Dog News, August 30, 2013

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Dog News

The Digest

Volume 29, Issue 35

Of American Dogs $5.00

August 30, 2013

Dog News 3

Contents 10 Editorial

46 The Juniors Speak: Hannah Schwank

14 Inside The Sport: The Message Is: Unmask!

48 The Newfoundland In Art At The KC

BY kimberly silva garrett

By pat trotter

By nick waters

18 A Different Perspective: Too Much Of A Good Thing

50 Irving’s Impressions: More Key UK Issues By ronnie irving

By Linda More

54 Off The Leash: The White House Takes On BSL

22 The Question Of The Week By Matthew Stander

By shaun coen

26 Babbling: The Value of Natural Photos and Natural Looks

58 An Eye For A Dog From A Delegate Judge, Some Changes At The AENC, Mickey Low And More

By geir flyckt-pedersen

30 The Lighter Side of Judging: Slain In The Spirit By michael H. Faulkner

34 Bests Of The Week 38 Ten Questions Asked of David Harper 40 Draft Tests Prove And Preserve Working Ability In A Really Fun Way By sharon pflaumer

42 The Chairman’s Report BY alan kalter

By Matthew H. Stander

August 30, 2013

68 Irish Red and White Setter National Specialty By Lee robinson

72 The Gossip Column BY Eugene Z. Zaphiris

76 Click - Santa Barbara Kennel Club BY leslie simis

80 Click - The Way We Were BY paddy spear

109 Letters To The Editor

82 handlers directory • 84 subscription rates • 86 classified advertising • 88 ADvertising rates • 89 OCTOBER DOG SHOW CALENDAR AND JUDGING SLATES DOG NEWS (ISSN 0886-2133) is published weekly except the last two weeks in December by Harris Publications, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010. Periodical Postage paid at New York. 4 Dog News

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to DOG NEWS, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010 All advertisements are copyrighted and owned by DOG NEWS, Harris Publications, unless received camera-ready. Permission to reprint must be requested in writing.

” “Seemore

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Dog News Cover Story - August 30, 2013







212 807.7100 x588 FAX NUMBER


Ian Miller 212 462.9624



Contributing Editors Sharon Anderson George Bell Andrew Brace Agnes Buchwald Patricia Gail Burnham Shaun Coen Carlotta Cooper Geoff Corish Michael Faulkner Denise Flaim Geir Flyckt - Pedersen Allison Foley Yossi Guy Ronnie Irving Roz Kramer John Mandeville Linda More Desmond J. Murphy M. J. Nelson Sharon Pflaumer John Shoemaker Kim Silva Matthew H. Stander Sari Brewster Tietjen Patricia Trotter Connie Vanacore Carla Viggiano Nick Waters Seymour Weiss Minta (Mike) Williquette Dog News Photographers Chet Jezierski Perry Phillips Kitten Rodwell Leslie Simis

* All Systems

6 Dog News

DOG NEWS is sent to all AKC approved Conformation Judges with more than one breed every week on a complimentary basis. No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without written permission from the editor. The opinions expressed by this publication do not necessarily express the opinions of the publisher. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted.

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Dog News 9

THE RUSSIAN DOG SHOW SITUATION As the FCI’s Summer European Show ends in Geneva this weekend it will be interesting to see if any public reaction is released with regard to the 2015 World Show scheduled for Moscow and to foreign participation in dog shows generally in Russia. The evil and vitriolic laws signed into effect by Putin this summer with regards to gays generally in Moscow were unacceptable with which to begin insofar as these pages are concerned but when he extended this thinking to visiting foreigners either gay or “pro-gay” he took the laws out of the realm of politics and into the very way in which individuals live, Russian or others. Those in the dog world who do not want to get involved since they claim these are internal political happenings are missing the reality of what is going on in Russia at all. These are extensions into our lives wherever we live which render visits to Russia both dangerous and unnecessary. Dog show judges particularly are at danger in entering Russia whatever the event whether or not they have made money in the past by working at these assignments. DOG NEWS is proud of its part in helping to awaken the populace generally and the dog community specifically as these draconian laws were passed in Russia. Thanks in part to the op-ed article by Harvey Fierstein in the New York Times together with support from AKC in this matter the dog world community has basically reacted with feeling and determination in reacting against these laws. Too bad neither the FCI nor the Kennel Club in the UK has taken a public stand in the matter. JUDGING PERCEPTIONS An area of our sport which is particularly fuzzy and difficult to define is the situation where a judge or field rep asks people to contribute financially to causes or clubs to which they belong or in which they have a personal interest. Years ago a field rep who was collecting donations for a charitable cause within the dog world was chastised for those 10 Dog News


Editorial AUGUST 30, 2013

actions as causing a potential conflict of interest. Similarly a former Board Chairman of Take the Lead who was a Judge never would solicit money for the organization since he considered that to be a conflict as well. Other people think differently. Some people draw a genuine distinction between their actions in the ring and out of the ring with ease. Others do not! It’s that old perception thing which seems to be tested annually at various shows and events these days. Some people turn down the requests from judges to contribute automatically, others very willingly and comfortably do contribute. These pages take no side in the matter seeing the arguments pro and con for both positions. However we would be less than candid with ourselves were we to say the situation is a delicate one for sure. Our advice in the matter is to use common sense if you are a supporter of these kinds of events. For instance if you are a supporter of a show and have your name listed in the catalogue and exhibit as well be sure you understand the questions which may arise. AKC on the other hand has and does condone those types of examples on occasion! Go figure is our reaction. What is good for Peter is not necessarily good for Paul but at the least they should be brought to the attention of the community at large and discussed openly rather than behind closed doors as though all such actions are questionable. SERIOUS DISAGREEMENTS Alan Kalter in this Month’s Chairman’s Report is openly supportive of the Meet the Breeds event to be held in New York City the last week in September. Marjorie Martorella is equally as condemning in a Letter to the Editor of the event not because of the event itself but because of the timing of the event, which is in total conflict with a series of AKC licensed shows held traditionally within less than 50 miles of Meet the Breeds. These pages stand with Marjorie since the Clubs were never told of this actual conflict until the contract was signed and a fait accompli established. How cruel and unthinking of AKC to have acted in such a manner. Fact is that these pages were shocked to hear of its actions and for the past several months have condemned AKC for doing this. Now comes a Show Chairperson in the immediate mileage vicinity of these Clubs lamenting the situation as well even though her shows are not immediately affected. But let’s face it were AKC in a bind and needed the same date of those shows or your show how would they have acted? Damn the torpedo--full steam ahead--that’s some attitude for any organization to take. An apology to the Long Island clubs involved is definitely in order which apology should go beyond mere words and include some sort of financial restitution too.

DOGFIGHTING RING BUST On Monday August 26th authorities broke up a four-state dogfighting ring after an investigation which resulted in the arrest of 12 people from Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and Texas. 367 dogs alleged to have been pit bulls were seized in what is said to have been one of the nation’s largest crackdowns on these bloody and inhumane sports. This bust represents the culmination of a three-year investigation, which also saw the confiscation of firearms, drugs and $500,000 in cash. The conditions of the dogs were said to be deplorable, many emaciated or wounded and is the second largest dog fighting bust in US history. Brings back reminders of Michael Vick, who now is held in such regard for his “reformed” thinking in certain circles. Typical of those repentants who repent after they are caught, an attitude so prevalent on all levels of American society one wonders in amazement at how Vick’s actions are so quickly forgotten and forgiven. The dogs rescued ranged in age from just several days to 10-12 years and are said to have been left to suffer in extreme heat with no visible food nor water. Many were emaciated with scars and wounds said to be consistent with dogfighting and some were tethered by chains and cables that were attached to cinder blocks and car tires. Flush those bums out is the reaction from these pages and off with their heads for good measure to boot! THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK These pages happily join the campaign begun by former Board Chairman Jim Smith and elucidated upon by Pat Trotter in this week’s issue to undue the masking of applicants names started by the sitting majority on the Board of Directors. And next on the agenda of the absurd is the Garvin idea supported by Carmine Battaglia to have judges hands-on seminars replaced by electronic interpretations of dogs as allegedly alluded to in an August Scientific America article. Really now why judge real dogs at all? How many directors do you know who presently breed dogs with which to begin today anyways? Why not just send a robot dog of each breed and have them be judged since the judging of breeding stock and comparisons of breeding stock are unfortunately practices of the past. Don’t forget why dog shows were started - to compare breeding stock - not Photoshop electronic images!!

Dog News 11


Team Gus Thanks The Following Judges For These Group Firsts:

Dr. Wanda Spediacci 12 Dog News

Mrs. Keke Khan

Mrs. Nancy C. Russell


Team Gus Thanks Judge Dr. Eric Liebes for one of Gus’s Best In Show wins. Best In Show, National Specialty Best In Show

GCh. Derby’s Toast With Gusto Top Winning Swissy In AKC History Number 1 Swissy, All-Breed (All Systems)•# 18 Working Dog* Owned By: Rick & Sue Copeland Richmond, Texas *CC System

Bred By: Kristin Kleeman Robyn & Kenneth Toth

Presented By Team Gus: Scott Sommer Assisted by Alfonso Escobedo & Ashlie Whitmore Dog News 13

Inside The Sport The Message Is: Unmask! By Pat Trotter


ust as the controversy over the board’s April decision to “mask” the applications of judges to hide their identity from evaluators was dying down, no less a figure than the former board chairman Jim Smith literally threw his hat into the ring-so to speak-and rekindled the subject. Baseball caps with the inscription UNMASK on them recently started arriving at the homes of respected fanciers and judges who publicly disapproved of the board’s dramatic action, courtesy of Jim. Now Jim is no wannabe trying to feather his own nest by joining judges, experienced dog fanciers and breeders in responding to what he deemed a bad call on the part of the board. Jim has been a delegate to the AKC’s governing delegate body for more than a quarter of a century, served on the board in the 1990s as well as chairman for a year. Furthermore, he was an active member of the committee (known as the Bob Smith committee) that recently revised the judging approval process before the new board took its dramatic action in April of 2013. Jim was the American Kennel Club Breeder of the Year in 2012 and has been in dogs since a boy in the 1950s when he started showing his beloved Dalmatians. Today, his Ab-

solutely Smooth Fox Terriers are world renowned with Ch. Absolutely Out Of Sight currently reviving the breed in its country of origin both in the show ring and at stud. At the 2013 Westminster Kennel Club show Jim’s top ranked Ch. Slyfox Sneak’s A Peek won the Terrier Group, so Jim’s credentials speak for themselves. In addition to the accomplishments of Jim’s dogs in the whelping box and show rings, Jim himself has contributed much of his life to work for the Dalmatian Club of America and the American Fox Terrier Club, holding various offices in both clubs and is currently president of the AFTC. Because many in the fancy feel that each one in the judging community is the sum total of their life’s experiences in dogs, there is indeed still much dissatisfaction about “masking.” The implication is that knowing the applicant’s name allows the Judges’ Review Committee to discount factual information in lieu of an opinion-an opinion which might be either positive or negative based on personal issues. The board’s thinking evidently was that such bias would be given more weight than objective information, an opinion not shared by the fancy as a whole.

“The decision to “mask” appears to be based on the concept that since doctors and lawyers are not identified (except by number) while taking state examinations and bar exams to receive their accreditation, so should AKC judges be anonymous.” 14 Dog News

The decision to “mask” appears to be based on the concept that since doctors and lawyers are not identified (except by number) while taking state examinations and bar exams to receive their accreditation, so should AKC judges be anonymous. However, the operative word here is exams, a testing process no longer conducted by AKC. Twenty years ago judging applicants were tested on breed standards the same as a college student taking finals-no open books! In fact, often tests were administered and proctored at the applicant’s local colleges, thus totally removed from any possibility of favoritism from within the sport. Ensuing years produced a facsimile of such a system with so-called “open book tests” where AKC mailed prospective judges a simple test on each breed standard that they could take in the privacy of their own home with the standard right in front of them. For the most part it was a failsafe process that protected applicants from having to study the standards diligently, and so they could more or less “wing it.” The JRC process was aimed at approval being given based on merit alone. Did the process need tweaking? Most agree that it did, and at the same time some good things did result from the synopsis, evaluation, interview and letters in the file process. Most could see only a few flaws in this process that would prevent the JRC from making informed, intelligent decisions. Because of the fancy’s reaction to some of these decisions, the board passed a moratorium on the JRC’s recommendation for advancement/invitation process which is currently still in place. However, this April board decision did not cause quite the outrage that the “masking” decision caused. People felt hiding their resumes from the evaluators was an insult as they had worked hard for years to accumulate knowledge, be honest and fair in Continued on page 62

16 Dog News

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A Different



ver since I started judging, back in 1991……..well actually, ever since years before that when I was a newbie owner exhibitor, and then a more educated exhibitor, and then a professional handler, there have been complaints about the unfairness of judging, often centered around the perception that many judges favor the pros. No doubt there is some element of truth to that, sometimes, with some judges, but there’s something else that gives the experienced exhibitors – amateur or professional - an advantage, and I’m not talking about face recognition or longevity in the sport. It’s about the way the dogs are presented. I wrote last time about the dog’s physical condition and how it can relate to the dog’s show ring success; now is a good time to consider a couple other factors. For the newbies and some less newbies out there, please remember that judges are expected to evaluate and place an average of 25 dogs an hour. That’s less than 2 ½ minutes, per dog, that AKC allots to give our attention to your dog. If we must spend half that time waiting for you to set your dog up and have it looking good, and then also gait the dog to its best advantage, that’s time you have wasted, and the judge can’t help but become impatient while twiddling his or her thumbs. You are handicapping your dog rather than enhancing its chances of winning. In contrast, the experienced exhibitor has the dog looking nice quickly and efficiently, then gaits it smoothly and at a speed that makes the dog look as good as it can. Judges in general have a lot of patience for the newcomers in our sport – after all, we all were you 18 Dog News

once upon a time. Really! (I for one have a vivid recollection of my first foray into the conformation ring as a kid, though being a kid might actually have been to my advantage as perhaps kids aren’t as worried as adults, when they have their canine friend at their side.) We welcome you and we want you to stay with us! Now it is my opinion that some part of the judge’s “job” is to try to see through poor handling and assess the dog’s quality as well as possible, and one can argue that the former professional handlers who are now judges may have a slight advantage in that respect. But there’s a limit on how much extra time any of us can give you in the ring – remember that allotted 2.4 minutes, plus it’s not fair to the other entries. Everyone paid the same entry fee. There are things newbies – and not so newbies – can do to better prepare their dogs and themselves to be a more competitive team. So what good things are there too much of? The first one that there is way too much of at present is bait. Just because a little incentive is good definitely does not mean that a whole meal continually fed is better, or more effective in enhancing the dog’s appearance. There is so much overuse of bait that it has become annoying to judges and destructive of the dogs’ appearance, and many judges have commented on this, in print and out. One late judge was driven to prohibiting bait in his ring, and he was not the first to do so! I just recently judged a couple shows in Canada, and as I drove home and reviewed the weekend I realized that the exhibitors –whether skilled, not so skilled, or quite novicey – were much more reContinued on page 66

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20 Dog News

*The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed, Beagle over 13 inches

Dog News 21

When a Judge becomes physically or mentally incapable of performing his or her duties in the ring and they refuse or cannot resign how should AKC handle this type situation?

Rose M. Robinett Just like any other profession be it a Doctor, teacher, or our driver’s license, if you’re unable to preform that responsibility than they revoke your license. Kent Meyer Of course the AKC must intervene when a judge is physically or mentally unable to fulfill his/her duties. The AKC is rightfully concerned with the ADA laws but must also respect that the exhibitors deserve to be judged by competent individuals.

Question Of The Week By Matthew H. Stander

katie winters Actually I do not feel the need is indicated for AKC to take any action toward this person who has mental or physical incapability. Let sleeping dogs lie, or why stir up a bee’s nest-- until a situation arises at a dog show. At that time, the AKC Rep needs to step in and take appropriate steps for replacing the judge. AKC Reps are truly needed. Deborah J. Cooper This is a very delicate and difficult question. AKC has a responsibility to maintain the integrity of the judging system and therefore should be required to monitor those who adjudicate our shows. There should be some kind of system that monitors this. A suggestion would be to investigate when complaints come in regarding a judge’s ability to physically or mentally perform their duties. Certainly one or two complaints would not be sufficient to question a judge’s ability to physically or mentally perform their duties, however, should several similar complaints be filed, the issue should be investigated, and repeated complaints would warrant that judge be placed on emeritus status. In my opinion, this process would not only protect the integrity of the judging process, but would also protect the individual in question’s integrity. If they are not aware that their ability to judge is deteriorating, in most cases, I believe they would want to be protected from being questioned or judged in a negative manner.

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Dog News 25

babbling By Geir Flyckt-Pedersen

The Value Of Natural Photos & Natural Looks


s something that has been obvious to me since my early teens. Growing up in a part of the world where we only had 3 local dog shows a year (1 for German Shepherds, 1 for Sporting Dogs and one for a variety of breeds with the blessing of the breeds clubs)- I was reading every dog magazine I could get hold of. I was very fortunate that my original terrier mentor subscribed to English Dog World and who also from a local breeder of Griffons got a lot of American magazines “second hand”and they all ended up in my bedroom! My picture of dogs like the Doberman Ch Rancho Dobe’s Storm, the Boxer Ch Bang Away of Sirrah Crest, and a variety of other big winners is totally based on the photos I saw in these papers and ads. And maybe the odd film. I was gloating over all these wonderful photos signed Joan Ludwigand for some reason I remember one detail from mostly all her breed photos: beautiful feet! I don’t know if I really have a foot fetish- or maybe Joan Ludwig had- but these Boxers, Danes and Doberman photos with her signature all had strong pasterns and lovely feet! My memory is packed with photos and images of big winners of the pastmost of them I never saw in real life, just on photos. That’s why I have always been very critical of all photos published by our own dogs- and more than once have felt like pulling my hair out when

witnessing what the Scandinavian magazines published after some of our wins!! And that’s why I feel sad when people decide to publish photos which are not doing the object justice. Once you have published a photo that’s the way the dog will be remembered by those who never saw the real thing, and I am so sad that we did not have all those excellent American photographers at hand when we were actively showing dogs. I believe my memory is not wrong when I say that we over the years have owned so many wonderful, handsome dogs, but hate to look at and show photos of them as so few reflect their true qualities. At times I believe that you look differently at a photo of a person you know well than one you’ve never metas I think we tend to automatically include personality and other abstractions. I suppose we have all met people we initially found rather unattractive who, when we got to know them, turned out to be rather beautiful in their own way- and I think we “judge” our dog photos the same way. The reason this subject came to me is that just a couple of days ago I criticized a photo used to illustrate an English Champion in a yearbook and found out that a friend who is an excellent judge and breeder found that photo totally acceptable. I just wondered how? Could it be because she actually knew the dog well, while I had never seen the dog in the flesh??? I think that is the only plausible

explanation, as I found the photo quite horrible! Or is it just the same old story, that we all see things differently and have different priorities? I remember all those wonderful photos of the top winning English terriers from the 50ies and 60ies, all signed “Fall” or “Thurse” and when I found out they were all touched up to the extent that they all looked the same I was very disillusioned and disappointed. My first trip to England was nearly shocking from the point that so many dogs who looked fantastic in the Dog World Annual, were just very ordinary animals made good by very clever artists. And of absolutely no value for those of us interested in how the different breeds have evolved from those early days. I am so pleased that we today see mostly natural photos taken by experts who know what the different breeds should look like, but still we see too many photos touched up and “glamorized” which in my opinion is a distraction rather than a cause of attraction. At one stage you as a judge or fellow exhibitor will see the animal live- and a photo showing the dog better than it is- is just as bad as the other alternative! So in my opinion: Go for the Natural look when it comes to photos as well as presentation, I think it will pay off in the long run and also have value from a historical perspective in the future! I have in my possession yearbooks Continued on page 74

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Dog News 29

TheLighter Side

By Michael H. Faulkner

of Judging

Slain In The Spirit


espite having missed seeing friends and exciting new dogs, I have truly enjoyed my summer off. I have enjoyed not spending countless hours traveling thousands of miles away from family, leaving them (particularly BIG MICHAEL’S mother--a combination of Steel Magnolia and Southern Gothic) in constant fear that my endless journeys will someday result in a dreaded accident. BIG MICHAEL’s mother, whom I call MOM2, perpetually phones DROID before I depart for shows, during dog show weekends, and upon my return home, to make sure I have not fallen victim to a tragic auto, plane or train accident. To her relief and enjoyment, my short summer dog show judging hiatus provided several opportunities for bonding. A few of those opportunities went beyond my wildest dreams. A week ago this past Saturday evening, MOM2 and her friend MISS C were driving back to Prince George, VA after a birthday celebration for our mutual friend BILA, who was visiting from Brussels, Belgium. BILA makes the pilgrimage to our home, “Holly Springs,” twice a year---four weeks in the summer and three weeks over the Christmas holiday. The Birthday celebration was a huge success, plenty of food and plenty to drink, with close to thirty people in attendance. At 9:30 PM, with MOM2 behind the wheel, she and MISS C were the first to depart BILA’s birthday celebration, due to the long drive home in the dark. MISS C, having enjoyed several cocktails, was in the passenger seat and MOM2, a devout practitioner of teetotalism, was the navigator. Now, as one who marvels at etymol-

30 Dog News

ogy, and before I continue this sordid tale, I consult my trusty DRIOD and my beloved Wikipedia. I thought I would share my findings. One variation on the word teetotalism was from a man named Turner, a member of the Preston Temperance Society, who had a speech impediment. In addressing a meeting, Turner remarked that partial abstinence from intoxicating liquors would not do. People must insist upon “tee-tee(stammering) tee total abstinence.” Hence--teetotalers. Well, be as it may, back to the story. MOM2 calls BIG MICHAEL, thirty-one minutes after their departure, in a state of panic and shock. “Son, we have been in a terrible accident. Please call the police. Please come. We need you.” BIG MICHAEL, BILA, and DR. L (our veterinarian) rush out of the house to St. Stephan’s Church, the site of the wreck. MOM2 and MISS C are being transported to MCV Trauma center by ambulance. BIG MICHAEL rides in the front passenger seat of the emergency vehicle, while DR. L and BILA return home in BIG MICHAEL’S Jeep. “They are on their way to MCV, they are both conscious, seem to be doing fairly well. We will obviously know more after they are admitted. The cars are both totaled. No fatalities. It was a twocar collision. Someone ran a red light, but they do not know who was at fault. It was written up as a no-fault accident,” DR. L reported to the remaining birthday crowd. MRS.PH, an MCV emergency/forensic nurse and guest at the party, phones MCV and prepares her colleagues prior to MOM2 and MISS C’s arrival. She is told that the medical facility where they are being transported is in total lock down due to massive shootings and gun victims entering the ER. I im-

mediately thought this meant there was a sniper on the loose, shooting people in and around the hospital. Later, I was comforted in knowing that this only meant that no guests or family members of the admitted patients were allowed in the building during the crisis of having so many emergency victims. Not being able to be at his mother’s side sent BIG MICHAEL over the edge. A police officer escorted him outside, where he remained in the rain for four hours, between 11:00 PM to 3:00 AM, before he was able to reconnect with his mother in the ER. MOM2 remained in the ICU for four days, two more days in the step-down unit, and this past Friday she was transferred to a rehabilitation facility. MISS C was treated and discharged after two days. I personally assisted MOM2’s transition to rehab in support of healing nine broken ribs, as the Federal Government required BIG MICHAEL to be in California. My involvement required going to MOM2’s home and systematically exploring each room for select items she requested. Now, you can imagine what it was like to invade my Mother-inlaw’s (keep in mind, combination of Steel Magnolia Southern Gothic) personal space in search of toothpaste, toothbrush, lotion, earrings, bathrobe, nightgowns, shoes, deodorant, cell phone charger, socks, blouses, shirts, slacks, nail file, nail polish remover, nail polish, and numerous pairs of panties and bras. On the other hand, I was thankful that I had taken two months off dog show judging for stress free summer weekends. It is a bright beautiful Sunday afternoon. The rehabilitation hospital is new, well organized, and well staffed, has good food, and is only a four-mile drive from Continued on page 70

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32 Dog News

*The Dog News Top Ten List

Dog News 33

Topeka Kennel Club Magic Valley Kennel Club - Saturday & Sunday Portuguese Water Dog GCh. Claircreek Impression De Matisse Judge Mrs. Lawrence (Janet) Sinclair Judge Mrs. Keke Kahn Judge Mr. James M. Brown Owners Milan Lint, Peggy Helming & Donna Gottdenker Handler Michael Scott

Mensona Kennel Club II Miniature Schnauzer GCh. Allaruth Just Kidding V Sole Baye Judge Ms. Denny C. Mounce Owners Ruth Ziegler & Yvonne B. Phelps Handler Bergit Kabel

Mid Susquehanna Valley Kennel Club - Saturday & Sunday Pug GCh. Hill Country’s Tag I’m It Judge Mr. Frank J. Washabaugh Judge Mr. Hal T. Biermann Owner Carolyn Koch Handler Barry Clothier

Newtown Kennel Club - Sunday Irish Water Spaniel GCh. Whistlestop’s Riley On Fire Judge Ms. Barbara Ann Langlois Owners Gregory Siner and Tom and Bethany Urban Handler Rick Krieger

Griffin Georgia Kennel Club - Thursday Sawnee Mountain Kennel Club of Georgia - Friday Miniature Pinscher GCh. Marlex Classic Red Glare Judge Ms. Judy Harrington Judge Mr. Kent Delaney Owners Leah Monte and Armando Angelbello Handler Armando Angelbello

Sugarbush Kennel Club Western Reserve Kennel Club Welsh Terrier GCh. Shaireab’s Bayleigh Maid of Honor Judge Mrs. Stephanie Hedgepath Judge Mr. Dana Cline Owners Tony Lee, Xiangyu Xie, Keith Bailey, Sharon Abmeyer Handler Luiz Abreu Jesse James Kennel Club Giant Schnauzer GCh. Kenro’s Witching Hour Judge Mrs. Kimberly Meredith-Cavanna Owner Robin Greenslade, Luke Norton & Doug Hill Handler Amy Booth

ts Week The

of the

To report an AKC All Breed Best In Show or National Specialty Win Call, Fax or Email before 12:00 Noon Tuesday. Fax: 212 675-5994 • Phone: 212 462-9588 Email:

34 Dog News

Greeley Kennel Club Akita GCh. CR Wicca’s Trade Secret Judge Mr. Robert Indeglia Owners Ann and Tom Bavaria, JoAnn Charnik, and Carla Burke Handler Heather Bremmer Continued on page 87

50/50 Raffle to Benefit the

Frank Jewett Family 15 tickets for $20.00 Drawing to be

December 12, 2013 Central Florida Kennel Club Dog Show / Orlando (before BIS - You do not need to be present to win)

Please contact friends of the family at a show near you for tickets:

Marietta Singleton • Rickie Justice Frank Murphy • Blake Hansen ALL proceeds go to the Caitlyn Jewett College Fund Dog News 35

Group First Thank you Judge Mr. Merle Taylor Thank you also to Best of Breed Judge Mrs. Pamela Wilson

Best of Breed & Group First Thank you Judge Mr. William DeVilleneuve

h t u r a l l A . h C G m u n i t Pla e y a B e l o S V g n i d d i K Just

aye v Sole B D L O G h PIXIE Allarut . h C : Dam


“Justin” is Co-Owned By Ruth Ziegler - “Allaruth” and Yvonne B. Phelps - “Sole Baye” Los Angeles and El Monte, California 310 472-7993 • 626 448-3424 36 Dog News

Handled Exclusively By Bergit & Hans Kabel Assisted by Nanae Murayama

wins Back-To-Back Best In Shows!

Thank you Judges Mrs. Carolyn Taylor & Mr. Merle Taylor

Dog News 37


What person do you most look forward to seeing at the dog shows? My special clients and hopefully the judges who like their dogs on that day.

What is your greatest extravagance? Wives!

What do you dislike most about your appearance? My height.

What dog person would you like to see on ‘dancing with the stars’? Frank Sabella.


If you were forced to get a tattoo, what would it be? A University of Texas longhorn.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you want to have with you?

asked of

David Harper Born: PADUCAH, KY



My wife, full cooler and my


When and where are you the happiest? Monday at home.

Other people think I am...? Special.

What did you want to be when you were growing up? A pilot.

What would be your last request? To see my kids be successful - and not show dogs. 38 Dog News


Multiple Group Winner & Multiple Group Placer

# 5 Keeshonden All Breed* Our sincere appreciation to Judges Ms. Peggy Lloyd for the Group Third and Mrs. Murrel Purkhiser for the Group Fourth Placements! Flash Group Th ird Louisiana Kennel Clu bI Judge M r. David Kittredge Arkansas Kennel Clu bI Judge M rs. Joan Goldstein Group Se cond Greater Emporia Kennel Clu Judge M bI s. Rhond a Ralphs

GCh. Karina’s You Can’t Stop The Beat Breeders/Owners Vickie L. Louie & Chase Waddell Karina Keeshonden

Expertly Presented by Jill Bell Assisted by Chase Waddell *The Dog News Top Ten List

Dog News 39

Draft Tests Prove And Preserve Working Ability In A Really Fun Way By Sharon Pflaumer Teva (Brechbuhler’s Far & Away NDD BNDD) and her owner, Jennifer Brightbill, on the Maneuvering course during a Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America Draft Test held in Colorado. Note the lightweight load in the cart. Photo by Ruth Nielsen.

Misinformed critics of purebred dogs often claim they’re no longer capable of performing the tasks for which each breed was developed. The Bernese Mountain Dogs bred by Jennifer Brightbill number among the ad infinitum examples, which attest to the folly of this assertion. Her dogs are proof that beauty, brains and working ability are not mutually exclusive traits but go hand in hand.

40 Dog News


or example, five Berners bred by Brightbill are American Kennel Club and Canadian Kennel Club breed champions. The youngest of which also is a grand champion. Two of the five received an Award of Merit at the national specialty as well. None of these conformation ring awards precluded these show dogs from earning multiple advanced level performance titles. In fact, the correct conformation required in the breed ring is essential to working ability. Without it, a dog could be sidelined with injuries in events like Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America (BMDCA) Draft Tests, where they’re required to pull their own weight. “One of my males and two of my females were the very first to earn advanced level titles in BMDCA Draft Tests. In all, my breed champions have earned more than 75 Draft titles in addition to agility and obedience titles,” Brightbill says. She is a BMDCA Draft Test Judge and Chair of the BMDCA Draft Test Committee.

Working dog heritage

The accomplishments of Brightbill’s dogs in the performance ring clearly reflect their breed’s working dog heritage. For generations in the Bernese Oberland of Switzerland, Berners were harnessed to carts and hauled large cans of milk from family farms to the dairies in Alpine villages. BMDCA developed and approved

regulations for its Draft Test Program in January 1991 to preserve this working ability. The first such test was held in New England in the fall of the same year. Since then, interest in draft work among Berner breeders and owners increased tremendously. So much so, many regional clubs across the country now hold one or more Draft Tests each year. (Enthusiasm among owners of other breeds has grown as well and led them to compete in BMDCA Draft tests, which are open to all breeds.) Since 1992, every BMDCA National Specialty has offered Draft Tests. In 1995, BMDCA established its Versatility Award Program in order to recognize and preserve the breed’s draft dog heritage. To be awarded it, a dog must be a breed champion that earned one other performance title in addition to a BMDCA Draft title. “Multiple titles are awarded by the national club’s Draft Test Program,” Brightbill says. “These include four lower level titles: Novice Draft Dog [NDD], Draft Dog [DD], Brace Novice Draft Dog [BNDD] and Brace Open Draft Dog [BDD]. After earning all of them, dogs are eligible to earn four advanced level titles: Advanced Novice Draft [ANDD], Advanced Brace Novice Draft Dog [ABNDD], Master Draft Dog [MDD] and Master Brace Draft Dog [MBDD]. To be awarded each advanced level title, dogs must earn four additional legs.”

During a Freight Haul, Mia and Tilly make a synchronized turn, while pulling a 160-lb. load. The mother/daughter team work well together and earned seven brace titles. Mia (AM CH/CAN CH Brechbuhler’s All About Me NJP ANDD ABNDD MDD MBDD DD) is on the left and Tilly (AM GCH CH/ CAN CH Brechbuhler’s Entitled To It All NAP ANDD ABNDD MDD MBDD DD) is on the right. Both are owned by Jennifer and Tom Brightbill. Photo by Nick & Judi Hengeveld. Tilly (AM GCH CH/CAN CH Brechbuhler’s Entitled To It All NAP ANDD ABNDD MDD MBDD DD) pulling her cart through the Narrows on the Maneuvering Course. The handler, dog and cart must pass through the obstacle without touching it. Photo by Ruth Nielsen.

Draft Test Specifics

Draft Tests are an event where dogs in harness must pull a cart through a maneuvering course; then, execute a half-mile freight haul. The event emphasizes control throughout as dogs work in “real-life” conditions when traversing an elaborate course with varying terrain. (Although this event is sometimes called carting, carting refers to the apparatus that’s hauled whereas Draft is the name of the sport.) “In order to pull a cart loaded with milk cans in the past, the dogs had to be under control,” Brightbill says. “Otherwise, the milk would have been spilt. The dogs also had to be able to negotiate turns and curves, cross narrow bridges and maneuver around obstacles in their path such as fallen tree limbs.” BMDCA Draft Tests simulate these historical challenges. For example, the handler at the Novice level must demonstrate his dog is under control by showing its willingness to perform obedience commands during the Basic Control Section at the beginning of the test. The handler also must demonstrate his own ability to harness and hitch his dog to a cart safely and properly. (At the Novice level, dogs compete while on-lead. At the Open level, they compete while off-lead. Handlers walk beside their dog or brace during both levels of competition.) “While only the Novice Test includes the

Tilly (AM GCH CH/CAN CH Brechbuhler’s Entitled To It All NAP ANDD ABNDD MDD MBDD DD) surveying a Freight Haul course. She is owned by Jennifer and Tom Brightbill. Photo by Ruth Nielsen.

Basic Control Section, all of the Draft Tests include the Maneuvering and Freight Haul Sections. Maneuvering involves changes of pace from normal to slow, halting, accepting a load from a stranger, circling to the right and left, making 90-degree right and left turns, and passing through what are known as the ‘narrows.’ The narrows are two fencing panels 4-ft. in length placed 12-inches farther apart than the width of the individual dog’s cart. The test is failed if the handler, the dog or the cart touches the narrows at any time,” Brightbill says. Control also is stressed when the dog negotiates the obstacle course. Here, the dog must be able to move inches at a time in order to not bump into an obstacle such as a tree limb placed on the course. Again, one “bump” and the dog would fail the test. Likewise, control is needed during the backing exercise where the dog must back up its cart in a straight line for a minimum distance of 1-ft. in Novice and 4-ft. in Open.

The Freight Haul

The 3-minute Group Stay with a loaded cart is followed by the half-mile Freight Haul. During the Freight Haul, the dog or brace must traverse an outdoor course over changing terrain while hauling a loaded cart. At the Novice Draft level, the dog must pull a 20-lb. load. At the

Tilly (AM GCH CH/ CAN CH Brechbuhler’s Entitled To It All NAP ANDD ABNDD MDD MBDD DD) pulling an 80-lb. Freight Haul during a Draft Test held in Oregon. Photo by Ruth Nielsen.

Brace Novice Draft level, the brace must pull a 40-lb. load. At the Open Draft Level, the dog must pull a load equivalent to its own weight rounded down to the nearest tenth. For example, an 88-lb. dog would pull 80-lbs. At the Brace Open Draft level, each brace must pull the sum of both dogs’ weight. (Typically, adult females weigh between 80- and 90-lbs. and adult males weigh between 90- and 105-lbs.) “At just 2 years of age, one of my dogs pulled the Novice level on a Saturday and, then, moved up to the Open level on Sunday where she pulled 80 pounds for the half-mile Freight Haul,” Brightbill says. “While almost all Berners would be able to pull 20-lbs. without even noticing it, some conditioning is required for advanced level competition where an 80-lb or heavier dog is required to pull its own weight.” Due to the weight load requirement at the Open level, a dog must be 2 years old before it would be eligible to compete in BMDCA Draft Tests in order to prevent growth plate injuries or other types of injuries associated with immaturity. (Draft Tests shouldn’t be confused with weight pulling events, which focus on dogs pulling a maximum amount of weight for a specified distance in a straight line during a limited time period.) Continued on page 78

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REPORT Two Ways To Share The AKC Story This September


ew York, NY – The omnipresent effort of the AKC communication team, led by Chris Walker, continues to generate positive stories about the American Kennel Club and purebred dogs in the news media and in social media. Due to the engaging content the team has been posting on Facebook, we reached 3,056,116 people, generated enormous buzz with 111,133 people talking about AKC last week, and gained 28,355 new likes for a total of 650,691. Considering the efforts started in March with just 100,000 likes and only 4000 people talking about AKC, our circle of friends and supporters are expanding at an amazingly rapid pace. Perhaps the most interesting sign of positive change comes from the support we are receiving from news sources either not customarily friendly to us, or those that just traditionally ignored us. While we have recently generated positive news stories in media that usually support us (like the Wall Street Journal), we have recently enjoyed positive stories from new venues, like BuzzFeed (the news source for 18-34 year olds, which has 7 million unique viewers monthly) and the seminal feminist publication Ms. Magazine. Next month I will share our communications plan for expanding the public understanding and appreciation for our dogs, our breeders, and our sports. September brings two content-rich opportunities to tell those stories. The first is Responsible Dog Ownership Days (RDOD), throughout September. We are expecting some 650 AKC clubs to hold their own RDOD community event that publicly promotes responsible dog ownership. These events will include a Meet the Breeds to help people determine the right breed for them; health clinics and dog First Aid training; Canine Good Citizen program information; Obedience/Rally/Agility/Performance demonstrations; breed rescue information; and kid-friendly dog-related activities. The AKC will be hosting its own RDOD

42 Dog News

event in Raleigh, NC on Saturday, September 21, 2013 at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds. This flagship event will highlight the AKC programs and services that support responsible dog ownership. It will also publicize to news media and the dog loving community that events are being held across the country by organizations such as yours. The second event is the AKC Meet the Breeds - the world’s largest showcase of dogs and cats - in New York City on September 28-29. The event offers the public the unique opportunity to get up close and personal with over 200 breeds of dogs and cats; to talk with responsible breeders and owners about these amazing animals; and determine the right breed for their lifestyle. Throughout September, AKC Communications will continue telling our story using RDOD events throughout the country and the AKC Meet the Breeds event in New York. I am confident that their efforts will continue to win new friends for the AKC, purebred dogs, responsible breeders, and our sports. But we can do more. And that “we” is you and I, and our club members. I encourage everyone to join our communication team in September to help spread the word about responsible ownership of the dogs we all love. Beyond club RDOD events, we have the opportunity this September to tell our story one-on-one, both in-person and in social media. Consider the list of topics for an RDOD event I mentioned earlier, choose what you are comfortable discussing, and unleash the conversation this way:

Speak Out Speak to your friends, your associates, your professional organizations, or people you meet while walking your dog. Although you might not ever know if your words made a specific difference, you should know this is how public opinion is shaped – one conversation at a time.

Post On Facebook If you are on Facebook, take a page from brand marketers and use it as the communication tool it really is. Post something on one of the topics every day. You can also share the AKC’s RDO Facebook posts with your friends as a way to magnify the message.

Twitter, Instagram, And Vine If those names have meaning to you, then you have additional social media tools to share our incredible story with the rest of the dog-loving world. If they don’t, this is the perfect time to try one out.

Connect To AKC You can extend your reach by connecting your Facebook page to AKC, following our Twitter feed, and by receiving and sharing our blog – AKC Dog Lovers. What can you achieve by doing this? We have 50,000 club members today. If just half of them are on Facebook with an average of 100 friends, that’s 2.5 million people learning about dogs, training, sports, health, and the AKC every day for 30 days. Now add in all the other touch points and our potential to influence public opinion becomes a reality. Margaret Mead must have been thinking of all of you and everyone else involved in dogs when she wrote “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” I look forward to reading your contributions to changing the world starting this September. As always, your comments are most welcome at Sincerely, Alan Kalter Chairman

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Dog News 45

the Juniors speak Hannah Schwank Age: 13 Lewiston, Idaho

By KimberlySilva Garrett

How did you become involved in the sport?

I started by joining 4-H with my cocker spaniel and some of the other kids in the group said it was a lot of fun. My little sister had gotten a dachshund named Penny and I used her my first time in the ring, and of course, I was hooked!

What is your favorite dog show moment, exclusive of a win?

I love the people that I meet. I have met so many people who have been very helpful to me in my journey through juniors.

What is the best advice you can give to potential and current juniors? Have fun, smile, and do your best! If you are determined you can succeed

If you could change one thing that you feel would improve the sport what would it be?

If there was one thing that I would change it would be the respect that some people have for juniors. Most people that I have met are nice and respectful. But there are some people who think that we’re just useless, but we are the future of this great sport.

What are your plans in the sport once you age out of juniors?

Become a leader in my local 4-H dog group and help other juniors during this amazing journey in the world of showing dogs! 46 Dog News

Starlight GCh. Starlight’s Beautiful Dreamer RN Group Placement Thanks to Judge Mrs. Maralyn K. Busse


Santa Barbara Kennel Club Breeders Showcase Group Second Judge: Dr. John Reeve-Newson

GCh. Starlight’s Lady in Waiting Tibetan Terrier Club of America Top 20 People’s Choice Number Two Bitch -- All-Breed Breeders/Owners: Cassandra Basgall & Christine Friemel • Professionally Handled by Curtiss G. Smith *Number Seven Tibetan Terrier overall, Dog News Top Ten List

Dog News 47

The Newfoundland In

The Newfoundland has a long and fascinating history that few other breeds can match. Immortalised in literature by Lord Byron and J.M. Barrie, in art by George Stubbs and Sir Edwin Landseer, companion and ‘work horse’ for man as he explored new boundaries, and the hero in countless stories of bravery and determination that enthralled Victorian children.

By Nick Waters


t is against such a background that the Kennel Club Art Gallery in London’s Mayfair stages its latest exhibition, The Newfoundland: An Exhibition of Art and History Portraying this Noble, Loyal Breed. More that two centuries of pictures, engravings, sculpture and much more is on display until 10th January. The breed is one of the fortunate breeds that has appealed to artists, sculptors and writers over the years, consequently there is a much available. Drawing from all this and bringing it all together in one place to tell the story of the breed could not have been easy and all those who worked on it have managed, in my opinion, to stage one of the best exhibitions seen in the gallery. A unique feature of this exhibition is the contemporary art that was specially commissioned. Those who contributed work are French artist Martial Robin, whose work is familiar to visitors to Crufts, Canadian artist, Mia Lane, who was chosen to paint the well-known Newfoundland dog stamp for Canada post and cartoons by Bonnie Bullock showing the Kennel Club moving to its new premises with a group of eager Newfoundlands to help. Overseeing the exhibition is a large contemporary oil of Nelson by Nick Hugh McCann after the original by George Stubbs

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Art At The Kennel Club

which he painted in 1803. A graduate of the Slade School of Fine Art, McCann’s fascination for the breed stems from an interest in Lord Byron – he once performed as the dying Byron on stage. After a career in film making, television, publishing and design, he is now a fulltime artist whose first one-man show will be in London next year. Landseer’s A Distinguished Member of the Humane Society (on long-term loan to the Kennel Club and included in the exhibition) is a defining image influencing artists and craftspeople for decades and is a theme that runs throughout the exhibition – copies by lesser artists, prints, plates, tiles, jewellery, models by Crown Devon and German porcelain factories, there is even a most unusual Victorian ‘ribbon’ picture which when viewed from one angle shows the Distinguished Member, another Queen Victoria, and from the third angle a bowl of flowers. As well as Landseer’s Distinguished Member, another important Newfoundland picture

is on display, John Emms Dogs Watching Bathers which shows a Newfoundland and his Terrier friend on a beach. Emms developed a fascination for the New Forest and spent much of his life there and the setting for this picture may well be along the coast of southern England. It was though the breed’s heroism and bravery, particularly rescuing sailors from shipwrecks and children from drowning (there must have been a lot of careless children all those years ago) that first attracted artists. They told a story that appealed to the age. One of the earliest of many images is a colour print published in 1803, possibly after the original by the German artist, John Eckstein. Many know the Darling family’s dog, a Newfoundland called Nana, immortalised J.M.Barrie in his Peter Pan story so well-known throughout the world and it is thanks to Barrie’s generosity in donating the copyright that Great Ormond Street Children’s

Hospital in London has benefited enormously financially. They have loaned a number of Peter Pan items from lantern slides and images of stage productions to a Jacob’s cake tin and Peter Pan playing cards.. Sculptures in their various forms include a life-size bronze head by Marjorie Turner, Staffordshire pottery groups, Vienna bronzes and a large porcelain group by Royal Dux. Among the more quirky items is a life size rope dog by Dominic Gubb, a seated dog woven in willow and a hat covered in Newfoundland badges. The Newfoundland Club’s magnificent silver trophies from the 1890s are on display, alongside some previously unseen images of Charles Haldenby and his dogs, including Master Jumbo, winner of the Black Dog Cup four time in the late 1890s which can be seen beside the dog. The Newfoundland exhibition can be viewed by appointment Monday to Friday. Dog News 49

IRVING’s impressions By Ronnie Irving



ast time I covered a number of the key issues affecting the world of dogs in the UK. I promised then that this time I would look at what I consider to be the other important topics currently being examined in the fancy. These I listed as: the future of coat testing of dogs at shows for ‘illegal’ substances; extending the number of all breed shows and points availability across the board; the reasons for falling show entries; and the various controversies surrounding some of the canine rescue and animal welfare charities here in the UK.


Dealing with these in reverse order and looking first at some of the controversies regarding the animal welfare charities, we find that principal amongst those is the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA). It is a very wealthy organisation and in 2012 it received legacies amounting to £67 million ($100 million). Readers will recall that it was the first organisation five years ago to pull out of Crufts after the anti pedigree TV show. It was also its then Chief Veterinary Spokesman that appeared on the program describing Crufts show dogs as mutants. Since 2008 the RSPCA has itself come in for a good deal of public criticism with many who had previously been its supporters now describing it as far too involved in Animal Rights and not sufficiently involved in Animal Welfare. It was a principal mover in getting the hunting ban imposed here in the UK and was strongly against tail docking. It recently brought a legal case against supporters of the foxhound pack which used to be the favourite hunt of Prime Minister 50 Dog News

Cameron. Even the judge in that case criticised the organisation for spending nearly $500 K on such a minor set of legal infringements. All of this led to questions in Parliament about the methods of working of the RSPCA and one MP, Mr Simon Hart, tabled a Parliamentary debate on the role of the RSPCA as a private prosecutor. The thrust of Mr Hart’s attack on the RSPCA was that the Society targets vulnerable people, the elderly, the disabled and the mentally ill. He claimed that the RSPCA’s prosecution policy is determined not enough by real animal welfare needs but too much by politics, by commercial considerations and with an eye to increasing its financial funds by getting the right PR from its activities. He praised the RSPCA Inspectors on the ground for the animal welfare work that they do but on the other hand he criticised the management and hierarchy of the RSPCA for following an animal rights policy rather than an animal welfare policy. Apparently also, one MP who had been a huge supporter of the RSPCA in the past made the point that he no longer felt he could support the Society because he thought that what had previously been an animal welfare body had now turned into an animal rights body.

A Tarnished Halo

The latest set of controversies are that the salaries being paid to the top executives in the RSPCA. These were apparently increased substantially recently with the highest paid Executive receiving 25% more last year than the year before. And only in the last few weeks there has been criticism of the fact that the RSPCA now actually seems to have access to confidential information on the Police National Computer database in a way that no other civilian organisation does. Apparently people who work for the RSPCA are able to access criminal records by making requests to the Association of Chief Police Officers

who charge the RSPCA for the information. This is an extremely odd situation because it seems to mean that the RSPCA has access to an individual’s full criminal history including warnings, reprimands and convictions, details of upcoming prosecutions, and “other information as deemed relevant”. The RSPCA itself can also apparently add information about people it suspects - to the Police Records database. This has attracted a good deal of criticism from the public. On top of all of that the new Archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Anglican Church, has just recently been reported as having turned down the traditional invitation to be Honorary Vice Parton of the RSPCA a position which has apparently been held by most of his recent predecessors. One way or another the ‘halo’ from which the RSPCA used to benefit seems to be becoming just a bit tarnished but it is nevertheless a very powerful force with the media and with many of the legislators, and it is not by any means a body that can be totally ignored.

Coat Testing For Illegal Substances

Two years ago TKC members at an Annual General Meeting decided to suspend the routine testing of coats for the use of illegal substances which change the color or texture of an exhibit’s coat and I have reported this in Dog News before. Then some KC Members thought that the rules were too harsh and that it was unfair to test some breeds and not others. They asked for testing to be discontinued immediately. This was not agreed at that time but it was decided to suspend testing and carry out a review of the entire issue. As a result of that, a report was given this year on behalf of TKC General Committee (Board), addressing the findings of TKC’s Regulatory Coat Testing Review Working Party, which had Continued on page 83

Dog News 51

number one* skye terrier and number eight* among all terriers

ch. cragsmoor good time

owned by victor malzoni, jr. handled by larry cornelius marcelo veras *The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed

52 Dog News

judge mrs. betty-anne stenmark

Dog News 53

“If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.” - Harry Truman



hat a week for dogs and dog lovers in the White House and indeed for dog lovers all over America. The news that President Obama and his family brought another Portuguese Water Dog puppy, Sunny, into the White House last week lit up the airwaves and the Internet, as photos of the adorable new addition drew raves. From George Washington, who bred Foxhounds, to Gerald Ford’s Golden Retriever Liberty giving birth to a litter in the White House, to President George H.W. Bush’s cocker spaniel Millie, whose ‘autobiography’ as told to Laura Bush landed at Number 1 on the NY Times best seller list and actually sold more copies than her owner’s autobiography, there is a long history of Presidents and dogs in the White House. James Buchanan, Ulysses S. Grant and Rutherford B. Hayes all had Newfoundlands, FDR and George W. Bush had Scotties, JFK had eight dogs, Calvin Coolidge owned at least a dozen, and long before the nation was ensnared with breed specific legislation, Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson owned bull terriers. They certainly would’ve approved of President Obama’s actions last week. Two days after the addition of Sunny, the Obama Administration made lots of friends in Washington and beyond as

54 Dog News

The White House Takes On BSL ByShaun Coen

chat rooms were abuzz and dog owners across the country were ecstatic when the White House officially denounced breed-specific legislation. Acting in response to a petition filed at the web site titled “We Petition The Obama Administration To: Ban and Outlaw Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) in the United States of America on a Federal level!” that had garnered more than 30,000 signatures since its creation on Dec. 19, 2012, the Obama Administration issued this formal response:

The Obama Administration’s response was issued on the “We the People” page of the of the web site, which was designed to give all Americans a way to engage the government on issues that matter most to them. Kudos to the 30,000+ individuals that took the initiative and to the Obama Administration for listening to the voice of the people – in this case, a rational, educated voice that has spent time learning the facts behind such discriminatory, ineffective legislation. This action by the White House is the latest in a series of similar denouncements from government officials on the local and state levels. In 2012, Governor John Kasich of Ohio officially signed HB 14 into law, effectively eliminating the state’s 25-year-old law that declared pit bulls to be vicious dogs and in June of 2013, Gov. Dannel Malloy of Connecticut signed a bill that goes into effect on October 1 that prohibits towns form addressing the issue of dangerous dogs in a breed-specific manner. The Obama Administration’s announcement should prove a major boon to the efforts of the American Kennel Club’s Government Relations Department and to fanciers and dog lovers across the nation that have long been unfairly discriminated against owning the breed of dog of their choosing. The timing couldn’t be better for areas where BSL is currently being considered, such as North Carolina, where Bill 956 would define Staffordshire Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Rottweilers, Mastiffs, Chow Chows, Presa Canarios and “American Pit Bull terriers” as “aggressive dog breeds.” In addition, House Bill 956 would also require that prospective owners of these breeds would have to submit to a background check and obtain a special permit prior to owning one of these breeds. The bill did not advance during this legislative session but it remains to be seen if it will be shelved entirely. The other question, of course, is what will become of BSL in the cities and towns that have adopted the policy? In Miami, Florida and Denver, Colorado, for instance, where bans of “pit bulls” have been in place since 1989, and Overland Park, Kansas, and Yakima, Washington, where bans on the “bully” breeds date back to 1987, will legislators finally realize the errors of their ways and follow the Obama Administration’s lead and get on board with the AKC, the National Animal Control Association, the Association of Pet Dog Trainers, the SPCA, the Humane Society of the United States, the National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors, the Canadian Kennel Club, the National Animal Interest Alliance, the American Temperament Test Society, the American Dog Owner’s Association, the American Canine Federation, the International Association of Canine Professionals, the American Dog Breeders Association, the American Veterinary Medical Association and dozens of other veterinary organizations across the country that are all opposed to BSL? Considering how contentious and divisive this issue has been for decades, the BSL battle will likely continue. Even though the Obama Administration’s statement falls much shorter than the petition’s request that BSL be banned on the federal level, it’s nice to know those opposed to BSL have the backing of the White House, and that support should carry significant weight with local and state legislatures.

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Dog News 57


ne of the most talked about and I may add questionable judging performances of this year happened on the Reliant Circuit in Houston at a Working Group Specialty. A particular adjudicator left out of the group many if not all of the top contenders on this years Working Group show circuit which competed at this show and awarded placements to four comparatively unknown exhibits instead. That of course was his opinion and while it was greeted with shock and awe by many certainly he was entitled to adjudicate as he saw fit on the day. Many years ago I recall Andrew Brace writing words to the effect that just because an exhibit has been doing a lot of winning does not mean on any given day it can’t be defeated by something else, which of course is a maxim that should apply to any show at any time anywhere in the world. The caveat to that kind of thinking however is the quality of the exhibit a judge puts up in place of these top winners. It had better be pretty extraordinary to find as in this case four totally different exhibits than the four defeated recognized competitors were selected. I never would have singled this performance out BUT FOR THE FACT the adjudicator (I cannot bring myself to call him a Judge) turned out to be a Delegate too who wrote an article for PERSPECTIVESThe Delegate newsletter in the Septem-

An Eye For A Dog From A Delegate Judge,Some Changes At The AENC,Mickey Low...

More By Matthew H. Stander

Santa Barbara KC photos by Leslie Simis

58 Dog News

ber issue entitled “An Eye for a DogThe Judges Approval System.” When I saw his name, and I do not believe I know the gentleman, I realized that he was the one who had adjudicated in Houston that day and I immediately went to read what he wrote. To my mind what he wrote was more mumbo jumbo than sensible thinking but he did make an interesting point or two. What fascinated me however was that towards the end of his article he either wrote about his own judging performance in Houston or predicted in advance what he was going to do in Houston. The reason I give alternate results is that I can’t tell when in fact he submitted this tome to PERSPECTIVES. If I am reading what he said correctly he really should resign as a judge or be called in by either the JRC or the JTFC to explain what he wrote since if either of my alternatives is correct he either is admitting that he does not have an eye for a dog or that he knew in advance before entering the ring that he was predetermined to upset the apple cart! In either event he opened his mouth too far as many a so-called judge does but this person was foolish enough to put it in writing too! In the same issue of PERSPECTIVES is an excellent good discussion by Sherry Wallis the delegate from the Akita Club about the service dog situation and the affect of show goers straining the looseness of the existing law. She also writes a pertinent and informative analysis of the airline situation for dogs generally. Normally in DOG NEWS we do not reprint articles which appear elsewhere but the readership of Perspectives is so limited we are hoping to reprint this article as it really makes some important points in both areas of this critical area for show participants.


or a little over three weeks now I have been aware of some changes going on at the AENC both administratively and philosophically. I had been asked not to write about them until it was formally announced by either AKC or Eukanuba jointly or individually. I have honored this request up to now, which sometimes is referred to in certain circles as embargoed information, for a long enough time now to release it due to the failure of one or both parties to go Continued on page 85



*Pug, The Dog News Top Ten List

Dog News 59

*TDPCA statistics, July 31, 2013

60 Dog News

**CC System

Dog News 61

Inside The Sport The Message Is: Unmask! Continued FROM page 14

their judgments and courteous to exhibitors. In other words, they felt that decades of good work would no longer count. Amazing comments and questions came to this writer as a result of previous columns. Would one hire a person never met based only on an essay/synopsis? Is knowing them and their personal track record of value? Are we assuming that all that is necessary is presentable paperwork? These are questions this column cannot answer. Hypothetically, five people could fill out a very similar application. They all spent the time and bred the litters over the years. Does that mean the litters were all the same or that all five persons are going to be top of the line judges? When breeders breed the best to the best, are all the resulting puppies equal? Don’t these puppies have to be evaluated by an expert to determine which are best? Such questions provoke much thought and focus on accountability of all involved in the sport. Perhaps the task force committee (not to be confused with the judging approval process group) will present the fancy with a truly objective scenario where the world of dogs can produce consistent judging such as that seen in the world of livestock judging. At a recent seminar I presented, a Whippet breeder in attendance pointed out that as a horse show judge, she had to pass tests on her ability on a regular basis. In essence, because being granted the right to judge horses was not permanent approval-one had to display continuing competence to stay in the game. Once again, a key word here is accountability. At any rate, my hats off (no pun intended) to Jim Smith for his base62 Dog News

ball cap unmasking campaign. Jim, as long as good dog people such as you retain their sense of humor, our dogs and our sport can move forward. NEWS FROM AROUND THE SPORT: Sad news on the passing of Bob Fetter and Isabell Stoffers. Both left lovely daughters to carry on their work in the sport. Nina Fetter is certainly one of our most accomplished professional handlers, and our prayers are with her and her mother Rose Ellen Fetter at this time. Christy Nelson, Isabell’s daughter, is a familiar sight at California Whippet rings and will no doubt continue to be involved as she carries on her mother’s work. Isabell and Christy’s quality Runner Whippets have made their presence felt in tough hound groups dating back more than forty years. Know that we all care and appreciate the years of dedicated work on behalf of dogs that Bob and Isabell contributed to our sport. Much-loved Lesley Boyes and her family and friends are rejoicing over her liver transplant last week. This plucky lady has been courageously fighting illness for several years and while baby-sitting her grandchildren the good news came in that an organ was available. Needless to say, she went immediately to San Francisco for the procedure, and is now on the road to recovery accompanied by well-wishes from all over the country. You go girl!

“Perhaps the task force committee (not to be confused with the judging approval process group) will present the fancy with a truly objective scenario where the world of dogs can produce consistent judging such as that seen in the world of livestock judging.”

Dog News 63

MO Best In Specialty Show Winning

GCh. Wildwind Mojito group and specialty winner Pictured with Judge Mrs. Gloria Geringer presented by The Mcfadden Clan for breeder-owners Jill Ferrera and Bonney Snyder

64 Dog News

Dog News 65

A Different Perspective Too Much Of A Good Thing Continued FROM page 18

strained and clever in their use of bait than our exhibitors in the U.S. (It was especially nice not to have a ring littered with little shreds of chicken!) It is really, truly, hugely exasperating to be trying to go over a dog that is lunging or straining and twisting after bait….not to mention the drooling and chewing as you try to examine the bite. Too many exhibitors shove a hunk of bait at the dog’s nose, and while the dog nibbles or chases the bait, the exhibitor lets go (!) of the leash and with the non-baiting

used.” But I do not believe there is a dog anywhere with so little intelligence that it doesn’t know the difference between standing on little paw size blocks, and standing on a floor or table. So at some point, the transition to a good, calm solid stand for examination must occur, and using bait as a sort of remote control just doesn’t seem to be making it happen in the ring. Another pet peeve is seeing exhibitors (sadly, professional as well as amateur) place the front legs of the dog too far forward, rather than set so they are perpendicular

“It is really, truly, hugely exasperating to be trying to go over a dog that is lunging or straining and twisting after bait….not to mention the drooling and chewing as you try to examine the bite.” hand, attempts to set up one leg after another after another after another after……….and this whole process more often than not takes a great deal of time and too often results in failing to have the dog look its best. Where on earth did this “technique” come from? Did one person do it well with a compliant dog, and so everyone else decided it was a good idea for their dogs? On occasions when I have commented that I hope the exhibitor will work to train the dog to stand nicely, exhibitors have cheerfully responded that they will “put the dog back on the blocks” for more training. Now these boxes with blocks for the dog’s feet are a useful training aid when properly used. The important phrases here are “training aid” and “properly 66 Dog News

to the ground. Many – though not all – breed standards call for front legs under the highest point of the withers. So then why are the paws out there under the ears or nose? The accompanying error of course is stretching the rear feet back too far, with the end result being a dog more resembling an old fashioned rocking horse, rather than a good representative of its breed. Encouraging the dog to stretch itself out may be fancy but it’s not necessarily correct. Reflecting on my judging assignment in Canada I also realized that there seemed to be far less of the “faster is better” theory of gaiting than we see here. Seeing a dog moving swiftly and smoothly can be an attractive, “good” thing. Seeing a dog raced so that it loses its foot

timing and coordination, “breaks” in topline, kicks up behind, cranks its head up or sideways, crabs and whatever other ugly things may happen, is not good, not good at all. This also has been much remarked upon by judges, and many of us are too often amazed at the photos people put in ads showing a dog moving poorly, demonstrating significant lack of balance between front and rear, and lumpy or sagging toplines……… and demonstrating as well significant ignorance on the part of the person who chose the photo about what good movement should look like. And just because a dog won while being raced along, doesn’t mean it won because it was raced – it may have won in spite of that. Don’t simply copy someone who flies around the ring hauling the dog along, even if that person claims to be a professional handler – do what’s right for your dog. What we really want to see is each dog moved at a speed appropriate to its breed and to that individual dog, to best display the dog’s ability to put its structure to work in a smooth, coordinated manner. Many dogs gait their best on a slack lead, so they can balance themselves. Before you show your dog again, why not grab a knowledgeable person to help, and see what gaiting speed works best for your dog, both for moving down and back and for travelling around the ring. Learn to recognize when your dog is pacing, or crabbing, and figure out ways to prevent or stop that. Years ago I first heard well-known handler Bob Forsyth say that the toughest competition in the ring would be the knowledgeable owner handler with a good dog, a dog on which the owner focused all his or her experience and preparation. From time to time we hear that stated again, and it still holds true. “Practice makes perfect” – or at least practice makes better – works in showing dogs as well as in other activities.

With a Feel and Resemblance of Ages Gone Past... Hound Group First at Putnam Kennel Club under breeder Judge Mr. Eugene Blake. Best of Breed awarded by Judge Mr. Gary Doerge

Group Show Best In Show under Hound Judge Ms. Jocelyn Gagne Best of Breed awarded by Breeder Judge Mrs. Patricia Gilbert

© South African Champion & GCh. Scaramouch Show Must Go On Reserve Best In Show & Multiple Specialty Best In Show Winning


Bred and Owned by Clair van den Bergh - South Africa Owned and Handled by Anna and Ben Stromberg Franzoso, New York Dog News 67

By Lee Robinson Photos by Dominik Cenotti


fter months of planning and hard work the big day was finally upon us. RVs, vans and cars filled the parking lot on the beautiful grounds of the Greenfield Community College. The placed buzzed with activity putting together all of the last minute touches needed before show time. The day’s schedule of events kicked off with Judges Education at 12:30, Sweepstakes judging at 2:30, Regular and Non Regular Class judging at 3:30 PM. Followed by a Parade of AKC Title Holders, a Parade of Veterans, a huge Raffle and an Awards Dinner. The spacious ring was decorated with beautiful huge Red and White bows, with two large Red and White Setter silhouettes located on each side of the ring entrance. Beautiful trophies and lovely rosettes filled the judge’s table. The magic moment finally arrived, SHOW TIME! Sweepstakes Judge Frank Washabaugh had an entry of eight puppies and three veterans. Top honor went to Aisling Cudo Brosna Ciarrai, owned by Tammy Ciesla. BOS in Sweepstakes was Connie Kanoff and Debbie Cournoyer’s girl Moonstone Failte To Holly Glenn. Best Veteran in Sweepstakes was CH Aisling Cudo IS Seimi Fionnrua, RE,CD,JH,AX,AXJ, owned by Keith and Corless Eldred. Wendy and Edmund Bockman’s GCH Blue Chip Emerald of Shandon, JH, CGC was BOS in Veteran Sweepstakes. After a short break everyone was once again gathered at ringside awaiting the judging of the regular classes to begin. Judge Gale Young had an entry of thirty-seven, eight dogs, nine bitches, two veteran dogs, one veteran bitch, one hunting bitch, twelve Specials, two brood bitch and two braces. Mrs. Young awarded Best of Breed to GCH. Tullamore Toffi, JH owed by Anna Jones, BOS to Best of Breed, Award of Merit and Winners Dog went to Nyastar’s Secret Agent Man owner Kellyn Miller, Anna Jones’s Paterjay Araminta

The Red & White Coats Are Here!

68 Dog News

was Best of Winners, Best Bred By Exhibitor and Winners Bitch, CH. United Spot Rock Ranger was awarded Select Dog and Award of Merit, CH Moonstone‘s Red Elle was awarded Select Bitch and Award of Merit both owned by Pat Osimo. Best Puppy was Chris and Tammy Orcutts boy, Magairlin Winging It, Best Veteran was GCH. Blue Chip Emerald of Shandon, JH, CGC, owned by Wendy and Edmund Bockman. Reserve Winners Dog was Aisling Cudo IS Daly Rathmori owned by Pat and Albrecht UaSiaghail, Reserve Winner Bitch was Paterjay Ari Di Luna, owner Anna Jones. GCH Tullamore Toffi, JH won the Brood Bitch class also owned by Anna Jones. Best Brace class was awarded to Wendy, Edmond and Lindsay Bockman’s girls, GCH. Blue Chip Emerald Of Shandon, JH,CGC and CH. Truly A Royal Ransom JH,RN,CGC. At the conclusion of judging sixteen AKC Title Holders and their proud owners were applauded as they gaited around the ring one at a time. Each Titleholder received a Medallion and a commemorative Rosette. Congratulations to all of the winners. The Association is known for its awesome raffles and this one was no exception. We all gathered around the raffle tables with fingers crossed that our magic number would be drawn and the luck of the Irish would be with us. Albrecht UaSiaghail had the honors of drawing the winning numbers, making some very happy!


“The Red and White coats are coming!, the Red and White coats are coming!” A call that was heard around the region and come they did. On Friday August 2nd, 2013 a total of 42 IR&WS gathered in the beautiful historic town of Greenfield Massachusetts, which is located along the famous Mohawk Trail.

he Awards dinner is a time to relax, enjoy good food, friendly conversation and to celebrate the accomplishments of IRWSAA members and their R&Ws. As another successful National Specialty comes to a close happy memories of this awesome event will always be with us. And as we say goodbye to old and new friends we look forward to the 2014 National Specialty on Friday October 24th in Dixon, California. A very special thanks to Kathy Pellerito and her committee for making this event possible. The Irish Red and White Setter is not just a pretty face, it’s an outstanding bird dog and can be found competing in Obedience, Rally and Agility. A truly versatile breed. Always Happy Hunting!

2013 Irish Red and White Setter Association of America National Specialty, Obedience and Rally Trial Dog News 69

TheLighter Side of Judging Continued FROM page 30

MOM2’s house, but a ninety-three mile drive from our home. MISS JACKIE, a ninety-two year old close personal friend of MOM2, joins me in the one and one-half hour drive to visit her in the rehab center. We enter room 100B. I escort MISS JACKIE to a chair next to MOM2, who is seated in a motorized lounge chair next to her bed. “Hello! I am so thrilled to see you both. I had my first shower in over a week and I feel so much better,” MOM2 chimes from her seated position. I take note of her loose hospital gown, wishing now I had searched her kitchen drawers for a set of tongs to handle the multiple pairs of panties and bras. MOM2 grabs her left shoulder with her bandaged left hand and winces with pain. “Ouch, my shoulder is really bothering me. SON2, would you go find my physical therapist, his name is SEAN. He is big guy. Ask and see if he would give you some BIO FREEZE for my shoulder.” “Sure thing!” I respond. “Oh, and he wants to meet you. I told him you were a dog judge. He has two American Staffordshire Bull Terriers,” MOM2 adds. “Shit! Here we go again--no escape,” I mumble to myself. I exit room 100B, go to the nurse’s station and ask, “Excuse me, I am looking for SEAN.” Before I can complete my sentence, the attendant blurts out, “See the large man down the hall.” She points to her left. “That’s SEAN.” “O.K., thanks!” I turn and walk to SEAN, who is speaking with a young lady. Not wanting to be rude, I wait patiently for the conversation to end. “Excuse me, Sean?” I inquire, knowing full well who he is. “MS. A (MOM2) in room 100B, wants me to ask you if you could give me some BIO FREEZE for her left shoulder. It’s aggravating her and she would like some relief.” SEAN looks at me, chuckles and says, “Sure, I will be right there.” I go back to the room and continue the visit with MOM2 and MISS JACKIE. “SEAN said he will be back with your Bio Freeze.” He arrives in a matter of minutes, hands me a foam cup filled with blue, cool gel. I take the cup of BIO FREEZE and place it on the stand next to the bed. “SEAN, this is SON2, the dog show judge.” MOM2 announces. “He was recently on TV with Larry the Cable Guy,” she adds for the full effect. “OMG, shut up before I have to hurt your other shoulder,” I silently share with myself, in preparation for learning more than I ever wanted to know about SEAN and his two American Staffordshire Bull Terriers. “It’s the owner that gives these Bully breeds a bad name. Ya know, my two would never harm anyone or anything. Just look at the two of them,” SEAN directs while at the same time engaging his hand-held device and opening his photo gallery. I take note of several 70 Dog News

photos of two geriatric, brindle American Staffordshire Bull Terriers curled up on an over-stuffed sofa with what appears to be a cat. “I would love to have a Neapolitan Mastiff. Do you know any breeders?” SEAN asks with guarded enthusiasm. “Actually no, I do not personally know any breeders. If you contact the National Breed Club and, go to their website, I am sure there will be information on breeders in the area,” I offer, hoping not to diffuse his excitement about a new puppy and a new breed. SEAN continues to share further stories and photos of Samuel and Bella (his two dogs) and I listen patiently, nodding my head in agreement. “SEAN to room 110. SEAN to room 110, please,” the rehab’s internal PA system announces. “Well, gotta run. Nice to meet you and good luck with the dog shows,” SEAN offers before darting out the door. “SON2,” would you be a dear and help me with this BIO FREEZE. “Oh no, I am not about to rub BIO FREEZE on my Mother-in-law’s left shoulder and back,” I say to myself while moving forward at the same time. The loose nightgown (thank God it’s not one of those tie-in-the-back hospital jobs) clearly shows that MOM2 is not wearing a bra, as I am sure it would cause extreme pain. I am half-tempted to grab one of the several that I already manhandled from the chest of drawers and demand her to put it on prior to the BIO FREEZE massage. However, I rise to the occasion, slap a generous amount of the vibrant blue gel onto my right hand and move forward. MOM2 takes her bandaged right hand, pulls the gown down over her left shoulder, exposing more than any sonin-law deserves to see…let alone touch. I lightly begin to rub the cool, soothing gel on her shoulder. “Please rub onto my back, in the center, and move toward my arm, and then back up around my shoulder,” she instructs. “Oh, my---that feels so good. Yes---that’s the spot.” I slide my hand back out from under her gown, hoping the task is completed. “Please, could you please put a little more on the front of my shoulder area and down my arm?” She asks in anticipation of further relief. “Sure!” I remark, knowing damn well it’s freaking me out. Again, I scoop a generous

amount of blue, cool, wet, BIO FREEZE onto my hand. My fingers feel like cool/hot ice and smell like Eucalyptus. I attempt to focus on the pleasing odor and not on my hand sliding over the front of BIG MICHAEL’S mother’s shoulder/chest area. “Thank you my dear, just perfect.” Relieved the task has come to an end, I quickly place the lid on the foam cup in hopes it will keep her from requesting more personal therapy. MISS JACKIE and MOM2 continue to carry on a conversation with numerous themes and topics. I go to the washroom, clean BIO FREEZE residue from my hands, and return to one of the several avocado-colored leather side chairs in the room. No more than a minute after I take my seat, one of MOM2’s girlfriends walk through the door. I turn, rise from the chair and take notice of a vision in black and white. A huge black and white polka-dotted hat enters the room first, with a lady attached. “Hello GERALDINE!” MOM2 joyfully chirps from her electronic lounge chair. GERALDINE, slowly, with grace and style, supported by a walking cane, cascades across the room. “Hell… she needs the cane to balance that hat for sure,” I observe, while MOM2 begins introducing MISS JACKIE and then me. I take GERALDINE’S right, gloved hand and say, politely, “It’s so nice to meet you.” GERALDINE moves close to MOM2 and begins a heavy, but sincere conversation---channeling the Lord. “Ah ha, I forgot it was Sunday. GERALDINE is coming for a visit after church,” I silently process, loving the fact that AfricanAmerican women in the South look their absolute best, from head to toe, when going to church, and the hat is always one of the most crucial features. GERALDINE’S outfit is hypnotic---the large dotted hat, surrounded with a black veil, is followed by a white blouse with small black print, a black empire-waist jacket, black skirt, black textured hose, black gloves, white shoes with black dots and black bows and a large assortment of black and white costume jewelry. MISS JACKIE and GERALDINE quickly establish that the two of them have met in the past and have several mutual friends. This epiphany leads to an even more colorful, Lord-inspired conversation between the three of them. I listen and plan my exit in the event things get a bit too charismatic for my liking---or if SEAN happens to return with snakes. GERALDINE becomes more intense. She slides forward in her chair, her voice becomes deeper, more defined, and she holds MOM2 and MISS JACKIE captive in conversation. I listen from the opposite side of the hospital bed. “The Lord was with you. Two weeks ago at chapel, I approached the alter rail for communion. LEROY---that’s my husband---stayed seated in fear of what might transpire. I was about to kneel down to take the sacraments and then….it happened.” “What, what happened?” MISS JACKIE asks with new-

found interest in the conversation. Well, my body started shakin’. I felt a heaviness in my heart. I became stiff all over and fell backwards. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought I was dead.” LEROY did not even get out of his seat---so I am told. I did not come back to earth until I was in the emergency room. The sisters assisted me until the EMTs arrived at the church. Now, remember… so I am told. And, the most excitin’ part of my collapse was when the doctor came into the ER to treat me---he acknowledged, based on the ambulance report, that I had indeed been ‘Slain in the Spirit.’” I begin to chuckle, personally wondering what the medical Icd9 Code would be for ‘Slain in the Spirit’. GERALDINE’S voice now peaks with her hands held high over her head, when she says “Slain in the Spirit. Yes, indeed, I was taken by total surprise. No one really knew it was coming my way. Even the Revered had no idea it was about to happen, and poor LEROY was so overcome he could not even lift himself from the pew. SISTER GLADYS was the only one to come forward---so I was told---because my Sunday dress had lifted up over my waist and she kindly pulled it back down.” “What in the hell is she talking about?” I ask, while excusing myself to the hall for a little fresh air. I continue walking down the hall and proceed through the lobby outdoors. The bright sunshine and unseasonably cool temperature bring immediate relief. DROID is removed from my left front pocket. I prompt a Google search, typing in “Slain in the Spirit”. “Slain in the Spirit” is a term used in charismatic Christianity to describe a religious behavior in which an individual falls to the floor. This usually happens during an event, which they perceive as a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit. In most cases, their fall is broken by deacons, catchers, ushers or orderlies, who stand behind them to prevent injury. Beliefs associated with this phenomenon include divine healing, receiving visions, being set free of demonic spirits, and hearing God speak. “OMG, GERALDINE is crazy!” I offer to the universe while also questioning why no one---not even her husband---attempted to comfort the fall. “I am sure whichever Sunday hat GERALDINE was wearing at the time afforded some stability during the fall— maybe acting like a tiny parachute---protecting her from, at the very least, breaking her neck,” I continue declaring to no one in particular, half wishing my Sunday service was being held at a remote fairground location, judging dog shows.

“In true Northern/Yankee, gentlemanly fashion, I rise once again and offer my arm to GERALDINE. “May I escort you to your car?” “Yes you can,” GERALDINE says. She slowly puts on her long black gloves, before sliding her left around my right elbow. I cannot help but notice the glances that the two of us receive while walking through the hallway and lobby.” I re-enter the rehabilitation center, nod to the desk clerk, turn right and proceed back to room 100B. GERALDINE has calmed down. MISS JACKIE shoots me a big smile, and a wink of one eye. MOM2 is now holding court, re-living the BILA’s birthday party, the trauma of the accident, the shooting victims, the lockdown, BIG MICHAEL’s loving support, the ambulance ride, her doctors, and the nurses… leaving no detail untold. Two new visitors arrive to see MOM2 and this signals GERALDINE that it is time to leave. “Well, it’s been mighty fine visiting and I know you are in good hands. I am going home and make myself some hot soup. Yep--chicken soup and only Campbell’s for me,” Geraldine’s rapturous voice pronounces, as if it is immersed in yet another religious experience. In true Northern/Yankee, gentlemanly fashion, I rise once again and offer my arm to GERALDINE. “May I escort you to your car?” “Yes you can,” GERALDINE says. She slowly puts on her long black gloves, before sliding her left around my right elbow. I cannot help but notice the glances that the two of us receive while walking through the hallway and lobby. We approach the exit door and MOM2’s older brother, UNCLE G, enters. “Michael, good to see you. You’re not leaving are you?” “No, I will be right back,” I offer. “Oh…hello GERALDINE,” UNCLE G says with raised eyebrows and rolling eyes sent in my directions---clearly letting me know that he has experienced GERALDINE on a deeper level. I internally chuckle and advance GERALDINE to her car. “Hey! MICHAEL…sure did enjoy watching you on TV last week with Larry the Cable Guy,” UNCLE G remarks, igniting a new fire in GERALDINE’S belly. “You were on TV with Larry the Cable Guy?” Geraldine inquires. I take a moment before responding, wondering how in the hell a charismatic, southern African –American lady would know anything about Larry the Cable Guy. Geraldine holds tight to my arm as we move across the paved parking lot to her silver blue Chevy Impala. “Yes Ma’am, I was indeed with Larry the Cable Guy,” I vocally affirm. “Oh – me… he can get carried away…but I sure do think he is a funny man,” GERALDINE responds. “So, what were you and Larry doing?” GERALDINE searching for more information, tightens her grip around my arm, and pur-

posefully slows her steps, controlling the time it will take to cross the parking lot. “Well, Ma’am, I was filming a segment of Across America With Larry the Cable Guy that airs on the History Channel. It was about Dog Shows.” “So you’re the second son---the dog show judge?” “Yep that’s me,” I say. “Well, look at me…holding the arm of Dog Show Judge that’s been on TV…my, my, my!” GERALDINE exclaims with a special diaphanous light in her eyes. I, in turn, begin to pray that she is not overcome by the experience and once again becomes “Slain in the Spirit,” forcing me to comfort her in the middle of the rehabilitation facility parking lot. “Now, I have been told that you are usually never home on Sundays. I have seen BIG MICHAEL---on occasion---escort his Mama to church and it would be nice to see you, too. Have you seen and spoken to the Lord lately?” GERALDINE boldly asks. I take her car keys from her left hand, open the driver’s side door, and hold the car door open. She slowly squeezes fifty pounds of fabric and her large polka-dotted hat into the car. “I must honestly say, Ma’am, that I have not seen the Lord lately and it’s been a while since our last conversation.” “Oh, me---well, next Sunday, when you’re off judging dogs, I am going to ask the Lord to keep his hands on you,” GERALDINE shares through the car window as she pulls out of the parking lot towards home and a hot bowl of Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup. It’s getting late. Time for MISS JACKIE and me to return home and time to give UNCLE G and MOM2 an opportunity for conversation and privacy. “MOM2---we gotta run. You take care and if you need anything, give me a call. I’ll check in once I get home and I’ll call you tomorrow, too.” I bend over, careful not to press against her nine broken ribs and give her a kiss on the cheek. “Where are you off to next?” She asks. I intuitively know she is talking about dog shows. “I am off to New Jersey next week for three days. The flight schedules were not all that great and with having to work on Thursday, I opted to drive,” I share. “You be careful…Let me know you are OK…Call me when you arrive…Look out for the other driver…Don’t drink and drive… and you know we are all praying for you,” MOM2 rattles off in her loving Steel Magnolia/Southern Gothic way. MISS JACKIE slides her left arm around my right elbow and the two of us slowly shuffle to the car for the one and one-half hour journey home. Dog News 71

Gossip The

By Eugene Z. Zaphiris



he members of American Kennel Club member clubs have voted and the top three vote getters vying for the 2014 American Kennel Club’s Lifetime Achievement Award are as follows In the area of Conformation the three nominees are THOMAS DAVIES, PAT HASTINGS and BILL HOLBROOK. In the area of Companion Events the three nominees are LYNN EGGERS, BILL IWAMOTO and ART TWISS and rounding out the nominations are the three nominees plans on getting back to judging in the in the area of Performance RAY middle of September. Giant Schnauzer CALKINS, KATHERINE SIMONDS breeder and exhibitor MICKEY LOW passed and JEANNIE WAGNER. These away in New York on Sunday, just days shy awards are usually given out at of his tenth anniversary of being diagnosed the AKC/EUKANUBA DOG SHOW. with cancer. He and his wife LINDA also You can expect to hear about some owned several top winning terriers all shown changes for that show in the near by GABRIEL RANGEL. Sadly I have known future. Like the American Kennel many friends and family members who have Club Gazette before it, the English battled this dreaded disease but none have Kennel Club will stop printing fought as hard and long as MICKEY. The the Kennel Gazette at years end. ups and downs, the surgeries, the radical It will now be called the Kennel treatments, the flying across the country on Club Journal, and will include all a regular basis to see his specialists never pertinent information and will be got in the way of his positive attitude. He emailed monthly to members and was tough as nails and I must admit we subscribers. Friends and family did go toe to toe on occasion, but I loved gathered at the home of future him and will miss him and his friendship. grandparents ELLEN & DAVID All of us at DOG NEWS send our deepest ROBERTS as they hosted a baby sympathies and love to his wife LINDA shower for SHELBY & LENNY and their children SHERI, JEFFREY, SEAN BROWN’S soon to be little bundle of and wife CATE, NICOLE and her husband joy. Happy 8th wedding anniversary JOHN, ADAM and his wife ELIZABETH & to AMY & ANDREW GREEN. JUSTINE and grandchildren. The family Who knew that weeding in your has requested those wishing to make a garden could be so dangerous…. contribution in MICKEY’S memory do so CHARLOTTE PATTERSON suffered to Sloane Kettering Cancer Center or Take a broken shoulder and a broken The Lead. Retired all breed judge GLENN arm in three places as a result of FANCY has passed away. GLENN had been a fall in her garden. All of us at in declining health for some time. Our DOG NEWS send our best wishes deepest sympathies to his wife, JEAN, and for a speedy recovery. CHARLOTTE family. cancelled several assignments but

72 Dog News

LHisegend... Name Says It All!!

A “Giant” Thank You to Judge Mrs. Linda Krukar for this wonderful win awarded to “Legend” and Cliff their first weekend out.

GCh. Ramahill Absolutes I Am Legend of RW Owners: Mrs. Marcia Adler Mr. & Mrs. Luke Edmonson

Handler Cliff Steele

Dog News 73


The Value Of Natural Photos & Natural Looks Continued FROM page 26

from The Fox Terrier Club and The Wire Fox Terrier Assn in England dating back to the 1920ies, where basically every photo is touched up or painted- and totally worthless as a historic “document”. I also remember that when I at a very young age was going to import my first Wire Fox Terrier from England on a very limited budget, I was inundated with offers of dogs accompanied by retouched photos- and as I by that time had had my eyes opened, I was convinced they were trying to hide something and decided to not buy until I saw the dogs live! And of course when I did, they were not up to par! As those of you who have been around for a few years know, Wire Fox Terriers were enjoying an unbelievable popularity in the 30ies, 40ies and early 50ies. They were sold from the UK all over the world for huge prices and it was said that if you want a dog to win BIG with, get a good Wire. And because the breed had problems with ear carriage, anything from hound to prick, had a serious problem with gay tails and sometimes a little too much skin here and there, so many dogs were seriously “doctored” before they could come on the market and catch the top prices. And even in little Norway we had a number of people willing to pay top prices for top dogs who could never understand how their imports with perfect ears and tails were unable to reproduce any of their virtues. And bear in mind, all dogs with imperfections were sold as pets in our little world, as we simply didn’t have any layman who could perform cosmetic surgery to that extent! I think we still in this day and age are paying the prize for all the early “fixing” in our breed and it is interesting to observe how popularity can be the cause of downfall for a breed. From being one of the most BIS winning breeds in the world, so many other terrier breeds have taken over- and when “my” breed has deteriorated so many of the not so popular breeds have improved enormously. I remember the one and 74 Dog News

only Audrey Dallison, owner of all those fabulous Gosmore Wire Fox Terriers, a few top winning Scotties and even Std Poodles, making the statement that breeds like Norwich-, Norfolk, Cairn- and Border Terriers (I think) could never possibly expect to win a group in competition with a WFT, Welsh, Scotties, etc. They were simply not glamorous nor good enough! Needless to say the most prominent breeders of those breeds went crazy! I think she would have been surprised to witness what the world looks like today, but let’s face it: The breeds she mentioned have improved while some of the others have moved in a different direction both regarding quality and popularity- Just let us hope no breed will ever reach the level of popularity which in so many ways proved detrimental to my own chosen breed! One of my pet subjects these days is presentation! Although I sincerely hope that cosmetic surgery is not common in any breed any more, I know that presentation is at a level never reached before. I keep repeating that we in our midst have so many very artistic people who with a similar skill within another field would be real superstars. Some of these guys (and dolls) are nearly too clever- and can transform a very ordinary object to some thing LOOKING spectacular and make it a rather tough job for judges to “see through” the gorgeous outline and silhouette created. Even if not by any means as serious as cosmetic surgery, the effect for the breed can be the same. We see far too many dogs winning that shouldn’t win!!! simply because there are people who seem to prioritize presentation over construction and type. And even type can be “presented away”, but sadly not observed by some judges. The groomers I admire are not creating sculptures, but are those who end up with a result appearing totally natural- as if God made the dogs that way. I know we are all hyper critical when we judge judges of our own breeds, but

when we judge other breeds- are we able to perform at the same level as we expect from others?? I have been fortunate to work with most terrier breeds to the extent that I believe I know their soul and know the look to expect when looking into the eyes of a Lakeland and how it differs from the expression of a Welsh terrier. The same with an English Cocker compared to an English Springer, a whippet from a greyhound, etc. I believe there are very few multi breed judges around today who with hand on heart can argue that they can identify each breed by just judging expression, but in an ideal world they should really be expected to do so! Practically not possible, as you would need a “personal relationship” with a dog or dogs in each breed to understand their soul, but still as I see it eyes and expression are of the utmost importance as ingredients in the abstraction we describe as TYPE! One part of presentation which has really been taken to the extreme in this country: TOENAILS. So many dogs of so many breeds are shown with no nails, just a little lump at the end of the toe!!! When we as judges are asked to take into consideration that our winners should be fit for function, we look at bite, underjaw, bone, feet, movement, etc., etc. but so many breeds, whether they are supposed to be hunting, running or digging they need toenails, so why accept that they are shown virtually without this important feature? I naturally hate to see overlong, un trimmed toenails, which I did see a lot of on a recent trip to Europe, but there is a happy medium- and for most of the terrier breeds toenails are necessary for the dogs to do the job they are supposed to do! And again, when trimming toenails, to make them a comfortable length without amputating them is not difficult- and I personally think it makes the feet look much better. So just modify your efforts and go for the NATURAL and then even more functional look regarding all aspects of show preparation. That’s at least my own humble opinion.





ergie will be 8 years-old in September and is sitting pretty as the #1 Deerhound Bitch in the country! She is following in her Mom’s footsteps Multiple Best In Show, Multiple Best In Specialty Show Winning Ch. Glassonby Desert Rose! Fergie won Best Of Breed at the Hudson Valley Hound Show, a Scottish Deerhound Club of America Supported entry, as her Mom Denver did! Not too bad for an old girl!!!

Breeder, Owner Handled By Shawny & Tony Cirincione &Terry Rizzitiello *Number three overall, The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed Points

Dog News 75

Santa Barbabra Kennel Clu PHOTOS



76 Dog News

Dog News 77

Draft Tests Prove And Preserve Working Ability In A Really Fun Way Continued FROM page 41

Frost (left) and Ember (right) demonstrate control during a Group Stay. Frost is AM CH/ CAN CH Frost Mazama LopezMendez. She is owned by Ruth Nielsen and Laura Lopez-Mendez. Ember is AM CH Brechbuhler’s Ember DD BDD DD. She is owned by Nancy Van Horne. Photo by Ruth Nielsen.


Optimally, the cart pulled by the dog should have a low center of gravity for stability and be properly balanced so there’s no weight on the dog’s back to cause injury. The price for a cart ranges between $300 and $500. That includes the cost of two shafts custom bent to the length and height of the dog. “Because carts are not regulated by BMDCA Draft Test Rules, they literally can be anything a dog can pull—even if it doesn’t have wheels!” Brightbill says. “I’ve seen people make them out of baby strollers and bicycle trailers for kids.” The cost of a harness is in addition to the price of the cart. Like the cart shafts, the harness should be properly fitted to the dog in order to prevent injuries. “The most commonly used type of harness is called a Si-Wash,” Brightbill says. “It’s designed so the dog pulls from its chest and shoulders and, therefore, does not injure its back. A SiWash harness costs between $60 and $80.”


Depending upon the individual dog’s temperament, it may need to be gradually conditioned to wearing a harness and pulling a cart. When this is necessary, the first step is getting the dog used to wearing a harness. This is accomplished by putting the harness on the dog and leaving it on for progressively longer periods of time. The traces are added next. They’re the lines that attach the dog’s harness to the cart. The dog is allowed to drag them around. Now, it’s time to condition the dog to pulling something behind it that has weight. A

Tilly (AM GCH CH/CAN CH Brechbuhler’s Entitled To It All NAP ANDD ABNDD MDD MBDD DD) winning an Award of Merit at the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America National Specialty in 2012. Ms. Marion Klok was the Judge. Bonnie Fisher was Mia’s handler. Photo by Dawn Gabig, Classique Photography.

78 Dog News

milk carton filled with water or a piece of fire wood is attached to the traces and the dog is allowed to drag it around the yard and during walks. Gradually, the weight of the object pulled is increased as is the distance the dog pulls it. “Because carts make noise, I like to train my dogs to pull something that’s noisy like a milk carton filled with rocks,” Brightbill says. After the dog is comfortable wearing the harness and dragging a weighted object attached to the traces, it must be conditioned to standing between the two shafts and being touched by them when they move back and forth or side to side as the shafts would do when the dog maneuvers the cart. In addition to first letting the dog sniff the shafts, rubbing them against the dog’s side also is helpful, as is storing them in a place where the dog can see them. Finally, the dog must be conditioned to

Mia (AM CH/CAN CH Brechbuhler’s All About Me NJP ANDD ABNDD MDD MBDD DD) winning an Award of Merit at the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America National Specialty in 2010. The Judge was Ms. Satu Yla-Mononen. Mia was handled by Wendy Bennett and is owned by Jennifer and Tom Brightbill. Photo by Dawn Gabig, Classique Photography.

being harnessed to the cart and pulling it. Here, the dog should be allowed to thoroughly investigate the cart first. The owner should pull the cart around the yard in the dog’s view. The dog should be walked on-lead while beside, behind and in front of it. Some also owners feed their dog from the cart or beside the cart to create a positive association. If the dog has been gradually conditioned as outlined above, then, it should readily accept being harnessed to the cart and pulling it without a “hitch!”

Any dog-loving boy or girl

Brightbill likes Draft Tests because it’s possible for everyone competing in them to succeed. “Each dog that meets the requirements for a particular title at a Draft Test is awarded it,” she says. “There’s not just one winner.” Brightbill also likes carting because it’s just plain fun. In addition to Draft Tests, she and other enthusiasts participate in a variety of related activities guaranteed to delight any dog-loving boy or girl whether aged 5 or 50. “We often decorate our dogs’ carts and walk in parades,” Brightbill says. “One night during the holiday season when there’s a Christmas light display, the Portland International Race Way is open to people; many of whom walk their dogs on it. Several of our club members bring their Berners hitched to decorated carts. We’ve also done draft work demonstrations at elementary schools and nursing homes. And we helped the local fire department raise money for the purchase of oxygen masks for pets rescued from fires.”

Get in on the fun!

For more information about BMDCA Draft Tests and to learn how to get involved in a fun activity that proves and preserves working dog ability, visit: http://www.bmdca. org/breed_education/pdf/09_bernese_ activities_draft.pdf

Specialty Best of Breed Judge Mrs. Lisa Warren & Group Four Specialty Best of Breed Judge Mr. Alberto Berrios Group Second Judge Mr. Mark E. Threlfall Pictured with Judge Ms. Helene Nietsch

Multiple Best In Specialty S how Winnin g


Owners Lynn Rhodes and Dr. Steve Herman

GCh.Starfi eld’s Army Stro n Bulkley JH g V NRD

Top 10 GSP Breed & All Breed Dog News & C.C. Systems

Presented By Pam Bober Dog News 79

80 Dog News

Dog News 81


Directory Safari Handling and Training LLC

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REGINA 570 369-0192 email:

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7.11 4.14

Tiffany Knox

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Jenny Wornall Rangel Christian Rangel Andrew Peel

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Professional Presentation & Care of Show Dogs A drienne O wen 6849 S hadow R idge P l ace A lta L oma , CA 91701 909-472-5519 adrienne @ newpointkennel . com www 8.09 . newpointkennel . com 7.12


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82 Dog News





IRVING’s impressions Continued FROM page 50

been set up to look at the rules surrounding testing for prohibited products such as chalk and hairspray. It was announced at the AGM that this group had concluded that coat testing at dog shows is to be re-started following the temporary suspension that has been in place during the two year consultation period. The conclusion is that there will be no change to the regulation which prohibits the use of substances that ‘alter the natural color, texture or body of the coat’. It was also recommended that tests will no longer be confined to all-breed shows but will also be extended to breed specialty shows as well. It was also confirmed that more dogs in more breeds will be tested on a random basis. The report also said that the development of further tests to detect substances such as dyes and grease paint has been recommended, and that “the development of guidelines for the interpretation of tests where there are detectable residues, at low level, of substances used in pre-show preparation, such as silicone based grooming products, that are then brushed out of the coat prior to exhibition” should also be undertaken. It would seem that instead of dropping coat testing or relaxing the regulations, the review will result in the introduction of additional testing, a more robust testing regime, more advice to judges on presentational issues and the changing of some breed standards to make different styles of presentation possible. Since these issues were previously reported there do not appear to have been any further announcements on the issue but we await developments with interest.

Points Shows Across The Board

At the moment there are only around thirty ‘general championship shows’ in the UK with Challenge Certificates (CCs) for multiple breeds. Even these shows do not necessarily have championship qualifying points (CCs) available for every breed. Added to those general shows there are also a number of specialty shows at which CCs are available and this largely depends on the number of breed clubs there are for that particular breed. CCs are currently allocated to breeds depending upon their popularity in the show ring. So all breeds which attract say 100 dogs entered on average at each show will have a certain number of CCs available annually - say 30 sets. Those numerically smaller breeds with only average entries of maybe 50 dogs would have less – may be around 20 sets down to as few as 7 sets where the average entries are say 20 per show or less. Thus CCs are, if you like, rationed to each breed based on the amount of competition that the breed experiences. This is done in order to at least

attempt to make a roughly level playing field as far as the achievement of championship status for any dog is concerned. Recently some people have suggested that the solution to the problem of falling show entries might be to give up that rationing policy and instead offer CCs at every general championship show. I have always wondered if this would be as perfect as it at first sounds? Firstly would it really mean that there would be more entries at all of the shows? Or would it instead mean that only the shows with large populations of dogs around them would benefit thus making shows on the outlying parts of the UK less profitable than they were before? Would people who currently go to say ten points shows a year suddenly start going to twenty? Would the greater ease of finishing dogs more quickly, because of reduced competition, not actually result in dogs leaving the show scene far earlier than they do at the moment? This point was recently reinforced by TKC when its Canine Activities Executive wrote to the dog press to say that the figures don’t actually support the view that entries would increase if all shows had points. She said that between 2007 and 2012, there were eighteen breeds that had their allocation of CCs increased so that they had CCs at every eligible show. She made the point that of these eighteen breeds, only one, the Pug, maintained its average number of entries over the same period. Apparently every one of the other seventeen breeds saw a fall in entries over this period of time. Her conclusion therefore is that it does not always follow that CCs at every show would lead to higher entries.

Falling Show Entries – What To Do?

Which brings us to the question of the moment which is: “What is the reason for falling entries at shows and what needs to be done to resolve the problem?” First of all let’s get the facts. The records show that this year to the end of August the general shows are down by 4.5% as compared to last year. The alarming thing is however that even at the end of June this drop was only 3.3%, but shows since then have been down double that - on average 6.6%. This is rather an alarming declining trend. TKC Chairman Steve Dean has gone on record as saying that he thinks there may be several contributing factors but that the

key reason is the economic climate in which we are living. His view is that this doesn’t just affect what people can afford to spend on their hobby of dog showing, but it also impinges on the ability of families to afford having a family pet at all and this in turn also affects dog showing. He argues that show organising clubs, breed clubs, and everyone involved in the dog fancy has to look for “innovative ways to attract entries” such as holding breed club shows alongside all breed shows and thus to encourage greater entries at these ‘back to back’ events. He, like Kathryn Symns, goes on to reject the allocation of CCs as the main factor but notes that in some other countries there is a much wider “range of exhibitors and the presence of many families” at shows and he asks why this appears to be different in the UK. He thinks that the disappearance of the larger kennels in the UK and the resulting fall in the number of opportunities for younger people to serve apprenticeships with those kennels may be part of the problem. He also adds that in today’s modern society there is rather a suspicion of the motives of larger scale breeders and that most breeders are now smaller committed pet owning breeders. He also thinks that the way that society demands that new puppy owners have to go through a long process doesn’t help. They must research their chosen breed, find a good breeder and then learn to become an exhibitor. He thinks all of this may be daunting and says: “These barriers are likely to prove too great for many with an embryonic interest and perhaps we should be more welcoming and helpful.” He finishes his piece by saying: “If we want to actively address the current decline in registrations and show entries we need to redouble our efforts to encourage public interest.”

An Uphill Task

This may be a more of an uphill task than he imagines. The fashion these days seems to be to conduct surveys of what people want from dog shows. One recent survey of open show exhibitors published in the weekly dog paper OUR DOGS asked the question: “Would you like to see more members of the public at general open shows?” Apparently more people said ‘No.’ than anything else. Only about a third said ‘Yes’. The main reasons people gave for being against welcoming the public at shows were firstly the problem of controlling children and secondly having venues of sufficient size. Is there any hope for the fancy if that is truly the view of the majority? What do we need to do to get the average dog person to wake up and smell the coffee? Only when they do and are more welcoming to newcomers will we have any chance of seeing the trend reversing itself. Dog News 83


Directory Doug And Mandy Carlson AKC Registered Handlers

Doug 405 370-1447 Mandy 405 826-3884 5.13

8260 McColl Drive W Savage, Minnesota 55378 Phone: 952 890-6010 3.13



All Breed Professionals AKC Reg. and PHA


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BRUCE & TARA SCHULTZ Board Certified Professional Handlers Members of P.H.A.


84 Dog News


5540 San Miguel Rd. Bonita, California 91902

Bruce: 951 314-8357 Tara: 951 515-0241



An Eye For A Dog From A Delegate Judge, Some Changes At The AENC,Mickey Low... Continued FROM page 58

public with the news as of Tuesday, August 27th, the date of the writing of this article. With all the various announcements coming forth about the AENC and ignoring or keeping people in the dark about what is happening behind the scenes is just ridiculous as far as I am concerned. First of all from an administrative standpoint Ron Menaker has resigned as Show Chair and Dennis Sprung will replace him. Sort of a natural progression as Ron in my opinion both last year and for this years show was show chairman in name only. The job and decisions were made by Gina DiNardo and Michael Canalizo from AKC and Jason Taylor and Vicki Seiler from Eukanuba. Which was no doubt an arrangement with which all agreed. While the show itself was originally Ron’s project and possibly even his concept too many of these changes were being made with his finding out after the fact rather than as a participant to the changes. For him I would think the final blow probably was the fact that the show will no longer be televised (as of this writing) but streaming video used instead. I have no intentions right now of going into my interpretation of what this may mean positively nor negatively to the show itself nor to AKC either but am merely sharing

More information which should have been shared weeks ago with the Fancy and which has been unreasonably withheld for far too long a period of time as far as I am concerned.


he passing of Mickey Low after a ten-year battle with cancer is sadly noted here as “Mickster” as I used to call him was a close friend with whom I spoke usually at least daily. Naturally a void has been created in my life for sure on that score. With his devoted and beloved wife Linda they were a formidable dog show couple that had many top winning dogs (two Montgomery Bests with two different exhibits) but the true love of both their lives were their Giant Schnauzers and their involvement as breeders and owners of that breed. Extremely active in Take the Lead (Linda is an active Board member), their mutual concern for dogs and dog people was recognized on most every level of our sport. Between the two of them they had seven children and ten grandchildren. Each child and grandchild was treated individually with care, love and attention. And for sure not to mention his extra-special and extraordinary relationship with Gabriel and Ivonne Rangel would be malfeasance of the highest sort. Gabriel was like an adopted son to Mick and Mickey’s support of Gabriel during his formative years as a dog handler and international dog personality was critical to both of their development within the sport and life generally. Say one word of criticism about Gabe or any of his dogs whether they belonged to the Mickster or not and the roof would fall on your head for sure. Mickey was volatile and sophisticated, a real New Yorker! He graduated Horace Mann and Oberlin College in Ohio and was a shrewd and successful, extremely successful businessman. A devoted golfer and sportsman and intrepid Yankee fan he died much too soon but considering his problems of the last ten years those who knew and loved him were lucky to be with him that long. I will miss him greatly and of course my thoughts and prayers are with Linda and the kids for sure. Dog News 85




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Over 4000 sq feet with 40 kennels plus grooming and washing area all set up with air and evaps plus apt. for staff, plus parking fopr 25 + cars Asking $550,000 Call WEST USA Realty Jack Bricker 602 625-3440 or 86 Dog News


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Continued FROM page 34

Conyers Kennel Club of Georgia - Sunday Pug GCh. Caper’s Sirius Endeavor Judge Mr. Raymond V. Filburn, Jr. Owners Phil & Carol Fisher and John & Linda Rowell Handler Linda Rowell Elgin Kennel Club Danville Kennel Club Carolina Kennel club Russell Terrier GCh. Goldsands Columbus Judge Mrs. Arlene Czech Judge Mr. Clay Coady Judge Mrs. Keke Kahn Owners Mark Ulrich and Christina Areskough Handler Allison Sunderman Conejo Kennel Club - Monday Saluki GCh. Aurora’s The Song And Dance Man Judge Mr. David Bolus Owners Julie L. Mueller and Eugene Blake Handler Eugene Blake

Owensboro River Kennel Club II Keeshond GCh. Ruttkay Chance Judge Mr. William Usherwood Owner Megan McLoughlin Handler Alan Leff Muncie Kennel Club Cane Corso GCh. Del’Agreste Bin Up To No Good At Sno-Storm Judge Mr. David Alexander Owners Deanna Rotkowski & Will Yingling Handler Deanna Rotkowski St. Croix Valley Kennel Club Whippet Ch. Sportingfield’s Shameless Judge Mr. Russell McFadden Owners Jane Cooney-Waterhouse, Amanda Giles and Debbie Einck Handler Amanda Giles Northstar Working Group Association Doberman Pinscher GCh. Vondura’s Xcelerator Belle Amie Judge Mrs. Maredith Reggie Owners Dara Tracy, Jim Covert, Mary Dellorto & Karin Fox Handler Karin Fox

ts Week The

To report an AKC All Breed Best In Show or National Specialty Win Call, Fax or Email before 12:00 Noon Tuesday. Fax: 212 675-5994 • Phone: 212 462-9588 Email:

Dog News 87

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Dog News The Digest

Of American Dogs

The Dog Show Calendar Lists All Shows Offered Through The Month Of October

In order to further serve the fancy, Dog News will publish the upcoming All Breed and Specialty Breed Show schedules including judging panels, show superintendents and closing dates in the first issue of each month.


Full Page Color: $600 prepaid • $675 billed Full Page B/W: $275 prepaid • $325 billed Half Page B/W: $200 prepaid • $275 billed Dog News 89

OCTOBER 1 - TUESDAY CO Northglenn* (I) AKITA CLUB OF AMERICA Ramada Plaza 10 E 120th Avenue CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 4 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. K. A. Buxton: Breed Mrs. L. Scanlon: Obedience MO Gray Summit (I) BEARDED COLLIE CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (P) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 11 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT SWEEPS PUPPY: Beard Coll Chet Jezierski SWEEPS VETERANS: Beard Coll Chet Jezierski

OCTOBER 2 - WEDNESDAY CO Northglenn (I) AKITA CLUB OF AMERICA (P) Ramada Plaza 10 E 120th Avenue CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 4 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT MATURITY: Akita Linda Ingemi FUTURITY: Akita Linda Ingemi PA Wrightstown* (O) GREYHOUND CLUB OF AMERICA (S) Middletown Grange Fairgrounds #684 576 Penns Park Rd. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. D. J. Murphy: Breed Mrs. C. H. Clark: Jr. Showmanship Mrs. C. A. Artim: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY Sharon Allert SWEEPS VETERANS Sharon Allert

OCTOBER 2 - WEDNESDAY thru OCTOBER 4 - FRIDAY MO Gray Summit (I) BEARDED COLLIE CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (3) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 11 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $31.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mrs. P. Hastings: Breed, Jr. Showmanship

OCTOBER 3 - THURSDAY CO Northglenn (I) AKITA CLUB OF AMERICA (P) Ramada Plaza 10 E 120th Avenue CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 4 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT SWEEPS PUPPY: Akita Jill Drennan SWEEPS VETERANS: Akita Jill Drennan NE Lincoln (I) CORNHUSKER KENNEL CLUB OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, INC. Lancaster Event Center 4100 N 84th Street CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW J. E. Gregory SPORTING Group: J. G. Reynolds Mr. R. Gschwender: Brit J. E. Gregory: Pntr-GW Mr. J. C. Walton: Pointer, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: J. G. Reynolds Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. E. K. Gammill J. E. Gregory: Boxer Mr. R. Gschwender: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. C. Walton Mr. J. C. Walton: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. S. B. Tietjen Mrs. E. K. Gammill: Bruss Grif, Chihua, Malt, Pap, Pom, Shih Tzu, Yorks J. G. Reynolds: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. C. Walton J. G. Reynolds: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: J. E. Gregory Mrs. E. K. Gammill: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. C. Walton Mr. J. C. Walton: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. E. K. Gammill PA Wrightstown (I/O) HATBORO DOG CLUB, INC. Middletown Grange Fairgrounds #684 576 Penns Park Rd. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. K. Kahn SPORTING Group: J. Hubbard Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Brit, All Pointers, All Retrievers, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh J. Hubbard: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. A. Katona Mrs. K. Kahn: Pharaoh Mr. P. Garcia, Jr.: Afghan, Borz, Dach, Ir Wolf, RhoRidge, Saluki, ScotDeer, Whip Mrs. A. Katona: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mr. D. Vice: Bullm, Grt Dane Mrs. A. Katona: Giant Schn, Std Schn Mrs. K. Kahn: Alas Mal, Chinook, Grm Pinscher, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Leonberger, Mast, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. B. Lundstrom: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve W. Wornall: Airdle P. A. Davis: Cairn Mr. T. D. Parrotti: Min Schn Mr. R. E. Herner: Scotti

90 Dog News

Mrs. C. H. Clark: Soft Coated J. White: Wst Highlnd Mrs. A. Katona: Am Staff, Norfolk Mr. R. J. Shreve: Bdlgtn, Kerry H. O’Donoghue: Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire) B. R. Schwartz: Norwich, Parson Russell Mrs. K. Kahn: Bull Ter, Min Bull Terrs, Rat Terrier, Staf Bull Ms. C. Erickson: Austr, Glen Imaal, Lakelnd, Russel Terr, Welsh Ter Dr. V. L. Huber: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. K. Kahn Dr. V. L. Huber: Toy Manch Mrs. A. Katona: Toy Fox Terrier Mr. D. Vice: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. D. Vice Mr. D. Vice: Pood Mrs. K. Kahn: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. J. Nahikian Mrs. J. Nahikian: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: B. R. Schwartz B. R. Schwartz: All Miscellaneous Breeds PA Wrightstown (O) FOX TERRIER CLUB OF MARYLAND (P) Middletown Grange Fairgrounds #684 576 Penns Park Rd. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 12:00 p.m. Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT SWEEPS PUPPY: Fox Ter (Smooth) Winifred Stout SWEEPS VETERANS: Fox Ter (Smooth) Winifred Stout SWEEPS VETERANS: Fox Ter (Wire) Winifred Stout SWEEPS PUPPY: Fox Ter (Wire) Winifred Stout

OCTOBER 4 - FRIDAY CA Roseville (O) DOBERMAN PINSCHER CLUB OF SACRAMENTO (S) Placer County Fairgrounds 800 All America City Blvd CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Carolyn Goepner, SHW SEC, 3850 ORMSBY PL, WASHOE VALLEY, NV 89704 FEE: $24.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd E. Thielen: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Hiroko Lee CA Roseville (O) DOBERMAN PINSCHER CLUB OF SACRAMENTO Placer County Fairgrounds 800 All America City Blvd CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Carolyn Goepner, SHW SEC, 3850 ORMBSBY PLACE, WASHOE VALLEY, NV 89704 FEE: $24.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mrs. S. Rempel: Breed CO Aurora (I) BRIARD CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (S) Red Lion Hotel Denver Southeast 3200 S Parker Rd CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Lea Plaut, SHW SEC, 16750 PARADISE MOUNTAIN RD, VALLEY CENTER, CA 92082 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. M. Houston-McMillan: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Julie Field SWEEPS PUPPY Julie Field CO Aurora (I) BRIARD CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. Red Lion Hotel Denver Southeast 3200 S Parker Rd CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Lea Plaut, SHW SEC, 16750 PARADISE MOUNTAIN RD, VALLEY CENTER, CA 92082 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mrs. J. L. Stacy: Breed CT Vernon* (O) IRISH SETTER CLUB OF CENTRAL CONNECTICUT (S) Tolland Agriculture Center Route 30 CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Susan Johnson, SHW SEC, 478 BUTTONWOODS AVE, WARWICK, RI 02886 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mr. N. Horn: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. M. Baird: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Gregory McCarthy SWEEPS PUPPY Gregory McCarthy DE Newark (I) NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND CLUB OF THE POTOMAC VALLEY (S) Academy of Dog Training 89-B Albe Drive CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Nancy Tyler, SHW SEC, 5474 DELPHINIUM CT, COLUMBIA, MD 21045 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $17.00-2nd Mr. B. Lundstrom: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Teena Bishop SWEEPS VETERANS Teena Bishop IL Geneva (I) LAKE SHORE GREAT DANE CLUB (S) Dash 2627 Kanville Court CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Julie Ford, SHW SEC, 424 N LANCASTER AVE, AURORA, IL 60506 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd H. R. Ogarek: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Shirley Reinhold NE Lincoln (I) CORNHUSKER KENNEL CLUB OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, INC. Lancaster Event Center 4100 N 84th Street CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. S. B. Tietjen SPORTING Group: J. E. Gregory Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Brit J. G. Reynolds: Balance of Sporting Breeds *No Classes: Pntr-GW

HOUND Group: N. L. Van Camp Mr. J. C. Walton: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: J. G. Reynolds Mrs. E. K. Gammill: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: J. G. Reynolds J. E. Gregory: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. J. C. Walton Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: J. E. Gregory J. E. Gregory: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. E. K. Gammill N. L. Van Camp: All Herding Breeds *No Classes: Shetld MISCELLANEOUS Group: N. L. Van Camp N. L. Van Camp: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. C. Walton NE Lincoln* (I) GERMAN WIREHAIRED POINTER CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. Lancaster Event Center 4100 N 84th Street CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 16 6:00 p.m. Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Ms. J. S. Brewster: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Dr. J. Martinez: Obedience NE Lincoln (I) MIDLANDS SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB, INC. (S) Lancaster Event Center 4100 N 84th Street CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Mrs. Joanne Swenson, SHW SEC, 7511 S 189TH ST, OMAHA, NE 68136 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mrs. P. A. Jung: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Gretchen Fry NE Lincoln (I) MIDLANDS SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB, INC. Lancaster Event Center 4100 N 84th Street CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Joanne Swenson, SHW SEC, 7511 S 189TH ST, OMAHA, NE 68136 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Y. Samuelson: Breed NE Lincoln (I) MISSOURI VALLEY BOXER CLUB (S) Lancaster County Events Center 84th & Havelock Avenue CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $17.00-2nd Ms. J. C. Sigler: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Stephanie Hamblin-Barnhill NE Lincoln (I) NEBRASKA COLLIE CLUB, INC. Lancaster Event Center 4100 N 84th Street CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Patricia Ladika, SHW SEC, PO BOX 27253, OMAHA, NE 68127 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. P. A. Jung: Breed NE Lincoln (I/O) GERMAN WIREHAIRED POINTER CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (P) Lancaster Event Center 4100 N 84th Street CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FUTURITY: Pntr-GW Mr. Rick Gschwender NM Alamogordo (O) CHAPARRAL KENNEL CLUB, INC. Jim Griggs Sports Complex Fairgrounds Road & North Florida CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 12:00 p.m. Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. M. J. Dachel SPORTING Group: Mrs. K. Steen Mr. M. J. Dachel: Brit, All Pointers, All Retrievers Mrs. K. Steen: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. J. Webb Mrs. J. Webb: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger Mrs. J. Bennett: Sam, Sib Hky Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. J. Webb Mrs. J. Webb: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. G. D. Boulton Mr. M. J. Dachel: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. K. Steen Mrs. J. Bennett: AustrlShep, Pemb-WC Mrs. K. Steen: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. K. Steen Mrs. K. Steen: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. J. Bennett NY Syracuse (I) NOVA SCOTIA DUCK TOLLING RETRIEVER CLUB (USA) (P) Syracuse Obedience Training Center 6392 Deere Rd. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 11 Penny Kretchman, SHW SEC, PO BOX 6898, C/O JIM RAU DOG SHOWS, READING, PA 19610 SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Nova Scotia T Mrs. Elaine J Lessig SWEEPS VETERANS: Ret-Nova Scotia T Mrs. Elaine J Lessig PA Langhorne (I) SCOTTISH TERRIER CLUB OF AMERICA (P) Sheraton Bucks County Hotel 400 Oxford Valley Rd CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Theresa Thomas, SHW SEC, 5305 JANE ANNE ST, HALTOM CITY, TX 76117 SWEEPS PUPPY: Scotti Joseph Pendon PA Wrightstown* (I/O) HATBORO DOG CLUB, INC. (S) Middletown Grange Fairgrounds #684 576 Penns Park Rd. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. D. J. Murphy

SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. P. Patterson J. Hubbard: Brit, All Pointers, All Retrievers, Set-Eng, SetGord, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Balance of Sporting Breeds *No Classes: Set-Irsh HOUND Group: Mrs. K. Kahn Mrs. A. Katona: Dach Mrs. K. Kahn: Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Basset, Bgle, Bluetick Coon, Eng Fox, Otter, PBGV, Plott, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon, Treeing Walker Coon Mrs. V. Hamilton: Balance of Hound Breeds *No Classes: Nor Elk WORKING Group: Ms. A. Cooper Ms. A. Cooper: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Dr. V. L. Huber Mrs. K. Kahn: Cairn H. O’Donoghue: Kerry B. R. Schwartz: Min Schn Mr. R. Paust: Norwich Ms. C. Erickson: Soft Coated Ms. S. M. Napady: Wst Highlnd Dr. V. L. Huber: Bdlgtn, Scotti K. L. Lovell: Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire) W. Wornall: Irish Ter, Norfolk, Welsh Ter Mrs. C. H. Clark: Austr, Border, Lakelnd, Parson Russell Mr. D. Vice: Am Staff, Glen Imaal, Manch Ter, Sealym, Skye, Staf Bull Mrs. A. Katona: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. D. Vice Mr. D. Vice: Toy Manch Mr. R. J. Shreve: Pood Toy Mrs. K. Kahn: I Greyhnd, Eng Toy Sp, Min Pin Dr. V. L. Huber: Affenp, Cav KC Spans, Chin Cr, Silky Mrs. J. Nahikian: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. P. Patterson Ms. A. Cooper: Am Esk Dog Mr. R. J. Shreve: Bichon, Chow, Dalm, Fin Spitz, Fr Bull, Kees, Pood, Shiba Inu, Tib Ter Mr. D. Vice: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. S. Newcomb Mrs. S. Newcomb: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. S. Newcomb Mrs. S. Newcomb: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. B. M. Winthers: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr Mrs. L. Ferrullo: Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN Ms. D. E. McIntire: Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. B. C. Hansen SWEEPS VETERANS: Austr Ms. Anne D O’Reilly SWEEPS PUPPY: Austr Ms. Anne D O’Reilly SWEEPS PUPPY: Saluki Sue Nelson SWEEPS VETERANS: Saluki Sue Nelson SWEEPS VETERANS: Staf Bull Mrs. Nancy Liebes SWEEPS PUPPY: Staf Bull Mrs. Nancy Liebes SWEEPS PUPPY: Kerry Gary Alli SWEEPS VETERANS: Fox Ter (Smooth) Jane Nolan SWEEPS PUPPY: Fox Ter (Smooth) Jane Nolan SWEEPS PUPPY: Fox Ter (Wire) Michael Kemp SWEEPS VETERANS: Fox Ter (Wire) Michael Kemp PA Wrightstown (O) SALUKI CLUB OF AMERICA Middletown Grange Fairgrounds #684 576 Penns Park Rd. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Susan Meier, SHW SEC, PO BOX 6898, C/O JIM RAU DOG SHOWS, READING, PA 19610 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Mrs. H. J. Graham: Breed

OCTOBER 4 - FRIDAY thru OCTOBER 5 - SATURDAY CO Northglenn (I) AKITA CLUB OF AMERICA (2) Ramada Plaza 10 E 120th Avenue CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 4 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Ms. S. Pretari Hickson: B, D Mr. J. E. Taylor: I, Jr. Showmanship NY Syracuse (I) NOVA SCOTIA DUCK TOLLING RETRIEVER CLUB (USA) (2) Syracuse Obedience Training Center 6392 Deere Rd. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 11 Penny Kretchmer, SHW SEC, PO BOX 6898, C/O JIM RAU DOG SHOWS, READING, PA 19610 Miss V. L. Lyne: Breed Mrs. S. L. Restaino: Jr. Showmanship

OCTOBER 5 - SATURDAY AR Fayetteville* (I) NORTHWEST ARKANSAS KENNEL CLUB, INC. Washington County Fairgrounds 2536 N McConnell Avenue CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.50-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. J. A. Newton SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. J. Buxton Mr. N. B. Kenney: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. W. E. Usherwood Mr. G. K. Newton: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. N. B. Kenney Mrs. L. Clark: Akita, Alas Mal, Bullm, Giant Schn Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. N. B. Kenney C. A. Herbel: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: C. A. Herbel Mr. W. E. Usherwood: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: C. A. Herbel P. C. Byrne: Bulldog Mr. W. E. Usherwood: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. G. K. Newton Mrs. L. Clark: Austrl Cat Dg, GSD C. A. Herbel: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. J. A. Newton Dr. J. A. Newton: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. R. L. Garvin: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Dr. J. A. Newton

CA Roseville (I/O) DONNER TRAIL KENNEL CLUB, INC. Placer County Fairgrounds 800 All America City Blvd CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. A. (. Mills SPORTING Group: Ms. R. A. Bell Mrs. M. K. Kipp: Set-Irsh Mrs. F. Strauss: Ret-Gold, Span-Ckr, Spin Ital Ms. R. A. Bell: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: A. L. Odom Mr. S. Kass: Afghan, Borz, Ibizan, RhoRidge, Saluki, ScotDeer A. L. Odom: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. F. Strauss Mrs. S. Rempel: Chinook, Grt Pyr Mrs. M. K. Kipp: Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Dobe Mrs. F. Strauss: St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn E. Thielen: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. M. K. Kipp Mrs. M. K. Kipp: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. S. Rempel Mrs. S. Rempel: Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, Hava, Eng Toy Sp, J Chin, Malt, Shih Tzu, Pood Toy Mr. A. (. Mills: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. F. Strauss Mrs. F. Strauss: Shar-Pei, Chow, Fin Spitz, Kees, Lhasa, Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd, Schip Mrs. S. Rempel: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. J. Nahikian A. L. Odom: Shetld Mrs. J. Nahikian: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. S. Rempel Mrs. S. Rempel: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. F. Strauss CA Santee (O) SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB OF GREATER SAN DIEGO (S) Woodglen Vista Park 10250 Woodglen Vista Drive CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Marla Cook, SHW SEC, 10330 ROSIE LN, SANTEE, CA 92071 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $16.00-2nd Mrs. G. L. Henson: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Rita Hoffman CA Santee* (O) SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB OF GREATER SAN DIEGO Woodglen Vista Park 10250 Woodglen Vista Drive CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Marla Cook, SHW SEC, 10330 ROSIE LN, SANTEE, CA 92071 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $16.00-2nd J. Primeaux: Breed Mrs. P. Murphy: Obedience CO Aurora (I) BRIARD CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (P) Red Lion Hotel Denver Southeast 3200 S Parker Rd CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Lea Plaut, SHW SEC, 16750 PARADISE MOUNTAIN RD, VALLEY CENTER, CA 92082 FEE: $25.00 SWEEPS PUPPY: Briard Barbe Lynch SWEEPS VETERANS: Briard Barbe Lynch CT Vernon* (O) EASTERN IRISH SETTER ASSOCIATION (S) Tolland Agriculture Center Route 30 CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Susan Johnson, SHW SEC, 478 Buttonwoods Ave, Warwick, RI 02886 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mr. S. H. McDonald: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mr. J. M. Ashton: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Linda Aquavella SWEEPS PUPPY Linda Aquavella FL Lake City* (O) SUWANNEE VALLEY KENNEL CLUB OF FLORIDA Columbia County Fairgrounds Branford Hwy CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. J. A. Penta SPORTING Group: Mrs. M. L. Billings Mrs. J. A. Penta: Span-Ckr (Black), Span-Ckr (Parti) Mrs. M. L. Billings: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: S. Sakson S. Sakson: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. Ambrosio Dr. G. C. Penta: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. M. L. Billings Mrs. M. L. Billings: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. M. L. Billings Mrs. J. A. Penta: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. J. Hauck Mrs. P. J. Hauck: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. R. Ambrosio Mrs. P. J. Hauck: AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Brdr Coll, Bouv, Briard, Card-WC, Coll, Pemb-WC, Shetld Mr. R. Ambrosio: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. G. C. Penta Dr. G. C. Penta: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. R. Ambrosio: Nov A, Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B Mrs. S. Trotto: Nov Wildc, Opn Wildc, Utl Wildc JR SHOWMANSHIP: S. Sakson HI Hilo (I) ORCHID ISLAND DOG FANCIER CLUB, INC. Edith Kanakaole Multi-Purpose Stadium Kalanikoa Street CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $35.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. K. Ramey-LeBlanc SPORTING Group: Mr. O. C. Nielsen Ms. K. Ramey-LeBlanc: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. O. C. Nielsen Ms. K. Ramey-LeBlanc: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. O. C. Nielsen Ms. K. Ramey-LeBlanc: All Working Breeds

TERRIER Group: Mr. O. C. Nielsen Ms. K. Ramey-LeBlanc: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. K. Ramey-LeBlanc Mr. O. C. Nielsen: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. K. Ramey-LeBlanc Mr. O. C. Nielsen: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. K. Ramey-LeBlanc Mr. O. C. Nielsen: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. O. C. Nielsen Mr. O. C. Nielsen: All Miscellaneous Breeds

HERDING Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Ms. B. Capstick: Entlebucher Mnt Dog Mrs. L. M. Riedel: Austrl Cat Dg, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Brdr Coll, Icelandic Shpdg, Pulik, Pyre Shep Mrs. M. Purkhiser: AustrlShep, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Card-WC, Coll, Nor Buhund, Shetld, Swed Vallhund Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. V. Miller Mr. R. V. Miller: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. R. V. Miller

IL Geneva* (I) LAKE SHORE GREAT DANE CLUB Dash 2627 Kanville Court CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Julie Ford, SHW SEC, 424 N LANCASTER AVE, AURORA, IL 60506 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd D. P. Cline: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mr. F. Buroff: Obedience

NE Lincoln (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) NEBRASKA COLLIE CLUB, INC. (S) Lancaster Event Center 4100 N 84th Street CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Patricia Ladika, SHW SEC, PO BOX 27253, OMAHA, NE 68127 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. S. J. Thompson: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Rita Barthuly SWEEPS PUPPY Rita Barthuly

IL Huntley* (I) KEESHOND FANCIERS OF THE CENTRAL STATES (S) Car-Dun-Al Dog Training Club 10783 Wolf Drive CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Cynthia Wegner, SHW SEC, 5611 LIBERTY RD N, POWELL, OH 43065 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Mr. J. Richardson: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. D. L. Allen: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY Rosie Steinke IL Morris (I/O) STONE CITY KENNEL CLUB (S) Grundy County Fairgrounds Route 47 One Mile North of Interstate 80 CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. J. Ham SPORTING Group: Mrs. L. Warren Mr. T. W. Schulz: Ret-Gold Mrs. L. Warren: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. T. Catterson Mr. T. Catterson: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. B. Meyer Mr. B. Meyer: All Working Breeds *No Classes: Grt Dane TERRIER Group: Mrs. C. Meyer Mrs. C. Meyer: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. J. R. Shoemaker Mr. J. R. Shoemaker: All Toy Breeds *No Classes: Pood Toy NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. R. Shoemaker Mr. J. R. Shoemaker: All Non-Sporting Breeds *No Classes: Kees, Pood HERDING Group: Mrs. S. A. Redmer Mrs. S. A. Redmer: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. B. Meyer Mr. B. Meyer: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. S. A. Redmer SWEEPS VETERANS: Ret-Gold Mr. Johnny R Shoemaker SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Gold Mr. Johnny R Shoemaker IL New Lenox* (I) GREAT LAKES POODLE CLUB OF CHICAGO Stone City Kennel Club Building 13606 W. Laraway Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Jim Langford, SHW SEC, Po Box 175, Joliet, IL 60434 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $19.00-2nd Mr. L. F. Sosa: Breed Mr. E. J. Willems: Obedience MA Chicopee (I) MINUTEMAN BOSTON TERRIER CLUB (S) Days Inn 450 Memorial Drive CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 3:00 p.m. Ms. Alice Smith, SHW SEC, 2 LESLIE RD, IPSWICH, MA 01938 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Mrs. A. D. Hearn: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS SWEEPS PUPPY MI Troy (I) DETROIT BULLDOG CLUB, INC. (S) Quality Inn of Troy 2537 Rochester Court CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Arden Shaw, SHW SEC, 4891 Ballantrae Rd, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 FEE: $26.00 Mrs. M. L. Lofdahl: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Kathy Bell MN Hutchinson (I) WRIGHT COUNTY MINNESOTA KENNEL CLUB McLeod County Fairgrounds 800 Century Avenue SW CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 4:00 a.m. Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $16.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. M. Purkhiser SPORTING Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Ret-Gold Mrs. L. M. Riedel: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Mr. R. V. Miller: Basenji, Bgle, Dach Mrs. L. M. Riedel: Afghan, Borz, RhoRidge, Whip Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. L. M. Riedel Ms. B. Capstick: Blk Russn Terrier Mrs. S. L. Bedford: Akita, Alas Mal, Bullm, Dobe, Giant Schn, Grt Dane, Grt Pyr, Portuguese, Sam, Std Schn Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. V. Miller Mr. R. V. Miller: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. V. Miller Mr. W. F. Harmon: Min Pin Mr. R. V. Miller: Toy Manch Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Cav KC Spans, Chihua, I Greyhnd, Pap Mrs. M. Purkhiser: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. W. F. Harmon Mrs. L. M. Riedel: Dalm Mrs. M. Purkhiser: Pood Mr. W. F. Harmon: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds

NE Lincoln (I) PLATTE VALLEY KENNEL CLUB OF FREMONT, NEBRASKA (S) Lancaster Event Center 4100 N 84th Street CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW J. G. Reynolds SPORTING Group: Mrs. S. B. Tietjen J. G. Reynolds: Pntr-GW Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Pointer, Ret-Gold, Span-Ckr, Wirehair Ptg Grif Ms. J. S. Brewster: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. J. S. Brewster N. L. Van Camp: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. J. C. Sigler J. G. Reynolds: Boxer Mrs. S. Hamblin-Barnhill: Sam, Sib Hky Ms. J. C. Sigler: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: J. E. Gregory Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Austr, Cairn, Dandie, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Irish Ter, Lakelnd, Manch Ter, Norwich Norfolk, Parson Russell, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Wst Highlnd J. G. Reynolds: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: J. E. Gregory N. L. Van Camp: Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, I Greyhnd, Pap, Pom, Pug, Yorks J. E. Gregory: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: J. G. Reynolds Mr. J. C. Walton: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: N. L. Van Camp Ms. J. S. Brewster: Austrl Cat Dg, Beard Coll, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Briard, Card-WC, GSD J. E. Gregory: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: J. G. Reynolds J. G. Reynolds: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. J. C. Sigler SWEEPS PUPPY: Pntr-GW Linda C Flynn SWEEPS VETERANS: Pntr-GW Linda C Flynn NE Lincoln (I/O) GERMAN WIREHAIRED POINTER CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (P) Lancaster Event Center 4100 N 84th Street Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT MATURITY: Pntr-GW Kevin M Flynn NJ Frenchtown (O) SALUKI CLUB OF AMERICA (P) Horseshoe Bend Park 178 Horseshoe Bend Rd CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Susan Meier, SHW SEC, PO BOX 6898, C/O RAU DOG SHOWS, READING, PA 19610 SWEEPS PUPPY: Saluki Susan Schroder SWEEPS VETERANS: Saluki Susan Schroder NM Alamogordo* (O) CHAPARRAL KENNEL CLUB, INC. Jim Griggs Sports Complex Fairgrounds Road & North Florida CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 12:00 p.m. Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. G. D. Boulton SPORTING Group: Mrs. J. Webb Mrs. J. Webb: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger A. R. Arthur: Borz, Greyhnd, Ir Wolf, RhoRidge, Saluki, ScotDeer, Whip Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. K. Steen Mrs. K. Steen: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. J. Webb L. Reyes: Chin Cr Mrs. J. Webb: Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Toy Manch, Peke Mr. M. J. Dachel: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger Mr. G. D. Boulton: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mr. M. J. Dachel: Pemb-WC Mrs. P. Hartinger: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. M. J. Dachel Mr. M. J. Dachel: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. N. E. Craig: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. G. D. Boulton NV Henderson (O) COCKER SPANIEL CLUB OF LAS VEGAS, INC. (S) Equestrian Dog Park 1200 Equestrian Drive CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 6:00 p.m. Carol Hudd, SHW SEC, 5555 El Camino Road, LAS VEGAS, NV 89118 FEE: $28.00 Mr. R. D. Ennis: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Black) Mrs. Mara Dahlka SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (ASCOB) Mrs. Mara Dahlka SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Parti) Mrs. Mara Dahlka

OH Wauseon (I) FULTON COUNTY OHIO KENNEL CLUB Fulton County Fairgrounds Hwy 108 CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. H. Clark SPORTING Group: Mrs. L. Boutwell Mrs. L. Boutwell: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. H. Clark J. Lowther: Afghan, Dach, RhoRidge, Whip Mr. H. Clark: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. M. Brocious A. (. Eckenrode: Grt Dane Ms. M. Brocious: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. L. Boutwell Mrs. L. Boutwell: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. H. Clark Mrs. H. Clark: All Toy Breeds *No Classes: Pood Toy NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. H. Clark Mrs. H. Clark: All Non-Sporting Breeds *No Classes: Bulldog, Pood HERDING Group: Ms. M. Brocious Ms. M. Brocious: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. H. Clark Mr. H. Clark: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. D. L. Mapes OH Wauseon (I) GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB OF GREATER TOLEDO Fulton County Fairgrounds Hwy 108 CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 MB-F Inc., SUPT P. Disiena: Breed PA Aliquippa (O) FORT STEUBEN KENNEL ASSOCIATION, INC. Raccoon Twp Fireman Grounds 4061 Patterson Rd CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. D. A. Johnson SPORTING Group: Mr. J. S. Martin Mr. J. S. Martin: Ret-Flat, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Gord, SetIrsh, Span-Eng Spr, Weim Mr. D. A. Johnson: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. R. I. Spritzer Dr. R. I. Spritzer: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. P. F. Willhauck Mr. P. F. Willhauck: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. D. J. Kirkland Mr. D. J. Kirkland: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Shih Tzu Mrs. W. G. Willhauck: Pom, Pug, Pood Toy Mr. D. A. Johnson: Cav KC Spans, J Chin, Pap, Peke Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. D. J. Kirkland Mr. D. J. Kirkland: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. W. G. Willhauck Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Brdr Coll, Briard Mrs. W. G. Willhauck: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. D. A. Johnson Mr. D. A. Johnson: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. W. G. Willhauck PA Bensalem (I) CAIRN TERRIER CLUB OF AMERICA (P) Holiday Inn Bensalem Holiday Inn 3499 Street Rd CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT SWEEPS PUPPY: Cairn Betty Marcum SWEEPS VETERANS: Cairn Betty Marcum PA Blue Bell (I/O) SOFT COATED WHEATEN TERRIER CLUB OF AMERICA (P) Montgomery County Community College 340 DeKalb Pike CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Bruce Peters, SHW SEC, PO BOX 22107, C/O MB-F INC., GREENSBORO, NC 27420 FEE: $20.00 SWEEPS PUPPY: Soft Coated Karen Mueller PA Kimberton (I) WEST HIGHLAND WHITE TERRIER CLUB OF AMERICA (P) Kimberton Fire Company Kimberton Fire Company Grounds Route 113 North CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FUTURITY: Wst Highlnd Michele Czarnecki SWEEPS PUPPY: Wst Highlnd Peggy Lewis SWEEPS VETERANS: Wst Highlnd Peggy Lewis MATURITY: Wst Highlnd Michele Czarnecki PA Ludwigs Corner (O) DEVON DOG SHOW ASSOCIATION, INC. (S) Ludwigs Corner Horse Show Grounds Rte 100 CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. C. Coady SPORTING Group: Ms. C. S. Brown Mr. W. R. Russell: Span-Eng Ckr Mrs. C. A. Beattie: Brit, Pointer, Pntr-GS Mr. D. W. Flanagan: Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab Ms. C. S. Brown: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. W. R. Russell Mr. W. R. Russell: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. J. A. Vanek Mrs. C. O. Cooper: Akita, Bullm, Grm Pinscher, Grt Pyr, Kom, Kuv, Leonberger, Nepltn Mastiff Ms. J. A. Vanek: Balance of Working Breeds

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TERRIER Group: Mr. W. deVilleneuve Ms. M. Koltes: Norwich G. Smith: Bull Ter, Min Bull Terrs Mrs. K. Kahn: Scotti, Wst Highlnd Ms. K. J. Ferris: Airdle, Irish Ter, Sealym Mr. C. Coady: Austr, Bdlgtn, Fox Ter (Smooth), Norfolk Ms. B. Dale: Border, Cesky Terrier, Kerry, Staf Bull Mr. W. deVilleneuve: Fox Ter (Wire), Russel Terr, Skye, Soft Coated Mr. R. C. Williams: Am Staff, Cairn, Lakelnd, Manch Ter, Welsh Ter J. P. Wade: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. C. A. Beattie Mrs. C. A. Beattie: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. J. P. Scott Mrs. J. P. Scott: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. M. Koltes Ms. J. A. Vanek: Brdr Coll, Briard, Canaan J. P. Wade: Bouv, Card-WC, Pemb-WC Ms. M. Koltes: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv Mrs. K. Kahn: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. K. Kahn Mrs. K. Kahn: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: J. P. Wade SWEEPS PUPPY: Bichon Sacha Farnsworth-Ugarte SWEEPS VETERANS: Bichon Sacha Farnsworth-Ugarte SWEEPS PUPPY: Staf Bull Michelle Bryant SWEEPS VETERANS: Staf Bull Michelle Bryant SC North Augusta* (I/O) AUGUSTA KENNEL CLUB, INC. North Augusta River Park 100 Riverview Dr. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. E. Muthard SPORTING Group: Ms. E. Muthard Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mr. J. R. Cole: Afghan, Bgle, RhoRidge, Saluki Ms. E. Muthard: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mr. J. R. Cole: Boxer, Grt Dane Mr. C. L. Olvis: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mr. J. R. Cole: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. E. Muthard Mrs. C. Brossard: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mrs. C. Brossard: Bulldog, Shiba Inu, Xoloitzcuintli Ms. E. Muthard: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mr. J. R. Cole: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mr. J. R. Cole: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. S. A. Picciuolo: Nov A, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A Ms. M. C. Burford: Nov B, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. R. Cole TX Humble GREATER HUMBLE AREA KENNEL CLUB Humble Civic Center and Arena 8233 Will Clayton Pkway CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. C. White-Moser SPORTING Group: Dr. S. Keating Ms. S. C. Way: Ret-Ches, Set-Gord, Span-AmW, SpanClum, Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Weim Mrs. S. Smith: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. S. C. Way Mrs. S. Smith: B & T Coonhnd, Bluetick Coon, Ibizan, Otter, Redbone Coon Ms. S. C. Way: Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Eng Fox, Harr, Plott, Port Pd Peq, Treeing Walker Coon Dr. C. White-Moser: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. S. C. Way Dr. S. Keating: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: D. McCoy Ms. S. C. Way: Border, Norwich, Welsh Ter Mr. R. E. Garren: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. E. Garren D. McCoy: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. S. Keating D. McCoy: Pood Dr. S. Keating: Schip Mr. R. E. Garren: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Dr. C. White-Moser Dr. S. Keating: Austrl Cat Dg, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Coll Mrs. A. Inman: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. C. White-Moser Dr. C. White-Moser: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. S. C. Way VA Warrenton (I) METROPOLITAN WASHINGTON DACHSHUND CLUB (P) Fauquier County Armory 692 Waterloo Rd CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Karen Jones, SHW SEC, 6683 RIDGEWAY DR, SPRINGFIELD, VA 22150 FEE: $12.00 SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Long) Michael Pitisci SWEEPS VETERANS: Dach (Long) Michael Pitisci SWEEPS VETERANS: Dach (Smooth) Michael Pitisci SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Smooth) Michael Pitisci SWEEPS VETERANS: Dach (Wire) Michael Pitisci SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Wire) Michael Pitisci WA Enumclaw (I) PACIFIC NORTHWEST CHINESE CRESTED CLUB (S) Enumclaw Expo Center 45224 284th Ave SE CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. J. M. Zielinski: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Mrs. Kristi Trivilino SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Kristi Trivilino

92 Dog News

WA Enumclaw* (I) TOY DOG CLUB OF PUGET SOUND (S) Enumclaw Expo Center 45224 284th Ave SE CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mr. J. C. Ramirez: Toy Group, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chin Cr, Hava, I Greyhnd, Eng Toy Sp (B & PC), Eng Toy Sp (KC & R), Malt, Min Pin, Peke, Pug, Shih Tzu, Pood Toy, Silky Mrs. S. L. Vilas: Affenp, Chihua (Long), Chihua (Smooth), J Chin, Toy Manch, Pap, Pom, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks, Jr. Showmanship Mr. C. Cornell: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY: Toy Group Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS VETERANS: Toy Group Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS PUPPY: Affenp Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS VETERANS: Affenp Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS PUPPY: Bruss Grif Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS VETERANS: Bruss Grif Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS PUPPY: Cav KC Spans Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS VETERANS: Cav KC Spans Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS PUPPY: Chihua (Long) Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS VETERANS: Chihua (Long) Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS VETERANS: Chin Cr Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS PUPPY: Chin Cr Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS VETERANS: Chihua (Smooth) Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS PUPPY: Chihua (Smooth) Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS PUPPY: Hava Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS VETERANS: Hava Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS VETERANS: Eng Toy Sp (B & PC) Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS PUPPY: Eng Toy Sp (B & PC) Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS PUPPY: I Greyhnd Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS VETERANS: I Greyhnd Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS VETERANS: J Chin Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS VETERANS: Eng Toy Sp (KC & R) Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS PUPPY: Eng Toy Sp (KC & R) Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS PUPPY: J Chin Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS PUPPY: Malt Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS VETERANS: Malt Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS PUPPY: Min Pin Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS VETERANS: Min Pin Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS PUPPY: Pap Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS VETERANS: Toy Manch Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS PUPPY: Toy Manch Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS VETERANS: Pap Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS PUPPY: Peke Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS VETERANS: Peke Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS VETERANS: Pom Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS PUPPY: Pom Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS VETERANS: Pug Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS PUPPY: Pug Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS PUPPY: Pood Toy Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS VETERANS: Shih Tzu Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS VETERANS: Pood Toy Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS PUPPY: Shih Tzu Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS PUPPY: Silky Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS VETERANS: Silky Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS PUPPY: Toy Fox Terrier Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS VETERANS: Toy Fox Terrier Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS VETERANS: Yorks Mrs. Bernadette F Cox SWEEPS PUPPY: Yorks Mrs. Bernadette F Cox

OCTOBER 5 - SATURDAY thru OCTOBER 6 - SUNDAY CO Aurora (I) BRIARD CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (2) Red Lion Hotel Denver Southeast 3200 S Parker Rd CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Lea Plaut, SHW SEC, 16750 PARADISE MOUNTAIN RD, VALLEY CENTER, CA 92082 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. J. A. Studebaker: Breed, Jr. Showmanship OCTOBER 6 - SUNDAY AR Fayetteville* (I) NORTHWEST ARKANSAS KENNEL CLUB, INC. Washington County Fairgrounds 2536 N McConnell Avenue CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.50-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. W. E. Usherwood SPORTING Group: Mr. N. B. Kenney Mrs. D. J. Buxton: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. G. K. Newton Mr. W. E. Usherwood: Afghan Dr. J. A. Newton: Balance of Hound Breeds

WORKING Group: Mrs. D. J. Buxton Mr. N. B. Kenney: Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Blk Russn Terrier Mr. G. K. Newton: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: C. A. Herbel Mr. N. B. Kenney: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. N. B. Kenney C. A. Herbel: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. J. Buxton C. A. Herbel: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: C. A. Herbel Mr. W. E. Usherwood: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. N. B. Kenney Mr. N. B. Kenney: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. R. L. Garvin: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. N. B. Kenney CA Roseville (I/O) DONNER TRAIL KENNEL CLUB, INC. Placer County Fairgrounds 800 All America City Blvd CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. F. Strauss SPORTING Group: Mrs. M. K. Kipp Mrs. F. Strauss: Ret-Lab, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-Irw Mrs. M. K. Kipp: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. R. A. Bell Mr. P. M. Martin: Afghan E. Thielen: RhoRidge, Saluki Ms. R. A. Bell: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. S. Rempel Mr. P. M. Martin: Grt Dane G. M. Strauss: Boxer, Dobe Mrs. B. Bender: Giant Schn, Rottw E. Thielen: Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn Mrs. F. Strauss: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. S. Rempel Mrs. S. Rempel: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. K. H. Delaney Mr. A. (. Mills: Chihua Mrs. S. Rempel: I Greyhnd A. L. Odom: Min Pin Mr. P. M. Martin: Affenp, Cav KC Spans, Chin Cr Mr. K. H. Delaney: Hava, Eng Toy Sp, Toy Manch, Pood Toy, Silky Mrs. J. Nahikian: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. A. (. Mills Mrs. S. Rempel: Kees Mr. K. H. Delaney: Pood A. L. Odom: Boston, Bulldog Mr. A. (. Mills: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. J. M. Leonard E. Thielen: Fin Laph A. L. Odom: Pemb-WC Mrs. J. M. Leonard: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. K. H. Delaney Mr. K. H. Delaney: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. K. H. Delaney CT South Windsor (O) ENGLISH SETTER CLUB OF NEW ENGLAND (S) Grounds of the Rotary Pavillion Abby Road Extension (off Sand Hill Road); address is 150 Nevers Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 12:00 p.m. Cathy Hill, SHW SEC, 4433 244Th St, Douglaston, NY 11363 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. G. Young: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Deirdre Dunbar SWEEPS VETERANS Deirdre Dunbar CT Vernon (O) IRISH SETTER CLUB OF NEW ENGLAND (S) Tolland Agriculture Center Route 30 CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Ms. Susan Johnson, SHW SEC, 478 BUTTONWOODS AVE, WARWICK, RI 02886 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mr. R. J. Quaco: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Mr. Alistair Savory SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. Alistair Savory DE Newark (I) GARDEN STATE NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND CLUB (S) Academy of Dog Training 89-B Albe Drive CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Carol Watt, SHW SEC, 5474 DELPHINIUM CT, C/O CLANTYRE SHOW SECRETARY, COLUMBIA, MD 21045 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $17.00-2nd Mr. E. Mjaerum: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Dr. A Duane Butherus SWEEPS PUPPY Dr. A Duane Butherus FL Lake City* (O) SUWANNEE VALLEY KENNEL CLUB OF FLORIDA Columbia County Fairgrounds Branford Hwy CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. Ambrosio SPORTING Group: Dr. G. C. Penta Mrs. J. A. Penta: Span-Ckr (ASCOB), Span-Eng Ckr Dr. G. C. Penta: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. J. A. Penta Mrs. J. A. Penta: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. G. C. Penta Mr. R. Ambrosio: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Dr. G. C. Penta Dr. G. C. Penta: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. P. J. Hauck Mrs. P. J. Hauck: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. M. L. Billings Dr. G. C. Penta: Lhasa Mrs. M. L. Billings: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. J. A. Penta Mrs. J. A. Penta: Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, GSD, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, OES, Pemb-WC, Pol Low Shp, Pulik, Pyre Shep, Shetld, Swed Vallhund Mrs. M. L. Billings: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. M. L. Billings Mrs. M. L. Billings: All Miscellaneous Breeds

OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. R. F. Roberts: Nov A, Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B S. Hensen: Nov Wildc, Opn Wildc, Utl Wildc JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. P. J. Hauck HI Hilo (I) KONA COAST KENNEL CLUB Edith Kanakaole Multi-Purpose Stadium Kalanikoa Street CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $35.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. O. C. Nielsen SPORTING Group: Ms. K. Ramey-LeBlanc Mr. O. C. Nielsen: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. K. Ramey-LeBlanc Mr. O. C. Nielsen: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. K. Ramey-LeBlanc Mr. O. C. Nielsen: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. K. Ramey-LeBlanc Mr. O. C. Nielsen: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. O. C. Nielsen Ms. K. Ramey-LeBlanc: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. O. C. Nielsen Ms. K. Ramey-LeBlanc: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. O. C. Nielsen Ms. K. Ramey-LeBlanc: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. K. Ramey-LeBlanc Ms. K. Ramey-LeBlanc: All Miscellaneous Breeds IL Huntley* (I) KEESHOND FANCIERS OF THE CENTRAL STATES (S) Car-Dun-Al Dog Training Club 10783 Wolf Drive CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Cynthia Wegner, SHW SEC, 5611 LIBERTY RD N, POWELL, OH 43065 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd K. L. Beliew: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. D. L. Allen: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY Karen Munster IL Morris (I/O) STONE CITY KENNEL CLUB (S) Grundy County Fairgrounds Route 47 One Mile North of Interstate 80 CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. R. Shoemaker SPORTING Group: Mr. B. Meyer K. Schlecht: Ret-Gold Mr. B. Meyer: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. L. Warren Mrs. L. Warren: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. C. Meyer Mr. L. F. Sosa: AnatolShep, Blk Russn Terrier, Grt Dane, Mast, Newf Mrs. C. Meyer: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. J. Ham Mr. J. J. Ham: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. D. Burkholder Mr. J. J. Ham: Cav KC Spans, Toy Manch, Pom, Pug Mrs. D. Burkholder: Balance of Toy Breeds *No Classes: Pood Toy NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. L. F. Sosa Mr. L. F. Sosa: All Non-Sporting Breeds *No Classes: Kees, Pood HERDING Group: Mr. B. Meyer Mr. B. Meyer: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. J. Ham Mr. J. J. Ham: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. L. F. Sosa SWEEPS VETERANS: Ret-Gold Debbie Geemer SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Gold Debbie Geemer IL New Lenox* (I) GREAT LAKES POODLE CLUB OF CHICAGO Stone City Kennel Club Building 13606 W. Laraway Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Jim Langford, SHW SEC, Po Box 175, Joliet, IL 60434 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $19.00-2nd Mrs. S. A. Redmer: Breed Mr. R. Capsel: Obedience MA Chicopee (I) MINUTEMAN BOSTON TERRIER CLUB (S) Days Inn 450 Memorial Drive CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 3:00 p.m. Alice Smith, SHW SEC, 2 LESLIE RD, IPSWICH, MA 01938 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd J. Hoke: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS SWEEPS PUPPY MI Troy (I) DETROIT BULLDOG CLUB, INC. Quality Inn of Troy 2537 Rochester Court CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Arden Shaw, SHW SEC, 4891 Ballantrae Rd, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 FEE: $26.00 R. Kilgus: Breed MN Hutchinson (I) WRIGHT COUNTY MINNESOTA KENNEL CLUB McLeod County Fairgrounds 800 Century Avenue SW CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $16.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. L. M. Riedel SPORTING Group: Mrs. L. M. Riedel Ms. L. L. Kelly: Pntr-GS, Pntr-GW, Ret-Gold, Set-Eng, SpanEng Spr, Vizs, Weim Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. M. Purkhiser Mrs. M. Purkhiser: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Mrs. L. M. Riedel: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Col. J. B. Purkhiser: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. M. Purkhiser Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Min Pin, Toy Manch Mr. R. V. Miller: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. M. Purkhiser Mr. R. V. Miller: Pood Mrs. M. Purkhiser: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds


Specialties in Conjunction with the Elgin County (extra points available for the following breeds) All Non Sporting Breeds By -- Club V1 Boxer Specialty By -- Boxer Club of Western Ontario Boxer Specialty By -- Boxer Club of Canada Regional Specialty Bulldog Specialty By -- Bulldog Club of Central Canada Boosters Supported Entries By Great Lake Whippet Club, Thames Valley Doberman Pinscher Club, Pug Club of Ontario Bulldog Club of Central Canada, French Bulldog Fanciers of Canada.

Bred By Exhibitor In Show Competition Saturday with Cash Prize $200 Baby Puppy Classes Best Baby Puppy in Show Saturday with Cash Prize $50 For Premium Lists & More information on Our Show visit MJN Website Our Show is Sponsored By


HERDING Group: Ms. B. Capstick Mrs. M. Purkhiser: Brdr Coll, Fin Laph Ms. B. Capstick: Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, OES, Pol Low Shp Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Beauceron, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Pulik, Pyre Shep, Swed Vallhund Mrs. P. A. Jung: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. L. M. Riedel Mrs. L. M. Riedel: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. L. M. Riedel NE Lincoln (I) PLATTE VALLEY KENNEL CLUB OF FREMONT, NEBRASKA (S) Lancaster Event Center 4100 N 84th Street CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. C. Walton SPORTING Group: Ms. J. S. Brewster Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Pntr-GW J. E. Gregory: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: J. E. Gregory Ms. J. S. Brewster: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: J. E. Gregory Mr. J. C. Walton: Boxer, Dobe, Grt Dane, Sib Hky J. G. Reynolds: AnatolShep, Chinook, Kom, Kuv, Leonberger Mrs. J. V. Daniels: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. J. V. Daniels Mrs. J. V. Daniels: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: J. G. Reynolds J. G. Reynolds: Chihua (Long) Ms. J. S. Brewster: I Greyhnd, Min Pin, Pap, Pom, Pug, Pood Toy Mr. J. C. Walton: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. S. B. Tietjen Ms. J. S. Brewster: Pood Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: J. G. Reynolds J. G. Reynolds: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. J. S. Brewster Ms. J. S. Brewster: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. J. S. Brewster SWEEPS PUPPY: Pntr-GW Ms. Eleanor J Rensink SWEEPS VETERANS: Pntr-GW Ms. Eleanor J Rensink NJ Annandale (O) LEHIGH VALLEY AFGHAN HOUND ASSOCIATION (S) Clinton Elks Lodge Picnic Grounds 10 Lower Landsdown Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Hans Holderman, SHW SEC, 154 Cherry Street, Coplay, PA 18037 FEE: $32.00 Dr. R. Kelly, Jr.: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Diana Fife NJ Bridgewater* (O) GARDEN STATE GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB (S) North Branch Park 355 Milltown Rd. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Ms. S. J. McDowell-Dunn: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. M. McCloskey: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Util A, Util B, Versatility, Veteran Mr. A. L. Cartwright: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr SWEEPS VETERANS Judy Laureano SWEEPS PUPPY Judy Laureano NJ Bridgewater* (O) GARDEN STATE WEIMARANER CLUB (S) North Branch Park 355 Milltown Rd. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Jack Impomeni, SHW SEC, 66 PARKWAY, ROCHELLE PARK, NJ 07662 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Ms. S. R. Lyons: Breed Ms. P. Scully: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Peggy Roush SWEEPS PUPPY Peggy Roush NJ Cherry Hill* (I) SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY COCKER SPANIEL CLUB National Guard Armory Grove Street And Cooper River Parkway (Formally Cherry Hill Armory) CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Sheree Walsh, SHW SEC, 1088 UNION MILL RD, MOUNT LAUREL, NJ 08054 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $26.00-2nd Mrs. N. Dee: Breed Mrs. P. Broderick: Obedience NJ Cherry Hill* (I) SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY COCKER SPANIEL CLUB National Guard Armory Grove Street And Cooper River Parkway (Formally Cherry Hill Armory) CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Sheree Walsh, SHW SEC, 1088 UNION MILL RD, MOUNT LAUREL, NJ 08054 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $26.00-2nd Dr. B. G. Smith: Breed Mrs. P. Broderick: Obedience NJ Frenchtown (O) SALUKI CLUB OF AMERICA Horseshoe Bend Park 178 Horseshoe Bend Rd CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Susan Meier, SHW SEC, C/O JIM RAU DOG SHOWS, P.O. 6898, READING, PA 19610 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd J. C. Vasconsellos: Breed NJ Lake Hopatcong (O) NORTHERN NEW JERSEY ST. BERNARD CLUB Camp Jefferson 81 Weldon Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 3:00 p.m. Ms. Millie Falkner, SHW SEC, 6 Judge Beach Rd., Wantage, NJ 07461 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. C. A. Wilson: Breed, Jr. Showmanship

94 Dog News

NJ Lake Hopatcong (O) NORTHERN NEW JERSEY ST. BERNARD CLUB (S) Camp Jefferson 81 Weldon Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 3:00 p.m. Millie Falkner, SHW SEC, 6 Judge Beach Rd, Wantage, NJ 07461 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. W. B. Pevahouse: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Debbie Lineman NM Alamogordo* (O) MESILLA VALLEY KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Jim Griggs Sports Complex Fairgrounds Road & North Florida CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. G. Kerr SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mr. R. R. Hartinger: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. G. D. Boulton Mrs. E. E. Berg: Afghan, Amer English Coon, Basenji, Borz, Pharaoh, RhoRidge Mr. G. D. Boulton: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mr. K. E. Berg: Leonberger Mrs. P. Hartinger: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Dr. D. O. Harris Mr. K. E. Berg: Airdle, Austr, Border, Bull Ter, Lakelnd, Manch Ter, Min Bull Terrs, Norwich Norfolk, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Welsh Ter Dr. D. O. Harris: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. K. E. Berg Mr. K. E. Berg: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. E. E. Berg Mrs. E. E. Berg: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Canaan, Fin Laph, Nor Buhund, Pulik, Pyre Shep, Shetld Mrs. M. D. McPherson: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. N. E. Craig: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: L. Reyes SWEEPS PUPPY: Grt Dane Pat McGoldrick NV Henderson (O) COCKER SPANIEL CLUB OF LAS VEGAS, INC. (S) Equestrian Dog Park 1200 Equestrian Drive CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 6:00 p.m. Mrs. Carol Hudd, SHW SEC, 5555 El Camino Road, LAS VEGAS, NV 89118 FEE: $28.00 Mr. R. Hachtel: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Black) SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (ASCOB) SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Parti) OH Wauseon (I) FULTON COUNTY OHIO KENNEL CLUB Fulton County Fairgrounds Hwy 108 CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. H. Clark SPORTING Group: Mr. H. Clark Mr. H. Clark: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. L. Boutwell Dr. D. K. Brown: ScotDeer Mrs. H. Clark: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. D. Anderson Ms. D. Anderson: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. H. Clark Mrs. H. Clark: Austr, Border, Irish Ter, Kerry, Lakelnd, Norwich Norfolk, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Welsh Ter Mr. H. Clark: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. L. Boutwell Mrs. L. Boutwell: All Toy Breeds *No Classes: Pood Toy NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. L. Boutwell Ms. D. Anderson: Norwegian Lndhnd Mrs. L. Boutwell: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds *No Classes: Bulldog, Pood HERDING Group: Mr. H. Clark Mr. H. Clark: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. H. Clark Mrs. H. Clark: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. H. E. Chapman OH Wauseon (I) GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB OF GREATER TOLEDO Fulton County Fairgrounds Hwy 108 CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 MB-F Inc., SUPT Mrs. C. A. Turner: Breed PA Aliquippa (O) BEAVER COUNTY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Raccoon Twp Fireman Grounds 4061 Patterson Rd CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. W. G. Willhauck SPORTING Group: Dr. R. I. Spritzer Mr. D. A. Johnson: Weim Mrs. W. G. Willhauck: Brit, Span-Fld, Span-Suss, Vizs Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. D. A. Johnson Mr. D. A. Johnson: All Hound Breeds *No Classes: Dach WORKING Group: Dr. R. I. Spritzer J. Narzisi: Boxer, Grt Dane Mrs. W. G. Willhauck: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. D. J. Kirkland Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: Cav KC Spans, J Chin, Pap, Peke, Pom, Pug, Shih Tzu, Pood Toy Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. P. F. Willhauck Mr. P. F. Willhauck: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. W. G. Willhauck Mrs. W. G. Willhauck: Boerboel, Bergamasco, Belgian Laekenois, Brgr Pcrd, Cirneco, Azawakh Mr. P. F. Willhauck: Balance of Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Dr. R. I. Spritzer

PA Bethlehem* (O) BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG CLUB OF WATCHUNG (S) Best Western/Lehigh Valley Hotel 300 Gateway Drive CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Glaydis DiCanio, SHW SEC, PO BOX 6898, C/O RAU DOG SHOWS, READING, PA 19610 FEE: $31.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mrs. P. A. Hess: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. A. Jaskiewicz: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Lloyd Amodei SWEEPS PUPPY Lloyd Amodei PA Blue Bell* (O) MONTGOMERY COUNTY KENNEL CLUB (S) Montgomery County Community College 340 DeKalb Pike CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mrs. R. L. Campbell: Terrier Group Mr. C. J. Foley: Airdle Ms. B. Dale: Am Staff, Austr, Dandie, Std Manch, Rat Terrier, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Bdlgtn, Kerry P. D. Glover: Border Mrs. N. Smith: Bull Ter (Color), Bull Ter (White), Min Bull Terrs Ms. S. Stenroos: Cairn Mr. R. D. Black: Cesky Terrier, Irish Ter, Russel Terr, Staf Bull Ms. L. M. Gyenge: Fox Ter (Smooth) Mr. A. GOODSELL: Fox Ter (Wire) Mrs. A. Katona: Glen Imaal Capt. J. L. Heath: Lakelnd Mrs. P. Hirstein: Min Schn B. R. Schwartz: Norfolk, Welsh Ter Mrs. L. C. Hutchinson: Norwich E. Sweigart: Parson Russell Mrs. B. L. Casey: Scotti Ms. F. Brown: Sealym Mrs. G. Marshall: Skye S. George: Soft Coated Mrs. K. M. Grosso: Wst Highlnd Mrs. C. A. Artim: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS: Airdle Susan Rodgers SWEEPS PUPPY: Airdle Susan Rodgers SWEEPS PUPPY: Irish Ter Geir Hyckt-Pedersen SWEEPS PUPPY: Lakelnd Margo Dupre SWEEPS VETERANS: Min Schn Joan Huber SWEEPS PUPPY: Min Schn Joan Huber SWEEPS VETERANS: Norfolk Robert Lachman SWEEPS PUPPY: Norfolk Robert Lachman SWEEPS PUPPY: Sealym Diane Orange SWEEPS PUPPY: Skye Julie Howard SWEEPS VETERANS: Skye Julie Howard SWEEPS PUPPY: Welsh Ter Frank Stevens SWEEPS VETERANS: Staf Bull Gene Hains SWEEPS PUPPY: Staf Bull Gene Hains SWEEPS VETERANS: Min Bull Terrs Vanessa Giamo SWEEPS PUPPY: Min Bull Terrs Vanessa Giamo SWEEPS VETERANS: Glen Imaal Mr. Gary M Vlachos SWEEPS PUPPY: Glen Imaal Mr. Gary M Vlachos SWEEPS VETERANS: Norwich Betty McDonnell SWEEPS PUPPY: Norwich Betty McDonnell SWEEPS PUPPY: Parson Russell Kimberly Baker SWEEPS VETERANS: Parson Russell Kimberly Baker SWEEPS VETERANS: Bull Ter (Color) Laura Wendler SWEEPS PUPPY: Bull Ter (Color) Laura Wendler SWEEPS VETERANS: Bull Ter (White) Laura Wendler SWEEPS PUPPY: Bull Ter (White) Laura Wendler PA Exton (I) CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL CLUB OF DELAWARE VALLEY (S) Dog Training Club of Chester County 888 Springdale Dr. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. N. L. Patton: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Suzanne Warfield SWEEPS PUPPY Suzanne Warfield PA Horsham* (O) DELAWARE VALLEY GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB Kuhn Day Camp Witmer Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Bonnie Ludwig, SHW SEC, 422 Dorothy Dr, King Of Prussia, PA 19406 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $28.00-2nd Mrs. B. M. Winthers: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Ms. D. E. McIntire: Obedience PA Jenkintown (O) GREAT DANE CLUB OF PENNSYLVANIA, INC. (S) Abington Friends School 575 Washington Lane CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $28.00 W. Benoit: Breed Mrs. B. J. Parris: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Diane Mallett

PA Macungie* (O) INTERSTATE SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB OF PENN.,SO.JERSEY,& DELA (S) Macungie Memorial Park Route 100 CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Ms. B. M. Kenealy: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. N. K. Withers: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY Rose Chandless PA Macungie* (O) INTERSTATE SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB OF PENN.,SO.JERSEY,& DELA Macungie Memorial Park Route 100 CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mrs. S. Ferroni-Keleher: Breed Mrs. N. K. Withers: Obedience SC North Augusta* (I/O) AUGUSTA KENNEL CLUB, INC. North Augusta River Park 100 Riverview Dr. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. R. Cole SPORTING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mr. J. R. Cole: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. E. Muthard Mr. C. L. Olvis: Afghan, Bgle, Dach, RhoRidge, Saluki Mr. J. R. Cole: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mr. C. L. Olvis: Boxer, Grt Dane Mr. J. R. Cole: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. A. D. Hearn Mrs. A. D. Hearn: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. A. D. Hearn Ms. E. Muthard: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. E. Muthard Mrs. A. D. Hearn: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. M. C. Burford: Nov A, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A Mr. S. A. Picciuolo: Nov B, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. C. L. Olvis TX Carrollton* (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) IRISH SETTER CLUB OF FORT WORTH (S) Houn House Kennels 4926 Dozier Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Shirley Gregory, SHW SEC, 914 Grinnell Dr, Richardson, TX 75081 FEE: $26.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Miss M. V. Beam: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Holly Faught TX Carrollton* (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) IRISH SETTER CLUB OF FORT WORTH (S) Houn House Kennels 4926 Dozier Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Shirley Gregory, SHW SEC, 914 Grinnell Dr, Richardson, TX 75081 FEE: $26.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd D. O’Connell: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Verjean Lunenschloss TX Humble GREATER HUMBLE AREA KENNEL CLUB Humble Civic Center and Arena 8233 Will Clayton Pkway CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. S. C. Way SPORTING Group: Mrs. S. Smith Dr. S. Keating: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. R. E. Garren Dr. S. Keating: Bgle Mrs. S. Smith: Dach Mr. R. E. Garren: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. S. Keating Ms. S. C. Way: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. E. Garren D. McCoy: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: D. McCoy Dr. S. Keating: Affenp, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, Eng Toy Sp (B & PC), Min Pin, Toy Manch, Pap, Silky Mr. R. E. Garren: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. E. Garren Mr. R. E. Garren: Pood D. McCoy: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. A. Inman Dr. C. White-Moser: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. S. C. Way Ms. S. C. Way: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. A. Inman VA Warrenton (I) DACHSHUND CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. Fauquier County Armory 692 Waterloo Rd CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Karen Jones, SHW SEC, 6683 Ridgeway Dr, Springfield, VA 22150 FEE: $28.00 Ms. A. Gordon: Breed, Jr. Showmanship VA Warrenton (I) METROPOLITAN WASHINGTON DACHSHUND CLUB (S) Fauquier County Armory 692 Waterloo Rd CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Karen L Jones, SHW SEC, 6683 Ridgeway Dr, Springfield, VA 22150 Mrs. C. Spritzer: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Long) SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Smooth) SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Wire)

WA Enumclaw (I) TOY DOG CLUB OF PUGET SOUND Enumclaw Expo Center 45224 284th Ave SE CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mrs. S. L. Vilas: Toy Group, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chin Cr, Hava, I Greyhnd, Eng Toy Sp (B & PC), Eng Toy Sp (KC & R), Malt, Min Pin, Peke, Pug, Shih Tzu, Pood Toy, Silky Mr. J. C. Ramirez: Affenp, Chihua (Long), Chihua (Smooth), J Chin, Toy Manch, Pap, Pom, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks, Jr. Showmanship

OCTOBER 6 - SUNDAY thru OCTOBER 7 - MONDAY PA Mohnton* (O) IRISH WOLFHOUND ASSOCIATION OF THE DELAWARE VALLEY (2) (S) Church of the St. Benedict 2020 Chesnut Hill Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 11 12:00 p.m. Mr. David C Milne, SHW SEC, 150 Creek Rd, Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. W. F. Potter, II: Breed Mr. L. Wilson: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY Joel Mattson

OCTOBER 7 - MONDAY MO Gray Summit (I) MISSOURI RIVER BASSET HOUND CLUB Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Dr. L. F. Steedle: Breed T. Childers: Jr. Showmanship MO Gray Summit (I) BASSET HOUND CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (P) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Clay Williams, SHW SEC, 1315 CLEARVIEW DR, ALLEN, TX 75002 FEE: $15.00 MATURITY: Basset Sylvie Mcgee FUTURITY: Basset Sylvie Mcgee NM Alamogordo (O) MESILLA VALLEY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Jim Griggs Sports Complex Fairgrounds Road & North Florida CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. K. E. Berg SPORTING Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger Dr. J. Warren: Set-Eng Ms. G. Kerr: Span-Eng Spr, Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Span-Suss, Span-Wel Spr, Spin Ital, Vizs, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mrs. E. E. Berg: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mrs. E. E. Berg: Bgle, B & T Coonhnd, Bluetick Coon, Greyhnd, Ibizan, Ir Wolf, Otter, Plott, Redbone Coon, Saluki, ScotDeer, Treeing Walker Coon, Whip Mrs. P. Hartinger: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. E. E. Berg Mrs. E. E. Berg: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. M. D. McPherson Ms. G. Kerr: Manch Ter Mrs. M. D. McPherson: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger Mrs. M. D. McPherson: Toy Manch Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mr. K. E. Berg: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. G. Kerr Ms. G. Kerr: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. K. E. Berg Mr. K. E. Berg: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Dr. J. Warren WI Oconomowoc (I) ALASKAN MALAMUTE CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (P) Olympia Resort 1350 Royale Mile Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 11 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $20.00 SWEEPS PUPPY: Alas Mal Helen Schultz SWEEPS VETERANS: Alas Mal Helen Schultz

OCTOBER 7 - MONDAY thru OCTOBER 8 - TUESDAY WI Oconomowoc (I) ALASKAN MALAMUTE CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (2) Olympia Resort 1350 Royale Mile Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 11 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Dr. C. L. Battaglia: Breed, Jr. Showmanship

OCTOBER 8 - TUESDAY CA Norco (I/O) AUSTRALIAN CATTLE DOG CLUB OF AMERICA (P) George Ingalls Equestrian Center 3737 Crestview Ave Corner of %th And Crestview CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 11 6:00 p.m. Mrs. Rita Favreau, SHW SEC, 2945 Slivkoff Dr, Escondido, CA 92027 FEE: $20.00 SWEEPS VETERANS: Austrl Cat Dg Patti Salladay SWEEPS PUPPY: Austrl Cat Dg Patti Salladay

MO Gray Summit (I) BASSET HOUND CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (P) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $23.00 SWEEPS PUPPY: Basset Margery Cook NJ Logan Township (O) GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF AMERICA Dream Park 400 Route 130 South Gloucester County CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Gloria Sinclair, SHW SEC, 32 DIXONTOWN RD, MEDFORD, NJ 08055 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Dr. D. Ardoin: Breed PA Gettysburg (I) EASTERN BOXER CLUB Eisenhower Hotel & Conference Center 2634 Emmittsburg Road includes the “All Star Events Complex” CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Ms. P. Healy: Breed TX Montgomery (I) STAFFORDSHIRE TERRIER CLUB OF AMERICA (P) Lake Conroe KOA 19785 Hwy 105 West CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT SWEEPS PUPPY: Am Staff Pamela Wilson SWEEPS VETERANS: Am Staff Pamela Wilson

OCTOBER 8 - TUESDAY thru OCTOBER 9 - WEDNESDAY CA Norco (O) AUSTRALIAN CATTLE DOG CLUB OF AMERICA (2) George Ingalls Equestrian Center 3737 Crestview Ave Corner of %th And Crestview CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 11 6:00 p.m. Rita Favreau, SHW SEC, 2945 Slivkoff Dr, Escondido, CA 92027 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. R. J. Shreve: Breed, Jr. Showmanship TX Montgomery (I) STAFFORDSHIRE TERRIER CLUB OF AMERICA (2) Lake Conroe KOA 19785 Hwy 105 West CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd C. Nelson: Breed P. Wilson: Jr. Showmanship

OCTOBER 9 - WEDNESDAY CA Sacramento (I) ITALIAN GREYHOUND CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (P) Lions Gate Hotel & Conference Center McClellan Business Park 3410 Westover St CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 19 MB-F Inc., SUPT SWEEPS VETERANS: I Greyhnd Janet Beckett FUTURITY: I Greyhnd James Steele Jr. SWEEPS PUPPY: I Greyhnd Janet Beckett PA Gettysburg (I) POTOMAC BOXER CLUB Eisenhower Hotel & Conference Center 2634 Emmittsburg Road includes the “All Star Events Complex” CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $30.00 Mr. T. Hutchings: Breed WA Lacey* (O) LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB, INC. (S) Regional Athletic Complex 8345 Steilacoom Rd SE CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 11 BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. S. L. Grieves: B Mrs. A. S. Bolus: D, I Mr. R. J. Lewis: Nov A, Grad Novr, Open A, Grad Openr, Util B, Team 2 Mrs. C. S. Wray: Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Open B, Util A, Team 1 SWEEPS PUPPY Diann Slullivan SWEEPS VETERANS Diann Slullivan

OCTOBER 9 - WEDNESDAY thru OCTOBER 10 - THURSDAY CA Sacramento (I) ITALIAN GREYHOUND CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (2) Lions Gate Hotel & Conference Center McClellan Business Park 3410 Westover St CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 19 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Mr. K. H. Delaney: Breed, Jr. Showmanship

OCTOBER 9 - WEDNESDAY thru OCTOBER 11 - FRIDAY MO Gray Summit (I) BASSET HOUND CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (3) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 12:00 p.m. Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Mrs. C. J. LaFave: B Mrs. S. N. Smyth: D Mrs. G. Yamaguchi: I, Jr. Showmanship

OCTOBER 9 - WEDNESDAY thru OCTOBER 12 - SATURDAY NJ Logan Township (I) GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (4) Dream Park 400 Route 130 South Gloucester County CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Gloria Sinclair, SHW SEC, PO BOX 828, C/O ROY JONES DOG SHOWS, AUBURN, IN 46706 FEE: $60.00-1st/ $40.00-2nd Dr. M. Goldfarb: B Ms. G. F. Birch: D Mr. D. E. Rinke: I J. M. Walker: Jr. Showmanship

OCTOBER 10 - THURSDAY FL Arcadia (I) GREATER NAPLES DOG CLUB Turner Agri-Civic Center 2250 N.E. Roan Street CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. E. Liebes SPORTING Group: Mr. K. A. Buxton Mr. K. A. Buxton: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. D. C. Mounce Dr. E. Liebes: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Miss J. E. Luna C. Hollenback: Sam Miss J. E. Luna: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. P. L. Lloyd Ms. P. L. Lloyd: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. D. C. Mounce Ms. D. C. Mounce: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. J. Buxton Mrs. D. J. Buxton: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. L. Robey Ms. L. Robey: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. L. Robey Ms. L. Robey: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Miss J. E. Luna ID Boise* (I) LIZARD BUTTE KENNEL CLUB, INC. Expo Idaho Western Idaho Fairgrounds 5610 Glenwood Glenwood & Chinden Blvds CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. G. L. Doerge SPORTING Group: Mr. L. J. Sinclair M. Holkenbrink: Ret-Curl Mrs. P. Nykiel: Set-Irsh, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh Mr. L. J. Sinclair: All Spaniels, All Spaniels, Spin Ital, Vizs, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Ms. K. A. Cowsert: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. L. J. Sinclair Mrs. P. Nykiel: Afghan, Basset, Borz, Dach, Ir Wolf, RhoRidge, Saluki Mr. L. J. Sinclair: Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Bluetick Coon, Eng Fox, PBGV, Plott, Redbone Coon, Treeing Walker Coon Mr. G. L. Doerge: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. J. R. Crandall Mrs. P. Nykiel: Portuguese, Rottw, Sib Hky Mrs. J. R. Crandall: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. F. R. Stephens Mr. F. R. Stephens: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. C. I. Alexander Mr. F. R. Stephens: Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Toy Manch Ms. C. I. Alexander: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. L. J. Sinclair Ms. C. I. Alexander: Pood Mr. L. J. Sinclair: Boston, Dalm Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: Fin Spitz, Lhasa, Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd, Schip, Shiba Inu Mr. G. L. Doerge: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. L. J. Sinclair Mrs. P. Nykiel: GSD Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. P. Nykiel Mrs. P. Nykiel: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. C. P. Lentz: Nov A, Open A, Grad Openr, Util B, Versatility Mrs. L. C. Botko: Nov B, Grad Novr, Open B, Util A Ms. G. Grissom: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. J. R. Crandall IL St Charles* (I) MEDALLION ROTTWEILER CLUB (S) KANE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS Robinson Hall 525 S. Randall Rd. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $32.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. D. D. Conradt: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mr. E. J. Willems: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY Timothy Conradt FUTURITY Kari Chaney SWEEPS VETERANS Timothy Conradt NM Los Lunas (O) SANGRE DE CRISTO KENNEL CLUB Heritage Park 3447 Lambros Road (Frontage Road, US47) CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. G. Dunlap SPORTING Group: Dr. S. Keating Mr. R. G. Forastieri Gonzalez: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. M. Canestrini Ms. G. Dunlap: Dach Mrs. M. Canestrini: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. S. Keating Dr. S. Keating: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. G. Forastieri Gonzalez Ms. G. Dunlap: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. G. Kerr Ms. G. Kerr: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. M. Canestrini Ms. G. Dunlap: Pood Mrs. M. Canestrini: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds

HERDING Group: Mr. R. G. Forastieri Gonzalez Mr. R. G. Forastieri Gonzalez: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. G. Dunlap Ms. G. Dunlap: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. G. Dunlap NV Las Vegas (I) AMERICAN TOY FOX TERRIER CLUB Riviera Hotel 2901 Las Vegas Blvd South CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Jean Ryser, SHW SEC, 2875 MONTESSOURI ST, LAS VEGAS, NV 89117 Mr. C. E. Trotter: Breed, Jr. Showmanship PA Gettysburg (I) MARYLAND BOXER CLUB Eisenhower Hotel & Conference Center 2634 Emmittsburg Road includes the “All Star Events Complex” CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $30.00 Mrs. L. Carnaby: Breed TX Montgomery (I) STAFFORDSHIRE TERRIER CLUB OF AMERICA (P) Lake Conroe KOA 19785 Hwy 105 West CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT SWEEPS VETERANS: Am Staff Renato Paco Zanoia FUTURITY: Am Staff Carla Restivo SWEEPS PUPPY: Am Staff Renato Paco Zanoia WA Lacey (O) LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB, INC. (P) Regional Athletic Complex 8345 Steilacoom Rd SE CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 11 BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Lab Donna Reece SWEEPS VETERANS: Ret-Lab Donna Reece WI Oconomowoc (I) ALASKAN MALAMUTE CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (P) Olympia Resort 1350 Royale Mile Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 11 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT SWEEPS VETERANS: Alas Mal Lynda Birmantas-Beam MATURITY: Alas Mal FUTURITY: Alas Mal SWEEPS PUPPY: Alas Mal Lynda Birmantas-Beam

OCTOBER 10 - THURSDAY thru OCTOBER 11 - FRIDAY TX Montgomery (I) STAFFORDSHIRE TERRIER CLUB OF AMERICA (2) Lake Conroe KOA 19785 Hwy 105 West CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mrs. L. Castagna: Breed B. Keith: Jr. Showmanship

OCTOBER 10 - THURSDAY thru OCTOBER 12 - SATURDAY WI Oconomowoc (I) ALASKAN MALAMUTE CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (3) Olympia Resort 1350 Royale Mile Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 11 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. C. Benson: Breed, Jr. Showmanship

OCTOBER 10 - THURSDAY thru OCTOBER 13 - SUNDAY WA Lacey (I) LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB, INC. (4) Regional Athletic Complex 8345 Steilacoom Rd SE CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 11 BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. A. S. Bolus: B Mrs. S. L. Grieves: D, I Mrs. L. L. Cruanas: Jr. Showmanship

OCTOBER 11 - FRIDAY CA Sacramento (I) NORTHERN CALIFORNIA ITALIAN GREYHOUND CLUB (S) Lions Gate Hotel & Conference Center McClellan Business Park 3410 Westover St CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 19 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Mrs. S. L. Vilas: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Susan Souza SWEEPS PUPPY Susan Souza FL Arcadia* (I) GREATER NAPLES DOG CLUB Turner Agri-Civic Center 2250 N.E. Roan Street CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. K. A. Buxton SPORTING Group: Ms. L. Robey Ms. L. Robey: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. E. Liebes Mr. S. D. Gladstone: Afghan, Basset, Greyhnd, Harr, Pharaoh, Saluki Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. E. Liebes Dr. E. Liebes: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. D. C. Mounce Ms. D. C. Mounce: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. P. L. Lloyd Ms. P. L. Lloyd: All Toy Breeds

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NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. B. Dale Ms. B. Dale: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. D. J. Buxton Mrs. D. J. Buxton: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. D. C. Mounce Ms. D. C. Mounce: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. K. A. Buxton: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: A. C. Meyer ID Boise* (O) LIZARD BUTTE KENNEL CLUB, INC. Expo Idaho Western Idaho Fairgrounds 5610 Glenwood Glenwood & Chinden Blvds CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. P. Nykiel SPORTING Group: Ms. K. A. Cowsert Mrs. P. Nykiel: Brit, All Pointers, All Retrievers, Set-Eng, Set-Gord Ms. K. A. Cowsert: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. J. R. Crandall Ms. K. A. Cowsert: Afghan, Basenji, B & T Coonhnd, Harr, Redbone Coon, Saluki, Treeing Walker Coon Mrs. J. R. Crandall: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. L. J. Sinclair Mrs. J. R. Crandall: Portuguese, Sib Hky Mrs. P. Nykiel: Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolShep Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: Sam, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. L. J. Sinclair: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. G. L. Doerge Mr. G. L. Doerge: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: J. Jackson Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: Pood Toy Mr. F. R. Stephens: J Chin, Malt, Min Pin, Pap, Peke, Pom, Pug, Silky, Yorks J. Jackson: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. G. L. Doerge Mr. L. J. Sinclair: Fr Bull Mr. G. L. Doerge: Boston, Dalm, Fin Spitz, Lhasa, Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd, Schip, Shiba Inu Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. B. J. Patrick Mr. L. J. Sinclair: Coll Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: GSD Mrs. B. J. Patrick: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. F. R. Stephens Mr. F. R. Stephens: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. L. C. Botko: Nov A, Open A, Grad Openr, Util B, Versatility Mr. C. P. Lentz: Nov B, Grad Novr, Open B, Util A Ms. G. Grissom: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. F. R. Stephens IL Crystal Lake (I) CHIHUAHUA CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (P) Holiday Inn Crystal Lake 800 South Route 31 CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 12:00 p.m. Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $18.00 SWEEPS VETERANS: Chihua (Long) Mr. Justin Ward SWEEPS PUPPY: Chihua (Long) Mr. Justin Ward SWEEPS VETERANS: Chihua (Smooth) Mr. Justin Ward SWEEPS PUPPY: Chihua (Smooth) Mr. Justin Ward IL St Charles* (I) MEDALLION ROTTWEILER CLUB (S) KANE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS Robinson Hall 525 S. Randall Rd. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $32.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. M. W. Conradt: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mr. F. Buroff: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Julie Higgins SWEEPS PUPPY Julie Higgins KS Lawrence (I) HEARTLAND BOSTON TERRIER CLUB (S) Douglas County 4-H Fairgrounds 2100 Harper CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. K. S. McFarlane: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Dale Hunsburger SWEEPS PUPPY Dale Hunsburger KS Lawrence (I) HEARTLAND BOSTON TERRIER CLUB (S) Douglas County 4-H Fairgrounds 2100 Harper CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. J. Murray: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Mary Ann Clark SWEEPS PUPPY Mary Ann Clark KS Lawrence (I) HEARTLAND DALMATIAN CLUB OF GREATER KANSAS CITY (S) Douglas County 4-H Fairgrounds 2100 Harper CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mr. F. T. Sabella: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Rosie Branaman SWEEPS PUPPY Rosie Branaman KS Lawrence (I) HEARTLAND DALMATIAN CLUB OF GREATER KANSAS CITY Douglas County 4-H Fairgrounds 2100 Harper CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mrs. J. Murray: Breed, Jr. Showmanship

96 Dog News

KS Lawrence (I) HEARTLAND FRENCH BULLDOG CLUB (S) Douglas County 4-H Fairgrounds 2100 Harper CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT Mrs. K. S. McFarlane: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Jan Sigler MD West Friendship (I) CATONSVILLE KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Howard County Fairgrounds 2210 Fairgrounds Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $27.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. A. J. Ferruggiaro SPORTING Group: Mr. S. H. McDonald Mrs. N. Dee: Pointer M. R. Kennedy: Set-Gord, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif J. Becerra-Hernandez: Ret-Ches, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, RetLab, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Eng, Vizs Mr. S. H. McDonald: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: N. L. Van Camp Mr. S. H. McDonald: Ir Wolf N. L. Van Camp: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: J. Becerra-Hernandez Mr. S. H. McDonald: Grt Dane Mr. R. J. Caswell: Newf, Portuguese, Rottw J. Becerra-Hernandez: Balance of Working Breeds *No Classes: Boxer TERRIER Group: Mrs. C. P. Patterson Mr. A. J. Ferruggiaro: Bdlgtn, Kerry Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Balance of Terrier Breeds *No Classes: Scotti TOY Group: J. Becerra-Hernandez Mr. A. J. Ferruggiaro: Eng Toy Sp M. R. Kennedy: Cav KC Spans, J Chin, Pap, Peke Ms. M. L. Lyon: Balance of Toy Breeds *No Classes: Pood Toy, Yorks NON-SPORTING Group: M. R. Kennedy Mrs. A. M. Watkins: Bichon Mrs. B. A. Drake: Schip Mr. A. J. Ferruggiaro: Am Esk Dog, Fin Spitz, Kees, Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli E. C. MacLennan: Boston, Bulldog, Fr Bull, Lhasa, Tib Span M. R. Kennedy: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds *No Classes: Pood HERDING Group: Mr. R. J. Caswell Mr. S. H. McDonald: Card-WC, Pemb-WC Mr. R. J. Caswell: Balance of Herding Breeds *No Classes: GSD MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. J. Caswell Mr. R. J. Caswell: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: E. C. MacLennan SWEEPS PUPPY: Basenji Julie Dugan SWEEPS VETERANS: Basenji Julie Dugan MD West Friendship* (I) SCOTTISH TERRIER CLUB OF GREATER WASHINGTON, D.C. (S) Howard County Fairgrounds 2210 Fairgrounds Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Barbara Budny, SHW SEC, 4044 S 92ND ST, GREENFIELD, WI 53228 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $19.00-2nd Ms. K. Hill: Breed Mrs. D. L. Barrows: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY Dr. Fred Askin MD West Friendship* (I) WASHINGTON POODLE CLUB, INC. Howard County Fairgrounds 2210 Fairgrounds Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Mary Ellen Fisher, SHW SEC, PO BOX 22107, C/O MB-F, GREENSBORO, NC 27420 FEE: $35.00-1st/ $32.50-2nd Dr. V. L. Huber: Breed Mrs. D. L. Barrows: Obedience NJ Augusta (O) (PENDING APPROVAL) NORTHERN NEW JERSEY AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD CLUB (S) Sussex Cty Farm & Horseshows Grds Plains Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $30.00 Mrs. D. VanHousen: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Betsy Atkinson NJ Augusta* (I/O) PALISADES KENNEL CLUB, INC. Sussex Cty Farm & Horseshows Grds Plains Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $32.00-1st/ $27.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW E. Sweigart SPORTING Group: Ms. E. Muthard Ms. E. Muthard: Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Span-Fld, Spin Ital E. Sweigart: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. E. Muthard Ms. E. Muthard: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. J. Richardson Mr. C. L. Olvis: Sib Hky Mr. J. Richardson: Balance of Working Breeds *No Classes: Boxer TERRIER Group: Mr. F. G. Ferris Mr. F. G. Ferris: All Terrier Breeds *No Classes: Scotti TOY Group: Mrs. C. S. Clapp Mr. F. G. Ferris: Toy Manch Mrs. C. S. Clapp: Balance of Toy Breeds *No Classes: Pood Toy NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Non-Sporting Breeds *No Classes: Pood HERDING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. F. G. Ferris Mr. F. G. Ferris: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES J. M. Charest: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Open B, POPN, Util A, PUTL Mr. A. L. Cartwright: Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Grad Openr, Util B, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: E. Sweigart

NM Los Lunas (O) SANGRE DE CRISTO KENNEL CLUB Heritage Park 3447 Lambros Road (Frontage Road, US47) CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. G. Forastieri Gonzalez SPORTING Group: Mr. R. G. Forastieri Gonzalez Mr. D. Markus: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza Mrs. M. Canestrini: Dach Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. D. Markus Mrs. P. A. Hess: Rottw Mr. R. G. Forastieri Gonzalez: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. G. Dunlap Mr. D. Markus: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. G. Dunlap Ms. G. Dunlap: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. D. Markus Mr. R. G. Forastieri Gonzalez: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. M. Canestrini Mrs. M. Canestrini: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza NV Las Vegas (I) AMERICAN TOY FOX TERRIER CLUB (S) Riviera Hotel 2901 Las Vegas Blvd South CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Jean Ryser, SHW SEC, 2875 MONTESSOURI ST, LAS VEGAS, NV 89117 Mr. D. Vice: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Patricia V Trotter SWEEPS VETERANS Mrs. Patricia V Trotter NV Las Vegas (I) ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL CLUB OF GREATER LAS VEGAS Riviera Hotel 2901 Las Vegas Blvd South CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Sally Starkweather, SHW SEC, 1033 PLENTYWOOD PL, HENDERSON, NV 89002 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mr. J. A. Porter: Breed NV Las Vegas (I) ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL CLUB OF GREATER LAS VEGAS (S) Riviera Hotel 2901 Las Vegas Blvd South CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Ms. Sally Starkweather, SHW SEC, 1033 PLENTYWOOD PL, HENDERSON, NV 89002 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mrs. V. L. Abbott: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Ron Freeman NV Las Vegas (I/O) IRISH SETTER CLUB OF LAS VEGAS (S) Riviera Hotel 2901 Las Vegas Blvd South CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Ms. Terri Bounty, SHW SEC, 3403 E MAIN ST # 604, MESA, AZ 85213 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mr. E. Blake: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Mrs. Pat Haigler SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Pat Haigler NV Las Vegas (I) IRISH SETTER CLUB OF LAS VEGAS (S) Riviera Hotel 2901 Las Vegas Blvd South CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Terri Bounty, SHW SEC, 3403 E MAIN ST # 604, MESA, AZ 85213 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mrs. V. L. Abbott: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY NV Las Vegas (I/O) LAS VEGAS BULLDOG CLUB Riviera Hotel 2901 Las Vegas Blvd South CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Jean Ryser, SHW SEC, 2875 MONTESSOURI ST, LAS VEGAS, NV 89117 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd M. Otten: Breed NV Las Vegas (I) LAS VEGAS BULLDOG CLUB Riviera Hotel 2901 Las Vegas Blvd South CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Jean Ryser, SHW SEC, 2875 MONTESSOURI ST, LAS VEGAS, NV 89117 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Ms. A. M. Hubbard: Breed, Jr. Showmanship NV Las Vegas (I) SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB OF SOUTHERN NEVADA Riviera Hotel 2901 Las Vegas Blvd South CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Jean Ryser, SHW SEC, 2875 Montessouri St, Las Vegas, NV 89117 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd M. Hector: Breed NV Las Vegas (I) SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB OF SOUTHERN NEVADA (S) Riviera Hotel 2901 Las Vegas Blvd South CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Jean Ryser, SHW SEC, 2875 MONTESSOURI ST, LAS VEGAS, NV 89117 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd H. Hector: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY AUdrey Mouck

PA Gettysburg (I) AMERICAN BOXER CLUB, INC. Eisenhower Hotel & Conference Center 2634 Emmittsburg Road includes the “All Star Events Complex” CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 18 12:00 p.m. Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd J. E. Gregory: Breed, Jr. Showmanship TN Nashville (I) CHINESE CRESTED CLUB OF NASHVILLE (S) Tennessee State Fairgrounds 500 Wedgewood Ave. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Tondalea H. Wright, SHW SEC, PO BOX 828, C/O ROY JONES DOG SHOWS, AUBURN, IN 46706 FEE: $26.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. L. Boutwell: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Mrs. Dorothy Edge SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Dorothy Edge TN Nashville (I) MIDDLE TENNESSEE CHOW CHOW FANCIERS (S) Tennessee State Fairgrounds 500 Wedgewood Ave. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Sandra Lopez, SHW SEC, PO BOX 828, C/O ROY JONES DOG SHOWS, AUBURN, IN 46706 FEE: $25.00 Mrs. A. D. Hearn: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Barbara Becker SWEEPS PUPPY Barbara Becker TN Nashville (I) MUSIC CITY BULLDOG CLUB (S) Tennessee State Fairgrounds 500 Wedgewood Ave. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Celisa Peters, SHW SEC, PO BOX 828, C/O ROY JONES DOG SHOWS, AUBURN, IN 46706 FEE: $26.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Mr. M. Staley: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Johnny Babb TX Canton (I) NORTH TEXAS NON-SPORTING ASSOCIATION Arbors I, II, III Flea Market Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. L. E. Hiltz: Non-Sporting Group, Shar-Pei, Chow, Dalm, Fin Spitz, Kees, Lhasa, Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd, Pood (Min), Pood (Std), Schip, Shiba Inu, Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Boston, Fr Bull, Tib Span, Misc Breeds , Coton de Tulear, Jr. Showmanship P. Tinsley: Bulldog TX Canton (O) NORTH TEXAS ST. BERNARD CLUB (S) Arbors I, II, III Flea Market Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Kenneth Conner, SHW SEC, 1315 CLEARVIEW DR, ALLEN, TX 75002 FEE: $26.00-1st/ $13.00-2nd Mr. V. R. Dingus: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Lisalee Sobey TX Canton (I) TRINITY VALLEY SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB Arbors I, II, III Flea Market Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Joy Bass, SHW SEC, 1047 ACR 413, PALESTINE, TX 75803 Mrs. S. L. Staffan: Breed, Jr. Showmanship TX Canton (I) TRINITY VALLEY SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB (S) Arbors I, II, III Flea Market Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Joy Bass, SHW SEC, 1047 ACR 413, PALESTINE, TX 75803 S. A. McCambridge: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Linda Clark VA Leesburg* (I) YORKSHIRE TERRIER CLUB OF THE NATION’S CAPITAL (S) Holiday Inn 1500 E Market St Rt 7 CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Pat Fallon, SHW SEC, PO BOX 398, MECHANICSBURG, PA 17055 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mrs. J. P. Scott: Breed Ms. D. Meade: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY Jaimi Glodek VA Leesburg (I) YORKSHIRE TERRIER CLUB OF THE NATION’S CAPITAL Holiday Inn 1500 E Market St Rt 7 CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Pat Fallon, SHW SEC, PO BOX 398, MECHANICSBURG, PA 17055 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. M. Feigelson: Breed

OCTOBER 12 - SATURDAY CA Pomona* (I) DOBERMAN PINSCHER CLUB OF AMERICA (S) Los Angeles County Fairplex 1101 W. McKinley Ave. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 3:00 a.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mrs. S. DiNardo: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mr. L. J. Libeu: Nov A, Open B, Util A Mrs. N. E. Craig: Nov B, Open A, Util B SWEEPS VETERANS Karin Degrazia-Fox SWEEPS PUPPY Karin Degrazia-Fox

CA Sacramento (O) NORTHERN CALIFORNIA ITALIAN GREYHOUND CLUB Lions Gate Hotel & Conference Center McClellan Business Park 3410 Westover St CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 19 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd T. S. Robbins: Breed, Jr. Showmanship FL Arcadia* (I/O) GREATER VENICE FLORIDA DOG CLUB Turner Agri-Civic Center 2250 N.E. Roan Street CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. D. C. Mounce SPORTING Group: Dr. R. A. Indeglia Dr. R. A. Indeglia: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. R. A. Indeglia M. Sager: Bgle Ms. D. C. Mounce: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. D. J. Buxton Mrs. D. J. Buxton: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. B. Dale Ms. B. Dale: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Mrs. J. L. Naylor: Pap Mrs. G. Geringer: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. P. L. Lloyd M. Sager: Dalm Ms. P. L. Lloyd: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. B. Dale Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. J. P. Lynch: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan IA Mason City* (I) MASON CITY KENNEL CLUB North Iowa Fairgrounds All Seasons Highway 18 West 3700 4th St SW CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. J. A. Penta SPORTING Group: Dr. G. C. Penta Dr. G. C. Penta: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: L. E. Stanbridge L. E. Stanbridge: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. N. Liebes L. E. Stanbridge: Newf Mrs. N. Liebes: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. D. Rogers Mr. D. Rogers: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. D. Rogers Mrs. J. A. Penta: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, Hava, Eng Toy Sp L. E. Stanbridge: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. D. Rogers Mr. D. Rogers: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: L. E. Stanbridge Mrs. J. A. Penta: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. N. Liebes Mrs. N. Liebes: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. S. Emerson: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Open B Mr. R. Capsel: Nov B, Open A, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. N. Liebes ID Boise* (O) IDAHO CAPITAL CITY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Expo Idaho Western Idaho Fairgrounds 5610 Glenwood Glenwood & Chinden Blvds CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. P. Hastings SPORTING Group: Mr. R. G. Beauchamp Mr. J. R. Cole: Ret-Ches, Ret-Gold Mr. R. G. Beauchamp: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. D. Thompson Mr. D. Thompson: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. L. M. Riedel Mrs. L. M. Riedel: Boxer, Dobe Mrs. P. Hastings: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mr. J. R. Cole: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Col. H. R. Brizee: Pood Toy Mr. J. R. Cole: Peke, Pom, Pug, Shih Tzu, Yorks Mr. L. Boileau: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. L. Boileau Col. H. R. Brizee: Boston, Bulldog, Kees, Pood (Min) Mr. R. G. Beauchamp: Shar-Pei, Chow, Dalm, Fin Spitz Mr. L. Boileau: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Col. H. R. Brizee Col. H. R. Brizee: Briard, Canaan, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, Nor Buhund, Pol Low Shp, Swed Vallhund Mrs. L. M. Riedel: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. D. Thompson Mr. D. Thompson: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. R. J. Lewis: Nov A, Open A, Grad Openr, Util B, Versatility Mrs. C. S. Wray: Nov B, Grad Novr, Open B, Util A L. Beck: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. D. Thompson IL New Lenox* (I) SKYLINE COCKER CLUB, INC. (S) Main Building - Fred Francis 4-H Field Main Building Fred Francis 4-H Field Francis Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Mr. Kevin Hughes, SHW SEC, 42 N Golfview Court, Glendale Heights, IL 60133 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mr. C. E. Ward: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Ms. C. Simonsen: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Black) Connie Bennett SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (ASCOB) Connie Bennett SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Parti) Connie Bennett

IL Watseka (I/O) KANKAKEE RIVER VALLEY KENNEL CLUB Iroquois County Fairgrounds 1390 East 2000 North Rd. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. M. J. Dachel SPORTING Group: J. Hubbard J. Hoke: Pointer, Pntr-GS, Span-Eng Ckr J. Hubbard: Brit, All Retrievers, Set-Gord, Set-Irsh, SpanBoykin, Span-Fld, Span-Suss, Vizs, Weim Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Balance of Sporting Breeds *No Classes: Span-Ckr HOUND Group: Dr. R. I. Spritzer Mr. P. C. Martin: Afghan, Basset, Dach, Nor Elk Mrs. C. Spritzer: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. R. I. Spritzer D. Osborn: Akita Mr. W. G. Peterson: Grt Dane T. Lynch: Sam Miss E. E. Vanden Avond: Berns Mtn, Dobe, Newf Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Balance of Working Breeds *No Classes: Grt Pyr, Sib Hky TERRIER Group: Mr. R. E. Hutton Mr. R. E. Hutton: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. E. Hutton Mr. M. J. Dachel: Malt, Pap, Pom, Pug, Shih Tzu, Pood Toy, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks J. Hoke: Balance of Toy Breeds *No Classes: Chihua NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. M. J. Dachel Mr. W. G. Peterson: Dalm Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Boston, Shar-Pei, Fr Bull Mr. R. E. Hutton: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds *No Classes: Bulldog HERDING Group: Ms. A. Georgi Ms. A. Georgi: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. C. Spritzer Mrs. C. Spritzer: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. P. C. Martin IN Crown Point (I) ILLIANA BULLDOG CLUB (S) Lake County Fairgrounds 889 S. Court Street CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Robin Russell, SHW SEC, 9084 BALTIMORE PHILLIPSBURG RD, BROOKVILLE, OH 45309 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $10.00-2nd Mr. R. “. Smith: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Chip Auggie Gait KS Lawrence* (I) LAWRENCE JAYHAWK KENNEL CLUB, INC. Douglas County Fairgrounds New Comm. Center Douglas County 4-H Fairgrounds 1930 Harper ST CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. D. Cozart SPORTING Group: Mr. N. Horn Mr. N. Horn: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. N. Horn Ms. K. A. Forbes: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mrs. D. Cozart: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. F. T. Sabella Mr. F. T. Sabella: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. F. T. Sabella Mrs. J. Murray: Pap, Peke, Pug Mrs. J. Atwell-Paul: Affenp, Hava, Eng Toy Sp (B & PC), Toy Manch, Pood Toy, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mrs. D. Cozart: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. J. Murray Mrs. J. Atwell-Paul: Pood Mr. R. J. Shreve: Chow, Dalm, Fin Spitz, Fr Bull, Kees Mr. F. T. Sabella: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mr. R. J. Shreve: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. N. Horn Mr. N. Horn: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. D. J. Propst: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B Ms. V. Kinion: Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. N. Horn MD West Friendship (I) CATONSVILLE KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Howard County Fairgrounds 2210 Fairgrounds Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $27.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW M. R. Kennedy SPORTING Group: Mr. J. S. Martin M. R. Kennedy: Pointer Mr. S. H. McDonald: Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Vizs, Weim Mr. J. S. Martin: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: J. Becerra-Hernandez J. Becerra-Hernandez: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. J. Caswell C. McLean: Portuguese J. Becerra-Hernandez: Grt Dane, Newf D. Chan: Gtr Swiss Mtn, Rottw Mr. R. J. Caswell: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. M. L. Lyon Ms. M. L. Lyon: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. C. P. Patterson Mrs. A. M. Watkins: Peke Mr. J. R. Shoemaker: Pug, Pood Toy Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. R. Shoemaker Mr. A. J. Ferruggiaro: Tib Span Mrs. B. A. Drake: Boston, Chow Mrs. A. M. Watkins: Am Esk Dog, Norwegian Lndhnd, Xoloitzcuintli Mrs. C. Noe: Bichon, Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Dalm, Fr Bull, Tib Ter Mr. J. R. Shoemaker: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: N. L. Van Camp Mr. S. H. McDonald: AustrlShep C. McLean: Bouv N. L. Van Camp: Balance of Herding Breeds *No Classes: GSD MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. A. J. Ferruggiaro Mr. A. J. Ferruggiaro: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. B. A. Drake SWEEPS PUPPY: Pointer Diane Shearer SWEEPS VETERANS: Pointer Diane Shearer SWEEPS PUPPY: Min Schn Dr. Valeria Rickard SWEEPS VETERANS: Min Schn Dr. Valeria Rickard

SWEEPS VETERANS: Kees Linda Moss SWEEPS PUPPY: Kees Linda Moss SWEEPS VETERANS: Schip Mrs. Lisa Warren SWEEPS PUPPY: Schip Mrs. Lisa Warren SWEEPS VETERANS: Pug Lisa Warren SWEEPS PUPPY: Pug Lisa Warren SWEEPS PUPPY: Card-WC Sophie Marvel SWEEPS VETERANS: Card-WC Sophie Marvel SWEEPS PUPPY: Wirehair Ptg Grif Anne D O’Reilly SWEEPS VETERANS: Wirehair Ptg Grif Anne D O’Reilly NC Wilmington (O) HANOVER KENNEL CLUB Legion Stadium 2149 Carolina Beach Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $27.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. J. W. Edwards SPORTING Group: Dr. R. H. Hilderman Dr. R. H. Hilderman: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. R. H. Hilderman Mr. P. M. Martin: Afghan Dr. J. W. Edwards: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. L. M. Fowler Dr. R. H. Hilderman: Dobe Mr. P. M. Martin: Boxer, Grt Dane Ms. D. Dean: Berns Mtn, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kom, Portuguese, St Bern Dr. L. M. Fowler: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. D. Kniola Mrs. D. Kniola: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. D. Kniola Mr. P. M. Martin: Affenp, Cav KC Spans, Chin Cr Dr. J. W. Edwards: J Chin, Min Pin, Pap, Peke, Pug Mrs. D. Kniola: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. Kniola Dr. J. W. Edwards: Bulldog, Fr Bull Mrs. D. Kniola: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. D. Dean Ms. D. Dean: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. L. M. Fowler Dr. L. M. Fowler: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Dr. L. M. Fowler NJ Augusta (O) (PENDING APPROVAL) NORTHERN NEW JERSEY AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD CLUB (S) Sussex Cty Farm & Horseshows Grds Plains Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $30.00 Mr. V. Clemente: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Andrea Blizard NJ Augusta* (I/O) PALISADES KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Sussex Cty Farm & Horseshows Grds Plains Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $32.00-1st/ $27.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW P. J. Green SPORTING Group: Mr. J. Richardson Ms. E. Muthard: Set-Gord Mrs. V. Creamer: Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab Mr. J. Richardson: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Ms. E. Muthard: Sib Hky Mr. F. G. Ferris: Akita, Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Boxer, Bullm, Dobe, Grt Pyr, Sam, Std Schn Mr. V. Clemente: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: E. Sweigart Mr. C. L. Olvis: Austr, Bull Ter, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Parson Russell, Sealym E. Sweigart: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. E. Muthard Ms. E. Muthard: Affenp, Chihua, Eng Toy Sp, J Chin, Toy Manch, Peke, Toy Fox Terrier Mrs. M. D. Williams: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. S. Clapp Mrs. M. D. Williams: Pood Mrs. C. S. Clapp: Am Esk Dog, Shar-Pei, Dalm, Fin Spitz, Fr Bull, Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd, Xoloitzcuintli P. J. Green: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. M. D. Williams Mrs. M. D. Williams: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. C. S. Clapp Mrs. C. S. Clapp: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. A. L. Cartwright: Nov A, PNOV, Open B, POPN, Util A, PUTL J. M. Charest: Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Grad Openr, Util B, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. V. Creamer SWEEPS VETERANS: Grt Pyr Andy Ritter SWEEPS PUPPY: Grt Pyr Andy Ritter SWEEPS VETERANS: Sib Hky Denise Garber SWEEPS PUPPY: Sib Hky Denise Garber NJ Augusta (O) SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB OF NORTHERN NEW JERSEY Sussex Cty Farm & Horseshows Grds Plains Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $29.00 Mr. D. K. Calderwood: Breed NM Los Lunas (O) ROTTWEILER CLUB OF NEW MEXICO (S) Heritage Park 3447 Lambros Road (Frontage Road, US47) CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Mr. R. H. Menaker: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Ms. Lorna Hastings SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Lorna Hastings

NM Los Lunas* (O) VALENCIA VALLEY KENNEL CLUB OF NEW MEXICO Heritage Park 3447 Lambros Road (Frontage Road, US47) CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza SPORTING Group: Mr. E. J. Ringle Mrs. P. A. Hess: Set-Eng, Set-Gord, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr Mr. R. H. Menaker: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. D. Markus Mr. R. G. Forastieri Gonzalez: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. E. J. Ringle Mr. G. L. Andersen: Alas Mal, Dobe, Sib Hky Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. D. Markus Mr. R. H. Menaker: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. G. Forastieri Gonzalez Mr. R. H. Mullen: Affenp, Eng Toy Sp (B & PC), Toy Manch, Shih Tzu, Pood Toy, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mr. D. Markus: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. G. L. Andersen Mr. G. L. Andersen: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza Mr. E. J. Ringle: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. G. L. Andersen Mr. G. L. Andersen: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. R. H. Mullen: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Grad Openr, Util A Mrs. P. A. Hess: Nov B, Open B, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. R. J. Mysliwiec, Jr. NV Las Vegas (I) BLACK MOUNTAIN KENNEL CLUB OF NEVADA (S) Riviera Hotel 2901 Las Vegas Blvd South CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. S. R. Lyons SPORTING Group: Mr. C. E. Trotter Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Brit, Set-Irsh Mr. E. Blake: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. E. Blake Mr. E. Blake: Borz Mrs. M. Compagnon: Dach, Whip Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. P. V. Trotter Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Grt Dane Mrs. L. K. Davis: Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Bullm, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dobe, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Giant Schn Mr. C. E. Trotter: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. L. K. Davis Mr. C. E. Trotter: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. V. L. Abbott Mr. C. E. Trotter: Pom Ms. S. R. Lyons: Pood Toy Mr. E. Blake: Bruss Grif, Toy Fox Terrier Mrs. V. L. Abbott: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. V. L. Abbott Mrs. T. Stevens: Bulldog Ms. S. R. Lyons: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. L. K. Davis Mr. L. K. Davis: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. M. Compagnon Mrs. M. Compagnon: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. L. Morgan SWEEPS PUPPY: Bulldog Carlos Albuquerque OH Urbana (I) MAD RIVER VALLEY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Champaign County Fairgrounds SR 68 & SR 55 CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. G. Kerr SPORTING Group: Ms. B. Hale Ms. B. Hale: Brit, Pointer, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Irw, Spin Ital, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mrs. K. Lorentzen: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr. S. L. Faw: Port Pd Peq Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr.: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. S. A. Krogh Mrs. S. A. Krogh: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. R. M. Davis T. Price: Am Staff Mrs. R. M. Davis: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. D. M. Krogh Mr. D. M. Krogh: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. M. L. Wuest Ms. M. L. Wuest: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr. Ms. G. Kerr: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. G. Kerr Ms. G. Kerr: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr. OK Enid* (I) SOONER STATE KENNEL CLUB Garfield County Fairgrounds East Oxford Ave. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $27.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. B. L. Clarke SPORTING Group: Mrs. H. L. James S. Anderson: Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab Ms. B. L. Clarke: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. B. L. Clarke Mrs. H. L. James: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. A. Cuneo Ms. B. L. Clarke: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: C. A. Herbel Mrs. H. L. James: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. B. L. Clarke Mrs. H. L. James: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. H. L. James Mrs. A. Cuneo: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. H. L. James Mrs. A. Cuneo: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. B. L. Clarke Ms. B. L. Clarke: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Miss B. Lee: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. H. L. James

Dog News 97

TN Nashville (I) CHINESE CRESTED CLUB OF NASHVILLE Tennessee State Fairgrounds 500 Wedgewood Ave. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Tondalea H. Wright, SHW SEC, PO BOX 828, C/O ROY JONES DOG SHOWS, AUBURN, IN 46706 FEE: $26.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. P. J. Hauck: Breed TN Nashville (I) MIDDLE TENNESSEE CHOW CHOW FANCIERS Tennessee State Fairgrounds 500 Wedgewood Ave. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Sandra Lopez, SHW SEC, PO BOX 828, C/O ROY JONES DOG SHOWS, AUBURN, IN 46706 FEE: $25.00 Mrs. P. D. Carr: Breed TN Nashville (I) MUSIC CITY BULLDOG CLUB Tennessee State Fairgrounds 500 Wedgewood Ave. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Celisa Peters, SHW SEC, PO BOX 828, C/O ROY JONES DOG SHOWS, AUBURN, IN 46706 FEE: $26.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Mrs. B. Staley: Breed TN Nashville (I) TRI-STAR KENNEL CLUB OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TENNESSEE Tennessee State Fairgrounds 500 Wedgewood Ave. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. A. D. Hearn SPORTING Group: Mrs. L. Boutwell Mr. E. E. Bivin: Pntr-GS Mrs. L. Boutwell: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. L. Boutwell Mrs. L. Boutwell: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. E. E. Bivin Mr. E. E. Bivin: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. W. F. Potter, II Mrs. P. J. Hauck: Manch Ter Mr. W. F. Potter, II: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. P. J. Hauck Mrs. P. J. Hauck: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Hava, I Greyhnd, Eng Toy Sp (KC & R), J Chin, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mrs. A. D. Hearn: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. J. Hauck Mrs. B. Staley: Boston Mr. E. E. Bivin: Bulldog, Chow Mr. M. Staley: Dalm, Fr Bull Mrs. P. J. Hauck: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. L. R. James Mrs. L. R. James: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. L. R. James Mrs. L. R. James: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. M. Staley TX Canton (O) TYLER TEXAS KENNEL CLUB Arbors I, II, III Flea Market Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $24.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. R. A. Bell SPORTING Group: Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine Ms. R. A. Bell: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. R. A. Bell F. R. Vogel: Borz, Dach, Greyhnd, Ir Wolf, ScotDeer K. L. Beliew: Basset, Bloodhnd, Ibizan, Nor Elk, Otter, PBGV, Pharaoh, Whip Mrs. L. E. Hiltz: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. D. Hansen W. A. Hargreaves: Boxer, Grt Dane Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman: Manch Ter Mrs. D. Hansen: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. L. E. Hiltz Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Chihua Mrs. L. E. Hiltz: Malt, Min Pin, Pap, Toy Manch, Peke, Pom, Yorks Mrs. D. Hansen: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. Hansen K. L. Beliew: Pood, Schip Mrs. L. E. Hiltz: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Tib Span D. Dickey: Boston, Bulldog, Fr Bull Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. L. E. Hiltz Ms. R. A. Bell: Card-WC Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. R. A. Bell Ms. R. A. Bell: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: D. Dickey WI Caledonia* (I/O) (PENDING APPROVAL) GREAT PYRENEES CLUB OF METROPOLITAN MILWAUKEE (S) Greater Racine KC Show Ground 6320 Six Mile Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Ms. Penny Janz, SHW SEC, S52 W 33400 Red Fox Way, North Prairie, WI 53153 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. K. J. Murray: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Ms. E. M. Olson: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY WI Caledonia* (I/O) (PENDING APPROVAL) GREAT PYRENEES CLUB OF METROPOLITAN MILWAUKEE (S) Greater Racine KC Show Ground 6320 Six Mile Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Penny Janz, SHW SEC, S52 W33400 Red Fox Way, North Prairie, WI 53153 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Dr. P. Princehouse: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Ms. E. M. Olson: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. Delbert L Thacker

98 Dog News

OCTOBER 12 - SATURDAY thru OCTOBER 13 - SUNDAY IL Crystal Lake (I) CHIHUAHUA CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (2) Holiday Inn Crystal Lake 800 South Route 31 CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mr. S. Hayden: Breed, Jr. Showmanship

OCTOBER 13 - SUNDAY CA Pomona* (I) DOBERMAN PINSCHER CLUB OF AMERICA (S) Los Angeles County Fairplex 1101 W. McKinley Ave. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 3:00 a.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. G. E. Marquis: Breed Ms. T. S. Bloom: Jr. Showmanship Mr. K. B. Miller: Nov A, Open B, Util A Mr. L. J. Libeu: Nov B, Open A, Util B SWEEPS VETERANS Carol Petruzzo SWEEPS PUPPY Carol Petruzzo FL Arcadia (I/O) GREATER VENICE FLORIDA DOG CLUB Turner Agri-Civic Center 2250 N.E. Roan Street CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. J. Buxton Mrs. D. J. Buxton: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. R. A. Indeglia Dr. R. A. Indeglia: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Mrs. G. Geringer: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. B. Dale Ms. B. Dale: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. D. C. Mounce Ms. D. C. Mounce: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. K. A. Buxton Mr. K. A. Buxton: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Mrs. G. Geringer: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Miss K. N. Dahlberg IA Mason City* (I) MASON CITY KENNEL CLUB North Iowa Fairgrounds All Seasons Highway 18 West 3700 4th St SW CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW L. E. Stanbridge SPORTING Group: Mrs. N. Liebes Mrs. N. Liebes: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. J. A. Penta Mrs. J. A. Penta: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. G. C. Penta Dr. G. C. Penta: Newf L. E. Stanbridge: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Dr. G. C. Penta Dr. G. C. Penta: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. J. A. Penta Mr. D. Rogers: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, Hava, Eng Toy Sp Mrs. J. A. Penta: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. G. C. Penta Dr. G. C. Penta: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. D. Rogers Mr. D. Rogers: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. J. A. Penta Mrs. J. A. Penta: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. R. Capsel: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Open B Ms. S. Emerson: Nov B, Open A, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. D. Rogers ID Boise* (O) IDAHO CAPITAL CITY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Expo Idaho Western Idaho Fairgrounds 5610 Glenwood Glenwood & Chinden Blvds CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW *Pending SPORTING Group: Mrs. L. M. Riedel Mr. R. G. Beauchamp: Ret-Ches, Ret-Gold Mrs. L. M. Riedel: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. L. Boileau Mr. L. Boileau: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. P. Hastings Mrs. P. Hastings: Boxer Mr. D. Thompson: Akita, AnatolShep, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dobe, Dogue de Brdx, Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kom, Kuv, Leonberger, Nepltn Mastiff, Newf Mr. J. R. Cole: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: *Pending Mr. L. Boileau: Manch Ter Mrs. P. Hastings: Balance of Terrier Breeds *Pending: Bdlgtn, Cesky Terrier, Glen Imaal, Min Bull Terrs, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Skye TOY Group: Mr. R. G. Beauchamp Mr. J. R. Cole: Bruss Grif, Malt, Min Pin, Toy Manch, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier Mr. R. G. Beauchamp: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Col. H. R. Brizee Mr. R. G. Beauchamp: Bichon, Boston, Fr Bull Mrs. P. Hastings: Bulldog, Kees, Pood (Min) Col. H. R. Brizee: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. D. Thompson Mr. D. Thompson: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Col. H. R. Brizee Col. H. R. Brizee: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. C. S. Wray: Nov A, Open A, Grad Openr, Util B, Versatility Mr. R. J. Lewis: Nov B, Grad Novr, Open B, Util A L. Beck: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Col. H. R. Brizee

IL New Lenox* (I) SKYLINE COCKER CLUB, INC. (S) Main Building - Fred Francis 4-H Field Main Building Fred Francis 4-H Field Francis Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 1:00 a.m. Kevin Hughes, SHW SEC, 42 N Golfview Court, Glendale Heights, IL 60139 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd J. Hubbard: Breed Mr. F. Buroff: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Black) Betty Ann Cornish SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (ASCOB) Betty Ann Cornish SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Parti) Betty Ann Cornish IL Watseka (I/O) KANKAKEE RIVER VALLEY KENNEL CLUB Iroquois County Fairgrounds 1390 East 2000 North Rd. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. R. I. Spritzer SPORTING Group: Mr. M. J. Dachel Mrs. C. Spritzer: Brit, All Pointers, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Spin Ital, Vizs, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mr. M. J. Dachel: Balance of Sporting Breeds *No Classes: Span-Ckr HOUND Group: Mrs. C. Spritzer Dr. R. I. Spritzer: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: N. C. Russell D. Osborn: Newf Miss E. E. Vanden Avond: Akita, Alas Mal, Grt Pyr, Sam N. C. Russell: Balance of Working Breeds *No Classes: Sib Hky TERRIER Group: Mrs. J. Felten Mrs. J. Felten: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. M. J. Dachel Ms. S. Bingham-Porter: Malt Mrs. J. Felten: Toy Manch Mr. R. E. Hutton: Balance of Toy Breeds *No Classes: Chihua NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. E. Hutton N. C. Russell: Am Esk Dog, Shar-Pei, Chow, Dalm Mr. M. J. Dachel: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds *No Classes: Bulldog HERDING Group: Mr. L. Adams Mrs. C. Steiner: Coll Mr. L. Adams: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. L. Adams Mr. L. Adams: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Miss S. Congleton IN Crown Point (I) ILLIANA BULLDOG CLUB (S) Lake County Fairgrounds 889 S. Court Street CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Robin Russell, SHW SEC, 9084 BALTIMORE PHILLIPSBURG RD, BROOKVILLE, OH 45309 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $10.00-2nd Ms. R. A. Williams: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY KS Lawrence* (I) LAWRENCE JAYHAWK KENNEL CLUB, INC. Douglas County Fairgrounds New Comm. Center Douglas County 4-H Fairgrounds 1930 Harper ST CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. F. T. Sabella SPORTING Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Ms. K. A. Forbes: Brit, Pointer, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Set-Eng, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr, Span-Fld, Span-Wel Spr Mr. R. J. Shreve: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. K. A. Forbes Mr. N. Horn: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. D. Cozart Mr. R. J. Shreve: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mrs. J. Atwell-Paul: Manch Ter Mr. R. J. Shreve: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. D. Cozart Mr. F. T. Sabella: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. Cozart Mrs. D. Cozart: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. N. Horn Mr. N. Horn: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. K. A. Forbes Ms. K. A. Forbes: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. V. Kinion: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B Mrs. D. J. Propst: Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. K. A. Forbes MD West Friendship* (I) NATIONAL CAPITAL KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Howard County Fairgrounds 2210 Fairgrounds Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. C. P. Patterson SPORTING Group: Mrs. K. C. Wilson Ms. L. E. Weiss: Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr Mrs. K. C. Wilson: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. E. K. Martin N. L. Dougherty: Borz Dr. E. K. Martin: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: D. Thornton Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Boxer D. Thornton: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Dr. J. Klein Dr. J. Klein: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. J. R. Shoemaker J. Becerra-Hernandez: Yorks Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Pug, Pood Toy Mr. J. R. Shoemaker: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: J. Becerra-Hernandez J. Becerra-Hernandez: Fr Bull, Lhasa Dr. J. Dandridge: Fin Spitz, Schip, Tib Span Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: J. Becerra-Hernandez J. Becerra-Hernandez: All Herding Breeds *No Classes: GSD MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. R. Shoemaker Mr. J. R. Shoemaker: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES F. Cardillino: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr C. Marcantonio: Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN Mrs. L. Ferrullo: Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Dr. J. Dandridge SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Lab Jodi Riley

SWEEPS PUPPY: Berns Mtn Cathy Shipe SWEEPS VETERANS: Berns Mtn Cathy Shipe NC Wilmington (O) HANOVER KENNEL CLUB Legion Stadium 2149 Carolina Beach Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $27.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. R. H. Hilderman SPORTING Group: Mrs. S. Smith Dr. J. W. Edwards: Pointer Mrs. M. Meyer: Ret-Nova Scotia T Mrs. S. Smith: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. J. W. Edwards Mrs. M. Meyer: Nor Elk Mrs. S. Smith: B & T Coonhnd, Bluetick Coon, Dach, Ibizan, Otter, Redbone Coon Dr. R. H. Hilderman: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: B. Birdsong Mrs. M. Meyer: Akita, Alas Mal, Grt Pyr, Sam, Sib Hky B. Birdsong: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. M. Taylor Dr. J. W. Edwards: Fox Ter (Smooth), Manch Ter C. Taylor: Airdle, Border, Glen Imaal, Irish Ter, Kerry, Min Bull Terrs, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter Mr. M. Taylor: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: C. Taylor Dr. J. W. Edwards: I Greyhnd, Toy Manch Mr. M. Taylor: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Chihua C. Taylor: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. M. Meyer Dr. J. W. Edwards: Tib Ter Mrs. M. Meyer: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. M. Taylor Dr. J. W. Edwards: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv Mrs. L. Bianchi: AustrlShep, Coll, Pemb-WC, Shetld Mr. M. Taylor: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. J. W. Edwards Dr. J. W. Edwards: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. L. Bianchi NJ Augusta* (I/O) RAMAPO KENNEL CLUB (S) Sussex Cty Farm & Horseshows Grds Plains Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $32.00-1st/ $27.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. C. L. Olvis SPORTING Group: *Pending Mr. C. L. Olvis: Ret-Flat Ms. S. Willumsen: Balance of Sporting Breeds *Pending: Brit, Pointer, Pntr-GS, Pntr-GW, Ret-Curl, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Gord, Set-Irsh, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr (Black), Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Ckr (ASCOB), Span-Eng Spr, and more HOUND Group: T. L. Kirstein T. L. Kirstein: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: *Pending *Pending: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Dr. H. Kellogg Dr. H. Kellogg: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: *Pending Dr. H. Kellogg: Toy Manch Mr. C. L. Olvis: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. S. B. Tietjen Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: All Non-Sporting Breeds *Pending: Fin Spitz HERDING Group: Mrs. S. J. Wolfskill Ms. G. M. Bisher: Beard Coll Mrs. S. J. Wolfskill: Balance of Herding Breeds *No Classes: GSD MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. H. Kellogg Dr. H. Kellogg: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. K. A. Walker: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Util A Mr. L. Wilson: Nov B, Open B, Grad Openr, Util B, Versatility To Be Assigned: PNOV, POPN, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. G. M. Bisher SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Flat Catherine Elder SWEEPS VETERANS: Ret-Flat Catherine Elder SWEEPS VETERANS: Sib Hky Michael Marion SWEEPS PUPPY: Sib Hky Michael Marion SWEEPS PUPPY: Pemb-WC Richard Burd NJ Logan Township* (O) NORTHERN NEW JERSEY GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB Dream Park 400 Route 130 South Gloucester County CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Michelle Lustberg, SHW SEC, PO BOX 6898, C/O JIM RAU DOG SHOWS, READING, PA 19610 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $10.00-2nd M. Chaloux: Breed Mr. J. D. Landis: Obedience NM Los Lunas* (O) VALENCIA VALLEY KENNEL CLUB OF NEW MEXICO Heritage Park 3447 Lambros Road (Frontage Road, US47) CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. D. Markus SPORTING Group: Mr. R. H. Menaker Mr. E. J. Ringle: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. R. G. Forastieri Gonzalez Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza: Dach Mr. R. H. Menaker: Afghan, RhoRidge Mr. D. Markus: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza Mr. E. J. Ringle: Akita, Rottw Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza: Alas Mal, Dobe, Sib Hky Mr. R. H. Menaker: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. H. Menaker Mr. R. G. Forastieri Gonzalez: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. H. Mullen Mr. R. H. Menaker: Cav KC Spans, Toy Manch, Pug, Pood Toy Mr. R. G. Forastieri Gonzalez: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. G. Forastieri Gonzalez Mr. R. H. Menaker: Bichon Mr. D. Markus: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds

SAVE THE DATE! Ring in the New Year with the...

Clemson Kennel Club Saturday & Sunday,

January 4th & 5th, 2014 T. Ed Garrison Arena Pendleton, South Carolina Enjoy our southern hospitality with free hot chocolate and coffee each morning. All exhibitors are invited to join us for hors d’oeuvres and beverages durning Groups and Best In Show on Saturday, January 4, 2014. Don’t miss the Best Bred By Exhibitor competition with a cash prize of $200 for Best Bred By Exhibitor In Show on Saturday! B/OB AKC Sanctioned Match on Friday, January 3, 2014 6:30 p.m. New this year....Raffle Baskets & a 50/50 drawing on Saturday. Plenty of RV hookups!

Entries Close at 12:00 Noon Wednesday, December 18th, 2013

We Hope To See You There! Dog News 99

HERDING Group: Mr. D. Markus Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. P. A. Hess Mrs. P. A. Hess: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. P. A. Hess: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, Grad Novr, Open A, Grad Openr, Util A Mr. R. H. Mullen: Nov B, Begnr Nov B, Open B, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. P. A. Hess NV Las Vegas (I) BLACK MOUNTAIN KENNEL CLUB OF NEVADA Riviera Hotel 2901 Las Vegas Blvd South CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. V. L. Abbott SPORTING Group: Ms. S. R. Lyons Mr. C. E. Trotter: Brit Ms. S. R. Lyons: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. P. V. Trotter Mr. L. K. Davis: Whip Mr. E. Blake: Afghan, Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Basenji, Basset, Bgle, B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Bluetick Coon, Dach, Eng Fox, Greyhnd Mr. C. E. Trotter: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. C. E. Trotter Mr. L. K. Davis: Boxer, Dobe, Grt Dane Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Bullm, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Giant Schn Mrs. L. K. Davis: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. C. E. Trotter Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Am Staff, Parson Russell, Soft Coated Mr. L. K. Davis: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. E. Blake Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Min Pin Mrs. V. L. Abbott: Bruss Grif, Pood Toy, Toy Fox Terrier Mr. E. Blake: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. E. Blake Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Bulldog Mrs. V. L. Abbott: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. L. K. Davis Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Brdr Coll Mrs. L. K. Davis: Shetld Mr. C. E. Trotter: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. S. R. Lyons Ms. S. R. Lyons: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. A. Owen OH Urbana (I) MAD RIVER VALLEY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Champaign County Fairgrounds SR 68 & SR 55 CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr. SPORTING Group: Ms. G. Kerr Ms. G. Kerr: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. S. A. Krogh Mrs. S. A. Krogh: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. P. J. Foulk Mrs. P. J. Foulk: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. K. G. Bates Mr. K. G. Bates: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. S. A. Krogh Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr.: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. D. M. Krogh Mr. D. M. Krogh: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. L. Palarik Ms. L. Palarik: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. K. G. Bates Mr. K. G. Bates: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. D. M. Krogh OK Enid* (I) SOONER STATE KENNEL CLUB Garfield County Fairgrounds East Oxford Ave. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $27.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. A. Cuneo SPORTING Group: Ms. B. L. Clarke Mrs. H. L. James: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. H. L. James Ms. B. L. Clarke: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. B. L. Clarke C. A. Herbel: Akita, AnatolShep, Bullm, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Nepltn Mastiff, Portuguese Mrs. A. Cuneo: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. H. L. James C. A. Herbel: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. H. L. James Ms. B. L. Clarke: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. Cuneo Ms. D. Barrett: Bichon, Boston, Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Chow, Fr Bull Mrs. H. L. James: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. A. Cuneo Mrs. H. L. James: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. A. Cuneo Mrs. A. Cuneo: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Miss B. Lee: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. D. Barrett TN Nashville (I) TRI-STAR KENNEL CLUB OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TENNESSEE Tennessee State Fairgrounds 500 Wedgewood Ave. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. E. E. Bivin SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. D. Hearn Mrs. A. D. Hearn: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. W. F. Potter, II Mr. W. F. Potter, II: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. F. Haupt Mrs. F. Haupt: AnatolShep, Dobe, Mast, Newf, Portuguese, Rottw, St Bern, Sib Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mrs. L. Boutwell: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. A. D. Hearn Mrs. A. D. Hearn: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. L. Boutwell Mrs. L. Boutwell: Hava, Pap, Peke, Yorks Mr. E. E. Bivin: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. L. Boutwell P. Capozzolo: Boston, Chow, Fr Bull Mrs. A. D. Hearn: Bichon, Shar-Pei, Dalm, Fin Spitz Mrs. L. Boutwell: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. F. Haupt Mrs. F. Haupt: All Herding Breeds

100 Dog News

MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. E. E. Bivin Mr. E. E. Bivin: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: P. Capozzolo


TX Canton (O) TYLER TEXAS KENNEL CLUB Arbors I, II, III Flea Market Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. L. E. Hiltz SPORTING Group: Ms. R. A. Bell Mr. T. W. Schulz: Ret-Gold Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman: All Pointers, Ret-Ches, Ret-Flat, Set-Gord, Span-Clum, Span-Fld, Span-Wel Spr Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. L. E. Hiltz Mr. T. P. Stanfield, Jr.: Nor Elk K. L. Beliew: Bgle (13 Under), Ir Wolf, ScotDeer Ms. R. A. Bell: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman Mrs. D. Hansen: Chinook, Leonberger, Nepltn Mastiff, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. T. P. Stanfield, Jr.: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. D. Hansen Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. D. Hansen Mrs. D. Hansen: Yorks Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman: Malt, Min Pin, Pap, Toy Manch, Peke, Pom, Shih Tzu, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier Mrs. L. E. Hiltz: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman M. Otten: Boston, Bulldog Mrs. D. Hansen: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine Mrs. L. E. Hiltz: Beard Coll, Beauceron, Briard, Canaan, Card-WC, Fin Laph, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, Pol Low Shp, Pulik, Pyre Shep, Swed Vallhund Mrs. M. Bittner: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: K. L. Beliew

CA Pomona (I) DOBERMAN PINSCHER CLUB OF AMERICA (3) Los Angeles County Fairplex 1101 W. McKinley Ave. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. P. M. Martin: B Mrs. N. Vorzimer: D Mrs. J. B. Van Wormer: I, Jr. Showmanship

OCTOBER 14 - MONDAY CT South Windsor* (O) TARTAN GORDON SETTER CLUB (S) Grounds of the Rotary Pavillion Abby Road Extension (off Sand Hill Road); address is 150 Nevers Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Catherine Hill, SHW SEC, 4433 244TH ST, DOUGLASTON, NY 11363 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Ms. K. M. McAteer: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. L. S. Moore: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY Karen Gatchell NJ Augusta* (I/O) RAMAPO KENNEL CLUB Sussex Cty Farm & Horseshows Grds Plains Road CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $32.00-1st/ $27.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW *Pending SPORTING Group: *Pending Ms. E. Muthard: All Sporting Breeds *No Classes: Set-Gord *Pending: Brit, Pointer, Pntr-GS, Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Eng, Set-Irsh, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr (Black), Span-Eng Ckr, and more HOUND Group: *Pending *Pending: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: *Pending *Pending: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. B. K. Kneale Ms. B. K. Kneale: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: *Pending Ms. B. K. Kneale: All Toy Breeds *Pending: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua (Long), Chin Cr, Chihua (Smooth), Hava, I Greyhnd, Eng Toy Sp (B & PC), Eng Toy Sp (KC & R), J Chin, Malt, Min Pin, Pap, Peke, Pom, Pug, Shih Tzu, Silky, Toy and more NON-SPORTING Group: *Pending Ms. B. K. Kneale: All Non-Sporting Breeds *Pending: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Boston, Bulldog, SharPei, Chow, Dalm, Fin Spitz, Fr Bull, Kees, Lhasa, Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd, Schip, Shiba Inu, Tib Span, Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli HERDING Group: *Pending Ms. E. Muthard: All Herding Breeds *Pending: Austrl Cat Dg, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Terv, Brdr Coll, Canaan, Coll (Rough), Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, Coll (Smooth), Nor Buhund, Pulik, Pyre Shep, Swed Vallhund MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. B. K. Kneale Ms. B. K. Kneale: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. L. Wilson: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Util A Ms. K. A. Walker: Nov B, Open B, Grad Openr, Util B, Versatility To Be Assigned: PNOV, POPN, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. B. K. Kneale

OCTOBER 15 - TUESDAY CA Pomona (I) DOBERMAN PINSCHER CLUB OF AMERICA (P) Los Angeles County Fairplex 1101 W. McKinley Ave. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $18.00 FUTURITY: Dobe Andy Linton SWEEPS VETERANS: Dobe Angie Monteleon-Gilbert

OCTOBER 16 - WEDNESDAY OH Huron (I) ENGLISH SETTER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, INC. (P) Sawmill Creek Lodge 400 Sawmill Creek CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FUTURITY: Set-Eng Ms. Maureen A Day SWEEPS VETERANS: Set-Eng Mr. Garth Gourlay MATURITY: Set-Eng Ms. Maureen A Day

OCTOBER 17 - THURSDAY GA Atlanta (I) ATLANTA TERRIER CLUB (S) Atlanta Exposition Cntr South 3850 Jonesboro Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. J. Richardson: Terrier Group, Border, Norfolk, Norwich, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated Mrs. K. C. Wilson: Airdle, Am Staff, Austr, Bdlgtn, Bull Ter (Color), Cairn, Bull Ter (White), Cesky Terrier, Dandie, Glen Imaal, Min Bull Terrs, Parson Russell, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Irish Ter, Kerry, Lakelnd, Std Manch, Min Schn, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr SWEEPS PUPPY: Airdle SWEEPS VETERANS: Airdle SWEEPS PUPPY: Am Staff SWEEPS VETERANS: Am Staff SWEEPS PUPPY: Austr SWEEPS VETERANS: Austr SWEEPS PUPPY: Bdlgtn SWEEPS VETERANS: Bdlgtn SWEEPS PUPPY: Border SWEEPS VETERANS: Border SWEEPS PUPPY: Bull Ter (Color) SWEEPS VETERANS: Bull Ter (Color) SWEEPS PUPPY: Bull Ter (White) SWEEPS VETERANS: Bull Ter (White) SWEEPS VETERANS: Cairn SWEEPS PUPPY: Cairn SWEEPS PUPPY: Cesky Terrier SWEEPS VETERANS: Cesky Terrier SWEEPS PUPPY: Dandie SWEEPS VETERANS: Dandie SWEEPS PUPPY: Fox Ter (Smooth) SWEEPS VETERANS: Fox Ter (Smooth) SWEEPS PUPPY: Glen Imaal SWEEPS VETERANS: Glen Imaal SWEEPS PUPPY: Irish Ter SWEEPS VETERANS: Irish Ter SWEEPS PUPPY: Kerry SWEEPS VETERANS: Kerry SWEEPS PUPPY: Lakelnd SWEEPS VETERANS: Lakelnd SWEEPS PUPPY: Std Manch SWEEPS VETERANS: Std Manch SWEEPS PUPPY: Min Bull Terrs SWEEPS VETERANS: Min Bull Terrs SWEEPS PUPPY: Min Schn SWEEPS VETERANS: Min Schn SWEEPS PUPPY: Norfolk SWEEPS VETERANS: Norfolk SWEEPS PUPPY: Norwich SWEEPS VETERANS: Norwich SWEEPS PUPPY: Parson Russell SWEEPS VETERANS: Parson Russell SWEEPS PUPPY: Rat Terrier SWEEPS VETERANS: Rat Terrier SWEEPS PUPPY: Russel Terr SWEEPS VETERANS: Russel Terr SWEEPS PUPPY: Scotti SWEEPS VETERANS: Scotti SWEEPS PUPPY: Sealym SWEEPS VETERANS: Sealym SWEEPS PUPPY: Skye SWEEPS VETERANS: Skye SWEEPS PUPPY: Soft Coated SWEEPS VETERANS: Soft Coated SWEEPS PUPPY: Staf Bull SWEEPS VETERANS: Staf Bull SWEEPS PUPPY: Welsh Ter SWEEPS VETERANS: Welsh Ter SWEEPS PUPPY: Wst Highlnd SWEEPS VETERANS: Wst Highlnd GA Atlanta (I) CANAAN DOG CLUB OF AMERICA (S) Atlanta Exposition Cntr South 3850 Jonesboro Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd N. L. Van Camp: Breed A. M. Pough: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Amanda M Pough SWEEPS VETERANS Amanda M Pough GA Atlanta (I) DACHSHUND CLUB OF METROPOLITAN ATLANTA (S) Atlanta Exposition Cntr South 3850 Jonesboro Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd L. A. Kraft: Breed Mrs. M. Riese-Bassel: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Long) Mrs. Meghen Riese-Bassel GA Atlanta (I) DOGWOOD ROTTWEILER CLUB OF METROPOLITAN ATLANTA (S) Atlanta Exposition Cntr South 3850 Jonesboro Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $29.00 Mrs. K. Steen: Breed M. Macke: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Jasmine Lyon SWEEPS PUPPY Jasmine Lyon

GA Atlanta (I) GEORGIA BOXER CLUB Atlanta Exposition Cntr South 3850 Jonesboro Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Breed, Jr. Showmanship GA Atlanta (I) GEORGIA BRITTANY CLUB (S) Atlanta Exposition Cntr South 3850 Jonesboro Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. A. Berrios: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Mr. Kevin Reynolds SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. Kevin Reynolds GA Atlanta (I) GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER CLUB OF ATLANTA (S) Atlanta Exposition Cntr South 3850 Jonesboro Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00 Mrs. A. S. Bolus: Breed Mr. D. Bolus: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Jerry Cerasini SWEEPS PUPPY Jerry Cerasini GA Atlanta (I) GREATER ATLANTA TOY DOG ASSOCIATION Atlanta Exposition Cntr South 3850 Jonesboro Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Mr. M. E. Moore: Toy Group, Hava, I Greyhnd, Eng Toy Sp (B & PC), Eng Toy Sp (KC & R), J Chin, Pap, Pom, Silky Mr. R. E. Garren: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Chihua (Long), Chihua (Smooth), Chin Cr, Pood Toy Mr. R. Stein: Cav KC Spans, Malt, Min Pin, Toy Manch, Peke, Pug, Shih Tzu, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks GA Atlanta (I) IRISH SETTER CLUB OF GEORGIA, INC. (S) Atlanta Exposition Cntr South 3850 Jonesboro Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $29.00-2nd Mr. D. J. Murphy: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Mrs. Kimberly Kazee SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Kimberly Kazee GA Atlanta (I) NORTH GEORGIA HOUND ASSOCIATION (S) Atlanta Exposition Cntr South 3850 Jonesboro Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $29.00-2nd Mrs. A. S. Bolus: Hound Group, Amer English Coon, Basenji, Basset, Bgle (13 Under), Bgle (Over 13), Bloodhnd, Greyhnd, Ibizan, Pharaoh, Plott, Port Pd Peq, RhoRidge, Treeing Walker Coon, Misc Breeds , Cirneco, and more Mr. D. Bolus: Afghan, Am Fox, B & T Coonhnd, Bluetick Coon, Borz, Eng Fox, Harr, Ir Wolf, Nor Elk, Otter, PBGV, Redbone Coon, Saluki, ScotDeer A. L. Odom: Whip *No Classes: Dach (Long), Dach (Smooth), Dach (Wire) A. Bradford, M.D.: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS: Whip Joey Johnson SWEEPS PUPPY: Whip Joey Johnson IL Springfield (I) ILLINOIS CAPITOL KENNEL CLUB, INC. IL State Fairgrounds - Expo Bldg Illinois State Fairgrounds Exposition Bldg Sangamon Avenue Peoria Rd Bus 55 CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. P. V. Trotter SPORTING Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mrs. P. V. Trotter: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Professor D. C. Taylor Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Basenji, Bgle, PBGV, RhoRidge Professor D. C. Taylor: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mr. J. R. Cole: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. A. Katona Mrs. A. Katona: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. C. E. Trotter Mr. C. E. Trotter: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. Katona Mrs. A. Katona: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. K. A. Buxton Mr. K. A. Buxton: All Herding Breeds *No Classes: OES MISCELLANEOUS Group: Professor D. C. Taylor Professor D. C. Taylor: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Professor D. C. Taylor MO Gray Summit (I/O) OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (P) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd SWEEPS PUPPY: OES Marnie Harris SWEEPS VETERANS: OES Marnie Harris NJ Bridgewater* (O) MID JERSEY LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB (S) Days Inn 1260 Route 22 CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 12:00 p.m. Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT Ms. S. Power: B S. Celentano: D, I Mrs. E. J. Lessig: Jr. Showmanship Mrs. L. Ferrullo: Obedience

SWEEPS VETERANS Mr. Charles Bucky Simpson SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. Charles Bucky Simpson OH Wilmington (I) BULL TERRIER CLUB OF AMERICA (P) Roberts Centre 123 Gano Rd. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Judy Morrison, SHW SEC, PO BOX 357, MURRYSVILLE, PA 15668 FUTURITY: Bull Ter (Color) Steve Schmidt FUTURITY: Bull Ter (White) Steve Schmidt TX Belton (I) STEPHENVILLE KENNEL CLUB OF TEXAS Bell County Exposition Center 301 West Loop 121 CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. R. Shoreman SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. P. Patterson Mrs. R. Shoreman: Weim Mrs. D. L. McKinley: Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab Mr. L. C. Abbott: Brit, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Span-Boykin, Span-Wel Spr, Spin Ital, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: M. Shoreman Mrs. K. Arends: Am Fox, Basenji, B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Bluetick Coon, Eng Fox, Harr, Nor Elk, Otter, Whip M. Shoreman: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. Gschwender Mr. R. Gschwender: Boxer Mrs. R. Shoreman: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: M. Shoreman Mr. L. C. Abbott: Manch Ter M. Shoreman: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. L. C. Abbott Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Malt Mr. L. C. Abbott: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. P. Patterson Mrs. R. Shoreman: Boston Mrs. K. Arends: Shar-Pei Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. R. Gschwender Mrs. R. Shoreman: AustrlShep Mr. R. Gschwender: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. R. Shoreman Mrs. R. Shoreman: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. K. Arends

OCTOBER 17 - THURSDAY thru OCTOBER 18 - FRIDAY MO Gray Summit (I) OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (2) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $38.00-1st/ $33.00-2nd M. D. Doherty: Breed Mr. D. L. Brown: Jr. Showmanship OH Huron (I) ENGLISH SETTER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, INC. (2) Sawmill Creek Lodge 400 Sawmill Creek CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mrs. M. Alston: B, I Mr. J. S. Covey: D Dr. B. J. Parsons: Jr. Showmanship

OCTOBER 18 - FRIDAY CA Los Gatos (O) (PENDING APPROVAL) BULLDOG CLUB OF AMERICA (S) Los Gatos Lodge 50 Saratoga Ave CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Richard Seeno, SHW SEC, PO BOX 977, CLAYTON, CA 94517 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd SWEEPS PUPPY William Ortiz CA Pleasanton* (O) GOLDEN GATE LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB (S) Alameda County Fairgrounds 4501 Pleasanton Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $19.00-2nd Mrs. V. Creamer: B, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. M. E. Prior: D, I Mr. A. W. Eng: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Linda Schiele SWEEPS PUPPY Linda Schiele CA Pleasanton* (O) NOR-CAL GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB (S) Alameda County Fairgrounds 4501 Pleasanton Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd Ms. N. E. Talbott: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. R. D. Doan: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Util A, Util B C. Riback: Open A, Open B, Veteran SWEEPS VETERANS Marjorie Blake SWEEPS PUPPY Marjorie Blake CA Pleasanton* (I) POODLE CLUB OF CENTRAL CALIFORNIA Alameda County Fairgrounds 4501 Pleasanton Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. L. M. Guerrero: Breed Mrs. L. Cox: Obedience

CA Pleasanton* (I/O) SKYLINE DOG FANCIERS OF SAN MATEO COUNTY (S) Alameda County Fairgrounds 4501 Pleasanton Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $33.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. S. Dillin SPORTING Group: Mr. K. J. Murray Mrs. D. Campbell-Freeman: Span-Eng Ckr Mrs. S. Dillin: Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Spr Mr. K. J. Murray: All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Spin Ital, Vizs, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Ms. M. Martorella: Balance of Sporting Breeds *No Classes: Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab HOUND Group: Mrs. J. P. Anselm Mrs. K. R. Moore: Afghan Ms. M. Martorella: Basenji Mr. L. M. Guerrero: Whip R. E. Yurick: Ibizan, Ir Wolf, RhoRidge, Saluki J. C. Vasconsellos: Borz, Greyhnd, Pharaoh, Port Pd Peq, ScotDeer Mrs. J. P. Anselm: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. K. Anselm Ms. V. Kollar: Boxer Ms. S. Pretari Hickson: St Bern Ms. C. I. Alexander: Std Schn Mrs. J. P. Anselm: Blk Russn Terrier, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Mast Mrs. J. E. Mears: Akita, Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Newf, Rottw Dr. K. Anselm: Dobe, Grt Dane, Portuguese, Sam, Sib Hky Mr. K. J. Murray: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. J. L. Stacy Ms. C. I. Alexander: Bull Ter, Min Bull Terrs Mrs. J. L. Stacy: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. E. Hall Mrs. J. L. Stacy: Toy Manch Ms. C. I. Alexander: Bruss Grif, Shih Tzu Mr. R. E. Hall: Cav KC Spans, Pood Toy, Silky Mr. L. S. Reppond: J Chin, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mrs. S. Dillin: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. M. Canestrini Mr. R. E. Hall: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. M. Canestrini Mrs. M. Canestrini: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. J. P. Anselm Mrs. J. P. Anselm: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. H. Doan: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B H. Olbrich: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B Mrs. B. H. Humer: Grad Openr, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. K. J. Murray SWEEPS PUPPY: Pntr-GS Christine Tye SWEEPS VETERANS: Pntr-GS Christine Tye SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Eng Ckr Lynda Gall SWEEPS VETERANS: Span-Eng Ckr Lynda Gall SWEEPS VETERANS: Min Bull Terrs Sallie Cummings SWEEPS PUPPY: Min Bull Terrs Sallie Cummings SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Eng Spr Dr. Robert (Bo) C Gloster M.D. SWEEPS VETERANS: Span-Eng Spr Dr. Robert (Bo) C Gloster M.D. CO Pueblo (I) AMERICAN CHESAPEAKE CLUB, INC. (P) Colorado State Fairgrounds Beaulah & Summit St. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Sue Scott, SHW SEC, 28485 MID JONES RD, CALHAN, CO 80808 SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Ches John Martin SWEEPS VETERANS: Ret-Ches John Martin GA Atlanta (I) DOUGLASVILLE KENNEL CLUB OF GEORGIA (S) Atlanta Exposition Cntr South 3850 Jonesboro Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. K. C. Wilson SPORTING Group: Mr. D. J. Murphy Mr. C. G. Liepmann: Brit, Pntr-GW Mr. R. Stein: Set-Gord, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh Mrs. K. C. Wilson: Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Eng, Span-Clum Mr. J. Richardson: Set-Irsh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Weim Mr. D. L. Kittredge: Pointer, Pntr-GS, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab Mr. D. J. Murphy: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. R. E. Garren Mr. J. Richardson: RhoRidge A. L. Odom: Borz, Dach, Greyhnd, Otter, Saluki, ScotDeer Mr. R. E. Garren: Afghan, Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Basenji, Basset, B & T Coonhnd, Pharaoh, Port Pd Peq Mrs. K. C. Wilson: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. K. Meredith-Cavanna Mr. C. G. Liepmann: Leonberger, Nepltn Mastiff, Tibtn Mastiff Mrs. K. Meredith-Cavanna: AnatolShep, Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Bullm, Chinook, Dobe, Mast, Newf, Portuguese, Sib Hky, Std Schn Mr. J. Richardson: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: D. McCoy D. McCoy: Glen Imaal, Irish Ter, Lakelnd, Norwich Norfolk, Parson Russell, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Mr. R. Stein: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. D. J. Murphy A. L. Odom: Min Pin Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Chin Cr, Eng Toy Sp (KC & R), Pood Toy D. McCoy: Hava, J Chin, Pap, Peke, Silky Mr. D. J. Murphy: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Eng Toy Sp (B & PC), Toy Fox Terrier Mr. R. E. Garren: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. D. J. Kirkland A. L. Odom: Boston, Bulldog Mr. D. L. Kittredge: Chow, Tib Span, Tib Ter Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. C. G. Liepmann A. L. Odom: AustrlShep Mr. C. G. Liepmann: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. C. G. Liepmann Mr. C. G. Liepmann: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: S. A. Rekuc SWEEPS PUPPY: Canaan Mrs. Linda Clark SWEEPS VETERANS: Canaan Mrs. Linda Clark

IL Springfield (I) MATTOON KENNEL CLUB, INC. IL State Fairgrounds - Expo Bldg Illinois State Fairgrounds Exposition Bldg Sangamon Avenue Peoria Rd Bus 55 CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. C. E. Trotter SPORTING Group: Mr. K. A. Buxton Mr. K. A. Buxton: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. A. Katona Mrs. A. Katona: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. D. J. Buxton Mr. C. E. Trotter: Berns Mtn Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Newf, Portuguese Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. P. V. Trotter Mrs. P. V. Trotter: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Min Pin, Toy Manch Mr. J. R. Cole: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mr. C. E. Trotter: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. J. W. Maloney Mr. J. W. Maloney: All Herding Breeds *No Classes: OES MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. K. A. Buxton Mr. K. A. Buxton: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. R. Cole MA W Springfield (I) ALBANY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Eastern States Exposition Grounds 1305 Memorial Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00 Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW D. P. Cline SPORTING Group: Dr. R. I. Spritzer D. P. Cline: Brit, Span-Fld, Span-Suss, Vizs, Weim Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Balance of Sporting Breeds *No Classes: Ret-Lab HOUND Group: Dr. R. I. Spritzer B. P. Threlfall: RhoRidge D. P. Cline: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: D. P. Cline B. P. Threlfall: Boxer, Sib Hky Mrs. T. P. Brown: Chinook, Grt Dane A. E. Bennett: Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Bullm, Cane Corso, Dobe, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Giant Schn A. Brown: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: A. Brown B. P. Threlfall: Border, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Kerry, Lakelnd, Min Schn, Norwich Norfolk, Soft Coated A. Brown: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. T. P. Brown B. P. Threlfall: Pug Mrs. T. P. Brown: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. T. P. Brown B. P. Threlfall: Bichon, Fr Bull D. P. Cline: Shar-Pei, Dalm, Kees, Pood, Tib Span, Tib Ter A. E. Bennett: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: A. E. Bennett B. P. Threlfall: OES A. E. Bennett: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: B. P. Threlfall B. P. Threlfall: All Miscellaneous Breeds MD Cumberland* (I/O) LAUREL HIGHLANDS KENNEL ASSOCIATION Allegany County Fairgrounds 11490 Moss Ave CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $23.00 Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. (. Ward SPORTING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. E. Muthard Mrs. B. D. Alderman: ScotDeer Ms. E. Muthard: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mrs. B. D. Alderman: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mrs. B. D. Alderman: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. E. Muthard Ms. E. Muthard: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. N. J. Glabicki: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. (. Ward NJ Bridgewater* (O) MID JERSEY LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB (S) Days Inn 1260 Route 22 CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 12:00 p.m. Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT S. Celentano: B Ms. S. Power: D, I Ms. L. Currey: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Veteran Mrs. B. Doering: Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B SWEEPS VETERANS Nicole McCarthy SWEEPS PUPPY Nicole McCarthy NJ Buena (O) GLOUCESTER COUNTY KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Buena Vista Family Campground 775 Harding Hwy CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $30.00 Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. A. Cuneo SPORTING Group: Mrs. R. D. Smith Ms. M. Espey: Pointer Mr. L. B. Stein: Ret-Nova Scotia T Mrs. D. L. Davis: Brit, Pntr-GS, Ret-Gold, All Setters, SpanClum, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Vizs, Weim Mrs. R. D. Smith: Balance of Sporting Breeds *No Classes: Ret-Lab HOUND Group: Dr. R. D. Smith Mrs. R. D. Smith: Borz, Eng Fox Ms. N. Bodine: Balance of Hound Breeds

WORKING Group: Dr. R. D. Smith Mr. L. B. Stein: Blk Russn Terrier Ms. N. Bodine: Cane Corso Dr. R. D. Smith: Grt Dane Mrs. R. D. Smith: Sib Hky Mrs. B. J. Parris: Berns Mtn, Boxer, Bullm, Dobe, Grt Pyr, Rottw Mrs. A. Cuneo: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. R. D. Smith Mrs. R. D. Smith: Rat Terrier, Russel Terr Dr. R. D. Smith: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Dr. R. D. Smith Mrs. B. J. Parris: Hava Ms. M. Espey: Pood Toy Dr. R. D. Smith: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. R. D. Smith Ms. M. Espey: Kees, Pood Mrs. R. D. Smith: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. N. Bodine Ms. N. Bodine: Briard, Card-WC, Coll, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, GSD, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, OES, Pulik Dr. R. D. Smith: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. R. D. Smith Dr. R. D. Smith: All Miscellaneous Breeds SWEEPS PUPPY: Set-Irsh Patty Fanelli OH Wilmington (I) BULL TERRIER CLUB OF AMERICA (P) Roberts Centre 123 Gano Rd. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Judy Morrison, SHW SEC, PO BOX 357, MURRYSVILLE, PA 15668 SWEEPS VETERANS: Bull Ter (Color) Kristy Utt D.V.M. SWEEPS PUPPY: Bull Ter (Color) Kristy Utt D.V.M. SWEEPS VETERANS: Bull Ter (White) Kristy Utt D.V.M. SWEEPS PUPPY: Bull Ter (White) Kristy Utt D.V.M. SD Rapid City* (I) RAPID CITY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Rushmore Plaza Civic Center 444 N Mt Rushmore Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. R. Hartinger SPORTING Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger Mr. J. E. Noe: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen Ms. S. Osburn: Whip Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. F. C. Bassett G. Milutinovich: Manch Ter Mrs. P. Hartinger: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger G. Milutinovich: Chin Cr, Eng Toy Sp, Toy Manch, Pap Mr. F. C. Bassett: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen G. Milutinovich: Boston, Lowch, Tib Span, Tib Ter Mr. F. C. Bassett: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. J. E. Noe Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. D. E. Herald: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen TX Belton (I) LONE STAR WEIMARANER CLUB (S) Bell County Exposition Center 301 West Loop 121 CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Cindy C Lane SWEEPS PUPPY Cindy C Lane TX Belton (I) STEPHENVILLE KENNEL CLUB OF TEXAS Bell County Exposition Center 301 West Loop 121 CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. Gschwender SPORTING Group: M. Shoreman Mr. R. Gschwender: Pntr-GS Mr. J. W. Young: Ret-Lab C. C. Lane: Set-Eng, Span-Ckr (ASCOB), Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Span-Ckr (Parti) Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Brit, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Span-Boykin, Span-Wel Spr, Spin Ital, Wirehair Ptg Grif M. Shoreman: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. R. Shoreman Mrs. K. Arends: Afghan, Basset, Bgle, Borz, Dach, Greyhnd, Ibizan, Ir Wolf, PBGV, RhoRidge, Saluki Mrs. R. Shoreman: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: M. Shoreman Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Boxer Mr. R. Gschwender: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. C. P. Patterson Mrs. C. P. Patterson: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. C. P. Patterson C. C. Lane: Chihua (Smooth) Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Bruss Grif, Chin Cr, Hava, Eng Toy Sp, I Greyhnd, Toy Manch, Pug, Toy Fox Terrier Ms. S. I. Wheat: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. S. I. Wheat Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Shar-Pei M. Shoreman: Am Esk Dog, Chow, Dalm Ms. S. I. Wheat: Bichon, Boston, Fr Bull, Pood Mrs. R. Shoreman: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. R. Shoreman M. Shoreman: AustrlShep Mrs. K. I. Skaggs: Canaan, Card-WC, Coll, Pemb-WC, Shetld Mrs. R. Shoreman: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. Gschwender Mr. R. Gschwender: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. C. P. Patterson

Dog News 101

OCTOBER 18 - FRIDAY thru OCTOBER 19 - SATURDAY CO Pueblo (I) AMERICAN CHESAPEAKE CLUB, INC. (2) Colorado State Fairgrounds Beaulah & Summit St. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Sue Scott, SHW SEC, 28485 MID JONES RD, CALHAN, CO 80808 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. S. H. McDonald: B, Jr. Showmanship Ms. D. M. Baldwin: D, I

OCTOBER 19 - SATURDAY CA Dublin (I) YORKSHIRE TERRIER CLUB OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA (S) Holiday Inn 6680 Reginal Street CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Debra Best, SHW SEC, 2463 EASY ST, SAN LEANDRO, CA 94578 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mr. R. E. Hutton: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Daniel Yona CA Dublin (I) YORKSHIRE TERRIER CLUB OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Holiday Inn 6680 Reginal Street CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Debi Best, SHW SEC, 2463 EASY ST, SAN LEANDRO, CA 94578 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd G. Milutinovich: Breed CA Los Gatos (O) BULLDOG CLUB OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC. (S) Los Gatos Lodge 50 Saratoga Ave CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Richard Seeno, SHW SEC, PO BOX 977, CLAYTON, CA 94517 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Dr. R. L. Church: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Tracy Storck SWEEPS PUPPY Tracy Storck CA Pleasanton (O) BASENJI CLUB OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA (S) Alameda County Fairgrounds 4501 Pleasanton Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $26.00-2nd Mr. C. A. Bagnell: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Jackie Jones SWEEPS PUPPY Jackie Jones CA Pleasanton* (I/O) DEL VALLE DOG CLUB OF LIVERMORE (S) Alameda County Fairgrounds 4501 Pleasanton Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $33.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. J. P. Anselm SPORTING Group: Mr. D. W. Flanagan Mrs. V. Creamer: Ret-Lab Mrs. M. E. Prior: Ret-Lab Mrs. K. R. Moore: Span-Eng Ckr Mrs. S. Dillin: Pntr-GS, Set-Irsh Mr. K. J. Murray: Brit, Pointer, Ret-Flat, Span-Clum, SpanFld, Span-Suss Ms. M. Martorella: Set-Eng, Set-Gord, Span-Eng Spr, Vizs, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mr. D. W. Flanagan: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. L. M. Guerrero Mr. J. Miranda: Afghan M. Sager: Bgle Mr. K. Tippie: Borz J. Cerasini: Dach Ms. S. M. Hammarstrom: Greyhnd P. Lundstrom: Ir Wolf Mrs. M. Canestrini: RhoRidge J. C. Vasconsellos: Saluki Mrs. I. Kimmelman: Whip R. E. Yurick: Basenji, Nor Elk, Pharaoh Mr. L. M. Guerrero: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. M. Martorella Dr. E. L. Yerusalimsky: Blk Russn Terrier Ms. C. I. Alexander: Mast Mr. K. J. Murray: Portuguese Mrs. J. P. Anselm: Rottw Mrs. J. K. Dees: St Bern J. L. Gerow: Berns Mtn, Newf W. A. Hargreaves: Boxer, Grt Dane Ms. M. Martorella: Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mrs. J. E. Mears: Dobe, Sam, Sib Hky Dr. K. Anselm: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Dr. J. Klein Mrs. J. P. Anselm: Border Dr. C. L. Pew: Bull Ter, Min Bull Terrs Ms. E. M. Greenway: Min Schn, Norwich Norfolk, Parson Russell, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Dr. J. Klein: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. S. Dillin T. Yuhl: Bruss Grif Mrs. V. H. Hull: Cav KC Spans Dr. J. Klein: Toy Manch Dr. G. H. Forsythe: Peke Mrs. F. A. Males: Pug Mrs. J. L. Stacy: Pood Toy Mrs. S. Dillin: Silky Mr. R. E. Hall: Balance of Toy Breeds *No Classes: Yorks NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. J. L. Stacy Mrs. J. L. Stacy: Bichon, Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd, Pood, Tib Ter Dr. J. Dandridge: Shar-Pei, Fin Spitz, Kees, Lhasa, Schip, Tib Span Dr. G. H. Forsythe: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds *No Classes: Bulldog HERDING Group: Dr. K. Anselm D. Wyman: Shetld Dr. K. Anselm: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. K. Anselm Dr. K. Anselm: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. C. Cornell: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B Mrs. R. D. Doan: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B Mr. H. Doan: Grad Openr, Util A, Util B

102 Dog News

JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. J. Scattini Nowell SWEEPS VETERANS: Weim Channing Sheets SWEEPS PUPPY: Weim Channing Sheets SWEEPS PUPPY: Eng Toy Sp (B & PC) Glen Lajeski SWEEPS PUPPY: Eng Toy Sp (KC & R) Glen Lajeski SWEEPS PUPPY: Greyhnd SWEEPS VETERANS: Greyhnd SWEEPS PUPPY: Border Shelby Russell SWEEPS VETERANS: Border Shelby Russell SWEEPS PUPPY: Whip Suzanne Hughes SWEEPS VETERANS: Whip Suzanne Hughes SWEEPS PUPPY: Boxer Bridget Reinhold SWEEPS PUPPY: Rottw Jackie A Hofer SWEEPS PUPPY: Std Schn Glen Lajeski SWEEPS VETERANS: Span-Eng Ckr Ken Bauer SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Eng Ckr Ken Bauer SWEEPS VETERANS: Blk Russn Terrier Dr. Robert C. (“Bo”) Gloster M.D. SWEEPS PUPPY: Blk Russn Terrier Dr. Robert C. (“Bo”) Gloster M.D. SWEEPS VETERANS: Bgle (13 Under) Jerry Cerasini SWEEPS PUPPY: Bgle (13 Under) Jerry Cerasini SWEEPS VETERANS: Bgle (Over 13) Jerry Cerasini SWEEPS PUPPY: Bgle (Over 13) Jerry Cerasini SWEEPS PUPPY: Cav KC Spans Sandra Harrison SWEEPS VETERANS: Cav KC Spans Sandra Harrison SWEEPS PUPPY: St Bern Joanne Leslie Gerow SWEEPS VETERANS: RhoRidge SWEEPS PUPPY: RhoRidge Ann O’Mara SWEEPS PUPPY: Bichon Camille Bakker SWEEPS PUPPY: Borz Suzanne Deghi SWEEPS VETERANS: Borz Suzanne Deghi SWEEPS PUPPY: Min Schn Marsha Bittner SWEEPS PUPPY: Berns Mtn Lori Jodar SWEEPS VETERANS: Berns Mtn Lori Jodar SWEEPS PUPPY: Afghan Mr. John Fahey SWEEPS PUPPY: Scotti Whitney Shafer SWEEPS VETERANS: Scotti Whitney Shafer SWEEPS VETERANS: Kerry Mr. Blake Christian Hansen SWEEPS PUPPY: Kerry Mr. Blake Christian Hansen SWEEPS PUPPY: Ir Wolf Chuck Stockham SWEEPS VETERANS: Ir Wolf Chuck Stockham SWEEPS PUPPY: Saluki Darin Collins SWEEPS VETERANS: Saluki Darin Collins SWEEPS VETERANS: Ret-Lab Autumn Davidson SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Lab Autumn Davidson SWEEPS PUPPY: Mast Jim Owens SWEEPS VETERANS: Mast Jim Owens SWEEPS PUPPY: Pug Tony Roberts SWEEPS VETERANS: Pug Tony Roberts SWEEPS PUPPY: Set-Irsh Laurice Mays SWEEPS VETERANS: Set-Irsh Laurice Mays SWEEPS PUPPY: Pntr-GS John P Wade SWEEPS VETERANS: Pntr-GS John P Wade SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Black) Ms. Christine Miller SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (ASCOB) Ms. Christine Miller SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Parti) Ms. Christine Miller SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Eng Spr Heather Lindberg SWEEPS VETERANS: Span-Eng Spr Heather Lindberg SWEEPS VETERANS: Silky Ms. Kathryn A Cowsert SWEEPS PUPPY: Silky Ms. Kathryn A Cowsert SWEEPS VETERANS: Gtr Swiss Mtn Wayne Rasmussen SWEEPS PUPPY: Gtr Swiss Mtn Wayne Rasmussen CA Pleasanton* (I) POODLE CLUB OF CENTRAL CALIFORNIA Alameda County Fairgrounds 4501 Pleasanton Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd T. Yuhl: Breed Mrs. L. Cox: Obedience CA Pleasanton (I) REDWOOD COAST CHOW CHOW CLUB (S) Alameda County Fairgrounds 4501 Pleasanton Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $32.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Dr. J. Dandridge: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Cathy Dugan SWEEPS PUPPY Cathy Dugan

CA Pleasanton* (O) (Evening) SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Alameda County Fairgrounds 4501 Pleasanton Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Halina Christie, SHW SEC, 6695 Sunnyslope Ave, Castro Valley, CA 94552 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd S. A. McCambridge: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mr. D. J. Ladd: Obedience CA Ventura (O) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COLLIE CLUB, INC. (S) San Buenaventura State Beach Park Harbor Blvd And San Pedro St. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Ms. Loretta Allen, SHW SEC, 2760 Drummond Pl, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 Mr. D. M. Cardoza: Breed FUTURITY: Coll (Rough) Gwen Medlin FUTURITY: Coll (Smooth) Gwen Medlin CA Ventura (O) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COLLIE CLUB, INC. (S) San Buenaventura State Beach Park Harbor Blvd And San Pedro St. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Loretta Allen, SHW SEC, 2760 Drummond Pl, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 Ms. H. M. Mendez: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Rough) SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Smooth) GA Atlanta* (I) ATLANTA KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Atlanta Exposition Cntr South 3850 Jonesboro Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $29.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. E. Garren SPORTING Group: Mrs. K. C. Wilson M. Macke: Span-Clum, Span-Irw Mrs. K. C. Wilson: Span-Ckr, Vizs, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mr. C. G. Liepmann: Pointer, Pntr-GS, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab Mr. D. L. Kittredge: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: A. L. Odom Mr. P. M. Martin: Afghan Mr. R. E. Garren: Dach, Otter Mr. C. R. Morris: Borz, Greyhnd, Nor Elk, PBGV, Saluki, ScotDeer, Whip A. L. Odom: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. J. Richardson Mr. P. M. Martin: Grt Dane Mr. R. Stein: Bullm, Giant Schn Mrs. K. Meredith-Cavanna: Akita, Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Cane Corso Mr. J. Richardson: AnatolShep, Blk Russn Terrier, Dobe, Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Newf, Portuguese, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mrs. P. Nykiel: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. D. J. Murphy Mr. R. E. Garren: Min Schn Mr. R. Stein: Staf Bull D. McCoy: Airdle, Cesky Terrier Mrs. K. C. Wilson: Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Lakelnd, Manch Ter, Norwich Norfolk, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Scotti, Sealym, Skye Mr. D. J. Murphy: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. D. J. Kirkland D. McCoy: Pood Toy Mr. P. M. Martin: Affenp, Cav KC Spans, Chin Cr Mr. D. J. Murphy: Pom, Pug, Shih Tzu Mr. R. Stein: Bruss Grif, Chihua, Hava, Eng Toy Sp Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. Stein Mr. R. Stein: Fin Spitz Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Tib Span, Tib Ter Mr. R. E. Garren: Fr Bull, Kees, Lhasa, Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd, Shiba Inu, Xoloitzcuintli D. McCoy: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. K. Meredith-Cavanna A. L. Odom: Pemb-WC, Shetld Mrs. K. Meredith-Cavanna: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. P. Nykiel Mrs. P. Nykiel: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. D. W. Haddock: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Util A, PUTL, Versatility Ms. K. R. Griner: PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. C. J. Quinlan SWEEPS PUPPY: Whip Leila Anichini SWEEPS VETERANS: Whip Leila Anichini GA Atlanta (I) PEKINGESE CLUB OF GEORGIA (S) Atlanta Exposition Cntr South 3850 Jonesboro Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Mr. D. J. Murphy: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Lisa Farmer SWEEPS PUPPY Lisa Farmer HI Honolulu (O) PAPILLON CLUB OF HAWAII Thomas Square Victoria & Beretania Street CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Linette Barrios, SHW SEC, 47-106A OKANA RD, KANEOHE, HI 96744 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. S. Walker: Breed, Jr. Showmanship HI Pearl City (O) NON-SPORTING DOG CLUB OF HAWAII Neal S Blaisdell ParkNeal S Blaisdell Park 98-319 Kamehameha Highway CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Mary Clarose, SHW SEC, HC 1 BOX 5223, KEAAU, HI 96749 Mr. G. A. Dunlop: Non-Sporting Group, Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Boston, Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Chow, Dalm, Fin Spitz, Fr Bull, Kees, Lhasa, Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd, Pood (Min), Pood (Std), Schip, Shiba Inu, Tib Span, Tib Ter, and more

IL Springfield (I) SANDEMAC KENNEL CLUB (S) IL State Fairgrounds - Expo Bldg Illinois State Fairgrounds Exposition Bldg Sangamon Avenue Peoria Rd Bus 55 CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. G. Beauchamp SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. Katona D. O’Connell: Set-Irsh, Span-Eng Ckr Mrs. A. Katona: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. P. V. Trotter Mrs. M. C. Spacht: Basenji, Basset, Bgle, Dach, PBGV, RhoRidge Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. K. A. Buxton Mr. C. E. Trotter: Rottw, St Bern, Sam, Std Schn Mr. K. A. Buxton: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. C. E. Trotter Mr. S. Hayden: Airdle, Am Staff, Border, Cairn, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Manch Ter, Min Schn, Norwich Norfolk, Scotti, Soft Coated, Wst Highlnd Mr. C. E. Trotter: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. S. Hayden Mr. R. G. Beauchamp: Affenp, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, Hava, I Greyhnd, Eng Toy Sp, J Chin Mr. S. Hayden: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. J. Buxton Mrs. D. J. Buxton: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mr. C. E. Trotter: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Beard Coll Mr. J. R. Cole: Balance of Herding Breeds *No Classes: OES MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. P. V. Trotter Mrs. P. V. Trotter: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. M. C. Spacht SWEEPS PUPPY: Set-Irsh Richard Lashbrook SWEEPS VETERANS: Set-Irsh Richard Lashbrook SWEEPS VETERANS: Newf Bill Bennet SWEEPS PUPPY: Newf Bill Bennet KY Louisville (I) COLLIE CLUB OF KENTUCKY Highland Hall-Highland Post 201 American Legion 2919 Bardstown Road CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Sandy Wrenn, SHW SEC, PO BOX 25764, C/O ONOFRIO DOG SHOWS, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73125 FEE: $30.00 H. H. Schulman: Breed, Jr. Showmanship MA W Springfield (I) ALBANY KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Eastern States Exposition Grounds 1305 Memorial Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00 Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. S. Covey SPORTING Group: D. P. Cline Mr. J. S. Covey: Brit, Pointer, All Retrievers, All Setters, SetIrsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW B. P. Threlfall: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. C. Spritzer Mrs. E. M. Ketcham: Borz Mrs. C. Spritzer: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. R. I. Spritzer D. P. Cline: Bullm, Grt Dane Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. M. J. Carberry Ms. M. J. Carberry: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. T. K. Jackson D. P. Cline: Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Hava, Eng Toy Sp (B & PC), Min Pin, Peke, Pug, Pood Toy Mrs. T. K. Jackson: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: A. Brown Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Boston, Bulldog A. Brown: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. T. P. Brown Mrs. T. P. Brown: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. C. Spritzer Mrs. C. Spritzer: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. M. J. Carberry SWEEPS VETERANS: Borz Kim Horn Janek SWEEPS PUPPY: Borz Kim Horn Janek SWEEPS VETERANS: Card-WC Elizabeth Hillebrand SWEEPS PUPPY: Card-WC Elizabeth Hillebrand MA W Springfield (I) BERKSHIRE BELGIAN TERVUREN CLUB (S) Eastern States Exposition Grounds 1305 Memorial Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mrs. C. Corbin: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Dana Mackanis SWEEPS VETERANS Dana Mackanis MA W Springfield* (I) CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL CLUB OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND (S) Eastern States Exposition Grounds 1305 memorial Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 MB-F Inc., SUPT Mr. B. Claydon: Breed Mrs. S. N. Abraham: Jr. Showmanship Ms. E. Chase: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Marilyn Claydon SWEEPS PUPPY Marilyn Claydon MD Cumberland* (I/O) UPPER POTOMAC VALLEY KENNEL CLUB (S) Allegany County Fairgrounds 11490 Moss Ave CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. E. Herner SPORTING Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mr. P. Campanella: Ret-Ches, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Weim Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of Sporting Breeds

HOUND Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mr. J. (. Ward: Afghan, Am Fox, Basenji, Basset, Bgle, Bloodhnd, Borz, Dach, Eng Fox, Greyhnd, Ir Wolf, Otter, RhoRidge, Saluki Mr. C. L. Olvis: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. (. Ward Mr. J. (. Ward: Scotti Mr. R. E. Herner: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Miss K. J. Rockwell: I Greyhnd Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. E. Muthard Miss K. J. Rockwell: Dalm, Pood Ms. E. Muthard: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. D. L. Anthony Mr. D. L. Anthony: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. E. Herner Mr. R. E. Herner: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. P. Broderick: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B Mrs. D. L. Barrows: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. D. L. Anthony SWEEPS VETERANS: RhoRidge Nalena Klaas SWEEPS PUPPY: RhoRidge Nalena Klaas SWEEPS VETERANS: ScotDeer Catherine L Cargo SWEEPS PUPPY: ScotDeer Catherine L Cargo MN Lake Elmo* (I) NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA (S) Animal Inn Show Center Lecture Hall & Training Center 8633 34th Street North CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Andrea Carpentier, SHW SEC, 2954 Granada Ln N, Oakdale, MN 55128 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mrs. S. K. Berger: Breed Mr. L. F. Mackai: Jr. Showmanship Mr. P. D. Rustad: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Mr. Larry F Mackai SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. Larry F Mackai MO Gray Summit* (I) OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mrs. D. M. Brown: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mr. W. A. Oxandale: Obedience NC Charlotte (O) CAROLINA AFGHAN HOUND CLUB (S) Piedmont Kennel Club Showplace 13607 Choate Circle CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Caroline Jonker, SHW SEC, 10400 HAMBRIGHT RD, HUNTERSVILLE, NC 28078 FEE: $25.00 M. Koss: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Amy Wendling NC Mebane (I/O) TRIANGLE SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB OF NORTH CAROLINA (S) APS Felicite Latane Animal Sanctuary 6311 Nicks Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 7:00 p.m. Mrs. Pam Jarmon, SHW SEC, 3912 Dumford Drive, Apex, NC 27539 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd J. Primeaux: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Janeen Simpson NJ Buena* (O) GLOUCESTER COUNTY KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Buena Vista Family Campground 775 Harding Hwy CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $30.00 Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. R. D. Smith SPORTING Group: Dr. R. D. Smith Mr. J. A. Berkowitz: Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr C. Cooper: Pntr-GS, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab Dr. R. D. Smith: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. L. S. Tamboer Mrs. C. Hoffman: RhoRidge Ms. L. S. Tamboer: Amer English Coon, B & T Coonhnd, Bluetick Coon, Borz, Eng Fox, Ibizan, Nor Elk, Plott, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon Mrs. R. D. Smith: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. C. Walkowicz C. Cooper: Alas Mal Mrs. A. Cuneo: Cane Corso Mrs. C. M. Mogavero: Sib Hky Mr. L. B. Stein: Dogue de Brdx, Tibtn Mastiff Mrs. C. Walkowicz: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Dr. R. D. Smith Dr. F. B. Askin: Wst Highlnd Mr. A. J. Ferruggiaro: Rat Terrier, Russel Terr Mrs. R. D. Smith: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman Mrs. C. M. Mogavero: Hava Mrs. B. J. Parris: Pug Ms. L. S. Tamboer: I Greyhnd, Pood Toy Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman Mrs. C. Walkowicz: Dalm Ms. L. S. Tamboer: Pood Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. A. Cuneo Mrs. C. Walkowicz: Beard Coll Mr. L. B. Stein: Beauceron Ms. B. M. Kenealy: Coll Mrs. C. M. Mogavero: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv Mrs. A. Cuneo: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. R. D. Smith Mrs. R. D. Smith: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. L. Wilson: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Util B Mr. J. D. Landis: Nov B, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Versatility SWEEPS PUPPY: Set-Irsh Carol Ann Ritchie

SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll Mary Irons SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Eng Spr Ron Ellstrom SWEEPS VETERANS: Span-Eng Spr Ron Ellstrom SD Rapid City* (I) RAPID CITY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Rushmore Plaza Civic Center 444 N Mt Rushmore Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. E. Noe SPORTING Group: Mr. J. E. Noe Dr. A. C. Santos, M.D.: Brit, Pointer, Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches, RetFlat, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Eng, Set-Gord, Span-Clum, Span-Suss, Span-Wel Spr Mrs. P. Hartinger: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Dr. C. Hensley: Borz, Pharaoh Mr. D. Thompson: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. D. Thompson Mr. J. E. Noe: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen Mr. F. C. Bassett: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen Dr. C. Hensley: Cav KC Spans, Eng Toy Sp Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger Mr. F. C. Bassett: Boston, Lowch, Tib Span, Tib Ter Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. F. C. Bassett Mr. R. R. Hartinger: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. E. Noe Mr. J. E. Noe: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. S. Osburn: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. D. Thompson TX Belton (I) (Evening) AFGHAN HOUND CLUB OF AUSTIN Bell County Exposition Center 301 West Loop 121 CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Carlos Chujoy, SHW SEC, PO BOX 1838, CEDAR PARK, TX 78630 Ms. K. M. Dumke: Breed TX Belton (I) BELL COUNTY KENNEL CLUB Bell County Exposition Center 301 West Loop 121 CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. N. L. Patton SPORTING Group: Dr. C. E. Shaw Mrs. B. A. Shaw: Pntr-GS, Ret-Ches, Set-Irsh, Span-AmW, Vizs Mr. N. L. Patton: Span-Boykin, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Span-Fld, Span-Irw, SpanSuss, Span-Wel Spr Dr. C. E. Shaw: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. K. A. Dumke A. R. Arthur: Borz, Greyhnd, Ir Wolf, RhoRidge, Saluki Ms. K. M. Dumke: Amer English Coon, Basenji, Basset, Bgle, B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Bluetick Coon, Dach Ms. K. A. Dumke: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mr. D. J. Bussard: Boxer Ms. D. Gallegos: Rottw Mr. N. L. Patton: Std Schn Ms. S. I. Wheat: Dogue de Brdx, Giant Schn, Portuguese, Sam, Sib Hky Mrs. D. Cozart: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mr. Z. Smith: Am Staff Dr. J. F. Davidson: Manch Ter P. Wilson: Min Schn Ms. K. A. Dumke: Min Bull Terrs, Staf Bull Ms. K. M. Dumke: Border, Parson Russell, Soft Coated Mr. R. J. Shreve: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. D. J. Bussard Mrs. D. Cozart: Min Pin Mr. D. J. Bussard: Affenp, Hava, Eng Toy Sp (B & PC) Ms. S. I. Wheat: Bruss Grif, Chihua (Smooth), Chin Cr, I Greyhnd, Toy Fox Terrier Mr. N. L. Patton: Eng Toy Sp (KC & R), Pap, Pom, Pug, Pood Toy, Shih Tzu Dr. J. F. Davidson: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. A. J. Porpora Mr. N. L. Patton: Xoloitzcuintli Mrs. D. Cozart: Tib Span, Tib Ter Ms. A. J. Porpora: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. S. I. Wheat Mr. J. F. Booth: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Brdr Coll, Briard, Canaan, GSD, Icelandic Shpdg, Swed Vallhund Mr. R. J. Shreve: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mr. R. J. Shreve: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. D. Gallegos

OCTOBER 19 - SATURDAY thru OCTOBER 20 - SUNDAY OH Huron (I) BUCKEYE ENGLISH SETTER CLUB (2) (S) Sawmill Creek Lodge 400 Sawmill Creek CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT Mrs. C. E. Calcinari: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Kim Haupt SWEEPS PUPPY Kim Haupt

OCTOBER 20 - SUNDAY CA Pleasanton* (I/O) DEL VALLE DOG CLUB OF LIVERMORE (S) Alameda County Fairgrounds 4501 Pleasanton Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $33.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. K. Anselm SPORTING Group: Ms. M. Martorella H. Lindberg: Pointer M. Daniel: Ret-Lab M. Hanus: Span-Ckr Mrs. S. Dillin: Span-Eng Ckr Mr. D. W. Flanagan: Brit, Pntr-GS, Ret-Flat, Set-Irsh, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif

Mr. K. J. Murray: Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Gold, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Span-Eng Spr, Span-Irw Dr. K. Anselm: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: S. Sakson H. Lindberg: Bgle Mrs. S. Dillin: Dach J. C. Vasconsellos: Ir Wolf A. C. Meyer: RhoRidge Ms. K. Campbell: Basenji, Ibizan P. Lundstrom: Afghan, Pharaoh, Port Pd Peq, Saluki R. E. Yurick: Borz, Greyhnd, ScotDeer, Whip S. Sakson: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. K. J. Murray A. H. Milligan: Berns Mtn A. Gilbert: Boxer Dr. K. Anselm: Blk Russn Terrier, Rottw Dr. C. L. Pew: Alas Mal, Dobe, St Bern Ms. M. Martorella: Akita, AnatolShep, Bullm, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dogue de Brdx, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Leonberger, Mast Mrs. J. P. Anselm: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. E. M. Greenway Mrs. G. M. Denman: Bull Ter, Min Bull Terrs Dr. J. Klein: Min Schn, Norwich Norfolk, Parson Russell, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Ms. E. M. Greenway: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Dr. G. H. Forsythe M. Hanus: Cav KC Spans H. Lindberg: Chin Cr Ms. E. M. Greenway: Toy Manch C. Cool: Pug Mr. L. S. Reppond: Silky Dr. G. H. Forsythe: Chihua, Hava, Eng Toy Sp, I Greyhnd, J Chin, Pap, Shih Tzu Mr. S. J. Nichols: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. E. Hall J. C. Vasconsellos: Norwegian Lndhnd Mr. S. J. Nichols: Pood Mrs. J. L. Stacy: Am Esk Dog, Dalm, Fin Spitz, Shiba Inu, Xoloitzcuintli Ms. D. Barrett: Bichon, Boston, Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Chow, Fr Bull Dr. G. H. Forsythe: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. J. L. Stacy Mrs. B. H. Humer: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv Mrs. J. L. Stacy: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. K. J. Murray Mr. K. J. Murray: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. B. H. Humer: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B Mr. C. Cornell: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B Mrs. R. D. Doan: Grad Openr, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: H. Lindberg SWEEPS PUPPY: Boxer Ms. Virginia Latham Smith SWEEPS PUPPY: Whip Kim Tucker SWEEPS VETERANS: Whip Kim Tucker SWEEPS PUPPY: Afghan Connie Evans SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Eng Spr Donna Hoffman SWEEPS VETERANS: Span-Eng Spr Donna Hoffman CA Ventura (O) LOS PADRES COLLIE CLUB San Buenaventura State Beach Park Harbor Blvd And San Pedro St. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Loretta Allen, SHW SEC, 2760 DRUMMOND PL, THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91360 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd S. Christie: Breed CA Ventura (O) LOS PADRES COLLIE CLUB San Buenaventura State Beach Park Harbor Blvd And San Pedro St. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Loretta Alleni, SHW SEC, 2760 DRUMMOND PL, THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91360 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mrs. P. Ulloa: Breed, Jr. Showmanship GA Atlanta* (I) NEWNAN KENNEL CLUB Atlanta Exposition Cntr South 3850 Jonesboro Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $29.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. K. Meredith-Cavanna SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. Nykiel Mrs. P. Nykiel: Ret-Lab Mr. C. G. Liepmann: All Setters, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mr. D. L. Kittredge: Span-Clum, Span-Ckr, Vizs, Weim Mrs. K. C. Wilson: Brit, Pointer, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, SpanAmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Eng Ckr Mr. J. Richardson: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. K. C. Wilson Mrs. K. C. Wilson: Amer English Coon, Dach, Port Pd Peq, ScotDeer Mr. R. E. Garren: Bluetick Coon, Eng Fox, Harr, Treeing Walker Coon Mr. C. R. Morris: Afghan, Am Fox, Basenji, Basset, Bgle, B & T Coonhnd, Ir Wolf, RhoRidge Mrs. K. Meredith-Cavanna: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. C. G. Liepmann Mr. C. R. Morris: Akita, Alas Mal, Rottw Ms. S. C. Catlin: Blk Russn Terrier, Giant Schn, Std Schn Mrs. P. Nykiel: AnatolShep, Dobe, Mast, Nepltn Mastiff Mr. J. Richardson: Boxer, Cane Corso, Chinook, Leonberger Mr. C. G. Liepmann: Berns Mtn, Bullm, Grt Dane, Newf, Portuguese, Sib Hky Mrs. K. Meredith-Cavanna: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. D. J. Kirkland Mr. R. Stein: Norwich Norfolk Mr. D. J. Murphy: Rat Terrier Mr. J. Richardson: Min Schn, Parson Russell D. McCoy: Border, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire) Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Mr. R. E. Garren: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: D. McCoy Mrs. J. L. Naylor: Pap L. Farmer: Yorks Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Shih Tzu Mr. R. Stein: I Greyhnd, J Chin, Pom Mr. D. J. Murphy: Malt, Pood Toy, Silky Mr. R. E. Garren: Cav KC Spans, Hava, Min Pin, Peke, Toy Fox Terrier D. McCoy: Balance of Toy Breeds

NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. D. L. Kittredge Mr. R. E. Garren: Chow D. McCoy: Tib Span, Tib Ter Mr. D. J. Murphy: Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Dalm, Fr Bull, Kees, Lhasa, Pood Mr. D. L. Kittredge: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. R. Stein Mrs. P. Nykiel: GSD Mr. D. J. Murphy: Beard Coll, OES, Pemb-WC Mr. D. J. Kirkland: AustrlShep, Brdr Coll, Card-WC, Coll, Shetld Mr. R. Stein: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. D. L. Kittredge Mr. D. L. Kittredge: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. K. R. Griner: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Util A, PUTL, Versatility Mr. D. W. Haddock: PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. C. R. Morris HI Honolulu (O) SIBERIAN HUSKY CLUB OF HAWAII Thomas Square King Street 925 S Beretania St CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 6:00 p.m. Margie Rodrigues, SHW SEC, 46-201 Ohala St, Kaneohe, HI 96744 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mrs. S. Walker: Breed, Jr. Showmanship IL Springfield (I) ILLINOIS CAPITOL KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) IL State Fairgrounds - Expo Bldg Illinois State Fairgrounds Exposition Bldg Sangamon Avenue Peoria Rd Bus 55 CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. R. Cole SPORTING Group: Mr. C. E. Trotter Mr. J. R. Cole: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: H. J. Pybus H. J. Pybus: Basset Mr. C. E. Trotter: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. P. V. Trotter Mr. R. Lashbrook: Newf, Portuguese, Sib Hky Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: H. J. Pybus Mr. J. R. Cole: Rat Terrier H. J. Pybus: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. A. Katona Mrs. A. Katona: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. G. Beauchamp Mr. R. G. Beauchamp: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. D. J. Buxton Mr. R. Lashbrook: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. G. Beauchamp Mr. R. G. Beauchamp: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. R. Lashbrook SWEEPS PUPPY: Newf Karen Hunek SWEEPS VETERANS: Newf Karen Hunek SWEEPS PUPPY: Shar-Pei Mr. Richard Lashbrook SWEEPS VETERANS: Shar-Pei Mr. Richard Lashbrook KY Louisville (I) COLLIE CLUB OF KENTUCKY (S) Highland Hall-Highland Post 201 American Legion 2919 Bardstown Road CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Sandy Wrenn, SHW SEC, PO BOX 25764, C/O ONOFRIO DOG SHOWS, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73125 FEE: $30.00 Mr. T. C. Garrison: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Rough) Nancy McCue SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Smooth) Nancy McCue MA W Springfield* (I) CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL CLUB OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND (S) Eastern States Exposition Grounds 1305 memorial Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 MB-F Inc., SUPT N. G. Frost: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mr. J. M. Ashton: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Patti Conroy SWEEPS PUPPY Patti Conroy MA W Springfield (I) TROY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Eastern States Exposition Grounds 1305 memorial Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. L. C. Krukar SPORTING Group: Mr. J. S. Covey A. E. Bennett: Pntr-GS, Pntr-GW, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Vizs B. P. Threlfall: Brit, Pointer, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Nova Scotia T, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, SpanAmW Mr. J. S. Covey: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: B. P. Threlfall A. E. Bennett: Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Basset, Bgle, Eng Fox, PBGV, Port Pd Peq, RhoRidge B. P. Threlfall: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: P. L. Marsman A. E. Bennett: Chinook P. L. Marsman: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. T. P. Brown Mr. J. S. Covey: Norwich Norfolk A. E. Bennett: Rat Terrier, Russel Terr Mrs. T. P. Brown: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: A. Brown Mrs. L. C. Krukar: Chihua, Chin Cr, Pood Toy A. Brown: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: A. E. Bennett Mrs. L. C. Krukar: Boston, Bulldog, Dalm, Fr Bull, Pood Mrs. T. P. Brown: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: P. L. Marsman A. Brown: Austrl Cat Dg, Briard, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, Pol Low Shp D. P. Cline: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: A. E. Bennett A. E. Bennett: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. L. C. Krukar

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MD Cumberland* (I/O) UPPER POTOMAC VALLEY KENNEL CLUB (S) Allegany County Fairgrounds 11490 Moss Ave CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. C. L. Olvis SPORTING Group: Ms. E. Muthard Mrs. K. L. Photopoulos: Pointer, Pntr-GS, Ret-Gold, RetLab, Span-Clum, Span-Eng Spr, Vizs, Weim Ms. E. Muthard: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Ms. E. Muthard: ScotDeer Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. J. L. Ronald Mr. J. L. Ronald: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Dr. H. Kellogg Dr. H. Kellogg: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. E. Herner Mr. R. E. Herner: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Am Esk Dog, Shar-Pei, Fin Spitz, Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd, Schip, Shiba Inu, Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli Mr. R. E. Herner: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mrs. B. D. Alderman: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mr. J. L. Ronald: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. D. L. Barrows: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B Mrs. P. Broderick: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. C. L. Olvis SWEEPS PUPPY: ScotDeer Mrs. Joyce G Fortney SWEEPS VETERANS: ScotDeer Mrs. Joyce G Fortney MN Lake Elmo* (I) NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA Animal Inn Show Center Lecture Hall & Training Center 8633 34th Street North CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Andrea Carpentier, SHW SEC, 2954 Granada Ln N, Oakdale, MN 55128 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mr. R. J. Berger: Breed Mr. C. W. Kline: Obedience NC Charlotte (O) CAROLINA AFGHAN HOUND CLUB (S) Piedmont Kennel Club Showplace 13607 Choate Circle CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Caroline Jonker, SHW SEC, 10400 HAMBRIGHT RD, HUNTERSVILLE, NC 28078 FEE: $25.00 Mrs. J. M. Sheppard: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Don Powell NC Mebane (I/O) TRIANGLE SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB OF NORTH CAROLINA (S) APS Felicite Latane Animal Sanctuary 6311 Nicks Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 6:00 p.m. Pam Jarmon, SHW SEC, 3912 Dumford Drive, Apex, NC 27539 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Ms. J. Virden: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Nancy McDonald NJ Buena* (O) SOUTH JERSEY KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Buena Vista Family Campground 775 Harding Hwy CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $27.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. R. D. Smith SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. Walkowicz Ms. C. L. Richards: Pntr-GS, Ret-Ches Dr. R. D. Smith: Ret-Lab, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr Mrs. R. D. Smith: Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Eng, Set-Gord, Vizs, Weim Mrs. C. Walkowicz: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. D. J. Smyth Mrs. R. D. Smith: Port Pd Peq Dr. R. D. Smith: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. R. D. Smith Dr. R. D. Smith: Akita, Berns Mtn, Bullm, Dobe, Grt Pyr, Kom, Kuv, Mast, Sib Hky Mrs. R. D. Smith: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. K. Kauffman Mr. K. Kauffman: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. R. D. Smith Mrs. R. D. Smith: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. S. DiGiacomo Mrs. C. S. DiGiacomo: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. M. A. Tuff Mrs. C. Walkowicz: Coll Ms. M. A. Tuff: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. C. S. DiGiacomo Mrs. C. S. DiGiacomo: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. J. D. Landis: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Util B Mr. L. Wilson: Nov B, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Versatility SWEEPS PUPPY: Set-Irsh Donna Unger OH Wilmington (I) BULL TERRIER CLUB OF AMERICA Roberts Centre 123 Gano Rd. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 26 Judy Morrison, SHW SEC, PO BOX 357, MURRYSVILLE, PA 15668 FEE: $30.00 Mr. M. Phillips: Breed Mrs. L. M. Myall: Jr. Showmanship SD Rapid City* (I) RAPID CITY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Rushmore Plaza Civic Center 444 N Mt Rushmore Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. D. Thompson SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mr. R. R. Hartinger: All Sporting Breeds

104 Dog News

HOUND Group: Mr. D. Thompson Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen Mr. D. Thompson: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. F. C. Bassett Mr. F. C. Bassett: Chin Cr, Pap Mrs. P. Hartinger: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. F. C. Bassett Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. D. Thompson Mr. F. C. Bassett: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. F. C. Bassett Mr. F. C. Bassett: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. S. Osburn: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. F. C. Bassett TX Belton (I) BELL COUNTY KENNEL CLUB Bell County Exposition Center 301 West Loop 121 CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. S. I. Wheat SPORTING Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mr. J. A. Fehring: Pntr-GS, Ret-Gold, Set-Irsh, Span-Clum Dr. C. E. Shaw: Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Ckr, SpanEng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Span-Suss, Span-Wel Spr Mr. R. J. Shreve: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. K. M. Dumke M. F. Loller: Afghan Ms. K. A. Dumke: Amer English Coon, Basenji, Basset, Bgle, B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Bluetick Coon, Borz, Dach Ms. K. M. Dumke: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. A. J. Porpora Mr. D. J. Bussard: Dogue de Brdx Ms. A. J. Porpora: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. N. L. Patton Mr. D. J. Bussard: Manch Ter Ms. K. A. Dumke: Parson Russell Mr. R. J. Shreve: Am Staff, Soft Coated Ms. K. M. Dumke: Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire) Mr. N. L. Patton: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. S. I. Wheat Mr. J. A. Fehring: Pap Dr. C. E. Shaw: Min Pin, Pom Mr. J. F. Booth: Pood Toy, Toy Fox Terrier Mr. N. L. Patton: Affenp, Hava, Eng Toy Sp (B & PC) Mr. D. J. Bussard: Eng Toy Sp (KC & R), Toy Manch, Peke Mrs. D. Cozart: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. N. L. Patton M. F. Loller: Schip Mr. J. F. Booth: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Boston Ms. S. I. Wheat: Tib Span, Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli Mr. N. L. Patton: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Ms. S. I. Wheat: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. C. E. Shaw Dr. C. E. Shaw: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Dr. C. E. Shaw

OCTOBER 21 - MONDAY CA Sacramento (I) LHASA APSO CLUB OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA (S) Clarion Inn & Conference Center 1401 Arden Way CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Sharon Carr, SHW SEC, P.O. BOX 4000, C/O BARAY EVENT SERVICES, SEQUIM, WA 98382 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Ms. J. M. Allen: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Marsha Susag SWEEPS PUPPY Marsha Susag GA Norcross (I) AMERICAN BULLMASTIFF ASSOCIATION, INC. Hilton Atlanta Northeast 5993 Peachtree Industrial Blvd. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Mrs. P. Nykiel: Breed MI Ionia (I) MICHIGAN BRITTANY CLUB Western Michigan Rifle & Pistol Range Lincoln Ave CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Cindy Kolig, SHW SEC, 21224 WAUBACON RD, BATTLE CREEK, MI 49017 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. B. A. Yates: Breed MI Ionia (I) WESTERN MICHIGAN BRITTANY CLUB Western Michigan Rifle & Pistol Range Lincoln Ave CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Cindy Kulig, SHW SEC, 21224 WAUBASCON RD, BATTLE CREEK, MI 49017 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd OH Wilmington (I) BULL TERRIER CLUB OF AMERICA Roberts Centre 123 Gano Rd. CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Judy Morrison, SHW SEC, PO BOX 357, MURRYSVILLE, PA 15668 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd J. J. Kimes: Breed

OCTOBER 21 - MONDAY thru OCTOBER 22 - TUESDAY PA Lancaster (I) GREAT DANE CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (2) (P) Lancaster Host Resorts 2300 Lincoln Hwy East CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FUTURITY: Grt Dane Lorraine Matherly FUTURITY: Grt Dane LInda Cain

OCTOBER 22 - TUESDAY TX Parker (I) SAMOYED CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (P) Southfork Ranch 3700 Hogge Road CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT SWEEPS VETERANS: Sam Linda Allen FUTURITY: Sam Patricia Griffin

OCTOBER 23 - WEDNESDAY CA Sacramento (I) AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB, INC. (P) Clarion Inn & Conference Center 1401 Arden Way CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Bobbie Wood, SHW SEC, C/O BARAY EVENT SERVICES, P.O. BOX S 4TH AVE, SEQUIM, WA 98382 MATURITY: Lhasa Cindy Butsic FUTURITY: Lhasa Cindy Butsic GA Norcross (I) AMERICAN BULLMASTIFF ASSOCIATION, INC. (P) Hilton Atlanta Northeast 5993 Peachtree Industrial Blvd. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Carl Vitner, SHW SEC, PO BOX 25764, C/O ONOFRIO DOG SHOWS, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73125 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd SWEEPS PUPPY: Bullm Laurie Cornetta SWEEPS VETERANS: Bullm Laurie Cornetta TX Parker (I) SAMOYED CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (P) Southfork Ranch 3700 Hogge Road CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT SWEEPS WORKING DOG: Sam Linda Allen SWEEPS PUPPY: Sam Linda Allen TX Wichita Falls (I) GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB OF AMERICA (P) J S Bridwell Agri Center 111North Burnett Street CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 21 Arden Shaw, SHW SEC, 4891 BALLANTRAE RD, BLOOMFIELD HILLS, MI 48301 FEE: $25.00 SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Gold Peter Stager Alison Desmarais SWEEPS VETERANS: Ret-Gold Peter Stager Alison Desmarais

OCTOBER 23 - WEDNESDAY thru OCTOBER 25 - FRIDAY PA Lancaster (I) GREAT DANE CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (3) Lancaster Host Resorts 2300 Lincoln Hwy East CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $38.50-1st/ $25.50-2nd Mrs. G. M. Jaeblon: B Mrs. N. A. Benoit: D L. J. Tonnancour: I Mr. R. E. Layne: Jr. Showmanship

OCTOBER 24 - THURSDAY CA Sacramento (I) AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB, INC. Clarion Inn & Conference Center 1401 Arden Way CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Bobbie Wood, SHW SEC, c/o BaRay Event Services, Inc., 203 S 4th Ave, Sequim, WA 98382 FEE: $34.00-1st/ $28.50-2nd Mrs. S. L. Swanson: Breed, Jr. Showmanship GA Norcross (I) AMERICAN BULLMASTIFF ASSOCIATION, INC. (P) Hilton Atlanta Northeast 5993 Peachtree Industrial Blvd. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Carl Vitner, SHW SEC, PO BOX 25764, C/O ONOFRIO DOG SHOWS, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73125 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd FUTURITY: Bullm Marlene Plante PR San Juan* (I) PONCE KENNEL CLUB Cancha Nilmarie Santini CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Blanca Cucurella, SHW SEC, PO Box 1786, Guaynabo 00970 FEE: $35.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson SPORTING Group: Mr. J. E. Noe Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen Mrs. C. Klein: Dach Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson Mr. J. E. Noe: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. J. E. Noe Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. E. Noe Mr. J. E. Noe: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. C. Klein: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen

TX Austin* (I) CEN-TEX KENNEL CLUB, INC. Travis County Exposition Center 7311 Decker Lane CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00 Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. Ambrosio SPORTING Group: Dr. B. G. Smith Dr. B. G. Smith: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. R. W. Russell Ms. R. W. Russell: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. H. Menaker J. Watts: Dobe Ms. R. W. Russell: Nepltn Mastiff Mr. R. H. Menaker: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. H. Menaker Mr. R. H. Menaker: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. C. I. Alexander C. Resnick: I Greyhnd Mrs. J. Nahikian: Chihua, Pap, Peke Ms. C. I. Alexander: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. D. A. Alexander M. Daignault: Bulldog, Fr Bull Mr. D. A. Alexander: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. J. Nahikian Mrs. J. Nahikian: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. C. I. Alexander Ms. C. I. Alexander: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. R. Ambrosio: Nov A, Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. J. Nahikian

OCTOBER 24 - THURSDAY thru OCTOBER 26 - SATURDAY GA Norcross (I) AMERICAN BULLMASTIFF ASSOCIATION, INC. (3) Hilton Atlanta Northeast 5993 Peachtree Industrial Blvd. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Carl Vitner, SHW SEC, C/O ONOFRIO DOG SHOWS, P.O. 25764, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73125 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd D. Borton: Breed TX Parker (I) SAMOYED CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (3) Southfork Ranch 3700 Hogge Road CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Dr. W. V. Spediacci: B Mr. R. R. Hartinger: D Miss J. E. Luna: I, Jr. Showmanship TX Wichita Falls (I) GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB OF AMERICA (3) J S Bridwell Agri Center 111North Burnett Street CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 21 Arden Shaw, SHW SEC, 4891 BALLANTRAE RD, BLOOMFIELD HILLS, MI 48301 FEE: $40.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Ms. K. L. Cathey: B, Jr. Showmanship Ms. M. Gawenka: D Miss V. L. Lyne: I

OCTOBER 25 - FRIDAY AR Benton (I) CENTRAL ARKANSAS POMERANIAN CLUB (S) Saline County Fairgrounds Interstate 30 CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Pat Barnett, SHW SEC, 11 WILSON COVE RD, MORRILTON, AR 72110 FEE: $26.00-1st/ $26.00-2nd Mrs. B. A. Brooks: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY AR Benton (I) CENTRAL ARKANSAS POMERANIAN CLUB (S) Saline County Fairgrounds Interstate 30 CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Pat Barnett, SHW SEC, 11 WILSON COVE RD, MORRILTON, AR 72110 FEE: $26.00-1st/ $26.00-2nd Mrs. A. D. Hearn: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Clarence Lee CA Dixon (I) CHIHUAHUA CLUB OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA (S) Dixon May Fairgrounds 655 S 1st Street CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Bonnie Prato, SHW SEC, 5252 SHAFTER AVE, OAKLAND, CA 94618 FEE: $28.00 Mrs. J. Maser: Breed Mrs. S. K. Weston: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS: Chihua (Long) Denise R Monette SWEEPS PUPPY: Chihua (Long) Denise R Monette SWEEPS VETERANS: Chihua (Smooth) Denise R Monette SWEEPS PUPPY: Chihua (Smooth) Denise R Monette CA Dixon (I) CHIHUAHUA CLUB OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA (S) Dixon May Fairgrounds 655 S 1st Street CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Ms. Bonnie Prato, SHW SEC, 5252 SHAFTER AVE, OAKLAND, CA 94618 FEE: $28.00 Mrs. K. A. Ballarena: Breed Mrs. M. Alameda-Wilkinson: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS: Chihua (Long) Katherine LaRue SWEEPS PUPPY: Chihua (Long) Katherine LaRue SWEEPS VETERANS: Chihua (Smooth) Katherine LaRue SWEEPS PUPPY: Chihua (Smooth) Katherine LaRue

CA Dixon* (O) DALMATIAN CLUB OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA (S) Dixon May Fairgrounds 655 S 1st Street CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Debi Best, SHW SEC, 2463 Easy St, San Leandro, CA 94578 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Capt. H. Shorr, U.S. Navy (Ret.): Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mr. C. Alvarez: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Barbara Lyons SWEEPS PUPPY Barbara Lyons CA Dixon (I) EAST BAY DACHSHUND CLUB, INC. Dixon May Fairgrounds 655 S 1st Street CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Bonnie Prato, SHW SEC, 5252 SHAFTER AVE, OAKLAND, CA 94618 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Ms. T. L. Hundt: Breed CA Dixon* (O) GIANT SCHNAUZER CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. Dixon May Fairgrounds 655 S 1st Street CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Judy Wilson, SHW SEC, 209 WAINWRIGHT CT, SACRAMENTO, CA 95838 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd CA Dixon* (O) NEWFOUNDLAND CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (S) Dixon May Fairgrounds 655 S 1st Street CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Debi Best, SHW SEC, 2463 Easy St, San Leandro, CA 94578 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Ms. F. Brown: Breed Mrs. I. Semenschin: Jr. Showmanship Mrs. L. Cox: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Wendy Hayman SWEEPS PUPPY Wendy Hayman CA Dixon (I/O) NORTHERN CALIFORNIA HERDING GROUP ASSOCIATION (S) Dixon May Fairgrounds 655 S 1st Street CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 MB-F Inc., SUPT Mrs. S. A. Redmer: Herding Group, Austrl Cat Dg, Beard Coll, Brdr Coll, Bouv, Canaan, Fin Laph, GSD, Nor Buhund, Pol Low Shp, Pyre Shep, Swed Vallhund Mr. D. J. Kirkland: AustrlShep, Coll (Rough), Coll (Smooth), Shetld, Misc Breeds , Min Amer Shep, Brgr Pcrd, Belgian Laekenois, Span Water, Bergamasco, Pumi Mr. C. G. Liepmann: Beauceron, Briard, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Icelandic Shpdg, OES Mr. L. Adams: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Card-WC, PembWC Ms. P. W. Laurans: Pulik SWEEPS PUPPY: Pulik Susan Maass SWEEPS VETERANS: Pulik Susan Maass SWEEPS VETERANS: Bel Terv Shawn Peterson SWEEPS PUPPY: Bel Terv Shawn Peterson SWEEPS PUPPY: Pemb-WC Kay Hammel SWEEPS VETERANS: Pemb-WC Kay Hammel CA Dixon* (I) SACRAMENTO SIERRA NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND CLUB (S) Dixon May Fairgrounds 655 S 1st Street CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Judy Wilson, SHW SEC, 209 Wainwright Ct, Sacramento, CA 95838 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $14.00-2nd D. Y. McCormack: Breed Mrs. M. L. Just: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Mrs. Jane Sagami Watkins SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Jane Sagami Watkins CA Sacramento (I) AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB, INC. (S) Clarion Inn & Conference Center 1401 Arden Way CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 25 Ms. Bobbie Wood, SHW SEC, c/o BaRay Event Services, 203 S 4th Ave, Sequim, WA 98382 FEE: $34.00-1st/ $28.50-2nd Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY CO Greeley (I) AMERICAN BELGIAN TERVUREN CLUB, INC. (S) Island Grove Regional Park 501 N 14th Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Ginger Sammonds, SHW SEC, 4903 W COUNTY ROAD 14, LOVELAND, CO 80537 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. D. Thompson: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Melinda Hughes SWEEPS WORKING DOG Melinda Hughes SWEEPS PUPPY Melinda Hughes CO Greeley (I) AMERICAN WIREHAIRED POINTING GRIFFON ASSOCIATION (S) Island Grove Regional Park 501 N 14th Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Ginger Sammonds, SHW SEC, 4903 W COUNTY ROAD 14, LOVELAND, CO 80537 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd Mr. L. W. Bayne: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. Richard J Quaco SWEEPS VETERANS Mr. Richard J Quaco

CO Greeley (I) CENTRAL ROCKIES SCHIPPERKE CLUB OF GREATER DENVER Island Grove Regional Park 501 N 14th Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Ms. Sue Fregien, SHW SEC, 24902 APPLE RD, WATERFORD, WI 53185 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. G. Geringer: Breed CO Greeley* (I) COLLIE CLUB OF COLORADO (S) Island Grove Regional Park 501 N 14th Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Brenda Wood, SHW SEC, 755 W 10TH ST, LOVELAND, CO 80537 FEE: $26.50-1st/ $19.00-2nd Mr. J. G. Reno: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mr. L. L. Andrus: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr Mrs. P. Andrus: Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Rough) Frank Novachek SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Smooth) Frank Novachek CO Greeley (I) CONTINENTAL DIVIDE HERDING ASSOCIATION (S) Island Grove Regional Park 501 N 14th Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Ms. E. McDowell: Herding Group, AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Brdr Coll, Bouv, Briard, Canaan, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, GSD, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, Pemb-WC, Pol Low Shp, Pulik, Pyre Shep, Shetld, and more L. A. Friedow: Austrl Cat Dg, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Card-WC, Coll (Rough), Coll (Smooth), OES SWEEPS PUPPY: Austrl Cat Dg Robin Hug SWEEPS PUPPY: AustrlShep Robin Hug SWEEPS PUPPY: Beard Coll Robin Hug SWEEPS PUPPY: Beauceron Robin Hug SWEEPS PUPPY: Bel Mal Robin Hug SWEEPS PUPPY: Bel Shp Robin Hug SWEEPS PUPPY: Bel Terv Robin Hug SWEEPS PUPPY: Brdr Coll Robin Hug SWEEPS PUPPY: Bouv Robin Hug SWEEPS PUPPY: Briard Robin Hug SWEEPS PUPPY: Canaan Robin Hug SWEEPS PUPPY: Card-WC Robin Hug SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Rough) Robin Hug SWEEPS PUPPY: Entlebucher Mnt Dog Robin Hug SWEEPS PUPPY: Fin Laph Robin Hug SWEEPS PUPPY: GSD Robin Hug SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Smooth) Robin Hug SWEEPS PUPPY: Icelandic Shpdg Robin Hug SWEEPS PUPPY: Nor Buhund Robin Hug SWEEPS PUPPY: OES Robin Hug SWEEPS PUPPY: Pemb-WC Robin Hug SWEEPS PUPPY: Pol Low Shp Robin Hug SWEEPS PUPPY: Pulik Robin Hug SWEEPS PUPPY: Pyre Shep Robin Hug SWEEPS PUPPY: Shetld Robin Hug SWEEPS PUPPY: Swed Vallhund Robin Hug CO Greeley (I/O) MILE-HIGH WEIMARANER CLUB (S) Island Grove Regional Park 501 N 14th Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. H. L. James: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Jay Acker SWEEPS PUPPY Jay Acker GA Marietta (I) COCKER SPANIEL SPECIALTY CLUB OF GEORGIA (S) Jim Miller Park 2245 Callaway Rd SW CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $19.00-2nd Mr. C. E. Ward: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Black) Paul Averill SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (ASCOB) Paul Averill SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Parti) Paul Averill GA Marietta (I) GREATER ATLANTA BOSTON TERRIER CLUB (S) Jim Miller Park 2245 Callaway Rd SW CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mr. J. R. Cole: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Sarah Prince GA Marietta (I) (Evening) SAINT BERNARD CLUB OF GREATER ATLANTA Jim Miller Park 2245 Callaway Rd SW CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Marian McShane, SHW SEC, 3121 E HIGHWAY 146, LAGRANGE, KY 40031 Mr. T. R. Miller, Sr.: Breed

GA Marietta (I) XOLOITZCUINTLI CLUB OF AMERICA (S) Jim Miller Park 2245 Callaway Rd SW CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mr. O. Valverde-Calvo: Breed Dr. B. G. Smith: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Kathy Lawson SWEEPS PUPPY Kathy Lawson IL Crystal Lake (I) LAKESHORE PEMBROKE WELSH CORGI CLUB, INC. (S) Holiday Inn Crystal Lake 800 South Route 31 CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Camilla Thorne, SHW SEC, 8221 GRIFFITH AVE NW, MAPLE LAKE, MN 55358 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mrs. D. J. Francis: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Juliana du Pree SWEEPS PUPPY Juliana du Pree MA W Springfield* (I) QUEENSBORO KENNEL CLUB, INC. Eastern States Exposition Grounds 1305 Memorial Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. L. Robinson SPORTING Group: Mr. J. M. Fankhauser Mr. J. M. Fankhauser: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. S. A. Krogh Mrs. S. A. Krogh: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq. Mrs. S. A. Krogh: Sam, Sib Hky Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq.: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. D. M. Krogh Mr. D. M. Krogh: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. M. A. Tuff Mrs. S. A. Krogh: Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr Ms. M. A. Tuff: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. D. M. Krogh Ms. M. A. Tuff: Xoloitzcuintli Mr. D. M. Krogh: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. D. Richards Mr. D. Richards: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. L. Robinson Mr. R. L. Robinson: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Dr. E. J. Adomelis: Nov A, PNOV, Open A, Util A Ms. L. A. McHugh: Nov B, Open B, POPN, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. D. Richards NC Charlotte (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) BULLDOG CLUB OF AMERICA Piedmont Kennel Club Showplace 13607 Choate Circle CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Libby Sigmon, SHW SEC, 6235 Lynn Rd, Salisbury, NC 28147 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd R. Kelly: Breed NC Charlotte (I) BULLDOG CLUB OF GREENVILLE, S.C. (P) Piedmont Kennel Club Showplace 13607 Choate Circle CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Libby Sigmon, SHW SEC, 6235 LYNN RD, SALISBURY, NC 28147 FEE: $20.00 SWEEPS PUPPY: Bulldog Telitha Blackwood PR San Juan* (I) CARIBE KENNEL CLUB Cancha Nilmarie Santini CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Mrs. Blanca Cucurella, SHW SEC, PO Box 1786, Guaynabo 00970 FEE: $35.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. E. Frederiksen SPORTING Group: Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson Mr. J. E. Noe: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. J. E. Noe Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen Mr. J. E. Noe: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. C. Klein: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. E. Noe SD Sioux Falls* (I) SIOUX EMPIRE KENNEL CLUB, INC. W H Lyons Fairgrounds CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. V. T. Grosso SPORTING Group: Mrs. J. Webb Mrs. P. Hartinger: Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mrs. J. Webb: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. H. Clark Mrs. H. Clark: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mr. R. J. Shreve: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. K. M. Grosso Mrs. K. M. Grosso: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. H. Clark Mr. H. Clark: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. H. Clark Mr. V. T. Grosso: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. K. M. Grosso Mrs. K. M. Grosso: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. P. D. Rustad: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B Ms. C. A. Rustad: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B Mrs. S. Jacobson: Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. H. Clark

TX Austin (I) CEN-TEX KENNEL CLUB, INC. Travis County Exposition Center 7311 Decker Lane CLOSES: OCTOBER 7 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00 Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. H. Glendinning SPORTING Group: Mr. R. H. Menaker Mr. R. H. Menaker: All Sporting Breeds *No Classes: Ret-Lab HOUND Group: Mr. R. Ambrosio Dr. C. White-Moser: Amer English Coon, B & T Coonhnd, Bluetick Coon, Otter, Plott, Treeing Walker Coon Mr. R. Ambrosio: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. B. Capstick Mr. T. J. Latta: Boxer, Dobe Ms. B. Capstick: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. D. A. Alexander E. K. Moureau: Manch Ter Mr. D. A. Alexander: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: E. K. Moureau E. K. Moureau: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: G. M. Fritz Mr. V. D. Blevins: Bulldog, Fr Bull Mrs. H. Glendinning: Norwegian Lndhnd, Xoloitzcuintli G. M. Fritz: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. D. M. Brown Mrs. D. M. Brown: Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bouv, Canaan, Fin Laph, Nor Buhund, Pol Low Shp, Pulik, Pyre Shep, Swed Vallhund Mrs. H. Glendinning: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: G. M. Fritz G. M. Fritz: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: G. M. Fritz TX Austin (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) GREATER AUSTIN DOBERMAN PINSCHER CLUB Travis County Exposition Center 7311 Decker Lane CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Rebecca Christensen, SHW SEC, 196 LAZY HORSE TRL, PAIGE, TX 78659 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd TX Austin* (O) HEART OF TEXAS LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB (S) Travis County Exposition Center 7311 Decker Lane CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 2:00 p.m. Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. M. A. Silva: Breed Mrs. C. Mett: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Kimberlee Silva SWEEPS PUPPY Kimberlee Silva TX Austin (I) (Evening) SAN ANTONIO ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL CLUB, INC. (S) Travis County Exposition Center 7311 Decker Lane CLOSES: OCTOBER 6 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mrs. H. Glendinning: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Danelle M Brown VA Glen Allen (O) IRISH SETTER CLUB OF GREATER RICHMOND (S) Meadow Farm/Crump Park 3400 Mountain Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 John Savory, SHW SEC, 4132 STONY POINT RD, KESWICK, VA 22947 Ms. S. N. Melancon: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Mr. John Lyons SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. John Lyons WI Menasha (I) BADGERLAND CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL CLUB (P) Winnegamie Dog Club Training Center 2043 Manitowoc Road CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Maureen Pogorzelski, SHW SEC, 1809 BRIGGS ST, STEVENS POINT, WI 54481 SWEEPS PUPPY: Cav KC Spans Steve Wallis

OCTOBER 26 - SATURDAY AR Benton* (I/O) SALINE COUNTY KENNEL CLUB OF ARKANSAS Saline County Fairgrounds Interstate 30 CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 12:00 p.m. Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. M. L. Billings SPORTING Group: Mrs. M. L. Billings Mrs. A. D. Hearn: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Mrs. M. L. Billings: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. B. A. Brooks Mrs. B. A. Brooks: Alas Mal, Blk Russn Terrier, Grt Pyr, Portuguese, Sam Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. A. D. Hearn Mr. R. E. Hutton: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. E. Hutton Mr. R. E. Hutton: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. D. Hearn Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Chow Mrs. A. D. Hearn: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Shetld Mrs. M. L. Billings: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Col. J. B. Purkhiser: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. C. M. Thompson: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, Open A, Open B, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Col. J. B. Purkhiser AZ North Phoenix (O) MINIATURE PINSCHER CLUB OF GREATER PHOENIX, INC. (S) Christine’s K-9 Bed and Breakfast 35038 N 10th St CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Christine Filler, SHW SEC, 35038 N 10TH ST, DESERT HILLS, AZ 85086 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. L. Boutwell: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Dog News 105 Pamela Koch

AZ North Phoenix (O) MINIATURE PINSCHER CLUB OF GREATER TUCSON, INC. (S) Christine’s K-9 Bed and Breakfast 35038 N 10th St CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Christine Filler, SHW SEC, 35038 N.10TH ST, DESERT HILLS, AZ 85086 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd R. A. Fletcher: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Tempest Deptuch CA Dixon* (I/O) SACRAMENTO VALLEY DOG FANCIERS ASSOC. INC. (S) Dixon May Fairgrounds 655 S 1st Street CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. T. L. Hundt SPORTING Group: Mr. C. G. Liepmann Ms. P. W. Laurans: Brit, All Pointers, All Retrievers, Set-Eng, Set-Gord, Vizs Mr. C. G. Liepmann: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. G. D. Boulton N. Leising: Afghan Mrs. R. Kramer: Basset, Bgle, Borz, Eng Fox, Greyhnd, Harr, Ir Wolf, Nor Elk, Otter, PBGV Mr. G. D. Boulton: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. S. K. Weston Mrs. F. W. Schwartz: Grt Dane Mr. C. G. Liepmann: Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Ms. T. L. Hundt: Newf, Portuguese, Rottw, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky Mr. W. D. Hudson: Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kom, Kuv, Leonberger, Mast, Nepltn Mastiff Mrs. S. K. Weston: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. R. Kramer Mr. B. R. Edwards: Norwich Mr. L. Adams: Bdlgtn, Border, Cairn, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Min Schn, Norfolk, Scotti, Sealym, Skye Mrs. R. Kramer: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. D. J. Kirkland Mrs. J. Bendt: Pood Toy Mr. W. D. Hudson: Pug, Shih Tzu, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. F. W. Schwartz Mr. W. D. Hudson: Bichon, Fr Bull, Lhasa, Tib Span, Tib Ter Mrs. J. Bendt: Boston, Bulldog, Chow, Pood, Shiba Inu Mrs. F. W. Schwartz: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. L. Adams Mrs. S. K. Weston: AustrlShep Mr. W. Petterson: Pemb-WC Mr. B. R. Edwards: Bouv, Card-WC Mr. C. G. Liepmann: Pulik, Pyre Shep, Shetld, Swed Vallhund Mrs. J. Bendt: Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, GSD, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, OES Mr. L. Adams: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. B. R. Edwards Mr. B. R. Edwards: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. S. A. Redmer: Nov A, Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, PUTL, Versatility Mrs. N. Grimm: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. J. Bendt SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Curl Nancy Leising SWEEPS VETERANS: Ret-Curl Nancy Leising SWEEPS PUPPY: Dalm Mr. Warren D Hudson SWEEPS VETERANS: Dalm Mr. Warren D Hudson CA Perris* (O) KENNEL CLUB OF RIVERSIDE (S) Lake Perris State Recreation Area 17801 Lake Perris Dr CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. D. Vice SPORTING Group: Mrs. K. Meredith-Cavanna Dr. D. A. Gill: Ret-Gold, Span-Ckr, Weim Mrs. K. Meredith-Cavanna: Pntr-GS, Span-Eng Ckr, SpanEng Spr, Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Span-Suss, Span-Wel Spr, Spin Ital, Vizs, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mr. N. L. Patton: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. D. A. Gill Mr. N. L. Patton: RhoRidge Mrs. K. Meredith-Cavanna: B & T Coonhnd, Ibizan Dr. D. A. Gill: Amer English Coon, Basset, Dach, Port Pd Peq, Treeing Walker Coon K. L. Beliew: Bloodhnd, Ir Wolf, Nor Elk, Otter, PBGV, Pharaoh, ScotDeer D. Thornton: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: D. Thornton C. S. Anderson: Boxer, Grt Dane D. Thornton: Bullm, Cane Corso, Mast, Sam, Sib Hky Mrs. K. Meredith-Cavanna: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. N. L. Patton G. Milutinovich: Manch Ter Mr. D. Vice: Am Staff, Parson Russell, Soft Coated Mr. N. L. Patton: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: G. Milutinovich Mrs. A. K. Catterson: Cav KC Spans Mr. J. R. Shoemaker: Hava, Pood Toy G. Milutinovich: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. R. Shoemaker S. E. King: Schip G. Milutinovich: Lowch, Tib Span, Tib Ter Mr. J. R. Shoemaker: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Dr. D. A. Gill S. E. King: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Brdr Coll, Bouv, CardWC, OES, Pemb-WC, Shetld Dr. D. A. Gill: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. D. A. Gill Dr. D. A. Gill: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. S. M. Indelicato: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, Open A, Open B, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: S. E. King SWEEPS VETERANS: Card-WC Kathy Beliew SWEEPS PUPPY: Card-WC Kathy Beliew

106 Dog News

CA Perris (O) SOUTH COAST BASENJI FANCIERS (S) Lake Perris State Recreation Area 17801 Lake Perris Dr CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT Ms. J. M. Gentzen: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Mr. Darryl Vice SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. Darryl Vice CO Greeley* (I) BUCKHORN VALLEY KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Island Grove Regional Park 501 N 14th Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. D. Kniola SPORTING Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza: Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-Ckr, Spin Ital, Weim Mrs. M. Y. Pipes: Pointer, Ret-Ches, Ret-Lab, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Gord, Span-Eng Ckr Mrs. G. Geringer: Brit, Pntr-GS, Ret-Curl, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Clum, Span-Suss, Vizs Mrs. L. Warren: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. L. Warren Ms. G. Dunlap: Dach Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza: Afghan, Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Basenji, Basset, Bgle, Greyhnd, Harr, Ibizan, Nor Elk, Whip Mrs. G. Geringer: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. D. Thompson Mr. D. Thompson: Mast Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza: Blk Russn Terrier, Cane Corso, Chinook, Leonberger, Nepltn Mastiff, Rottw, Tibtn Mastiff Ms. L. Whittier: Akita, Alas Mal, Boxer, Giant Schn, Kom, Kuv, Portuguese, St Bern, Sib Hky, Std Schn Mr. R. L. Pelland: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. G. Dunlap Mrs. G. Geringer: Bull Ter, Lakelnd, Min Bull Terrs, Skye Mrs. D. Kniola: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. L. Whittier Ms. L. Whittier: Pug, Pood Toy Ms. G. Dunlap: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. L. Pelland Mrs. G. Geringer: Bulldog Ms. L. Whittier: Pood Mrs. L. Warren: Bichon, Shiba Inu Mr. R. L. Pelland: Am Esk Dog, Boston, Norwegian Lndhnd, Schip Mrs. D. Kniola: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza Ms. L. Whittier: Bouv Mrs. L. Scanlon: Beard Coll, Bel Terv, GSD, Shetld Mr. D. Thompson: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. L. Scanlon Mrs. L. Scanlon: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. L. L. Andrus: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV Mrs. P. Andrus: Open A, Open B, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. L. Whittier SWEEPS PUPPY: Schip SWEEPS VETERANS: Schip SWEEPS PUPPY: AustrlShep Doug Johnson GA Marietta* (I/O) KENNESAW KENNEL CLUB (S) Jim Miller Park 2245 Callaway Rd SW CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW C. Neilson SPORTING Group: Dr. B. G. Smith M. Daniel: Ret-Lab Dr. B. G. Smith: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: C. Neilson Mr. J. M. Watson: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. J. M. Watson C. Neilson: Akita, Boxer, Dobe, Grt Dane Mr. W. J. Sommerfelt: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. C. A. Beattie C. Neilson: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. S. I. Wheat Mrs. P. C. Inan: Chin Cr, Peke Mr. J. R. Cole: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mrs. C. A. Beattie: Pood Mrs. P. C. Inan: Xoloitzcuintli Ms. D. Barrett: Bichon, Boston, Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Chow, Fr Bull Ms. S. I. Wheat: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. S. I. Wheat C. Neilson: Bel Shp Ms. S. I. Wheat: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. C. A. Beattie Mrs. C. A. Beattie: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. R. F. Roberts: Nov A, Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B Ms. D. P. Neufeld: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Dr. B. G. Smith SWEEPS PUPPY: Vizs Mr. James A Fehring SWEEPS VETERANS: Vizs Mr. James A Fehring SWEEPS PUPPY: St Bern Karen Tucker GA Marietta (I) (Evening) SAINT BERNARD CLUB OF GREATER ATLANTA Jim Miller Park 2245 Callaway Rd SW CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Marian McShane, SHW SEC, 3121 E HIGHWAY 146, LAGRANGE, KY 40031 Ms. J. R. Schullier: Breed GA Marietta (I) (Evening) VIZSLA CLUB OF METRO ATLANTA Jim Miller Park 2245 Callaway Rd SW CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $27.00 Mr. J. M. Watson: Breed HI Kaneohe (O) HAWAIIAN TERRIER ASSOCIATION Samuel Wilder King Intermediate School 46-155 Kamehameha Highway CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Darlene Tsubota, SHW SEC, 2582 Pacific Heights Rd, Honolulu, HI 96813 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mrs. P. J. Haas: Terrier Group, Airdle, Am Staff, Austr, Bdlgtn, Border, Bull Ter (Color), Bull Ter (White), Cairn, Cesky Terrier, Dandie, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Glen Imaal, Irish Ter, Kerry, Lakelnd, Min and more

IL Chatham (I) LINCOLNLAND DACHSHUND CLUB (S) Capitol Canine Training Club 209 E. Walnut Street CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Mrs. Sharon Ehr, SHW SEC, 11812 SEVEN PINE DR, HOLLAND, MI 49424 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. B. L. Burns: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Long) Mr. Jessie Barringer SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Smooth) Mr. Jessie Barringer SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Wire) Mr. Jessie Barringer IL Crystal Lake (I) LAKESHORE PEMBROKE WELSH CORGI CLUB, INC. Holiday Inn Crystal Lake 800 South Route 31 CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Camilla Thorne, SHW SEC, 8221 GRIFFITH AVE NW, MAPLE LAKE, MN 55358 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Miss L. Roberts: Breed Mrs. S. J. Wolfskill: Jr. Showmanship IL Huntley* (I) SIBERIAN HUSKY CLUB OF GREATER CHICAGO Car-Dun-Al Dog Training Club 10783 Wolf Drive CLOSES: OCTOBER 4 Betty Jo Buck, SHW SEC, 9591 E 750 N, SHERIDAN, IN 46069 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mr. C. E. Trotter: Breed Mrs. S. M. Mayborne: Obedience IL St. Charles* (I) BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG CLUB OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS (S) DuPage Expo Center 4050 East Main Street CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Kathy Dachlet, SHW SEC, 7821 MORRISON RD, GREENLEAF, WI 54126 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $19.00-2nd Ms. C. C. Mann: Breed Mr. F. Buroff: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Jessica Briggle SWEEPS PUPPY Jessica Briggle IN Valparaiso (I/O) VALPARAISO KENNEL CLUB Porter County Expo Center & Fairground 215 E. Division Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $27.00 Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW C. A. Herbel SPORTING Group: T. Hale T. Hale: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. M. Martorella Ms. M. Martorella: All Hound Breeds *No Classes: Dach WORKING Group: Ms. M. Martorella Mrs. M. C. Reggie: Grm Pinscher, Grt Dane, Kom, Kuv, Newf T. Hale: Alas Mal, Boxer, Cane Corso, Dobe, Giant Schn, Leonberger, Portuguese, Rottw, Std Schn Ms. M. Martorella: Balance of Working Breeds *No Classes: Berns Mtn, Sib Hky TERRIER Group: Mrs. S. R. Baugniet Ms. S. M. Napady: Cairn, Wst Highlnd Ms. C. C. McGowan: Bull Ter, Min Bull Terrs, Staf Bull Mrs. S. R. Baugniet: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. C. C. McGowan Mrs. S. R. Baugniet: Pap, Pom Ms. C. C. McGowan: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. N. Hafner Mrs. S. R. Baugniet: Bulldog Mrs. N. Hafner: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: T. Hale C. A. Herbel: All Herding Breeds *No Classes: Pemb-WC MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. C. C. McGowan Ms. C. C. McGowan: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. S. M. Napady MA W Springfield* (I) QUEENSBORO KENNEL CLUB, INC. Eastern States Exposition Grounds 1305 Memorial Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. D. M. Krogh SPORTING Group: Mr. R. L. Robinson Mr. D. Richards: Ret-Gold, Ret-Nova Scotia T Mr. R. L. Robinson: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. D. Richards Mr. D. Richards: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. M. (. Datskow Mrs. S. A. Krogh: Boxer, Dobe Mr. J. Constantine: Giant Schn, Std Schn Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq.: Sam, Sib Hky Ms. M. A. Tuff: Cane Corso, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Leonberger, Tibtn Mastiff Mrs. M. (. Datskow: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. Constantine Mr. J. Constantine: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. S. A. Krogh Mr. J. Constantine: Bruss Grif, Toy Manch Ms. M. A. Tuff: Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr Mrs. I. M. Gram: Hava, Eng Toy Sp, Pug Mrs. S. A. Krogh: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq. Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq.: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. L. Palarik Ms. L. Palarik: All Herding Breeds *No Classes: GSD MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. D. M. Krogh Mr. D. M. Krogh: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. L. A. McHugh: Nov A, PNOV, Open A, Util A Dr. E. J. Adomelis: Nov B, Open B, POPN, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. L. Palarik NC Charlotte (I) PIEDMONT NORTH CAROLINA BULLDOG CLUB Piedmont Kennel Club Showplace 13607 Choate Circle CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Libby Sigmon, SHW SEC, 6235 LYNN RD, SALISBURY, NC 28147 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mrs. T. Powers: Breed

NC Charlotte (I) PIEDMONT NORTH CAROLINA BULLDOG CLUB Piedmont Kennel Club Showplace 13607 Choate Circle CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Libby Sigmon, SHW SEC, 6235 LYNN RD, SALISBURY, NC 28147 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mr. D. P. Powers: Breed NJ Columbus* (O) SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB Burlington County Fairgrounds 1990 Jacksonville Road CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Liz Lenard, SHW SEC, 123 Jerome Ave, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Dr. D. L. Crane: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. C. A. Artim: Obedience NJ Columbus (O) SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB Burlington County Fairgrounds 1990 Jacksonville Road CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Liz Lenard, SHW SEC, 123 JEROME AVE, EGG HARBOR TOWNSHIP, NJ 08234 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mrs. B. W. Lopez: Breed OH Canton (I) SCOTTISH TERRIER CLUB OF NORTHERN OHIO (S) Stark County Fairgrounds 305 Wertz Ave N W CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Larry Harris, SHW SEC, 5796 MILL CREEK BLVD, BOARDMAN, OH 44512 FEE: $26.00-1st/ $7.00-2nd Mrs. J. A. Franklin: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Donna Cambron OH Delaware (I) DELAWARE OHIO KENNEL CLUB (S) Delaware County Fairgrounds 236 Pennsylvania Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. L. Vandiver SPORTING Group: Dr. D. W. Dowling Mrs. K. Herr: Ret-Lab C. McMaster: Pointer, Pntr-GS, Ret-Gold, Set-Eng, Weim Mr. R. L. Vandiver: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. D. W. Dowling Dr. D. W. Dowling: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. W. Sahloff Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Berns Mtn, Grt Pyr, Newf, Std Schn Mr. W. Sahloff: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: All Terrier Breeds *No Classes: Scotti TOY Group: Mr. R. H. Mullen Dr. J. Ferrante: Chihua, Shih Tzu, Pood Toy, Yorks Mr. R. H. Mullen: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. G. L. Doerge Mr. G. L. Doerge: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. R. R. Frost Mr. R. L. Vandiver: Briard, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, OES, Pol Low Shp Mr. R. R. Frost: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. G. L. Doerge Mr. G. L. Doerge: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: C. McMaster SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Lab Nancy Chargo PA Lancaster (I) GREAT DANE CLUB OF RARITAN VALLEY Lancaster Host Resorts 2300 Lincoln Hwy East CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $30.00 J. Langevin: B Mrs. S. C. Lady: D, I, Jr. Showmanship PR San Juan* (I) CARIBE KENNEL CLUB Cancha Nilmarie Santini CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 10:00 p.m. Mrs. Blanca Cucurella, SHW SEC, LA ARBOLEDA A2, AVE RAMIREZ DE ARELLANO, GUAYNABO 00966 FEE: $35.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. C. L. Olvis SPORTING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mr. D. J. Murphy: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. E. Muthard Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. E. Muthard Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. D. J. Murphy Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mr. D. J. Murphy: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Ms. E. Muthard: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. E. Muthard Ms. E. Muthard: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. R. R. Withers: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. D. J. Murphy SD Sioux Falls* (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) SIOUX EMPIRE KENNEL CLUB, INC. W H Lyons Fairgrounds CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. P. Hartinger SPORTING Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Retrievers, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh Mr. R. J. Shreve: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. J. Webb Mrs. J. Webb: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. H. Clark Mr. H. Clark: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. V. T. Grosso Mr. V. T. Grosso: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. H. Clark Mrs. H. Clark: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. K. M. Grosso Mrs. K. M. Grosso: All Non-Sporting Breeds

HERDING Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger Mr. R. R. Hartinger: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. C. A. Rustad: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B Mrs. S. Jacobson: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B Mr. P. D. Rustad: Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. R. J. Shreve TX Austin (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) GREATER AUSTIN DOBERMAN PINSCHER CLUB (S) Travis County Exposition Center 7311 Decker Lane CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Rebecca Christensen, SHW SEC, 196 LAZY HORSE TRL, PAIGE, TX 78659 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd SWEEPS VETERANS SWEEPS PUPPY TX Austin* TRAVIS COUNTY KENNEL CLUB Travis County Exposition Center 7311 Decker Lane CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. B. Capstick SPORTING Group: Mrs. H. Glendinning D. G. Sena, D.D.S.: Span-Ckr (Black) Ms. R. W. Russell: Span-Eng Spr S. Anderson: Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab Mrs. H. Glendinning: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. L. M. Guerrero S. Mcgee: Basset Mrs. H. Glendinning: Bloodhnd Mr. L. M. Guerrero: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: D. P. Cline Ms. J. K. Laurin: Newf D. P. Cline: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. J. E. Thill C. L. Cargo: Norfolk Ms. J. E. Thill: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: D. P. Cline D. P. Cline: Affenp Mr. L. M. Guerrero: Chin Cr Ms. J. E. Thill: Toy Manch Ms. B. Capstick: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: T. S. Robbins T. McDermott: Bulldog Ms. J. E. Thill: Fr Bull, Lhasa Mrs. D. B. Read: Am Esk Dog, Fin Spitz, Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd, Schip T. S. Robbins: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. J. K. Laurin C. L. Cargo: OES, Shetld M. A. Lindsey-Miller: Card-WC, GSD, Pemb-WC D. P. Cline: Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, Nor Buhund, Pol Low Shp Ms. J. K. Laurin: Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Brdr Coll, Briard, Canaan Mr. R. Ambrosio: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. H. Glendinning Mrs. H. Glendinning: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. C. Mett: Nov A, Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. J. E. Thill VA Leesburg (O) MIDDLEBURG KENNEL CLUB (S) Oatlands Plantation Route 15 South CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $31.00 Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW J. G. Reynolds SPORTING Group: Mrs. N. Liebes Mr. D. P. Oliveira: Ret-Lab Ms. P. S. Schaar: All Setters, Span-Eng Ckr Mr. B. Meyer: Brit, All Pointers, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl Mrs. N. Liebes: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. E. B. Weiss Mr. J. C. Briley: Basset R. Casey: Borz Ms. P. S. Schaar: Saluki Mrs. N. Liebes: Whip J. G. Reynolds: Bloodhnd, Ir Wolf, Treeing Walker Coon Mr. E. B. Weiss: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. R. M. Brown Ms. B. R. Leininger: Newf Mr. J. C. Briley: Boxer, Dobe Mrs. C. Meyer: Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Bullm, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Giant Schn Dr. R. M. Brown: Balance of Working Breeds *No Classes: Grt Dane TERRIER Group: Mrs. C. Meyer Mr. E. B. Weiss: Cairn Mrs. C. Meyer: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. E. B. Weiss Mrs. N. Liebes: Cav KC Spans J. G. Reynolds: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. B. R. Leininger Ms. B. R. Leininger: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. B. Meyer J. G. Reynolds: Pemb-WC Mr. B. Meyer: Balance of Herding Breeds *No Classes: GSD MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. C. Briley Mr. J. C. Briley: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. C. Briley SWEEPS VETERANS: Set-Irsh Ron Perry SWEEPS PUPPY: Set-Irsh Ron Perry SWEEPS PUPPY: Borz Leigh Littleton SWEEPS VETERANS: Borz Leigh Littleton SWEEPS PUPPY: Newf Mike Lella SWEEPS VETERANS: Newf Mike Lella SWEEPS VETERANS: Grt Pyr Hal Biermann SWEEPS PUPPY: Grt Pyr Hal Biermann SWEEPS VETERANS: Basset Diane Ingram SWEEPS PUPPY: Basset Diane Ingram SWEEPS PUPPY: Pemb-WC Kandy Bull SWEEPS PUPPY: Pntr-GS Diane Shearer SWEEPS VETERANS: Pntr-GS Diane Shearer

WA Ridgefield* (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) VANCOUVER KENNEL CLUB (S) Clark Co Fairgrounds 17402 NE Delfel Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 12:00 p.m. Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $19.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. R. D. Smith SPORTING Group: Mrs. R. D. Smith Ms. S. C. Way: Set-Gord, Span-Clum Dr. R. D. Smith: Span-Boykin, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Span-Suss, Span-Wel Spr, Spin Ital, Vizs Y. Savard: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. S. C. Way P. C. Byrne: Afghan, Dach Ms. S. C. Way: Amer English Coon, Am Fox, B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Bluetick Coon, Eng Fox, Greyhnd, Harr, Ibizan, Plott, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon, Treeing Walker Coon Dr. R. D. Smith: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. C. C. Smith Mrs. S. Walker: Akita, Berns Mtn, Mast, Portuguese Ms. S. C. Way: AnatolShep, Blk Russn Terrier, Bullm, Cane Corso, Chinook, Std Schn Mrs. R. D. Smith: Dobe, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Kom, Kuv, Nepltn Mastiff, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky Ms. C. C. Smith: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. S. C. Way Ms. S. C. Way: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. J. M. Zielinski Y. Savard: Eng Toy Sp Ms. S. C. Way: Toy Manch Mrs. J. M. Zielinski: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Chihua Mrs. R. D. Smith: Chin Cr, I Greyhnd, J Chin, Pom, Shih Tzu, Toy Fox Terrier Mr. F. R. Stephens: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. F. R. Stephens Mrs. J. Bruton: Boston, Fr Bull Ms. C. C. Smith: Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Chow, Dalm, Kees, Xoloitzcuintli Mr. F. R. Stephens: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Y. Savard N. Olson Handgraaf: Pemb-WC Mrs. J. M. Zielinski: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. C. C. Smith Ms. C. C. Smith: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. C. Cornell: Nov A, Open A, Util B Mrs. C. S. Wray: Nov B, Util A *Pending: Open B To Be Assigned: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Grad Openr, POPN, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. F. R. Stephens SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Flat Sharon Candice Way SWEEPS VETERANS: Ret-Flat Sharon Candice Way WI Menasha (I) BADGERLAND CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL CLUB Winnegamie Dog Club Training Center 2043 Manitowoc Road CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Maureen Pogorzelski, SHW SEC, 1809 BRIGGS ST, STEVENS POINT, WI 54481 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Miss S. Maclaine: Breed

OCTOBER 27 - SUNDAY AR Benton* (I/O) SALINE COUNTY KENNEL CLUB OF ARKANSAS Saline County Fairgrounds Interstate 30 CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Col. J. B. Purkhiser SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. D. Hearn Mrs. M. L. Billings: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. M. L. Billings Col. J. B. Purkhiser: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Mrs. M. L. Billings: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. E. Hutton Mrs. A. D. Hearn: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. A. D. Hearn Mrs. M. L. Billings: Pom Mrs. A. D. Hearn: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. E. Hutton Mr. R. E. Hutton: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. M. L. Billings Mrs. M. L. Billings: Shetld Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. E. Hutton Mr. R. E. Hutton: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. C. M. Thompson: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, Open A, Open B, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. A. D. Hearn CA Dixon* (I/O) SACRAMENTO VALLEY DOG FANCIERS ASSOC. INC. Dixon May Fairgrounds 655 S 1st Street CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. C. G. Liepmann SPORTING Group: Ms. T. L. Hundt Mr. C. G. Liepmann: Brit, All Pointers, Ret-Ches, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Eng, Set-Gord Ms. T. L. Hundt: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. F. W. Schwartz Mrs. J. Bendt: Dach Ms. P. W. Laurans: Treeing Walker Coon Mrs. R. Kramer: Afghan, Plott, Saluki, ScotDeer, Whip Mrs. F. W. Schwartz: Amer English Coon, Bluetick Coon, Borz, Greyhnd, Harr, Ibizan, Ir Wolf, Pharaoh, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon Ms. T. L. Hundt: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. P. W. Laurans Mr. W. D. Hudson: Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Bullm, Cane Corso Ms. P. W. Laurans: Akita, Boxer, Chinook, Dobe, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Giant Schn, Grt Dane Mrs. S. K. Weston: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. D. J. Kirkland Mrs. R. Kramer: Norwich Norfolk, Sealym Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Austr, Bdlgtn, Cesky Terrier, Dandie, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Scotti Mrs. K. A. Reynders: Balance of Terrier Breeds

TOY Group: Mrs. R. Kramer Mrs. K. A. Reynders: Toy Manch Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Pood Toy Mrs. R. Kramer: Cav KC Spans, Eng Toy Sp, J Chin, Malt, Pug, Shih Tzu, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mr. W. D. Hudson: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. D. J. Kirkland Mr. D. J. Kirkland: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. J. Bendt R. A. Kindy: GSD Mrs. B. Stenmark: Card-WC, Pemb-WC Mrs. F. W. Schwartz: AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Pulik Mrs. J. Bendt: Coll, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, Pol Low Shp, Pyre Shep, Shetld, Swed Vallhund Ms. P. W. Laurans: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. P. W. Laurans Ms. P. W. Laurans: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. N. Grimm: Nov A, Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, PUTL, Versatility Ms. L. G. Pang: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. K. A. Reynders CA Perris (O) KENNEL CLUB OF RIVERSIDE (S) Lake Perris State Recreation Area 17801 Lake Perris Dr CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. L. K. Davis SPORTING Group: Mr. N. L. Patton Mrs. K. Meredith-Cavanna: Brit, Pointer, Pntr-GW, RetChes, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Lab, Ret-Nova Scotia T, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Clum Mr. N. L. Patton: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: D. Thornton Mrs. K. Meredith-Cavanna: Basenji D. Thornton: Amer English Coon, Basset, Bloodhnd, Dach, Ir Wolf, PBGV, Port Pd Peq, RhoRidge, ScotDeer, Treeing Walker Coon Dr. D. A. Gill: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. D. A. Gill Mr. D. Vice: Bullm, Std Schn Dr. D. A. Gill: AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Portuguese, Rottw, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky, Tibtn Mastiff C. S. Anderson: Cane Corso, Chinook, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Giant Schn, Grt Pyr, Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Newf D. Thornton: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. D. Vice Mr. L. K. Davis: Am Staff, Parson Russell, Soft Coated Mr. D. Vice: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. J. R. Shoemaker Mrs. A. K. Catterson: J Chin G. Milutinovich: Cav KC Spans, Hava, Pood Toy Mr. J. R. Shoemaker: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. N. L. Patton Mr. N. L. Patton: Lowch Mrs. A. K. Catterson: Fin Spitz, Xoloitzcuintli G. Milutinovich: Bichon, Boston, Fr Bull, Pood Dr. D. A. Gill: Am Esk Dog, Shar-Pei, Chow, Dalm, Kees, Schip Mr. D. Vice: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. K. Meredith-Cavanna Mrs. K. Meredith-Cavanna: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: K. L. Beliew K. L. Beliew: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: G. Milutinovich SWEEPS VETERANS: Grt Pyr Mari Hayhurst SWEEPS PUPPY: Grt Pyr Mari Hayhurst CO Greeley* (I) BUCKHORN VALLEY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Island Grove Regional Park 501 N 14th Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. L. Whittier SPORTING Group: Mrs. L. Warren Mrs. M. Y. Pipes: Brit, Ret-Gold, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mrs. G. Geringer: Pointer, Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches, Ret-Flat, Ret-Nova Scotia T, All Setters, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Span-Wel Spr Mrs. L. Warren: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. L. Scanlon Mrs. D. Kniola: Bgle Mrs. L. Warren: Basset, Whip Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza: Dach, Eng Fox Mr. D. Thompson: Bluetick Coon, Harr, Plott, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon, Treeing Walker Coon Mrs. L. Scanlon: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza Mrs. L. Warren: Cane Corso Ms. L. Whittier: Bullm, Dobe, Grt Dane, Sam Mr. R. L. Pelland: Akita, Alas Mal, Boxer, Giant Schn, Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Sib Hky, Std Schn Mr. D. Thompson: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. D. Kniola Ms. L. Whittier: Manch Ter Mrs. G. Geringer: Cesky Terrier, Dandie, Glen Imaal, Sealym, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Ms. G. Dunlap: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. G. Dunlap Ms. G. Dunlap: Pood Toy Mrs. D. Kniola: Hava, I Greyhnd, J Chin, Malt, Min Pin, Toy Manch, Pom, Pug Ms. L. Whittier: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Ms. G. Dunlap: Pood Mrs. G. Geringer: Am Esk Dog, Boston, Norwegian Lndhnd Mrs. D. Kniola: Bulldog, Schip, Shiba Inu Mr. R. L. Pelland: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. D. Thompson Mr. D. Thompson: Beard Coll, Shetld Mrs. L. Scanlon: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Beauceron, Bouv, Briard, Card-WC, Pulik Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Mrs. G. Geringer: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. P. Andrus: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV Mr. L. L. Andrus: Open A, Open B, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. G. Dunlap

GA Marietta* (I/O) KENNESAW KENNEL CLUB Jim Miller Park 2245 Callaway Rd SW CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. W. J. Sommerfelt SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. A. Beattie Mrs. C. A. Beattie: Vizs, Weim Mr. A. Berrios: Pntr-GW, Ret-Flat, Set-Eng, Set-Gord, Span-Irw Mrs. D. R. Ward: Ret-Gold, Span-AmW, Span-Clum, SpanCkr, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Span-Fld, Span-Suss, Span-Wel Spr Mr. W. J. Sommerfelt: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. J. M. Watson C. Neilson: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. W. J. Sommerfelt C. Neilson: Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Bullm, Cane Corso, Chinook, Grm Pinscher, Giant Schn, Grt Pyr, Kuv, Std Schn Mr. J. M. Watson: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: C. Neilson Mrs. C. A. Beattie: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mrs. C. A. Beattie: Cav KC Spans Mr. J. R. Cole: Chin Cr, Peke Ms. S. I. Wheat: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. S. I. Wheat Ms. S. I. Wheat: Boston Mr. J. R. Cole: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: C. Neilson Mr. W. J. Sommerfelt: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. W. J. Sommerfelt Mr. W. J. Sommerfelt: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. D. P. Neufeld: Nov A, Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B Mr. R. F. Roberts: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. D. R. Ward HI Kaneohe (O) HAWAIIAN TERRIER ASSOCIATION Samuel Wilder King Intermediate School 46-155 Kamehameha Highway CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Darlene Tsubota, SHW SEC, 2582 PACIFIC HEIGHTS RD, HONOLULU, HI 96813 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mr. R. W. Powell: Terrier Group, Airdle, Am Staff, Austr, Bdlgtn, Border, Bull Ter (Color), Bull Ter (White), Cairn, Cesky Terrier, Dandie, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Glen Imaal, Irish Ter, Kerry, Lakelnd, Min and more IL Huntley* (I) SIBERIAN HUSKY CLUB OF GREATER CHICAGO Car-Dun-Al Dog Training Club 10783 Wolf Drive CLOSES: OCTOBER 4 Betty Jo Buck, SHW SEC, 9591 E 750 N, SHERIDAN, IN 46069 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Breed Mrs. S. M. Mayborne: Obedience IL St. Charles* (I) BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG CLUB OF NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS (S) DuPage Expo Center 4050 East Main Street CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Kathy Dachlet, SHW SEC, 7821 MORRISON RD, GREENLEAF, WI 54126 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $19.00-2nd Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mr. F. Buroff: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Harry H (Butch) Schulman SWEEPS PUPPY Harry H (Butch) Schulman IN Valparaiso (I/O) VALPARAISO KENNEL CLUB Porter County Expo Center & Fairground 215 E. Division Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $27.00 Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW T. Hale SPORTING Group: Ms. M. Martorella Ms. M. Martorella: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. E. K. Martin L. E. Abbott-Licht: Dach Dr. E. K. Martin: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. C. C. McGowan Mrs. M. C. Reggie: Gtr Swiss Mtn, Nepltn Mastiff, Tibtn Mastiff C. A. Herbel: Alas Mal, Grm Pinscher, Mast, Sam Ms. C. C. McGowan: Balance of Working Breeds *No Classes: Berns Mtn, Sib Hky TERRIER Group: Dr. E. K. Martin Mrs. S. R. Baugniet: Bull Ter, Cairn, Min Bull Terrs, Staf Bull, Wst Highlnd Dr. E. K. Martin: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. N. Hafner Mrs. N. Hafner: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: C. A. Herbel Mrs. S. R. Baugniet: Boston, Shar-Pei, Chow, Fr Bull, Pood, Tib Ter C. A. Herbel: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. C. C. McGowan T. Hale: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. S. R. Baugniet Mrs. S. R. Baugniet: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. S. R. Baugniet MA W Springfield* (O) RIVERHEAD KENNEL CLUB, INC. Eastern States Exposition Grounds 1305 memorial Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $26.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq. SPORTING Group: Mr. D. Richards Dr. A. C. Santos, M.D.: Brit Mr. R. L. Robinson: Ret-Gold, Ret-Nova Scotia T Mr. D. Richards: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. R. L. Robinson Mr. R. L. Robinson: All Hound Breeds *No Classes: Ir Wolf WORKING Group: Mrs. S. A. Krogh Mrs. M. (. Datskow: Boxer, Cane Corso, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Giant Schn, Leonberger, Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mrs. S. A. Krogh: Balance of Working Breeds *No Classes: Dobe

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TERRIER Group: Ms. C. J. Seaberg Ms. C. J. Seaberg: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. D. M. Krogh Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq.: Hava Ms. C. J. Seaberg: Toy Manch Mr. D. M. Krogh: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. S. A. Krogh P. Capozzolo: Bichon, Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Fr Bull, Shiba Inu Mrs. S. A. Krogh: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. T. W. Coen Mr. T. W. Coen: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq. Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq.: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES J. M. Charest: Nov A, PNOV, Open B, Util A, PUTL Ms. L. Moffa: Nov B, Open A, POPN, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. M. (. Datskow NC Charlotte (I) BULLDOG CLUB OF GREENVILLE, S.C. Piedmont Kennel Club Showplace 13607 Choate Circle CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Libby Sigmon, SHW SEC, 6235 LYNN RD, SALISBURY, NC 28147 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Miss S. Gann: Breed NY Hillburn* (I) DOBERMAN PINSCHER CLUB OF THE TAPPAN ZEE Joseph T. St. Lawrence Community Health/Sports Ctr 115 Torne Valley Road CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $32.00-1st/ $26.00-2nd R. Carlisle: Breed Mrs. L. S. Moore: Obedience NY Hillburn* (I) DOBERMAN PINSCHER CLUB OF THE TAPPAN ZEE Joseph T. St. Lawrence Community Health/Sports Ctr 115 Torne Valley Road CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $32.00-1st/ $26.00-2nd Ms. C. H. Yamaoka: Breed Mrs. L. S. Moore: Obedience OH Delaware (I) DELAWARE OHIO KENNEL CLUB (S) Delaware County Fairgrounds 236 Pennsylvania Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine SPORTING Group: Mr. R. L. Vandiver Mr. R. Cone: Ret-Lab Mrs. M. Reder: Pointer, Ret-Ches, Ret-Flat, Set-Gord, Span-Clum, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Suss, Weim Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. G. L. Doerge Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: PBGV Mr. J. T. Steele: Afghan, Basenji, Basset, Bgle, Dach, Greyhnd, Ir Wolf, Nor Elk, Otter, RhoRidge, Saluki, ScotDeer, Whip Mr. R. R. Frost: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. L. Vandiver Ms. N. S. Amburgey: Akita, Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Cane Corso, Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky Mr. R. L. Vandiver: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. G. L. Doerge Mr. G. L. Doerge: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Dr. D. W. Dowling N. L. Van Camp: Chin Cr, Pap Dr. D. W. Dowling: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. R. Frost Mr. R. R. Frost: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: N. L. Van Camp N. L. Van Camp: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: N. L. Van Camp N. L. Van Camp: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. N. S. Amburgey SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Lab Cindy Cone PA Reinholds (O) LOWER SUSQUEHANNA IRISH SETTER CLUB (S) Shupps Grove Antique Park 607 Willow Street CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Sandy Fisher, SHW SEC, PO BOX 6898, C/O RAU DOG SHOW, READING, PA 19610 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd C. A. Sloughfy: Breed Mr. J. A. Berkowitz: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Tammy Albee SWEEPS PUPPY Tammy Albee PR San Juan* (I) CARIBE KENNEL CLUB Cancha Nilmarie Santini CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 Mrs. Blanca Cucurella, SHW SEC, PO Box 1786, Guaynabo 00970 FEE: $35.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. D. J. Murphy SPORTING Group: Mr. D. J. Murphy Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Ms. E. Muthard: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Ms. E. Muthard: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mr. D. J. Murphy: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. E. Muthard Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. E. Muthard Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Ms. E. Muthard: Bel Shp, Bouv, Card-WC, GSD, Pol Low Shp, Shetld Mr. C. L. Olvis: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. D. J. Murphy Mr. D. J. Murphy: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. R. R. Withers: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. E. Muthard

108 Dog News

SD Sioux Falls* (I) SIOUX EMPIRE KENNEL CLUB, INC. W H Lyons Fairgrounds CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. J. Webb SPORTING Group: Mr. H. Clark Mr. H. Clark: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. H. Clark Mrs. H. Clark: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mr. R. J. Shreve: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. K. M. Grosso Mrs. K. M. Grosso: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, Hava, Eng Toy Sp, J Chin Mrs. J. Webb: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger Mr. R. R. Hartinger: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. V. T. Grosso Mr. V. T. Grosso: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. J. Webb Mrs. J. Webb: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. S. Jacobson: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B Mr. P. D. Rustad: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B Ms. C. A. Rustad: Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. H. Clark TX Austin* TRAVIS COUNTY KENNEL CLUB Travis County Exposition Center 7311 Decker Lane CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 12:00 p.m. Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. L. M. Guerrero SPORTING Group: D. P. Cline D. G. Sena, D.D.S.: Span-Ckr (ASCOB), Span-Ckr (Parti) D. P. Cline: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: T. S. Robbins Mrs. R. M. Rice: Borz H. E. Engel: Afghan, Bgle K. Kuper: Greyhnd, Whip T. S. Robbins: Amer English Coon, Bluetick Coon, Dach (Smooth), Eng Fox, Dach (Wire), Plott, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon, ScotDeer, Treeing Walker Coon Ms. B. Capstick: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. Ambrosio H. E. Engel: Alas Mal, Boxer, Dobe, Grt Dane, Newf, Rottw Mr. R. Ambrosio: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. A. Moore Mrs. A. Moore: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. B. Capstick Mrs. A. Moore: Toy Manch K. Kuper: Silky D. P. Cline: Chin Cr, I Greyhnd T. S. Robbins: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. Ambrosio Mr. H. E. Adams: Bulldog Mr. R. Ambrosio: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: D. P. Cline D. P. Cline: Briard A. Caple: Pemb-WC Mrs. L. Klingel Brown: Beard Coll, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Brdr Coll, Canaan, GSD, Swed Vallhund Ms. J. K. Laurin: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. B. Capstick Ms. B. Capstick: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. J. H. Mett: Nov A, Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: K. Kuper VA Leesburg (O) MIDDLEBURG KENNEL CLUB (S) Oatlands Plantation Route 15 South CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $31.00 Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. C. Meyer SPORTING Group: Mr. B. Meyer Mrs. N. Liebes: Pointer, Pntr-GW Mr. E. B. Weiss: Set-Eng, Span-Ckr Dr. N. Dee: Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr Mrs. N. Dee: Brit, Pntr-GS, Ret-Curl, Set-Gord, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Weim Mr. B. Meyer: Ret-Lab, Span-Boykin, Span-Fld, Span-Suss, Spin Ital, Vizs, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mr. D. P. Oliveira: Balance of Sporting Breeds *No Classes: Set-Irsh HOUND Group: Mr. J. C. Briley Mr. J. C. Briley: Amer English Coon, B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Bluetick Coon, Harr, Nor Elk, Otter, Plott, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon, Treeing Walker Coon, Whip Ms. J. M. Buehler: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. N. Liebes Mr. J. C. Briley: Grt Pyr Mrs. C. Meyer: Leonberger E. Gordon: Mast J. G. Reynolds: Newf Mr. D. P. Oliveira: Portuguese Ms. B. R. Leininger: Bullm, Cane Corso, Dobe Mrs. N. Liebes: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. E. B. Weiss Mrs. N. Liebes: Am Staff J. G. Reynolds: Cairn Mr. E. B. Weiss: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. B. R. Leininger Ms. B. R. Leininger: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: J. G. Reynolds J. G. Reynolds: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Dr. R. M. Brown Mrs. C. Meyer: Bouv, Briard, Coll, Pemb-WC, Shetld Dr. R. M. Brown: Balance of Herding Breeds *No Classes: GSD MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. B. R. Leininger Ms. B. R. Leininger: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. J. M. Buehler SWEEPS PUPPY: Chow Cindy Stansell SWEEPS VETERANS: Chow Cindy Stansell SWEEPS PUPPY: Mast Anthony Sanchez

WA Ridgefield* (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) VANCOUVER KENNEL CLUB Clark Co Fairgrounds 17402 NE Delfel Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 12:00 p.m. Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $19.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. S. Walker SPORTING Group: Y. Savard Mrs. R. D. Smith: Set-Irsh, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Wirehair Ptg Grif Ms. S. C. Way: Ret-Ches, Span-AmW, Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Weim Dr. R. D. Smith: Brit, All Pointers, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, RetGold, Ret-Lab, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Eng Y. Savard: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. R. D. Smith Mrs. R. D. Smith: Saluki, ScotDeer, Whip Ms. S. C. Way: Afghan, Basenji, Basset, Bgle, Borz, Ir Wolf, Nor Elk, Otter, PBGV, Pharaoh Dr. R. D. Smith: Balance of Hound Breeds *Pending: Port Pd Peq, RhoRidge WORKING Group: Ms. S. C. Way Mrs. R. D. Smith: AnatolShep Dr. R. D. Smith: Blk Russn Terrier Mrs. J. M. Zielinski: Tibtn Mastiff Ms. C. C. Smith: Bullm, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dobe, Dogue de Brdx, St Bern, Sib Hky Mrs. S. Walker: Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Leonberger, Newf, Rottw, Sam, Std Schn Ms. S. C. Way: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. F. R. Stephens Mr. F. R. Stephens: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. R. D. Smith Ms. C. C. Smith: Pood Toy Mrs. R. D. Smith: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Pug Mr. F. R. Stephens: Chihua, Chin Cr, J Chin, Toy Manch Mrs. J. M. Zielinski: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. R. D. Smith P. C. Byrne: Bulldog Mr. F. R. Stephens: Shar-Pei, Chow, Dalm, Kees, Xoloitzcuintli Mrs. R. D. Smith: Am Esk Dog, Fin Spitz, Lhasa, Lowch, Tib Span, Tib Ter Ms. C. C. Smith: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds *Pending: Fr Bull HERDING Group: Mrs. J. M. Zielinski Mrs. J. M. Zielinski: Pemb-WC Mrs. R. D. Smith: Canaan, Card-WC, Coll, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph Dr. R. D. Smith: GSD, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, OES, Pol Low Shp, Pulik, Pyre Shep Y. Savard: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. F. R. Stephens Mr. F. R. Stephens: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. C. Cornell: Nov B, Util A Mrs. C. S. Wray: Open B, Util B *Pending: Nov A, Open A To Be Assigned: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Grad Openr, POPN, PUTL WI Menasha (I) BADGERLAND CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL CLUB Winnegamie Dog Club Training Center 2043 Manitowoc Road CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Maureen Pogorzelski, SHW SEC, 1809 BRIGGS ST, STEVENS POINT, WI 54481 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd S. W. Moses: Breed

OCTOBER 27 - SUNDAY thru OCTOBER 28 - MONDAY PA Matamoras (O) IRISH WOLFHOUND ASSOCIATION OF THE GARDEN STATE (2) (S) Best Western Inn at Hunt’s Landing 120 Routes 6 & 209 CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 27 8:00 p.m. Patricia B. Reilley, SHW SEC, 531 High Rock Rd, Fitchburg, MA 01420 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mrs. E. Swelheim-Kruisinga: Breed Mrs. K. Iacobellis: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Ms. Carol Guilfoyle SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Carol Guilfoyle

OCTOBER 28 - MONDAY KS Topeka (I) RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK CLUB OF THE UNITED STATES, INC. (P) Capitol Plaza Hotel & Convention Center 1717 SW Topeka Blvd CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 21 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $28.00 SWEEPS VETERANS: RhoRidge Troy Abney

OCTOBER 28 - MONDAY thru OCTOBER 29 - TUESDAY AZ Tucson (I) PHOENIX ARIZONA BEAGLE CLUB (2) (S) Holiday Inn Tucson Airport North 4550 S Palo Verde Blvd CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $30.00 Mr. W. P. Shelton: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY: Bgle (13 Under) Nick Peaker SWEEPS VETERANS: Bgle (13 Under) Nick Peaker SWEEPS PUPPY: Bgle (Over 13) Nick Peaker SWEEPS VETERANS: Bgle (Over 13) Nick Peaker

OCTOBER 29 - TUESDAY KS Topeka (I) RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK CLUB OF THE UNITED STATES, INC. (P) Capitol Plaza Hotel & Convention Center 1717 SW Topeka Blvd CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 21 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $28.00 SWEEPS PUPPY: RhoRidge Troy Abney

LettersTo The Editor

Meet The Breeds Met With Disgust

I received an invitation from AKC today for Meet The Breeds on Sept. 28th and 29th. I have attended this event as a breed participant for the past 2 years. I will not be attending this year as I am disgusted that the event is scheduled the same weekend as shows on Long Island. These clubs, like many in the country, are struggling to stay afloat. This is going to hurt them tremendously as it draws from the same area. Some of the people who would normally exhibit at these shows will instead participate in the Meet The Breeds at the Javits Center. Is this the way AKC should treat its member clubs? Would this be happening if Mrs. Riggs were still running Westbury KC? This is a big country and certainly a venue in another city could be found where there wasn’t a conflict. Marjorie Martorella Millstone Township, NJ

The Gift Of Dog News

I will be celebrating my birthday the first week in September. Thank you for the gift of Dog News which I have been receiving for over 25 years. Of all the magazines I receive each week, Dog News is always my first “treat”. Keep up the good work. The articles are always timely and interesting, and the editorials are always right on point. Diane Malenfant Kirkland, AZ TX Parker (I) AMERICAN BOUVIER DES FLANDRES CLUB, INC. (P) Southfork Ranch 3700 Hogge Road CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FUTURITY: Bouv B. Sherrod McDaniel

OCTOBER 30 - WEDNESDAY AZ Tucson (I) NATIONAL BEAGLE CLUB (P) Holiday Inn Tucson Airport North 4550 S Palo Verde Blvd CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00 SWEEPS PUPPY: Bgle (13 Under) Leah Santini SWEEPS VETERANS: Bgle (13 Under) Leah Santini SWEEPS PUPPY: Bgle (Over 13) Leah Santini SWEEPS VETERANS: Bgle (Over 13) Leah Santini IN Fort Wayne (I) NORTHEASTERN INDIANA KENNEL CLUB, INC. Allen County Memorial Coliseum 4000 Parnell Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 11 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. N. Liebes SPORTING Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mrs. C. Hubbell: Brit, All Pointers, All Retrievers, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW Mrs. N. Liebes: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. S. J. Hubbell Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. C. Hubbell A. D. Hussin: Newf Mr. S. J. Hubbell: Bullm, Chinook, Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kom, Kuv, Sam, Sib Hky Mrs. N. Liebes: Boxer, Leonberger, Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Portuguese, Rottw, St Bern, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: Airdle Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Cesky Terrier, Lakelnd, Manch Ter, Min Schn, Skye Mr. D. J. Murphy: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson A. D. Hussin: Pom, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. S. J. Hubbell A. D. Hussin: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: A. D. Hussin Mr. S. J. Hubbell: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. D. J. Murphy Mr. D. J. Murphy: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. D. J. Murphy

Norfolk’s Scruffts’ Chance To Qualify For Crufts

Scruffts, the crossbreed dog competition that took Crufts by storm this year, returns to Norfolk on Sunday with two new classes. Crossbreeds are invited to take part in the Scruffts Family Crossbreed Dog of the Year competition, sponsored by James Wellbeloved at the All About Dogs show at Royal Norfolk Showground on Sunday 25thAugust. Dogs such as Poppy, a Beagle/Patterdale Terrier cross have already signed up for the heat and are getting ready to take part in the competition which could lead them on the road to Crufts. The winners will be invited to the prestigious Discover Dogs event at Earls Court, London in November where they will compete for a place in the final at Crufts 2014. Poppy’s owner, Christy Straughan explains why Poppy is so special: “Poppy came into my life at a time when we were given the awful news that one of our German Shepherds had terminal mammary cancer. Having Poppy around gave the family an alternative to focus on - her puppy antics made us laugh. Poppy and I have a very strong bond - not everyone understands it and I get told ‘it’s just a dog’, but she is so much more than that to me.” As popularity of Scruffts soars, two new classes have been added to make sure that every crossbreed dog is given their opportunity to shine. Best Crossbreed Rescue and Good Citizen Dog Training Scheme (GCDS) Crossbreed are the two new classes in the Scruffts competition, with the GCDS class open to dogs that have a GCDS certificate at any level. Scruffts traditionalists need not worry as the Most Handsome Dog, Prettiest Crossbreed Bitch, Child’s Best Friend and Golden Oldie categories all return this year.

MI Midland (I) SIBERIAN HUSKY CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (P) Valley Plaza Resort, Greater Hall Convention Cente 5121 Bay City Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 6:00 p.m. Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT SWEEPS PUPPY: Sib Hky Ms. Katherine Gardner D.V.M. SWEEPS VETERANS: Sib Hky Mr. Robert Gardner MO Gray Summit (I) ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL FIELD TRIAL ASSOCIATION, INC. (P) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 12:00 p.m. Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $25.00 SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Eng Spr Rebecca Gear SWEEPS VETERANS: Span-Eng Spr Rebecca Gear TX Parker (I) AMERICAN BOUVIER DES FLANDRES CLUB, INC. (P) Southfork Ranch 3700 Hogge Road CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT SWEEPS PUPPY: Bouv Mr. Edd E Bivin SWEEPS VETERANS: Bouv Mr. Edd E Bivin

OCTOBER 30 - WEDNESDAY thru NOVEMBER 1 - FRIDAY KS Topeka (I) RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK CLUB OF THE UNITED STATES, INC. (3) Capitol Plaza Hotel & Convention Center 1717 SW Topeka Blvd CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 21 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd D. P. Cline: Breed, Jr. Showmanship

OCTOBER 31 - THURSDAY IN Fort Wayne (I) LA PORTE COUNTY KENNEL CLUB Allen County Memorial Coliseum 4000 Parnell Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 16 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. S. J. Hubbell SPORTING Group: Mr. D. J. Murphy A. D. Hussin: Brit, All Pointers, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat Mrs. N. Liebes: Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Ret-Nova Scotia T, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW Mrs. C. Hubbell: Balance of Sporting Breeds

The Scruffts competition celebrates the love, companionship and often heroic stories of our nation’s crossbreed dogs, and raises money for the Kennel Club Charitable Trust, which makes a difference for dogs by funding a wide variety of work ranging from supporting research into canine diseases to welfare initiatives. The fun competition is also great for socialising dogs and getting to meet other dog lovers in your area. Caroline Kisko from the Kennel Club, the organisers of the competition said: “Scruffts is a fantastic competition which brings the fun of the show ring to crossbreed dogs, whilst raising money for a good cause. It is always a fun event - the dogs and owners love it and it is a great opportunity for them to get out and about socialising together. “Scruffts was a favourite at Crufts this year and I am looking forward to seeing the six fantastic dogs that will be joining us for the final at Crufts 2014.” Entering a dog into Scruffts costs just £2 per class and all entry money will be split between the Kennel Club Charitable Trust and All About Dogs’ chosen charity. Your Dog magazine is the media sponsor of Crufts for the second year running, meaning that the winners of each heat will not only receive delicious James Wellbeloved goodies, but a copy of the latest Your Dog magazine too. For more information on the Scruffts Family Crossbreed Dog of the Year competition, please visit uk. For further information about the All About Dogs event visit; See more at: Laura Quickfall London, England

HOUND Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mrs. N. Liebes: Ibizan, Saluki Mr. R. M. Lemcke: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson Mr. D. J. Murphy: Dobe Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Newf Mrs. C. Hubbell: Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Grt Pyr A. D. Hussin: Leonberger, Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Portuguese, Rottw, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mrs. N. Liebes: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. D. J. Murphy A. D. Hussin: Manch Ter Mr. S. J. Hubbell: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. M. Lemcke Mrs. N. Liebes: Pug, Yorks Mr. S. J. Hubbell: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chin Cr, Eng Toy Sp, Shih Tzu, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier Mr. D. J. Murphy: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: A. D. Hussin Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. C. Hubbell Mrs. B. D. Alderman: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. C. Hubbell Mrs. C. Hubbell: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: A. D. Hussin TN Knoxville* (I) OAK RIDGE KENNEL CLUB Chilhowee Park 3301 E. Magnolia Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 16 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. C. Noe SPORTING Group: Dr. R. D. Smith Dr. R. D. Smith: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. C. Bell Mrs. C. Bell: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. C. Bell Mrs. C. Bell: Chinook Mrs. R. E. Fetter: Dobe, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Rottw Mrs. R. D. Smith: Newf, Portuguese, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Dr. R. D. Smith: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. R. D. Smith Mrs. R. D. Smith: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. R. E. Fetter N. L. Van Camp: Cav KC Spans, Chihua, I Greyhnd, Pap Mrs. R. E. Fetter: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. R. E. Fetter P. Tinsley: Bulldog Dr. R. D. Smith: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Boston, Shar-Pei, Chow, Fr Bull Mrs. R. D. Smith: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: N. L. Van Camp Dr. R. D. Smith: Canaan Mrs. R. E. Fetter: Coll N. L. Van Camp: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: N. L. Van Camp N. L. Van Camp: All Miscellaneous Breeds

OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES B. Hornfisher: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, PUTL, Nov Wildc, Opn Wildc, Utl Wildc Mr. B. L. Roland: Util A, Util B, Versatility

OCTOBER 31 - THURSDAY thru NOVEMBER 1 - FRIDAY TX Parker (I) AMERICAN BOUVIER DES FLANDRES CLUB, INC. (2) Southfork Ranch 3700 Hogge Road CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $26.00-2nd Mrs. N. J. Eilks: Breed, Jr. Showmanship

OCTOBER 31 - THURSDAY thru NOVEMBER 2 - SATURDAY AZ Tucson (I) NATIONAL BEAGLE CLUB (3) Holiday Inn Tucson Airport North 4550 S Palo Verde Blvd CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd E. P. Friedlander: Breed Mrs. M. Little: Jr. Showmanship MI Midland (I) SIBERIAN HUSKY CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (3) Valley Plaza Resort, Greater Hall Convention Cente 5121 Bay City Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 2 6:00 p.m. Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Dr. D. K. Qualls: B Ms. L. C. More: D Ms. M. E. Cook: I Mr. W. Sahloff: Jr. Showmanship MO Gray Summit (I) ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL FIELD TRIAL ASSOCIATION, INC. (3) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: OCTOBER 9 12:00 p.m. Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mrs. M. Alston: Breed Mrs. S. E. Burgess: Jr. Showmanship

Dog News 109


*All Systems * *The Dog News Top Ten List


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