Dog News The Digest Volume 30, Issue 18
Of American Dogs $5.00
May 2, 2014
Dog News 3
Dog News Contents • May 2, 2014 10 Editorial 14 Irving’s Impressions By Ronnie Irving 18 We Have Met The Enemy And He Is Us By Karl Stearns 22 Question Of The Week
By Matthew H. Stander
26 A Thank You From The American Junior Handler At Crufts By Katelynn Edgecomb 30 True North: A Report From Canada By Allison Foley 34 Bests Of The Week 38 Ten Questions Asked of Dottie James 42 Off The Leash: Wake-Up Call In NYC By Shaun Coen
44 A Cautionary Tale By Nick Waters 46 Shoving It Down Your Throat, The New AKC Organizational Chart And More By Matthew H. Stander 56 The Eurasia Show: Russian Kynological Federation March 22-23, 2014 By Desmond J. Murphy 68 Will Sled Dog Sports Be Included In The Next Winter Olympics? By Sharon Pflaumer 80 Min Pins In PA! The Miniature Pinscher National Specialty By Joanne Wilds
86 The Gossip Column By Eugene Z. Zaphiris
88 Click: Treasure Coast Kennel Club By Marcelo Veras 92 Click: The Way We Were By Vicki Holloway 102 Letters To The Editor
94 handlers directory 96 subscription rates 98 classified advertising 100 advertising rates
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to DOG NEWS, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010 DOG NEWS (ISSN 0886-2133) is published weekly except the last two weeks in December by Harris Publications, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010. Periodical Postage paid at New York. 4 Dog News
All advertisements are copyrighted and owned by DOG NEWS, Harris Publications, unless received camera-ready. Permission to reprint must be requested in writing.
TEAM GUS Group4Firsts!
Team Gus thanks Judges Mr. Robin L. Stansell, Ms. F. Susan Godek, Mr. Charles L. Olvis, and Ms. Christine Salyers Anderson for these recent Group Firsts! Top Winning Swissy In AKC History • Number 1 Swissy, All-Breed (All Systems)
Multiple Best In Show, National Specialty Best In Show
GCh. Derby’s Toast With Gusto Owned By: Rick & Sue Copeland Richmond, Texas
Bred By: Kristin Kleeman Robyn & Kenneth Toth
Presented By Scott Sommer Dog News 5
Dog News Cover Story - MAY 2, 2014
212 807.7100 x588 FAX NUMBER
Ian Miller 212 462.9624 Contributing Editors Sharon Anderson • George Bell Andrew Brace • Agnes Buchwald Patricia Gail Burnham • Shaun Coen Carlotta Cooper • Geoff Corish Michael Faulkner • Denise Flaim Geir Flyckt - Pedersen Allison Foley • Yossi Guy Ronnie Irving • Roz Kramer John Mandeville • Linda More Demond J. Murphy • M. J. Nelson Sharon Pflaumer • John Shoemaker Kim Silva • Matthew H. Stander Sari Brewster Tietjen • Patricia Trotter Connie Vanacore • Carla Viggiano Nick Waters • Seymour Weiss Minta (Mike) Williquette Dog News Photographers Chet Jezierski • Perry Phillips Kitten Rodwell • Leslie Simis
*CC System
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DOG NEWS is sent to all AKC approved Conformation Judges with more than one breed every week and have adjudicated at a licensed AKC show within the past three years on a complimentary basis. No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without written permission from the editor. The opinions expressed by this publication do not necessarily express the opinions of the publisher. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted.
Dog News 7 *The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed
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DOUBLE (EVEN TRIPLE) THE IMPACT OF YOUR GIFT If you or your Club are first time donors to AKC’s Canine Health Foundation or have not contributed to the CHF since January 1, 2012 AKC will match all gifts, dollar for dollar, up to a total of $500,000!!!!! This will double the value of your support for one of the most vital and necessary organizations, which helps our dogs to live longer, healthier and yes, Bryant Gumbel and Wayne Cavanaugh, happier lives, too! Additionally, if a donor has an employee matching-gift program every $1 donation becomes $3. What a great opportunity to help keep veterinary research going and expanding, too, by making a donation to be matched by AKC. The fact is that federal funding sources for canine health are drying up as are University labs cutting staff, too. That it is difficult to understand why AKC took the matching-gift approach without making an actual contribution this year to CHF cannot be denied. And why AKC initially limited the matching gift philosophy to first time donors and then immediately thereafter minimally expanded the time basis for matching-gifts to January 2012 is puzzling, too, as well as being extremely awkward for those on the Board who voted for these limitations. Perhaps it was due to AKC’s three $100,000 grants to single individuals at Auburn, UC Davis and PennVet for the study of Theriogenology. This has been discussed in prior Editorials but the fact remains that the mean spirited initial announcement by the Board was unacceptable and reversed somewhat. Nonetheless these pages urge each and every one of you to forget this unpleasantness and donate to the AKC Canine Health Foundation so that you will have a positive impact -indeed a DOUBLE positive impact- on improving canine health.
These pages await the Board Minutes with baited breath eight times a year as the Board Highlights are usually very selective in nature and hardly present what happened at these meetings at all. And the April Board Highlights concentrated strictly on the Judges Approval Procedures and basically ignored the real meat of the meeting. Apparently the doing away of the Masking provisions continued to stir the pot way after the Meeting as two Board Members insisted they seconded the motion. One Board member went so far as to send out his own announcement about the Masking claiming he had done the seconding, which was posted it is said on both the Judges L and the Delegates List. This after a major presentation about the Adoption of a Conflict of Interest and Ethical Conduct Policy, which may have fallen within the changes discussed related to the New York Profit Revitalization Act. Fully 8 pages were attached to the Minutes about these new laws. Whether the posting constituted a violation is probably debatable but it’s interesting to note that one of the blokes felt strongly enough about the issue to post his own comments and possibly risk the ire of the Board and the Chair as well. A new organizational chart for AKC was distributed, which was both updated and enhanced and is contained in part in the AND MORE column of this issue. These pages have been asking for this Chart for the last two years now but at long last it has been made public. Not in the Minutes though but there is an AKC web link to it as well in that article. It was also announced that there were EXECUTIVE SESSIONS during the meeting, which must have been quite lengthy since the meeting began at 8am and ended at 5:15pm without too much announced as having happened. This leads these pages to conclude an awful lot of time was held behind closed doors discussing per the minutes “personnel and sensitive business matters” with nothing being “reported out of these sessions”. Does it seem to you there are more Executive Sessions under this Board than ever before-it does to these pages. And oh yes, CFO Farnsworth gave a presentation to the Board regarding first quarter results and other financial matters none of which were reported out in the Minutes. This too could have been in Executive Session but the fact is that it was not--just the usual lack of information being in the Minutes.
Lordy be some news is partially reportedthere has been a resignation from the Judges Review Committee and a replacement made. The people are not mentioned but are as these pages understand it in this week’s Gossip Column. It’s been a year now since that experiment and the JRC will continue with the same people with each member of the judges pool serving on three occasions MINUS masking of applications of course. The Canine College is continuing to be topic du jour and of course the masking votes indicated that Kalter, Garvin and Amen continue to believe in the process. What will happen when a person applies to Charlie’s College - will they be masked or unmasked one wonders. At least many of those who voted twice in a row for masking changed their minds, which was a step forward for sure. It looks as though the majority of the Board present “xing Feeney, Gladstone and Menaker“ elected to shove the NOHS down the throats of the show giving clubs by requiring that if they hold a competitive special event such as Best Puppy THEY MUST HOLD a National Owner-Handled Series event and furthermore that panel MUST accompany the panel submitted for the Conformation Show-this is effective October this year. What a crock that is. It’s sort of like the 2 shows in one day affairs pushed by the very same people. One wonders how many clubs will now stop offering Best Puppy or Best Bred By as a result of this new edict or in fact will shows add the NOHS to its calendars? These pages strongly suspect there will be an overall negative reaction to this latest policy change of the Board.
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK The holding of Meet the Breeds by AKC with Westminster as the host on Saturday at the Piers initially read as a pretty good idea. Problem of course is what affect will this have upon the Specialties held the Saturday before Westminster in New York City and environs. It is understood this was a Staff decision without Board input although it is hard to think that Alan Kalter was not contacted. In 2013 something similar occurred with the Javits timing of the event, too, but with no independent Meet the Breeds for 2014 scheduled there are a number of breed clubs threatening to withhold support from the 2015 event. This has to be reconciled and quickly, too, as AKC must protect its member Clubs and its shows, too. It’s not the spectator attendance that is at harm but the representation of many a Toy and Sporting Dog Club at Meet The Breeds which is at risk.
E d i t or i a l
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Impressions By Ronnie Irving
DEMOCRACY And The Governance Of The World Of Dogs any forms of Government “M have been tried and will be tried in this world of sin and woe.
No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” These are the words of Winston Churchill spoken in London in the House of Commons on November 11, 1947. There is much in what Churchill said at that time that has great relevance today both in the wider world at large and in the world of dogs. What is more interesting however is that behind that fundamental, if somewhat cynical, view of the merits of the overall principle of democracy there lies the problem that there are many different versions of what is described as ‘democratic’ both in the world as a whole and in the governance of canine affairs. In national politics there are huge differences in the way that the American system differs even from the British system. There are even greater differences between both of these and the so-called democratic processes employed by countries such as Russia or Egypt for example. The USA with its constitutional checks and balances brought about by the countervailing powers of the Legislature the Executive and the Judiciary brings one set of problems while in the UK our parliamentary democracy, which even to this day still has an unelected second chamber (the House of Lords), brings others. Such differences, also flow though into the world of the governance of the sport of dogs. There, even if you compare just the differences between the AKC, TKC and the FCI you will find many differences and problems 14 Dog News
along with several imperfections of the various systems that can easily be criticised. The basic differences between the AKC, TKC and the FCI are well known. As far as the AKC is concerned its democracy is based on the Club being a club of clubs. TKC is on the other hand a membership club with one vote per member but which now has both a maximum number of members amounting to 1,500 and the legal persona of a corporation. The FCI in its turn is a federation of kennel clubs where some countries contribute far more revenue and expertise to the FCI than others, but in which each country has an equal vote. Each system has its strengths and weaknesses. WEAKNESSES OF THE AKC SYSTEM As far as I can see, there are a number of weaknesses in the AKC system. Firstly it would seem somewhat inequitable that the delegate body which theoretically controls the organisation, is made up only of certain clubs – delegate clubs - not all of the clubs set up to operate in the fancy. How can that be right? Secondly it would also appear that many of the Delegate Clubs are rather small and some are even almost personal fiefdoms while others with far more members and which are far more active, only have exactly the same voting power as the smaller clubs. In addition one of the recurring complaints that I hear about the AKC Delegate body is that many of its constituent members have been there rather a long time and that some of them are not exactly representative of the average person who is these days involved in forefront of the sport or of the fancy. Another criticism seems to be that, having done what it is surely mainly there to do – namely elect a Board to run the AKC - the delegate body nowadays seems to want to be consulted on far too many issues. Through its Delegate
Standing Committee structure set up a few years ago, it also seems to have taken away more power from the AKC Board than is perhaps sensible. Surely if the Board is elected democratically to perform what the AKC Rules say namely: “the general management of the business and affairs of the AKC and generally perform all duties appertaining to the office of director” - it should be left alone to do so. If it doesn’t do this or performs its job badly it should be fired by the democratic process at the next available opportunity. From a positive point of view I guess that the AKC system does give a large number of participating clubs – and through them an even larger number of participating competitors and breeders – the opportunity to elect delegates and through them to elect an effective board. CRITICISMS OF TKC SYSTEM IN THE UK The system in the UK is also criticised as being far from perfect. TKC here has its own direct membership and though it is now in strict legal terms, a corporation, nevertheless it operates from a canine governance point of view just like any normal club. At one time prospective KC members had to be proposed and seconded for membership by existing members but nowadays that is no longer the only route to membership. If you have been what is called a Kennel Club Associate for 5 years you can then apply for ‘full’ membership of TKC. Every proposed member Continued on page 50
The Black & Tan Sensation
Thank you Judge Mr. Wood Wornall
Thank you Judge Mrs. Cindy Meyer
GCh. Yarrow Venerie Ticket To Ride A Top Ten* Terrier #1 Norfolk Terrier All Systems Owners Pamela and John Beale
Breeders Beth Sweigart and Pamela Beale *The Dog News Top Ten List
Handled By Roxanne & Jessy Sutton 215-919-2099 Dog News 15
16 Dog News
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“ We have met the enemy and he is us” — Pogo By Karl M. Stearns
f you don’t know who Pogo is, do a quick search. A comic strip created by Walt Kelly, who died in 1973, it was set in the Okefenokee Swamp and featured a cast of funny animal characters. These characters offered social and political satire, and political luminaries of the day were often thinly veiled characters appearing in the strip. A book was published prior to Kelly’s death bearing the Pogo statement as its title. Why is this significant for us? It’s no shock to anyone that it’s not very socially acceptable to be a breeder of purebred dogs right now. The constant propaganda from animal rights groups, HSUS, and “rescue shelters” has made us seem arrogant, out-of-touch, and irrelevant to today’s society. Then along comes the HBO piece. Yet, observing a few things this past weekend during the shows at Timonium, Maryland, helps one appreciate that we had better remove the blinders and become more responsible for the reputation we’re fostering. Consider this: We stayed in a chain hotel near the Fairgrounds. This chain prides itself on being “pet friendly”. You probably know who it is. By Thursday evening the parking lot was full of vans and rigs belonging to exhibitors. Around the grounds, everyone seemed to be conscious of picking up after Pogo by Walt Kelly ©O.G.P.I. their dogs, and things seemed Continued on page 54
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*The Dog News Top Ten List
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What did you think of AKC’s claimed new and aggressive defense of the Breed Standards related to last week’s HBO piece? Do you think Breed Standards are best kept safe in the hands of the Parent Clubs or in those of a lone individual? betty-anne stenmark The HBO Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel piece felt like an assault and it happened right in my living room. I was livid. This was an agenda filled completely biased piece on the part of Soledad O’Brien. She ought to be relieved she’s working for HBO as at CBS she’d be history, remember Lara Logan? I felt much better when I saw AKC’s response on their website, all the facts and conversation that were purposefully excluded from the piece. I have sat in that hot seat and been the object of relentless ridicule for my beliefs about purposeful breeding of purebred dogs. It is not an easy place to be and it is impossible to explain in short sentences what we’ve all learned over decades of involvement. The veterinarian and AKC’s spokesman did a good job but were given little opportunity to defend, let alone explain why Soledad’s opinions were ludicrous. I wish AKC still had their response up on their home page, it should be. Who owns the Standards? I thought the parent clubs within AKC owned their Standard. I don’t think it really matters in the context of this irresponsible piece who owns them. Yes, they’re a blueprint for the ideal dog, but of course interpretation of those written words is subjective. Soledad was nauseous in her scorn for the Bulldog Standard as it calls for a massive head… well so does the Clumber Spaniel, Akita, Mastiff, Newfoundland, Saint Bernard, dogs of varying sizes. We’ve all dealt with the difference between slight and very slight, what is moderate, in balance with, and know you don’t look to Webster for the explanation but to “Spira”. It is the language of our Sport. I would be very happy if I regularly saw short spots on television promoting the AKC slogan, “ We’re more than champion dogs. We’re the dog’s champion.” Talk about the Breeder of Merit program. Tell the public there is a huge difference between a responsible breeder and the owner of a bitch who has puppies. Talk about the value of microchipping the dog, something all responsible breeders do so if a dog they bred is ever lost and turns up in a shelter it can find its way home to its breeder. Tell how responsible dog breeders bring puppies into this world and are responsible for them all of their lives. It is time we spoke about all the good things associated with responsible breeding of purebred dogs. Please don’t tell me we can’t afford it. How can we not?
JOHN V. IOIA The “Breed Standards” have been and should remain under care and control of those that love and protect each breed - The Parent Clubs. Lynn Worth Smith I think Breed Standards should be in the hands of the Parent Clubs. Marcy L. Zingler Parent Clubs certainly should have been emphasized. Not only would it have diffused some of the focus from AKC, but it would have highlighted the responsibility each breed takes for its own, requiring (through a Code of Ethics/Practices) that a given breed’s responsible breeders are accountable to their peers on a daily basis, not just to an organization that governs the entire sport. Breed Standards are better kept in the hands of Parent Clubs that have the attachment and background knowledge to safeguard their own breed. These are groups comprised of those who have the most at stake in moving the breed forward.
QUESTION OF THE WEEK By Matthew H. Stander
22 Dog News
Bob and Polly Smith We did not see the HBO piece. Breed Standards should be kept by the parent club. Certainly they should not be kept by AKC and I do not feel just one person has the right to change a breed standard.
Multiple Group Winner Multiple Group Placer #5 Keeshonden All-Breed *
Thank You Judges Dr. Steve Keating and Mr. Fred Basset for the Group Third and Group Second Placements!
Flash Group S ! econd Bartles ville Kennel Club II Judge Ms. Be tty Leining er • Group T hird Northe ast Ok lahoma Kennel C l u b I Judge Mrs. B arba Dempse y Alder ra man • Group T hird Northe ast Ok lahom Kennel Club II a J Mr. No udge rman B Kenney
Bronze GCh. Karina’s You Can’t Stop The Beat, HOF** Breeders/Owners Vickie L. Louie & Chase Waddell Karina Keeshonden
Expertly and Lovingly Presented by Jill Bell *CC All Breed System through 3/31/2014 **Pending KCA Confirmation
Dog News 23
has been the most amazing time of my life. In the last year, I have qualified for both Eukanuba and Westminster, which by themselves were a huge accomplishment in my junior career. However, to attend Eukanuba for the first time and win with my Pug, Lara, which is the best junior dog I could ask for, was even more amazing. I won a $2000.00 scholarship along with other great items and then Mary Beth O’Neal said, “Make sure you stop by the AKC booth to get your information for Crufts.” I was confused as to what this meant. Then as time passed it hit me that I get a chance of a lifetime, to
By Katelynn Edgecombe
Continued on page 62
photos by Dena Edgecombe
A Thank You From The American Junior Winner At Crufts
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Dog News 27
*CC System
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TRUE North A Report From Canada
By Allison Foley
photos by Todd Foley
It seems that it is not just in Canada that the cream of the True North rises to the top. A quick look at the recent winners at Poodle Club of America and the recently revised Dog News Top 10 List shows that Canadian dogs are doing it best in the south as well!
irst kudos to the team at Dog News for revising the Top 10 List to include Reserve Best in Show points. The system, where the Reserve Best in Show winner receives all the points except for the points from the group that went best in show, seems not only fair but one can argue that there is precedence for this as that is basically how group points are allotted. I have long being asking for this system here in the True North, and am hopeful that the American Kennel Club followed by the Canadian Kennel Club will adopt this policy and RBIS will become “worth” something instead of being as one judge put it, “like kissing your sister.”
30 Dog News
With the new Dog News Top 10 List we now see 3 of the top dogs in the US are at least bred in Canada if not bred and owned or co-owned here. They are the Portuguese Water Dog, “Matisse;” the Standard Poodle, “Flame;” and the Beagle, “Miss P”. Interestingly enough it was the handler of Miss P who was against the Reserve BIS points counting toward all breed status here in Canada. It would be interesting to see if this view has changed! As for the aforementioned Flame, congratulations to her owner and breeder, Linda Campbell of Dawin Poodles, after 7 best of opposite wins at Poodle Club of America, Continued on page 66
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Dog News 33
Penn Treaty Kennel Club - Sunday Poodle Club of America National Specialty Standard Poodle
GCh. Dawin Hearts on Fire Judge Ms. Elisabeth Sweigart Judge Mr. Luis Aizcorbe Owner Linda Campbell Handler Sarah Perchick
Caribe Kennel Club - Thursday Ponce Kennel Club - Friday Baltimore Kennel Club Chihuahua
GCh. Sonnus Filho (Sanchez) Judge Mrs. Shirley D. Limoges Judge Mr. Frank T. Sabella Judge Ms. Terri Lyddon Owners Jim and Janet Moses and Romulo Sanchez Torres Handler Erika Lanasa
Treasure Coast Kennel Club of Florida Saturday & Sunday German Shepherd Dog
GVCh. Woodside’s Megabucks
Judge Mr. Walter J. Sommerfelt Judge Dr. Carol White-Moser Owners Kiki Courtelis, Joyce Wilkinson, Jody M. & Jason Duin Handler Lenny Brown
Champagne Illinois Kennel Club - Saturday Border Terrier
GCh. Meadowlake Pants on Fire Judge Mr. Jay Richardson Owners Kay Richardson, Kiki Courtelis, Drs. Douglas & Susan Tack, DVM, Karen E. Fitzpatrick Handler Karen E. Fitzpatrick
Heart of America Kennel Club Saluki
Ch. Sandstorm Blue Nile Bubbles of Jatara Judge Mr. Steve Hayden Owners Sandra Middlebrooks, Jackie Harrington, Sara Winsted Handler Erin Roberts Baytown Kennel Club - Sunday Boxer
Ch. CheriKei’s Dick Tracey Judge Mrs. Rita Holloway Owner Cheryl & Keith Robbins Handler Michael Shepherd Myrtle Beach Kennel Club Welsh Terrier
GCh. Shaireab’s Bayleigh Maid of Honor Judge Ms. Ann Roth Owned by Keith Bailey, Sharon Abmeyer, T Lee and X Xie Handled by Luiz Abreu Champaign Illinois Kennel Club English Setter
Ch. Stargazer ‘N Wingfield Wait Wait Don’t Tell Judge Ms. Marjorie J. Underwood Owners Don and Pat Coller and Eileen Hackett Handler Eileen Hackett Wilmington Kennel Club - Saturday Afghan Hound
GCh. Tells Matrix Reloaded Judge Dr. Anne Gallant Owner Missy Galloway Handler Christian Manelopoulos Continued on page 72
To report a AKC All Breed Best In Show or National Specialty Win Call, Fax or Email before 12:00 Noon Tuesday. Fax: 212 675-5994 • Phone: 212 462-9588 Email: 34 Dog News
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*The Dog News Top Ten List
Dog News 37
How did you decide on your kennel name?
What was your most disappointing dog show loss?
I don’t have one but have been fortunate to work for several great breeders with respected kennel names.
Any time one of the Specials dogs that I care for lose, I am disappointed.
Who is/was your mentor in dogs?
John Heartz, Flo Beasley, Kathleen Kanzler, Bobby Peebles, just to mention a few. I have been lucky to have many wise people in my life and hopefully I am continuing to learn every day.
It takes a long time for me to forgive and I seldom forget.
What was your most important dog show win? When my own personal dog became a champion.
Can you forgive and forget?
Which two people would you have face off on “Survivor”?
This is such a loaded question....... the next Presidential Candidates.
Questions ASKED OF:
Dottie James The last book you read? You get your news from CNN, Fox News, PBS, local or none? Depends on the day, but usually local or CBS.
Mad River by John Sandford.
Would you rather judge or win best in show at the Westminster Kennel Club?
BOTH! It is my favorite dog show and the ultimate goal!
You would like to be remembered as? A good friend.
BORN: Saint John,New Brunswick, Canada • RESIDEs: Wherever the next dog show is • MARITAL STATUS: NOT • ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries
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THE Westminster TIMES THE HON. DAVID C. MERRIAM HEADS WESTMINSTER 2015 PANEL AS BEST IN SHOW JUDGE Masters Agility judges also announced
NEW YORK – The Hon. David Merriam of Bonsall, CA has been selected to judge Best In Show at the 139th Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show February 16-17, 2015. Judge Merriam’s selection fits perfectly into his list of accomplishments and service in his lifetime dedicated to the sport of dogs. He began showing dogs as a teenager, with his primary breed the Bull Terrier. Staying active in the sport as he attended law school, he went on to more than a half century of success in showing, breeding and judging. He retired from the bench as a California State Trials Judge in 1993 and became active in governance of the sport. He served for 20 years on the American Kennel Club board, including five as chair and eight as vice chair. He has been active in a number of other clubs, including the Bull Terrier Club of America and the Montgomery County Kennel Club. Judge Merriam has won many honors for his accomplishments in dogs, including the Langdon Skarda Man of the Year Award, Dogdom’s Man of the Year Award, and the Bull Terrier Club of America’s Lifetime Achievement Award. He has officiated at Westminster seven times in the past, including the Terrier Group in 1982. Although licensed to do so, Judge Merriam has never accepted an all breed Best In Show judging assignment prior to this invitation from the Westminster Kennel Club.
Judge Merriam will head a panel of 33 judges from 14 states, Canada and Finland who will officiate at the dog show world’s most famous and prestigious event, held at Madison Square Garden and Piers 92/94 in New York. The panel includes four judges who have previously judged Best In Show at Westminster, 13 who have judged Groups, and ten who are judging for the first time at Westminster. Group judges are Mr. Ken Murray of Island Lake, IL, Sporting; Mrs. BettyAnne Stenmark of Woodside, CA, Hound; Mrs. Theresa Hundt of Sandy Hook, CT, Working; Dr. John ReeveNewson of Toronto, Canada, Terrier; Mr. Elliott Weiss of Middletown, DE, Toy; Ms. Shirley Limoges of Ottawa, Canada, Non-Sporting; and Dr. Klaus Anselm of Keswick, VA, Herding. Mr. Michael Dougherty of Escondido, CA, will judge the Junior Showmanship finals. Two breeds will be eligible for Westminster for the first time in 2015: the Wirehaired Vizsla in the Sporting Group and the Coton de Tulear in the Non-Sporting Group. The addition of these breeds makes a total of 192 breeds and varieties in competition. The club also announced the judges for its 2nd Masters Agility Championship at Westminster to be held at Pier 94 on Feb. 14, the Saturday preceding the All Breed Show. Those judges are Mr. Alan Arthur of Leander, TX and Mr. Graham Partridge of Austell, Cornwall, UK.
For additional information, log on to: • •
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(subject to American Kennel Club approval)
Mr. Norman Kenney, Cross Roads, TX: Brittanys, Spinones Italiano, Vizslas, Wirehaired Pointing Griffons, Wirehaired Vizslas.
WORKING BREEDS (29): Mr. Norman Kenney, Cross Roads, TX: Anatolian Shepherd Dogs, German Pinschers, Neapolitan Mastiffs. Mr. John Ramirez, Downey, CA: Akitas, Alaskan Malamutes, Black Russian Terriers, Chinooks, Doberman Pinschers, Komondorok, Kuvaszok. Ms. Linda Robey, High Ridge, MO: Cane Corsos, Dogues de Bordeaux.
Mr. Robert Slay, Cary, NC: Boxers, Portuguese Water Dogs, Samoyeds, St. Bernards, Standard Schnauzers.
Mr. Mark Threlfall, Merrimack, NH: American Water Spaniels, Boykin Spaniels, Clumber Spaniels, English Springer Spaniels, Field Spaniels, Irish Water Spaniels, Sussex Spaniels, Welsh Springer Spaniels,
Ms. Satu Yla-Mononen, Kangasala, Finland: Bernese Mountain Dogs, Great Danes, Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs, Leonbergers, Newfoundlands, Rottweilers.
Mr. Robert Vandiver, Simpsonville, SC: English Setters, Gordon Setters, Irish Setters, Irish Red and White Setters.
Mr. Michael Dougherty, Escondido, CA: Portuguese Podengos Pequeno, Rhodesian Ridgebacks.
Ms. Jocelyne Gagne, Welland, Ontario, Canada: Borzoi, Ibizan Hounds, Irish Wolfhounds.
Mr. Allen Odom, Denver, CO: American English Foxhounds, American Foxhounds, Basenji, Basset Hounds, Beagles (both Varieties), Black & Tan Coonhounds, Bluetick Coonhound, English Foxhound, Plotts, Redbone Coonhounds, Treeing Walker Coonhounds.
Mr. John Ramirez, Downey, CA: American Staffordshire Terriers, Miniature Schnauzers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Standard Manchester Terriers. TOY BREEDS AND VARIETIES (23): Ms. Joy Brewster, Newtown, CT: Italian Greyhounds, Toy Poodles. Mr. Norman Kenney, Cross Roads, TX: Miniature Pinschers, Shih Tzu, Silky Terriers, Toy Fox Terriers, Yorkshire Terriers. Mr. David Kirkland, Sanford, NC: Affenpinschers, Chihuahuas (both Varieties). Mrs. Rosalind Kramer, Leesburg, VA: Brussels Griffons, Papillons, Pekingese, Pomeranians, Pugs. Mrs. Cindy Vogels, Greenwood Village, CO: Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Chinese Cresteds, English Toy Spaniels (both Varieties), Havanese, Japanese Chins, Maltese, Toy Manchester Terriers.
Ms. Linda Robey, High Ridge, MO: Briards, Canaan Dogs, Finnish Lapphunds, German Shepherd Dogs, Icelandic Sheepdogs, Norwegian Buhunds. Mr. Robert Slay, Cary, NC: Cardigan Welsh Corgis, Old English Sheepdogs, Pembroke Welsh Corgis, Polish Lowland Sheepdogs, Pulik, Pyrenean Shepherds, Swedish Vallhunds. Mr. Robert Vandiver, Simpsonville, SC: Australian Cattle Dogs, Australian Shepherds, Bearded Collies, Beauceron, Border Collies, Collies (both Varieties). Ms. Satu Yla-Mononen, Kangasala, Finland: Belgian Malinois, Belgian Sheepdogs, Belgian Tervuren, Bouviers des Flandres, Entlebucher Mountain Dogs. JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP PRELIMINARIES: Ms. Joy Brewster, Newtown, CT and Mr. Robert Slay, Cary, NC.
Dr. John ReeveNewson of Toronto, Canada
Mr. Elliott Weiss of Middletown, DE
Ms. Shirley Limoges of Ottawa, Canada
Dr. Klaus Anselm of Keswick, VA
Mr. Guy Jeavons, Moffat, Ontario, Canada: Dachshunds (all varieties).
Mrs. Rosalind Kramer, Leesburg, VA: Russell Terriers.
HERDING BREEDS AND VARIETIES (26): Mr. Guy Jeavons, Moffatt, Ontario, Canada: Shetland Sheepdogs.
Ms. Sandra Frei, Woodinville, WA: Afghan Hounds, Whippets.
Dr. Andrew Kramer, Leesburg, VA: Bedlington Terriers, Border Terriers, Cairn Terriers, Norfolk Terriers, Norwich Terriers, Parson Russell Terriers.
Mr. Robin Stansell, Clayton, NC: Boston Terriers, Bulldogs, Finnish Spitz, French Bulldogs.
Mrs. Theresa Hundt of Sandy Hook, CT
Non sporting
HOUND BREEDS AND VARIETIES (31): Ms. Gayle Bontecou, Clinton Corners, NY: Bloodhounds, Greyhounds, Harriers, Norwegian Elkhounds, Otterhounds, Petit Bassets Griffons Vendeen, Pharaoh Hounds, Salukis, Scottish Deerhounds.
Dr. Jerry Klein, Chicago, IL: Airedale Terriers, Australian Terriers, Cesky Terriers, Dandie Dinmont Terriers, Irish Terriers, Lakeland Terriers, Scottish Terriers, Sealyham Terriers, Skye Terriers, Soft-Coated Wheaten Terriers, Welsh Terriers, West Highland White Terriers.
Mr. James Reynolds, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Bichons Frise, Chinese Shar-Pei, Chow Chows, Cotons de Tulear, Dalmatians, Keeshonden, Lhasa Apsos, Lowchen, Norwegian Lundehund.
Mrs. Betty-Anne Stenmark of Woodside, CA
Mrs. Cindy Vogels, Greenwood Village, CO: Pointers, German Shorthaired Pointers, German Wirehaired Pointers, Weimaraners.
TERRIER BREEDS AND VARIETIES (31): Mr. David Kirkland, Sanford, NC: Bull Terriers (both Varieties), Smooth Fox Terriers, Wire Fox Terriers, Glen of Imaal Terriers, Kerry Blue Terriers, Miniature Bull Terriers, Rat Terriers.
Mr. David Kirkland, Sanford, NC: Schipperkes. Shiba Inu, Tibetan Spaniels.
Dr. Alan Santos, New York, NY: Cocker Spaniels (all Varieties), English Cocker Spaniels.
Mr. Norman Kenney, Cross Roads, TX: American Eskimo Dogs, Tibetan Terriers, Xoloitzcuintli.
Mr. Ken Murray of Island Lake, IL
Ms. Marion Lyons, Hampton, NH: Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers.
Mr. Robert Shreve, Greeley, CO: Bullmastiffs, Giant Schnauzers, Great Pyrenees, Mastiffs, Siberian Huskies, Tibetan Mastiffs.
NON-SPORTING BREEDS AND VARIETIES (21): Ms. Joy Brewster, Newtown, CT: Miniature Poodles, Standard Poodles.
SPORTING BREEDS AND VARIETIES (31): Ms. Dyane Baldwin, Newport, PA: Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, Curly Coated Retrievers, Flat Coated Retrievers, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers.
Group Judges
The Entire 2015 Westminster Kennel Club Judges Panel and Assignments:
Mr. Michael Dougherty of Escondido, CA
everal measures are being considered in New York City this week that could have a devastating impact on anyone who wants to own a dog in the city and should serve as a wake-up call for breeders and owners everywhere. Among the measures the New York City Council Committee on Health (NYCCCOH) is considering as Dog News goes to press is Introductory No. 136, which would require all dogs at least eight weeks of age to be sterilized prior to sale. While the bill’s intent is purportedly to curtail an unwanted overpopulation of dogs, it fails to address the underlying issue of animal control problems: irresponsible owners. In each of the four measures being considered by the NYCCCOH the definition of a “pet store” refers to anyone who resides in NYC and sells, exchanges or offers to sell pet animals to the general public at retail for profit except for full service shelters or other animal shelters that make dogs and cats available for adoption. This overly broad definition could impact a person that sells a single dog and further stokes the movement to encourage the puppy seeking public to adopt from a shelter instead of seeking out a puppy from a reputable, experienced and knowledgeable breeder. With nearly one in two families in America owning a dog, there is a need for responsible breeders to produce dogs with predictable traits, size, health and temperament. Otherwise prospective owners will have to resort to purchasing dogs over the Internet sight unseen and more dogs will be imported from countries with fewer health and safety standards in place to meet the demand. All dog owners should champion the rights to own and breed dogs of our choice responsibly. The measure states that all dogs and cats must be eight
weeks of age before they are sterilized but exceptions are allowed provided a letter is obtained from a veterinarian stating why the animal cannot be sterilized at the time. Such a letter, however, is only valid for four months and if it’s provided to the customer, it’s the responsibility of the seller to ensure that the customer has the animal sterilized by the date indicated in the letter. Furthermore, the measure also states that anyone selling a pet must also require the new owners to complete paperwork and pay for a New York City dog license, and sellers would be responsible for submitting the application and payment to the Department of Health. “Pet shops” must provide a report to the Department of Health that lists the animals sold, the name and address of the purchaser, and the license number if known at least once a month. Pet sellers are exempted only if they have a statement in writing that the animal will not be kept in New York City. Reputable breeders can reasonably be expected to vet and counsel prospective buyers, guarantee the health of their dogs and have a return policy but holding them responsible for the owners’ actions or legal compliance is a slippery slope. Once a dog has changed hands, the seller cannot be expected to have any degree of control over the owner’s actions, unless a contract stipulates, for example, that the dog must be shown to its championship. The onus of licensing a dog should be on the owner, not the seller of the dog. The bill smacks of the handiwork of the HSUS and other like-minded animal rights extremists, as it brings them another step closer to eliminating the practice of breeding altogether. It might seem hard to imagine that their ultimate
42 Dog News
goal of eliminating intact dogs is closer to fruition but this measure — which arrived quickly and quietly — can serve as warning to dog lovers everywhere: everyone must get involved to protect our rights to own and breed dogs. The rapid advancement of this measure also exemplifies the importance of the dog fancy and all dog lovers staying connected and up to date with current and prospective canine legislation issues. All clubs, if they don’t already have one, should enlist the help of a legislative liaison to gather and disseminate information. The American Kennel Club’s overworked Government Relations Department does an outstanding job of keeping abreast of legislative issues on the state, federal and local levels but it relies on these liaisons to raise awareness of these issues, particularly on the local level. When tracking over 1,300 pieces of legislation that affect dog owners annually, it’s understandable that some issues may slip through the cracks (not that this was the case in this instance). The AKC’s GR Dept. issued an alert about the April 30th hearing on Friday, April 25th. It’s hoped that the weekend warriors were in the loop and had the time to contact members of the NYCCCOH to voice their opposition to a bill that unfairly targets responsible owners and breeders while doing nothing to punish or corral irresponsible owners. Many legislators don’t have a whole lot of experience when it comes to dog issues and they need and in fact want to hear from constituents on matters that affect them. It’s up to breeders, hobbyists and dog owners to initiate contact, make themselves known and their voices heard. Part of the frustration of seeing this measure being considered lies in the fact that NYC is the home of the AKC, the premier registry in the country if not the world, and of The Westminster Kennel Club, the most prestigious dog show in the country if not the world. One would think that lawmakers would seek out credible sources for input before crafting such legislation. If they had done their due diligence they would’ve
discovered that mandatory spay/neuter laws have been ineffective as animal control measures and are difficult to enforce not to mention extremely expensive to implement. Dallas, Texas saw a 22 percent increase in animal control expenses when MSN was instituted in 2008, and its licensing revenue decreased by a reported $400,000. The City of Santa Cruz, CA experienced a 56% cost increase over the first 12 years of implemented MSN and the City of Los Angeles saw its animal care and control budget rise from $6.7 million to $18 million. If legislators can understand any argument, it’s one involving money. All NYC residents and anyone who participates in dog events in NYC should let the NYCCCOH members know where they stand on this issue. To paraphrase a famous lyric from the classic tune Theme From New York, New York, “If it can happen there it can happen anywhere…It’s up to you, New York,” to make sure this measure doesn’t become law. Here is contact information for the NYCCCOH members: Council Member Corey Johnson (212) 564-7757 • Council Member Maria del Carmen Arroyo 212-788-7384 • Council Member Rosie Mendez 212-788-7366 • Council Member Mathieu Eugene 212-788-7352 • gov Council Member Peter Koo 212-788-7022 • Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer 212-788-7370 • Council Member Inez Barron 212-788-6957 • Council Member Robert Cornegy 212-788-7354 • Council Member Rafael Espinal 212-788-7284 • REspinal@
” Lots of Nationals in May... Thank you Randy for helping us out at the upcoming shows.
Multiple Reserve Best In Show, Multiple Group Winning
GCh. Goldleaf’s Trouble Coming #1 Mastiff • #10 Working Dog 20 Group Placements & Two Reserve Best In Shows in first 13 weeks of showing *
La Selva Beach Mastiffs *The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points
Professionally Handled by Terry Smith Dog News 43
There’s a world of difference between what sets out to be a copy and what sets out to be a fake, although with the passing of the years the parameter sometimes gets very blurred. A copy is just that, someone making a copy of artwork created by another hand and as long as it is always attributed as a copy, everyone is happy – or should be. In Victorian times copying famous works was part of a young lady’s ‘accomplishments’ while growing up.
fake is something created to deceive and passed off as an original. When asked in an interview for the Antiques Trade Gazette in the UK what she thought was the biggest threat to the antiques trade at the moment, interior designer and someone connected to a very famous family, Henrietta Spencer-Churchill, replied: “Too many fakes and copies, whether at the top end of the market or lower down from China etc.” And it is to the Far East that the finger of suspicion points where many fakes in the dog art world are con-
cerned. Many are very convincing and one cannot but admire the talent of those who create them even if one doesn’t condone it. Many years ago a dealer I knew imported ‘animalier bronzes’ from the Far East and sold them in his shop. Most were from originals by Antoine-Louis Barye although in all fairness to him he did not sell them as original 19th century animalier bronzes, just as bronzes. A case of buyer beware. When he finished dealing he was left with a few which he of-
A Caution 44 Dog News
fered to a well-known auction house to sell without him commenting at all on their origin. The auction house accepted them and they ultimately appeared in a sale catalogued as ‘19th century French animalier school.’ In the dim and distant past I stayed with a friend in London who rented a flat in the leafy northern suburbs. His elderly landlord, having been told of my interest in ‘old things’ connected with dogs, proudly brought out his treasured possession from his childhood for me to see – a papiermâché ‘growler’, or to use a word more politically correct these days ‘barker’, which has a less threatening sound than growler. Anyway, as he proudly led it up and down the garden path, nodding its head and growling as it went, I am sure it rekindled many pleasant memories from childhood. To say it was distressed is an understatement for it had obviously been much loved and played with. Years later when I was dealing I realised that these were virtually the ‘Holy Grail’ with French Bulldog collectors and that it was the goal of every dedicated collector to own
one. They seemed almost as rare as the proverbial ‘hens’ teeth’. Even then, four figure sums from dealers in London were not unheard of. These pull-along models of French Bulldogs, a few of which tended to be more ‘Bulldoggy’, plus the occasional terrier, with nodding heads and growling mechanisms were popular amusements in the late Victorian and Edwardian eras. They were virtually all made in France where most of the leading automaton makers were based. The dogs could be hired out on the pavements of the resorts of the Riviera for small children to pull along beside them. In the late 1980s they started appearing at antiques fairs and auctions in the UK with increasing regularity, some top auction houses included. Most were catalogued as French, 19th century and some attributed to a maker. To this day they still appear at regular intervals but the market has never been flooded so prices have always remained fairly high. They do of course have three markets, French Bulldog collectors, toy collectors and those interested in automatons.
Myself and a few others thought the day would come when someone who bought one would challenge the attribution. That day came last year when someone bought one at auction for £750 plus commission. It was catalogued as “a French papier-mâché growling bulldog with glass eyes, possibly by Roullet Et Decamp, circa 1900, 16ins.”. Roullet Et Decamps was one of the most versatile and creative of all the Paris automaton makers who were in business for more than 120 years. Upon receipt of the item the buyer quickly identified it as a clever but recent reproduction. The auctioneers were happy to provide a full refund of the sale price. Possibly because of this case an auction house selling one more recently, originally catalogued as ‘19th century’, changed the description to ‘19th/20th century’ thereby covering all eventualities. The two examples used here as an illustration are genuine old ones, the one on the right having had a particularly hard life and never recovered from being sat on by a Labrador which bent its ear and stopped it nodding its head.
nary Tale Dog News 45
M re by Matthew H. Stander
do not know about you but I consider the recent Board action as announced in the April Minutes concerning the AKC National Owner-Handled Series (hereinafter referred to as NOHS) as classic a case of the Board shoving a floundering program down the throats of dog show goers as has ever occurred in the history of AKC. A policy change was put into effect on a 9 to 0 vote (Feeney absent the entire April Board Meeting and Gladstone and Menaker absent portions of the second day at which this vote was taken) such that if a club elects to have a Special Competitive event such as Best Puppy, Best Bred By or Best Veteran it must, I repeat myself, MUST OFFER the National Owner-Handled Series event as well at the same show! Not only that but the panel of judges for the NOHS MUST be submitted at the same time as the Show Chair Person submits his or her Conformation Panel. Whether or not this NOHS is to be part of the Club’s contract with the Judge is not stated nor are the requirements as to who may judge (although 46 Dog News
I have now learned any judge with an AKC conformation number is eligible but not someone who judges JS only) at these events nor any time limits enunciated. The Board states “the goal of these changes is to increase the number of entries in conformation events by providing a competition that is desired by the owner-handler, embraced by the clubs, respected by the judges and supported by the superintendents.” Who in the world does this Board think they are kidding? This event from the very beginning of 2012 when it was first announced has been mired in confusion, disarray and failure nationally to take off at all. True a hard core of Eastern enthusiasts have supported the concept by forcing changes and fighting for its survival but the fact is that nationally it has been anything but the success its two biggest known Board supporters, Carl Ashby and Charlie Garvin, had hoped for. And the addition of the need for the support of the show supers is something I have never heard mentioned before. I realize the Board has unadmittedly turned to the show supers to make the two shows in one day work well but now this new addition on the part of the Board puts the show super in an entirely different category than ever before. And one they may not want to be in either.
hen the NOHS program was first announced I thought then and continue to think now that it was a muddled and difficult program to understand. To this day I hear complaints from Judges that they do not totally understand who is eligible for the classes and must rely on the stewards who frequently have no idea either. Furthermore I thought then and still think that professional handlers who are owners and breeders of these dogs should have been allowed to compete, which of course they are not allowed to do. And furthermore who or what is being judged at these classes, the people or their dogs? That one is a total mystery to me. One of the great traditions of the AKC competitive dog show world has been the proposition that we do not judge the people (I know what some of you are thinking) but the dog alone. These are not supposed to be horse show classes where people’s presentations are to be considered but what the adjudicator is evaluating is the breeding stock developments of the dogs involved. Then there are those exhibitors who have problems competing against the professional handlers and have turned the competitions into a different kind of evaluation. A person to person evaluation rather than a dog to dog evaluation. That’s how I see it anyways-those of you who disagree with my analysis please write and tell me where I am wrong. And as Continued on page 76
} Multiple Group Winner }
GCh Heidelberg’s Austin V Melissa Our sincere Appreciation to Group Judges for these exciting Awards 2014: Mrs. Janet H. Robinson Group Second Mrs. Roberta L. Campbell Group Second Mrs. Jacqueline L. Stacy Group Fourth Ms. F. Susan Godek Group Fourth Mr. Charles L. Olvis Group Fourth Mr. Kenneth L. Rayner Group Fourth NEWS FLASH: San Jacinto Kennel Club, Crosby Texas RESERVE BEST IN SHOW: Judge Mr. Roger R. Hartinger GROUP FIRST: Judge Mrs. Joan M. Zielinski
SPECIAL AWARDS 1st Award of Merit Eukanuba 2013 Judge Dr. Thomas M. Davies Owners John & Anita Schumacher Schustar German Shepherds 745 Baxter Road Livingston, Texas 77351 Breeders John Schumacher Dean Heckathorn Handlers Alfonso Escobedo Ashlie Whitmore 9519 Kilrenny Dr. Spring, Texas 77379 Dog News 47
48 Dog News
*Number 7 overall, The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed
Dog News 49
Impressions Continued FROM page 14
does still have to be accepted by at least a two thirds majority vote of TKC General Committee (Board) but only on very rare occasions does the committee turn down proposals or applications for membership. Having said that, with an annual membership fee of some £160 it is not everyone who can or wants to afford to be a member of TKC and so the club only has around 1,300 members. There are also various consultative councils which enable breed clubs, show societies and performance event clubs to put forward proposals on governance of the fancy to TKC. These councils are rather similar to the AKC Delegate Standing Committees but they also elect members to a majority of TKC’s sub committees on Shows, Judges, Performance Events and so on. Despite all of these mechanisms TKC is accused of not having a wide enough franchise and not, as in some Scandinavian countries, allowing everyone who registers, shows or competes with a dog automatically to become a kennel club member with full voting rights. FCI - BIG PROBLEMS AND WEAKNESSES When it comes to the FCI a whole other range of democratic problems emerge. First of all of course it should be remembered that the FCI itself does not actually register dogs, organise dog shows or events or even approve judges. It is merely a federation of the kennel clubs of various countries which actually individually do engage in these activities. But the problem that the FCI has, is that increasingly its policy of allowing ‘one country – one vote’ is coming under greater and greater pressure. Only recently in an article in the FCI’s Newsletter Jørgen Hindse, who is Chairman of the FCI European Section, a Member of the FCI General Committee and also President of the Danish Kennel Club, wrote of the changing times in which we in the world of dogs currently live. He said: “We are living in a changeable world. Politically the last 25 years have been characterised by very big changes. 50 Dog News
New countries have emerged, others have dissolved and new state formations have appeared. “This has of course affected the FCI and our whole organisation. We have become many more members and before long we will probably pass a total of 100 full member countries, associated countries and contract partners. And not many years ago we were ‘only’ 70 countries.” He then went on to make the point that traditionally the FCI has worked on the principle of “one country - one vote”. This means that countries such as Germany and France with populations of 81 million and 64 million respectively, have only one vote each - while other countries such as Luxemburg with a population of 500,000 and Gibraltar with only 30,000, likewise have one vote each. This problem is made even worse by the fact that the FCI exists financially on the levies that it charges to its member countries when they run FCI international shows with FCI international challenge certificates – CACIBS. These levies are based on the number of dogs competing at these events. Countries like France and Japan with many international shows each year and with shows which attract relatively big entries, pay a great deal into the central FCI coffers. Other countries such as Ireland with a small number of international shows and with equally very small entries then pay very little into the FCI central fund. In return however they have the same voting rights as the big boys when it comes to deciding on things such as FCI policy, FCI rules and prestige FCI show locations. According to Jørgen Hindse, out of the eighty-seven members of the FCI: “The five largest contributors pay in more than one third of the total income of the FCI.” This means that they contribute to the running costs of the FCI in a way that is completely out of proportion to the influence they have over the direction in which the FCI moves. The Europe Section Chairman has said: “As most people will know, our statutes are based on the principle ‘one country – one vote’ and this principle will surely be challenged in the coming years, as the rapid increase in the number of members with a lot of quite small kennel clubs is diluting the influence of the large and middle-sized countries.”
FOOD FOR THOUGHT So what does this mean for democracy in the various different parts of the world of dogs and what can we conclude from it all? Clearly everyone, or almost everyone, at least pays lip service to the principle that the world of dogs and its governance should be run along democratic lines. But each practical version of that democratic process is different and each has its faults and virtues. In the dog fancy no democratic system seems to be perfect. What can be concluded from that? Probably only that Winston Churchill was right and that as he said “Democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” Or maybe at least a changed version of that quote which might instead say that: “Various forms of democracy can at times be the worst form of government despite all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” But the other factor that has to be remembered when discussing democracy as it relates to governance either at the level of national country politics or just at the level of canine affairs, is that there may indeed require to be different versions of democracy in different countries. Just as the culture and background of a country is bound to affect the version of democracy that it operates - so similar factors also apply to kennel clubs and to dog affairs. What it is possible to achieve by way of democracy in the USA or the UK is one thing; what is achievable in Egypt or Afghanistan may need to be somewhat different. So in dog clubs and kennel clubs it is important that the culture, history and background of the area have to be considered and allowed for. It probably has to be a case of accepting the statement that one size certainly does not fit all! Oh – and it would not be right to conclude without mentioning a couple of other statements on democracy or without musing as to whether or not they apply to the sport of purebred dogs. One of Winston Churchill’s other sayings on the subject was allegedly: “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” And finally the Sage of Baltimore H.L.Mencken is reputed to have said: “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” Food for thought?
Dog News 51
52 Dog News
Dog News 53
Pogo by Walt Kelly ©O.G.P.I.
Continued FROM page 18
“ We have met the enemy and he is us”
quite nice. I received a rude awakening on Sunday. Returning to the hotel, a housekeeper was just entering our room to clean. I had forgotten to leave her a tip, so I approached her and handed her some money and thanked her for taking good care of us. She accepted it, and was very pleasant. When she finished her work, my wife again thanked her. The woman, named Maria, was very sweet. She told us she appreciated how clean we kept the room and that we were thoughtful enough to leave her a tip every day. She then told us, “All the staff is talking about all these dog people. They are leaving their rooms a mess and not ONE has left a tip for any of the housekeepers. You are the only ones, and I told all my co-workers about you.” She then led us to the vacated room next to ours and unlocked the door. It had been occupied by some people with bulldogs. They seemed nice enough. I saw them a few mornings and they were OK. I was stunned at what I saw. The room was in shambles. There was trash all over the floor. It looked as if a cyclone had gone through. “Most of the rooms are like this,” Maria told us (note: This place has about 120 rooms!). “There is dog hair all over everything. Trash everywhere. No one keeps their room as neat and clean as yours.” Mind you, I was there with my Cairns. My crates were set up in the room and my expens were on the lawn outside the door. My dogs were moved from the crates in my vehicle to the expens. They were then walked several laps around the building, then brought inside and placed in their
crates in the room. They are not allowed to run loose in the hotel room because we are guests there and frankly I need to be welcomed back again so I can attend the Timonium shows at a reasonable cost and in comfortable accommodations in the future. This all got me thinking. I thought about the exhibitor I witnessed on Friday who plunked a handicapped parking tag in her windshield and grabbed a choice parking space near a building entrance so she wasn’t inconvenienced. I knew from the past that the tag belonged to her elderly disabled mother—who was not at the show. This woman is also an AKC judge. She’s not alone. The abuse of handicapped parking tags is not unique to the dog world, but it’s blatantly obvious at dog shows. What a shame to have to watch truly disabled and handicapped people being forced to park long distances from facilities, then struggle to get inside while otherwise fit and able people plop handicapped tags in their windshields and grab parking spaces intended for those who truly need them.
“The room was in shambles. There was trash a ll over the floor. It looked as if a cyclon e had gon e through.”
54 Dog News
hen I thought about the ongoing saga of “service dogs” routinely being brought on board aircraft. Airline personnel must be stunned to see planes loaded with “service dogs” all traveling together after shows like Eukanuba in Orlando. Do we have a sport full of disabled and needy people that require all these “service dogs”?? (Note: Well, if you consider the “handicap park-
ing fiasco” perhaps we do!) Of course, Federal law protects these charlatans because authorities are FORBIDDEN by law to inquire about the handicap or the need for a service dog. What a spectacle it must be, and to the casual observer it must be quite perplexing to find so many service dogs congregated in one place at one time-especially at a dog show featuring purebred dogs of high caliber who apparently have all been drafted into service dog work. Sadly, eventually it will result in laws being changed and those who MUST travel with service dogs will be forced into the indignity of having to produce proof that they need a service dog and documentation of their disability. Exactly what our current laws were designed to avoid, but are now being abused by uncaring and selfish charlatans. I contemplated some of the judging I’ve observed recently. One new judge went around the ring and rewarded all his friends and supporters while experienced breeders with top-winning dogs went out of the ring empty handed and angry. I recalled watching an exhibitor win at a specialty under a judge they had campaigned for to receive this plum assignment. Do people think this all goes unnoticed? And then we wonder why entries are down at shows? In a conversation in Timonium with two well-known and bigwinning handlers, we ruminated on the state of the dog world. One handler said there are judges judging inside the building who don’t even have the respect of people in their own breed, yet they’re judging. He lamented that even though they are in a central location and can travel up to 4 hours in any direction to shows, all he does is sit and hold his face in his hands when he gets premiums for shows. “All the good judges have died in the past few years,” he said. “Now, you look at judging panels and there’s not one good judge on the list. You just throw entries at a show, and go. You don’t even know what the judges are going to do, what they’re looking for because they’re all unpredictable”. The other handler agreed Continued on page 58
*Longhaired Dachshund, CC System
Dog News 55
American Grace Bailey racing in the 4 Dog Open Class. (If readers look closely at the dog on the far left, they will see a fourth dog that is light fawn in color and running behind it.) Photo by Casey Thompson. American Christina Thurman in the Skijor Women 2 Dog. Photo by Casey Thompson.
Will Sled Dog Sports Be Included In The Next Winter Olympics? Few sports generate the intense fury of excitement as that produced by sled dog racing events. The spectators roar as the winning musher and his dog team fly across the finish line. By Sharon Pflaumer
sled dog racing events were nowhere to be found during the recent Winter Olympic Games held in Sochi, as has been the case with all other previously held Olympic Games with two exceptions. A sled dog race was a featured demonstration at the 1932 Lake Placid Winter Olympics. And a demonstration of the sport in the form of pulka races was held at the 1952 Oslo Winter Olympics. (See below for more information about pulka events.) “In the past, the International Olympic Committee’s rules for
56 Dog News
becoming a sport in the Olympic Games were not as strict as they are now. Since then, IOC rules have made it increasingly more difficult for any sport to be accredited for inclusion in them,” says M. Pépin Bernard, Executive Director of the International Federation of Sleddog Sports (IFSS).Achieving accreditation is no easy task Indeed, gaining IOC accreditation is no easy task. In order for a sport to become accredited, IOC must first officially recognize it. Gaining recognition takes several years to
complete and requires that several criterions be met. For example, a certain number of countries must be involved in the sport worldwide. A certain number of continents must be involved in the sport worldwide. And the international federation representing the sport must represent the majority of its participants worldwide. Other criterions that must be met include the following: the international federation representing the sport must be able to organize continental and world championship races as well as world cup races. It also must have
implemented an Anti-Doping Program and accepted The Olympic Charter Rules, such as the non-discrimination rule. “IFSS easily meets the first two criterions. It has 40 different member countries representing all of the continents. The third criterion, which states that the international federation representing the sport must represent the majority of those involved in it, has been problematic in the past however. That’s because there is another sled dog sports organization that claims to represent the sport as well and thus has members who are not necessarily represented by IFSS,” Bernard says. In the 1990s, sled dog racing was about to become an IOC accepted and approved sport with IFSS considered the international federation representing it. That is until the other organization wrote a letter to IOC also claiming to represent the sport. The dispute over which organization represented sled dog sports was enough to stop IOC acceptance.
Differences in organizational scope IFSS is the only international organization and thus the only one able to organize continental and world championships, as well as world cup races. “The other organization only sanctions races in Europe rather than internationally, which means sled dog events conducted in North America are not within its scope,” Bernard says. “It also limits its events to certain Nordic Breeds: Alaskan Malamutes, Siberian Huskies, Greenland Dogs and Samoyeds. It does not allow any of the other breeds recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, the American Kennel Club or the Canadian Kennel Club. It also does not allow the crossbreeds that have become so popular in sled dog racing today. “In contrast, IFSS allows the same Nordic breeds as the other organization, while also allowing all of the other breeds and crossbreeds. As
a result, we believe IFSS represents the majority of the competitors and dogs involved in the sport.” In addition to the other European sled dog racing organization already mentioned, there is another Nordic breed sled dog racing association that IFSS is working with closely: the World Sleddog Association (WSA). “The next European Championship Dryland Sled Dog Racing event will be co-organized by IFSS and WSA. This is a major step forward for IFSS as it further demonstrates that we represent the entire sport,” Bernard says. Additional steps IFSS has taken additional steps in order to meet IOC criterions for acceptance and thus gain recognition for the sport and IFSS as the official international federation representing it. In 1989, IFSS became a member of the General Association of International Sports Federations, which now is known as the SportAccord. Continued on page 82
Russian Aleksandr Moskvichev competing at the 2013 IFSS World Championship Races held in Alaska. Photo by Casey Thompson.
Canadian Rachel Kinvig competing in the 6 Dog Open Class. Photo by Casey Thompson.
Australian Amanda Byrd competing in 6 Dog Open. Photo by Casey Thompson.
Norwegian Svein Ivar Moen racing in the Mens Skijor Men Combined Race. Photo by Casey Thompson. Dog News 57
Pogo by Walt Kelly ©O.G.P.I.
“ We have met the enemy and he is us”
Continued FROM page 54
and said, “Most of what’s being shown by people today are pets. They don’t know how to breed good dogs, and they don’t know how to bring a good dog to a show. Most breeds are being ruined by people who should be pet owners and not breeders.” We engaged in a bit of conversation about judges we’ve known and showed to. Some have become hopeless in recent years as they no longer care about what they do. These two agreed that judging often turns into a process of determining who is going to do the most good for the judge, how they’re going to get their next assignments, and what someone will do for their judging career. On Monday afternoon at the hotel, as I was packing my car to return home, a young woman came walking through the parking lot with two Yorkshire Terriers on a tandem leash. I walked to the front of my car and said hello, then stooped down to greet the two sweet canines. As they licked my hands and jockeyed for back scratches and pats on the head, the young woman remarked, “They’re just ‘normal’ dogs, not show dogs.” I responded, “They’re just fine. I work for David Frei at Westminster and he always says ‘the Best in Show dog is the one on your couch with you’.” We chuckled and then she said, “So many of the dog people here are so cold and unfriendly.” I felt sad for our sport, hearing this from a casual observer. I replied to her, “Well, they’re all here to compete and there’s a lot of pressure on them.” Inwardly, I kicked myself for making excuses. I had witnessed all weekend the cold, unfriendly nature of people at the hotel as they walked their dogs. I’m a person that likes to say hello, and befriend others. Mostly all I got was grunts from 58 Dog News
people. This young woman continued: “My uncle’s former wife was a dog-show person. She was the same way. I thought maybe it was just her, but my uncle told me they’re all that way.” I responded that I certainly try not to be, and I hope that I’ve proven myself different. She thanked me and we parted. I felt sad.
e all get up in arms over negative pieces in the media. We feel the pressure in our local communities. If we do any breeding, we have to deal with the general public contacting us for dogs and their attitudes. I wish I had a dime for every time I’ve heard “I don’t want a show dog. I just want a pet.” It’s as if they’re telling me I shouldn’t expect them to appreciate the 20+ years I’ve spent breeding and exhibiting dogs. I shouldn’t expect to be appreciated for searching out the finest Cairn Terriers in the world, schlepping my in-heat bitch to Scandinavia to be bred because the stud dog is phenomenal. I shouldn’t even imagine they would value my working with a breeder for almost 20 years to get the bitch of my dreams, and then incorporating her into my breeding program. These Cairns are my pets, my friends, my passion. And then I witness all of the above, all in one weekend of showing. And I wonder. Maybe Pogo is right. Maybe we desperately need a huge change in the mind-set and conduct of people in our sport, from breeders to exhibitors to judges. Maybe what the public sees, what the media displays and criticizes is in part our own fault. Maybe Pogo
is right: “We have met the enemy and he is us.” Leave a tip for the housekeeper. What’s a few bucks? A big deal to them. Be clean, be neat. It makes us welcome the next time we need that hotel. Be friendly. Help someone else when they’re struggling to get their stuff through a door. Don’t plop that handicap tag in your windshield if you don’t qualify for it. Don’t make our canine friends and companions endure the “service dog” indignity if they are not truly service dogs. When you represent the sport of purebred dogs, act with integrity. What does it all cost you? A bit more inconvenience? Maybe not having the advantage in a situation but the satisfaction of knowing you did the right thing? If you’re a breeder and exhibitor, think about what you do and how it will affect others. If you are a judge, regain your integrity. Stop the games. Judge the dogs. If you want more judging assignments, get them because you are respected like Mike Billings, Annie Clark, Jane Kay, Stephen Shaw, Bob Graham, Sam Draper and others were respected for judging fairly and rewarding good dogs. Purebred dogs will not disappear but we are in a fight for survival right now. It will not be won without great effort by all of us. The recent decision by the Board to revoke the “masking” of judging applications is a giant step forward. Edd Bivin must have a huge smile on his face. He refused to compromise his integrity on this issue. Good for him. AKC needs to regain its stature as the pre-eminent “voice of the dog”. I’m getting to know Chris Walker, VP of Marketing and Communications at AKC. He’s dialed in. He’s starting to have an impact. I wrote an interview with Gina DiNardo, VP and Assistant Executive Secretary that appeared in the Westminster issue of this magazine. Wow, what a background and what a strong character. She’s amazing. There’s hope. We cannot expect AKC to fix all the problems but there are really, really some bright shining stars there that can help turn this around. And there are truly a lot of good people in our “family” of dog show people. I’m optimistic. Let your voice be heard.
“Maybe we desperately n eed a huge chan ge in the mind-set and conduct of people in our sport, from breeders to exhi bitors to judges.”
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A Thank You From The American Junior Winner At Crufts Continued FROM page 26
go the world’s largest dog show and they had just won the Super Bowl. represent the United States in the The next day, each junior arjunior competition. Now was the rived early to meet the dog they big question - how was my mom would be showing for the day. I was going to pay for it, as just going to lucky to be able to choose between Eukanuba and Westminster was al2 Bullmastiffs. I chose to show the ready stretching my mom’s budget? bitch, and as I found out later she So we started to raise the money so was the number 2 bitch in England. that I could go to Crufts. With the I was also told I was the first junior help of the friends, family and most to request a Bullmastiff. It was a importantly the dog show commugreat honor to show the bitch Bullnity, enough funds were raised to mastiff. We were allowed an hour cover all the costs of the trip to the to work with our dog before the UK. Maggie Peat coordinated the first round. We entered the ring in majority of the fund-raising using alphabetical order by country, so I social media, dog publications and was the last to enter. After we were word of mouth. In done showing, we left the ring less than 2 months, had to change dogs with “It was a great and Maggie was able to another junior handler. We had raise $3000. Without 10 minutes to work with honor to represent just this support, the trip this dog before we went back to Crufts would not in for round two. Finally, we the United have been possible. were excused and told to reStates at Crufts turn to the ring before groups. I was one of 46 juniors representing We met our first dog again, reand meet all their own countries turned to the ring and they anin the junior compethe short list and ulthe other junior nounced tition. It was a great timate winners. Colton O’Shea honor to represent representatives.” from Canada won first place the United States at with handlers from Lithuania Crufts and meet all and Thailand taking second the other junior representatives. We and third place. had a dinner the first night where This was also the most incredthe juniors got to meet the judge ible time of my life, seeing how and see where we would be showother countries show, finding out ing. Each junior and one parent or how the other juniors are chosen friend enjoyed the dinner along to come and show at Crufts and with a recognition gift that was givspending time with these amazing en to all juniors. After that, each jujuniors. I have made new friends nior was able to share the gifts that that I never would have met if not they brought from their country to for junior handling. Thank you to all share with the other juniors. This that were part of my trip including was amazing to see what each junior donating time, money and support brought to represent their counfor this memorable trip; I can never try. I brought items from Starbucks, thank you enough. I will always be apple cider (as we are the Apple grateful to be involved in the best state), a key chain with pictures of sport and to the AKC, which alSeattle, a postcard and something lowed me to represent the United that represented the Seahawks, as States at Crufts. 62 Dog News
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This Skye is the Limit The Number One Among All Terrier Breeds and Number Three Among All Breeds *
ch. cragsmoor good time
handled by larry cornelius marcelo veras owned by victor malzoni, jr. *The Dog News Top Ten List
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pictured with Judges Ms. Patricia Keenan and judges mr. desmond murphy and mrs. gloria geringer Mr. Elliott Weiss
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TRUE North A Report From Canada
Continued FROM page 30
“Flame” and handler Sarah Perchick won the coveted Best of Variety under Debra Cozart and went on to win Best of Breed under Luiz Aizicorbe. As well Miniature Poodles were won by the Canadian bred Minature Ch Bellefleet Living in the Fast Lane. “Laney” is co-owned by William Lee and Alysia Reichertz and handled by Crystal Murray. Also Best Junior handler was won by another Canadian Stephanie Poot. Congratulations to all. Meanwhile back in Canada even as the show season starts off at its slowest rate yet, things are beginning to “bloom” within the Canadian Kennel Club. First the CKC announced that it will start issuing Canine Companion Numbers (CCN) to non purebred dogs and purebred dogs not recognized by the CKC. These numbers will allow for these dogs to be eligible to compete in Obedience, Agility and Rally events. There still seems to be an issue with this at the board level as when first introduced as an idea the CKC recognized purebred dogs were to be judged separately from the CCN dogs and there is much debate as to whether or not this will remain the case. Also for those thinking of coming to the True North for some summertime 66 Dog News
fun, please note the following Summer Flying Restrictions; WestJet accepts pets as checked baggage during the summer, with the exception of select locations from May 1 to October 31. WestJet Cargo planes are temperature controlled and can transport pets during the warmer months on domestic flights only. For more information, including details about shipping dogs, please call WestJet at 1 (800) 581-9499 or WestJet Cargo at 1 (866) 952-2746. Due to potentially high temperatures on the ground, Air Canada and Air Canada Express flights operated by Jazz are not able to transport pets as checked baggage from June 20 to September 10, 2014. However, Air Canada Cargo is specially equipped for the transportation of animals during the summer months and will accept pets during this period with the exception of select cities. Importantly, at any time when the temperature is over 29.5 °C, Air Canada Cargo may not be able to accommodate animals. For further details, including information on shipping dogs, please call 1 (866) 615-1155 or contact your local Air Canada Cargo office. As well we in Canada are very excited to announce the “re-birth” of the Canadian Kennel Club Foundation. Under the guidance of Marg Moran McQuinn the newly appointed and enthusiastic board has made some exciting progress. Grants of up to $30,000 are now available for Canine Health Projects. Meanwhile in the True North, the Top Dog standings as of April 29, 2014 according to Canuck Dogs are as follows: 1 Standard Poodle Ch. Crystalton Suspence 2 Afghan Hound Ch. Polo’s Air Force One 3 West Highland White Terrier Ch. Whitebriar Jawdropper 4 Barbet Ch. Flacon d’Paris of Neigenuveaux 5 Samoyed Ch. Vanderbilt’s Let The Games Begin 6 Shih Tzu Ch. Symarun’s Forbidden Love 7 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Ch. Miletree Northern Star 8 Standard Poodle Ch. Reigate Fire Away 9 Golden Retriever Ch. Hollykins Wyncora DEN to YYC 10 Basenji Ch. Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel
Thank you to all the Judges for continuing to recognize Schweitzer’s qualities!
Pictured with Best In Show Judges Mr. Thomas Parrotti, Mrs.Terry DePietro, and Mrs. Joan Anselm and Group Judges Ms. Marjorie Martorella & Mr. William Shelton
Multiple Best In Show & Best In Specialty Show Winner
GCh. Mistic’s Longfellow Serenade
Sire: Ch Centara Underfire
Dam: Ch Centara Zorah V Mistic
Owned by: Sally Marsh and Al DeRenzis Bred By: Carol Filer, Mistic Standard Schnauzer Presented by: Shawne Imler Dog News 67
The Eurasia Show Russian Kynological Federation March 22 & 23, 2014
By Desmond J. Murphy photos by Nataly Feofnova
in Russia requires some extra effort Judging and so many good things in life require extra effort. The main drawback is that it is one of only
a handful of countries that requires us to get a Visa to enter the country. The Russian Visa requires much more paperwork even from the Russian organizers that arrange our visits. The inviting kennel clubs have to send us a letter of invitation and a receipt that our hotel accommodations have been prepaid. These documents also require an official seal before the process can be started. The cost, which is paid by the Russian Kennel Clubs, is quite expensive. From nearly all major cities of the States, it still requires a connection through Europe. United used to have a direct flight from Dulles, but this no longer exists. For most foreign assignments we just book a ticket and off we go, without having to go through a lot of red tape. This was my fourth trip to Moscow and I have had some
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difficulties in the past. Once due to the merger between Continental and United, the system was in total turmoil. This caused me to miss my connection in Dulles. I had to live in the same clothes for an extra 24 hours. Finally arriving in Moscow, my bags were still traveling around the world. Finally having to explain to immigration officers why I was traveling with no luggage they released me after I felt like I was being held captive. This meant quick shopping for clothes to buy in order to attend a dinner that evening and probably judging the next day. About 36 hours later my luggage did arrive at the hotel. When Sandy hit the east coast in October of 2012, I was stranded in California. This meant I could not get home in time to collect my Visa and passport to judge in Moscow the following weekend. After Continued on page 95
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OF Bests THE WEEK Continued FROM page 34
South County Kennel Club - Sunday Havanese
Ch. Fuzzy Farm It’s Good To Be The King Judge Mr. Roland Pelland Owners Steve Lawrence and Alice Lawrence Handler Alice Lawrence Mountaineer Kennel Club Papillon
GCh. InVolo The King Of Pop
Judge Mr. William Usherwood Owners Madeline Mosing & Gia Garofalo Handler Gia Garofalo South Hills Kennel Club - Saturday Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen
GCh. Ice Cream V. Tum-Tums Vriendjes Judge Mrs. Heather Langfield Owners Jeanne & Charles Hurty, Lynne & Mark Florian, & Benseri Chaiyah Handler Greg Strong Grand Island Kennel Club - Saturday & Sunday Seward County Kennel Club - Saturday King Charles English Toy Spaniel
GCh. LTO Prosperity
Judge Mrs. Patricia V. Trotter Judge Mr. Edd Bivin Judge Dr. Robert D. Smith Owners Susan M. Carter, Ray J. Cole & Mark A. Landers Handler Jeff L. Wright Ponce Kennel Club - Sunday Chinese Crested
GCh. Zen’s Cirque du Soleil Judge Mrs. Mirtha Mortera Owner Norma Feldman Handler Tara M. Richardson
72 Dog News
South County Kennel Club Bearded Collie
GCh. Classical’s My Turn CGC Judge Ms. Janet M. Allen Owners Wendy Marciante, Julie Kempster, Bea Sawka Handler Clifford Steele
Mountaineer Kennel Club Progressive Dog Club of Wayne County Saturday & Sunday Portuguese Water Dog
GCh. Claircreek Impression De Matisse
Judge Col. Joe B. Purkhiser Judge Mrs. Anne Savory Bolus Judge Mr. David R. Miller Owners Milan Lint, Peggy Helming & Donna Gottdenker Handler Michael Scott Norwegian Elkhound Association of America
GCh. Silverdal’s Crown Of Cortez
Judge Mr. Kjell Oybakken Owners Raymond Vaturro & Betsy Wade-Vaturro Handler Raymond Vaturro American Whippet Club National Specialty Saturday
GCh. Sporting Fields Shameless
Judge Mrs. Pauline Oliver Owners Barbara Call, Jane Cooney-Waterhouse, Dionne Butt & Amanda Giles Handler Amanda Giles Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club Of America National Specialty
GCh. Riverside Telltail Goldigger
Judge Mrs. Cathy Ochs Cline Owners Deborah Shindle, Cindy Bossi Handlers Cindy Bossi and Cheree Kirkbride
BEST IN SHOW! Special Thanks Judge Ms. Mirtha Special Thanks to Mortera
Judge Ms. Thanks Mirtha Mortera Special Judge Ms. Mirtha Mortera
Group 1 GroupKeating First Dr. Steve
d a h C had C
Judge Dr. Steve Keating
Group 1 Dr. Steve Keating
Follow Chad on Facebook: Chad Chinese Crested Follow Chad on Facebook: Chad Chinese Crested
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M re
Continued FROM pag 46
a result the NOHS just really never took off except in the Northeast, where powerful supporters - both exhibitors and field reps - pushed hard to make it work and not be too confusing. Indeed AKC went so far as to introduce an NOHS Rating Systemsomething they have NEVER done for Conformation for sure. They may keep the point records but they stand behind no conformation rating system, which is one of the reasons that there are
so many various Rating Systems. They don’t just come out of the thin air-publications and the like pay large amounts of monies to AKC to get these figures based on their interpretation of the rating system they want to use. But the history of the Rating Systems is another story-when AKC concocted the idea of an NOHS Rating System and then asked publications to publish them for free in order to push the program most everyone turned
them down-why should we pay, what I consider exorbitant fees for one set of figures and get the other set for free? In any event as far as I know that ploy did not work so the Board adopted the “shove it down their throat” theory to prove its point. And by the way as of this writing I have been unable to get a ruling as to whether or not any parameters have been set for the judges-such as geographical boundaries, number of time, repetitiveness and the like. Yet another example of a total lack of planning very similar to the two show a day concept, which, I may add in case you have not noticed, was pushed by the same people as those pushing the NOHS. Does that make you concerned about what may or may not be forthcoming out of the Judges Task Force Committee report-presuming one is ever made. It does me for sure!
fter months of asking we finally have an AKC Organizational Chart-what follows is the primary component. You can see the entire thing at the following link organizational_chart.pdf but if only the Primary Chart comes up I have a full chart which goes on for pages and will send it to those of you who may want it.
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Min Pins inPA!
The Miniature Pinscher Club of America National Specialty in York, Pennsylvannia By Joanne Wilds, MPCA Secretary
Show Photos courtesy of Rob Gerity Photography, and candids from Bonnie Foster and Joanne Wilds 2014 Miniature PinThe scher Club of America (MPCA) National Specialty was held at the Holiday Inn, in York, PA. The hotel layout, grounds and ballroom venue were perfect for the Min Pins and their people. The show committee, headed by Angela Sanders, provided members with wonderful hospitality. The 3-day annual event began on Tuesday, April 15th, with the Obedience & Rally Trial Classes in the morning. Judge Mrs. Patricia Hess awarded High In Trial
to Kryptonite Diva CDX RE, owned and handled by Alicia Fencer. High Combined Score in Rally Trial was Ch Kimro's Rogue Soldier V. Stealth CDX GN BN RE owned and handled by Coleen Timmons. In the afternoon, it was time for the Futurity and Maturity Stakes competition, judged by breeder Mrs. Vivian Hogan. Her Best In Futurity was the puppy dog, Regatta Special Agent McGee, bred, owned and handled by Pam Campbell Dziuk. Best Of Opposite in Futurity went to the puppy bitch, Sultans Strip Tease, bred by Gretchen Hofheins-Wackerfuss and Lou Ann King, owned by Gretchen and Jane Heuer and handled by Jane. The Maturity Stakes followed, and Best In Maturity was captured by the dog Ch Marlex N KISA Set Fire, bred by Armando Angelbello & Kim Byrd, owned and handled by Armando.
Best of Opposite Maturity went to GCh Aleight Satin’s My Eyes Of Jorja, bred and owned by Janis Leigh and Judy Stout-Reynolds and handled by Judy. In the evening, the Top 20 Competition commenced, preceded by a social hour with snacks and cash bar. The Mistress of Ceremonies, Ms. Jane Heuer, introduced the 3 judges selected by the Top 20 Committee; AKC Judge Mrs. Lydia Coleman-Hutchinson, Breeder-Judge Ms. Ann Surguy, and Handler-Judge Mr. David Fitzpatrick. The Top 20 competitors entered the ring all together, followed by individual examinations, where the judges individually scored each of the exhibits, turned in their sheets, sealed under dual control for later tabulations. At conclusion of judging, ballots that were handed to each spectator were collected for the Top 20 People’s Choice, which went to the dog GCh Brackley My Amazing Warrior, owned by Keri & Daniel Haney, bred by Wendy Boyette, handled by Merlyn Green. Formal announcement of the Top 20 Winner selected by the Judges was announced at the Annual Banquet, and the winner, for the 4th year in a row, was the bitch GCh Marlex Classic Red Glare, owned by Leah Monte & Armando Angelbello, bred by Carole Mohr-Rio, and handled by Armando.
ednesday, April 16th, started with the Judges Education seminar in the morning, followed by Sweepstakes Judging, with breeder Mrs. Sandee White officiating. Her Best Puppy In Sweepstakes (9 months & under 12 months) was the bitch Copperspurs Bewitching Redhead, bred by Ruth Tarlton & Gary Ferguson, owned by Ruth and handled by Sheena Melone. Best Of Opposite in Puppy Sweeps was awarded to the dog, Sultans Put To Shame, bred and owned by Lou Ann King and Gretchen HofheinsWackerfuss, handled by Gretchen. On to Junior Sweepstakes (12 months & under 18 months), the dog Flashfires Dark Shadow @ Spiva’s, bred by Kim & Rocky Swilling, owned by Joan Spiva and Kim and handled by Kim, was awarded Best Junior In Sweepstakes. The bitch Ch Sunsprite Party Miss, bred by Marcia Tucker, owned and handled by Cherie McDaniel, was Best of Opposite In Junior Sweeps. Then the young at heart came in for the Veteran Sweepstakes competition (7 years & over). Best Veteran In Sweepstakes was awarded to Ch Altanero Barnstormer, bred by Susan Goldman and Joanne Wilds, owned by Susan, Joanne and Kim Byrd and handled by Kim. In the late afternoon, a well-attended member’s education presentation was conducted by Dr. Urs Giger of Pennsylvania State Veterinary
College on genetic diseases and health testing modalities. In the evening, the Annual Meeting of the membership was conducted. The Regular Classes were held on Thursday, April 17th. This year’s judge was Mr. Eugene Blake of Tulsa, Oklahoma. His major awards were as follows: Best of Breed to the bitch GCh Marlex Classic Red Glare, bred by Carole MohrRio, owned by Leah Monte & Armando Angelbello, handled by Armando. Best of Opposite Sex to the dog GCh Sunsprite Zeidgeist Castaway, bred by John Makos, owned by Marcia Tucker and Pat Prellwitz, and handled by Paulann Phelan. Select Dog to the Veteran Dog Ch Altanero Barnstormer, bred by Susan Goldman and Joanne Wilds, owned by Susan, Joanne, and Kim Byrd and handled by Joanne. Select Bitch to GCh Aleight Satin’s My Eyes Of Jorja, bred and owned by Janis Leigh and Judy StoutReynolds, handled by Judy. Best Of Winners/Winners Dog & Best Puppy to the
Puppy Dog for a 5 point major, Regatta Special Agent McGee, bred, owned and handled by Pam Campbell-Dziuk. Winners Bitch for a 5 Point Major to Cheristar’s Captivation, bred, owned and handled by Cherie McDaniel. Reserve Winners Dog for a 3 Point Major to Pastyme’s Cut And Paste, bred, owned and handled by Ann Surguy. Reserve Winners Bitch for a 3 Point Major to Copperspurs Black Magic Woman, bred by Ruth Tarlton & Gary Ferguson, owned by Ruth and handled by Sheena Melone. Awards Of Merit to the dog GCh KISA The Iceman Cometh V Marlex owned by Larry and Penny Dewey; the dog GCh Blythewood Golden Warrior, owned by Joan Huber; the bitch GCh Pinnacole Winters Feel The Fire, owned by Kim Swilling, Ruth Tarlton & Katie Winters; the bitch Ch Valdon’s Glory Bound, owned by Joan Krumm & Evelyn Waters; the dog GCh Kimro N Spivas Super Trooper, owned by Kimberly Calvacca & Robin Greenslade & Joan Spiva & Howard Schwell; and the dog Ch Labell Razor’s Edge, owned by Laurie Chism. Best Bred By Exhibitor was the dog, Desara’s Simply Irresistible, bred and owned by
DeDe & Blair Reed and handled by DeDe. Best Veteran was Ch Altanero Barntormer, bred by Susan Goldman and Joanne Wilds, owned by Susan, Joanne and Kim Byrd and handled by Kim. 1st Stud Dog was Ch Altanero Barnstormer, bred by Susan Goldman and Joanne Wilds, owned by Susan, Joanne and Kim Byrd and handled by Kim. 1st Brood Bitch was GCh S-N-EM’s Firestorm, bred by Gretchen HofheinsWackerfuss and Emma Hanson, owned and handled by Gretchen. Best Junior Handler was Jordan Waters from the Open Senior Class with Ch Valdon's Popcorn Princess. The MPCA event concluded in the evening with the Annual Awards Banquet, emceed by Gretchen Hofheins-Wackerfuss, where awards for people and dogs were celebrated and honored, along with raffles and auction. A special presentation was made at this year’s banquet to pay tribute to the wonderful accomplishments of the bitch GCH Marlex Classic Red Glare – “Classie”. Classie has achieved the status of top winning Min Pin in Breed history as well as obtaining 132 Best In Shows making her the top winning Toy dog of all time! The MPCA commissioned special awards for Classie’s breeder – Carole Mohr-Rio and her owners, Leah Monte and Armando Angelbello in recognition of Classie’s historymaking career. but not least Last by any means, recognition and huge gratitude goes to Show Chair extraordinaire Angela Sanders, whose attention to planning and detail was flawless, awesome ring stewarding by Glory-Ann Pigarut, great hospitality headed by Mary Wojtaszek, and many fun activities provided by the committee including a Scavenger hunt and meet and greet horseback rides with some beautiful Clydesdales facilitated by Show Co-Chair Dotty Orzechowski. Many thanks to all the hard working committee members. A great time was had by all! Next year, Vancouver, WA! Dog News 81
Will Sled Dog Sports be included in the Next Winter Olympics? Continued FROM page 57
“In 2011, IFSS became a member of the International Masters Game Association [IMGA], which is an IOC recognized organization with international competitions for persons over 35 years of age. IFSS also became a member of the World Anti-Doping Association [WADA] and is actively cooperating with it,” Bernard says.
M. Pépin Bernard
is the Executive Director of the International Federation of Sleddog Sports and has been involved in sled dog sprint racing since 1980. For 25 years, he maintained a kennel of Siberian and Alaskan Huskies in the foothills of the Golden Jura Mountains near Geneva, Switzerland on the French side of the border.
M. Pépin Bernard racing his Siberian Huskies in Meribel in the French Alps in the early 1980s. Photo provided by M. Pépin Bernard.
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Bernard has been involved in various sled dog racing organizations since the mid-1980s; initially, with his local club and later, with the French Federation of Sled Dog Clubs. He served as President of the latter. Eventually, he became involved at the European level with the European Sled Dog Racing Association (ESDRA). He held various offices in that organization including President for seven years. Likewise, he has been involved with IFSS Council from the organization’s inception.
Despite the dispute over which organization represented the sport in the past, IFSS intends to apply for IOC recognition again in the future. “Hopefully, this time we will be able to demonstrate that we represent all of the sport in all of the countries in the entire world and that we fulfil IOC requirements,” Bernard says. IOC reviews applications for sport recognition every four years. IFSS won’t submit its application until IOC provides information about when the next application review would occur. “As soon as that happens, we will push IFSS’s application forward,” Bernard says. “If we submitted it now, IOC rules might be amended in the meantime. Then, we might have to reapply again.” If acceptance is achieved If sled dog racing sports become IOC accredited, then, all sled dog sport disciplines would be recognized. “That would include skijoring, and long, mid-distance and sprint sled dog races as well as Dryland. Dryland includes classes in everything from canicross to rig racing,” Bernard says. (In Dryland competition, races are run on non-snow covered surfaces; hence, the name of the event. In its canicross classes, one dog is harnessed to a person who runs behind it on foot. In its rig racing classes, dog teams are harnessed to a 3- or 4-wheeled rig that a person typically stands behind and is similar to a sled. Dryland also includes scooter and bikjoring classes where one dog is harnessed to a scooter or bicycle ridden by a person.) The next step would be to determine which of the sled dog racing classes would be included in the Winter Olympic Games. That would be decided during discussions with the game’s organizer. No doubt, it would raise new concerns because every participant would want to have his particular class included. Unfortunately, it’s unlikely that all of the classes would be. “For example, IOC could tell us we can have two, three or four classes. Continued on page 90
The International Federation of Sleddog Sports (IFSS) is the global governing and sanctioning body of sled dog sports. It represents 49 national sled dog sports federations and organizations that are overseen by its board of directors and six continental directors. IFSS was established in 1985 and incorporated in the US in 1992. In 1989, it became a member of the General Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF), which is now known as the SportAccord. Originally, IFSS was headquartered in Idaho where Glenda Walling its first President resided. Eighteen months ago, its headquarters were moved to Brussels, Belgium. When IFSS was founded, sled dog racing events were organized already. In Europe, all of the national organizations were incorporated in the European Sled Dog Racing Association (ESDRA). In North America, the International Sled Dog Racing Association (ISDRA) accredited sled dog sporting events across the continent. At the time, there was no international organization that could apply for IOC recognition for the sport however. In order to achieve this goal, ISDRA and ESDRA formed the association called IFSS and, as such, were its founding members. With the goal of achieving IOC recognition from its inception, IFSS believed it was essential that all sled dog sports have the same rules throughout the world as much as possible. To that end, a set of rules was developed based on those of North American Races like the All-Alaska Sweepstakes and other large races that were at the sport’s origin. For more information about IFSS and its events, visit:
Visit our web site | Contact Us | Donate 8051 Arco Corporate Drive, Suite 300, Raleigh, NC 27617 tel: 888.682.9696 | fax: 919.334.4011 AKC Canine Health Foundation Š 2014 All rights reserved.
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o s ip s G column the
he 2015 WESTMINSTER KENNEL CLUB judging panel appears in this issue of DOG NEWS. The slate is headed by former AKC Board Chairman DAVID MERRIAM, who will select the Reserve Best in Show and Best in show Winners. Interestingly enough, for all the years DAVID has judged the terrier group, he has never accepted a Best in Show assignment until this one (P.S. who could blame him). His winners will come from a field of seven group winners, who will be selected by: KEN MURRAY, Sporting; BETTY-ANNE STENMARK, Hound; TERRY HUNDT, Working; JOHN REEVE-NEWSON, Terrier; ELLIOTT WEISS, Toy; SHIRLEY LIMOGES, Non Sporting; and KLAUS ANSELM, Herding. The Junior Showmanship final will be judged by MICHAEL DOUGHERTY. Two new breeds will be competing for the first time as they will be introduced to their respective groups on June 30th. The Coton de Tulear (for breed information contact the parent club at will compete in the Non Sporting group and the Wirehaired Vizsla (for breed information contact the parent club at 86 Dog News
will compete in the Sporting group. This brings the total of recognized breeds and varieties to 180. DANA CLINE has resigned from the Judges’ Review Committee and has been replaced by fellow judge CONNIE CLARK. Congratulations to ED & CHRIS WALKOWICZ as they celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary in Hawaii with their four children and their families. KIM LANGLANDS, a second generation toy breed fancier (like her mother PAM AMOS), and who moved from California to Connecticut when she married, was tragically and brutally attacked by her husband. KIM was hospitalized with several serve stab wounds. Her husband has been arrested and bail set at two million dollars. She is out of the hospital and at an unknown location. All of us at DOG NEWS are so saddened and shocked by this event and wish KIM a speedy and complete recovery and that she is in the thoughts and prayers of her many friends from around the country. A fund has been established to help her through this very difficult time. Visit www. Attn. Kimmie Langlands or you can mail it
directly to her at 30 Woodland Street, Apt #10 NP., Hartford, Connecticut 06105. Longtime New Englander and Skye terrier breeder SUSAN PARSONS has passed away following a long battle with scleroderma. She bred Skyes under the Cladich prefix and was approved to judge several terrier breeds. She was also involved with the recognition of the Chinook parent club. All of us at DOG NEWS send our sympathies to her friends and family. Happy Anniversary wishes to PAULA & ROGER HARTINGER and SARAH & RICHARD LAWRENCE. Celebrating Birthdays…LINDA LOW, RICKY KRIEGER, DEBBIE BUTT, NANCY PINCUS, TONY DINARDO, KATHY MINES, LESLEY BOYES, CHERIE VIRDEN, TOOTIE LONGO, RANDY GARREN, ELAINE PAQUETTE, JOAN FRAILEY, HOWARD ATLEE, BARBARA MILLER, NANCY SPELKE, PAM LAMBIE, CHUCK WINSLOW, SAM PEACOCK, JIM REYNOLDS, DYLAN KIPP, LESLIE NEWING, ALESSANDRA FOLZ, BETH FINK, BILL USHERWOOD, KATHY MINES, CARLA VIGGIANO, BARBARA WALDKIRCH, TIM LEHMAN, PATTY LAPINSKI, ANDREA LANE, PETER ATKINSON, BARBE LYNCH, TORIE STEELE.
♥ Julia
Group First Judge Mr. William deVilleneuve Our appreciation to the many judges this year whose hearts Julia continues to capture with her presence in the ring!
Multiple Group Winning
GCh. Lil’Itch Pretty Woman at Foxwatch A Top Ten Smooth Fox Terrier* Always Breeder-Owner-Handled Whitney and Wendy Perry Foxwatch *The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed points
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CLICK Trea s u r e Coa s t Kenn e l Clu b Photos By Marcelo Veras
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Will Sled Dog Sports be included in the Next Winter Olympics? Continued FROM page 82
Then, we would have to determine which disciplines best represent the sport and could be viewed best by the media and spectators. Long distance sled dog racing would be difficult to include because it takes a lot of time and space. A lot of equipment also is needed to televise it. It’s more likely that sprint and skijoring racing classes would be included because they can be run on short trails similar to those for cross country ski competitions. Because they take less time and space, they could be more easily televised and viewed by spectators,” Bernard says.
ryland racing classes wouldn’t be included in the winter games either because they’re run on snowless turf by definition. (Sled dog races run on snow have a better chance of gaining acceptance because there are fewer events in the Winter Olympics.) “Nonetheless, Dryland is an important group of disciplines for IFSS because it involves a lot of people. There are many participants in many countries competing in sled dog sports in places where there is no snow. Even in places where there is snow during the winter months, training dog teams for competition begins in August or September when there is none. That means teams are trained by harnessing them to equipment other than sleds: bicycles, scooters or threeand four-wheeled rigs,” Bernard says. Training in this way actually gave rise to the development of Dryland as a sled dog racing event. Eventually, it was decided that it should become an official competition. “In 2015, a World Championship Dryland Race will be held in Bristol, Quebec in Canada,” Bernard says.
A Brief History of Sled Dog Sports
led dogs have worked in cooperation with humans for thousands of years in the northern regions of North America and Siberia. Archaeological evidence suggests this partnership is more than 4,000 years old. As a recreational competition, sled dog racing may have existed for almost as long. The first written account of a sled dog race was an informal challenge between mushers traveling from Winnipeg to St. Paul, MN in the 1850s. The first St. Paul Winter Carnival held in 1886 featured sled dog races as part of the festival. The first major sled dog races, the All-Alaska Sweepstakes, were held in Nome at the turn of the 20th century. Scotty Allan played a major role in their organization. A Scotsman by birth, he was a dog musher who had freighted supplies to remote mining camps during the Gold Rush. Another musher from Norway, Leonard Seppala, also was a major influence on the development of the sport.
The Height Of Its Popularity Miners returning to the lower fortyeight after the Gold Rush brought sled dog racing to New England, where it already was becoming a popular sport thanks to media accounts of races like the All-Alaska Sweepstakes in newspapers like the New York Times. Sled dog racing became so popular at the time, top professional mushers often were sponsored by prominent businesses or businessmen and dog teams routinely travelled by rail in boxcars from New England to races held as far west as Ashton, Idaho. Media coverage also led to a demonstration of the sport at the first Winter Olympics held in North America in 1932, i.e., the Lake Placid Winter Olympic Games included a sled dog race where contestants ran 7-dog teams for 25 miles each day for two days. French Canadian Emile St. Goddard won the race. Second place was taken by the Norwegian Leonard Seppala, and third by the Russian Shorty Russick. Despite the above, there was little interest in sled dog racing outside of North America. The only exception was in Norway where the use of dogs for military supply and ambulance hauling during World War I was transformed into a sport in the early 1930’s. At the 1952 Oslo Winter Olympics, sled dog sports again were demonstrated but this time in the form of pulka races where the driver is on skis behind a 2’ X 5’ toboggan pulled by a team of between 1 and 4 dogs. (In the past, Scandinavian hunters took a pulka with them Köcher Patrik from Finland on hunts so they could competing in the Junior Canicross haul the game they Class at the 2013 IFSS Dryland killed back to their World Championship Races. village. Pulka racing is based on this historical practise.)
PHOTOS BY Mandy Hynes
It Continues To Thrill Although the use
Three competitors in the Scooter Class approach the finish line in a relay race that includes teams from different countries competing against each other in several different classes. This is an exciting Dryland racing event that provides highlevel entertainment for the athletes, their dogs and the spectators. 90 Dog News
Lazaro Martinez from Spain won the 2013 IFSS Dryland World Championship with his 8 Dog Team of Siberian Huskies in the 8 Dog Nordic Breed Class. The competition was held in Italy.
of working sled dogs began to disappear in the 1950s and 60s in North America, the tradition was preserved thanks to the Iditarod Sled Dog Race, which was first run in 1973. Still run annually, it continues to thrill spectators and be the most reported sled dog race in the world.
National Specialty Best In Show Multiple Group Placements
BGCH RivRoc Lycm Own Dream BSnatch Rsndog
Our appreciation to Group Judge Dr. Robert Smith for this placement.
Type, Structure, Beauty
River Rock Canaan Dogs Christina Miller & Ethan Miller Dog News 91
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Continued FROM page 69
all the preparations I was so sorry to miss the assignment which included 128 Russell Terriers. Since they were just recognized in the States, it would have been a great learning experience for me. Here in the States, it is hard to get a handle on the breed. In the last couple of months I have had two Asian assignments that have been helpful in learning to understand the breed better. There is an old saying, “You pay a price for everything.� Yes, it takes a little more effort to judge in Russia, but the rewards are so great. As a student of dogs I do not think there is a country in the world today that offers such a learning experience to judges. We only learn from comparing quality examples of a breed. Nobody learns anything from judging very inferior dogs. Because of the size of the Eurasia show nearly all breeds have extremely large entries with great depth of quality. There are so very few all-breed shows in the world today that offer such depth of quality. The Eurasia Show compares to the likes of Crufts, the World Shows and Westminster. Even our largest show, the AKC/Eukanuba, does not have depth of quality in all the breeds. Here in the States at some of our extremely small shows the line up for BIS has
some great examples of dogs, but at the breed level most breeds have sometimes one, two or three entries and all may be of poor quality. Having a show the size of the Eurasia Show also means a tremendous amount of judges. This year there were many judges I feel are some of the greatest judges in the world today. I always can learn from judges that might know more about a breed than I do or have a different set of priorities. If one has not been to a lot of shows in Europe, how would they know what a real English Springer Spaniel looks like? Yes, we have some wonderful Springers here, but they are a totally different breed from English Springers. I just saw where the legendary Gundog man, Frank Kane, is judging English Springers at Crufts this coming year. That will be a great learning experience for anyone wanting to learn the true English type. A lot of Americans, especially some of the older established judges, do not enjoy foreign assignments. The travel can be a bit difficult at times and they are not getting large fees for their services. I look at it as being a foreign exchange student. I find it is a chance to broaden my education and yet my tuition is paid for. I nearly always go to the World Shows and it is always at my own expense. It is always such a learning experience for so many breeds. I already am looking forward so much to Helsinki this August and so pleased many Americans are also going this year. I would be remiss in not commenting that the sport in Russia has had some world politics to overcome. First we have to realize the sport of dogs should not be connected to the politics of a country. Here in the States, there are certain states that I strongly disagree with, but I am not going to boycott the sport in those areas. Many of us object to the political situation in Venezuela, but it does not keep me from judging there. I am off to Hungary tomorrow and am sure they have laws against my beliefs also. Moscow will hold the World Show in 2016 and the AKC sent out a statement that they would boycott the show. I found this interesting since the US is not an FCI country and why we would be concerned where FCI held the
"I would be remiss in not commenting that the sport in Russia has had some world politics to overcome. First we have to realize the sport of dogs should not be connected to the politics of a country. "
The Eurasia Show
World Show? I understand the Board of Directors was not polled on this announcement. Steve Gladstone, a board member, judged this Eurasia Show and another board member, Ron Menaker, judges frequently in Russia. Of the roughly 100 RCI countries, I believe only two objected to the World Show being held in Russia. The fact is the vast majority of the sport worldwide supports the World Show being held in Russia. After a lot of time and details I started my trip to Moscow. I was on Swiss Air out of Newark for the first leg to Munich. Even though Swiss Air has an alliance with United, I had never flown on this airline before. I cannot tell you how impressed I was when I entered their lounge at Newark. I have never witnessed a lounge like this in the US. They offered real food like most of the lounges do in foreign countries. All premium wines and alcohol were free of charge. In the native United lounges they charge a high price for premium wines, alcohol and even Sam Adams beer. Even in the way of snacks they have cut back. I normally do not eat the food when flying in economy. I am a big supporter of United, but their food has become inedible on these major long flights. I have to say the food on Swiss Air was at least edible. I had already eaten dinner in Newark, but was curious to see what it was like. Having a long layover in Munich it immediately became my favorite lounge in the world. It consisted of several floors, many wonderful food stations and to top it off the longest smoking bar I have ever seen. Here one could eat, drink and smoke in great luxurious surroundings. After traveling for what seemed an eternity, I arrived in Moscow at an ungodly hour. But the advantage was I cleared customs and immigration very quickly. The best part was that the trip from the airport that averages two to three hours only took thirty minutes since there was hardly a car on the road. Normally the traffic in Moscow is as bad as any major city in the world. The host hotel was the wonderful Marriott, which is in the center of the city and is a very luxurious hotel. Having stayed here before, I was anxious to get to my surroundings and enjoy a shower and fall into bed for a few hours. Around noon several of the judges that had already arrived went outside of the city for a fabulous luncheon given by a wonderful friend. It was a treat for me to spend some extra time with some judge friends I rarely get to see. The ride back to the city enabled us to have a nice nap before
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attending the “Magic Flute”. We arrived back at the Marriott about five minutes before having to board the large buses that would transport us to the Bolshoi Theatre. Etel, who I had done all my correspondence with, was in charge of escorting well over sixty judges to the Bolshoi. This is no easy task ushering such a large group. As always it is a great treat being able to attend the Bolshoi. The Kennel Club managed to get the best seats in the house and all were seated in the same area. The “Magic Flute” was an extremely modern version and most people enjoyed seeing it, but it was a version they would not want to see again. After the theatre we were all able to walk to a fabulous nearby restaurant. The ambiance and the food were magnificent. It was a perfect ending to a long day. Surprisingly, because of sleeping twice during the day, I was not exhausted. Fabian Daza, his nephew and I decided to have a nightcap back at the hotel. Around 2 o’clock I was not tired, but knowing I was getting up at 6 o’clock, I decided to get some more sleep. When my alarm rang at 6 o’clock my body would have liked some more sleep, but my mind started racing to get the day started. Judging on Saturday would be 100 Am Staffs. I was not doing the entire entry. Another judge would be doing all the Junior classes, which was another 60 entries. Several years ago I judged Am Staff males and the intersex classes at this show so I was very confident the quality would be tops. Being in ring #64, which was as far from the judge’s room as possible, I saw so many wonderful dogs on my long walk there. When the first class entered the ring, I knew it was going to be a day of lots of challenging judging decisions. For Best Male it came down to two blue & white dogs. I later learned they were father and son and the decision could have gone either way. The depth of quality was just as good in bitches and maybe even deeper. When a Veteran Bitch entered my ring her type and carriage made me realize she would be hard to deny. I was so surprised to learn she was over 10 years old. When I awarded her BOB the handler informed me she had been BOB at the show the year before. During the group judging several judges commented on her outstanding
The Eurasia Show
quality. They also had a hard time believing she was 10 years old. Saturday Kari Jarvinen had the honor of judging BIS. From a stellar line up he awarded Best to the Russian bred Frenchie from the famous A’Vigdor kennel. This Pied dog has built a tremendous record all over Europe. He won the breed at Crufts this year and had to beat the World Show winner from Budapest. Both dogs carry the same kennel name. Judging a very large entry at the European Show in Belgium this past November, I had a difficult time deciding between this Pied dog and his Brindle kennel mate, which was the World Show winner. Both dogs are of extremely high quality. At the show in Belgium, I put the Pied dog over the Brindle dog in that he has to be the best moving Frenchie I have ever seen. Both dogs are great, but are a little different in styles. They can be argued either which way. In the last couple of years, I have judged in quite a few different countries of the world from all different corners of the globe. The one common fact is there is always a nice Frenchie bred by the A’Vigdor kennel of Russia. Revaz Khomasuridze has become a legendary breeder. There is not a day that goes by that we do not see pictures on Facebook of an A’Vigdor Frenchie winning somewhere in the world. Revaz is just one example of so many great Russian breeders. At our last AKC/Eukanuba show, in one breed alone, Scottish Terriers, the WD and WB were Russian bred and also the BOB winner was owned in Russia. Saturday evening Alexandr Inshakov, the President of the Federation, arranged for a dinner at what had to be the most beautiful restaurant I have ever seen. The private room we were in was like a fairy tale setting. Because of my only vice in life I got to see other areas of this castle, in search of a smoking room. This evening was truly memorable and I have never seen a setting quite so impressive here in the States. Around midnight we returned to the hotel and even I passed on having a nightcap. It had been a very long 18-hour day and Sunday would be another long day. Sunday I awoke at 6 o’clock and felt
"I had a difficult time deciding between this Pied dog and his Brindle kennel mate, which was the World Show winner. Both dogs are of extremely high quality."
well rested after getting a good six hours sleep. My assignment this day was Poms, of which I had 99. The Juniors were judged by another judge. Having judged Poms at the Philippine Circuite recently, I had several top quality Poms that were bred in Russia. They were of the type I admire. They possessed fox like expressions, made a perfect circle in outline and had proper quality of coat texture. When the first class walked in the ring, I knew my expectations were going to be fulfilled. The depth of quality lasted class after class. When my eventual BOB winner entered the ring, I got an immediate rush seeing the outline he possessed and a captivating carriage. Walking down the line I was pleased to see he also had the beautiful fox like expression. I prayed that upon examination he would not have a glaring shortcoming and that he would be fairly sound on the down and back. He did quite easily become my best male. The quality in bitches was also very high. The winning bitch could be a top winner in any country of the world today. When I awarded the male BOB I said to the owner, I presume he was bred in Russia. She informed me she is from Poland, but the dog is a combination of US, Canadian and Russian breeding. When I asked if he had some nice wins before, she informed me he had won the Toy Group recently at Crufts. When I saw Gerard Jipping, from the Netherlands, was doing the group I knew he would do quite well. While in the Philipeans, I witnessed a conversation between Gerard and Andrew Brace. They were discussing a beautiful Russian bred Pom that they both totally agreed was correct for the breed. Both Andrew and Gerard are not prone Continued on page 101
Dog News 97
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98 Dog News
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2006 Haulmark 333MG $115,000 450 Mercedes Benz Engine 12 Sp Meritor Automatic Transmission 10 Ft. Garage W/1500 Lb. Lift Gate Includes Eight 500 Series Vari Kennels With Interlocking Systems Also Includes Feeding Station In The Garage Top Of The Line, Leather & Oak Interior With Queen Size Master Bedroom
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100 Dog News
The Eurasia Show Continued FROM page 97
to the Poms that tend to be a bit Chow like in type. Needless to say, I was not surprised when Gerard awarded him the group. Rafael DeSantiago, hailing from Puerto Rico and President of FCI, had the honor of judging Best Sunday. Rafael had a wonderful group of dogs presented to him. I was so pleased to see the Pembroke, “Andvol Pinkerton” still looking wonderful. In 2010 I sent him forward to the finals in the World Challenge. In 2012 he was the 1st runner up in the World Challenge. This Pembroke has enjoyed a legendary career throughout all of Europe. I had the pleasure of watching him win the breed and group at the World Show in Paris in 2012. At the Eurasia Show several years ago he was my breed winner. While attending the World Show in Budapest I was stopped in my tracks by an Azawakh. This is a breed that I know absolutely nothing about. But this dog captivated me and has installed a passion for the breed in me. His handler probably thought I was a stalker, but went to great lengths discussing the breed with me. The following weekend there were two entered at a show in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The exhibitor was kind enough to stay until late in the afternoon when Espen Engh could compare the two for me. Am sure there were very few judges in the States that know the breed well. Luckily for me the following weekend I was in Moscow. A large group of European judges were invited the day after the show for lunch at the home of Andrey Klishas. Here at the kennel I saw a son of the dog that won the group in Budapest. It was so educational for me to listen to judges that knew the breed
comparing the World Show group winner and the son. This sparked even more of an interest for me. Now at the show in Eurasia, I got to see a brother to the dog I saw at Andrey Klishas’ home. This brother went on to win the group here at the Eurasia show. Being such a rare breed in the States, I know my education on the breed is very limited. I am hoping there will be a sizable entry at the World Show in Helsinki. I see Tamas Jakkel is scheduled to judge the breed. Tamas is a great teacher of dogs and I trust he will be able to help with my quest in learning the breed. As always it was a great pleasure to share his company at this Eurasia show. I am surprised we do not see the talent of Tamas being utilized more in the States. Sunday everyone presumed the Frenchie would win the Toy group since the judge, Kari Jarvinen, had given the Frenchie BIS the night before. But on Sunday Kari awarded the group to a Peke that from ringside was breathtaking. I did get to see his head close up and it was a classic. I believe the Peke was bred in England. I am only sorry I did not have my hands on him, but maybe he will be in Helsinki. I was so pleased with ten great dogs in front of him. Rafael found the Pom to be his winner. I cannot remember when I have seen a better Pom. So many judges complimented me for awarding him BOB. Believe me; I do not deserve much credit because I believe Ray Charles would have found him. Quite a few judges I have great respect for after the show said they were so impressed by him at Crufts and feel he will have a great future. Sunday night we departed the show at an earlier hour and immediately were bused to another historic restaurant. I could not believe our angel of organization, Etel Nilova, was still full of great graciousness and energy. Alexandr Inshakov had to take great pride in staging a show of this magnitude. Just remember this show is twice the size of our AKC/Eukanuba,
which takes over three days to stage. Having seventy rings a day with that many judges and stewards is no easy feat. Coupled with the fact that each dog receives a critique requires translators that are fluent in many languages. I had judged the Eurasia show several years ago, but this year I saw many positive changes in the organization of the show. When it was announced at the World Show in Budapest that FCI voted to hold the 2016 show in Russia, I had some concerns. After witnessing the show this year, I am 100% confident the organization will be wonderful. Certainly I enjoyed the Eurasia show from a social aspect, but most importantly it was a great learning experience. We see so many great dogs in the States, but other than Nationals and Eukanuba and Westminster, very few shows offer great learning experiences. Example – this coming weekend I will judge 188 Am Staffs in Hungary coupled with the 100 I judged at this show and 60 recently in Belgium it helps to continue my education on the breed. Without getting to judge large entries with depth of quality our knowledge of a breed can become stale. As the legendary Bea Godson used to say, “We practice on the Customers.” Some of these wonderful dogs I saw in Moscow I am so anxious to see in Helsinki against other great dogs of their breed. I would like to thank Alexandr Inshakov and his huge team of organizers for putting on such a great show. Special thanks go to Etel Nilova, who helped me through the travel arrangements to get the Visa, etc. But most importantly, I have to thank so many wonderful Russian breeders and exhibitors that made my judging of Am Staffs and Poms so memorable. As a side note, I found it interesting so many people messaged me while in Moscow. They were concerned about my well being. Did they not realize I was in Mexico the weekend before? Because of the crime going on in Mexico, many judges will not even travel to Mexico. Moscow is such a safe city and one can go out wandering the streets even late at night. Imagine it is one of the safest large cities of the world today. Sorry to say, my first day in Paris my wallet was pick pocketed out of the front pocket of my jeans. As much as I love judging in Venezuela one cannot go outside the hotel by themselves. Being in Moscow gives one a feeling of freedom when you can wander around the city without fearing for your safety. I do admit it always seems the hardest country to go to, but it reaps the biggest rewards.
"Moscow is such a safe city and one can go out wandering the streets even late at night. Imagine it is one of the safest large cities of the world today."
Dog News 101
Letters To
THE NEW 80% GROUP “RULE” he current 80% group judging “rule” really does nothing to help clubs struggling to fill out a panel, nor does it appear to aid the judge aspiring to gain approval to judge those additional breeds. The “rare” breeds that the 80% group judge lacks must still be provided for, typically by a current fully approved group judge. A solution to this problem may be as follows: The current rule goes something like this… An AKC judge approved to judge breeds comprising 80% of the entries in a group competition the previous year could be approved for the group after passing the breed standard tests and submission of a $25 non-refundable processing fee per breed for the remaining breeds in that group. The group approval would be for no more than three years, dating from the first group assignment. They may not be assigned breeds in the group for which they are not currently approved on either regular or permit basis. Group status will be removed after three years if the judge has failed to gain approval for the balance of the breeds within the group I suggest that the following modification might make sense… An AKC judge approved to judge breeds comprising 80% of the entries in a group competition the previous year could be approved for the group after passing the breed standard tests and submission of a $25 nonrefundable processing fee per breed for the remaining breeds in that group. They may not be assigned breeds in the group for which they are not currently approved on either regular or permit basis. After having judged the group three times, if their performance is deemed acceptable, and upon application, they will then be granted permit status in those breeds that they are not yet approved to judge, upon payment of an additional $25.00 per breed “processing fee”. Full approval to judge those “permit” breeds will be accorded as in the current process. Currently, a group judge is given full approval to judge any new breed (after having paid the $25 processing fee and passed the breed standard test) that is placed in their group, even thought that judge may never have had hands on that breed (and perhaps may never have even seen one in the flesh). The modified process above seems to be a logical extension of this. Dr. Thomas M. Davies Brimfield, MA
A PROPOSAL TO MAXIMIZE “MEET THE BREEDS” n April 24, 2015, the American Kennel Club and Westminster Kennel Club published a joint press release stating that AKC’s “Meet the Breeds” event would be held in conjunction with AKC’s Master’s Agility Championship at the Westminster venue. What a golden opportunity to get it right. Purebred dogs are increasingly under attack by radical animal rights activists. In concert with the cooperative mass media, their unsubstantiated claims are relentlessly repeated, implying “all purebred dogs” or “all” members of a particular breed are “unhealthy.” Yet, despite overwhelming facts to the contrary, our message is not registering with the public. The majority of well-bred purebred dogs are healthy. Responsible purebred dog breeders and exhibitors not only health screen their dogs but contribute substantial amounts of money to ongoing scientific research that benefits both animals and human beings. Why not use “Meet the Breeds” as a showcase for healthy, quality purebred dogs? What better forum for the public to get the facts about purebred health
102 Dog News
The Editor
have also passed health certifications. Educate the public that your dogs have immense added value as a result of your care and concern to only produce the best and healthiest dogs. It is critically important to not only have on display the best breed representatives available, but also those that have completed from experts - such as the Canine Health Foundation? health testing certifications. Certainly, some of the best breed Let’s get serious. There’s a war going on for our representatives in the country will be in town for WKC. Even sport and our dogs. And it won’t be won stating that though there are many local specialties on the “Meet the “Meet the Breeds” will allow the public to “play with Breeds” date, there should still be plenty of current show dogs and puppies of more than 100 AKC breeds.” dogs or retired champions available. And yes, while rescue Unless there is aggressive and proactive marketing at is important, we don’t need to see any more rescue dogs on this event showing responsible purebred dog breeders display. Sorry to say, the vast majority of rescue dogs do not produce healthy dogs, what is accomplished? After the come from kennels where breeders do any health testing. Nor public tires of the petting-zoo entertainment they’ll just are they exactly sterling representatives of the breed, in either go to a shelter to “rescue” conformation or health. Let’s, FOR ONCE, focus a dog because, after all, on the best of each breed available. aren’t purebred dogs REACTIONS I have had Bulldogs since 1975 and “unhealthy?” AKC and TO OUR NEW FORMAT have been judging since 1988. I have seen the purebred dog fancy nothing but improvement in the overall health A big THANK YOU for the new would be better served if of the breed over the years. More and more format, it’s just great. By the way, AKC promoted this event responsible members of the Bulldog Club of my mailman said thanks as well. to showcase not only America are completing multiple health tests and Dawn VIck Hansen the best representatives certifications to improve the breed. The person Walworth, WI of the breeds available, responsible for spearheading this growing trend but only those that have Just to say ‘Hello’ and congratulate is the BCA Health Committee Chair, Elizabeth completed health testing you on the new and wonderful Hugo-Milam. The BCA Ambassadors of Health and certifications for their format. It really is nice and a program officially recognizes those breeders and breeds. And any puppies continued pleasure to read. dogs that complete required and optional health present should be from Keke Kahn testing in the breed. Depending on the number litters in which the parents Sarasota, FL of certifications, Bulldogs can be designated as were screened and Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum Ambassadors of By the way, I love the new DN format. certified, as well. Health. I have attached a poster Elizabeth recently Dr. Thomas M. Davies Just think of a slogan created of some of our Platinum Ambassadors. Brimfield, MA – “The Best Dogs – The The dogs pictured represent national specialty Best Health” comes to winners, specialty winners, group and best in mind, but I’m sure there show winners, and an agility dog. These dogs are are plenty of other creative suggestions available. all quality representatives of the breed. The combination of a OFA already uses “Champions of Health.” Why not healthy Bulldog that is also a show dog or performance dog is work with OFA and create some “Champions of not an impossibility in this breed – and it is not a rarity. Health” crate tags not only for “Meet the Breeds” Anne M. Hier participants but for WKC exhibitors, as well? Certainly, North Branch, MI the peer pressure might induce more exhibitors to test and certify for breed specific conditions before KUDOS TO THE DOG SHOW FAMILY the big show. And it wouldn’t hurt if AKC sent a press wo weeks ago while showing at the Timonium dog shows, release to the media stating that the theme of “Meet I was unlucky enough to have my purse stolen from my the Breeds” was focused on healthy, sound purebred van, Sunday during BIS, when I moved my van to the loading dogs. area. I’m happy to report with a lot of help I received my I would hope that AKC would utilize “Meet the purse back with everything in it minus some cash from my Breeds” to make a positive public impact to correct wallet. A lot of people went above and beyond to help me. public misconceptions regarding purebred dog health. When I had given up Billy Miller wouldn’t let me. He kept Even if it doesn’t, I implore every Parent Club that has assuring me my purse would show up. I would like to thank a booth at this event to showcase all the health testing Andrew Green for finding my wallet and handing it in Monday and certifications done in their breed. Create some morning. Billy Miller for calling me as soon as it was found posters that explain WHY health testing is important. and driving me around endlessly in the golf cart while my find Show some real examples of best in show, national phone app tracked my iPad all over the fairgrounds. Jimmy specialty winners, and performance champions that Moses for also driving around with Billy Miller with my iPhone find iPad app when I couldn’t figure out the GPS, lol. Erika Lanasa for feeding me dinner and wine Sun. night and helping me calm down when I first realized it was gone. Harry Miller (my 2nd husband, thank you Lisa) who also wouldn’t give up and actually found my purse in a building with its contents strewn all over a table. The tracking said it was somewhere near the building and we had searched all over the outside which was also where the wallet was found. Harry decided to look inside and found an area that was curtained off with tables behind the curtains. Everything was all over, but it was all there. The find phone app, has a button you can press that makes a sound for 2 minutes. We watched the iPad move several places that morning but weren’t sure if it was still in the purse or not. I believe my pinging noises eventually are what scared whoever off. As I pinged it a lot, starting the night before. I also can’t forget to thank the show committee for the three clubs, Old Dominion, Baltimore County and Catocin, most especially Damara Bolte and Jane. Everyone was so concerned and helpful. It was amazing. When it was first stolen I felt so violated and depressed. I wanted to skip the Monday show and drive home. Both my husband and Billy Miller were adamant it might show up and I need to try the app for finding the iPad and maybe I’d get lucky and find my purse too. Besides finding my purse, I’m so glad I stayed because everyone’s concern made me feel so much better. If I had driven home without it, I would have continued into a downward negative spiral of depression hate and burn out. “And, pups, always remember Confucius’ So Dog Show PEEPS, Thank you all for your help and concern. I feel so much better and soon will be back out at the shows. wise words, ‘Everything has beauty but Corgially, Deborah Shindle not everyone sees it’.” © LEE CONNOR Vero Beach, Fl
Dog News The Digest
Of American Dogs
The Dog Show Calendar Lists All Shows Offered Through The Month Of June 2014
In order to further serve the fancy, Dog News will publish, on a monthly basis, the upcoming All Breed and Specialty Breed Show schedules including judging panels, show superintendents & closing dates.
Full Page Color: $600 prepaid • $675 billed Full Page B/W: $275 prepaid • $325 billed Half Page B/W: $200 prepaid • $275 billed Dog News 103
JUNE 1 - SUNDAY AK Chugiak* (O) ALASKA HERDING GROUP CLUB Chugiak Benefit Association Grounds 18606 Old Glenn Hwy Chugiak, AK 99567 CLOSES: MAY 14 8:00 p.m. Mrs. Sue Striebich, SHW SEC, 12041 JEROME ST, ANCHORAGE, AK 99516 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mr. R. Gschwender: Herding Group, Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Brdr Coll, Bouv, Briard, Canaan, Card-WC, Coll (Rough), Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, GSD, Coll (Smooth), and more Mrs. S. A. Redmer: Obedience CA Gridley* (I/O) SHASTA KENNEL CLUB Butte County Fairgrounds 199 E Hazel CLOSES: MAY 14 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW J. P. Wade SPORTING Group: Mr. S. J. Hubbell Mrs. C. Hubbell: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: J. P. Wade Mr. S. J. Hubbell: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. C. Hubbell Mr. S. J. Hubbell: Alas Mal J. P. Wade: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. F. C. Bassett J. P. Wade: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. S. J. Hubbell Mr. F. C. Bassett: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. S. J. Hubbell Mr. F. C. Bassett: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. F. C. Bassett Mrs. C. Hubbell: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. S. J. Hubbell Mr. S. J. Hubbell: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. L. L. Andrus: Nov A, Open A, Open B, Opn Wildc, Utl Wildc Mrs. P. Andrus: Nov B, Util A, Util B, Versatility, Nov Wildc Mrs. N. E. Craig: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr JR SHOWMANSHIP: J. P. Wade CA Pasadena* (O) KENNEL CLUB OF PASADENA (S) Brookside Park Arroyo Blvd & Seco St CLOSES: MAY 14 12:00 p.m. Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW A. D. Hussin SPORTING Group: Ms. K. A. Cowsert Mr. T. Stacy: Vizs Ms. M. Martorella: Pntr-GW, Set-Irsh Mrs. P. Ulloa: Pointer, Ret-Curl, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr Ms. K. A. Cowsert: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. M. Martorella J. Primeaux: Dach Mr. M. A. Brophy: Basset, RhoRidge Mr. D. Thompson: Borz, Whip Ms. M. Martorella: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. J. D. Zuver A. D. Hussin: Rottw Mr. M. A. Brophy: Boxer, Grt Dane, Newf Mrs. J. D. Zuver: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. T. Stacy Mr. T. Stacy: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. T. Stacy J. Primeaux: Pood Toy A. D. Hussin: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. M. L. Wuest Mr. J. J. Ham: Fr Bull J. Primeaux: Pood Ms. M. L. Wuest: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. D. Thompson J. Primeaux: Shetld Mr. D. Thompson: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. J. D. Zuver Mrs. J. D. Zuver: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. L. J. Libeu: Nov A, Open B, Util A Mr. J. J. Ham: Nov B, Open A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. J. D. Zuver SWEEPS PUPPY: Pntr-GW Wood Wornall SWEEPS VETERANS: Pntr-GW Wood Wornall SWEEPS PUPPY: Vizs Leah Shirokoff SWEEPS VETERANS: Vizs Leah Shirokoff
Mr. J. C. Walton: Grt Dane, Sib Hky Mrs. A. Katona: Bullm, Giant Schn, Portuguese, Std Schn Mr. B. E. Voran: Balance of Working Breeds *No Classes: Mast TERRIER Group: Mr. R. Paust Mr. J. C. Walton: Min Schn Mr. R. Paust: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. G. Kerr Dr. C. E. Shaw: Malt, Min Pin, Pom Mrs. A. Katona: Affenp, Chihua, Eng Toy Sp, J Chin, Pap, Peke, Pug, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Ms. G. Kerr: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. A. Levy Mr. J. C. Walton: Tib Ter Mrs. C. A. Levy: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. M. D. Williams Mr. B. E. Voran: AustrlShep Mrs. M. D. Williams: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. C. Walton Mr. J. C. Walton: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. P. A. Strong: Nov A, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, POPN Mr. R. A. Strong: Nov B, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility Ms. K. J. Anderson: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. C. Makowski SWEEPS VETERANS: Austr Louise Leone SWEEPS PUPPY: Austr Louise Leone GA Ellijay* (O) GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF NORTH GEORGIA Ellijay Fairgrounds 1729 S Main St CLOSES: MAY 16 Mac McCarthy, SHW SEC, 465 WAVETREE DR, ROSWELL, GA 30075 FEE: $26.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Mr. L. P. Bunch: Breed, Jr. Showmanship P. Pierce: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr Mr. R. H. Mullen: Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B HI Mililani Town (O) DOBERMAN PINSCHER CLUB OF HAWAII Mililani Waena Park Naholoholo Street CLOSES: MAY 14 Jodie Namba, SHW SEC, 3445 AKULIKULI ST, HONOLULU, HI 96818 FEE: $25.00 Mrs. N. Vorzimer: Breed IL Woodstock* (I/O) FOX RIVER VALLEY KENNEL CLUB, INC. McHenry County Fairgrounds Route 47 Between Rt 120 & City Rt 14 CLOSES: MAY 14 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. M. Taylor SPORTING Group: Dr. A. W. Krause Dr. A. W. Krause: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. L. Boileau Mr. L. Boileau: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. C. Meyer Mrs. L. C. Foiles: Grt Pyr Mrs. J. Pero: Akita, Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Dobe, Leonberger, Mast, Newf, Rottw, Sam Mrs. C. Meyer: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Dr. A. W. Krause Mr. M. Taylor: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. C. Winslow Mr. C. Winslow: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. C. Winslow Mrs. L. C. Foiles: Tib Span Mr. C. Winslow: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. C. Meyer Mrs. J. Pero: Bouv, Pyre Shep Mrs. L. C. Foiles: AustrlShep, Coll, Shetld Mrs. C. Meyer: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. C. Winslow Mr. C. Winslow: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. T. B. Masterson: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. L. C. Foiles
MA Wrentham (O) LADIES’ DOG CLUB, INC. (S) Crackerbarrel Fairgrounds Emerald St. CLOSES: MAY 14 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $32.00-1st/ $28.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. C. C. McGowan CO Longmont* (I/O) SPORTING Group: J. Blais FLATIRONS KENNEL CLUB (S) Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Pntr-GS, Pntr-GW, Boulder County Fairgrounds Set-Irsh, Vizs Nelson Rd & 95th St J. Blais: Ret-Lab, Set-Eng, Set-Gord, SetCLOSES: MAY 14 Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Span-Clum, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr, FEE: $27.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Span-Eng Spr Judges And Their Assignments Mr. J. S. Covey: Balance of Sporting BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. C. Walton SPORTING Group: Dr. C. E. Shaw Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. B. D. AlderMrs. A. Katona: Brit, Pointer, Pntr-GW man Mrs. B. A. Shaw: Pntr-GS, Ret-Ches, Vizs, Mrs. B. D. Alderman: All Hound Breeds Weim WORKING Group: Mrs. D. N. Dr. C. E. Shaw: Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, SpanCollier AmW, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Mrs. V. T. Rowland: Bullm, Mast Ckr, Span-Eng Spr Miss V. L. Lyne: Boxer, Chinook, Grm Ms. G. Kerr: Balance of Sporting Breeds Pinscher HOUND Group: Mrs. A. Katona M. R. Cohen: Akita, Berns Mtn, Sam, Mrs. C. Makowski: Afghan, Basenji, Basset, Mr. Sib Hky Bgle, Borz, Dach, Ir Wolf, RhoRidge Mrs. D. N. Collier: Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Mr. J. C. Walton: Balance of Hound Breeds Blk Russn Terrier, Cane Corso, Dobe, Dogue WORKING Group: Mr. B. E. Voran de Brdx, Giant Schn, Grt Dane, Grt Pyr, Ms. G. Kerr: Sam Gtr Swiss Mtn Mrs. B. A. Shaw: Dobe, Rottw J. Blais: Balance of Working Breeds
104 Dog News
TERRIER Group: Ms. L. C. More Miss V. L. Lyne: Airdle J. R. Vernuccio: Cairn Mr. J. S. Covey: Norwich Norfolk Mr. R. K. Thomas: Bull Ter, Min Bull Terrs Ms. L. C. More: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. C. P. Patterson Mrs. C. P. Patterson: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Miss V. L. Lyne Mrs. V. T. Rowland: Fr Bull Mrs. C. E. Calcinari: Lhasa, Tib Ter Miss V. L. Lyne: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. D. N. Collier Mrs. D. N. Collier: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. L. C. More Ms. L. C. More: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. V. T. Rowland SWEEPS PUPPY: Set-Irsh Heather Donnelly SWEEPS PUPPY: Airdle Chris Calcinari SWEEPS VETERANS: Airdle Chris Calcinari SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr Ms. Lisa E Weiss SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Black) Ms. Lisa E Weiss SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (ASCOB) Ms. Lisa E Weiss SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Parti) Ms. Lisa E Weiss SWEEPS PUPPY: Beard Coll Amy Penuel SWEEPS VETERANS: Beard Coll Amy Penuel MO Gray Summit (I) MISSISSIPPI VALLEY KENNEL CLUB (S) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: MAY 14 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. D. J. Hyman SPORTING Group: Mr. R. W. Powell Mr. B. Lauderdale: Ret-Gold Mr. R. W. Powell: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. K. H. Delaney A. Shaw: Afghan R. Schwalbe: Dach (Wire) Ms. K. A. Dumke: Saluki Ms. L. Palarik: Whip Mrs. J. M. Schwalbe: Dach (Long), Dach (Smooth) Mr. K. H. Delaney: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. W. C. Stebbins Mr. W. C. Stebbins: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. S. Goldberg Dr. S. J. Schellenberg: Airdle, Kerry Mr. K. E. Berg: Border, Sealym, Skye Mrs. S. Goldberg: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. K. E. Berg Mrs. E. E. Berg: Pood Toy Mr. K. E. Berg: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. E. E. Berg S. S. Coffman: Shar-Pei Mrs. E. E. Berg: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. L. Palarik Ms. L. Palarik: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. D. J. Hyman Mr. D. J. Hyman: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. J. M. Schwalbe SWEEPS PUPPY: Saluki Maureen Jones SWEEPS VETERANS: Saluki Maureen Jones
NY Dunkirk* (I) OLEAN KENNEL CLUB, INC. Chautauqua County Fair Assoc 1089 Central Avenue CLOSES: MAY 14 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $27.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW C. A. Herbel SPORTING Group: D. Windsor D. Windsor: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. R. Ambrosio Mr. H. Clark: Port Pd Peq, Whip Mrs. H. Clark: Borz, Eng Fox, Greyhnd, Ir Wolf, RhoRidge Mr. R. Ambrosio: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. H. Clark Mr. H. Clark: Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dogue de Brdx, Giant Schn, Leonberger, Rottw, St Bern, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff C. A. Herbel: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. H. Clark Mr. H. Clark: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. M. O’Neill C. A. Herbel: Pug, Shih Tzu, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mrs. M. O’Neill: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. Ambrosio Mrs. M. O’Neill: Fr Bull, Pood Mr. R. Ambrosio: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. H. Clark D. Windsor: Brdr Coll, Bouv Mrs. H. Clark: Pemb-WC, Shetld Mr. R. Ambrosio: Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, OES, Pol Low Shp, Pulik, Pyre Shep, Swed Vallhund Mr. H. Clark: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: C. A. Herbel C. A. Herbel: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. J. A. Brown: Nov A, Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: C. A. Herbel
OH Maumee* (I) TOLEDO KENNEL CLUB, INC. Lucas County Recreation Center 2901 Ket St. CLOSES: MAY 14 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. E. Hutton SPORTING Group: A. E. Pepper E. Wild: Pointer, All Setters A. E. Pepper: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: E. Wild Mrs. E. L. Whitney: Basset E. Wild: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: R. J. Whitney E. Wild: Boxer, Gtr Swiss Mtn R. J. Whitney: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: R. J. Whitney Mr. R. E. Hutton: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. E. L. Whitney A. E. Pepper: Hava Mr. R. E. Hutton: Min Pin R. Bohannon: Bruss Grif, Pom, Shih Tzu, Pood Toy Mrs. E. L. Whitney: Balance of Toy Breeds *No Classes: Pap NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. E. L. Whitney R. Bohannon: Pood Mrs. E. L. Whitney: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: E. Wild R. J. Whitney: Pemb-WC E. Wild: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. E. Hutton Mr. R. E. Hutton: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES B. Hornfisher: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Grad Openr, Versatility MS Biloxi (I) Ms. L. Marshall: Open A, Open B NORTHLAKE KENNEL CLUB OF GREATER Mrs. K. A. Cook: Util A, Util B COVINGTON JR SHOWMANSHIP: R. Bohannon Mississippi Coast Coliseum & Convention Ctr OH Wilmington (I) 2350 Beach Blvd PAPILLON CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. CLOSES: MAY 14 Roberts Centre Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT 123 Gano Rd. Judges And Their Assignments CLOSES: MAY 2 BEST IN SHOW Mrs. R. (. Futh Susan Gordon, SHW SEC, 9122 TREVARSPORTING Group: Mr. F. J. THON RD, ORLANDO, FL 32817 Washabaugh FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Mr. F. J. Washabaugh: Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Dr. G. Morgan-Jones: Breed All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Vizs Mr. P. Dawkins: Balance of Sporting Breeds PA Wrightstown* (O) HOUND Group: Ms. B. L. Clarke BURLINGTON COUNTY KENNEL CLUB, Ms. B. L. Clarke: All Hound Breeds INC. (S) WORKING Group: Ms. B. L. Middletown Grange Fairgrounds #684 Clarke 576 Penns Park Rd. Mrs. R. (. Futh: Berns Mtn CLOSES: MAY 14 Mrs. I. S. Fertl: Akita, Rottw Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT Ms. B. L. Clarke: Alas Mal, AnatolShep, FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Dobe, Grt Dane, Portuguese, Sib Hky Judges And Their Assignments Mr. R. H. Futh: Boxer, Bullm, Grt Pyr, Kom, BEST IN SHOW Dr. S. Keating Kuv, Mast, Newf, St Bern, Sam SPORTING Group: Mrs. S. Brown Mr. P. Dawkins: Balance of Working Breeds Mrs. S. Brown: Pntr-GS TERRIER Group: Mrs. G. P. Dawkins Mr. R. Eisele: Ret-Gold Mrs. G. P. Dawkins: All Terrier Breeds Mrs. J. M. Provenzano: Set-Irsh, Vizs, Weim TOY Group: Ms. M. S. Dobkin Dr. S. Keating: Brit, Pointer, Pntr-GW, SetMr. F. J. Washabaugh: Pood Toy Eng, Spin Ital, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mrs. G. P. Dawkins: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Ms. J. S. Brewster: Span-Eng Ckr, SpanChihua, Pap, Peke, Pom, Pug Eng Spr, Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Span-Suss, Ms. M. S. Dobkin: Balance of Toy Breeds Span-Wel Spr Mrs. G. Geringer: Balance of Sporting NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. P. Breeds Dawkins HOUND Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Mr. F. J. Washabaugh: Pood (Std) D. Garrett: PBGV Mrs. G. P. Dawkins: Bichon, Boston Mrs. G. Geringer: Balance of Hound Mr. P. Dawkins: Am Esk Dog, Dalm, Fin Spitz, Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd, Tib Span, Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. W. deVilTib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli Ms. M. S. Dobkin: Balance of Non-Sporting leneuve Mr. W. G. Daugherty: Cane Corso, Breeds Leonberger HERDING Group: Mrs. I. S. Fertl Mr. R. Eisele: Grt Dane, Portuguese, Rottw, Mr. R. H. Futh: Beard Coll, Shetld Sam Mrs. R. (. Futh: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Dr. S. Keating: Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, GSD Mrs. I. S. Fertl: Balance of Herding Breeds Kom, Kuv, Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Sib Hky, Tibtn Mastiff MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. I. Mr. W. deVilleneuve: Balance of Working S. Fertl Breeds Mrs. I. S. Fertl: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. R. H. Futh
TERRIER Group: Mr. T. D. Parrotti Mr. T. D. Parrotti: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Mrs. S. Brown: Cav KC Spans, Hava, Eng Toy Sp Ms. J. S. Brewster: I Greyhnd, Min Pin, Pap, Pom, Pug, Pood Toy Mr. W. deVilleneuve: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. S. Brown Ms. J. S. Brewster: Pood Dr. S. Keating: Bichon, Boston, Xoloitzcuintli Mrs. S. Brown: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. W. G. Daugherty Mrs. B. F. Biasi: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Coll Dr. S. Keating: Beauceron, Brdr Coll, Briard, GSD, OES, Shetld Ms. J. S. Brewster: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Bel Terv, Bouv, CardWC, Pemb-WC, Pulik Mr. W. G. Daugherty: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. T. D. Parrotti Mr. T. D. Parrotti: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. L. Wilson: Nov A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Versatility C. Marcantonio: Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Util B, PUTL Mrs. D. L. Barrows: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B JR SHOWMANSHIP: K. Sarvinas SWEEPS PUPPY: Chin Cr Lisa Warren SWEEPS PUPPY: Pntr-GW Janice M Provanzano SWEEPS PUPPY: Dalm Deirde Rahn SWEEPS VETERANS: Dalm Deirde Rahn VA Charlottesville (O) CHARLOTTESVILLE - ALBEMARLE KENNEL CLUB, INC. Foxfield Steeplechase Course Barracks Rd(4 1/2 miles west) CLOSES: MAY 14 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. H. Nietsch SPORTING Group: Ms. L. Robey Mr. J. R. Cole: Ret-Lab Ms. L. Robey: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Ms. H. Nietsch: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Ms. L. Robey: Sam Mr. J. R. Cole: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. T. L. Yates Mr. T. L. Yates: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. R. Kramer Mrs. R. Kramer: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. T. L. Yates Mr. T. L. Yates: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. M. Koltes Ms. M. Koltes: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. M. Koltes Ms. M. Koltes: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. H. Nietsch VA Charlottesville (O) IRISH SETTER CLUB OF GREATER RICHMOND (P) Foxfield Steeplechase Course Barracks Rd(4 1/2 miles west) CLOSES: MAY 14 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $15.00 SWEEPS VETERANS: Set-Irsh Ms. Carol Richards SWEEPS PUPPY: Set-Irsh Ms. Carol Richards WA Yakima* (O) YAKIMA VALLEY KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Central Washington Fairgrounds-State Fair Park 1301 South Fair Avenue CLOSES: MAY 14 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. D. Vice SPORTING Group: L. B. Rogers Mrs. T. B. Carter: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. T. B. Carter L. Pond: Basenji Dr. K. T. Shimel: Afghan, Borz, Dach, Saluki Mrs. T. B. Carter: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. E. Muthard D. Renton: Blk Russn Terrier Ms. E. Muthard: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: L. B. Rogers Mrs. T. B. Carter: Rat Terrier L. B. Rogers: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. J. M. Zielinski K. Cooper: Chin Cr Mrs. J. M. Zielinski: Pood Toy D. Renton: Silky Mr. D. Vice: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. E. Muthard Mrs. J. M. Zielinski: Pood L. B. Rogers: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. J. M. Zielinski L. B. Rogers: Pemb-WC Mr. D. K. Calderwood: Austrl Cat Dg, Bouv, Coll T. Worley: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, OES Mrs. J. M. Zielinski: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: L. B. Rogers L. B. Rogers: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. K. Y. Curtis: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Veteran JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. J. M. Zielinski SWEEPS PUPPY: Afghan Laura Pond
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MO Gray Summit (I) MISSISSIPPI VALLEY KENNEL CLUB Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: MAY 14 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. S. Goldberg SPORTING Group: Mrs. E. E. Berg Mrs. S. Goldberg: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. D. J. Hyman Mrs. T. D. Chacon: Afghan Mrs. J. M. Schwalbe: Dach (Wire) Mrs. L. Scanlon: Saluki Mr. K. H. Delaney: Whip R. Schwalbe: Dach (Long), Dach (Smooth) Mr. D. J. Hyman: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. E. E. Berg Mrs. E. E. Berg: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. W. Powell Mr. R. W. Powell: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. K. H. Delaney Mr. K. E. Berg: Pood Toy Ms. S. Bingham-Porter: Chihua, Hava, Malt Mr. K. H. Delaney: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. K. E. Berg Mr. K. E. Berg: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. W. C. Stebbins Mr. D. J. Hyman: Beauceron, Bel Mal, Brdr Coll, Briard, Canaan, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, Pol Low Shp, Pulik Mr. W. C. Stebbins: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. K. H. Delaney Mr. K. H. Delaney: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. T. D. Chacon
CA Vallejo (I/O) LAKE COUNTY KENNEL CLUB OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA (S) Solano County Fairgrounds 900 Fairgrounds Drive CLOSES: MAY 21 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. R. A. Indeglia SPORTING Group: Ms. K. A. Cowsert Mr. R. Stein: Ret-Flat P. S. Lambie: Vizs, Weim Ms. L. Robey: Brit, Set-Eng, Span-Eng Ckr Mr. B. A. Miller: Pntr-GS, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Gord, Span-Clum Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Gold, Span-Eng Spr Ms. K. A. Cowsert: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. J. C. Briley Mrs. H. W. Stein: Basenji, Basset, Greyhnd P. S. Lambie: Pharaoh, RhoRidge, Whip Ms. K. A. Cowsert: B & T Coonhnd, Harr, Redbone Coon, Saluki, Treeing Walker Coon Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Afghan, Bgle, Bloodhnd, Bluetick Coon, Eng Fox, Nor Elk, Plott Mr. R. Stein: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. B. A. Miller P. S. Lambie: Mast Ms. M. Brocious: Akita, Alas Mal, Berns Mtn Ms. L. Robey: Dobe, St Bern, Sib Hky Mr. R. Stein: Dogue de Brdx, Newf, Sam Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Cane Corso, Kom, Leonberger, Nepltn Mastiff, Portuguese, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. B. A. Miller: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. A. J. Ferruggiaro Mr. K. E. Berg: Bdlgtn, Irish Ter C. Taylor: Am Staff, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Kerry, Manch Ter, Min Schn, Parson Russell, Sealym, Soft Coated, Wst Highlnd Mr. A. J. Ferruggiaro: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: C. Taylor Mr. M. Taylor: Chihua K. Birdwell: Pug Mrs. H. W. Stein: Shih Tzu, Silky, Yorks Mr. A. J. Ferruggiaro: I Greyhnd, Pap, Peke, Pood Toy, Toy Fox Terrier C. Taylor: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. Stein J. Richardson: Bulldog Mr. R. Stein: Bichon, Fr Bull Mr. A. J. Ferruggiaro: Am Esk Dog, Boston, Fin Spitz, Kees, Pood, Schip, Tib Span, Tib Ter Mr. B. A. Miller: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. M. Brocious Ms. L. Robey: GSD Ms. M. Brocious: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Brdr Coll, Briard, Canaan, Card-WC, Pemb-WC Mr. M. Taylor: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. M. Taylor Mr. M. Taylor: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: P. S. Lambie SWEEPS VETERANS: Rottw Ms. Virginia Latham Smith SWEEPS PUPPY: Rottw Ms. Virginia Latham Smith SWEEPS VETERANS: Std Manch Marianne Klinkowski SWEEPS PUPPY: Std Manch Marianne Klinkowski SWEEPS VETERANS: Toy Manch Marianne Klinkowski SWEEPS PUPPY: Toy Manch Marianne Klinkowski SWEEPS PUPPY: Sam Karen Brooks-Hodges
OR Albany (I) FLAT-COATED RETRIEVER SOCIETY OF AMERICA, INC. (P) Linn County Fair & Expo Center 3700 Knox Butte Rd. CLOSES: MAY 7 Jackie Jones, SHW SEC, PO BOX 25764, C/O ONOFRIO DOG SHOWS, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73125 SWEEPS VETERANS: Ret-Flat Mrs. Shelly Spencer Marx
JUNE 3 - TUESDAY MO Gray Summit (I/O) (PENDING APPROVAL) SALUKI CLUB OF AMERICA (P) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop Judy Lowther, SHW SEC, c/o BaRay Event Services, Inc., PO Box 508, Burlington, WA 98233 FUTURITY: Saluki OR Albany (I) FLAT-COATED RETRIEVER SOCIETY OF AMERICA, INC. (P) Linn County Fair & Expo Center 3700 Knox Butte Rd. CLOSES: MAY 7 Jackie Jones, SHW SEC, PO BOX 25764, C/O ONOFRIO DOG SHOWS, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73125 SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Flat Mrs. Shelly Spencer Marx
JUNE 4 - WEDNESDAY CA Vallejo (I/O) MOTHER LODE BULLDOG CLUB OF SACRAMENTO, CA Solano County Fairgrounds 900 Fairgrounds Drive CLOSES: MAY 21 Ann Chiorino, SHW SEC, PO BOX 977, C/O RICHARD SEENO, CLAYTON, CA 94517 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd K. Davis: Breed CA Vallejo (I/O) MOTHER LODE BULLDOG CLUB OF SACRAMENTO, CA Solano County Fairgrounds 900 Fairgrounds Drive CLOSES: MAY 21 Ann Chiorino, SHW SEC, PO BOX 977, C/O RICHARD SEENO, CLAYTON, CA 94517 FEE: $28.00 T. McDermott: Breed Mrs. B. Newcomb: Jr. Showmanship MO Gray Summit (I/O) SALUKI CLUB OF AMERICA (P) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: MAY 14 Judy Lowther, SHW SEC, c/o BaRay Event Services, Inc., PO Box 508, Burlington, WA 98233 SWEEPS PUPPY: Saluki Kathy Morton SWEEPS VETERANS: Saluki Kathy Morton
JUNE 4 - WEDNESDAY thru JUNE 6 - FRIDAY OR Albany (I) FLAT-COATED RETRIEVER SOCIETY OF AMERICA, INC. (3) Linn County Fair & Expo Center 3700 Knox Butte Rd. CLOSES: MAY 7 Jackie Jones, SHW SEC, PO BOX 25764, C/O ONOFRIO DOG SHOWS, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73125 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd K. D. Anderson: Breed Mrs. S. S. Marx: Jr. Showmanship
106 Dog News
CA Vallejo (I) (Evening) NORTHERN CALIFORNIA SAMOYED FANCIERS, INC. Solano County Fairgrounds 900 Fairgrounds Drive CLOSES: MAY 21 Mrs. Claire Pursley, SHW SEC, Po Box 605, C/O Mbf-Inc, Pinole, CA 94564 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $29.00-2nd L. Berberich: Breed LA Lake Charles (I) ACADIANA KENNEL CLUB, INC. Lake Charles Civic Center and Exhibition Hall 900 Lakeshore Drive CLOSES: MAY 21 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW R. J. Whitney SPORTING Group: Dr. R. D. Smith R. J. Whitney: Brit, All Pointers, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab Mrs. V. L. Abbott: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. R. E. Garren Dr. R. D. Smith: Afghan, Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Basenji, Basset, Bgle, B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Bluetick Coon, Borz, Eng Fox, Harr Mrs. E. L. Whitney: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. R. D. Smith Mrs. E. L. Whitney: Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Bullm, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dogue de Brdx Mrs. P. D. Smith: Balance of Working Breeds
TERRIER Group: Mr. R. E. Garren Dr. R. D. Smith: Min Bull Terrs, Manch Ter, Min Schn, Norwich Norfolk, Parson Russell, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd R. J. Whitney: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. V. L. Abbott Mr. R. E. Garren: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Pap, Peke, Pom, Pug, Pood Toy Mrs. P. D. Smith: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. E. L. Whitney Mrs. V. L. Abbott: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Boston, Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Chow, Dalm, Fin Spitz, Fr Bull Mr. R. E. Garren: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. P. D. Smith Mrs. E. L. Whitney: GSD, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, OES, Pemb-WC, Pol Low Shp, Pulik, Pyre Shep, Shetld, Swed Vallhund Dr. R. D. Smith: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. P. D. Smith Mrs. P. D. Smith: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. V. L. Abbott MI Midland (I) MIDLAND MICHIGAN KENNEL CLUB Midland County Fairgrounds 6905 Eastman Ave. CLOSES: MAY 21 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. K. Kahn SPORTING Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Col. J. B. Purkhiser: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Col. J. B. Purkhiser: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: J. E. Gregory J. E. Gregory: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mrs. B. D. Alderman: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mrs. B. D. Alderman: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: J. E. Gregory Mrs. K. Kahn: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen NY Yorktown Heights (O) TACONIC HILLS KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Franklin D Roosevelt State Park 2957 Crompond Rd CLOSES: MAY 21 12:00 p.m. Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $32.00-1st/ $26.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. C. Vogels SPORTING Group: Mr. L. Berg Ms. H. Dorrance: Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Span-Eng Ckr, SpanEng Spr Mr. L. Berg: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. T. Catterson Mr. T. Catterson: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. A. Cooper Mrs. P. Hastings: Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kom, Kuv, Leonberger, Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Newf, Rottw, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky, Tibtn Mastiff Ms. A. Cooper: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: D. McCoy Mr. L. Berg: Manch Ter Mrs. C. Vogels: Min Bull Terrs, Min Schn, Norwich Norfolk, Parson Russell, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd D. McCoy: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. T. Catterson Mr. L. Berg: I Greyhnd, Toy Manch, Peke Mr. T. Catterson: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: D. McCoy Ms. H. Dorrance: Am Esk Dog Mrs. P. Hastings: Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd, Pood, Schip, Shiba Inu, Tib Span, Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli D. McCoy: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. P. Hastings Mr. R. Ambrosio: Bouv Mrs. P. Hastings: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. P. Hastings Mrs. P. Hastings: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. A. Cooper SWEEPS VETERANS: Ret-Gold Teresa Poetker SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Gold Teresa Poetker WA Auburn* (I) EVERGREEN STATE SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB (S) Argus Ranch Facility For Dogs 35612 212th Way SE CLOSES: MAY 21 BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $19.00-2nd Ms. J. E. Howard: Breed C. L. Evans: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Helene Rupp
JUNE 5 - THURSDAY thru JUNE 7 - SATURDAY MO Gray Summit (I/O) SALUKI CLUB OF AMERICA (3) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: MAY 14 Judy Lowther, SHW SEC, c/o BaRay Event Services, Inc., PO Box 508, Burlington, WA 98233 FEE: $36.00-1st/ $26.00-2nd Mrs. S. White: Breed Mrs. L. Scanlon: Jr. Showmanship
JUNE 6 - FRIDAY AZ Flagstaff (I) PHOENIX ARIZONA BEAGLE CLUB (S) Coconino County Fairgrounds 2446 Fort Tuthill Loop Road CLOSES: MAY 21 Rita Mather, SHW SEC, 11234 N 57TH AVE, GLENDALE, AZ 85304 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd H. Lindberg: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY: Bgle (13 Under) Mrs. Susan L Clemons SWEEPS VETERANS: Bgle (13 Under) Mrs. Susan L Clemons SWEEPS PUPPY: Bgle (Over 13) Mrs. Susan L Clemons SWEEPS VETERANS: Bgle (Over 13) Mrs. Susan L Clemons CA Vallejo (O) ASSOCIATED ROTTWEILER FANCIERS OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Solano County Fairgrounds 900 Fairgrounds Drive CLOSES: MAY 21 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $35.00 L. Berberich: Breed CA Vallejo (I/O) LAKE COUNTY KENNEL CLUB OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA (S) Solano County Fairgrounds 900 Fairgrounds Drive CLOSES: MAY 21 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. Stein SPORTING Group: Ms. L. Robey Mr. R. Stein: Brit Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Span-Eng Ckr Mrs. L. Clark: Ret-Lab, Vizs Mr. B. A. Miller: Pntr-GW, Ret-Flat, SetEng, Span-Suss, Span-Wel Spr, Spin Ital, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Ms. L. Robey: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. W. P. Shelton Mrs. L. Clark: RhoRidge Mrs. H. W. Stein: Afghan, Saluki, ScotDeer, Treeing Walker Coon, Whip Mr. W. P. Shelton: Bgle, Greyhnd, Nor Elk, Otter, PBGV, Pharaoh Mr. J. C. Briley: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. M. Brocious Mr. W. P. Shelton: Boxer Mr. J. C. Briley: Rottw Ms. L. Robey: Std Schn Mr. B. A. Miller: Akita, Alas Mal L. Berberich: Cane Corso, Dogue de Brdx Mrs. S. L. Karl: Berns Mtn, Mast, Portuguese C. S. Anderson: AnatolShep, Blk Russn Terrier, Bullm, Chinook, Dobe, Sam Ms. M. Brocious: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. M. Taylor Mr. R. Stein: Manch Ter Mr. A. J. Ferruggiaro: Soft Coated Mr. M. Taylor: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. H. W. Stein Mr. R. Stein: Toy Manch Mr. B. A. Miller: Pood Toy C. S. Anderson: Pap, Pug, Shih Tzu, Yorks Mrs. H. W. Stein: I Greyhnd, J Chin, Malt, Peke, Pom, Toy Fox Terrier Mr. A. J. Ferruggiaro: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: C. S. Anderson Mrs. F. E. Richardson: Bulldog Mrs. H. W. Stein: Boston, Dalm Mr. B. A. Miller: Bichon, Kees, Pood Mr. A. J. Ferruggiaro: Fr Bull, Lhasa, Xoloitzcuintli Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Shiba Inu, Tib Span, Tib Ter C. S. Anderson: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. B. A. Miller Mr. W. P. Shelton: AustrlShep Mrs. B. M. Winthers: GSD Mr. I. Copus: Beard Coll, Brdr Coll, Pemb-WC Mr. R. Stein: Austrl Cat Dg, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Briard, Canaan, Card-WC, Shetld Ms. M. Brocious: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. B. A. Miller Mr. B. A. Miller: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. W. P. Shelton SWEEPS PUPPY: Berns Mtn Cindy Crawford-Groath SWEEPS VETERANS: Berns Mtn Cindy Crawford-Groath SWEEPS PUPPY: Beard Coll Catherine Goetz Perry SWEEPS VETERANS: Beard Coll Catherine Goetz Perry SWEEPS PUPPY: Sam Trevor Miller SWEEPS PUPPY: Pntr-GS Kathy Bodutch SWEEPS VETERANS: Pntr-GS Kathy Bodutch
CA Vallejo (I) (Evening) NORTHERN CALIFORNIA SAMOYED FANCIERS, INC. Solano County Fairgrounds 900 Fairgrounds Drive CLOSES: MAY 21 Mrs. Claire Pursley, SHW SEC, Po Box 605, C/O Mb-F Inc, Pinole, CA 94564 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $29.00-2nd Mrs. C. De La Garza: Breed IL Joliet (O) AFGHAN HOUND CLUB OF GREATER CHICAGO (S) Pilcher Park Rt. 30 & Gougar Rd. CLOSES: MAY 21 Carol Glowczynski, SHW SEC, 5428 HIGHLAND CT, CRESTWOOD, IL 60445 FEE: $27.00 Ms. N. J. Edgington: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY IL Joliet (O) AFGHAN HOUND CLUB OF GREATER CHICAGO (S) Pilcher Park Rt. 30 & Gougar Rd. CLOSES: MAY 21 Carol Glowczynski, SHW SEC, 5428 HIGHLAND CT, CRESTWOOD, IL 60445 FEE: $27.00 Mr. R. E. Nesbitt: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Lauren Morrison IL Wheaton (I) CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL CLUB OF GREATER CHICAGO (S) Dupage County Fairgrounds Manchester Road CLOSES: MAY 21 Mr. Ronald Keller, SHW SEC, Po Box 828, C/O Roy Jones Dog Shows, Auburn, IN 46706 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mrs. S. N. Abraham: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Michelle Lander SWEEPS PUPPY Michelle Lander IL Wheaton (I) CHICAGOLAND DALMATIAN CLUB (S) DuPage County Fairgrounds 2015 West Manchester Rd CLOSES: MAY 21 Gail Meyers, SHW SEC, 5902 Elm Ave, Berkeley, IL 60163 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mrs. M. Martin: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Barbara J. Lyons SWEEPS PUPPY Barbara J. Lyons IL Wheaton* (I) GREAT LAKES PUG CLUB (S) DuPage County Fairgrounds 2015 West Manchester Rd CLOSES: MAY 21 David Cook, SHW SEC, PO BOX 828, C/O ROY JONES DOG SHOWS, AUBURN, IN 46706 FEE: $26.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd P. Bruce: Breed Mr. D. C. Cook: Jr. Showmanship Mr. M. C. Carlucci: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Mary Di Perna SWEEPS PUPPY Mary Di Perna IL Wheaton (I) ILLIANA JAPANESE CHIN CLUB DuPage County Fairgrounds 2015 West Manchester Rd CLOSES: MAY 21 Colleen Hines, SHW SEC, 448 RAINTREE CT, GLEN ELLYN, IL 60137 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. C. Howard: Breed IL Wheaton (I) ILLIANA JAPANESE CHIN CLUB DuPage County Fairgrounds 2015 West Manchester Rd CLOSES: MAY 21 Colleen Hines, SHW SEC, 448 RAINTREE CT, GLEN ELLYN, IL 60137 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mrs. J. M. Mercer: Breed IL Wheaton (I) NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS BOUVIER DES FLANDRES, INC. (S) DuPage County Fairgrounds 2015 West Manchester Rd CLOSES: MAY 21 Nancy Eilks, SHW SEC, N5689 County Road S, Lake Mills, WI 53551 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $17.00-2nd Mrs. C. Meyer: Breed Mr. D. A. Meyer: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Mr. Dale A Meyer SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. Dale A Meyer IL Wheaton (I) TREE TOWNS BOXER CLUB, INC. DuPage County Fairgrounds 2015 West Manchester Rd CLOSES: MAY 21 Barbara Pieper, SHW SEC, 22 ASHBURY LN, BARRINGTON, IL 60010 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mrs. T. L. Berrios: Breed IL Wheaton (I) TREE TOWNS BOXER CLUB, INC. DuPage County Fairgrounds 2015 West Manchester Rd CLOSES: MAY 21 Mrs. Barbara Pieper, SHW SEC, 22 ASHBURY LN, BARRINGTON, IL 60010 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mrs. M. C. Reggie: Breed
KY Louisville (I) AMERICAN MALTESE ASSOCIATION, INC. (P) Crowne Plaza Hotel Louisville 830 Phillips Lane CLOSES: MAY 10 Arden Shaw, SHW SEC, 4891 BALLANTRAE RD, BLOOMFIELD HILLS, MI 48301 FEE: $18.00 SWEEPS PUPPY: Malt David Fitzpatrick LA Lake Charles (I) ACADIANA KENNEL CLUB, INC. Lake Charles Civic Center and Exhibition Hall 900 Lakeshore Drive CLOSES: MAY 21 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. R. D. Smith SPORTING Group: Mrs. V. L. Abbott Mrs. P. D. Smith: Brit, All Pointers, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab Mrs. E. L. Whitney: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: R. J. Whitney Mrs. P. D. Smith: Redbone Coon, RhoRidge, Saluki, ScotDeer, Treeing Walker Coon, Whip Mr. R. E. Garren: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. E. L. Whitney R. J. Whitney: Dobe Dr. R. D. Smith: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. E. L. Whitney R. J. Whitney: Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Mr. R. E. Garren: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. E. Garren Mrs. V. L. Abbott: Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Pap, Peke, Pom, Pug, Pood Toy R. J. Whitney: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. D. Smith Mrs. E. L. Whitney: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Boston, Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Chow, Dalm, Fin Spitz, Fr Bull Mrs. V. L. Abbott: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: R. J. Whitney Mrs. P. D. Smith: AustrlShep Dr. R. D. Smith: GSD, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, OES, Pemb-WC, Pol Low Shp, Pulik, Pyre Shep, Swed Vallhund R. J. Whitney: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. R. D. Smith Dr. R. D. Smith: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. R. E. Garren MI Midland* (I) MIDLAND MICHIGAN KENNEL CLUB Midland County Fairgrounds 6905 Eastman Ave. CLOSES: MAY 21 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. B. D. Alderman SPORTING Group: Mrs. K. Kahn Mrs. B. D. Alderman: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: J. E. Gregory J. E. Gregory: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: J. E. Gregory J. E. Gregory: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. K. Kahn Mrs. K. Kahn: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Kees, Lhasa, Lowch, Pood Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Col. J. B. Purkhiser: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: J. E. Gregory J. E. Gregory: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES P. Oslach: Nov A, Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: J. E. Gregory
MN Jordan (O) GREATER MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL BASSET HOUND CLUB, INC. Scott County Fairgrounds 7151 W 190th St CLOSES: MAY 21 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT MN Jordan* (O) GREATER MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL BASSET HOUND CLUB, INC. (S) Scott County Fairgrounds 7151 W 190th St CLOSES: MAY 21 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mrs. P. Swan: Breed Mr. T. Peterson: Jr. Showmanship Mr. C. W. Kline: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Mr. Tim Peterson SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. Tim Peterson MN Jordan (O) GREATER TWIN CITIES BORZOI CLUB (S) Scott County Fairgrounds 7151 W 190th St CLOSES: MAY 21 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT R. Davidson: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Mrs. Lynne Bennett SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Lynne Bennett MN Jordan (O) GREATER TWIN CITIES ST. BERNARD CLUB (S) Scott County Fairgrounds 7151 W 190th St CLOSES: MAY 21 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mr. L. F. Mackai: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. Thomas Mesich MN Jordan (O) GREATER TWIN CITIES ST. BERNARD CLUB Scott County Fairgrounds 7151 W 190th St CLOSES: MAY 21 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Dr. S. Keating: Breed
Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Vizs Mrs. S. D. Hemminger: Ret-Ches, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab Mrs. C. Vogels: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. D. R. Miller Mr. D. R. Miller: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. P. Hastings Ms. M. Martorella: Std Schn Ms. A. Cooper: Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kom, Kuv, Leonberger, Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Newf, Rottw, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky, Tibtn Mastiff Mrs. P. Hastings: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. C. Vogels D. McCoy: Min Bull Terrs, Min Schn, Norwich Norfolk, Parson Russell, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Mrs. C. Vogels: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: D. McCoy D. McCoy: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. D. R. Miller Mr. D. R. Miller: Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd, Pood, Schip, Shiba Inu, Tib Span, Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli Mrs. P. Hastings: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. A. Cooper Ms. A. Cooper: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. A. Cooper Ms. A. Cooper: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES S. J. Steele: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Util A, Util B L. A. Currie: Open A, Open B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. P. Hastings SWEEPS VETERANS: Vizs Mr. Paul Campanella SWEEPS PUPPY: Vizs Mr. Paul Campanella WA Auburn* (I) EVERGREEN STATE SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB (S) Argus Ranch Facility For Dogs 35612 212th Way SE CLOSES: MAY 21 12:00 p.m. BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $19.00-2nd Y. Samuelson: Breed, Jr. Showmanship C. L. Evans: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Sharon Parrish
MN Jordan* (I) LOCHLAND SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB (S) Scott County Fairgrounds 7151 W 190th St CLOSES: MAY 21 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $19.00-2nd K. Ryan: Breed A. Gau: Jr. Showmanship Mrs. B. W. Selton: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. Tim Peterson
WA Puyallup* (I) BICHON FRISE CLUB OF PUGET SOUND, INC (S) Western Washington Fairgrounds 110 9th Ave SW CLOSES: MAY 21 BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mr. C. Cornell: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Mr. Jeffrey P Ryman SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. Jeffrey P Ryman
MN Jordan (O) MINNESOTA BOXER CLUB, INC. (S) Scott County Fairgrounds 7151 W 190th St CLOSES: MAY 21 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00 Mr. D. M. Gilmour: Breed Mrs. S. Peterson: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Gail Kloecker
WA Puyallup (I) WASHINGTON BRITTANY CLUB, INC. (S) Western Washington Fairgrounds 110 9th Ave SW CLOSES: MAY 21 BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Dr. K. M. Ericson: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Laura Pond SWEEPS PUPPY Laura Pond
MN Jordan (O) NORTHSTAR IRISH WOLFHOUND CLUB (S) Scott County Fairgrounds 7151 W 190th St CLOSES: MAY 21 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Dr. D. S. Brown: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Chandler Tyler
MN Jordan (I) TWIN CITIES AREA SHIH TZU CLUB (S) Scott County Fairgrounds 7151 W 190th St MN Hugo* (I) CLOSES: MAY 21 GREATER TWIN CITIES SUMAC CAIRN Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT TERRIER CLUB (S) FEE: $25.00-1st/ $19.00-2nd Total Recall School for Dogs Dr. S. Keating: Breed 17285 Forest Blvd N SWEEPS PUPPY CLOSES: MAY 21 Jo Anne Bucholz, SHW SEC, 8215 WOOD Jeannette Forcier DUCK TRL, LINO LAKES, MN 55014 MN Jordan* (I/O) FEE: $27.00-1st/ $17.00-2nd TWIN CITIES OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG Mrs. C. H. Clark: Breed CLUB (S) Mrs. J. Yund: Obedience Scott County Fairgrounds SWEEPS VETERANS 7151 W 190th St Mrs. Carol Ackerson CLOSES: MAY 21 SWEEPS PUPPY Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Mrs. Carol Ackerson FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd N. O. Handgraaf: Breed, Jr. Showmanship MN Jordan (I) GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER CLUB Ms. P. A. Nevins: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS OF MINNESOTA Colleen Grady Scott County Fairgrounds SWEEPS PUPPY 7151 W 190th St Colleen Grady CLOSES: MAY 21 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT NY Yorktown Heights (O) FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd HUDSON VALLEY GOLDEN RETRIEVER Ms. L. L. Kelly: Breed, Jr. Showmanship CLUB Franklin D Roosevelt State Park MN Jordan (I) GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER CLUB 2957 Crompond Rd CLOSES: MAY 21 OF MINNESOTA (S) Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT Scott County Fairgrounds FEE: $30.00-1st/ $26.00-2nd 7151 W 190th St Mrs. K. Lorentzen: Breed CLOSES: MAY 21 Ms. H. Dorrance: Jr. Showmanship Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd NY Yorktown Heights* (O) Dr. S. Keating: Breed, Jr. Showmanship TACONIC HILLS KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) SWEEPS VETERANS Franklin D Roosevelt State Park Mr. Paul Hussa 2957 Crompond Rd SWEEPS PUPPY CLOSES: MAY 21 Mr. Paul Hussa Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $32.00-1st/ $26.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. M. Martorella SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. Vogels Mrs. R. A. Freer-Godfrey: Pntr-GS, Span-
WA Puyallup* (I) WASHINGTON STATE SCOTTISH TERRIER CLUB (S) Western Washington Fairgrounds 110 9th Ave SW CLOSES: MAY 21 BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mrs. E. Young: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mr. C. Cornell: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY Krissy Simmons
JUNE 7 - SATURDAY AZ Flagstaff* (I/O) FLAGSTAFF KENNEL CLUB Coconino County Fairgrounds 2446 Fort Tuthill Loop Road CLOSES: MAY 21 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. M. Forte SPORTING Group: Mr. J. G. Pepper H. Lindberg: Pointer Mrs. C. A. Turner: Ret-Gold Mr. M. Lanctot: Brit, Ret-Ches, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mr. J. G. Pepper: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. J. G. Pepper H. Lindberg: Afghan Mr. M. Forte: Basenji, Greyhnd Dr. C. Hensley: Basset, Borz, Dach, Eng Fox, Harr, Ir Wolf, Pharaoh, RhoRidge, Saluki, ScotDeer, Whip Mr. J. G. Pepper: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. M. Lanctot Mr. M. Lanctot: Chinook, Tibtn Mastiff Mrs. P. Lanctot: Nepltn Mastiff, Newf, Std Schn Mr. M. Forte: AnatolShep, Blk Russn Terrier, Cane Corso, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Kuv, Leonberger, Portuguese Mr. L. J. Chu: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. M. Lanctot Mrs. P. Lanctot: Welsh Ter Mr. M. Forte: Airdle, Am Staff, Austr Mr. M. Lanctot: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. M. Lanctot H. Lindberg: Chin Cr Mr. M. Forte: Cav KC Spans, Pood Toy Mr. M. Lanctot: Chihua (Smooth), Malt, Pap, Pom Mrs. P. Lanctot: Balance of Toy Breeds
Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. M. AlamedaWilkinson SWEEPS VETERANS: Greyhnd Michelle Shultz SWEEPS PUPPY: Greyhnd Michelle Shultz SWEEPS PUPPY: Bouv Mrs. Diane Price SWEEPS VETERANS: Bouv Mrs. Diane Price SWEEPS PUPPY: Pntr-GS Amanda Pettinato SWEEPS VETERANS: Pntr-GS Amanda Pettinato SWEEPS PUPPY: Brit Ms. Mari Anderson SWEEPS VETERANS: Brit Ms. Mari Anderson SWEEPS PUPPY: Vizs Carolyn R Gold SWEEPS VETERANS: Vizs CA Claremont* (O) Carolyn R Gold GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF SWEEPS PUPPY: Boston AMERICA Kevin Birdwell Hotel Claremont SWEEPS VETERANS: Boston 840 So Indian Hill Blvd Kevin Birdwell CLOSES: MAY 24 Carol Hudd, SHW SEC, 5555 EL CAMINO SWEEPS PUPPY: Afghan Pam Unterseh RD, LAS VEGAS, NV 89118 SWEEPS PUPPY: Bulldog FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Sandra Riley C. Moore: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Eng Ckr Mrs. B. S. Ribble: Obedience Salli Burch SWEEPS VETERANS: I Greyhnd CA Claremont* (O) Paula Arrigoni SAN BERNARDINO - RIVERSIDE SWEEPS PUPPY: I Greyhnd GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB INC. Paula Arrigoni Hotel Claremont SWEEPS VETERANS: Pood Toy 840 So Indian Hill Blvd Mr. Donavon Thompson CLOSES: MAY 24 SWEEPS PUPPY: Pood Toy Carol Hudd, SHW SEC, 5555 El Camino Mr. Donavon Thompson Road, Las Vegas, NV 89118 SWEEPS PUPPY: Pood (Min) FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mr. Donavon Thompson Mrs. C. Moore: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS: Pood (Min) Mrs. S. M. Indelicato: Obedience Mr. Donavon Thompson SWEEPS VETERANS: Pood (Std) CA Irwindale (O) GREAT DANE CLUB OF CALIFORNIA (S) Mr. Donavon Thompson SWEEPS PUPPY: Pood (Std) Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area Mr. Donavon Thompson 15501 E Arrow Highway SWEEPS VETERANS: Pug CLOSES: MAY 21 Lea Plaut, SHW SEC, 5946 COPPERFIELD Tony Roberts SWEEPS PUPPY: Pug AVE, RIVERSIDE, CA 92506 Tony Roberts FEE: $30.00-1st/ $10.00-2nd SWEEPS PUPPY: Dalm P. J. Gray: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Linda Roberts SWEEPS PUPPY SWEEPS VETERANS: RhoRidge Dr. Jose Ribo Barbara Bender SWEEPS PUPPY: RhoRidge CA Vallejo (O) ASSOCIATED ROTTWEILER FANCIERS OF Barbara Bender SWEEPS VETERANS: Ret-Lab NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Eleonore Diehr Solano County Fairgrounds SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Lab 900 Fairgrounds Drive Eleonore Diehr CLOSES: MAY 21 SWEEPS PUPPY: Portuguese MB-F Inc., SUPT SWEEPS VETERANS: Portuguese FEE: $35.00 Mrs. S. L. Karl: Breed CA Vallejo (O) SANTA CLARA VALLEY CA Vallejo (I/O) ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL ASSOCIACONTRA COSTA COUNTY KENNEL TION (P) CLUB, INC. (S) Solano County Fairgrounds Solano County Fairgrounds 900 Fairgrounds Drive 900 Fairgrounds Drive CLOSES: MAY 21 CLOSES: MAY 21 MB-F Inc., SUPT MB-F Inc., SUPT SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Eng Spr FEE: $29.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Liz Kiener Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. W. P. Shelton CT Norwalk* (O) SPORTING Group: Mrs. K. C. GREENWICH KENNEL CLUB (S) Wilson Taylor Farm Park P. Collom: Ret-Lab Canfield Ave. Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Set-Eng CLOSES: MAY 21 Mrs. K. C. Wilson: Brit, Pointer, Pntr-GS, MB-F Inc., SUPT Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr Dr. S. J. Kerr: Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Vizs BEST IN SHOW J. G. Reynolds Mr. R. Stein: Balance of Sporting Breeds SPORTING Group: Mrs. B. HOUND Group: Mrs. H. W. Stein Stenmark Mrs. R. Kramer: Borz Mrs. B. Stenmark: Set-Irsh Rd&Wh Mrs. S. L. Weinraub: Afghan, Saluki Mrs. K. A. Rust: Brit, Pntr-GS, Pntr-GW, SetMr. B. A. Miller: Basset, Greyhnd Irsh, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Vizs, Weim Mr. W. P. Shelton: Ir Wolf, Port Pd Peq Mrs. C. Walkowicz: Balance of Sporting Dr. E. Liebes: Basenji, Dach, RhoRidge Breeds Mr. J. C. Briley: ScotDeer, Treeing Walker HOUND Group: Mr. T. A. Kilcullen Coon, Whip Mrs. H. W. Stein: Balance of Hound Breeds J. P. Wade: Dach WORKING Group: Mr. J. C. Briley Mrs. B. Stenmark: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: J. P. Wade C. A. Emanuel: AnatolShep Mr. T. A. Kilcullen: Alas Mal Ms. L. Robey: Sam Mrs. B. Stenmark: St Bern Mr. B. A. Miller: Sib Hky Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Giant Schn, Std Schn Mr. D. W. Haddock: Akita, Alas Mal J. G. Reynolds: Dobe, Portuguese, Rottw Mr. W. P. Shelton: Berns Mtn, Portuguese Ms. B. Capstick: Akita, Berns Mtn, Boxer, Mrs. L. Clark: Bullm, Giant Schn Bullm, Grt Dane, Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, C. S. Anderson: Cane Corso, Kom, LeonMast, Sam berger, Tibtn Mastiff J. P. Wade: Balance of Working Breeds Mrs. K. S. McFarlane: Grt Dane, Mast, TERRIER Group: Mrs. B. Stenmark Nepltn Mastiff, Newf, Rottw, St Bern, Std J. G. Reynolds: Cairn Schn Mr. J. C. Briley: Balance of Working Breeds Mrs. B. Stenmark: Bdlgtn, Min Schn, Staf Bull, Wst Highlnd TERRIER Group: Mrs. R. Kramer J. P. Wade: Balance of Terrier Breeds C. S. Anderson: Manch Ter Group: Ms. B. Capstick Mr. R. Stein: Irish Ter, Kerry, Parson Russell, TOY Mr. T. A. Kilcullen: Pood Toy Sealym, Wst Highlnd Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Balance of Toy Breeds Mrs. K. C. Wilson: Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. D. Skye, Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter Mrs. R. Kramer: Balance of Terrier Breeds J. Kirkland Mrs. C. Walkowicz: Dalm TOY Group: C. S. Anderson Mr. T. A. Kilcullen: Pood Mrs. H. W. Stein: Chihua Ms. A. M. Hubbard: Bulldog, Fr Bull Mrs. K. S. McFarlane: Pap Ms. B. Capstick: Balance of Non-Sporting Mr. W. P. Shelton: Pood Toy Breeds Mrs. R. Kramer: I Greyhnd, Silky Group: Ms. B. Capstick Mr. J. C. Briley: Malt, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks HERDING Mr. D. J. Kirkland: AustrlShep, Brdr Coll, Mr. B. A. Miller: Peke, Pom, Pug, Shih Tzu Coll C. S. Anderson: Balance of Toy Breeds J. P. Wade: Beard Coll, Bouv, Card-WC NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. R. Mr. T. A. Kilcullen: Balance of Herding A. Indeglia Breeds K. M. Riley: Bulldog *No Classes: GSD Mr. W. P. Shelton: Pood MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. C. Mrs. H. W. Stein: Shiba Inu, Tib Span, Tib Walkowicz Ter, Xoloitzcuintli Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Balance of Non-Sporting Mrs. C. Walkowicz: All Miscellaneous Breeds Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES HERDING Group: Ms. L. Robey Ms. E. Chase: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Coll Mr. R. Stein: Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Versatility, Ms. L. Robey: AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Veteran Shetld JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. L. Clark: Austrl Cat Dg, Bouv, GSD, J. P. Wade: BJ Pemb-WC Mrs. B. Stenmark: NJ9, NI12, NS15, OJ9, Ms. M. A. Falconer: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel OI12, OS12, MAST Terv, Card-WC Mr. B. A. Miller: Balance of Herding Breeds SWEEPS VETERANS: Vizs Florence Duggan MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. K. SWEEPS PUPPY: Vizs S. McFarlane Florence Duggan Mrs. K. S. McFarlane: All Miscellaneous NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. Lanctot Mr. M. Lanctot: Bulldog, Dalm Mr. M. Forte: Fr Bull, Pood, Xoloitzcuintli Mrs. P. Lanctot: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. P. Lanctot Mr. M. Lanctot: Shetld Mr. M. Forte: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Coll, GSD Mrs. P. Lanctot: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. G. Pepper Mr. J. G. Pepper: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. M. R. Stanley: Nov A, Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B Ms. P. L. Maynard: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B JR SHOWMANSHIP: H. Lindberg
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TOY Group: P. Bruce Mrs. M. Dromgoole: Pood Toy Mr. C. Howard: Eng Toy Sp, Toy Fox Terrier Mrs. T. L. Berrios: Pug, Shih Tzu, Silky P. Bruce: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. M. Martin Mr. L. Boileau: Dalm Mrs. M. Dromgoole: Boston, Lhasa, Pood, Shiba Inu Mrs. M. Martin: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. J. W. Maloney P. Bruce: Fin Laph, Icelandic Shpdg, Swed Vallhund Mr. D. A. Meyer: AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Briard, Coll, GSD, OES, Pemb-WC, Shetld Mr. J. W. Maloney: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. L. W. Bisso Mrs. L. W. Bisso: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Miss S. Congleton SWEEPS PUPPY: Weim Miss Cindy L Partridge CT Norwalk (O) IRISH RED AND WHITE SETTER ASSOCIA- SWEEPS VETERANS: Weim Miss Cindy L Partridge TION SWEEPS PUPPY: Grt Pyr OF AMERICA (S) Erin Hines Taylor Farm Park SWEEPS VETERANS: Grt Pyr Canfield Ave. Erin Hines CLOSES: MAY 21 MB-F Inc., SUPT KY Louisville (I) Mrs. N. Dee: Breed, Jr. Showmanship AMERICAN MALTESE ASSOCIATION, SWEEPS PUPPY INC. Sally Birgl Crowne Plaza Hotel Louisville SWEEPS VETERANS 830 Phillips Lane Sally Birgl CLOSES: MAY 10 Arden Shaw, SHW SEC, 4891 BALLANCT Trumbull (O) TRAE RD, BLOOMFIELD HILLS, MI 48301 GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF FEE: $30.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd AMERICA Mr. K. H. Delaney: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Old Mine Park Junction of Rte 111 and Rte 25 LA Lake Charles (I) CLOSES: MAY 28 CALCASIEU KENNEL CLUB, INC. Richard Lewis, SHW SEC, 151 ANDREW Lake Charles Civic Center AVE APT 128, NAUGATUCK, CT 06770 and Exhibition Hall FEE: $29.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd 900 Lakeshore Drive Mr. R. E. Drescher: Breed CLOSES: MAY 21 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT CT Trumbull (O) FEE: $25.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF Judges And Their Assignments GREATER NEW HAVEN, INC. BEST IN SHOW Mr. F. C. Bassett Old Mine Park SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. K. Junction of Rte 111 and Rte 25 Steidel CLOSES: MAY 21 D. P. Cline: Ret-Gold, Span-Clum, Vizs Richard Lewis, SHW SEC, 151 ANDREW Mr. L. C. Abbott: Brit, Ret-Nova Scotia T, AVE APT 128, NAUGATUCK, CT 06770 Span-Boykin, Span-Wel Spr, Spin Ital, FEE: $29.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mr. D. P. Dwier: Breed Mrs. C. K. Steidel: Balance of Sporting Breeds FL West Palm Beach (I) HOUND Group: J. BecerraBOCA RATON DOG CLUB INC (S) Hernandez South Florida Fairgrounds J. Becerra-Hernandez: Basset, Dach 9067 Southern Blvd. Dr. C. White-Moser: Afghan, Amer English CLOSES: MAY 21 Coon, B & T Coonhnd, Bluetick Coon, MB-F Inc., SUPT Otter, Plott FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd D. P. Cline: Balance of Hound Breeds Judges And Their Assignments WORKING Group: Mr. C. Coady BEST IN SHOW Mr. W. E. UshMr. H. Clark: Dobe erwood Mr. C. Coady: Balance of Working Breeds SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. D. TERRIER Group: Mrs. H. Clark Hearn Mr. L. C. Abbott: Manch Ter Dr. G. C. Penta: All Sporting Breeds Mrs. H. Clark: Balance of Terrier Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. J. A. Penta TOY Group: Mrs. H. Clark Mr. W. E. Usherwood: All Hound Breeds Dr. C. E. Shaw: Chihua WORKING Group: Mrs. L. C. Mrs. H. Clark: Pood Toy Krukar Mr. L. C. Abbott: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Eng Dr. G. C. Penta: All Working Breeds Toy Sp, Toy Manch TERRIER Group: Dr. G. C. Penta Mr. F. C. Bassett: Balance of Toy Breeds Mrs. A. D. Hearn: All Terrier Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: J. TOY Group: Mrs. A. D. Hearn Becerra-Hernandez Mrs. A. D. Hearn: All Toy Breeds Mr. H. Clark: Pood NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. J. Becerra-Hernandez: Balance of NonD. Hearn Sporting Breeds Mrs. L. C. Krukar: Fr Bull Group: Mr. H. Clark Mrs. A. D. Hearn: Balance of Non-Sporting HERDING Mr. J. F. Booth: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. J. A. Penta Brdr Coll, Briard, Canaan, GSD, Icelandic Shpdg, Swed Vallhund Mrs. J. A. Penta: All Herding Breeds Mr. H. Clark: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. G. MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. C. C. Penta K. Steidel Dr. G. C. Penta: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. W. E. Usherwood Mrs. C. K. Steidel: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. C. K. Steidel SWEEPS PUPPY: Fr Bull Dorit Fischler MI Midland* (I) SWEEPS VETERANS: Fr Bull MOUNT PLEASANT MICHIGAN KENNEL Dorit Fischler CLUB Midland County Fairgrounds IL Wheaton (I) 6905 Eastman Ave. CHICAGOLAND DALMATIAN CLUB (S) CLOSES: MAY 21 DuPage County Fairgrounds MB-F Inc., SUPT 2015 West Manchester Rd FEE: $29.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd CLOSES: MAY 21 Judges And Their Assignments Gail Meyers, SHW SEC, 5902 Elm Ave, BEST IN SHOW Col. J. B. Purkhiser Berkeley, IL 60163 SPORTING Group: J. E. Gregory FEE: $29.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mr. F. Hyer: Span-Ckr Mrs. M. Dromgoole: Breed Mrs. K. Kahn: Balance of Sporting Breeds SWEEPS VETERANS HOUND Group: Mr. J. E. Ms. Sandra L. Hoesel Frederiksen SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Hound Breeds Ms. Sandra L. Hoesel WORKING Group: Mrs. K. Kahn Col. J. B. Purkhiser: All Working Breeds IL Wheaton (I) TERRIER Group: Mrs. K. Kahn WHEATON KENNEL CLUB (S) Mrs. K. Kahn: All Terrier Breeds DuPage County Fairgrounds TOY Group: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen 2015 West Manchester Rd J. E. Gregory: I Greyhnd, Min Pin, Pap, Toy CLOSES: MAY 21 Manch, Pug, Pood Toy Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: Balance of Toy FEE: $29.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Breeds Judges And Their Assignments NON-SPORTING Group: J. E. BEST IN SHOW Mrs. L. W. Bisso Gregory SPORTING Group: V. Murray J. E. Gregory: All Non-Sporting Breeds V. Murray: All Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. B. D. HOUND Group: Mrs. M. Martin Alderman Mrs. L. W. Bisso: Dach Mrs. M. Martin: Balance of Hound Breeds Mrs. B. D. Alderman: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. B. WORKING Group: Mr. K. J. D. Alderman Murray Mrs. T. L. Berrios: Akita, Alas Mal, Anatol- Mrs. B. D. Alderman: All Miscellaneous Shep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Grt Pyr Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. K. J. Murray: Balance of Working P. Oslach: Nov A, Nov B, Open A, Open B, Breeds Util A, Util B TERRIER Group: P. Bruce JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. T. Till Mr. C. Howard: Fox Ter (Smooth) P. Bruce: Am Staff, Cesky Terrier, Glen Imaal, Manch Ter, Min Bull Terrs, Min Schn, Norwich Norfolk, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Soft Coated, Staf Bull Mrs. L. W. Bisso: Balance of Terrier Breeds SWEEPS PUPPY: Cairn Mary Ellen Barnes SWEEPS VETERANS: Cairn Mary Ellen Barnes SWEEPS PUPPY: Portuguese Karen Justin SWEEPS VETERANS: Portuguese Karen Justin SWEEPS PUPPY: Set-Irsh Rd&Wh Ms. Carole Lee Richards SWEEPS VETERANS: Set-Irsh Rd&Wh Ms. Carole Lee Richards SWEEPS PUPPY: Boxer Laurie Maulucci SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Long) Michael Pitisci SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Smooth) Michael Pitisci SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Wire) Michael Pitisci SWEEPS PUPPY: Set-Eng Pat Kudla SWEEPS VETERANS: Set-Eng Pat Kudla
108 Dog News
MN Jordan* (I/O) LAKE MINNETONKA KENNEL CLUB Scott County Fairgrounds 7151 W 190th St CLOSES: MAY 21 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. B. R. Leininger SPORTING Group: Dr. S. Keating Dr. S. Keating: Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-Ckr, SpanSuss, Span-Wel Spr, Spin Ital, Vizs, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Ms. D. C. Mounce: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. F. W. Schwartz Mrs. F. W. Schwartz: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. S. Keating Mr. C. G. Liepmann: Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Ms. B. R. Leininger: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. D. C. Mounce Ms. D. C. Mounce: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. P. L. Lloyd Ms. P. L. Lloyd: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. G. M. Vukich Mr. G. M. Vukich: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. C. G. Liepmann Mr. C. G. Liepmann: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. G. M. Vukich Mr. G. M. Vukich: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. B. W. Selton: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B Mr. C. W. Kline: Nov B, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. G. M. Vukich
NY Albion (O) SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB OF WESTERN NEW YORK (S) Orleans County Cooperative Extension 12690 State Route 31 CLOSES: MAY 21 6:00 p.m. Lori Carver, SHW SEC, 18 Plainfield Rd., Cummington, MA 01026 FEE: $28.00 Ms. D. E. Tessmann-Van Leaven: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Gail Carpenter
TOY Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mrs. P. Hartinger: Silky Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Toy Manch, Toy Fox Terrier Mrs. K. M. Grosso: Cav KC Spans, Chin Cr, Hava Mrs. J. Murray: Bruss Grif, Chihua, Pom, Pood Toy Mrs. G. Geringer: Affenp, Eng Toy Sp, I Greyhnd, J Chin, Yorks Mrs. T. B. Frisch: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. J. Murray Mrs. G. Geringer: Shar-Pei Mrs. T. B. Frisch: Chow, Fin Spitz, Shiba Inu, Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli Mrs. J. Murray: Fr Bull, Kees, Lhasa, Norwegian Lndhnd, Pood, Tib Span Mrs. K. M. Grosso: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Dr. R. Hertz Mrs. R. M. Veatch: Coll Mr. R. R. Hartinger: GSD Mrs. P. Hartinger: Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund Mr. R. W. Kelly: AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Bouv, Shetld Dr. R. Hertz: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. S. Covey Mr. J. S. Covey: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. N. E. Craig: Nov A, Open B, Util B C. Caballero: Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Open A, Util A Dr. H. A. Ray: Grad Novr, Grad Openr, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. D. S. Kahla: BJ, OI12, OS12, MAST Mr. R. W. Kelly: NJ9, NI12, NS15, OJ9 SWEEPS VETERANS: Chow Wendy Sorrell SWEEPS PUPPY: Chow Wendy Sorrell
OH Canton* (I) MCKINLEY KENNEL CLUB Stark County Fairgrounds 305 Wertz Ave N W CLOSES: MAY 21 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. P. D. Carr SPORTING Group: Ms. B. Hale Ms. B. Hale: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. R. I. Spritzer Ms. B. Hale: Borz Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. M. Johnson-Snyder Mrs. M. Johnson-Snyder: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. R. S. Forsyth Mrs. R. S. Forsyth: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. R. S. Forsyth Mrs. R. S. Forsyth: Peke Mrs. P. D. Carr: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. R. S. Forsyth Mrs. R. S. Forsyth: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: T. Hale Mrs. R. S. Forsyth: OES T. Hale: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. R. NC Fletcher (I) I. Spritzer ASHEVILLE KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Dr. R. I. Spritzer: All Miscellaneous Breeds Western North Carolina Agricultural OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Center C. A. Knight: Nov A, Nov B, Grad Openr, 1301 Fanning Bridge Rd Util A, Util B CLOSES: MAY 21 Dr. R. H. Knight: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, MB-F Inc., SUPT Grad Novr, Open A, Open B AZ Flagstaff* (I/O) FEE: $29.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd JR SHOWMANSHIP: T. Hale FLAGSTAFF KENNEL CLUB Judges And Their Assignments Coconino County Fairgrounds BEST IN SHOW Mrs. D. M. Heck VA Fishersville* (I) 2446 Fort Tuthill Loop Road SPORTING Group: Mr. D. A. SKYLINE KENNEL CLUB, INC. CLOSES: MAY 21 Johnson Augusta Expoland Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT M. Hanus: Span-Ckr Rt 608 & I-64 Judges And Their Assignments D. Thornton: Ret-Gold, Set-Irsh CLOSES: MAY 21 BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. G. Pepper Mrs. D. M. Brown: Ret-Ches, Ret-Flat, Spin MB-F Inc., SUPT SPORTING Group: Mr. M. Forte Ital, Vizs FEE: $30.00-1st/ $28.00-2nd Mr. J. G. Pepper: Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, J. Hubbard: Brit, All Pointers, Ret-Nova Judges And Their Assignments Wirehair Ptg Grif Scotia T, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, BEST IN SHOW Ms. S. C. Way Mr. M. Forte: Balance of Sporting Breeds Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. M. HOUND Group: Mr. M. Forte Mr. D. A. Johnson: Balance of Sporting Howard Dr. C. Hensley: Bgle Breeds Ms. S. C. Way: Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr Mr. M. Lanctot: Amer English Coon, Am Fox HOUND Group: Mr. D. A. Johnson Mrs. C. M. Howard: Balance of Sporting Mrs. P. Lanctot: B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Mrs. J. C. Mulvey: Bgle, Dach Breeds Bluetick Coon, Ibizan, Nor Elk, Otter, PBGV, J. Hubbard: Afghan, Basenji, Borz HOUND Group: Mrs. C. Bell Pharaoh, Plott, Port Pd Peq, Redbone D. Thornton: Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Mr. R. Ambrosio: Ibizan Coon, Treeing Walker Coon B & T Coonhnd, Bluetick Coon, Eng Fox, Mrs. C. Bell: Balance of Hound Breeds Mr. J. G. Pepper: Balance of Hound Breeds Harr, Plott, Redbone Coon, Saluki, Treeing WORKING Group: Mr. R. WORKING Group: Mr. M. Forte Walker Coon Ambrosio Mr. M. Lanctot: Boxer, Dobe, Sib Hky Mr. D. A. Johnson: Balance of Hound Mr. R. Ambrosio: All Working Breeds Mr. M. Forte: Nepltn Mastiff, Newf, Sam, Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. D. Hansen Std Schn WORKING Group: D. Thornton Ms. S. C. Way: All Terrier Breeds Mrs. P. Lanctot: Balance of Working Breeds J. Gregg: Bullm, Rottw TOY Group: Mrs. D. Hansen TERRIER Group: Mrs. P. Lanctot Ms. C. A. Rubens: Berns Mtn, Dobe, Portu- Mrs. D. Hansen: All Toy Breeds Mr. M. Lanctot: Welsh Ter guese, Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. J. Mrs. G. M. Denman: Bull Ter, Min Bull Terrs D. Thornton: Akita, Boxer, Dogue de Brdx, P. Scott Dr. C. Hensley: Cairn, Manch Ter, Wst Grt Dane, Mast, Newf, St Bern Mrs. D. Hansen: Schip Highlnd C. A. Herbel: Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Grm Mrs. J. P. Scott: Balance of Non-Sporting Mrs. P. Lanctot: Balance of Terrier Breeds Pinscher, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kom, Kuv, Nepltn Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. P. Lanctot Mastiff HERDING Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mr. J. G. Pepper: Cav KC Spans Mrs. D. M. Heck: Balance of Working Mr. R. J. Shreve: All Herding Breeds Mrs. G. M. Denman: Pood Toy Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. J. Mr. M. Lanctot: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Hava, TERRIER Group: C. A. Herbel P. Scott Shih Tzu, Toy Fox Terrier Mr. L. S. Reppond: Manch Ter Mrs. J. P. Scott: All Miscellaneous Breeds Dr. C. Hensley: Balance of Toy Breeds C. A. Herbel: Border, Bull Ter, Cairn, Dan- OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. G. die, Glen Imaal, Kerry, Min Bull Terrs, Min Ms. M. C. Burford: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, M. Denman Schn, Norwich Norfolk, Rat Terrier Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, Mrs. G. M. Denman: All Non-Sporting Mrs. D. M. Heck: Balance of Terrier Breeds POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility Breeds TOY Group: Mr. L. S. Reppond JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. R. J. Shreve HERDING Group: Mr. M. Lanctot C. A. Herbel: Cav KC Spans Mr. M. Forte: Shetld Ms. M. A. Miller: Pood Toy WA Puyallup* (I) Mr. M. Lanctot: Balance of Herding Breeds Mrs. D. M. Heck: Chihua, Toy Fox Terrier PUYALLUP VALLEY DOG FANCIERS, MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. M. Mr. D. A. Johnson: Affenp, Eng Toy Sp, I INC. (S) Lanctot Greyhnd, Pap Western Washington Fairgrounds Mrs. P. Lanctot: Span Water, Lag Rom, J. Olson: J Chin, Malt, Min Pin, Shih Tzu 110 9th Ave SW Sloughi, Norbot, Per Inca Orchid, Wirehair Mr. L. S. Reppond: Balance of Toy Breeds CLOSES: MAY 21 Vizsla, Min Amer Shep, Pumi, Port Pdngo NON-SPORTING Group: C. A. BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT Mr. M. Lanctot: Balance of Miscellaneous Herbel FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Breeds J. Olson: Lhasa Judges And Their Assignments OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. M. A. Miller: Dalm, Pood, Tib Ter BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. S. Covey Ms. P. L. Maynard: Nov A, Nov B, Open A, P. Capozzolo: Bichon, Boston, Bulldog, SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. A. Open B, Util A, Util B Shar-Pei, Chow, Fr Bull, Shiba Inu Mowbray-Morgan Mr. M. R. Stanley: Begnr Nov A, Begnr C. A. Herbel: Balance of Non-Sporting Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: Ret-Nova Nov B Breeds Scotia T JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. G. Pepper HERDING Group: Mrs. D. M. Brown Ms. D. S. Kahla: Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, SpanMrs. J. C. Mulvey: AustrlShep Eng Spr CA Claremont* (O) J. Hubbard: Austrl Cat Dg, Brdr Coll Dr. R. Hertz: Brit, Pntr-GW, Ret-Curl, All SAN BERNARDINO - RIVERSIDE Mrs. D. M. Brown: Card-WC, Coll, PembSetters, Spin Ital, Wirehair Ptg Grif GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB INC. WC, Shetld Mr. J. S. Covey: Pointer, Pntr-GS, Ret-Ches, Hotel Claremont Mrs. D. M. Heck: Balance of Herding Ret-Flat, Span-Eng Ckr, Vizs, Weim 840 So Indian Hill Blvd Breeds Mrs. G. Geringer: Balance of Sporting CLOSES: MAY 24 MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. D. Breeds Mrs. Carol Hudd, SHW SEC, 5555 El M. Brown HOUND Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Camino Road, Las Vegas, NV 89118 Mrs. D. M. Brown: All Miscellaneous Breeds Mr. R. Paust: Basset FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd JR SHOWMANSHIP: J. Gregg Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: Bgle, Mr. F. D. Migliore: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY: Bullm Bloodhnd, Dach Mrs. S. M. Indelicato: Obedience Richard Bohannon Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Afghan, Port Pd Peq, SWEEPS VETERANS: Bullm RhoRidge, Saluki CA Irwindale (O) Richard Bohannon Mrs. G. Geringer: Ir Wolf, Otter, ScotDeer, GREAT DANE CLUB OF CALIFORNIA (S) Treeing Walker Coon, Whip Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area NC Fletcher (I) Mrs. P. Hartinger: Balance of Hound Breeds 15501 E Arrow Highway BLUE RIDGE WORKING Group: Mr. R. R. CLOSES: MAY 21 CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL Hartinger Lea Plaut, SHW SEC, 5946 COPPERFIELD CLUB (S) Ms. L. R. White: Akita AVE, RIVERSIDE, CA 92506 Western North Carolina Agricultural Dr. R. Hertz: Giant Schn FEE: $30.00-1st/ $10.00-2nd Center Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Kom, Newf, Portuguese, Mrs. A. Dunne: Breed, Jr. Showmanship 1301 Fanning Bridge Rd Rottw, St Bern, Sib Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn SWEEPS PUPPY Mastiff CLOSES: MAY 21 Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: Alas Mal, MB-F Inc., SUPT AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Dobe, Grt Dane, FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Leonberger, Sam M. Hanus: Breed Mrs. P. Hartinger: Balance of Working SWEEPS PUPPY Breeds Carmen Spears TERRIER Group: Mr. R. Paust SWEEPS VETERANS Mr. J. S. Covey: Norwich Norfolk Carmen Spears Mr. R. Paust: Balance of Terrier Breeds
Dog News 109
CA Vallejo (I/O) CONTRA COSTA COUNTY KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Solano County Fairgrounds 900 Fairgrounds Drive CLOSES: MAY 21 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. B. A. Miller SPORTING Group: Mr. R. Stein Mrs. K. Meredith-Cavanna: Ret-Gold Mrs. S. E. Huntzinger: Ret-Lab Mr. R. Stein: Ret-Curl, Span-Eng Ckr Mrs. K. C. Wilson: Ret-Nova Scotia T, Span-Clum Mr. W. P. Shelton: Pointer, Set-Eng, SetGord Mr. B. A. Miller: Ret-Ches, Set-Irsh, SpanCkr, Span-Eng Spr Ms. L. Robey: Pntr-GW, Span-Suss, SpanWel Spr, Spin Ital, Vizs Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. R. A. Indeglia Mr. W. P. Shelton: Borz Mr. B. A. Miller: RhoRidge Ms. S. Osburn: Whip Mr. J. C. Briley: Bgle, Greyhnd Mrs. H. W. Stein: Dach, Ir Wolf, Port Pd Peq Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Otter, PBGV Mrs. K. C. Wilson: Afghan, Basenji, Basset, B & T Coonhnd, Ibizan, Pharaoh, Saluki, ScotDeer Mr. R. Stein: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: C. S. Anderson Mr. W. P. Shelton: Dobe Mrs. K. S. McFarlane: Sam Mr. B. A. Miller: Tibtn Mastiff Ms. L. Robey: Cane Corso, Rottw C. S. Anderson: Dogue de Brdx, Nepltn Mastiff Ms. M. A. Falconer: Akita, Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Boxer, Sib Hky Mr. R. Stein: AnatolShep, Blk Russn Terrier, Chinook, Grm Pinscher, Grt Dane, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kom, Leonberger Mr. D. W. Haddock: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. K. C. Wilson Mr. J. C. Briley: Manch Ter Mr. R. Stein: Norwich Norfolk Mr. B. A. Miller: Scotti Mrs. R. Kramer: Parson Russell, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Mrs. K. C. Wilson: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. J. C. Briley Mrs. H. W. Stein: Cav KC Spans Mrs. K. S. McFarlane: Pood Toy C. S. Anderson: I Greyhnd, Malt, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier Mrs. R. Kramer: Chihua, Eng Toy Sp, J Chin, Pap, Peke, Shih Tzu, Yorks Mr. J. C. Briley: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. K. S. McFarlane Ms. M. K. Rosborough: Bulldog C. S. Anderson: Bichon, Boston, Fr Bull, Kees Mrs. K. S. McFarlane: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. W. P. Shelton Ms. M. A. Falconer: GSD Ms. L. Robey: OES Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Bouv, Pemb-WC, Shetld Mr. R. Stein: AustrlShep, Brdr Coll, Icelandic Shpdg, Pulik Mr. W. P. Shelton: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. H. W. Stein Mrs. H. W. Stein: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. A. Dahlstrom SWEEPS PUPPY: Pntr-GW Robert Rittenhouse SWEEPS VETERANS: Pntr-GW Robert Rittenhouse SWEEPS PUPPY: Boston Michael Holt SWEEPS VETERANS: Boston Michael Holt SWEEPS PUPPY: Bouv Mr. Adrian W Woodfork SWEEPS VETERANS: Bouv Mr. Adrian W Woodfork SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Lab Cindy Freeman
NON-SPORTING Group: R. N. Rella Mr. D. J. Kirkland: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. J. E. Noe Mr. J. E. Noe: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. D. J. Kirkland Mr. D. J. Kirkland: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. C. W. Steele SWEEPS VETERANS: Boxer Thomas D Parrotti SWEEPS PUPPY: Boxer Thomas D Parrotti SWEEPS VETERANS: Set-Irsh Rd&Wh Kevin M Flynn SWEEPS PUPPY: Set-Irsh Rd&Wh Kevin M Flynn SWEEPS VETERANS: Vizs Sharon Dattillo SWEEPS PUPPY: Vizs Sharon Dattillo SWEEPS PUPPY: Afghan Mrs. Iva Kimmelman
WORKING Group: D. P. Cline Mr. C. L. Olvis: Sam D. P. Cline: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. C. Coady Mr. F. C. Bassett: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. F. C. Bassett Mr. F. C. Bassett: Chihua, Pood Toy Mr. H. Clark: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. H. Clark Mrs. H. Clark: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: D. P. Cline J. Becerra-Hernandez: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. C. Coady Mr. C. Coady: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. H. Clark
MI Midland (I) MOUNT PLEASANT MICHIGAN KENNEL CLUB Midland County Fairgrounds 6905 Eastman Ave. CLOSES: MAY 21 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT CT Trumbull (O) FEE: $29.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF Judges And Their Assignments AMERICA (P) BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. E. FrederikOld Mine Park sen Junction of Rte 111 and Rte 25 SPORTING Group: Mrs. B. D. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 26 Alderman Margaret Bleakney, SHW SEC, 612 N J. E. Gregory: All Sporting Breeds ROSS AVE, MEXIA, TX 76667 HOUND Group: Mrs. B. D. AlderFEE: $28.00-1st/ $10.00-2nd man FUTURITY: GSD Mrs. B. D. Alderman: All Hound Breeds Debra Kaser-Freidberg WORKING Group: Mrs. B. D. FUTURITY: GSD Alderman Ben Bigomia Mrs. K. Kahn: Portuguese FL West Palm Beach (I) Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of Working BOCA RATON DOG CLUB INC Breeds South Florida Fairgrounds TERRIER Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser 9067 Southern Blvd. Col. J. B. Purkhiser: All Terrier Breeds CLOSES: MAY 21 TOY Group: J. E. Gregory MB-F Inc., SUPT Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Cav KC Spans, Chihua, FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd I Greyhnd, Min Pin, Toy Manch, Pap, Pug, Judges And Their Assignments Pood Toy BEST IN SHOW Mrs. L. C. Krukar SPORTING Group: Dr. G. C. Penta J. E. Gregory: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. Mrs. A. D. Hearn: All Sporting Breeds K. Kahn HOUND Group: Mr. W. E. Mrs. K. Kahn: All Non-Sporting Breeds Usherwood HERDING Group: Mrs. K. Kahn Mrs. J. A. Penta: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. G. C. Penta Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Col. J. Mrs. L. C. Krukar: All Working Breeds B. Purkhiser TERRIER Group: Mrs. A. D. Hearn Col. J. B. Purkhiser: All Miscellaneous Dr. G. C. Penta: All Terrier Breeds Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. J. A. Penta JR SHOWMANSHIP: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Mr. W. E. Usherwood: Peke Mrs. J. A. Penta: Balance of Toy Breeds MN Jordan* (I/O) NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. W. LAKE MINNETONKA KENNEL CLUB (S) E. Usherwood Scott County Fairgrounds Mr. W. E. Usherwood: All Non-Sporting 7151 W 190th St Breeds CLOSES: MAY 21 HERDING Group: Mr. W. E. Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Usherwood Judges And Their Assignments Mr. W. E. Usherwood: All Herding Breeds BEST IN SHOW Dr. S. Keating MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. J. SPORTING Group: Mr. C. G. A. Penta Liepmann Mrs. J. A. Penta: All Miscellaneous Breeds Ms. B. R. Leininger: Pointer JR SHOWMANSHIP: M. McCullough Mr. C. G. Liepmann: Balance of Sporting Breeds HI Kaneohe (O) HOUND Group: Ms. D. C. Mounce HAWAIIAN HOUND ASSOCIATION Ms. P. L. Lloyd: Bgle, Dach Samuel Wilder King Intermediate School Ms. D. C. Mounce: Balance of Hound 46-155 Kamehameha Highway Breeds CLOSES: MAY 14 WORKING Group: Mrs. F. W. Aupuni Cazinha-Ayers, SHW SEC, 667 Schwartz MILOKAI ST, KAILUA, HI 96734 Dr. S. Keating: Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Newf, FEE: $30.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Portuguese L. L. Nelson: Hound Group, Afghan, Amer Mrs. F. W. Schwartz: Balance of Working English Coon, Am Fox, Basenji, Basset, Breeds Bgle (13 Under), Bgle (Over 13), B & T TERRIER Group: Ms. P. L. Lloyd Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Bluetick Coon, Borz, Dach (Long), Dach (Smooth), Eng Fox, Dach Ms. P. L. Lloyd: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. D. C. Mounce (Wire), and more Mrs. F. Forrester: Misc Breeds , Port Pdngo, Ms. B. R. Leininger: Eng Toy Sp (KC & R), Per Inca Orchid, GBGV, Azawakh, Cirneco, Shih Tzu Dr. S. Keating: Balance of Toy Breeds Sloughi, Norbot NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. B. R. Leininger IL Wheaton (I) Ms. P. L. Lloyd: Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Chow, WHEATON KENNEL CLUB Dalm, Fin Spitz, Fr Bull DuPage County Fairgrounds Ms. B. R. Leininger: Balance of Non2015 West Manchester Rd Sporting Breeds CLOSES: MAY 21 HERDING Group: Mr. G. M. Vukich Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT Dr. S. Keating: Beauceron, Brdr Coll, FEE: $29.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Briard, Canaan, OES, Shetld Judges And Their Assignments Mr. G. M. Vukich: Balance of Herding BEST IN SHOW Ms. G. Dunlap SPORTING Group: Mrs. L. W. Bisso Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. P. Mrs. L. W. Bisso: All Sporting Breeds L. Lloyd HOUND Group: P. Bruce Ms. P. L. Lloyd: All Miscellaneous Breeds P. Bruce: All Hound Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES WORKING Group: Mrs. T. L. CA Vallejo (O) Mr. C. W. Kline: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, BeBerrios SANTA CLARA VALLEY gnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL ASSOCIA- H. H. Schulman: Boxer Mrs. B. W. Selton: Nov B, Grad Openr, Util Mr. K. J. Murray: Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolTION (P) Shep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Grt Pyr A, Util B, Versatility Solano County Fairgrounds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. B. R. Leininger Mrs. T. L. Berrios: Balance of Working 900 Fairgrounds Drive SWEEPS VETERANS: Borz Breeds CLOSES: MAY 21 Jana Brinlee TERRIER Group: Mrs. J. Felten MB-F Inc., SUPT SWEEPS PUPPY: Borz Mrs. J. Felten: Parson Russell, Rat Terrier, SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Eng Spr Jana Brinlee Russel Terr, Soft Coated Linda K Roberts Ms. G. Dunlap: Balance of Terrier Breeds NC Fletcher (I) TOY Group: Mrs. T. L. Berrios CT Norwalk (O) Ms. G. Dunlap: Cav KC Spans, I Greyhnd, J ASHEVILLE KENNEL CLUB, INC. LONGSHORE-SOUTHPORT KENNEL Western North Carolina Agricultural Chin, Pap, Pug, Shih Tzu, Silky CLUB, INC. (S) Center Mrs. T. L. Berrios: Balance of Toy Breeds Taylor Farm Park NON-SPORTING Group: P. Bruce 1301 Fanning Bridge Rd Canfield Ave. CLOSES: MAY 21 P. Bruce: All Non-Sporting Breeds CLOSES: MAY 21 MB-F Inc., SUPT HERDING Group: H. H. Schulman MB-F Inc., SUPT H. H. Schulman: All Herding Breeds FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd FEE: $29.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. T. Judges And Their Assignments Judges And Their Assignments L. Berrios BEST IN SHOW Mrs. B. A. Vics BEST IN SHOW Mr. D. A. Johnson Mrs. T. L. Berrios: All Miscellaneous Breeds SPORTING SPORTING Group: Mr. J. E. Noe Group: J. Hubbard JR SHOWMANSHIP: E. Hines Mrs. C. Walkowicz: Set-Irsh Mrs. D. M. Heck: Brit J. G. Reynolds: Vizs J. Olson: Span-Ckr LA Lake Charles (I) Mr. J. E. Noe: Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-Eng Mrs. D. M. Brown: Weim CALCASIEU KENNEL CLUB, INC. Ckr, Span-Eng Spr Mr. D. A. Johnson: All Pointers, Ret-Nova Lake Charles Civic Center Mrs. B. Stenmark: Balance of Sporting Scotia T, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Vizs, and Exhibition Hall Breeds Wirehair Ptg Grif HOUND Group: Ms. D. K. Petersen 900 Lakeshore Drive J. Hubbard: Balance of Sporting Breeds CLOSES: MAY 21 Ms. D. K. Petersen: All Hound Breeds HOUND Group: D. Thornton WORKING Group: J. G. Reynolds Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Mrs. D. M. Brown: Dach FEE: $25.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd J. G. Reynolds: Boxer J. Hubbard: Basset, Bgle, PBGV, Saluki, Judges And Their Assignments Mrs. C. Walkowicz: Berns Mtn, Chinook, ScotDeer, Whip BEST IN SHOW Mr. H. Clark Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Grt Dane, Mr. D. A. Johnson: Amer English Coon, Am SPORTING Group: J. BecerraRottw, Sib Hky Fox, B & T Coonhnd, Bluetick Coon, Eng Mrs. B. A. Vics: Balance of Working Breeds Hernandez Fox, Harr, Plott, Redbone Coon, Treeing TERRIER Group: Mr. D. J. Kirkland Mrs. C. K. Steidel: Span-Clum Walker Coon Mr. H. Clark: Span-Ckr Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Cairn D. Thornton: Balance of Hound Breeds J. Becerra-Hernandez: Span-Eng Ckr, Vizs R. N. Rella: Balance of Terrier Breeds Mr. C. Coady: Balance of Sporting Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. E. J. Lessig HOUND Group: Mrs. C. K. Steidel Mrs. E. J. Lessig: All Toy Breeds Mrs. C. K. Steidel: All Hound Breeds
110 Dog News
WORKING Group: Mrs. D. M. Heck Mrs. D. M. Brown: Boxer Mrs. D. M. Heck: Dogue de Brdx Ms. C. A. Rubens: Akita, Alas Mal, Grt Dane, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Mast, Newf, St Bern D. Thornton: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. D. M. Heck Dr. T. L. Hossfeld: Bdlgtn, Cairn, Dandie, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Scotti, Soft Coated, Wst Highlnd Mrs. D. M. Heck: Border, Bull Ter, Glen Imaal, Kerry, Manch Ter, Min Bull Terrs, Min Schn, Norwich Norfolk, Rat Terrier C. A. Herbel: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: C. A. Herbel J. Olson: Cav KC Spans C. A. Herbel: Chin Cr D. Ferguson-Jones: Pood Toy Mr. D. A. Johnson: Hava, J Chin, Peke Mrs. D. M. Heck: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Toy Manch, Pom, Pug, Silky, Yorks Mr. L. S. Reppond: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. M. A. Miller C. A. Herbel: Dalm D. Ferguson-Jones: Pood Mrs. D. M. Heck: Tib Ter Ms. M. A. Miller: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: C. A. Herbel K. Madden: Brdr Coll Ms. M. Esch-Brooks: Coll C. A. Herbel: Austrl Cat Dg, Shetld Mrs. D. M. Heck: Card-WC, Pemb-WC Mrs. D. M. Brown: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. M. A. Miller Ms. M. A. Miller: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. M. Esch-Brooks NC Fletcher (I) BLUE RIDGE CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL CLUB Western North Carolina Agricultural Center 1301 Fanning Bridge Rd CLOSES: MAY 21 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. L. S. Reppond: Breed NY Albion (O) SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB OF WESTERN NEW YORK (S) Orleans County Cooperative Extension 12690 State Route 31 CLOSES: MAY 21 6:00 p.m. Lori Carver, SHW SEC, 18 Plainfield Rd, Cummington, MA 01026 FEE: $28.00 Mrs. J. Nahikian: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Lori Wilson OH Canton* (I) MCKINLEY KENNEL CLUB Stark County Fairgrounds 305 Wertz Ave N W CLOSES: MAY 21 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. R. S. Forsyth SPORTING Group: Dr. R. I. Spritzer Dr. R. I. Spritzer: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. S. S. Hennessy Ms. S. S. Hennessy: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. R. I. Spritzer Mrs. R. S. Forsyth: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. M. J. Underwood Ms. M. J. Underwood: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. M. J. Underwood Ms. M. J. Underwood: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. D. Carr Mrs. P. D. Carr: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. M. JohnsonSnyder Mrs. M. Johnson-Snyder: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. M. Johnson-Snyder Mrs. M. Johnson-Snyder: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Dr. R. H. Knight: Nov A, Nov B, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B C. A. Knight: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. S. S. Hennessy VA Fishersville* (I) SKYLINE KENNEL CLUB, INC. Augusta Expoland Rt 608 & I-64 CLOSES: MAY 21 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. D. Hansen SPORTING Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mr. R. J. Shreve: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. S. C. Way Ms. S. C. Way: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. C. Bell Mrs. C. Bell: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. S. C. Way Mrs. D. Hansen: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. J. P. Scott Mrs. J. P. Scott: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. Ambrosio Mr. R. Ambrosio: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. R. Ambrosio Mr. R. Ambrosio: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. D. Hansen Mrs. D. Hansen: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. R. H. Mullen: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. S. C. Way
WA Puyallup* (I) TACOMA KENNEL CLUB (S) Western Washington Fairgrounds 110 9th Ave SW CLOSES: MAY 21 BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. R. Hertz SPORTING Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Mrs. G. Geringer: Ret-Curl Mrs. M. Reder: Pointer, Pntr-GS, Ret-Ches, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Span-Clum, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Suss, Vizs, Weim Mr. J. S. Covey: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan Ms. C. J. Nelson: Basset, Saluki, Whip Mr. R. Lukins: Bgle, Bloodhnd, Dach, RhoRidge Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan Mrs. D. R. Landstrom: Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Boxer, Bullm, Leonberger, Portuguese Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: Akita, Blk Russn Terrier, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Giant Schn, Kom, Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Tibtn Mastiff Dr. R. Hertz: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. K. M. Grosso Ms. C. J. Nelson: I Greyhnd Mrs. P. Hartinger: Toy Manch Mrs. T. B. Frisch: Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, Hava, Pom Mrs. K. M. Grosso: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. T. B. Frisch Mrs. P. Hartinger: Bichon Mrs. T. B. Frisch: Am Esk Dog, Boston, Bulldog, Shar-Pei Mrs. G. Geringer: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Dr. R. Hertz: Coll, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, GSD Mrs. P. Hartinger: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. R. Hertz Dr. R. Hertz: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES C. Caballero: Nov A, Open B, Util B Dr. H. A. Ray: Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Open A, Util A Mrs. N. E. Craig: Grad Novr, Grad Openr, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. D. Clark SWEEPS VETERANS: Chow Ms. Kay A Reamensnyder SWEEPS PUPPY: Chow Ms. Kay A Reamensnyder
JUNE 10 - TUESDAY ID Filer* (I) SNAKE RIVER CANYON KENNEL CLUB OF IDAHO Twin Falls County Fairgrounds 215 Fair Avenue CLOSES: MAY 22 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW P. L. Brenner SPORTING Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve A. D. Hussin: Brit, All Pointers, All Retrievers, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh P. L. Brenner: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: P. L. Brenner Mr. J. C. Walton: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve P. L. Brenner: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. C. Walton Mr. R. J. Shreve: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: A. D. Hussin Ms. S. I. Wheat: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: A. D. Hussin Mr. J. C. Walton: Am Esk Dog, Schip Mr. R. J. Shreve: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. S. I. Wheat A. D. Hussin: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: A. D. Hussin A. D. Hussin: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. S. D. Hemminger: Nov A, Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B Mr. M. R. Stanley: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Grad Openr JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. S. I. Wheat
JUNE 11 - WEDNESDAY ID Filer* (I) SNAKE RIVER CANYON KENNEL CLUB OF IDAHO Twin Falls County Fairgrounds 215 Fair Avenue CLOSES: MAY 22 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW A. D. Hussin SPORTING Group: A. D. Hussin Mr. R. J. Shreve: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. J. C. Walton P. L. Brenner: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: P. L. Brenner A. D. Hussin: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mr. J. C. Walton: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. S. I. Wheat Mr. J. C. Walton: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, Hava, Eng Toy Sp, I Greyhnd, J Chin, Malt A. D. Hussin: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. C. Walton Ms. S. I. Wheat: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: A. D. Hussin Ms. S. I. Wheat: All Herding Breeds
MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. S. I. Wheat Ms. S. I. Wheat: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. S. D. Hemminger: Nov A, Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B Mr. M. R. Stanley: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Grad Openr JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. C. Walton OH Huron (I/O) IRISH SETTER CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (P) Sawmill Creek Lodge 400 Sawmill Creek CLOSES: MAY 14 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT SWEEPS PUPPY: Set-Irsh Kenneth Wall SWEEPS VETERANS: Set-Irsh Kenneth Wall
JUNE 12 - THURSDAY CO Englewood (I) BULLDOG CLUB OF AMERICA Ramada 7770 S Peoria CLOSES: MAY 28 Marzetta Peterson, SHW SEC, 15860 GREAT ROCK RD, BRIGHTON, CO 80603 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. M. D. Brunk: Breed, Jr. Showmanship FL Tampa (I) GREATER VENICE FLORIDA DOG CLUB Florida State Fairgrounds 4800 N US Hwy 301 CLOSES: MAY 28 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. A. Katona SPORTING Group: J. G. Reynolds Mrs. A. Katona: Ret-Flat, Span-Ckr (Black), Span-Ckr (ASCOB), Span-Eng Spr, Weim J. G. Reynolds: Set-Gord, Span-Ckr (Parti), Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Span-Wel Spr, Spin Ital, Vizs Mr. J. R. Cole: Brit, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Gold, Set-Eng, Set-Irsh, Span-Clum, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mr. R. H. Menaker: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mr. J. R. Cole: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mrs. A. Katona: Dobe, Grt Dane, Std Schn Mr. J. R. Cole: Portuguese, St Bern, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. R. H. Menaker: Bullm, Nepltn Mastiff, Newf, Rottw J. G. Reynolds: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. H. Menaker Mr. J. R. Cole: Am Staff Mrs. A. Katona: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. J. R. Cole J. G. Reynolds: Pap Mr. J. R. Cole: Pood Toy Mrs. A. Katona: Cav KC Spans, Chihua, I Greyhnd, Toy Manch, Pug, Yorks Mr. R. H. Menaker: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: J. G. Reynolds J. G. Reynolds: Bulldog Mr. J. R. Cole: Shar-Pei, Pood Mrs. A. Katona: Fr Bull, Shiba Inu, Xoloitzcuintli Mr. R. H. Menaker: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: J. G. Reynolds Mr. R. H. Menaker: AustrlShep, Beauceron, Brdr Coll, Shetld J. G. Reynolds: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mr. J. R. Cole: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. R. H. Menaker ID Blackfoot* (I/O) POCATELLO KENNEL CLUB, INC. Eastern Idaho Fairgrounds CLOSES: MAY 26 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $17.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. W. V. Spediacci SPORTING Group: Mrs. J. Webb Mr. C. Coady: Brit, Pntr-GS, All Spaniels, All Spaniels, Weim Mrs. J. Webb: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. L. E. Hiltz Mrs. J. Webb: Harr Col. H. R. Brizee: RhoRidge Mrs. L. E. Hiltz: Afghan, Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Basenji, Borz, Greyhnd, Ibizan, Ir Wolf, Pharaoh, Saluki, ScotDeer, Whip Mrs. P. B. Peat: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. C. Coady Mr. C. Coady: Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mrs. L. E. Hiltz: Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Boxer, Bullm, Dobe, Newf, Portuguese, Sam, Sib Hky Dr. W. V. Spediacci: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. J. Webb Mr. C. Coady: Lakelnd, Min Schn, Norwich Norfolk, Parson Russell, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr Mrs. P. B. Peat: Bull Ter, Glen Imaal, Manch Ter, Min Bull Terrs, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Mrs. J. Webb: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. P. B. Peat Mrs. J. Webb: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Pug Dr. W. V. Spediacci: Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Eng Toy Sp, J Chin, Pap Mrs. P. B. Peat: Balance of Toy Breeds
NON-SPORTING Group: Col. H. R. Brizee Mrs. P. B. Peat: Pood (Min) Mrs. L. E. Hiltz: Shiba Inu Mr. C. Coady: Bulldog, Lhasa Col. H. R. Brizee: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Col. H. R. Brizee Col. H. R. Brizee: Brdr Coll, Bouv, Briard, Canaan, Card-WC, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, GSD, Pemb-WC, Pol Low Shp, Pulik, Swed Vallhund Mr. B. R. Edwards: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. B. R. Edwards Mr. B. R. Edwards: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. L. Scanlon: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Dr. W. V. Spediacci MA Boxborough (I) MAYFLOWER PEMBROKE WELSH CORGI CLUB (P) Holiday Inn Boxborough Woods 242 Adams Place CLOSES: MAY 28 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT SWEEPS PUPPY: Pemb-WC Mrs. Deborah B Shindle SWEEPS VETERANS: Pemb-WC Mrs. Deborah B Shindle MA Westford* (O) LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB OF GREATER BOSTON (S) Middlesex County 4-H Fairgrounds 55 S. Chelmsford Rd. CLOSES: MAY 28 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd M. Daniel: B V. Russell: D, I Mrs. D. P. Carlson: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, Open A, POPN J. M. Charest: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Open B, Util A, Util B SWEEPS VETERANS James Russell SWEEPS PUPPY James Russell
JUNE 12 - THURSDAY thru JUNE 14 - SATURDAY OH Huron (I/O) IRISH SETTER CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (3) Sawmill Creek Lodge 400 Sawmill Creek CLOSES: MAY 14 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mrs. L. Edwards-Johnson: B, I Mr. E. E. Bivin: D Mrs. L. W. Bisso: Jr. Showmanship
JUNE 13 - FRIDAY CA Chula Vista (O) (PENDING APPROVAL) SAMOYED CLUB OF SAN DIEGO (S) Southwestern College 900 Otay Lakes Road CLOSES: MAY 28 Rhonda Storm, SHW SEC, 9522 DEBRY DRIVE, RIVERSIDE, CA 92509 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Ms. J. A. Nonhof: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Gloria Toussanint SWEEPS PUPPY Gloria Toussanint CA Chula Vista (O) (PENDING APPROVAL) SAMOYED CLUB OF SAN DIEGO (S) Southwestern College 900 Otay Lakes Road CLOSES: MAY 28 Rhonda Storm, SHW SEC, 9522 DERBY DR, RIVERSIDE, CA 92509 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. J. C. Ramirez: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Connie Williams SWEEPS PUPPY Connie Williams CA Chula Vista (O) (PENDING APPROVAL) SAN DIEGO POMERANIAN CLUB (S) Southwestern College 900 Otay Lakes Road CLOSES: MAY 28 Ms. Barbara Scott, SHW SEC, 441 Las Flores Terr, SAN DIEGO, CA 92114 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd G. Lajeski: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Anne K Catterson CO Englewood (I) BULLDOG CLUB OF DENVER (S) Ramada 7770 S Peoria CLOSES: MAY 28 Marzetta Peterson, SHW SEC, 15860 GREAT ROCK RD, BRIGHTON, CO 80603 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd D. L. Carr: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Dino Garza CT Windsor Locks (O) NUTMEG AFGHAN HOUND CLUB (S) Hillspoint Hotel 383 S Center St CLOSES: MAY 28 Amy Mero, SHW SEC, 1181 PLEASANT ST, BROCKTON, MA 02301 M. Gadsby: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Beth Collins
FL Tampa (I) GREATER VENICE FLORIDA DOG CLUB Florida State Fairgrounds 4800 N US Hwy 301 CLOSES: MAY 28 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. Richardson SPORTING Group: Mr. R. H. Menaker Mr. J. R. Cole: Span-AmW, Span-Boykin J. G. Reynolds: All Pointers, Ret-Flat, RetNova Scotia T, Span-Eng Ckr Mr. J. Richardson: Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-Ckr, Vizs, Weim Mr. R. H. Menaker: Brit, Ret-Ches, RetCurl, Ret-Gold, Set-Gord, Span-Eng Spr, Span-Wel Spr, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mrs. A. Katona: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: J. G. Reynolds Mr. J. Richardson: RhoRidge J. G. Reynolds: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. H. Menaker Mr. J. R. Cole: Rottw, Sam Mr. R. H. Menaker: Blk Russn Terrier, Mast, St Bern, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. J. Richardson: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: J. G. Reynolds Mrs. A. Katona: Am Staff Mr. J. R. Cole: Cairn Mr. J. Richardson: Parson Russell J. G. Reynolds: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. A. Katona Mr. R. H. Menaker: Chihua, Toy Manch Mr. J. R. Cole: Cav KC Spans, I Greyhnd, Min Pin, Peke, Pom, Pug, Silky, Yorks Mrs. A. Katona: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. Katona Mr. R. H. Menaker: Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Fr Bull Mr. J. R. Cole: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Kees, Lhasa, Shiba Inu, Xoloitzcuintli Mrs. A. Katona: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mr. J. R. Cole: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. Richardson Mr. J. Richardson: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. Richardson ID Blackfoot* (I/O) POCATELLO KENNEL CLUB, INC. Eastern Idaho Fairgrounds CLOSES: MAY 26 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $17.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Col. H. R. Brizee SPORTING Group: Mr. C. Coady Mrs. J. Webb: Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Span-Wel Spr Mr. C. Coady: Pointer, Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches, Ret-Lab, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Spin Ital, Vizs, Wirehair Ptg Grif Dr. W. V. Spediacci: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. P. B. Peat Col. H. R. Brizee: Afghan, Basenji Mrs. P. B. Peat: Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Borz, Greyhnd, Harr, Ibizan, Ir Wolf, Pharaoh, RhoRidge, Saluki, ScotDeer, Whip Mrs. L. E. Hiltz: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. W. V. Spediacci Dr. W. V. Spediacci: Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Boxer, Bullm, Dobe, Newf, Portuguese, Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. C. Coady: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. B. R. Edwards Dr. W. V. Spediacci: Manch Ter Mrs. P. B. Peat: Austr, Bdlgtn, Border, Cairn, Cesky Terrier, Dandie, Lakelnd, Norwich Norfolk, Parson Russell Mr. B. R. Edwards: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. J. Webb Dr. W. V. Spediacci: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Chin Cr, Hava, I Greyhnd, Pug, Toy Fox Terrier Mrs. J. Webb: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. L. E. Hiltz Col. H. R. Brizee: Bulldog, Lhasa, Pood (Min), Shiba Inu Mrs. L. E. Hiltz: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. L. E. Hiltz Mr. C. Coady: Bouv, GSD Mr. B. R. Edwards: Brdr Coll, Briard, Card-WC, Pemb-WC Mrs. L. E. Hiltz: Canaan, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, OES, Pol Low Shp, Pulik, Swed Vallhund Col. H. R. Brizee: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. L. E. Hiltz Mrs. L. E. Hiltz: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. L. Scanlon: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. P. B. Peat IL Grayslake (I/O) LITTLE FORT KENNEL CLUB OF WAUKEGAN (S) Lake County Fair-Grnds 1060 E. Peterson Road CLOSES: MAY 28 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. B. Stenmark SPORTING Group: Dr. S. D. Herman Dr. S. D. Herman: All Sporting Breeds
HOUND Group: Mr. M. J. Dougherty Mr. G. Flyckt-Pedersen: Borz, Dach, Greyhnd, Ir Wolf, Whip Mr. M. J. Dougherty: Balance of Hound Breeds *No Classes: Nor Elk WORKING Group: Mr. B. Meyer Mrs. B. Stenmark: St Bern Mr. B. Meyer: Boxer, Bullm, Dobe, Sam D. P. Cline: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. G. FlycktPedersen Mr. G. Flyckt-Pedersen: Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire) Mr. M. J. Dougherty: Kerry, Lakelnd, Manch Ter, Min Bull Terrs, Min Schn, Norfolk W. Wornall: Airdle, Am Staff, Austr, Bdlgtn, Border, Bull Ter, Cairn, Cesky Terrier, Dandie, Glen Imaal, Irish Ter Mrs. B. Stenmark: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: D. P. Cline Mrs. M. Feld: Peke Mrs. S. Newcomb: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. L. Boileau Mrs. S. Newcomb: Schip Mr. G. Flyckt-Pedersen: Dalm, Fin Spitz Mr. L. Boileau: Bulldog, Chow, Xoloitzcuintli D. P. Cline: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. B. Meyer Mrs. B. Stenmark: Card-WC, Pemb-WC Mr. B. Meyer: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. B. Stenmark Mrs. B. Stenmark: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. B. Stenmark SWEEPS PUPPY: Bgle (13 Under) Elizabeth Rosbach SWEEPS VETERANS: Bgle (13 Under) Elizabeth Rosbach SWEEPS PUPPY: Bgle (Over 13) Elizabeth Rosbach SWEEPS VETERANS: Bgle (Over 13) Elizabeth Rosbach IL Grayslake (I) WESTERN ENGLISH SETTER CLUB (S) Lake County Fair-Grnds 1060 E. Peterson Road CLOSES: MAY 28 Antoinette Quigley, SHW SEC, PO BOX 828, C/O ROY JONES DOG SHOW, AUBURN, IN 46706 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd J. L. Gohde, Jr.: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Karen Lishinski SWEEPS PUPPY Karen Lishinski IL Grayslake (I) (Evening) WISCONSIN BEAGLE CLUB, INC. Lake County Fair-Grnds 1060 E. Peterson Road CLOSES: MAY 28 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. K. J. Murray: Breed, Jr. Showmanship IL Wheaton (I) NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND ASSOCIATION,INC. (S) DuPage County Fairgrounds 2015 West Manchester Rd CLOSES: MAY 21 Susan Lazar, SHW SEC, 1N 575 NEWTON AVE, GLEN ELLYN, IL 60137 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd S. Sakson: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Ms. Alexis Weber SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Alexis Weber MA Boxborough (I) MAYFLOWER PEMBROKE WELSH CORGI CLUB Holiday Inn Boxborough Woods 242 Adams Place CLOSES: MAY 28 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $32.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mrs. D. M. Brown: Breed, Jr. Showmanship MA Topsfield* (I) NORTH SHORE KENNEL CLUB Topsfield FairgroundsNewburyport Turnpike CLOSES: MAY 28 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $28.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. J. Ham SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. J. Buxton Mrs. D. J. Buxton: All Sporting Breeds *No Classes: Ret-Lab HOUND Group: P. L. Marsman P. L. Marsman: All Hound Breeds *No Classes: Afghan WORKING Group: Mr. K. A. Buxton Mr. K. A. Buxton: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. E. Herner Mr. R. E. Herner: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. E. Herner Mr. R. E. Herner: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. J. Buxton Mrs. D. J. Buxton: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. K. A. Buxton Mr. K. A. Buxton: All Herding Breeds *No Classes: Pemb-WC MISCELLANEOUS Group: P. L. Marsman P. L. Marsman: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Dr. E. J. Adomelis: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, Open A, Open B, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. E. Golt
MA Westford* (O) LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB OF GREATER BOSTON (S) Middlesex County 4-H Fairgrounds 55 S. Chelmsford Rd. CLOSES: MAY 28 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd V. Russell: B M. Daniel: D, I Mrs. D. P. Carlson: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Open B, POPN J. M. Charest: Open A, Util A, Util B SWEEPS PUPPY Kim Jacobson SWEEPS VETERANS Kim Jacobson MI Traverse City (I/O) GRAND TRAVERSE KENNEL CLUB Northwestern Michigan Fairgrounds 3606 Blair Townhall Rd CLOSES: MAY 28 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. P. Hartinger SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mr. R. R. Hartinger: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: M. D. Doherty Mr. R. R. Hartinger: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. J. P. Scott M. D. Doherty: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: M. D. Doherty Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mrs. J. P. Scott: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger M. D. Doherty: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. J. P. Scott Mrs. J. P. Scott: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. J. P. Scott OH Troy (O) GREATER CINCINNATI WEIMARANER CLUB (S) Miami County Fairgrounds CLOSES: MAY 28 Colleen Horn, SHW SEC, 1235 BONDICK CT, CINCINNATI, OH 45230 FEE: $28.00 Mrs. C. C. Sommerfelt: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Julia Narzisi OH Troy* (I) MIAMI VALLEY SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB Miami County Fairgrounds CLOSES: MAY 28 Kathy Rutter, SHW SEC, 509 SAINT ANTHONY RD, FORT RECOVERY, OH 45846 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Ms. W. A. Mount: Breed Ms. L. Moffa: Obedience OH Troy (I) MIAMI VALLEY SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB Miami County Fairgrounds CLOSES: MAY 28 Kathy Rutter, SHW SEC, 509 SAINT ANTHONY RD, FORT RECOVERY, OH 45846 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mrs. J. L. Stacy: Breed, Jr. Showmanship OH Troy (I/O) MIAMI VALLEY VIZSLA CLUB, INC. (S) Miami County Fairgrounds CLOSES: MAY 28 Sue Suddendorf, SHW SEC, 4122 31ST AVE, CINCINNATI, OH 45209 FEE: $26.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mrs. K. A. Rust: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Annette Neff SWEEPS PUPPY Annette Neff OH Troy (O) WEIMARANER CLUB OF COLUMBUS (S) Miami County Fairgrounds CLOSES: MAY 28 Scott Singleton, SHW SEC, 5158 SUWANNEE DR, FAIRFIELD, OH 45014 FEE: $29.00 Mr. W. J. Sommerfelt: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Harry H (Butch) Schulman JUNE 14 - SATURDAY AR Texarkana (I) KENNEL CLUB OF TEXARKANA, INC. Four States Fairgrounds Loop 245 CLOSES: MAY 28 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. R. D. Smith SPORTING Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Span-Suss, Spin Ital, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mrs. G. Geringer: Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Gord, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, SpanBoykin Mr. J. A. Fehring: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. P. V. Trotter Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Afghan, Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Basenji, Basset, Bgle, B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Bluetick Coon, Borz, Dach Mrs. P. D. Smith: Balance of Hound Breeds
Dog News 111
WORKING Group: Mrs. P. V. Trotter Mr. C. E. Trotter: Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Bullm, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dobe, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Giant Schn Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. P. D. Smith Dr. R. D. Smith: Min Schn, Norwich Norfolk, Parson Russell, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Mrs. P. D. Smith: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: C. A. Herbel Dr. R. D. Smith: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks C. A. Herbel: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. R. D. Smith Mr. J. A. Fehring: Dalm Mrs. G. Geringer: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. C. E. Trotter Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Icelandic Shpdg, Shetld Mr. C. E. Trotter: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Brdr Coll, Bouv, Card-WC, Coll, GSD, Pemb-WC C. A. Herbel: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Mrs. G. Geringer: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. P. V. Trotter CA Chula Vista* (O) BAHIA SUR KENNEL CLUB OF CHULA VISTA Southwestern College 900 Otay Lakes Road CLOSES: MAY 28 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. K. Kahn SPORTING Group: Mr. D. Richards Mr. D. Richards: Brit, All Pointers, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold Mrs. K. Kahn: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. G. K. Newton Mr. D. Richards: Plott, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon, RhoRidge, Saluki, ScotDeer, Treeing Walker Coon, Whip Mr. G. K. Newton: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. A. W. Woodfork Mrs. K. Kahn: Sam Ms. J. A. Nonhof: Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Sib Hky Mr. A. W. Woodfork: Kom, Kuv, Leonberger, Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Newf, Portuguese, Rottw, St Bern, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Ms. A. Cooper: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. Paust Mr. B. Jenkins: Manch Ter Mrs. K. Kahn: Airdle, Am Staff, Austr, Bdlgtn, Border, Bull Ter, Cairn, Cesky Terrier, Dandie, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Glen Imaal, Irish Ter Mr. R. Paust: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. B. Jenkins Ms. A. A. Czech: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, Hava, I Greyhnd, Eng Toy Sp Mr. B. Jenkins: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. A. A. Czech Mr. B. Jenkins: Fr Bull, Lhasa, Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd, Pood, Shiba Inu, Tib Span, Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli Ms. A. A. Czech: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. A. Cooper Ms. J. A. Nonhof: AustrlShep Ms. A. Cooper: Austrl Cat Dg, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Brdr Coll, Bouv, Briard, Canaan, Card-WC Mr. G. K. Newton: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. A. Cooper Ms. A. Cooper: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. R. A. Strong: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV Ms. P. A. Strong: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. A. Cooper CO Englewood (I) BULLDOG CLUB OF COLORADO SPRINGS (S) Ramada 7770 S Peoria CLOSES: MAY 28 Dee Anne Jordan, SHW SEC, 3317 Pennsylvania Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 FEE: $28.00 F. Haynes: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Caroline Haynes CT Windsor Locks (O) (PENDING APPROVAL) AFGHAN HOUND ASSOCIATION OF LONG ISLAND (S) Hillspoint Hotel 383 S Center St CLOSES: MAY 28 Dr. Barry Deitch, SHW SEC, PO BOX 691, MANORVILLE, NY 11949 SWEEPS VETERANS Melissa Williams SWEEPS PUPPY Melissa Williams FL Tampa (I) FRENCH BULLDOG FANCIERS OF MIDFLORIDA (S) Florida State Fairgrounds 4800 N US Hwy 301 CLOSES: MAY 28 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $22.00 J. G. Reynolds: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Sharon Dykes SWEEPS PUPPY Sharon Dykes
112 Dog News
FL Tampa (I) MID FLORIDA BRITTANY CLUB (S) Florida State Fairgrounds 4800 N US Hwy 301 CLOSES: MAY 28 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $26.00-2nd J. G. Reynolds: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Lorna Hastings SWEEPS PUPPY Lorna Hastings
ID Blackfoot* (I/O) EAGLE ROCK KENNEL CLUB Eastern Idaho Fairgrounds CLOSES: MAY 28 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $17.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. S. Dillin SPORTING Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mrs. C. A. Beattie: Brit, All Retrievers, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-Eng Spr, Vizs Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: A. L. Odom A. L. Odom: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. J. L. Payro Mr. N. W. Graves: Mast Dr. J. L. Payro: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. N. W. Graves Mr. N. W. Graves: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. C. A. Beattie Mrs. C. A. Beattie: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Chihua G. Milutinovich: Cav KC Spans, Chin Cr, Hava, J Chin, Malt, Peke, Pom, Pug Mrs. S. Dillin: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. J. L. Payro Mrs. S. Dillin: Pood Mrs. C. A. Beattie: Boston, Chow Miss V. L. Lyne: Bichon, Fr Bull, Lowch, Tib Span, Tib Ter Mr. N. W. Graves: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Miss V. L. Lyne Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Shetld Miss V. L. Lyne: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Miss V. L. Lyne Miss V. L. Lyne: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES C. Riback: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Sub-Novice, Veteran, Nov Wildc, Opn Wildc Ms. S. Osburn: Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility, International, Utl Wildc JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. S. Dillin
SWEEPS PUPPY: Borz Wood Wornall SWEEPS VETERANS: Borz Wood Wornall SWEEPS VETERANS: Dach (Long) Miss Peggy L Weissfuss SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Long) Miss Peggy L Weissfuss
SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Smooth) Miss Peggy L Weissfuss SWEEPS VETERANS: Dach (Smooth) Miss Peggy L Weissfuss FL Tampa (I) SWEEPS PUPPY: Eng Fox ST. PETERSBURG Mrs. Barbara L Burns DOG FANCIERS ASSOCIATION, INC. (S) SWEEPS VETERANS: Eng Fox Florida State Fairgrounds Mrs. Barbara L Burns 4800 N US Hwy 301 SWEEPS VETERANS: Dach (Wire) CLOSES: MAY 28 12:00 p.m. Miss Peggy L Weissfuss MB-F Inc., SUPT SWEEPS PUPPY: Greyhnd FEE: $29.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Donna Wagner Judges And Their Assignments SWEEPS VETERANS: Greyhnd BEST IN SHOW J. G. Reynolds Donna Wagner SPORTING Group: Mr. J. R. Cole SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Wire) J. G. Reynolds: Wirehair Ptg Grif Miss Peggy L Weissfuss Ms. S. C. Way: Ret-Curl, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, SWEEPS VETERANS: Harr Span-Boykin, Span-Suss, Span-Wel Spr Mrs. Barbara L Burns Mr. J. Richardson: Ret-Flat, Ret-Lab, SpanSWEEPS PUPPY: Harr Eng Spr, Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Spin Ital Mrs. Barbara L Burns Mr. R. H. Menaker: Set-Eng, Set-Irsh, SWEEPS VETERANS: Ibizan Span-Clum, Span-Ckr (Black), Span-Ckr Ms. Louise Palarik (ASCOB), Vizs, Weim SWEEPS PUPPY: Ibizan Mrs. A. Katona: Balance of Sporting Ms. Louise Palarik Breeds SWEEPS VETERANS: Ir Wolf HOUND Group: Ms. S. C. Way Laurie Morris Ms. S. C. Way: All Hound Breeds SWEEPS PUPPY: Ir Wolf WORKING Group: Mr. R. J. Laurie Morris Caswell SWEEPS PUPPY: Otter Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Dobe Ms. Louise Palarik J. G. Reynolds: Grt Dane SWEEPS VETERANS: Otter Mr. R. H. Menaker: Sam Ms. Louise Palarik Mr. R. J. Caswell: Balance of Working SWEEPS PUPPY: PBGV Breeds Mrs. Barbara L Burns TERRIER Group: Mr. J. Richardson SWEEPS VETERANS: PBGV Mr. J. Richardson: All Terrier Breeds Mrs. Barbara L Burns TOY Group: Mr. R. H. Menaker SWEEPS VETERANS: Pharaoh Mr. R. H. Menaker: Cav KC Spans Ms. Louise Palarik Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Chihua SWEEPS PUPPY: Pharaoh J. G. Reynolds: I Greyhnd, Shih Tzu, Silky Ms. Louise Palarik Mrs. A. Katona: Min Pin, Peke, Pom SWEEPS VETERANS: Plott A. D. Hussin: Affenp, Pug, Pood Toy, Yorks Mrs. Barbara L Burns Mr. J. R. Cole: Balance of Toy Breeds SWEEPS PUPPY: Plott IL Antioch (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) NON-SPORTING Group: Col. J. Mrs. Barbara L Burns WILLIANA CLUMBER SPANIEL CLUB B. Purkhiser SWEEPS PUPPY: Port Pd Peq Foster’s Training Center A. D. Hussin: Fr Bull, Pood Wood Wornall Mr. R. H. Menaker: Shiba Inu, Xoloitzcuintli 1030 White Road SWEEPS VETERANS: Port Pd Peq Mrs. A. Katona: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Kees CLOSES: MAY 28 Wood Wornall Deborah Ward, SHW SEC, 1525 GOLDCol. J. B. Purkhiser: Balance of NonSWEEPS PUPPY: Redbone Coon SPUR DR E, FORT WAYNE, IN 46804 Sporting Breeds Mrs. Barbara L Burns FEE: $25.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd HERDING Group: A. D. Hussin SWEEPS VETERANS: Redbone Coon J. L. Gohde, Jr.: Breed, Jr. Showmanship J. G. Reynolds: Brdr Coll Mrs. Barbara L Burns Mr. R. J. Caswell: GSD SWEEPS PUPPY: RhoRidge IL Antioch (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Austrl Cat Dg, Wood Wornall WILLIANA CLUMBER SPANIEL CLUB (S) AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Swed SWEEPS VETERANS: RhoRidge Foster’s Training Center Vallhund Wood Wornall 1030 White Road A. D. Hussin: Balance of Herding Breeds SWEEPS PUPPY: Saluki CLOSES: MAY 28 MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. S. Donna Wagner Deborah Ward, SHW SEC, 1525 GOLDC. Way SWEEPS VETERANS: Saluki SPUR DR E, FORT WAYNE, IN 46804 Ms. S. C. Way: All Miscellaneous Breeds Donna Wagner FEE: $25.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. S. C. Way SWEEPS VETERANS: ScotDeer Mrs. D. Burkholder: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Donna Wagner SWEEPS VETERANS: Vizs SWEEPS PUPPY Leah James SWEEPS PUPPY: ScotDeer Icate Barton SWEEPS PUPPY: Vizs Donna Wagner Leah James SWEEPS PUPPY: Treeing Walker Coon IL Cary* (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) Mrs. Barbara L Burns FORT DEARBORN BASSET HOUND FL Tampa (I) SWEEPS VETERANS: Treeing Walker Coon CLUB (S) TAMPA BAY BOXER CLUB (S) Mrs. Barbara L Burns Northwest Obedience Club, Inc Training Florida State Fairgrounds SWEEPS PUPPY: Whip Facility 4800 N US Hwy 301 Donna Wagner 735 Industrial Drive CLOSES: MAY 28 SWEEPS VETERANS: Whip CLOSES: JUNE 4 MB-F Inc., SUPT Donna Wagner Andrew Ansenberger, SHW SEC, 244 Mr. J. R. Cole: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach Orchard Dr, Wood Dale, IL 60191 SWEEPS PUPPY Peggy Weissfuss FEE: $25.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Lorna Hastings L. C. Lazzara: Obedience IL Grayslake (I) SWEEPS PUPPY FL Tampa (I) GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB OF ILLINOIS IL Grayslake* (I) TAMPA BAY CHIHUAHUA CLUB (S) Lake County Fair-Grnds CHICAGOLAND HOUND ASSOCIAFlorida State Fairgrounds 1060 E. Peterson Road TION (S) 4800 N US Hwy 301 CLOSES: MAY 28 Lake County Fair-Grnds CLOSES: MAY 28 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT 1060 E. Peterson Road MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd CLOSES: MAY 28 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd D. P. Cline: Breed Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT Mr. J. R. Cole: Breed, Jr. Showmanship FEE: $29.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd SWEEPS VETERANS IL Grayslake* (I) Mrs. B. Stenmark: Hound Group, Afghan, Lorna Hastings GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB OF ILLINOIS Basenji, Borz, Greyhnd, Harr, Ir Wolf, Pha- (S) SWEEPS PUPPY raoh, Plott, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon, Lorna Hastings Lake County Fair-Grnds RhoRidge, Treeing Walker Coon 1060 E. Peterson Road Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Amer English Coon, Am IA Fort Dodge* (I) CLOSES: MAY 28 Fox, Bgle (13 Under), Bgle (Over 13), B FORT DODGE KENNEL CLUB Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Bluetick Coon, Webster County Agricultural Center FEE: $29.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Dach (Long), Dach (Smooth), Eng Fox, (2 Miles South of Fort Dodge) Ms. N. E. Talbott: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Dach (Wire), Ibizan, Otter, PBGV, Saluki, 22770 Old highway 169 Mrs. S. M. Mayborne: Obedience ScotDeer, Whip, Misc and more CLOSES: MAY 28 SWEEPS VETERANS *No Classes: Basset, Nor Elk Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Jeff Van Engelenhoven Mr. E. J. Willems: Obedience FEE: $25.00-1st/ $18.50-2nd SWEEPS PUPPY SWEEPS PUPPY: Hound Group Judges And Their Assignments Jeff Van Engelenhoven SWEEPS VETERANS: Hound Group BEST IN SHOW M. Shoreman SWEEPS PUPPY: Afghan SPORTING Group: M. Shoreman IL Grayslake* (I) Ms. Louise Palarik Mrs. R. Shoreman: All Sporting Breeds GREAT LAKES ALL TERRIER ASSOCIAHOUND Group: Mrs. R. Shoreman SWEEPS VETERANS: Afghan TION (S) Ms. Louise Palarik M. Shoreman: All Hound Breeds Lake County Fair-Grnds SWEEPS VETERANS: Amer English Coon WORKING Group: Mrs. R. 1060 E. Peterson Road Mrs. Barbara L Burns Shoreman CLOSES: MAY 28 SWEEPS PUPPY: Amer English Coon M. Shoreman: All Working Breeds Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT TERRIER Group: Mrs. R. Shoreman Mrs. Barbara L Burns FEE: $29.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd SWEEPS PUPPY: Am Fox Mr. F. C. Bassett: All Terrier Breeds Ms. V. L. Smith: Terrier Group, Airdle, Austr, Mrs. Barbara L Burns TOY Group: M. Shoreman Border, Cairn, Dandie, Glen Imaal, Kerry, SWEEPS VETERANS: Am Fox Mr. F. C. Bassett: All Toy Breeds Lakelnd, Min Bull Terrs, Std Manch, Norfolk, Mrs. Barbara L Burns NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. F. Norwich, Parson Russell, Russel Terr, Welsh SWEEPS PUPPY: Basenji C. Bassett Ter, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. R. Shoreman: All Non-Sporting Breeds Wood Wornall Mr. M. J. Dougherty: Am Staff, Bdlgtn, HERDING Group: Mr. F. C. Bassett SWEEPS VETERANS: Basenji Bull Ter (Color), Bull Ter (White), Cesky Wood Wornall Mrs. R. Shoreman: AustrlShep Terrier, Rat Terrier, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, M. Shoreman: Balance of Herding Breeds SWEEPS PUPPY: Bgle (13 Under) Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Wst Highlnd, Misc MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. R. Breeds Wood Wornall Shoreman Mrs. A. Moore: Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter SWEEPS VETERANS: Bgle (13 Under) Mrs. R. Shoreman: All Miscellaneous Breeds Wood Wornall (Wire) OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. P. Hirstein: Irish Ter, Min Schn SWEEPS VETERANS: B & T Coonhnd Mrs. L. C. Botko: Nov A, Grad Openr, Util Mrs. Barbara L Burns Mrs. S. D. Hemminger: Obedience A, Util B, Versatility SWEEPS PUPPY: Airdle SWEEPS PUPPY: B & T Coonhnd Mr. R. L. Garvin: Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Be- Mrs. Barbara L Burns Patricia Gregg gnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B SWEEPS PUPPY: Fox Ter (Smooth) SWEEPS PUPPY: Bgle (Over 13) JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. F. C. Bassett Winifred Stout Wood Wornall SWEEPS PUPPY: Fox Ter (Wire) SWEEPS VETERANS: Bgle (Over 13) Winifred Stout Wood Wornall SWEEPS PUPPY: Irish Ter SWEEPS VETERANS: Bloodhnd Mr. Steve Hayden Wood Wornall SWEEPS PUPPY: Min Schn SWEEPS PUPPY: Bloodhnd Mr. Ray Schulenberg Wood Wornall SWEEPS PUPPY: Scotti SWEEPS PUPPY: Bluetick Coon Mr. Thomas Pinckney D.D.S. Mrs. Barbara L Burns SWEEPS PUPPY: Wst Highlnd SWEEPS VETERANS: Bluetick Coon Mr. Greg Shively Mrs. Barbara L Burns
SWEEPS PUPPY: Welsh Ter Patricia A Gregg IL Grayslake* (I) LAKE SHORE GREATER SWISS MOUNTAIN DOG CLUB (S) Lake County Fair-Grnds 1060 E. Peterson Road CLOSES: MAY 28 Anna Hansen, SHW SEC, PO BOX 828, C/O ROY JONES, AUBURN, IN 46706 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Ms. N. S. Amburgey: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Ms. E. M. Olson: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Ms. Jane Haefner SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Jane Haefner IL Grayslake (I) NORTH CENTRAL ILLINOIS PEKINGESE CLUB (S) Lake County Fair-Grnds 1060 E. Peterson Road CLOSES: MAY 28 Lenore Chemers, SHW SEC, PO BOX 828, C/O ROY JONES DOG SHOWS, AUBURN, IN 46706 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Ms. B. Capstick: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Craig Eugene IL Grayslake (I) WESTERN ENGLISH SETTER CLUB (S) Lake County Fair-Grnds 1060 E. Peterson Road CLOSES: MAY 28 Antoinette Quigley, SHW SEC, PO BOX 828, C/O ROY JONES DOG SHOWS, AUBURN, IN 46706 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Ms. G. K. Schultz: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Ms. Jamie Donelson SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Jamie Donelson IL New Lenox* (I) LA SALLE BRITTANY CLUB (S) Stone City Kennel Club Building 13606 W. Laraway Road CLOSES: MAY 28 Mrs. Lorraine Gawlik, SHW SEC, 23W 030 RED OAK DR, GLEN ELLYN, IL 60137 FEE: $26.00-1st/ $16.00-2nd Mr. J. M. Brown: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. C. Peters: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY IL Wheaton* (I) NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND ASSOCIATION,INC. (S) DuPage County Fairgrounds 2015 West Manchester Rd CLOSES: MAY 21 Susan Lazar, SHW SEC, 1N 575 NEWTON AVE, GLEN ELLYN, IL 60137 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Mr. J. T. Steele: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Ms. L. Tamms: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Mrs. Cindy Stansell SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Cindy Stansell MA Boxborough (O) BAY STATE GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB Holiday Inn Boxborough Woods 242 Adams Place CLOSES: MAY 28 Val Duchaney, SHW SEC, 73 ISLAND RD, MILLIS, MA 02054 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd MA Boxborough (O) (PENDING APPROVAL) GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS Holiday Inn Boxborough Woods 242 Adams Place CLOSES: JUNE 9 Linda Colby, SHW SEC, 71 JOHN CONNOR RD, WEARE, NH 03281 MA Topsfield (I) (Evening) BAY COLONY TIBETAN TERRIER CLUB Topsfield FairgroundsNewburyport Turnpike CLOSES: MAY 28 Alice Smith, SHW SEC, 2 LESLIE RD, IPSWICH, MA 01938 FEE: $30.00 Mr. D. J. Gunsher: Breed P. M. Barrett: Jr. Showmanship MA Topsfield (I) (Evening) GRANITE STATE SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB OF SOUTHEAST NEW HAMPSHIRE Topsfield FairgroundsNewburyport Turnpike CLOSES: MAY 28 Cathy Nicol, SHW SEC, PO BOX 22107, C/O MB-F, GREENSBORO, NC 27420 FEE: $30.00 N. S. Coen: Breed MA Topsfield* (I) NORTH SHORE KENNEL CLUB (S) Topsfield FairgroundsNewburyport Turnpike CLOSES: MAY 28 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $28.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr. SPORTING Group: Mr. K. A. Buxton Mr. K. A. Buxton: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. R. E. Fetter Mrs. R. E. Fetter: All Hound Breeds *No Classes: Afghan WORKING Group: Mrs. D. J. Buxton D. A. Tully: Berns Mtn Mrs. D. Baker: Bullm Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Balance of Working Breeds
TERRIER Group: Mr. J. J. Ham Mr. J. J. Ham: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. R. E. Fetter Mrs. R. E. Fetter: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. J. Ham Mr. J. J. Ham: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. L. Graser, Jr. Mr. L. Graser, Jr.: All Herding Breeds *No Classes: GSD MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. K. A. Buxton Mr. K. A. Buxton: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Dr. E. J. Adomelis: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, Open A, Open B, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: D. A. Tully SWEEPS PUPPY: Shetld Onnaka Dudley SWEEPS VETERANS: Shetld Onnaka Dudley SWEEPS PUPPY: Tib Ter Valerie Weston SWEEPS VETERANS: Tib Ter Valerie Weston
OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. L. Moffa: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B Ms. P. Scully: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. K. A. Rust SWEEPS VETERANS: Vizs Deborah Fridlund Lynn SWEEPS PUPPY: Vizs Deborah Fridlund Lynn
OR Hillsboro (O) CASCADE HOUND ASSOCIATION (S) Washington County Fairgrounds 873 NE 34th Avenue CLOSES: MAY 28 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.50-1st/ $22.00-2nd L. L. Nelson: Hound Group, Amer English Coon, Basenji, B & T Coonhnd, Bluetick Coon, Greyhnd, Ibizan, Ir Wolf, Nor Elk, Otter, Plott, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon, ScotDeer, Treeing Walker Coon Mr. E. Dziuk: Afghan, Am Fox, Basset, Bgle (13 Under), Bgle (Over 13), Bloodhnd, Eng Fox, Harr, PBGV Mrs. M. Fair: Borz, Dach (Long), Dach MI Traverse City* (I/O) (PENDING AP(Smooth), Dach (Wire) PROVAL) P. S. Lambie: Pharaoh, RhoRidge, Whip, Jr. GRAND TRAVERSE KENNEL CLUB Showmanship Northwestern Michigan Fairgrounds Dr. R. Place: Saluki 3606 Blair Townhall Rd Mr. C. Murray: Misc Breeds , Port Pdngo, CLOSES: MAY 28 Per Inca Orchid, GBGV, Azawakh, Cirneco, MB-F Inc., SUPT Sloughi, Norbot FEE: $29.00-1st/ $2.00-2nd SWEEPS PUPPY: Afghan Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. R. Hartinger Pamela S Lambie SPORTING Group: M. D. Doherty SWEEPS VETERANS: Afghan Pamela S Lambie Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger Mrs. J. P. Scott: Dach M. D. Doherty: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: M. D. Doherty Mrs. J. P. Scott: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mr. R. R. Hartinger: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: M. D. Doherty Mr. R. R. Hartinger: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. J. P. Scott Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger M. D. Doherty: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: M. D. Doherty M. D. Doherty: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. D. R. Lunn: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Open A, Util B T. Leslie: Grad Novr, Open B, Util A, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. S. L. DeGraaf
SWEEPS PUPPY: Amer English Coon Mrs. Melody Fair SWEEPS VETERANS: Amer English Coon Mrs. Melody Fair SWEEPS PUPPY: Am Fox Mrs. Melody Fair SWEEPS VETERANS: Am Fox Mrs. Melody Fair SWEEPS PUPPY: Basenji Pamela S Lambie SWEEPS VETERANS: Basenji Pamela S Lambie SWEEPS PUPPY: Basset Pamela S Lambie SWEEPS VETERANS: Basset Pamela S Lambie SWEEPS PUPPY: Bgle (13 Under) Pamela S Lambie SWEEPS VETERANS: Bgle (13 Under) Pamela S Lambie SWEEPS VETERANS: B & T Coonhnd Mrs. Melody Fair SWEEPS PUPPY: B & T Coonhnd Mrs. Melody Fair SWEEPS VETERANS: Bgle (Over 13) NC Waynesville* (I/O) Pamela S Lambie WESTERN CAROLINA DOG FANCIERS SWEEPS PUPPY: Bgle (Over 13) ASSOCIATION Pamela S Lambie Haywood County Fairgrounds SWEEPS PUPPY: Bloodhnd 758 Crabtree Rd. Mrs. Melody Fair ****formerly know asSWEEPS VETERANS: Bloodhnd Haywood Count Agricultural & Activities Mrs. Melody Fair Center SWEEPS VETERANS: Bluetick Coon CLOSES: MAY 28 Mrs. Melody Fair MB-F Inc., SUPT SWEEPS PUPPY: Bluetick Coon FEE: $26.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Mrs. Melody Fair Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. L. Vandiver SWEEPS PUPPY: Borz SPORTING Group: Mr. P. Dawkins Mr. Edmund Dziuk SWEEPS VETERANS: Borz Mr. P. Dawkins: All Sporting Breeds Mr. Edmund Dziuk HOUND Group: Mr. P. Dawkins SWEEPS VETERANS: Dach (Long) Ms. E. Muthard: Afghan, Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Basenji, Basset, Bgle, B & T Pamela S Lambie SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Long) Coonhnd, Bloodhnd Pamela S Lambie Mr. P. Dawkins: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. E. Muthard SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Smooth) Pamela S Lambie Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. D. J. Kirkland SWEEPS VETERANS: Dach (Smooth) Pamela S Lambie Mr. D. J. Kirkland: All Terrier Breeds SWEEPS PUPPY: Eng Fox TOY Group: Mrs. G. P. Dawkins Mrs. Melody Fair Mrs. G. P. Dawkins: All Toy Breeds SWEEPS VETERANS: Eng Fox NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. D. Mrs. Melody Fair J. Kirkland Mr. D. J. Kirkland: All Non-Sporting Breeds SWEEPS VETERANS: Greyhnd Mr. Edmund Dziuk HERDING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis SWEEPS PUPPY: Greyhnd Mr. C. L. Olvis: Icelandic Shpdg, Nor BuMr. Edmund Dziuk hund, OES, Pemb-WC, Pol Low Shp, Pulik, SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Wire) Pyre Shep, Shetld, Swed Vallhund Pamela S Lambie Mr. R. L. Vandiver: Balance of Herding SWEEPS VETERANS: Dach (Wire) Breeds Pamela S Lambie MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. E. SWEEPS VETERANS: Harr Muthard Mrs. Melody Fair Ms. E. Muthard: All Miscellaneous Breeds SWEEPS PUPPY: Harr OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. Melody Fair E. Beasley: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A SWEEPS PUPPY: Ibizan T. G. McCall: Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Util Pamela S Lambie SWEEPS VETERANS: Ibizan B, Versatility Pamela S Lambie JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. E. Muthard SWEEPS VETERANS: Ir Wolf Pamela S Lambie OH Troy* (I/O) ECHO HILLS KENNEL CLUB OF OHIO (S) SWEEPS PUPPY: Ir Wolf Pamela S Lambie Miami County Fairgrounds SWEEPS PUPPY: Nor Elk CLOSES: MAY 28 Mr. Edmund Dziuk MB-F Inc., SUPT SWEEPS VETERANS: Nor Elk FEE: $29.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. Edmund Dziuk Judges And Their Assignments SWEEPS VETERANS: Otter BEST IN SHOW Mr. T. Stacy Mrs. Melody Fair SPORTING Group: Mr. W. J. SWEEPS PUPPY: Otter Sommerfelt Mrs. Melody Fair Mr. T. Stacy: Vizs SWEEPS PUPPY: PBGV Mrs. K. A. Rust: Brit, Pntr-GS, Pntr-GW, Mrs. Melody Fair Span-Ckr, Weim Mr. W. J. Sommerfelt: Balance of Sporting SWEEPS VETERANS: PBGV Mrs. Melody Fair Breeds SWEEPS PUPPY: Pharaoh *No Classes: Set-Irsh Mr. Edmund Dziuk HOUND Group: Mr. T. Catterson SWEEPS VETERANS: Pharaoh Mr. T. Catterson: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. M. Brocious Mr. Edmund Dziuk SWEEPS PUPPY: Plott Ms. M. Brocious: All Working Breeds Mrs. Melody Fair TERRIER Group: Mrs. J. L. Stacy SWEEPS VETERANS: Plott Mrs. J. L. Stacy: All Terrier Breeds Mrs. Melody Fair TOY Group: Mr. T. Catterson SWEEPS PUPPY: Port Pd Peq Mr. T. Stacy: All Toy Breeds Mrs. Melody Fair NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. J. SWEEPS VETERANS: Port Pd Peq L. Stacy Mrs. Melody Fair Mrs. J. L. Stacy: All Non-Sporting Breeds SWEEPS PUPPY: Redbone Coon HERDING Group: Mr. M. Taylor Mrs. Melody Fair Ms. M. Brocious: Pemb-WC SWEEPS VETERANS: Redbone Coon Mr. W. J. Sommerfelt: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Mrs. Melody Fair Bel Terv Mr. M. Taylor: Balance of Herding Breeds SWEEPS VETERANS: RhoRidge Mr. Edmund Dziuk MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. W. SWEEPS PUPPY: RhoRidge J. Sommerfelt Mr. Edmund Dziuk Mr. W. J. Sommerfelt: All Miscellaneous SWEEPS VETERANS: Saluki Breeds Pamela S Lambie
SWEEPS PUPPY: Saluki Pamela S Lambie SWEEPS VETERANS: ScotDeer Pamela S Lambie SWEEPS PUPPY: ScotDeer Pamela S Lambie SWEEPS VETERANS: Treeing Walker Coon Mrs. Melody Fair SWEEPS PUPPY: Treeing Walker Coon Mrs. Melody Fair SWEEPS PUPPY: Whip Mr. Chuck Murray SWEEPS VETERANS: Whip Mr. Chuck Murray PA Ludwigs Corner* (O) BRYN MAWR KENNEL CLUB (S) Ludwigs Corner Horse Show Grounds Rte 100 CLOSES: MAY 28 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. D. Cozart SPORTING Group: R. H. Slay K. Roth: Span-Eng Ckr Mr. J. C. Walton: Pointer, Ret-Lab, Wirehair Ptg Grif M. Faulkner: Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Set-Gord, Set-Irsh, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Clum, Span-Irw, Span-Suss R. H. Slay: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. J. C. Walton K. L. Beliew: Borz E. Kroll: Ir Wolf M. Faulkner: Basset, Bgle, B & T Coonhnd, Saluki, Whip Mr. J. C. Walton: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: R. H. Slay R. H. Slay: Boxer, Kom P. DeHetre: Bullm, Dobe, Rottw Mrs. J. M. Rayner: Grt Dane, Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kuv, Leonberger Mrs. D. Cozart: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. (. Ward Mr. J. (. Ward: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. J. M. Rayner P. DeHetre: Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Min Pin, Toy Manch, Pug, Pood Toy Mrs. J. M. Rayner: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: K. L. Beliew P. DeHetre: Dalm, Pood K. L. Beliew: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: M. Faulkner Mrs. B. A. Pessina: Beard Coll, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Bouv, Card-WC, Coll, OES, Pemb-WC, Pulik, Shetld M. Faulkner: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. C. Walton Mr. J. C. Walton: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES To Be Assigned: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: K. L. Beliew SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Eng Ckr Mary Lou Dunn SWEEPS VETERANS: Span-Eng Ckr Mary Lou Dunn SWEEPS PUPPY: Card-WC Pat Santee SWEEPS VETERANS: Card-WC Pat Santee SWEEPS PUPPY: Grt Dane Joan Goldstein SWEEPS PUPPY: Boxer SWEEPS VETERANS: Boxer
TOY Group: Mr. A. J. Ferruggiaro Mr. R. E. Garren: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. A. P. Bianchi Mr. R. E. Garren: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Dr. A. P. Bianchi Mrs. L. Bianchi: AustrlShep, Coll Dr. A. P. Bianchi: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. A. P. Bianchi Dr. A. P. Bianchi: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. C. M. Thompson: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Open A, Open B, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Dr. K. K. Hefner
JUNE 15 - SUNDAY AR Texarkana (I) KENNEL CLUB OF TEXARKANA, INC. Four States Fairgrounds Loop 245 CLOSES: MAY 28 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. P. D. Smith SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. V. Trotter Mrs. P. D. Smith: Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches, RetCurl, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Gord, Set-Irsh, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Irw, Span-Suss, Spin Ital Mrs. G. Geringer: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. C. E. Trotter Dr. R. D. Smith: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. C. E. Trotter Mrs. P. D. Smith: Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dogue de Brdx, Giant Schn Mr. C. E. Trotter: Grt Dane, Leonberger, Rottw, St Bern, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff C. A. Herbel: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Dr. R. D. Smith Mrs. P. V. Trotter: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Mr. C. E. Trotter: Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr Mrs. P. D. Smith: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Mr. C. E. Trotter: Dalm, Fin Spitz, Fr Bull, Kees, Lhasa C. A. Herbel: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: C. A. Herbel Mrs. P. V. Trotter: AustrlShep, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, OES Mrs. A. Inman: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. A. Inman Mrs. A. Inman: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. A. Inman
CT Windsor Locks (O) COLONIAL AFGHAN HOUND CLUB, INC. (S) Hillspoint Hotel 383 S Center St CLOSES: MAY 28 Ms. Deborah Burnham, SHW SEC, 124 Palisado Ave, Windsor, CT 06095 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $10.00-2nd J. Dalton: Breed Mrs. M. B. Stanski: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. Billy Webb FL Tampa (I) FRENCH BULLDOG FANCIERS OF MIDFLORIDA Florida State Fairgrounds 4800 N US Hwy 301 CLOSES: MAY 28 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. J. R. Cole: Breed FL Tampa (I) MID FLORIDA BRITTANY CLUB (S) Florida State Fairgrounds 4800 N US Hwy 301 CLOSES: MAY 28 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00 Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Nikki Bouland SWEEPS VETERANS Nikki Bouland
FL Tampa (I) ST. PETERSBURG DOG FANCIERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Florida State Fairgrounds 4800 N US Hwy 301 CLOSES: MAY 28 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. R. Cole SPORTING Group: Mr. J. Richardson Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Ret-Lab Ms. S. C. Way: Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, SpanCkr (Black) Mr. J. R. Cole: Set-Gord, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-Ckr (ASCOB), Span-Eng Spr, SpanCkr (Parti), Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Span-Wel Spr, Spin Ital, Vizs, Weim Mr. J. Richardson: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. A. Katona Mrs. A. Katona: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. S. C. Way A. D. Hussin: Cane Corso Mr. R. J. Caswell: Dobe J. G. Reynolds: Portuguese Mrs. A. Katona: Bullm, Rottw, Sib Hky Mr. J. Richardson: Blk Russn Terrier, St Bern, Sam, Tibtn Mastiff Ms. S. C. Way: Balance of Working Breeds *Pending: Mast TERRIER Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser CA Chula Vista* (O) Ms. S. C. Way: Airdle, Am Staff, Austr, BAHIA SUR KENNEL CLUB OF CHULA Bdlgtn, Border, Bull Ter, Cairn VISTA Mr. J. R. Cole: Kerry, Min Schn, Norfolk, Southwestern College Parson Russell, Scotti, Soft Coated, Welsh 900 Otay Lakes Road Ter CLOSES: MAY 28 Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Balance of Terrier Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT Breeds Judges And Their Assignments TOY Group: J. G. Reynolds BEST IN SHOW Mr. A. W. A. D. Hussin: Cav KC Spans, I Greyhnd, Woodfork Pap, Shih Tzu, Silky SPORTING Group: Mrs. K. Kahn J. G. Reynolds: Balance of Toy Breeds Mrs. K. Kahn: Brit, All Pointers, Ret-Ches, NON-SPORTING Group: A. D. Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold Hussin Mr. D. Richards: Balance of Sporting WA Kent (O) Mrs. A. Katona: Shar-Pei Breeds GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF THE HOUND Mr. J. Richardson: Dalm Group: Mr. D. Richards PACIFIC NORTHWEST Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Fr Bull Mr. G. K. Newton: Plott, Port Pd Peq, Van Dorens Landing Redbone Coon, RhoRidge, Saluki, ScotDeer, J. G. Reynolds: Pood Russell Road A. D. Hussin: Balance of Non-Sporting Treeing Walker Coon, Whip CLOSES: MAY 28 6:00 p.m. Mr. D. Richards: Balance of Hound Breeds Breeds Ann Akerill, SHW SEC, PO BOX 2005, Group: Mr. R. J. Caswell WORKING Group: Ms. A. Cooper HERDING OREGON CITY, OR 97045 Col. J. B. Purkhiser: GSD Mrs. K. Kahn: Dobe FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. R. J. Caswell: Balance of Herding Ms. A. Cooper: Kom, Kuv, Leonberger, Dr. M. Goldfarb: Breed Breeds Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Newf, Portuguese, MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. Rottw, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn, WA Kent (O) J. Caswell Tibtn Mastiff GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF THE Mr. A. W. Woodfork: Balance of Working Mr. R. J. Caswell: All Miscellaneous Breeds PACIFIC NORTHWEST JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. R. J. Caswell Breeds Van Dorens Landing TERRIER Group: Mrs. K. Kahn Russell Road Mr. R. Paust: Airdle, Am Staff, Austr, Bdlgtn, FL Tampa (I) CLOSES: MAY 28 6:00 p.m. TAMPA BAY BOXER CLUB Border, Bull Ter, Cairn, Cesky Terrier, Ann Akerill, SHW SEC, PO BOX 2005, Florida State Fairgrounds Dandie, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), OREGON CITY, OR 97045 4800 N US Hwy 301 Glen Imaal, Irish Ter FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd CLOSES: MAY 28 Mrs. K. Kahn: Balance of Terrier Breeds H. A. Drew: Breed MB-F Inc., SUPT TOY Group: Ms. A. A. Czech A. D. Hussin: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mr. B. Jenkins: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC WI Beloit* (I) IA Fort Dodge* (I) Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, Hava, I Greyhnd, WINNEBAGO LABRADOR RETRIEVER FORT DODGE KENNEL CLUB Eng Toy Sp CLUB (S) Webster County Agricultural Center Ms. A. A. Czech: Balance of Toy Breeds Telfer Sports & Activities Center (2 Miles South of Fort Dodge) NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. B. Cranston Rd 22770 Old highway 169 Jenkins CLOSES: MAY 28 Ms. A. Cooper: Am Esk Dog, Fin Spitz, Kees CLOSES: MAY 28 Anne Kaszak, SHW SEC, 580 N NICHOLS Mr. B. Jenkins: Bichon, Boston, Bulldog, Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT ST, LOWELL, IN 46356 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $18.50-2nd Shar-Pei, Chow, Dalm, Schip FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Ms. A. A. Czech: Balance of Non-Sporting Judges And Their Assignments Mrs. P. McLean: B BEST IN SHOW Mr. F. C. Bassett Breeds T. L. Rose: D, I SPORTING Group: Mrs. R. ShoreHERDING Group: Mr. G. K. J. Caputa: Obedience man Newton SWEEPS VETERANS M. Shoreman: All Sporting Breeds Mr. G. K. Newton: Austrl Cat Dg, AusHOUND Group: M. Shoreman trlShep, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Teresa Williams Gordy Mrs. R. Shoreman: All Hound Breeds Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Brdr Coll, Bouv, Briard, SWEEPS PUPPY WORKING Group: M. Shoreman Canaan, Card-WC Teresa Williams Gordy Ms. A. Cooper: Balance of Herding Breeds Mrs. R. Shoreman: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. F. C. Bassett MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. A. WV Morgantown* (I) Mrs. R. Shoreman: Airdle, Bdlgtn, Border, W. Woodfork GREATER CLARKSBURG WV KENNEL Parson Russell Mr. A. W. Woodfork: All Miscellaneous CLUB, INC. M. Shoreman: Balance of Terrier Breeds Breeds Hazel and JW Ruby Community Center TOY Group: Mr. F. C. Bassett OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Hazel and J.W. Ruby Community Center Ms. P. A. Strong: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov Mrs. R. Shoreman: All Toy Breeds 500 Mylan Park Ln NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. R. A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV CLOSES: MAY 28 Shoreman Mr. R. A. Strong: Grad Novr, Open A, MB-F Inc., SUPT Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, Mr. F. C. Bassett: All Non-Sporting Breeds FEE: $28.00-1st/ $28.00-2nd HERDING Group: M. Shoreman PUTL, Versatility Judges And Their Assignments JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. A. W. Woodfork Mr. F. C. Bassett: All Herding Breeds BEST IN SHOW N. Liebes MISCELLANEOUS Group: M. SPORTING Group: N. Liebes Shoreman CO Englewood (I) Ms. M. Martorella: All Sporting Breeds M. Shoreman: All Miscellaneous Breeds BULLDOG CLUB OF COLORADO *No Classes: Set-Irsh OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES HOUND Group: Ms. M. Martorella SPRINGS Mr. R. L. Garvin: Nov A, Grad Openr, Util Ramada Dr. K. K. Hefner: Basset, RhoRidge A, Util B, Versatility Mr. R. E. Garren: Balance of Hound Breeds 7770 S Peoria Mrs. L. C. Botko: Nov B, Begnr Nov A, BeCLOSES: MAY 28 WORKING Group: Ms. M. gnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B Dee Anne Jordan, SHW SEC, 3317 Martorella JR SHOWMANSHIP: L. A. Friedow Pennsylvania Ave, Colorado Springs, CO N. Liebes: All Working Breeds 80907 TERRIER Group: Mr. R. E. Garren V. L. Hoppman: Breed N. Liebes: Am Staff Mr. A. J. Ferruggiaro: Balance of Terrier Dog News 113 Breeds
ID Blackfoot* (I/O) EAGLE ROCK KENNEL CLUB Eastern Idaho Fairgrounds CLOSES: MAY 28 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $17.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. J. L. Payro SPORTING Group: Mrs. S. Dillin Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Ret-Gold Mrs. S. Dillin: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mr. N. W. Graves: Afghan Ms. S. Osburn: Whip Dr. J. L. Payro: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mr. N. W. Graves: Boxer Miss V. L. Lyne: Mast, Rottw Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. C. A. Beattie Miss V. L. Lyne: Kerry Mrs. C. A. Beattie: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. S. Dillin G. Milutinovich: Pood Toy Mrs. C. A. Beattie: Cav KC Spans, Eng Toy Sp, I Greyhnd, J Chin, Toy Manch, Peke, Shih Tzu, Silky, Yorks Mrs. W. M. Clouss: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Miss V. L. Lyne A. L. Odom: Bulldog G. Milutinovich: Bichon, Boston, Fr Bull, Lowch, Pood, Tib Span, Tib Ter Miss V. L. Lyne: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. N. W. Graves A. L. Odom: AustrlShep, Pemb-WC, Shetld Mr. N. W. Graves: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: A. L. Odom A. L. Odom: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES C. Riback: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Sub-Novice, Veteran, Nov Wildc, Opn Wildc Ms. S. Osburn: Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility, International, Utl Wildc JR SHOWMANSHIP: G. Milutinovich IL Grayslake (I/O) LITTLE FORT KENNEL CLUB OF WAUKEGAN (S) Lake County Fair-Grnds 1060 E. Peterson Road CLOSES: MAY 28 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. M. J. Dougherty SPORTING Group: Mrs. B. Stenmark S. Kirschner: Ret-Lab Mr. G. Flyckt-Pedersen: Pointer, Pntr-GS, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Span-Wel Spr, Vizs Mrs. B. Stenmark: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. R. I. Spritzer Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Basenji, Ir Wolf, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon, RhoRidge, Treeing Walker Coon D. P. Cline: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: D. P. Cline Mr. G. Flyckt-Pedersen: Boxer, Giant Schn, Std Schn Mr. B. Meyer: Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Chinook, Grt Dane, Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kom Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: W. Wornall Mr. M. J. Dougherty: Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Irish Ter Mr. G. Flyckt-Pedersen: Airdle, Am Staff, Austr, Bdlgtn, Border, Bull Ter, Cairn, Cesky Terrier, Dandie, Glen Imaal W. Wornall: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. S. Newcomb Mr. M. J. Dougherty: Toy Manch, Pood Toy Mrs. D. Kniola: Affenp, Bruss Grif, I Greyhnd, J Chin, Eng Toy Sp (KC & R), Pap, Pug, Silky, Yorks D. P. Cline: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. Kniola Mr. M. J. Dougherty: Bichon, Boston, Dalm, Fr Bull, Kees, Lhasa, Pood, Tib Ter Mrs. D. Kniola: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: D. P. Cline Mr. B. Meyer: Card-WC, Pemb-WC D. P. Cline: Austrl Cat Dg, Briard, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, Pol Low Shp Mrs. S. Newcomb: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. B. Meyer Mr. B. Meyer: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. M. J. Dougherty SWEEPS PUPPY: Peke Alex Maranon SWEEPS PUPPY: Fox Ter (Smooth) Jean Heath SWEEPS PUPPY: Fox Ter (Wire) Jean Heath SWEEPS PUPPY: Wst Highlnd Courtney Kniola MA Boxborough (O) GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF SOUTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE Holiday Inn Boxborough Woods 242 Adams Place CLOSES: MAY 28 Diane Benoit, SHW SEC, 600 BEAN HILL RD, NORTHFIELD, NH 03276 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Dr. R. S. Kish: Breed, Jr. Showmanship
114 Dog News
MA Topsfield (I) MIDDLESEX COUNTY KENNEL CLUB Topsfield FairgroundsNewburyport Turnpike CLOSES: MAY 28 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $28.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW P. L. Marsman SPORTING Group: Mrs. S. Smith Mrs. S. Smith: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. G. L. Doerge Mr. G. L. Doerge: All Hound Breeds *No Classes: Afghan WORKING Group: C. S. Anderson Ms. H. R. Sullivan: Sam C. S. Anderson: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. G. L. Doerge C. S. Anderson: Manch Ter Mr. G. L. Doerge: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. W. E. Usherwood Mr. W. E. Usherwood: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. G. L. Doerge Mr. R. “. Smith: Boston, Bulldog, Dalm, Fr Bull Mr. G. L. Doerge: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. W. E. Usherwood Mr. W. E. Usherwood: All Herding Breeds *No Classes: GSD MISCELLANEOUS Group: C. S. Anderson C. S. Anderson: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. H. R. Sullivan MI Traverse City* (I/O) (PENDING APPROVAL) GRAND TRAVERSE KENNEL CLUB Northwestern Michigan Fairgrounds 3606 Blair Townhall Rd CLOSES: MAY 28 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. J. P. Scott SPORTING Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger M. D. Doherty: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mr. G. Winchell: Afghan, Borz Mrs. P. Hartinger: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mr. R. R. Hartinger: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger M. D. Doherty: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. J. P. Scott Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: M. D. Doherty Mrs. J. P. Scott: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: M. D. Doherty Mr. G. Winchell: Austrl Cat Dg, Beard Coll, Card-WC Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. D. R. Lunn: Nov A, Nov B, Open B, Util A T. Leslie: Open A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. G. Winchell NC Waynesville* (I/O) WESTERN CAROLINA DOG FANCIERS ASSOCIATION Haywood County Fairgrounds 758 Crabtree Rd. ****formerly know asHaywood Count Agricultural & Activities Center CLOSES: MAY 28 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. C. L. Olvis SPORTING Group: Ms. E. Muthard Ms. E. Muthard: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. E. Muthard Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. L. Vandiver Mr. R. L. Vandiver: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. G. P. Dawkins Mrs. G. P. Dawkins: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. D. J. Kirkland Mr. D. J. Kirkland: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. P. Dawkins Mr. P. Dawkins: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. P. Dawkins Mr. P. Dawkins: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. G. P. Dawkins Mrs. G. P. Dawkins: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES T. G. McCall: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Util A, Util B, Versatility E. Beasley: Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. G. P. Dawkins OH Troy* (I/O) ECHO HILLS KENNEL CLUB OF OHIO Miami County Fairgrounds CLOSES: MAY 28 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. T. Catterson SPORTING Group: Mr. T. Stacy Mrs. K. L. Photopoulos: Pointer, Pntr-GS, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Span-Clum, Vizs, Weim Mr. T. Stacy: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. J. L. Stacy Mrs. J. L. Stacy: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. W. J. Sommerfelt Mr. W. J. Sommerfelt: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. T. Stacy Mr. T. Stacy: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. J. L. Stacy Mr. T. Catterson: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. S. Brown Mrs. S. Brown: All Non-Sporting Breeds
HERDING Group: Ms. M. Brocious Mr. W. J. Sommerfelt: Pemb-WC Mrs. J. L. Stacy: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv Ms. M. Brocious: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. M. Brocious Ms. M. Brocious: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. P. Scully: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B Ms. L. Moffa: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. K. L. Photopoulos OR Hillsboro (O) CASCADE HOUND ASSOCIATION (S) Washington County Fairgrounds 873 NE 34th Avenue CLOSES: MAY 28 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.50-1st/ $22.00-2nd Ms. R. K. Riel: Hound Group, Amer English Coon, Basenji, B & T Coonhnd, Bluetick Coon, Ibizan, Ir Wolf, Nor Elk, Otter, Plott, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon, Treeing Walker Coon, Misc Breeds , Port Pdngo, Per Inca and more L. L. Nelson: Afghan, Am Fox, Basset, Bgle (13 Under), Bgle (Over 13), Bloodhnd, Borz, Eng Fox, Harr, PBGV, Pharaoh, RhoRidge, Saluki Mr. E. Dziuk: Dach (Long), Dach (Smooth), Dach (Wire), Whip, Jr. Showmanship Dr. R. Place: Greyhnd, ScotDeer SWEEPS PUPPY: Afghan Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS VETERANS: Afghan Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS PUPPY: Amer English Coon Mr. Edmund Dziuk SWEEPS VETERANS: Amer English Coon Mr. Edmund Dziuk SWEEPS PUPPY: Am Fox Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS VETERANS: Am Fox Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS PUPPY: Basenji Mr. Edmund Dziuk SWEEPS VETERANS: Basenji Mr. Edmund Dziuk SWEEPS PUPPY: Basset Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS VETERANS: Basset Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS PUPPY: Bgle (13 Under) Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS VETERANS: Bgle (13 Under) Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS VETERANS: B & T Coonhnd Mr. Edmund Dziuk SWEEPS PUPPY: B & T Coonhnd Mr. Edmund Dziuk SWEEPS VETERANS: Bgle (Over 13) Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS PUPPY: Bgle (Over 13) Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS PUPPY: Bloodhnd Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS VETERANS: Bloodhnd Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS VETERANS: Bluetick Coon Mr. Edmund Dziuk SWEEPS PUPPY: Bluetick Coon Mr. Edmund Dziuk SWEEPS PUPPY: Borz Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS VETERANS: Borz Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS VETERANS: Dach (Long) Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Long) Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Smooth) Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS VETERANS: Dach (Smooth) Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS PUPPY: Eng Fox Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS VETERANS: Eng Fox Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS VETERANS: Greyhnd Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS PUPPY: Greyhnd Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Wire) Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS VETERANS: Dach (Wire) Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS VETERANS: Harr Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS PUPPY: Harr Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS PUPPY: Ibizan Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS VETERANS: Ibizan Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS VETERANS: Ir Wolf Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS PUPPY: Ir Wolf Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS PUPPY: Nor Elk Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS VETERANS: Nor Elk Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS VETERANS: Otter Mr. Edmund Dziuk SWEEPS PUPPY: Otter Mr. Edmund Dziuk SWEEPS PUPPY: PBGV Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS VETERANS: PBGV Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS PUPPY: Pharaoh Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS VETERANS: Pharaoh Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS PUPPY: Plott Mr. Edmund Dziuk SWEEPS VETERANS: Plott Mr. Edmund Dziuk SWEEPS PUPPY: Port Pd Peq Mr. Edmund Dziuk SWEEPS VETERANS: Port Pd Peq Mr. Edmund Dziuk SWEEPS PUPPY: Redbone Coon Mr. Edmund Dziuk SWEEPS VETERANS: Redbone Coon Mr. Edmund Dziuk SWEEPS VETERANS: RhoRidge Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS PUPPY: RhoRidge Dr. Robert Place
SWEEPS VETERANS: Saluki Mr. Edmund Dziuk SWEEPS PUPPY: Saluki Mr. Edmund Dziuk SWEEPS VETERANS: ScotDeer Mr. Edmund Dziuk SWEEPS PUPPY: ScotDeer Mr. Edmund Dziuk SWEEPS VETERANS: Treeing Walker Coon Mr. Edmund Dziuk SWEEPS PUPPY: Treeing Walker Coon Mr. Edmund Dziuk SWEEPS PUPPY: Whip Dr. Robert Place SWEEPS VETERANS: Whip Dr. Robert Place PA Ludwigs Corner* (O) BRYN MAWR KENNEL CLUB (S) Ludwigs Corner Horse Show Grounds Rte 100 CLOSES: MAY 28 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW K. L. Beliew SPORTING Group: M. Faulkner P. DeHetre: Vizs Mr. J. C. Walton: Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Spr R. H. Slay: Pointer, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Set-Gord, Set-Irsh, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, SpanAmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Clum, Span-Irw, Span-Suss M. Faulkner: Balance of Sporting Breeds *Pending: Pntr-GW HOUND Group: Ms. L. S. Tamboer M. Faulkner: Borz Ms. L. S. Tamboer: Amer English Coon, Am Fox, B & T Coonhnd, Bluetick Coon, Eng Fox, Harr, Plott, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon, Treeing Walker Coon K. L. Beliew: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. D. Cozart Mr. K. L. Rayner, Jr.: Akita P. DeHetre: Grt Dane Mr. J. C. Walton: Sib Hky Mrs. D. Cozart: Boxer, Kom Mrs. J. M. Rayner: Alas Mal, Bullm, Dogue de Brdx, Portuguese R. H. Slay: Balance of Working Breeds *Pending: Cane Corso TERRIER Group: Mr. J. C. Walton J. Ritchie: Fox Ter (Smooth) Mr. J. C. Walton: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. J. C. Walton Mr. K. L. Rayner, Jr.: Chin Cr, Pap, Pom Mrs. J. M. Rayner: Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Min Pin, Toy Manch, Pug, Pood Toy Mr. J. C. Walton: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. Cozart Mrs. D. Cozart: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. K. L. Rayner, Jr. M. Faulkner: Card-WC Mr. K. L. Rayner, Jr.: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: K. L. Beliew K. L. Beliew: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES To Be Assigned: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: P. DeHetre SWEEPS PUPPY: Card-WC Michael Pesare SWEEPS VETERANS: Card-WC Michael Pesare SWEEPS PUPPY: Grt Dane John Constantine WA Kent (O) GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF AMERICA Van Dorens Landing Russell Road CLOSES: MAY 28 Ann Akerill, SHW SEC, PO BOX 2005, OREGON CITY, OR 97045 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Ms. F. S. Godek: Breed, Jr. Showmanship WV Morgantown* (I) GREATER CLARKSBURG WV KENNEL CLUB, INC. Hazel and JW Ruby Community Center Hazel and J.W. Ruby Community Center 500 Mylan Park Ln CLOSES: MAY 28 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $28.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. M. Martorella SPORTING Group: Ms. M. Martorella N. Liebes: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. R. E. Garren R. A. Eneix: RhoRidge Dr. A. P. Bianchi: Afghan, Nor Elk Ms. M. Martorella: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: N. Liebes Mr. A. J. Ferruggiaro: Cane Corso Ms. S. S. Hennessy: Leonberger Dr. A. P. Bianchi: Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Boxer, Dobe, Grt Dane, Mast, Newf, Rottw, Sam, Tibtn Mastiff Ms. M. Martorella: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. A. J. Ferruggiaro Mr. R. E. Garren: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. S. S. Hennessy Ms. S. S. Hennessy: Chin Cr Mr. A. J. Ferruggiaro: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. E. Garren Dr. A. P. Bianchi: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. S. S. Hennessy Mrs. L. Bianchi: Pemb-WC, Shetld Ms. S. S. Hennessy: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: N. Liebes N. Liebes: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. C. M. Thompson: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Open A, Open B, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Dr. A. P. Bianchi
JUNE 17 - TUESDAY MT Billings (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) YELLOWSTONE VALLEY KENNEL CLUB Metrapark-Montana Fair Arena Metrapark-Montana Fair Area 308 6th Avenue N CLOSES: MAY 29 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd
JUNE 18 - WEDNESDAY MT Billings (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) YELLOWSTONE VALLEY KENNEL CLUB Metrapark-Montana Fair Arena Metrapark-Montana Fair Area 308 6th Avenue N CLOSES: MAY 29 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd PA New Castle (O) (Evening) CUYAHOGA VALLEY GOLDEN RETRIEVER (P) Lawrence County Farm Show Grounds Route 108 (5 miles east of New Castle) CLOSES: JUNE 4 12:00 p.m. Rhonda Toren, SHW SEC, 5474 DELPHINIUM CT, COLUMBIA, MD 21045 FEE: $25.00 SWEEPS VETERANS: Ret-Gold Julie Narzisi SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Gold Julie Narzisi
JUNE 19 - THURSDAY FL Orlando (I) ORLANDO POODLE CLUB, INC. Central Florida Fairgrounds 4603 W Colonial Drive CLOSES: JUNE 4 Susan Gordon, SHW SEC, 9122 TREVARTHON RD, ORLANDO, FL 32817 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Mr. R. F. Sedlack: Breed FL Orlando (I) SILKY TERRIER CLUB OF CENTRAL FLORIDA (S) Central Florida Fairgrounds 4603 W Colonial Drive CLOSES: JUNE 4 Nancy Triplett, SHW SEC, 9081 SW 34th PL, Ocala, FL 34481 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. J. F. Joly, III: Breed Mr. W. T. Rice: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Dr. Lucha Bennett Koomjian SWEEPS PUPPY Dr. Lucha Bennett Koomjian FL Orlando (I) SUNCOAST COCKER SPANIEL CLUB OF GREATER CLEARWATER (S) Central Florida Fairgrounds 4603 W Colonial Drive CLOSES: JUNE 4 Mr. Donald Leeman, SHW SEC, 7743 135th Street, Seminole, FL 33776 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mrs. K. B. Ashe: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Black) SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (ASCOB) SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Parti) ME Cumberland* (PENDING APPROVAL) LEWISTON-AUBURN KENNEL CLUB, INC. Cumberland County Fairgrounds 174 Bruce Hill Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 4 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. E. L. Whitney SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mrs. E. L. Whitney: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: R. J. Whitney Mrs. E. L. Whitney: Tibtn Mastiff R. J. Whitney: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger Mr. R. R. Hartinger: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger Mr. R. R. Hartinger: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: R. J. Whitney Mrs. E. L. Whitney: Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, GSD, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, OES, Pemb-WC, Pol Low Shp, Pulik, Pyre Shep, Shetld, Swed Vallhund R. J. Whitney: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. E. L. Whitney Mrs. E. L. Whitney: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. H. Doan: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL *Pending: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. D. M. Adams MN Cambridge (I/O) ANOKA COUNTY MINNESOTA KENNEL CLUB Isanti County Fairgrounds Mn Highway 95 CLOSES: JUNE 4 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. B. L. Clarke SPORTING Group: Mr. E. J. Ringle Mr. E. J. Ringle: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. E. B. Weiss Mr. E. B. Weiss: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. C. C. McGowan Ms. B. L. Clarke: All Working Breeds
Five Valley Kennel Club Missoula, Montana
2014 Judging Panel: Kent Delaney Carolyn Herbel Linda Scanlon Denise Corelssen Wayne Thompson James R. White Col. Joe Purkhiser Murrel Purkhiser Chris Levy Sue Cox
Reserved Grooming Space Spaces are 10 x 10 feet for three days = $50.00. For each additional 10 feet = $35.00. Spaces are limited and must be prepaid Deadline: June 13, 2014 For more information: Don Lassila 384 Dry Gulch Rd. Stevensville, MT 59870
SUNDAY, JUNE 22, 2014 Bred by Exhibitor thru Groups 4-6 Beginner Puppy Western Wear Raffle Plan OC Obedience Match Meet The Breeds
June 22, 23, 24, 2014 Western Montana Fairgrounds 1101 South Avenue W Missoula, Montana 59801
Conformation, Obedience, Rally All Three Days SUNDAY, JUNE 22, 2014:
Breeders’ Cup: $500.00 Prize SUNDAY & MONDAY JUNE 22 & 23, 2014:
Best Veteran: $200.00 Prize SUNDAY, JUNE 22, 2014:
Vendor Space Available
Western Wear Day: $100.00 Prize
Three-Day parking pass = $12.00
All exhibitors wearing Western clothing – shirt, vest or boots – will receive one Raffle ticket for each entry
Contact: Mary-Ann Bowman 3818 Salish Trail Stevensville, MT 59870
Entries close June 4, 2014 Onofrio, Superintendent
MONDAY, JUNE 23, 2014 Bred by Exhibitor Breeders’ Cup AKC Sanctioned B Match TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 2014 Best Veteran Open to all dogs seven years & older, may be altered Sunday & Monday June 22 & 23, 2014 BBE Group Winners Compete for Best in Show Bred-By Exhibitor SUNDAY, JUNE 22, 2014 TASTE OF MISSOULA 5:30 pm, 4-H building Locally made pizza & ice cream Cost $10.00 Reservations by June 13, 2014 Checks payable to: FVKC Mail to: Don Lassila 384 Dry Gulch Rd. Stevensville, MT 59870 Dog News 115
TERRIER Group: Mr. E. B. Weiss Mr. E. B. Weiss: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. T. Catterson Mr. R. E. Garren: Pug, Pood Toy Mr. T. Catterson: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. E. Garren Mr. E. B. Weiss: Shar-Pei Mr. R. E. Garren: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. C. C. McGowan Ms. C. C. McGowan: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. T. Catterson Mr. T. Catterson: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. T. Catterson MT Billings (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) YELLOWSTONE VALLEY KENNEL CLUB Metrapark-Montana Fair Arena Metrapark-Montana Fair Area 308 6th Avenue N CLOSES: MAY 29 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd NY New Paltz (O) WALLKILL KENNEL CLUB, INC. Ulster County Fairgrounds Libertyville Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 4 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. S. R. Lyons SPORTING Group: Ms. S. R. Lyons Ms. S. R. Lyons: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. N. Horn Ms. L. K. Telfair: Afghan, Am Fox, Bgle, Ibizan, Otter, PBGV, Pharaoh, Redbone Coon, RhoRidge, Treeing Walker Coon Mr. N. Horn: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. V. Clemente Mr. V. Clemente: AnatolShep, Blk Russn Terrier, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dogue de Brdx, Kom, Kuv, Leonberger, Nepltn Mastiff, Portuguese, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. F. G. Ferris: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. F. G. Ferris Mr. F. G. Ferris: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. T. Swidersky Mr. R. T. Swidersky: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. T. Swidersky Mr. R. T. Swidersky: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. N. Horn Mr. N. Horn: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. N. Horn Ms. L. K. Telfair: Port Pdngo Mr. N. Horn: Balance of Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. N. Horn OH Shelby (O) GREAT DANE CLUB OF CLEVELAND (S) Shelby - Mansfield KOA Campground Shelby Mansfield KOA Campground 6787 Baker Road CLOSES: JUNE 4 Kathy Baraga, SHW SEC, 1256 Nesbitt Rd, Sagamore Hills, OH 44067 FEE: $29.00 J. Hoke: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Cat Urner OR Canby (O) GREATER PORTLAND DACHSHUND CLUB (S) Clackamas County Fairgrounds 694 NE 4th Ave CLOSES: JUNE 4 Ms. Melody Fair, SHW SEC, PO BOX 339, NOTI, OR 97461 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Mr. A. W. Woodfork: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Long) Ollie Click SWEEPS VETERANS: Dach (Long) Ollie Click SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Smooth) Ollie Click SWEEPS VETERANS: Dach (Smooth) Ollie Click SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Wire) Ollie Click SWEEPS VETERANS: Dach (Wire) Ollie Click OR Canby (O) LOWER COLUMBIA SIBERIAN HUSKY CLUB (S) Clackamas County Fairgrounds 694 NE 4th Ave CLOSES: JUNE 4 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mr. V. A. Harvey: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY OR Canby (O) WILLAMETTE VALLEY SALUKI CLUB (S) Clackamas County Fairgrounds 694 NE 4th Ave CLOSES: JUNE 4 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Ms. N. Errickson: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Dixie Howell-Hirsch MATURITY Mrs. Dixie Howell-Hirsch SWEEPS VETERANS Mrs. Dixie Howell-Hirsch PA New Castle* (I/O) CUYAHOGA VALLEY GOLDEN RETRIEVER Lawrence County Farm Show Grounds Route 108 (5 miles east of New Castle) CLOSES: JUNE 4 Rhonda Toren, SHW SEC, 5474 Delphinium Ct, Columbia, MD 21045 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd C. Jaynes: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mr. T. A. Walshesky: Obedience
116 Dog News
PA New Castle* (I/O) GREATER PITTSBURGH GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB Lawrence County Farm Show Grounds Route 108 (5 miles east of New Castle) CLOSES: JUNE 4 Rhonda Toren, SHW SEC, 5474 Delphinium Ct, Columbia, MD 21045 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Ms. R. A. Bell: Breed, Jr. Showmanship E. M. Van Uden: Obedience WA Richland (O) SCOTTISH DEERHOUND CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (P) Howard Amon Park CLOSES: MAY 21 Barbara O’Neill, SHW SEC, 11403 3RD AVE S, SEATTLE, WA 98168 SWEEPS PUPPY: ScotDeer Liv Vogt Johansen SWEEPS VETERANS: ScotDeer Liv Vogt Johansen
JUNE 20 - FRIDAY CA Long Beach (O) AMERICAN SEALYHAM TERRIER CLUB Queen Mary Events Park 1126 Queens Hwy CLOSES: JUNE 4 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mrs. A. Katona: Breed CA Long Beach (O) BORDER TERRIER CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (S) Queen Mary Events Park 1126 Queens Hwy CLOSES: JUNE 4 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT Mrs. A. Katona: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Mr. James Brennan SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. James Brennan CA Long Beach (O) CAIRN TERRIER CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (S) Queen Mary Events Park 1126 Queens Hwy CLOSES: JUNE 4 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. E. E. Bivin: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Marly Lucier SWEEPS PUPPY Marly Lucier CA Long Beach (O) GOLDEN STATE BULL TERRIER CLUB Queen Mary Events Park 1126 Queens Hwy CLOSES: JUNE 4 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd T. G. Spurr: Breed CA Long Beach (O) (PENDING APPROVAL) IRISH TERRIER CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Queen Mary Events Park 1126 Queens Hwy CLOSES: JUNE 4 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. E. E. Bivin: Breed CA Long Beach (O) KERRY BLUE TERRIER CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (S) Queen Mary Events Park 1126 Queens Hwy CLOSES: JUNE 4 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Ms. G. Dunlap: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Deena Simon SWEEPS PUPPY Deena Simon CA Long Beach (O) MINIATURE BULL TERRIER CLUB OF AMERICA Queen Mary Events Park 1126 Queens Hwy CLOSES: JUNE 4 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $32.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Ms. G. Dunlap: Breed CA Long Beach (O) MINIATURE SCHNAUZER CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (S) Queen Mary Events Park 1126 Queens Hwy CLOSES: JUNE 4 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. R. D. Black: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Tammy Colbert SWEEPS PUPPY Tammy Colbert CA Long Beach (O) SCOTTISH TERRIER CLUB OF CALIFORNIA (S) Queen Mary Events Park 1126 Queens Hwy CLOSES: JUNE 4 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd S. Plane: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Cindy Cooke SWEEPS PUPPY Cindy Cooke
CA Long Beach (O) SEALYHAM TERRIER CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (S) Queen Mary Events Park 1126 Queens Hwy CLOSES: JUNE 4 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. E. E. Bivin: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Victoria Glickstein SWEEPS PUPPY Victoria Glickstein CA Long Beach (O) SOFT COATED WHEATEN TERRIER CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Queen Mary Events Park 1126 Queens Hwy CLOSES: JUNE 4 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Ms. V. L. Smith: Breed FL Orlando (I) BREVARD KENNEL CLUB Central Florida Fairgrounds 4603 W Colonial Drive CLOSES: JUNE 4 MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. C. Bell SPORTING Group: Mr. D. A. Johnson Mr. D. A. Johnson: Vizs Mr. T. Stacy: Set-Gord, Span-Ckr (Black), Spin Ital, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mrs. K. Steen: Brit, All Pointers, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab Mrs. L. Boutwell: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. T. Stacy Mrs. C. Bell: Bgle Mrs. L. Boutwell: Basenji, Basset, Borz, Ibizan, Ir Wolf, Otter, Pharaoh, Plott, Port Pd Peq, Saluki, ScotDeer, Whip Mr. D. A. Johnson: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. D. Cozart Mr. C. Winslow: Boxer, Bullm, Mast, Newf Mrs. D. Cozart: Akita, Alas Mal, Giant Schn, Grt Dane, Nepltn Mastiff, Rottw, Sib Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mrs. C. Bell: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. T. Stacy Mr. T. Stacy: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. L. Boutwell Mr. D. A. Johnson: Cav KC Spans Ms. S. I. Wheat: Pug Mr. C. Winslow: Pap, Shih Tzu, Toy Fox Terrier Mrs. D. Cozart: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Eng Toy Sp, I Greyhnd, J Chin, Peke Mr. J. M. Bazell: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. S. I. Wheat Mr. C. Winslow: Kees Mrs. D. Cozart: Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Schip, Shiba Inu, Tib Span, Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli Mr. C. E. Gomes: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. K. Steen Mr. C. E. Gomes: GSD Ms. S. I. Wheat: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. C. E. Gomes Mr. C. E. Gomes: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Dr. L. M. Van Horn
OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. H. Doan: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL *Pending: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. L. J. LaBounty MN Cambridge (I/O) ANOKA COUNTY MINNESOTA KENNEL CLUB (S) Isanti County Fairgrounds Mn Highway 95 CLOSES: JUNE 4 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. E. Garren SPORTING Group: Ms. C. C. McGowan Ms. C. C. McGowan: Brit, All Pointers, All Retrievers, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Clum Ms. B. L. Clarke: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. T. Catterson Mr. T. Catterson: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. E. J. Ringle Mr. E. J. Ringle: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. C. C. McGowan Ms. C. C. McGowan: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. E. B. Weiss S. P. Wolfe: Pood Toy Mr. E. B. Weiss: Min Pin, Pug Mr. R. E. Garren: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. E. B. Weiss S. P. Wolfe: Shar-Pei, Pood Mr. E. B. Weiss: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: J. P. Wade Mr. D. Bolus: Canaan J. P. Wade: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. B. L. Clarke Ms. B. L. Clarke: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. D. Bolus SWEEPS VETERANS: Canaan Mrs. Linn Klingel Brown SWEEPS PUPPY: Canaan Mrs. Linn Klingel Brown MN Cambridge* (I/O) GREATER TWIN CITIES DOBERMAN PINSCHER CLUB (S) Isanti County Fairgrounds Mn Highway 95 CLOSES: JUNE 4 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mrs. D. J. Wilkins: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. B. W. Selton: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS SWEEPS PUPPY
MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. L. Reynolds Mr. R. L. Reynolds: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. L. Ferrullo: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. R. Ambrosio SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Lab Diane Ammerman SWEEPS VETERANS: Ret-Lab Diane Ammerman SWEEPS PUPPY: Newf Brian Wessels SWEEPS VETERANS: Newf Brian Wessels OH Jefferson (I) GREATER PITTSBURGH DALMATIAN CLUB (S) Fischer’s Pine Lake park Fischer’s Pine Lake Park 3796 Maple Rd CLOSES: JUNE 4 Nanvy M. Cummerick, SHW SEC, 527 HUMPHREY RD, GREENSBURG, PA 15601 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. M. Staley: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Dr. Ed Barrett SWEEPS PUPPY Dr. Ed Barrett OH Jefferson (I) GREATER PITTSBURGH DALMATIAN CLUB (S) Fischer’s Pine Lake park Fischer’s Pine Lake Park 3796 Maple Rd CLOSES: JUNE 4 Linda M. Lombardi, SHW SEC, 6668 MANCHESTER RD, CLINTON, OH 44216 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. M. S. White: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Barbara Barrett SWEEPS PUPPY Barbara Barrett OH Shelby (O) HEART OF OHIO GREAT DANE CLUB (S) Shelby - Mansfield KOA Campground Shelby Mansfield KOA Campground 6787 Baker Road CLOSES: JUNE 4 Ms. Kathy Baraga, SHW SEC, 1256 NESBITT RD, SAGAMORE HILLS, OH 44067 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Ms. C. Pratt: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. Elmer Robinson
OH Wooster (I) OHIO BOXER CLUB, INC. (S) Wayne County Fair Grounds 199 Vanover MN Cambridge (I) (Evening) STAR OF THE NORTH CHINESE SHAR-PEI CLOSES: JUNE 4 Judy Lowther, SHW SEC, PO BOX 828, CLUB C/O ROY JONES DOG SHOWS, AUBURN, Isanti County Fairgrounds IN 46706 Mn Highway 95 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd CLOSES: JUNE 4 Mrs. J. S. Kefeli: Breed Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT SWEEPS PUPPY FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. Carol Nesbitt Mr. R. E. Garren: Breed, Jr. Showmanship
MT Great Falls* (I) ELECTRIC CITY KENNEL CLUB Montana Expo Park 400 3rd St. SW CLOSES: JUNE 4 FL Orlando (I) Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT MID-FLORIDA CAVALIER KING CHARLES FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd SPANIEL CLUB (S) Judges And Their Assignments Central Florida Fairgrounds BEST IN SHOW Mrs. J. K. Dutton 4603 W Colonial Drive SPORTING Group: Mr. R. H. CLOSES: JUNE 4 Menaker MB-F Inc., SUPT Mr. R. H. Menaker: All Sporting Breeds FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd HOUND Group: Mr. L. J. Sinclair M. Hanus: Breed Mr. L. J. Sinclair: All Hound Breeds Mr. B. C. Hansen: Jr. Showmanship WORKING Group: Mr. L. J. SWEEPS PUPPY Sinclair Mary Lyn Jensen Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolSWEEPS VETERANS Shep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Mary Lyn Jensen Bullm, Kuv, Leonberger, Mast Mrs. J. K. Dutton: Balance of Working IA Iowa City (I) Breeds GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF THE TERRIER Group: Mr. S. J. Hubbell QUAD CITIES Mrs. J. K. Dutton: All Terrier Breeds Johnson County Fairgrounds TOY Group: Mr. S. J. Hubbell 3149 South Riverside Drive (Old Hwy 218) Mrs. J. K. Dutton: Toy Manch CLOSES: JUNE 4 Mr. S. J. Hubbell: Balance of Toy Breeds Mrs. Sherri McHugh, SHW SEC, P.O. Box NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. S. 134, Andover, IL 61233 J. Hubbell FEE: $25.00 Mr. L. J. Sinclair: Bulldog Mrs. C. Walkowicz: Breed Mr. S. J. Hubbell: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds ME Cumberland* (PENDING APPROVAL) HERDING Group: Mrs. L. J. Sinclair LEWISTON-AUBURN KENNEL CLUB, INC. Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: All Herding Breeds Cumberland County Fairgrounds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. L. 174 Bruce Hill Rd. J. Sinclair CLOSES: JUNE 4 Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: All Miscellaneous Breeds MB-F Inc., SUPT OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES FEE: $28.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mrs. N. D. Simmons: Nov A, Nov B, Open A, Judges And Their Assignments Open B, Util A, Util B BEST IN SHOW Mrs. P. Hartinger JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. J. K. Dutton SPORTING Group: Mrs. E. L. Whitney NY New Paltz* (O) Mrs. E. L. Whitney: All Sporting Breeds SHAWANGUNK KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) *No Classes: Span-Eng Spr Ulster County Fairgrounds HOUND Group: Mrs. E. L. Whitney Libertyville Rd. Mr. R. R. Hartinger: All Hound Breeds CLOSES: JUNE 4 WORKING Group: Mrs. E. L. MB-F Inc., SUPT Whitney Judges And Their Assignments Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Working Breeds BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. L. Reynolds TERRIER Group: Mrs. E. L. Whitney SPORTING Group: Mr. N. Horn Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Rat Terrier D. Thornton: Ret-Gold, Set-Irsh R. J. Whitney: Irish Ter, Norfolk Mr. N. Horn: Balance of Sporting Breeds Mrs. E. L. Whitney: Balance of Terrier *No Classes: Span-Eng Spr Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. S. B. Tietjen TOY Group: R. J. Whitney Mr. R. L. Reynolds: All Hound Breeds R. J. Whitney: All Toy Breeds WORKING Group: D. Thornton NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. E. D. Thornton: All Working Breeds L. Whitney TERRIER Group: Mrs. M. P. Mrs. E. L. Whitney: All Non-Sporting Breeds Mickelson HERDING Group: Mr. R. R. Mrs. M. P. Mickelson: All Terrier Breeds Hartinger TOY Group: Mrs. S. B. Tietjen Mrs. L. J. LaBounty: Coll Mrs. T. B. Frisch: I Greyhnd Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Balance of Toy Breeds Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Balance of Herding NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. T. Breeds B. Frisch MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. Mrs. T. B. Frisch: All Non-Sporting Breeds R. Hartinger HERDING Group: Mrs. M. P. Mr. R. R. Hartinger: All Miscellaneous Mickelson Breeds Mrs. M. P. Mickelson: All Herding Breeds
OR Canby* (O) (PENDING APPROVAL) AMERICAN BULLMASTIFF ASSOCIATION, INC. (S) Clackamas County Fairgrounds 694 NE 4th Ave CLOSES: JUNE 4 Jane Garvin, SHW SEC, 1466 SE OLD BARN LANE, C/O ONOFRIO DOG SHOWS, DAMASCUS, OR 97089 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd Mr. H. J. Williams: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. K. Y. Curtis: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Kathy Kocher SWEEPS PUPPY Kathy Kocher OR Canby (O) BOSTON TERRIER CLUB OF PORTLAND (S) Clackamas County Fairgrounds 694 NE 4th Ave CLOSES: JUNE 4 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mr. R. L. Stansell: Breed Mrs. C. Stansell: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Mrs. Cindy Stansell SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Cindy Stansell OR Canby (O) EVERGREEN SHIBA INU CLUB (S) Clackamas County Fairgrounds 694 NE 4th Ave CLOSES: JUNE 4 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mr. D. M. Krogh: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Ms. Anna M Quigley SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Anna M Quigley OR Canby (O) EVERGREEN SHIBA INU CLUB Clackamas County Fairgrounds 694 NE 4th Ave CLOSES: JUNE 4 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Ms. C. Cameron: Breed, Jr. Showmanship OR Canby (O) FORT VANCOUVER COCKER SPANIEL FANCIERS, INC. (S) Clackamas County Fairgrounds 694 NE 4th Ave CLOSES: JUNE 4 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd B. DiDonato: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Black) Ms. Dianne Kroll SWEEPS VETERANS: Span-Ckr (Black) Ms. Dianne Kroll SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (ASCOB) Ms. Dianne Kroll
SWEEPS VETERANS: Span-Ckr (ASCOB) Ms. Dianne Kroll SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Parti) Ms. Dianne Kroll SWEEPS VETERANS: Span-Ckr (Parti) Ms. Dianne Kroll OR Canby (O) GREATER PORTLAND DACHSHUND CLUB (S) Clackamas County Fairgrounds 694 NE 4th Ave CLOSES: JUNE 4 Melody Fair, SHW SEC, PO BOX 339, NOTI, OR 97461 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd L. E. Abbott-Licht: Breed Ms. C. C. Smith: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Long) Erika Houle SWEEPS VETERANS: Dach (Long) Erika Houle SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Smooth) Erika Houle SWEEPS VETERANS: Dach (Smooth) Erika Houle SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Wire) Erika Houle SWEEPS VETERANS: Dach (Wire) Erika Houle
PA New Castle* (I/O) GREATER PITTSBURGH GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB Lawrence County Farm Show Grounds Route 108 (5 miles east of New Castle) CLOSES: JUNE 4 Mrs. Rhonda Toren, SHW SEC, 5474 Delphinium Ct, Columbia, MD 21045 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Mrs. J. Colvin: Breed, Jr. Showmanship E. M. Van Uden: Obedience PA Rochester (I) GOLDEN TRIANGLE BULL TERRIER CLUB (S) Beaver County Kennel Club Clubhouse 580 Jackson Street CLOSES: JUNE 4 12:00 p.m. Judy Morrison, SHW SEC, 1140 ClaridgeElliott rd., Jeannette, PA 15644 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mrs. N. Smith: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY: Bull Ter (Color) Jake Jones SWEEPS VETERANS: Bull Ter (Color) Jake Jones SWEEPS PUPPY: Bull Ter (White) Jake Jones SWEEPS VETERANS: Bull Ter (White) Jake Jones
SWEEPS PUPPY: Staf Bull Peter Atkinson SWEEPS VETERANS: Soft Coated Genie Kline SWEEPS PUPPY: Soft Coated Genie Kline SWEEPS PUPPY: Am Staff Peter Atkinson SWEEPS VETERANS: Am Staff Peter Atkinson SWEEPS PUPPY: Scotti Janet Bartholomew SWEEPS VETERANS: Scotti Janet Bartholomew SWEEPS VETERANS: Cairn Karen Godwin SWEEPS PUPPY: Cairn Karen Godwin SWEEPS VETERANS: Wst Highlnd Jack Smith SWEEPS PUPPY: Wst Highlnd Jack Smith
FL Orlando (I) CENTRAL FLORIDA KENNEL CLUB, INC. Central Florida Fairgrounds 4603 W Colonial Drive CLOSES: JUNE 4 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. D. Cozart OR Canby (O) RI Warwick* (O) SPORTING Group: Mrs. K. Steen LOWER COLUMBIA SIBERIAN HUSKY EASTERN ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL Mr. J. A. Moses: Ret-Lab CLUB (S) CLUB (S) Mrs. K. Steen: Span-Eng Spr Clackamas County Fairgrounds Crowne Plaza Hotel Mrs. L. Clark: Vizs 694 NE 4th Ave 801 Greenwich Ave Mrs. L. Boutwell: Span-Ckr (Black), Spin CLOSES: JUNE 4 CLOSES: JUNE 4 Ital, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Alice Smith, SHW SEC, PO BOX 22107, Mrs. C. A. Beattie: Pntr-GS, Pntr-GW, FEE: $25.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Gold, Span-Ckr Mrs. O. A. Harvey: Breed, Jr. Showmanship GREENSBORO, NC 27420 FEE: $32.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd (ASCOB), Span-Ckr (Parti) SWEEPS VETERANS Mrs. J. L. Vanderlip: Breed, Jr. ShowmanMr. D. A. Johnson: Balance of Sporting Ms. Cindy Crawford-Gorath ship Breeds SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. J. M. Ashton: Obedience HOUND Group: Mrs. L. Boutwell Ms. Cindy Crawford-Gorath SWEEPS VETERANS C. Pyrkosz: Bgle Lori Nieto Mrs. L. Boutwell: Dach, Eng Fox, Greyhnd, OR Canby (O) SWEEPS PUPPY Harr, Nor Elk, PBGV, Treeing Walker Coon MULTNOMAH IRISH SETTER ASSOCIALori Nieto Mr. D. A. Johnson: Ibizan, Ir Wolf, Otter, TION (S) Pharaoh, Plott, Port Pd Peq, ScotDeer Clackamas County Fairgrounds Mrs. C. Bell: Balance of Hound Breeds 694 NE 4th Ave WORKING Group: Mrs. C. Bell CLOSES: JUNE 4 Ms. S. I. Wheat: Akita Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Mrs. L. Clark: Bullm FEE: $29.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. J. M. Bazell: Newf B. DiDonato: Breed, Jr. Showmanship WA Richland (O) Mr. C. E. Gomes: Rottw SWEEPS VETERANS SCOTTISH DEERHOUND CLUB OF Mrs. C. Bell: Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Tibtn Ms. Roberta Foy AMERICA, INC. (2) Mastiff SWEEPS PUPPY Howard Amon Park Mrs. D. Cozart: Boxer, Dobe, Grt Pyr, Ms. Roberta Foy CLOSES: MAY 21 Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kom, Kuv, Leonberger, St Barbara O’Neill, SHW SEC, 11403 3RD Bern, Sam OR Canby (O) AVE S, SEATTLE, WA 98168 Mr. C. Winslow: Balance of Working PACIFIC NORTHWEST FRENCH BULLDOG FEE: $29.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Breeds CLUB (S) Dr. D. Sturz, Jr.: Breed TERRIER Group: Mrs. J. Felten Clackamas County Fairgrounds Ms. S. B. Davis: Jr. Showmanship Mr. J. A. Moses: Am Staff 694 NE 4th Ave Mrs. J. Felten: Balance of Terrier Breeds CLOSES: JUNE 4 TOY Group: Mr. J. M. Bazell Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Mrs. I. Semenschin: Cav KC Spans FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. J. A. Moses: Pood Toy Ms. L. J. Moore: Breed CA Claremont (O) Mrs. C. A. Beattie: Pom, Yorks Mrs. S. A. Krogh: Jr. Showmanship DACHSHUND CLUB OF SANTA ANA Mrs. L. Boutwell: Shih Tzu, Silky SWEEPS PUPPY VALLEY (S) Ms. S. I. Wheat: Chihua, Chin Cr, Hava Mr. Matthew Dover Hotel Claremont Mr. C. Winslow: J Chin, Malt, Min Pin, Toy 840 So Indian Hill Blvd Manch OR Canby (O) CLOSES: JUNE 4 PACIFIC NORTHWEST MINIATURE PINEileen Parr, SHW SEC, 18780 MUNSEE RD, Mr. J. M. Bazell: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. I. SCHER CLUB (S) APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 Semenschin Clackamas County Fairgrounds FEE: $25.00-1st/ $12.50-2nd Mr. J. A. Moses: Pood 694 NE 4th Ave J. Cerasini: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Ms. S. I. Wheat: Dalm, Fin Spitz CLOSES: JUNE 4 SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Long) Mr. J. M. Bazell: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Sue Rucker Boston Mr. H. J. Williams: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Smooth) Mrs. I. Semenschin: Chow, Fr Bull, Lhasa, SWEEPS PUPPY Sue Rucker Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd Ms. Ann Stout SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Wire) Mr. C. E. Gomes: Balance of Non-Sporting Sue Rucker Breeds OR Canby (O) Group: Ms. S. I. Wheat PACIFIC NORTHWEST MINIATURE CA Fremont (O) (PENDING APPROVAL) HERDING PINSCHER CLUB GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG FANCIERS OF Mrs. L. Clark: Austrl Cat Dg, Bouv, PembWC Clackamas County Fairgrounds NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Mr. J. A. Moses: Entlebucher Mnt Dog, 694 NE 4th Ave Fremont Central Park GSD, Nor Buhund, Pol Low Shp, Pyre Shep, CLOSES: JUNE 4 40000 Paseo Padre Parkway Shetld, Swed Vallhund Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT CLOSES: JUNE 4 Mr. W. R. Russell: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Connie Horvath, SHW SEC, 1300 Galaxy Mrs. K. Steen: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. Way Ste 6, Concord, CA 94520 M. Bazell OR Canby (O) FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mr. J. M. Bazell: All Miscellaneous Breeds WILLAMETTE VALLEY ENGLISH SETTER Mrs. A. Safdir: Breed, Jr. Showmanship JR SHOWMANSHIP: N. Whitney FANCIERS (S) Clackamas County Fairgrounds CA Long Beach (O) 694 NE 4th Ave GREAT WESTERN TERRIER ASSOCIATION HI Honolulu* (O) ALOHA STATE SPORTING DOG ASCLOSES: JUNE 4 OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (S) SOCIATION Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Queen Mary Events Park Thomas Square FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd 1126 Queens Hwy King Street Dr. D. W. Dowling: Breed, Jr. Showmanship CLOSES: JUNE 4 925 S Beretania St SWEEPS VETERANS Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT CLOSES: JUNE 4 Mrs. Wendy Galbreath FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. A. Katona: Terrier Group, Kerry, Scotti Ms. Linette Barrios, SHW SEC, 47-106A OKANA RD, KANEOHE, HI 96744 Mrs. Wendy Galbreath S. Plane: Airdle, Parson Russell, Wst FEE: $30.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Highlnd Mrs. C. M. Howard: Sporting Group, Brit, OR Canby (O) B. G. Cheek: Am Staff WILLAMETTE VALLEY ENGLISH SETTER Ms. V. L. Smith: Austr, Bdlgtn, Cairn, Sealym Pointer, Pntr-GS, Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches, RetCurl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Ret-Nova FANCIERS Mr. E. E. Bivin: Border, Fox Ter (Smooth), Scotia T, Set-Eng, Set-Gord, Set-Irsh, Clackamas County Fairgrounds Fox Ter (Wire), Norfolk, Norwich, Russel Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, 694 NE 4th Ave Terr CLOSES: JUNE 4 Mr. C. A. Greaney: Bull Ter (Color), Bull Ter Span-Clum, and more Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT (White), Min Bull Terrs IA Iowa City (I) FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Ms. K. J. Ferris: Cesky Terrier, Dandie, GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF THE Mrs. L. M. Riedel: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Glen Imaal, Irish Ter, Lakelnd, Std Manch, QUAD CITIES Rat Terrier Johnson County Fairgrounds OR Canby (O) Ms. C. J. Seaberg: Min Schn 3149 South Riverside Drive (Old Hwy 218) WILLAMETTE VALLEY SALUKI CLUB (S) Mrs. P. B. Peat: Skye CLOSES: JUNE 4 Clackamas County Fairgrounds Ms. G. Dunlap: Soft Coated Mrs. Sherri McHugh, SHW SEC, P.O. Box 694 NE 4th Ave Mr. Z. Smith: Staf Bull, Jr. Showmanship 134, Andover, IL 61233 CLOSES: JUNE 4 Mr. R. D. Black: Welsh Ter FEE: $25.00 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT SWEEPS PUPPY: Bull Ter (Color) Ms. K. J. Hynek: Breed FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. Brent Ruppel Ms. K. A. Dumke: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY: Bull Ter (White) IA Iowa City* (I) SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. Brent Ruppel HAWKEYE KENNEL CLUB Mrs. Fiona Bennett SWEEPS PUPPY: Irish Ter Johnson County Fairgrounds MATURITY John Killeen 3149 South Riverside Drive (Old Hwy 218) Mrs. Fiona Bennett SWEEPS PUPPY: Min Schn SWEEPS VETERANS Ms. Janet M Allen CLOSES: JUNE 4 Mrs. Fiona Bennett SWEEPS VETERANS: Min Schn Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Ms. Janet M Allen FEE: $27.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd PA New Castle* (I/O) SWEEPS PUPPY: Welsh Ter Judges And Their Assignments CUYAHOGA VALLEY GOLDEN REFrank Stevens BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. V. Miller TRIEVER SWEEPS VETERANS: Welsh Ter SPORTING Group: Dr. J. A. ReeveLawrence County Farm Show Grounds Frank Stevens Newson Route 108 SWEEPS PUPPY: Fox Ter (Smooth) J. E. Gregory: All Sporting Breeds (5 miles east of New Castle) Kristen Read HOUND Group: Dr. J. A. ReeveCLOSES: JUNE 4 SWEEPS PUPPY: Fox Ter (Wire) Newson Mrs. Rhonda Toren, SHW SEC, 5474 DelKristen Read J. E. Gregory: All Hound Breeds phinium Ct., Columbia, MD 21045 SWEEPS PUPPY: Min Bull Terrs WORKING Group: Mrs. P. Hastings FEE: $30.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Dr. John J. Spurr Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: All Working A. A. Disiena: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS: Min Bull Terrs Breeds Mr. T. A. Walshesky: Obedience Dr. John J. Spurr SWEEPS VETERANS: Staf Bull Peter Atkinson
TERRIER Group: J. E. Gregory Mr. R. V. Miller: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. V. Miller Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. Hastings Mr. R. V. Miller: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: J. E. Gregory J. E. Gregory: Bouv Mrs. P. Hastings: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. V. Miller Mr. R. V. Miller: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. R. Capsel: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A Ms. E. M. Olson: Open B, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. P. Hastings IN Crown Point* (I) LAKE SHORE KENNEL CLUB, INC. Lake County Fairgrounds 889 S. Court Street CLOSES: JUNE 4 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. M. E. Klingler SPORTING Group: N. Liebes Mr. D. R. Miller: Vizs, Weim N. Liebes: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. K. C. Wilson Mr. D. R. Miller: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: N. Liebes N. Liebes: Boxer Mrs. M. E. Klingler: Giant Schn, Std Schn Ms. M. K. Miller: Akita, Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Dobe, Grt Dane, Grt Pyr, Kuv, Newf, Rottw, St Bern, Sam Mrs. F. W. Schwartz: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. K. C. Wilson Mrs. F. W. Schwartz: Min Schn, Staf Bull Mrs. K. C. Wilson: Airdle, Dandie, Glen Imaal, Irish Ter, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Sealym Mrs. M. E. Klingler: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. M. K. Miller Ms. M. K. Miller: Chin Cr, Peke, Pom, Pug, Pood Toy, Shih Tzu, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mrs. M. E. Klingler: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. D. R. Miller Mrs. M. E. Klingler: Pood (Std) Mrs. F. W. Schwartz: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. F. W. Schwartz Ms. M. Koltes: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. M. K. Miller Ms. M. K. Miller: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. R. J. Janek: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. M. Koltes ME Cumberland* (O) (PENDING APPROVAL) PENOBSCOT VALLEY KENNEL CLUB (S) Cumberland County Fairgrounds 174 Bruce Hill Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 4 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. R. Hartinger SPORTING Group: Mrs. K. Kahn Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Brit Mrs. K. Kahn: Balance of Sporting Breeds *No Classes: Span-Eng Spr HOUND Group: Mrs. K. Kahn Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mr. R. R. Hartinger: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. K. Kahn Mrs. K. Kahn: Rat Terrier Mrs. E. L. Whitney: Irish Ter, Norfolk R. J. Whitney: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. K. Kahn Mrs. K. Kahn: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. E. L. Whitney R. J. Whitney: Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, GSD, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, OES, Pemb-WC, Pol Low Shp, Pulik, Pyre Shep, Shetld, Swed Vallhund Mrs. E. L. Whitney: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: R. J. Whitney R. J. Whitney: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. H. Doan: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Veteran, Nov Wildc, Opn Wildc, Utl Wildc Mrs. R. D. Doan: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: S. Crepeau SWEEPS PUPPY: Brit Jay Kitchener SWEEPS VETERANS: Brit Jay Kitchener SWEEPS PUPPY: Portuguese Marie Falconer MI Armada* (I/O) MACOMB KENNEL CLUB Armada Fair Grounds 74280 fair St. CLOSES: JUNE 4 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. G. L. Sparschu SPORTING Group: Mr. J. M. Brown Mr. J. M. Brown: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. E. Muthard Mr. J. M. Brown: Ibizan Ms. M. Brocious: PBGV Ms. E. Muthard: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. M. Brocious Dr. G. L. Sparschu: Berns Mtn, Boxer, Grt Pyr, Nepltn Mastiff, Newf, Rottw, Tibtn Mastiff
Ms. E. Muthard: Balance of Working Breeds *No Classes: Grt Dane TERRIER Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mrs. C. P. Patterson: All Terrier Breeds *No Classes: Bull Ter TOY Group: Mrs. S. Brown Mr. J. M. Brown: Pood Toy Mrs. S. Brown: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mr. J. M. Brown: Boston, Shar-Pei, Chow, Dalm, Fr Bull, Kees, Pood, Schip, Shiba Inu Mr. C. L. Olvis: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. M. Brocious Ms. M. Brocious: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. M. Brown Mr. J. M. Brown: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. D. R. Lunn: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. C. P. Patterson MN Cambridge (I/O) CAMBRIDGE MINNESOTA KENNEL CLUB (S) Isanti County Fairgrounds Mn Highway 95 CLOSES: JUNE 4 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. M. J. Dachel SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. S. Bolus Ms. C. C. McGowan: Span-Fld Mr. E. B. Weiss: Brit, All Pointers, All Retrievers, Set-Eng, Set-Irsh, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Weim Mrs. A. S. Bolus: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: J. P. Wade J. P. Wade: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. D. Bolus Mrs. D. (. Robison: Boxer J. C. Olson: Giant Schn Mr. D. Bolus: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. E. Garren Mr. R. E. Garren: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. B. L. Clarke Mrs. K. S. McFarlane: Pood Toy Ms. C. C. McGowan: Pom, Shih Tzu Mrs. A. S. Bolus: Chin Cr, I Greyhnd, Min Pin, Toy Fox Terrier Ms. B. L. Clarke: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. K. S. McFarlane A. Quesada: Bulldog Mrs. K. S. McFarlane: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. E. J. Ringle Mr. E. J. Ringle: All Herding Breeds *No Classes: GSD MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. C. C. McGowan Ms. C. C. McGowan: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. R. E. Garren SWEEPS PUPPY: Bulldog James P Thew MN Cambridge (O) GREATER TWIN CITIES DOBERMAN PINSCHER CLUB (S) Isanti County Fairgrounds Mn Highway 95 CLOSES: JUNE 4 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Ms. C. H. Yamaoka: Breed Mrs. S. Peterson: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS SWEEPS PUPPY MN Cambridge (I) (Evening) MINIATURE PINSCHER CLUB OF GREATER TWIN CITIES Isanti County Fairgrounds Mn Highway 95 CLOSES: JUNE 4 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. R. E. Garren: Breed, Jr. Showmanship MN Cambridge (O) NORTH COUNTRY GORDON SETTER CLUB OF MINNESOTA (S) Isanti County Fairgrounds Mn Highway 95 CLOSES: JUNE 4 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Ms. B. L. Clarke: Breed Mr. T. Peterson: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Ellen Hardin MN Cambridge (O) NORTHSTAR WEIMARANER CLUB (S) Isanti County Fairgrounds Mn Highway 95 CLOSES: JUNE 4 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd SWEEPS VETERANS Susan Hahnen SWEEPS PUPPY Susan Hahnen MN Cambridge (I) (Evening) TWIN CITIES POODLE CLUB, INC. Isanti County Fairgrounds Mn Highway 95 CLOSES: JUNE 4 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $19.00-2nd Ms. B. L. Clarke: Breed MN Farmington* (I/O) GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF MINNEAPOLIS & ST. PAUL Dakota County Fairgrounds 4008 220 Street West CLOSES: JUNE 4 Roberta Moore, SHW SEC, 6755 E RIVER RD, FRIDLEY, MN 55432 FEE: $26.00-1st/ $16.00-2nd Mr. R. Orlowski: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Ms. C. Simonsen: Obedience
Dog News 117
MT Great Falls* (I) ELECTRIC CITY KENNEL CLUB Montana Expo Park 400 3rd St. SW CLOSES: JUNE 4 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. L. J. Sinclair SPORTING Group: Mr. S. J. Hubbell Mr. L. J. Sinclair: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. S. J. Hubbell Mr. S. J. Hubbell: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. H. Menaker Mr. S. J. Hubbell: Mast Mr. L. J. Sinclair: Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Bullm, Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kom, Kuv, Leonberger Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. H. Menaker Mr. R. H. Menaker: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. H. Menaker Mr. R. H. Menaker: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. L. J. Sinclair Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. S. J. Hubbell Mr. S. J. Hubbell: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. L. J. Sinclair Mr. L. J. Sinclair: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. N. D. Simmons: Nov A, Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. R. H. Menaker NY New Paltz (O) MID-HUDSON KENNEL ASSOCIATION, INC. (S) Ulster County Fairgrounds Libertyville Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 4 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW *Pending SPORTING Group: Mrs. S. B. Tietjen Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab Dr. M. J. Woods: Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, RetNova Scotia T, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Eng Spr, Span-Fld, Span-Irw P. A. Gaeta: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. J. Gagne Dr. M. J. Woods: Dach P. A. Gaeta: RhoRidge Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Whip Ms. J. Gagne: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: P. A. Gaeta Ms. J. Gagne: Giant Schn Mrs. B. McDonnell: Newf Dr. T. M. Davies: Akita, Sib Hky P. A. Gaeta: Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Nepltn Mastiff, St Bern, Tibtn Mastiff Dr. M. J. Woods: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. J. Gagne P. A. Gaeta: Bdlgtn Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Austr, Cairn, Dandie, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Irish Ter, Lakelnd, Parson Russell, Skye Ms. J. Gagne: Balance of Terrier Breeds *Pending: Glen Imaal, Std Manch, Norfolk, Norwich, Scotti, Sealym, Wst Highlnd TOY Group: *Pending P. A. Gaeta: Min Pin, Pug Ms. J. Gagne: Balance of Toy Breeds *Pending: Toy Manch NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. M. J. Woods Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Lhasa P. A. Gaeta: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds *Pending: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Boston, Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Chow, Fin Spitz, Fr Bull, Kees, Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd, Pood (Min), Schip, Pood (Std), Tib Span, Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli HERDING Group: Dr. T. M. Davies Dr. T. M. Davies: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: *Pending *Pending: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. B. McDonnell SWEEPS PUPPY: Newf Lynne A Hamilton SWEEPS VETERANS: Newf Lynne A Hamilton SWEEPS VETERANS: Set-Eng Shareen Brown SWEEPS PUPPY: Set-Eng Shareen Brown NY New Paltz (O) (PENDING APPROVAL) SLEEPY HOLLOW GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER CLUB (S) Ulster County Fairgrounds Libertyville Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 4 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $32.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. J. M. Provenzano: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Sherry Thrall SWEEPS PUPPY Sherry Thrall NY Rush* (O) GENESEE VALLEY KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Firemans Field - Rush Fire District 1971 Rush-Mendon Road CLOSES: JUNE 4 MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. A. J. Ferruggiaro SPORTING Group: Mr. D. L. Kittredge Mr. D. L. Kittredge: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: H. T. Biermann H. T. Biermann: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. R. C. Davies H. T. Biermann: Boxer Mrs. R. C. Davies: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. Stein Mr. A. J. Ferruggiaro: All Terrier Breeds
118 Dog News
TOY Group: Mr. R. Stein Mr. R. Stein: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. D. L. Kittredge Mr. D. L. Kittredge: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. T. M. DePietro Mrs. T. M. DePietro: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. R. C. Davies Mrs. R. C. Davies: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. R. J. Squires: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: H. T. Biermann SWEEPS PUPPY: Boxer Linda Norris
FUTURITY Roxana Bowman-McKinnie
SWEEPS PUPPY: Fox Ter (Wire) Kristen Read SWEEPS PUPPY: Glen Imaal VA Richmond (I) Blake Hansen VIRGINIA KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) SWEEPS PUPPY: Irish Ter Richmond Raceway Complex Ronald Hoh Labrurnum Ave. & Richmond-Henrico Tplke SWEEPS PUPPY: Kerry CLOSES: JUNE 4 Blake Hansen MB-F Inc., SUPT SWEEPS PUPPY: Lakelnd FEE: $30.00-1st/ $27.00-2nd Blake Hansen Judges And Their Assignments SWEEPS PUPPY: Std Manch BEST IN SHOW Mr. B. Meyer Blake Hansen SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. J. SWEEPS PUPPY: Min Bull Terrs Buxton Theresa Spurr Mrs. G. Geringer: Spin Ital, Vizs, Weim, SWEEPS PUPPY: Min Schn Wirehair Ptg Grif Mrs. Kim Cox-Griffin Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Balance of Sporting SWEEPS PUPPY: Norfolk Breeds Blake Hansen HOUND Group: Mrs. P. D. Smith SWEEPS PUPPY: Norwich Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: Treeing Walker Coon, Blake Hansen Whip SWEEPS PUPPY: Parson Russell Mrs. P. D. Smith: Balance of Hound Breeds Eve Steele OH Shelby (O) Group: Mr. J. E. HEART OF OHIO GREAT DANE CLUB (S) WORKING SWEEPS PUPPY: Rat Terrier Frederiksen Shelby - Mansfield KOA Campground Blake Hansen Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: Sib Hky, Std Schn, Shelby Mansfield KOA Campground SWEEPS PUPPY: Russel Terr Tibtn Mastiff 6787 Baker Road Eve Steele Mrs. C. Meyer: Newf, Portuguese, Rottw, CLOSES: JUNE 4 SWEEPS PUPPY: Scotti St Bern, Sam Kathy Baraga, SHW SEC, 1256 NESBITT Kenny Lyngen Mr. B. Meyer: Balance of Working Breeds SWEEPS PUPPY: Sealym RD, SAGAMORE HILLS, OH 44067 TERRIER Group: Mrs. C. Meyer FEE: $29.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Deena Simon Mrs. C. Meyer: All Terrier Breeds J. R. Walsh: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY: Skye TOY Group: Mrs. G. Geringer SWEEPS PUPPY Mike Lynch Mr. M. Lucas: Pug Mrs. Mary Walsh SWEEPS PUPPY: Soft Coated Mrs. G. Geringer: Balance of Toy Breeds Ellen Voss NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. K. OR Canby* (I/O) SWEEPS PUPPY: Staf Bull A. Buxton CLACKAMAS KENNEL CLUB Michelle Bryant Mr. K. A. Buxton: All Non-Sporting Breeds SWEEPS PUPPY: Welsh Ter Clackamas County Fairgrounds HERDING Group: Mr. J. E. 694 NE 4th Ave Maripi Wooldridge Frederiksen CLOSES: JUNE 4 SWEEPS PUPPY: Wst Highlnd Mrs. P. D. Smith: AustrlShep Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Kathy Latz Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: Balance of Herding FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd SWEEPS PUPPY: Airdle Breeds Judges And Their Assignments Christine Wornall Group: Mr. B. BEST IN SHOW Dr. D. W. Dowling MISCELLANEOUS SWEEPS VETERANS: Am Staff Meyer SPORTING Group: J. S. Austin Dayna Lembke Ms. B. J. Young: Pntr-GW, Ret-Nova Scotia Mr. B. Meyer: All Miscellaneous Breeds SWEEPS PUPPY: Bdlgtn JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. B. Meyer T, Span-AmW, Span-Clum Pat Mills SWEEPS PUPPY: Pug J. S. Austin: Ret-Curl, Set-Eng, Set-Irsh, SWEEPS VETERANS: Bdlgtn Nancy Bodine Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-Boykin, Span-Ckr, Pat Mills Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Span-Suss, Spin Ital, SWEEPS VETERANS: Kerry WI Menasha (I) Wirehair Ptg Grif Deena Simon KETTLE MORAINE ENGLISH SETTER CLUB B. DiDonato: Balance of Sporting Breeds SWEEPS PUPPY: Lakelnd (S) HOUND Group: Ms. K. A. Dumke SWEEPS VETERANS: Min Schn Winnegamie Dog Club Training Center Mrs. J. Bendt: Dach Kim Cox-Griffin 2043 Manitowoc Road Ms. B. J. Young: Basset, Bgle SWEEPS PUPPY: Min Schn CLOSES: JUNE 4 Ms. K. A. Dumke: Afghan, Basenji, Borz, Kim Cox-Griffin Jan Ruggles, SHW SEC, 10205 OCONNER SWEEPS PUPPY: Wst Highlnd Greyhnd, Ibizan, Nor Elk, Otter, PBGV, RD, KENOCKEE, MI 48006 Pharaoh, RhoRidge, Whip Kathy Latz M. Faulkner: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Dr. D. W. Dowling: Balance of Hound SWEEPS VETERANS: Wst Highlnd SWEEPS VETERANS Breeds Kathy Latz Susan Anne Bosshart *No Classes: ScotDeer SWEEPS PUPPY: Soft Coated SWEEPS PUPPY WORKING Group: Mr. R. L. Ellen Voss Susan Anne Bosshart Stansell SWEEPS VETERANS: Parson Russell D. Danner: Dobe SWEEPS VETERANS: Staf Bull Mr. W. G. Daugherty: Boxer, Cane Corso, Michelle Bryant JUNE 22 - SUNDAY Dogue de Brdx, Leonberger, Rottw SWEEPS PUPPY: Staf Bull Mrs. C. H. Daugherty: AnatolShep, Berns Michelle Bryant CA Claremont (O) Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Chinook, Grm PinSWEEPS VETERANS: Scotti DACHSHUND CLUB OF SANTA ANA scher, Giant Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Kenny Lyngen VALLEY (S) Mrs. C. Stansell: Akita, Alas Mal, Bullm, SWEEPS PUPPY: Russel Terr Hotel Claremont Grt Dane, Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Sam, SWEEPS VETERANS: Russel Terr 840 So Indian Hill Blvd Sib Hky SWEEPS VETERANS: Cairn CLOSES: JUNE 4 Mr. R. L. Stansell: Balance of Working Nancy Delyea Eileen Parr, SHW SEC, 18780 MUNSEE RD, Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. J. M. Bousek APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 FL Orlando (I) FEE: $25.00-1st/ $12.50-2nd Ms. K. A. Dumke: Am Staff, Bull Ter, Min SPACE COAST KENNEL CLUB OF PALM D. R. Graham: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Bull Terrs BAY SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Long) Mrs. J. M. Bousek: Balance of Terrier Central Florida Fairgrounds Mrs. Kaye Middler Breeds 4603 W Colonial Drive SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Smooth) TOY Group: R. N. Rella CLOSES: JUNE 4 12:00 p.m. Mrs. Kaye Middler Mrs. L. E. Kornhi: Cav KC Spans MB-F Inc., SUPT SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Wire) Mr. W. E. Bousek: Pood Toy FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mrs. Kaye Middler Mrs. J. M. Bousek: Affenp, Chin Cr, I Judges And Their Assignments Greyhnd, Eng Toy Sp, Toy Manch BEST IN SHOW Mrs. I. Semenschin CA Fremont (O) (PENDING APPROVAL) Dr. D. W. Dowling: Min Pin, Pug, Shih Tzu, SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. A. GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG FANCIERS OF Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Beattie NORTHERN CALIFORNIA R. N. Rella: Balance of Toy Breeds Mr. J. A. Moses: Brit Fremont Central Park NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. W. Mrs. L. Boutwell: Set-Gord 40000 Paseo Padre Parkway E. Bousek Mrs. L. Clark: Ret-Flat, Ret-Lab CLOSES: JUNE 4 Mrs. C. Stansell: Fin Spitz Mr. D. A. Johnson: Pntr-GS, Pntr-GW, RetMr. R. L. Stansell: Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Dalm, Connie Horvath, SHW SEC, 1300 Galaxy Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Gold, Span-Ckr Way Ste 6, Concord, CA 94520 Fr Bull, Xoloitzcuintli Mrs. C. A. Beattie: Balance of Sporting Mr. W. E. Bousek: Balance of Non-Sporting FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Breeds Mr. M. Cheeks: Breed Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. C. Bell HERDING Group: Mrs. C. H. Mrs. L. Clark: Bgle, RhoRidge CA Long Beach (O) Daugherty Mr. D. A. Johnson: Basenji, Basset, Borz, GREAT WESTERN TERRIER ASSOCIATION Saluki, Whip Mrs. C. Stansell: Icelandic Shpdg, Nor OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (S) Buhund Mrs. L. Boutwell: Afghan, Amer English Queen Mary Events Park Mrs. C. H. Daugherty: Card-WC, Coll, Coon, Am Fox, B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, Pemb-WC, 1126 Queens Hwy Bluetick Coon, Redbone Coon CLOSES: JUNE 4 Pol Low Shp, Pulik, Pyre Shep, Shetld, Mrs. C. Bell: Balance of Hound Breeds Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT Swed Vallhund WORKING Group: Mr. C. Winslow Mr. W. G. Daugherty: Balance of Herding FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mrs. L. Boutwell: Akita Mr. E. E. Bivin: Terrier Group, Am Staff, Breeds Ms. S. I. Wheat: Alas Mal Kerry, Parson Russell, Staf Bull MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. J. Mrs. L. Clark: Giant Schn W. Wornall: Airdle, Russel Terr M. Bousek Mrs. K. Steen: Boxer, Grt Dane, Newf Mrs. J. M. Bousek: All Miscellaneous Breeds S. Plane: Austr, Cairn, Sealym, Skye Mrs. C. Bell: Rottw, Sib Hky, Std Schn Mrs. A. Katona: Bdlgtn, Irish Ter, Soft OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. D. Cozart: AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Coated Mrs. L. Cox: Nov A, Grad Novr, Open B, Russn Terrier, Bullm, Cane Corso, Chinook, Mr. Z. Smith: Border Grad Openr, Util A, Versatility Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Mast, Mr. C. P. Lentz: Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Mr. J. Young: Bull Ter (Color), Bull Ter Portuguese (White) Nov B, Open A Mr. C. Winslow: Balance of Working Ms. V. L. Smith: Cesky Terrier, Dandie, Mrs. J. K. Jones: Util B Breeds Glen Imaal, Lakelnd, Std Manch, Norfolk, TERRIER JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. J. M. Bousek Group: Mrs. L. Boutwell Norwich, Rat Terrier Mrs. L. Boutwell: All Terrier Breeds Mr. G. Flyckt-Pedersen: Fox Ter (Smooth), PA Rochester (I) TOY Group: Ms. S. I. Wheat Fox Ter (Wire) BULL TERRIER CLUB OF AMERICA (S) Mr. J. A. Moses: Chin Cr Mrs. P. B. Peat: Min Bull Terrs Beaver County Kennel Club Clubhouse Mrs. C. Bell: Pug Mrs. M. Feld: Min Schn 580 Jackson Street Mr. J. M. Bazell: Shih Tzu Ms. C. J. Seaberg: Scotti CLOSES: JUNE 4 Mrs. D. Cozart: Cav KC Spans, Pood Toy Ms. K. J. Ferris: Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Judy Morrison, SHW SEC, PO BOX 357, Mr. C. E. Gomes: Chihua, Pap Mr. B. C. Hansen: Jr. Showmanship MURRYSVILLE, PA 15668 Mr. C. Winslow: Affenp, Hava, Eng Toy Sp SWEEPS PUPPY: Terrier Group Mr. W. F. Poole: Breed Ms. S. I. Wheat: Balance of Toy Breeds SWEEPS PUPPY: Airdle SWEEPS PUPPY: Bull Ter (Color) NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. C. Lori Bozian E. Gomes Chirstine Wornall SWEEPS VETERANS: Bull Ter (Color) Mrs. C. A. Beattie: Chow SWEEPS PUPPY: Am Staff Lori Bozian Ms. S. I. Wheat: Norwegian Lndhnd Dayna Lemke SWEEPS PUPPY: Bull Ter (White) Mrs. D. Cozart: Pood (Std) SWEEPS PUPPY: Austr Lori Bozian Mr. J. M. Bazell: Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Fr Bull, Blake Hansen SWEEPS VETERANS: Bull Ter (White) Lhasa, Lowch, Schip, Shiba Inu, Tib Span SWEEPS PUPPY: Bdlgtn Lori Bozian Mrs. I. Semenschin: Balance of NonMaripi Wooldridge Sporting Breeds SWEEPS PUPPY: Border RI Warwick* (O) HERDING Group: Mr. J. A. Moses Eve Steele EASTERN ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL Ms. S. I. Wheat: GSD SWEEPS PUPPY: Bull Ter (Color) CLUB (S) Mr. J. M. Bazell: Pol Low Shp Humberto Lara Crowne Plaza Hotel Mr. C. E. Gomes: Card-WC, Pemb-WC SWEEPS PUPPY: Cairn 801 Greenwich Ave Mrs. K. Steen: Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Nor Nancy Delyea CLOSES: JUNE 4 Buhund, Pyre Shep, Shetld, Swed Vallhund SWEEPS PUPPY: Bull Ter (White) Alice Smith, SHW SEC, PO BOX 22107, Mr. J. A. Moses: Balance of Herding Breeds Humberto Lara C/O MB-F, GREENSBORO, NC 27420 MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. L. SWEEPS PUPPY: Cesky Terrier FEE: $32.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Boutwell Blake Hansen Mr. J. R. Cole: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. C. A. Beattie: Wirehair Vizsla SWEEPS PUPPY: Dandie Ms. E. Chase: Obedience Mrs. L. Boutwell: Balance of Miscellaneous Blake Hansen SWEEPS VETERANS Breeds SWEEPS PUPPY: Fox Ter (Smooth) Roxana Bowman-McKinnie JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. R. Gaudet Kristen Read
HI Honolulu (O) ALOHA STATE SPORTING DOG ASSOCIATION Thomas Square King Street 925 S Beretania St CLOSES: JUNE 4 Linette Barrios, SHW SEC, 47-106A Okana Rd, Kaneohe, HI 96744 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mr. L. J. Libeu: Sporting Group, Brit, Pointer, Pntr-GS, Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches, RetCurl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Eng, Set-Gord, Set-Irsh, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Clum, and more HI Honolulu* (O) GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB OF HAWAII Thomas Square Victoria & Beretania Street CLOSES: JUNE 4 Ms. Sharon Samson, SHW SEC, 98-1391 E. Hinu Place, Pearl City, HI 96782 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Ms. N. E. Talbott: Breed Mr. R. J. Lewis: Obedience HI Honolulu (O) (Evening) LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB OF HAWAII Thomas Square King Street 925 S Beretania St CLOSES: MAY 28 Ms. Bobbi Steer, SHW SEC, 618 PAOPUA LOOP, KAILUA, HI 96734 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Ms. N. E. Talbott: Breed IA Iowa City* (I) HAWKEYE KENNEL CLUB Johnson County Fairgrounds 3149 South Riverside Drive (Old Hwy 218) CLOSES: JUNE 4 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. P. Hastings SPORTING Group: J. E. Gregory Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: J. E. Gregory Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. J. A. ReeveNewson J. E. Gregory: Std Schn Mrs. P. Hastings: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. V. Miller J. E. Gregory: Bdlgtn, Cesky Terrier, Glen Imaal, Manch Ter, Min Bull Terrs, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Skye Mrs. P. Hastings: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: J. E. Gregory Mr. R. V. Miller: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. V. Miller Mrs. P. Hastings: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Dr. J. A. ReeveNewson Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: Bouv J. E. Gregory: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: J. E. Gregory J. E. Gregory: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. E. M. Olson: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A Mr. R. Capsel: Open B, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. R. V. Miller IN Crown Point* (I) LAKE SHORE KENNEL CLUB, INC. Lake County Fairgrounds 889 S. Court Street CLOSES: JUNE 4 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW N. Liebes SPORTING Group: Mrs. K. C. Wilson N. Liebes: Vizs, Weim Mr. D. R. Miller: Brit, Pntr-GS, Ret-Curl, RetGold, Ret-Lab, All Setters, Span-Ckr Mrs. M. K. Kipp: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. D. R. Miller S. L. Faw: Port Pd Peq A. R. Arthur: Borz, Greyhnd, Ir Wolf, RhoRidge, Saluki, ScotDeer, Whip Mrs. K. C. Wilson: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. F. W. Schwartz C. McElderry: Dogue de Brdx Ms. M. Koltes: Alas Mal, Boxer, Dobe, Rottw, Sib Hky N. Liebes: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. M. K. Kipp N. Liebes: Am Staff, Manch Ter Ms. M. Koltes: Airdle, Fox Ter (Wire), Glen Imaal, Lakelnd, Norwich Norfolk, Welsh Ter Mrs. M. K. Kipp: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. M. E. Klingler N. Liebes: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua Ms. M. K. Miller: Hava, I Greyhnd, Eng Toy Sp, J Chin, Malt, Min Pin, Pap, Toy Manch Mrs. M. E. Klingler: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. F. W. Schwartz Mrs. M. E. Klingler: Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Pood (Min) Mr. D. R. Miller: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. M. Koltes Mrs. F. W. Schwartz: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. M. Koltes Ms. M. Koltes: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. S. D. Hemminger: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. M. K. Miller
KY Paducah (I/O) GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF WEST KENTUCKY Paducah Kennel Club Building 1325 Fisher Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 4 Kim Broster, SHW SEC, 4380 AIRPORT RD, MURRAY, KY 42071 FEE: $27.00 Mrs. E. Sullivan: Breed ME Cumberland* (O) PENDING APPROVAL) PENOBSCOT VALLEY KENNEL CLUB Cumberland County Fairgrounds 174 Bruce Hill Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 4 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. K. Kahn SPORTING Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger R. J. Whitney: Brit Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: R. J. Whitney Mrs. K. Kahn: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger Mrs. K. Kahn: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger Mrs. K. Kahn: Bull Ter (White) Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Am Staff, Bull Ter (Color), Min Bull Terrs, Staf Bull Mrs. G. Young: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. E. L. Whitney Mrs. K. Kahn: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: R. J. Whitney R. J. Whitney: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. H. Doan: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV Mrs. R. D. Doan: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Veteran, Nov Wildc, Utl Wildc JR SHOWMANSHIP: L. T. Knight MI Armada* (I/O) MACOMB KENNEL CLUB Armada Fair Grounds 74280 fair St. CLOSES: JUNE 4 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. E. Muthard SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. P. Patterson Mrs. C. P. Patterson: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. S. Brown Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Whip Mrs. S. Brown: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Ms. M. Brocious: All Working Breeds *No Classes: Boxer, Grt Dane TERRIER Group: Mrs. C. P. Patterson Mrs. S. Brown: Manch Ter Mr. C. L. Olvis: Balance of Terrier Breeds *No Classes: Bull Ter TOY Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Ms. E. Muthard: Hava, Pap, Toy Fox Terrier Mr. C. L. Olvis: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. P. Patterson Ms. E. Muthard: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Dr. G. L. Sparschu Dr. G. L. Sparschu: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. E. Muthard Ms. E. Muthard: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. A. Lorenz: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. M. Brocious MN Cambridge (I/O) CAMBRIDGE MINNESOTA KENNEL CLUB Isanti County Fairgrounds Mn Highway 95 CLOSES: JUNE 4 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. C. C. McGowan SPORTING Group: Mr. E. B. Weiss Mrs. A. S. Bolus: Weim Ms. B. L. Clarke: Brit, All Pointers, All Retrievers, Set-Eng, Set-Irsh, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Clum Mr. E. B. Weiss: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. R. E. Garren Mr. R. E. Garren: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: J. P. Wade Mr. D. Bolus: Boxer Mrs. K. S. McFarlane: Akita, Alas Mal, Sam, Sib Hky J. P. Wade: Chinook, Dobe, Giant Schn, Grt Dane, Newf, Rottw, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Ms. C. C. McGowan: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: J. P. Wade J. P. Wade: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. E. Garren Mrs. A. S. Bolus: Pood Toy Mrs. K. S. McFarlane: Pom, Shih Tzu Ms. C. C. McGowan: Balance of Toy Breeds
NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. S. Bolus M. Quesada: Bulldog Mrs. A. S. Bolus: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. D. Bolus J. P. Wade: Canaan Mr. D. Bolus: Balance of Herding Breeds *No Classes: GSD MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. K. S. McFarlane Mrs. K. S. McFarlane: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. K. S. McFarlane MN Farmington* (I/O) GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL Dakota County Fairgrounds 4008 220 Street West CLOSES: JUNE 4 Roberta Moore, SHW SEC, 6755 E RIVER RD, FRIDLEY, MN 55432 FEE: $26.00-1st/ $16.00-2nd Dr. S. L. Bloom, M.D.: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. D. Schneider: Obedience MT Missoula* (I) FIVE VALLEY KENNEL CLUB Western Montana Fair Grounds 1101 South Avenue W CLOSES: JUNE 4 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW W. Thompson SPORTING Group: Mr. J. R. White Mrs. D. Cornelssen: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. K. H. Delaney Mrs. M. Purkhiser: Afghan, Whip Mr. K. H. Delaney: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. D. Cornelssen Mrs. M. Purkhiser: Akita, Alas Mal W. Thompson: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Col. J. B. Purkhiser: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. K. H. Delaney Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Toy Manch, Pood Toy C. A. Herbel: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: C. A. Herbel Col. J. B. Purkhiser: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. J. R. White Mr. J. R. White: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. R. White Mr. J. R. White: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. S. Cox: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Grad Openr, Versatility Mrs. L. Scanlon: Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. M. Purkhiser NJ Newton (O) NORTHERN NEW JERSEY ST. BERNARD CLUB (S) Memory Park CLOSES: JUNE 4 William Hinchman, SHW SEC, 5277 BERKSHIRE VALLEY RD, OAK RIDGE, NJ 07438 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. H. J. Vogel: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Winnie Vogel NY New Paltz (I/O) MID-HUDSON KENNEL ASSOCIATION, INC. Ulster County Fairgrounds Libertyville Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 4 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $29.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. L. J. Saltzman SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan P. A. Gaeta: Ret-Gold Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. M. J. Woods Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: All Hound Breeds *Pending: Whip WORKING Group: Mr. S. S. Saltzman Mrs. L. J. Saltzman: Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dogue de Brdx, Nepltn Mastiff, Tibtn Mastiff P. A. Gaeta: Balance of Working Breeds *No Classes: St Bern *Pending: Grm Pinscher TERRIER Group: Dr. M. J. Woods Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Manch Ter, Norwich Norfolk, Scotti, Sealym, Wst Highlnd Dr. M. J. Woods: Balance of Terrier Breeds *Pending: Austr, Cairn, Dandie, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Irish Ter, Lakelnd, Parson Russell, Skye TOY Group: Dr. M. J. Woods Dr. M. J. Woods: All Toy Breeds *Pending: Min Pin, Pug NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. S. B. Tietjen Dr. M. J. Woods: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. S. S. Saltzman Mr. S. S. Saltzman: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: P. A. Gaeta Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: Wirehair Vizsla P. A. Gaeta: Balance of Miscellaneous Breeds
NY Rush* (O) GENESEE VALLEY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Firemans Field - Rush Fire District 1971 Rush-Mendon Road CLOSES: JUNE 4 MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. D. L. Kittredge SPORTING Group: Mrs. T. M. DePietro Mrs. T. M. DePietro: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. R. Stein Mr. R. Stein: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. T. M. DePietro Mrs. T. M. DePietro: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. A. J. Ferruggiaro Mr. R. Stein: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. A. J. Ferruggiaro Mr. A. J. Ferruggiaro: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: M. B. Calltharp Mr. R. Stein: Shar-Pei M. B. Calltharp: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. R. C. Davies Mrs. R. C. Davies: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: M. B. Calltharp M. B. Calltharp: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES E. M. Van Uden: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. D. L. Kittredge OH Shelby (O) GREAT DANE CLUB OF CLEVELAND (S) Shelby - Mansfield KOA Campground Shelby Mansfield KOA Campground 6787 Baker Road CLOSES: JUNE 4 Kathy Baraga, SHW SEC, 1256 NESBITT RD, SAGAMORE HILLS, OH 44067 FEE: $29.00 Mr. R. J. Edison: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Joseph Longo OH Wooster (I) OHIO BOXER CLUB, INC. (S) Wayne County Fair Grounds 199 Vanover CLOSES: JUNE 4 Judy Lowther, SHW SEC, PO BOX 828, C/O ROY JONES, AUBURN, IN 46706 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mrs. F. Haupt: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. Darrell Dietrich OR Canby* (I/O) CLACKAMAS KENNEL CLUB Clackamas County Fairgrounds 694 NE 4th Ave CLOSES: JUNE 4 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. L. Stansell SPORTING Group: Mr. W. E. Bousek Mrs. S. McCue: Pntr-GS, Set-Irsh, SpanEng Ckr D. Kepley: Span-Ckr, Span-Wel Spr, Weim Mr. W. E. Bousek: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. D. W. Dowling Mr. C. A. Bagnell: Saluki Dr. D. W. Dowling: Afghan, Basenji, Borz, Greyhnd, Ibizan, Nor Elk, Otter, PBGV, Pharaoh, RhoRidge, ScotDeer, Whip Ms. K. A. Dumke: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. C. H. Daugherty Mrs. C. Stansell: Boxer Mr. W. G. Daugherty: Sib Hky Mr. R. L. Stansell: Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Bullm, Cane Corso, Chinook, Grm Pinscher, Giant Schn, Rottw, Tibtn Mastiff Mrs. C. H. Daugherty: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: R. N. Rella R. N. Rella: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Dr. D. W. Dowling Mr. R. L. Stansell: Pood Toy R. N. Rella: Min Pin, Toy Manch, Shih Tzu, Toy Fox Terrier Dr. D. W. Dowling: Affenp, Chin Cr, Hava, Eng Toy Sp, I Greyhnd, J Chin, Malt Mrs. J. M. Bousek: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: R. N. Rella Mrs. J. Bendt: Boston Mr. W. E. Bousek: Xoloitzcuintli Mr. R. L. Stansell: Fin Spitz, Kees, Lhasa, Pood R. N. Rella: Bichon, Chow, Schip, Tib Span, Tib Ter Mrs. C. Stansell: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. W. G. Daugherty Mrs. C. Stansell: Briard Mr. W. G. Daugherty: Card-WC, Coll, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, PembWC, Pol Low Shp, Pulik, Pyre Shep, Shetld, Swed Vallhund Mrs. J. Bendt: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. W. G. Daugherty Mr. W. G. Daugherty: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. C. P. Lentz: Nov A, Open B, Util A Mrs. J. K. Jones: Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Open A Mrs. L. Cox: Grad Novr, Grad Openr, Util B, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. S. McCue
PA Rochester (I) GOLDEN TRIANGLE BULL TERRIER CLUB Beaver County Kennel Club Clubhouse 580 Jackson Street CLOSES: JUNE 4 Judy Morrison, SHW SEC, PO BOX 357, MURRYSVILLE, PA 15668 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mr. D. J. Murphy: Breed VA Richmond (I) VIRGINIA KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Richmond Raceway Complex Labrurnum Ave. & Richmond-Henrico Tplke CLOSES: JUNE 4 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $27.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. D. N. Collier SPORTING Group: Mr. B. Meyer Mr. B. Meyer: Brit, All Pointers, All Retrievers, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr (Black) Mr. K. A. Buxton: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Ms. P. W. Laurans: Whip Mrs. G. Geringer: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. C. Meyer Mr. K. A. Buxton: Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Ms. P. W. Laurans: Newf, Portuguese, Rottw, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky Mrs. C. Meyer: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen T. W. Heres: Pug Ms. P. W. Laurans: Chihua, Chin Cr, Hava, I Greyhnd, J Chin, Min Pin, Toy Manch, Peke Mrs. P. D. Smith: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. J. Buxton Mrs. D. J. Buxton: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. K. A. Buxton Mrs. D. N. Collier: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. K. A. Buxton Mr. K. A. Buxton: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. P. W. Laurans SWEEPS PUPPY: Pug Jennifer Modica WI Menasha (I) KETTLE MORAINE ENGLISH SETTER CLUB (S) Winnegamie Dog Club Training Center 2043 Manitowoc Road CLOSES: JUNE 4 Jan Ruggles, SHW SEC, 10205 OCONNER RD, KENOCKEE, MI 48006 Mr. C. G. Liepmann: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Jaqueline A Anderson SWEEPS PUPPY Jaqueline A Anderson
JUNE 23 - MONDAY MT Missoula* (I) FIVE VALLEY KENNEL CLUB Western Montana Fair Grounds 1101 South Avenue W CLOSES: JUNE 4 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. K. H. Delaney SPORTING Group: W. Thompson Mr. J. R. White: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Mrs. M. Purkhiser: Greyhnd, Harr, Nor Elk, PBGV, RhoRidge Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. J. R. White Mrs. M. Purkhiser: Sam, Sib Hky Mrs. D. Cornelssen: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. D. Cornelssen Mrs. M. Purkhiser: Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Manch Ter W. Thompson: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. D. Cornelssen Mr. K. H. Delaney: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. M. Purkhiser Mrs. M. Purkhiser: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: W. Thompson W. Thompson: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. K. H. Delaney Mr. K. H. Delaney: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. L. Scanlon: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Grad Openr, Versatility Mrs. S. Cox: Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. K. H. Delaney
VA Richmond* (I) GLOUCESTER KENNEL CLUB OF VIRGINIA Richmond Raceway Complex Labrurnum Ave. & Richmond-Henrico Tplke CLOSES: JUNE 4 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $27.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. P. D. Smith SPORTING Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Mrs. R. M. Sager: Span-Fld Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Spin Ital, Vizs, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mrs. G. Geringer: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. P. W. Laurans Mrs. G. Geringer: Whip Ms. P. W. Laurans: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. K. A. Buxton Ms. P. W. Laurans: Std Schn Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Tibtn Mastiff Mr. K. A. Buxton: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Mrs. P. D. Smith: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. P. D. Smith Mrs. R. M. Sager: Pom Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Mrs. P. D. Smith: Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd, Pood, Schip, Shiba Inu, Tib Span, Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli Mrs. G. Geringer: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. D. J. Buxton Mrs. D. J. Buxton: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. D. J. Buxton Mrs. D. J. Buxton: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES T. G. McCall: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. R. M. Sager
JUNE 24 - TUESDAY CA Long Beach* (O) SOUTHLAND WEIMARANER CLUB (S) Queen Mary Events Park 1126 Queens Hwy CLOSES: JUNE 4 Ms. Rhonda Storm, SHW SEC, 9522 Derby Dr, Riverside, CA 92509 FEE: $35.00 Mr. H. Falberg: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. N. E. Craig: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Nancy E Talbott SWEEPS PUPPY Nancy E Talbott MT Missoula* (I) FIVE VALLEY KENNEL CLUB Western Montana Fair Grounds 1101 South Avenue W CLOSES: JUNE 4 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Col. J. B. Purkhiser SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. Cornelssen W. Thompson: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. J. R. White Mrs. D. Cornelssen: Basenji, RhoRidge Mr. J. R. White: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: W. Thompson W. Thompson: Akita, Alas Mal Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. C. A. Levy Mrs. C. A. Levy: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. M. Purkhiser Mrs. M. Purkhiser: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. A. Levy Mrs. C. A. Levy: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. D. Cornelssen Mrs. D. Cornelssen: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. C. A. Levy Mrs. C. A. Levy: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. L. Scanlon: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Grad Openr, Versatility Mr. K. H. Delaney: Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. C. A. Levy VA Richmond (I) GLOUCESTER KENNEL CLUB OF VIRGINIA Richmond Raceway Complex Labrurnum Ave. & Richmond-Henrico Tplke CLOSES: JUNE 4 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $27.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. D. J. Buxton SPORTING Group: Ms. P. W. Laurans Ms. P. W. Laurans: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen Mrs. P. D. Smith: Treeing Walker Coon, Whip Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. D. J. Buxton Mrs. P. D. Smith: All Working Breeds
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TERRIER Group: Mrs. P. D. Smith Mrs. G. Geringer: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. C. Winslow Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: Pom Mr. C. Winslow: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen Mr. C. Winslow: Chow Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. P. D. Smith Mr. K. A. Buxton: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. C. Winslow Mr. C. Winslow: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. C. Winslow
JUNE 25 - WEDNESDAY CA Long Beach (O) WEIMARANER CLUB OF AMERICA (P) Queen Mary Events Park 1126 Queens Hwy Rhonda Storm, SHW SEC, 9522 DERBY DR, RIVERSIDE, CA 92509 FEE: $30.00 MATURITY: Weim Ms. Marjorie Martorella FUTURITY: Weim Ms. Marjorie Martorella OK Oklahoma City* (I) LAWTON DOG FANCIERS ASSOCIATION Cox Convention Center 189 West Sheridan CLOSES: JUNE 11 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.50-1st/ $26.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. G. Geringer SPORTING Group: Mr. R. L. Vandiver C. Navarro: Span-Clum Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Brit, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold Mr. J. R. Cole: Ret-Lab, Spin Ital, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mrs. G. Geringer: Ret-Nova Scotia T, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr Mrs. S. Brown: Span-Fld, Span-Irw, SpanSuss, Span-Wel Spr, Vizs, Weim Mr. R. L. Vandiver: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. S. Brown C. Navarro: Borz Mrs. S. Brown: Afghan, B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Dach (Long), Whip Mr. J. R. Cole: Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Basenji, Basset, Bgle, Bluetick Coon Mrs. G. Geringer: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mr. J. R. Cole: Dobe, Dogue de Brdx, Giant Schn, Kuv, Portuguese, St Bern, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. R. L. Vandiver: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. C. P. Patterson Mr. J. R. Cole: Rat Terrier Mrs. G. Geringer: Soft Coated C. Navarro: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. A. F. Benko Mr. J. R. Cole: Bruss Grif Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Yorks Mrs. G. Geringer: Cav KC Spans, Toy Fox Terrier Mrs. A. F. Benko: Chin Cr, Toy Manch Mrs. S. Brown: Pap, Peke, Pom, Pug, Shih Tzu, Silky Mr. G. Biasiolo: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: C. Navarro Mrs. S. Brown: Am Esk Dog C. Navarro: Bulldog, Kees Mr. G. Biasiolo: Pood, Schip Mr. J. R. Cole: Boston, Chow, Dalm, Lhasa Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mr. J. R. Cole: Beard Coll C. Navarro: Bouv, Briard, Card-WC Mrs. A. F. Benko: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: C. Navarro C. Navarro: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. G. Feathers: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, POPN, PUTL, Veteran Mr. F. Buroff: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B Ms. K. J. Anderson: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B Mrs. L. C. Botko: Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. C. P. Patterson OK Oklahoma City (I) INDIAN NATIONS BRITTANY CLUB (P) Cox Convention Center 189 West Sheridan CLOSES: JUNE 11 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT SWEEPS VETERANS: Brit Theresa Sanders-Milan SWEEPS PUPPY: Brit Theresa Sanders-Milan
JUNE 25 - WEDNESDAY thru JUNE 26 - THURSDAY CA Long Beach (O) WEIMARANER CLUB OF AMERICA (2) Queen Mary Events Park 1126 Queens Hwy CLOSES: JUNE 4 Rhonda Storm, SHW SEC, 9522 DERBY DR, RIVERSIDE, CA 92509 FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Ms. C. A. Lent: Breed Ms. M. Martorella: Jr. Showmanship JUNE 26 - THURSDAY
120 Dog News
MA Wrentham (O) WAMPANOAG KENNEL CLUB, INC. Crackerbarrel Fairgrounds Emerald St. CLOSES: JUNE 11 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $29.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW D. A. Ojalvo SPORTING Group: E. J. Filippini Ms. S. J. McDowell-Dunn: Ret-Gold E. J. Filippini: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. W. J. Coombs Mr. W. J. Coombs: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. W. J. Coombs Mr. W. J. Coombs: Boxer, Dobe Mrs. N. H. Coombs: Grt Pyr, Newf D. A. Ojalvo: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: E. J. Filippini E. J. Filippini: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. K. B. Kolbert E. J. Filippini: Toy Manch Mrs. K. B. Kolbert: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. K. B. Kolbert Mrs. K. B. Kolbert: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: E. J. Filippini Mrs. N. H. Coombs: Pyre Shep D. A. Ojalvo: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. K. B. Kolbert Mrs. K. B. Kolbert: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. S. J. McDowellDunn OH Lima (O) GREATER CINCINNATI BOXER CLUB Lima Kennel Club Showgrounds 1050 Thayer Rd CLOSES: JUNE 11 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Ms. B. L. Clarke: Breed OH Lima (O) MIAMI VALLEY BOXER CLUB (S) Lima Kennel Club Showgrounds 1050 Thayer Rd CLOSES: JUNE 11 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd J. Keil: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Lee Nowak OK Oklahoma City* (I) LAWTON DOG FANCIERS ASSOCIATION (S) Cox Convention Center 189 West Sheridan CLOSES: JUNE 11 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.50-1st/ $26.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. C. Coady SPORTING Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mrs. S. Brown: Brit, Ret-Gold, Span-Ckr Mrs. G. Geringer: Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Set-Eng, Set-Gord, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Clum Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Mr. C. Coady: Saluki Mrs. S. Brown: Basset, Bgle Mr. G. Biasiolo: Afghan, Am Fox, B & T Coonhnd, Dach (Long) Mrs. G. Geringer: Amer English Coon, Basenji, Bluetick Coon, Borz Mr. J. R. Cole: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. L. Vandiver Mr. J. R. Cole: AnatolShep Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Boxer C. Navarro: Bullm T. L. Hudspeth: Grt Dane Mr. G. Biasiolo: Std Schn Mr. C. Coady: Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Dobe, Sam, Sib Hky Mrs. C. Meyer: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: C. Navarro Mrs. G. Geringer: Fox Ter (Smooth) Mr. J. R. Cole: Soft Coated Mr. C. Coady: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. C. P. Patterson Mr. C. Coady: Chihua Mr. J. R. Cole: Chin Cr, Eng Toy Sp Mrs. G. Geringer: Hava, J Chin C. Navarro: I Greyhnd, Pood Toy Mrs. A. F. Benko: Affenp, Cav KC Spans, Pom Mrs. S. Brown: Malt, Min Pin, Toy Manch, Toy Fox Terrier Mr. G. Biasiolo: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. F. Benko Mr. J. R. Cole: Kees Mrs. A. F. Benko: Am Esk Dog, Boston Mrs. G. Geringer: Bulldog, Fr Bull C. Navarro: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. C. Meyer Mr. G. Biasiolo: Austrl Cat Dg Mrs. C. Meyer: AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Terv Mr. R. L. Vandiver: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. C. Meyer Mrs. C. Meyer: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. G. Feathers: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, POPN, PUTL, Veteran Mr. F. Buroff: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B Ms. K. J. Anderson: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B Mrs. L. C. Botko: Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. A. F. Benko SWEEPS VETERANS: Brit Tracey Gustavson SWEEPS PUPPY: Brit Tracey Gustavson
VA Richmond* (I) GREATER WASHINGTON DALMATIAN CLUB (S) Richmond Raceway Complex Labrurnum Ave. & Richmond-Henrico Tplke CLOSES: JUNE 11 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. W. Sahloff: Breed, Jr. Showmanship J. Nocilly: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY Susanne Hughes D.V.M. SWEEPS VETERANS Susanne Hughes D.V.M. VA Richmond (I) POTOMAC HOUND CLUB (S) Richmond Raceway Complex Labrurnum Ave. & Richmond-Henrico Tplke CLOSES: JUNE 11 MB-F Inc., SUPT Mr. E. B. Weiss: Hound Group, Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Basset, Bgle (13 Under), B & T Coonhnd, Bgle (Over 13), Bloodhnd, Bluetick Coon, Dach (Long), Dach (Smooth), Eng Fox, Dach (Wire), Harr, Otter, PBGV, Plott, and more Mr. K. H. Delaney: Afghan, Basenji, Borz, Greyhnd, Ibizan, Ir Wolf, Nor Elk, Pharaoh, Port Pd Peq, RhoRidge, Saluki *No Classes: , Per Inca Orchid, Sloughi, Azawakh, Port Pdngo, GBGV, Cirneco, Norbot SWEEPS PUPPY: Hound Group SWEEPS PUPPY: Afghan SWEEPS PUPPY: Amer English Coon SWEEPS PUPPY: Am Fox SWEEPS PUPPY: Basenji SWEEPS PUPPY: Basset SWEEPS PUPPY: Bgle (13 Under) SWEEPS PUPPY: Bgle (Over 13) SWEEPS PUPPY: B & T Coonhnd SWEEPS PUPPY: Bloodhnd SWEEPS PUPPY: Bluetick Coon SWEEPS PUPPY: Borz SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Long) SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Smooth) SWEEPS PUPPY: Eng Fox SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Wire) SWEEPS PUPPY: Greyhnd SWEEPS PUPPY: Harr SWEEPS PUPPY: Ibizan SWEEPS PUPPY: Ir Wolf SWEEPS PUPPY: Nor Elk SWEEPS PUPPY: Otter SWEEPS PUPPY: PBGV SWEEPS PUPPY: Pharaoh SWEEPS PUPPY: Plott SWEEPS PUPPY: Port Pd Peq SWEEPS PUPPY: Redbone Coon SWEEPS PUPPY: RhoRidge SWEEPS PUPPY: Saluki SWEEPS PUPPY: ScotDeer SWEEPS PUPPY: Treeing Walker Coon SWEEPS PUPPY: Whip VA Richmond (I) VIRGINIA TERRIER CLUB (S) Richmond Raceway Complex Labrurnum Ave. & Richmond-Henrico Tplke CLOSES: JUNE 11 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $31.00-1st/ $28.00-2nd Mr. D. J. Murphy: Terrier Group, Airdle, Am Staff, Austr, Bdlgtn, Border, Bull Ter (Color), Cairn, Bull Ter (White), Cesky Terrier, Dandie, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Glen Imaal, Irish Ter, Kerry, Lakelnd, Min and more SWEEPS VETERANS: Terrier Group Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Terrier Group Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Airdle Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Airdle Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Am Staff Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Am Staff Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Austr Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Austr Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Bdlgtn Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Bdlgtn Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Border Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Border Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Bull Ter (Color) Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Bull Ter (Color) Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Cairn Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Cairn Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Bull Ter (White) Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Bull Ter (White) Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Cesky Terrier Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Cesky Terrier Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Dandie Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Dandie Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Fox Ter (Smooth) Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Fox Ter (Smooth) Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Fox Ter (Wire) Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Fox Ter (Wire) Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Glen Imaal Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Glen Imaal Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Irish Ter Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Irish Ter Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Kerry Dr. Frederic B Askin
SWEEPS VETERANS: Kerry Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Lakelnd Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Lakelnd Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Min Bull Terrs Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Min Bull Terrs Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Std Manch Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Std Manch Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Min Schn Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Min Schn Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Norfolk Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Norfolk Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Norwich Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Norwich Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Parson Russell Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Parson Russell Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Rat Terrier Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Rat Terrier Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Russel Terr Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Russel Terr Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Scotti Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Scotti Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Sealym Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Sealym Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Skye Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Skye Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Soft Coated Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Soft Coated Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Staf Bull Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Staf Bull Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS VETERANS: Welsh Ter Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Welsh Ter Dr. Frederic B Askin SWEEPS PUPPY: Wst Highlnd Lisa Miller SWEEPS VETERANS: Wst Highlnd Lisa Miller
JUNE 27 - FRIDAY CA Ferndale* (I/O) LOST COAST KENNEL CLUB OF CALIFORNIA Humboldt Co Fairgrounds 1250 5th Street CLOSES: JUNE 11 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. C. L. Olvis SPORTING Group: Mr. C. E. Trotter Ms. E. Muthard: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. P. V. Trotter Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. E. Muthard Ms. S. I. Wheat: Akita, Alas Mal, Dogue de Brdx, Giant Schn, Portuguese, Sam, Sib Hky Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. P. V. Trotter Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. S. I. Wheat Ms. E. Muthard: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. E. Muthard Ms. S. I. Wheat: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. S. I. Wheat Mr. C. E. Trotter: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. S. I. Wheat Ms. S. I. Wheat: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. N. J. Pilat: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Open A, Open B, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. P. V. Trotter CA Long Beach (O) AMERICAN WHIPPET CLUB, INC. (S) Queen Mary Events Park 1126 Queens Hwy CLOSES: JUNE 11 Doris Bandoian, SHW SEC, 1220 N. Richfield Road, Anaheim, CA 92807 Ms. K. M. Davenport: Breed Miss D. Warner: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Rosemary Sutton SWEEPS VETERANS Rosemary Sutton CA Long Beach (O) CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (S) Queen Mary Events Park 1126 Queens Hwy CLOSES: JUNE 11 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT D. Ericsson: Breed J. Darcy: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Ms. Rachel Venier SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Rachel Venier
CA Long Beach (O) COCKER SPANIEL CLUB OF ORANGE COUNTY (S) Queen Mary Events Park 1126 Queens Hwy CLOSES: JUNE 11 Rhonda Storm, SHW SEC, 9522 Derby Dr, Riverside, CA 92509 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Miss V. L. Lyne: Breed Mr. D. P. McFarlane: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Black) SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (ASCOB) SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Parti) CA Long Beach (O) DALMATIAN CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (S) Queen Mary Events Park 1126 Queens Hwy CLOSES: JUNE 11 Peggy Butler, SHW SEC, 34743 The Farm Rd, Wildomar, CA 92595 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. R. E. Stein: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Jessica MacMillan SWEEPS PUPPY Jessica MacMillan CA Long Beach (O) DALMATIAN CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (S) Queen Mary Events Park 1126 Queens Hwy CLOSES: JUNE 11 Peggy Butler, SHW SEC, 34743 The Farm Rd, Wildomar, CA 92595 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd C. Pickup: Breed L. Hay-Lavitt: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Martin Cabral SWEEPS PUPPY Martin Cabral CA Long Beach (O) HAVANESE CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (S) Queen Mary Events Park 1126 Queens Hwy CLOSES: JUNE 11 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $32.00-1st/ $28.00-2nd Mr. F. T. Sabella: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Glen Lajeski SWEEPS PUPPY Glen Lajeski CA Long Beach (O) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BEAGLE CLUB (S) Queen Mary Events Park 1126 Queens Hwy CLOSES: JUNE 11 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $20.00 M. Sager: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY: Bgle (13 Under) Kayla Bertagnolli SWEEPS VETERANS: Bgle (13 Under) Kayla Bertagnolli SWEEPS PUPPY: Bgle (Over 13) Kayla Bertagnolli SWEEPS VETERANS: Bgle (Over 13) Kayla Bertagnolli CA Long Beach (O) (PENDING APPROVAL) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SPORTING DOG FANCIERS (S) Queen Mary Events Park 1126 Queens Hwy CLOSES: JUNE 11 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. E. E. Bivin: Sporting Group Mr. R. J. Quaco: Brit, Pntr-GS, Ret-Ches, Ret-Flat, Ret-Lab, Set-Eng, Set-Gord, Set-Irsh, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr (Black), Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Ckr (ASCOB), Span-Ckr (Parti), Span-Eng Spr, SpanFld, Span-Suss Mr. E. J. Ringle: Pointer, Pntr-GW, RetCurl, Ret-Gold, Ret-Nova Scotia T, SetIrsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Irw, Span-Wel Spr, Spin Ital, Vizs, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif, Misc Breeds , Lag Rom, Wirehair Vizsla Miss M. Mybeck: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY: Brit Mrs. Stephanie Kaul SWEEPS PUPPY: Pointer Mrs. Stephanie Kaul SWEEPS PUPPY: Pntr-GS Mrs. Stephanie Kaul SWEEPS PUPPY: Pntr-GW Mrs. Stephanie Kaul SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Ches Mrs. Barbara Nowak SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Curl Mrs. Barbara Nowak SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Flat Mrs. Barbara Nowak SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Gold Mrs. Barbara Nowak SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Lab Ms. Kimberly Nowak SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Nova Scotia T Mrs. Barbara Nowak SWEEPS PUPPY: Set-Eng Miss Maureen Mybeck SWEEPS PUPPY: Set-Gord Miss Maureen Mybeck SWEEPS PUPPY: Set-Irsh Miss Maureen Mybeck SWEEPS PUPPY: Set-Irsh Rd&Wh Miss Maureen Mybeck SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-AmW Mrs. Stephanie Kaul SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Boykin Mrs. Stephanie Kaul SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Clum Mrs. Stephanie Kaul SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Black) Ms. Kimberly Nowak SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Eng Ckr Miss Maureen Mybeck SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (ASCOB) Ms. Kimberly Nowak SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Parti) Ms. Kimberly Nowak
We’re Goin’ To Jaxon
Kennel Club! New Date
Jackson County Fairgrounds New Location Jackson, Michigan
SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Eng Spr Miss Maureen Mybeck SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Fld Mrs. Stephanie Kaul SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Irw Mrs. Stephanie Kaul SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Suss Mrs. Stephanie Kaul SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Wel Spr Mrs. Stephanie Kaul SWEEPS PUPPY: Spin Ital Mrs. Stephanie Kaul SWEEPS PUPPY: Vizs Mrs. Stephanie Kaul SWEEPS PUPPY: Weim Mrs. Stephanie Kaul SWEEPS PUPPY: Wirehair Ptg Grif Mrs. Stephanie Kaul MA Wrentham (O) HOCKAMOCK KENNEL CLUB, INC. Crackerbarrel Fairgrounds Emerald St. CLOSES: JUNE 11 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $29.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. W. J. Coombs SPORTING Group: Mr. R. W. Powell Mr. R. W. Powell: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: E. J. Filippini D. A. Ojalvo: RhoRidge E. J. Filippini: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: R. H. Slay Mrs. N. H. Coombs: Sam, Sib Hky R. H. Slay: Boxer, Dobe, Newf Mr. W. J. Coombs: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: D. A. Ojalvo D. A. Ojalvo: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: E. J. Filippini D. A. Ojalvo: Toy Manch E. J. Filippini: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: D. A. Ojalvo D. A. Ojalvo: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: R. H. Slay R. H. Slay: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. W. J. Coombs Mr. W. J. Coombs: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. N. H. Coombs MO Gray Summit (O) GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF ST. LOUIS Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: JUNE 14 Judy McDowell, SHW SEC, 421 N. Stone St., Centralia, MO 65240 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mr. S. Dobbins: Breed, Jr. Showmanship NY Bainbridge (O) KANADASAGA KENNEL CLUB General Clinton Park Rte 7 CLOSES: JUNE 11 12:00 p.m. Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza SPORTING Group: Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. R. Shoreman Mr. R. R. Frost: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. P. A. Hess Mrs. P. A. Hess: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Dr. J. A. ReeveNewson Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. D. Kniola Mrs. R. Shoreman: Peke Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: Pood Toy Mrs. D. Kniola: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. Kniola Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: Pood Mrs. R. Shoreman: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. P. A. Hess Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. R. R. Frost OH Lima (O) SANDUSKY KENNEL CLUB Lima Kennel Club Showgrounds 1050 Thayer Rd CLOSES: JUNE 11 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. D. J. Buxton SPORTING Group: J. H. Ireland Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Ret-Nova Scotia T, SetIrsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr J. H. Ireland: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. J. C. Walton Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Port Pd Peq J. H. Ireland: Plott, Redbone Coon, RhoRidge, Saluki, ScotDeer Mr. J. C. Walton: Afghan, Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Basenji, Basset, Bgle, B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Bluetick Coon Ms. B. L. Clarke: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: J. H. Ireland Mr. K. A. Buxton: Grm Pinscher Mrs. J. P. Scott: Boxer, Giant Schn, Grt Dane, Portuguese Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Akita, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dobe, Dogue de Brdx, Rottw, St Bern Ms. B. L. Clarke: Balance of Working Breeds
122 Dog News
TERRIER Group: Mr. D. J. Kirkland Mr. D. J. Kirkland: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. J. C. Walton Mr. K. A. Buxton: Pood Toy Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Eng Toy Sp, Pom Mr. J. C. Walton: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, Hava, I Greyhnd, J Chin J. H. Ireland: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: J. H. Ireland Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Kees, Lhasa, Lowch, Pood, Schip Mr. K. A. Buxton: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. K. A. Buxton J. H. Ireland: GSD Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, OES, Pemb-WC, Pol Low Shp, Pulik, Pyre Shep, Shetld, Swed Vallhund Mr. K. A. Buxton: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. D. J. Buxton Mrs. D. J. Buxton: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. D. J. Kirkland OK Oklahoma City (I) (Evening) CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL CLUB OF CENTRAL OKLAHOMA Cox Convention Center 189 West Sheridan CLOSES: JUNE 11 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.50-1st/ $28.50-2nd Mr. G. Biasiolo: Breed OK Oklahoma City (I) GREAT DANE CLUB OF OKLAHOMA Cox Convention Center 189 West Sheridan CLOSES: JUNE 11 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd K. Martin: Breed OK Oklahoma City* (I) MID-DEL-TINKER KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Cox Convention Center 189 West Sheridan CLOSES: JUNE 11 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.50-1st/ $26.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. S. Brown SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. P. Patterson Mr. R. Gschwender: Brit Mrs. G. Geringer: Weim Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl Mr. J. R. Cole: Ret-Gold, Span-Ckr Mrs. S. Brown: Set-Eng, Set-Gord, SpanAmW, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mr. C. Coady: All Pointers, Ret-Flat, Ret-Lab, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-Boykin, Span-Clum C. Navarro: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. G. Biasiolo Mrs. C. Meyer: RhoRidge Mr. C. Coady: Afghan, Bloodhnd, Greyhnd, Nor Elk, PBGV Mrs. G. Geringer: Basset, Bgle, B & T Coonhnd, Dach (Long), Whip C. Navarro: Basenji, Eng Fox, Harr, Ibizan, Otter, Port Pd Peq, Saluki Mrs. S. Brown: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. C. Meyer C. Navarro: Grt Dane Mr. J. R. Cole: Bullm, Grt Pyr Mrs. C. Meyer: Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Sib Hky Mr. C. Coady: Chinook, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kuv, Mast, Rottw, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. R. Gschwender: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. C. Coady Mr. C. Coady: Fox Ter (Smooth) Mrs. G. Geringer: Rat Terrier Mr. J. R. Cole: Scotti Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Border, Bull Ter (Color) Mr. G. Biasiolo: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. G. Kerr Mr. J. R. Cole: Pom Mr. T. C. Dargin: Affenp, Cav KC Spans, Peke Ms. G. Kerr: I Greyhnd, Eng Toy Sp, Pap Mrs. G. Geringer: Bruss Grif, Shih Tzu, Pood Toy, Silky C. Navarro: Hava, Malt, Toy Manch, Yorks Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Mrs. G. Geringer: Pood Mr. J. R. Cole: Shiba Inu Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Am Esk Dog, Bulldog, Kees Mrs. S. Brown: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: C. Navarro C. Navarro: Bel Shp Mr. G. Biasiolo: Beard Coll, Brdr Coll Mrs. C. Meyer: GSD, Pulik, Shetld Mr. R. Gschwender: Coll, Fin Laph, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, OES, Pol Low Shp, Pyre Shep, Swed Vallhund Ms. G. Kerr: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. C. Coady Mr. C. Coady: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. K. J. Anderson: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, POPN, PUTL, Veteran Mr. G. Feathers: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B Mr. F. Buroff: Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Versatility To Be Assigned: Brace JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. C. Meyer SWEEPS PUPPY: Brit Lorna Hastings
SWEEPS VETERANS: Brit Lorna Hastings SWEEPS PUPPY: Wirehair Ptg Grif Lorna Hastings SWEEPS VETERANS: Wirehair Ptg Grif Lorna Hastings OR Redmond* (I/O) MOUNT BACHELOR KENNEL CLUB Deschutes County Fairgrounds and Expo Ctr 3800 SW Airport Way CLOSES: JUNE 11 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. J. N. Paulk SPORTING Group: Mr. L. J. Sinclair Mr. L. J. Sinclair: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. K. Kahn Mrs. K. Kahn: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. L. J. Sinclair Mrs. M. L. Just: Giant Schn, Std Schn L. Blue: Akita, Alas Mal, Boxer, Bullm, Dobe, Grt Pyr, Sib Hky Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. K. Kahn Mrs. K. Kahn: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. D. M. Krogh Mr. D. M. Krogh: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. L. J. Sinclair Ms. J. N. Paulk: Bulldog, Dalm, Fr Bull, Kees, Pood, Shiba Inu, Tib Span, Tib Ter Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. K. Kahn Ms. J. N. Paulk: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. L. J. Sinclair Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. P. R. Krause: Nov A, Grad Novr, Open A, Grad Openr, Util B, Versatility Mr. R. J. Lewis: Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Open B, Util A JR SHOWMANSHIP: L. Blue PA Vandergrift* (O) COCKER SPANIEL CLUB OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA (S) Northmoreland County Park Allegheny Township Westmoreland County CLOSES: JUNE 11 Shannon McCracken, SHW SEC, 369 BARRELL VALLEY RD, SPRING CHURCH, PA 15686 FEE: $26.00-1st/ $16.00-2nd Dr. J. R. Duncan: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mr. C. Bohren: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Black) Mrs. Laurabeth Duncan SWEEPS VETERANS: Span-Ckr (Black) Mrs. Laurabeth Duncan SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (ASCOB) Mrs. Laurabeth Duncan SWEEPS VETERANS: Span-Ckr (ASCOB) Mrs. Laurabeth Duncan SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Parti) SWEEPS VETERANS: Span-Ckr (Parti) Mrs. Laurabeth Duncan VA Richmond* (I) SOUTHERN MARYLAND KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Richmond Raceway Complex Labrurnum Ave. & Richmond-Henrico Tplke CLOSES: JUNE 11 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $32.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. D. J. Gallant SPORTING Group: Mrs. J. Webb Mr. E. Dziuk: Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Spr Mrs. J. Webb: Pntr-GS, Pntr-GW, Ret-Gold Dr. G. Morgan-Jones: Brit, Pointer, RetChes, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Weim Mr. E. B. Weiss: Ret-Lab, Set-Irsh, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Clum, Span-Eng Ckr Mrs. M. Alston: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. J. Webb Mr. E. Dziuk: Afghan, Basset, Bloodhnd, Eng Fox, Harr Mr. K. H. Delaney: B & T Coonhnd, Bluetick Coon, Plott, Redbone Coon, Treeing Walker Coon, Whip Mr. D. J. Gallant: Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Ibizan, Nor Elk, Pharaoh, Port Pd Peq, RhoRidge Mr. W. Sahloff: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. W. Sahloff Mr. E. B. Weiss: Giant Schn Mr. D. J. Gallant: Akita, Boxer, Dobe, Grt Pyr, Newf Mrs. M. Alston: Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kom, Kuv, Nepltn Mastiff, Portuguese, St Bern, Sib Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. W. Sahloff: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Dr. R. D. Smith Mr. K. H. Delaney: Manch Ter Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Min Bull Terrs, Min Schn, Norwich Norfolk, Parson Russell, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Mr. E. B. Weiss: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. K. H. Delaney Mr. E. Dziuk: Min Pin Mr. D. J. Murphy: Toy Manch Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Pap, Peke, Pom, Pug, Pood Toy, Shih Tzu, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Dr. G. Morgan-Jones: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. R. D. Smith Mrs. J. Webb: Boston Mr. D. J. Murphy: Dalm Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Schip, Shiba Inu, Tib Span, Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli Mr. K. H. Delaney: Balance of NonSporting Breeds
HERDING Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mr. W. Sahloff: Card-WC Mr. N. Horn: Beard Coll, Bouv, Briard Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Brdr Coll, PembWC, Pol Low Shp, Pulik, Pyre Shep, Shetld, Swed Vallhund Dr. R. D. Smith: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. D. J. Gallant Mrs. M. Alston: Wirehair Vizsla Mr. D. J. Gallant: Balance of Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES J. Nocilly: Nov A, Nov B, Grad Novr, Util A, Util B Mrs. N. K. Withers: Open A, Open B, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. W. Sahloff SWEEPS PUPPY: Dalm Mr. Nathaniel Horn SWEEPS VETERANS: Dalm Mr. Nathaniel Horn WI West Bend (I) BOSTON TERRIER CLUB OF MILWAUKEE Washington County Fair WI 3000 Pleasant Valley Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 11 Kathy Dachlet, SHW SEC, 7821 MORRISON RD, GREENLEAF, WI 54126 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Ms. B. Capstick: Breed, Jr. Showmanship WI West Bend (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) CENTRAL WISCONSIN VIZSLA CLUB (S) Washington County Fair WI 3000 Pleasant Valley Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 11 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd SWEEPS VETERANS Jill Hoffbeck SWEEPS PUPPY Jill Hoffbeck WI West Bend (I) ENGLISH COCKER SPANIEL CLUB OF SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN (S) Washington County Fair WI 3000 Pleasant Valley Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 11 Ms. Erin McKechnie, SHW SEC, 1372 Red Bridge Ct, Grayslake, IL 60030 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd J. Shepherd: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Mrs. Charlene G Rutar SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Charlene G Rutar WI West Bend (I) FANCIERS’ COCKER SPANIEL CLUB OF SOUTHERN WISCONSIN (S) Washington County Fair WI 3000 Pleasant Valley Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 11 Heidi Braun, SHW SEC, N79W12846 FOND DU LAC AVE, C/O ROY JONES DOG SHOWS, MENOMONEE FALLS, WI 53051 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mr. D. W. Flanagan: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Black) Douglas Muir SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (ASCOB) Douglas Muir SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Parti) Douglas Muir WI West Bend* (I) FOX RIVER FIELD SPANIEL CLUB (S) Washington County Fair WI 3000 Pleasant Valley Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 11 Joan Kaml, SHW SEC, 4480 N 144TH ST, BROOKFIELD, WI 53005 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mr. D. W. Flanagan: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. A. Lorenz: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Stephanie Mueller SWEEPS PUPPY Stephanie Mueller WI West Bend (I) GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER CLUB OF WISCONSIN (S) Washington County Fair WI 3000 Pleasant Valley Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 11 Cheryl Poliak, SHW SEC, PO BOX 828, C/O ROY JONES DOG SHOWS, AUBURN, IN 46706 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. B. A. Yates: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Peter Stager SWEEPS PUPPY Peter Stager WI West Bend (I) GREATER MILWAUKEE POODLE CLUB Washington County Fair WI 3000 Pleasant Valley Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 11 Amanda DeYoung Spriegel, SHW SEC, PO BOX 828, C/O ROY JONES DOG SHOWS, AUBURN, IN 46706 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mr. G. L. Andersen: Breed WI West Bend (I) GREATER MILWAUKEE POODLE CLUB Washington County Fair WI 3000 Pleasant Valley Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 11 Mrs. Amanda DeYoung Spriegel, SHW SEC, PO BOX 828, C/O ROY JONES DOG SHOWS, AUBURN, IN 46706 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd T. Yuhl: Breed
WI West Bend (I) MILWAUKEE BULLDOG CLUB, INC. (S) Washington County Fair WI 3000 Pleasant Valley Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 11 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00 M. Daignault: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Judy Corbett
JUNE 28 - SATURDAY AK Anchorage (O) ALASKA KENNEL CLUB South Anchorage High School 13400Elmore Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 11 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $35.00 Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. K. A. Reamensnyder SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan H. J. Pybus: Ret-Gold Ms. K. A. Reamensnyder: Brit, Span-Eng Spr Mrs. F. Strauss: Ret-Lab, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-Ckr, Span-Irw, Spin Ital Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan Mrs. F. Strauss: Bgle, Dach Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan H. J. Pybus: Berns Mtn, Rottw Ms. K. A. Reamensnyder: Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Boxer, Dobe, Sam, Sib Hky Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. A. D. Hearn Mrs. A. D. Hearn: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. A. D. Hearn Mrs. A. D. Hearn: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. F. Strauss Mrs. F. Strauss: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: H. J. Pybus H. J. Pybus: AustrlShep, GSD Ms. K. A. Reamensnyder: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. F. Strauss Mrs. F. Strauss: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. F. Strauss AK Anchorage (O) (Evening) GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF ALASKA South Anchorage High School 13400Elmore Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 11 Sue Striebich, SHW SEC, 12041 Jerome St., Anchorage, AK 99516 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Ms. K. A. Reamensnyder: Breed, Jr. Showmanship AK Anchorage* (O) MIDNIGHT SUN GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB (S) South Anchorage High School 13400Elmore Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 11 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Ms. K. A. Reamensnyder: Breed Mr. C. M. Benson: Jr. Showmanship Ms. S. B. Bluford: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Michael Benson SWEEPS PUPPY Michael Benson CA Ferndale* (I/O) LOST COAST KENNEL CLUB OF CALIFORNIA Humboldt Co Fairgrounds 1250 5th Street CLOSES: JUNE 11 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. P. V. Trotter SPORTING Group: Ms. E. Muthard Mr. C. L. Olvis: Brit, All Pointers, All Retrievers Mr. C. E. Trotter: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. E. Muthard Mrs. P. V. Trotter: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mr. C. E. Trotter: Kuv, Leonberger, Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Newf, Portuguese, Rottw, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Ms. E. Muthard: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. C. E. Trotter Mrs. P. V. Trotter: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. E. Muthard Ms. S. I. Wheat: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. S. I. Wheat Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Ms. E. Muthard: Bel Shp, GSD, Pol Low Shp Ms. S. I. Wheat: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. C. E. Trotter Mr. C. E. Trotter: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. C. Dutra: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Open A, Open B, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. S. I. Wheat
IA Waterloo* (I) WATERLOO KENNEL CLUB, INC. National Cattle Congress Grounds 257 Ansborough Avenue CLOSES: JUNE 11 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman SPORTING Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman: Pntr-GW, RetChes, Set-Gord, Span-Clum, Span-Eng Spr, Span-Fld Mr. J. Tacker: Ret-Curl, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, SpanBoykin, Span-Irw, Span-Suss, Spin Ital, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mr. J. A. Fehring: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. J. Tacker J. Snider: Bgle Mr. J. Tacker: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mr. R. J. Shreve: Blk Russn Terrier, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Giant Schn, Kom, Leonberger, Nepltn Mastiff, Rottw, Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mrs. B. A. Eichel: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mr. R. J. Shreve: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. J. Tacker J. Snider: Pap Mr. R. J. Shreve: Toy Manch, Pood Toy Mr. J. Tacker: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. Tacker Mr. J. A. Fehring: Dalm Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mrs. B. A. Eichel: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep Mr. R. J. Shreve: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. N. X. Aguirre: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, Open A, Open B, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. A. Fehring IL Lincoln (I) LAND OF LINCOLN CHIHUAHUA CLUB OF ILLINOIS (S) Lincoln College Davidson-Sherrer Gymnasium 300 Keokuk Street CLOSES: JUNE 11 Mr. Steve Hayden, SHW SEC, Po Box 828, C/O Roy Jones Dog Shows, Auburn, IN 46706 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd P. Putman: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY: Chihua (Long) Ms. Mary Price SWEEPS VETERANS: Chihua (Long) Ms. Mary Price SWEEPS PUPPY: Chihua (Smooth) Ms. Mary Price SWEEPS VETERANS: Chihua (Smooth) Ms. Mary Price MA Wrentham (O) HOCKAMOCK KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Crackerbarrel Fairgrounds Emerald St. CLOSES: JUNE 11 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $29.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. L. Vandiver SPORTING Group: R. H. Slay Ms. S. J. McDowell-Dunn: Set-Irsh, SpanEng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr R. H. Slay: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: D. A. Ojalvo Mr. R. W. Powell: Dach Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr.: Pharaoh E. J. Filippini: RhoRidge D. A. Ojalvo: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: E. J. Filippini E. J. Filippini: Boxer Ms. S. J. McDowell-Dunn: Newf Mr. R. W. Powell: Giant Schn, Std Schn Mr. R. L. Vandiver: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. W. Powell Mr. R. W. Powell: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: D. A. Ojalvo Mr. R. W. Powell: Toy Manch D. A. Ojalvo: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: E. J. Filippini E. J. Filippini: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr. Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr.: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. W. Powell Mr. R. W. Powell: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. R. W. Powell SWEEPS PUPPY: Pharaoh Dr. Kevin T Shimel SWEEPS VETERANS: Pharaoh Dr. Kevin T Shimel SWEEPS PUPPY: RhoRidge Dr. Kevin T Shimel SWEEPS PUPPY: Boxer Ms. Vicki East SWEEPS VETERANS: Boxer Ms. Vicki East MO Gray Summit (O) GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF ST. LOUIS Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: JUNE 14 Judy McDowell, SHW SEC, 421 N. Stone St., Centralia, MO 65240 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Ms. F. S. Godek: Breed, Jr. Showmanship
NY Bainbridge (O) CHENANGO VALLEY KENNEL CLUB (S) General Clinton Park Rte 7 CLOSES: JUNE 11 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. D. Kniola SPORTING Group: Mrs. R. Shoreman Mrs. D. Kniola: Ret-Ches, Ret-Flat, Set-Gord Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza: Pointer, RetLab, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Weim Mrs. J. Colvin: Set-Eng, Span-Eng Spr, Span-Wel Spr, Vizs Mrs. R. Shoreman: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. J. A. ReeveNewson Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. R. Shoreman Mrs. D. Kniola: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. R. Shoreman Mrs. D. Kniola: Peke Mr. R. R. Frost: Pood Toy Mrs. R. Shoreman: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. R. Frost Mr. R. R. Frost: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. R. R. Frost Mrs. P. A. Hess: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. D. Kniola Mrs. D. Kniola: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. S. GreendalePaveza SWEEPS VETERANS: Peke Louise Putzback SWEEPS PUPPY: Peke Louise Putzback OH Lima (O) (PENDING APPROVAL) LIMA KENNEL CLUB (S) Lima Kennel Club Showgrounds 1050 Thayer Rd CLOSES: JUNE 11 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. B. L. Clarke SPORTING Group: Mr. K. A. Buxton Mr. K. A. Buxton: All Pointers, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Wirehair Ptg Grif Ms. B. L. Clarke: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: J. H. Ireland Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Nor Elk E. Thielen: ScotDeer J. H. Ireland: Afghan, Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Basenji, Basset, Bgle, B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Bluetick Coon, Borz, Dach, Otter, PBGV Mr. J. C. Walton: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. J. P. Scott M. Brown, M.D.: Dobe Mrs. J. P. Scott: Cane Corso, Grm Pinscher Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Giant Schn, Std Schn Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Portuguese, Sam J. H. Ireland: Rottw, St Bern Mr. K. A. Buxton: Akita, Alas Mal, Bullm, Chinook, Grt Dane, Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Newf E. Thielen: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. C. Walton Ms. B. L. Clarke: Manch Ter Mr. J. C. Walton: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. J. P. Scott Ms. B. L. Clarke: Hava, I Greyhnd, J Chin, Malt, Min Pin Mrs. J. P. Scott: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. K. A. Buxton Mrs. J. P. Scott: Dalm Ms. B. L. Clarke: Pood Mr. J. C. Walton: Schip, Shiba Inu J. H. Ireland: Chow, Fin Spitz, Fr Bull, Kees, Lhasa, Lowch Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: J. H. Ireland E. Thielen: Fin Laph Mr. D. J. Kirkland: AustrlShep, Shetld Mr. K. A. Buxton: GSD, Swed Vallhund Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Austrl Cat Dg, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Brdr Coll, Bouv J. H. Ireland: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. B. L. Clarke Ms. B. L. Clarke: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. C. Walton SWEEPS PUPPY: Dobe Tammy Price OH Lima (O) MIAMI VALLEY BOXER CLUB Lima Kennel Club Showgrounds 1050 Thayer Rd CLOSES: JUNE 11 Kim Woods, SHW SEC, PO BOX 22107, C/O MBF, GREENSBORO, NC 27420 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd J. H. Ireland: Breed OK Oklahoma City (I) CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL CLUB OF CENTRAL OKLAHOMA (S) Cox Convention Center 189 West Sheridan CLOSES: JUNE 11 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT J. S. Gallagher: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Steve Wallis SWEEPS PUPPY Steve Wallis
OK Oklahoma City (I) GREAT DANE CLUB OF OKLAHOMA (S) Cox Convention Center 189 West Sheridan CLOSES: JUNE 11 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. J. R. Cole: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Steve Arnold OK Oklahoma City (I) OKLAHOMA CITY BOSTON TERRIER CLUB, INC. (S) Cox Convention Center 189 West Sheridan CLOSES: JUNE 11 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $23.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd C. Navarro: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Ms. Wendy Teach SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Wendy Teach OK Oklahoma City* (I) OKLAHOMA CITY KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Cox Convention Center 189 West Sheridan CLOSES: JUNE 11 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.50-1st/ $26.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. R. Cole SPORTING Group: Mr. G. Biasiolo Mrs. G. Geringer: Wirehair Ptg Grif Mr. G. Biasiolo: Brit, Weim Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Set-Eng, Set-Gord, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Ckr Mr. C. Coady: Ret-Gold, Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Span-Suss, Span-Wel Spr, Vizs Mrs. S. Brown: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: C. Navarro Mr. G. Biasiolo: Basenji Mrs. C. Meyer: Saluki Mrs. G. Geringer: Afghan, Bloodhnd Ms. S. C. Way: Am Fox, B & T Coonhnd, Borz, Ir Wolf Mr. C. Coady: Basset, Bgle, Dach (Long), Dach (Smooth), RhoRidge Mr. J. C. Briley: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. J. C. Briley Mr. G. Biasiolo: Berns Mtn Mr. C. Coady: Akita, AnatolShep C. Navarro: Alas Mal, Giant Schn Ms. G. Kerr: Boxer, Sam Mrs. C. Meyer: Bullm, Dobe Mr. R. Gschwender: Blk Russn Terrier, Chinook, Grt Dane, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kuv, Mast, Rottw, Sib Hky, Tibtn Mastiff Ms. S. C. Way: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. S. C. Way Ms. S. C. Way: Soft Coated Mrs. C. Meyer: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. G. Geringer C. Navarro: Affenp Mr. G. Biasiolo: Chin Cr Mrs. S. Brown: J Chin Mr. J. R. Cole: Pood Toy Mrs. G. Geringer: Chihua (Long), Pap Ms. G. Kerr: Cav KC Spans, Hava, Shih Tzu, Yorks Mr. J. C. Briley: Bruss Grif, Chihua (Smooth), Min Pin, Peke, Pug, Toy Fox Terrier Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. P. Patterson Mr. G. Biasiolo: Bulldog Mr. J. R. Cole: Am Esk Dog, Shar-Pei, Fr Bull, Pood Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Boston, Chow, Dalm, Lhasa, Schip Mrs. G. Geringer: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. R. Gschwender Ms. G. Kerr: Bel Shp Mr. C. Coady: Bouv C. Navarro: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Brdr Coll, Icelandic Shpdg, Shetld Mr. R. Gschwender: Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Terv, Canaan, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, GSD, Pemb-WC, Pulik Mrs. C. Meyer: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. S. C. Way Ms. S. C. Way: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. L. C. Botko: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, POPN, PUTL, Veteran Mr. G. Feathers: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B Mr. F. Buroff: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B Ms. K. J. Anderson: Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. C. Briley SWEEPS PUPPY: Basenji Vickie Jacobs SWEEPS VETERANS: Basenji Vickie Jacobs SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Black) Linda Clark SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (ASCOB) Linda Clark SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Parti) Linda Clark SWEEPS VETERANS: Brit Linda Clark SWEEPS PUPPY: Brit Linda Clark SWEEPS PUPPY: Bullm Tracy Gustavson SWEEPS VETERANS: Bullm Tracy Gustavson OK Oklahoma City (I) POODLE CLUB OF OKLAHOMA CITY, INC. Cox Convention Center 189 West Sheridan CLOSES: JUNE 11 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT
OK Oklahoma City (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) SOONER POMERANIAN CLUB OF OKLAHOMA CITY (S) Cox Convention Center 189 West Sheridan CLOSES: JUNE 11 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00 C. Navarro: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Steve Arnold SWEEPS PUPPY Steve Arnold OR Redmond* (I/O) MOUNT BACHELOR KENNEL CLUB (S) Deschutes County Fairgrounds and Expo Ctr 3800 SW Airport Way CLOSES: JUNE 11 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. L. J. Sinclair SPORTING Group: Mrs. K. Kahn H. N. Engel, D.V.M.: Brit, All Pointers, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, All Setters, Span-AmW, Span-Irw, SpanSuss, Span-Wel Spr, Vizs Mrs. K. Kahn: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. L. J. Sinclair Mr. L. J. Sinclair: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. J. N. Paulk Ms. J. N. Paulk: Chinook, Kom, Kuv, Leonberger, Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Newf, Portuguese, Rottw, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. L. J. Sinclair: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. J. V. Daniels Mrs. J. V. Daniels: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. J. N. Paulk Ms. J. N. Paulk: Pom, Pug, Pood Toy, Shih Tzu, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mrs. K. Kahn: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. J. V. Daniels Ms. J. N. Paulk: Boston, Chow Mrs. J. V. Daniels: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. J. N. Paulk Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. L. J. Sinclair Mr. L. J. Sinclair: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. R. J. Lewis: Nov A, Grad Novr, Open A, Grad Openr, Util B, Versatility, Nov Wildc, Opn Wildc, Utl Wildc Mrs. M. L. Just: Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Open B, Util A JR SHOWMANSHIP: H. N. Engel, D.V.M. SWEEPS VETERANS: Border Connie Bartlett SWEEPS PUPPY: Border Connie Bartlett SWEEPS PUPPY: Vizs Pamela Hidaka PA Vandergrift* (O) BUSHY RUN KENNEL CLUB Northmoreland County Park Allegheny Township Westmoreland County CLOSES: JUNE 11 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $26.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. A. Cuneo SPORTING Group: Ms. C. S. Brown B. P. Threlfall: Pointer, Pntr-GS, Vizs, Weim Ms. C. S. Brown: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: B. P. Threlfall D. Petrie: Afghan, Greyhnd, Ir Wolf, Saluki, ScotDeer B. P. Threlfall: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. G. C. Penta J. Narzisi: Boxer Dr. P. Princehouse: Grt Pyr B. P. Threlfall: Sib Hky Dr. G. C. Penta: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. E. Herner Mr. R. E. Herner: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. J. A. Penta D. Petrie: Chin Cr Mrs. A. Cuneo: Pood Toy Mrs. J. A. Penta: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. G. C. Penta Mr. R. E. Herner: Chow, Dalm, Fr Bull, Kees, Lhasa, Tib Span Mrs. A. Cuneo: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. J. Nahikian Dr. P. Princehouse: Pyre Shep Mrs. A. Cuneo: Shetld Mrs. J. Nahikian: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. J. Nahikian Mrs. J. Nahikian: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. T. A. Walshesky: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: D. Petrie VA Richmond (I) GREAT DANE CLUB OF METROPOLITAN WASHINGTON (S) Richmond Raceway Complex Labrurnum Ave. & Richmond-Henrico Tplke CLOSES: JUNE 11 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. D. J. Gallant: Breed W. Assell: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Sheree Moses
VA Richmond* (I) SOUTHERN MARYLAND KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Richmond Raceway Complex Labrurnum Ave. & Richmond-Henrico Tplke CLOSES: JUNE 11 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $32.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. N. Horn SPORTING Group: Mr. D. L. Evans Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Span-Fld B. DiDonato: Brit, Set-Gord, Span-Ckr Dr. G. Morgan-Jones: Ret-Gold, SpanIrw, Span-Wel Spr Mrs. J. Webb: Pointer, Span-Suss, Spin Ital, Vizs, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mrs. M. Alston: Set-Irsh, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Clum, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr Mr. N. Horn: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. D. J. Gallant Dr. B. L. Henderson, V.M.D: Whip Mr. R. D. Albee: Afghan, Dach S. L. Clark: Bloodhnd, Bluetick Coon, Borz, Eng Fox, Harr, Ir Wolf, PBGV, Plott, Saluki Dr. A. P. Gallant: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. M. Alston Mr. D. J. Murphy: Grt Dane S. K. Steckler: Rottw Mrs. J. Pero: Akita, Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Dobe, Grt Pyr, Leonberger, Mast, Newf, Sam Mrs. B. D. Alderman: AnatolShep, Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Bullm, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Giant Schn Mr. W. Sahloff: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. E. B. Weiss Dr. R. D. Smith: Russel Terr, Soft Coated, Staf Bull Mr. D. L. Evans: Airdle, Am Staff, Bdlgtn, Border, Sealym, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Mrs. J. Webb: Austr, Bull Ter, Cairn, Dandie, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Rat Terrier Dr. A. Pertuit: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Dr. A. Pertuit: Toy Manch Mr. R. D. Albee: Pap, Peke, Pom, Pug, Shih Tzu Mr. K. H. Delaney: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. K. H. Delaney Mr. K. H. Delaney: Schip, Shiba Inu, Tib Span, Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli Mr. E. B. Weiss: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Dr. R. D. Smith Mr. R. D. Albee: Pemb-WC Mr. E. B. Weiss: Beard Coll, Brdr Coll Mrs. J. Pero: Bouv, Pyre Shep Mr. N. Horn: GSD, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, OES, Pol Low Shp, Pulik, Shetld, Swed Vallhund Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. J. Webb Mrs. J. Webb: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. N. K. Withers: Nov A, Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Versatility J. Nocilly: Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: J. Swayze-Curry SWEEPS PUPPY: Grt Pyr Robin Hugg WA Mt Vernon* (I/O) BELL VERNON KENNEL ASSOCIATION, INC. Skagit County Fairgrounds Hazel & Virginia CLOSES: JUNE 11 BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. Ambrosio SPORTING Group: F. Chapa F. Chapa: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. D. Thompson Mrs. S. A. Krogh: RhoRidge Mr. D. Thompson: Amer English Coon, Am Fox, B & T Coonhnd, Bluetick Coon, Eng Fox, Harr, Plott, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon, Treeing Walker Coon K. L. Beliew: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. D. Thompson Mr. D. Morgan: Chinook, Kom, Nepltn Mastiff Mr. D. Thompson: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: F. Chapa Mr. D. M. Krogh: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. S. A. Krogh F. Chapa: Hava Mr. R. Ambrosio: Pood Toy Mrs. S. A. Krogh: Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Pap Mr. D. M. Krogh: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. A. (. Mills Mr. A. (. Mills: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: F. Chapa Mr. R. Ambrosio: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. A. (. Mills Mr. A. (. Mills: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Miss B. Lee: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, PNOV, Open A, Grad Openr, Util A, PUTL Ms. J. Mather: Nov B, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open B, POPN, Util B, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: K. L. Beliew
Dog News 123
WI West Bend (I) (Evening) GREATER MILWAUKEE LHASA APSO CLUB Washington County Fair WI 3000 Pleasant Valley Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 11 Kathy Dachlet, SHW SEC, 7811 MORRISON RD, GREENLEAF, WI 54126 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Ms. J. E. Thill: Breed WI West Bend (I) GREATER MILWAUKEE SAMOYED FANCIERS, INC. (S) Washington County Fair WI 3000 Pleasant Valley Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 11 Deb Myrecheck, SHW SEC, PO BOX 828, C/O ROY JONES DOG SHOWS, AUBURN, IN 46706 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd R. E. Lake: Breed R. Bermke: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Lynn Scheffner SWEEPS PUPPY Lynn Scheffner WI West Bend* (I) KETTLE MORAINE KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Washington County Fair WI 3000 Pleasant Valley Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 11 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. B. A. Yates SPORTING Group: Mr. D. W. Flanagan Mrs. B. A. Yates: Pointer, Vizs Mr. G. L. Andersen: Pntr-GS, Span-Fld Mrs. T. L. Burrows: Brit, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Span-Suss Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Span-AmW, Span-Ckr, Span-Irw, Span-Wel Spr Mr. D. W. Flanagan: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. B. Capstick Mr. D. W. Flanagan: Bgle Mrs. B. A. Yates: Afghan, Basset, Bloodhnd, Borz, Dach, Nor Elk, Otter, RhoRidge Ms. B. Capstick: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. L. Whittier Ms. B. Capstick: Grt Dane, Rottw Mr. G. L. Andersen: Alas Mal, Dobe, Sib Hky Ms. L. Whittier: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: R. E. Lake R. E. Lake: Cesky Terrier, Dandie, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Glen Imaal, Lakelnd, Min Bull Terrs, Manch Ter, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Scotti, Skye, Welsh Ter Ms. K. Brown: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. S. B. Tietjen T. Yuhl: Bruss Grif Ms. L. Whittier: Cav KC Spans, Chihua Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. G. L. Andersen Mr. D. P. Powers: Bulldog Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Fr Bull, Pood Mr. G. L. Andersen: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. B. Capstick Ms. L. J. Brooks: Card-WC, Pemb-WC R. E. Lake: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Bouv, Coll, Shetld Ms. B. Capstick: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: R. E. Lake R. E. Lake: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. C. M. Pischke: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN Mrs. D. L. Allen: Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. L. Whittier SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Eng Ckr Pat Howard SWEEPS VETERANS: Span-Eng Ckr Pat Howard SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Fld Courtney Vogel SWEEPS VETERANS: Span-Fld Courtney Vogel SWEEPS PUPPY: Vizs Lynn Blackbourn SWEEPS VETERANS: Vizs Lynn Blackbourn SWEEPS PUPPY: Airdle Carol Robson SWEEPS VETERANS: Airdle Carol Robson WI West Bend (I) MILWAUKEE BULLDOG CLUB, INC. Washington County Fair WI 3000 Pleasant Valley Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 11 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00 D. J. Ehntholt: Breed WI West Bend (I) OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG CLUB OF SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN (S) Washington County Fair WI 3000 Pleasant Valley Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 11 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mrs. B. G. Speich: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Sandra Haessler
JUNE 29 - SUNDAY AK Anchorage (O) ALASKA KENNEL CLUB South Anchorage High School 13400Elmore Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 11 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $35.00 Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. F. Strauss SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. D. Hearn Mrs. A. D. Hearn: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: H. J. Pybus H. J. Pybus: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: H. J. Pybus Mrs. F. Strauss: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: H. J. Pybus H. J. Pybus: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: H. J. Pybus H. J. Pybus: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. D. Hearn Mrs. A. D. Hearn: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan Mrs. F. Strauss: Pemb-WC Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan
124 Dog News
CA Ferndale* (I/O) LOST COAST KENNEL CLUB OF CALIFORNIA Humboldt Co Fairgrounds 1250 5th Street CLOSES: JUNE 11 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. E. Muthard SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. V. Trotter Mr. C. L. Olvis: Span-Suss Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Ms. E. Muthard: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. P. V. Trotter Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mr. C. E. Trotter: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. C. E. Trotter Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Ms. E. Muthard: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. C. E. Trotter Mrs. P. V. Trotter: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. P. V. Trotter Mrs. P. V. Trotter: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. N. J. Pilat: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Open A, Open B, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. E. Muthard CA Long Beach* (O) LONG BEACH KENNEL CLUB Queen Mary Events Park 1126 Queens Hwy CLOSES: JUNE 11 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. E. E. Bivin SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. Mills Miss V. L. Lyne: Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab Mrs. B. Stenmark: Brit, All Pointers, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, RetNova Scotia T, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW Mrs. A. Mills: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. B. Stenmark Mr. K. M. McDermott: Basenji, Bgle, Borz, Dach, Greyhnd, Whip Mrs. A. Mills: Afghan, Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Basset, B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Bluetick Coon, Eng Fox, Harr A. L. Odom: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. J. Richardson D. Ericsson: Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kom, Kuv, Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Newf, Portuguese Mrs. J. K. Dutton: Leonberger, Rottw, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. J. Richardson: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. J. K. Dutton Mrs. J. K. Dutton: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. K. M. McDermott A. L. Odom: Min Pin Mr. K. M. McDermott: Pap, Peke, Pom, Pug, Shih Tzu, Pood Toy, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mr. E. E. Bivin: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Miss V. L. Lyne A. L. Odom: Boston, Bulldog Miss V. L. Lyne: Am Esk Dog, Norwegian Lndhnd, Xoloitzcuintli D. Ericsson: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: D. Ericsson A. L. Odom: AustrlShep, Pemb-WC, Shetld Miss V. L. Lyne: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. B. Stenmark Mrs. B. Stenmark: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. P. Murphy: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B Mrs. M. R. Illes: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. B. Stenmark IA Waterloo* (I) WATERLOO KENNEL CLUB, INC. National Cattle Congress Grounds 257 Ansborough Avenue CLOSES: JUNE 11 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. J. Shreve SPORTING Group: Mr. J. Tacker D. Kepley: Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Wel Spr, Weim Mr. R. J. Shreve: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. K. A. Forbes Mrs. B. C. Scherer-Kidwell: Bgle, Bloodhnd, Whip Ms. K. A. Forbes: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman Mr. R. J. Shreve: Boxer, Grt Dane, Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, St Bern Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. Tacker Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman: Manch Ter Mr. J. Tacker: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman Mrs. J. L. Naylor: Pap Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman Mr. R. J. Shreve: Tib Ter Mr. J. Tacker: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. J. Tacker Ms. M. C. Murphy-East: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Bouv, Briard, Canaan, Icelandic Shpdg, OES, Pol Low Shp, Pulik Mr. J. Tacker: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mr. R. J. Shreve: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. N. X. Aguirre: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, Open A, Open B, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. M. C. Murphy-East IL Lincoln (I) LAND OF LINCOLN CHIHUAHUA CLUB OF ILLINOIS (S) Lincoln College Davidson-Sherrer Gymnasium 300 Keokuk Street CLOSES: JUNE 11 Mr. Steve Hayden, SHW SEC, Po Box 828, C/O Roy Jones Dog Shows, Auburn, IN 46706 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. M. Taylor: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY: Chihua (Long) Mr. Cledith M Wakefield SWEEPS VETERANS: Chihua (Long) Mr. Cledith M Wakefield SWEEPS PUPPY: Chihua (Smooth) Mr. Cledith M Wakefield SWEEPS VETERANS: Chihua (Smooth) Mr. Cledith M Wakefield
MA Wrentham (O) WAMPANOAG KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Crackerbarrel Fairgrounds Emerald St. CLOSES: JUNE 11 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $29.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW E. J. Filippini SPORTING Group: D. A. Ojalvo Mr. R. L. Vandiver: Ret-Gold Ms. S. J. McDowell-Dunn: Ret-Lab D. A. Ojalvo: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr. D. A. Ojalvo: Pharaoh Mrs. C. Hoffman: RhoRidge Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr.: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. L. Vandiver Ms. S. J. McDowell-Dunn: Bullm Mr. C. J. Foley: Boxer, Dobe E. J. Filippini: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. M. D. Buckley Ms. S. Cooney: Irish Ter Mr. M. D. Buckley: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. D. A. Dalton Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr.: Min Pin, Pap, Peke, Pom, Pug, Shih Tzu, Pood Toy, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mrs. D. A. Dalton: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. A. Dalton Ms. S. Cooney: Lhasa Mrs. D. A. Dalton: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. R. L. Vandiver Mr. R. L. Vandiver: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. D. A. Dalton Mrs. D. A. Dalton: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. S. Cooney SWEEPS PUPPY: RhoRidge Roland Masse SWEEPS VETERANS: RhoRidge Roland Masse MO Gray Summit (O) GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF AMERICA (P) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop Margaret Bleakney, SHW SEC, 612 ROSS AVE, MEXIA, TX 76667 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $10.00-2nd FUTURITY: GSD Art Sinclair NY Bainbridge (O) DEL-OTSE-NANGO KENNEL CLUB General Clinton Park Rte 7 CLOSES: JUNE 11 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $26.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. P. A. Hess SPORTING Group: Mrs. J. Colvin Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza: Span-Ckr, Spin Ital Mrs. J. Colvin: Pntr-GW, Ret-Curl, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, SpanBoykin, Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Span-Suss, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mrs. P. A. Hess: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. R. R. Frost Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza Mrs. B. M. Nosiglia: Akita, Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Boxer, Newf, St Bern, Sib Hky Ms. A. J. Porpora: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. D. Kniola Mr. K. Kauffman: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson Mrs. D. Kniola: Pood Toy Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson Mrs. D. Kniola: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza Mr. R. R. Frost: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. R. Frost Mr. R. R. Frost: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. J. Colvin OH Lima (O) DAYTON KENNEL CLUB, INC. Lima Kennel Club Showgrounds 1050 Thayer Rd CLOSES: JUNE 11 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. J. P. Scott SPORTING Group: Ms. B. L. Clarke S. M. Kirschner: Ret-Lab Ms. C. Douglas-Featherston: Brit, Pntr-GS, Weim Ms. B. L. Clarke: Pointer, Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, RetGold Mr. K. A. Buxton: Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. B. L. Clarke Mrs. P. C. Inan: Basenji Mrs. D. J. Buxton: PBGV Mr. J. C. Walton: Borz, Dach, Otter J. H. Ireland: Eng Fox, Greyhnd, Harr, Ibizan, Ir Wolf, Nor Elk, Pharaoh, Treeing Walker Coon, Whip Ms. B. L. Clarke: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. K. A. Buxton Ms. B. L. Clarke: Rottw Mr. K. A. Buxton: Cane Corso, Dobe M. Brown, M.D.: Boxer, Grt Dane, Portuguese Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Bullm, Grm Pinscher, Giant Schn Mrs. J. P. Scott: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: J. H. Ireland T. Price: Am Staff J. H. Ireland: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. D. J. Kirkland Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Hava Mrs. P. C. Inan: Cav KC Spans, Chin Cr, I Greyhnd Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. C. Walton Mrs. P. C. Inan: Xoloitzcuintli Mrs. J. P. Scott: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Boston, Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Schip, Shiba Inu Mr. J. C. Walton: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. D. J. Buxton Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Briard, Canaan, Card-WC, Coll, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph Mr. K. A. Buxton: Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, OES, Pemb-WC, Pol Low Shp, Pulik, Pyre Shep, Shetld J. H. Ireland: Balance of Herding Breeds *No Classes: GSD MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. J. P. Scott Mrs. J. P. Scott: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. C. Douglas-Featherston
OK Oklahoma City* (I) OKLAHOMA CITY KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Cox Convention Center 189 West Sheridan CLOSES: JUNE 11 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.50-1st/ $26.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. C. P. Patterson SPORTING Group: Mrs. S. Brown Mr. J. R. Cole: Vizs Mr. G. Biasiolo: Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat Mrs. G. Geringer: Brit, All Pointers, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab Mr. C. Coady: Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Irsh, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Spin Ital, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Ms. S. C. Way: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. S. C. Way Mr. J. C. Briley: Borz Mr. J. R. Cole: Dach (Long) Mrs. S. Brown: Nor Elk, RhoRidge C. Navarro: Afghan, Am Fox, Basset, Bgle, B & T Coonhnd, Ir Wolf, ScotDeer Ms. S. C. Way: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. Gschwender Mr. J. R. Cole: Grm Pinscher Ms. G. Kerr: Sib Hky Ms. S. C. Way: Akita, Berns Mtn C. Navarro: AnatolShep, Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer Mr. C. Coady: Cane Corso, Grt Pyr, Kom, Leonberger, Nepltn Mastiff, Newf, Portuguese, St Bern, Std Schn Mr. J. C. Briley: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mrs. G. Geringer: Border, Bull Ter (Color) Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. J. C. Briley C. Navarro: Cav KC Spans Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Pood Toy Mr. J. C. Briley: Pap, Shih Tzu Mrs. S. Brown: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Chihua, Chin Cr, Hava, I Greyhnd, Eng Toy Sp, Yorks Ms. G. Kerr: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. S. Brown Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Pood Mrs. S. Brown: Shiba Inu Mrs. G. Geringer: Am Esk Dog, Schip Mr. J. R. Cole: Bulldog, Tib Span Mr. G. Biasiolo: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. G. Biasiolo Ms. G. Kerr: Icelandic Shpdg, OES, Pulik, Shetld Mr. J. R. Cole: Austrl Cat Dg, Bel Terv, Nor Buhund, Pemb-WC, Pol Low Shp, Pyre Shep, Swed Vallhund Mr. R. Gschwender: AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Bel Shp, Brdr Coll, Bouv, Briard, Card-WC C. Navarro: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. Gschwender Mr. R. Gschwender: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. F. Buroff: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, POPN, PUTL, Veteran Ms. K. J. Anderson: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B Mrs. L. C. Botko: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B Mr. G. Feathers: Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. R. Gschwender SWEEPS VETERANS: Boston Mrs. Debra Long Gschwender SWEEPS PUPPY: Boston Mrs. Debra Long Gschwender
PA Vandergrift* (O) BUSHY RUN KENNEL CLUB Northmoreland County Park Allegheny Township Westmoreland County CLOSES: JUNE 11 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $26.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. J. Nahikian SPORTING Group: B. P. Threlfall Ms. C. S. Brown: Pointer, Pntr-GS, Vizs, Weim B. P. Threlfall: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. J. A. Penta Mrs. J. A. Penta: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. A. Cuneo B. P. Threlfall: Boxer Ms. C. S. Brown: AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Mast, Newf, St Bern, Sib Hky, Std Schn Mrs. A. Cuneo: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Dr. G. C. Penta Dr. G. C. Penta: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. E. Herner Dr. G. C. Penta: Pood Toy Mr. R. E. Herner: Affenp, Cav KC Spans, Chin Cr, Eng Toy Sp, I Greyhnd, Min Pin, Toy Manch, Silky Mrs. J. Nahikian: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. Cuneo Mr. R. E. Herner: Bichon, Boston, Bulldog Dr. G. C. Penta: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. J. A. Penta Mrs. J. Nahikian: Pyre Shep Mrs. J. A. Penta: Shetld Mrs. A. Cuneo: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. E. Herner Mr. R. E. Herner: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. T. A. Walshesky: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. C. S. Brown VA Richmond (I) GREAT DANE CLUB OF METROPOLITAN WASHINGTON (S) Richmond Raceway Complex Labrurnum Ave. & Richmond-Henrico Tplke CLOSES: JUNE 11 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. M. Conroy: Breed Mrs. P. Perdue: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Linda Hilton
VA Richmond (I) TIDEWATER KENNEL CLUB OF VIRGINIA, INC. (S) Richmond Raceway Complex Labrurnum Ave. & Richmond-Henrico Tplke CLOSES: JUNE 11 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $32.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. K. H. Delaney SPORTING Group: Mr. E. B. Weiss Mrs. M. Alston: Pntr-GS Mr. E. B. Weiss: Ret-Gold Dr. G. Morgan-Jones: Ret-Lab, Ret-Nova Scotia T Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Brit, Pntr-GW, Span-Irw, Span-Suss, Spin Ital, Wirehair Ptg Grif OK Oklahoma City (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) B. DiDonato: Pointer, Ret-Flat, Set-Irsh, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Wel Spr, SOONER POMERANIAN CLUB OF OKLAHOMA CITY (S) Vizs, Weim Cox Convention Center Mrs. J. Webb: Balance of Sporting Breeds 189 West Sheridan HOUND Group: Dr. A. P. Gallant CLOSES: JUNE 11 Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Ibizan Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT D. E. Broadfoot: Whip FEE: $25.00 Dr. R. D. Smith: Afghan, Plott Ms. G. Kerr: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. M. Alston: Nor Elk, Pharaoh, Port Pd Peq SWEEPS VETERANS S. L. Clark: Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Basenji, Basset, B & T Coonhnd, Jana Klein Dach, Otter, RhoRidge, ScotDeer, Treeing Walker Coon SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. D. J. Gallant: Balance of Hound Breeds Jana Klein WORKING Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Dr. R. D. Smith: Tibtn Mastiff OR Redmond* (I/O) R. Hug: Alas Mal, Sam, Sib Hky MOUNT BACHELOR KENNEL CLUB Mr. D. J. Murphy: Boxer, Dobe, Giant Schn, Std Schn Deschutes County Fairgrounds and Expo Ctr Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Akita, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kom, Kuv, Nepltn Mastiff, 3800 SW Airport Way Portuguese, St Bern CLOSES: JUNE 11 Mrs. M. Alston: Balance of Working Breeds Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT TERRIER Group: Mrs. J. Webb FEE: $26.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd S. L. Clark: Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire) Judges And Their Assignments Mr. D. L. Evans: Min Bull Terrs, Norwich Norfolk, Parson Russell, Scotti, BEST IN SHOW Mrs. J. V. Daniels Skye SPORTING Group: Mrs. M. L. Clark Dr. R. D. Smith: Cesky Terrier, Dandie, Manch Ter, Min Schn, Rat Terrier, Mrs. K. Kahn: Vizs Sealym, Welsh Ter Mrs. M. L. Clark: Balance of Sporting Breeds Mrs. J. Webb: Glen Imaal, Irish Ter, Kerry, Lakelnd, Russel Terr, Soft HOUND Group: Mr. G. L. Doerge Coated, Wst Highlnd Mr. G. L. Doerge: All Hound Breeds Dr. A. Pertuit: Balance of Terrier Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. K. Kahn TOY Group: Dr. G. Morgan-Jones Ms. J. N. Paulk: AnatolShep Dr. G. Morgan-Jones: Min Pin, Pap, Peke, Pom, Pug, Pood Toy, Shih Tzu, Mr. R. J. Lewis: Bullm Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mrs. J. V. Daniels: Balance of Working Breeds Mrs. J. Webb: Balance of Toy Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. G. L. Doerge NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mrs. G. M. Denman: Bull Ter, Min Bull Terrs Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Am Esk Dog Mr. G. L. Doerge: Balance of Terrier Breeds Mr. D. L. Evans: Lhasa TOY Group: Mrs. K. Kahn Mr. K. H. Delaney: Boston, Dalm Mrs. G. M. Denman: Pood Toy Mr. D. J. Murphy: Bichon, Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Fr Bull, Pood Ms. S. Bingham-Porter: Chihua, Hava, Malt Dr. R. D. Smith: Chow, Fin Spitz, Kees, Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd Mrs. K. Kahn: Pom, Pug, Shih Tzu, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mr. E. B. Weiss: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds Ms. J. N. Paulk: Balance of Toy Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. N. Horn NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. G. M. Denman Mr. D. J. Murphy: Beard Coll, Pemb-WC Mrs. G. M. Denman: All Non-Sporting Breeds Mrs. B. D. Alderman: GSD, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund HERDING Group: Mr. R. J. Lewis Mrs. K. Kahn: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Bel Mal Dr. R. D. Smith: Pol Low Shp, Shetld, Swed Vallhund Mr. E. B. Weiss: Bouv, Briard, OES, Pulik Mr. R. J. Lewis: Balance of Herding Breeds Mr. N. Horn: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. J. N. Paulk MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. M. Alston Ms. J. N. Paulk: All Miscellaneous Breeds Mr. N. Horn: Wirehair Vizsla OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. M. L. Just: Nov A, Grad Novr, Open A, Grad Openr, Util B, Versatil- Mrs. M. Alston: Balance of Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. M. Alston ity SWEEPS PUPPY: Grt Pyr Mrs. P. R. Krause: Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Open B, Util A Lisa Miller JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. J. N. Paulk WA Mt Vernon* (I/O) BELL VERNON KENNEL ASSOCIATION, INC. Skagit County Fairgrounds Hazel & Virginia CLOSES: JUNE 11 BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW F. Chapa SPORTING Group: Ms. K. A. Cowsert Ms. K. A. Cowsert: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. R. Ambrosio Mr. R. Ambrosio: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. A. W. Woodfork F. Chapa: Dobe Mr. A. W. Woodfork: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. D. M. Krogh Mrs. S. A. Krogh: Manch Ter F. Chapa: Balance of Terrier Breeds
TOY Group: Mr. D. M. Krogh Mr. D. M. Krogh: Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Pap Mrs. S. A. Krogh: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. S. A. Krogh Mrs. S. A. Krogh: Bichon, Pood Mr. D. M. Krogh: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. D. Thompson Mr. D. Thompson: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. A. W. Woodfork Mr. A. W. Woodfork: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. J. Mather: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, PNOV, Open A, Grad Openr, Util A, PUTL Miss B. Lee: Nov B, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open B, POPN, Util B, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. D. M. Krogh WI West Bend* (I) KETTLE MORAINE KENNEL CLUB, INC. Washington County Fair WI 3000 Pleasant Valley Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 11 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. L. Whittier SPORTING Group: Mr. G. L. Andersen Ms. P. A. Keenan: Span-Ckr R. E. Lake: Span-Clum, Spin Ital Mr. G. L. Andersen: Brit, Pointer, Pntr-GW, All Retrievers Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Pntr-GS, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-Boykin, Span-Fld, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mr. D. W. Flanagan: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. S. B. Tietjen Ms. P. A. Keenan: Bgle (13 Under) Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. B. Capstick Ms. B. Capstick: AnatolShep, Blk Russn Terrier, Cane Corso, Chinook, Grm Pinscher, Giant Schn, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kom, Nepltn Mastiff, St Bern, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Miss E. E. Vanden Avond: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. P. A. Keenan Ms. P. A. Keenan: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. B. Capstick R. E. Lake: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua Ms. L. Whittier: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. S. B. Tietjen Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Boston Mrs. T. Powers: Bulldog Ms. L. Whittier: Pood Ms. B. Capstick: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: R. E. Lake Ms. L. Whittier: Bouv D. Nordby: Coll, Shetld Ms. B. Capstick: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv R. E. Lake: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. G. L. Andersen Mr. G. L. Andersen: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. D. L. Allen: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN Ms. C. M. Pischke: Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. G. L. Andersen WI West Bend (I) OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG CLUB OF SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN Washington County Fair WI 3000 Pleasant Valley Rd. CLOSES: JUNE 11 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mr. G. K. Newton: Breed
JUNE 30 - MONDAY VA Richmond (I) TIDEWATER KENNEL CLUB OF VIRGINIA, INC. Richmond Raceway Complex Labrurnum Ave. & Richmond-Henrico Tplke CLOSES: JUNE 11 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $32.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. G. Morgan-Jones SPORTING Group: Mrs. M. Alston Dr. R. D. Smith: Brit Dr. G. Morgan-Jones: Set-Irsh, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr Mr. E. B. Weiss: Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Span-Fld, SpanIrw, Span-Suss, Spin Ital, Vizs, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. K. H. Delaney Mr. E. B. Weiss: Nor Elk, Pharaoh, Port Pd Peq Mr. D. J. Murphy: Afghan, Bgle, Greyhnd, Whip Mrs. M. Alston: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. R. D. Smith Mrs. M. Alston: Akita, Alas Mal, Boxer, Dobe, Giant Schn, Sam Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Berns Mtn, Grt Dane, Grt Pyr, Leonberger, Mast, Newf, Rottw, Sib Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Dr. R. D. Smith: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mr. E. B. Weiss: Manch Ter, Min Bull Terrs, Min Schn, Norwich Norfolk, Parson Russell, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. J. Webb Dr. G. Morgan-Jones: Toy Manch Mrs. J. Webb: Min Pin, Pood Toy, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mr. K. H. Delaney: Pap, Peke, Pom, Pug, Shih Tzu Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. E. B. Weiss Mrs. P. D. Smith: Am Esk Dog Dr. R. D. Smith: Schip, Shiba Inu, Tib Span, Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. N. Bodine Ms. N. Bodine: AustrlShep Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Beard Coll, Bouv, OES Dr. R. D. Smith: Briard, Card-WC, Pemb-WC, Pulik, Pyre Shep Mrs. P. D. Smith: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. A. P. Gallant Dr. A. P. Gallant: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Dr. G. Morgan-Jones
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