Dog News, Sept. 9, 2011

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Dog News The Digest Volume 27, Issue 36

of American Dogs $5.00

September 9, 2011

Judge Mrs. Connie S. Clapp - Thank You

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GCh.Oakley’s Pamir presents:


Best In Show Greeley Kennel Club

Judge Mr. F. M. (Butch) Macdonald Group Judge Mrs. Betty Stites Breed Judge Ms. Cecilia Ringstrom

“Dazzle” is Handled by Bruce & Tara Schultz Bred By Jim Jannard & Paula Dempsey Owned By Donald & Georjean Jensen Pamir, Reg. Erik & Jennifer Strickland

Thank you, Georjean Jensen

10 Editorial

Contents September 9, 2011

14 Inside The Sport By pat trotter

18 The Lighter Side of Judging by MICHAEL FAULKNER

22 Question Of The Week BY matthew h. stander

26 A Refresher Seminar Report By amanda grieve

30 The British Scene By GEOFF CORISH

34 Bests Of The Week

86 dog show calendar 90 handlers directory 92 subscription rates 94 classified advertising

38 Ten Questions

96 advertising rates

by lesley boyes

40 Simi Valley, Santa Barbara & Conejo by desmond Murphy

42 Brace Yourself by andrew brace

46 True North

by allison foley

48 Summer Splash

by tammie & john wilcox

50 Off The Leash By shaun coen

54 Force Majeure, Retesting Judges And More by matthew h. stander

All advertisements are copyrighted and owned by DOG NEWS, Harris Publications, unless received cameraready. Permission to reprint must be requested in writing. DOG NEWS (ISSN 0886-2133) is published weekly except the last two weeks in December by Harris Publications, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010. Periodical Postage paid at New York.

56 Rocky Mountain Hound Show Draws Large Numbers by phil samuelson

60 The Fancy Speaks by janina laurin

74 The Gossip Column by eugene z. zaphiris

78 Click – Penn Ridge & Harrisburg Kennel Clubs BY jean edwards & joe cirincione

80 Letters To The Editor 84 Click - The Way We Were by eugene z. zaphiris

4 Dog News

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to DOG NEWS, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010

10 Editorial

Contents September 9, 2011

14 Inside The Sport By pat trotter

18 The Lighter Side of Judging by MICHAEL FAULKNER

22 Question Of The Week BY matthew h. stander

26 A Refresher Seminar Report By amanda grieve

30 The British Scene By GEOFF CORISH

34 Bests Of The Week

86 dog show calendar 90 handlers directory 92 subscription rates 94 classified advertising

38 Ten Questions

96 advertising rates

by lesley boyes

40 Simi Valley, Santa Barbara & Conejo by desmond Murphy

42 Brace Yourself by andrew brace

46 True North

by allison foley

48 Summer Splash

by tammie & john wilcox

50 Off The Leash By shaun coen

54 Force Majeure, Retesting Judges And More by matthew h. stander

All advertisements are copyrighted and owned by DOG NEWS, Harris Publications, unless received cameraready. Permission to reprint must be requested in writing. DOG NEWS (ISSN 0886-2133) is published weekly except the last two weeks in December by Harris Publications, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010. Periodical Postage paid at New York.

56 Rocky Mountain Hound Show Draws Large Numbers by phil samuelson

60 The Fancy Speaks by janina laurin

74 The Gossip Column by eugene z. zaphiris

78 Click – Penn Ridge & Harrisburg Kennel Clubs BY jean edwards & joe cirincione

80 Letters To The Editor 84 Click - The Way We Were by eugene z. zaphiris

4 Dog News

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to DOG NEWS, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010

Dog News 5






SE P T E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 1




212 807.7100 x588 FAX NUMBER


Ian Miller 212 462.9624


Contributing Editors Sharon Anderson Lesley Boyes Andrew Brace Agnes Buchwald Shaun Coen Carlotta Cooper Geoff Corish Michael Faulkner Allison Foley Arnold Goldman DVM Yossi Guy Ronnie Irving Desmond J. Murphy M. J. Nelson Robert Paust Sharon Sakson Kim Silva Frances O. Smith DVM PHD Matthew H. Stander Sari Brewster Tietjen Patricia Trotter Connie Vanacore Carla Viggiano Nick Waters Seymour Weiss Minta (Mike) Williquette Dog News Photographers Chet Jezierski Perry Phillips Kitten Rodwell Leslie Simis

*The Dog News Top Ten List

6 Dog News

DOG NEWS is sent to all AKC approved Conformation Judges every week on a complimentary basis. No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without written permission from the editor. The opinions expressed by this publication do not necessarily express the opinions of the publisher. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted.

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8 Dog News

*The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed points

Dog News 9

Northeast Cancellations

The big Somerset Hills-Westchester weekend was cancelled in New Jersey as the result of the aftermath of flooding caused by Hurricane Irene as were the shows in New Hampshire on the same weekend. What a pity and what a shame. Too bad it was impossible to move at least the shows being held in New Jersey to last weeks Augusta, New Jersey venue where in fact shows were held. Word on the street is that while the shows were willing to make adjustments to the site configuration the County refused to particularly with the weather forecasts continuing to be rainy for at least the end of the week and they allegedly refused to re-open the park. As it is it has been reported to these pages that the grounds are basically underwater and totally unusable. Too bad with all the advance word some sort of preparations were not made for a possible alternate venue. Never, in the memory of these pages, has a weekend of such vital importance to the East Coast specifically and the dog world generally been so affected. And again we repeat the thought knowing how the grounds were affected it’s too bad emergency grounds were unavailable. These three days of shows being cancelled leave the exhibitors high and dry insofar as not being reimbursed any monies for a cancellation which has occurred as a result of an act of god. Here we go again leaving the exhibitors out in the cold while the judges get paid fees for non-performing acts and other show expenses are covered as well. Isn’t it high time to write force majeure clauses in all show contracts to protect people from these excesses as well to protect the exhibitors one way or another. These pages have been championing these ideas for years to no avail. Perhaps this latest calamity will produce a rethinking of priorities in this area.

More Unhappy Show News

Westminster has announced that during the present renovations at the Garden its entry will be reduced from 2,500 exhibits to 2,000!!!! For how many years this will occur is unstated however both Toys and Terriers are to be both judged and benched

in the theatre of the Madison Square Garden Complex rather than in the main arena. While this was truly anticipated based on the work that was in progress last year as well as the fact that so many sports and other events have relocated it certainly comes as bum news on top of the postponements announced above. Again one is forced to wonder whether Javits Center could have been a logical alternative for this years Westminster. If this is only a one time entry reduction one supposes that this is a livable but unhappy necessity. However if this reduction in entry size continues for a longer period of time one would trust that alternative viable venues in the City could be found. If Javits is not available certainly the Chelsea Sports Center or the newly rebuilt and lovely Armory in Fort Washington are more than acceptable temporary venues which could provide adequate space and if not equal certainly acceptable venue sites to the Garden while it remains under construction.

The Retesting Theory

The late and former Board Member Jacklyn Hungerland was a very strong believer in the need for ALL judges to take periodic refresher courses and examinations in breeds for which they were earlier approved. Indeed as a writer for DOG NEWS she often reiterated this stance with which Editorially these pages were always in agreement with. The theory has long been dormant until last week when the The Kennel Club in the UK announced seminar refresher courses for judges who had not judged within the past three years with an optional test to take after the seminar. While this is a mighty step forward, which is bound to meet with unhappiness from the judging community in the UK, these pages applaud this bold and extraordinary idea. And if the history of TKC is anything to go by this idea will be expanded, hopefully to include all judges, not just those who have not judged within the past three years. Now if only this concept would gain strength and credibility here in the States think of how great that would be. Unfortunately the power base of judges in this country is so strong and immovable any kinds of progressive and needed changes to improve judging for exhibitors is greeted with diversion and contempt. It is doubt-

Editorial September 9, 2011

10 Dog News

ful that the Smith Committee even broached the subject although one never can tell. In the meantime it should be interesting to see how the “refreshing” idea works out in the UK and whether or not any impact will be felt here.

Non Dog Show Directors

The idea to broaden the Board to include a number of non-Delegates and/ or business personalities has been bandied around for years now but has never gained sufficient momentum to be put into place. This despite the support of the present Board Chair for sure. It is somewhat understandable why the Board Members and many Delegates are opposed to the idea since it certainly threatens their power structure and base. Notwithstanding this fact isn’t it time to consider the needs of the corporation and put one’s fiduciary duty where it belongs--on paper and not just in your mouth. One of the persistent rumors heard among Board and Staff is that a particular Board Member will resign after the March elections to be appointed by the new Chairman as an advisor prior to becoming a Member of Staff a year later. This kind of chicanery cannot be permitted and should the wrong people be elected these pages are told there will be no stopping this move. A non-dog person or non-Delegate would not permit these kinds of actions from occurring whereas unhappily too many Delegates would be more than happy to further their own power status in this kind of a coup. Let’s take every step necessary to prevent these kinds of actions from happening.

Thought For The Week

Your reaction to the new glossy paper upon which DOG NEWS is printed is gratifying. In that respect please keep in mind we will be preparing the new DOG NEWS Calendar for 2012 and need your input as to any club date changes you may need. Additionally keep in mind that the Calendar of Events will continue in DOG NEWS notwithstanding THE GAZETTE’S disappearance as a paper product and that your Club adverts are always welcomed as a means to inform the Fancy of your dates and panels.

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*The Dog News Top Ten List

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Inside The Sport

LITTLE LEAGUE LESSONS Some of the best baseball a fan could watch has been played in the last couple of weeks by 11, 12 and 13-year-olds from around the world at the Little League World Series. Perhaps there is an inspiring lesson in this super sporting event, for more than two million kids are involved in it! Now those kids weren’t born knowing how to field a ball or hold a bat. Somebody and lots of them - took time to work with these youngsters. They were sporting organizers, coaches, umpires, parents and other adults who loved baseball as well as kids. America’s sport has indeed become very international for youngsters thanks to this magnificent non-profit organization.


ittle League was born in Williamsport, PA as a wholesome activity for youth before American involvement in World War II. To find out its magnificent history, purpose and modern enactment of an activity loved around the world, just “Google” it. You will be amazed to see how involved and beneficial this sport is for young people. Now what could be more natural than the combination of kids and dogs? And I am not talking just about juniors showing in handling classes where some of their performance is rated based on skills that may tend to discourage some youth. I’m talking about setting up a system where youngsters will learn how to practice animal husbandry and be trained to become breeders. I’m talking about a formula for the future! A recent inquiry from a teenager saddened because her parent club has no provision for one to join if under the age of 18 really touched me. I ask myself if there are people out there interested in helping youngsters the way my mentors helped me from the age of 12 all those years ago. What if the powers that be and other important people in dogs made a joint effort to open up an entirely new category for youngsters? What if we all joined together to spend some of our dog-targeted money to endow kids with the opportunity to really be in dogs? Derek Rayne, the late, great all-rounder, sponsored a Little League team for years in Carmel, CA that advertised his famous clothing store. Now Derek was considered so great that when the original Canine Chronicle held a vote on the best judge in each group, he won all six group honors. (There was no Herding Group in the mid1980s so one might say Derek was the best of the best!) So popular was Derek his peers could not deny him. Derek used to talk about the possibility of such an all encompassing program for children with dogs. It would be a new world where only


children competed-maybe with dogs they bred, dogs they groomed and dogs they conditioned-with parental and other adult support. And they wouldn’t necessarily even have to own a dog. My first dog was a mixed breed I worked and worked with until she was trained to perfection by a kid with patience. I entered her in pet shows and every event I could find. Girl scouts, boy scouts, community events and 4-H events in those days encouraged youngsters to become involved. Maybe these organizations could be invited into participating with the right incentives. Could programs and classes be offered that would allow children to come to a show, take basic training and show a dog even if they don’t yet own one? Obviously such dogs would have to exhibit stable temperament by passing Canine Good Citizenship or other similar requirements. Certainly such a mission would take some terrific organization and support. Yet the benefits of a successful endeavor would be endless, for they would protect the future of all we love. Although our Junior Showmanship program is marvelous and should never be eliminated, some youngsters are not turned on by the glitz and glamour. One of the beauties of Little League is its appeal to all. Every team member gets to play. The activity could be held as a minievent with select dog shows. Perhaps teachers and others could be recruited to help run the event. Community involvement is a major step in the right direction and is an area which has suffered from cluster shows. As much as cluster shows benefit those of us in the fancy, they take kennel clubs out of their area for their major events. When clubs encourage local groups such as classes of kids as well as the other end of the spectrum-those from senior citizen facilities and nursing homes-to attend doggy events, it opens up our world of dogs to larger audiences. Our

goal should be to entice those millions of people who watch premier dog shows on television and get them involved. Dog showing should not be just a spectator sport for dog lovers. During my long teaching career some of the most fun I ever had with my dogs involved my students. Once three of my students who had never attended a dog show “judged” a mock show limited to my own dogs. Now since the dogs were handled by other eighth-graders with no dog show experience, the outcome was a hoot. Just like seasoned judges, their reasons for placements made for great variables and indeed, there was disagreement about them. However, it was unanimous that the pizzas and soft drinks worked for all. I am proud of the fact that some of my former students are still breeding and showing dogs all these decades later. Although the star-studded California team from Huntington Beach won the Little League World Series this year, my personal pick for the most promising player for future Big League greatness is Jake Fromm, 13-year-old from WarnerRobbins, Georgia. This young man can do it all-pitch, field and hit. We just need to recruit some youngsters like these players to get into dogs. TIP OF THE WEEK: Because bloat is a major concern for numerous breeds, this suggestion from a good friend in a giant breed might be of help-at least until one can get the animal to a veterinarian. GasX thin strips that dissolve on the tongue can quiet the stomach and relieve the animal temporarily, perhaps preventing death. In fact, it is reported that in prebloat conditions it might prevent a full blown case. Perhaps it would be a good idea for owners and handlers of large bloat-prone breeds to carry these with them on the road where animals seem most stressed. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” was the wise advice of Ben Franklin and still worth practicing today.

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*All Systems

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The Lighter Side of Judging FOOD By Michael Faulkner


ood---a major component of the dog show scene---is essential to a truly fulfilling judging experience. I can only speak for myself, but my evaluation of a successful weekend of judging is based on the quality of the dogs and the FOOD! In a perfect world, I like to wake up in the morning and have two cups of coffee with cream --- no sugar---before departing for the show, followed by a breakfast, home-cooked by club members (there is nothing like the smell of fresh brewed coffee and fried bacon when you enter a show site.), a lunch prepared by the loving hands of kennel club country cooks, and depending on the judging panel, an evening meal with colleagues in the vicinity of the host hotel or room service. More so than the Show Chairperson, the Hospitality Chairperson has an extremely challenging job putting all the pieces together to create the perfect food / judging scenario. This delicate dance, while orchestrating all of the logistics of hospitality, is one that I truly appreciate and one I remember. International assignments are no different with food playing a key role. Wherever your travels take you, the host clubs usually make every effort to make sure your needs are met and you experience the local culture and culinary treasures of the region. I particularly enjoy judging in South America as the foods, like the people, are extremely sexy. However, for this particular article, my food experience takes me to China. The five-star hotel was used as the press headquarters during the Beijing Olympics and afterwards was converted into a trendy, luxury hotel. Mr. AG (club member and host) picks me up from the airport and delivers me in style to the hotel. Stepping out of the car, I follow Mr. AG to the hotel lobby. We are greeted by a stunning woman, surrounded by flowers encased in the center of a revolving glass door not unlike those awful square glass boxes filled with plastic flowers at the cemetery. The door begins to circulate as we step forward sending “Woman in a Glass Box” (WIGB) and flowers into a spin. The thought of encasing a mannequin, shrouded in hibiscus, in glass is so wrong on multiple levels. While I am having this out of body experience

18 Dog News

(OBE), Mr. AG exits the revolving doors. I, however, continue to spin around gazing into the eyes of the WIGB. After the second time around with WIGB, I stumble forward into an impressive lobby of shiny marble. I am greeted by several very young, very thin, very attractive hotel staff members all adorned in retro outfits reminiscent of vintage train conductors and monkey grinders. Mr. AG arranges my check-in, hands me my electronic key card, and informs me, “Mr. Michael - you have a spectacular view of the Bird Nest Arena and the Aquatic Cube from your room, and please be in the lobby in exactly two hours for dinner.” A stickler for time, I quickly locate my room on the sixteenth floor, activate my electronic key card, unpack, shower, parade around my room in a guest robe that is three sizes too small and guest slippers that barely cover my toes. “The fit does not matter at this point – it is the total experience,” I say to myself like a cheap tourist, while snapping pictures of the Aquatic Cube and Bird’s Nest from my window. I dress, and leave for the lobby fifteen minutes early. Finding a seat on a multi-colored stool near the entrance, I stare into WIGB’s eyes, waiting for a guest to enter, sending her spinning around and around for my viewing pleasure. As if on command, Mr. AG enters, sending WIGB in a twirl and the two of us quickly exit, keeping WIGB spinning as we depart of my first culinary experience in China. “What do you like to eat?” asks Mr. AG. Loving all Chinese cuisine, as I know it, I quickly respond, “I like all Chinese food.” “Good – we go to a wonderful place and eat good food, special for you,” Mr. AG remarks. The interior of the restaurant is narrow, long with multiple floors for dining. Upon entering, I am overcome by several smells I cannot identify and based on my nose they are smells I am better off not knowing. We are seated at a small table for two. Mr. AG quickly reviews the menu, places our food order, and asks the waitress to bring us water and beer. The first course arrives within a matter of minutes. Mr. AG and I both receive a small white plate and a medium sized blue ceramic bowl is placed in the middle of the table. The bowl contains small fried crispy items. “Oh, thank you – this looks interesting,” I say to Mr. AG as he

graciously serves me a small portion of little crispies onto my plate. Maneuvering my chopsticks like a brain surgeon, I pick up a little crispy, and gently place it on my tongue for a second or two before crunching. “Do you like?” asks Mr. AG. “Well…I am not sure – what is it?” I ask. “Fried Duck Tongues,” responds Mr. AG. Grabbing my glass of beer, I gulp, forcing the little duck tongue down the back of my throat. Taking a deep breath, I escape to an OBE and stare at the bowl of duck tongues. “How many ducks had to give up their tongues to provide us with this delicate appetizer?” I begin to count the total number on the top of the bowl. “One, two, ten, twenty, thirty-six, forty-two…. OK…. forty two on the top and the bowl is three inches deep and the tongues are approximately one quarter of an inch in size…OMG – over five hundred and four ducks gave up the ability to quack for my dining pleasure. Snapping back to reality, Mr. AG, using his chopsticks like an orchestra maestro, continues to pop duck tongues one at time into his mouth. For every fifty or so tongues Mr. AG eats, I eat one sending it swimming to the bottom of my stomach in beer. Our second course arrives and the waitress places a white ceramic bowl in front of each of us, containing a savory broth and what I presume to be tofu. Taking Mr. AG’s lead, I take my soupspoon and sample the broth. “Strong tasting but not too bad,” I think. Mr. AG, all smiles, watches me slurp my broth as he slides one of the long white tubular forms through his lips. I choose to chop mine up with my spoon and take smaller sections. Being a tofu lover, there was no need to prep my mouth with beer before the launch. The white mass was unlike any tofu I had ever experienced. The texture, taste and after taste has me totally confused. I tried another piece for insurance and come to the conclusion that the white mass swimming around in the broth is not tofu. “Excuse me, can you tell me what kind of soup we are eating?” I ask Mr. AG. “You like? It is very nice soup and very special for you,” Mr. AG tells me. “OK…. Yes, very nice…. what kind is it?” I repeat my question. “I do not know how to say in English…. it is like your bone… you know…like inside of your bone…cooked,” Mr. AG explains. OMG – another OBE surfaces as I watch the bone marrow from some unknown animal float in the broth. I come back to reality as Mr. AG excuses himself from the table to go to the restroom. “Think fast,” I say. Looking around to make sure no one is watching, I remove the remaining bone Continued on page 58

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Dog News 21

Question ofthe Week Richard F. Sedlack This is closing the barn door after the horse has gotten out. The clusters were seen as a Godsend to all when gas was (is) at a premium. Still really the most economical way to show dogs, the clusters which include weekdays are not for the hobbyist because of the cost of everything in general, the economy, and the fact that if people have to decide between going to a dog show or buying school supplies for the kids, it's a no brainer. Dog shows are for the wealthy and their handlers on the level of rankings and top dogs. There is no going back or a way of leveling the playing field unless you remove groups and BIS all together and I don't see that happening. Ellen Cottingham I really don't see a solution to this problem, but feel there are a number of groups that are at a certain disadvantage. When you live in the West you don't have the number of shows to attend, nor the short distance between shows. If you make your living as a professional handler and do not have a client that will fly you wherever you wish, that is also a disadvantage to campaigning a top special. When we have gas prices, and a slow economy that will also hurt many as they must be more selective in where they show. If they choose to hire a handler to help with the campaign this still will curtail much of the shows due to the cost. 22 Dog News

By Matthew H. Stander With the growing number of mid-week shows putting the dogs exhibited by the 'working' owner-handler at a disadvantage, particularly with regard to the ranking systems, what changes if any would you suggest to the present system such that these people and their dogs are put on a more equitable competitive basis with the dogs exhibited by professional handlers?

Bergit and Hans Kabel It always comes down to money, and what kind of ratings you use it will come down to it. The way we run our operation boarding,grooming and professional handling of mainly terriers and breeds which need handstripping, and 75% of our shows are in So. Cal. The other are in either No. Cal or Arizona, we only have a few mid-week shows, so we really do not have it as much as in the Midwest and the East Coast. So if we really want to compete for ratings we have to start flying or be on the Road for the Big Clusters. To have fair and equal rating system for the owner-handler and pro handler, on a point system, grade all the shows, with max of 75 shows if you attend more it won't count. Like last year we finished 58 dogs to their Championships, we will still be able to do so, and this is really what it's all about, we think, and we will be doing that the next couple of years. Jay Hyman This relates to the general question of whether there are too many shows. Many have voiced their view on this and there is no agreement. I do not feel there are too many shows. There are some whose income limits the number of shows, or whether they can use a handler. This has always been the case. With few exceptions a

handler does a better job (and percentage of wins is greater) than an owner-handler. That is the name of the game and it will not be possible to put both classes on "a more equitable competitive basis". The week day shows are only one of the factors contributing to this. Owner-handlers have to accept the circumstances as they are or just choosing not to show. Xiomara B. Larson In my opinion having shows in the middle of the week doesn't affect the ranking due generally to the entries going up by the weekend and in the end it balances out. I still think that there are way too many shows to choose from and they are too close to each other. This causes the entries to be reduced. What I also think affects the system is that dogs that are put up on the weekend are normally carried through because they won on the first day of the cluster, not always true, but it happens sometimes. On the other hand, what may affect the owner-handler is that sometime the PROS are at an advantage over the ownerhandler. The best way to compete is with a superior specimen rather than a below average one. Also, the owner-handler, to get the extra edge over the PRO, needs a well trained dog and the ability to handle his/ her dog well and a small cash campaign.

Dog News 23

y d d u

ch. cragsmoor


owners carolyn koch victor malzoni, jr. handlers larry cornelius marcelo veras breeders eugene z. zaphiris matthew h. stander *the dog news top ten list - all breed 24 Dog News


the number one* skye terrier and number three* among all terriers

judge mr. rodney e. herner

last weekend: three more group firsts

Dog News 25

A Refresher Seminar Report By Amanda Grieve

The Kennel Club ‘Requirements of a Dog Show Judge’ seminar has been run since 1999 and since that time many thousands of delegates have attended the seminar and have taken and passed the examination — a requirement for a judge to be passed to award CCs. Up until last year any Championship Show Judge who wanted to participate in this seminar joined one of those being held across the UK which covers Judges at any level from pre judging to being passed for CCs. The Championship Show Judges who attended these seminars all gave positive feedback to the Kennel Club and asked that their training be taken one step further with a specific “Requirement of a Dog Show Judge” seminar specifically for Championship Show Judges, as they felt that this would enable greater discussion and debate during the seminar on differing scenarios that arise when awarding CCs. The Kennel Club Training Board took on board the suggestions and the“Refresher” seminar delivered by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer was developed to meet this need. Firstly there was a well received pilot “Refresher” seminar held at Manchester Championship Show last year and then another successful seminar was held during the Kennel Club’s Education and Training month at Stoneleigh earlier this year. The “Refresher” seminar is delivered in a relaxed environment and uses a workshop approach with Judges setting their own objectives for the day. Those attending these seminars can expect; • To refresh one’s memory • To have the opportunity to self-assess a level of knowledge • To share in other Judges’ experiences • To re-affirm/improve confidence • To enhance skills to be able to act as a Mentor to new Judges • To act as an effective Kennel Club Assessor and Evaluator • To examine and discuss any Kennel Club updates and new guidance. Those Judges attending have the op26 Dog News

tion to sit an exam at the end of the seminar if they choose to. Audrey Quartermain, Alex Geddes, Adèle Nicholson and Sheila Atter were some of the Championship Show Judges who attended the earlier “Refresher” seminars and they have kindly agreed to share their thoughts so that any concerns some Judges might have about attending will be allayed. Audrey Quartermain, said: “This is a seminar I am urging people to attend as there have been significant changes with the ‘Fit for Function, Fit for Life’ campaign. Setting groups to offer solutions to ‘instances’; produced lively exchanges of views from within all the groups and I feel we also learned from each other and it just showed how people have different ideas on the same subject. I think that those who have been judging for so long that never had to take the various exams should give serious consideration to attending this ‘Refresher’ seminar. They could well be surprised at what they don’t know! Thanks again for an enjoyable day.” Alex Geddes, said: “I personally left home that morning wondering what I had let

myself in for and had already decided that I was not going to do the test at the end of the course. It speaks volumes that by lunchtime I felt comfortable about it and I knew I would be letting myself down by not doing it at the end of the day. Thank you once again for a very informative day.” Adèle Nicholson, said: “I found the day extremely helpful indeed. Working in groups and discussing questions was very beneficial because I realised that we were more or less level pegging. In fact it was quite confidence boosting as well as being fun. The ‘Refresher’ seminar is a wonderful way for any possibly complacent Judges to be reminded of the rules and regulations and I would certainly recommend the Refresher seminar to other CC Judges.” Sheila Atter, said: “The day was very enjoyable thanks to the interesting way in which the facts were presented by the Kennel Club Accredited Trainer, and most of us opted to take the exam to see how we fared.” The “Refresher” seminar for the Requirements of a Dog Show Judge is now ready to be rolled out and the Kennel Club would like to invite any Breed Clubs, General Societies and Championship Shows Societies who are interested in promoting the seminar to get in touch with Amanda Grieve at the Kennel Club. Tel:0844 463 3980ext. 225 or Email Next available “Refresher” seminar: The English Springer Spaniel Club and the Manchu Shih Tzu Society have got together and are hosting a “Refresher” seminar on Sunday 20th November 2011 in Cheshire and any Championship Show Judge who would like to attend this, should get in touch with Amanda Grieve at the Kennel Club.

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The British Scene By Geoff Corish


he judges for Crufts 2013 have been announced and to judge best in show is myself. To say l am honored and thrilled obviously would be an understatement. Little did l ever imagine, when l first started in the sport, that l would be honored in this way. Three of the group judges are also previous Best in Show judges. Mrs. Ferelith Somerfield will judge the Working group, Mrs. Liz Cartledge the Toys and Mrs. Zena Thorn Andrews will do Gundogs. The 2012 BIS judges Frank Kane will do Utility and Ben Reynolds Frost the Hounds. Well known terrier expert Paul Wilkinson with do that group and Jeff Luscot will do the Herding group. From overseas Mr. David Merriam will do Bull terriers and Miniature Bull Terriers. Peter Green will judge Welsh Terriers. Alan Hunt from Australia will do Sloughis, Foxhounds and Basenjis. Per Iverson from Norway will judge Whippet Dogs. Probably one the best known and classiest shows in the UK show calendar is Windsor. With the Queen’s Castle

30 Dog News

as its backdrop and the show field on the banks of the River Thames where then a better site you would be hard pressed to find. This year it was held the week before the World Show in Paris and so the showground was filled with overseas visitors, many of them from Australia in particular. From the USA l noticed Bill McFadden, who was having a ‘busman’s holiday’ taking in the glorious weather that we have not seen much of this year. Once again we had one judge doing all the groups and best in show, not something exhibitors over here welcome very much but as the UK approval system is so slow then societies must make decisions for themselves as we don’t have so many judges available to do every group. When you see how quick it is in the Eastern European countries, in the UK we certainly lag behind in approving really excellent judges. So the judge selected to judge all the groups was a well known figure around the UK rings and was that of Mr. Hans Lehtinen from Finland. Three of his group winners be-

ing from overseas. Terrier group was the famous Irish Terrier Ch/Am Ch Fleet St Fenway Fan owned by Tony Barker and Victor Malzoni, at present the top terrier and previously handled in the USA by RC Carusi. Herding won by this years Crufts group winning German Shepherd dog Ch Elm vom Huhnegrab and last year won three all breed BIS wins. Best Gundog was the orange and white pointer Show Ch Kiswali Martin of Kanix owned by young Heather Blackburn Bennett and handled by her mother Jo-Anne. His sire is the famous Show Ch and Australian Ch Chesterhope Lets Me Serious at Kanix. The Toy group winner was a new face to group winning and that was the Maltese Delcost Dapper by Marc at Zumarnik. The Hounds won by this years Crufts reserve best in show winning PBGV Ch Soletrader Peek a Boo and utility by the Std poodle Ch Del Zarzoso Salveme from Afterglow. The top being won by another new FACE and that of the Bernese Mountain Dog Ch Manisla Ebony Dusk, sired by a Belgian dog and of all Belgian breeding.

*All Systems **The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed

32 Dog News

Dog News 33


Bests of the Week Alamance Kennel Club Durham Kennel Club Pekingese Ch. Palacegarden Malachy Judge Ms. Theresa L. Hundt Judge Mr. Randy E. Garren Owners Iris Love, Sandra Middlebrooks & David Fitzpatrick Handler David Fitzpatrick Tri-City Kennel Club - Friday & Saturday Cedar Rapids Kennel Association Sunday & Monday German Shepherd Dog GCh. Babheim’s Captain Crunch Judge Ms. Joanne (Jan) N. Paulk Judge Mr. Arley D. Hussin Judge Mr. Charles L. Olvis Judge Mr. W Everett Dean, Jr. Owners James Moses, Sheree Moses, Debra Stern, Janet Lange, Carlos Navarro, Maria Deschamps Handler James Moses Schooley’s Mt Kennel Club - Monday Sussex Hills Kennel Club Newton Kennel Club Miniature Poodle Ch. Surrey Sugar Baby Judge Mrs. Barbara Wood Judge Mr. Fred Ferris Judge Mrs. Pat A. Mowbray-Morgan Owners Ron Scott & Debbie Burke Handler Kaz Hosaka

Griffin Georgia Kennel Club Sawnee Mountain Kennel Club of Georgia Conyers Kennel Club of Georgia Boxer GCh. Winfall Brookwood Styled Dream Judge Mr. Jerry Watson Judge Ms. Linda Millman Judge Mrs. Paula Nykiel Owner Debbie McCarrol, Mrs. Jack Billhardt, & Sergio Tenenbaum Handler Diego Garcia Manhattan Kansas Kennel Club American Staffordshire Terrier Ch. Alpines Ring Of Fire Judge Ms. Peggy Biesel McIlwaine Owners Jennifer Mosing & Ed Thomason & Karen Thomason & Norbert Tibay Handler Brian Livingston Central Maine Kennel Club Harrier GCh. Downhome HiTech Innovator Judge Dr. Robert Smith Owner Joe Sanchez Handler Susie Olivera Raleigh Kennel Club Greyhound GCh. Grandcru Clos Erasmus Judge Mr. William P. Shelton Owners Melanie Steele, Rindi Gaudet, and Rose Tomlin Handler Rindi Gaudet

Gold Country Kennel Club Wire Fox Terrier GCh. Steele Your Heart Judge Dr. Gerard C. Penta Owners Torie Steele & Mary Ann Roma Handler Gabriel Rangel

Lexington Kennel Club - Thursday Miniature Pinscher GCh. Marlex Classic Red Glare Judge Ms. Christine Salyers Anderson Owners Leah Monte and Armando Angelbello Handler Armando Angelbello

Lexington Kennel Club Whippet Ch. Starline’s Chanel Judge Mr. James White Owners Carey & Lori Lawrence Handler Lori Wilson

Bayou Kennel Club I & II Vicksburg Kennel Club of Mississippi II Black Cocker Spaniel GCh. Casablanca’s Thrilling Seduction Judge Mr. Charles E. Trotter Judge Mr. Houston Clark Judge Mr. Norman L. Patton Owners Bruce Van Deman, Carolee Douglas, Mary Walker, Linda Moore Handler Michael Pitts

To report an AKC All Breed Best In Show or National Specialty Win Call, Fax or Email before 12:00 Noon Tuesday Fax: 212 675-5994 • Phone: 212 462-9588 • Email: 34 Dog News

Central Maine Kennel Club - Thursday American Staffordshire Terrier Ch. Castle Rock’s Sbigstaff Mad About You Judge Ms. Sharon Lyons Owners Genoa Brown, Ruth Sampson, Dayna Pesenti Handler Kim Rudzik Northern Kentucky Kennel Club – Sunday Standard Poodle GCh. Dacun Kaylen’s He’s A Heartbreaker Judge Mr. Ralph Ambrosio Owners Virginia Dorris & Kay Peiser Handler Kay Peiser Mid Coast Kennel Club of Maine Saturday & Sunday English Springer Spaniel GCh. Cerise Tender is The Night Judge Mrs. Michele Billings Judge Ms. Beverly Capstick Owners D. Cherry, C. Blaine, F. Sunseri Handler Howard Huber Danville Kennel Club - Saturday & Sunday Xoloitzcuintli Ch. Bayshore Mole Judge Mrs. Susan St. John Brown Judge Mr. William Usherwood Owners Richard Yenchesky & J. Frank Baylis Handler Diane Baker Northern Kentucky Kennel Club - Friday Pointer GCh. Oncore Mykyna Storm Judge Mrs. Elaine Mathis Owners Dr. Patricia and Thaddeus Haines and Peggy Davis Handler Patty Haines Newton Kennel Club - Saturday Rhodesian Ridgeback GCh. Spring Valley’s Always There Judge Mr. Steven Gladstone Owner Adella Thompson Handler Jack Secrest Longview Kelso Kennel Club Saluki GCh. Baghdad Be Still My Heart Judge Mr. Chuck Murray Owners Lyndell Ackerman, Paula Bachman-Chato Handler Don Rodgers Cabrillo Kennel Club - Sunday Belgian Sheepdog Ch. Kindred’s Some Days Are Diamonds Judge Mrs. Edna K. Gammill Owners Roxanne Chumbley & Richard Skinner Handler Tiffany Saxon


*The Dog News Top Ten List

Dog News 35

36 Dog News

Dog News 37

10 questions asked by LESLIE BOYES of:

Wanda & James


Born: Wanda: Wilmington, North Carolina James: Winston-Salem, North Carolina Reside: Newport, North Carolina Married: 56 years

One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten 38 Dog News

What year did you start showing dogs and what breeds were they?

Wanda: Basset Hounds, got a BIM at my first show with a homebred puppy and I was “hooked”. Jim: Basset Hounds in the mid 60s.

Which dog no longer being shown would you liked to have shown or owned?

Wanda: Ch. Aimhi Type Cast. Jim: Ch. Aimhi Type Cast.

Why do you think most people want to judge?

Wanda: To share their knowledge and enjoy evaluating others’ dogs. Jim: Enjoy evaluating the dogs.

Who are your non-dog heros or heroines exclusive of immediate relatives?

Wanda: My parents, Billy Graham, and the men & women serving in the military. Jim: Wanda’s farther (Wallace Aman, Sr.); probably the finest man I ever met.

If you could change one thing about your relationship what would it be?

Wanda: I wouldn’t change anything; we’ve been together too long to change. Jim: I wouldn’t dare.

How would you describe yourselves in personal ads?

Wanda: Love animals, good friends, & chocolate. Jim: Overweight, but full of good humor.

Do you think there are too many dog shows?

Wanda: Yes. Jim: Yes.

Which are your three favorite dog shows?

Wanda: AKC/Eukanuba, Montgomery, BHCA Nationals. Jim: AKC/Eukanuba, Westminster, Basset Nationals (BHCA).

Do you think there should be a limit on the number of times a dog may be exhibited in a year?

Wanda: No. Jim: No.

How do you react to people flying in and out of shows on the same weekend?

Wanda: The welfare of the dog is most important; some apparently don’t mind it, but the end of the year point scramble seems too much. Jim: As Beth has said, “flying has been taken to the extreme”; and the misrepresenting of dogs as service dogs is despicable.

Dog News 39

August 26th – 27th – 28th – 29th, 2011 For quite a few years now Simi Valley has been the opening show of the Santa Barbara weekend. Because of the Earl Warren Showgrounds calendar of events, the shows are held always the last weekend of August. Most clubs go by the AKC calendar and do not always have the same weekend. When Simi Valley joined the weekend making it a three-day event it became much more appealing to handlers and exhibitors to travel from far distances. Now with Conejo holding a Monday show it makes the weekend even more attractive with the possibility of a four-day weekend of majors.

Simi Valley, Santa Barba and Conejo By Desmond J. Murphy • photos by Julie L. Mueller & Andy Gong


arol Parker once again chaired the hard working Show Committee for Simi Valley. Carol has a wonderful Assistant Show Chair in Bobbie Davis. Besides Don and Bobbi Davis overseeing their large booth of Davis Animal Products they take on a great deal of responsibility for the entire weekend. When I arrived on the showgrounds early Wednesday there were Bobbi and Don putting things into place. Upon leaving Tuesday afternoon Bobbi and Don were still working on a lot of after weekend details. So this meant they had seven long days of constant work. In 2010 the weekend was pleased that

Conejo joined the wonderful weekend. Ron Mattson is President along with his wife Linda acting as Show Chairperson made for an easy addition to the weekend. Before Conejo joined the weekend Ron was a major force of the success of the weekend since he has handled the motor home parking for a number of years. Santa Barbara has been very lucky to have the continuity of the chain of command being the same for so many years now. Abbe Shaw, the President and David Powers, Show Chairman assisted by Anita O’Berg have a great committee to back them up with so many details of the weekend. The SBKC was one of the three Continued on page 62

40 Dog News


Dog News 41


The Status of the British Judge Overseas In generations past, as kennel clubs were born around the world and began to organise their own dog shows, it was understandable that they would seek the opinions of British judges. After all, Britain was the country where dog shows basically began and its earliest judges were stockmen who not only judged dogs, but extended their expertise to evaluating all manner of livestock.


hese men – as in those heady days dog judges were almost exclusively men – were revered on an international level, and remember that an overseas assignment then could involve lengthy sea trips rather than the quick flights we have become so accustomed to in recent times. Logically when new countries became involved in the dog sport, they needed to bring on their own judges. After all, their shows needed to be judged and bringing in overseas experts involved considerable expense. In many cases the establishing of domestic judges was a very simple exercise and it was often the founders of national kennel clubs who instantly declared themselves judges of all breeds! The level of expertise and the merits of their educational systems – where one existed – obviously varied dramatically from country to country. Some, in particular the Scandinavian countries, established very orderly educational programmes in which they valued input from international experts, and soon began creating very worthy judges with high credentials. Others were rather more haphazard and to the outside world appeared to dish out all-breeds licenses like confetti, often being accused of admitting to the judging ranks anyone who had actually owned (or even co-owned!) a purebred dog and then expressed an interest in judging. To this day such countries do actually exist and shelter comfortably under the FCI umbrella. Whilst the rest of the world was keen to educate its judges as best they could, Britain on the other hand was very slow to even contemplate education as part of the judging progress. It was assumed that the age-old tradition of showing good dogs, being invited to judge small shows by the “breed elders” when promise was identified, and then practising the craft for many years would continue to serve the sport well. In those days we had a generation of “all rounders” who were considered capable of judging anything and everything. They were never required to complete a Kennel Club question-

naire for judging a breed. The powers-that-be, worldly gentlemen who knew the sport inside out, were well aware of the capabilities of these people and would grant approval with nothing more than an appropriate nod and handshake. The very ideas of educating judges and organising breed seminars are actually very recent innovations as far as the British fancy is concerned. In those days most of the prestigious shows around the world were judged by British experts. When I first started travelling overseas it was fascinating to see show catalogues that recorded past BIS winners and the judges involved. In the majority of cases the early shows record that the revered British all rounders made the decisions, but from the 1960’s onwards the British seem to appear less frequently as the rest of the world woke up to the fact that there was talent to be found, and many countries around the world were producing judges who – on paper at least – were far more qualified than most of the Brits. More and more you were seeing the plum appointments going to judges from North America, Scandinavia, Europe and even faraway Australia as other places brought on their own judges and promoted them on the world stage. Sadly the British Kennel Club has never had a Chairman who has openly approved of the concept of licensed all-breeds judges. Indeed, some have admitted that they were very much opposed to the idea. This, coupled with the strength of feeling expressed by the individual breed clubs against non-specialist judges being given what they see as special treatment, has done nothing to further the standing of the British judge on the international circuit. Progress in Britain is slower than anywhere else in the world. That is a fact. Judges have to qualify for each new breed, one at a time. No one is given special dispensation. Each new breed requires a minimum of five years judging at Open shows and they require substantial numbers of both classes and dogs. The recent innovation by the Kennel Club of a Judges Development Programme, which means that some qualified people can be approved on 50% of what would be the normal requirements, has in reality done little to expand the pool of multi-breed judges. All it has done is alienate some breed clubs even more against all rounders judging their precious breed!


For some years the FCI granted the topranking British judges (based on the number of different breeds in which they were approved to award Challenge Certificates) the luxury of being able to award CACIBs at International shows in FCI countries, regardless of whether or not they had actually awarded CCs at home. In many cases such people were well qualified to do so, but the British system is further handicapped because the whole approval process revolves around an actual invitation. No one can apply to be approved for any breed. They MUST have an invitation to judge a breed before the approval process can begin. Consequently those who have friends and contacts are much more likely to progress than those who may have infinitely more knowledge but be less socially active. Now that arrangement has ended, and I can see both sides of this hot potato which has enraged some FCI people because Britain refused to grant automatic approval to judges simply because they were approved to judge a breed in their own country. I understand their frustration at what they see as a one-sided arrangement. But I also understand that for the British Kennel Club to approve someone to judge a breed they had seen just a few times for an assignment that could result in 200 dogs, would be folly in the extreme. In practical terms the cessation of this arrangement means that in theory I could judge a breed in December 2011 with an entry of 75 and have a student judge who I had the power to approve or otherwise to judge the breed, then in January 2012 I would be ineligible to judge that same breed at an international show where FCI CACIBs were involved. It is impossible to generalise. I have seen many excellent judges coming from some of the smaller, younger countries. Likewise I have been embarrassed by the performance of some British judges. Everything depends on the individual. What irritates me is the attitude of someone who, at the ripe old age of 29 announces with pride his all-breeds licence, and then, when asked if he has ever visited either Crufts or Westminster to study the dogs, asks, “Why would I want to go there if they do not ask me to judge?” (That ended that particular conversation there and then as you can imagine.) At this point of time there are many large scale problems facing the pure bred dog fancy at large and the British Kennel Club in particular. In the great scheme of things the reputation of the British All Rounder overseas may seem like an irrelevancy. It is however a fact that as long as the British Kennel Club itself refuses to acknowledge the need for “all rounders” in the true sense of the word, then other countries will continue to overtake them in the global dog world, and the Brits will have no one to blame but themselves.

Dog News 43

Another Group First!


“ 44 Dog News

” Photo by Diana Hadsall

Judge Dr. Ronald Spritzer

All Breed Best In Show Multiple Group Best In Specialty Show Winner

GCh. Boca’s Royal Palms Splish Splash Owners Debbie VanDerveer 248 894-2957 Genesis Mastiffs

Breeders & Owners Alan & Joanna Dorfman Boca Boxers

Breeders & Owners Gloria & Jack Bower Royal Palms Boxers 941 627-1898

Handler Guy H. Fisher Murbe Kennel Assisted by Taylor, Jackie, Josh & Sammy 810 384-1844

Dog News 45

True North (Strong and Free)

“Old age and treachery will overcome youth and talent” read a bumper sticker I saw at a recent dog show. It made me smile, especially as I knew the iconic owner of the vehicle.


outh in our sport seems to be a vanishing thing. Sure there are plenty of young enthusiasts at the junior showmanship level but once we get beyond that it seems that we are lacking a certain age demographic at our shows. As times have changed and there are far fewer large scale breeders and it seems those willing to actually mentor people are dwindling too, we have a gap that needs to be filled. Many of our kennel clubs have their older members but the up and comers are few and far between. Here in Canada most clubs own their own show equipment and set up their own dog shows, so even the physical presence of younger members is really a problem. Once young people age out of Junior Handling they really have fewer and fewer options to stay in dogs. Sure, some can apprentice with Professional handlers and decide if this is the route to go, or use the handling apprenticeship as their “mentoring” in place of a trusted breeder. But other than that or finding a breeder willing to put the time in with you the options to learn more and be encouraged further are few and far between. Junior Showmanship, or Junior Handling as we call it here in Canada, is alive and well. In Canada there are a few subtle differences in the Junior handling rules and traditions. The main ones being that at Canadian dog shows you can enter junior handling on the day of the show, the entry fee is $2 and the junior or a junior’s family does not have to own the dog that they are showing. Many juniors show other peoples’

by ALLISON FOLEY 46 Dog News

dogs and will switch from breed to breed at any given show. This helps them get well rounded in their handling skills. Each zone of the CKC has a Junior handling representative appointed by the zone director. The junior rep helps clubs that don’t offer Junior handling get started

with it if they so desire, and will help find Junior judges and answer any questions that arise. The Junior Rep is responsible for the Zone finals for each year and the finalist will go on to compete at the National competition, which sends its eventual Continued on page 76 winner to Crufts.

Junior representatives for each zone are: Alberta: Jaime Bolduc • PO Box 138 Deloraine MB R0M 0M0 • (204) 747-2114 or (204) 747-4234 •

Ontario -West: Ms. Jean Ashley • 11090 Fairview Line, RR 4 Chatham ON N7M 5J4 • (519) 351-8357 • ashleysown@kent.netZONE 7

British Columbia Interior: Ms. Kim Campbell • 6300 Furrer Road Kamloops BC V2C 4V6 • (250) 573-3782

Ontario – North: Ms. Elizabeth Numbers • 9 Second Avenue Phelpston ON L0L 2K0 • (705) 322-7399 • • Ms. Elizabeth Redfern • RR 12, Stn P Thunder Bay ON • P7B 5E3 • (807) 767-3067 •

British Columbia Southwest: Mrs. Carman MacKay • 5651 145A Street Surrey BC V3S 8E3 • (604) 543-3043 • • Ms. Pat Gignac • 32559 Pandora Avenue Clearbrook BC V2T 3S7 • 604) 853-9422 Manitoba: Ms. Diane Fast • Box 75 Group 4 RR 2 Lorette MB • R0A 0Y0 • (204) 878-9761 • Bus: (204) 989-6523 • Nova Scotia & Newfoundland and Labrador: Ms. Carolyn Dooling • PO Box 763 Goulds NL A1S 1G8 • (709) 368-9406 • • Ms. Allison Foley 563 Cross Road No. 3 South Rawdon NS B0N 1Z0 • (902) 757-2482 • Ontario- East: Kim Groves • PO Box 104 Brighton ON K0K 1H0 • (613) 475-3107 •

Ontario – Central: Ms. Irene Latchford • 589 Eighth Road East Stoney Creek, ON L8J 2X4 • (905) 643-6890 • Fax: (905) 643-0526 • Prince Edward Island NouveauBrunswick: Mrs. Carola Adams • 1005 Route 10 Hwy Noonan NB E3A 7H5 • (506) 450-9442 • Quebec: Ms. Marthe Millas • 2 – 4410 bl. St-Joseph, app 2 Lachine QC H8T 1R2 • (514) 639-6221 • Saskatchewan: Ms. Lydine Denzin • RR 2 Craven SK S0G 0W0 • (306) 775-2543 •

” y w e “Ch

Group First • Judge Mrs. Elaine Mathis

Multiple Best In Show Winning

Ch. Talydales Friend Of The Force Breeder/Owner Sheri Smith

Handlers Michael & Michele Kemp 724 448-4104 Dog News 47

r e m m u S ! h s a l p S Saturday August 27, 2011 in Redmond, Washington the temperature was around 88 degrees and it was a perfect evening for a barbecue, a dunk tank and an opportunity to raise funds for one of my favorite charities, Take The Lead. By Tammie & John Wilcox • Photos by Michelle Taylor


month before the event, I received an invitation via Facebook to attend Take The Lead Summer Splash 2011. I accepted the invitation, but didn’t pay too much attention to the details. Then a few weeks before the event, Cindy Crawford-Gorath and Dan Nechemias were walking around with a Radio Flyer red wagon selling t-shirts and dinner tickets at the Nisqually Kennel Club show. We bought our two tickets and put the date on the calendar. I started to hear more buzz about the event at the Olympic Kennel Club show, which was just one week before the Redmond shows. I was told by Cindy that all auction items, t-shirt design, t-shirts and screen printing, all food for the barbecue and the wine and beer were 100% donated, so all proceeds would go to Take the Lead.

48 Dog News

The show site is at Marymoor Park in Redmond, Washington. The rings are on wonderful grass with plenty of trails for a nice dog walk. The only drawback to this show site is parking on asphalt with no access to electricity and the weather for this show is normally very warm. Friday and Saturday are days for several independent specialties including the Western Washington Terrier Club and the Mt. Rainier Working Dog Club Group Specialties. Sunday is a stand-alone all breed show put on by the Sammamish Kennel Club. Myself and my assistant from Iceland, Thorjberg showed up to set up our grooming area on Thursday afternoon. We set our area and then went over to visit with Dan and Cindy. They were there setting up the Take The Lead popup tents that were to house the silent auction items. Cindy told me that there Continued on page 70

Dog News 49

Off The Leash

By Shaun Coen As we mark the 10th Anniversary of 9/11, ‘the day that changed the world forever’, it’s appropriate to look back on how the role of the search and rescue dog has grown in importance. Never before had the role of the dog in disaster response received such prominent attention and ever since the dog has been a vital, central figure in all disaster response efforts. AKC President and CEO Dennis Sprung presents the NYFD with a DOGNY sculpture.


hile the terrorist attacks of 9/11 showed the worst of human behavior, the response and relief efforts showed the best. It was out of the 9/11 attacks that the AKC CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund was born. In an effort to raise funds to help search and rescue dogs, the DOGNY: America’s Tribute To Search and Rescue Dogs project was launched, chaired by AKC President and CEO Dennis Sprung, AKC Chairman Ronald Menaker and fancier Karen LeFrak, and managed by Daphna Straus. This public art project consisted of over 100 German Shepherd sculptures painted by commissioned artists and decorated in various designs and themes, which were placed throughout New York City in remembrance of 9/11, championing the role of the search and rescue dog in the relief efforts. The sculptures were sponsored at an original cost of $10,000 each by companies such as Dog News, AKC member clubs, the Iams Company (which funded upwards of 20 sculptures), Major League Baseball, and by celebrities such as supermodel Heidi Klum (who also designed a dog decorated in butterflies) and fashion designer Vera Wang, in addition to some individual fanciers such as Sam Lawrence and Toni and Martin Sosnoff, to name but a few. Following the public display the sculptures were available for purchase to the sponsors for an additional $3,500. Many others were auctioned at Sotheby’s, which raised an additional $100,000 for SAR organizations nationwide. The Hartz Company also sold DOGNY stuffed animals, the proceeds of which also went towards supporting search and rescue dog teams. All told, the DOGNY project raised some $3.5 million,

50 Dog News

AKC Chairman Ron Menaker announcing DOGNY: America’s Tribute to Search and Rescue Dogs, which was the impetus for the AKC CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund.

DOGNY sculpture “Man’s Best Friend”, sponsored by Dog News

seed money for the AKC CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund, which was established as a permanent charitable fund with the goals of providing resources, support, funds and other assistance to not-for-profit Canine Search and Rescue organizations; notfor-profit veterinary units providing support to the canine rescue teams; and not-for-profit animal shelters and similar not-for-profit organizations providing care for domestic animals orphaned or displaced as a result of natural or civil disasters. Since 2002 the AKC CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund has donated $1.5 million to help displaced animals in times of natural disasters and 360,000 pets have been reunited with their owners through its pet recovery system. Talk about turning a negative into a positive. Thanks to the innovative, progressive thinking of those at the helm of the AKC and the generous, philanthropic nature of many of its constituents, the extended AKC family rallied together in an efficient display of cohesion our government often sorely lacks to benefit their fellow man and the canine companions who so tirelessly serve them. The impact was felt immediately. In a letter to the AKC CAR dated September 26, 2002, Wilma Melville, the Founder and Executive Director

A SAR dog comforts a NYFD Rescue 1 worker at Ground Zero.

of The National Disaster Search Dog Foundation, stated: “As a result of your generous donation, and those of other supporters, we have been able to send 20 canine candidates into training instead of the 4 that had been planned for 2002!” And to its credit, the AKC CAR, headed by CEO Tom Sharpe, continues to fund worthwhile projects that benefit all. The AKC CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund donated $400,000 to nearly 50 organizations in 2010 and in July of this year it announced that it had already granted more than $340,000 to disaster relief and SAR teams nationwide. In 2010, the AKC CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund awarded $70,000 to the University of Pennsylvania, and an additional $110,000 in 2011. The University of Pennsylvania’s School of Veterinary Medicine has been monitoring the health of the 9/11 canine heroes during a 10-year study and its findings have been consistent with the ones of the five-year study conducted by the Animal Medical Center: that the dogs didn’t develop any long-term health issues related to the work they performed in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. Such findings are comforting, as we continue to send dogs to disaster sites, most recently to aid in the recovery efforts following several hurricanes.

Approximately 100 FEMA dogs were sent to Ground Zero and each stayed about 10 days. Some 33 NYPD K-9 dogs remained on site for another eight months, searching the rubble and debris for survivors and cadavers. The last of the NYPD dogs passed away in January, just shy of its 13th birthday, and 12 FEMA dogs are still alive, though all are retired. Roy Gross, the Suffolk County SPCA agent in charge of the mobile hospital that cared for the animals during the aftermath of 9/11 at Ground Zero, estimates that 300 dogs in total contributed to the long-term rescue and recovery efforts. “Besides the FEMA and NYPD dogs, you had therapy dogs, brought in to help the rescue searchers, and dozens of volunteers who showed up at the site with their dogs, too,” Gross told the New York Post. The search and rescue dogs often pulled double duty, performing the role of therapy dogs themselves, as weary firefighters and rescue workers would take a much needed time out just to pet a dog, whisper their feelings or have their faces licked. Several books have come to market (in addition to the DOGNY book, a 144-page hardcover keepsake) extolling the virtues of the heroic canines and their handlers that worked at Ground Zero and the Pentagon following the attacks, including “Dog Heroes of September 11th”: A Tribute to America’s Search and Rescue Dogs” by Nona Kilgore Bauer, which has just printed an updated 10th Anniversary edition that includes 100 new pages with an additional 150 new, color photographs. Proceeds of the book, as with the original edition, will go towards furthering the Search Dog Foundation’s efforts to continue training and deploying search and rescue dogs. Also being released to coincide with the 10th Anniversary of the attacks is “Retrieved,” a collection of photographs by Charlotte Dumas, who traveled from Maryland to Texas to track down the remaining surviving FEMA dogs and their handlers. Most of these dogs were Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers, whose muzzles are now grizzled and gray. The Julie Saul Gallery in NYC is offering an exhibit of Ms. Dumas’ photos of the dogs to mark the anniversary of the attacks as well. Since Dumas began her search, three of the dogs have died. Their passing marks the end of an extraordinary era in our history, a time when the intense human-canine bond was never more apparent and appreciated. There hasn’t been a terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11 and thanks to our police K-9s, several attempts have been thwarted. Of course, the work of these dogs remains extremely visible and valuable, as natural disasters continue to take their toll. 9/11 is indeed a day that we will never forget, nor will we ever forget the role that the canine played in the rescue and recovery efforts. Donations in support of Canine Search and Rescue organizations can be made out to AKC CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund and mailed to AKC CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund American Kennel Club 260 Madison Avenue, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10016-2401.


*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points

Dog News 51

52 Dog News

Dog News 53

And More



he weekend of Irene a good friend of mine who just happens to be an internationally acclaimed personality had a major weekend gig in Atlantic City. She never got paid a penny but did get her expenses reimbursed due to her nonperformance caused by the hurricane. Naturally she was very upset but since there was a “force majeure’ clause in her contract there was little to be done to help except to hope for future hiring. It seems to me that at the rate dog shows are being cancelled due to acts of gods they would be wise to put similar clauses in its contracts with judges. The recent catastrophe in Indiana where the grandstands were demolished caused a rebate to ticket purchasers and the scheduled performers you can be certain were not paid for non-performances either, one would presume. Why is it that in our sport the judges who are cancelled out due to acts of god and the exhibitors who support these shows are treated so differently? Isn’t it time for shows and AKC to reconsider the present policies and to become more accountable financially to everyone involved? I have thought this for years ever since it became de rigueur to cancel shows due to weather related events. It seems to me that there was a time years ago when shows were held come hell or high water. But those days have changed and so should our thinking with regard to reimbursing people who are expending monies and then due to acts of god losing it entirely when it becomes impossible to perform. Just as paying people’s contracts when they have been cancelled out by the same acts of god. I see where the British are beginning a program to retest certain judges who have not judged within a three-year period. Hopefully it will be broadened to include a retesting theory for all judges. The latest proposal is contained elsewhere in this issue. One of the strongest proponents of this theory was the late Board Member Jacklyn Hungerland. She wrote many an article on the subject and was a strong believer, as am I, in the need to retest all judges periodi-

Continued on page 68

BY MATTHEW H. STANDER • photos of St. Croix Valley KENNEL CLUB BY Tim Peterson 54 Dog News


Our appreciation to Judge Mr. Edd E. Bivin for this special recognition

Best In Specialty Show Winning

GCh. Apple Hill’s Baldwin Sire: GCh. K-Line N Cutts Beyond-A-Doubt, CGC, LOM-HT

Breeder/Owners Paula & Earl Emerick Cape Cod, Massachusetts 508-759-3895

Dam: Ch. Apple Hill’s Hotel Heiress

Always Presented by Vito Ciaravino Crete, Illinois 708-672-6292 Dog News 55

Rocky Mountain Hound Show Draws Large Numbers By Phil Samuelson

All Photos Courtesy of RMHA


he Rocky Mountain Hound Association (RMHA) held a highly successful Hound show in Greeley, Colorado, on August 18th and 19th. Held in conjunction with the Greeley Kennel Club all-breed shows, there were four days of hound competition. Now in its second year (last year was a one-day event), the hound club attracted impressive numbers from across the country, with 475 hounds showing on the 18th and 363 on the 19th. (Some breed entries were very large indeed, with 90 Rhodesian Ridgebacks

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competing.) Many of the AKC's top hounds and handlers were in attendance. There were 25 breeds entered on Thursday and 22 entered on Friday. The overall entries were a 42% increase over last year. "A 42% growth, from 2010 to 2011 was exceptional," RMHA Show Chair Carol Curlee said. "We certainly see the show growing year after year." Held at the beautiful Island Grove Park, the shows were both outdoors (for breed and Jr. handler competition) and indoors (for sweeps, rally, obedience, and group competition). The outdoor

rings had lush grass cut at the perfect length for gaiting--even with short-legged breeds like Dachshunds. Temperatures soared over 100 degrees on the first day and were in the 90s the rest of the weekend. The hound club graciously provided free water and free show programs to those in attendance. Numerous outdoor canopies and chairs provided everyone with enough shade to stay cool. The club provided winners with very nice trophies etched with the club logo (glass on the 18th and tiles on the 19th). A wide range of vendor booths allowed people to browse or shop between ring times. The club sponsored a raffle/drawing booth with numerous baskets brimming with tempting items. The club also provided for a group of Girl Scouts to attend an educational program set up by club Treasurer Marlene Groves entitled, Going To The Dogs: Dog Show Fun and Facts. The girls who attended learned the basics of dog showing and had the opportunity to meet dogs and their handlers. A special judges seminar was held for a hound new to the Miscellaneous Group, the Portuguese Podengo Pequenos. There were nine entries for this new breed. Other breeds new to the show this year were two of the coonhound breeds, the Black-andTan and the Redbone. The group winners on Thursday were the 15" Beagle, GCH Belcanto Flags A' Flyn (BIS), Afghan Hound, CH Thaon’s Mowgli (2nd), Bloodhound, GCH Quiet Creek’s Kiss And Tell (3rd) and Smooth Dachshund, GCH Grand Gables

Sumbuddy Walden (4th). Friday's winners were Afghan Hound, CH Thaon’s Mowgli (BIS), Whippet, GCH Starline’s Channel (2nd), Bloodhound, GCH Quiet Creek’s Kiss And Tell (3rd) and American Foxhound, GCH Kiarry’s Back In the Saddle (4th). Five juniors competed in Junior Handling on Thursday, and Four juniors competed on Friday. Thursday, the Best Junior Handler was Karissa Samuelson with her Redbone Coonhound, and Friday the Best Junior Handler was Kayla Schisler with her Beagle.


reeley, on Colorado's eastern plains, appears to be the ideal location for the RMHA's big event. Plans are already underway for next year. The club is committed to building on the high standards established so far with this special competition. "Our show is in a great location," Laura Bryant, RMHA president, said. "It will continue to draw hounds from all across the United States, and increase its status as a premiere hound show."

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The Lighter Side of Judging Continued FROM page 18

marrow from my soup bowl and neatly fold it away into my napkin. Mr. AG returns from the restroom, seems pleased by my gastronomical success, and orders us two more beers. With the bone marrow safely tucked away in my napkin, I prepare myself for the main entrée as Mr. AG discusses protocol for the upcoming show. The waitress, from behind my right shoulder, carefully places a light green oval platter between Mr. AG and me. I look in wonder at what appears to be slices of thin, long, marbled meat. Each slice is approximately eight to ten inches in length, one and half to two inches wide and looks something like turkey-bacon on steroids. Mr. AG immediately takes the platter and begins to serve. I can’t take it any more and I must know what this delicacy is – “Can you tell me what we are eating?” I ask. “Oh – please try you will like this very much,” Says Mr. AG. “I am sure I shall enjoy it! What – what is it?” I reply. “I am not sure how to say in English,” remarks Mr. AG. “Is it cow?” I ask. Mr. AG shakes his head no and I ask again – “Is it pork?” “No,” Mr. AG says while moving his head sideways. After a moment of silence he announces: “ I think you call it donkey.” I freeze in a total state of shock – there is no way in hell I am going to put donkey meat in my mouth. How am I going to gracefully get out of this one I contemplate? With a little hesitation I announce, “I am truly sorry, but I will not be able to share the donkey meat with you this evening.” Mr. AG looks at me in disbelief and asks, “Why?” “Well…My partner and I have a pet donkey named Norman and if I were to eat this donkey meat, it would be like eating Norman and I would not be able to live with myself.” Mr. AG, pretending to understand, eats a large portion of the donkey, while I pick at a bowl of rice. Having diverted a major culinary catastrophe, I spend the remaining dining hours asking numerous questions about the show, the schedule, and when my colleague and fellow judge, Mr. P, will be arriving from the U.S.A. Mr. AG informs me Mr. P is scheduled to arrive later this evening and he will arrange alternative judges’ lunches for tomorrow, as they are scheduled to serve donkey sandwiches. I eagerly await Mr. P’s arrival and the opportunity to inform him of my adventures and to warn him in the event he is offered fried duck tongues, boiled bone marrow and donkey meat. We arrive back at the hotel at 8:47PM. WIGB stares into my eyes, smiling from her glass box, spinning as I enter the hotel. A short lady, with her head facing downward, methodically moves across the marble floor in a grid-like fashion pushing a dusting / polishing mop preparing for tomorrow’s activities. Peering to my right, I notice Mr. P waving his hands from the retro cocktail lounge. I navigate towards 58 Dog News


Mr. P giving him a hug. We settle down for a nightcap before retiring for our big day of judging in the morning. Mr. P has judged numerous times in China and because of his introduction, I was invited to adjudicate on this occasion. Mr. P shares of his travels, etc. and I begin to share my sordid culinary details. Mr. P listens to my challenges and with a broad smile on his face informs me, “Michael, I love the food here and I eat everything. I personally like the donkey meat and I have eaten crazier things on other trips.” Blown away – I congratulate Mr. P on his intestinal bravery and for being the perfect international guest. “Damn it!” I say to myself. I was sure Mr. P was going to prove to be an ally and now I am forced to deal with it alone. Longing for someone to understand my dilemma--- not wanting to savor donkey meat---I finish my late night cocktail, say goodnight to Mr. P, proceed to the elevator, and push number 16. Returning to my room, I phone Big Michael with hopes of receiving sympathy and in return, I am forced to leave a quick message, “Hey there, all is well. I just finished a lovely evening. The beer was great, but the fried duck tongues were not seasoned to perfection, the boiled bone marrow could have been simmered in a lighter sauce with white wine and the donkey meat was overcooked, lacking presentation. Goodnight and we will talk soon – Love ya…bye.” I pull back the bed covers knowing full well the Chinese have the same hotel sanitary issues as we do and collapse on the bed. The cool fresh sheets comfort my tired, stressed, hungry body. My mind begins to wander as I replay delightful dog show dining experiences (DDSDE) in hopes of mentally settling my stomach. My eyes slowly close. I find myself ringside for Groups at the Rose City Dog Show Cluster in Portland, Oregon – WOW! Beautiful site, great dogs, wait staff, cocktails and scrumptious assorted appetizers. Leaving Portland, my DDSDE OBE takes me to Louisville, Kentucky and the culinary treasures of Chef Phillip Koening and Kathy Hensley of the Silver Spoon. My body becomes warm all over while mentally floating in a bed of bourbon chocolate pudding, while dining on country ham and sweet potato biscuits. Suddenly, I take a sharp left transporting my DDSDE to Connecticut and the Pioneer Valley Kennel club – club members swirl around the bedside with complete lunch menus, serving each course, starting with cold blueberry soup. Flipping on to my right side, I leave Pioneer Valley and find myself in the Buckeye state, treated like dining royalty at the Canfield Fairgrounds. What is going on? So much food at this location, all home-made, smiling faces everywhere and an endless stream of soft serve ice cream starts to fill my bed as I float to Napa Valley and the Wine Country Show. Grilled vegetable panini, homemade soups, fresh salads, wine tasting and a German Black Forest Cake bigger than my house. In a total sublime foodie state, with hunger pains vanished, I realize that as a community, we do little to recognize the hospitality / culinary efforts of host kennel clubs

in the U.S.A. “What can I do on a national level to lead the pack?” I ask myself. Needing H2O after my DDSDE, I spring out of bed, grab the half-full bottle of Chinese water sitting on the stand near the window and begin to guzzle. Colorful lights reflect in and out of the Aquatic Cube and the Birds Nest. Finishing my water, I continue to stare at the dancing, colorful reflections and immediately have an “Ah ha!” moment. “That’s it! It will work. I, Michael Faulkner, on this day in China, have created the Elite Judges Culinary Community (EJCC). A non-profit professional organization whose sole mission is to educate and advance quality dog show food, judges’ lunches / dinners and to reward outstanding achievements within the field. “Brilliant!” I burst out. As if speaking to a full room I continue, “Membership will require a brief written exam, clearly outlining one’s basic culinary knowledge and simple facts regarding wine and cocktails. Membership fees will be $25.00 per year with the cost offsetting administrative duties and of course, we shall include our beautiful membership pin, a gold oval embossed with EJCC.” Speaking directly to the Aquatic Cube and the Bird’s Nest, I continue, “I will serve a three-year term as the president and I will personally choose and control ten board members, whom I like, representing judges from the entire country. We will create an award system, not unlike the Michelin ratings, and report our findings to the various weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly and yearly dog show magazines. Yes, this is going to be great,” I proclaim from the sixteenth floor overlooking my audience. “I will engage my friends at Dogs in Review to add an additional category to the “Winkie Awards” – Best Judges’ Food and Hospitality. This is wonderful – if they ask me back to MC the event, I can personally present the first award.” My mind continues to race with endless possibilities as I proceed back to the bed. “EJCC, organized as a 501(c)(3), will focus on creative, inventive, quality fresh food options for the dog judging community. EJCC will use membership profits for the advancement of the mission and to educate judges and club hospitality chairpersons on all levels. In the end, our judges will be healthier, happier and will be able to continue judging well past the age of one hundred.” Totally satisfied with my DDSDE and the creation of EJCC I decompress, take a deep breath, close my eyes and begin to reflect on the food of my youth. My love and appreciation for fresh, quality food started at an early age. I remember sucking on pickled pig’s feet with my grandfather, eating sliced cow tongue sandwiches as a child, sampling turtle soup, snake meat and crunching on fried pork skins. “What the hell” I blurt out. Tomorrow I just might have to revisit the fried duck tongues, boiled bone marrow and donkey meat with a new attitude.


A briard for the informed observers. Among the few briard bitches who meets ALL the breed standard requirements down to the details with high excellence. Twice, an American Rassemblement Selected bitch.

GCh. Avant Garde of the Coastline Always shown by her owner, Wendy Quinnell Breeder: Ellen Jo Myers Briards of the Coastline: Dog News 59

THE FANCY SPEAKS Speak No Evil By JaNina laurin

Winning or losing are dramatic affairs with so much ego and pride riding on what we as breeders, owners or pro-handlers have on the end of our leashes. Heated verbal exchanges with happy or defeated body language tell our tale of a judge’s decision. As judges, we are sometimes our own worst enemy. On other occasions, our brilliance is downright frightening. It’s in these moments of sheer glory or abject defect, the exhibitor asks the proverbial “why did you?” or “how come you didn’t?”


udging from the collection below, the dog show community is very healthy. Only a healthy organization can truly poke fun at itself while maintaining competitive spirit without meanness. And that’s a feat to be proud of in and of itself. Hope you enjoy reading these as much as the participants enjoyed sharing them. Winning large invariably is followed by losing equally large. Without fail following an unexpected loss, exhibitors will approach the judge with statements about the dog’s earlier triumph or controlled demands of “why”. Such is the case when an exhibitor’s dog just won a very large national specialty and followed up with a breed loss to the class animal at a very small all-breed show. When told of the dog’s national win, the judge replied ...“Aren’t you glad I wasn’t judging the national.” By the same token, you can win & still lose….After defeating 90 class bitches for WB, another two hours in the ring for BOB high humidity and heat prevailing, the judge offered up to this

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black dog exhibitor..”If only she had held it together for another 2 minutes I would have given her the breed.” Conversely, complaining about a “win” as a “loss” when you are an exhibitor, sometimes earns you exactly what you deserve as in the case of group judging. I don’t know a single exhibitor unless it’s among their very first group placing or it’s Westminster or any of other prestigious shows who is happy with anything less than first place. Do you? No one can save a judge from an exhibitor with a highly ranked dog coming over to contest their 2nd or 3rd place in the group but the judge himself. This judge commented to “why didn’t I win this group” with “I’ll tell you what, show your dog to me when the other dog isn’t here and you’ll win.” Movement and physical issue comments seemed to lean more heavily towards female exhibitors. While certainly everyone admitted some of the comments could have been more diplomatically phrased, none could contain their smiles or laughter when they retold their tales. To the question of “why didn’t you like my dog”, the judge replied to the robust round little woman – “I like your dog just fine, if you weren’t so fat, you could move it better.” To the woman with a ballerina’s flare when she asked the judge, “how was that” after returning from the down/back, the judge replied “could you move your dog down/back again, I can’t tell who moves better, you or the dog.” After slipping on the down & back, ripping her skirt up the back and stepping on her dog’s tail, the judge said to the embarrassed young woman, “could you do that again!” As the female exhibitor was slowly rising up from her knees, she commented that it was difficult setting up her smaller breed, the judge remarked, “Then get a bigger dog and stop complaining.” And I don’t know if it was the same judge who remarked to

another person who complained of her aching back, “then stand in the middle of the ring and let your dog circle around you, I’ll judge him that way.” Really? “No, get moving or get yourself a handler.” Specialties bring their own special brand of conversation. Generally speaking, they are more congenial affairs with breeder judges or specialists well known in the breeds. In these cases, sometimes opinions are just offered up. To the group of exhibitors left standing after the initial cut, the judge suggested they take their dogs around one more time, “so everyone will know why none of you are winning.” In the same vein, a judge mentioned to the handler while he was going over their dog. “I saw you outside the ring and thought, oh good, I will finally see some good dogs. And here you come with worse crap then I have already judged.” This excitable dog owner who just captured a 5-point major was astounded when the judge said, “I just pointed to the dog which looked it like it would have the toughest time winning any points.” To this day, the owner doesn’t know if that was said tongue-in-cheek as the judge just finished his dog. My three favorites – When the exhibitor asked why she didn’t win the open class, the judge looked at her straight-faced and said… “it’s the worse one I have ever seen, go tell your breeder to give you your money back.” When faced with an exceptional winner’s class, the judge said, “you’re all wonderful, I don’t know which one to pick…eenie-meanie, miney-moe” and then pointed to the ultimate winner. When asked why they only got select and not the specialty, the response was “you always win; I know your dog is better and you know your dog is better, but sometimes you need to let someone else win.” It goes along with, “I gave you BOS and I know your dog is better and will go on to a great career. This will probably be my BOB winner’s only time to shine.” My thanks to all the exhibitors whether professional handlers or breeder/owners of distinction or rank novices who willingly shared their answers to the question, what was the funniest or strangest thing a judge ever said when you asked – WHY!?!


*All Systems

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largest and most prestigious shows in the country, but after the demise of Ann Stevenson it went into a spiraling decline. Many people thought the club should fold and felt the “glory days” were gone forever. Abbe and David had the foresight and faith that SBKC could make a comeback. It took years of blood, sweat and tears to keep a sinking ship afloat. Santa Barbara can never possibly be what it once was. 4,000 dog shows appear to be a thing of the past for the entire US. Santa Barbara, International and the Kennel Club of Philadelphia, because of very innovative leadership, have been able to weather some bad times and been able to make tremendous reversals. Because of the Internet everyone knew the main winners immediately all over the world. Three of the Bests were captured by foreign bred dogs. The McFadden handled Kerry bitch which won on Monday was bred in Wales. This lovely bitch was number two all-breed dog in England last year. The Affenpinscher handled by Ernesto Lara, which went Best Friday and Sunday, was bred in Holland and made history by being the first of its breed to capture Best at SBKC. This win had very special meaning to Ernesto. When Ernesto was a very young handler in Mexico, SBKC was one of the most famous shows in the World. When Tom and Ann Stevenson would judge in Mexico they were referred to as “Mr. & Mrs. Santa Barbara.” This

was the first time Ernesto had ever exhibited at SBKC and it brought back old memories of Ann and Tom. It is interesting to notice that the BIS winners at the Sunday show have for the last seven years been handled by Foreign born handlers. Five times by Mexican born handlers and twice by Canadian born handlers. Tim Brazier handled the Standard Poodle winner of the Saturday show and had gone Best at the Sunday show last year.


uch of the success for the weekend going uphill was when the Santa Barbara Kennel Club/ Purina Pro Plan team instigated the “Breeders Showcase” in 2009. This added new life to the weekend and was an immediate success. Since this was a special attraction

that had never been tagged in this country, even with a huge amount of planning it had some glitches that had to be worked out. In 2010 everything ran much smoother, but the time factor had to be improved on. This year with the entry being just several dogs short of last year the Breeder’s Showcase was finished by 9:15 PM. Because of several factors it would be difficult to start the event before 6 PM. Having 135 entries of two dogs per entry and only using two rings the judges have to work at a fast pace. A very capable group of stewards headed by Connie Clark have to move the dogs quickly in and out of the rings. Allan Reznik does a great job as the announcer for the Showcase. The list of judges for the Breeders Showcase reads like the “Who’s Who” of breeders. Joan Savage the AKC/ Eukanuba 2008 Breeder of the Year had charge of the Sporting Group. Dr. Richard Meen who has bred so many top dogs from various groups evaluated the Hound group. Working was Judith Cooper of “Tip ‘N Chip” Great Pyrenees. In 2009, Judy had been the AKC Working group breeder of the year. Cindy Vogels, who along with her mother, Jackie, has bred so many top Terriers, judged Terriers. The Toy group was judged by Janet Allen, who, with Continued on page 64

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Carrera and Linda are on the move!

Best In Show, Multiple Best In Specialty Show Winning

GCh. Horizon’s Evangeline #8 Doberman Pinscher All Breed* DPCA Top Twenty Contender

Owned by: Roy & Janice Keith Smok’in Magic 713 828-3884 Co-Owned by: Linda George

Bred by: Linda & Rick George Horizon Kennels

*The Dog News Top Ten List

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Bob Jacobsen, bred so many different Toys. Janet started thirty-five years ago by breeding top Chows. Non-Sporting was headed by Joanne Reed of “Windrift” Keeshonden, the 2010 AKC recipient of the AKC Non-sporting breeder award. This was a very special weekend for Joanne. Lucy Doheny, niece of the legendary Dickie Washington, bestowed Joanne with several invaluable paintings of Kees from her aunt’s collection. In 1955, fifty-six years ago, Ch. Wrocky of Wistonia went Best at SBKC. This was the beginning of the “empire” of the Flakee Keeshonds of Porter and Dickie Washington. Joanne founded the Windrift line on Flakee dogs and this legendary empire continues today. Last, but maybe most interesting, was the Herding Group judge, Dawne Deeley, who campaigns so many top winners here and in Canada. Also last year her Wire Fox Terrier was number one all-breed dog in Italy. Most interesting is that she is the “Queen” of rare breeds. She put Karelian Bear dogs on the map in Canada. Back in 2000 she owner-handled the first Norwegian Bunhund to the first multi BIS dog in North America. In 2005 she was decorated with the Cross of Merit in Order of the Lion by the President of Finland for her work in preserving the International integrity of the breed.

For Best in the Breeders Showcase this year, the two charming, ever so popular ladies Susan Sprung and Jan Paulk had the pleasure to not only pick Best, but also Reserve Best. If these two wonderful dog ladies could not agree, Betsy Dale was to be the tie-breaker judge. The quality of dogs presented to Jan and Susan were of the highest caliber. After very little consultation they declared the Harriers the winning pair. Susan Lowder, daughter of Terry Stacy and Charlotte Stacy, was the common breeder of these two great dogs. The pair consisted of two great winning dogs, one being the young Grand Champion Down Home Hi Tech Innovator. This is the young dog Susie and Jorge Olivera are campaigning for Joe Sanchez. This young dog captured the extremely

competitive Hound group the following day. He was paired up with the famous winning Ch. Down Home Family Tradition that Kim Pastella Calvacca campaigned to one of the top dogs in the country several years ago for Dr. Bill & Tina Truesdale. It was so wonderful to see the old boy come out of retirement for this classic event. It was no easy feat winning the Hound group in the Breeders Showcase. Standing behind the Harriers was the pair of stunning Whippets bred by Lori Lawrence and Dianne Bowen. The older bitch was “Chanel” who is the top winning Whippet of all time. Standing behind the Whippets was the Norwegian Elkhound entry of “Vin Melca” fame. This kennel has won the Hound group at Westminster an unprecedented 10 times. This pair consisted of “Voyager”, who Pat campaigned so successfully recently and “The Norseman”, the newly started charge for “Vin-Melca”, who could possibly capture an 11th victory at Westminster. If one looks up the winning team of fourth place plus the four Award of Merits in the Hound Breeder’s Showcase it is amazing to see how competitive this competition really was in this group. Reserve Best went to the beautiful Alaskan Malamutes of “Alcan” fame. Their breeders, Dian McComb and Dorothea Ragsdale, have to be congratulated on breeding Continued on page 66

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two dogs of this top notch quality. Tiffany and Matthew McCray have also to be congratulated on breeding the Goldens that captured the Sporting group. Bonnie Warrell of “Belgar’s” Miniature Schnauzers captured the Terrier group. The co-owners of this team, Marilyn Lande and Lyle Harstad, said it was the most thrilling win ever in the sport. The Toy group this year was won by littermate Min Pins bred and owned by Katie Winters, who has produced so many top ones. Katie was ecstatic over the win, but commented that it also was the first show she had great fun at and also won money. It was a triple-header for the much deserving Katie.


n the Non-Sporting group for the Showcase we saw another great winner come out of retirement to capture the group with a younger kennel mate. This was the “Le Bull’s” Frenchie products of Arlie Alford. The older one of the pair was Ch. LeBulls Midnight Confessions. This bitch known as “Lola” was BIS at SBKC several years ago under this writer. The Herding group was won again this year by “Coventry” bred Pembrokes. “Coventry” Pembrokes won the whole Breeders Showcase last year. In 2009 Bill Shelton of

“Coventry” forfeited exhibiting in order to judge the Herding group. As a note of interest, Alex Geremia co-owns the winners of both the Non Sporting and Herding group. When Alex went BIS several years ago at SBKC she said it was her first Best in dogs and her first big win in horses many years ago was also at the Earl Warren Showgrounds. Of special note the China Kennel Club headed by Andy Gong not only offered a trophy, but also sent their top breeder to compete in the Breeders Showcase. This resulted in second place in the Non Sporting group going to two Chows bred by Yang Zhixile of Beijing, China. These two Chows show what China is doing to produce top quality dogs. Although the AKC does not recognize dogs bred in China the young member of the pair could be exhibited at the AKC/Eukanuba show, since it is not a real dog show.

This young red dog who was part of the pair also won an Award of Merit at the AKC/Eukanuba show. China is breeding some of the great dogs of the world today, but they cannot be exhibited at AKC shows until the AKC recognizes China as a kennel club. When the results of the Breeders Showcase are reviewed it makes one realize just how many great breeders have stood the test of time. When you add up the accomplishments of the winners it is mind boggling. Hopefully by the time we reach the tenth year of the Breeders Showcase a book can be written on the winning breeders of this event. The initial year of the Breeders Showcase in 2009 had eleven magnificent challenge trophies put in place. Three for Best, one for Reserve Best and seven for the different groups. This year the collection has added bronze sculptures of the past winners. These were commissioned by Dorothy Cherry and Sandra Kim Hoffen. Fan Yu, the extremely talented handler from China, is the artist. The sculptures memorializing the past winners will be on display during the year at the new Purina Pro Plan Event Center. This will be a way that the efforts of the winning breeders of the Showcase can be viewed all year long. Staging the Breeders Showcase has taken a tremendous amount of work by the committee and Purina Pro Plan, but Continued on page 82

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And More


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cally. As in any profession goals, mores and attitudes change not only in regard to procedures but within the breed standards themselves. Certainly with the greater emphasis one finds today in the health area there are many subtle changes going on within affected breeds that need to be visited. Many a judge is so set in his or her ways that they do not recognize what the breeders are attempting to achieve and need good reminders. Mrs. Hungerland, a psychologist by profession, always would stress the need to update any professional-type individual. As a dog person she was far and away ahead of her time, perhaps too ethereal for some but a person of her knowledge, innate intelligence and background is sorely missing from today’s Board. Wouldn’t it be nice if the present Nominating Committee could find such a person within the Delegate Body and persuade them to run for the Board. More ideally of course would be the ability of the Nominating Committee to go beyond the Delegate Body in search for Board Members but under the present Bylaws that’s an impossibility for sure. I missed another of my favorite California shows last weekend—Gold Coast in Grass Valley. You can thank Irene for that one too as we had no electricity at home until early evening on Wednesday. Since we were due to leave Thursday there was no way we could consider going there with all the responsibilities of maintaining the dogs and other animals to say nothing of the house and property were concerned. All reports indicate another successful venture to Grass Valley and a good show and good time had by all. This is one of the truly laid back events held on a great fairgrounds in the foothills of glorious mountain ranges and trees and is someplace to visit and revisit for sure. All things being equal we’ll be back there for sure next year.

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w e N a s ’ There l a m i n A Party ! d o o h r o b h g i e N in the Introducing...


Sire: Am. Ch. Aust. Ch. Best In Specialty Show Amors Walk Like A Man

Dam: Ch. Amor Charming Piper

GCh. JanJems Party Animal

BEST IN SHOW plus Seven Group Placements in Chico’s first three months out as a Special Holland Michigan Kennel Club • Judge Mr. James J. Ham, pictured. Handled By: Nina Fetter, 419 230-7604, Owner and Breeder: Janet Wahl, 916 622-1414, Dog News 69

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was to be a Dunking Booth at the event and they were taking volunteers to sit on the bench. Knowing that it was going to be a hot day on Saturday I had no problem in volunteering. I figured there would be a few people that would like to see me take a dive. John and I had not contributed to the silent auction yet. When my mother-in-law passed a few years back we were given her dog collection of over 500 pieces, many of them Royal Doulton. Since there was an Irish Setter Specialty we chose a Royal Doulton Irish Setter to place on the table. I looked up the stamp on the paw and number to add supporting information for the piece’s asking bid. My research showed an approximate value of $450 or more. I spent most of Saturday at the Irish Setter specialty soliciting bids for the piece and selling t-shirts. The Royal Doulton Irish Setter earned Take the Lead $275.00 and the final bid was written down by the owners of the Best of Breed winner from Saturday’s show, Andy and Luanne Middleton. The Irish Setter people were fabulous to spend the day with and I was very successful in extracting more money from their wallets for Take The Lead. Dan Nechemias is a part of the Argyle wine company, which was a large contributor to the event with a number of bottles of wine. I also saw and had a bit of the Ponzi wine, which is located in the same area as the Argyle winery. You can’t have a Northwest barbecue without wild Coho Salmon. Dan and Wade Wickman were busy flipping burgers and salmon along with a green salad, pasta salad, an enormous dessert bar and beverages included for $15.00 per person. There were over 130 tickets sold. I remember hearing that Dan

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was worried we didn’t have enough food. He didn’t need to worry. Several people even went back for seconds and there was still a bit left at the end of the night. The silent auction closed at 6:45 with the most amount of money being spent on the Royal Doulton Irish Setter. There were also Mariners and New York Yankees baseball tickets. I heard they are second row third baseline box seats. The lucky winner was Ray Reinhart. The weather was perfect for the Dunk Tank. Again, the tank was donated to the cause. Ed Thomason was the first to take the plunge. He had a lineup of at least five to seven people deep. Rick Baggenstos really enjoyed sending his son Luke for several plunges. Nothing like a parent that has kept score on a few of the grey hairs the child gave you. We were all impressed with his throwing arm and accuracy. Shea Skinner kept Tiffany, his wife, drenched and caught her off guard a couple of times with quick successive dunks. We didn’t get any of the judges or the AKC representative Mary Dukes to take the plunge, but many were more than willing to buy balls to see someone else take the plunge. Judges in attendance to support the event were Christie Smith, Kim Meredith Cavanna, Adrian Woodfork, Gary Andersen, Betty-Anne Stenmark, Faye Strauss (MT Rainier Working Dog Club, President). It looked as if they were having a great time supporting the event and spending time with all the exhibitors. The t-shirts were a hot item. They were designed by Michelle Taylor, who also coordinated for the t-Shirt production. All 100 t-shirts were sold at $15.00 apiece or Continued on page 74

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more. Some were even re-sold. A gentleman (I did not get his name) came up to me asking to buy a t-shirt. I told him that they were all sold. He looked very disappointed. I said, “He could buy the one that I was wearing, if he gave me the shirt off his back.” He handed me the $15 dollars and gave me his shirt. We made $30.00 off that one. Other people handed us a $20.00 bill and, said, “Keep the change”. The event wrapped up at about 9:00 PM. Everyone pitched in to clean up and place all the tables and chairs back where they belonged. I don’t think we heard one complaint about food, entertainment or about the day’s judging events. Summer Splash raised nearly $7,000.00 for Take The Lead. Lois Claus, Dan and Cindy did a marvelous job in coordinating and I know they would appreciate recognition of all the people that helped. The volunteers were: Cindy CrawfordGorath (Event Chair), Dan Nechemias (3rd Vice-Chairman Take the Lead), Lois Claus, Debbie and Wade Wickman, Todd Johnston, Tammy Gincel, Penny King, Tammie Wilcox, Michelle Taylor, Terri Erickson, Kelly Boyd and half the Mt Rainier Working Dog Club. Emcee was Ed Thomason and Dunk Tank participants: Ed Thomason, Aaron Bradshaw, Tammie Wilcox, Luke Baggenstos, Tiffany Skinner, Cindy Crawford-Gorath, Kelly Boyd, Pam Sage, Kevin Chestnut, John Dewey and Savanna Skinner. For those that don’t know what Take The Lead is this is their little blurb. Take The Lead provides direct services, support and care for people in the sport of purebred dogs who suffer the devastation of life-threatening or terminal illness.

72 Dog News

Take The Lead was founded in 1993 as a not-for-profit foundation under Section 501 © of the Internal Revenue Service code. All contributions to Take The Lead are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. If anyone would like to contribute to Take The Lead you can do so by sending a check to: P.O. Box 6353 Watertown, NY 13601 If you are in need of assistance or know someone who is in need of assistance you can contact Take The Lead through www. I know that there is talk about making this an annual event. If so, sign me up. I won’t just accept the Facebook invitation, but I plan on getting involved earlier to help make this event one of the best. Thanks Cindy, Dan and Lois for including me.

t r a Bog

n n y L i r a M


Flash! Flash!

Bogart sweeps ircuit!!! C a r a b r a B a t n Sa Simi Valley Kennel Club Best of Breed Judge Dr. Mauro Anselmo Alves • Santa Barbara Kennel Club Best of Breed Judge Ms. Joanne Paulk Group Third Judge Mr. William Cunningham • Best of Breed Group Second Judge Mr. Eric Ringle • Conejo Valley Kennel Club Best of Breed Judge Mr. Jay Richardson

Thank you Judges Mr. Robert Stein & Mr. Vincent Grosso Bexar County Kennel Club Specialty Best In Show Winning GCh. Shoreline East/West Play It Again Sam SHORELINE Breeders: Nancy Simmons Stan & Lois Ostrowski Karla Mattioli

Presented by: Mari Lynn Davisson

Top Twenty Breed and All Breed

SHORELINE WEST Owners: Jim D. Bailey Dr. Nancy Schycker-Bailey Dog News 73


Gossip Column


hose storm girls IRENE & LEE haven’t finished disrupting our lives just yet. The TUXEDO, SOMERSET & WESTCHESTER shows plus the specialties that preceded them on Thursday were all cancelled due to the continued rain and flooding at the North Branch, New Jersey venue. Plus the back-to-back CARROLL COUNTY shows in New Hampshire were also cancelled do to the rain and flooding in that area. Celebrating it’s 20th anniversary, the American Kennel Club Scholarship Program for Veterinary Medicine has awarded $16,000. to six students. Students were nominated by each of the 28 AVMA accredited United States veterinary schools. In selecting the six recipients, each were graded by their academic achievement, activities with purebred dogs or related research and need. The six students selected were KIM HITT (Mississippi State University), EMILY MEYER (North Carolina State University), CHAD MALINAK (Louisiana State University), JENNA DOCKWEILER (Kansas State University), REBECCA CSOMOS (University of Pennsylvania) and KATHERINE MEGGUIER (Tufts University). At the age of 86, WALT SHELLENBARGER former professional handler and part of the Gretchenhof German Shorthaired Pointer dynasty with his former late wife JO SHELLENBARGER, has passed away. JO was awarded best in show at the Westminster Kennel Club with the great Columbia River. The SHELLENBARGERS were a very


successful handling team. When their marriage ended, JO continued handling and WALT retired from handling and went on to judge the hound and sporting groups. Their love of dogs was a family affair with daughters GRETCHEN & HEIDI. Daughter GRETCHEN went on to become a very successful professional handler and now is an equally sought after judge. All of us at DOG NEWS send our deepest sympathies to GRETCHEN & HEIDI and their families. Standard Poodle breeder GLENNA CARLSON has passed away. She bred over 70 champions under her Ascot prefix. In addition to that she was a longtime member of the Poodle Club of America and its national specialty show chairman. Our deepest sympathies to her husband ED and children. Celebrating Wedding Anniversaries…KAREN & GARY WILSON, KATHY & RON MENAKER, AMY & ANDREW GREEN, PAM & BOB LAMBIE, KAREN & RC WILLIAMS and SULIE & GREG PAVEZA. Birthdaying… KAREN JUSTIN, VIRGINIA MURRAY, ELLY RENSINK, HELEN LEE JAMES, PEGGY BEISEL, SCOTT SOMMER, CONNIE GRENIER, TINA YUHL, MICHAEL SHEPHERD, PAIGE MCCARVER, CAROL GROSSMAN, KATHY MENAKER, CHARLES BARIS, JUNE MATARAZZO, GAYLE BONTECOU, GEORGIA HARRIS, SARAH NIGHTENGALE, JULIE EDEN, NAN GILLIARD, MARY JANE CARBERRY, SIOUX FORSYTH, BETH DOWD, ELLEN ROBERTS, LOUISE RITTER, PATRICIA ULLOA, JOHN RONALD, WENDY KELLERMAN, MIKE STONE, DORIS BOYD, CARLOS ROJAS, DIANE MALENFANT, CONNIE CLARK, RICK BAGGENSTOS, BETSY DALE, JUDY SILKER, ALISA SYAR and KEN KAUFFMAN.


FOUR MORE GROUP FIRSTS Our Sincere Appreciation To The Judges Mr. Fred Heal Mr. Lowell Davis Mr. Joseph Greogry Mrs. Lowell Davis Lovingly Bred & Owned By Arlene Pietrocola

Superbly Presented By Brian Still Dog News 75

True North (Strong and Free) Continued FROM page 46

When planning your next trip to Canada please refer to these representatives to help you and your junior enjoy junior handling competitions while here in Canada. The Canadian Kennel club encourages Obedience Junior handling as well and these representatives can help you navigate those rules also. Competition in the regular junior handling at all breed shows is shaped like this. Pee Wee class is for children 4 to 6 years of age. It is non competitive and each pee wee is awarded a participant ribbon and perhaps a small token. Table dogs are not examined on the table for safety reasons. The other classes are divided into Novice and Open. Open is for a junior who has achieved 6 Novice class wins at that age level or any junior that feels they are ready to compete at that level, but if the junior were to take this option they cannot go down to the novice level in that same age group. Classes for both Novice and Open are divided as follows; Junior for handlers 7 to 10 years of age, Intermediate for handlers 11 to 14 years of age and Senior for handlers 15 to 18 years of age. The recent National Junior handling competition was held in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Junior Handlers enjoyed more of that wonderful Winnipeg weather for their National Finals on August 13th, with new national champions being chosen from an outstanding field of Zone Champions from across the country. Best Overall Junior - Conformation was Nigel Phillips, continuing a Phillips Family tradition of outstanding achievement, from Ontario and Best Overall Junior Obedience was the poised and talented Haley McCrea, also from Ontario. There must be something special in the water out there in Ontario! Again this year, sponsor Eukanuba and CKC will help make it possible for Conformation champion Nigel Phillips to travel to Crufts to compete at the International Junior Handling Competition in March 2012. It will be a wonderful trip for Nigel and the CKC will have a stellar Junior Handler rep-

resenting Canada at Crufts. Nigel can ask his older brother Tony, a former National Champ and Crufts competitor, about all those funny Birmingham accents. Obedience Champion Haley McCrea will receive a $1000 educational bursary through the kindness of Eukanuba for her talent and hard work. Congratulations to Haley for an exceptional performance. Marvellous organizer and Nationals Chair Diane Fast added some pomp and circumstance to the event by having a bagpiper and the junior members of the Manitoba Kennel Club presenting provincial and territorial flags lead the competitors into the ring. Huge thanks to Diane, her team and the Judges, particularly Joe Lobb, for their hard work and enthusiasm. They were consummate Manitoba hosts and helped present an unforgettable weekend for competitors and their families. Check the Junior Nationals Facebook page for posts and photos. Congratulations once again to all competitors for their hard work, dedication and stellar performances. The 2010 National Junior Handling Finals winners include: Best Overall Junior - Conformation: Nigel Phillips Best Overall Junior - Obedience: Haley McCrea Wenrick Sportsmanship Award Winner: Ashley Loitz Conformation First - Nigel Phillips - Ontario Second - Danica Eisworth - BC Third - Michelle Gaudet - Alberta Fourth - Susie Emerson – Ontario Obedience First - Haley McCrea - Ontario Second - Veronica Fraser - Alberta Third - Jade Unrau - Manitoba Fourth - Kristin Griffin - BC With the Juniors all taken care of we can look at the top 10 all breeds as of Sept 6 2011 according to Canuck dogs: #1 Peke Ch St Aubrey Nikalaus of Elsdon #2 Afghan Ch Mijkelh Sikanni of Procyon #3 Sheltie Ch Mystic Ava Gardner #4 Skye Terrier Ch Kishniga’s HMS Gunsmoke #5 Std Schz Ch Steinhous Tres Bien #6 GWP Ch RLB Drakkar’s Tom Foolery #7 Malamute Ch Mytuk’s Technical Knockout #8 Westie Ch Leman Thalie #9 Giant Schz Ch Skansen’s Great Gatsby #10 Am Cocker Mario N Beechwood’s Midnight Express As the summer comes to a close please pay a visit to us up here in the True North. That’s it now, follow me on twitter at salukitamer or read my blog at www.salukitamer.blogspot. com.

76 Dog News

Dog News 77


Penn Ridge & Harrisburg Kennel Clubs Photos by JEAN EDWARDS & JOE CIRINCIONE

78 Dog News

Dog News 79

Letters To The Editor MORE ON THE Fabulous new look ongratulations on a great new look for Dog News! The photos just pop from the pages of the new glossy format. I love it! You have really come a long way! It is fantastic! Connie Gerstner Miller Kalamazoo, MI


love the new look of Dog News. Everything just pops! And also ‘Great Dog Men of the Past’ is super. It’s so refreshing to read about what happened in the day. I remember meeting Norman Austin in the early 70s when I went to Ft. Lauderdale to judge. I stayed with the Padula’s. Norman was also there and we had a fine time - great food (seafood by Marianne and Norman), drinks by Michael. Wonderful dog talk by Norman into the wee hours. Oh, the good old days! Sue Hamlin Elmira, NY


am writing to tell you I think the new format and glossy paper really makes the DOG NEWS a first class dog paper. Joe Waterman Perris, CA

WESTMINSTER ANNOUNCES CHANGES IN SHOW LIMIT AND JUDGING FOR 2012 he Westminster Kennel Club today announced a number of changes for its annual show February 13-14, 2012 at Madison Square Garden in New York City made necessary because of the ongoing renovation work at the Garden. Most notable of these changes is a reduced show limit of 2,000 entries, a direct result of the loss of benching space in the Expo Center during the renovation project. The entry limit had changed on occasion since the show’s inception in 1877, but has been 2,500 since 1982. That entry limit has always been reached very quickly each year. “We are encouraged that, upon completion, the Garden’s renovation will provide more benching space and an efficient setup for our show,” said Westminster Show Chairman Thomas H. Bradley, 3d. “But for now, we have to make some adjustments that are in the best interests of the dogs and the competitors, while continuing to provide reasonable access for spectators, as well.” Entry procedures will remain the same as in recent years, with the top five dogs in each breed or variety (in breed points for the first ten months of 2011) being invited to pre-enter, with the remaining entry slots


80 Dog News

being filled in an open process. There are 185 breeds and varieties eligible for Westminster in 2012. Entry rules will be available in the premium list posted on the Westminster website in October. The Club also announced that all breed judging and benching for the Toy breeds on Monday and the Terrier breeds on Tuesday will take place in the theater in the Madison Square Garden complex. Preliminary judging in Junior Showmanship will also take place in the theater. All Group competition and the Junior Showmanship finals will still be held in the main arena. The exhibitor entrance for all dogs remains the same as in the past. The Alternative Benching Format first used in 2011 will once again have breeds groomed at their benching areas. Additional details will be available on the website and in the Premium List, and diagrams will be mailed with the Judging Program. Dave Frei New York, NY


FAN OF FAULKNER believe every one has said at one time or another, “I could write a book.” Well Michael is writing that book for us, his stories have me laughing so hard as I relate to so many of his tales. I decided I never wanted to be on the same panel as he was after I read about the two lady judges. Still laughing, Nancy Cowley Woodstock, CT


9/11 TRIBUTE n our website is the video from our 2002 show of our moving 9/11 tribute to the search and rescue dogs and their people who worked so nobly on 9/11. The presentation on the floor of the Garden is probably the single most stirring part of our show in its history. Dave Frei New York, NY BREED CLUB CODES OF ETHICS AND THE ASSURED BREEDER SCHEME he Kennel Club is encouraging breed clubs to include a recommendation in their Codes of Ethics that club members who breed should join the Kennel Club Assured Breeder Scheme. All breed clubs have a code of ethics, the terms of which must be agreed with the Kennel Club, and use these to ensure that club members adhere to certain


standards of behaviour and good breeding practice. The Kennel Club Assured Breeder Scheme promotes good breeding practice and there are set requirements that Assured Breeders must agree to follow, which encourage the breeding of healthy, well-adjusted puppies. In return, Assured Breeders may use the scheme literature and logo on their website to promote their breeding. The Kennel Club’s suggestion that clubs include a recommendation that members join the Assured Breeder Scheme is aimed at increasing the number of dog owners across all breeds who agree to comply by the standards required by the scheme within each breed. The Assured Breeder Scheme currently includes several requirements and recommendations which have originated at a breed club level, including minimum age restrictions for bitches producing puppies and a limit on the number of litters produced per year in some breeds, as well as several breed club health schemes. The Kennel Club is encouraging breed clubs to include a phrase such as the following within their codes of ethics: ‘Members will, when breeding dogs, adopt as a minimum standard the principles, requirements and recommendations as embodied in the Kennel Club’s Assured Breeder Scheme. It is strongly recommended that members who breed should apply to join the Scheme.’ Further information on the Assured Breeder Scheme is available from the Kennel Club website assuredbreederscheme. Laura Quickfall London, England LATE ANSWER TO THIS WEEK’S QUESTION OF THE WEEK: With the growing number of mid-week shows putting the dogs exhibited by the ‘working’ owner-handler at a disadvantage, particulalry with regard to the ranking systems, what changes if any would you suggest to the present system such that these people and their dogs are put on a more equitable competitive basis with the dogs exhibited by professional handlers? Carolyn Hensley: Frankly I think AKC should do away with the amauter owner-handler and let it be owner-handler class similar to bred by. Dog News could lead the way by beginning to track and publish owner-handler stats. This is an untapped area and while we have some owner-handlers as good as any professional, many do not have the time to be at every show nor in these tough economic times can they afford to be off work. Great question. Ed. note: How could this tracking be accomplished?


Dog News 81

Continued FROM page 66

it also is a phenomenal amount of expense to stage this event. Since it is held in the evening, the exhibitors, breeders, handlers, etc. have to be fed dinner. This consists of roughly over 1,000 individuals enjoying a top quality dinner under the stars and moonlight. The only way this has become possible is the support received from private sponsorship from owners, breeders and supporters of the sport. A large part of this sponsorship comes from breeders outside of the US. In 2010 when the committee realized so many dogs were coming from foreign lands plus all the Foreign bred dogs living here would be competing, a Foreign Bred competition was added to the weekend festivities. Since it was a last minute idea and entries would be done the day of the event we were a bit overwhelmed when we got 38 entries. This made for the dogs being in the ring too long. This year Dick Meen and John Reeve-Newson each judged half the class with five being pulled from each section. The ten finalists were judged again by Dick & John. The final cut had ten dogs that were world class representatives of their breed. The Welsh bred Kerry Blue handled by Bill McFadden was the supreme winner. An Afghan bitch that had won the “Purina Breeders Cup” in Italy in 2010 won a trip to compete at SBKC and placed second. Third went to the Paula Murray handled Long Coat Chihuahua

owned and bred by Kazu Yuki Yama from Japan. The lovely Borzoi bitch owned by Mai Ozeki and Yoko Sakamoto of Japan was fourth. This bitch bred by Kyoko Ozeki has had a big career in Japan and while visiting in the States was reserve winners bitch at our National. The four Award of Merits consisted of dogs that could compete successfully anywhere in the world today. There are two lovely Challenge Trophies offered for the Foreign Bred Competition. One is the Ch. Kippax Fearnought trophy. The legendary “Fearnought” was the first foreign bred dog to capture BIS at SBKC and Westminster. The second Challenge Trophy is in honor of Ann & Tom Stevenson. This sterling silver bowl was first offered by Mrs. Geraldine R. Dodge at Morris & Essex in 1940. Both Mrs. Dodge and the Stevensons were committed to bringing the best foreign judges to the US. Because of the Stevensons'

great interest in Poodles this trophy has been offered by three different great Poodle kennels in the world today – Linda Campbell of “Dawin” fame from Canada, Mr. & Mrs. Martin Sosnoff, “Atalanta” of the US, and Zuleika Borges Torrealba “DeMaya” of Brazil.


ince 2009 SBKC has recognized people who have made outstanding contributions to the sport from the seven different groups. Without these individuals and their contributions the sport would not exist at the level it does. Joe and Agnes Rodrigues were honored from the Sporting group. Besides making a great contribution to the Brittany world, their daughter, Amy Booth, has sent Smooth Fox Terriers to different countries of the globe. This family has contributed to the sport in so many different areas. Lori and Carey Lawrence of “Starline” represented the Hound group. Besides breeding the record breaking “Chanel” they bred “Starline Reign On” who has already sired 126 champions and is behind so many of the top Whippets. Lori and Carey have shown that a very small kennel can make a tremendous impact on a breed. Continued on page 95

82 Dog News

Group Winning

GCh. Avatar White Rose’s No Shelter From The Storm

r e g g Ja

Thank you Judge: Mr. Garry K. Newton

Owners: Shanna Williams-Weinberger & Roxanne Robertson

Shown by: Johann Emedi 517-231-0032

Dog News 83

84 Dog News

Dog News 85

Dog Show Calendar OCTOBER 6 - THURSDAY PA Wrightstown (I/O) HATBORO DOG CLUB, INC. (S) Middletown Grange Fairgrounds #684 Middletown Grange Fairgrounds 576 Penns Park Rd CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 21 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $33.50-1st/ $28.50-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. C. A. Beattie SPORTING Group: Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine Mrs. M. P. Pontes: Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr K. L. Lovell: Brit, All Pointers, All Retrievers, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq. K. L. Beliew: Afghan, Basenji, Borz, Dach, Whip Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq.: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. M. P. Pontes Mr. B. Busby: Mast Mrs. L. E. Smith: Boxer, Grt Dane Mrs. C. De La Garza: Akita, Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Bullm, Sib Hky P. Pontes: AnatolShep, Blk Russn Terrier, Cane Corso, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Giant Schn Mrs. M. P. Pontes: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. M. D. Buckley Ms. B. W. Keenan: Austr Mrs. C. A. Beattie: Irish Ter Mrs. C. Thompson-Morgan: Norfolk Mrs. L. C. Hutchinson: Soft Coated Mrs. J. S. Kefeli: Border, Manch Ter Mr. J. Constantine: Cairn, Kerry Ms. K. J. Ferris: Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire) Mrs. L. D. Caldwell: Min Schn, Parson Russell Mrs. C. H. Clark: Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Mr. G. M. Vlachos: Airdle, Bdlgtn, Lakelnd Mr. B. Busby: Am Staff, Norwich, Staf Bull Mrs. A. Katona: Scotti, Sealym, Skye Mr. M. D. Buckley: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. L. C. Hutchinson Mrs. J. S. Kefeli: Toy Manch Mr. J. J. Madieros: Pood Toy Mrs. L. D. Caldwell: Toy Fox Terrier Mrs. P. J. Hauck: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: K. L. Beliew Ms. B. W. Keenan: Pood Mrs. M. P. Pontes: Tib Ter Mrs. C. A. Beattie: Boston, Chow Mr. J. J. Madieros: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. H. W. Gleason Ms. H. W. Gleason: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq. Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq.: All Miscellaneous Breeds SWEEPS PUPPY: Fox Ter (Smooth) Douglas Holloway SWEEPS PUPPY: Fox Ter (Wire) Douglas Holloway OCTOBER 7 - FRIDAY NM Alamogordo* (O) CHAPARRAL KENNEL CLUB, INC. La Velle Road Multi-Use Park CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 21 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. P. Hastings SPORTING Group: Mrs. S. Dillin Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan Mr. S. J. Hubbell: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan Mrs. P. Hastings: Grt Dane Mrs. C. Hubbell: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. D. Bay Mr. R. D. Bay: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. D. Bay Mr. R. D. Bay: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, Hava, Eng Toy Sp, I Greyhnd Mrs. S. Dillin: Balance of Toy Breeds 86 Dog News

NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. B. A. Leedy Ms. B. A. Leedy: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan Mr. S. J. Hubbell: Austrl Cat Dg Mrs. P. Hastings: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. S. J. Hubbell Mr. S. J. Hubbell: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. L. Scanlon: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Pre-Novice JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. R. D. Bay PA Wrightstown* (I/O) HATBORO DOG CLUB, INC. (S) Middletown Grange Fairgrounds #684 Middletown Grange Fairgrounds 576 Penns Park Rd CLOSES: SEPTEMBER 21 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $33.50-1st/ $28.50-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. K. C. Wilson SPORTING Group: K. L. Lovell Ms. C. L. Richards: Weim Mrs. A. Katona: Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Wirehair Ptg Grif Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Brit, All Pointers, All Retrievers, Set-Eng, Set-Gord, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh K. L. Lovell: Balance of Sporting Breeds *No Classes: Set-Irsh HOUND Group: Ms. L. C. More A. Shaw: Afghan Mrs. K. C. Wilson: Amer English Coon Ms. B. W. Keenan: Bgle Mrs. A. Katona: Bluetick Coon, Greyhnd Ms. C. I. Borghardt: Dach, RhoRidge Ms. L. C. More: Basset, B & T Coonhnd, Eng Fox, Nor Elk, Otter, PBGV, Plott, Redbone Coon Mr. D. J. Peat: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq. Mrs. L. E. Smith: Sib Hky Mrs. L. D. Caldwell: Std Schn Mr. B. Busby: Alas Mal, Bullm, Newf Mrs. M. P. Pontes: Boxer, Giant Schn, Grt Dane Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq.: AnatolShep, Cane Corso, Dogue de Brdx, Kom, Leonberger, Nepltn Mastiff Ms. M. Brocious: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. A. Katona Ms. K. J. Ferris: Austr Mr. G. M. Vlachos: Fox Ter (Smooth) Mrs. K. C. Wilson: Fox Ter (Wire) Mrs. C. H. Clark: Irish Ter Mrs. L. C. Hutchinson: Manch Ter Ms. L. C. More: Min Schn Mrs. J. R. Stevenson: Norfolk Mrs. C. Thompson-Morgan: Norwich Mrs. M. P. Pontes: Parson Russell Mr. J. Constantine: Soft Coated Mrs. C. De La Garza: Wst Highlnd Mrs. J. S. Kefeli: Bdlgtn, Kerry Mrs. A. Katona: Lakelnd, Welsh Ter Ms. B. W. Keenan: Scotti, Skye Mr. M. D. Buckley: Am Staff, Border, Cairn, Staf Bull Mrs. C. A. Beattie: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. P. J. Hauck Mr. J. Constantine: Bruss Grif Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq.: Pood Toy Mrs. L. C. Hutchinson: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. J. Madieros Mrs. L. E. Smith: Bulldog Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq.: Pood K. L. Beliew: Chow, Fin Spitz, Norwegian Lndhnd, Xoloitzcuintli Mrs. P. J. Hauck: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. L. C. More Mrs. L. C. Hutchinson: Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, Pyre Shep Mrs. G. Altman: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. N. K. Withers: Nov A, Open A, Open B Mrs. B. Doering: Nov B, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: K. Sarvinas


Ch. Highpoint’s Manhatten The toast of the town Thank you!!! Judge Dr. Robert Smith for finishing Manny with a Major and Best of Breed over special competition.

Thank you!!! Judge Mrs. Robert Smith for Best of Breed the next day

Look for Manny at a show near you! Owners and Breeders Kathi & Bob Molloy Denny Engstrom

Handler Michael Halley Dog News 87

Purina is pleased to be the official sponsor

88 Dog News

A message from the Clubs of the

North Branch Cluster

The Kennel Clubs of the North Branch Cluster – Tuxedo Park Kennel Club, Somerset Hills Kennel Club, and the Westchester Kennel Club – regret the need to have cancelled our shows of September 9-10-11. North Branch Park had already been closed for the time being due to conditions brought on in the aftermath of Hurricane Irene. You have probably seen the television coverage of the flooding, downed trees and power outages. The Park is in the middle of it all, flooded and with compromised electrical power.


In spite of that, we were encouraged earlier in the week of the cluster that we would still be able to hold our shows. However, a change in the weather brought more rains to the already-impaired park and Mother Nature made the decision to cancel obvious and prudent. The administrators from the Somerset County Park Commission felt that the park could not have ensured the safety and withstood the traffic of our dogs and people and vehicles, and we understand their concern.


We want the park to regain its health to host the cluster again in 2012. We hope you will join us for our shows next year.


The officers and members of all three clubs want you to know that we appreciate your support and the support of Eukanuba for our events. Dog News 89

Handler’s Directory Robert A. Fisher Kaki Fisher

Jessy & Roxanne Sutton Professional Dog Handlers

Specializing in Terriers and Working Dogs

Professional Dog Handlers Frakari Kennels 194 Quivey Hill Road/P.O. Box 204 Middle Granville, NY 12849 518.642.9225 KNL • 440.813.6388 c 12.09 12.11

Jessy phone: 215-778-1253 7.09


Roxanne phone: 513-235-2099




Sue Capone, PHA Regina Keiter SUE 570 992-5705 email:





REGINA 570 369-0192 email:

RR 5 Box 5918 • Golf Course Rd, Saylorburg, PA 18353

Diana Wilson

Show Dogs Beautifully Presented

303/638-1669 1298 Bluejay Avenue Brighton, CO 80601 • 4.12

*Fees feed rescued horses*




Debbie Old West PROFESSIONALGoldstein HANDLER ALL BREEDS Professional

Members PHA & AKC Registered Handlers



& Groomer Kennels 2418 Grandview Drive

P.O. Box 180 Forestville, Pennsylvania Sparta, N.C. 16035 28675 724-735-9994 C 412-491-5520

336 372-2039 © Debbie Goldstein



Clint and Karen Livingston 1981 East 141 Avenue Brighton, Colorado 80602 210 865 8415 - Clint 210 865 2348 - Karen

9691 Flinn Springs Road El Cajon, CA 92021 (619)443-8250 Fax (619)443-0944 E-mail /



Carlos Carrizo






AKC PHA RVT Tulsa, OK 918-625-8124 (cell)

AKC Registered Handler



Cell: 415 819-5773

1.12 1.11

Ernesto Lara

AKC Registered Handler Assisted by Leonardo Garcini


Greenfield 3.10


Tiffany Saxon

P.O. Box 330 Tel: (717) 445-9936 1181 Reading Road Fax: (717) 445-0577 Bowmansville, PA 17507 email: 6.10 6.12 mobile: 717-475-7069

Professional Presentation & Care of Show Dogs A drienne O wen 6849 S hadow R idge P l ace A lta L oma , CA 91701 909-472-5519 adrienne @ newpointkennel . com www 8.09 . newpointkennel . com 7.12


All Breed Dog Handler

1637 Moon Rock Rd Fallbrook, CA 92029

Office: 760-723-9564 Cell: 626-277-7172 1.11

90 Dog News





Come Show in Vermont!

Champlain Valley Kennel Club Saturday & Sunday, October 8 & 9, 2011 Indoors, One location Two days of All Breed Shows, Rally & Obedience Trials Green Mountain Golden Retriever Club Regional Specialty and Sweepstakes (same days & location)

Cash prizes both days for Best Bred by Exhibitor Groups and Best Bred by Exhibitor in Show Friday Night Special Events B-Match (All Breeds, FSS & Rare Breeds) Obedience 10 for 10 (In Ring Practice) Pizza party for B-Match and 10 for 10 exhibitors Sponsored by Royal Canin Dog Foods

Micro Chip Clinic

Champlain Valley Exposition—Essex Jct., Vermont Air conditioned—Day Parking—Overnight Camping Entries Close Wed. September 21, 2011 Superintendent: MBF (336) 379-9352 Visit our website for more information on special events or email - Dog News 91

Handler’s Directory Doug And Mandy Carlson AKC Registered Handlers Doug 405 370-1447 Mandy 405 826-3884 5.12

Guy H. Fisher

Professional Dog Handler Murbe Kennels DHG, PHA & AKC Registered

8260 McColl Drive W Savage, Minnesota 55378 Phone: 952 890-6010

11293 Dunnigan Road Emmett, Michigan 48022

Home 810 384-1844 Fax 810 384-8225 Cell 810 417-0469

E mail: Web site:




--ALL BREEDS-Jimmy & Mary Dwyer

407 810-4036 3.12



BRUCE & TARA SCHULTZ Board Certified Professional Handlers Members of P.H.A. •


92 Dog News


5540 San Miguel Rd. Bonita, California 91902

Bruce: 951 314-8357 Tara: 951 515-0241



CATONSVILLE KENNEL CLUB Friday and Saturday October 14th & 15th TWO-DAY FALL EVENT All Judging and grooming indoors Variety of vendors RV Reservations Available

Friday, October 14th, 2011 Saturday, October 15th, 2011 Supported Entries Supported Entries Greenspring Poodle Club Capital Keeshond Club Tibetan Spaniel Club of America, Maryland Boxer Club Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes Specialty Shows Specialty Shows Washington Poodle Club The Central Maryland Lhasa Apso Fanciers, Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes Colonial Schipperke Club, Mount Vernon Miniature Schnauzer Club, Inc., Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes Sweepstakes Scottish Terrier Club of Greater Pug Dog Club of Maryland, Inc. (Sweepstakes) Washington, D.C, Capital Keeshond Club (Sweepstakes & Veterans Sweepstakes) Colonial Schipperke Club (Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes) Chesapeake Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club (Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes)

Best in Show Each Day $300 Best Bred By Exhibitor in Show Each Day $100

Don’t miss: Maryland Kennel Club Same Location Sunday, October 16th

Howard County Fairgrounds, West Friendship, Maryland Superintendent: MBF, Inc. Closing Date: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 Dog News 93

Classified Advertising 12.11

E-Mail: 12.10



If It Is A Dog Matter D. Jay Hyman, Attorney

FREE Subscription to Grooming Industry Magazine!

If disputes arise, Co-Ownership or Problems with your Breeder. Registration Problems, Veterinary Mal-Practice, Contractual Issues, Better to Resolve Without Litigation. Fifty Years of Experience in Dogs and Law. 717-691-3388 12.10 12.11

D. Jay Hyman • 5905 Kim Court, Mt. Airy, MD. 21771 • Phone (301) 606-2097 12.09 Email: 12.11


FOLEY BOYS CRATE MEN Floor Management Loading & Unloading Tent Control Bob Flemm


PO Box 15 • 2257 Route 57 Broadway, NJ 08808


12.11 12.11



1995 Prevost Royale 40’ Coach Stored in heated garage year round. Low miles. All service records included. Great Condition. Photos and more info at:


3 custom made large crates under the bed.


All-Breed Transportation Sale

Cargo Vans - Minivans - Trucks Transit Connects Leading East Coast Ford Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep Dealer Offering preferred pricing to all Owners/Handlers/Breeders/AKC Members 856-220-3582 Delivery Available

7.09 4.11

Greenville, SC Area


New Jersey Licensed Kennel For Sale

Great opportunity for a Handler, Breeder or just an Entrepreneur. An established 30-year kennel with an unlimited kennel license, 24 indoor/outdoor covered runs, 8 turn out paddocks, upgraded electric, newer septic and a grooming business all on 5 fenced acres. Property includes a 3 bedroom remodeled guest or managers cottage, a four car garage with a tractor bay, a four stall barn, run in shed, paddock and fenced pasture. All the property is surrounded by farm land preservation. The vintage 1840 center hall colonial has a front to back foyer, two stone fireplaces, an elegant living room and dining room, all remodeled kitchen with granite and much more. There is an inground pool to complete this stunning property. To view this beautiful property or to receive a brochure please contact carol Comerford @ Coldwell Banker 908-534-4085 X 147 or my cell 908-581-6206. 4.11

All dog owners looking for the perfect property in the Greenville S.C. area. Wonderful 3BR/2.5BA home; private location with city convenience. Fenced back yard complete with professional kennels with indoor/outdoor access, private office and extra parking pad with 50 AMP electrical RV hook-up. 864-414-5001 5.11

Handler/Hobby Kennel Louisville-Cincinnati-Indianapolis Area Over 150 shows annually within 350 miles. Four Bedroom, 3 bath 3,000 sq. ft. Cedar/Rock Home with 16 Mason Fence Indoor-Outdoor Runs. Features include Large Heated Training Room, Feed Room, Grooming Room, Indoor Parking with Electric and Sewer Hookup for up to 42’ Motorhome. Multi Indoor Storage Areas. Large One B/R Townhouse-type Apartment In Kennel Building, plus another full B/R Apt. in Home. All this on 15 Acres with 7 Fenced Grass Paddocks for Dogs to Exercise. Asking $450,000.00, with possible Owner Financing. (812) 689-3274 4.11

Breeders Directory

Rottweilers and Toy Manchesters Puppies occasionally and stud service phone 800 454-5067 fax 303 745-7319 Pedigrees done for all AKC breeds



94 Dog News

Continued FROM page 82

Dr. William and Tina Truesdale were honored from the Working group. Bill and Tina have established the “Hi Tech” line of Boxers that have influenced Boxers in so many areas of the world today. They have also helped so many top breeders of different breeds to be campaigned to great heights. The Holland bred Affie with Ernesto Lara is just one example, as well as the Harrier that came out of retirement to win in the Breeders Showcase. Jackie Gottlieb of “Andover” fame represented the Terriers. Jackie along with her daughter, Cindy Vogels, has made a tremendous impact in several Terrier breeds, especially for putting Soft Coated Wheatens on the map. The most outstanding contribution that Jackie has made to the fancy is that she has been such a tremendous diplomat to the sport for over forty years. She has shown that a breeder-owner-handler can be extremely successful and most importantly that dog shows are fun. For all of these forty plus years I have never seen Jackie not seeing only the positive side of the sport. Having to haul big crates on a dolly must be more attractive than spending hours in a boring gym? If more exhibitors conducted themselves

in the manner Jackie does then dog shows would be more fun for everyone. Honored from the Toy group was Joy Thoms and the “Windemere” Pekingese. This kennel started 50 years ago with a pet white Peke. It was not until just recent years that Joy has been able to establish a line of top quality white Pekes. Working with a very small gene pool for whites was no easy task. Most people would have given up forty years earlier. Joy has produced so many top winning Pekes but the main goal now is to see a white win an all breed BIS. The “Windemere” Pekes only continue to get better and better generation after generation. The Honorees from the Non-Sporting group were Patti and Rod Strand of “Merry Go Round” fame. They bred the top winning Dalmatian of all time and produced a line known for good temperament, health and soundness. Patti has been on the Board of Directors of AKC since 1995. Three consecutive US Secretaries of Agriculture of National Wildlife Services have appointed her to the Advisory Committee. In 1991 Patti co-founded NAIA. This organization has been responsible for overturning hundreds of anti animal legislation. Without these efforts many breeders would not be able to continue their breeding programs. The Herding group representatives were Cappy Pottle

and Gloria Birch of “Covy Tucker Hills”. Their Ch. Covy Tucker Hills Manhattan, known to the fancy as “Hatter”, is the only German Shepherd ever to go BIS at Westminster and had earlier gone BIS at SBKC. After breeding around 300 champions Covy Tucker Hill Shepherds continue to be a major force. In the years ahead SBKC will continue to honor people who have contributed so much to the sport. So far it has been the policy not to honor individuals who have already been honored by AKC. The AKC has honored individuals who have already been honored by SBKC, however. Who will ever forget Carol Harris being honored at SBKC followed by AKC and voted on by the fancy for the Dogs in Review Breeder of the Year. Another new innovation was added this year. The Western Fox Terrier Breeders Association held Earthdog Trials on Saturday and Sunday. It is extremely rare that Earthdog Trials are held in connection with an all breed show. From what I have been told it was an extremely successful event. The weekend will continue to offer new innovations to the changing sport as time permits. Dawn Deeley, the “Queen of Rare Breeds”, has suggested that she organize an event next year featuring rare breeds. Knowing what a master of organization she is this could be a great asset to the weekend. One thing that is unique to the weekend is the social aspect. Many fanciers come from Continued on page 97

Dog News 95

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96 Dog News

Continued FROM page 95

all over the country and different corners of the globe to have a fun week. Some even not bringing a dog. A lot of people from out of the area arrived on Wednesday to enjoy Santa Barbara, since it is the Western Riviera. A week before the Santa Barbara weekend Janet York organized a “kick off� party in New York City and once arriving in Santa Barbara it was a continued long weekend of lovely affairs. Wednesday evening, Missy Capone hosted a sumptuous dinner at her new ranch in Santa Ynez. Not wanting people to drive the pass late in the evening a small tour bus was the mode of transportation between Santa Barbara and Santa Ynez. This was the first time I had seen a tour bus that was designed like the inside of a stretch limo. Nora and Don Gau flew in the most beautiful leis to be worn for the guests of the evening. Thursday, Alex Geremia once again opened her farm up during the day for out of town visitors. It is fascinating to see a herd of Zebras, Long Horn Cattle and all sorts of exotic animals and plants just outside the city of Santa Barbara. Lunching at the Cold Spring Tavern brings one back to the time when it was a station and Inn for the stage coaches navigating the pass.


hursday evening the club holds a very informal get together around the pool at the host hotel. It gives a chance for people to see friends from different corners of the globe. Friday evening, Abbe Shaw has her annual party and Bobby Unger flies in to arrange for the fabulous menu. Saturday evening during the Breeders Showcase a one of a kind dinner is held for all the breeders, exhibitors, handlers and fanciers. One thousand people enjoy a complementary fabulous dinner. Sunday evening Sara and Jock Sewell hosted a memorable dinner at their extremely fascinating home in Montecito. After five nights of wonderful large parties, Ron Scott and Debbie Burke arranged for a quiet dinner party at Lucky’s, one

of the great steak houses of the West Coast. It was not until Tuesday when the Challenge Trophies had to be gotten back into storage that I realized it takes two large vans to move these treasures. Between the Challenge Trophies for the regular show, Breeders Showcase, Foreign Bred Competition ad Permanent Display pieces this accounts for 38 historical treasures. No club in the world today has a collection of this magnitude. The new Purina Pro Plan Center will be housing the bronze sculptures on display for all breeders from around the country to view. This will be a living reminder of what top quality breeders are producing. There are far too many people to thank for contributing to the weekend. Purina Pro Plan has to be singled out, because without them a dream could never have been turned into a reality. So many sponsors contributed financially to the Breeders Showcase dinner. Without the tremendous financial support this even could not take place. The people that have to be singled out for being responsible for the great success are the breeders. Without breeders and the assistance of owners and handlers, the sport would come to a screeching halt. This great weekend will take place again next year the last weekend of August and already promises to be even better. In closing I have to say that I believe Ann and Tom Stevenson would be very proud of the legacy they built for the sport to enjoy. Dog News 97

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