Dog News, July 20, 2012

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Dog News

Dog News The Digest Volume 28, Issue 29

of American Dogs $5.00

July 20, 2012

July 20, 2012


*All Systems


*All Systems

Dog News

Dog News The Digest Volume 28, Issue 29

of American Dogs $5.00

July 20, 2012

July 20, 2012

contents JUly 20, 2012

10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 44 48 50 52 56 60 64 66 70 72 76 84 90 96 109

4 Dog News

editorial babbling / geir flyckt-pedersen 102 handlers directory the lighter side of judging / michael faulkner 104 subscription rates question of the week / matthew h. stander 106 classified advertising 108 advertising rates the way it is / sari brewster tietjen All advertisements are inside the sport / pat trotter copyrighted and owned by DOG NEWS, Harris Publications, bests of the week unless received camera-ready. Permission to reprint must be ten questions asked of regina keiter requested in writing. rare breeds of the world: biewer terrier / agnes buchwald connie’s comments / connie vanacore DOG NEWS (ISSN 0886-2133) is published weekly except aphis redux / carlotta cooper the last two weeks in December by the schutzhund competition / sharon pflaumer Harris Publications, 1115 Broadway, make a difference!!! / sharon newcomb New York, N.Y. 10010. Periodical Postage paid true north / allison foley at New York. big game hunters and a lot more / mj nelson POSTMASTER: Send address changes to genk 2012 / karl donvil DOG NEWS, 1115 Broadway, the little show that could: riverhead kc / patricia m. cruz New York, N.Y. 10010 off the leash / shaun coen the sky ‘ain’t’ falling, the nominating committee and more / matthew h. stander the gossip column / eugene z. zaphiris click - jupiter-tequesta kennel club / jeri poller keeshond national specialty / karen evasuik click - the way we were / matthew h. stander letters to the editor

contents JUly 20, 2012

10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 44 48 50 52 56 60 64 66 70 72 76 84 90 96 109

4 Dog News

editorial babbling / geir flyckt-pedersen 102 handlers directory the lighter side of judging / michael faulkner 104 subscription rates question of the week / matthew h. stander 106 classified advertising 108 advertising rates the way it is / sari brewster tietjen All advertisements are inside the sport / pat trotter copyrighted and owned by DOG NEWS, Harris Publications, bests of the week unless received camera-ready. Permission to reprint must be ten questions asked of regina keiter requested in writing. rare breeds of the world: biewer terrier / agnes buchwald connie’s comments / connie vanacore DOG NEWS (ISSN 0886-2133) is published weekly except aphis redux / carlotta cooper the last two weeks in December by the schutzhund competition / sharon pflaumer Harris Publications, 1115 Broadway, make a difference!!! / sharon newcomb New York, N.Y. 10010. Periodical Postage paid true north / allison foley at New York. big game hunters and a lot more / mj nelson POSTMASTER: Send address changes to genk 2012 / karl donvil DOG NEWS, 1115 Broadway, the little show that could: riverhead kc / patricia m. cruz New York, N.Y. 10010 off the leash / shaun coen the sky ‘ain’t’ falling, the nominating committee and more / matthew h. stander the gossip column / eugene z. zaphiris click - jupiter-tequesta kennel club / jeri poller keeshond national specialty / karen evasuik click - the way we were / matthew h. stander letters to the editor

Dog News Cover Story - JULY 20, 2012 PUBLISHER







212 462.9588 FAX NUMBER


Ian Miller 212 462.9624 Contributing Editors Sharon Anderson George Bell Lesley Boyes Andrew Brace Agnes Buchwald Patricia Gail Burnham Shaun Coen Carlotta Cooper Geoff Corish Michael Faulkner Geir Flyckt - Pedersen Allison Foley Yossi Guy Ronnie Irving John Mandeville Desmond J. Murphy M. J. Nelson Sharon Pflaumer Kim Silva Matthew H. Stander Sari Brewster Tietjen Patricia Trotter Connie Vanacore Carla Viggiano Nick Waters Seymour Weiss Minta (Mike) Williquette Dog News Photographers Chet Jezierski Perry Phillips Kitten Rodwell Leslie Simis

*Number Two overall, Breed points, All Systems

6 Dog News

DOG NEWS is sent to all AKC approved Conformation Judges every week on a complimentary basis. No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without written permission from the editor. The opinions expressed by this publication do not necessarily express the opinions of the publisher. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted.







8 Dog News

Dog News 9

JUly 20, 2012

the editorial

FINANCES AND OTHER MATTERS IN THE MINUTES Once again revenues for the month were up over last year while operating expenses remained level with last year resulting in a tidy surplus of over $413,000. The proposed By-Law Amendment from the Lewiston-Auburn KC to preclude any former AKC employee from serving on the Board of the American Kennel Club is something these pages have long supported. Whether or not it can pass Board scrutiny to say nothing of garnering a two third vote remains to be seen but it certainly is a move in the right direction. Let’s face it in the last election at least two former employees ran for the Board, one of whom succeeded in getting elected. This is a practice that must be nipped in the bud that’s for sure. The Trial Boards were restructured and but for our objections stated in last week’s editorial this was a necessary and probably effective step to take. Miracle of miracles the Board is reviewing a proposal to expand eligibility requirements for AKC membership to permit licensed Agility clubs that met the criteria to apply to become AKC members. That too should have been done ages ago and the likelihood of its passage is remote also but an absolute necessity insofar as these pages are concerned. Also at long last the Board has become realistic and will consider Staff’s recommendation to raise the $250 one-time admission fee for new member clubs to $1,500. The present fee of $250 was established in 1925 and not a penny raised since then!! Come on, this is another favorite topic of these pages, which at long last is being at least considered by the Board.

AN APHIS EXTENSION The original deadline to contact APHIS about its proposed rule changes was Monday, July 16th. Just two days earlier on Friday, July 13th, the deadline was extended by APHIS to August 15!! This gives us all a few more weeks to try and persuade these people that its proposed rule changes regulating breeders must be reversed. You can make comments directly to the APHIS site through the following link: <http:! DocumentDetail: D=APHIS-2011-003-001> You are urged to contact this link and express your feelings. AKC’s petition is said to have over 66,000 signatures, which is great, but don’t forget HSUS is using a similar tactic too. Unfortunately these petitions will count as only one comment so it becomes all the more important to contact APHIS individually and directly. Wayne Pacelle is being his usual obnoxious, self-deprecating and misleading self-promoting exaggerated and untrue statements about AKC and we breeders generally in this matter. APHIS is said to have agreed to this extension to provide people more time to comment. This could be true considering that APHIS released a revised fact sheet about the proposed regulations only 10 days prior to the end of the comment period. Ultimately it would seem that more confusion was caused about what APHIS is trying to do with the release of this new fact sheet particularly in the area of how APHIS would treat face-to-face sales. Get involved in this project for sure. It certainly would have been nice to have seen the Board at its last meeting take on this issue again since reinforced reminders of the dangers of these proposals to the concerned breeder must not and cannot be either ignored nor under-emphasized. THE LATEST BOARD MINUTES The good-news was that prior to the printing of the Board Minutes the abandoned Board Highlights were sent out to all Delegates and will in the future be issued as a Press Release as well. In somewhat of a compromise the Delegate Committees may contact Staff “for easily obtained information” just as any Delegate may do but both the CEO (Sprung) and the COO (Lyons for now) may serve on the Coordinating Committee. There are more designees than you can shake a stick at as the Board sought to outline A PROTOCOL for DELEGATE STAFF PARTICIPATION! Now then if that’s not an attempt to smooth the feathers of the Delegate Committees so upset over the loss of Staff doing their work for them tell us what is. Now the Delegate Committee members should set up a fund out of the expense monies they pocket and reimburse Staff for doing their job! And this protocol is so very important to the running of AKC—it is??? —That AKC Board has reserved the right to change Staff participation however it MUST first notify the Coordinating Committee before taking such action!! Bollix-whose running the show these pages want to know-the Board or the Delegate Coordinating Committee? Perhaps the Board and the Delegates should have rethought the entire idea and implementation of the Reserve Best in Show award instead of worrying so about having someone else doing the Delegates’ work for which they are more than adequately compensated. After all it was the Delegates whose idea it was to introduce the RBIS—not Staff and that is a given fact thank you very much. 10 Dog News

A UNANIMOUS APPROVAL The Board unanimously approved effective January 1, 2013 insofar as grooming space at dog shows is concerned a policy requiring clubs to offer day of event grooming spaces for which there is no charge. A conformation club may also at its option offer reserved grooming/crate space for a fee. Any club desiring to offer paid reserved grooming space shall submit, with its application to AKC for the holding of such an event, a plan detailing the paid and unpaid space, which is then subject to AKC approval. This contentious move on the part of the Board has resulted in great debate within the Fancy. It has been the contention of these pages that free grooming and crating space is an absolute right and tradition of the sport. Others believe just as strongly that a club has the absolute right to establish its own ground rules when holding a show and if they want to charge they have every right to do so. This is somewhat of a compromise attitude adopted by the Board and while it does not satisfy everyone it at least provides some equity at the shows and offers the participants the right to chose between paid and free grooming areas. THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Two items about which these pages would like to comment are as follows: At long last the Board will at least discuss the appropriate use of Service Dog vests presumably by show dogs as they travel on commercial airlines. This has been one of the pet peeves of these pages and while it has taken much too long for the topic to be raised at all it is gratifying to see that at least some discussion is planned for the future. Also these pages are delighted to see that at very long last Staff has proposed to add the National General Kennel Club (China), to the list of registries with pedigrees acceptable for AKC registration. These pages have been promoting this recognition for NGKC for nearly a decade now to no avail whatsoever. Indeed certain people within Staff are alleged to have linked Dog News’ stand with a monetary payment form the Chinese. Nothing could have been nor ever was further from the truth. As AKC’s then sole partner in establishing a pedigree process it was a matter of principle for these pages with economics having nothing at all to do with it. Of course there have been major personnel changes in NGKC and while we are somewhat both unfamiliar and out of touch with the new people in charge it is more than gratifying to read that at long last such a recognition is under review.


*CC Systems

12 Dog News

Dog News 13



t is quite fascinating how certain words and expressions creep into a “sub-culture” like the dog world, meaning something rather different from what they do outside our little circle. To have an eye for dogs” is something we hope all judges have, but unfortunately it isn’t always proved by what we do or see in the ring! Once ringside with a group of “mixed” background and interest people, one of the dog groupies commented on the performance of the officiating judge, that she was disappointed as she always believed he really had “an eye for dogs” in general and the breed he was judging in particular ! The non-doggy person responded: If he only has “an eye” for dogs, maybe the other one ain’t necessarily of the same standard and that’s the one in use today! Very clever! And to me that immediately solved a number of long unexplained mysteries! ”

Over the years I have been quite impressed by a few people with whom I have walked up to the ringside of a huge class who after one look along the line, have nodded : That’s the one!! It took me a few more seconds, but after a few more seconds I have regretfully had to admit that they probably were right! Maybe I shouldn’t drop their name in it, but I will anyway: The one and only Joe Braddon of the world famous Ide Pointer and Pugs, The Long Suffering Mr. Robert Forsyth, The world Traveling Finnish Phenomenon Hans Lehtinen, my fellow Norwegian Espen Engh (who’s got a return ticket to Westminster next year) and the young Englishman Mike Gadsby! But of course there are also a few ladies on my list: the late Barbara Greenway of Rayfos fame and the Incredible Di Johnson of Dicarl Great Dane fametwo ladies with great eyes and matching personalities whose words were always worth listening to. Mike is one of the world’s most talented breedersand I do have a sneaky suspicion he has the ambition to breed winners in every recognized breed before he leaves this life! And he is well on his way.

By Geir Flyckt-Pedersen 14 Dog News


Well, on a more serious note: Over the years I have spent thousands and thousands of hours discussing all aspects related to dogs, be it showing, breeding, feeding, training, health, movement, temperament, coat, presentation, etc. etc. Every time I think and hope I have learnt something or at least got something new to ponder and wonder about. But however much we talk, I don’t think “having an eye” is something you can learn. I do believe that with a lot of actual judging experience and hands-on sessions, you can learn, train your eye and improve the way you see or judge dogs, but I also believe that there are people born with this Eye. Which of course is unfair!!??

Joe Braddon is sadly no longer with us, but he had one thing in common with the other 4 (don’t worry Bob, I ain’t gonna tell !!!) they all have a phenomenal memory and 3 of them were born into “doggy” families. Mr. Forsyth has told me more about dogs of the past than I can possibly remember. I don’t know if they all have a photographic memory like young Espen (he can probably tell you the pedigree of your grandmother’s Peke in the 1950ies if you so wish), but they all remember dogs they judged, where, when and how they placed them and in most cases why! So could their ability as judges in any way be connected to their exceptional memory or is it due to any kind of “specialized” intelligence?? Just a couple of months ago Mr. Lehtinen was over to judge at Bucks County and I happened to mention that I first showed under him in 1963, whereupon he responded. “Yes, in Stavanger, and you won Best of Breed with a Standard Schnauzer bitch!!” I don’t think he was too impressed at the time, as I vividly remember his comment related to my trimming: “It is not a freaking terrier, she has too much leg-hair!” But we still won- so what the hell. And maybe we created a fashion, as thereafter even other Schnauzers were shown with leg hair, customarily removed. And they look so much better. But I was absolutely astounded by the fact that after 50 years, judging thousand of dog shows, he could remember this insignificant intermezzo! When I mentioned that 3 of them were born into “doggy families” it was because I wonder if this could be a natural genetic disposition (Having an Eye, I mean ) or it was simply because they were introduced to this system from the day they were born?

Personally I never knew what a dog show was until I reached the grand old age of 11, but from then on I ploughed through all dog magazines I could come across (an obsession I still suffer from today), probably looking at tens of thousands of dog photos over the years, which hopefully in addition to practical experience has improved my “vision”! Sitting ringside watching the judging and then reading the critiques was at times rather confusing and even in one of my own breeds, English Cockers, it took me a long time to fully understand what a correct top-line and tailset should be as there was such a huge difference in opinion between as well judges as breeders! When you enter the world of show dogs from the real world, at any age, the whole idea of how to judge dogs, decide which one is better than the other one, is a mystery. In a way I think you can compare it to our life with computers. For those of us who started using these miracu-

Continued on page 78

TOSKYDOX ” GCh. Toskydox Witchy Woman

Our appreciation to Breeder-Judge Dr. Gareth Morgan-Jones

“Wicken” is currently ranked as the Number Three* Smooth Dachshund

Breeder/Owner: Sharon Lutosky Handled by: Lorene Hogan

The Classic Black & Tan Smooth *The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points

Dog News 15

This Past Weekend Back-To-Back Group Firsts and another Best In Show

Multiple All Breed Best In Show Winner National Specialty Best of Breed Winner

Pictured with Judge Mr. Peter Green

Owned by Victor Malzoni, Jr. Hampton Court bred by Kirsi Sainio Helsinki, Finland Handled By Larry Cornelius Marcelo Veras 16 Dog News

American, Finnish, Estonian, Russian International Champion Of Skyeline Captain Hook


Dog News 17


BY Michael Faulkner

Lighter Side of Judging Tomatoes


blistering hot Saturday morning at 7:45 AM, Big Michael walks upstairs to the bedroom, hands me a cup of coffee, and boldly informs, “Katie will be here in forty-five minutes to pick up the furniture we promised her. We (hearing it as I) need to get the leather club chair and ottoman downstairs as soon as possible.” “I am more than happy to help. Can I finish my cup of coffee?” I gently ask, wishing nothing more than to stay in bed with a second cup of coffee---never to face the excruciating summer morning heat---which has already hit 91 degrees with an expected high of one hundred and three. Murphy French, our French Bulldog, pushes himself closer to my side without lifting his large, flat face from between his two front paws---hoping to stay another hour or two in bed. Forcing myself from the confines and comfort of one thousand-thread-count Egyptian sheets, I quickly modify my morning routine and carry the leather ottoman down the narrow stairs--with Murphy French in tow---for Katie’s collection. I deposit the ottoman at the edge of the driveway, while Murphy French relieves himself on the English Boxwood. We return to the house, up the stairs and back into the bedroom to collect the leather club chair. I lift the chair with little struggle, reinforcing my belief that today’s fifty-plus is really the new thirtyfive. Murphy French watches with pride. I step backwards down the narrow steps, balancing the dark leather chair. I manage the first five steps with little concern. “OK….nice and easy. One step at a time – that does it – you’re doing great,” I coach myself. Simultaneously, I instruct Murphy French,“You wait until I hit the bottom before you come down the stairs.” Murphy’s round dark eyes watch with amusement. I hit step number nine---wedging myself and the chair into the corner, unable to move. In an attempt to lift the large chair up over my head,

18 Dog News

I tilt it slightly to the left while managing to snap, twist and twirl my trapezius and latissimus dorsi muscles into total spasm---undermining my perceived super powers and blowing the “New Thirty-Five” myth straight to Hell. Struggling free, I manage to haul the chair the remaining few steps down the stairs, through the hall, through Big Michael’s office, out the door to the edge of the gravel drive, placing it next to the leather ottoman to await Katie’s arrival. Raising my arms above my head, I slowly twist my external abdominal oblique muscles from left to right, in an attempt to survey the damage and stretch at the same time. Relieved that the damage is perceived to be minimal, I restore my Superman cape and assist Big Michael with additional moving projects. Sweat rolls off my forehead, dropping salted beads onto my lower lip, as we lift an old Empire chest of drawers, placing it next to the leather ottoman and leather chair. Our “donate to Katie’s new house pile” is finished with an added metal folding chair, small bookshelf and a large, expandable, heavy wood table. Directing my attention to the digital running-watch wrapped around my left wrist, I start stretching my trapezius, latissimus and oblique muscles. Katie arrives one minute and twenty-one seconds later. I stop stretching, flexing, and assist Big Michael and Katie with the loading of her newly found treasures. After which, I return to the house, hike up the stairs and march straight into the shower for a fresh, cool reprieve. Slowly, I turn in the shower, feeling the cooling comfort, while at the same time looking at my naked body, stressing over the fact I look more and more like my father every day. This unwanted comparison throws every muscle in my body into stress mode--along with the fact Big Michael flushes the downstairs toilet, instantaneously sending a surge of burning hot water down my already over-worked trapezius and latissimus muscles. “Damn it!” I shout, slightly bent over, wincing in pain. I finish rinsing and carefully

step through the parted glass shower doors onto the slate blue colored bath rug. Holding the blue and white striped bath towel in my right hand, I attempt to dry myself off. At first, I try both hands on the towel over the head – the pain is too severe – I try one hand around the back – not going to happen – I attempt to bend over to pat my lower legs and feet dry and scream….“##@#^)(#$!….I need drugs!” I do the best I can, considering the electric shockwaves running through the left side of my back. Fumbling through each of the three vanity drawers, I gather every empty, semi-empty, and half-full prescription bottle that I can locate, ending with five to choose from. I am thrilled when one of the labels speaks aloud, clearly enunciating, “CODEINE!” I press the sides of the circular lid with my right thumb and forefinger, turning the lid and releasing two precious white, elongated super pills. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh – guaranteed to restore my super powers,” I verbally pray, swallowing two of the pills using nothing more than the saliva collected in my mouth. I proceed to lower all six window shades completely, in order to facilitate darkness at 10:55 in the morning. Approaching one of the two windows facing the front of the house, I look out onto the yard and my vegetable garden. I am saddened by the dismal display of growth and the sad appearance of the tomato plants. Half the size they should be, with only a few small green balls hanging from the branches, I drop the shade in shame and retreat to the bed in hopes of pain and heat relief. I slowly sit on the edge of the bed, turn ever so gently to the right, sliding my body carefully onto the bed, without adding additional stress to trapezius and latissimus. Waiting for the drugs to take effect, I gently reach with my left hand for DROID (cell phone) resting on the nightstand. Activated, I enter Codeine in the search tab and press enter. Codeine DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Codeine is a weak narcotic pain-reliever and cough suppressant similar to morphine Continued on page 82

Dog News 19

20 Dog News

Dog News 21

question week

JULY 20, 2012


Arlene and Lowell Davis Mission Circuit Cluster Chairmen We are against the proposal providing 50% free grooming space at dog shows. Our club and our AKC Delegate Anthony Vasquez are against this proposal. We do not believe in providing the space for free and then raising the entry fees to cover the cost of the space. By doing this we would be passing the cost of increased entry fees to people who do not use grooming space, such as people who stay in motor homes, people who have wash and wear dogs and those exhibitors that bathe and groom their dogs at home and just need temporary crating space when they get to the shows. Incorporating the cost of the grooming buildings into the entry fees would make them very high and probably would greatly reduce entries. Each show is unique and each area of the country has its unique situation. This may be a problem in some areas of the country but in Southern California, it depends on the show. You cannot make one rule fit all. Due to the probability of heat, the Mission Circuit rents additional air-conditioned buildings for grooming. We must charge a nominal fee for reserved indoor space to help defray the expense of the building rental. There is free unreserved space in the building. However, if and when space runs out, they must bring their own shade and groom outside the building. All outside grooming is free and unreserved. 22 Dog News


Lesley Hiltz Grooming Space Charges: I certainly do not think that ALL clubs should be forced to charge fees for grooming space in line with the Board stance of allocating 50% free of charge and 50% chargeable space. This is particularly unfair to National Specialties, who may in many cases not be able to afford their venues, if they have to have 50% free grooming space. And the same may apply to small all breeds clubs with smaller entries. Perhaps this rule should be only applicable to those clubs who have entries in excess of 2000 dogs. But basically, I really think it should be left to the individual show giving club to manage their site.

of the

Do you think clubs should charge fees for grooming space or should it be totally free and built into the entry fee or do you agree with the Board stance of allocating 50% free of charge and 50% chargeable space?

Most exhibitors want to have a reserved air-conditioned space in the building. They can leave their equipment and dogs overnight in the buildings knowing it is secure. The specialty clubs rent space and friends get together and rent space. They like this convenience. Additionally, we provide free day of show crating space inside the show building for those that do not need to do any grooming other than brush out their dogs and go into their rings. We would encourage the board not to pass this measure but consider each show as a separate entity with its own unique challenges regarding weather, location, time of year and cost of rental fees. Len Reppond (President, Del Valle Dog Club of Livermore) The cost of putting on a dog show is increasingly more expensive. At the fairgrounds that we use, each building’s rent is determined by its square footage. We also pay for the utilities used in each building. About half of the space is devoted to rings. The other is used primarily for grooming by exhibitors and handlers as well as aisles and spectator seating. Although we are not currently considering the viability of charging for grooming space as costs continue to skyrocket we may have no other choice but to do so. The linking of this to entry fees is somewhat unfair since some breeds require much more grooming than others and therefore more space/ utility use.

Larry Sinclair If a fee is charged, it should be up to each club. All shows are different and the Show Chairperson knows what works best for their club. The costs of buildings and/or grounds are increasing and some clubs feel they need to charge for grooming space to help defray expenses. I don’t feel that clubs are charging more than necessary. Some exhibitors don’t mind paying a fee, most are with power, as they don’t have to worry about arriving early to find a space. If a fee is built into the entry fee, everyone will be paying for a grooming space even those people that don’t need to use one.

Linda More It seems to me that each club should be allowed to decide for itself what works best for that club, its site and its exhibitors. There are many clubs struggling with the costs of getting and retaining decent sites and giving shows, and some depend upon grooming space fees to help defray the costs. If all grooming space were decreed by AKC to be free, that would force clubs to hike all their entry fees simply because they could never charge for reserved space – which some exhibitors do not want and would not pay for if they had a choice. I find the Board 50-50 stance more rational, but am always skeptical of a “one size fits all” mandate with a prescribed formula. I wonder if there was any survey done to provide data on how many clubs charge, and if so, for what percentage of their available space, and whether available space – both free and paid – is in fact fully utilized by the exhibitors. Without such information, how can one conclude that a 50-50 regulation is either necessary or appropriate? Larry Sorenson The management and fiscal decisions of the dog show should be in the hands of the show and/or cluster chairpersons. Certainly, the best utilization of the facility is a local decision based on each location’s special needs and accommodations. All exhibitors are as equally important and their need for space is important to the overall success of their day at the dog show. However, the needs of the new exhibitor, the exhibitor that only entered one day and the owner handler with only one or two dogs MUST be a primary concern. Grooming space and the quality of the area is an important contribution to the satisfaction of all exhibitors’ day at the show. I have no problem with the charging for reserved grooming space, but free quality space must also be provided on an open opportunity basis. The percentage ratio is a local matter. The valuable AKC Field Reps are the individuals on the scene that can handle the details for the few clubs and clusters that may need additional guidance. Dog News 23

4 Days in Santa Barbara 4 ALL-BREED SHOWS

& our 4th Annual Breeders Showcase sponsored by Simi Valley Kennel Club - Friday August 24, 2012 Santa Barbara Kennel Club - Sunday August 26, 2012 Breeder’s Showcase - Saturday August 25, 2012

Santa Barbara Kennel Club - Saturday August 25, 2012 Conejo Kennel Club - Monday August 27, 2012 Foreign Bred Competition - Sunday August 26, 2012

Bullyganzga – Saturday –August 25, 2012

Art Work by Artistic Impressions by Terry d. Chacon

Our 4th annual Breeder’s Showcase is for you the Breeder. You don’t have to own either dog – just be the breeder(s). You don’t have to show either dog – anyone can. This is designed for you the Breeder to showcase your breeding program Also join us for dinner on Saturday night compliments of our patrons For further information: Please visit out website – (includes Breeder’s Showcase entry blanks) or contact one of the people below Breeder’s Showcase info: Desi Murphy – or Connie Miller – 269-375-8856 SBKC Show Chairman – Anita O’Berg – 805-685-5838 Superintendent: Jack Bradshaw – Dog News 23

24 Dog News

Dog News 25

BY Sari Brewster Tietjen


The Delegates to the American Kennel Club hold four meetings a year – two in the New York City area, one in Raleigh (at least this year) and one on conjunction with the AKC/Eukanuba dog show.With over 600 member clubs eligible to send designated representatives or delegates to the meetings, the attendance in recent years has been historically low from the lower 300s to a high in the upper 300s.This poor attendance has been blamed on a variety of factors, but the cost to attend and lack of major decisions to be made are usually the main reasons.


or example, this past June’s meeting was held in Raleigh, NC (home of AKC’s back offices). Although not mentioned in the official online minutes, it has been reported that approximately 320 delegates attended. Those attending heard a variety of reports (all of which could have been emailed to them), viewed a video on legislation, listened to the reading of various amendments to the Dog Show Rules (which are also published online), and verbally requested that the AKC Board reconsider and change its 50% policy for unpaid grooming space. They also voted, unanimously, to permit Superintendents and Show Secretaries to correct entries upon verification by AKC. The meeting started at 10 AM and adjourned at 11:30 AM. There was nothing raised or discussed at this hour and a half meeting that could not have been done either online or put off to another meeting if the Delegates choose to amended and modernize the Bylaws to permit online meetings and/or fewer meetings. If one considers the cost involved for the average Delegate to attend, which has been estimated to be about $1000 a meeting (transportation, lodging, meals, time away from work, home care), the cost to AKC for meeting rooms, meals, staff time, and a separate fee to Delegate Committees members, as well as expenses for Directors, the tally adds up to a considerable amount for one meeting which could have been handled differently if the Delegates would look upon

26 Dog News

meetings as a business necessity and not a social get-together. It is no wonder that attendance is relatively low considering the size of the Delegate Body – there is usually very little of importance to vote on that could not wait until, for instance, the Annual Meeting. In years past, all major votes were held at the Annual Meeting, which always drew the largest percentage of Delegates in attendance and at which members of AKC’s Board of Directors were elected. It has been written many times by me and others that the Delegates need to step up to the plate and think about the Delegate Body with a business mind. It needs to revamp the eligibility requirements for who can and cannot serve as a member club’s representative; to become more inclusive to all of the different elements of participation under AKC’s umbrella; to alter the Board of Directors to include various participants; to modernize the meetings to embrace online media and conference calls for Delegate Committees; to adopt changes that take under consideration the needs for the different areas of AKC events; and to make an “in person” meeting more meaningful and viable. By adopting changes such of those referenced above, the Delegate Body would truly be more representative and inclusive, more vibrant and consequential, and have more value and meaning. There is much the Delegates can do and accomplish, but so much of what is done today is basically treading

water with a “bone” being thrown in from time to time. The Delegate Committees are generally referenced as being a place where Delegates can let off steam and make suggestions that go nowhere without aggressive intervention. And the actual Delegate Meetings – unless there is a significant vote to take place – are viewed as a waste of time and money by many Delegates. Given the economic conditions of the country, of AKC and of individuals, why do Delegates and their clubs (including those who pay all or part of their Delegate expenses) insist on maintaining the status quo, of not taking steps to revitalize and reinvigorate the Delegate body, and of continuing to ignore the needs of all dog fanciers? Who knows - only that it is easier to tackle simple issues than the hard ones, to maintain a status quo rather than to stir the pot, and to be contented with a feeling of importance and value without fulfilling the true goal of the organization. The Delegate Body can be a very vital part of AKC’s governance and its members can perform a valuable duty to both the organization and the clubs they represent. Let’s encourage those members to take the steps necessary to embrace the 21st Century and embody all aspects of our sport and our beautiful dogs. Let’s make this Sleeping Giant the true embodiment of the Representative arm of the American Kennel Club as envisioned by our forefathers!

Dog News 27


CJ’s Petits proudly Introduces our young Fairchild son

Our sincere appreciation to Judge Ms. Rita J. Biddle, ESQ. for this exciting Group win

GCh. Celestial CJ’s All’s Well

Breeders Jeanne & Charles Hurty Pamela & Joseph Helmer 28 Dog News

Owners Jeanne & Charles Hurty Lynne & Mark Florian Pamela Helmer

Proudly Presented By Greg Strong, AKC RHP (410) 822-2187 Nick Viggiano Sara Miller

“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves.� - Wm. Shakespeare

That Ends Well



n a world filled with increasing hostility and “family feuds” spilling over into dogs and dog clubs, our sport still offers shining examples of what can be accomplished when people work together for the good of the order. Two recent weekends we were privileged to attend did just that! The Crackerbarrel Cluster in Wrentham, MA and the Summer Solstice Cluster in Cambridge, MN each featured two clubs working together with cohesive teamwork that provided the best of everything to exhibitors, handlers, judges and spectators as well as dogs! The clubs involved were Hockamock and Wampanoag in MA and Anoka and Cambridge in MN. Club presidents and show chair-

Inside The Sport men as well as numerous other club personnel cheerfully cooperated with one another and did everything possible to welcome all attendees. The New England shows work closely with the local community to draw muchneeded potential newcomers to our sport by staging a “mini-dog show” the day before the shows for clients and friends of the Wrentham Developmental Center where the Crackerbarrel Fairgrounds are located. Local interest in the shows held

30 Dog News

in the peaceful New England countryside was evident throughout the area. Wendy Willhauck is the guiding force associated with the Crackerbarrel Cluster, a job she has held for about thirty years. One of the great things about having a designated leader stay in office is they know exactly how to make things run smoothly. The MN Cluster chairman, Wayne Harmon, is also an experienced motivator able to achieve the same successful results. Since both of these club

officers are also judges, they know how to deal with a wide variety of situations adding to their contributions to the efficiency of the shows. Named for the spacious Fairgrounds where the shows are held, the Crackerbarrel event is a joint venture of the Hockamock Kennel Club and the Wampanoag Kennel Club, a pair of clubs that trace their names to early Native Americans.

Continued on page 86


“KENNY” Top 5* All-Breed

Thank you Judges Ms. Bonnie Linnell Clarke and Mrs. Maria Gutierrez-Otero for these Back-to-Back Group Placements. Breeder Dr. Valerie Seeley

Owners Gary & Pat Knutson

Handler Shea Beck, assisted by Tanja Bayes *Great Pyrenees, The Dog News Top Ten List

Dog News 31

A nother G roup F irst


h t u r a l l A . h C G Gold V Sole Baye g n i d d i K t s Ju

ole Baye S v D L O XIE G ruth PI lla A . h Dam: C

ST H A TWI T I W L E RM LINE’S CA HI . h C : e r Si

“Justin” is Co-Owned By Ruth Ziegler - “Allaruth” and Yvonne B. Phelps - “Sole Baye” Los Angeles and El Monte, California 310 472-7993 • 626 448-3424 32 Dog News

Handled Exclusively By Bergit & Hans Kabel Assisted by Nanae Murayama and Camille Bakker

Thank you to Breed and Group Judge Mrs. Mildred Bryant Oklahoma City Kennel Club

Dog News 33

July 20, 2012 Del Monte Kennel Club - Saturday & Sunday English Setter GCh. Oakley’s B’Dazzled Judge Miss Dorothy Macdonald Judge Mr. Jay Richardson Owners Donald and Georjean Jensen, Erik and Jennifer Strickland Handler Tara Schultz Battle Creek Kennel Club-Sunday Basset Hound GCh. Topsfield-Sanchu Eenie Meenie Miney Moe Judge Mrs. Linda Scanlon Owners-Claudia Orlandi & Claire “Kitty” Steidel Handler-Bryan Martin Blackhawk Kennel Club Kishwaukee Kennel Club 2 Standard Poodle GCh. Jaset’s Satisfaction Judge Dr. Robert D. Smith Judge Mrs. Gloria Geringer Owners- Michele Molnar & Jamie Danburg Handler- Ann Rairigh Green Mountain Kennel Club Lakeland Terrier GCh. Larkspur Acadia Save Me A Spot Judge Ms. Bonnie Linnell Clarke Owners Tony Barker, Susan Fraser and Maria Sacco Handler RC Carusi Kishwaukee Kennel Club English Setter Ch. Stargazr ‘N Wingfield Time Will Tell Judge Dr. Sylvia Kerr Owner Don And Pat Coller and Eileen Hackett Handler Eileen Hackett Duluth Kennel Club - Sunday German Shepherd Dog GCh. Babheim’s Captain Crunch Judge Mrs. Paula Hartinger Owners Deborah Stern, Janet Lange, Carlos Navarro, Maria Deschamps Handler James Moses Jupiter-Tequesta Kennel Club - Sunday Skye Terrier Ch. Of Skyeline Captain Hook Judge Mrs. Wanda Spediacci Owner Victor Malzoni, Jr. Handler Larry Cornelius

Bests Week of the

Woodstock Dog Club Samoyed GCh. McMagic’s Candied Ham of Pebbles Run Judge Mr. Edd E. Bivin Owners Amy Kiell-Green, Andrew Green, Patricia McCallum Handler Andrew Green Bexar County Kennel Club - Friday & Sunday Comal County Kennel Club - Saturday Great Dane GCh. Longo-Miller-Lore’s Diamond Lil Judge Mrs. Michele Billings Judge Ms. Marjorie Martorella Judge Mr. Dana Cline Owners Tootie Longo, Dave & Jay Miller, Lorraine Matherly & Col. Chuck Crawford Handler Laura Lynn Coomes

Riverhead Kennel Club Xoloitzcuintli Ch. Bayshore’s Giorgio Armani Judge Mrs. Carol Reisman Owners J. Frank Baylis, Lynda Hylton and Tracie Johnson Handler Gwen DeMilta Kennilworth Kennel Club of Connecticut Grand River Kennel Club German Wirehaired Pointer GCh. Mt. View’s Ripsnorter Silver Charm Judge Mrs. Ann Hearn Judge Mrs. Elaine Lessig Owner Victor Malzoni, Jr. Handler Phil Booth Jupiter-Tequesta Dog Club I - Saturday Miniature Pinscher GCh. Marlex Classic Red Glare Judge Ms. Carol Graham Owners Leah Monte & Armando Angelbello Handler Armando Angelbello Continued on page 99

To report an AKC All Breed Best In Show or National Specialty Win Call, Fax or Email before 12:00 Noon Tuesday. Fax: 212 675-5994 • Phone: 212 462-9588• Email:

34 Dog News

Dog News 35

36 Dog News

Dog News 37

ASKED OF regina keiter


What person do you most look

forward to seeing at the dog shows?

The person with the red, white and blue rosette.

If you could change one thing at the dog shows what would it be?

That things go back as they used to be. What is your greatest extravagance?

Born: wilkes barre, pennsylvania

wintering in sanibel island.

Reside: saylorsburg, pennsylvania

Married: attached.

What do you dislike most about your

10 appearance? my butt.

If you were stranded on a desert

island, what three things would you

What dog person would you like to see

want to have with you?

on ‘Dancing With The Stars’?

iphone, jay, & A/C.

charlie olvis.

When and where are you the

If you were to have a tattoo, what


would it be of?

at home playing with the dogs.

i wouldn’t do a tattoo.

Other people think I am? A bitch.

What would be your last request?

that people thought i had integrity.

38 Dog News


Agarn Agarnoff

Presented by Carmen Skinner and Gerard Hughes Bred by Elena Siegman and Olga Frey Owned by Elena Siegman Rockydell French Bulldogs candid photos by Ethan & Co

Dog News 39

Best in Specialty Show, Multiple Group Placing

GCh. Ha’Penny Mirimar

Our sincere appreciation to Judge Mr. Thomas A. Kilcullen for this Group honor

Owners Michele Marini Mrs. J. Richard Schneider Victoria Null

40 Dog News

Bred By Diana and Erick Jensen and J. Richard Schneider

Presented By Greg Strong, AKC RHP (410)822-2187 Nicholas Q. Viggiano Sarah Miller

Deja As You Like It

s u o l u ” “ Phab e b e Ph

Dog News 41

Rare Breeds of the world by Agnes Buchwald



lways interested in any dog breed, I subscribe to several magazines, and read regularly the official clubs’ home pages communications and articles. Knowing about my interest, a German friend called my attention on a note of she read in a local dog magazine about a breed she had never heard of before. Curious I went after the novelty called Biewer Terrier ( a la pom-pon). The breed was developed in Germany. This country’s contribution to the world’s cultural heritage is numerous, and is deservedly nicknamed as The Land of Poets and Thinkers - a power house of geniuses. Dog breeds developed in this country are so numerous that a great percentage of the pure bred dogs were developed there including the new Biewer Terrier. Werner and Gertrud Biewer began their work precisely in Hirschfeld bei Elsterwerda, a German municipality in the northeastern state Brandenburg. The town is located in the administrative district Elbe-Elster and has a population of 1,367 people. The capital city Berlin is approximately 128 km (79.3 miles) away from Hirschfeld. We know that many fanciers around the world for some reason decide to develop a different, unusual, and totally new breed - sometimes those breeds

42 Dog News

are built with such dedication and patience from a gifted person that when it is finally accepted by the dog world their own name tends to be the breed’s name as well (Her Doberman is a good example). This also is the case of the Biewer Terrier. These attractive little dogs first appeared in 1984, only 26 years ago, but captivated already the hearts of thousands of people. So much this is true that there are many clubs over the whole world (USA included) working hard with and for them. Researching the Biewer is kind of complicated because some breeder groups and associations do not agree on several points concerning the selection on the breed’s building. The best thing-I decided- was to search for individuals who took charge over guiding and enlightening fanciers in the USA - the ones interested in the correct selection of these attractive dogs. When I contacted Mrs. Gayle Pruett, former president (2006 to 2010 the President for this term is Mrs. Ilona Shankin) of the Biewer Terrier Club of America, I was sure that I had found the most trustable and knowledgeable person to properly introduce the BT to our dear readers. The Biewer is a result of a German Yorkshire Terrier puppy born in January of 1984 with a great amount of white patterning throughout his coat. This different coat colored baby dog was born at the home of Werner and Gertrud Biewer, longtime dedicated Yorkshire Terrier breeders. The Biewers

decided that the puppy (Scheefloeckchen von Friedheck), would be the base of their new breeding program and established which at the beginning was only a dream. Mrs. Pruett attended my invitation, and she did it passionately, eager to talk to the fancy, and introduce to us her world, which is from the morning to night the Biewer Terrier. In her exposition our readers can feel the seriousness, unselfishness and dedication of the club board of directors orienting to members the correct approach toward the future of the Biewer Terrier in the US. The Journey of the Biewer Yorkshire Terrier to the Biewer Terrier. The story of the Biewer Terrier is a mystery to say the least. When we first set our eyes on these little beauties via the Internet, we were fascinated by their beauty and story. The first Biewer Yorkshire Terrier was brought to America around midyear of 2003, although the big interest in breeding started in 2004 and 2005. The story that came along with the breed was more of a fairy tale than that of true history. With the introduction of the Biewer Terrier to America, there has been much speculation about its heritage. We were all told that the breed developed by Mr. and Mrs. Biewer was that of a Yorkshire Terrier. The story begins one early morning, January 20th, 1984, when a black and white puppy was born;

she was named Schneeflocken von Friedheck. Unbeknownst to the Biewers, at that time, this would be the beginning of one of the most controversial breeds on Earth. Mr. Biewer spent 5 years selectively breeding his dogs until he was able to establish and breed true to a standard uniquely the Biewer Breed. The dogs were then registered as Biewer Yorkshire Terrier a la Pom Pon with ACH. In 1989 when Mr. Biewer signed the standard for this wonderful new breed, it was that of the Yorkshire Terrier with the coloring being White-Blue-Gold. Mr. Biewer kept a close reign on the Biewer breeding programs in Germany, so their quality breeding dogs were hard to come by and quite costly. Mr. Biewer became ill in 1984 and the decisions of the breeding program became the sole responsibility of Mrs. Biewer. Caring for her husband was a full time job and she slowly phased out their breeding program. In Feb. of 2006 Gayle Pruett, President of the BTCA, Inc., contacted the Mars Corporation (http://www.wisdompanelpro. com/breedinfo/breedsdetected. html) for help in determining whether this breed was truly a Yorkshire Terrier of a different Continued on page 88

Dog News 43



n July 2nd this column addressed the topic of the AKC Gazette. There were five basic questions asked of those of you who read this column. I also published the questions on the Delegates’ chat line. I promised to inform those good enough to respond what the results have been. Here are the questions and the number of responses to each question. I will also include a few representative answers from those who took the time to express their feelings and offer suggestions. There were 59 individual responses, with 166 overall answers to the questions.

1. Do you log on to the digital AKC Gazette? Yes 4 No 23 Only occasionally 10


2. How many of your club members regularly look at or download the AKC Gazette? Yes 2 No 12 Rarely 13

3. Would you be interested in reviving the AKC Gazette in its former version? Yes 26 No 2 4. Would you be in favor of having a choice of logging onto the AKC Gazette in email or PDF format or receiving a copy in the mail? PDF 4 Print 24 Choice 2 5. What would you be willing to pay for a monthly printed version of the AKC Gazette. $30 1 40 3 50 3 60 10 17 other ($75 - $100) (a few dollars) Nothing 2 Here are a few of the comments I received. “I want the Gazette in print with those fantastic covers...The fact that AKC wants us to subscribe to Family Pet is ridiculous. Do they seriously believe that publication is better than the Gazette? Raise the price a few dollars.” “Sooner or later AKC has to give us something that WE want, instead of what they think we want.” “I always took my copies to the magazine rack of the local, main library in (my town). Within minutes, someone had picked it up. Based on my experience, the Gazette was an important publication from AKC, with readership they have now lost.”

“I subscribed to the Gazette for over 20 years. I loved it. I could take it with me to shows and during down time, or read it in the bathtub! I am on dialup and have no interest in waiting hours for the Gazette to download, so I ended my subscription. I miss it a lot. I would subscribe again to a print version in a heartbeat!” “I often took my printed copy with me to places that required some sit and wait time. This survey would be appropriate for Delegates receiving Perspectives.” “We paid for the Gazette for over 40 years. We would be happy to pay for the subscription again.” “Instead of sending out the AKC Gazette once a month, if the AKC could send out selective articles in the Gazette one or two days a week. These would be in articles that would be in the larger once a month version. They could also include the breed columns and spread them out over the month. And of course advertising.” “I have not looked at it since it became an online version.” “I have tried reading the electronic version of the Gazette but found it blurry on my computer screen regardless of how I attempted to open the articles.” “Why don’t they simply accept ads like the other canine publications before taking the drastic step of going strictly on the website?” “I have been in deep personal mourning ever since the powers that be at AKC first, closed down the library (more or less). Then making the Gazette go “online” was a further slap in the face of those of us who have supported the AKC over the years.” “I wonder if they realize that they have cut off the ONLY regular correspondence they had with many of their most ardent supporters.” “I don’t mind the computer (drowning in magazines here) but I know a lot of people do.” “Delegates should pay for their subscriptions.” “This discussion of the Gazette illustrates one of the most serious problems AKC faces. The inability to embrace technology and deal with the changes facing our sport...Why would we want to take a step backward to a print magazine when the future is a digital world. If you are desperate for a printed copy download the file, take it to Kinkos and have them print it for you. It’s time to move on...It’s time to get rid of the paper forms. We have bigger problems to solve.” “It would seem that the AKC could look into taking orders for subscriptions and printing only the amount of magazines for the number of subscriptions. Let the Gazette readers have a choice.” “There must be a way to publish a printed version a few times a year in order to include informative articles and pictures. The rest of the time we could fulfill the bylaws requirements with an online version.” Thank you to all who took the time to respond to this little exercise.

Comments 44 Dog News

Dog News 45

Turning the heat up in Cumberland, Maine Four Group Firsts and Two Best In Shows

Judge Mr. Robert Stein

Judge Mrs. Nancy Liebes

Judge Mr. Dana

Judge Mr. Houston Clark

P. Cline

Judge Ms. Peggy Beisel-McIlwaine

GCh. Whistlestop’s Riley On Fire The #One* Irish Water Spaniel All Breed and a Top Twenty**Sporting Dog *The Dog News Top Ten List **C.C. System

46 Dog News

n O s in One weekend! Riley’ ! e r i F Our appreciation to the Judges

Best In Show #4

Judge Mrs. Nancy Liebes

Best In Show #5 Judge Mr. Houston Clark

Owned By: Gregory Siner - Poole’s Ide Irish Water Spaniels Owned By: Tom and Bethany Urban - Issaquah, Washington Handled by: Rick and Jenny Krieger, PHA Assisted by Joann Thibault Bred By: Colleen McDaniel and Stacy Duncan Dog News 47

APHIS Redux By Carlotta Cooper

Many of you have been closely following the APHIS rulemaking process since it was announced on May 15. For those of you who haven’t been, and just to catch everyone up, here is where we currently stand.


t almost the 11th hour on the Friday before the Monday, July 16th deadline for comments, APHIS extended the deadline until August 15. We now how a few more weeks to make persuasive arguments that this wrongheaded effort to regulate breeders should be scrapped. You can make comments directly to the APHIS site through this link: <http://www.!documentDetail;D=AP HIS-2011-0003-0001> The Sportsmen’s and Animal Owners’ Voting Alliance is putting together an opposition list to the proposed APHIS rules. They will be sending this list to Washington DC when their lobbyist meets with congressmen at the end of the month. The deadline to add your club, state organization, business, or self to this list is July 30. You can be added to this list by sending a brief message of opposition signed by an officer of your organization to Susan Wolf at cubhill@ Scores of parent clubs and kennel clubs have already signed. <> If APHIS will not listen to breeders, perhaps pressure from Congress will do some good. Each of these clubs represents dozens, even hundreds of people who vote, something that legislators care about, even if APHIS doesn’t. The AKC’s petition to oppose the APHIS rules is still active, as of this writing, and has about 66,000 signatures. Isn’t that amazing! The petition was to close on July 15 so it could be delivered to APHIS prior to the end of comments. I don’t know how long it will remain open now that the comment period has been extended, but if you haven’t signed it, please do. < petitions/join-with-the-akc-to-protectresponsible-small-breeders.html> The petition will only count as one comment to APHIS, but it is a powerful indicator of the unity of AKC’s breeders, buyers, and supporters. The petition DOES make a difference. HSUS is also collecting signatures on petitions and we need to show that we have numbers, too. The AKC has been attacked directly by HSUS on several occasions during this rulemaking process and on each occasion they have responded in a strong,

48 Dog News

dignified manner. They have shown that they are, and WE are, the experts when it comes to knowing and caring for dogs. HSUS has stooped to sending a troop of Girl Scouts from Maryland to the office of the Secretary of Agriculture and having the girls send a letter to the AKC claiming that the “AKC is mean to puppies” in order to try to get the AKC to change their opposition to the rules. As the AKC explained, “one-size-fits-all” rules are not in the best interest of dogs. AKC has a routine inspection program in place and they have inspected more than 55,000 kennels that register AKC dogs since 2000. No other registry has such a program, and they enhanced their Care and Conditions of Dogs policy at the recent April board meeting. If or when inspectors find signs of cruelty, the situation is reported to the proper local, state, and/ or federal authorities, as they should be. Through the Canine Health Foundation, Companion Animal Recovery, and parent club and other rescue programs, the AKC is the leader in caring for dogs. In terms of animal welfare, the AKC does more for dogs than any other organization in the United States, bar none. That hasn’t stopped HSUS from attacking and lying online. They are also lying in the media about the proposed APHIS rules and what their impact would be. (I have a blog for Tennessee pet laws and I know that HSUS people have been trying to post messages about the proposed rules that are flatly inaccurate and misleading. Those messages are moderated and never posted. Likewise, they have not been posted by others with pet law blogs.) HSUS shills are out in force trying to tell the public and others that you can keep dogs in your home under the proposed rules, for instance. This is based on something that was written in the revised fact sheet that was posted by APHIS a few weeks ago in which they stated that your home could be considered your “primary enclosure.” Pardon me while I laugh here. The only way that your home could be considered your “primary enclosure” under the APHIS-AWA regulations is if you set aside a basement or some other room in your house that can be sterilized to 180 degrees and which has no sharp edges

anywhere. (Can you sterilize your carpets? Hose down your hardwood floors? Do you have Venetian blinds in your rooms?) Any room your dogs inhabit would be subject to unannounced USDA inspections. If you raise puppies in your bedroom, you would have APHIS inspectors in there. So, if you want to live in a kennel and have unannounced visits from government inspectors, then sure, I guess these rules won’t bother you at all. Don’t believe anything posted by these HSUS mouthpieces who are just trying to get into your home and stop all dog breeding. Currently there are about 9000 comments on the APHIS site and there are more comments opposed to the APHIS proposed rules than for them. The comments opposed to the rules are also of much better quality. Many of the comments in favor of the rules read like, “I hate puppy mills! I support these rules.” And “Shame on the AKC.” There are many “Me, too” type comments and they aren’t very smart. They do not show any familiarity with what is actually in the proposed rules. However, HSUS claims that they have another 100,000 comments to deliver. Whether you believe that or not, and whether they are any better than the comments in favor of the rules so far, is anyone’s guess. Comments from breeders, parent clubs, and others opposing the rules have been excellent, for the most part. They show a much deeper understanding of the proposed rules and how they would impact breeders and their dogs. But more comments are needed, so please continue to post. You have until August 15. No one knows what it will take to make APHIS drop these rules, or if that is possible, but we need to keep writing. If you have questions about the proposed rules there are many good places to look online for more information. You can check the AKC resource page: <> SAOVA has an entire page of information: < html> with links. NAIA has information: <> And there are many good articles and blog posts online. Please keep writing. If these proposed rules are passed, our rarer breeds could disappear and the quality of the remaining breeds will be seriously hurt. We need to stop these rules.

Dog News 49



n its purest form, the ultimate objective of Schutzhund historically, and International Pruefungsordnung (IPO) as it is called now, is the development of the relationship between dog and owner such that the rapport between the two makes the dog a wonderful, lifetime companion. Many are unaware of this and mistakenly conclude that dogs trained in the sport behave aggressively toward people and thus are vicious. No doubt, that’s because of the negative connotation attached to the German word Schutzhund which means protection work, i.e., one phase of the sport involves a dog gripping and holding onto a padded sleeve worn by a Helper. (The Helper plays the role of the criminal.)

Schutzhund becomes IPO Due to the implementation of breed specific laws banning so called “fighting” breeds in many countries and the pejorative connotation of the word Schutzhund, the Verband für das Deutsche Hundewesen (VDH), the German National Kennel Club, changed the name Schutzhund to Vielseitigkeitsprüfung für Gebrauchshunde (VPG), or Multi-Faceted Examination for Working Dogs, in 2004. The VDH changed the name again to IPO in 2012. As a result, the rules for the sport changed as well. IPO rules are governed by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)

Navigator is pictured about to retrieve a dumbbell over the scaling wall. Photo by Martha Hunt.

50 Dog News

After retrieving the dumbbell on the flat, Navigator returns to Helen Gleason and sits in front of her with it in his mouth. This exercise is part of the Obedience Phase. Photo by Martha Hunt.

and differed somewhat from those of Schutzhund. In 2004, the rules for the two came closer together and, in 2012, they became identical. (Note: For internal purposes, the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV), the German National Club for the German Shepherd Dog, decided it would keep the Schutzhund designation in 2004 despite the above. But, as of 2012, the name Schutzhund disappeared entirely and there is only IPO. Both the SV and the Deutsche Hundesportverband [DHV], the German Working Dog Association, now only use IPO.) Unfortunate connotation Far from encouraging aggressive behavior, IPO is a performance event that tests a dog’s character, intelligence, courage and athleticism. Schutzhund, its predecessor, was developed in Germany in the early 1900s to evaluate which German Shepherd Dogs were suitable for breeding in an effort to preserve the breed’s working ability. Historically, Schutzhund Trials were held to ensure that breeding stock passed on the most desirable traits to future German Shepherd Dogs destined to work as police, military, and search and rescue dogs. Given the above, it’s unfortunate that a negative connotation was attached to the sport due to its name historically when, in fact, dogs titled in Schutzhund in the past and those now titled in IPO are among the most temperamentally reliable. “The minute any of my nine grandchildren arrive at my house, they ask me to let my dogs out so they can play with them,” Helen Gleason says. “I always do so without hesitation. I know that my dogs, all of

which have earned advanced level Schutzhund titles in the past and IPO titles now, are the safest, most temperamentally reliable dogs that my grandchildren--or anyone’s children—could be around. That’s because the mind of a Schutzhund/ IPO trained dog is carefully shaped and developed with a very precise training program.” In the past, Gleason’s American bred dog, PAM V-CH. Nocturne’s Navigator KKl 1life, SchH 3, CDX, NA, NAJ,AD, BH , “a”, OFA Normal, earned the most advanced title in the sport, a SchH 3 and also went on to become an American Kennel Club Breed Champion. Gleason, who is an AKC Conformation Judge as well, imported two German-bred dogs, a male and a female, that earned the advanced titles of SchH 3, IPO 3, Agility Excellent, Agility Excellent Jumpers, Utility Dog, KKL1 for life titles and were the foundation stock for her second entry into the breeding of German Shepherd Dogs in the early 2000’s. Her first litter was whelped in 1969 and she limited her breeding to one or two litters per year until she started judging in 1985. Gleason then took a break from whelping litters until 2002. “While protection work may look ferocious, it’s just a big game to the dogs,” she says. “Just as accelerant, narcotics and explosives detection is a game for the specially trained dogs that search for them so they’ll be rewarded with a tennis ball, likewise, IPO trained dogs think ‘Yippee’ whenever they see a padded sleeve come out. That’s because sleeve work is the most fun thing these

Navigator, a SchH 3 titled German Shepherd Dog, pictured with his young friend, Sean Hunt. Photo by Martha Hunt.

PAM V-CH. Nocturne’s Navigator, KKl 1life, SchH 3, CDX, NA, NAJ,AD, BH , “a”, OFA Normal shown finishing his American Kennel Club Breed Championship with handler James Moses under Judge Barbara Woefel Lopez. Helen Gleason is Navigator’s breeder/owner/ handler/trainer. Linda Bankhead is his co-owner. Photo by Cary C. Manaton.

dogs do all day. They’re continuously praised, but they also like the push and pull and the give and take that sleeve work involves.” Here’s how the IPO protection work “game” is carefully shaped to ensure total handler control from the beginning. “We start them out playing tug of war with a strip of burlap when they’re puppies,” Gleason says. “Then, we run with the burlap strip hanging out of our pocket and encourage the puppies to run after us and grab it. We look for high ball drive in the youngsters because, after that, we start playing ball with them. When the ball is retrieved and they bring it back, we ask that they give it back gently and quietly when we say the word ‘Out.’ Later, when the dog works with the Helper during protection work and it hears the word ‘Out,’ the dog knows it means disengage.” Profile of an IPO trained dog “In order for a dog to earn even a beginning level IPO title, it must have a strong character. That means it isn’t bothered by loud sounds, sudden movements and has the ability to adapt to any situation. It must get along with other dogs, other kinds of animals and people. It must be capable of solving problems, willing to work and have a lot of ball drive,” Gleason says. It’s also imperative the dog be physically sound. Because adult dogs sometimes are picked up off of the ground by their teeth when gripping the padded sleeve during the Protection Work Phase, they should have a good bite, strong jaws, strong neck muscles and a strong back. Good ligamentation and balanced movement also are desirable. Continued on page 92

Dog News 51

BY Sharon Newcomb

MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!!!!! I am hoping that some of you will want to “have a conversation about dogs,” share your knowledge, and teach all of us to be better dog people.


t has dawned on me that we spend as much time complaining about the judging as we do being students and trying to do a better job. Complaining is not making anything better. This column is about “learning” and doing things in a positive way to improve our sport. Do you have a point to make? Just want to get something off your chest about the way your breed is judged? Want to talk about the way an entry was handled? Will it educate a novice? Will it help your breed be better judged? E-mail me and as long as it is positive and informative it will be printed, with or without your name. (Your choice.) Let’s get busy and make it better. MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!! And have fun talking dogs while we are doing it. BICHON / HAVANESE & TIBETAN TERRIERS It is important to keep the different breed specific for the different Bichon Breeds. (Bichon, Havanese, Coton De Tulear, Bolognese.) I really like to see a Havanese I can tell on a glance that is a Havanese. Keep in mind that the Tibetan Terrier is a working dog from Tibet and it should not be elegant. Anne-Catharine Onelsrud, Norway PAPILLON In Papillon, as any breed, beauty is nothing without a brain. Please don’t reward bad temperament. Ulnka A Johansson Sweden Judges need to look closer at the teeth and bite and don’t put up dogs with bad temperament. Sandra Kristensen No Deal Papillons Norway Judges on Papillons/Phalenes need to prioritize quality of the coat (silky) and the dogs need well arched, higher tail sets. Erling Rasmussen No Deal Papillons Norway FRENCH BULLDOGS Judges should pay more attention to outlines and reward underjaw, up sweep of underjaw, cushion, and width. When you judge, be humble. Fred Peddie, Canada

52 Dog News

LHASA APSO Lhasas should always be longer than tall. NEVER SQUARE! Bobbie Wood PUGS Compact, cobby, must have pigmentation, high tail set, important to look at the silhouette -- judge the whole dog. Beth Enstom, Sweden NEWFOUNDLANDS / PORTUGUESE WATER DOGS Get under the coat on both breeds. Where they go wrong: Newfoundlands, long and low. Portuguese Water Dogs, too long or too tall. They should be balanced. The standards call for both of these breeds to be “slightly longer than tall.” Debra Thornton BRUSSELS GRIFFON Judge your dog based on the standard, not your preference. The breed is losing the defining characteristics, the substance, the shortness of back, the cobbiness, the upward sweep of underjaw. Jeff Kestner / Jeff Bazell St. Johns Griffons CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL Remember the standard states the breed is to be untrimmed. Burk Hughes PUGS AND KEESHOND, SHIH TZU Never tolerate obvious altering of color. Jackie Breazeale BOUVIER DES FLANDRES Never put up a Bouvier that has been over sculpted. The standard Specifically calls for no over – trimming. Allow the dogs to have fun! Blurbs (to be used at the bottom of a column, one a week.) No dog has as many faults as a good dog. Diane Anderson Don’t expect robots!!! Let them be naughty occasionally. Jackie Breazeale WHIPPETS Please don’t expect ears to be up all the time. Don’t drop something directly in front of them to get ears. The outline of the dog is so important. Lori Wilson

Dog News53

54 Dog News



Dog News 55 *All Systems **CC System

Well as the saying goes, “chasing your tail gets you nowhere except for back to where you started!� I think this is apparent nowhere more than at dog shows here in the True North. As we head into the heavy dog show season here in the summer we are seeing a trend continue. That trend is dwindling entries.


n the areas where there are 2 clusters of shows per month or maybe 3 we see entries that are slowly climbing up. In areas where there are dog show clusters every weekend of the month or even worse, 2 or more clusters of shows within 8 hours driving distance of one another on the same weekend, we are seeing sub 200 dogs per show. Show giving clubs that are hiring the same judges and offering the same old same old are seeing poor entries as well. As an observer who always likes to be positive here it is. The show giving clubs who have been struck by the effects of the economic slow down and have seen their entries drop over the last couple years AND HAVE TRIED to offer the exhibitor added incentive to come to their shows have succeeded. At the end of 2011 we saw the Caledon Kennel Club near Toronto, Ontario increase their entries. They moved to a better venue, they offered a Breeders Showcase competition, whose entries surprised even the most ardent naysayer, and they co-hosted the Top Dog Awards. The results were fantastic. The entries were up, everyone was happy and the club managed to make some money. They set an example for others to follow. Now in 2012 we have a small club in Northern New Brunswick, Chaleur Kennel club. This is a geographically challenging area to get to. It has a sparse population and even a smaller dog population. They hold a 2-day, 4-show event with the number of entries limited to 175 per show. They have never reached their limit, sometimes having sub 100 entry shows. That is until this year. Last year the club moved to a new Continued on page 100

56 Dog News


True North

(Strong and Free)

All Breed


Dog News 57

Irish, Int., & GCh. Cumhil Hell Raiser IRISH IMPORT

Top Staffordshire Bull Terrier Dog 2011*


Handled by Paul & Kelley Catterson Assisted by Marisa Bradley Owners Zane & Shannon Smith BULLSEYE America’s Top Winning Staffordshire Bull Terriers Since 1975 58 Dog News

*Number Two overall, The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points

GROUP FIRST Judge Mrs. Ann Hearn

GROUP FIRST Judge Mr. James Frederiksen


Judge Ms. Peggy Beisel-McIlwaine

Dog News 59

Big Game Hunters And A Lot More



orwegian Elkhounds were bred to be athletes so they could track down big game over all sorts of terrain. Many are still used in Norway as hunting and farm dogs. The fact that they have to track down and hold moose and other big game animals at bay until the hunters arrive makes them intelligent, independent thinkers. Intelligence and athleticism translates to an all around dog that can excel in a wide variety of events,” said Debra O’Brien, who owns AKC/UKC Ch ArcticRidges Beka Valentine CD RE (“Beka”). “Elkhounds are fantastic athletes. They need to be fast, agile and have endurance to hunt moose and bear. They are also very intelligent and learn quickly. On top of these traits, they are outstanding trackers. In Norway, of course, they have to track moose or bear for the Norwegian hunters and once they learn what they are looking for, they make wonderful tracking dogs. They do tend to do a bit of ‘crittering’ that they need to get out of their systems when they are training for tracking titles but after that, they are super trackers,” said Kari Olson, who owns U-CD Ch TNT

When there are no squirrels to chase, Birka is more than willing to use her herding skills to move sheep.

Will’s Longships Birchbark CDX RAE TD HIC CGC (“Birka”) and U-Ch AKC GCh Greyplume Windpower AV Longships BN RN CGC TDI HIC (“Briskke”). Elkhounds may have been hunting big game for Scandinavians for more than 6,000 years. Remains of dogs remarkably similar to modern Elkhounds have been found in gravesites in Norway that dated as far back as 4000 to 5000 B.C. and archaeological excavations in various areas of Scandinavia suggest the breed existed and may have been domesticated during the Stone Age. They were highly valued by the ancient Scandinavians and were used primarily for hunting moose, bear, elk, wolves and large game birds. But they also served as defenders of the home against marauders and eventually became all-around farm dogs doing a variety of tasks including herding for the farmers. “They are outstanding working dogs in addition to being good hunters,” said Marlene Schlictig, who owns “Reba” (U-CDX UR03 UagII U-Ch Vikrest’s Styled by Design CDX RE NA OA OAJ CGC W-FEX-HTM W-FM-MF W-BB/HTM W-DD/HTM. “The farmers in Norway also used them for herding, to flush and retrieve, to guard their farms and for carting. They are also great family dogs and they are strong, independent and devoted. One of the problems with this breed is that they are excluded from many of the American Kennel Club programs for which they are historically suited. They’re not permitted to compete in any hunting or field, herding or otherwise ‘working’ programs.” Because of their background as a working breed, Elkhounds need something to do, according to Edith Finsaadal, who owns Ch Charilor Klassic Nordic Idun BN RA MX AXJ (“Idun”), who, in addition to the North American titles, has also competed in agility in Norway. “Elkhounds are very intelligent. 60 Dog News

With no moose in the vicinity to hunt, Birka ( U-CD Ch TNT Will’s Longships Birchbark CDX RAE TD HIC CGC), one of Kari Olson’s Elkhounds, turns her attention to squirrels.

Debra O’Brien and “Beka” (AKC/UKC Ch ArcticRidges Beka Valentine CD RE) in the obedience ring. (Weiss on Location photo)

They like to learn, understand and pick things up very quickly. They also like a variety of games and toys and get easily bored if things are a lot of the same. Many people, including some trainers, lack understanding of Elkhounds, their potential, their independence, their approach and how one needs to work with them and train them. This leads to the idea that Elkhounds are not trainable which, of course, is not true. Communication is really the key to successful Elkhound training. You have to show and tell them what you want. They are bold and energetic yet also soft and sensitive. This is a combination you have to understand and accept to be successful with this breed in any performance activity. You have to trust and respect their intelligence and not insult them by overdoing things in training.” Ron Peters agreed. “Elkhounds are very smart and if you seriously over train, they can become bored or simply shut down. Whether in conformation or performance, if an Elkhound isn’t enjoying it, they can be very difficult to deal with. You’ll see dropped tails, laid back ears, inattention, easily distracted, failure to obey commands, etc, etc. Elkhounds have a very independent attitude with a tendency to make their owner/hanContinued on page 94


*The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed

Dog News 61

62 Dog News

Genk 2012

The Irish Verdict, Best In Show Goes To UK Newfoundlander STORY AND PHOTOS BY KARL DONVIL


ith only two weekends in between another successful show took place in the province of Limburg, in Genk that is not far from Lommel. There was a big increase of entries compared to last year, from 1487 to no less than 1636. It is hard to tell what the reason is as last year too there was a specialty for the Ca de Bou, the Mallorcan Mastiff. For this specialty dogs came as far as from Lithuania, Russia and Ukraine. Seeing 48 of them together is probably only possible on a world show or a specialty like here. Anyway, LKV Genk is getting famous for this and I suppose more editions will probably follow. Saturday was a rather quiet day as only 643 dogs were on term. Sunday on the other hand, had the remaining thousand dogs plus the BIS program. Many judges were pretty busy then. The weather was splendid for a show and even rather warm inside the halls, but not too. It is also good for attracting visitors, however, dog shows are not that popular in Belgium. It has everything to do with budgets for publicity and TV. If you ask someone in the street to name a dog show, he will mention the Kortrijk Eurodogshow or the Brussels Dog Show. There will be little or no change that he will name another show. Both these shows are the only ones that ever had publicity, years ago, in the national Broadcast and it is funny that people still remember as if there are no others. Not that this is very important but as dogshows are there to promote pure bred dogs, dog schools and other pet friendly public relation, it would be better if all dog Continued on page 103

64 Dog News

Dog News 65

RIVERHEAD KENNEL CLUB Saturday, July 14, 2012

Determined to hold a show as they have for the past 52 years, the Riverhead Kennel Club decided to host a “show in a box” this past weekend. That’s the term for clubs that want to do it all pretty much by themselves.

The Little Show That Could BY Patricia M. Cruz, second VP, RKC

Riverhead KC photos by Janice Mcgivney-Keiser


ith thanks to the MB-F folks for their supplies and pre-show work, the membership decided to go it alone, offering a one-day event. A new site was secured – the Suffolk County Farm in Yaphank. And, with apologies to Irving Berlin, it was “Yip, Yip Yaphank”! Our rendition had nothing on Berlin’s 1918 song. Both were big hits. The entry of over 500 dogs proved that there is great dog show life on Long Island. With so many folks bemoaning the Hudson River crossings, those that forget the toll booths go in both directions, there was a good showing of some of the top dogs here on the east coast. Blue and white striped tenting, borrowed ring gates for good-sized rings, members helping in every corner, exhibitors and spectators were given the feel of what the old-time dog shows were really like. Back then, everyone pitched in – back then, folks 66 Dog News

had smiles, win or lose; back then, you got to visit with old friends and make new ones, discussing your breeds or theirs. This was a class-act in every sense of the word. Show secretary, Viola Burgos, gave as good as any show superintendent. Club president and show chair, Bobby Cataldo, and wife Michelle, “lived” every minute of this show, from the time the decision was made to do it ourselves. “Living” through the mailing of the premiums by MB-F, the collection of the borrowed ring gates to taking everything down until next time. Lots of help from club members who came to help set-up on Friday to take-down after Best in Show. All contributed to the success of the show. Were there some “kinks” – naturally. A new site and this kind of undertaking couldn’t help but have some. But, they were minor – too much to walk from parking lot to show site – does anyone recall some

of the “schleps” across trafficked roads to get to rings at some recent shows? These things can’t be helped but will be addressed. Next time, bring a dolly! So there it is, RKC had a really good show, great venue, fabulous obedience and rally rings, cool summer breezes, good food, friendly members, good trophies, a super raffle with great prizes, easily accessible from the major highway - all ingredients towards making the show a success – what more can a club ask for in today’s economy? Did we break even? If good-will and smiling faces as folks exited the grounds are any indication, then RKC is on the plus side. Hope to see you all next year. Thanks to everyone for their support.

Dog News 67

o J i ’ s J V c i i r t s gil y


Thank you Judge Ms. Audrey Lycan Owned By Dr. Fred ATWELL and Susan Atwell Co-Owned By Mary Dwyer 68 Dog News

assisted by Jamie Dwyer

l i g r i V Presented By

Mary & Jimmy Dwyer Dog News 69


he regulation comment period on the proposed regulations by the US Department of Agriculture/ Animal Plant Health and Inspection Service (USDA/APHIS) regarding Retail Pet Store Licensing Exemptions, which was supposed to end on July 16th, has been extended until August 15, 2012. The upside to extending this deadline is that it provides another thirty days for all concerned purebred dog owners and breeders to make their opposition known to a proposal that can have dire consequences on the general public’s ability to own and breed purebred dogs responsibly and may even lead to the extinction of some rare breeds. The summer months are busy for all, between vacations and recreational activities and the busy show circuits and clusters that can eat away at downtime for fanciers and weekend warriors, but with the abundance of Wi-Fi hot spots, smart phones, iPads, laptops and free computer use available in hotel lobbies and libraries around the country, there’s no excuse for any concerned dog lover to miss this opportunity to make their opposition to these proposals known. The American Kennel Club has an online petition that takes literally seconds to fill out. There are over 66,000 names on the petition as of this writing. Make sure yours is included, too. Log on to and join the tens of thousands of fel-


low concerned dog lovers who support responsible breeders in the U.S. The new deadline for signing the petition is August 13. Additionally, submit comments directly to the USDA’s Animal Plant and Health Inspection Service by visiting!docu mentDetail;D=APHIS-2011-0003-0001. If you are truly computer challenged or haven’t joined the electronic revolution, or just have a soft spot for the U.S. Postal Service and want to keep your mail persons employed, you may still send your comments by good old-fashioned snail mail to: Docket No. APHIS-2011-0003 Regulatory Analysis and Development PPD, APHIS, Station 3A-03.8 4700 River Road, Unit 118 Riverdale, MD 20737-1238 If it seems like we’ve been beating this issue to death in these pages, that’s because it’s that important. These proposals would require all who own more than four “breeding females” and sell even one animal “sight unseen” to be regulated as a commercial breeder! However, the term “breeding female” is not defined in the regulations, so it’s unclear who exactly would fit that description. Consequently, the owner of four female dogs who breeds even a single purebred puppy whose sale was agreed upon over the phone, via email or text message and delivered sight unseen would be classified as a commercial breeder and subjected to regulations and standards that were designed for large commercial operations. Such regulations would result in many responsible hobby breeders abandoning their avocation, as it would be virtually impossible for many small-scale breeders to comply with the strict engineering standards that were clearly designed for large commercial operations. Should the proposed regulations pass, dozens of the 170+ AKC recognized breeds would be endangered, changing the face of dog shows as we know them and even threatening their future existence, to say nothing of prohibiting the general public from purchasing a purebred dog of their choice from a responsible breeder. Meanwhile, underground, unscrupulous breeders that run afoul of the law would continue to do so. I’m pretty certain those familiar with the sport of purebred dogs would feel comfortable letting Jimmy Moses pick out a German Shepherd puppy for them sight unseen, or would gladly receive a Havanese or Puli puppy from AKC Breeders of the Year Steve and Alice Lawrence delivered through a third party. The same could be said for any number of breeders and handlers with an extensive background in the sport and knowledge of purebred

dogs. It’s imperative that we protect our rights to continue to do so. The proposed USDA/APHIS regulations are absolutely not in the best interest of responsible hobby breeders and will be detrimental not only to the sport of purebred dog shows but to the future of owning and breeding dogs in this country. Make no more excuses and waste no more time in opposing these superfluous, onerous regulations. The Animal Welfare Act currently exempts “retail pet stores”, which are defined as anyone selling puppies directly to a final customer for use as pets. This exemption allows for most small and hobby breeders to operate in the U.S. without being licensed and regulated by the USDA. It’s in the best interest of purebred dog owners and breeders and the AKC, which does more for furthering the well-being of the dog in this country than any other agency and is the only registry that inspects its breeders, to keep it this way. Sign the petition to protect your rights to own and breed dogs! Dog owners have taken similar, successful steps many times before in battling legislation that threatens their rights. This year alone, many measures that would’ve proven detrimental to owners and breeders rights have already been defeated. While breeding and ownership limits seem to be the avenue that animal rightists have been taking on the legislative front, oftentimes several bills merge into one, becoming a composite that encompasses most or all the AR anti-dog owning and breeding agenda. Consider what happened in Hawaii, where in 2011, House Bill 108 was introduced and passed by the House as an anti dogfighting bill. However, the bill was amended late in the 2012 session to include provisions from two other bills, SB 2494 and SB 2504, which would’ve had dire consequences on hobby breeders in the Aloha state. SB 2492 would’ve designated every owner and keeper of ten or more intact dogs over the age of four months as a “large scale breeding facility” even if no puppies were sold or litters were produced. It also would’ve prohibited ownership or custody to no more than thirty intact dogs and required owners of ten or more intact dogs to pay a $500 biennial license fee, and allowed unannounced inspections of facilities. These efforts to curb ownership and deter breeding of purebred dogs had nothing to do with the original dogfighting bill that passed the House in 2011, yet here they suddenly were, tacked on to what amounted to an all-out attack on dog breeders. Luckily, dog owners and breeders, club members and the AKC’s Government Relations Department weren’t duped. All remained vigilant and informed lawmakers about the problems inherent in the bill. House members disagreed with the Senate amendments and the bill didn’t receive a conference committee hearing prior to the end of session. Hawaiians also faced and defeated SB 2504, which would’ve prohibited selling or giving away an unsterilized dog or cat in the state. With the mandatory sterilization provision deleted from the bill, it passed the Senate but was further amended by House Committees that would’ve prohibited the sale or exchange of dogs and cats in a public place except by humane societies, animal control and rescue organizations. Thankfully, this bill did not advance to the House floor. Dog owners and breeders must remain united in this fight so that a precedent doesn’t take hold at the state level that can be emulated and instituted elsewhere. We also must remember that there is power in numbers and when working in concert dog lovers are a powerful constituency capable of influencing legislation and elections.


70 Dog News

Dog News 71

BY MATTHEW H. STANDER Vermont photos by Amy Green




ithin the last several weeks there have been many personnel changes, some at top-level positions both in North Carolina and New York, fueling cries from all those little red hens out there that perhaps the sky is falling in at AKC. And while I was not overly thrilled at seeing some of those resignations float in I candidly believe that most if not all of them should have been expected in varying degrees, of course as well as for different reasons too. First of all The Triangle and the Research Triangle in the Raleigh vicinity is the area where AKC’s offices are located. It is one of the highest paid salaried locations in the USA. Akin somewhat to Silicon Valley in terms of talent and salaries so that it is extremely difficult for AKC to be competitive on most levels salary ways with the other corporations competing near-by. That’s just one of the reasons it was comparatively easy to hire the IT expert Charlie Kniefel away notwithstanding his alleged insistence that finances did not play a major part in his decision. It certainly had to play some part according to what I have been told. But the other equally important if not underlying explanation for the resignations of John Lyons, the COO, and the lady who had headed Human Resources, and possibly the Vice President of Judging Darrell Hayes in NC and the CFO Jim Stevens in New York were more natural progressions based on the change of the Board Chair from Menaker to Kalter as was possibly the resignation of the Director of Companion Events Curt Curtis. The loyalties of at least four of these

Continued on page 107

72 Dog News

*All Systems - Number Four overall, Breed points; Number Nine overall, All-Breed points

Dog News 73

Beat the summer heat… It’s all cool at the

Keystone Cluster

August 10, 11, 12, 2012 Penn Ridge Kennel Club August 10 & 11, 2012

Harrisburg Kennel Club August 12, 2012

PA Farm Show Complex, Harrisburg, PA

G r e a t t a e r Indoors, Air Conditioned, W G e e k e Plenty of Free Grooming Space, e n u d n e V Plenty of Parking Fun For Everyone! Best In Show $$$$ each day. Prizes & Vendor Bucks – Armband draw each day for cash & prizes. Refreshments each day including Pizza Party on Saturday. “Chuck a Duck” for Take the Lead. Rally on Friday & Sunday, Obedience on Saturday & Sunday

Majors, Majors, Majors, Majors, Majors, Majors Join us for the Caesar’s Palace Charity Fundraiser – right at the Farm Show Complex after Best In Show on Saturday, August 11th…Dinner, gambling, dancing, and two new events this year – TOGA CONTEST and KARAOKE CONTEST – and the great prize raffle with $5,000, trips, jewelry, equipment and much more!!! Vendors - contact: Closing date for entries: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 Superintendent: Rau Dog Shows, PO Box 6898, Reading, PA 19601 610-376-1880 • FAX: 610-376-4939 • 74 Dog News

Purina is the sponsor

of The Keystone Cluster

The Penn Ridge Kennel Club Charitable Foundation, Inc. presents


“Dog Days at Caesar’s Palace” e

Saturday, August 11, 2012 at the PA Farm Show Complex, Harrisburg, PA • Starting at 6 pm “Dog Days at Caesar’s Palace” Mail your reservation or donation form to:

I wish to purchase I wish to donate

admission tickets @ $75 each ($600 to reserve a table for 8) in sponsorship for the event.

I wish to donate

PRKC Charitable Foundation, Inc. c/o 12040 Country Mill Dr. Bristow, VA 20136 The Penn Ridge Kennel Club Charitable Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Donations are tax deductible according to Federal tax laws. Checks should be made payable to the PRKC Charitable Foundation, Inc.

as a prize for the event.

Prepaid tickets will be available at the door. Sponsorship/prize donation acknowledgements to be sent to: Your Name Address Phone or email Please charge the above to my credit/debit card #


Name on Card (please print)

Dinner…gaming….dancing…karaoke contest….AND a Toga Contest Plus the great prize raffle at the end of the evening…. don’t miss out on the fun Saturday evening, August 11th!

Life’s a Gamble….Take A Chance, have fun & help those in the fancy! Dog News 75


the column

76 Dog News

from the Anderson Obedience Training Club, PATTI STRAND, delegate from the Dog Fanciers Association of Oregon, and MEG WEITZ, delegate from the Devon Dog Club. The two alternates are DOMINIC CAROTA, delegate from the Pharaoh Hound Club of America, and JUDITH DANIELS, delegate from the Mt. Baker Kennel Cub. They will select four candidates to run replacing the Class of 2013, which consists of LEE ARNOLD, delegate from the Southern Colorado Kennel Club, CARL ASHBY,III, delegate from the United States Kerry Blue Club, ALAN KALTER, the current Board Chairman, delegate from the American Bullmastiff Association, and ROBERT SMITH, the current vice chairman delegate from the Memphis Kennel Club. I think it is a sure bet that three if not all four of these men will seek to be reelected to the board. All of us at DOG NEWS send our deepest sympathies to RALPH SONNY AMBROSIO and family on the loss of his beloved wife GERRI AMBROSIO. Happy birthday to MARI-BETH O’NEILL, the go to lady in North Carolina and the hair ribbon lady ELLEN COTTINGHAM, SEAN GAFFNEY and his son RYAN GAFFNEY, TIM ROBBINS, TIM JAMES, RANDY KUBACZ, JOEL SMITH, LEE WALKER, HARRY STILES, JIM WHITE, LAURA COOMES, JAMIE LAMPHIER, MINNA KOLTES, JAMIE DANBURG, MARIE SOMERSHOE, ANGELA LLOYD, CARISSA SHIMPENO, DANIEL SANCHEZ, VICKI HOLLOWAY, GUISEPPE RENZULLI, PEGGY LLOYD and last but not least ERIK BERGISHAGEN.



s is usually the case the crackerjack (sic) press department of the American Kennel Club with its numerous mundane “press releases” over looked two more major departures from the their ranks. First, JIM STEVENS, the Chief Financial Officer, has resigned. JIM worked in the New York office and was one of the nicest gentlemen one could know. I am told he has been replaced by PETER FARNSWORTH. Then there is the impeding retirement of JOHN LYONS, the Chief Operating Officer who runs the Raleigh offices. JOHN and his wife KRISTEN have sold their North Carolina home and KRISTEN has been spending her time in the new home they built in Charlottesville, Virginia. She is eager to get back into exhibiting her dogs. Now that the chief operating officer position will be vacant, isn’t it time for the powers that be to seriously consider moving the whole operation back to the New York area? Let’s face it, there is a lot of empty office space in North Carolina and with the recent departure of some high level and paying jobs this is the time to act and then the President could run the whole operation singlehandedly. Of course, we know that won’t happen for several reasons. Firstly, there are Board Members who want to run the Raleigh office and secondly given the nominating committee selected and announced last week it will be a moot point. The Nominating Committee, consisting of all ladies, is headed by GRETCHEN BERNARDI, the delegate from the Mississippi Valley Kennel Club, KAROLYNNE MCATEER, delegate

His 4th Best In Specialty Show in 6 weeks; this one under Breeder-Judge Mr. Vincent Chianese.

Ch. Kontoki’s Isaiah Little Prayer For You Owned By: Ron Tang Sam Kao Marlene DePalma Thomas L. Oelschlager

Bred By: KONTOKI Marlene A. DePalma Thomas L. Oelschlager

Presented by: Tommy “O” 724 255-0120

Dog News 77


DO YOU “HAVE AN EYE FOR A DOG”? Continued FROM page 14

lous machines at a mature age, they will forever remain a mystery and a miracle. Then look at 3 or 4-year-old kids playing with their iPads or their laptops- for them it is just something they take for granted as part of life! I suspect it might be a similar situation for dog people being born in a dog showing/breeding family? Provided you are at all interested, that is ! What the 5 people mentioned have in common is that they are (or in Joe B’s case was) willing to discuss any decision they made in the ring or even dogs they own /show themselves, without taking it as criticism. How many times I have upset judges I personally know by simply questioning some of their decisions, I don’t know, but some of them have reacted rather defensively. Many years ago somebody told me “I have never met a Great man that considers himself Great- and never met a ‘Little”’man who knows he is ‘ Little’”- And that applies to dog judges as well. Probably more than we like to think ! I know I am repeating myself, but if I know the answer I don’t mind a question and although I believe it is against KC policy I welcome questions about my judging, because I believe I know why I did what I did. And in some cases I might even learn something…. I don’t mean that every person considered to “have a good eye” will see dogs the same way or necessarily share the same idea and ideology! Within my own household, we are 2 persons both fairly experienced breeders, exhibitors and judges. Whenever we had a litter of puppies, be it English Cockers, Norfolk, Wire Fox or Airedales, Greyhound or Whippets, we always kept at least 2 puppies. Her choice and mine. As there were- and still are- differences in the way we look at dogs in general, but puppies in particular. And frequently we have both been right…. Or wrong ! One of the experiences in my life that really illustrated the fact that “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” was at Crufts in 1978.

78 Dog News

I was watching Wire Fox Terriers. In those days still a big, quality entry, lots of pro handlers and famous breeders in the ring. Then the Open Dog class enter the ring, and WOW in front of me I see this revelation, the most charismatic dog I had seen for a long time, showing and moving flawlessly! I was all excited and rushed round to get some of my friends to come and take a look at this exceptional individual. Back at the ringside I cannot take my eyes off him, he’s a standout! He is the only thing I see in the ring! Imagine my surprise and disappointment when a couple of my friends asked: Which one do you mean ! I nearly cried !! Anyway, I decided there and then that that dog should end up in our kennel. I had never seen the handler before, but saw in the catalogue it was owned by a guy from Ireland named Harry O’Donoghue and was named Blackdale Starbright! To make the story shorter: He eventually became Harry O’s first WFT UK champion- and later moved to our kennel in Sweden where he in addition to proving to be a great sire became only the second dog in history to become Dog of The Year in both Norway and Sweden the same year ! And also Nordic Dog of the Year! (I am of course too modest to mention that the only other dog to achieve that was my own Welsh terrier in 1974. The record still stands, I believe.) So even if there was a moment of doubt, on this occasion, I probably was right? So all this babbling about “Having an Eye” does not necessarily mean that everybody with this gift see dogs the same way! We all have different experiences and as breeders we are always looking for ways to improve and move forward, so maybe the fact that this dog had all the “virtues” I felt I needed at the time made me see him in a different light than my fellow ringsiders! I don’t know, but I know for sure that simply the fact that we all have different taste and in some cases, very different interpretations of the breeds’ standards, makes this sport so interesting and at times unpredictable!!! But hopefully we all make our decisions for the right reasons? And maybe there will always be occasions when “the bad eye” takes over??

The Multiple All Breed Best In Show & Multiple National Best In Specialty Show Winning

GCh. Pleasant Hill Magnum Of Samara Magnum is the Number One Canaan Dog* 11 Herding Group Wins and 90 Group Placements 2011 and 2010 Canaan Dog Club of America National Best in Specialty Show Winner 2012, 2011 and 2010 Westminster Kennel Club Best of Breed Winner 2011, 2010 and 2009 AKC/Eukanuba National Championship Best of Breed Winner 2012 and Lifetime Number One Grand Championship Points Ranking

Owned By Pamela Rosman and Richard Vulliet DVM

Photo by InFocus by Miguel

Presented By Bruce and Tara Schultz

*The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed

Dog News 79

t s a P e } h T e m r o u t u Fr F e h T o T e s p m i l G A }

#3 Mastiff in 2003*

Ch. Celtic's Vengeance Sire of

Owner Ann Darnell 352-429-9950 Exclusively Handled By Maria Devier *Breed points, All Systems

80 Dog News

Here We Go! 3 Months

t s e w e N 's o d a r e v l Si ♥

GCh. Silverado’s Bijoux Precieux Skyfield 17 months

Owner Ann Darnell T. & J. Armstrong Owner-Handler Maria Devier

Dog News 81

THE LIGHTER SIDE... Continued FROM page 18

and hydrocodone. (“Cough suppressant – Damn my back is freaking killing me and I’m taking a cough suppressant,” I mumble to myself.) In fact, a small amount of codeine is converted to morphine in the body. (“Ah… morphine - now you are talking. Take the pain away baby.” The joy ride starts.) The precise mechanism of action of codeine is not known; however, like morphine, codeine binds to receptors in the brain (opioid receptors) that are important for transmitting the sensation of pain throughout the body and brain. Codeine increases tolerance to pain, decreasing discomfort, but the pain still is apparent to the patient. In addition to reducing pain, codeine also causes sedation drowsiness and depresses breathing. (“Oh, yeah – take me away – take this pain away for good,” I say to myself as I wobble in an out of consciousness.) “Michael – Michael – Are you OK?” Big Michael asks while tossing Murphy French onto the bed. “Sure, I am just going to take a nap for a while and rest my back. I took a couple of aspirin---just give me twenty minutes or so. I will be fine,” I blurt out in my sedated, drowsy state of mind. Murphy French shuffles up to my right-hand side, pressing his body close for comfort. My mind explores numerous Out of Body Experiences (OBE) and dreamlike states---I am falling---showing my Golden Retriever in Junior Showmanship… judging my first dog show Sanctioned Match at age 15…running my fingers through my thick blonde hair…the colors green, orange, yellow, red. The red becomes rich, dark and clear. Red, round shapes in various sizes fill the screen of my mind. They began to move, roll and slide in every direction. Tomatoes! Everywhere! It becomes clear--I’m experiencing a dream that I had over twenty-three years ago. The heat is unbearable. People…everywhere you gaze… with their tomatoes in tow, with their tomatoes in small tomato crates, and with their tomatoes displayed on little tables. In every direction, you look---something to share and something to buy---in support of making your prize produce look better the next person’s entry. I try to look away, ashamed of the state of my five tomatoes, ashamed of their pale color, and ashamed of their lack of conditioning and obvious need of tender loving care. I try to escape the OBE/dream state, but I cannot. “No, no don’t make me take my tomatoes into the ring. I cannot! You can’t make me. What will my fellow competitors think?” I clearly communicate to myself within the dream. “Tomatoes everywhere! I know this dream. I have marched this path before. Wait…wait just one minute! This dream is different than the one twenty-two years ago. OMG there are competitive classes for hybrids and additional groups---to facilitate all of the different types and styles. The days of Heirloom-only are over. The Sport of To82 Dog News

matoes is destined for failure.” The disturbing images and words whirl around in my delirious mind. Tomatoes in every color – white, purple, pink, yellow, orange, mottled and yes, striped are being transported from ring to ring for evaluation. “Beefsteak to ring one… Big Boy to ring five…Judging of Purple Haze will start in ring seven in approximately fifteen minutes,” the announcer calls. I rotate my mind and attempt to leave, only to be transported to the American Tomato Club (ATC) informational booth. “Wow – look at all of this information and unique tomato gifts to buy,” I say while mentally planning my Christmas shopping. I reach through my dream and collect an informational brochure. 1. When you choose what type of tomatoes you want to grow in your garden, you will probably base your decision on at least three criteria: personal preference, disease resistance, and climate (Hint: a good plant in Arizona will probably not be a good plant in Maine.) How many plants you are going to plant, and finally---assuming that you are not starting from seeds---you will need guidelines for selecting the best seedlings from amongst several promising ones--while all are competing for your love and attention. 2. If you are just starting out, we recommend that you experiment with at least different three varieties. That way, you can see what they are like to grow and what works best for you. 3. Go to a nearby reputable nursery or greenhouse near you at the beginning. You may find precisely what you need at an “over-hyped” box-store garden outlet, but your chances of speaking with someone knowledgeable increase in a real nursery run by true professionals. So your chances of bringing home disease-free seedlings go up. 4. Choosing between Heirloom / Hybrid… My mind races a bit as once again, I try to picture Hybrids in the equation. “Seriously, it is the ruination of the sport of Purebred Tomatoes,” a voice from behind proclaims. “I am sure it will not take long before the association splits and we will have two clubs--- one for hybrids and one for heirlooms,” an additional voice shares. “One can rest assured, Heirloom will reign supreme. They have been developed and tested over many generations by the old-fashioned method of growing tomatoes from seeds with desirable qualities, keeping those desired qualities, and tossing those that do not work. Getting rid of those damn undesirable traits! That is key,” the conversation continues. “Yep, only the Heirloom will breed true.” “You can say that again. Those damn Hybrids!!! Hell that cross-pollination occurs in the generation just before the one you are buying. The “parents” of the hybrid, in other words, are two very different types, and the seeds from the hybrid contain DNA

for both types, in all kinds of combinations. You cannot count on those crossbred seeds to produce genetically identical to the mother. You simply cannot know which of the two parents contribute the gene for size, for firmness, for skin toughness, or whatever. It just makes me sick to have to watch those Hybrids being judged in the ring next to my prize Brandy Wine.” I depart ATC and move back to the large center ring for group competition. Hybrids are judged first and “Carmello” takes first place. Not impressed, I anxiously await the Heirloom Group Competition. Thirty Best of Varieties enter the ring with their respective handlers and begin to roll around the ring to thunderous applause. I cheer extra loud and throw in a whistle or two for my three favorites: Costoluto-Fiorentino from Italy, German Stripe, and Cherokee Purple. The judge for the Heirloom group is a tall commanding figure. I know it must be the same from my dream of twenty-two years ago – Mrs. Ann Rogers Clark. But, No – It’s not. It is a man---a tall man. It is…Mr. James Reynolds from Canada. I watch Mr. Reynolds carefully reach way down, pick up and evaluate each entry. I notice he pays extra close attention to Sophie’s Choice the Heirloom from Canada, giving her a few extra seconds on the individual roll and the free stack. Sophie’s choice looks the part and is in glorious condition---however, her color is not the true orange/red I would like to see from a Best in Variety winner. Mr. Reynolds takes his time and examines the last remaining exhibit---a Zhefen Short from Zhengjiang province in China, handled by the consummate professional, Mr. David Fitzpatrick. “Mr. Reynolds judges a great deal in China and I know David is known for his expertise in breeding and exhibiting Zhefen Shorts. Could the Zhefen Short beat out Sophie’s Choice?” I ask myself. Mr. Reynolds pulls out six finalists – Black Ethiopian, White Bush, Sophie’s Choice, Angora Super Sweet, Cherokee Purple and last---but not least---Zhefen Short. The crowd goes crazy in anticipation. Mr. Reynolds rolls each one around the ring. He takes one last look and pulls my favorite, Cherokee Purple as the victor, placing Zhefen Short second, White Bush third and Sophie’s Choice fourth. “Can we have the Hybrid Carmello and the Heirloom Cherokee Purple into the center ring for the Best in Show competition, please,” declares the announcer. I cringe with thought of Hybrid Carmello going Best in Show. I struggle to stay present in the dream. “No…Yes…No… Yes… No!!! OMG – NO, NO! YOU CAN’T point to the Hybrid, Cherokee Purple must win!” I scream, waking with streams of sweat running off my chest. Murphy French, bewildered, looks me directly in the eyes, passes gas, snorts into my face, and turns around, looking toward the window, which faces the front yard and the vegetable garden. A sign, my back had better get better and get well soon, because my tomatoes are in serious need of love and conditioning.

Number Two overall,

Dog News 83


Sacramento Kennel Club Photos by EUGENE Z. ZAPHIRIS

jupiter-tequesta kennel club

Click BY jeri poller

84 Dog News

Dog News 85

Inside The Sport


Both names emanate from the language of the Algonquian Indian tribes with Hockamock (also spelled Hockomock) being a word of great curiosity. Associated with swamp waters considered to house supernatural phenomena, Hockamock has had viewings of everything from UFOs to Bigfoot reported in this area over a period of hundreds of years. The Wampanoag name was the name of the actual tribe and refers to moving waters. Descendants of this tribe have recently been granted land privileges and the right to build a gaming casino in Southeastern MA. The MN Indian word Anoka, like so many other names utilized by Native Americans, refers to a river-in this case both sides of the Rum River. The origin of the names of kennel clubs can be as fascinating as the origin of our sport and its various breeds. The Lakeland Terrier and the Pharaoh Hound shared the BIS honors in MA while the high-flying English Springer Spaniel swept the four shows in MN. Both clusters had outstanding lineups featuring quality animals worthy of the honors. Although there was no Reserve BIS at the July 1 show, kudos to Mrs. Willhauck for instructing her BIS class a few days later on the procedure. Because exhibitors are accustomed to running to the BIS winner immediately to congratulate them, she instructed the class to wait for the announcement of the reserve winner before breaking ranks. This is good advice for all who judge BIS until the fancy gets use to the idea.

86 Dog News

Mickey Rein is the hard-working president and show chair of Wampanoag who more than carries her share of the Crackerbarrel work load while Steve Freeman shoulders those burdens as Harmon’s sidekick at the Summer Solstice events. Unsung heroes such as the volunteers that make our dog events possible are truly those who oil the wheels of our sport. Such folks are on the site performing their jobs days before the events open and there cleaning up long after the shows are over. Then there is the work they do year-round meeting with their team members and planning for the next cluster-always figuring ways to add and improve on the event. The feeling of good will at these two clusters is so civil it almost seems old-fashioned, and I for one truly miss such warmth that

can never be replaced with modern electronic technology. Amongst the activities such clusters feature are eye clinics, micro chipping, canine good citizenship tests, and many other services allowing exhibitors to catch up on other doggy needs as well as show their dogs. Crackerbarrel’s on the site emergency medical service (24 hours no less!) even offered free blood pressure checks. For a gourmet experience this cluster offered lobster rolls at the public concession while MN offered unique gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches the concessionaire happily explained. Who would think one could offer as many varieties of this food item as a pizza parlor does pizzas? These fun clusters were blessed with reasonable weather at their outdoor venues, and anytime this year you can get the weatherman on your side, good for you! So when you are searching for user-friendly shows, keep these weekends in mind next June. These clusters are great examples of what dog clubs can do working together instead of letting club factions, power plays and other disagreements get into the mix. I am always saddened when I hear of such stress tearing all breed and parent clubs asunder. “A job worth doing is worth doing together” is a famous quote of unknown origin worth our mutual consideration.


Am. Bronze GCh., Guatemalan Ch., Grand Guatemalan Ch., Las Americas Y El Caribe 2011 Trumpet’s Winner Takes It All A Multiple Group Winning and Placing Keeshonden! A Top 15 Keeshonden All-Breed & Breed*

Thank you to Judges Mrs. Florence A. Males and Mr. Ralph (Sonny) Ambrosio for these wonderful placements!

Always Expertly Presented By Jill Bell Assisted By Chase Waddell Owners: Vickie L. Louie & Chase Waddell Karina Keeshonden

*C.C. All Breed & Breed Systems 05/12

Breeder & Co-Owner: Beth Blankenship Trumpet Show Dogs Dog News 87

Rare Breeds of the World Continued FROM page 43

color, or if it was truly a purebred developed through the introduction of other breeds. After being postponed for months, the tests were finally available in September 2006 at which time we submitted the first 10 blood samples for testing. The response we received from Mars on these tests would set the stage for the first genetic testing performed to identify a new breed of dog as a purebred. When our samples were received in the Mars Laboratories and they obtained the results, they would be as surprised at the findings as the rest of the world would be. As their test name suggests, Mutt Test, they were amazed to find that a bunch of mutt tests submitted would all group together in their own group just as any other purebred dog does. It was at this point that Dr. Paul Jones, renowned for his work in canine genetics, contacted Myrna Torres, Secretary/ Treasurer for the BTCA, Inc. to find out more about the samples submitted. Myrna immediately contacted the officers of the BTCA and set up a conference call with Dr. P. Jones. You cannot imagine the excitement we felt as we talked to Dr. Paul Jones about his findings. Dr. Jones was fascinated with the results of the samples we had submitted and wanted to know more about this breed. When he explained to us that these samples were all clustering together into their own group, and were not that of a Yorkie, a Maltese, a Pomeranian or any breed for that matter, it is was quite evident that we had a new breed. We explained the story behind the Biewer Yorkshire Terrier a la Pom Pon and asked him if he thought this dog was a Yorkshire Terrier with a recessive piebald gene, or a breed of its own due to the introduction of other breeds. He said in his opinion that there were other breeds introduced. Thus began our relationship with the Mars Veterinary Corporation. We then contacted our members and the other clubs and explained that because of the findings of the blood samples we had submitted, Mars Veterinary was willing to work with

88 Dog News

us and help us distinguish our breed from the Yorkshire Terrier. The BTCA has the most diverse group of blood lines imported from Germany for the Biewer breed, and our members were more than happy to test their dogs. All in all they received approximately 100 blood samples and were able to develop a breed signature for the purebred Biewer Terrier. We would like to stress, that the next phase of research that Mars did has nothing to do with their Mutt Testing program, and was an extensive study across the 39 chromosomes and a detailed study of some of the genes on those chromosomes. This testing went beyond their normal research and was done as a request by the BTCA. They were able to give us

the 8 closest related breeds. In 2007 Gayle Pruett visited Mrs. Biewer, co-originator of the breed, to learn more about the breed and to explain what the BTCA is doing to establish the breed as a purebred of its own. We have since become very good friends and are learning much about the beginning of the Biewer breeding program. She is in full support of the BTCA and remains a faithful supporter of the only Biewer Terrier breed Club in America. ARBA also accepted the Biewer Terrier as a purebred based on the results of the research performed by Mars Veterinary. The Biewer Terrier is quickly working its way into the hearts of Americans everywhere. With its lighthearted,

whimsical, child-like attitude, this tri-colored toy terrier is gaining popularity with dog lovers everywhere. Equally as good with children as he is with other dogs of all sizes, the Biewer Terrier is a loyal and fast friend to all he considers part of his family. Although every dog has his own unique and special personality, as a breed, the Biewer Terrier is confident, happy, fun loving and even tempered. Generally speaking, Biewers are not noisy or especially difficult in any particular way. (from Mrs. Iris Star – BTRA-Board of directors member Star Classical Kennel home page) In 2007 ARBA, American Rare Breed Association, has accepted the Biewer Terrier as a rare breed and the BTCA, Inc. as the National breed club for the Biewer Terrier in America. We will be showing with ARBA under the standard that they have accepted for our breed and will also exhibit with the KCUSA International shows. The KUSA, Kennel Union of Southern Africa, accepted the Biewer Terrier in the toy group as a developing breed. http:// content&view=category&id=159:toygroup-breed-standards&Itemid=241&lay out=default Most recently Brazil’s CBKC, Confederacao Brasileira de Cinofilia, http://www. accepted the Biewer Terrier in group 11 as a developing breed. http:// biewerterrier.pdf Mrs. Pruett finalizes, “We are proud to be taking an active part in the development of this remarkable new breed, the Biewer Terrier and we welcome everybody to become involved in this exciting part of the its history. Our long-term goal is to take the proper steps to gain AKC recognition, so that we can exhibit as our own unique breed at AKC shows under the standard that best fits our exquisite Biewrer Terrier.” We wish the Biewer Terrier’s Family success in keeping up this serious and difficult task. Our dear readers can find the complete standard under the BTCA (, and the mentioned clubs’ home pages.

Bringing Back The STANDARD of Excellence

Bronze Grand Ch. Rum Runner’s Careless Love Udy

C. L. Group Winning, Multiple Group Placing

Many thanks to all of the Judges who recognized C.L.’s true Breed Conformation and his handsome presentation abilities.

Owned, Handled, Conditioned and Loved By: Chase Waddell Co-Owners: Jo Meister and A.J. Guthrie Breeder: Victoria Herbert

Dog News 89


Sacramento Kennel Club keeshond national specialty

Click Photos by EUGENE Z. ZAPHIRIS

BY karen evasuik

90 Dog News

Dog News 91


The German Shepherd Dog Club of America– Working Dog Association, Inc. While Schutzhund remained a breed test during the past century, it also evolved into a competitive sport that gives dog owners an opportunity to compete with each other for recognition of both their ability to train and their dog’s ability to perform required exercises. Because the GSDCA is a member of the World Union of German Shepherd Dog Clubs and the GSDCA-WDA is affiliated with the GSDCA, the GSDCAWDA is able to provide opportunities for sport enthusiasts to participate in IPO Trials in the United States that are patterned after those available worldwide. Specifically, GSDCA-WDA member clubs host IPO Trials, conformation shows and breed surveys in keeping with the “Total Dog Concept.” This underlying concept supports the breeding of dogs that conform to the breed standard and also are proficient in working skills: herding, tracking, obedience and protection. (Gleason has been a member of the German Shepherd Dog Club of America since 1965 and one of its Board Members for more than 20 years. She also is an active member of the German Shepherd Dog Club of America-Working Dog Association, Inc. [GSDCA-WDA] and a member of the SV.) Requirements for GSDCA–WDA IPO Titles At GSDCA-WDA events, titles can be earned at three levels: IPO 1, IPO 2 and IPO 3. In order to earn a title at each level, a dog must demonstrate proficiency in obedience, tracking and protection work by completing a series of exercises at a single trial. It must score a minimum of 70 points out of a possible 100 points in each phase. During the Obedience Phase for the IPO 1 title, the dog must perform eight exercises, which include offlead heeling, walking sit with return by handler, walking down with a recall, retrieving a dumbbell on the flat, retrieving a dumbbell over a one- meter jump and retrieving a dumbbell over the scaling wall. The dog also must perform a send away exercise and a long down with distraction as well as pass a test for gun shyness. During the Tracking Phase for the IPO 1 title, the dog must follow a

92 Dog News

track 300 paces long with two 90-degree turns. It must find two articles--small pieces of either leather, wood and/or fabric--and then immediately indicate them. During the Protection Phase for the IPO 1 title, the dog must protect the handler in a controlled manner. A Helper, carrying a padded stick and wearing protective clothing and a padded sleeve, hides in one of the six blinds set up on the course. The dog is first sent to search one empty blind to see if the Helper is hiding in it. Next, the dog is sent to the blind where the Helper is hiding. After the Helper is located, the dog must do a “hold and bark” until the handler either calls the dog out of the blind to heel or the handler goes up to the Helper and heels the dog away. The dog is placed

American Kennel Club Working Dog Sport Program


n January 2007, the American Kennel Club® Board of Directors granted the request of four Parent Clubs to approve the Working Dog Sport (WDS). The breeds approved to compete in the new sport were the German Shepherd Dog, Bouvier des Flanders, Doberman Pinscher and Rottweiler. The WDS Program was designed to enable dogs of the above breeds to demonstrate the physical and mental abilities needed to perform International Pruefungsordnung (IPO) type scent and protection work, while maintaining a high level of control and a strong degree of obedience. The WDS program, whose events primarily were held at the above breed club’s national specialties, was run on a test basis for three years and then reviewed. At the end of the trial period, the German Shepherd Dog Club of America and the AKC Performance Events Department jointly concluded that the best way for the AKC to recognize the working skills of the German Shepherd Dog and the other three breeds was for the AKC to recognize the titles earned in the events held at an IPO organization selected by the Parent Clubs rather than duplicate an activity already being handled well by existing organizations, i.e., All IPO events held in the United States already were governed by rules set by international IPO organizations based in Europe. Thus the AKC Working Dog Sport Program was ended in 2009. At the same time, the AKC Parent Club Performance Titles Program was implemented. It recognizes titles earned by dogs in all AKC Parent Club events that test the skills needed to maintain and enhance each breed’s historical function.

on a down and the handler then leaves to search the blind himself. At this point, the Helper runs away and the dog must stop his retreat by gripping the sleeve and holding him until the dog is given the “Out” command. The handler then approaches the Helper and his dog. The handler disarms the Helper by taking the padded leather stick, then, heels the dog and the Helper back to the judge to finish the exercise. In the next portion of the Protection Phase, the dog and handler go to the opposite end of the field and turn to face the Helper, who comes running out of the blind in a threatening manner. The handler remains in place and sends his dog to stop the Helper. The dog stops the Helper by gripping the sleeve and holding it until the dog is told to “Out.” The handler then returns to the Helper, again takes the padded leather stick, and escorts the Helper to the Judge in a controlled heeling pattern. As the level of IPO tests advance, competition requires more precision and more difficult work in the three phases. Before a dog can compete in a Level 1 IPO Trial, it must prequalify. To prequalify, the dog must earn the International Companion Dog Degree (BH) by successfully performing another series of exercises. The BH is divided into two parts. The first part tests the handler’s control of the dog with formal obedience in a ring by having it perform the first four exercises required for IPO 1 level obedience plus on-lead heeling. The second part tests the dog’s character and is performed on the street, i.e., as the handler heels the dog through a crowd, a person participating in the test approaches. The person says hello and shakes the handler’s hand. If the dog behaves fearfully or becomes aggressive during the exercise, it fails. GSDCA-WDA tests are open to all breeds—not just German Shepherd Dogs. Given the requirements of pre-qualification and all that’s involved in passing the three phases at each title level, participation in IPO requires extensive training and thus is not for every dog owner. For more information about the tests and the GSDCA-WDA, visit http:// main-page.html.

Dog News 93

BIG GAME HUNTERS... Continued FROM page 60

dler humble by ignoring you and doing their own thing.” Peters, who owns or has owned several multi-titled Elkhounds including Ch Rai-Mai’s Cocoa Cabana Banana NA NAJ , Ch Rai-Mai’s Mudpie Mojo NA NAJ, Ch Rai-Mai’s Jalapeno Pepper NA NAJ OA OAJ AXJ and Ch Rai-Mai’s Saber ‘N Sash RA NA NAJ OAJ and is vice president of the Norwegian Elkhound Association of America, added that while the Elkhound was originally bred to hunt large game animals and is still used extensively for that

“Idun” ( Ch Charilor Klassic Nordic Idun BN RA MX AXJ), Edith Finsaadal’s Elkhound, has also successfully competed in agility in Norway.

“Reba” (U-CDX UR03 UagII U-Ch Vikrest’s Styled by Design CDX RE NA OA OAJ CGC W-FEX-HTM W-FM-MF W-BB/ HTM W-DD/HTM), Marlene Schlictig’s Elkhound, shows that while the breed may not be natural retrievers, it is a task they can master.

“Saber” (Ch Rai-Mai’s Saber ‘N Sash RA NA NAJ OAJ), one of Ron and Sandy Peters’ Elkhounds, shows the kind of energetic attitude which is necessary to be successful in agility, one of the attributes a dog also needs when tracking and hunting moose in rugged terrain.

94 Dog News

purpose in Scandinavia, few people in the U.S. use their dogs for hunting so performance events like agility and tracking allow Elkhound owners to use some of the breed’s natural abilities. “In agility, it is certainly not difficult to tell the difference in the performance of a dog that is structurally sound. Quick, agile movement, sharp turns on a dime and an energetic attitude which are necessary to be successful in agility are similar to what a dog needs when tracking and hunting moose in rugged terrain.” That’s not to say that Elkhound owners have not had to overcome problems in training for performance activities. One of the biggest issues, frequently, is finding trainers who understand the breed. “The hardest thing for me was finding a trainer who understands Elkhounds,” said Cheryl Cramer, who owns Ch MACH Tolandia Trouble Ahead (“Casey”), the first female Elkhound with a conformation championship to earn a MACH title. “Most agility trainers run the ‘traditional’ agility breeds such as Border Collies, Aussies, Shelties, Corgis and the like. Although these aren’t necessarily easy dogs to run, they are breeds that are hard-wired to follow directions and ‘live to serve.’ Elkhounds, although extremely loyal and devoted to wanting to make their people happy, were developed to be independent thinkers, not followers. They go out, find a moose, hold it at bay and keep it there until the hunter shows up. Reduced to basics, the only traditional command an Elkhound hears is ‘go find the moose.’ Independent thinking does not always translate well to agility or the training that’s required to do agility. I encountered a few trainers who wanted to fit my dog into their ‘program.’ Although a lot of what they taught was applicable to most breeds, it was a disaster for us. There was a lot of repetition and lots of drills. Elkhounds are smart dogs. Doing something over and over again either bores them or convinces them that they are doing it wrong. I would get frustrated because Casey wasn’t doing what she was ‘supposed’ to do and she would shut down because she felt I was disappointed in her. It took me a few years before I had the knowledge and confidence to pick trainers who respected Casey for who and what she is rather than trying to pigeonhole her. Elkhounds have to be athletic as they are expected to hold

a 1200 pound animal in one area by annoying it while also staying out of its way. Their survival depends on the latter ability. In comparison, jumping and negotiating agility obstacles are fairly tame activities. That being said, I had issues teaching Casey tight turns mainly because her jumping style often causes her landing to be further from the obstacle than I’d like. This makes tight, twisty courses hard for us to complete without faults. Elkhounds learn very quickly. Casey figured out the ‘rules’ of agility game in about three weeks. Fortunately, she had the patience to wait years for me to catch up. Elkhounds want to be ‘right’ but it has to be done with a lot of finesse. Trying to coerce an Elkhound into doing something is asking for trouble. And, all of mine had to feel as though ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ were their ideas, not mine.” Lisa Wilkinson, who owns Am/Can agility HIT MACH PACH U-CDX Wil-Mar’s Sea Breeze CDX CCDX RAE PAX MXP3 MJP8 OF AG.N VNE AOM CGC, the first Elkhound female to earn a MACH and the only one to have earned a PACH and PAX, said no one activity is more difficult for Elkhounds, just individual exercises within a sport can be harder than others. “In general, Elkhounds aren’t natural retrievers so obedience exercises that require this skill take more time and patience to teach. In agility, it seems that the heavy chest of an Elkhound makes proper Aframe contact a bit more difficult than for some breeds. But the critical issue is that Elkhounds think and learn differently than traditional agility or obedience breeds so finding a good trainer who understands your dog is usually the greatest obstacle you’ll have to overcome. Much of success with these dogs lies in the training methods used with them. They are smart, independent thinking dogs that don’t learn by repetition but rather by thinking through the problem on their own. Allowing them to ‘think’ puts them in charge of the ‘game’ as they’d be in charge of the moose or other big game animal if they were hunting, and that makes it enjoyable for them.

The hard part for us as trainers and handlers is to figure out ways to make learning a game and avoid repetition.” The hardest thing for my dogs to learn has been focus and control. Elkhounds are not natural ‘people pleasers’ but they can be willing workers,” said Leslie Forrest whose current dogs include BISS Am/Can Ch Lenan N’ Vikrest Silver Rogue CDX OA OAJ VNEX-AOM and Ch Vikrest Steppin’ In Style CDX OA OAJ VNEX-AOM. “You have to convince them that training is fun and when they do something well, they are the greatest dog in the world. It’s really important to remember that all dogs are individuals. No two are alike to train and no two ever seem to train the same way. With Elkhounds boredom is a problem. Constant repetition of any activity is a guarantee that you will have a slow, sloppy worker. To be honest, the handler gets cranky, also. I try to make training fun by teaching games and incorporating them in training and also by switching motivators. Elkhounds get a bad rap as ‘stubborn, too independent or not biddable’. With proper training techniques, none of these need to be true. If you are going to compete with a ‘rare’ breed, you have to accept the fact that you may not get HIT but with the right approach, you will get qualifying scores, titles and very respectable scores. But, it’s also important to remember that the dog doesn’t have a button you can push for a perfect ‘go.’ You have to be able to laugh at yourself and at your dog.” Dominique Mercurio agreed that attention and focus frequently are issues with Elkhounds. “Keeping my dog’s attention and focus is difficult in both obedience and agility. The urge to sniff or check out everything is a big obstacle. I found the key in training is to figure out how many repetitions Andrew (U-GrCh U-agil Alpha’s Jack Rabbit BN RN NA NAJ VNEX) will tolerate before making up stuff to do. I’ve found that about three repetitions is about his limit. Any more and he gets creative. You have to keep the training sessions fun and short,

focusing on key exercises. You need persistence, patience and a great sense of humor with an Elkhound. Sometimes you need to do some really crazy things to make things fun for the dogs but it is worth it in the end.” Wendy Vise-Wiley decided that she wanted to take advantage of the breed’s natural abilities in her dog sport of choice so she tried tracking with her Elkhounds. She and her dog “Alley” (Ch CT Highland Tornado Alley CD RN) eventually earned the coveted champion tracker title, the first Elkhound and so far the only Elkhound to own a CT. It was not, however, without some serious trials (and errors.) “When I first started her in tracking as a puppy, I had no idea she would go as far as she has in tracking. So, all of our work was on grass surfaces. Then when we began training for the VST, it was very difficult for her to grasp the idea of hard surfaces like asphalt and concrete. So, for many months, she only saw hard surfaces because I knew if I put her back on grass, she would do great but she’d also never want to return to asphalt. It was really difficult to watch her struggle with the hard surfaces because she was such a good and willing tracker on vegetation. But I pushed both of us through that hump and she finally got it. It was worth the work because that’s when she really started excelling during the tests. One of the problems is that VST tests are really difficult to enter because it takes quite a bit of land per track and the passing rate is very low. I feel very lucky that Alley passed on her seventh try as it is such an extreme scent situation with so many variables that can make or break the dog on that particular day. If you know your dog is capable and ready for the test you have to stay positive after each fail for

Ch MACH Tolandia Trouble Ahead (“Casey”), Cheryl Cramer’s Elkhound, is the first female Elkhound with a conformation championship to earn a MACH title.

Lisa Wilkinson, who owns Am/Can agility HIT MACH PACH U-CDX Wil-Mar’s Sea Breeze CDX CCDX RAE PAX MXP3 MJP8 OF AG.N VNE AOM CGC (“Breezie”), said that allowing Elkhounds to ‘think’ puts them in charge of the ‘game’ as they’d be in charge of the moose or other big game animal if they were hunting and that makes it enjoyable for them.

BISS Am/Can Ch Lenan N’ Vikrest Silver Rogue CDX OA OAJ VNEX-AOM (“Rogue”), one of Leslie Forrest’s Elkhounds, may not be a natural “people pleaser” but he is a willing worker.

there are things in this test you can’t control. This is a fun sport but it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the frustration sometimes.” “Contrary to what some people believe, Elkhounds can be very versatile,” said Carol Slattery, who with her husband Tom owns Ch Snojager Step Up to Bat MX MXJ MXP MJP, Ch Vikrest Scouting for Trouble MX MXP MXJ MJP and MACH2 Snojager Invincible Storm NAP OJP. “They can excel in more than one area. I’ve had Elkhounds for more than 30 years and was always told, ‘Don’t even try obedience with your dog.’ Then, I was at a dog show and saw an Elkhound in open obedience one day. That day my attitude changed and I decided to give competitive Continued on page 98

Dog News 95

96 Dog News

Dog News 97

BIG GAME HUNTERS... Continued FROM page 95

obedience a try. The problem is, the trainers didn’t think Elkhounds could do it either plus when I started, Golden Retrievers were the dog to own if you were a ‘serious’ competitor in obedience. It took me awhile to learn that you don’t train Elkhounds like you train a Golden Retriever. As far as agility is concerned, my favorite retort to people who say Elkhounds can’t do agility is

“Alley” ((Ch CT Highland Tornado Alley CD RN) and owner Wendy Vise-Wiley at the start of a TDX test. Alley is, at least so far, the only Elkhound in the breed to earn a Champion Tracker title.

Dominique Mercurio has discovered that “Andrew” (UGrCh U-agil Alpha’s Jack Rabbit BN RN NA NAJ VNEX) is good for about three repetitions on any exercise before boredom sets in and he starts making things up to entertain himself. (PawPrintsLife photo)

“An Elkhound that is not agile is a dead Elkhound,” according to Carol Slattery, who with husband Tom owns Ch Snojager Step Up to Bat MX MXJ MXP MJP.

98 Dog News

‘A Norwegian Elkhound that isn’t agile is a dead Norwegian Elkhound. Their real ‘job’ is to track moose and hold them at bay. They have to be very agile to stay out of the way of a moose that’s trying to kill them. One piece of advice I’d give to anyone is don’t be afraid to switch trainers. We had been going to one training club for a long time but when I was training for utility, we were going nowhere. The lessons were the same every week. Then, someone told me about another school and instructor so we switched and it was a great decision. Not long after that, we earned the UD. The same thing happened to Tom when he was training an Elkhound in agility that was quite soft. The trainers insisted that he drag her across the dog walk by her collar. Sometimes the problem with training an Elkhound is really related to finding the right method and the right school for you and your dog.” For O’Brien, who says she is probably what some would consider to be a “lazy trainer,” success sometimes means having to accept that when a dog does certain things, they are just being themselves. “Beka is a very sensitive dog that reads the slightest nuance of my emotions whether I’m aware of them or not. This causes her to stress and turn off to the point where she will just quit. She used to get the zoomies and race around the ring. Now when she has had enough, she just turns tail and walks out of the ring. She also has to think about and analyze everything. I’ve just had to learn to accept that this is Beka and her personality. I learned not to get upset about it because that just makes things worse. She has taught me a lot of patience which is what it’s really all about when you are training Elkhounds. You can’t rush them. They have to be ready to do something before you’ll be successful. Maybe some would consider me a ‘lazy trainer’ but I’m not in these sports for the high scores and titles. If I get them, it’s just icing on the cake for me. I want my dogs happy in the ring and enjoying themselves even if it isn’t always doing what they should be doing.” Olson said the issue with her current Elkhound was weaning her off food from training to the ring. “Elkhounds are usually highly food-

motivated and she was exceptionally interested in food. One of the best trainers in the country told me that I had to make myself the most important thing in the world to my dog in the ring. Well, she IS an Elkhound and I knew she would never pick me over food. But, I finally hit on an answer. I taught her that there would be a giant jackpot when we completed all the exercises and came out of the ring. It took no time at all for her to understand this concept and that solved the problem. One of the problems with the breed is that they are crazy about food and get fat easily.” Peters said that a significant issue facing the breed today is the declining interest in owning Elkhounds. “We have very few young people in the breed and I worry about who will look out for our breed and our parent and regional clubs in the future. I do not believe this problem is unique to our breed. The Elkhound has never been one of the more popular breeds so the issue seems exaggerated.” Schlictig noted that Elkhounds are not for every home. “They bark, they lose hair, they gain weight and they don’t listen well to most people. Breeders need to make sure the people who buy their pups are educated about what life is like with an Elkhound. Elkies all need to go to a good all-breed training school even if they never compete in any sport.” “I see a lot of structure problems in our breed in the conformation ring,” said Slattery. “The majority of these are bad fronts and a good front assembly is very important for performance dogs. Also, some of the dogs are becoming too heavy. A sage person once said this to me about a dog doing well in the conformation ring. ‘That dog couldn’t make it across the parking lot to get to the woods to track the moose.’ It’s important that Elkhounds retain the conformation necessary to successfully hunt moose even if they never see one in their lives. Breeders need to encourage owners to give the dog sports a try because that is one way we can preserve the structure necessary for the dog to do whatever work the owner wants it to do.”

July 20, 2012 Continued FROM page 34

Bests Week of the

Twin Brooks Kennel Club Doberman Pinscher Ch. D’s Remember When Judge Mr. William G. Daugherty Owners Dr. Anthony & Mrs. Sheila DiNardo Handler Gwen DeMilta Comal County Kennel Club English Springer Spaniel GCh. Wynmoor Champagne Supernova Judge Mr. Gerardo Bernard Owners C. Florence, B. Fink, E. Kerfoot, K. Goodhue-McWilliams, and D. Streng Handler Robin Novack Cuyahoga Valley Kennel Club American Foxhound Ch. Kiarry’s Eyes On The Prize At Caben Judge Dr. Levente Mikklos Owners Scott Fike and Jeanne Fournier-Fike Handler Sam Mammano Ashtabula Kennel Club Bernese Mountain Dog GCh. Alpenspirit Just In Time Judge Mr. John Ramirez Owners Steven Singleton and Mylene Turbide Handler Karen Mammano

Twin Brooks Kennel Club I - Sunday Maltese Ch. Ta-Jon’s Pawsitively Pawparazzi Judge Mrs. Jacqueline Stacy Owners Timothy Lehman and Tammy Simon Handler Timothy Lehman Basenji Club of America National Specialty GCh. Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin Judge Dr. John Reeve-Newson Owners Julie & Kathy Jones and Chua Ming Kok Handler Julie Jones Havanese Club Of America Ch. Marcosa Slip Slidin’ Away Of Skyline Owners Hannah And Corinne Kolzow and Pat Bass Handler Daryl Martin

Duluth Kennel Club - Thursday, Friday, Saturday Afghan Hound Ch. Thaon’s Mowgli Judge Mr. Frank Sabella Judge Mrs. Helen Lee James Judge Mr. Steve Dainard Owners Jay T. Hafford, James Blanchard, Ann Sterner, and Debbie Rogers Handler Jay T. Hafford

Dog News 99

TRUE NORTH Continued FROM page 56

and better venue. The show was well advertised and the groups had close circuit television and also an announcer. The show officials were very accommodating and asking exhibitors what they would like to see changed. This year the club brought in a panel of all foreign judges (all from South America, headed up by Ivan Sandoval). The club also offered a “Veterans Spectacular,” a sweepstakes for Veterans on the Friday night, and has various other events planned throughout the weekend. They advertised their show well and the club officials were busy at shows receding their clubs closing date for entries to make sure everyone knew what was going on and answering any questions. In talking to the club officials they were hoping to get an entry of 140 dogs per show. This may seem small in the grand scheme of things but to a club that had sub 100 entry shows in the previous 5 years this was going to be no small feat. Well it seems that the fancy at large was happy with what they saw, the Chaluer Kennel Club reached their limit of 175 dogs per show! This is a 63% increase in entries over the year before! An incredible and well-deserved feat for this hard working and remote club! Well done! In other news the Canadian Kennel Club has announced that it has plans in the works to bring back the “Dogs In Canada” magazine and as well “The Dogs Annual” in their statement. Dogs in Canada - Back In the Game! In the glory days of niche publishing, it was common for just about any organization to produce a “trade publication” and provide it to their members. Yet, as the economy tightened and the growing cost of print publication became more difficult to absorb, magazines such as Dogs in Canada (DIC) were forced to rethink and redesign how they were to do business. In the first 10 years of majority ownership of Apex Publishing, the CKC watched DIC grow. For a number of very successful years, DIC was an industry leader receiving awards from journalistic peers for both editorial and photographic work and was a leader in the market with the Dogs in Canada Annual. As DIC gained recognition in Canada and internationally, it was concurrently becoming more costly to operate, publish and maintain our high standards of achievement. The magazine was also heavily subsidised by government grants and financially subsidised by the CKC in order to provide it as part of every CKC membership. As the unsustainable cost of production rose, the grants dwindled and it became inevitable that these circumstances

100 Dog News

would eventually force serious considerations to be undertaken. The financial impact upon the Canadian Kennel Club was weighing heavily and by September 2011, tough decisions had to be made by both the Apex and CKC Boards on the future of the magazine under the business model existing at the time. A major regrouping has taken place since September 2011 and since January of 2012, both Apex and CKC Boards have reviewed the financial outcomes and considered how best to provide the “good things” we all associate with Dogs in Canada. We are pleased to be in a position to have initiated a Request For Proposal (RFP) process and with great anticipation are seeking a qualified publishing partner “for production, advertising sales, editorial planning and development, design, print and circulation of the Canadian Kennel Club’s Dogs in Canada magazine and Dogs Annual.” As the “Dogs Annual” was a huge part of the purebred dog scene here in Canada, this will be received as good news by the dog owning population. As well Dogs In Canada has been trying to recreate their brand online with the DIC blogsite at There you will find breeder listings as well as the unofficial Top Dog stats for 2011. As for the Top dog race, the cocker BOV winner from Westminster took an early lead in the top dog race and seemingly there is no looking back. Top Dogs as of July 11, 2012 according to Canuck dogs look like this. #1 Am Cocker Ch Mario n Beechwood’s Midnight Express #2 Gordon Setter Ch Sastya’s Twelfth Night By NCM #3 Karelian BD Ch TsarShadows I Speak of War #4 Welsh Ter Ch Darwyn’s I’m Not Arguing #5 Malamute Ch Mytuk’s Technical Knockout #6 English Setter Ch Sagebrush Bull Mtns Judee #7 Borzoi Ch Taigo’s Ulric #8 Pembroke WC Ch Coventry How High The Moon #9 Gt Schz Ch Innovation’s Dancing V Darkside #10 Brussels G Ch Hilltop’s Zoom Zoom That’s it for know from the True North.

Dog News 101


Directory Robert A. Fisher Kaki Fisher

Jessy & Roxanne Sutton Professional Dog Handlers

Specializing in Terriers and Working Dogs

Professional Dog Handlers Frakari Kennels 194 Quivey Hill Road/P.O. Box 204 Middle Granville, NY 12849 518.642.9225 KNL • 440.813.6388 c 12.09

Jessy phone: 215-778-1253 7.09 12.12


Roxanne phone: 513-235-2099




Sue Capone, PHA Regina Keiter SUE 570 992-5705 email:





REGINA 570 369-0192 email:

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Diana Wilson

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Clint and Karen Livingston 1981 East 141 Avenue Brighton, Colorado 80602 210 865 8415 - Clint 210 865 2348 - Karen

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Carlos Carrizo


Tiffany Knox




Professional Handling

AKC Registered Handler All Breed Dog Handler 7.12

9372 S Union • Tulsa, OK 74132 • 508-864-6262 6.13


Cell: 415 819-5773


Ernesto Lara

AKC Registered Handler Assisted by Leonardo Garcini


Greenfield 3.10


Tiffany Saxon

P.O. Box 330 Tel: (717) 445-9936 1181 Reading Road Fax: (717) 445-0577 Bowmansville, PA 17507 email: 6.10 6.13 mobile: 717-475-7069

Professional Presentation & Care of Show Dogs A drienne O wen 6849 S hadow R idge P l ace A lta L oma , CA 91701 909-472-5519 adrienne @ newpointkennel . com www 8.09 . newpointkennel . com 7.12


All Breed Dog Handler

1637 Moon Rock Rd Fallbrook, CA 92029

Office: 760-723-9564 Cell: 626-277-7172 1.11

102 Dog News





GENK 2012 Continued FROM page 64

shows would be a little better known. Of course it is not easy to get the attention of the networks and that counts for dog sport in general. In Belgium only football, cycling and tennis get daily attention. Before the successes of Cleysters and Henin tennis was blessed with the same fate. Anyway, those who are interested in dogs, do sports and shows know the way well enough. That certainly applied for this show. Dogs came from as far as Russia (5), the Baltics (2), Ukraine (1), Finland (1), Ireland (1) and even the USA (1), 20 countries in total. The 20 invited judges represented 8 countries like Russia, Ukraine and Ireland as if foreign judges bring dogs with them. The total capacity of the halls is enough to hold all those dogs, however, one side-hall is not that comfortable and somewhat dark. In the large reception was enough place to make an extra ring and that is a good idea. Before it was used as a snack restaurant but for that there were other options and now this place can hold a large extra ring. The main hall is not large enough to have a ring for demonstrations or a separate main ring, but it is more important and better to have the rings as large as possible in such a case.


s told before the judges could afford to work in a relaxed way on Saturday. Only two judges were well occupied. Mrs. Ingrid Hectors had 74 dogs on this, the only day that she judged. She had only two breeds but had the breed with the highest score. Beside 21 Aussies, she had a fantastic number of 53 Border Collies in her ring. Sean Delmar from Ireland had the highest score that day. His 84 dogs consisted of 18 Flat Coated Retrievers, 46 Golden Retrievers and 20 Labradors. Mr. Theo Leenen had 27 Swiss White Shepherds, a breed with an ever growing popularity. On Sunday Mr. Delmar had again a nice score with 86 dogs, including 31 American Staffordshires and 21 Staffordshire Bull Terriers, and that made him the top judge of the show with 170 dogs in total. Mr. Erwin Deutscher, however, was the top scorer of Sunday. He did all the Poodles, some other breeds and 27 Yorkshire Terriers. Over the weekend he had 140 entries for him alone. From Finland Mrs. Kirsti Louhi came to judge on Sunday no less than 47 Chihuahuas and ended with 138 entries for both days. Mr. Jos De Cuyper from Belgium had a nice total score too. 19 Dalmatians, 19 Shih Tzus and 30 Cavaliers along with some other breeds helped him reach a nice total of 124 entries over the weekend. I think in the last 5 years and probably longer, Mr. Piotr Kroll from Poland is regular invitee in Genk, on the Ambiorix Trophy as well as on the LKV Grand Prix of Limburg, and the exhibitors never seem to get tired of him as again he scored well, especially on Sunday when he had 34 French Bulldogs and a total of 85 dogs to judge what resulted in 118 en-

Continued on page 105

Dog News 103


Directory Doug And Mandy Carlson AKC Registered Handlers

Doug 405 370-1447 Mandy 405 826-3884 5.12

Aaron R. Wilkerson All Breed Professional Handler

11293 Dunnigan Road Emmett, Michigan 48022

803 421.9832



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407 810-4036 3.13

PO Box 99• Selkirk, NY 12158 E 919.741.0226 • S 518.209.7988



BRUCE & TARA SCHULTZ Board Certified Professional Handlers Members of P.H.A.


104 Dog News

Professional Dog Handler Murbe Kennels DHG, PHA & AKC Registered

P.O. Box 867 Wellborn, FL 32094

8260 McColl Drive W Savage, Minnesota 55378 Phone: 952 890-6010

Guy H. Fisher


5540 San Miguel Rd. Bonita, California 91902

Bruce: 951 314-8357 Tara: 951 515-0241



GENK 2012

Continued FROM page 103

tries for both days. Mrs. Kalynchenko Galyna came as far as from Ukraine. On Saturday she had 38 dogs to judge, but on Sunday when she was mainly occupied with all the Pinsher and Schnauzer varieties, she was pretty busy with 75 entries. For the Ca de Bou or Mallorcan Mastiff a judge from Spain was invited, Mr Gual Sergio. 48 Specimen turned up for him and that is remarkable.


he Best In Show was in the hands of judge Vincent O’Brien from Ireland. He was pleased and honored to get this job. All BOG’s were to be placed. Unfortunately for those who won BOG on Saturday as the 3 first placed dogs all won BOG on Sunday. His 3rd place went to the Yorkshire Terrier “Every Jackson de la Castelviroise”. This French dog was entered in Open Class for Mr. Delmar who also made him Best of Group. Every Jackson was bred 3 years ago by Nathalie Peter and is owned by Serge Mindeau, both from France. Second place was awarded to the Maltese “Funny Ladies Super Boy” who was entered also in Open Class Males, judged by Mrs. Rita Reyniers and made Group winner by Mr. Erwin Deutscher. Super Boy is bred in Japan in the famous kennel “Funny Ladies” of Mr. Ayako Ito. One of his kennelmates was another frequent winner over here a few years ago. It is very well possible that Super Boy will follow in his European footsteps. At two years of age his start is promising and that is how his master/handler Patrick Houthuys thinks too. Best In Show went to a dog that crossed the channel to show here, the Newfoundlander “UK.CH.Hanningfield Touch of Magic”. Julie Cheridan, owner/handler entered him in Champion Class to be judged by Mr. O’Brien himself. He won the breed from 18 competitors and entered again in the afternoon in the main ring for the Group judging. This Group was judged by Mrs. Kuleshova from Russia who awarded him the ticket to compete for Best In Show. Here he was again subjected to the verdict of Mr. O’Brien who finally made him his ultimate winner. A British Victory! Touch of Magic is almost 5 years old and was bred my Mr. and Mrs. Walker. I wonder what was served in the evening to celebrate this victory: whisky or whiskey. Next edition of this show will be on June 29 and 30. Hope the British finally understand that leaving their Island can be rewarding. A few hundred would be great and bring the Irish too!

Dog News 105


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electric, newer septic and a grooming all onattached 5 fenced 2 car business garage, 4 run kennel. Business Established breeder, Includes apartment. acres. Property veterinarian. includes a 3 bedroom remodeled guest or manwith Loyal Clientele. 2nd Home 2,000 sf, 2 BR, 2 Bath, 2 car garage. agers cottage, car garage with a tractor bay, Asking a four stall Great potential for growth. Only vet ina four growing, improving area. barn, run in shed, paddock fenced pasture. All AC the property Separate 10andrun kennel and heat, covered concrete runs Small quaint kennel, $400, 50% down if owner live and work area. is surrounded farm land preservation. Thefinanced. vintage 184087 cenwith open grass runs. Dog lover’s dream! ter hall colonial has a front use to back tworespected stone fireplaces, years continuous as foyer, a well 20room x and 50 dining insulated motor home 1.6 garage Amp. Acres, with 30’x40’50 barn with potential an elegant living room, all remodeled kitchen for apartment or office. clinic. Call There 770 251-2644, with granite and much36 more. is an inground pool to comx 45 insulated building with 2 bay doors. Call Peter Jennings of plete thisemail stunning property. To view this beautiful property or Bayberry Property Management and Leasing of Ct, LLC to receive a brochure please$699,000. contact carol Comerford @ ColdOwner Cell: 214-616-3068 James Kornder, DVM, PhDor or Curtis 203-227-0041 well Banker 908-534-4085 X 147 my Marilyn cell 908-581-6206. 3.12 4.11




Louisville-Cincinnati-Indianapolis Area Over 150 shows annually within 350 miles. Four Bedroom, 3 bath 3,000 sq. ft. Cedar/Rock Home with 16 Mason Fence Indoor-Outdoor Runs. Features include Large Heated Training Room, Feed Room, Grooming Room, Indoor Parking with Electric and Sewer Hookup for up to 42’ Motorhome. Multi Indoor Storage Areas. Large One B/R Townhouse-type Apartment In Kennel Building, plus another full B/R Apt. in Home. All this on 15 Acres with 7 Fenced Grass Paddocks for Dogs to Exercise. Asking $450,000.00, with possible Owner Financing. (812) 689-3274 4.11

Breeders Directory

Rottweilers and Toy Manchesters Puppies occasionally and stud service phone 800 454-5067 fax 303 745-7319 Pedigrees done for all AKC breeds


106 Dog News


Continued FROM page 72

people were more oriented toward Ron than Alan and certainly three if not all five individuals did extremely well salary ways, and basically deservedly so during the Menaker years. Perhaps they thought it was time to move on which in fact it probably was. This did not apply to another resignee, the Head of Marketing who does not fit the profiles of the others as she was, I am told, a Kalter find with which to begin. That made a total of 5 resignations of top jobs form N.C. and one from the NY office. o what and whom do we have left in both New York and North Carolina? No new Vice President of Judging has been named nor has a new COO been announced in N.C. From what I understand John is scheduled to retire in December of this year but of course that is subject to change. It is rumored that certain Board Members want to consolidate the President's job with the COO’s eliminating the latter position in the entirety. Others it is said are looking to hire a non-dog person as COO—similar I guess to a Nick Atilio or Al Chaure—we all know what happened in that instance while others may be on the fence altogether. Without of course the COO and the VP of Judging the Judges Approval Committee will be whittled down to three people without any input whatsoever from major Staff players. Sorry but I do not consider any Field Rep to fall into the latter category at all! It’s almost as though North Carolina has been eliminated from the scheme of AKC as its major players have either left or are in the process of leaving. Does that mean AKC is to refocus on NYC with computer operations say in Hoboken—I doubt that but it does not sound like the worst idea in the world. The new CFO has been named. A man by the name of Peter Farnsworth, reputed to be a financial whiz in his own right. Could it be that these resignations set off the time bomb of Steve Gladstone’s rants at the latest Board Meeting or was it something else? It does not as we all know take much to set off Steve! I got quite a chuckle out of those named to the Nominating Committee. I have it on very good authority two of the ladies don’t even speak to each other. If that is true- and I have no reason to doubt that storycan you imagine the negotiations in trying to find suitable people to run for the Board! I was fascinated to read in the Minutes that there was a proposed ByLaw Amendment submitted by Lewiston-Auburn KC to preclude any former AKC employee from serving on the Board of the American Kennel Club. It is to be considered further at the September meeting and will probably fall into the “don’t act upon category for the next six months” but this is an idea long espoused by this writer. What a great idea!!!!


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CANINE ALLIANCE APPLAUDS KENNEL CLUB QUESTION TIME he Canine Alliance has responded positively to the Kennel Club’s announcement that it plans to host four Question Time sessions in September, October and November. It is greatly encouraged by the fact that “The Kennel Club understands how passionate an issue the vet checks have been and wants to give everyone the opportunity to have their say on this and other matters” as this point has repeatedly been made to the Kennel Club by The Alliance, and it is heartened that the Kennel Club is taking notice of Alliance requests. It is further reassured to note that the Kennel Club “is expecting an array of questions - as well as questions on the vet checks, we expect questions relating to the registration of dogs in the UK, progress with the health of pedigree dogs, use and misuse of cosmetic aids and much more. We look forward to engaging with everyone interested in these subjects.” Speaking for the Alliance, Director Tony Taylor said, “Whilst the Chairman of the Kennel Club has not agreed to engage with Canine Alliance members per se we see the organising of these Question Time sessions as a gesture for the good, and we encourage as many Alliance members as possible to attend one of the sessions, being sure that their questions are sent in advance to James Skinner as requested. There are many issues surrounding the current vet checks and the future registration system that our members feel should be discussed with as wide an audience as possible, and the Question Time seems to be as suitable a vehicle as is presently available.” The Alliance trusts that all questions submitted will be given adequate time, and suggests that those who submit questions should be contacted in advance by the Kennel Club and assured their question will be asked. Andrew H. Brace Vice-Chairman & Press Officer Gwent, Wales


JUly 20, 2012

Letters ToThe Editor

LATE ANSWER TO LAST WEEK’S QUESTION OF THE WEEK, How do you think the Reserve Best in Show worked out this past week-end? BRYAN AND NANCY MARTIN For Nancy, it was very confusing and anticlimactic. No one knew who won the RBIS initially the first day. The second day it was a bit more clear, but the first dog pulled out thought they were BIS, but the second one pulled out actually won. For Bryan, the judge announced quite clearly who was BIS and who was RBIS. We both think there should be a better procedure for awarding both rosettes. The best being that the 2 dogs be pulled to the center of the ring, with the awards made directly to each winner, rather than pointing to the BIS winner in line, and then pointing to the RBIS winner while still in line.

A SUGGESTION ith the new breeds,and some unrecognizable old breeds, it becomes more and more difficult to determine what the advertisers are advertising. There was a cute terrier in one of the ads recently but I had no idea which of several breeds it was. Then there is the Briard (imported) which was foreign to me, and I had to read the copy to find out what it was. Perhaps you could put a little identification on the page, or make sure that the advertisers identify the breed in their ads!! Just a suggestion. Regards, Connie Vanacore Mendham, NJ


90,000 PEOPLE CHECK DETAILS DURING NATIONAL MICROCHIPPING MONTH etlog is celebrating after it was announced that over 90,000 pets’ records were checked by their responsible owners as a result of an awareness campaign which took place throughout National Microchipping Month in June. Celia Walsom, Petlog Executive said: “We are delighted that over 90,000 contact details were checked. This is great news, as it shows that we are getting through to people that having their pet microchipped alone is not enough – they also need to keep their contact details up to date. “This figure demonstrates that people are not just listening but actively taking action. Although it is good news that so many people have now ensured their pet has a form of permanent identification and the correct details on the database, we’re concerned that too many people are forgetting to update the moment they change their details. “Unfortunately, we know too well that people have to be reminded to update their details, which is why we run initiatives such as National Microchipping Month. However this only comes around once a year, and that could be too late for some pets.” Celia believes that the best way to tackle this is through Petlog Premium: “It costs just £10 to upgrade to Petlog Premium online - and can be done very simply once the initial registration is confirmed. From then on every change made is free, and each owner can create a secure log in and account where they can easily manage all of their contact information as well as include holiday information and emergency contact details. “As well as a secure account, Petlog Premium has a host of benefits, it provides a lost pet alert to registered authorities within a 30 mile radius, publishes detail of lost pets on Petlog’s lost pet page and has a unique partnership with smart phone application My Dog UK, where users can press the lost pet button from their phone and GPS will pick up their location and send out a lost pet alert immediately. It is all too easy to not think about all these things until your pet goes missing, which a lot of pets do, but for a sum which can amount less than £1 a year of your pet’s life, it makes both financial and emotional sense to be prepared and upgrade before anything happens.” Laura Quickfall London, England


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