Dog News, June 14, 2013

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Dog News

The Digest Volume 29, Issue 24

Of American Dogs $5.00

June 14, 2013

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Contents 52 Russian Hunting Dog Federation And Specialties

10 Editorial

By desmond J. Murphy

14 The Chairman’s Report

54 Off The Leash: The PR Battle

By Alan Kalter

By shaun coen

18 The British Scene

62 The Bronze

By geoff corish

By carolyn alexander

22 Question Of The Week

66 The Chairman’s Report, London Jewelers, Ellis Hulme And More

By Matthew H. Stander

26 Obedience and Rally Musings

By Matthew H. Stander

70 Saints Bound For Glory

By minta “Mike” Williquette

30 A Thought To Consider: Faults and Faces

BY mj nelson

82 The Zoi Zone: Borzoi National Specialty

By SEymour Weiss

34 Bests Of The Week

June 14, 2013

94 2013 Spirit of Renewal: Kuvasz National Specialty

38 Ten Questions Asked Of Jill Bregy

BY a. laurie leslie Leevy

106 The Gossip Column

42 Rare Breeds Of The World: Jamthund- Swedish Lapponia

BY Eugene Z. Zaphiris

by agnes buchwald

44 AKC CAR Canine Support And Relief Team In Oklahoma BY sharon pflaumer

46 Inspector General To Review IRS’ Handling of Luetkemeyer’s HSUS Request SUBMITTED BY CARLOTTA COOPER

50 Tribute To Frank Jewett By frank murphy

BY denise flaim

110 Click - Greenwich Kennel Club BY Eugene Z. Zaphiris

114 Click - Wheaton Kennel Club BY ken rath

116 Letters To The Editor 120 Click - The Way We Were BY Eugene Z. Zaphiris

122 handlers directory • 124 subscription rates • 126 classified advertising • 128 ADvertising rates DOG NEWS (ISSN 0886-2133) is published weekly except the last two weeks in December by Harris Publications, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010. Periodical Postage paid at New York. 4 Dog News

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to DOG NEWS, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010 All advertisements are copyrighted and owned by DOG NEWS, Harris Publications, unless received camera-ready. Permission to reprint must be requested in writing.

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Dog News Cover Story - June 14, 2013







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Ian Miller 212 462.9624 Contributing Editors Sharon Anderson George Bell Andrew Brace Agnes Buchwald Patricia Gail Burnham Shaun Coen Carlotta Cooper Geoff Corish Michael Faulkner Denise Flaim Geir Flyckt - Pedersen Allison Foley Yossi Guy Ronnie Irving Roz Kramer John Mandeville Linda More Desmond J. Murphy M. J. Nelson Sharon Pflaumer Kim Silva Matthew H. Stander Sari Brewster Tietjen Patricia Trotter Connie Vanacore Carla Viggiano Nick Waters Seymour Weiss Minta (Mike) Williquette Dog News Photographers Chet Jezierski Perry Phillips Kitten Rodwell Leslie Simis

*CC System

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DOG NEWS is sent to all AKC approved Conformation Judges every week on a complimentary basis. No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without written permission from the editor. The opinions expressed by this publication do not necessarily express the opinions of the publisher. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted.

*Number Two overall, The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed

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AKC’S SILENCE It is interesting to note the difference in both style and attitude of the Board Chairmen of the world’s two largest Kennel Clubs-the Kennel Club in the UK and the AKC in our own country. A recent headline in OUR DOGS, a British weekly read as follows “KC CHAIRMAN SPEAKS OUT”-subtitled ‘Controversial Topics Discussed’ which then goes on to report Chairman Steve Dean’s comments and theories about issues ranging in scope from approving overseas judges to coat testing to differences between the Kennel Club and the FCI systems for training and appointing judges to a critical discussion of anti-dog legislation effects in the UK to a discussion of grading at dog shows. Can anyone imagine AKC’s Board Chairman Alan Kalter taking on the same or similar issues in a public forum for either The Fancy, AKC constituents or the general public? Right now that seems totally unlikely although with the announcement of AKC making a major financial JUNE commitment to the pr firm called The Edelman Group--said to be the largest pr firm in the world perhaps that too will change. Mr. Kalter in the past has seemingly adopted the viewpoint that in matters of controversy concerning AKC policies to ignore anything negative and to present a positive solid front insofar as the corporation is concerned. And on paper that may sound and read well but the fact is that in today’s society of instant communication engaging dialogue is as critically important to woo public and constituent approval as is the desire to present a picture of total solidarity. Time will tell just how sincere and willing to change the AKC past attitude of selective and secretive discussions to one of comparative openness with the entire dog community and general public AKC’s Board and its Chairman will actually permit.

BELGIAN GOVERNMENT MAY HOLD BREEDERS ACCOUNTABLE In what can only be interpreted as one of the more draconian ideas of the decade it has been announced that the Belgian Government is considering extending the liability for aggressive behavior in dogs to breeders. If this should happen Belgium would become the first country to pass such a law, and it would mean breeders could be prosecuted years after selling a puppy or a dog. Whether or not this kind of thinking would spread throughout the Euro countries remains to be seen but one may be certain some of the bleeding heart animal rightist organizations in Europe must be foaming at the lips to see such a law passed. More positively however the puppy farmers could be adversely affected while the international trade and import of dogs over the Internet, mostly from obscure breeders in Eastern European countries greatly curtailed. One must ask just how far the breeder is responsible for the bad behavior of a dog since a dog’s behavior is influenced by hundreds of unknown factors and we all know that a dog’s character can change even after many 14, 2013 years. Obviously this is a terrible idea that must be discouraged at all costs. The dog mafia in the trading and selling of dogs will always find ways to continue their trade while the innocent and concerned breeder will in the long run suffer irreparable harm.



THE BOARD AND DELEGATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS The only sure thing these pages can report insofar as the Delegate Meeting is concerned is that the LewistonAuburn Club Amendment to prevent former employees of AKC from sitting on the Board was overwhelmingly defeated. Probably the way the Amendment was written it should have been since it failed to grandfather existing employees. Nonetheless these pages remain strong in supporting the basic philosophical premise upon which the Amendment was based. Now employees dismissed for cause can run for the Board and people who are receiving grand pensions can determine just how much more monies they can get out of AKC. Surely a bad idea for a for profit much less a not-for-profit organization. What else went on at the Delegate Meeting has yet to filter down-As for the Board meeting which began on Tuesday the 11th right after the Delegate meeting it was still going on as of this writing on Wednesday the 12th. It is widely anticipated that yet another task force is to be appointed to study a judges approval process this one to be headed by Charlie Garvin. One may be interested to read the reaction of some of the All-Breed Judges to this week’s Question of the Week concerning the handling of both the past Committee and the judging approval processes in general. A little bit of Who Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest-do you think! The only thing missing throughout these goings on of the past two months or so was Jack Nicholson himself.

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THINK TWICE The most avoidable seasonal catastrophe of the coming summer season is heat stress arising from a dog being left in a hot car. As the temperatures rise, think twice before leaving your dog in a car--any car! The underlying cause of heat stress in a car is frequently ignorance of the risk of doing so and on occasions it is a stubborn disbelief that heat stress is so dangerous. The message of course is remarkably simple-do not leave your dog-any dog-- in a hot car. The temperature inside of a car can exceed 90 degrees in just a few minutes in direct summer sun with little or no ventilation. In practical terms, a dog lying quietly and panting efficiently will be able to survive in these conditions for 10 to 30 minutes. However an agitated dog, stimulated by these adverse conditions involving the absence of an owner is likely to deteriorate much more quickly. Parking in shade or leaving windows open may improve the situation but does not remove the risk. Furthermore, some breeds are better at thermoregulation than others such that the breed of dog or type of dog plays a role here too. So leaving a dog in a car has become stigmatized however bear in mind that hyperthermia is not restricted to hot cars only. Heat stress in private homes or at dog shows can be equally dangerous and while it is difficult to explain why the majority of dogs can tolerate certain situations there is no denying the fact that when left in hot cars all dogs will succumb to hypothermia quite rapidly if left in them without adequate shade and ventilation. An ounce of caution is worth the pain of the result for sure. THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Last weekend two different Standard Poodles broke the 100th Best in All Breed Show barrier and the German Wirehaired Pointer is only one away from this notable feat as well. It certainly is amazing to have gone two or three years in a row without any exhibit succeeding in achieving this accomplishment and then suddenly to have two for sure do it with one a hair away from this record as well. Well done as the 100 Club certainly will have its share of reporting to do in the Annual D issue of 2014. And on the subject of rarities don’t forget the July 4th issue will be closing July 2nd --on a Tuesday this year what with the 4th being a Thursday-so please get your ads and your stories in early for that particular issue.

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REPORT Creating a New Conversation with The Edelman Group


ew York, NY – Given that I spent nearly 45 years in the advertising agency business, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that one of my favorite TV programs is “Mad Men” – the quintessential show about the advertising business in the 1960s, a time I remember well. One episode involves the proposed demolition of Penn Station and the construction of Madison Square Garden, which at the time was a hotly contested action. Don Draper, the creative director of the agency, gives a pep talk to the hesitant client from Madison Square Garden, who was battling protestors against the plans to tear down Penn Station and build the Madison Square Garden we all know. Draper’s advice was simple, but powerful - “If you don’t like what they’re saying, change the conversation.” That is certainly timely advice for the American Kennel Club. Today, I will share important steps we have taken to create that new conversation and, in turn, a new understanding of who we are, what we do, the dedication of responsible breeders, and the unique aspects of purebred dogs. In March, I reported we were committed to strengthening our public outreach, starting with creating an engaging and effective social media platform. Christopher Walker joined us in March to spearhead that effort. His performance has been more like a battering-ram moving us forward with lightning speed. At that time, we had about 100,000 likes on Facebook and about 4,000 engaged participants – and engaged participants is the true measure of the health of a brand. Now, just 90 days later, we have almost 370,000 likes and 80,000 engaged people. While HSUS has many more likes, they only have 28,000 engaged participants. What does all that mean? Those that are with us are really with us. Supporting the AKC, talking about us, and passing along items from our Facebook page. In addition, we now have a blog which the AKC team created in a couple of hours on Good Friday and the blog has currently received over 130,000 visitors. The last piece of that puzzle is the AKC

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website. Chris’ team is working to make it significantly more user-friendly and interesting, particularly for the general dog-loving public. As they say, “watch this space” for change you will like. Concurrent with our expansion of AKC’s social media presence and outreach, we began an extensive review of public relations/ public affairs agencies. The goal of that search was to determine a partner possessing the resources, expertise, and passion to create a new, exciting and engaging dialogue for the AKC. The team included me, Bob Amen, Dennis Sprung, Daryl Hendricks, Lisa Peterson, and was led by Chris Walker. We are very fortunate to have had Bob Amen’s guidance throughout the process. His experience, knowledge, and insightful observations were of invaluable help. The 90-day review started with a field of 19 and included in-person visits, conference calls, interim presentations, and final presentations. The participants covered both large and mid-size companies with a common thread being their strong desire to work with us. Throughout the process one company stood out at every step and we are pleased to announce that we have unanimously agreed - and have retained Edelman as our new public relations partner, effective immediately. Edelman is the world’s largest public relations firm, with 4800 communication experts in 67 offices worldwide. Edelman combines the power of their size with the nimbleness and innovation we require. They pioneered the first media tour; they were the first to apply public relations to building consumer brands; they conceived the first corporate citizenship program, and they were the first PR firm to establish a presence on the Web. Each achievement is directly linked to their entrepreneurial culture. Today they represent an impressive roster of global clients, including AstraZeneca, eBay, GE, HP, Microsoft, Shell, Starbucks, and Unilever. They demonstrated a distinct understanding of our challenges and opportuni-

ties; unique capabilities in grassroots communication and mobilization; deep expertise in digital public affairs; effective legislator communication, and strong belief in the mission and work of the AKC. The team we will be working with consists of experts in a variety of disciplines, each with a purebred dog at home–one whose mother is a Breeder of Merit -and the leader of the team was formerly the spokesman for the NRA. The team works from the Edelman New York and Washington, DC offices. Edelman will be assuming all the duties formerly performed by Rubenstein in addition to new responsibilities for public engagement to communicate our Good Works, promote purebred dogs, de-stigmatize responsible breeders, help achieve fair legislation, and promote AKC thought leadership. In addition, Edelman has the experience and the expertise to anticipate, monitor, and respond to news attacks from the opposition or other threats to AKC’s reputation 24/7. The key here is “anticipate” – something we will become expert at in short order. We have some other plans, but I believe HSUS and ASPCA are some of the most avid readers of our reports, including this one. So, rather than reading about our plans, they can enjoy experiencing them instead. One final point. I always admired the writings of Harvard philosopher William James on pragmatism and truth. I was particularly inspired by one thought he had – “Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” That is good advice for all of us to take to heart. I know you and your clubs are doing interesting and exciting things in support of our Good Works and purebred dogs. We need to know about those efforts and make them part of our new conversation with the public and our legislators. Please, send that information to Stephanie Smith at and be a part of helping shape the destiny of the AKC and purebred dogs. Your comments and suggestions are most welcome Sincerely, Alan Kalter Chairman


...Thanks Judge Mr. Dana P. Cline for another recent first

• First Swissy To Win 4 All-Breed Best In Shows • First Swissy To Win 3 Reserve Best In Shows • 15 Group Firsts…So Far!

Best In Show, National Specialty Best In Show

GCh. Derby’s Toast With Gusto Owned By: Rick & Sue Copeland • Richmond, Texas Bred By: Kristin Kleeman, Robyn & Kenneth Toth Presented By: Scott Sommer Assisted by Alfonso Escobedo & Ashlie Whitmore Dog News 15


*The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed

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or most in the British dog scene, Crufts is the start of the show season. You all know the facts and figures now, for me, of course, it was the highlight of my career. Judging best in show here is mind blowing and l enjoyed every minute of it, in fact when it was over l wanted to go back to do it all again!!! After the past couple of years and all the problems that have occurred, this year was in complete contrast. The show was light and exciting and everyone seemed to be upbeat and it reflected in the whole four days of the show. Let’s hope now we can go forward without anymore outside interventions. As always the early parts of our year are dominated by the group shows, the reason being that in the general ch show season there are just so few weekends available. The UK Toydog Ch show is the only group show available for the toys, odd in some ways as this group can be one of the largest, entries are huge in both Cavaliers and Pugs, with Papillons and Chis not that far behind. This was the club’s 41st year and this year’s entry was slightly down on last year but still with a respectable 1,828 dogs and yes, Cavaliers had the highest entry with 184 dogs. Best in show going to the imported Yorkshire Terrier Ch/ Int/Jap/Norw/Sw/Fin/Dan/port/Bir Ch Royal Precious JP’s F4 Juliana, owned and bred by Yoshiko Obana from Japan and currently being campaigned by Sergio Amien from Spain. She was group 3 at this year’s Crufts and amazingly has been shown five times and has won the certificate each time. That’s quite a record. One week later and it’s the same venue but a completely different group. My favorite group show, the 110th National Terrier. It’s certainly no Montgomery but again this is the only group ch show for terriers. The show always has a buzz about it, but then most terrier shows do, don’t they? 1,452 dogs entered and beating the Staffords into second place were the Border’s with 201 dogs entered. Jim Smith from the USA would be delighted to receive the news that the Smooth Fox terrier bitch he sent over here last year gained her UK title. Owned now by David Anderson, Ian Watt and Jim himself, she can now be called UK Ch/Am Ch Absolutely Sinful. And another at this gaining her UK crown was the Miniature Bull Terrier Am Ch Cambrias Cisco Kid handled by Andrea Wylie. Best in show Judge Jane Miller has been around a long time and her Brio kennel of Scottish Terriers is worldly famous. For best in show Jane chose the Estonian bred Airedale Katerinas Land Spicy Cherry of Saredon, she is in fact a grand-daughter of the famous Max from the USA, his name if you don’t know who l am talking about is Evermays High Performance, handled to perfection by Jenny Wornall. Reserve best was the Lakeland Ch Kebulak Man After Midnight owned by Cara Davani and handled by Andrew Westwood. A little bird tells me he may be going ‘down under’ shortly!! Third best in show was the Italian Sealyham Saore Little Cream Soda, a son of ‘Charmin’, owned by the late Tom Scott and handled by myself with Andrew Goodsel’s Wire FT Ch Blackdale Supreme in 4th position. This is the dog who won the famous Fox Terrier Expo in 2012 and won his title in a record 9 days. Britain’s top dog 2013, the Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Ch Soletrader Peek A Boo (Jilly), who l was delighted to give best in show to at Crufts this year, her owners, decided after her Crufts win, to try and give pedigree dogs a better profile. So it was decided that they would do a sponsored walk from the NEC, home of Crufts, to the Kennel Club in London, a distance of 130 miles. The charities that will benefit are Great Ormond St Children’s Hospital, Dog Lost and the Kennel Club Charitable Trust. Several celebrities were invited to take part in several stages of the walk plus 18 previous Crufts best in show winners, seven group winners from this year’s show, healthy examples of the 14 high-profile breeds and representatives of all of those on the KC’s vulnerable native breeds list. I will be one of the walkers and hopefully in my next issue l can give you more details of the walk and how it all went. I have to say the response has been fantastic and the target of 30,000 pounds is reachable judging by the donations.

British SCENE By Geoff Corish

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“As always the early parts of our year are dominated by the group shows, the reason being that in the general ch show season there are just so few weekends available.”

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Five All Breed Best In Shows Multiple Best In Show Winner and Multiple Specialty Winner

GCh. Dejavu l Want’A Talk About Me

Thank You Judge Mrs. Betty Leininger Owner s Ro y & Jo a n n Ku s u m o to B re d By Karl a Matl o ck , A n n Fr e e m a n & Sh aron J ac obson Age nt : Mo e Miyag a wa 20 Dog News


Number One Chinese Crested #15 Toy Dog**

y b o T &


l y r Da

Consistantly Winning!

Thank You Judge Mrs. Loraine Boutwell

Handl e d E xcl u s i ve l y By Da r y l Mart i n *The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed **S.S. System

Dog News 21

THE FOLLOWING QUESTION WAS SUBMITTED TO ME BY A PROMINENT MEMBER OF THE JUDGING COMMUNITY AND I, In TURN, AM ASKING IT OF ALL-BREED JUDGES WHOSE EMAIL ADDRESSes I HAVE: The judging approval process seems to be in limbo since Edd Bivin resigned from the Judges Approval Committee and the Board has not announced as of today June 9th a replacement for him nor for the other open seats on that Committee. I would like to ask the following question:


Polly D. Smith

It seems unclear at this point whether the Smith committee’s Since the Board and Staff have not been able to guidelines for adding breeds will stand for prospective judging implement the Smith’s committee program, they applicants. 5 slots were to be filled by various individuals might as well adopt David Merriam’s and to render judgements on moving people forSteve Gladstone’s proposal to allow ward. As I understand, the 5 spots were everyone to judge all breeds. That never filled or filled only for a short way, there would be no policy time. This placed a great deal or program to be adminisof responsibility in the hands tered. of a few. I would suggest the following: Keke Kahn 1. Continue the proceIt ain’t working so get dures as established by it fixed ASAP. the Smith committee. Let us see if they work. There Clint Harris maybe some criteria issues Thanks for asking my to refine along the way. opinion on the question. 2. Let Management replace the I feel that it should be pro5 members. active on the part of the AKC By Matthew H. Stander 3. The 5 should be individuals from and the committee. For instance, various parts of the country. I suggest taking away some of the work of the 1 member of the staff, 1 AKC rep, 2 All Breed AKC Reps is wrong for there is much to learn judges and 1 other individual. Part of the process must from them. I had much help from them in my climb include feedback from the AKC Reps as a whole. The committee to judging. Many were breeders, handlers and may also seek feedback from other outside sources as needed. judges and had many years in this game. Most inI have suggested 2 All Breed judges, because they are not lookterviews were lengthy and instructive but of course ing for new Breeds, generally judge a number of shows and see some were not. Use their knowledge now! many people on panels at work in the ring. 4. Put the names back on the applications. Bob and Jane Forsyth 5. The Board should allow management to be accountable for The Board has certainly been pro-active, as to the these procedures. staff I can’t say as I have no knowledge as to what part if any they have played. The Board however Dr. Robert Smith has been a constant interference in regard to the Since I was a member of the committee that proposed the curJudges Approval Process. Particularly is this true in rent policy I feel it would be inappropriate for me to comment Continued on page 74 on the Board and Staff’s apparent inability to administer the policy.

Question Of The Week

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Obedience and Rally Mostly Rally updates and observations in this commentary. By Minta “Mike” Williquette


s I mentioned in my last article I have been competing in Rally with my young PBGV, and it has been an eye opening experience. Competing and judging are so very different, at least for me. While running my dog I have had to learn every station in its entirety, I might have passed over stations that didn’t appeal to me when designing my courses. I will now be using more variety in my course designs. However, I do think there are some stations in Excellent that might have a negative effect on dogs training for Utility. I don’t necessarily believe in pattern training, but I also do not want to train for something that the dog will never be doing in the obedience ring, and could cause confusion in the canine brain. An example is standing the dog, leaving the dog, SITTING the dog and then calling the dog to you with a finish. This is never done on the signal exercise in Utility. There is a station that caused discussion between judges three weekends in a row and it involved how to judge and score an exercise. In station 118 you “Halt-leave dog-take 2 steps-call to heel”. It was discussed whether a pause and halt were the same, and whether taking more than two steps was an IP or a handler error. Contacting Pam Manaton at AKC for the answer proved to be the wise thing to do. She referred us to the video on the AKC Rally web site for a visual answer to the questions. There are several videos there that are of value to Rally exhibitors. This also brings me to a thought on the Rally rules. There is very little opportunity 26 Dog News

to NQ in Rally unless you IP more than three stations or the dog is really untrained. Now even the dog refusing a jump is only an IP, therefore I am thinking why is missing a station an NQ? Is that any more of a fault than a handler who doesn’t train a station, makes a small attempt at the station, and then goes on knowing they will only lose ten points? I intend to bring this up in my next discussion with the powers that be. There has been another change in the AKC Rally rules. Rally will now be a stand alone event, meaning the clubs will now be able to hold Rally trials without holding Obedience trials. I am very curious to see if there will be many clubs electing to hold these trials as I am doubtful they will be cost effective. The all breed clubs might consider doing so with their shows. The new rule reads “Effective June 1 clubs may hold rally trials without regard to the number of obedience trials they are also holding. Rally will be considered a separate AKC event not tied to any other.” This update has been released by AKC concerning 2014 Companion Events Championships. “The second annual AKC Companion Events Extravaganza will run from March 27 to 30, 2014, at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex and Expo Center. The Extravaganza will include the AKC National

Agility Championship, the AKC National Obedience Championship, and the first-ever AKC Rally National Championship.


ue to the 2013 Rally National Competition’s enthusiastic reception from exhibitors and spectators alike, the event will be upgraded and designated a national championship. The winning dog from the highest level Rally Advanced Excellent class will be the 2014 AKC Rally National Champion and the first dog to wear the RNC prefix before its name.” The judging panel for the AKC Classic Obedience Tournament in Orlando, to be held this December in conjunction with the Eukanuba show, has been announced and I am honored to have been selected to this panel. I am seeing considerable interest by exhibitors in attending the event. I am really excited to end this with my usual Glee update. At the weekend shows in Hampton, VA she earned her AKC Grand Championship, Rally Advanced and Rally Excellent titles. We will be competing in several events this month (hopefully she won’t be in season) at the UKC Premier show. Onward to Novice, and Grad Novice Obedience. Exercise finished.

“There has been another change in the AKC Rally rules. Rally will now be a stand alone event, meaning the clubs will now be able to hold Rally trials without holding Obedience trials.”

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A Thought To Consider Faults and Faces by Seymour Weiss The judging process in the conformation dog sport is designed, no expected, to be impartial. And overwhelmingly, it is exactly that. There are times, however, in the light of hard fact that impartiality sometimes appears to be a utopian concept.


ow is this possible you may respond, sarcasm coloring your thoughts. It is possible for an interesting variety of reasons and human nature plays a significant part in all of them. Consider a situation in which a veteran judge sorts through a good sized entry, some of the dogs are above average, some are just okay while others have no place in competition at all. A class enters the ring and it is immediately obvious to the experienced judge which dogs belong in each category. Actually, it is surprising how many experienced exhibitors appear to overlook the truth in the well-worn maxim that you only get one chance to make a good first impression. Both the seasoned judge and the experienced exhibitor are keenly aware of this. The judge is looking for the standout while the exhibitor who is up on his game uses every moment in the ring to make the most of the dog in his charge. Judge and exhibitor are both on the same wave length and play their respective parts of the drama to their ultimate advantage. Now, very often a judge will be personally acquainted with at least some of those seeking his favor for their dogs. From the professional handler and the experienced amateur, there are certain things the judge is entitled to expect, and while the same aspects should

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be reflected in every dog, expecting this is not likely to happen – clearly utopian. Most Judges are going to know most of handlers; indeed many judges are former handlers themselves. This means that in the past judges and handlers were once professional rivals/colleagues. But that should never have a bearing on the decision making process. The judge knows, before putting her hands on any dog, that the professional’s exhibit is almost always going to be clean, in good flesh, trimmed (as needed) and sufficiently well trained to allow the judge to make an intelligent evaluation. It is the same for the dog shown by the knowledgeable amateur. So it is not surprising that professional handlers and amateurs who do their homework win as regularly as they do. However, there will always be those who feel the need to dissect a win to ascertain (in their own minds) how much collusion was involved. Almost always the cry foul originates from disgruntled losers with a very dull axe to grind and a dog with a competitive edge that is equally dull. Consider, the contemporary American dog fancy is generously served by a large number of publications. These are intended to inform, entertain and spread the news of importance to all dog fanciers. These same publications also offer an outlet for anyone so inclined to get on the “brag box”, advertising their dogs’ wins and letting upcoming judges know that they will soon be seeing a dog with an enviable track record. Advertising in the dog press is almost as old as the sport itself, and it becomes progressively more sophisticated with every passing year. A dynamic, attention-getting ad campaign is just the trick to project a good dog as the proverbial household word many an owner or a handler want it to become. And while advertising can be highly effective, it needs to be viewed in perspective and this should be considered perfectly acceptable in the eyes of all fanciers. The recognition factor is, after all, never going to go away. Perhaps at a show in Texas the judge of a given breed has come from Massachusetts to do the honors. If a top-winning dog in that breed is being campaigned out of Oklahoma,

the judge is probably expecting to see it even before she leaves for the airport. It would be Pollyannaish in the extreme to think otherwise, but it does not mean that a heavily advertised contender always has an edge. Even beyond our shores, the recognition gambit is sometimes brought into play. I once heard of a continental judge who was shown photos of a particular dog with its handler to help him find the dog when he got here. The dog won, but who can say whether the dog won on its own merits or as a result of a maneuver that should have never happened. Again, I cannot say with absolute certainty, that the particular dog was “helped.” But it was not a stretch to believe this. When those promoting a dog resort to odious maneuvers to gain show ring advantage, they are effectively telling us all that they consider the dog not able to win on its own merits. And they probably do not even realize they are making this declaration. As a case in point, a couple owned an exceptional show dog and were on a rather heady, well deserved roll. The dog made two Specialty BBs in as many consecutive weekends and there was to be another important Specialty a week later. As luck would have it, another couple who had bred to this dog was friendly with the judge scheduled to pass out the honors next time around. A week before the show the owners of the bitch telephoned their judge friend several times to extol the kindness and generosity of the stud dog’s owners on a number of levels. It had gotten to the point in one conversation where the by now cruelly compromised judge tried a preemptive gambit. Confronting his friend on the phone, he flatly asked if this elaborate sales pitch was to pave the way for Specialty win #3. The response was a strong denial. “Oh, no! Jerry isn’t being shown to you. The Fosters (fictitious name) would never do that.” (Not much.) Fast forward one week and when the specials enter the ring, there’s Farley Foster proudly presenting their handsome contender. With his darkest suspicions confirmed, the judge proceeded, as objectively as possible, to review the BB contenders before him. In the end Jerry was selected as the best of the lot, but as angry as he was the judge went back to a personal credo he used to wit: It is never acceptable to hold the foolishness of a person against the merit of a dog. I think it’s a sad fact that too many of us look to the underside of our sport far too often and never give the overwhelmingly honest judges and our squeaky clean fellow exhibitors in our midst the benefit of the doubt. If more of us would do so, we would see the real integrity that graces our wonderful sport, really. Thank you for reading.

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*The Dog News Top Ten List

32 Dog News

Calcasieu Kennel Club - Thursday & Friday Bichon Frise GCh. Saks Winning Card Judge Mrs. Judy Webb Judge Mrs. Ann Hearn Owners Anthony & Kim MacKenzie & S. & K. Hanson & C. Ruggles Handler Alfonso Escobedo Flagstaff Kennel Club I & II Standard Poodle GCh. Brighton Lakeridge Encore Judge Mrs. Sara M. Futh Judge Mr. George Boulton Owners Toni and Martin Sosnoff Handler Tim Brazier Midland Michigan Kennel Club - Thursday & Friday Skyline Kennel Club - Saturday & Sunday Portuguese Water Dog GCh. Claircreek Impression De Matisse Judge Dr. Robert D. Smith Judge Ms. Patricia W. Laurans Judge Mrs. Mary Ann Alston Judge Ms. Debra Thornton Owners Milan Lint, Peggy Helming & Donna Gottdenker Handler Michael Scott Wheaton Kennel Club Bichon Frise GCh. Vogelflight’s “Honor” to Pillow Talk Judge Mrs. Margaret Reed Owners E.M. Charles, M. & P. Abbott, K. Vogel Handler Lisa Bettis

ts Week The

of the

To report an AKC All Breed Best In Show or National Specialty Win Call, Fax or Email before 12:00 Noon Tuesday. Fax: 212 675-5994 • Phone: 212 462-9588 Email:

34 Dog News

Lake County Kennel Club of Northern California Thursday & Friday Wire Fox Terrier GCh. Afterall Painting The Sky Judge Mrs. Vicki Abbott Judge Mr. Robert Slay Owner Victor Malzoni, Jr., Torrie Steele, S. & Mary Olund & Diane Ryan Handler Gabriel Rangel Boca Raton Dog Club - Saturday & Sunday Skye Terrier Ch. Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie Judge Mr. Ronald Menaker Judge Mr. Jeffrey Pepper Owner Victor Malzoni Jr. Handler Larry Cornelius Puyallup Valley Dog Fanciers - Sunday Scottish Terrier GCh. McVan’s BeBop Baby Judge Ms. Barbara Wood Owners Vandra Huber & Rebecca Cross Handler Rebecca Cross Saw Mill River Kennel Club Taconic Hills Kennel Club Samoyed GCh. McMagic’s Candied Ham of Pebbles’ Run Judge Mrs. Peggy Haas Judge Mr. Ronald Spritzer Owners Amy Kiell-Green, Andrew Green & Patty McCallum Handler Andrew Green Contra Costa County Kennel Club - Sunday Giant Schnauzer GCh. Kenro’s Witching Hour Judge Mrs. Michele Billlings Owner Robin Greenslade, Luke Norton & Doug Hill Handler Amy Booth Greenwich Kennel Club Puli GCh. Fuzzy Farm Twist And Shout Judge Mrs. Lydia Coleman Hutchinson Owners Alice Lawrence & Steve Lawrence Handler Alice Lawrence Continued on page 117

Dog News 35

36 Dog News



Dog News 37


What person do you most look forward to seeing at the dog shows? A person with whom I can sit

down and have an in depth conversation about dogs.

What is your greatest extravagance? The Dogs.

What do you dislike most about your appearance? My age.

What dog person would you like to see on ‘dancing with the stars’? Cliff Steele.

If you were forced to get a tattoo, what would it be?


warlock...on the move.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you want to have with you? Water, Food and an irish wolfhound.

asked of

Jill Bregy

Born: Philadelphia, PA Resides: Weston, CT Marital Status: Married for 53 years.

When and where are you the happiest? Whenever I can relax and enjoy life…….which is rarely!

Other people think I am...? Very direct.

What did you want to be when you were growing up? Who I am now which began evolving at about 3.

What would be your last request? To tell breed clubs to think about protecting their breeds to the exclusion of all else.

38 Dog News

Patricia Walsh Reed 1932-2012

Greenwich Kennel Club 24 Year Member

You Made A Difference... — The Reed, Jelinske & Fernandes Families Dog News 39

40 Dog News


*The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed

Dog News 41

are Breeds Of The World by Agnes Buchwald

Jämthund – Swedish Lapponia


efore talking about the Rare Breeds, I must mention my favorite theme: ‘History”. I get enormous pleasure from talking about not well known (several times unknown) dog breeds, because the subject - above all - refers besides other points to history. Most people associate history with the monotone registry of names, and events we had to learn and to know by heart in school and then, later, quickly erased from our minds. But what really is history? This is the best definition I found; “History is an unend-

42 Dog News

ing dialogue between the past and the present” – E.H. Carr. Therefore, based in our dog’s history we can verify by old carvings, written documents, archeological findings, more recently by data, and pictures, the passage of the time and the external factors that accommodate or modify a given breed we want to “clean” what works and what doesn’t, and ‘adjust’ our selections. At the same time we owe to our dog’s history to preserve also the ones which we call Rare, and give a chance for the future generations to see them and continue the work in Continued on page 78

#1 Westie - Breed & All Breed


*CC System

Dog News 43

When a Killer Tornado Hit Oklahoma, the AKC CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund Hit the Ground Running by Sharon Pflaumer


et owners can rest a little easier thanks to the American Kennel Club Companion Animal Recovery (AKC CAR) Canine Support and Relief Fund. Like a guardian angel watching over their fourlegged friends, AKC CAR staff monitors events nationwide in the event a natural disaster or national emergency occurs that impacts the well-being of pets. If one does occur, a relief effort is mounted to assist with the care of companion animals in harm’s way. “When the tornado hit Oklahoma at the end of the business day on Monday, May 20th, we began reaching out that night and offering assistance,” AKC CAR CEO Tom Sharp says. “By Tuesday

morning, we knew just how bad the situation was. We were lucky to have Stacy Mason, an AKC employee who only lives an hour north of Oklahoma City. Because she wasn’t affected by the storm, she was able to begin relief efforts on our behalf immediately. “When I spoke to her on Tuesday morning, she told me the people she knew in the local kennel clubs were setting up an emergency animal shelter and needed dog crates, bowls and other supplies. We authorized her to purchase them at the Petco Store in Stillwater, OK using an AKC corporate credit card. After buying the store’s entire stock of crates and dog bowls, she transported them in her van to Oklahoma City by noon on Tuesday--the day after the tornado hit.”

A Helping Hand Because Mason is trained in Emergency Management Protocols, she was able to help local kennel club volunteers implement an emergency animal shelter at the Animal Resource Center (ARC), a local non-profit facility run by Barbara Lewis where training classes, pet expos and other events are held. Between the supplies paid for by AKC CAR funds, Mason’s Emergency Management expertise, Lewis opening the ARC to disaster relief efforts and the hard work of local kennel club volunteers, the emergency animal shelter they set up was able to take in pets displaced by the storm almost immediately. (AKC CAR also donated large AKC kennel runs to the ARC emergency animal shelter and


Stacy Mason loading crates in Stillwater before setting out for Oklahoma City.

44 Dog News

Pets await reunion with their owners, while crated at the emergency animal shelter set up at the Animal Resource Center (ARC).

“Cooper” is reunited with his owner at the ARC emergency animal shelter.


Denise Dang and Dick Kortemeier of Mid-Del-Tinker Kennel Club at the Cleveland County Fairgrounds. They’re surrounded by supplies donated to the emergency animal shelter set up in the Livestock Expo Building.

the Moore Animal Control Shelter so both could house larger dogs and use runs as ex-pens.) By Tuesday morning, the local Emergency Management Team set up a Pet Triage Center at the Home Depot Store, located only a few hundred yards away from the tornado’s path. After pets were picked up by First Responders, they were brought to the Pet Triage Center where they were checked out by a veterinarian. If they were in need of surgery, they were

Dick and Eileen Kortemeier (left and right) with Denise Dang (middle) at the Cleveland County Fairgrounds emergency animal shelter. They are members of the Mid-Del-Tinker Kennel Club.

transported for treatment to veterinary clinics not affected by the storm. Pets that only suffered scrapes and bruises were transported to the emergency animal shelter set up at the ARC. Or they were transported to the emergency animal shelter set up and operated by other local kennel club volunteers at the Cleveland County Fairgrounds only a few miles away. Dr. Kristi Scroggins, one

On behalf of AKC CAR, Tom Sharp presented a $10,000 check to the Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Medicine (OSU-CVM). The funds will help pay for the cost of treating injured pets there, at no charge to their owners after the killer tornado. Pictured left to right: Barbara Lewis (ARC), Heather Clay (OSU-CVM) and Tom Sharp (AKC CAR).

of the veterinarians working at the Pet Triage Center at Home Depot, is a member of the MidDel-Tinker Kennel Club. She contacted fellow club member Dick Kortemeier, who is on the Board of Directors of the Cleveland County Fairgrounds. After she told him they needed a place to keep displaced pets, he opened up the fairground’s Livestock Expo Building to them. Kennel club volunteers set up an emergency animal shelter there and began accepting pets on Tuesday. “AKC CAR supported the Oklahoma State Vet School in Stillwater as well, where pets injured by the tornado were treated at no charge to their owners. We donated $10,000 to help pay for the care of these injured animals,” Sharp says. He flew to Oklahoma on Friday of the same week. During his visit that first weekend, Sharp realized more microchips and scanners were needed by the vet school and had them FedExed there on the next business day. AKC CAR also overnighted microchips and scanners to be used at the Home Depot Pet Triage Center and the two shelters. The killer tornado in Oklahoma underscores the importance of microhipping pets. Because the owners of microchipped pets can be readily identified in the event companion animals are displaced by a disaster (or national emergency), the process of reuniting them with their families is speeded. Many pets were reunited with their owners at the two emergency animal shelters. Those owners, who had a place to stay, were able to Continued on page 98

Dog News 45

Inspector General Agrees to Review IRS’ Handling of Luetkemeyer’s HSUS Requests Submitted by Carlotta Cooper

The U.S. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) has agreed to review the manner in which the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) handled U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer’s (MO-3) requests for an investigation of the Humane Society of the United States’ (HSUS) tax-exempt status and will specifically look into IRS Director of Exempt Organizations Lois Lerner and her staff. In both a letter to Luetkemeyer and in discussions with the congressman’s staff, the TIGTA’s office confirmed that a formal review would take place and that the congressman would be notified upon its completion. If the findings of the review indicate that his previous requests were, in fact, mishandled, Luetkemeyer intends to renew his call for the IRS to launch a new, unbiased, investigation into the HSUS’ alleged inappropriate involvement in political and lobbying activities. “I am encouraged that the Inspector General for Tax Administration is taking these allegations seriously by looking into the way Lois Lerner and her staff conducted themselves with regard to the investigation of HSUS’ lobbying and political activities,” Luetkemeyer said. “We know that Ms. Lerner and her staff inappropriately targeted conservative organizations, so the American people deserve to know whether these same IRS officials turned a blind eye to the activities of left-leaning groups such as HSUS.” The TIGTA’s decision to look into allegations came following a May 17 letter from Luetkemeyer requesting an investigation into the manner in which Lerner, who is an active member of the HSUS, handled his inquiries regarding HSUS’ abuse of its tax-exempt status. Lerner was recently placed on administrative leave after her admissions that her office had targeted conservative organizations and following her refusal to answer questions before a congressional oversight committee. Luetkemeyer first corresponded with the IRS regarding the HSUS’ political and lobbying activity in March 2010 following numerous requests from constituents. Until receiving the letter from the TIGTA’s office, Luetkemeyer was unsure if anyone in the Obama Administration was taking his requests seriously. Luetkemeyer also has sent letters requesting an investigation to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, both of whom have yet to respond. The Office of U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer Washington, D.C 46 Dog News

DJ # 5 Keeshonden All Breed*

Our sincere appreciation to Judges Mrs. Patricia Hastings and Dr. Steve Keating for these lovely Group Placements!

Multiple Group Winner & Multiple Group Placer

GCh Karina’s You Can’t Stop The Beat Breeders/Owners Vickie L Louie & Chase Waddell Karina Keeshonden Expertly Presented by Jill Bell Assisted by Chase Waddell

Assisted by Chase Waddell

*The Dog News Top Ten List

Dog News 47

GCh. Quiet Creek’s Kiss and Tell 48 Dog News

Kiss Judge Mr. Jon Cole

Owners/Breeders: Susan LaCroix Hamil Heather Whitcomb Laguna Beach, California

# 4 Hound, #1 Bloodhound All Systems

Back-to-Back Hound Group Firsts at Woofstock!


Judge Mr. George Marquis

*The Dog News Top Ten List

Handlers: Bruce Schultz Tara Schultz

Dog News 49


Frank Jewett By Frank Murphy


remember the day at a dog show in Florida, I was having a beer with Jimmy Jewett, when he told me his son was moving to Florida. He told me we were about the same age and I would like him. Frank moved to Florida at a time when a group of people who were contemporaries started their handling careers. What was to come was not a competitive, contentious situation, but rather the beginning of a “family” of great friends who could count on each other for anything. With all the personalities, and all the top dogs, and all the BIS’s, the one constant that never changed was Frank Jewett. Frank’s father and uncles came from Cuba. They all joined the Marine Corp and fought for their new country. There never was any question that Frank would be a Marine. When Frank arrived in boot camp he had a tattoo on his bicep that said “redneck”, not surprising given his rough south Florida upbringing. The drill instructor was a black man who took exception to his tattoo. During the entire boot camp when ever someone made a mistake or did something wrong the DI would make them run or drop down to do 100 pushups. Every time that happened the DI would look over at Frank and Frank would say “I know, me too”. They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, and Frank boxed through his Marine Corp years. (After Caitlyn was born, he covered up that tattoo with a Celtic knot). When he got out, he had jobs “bouncing” at some of the toughest night clubs in south Florida. He had day time jobs doing roofing in the hottest climate in the US. Frank loved the heat. He thought Georgia was the frigid north. He hated to wear long pants. Frank was a fan of anything that was south Florida. Miami Dolphins, Miami Heat, but mostly the University of Miami football. He had an orange and green U tattooed on his massive calf, to attest to his love of the “U”. One of Frank’s best 50 Dog News

Frank and Maureen Jewett

friends is from Pinson, Alabama. Everyone who knows Rick knows of his obsession with Alabama football. Every fall for the last twenty years all the friends enjoyed the conversation after the shows were over regarding college football. The eighties were over and so was the Hurricane heyday and, thanks to Rick, Frank had to suffer through all these recent national championships Alabama has won. One of Frank’s favorite things to talk about was his hatred for the Alabama Crimson Tide. Frank could root for any NFL team but only if they had a former Hurricane on the roster. In Tallahassee in February this year, Frank told me that if something happened to his 14 year old collie, he wanted to get a Bluetick Hound, not to show, but just to hang out. We could all picture going to Frank’s motor home, or house, and see Frank sitting outside drinking a beer with his Bluetick by his side. That night his collie died in the motor home. His family was so upset that they didn’t show on Sunday, just packed up and went home. On Tues-

day, that week, Frank went to the doctor because of headaches. Then at 4:30 that afternoon he called Maureen to tell her that he was staying at the hospital. He had cancer in his kidney, his lungs and his brain. Frank came to Florida many years ago with a couple of collies in a white van and soon had a multiple BIS winner named Joey. After marrying Maureen and having a daughter, Caitlyn, they became one of the busiest handling families in the southeast. A couple of years ago, Frank showed a black cocker for Pam Sullivan who loved Frank like a son. I am not sure how the dog got his name, but his name was FJ! Maureen trimmed him, Frank showed him, and he won a lot, finishing the year as a top ten sporting dog. More recently there were a number of BIS winning bulldogs. Frank was not impressed with the wins they accumulated, but rather was the proudest of his wife, his daughter, and their home in Ocala. It wasn’t just dogs that Frank loved. He had shown horses growing up and thought Caitlyn should be around horses also. A few years after she was born Frank built a barn and brought in a couple of horses and some goats. Frank enjoyed the time at home with the family more than any dog show that he had won. A few days before Frank died, Maureen texted me that Frank would have to be tough. Toughness was not something that Frank ever had any trouble with; but cancer is a terrible thing. Three months after being diagnosed, after radiation to the brain and the lungs, Frank’s lungs quit. It was not surprising that his heart was still strong. The “regular” shows in the southeast, the ones the Jewetts always attended, will be very different without Frank. The only blessing is that we still have Maureen’s friendship, and we have the privilege of watching Caitlyn grow into the beautiful young lady that made Frank so proud.

Gaia Sporting Group First

Thank you Judge: Mrs. Debbie Campbell-Freeman Flatirons Kennel Club

Multiple Group Winning & Group Placing #1 Vizsla Bitch - All Breed* • #2 Vizsla-All Breed*

Gold GCh. Nyircsaszari Szilva Palinka JH Sire: Ch. Mehagian’s Sizzl’n Hot-N-Spicy CD MH CGC

Dam: Ch. Nyircsaszari Igazanyag JH

Owned & Bred By: Dr. Sylvia J. Kerr AKC Breeder of Merit - Nyircsaszari Vizslas Handled by: Diana Wilson *The Dog News Top Ten List

Dog News 51

g o D g n i t n u H n a i s s Ru hy p r u M . J d n By Desmo mitry Picollo

Photos by D o Nicolas Pinero askeedfoifr thI wisodualted.

judg r ag bout a yea to come to Moscow to to judge, the club d le be availab Americans had agree ternational titles. l In After severa could not offer full ller than previous y e m s t th w ch a learned tha e entry would be mu to judge a larger sho th s d t This mean ur of us were reinvite Lydia Hutchinson wa s fo years. All en shortly afterward h T in 2014.


that n Specialty for ir a C a to due pest riginal date going to be in Buda a long o e th r fo ging I was reinvited ce. Since o days and then jud signment la p e k ta for tw w as would then home s pleased my Mosco r the original k e e w ll fu a fo Tulsa, I wa dge cted again weekend in ed. Then I was conta vel to Moscow to ju e n th tra was postpo lly did not want to ling halfway around s a a e v re date, but day. When I am tra two days and judge ly st e on for just on r to judge for at lea the critiques one is e f fe o ad world I pre s possible. Because t exceptions can be m d a u an many dogs ge 85 dogs per day, b sion for Bull Terriers d s a ju p nse allowed to ving an inte a H . 0 0 1 e to judg

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ued on


Dog News 53



he Urban Resource Institute (URI) is launching New York City’s first ever cosheltering program to allow domestic violence survivors and their pets to reside together in shelters. The six-month pilot project, which began June 1, is called PALS (People and Animals Living Together) and is a partnership with the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals. This noteworthy program will hopefully provide a safe haven for victims of domestic violence and their pets, as research indicates that as many as 40% of domestic violence victims delay leaving abusive situations out of concern for their pets’ safety, more than 85 percent of women entering domestic violence shelters talked about pet abuse in their family and 71 percent have said their pets have been killed, harmed or threatened by their abusers. According to Purdue University’s Center for the Human-Animal Bond, contact with animals decreases blood pressure, reduces anxiety and provides a general sense of well-being. Yet, before the PALS program was launched by the URI and the Mayor’s Alliance, no domestic violence shelters in New York City allowed pets. Indeed, only a few domestic violence shelters nationwide allow pets. Followers of the American Kennel Club, and more specifically, the works of the AKC Humane Fund, may be aware of the domestic violence shelters that do house victims and their pets. That’s because the AKC Humane Fund awarded grants to eleven different “pets allowed” shelters across the country just eight months ago in honor of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month last October. The shelters that received the grants are located in Safford, AZ; Cabot, AR; Crescent City and Susanville, CA; Fort Collins, CO; Alpharetta, GA; Aurora, IN; Spruce Pine and Whiteville, NC; Spearfish, SD; and Spokane, WA. These grants were certainly appreciated by the shelters that house the victims of domestic violence and by the victims themselves and the AKC and the Humane Fund should be commended for earmarking funds for such a worthy cause in difficult economic times. What’s concerning about the effort is something that has plagued the AKC in recent years: that’s its “good acts” seem to go by and large unnoticed by much of the general public. This specific act begs the question, why wouldn’t the Mayor’s Alliance and the URI contact the AKC, which shares a hometown with these very same organizations? It’s bewildering that organizations trying to address the very same situation are unaware of the acts of one another. It is certainly an oversight on the part of the Mayor’s Alliance and the URI, as the AKC has confirmed that neither organization reached out to them nor did they seek assistance. The Mayor’s Alliance and the URI haven’t returned my inquiries into whether or not they were aware that the AKC Humane Fund had provided grants to these shelters elsewhere around the country and the representative for the PR company (LAK Public Relations, Inc.) 54 Dog News

The PR Battle

ByShaun Coen that is handling the publicity surrounding the announcement of the PALS program told me she didn’t know if either organization was aware of this fact. Sounds like there’s room for improvement all around. The AKC needs to do a better job highlighting its “good acts” and enhancing its public image and the Mayor’s Alliance and the URI need to do a little more homework before launching such ambitious programs. Time will tell, but if the AKC is willing to help victims of domestic violence and their pets around the country it would make sense for it to help those victims and their pets right in their own backyard and all three of these organizations could’ve benefitted from working together in this regard. The AKC of course has other issues to address as does the Mayor’s Alliance, which does a very fine job of promoting much of its works on a national scale and especially on the local scene. Just last weekend in conjunction with the California-based Maddie’s Fund, a foundation established in 1999 to help turn America into a no-kill nation, the Mayor’s Alliance held what its PR firm is hailing as “the city’s biggest free adoption event ever.” It was part of a nationwide pet adoption drive to find families for homeless animals, with eight communities throughout the U.S. participating, from California to Florida, including Nevada and Wisconsin. The Mayor’s Alliance, which partners with 150 local animal rescue groups and no-kill shelters, hosted events across NYC for the first time of this Maddie’s Pet Adoption Days event. All told, expectations were shattered, with almost 8,000 animals being adopted nationwide, almost 3,000 more than the announced goal of finding homes for 5,000 animals. Maddie’s Fund, which had set aside $4 million to subsidize the adoptions, has pledged $5 to $7 million to offset the costs incurred by participating rescue groups and shelters. All of the animals are spayed or neutered, vaccinated and most of them microchipped as well. New Yorkers accounted for some 30 percent of families taking in pets last weekend, adopting some 2,500 pets, more than double the amount expected (1,000). The AKC may have very different agendas than these organizations but their overall goals are not mutually exclusive and all depend on public recognition to succeed. The AKC promotes responsible dog ownership, encourages pet owners to spay or neuter their pets to prevent accidental breedings

resulting in unwanted puppies, and enodorses microchipping, as evidenced by the AKC Companion Animal Recovery program (AKC CAR). But there is a shadowy underside to the “pet adoption business” that the general public is largely unaware of, just like many of the AKC’s “good deeds”. The initial public reaction to the adoption drive was that the events were a homerun but it remains to be seen how many of these impulse adoptions, many of which were picked up outside of the Petco at Union Square Park last weekend, will ultimately be returned to the city’s shelter system. When the hot summer months roll in and that cute puppy needs to be cared for 24/7 and it turns out to be a little too much dog than an unsuspecting owner anticipated and no longer resembles that “lab” and/ or “beagle mix” it was advertised as and has a totally unexpected temperament and its incessant barking annoys the neighbors and the landlord, will the feel-good moment of providing a loving home for a dog in need fall victim to the reality that perhaps a pet was not a good idea for the cramped apartment? Researching purebred dogs can eliminate a lot of the uncertainty involved with such adoptions and reputable breeders will always take a dog back should the arrangement not work out instead of feeding the cycle of pet adoption drives that couldn’t exist without a constant supply. It’s hoped that the AKC’s announcement this week that it has hired a new PR firm will help to enhance the registry’s image not only in its own backyard but across the nation and internationally as well. The AKC has long been taking it on the chin from animal rights extremist groups and losing the PR fight amongst the general public. The Today Show hatchet job coupled with the New York Times attack coinciding with this past Westminster and the subsequent backlash from constituents and the dog press seems to have finally coerced the AKC into getting proactive in this ongoing battle rather than being reactive. The AKC’s former PR company, Rubinstein, which it held on retainer, has been jettisoned for Edelman, the world’s largest PR firm, with 67 offices and more than 4,800 employees worldwide and affiliates in more than 30 cities. This is the type of move that many had anticipated when Alan Kalter, the former advertising exec with over four decades of experience in this area, was elected AKC’s Chairman of the Board. The first phase of revamping the AKC’s public image and bolstering its PR efforts was hiring a social media guru and hopefully this next phase of hiring Edelman will provide the desired results expeditiously. One assumes that the hiring of Edelman wasn’t inexpensive but the PR battle is one that the AKC must win whatever the cost.

Dog News 55


*The Dog News Top Ten List

Dog News 57

The Deadline for the July 5, 2013 Issue of

Dog News is Friday, June 28, 2013

58 Dog News


Jane Chopson

On May 25th, a dear, cherished and true friend was lost to the Great Dane world, the sport of dogs, and to so very many people. Jane Chopson lost a brave and private battle and left us much too soon. Few have been so much and meant so much, and to so many, while they were here with us. Jane’s generosity of spirit was from an innate source and was always there. To anyone who knew her, we just know without really having to say, that she will always be with us.


ane was raised in a dog show family. Her parents had Blue Oaks Great Danes and were founding members of the GDC of Northern California. Though entries and shows were smaller in those days, competition was keen. Jane’s father noticed his daughter’s interest and enthusiasm at a young age and started giving her dogs to handle. Honing her talents, she went on to become a very accomplished handler. Alongside of this, she amassed a host of academic degrees, followed by a career which led to her position as the Director of Social Services for Marin County, a position for which both she, and programs that she instituted, were recognized nationally on many occasions. She studied genetics and challenged, in a scientific manner, the GDCA’s color code, clarifying which color combinations maybe detrimental to future generations and which ones truly were not. Part of her scientific approach to this issue was to show, in the mid-seventies, a chocolate brindle

puppy at a large specialty, judged by the then GDCA president and member of the committee on the code, knowing full well that the dog would be disqualified. It opened up the discussion, to put it mildly, and we have Jane to thank for that. Since ‘Butterscotch’, as the Dane was called, had received a best puppy ribbon at an earlier match show, Jane would like to say that Butterscotch is, and will forever remain, the winningest chocolate Great Dane of all time. Jane showed a succession of top winning Great Danes over the years. During the past 25 years or so, her dogs represented a combination of east and west coast lines, which of course, had been more difficult to pursue in prior years, before the advent of shipped semen, etc. Many of her charges became number one for the breed for the year. Most, if not all, won an all-breed best or more along the way, and of course, many specialties. Most have made valuable contributions as sires and dams. Much of what I have seen written this past week was not just from her clients, but from competitors who were also Continued on page 86

Dog News 59




60 Dog News



Dog News 61


BRONZE By Carolyn Alexander


n many breeds, unique competitions like the Top Twenty are not actually AKC mainstream events, but are enormously important to fanciers celebrating their breed. In the Bull Terrier world, most know about Silverwood with a 3 judge panel. The Canadian equivalent is called The Bronze. We were invited to judge the most recent Bronze and spent 4 lovely days just outside Toronto. This journey started with our going to our Gavilan Kennel Club meeting on a Wednesday night, and on to the San Francisco airport. Our flight was to leave at 6a, so we stayed at an airport hotel the night before. Up at 4a, we boarded at 5:30. The plane pulled away from the gate and then sat on the tarmac for the next 90 minutes as United took care of mechanical repairs. We finally got underway and thanks largely to having a 2 hour connect time in Newark, we were able to make our connection. Car rental and border crossing went smoothly. We stayed that first night at a Niagara Ramada and went out for a very tasty fish and chips dinner.

Springtime In Niagara-By-The-Lake

Because of number of problems with recent United flights, we flew in a day early to be sure we’d get there. We used the time to relax and go wine tasting. The Bronze is held on the beautiful Niagara peninsula in early May when yards and parks 62 Dog News

are vibrant with red and yellow tulips and white and yellow daffodils. Roadways are lined with plum, apple and cherry trees exploding with pink and white blossoms. David used to live in Toronto and decided he needed to have a Harvey’s burger for old time’s sake. My opinion is that their sandwiches are ok, but I am not overly enthused. We stopped at the beer store to get beer to take to the volunteers setting up the show and for hospitality, and then chose 4 wineries to visit. The best stop was at Jackson Triggs, where we met the Assistant Wine Maker Casey Kulczyk. Casey is an enthusiastic, knowledgeable young man who has much to be proud of in terms of the quality of wine he and the winery are producing. We were especially pleased to find a fabulous sparkling wine called Entourage Grand Reserve. It sells for about $23 and tastes like those that are priced more in the $50 plus range. Then it was my turn to stop at one of my favorite places, which is Picard’s Gardens. This is peanut heaven! We purchased some

of my favorite potato chip encrusted dill pickle peanuts. David chose the tangy garlic peanuts, which are addictive. Picards not only has delicious products, but they generously permit tastings. They also have some delicious chocolate specialties and other nuts, but I can never get past the freshly roasted Ontario grown Valencia peanuts. Arriving at the club hotel, we were delighted to see Humberto Lara and Silvia Garcia and are looking forward to seeing them again in September when David judges in Mexico City. It had been years since we had seen Jay Remer. Originally from the Philadelphia area, Jay now lives in picturesque St Andrews By-the-Sea, New Brunswick. A successful businessman, Jay is also known as an etiquette expert who travels internationally for consulting and to hold training programs. Roz Clamper came in early from Tennessee to judge the Friday specialties held with a local kennel club.

Ooh La La

All the judges were astonished when we were ushered to our rooms. All were outfitted with heart shaped, lipstick red, whirlpool bathtubs, with lots of mirrors and spot lights. We wondered if they had us confused with a wedding party, but whatever... obviously, we had been given the nicest rooms. They were certainly the flashiest. Roz thought the tubs were a tad gaudy and opted to use the shower. I’m not sure what others did, but one of the nights, David and I opened a bottle of wine and enjoyed a swirling bubble bath. Bull Terrier people (like most dog folks) love to party! The weekend included a number of social activities. The first evening was a casual barbecue at the hotel. Saturday night, Club President Cathy Sodomsky and her husband Bill hosted a Mexican dinner at their lovely home. The guacamole and burritos were exceptionally delicious. The evening was complete with good wine and socializing around the fire pit in the back yard by the pool. The last evening was buffet dinner for the judges and club officials held at a first class Chinese buffet. The food was amazing for quality and presentation! The desserts were incredible and everyone ate far too much and loved it! The weekend also included a judges’ presentation/program put on by the club featuring the weekend’s judges and Canadian Breeder Judge Carol Gray. It was an excellent panel discussion with good attendance. Show Chair Gord Williams and his crew put in a lot of hours making sure every detail was covered and everything went very well. Lunches and snacks at the show represented some talented, delicious Canadian home cooking, and no one went hungry.

Specialties, More Specialties and Great Trophies

The weekend shows were held in the Allanburg Community Centre, which allowed for easy parking, set up, vendor space and comfortable hospitality. One group of women who were present, run the notfor-profit “Bullies Without Borders” rescue program. We were delighted to talk with several of the team leaders there, including Deb Brown, Susan Flisowki and Canadian author Marsha Boulton. Marsha’s books on Canadian life and history are wonderful reading! She is considered one of the great Canadian Heritage writers. Her books on Wally, her beloved Bull Terrier also make her enormously popular with BT folks. On Saturday, David was partnered with long time Breeder Judges Jay Remer and Humberto Lara, to judge the Bronze. While somewhat similar in format to Silverwood with 2 judges and a referee for each class, in Bronze judging, there is no discussion between the judges. Entrants must be a Champion registered in any country or may request an exemption for circumstances/ cause (an option that is not often used from what I understand). The winner of the morning open show is invited to participate in the Bronze competition. Previous Bronze winners may not enter. Finalist selections are made from 4 classes of coloured females, white females, coloured males and white males. If a low entry, all can be judged together. The judges first select the winner of the movement trophy. The judges then indicate their choice for Bronze Trophy winner, Reserve, Best of Opposite Sex, and Best of Opposite Variety. If the judges’ written placements do not agree, the steward calls in the referee to make the decision between the judges’ final selections. This year, that was the case and Mexican Breeder-Judge Humberto Lara awarded the Bronze Trophy to Annwn Cant Get Enuff from New York. Shown by her owner/co-breeder Heather Uplinger, this lovely young white bitch had just won the Open show, which gave her entry into the Trophy show. Reserve, BOS and Best of Opposite Variety went to Canadian Owner/ Breeder Lori Bozian’s Bullayr Heartbreaker, who was BOB at the Open Trophy show last year. American CH Global Mighty White

at Kilacabar, shown by his owner Connie Whitmer won the movement trophy. Later that afternoon, David also judged the Don Cherry Trophy Shows for Miniature Bull Terriers. Canadian bred CH Jewels Clear Diamond Clarity was BOB and American bred Cambria’s Odd Man Out won BOS. On Sunday, I judged the BT and Miniature BT specialties. Throughout the weekend, the trophies and prizes for winners were lavish and exciting. The programs are generously supported by Eukanuba and included bags of dog food - always useful!

The Legendary Don Cherry

Hockey coach and commentator, he and his family support the Saturday Miniature Bull Terrier Specialty that bears his name. Don’s famous “Blue” was actually a BT, rather than an MBT, but he is a fan of Bull Terriers, whether standard or miniature size. - The Rochester airport is remarkable partly because they have a central area with contemporary sculpture that includes 2 Bull Terrier heads. Unfortunately, we had to spend far too many hours there. Without going into the frustrating details, United managed to delay our Rochester flight repeatedly, because they couldn’t make a crew available. Finally, we made into and out of Newark on one of those awful old Contin planes where United hopes we are willing to pay $9 to watch old movies/tv. Not surprisingly, with the flight delays and subsequent changes, we had some luggage issues. We arrived home at 1:30a. Fortunately, our house sitter was willing to care for the dogs a day longer than scheduled. The flight problems did not diminish our enjoyment of visiting with friends and participating in the Bronze weekend! The Bronze Trophy is an important part of Bull Terrier competition and history. Located in an especially beautiful part of the world, this is a show weekend that is not to be missed by those who love Bull Terriers. Visiting Niagara-By-The-Lake in May also means options for excellent wine and good food, sunshine and daffodils.

18 Hours To Get Home

Dog News 63

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Dog News 65


ell the first bit of factual information coming out of the combined Delegate/Board of Directors Meetings held in Raleigh which started on Monday June 10th and ended sometime on Wednesday was Alan Kalter’s Chairman’s Report. And quite frankly I do not know whether or not this Report emanated from North Carolina or New York but it is usually timed around the Delegate Meeting and this month’s report is no exception. Alan’s report is interesting in that it announces the hiring of the Edelman Group to handle AKC’s Public Relations. Edelman replaces Rubenstein PR however Edelman is called in Alan’s Report “the world’s largest pr firm” which was not Rubenstein’s claim to fame. Rubenstein was sort of a boutique type operation. It would be interesting to learn about the exact terms of the Edelman contract versus the Rubenstein contract since my understanding was that Rubenstein was paid a very small retainer and billed AKC on an ‘as used’ basis which was very minor in nature. Since there are now two Edelman teams working for AKC, one in New York and one in Washington D.C., I would think the contract is much more expensive and wider in

scope than Rubenstein’s but that’s purely speculation on my part. You will be happy to learn that each team member from Edelman has a purebred dog at home and one of the team member’s mother is an AKC Breeder of Merit! How reassuring that all is remains to be seen as we once had a President of AKC whose claim to dog fame was a pet Golden Retriever and another who owned a Scottie. What that information proves I do not know but we can all rest easy since the leader of the team was formerly the spokesman, per Mr. Kalter, for the NRA! You can draw your own conclusions about that claim to fame! That Edelman will be more pro-active than Rubenstein is made clear by Alan and under the present situation sounds like a good thing. I did contact Edelman to find out who the leader of the team is but was unable to find out although a very nice and cooperative receptionist promised me she would call me back with that information. Surprised not to have heard from them I am not but perhaps I will in the future. Other than Alan Bob Amen was the only actual Board Member to be in on the selection processes. Bob’s background is heavily PR oriented so I guess he was a good selection as according to Alan Bob Amen’s guidance was extremely valuable. That’s good to hear since the one time I tried to contact Mr. Amen which was in regard to the TODAY SHOW catastrophe he never got back to me or even acknowledged

The Chairman’s Report, London Jewelers, Ellis Hulme...

More By Matthew H. Stander

66 Dog News

receipt of my email. This notwithstanding the fact I was assured he would at least get in touch with me. Let’s hope his communicative processes are better with Edelman than they were with DOG NEWS. It will be interesting to see just how and when and how long it will take for the Edelman team to create a more positive public face for AKC. Based on Alan’s report they certainly seem to have the strategy to accomplish something given the proper opportunity and monies paid by AKC over a sufficient length of time.


ondon Jewelers is one of the pricier sellers of all sorts of valuable merchandise on Long Island. The Hamptons and Miracle Mile in Manhasset are major stores and the owners apparently are a husband and wife team with Candy Udell as President and her husband Mark who is CEO. As befits these kinds of high priced successfully selling boutique type operations the businesses and families frequently have firm commitments to working with and for those in need. Prominent donors in the fight against pancreatic cancer is London Jewelers and they have teamed up with the Lustgarten Foundation in these efforts. Candy Udell is also heavily involved in the animal rescue scene as well. Indeed she helps to provide grants for the New York based Rescue Paw Foundation, which she launched as a not-for-profit that provides grants for animal adoption, shelter, and over--population services presumably on a national scale. And what follows is the point of that introduction. The other day whilst driving to the market I heard an advert for the rescue organization sponsored by London Jewelers which ended with the tag line from London Jewelers “ADOPT DO NOT BUY” your next dog! I was wild with anger at this message. Not that I have not heard it before from other animal rights groups and animal shelter advocates as well. But to hear from a merchant which is not an animal shelter a message which discourages purchasing of anything and encourages give-aways was totally unacceptable to me. If the advert had been from the shelter itself I probably would have most unhappily accepted this propaganda as unacceptable but understandable considering the source. However for a successful retailer to use this message and send it out to the general public distinguishing between customers tastes and views is absolutely outrageous.

Continued on page 129

Multiple Best in Show and Multiple Specialty Best in Show Winning

Silver Grand Ch. Jamora Mystic Topaz, JC


Best In Show #3 Shasta Kennel Club Judge: Mrs. Sharon Swanson

Our deepest appreciation to fellow breeder-owner-handler (and judge), Mrs. Sharon Swanson, for Sebastian’s Third All-Breed Best In Show. Additional thanks to sighthound Breeder-Judge Mrs. Jeraldeen Crandall for Sebbie’s Best of Breed and Hound Group First earlier that day. #1 Breeder-owner-handled Saluki* for 2012, & 2013 since 1972

Suzanne Forsyth / Kim Anselmo / Joyce Morrison ~ Davis, CA *Number Two overall,The Dog News Top Ten List Breed

Dog News 67

68 Dog News

*The Dog News Top Ten Lis

Dog News 69

The Saint Bernard:



here is a lively old gospel song/spiritual titled “Saints Bound for Heaven” that is sometimes misidentified as “Saints Bound for Glory.” For a Saint Bernard, it wouldn’t matter which way it was sung because to this breed, having a job is “heaven” and for their owners, “glory” comes by way of the dogs’ performances, the titles they earn and the contentment of their dogs because they have a task to perform. It’s of no concern to the dogs if the job entails hauling a cart, pulling enormous amounts of weight on a “sled” with runners on snow or wheels on a flat surface, leaping over jumps or wiggling through tunnels, to a working breed like the Saint Bernard, any job is a good job. “When they are bred correctly, the Saint Bernard is a strong, powerful, intelligent dog with a sweet temperament. Of course, then it’s up to the dog’s owner to train and condition their dog. Saints love to be trained and be given a job. Remember, they were developed to be a working breed. They have a rich history of being versatile in many different areas,” said John Cox, who with his wife, Suzanne, owns Kris (Ch WDCh XmaxKris Van ‘T Hof Ten Eynder UDX RAE2 MXP5 MXPB MXPS MJP4 NJPB NFP OFP XFP VCD2 DD WPS), a Saint that has a total of 39 titles. “Saints are bred to travel long distances in the mountains, to think for themselves, to haul freight and do a lot of other jobs. They are generally willing to do whatever is asked of them but they have to be structurally sound enough to do those jobs. Unfortunately there is a mind-set in our breed that dogs in the show ring are ‘different’ from the working dogs which has created something of an ‘us versus them’ attitude. We have to keep reminding people that you can have beautiful dogs that are sound in both mind and body, not just a head on a platter that can’t even make it around the 70 Dog News

Kris (Ch WDCh XmaxKris Van ‘T Hof Ten Eynder UDX RAE2 MXP5 MXPB MXPS MJP4 NJPB NFP OFP XFP VCD2 DD WPS), John and Suzanne Cox’s Saint Bernard, owns 39 titles.

Kris and John Cox on a track.

WDCh Echo’s Utmost UD TDX RE DD OA, OAJ WPX SBCA HF/PE, one of Lovey Olbrich’s Saints, at a tracking test.

ring. This may be a ‘head’ breed but Saint people and conformation judges need to remember that a Saint needs to be strong and powerful and sound in head, mind and body. Since I became president of the Saint Bernard Club of America one of my main goals has been to break down the barriers and the mind-sets that there should be a difference between conformation dogs and working dogs,” said Karen

Bodeving, whose dog BISS GCh Shadow Mtn Playboy Atlarge Reema BN RN WPS is graphic proof that Saint Bernards can be both outstanding show dogs and top working dogs as he has a weight pulling superior title to go with his BISS and grand championship. Three weeks before his latest BISS, the dog pulled 3,025 pounds in 14 seconds. This is not the first time there has been a “split” in this breed. The Saint Bernard did not actually emerge as a separate breed from the Swiss Mountain Dog, which was also known as the Swiss Cattle Dog until sometime between 1660 and 1670 and did not begin its work as a search and rescue dog until about the year 1700 when they began accompanying the monks of the Great St. Bernard Hospice on mountain patrols after bad snowstorms looking for unwary missing or trapped travelers. The breed did not even have a name until 1880. The initial split in the breed began when the English started importing what were called “hospice dogs” about 1820. The problem was that the English breeders were far less conscientious in their breeding than the monks or the Swiss breeders had been. As a consequence, the English Saint bore little resemblance to the hospice or Swiss valley dogs. So, the English wrote their own standard for the breed. This led to controversy as to which country had the corAriel (Ch WDCh Echo’s Xtra Sweetie v Eddy CDX RA TD DD rect type and was the true breed authority. An WP SBCA HF/PE), another of Olbrich’s Saints, and her pal international congress was convened in Brussels Lovey at a draft dog test. in 1886 to decide the matter but it was unable Sam (WDCh to reach an agreement. Another international Shadow Mts. Playit Again v congress was called the next year in Zurich and Reema CDX these delegates were able to reach consensus. RE RAE TDX They concluded that the Swiss standard would DD SBCA HF/ PE), Olbrich’s be used in all countries except England. Howcurrent compeever, ultimately there developed three standards tition Saint in for the breed. A modified old Swiss version would obedience. be the one adopted by the Saint Bernard Club of America and used in the United States. There is also an English version and a much revised Swiss version which was adopted by all Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) countries in 1993. With giant breeds like the Saint Bernard, there are always lingering questions about whether these dogs need special training to compete in some of the performance activities. Hazel Olbrich, who goes by the nickname “Lovey,” said, “Not really. Their large size does require some extra attention to things that take place in a small area such as pivots in utility but that simply requires more attention to this detail. As far as anything else is concerned, training a giant breed is simply dog training. You need to have a good instructor that isn’t afraid of giant breeds and that doesn’t make excuses for deficits in performance because it is a giant Huey (BISS GCh Shadow Mtn Playboy Atlarge Reema BN RN breed. It is important to keep in mind that giant WPS), Karen Bodeving’s Saint, is graphic proof that Saint Bernards can be both outstanding show dogs and top working dogs.

Continued on page 127

Dog News 71

Honor Flash Four More Best In Shows Thank you to all the Judges

Multiple Best In Show Multiple Best In Specialty Show

GCh. Vogelflight’s “Honor” To Pillow Talk Thank you Judge Mr. William Potter for this Best In Show

Owned By

Ellen MacNeille Charles and Matt and Paula Abbott

72 Dog News

Co-Owned by Kathie Vogel and Lori Kornfeld

Presented by Lisa Bettis and Ryan Wolfe

Bred by Multiple Best In Show & Multiple Best In Specialty Show Pillow Talk Bichons - Tracy And Lori Kornfeld Multiple Best In Show & Multiple Best In Specialty Show Vogelflight Kennels Kathie Vogel - Danielle Ardagna & Mary Vogel Dog News 73

Question Of The Week Continued FROM page 22


74 Dog News

the area of the Rapid Advancement Committee. To cast doubt on Mr. Bivin’s integrity as well as the other members of this Committee is an insult. Helen Lee James

The existing situation in regard to the Judge’s Approval Committee illustrates a lack of proactive response from both the Board and Staff. It makes me believe that the groundwork occurred when the judging applicants were simply printed in the Secretary’s Page as “approved” with no further information supplied. It certainly did not encourage a timely response from a knowledgeable reader. And my hopes that a Judge’s Approval Committee would consider all aspects of an applicant’s background and knowledge came crashing down when I learned that no background information was being supplied to the committee such as how many times the applicant might have been suspended. The “masking” of the applicant’s name was the final insanity, although I do recall one of our present Board members stating that anyone who wants to judge should be allowed to do so. If names and background information are withheld, a committee must make a decision perhaps based upon a beautifully and skillfully constructed mystery novel. A number of years back AKC was called to defend in court its refusal to approve an individual who had demanded approval to judge all breeds. If I remember correctly, this was a well-publicized case in California and the final decision of the court stated that AKC had the right and the responsibility to determine the approval of judges. And, so, what has happened to “responsibility”?

Charles Trotter

Never in my 30 plus years of judging has the process been more confused and convoluted. It seems this ship is adrift and in search of a rudder. Although one hates to point fingers, there is no denying common sense tells us it didn’t have to be this way. Providing leadership is the mutual job of both board and staff, hopefully working together. Put aside your personal agendas and get with it or the ship will sink. In no way has this situation been handled correctly. When respected dogmen such as Edd Bivin send such a message, it should be vital to all-the staff and the board. This festering wound (since the April meeting) needed emergency care-not ignoring it in hopes it would go away. For the good of all, let’s hope positive action is taken as soon as possible. Tweaking a system to make it better is one thing. Overthrowing it entirely is another. Robert Stein

Don’t know exactly how AKC has acted on this matter. Relating to “masking”, heard this was going to be brought up at the June Board meeting. If this matter is resolved favorably to the majority of the dog community (that is: do away with the masking provision) then I assume AKC would appoint new people to the Judges Approval Committee. This should be done in a timely matter with no unnecessary delays. Joseph E. Gregory

Out of respect for Edd and not knowing his side of the story, but only hearing a small amount of AKC’s side, I feel it isn’t fair for me to express my opinion. But in regards to judges who are first time applying or applying for additional breeds, this isn’t helping them, in a timely matter, getting their applications approved.

Dog News 75

76 Dog News


*All Systems **The Dog News Top Ten List



Dog News 77

Rare Breeds of the World Continued FROM page 42

favor of those who can not ask verbally for help. Sometimes you can’t see the forest because of all the trees, (Swedish proverb). Dog News (my home out of home) understood my intention and I want to express again and again my pleasure and honor in having Dog News for years behind me to introduce the hidden ones. So let’s talk about a very rare breed, from a rarely mentioned place, the Swedish Lapponia’s Jämthund. The Lapland has Sweden’s highest mountains and deepest lakes. There are tens of ancient forests and majestic national parks. In Lapland when silent, the silence is so total that one can hear a needle drop and the Polar darkness is a radical black out. When the light returns the sun shines around the clock. It is widely known that each Christmas Santa travels all over the world bearing presents and surely any child’s dream is to visit him in his own office. Santa’s Office is far away as in the Arctic Circle, and every day of the year people come from all over the world to visit him there. Gällivare at the Swedish Lapland hosts an annual Santa Winter Games in November when Santas from all over the world gather to fight for the title “Santa of the Year”. The region has other treasures besides the famous Old Man. Let’s visit Sweden’s Laponia. The Kingdom of Sweden is famous for various things: Vikings, the Nobel Prize, the pickled herring, Swedish meatballs, the IKEA furniture company, the midnight supper meals, different musical groups such as ABBA, Swedish architecture, different sorts of cake, many sorts of art, the Swedish Chef from the Muppets (all of us –of a certain age- who grew up on the Muppets, adore the Swedish Chef). Sweden has great movie stars, directors, and films. Swedish people invented great things like the ATM (automatic transaction machine), zippers, the marine propeller, refrigerator, computer mouse, pace-maker, and seat belts. In the first half of the 20th century, more Swedes lived in Chicago than in Gothenburg, the 78 Dog News

second largest city in Sweden. In 2010, the World Economic Forum ranked Sweden as the second most competitive country in the world, after Switzerland. The Swedish Lapland is a historic region and during the Middle Ages was considered a no man’s land, but the area was in fact populated by nomadic Sami* people. Some centuries later the region became slowly occupied by Swedish, Finnish and Norwegian settlers. Today, despite large-scale assimilation into the dominant Swedish culture, the Sami minorities continue to maintain their cultures and identities, and call themselves “The people of the sun and the wind.” Lapland is at the northernmost part of the country, and about a quarter of Sweden’s surface area is there. The population of Swedish Lapland is of 94,350 (Dec.2009), and its largest city is Kiruna. “Lapp” means a patch of cloth for mending (a derogatory term - the name suggests that the Sami were wearing patched clothes). The word “Laplander” is also problematic since that could mean any person who wears those patched clothes living within this region. In religion, in the 17th and 18th centuries many Lapplanders left their original shamanism and converted to Lutheranism.

Laponia, and its province, contains some of the oldest and most spectacular national parks of northern Europe as for instance the Sarek National Park which area of 109,702 square km ( 42,300 sq miles) is almost equal to Portugal’s size. Parts of Lapland have been named a UNESCO World heritage site.

During the industrialization of Sweden, natural resources (hydroelectricity, timber and minerals) from Lapland and surrounding provinces played a key role. Still, mining, forestry and hydroelectric power are the backbone of the local economy, together with municipal services. Lapland originally extended eastward. However, in 1809 the Russian Empire annexed the eastern part of the Swedish realm, and created the Grand Duchy of Finland, which in effect split Lapland into a Swedish part and a Finnish part, both of which still exist today. (Wikipedia) At Lapland the temperature can be minus 40 C in winter, and plus 30 C in summer time. There is in Europe the last wilderness and home to the one and only indigenous people, the Sami. This is also the land of the Northern Lights (also known as Aurora Borealis, which often appears as curtains of lights, but they can also be arcs or spirals, often following lines of force in Earth’s magnetic field). And of course, the lights have a counterpart at Earth’s south Polar Regions-(www.earthsky. org). The Midnight Sun is a natural phenomenon occurring in summer months at places north of the Arctic Circle and south of the Antarctic Circle where the sun remains visible at the local midnight. The Abisko National Park is the best place to watch this greatest natural show on earth, but remember at the height of the summer is a non-stop daylight at the place. There are endless possibilities for sports such as hiking, downhill and cross country skiing, fishing, canoeing and river rafting, climbing, Continued on page 90

International Terrier Association 2013


2013 Junior Interra Winner Budapest, Hungary

Best of 27 Jack Russell Terriers

“Best smooth in the world”, Judge Mr. Kenneth Campbell, AUS

Ch. Monamour JP Afterglow Son of 2011 World Winner, Lemosa Mr. Energizer

Also placed 3rd with Excellent Rating in a Junior Dog Class of 37 at the 2013 World Dog Show

Expertly handled by Hiroshi Tsuyuki Bred by Kao Miichi, Japan Owned by Dr. Candace Lundin, USA

DBF Russell Terriers • Round Hill, Virginia • 540-554-4525 • Dog News 79

80 Dog News

Dog News 81

Select Bitch GCh. Majenkir Bookstor Vintage Glamour

The 2013 Borzoi Club of America National Specialty

Persistence pays off, and here’s the story to prove it... Story & Photos by Denise Flaim


t a show in 2006, Pat Neale of Sylvan Borzoi in Alachua, Florida, caught sight of a male who simply took her breath away. He wasn’t a big winner, he had not even earned his championship yet, and he was not bred by her or related to her line. But “he was a glorious stallion hound,” she remembers. And she knew she wanted to incorporate him into her breeding program. Pat and her husband Christopher leased “Mick” (Ch. Steppelands Final Mikhail of Abidjan) and kept him for three years. They bred him 10 times, and each and every one of those bitches missed. Undaunted, they tried again, and he eventually produced four litters – one of which was a singleton. The very last of those fingers-crossed litters, which was whelped in 2010, produced nine puppies. Five finished – a breeder’s pinch-me dream. And several weeks ago, at the Borzoi Club of America

National Specialty in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, one of them, the bitch Ch. Sylvan Silver Springbok, went Best in Specialty Show. “My Best of Breed has all the virtues described in the standard, was the essence of femininity and a lovely, easy mover,” commented national-specialty judge Bo Bengtson, who had an entry of 88 class dogs, 112 class bitches and 93 specials. That win by “Spring” capped another successful Borzoi national, held May 12 to 18 at the Lancaster Host Resort and Conference Center. This year’s specialty site was in the very heart of Amish country, where cognitive dissonance is unavoidable. Busy Route 30, where the host hotel was located, boasts two bustling outlet centers (Pottery Barn, Gap, and everything in between), chain stores galore, and an amusement park called Dutch Wonderland with characters like Duke the Dragon. The cars whoosh, the credit cards swipe, and the American dream churns on. But just a mile away, horse hooves clop on quiet country roads and men who look like they just walked out of a Whistler painting toss seeds onto

Karen Cartabona of Majenkir Borzoi

mule-plowed furrows and rub the sweat from their long beards. Inside the Lancaster Host Resort’s Expo Center, there was no time for cultural introspection – or hexsign shopping. Here it was all Borzoi, all the time, from the gorgeous life-size Borzoi topiaries that dotted the room to the purple glitter breed cutouts that decorated the ring gates. Only the shoo-fly pie at lunch – and the breeze coming through the open doors that signaled nearby Amish farmers were fertilizing their fields – reminded attendees that they were anywhere but the imperial kennels of Russia, watching the czar’s finest creatures on parade. Among those who made it to the end and ribboned were the silver-marked GCh. Avalyn’s Magnum Force, who was shown by his breederowner-handler to Best of Opposite Sex, which he also won at the 2011 national; GCh. Jubilee Tad Bit O’Brindle Mist, who took Select Dog; and the white GCh. Majenkir Bookstor Vintage Glamour, who was Select Bitch, just ahead of her dam, the veteran GCh. Majenkir Bookstor Glamour Girl, who was an Award of Merit winner. You’ll remember Glamour Girl winning the breed at Westminster earlier this year under

The Zoi Lancaster Welcomes The Borzoi Club of America National Specialty

82 Dog News

Select Dog GCh. Jubilee Tad Bit O’Brindle Mist

Best of Opposite Sex GCh. Avalyn’s Magnum Force.JPG

Best of Breed Ch. Sylvan Silver Springbok

Judges education participants Glenn and Celia Hoffman, Frank DePaulo and Sandra Gordon

Doug Johnson. To win Best Veteran Bitch at the Borzoi national, she defeated the dam of the Best of Breed winner, 9-year-old GCh. Sylvan Vitrina Finian’s Rainbow, JC. That showdown between the two veteran ladies was what Bengtson calls “the most exciting class of the day.” Winners Dog was the self-black Vitrina Constellation, who was also Best of Winners and Best Bred By Exhibitor. Winners Bitch out of the 1218 month class was the white Jantar Somewhere Ntym at Avalyn, who with that win finished her championship at 16 months of age. Awards of Merit were not distributed in any particular order, and along with the Veteran Bitch, included the dogs Ch. Téine Unstable Force SC, who was the Veteran Dog; GCh. Raynbo’s Run For The Roses; Ch. Auroral’s Artemus; Ch. Majenkir Front and Center; Ch. Zharkov Téine Briar; GCh. Aashtoria Wild Hunt 4 Your I’s Only, RN; and the bitches Dual Ch. Téine Rainbow Glacier; GCh. Gladkii Veter Sapphire, and Ch. Majenkir Luna Flyte. Not surprisingly, family ties connected several of the winners. Best Puppy in Show, Sylvan Rafaella, was sired by the Best of Breed winner’s

Borzoi topiaries decorated the show venue

Circle of Zoi

Christopher and Patti Neale of Sylvan Borzoi

Lesley Anne Potts and Stuart McGraw

Ring steward Karen Mays

litter brother. Winners Bitch had a litter brother go Reserve Winners Dog, and her parents each won the Stud Dog and Brood Bitch Some of the male specials enter the ring competitions. Earlier in the week, Sweepstakes was judged Best in Puppy Sweepstakes was the dog Konzaby Irina Terra. A native of St. Petersburg, Russia, Terra Plum Creek Aston Martin, out of the 6-9 month dog breeds Borzoi with her daughter Kristina, a high-level class; Best of Opposite was the 9-12-month bitch translator for the likes of Hillary Clinton. Terra lives on Majenkir Ice and Fire at Avalyn. Camano Island, Washington, where she can watch her In Veteran Sweepstakes, the big win went to Dual Zabava Borzoi gait against the backdrop of Puget Sound. Ch. Gladkii Veter Matter of Taste, MC, LCX2, who was Best in Triathlon from the Veteran class at last year’s national. Going Opposite to her was Ch. Po Dusham Royalist. The Futurity judge at this national was Lisa Miller of Mechanicsville, Maryland, who originally bred Borzoi as Kiarry Kennels, and now has devoted herself to American Foxhounds. Best in Futurity was Jantar Déjà Vu at Majenkir. Best of Opposite was Majenkir Ice and Fire at Avalyn, who won that same placement in sweepstakes.


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84 Dog News

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Jane Chopson Continued FROM page 59

touched by and loved Jane. She always sought knowledge and generously shared it, and in a way that was subtle – it was the special touch she had with people— as easily recognizable as, and also more important than, the touch she had with dogs. To have traveled on ‘caravans’ throughout the west to the shows and circuits was a Jane experience shared by many over the years. Always finding the finest food and wine and making everything fun. Again, competitors or not, we would all enjoy what we were doing. The best comics and their writing staffs fall far short of Jane’s quick and unrehearsed wit. Her friends will have countless memories of a roomful roaring with laughter whether it was hearing her regale a dog show story from years gone by or the funny thing that happened that day. Normally, when someone wants to tell you about the funny thing their dog did, one’s eyes glaze over. Not with Jane – you knew you were in for a treat hearing about her and Nicki’s 86 Dog News

small menagerie of dogs, cats and birds. By the way, it needn’t be about dogs -- her humor, intellect and insight could and did cover any topic. Jane applied her talents and skills to the GDCA, where she eventually served as a multi-term President. If she had wanted to continue in that capacity, it would have been welcome. She brought the club from the mid-1900’s into the 21st Century , serving on practically every committee, instituting many programs, her fondest being the GDCA Charitable Trust, which has thus far raised more than $650,000 for health research and rescue. Jane was thrilled to be voted to judge the 2014 National, a first under the new AKC ruling for judging at Nationals. Another testament to the high esteem in which she was held. Her interest in other breeds progressed with the same research and care that she applied to everything. Co-owning and breeding BIS Dobermans, Field Spaniels

and others. Jane was a staple at Northern California shows and most western circuits for close to sixty years. Sportmanship, integrity and love for the sport to be admired by and shared with many. I don’t know where she found the time. People would call Jane before they would call their Vet, their breeder, their own handler, their shrink – you name it. She would find the time to help with a litter, any health problem, a new person in need of encouragement and guidance– to an older soul, who may have been forgotten by others. Again, all from an innate source – it was who she was, it was natural. She did it all with style, grace, caring and sophistication -- always a lady. Jane leaves behind her beloved life partner Nicki and sister, Alice, the small menagerie of pets, and a multitude of friends who are deeply saddened, yet so very grateful that she was part of their lives. So, it is not good bye…… it is thank you, Jane….so many wonderful memories…..your spirit, energy and giving will extend long beyond your lifetime…… hope to see you again….. our, my, dear friend…… With love, Eric Ringle

July 12, 2013 • Chehalis, WA Hosted by the Mt. Rainer Working Dog Club

Reception & Raffle • July 26 & 27, 2013

Chehalis, WA

Dog News 87

Judge Mrs. Lowell K. Davis

88 Dog News


*The Dog News Top Ten List -

Dog News 89

Rare Breeds of the World Continued FROM page 78

snowmobiling, cycling, dog sledding, reindeer rides, and other tours. The tourists can also visit and meet the Sami people, and appreciate this people’s unique culture, crafts and secular traditions. The world famous and curious Iglootel is an interesting place to know. And there is the cuisine. The famous Swedish smorgasbord (made of a great variety of meat, fish, bread, etc.) originated from the Swedish nobility in the 16th century, on their so called brannvinsbord, or snaps-table. In the 19th century the smorgasbord first was mainly served at railway stations, but during the Olympics, which were being held in Stockholm in 1912, the restaurants went from serving the smorgasbord as a starter, to making it an option to have it as a full meal. The International breakthrough came in 1939 during the World’s Fair in New York. The Swedish pavilion had a rotating smorgasbord in their restaurant Three Crowns. In New York, the smorgasbord lost its Swedish letters. Smorgas or in Swedish ‘smörgås’ means literary sandwich, and bord means table. ( This is definitively a very different part of the universe, and it is the home of one of the North’s brightest stars, the Jämthund. As many countries nationalists, the researcher Aksel Lindström with some more breeders dedicated an intensive work for the Jämthund, which finally received official recognition as a breed in 1946. Before that, the Jämthund and the Norwegian Elkhound were considered the same breed. There is a big difference between the Jämthund and the Norwegian grey elkhound - the Norwegian Elkhound is a lot shorter, stockier and has a black mask on the muzzle, while the Jämthund has a white muzzle, white cheeks and typical wolf markings. It is taller, longer and the tail shape is

90 Dog News

far more different than that of the Norwegian. Recognized today as the national dog breed of the country, the Jämthund, also known as the Elkhound of Sweden, is a Spitz type breed of dog. The name is a reference to Jämtland province in the middle of Sweden where its development began. Despite the considerably recent history as an official breed it is affirmed that Jämthunds have been raised in the region as early as the finals of the Ice Age. The locals prize them as bear dogs, as they will not back off from a bear. The breed in the form as it is today was selected from the mating of the large Russian spitz dogs with the also large Scandinavian spitz. Hunting purposes aside (helping the Samis, and early settlers to feed their families), these dogs are wonderful as companions, for service in the military, and for sledding. They are great watchdogs, friendly companions, and docile pets for the whole family. Excelling in so many tasks the breed shows its great versatility, adaptability and intelligence. According to breed standards, the Jamthund should be well-proportioned and muscled in appearance, but not heavily built. Although calm and affectionate with its family, the Swedish Elkhound can be dominant with other dogs and has a strong prey drive. A truly all-around canine, it can go from a hunting trip and back to the family hearth with great aplomb. It takes things in stride and does not get ruffled easily, making it a steady partner in the field or at home. The dog has a loosely curled tail which should hang on the back, tightly curled or thin looking is a serious fault, when relaxed the tail drops down to a straight shape. It has erect ears with wide space in between them; medium to long muzzle; strong, long endurance. The coat is of medium length, and the accepted colors are wolf gray, with light gray or cream markings on the nose, cheeks, and

throat. They are average to heavy shedders and their grooming is fairly easy, but must be maintained regularly. The eyes are brown. The size of the male is usually between 57 and 65 centimeters (roughly 22 to 26 inches), weighing 30 to 35 kilograms (66 to 77 pounds). Females are usually between 52 to 60 centimeters (20 to 24 inches), weighing 25 to 30 kilograms (55 to 66 pounds). As with most breeds developed for hunting, the Swedish Elkhound requires a lot of regular exercise to stay fit, both physically and mentally. It quickly becomes bored if kept indoors for too long and can become destructive. The Swedish Elkhound is a happy learner who loves to please its owner. In order to burn off the energy, as almost every breed, the Jämthund needs enough exercise. The high level of intelligence shows that these dogs should have mental and physical stimulation to prevent them from becoming obsessive barkers or destroyers. Having this in mind the master will obtain a wonderful companion, with a lively and friendly personality, and a stable temperament. Again and again, the dogs must be socialized early in their lives. Training should be consistent, firm, stable, and calm. The dog will respond well to positive stimulation, and learn quickly. The breed is not yet eligible for registry with the American Kennel Club, but they are eligible with the F.C.I. and the Swedish Kennel Club, where our dear readers will find the complete standard. *The Sami make up one of the world’s least numerous native peoples, with around 70,000 individuals living in Sápmi, in what are now parts of Sweden, Norway, Finland and Russia. About 20,000 Sami live in Sweden — with their own cultural heritage, language, flag and parliament. Once nomadic hunters and gatherers who followed the movements of wild reindeer, the Sami increasingly began to drive domesticated reindeer between grazing lands in the 17th century. Besides reindeer herding and meat production, arts and handicrafts is another traditional trade that has survived into modern days. Although Sápmi remains the cultural heartland, the Sami people have spread out over the Nordic region. Ancient Sami mythology focuses on the natural elements like the sun (Biejvve), mother of the Sami, and the wind god (Bieggaålmaj), who made it possible to catch the reindeer. In their shamanistic beliefs, nature has a soul. (Wikipedia) As a curiosity there’s one Sami word that has made it into several of the major languages of this world, that is Tundra (tun·dra) meaning a vast, flat, treeless Arctic region of Europe, Asia, and North America in which the subsoil is permanently frozen.


*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points

Dog News 91

Best In Show & Reserve Best In Show Winning GOLD GCH.

CUMHIL HELL RAISER BEST IN SHOW Sunflower Kennel Club of Olathe Judge Dr. Carmen Battaglia

Reserve Best In Show Judge Mrs. Michele Billings

Number One


Staffordshire Bull Terrier 2013 Handled By Paul & Kelley Catterson Owners: Zane & Shannon Smith


America’s Top Winning Staffordshire Bull Terriers Since 1975 *The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed

92 Dog News

Dog News 93

2013Spirit of R The 21st Annual National Specialty of the Kuvasz Club of America

Story & Photos By A. Laurie Leslie Leevy


his year’s National began on May 2nd at Purina Farms. If you’ve never visited Purina Farms, you’ll be struck by the majesty of the site. One enters the Farm from a simple country road and then begins a long winding climb with lovely vistas at each turn. Driving past a guard house with a friendly greeter, ascending through the manicured hillsides dotted with crisp white buildings, up, up, past a yard filled with brightly colored agility equipment that screams “Fun!” and then twisting and turning upward until one finally arrives at the temple of dog sports, the Event Center at Purina Farms. Air conditioned, fully matted ring floors, cavernous grooming space, a restaurant and upstairs rooms for meetings, everything needed for a perfect National Specialty event is at hand. Our National commenced with an afternoon of Rally and Obedience events judged by the personable and easygoing Mr. William A. Oxendale. Rally began with my dog, the only Rally Advance B dog, Rebel Ridge Big Easy Music CD RN CGC coowned with Wayne Leevy, Robin and Tony Miller. A quirky performance at best with a score of 77 led to a first leg in RA. 94 Dog News

Our two Novice Rally dogs performed much better with Starhaven’s Solstice owned by LeAnn and Steve Miller scoring the day’s high score of 98 over Szumeria’s Wildwood On the Rocks owned by Connie Townsend, Lynn Brady, Bea & Clay Page who had a very solid 94. Our HIT Kuvasz with a lovely Novice B Obedience performance for a second leg was Brantwood’s Sweet Vanilla Éclair RE, BN, NAP, NJP owned by Kathleen and Richard Dahmer with a score of 190.5. Starhaven’s Solstice scored an excellent 192.5 in her Beginner Nov B Obedience Course. One of our best and happiest performers, Ch Szumeria’s Wildwood Pretty Penny BN GN VCD2 RAE2 AXP AJP, had a great run in Open B Obedience but NQ’d, reminding us all that even the best dog can have an off moment. There is great support amongst the club members for our performance dogs as all know that the Kuvasz’s long history as an independent worker and occasional trickster makes it an exciting breed to train. Friday, May 3rd would be our big day. It began with Rally under Judge Donna Eddins who shaped an exciting carefully thought out course. It’s a joy to have Rally judges who understand the space necessary for big dogs to turn and move and take that into consideration while designing the course. First out was our only Rally Advanced B dog, my dog, Rebel Ridge Big Easy Music, who about half way through the course, overcome

May showers greeted the gathering members of the Kuvasz Club of America as the adventure that would be our 21st annual Kuvasz Club of America National Specialty chaired by longtime member, John Bridges, began to take shape in Grey Summit, Missouri. For a small breed such as ours, (ranked 151st in 2012), there is great excitement at being part of a hoard of great white Livestock Guardian dogs arriving in a central place. We Kuvasz owners spend much of our lives explaining the Hungarian origins and functions of our

Renewal special dogs (no, they are not herding dogs like GSD’s but rather, guardians), so it’s a special delight to be in familiar company and just gaze at all the wonderful Kuvasz, old, young, and in between, and to chat with likeminded aficionados.

with a look of mischief, zoomed about and with a gleeful smile flew out of the ring to greet his co-owner before returning and finishing. An NQ but a spirited happy performance began the day. Fortunately, our Novice B Rally dogs both did solid runs. Szumeria’s Wildwood on the Rocks would best Starhaven’s Solstice with a score of 93 to 89. Obedience was a mixed bag. Our Open B bitch Szumeria’s Wildwood PreZy Penny looked wonderful and then on the send out ran around the high jump to retrieve the dumbbell and then so beautifully holding the dumbbell in her mouth, jumped over the high jump she had just refused. The Beg Novice and Novice dogs did well and Brantwood’s Sweet Vanilla Éclair would again take HIT. Thanks too to Judge Virginia Kinion who was on hand for any Utility dogs though we had none this year. And then Confirmation Classes began. Sweepstakes and Veteran Sweepstakes were judged by Ms. Linda Robey of High Ridge, MO. Her Best In Sweeps was Jogasz Jeromos Feher Csavargo, a dark eyed import from Holland, owned by Katharine and Charles Ringering from the 9-12 month puppy dog class. The Best of Opposite Sex was

Szumeria’s Dark Eyed Daisy, owned by Dave Litwiller, also from the 9-12 class. Ms. Robey’s veteran line up was a special cross-section of our breed. The 7-9 Sweeps class winner was Ch. Szumeria’s Masterharper Robinton RN owned by Kathy Sherry, Eugene Rudd, Lynn Brady and Constance Townsend. But it was our Veteran 11 + years Ch Double Ring Peterbuilt owned by Tony Miller and Terry Ducheck who won Best In Veterans Sweep. Ch. Double Ring Rebel Ridge Waterford out of the Veteran 7-9 Bitches class was the Best of Opposite Sex winner. This was the first year the KCA featured the 4-6 month Beginner Puppy class. Judge Agi Hejja was given the honor of judging this assignment. Mrs. Hejja is a longtime KCA Continued on page 112

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96 Dog News

Dog News 97

AKC CAR Canine Support & Relief Fund Continued FROM page 45

take their pet with them. For those owners whose homes were leveled by the storm and had nowhere to stay, the two shelters will board their pets for at least a few weeks until these owners can make other arrangements. Sharp credits the volunteer efforts of the local kennel club members with making the disaster response a success and, no doubt, saving the lives of many companion animals. “It’s largely because of these volunteers that we were able to provide assistance so quickly. They were in contact with us and the State Emergency Management Team almost immediately,” he says. The kennel clubs providing volunteer assistance include Canadian Valley KC, Lawton Dog Fanciers Association, Mid-Del-Tinker KC, Oklahoma City KC, Sooner State KC, Town and Country KC and West Central KC.

Getting More Of What’s Needed To Where It Needs To Be Faster “Because we have great relationships with dog food companies, they give us good prices or even donate food. That allows our disaster relief dollars to go farther.” Sharp says. “We also have great relationships with stores like Cherrybrook. If one of them is near a disaster site, we pay for the supplies needed by volunteers and ask the store to deliver them.” When smaller storms hit areas in Texas, AKC CAR staff asked a local kennel club member to go to the local Home Depot and Petco stores and pick up crates paid for by phone with an AKC corporate credit card. “In these ways, we’re able to get more of the much needed supplies to where they need to be in a matter of hours rather than the days it would take to ship them.”

An AKC 501c3 affiliate AKC CAR is a 501c3 affiliate of the AKC founded in 1995 and charged with the 98 Dog News

AKC CAR Funds K9 SAR More Than 140 Grants Awarded in 45 States to Support Volunteer Teams Since 2002, the American Kennel Club Companion Animal Recovery (AKC CAR) Canine Support and Relief Fund supported the crucial role played by volunteer K9 Search and Rescue (SAR) teams, whose efforts often make the difference between life and death for those affected by a natural disaster or national emergency. AKC CAR SAR team grants include funding for portable radios and GPS equipment; heat alert systems and temperature sensor monitors; cooling vests, water safety vests & repelling harnesses; training seminars and certifications; emergency supplies for pet-related needs during disasters; K9 first aid kits; and other equipment such leashes, bowls, crates, etc. For a complete list of 2013 AKC CAR SAR Grant recipients, visit http://

task of providing a lost pet recovery service based on the use of microchips and collar tags. In 2002, the AKC CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund began awarding grants to K9 Search and Rescue (SAR) volunteer organizations with funds raised by the AKC’s DOGNY Project, a community art project created after 9/11. AKC CAR broadened the mission of its Canine Support and Relief Fund in 2005 in order to fund disaster relief after Hurricane Katrina. It then began supporting non-profit groups that provide care for pets after natural and manmade disasters. It also began awarding funds for disaster preparedness. Groups eligible to receive assistance from AKC CAR include any non-profit companion animal related organization: kennel and training clubs; animal shelters; breed rescue groups, etc. Typically, AKC CAR provides funding and materials to organizations that are “on the ground” implementing pet emergency relief efforts. Sometimes, AKC staff also is made available as was the case after the killer tornado in OK. How soon AKC and AKC CAR are able to provide assistance depends upon the circumstances of the disaster or national emergency. “If we know something is coming, then, we can reach out before it happens,” Sharp says. “In the case of Hurricane Sandy for example, we were able to contact the kennel clubs we believed would be in the storm’s path before it hit. We let them know we would make help available if they needed it.”

Open Your Heart—And Your Wallet Since its inception, the AKC CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund donated over $4 million to K9 SAR teams and organizations supporting companion animal relief efforts during natural and civil disasters. For example, over $2 million was donated to K9 SAR volunteer organizations, and almost $900,000 was donated to Hurricane Katrina relief. To ensure that disaster relief funds are available to provide care for pets in harm’s way in the future, donations are needed. To make a tax-deductible contribution to this worthy cause, go online to http://www. and click on Giving Back.

Dog News 99

Dog News 101

g o D g n i t n u H n a i s Rus eration & Specialties Fed Contin

M page ued FRO

Dulles to Moscow. This means that one has to connect somewhere in Europe and they only fly into the one airport that is at least two and a half hours by car from the airport into the city center. The traffic in Moscow has to be maybe the worst anywhere in the world today. Since I use Newark airport I can travel 90% of the time direct. I just do not like having to make connecting flights. Since New York has the largest air traffic in the world it is very common to have delays departing. This same trip two years ago, I had an extensive delay in Newark which meant I missed the connecting flight from Dulles to Moscow. Because of only one flight per day I was delayed an entire day getting to Moscow and it was more than a day before my luggage and I were reunited. Although mileage wise JFK is not that far from me it can be a nightmare getting there. It entails two bridges and the chances are great the city traffic might be horrendous at some point, or several points. I always have to allow at least twice as long to drive to JFK as I do to go to Newark. For several reasons I decided to bite the bullet and fly from JFK for this trip. By using Aeroflot I could fly direct and would not have to worry about missing a connection and arriving in Moscow a full day later. My last trip to Moscow just became a nightmare 102 Dog News


being delayed for 24 hours, missing the connection in Washington also. It also meant saving the organization a lot of money. The airfare on Aeroflot was about half of using United, also Aeroflot flies into the airport much closer to the city. My taxi ride from the airport was about 45 minutes. Lydia said it took her over 2 ½ hours from the airport United flies into. I remember my last trip to Moscow using United took me well over 3 hours because of extreme traffic. Ekaterina, who is a master of detail, booked my flight and arranged for a taxi to meet me at the airport. Ekaterina was waiting outside the hotel to pay the taxi upon my arrival and get me checked in. Since I would be staying five days it was a great treat that Ekaterina was able to secure a smoking room for me. I have grown used to having to smoke outside, but it is a hassle when waking up and having to put on clothes in order to stand outside sometimes in very horrid weather conditions. Upon my arrival at the Brighton Hotel I was also greeted by Lydia and Nicolas, who were dining with Ekaterina. I quickly hung up my clothes and joined the others for a light lunch. After traveling for about thirteen hours some edible food was a welcome sight knowing a very late dinner was scheduled. Nicholas was able to secure tickets for Lydia, himself and me for the Bolshoi Ballet Thursday evening. Luck was

with us since it was the last night of the Ballet season. Lydia, Nicholas and I were extremely delighted with the performance. It was so different from traditional ballets. This production opened with a large chorus singing and the sets and costumes were extremely detailed. I can only describe it as a ballet, opera and a play all combined into one performance. I found it to be the most enjoyable ballet I have ever attended. Exiting the performance it was close to 10 PM and it was still daylight. Nicholas used his bargaining skills and was able to secure a taxi for 1,000 rubles after the first driver wanted 2,000. When we did arrive back at the hotel the driver did ask for more money, but Nicholas stuck to the agreed amount. It is interesting how in Moscow that the private car services are a matter of bargaining for the rates. I (and all of the judges) was glad that Ekaterina had booked the Brighton Hotel as our headquarters. It was a small boutique with great charm and excellent food. It was in a lovely section of the city with a beautiful adjoining park. Zit was fairly close to Red Square, the Kremlin, the Bolshoi and many other things. Even though the hotel was fairly close to the Bolshoi a full hour had to be allowed for due to the traffic. After 10 PM, the city traffic does let up a bit and always makes for returning to the hotel less than half the time from venturing away from the hotel. Having a very late dinner after the ballet

and traveling all day, I was so happy to learn our Friday sightseeing would not start until around 9:30 AM. I have been to Red Square several times before, but it always fascinates me to see the magnificence of the great buildings. As a teenager growing up during the Cold War, I never dreamed that I would one day be enjoying the great beauty of Moscow. Years ago nobody would have ever thought that Russia would be one of the leading countries of the world for having so many great breeders in so many breeds. It was confirmed again at the World Show in Budapest. So many breeds were dominated by the Russian breeders. I do not think there is any other place in the world that has a greater passion for the sport. French Bulldogs are very strong in just about every country of the world today and the Russian Kennel A’Vidgor has great presence in the breed worldwide. This is just one example of so many great Russian breeders. Friday we all opted to return to the Brighton by mid-afternoon to have a light lunch since we would have a late dinner after a concert at the Bolshoi. Ekaterina had arranged for all of the judges to attend a concert Friday evening. This comprised of several great opera singers of the Russian Opera Company. It was held in a small hall of the Bolshoi. Each singer

performed several beautiful Russian songs accompanied by a wonderful pianist. There were two young ladies that we all agreed gave magnificent performances. It is a quick ride back to the Brighton since getting there the traffic was even more delayed due to a demonstration taking place near the Bolshoi. The evening was topped off by a lovely late supper at the Brighton. Saturday was the day of the all breed show plus the various specialties running concurrently. I was only judging the Mini Bull and Bull Terrier specialties. Only in the US are colored and whites shown as two separate varieties. But, this being a specialty, the classes were divided in Bull Terriers until the main awards were decided. The entry was pretty much evenly divided between Minis and Bull Terriers, each having about 45. I was to start judging at 11:30 AM, but a much smaller entry of Bull Terriers were shown to Lydia first. For the all breed show, the entries are always very small in comparison to the specialties. Once Lydia finished the big Bull Terriers, I was able to start judging them around 12 PM. Having over 90 dogs to judge and a critique on each dog it was about 5 PM when I finished. I was a little disappointed in the depth of quality in the standards. Yes, I had some very good dogs, but the depth of quality was not as strong as

the ROM shows in the US. The reverse was shown in the Mini Bulls. I was extremely surprised at the depth of quality. The Minis in the US are getting better, but the depth of quality here in Moscow was far superior than we witnessed at the American National this past year. At the conclusion of Minis there was a run off between the standards and the Minis for all the main awards, which was for Best Baby, Best Puppy, Best Junior and Best of Breed. In Minis it was very close between a tri Veteran bitch and a young white bitch. The tri bitch was seven years old and has had three litters. She could win big time still in the US and just dripped with class. If you blew her up she would make a lovely standard. She was edged out by the young white bitch on eye and expression. The White bitch was stronger in head properties, but a tad longer in body. I was so pleased when Lydia awarded her the Terrier group. I had the privilege of judging Best Junior in Show. This comprised the Junior winner for each breed that was exhibited. This meant I had over thirty different breeds competing in the ring together. This meant having to judge rather quickly and only cutting dogs of extremely high quality. I made Best Junior in show a stunning young Borzoi bitch. Later Continued on page 118

old C e h t ring u d p day u e g n n i o w d r gro woul e .” I g w t a o a n c h e t s e o t d of M ame e “As a y r t d u r a e e ev tb War, I n ying the grea be enjo Dog News 103

Ale Kai - On Fifth Wendell Sammet and Karen LeFrak

“The Future Generation”

” vo

“ BraC


Ale Kai The Beat Goes On Fifth Finished from the 6-9 Class (Four Majors) Soon to be shown by


” ro

t s e a “M Ale Kai Maestro on Fifth

Litter Brother to Viola 13 points including major from

6 - 9 class Two Puppy Best In Shows

104 Dog News

Judge Ms. Janet Allen

” lee


Ale Kai Glee on Fifth

Litter Sister to Bravo Six points Major Owned by Mark & Delane Severs and Karen LeFrak Shown by Mark

Ch. Ale Kai Viola On Fifth Litter sister to “Maestro”

” la

“ Vio

Judge Mr. James Reynolds

Judge Mrs. Susan Carr

Poodle Club of America 2nd 6-9 Puppy Class Two Best of Varieties over Specials Both Majors Judges Mrs. Charlotte McGowan & Mr. David Kirkland Group Third Judge Mrs. Susan Carr Finishing Championship Poodle Club of Massachusetts 9-12 Puppy Class Owned by Jennifer Krieger and

Judge Mr. Randy Garren

Karen LeFrak

Introducing Jennifer Krieger • Handler • Ale Kai - On Fifth Dog News 105

Gossip The

By Eugene Z. Zaphiris



he Board of Directors and the Delegates held their meetings this week in Raleigh. This meeting traditionally has the least amount of Delegates attending. One would think it would have the most, when you consider the opportunity to visit and see the kennel club operation first hand and then given the amount of Delegates who think the kennel club should move its entire operation there. If they don’t go there off to their favorite spot, the South of why should anyone else? One would France, for a three-week holiday. We also hope that a new solution to the hear that LUKE SEIDLITZ, assistant bogged down judges approval system to professional handlers BILL and will be announced. In ALAN KALTER’S TAFFE MCFADDEN, is about to go Chairman’s report that appears in this out on his own as a professional issue of DOG NEWS, he is on track to handler. Personable and talented, help the public image of the kennel he should have a bright future. We club. Personally, I’ve been waiting for wish him the best of luck. SONDRA this since he became Chairman two JORDAN, wife of retired professional years ago, for him to step up to the handler BOB JORDAN, has passed plate as it were. Better late than never away. In addition to his handling of and let’s all get behind this initiative. some top winning Lakeland terriers, The Greenwich Kennel Club will partner he and SONDRA ran the successful up once again with longtime companion Sandpiper boarding kennel in show Longshore Southport Kennel Club Malibu, California. All of us at DOG for their 2014 shows on the Connecticut NEWS send our deepest sympathies show grounds of the Greenwich club. to BOB and their children ROWLAND This certainly will make the weekend & MELISSA and their families. more convenient for the exhibitors. The late BOB BERNDT must have Attending the Greenwich show this past planned way in advance his end, weekend, I had to chuckle to myself as he sent letters to several friends with all the soul music that was playing telling of his plans. I won’t mention over the loud speakers all day. While I their names for privacy sake, but to personally enjoyed singing along to AL say that they were shaken by the GREEN and MARVIN GAYE, I thought letter would put it mildly. This past of the “old-time” Greenwich members week two Standard Poodles joined a no longer with us, who must have very exclusive club. They both won been spinning in their graves. As they their 100th best in show award… say, “You’ve come a long way, baby.” congratulations to their breeders, LYNETTE and STANLEY SALTZMAN are owners and handlers.

106 Dog News


AKC Standard: “The Otterhound is a large, rough-coated hound with an imposing head showing great strength and dignity, and the strong body and long striding action fit for a long day’s work.”

In 22 shows with handler Kitty Burke, PHA, Rufus has placed in 11 Groups including Two Group Firsts. Thank you to all the judges.

Ch. Scentasia’s End of An Era CGC Scentasia Betsy Conway Donna Emery

Handler Kitty Burke 610-737-4891 Dog News 107


Thank You Judges Who Recognized Mikey In The Group: Mrs. Stephanie Hedgepath Mrs. Jacqueline Stacey Mr. James Noe Ms. Nancy Bodine (Pictured)

Mrs. Edy DykstraBlum Mrs. Michele Billings Mrs. Terry DePietro Ms. Sandy Wheat Mr. William Rodriquez 108 Dog News

Best In Show, Best In Specialty Show Winning

Int’l. Ch., GCh. Masquerade Mikey Likes It

Thank You Judge Ms. Neena Van Camp For This Specialty Win.


*The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed

Breeder: Marnie Harris Masquerade OES Dog News 109

CLICK Greenwich Kennel Club PHOTOS BY


110 Dog News

Dog News 111

The 21st Annual National Specialty of the Kuvasz Club of America Continued FROM page 95

member/breeder and a Hungarian native with a forty some year history with the Kuvasz. She selected the young male, Taliszman Pull The Perfect Pint, owned by Gene Hayes, Katherine Knapp and Mary Lee as Best Beginner Puppy. His litter sister, Taliszman Irish Cream At Rebel Ridge owned by Tony and Robin Miller, Katherine Knapp and Gene Hayes as Best Opposite Sex. The regular classes began with the arrival of a very special Judge. This year the KCA had invited the noted Hungarian Breeder/Judge Jozsef Juhasz to adjudicate our National Specialty. Mr. Juhasz is an internationally recognized judge licensed to judge all the Hungarian herding breeds and has judged in prestigious shows such as the World Dog Show and shows in Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden. He purchased his first Kuvasz in 1972 at the age of 12, founded a thriving show/breeding Kuvasz kennel (Vertesi-Selymes), was an active member of the Hungarian Kuvasz Klub, past president of the MEOE Hungarian Kuvasz Club and received the prestigious Golden Wreath Master Breeder award from the Hungarian Kennel Klub. Mr. Juhasz is also active in the “Kuvasz in the Great Predators Program” which seeks to preserve, understand and explore the relationship between shepherds and their guardian dogs. As happens with many breeds with a foreign country of origin, it is sometimes asserted that our American show/breeding Kuvasz are somehow different than those in the country of origin and therefore, not consistent with the FCI Standard and would possibly not be acceptable to an authentic Hungarian judge. There

was palpable excitement as we gathered about the ring to try to see our breed through the eyes of this famous dedicated Hungarian Kuvasz judge. The first surprise was watching Mr. Juhasz approach each exhibitor in the ring and introduce himself to them with a handshake and greeting. It was a genteel and welcoming gesture and set the stage for his confident, comfortable approach. He took his time with each entry, bending down to eye level to carefully examine not only bites but the entire mouth and teeth. Each Kuvasz got a thorough going over with the judge’s hands and eyes. Nothing was rushed as the judge carefully evaluated the strengths of each dog in what seemed a very deliberate evaluation. Suspense filled the arena as club members and spectators commented that they would not want to be a judge this day as there were so many wonderful choices in dogs and bitches before our eyes. Who would this famed Hungarian judge choose? His WD from the Open Dog Class was two-yearold Szep Tars Stradivarius, owned by Charles and Katherine Ringering. His WB, from the Open Bitch class, was also two, Budagyongye Magyar Diamond owned by Katharine Ringering and Elizabeth Kondor. She was out of a frozen semen breeding with Am/Can Ch. Budagyongye Opal. Born in 1974 Opal was the first Kuvasz to win a Best In Show in Canada. He is in many of the pedigrees of today’s BIS winners. An aside: There was another unique happening at our KCA National. GCH Szumeria’s Wildwood Silver

Six Pence Tanner, CGC (owned by Mercedes Vila, Lynn Brady, Constance Townsend and Claudia Muir), the top winning Kuvasz in history, winner of 52 all-breed Bests in Shows and four consecutive National Specialty Shows, was in his last three days of showing. On this day, he was being handled by owner/breeder, Lynn Brady. As the Best of Breed competition began, we all watched Lynn Brady enter the ring with Tanner for what would be her last time in the ring with him and Tanner’s third to the last show before retiring. A stunning assortment of Kuvasz Champions entered the ring, along with the beautiful WB and the handsome WD. There were so many good choices! Judge Jozsef Juhasz continued with his careful evaluation. Ultimately, his BOB choice on this day would go to the joyful and eye catching Tanner, GCH. Szumeria Wildwood Silver Sixpence, handled by Lynn Brady. This was a fairy tale ending to a splendid career with highest accolades from a noted Hungarian judge. Applause greeted the winner of our National Specialty and his owner/ breeder Lynn Brady. Judge Juhasz’s BOS choice would be the beautiful three-year-old Ch. Mauna Kea’s Heart and Soul, Lyric, bred by Sue Rippa and R. Karen Barnes and owner handled by Sue Rippa. BOW went to the pretty bitch, Budagyongye Magyar Diamond, Yara, who was beautifully handled by the bright and energetic young handler, Sierra Lyons. It’s exciting to watch talented young handlers so in tune with their powerful charges, moving them expertly about the ring. Ms. Lyons’ gifted handling was rewarded with this wonderful win. The two Select choices were the handsome, young dog, Mani, Ch. Rebel Ridge Blue Moon breeder/owner handled by Tony Miller and bred by Robin and Tony Miller and Charles and Katherine Ringering and the very feminine bitch, Tempo, Ch Szep Tars Push the Beat at Autumn Winds bred by Matthew and Tricia Ginther and owner handled by Barbara Tatay. AOM’s were awarded to Ch. Szumeria’s Once in a Lifetime, a sound male owned & bred by Lynn Brady, Connie Townsend and Kathleen O’Reagan and breeder/ owner handled by Kathleen and to Ch. Lambent’s National Conspiracy RN CGC, a pretty bitch bred by Susan M. Gilmore and Bobbie Kelley and owned by Karen Barnes, Sue Gilmore and Joan Dow, her owner handler. Best Veteran went to the versatile 7-year-old Ch Szumeria’s Wildwood Pretty Penny BN CN VCD2 RAE2 AXP AJP, handled by one of our new KCA members Gino Sisneros. We expect to see Gino handling one of his own dogs at the 2014 Specialty. Best Of Opposite Sex was Ch Szumeria’s Masterharper Robinton RN. Robbie was the 2008 KCA National Specialty Winner. Best stud dog went to 11-yearold, always happy Continued on page 125

112 Dog News


Thursday, August 1, 2013 Fort Stuben Kennel Association

Friday, August 2, 2013 Columbiana County Kennel Club

Over 400 Majors in 2012!

Saturday, August 3, 2013 Beaver County Kennel Club

Sunday, August 4, 2013 Mahoning Shenango Kennel Club

The following breeds will be having specialties either in conjunction or preceding our cluster on our grounds: German Shorthaired Pointer, Labrador Retrievers, Weimaraner, Basset Hound, Dachshund, Norwegian Elkhound, Whippet, Bernese Mountain Dog, Great Pyrenees, Airedale Terrier, Kerry Blue Terrier, Miniature Schnauzer, West Highland White Terrier, Japanese Chin, Pekingese, Boston Terriers, Chinese Shar-Pei, Poodles, Briards and German Shepherd Dog Plus supported entries in many additional breeds! 40 breeds holding specialties and/or supported entries!

SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS!! • Bred By Exhibitor Competition - Thursday • 4-6 Month Puppy Competition held on Friday Obedience all 4 days (indoors) • CGC Testing on Sunday • Owner Handler Competition - Saturday • All Breed Eye, Heart, BAER & Optigen Microchip Clinics • AKC Registered Handlers Juniors Clinic on Saturday • Best Junior of Steel Valley Competition • Owner-Handler Series Breed/Group Competition • Exhibitor Armband Raffles • Friday night at the movies with popcorn Please visit our website @ for information on judges, schedules, RV reservations, hotels, etc.... Cluster Information 740 632-7140 For Motorhome & Electric Reservations (724) 846-0078 Vendors (By Invitation Only) (724) 846-0078

Show Superintendent MB-F Inc. 32351 Edward Avenue P.O. Box 9999 Madison Heights, MI 48071

Dog News 113

CLICK Wheaton Kennel Club PHOTOS BY


114 Dog News

Dog News 115

LettersTo The Editor Top Notch

Thought you and your readers would be interested in seeing this post by Gail D. Goodman to Sighthounds of the World. At a recent dog show I picked up a copy of a very beautiful magazine that I have never read before, Dog News: The Digest of American Dogs, May 10,2013. It is a highdollar production featuring top show dogs of all breeds, beautiful layout and paper, top notch. I read it cover to cover because all of the articles were interesting and I am not familiar with most of the writers AND several of the articles dealt with a recent media disaster involving the AKC. So since I am very active in state and county politics involving hunting and our right to keep and breed dogs, I enjoyed the entire issue. Of particular interest was an article by Geir FlycktPedersen, Babbling: Honesty, Would It Work?? The article opens” I suppose those of us who have been dog breeders and exhibitors for many years and bred generation after generation from the same bloodlines, have a lot of information and experiences we have decided to keep to ourselves?” He continues:” Some of these ‘secrets’ are well known to most breeders of the breed or breeds concerned, but simply never discussed or talked about! You might suspect the problem you just came across is common in the breed, but not being quite certain, you don’t want to be singled out, so you just keep it to yourselves. And if you ever dared to discretely ask the breeders from where you had either purchased your foundation or the owners of the stud dogs used, it NEVER failed: They had never even heard of this condition or problem before.” I’ll continue.....The article takes a fascinating point of view, possibly of interest to people here. Julie Mueller Tulsa, OK

AKC Honors Canine Heroes With New Wilderness Search And Rescue Title

New York, NY— Wilderness Search and Rescue dogs, who use their air scenting or tracking abilities to locate missing persons, typically in a non-urban setting, will now be recognized by the American Kennel Club® (AKC®) with the new SAR-W title. The AKC already acknowledges dogs that are FEMA or State Urban Search and Rescue (SUSAR) certified as Urban Search and Rescue Dogs. 116 Dog News

Within the field of Wilderness Search and Rescue there are dogs that specialize in tracking, trailing, air scent, water and avalanche search and rescue. “Search and Rescue is a valuable, modern day working activity for our dogs. At the time of greatest need, when we’re looking to find lost or trapped people, human remains, or help others during disasters, SAR dogs and their handlers are there to provide their assistance,” said Doug Ljungren, AKC Vice President of Companion/Performance Events. “The AKC is proud to acknowledge skill and service of these dogs by offering the new SAR-W title to add to their AKC record.” The handlers of Wilderness Search and Rescue dogs that have been deployed on at least five SAR missions and that have been certified by an AKC recognized SAR certification organization may request a title by downloading and completing this form. The dog must be AKC registered or enrolled in the AKC Canine Partners program. The handler is required to submit the dog’s SAR certification document and documentation verifying the dog’s deployments. For more information please contact Lisa Carroll at 919-816-3900 or In addition to the SAR titling program, AKC’s affiliate AKC Companion Animal Recovery has long supported search and rescue organizations through its AKC CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund. The Fund recently awarded $413,000 in grants to more than 140 SAR groups in 45 states. To learn more about the program or how Wilderness SAR dog groups can apply for a future grant, visit Lisa Peterson New York, NY

Kennel Club To Permit The Planned Use Of Dual Sires

Following a feedback process started last year and careful consideration by its Dog Health Group, the Kennel Club has agreed to permit the registration of puppies from planned dual matings without the need for permission in advance. The idea was first floated by Kennel Club Chairman, Professor Steve Dean, in the April 2012 edition of the Kennel Gazette, the Kennel Club’s monthly publication. Among the reasons given for considering this change were increasing the genetic diversity in breeds and to reduce the detrimental impact of large single litters on gene pools in breeds which

have a small population size. Professor Dean also put forward the idea that the concept of producing a litter from two sires could help reduce the impact of popular sires whilst still allowing some sires to be used more frequently than otherwise might be considered desirable by breeders with restricted opportunities to mate an individual bitch, following the Kennel Club lowering the limit on the number of litters an individual bitch may have to four. A request for feedback on the idea resulted in little response but nonetheless the Kennel Club was keen to gauge feelings towards the idea which is common practice in many countries. Since the advent of DNA profiling it has been possible to separate progeny resulting from dual matings – and the Kennel Club has registered puppies accordingly. However, this has only been done in the case of accidental dual matings and in the past a breeder would have needed to request permission to undertake a planned breeding of this type. Consideration was given by the Kennel Club to the possibility of allowing registration of puppies from planned dual matings as a matter of course and the committee responsible requested the views of the Genetics and Health Screening Sub Group of the Kennel Club’s Dog Health Group, which includes independent experts in both canine and human genetics, a canine epidemiologist and a BVA-appointed veterinary surgeon. The consensus of the group was that the idea is sound. There were no objections based on welfare grounds, provided that surgical AI is not involved, and the point was made that a two sire mating mimics natural behaviour. In addition, it was felt that there may be possible welfare advantages for the bitch, which may in effect produce two litters in one gestation/ whelping. There may also be advantages in those breeds where an expansion of the gene pool is being sought. With the views of the Dog Health Group now recorded, the Kennel Club General Committee took the decision to permit the registration of puppies from planned dual matings, with progeny to be separated by DNA profiling prior to registration, at its meeting in June. The revised policy will be introduced with immediate effect. Laura Quickfall London, England

Ed. Note: Better late than never!

Continued FROM page 34

Acadiana Kennel Club - Sunday Cardigan Welsh Corgi GCh. Aubrey’s Tails of Mystery Judge Mr. David Kirkland Owners Cynthia & Vincent Savioli Handler Sherri Hurst Lake Minnetonka Kennel Club II Shih Tzu GCh. Jadesilk Luv T’Auburn Locks Judge Mr. Clay Coady Owner Beth Chopey & Sandy Orford Handler Mandy Carlson Wheaton Kennel Club Standard Poodle Ch. Jaset’s Satisfaction Judge Mr. Norman L. Patton Owners Michele Molnar & Jamie Danburg Handler Ann Rairigh Chester Valley Kennel Club Colored Bull Terrier GCh. Banbury Bedrock Bright Star Bright Judge Ms. Charlotte Clem McGowan Owners Mary Remer, R.G. Lamkins, Karin Lamkins, & W.E. Mackay-Smith Handler Mary Remer

ts Week The

Southern Indiana Kennel Club – Sunday Norwich Terrier GCh. Camio’s Educated Guess Judge Mr. James Frederiksen Owner & Handler Catherine A. Rogers Acadiana Kennel Club - Saturday Boxer GCh. Winfall I Dream Of Style Judge Col. Joe Purkhiser Owners Keith and Cheryl Robbins, George & Barbara Adkins, Tina Porter, Lee Stanton, Jorge Pinson Handler Michael Shepherd McKinley Kennel Club I & II Great Dane GCh. Longo Miller N Lore’s Diamond Lil Judge Mr. James Frederiksen Judge Mrs. Barbara D. Alderman Owners T. Longo, J. Miller, L. Matherly, C. Crawford Handler Laura Coomes Lake Minnetonka Kennel Club - Saturday Boxer GCh. Kajas Ruby Red Rascal At Maximus Judge Mr. Stephen Hubbell Owners Lloyd & Dolores Dissinger & Janet Smith Handler Terry Smith Silky Terrier Club of America National Specialty GCh. Karisma Heart And Soul Judge Ms. Florence A. Males Owners Margaret Hodge, Kathleen Gilbert, Margaret Gagliardi, & Pam Laperruque Handler Pam Laperruque

of the

To report an AKC All Breed Best In Show or National Specialty Win Call, Fax or Email before 12:00 Noon Tuesday. Fax: 212 675-5994 • Phone: 212 462-9588 Email:

Dog News 117

g o D g n i t n u H n a i s Rus eration & Specialties Fed Contin

M page ued FRO

I was surprised to learn she was a litter sister to the young male I recently saw win the breed at the World Show and was the Junior Hound group winner in Budapest. The mother of this bitch had been the breed winner under Bo at the Specialty. The largest entry of the day was a Dachshund specialty with well over 300. The quality I saw was the run off classes of the Specialty and the dogs shown in the regular Dachshund group were outstanding. In the States we tend to forget RCK has ten groups and one entire group is made up of only Dachshunds. They also have three different sizes of the three different varieties. The European Dachshund are slightly different than the American type. I did learn from Thomas Jakkel that it is good to keep some American types to be combined into the European type. A black and tan Smooth impressed me greatly. I felt he could win well in the States. Later I learned he was part American breeding. It was around 8:30 PM when the show ended Saturday. Having so many groups like Baby, Puppy, Junior, Working and regular groups for each group makes for the finals to take a long time. It makes for a lot more happy winners, but in the States the shows would not end until at least 9 or 10 PM. I do not think the American exhibitors would want such a long day. 118 Dog News


Returning to the hotel, Ekaterina had a lovely pre set dinner arranged in a private dining room. This was a welcome joy since it meant drinks and food were immediately waiting for us upon our arrival. The food was sumptuous and the company most stimulating. It was the perfect ending to a great day for all of us. I do know some of us were a bit tired from the long day. I did not stop for lunch, but had nearly half an hour free between the standards and Minis because I was a bit ahead of the schedule. Instead of eating I opted to watch some other breeds being judged. I should not tell this story about myself, but I will in hope it might help others from making the same very embarrassing mistake. While sitting in the ring at group time, I saw a dog which I had no clue what breed it was. The body resembled a German Wirehaired Pointer type of dog. The head resembled a hound type dog. There are so many breeds in FCI that we have never seen in the States. I asked several people what breed it was, but nobody knew the answer. All of a sudden I was told I was judging the group that is made up of Setters and Pointing breeds. There were only three dogs in this group. There was an Irish Setter who was a bit lame and a very mediocre German Shorthair. The remaining entry was the dog that nobody would tell me what breed it was. I presumed it was some rare breed. The last time I put up a dog that I did not know what breed it

was I was very fortunate. It was the Bracco Italiano who shortly afterwards went BIS at the World Show in Poland – the famous “Axel” also won the entire World Challenge at the AKC/Eukanuba. I did not know what breed he was, but a crystal ball showed me he was a great dog. I did not feel the same about this dog here in Moscow, but felt he was a better representative of its breed than the others that I knew were of poor quality. All of the foreign judges probably were impressed I knew enough to award a rare breed the win. Yes, we all make mistakes in judging, but hopefully not witnessed by some of the leading judges of the world. Shortly after the photo was taken, I asked a friend to ask the exhibitor what breed it was. I really did not want to return home and tell people I did not find out what the breed in question was. When my friend returned and told me the breed, I wanted to die of embarrassment. You can not imagine how stupid I felt when I was informed it was a German Wirehaired Pointer. I had two choices. One, was just say I knew it was German Wire or to tell the truth. I chose to admit my stupidity. In my defense I truly believe most judges would not have recognized it was a German Wire. The person that judged at the breed level had to give it an Excellent rating for it to appear for further competition. Over the last 38 years of judging this had to be the biggest blunder I have ever made. The foreign judges had to get a good laugh out of the dumb American. I have to admit it was a very humbling experience. I certainly will never forget this embarrassing judging moment. By the time

I look at Facebook, I am sure thousands and thousands have learned of my blunder. I am sure the breeders, owners and handler of “Oakley” are now less impressed by the wins I awarded him. Until the day I die the image of this Russian dog will always be in my mind. Sunday morning I caught up on some extra sleep and answered some emails that had gone unanswered for days. Several of the judges took a long walking tour of Moscow. Lydia went off to judge a Cairn Specialty. Around mid afternoon a driver arrived at the hotel to drive Nicholas, three of the European judges and me out to the country to visit the home and kennel of Andrey Klishas. Even though it was a Sunday afternoon the traffic was horrendous. I was with great company so it made the hour and a half drive bearable. Without the good company I would have been bored to death. Out in the beautiful countryside there were stores along the road for the country home owners to shop in. The stores were extremely upscale – Prada, Channel, Luis Vuitton and the like. There were even one or two car dealerships where one could buy a Bentley or other extremely expensive car. There was no sign of a Wal-Mart in this area. As always it was a great treat to be entertained by Andrey and his lovely wife. We had a mini dog show on the beautiful tennis court where it gives great footing to move dogs. We all enjoyed comparing some of the young Borzoi and comparing them to the renowned sire. I was especially pleased

to see a white Mini Bull that I had seen at the AKC/Eukanuba as a pup. Since the club is run by Andrey, he could not be shown to me. I would have liked to see him against several of the top ones I judged the previous day. I predict if he comes to the States that he will enjoy a great career stateside. I became extremely fascinated by the Azawakh that won the group at the World Show in Budapest. There is something captivating about the breed. The following weekend in Tulsa, I got to see two of them and Espen Engh compared the two of them for me so I could learn a little bit about the breed. Here at the kennel of Andrey was a young son of the Budapest Hound group winner. It was very informative that the European judges were discussing the pros and cons between the two superior specimens of the breed. I believe you only learn a breed by comparing quality. My quest to learn this breed is not going to be easy, but I am hoping to see some large entries of the breed at European shows. After viewing many fine examples of various breeds we all retreated to the house that is full of great beauty and world treasurers. Andrey has a magnificent collection of beautiful dog bronzes. A lot of them are of his own personal dogs. By late afternoon a sumptuous lunch was served. It consisted of all the finest Russian cuisine and coarse after coarse was served before us. I could not do justice to all the home made Russian desserts. The best vodka I have ever tasted did help to wash down too much fine food.

Early evening Alexandr Inshakov, the President of the Russian Dog Federation, came by to spend time with all of us. This meant lots more toasts with the wonderful vodka. The driver was constantly phoning to get the traffic reports. It was not until after 10:30 PM that we were told the traffic had let up somewhat. So many people do not return to the city until late in the evening Sunday. I certainly did not mind our extended visit full of great company, dogs, food, wine and vodka. It was like a mini tour of heaven. Monday late morning I departed for my trip home. I enjoyed a leisurely breakfast with Lydia and enjoyed hearing about the quality she had to judge. Again Ekaterina was at the hotel to make sure our taxi service would be on time to get us to the airports. The traffic was much lighter than normal and I was at the airport within twenty minutes. I was in no hurry to leave Moscow and the ride let me reflect on five very memorable days. I owe a great deal of gratitude to the Russian Hunting Dog Federation, the Bull Terrier Club and Ekaterina, who did such a great job in fulfilling not only our needs but also our wants. I am only hoping I will be back in Moscow before the World Show in 2015. I hope that many Americans will be able to attend that show. It will be a good reason to sightsee in Moscow and witness maybe the largest dog show ever held. The quality of dogs will be tops in so many breeds and it will give a first hand view of how Russia has become one of the leading countries for producing excellent dogs.

but I , f l e s y tm u o ing b k a a y r m o t is s from h t s r l l e e.” e h t k t a t o t o s p i n l e m d l “I shou ope it might h embarrassing will in h e same very th

Dog News 119

120 Dog News

Dog News 121


Directory Safari Handling and Training LLC

Robert A. Fisher Kaki Fisher

All Breed Professional Dog Handlers

Kathy Eiler

614-352-5017 cell

Professional Dog Handlers Frakari Kennels 194 Quivey Hill Road/P.O. Box 204 Middle Granville, NY 12849 518.642.9225 KNL • 440.813.6388 c 12.09

7.09 12.13










Diana Wilson


Debbie angela l lloyd Old West Goldstein PROFESSIONAL DOG HANDLER 1.10


& Groomer Kennels 2418 Grandview Drive 703-622-5808 724-735-9994 C 412-491-5520

P.O. Box 180 Forestville, Pennsylvania Sparta, N.C. 16035 28675

Carlos Carrizo


REGINA 570 369-0192 email:

113 Capone Lane Saylorburg, PA 18353

7430 Sierra Ponds Lane Cell: 415-819-5773 Granite Bay, CA Phone: 916-791-5207 95746-7300 Fax: 916-791-5209 Email: 9.10 6.14 •

336 372-2039 © Debbie Goldstein

SUE 570 992-5705 email:


303/638-1669 1298 Bluejay Avenue Brighton, CO 80601

*Fees feed rescued horses*

Sue Capone, PHA Regina Keiter


Show Dogs Beautifully Presented




Training class Joe T. Caton 614-313-9536 cell information: 614-262-1317 3.14


DAVE & LYNDA O’CONNOR-SCHNEIDER Members PHA & AKC Registered Handlers


Clint and Karen Livingston 1981 East 141 Avenue Brighton, Colorado 80602 210 865 8415 - Clint 210 865 2348 - Karen

9691 Flinn Springs Road El Cajon, CA 92021 (619)443-8250 Fax (619)443-0944 E-mail /


7.11 4.14

Tiffany Knox


3.12 All Breed Dog Handler 7.13


Jenny Wornall Rangel Christian Rangel Andrew Peel

Heritage Show dogs

Professional Handling

AKC Registered Handler


9372 S Union • Tulsa, OK 74132 • 508-864-6262 6.13

PO BOX 331 • Santa Ynez, CA 93460 LLC 805.686.1708 • Fax 805.686.9548 7.13 •

Cell: 415 819-5773


Ernesto Lara

AKC Registered Handler Assisted by Leonardo Garcini


Greenfield 3.10


Tiffany Saxon

P.O. Box 330 Tel: (717) 445-9936 1181 Reading Road Fax: (717) 445-0577 Bowmansville, PA 17507 email: 6.10 6.13 mobile: 717-475-7069

Professional Presentation & Care of Show Dogs A drienne O wen 6849 S hadow R idge P l ace A lta L oma , CA 91701 909-472-5519 adrienne @ newpointkennel . com www 8.09 . newpointkennel . com 7.12


All Breed Dog Handler

1637 Moon Rock Rd Fallbrook, CA 92029

Office: 760-723-9564 Cell: 626-277-7172 1.11

122 Dog News





Integrity. Commitment. Passion. The American Kennel Club Registered Handlers Program “the care and well being of the dogs is of prime importance.” AKC Registered Handlers Current Membership Roster Jason Bailey Barbara Beissel Doug Belter Amy Booth* Phillip Booth Kerry Boyd Dana Bryson-Benn Stephen Cabral* Kim Calvacca Sue Cannimore Amanda Carlson Douglas Carlson Carlos Carrizo R.C. Carusi Kelley Catterson Paul Catterson Kevin Chestnut Marianne “Tuni” Claflin* Dave Clendenon Juliet Clendenon Page Conrad Gretchen Conradt Timothy Conradt Larry Cornelius Tom Davis Geoff Dawson Gwen DeMilta Carissa DeMilta-Shimpeno Mark Desrosiers

Pam Desrosiers James Dickson Diane Engelking* C.J. Favre Nina Fetter Kaki Fisher Guy Fisher* Robert Fisher Karen Galipeault Lisa Gallizzo* Rindi Gaudet* Andrew Green Sara Gregware Kassandra Hamaker* Dee Hanna James Harbert Tina Harbert Tara Krieger Hartman Shane Hooper Cynthia Huckfeldt Maureen Jewett Bergit Kabel Erin Karst Laura King Scott Kipp Susan Kipp Ernesto Lara Angela Lloyd Karen Mammano*

Sam Mammano Coleen McGee Corinne Miklos Lisa Miller Kathryn Mines Roslyn Mintz Moe Miyagawa Tammy Miyagawa Leesa Molina Lori Mowery Frank Murphy Pat Murray Krista Musil Christine Nethery Mary Norton-Augustus Lynda O’Connor-Schneider Jorge Olivera Susie Olivera Julie Parker* Betty Jo Patterson Clark Pennypacker Matt Perchick Ric Plaut Chris Rakyta Gabriel Rangel Ivonne Rangel Sarah Riedl Lori Sargent Cheri Schmitz

Dave Schneider Bruce Schultz Tara Schultz Michael Shepherd Dave Slattum* Scott Sommer Valerie Stanert Jason Starr Cliff Steele* Hiram Stewart Gary Stiles* Greg Strong Debbie Struff Erin Struff Alison Sunderman Sharon Svoboda Evan Threlfall Stacy Threlfall* Louis Torres Meagan Ulfers Charlotte Ventura Peter Ventura Marcelo Veras Alissa Welling John Wilcox* Tammie Wilcox* Linda Williams


*Also AKC Junior Showmanship Judges.

• • • 919 816-3590 Dog News 123


Directory Doug And Mandy Carlson AKC Registered Handlers

Doug 405 370-1447 Mandy 405 826-3884 5.13

8260 McColl Drive W Savage, Minnesota 55378 Phone: 952 890-6010 3.13



All Breed Professionals AKC Reg. and PHA


--ALL BREEDS-Jimmy & Mary Dwyer

Evan & Stacy Threlfall


407 810-4036 4.14

PO Box 99• Selkirk, NY 12158 E 919.741.0226 • S 518.209.7988 1.14

BRUCE & TARA SCHULTZ Board Certified Professional Handlers Members of P.H.A.


124 Dog News


5540 San Miguel Rd. Bonita, California 91902

Bruce: 951 314-8357 Tara: 951 515-0241



The 21st Annual National Specialty of the Kuvasz Club of America Continued FROM page 112

to move merrily around the ring, Ch Double Ring Peterbilt, Cargo owned by Tony Miller & Terry Ducheck. Generations went to the great mover, Diesel (a Cargo son), GCH Double Ring Tarees Dream Machine owned by Tony & Robin Miller and Katherine and Charles Ringering. With applause and hoots and hollers, there was much ringside celebration. Dogs and bitches long acknowledged by our American judges as the top in our breed had also been chosen by this experienced Hungarian judge. Then, off we would rush to prepare for our auction/ raffle awards dinner and a speech by our visiting judge. That evening as we gathered in celebration, we were treated to the fun of a Kuvasz centric auction and raffle. Judge Jozsef Juhasz and Eva, his wife, had donated two large steins with paintings of lovely Kuvasz heads for our auction along with 5 copies of a wonderful yearbook of Hungarian Kuvasz. There was a vigorous bidding competition for these special items, as there was for a handmade Kuvasz themed purse created by one of our Board members Margaret Sennigen. We are grateful to the many manufacturers who contribute so generously to the auction and honor them in our magazine the Kuvasz Quarterly. Judge Juhasz spoke with some translation help by Agi and Sandor(Sean) Hejja. The most salient facts from his lecture were his emphasis on the fact that Kuvasz in Hungary are not of one type or one kind but somewhat diverse as they are in America. He mentioned the fact that our dogs should have a distinctly masculine appearance and bitches a feminine look and that we must remember the importance of head size and not fall into small, narrow heads. He disagreed with the idea that Hungarian and American dogs were so different and judged that 85% of what he had seen in America would meet the requirements of correct Hungarian Kuvasz. Our awards ceremony ended the long day. Many medals and citations were given out, too numerous to list all our hardworking members and their fantastic Kuvasz here but they too will appear in our Summer Kuvasz Quarterly available through the Club. Here are some highlights of our members’ accomplishments: Top Kuvasz if the Year Breed Points: GCH CH Szumeria’s Wildwood Silver Six Pence Mercedes Vila, Lynn Brady, Claudia Muir, & Constance Townsend Top Kuvasz of the Year in Versatility: Brantwood’s Sweet Vanilla Éclair BN, RE, NAP, NJP Kathleen & Richard Dahmer AKC Good Sportsmanship award: Tony Miller OFA Champion for Health: Ch. Double Ring Peterbilt Tony Miller & Terry Ducheck Service Dog Award: Karen Rawers and Pax An exhilarating day had ended and now a race to walk dogs and go to bed for a bit of sleep before rising for an early ring time! Spirit of the Heartland Kennel Club at 8:00 am on the fourth of May found us with a heavy weekend crowd. There would be many repeat winners and a few new wins beginning with a birthday boy turning just one year old, Szumeria’s Atlas Shrugged (Lynn Brady & Constance Townsend) taking WD under Judge Mrs. Toddie Clark.

WB/BW, would see the return of young Sierra Lyons and the pretty bitch, Budagyongye Magyar Diamond, Yara, for a second day in a row. SEL would go to the previous days choices: Ch. Mauna Kea’s Heart and Soul (Sue Rippa) and Ch. Rebel Ridge Blue Moon (Tony and Robin Miller) BOS would go to the wonderful Szumeria’s Song of Sixpence (Sandy Herring, Lynn Brady & Connie Townsend) BOB would be a repeat of the previous day with Tanner, GCh Szumeria’s Wildwood Silver Sixpence, shown on this day by his longtime handler, Diana Wilson. Tanner would also get a Group 1 and then it would be on to the Best in Show completion. We had all paused from the competition for a long lecture and photo presentation by Mr. Juhasz. This was a comprehensive discussion of the Kuvasz in the world, starting from the earliest history to the present time. At this moment in Hungary there is a change in the governing authority of dog clubs that had long belonged to the state. The transition to private governing bodies for the various breeds has led to some conflict among various groups and we all await the outcome. He also spent time talking about the “Kuvasz in the Great Predators Program” a group that has worked with real shepherds to understand their view of the working dog, a dog valued for agility and thrift of food over good looks. Great photos of Hungarian Kuvasz peppered the presentation as did a question and answer session. It was a wonderful treat with thanks again to Agi Hejja and her husband Sandor for their translations. Afterward, many of us raced down to ringside, anxious to see how our National Specialty winner, BOB and Group 1 winner of this day, Tanner, GCH Szumeria’s Wildwood Silver Sixpence would do in the BIS competition. I was sitting behind Judge Juhasz and his lovely wife, Eva, as the judging began. Like a modern bullet train, Tanner, in tandem with his expert handler and partner in fun, Diana Wilson, entered the ring, a whirl of power, movement, and excitement. The Kuvasz club members in the crowd were thrilled as the excitement of this dog on this day was palpable. An excellent field of dogs surrounded our Kuvasz but our eyes were on Tanner. The dogs moved about the ring, a lovely Saluki, a regal pug, so many great specimens. Suddenly, the call was made. Tanner, GCH. CH Szumeria’s Wildwood Silver Sixpence was pronounced Best in Show at the Spirit of the Heartland Kennel Club by Judge Mrs. Houston (Toddie) Clark. And at that moment, I noticed Judge Juhasz’s wife, Eva, crying tears of joy, feeling the power of the moment where a Hungarian dog, from a very small breed, the very choice of her husband just the day before was honored as the Best in Show winner. It was a wonderful gift for our club members and for our Hungarian guests. Wonderfully, Tanner would have a repeat on the fifth of May at the Jefferson County Kennel Club of Missouri, taking another BOB with his beloved handler and best friend, Diana Wilson at the Jefferson County KC of Missouri under Judge Mr. Houston Clark, and ultimately going BIS under Judge John Madieros.

Tanner’s last performance would be his 54th Best In Show, ending his incredible career. The BOS on that day was GCH Szumeria’s Sing a Song of Sixpence. WD was Szep Tars Stradivarius and WB/BW Szumeria’s Wildwood on the Rocks NJP owned by Lynn Brady, Connie Townsend, Bea & Page Clay. SEL bitch for the third day was Mauna Kea’s Heart and Soul and SEL dog was GCH Ch Double Ring Tarees Dream Machine owned by Robin and Tony Miller and Charles and Kathy Ringering. We are a small club with a dedicated core of breeders, owners, and supporters sprinkled all over the country and the world. We do not have regional specialties so our National is especially important to our members and their dogs. I was pleased to meet a woman and her daughter who had flown in from Vermont to see our National. They had been admiring Kuvasz over a lifetime and wanted to see them in person and explore owning one. They left the specialty having placed a deposit on a future puppy. I was thrilled with the seriousness they evinced in the pursuit of the right dog and the time they taken to come to the National and get to know the breed and its breeders and members first hand. I also saw a member who had driven across county to adopt a six-year-old male, outside the hotel jogging with her new charge as though they had spent a lifetime together. There was so much happening this year from a great presentation by Eddie Dziuk from the OFA, where we will soon have a Health survey for the first time in decades, to our annual meeting where President Gene Hayes proclaimed his honor at heading our hardworking organization as we work on the important business of the club which this year includes developing an exciting new web site. We all enjoyed the various informal gatherings, whether walking dogs on the spacious lawn of our host hotel, the Holiday Inn at Six Flags, or in local restaurants or during grooming sessions at the show site. It was a great time to see new puppies, maturing teenagers and to speculate on the next great Kuvasz among the many who may next take the country by storm. So many sound Kuvasz in body and temperament, a testament to the hard work of our breeders in the last thirty years, make so much possible with the devotion and training of our wonderful members. Next year, consider joining us as we celebrate the Kuvasz in America and imagine one day being owned and loved by the magnificent Kuvasz, the ancient dog of shepherds and kings. Dog News 125




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126 Dog News

The Saint Bernard:


breeds are more sensitive to heat which means you have to do your outdoor training when it’s coolest in the morning and I seldom enter events that are held outdoors in the summer months. One really nice attribute of Saints is that they are not particularly stimulus reactive or sensitive. This means that you are not usually fighting for their attention in the ring or in training. Most are not easily frightened so you do not have to overcome issues with things such as flapping canopies or loud sounds.” Olbrich owns or has owned WDCh Echo’s Utmost UD TDX RE DD OA, OAJ WPX SBCA HF/ PE, Ch WDCh Echo’s Xtra Sweetie v Eddy CDX RA TD DD WP SBCA HF/PE and WDCh Shadow Mts. Playit Again v Reema CDX RE RAE TDX DD SBCA HF/PE.


ize does become a factor in some aspects of agility, according to Cox. “Running a 155 pound Saint that was 31 inches at the withers through a 24-inch tunnel that was 20 feet long sometimes made things difficult at the excellent agility levels to run the course under the time but it was not impossible. In agility the courses which are designed by the judge can end up being really hard on the big guys to compete if the course design is not thought through. Many turns at the excellent levels can be very sharp and when a 150 pound dog lands, the momentum of that weight carries the dog forward. This means that it is not really safe, from an injury standpoint, to try to make a sharp turn. Add to this the fact that the clock is ticking and extra ground covered equals lost time. The same holds true for rally. In this activity, just the space requirements for 360 degree turns can be tight for big dogs if the

SB bod wp - Three weeks before his latest BISS, Huey pulled 3,025 pounds in 14 seconds.

course design is not thought through to make it fair to all to compete at an all-breed event. The same is true for disabled handlers in wheelchairs. All we ask is that big dogs and disabled handlers be considered in a course design. Then we can all play the game. Most of the problems we have otherwise encountered can be worked out by practicing more, which is what any athlete would do, plus learning how to communicate and read the dog so they can understand what you want them to do. You always have to be finding ways to make whatever you are doing interesting for the dog and each dog is different as to what those ways might be. Short training sessions work well to keep everything upbeat and it’s really important to end the training sessions on a positive note.” Bodeving said her dogs had issues with obedience exercises. “We’ve had some problems with the long sits in obedience. The dogs much prefer the long downs. I’ve been working on having them sit much longer in training than what the rules require. Another problem occurs on the off-leash heeling. You better move out or they’ll get bored and then they start thinking for themselves.” Olbrich said she starts her dogs that will compete in obedience immediately on the utility exercises, even the puppies. “Obedience, particularly the utility exercises, take the most

time for a dog to learn. They are also the most interesting for the dog. Rally is the easiest for both myself and the dog because it builds on the obedience skills the dog has already learned. I teach my dogs how to pull a cart and to pull that cart against resistance so when it is time to do weight pulling, it doesn’t require a lot of teaching time but then I don’t compete at the highest levels in weight pulling. It would be a different story if that were the case. I do a lot of things with my dogs because few people are able or willing to keep multiple giant breeds. For this reason it is important to have a dog that can do many things so it’s possible to enjoy a full life-span of activities with your dog through the years.” There are some issues facing the breed, however, which do have an impact on the Saint Bernard’s ability to successfully participate in a number of dog activities. “We need to improve both the front ends and the back ends in the breed plus producing better toplines. Temperament, health issues and longevity also should not be overlooked. Without a dog that is sound both physically and temperamentally, well-bred and well balanced, it is difficult to be competitive in most performance activities,” said Cox. Olbrich added that there seems to be an unwillingness among too many Saint breeders to test for hereditary diseases before putting a dog in the breeding population. “They also appear to be unwilling to do the pedigree research for health issues and most importantly, keep accurate health records of all the members of their own bloodlines, and not just the ones currently in their kennel, from birth to death. The knowledge of health issues is limited to a small subset of the population and as a result, is quite shallow. Breeders also seem loathe to share information about health problems. This is understandable because the gossip mill is much more widely used than any factbased shared database.” Dog News 127

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And More... Continued FROM page 66

Personally and from where I sit unless London Jewelers changes its ads and its attitude toward the dog breeder there is no way I will ever step foot in its stores again. Not that I was their biggest customer but come Holiday Season and other event situations I was known to frequent or at least shop the store. All they have to do is check their records to see that this is true but I tell you this, without a change in philosophical attitude in advertising messages, they have lost my business for good. And if any of you readers frequent their various outlets or even shop them on the Web I would suggest you too let the Udells know how this kind of advertising upsets you as well.


ast week I mentioned how MB O’Neill had agreed to do a Memorial to the late Board Chair Bob Berndt. Unfortunately she decided not to do this memorial. As I understand the situation this was done out of respect to Dr. Berndt’s personal request that no memorials about him be published. Dr. Berndt was a very private kind of person and while we all want to follow and respect his wishes his death is and was newsworthy which is why it was mentioned in various reports in last week’s issue. Nonetheless many people who he considered himself very close to received requests as mentioned above. Certainly his wishes should be respected as far as the individuals to whom he directly contacted are concerned. In that regard the recent passing of Ellis Hulme, one of the great and most respected dog men in the history of British dogdom, must be commented upon by this writer. I knew Ellis for years and was a great admirer of his on virtually every level of contemporary dog show life. I can not claim to have been an intimate friend who spoke to him daily or even monthly however when I crossed the pond or he came to the USA, which was not frequently enough, we usually had dinner and at the very least engaged in lengthy and long conversations. I think we were drawn together by our mutual interest and love of the King Charles Spaniel as he had adjudicated in Sweden or Finland a broken coated Charlie we owned which did a lot of winning in Europe. He of course was a Toy dog expert and Charlies were one of the breeds in which he specialized. I remember how surprised he was to learn of my interest in the breed as he had associated me primarily with Skyes and Bloodhounds. After reading the catalogue and saw we owned this dog the next time we saw each other it helped establish a long standing bond between us. Ellis was a perfectionist in any undertaking with

which he became involved and served on the General Committee of The Kennel Club for years. He may not have had much to say at these meetings but when he did speak up others listened and strongly considered his thoughts. A fastidious dresser he cared for his dogs with a professionalism and love rarely equaled. I remember only too well that on one of his last trips to the States he judged for a particularly prominent series of shows in the Northeast-he was scheduled to adjudicate at three of the four shows but was asked to fill in for ELLIS HULME 1940-2013 someone at the fourth show due to an overload or an illness of a judge-I can’t recall which one it was. He did so most willingly and as we were checking out of the hotel after the shows were over I noticed he was paying for his hotel room for the extra night he had judged. Now then we were not talking about a Cluster which had no money-this was a really top circuit in its day. I asked him what he was doing and he explained that no one had offered to pay his expenses for the extra day much less even a fee for the 100 or so dogs upon which he had adjudicated. I thought that a “mite” unfair of the Show Committee as even in the UK, at the very least expenses are paid to judges as well as usually some sort of honorarium. Never a large fee but a token like 50 bucks or so. (Can you imagine our professional judges accepting that kind of fee? But that’s another long involved story, isn’t it!) He refused to let me say anything and I respected his wishes --that is until he returned to England. I then called the Show Chairman who was totally unaware of the situation as this was obviously an oversight in the hectic days of running the event and Ellis was reimbursed forthwith. He admonished the hell out of me the next time I was in the UK but a beautiful “T & A” tie was delivered to me by him as a thank you. I strongly suspect the cost of the tie was more than the monies he received from the Club. He was just that sort of special individual who I will miss seeing.

Dog News 129

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