’s Ok Storm Of Zen-Chins G Heiman/E Heiman GCH CH Cin-Don On The Road Again B Merritt CH Desert Jade Fabel-Mi Firedragon J Dalton/J Turjoman/M Ballard GCH CH Bliss’s Chinsational Wasabi J Heller Chindale’s Anything She Wants J Stevens/M Wooldridge/V Adams
Japanese Chin
Maltese 156 GCH CH Scylla’s Small Kraft Re-Lit D Burke/R Scott/T Rowell 113 GCH CH Rhapsody’s Someone Like You T Holibaugh/K Kasten 59 GCH CH Rhapsody N Cherub’s Oh So Henry T Mackenzie/K Mackenzie 58 GCH CH Divine’s Work Of Art K Kent/A Stanberry 50 GCH CH Maltangel Heavenly Vision I Gram/M Harrigan 42 GCH CH Richelieu’s Valentino P Keen/J Mcquiston 42 GCH CH Ta-Jon’s Pawsitively Pawparazzi T Lehman/T Simon 30 GCH CH Richelieu’s Here Comes Trouble Again L Lawrence/J Mcquiston 28 CH R-Cranberry Of Crystal Castle S Girven 26 CH C And M’s Midnight Dream C Thomas/M Day
Manchester Terriers (Toy) 98 63 45 24 23 14 13 12 10 10
GCH CH Rustic Lane Still Waters Run Deep P Lapinski/J Debraganca/C Horowitz/A Deb GCH CH Burmack’s Highlander At Chesterfield K Levario/P Mackesey/J Burrows GCH CH Rosewood Casanova D Texter/P Rank/B Hodges CH Poricias Straight From My Heart To Jades D Becker GCH CH Blossom’s Let’s Dance B Scott-Heim GCH CH Black Pearl’s I’Ll Be A Sunbeam J Skovira/K Skovira/R Landis GCH CH Spotted Oak’s Vampire Slayer J Tonini-Zanotto/D Zanotto CH Fwaggles Avant Garde R Travis/A Kelly/W Kelly GCH CH Celtic Cross Lady Of Shalott At Carpe Diem T Meeks CH Splash’s Moon Pie At Burmack J Burrows/P Mackesey/E Cressler/S Beatti
Miniature Pinschers 302 176 129 68 68 65 56 47 42 34
GCH CH Brackley My Amazing Warrior K Haney/D Haney GCH CH Marlex Classic Red Glare A Angelbello/L Monte GCH CH Pinnacole Winters Feel The Fire M Cole/M Cole/K Winters GCH CH Kisa The Iceman Cometh V Marlex L Dewey/P Dewey GCH CH Marlex Kisa Wildfire K Noel/J Wilds/A Angelbello GCH CH Brackley My Warrior Princess B Stanert/V Stanert GCH CH Blythewood Golden Warrior J Huber GCH CH Dynasty’s Little Bear H Greene GCH CH Marlex N Marisol Bold Moves A Angelbello/M Hackett GCH CH Dar-Rich Sirius’ Einstein V-Redbarns J Ward
661 565 275
GCH CH Involo The King Of Pop M Mosing/G Garofalo GCH CH Fenice Le Beaudreaux R Greathouse/E Akers-Perry/M Perry GCH CH Wildfire On The Record N Shaw/A Pickett/C Pickett
199 171 154 143 134 110 77
GCH CH Micfriends Trujoy Eye Candy S Johnson/D Peterson GCH CH Titian’s Risky Business R Navarre/M Navarre/T Mcintyre/C Fredric GCH CH Brevette Kid Incredible A Moser/L Tapyrik/J Ybaben GCH CH Blairwynn’s He Gives Me Chills C Blair GCH CH Wingssong Here We Go Again P Jones/C Jones GCH CH Jareaux Rip It Up Laren T Sommerson-Wilcox/J Mclaren GCH CH Muneca Betting On Belmont T Stone
Pekingese 64 57 42 42 34 33 25 23 22 22
GCH CH Dunkirk Imagine That M Merrill/T Reese/R Winters GCH CH Sunburst Sunshine Superman T Jenkins/V Hedrick GCH CH Yakee Easily Persuaded S Middlebrooks/D Fitzpatrick GCH CH Schuyler’s Laparata Robert M Campbell CH Oakhill’s Caught Red Handed K Cook/M Cook GCH CH Windemere’s This Style’s For You L Markham CH Suruca Southdown Full Of Malarky B Van Deman GCH CH Finnfair Amerglo Leonnatos T Damon/S Martinez CH Fur-Bee’s Swagger Please T Lee GCH CH Maplewood’s A Walk In The Park C Smith
Pomeranians 567 289 190 174 149 117 111 81 79 71
GCH CH Cr Chase What Matters M Koga GCH CH Char’s Love Story M Paredes GCH CH Starlight’s Sugar Daddy D Stratton Canton Jet Li (Foreign Dog - Registration Pending.) GCH CH Ac Dynasty Dream Works S Freitas/F Almeida GCH CH Oakrose High’N Mighty N Walker/R Walker/J Rose/G Stewart GCH CH Randy’s Huckleberrie Friend R Buske/E Smith/D Spann CH Mythical Rydin’ To Hitimes J Carcasole/A Carcasole GCH CH Babbi’s Captain Of The Ship Of Mtn Crest B Meyer GCH CH Tab’s Scootin’ Boomer Of Storm T Brunner
Poodles (Toy) 237 127 125 104 76 69 64 57 48 41
GCH CH Donnchada Angel Wings At Dulcinea S Talkington/E Brown GCH CH Smash Jp Sakura R Scott/D Burke GCH CH Smash Jp Winning Ribbon J Steinhour GCH CH Sharbelle Greg-Mar International Boy R Stevens/S Stevens/M Gregory GCH CH Rfs Hells A Blazen Frank N. Stein K Petersen GCH CH Kaylen’s Oh Really! V Dorris/B Bird/K Peiser GCH CH Laurelbury Zasu On The Runway B Rivet/K Rivet CH Hillwood Mr Kibbles E Charles CH Smash Jp Go Go Summer J Steinhour GCH CH Cache’s Princess Grace De Monaco M Boyce/S Basinger/D Boyce
Pugs 690 296 259 177 150 133 118 116 98 92
GCH CH Hill Country’s Tag I’M It C Koch GCH CH Winsome-Nirvana-Blaque Triple Play E Veltman/V Cox-Flatley/B Roberts GCH CH Caper’s Sirius Endeavor P Fisher/C Fisher/J Rowell/L Rowell GCH CH Castlerock Pine Cone Mountain Rain A Fischer GCH CH Pine Cone’s Green Mountain Boy A Fischer/E Sheeran GCH CH Moonstruck’s In The Pocket! C Koch GCH CH Foursquare I’Ll Be A Shostopa Tu D Johnson/J Johnson GCH CH Brigadoon’s Shanghai Charlie L Bridge/J Bridge GCH CH Pine Cone’s Dr. John Of Frisco D Green/R Green GCH CH Sweetbriar Boo-Koo Bucks P Caldwell/R Caldwell
Shih Tzu 112 112 105 76 67 58 54 44 41
GCH CH Krissy’s Savvy Jasper L Lawrence GCH CH Lohona Zephyr I Can’T Look Away D Haley GCH CH Ista’s Hurricain Chaser D Wheeler/G Larson GCH CH Foxfire Pocket Edition T Fox/K Bilicich GCH CH Hallmark Jolei Bells Will Be Ringing L Ehricht/D Ehricht GCH CH Wenshus Shesa Dream D Gerl/L Lawrence GCH CH Jianzhuang-De Buster Brown F Govostes GCH CH Xeralane’s Just Face It Xeralane Knl GCH CH Symarun’s Love T’Look W Lee
33 GCH CH Mr Foo’s Woofgang Amadeus Mozart L Mckinney/M Mckinney
Silky Terriers 130 83 36 29 26 24 18 18 10 10
GCH CH Lamplighter’s Tattle Tail M Benson/B Beissel GCH CH Tawny Mist Myan Mystic S Biles/E Biles/K Wilson/D Renton GCH CH Mariblu Forevermore At Safire M Solvason/J Pizzirulli GCH CH Karisma Heart And Soul M Hodge/K Gilbert/M Gagliardi/P Laperruq GCH CH Anjo Blu’s Once In A Blue Moon P Gates GCH CH Snow Glen’s Tesoro Cover Story D Adamcik/D Caselli/P Laperruque GCH CH Blufire Kharah’s Flashforward J Harris GCH CH Wyncliff’s Wallstret Wonder D Baggenstos/R Baggenstos CH Cantell Daybreaker K Oglesby/R Oglesby/J Evanoff GCH CH R-Blu’s Captain Jack E Sparrow R Rich
Toy Fox Terriers 60 58 56 52 43 43 42 40 37 25
GCH CH Foxlair Hi-De-Ho Smokey Joe V Denney/E Ward GCH CH Centennial Farms Ironman W Bellamy GCH CH Valcopy Shively Son Of A Gun D Plonkey/R Davis CH Trinity Bay Titus H Kohlman GCH CH Azefer Sir Isaac L Fast GCH CH Barbary’s That’s So Raven L Smith/P Nieto GCH CH Canby Icefox Keno Ninico D Temple-Burgess GCH CH Dejavu’s Big Dog Daddy J Spence GCH CH Adamant Bang A Drum K La Rue/J Joseph GCH CH Ultra Quest Go For The Gold W Howard
Yorkshire Terriers 450 139 87 73 70 67 60 51 50 49
GCH CH Trio’s Big Shot K Goldfarb GCH CH Stratford’s Diamond Jim B Scott GCH CH Brookview’s Rebel Yale M Johnson GCH CH Annstef’s Gotta Dream H Jacobs/A Stringer GCH CH Morgan-Hall Bluebonnet Reverie A Lemons GCH CH Gotyorkies Dream High Stryker P Kech GCH CH Rosemark’s Dangerously Cool R Fett GCH CH Images Playboy At Serenade Xeralane Knl/T Bell/B Fink/P Fink GCH CH Exmoor’s Epitome J Hupp/B Walker GCH CH Windsor’s Trump Card C Garrett
Non-Sporting Group
American Eskimo Dogs 70 69 39 38 35 35 27 20 19 15
GCH CH Sierra’s Hallmark R Sampson/S Schuldt GCH CH Nuuktok’s Atka Inukshuk S Robertson GCH CH Ms. Wiz’s Rain Of Terror B Davidoff GCH CH Anana’s Look Into The Future K Strunk/S Strunk GCH CH Mystic Knight Of Magic K Scholz GCH CH Pinebrook Smilin’ Milo Of Vibo CA D Christensen GCH CH Anana’s Magnificent 1 S Strunk/K Strunk GCH CH Voyagers Cause I Can Cuddle L Clark GCH CH Artc Mgc’s Heart Of Hearts C Wood/J Wood CH Am Snowpuff’s Playing For The Kisses J Stodghill/M Stodghill
173 119 107 106 106 67 64 55 36 27
GCH CH Paray’s Power & Privilege T Pittman/P Flores GCH CH Overtops And The Winner Is Z Luo/N Keung/J Rubin GCH CH Vogelflight’s “Honor” To Pillowtalk E Charles/K Vogel/M Abbott/P Abbott GCH CH Glenleigh Gangs N’ Roses R Lauer/K Tormey/L Carlton/L Letsche GCH CH L’Etoiles It’s All About Me D Clapper GCH CH Saks Winning Card A Mackenzie/K Mackenzie/C Ruggles/K Hans GCH CH Karmel’s Banana In Pajamas S Phillips/C Bakker/R Drumond GCH CH Miabella Allure’s Ooh La La S Kapella/L Des Camps GCH CH Shyladawn’s Timeless Beauty S Newton GCH CH Vogelflight’s Shira Yuri Shogun J Hartmann/G Hartmann
Bichons Frises
Boston Terriers 419 164
GCH CH Gunther’s Gussied Up Edna A Mcilwaine/B Berth/J Mcilwaine GCH CH Kennedy’s N Barcomm’s On The Catwalk B Rettick/S Kennedy/R Rettick
The Dog News Top Ten List
Continued FROM page 00 158 GCH CH Ivylane N Barrett Train Of Love S Frederick/T Starr/P Duffy 135 GCH CH Campbell Clan’s Idol Chatter K House/D Campbell/G Campbell 127 GCH CH Kc’s Just Out Of Reach K Bogenholm/J King 108 GCH CH Martini’s Hey Sugah! L Martin/L Amodei 90 GCH CH Taylwagons Blackberry Wine Spritzer L Taylor 83 GCH CH Guardians Angel At Mtnview C Jones 80 GCH CH Motif’s Unstoppable At Rio A Beskau/K Beskau 77 GCH CH Lonestar’s Yellow Rose J Allen
Bulldogs 850 657 562 414 298 268 254 213 191 181
GCH CH Dowats Decisive Double Down L Watson/D Watson/J Milam/E Hugo-Milam GCH CH Mytoys Epic Against The Wind D O’Connor/T Oconnor/L Scott/A Mcdearmon GCH CH Imperious Hamitup Double Vision L Jordan/J Jordan GCH CH Wilson-Dixon’s Wd-40 J Wilson/C Wilson/R Dixon/W Dixon GCH CH Imperious Hamitup Southern Bell Imperious Knl/Hamitup Knl/Hetherbull Knl GCH CH Cherokee Legend Cowboy C Sickle/C Chambers GCH CH Only Bill Bailey C Eke GCH CH B-Loved Nothing But Net B Love GCH CH Mytoys Frontier Lady Pink Cadillac L Scott GCH CH Low Rider Jer-Ne’s Cocked Locked & Ready C Long/T Jacobs
Chinese Shar-Pei 310 255 100 90 45 43 38 36 34 34
GCH CH Jade East Do You Know The Way To San L Anders/E Minne/K Nijholt GCH CH Shine’s Deck The Halls D Cooper/R Cooper/L Teitelbaum/R Penteco GCH CH Vaje’s Jethrene Bodine T Paddock/S Paddock/J Mauk/V Mauk GCH CH Tabirds Issac Newton D Bird GCH CH Asias The Big Easy A Gonzalez/L Myers GCH CH Asias Long Island Iced Tea At Emby CA M Braunstein GCH CH Tzo Wen’s Love Story T Bohlke/B Lavere GCH CH Jade East Is This The Way To Amarillo L Anders/K Nijholt/E Minne GCH CH Nustar Dolly Pardon Me Boys, I’M Here V Jgar J Kerstein/G Richards/J Wyatt GCH CH Yu Kou’s Keep On Luvn U G Schaefer/D Schuerman
Chow Chows 256 120 39 30 29 29 28 25 20 17
GCH CH Dreamland’s Wanna Be A Billionaire R Banghart/L Banghart/M Brantley/L Brant GCH CH Padow’s Twilight Embrey In A New Moon At A Sanders/K Williams/A Young GCH CH Jidi The Great One At Rebelrun R Banghart/L Banghart CH United’s Light My World E Sangkunakup/S Miller GCH CH Dreamland’s Light Up The Sky J Phillips/A Smith GCH CH Tamarin Velvet Fogg P Baxter/P Martinez GCH CH Padow Northwind’s Wicked Games L Eyster/W Eyster/K Williams GCH CH Redclouds Chowlamar Big Daddy R Bailey/Z Coogan GCH CH Padow’s Too Hot To Handle R Sampson/K Willaims CH Limelite’s Magic Wand At Cac A Abbott/G Benz
Dalmatians 277 GCH CH Kastle’s Go Speed Racer M Squire 221 GCH CH Folklore Celtic Crossfire Trail R Skibinski/D Skibinski/J Boyd/M Boyd 189 GCH CH Canal-Side’s Imperator B Little/J Eversole/J Langevin/P Masasch 167 GCH CH Mapleaf Don’T Stop Believin In Sunrunner B Becker/A Smith/K Rochin 146 GCH CH Bret D N Engine Co To The Rescue J Bachey/M Zink/J Shupp 126 GCH CH Spotted Bliss Oreo Delight D Brumfield/K Smith 125 GCH CH Riverside’s The Sisters R Baker 109 GCH CH Spotlights Ruffian J Lyons/B Lyons 94 GCH CH Milledals Alisa At Peace Valley M Gifford/A Miller 75 GCH CH Nspird Spotsafire Its A Wrap T Bailey/C Jordan
Finnish Spitz 57 56 31 22 19
GCH CH Finkkila’s Nalle Poika K Swisher/D Helland GCH CH Mickywins Mainio Skandia P Urton GCH CH Dv9k9’s Royal Star H Leathers/M Leathers GCH CH Pikkinokka Badgr Sir Barksalot M Badger/H Leftwich CH Finkkila’s Kaveri T Walker/M Walker
10 10 7 7 7
Based on breed competition
CH Finkkila’s Goldie Of Suvi T Walker CH Rocyn’s And The Beet Goes On J Parker/C Stansell/R Stansell GCH CH Skandia Keksi Chava Of Timanti D Urbauer Maru’s Kulta Maissi A Thomas GCH CH Marblehill’s Gleaming Icecaps J Anastas/L Saari/T Davies
French Bulldogs 570 556 318 274 265 256 237 231 203 154
GCH CH Lebull’s El Morocco At Lecirque A Geremia/A Alford GCH CH Coco Vialatte Robobull Hot Flash K Yamanaka GCH CH Lefox Born To Boogie S Sweatt/J Drucker GCH CH Hilsman Napachai Cruel Intentions D Berrey/A Lee/R Hilsman GCH CH Bandog’s Major League Homerun at TX Star N Shaw/C Stephens/A Phelan GCH CH Evergreen’s Girls In White Dresses J Cooney-Waterhouse/J Flowers GCH CH Cuttingedge Hollywood Frog In Fog City A Weinberg/D Kowata/B Edge/S Barnett GCH CH Lionheart’s Fortune Five Hundred J Miklos/M Miklos GCH CH Chitawee’s Jest In Case K Clayton/C Atteberry GCH CH Diva’s Bastille My Heart P Hearst Shaw
Keeshonden 112 101 93 73 67 58 54 38 38 36
GCH CH Summerwind’s Rumor Has It J Gauchat-Hargis/J Hargis GCH CH Windrift’s Money Maker R Gum/T Gum GCH CH Sprookje Lunar Appellation S Sorice/M Sorice GCH CH Windrift’s Native Dancer J Reed GCH CH Trumpet’s It’s Good To Be King B Blankenship GCH CH Windrifts Non-Negotiable Asset L Mcknight GCH CH Karolina Bonnyvale Meant To Be B Stroud/P Stroud/D Bosch/D Smith GCH CH Jen’Ndi’s Foolish Games J Mcclure GCH CH Skyline’s Path Of Least Resistance S Cromer Berman/G Berman GCH CH Showtyme’s Happy Feet L Hooper
70 67 51 43 31 31 27 27 26 22
GCH CH Shoyu Blowin’ My Horn At Orlane E Jones/L Smith GCH CH Monarchs Destination Dreamscape K Harrison/M Stafford CH Ta Sen Westgate On A High S Giles/C Sehnert/E Lonigro GCH CH Kai-La-Sha Legacy C Marley/P Huffman GCH CH Hi Tide Catch The Summer Wind C Fegan/T Mohr/N Varney GCH CH Rufkins Monarch Not Just Any Mardi Gras R Lombardi/J Bernards GCH CH Santa Inez Charlie Just Like His Dad M Henley GCH CH Cozmos Custombuilt M Lucas GCH CH Fft Midnight Flamenco Dancer V Johnson/D Rothman/J Timbers CH Kumi Kian Strike A Pose T Mclaughlin/A Lanterman
Lhasa Apsos
Lowchen 64 40 31 26 19 14 14 8 7 5
GCH CH Paceaway Play It Again P Dyer/L Dyer GCH CH Sweetmeadows Don’T Make My Brn I’s Blu K Bumiller CH Lamberts Sundance Kid E Dingel/M Murphy GCH CH Laser Kiji No Way No How W Koistinen/R Crowder CH Sage Hill’s Ariosa Nobody Does It Better J Seibert CH Tyyris Ego D Jones GCH CH Musicbox Tail Of Two Cities M Billman/V All CH Musicbox Upon A Star D Jones/G Robertson/L Neel Musicbox Heartbeat Turn Around L Neel/D Jones/G Robertson Roseland Ashfords Panache V Kismet K Fletcher
Norwegian Lundehunds 7 5 5 5 2 2 2
CH Dusty Dawn Lonewolf L Hustad CH Norsetrek’s Yankee Klipper L Hustad Fleurette Lonewolf T Rousseau/P Rousseau Cliffhanger Elsking Prinsess T Rousseau/P Rousseau Fransiska Lundejeger Lonewolf C Nugent CH Hammarhojdens Ultra S Pederson CH Frontpage Nils S Pederson/L Afong
Poodles (Miniature) 130 126 109 106 90 85 59 53 44 41
GCH CH Rio Skye’s Flashback C Chaddock/T Chaddock/A Shishido GCH CH Bellefleet’s Living In The Fast Lane A Reichertz GCH CH Dimarko Endurance M Bigham GCH CH Durandel Bella Donna R Wanger GCH CH Karadale Clarion Born This Way K Berlind/K Kennedy Vigil/A Kennedy GCH CH Rio Luci In The Skye With Diamonds C Chaddock/T Chaddock GCH CH Skygem Busy Being Fabulous S Kuklina/G Morisette GCH CH Glen-Kell’s Brightness And Light K Fisher GCH CH Alegria Sweetheart Of The Rodeo B Wood/L Berg GCH CH Surrey Sugar Baby R Scott/D Burke/K Hosaka
Poodles (Standard) 495 326 309 202 188 173 104 100 94 87
GCH CH Dawin Hearts On Fire L Campbell GCH CH Brighton Lakeridge Encore T Sosnoff/M Sosnoff GCH CH Jaset’s Satisfaction M Molnar/J Danburg GCH CH Penndragon Owain J Smith/K Smith/K Bates/R Bates GCH CH Hillwood Dassin Rock On By J Vergnetti/E Charles GCH CH Luminary Black Velvet Bejeweled With Pearls V Law/L Estaver GCH CH Del Zarzoso Salvame From Afterglow S Barnett/G Lindemann/M Gadsby/J Lynn GCH CH Brighton Mikamoto R Smith GCH CH Dawin Wildrose Raisin’ The Stakes L Campbell GCH CH Brighton Mi Ami Ice K Chomiak/K Chomiak
Schipperkes 136 GCH CH Dante Fire When Ready A Gossman/S Middlebrooks/M Jameson/P All 84 GCH CH Tangerea’s Where’s The Beef D Grulke 80 GCH CH Bonchien Prodigal Son R Rollins/B Burke 72 GCH CH Tumbleweed Walkin’ Streets O’Gold J Moore/T Lucas 62 GCH CH Bonchien Cedric The Entertainer K Henry 61 GCH CH Willow’s Make My Day D Johnson/T Johnson 53 GCH CH Beachviews Oops I Did It Again J Penatello 53 GCH CH Delamer Off The Hook K Nuovo 45 GCH CH Ebony Sand’s Gone In Sixty Seconds L Haines/K Navarrete 31 GCH CH Bonchien Park Place M Dauven/J Outhet
Shiba Inu 94 93 59 50 47 47 33 27 27 26
GCH CH Lee-Fen’s An Everlasting Love C Giffin/K Soafer GCH CH Kunikototoro Maui Go Des-Mar D Cole/M Cole GCH CH Mr2 Three Ships To The Wind T Harris/S Rolenaitis/T Rolenaitis GCH CH Jotoichi Perfect Madness D Trotter GCH CH Morningstar’s Dances With Wolves L Cribbs GCH CH Mokelumne Reno Sakura Banjo K Besana/J Holden GCH CH Kisaragi No Kouten Go Amamisou D Chenoweth/J Morningstar CH Kari-On’s Katie Bar The Door D Chenoweth Kalin Go Sengokudou C Ishikawa/K Yoshida GCH CH Justa Wizard Of Oz L Kuehler/B Kuehler
Tibetan Spaniels 343 136 126 112 38 37 37 37 35 32
GCH CH Kan Sing’s Tenzin M Feltenstein CH Lionheart’s E-Z Always Betts On The River C Waddell GCH CH Wanaseas Mystic Lake Effect L Gembala GCH CH Shilo Time For A Good Time S Carroll CH Maciain’s North Side Irish M Acker/L Acker GCH CH Wexford Namtrah Second Hand News D Tyree/H Hartman/M Hartman CH Oshozens Myles Of Style S Cottrell GCH CH Tin-Man Shot In The Dark S Rose CH Ziestan Laszlo L Craven/B Stone GCH CH Ruya Sarai Turbo Charged Hemi P Scalf/R Churchey/J Strasseus/T Holtz
146 76 65 44 43
GCH CH Rinchen’s Blazing Black Icon E Coppola/C Coppola GCH CH Kimik’s Sir Gawain K Bolak/C Rose-Bolak/D Planche GCH CH Rinchen’s Blazing Illusion By Dzine L Meyer/M Allway/M Laffler/C Coppola GCH CH Fabulous Teddy’s I Will Return B Algar/N Kinziger GCH CH Ri Lee’s Stellar Performance N Kinziger
Tibetan Terriers
34 31 25 25 23
GCH CH Aurora’s Welcome To The Jungle D Haynam GCH CH Starlight’s Lady In Waiting C Basgall/C Friemel GCH CH Kha-Ling’s Ooh Your Gold L Hethcox/S Hethcox GCH CH To-Jo’s Adominos Barry Apeel’N J Chaix/J Sheffield GCH CH Pandan And Ashlyn’s Rookie Of The Year J Martin/R Jaramillo
Xoloitzcuintli 40 GCH CH Bayshore Georgio Armani J Baylis/L Hylton/T Johnson 34 GCH CH Blanchos Rosita Fernandez A Barfoot/D Mullusky Caponetto/J Caponet 34 GCH CH Bayshore Stonehaven Espiritu Isabella De D Voss/S Middlebrooks/J Baylis 29 GCH CH Shida Mighty Joe Young C Loutzenniser/J Young-Johnson 26 CH Bayshore Sol-Azul L Hylton/J Bayliss 19 Un Papalote Caliente C Caliente 14 CH Blanch-O’s Life Is A Cabaret D Mullusky Caponetto/J Caponetto/M Lucas 9 Amoroso’s Amador My Spanish Lover K Norton 8 CH Blanch-O’s Playing With Fire T Ream/D Mullusky Caponetto/J Caponetto 8 Blanch-O Dancing To The Ocarina At Sonnydue S Vancamp
Herding Group
Australian Cattle Dogs 331 103 99 88 86 68 68 54 49 40
GCH CH Kokopelli’s Sobe It J Rowland/H Warn/K Watkins/C Kurpas GCH CH Buzzards Tazmanian B’ Devil HSAds M Hunter/G Calvert GCH CH Kurpas’ Holy Smoke RN A Baxter/C Kurpas/J Kurpas GCH CH Littleflock Stand My Ground HT G Todd GCH CH Onthego’s Here’s Lookin’ At Ya D Quain/P Salladay/J Pulliam GCH CH Dawn Heir’s Maverick A Renegade HSAs J Rowland/M Youmans-Griffith/E Baldwin GCH CH Dawn Heir’s He’s The Boss! D Price/C Price GCH CH Devon’s Diamond In The Ruff V Fowler GCH CH Turnabout Fort Apache T Thomas/D Thomas/A Turner/J Wilkinson GCH CH Moonflys Maid For Show L Hilt
454 417 253 218 202 181 171 162 156 155
GCH CH Harmony Hill’s Money Talks L Goetz/H Braddock GCH CH Woodstock’s Belle Starr L Buell GCH CH Mcmatt’s Autumn Breeze F Mcdaniel/J Loehr/V Wehrle GCH CH Copperridge What’s Your Dream J Hanigan/J Miller/J Margeson GCH CH Equinox The Edge Of Reason RE C Bell GCH CH Mysharas Dancing Queen S Fontanini/E Swain GCH CH Melody Hit The Jackpot CD RN PT T Edwards/E Edwards GCH CH Stone Ridge Just Surprise Me I Oliver/C Cannon/L Early GCH CH Copperridge’s Sugar N Spice S Miller/J Miller GCH CH Hearthside Riveredge Sure Is Summum C Poitras
Australian Shepherds
Bearded Collies 237 165 102 80 71 41 29 27 26 22
GCH CH Wigglesworth Thriller A Yura/D Mieras/S Ipser GCH CH Spiritwood’s Gandalf The Blue S Larsen/J Larsen GCH CH Dunhill Celebration C O’Neil/R Harrington GCH CH Daybar For Your Eyes Only B Barton/D Frady/C Perron GCH CH Ha’Penny Mirimar The Fab Fawn J Schneider/M Marini/V Null GCH CH Dreamchaser Follow Your Dreams C Desmond/J Desmond/D Quadland/T Dixon CH Classical’s Magical Meemie J Atkins/C Namey/B Sawka GCH CH Woodsong Pandemonium CGC R Morris/J Morris/O Lazarus/N Lazarus GCH CH Ha’Penny Deja Aphrodite V Shafer/S Shafer GCH CH Baileysong He’s The One CGC W Wylie
Beaucerons 58 52 22 20 15 14 11 10
GCH CH De Joie Du Chateau Rocher CA M Palmer GCH CH Falcor Mes Yeux Vigilants RN C Hartwell GCH CH Eo Des Ombres Valeureux D Skinner/D Pluss CH Fenix Noir Du Chateau Rocher K Davis CH Levi De L’Amouraudiere K Davis GCH CH Elias Mes Yeux Vigilants RN H Scott/S Bass CH Finley Mes Yeux Vigilants A Scott/S Bass CH Eureka Noire Du Chateau Rocher K Davis
Continued on page 100
Dog News 99
The Dog News Top Ten List
Based on breed competition
Continued FROM page 99
10 8
CH Goshem Mes Yeux Vigilants A Scott/S Bass GCH CH Fury Mes Yeux Vigilants J Rosenthal
75 32 27 18 16 14 14 13 12 11
GCH CH Broadcreek’s Marcus Junis Brutus M Kornfeld/S Legg/L Legg/E Kornfeld GCH CH Burr Oak’s Rock My World L Wetherell/C Russell CH Caveat’s Hd Ultra Classic Outlaw B Todd Gallents Stillwater Reflection J Gallent GCH CH Bei Cani Sassy Shes All That Coco L Stephens CH Carousel’s Southern Saga S Fogarty/C Shields London Du Hameau St-Blaise A Mccalla/B Arellano Avonlea International Man Of Mystery P Schultz GCH CH Element’s Written In Red PT E Stearns/T Pluim GCH CH How Sweet It Is De Burr Oak PT C Russell/D Lemster
Belgian Malinois
Belgian Sheepdogs 55 54 46 37 34 33 28 26 26 26
GCH CH Sanderle Kindred R R Chumbley/R Skinner GCH CH Bonntymes Keepn It Real At Devine HSAs S Manier/B Leonard GCH CH Blak Jak’s You’Re So Vain M Janek/B Siccardi GCH CH Hobbiton’s Song Of Solomon Of Laralee L Gilbert GCH CH Morningstar’s All That Jazz Ma’Am C Copeland/J Fiechter CH Verseau’s Passage To India MX MXJ T2B A Mcgregor/S Mcgregor/P King/R Kraft CH Liket’s Old Time Rockn Roll M Brand/D Brand GCH CH Adagio’s Balalaika Prima T Holbrook/K Sutton/A Mcartor GCH CH Sans Brancos Stunned At Kindred RN R Chumblay/T Votava/D Ramsey GCH CH Sans Brancos Ultimatum A Jones/M Jones/T Votava
Belgian Tervuren 133 98 66 65 61 53 41 40 34 31
GCH CH Sky Acres Flying Solo M Edling GCH CH Hillside Special And Hamazing B Kreider/S Kreider GCH CH Stonewall’s Let’s Make It A Double V Havicon/R Skief CH Onyx V. Moned L Reeder/L Brandenburg GCH CH Waldenmark’s Here’s Lookin At Ewe HSAds I Friedenson/J Friedenson GCH CH Mishaook’s Lautrec K Gauchat/J Pavlichko GCH CH Sky Acres Flying Dutchman PT E Stearns/M Edling GCH CH Hovne Es-Pen Av Revehiet J Murphy/T Hulsund GCH CH MACH Tacara’s Down’N’Dirty Escapade R Whitesides/L Newsome GCH CH OTCH MACH Starbright Casino Royale D Allen
Border Collies 365 189 182 116 107 99 72 60 60 57
GCH CH Majestic Avatar Storm Warning PT R Johnson/J Braylis/M Karger/R Delay GCH CH Hamilton’s Secret Agent Of Bayshore C Hamilton/J Boylis GCH CH Kensington’s Artful Dodger L Waldo GCH CH Tang Dynasty Rocky N Tang GCH CH Borderton Lou Easy An I A B Kennel GCH CH Kensington’s Image Of Bon-Clyde B Buchanan GCH CH F Si A Ge Of Fu You Yuan Kennel L Jing GCH CH Wildfire’s Burnin’ Blue Rippin’ Through CDX T Moncheski GCH CH Sporting Field’s Heiress HSAs HIAs D Butt/D Einck/A Giles CH Sporting Field Geisha Girl Heronwood K Bell
Bouviers des Flandres 105 103 73 51 47 42 38 35 33 29
GCH CH Stonepillar’s Steel Blu D Ham/B Ham GCH CH Stonewall I-Zak De La Salsa J Abramsohn/P Anderson/R Bishop/S Brocke GCH CH Quiche’s Jewels Are Forever E Paquette/L Paquette GCH CH Barbu Jenarae Ruffian W Miller GCH CH Vanleighof’s Special Agent Gibbs L Mccann/M Zusman/D Poulson GCH CH Delux Jumpin’ Jack Flash J Edick GCH CH I’M Special Kountry’s Great Communicator P Murray/J Litogot GCH CH Margaux’s Stacked Deck P Martin/S Lyon GCH CH Quiches Intrepid Captain Sully S Bowerman/E Herring GCH CH Bedrock’s Kingfish Of Barbu P Klecan/Y Savard
100 Dog News
Briards 59 48 34 31 29 29 27 24 19 18
GCH CH Deja Vu Mia Cool As A Cucumber T Miller/A Melton/D Dube/L Bernard GCH CH Majestique Brave Heart M Warcholik GCH CH Caleidoscope De L’Heureux T Lee GCH CH Lighting Strike El Xargall M Millner/T Millner GCH CH Deja Vu Mia Cake Walk G Klang/T Miller/A Melton GCH CH Deja Vu Pomme Despair Came Knocking M Sanders/T Miller GCH CH La Vie Rose Dior-August-Moon CD RN M Minor/R Minor GCH CH Aladax’s Divine Dream By Kaliphi RN HSAs V Swarowski/D Morrow/M Huslig GCH CH Deja Vu Mia Chain Of Fools J Holava/M Holava GCH CH Ne Orageux’s Flash Point M Millner/T Millner
Canaan Dogs 16 12 10 7 6 5 4 4 2 1
GCH CH Pleasant Hill Magnum Of Samara P Rosman CH Celev Boot’s Coco And All That Jazz C Grider/M Gardiner GCH CH Rivroc Lycm Own Dream Bsnatch Rsndog C Miller/E Miller/M Houchard CH Rivroc Onto Somethin Bsnatch Rosndog C Miller/E Miller Serenity Lane Rumor Has It L Anderson/M Linton CH Ph Firestorm’s View From Above T Vinson Naturally Noahs At Eastland A Israel CH Celev Ron’s Bashert Ameetz C Grider/M Gardiner Eastlands Bit Of A Braveheart A Israel Jezebelle D Pohl
Cardigan Welsh Corgis 297 254 170 105 99 84 62 51 47 46
GCH CH Aubrey’s Tails Of Mystery C Savioli/V Savioli GCH CH Riverside Telltail Coco Posh D Planche/D Shindle/J Divens GCH CH Mariel’s Harvest Moon M Mizelle/J Bruce GCH CH Kosmar Striking Back Of Bridgelady M Stahr/G Roach GCH CH Allegro Southern Charm J Lamy GCH CH Serah Celtic Legend Of Llynhill B Tannahill/P Smith GCH CH Turn-Key’s Little Big Man RN M Hulme GCH CH Sundance Itakemineblack D Price/L Price GCH CH Mockingbird Elyan Magic Moment HSAd P Adrian/S Long/C Kienast GCH CH Tregaron Rhys Emrys R Doggett/R Wolf
Collies (Rough) 322 217 202 178 154 145 145 134 123 109
GCH CH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger J Caruso/R Caruso GCH CH Overland Remembrance Of Things Past E Chang GCH CH Wyndlair Island Vacation M Stelter/J Duhon GCH CH Wyndlair Cherokee Vindication R Beals/L Rizzo/M Stelter/A Stelter GCH CH Dea Haven’s Ice Blue Dream J Bryant/K Provenzano/L Cohen/D Williams GCH CH Concord The Franchise R Altvater/S Altvater GCH CH Windcrest Desert Rose L Willeford/P Eddy GCH CH Kirkhaven Gold Strike J Kirkland GCH CH Gambit’s Skyview Velocity S Royds GCH CH Gambit’s Riddle Me This E Degner/S Degner/B Hash-Okeefe/L Hash
290 225 150 138 98 85 79 59 56 56
GCH CH Provenhill’s Devilicious K Provenzano/L Cohen GCH CH Travler’s Pierce Arrow C Ardizzone/R Tehon/B Ardizzone/G Lewis GCH CH Kimberee Under The Influence L Montero/T Montero GCH CH C And J Silver Charm Of Chrysalis J Waiburn/C Thompson GCH CH Row-Bar’s Heartbreaker J Brady/R Johns/S Mcalear/K Mcpherson GCH CH Cyndella’s Yes, I’M Charmed K Neeley GCH CH Gateside Kiss The Sky At Greyfriar D Eramo/R Robertson GCH CH Ceilidh’s Project Runway HSAs E Chang GCH CH Chrysalis Star Of Green Acres L Mabus GCH CH Calibre’s Key To The Fortune S Kaelin
Collies (Smooth)
Entlebucher Mountain Dogs 2 1
CH Liberty Run’s A Room A Zoom Zoom A Wallace Liberty Run’s A Rang A Tang A Wallace
1 1
GCH CH Jumanji V. Brunswick RN T Lilliedoll/N Lilliedoll/R Hahn CH Liberty Run’s A Dash Of Sass A Wallace
Finnish Lapphunds 54 32 27 18 16 10 4 4 3 2
GCH CH Lumiturpa Arvi M Feltenstein GCH CH Yutori’s Shades Of Autumn L Drumm/C Pollack GCH CH Sugarok Casanova CM E Blanch/W Blanch GCH CH Sugarok Robert Redford L Marden CH Teelikamentten Iikka L Marden GCH CH Sugarok Macce Too B Murray/L Marden GCH CH Sugarok Born In The Usa CM L Marden CH Calaban Armahani Iwannatalkaboutme CM C Petersen CH Calaban’s Armahani Rakentaa C Brillinger Sugarok Shogun CD RE D Payne
German Shepherd Dogs 508 272 258 213 128 127 116 100 98 89
GCH CH Wolf Creek Galaxy Of Merivern E Farrell/P Walker GCH CH Pine Hill’s Payday Of Hays Hill P Hays/B Hill/K Salvucci GCH CH Karizma’s Ike Of Edale S Birch/S Birch/J Moses/S Moses GCH CH Mar Haven’s Johnnie Black H Lee/S Lee/B Basu CH Windfall’s Who Says V Chablis B Money/T Bartley/J Pyle/T Bogdanich GCH CH Lonestar’s Margarita Rose S Mckinnon GCH CH Suboja’s Army’s Soldier HT S Sisemore CH Neo’s Ego V Pearl R Beham CH Knight’s Gambit Krug K Knight/E Knight CH Baylor De Oro A Urias
80 26 25 20 19 13 11 10 10 10
GCH CH Bjarkarkots Hroi Hottur Luke MX AXJ OF L Dribinsky GCH CH Vinlands Leifur CGC J Sanders GCH CH Fox Meadow Hausti Solstafir D Whitescarver/J Secondino GCH CH Isneista Alspora Snati Of Bayshore T Runolfsson GCH CH Eyjahunda Thorarinn PT CGC D Mcdermott/T Warnock GCH CH Isneista Christmas Star BN RA P Ross GCH CH Gimgolets Urnir R Barnes/L Ball-Gisch CH Frostfyres Mesti Thorpari Hrokur D Staton/R Staton CH Valhalla’s Golden Reign C Tumiel/M Gimblin GCH CH Frostfyre’s Roskur S Hartman/J Baylis
Icelandic Sheepdogs
Norwegian Buhunds 20 19 18 12 10 7 5 3 2 1
GCH CH Kyon’s Bold Norseman D Deeley GCH CH Trollheimen’s Pink Tourmaline P Adcox/E Turner GCH CH Trollheimen Kiss My Cash E Turner GCH CH Jotunn Bella Binna V Eberhardt/J Bradstreet GCH CH Port Gamble Fjord’s Anders V Eberhardt/B Daniels CH Port Gamble Fjord’s Annika V Eberhardt CH Leite-Gard’s Karl Hakonson C Lassesen/R Lassesen CH Trollheimen’s Iorek C Gonzalez-Loesch Nordspetsens Kuzco L Higgins Zodiac’s Little Kimura Loki D Schueller/C Gilgenbach
Old English Sheepdogs 141 78 58 56 48 38 35 33 32 31
GCH CH Zottels Shaggy Star C Furtado/J Furtado/J Ansell GCH CH Lambluv’s Live The Dream J Marder/C Hastings/K Richardson GCH CH Blue Panda Kissing Bandit L Barchenger/D Rowland/L Long GCH CH Daisies-N-Dreams Master Sebastian B Hughes-Ladrigue GCH CH Bugaboo’s Picture Perfect C Johnson/H Johnson GCH CH Cottonwood Man In The Moon D Caswell/R Caswell GCH CH Deja Blu The Road Less Traveled B Barbaz GCH CH To-Jo’s Sweet Tune Lanward A Popp/L Williams GCH CH Lambluv’s Daytime Hustler L Douglas/J Marder GCH CH Loehr’s Major Attraction J Loehr/N Loehr
Pembroke Welsh Corgis 460 245
GCH CH Coventry Allure At Wyndstar A Geremia/B Shelton GCH CH Riverside Get Over It D Shindle
166 129 111 107 106 102 98 88
GCH CH Coventry Swinging On A Star B Shelton/S Leyerly/B Williams/D Salow GCH CH Riverside Xtra Style P Panzarella/D Shindle GCH CH Dragonjoy New Girl In Town R Blume/F Thomas GCH CH Gwyndolyns Kalypso Great Jubilee C Luce/M Poineal CH Linincorgi’s Livin’ On A Prayer Y Lininger GCH CH Aubrey’s Moon River C Savioli/V Savioli GCH CH Nchanted Silk Lining C Braunstein GCH CH Eden Crowns Designer Label L Williams/J Williams
Polish Lowland Sheepdogs 42 16 14 14 10 9 7 7 7 7
GCH CH Swan Crest The Power Of Love Eternal M Hirata/L Bettis/R Wolfe GCH CH Ponwood’s Smoky B Bruns/W Stamp GCH CH Applewood’s Where’s My Sheep? S Appel/D Appel/J Appel/E Appel GCH CH Starpons Magical Mystery Tour Z Ponder Us J Gryck/B Gryck GCH CH Applewood’s Mojo Flow S Heavens Swan Crest Pons Sundancer Moves Like Jagger D Cross Nadzieja Midnite Merlot K Willson/S Willson GCH CH Bluegrass Ivy League Z White Star J Devlin Swan Crest’s Silver Lining @ Stonebrook B Wilson/M Cabral/D Busby Druh Dziechcinek B Lynch
Pulik 20 16 13 11 9 7 7 5 5 5
CH Cordmaker Topsy Turvey J Bruce/J Beaudoin/S Huebner GCH CH Wallbanger It’s All In The Genes S Schickedanz GCH CH Hamzabegi-Cimboram Buzavirag M Sweeney GCH CH Prydain Oscar’s Wilde Child P Smeenk GCH CH Fuzzy Farm Twist And Shout A Lawrence/S Lawrence CH Bakahazi-Pengo Kacer K Koteles CH Moonshadows Lost In The Ivy CDX RE N Guagenti/A Guagenti/B Pessina CH Fuzzy Farm If Not Now, When? S Lawrence/A Lawrence GCH CH Applegates Dani On The Right Track F Levinson/R Sullivan GCH CH Zaydah Guns A Blazing R Dimatteo
Pyrenean Shepherds 19 3 3 3 2 1
GCH CH La Brise Sun Bear P Princehouse/K Laram La Brise Moustique Bleu AX AXJ NF K Maier Hourcadet De Terra-Blue J Williams CH Chaparral’s Dusky Bear A Burnette CH Burgerhaus Lumiere Noire De La Foret TD S Snyder GCH CH La Brise Amourette K Burger
Shetland Sheepdogs 628 539 396 331 261 259 221 190 129 119
GCH CH Jesstar Nirvana R Von Pusch/J Starbuck GCH CH Grandgables The Frat Boy P Buckles/A Buckles/J Moses GCH CH Paray’s Preferential K Furlong/T Pittman GCH CH Serenity’s Walk In The Park V Weis GCH CH Sandcastle Raggedy Ann C Meek/K Meek GCH CH Homespun Casual Blues PT NA OAJ NF J Iverson GCH CH Rosmoor Mojave J Hynes/R Tomlin GCH CH Solange Significant L Nicholas GCH CH Grandgables Jolie Victor Ludorum P Hannah/K Hannah GCH CH Sunlar Apple Acres Bentley Continental J Larson/L Guzman
Swedish Vallhunds 26 23 23 20 15 15 12 10 9 6
GCH CH Corval Bless Yer Cot’N Socks S Mullinix/S Keth GCH CH Xsbaggage Pippi Longstocking C Telleen/J Franzen GCH CH Caval’s Mia NJP C Albert/L Kiedaisch/M Ispas-Hennessey GCH CH Beidelyn Still The One St L Law/C Rolfe GCH CH Solborg Sophie Uma Av Luna Sea Lt D Quick/M Quick GCH CH Solborg Faramir A Vetter GCH CH Suddenly New Moon At Concordia H Conticchio/F Conticchio GCH CH Arrow Bullseye Billy RN PT NA NAJ NF M Carter/T Carter GCH CH Champoeg High Tales At Stillwater M Day/B Jette/C Vannoy GCH CH Minikota’s If I Were A Painting L Fisher/L Schaunaman
The Upside of The Seesaw Continued FROM page 30
dition of the Junior competition at the Invitational raised the bar for youth to increase their skills and gain recognition in the agility community. Locally we have a nine-year-old that did make the finals at Nationals and had the crowds on their feet cheering for her, Danielle Wagner. She has been running since she was four years old, first with her grandmother’s dog and now with her own Papillon. Her brother is now taking up the banner at five as well. She is lucky enough to have two generations of agility handlers in the family to encourage her. A previous junior handler that ended up on the World Team from Ohio has graduated from college but chose to make agility her career and is now giving seminars and traveling everywhere competing very successfully. The international scene for agility has become the norm. Crufts and the World Championships were the only events that many competitors heard about but now it has expanded to many other competitions that handlers are flying their dogs and participating in. The European Open, World Open Agility, Puerto Rico and Bermuda and many more are drawing the entry. Daisy Peel, the Crufts competitor for USA this year, just returned from giving a seminar in New Zealand and Austria. Japan has been bringing over seminar givers for several years, which shows in the quality of their teams at the Worlds. Giving seminars has become very profitable for agility handlers that have proven themselves at the top of the game. One noteworthy agility handler is German Shepherd Dog owner, Rhonda Meath. Her dog is the “new” Rin Tin Tin. He competes weekly in agility and is on the verge of gaining his MACH. He also does herding, rally, tracking, CGC, and Therapy Dog work. This handsome dog does many photo shoots and appearances,
giving credit to the breed by his stable, sweet temperament and physical ability. He has been flown to many locations for appearances including New York for the closing bell on the NYSE on the 10th anniversary of 9/11. He also was on display at the German Shepherd Nationals in Kansas and Colorado and received the 2011 Legacy Award for Hero Dogs in California. One of the outstanding services Rhonda and “Smith” do is to volunteer at a corrections facility visiting with juvenile offenders once a month. No matter what the breed, this dog and handler are a great example to the community of dog ownership. The countdown is here for many who wish to try out for the AKC/USA World Agility Championship team that will compete in South Africa on October 10-13, 2013 in Johannesburg. This year in addition will be the team for the European Open competition in Belgium. That has brought many more to the Tryouts since they have two avenues to possibly be chosen for a team. The five runs that will sort out the winners will be intense and exciting. What will be very different this year is that the four dogs per height will be chosen immediately at the Tryouts for the European Open team and those 12 handlers will be sponsored by AKC. There will be a total of 32 handlers competing in Neeroeteren, Belgium on July 25-28, 2013 and the remaining 20 handlers will be chosen shortly after the tryouts. Belgium does not permit cropped ears on any dog born after 2001 or docked tails on dogs born after 2006. The South Africa team will not be sponsored by AKC this year but information is available at Hopefully many will be in the stands to watch AKC/USA World Team Tryouts on May 3-5, 2013 in Hopkins, Minnesota. If you can’t travel to Minnesota, the live stream will be available to watch on your computer. Go the AKC website to sign up. Dog News 101
Choice Continued FROM page 68
The Griffon Bruxellois We asked a number of Championship Show judges the following three questions about Papillons: 1. What is the best dog and bitch you have judges in this breed? 2. Describe what makes a great Griffon Bruxellois. 3. Has the breed changed since you first awarded CCs, and if so, how?
Continued on page 105
102 Dog News
THIRD TIME’S THE CHARM! Continued FROM page 65
due to cancer that had not been diagnosed in time. Before he passed away, Eitan came up with the ultimate grand idea, a 3-day show in Tel Aviv on Passover. Something that would attract the Israeli public that is always on the lookout for something to occupy the children with over the lengthy holiday. He managed to put together the plan, but when it came to the details his successor, Yossi Kosover, and the other board members had to contend with that alone, after Eitan left them. However, the show must go on – and it did. The intricate plans included arrangements with the hosts for parking, rings and other facilities. Police, ambulance services and fire department, as well as the animal welfare division in the Ministry of Agriculture, had to give permission. To cut things short, a long list of things that had to be coordinated, bought, borrowed or taken. The venue is very central in Israel and the massive advertising and public relations campaign brought expectations for a very large audience. After the entries closed, it was apparent that the dog show would have a reasonable number of dogs, including quite a few from overseas, a feat in itself because they all had to fly in due to Israel’s geographic location. The foreign entries included dogs from Spain, Italy, France, Croatia, Russia and other countries, and a large number of them found themselves on the winners’ podium at the end of the day. Another interesting phenomenon, was the communal spirit among the participants and stewards. The Israeli Kennel Club recruits volunteer stewards from among its members, after a few hours of training. We usually manage very nicely but this time there was a shortage in stewards, particularly the more seasoned ones. This gave rise to some unusual volunteers who actually flew in from Europe to help at the show. One was Arno Meijer, who had come with Dutch judge Rony Doedijns, his partner, and agreed to help. The second was Dr. Mariette van der Veer from the Netherlands who combined a vacation with help in the ring. The third was Bruno Boucher, a Canadian living in France, who came for the show and proved extremely helpful. Actually, this was not the first time Bruno has come to lend a hand at shows in Israel and he has become somewhat of a fixture, and a very handy one at that. Along with the third CACIB show, the Israeli Spitz Club held a specialty for our national breed, the Canaan Dog (pronounced Ca-na-an, not Caynen). The major breeder, Myrna Shiboleth, a well-known figure in international circles, organized a relatively large number of dogs as well as several overseas visitors (without dogs). Veteran judge, Dr. Rita Trainin, judged the entry and awarded BISS to Ch. Zik me Shaar HaGai, bred and owned by Myrna. As usual, the winners of each day got together in the main ring to select the day’s ultimate best in group and best in show. Despite the fact that the entry was not
huge, each day had its own winners and only a handful of dogs stepped onto the podium on all three days. Best in Show on March 27, was Cane Corso, multi-champion Dorian Gray Gerassi Corso, bred and owned by Dr. Lazar Gerassi. This is Israel’s top winning all breed dog, which has amassed various national titles and this was his 3rd BIS win. He also won a breed specialty in Italy in early April. Dutch judge, Rony Doedijns, placed multi-champion Cairn Terrier Happy Beit Dembin, bred and owned by Dorit Dembin, second, and Australian Shepherd bitch Ch. Bleuroyal Midnight Wish, owned by Ludovic Gerona, third. On March 28, Romanian judge, Petru Muntean, awarded first place to Belgian Shepherd Groenendael bitch Revloch Could It Be Magic - Junior champion of Israel, Croatia, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Mediterranean junior winner, Euro winner 12’ and BOB, Tel Aviv winner. Adult champion of Israel and Bosnia. This successful bitch was bred in Ireland by the Lawless family, owned by Avishag Morgenstern and handled by Ante Lucin. His runners up were Scottish Terrier CH Mcvan’s To Russia with Love owned by Marina Khenkina and Salt and Pepper Miniature Schnauzer Imbir iz Salskoy Stepi owner Irina Janowski (Estonia) breeder Ermakov (Russia), handler and groomer Anzhelika Pryazhevskaya.
n March 29, BIS was awarded to an American Cocker Spaniel, Ch. Fairies Christian Dior, bred and owned by Estela and Danielle Schindler. Latvian judge, Rita Kadike-Skadina, put him up after he had already won the group the previous day and came second in the group on the first day. The dog was handled by Javier Gonzales Mendicote from Spain. Runners up were the miniature Schnauzer and Belgian Shepherd from the previous days. When the final show ended, as the last of the exhibitors loaded their dogs into their cars and started making their way home, we rounded up the three BIS winners for a short photo session with the historical building in the background. Dr. Estela Schindler, owner of the BIS Cocker Spaniel, said: “We enjoyed three consecutive days full of sun, wind, hard work, lots of stress, ups and downs, strong emotions and some great moments to remember; same goes for many of the judges as well. We are more than proud of such a fabulous litter where 3 of the siblings are champions in Europe, known all over the Old Continent and Israel Champs too. We would like to thank to all the judges who appreciated our dog.” This is what Avishag Morgenstern, owner of the BIS Groenendael had to say: “What a special day we had, so happy and proud. Duchesse is only two years of age and was placed today best in show at the CACIB show in Israel. Congratulations to all my friends that were successful today, and for your support! Thank you ante Lučin for handling duchesses so well like always and big thank you to the judges that appreciated duchesse so much!” Dog News 103
Directory Safari Handling and Training LLC
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Cell: 415 819-5773
Ernesto Lara
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Professional Presentation & Care of Show Dogs A drienne O wen 6849 S hadow R idge P l ace A lta L oma , CA 91701 909-472-5519 adrienne @ newpointkennel . com www 8.09 . newpointkennel . com 7.12
All Breed Dog Handler
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104 Dog News
Choice Continued FROM page 102
The Griffon Bruxellois We asked a number of Championship Show judges the following three questions about Papillons: 1. What is the best dog and bitch you have judges in this breed? 2. Describe what makes a great Griffon Bruxellois. 3. Has the breed changed since you first awarded CCs, and if so, how?
Continued on page 107
Dog News 105
Directory Aaron R. Wilkerson Janice Granda
Doug And Mandy Carlson AKC Registered Handlers
Doug 405 370-1447 Mandy 405 826-3884 5.13
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8260 McColl Drive W Savage, Minnesota 55378 Phone: 952 890-6010
803 421.9832 352 283.0979
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Home 810 384-1844 Fax 810 384-8225 Cell 810 417-0469
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All Breed Professionals AKC Reg. and PHA
--ALL BREEDS-Jimmy & Mary Dwyer
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PO Box 99• Selkirk, NY 12158 E 919.741.0226 • S 518.209.7988 1.14
BRUCE & TARA SCHULTZ Board Certified Professional Handlers Members of P.H.A.
106Dog News
Guy H. Fisher
5540 San Miguel Rd. Bonita, California 91902
Bruce: 951 314-8357 Tara: 951 515-0241
Choice Continued FROM page 105
The Griffon Bruxellois We asked a number of Championship Show judges the following three questions about Papillons: 1. What is the best dog and bitch you have judges in this breed? 2. Describe what makes a great Griffon Bruxellois. 3. Has the breed changed since you first awarded CCs, and if so, how?
Continued on page 109
Dog News 107
I have collected over 70 years dog books from 1800 to current 12.10
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Merryfield of Pet Grooming is looking for people like you who love Great opportunity for a Handler, Breeder or justSchool an Entrepreneur. animals. In Just exciting months you will learn the skills necessary to An established 30-year kennel with an unlimited kennel8 license, 24 indoor/outdoor covered runs, qualify 8 turn outaspaddocks, upgradedPet Groomer ... Job opportunities are excellent and a professional electric, newer septic and a grooming business all on 5 fenced you could even start your own profitable business. acres. Property includes a 3 bedroom remodeled guest or manMerryfield School of Pet agers cottage, a four car garage with a tractor bay, a four stallGrooming will provide you with everything you need to succeed the advantage of HANDS ON training with live animals. barn, run in shed, paddock and fenced pasture.including All the property It’s the The onlyvintage way to learn. is surrounded by farm land preservation. 1840 cen- You are learning by doing. ter hall colonial has a front to back For foyer,more two stone fireplaces, about an exciting career working with animals, information an elegant living room and dining room, all remodeled kitchen Call Merryfield School of Pet Grooming with more. There is an inground pool to comNewgranite classesand aremuch forming now plete stunning To view this beautiful property or andthis financial assistance available those whoplease qualifycontact carol Comerford to receive to a brochure @ Colding NOW!! well Banker 908-534-4085 147rm or my cell 908-581-6206. ClassesX Fo
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position available. Full time, salary Louisville-Cincinnati-Indianapolis Area plus apartment. Involves all350 aspects Over 150 shows annually within miles. Fourof Bedroom, bath 3,000 sq. ft. Cedar/Rock caring 3for and showing dogs. Home with 16 Mason Fence Indoor-Outdoor Need to beinclude able and go Runs. Features Largewilling Heated to Training Room, Feed Room, Grooming Room, Indoor into the ring. Serious inquiries only. Parking with Electric and Sewer Hookup for dedicated, love working upMust to 42’be Motorhome. Multi Indoor Storage with dogs, and wantingAparta Areas. Large Onehonest B/R Townhouse-type ment“Way In Kennel Building, just plus another of life”not a job. full B/R Apt. in Home. All this on 15 Acres with 7 Contact All Breed Handler REG. at Fenced Grass Paddocks for DogsAKC to Exercise. Asking $450,000.00, with possible Owner Financing. (812) 689-3274
4.13 4.11
Breeders Directory
Rottweilers and Toy Manchesters Puppies occasionally and stud service phone 800 454-5067 fax 303 745-7319 Pedigrees done for all AKC breeds
108 Dog News
Choice Continued FROM page 107
The Griffon Bruxellois We asked a number of Championship Show judges the following three questions about Papillons: 1. What is the best dog and bitch you have judges in this breed? 2. Describe what makes a great Griffon Bruxellois. 3. Has the breed changed since you first awarded CCs, and if so, how?
Dog News 109
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