Dog News, September 26, 2014

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Photo by Toyomi Tsumura

Ch. Jakar Pamir Anam Cara Summer Storm *The Dog News Top Ten List **All Systems

Owned by Georjean Jensen and Tara Schultz Bred by Amy Donnell and Tara Schultz Presented by Bruce & Tara Schultz AKC Reg. Handlers & PHA •


*The Dog News Top Ten List

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Dog News Contents • September 26, 2014 10 Editorial 14 Inside The Sport: Is Recycling Dogs The Answer? By Pat Trotter 18 Babbling: Montgomery Magic - A ‘Terrierific’ Extravaganza By Geir Flyckt-Pedersen 22 Question Of The Week By Matthew H. Stander 26 Irving’s Impressions By Ronnie Irving 30 Connie’s Comments By Connie Vanacore 34 Bests Of The Week 130 handlers directory 38 Ten Questions Asked of Peter Green 132 subscription rates 42 Marxisms: Judging & Showing By Judges By Sid Marx 134 classified advertising 136 advertising rates 44 Happy Birthday, Jackie Gottlieb! By Cindy Vogels 46 Your Dog’s Horoscope By Cerise Fairfax 50 The Juniors Speak: Amanda Layser By Kimberly Silva Garrett 54 Off The Leash: National Dog Week By Shaun Coen 56 Falconry Renaissance By Nick Waters 58 Rating Numbers, Financial Numbers, Registration Numbers And More By Matthew H. Stander 68 Earth Stoppers: The Welsh Terrier By MJ Nelson 80 All The Buzz: Rhodesian Ridgeback 83rd National Specialty By Denise Flaim 92 Dr. Joe Kinnarney, AVMA President and Terrier Breeder By Karl M. Stearns 104 Korea Kennel Federation By Desmond J. Murphy 116 Westminster Kennel Club Terrier Group Winners 118 The Gossip Column By Eugene Z. Zaphiris 122 Click: Long Branch Kennel Club By Karen Justin 126 Click: Lovanium Trophy 25th Anniversary & Mechelin, Belgium 2014 By Karl Donvil 128 Click: The Way We Were By Leslie Simis POSTMASTER: Send address changes to 135 Letters To The Editor DOG NEWS, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010 138 Dog Show Calendar for November 2014 All advertisements are copyrighted and DOG NEWS (ISSN 0886-2133) is published weekly except the last owned by DOG NEWS, Harris Publications, two weeks in December by Harris Publications, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010. Periodical Postage paid at New York. 4 Dog News

unless received camera-ready. Permission to reprint must be requested in writing.


ANOTHER SPECIALTY WIN! Team Gus thanks Judge Mr. Ronald Horn and the GSMDCA for this special win.


H The Number One Swissy, All Breed H The Number Ten Working Dog *

Multiple Best In Show, National Specialty Best In Show

GCh. Derby’s Toast With Gusto Owned By: Rick & Sue Copeland Richmond, Texas

Bred By: Kristin Kleeman Robyn & Kenneth Toth *The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed

Presented By Scott Sommer Dog News 5



Dog News Cover Story - SEPTEMBER 26, 2014






Karen Justin


212 807.7100 x588 FAX NUMBER: 212 675.5994 EMAIL ADDRESS twitter: @dognewsmagazine SUBSCRIPTIONS

Ian Miller 212 462.9624 Contributing Editors Sharon Anderson • Andrew Brace Agnes Buchwald • Patricia Gail Burnham Shaun Coen • Carlotta Cooper Geoff Corish • Michael Faulkner Merry Fitzgerald, DVM • Denise Flaim Geir Flyckt - Pedersen • Allison Foley Yossi Guy • Ronnie Irving • Roz Kramer John Mandeville • Sidney Marx Linda More • Demond J. Murphy M. J. Nelson • Sharon Pflaumer John Shoemaker • Kim Silva Matthew H. Stander Sari Brewster Tietjen • Patricia Trotter Connie Vanacore • Carla Viggiano Nick Waters • Seymour Weiss Minta (Mike) Williquette Dog News Photographers Chet Jezierski • Perry Phillips Kitten Rodwell • Leslie Simis

6 Dog News

DOG NEWS is sent to all AKC approved Conformation Judges with more than one breed every week and have adjudicated at a licensed AKC show within the past three years on a complimentary basis. No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without written permission from the editor. The opinions expressed by this publication do not necessarily express the opinions of the publisher. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted.

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*The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed

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MONTGOMERY IS UPON US One of the most important weekends of the dog year internationally will soon begin and these pages are happy to report that notwithstanding the fact that entries are basically falling at dog shows throughout the world Montgomery County’s All-Terrier event more than held its own compared to last year’s show. It fell behind 2013 by only 80 entries of first dogs entered to hit the number of 1,570 dogs entered. That’s compared to last year’s 1,650 and then went on to surpass the first entries of dogs entered in 2012 which was 1,550 dogs. And that’s with the Staffordshire Bull Terriers holding a separate national virtually at the same time in Missouri. So that’s quite an accomplishment these days and a tribute not only to the current leaders of Montgomery headed by its President Bruce Schwartz but an acknowledgement of the solid foundation built for this show by the late Dr. Josephine Deubler, as well as her partner in running the show, Walter Goodman, who passed away a scant year ago to the day of the show. Everything must be done by AKC and the parent Breed Terrier Clubs to preserve the place of Montgomery in the annals of dog history as one of the treasures and great traditions within the world of the competitive conformation world and the place where breeding and the comparison of breeding stock stands out above all else. The partnership with Devon should not be impaired by competitive activities that may interfere with Devon’s success. Similarly next year Morris and Essex will be held on Hatboro’s Thursday’s date, which is a major draw for this weekend. It is indeed unfortunate that Hatboro has extended the weekend to a five-day affair since many of the terriers in particular which are shown all five of those days will by the time Montgomery 2015 is reached will hardly be fresh and raring to go. There is such a thing as taking a good thing way too far or so these pages believe anyways.

IMPORTING AND EXPORTING OF DOGS Through the years American breeders have established a reputation for exporting quality dogs overseas. Not only is this true in Europe but reports of American judges who adjudicate in both South America and Asia are usually very positive about the American-bred dogs they see on these continents as well. Many overseas kennels proudly advertise that

they have imported USA-bred stock in their lines that have helped to improve these lines. This is certainly a credit to the hard work of the devoted and conscientiously American breeders, many of whom are designated with the comparatively recently created American Breeder of Merit title. Additionally AKC is working on major efforts and initiatives at enhancing the role of the AKC breeder as the leading authority and voice on dogs and increasing the public’s ability to find a happy, healthy puppy or purebred rescue. These initiatives per the Chairman’s Report include a way to identify those breeders who follow Parent Club recommended health testing. There is a similar story with imports: importing new bloodlines has long been a valuable way in which breeders can improve the quality of their stock, as well as adding to the diversity of the USA gene pool. But keep in mind the reverse can occur as well. While you’re hopefully acquiring desirable traits and genes in exporting and importing the risk is there you are getting undesirable ones as well. True there are now a variety of clinical and DNA tests available for a range of conditions. The sharing of this knowledge lessens the dangers with breeders who both export and import breeding stock. Parent Clubs clearly have a role to play in being proactive and sharing information on health concerns and available tests with their counterparts overseas. Anyone who sends dogs overseas in either direction has a moral responsibility to ensure that the new owners are made aware of any potential inherited problems that might emerge in future litters from that dog, whatever the breed. Being open and honest about health tests carried out and their results is part of that responsibility.


The Delegate Minutes indicate that there was considerable discussion about the revised schedule for Delegates to meet on Sunday/Monday as opposed to the old method of a Monday/Tuesday meeting. (By the way the Delegate Minutes are a verbatim report of what takes place as opposed to the abridged, censored and abbreviated Board Minutes that appear on the AKC web site.) The people opposed to the new meeting schedule rightly object that they are forced to miss the dog shows scheduled on Sunday for sure and for many Saturday too as that turns out to be a day of flying for many. Candidly these pages agree with those opposed to the new schedule

although those in favor make a poignant argument for continuing the new schedule on the basis that for many it’s too much of an economic hardship to miss two days of work instead of only one. Perhaps there’s a way to reduce the length of the Delegate meetings into a one-day affair including the Committee meetings. Hold the latter in the am and the actual meeting in the afternoon. Is that a logistically good compromise one must ask. Also the request from the Delegate to hold the meetings in a dog friendly hotel certainly reads as a reasonable one or else get the venue to waive the non-dog requirement. How can AKC of all organizations hold its meetings in such a place with which to begin one must ask in amazement.


In an effort to prevent unscrupulous breeders profiting by duping puppy buyers into buying “rare colors” a move is afoot by some Parent Clubs to help inform the public about which colors indicate a true example of the breed. Indeed in some instances such as in the case of the Norwich Terrier Club of America its Delegate claims that since 2005 “they have been working to halt the steady influx of mixed breeds in the registry of AKC.” These so-called black Brindles are coming in through AKC’s Administrative Research Service. It is claimed in the pedigree of one of these dogs that it allegedly sired a litter at 12 weeks of age! The Kennel Club in the UK currently includes the following advice with regard to color on its website, “Beware of claims that puppies are of a rare or exclusive color and often are on sale at inflated prices. Often these colors are not correct, not recognized in the breed and should be considered highly undesirable.” AKC is being asked to uphold the integrity on registering, as is its mission. These are difficult waters to navigate and in these times of registration debacles occurring numerically the sense is that AKC is being more liberal with its stud book and registering dogs than perhaps it should be. Let’s hear AKC’s reaction to the demand of at least the Norwich Terrier Club for sure.


A new thought about the advisability of bringing a bitch more than 49 days in whelp to a dog show is being bantered around. Whether it is necessary or even advisable and in the best interests of a bitch so far gone to travel in this stage of pregnancy should be easily answered with a rousing no. Taking these pregnant bitches to events where other dogs are in immediate proximity seems like a bad idea for sure. If you do not agree with our position may we respectfully suggest you talk to your vet about the possible risks in doing this and then make your own decision. Better to err on the side of caution than to be sorry after the fact, you think!

E d i tor i a l

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*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed & All Breed **CC System

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Inside The Sport When one contemplates the various added events of the last few years to the American Kennel Club dog show as we have known it in the past, one must ask the question: Is the recycling of dogs in our sport the answer to our problems? Consider that the addition of “Select” puzzled judges who were encouraged to give dogs Grand Championship points that would not necessarily have been awarded points by the same judge in the past. Yet there is no denying some beautiful older dogs were brought back to the rings to seek the title. Furthermore, nice dogs that were unable to compete at the top in Specials Only (BOB Competition) were kept in the ring once finished to seek the new title. Obviously much good has been done by this process. Then there was the addition of the Amateur Owner/Handler Class that reached out to newcomers to offer them a way to compete for the ribbons. Even though the Novice Class can be utilized for three blue ribbons before moving on, most exhibitors ignore this class and for that matter give limited support to the AOH class. This class could become much more popular if its winners were al14 Dog News


lowed to compete for National Owner-Handler Series (NOHS) honors anytime no dog in the BOB class was eligible for this award. It would not be unlike the judge selecting a best BBE winner following the breed even though the BBE class winners did not go WD or WB. In essence, it ensures that very competitive breeds difficult for owner handlers to win will still have a dog eligible to advance to the group. Furthermore, I think it would significantly increase entries in the AOH class. Why the Novice Class isn’t utilized more by everyone is a mystery to me. It describes inexperienced dogs and/ or handlers and telegraphs that message to the judge by definition. It seems like the perfect entry level for inexperienced dogs over one year of age or 18 months as the case may be. Yet exhibitors shun this class because they think it identifies a non-winner and compromises their chances to

win. I have fond memories of the Norwegian Elkhound bitch that went from Novice Class to BIS in Washington state more than half a century ago. The late much-respected judge Billy Kendrick judged her every step of the way in the days when the same judge could do breed, group and BIS. I soon incorporated her Greenwood lines with the stock I already owned and credit that blood with a big step forward for my breeding program. Then along came the NOHS which became the focal point for much controversy in the last couple of years. Because the board did not feel the class was being utilized enough since its introduction (and it did indeed raise entries), the board mandated clubs must hold this class or would be restricted from holding any other special attractions except the 4-6 month puppy class. This dramatic step of giving such ultimatums to kennel clubs was and is extremely unpopular. It was like forcing a terrible medicine down a child’s throat for what is perceived as his wellbeing, whether it is or not. Certainly once those clubs realized how entries increased at shows offering the program, they would have voluntarily instituted it themselves. Evidently the board did not have the patience to allow clubs to willingly work out their shows to include this attraction at their leisure. Yet none of these details should obscure the reality of all the good the NOHS does for the world of dog shows. Once upon a time, the working class showed their dogs on weekends and then worked all week to support their passion. (As an

“Why the Novice Class isn’t utilized more by everyone is a mystery to me.”

Continued on page 62

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For those of us who confess to be true terrier addicts, the Montgomery week is like Christmas. We are looking forward to next year from the day this year’s show is over.


e first attended the show nearly 40 years ago- and of course- like the first visit to Westminster I felt like a kid in a candy store. The initial impression of large classes of nearly all terrier breeds, dogs well presented and handled by well-dressed men and women. The saying: You never get a second chance to make a first impression is so true. The memories of this first visit are still as vivid as ever. Not only seeing all those wonderful dogs, but also meeting well known judges and handlers you until then mainly knew from magazines. We had of course gotten to know a few people when they were over judging in Scandinavia or England, but the entire experience will never be forgotten. And we felt we were treated like Royalty-which of course might not have been totally inappropriate!! (Joke!!!) That particular year the show was won by a young handler named Clay Coady, showing a Welsh Terrier bitch named Ch. Copperboots Wee Blaste, owned (and bred I think) by the McClungs. At the time of special interest to me as I just a couple of years earlier was the first in history to win Top Dog in both Norway and Sweden the same year with a Welsh - and it was quite an eye-opener to witness the difference in type shown here compared to Europe including the UK. But I just walked round the showground in a daze watching Living Legends like George Ward, Ric Chashoudian, The Forsyths, Annie Clarke, that Welsh phenomenon Pe18 Dog News

After the first show we “stood over” a couple of years, but came back to see a very, very young lad named Philip Fitzpatrick – one of Ric Chashoudian’s many excellent assistants and students, win the show with the Airedale Ch Bravo True Grit, who although looking fantastic, again highlighted the fact that judges focused on different aspects of the dogs than in the UK. Coming from an outstanding litter with a very special story, most of us Europeans preferred his litter brother as he had a longer, classier head. Actually just a continuation of the same old story: That dogs are judged from a different perspective over here compared with UK has been proven over and over again. I could give you a long list of dogs that after rather unremarkable success in the UK were brought Continued on page 66

Wire Fox Terrier Ch. Miss Skylight, 1957. ter Green and Cliff Hallmark. Remember I was very impressed by a young, then rather slim, Californian named Wood Wornall and the magic touch of another youngster named Bob LaRouch. I was already at that time scared of Eddie Boyes, just by knowing his reputation as a really tough and unforgiving competitor and he still scares me…. Regarding Cliff Hallmark I was still in the process of trying to forgive him for snatching Ch. Harwire Hetman of Whinlatter from under my nose, as he a couple of years earlier did the same with a dog named Ch. Briartex Tavern. Kept my fingers crossed that he wouldn’t win the show with the “snatched” dog, so was rather pleased to see the Welsh take the top spot.

West Highland White Terrier Am., & Can. Ch. Symmetra Snip, 1957.

“Schweitzer” Number One* Standard Schnauzer

National Specialty 2013 Best of Breed Multiple Best In Show & Best In Specialty Show Winner

BEST IN SHOW Judge Mrs. Joan Anselm

GCh. Mistic’s Longfellow Serenade Owners Sally Marsh & Al DeRenzis Breeder Carol Filer Mistic Standard Schnauzers Masterful Presentation By Shawne Imler 410 371-6044

Thank you to the judges who recognize his quality.

*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed & All Breed

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*#2 overall, All Systems

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By Matthew H. Stander

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How’s this idea strike you--In order to help increase entries for its All-Breed show the Blackpool Kennel Club in the UK agreed that exhibitors should suggest names of judges for breed judging. THE QUESTION FOR THE WEEK IS WHETHER YOU THINK THAT THIS IS A VIABLE PLAN AND WOULD HELP ENTRIES AT OUR SHOWS IN AMERICA AS WELL?

MIKE BUCKLEY Interesting idea indeed. In America exhibitors and handlers know the judges better than many show chairmen. As a show chairman I studied which breeds could pull big entries then talked to exhibitors and handlers for their recommendations on judges in those breeds. It worked very well and more than doubled our entry. Some exhibitors and handlers will only recommend judges they win under but most will give honest recommendations to increase entries. Deborah CooPER Given the state of our sport, and the declining entries, we need to think outside the box! What would it hurt to try it? DOG WORLD UK Editorial WHAT AN interesting idea from Blackpool show! The almost universal view (in the U.K. is that the choice of the judge is the overriding factor when exhibitors decide which show to attend. So Blackpool has certainly put the ball back into the exhibitors’ court:”Well, YOU chose the judges, then.” We will be fascinated to see how many people take up this offer, and whether there is any consensus on who or what type, the most popular judges actually are! If the society is bombarded with responses, its committee meetings will be busy indeed. Will this be the way forward, or might a middle course be to invite breed clubs, rather than individuals, to send in nominations? We await the outcome with avid interest.

*CC System


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Impressions By Ronnie Irving



hen looking at the responses to a question posed to some Canadian exhibitors recently, I stumbled across an answer which seemed to me to be totally incongruous. The question posed was about the cost of attending dog shows these days, and about the number of dogs that people normally take to shows. The answer was along the lines that if the Canadian Kennel Club system of creating champions could only be changed to copy the FCI approach, the cost of attending shows would be substantially reduced. Why? Because – it would no longer be necessary for the respondent to enter four class dogs so as to create one point for each sex and thus move towards gaining a Canadian champion title. They said that their dog, even standing alone, would under the FCI system be judged against the breed standard and would either qualify for a championship qualifying award – or not. For someone like me who is used to showing Border Terriers at shows in the UK, that seemed a very alien line of thinking. In our breed in the UK we have just over thirty shows a year at which championship awards (Challenge Certificates - CCs) are available – one for the best dog and one for the best bitch. You need to win three of these to gain the title of champion. That may sound easy but it’s not. The average entry for the breed is about 130 per show and there is no ‘Specials’ 26 Dog News

class. That means that existing champions can and do continue to be shown in the regular classes and compete for the CC. The result of all of this is that despite, or even maybe because of, the fact there is such a large amount of competition, the number of Border Terrier champions finished in the UK averages only about six or seven for each sex in each year.

ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES All of that led me to start thinking about the advantages and disadvantages that surround the various ways of gaining the title of champion under different kennel club jurisdictions around the world. I guess that the UK system must be one of the hardest. CCs there are strictly rationed according to the popularity of the breed at shows. The larger the number of entries in a year the more sets of CCs are allocated to the breed in the following years. For the breeds with the biggest entries there are over forty sets of CCs available. But for those with the smallest average entries the number of CCs permitted can be as few as seven per sex per annum. The fact that existing champions of record can and do continue to be shown in the regular classes and continue to win the highly sought after CCs, means that other dogs are sometimes prevented from gaining the title which in other circumstances might otherwise do

so. The advantage of the system is said to be that, theoretically at least, the reputation and standard of the British Champion is maintained at an acceptably high level. Dogs are not normally finished easily or quickly and this means that exhibitors have to keep chasing that elusive third and qualifying CC. In turn this, or so those who support the system argue, ensures that show entries are kept reasonably high and competition is not diluted.

QUANTITY DOES NOT ALWAYS BRING QUALITY Those who dislike the system argue that large numbers of exhibits do not, either fundamentally or automatically, result in greater quality. They say that big winning champions constantly taking the small number of CCs available and keeping other dogs from doing so, creates a certain level of dissatisfaction amongst exhibitors. They say that this in turn results in people leaving the fancy rather than staying on to chase for that elusive champion title. Some also maintain that CCs should be allocated to all breeds at all shows so that Labradors with average entries in the 200-300 bracket per show would have the same number of CCs as say Ibizan Hounds Continued on page 70

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Connie’s Comments By Connie Vanacore


very August in the hamlet of Long Lake, New York there is an influx of tourists who wend their way North. We always know that the “Black Fly circuit” has commenced just about an hour south of us on the Northway. Motor homes, campers and the usual assortment of SUV’s arrive from the shows held in the foothills of the Adirondacks. Once these travelers arrive in our tiny, one street town there is nothing much for them to do but pause for a while and admire the view. Our lake is 14 miles long, commencing on the Raquette River and flowing North until it eventually finds its way into the St Lawrence River and then into the North Atlantic off the coast of Canada. We do get some Canadians passing through, but mostly those exhibitors attending the Adirondack shows come up from the South. Earlier in the season there is a circuit in Canada not far from Montreal, but Americans who drive up to those lovely shows almost always bypass our little town. It is faster by far to take the Northway than to wind through the little towns that nestle among the mountains. The Black Fly circuit comes by its name honestly. Until the past few years the entire Northwoods was under siege by these savagely-biting, tiny insects who hatched in running streams early in the Spring and remained a pesky nuisance well into July. This year, however, seemed very different. In our neck of the woods there were no Black Flies after the 4th of July, nor were there many of the other bugs sent to plague innocent people and animals who spend their summers outdoors. In prior years farmers shielded their horses by outfitting them with hoods to prevent the

flies from biting their ears. Not so this year. This year we barely used a can of bug repellent on ourselves or on our dogs. It is true that folks in charge of the outdoors in New York State have taken measures to make life more bearable for visitors and residents in our beautiful mountains, but really, what would we talk about if there were no black flies to blame? I’ll tell you what this seasonal resident found. Practically no migrating birds, very few butterflies, no tiny fish swimming in the shallows, no blueberries hanging from the bushes, no blackberries, no wild strawberries. We did have a pair of loons and a couple of ducks swimming by, but saw no babies trailing along behind their parents. There were a couple of sightings of moose along the main road out of town and the deer population seemed to be doing pretty well. I am sure the hunters will take care of those this Fall. Around the Adirondacks one doesn’t hear too much about climate change, but to this seasonal resident something was very different this year. Loggers seemed to be hauling big loads of wood out of the forests and there were tourists crowding in most of the summer. Good news for the local merchants, but strangely, not as many boats and very few water skiers on our end of the lake. If I had to take the pulse of the Northwoods, I’d admit to be worried about the natural order of things.

“Around the Adirondacks one doesn’t hear too much about climate change, but to this seasonal resident something was very different this year.”

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The dog show world seems to go on regardless, and that’s a good thing. The management at AKC seems to be trying very hard to bring people into the sport with many different inducements and enticements to get clubs and participants to try new approaches. Many of the challenges facing the sport have to do with time, energy and money. It takes all of these to encourage new people to join the sport in even one arena. Encouraging parents to support their children to show their own dogs, to become involved in different aspects of dog shows, even with as basic an interest as Junior Showmanship, is difficult. Suggestions have been put forth concerning possible partnerships or relationships with other groups, such as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and 4-H, all of whom play important roles with kids in their communities. Of course, none of those activities would be possible without the willingness of the parents to participate. Perhaps it would be useful for AKC to host a meeting involving the leaders of groups such as these. The purpose would be to see if there is common ground to develop programs involving AKC clubs interacting with other groups on local or state levels. If there are some dog clubs that would be willing to come forward and reach out to those other organizations in their communities there could be a way to benefit both. It would be interesting to know if there are any interactions among dog clubs and others in their communities. If so, how can they be identified? What did they do? How did they go about achieving a partnership of some sort? What success have they had in encouraging youngsters and their parents to participate in dog-related activities? Among the many hundreds of dog clubs that exist on state and local levels there must be some who interact with other groups in their areas. Starting a discussion about how to become involved to bring AKC activities into useful actions within a broader context would be an interesting, and perhaps productive association. If your club or state federation of dog clubs has a program that works, please let us know at Dog News. Better still, talk to your AKC Delegates about getting other clubs involved.



*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed **All System

Dog News 31

Absolutely Smooth Fox Terriers

aylor T Made!

Group First! Lost Coast Kennel Club of California Judge Mr. Charles Olvis

The Multiple All Breed Best In Show Winner

Ch. Absolutely Talk Of The Town The Nation’s Number One* Smooth Fox Terrier And Number Five* Terrier Owners J.W. Smith & Edward Boyes Handlers Edward and Lesley Boyes *The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed

32 Dog News

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Portuguese Water Dog Club of America National Specialty Ox Ridge Kennel Club Northwestern Connecticut Dog Club

GCh. Claircreek Impression De Matisse

Judge Mrs. Barbara Dempsey Alderman Judge Mr. James M. Brown Judge Mr. Kenneth M. McDermott Owners Milan Lint, Peggy Helming & Donna Gottdenker Handler Michael Scott West Volusia Kennel Club – Saturday Skye Terrier

GCh. Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie Judge: Mr. Michael Hill Owner Victor Malzoni, Jr. Handler Larry Cornelius

Chesapeake Virginia Dog Fanciers Association Welsh Terrier

GCh. Shaireab’s Bayleigh Maid of Honor

Helena Montana Kennel Club - Sunday Field Spaniel

GCh. Promenade Pay it Forward Judge Mrs. Anne Katona Owners Jane Chopson, Jane Schildman, and Nicki Kuhn Handler Elizabeth Jordan Nelson Kennel Club Of Columbus Indiana - Sunday Doberman Pinscher

GCh. Cambria’s Vraiment Parfait Judge Dr. Gerard Penta Owners Glen Lajeski, Ann Wulbrecht, Cambria Kennels Handler Ann Ramsbottom White Butler County Kennel Club Papillon

GCh. InVolo The King Of Pop Judge Ms. Gloria Kerr Owners Madeline Mosing & Gia Garofalo Handler Gia Garofalo

Judge Mrs. Charlotte Clem McGowan Judge Mr. Joe Walton Owners Keith Bailey, Sharon Abmeyer, T. Lee and X. Xie Handler Luiz Abreu

West Volusia Kennel Club – Sunday Mastiff

Rolla Missouri Kennel Club Smooth Coat Chihuahua

Judge Ms. Audrey Lycan Owner Laura Watson Handler Terry Smith

GCh. Sonnus Fihlo (Sanchez)

Ch. Goldleaf’s Trouble Coming

Judge Mr. Charles Olvis Owners Janet Lange Moses, James Moses and Romulo Torres Sanchez Handler Erika Lanasa

To report a AKC All Breed Best In Show or National Specialty Win Call, Fax or Email before 12:00 Noon Tuesday. Fax: 212 675-5994 • Phone: 212 462-9588 Email: 34 Dog News

Dog News 35


The Top Winning Smooth Coat Chihuahua in AKC Breed History!


Number Two* Toy Number One** Smooth Coat Chihuahua Mex./Am. GCh. Sonnus Filho (Sanchez) Best In Show Greater Hickory Kennel Club Judge Mr. Steven Gladstone Group First Judge Mr. Rodney Herner Owners James and Janet Moses 36 Dog News

Presented By Erika Lanasa *The Dog News Top Ten List **All Systems

Breeder/Owner Romulo Sanchez Torres

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How did you decide on your kennel name?

One of my first clients in the States was Carlotta Howard whose father was Albert Greenfield of Philadelphia fame. She used her maiden name for her kennel prefix. When in Wales I coincidentally started out using the same name. When I moved to the States she became all excited over this fact and through the years we combined forces using that prefix. After Mrs. Howard passed on I continued using Greenfield right down to the present time.

What was your most disappointing dog show loss?

When Coco did not win the Terrier Group at Westminster.

Certainly not Fox.

It’s very difficult for me to do either.

Who is/was your mentor in dogs? My uncle Harold Snow.

Which two people would you have face off on “Survivor”? Ernesto and Roxanne.

What was your most important dog show win? I guess my first win at the Garden.


The last book you read?

You get your news from CNN, Fox News, PBS, local or none?

Can you forgive and forget?

The Diaries of Richard Burton.

Would you rather judge or win best in show at the Westminster Kennel Club? At this point in time to judge it.

Questions ASKED OF:

Peter Green

You would like to be remembered as? As a good dog person.

BORN: Neath,Wales • RESIDES: Bowmansville, Pa • MARITAL STATUS: Living with my beloved Bethie • ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Scorpio 38 Dog News

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*All Systems **CC System

arxism M s PART ONE

This Judge’s Point Of View B Y



Judging & Showing By Judges The impetus for this article started with a question from a very special friend about whether judges are looking for the same things when judging as they are when evaluating a litter or picking a stud dog. I then wondered how many judges still plan breedings or are active in breeding or showing dogs. There are still a few - TOO few in my opinion - judges who still show and/or breed dogs. Of course, those “professional” judges who are on the road almost every week would find it difficult to have and care for a dog. In an effort to get more opinions than just mine, I sent out an e-mail to many judges who are still actively involved with more than just judging. I sent these emails to American judges and judges overseas. What follows is a compilation of this admittedly VERY unscientific and somewhat biased survey blended with some thoughts of my own. The basic questions that I asked were: • Do you think that actively breeding and/or showing makes you a better judge? • Do you look for the same things when you judge as you do when determining how to match stud dogs to brood bitches or in evaluating a litter? • Do you breed to continue/improve your bloodline or for show ring success? Do you believe there is a difference between these two things? • Please feel free to expand 42 Dog News

on any points or to add others. I was pleased with the judges who took the time to reply, and I thank them. Here is a compilation of answers with some interesting side points. Almost all judges who responded felt that a judge who is still active in breeding and/or showing helps to make a better judge. Here are two examples of this response: “I agree that continuing to breed and show makes one a better judge if for no other reason than you keep in mind how hard it is to raise dogs these days. Thus you truly appreciate the work that goes into raising the quality dogs you are privileged to judge.” Also, “Yes, because it makes me realize just how hard it is to first of all breed a good dog and then the very process of training, traveling and presenting a dog makes me painfully aware of just how much blood, sweat and tears have gone into the dogs that are shown to me.” Another interesting point was made by a Sporting dog judge, “I am as a breeder and as a judge am very hard on condition. It is the one thing on a Friday night when you are bathing your dog and loading your van that you can control. My dog is too thin, my dog has no muscle, my dog is not clean

are all decisions that we can control. I am not nearly as hard on a small fault or rollicking behavior as I am on things we can control.” I know there are some judges who do not believe judges should continue to breed and show. I liked this response from one of my favorite people, “When good breeders stop breeding, a breed will suffer. Great breeders are hard to come by and should be encouraged. There is no reason that a good breeder cannot continue being a good breeder just because he or she is now judging or vice versa. How does that breeding program affect his or her judging except by improving it? The whole goal of AKC is to protect purebred dogs. Why would you ever want to curtail a good breeder from making more great dogs? And why would you ever not want a successful breeder’s opinion?” While all respondents agreed that we are supposed to be judging breeding stock (has that phrase lost its meaning?), it is interesting that judges recognized a difference between breeding to improve their line and the decisions they make in the show ring. Some judges felt that in some breeds it takes exaggerations of characteristics to win under many judges or in the group ring. These judges also believe that this has led to much of the judging for “generic” show dogs. They definitely believe that there is a difference in breeding for the show ring or to improve breeding stock. Isn’t that a Continued on page 78

“I know there are some judges who do not believe judges should continue to breed and show.”


Regal In Every Way! NOW Platinum!

Platinum AKC GCH & CH & CKCSC USA CH Piccadil’s Twist & Shout, BN, CD, RN, RA, RE Multiple Specialty Winner, Reserve Best In Show Winner, & Multiple Group First Winner

#2 In-Breed & #4 in All-Breed in AKC Bred, Owned, and Shown by: Owner/ Handler Janet York *Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, The Dog News Top Ten List

Dog News 43

Happy Birthday, 70th Anniversary

My mother, Jackie Gottlieb, has never gone to a dog show she didn’t love, and as my father Gene says, “Your mother has never met a stranger.” By Cindy Vogels


he grew up during the depression and her mother, a NYC schoolteacher, was the steady breadwinner in the family. While my grandmother was tough, and sometimes relentless in her criticism, she recognized Jackie’s intellect and beauty, and instilled in her a drive to succeed. From her adored father, Jackie inherited an ease with people, instinctively knowing how to work toward a common goal. Gene and Jackie married in 1943. She was still at Barnard, and he had just graduated from Columbia Dental School. He served as a dentist in the Army during WWII, and spent the war going back and forth to Europe on troop transports. Theirs is a storybook romance that still flourishes over 71 years later. When my brother John and I were kids on Long Island, our mother was the consummate volunteer,

Continued on page 86

Jackie & M axine MCKC 198 3



Jackie, Ramona t, Van Cour Stephen Dedalus

44 Dog News

Jackie Gottlieb! Famil

y Sum m

er 2013

Andover Song N Dance Man MCKC 1994

The Ga rden 20 05

Jackie, Cindy, Jack Marvin Old Santa Barbara

12 The Garden 20

nnie Jackie, A KC C M Clark 1977

Jackie, , Kendrick n Stephe Dedalus 1973

Dog News 45

YourDog’s Horoscope Early Octoberr, 2014:


By Cerise Fairfax


March 21-April 19 You may notice that the Aries dog will use the washroom a little more than usual, and especially the larger dog breeds. If you changed the food recently you will notice it even more. This should pass (no pun intended) within the next few days.

May 21- June 20 Haha you will find your Gemini dog, mostly the larger breeds, comical for the next couple of weeks. They will get a charge out of getting a laugh out of you.


Cancer June 21- July 22

April 20- May 20 Handlers, owners and trainers will all need to be ever watchful over the Taurus dogs because they will have attitude. This character roughness may not go over well with judges, but as long as the handler does not get flustered then the score will not be affected much.

46 Dog News

Tip: Clean up after your dog. No matter where you are, even in secluded areas. Why? Well if your dog sees that you are nonchalant about pooping and scooping then they will reciprocate and let go of a load right when you least expect it, and when you would least want it… during a show.


July 23- August 22 Leo dogs will show their physical strength and strong character during shows and also during practice because they are feeling competitive. They are ready for what is next… could it be a ribbon? And perhaps blue? Yes siree!.


August 23 September 22 Virgo will be susceptible to injuries during the month of October. Not to worry, you can prevent it by watching the signs that your dog gives off. If they are showing tiredness during practice then let them have an extra nap. Otherwise they may push themselves and practice while tired and crash, just like us when we have no sleep. Continued on page 96

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Dog News 49

How did you become involved in the sport?

By Kimberly Silva Garrett

My family had never been involved in dog shows before I began my involvement. About five years ago my mother and I attended the Philadelphia KC dog show as spectators and I took a sudden interest. After doing some research and speaking with multiple breeders, I got my first show dog.

Name :

Amanda Layser Age:



Collegeville, Pennsylvania

What is your favorite dog show moment, exclusive of a win? I don’t think that I have had any specific memories that were my favorite. When I go to dog shows I enjoy spending time with my sister, my friends, and my dogs, and that makes every dog show I go to enjoyable!

What is the best advice you can give to potential and current juniors? The best advice that I could give to new and current juniors is that there is always another dog show. It is a very competitive sport, which many people can get frustrated with, which is why we, as juniors, need to try and remember that the real reason of dog shows is to have fun with your dog. Each time you 50 Dog News

walk in the ring you should try to focus on bettering yourself from the day before and having fun with your dog, because in the end, that is what matters.

If you could change one thing that you feel would improve the sport what would it be? If I could choose one thing to improve the sport of dog shows it would be for more people to have a genuine good sportsmanship. Instead of an automatic congratulations, I think it would be more important for people to give a sincere appreciation for the other person’s talent that day. You will never win every time, but what matters when you do lose, is how you handle it.

What are your plans for involvement within the sport once you age out of juniors? Once I age out of juniors, I would like to continue in the sport. I plan on continuing to assist different handlers and trying to learn from different people. One day, when I am older, I would like to be a professional handler myself, but I know that there are many more things I need to learn before that time. Showing dogs is more than just a hobby to me and I definitely want to further my involvement in the sport as I get older.

Love me or hate me, the desert seems to say, this is what I am and this is what I shall remain. —Joseph Wood Krutch

Multiple Best In Show

Owned by Jennifer Rimerman and Pam Mohr Bred by Pam and John Mohr Expertly Handled by Lesley Anne Potts Dog News 51

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Dog News 53


officially arrived on Sept. 21, a day before National Dog Week, which runs from Sept. 22 through Sept. 28th. National Dog Week is now in its 74th year, having been founded in 1928 by international dog judge Captain Will Judy, author of eight books on dogs and former publisher of Dog World magazine, for the purpose of educating all dog owners in their responsibilities to their pets and their communities, particularly those organizations dedicated to caring for unwanted or lost dogs. Sponsors of National Dog Week suggest having your mayor proclaim Sept. 22-28th as National Dog Week (which New Jersey’s acting Governor Donald T. Difrancesco did some years back in the Garden State), but there was no such proclamation made by Governor Cuomo in New York nor Governor Pat McCrory in North Carolina, the two states in which the AKC holds offices, nor any indication that the AKC made any effort to seek this designation. The AKC did acknowledge National Dog Week on its website beginning on the morning of Sept. 22nd (Ed. note: probably due to Dog News’ post about it on Sept. 18th alerting the Fancy to its happening) by asking people to post photos of their dogs to its Facebook page in recognition of the designated week to celebrate our canine companions, in a continuous loop with offers to apply for an AKC Visa card and to purchase a $40 box of dog treats and toys among other things. It was another missed opportunity to “control the conversation” involving dogs in America, which is a main goal of the registry, the latest fiasco regarding the e-collar conversation on the Fox & Friends program and the subsequent reactions (and overreactions) notwithstanding. Such an oversight, just weeks after failing to control or even enter the conversation during National Dog Day, also known as National Dog Appreciation Day and International Dog Day, which celebrated its 10th anniversary on August 26th, is inexcusable. Granted, there’s a National Fill In The Blank Day or National Fill In The Blank Week for almost any cause, however worthy or legit, but the AKC needs to own this space when it comes to recognizing the role of the dog in society, the way it did when it spearheaded DOGNY in the wake of 9/11, which recognized the invaluable service that search

and rescue dogs perform. Perhaps the AKC was consumed with its flagship Responsible Dog Ownership Day being held in North Carolina on Sept. 20th, or maybe it was put to sleep by something called Meditation Week in NYC, being held Sept. 26 – Oct. 2, but to fail to enter into any association with National Dog Day in its 74th year other than a suggestion to post photos to its Facebook page is a mistake. Any movement or event that sheds positive light on dogs should warrant the AKC’s involvement. If the AKC is to truly be “the dog’s champion” it must do more than direct people that click on its website to its Facebook page and bombard them with banner ads selling everything under the sun from boxes of dog treats to training advice to microchip services. Sure, the object is to open new revenue streams in the wake of declining registrations, but not at the expense of what the registry is supposed to be about: the health and welfare of the purebred dog. The AKC must not be blinded in its pursuit of the almighty dollar lest it lose sight of its original intentions of improving the breeding stock and advancing the health of purebred dogs, encouraging responsible dog ownership, protecting the rights of all dog owners, promoting the sport of purebred dogs and upholding the integrity of its registry. One can’t blame the registry for attempting to broaden its appeal and reach a larger audience, something that the ramped up social media efforts have been successful at, as its legion of Facebook friends can attest, but the question remains of whether or not these friends become contributors to not only the AKC’s coffers but to its mission. Everyone likes a cute dog photo but what’s the real value in stockpiling gimmicky images and the names and email addresses of the people who post them if they never become participants in AKC

sponsored events or supporters of its objectives? The AKC’s Woofipedia app is widely panned by customers online and although its web page may generate traffic to the registry’s home page and may be “engaging” Internet surfers, is there any concrete evidence to support that more folks are engaging in the AKC’s mission or advancing its objectives? Champions of purebred dogs need all the support they can get, especially in these turbulent economic and combative legislative times, against the competition from the animal rights extremists who want to put an end to dog ownership of any kind and the ‘adopt a shelter dog’ movements that are sweeping the nation vying for the same audience. Reputable breeders everywhere certainly could use some help from a broader fan base. An ordinance has surfaced in Chattanooga, Tennessee that can be considered at any city council meeting and it can mean doom for its hobby breeders should it come to pass. The proposal would cap the number of litters a home-based hobby breeder could offer for sale at two per year. Furthermore, the definition of a “kennel” would be changed such that one would not be approved on residential or agricultural property, and a “dealer” would be defined as any person who engages in the business of selling, buying, brokering the sale of, or bartering animals in any manner, including through the Internet. Since these “dealers” would be defined as engaging in a business, they would be subjected to business licensing and commercial zoning requirements. Anyone falling into these newly defined categories of dealers and kennels would have to comply with a host of regulations and zoning requirements, agree to random inspections of records and the premises where animals are kept, including private homes, and would be required to obtain a permit at a cost of $300 per year, which could be denied for any due cause. In the spirit of National Dog Week, all are encouraged to contact the Chattanooga City Council office at 423 643-7170 for updated meeting and agenda information, and to urge City Council Members to put an end to this overly burdensome, unnecessary and restrictive ordinance that punishes responsible breeders and hinders the public’s ability to purchase purebred dogs from reputable breeders.


54 Dog News

National Dog Week



His Name Says It All!!

Winner of the Giant Schnauzer Club of America National Specialty, Mid-Western and Eastern Specialties in 2013, Multiple Best In Show Winner and #1 Giant Schnauzer Male* for 2013.

A “Giant” Thank You to Judge Mr. George Murray for this lovely win.

GCh. Ramahill’S Absolute’s Legend Owned By Mrs. Marcia Adler and Mr. and Mrs. Luke Edmonds Handled by Leonardo Garcini *Number 2 overall, Breed Points, All Systems

Dog News 55

Falconry 56 Dog News

Working dogs alongside falcons and hawks is one of the oldest of field sports. It goes back way beyond Tuberville in the 16th century and de Foix in the 14th century, and possibly has its roots somewhere in China around 2,000 BC.

Renaissance BY NICK WATERS


the Middle East and Europe, falconry developed into one of the most noble sports and one’s rank could, at times, be determined by the falcon or hawk one owned. In Britain, it was said that the King could own eagles but the lower ranks nothing more than a kestrel. Just how rigid in reality this listing was, which first appeared in the Boke of St. Albans written in the mid-15th century, seems open to question. What is certain though is that by the Middle Ages hawking and falconry had become a very grand affair. For centuries, falconry has played a great part in the life of the Arabs. Hunting gazelle on horseback with sighthounds and falcons has been described as ‘no mean sport’ and if nothing else, it tested the ability of the rider. If the scrub was Continued on page 100




M re by Matthew H. Stander


e all know that numbers of one kind or another seem to preoccupy most of us in one way or another and that we can all look at a set of factual numbers and interpret and react to them in totally different ways. First let’s take the Delegate Body’s reaction on the Delegate Portal to the Year to End August figures handed out at the last Delegate Meeting by the CFO Peter Farnsworth (and reprinted herein) as compared to this same body’s reaction to the news that entry fees for the AENC are now $90 for the first dog entered and $25 for nighttime seats to the Orlando event. Despite the unhappy state of financial affairs insofar as Royalties, Sponsorships, Advertising and Registration incomes are concerned these graphs show weaker results than last year yet not one word about this has been discussed (or anyways has been sent to me) about these problems on the so-called Delegate Portal. True the figures are not catastrophically off except in Registrations, which while seemingly holding its own this year (as compared with the miserable figures of the last several years) and which figures by the way are taken off and put back on AKC’s web site at the whim of someone or other are seemingly ignored on the Delegate Portal. No they, the Delegates, are more concerned about entry fees at one show, its own and the cost of getting in to see it. Very astute observations I would say--look to one small problem and ignore the future of the corporation! No wonder so many people question the role of the Delegate Body in the altogether except for a Board Chairman who the night before the Delegate Committees are to meet takes the Chairpersons of each of these Delegate Committees to a private dinner without the other Board members being present with the possible exception of the Vice Chair. There are those who question whether or not this type of credibility should be given by the Board to those Committee heads. There are those too who see no problem with it. Some years ago there was a major shift in personnel in the Registration Department based one would suppose upon an unhappiness with the results of the person in charge. The replacements in the Department have been less than successful in attaining the goals set out by them and indeed from what is being reported back to me have in fact been lower in terms of meeting the set figures than the original person ever was. At what point in time does the bullsh-- stop and the results made to speak for themselves? Continued on page 120 58 Dog News


” “Derby

has been the Number One Soft Coated Wheaten All Systems for 2012 and 2013 and so far into 2014

Gold GCh. Doubloon’s Extreme Play Thank you Judge Mr. David Krogh for Best In Show and Mrs. Sally George for Group First. Derby is bred, shown and owned by Elena Landa, Doubloon Wheatens Dog News 59

60 Dog News

Dog News 61

Continued FROM page 14

educator teaching school for 35 years, I too was the typical weekend warrior). Such exhibitors could compete for the top honors in their breed and group because most dog shows were held on Saturday and Sunday. In time Friday and Monday shows were added to the show schedules. Although one might occasionally take a day off work to compete, for the most part you just couldn’t make as many shows as your competition being shown by the professionals. Fast forward to today. Now there is a show almost every day of the week somewhere preventing owner/handlers of modest means who must work from participating. Thus they are handicapped in their efforts to rank their dogs because the dice are loaded for dogs shown by the professional handlers able to pursue records and statistics full time. So the NOHS became a positive thing for the people who contribute most of the entry and so much else to our sport-owners, breeders and amateur exhibitors. Because now they have a category where there is a more level playing field than previously. Unfortunately, when the NOHS is offered at week day shows, there is a built-in bias favoring the more wealthy exhibitors who do not work for a living to accumulate points in the rankings. Whether or not this situation occurred to the powers-that-be is unknown. Certainly, many of us have been troubled over the years when dog shows offer Junior Showmanship on school days when youngsters must miss school to participate. A whole new cult of “home schooled” juniors is the by-product of that unfortunate situation. (This is a subject to be addressed at another time). For the most part, the NOHS is proving to be a success in spite of the misgivings many have about the program. As the fancy learns how to cope with

Inside The Sport

62 Dog News

the administering of the program, hopefully the kinks will be ironed out for the good of the order. The NOHS is still confusing for many. Exhibitors have to learn if they don’t check the box, they don’t play. Stewards and judges must become more aware of the fact that the BOS bitch that is eligible must still defeat the Select dog to move on as NOHS BOB winner. Confusion over these issues has caused tempers to flare upon occasion while the fancy learns the drill. Factoring in how to assign judges, ring stewards and schedules will fall on kennel clubs and superintendents as the best way to run the program in an orderly fashion becomes apparent. Certainly one giant step in making the program more efficient and workable would be for the asterisk to appear in the judges’ books as well as the ring steward’s book. Many confusing problems occurring in the ring stem from this ridiculous covert situation, and of course it sends a rather negative signal to the fancy regarding judging integrity. Furthermore, it is one more time-consuming element taxing the already stretchedthin time of both ring stewards and judges. So, what has AKC’s message sent by all these rather recent changes brought to our sport? With exception of the 4-6 month puppy events, are we recycling dogs already in the system rather than enticing new dog owners to join our ranks? If so, what can we do about this dilemma? This is the question that begs attention from the best minds in our sport. Analyzing why agility and such activities have grown in popularity while conformation has not should be addressed. We look forward to our collective trust in the fancy’s governing officials being rewarded with even more innovative thinking. FLASH: Kudos to Mrs. Cruz, Mr. Feeney, Mr. Menaker, Dr. Battaglia, Mr. Gladstone and Mr. Wooding for their vote published in the September board minutes to drop the mandate on NOHS and allow kennel clubs the option of offering this competition. I continue to hope that the seven board members who did not respond to the voices of their constituents will become more positive with future decision-making.

Dog News 63

64 Dog News

happened in the ring. And not least the over here and experienced the American thrill of surviving the ride to the show with Dream of Stardom. Ruthie Cooper behind the wheel - experiAnd top winning- and I mean TOP winences never to be forgotten! ning- dogs that come over here and had a If you ask me my favorite Montgomery tough time winning their champion titles. moments? Back to Montgomery: I could go on and Of course one was the year Ch. Forchon- as we tried to attend the show as oflas Cariad, a WFT bitch I had sold to Ruth ten as possible, but like some other regular Cooper and handled by Mr. Green won events which have been traditions for yearsthe show. Also the year another handler you realize that is just as much about meetno longer with us, Priscilla Wells, won the ing people as watching dogs. show with Marily Lachinski’s WFT Ch. TalSome of the names listed above later ludo Minstrel of Purston (as he was sired on became very good- and in some cases by Ch. Louline Lord Fauntleroy) and then –close friends. of course when George Ward won WFTs The rivalry between the terrier handlers with Ch. Louline Pemberton (owned by was certainly adding to the week and those of the Mussers) under Annie Clarke. A win you who remember and were ringside when that was made even more memorable Mr. Ward, Mr. Hallmark, Mr. Chashoudian through comments made to the press and Mr. Green were in the Wire Fox terrier by a fellow breeder when asked his opinring with their multiple Best in Show-winning ion simply stated: “Money Talks!” And I charges had a unique experience there is no know Annie did never forget or forgive way we can replicate today. that insult. They might have been friends outside the ring, but “in there” together it was nothing but a warzone. And whoever had the privilege of deciding in which direction to point, would know that life might not be so easy for a few days… These guys all hated to lose- and made it very obMONTGOMERY MAGIC – vious. But they also knew that to win, everything had A ‘TERRIERIFIC’ EXTRAVAGANZA! to be done from conditioning to handling, etc. And those of you with real terrier experience know only too well o many people have durthat a true terrier is not always totally reliing the years asked: What able. Well, with the exception of the dogs are the differences beGeorge showed who were always under tween the two greatest complete control. terrier shows in the world: It is in a way turning into an exciting UK’s National Terrier held week tinged with sadness- as so many of in April every year and those who made this show extra special are Montgomery County KC? no longer with us- and they are all greatly I am not sure I can answer that, but missed. Maybe on this occasion nobody I think the different atmosphere at the more so than Dr. Josephine Deubler. This shows in so many ways highlight the atwas her show and she never let anybody fortitude and cultural differences of the 2 get- and did so much to make it what it is countries. today. Then of course my Only the other day I had a friends George Ward and conversation with some fellow Ric Chashoudian. I was judges who were complaining so impressed about the introduction of the Wire Fox by the fact that reserve Best in Show title over they both had Terrier Am., here. & Can. Ch. the intense enThe argument used was: Sunshower thusiasm for the Strike, 1955 Who cares who comes secsport even after ond? If you don’t win you all these years don’t win! of involvement and hard I can understand that atwork. titude if you compare shows And I could go on, of the same size, 400 to 1000 but I treasure ringside entries, but being Reserve memories with my friend Best in Show from an entry Dan Musser, sometimes of 10,000 plus dogs, certainly heated discussions with has made me proud on many the one and only Annie occasions. I would of course Clarke, the sometimes have preferred the placings sarcastic comments from to be reversed. I did wonder Stevie Farrell when she though, what would have to disagreed with what happen to the winner for the Continued from page 18

reserve to take first place??? I never found out. But back to the difference in attitude: The UK still has a (very small) number of professional handlers which give the owner handler and general amateurs a realistic chance to win even if neither presentation nor handling is top class. And in huge breed classes it is not all about winning, a placement is often very satisfactory. I think the system where you can obtain a Stud Book number without ever winning a class, as is the case in the U.K., is of significance. As being in the Stud Book is worth a lot and your dog will be included in the book and forever be part of history! So many dogs over here are owned or sponsored by people who actually expect them to win- and win BIG! Handlers and charges have to be at their best in every respect-simply because so is the opposition... I find the English version very charming and appealing in so many ways, while I find the American version really impressive and the professionalism unmatched anywhere. There is so much BS going round the world regarding how the American handlers are able to get so much out of their charges. Maybe things happen that I don’t know about. But I keep repeating myself when saying that: If you want a dog to look special you have to make him feel special! We know the same applies to human beings. And the American top dogs I have met and gotten to know over the years have all been given Superstar treatment by their handlers, slept in their bed, being played with and have had a really good life. I feel certain there are stories to be told that don’t fit this description, but there are exceptions for everything in life.

BAbbling S

66 Dog News

If you are planning to judge terriers- or even more if you already judge the entire or part of this group- a visit to Montgomery should be mandatory. To be able to “get your eye in“ on a breed is so important. If you have judged smaller entries in different areas you might have been impressed with individuals that looked impressive due to lack of impressive surrounding. After my 50 plus years involvement in this group I still have a few dogs I want to check up on during the breed judging this year to hopefully confirm that my initial impressions of the animals were justified and correct! Just cannot wait. But if I werewrong, I simply won’t tell you. See you at Montgomery.

*# 6 overall, The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points

Dog News 67

THE WELSH TERRIER Blue (Ch Shaireab’s True Blue JE), Trish Biamonte’s Welsh Terrier heads down into the tunnel at an earthdog event.


by M.J. Nelson

Comet (Ch Counselor Fire Dream CD BN RA RNH RATI THD CGC), Janice Simmons Welsh Terrier, brightens the day of a nursing home resident.

Pip (Ch Merrylegs Great Expectations CA CDX RAE), Judith Anspach’s Welsh Terrier, has earned a coursing ability title and clearly loves the sport. (Wolskip Photography.) 68 Dog News


number of years ago, a friend’s lake home was overrun with chipmunks. While these might seem like cute little rodents to many and it may not be easy to think violent thoughts against these furry little critters, they can be incredibly destructive, especially to flower and vegetable gardens. Their burrows, tunnels and movements can disturb foundations, stone walls, patios and other structures actually causing structural damage. They can also get into building walls to build nesting sites or use as part of their burrow. Their burrows, incidentally, can sometimes be as much as 30 feet in length. But, my friend’s solution to the chipmunk problem was very simple and quite inexpensive. Instead of hiring an extermination firm or a professional trapper to eliminate the chipmunk scourge, she merely turned Rea, her Welsh Terrier, loose and in less than a month, a chipmunk was a rare sight indeed on their property. The same could be



said of mice, rats and red squirrels so effective at rodent control was her Welsh Terrier. That Rea was so good at limiting the rodent population around their lake home came as no surprise. While the breed was initially used as a hunting dog that would go to ground or into caves after game and thus function as an “earth stopper,” the Welsh Terrier also often played a dual role as a rodent controller, a job at which the breed still excels as evidenced by their success in the sports of earthdog and barn hunt although there are some, according to Trish Biamonte, that have very little interest in rodents and as a result, are not good candidates for earthdog or barn hunt titles. “Success in earthdog or barn hunt with a Welsh Terrier depends on how much terrier tenacity and hunting instinct the dog has. I’ve found that they either have it or they don’t. If they have it, you will have no issues, or at least very few, with these sports. If they don’t, then it is difficult to train them. If they don’t have that desire to ‘get the rat,’ you can train to your heart’s content and it still won’t happen. I have one now that absolutely LOVES the rats but not in an earthdog competition sense. I’ve brought him to two events for introduction to rats and instead of going at them aggressively, as you would hope a terrier would do, he laid down near their cage and licked their paws. But, he’s young yet and I’m hoping that may change with age and maturity,” said Bismonte who owns Ch Shaireab’s True Blue JE (“Blue”) and Berwyn’s Quite the First Lady, JE (“Mamie.”) That not all Welsh Terriers are super earthdogs is true, said Janice Simmons who owns Ch Counselor Fire Dream CD BN RA RNH RATI THD CGC (“Comet.”) “The most difficult sport for me and my dogs, oddly, has been earthdog. None of my Welsh have titled in that sport and it should be the easiest because that is a terrier sport. My first Welsh just did a death stare at the rat and that doesn’t qualify. Comet, who typically will try anything, hates getting dirty and won’t go into the tunnel if it is damp

When someone put the rat cage in a tree, it was no deterrent for Mamie (Berwyn’s Quite the First Lady JE), Biamonte’s other Welsh.

and muddy. She knows where the rat is and runs to that spot on the ground but she is just hit and miss with the tunnel. So, we switched to barn hunt and she loves it. No dirt! Welsh are smart and they like to show off. They are capable of understanding what is expected to win and they love to win. They also love challenges and are resilient. They work well independently and they are thinkers. But ‘compliant’ is not a word I would use to describe the breed.” For Judith Anspach, the issue with Pip (Ch Merrylegs Great Expectations CA CDX RAE) was barking in open and utility competition with the exercise involved running or jumping. “Pip is a very enthusiastic worker and he would tend to give a bark or two when he was running to make a retrieve or was taking a jump. I tried various suggestions to fix this problem such as stopping him from completing the exercise when he barked but all that did was confuse him as to why he had been stopped so I ultimately just made the decision to live with the loss of points for barking in favor of having a happy, working dog. Of course, I remember once when we were waiting outside a rally excellent ring, another competitor came up to me and said ‘Honey, you should get a ribbon just for taking a terrier in the ring.’ I have to admit it gave me great satisfaction when my dog won the class and her Golden Retriever didn’t place. Pip has gone on to earn the highest versatility award from the Welsh Terrier Club of America, the Versatility Champion Supreme.” Biamonte noted that the Welsh Terrier is a versatile dog. “They are very competitive and in fact excel in earthdog, barn hunts and lure coursing. While they are not known to be great obedience or agility dogs, there are still a number of Welsh that have done extremely well in those events. There are also many Welsh Terriers that are very successful therapy dogs. Actually, one of the problems in the breed is that not enough breeders educate their puppy clients on the performance events available for them to participate in with their dogs and very few participate in performance events. As a result, most of the dogs we see Continued on page 112

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Impressions Continued FROM

page 26

where the average entry scarcely manages to hit double figures. Others even contend that Labradors ought to be given more than one CC per sex per show and a few people suggest that a certain number of Reserve CCs ought to count towards the champion title. There are also arguments for the introduction of a ‘champions’ or ‘specials’ class so that existing champions would be excluded from winning the CCs available. The contention is that if judges were properly trained they would set a minimum standard for the awarding of prizes that lead to gaining the title of champion. If a dog didn’t meet that level of quality then the CC would be withheld.

DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND What of the AKC system of finishing champions. Even when we lived and showed in the USA I confess I never quite fully understood how the points system for the champion title actually worked. But nevertheless it seems to me that, like with the UK system, it is trying to allocate or even ‘ration’ championship points with some relationship to the numbers competing. I’m sure that the word ‘rationing’ would not go down well in the USA but effectively that is what the points system does. However it really is quite complex or should I say ‘sophisticated’? Not only does it have different geographic divisions with a different number of dogs required for points in different breeds, it even in some cases has a different number of 70 Dog News

exhibits required within a breed for dogs as compared to that required for bitches. In Border Terriers both a dog and a bitch requires a win with 4 exhibits competing to gain a three point major in Puerto Rico. In Connecticut a dog requires the same number but a bitch requires 5. In New York a dog requires the same 4 while a bitch requires 7. The differences for a five point major are even greater. In Puerto Rico dogs and bitches each need 6. In Connecticut dogs need 6 and bitches need 14 while in New York the numbers are 12 for dogs and 20 for bitches. How on earth these precise numbers are arrived at defeats me. The precision seems to me to be far too exact. For me its apparent accuracy seems to portray a ‘verisimilitude that it does not deserve’! But besides all of that apparent sophistication and ‘precision’, the points system and therefore the champion title in the USA, is also affected by a couple of other issues. Firstly the fact that Champions normally move immediately to the Specials Class and don’t compete for points in the regular classes. This means that exhibits get their qualifying points by competing only against other non-champions not by competing and winning against all-comers. (In fact, as far as I remember it, most people think that champions must move up into the Specials Class as soon as they are finished. This is actually not technically required by AKC rules. These do actually permit even fully confirmed and finished champions of record to continue competing in the open class and to take championship points. The official definition of an open class is: “The Open Class shall be for any dog six months of age or over.“ Moving up to the Specials class is therefore

merely a convention – not a requirement under AKC rules.) The other factor which affects the AKC champion title is that it is extremely rare for judges to withhold points for lack of quality. I believe that this is in fact perfectly possible to do and Chapter Seven of the AKC Rules Applying to Dog Shows at Section 15 says: “A judge’s decision shall be final in all cases affecting the merits of the dogs. Full discretionary power is given to the judge to withhold any, or all, prizes for want of merit.” Yet, how often does this happen?

POINTS LINKED TO NUMBERS So one of the advantages of the AKC system is said to be that an attempt is made to link the number of points available to the degree of competition; but at the same time people are encouraged to show dogs by it being relatively easy to gain points no matter where in the country they live. Whether or not the bar has been set at the appropriate level, is however another subject entirely. Is the required quality of the AKC champion set at a high enough level? Or is it perhaps so easy to finish a champion in some breeds that people show their dogs, finish them easily and quickly, and then disappear from the scene and stop showing? Obviously the AKC must have felt that this was a problem when it introduced the Grand Champion title. This move has, we are told, significantly increased the number of dogs being shown in specials classes. All I can tell you is that in the Border Terrier breed, there were more AKC champions finished in the USA in the two years to December 2013 than there have been in total under TKC rules in the UK since the breed was recognised by it in 1920! For the Canadian Kennel Club championship title I believe that 10 points are needed for a championship, with wins under at least three different judges, and at least one major totalling at least Continued on page 74

Number Three* Norfolk Terrier All Breed Points


Multiple Group Placing

Ch. Tenterra Rise To The Summit At Star Mtn. Owner: Tony Gabrielli Janet Latterner Exclusively Handled By: Nick Grubb (440)-666-2843 *The Dog News Top Ten List

Dog News 71

72 Dog News

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Impressions Continued FROM

page 70

2 points. I have been unable to find the number of dogs required to compete before majors are available but I suspect that this is an even smaller number than at AKC shows.

FCI COUNTRIES How about the FCI? It allows the various countries to have their own rules and mostly these rules ask for a dog to have won three certificates (CAC’s) under three different judges to become a champion. In some countries the number of certificates required is greater. For example in Ireland for a dog to become an Irish Champion, it must have earned seven CACs (called Green Stars in Ireland) from seven different judges at IKC Championship Shows, and one of these must have been awarded after the age of 15 months. But in other countries the CACs at some top shows count for more than the CACs at others. In Spain you can’t finish a champion unless it wins at the Madrid Show. Some FCI countries have a Specials class and others do not. Some allow existing champions to compete for the CAC and others do not. FCI INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION For the FCI International Champion title itself, in order to be eligible a dog has to have earned 4 FCI CACIBs in 3 different countries under 3 different judges, no matter how many dogs are competing and between the first and last CACIB, 74 Dog News

a minimum period of one year and one day must have elapsed. The greatest difference between these various FCI based systems and the British or AKC systems is that the number of CACs available is not rationed in any way whatsoever. Neither does there need to be a specific number of dogs present for the points to be effective. It is therefore theoretically possible, especially in newly introduced or less popular breeds, for dogs to become champions in some countries without ever competing against a single other dog of its breed. This is especially so for the rarer breeds which are newly introduced into a country. The danger here is that judges may be adjudicating in the breed without having seen many examples and without really having much idea of true type for the particular breed concerned.

WITHHOLDING Theoretically in FCI countries judges are supposed to be more likely and prepared to withhold awards. And in some cases this certainly is the case. In other cases however this theory does not apply in practice and the level required to be a national – or even an international champion – in some breeds is not all that high. On the other hand, with around 400 breeds recognised by the FCI and with champion certificates/points available for every breed at every show, overall show entries can be quite reasonable in number.

WHO HAS THE BEST SYSTEM? Where does all of this leave us? And who has the best system? Well, the truth of the matter is that no system is perfect and the expression ‘horses for courses’ probably applies. In fact the most important aspect of all of this is that the system employed ought to fit the circumstances of the country concerned. Countries such as the UK or the Netherlands with a reasonably high level of human population per square mile and hence a reasonably dense population of dogs, are likely to have a different set of values than a country of the size and population of say Canada or even the USA. On the other hand perhaps some countries, in allowing for such differences, do set the bar for the status of the title of champion somewhat too low and others set it too high. All I can say is that I think the best way to judge that, is simply to look at the champion dogs – not at just the top group winning dogs but at the champion dogs in general. That way it is possible to see who has managed to achieve what we might describe as ‘the best calibration’ and thus to establish who is right and who is wrong!

*The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed points

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76 Dog News

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arxism M s This Judge’s Point Of View

Judging & Showing By Judges Continued FROM page 42

“One of the really sad things in our dog show process is that everyone is in a hurry. “

78 Dog News

sad commentary? As one judge put it so succinctly, “Breeding for show can often create extremes that we have to combat later.” Many of these judges stated that they take a different “style” dog to breed specialist judges than they do to a multi-group or allrounder. Here is a very interesting quote: “... there are only a handful of judges who judge on breed specific characteristics...most judges look for dogs that ask for a win. What breeder really cares about that? If a great example isn’t putting on a performance it is still a great example. If the poorer example is only showing pretty well, on this off day no one would be interested. On his best day he is just quality dog in drag.” Isn’t this a shame? I have heard many judges talk about dogs who “ask for the win,” yet I have never seen that required characteristic in ANY breed standard. An area which is always in my mind when I judge is where is this breed weak, so when I see a dog that is strong in this area, I want to be sure to reward it. As one judge said, “I want dogs that are strong where the breed needs help whether it is in my backyard or in the show ring. However, always keeping the standard in mind, one sometimes rewards dogs

one might not use in a breeding program for various reasons.” All responding judges stated that they were breeding to improve their line or “fix” a specific problem in the breed. Thoughts of the show ring meant nothing in their breeding program, and they recognized that some top show dogs might not be one they wanted to use for breeding. As we would expect from these quality breeders, this point was made, “There are many reasons to pair two dogs but the worst is because it is the “Top Dog” in the breed. Too many breeds have been devastated by breeding to a popular sire.” Further, one successful breeder-judge talked about a specific breed having health issues, and that some breeding is done ... not (only) to improve but to move the genetics to the next generation.” Some judges - and I agree with this - stated that they might be harder on their own breed than they are on others, because they are so intimately involved with the breed. All indicated that when choosing a stud dog or a brood bitch, they do look for many of the same things they are looking for in the breed ring - “overall breed type and balance and the breed characteristics and hallmarks which make up the breed.”

All pointed out that when planning a breeding they spend a great deal of time and effort researching health issues in both parents’ lines. Of course, we cannot usually see health issues when judging, but I do remember an important meeting we (judges) had when I went to judge in Sweden. We were charged by the Swedish Kennel Club to be aware of health issues when judging, and included in “health issues” was obesity or poor conditioning. A report had to be written if we discovered these issues. I can think of some breeds in this country that would take a lot of time to judge because of the reports that would have to be written. One of the really sad things in our dog show process is that everyone is in a hurry. At the show, too many people pack up and leave as soon as their dog is done being judged. How do they learn anything? We have some extremely knowledgeable judges who are still great breeders. How many of these judges are approached as mentors and valuable resources? There are retired judges who still could contribute to those wishing to learn. I was fortunate to attend a seminar featuring some of the top breeders in our country at a recent Eukanuba show. It was a wonderful experience, but I was disappointed that the room was not packed to learn from these icons. I hope AKC sees fit to continue these seminars across the country. Again, I thank those who took the time to respond. Because I found this interesting, I also sent a very similar survey to breeder-owner handlers and professional handlers. I will report on this survey in my next article.

# 5 Breed*

GCh. Shabani’s


#3 All Breed*

Walker Blue

Multiple Group Winning and Group Placing Multiple National Club Supported Entry Winner

Best In Show

Thank you Judges Mrs. Sulie Greendale-Paveza and Mr. Thomas J. Feneis for this prestigious win! The Standard Says I’m Tops! 26 7/8 at Withers, 95 Lbs, Amazing Structure & Movement! Owner Kent & Robin MacFarlane (RisingSonRidgebacks) Breeder Bonnie Johnson (Shabani Ridgebacks) Handled by Paul Levesque and Kent MacFarlane *Rhodesian Ridgeback, The Dog News Top Ten List

Dog News 79

All The Buzz!

Ridgebacks convene in the Beehive State for their 83rd National Specialty By Denise Flaim

Photos by Patricia Hoffmann

Score one – and plenty more – for the breeder-owner-handlers. The ubiquitous complaint in dogs today is that the sport has been overtaken by leads for hire, and Ridgebacks are no exception. Once almost entirely dominated by intensely competitive breeders and owners, the Ridgeback ring has seen a tremendous influx of professional handlers, who are presumably attracted by a flashy red dog with Group appeal – despite the fact that blingy presentation is at odds with a Hound described in its standard (twice!) as “dignified” and “reserved.” But at the 83rd annual Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of the United States National Specialty, held September 5 to 13 in Farmington, Utah, breeder and owner-handlers had their phoenix moments, taking the lion’s share of ribbons – and, not least of all, the biggest one. That’s not to say that getting there was a cakewalk. Breed judge William Sahloff has been on both sides of the fence, both as a longtime professional handler (in partnership with now-AKC rep Michael Szabo, who was also in attendance at the show) as well as a breeder of Ridgebacks with Mike under the LeCreme banner. From the very first class of puppy dogs, Bill made it clear that he wanted a typey, sound Ridgeback without sacrificing a polished presentation. So while there were far fewer professional handlers than usual here on the 80 Dog News

shores of the Great Salt Lake, a half-hour north of Utah’s eponymous state capital, amateurs needed to have been that in name alone. The theme of this year’s national was “The Place to Bee,” a nod to Utah’s nickname, the Beehive State. Apian puns were in abundance – “Bee-otch” T-shirts, anyone? – as were the insects themselves. Along with the ever-present flies, those persistent buzzers were masterful saboteurs of perfectly stacked Ridgebacks, who, along with dewy grass, consider the mere brush of a creepy-crawly to be a plague of biblical proportions. In contrast to most Ridgeback nationals, which are usually held in hyper-modulated ballrooms or convention halls, this was an outdoor show, with all the uncertainties and discomforts that can bestow. The first few days were unseasonably hot, followed by a deluge that drove bitch-class judging indoors for the day. But by Best of Breed, a truce with Mother Nature had been declared, and the exhibitors were delighted to see the glorious sight of the sun dancing on gleaming Ridgeback coats, all against the backdrop of scrub-dotted mountains. After spirited competition with dizzying gorounds, Best in Specialty Show went to GCh. Sun-

stone’s Magic Man. A multipleGroup-winning Ridgeback, 6-year-old “Dresden” was the number 20 Ridgeback in 2013, shown by his breeder-owner-handler, Rhoda Springer of Glen Mills, Pennsylvania. “Dresden was part of a large litter where there were only two bitches and, naturally, I wanted a bitch to keep,” Rhoda explained in Dresden’s entry in the catalog for the Top-25 competition. “Alas, neither of the bitches were show quality, and I ended up keeping the plain, brown dog that I held onto for a show home that never materialized.” Sometimes things work out as they should, continued Rhoda, who added that Dresden retired from the show ring last year in order to devote more attention to his new role of “groundhog exterminator,” at which he apparently excels. Best of Opposite Sex was “Raquel” (GCh. Raquel Welch of Malabo APD), the numbertwo Ridgeback last year according to the club’s ranking system, and number one all systems. She is owned and bred by Ana Paola Diniz and shown by Michelle Scott. The Brazilian-bred bitch also won the club’s Top 25 competition the night before, under breeder-judge Diane JaContinued on page 82

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All The TheBuzz! Buzz! Continued FROM page 81

cobsen, handler-judge Mike Szabo and all-breed judge Bill Shelton. The People’s Choice in the Top 25 went to another bitch, “Molly” (GCh. Camelot’s Red Hot Tamale), bred by Clayton Heathcock, and owned by him and Cheri Hadley. Shown by David Bueno, Molly also earned one of the show’s 10 Awards of Merit, two of which are automatically awarded to the Select Dog and Bitch. Speaking of those last two placements, they went, respectively, to “Renni Mac” (Ch. Adili’s Renni Mac Scott’s Spirit), breeder-handled by Tammy Lynch, and owned by Nancy and Tom Tisdale; and “Sandie” (GCh. OTCH Wheatridge’s Pecan Sandie, UDX5, OM6), bred by Pat Brunstetter and Judy Lichtman, owned by Pat and handled by Patty Clarke, who then handed her off to Nora Nieminski. As her registered name’s acronyms prove, “Sandie” is also a powerhouse in the obedience ring, being one of only two Ridgebacks in history to have earned the advanced Obedience Trial Champion title. At this show, she garnered High Combined score in obedience. (Her half-sisters by the same sire did equally well: FC Wheartridge’s Frieda O’Kahlu, CD, TD, was High in Trial, and DC Wheatridge Soloist O’Kahlu, UD, SC, CGC, was Best in Triathlon.) Back in the conformation ring, Winners Dog and Best of Winners were awarded to 14-monthold “Truman” (Diablo’s Pen & Ink), bred by Nancy Faville and Joyce Wells, and owned by Nancy, Anne Schnobrich and Rebecca Boese, who handled him. Winners Bitch, out of the 15-18 month class, was “Hazel” (Camelot’s Hazelnut Macchiato), bred by Louise Vangsgaard and Clayton Heathcock, owned by Clayton and Tim and Debbie Bozarth, handled by David Bueno. 82 Dog News

Their runners-up were the livernosed Reserve Winners Dog “Sully” (Saberidge He’s Got the X Factor), breeder-owner-handled by Lanise McCracken, and co-owned by Ron and Tina-Marie Schachter; and Reserve Winners Bitch “Reign” (Mystiko & Adili’s Unstoppable Reign), breeder-owner-handled by Tammy Lynch, co-bred by Kiki Courtelis and Joyce Wilkinson, and co-owned by Kiki. The remaining Award of Merit winners were “Zeus” (GCh. CJs Ranch The Oracles of Zeus HPK-Tropaco), bred and owned by Cory and Jane Bowers, and handled by Cory; “Summer” (Ch. Rimrock’s Hot Fun in the Summertime, RN, JC, CGC), breederowner-handled by Robin Cohen; “Bruno” (GCh. Umtali’s Bruno of Mutare, JC), bred and owned by Nancy Rich, DVM, and Barbara Sohayda, and ownerhandled by George Demary; “Solara” (Ch. Ridge View’s Solar Eclipse), bred by show chair Susan Ralston, VMD, and Maryanne Draper, owned by them along with co-chair Sally Swensen, and shown by Susan; “J’min” (Ch. Tigris It’s All About the Benjaminz), bred and owned by Lisa Ganje-Patterson and Mike Patterson, and handled by Mike; and “Ikaika” (GCh. Pupukea Ridge Ikaika O Spring Valley, CGC, TDI, ROM), bred and owned by Tom and Barbara Peach, and handled by his co-owner Pam Lambie. In addition to earning his coveted AOM ribbon competing against young specials more than half his age, 9-year-old Ikaika swept all the veteran classes in the show, going Best in Veteran Sweeps, as well as Best Veteran Dog in the regular classes and Best Veteran in Specialty. And, finally, there was “Rhodeo” (GCh. Ivy League’s Sweetheart of the Rhodeo), bred by Danielle Sand, VMD, and Hilary Fordyce VMD, and handled by Leslie Ann Potts. After her AOM-winning turn in the breed ring, “Rhodeo” decided to make

things interesting by slipping out of her lead at the judges’ education seminar. She bolted off the fairgrounds, with some quick-thinking Ridgebackers in fast pursuit in cars and golf carts. She was eventually found in a swampy field some seven miles away, pads blown and in shock, but otherwise none the worse for wear. Her safe recovery ended the stint of bad luck that has plagued Ridgeback nationals in recent years, with dogs dying of various tragic and often bizarre ways, from falling off embankments in the dark to getting hit by cars to wolfing down tubes of dog food and then bloating. Rhodeo’s happy ending neatly bookended a specialty week that kicked off with Veteran, Puppy and Junior sweepstakes, all adjudicated by Sandra Gordon-Lentsch of Dimond Ridgebacks in Marlton, New Jersey. Veterans are always the most difficult classes of all, as the dogs evoke memories of their more youthful days, when all was promise and potential. Best Veteran in Sweepstakes went to “Ikaika,” and Best of Opposite to him was the almost-10-year-old “Dinah” (Ch. Kakily Starry Night of PumamereCopprdg, RA, JC), a big winner in her own right, having won the AKC/ Eukanuba Invitational in 2009. She was bred and owned by Kathryn and Donald Blumenthal-Jones, and shown by Donald that evening. The following day, Best in Puppy Sweeps went to the almost-yearling HPK Tropaco Ndorre Buddy Beefcake, with the similarly aged CJS Ranch The Sweeter The Berry at Kohana going Best of Opposite. In Junior Sweepstakes, the winning ribbon was earned by Aziza’s Hottest Ticket in Town, 15 months old, bred by Aura Saviglio and owned by Jim and Monica Bevan; taking Opposite was 13-month-old Juba Lee’s Caffe Latte at Fairchase, bred by Kerry Williams and co-owned by her with Stacey and John Williams. “To the breeders,” toasted Bill Sahloff at the awards dinner, held in the very final hours of the show. Cheers, indeed.

We are so very pleased to announce:



AC Scott’s Spirit

as SELECT DOG for the 2014 Rhodesian Ridgeback Specialty!

Sire Ch Rokishoals Luscious Lucius TT

Dam Ch Firedance N Adili’s Making U Jealous, JC

Thank you Judge Mr. William Sahloff for this prestigious win! Shown to perfection by co-owner Tammy Lynch under perfect blue skies!! Congratulations to all the Winners and Exhibitors!! Owned by Nancy Tisdale and Tammy Lynch Bred by Tammy Lynch, Kiki Courtelis, Mary K. Sorosky and Phyllis Lia Dog News 83

84 Dog News

*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points

Happy Birthday, Jackie Gottlieb!

David, Philip, Cindy, Jackie, Gene, Megan, John, 70th ry Anniversa

Continued FROM page 44

Katiewell Touch of Class, Roy Holloway, Sally George

whether it was the PTA, her Barnard Alumni Club, Cub Scouts, or Hadassah. By the time I was in high school, my brother was in college, and my father had launched a new publication for orthodontists, doubling his workload. Jackie was left with time on her hands, and when we replaced our backyard-bred poodle in 1968 with a miscellaneous breed - a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier - she was quick to take up the “recognition” cause. To this day, my dad, not a dog lover, has supported my mother in her “doggy” pursuits, and acknowledges the important role the dog show world has played in Jackie’s life. We acquired Andover Antic of Sunset Hill from Charles Arnold of West Simsbury, CT in the spring of 1968. Even my father was impressed with the clever Irish miss. Before acquiring “Maggie” we had been put in touch with Sue Bobley, who was partnered in dogs with Barbara Miller. Few people know that Barbara (or Bobbie as we called her) was originally involved with Wheatens. Her involvement with Norfolks came later through Jack Simm, who became a good friend of Jackie’s, too. My mother has never shied away from a challenge. Soft Coated Wheatens had been in Miscellaneous since the 1940s – something that would never 86 Dog News

happen today. The Miscellaneous class included Akitas, Bichons, Shih Tzu, and Cavaliers, and there were upwards of 30 entries in each sex. The breeds were all shown together, and all that was at stake was an off-color ribbon. Jackie and Barbara organized the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of Metropolitan New York, the first local Wheaten club, hosting the first match in 1970. A pioneer spirit brought together a nucleus of Wheaten breeders who remain friends to this day: Emily Holden, Carol Carlson, and Gay Sherman (Dunlap) with whom Jackie showed in Miscellaneous up and down the Mid-Atlantic region. Jackie served on the board of the national club for years and wrote a Wheaten column, first for Popular Dogs (in the ’70s) and then the AKC Gazette. I will never know what possessed my mother to breed “Maggie,” except that she was really becoming entrenched with the dog scene. Many established dog people helped her: Ted Young, Steve Shaw, Dusty and Jack Cox, Charlie Westfield, and the illfated Mid-Island KC. She went to Harry Proctor’s handling class and developed an extensive correspondence with Mr. Jackie, Bill Kendrick. Lee When the first litter arrived, I s, Huggin can’t imagine how she broke it to Stephen my father that she was keeping Dedalus a promising male puppy, as one dog in the house was one too many for Gene. But that dog, Stephen Dedalus of Andover, proved to be a watershed sire for the breed. Soft Coated Wheatens joined the Terrier group on Montgomery weekend, 1973. “Sweeney” had to wait while a few of his children finished first, but he was one of the eight Soft Coated Wheatens to gain their championships by year’s end. In 1974, the whole family relocated to the Denver area. While the East Coast kennel clubs back then were rather exclusive, we were welcomed by Flatirons KC in Boulder, CO, and Jackie once again became an active volunteer. Jackie obtained a “Maggie” granddaughter from Karen Worth (Glenworth), an Irish Terrier breeder who had bought a full sister to Stephen Dedalus. That puppy, Glenworth Andover Answer, went on to become the all-time top-producing Terrier dam. Meanwhile, I bought a Stephen Dedalus grandson, Raclee Express West O’Andover, who won the first two National Wheaten specialContinued on page 90

e g r o e G

~ An Exceptional Weekend ~ Two Best In Show Specialties Breeder Judges Mrs. Gina Jaeblon and Mr. Antony Michael Rewston Best of Breed and Group First Judge Ms. Elizabeth Muthard Best of Breed ~ Judge Ms. Sharol Candace Way and Group First Judge Mr. Charles Olvis

Best In Show, Multiple Best In Specialty Show

GCh. Gracyn Lost Creek The Descendant of Elan Owners: Jon & Sue Finck, John & Jessica Gerszewski Dog News 87

88 Dog News


*CC System

Dog News 89

Happy Birthday, Jackie Gottlieb! Continued FROM page 86

ties and was also a top producer. It was these two pups that formed the basis of Andover Wheatens, and Mother and I spent many happy times over the next dozen years, traveling the Midwest and Rocky Mountain areas showing their descendants. Jackie’s next acquisition was again from Karen, Glenworth Andover Aria, who finished at the Garden under Annie Clark and went on to a nice specials career. It was a judicious outcross of a tightly bred Andover bitch, Andover Hootenanny, to Gay Sherman (Dunlap)’s Gleanngay Holliday, that produced Andover Song N Dance Man, shown by Sally George, who went on to win the Terrier Group at Westminster in 1989, a feat that has never been matched. In fact, most of Harry’s records still stand today, almost 30 years later. “Harry” was actually mine, but Mother and I shared in his illustrious career, and I still remember her running into the ring to congratulate me when I showed him to his fourth National Specialty win at Montgomery, from the Veterans class when he was past 10. Mother then chose to back a “Harry” son bred by Elena Landa, Doubloon’s Master of Illusion. “Sir” was a Best in Show and National Specialty winner. Andover Make a Wish (“Hotai”) won the National at Montgomery in 1996, piloted by Adam Wilkerson. Jackie finished countless champions - we stopped counting at 100, and that was at least 15 years ago. But, as far as dogs she showed, she saved the best for last. Andover Mayhem Magic (“Hammy”) probably never received the accolades he deserved, but Jackie loved showing him, and when it was time to retire “Hammy,” Jackie decided, at 89, to retire from showing, too. Meanwhile, when Mark and Sally George showed our dogs, I became interested in and acquired a few other Terrier breeds. In 1990, I offered to whelp a Welsh litter for the Georges, and Coehill Cassandra became the foundation of the Andover Welsh Terriers. “Cassie” ended up with Jackie, and we also brought a bitch puppy home from Crufts (Katiewell Touch of Class). Mother has bred some lovely Welsh down from these bitches; Peter and Jill See have taken over the actual breeding and whelping, but Jackie still enjoys masterminding the breedings, and evaluating the puppies. Their latest campaigner is a National Specialty, multiple group, and reserve BIS winner. When Jackie and Gene moved to Sedona, AZ, in 90 Dog News

dy, , Cin e i k c Ja arvey Bill H 975 1 CKC

1987, she found a new batch of dog friends. She became active in the new Sun Country Terrier Club, and she thought nothing of driving two hours to Phoenix for meetings and matches. In the last few years, her Jackie, M friends have helped ayhem, Magic, Stu her stay active and atd Dog Cla ss, Great Wes tend shows. Jackie’s tern love of driving is legendary, and very few are allowed to drive when she’s in the car. Fortunately now, at 91, Jackie does welcome company when driving all over the Southwest, and Bill and Betsy Dossett, Jeanne Popovitch, Wheaten breeders Susan and Craig Jacobsen, Kathy Clarke, and Pat Bajores have all shared some epic adventures with her on the road. Jackie has always had a close circle of friends outside dogs – from high school, college, the Rockville Centre gang, and, more recently, in Sedona. She always has time and an empathetic ear for friends, and since her immersion in dogs in the late ’60s, all her friends recognize her passion for the sport. She was an excellent cook and baker and still loves to entertain. The house is always open, and she and my dad love for friends to drop by. Five o’clock is always cocktail hour, and generally whoever is still there at six will be invited to stay for dinner, too. Officially, October 8 is Jackie’s birthday, but Montgomery weekend has become her birthday weekend. We’ve had many fun times celebrating, including her 90th in 2013, which Jackie said would be her MCKC swan song. Hah! Look for Jackie at MCKC 2014, and be sure to wish her a Happy Birthday!

Dog News 91

The year 2015 will bring something interesting to the sport of purebred dogs. In July, 2015 Dr. Joseph Kinnarney will assume the position of President of the American Veterinary Medical Association. This is especially significant since Dr. Kinnarney has been the AVMA’s liaison to the AKC and he is a breeder and showgoer and coowner of a 1995 Westminster Best In Show Winner. He was, in fact, the first liaison appointed by the AMVA. I’ll put this all together for you.

Dr. Joe Kinnarney

By Karl M. Stearns

President of the AVMA and Terrier Breeder D

r. Joe grew up in Hopkinton, Massachusetts, the youngest of five children—four older sisters. One can only speculate about how THAT worked out! What about dogs in his life? “We always had purebred dogs,” he told me recently. “As a kid, we had a Beagle. My first champion was a Miniature Schnauzer.” Dr. Joe pursued his education, achieving a BS at the University of Kentucky, a Master’s in reproduction, and his DVM from Cornell. It was during this period that he began his participation in the sport of purebred dogs. He recalled for me, “It started when I was a prevet student. My advisor had a Springer Spaniel that won Westminster two years in a row. He brought it to class every day. It was a wonderful experience and piqued my interest. I had Miniature Schnauzers for a while.” During this time period, he usually handled his own dogs. He continued the story. “I saw Peggy

Sue (CH Gaelforce Postscript) one day, at Montgomery. She was stunning. I decided I wanted a Scottie. I purchased Peggy Sue when she was three years old.” Dr. Joe co-owned Peggy Sue with Dr. Vandra Huber. They would go on to enjoy a long string of Bests in Show awards, and achieved the pinnacle of going Best in Show at Westminster in 1995. Sadly, Peggy Sue died at a young age after producing only one litter of puppies. On a happier note, her five young ones all went on to become champions and Peggy Sue’s name still appears in Scottie pedigrees.

“I often handled my dogs, but I needed help to special my dogs. The demands of my practice just didn’t allow for me to take that much time,” he said. So began a long relationship with Maripi Wooldridge, professional handler. Dr. Joe continued breeding and exhibiting under the Jovial Kennel banner. His participation has included Scotties, Miniature Schnauzers, Poodles, Pekinese, and Dobermans. His last champion was Standard Poodle CH Brighton Remington Steel AKA Pierce. He hasn’t been able to handle actively in a while, but it’s a goal Continued on page 108

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Large, medium or small breeds and especially rare breeds Libras will be extra loving. They will show their sensitive side and you will learn something new about their character. If you are a trainer and you are training little puppies then expect to fall in love with your new Libra client.

Scorpio October 23- November 21 Performances will done well. Practice will be fruitful and encouraging. Scorpio dogs will definitely be on point for the next few days to weeks.


December 22- January 19 Music and laughter is what will make this dog, no matter the breed, feel relaxed and welcomed. If you find that your Capricorn dog is a little anxious then play some music tunes and the beast of anxiety inside will subside.


January 20- February 18 Be stern with your Aquarius dog, and especially if you have them off the lead. Seems like they will try to exert their own independence and quite possibly cause a little havoc. Remain mindful of them and they will not get too far with their intentions.


November 22- December 21 All about the win!!! That is what will be Sagittarius’ focus. Take advantage of this time and work your dog. They want to be challenged.

96 Dog News


Feb 19- March 20 Worried about what vitamins you are giving to your dog? Do some research before offering any vitamins to your special show dog.


Libra September 23- October 22


Continued FROM page 46

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98 Dog News

*DDCA System

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Falconry Continued FROM page 57

thick and the sight of the quarry lost, the chase was pursued by keeping one’s eyes fixed on the bird’s flight and this as speed over rough ground. A demonstration of a day’s sport with sighthounds and falcons, the horses and retinue turned out in gala form, was often a gracious way of entertaining an honoured guest in the Middle East. The methods of falconry which came to Europe and on to Britain evolved from those practiced in the Arab countries. For many centuries, falconry became the all-absorbing pursuit throughout Europe. Kings and princes not only engaged in the actual chase itself, but would at times, voluntarily undertake the so-called drudgery of training and feeding their hawks themselves. When undertaking the most important offices, they were often seen with a hawk on their hand. In medieval England, the sport offered the thrill of the chase, enacted in the sky with flying game. In the closed season, from Easter until the corn was cut, crows and magpies were considered quite acceptable quarry. Setting up falconry parties on horseback, with footmen, dogs (Spaniels, Setters or Pointers) and a number of hawks and falcons was quite a lengthy procedure. The weather and the ability to find stretches of countryside frequented by game were other factors which were equally important to the success of a day’s sport. Factors that contribut-


ed to the decline of falconry in Britain included Oliver Cromwell and abolition of the monarchy, albeit temporarily, the countryside becoming more enclosed and the gun. Falconry has never been without its devotees, so consequently never fell by the wayside completely. One of its patrons was Queen Victoria, a monarch who followed everything from new innovations to established pursuits. Sir Edwin Landseer recorded her interest in the sport in his painting, Returning from Hawking,

which shows the Queen, Prince Albert and two of their children with horses, dogs, and hooded birds on the cadge to keep them calm. The Princess is stroking one of the falcons with a feather, a practice which has always been used to calm young birds in their first stages of training. Falconry remained very much a fringe field sport until well after the Second World War, practiced by a very few devotees interested in something different. With increasing leisure time and the coming of game and country fairs with their falconry demonstrations, the sport once again saw a revival. In 1950s Britain, the hunt, point and retrieve breeds were taking off like a rocket, fuelled by the enthusiasm of people coming back from military service in Germany

where they had seen these breeds working. They provided the ideal ‘tool’ for falconers, of which the German Shorthaired Pointer has become the most popular of all the breeds today working alongside falcons and hawks. They combine the ability to range widely over grouse moors and large stubble fields with the close work required when hunting scrub and hedgerows.


hat started out centuries ago as a grand formal occasion practiced by the very fortunate few, often to impress, is today within the grasp of most sportsmen with a bird, a dog and a gun. As a postscript it is though much more than just about having a bird, dog and gun and access to land, and anyone thinking of taking up the sport should consult with and take the advice of knowledgeable falconers for it is most important that the birds are managed correctly. Dog News 100

� y v I

Climbing To The Top...

Thank you to Judge Ms. Patricia Laurans for this Owner Handler Best In Show And thank you to the Lexington Kennel Club for their support of the Owner Handler Series. Multiple Group Winning ~ Reserve Best In Show ~ Undefeated In Breed Competition For 2014

Ch. Moonshadow A League Of Her Own, CD RA O w n e r s : Na n c y a n d A n d y G u a g e n t i a n d Bar b ara P e s s i n a Dog News 101

National Treasure! Multiple Group and Specialty Winner

“Miranda” Ch. Reignon Lutra Fastest Girl In Town Sire: Ch. Aman The Duke

Dam: Ch. Topwyre Jadee Truth Is Beauty

2013 Montgomery County Kennel Club Judge Mr. Andrew Goodsell Best of Winners 2014 The American Fox Terrier Club Judge Mrs. Cindy Vogels Best of Breed 2014 Wire Fox Terrier Club of the Central States Judge Mr. Jerry Klein Best of Breed Breeders / Owners James & Janet Lange Moses 102 Dog News

Presented By Tracy Szaras

Breeder / Owner Tracy Szaras

Dog News 103

Korea Kennel August 30 & 31, 2014

By Desmond J. Murphy photos by EDDY


n April of 2012 I judged for the Korea Kennel Federation. This was a one-day show and by the Korean standard it was a small show. I had a full days judging and I was very impressed by the breeds I judged. Several of the breeds I judged had more depth of quality than the average show in the states. My BIS winner was a lovely Akita bitch, Ch. Redwitch Don’t Think Twice. This magnificent Akita represented South Korea in the World Challenge in 2011, 2012 and 2013. That is an accomplishment never done by any other dog. At this show in 2012, I judged a Golden bitch that I felt could win well in the US. I was so pleased when she came to the States to gain her AKC title. She was highly thought of here. She won breeds from the classes and a group under a breeder judge. On that trip I was only sorry it was a one-day show because I would have like to have been able to judge more of the different breeds. I was so impressed the sport was dominated by young people. So many of the handlers, breeders and exhibitors were young. Quite a few of the handlers were as good as our Continued on page 124

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Dr. Joe Kinnarney Continued FROM page 93

to do that again. “My biggest highlight handling was winning Bred By every day of Montgomery weekend with a Scottie,” he recalled for me. Dr. Joe started his veterinary practice in the Greensboro, NC, area in 1980. According to his Forbes profile, “Dr. Kinnarney is the President and an owner of Reidsville Veterinary Hospital, Inc., BelAir Veterinary Hospital, Mebane Veterinary Hospital, Greensboro Pet Spa & Resort, Inc. and Carolina Equine Hospital.” He has specialized in reproduction and has ICSB (International Canine Semen Bank) freezing capability. His practices have been very successful, and in due time he became involved in the leadership of the American Veterinary Medical Association. In that capacity, he has been a director and also served on the Audit Committee. How did he become the liaison to the American Kennel Club? He explained: “While serving on the board of the AVMA one of things I observed was there was always misinformation, miscommunication, and a lack of information. I felt a liaison position with AKC was necessary. We met with Dennis Sprung and some staffers and concluded we have a lot of common interests. We don’t always agree, but there’s a lot of common ground. We’re all concerned about health and welfare of dogs.” He gave me an example of one instance where miscommunication caused a problem, leading to agreement that a liaison position was necessary. “When the AVMA developed a policy on ear cropping and tail docking, we had a period of input. Our director of animal welfare had heard from several dog people that standards calling for this were cosmetic and didn’t have to be done, not condoned, but not forbidden either. Some breeders talked to AVMA and it was mistaken to be from AKC. Of course, they were not speaking for the AKC, so that had to be cleared up. “I became the first liaison from the AMVA with AKC. Where there’s common ground it’s prudent we help each other. AKC invited me to speak at Eukanu-

ba on reproduction this year. It allows me to bring AVMA’s thoughts to the fancy. We live in changing times where adoption has become the vogue. Shelter medicine has become big, and some people frown on purebred dog breeders. It’s something we have to be aware of, can’t ignore.” So, in July 2015, Dr. Joe will assume the position of President of the AMVA. How will he continue to work with AKC, and how does he feel the AKC can gain the position of “voice of the dog”? He responded, “AKC is supportive of purebred dogs. They are also 100% supportive of the health of all dogs. We have to be inclusive. We cannot ignore that.“ He continued, “People love to see Westminster on TV. Dogs are part of the family for decades. AKC and AVMA have promoted and pushed the human/animal bond. You can see that connection in the show ring. It’s healthy for people to see, and healthy for the good of all breeds. AKC can probably do a better job of promoting what breeders do to produce predictability that results in purebred dogs as opposed to non-purebred. When we go to a human doctor, the intake usually involves a conversation like this: ‘Is your mother alive, father alive, what kind of health problems?’ because the doctor is assessing your health based on family history. There’s a certain predictability there. As a veterinarian, when I treat a dog and I’ve known its lineage, siblings, its parents then I have a better idea of who it is. I can plan their care better. AKC needs to keep the message out before the public about the advantages of a purebred dog. They’re putting out more health care tips via email but getting in front of the public to champion purebred dogs requires more effort than that.” How can he drive this message via the AMVA? He shared his thoughts: “The mission of the AVMA is animal health. Veterinarians need to know the extent AKC contributes to health, along with what breed clubs, kennel clubs, and local clubs do to promote the health and well-being of dogs. The grants and scholarships from AKC and clubs such as Westminster is huge. We need to publicize that so more in the veterinary community are aware of the investment we in the sport are making for the future of veterinary medicine.” How can purebred dog breeders and owners assist? Dr. Joe gave his suggestions. “As I mentioned, Continued on page 113

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110 Dog News

*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points

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STOPPERS Continued FROM page 69

in, for example, earthdog events, are either retired champions that someone has been given or non-champion dogs with either limited registrations or ILP numbers. Our national club only recently offered annual awards for achievements in performance events. While kudos are due the club for recognizing performance events, there is still a stigma attached to achievement in these arenas as opposed to the accolades given to conformation champions. Welsh terriers are vermin hunters and to have more emphasis placed on appearance rather than the ability to perform what they were originally bred to do is a bit blasphemous.” “Too many people with Welsh Terriers seem to be hesitant about trying performance sports with their dogs,” said Simmons. “They’ve heard all the stories about how terriers are impossible to train. There is also an issue with Welsh that they don’t seem to really settle down until they are about four years old. So, when it comes to performance sports, some people just give up. Welsh people need to realize that they can get involved and start some of the performance sports when their dogs are six or eight because Welsh stay young for a long time. There are also some people who give up if their dog isn’t perfect. I have a friend who thinks her Welsh can’t get its CGC. She’s convinced that her dog won’t

112 Dog News

come to her immediately when called so she won’t give her the opportunity to try to get this title for fear of failure. It’s important to understand that Welsh are smart. They know they can goofoff in class but when it’s a test or a trial, they’ll step up and surprise you. Of course, once they really know a sport, they can also get bored very quickly. At the moment, Comet is so tired of rally she simply refuses to do things she could do in her sleep. At our last trial, she flat out refused to do the jumps even though she does them in class and when we entertain at the nursing homes. She did the other work but with a ‘don’t care’ attitude. At the last class we attended, she ran out of the practice ring, went to our seat and lay down. That told me it was time to do something else so we’re now going to start with teacup agility.” According to Anspach, the Welsh Terrier breed is currently facing several serious challenges. “The number of Welsh Terriers in

Pip has moved on to competing in utility having earned her CDX.

the show ring has declined during the last decade. This decline makes it very difficult to complete a championship as few majors can be found anywhere except at specialties. As a result, we’re seeing more and more ‘kennel majors’ which is not good for the breed as they do nothing to improve and maintain the quality of the breed. If a championship is not earned by competing with dogs of a high caliber, the title has little meaning with regard to a breeding program. We are also facing a shrinking gene pool and not enough breeders are staying focused on breeding dogs that adhere to the standard rather than what is winning in the show ring at the moment. Of course, this goes hand-in-hand with breeding dogs that exemplify the difference in structure between Welsh, Wires and Lakeland terriers. Finally, we really need to encourage younger people to enter the Welsh terrier breeder ranks as many of our current breeders who have made significant contributions to the breed are no longer breeding or are slowing down due to the limitations of age. Other breeders will be dropping out in the not-too-distant future. Currently there is a great need to mentor and encourage younger people to enter the Welsh Terrier breeder ranks so that some of our most valuable lines won’t be lost.”



74 INDOOR/OUTDOOR RUNS - ZONING FOR 100 RUNS PERFECT SET-UP FOR THE PROFESSIONAL HANDLER OR DOG BREEDER Approximately 5400 Sq Ft in commercial kennel facilities & 2000 Sq Ft Home on 5 acres w/ Pond. Rarely does a purchase opportunity come along to acquire a historically successful business that continues to be profitable year after year. $seven figures$ Please email Susie for additional information: Susie Rose • County Line Properties • 108 S. Washington • Hinsdale, IL 60521 • 331-201-2555

Continued FROM page 108

some people frown on purebred dog breeders. The attitude among some vets may be a reflection of the population in general. So, communicate with your veterinarian, explain what you do, what your goals and ask for their help and co-operation. If you don’t feel you’re getting the response you’re comfortable with, search out another veterinarian.” What are his plans for the future? “When I ran for president of AVMA, the viability of the economics of veterinary profession was part of what I ran on. Consolidation of practices has often resulted in organizations that are too big. Most vets are in this field because of their love for animals and so they can use their skills. The economic pressures are enormous in running a practice today. We almost have to achieve the same level of care expected in human medical facilities. That kind of equipment costs enormous sums of money, and then it requires a lot of work to stay afloat financially. So, bolstering the private practitioners is a concern.” What about his participation in purebred dogs?

Dr. Joe Kinnarney

“When I finish my stint as president, and move forward, I might even consider judging. I’d like to have some litters of Scotties and Schnauzers, and start my judging with those breeds. I love to see really good dogs. One day I had four best in show dogs in my office!” With two sons and 3 grandsons, there will certainly be a lot of other activities in his life. Dr. Joe also has an interest in showing Arabian horses. He also enjoys cooking and travel. “I love to cook! Grilling is great, especially outdoors in nice weather, sipping fine wines!” He also has retained a box seat at Westminster for 25 years, and hopes to continue enjoying being there for many years to come.


innarney has certainly stepped up to the plate in taking on the leadership of the AMVA, an organization that represents more than 85,000 veterinarians. As a champion of the sport of purebred dogs who enjoys a solid relationship with AKC, this foretells good things for the fancy. His ambition is to make a difference, especially to the animals he serves. His goal is to remind everyone we are all here to enhance the health and welfare of the dogs we all love. What advice would he give to the sport, and what would he like us to remember from him? “Do the right thing.” Dog News 113

114 Dog News

Dog News 115

WKC Terrier Group

2014 Wire Fox Terrier

GCh. Afterall Painting The Sky Owner: Victor Malzoni Jr & Torie Steele & S & M Olund & D Ryan

116 Dog News


Continued on page 133


Dog News 117

o s ip s G column the



esson learned…When one thinks of the late JULIE GASOW thoughts instantly go to her world famous Springer kennel SALILYN (a kennel name created by the first names of her two daughters SALLY & LYNN). Upon JULIE’S death in 1999, the name though previously registered but not registered at the time of her passing was left unprotected by her heirs. While JULIE’S dogs were the foundation stock of many breeders, the name was hers alone. The name is currently legally in use and sadly in my opinion. SALILYN, like many other great kennel names from the past, should be retired. I would hate to think of JULIE, FRED, RUTHIE & DICK watching this from above. It might be too late to protect this name but sometimes you have to break a rule to make things right. The American Kennel Club will retire kennel names if the owner, family of the owner or parent club requests it. So let this be a lesson learned, protect your kennel name by having it registered, remember to renew it every five years, and leave instructions upon your death, what you would like to have done with the kennel name. While celebrating its 20th anniversary the AKC CANINE HEALTH FOUNDATION will be hosting its annual cocktail party on Thursday evening, December 11th at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando,

118 Dog News

Florida. Tickets are $75. per person and can be pre-ordered by contacting the organization at or phone 888.682.9696. I am woman hear me roar SUE VROOM, American Kennel Club field representative, feeling poorly, drove herself to the hospital last weekend and wound up having an appendectomy. Some way to spend a rare weekend not on the job. Not over yet…NESTLE PURINA filed an amended complaint in its lawsuit brought against BLUE BUFFALO COMPANY, Ltd. alleging false advertising in the marketing of their pet food, treats and cat litter. If you are going to be in London for the DISCOVER DOGS event, November 8th & 9th, you might want to visit the Kennel Club’s art gallery (by appointment), which presently features two of England’s most beloved breeds, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and King Charles Spaniels (English Toy Spaniels in the States). The exhibit runs through January 9, 2015. Who bakes the birthday cake for the baker? That North Carolina flower girl, I mean flour girl, TINA YUHL celebrated a birthday this week. As of this writing there was only one name submitted from the floor to run for the Board of Directors of the American Kennel Club… the deadline to submit your petitions is November 15th.


The contentious topic of Rating Systems and whether or not AKC should have its own Rating system speak to two different types of numbers. Were AKC to have its own Rating System it would lose income ways between $100 and two hundred thousand dollars a year from the dog press--print and electronic. The print dog press alone pays to AKC over $125,000 annually to get these monthly figures and while obviously not a major factor in its budget it all adds up as they say. Indeed for the new OHS AKC has devised its own endorsed Rating System which it has asked the dog press to print for nothing which in terms of paper pages used would cost each publication MORE than it pays AKC now to buy the show results! Then comes the differences in how the numbers are used by the various publications. DOG NEWS is the ONLY publication that uses the original Phillips System method of computing wins, a system well known within AKC by its CEO and President that was devised by Irene Castle Khatoonian Schlintz and continued with her consent after Popular Dogs became defunct. Of historical interest to some with regard to the adoption of the OHS is the fact that in 1968 or so the Howell Book House (which many of you will remember but unfortunately too many of you will not), published the epic GREAT SHOWDOGS OF AMERICA book which listed with photos and records the top dogs in the 6 groups from 1956-1966. Howell Book House was the most prestigious dog book publisher of its day and Seymour Weiss of Westie fame was the editor supreme. It is a classic and must have book for any dog lover’s library that’s for sure. In any event with all the furor going on about the role of the professional handler in our sport and the debate over whether or not the owner handler is ignored or discriminated against I decided it would be interesting to see what role the professional handler had during that period of time in the showing of these 120 Dog News


And M


ted by Irene C

” as ra The Top “400

n’s PHILLIPS tle Khatoonia

top dogs. Of the 419 dogs pictured 326 were handled by a listed professional handler while 93 were owner handled! Broken down by Groups-Sporting had 70 pros and 5 owner handlers; Hound had 44 Pros and 24 Owner handlers; Working 45 pros and 15 owners; Terriers 66 pros and 10 owners; Toy 48 pros and 21 owners and Non-Sporting 53 pro and 21 owners of top rated dogs! I have a sense the same percentages would apply today but today there are those who suggest this phenomenon is due to a judge’s predilection to

ow Awards

System for Sh

favor the professional handler. Could it be that now as in the mid ‘50’s and early ‘60’s the professional handler had the better overall dog? Once again interpret the numbers as you will but one thing has changed considerably which is that in the old days the great majority perhaps 85 to 90% of the professional handlers were men. Today it is a 50/50 split for sure if not more in favor of the professional handler being female than male. Perhaps the next thing the supporters of the OHS should reintroduce are classes for female owner handlers to compete in and separate classes for male owner handlers as well. Oops I totally forgot this is a sport where we compare the worth of the breeding stock of the dog and livelihoods and sexual preferences have no consideration in the ring--only the worth of the dog. Tell that one to the professional handler who may not compete in so many AKC classes today even when they have owned and/ or breed and own the exhibit in question. This treatment of the professional handler who is a breeder/owner as well is just unacceptable and totally unfair insofar as AKC’s attitude is concerned.

Fairytales Do Come True...


Multiple Best In Specialty Show

GCh. Sasdania-Vitag’s Fairytale For Hauerdane

In four months of showing... Finished in 7 shows with 4 Best of Breeds from the classes She is a Multiple Best In Specialty Show Winner And currently the Number Five* Great Dane Bitch in the Country Owners: Dan and Treasure Wylie, Beve Hauer, and David Vitagliano • *#14 Overall, CC Breed

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122 Dog News

Long Branch Kennel Club Photos By Karen Justin

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Korea Kennel Continued FROM page 105

top handlers here in the US. Even the stewards and organizers were all young people. This shows the sport in South Korea will have a great future. When June (Hyun Jeong) Kim, the manager of the International Dept for the Korea Kennel Federation, contacted me about returning in 2014, I was so pleased. Kim, as she is affectionately known to us Americans, gave me a list of four different dates. I only had one of the dates available. Luck was on my side because this was for the largest show in South Korea. Since I would get to judge for two days, I knew I would get to judge many good quality dogs. As it turned out, I had more depth of quality than I had even imagined. I was pleased to learn that Kari Jarvinen, who is considered one of the finest judges in the world today, would also be on the panel. Sorry to say, several days before the show Kari had to cancel due to medical reasons. All of the other judges were from Asia except for Agnes Ganami from Israel. Like all very distant foreign assignments, I booked my flight to arrive on Thursday. One reason is with only one flight per day it gives more assurance in case a flight is cancelled. Also it gives my body a day to adjust to a very large time difference. Because of the time difference in order to arrive in Asia on a Thursday means leaving the States on a Wednesday. Coming home even with the 19 hours flying time you get home the same day as you depart. This trip was a very tight schedule for me. I returned on Tuesday morning on a red eye from Santa Barbara. After being away for a full week there was an awful lot to be done on Tuesday. I had a 6 AM departure on Wednesday, which meant not being able to get to bed on Tuesday. The advantage was that it made the flights go much quicker. From Newark to San Francisco I slept the entire way. Even the thirteen-hour flight from San Fran to Seoul I was sleeping about another 10 hours. Having very little sleep the entire week I was in Santa Barbara, my body was very thankful for this 124 Dog News

extremely long flight. Upon arriving around 2:30 PM Thursday in Seoul a driver was waiting with a large sign with my name. Not having very much traffic we arrived at the hotel in less than an hour. Kim was waiting in the lobby of the hotel and her vibrant personality immediately perked me up. Quickly hanging up my clothes, which had been crushed in a suitcase for well over twenty-four hours, I then joined Kim in the bar. Over a large thirst quenching Korean beer, Kim gave me the schedule for the weekend. Agnes Ganami was not arriving until later Thursday evening. The rest of the judges were not arriving from different parts of Asia until Friday. Kim was very excited to inform me the entry was much larger than they expected and an extra judge

had to added. It was the largest entry they ever had in Korea. They had dogs coming from Japan, China and quite a lot from Eastern Russia. Over the two days, four shows would take place. Two of these shows were offering International Champion titles; the other two shows were only offering the Korean Championships. When shows are permitted to offer CACIB titles, which is the International title, many dogs are entered that only need wins towards the International title. If they already have their Korean Championship, they might not enter the Korean show, which only offers Korean Championship. Back in my room and looking at the show schedule, I was happy to see I would have lots of dog to judge. Saturday I had 187 and Sunday 232. Saturday judging was to start at 8:30 AM and an Opening Ceremony was scheduled from 12:00 to 12:30. Lunch was to be from 12:30 to 13:00. The scheduling started to run


a little behind schedule so we only stopped for 10 minutes for a quick sandwich and a bathroom break. BIS was scheduled to start at 4:30. This meant breed judging was to end at 3:40 in order for the final ring to be set up. The ring setting up took a bit longer than expected. This was due to a large TV crew that would be filming all the four different BIS competitions. On Friday, the club had organized for a driver and tour guide to show Agnes, her husband and me some of the very interesting cultural places of the beautiful city of Seoul. Kim was in the lobby well before 9 AM to make sure our driver and tour guide would be promptly whisking us off at 9 AM. They wanted us back to the hotel around 4:30 PM so we would have an hour before meeting to drive to dinner.

Our first stop on the tour was the Food & Culture Korea Academy. Here we took a class in preparing Kimchi, a national dish of Korea. After our lesson, we had to prepare it ourselves. When we satisfactorily prepared it, we were given a certificate stating that we had completed the class. In my 65+ years, I had never completed a cooking class. Then we enjoyed a very national type of Korean lunch that consisted of rice and vegetables that were served in a roasting pot. After lunch we visited a fabulous museum to learn so much of the Korean history. All of the entire day was spent seeing parts of Seoul I had not experienced on my previous trip. It was extremely kind of the Korea Kennel Federation to organize this truly wonderful day. Rush hour traffic had set in and we did not get back to the hotel until nearly 5 PM. At 5:30, we met in

the lobby to drive to the 6:30 Welcome Dinner hosted by Dr. Park, President of the Korea Kennel Federation. Dr. Park is one of the most charming individuals you could ever meet. He is always so upbeat and his passion for the sport is contagious. It is so evident how much his co-workers and employees enjoy working with him. They all act like a family. It was a fairly long drive to the restaurant, but well worth the effort. The setting was beautiful and the food was fabulous. I was pleased we returned back to the hotel since Friday was a long day and I had not slept much the night before. Knowing I might not get lunch, I decided to have some breakfast. The hotel offered a very sumptuous buffet. Everyone gathered in the lobby shortly after 7 AM so we could depart for the venue at 7:10 AM. Since it was a Saturday, I was surprised how much traffic was on the highway. It was explained the following week would be their Thanksgiving and this weekend people would be doing a lot of shopping for the upcoming holiday. Saturday started with Chihuahuas, 9 smooth and 45 long coats and 37 Maltese. These were to be started at 8:30 and finished by 11 AM. You can see the judging moves fast with 91 dogs in 150 minutes. That is about 1 ½ minutes per dog compared to 2 ½ per dog in the US. This means the judges have to move along quickly and it is a lot of work for the stewards to get the dogs into the ring promptly. It really is an exhausting day for the stewards. Luckily they are very young people with lots of energy. The schedule does get slowed down at times when a breed has not finished on time in another ring. So then the second judge has to make up the tardiness from the first judge. I have to mention that there was tremendous depth in Long Coats. I have seen my winner next to top ones here at Westminster, the World Show in Helsinki, in Manila and his home country of Japan. Saturday I had tremendous depth for Best Baby in show also, Best Puppy and the regular BIS. Continued on page 131

Dog News 125


126 Dog News

Lovanium Celebrates Its 25th Anniversary Photos By KARL DONVIL


Mechelin, Belgium 2014 Photos By KARL DONVIL

Dog News 127

128 Dog News

Dog News 129


Alfonso Escobedo


Ashlie Whitmore

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Professional Dog Handlers



Sequel 4.15

Show Dogs Professionally Presented 84 Smith Road • Charlton MA 01507 617.797.7742 • 781.771.0022 Breeders of Portuguese Water Dogs



130 Dog News



Rick & Jenny Krieger, PHA

Korea Kennel Federation Continued FROM page 125

Each Best is placed one, two and three. For Best Baby there was a super brindle Frenchie bitch from the famous “De La Parue” kennels of Belgium. Best Puppy went to a stunning Pembroke. Korea and Japan are two countries now producing beautiful Pembrokes. BIS went to a fabulous Frenchie known as “Mr. Wow”. This dog hails from the famous kennel in England, “King Friend”. I am not sure how long this dog has been in South Korea, but it was the first time a Frenchie had ever gone BIS in South Korea. The line-up for Best was comparable to some of our better shows here in the US. After the very lengthily picture taking we left the venue around 7 PM. Here all of the pictures are not taken until the show ends. Dinner was back at the hotel and restaurant offered an excellent buffet. Sunday dawned early and it would be a longer day since I had 232 dogs plus the different groups. Saturday my largest entry was 59 Poms, but on Sunday my largest entries were 31 Bichons and 27 Frenchies. Asia is producing some wonderful Bichons and several from China have become our top winners in the US. My BOB winning Bichon went on to Reserve BIS. Although they entry was on 27 in Frenchies, the quality outweighed the quantity. There was a Junior dog bred by Kazumi Yamanaka of Japan. When Mike Billings judged the French Bulldog Club

of America in 2012, Perry Payson piloted her “Seena” dog to BOB. I understand this fabulous young dog, who shows like a Doberman, will be shown at our National in several days from now. I will be very anxious to see him against our very best. There were three Champion dogs and all three were World Class examples of the breed. My BOB was the dog I awarded BIS to the previous day. I just realized that Ch. King Friend Mr. Wow is sired by and out of De La Parue breeding. The Junior dog did not press the BOB winner very hard for the top award. In American Cockers there was a Black and Tan dog that could do extremely well in the States. The quality in Scotties was quite good because of some of the Russian breeders being present. It was interesting to have an entry of 11 Bedlingtons. I wish the show had been a three-day show so that I could have judged more breeds. There were a lot of breeds in the adjoining rings that I saw had top quality. I would have particularly enjoyed judging the Pembrokes. The ones that came into my Best line-ups were of very high quality. A young man won one of the four BIS with a wonderful Samoyed. This young man had lived here studying with Amy and Andrew Green. He is at the moment at our Samoyed National and I am sure his beautiful dog will be well received.

Due to a difference in airfare, probably because Monday was our Labor Day holiday, I flew home on Tuesday. Monday was a great treat not to have to get up before sunrise. A late leisurely breakfast was enjoyed with Agnes and her husband, who were leaving to visit their son in Thailand. One of the young handlers asked if I could join him and some clients for dinner Monday evening. There was a young man who showed his Pug and it was his first dog show ever. His dog was BOB. He asked if he could throw a celebration dinner at his fabulous Italian restaurant. It was very rewarding for me to meet so many of the young breeders and exhibitors and witness the great passion they have for the sport. I just wish we saw more young people like this in the US. At times I feel we are a dying sport in the US. We see so few young people who want to be real breeders. The Korea Kennel Federation made for such a memorable assignment for me. Dr. Parks and June Kim and a large committee went out of their way to meet not only our needs, but also our wants. I am happy to say within the next month I have assignments in China, Israel and Japan. Israel will be a great treat since I have never been to that part of the world. I am so saddened that Eukanuba pulled the World Challenge out of the AKC/Eukanuba show. It was always a highlight for us to see all the great dogs from around the world. The European division of Eukanuba decided to hold it in Amsterdam the very same time as our AKC/Eukanuba show. It will be live streaming and maybe at our show it could be shown on large screens. Hopefully in the future it can be held in conjunction with the World Shows. At SBKC we hold a Foreign Bred Competition. It usually attracts about 45 competing and the depth of quality is extremely high. It makes us realize what a tight knit family the sport is with so many of our top dogs coming from foreign countries. Dog News 131

O Jorge


& usie


132 Dog News


714-504-0674 714-504-1664


Professional Handlers 645 Quarry Road San Marcos, CA 92069

Matt & Sarah Perchick PHA & AKC Registered Handlers

139 Brevator Estates Old Monroe, MO 63369 Sarah 502-727-9314 Matt 561-635-8881 8.15

WKC Terrier Group Winners Continued FROM page 117

2014, 2013, 2004, 2002

2014, 1997, 1992, 1990, 1987, 1978, 1974, 1973, 1970, 1966, 1958, 1951, 1946, 1943, 1938, 1937, 1934, 1931, 1930, 1929, 1928, 1926

2014, 2013

2014, 1963, 1942

Dog News 133

Home with 16 Run (Large Dog) Kennels


Located between Indianapolls and Cincinnati in the heart of Midwest Dog Shows. All Mason Fence, Heated/AC, Indoor/Outdoor Runs. Tile Floors, Guillotine Doors, Heated 30’ X 60’ Indoor Training Room. Indoor Parking for 45’ RV, with Electric and Drain Hookups. Eight Large Fenced Outdoor Paddocks. Two (2) each 1 BR Apartments for Help, All on 15 scenic acres. Home is 4 BR, 3 Bath (2,400+ sq. ft.); Rock & Cedar Exterior, all Tile and Hardwood Floors. Possible Owner Financing. For Info & Photos email: or Call 812.689.3274


Fabulous upscale home

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134 Dog News



Kennel Management Position

Looking For An Experienced & Responsible Dog Person To Manage & Run Our Boarding Kennel While We Attend Dog Shows Live In & Salary

Show, boarding, grooming and training facility seeks professional minded individual for a management position. Obedience and Grooming skills a plus. Housing plus salary in Easton, Maryland. To apply please call 410 310-1348 or email: gregstrong@



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Fully Fenced Acres Includes 1536 Sq. Ft. House • 3 Bed/2 Full Bath, 2 Car Garage, Separate Indoor Outdoor Kennel Building W/Washing Area, In Addition 20 X 20 Toy Garage And Rv Parking W/Electric Call Sheila Hanna: 602 538-3232


Northern Arizona Home w/Kennel

Letters To

The Editor

FASHION GOES TO THE DOGS: BRITISH TAILOR OF BESPOKE CLOTHING LAUNCHES HOUND THEMED PASHMINA FOR CHARITY tailor of classic bespoke Dog News will consider all letters for publication but reserves the ABritish clothing is launching a right to edit these as required. Letters will not be considered for limited collection of canine-print pashminas and has pledged to publication unless full name and contact details are supplied, including donate part of her profits to the telephone number. Letters may be mailed to Dog News 1115 Broadway Kennel Club Charitable Trust (KCCT), a charity dedicated NY, NY 10010 or emailed to to supporting dog health and welfare. The pashminas, created by LETTER REGARDING “BABBLING; together! See the report by Matthew H. Stander Pip Howeson with artist Jeremy INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS” on the first meeting of the IPFD (International Houghton, will be launched at the ISSUE 36 Partnership For Dogs), which brought together Country Life Fair, held at Fulham I believe that it is very important to keep the members of kennel clubs in Finland, Sweden, Palace, London, SW1 on Saturday dog world international; I am not at all “fed up” Norway, Germany, and France, as well as the Kennel 27 and Sunday 28 September, reading about it, as Geir Flyckt-Pedersen worries. Club of Great Britain, and, please note, America’s and the original will be auctioned, During my short 10+ years in dogs, the dog world OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals). Where with the full proceeds going to has indeed changed. Some of my Whippet friends were AKC and the AKC canine health foundation? the KCCT. could not understand my interest in “foreign” So, how about trying to get AKC, FCI, and Pip Howeson is an Whippets in my early days. Now they do. And we other registries together? experienced tailor dedicated to Whippet breeders do have a clue about winning Eva Engvall rejuvenating the British textile Whippets in other part of the world; we just look Rancho Santa Fe, CA industries, and tailors classic them up on British coats, jackets, dresses and It is not surprising that there are differences REQUIRED READING, “TAKE THE LEAD” skirts. Her love of dogs inspired between the different major dog organizations Everyone should read the report of the founders her limited edition scarf designs, and registries of the world. Get everybody of Take the Lead. It appears in the Sept. 5 issue, and to celebrate their launch and should be read by everyone in the dog game. I anyone buying at the Country Life remember when Tom Bradley and Edd Bivin started Fair will have their initials, or the Statement of Ownership the program. They deserve our sincere thanks. Management and Circulation initials of a friend or loved one, I know for a fact how it has helped people and 1. Publication Name DOG NEWS 2. Publication Number 759-250. hand embroidered into the fabric. dogs with burned-out kennels and homes and with 3. Filing Date 9/26/14. 4. Issue Frequency - Weekly Except For Pip said: “The Kennel Club The Last Two Weeks In December. 5. Number Of Issues Published terminal illnesses. Annually 50. 6.Annual Subscription Price $150. 7. Complete MailCharitable Trust helps countless We here in Louisville have had a number of ing Address of Known Office of Publication - 1115 Broadway, 8th dogs in the UK through its very successful fundraisers for the organization. Floor, New York, N.Y.10010-2897 8. Complete Mailing Address of funding of research into dog Headquarters or General Business Office of Publisher 1115 BroadIt is the most beneficial and helpful and way 8th Floor New York N.Y. 10010-2897. 9. Full Names and Comhealth, support dogs and canine wonderful organization in the current dog world. plete Mailing Addresses of Publishers, Editor, and Managing Editor welfare, and as a dog lover myself, Publisher Harris Publications Inc. 1115 Broadway 8th Floor New We intend to keep supporting it, and that includes I wanted to raise money to help it. York NY 10010-2897. Editor Eugene Zaphiris 1115 Broadway 8th yours truly. Floor New York NY 10010-2897. Managing Editor Eugene Zaphiris “I am excited to be launching Sincerely, 1115 Broadway 8th Floor New York NY 10010-2897. 10. 0wner (if the limited edition pashminas at owned by a corporation its name and address must be stated and Dr. Richard F. Greathouse the Country Life Fair and enabling also immediately thereafter the names and addresses of stockholdTaylorsville, KY ers owning or holding 1 percent or more of the total amount of my customers to have initials stock. If not owned by a corporation, the names and addresses embroidered onto them adds of the individual owners must be given. If owned by a partnership or other unincorporated firm, its name and address as well as that an individual touch which will  of each individual must be given. If the publication is published by make a scarf a wonderfully a nonprofit organization its name and address must be stated.) personal gift. Jeremy Full name Harris Publications, Inc. 1115 Broadway 8th Floor New York NY 10010-2897. Stanley Harris 1115 Broadway 8th Floor Houghton is a talented artist New York NY 10010-2897. 11. Known Bondholders, Mortagees, and his paintings have helped and Other Security Holders Owning or Holding 1 Percent or More to create a bold and unique of Total Amount of Bonds, Mortgages, or Other Securities - none. 13. Publication name Dog News. 14. 1ssue Date for Circulation British product that will stay 9/19/2014. 15. Extent and Nature of Circulation (a) Total No. Copin style for years.” ies. (Net Press Run) Average No. Copies Each Issue During PrecedCaroline Kisko, Kennel ing 12 Months 3,300. Actual No. Copies of Single Issue Published Nearest at Filing Date 3,200. B. Paid and/or Requested Circulation Club Secretary, said: “Pip’s (1) Sales through dealers and carriers, Street Vendors, and Counter tailor-made pieces are Sales (Not Mailed) Average No. Copies Each Issue During Preceding timeless, like the UK’s many 12 Months 0. Actual No. Copies of Single Issue Published Nearest to filing Date 0. 2. Paid or Requested Mail Subscriptions (include wonderful breeds of pedigree Advertisers’ Proof Copies/Exchange Copies) Average No. Copies dog, so we are delighted that Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months 2,200. Actual No. Copies of Single Issue Published Nearest to Filing Date 2,100. C. Total she wanted to support the Paid and/or Requested Circulation (Sum of 15b1 and 15b2 AverKennel Club Charitable Trust age No. Copies Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months 2,227. in such a generous way. By Actual No. Copies of Single Issue Published Nearest to Filing Date 2,126. D. Free Distribution by Mail (Samples, Complimentary and buying one of her scarves, Other Free) Average No. Copies Each Issue During Preceding 12 dog lovers will look good in a Months 0. Actual No. Copies of Single Issue Published Nearest quality bespoke piece whilst to Filing Date 0. E. Free Distribution Outside the Mail (Carriers or Other Means) Average No. Copies Each Issue During Preceding helping dogs, so we would 12 Months 873. Actual No. Copies of Single Issue Published Neardefinitely recommend visiting est to Filing Date 874. F. Total Free Distribution (Sum of 15d and her at the Country Life Fair to 15e) Average No. Copies Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months 873. Actual No. copies of Single Issue Published Nearest to Filing take a look at them.” Date 874. G. Total Distribution (Sum of 15c and 15f) Average No. Find out more about Copies Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months 3,100 Actual No. Pip Howeson, visit www. Copies of Single Issue Published Nearest to Filing Date 3,000. H. Copies Not Distributed (1) Office Use. Leftovers, Spoiled Average No. Copies Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months 200. Actual More information on No. Copies of single issue Published Nearest to Filing Date 200.(2) Return From News Agents. Average No. Copies each Issue During the Kennel Club Charitable Preceding 12 Months 0. Actual No. Copies of Single Issue PubTrust can be found at www. lished Nearest to Filing Date 0. 15i Total (Sum of 15g, 1 5h(1), and 15h(2) - Average No. Copies Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months 3,300. Actual No Copies of Single Issue Published Nearest charitabletrust. to Filing Date 3,200. Percent Paid and/or Requested Circulation Laura Quickfall (15c/15gx100) Average No Copies Each Issue During Preceding  Londgon, England 12 Months 72%. Actual No Copies of Single Issue Published Nearest to Filing Date 71%. I Certify That All Information Furnished On This Form Is True And Complete (signed) Warren Sherman, CFO.


Dog News 135

Commercial Rate Card Available Upon Request

136 Dog News

Dog News The Digest

Of American Dogs

Presents Our Calendar of National Specialty Coverage

î § The Issue of October 10, 2014 î § St. Bernards contact Leslie Simis:

Portuguese Water Dogs contact Karen Justin:


We offer a special discount rate of $500.00 for a full page color and $225.00 for a full page black and white ad for the breeds listed above to participate in these issues. Anyone in the breeds listed above may advertise in these sections.

Q Dog News 137

Dog News The Digest

Of American Dogs

The Dog Show Calendar Lists All Breed & Group Shows Offered Through The Month Of November 2014

In order to further serve the fancy, Dog News will publish, on a monthly basis, the upcoming All Breed and Specialty Breed Show schedules including judging panels, show superintendents & closing dates. The Dog News 2015 Specialty, All Breed & Group Variety Dog Show Calendar will be available (in print form) the first week of November. SPECIAL CLUB ADVERTISING RATES:

Full Page Color: $600 prepaid • $675 billed Full Page B/W: $275 prepaid • $325 billed Half Page B/W: $200 prepaid • $275 billed 138 Dog News

NOVEMBER 1 - SATURDAY CA City of Industry* (O) SAN GABRIEL VALLEY KENNEL CLUB Industry Hills Exposition Center 16200 Temple Ave CLOSES: OCTOBER 15 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. P. BeiselMcIlwaine SPORTING Group: Mrs. L. M. Riedel Mr. E. J. Ringle: Brit Mrs. L. M. Riedel: All Pointers, All Retrievers, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, SpanAmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr Mrs. P. Nykiel: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. A. W. Krause Dr. A. W. Krause: Basset Mr. R. R. Frost: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. P. Nykiel Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Grt Dane Mr. E. J. Ringle: Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Bullm, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dobe, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Giant Schn Mrs. P. Nykiel: Balance of Working Breeds *No Classes: Sib Hky TERRIER Group: Mrs. R. Kramer Mr. K. E. Berg: Am Staff, Bdlgtn, Irish Ter, Min Bull Terrs, Min Schn Dr. A. W. Krause: Norwich Norfolk, Parson Russell, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Mrs. R. Kramer: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. J. R. Shoemaker Dr. A. W. Krause: Pood Toy Mr. J. R. Shoemaker: Silky Mr. K. E. Berg: Bruss Grif, Peke Mrs. M. Patterson: Chin Cr, Hava, I Greyhnd, Malt, Min Pin, Pap, Pom, Pug Mrs. R. Kramer: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. R. Frost Mr. R. R. Frost: Kees Dr. A. W. Krause: Pood, Schip, Shiba Inu, Tib Span, Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli Mr. J. R. Shoemaker: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. E. J. Ringle Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. E. J. Ringle Mr. E. J. Ringle: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. K. Moore: Nov A, Nov B, Open A Mrs. N. E. Craig: Open B, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. S. M. Cabral IN Fort Wayne (I) MARION KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Allen County Memorial Coliseum 4000 Parnell Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 15 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. C. T. Neale SPORTING Group: Mr. D. A. Johnson J. Hoke: Pntr-GS Mr. D. A. Johnson: Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab Mr. C. T. Neale: Span-Eng Ckr, Weim Mrs. K. Kahn: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. G. L. Doerge J. Lowther: Afghan Mr. D. A. Johnson: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. P. W. Neale Mrs. K. Kahn: Mast J. P. Wade: Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Bullm, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dobe, Dogue de Brdx Mrs. P. W. Neale: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. G. L. Doerge J. Hoke: Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Manch Ter, Welsh Ter Mr. G. L. Doerge: Austr, Cairn, Cesky Terrier, Dandie, Glen Imaal, Lakelnd, Skye Mr. R. E. Hutton: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. E. Hutton J. Hoke: Cav KC Spans Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Affenp, Hava, Eng Toy Sp, I Greyhnd, Pap Mr. R. E. Hutton: Peke, Pug, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr.: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. E. Hutton Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Fr Bull, Pood Mr. G. L. Doerge: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr. Mrs. P. W. Neale: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Bouv Mr. C. T. Neale: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. D. A. Johnson Mr. D. A. Johnson: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: J. Hoke SWEEPS PUPPY: Whip Amy Balthrop SWEEPS VETERANS: Whip Amy Balthrop

MO Gray Summit (I) GIANT SCHNAUZER CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (S) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: OCTOBER 15 Sue Fregien, SHW SEC, 24902 APPLE RD, WATERFORD, WI 53185 Dr. K. Anselm: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Kevin Schrum SWEEPS VETERANS Kevin Schrum MO Joplin* (I/O) TRI-STATE KENNEL CLUB, INC. Holiday Inn Convention Center & Hotel 3615 Range Line Rd. CLOSES: OCTOBER 15 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. G. D. Boulton SPORTING Group: Ms. M. Martorella Ms. M. Martorella: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. M. Martorella Mr. G. D. Boulton: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. G. K. Newton Mrs. D. M. Heck: Blk Russn Terrier Mr. G. K. Newton: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. D. M. Heck Mrs. D. M. Heck: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Dr. S. Keating Mrs. D. M. Heck: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Pap Dr. S. Keating: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. S. Keating Mr. H. C. Meierarend, Jr.: Bulldog Dr. S. Keating: Pood Mr. G. D. Boulton: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. D. M. Heck Mrs. D. M. Heck: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. G. D. Boulton Mr. G. D. Boulton: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. C. Cornell: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Versatility, Nov Wildc, Utl Wildc Ms. R. Bizer: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Veteran, Opn Wildc JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. G. D. Boulton MS Brandon* BRANDON KENNEL CLUB OF MISSISSIPPI Rankin County Multi-Purpose Pavilion Rankin County Pavilion 649 Marquette Rd. CLOSES: OCTOBER 15 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $23.50-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. L. Brown SPORTING Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Mrs. D. M. Brown: Ret-Ches, Ret-Flat, RetGold, Spin Ital, Vizs, Weim Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of Sporting Breeds

NM Rio Rancho (O) SPORTING DOG FANCIERS OF NEW MEXICO (S) Rio Rancho Sports Complex 3501 High Resort Blvd. CLOSES: OCTOBER 15 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd J. E. Gregory: Sporting Group, Brit, PntrGS, Ret-Gold, Set-Eng, Set-Irsh, Span-Wel Spr Mr. C. Coady: Pointer, Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Gord, Span-Ckr (Black), Span-Ckr (ASCOB), Span-Ckr (Parti), Span-Eng Spr, Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Spin Ital, Vizs, Weim, Wirehair and more Mrs. M. L. Clark: Ret-Lab, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Clum, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Suss Ms. J. N. Paulk: Jr. Showmanship OR Central Point* (I) SOUTHERN OREGON KENNEL CLUB Jackson County Fairgrounds--Oregon & Exposition Park 1 Peninger Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 15 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. R. Hertz SPORTING Group: A. D. Hussin Ms. D. K. Petersen: Ret-Curl K. Gaut: Set-Eng A. D. Hussin: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. D. K. Petersen E. Edwards: Saluki Mrs. C. R. Miller: Bgle, Borz Ms. D. K. Petersen: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. J. D. Zuver A. D. Hussin: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. C. Williams Ms. M. J. Carberry: Bdlgtn, Cesky Terrier, Dandie, Glen Imaal, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Sealym Mr. R. C. Williams: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. J. M. Allen Ms. J. M. Allen: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. J. M. Allen Ms. J. M. Allen: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: A. D. Hussin A. D. Hussin: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. J. M. Allen Ms. J. M. Allen: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. A. W. Eng: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. C. R. Miller

PA Bloomsburg* (I) BACK MOUNTAIN KENNEL CLUB, INC. Bloomsburg Fairgrounds West Third Street CLOSES: OCTOBER 15 12:00 p.m. Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. J. Goldstein SPORTING Group: Ms. S. R. Lyons Mr. R. Stein: Brit, All Spaniels, All Spaniels, Vizs, Weim HOUND Group: Mr. J. C. Briley Ms. S. R. Lyons: Balance of Sporting Breeds Mr. J. C. Briley: All Hound Breeds Group: Mrs. H. W. Stein WORKING Group: Mr. J. C. Briley HOUND Mr. S. H. McDonald: Ir Wolf Mr. J. C. Briley: All Working Breeds Mrs. J. Goldstein: Balance of Hound Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. B. D. AlderWORKING Group: Mr. R. Stein man Mr. R. Stein: Boxer, Dobe, Grt Dane Mrs. G. Geringer: All Terrier Breeds Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza: Balance of TOY Group: Mr. J. C. Briley Working Breeds Mr. J. C. Briley: Pug TERRIER Group: Ms. K. J. Ferris Mrs. G. Geringer: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. G. Mr. R. Stein: Staf Bull Ms. K. J. Ferris: Balance of Terrier Breeds Geringer TOY Group: R. N. Rella Mrs. B. D. Alderman: All Non-Sporting R. N. Rella: All Toy Breeds Breeds Group: Mrs. H. HERDING Group: Mrs. D. M. Brown NON-SPORTING W. Stein Mrs. D. M. Brown: GSD, Pemb-WC Mrs. H. W. Stein: All Non-Sporting Breeds Mrs. N. D. Simmons: Icelandic Shpdg, Nor HERDING Group: Mr. R. Stein Buhund, Pol Low Shp, Pyre Shep, Swed Mr. R. Stein: Fin Laph, GSD, Pol Low Shp, Vallhund Swed Vallhund Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of Herding Mr. S. H. McDonald: Balance of Herding Breeds Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. C. Briley Stein Mr. J. C. Briley: All Miscellaneous Breeds Mr. R. Stein: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. N. D. Simmons: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Ms. J. Lewis: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util Begnr Nov B A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility, Nov Wildc, Opn Mr. F. J. Washabaugh: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B Wildc, Utl Wildc Mrs. N. K. Withers: Grad Openr, Util A, JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. C. Briley Util B, Versatility NM Rio Rancho (O) JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. J. Goldstein CENTRAL NEW MEXICO BRITTANY CLUB Rio Rancho Sports Complex 3501 High Resort Blvd. TN Knoxville* (I) CLOSES: OCTOBER 15 TENNESSEE VALLEY KENNEL CLUB (S) Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Chilhowee Park FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd 3301 E. Magnolia Ave. Mrs. M. L. Clark: Breed, Jr. Showmanship CLOSES: OCTOBER 15 MB-F Inc., SUPT NM Rio Rancho (O) FEE: $29.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd GORDON SETTER CLUB OF AMERICA, Judges And Their Assignments INC. (S) BEST IN SHOW D. R. Holloway, Jr. Rio Rancho Sports Complex SPORTING Group: Mr. T. Stacy 3501 High Resort Blvd. Mrs. C. C. Sommerfelt: Pointer CLOSES: OCTOBER 15 D. R. Holloway, Jr.: Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, SetOnofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Irsh, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd IN Fort Wayne (I) Spr, Vizs, Weim J. E. Gregory: Breed, Jr. Showmanship MASTIFF CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (S) Mr. T. Stacy: Balance of Sporting Breeds SWEEPS PUPPY Allen County Memorial Coliseum HOUND Group: Mr. J. E. Juxi Barr 4000 Parnell Ave. Frederiksen CLOSES: OCTOBER 15 Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Hound Breeds Mark Tichenor, SHW SEC, PO BOX 828, WORKING Group: Mr. J. E. Noe C/O ROY JONES DOG SHOWS, AUBURN, D. R. Holloway, Jr.: Boxer, Dobe, PortuIN 46706 guese, Rottw Mr. W. E. Hempel: Breed Mr. J. E. Noe: Balance of Working Breeds SWEEPS PUPPY TERRIER Group: Mr. T. Stacy Jason Hoke Mr. T. Stacy: All Terrier Breeds SWEEPS VETERANS TOY Group: R. Holloway Jason Hoke Mrs. J. L. Stacy: Pap, Peke, Pom, Pug, Pood Toy, Shih Tzu Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: Balance of Toy Breeds

NON-SPORTING Group: R. Holloway R. Holloway: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. J. L. Stacy Mrs. J. L. Stacy: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Coll Mr. J. E. Noe: Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, GSD, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, OES Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: D. R. Holloway, Jr. D. R. Holloway, Jr.: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. H. Doan: Nov A, Nov B, Grad Novr, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility, Veteran Mrs. R. D. Doan: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Open A, Open B, POPN To Be Assigned: Nov Wildc, Opn Wildc, Utl Wildc JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. J. L. Stacy SWEEPS PUPPY: Bel Terv Pam Ledbetter SWEEPS VETERANS: Bel Terv Pam Ledbetter

MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. R. Kramer Mrs. R. Kramer: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. N. E. Craig: Nov A, Nov B, Open A Ms. K. Moore: Open B, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. R. R. Frost

IN Fort Wayne (I) NORTHEASTERN INDIANA KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Allen County Memorial Coliseum 4000 Parnell Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 15 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. D. A. Johnson SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. P. Patterson D. G. Sena, D.D.S.: Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Spr Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Pntr-GS, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Vizs Mr. D. A. Johnson: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. P. W. Neale Mr. D. A. Johnson: Afghan J. P. Wade: Amer English Coon, Am Fox Mr. C. T. Neale: Balance of Hound Breeds TX San Angelo* (I) WORKING Group: Mrs. K. Kahn CONCHO KENNEL CLUB, INC. Mr. C. T. Neale: Sib Hky San Angelo Fairgrounds J. P. Wade: Grt Dane, Rottw 43rd & Coliseum Dr. Mrs. P. W. Neale: Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolCLOSES: OCTOBER 15 Shep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Bullm, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dobe, Dogue FEE: $28.00-1st/ $26.00-2nd de Brdx, Mast Judges And Their Assignments Mrs. K. Kahn: Balance of Working Breeds BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. E. Garren TERRIER Group: C. Taylor SPORTING Group: Mr. T. Gomez C. Taylor: Austr, Cairn, Cesky Terrier, DanMr. G. Flyckt-Pedersen: Pointer, Pntr-GS, die, Glen Imaal, Lakelnd, Rat Terrier, Skye Ret-Gold, Set-Eng, Span-Eng Ckr, SpanMr. G. L. Doerge: Balance of Terrier Eng Spr, Span-Wel Spr, Vizs Breeds Mr. R. L. Robinson: Balance of Sporting TOY Group: C. Taylor Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. R. L. Robinson J. P. Wade: Toy Manch Mr. R. E. Hutton: Pom Mr. G. Flyckt-Pedersen: Borz, Dach, C. Taylor: Silky, Yorks Greyhnd, Ir Wolf, Whip Mr. R. L. Robinson: Amer English Coon, Am Mr. D. A. Johnson: Affenp, Hava, J Chin, Peke Fox, Bluetick Coon, Eng Fox, Harr, Ibizan, Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Bruss Grif, Cav KC Otter, Plott, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon Mr. R. E. Garren: Balance of Hound Breeds Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, Min Pin Mr. M. Taylor: Balance of Toy Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. A. L. NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. Gomez Mr. G. Flyckt-Pedersen: Boxer, Dobe, Giant P. Patterson Mr. M. Taylor: Pood Schn, Grt Dane, Std Schn Mrs. K. Kahn: Xoloitzcuintli Mrs. A. L. Gomez: Balance of Working J. P. Wade: Bichon, Boston, Bulldog, SharBreeds Pei, Fr Bull, Kees, Shiba Inu, Tib Span TERRIER Group: Mr. G. FlycktMr. R. E. Hutton: Balance of Non-Sporting Pedersen Breeds Mrs. A. L. Gomez: Am Staff, Austr, Manch HERDING Group: Mrs. P. W. Neale Ter, Min Schn, Soft Coated, Staf Bull Mr. G. Flyckt-Pedersen: Balance of Terrier Mr. C. T. Neale: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Bouv Breeds J. P. Wade: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Coll, TOY Group: Mrs. A. L. Gomez Pol Low Shp Mr. G. Flyckt-Pedersen: Toy Manch Mrs. K. Kahn: Balance of Herding Breeds Mrs. A. L. Gomez: Balance of Toy Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: J. P. NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. Wade L. Gomez J. P. Wade: All Miscellaneous Breeds Mr. G. Flyckt-Pedersen: Dalm, Fin Spitz JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. D. A. Johnson Mrs. A. L. Gomez: Balance of Non-SportSWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Wel Spr ing Breeds Mr. Kevin Flinn HERDING Group: Mrs. A. L. SWEEPS VETERANS: Span-Wel Spr Gomez Mr. Kevin Flinn Mr. G. Flyckt-Pedersen: Card-WC, Coll, GSD, Pemb-WC MO Gray Summit (I) Mrs. A. L. Gomez: Balance of Herding GIANT SCHNAUZER CLUB OF AMERICA, Breeds INC. MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. T. Purina Farms Gomez 300 Checkerboard Loop Mr. T. Gomez: All Miscellaneous Breeds CLOSES: OCTOBER 8 OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Sue Fregien, SHW SEC, 24902 APPLE RD, Col. M. Q. Chester: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr WATERFORD, WI 53185 Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util FEE: $35.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mrs. P. Hastings: Breed, Jr. Showmanship A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. T. Gomez MO Joplin* (I/O) NOVEMBER 2 - SUNDAY TRI-STATE KENNEL CLUB, INC. Holiday Inn Convention Center & Hotel CA City of Industry* (O) ANTELOPE VALLEY KENNEL CLUB, INC. 3615 Range Line Rd. CLOSES: OCTOBER 15 Industry Hills Exposition Center Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT 16200 Temple Ave FEE: $28.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd CLOSES: OCTOBER 15 Judges And Their Assignments Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT BEST IN SHOW Ms. M. Martorella Judges And Their Assignments SPORTING Group: Mr. J. A. BEST IN SHOW Mr. E. J. Ringle SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. Nykiel Fehring Mrs. L. Clark: Ret-Lab Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Weim Mr. E. Dziuk: Span-Eng Spr Mr. E. J. Ringle: Pointer, Span-Eng Spr P. S. Lambie: Vizs, Weim Mrs. L. M. Riedel: Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Dr. S. Keating: Balance of Sporting Breeds Span-Suss, Span-Wel Spr, Spin Ital, Vizs, HOUND Group: Mrs. F. H. Colonna Wirehair Ptg Grif, Wirehair Vizsla Mrs. P. Nykiel: Balance of Sporting Breeds P. S. Lambie: Pharaoh, RhoRidge, Whip Mr. E. Dziuk: Afghan, Am Fox, Basset, Bgle, HOUND Group: Mr. R. R. Frost Bloodhnd, Dach, Eng Fox, Harr, PBGV Mr. R. R. Frost: Basset Mrs. F. H. Colonna: Balance of Hound Mrs. R. Kramer: Afghan, Am Fox, Bgle, Bloodhnd, Borz, Eng Fox, Greyhnd, Harr, Ir Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. S. Keating Wolf, Plott, Saluki, ScotDeer, Whip Dr. A. W. Krause: Balance of Hound Breeds Mrs. L. Clark: Alas Mal P. S. Lambie: Mast WORKING Group: Mrs. L. M. Ms. M. Martorella: Balance of Working Riedel Breeds Mrs. P. Nykiel: Cane Corso Group: Mr. W. F. Potter, II Mrs. L. M. Riedel: Akita, Alas Mal, Anatol- TERRIER Mr. W. F. Potter, II: All Terrier Breeds Shep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Group: Mr. D. Sutton Bullm, Chinook, Dobe, Dogue de Brdx, Grm TOY Mr. E. Dziuk: Min Pin Pinscher, Giant Schn, Newf, Sib Hky Mr. J. A. Fehring: Pap Mr. E. J. Ringle: Balance of Working Dr. S. Keating: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav Breeds KC Spans TERRIER Group: Dr. A. W. Krause Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: All Terrier Breeds Mr. D. Sutton: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. D. TOY Group: Mrs. R. Kramer Sutton Mr. R. R. Frost: I Greyhnd P. C. Byrne: Bulldog Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Toy Manch Mr. D. Sutton: Pood Mrs. R. Kramer: Pood Toy Mrs. M. Patterson: Affenp, Cav KC Spans, Dr. S. Keating: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds Chihua, Shih Tzu, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, HERDING Group: Mr. G. K. Yorks Mr. J. R. Shoemaker: Balance of Toy Breeds Newton NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. R. Mr. G. K. Newton: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. W. Shoemaker F. Potter, II Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Fr Bull Mr. W. F. Potter, II: All Miscellaneous Mrs. R. Kramer: Pood Breeds Mrs. M. Patterson: Lhasa, Schip, Tib Ter OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. J. R. Shoemaker: Shiba Inu, Tib Span, Ms. R. Bizer: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Xoloitzcuintli Dr. A. W. Krause: Balance of Non-Sporting Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B Breeds Mr. C. Cornell: Grad Novr, Open A, HERDING Group: Ms. P. BeiselOpen B McIlwaine JR SHOWMANSHIP: P. S. Lambie Mrs. P. Nykiel: GSD Mr. R. R. Frost: Balance of Herding Breeds

Dog News 139

MS Brandon* BRANDON KENNEL CLUB OF MISSISSIPPI Rankin County Multi-Purpose Pavilion Rankin County Pavilion 649 Marquette Rd. CLOSES: OCTOBER 15 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $23.50-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. G. Geringer SPORTING Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mrs. G. Geringer: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mrs. K. B. Seriana: Bgle, Dach, Whip Mrs. G. Geringer: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mr. L. Brown: Akita, Alas Mal, Boxer, Dobe, Grt Dane, Rottw, Sam, Sib Hky Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Mrs. B. D. Alderman: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Mrs. B. D. Alderman: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mrs. K. B. Seriana: Dalm Mrs. G. Geringer: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. L. Brown Mrs. N. D. Simmons: Beauceron, Canaan, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph Mr. L. Brown: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. L. Brown Mr. L. Brown: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. N. D. Simmons: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility, Nov Wildc, Opn Wildc, Utl Wildc JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. K. B. Seriana NM Rio Rancho (O) SPORTING DOG FANCIERS OF NEW MEXICO (S) Rio Rancho Sports Complex 3501 High Resort Blvd. CLOSES: OCTOBER 15 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. C. Coady: Brit, Pntr-GS, Ret-Gold, Set-Eng, Set-Irsh, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Suss, Span-Wel Spr Mrs. M. L. Clark: Pointer, Pntr-GW, RetChes, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Gord, Span-Ckr (Black), Span-Ckr (ASCOB), Span-Ckr (Parti), Span-Eng Spr, Span-Irw, Spin Ital, Vizs, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif, and more J. E. Gregory: Ret-Lab, Span-Eng Ckr, Misc Breeds , Lag Rom Mrs. D. Slatton: Span-Clum, Span-Fld OR Central Point* (I) SOUTHERN OREGON KENNEL CLUB Jackson County Fairgrounds--Oregon & Exposition Park 1 Peninger Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 15 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. J. D. Zuver SPORTING Group: Mr. E. M. Gilbert, Jr. Dr. R. Hertz: Brit, Pntr-GS, Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Set-Eng, SetGord, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-Irw, Spin Ital, Vizs, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mr. E. M. Gilbert, Jr.: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. E. M. Gilbert, Jr. Mr. B. P. Duggan: Ir Wolf, Saluki Mrs. P. H. Gilbert: ScotDeer, Whip Mr. E. M. Gilbert, Jr.: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: A. D. Hussin Mrs. P. H. Gilbert: Cane Corso, Dogue de Brdx Mrs. J. D. Zuver: Akita, Blk Russn Terrier, Chinook, Grm Pinscher, Kom, Leonberger, Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, St Bern, Tibtn Mastiff Dr. R. Hertz: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. V. L. Smith Ms. V. L. Smith: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: A. D. Hussin A. D. Hussin: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: A. D. Hussin Mrs. P. H. Gilbert: Norwegian Lndhnd A. D. Hussin: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Dr. R. Hertz Mrs. J. D. Zuver: Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, Pol Low Shp, Pyre Shep Dr. R. Hertz: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: A. D. Hussin A. D. Hussin: All Miscellaneous Breeds BISOH Group: A. D. Hussin NOHS SPORTING Group: Dr. R. Hertz Dr. R. Hertz: Brit, Pntr-GS, Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Set-Eng, SetGord, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-Irw, Spin Ital, Vizs, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mr. E. M. Gilbert, Jr.: Balance of NOHS Sporting Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. C. S. Wray: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. P. H. Gilbert

140 Dog News

PA Bloomsburg* (I) BACK MOUNTAIN KENNEL CLUB, INC. Bloomsburg Fairgrounds West Third Street CLOSES: OCTOBER 15 12:00 p.m. Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. Stein SPORTING Group: Mr. S. H. McDonald Ms. S. M. Petermann: Pntr-GS, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Weim Ms. S. R. Lyons: Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Span-Suss, Span-Wel Spr Mr. S. H. McDonald: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. J. Goldstein Mrs. H. W. Stein: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza Mr. S. H. McDonald: Boxer, Dobe, Grt Dane Mr. R. Stein: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: R. N. Rella R. N. Rella: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. J. Goldstein Mrs. J. Goldstein: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. S. R. Lyons R. N. Rella: Pood Ms. S. R. Lyons: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza Mrs. S. Greendale-Paveza: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. H. W. Stein Mrs. H. W. Stein: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. F. J. Washabaugh: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B Ms. J. Lewis: Grad Novr, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A Mrs. N. K. Withers: Open A, Util B, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: T. Cramsey TN Knoxville* (I) TENNESSEE VALLEY KENNEL CLUB (S) Chilhowee Park 3301 E. Magnolia Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 15 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW R. Holloway SPORTING Group: Mr. J. E. Noe Mr. J. E. Noe: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. T. Stacy Ms. L. Palarik: Whip Mr. T. Stacy: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: D. R. Holloway, Jr. Mr. J. E. Noe: Boxer, Dobe, Portuguese, Rottw Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: Berns Mtn, Cane Corso, Dogue de Brdx, Sam, Sib Hky D. R. Holloway, Jr.: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. J. L. Stacy Mrs. J. L. Stacy: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen R. Holloway: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. J. L. Stacy Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. L. Palarik Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: Coll Mr. J. E. Noe: Pemb-WC, Pol Low Shp, Pulik Mrs. J. L. Stacy: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Brdr Coll, Bouv, Briard, Canaan, Card-WC Ms. L. Palarik: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: R. Holloway R. Holloway: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. R. D. Doan: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility, Veteran Mr. H. Doan: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, POPN To Be Assigned: Nov Wildc, Opn Wildc, Utl Wildc JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. L. Palarik SWEEPS PUPPY: Bel Terv Edna Hodges SWEEPS VETERANS: Bel Terv Edna Hodges TX San Angelo* (I) CONCHO KENNEL CLUB, INC. San Angelo Fairgrounds 43rd & Coliseum Dr. CLOSES: OCTOBER 15 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $26.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. L. Robinson SPORTING Group: Mr. R. L. Robinson Mr. T. Gomez: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. R. E. Garren Mr. R. E. Garren: Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Bluetick Coon, Eng Fox, Harr, Ibizan, Otter, Plott, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon Mr. R. L. Robinson: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. T. Gomez Mr. T. Gomez: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. E. Garren Mr. R. E. Garren: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. E. Garren Mr. R. E. Garren: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. E. Garren Mr. R. E. Garren: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. A. Inman Mrs. A. Inman: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. A. Inman Mrs. A. Inman: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. A. Inman

NOVEMBER 2 - SUNDAY thru NOVEMBER 4 - TUESDAY CA San Diego (I/O) ALASKAN MALAMUTE CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (3) Kona Kai Resort 1551 Shelter Island Drive CLOSES: OCTOBER 8 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Mrs. C. Walkowicz: Breed, Jr. Showmanship

NOVEMBER 3 - MONDAY CA San Diego (I/O) ALASKAN MALAMUTE CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (P) Kona Kai Resort 1551 Shelter Island Drive Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT SWEEPS PUPPY: Alas Mal Carol Williams SWEEPS VETERANS: Alas Mal Carol Williams NOVEMBER 5 - WEDNESDAY CA San Diego (I/O) ALASKAN MALAMUTE CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (P) Kona Kai Resort 1551 Shelter Island Drive Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT MATURITY: Alas Mal FUTURITY: Alas Mal MD Salisbury* (I) TALBOT KENNEL CLUB, INC. Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Glen Ave. at Civic Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $28.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW M. GutierrezOtero SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. K. Steidel Mrs. N. D. Simmons: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. G. K. Newton Mrs. C. K. Steidel: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. N. D. Simmons C. S. Anderson: AnatolShep, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dogue de Brdx Mr. B. Meyer: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: P. GutierrezOtero M. Gutierrez-Otero: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: C. S. Anderson P. Gutierrez-Otero: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: P. Gutierrez-Otero C. S. Anderson: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. B. Meyer M. R. Moses: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, GSD Mr. G. K. Newton: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. G. K. Newton Mr. G. K. Newton: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. M. McCloskey: Nov A, Nov B C. A. Knight: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Open A, Open B Dr. R. H. Knight: Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. C. K. Steidel

NOVEMBER 6 - THURSDAY AL Decatur (I) DECATUR ALABAMA KENNEL CLUB Morgan Co Celebration Arena 67 Horse Center Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. D. Hansen SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. H. Atlee Mr. H. Atlee: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. C. Meyer Mr. H. Atlee: AnatolShep, Leonberger Mrs. C. Meyer: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. C. Meyer Ms. J. M. Allen: Manch Ter Mrs. C. Meyer: Lakelnd, Min Schn, Norwich Norfolk, Parson Russell, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd C. Gray: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. J. M. Allen Ms. J. M. Allen: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. J. M. Allen M. Quesada: Bulldog Mr. H. Atlee: Kees Mrs. D. Hansen: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. T. W. Coen Mr. T. W. Coen: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: M. Quesada CA San Diego (I/O) ALASKAN MALAMUTE CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (P) Kona Kai Resort 1551 Shelter Island Drive Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT SWEEPS PUPPY: Alas Mal Karyn Colman SWEEPS VETERANS: Alas Mal Karyn Colman

CO Pueblo* (I) SPORTING DOG CLUB OF COLORADO SPRINGS (S) Colorado State Fairgrounds Beaulah & Summit St. CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Ms. P. Davern: Sporting Group, Brit, Pointer, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, RetLab, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, SpanClum, Span-Ckr (Black), Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Ckr (ASCOB), Span-Ckr (Parti), Span-Eng Spr, Span-Fld, and more Mrs. B. H. Humer: Pntr-GS, Pntr-GW, Ret-Gold, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Eng, Set-Gord, Set-Irsh, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Spin Ital, Vizs, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif, Wirehair Vizsla, Misc Breeds , Lag Rom, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. M. Little: Obedience MD Salisbury* (I) TALBOT KENNEL CLUB, INC. Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Glen Ave. at Civic Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $28.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. G. K. Newton SPORTING Group: Mrs. N. D. Simmons Mrs. C. K. Steidel: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. C. K. Steidel Mr. G. K. Newton: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. B. Meyer C. S. Anderson: Kom, Leonberger, Nepltn Mastiff, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mrs. N. D. Simmons: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: M. GutierrezOtero P. Gutierrez-Otero: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: P. Gutierrez-Otero C. S. Anderson: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: C. S. Anderson M. Gutierrez-Otero: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: M. GutierrezOtero Mr. B. Meyer: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: C. S. Anderson C. S. Anderson: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES C. A. Knight: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B Dr. R. H. Knight: Open A, Open B Mrs. M. McCloskey: Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. B. Meyer MI Kalamazoo* (I) PONTIAC KENNEL CLUB, INC. Kalamazoo Co Fairgrounds 2900 Lake St CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. E. Liebes SPORTING Group: Dr. R. D. Smith Mr. J. Richardson: Span-Clum, Span-Ckr, Span-Fld, Span-Wel Spr, Spin Ital Dr. R. D. Smith: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. P. D. Smith Mr. J. Richardson: RhoRidge Mrs. P. D. Smith: Amer English Coon, Harr, Treeing Walker Coon Dr. R. D. Smith: B & T Coonhnd, Bluetick Coon, Ibizan, Pharaoh, Plott, Redbone Coon Dr. E. Liebes: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. E. J. Ringle Mr. J. Richardson: Grt Dane Mrs. P. D. Smith: Sib Hky Miss V. L. Lyne: Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Leonberger, Mast, Portuguese, Rottw, Sam Mr. E. J. Ringle: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. Richardson Mr. J. Richardson: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Miss V. L. Lyne Mr. D. Vice: Cav KC Spans, Yorks Mr. S. J. Kobrzycki: Peke, Pom, Pood Toy Mrs. W. M. Kobrzycki: Bruss Grif, Chihua, Malt, Pap Miss V. L. Lyne: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. D. Vice Mr. S. J. Kobrzycki: Fr Bull, Pood, Schip Mr. D. Vice: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. P. D. Smith Ms. S. J. Carr: AustrlShep, OES Mrs. P. D. Smith: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. D. Vice Mr. D. Vice: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. J. B. Showman: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. Richardson MO Springfield (I) NORTH ARKANSAS KENNEL CLUB Missouri Entertainment & Events Center N Grant Ave & Norton Rd. CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW J. E. Gregory SPORTING Group: Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson Mrs. A. D. Hearn: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. J. A. ReeveNewson J. E. Gregory: All Hound Breeds

WORKING Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: AnatolShep J. E. Gregory: Gtr Swiss Mtn Mr. C. M. Wakefield: Nepltn Mastiff, Rottw Mrs. C. A. Wilson: Akita, Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Bullm, Grt Dane, Grt Pyr, Kuv, Mast, Newf, St Bern, Sib Hky, Std Schn Mr. J. R. Cole: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. A. D. Hearn J. E. Gregory: Norwich Mr. J. R. Cole: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mr. C. M. Wakefield: Min Pin Mrs. A. D. Hearn: Pug Mr. J. R. Cole: Chihua, J Chin, Shih Tzu, Pood Toy J. E. Gregory: Hava, Eng Toy Sp, I Greyhnd, Toy Manch, Silky Ms. B. Capstick: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson Mrs. C. A. Wilson: Dalm Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: Schip Mr. C. M. Wakefield: Bichon, Chow Mrs. A. D. Hearn: Boston, Bulldog J. E. Gregory: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson Mrs. C. A. Wilson: AustrlShep J. E. Gregory: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv Mr. J. R. Cole: Briard, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, GSD, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: J. E. Gregory J. E. Gregory: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. B. Capstick OK Oklahoma City (I) BULLDOG CLUB OF AMERICA Biltmore Hotel Oklahoma 401 S Meridian CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 Cara Robinson, SHW SEC, 7969 HIGHWAY 270, HOLDENVILLE, OK 74848 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $28.00-2nd Mrs. N. E. Harrison: Breed

NOVEMBER 6 - THURSDAY thru NOVEMBER 8 - SATURDAY CA San Diego (I/O) ALASKAN MALAMUTE CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (3) Kona Kai Resort 1551 Shelter Island Drive CLOSES: OCTOBER 8 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Mrs. S. K. Weston: Breed, Jr. Showmanship

NOVEMBER 7 - FRIDAY AK Palmer (I) ALASKA HERDING GROUP CLUB Alaska State Fairgrounds 2075 Glenn Highway Mile 40 CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mrs. B. J. Patrick: Herding Group, Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Brdr Coll, Bouv, Briard, Canaan, Card-WC, Coll (Rough), Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, Coll (Smooth), GSD, and more AK Palmer (I) WORKING GROUP DOG CLUB OF ALASKA Alaska State Fair Grounds 2075 Glenn Highway CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00 Mr. V. P. Chianese: Working Group, Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Bullm, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dobe, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Giant Schn, Grt Dane, Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kom, Kuv, and more AL Decatur (I) DECATUR ALABAMA KENNEL CLUB Morgan Co Celebration Arena 67 Horse Center Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. J. M. Allen SPORTING Group: B. P. Threlfall B. P. Threlfall: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: B. P. Threlfall Mr. T. W. Coen: Dach B. P. Threlfall: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. G. C. Kelly Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: Border Mr. P. R. Brodeur: Bull Ter, Min Bull Terrs Mrs. G. C. Kelly: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. D. Hansen Mrs. G. C. Kelly: Affenp, Chin Cr, Min Pin, Peke, Pug, Shih Tzu, Yorks Mrs. D. Hansen: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. Hansen Mr. R. J. Spivey, III: Bulldog Ms. J. M. Allen: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. C. Meyer D. Nordby: Card-WC, Coll, Pemb-WC, Shetld Mrs. C. Meyer: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. C. Meyer Mrs. C. Meyer: All Miscellaneous Breeds BISOH Group: B. P. Threlfall JR SHOWMANSHIP: D. Nordby

WORKING Group: Dr. R. I. Spritzer J. G. Reynolds: Boxer Mr. G. K. Newton: Berns Mtn, Bullm, Dobe, Grt Dane, Newf, Rottw, Sam, Sib Hky Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. L. C. Hutchinson Mrs. L. C. Hutchinson: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. M. J. Underwood Ms. M. J. Underwood: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: M. Gutierrez-Otero Ms. M. J. Underwood: Bichon, Coton de Tulear, Dalm, Lhasa J. G. Reynolds: Boston, Pood, Shiba Inu, Xoloitzcuintli P. Gutierrez-Otero: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. G. K. Newton Mrs. K. B. Ashe: Beard Coll, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Card-WC, Coll, OES, Pemb-WC M. Gutierrez-Otero: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. K. B. Ashe Mrs. K. B. Ashe: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES T. G. McCall: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B Mr. M. C. Carlucci: Open A, Open B Mr. R. J. Squires: Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. M. J. Underwood


CA Napa (I/O) WINE COUNTRY KENNEL CLUB (S) Napa Valley Exposition Third ST And Silverado Trail CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $32.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman SPORTING Group: Mr. R. D. Ennis Ms. K. A. Cowsert: Pntr-GW, Ret-Curl, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, SpanAmW, Span-Boykin B. DiDonato: Brit, Pointer, Pntr-GS, RetChes, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, All Setters AK Palmer (I) Mr. R. D. Ennis: Balance of Sporting Breeds WORKING GROUP DOG CLUB OF HOUND Group: Mr. D. J. Smyth ALASKA Mr. R. E. Hutton: Ir Wolf, Saluki, Whip Alaska State Fair Grounds J. P. Wade: Nor Elk, Otter, PBGV, Pha2075 Glenn Highway raoh, Plott, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon, CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 RhoRidge, ScotDeer, Treeing Walker Coon BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT Mr. D. J. Smyth: Balance of Hound Breeds FEE: $28.00 WORKING Group: Mr. A. W. Mrs. J. E. Treiber: Working Group, Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Woodfork Terrier, Boxer, Bullm, Cane Corso, Chinook, Mr. R. D. Ennis: Boxer, Grt Dane Dobe, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Giant J. P. Wade: Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Leonberger Schn, Grt Dane, Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Mr. A. W. Woodfork: Cane Corso, PortuKom, Kuv, and more guese, Rottw, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff AL Decatur (I) Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman: Balance of Working BULLDOG CLUB OF AMERICA Breeds Morgan Co Celebration Arena TERRIER Group: Mr. N. L. Patton 67 Horse Center Rd Mr. N. L. Patton: Bull Ter, Cesky Terrier, Fox CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Glen Imaal, Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT MI Kalamazoo* (I) Kerry, Min Bull Terrs, Parson Russell, Rat FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd GREATER MUSKEGON KENNEL CLUB Terrier, Russel Terr, Staf Bull M. R. Kennedy: Breed Kalamazoo Co Fairgrounds Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Balance of Terrier 2900 Lake St Breeds AL Decatur (I) CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 TOY Group: Mr. D. J. Kirkland HUNTSVILLE KENNEL CLUB (S) MB-F Inc., SUPT Mr. R. E. Hutton: Affenp, Pug Morgan Co Celebration Arena FEE: $29.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd R. Bohannon: Bruss Grif, Pom, Pood Toy, 67 Horse Center Rd Judges And Their Assignments Shih Tzu CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 BEST IN SHOW Mr. E. J. Ringle Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman: Chihua, Malt, Min Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT SPORTING Group: Mr. J. RichPin, Pap, Peke, Silky, Yorks CO Pueblo* (I) FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Balance of Toy Breeds SOUTHERN COLORADO KENNEL CLUB, ardson Judges And Their Assignments Miss V. L. Lyne: Span-Clum NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. INC. BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. M. Bazell Mr. J. Richardson: Pntr-GS, Pntr-GW, RetE. Hutton Colorado State Fairgrounds SPORTING Group: Ms. M. Gold, Ret-Lab, All Setters, Span-Eng Ckr, R. Bohannon: Pood Beaulah & Summit St. Martorella Span-Eng Spr, Weim Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 Mrs. D. M. Brown: Spin Ital Mr. E. J. Ringle: Balance of Sporting Breeds Ms. M. Martorella: Balance of Sporting Mr. R. D. Ennis: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Boston, Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT HOUND Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Breeds Schip, Shiba Inu, Tib Span FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Col. J. B. Purkhiser: All Hound Breeds Mr. R. E. Hutton: Balance of Non-Sporting Judges And Their Assignments HOUND Group: Mrs. P. A. WORKING Group: Miss V. L. Lyne Mowbray-Morgan Breeds BEST IN SHOW Ms. S. I. Wheat Mr. D. W. Haddock: Grt Pyr, Portuguese, HERDING Group: J. P. Wade SPORTING Group: Mrs. K. Mr. S. Deans: Dach Rottw J. P. Wade: All Herding Breeds Meredith-Cavanna Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: Balance of Mr. E. J. Ringle: Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Leon- Hound Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. A. Mr. S. H. McDonald: Brit, Ret-Lab, Spanberger, Mast, Sam W. Woodfork Eng Ckr, Span-Irw, Span-Suss, Span-Wel WORKING Group: Mr. B. Meyer Miss V. L. Lyne: AnatolShep, Blk Russn Ter- Ms. W. Teach: Mast Mr. A. W. Woodfork: All Miscellaneous Spr rier, Chinook, Grm Pinscher, Kom, Nepltn Breeds Mr. A. Berrios: Ret-Ches, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Mr. J. M. Bazell: Newf Mastiff Span-Clum, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Mr. B. Meyer: Balance of Working Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: R. Bohannon Dr. R. D. Smith: Cane Corso, Gtr Swiss Mtn, TERRIER SWEEPS PUPPY: Bulldog Span-Fld, Wirehair Ptg Grif Group: Mrs. D. Hansen Lesley DeHaas Mr. D. L. Evans: Balance of Sporting Breeds Kuv, Newf, St Bern, Sib Hky, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. R. Sharp: Bull Ter, Min Bull Terrs Mr. D. Vice: Balance of Working Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. A. Berrios Mrs. M. E. Klingler: Am Staff, Austr, Border, TERRIER Group: Dr. R. D. Smith CO Pueblo* (I) Mr. S. H. McDonald: Ir Wolf Cesky Terrier, Lakelnd, Parson Russell, Dr. R. D. Smith: All Terrier Breeds SOUTHERN COLORADO KENNEL CLUB, Mr. A. Berrios: Balance of Hound Breeds Scotti, Skye, Soft Coated TOY Group: Mrs. P. D. Smith WORKING Group: Dr. W. V. Mrs. D. Hansen: Balance of Terrier Breeds INC. (S) Dr. R. D. Smith: Cav KC Spans Colorado State Fairgrounds Spediacci TOY Group: Mrs. M. E. Klingler Mrs. P. D. Smith: Balance of Toy Breeds Beaulah & Summit St. Ms. S. I. Wheat: Alas Mal Mrs. M. E. Klingler: Peke, Pom, Pug, Shih NON-SPORTING Group: Miss V. CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 Mr. S. H. McDonald: Dobe Tzu, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Mr. B. Busby: Akita, Boxer, Bullm, Grt Dane, L. Lyne Mr. J. M. Bazell: Balance of Toy Breeds Miss V. L. Lyne: All Non-Sporting Breeds FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Mast, Newf, St Bern, Sib Hky NON-SPORTING Group: M. R. HERDING Group: Dr. E. Liebes Judges And Their Assignments Mrs. K. Meredith-Cavanna: Balance of Kennedy Mr. E. J. Ringle: AustrlShep BEST IN SHOW Mr. D. L. Evans Working Breeds Mrs. M. E. Klingler: Shar-Pei Dr. R. D. Smith: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv SPORTING Group: Mr. A. Berrios TERRIER Group: Mr. R. D. Black Mr. J. M. Bazell: Pood Dr. E. Liebes: Balance of Herding Breeds Mr. A. Berrios: All Pointers, Ret-Gold Mr. D. L. Evans: Staf Bull Ms. W. Teach: Boston, Bulldog, Fr Bull MISCELLANEOUS Group: Col. J. Mr. D. L. Evans: Brit, Ret-Lab, Span-Ckr, Mr. R. D. Black: Airdle, Am Staff, Bull Ter, M. R. Kennedy: Balance of Non-Sporting B. Purkhiser Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Span-Fld, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Glen Breeds Col. J. B. Purkhiser: All Miscellaneous Imaal, Irish Ter, Lakelnd, Min Bull Terrs, HERDING Group: Mrs. D. M. Brown Span-Irw, Span-Suss, Span-Wel Spr Breeds Mr. S. H. McDonald: Balance of Sporting Skye, Soft Coated S. Christie: Coll OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Breeds Mr. B. R. Edwards: Balance of Terrier Mrs. H. G. Smith: Beard Coll, Shetld Mr. J. B. Showman: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr HOUND Group: Mrs. S. D. Limoges Breeds Mrs. D. M. Brown: Balance of Herding Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open Mr. A. Berrios: Ir Wolf TOY Group: Mrs. S. D. Limoges Breeds A, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Mrs. S. D. Limoges: Amer English Coon, Am Mr. B. R. Edwards: Toy Manch MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. Versatility Fox, Bluetick Coon, Eng Fox, Harr, Port Pd Mrs. S. D. Limoges: Pug, Shih Tzu M. Bazell JR SHOWMANSHIP: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Peq, Treeing Walker Coon Dr. W. V. Spediacci: Hava, Peke, Pom Mr. J. M. Bazell: All Miscellaneous Breeds Mrs. K. Meredith-Cavanna: Balance of Ms. S. I. Wheat: Balance of Toy Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. M. Bazell MO Springfield (I) Hound Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. S. NORTH ARKANSAS KENNEL CLUB WORKING Group: Mrs. K. I. Wheat AL Decatur (I) Missouri Entertainment & Events Center Meredith-Cavanna Dr. W. V. Spediacci: All Non-Sporting SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB OF N Grant Ave & Norton Rd. Ms. S. I. Wheat: Akita Breeds GREATER BIRMINGHAM, INC. CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 Mr. S. H. McDonald: Boxer HERDING Group: Mr. B. R. Morgan Co Celebration Arena Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT Mr. B. Busby: Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Dobe, Edwards 67 Horse Center Rd FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Rottw Mr. S. H. McDonald: AustrlShep CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 Judges And Their Assignments Mr. A. Berrios: Grt Dane, Mast, Newf, Mr. B. R. Edwards: Card-WC, Pemb-WC, Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT BEST IN SHOW Dr. J. A. ReevePortuguese, Sib Hky Shetld FEE: $27.00 Newson Dr. W. V. Spediacci: Balance of Working Mrs. S. D. Limoges: Balance of Herding S. Christie: Breed SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. D. Breeds Breeds Hearn TERRIER Group: Mr. B. R. Edwards MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. AZ Tucson* (O) J. E. Gregory: Span-Wel Spr Mr. B. Busby: Staf Bull D. Black MADERA CANYON KENNEL CLUB Mr. J. R. Cole: Balance of Sporting Breeds Rillito Park CO Park Mrs. S. D. Limoges: Glen Imaal, Soft Mr. R. D. Black: All Miscellaneous Breeds HOUND Group: J. E. Gregory Coated OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES 4502 North 1st Ave. Mr. D. L. Evans: Airdle, Am Staff, Bull Ter, Mrs. J. K. Jones: Nov A, Grad Novr, Open Mr. J. R. Cole: Basset, Bgle, Bloodhnd, Eng CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 Fox, Harr, Ibizan, Nor Elk, Otter, PBGV, Cairn, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), A, Open B Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Pharaoh, Port Pd Peq Irish Ter, Kerry, Lakelnd, Min Bull Terrs, Mrs. L. Hause: Nov B, Grad Openr, Util FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: Balance of Hound Judges And Their Assignments Skye A, Util B Breeds Mr. R. D. Black: Balance of Terrier Breeds J. Nocilly: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B BEST IN SHOW J. Hoke WORKING Group: J. E. Gregory SPORTING Group: Ms. S. I. Wheat To Be Assigned: Nov Wildc, Opn Wildc, Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve TOY Ms. B. Capstick: AnatolShep Dr. W. V. Spediacci: Pap, Pug, Shih Tzu Utl Wildc Mrs. S. D. Hemminger: Ret-Ches J. E. Gregory: Boxer Mrs. S. D. Limoges: Balance of Toy Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. B. Busb Mrs. (. Hardin: Pntr-GS, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Mrs. A. F. Brown: Dobe, St Bern NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. W. Ret-Gold, Ret-Nova Scotia T Mr. J. R. Cole: Alas Mal, Mast, Newf, Rottw Mrs. C. Walkowicz: Balance of Sporting V. Spediacci MD Salisbury* (I) Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: Balance of Work- Breeds Ms. S. I. Wheat: All Non-Sporting Breeds SALISBURY MARYLAND KENNEL CLUB, ing Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. S. D. INC. HOUND Group: Mr. E. R. White TERRIER Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Limoges Wicomico Youth & Civic Center J. Hoke: Bgle, Dach, Whip Mrs. A. D. Hearn: All Terrier Breeds Glen Ave. at Civic Ave. Mr. E. R. White: Balance of Hound Breeds Mr. B. Busby: GSD TOY Group: Ms. B. Capstick CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 WORKING Group: Mrs. D. Cozart Ms. S. I. Wheat: Swed Vallhund J. E. Gregory: Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Mrs. C. Walkowicz: Giant Schn, Std Schn, Mr. S. H. McDonald: Canaan, Card-WC, MB-F Inc., SUPT Cr, J Chin, Pug, Shih Tzu, Pood Toy Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Pemb-WC, Pulik, FEE: $30.00-1st/ $27.00-2nd Tibtn Mastiff Mrs. A. D. Hearn: Balance of Toy Breeds Judges And Their Assignments C. A. Herbel: Bullm, Grt Pyr, Mast, Sib Hky Shetld Group: J. E. Mr. B. R. Edwards: Balance of Herding BEST IN SHOW P. Gutierrez-Otero NON-SPORTING Mr. R. J. Shreve: Balance of Working Breeds SPORTING Group: J. G. Reynolds Gregory Breeds Mrs. A. D. Hearn: Schip *Pending: Pol Low Shp P. Gutierrez-Otero: Vizs TERRIER Group: Ms. K. J. Ferris Ms. B. Capstick: Bichon, Kees, Lhasa, Pood G. L. Myers: Border MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. S. J. G. Reynolds: Brit, All Pointers, Ret-Ches, Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: Boston, Bulldog, H. McDonald Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Span-Wel Ms. K. J. Ferris: Balance of Terrier Breeds Chow, Fr Bull Mr. S. H. McDonald: All Miscellaneous Spr, Spin Ital, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif, TOY Group: Dr. D. W. Dowling Mr. J. R. Cole: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds Wirehair Vizsla Mr. J. C. Walton: All Toy Breeds Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. K. B. Ashe: Balance of Sporting NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. HERDING Group: J. E. Gregory J. Nocilly: Nov A, Grad Novr, Open A, Breeds Cozart J. E. Gregory: AustrlShep, Card-WC Open B HOUND Group: Mrs. K. B. Ashe G. L. Myers: Dalm Ms. B. Capstick: Balance of Herding Breeds Mrs. D. Cozart: Balance of Non-Sporting Mrs. J. K. Jones: Nov B, Grad Openr, Util M. Gutierrez-Otero: Bloodhnd, Bluetick MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. A. A, Util B Coon, Borz, Dach Breeds D. Hearn Mrs. L. Hause: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B P. Gutierrez-Otero: Balance of Hound HERDING Group: Mrs. C. Mrs. A. D. Hearn: All Miscellaneous Breeds Walkowicz To Be Assigned: Nov Wildc, Opn Wildc, Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. A. F. Brown Utl Wildc C. A. Herbel: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: J. Hoke JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. D. L. Evans SWEEPS VETERANS: Vizs J. Hoke: All Miscellaneous Breeds Ginger Sammonds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. S. D. Hemminger: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr SWEEPS PUPPY: Vizs Ginger Sammonds Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Dr. D. W. Dowling AZ Tucson* (O) MADERA CANYON KENNEL CLUB Rillito Park CO Park 4502 North 1st Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. D. W. Dowling SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. Walkowicz Ms. C. L. Shaw: Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches, RetFlat, Ret-Gold, Set-Eng, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Vizs Mr. R. J. Shreve: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. J. C. Walton Mr. J. C. Walton: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. B. A. Vics J. Hoke: Grt Dane Mrs. B. A. Vics: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. J. A. Franklin Mrs. J. A. Franklin: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: J. Hoke Mrs. J. A. Franklin: Bruss Grif, Pap Dr. D. W. Dowling: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: C. A. Herbel Mr. R. J. Shreve: Boston, Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Fr Bull, Kees, Lhasa, Tib Span, Xoloitzcuintli C. A. Herbel: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Dr. S. Kaluzniacki: AustrlShep Mrs. C. Walkowicz: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. J. A. Franklin Mrs. J. A. Franklin: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. S. D. Hemminger: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: J. Hoke

AK Palmer (I) ALASKA HOUND GROUP ASSOCIATION Alaska State Fair Grounds 2075 Glenn Highway CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mrs. J. E. Treiber: Hound Group, Afghan, Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Basenji, Basset, Bgle (13 Under), Bgle (Over 13), B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Bluetick Coon, Borz, Dach (Long), Dach (Smooth), Eng Fox, Dach (Wire), and more

FL Brooksville* (O) HERNANDO COUNTY KENNEL CLUB (S) Florida Classic Park 5360 Lockhart Road CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW R. N. Rella SPORTING Group: Ms. D. L. Malenfant Mrs. A. Cuneo: Ret-Nova Scotia T, Weim Mrs. B. L. Burns: Brit, Pointer, Ret-Gold, RetLab, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh Ms. D. L. Malenfant: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. M. C. Spacht N. Leising: Afghan, Ir Wolf, RhoRidge Mrs. M. C. Spacht: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. A. Cuneo V. E. Allenbrand: Berns Mtn, Boxer, Bullm, Dobe, Rottw Mrs. A. Cuneo: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. V. Miller Mr. R. V. Miller: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. V. Miller Mr. R. V. Miller: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chin Cr, Hava, Eng Toy Sp Ms. D. L. Malenfant: Min Pin, Pug, Pood Toy, Shih Tzu, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks R. N. Rella: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. Cuneo Ms. D. L. Malenfant: Pood Mrs. A. Cuneo: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Boston, Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Chow, Coton de Tulear, Dalm, Fin Spitz R. N. Rella: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. D. Thompson Mr. D. Thompson: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. A. Cuneo Mrs. A. Cuneo: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES A. P. Kincaid: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. B. L. Burns SWEEPS VETERANS: Bullm Lisa Trembley SWEEPS PUPPY: Bullm Lisa Trembley IN Greenfield* (I) HOOSIER GREAT DANE CLUB (S) Hancock County 4-H Fairgrounds 620 N Apple St CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 12:00 p.m. Nance Fair, SHW SEC, PO BOX C, C/O FOY TRENT, STURGEON, MO 65284 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Dr. L. G. Bond: Breed Mr. F. Buroff: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Susan Davis Shaw MD Salisbury* (I) SALISBURY MARYLAND KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Glen Ave. at Civic Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $27.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW J. G. Reynolds SPORTING Group: Dr. R. I. Spritzer A. O’Keefe: Span-Eng Ckr Mrs. K. B. Ashe: Weim Mr. R. H. Menaker: Brit, All Pointers, RetChes, Ret-Lab Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, RetGold, Vizs, Wirehair Vizsla M. Gutierrez-Otero: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: M. GutierrezOtero Mrs. K. B. Ashe: Dach P. Gutierrez-Otero: Bloodhnd, Bluetick Coon, Borz M. Gutierrez-Otero: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. G. K. Newton Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Rottw M. Gutierrez-Otero: Berns Mtn, St Bern Mrs. K. B. Ashe: Boxer, Bullm, Dobe, Grt Dane, Newf, Sam, Sib Hky Mr. G. K. Newton: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. M. J. Underwood Ms. M. J. Underwood: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: M. Gutierrez-Otero J. G. Reynolds: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. M. J. Underwood Ms. M. J. Underwood: Schip, Tib Span, Tib Ter P. Gutierrez-Otero: Bichon, Pood, Shiba Inu, Xoloitzcuintli Mr. R. H. Menaker: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. L. C. Hutchinson P. Gutierrez-Otero: Beard Coll, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Brdr Coll, Bouv, Briard, Pemb-WC, Pol Low Shp, Pulik Mrs. L. C. Hutchinson: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. M. J. Underwood Ms. M. J. Underwood: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. M. C. Carlucci: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B Mr. R. J. Squires: Open A, Open B T. G. McCall: Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. K. B. Ashe

Dog News 141

MI Kalamazoo* (I) KALAMAZOO KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Kalamazoo Co Fairgrounds 2900 Lake St CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. P. D. Smith SPORTING Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Pntr-GS, Pntr-GW, RetGold, All Setters, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Weim Mrs. P. D. Smith: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. R. A. Indeglia Dr. R. A. Indeglia: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. E. Liebes Mrs. P. D. Smith: Rottw Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Berns Mtn, Kuv Mr. J. Richardson: Boxer, Bullm, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dobe Dr. E. Liebes: Balance of Working Breeds *No Classes: Grt Dane TERRIER Group: Miss V. L. Lyne Miss V. L. Lyne: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. D. Vice Miss V. L. Lyne: Cav KC Spans Dr. R. D. Smith: Pom Mr. F. A. Dieball: Affenp, Chihua, Pood Toy, Yorks Mr. D. Vice: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. R. D. Smith Mrs. W. M. Kobrzycki: Bulldog Mr. D. Vice: Fr Bull Mr. F. A. Dieball: Pood Dr. R. D. Smith: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. E. J. Ringle Dr. R. D. Smith: AustrlShep, Pemb-WC Miss V. L. Lyne: Bouv, Card-WC Mr. E. J. Ringle: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. Richardson Mr. J. Richardson: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. D. W. Haddock: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. F. A. Dieball

TOY Group: P. J. Green E. Sweigart: Affenp, Bruss Grif Mr. R. D. Albee: Pom, Pug Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: I Greyhnd, Eng Toy Sp, Malt, Pap Mrs. A. D. Hearn: Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, J Chin, Shih Tzu, Pood Toy Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. D. Hearn P. J. Green: Chow Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: Bichon, Kees, Lhasa, Pood, Shiba Inu, Tib Span, Tib Ter Ms. B. Capstick: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: P. J. Green Mr. R. D. Albee: Pemb-WC P. J. Green: AustrlShep, Card-WC, Shetld Mr. J. R. Cole: Austrl Cat Dg, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Terv, Brdr Coll, Bouv, Coll, Fin Laph, OES Ms. L. C. More: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mr. J. R. Cole: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: K. Shira

TX San Marcos (I) BASSET HOUND CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. San Marcos City Park Recreation Center CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 Lora Megli, SHW SEC, 122 ALLEN RD, COMFORT, TX 78013 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Professor D. C. Taylor: Breed


AK Palmer (I) COOK INLET KENNEL CLUB Alaska State Fairgrounds 2075 Glenn Highway Mile 40 CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. J. E. Treiber SPORTING Group: Mr. L. J. Sinclair Mr. L. J. Sinclair: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. L. J. Sinclair Mr. L. J. Sinclair: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. L. J. NC Winston-Salem (I) Sinclair FURNITURE CITY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: Grt Dane, Rottw, St Bern, LJV War Memorial Coliseum Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff 300 Deacon Blvd Mr. L. J. Sinclair: Balance of Working CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 Breeds MB-F Inc., SUPT TERRIER Group: Ms. B. Dale FEE: $26.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Ms. B. Dale: All Terrier Breeds Judges And Their Assignments TOY Group: Ms. B. Dale BEST IN SHOW Mr. C. G. Ms. B. Dale: All Toy Breeds Liepmann NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. B. SPORTING Group: Mr. E. B. Weiss Dale Mr. E. B. Weiss: All Sporting Breeds Ms. B. Dale: All Non-Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. W. E. HERDING Group: Mrs. L. J. Sinclair Usherwood Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: All Herding Breeds Mr. W. E. Usherwood: All Hound Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. L. WORKING Group: Dr. C. L. J. Sinclair Battaglia Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: Boerboel, Dogo Argtn, J. Owens: Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Dobe, Grt GBGV Dane, Kom, Leonberger, Nepltn Mastiff, Mr. L. J. Sinclair: Port Pdngo, Norbot, AzaNewf, Portuguese, Std Schn wakh, Per Inca Orchid, Cirneco, Sloughi Dr. C. L. Battaglia: Balance of Working Mrs. J. E. Treiber: Balance of Miscellaneous Breeds Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. E. B. Weiss JR SHOWMANSHIP: D. Ridley Mr. E. B. Weiss: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. E. E. Bivin AL Decatur (I) Mr. E. E. Bivin: All Toy Breeds HUNTSVILLE KENNEL CLUB NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. W. MN Winona* (I) Morgan Co Celebration Arena E. Usherwood COULEE KENNEL CLUB, INC. 67 Horse Center Rd Mr. W. E. Usherwood: All Non-Sporting Minnestoa Equestrian Center CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 Breeds 24621 Gilmore Valley Rd. Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT HERDING Group: Dr. C. L. Winona, MN 55987 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Battaglia CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 Judges And Their Assignments Mr. C. G. Liepmann: Brdr Coll, Card-WC, Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT BEST IN SHOW Mrs. M. E. Klingler Coll (Rough), GSD FEE: $27.50-1st/ $21.00-2nd SPORTING Group: Mr. B. Meyer Dr. C. L. Battaglia: Balance of Herding Judges And Their Assignments Mr. B. Jenkins: Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Breeds BEST IN SHOW Mrs. B. D. AlderSpan-Eng Spr MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. C. man Mrs. D. M. Brown: Ret-Ches, Ret-Flat, RetSPORTING Group: Ms. E. Muthard G. Liepmann Gold, Ret-Lab, Vizs, Weim Mr. C. G. Liepmann: All Miscellaneous Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Sporting Breeds Mr. B. Meyer: Balance of Sporting Breeds Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis HOUND Group: Mr. W. F. Potter, II JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. C. G. Liepmann Mrs. B. D. Alderman: All Hound Breeds S. D. Paske: Dach WORKING Group: Mrs. B. D. Mr. W. F. Potter, II: Balance of Hound NY Glenmont (I) Alderman Breeds BERKSHIRE SPUR CHINESE SHAR-PEI Ms. E. Muthard: All Working Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. M. CLUB (S) TERRIER Group: Mrs. B. D. AlderMartorella Raining Cats and Dogs man Ms. M. Martorella: All Working Breeds 759 Route 9W Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Terrier Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. W. F. Potter, II CLOSES: OCTOBER 15 TOY Group: Ms. E. Muthard Mr. J. M. Bazell: Manch Ter Marge B Calltharp, SHW SEC, 44 Mount Mrs. B. D. Alderman: All Toy Breeds Mrs. C. J. Sharp: Bull Ter, Min Bull Terrs Parnassus Rd, East Haddam, CT 06423 NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. C. Mr. W. F. Potter, II: Balance of Terrier FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd L. Olvis Breeds Ms. C. Cameron: Am Esk Dog, Boston, Bull- Mrs. C. Stansell: Breed, Jr. Showmanship TOY Group: Mr. J. M. Bazell SWEEPS VETERANS dog, Shar-Pei, Chow, Dalm, Fr Bull, Kees, Mr. J. M. Bazell: Peke, Pom, Pug, Shih Tzu, Mrs. Lisa Warren Schip, Shiba Inu Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. E. Muthard: Balance of Non-Sporting Mrs. M. E. Klingler: Balance of Toy Breeds Mrs. Lisa Warren Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. N. HERDING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Hafner Ms. C. Cameron: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, TX Houston* W. Tinsley: Bulldog CYPRESS CREEK KENNEL CLUB OF Beard Coll, Card-WC, Coll, GSD, PembMs. M. Martorella: Dalm TEXAS WC Mrs. M. E. Klingler: Pood Ms. E. Muthard: Bel Shp, Bouv, Briard, Ice- Houston Farm & Ranch Club Mrs. N. Hafner: Chow, Coton de Tulear, Fin 1 Abercombie dr. landic Shpdg, OES, Pol Low Shp, Shetld Spitz, Kees, Norwegian Lndhnd, Tib Ter, CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 12:00 p.m. Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of Herding Xoloitzcuintli Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT Breeds Mr. J. M. Bazell: Balance of Non-Sporting FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. E. Breeds Judges And Their Assignments Muthard HERDING Group: Mr. B. Meyer BEST IN SHOW Mrs. D. J. Buxton Ms. E. Muthard: All Miscellaneous Breeds Mrs. C. Leonard: Coll, Shetld SPORTING Group: Mr. R. W. OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. B. Meyer: Balance of Herding Breeds Powell Mrs. P. R. Krause: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. M. Mrs. T. L. Burrows: Set-Eng, Set-Irsh PNOV, Open B, Util A, PUTL E. Klingler Mrs. S. S. Rose: Span-Clum, Span-Ckr Ms. C. M. Pischke: Nov B, Begnr Nov B, Mrs. M. E. Klingler: All Miscellaneous Mr. R. W. Powell: Balance of Sporting Open A, POPN, Util B Breeds Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. C. Cameron JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. C. Leonard HOUND Group: Mr. D. J. Hyman Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Nor Elk, PBGV, Port MO Springfield (I) AZ Tucson* (O) Pd Peq OZARKS KENNEL CLUB, INC. CANADA DEL ORO KENNEL CLUB Mr. D. J. Hyman: Balance of Hound Breeds Rillito Park CO Park Missouri Entertainment & Events Center *No Classes: Basset N Grant Ave & Norton Rd. 4502 North 1st Ave. WORKING Group: Mrs. S. Walker CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 Mr. R. W. Powell: Giant Schn, Std Schn Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Chinook, Dogue de FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Brdx, Kom Judges And Their Assignments Judges And Their Assignments Mrs. S. Walker: Akita, Alas Mal, AnaBEST IN SHOW Mr. J. R. Cole BEST IN SHOW C. A. Herbel tolShep, Cane Corso, Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss SPORTING Group: E. Sweigart SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. G. Mtn, Leonberger, Nepltn Mastiff, Newf, Ms. L. C. More: Ret-Ches, Ret-Gold, RetMiller Portuguese, Rottw, Sib Hky Lab, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Ckr, Dr. D. W. Dowling: All Pointers, Ret-Ches, Mr. R. J. Lewis: Balance of Working Breeds Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Nova Scotia T, SpanSpan-Fld, Span-Irw, Spin Ital, Wirehair TERRIER Group: Mrs. J. M. Bousek AmW, Span-Clum, Span-Fld, Vizs, Weim, Vizsla Mr. R. W. Powell: All Terrier Breeds E. Sweigart: Balance of Sporting Breeds Wirehair Ptg Grif, Wirehair Vizsla TOY Group: E. K. Moureau *No Classes: Span-Eng Spr Mrs. C. G. Miller: Balance of Sporting E. K. Moureau: Malt, Min Pin, Shih Tzu, Toy Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. B. Capstick Fox Terrier Mr. R. D. Albee: Dach HOUND Group: Dr. K. H. Levison Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Afghan, RhoRidge, Mrs. J. M. Bousek: Balance of Toy Breeds J. Hoke: RhoRidge NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. Saluki, ScotDeer, Whip Mrs. B. Stenmark: Balance of Hound Breeds L. Tilka Ms. L. C. More: Amer English Coon, B & T WORKING Group: C. S. Anderson Mrs. L. Tilka: All Non-Sporting Breeds Coonhnd, Bluetick Coon, Plott, Redbone C. A. Herbel: Akita, AnatolShep, Gtr Swiss HERDING Group: Mr. R. J. Lewis Coon, Treeing Walker Coon Mtn, Nepltn Mastiff, Portuguese Mr. D. J. Hyman: AustrlShep, Beauceron, Mr. K. J. Murray: Am Fox, Basenji, Bgle, C. S. Anderson: Balance of Working Bel Mal, Brdr Coll, Bouv, Briard, Canaan, Borz, Greyhnd, Ir Wolf Breeds Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: Balance of Hound GSD, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, Pol Low TERRIER Group: Mrs. P. Hirstein Shp, Pulik Breeds C. S. Anderson: Manch Ter Mr. R. J. Lewis: Balance of Herding Breeds Mrs. P. Hirstein: Balance of Terrier Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. K. J. MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. S. Murray TOY Group: Mr. J. C. Walton Walker Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: Dobe J. Hoke: All Toy Breeds Mrs. S. Walker: All Miscellaneous Breeds Ms. B. Capstick: Mast NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES E. Sweigart: Portuguese, Sam C. Walton Ms. P. A. Strong: Nov A, Nov B, Open A, Mr. K. J. Murray: Balance of Working Dr. D. W. Dowling: Pood Open B Breeds Mr. J. C. Walton: Balance of Non-Sporting Mrs. S. Walker: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Breeds TERRIER Group: P. J. Green PNOV, POPN, PUTL E. Sweigart: All Terrier Breeds HERDING Group: C. A. Herbel Mr. B. L. Roland: Grad Novr, Grad Openr, Mr. R. J. Shreve: All Herding Breeds Util A, Util B, Versatility MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. D. JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. S. Walker W. Dowling Dr. D. W. Dowling: All Miscellaneous

142 Dog News

HOUND Group: Ms. D. L. Malenfant Mrs. B. L. Burns: Dach Mr. D. Thompson: Basenji, Bgle, Eng Fox Ms. D. L. Malenfant: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: L. Berberich CA Napa (I/O) L. Berberich: Bullm, Cane Corso, Dogue WINE COUNTRY KENNEL CLUB de Brdx, Grt Dane, Leonberger, Newf, Napa Valley Exposition Std Schn Third ST And Silverado Trail Mr. D. Thompson: Balance of Working CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 Breeds MB-F Inc., SUPT TERRIER Group: R. N. Rella FEE: $32.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd R. N. Rella: All Terrier Breeds Judges And Their Assignments TOY Group: Ms. D. L. Malenfant BEST IN SHOW Mr. N. L. Patton Ms. D. L. Malenfant: Affenp, Bruss Grif, SPORTING Group: B. DiDonato Cav KC Spans, I Greyhnd, Malt, Toy Manch Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman: Span-Fld Mr. R. V. Miller: Chihua, J Chin, Min Pin, Ms. K. A. Cowsert: Span-Clum, Span-Irw, Pap, Peke, Pom, Pood Toy Span-Suss, Spin Ital, Wirehair Ptg Grif, R. N. Rella: Balance of Toy Breeds Wirehair Vizsla NON-SPORTING Group: R. N. B. DiDonato: Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr, Rella Span-Eng Spr, Span-Wel Spr, Vizs, Weim Mr. R. D. Ennis: Balance of Sporting Breeds Mrs. A. Cuneo: Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli Mr. R. V. Miller: Bichon, Bulldog, Coton de HOUND Group: J. P. Wade Tulear, Fr Bull, Norwegian Lndhnd, Pood Mr. D. J. Smyth: Ir Wolf, Nor Elk, Otter, Dr. J. Dandridge: Balance of Non-Sporting PBGV, Pharaoh, Plott, Port Pd Peq, RedBreeds bone Coon, RhoRidge, Saluki, ScotDeer, HERDING Group: Mrs. A. Cuneo Treeing Walker Coon, Whip Mrs. A. Cuneo: All Herding Breeds J. P. Wade: Balance of Hound Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. M. WORKING Group: Mrs. R. H. C. Spacht Zimmerman Mrs. M. C. Spacht: All Miscellaneous Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Giant Schn, Std Schn Breeds Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman: Cane Corso, OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Portuguese, Rottw, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky, Mr. A. R. Cherubini: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Tibtn Mastiff Mr. A. W. Woodfork: Balance of Working Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B, PUTL Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: L. Berberich TERRIER Group: Mr. R. E. Hutton Mr. R. E. Hutton: All Terrier Breeds MD Salisbury* (I) TOY Group: Mr. R. D. Ennis MISPILLION KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Mr. R. E. Hutton: Toy Manch Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Mr. D. J. Smyth: Chin Cr, Pap Glen Ave. at Civic Ave. Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Pom, Pug, Pood Toy CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 Mr. N. L. Patton: Balance of Toy Breeds MB-F Inc., SUPT NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. D. FEE: $30.00-1st/ $27.00-2nd J. Kirkland Judges And Their Assignments Mr. R. E. Hutton: Boston BEST IN SHOW Mr. C. Coady Mr. D. J. Smyth: Dalm SPORTING Group: Mr. R. H. Mr. R. D. Ennis: Fr Bull Menaker Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Pood J. G. Reynolds: Span-Eng Ckr J. P. Wade: Kees, Shiba Inu, Tib Span Mr. C. Coady: Pntr-GS, Ret-Lab, Span-Ckr, Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman: Balance of NonWeim, Wirehair Vizsla Sporting Breeds M. Gutierrez-Otero: Brit, Pointer, Pntr-GW, HERDING Group: Ms. D. Dean Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Vizs Ms. D. Dean: All Herding Breeds P. Gutierrez-Otero: Balance of Sporting MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. D. Breeds J. Kirkland Group: Dr. R. I. Spritzer Mr. D. J. Kirkland: All Miscellaneous Breeds HOUND Mrs. L. Simmons: Dach JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. D. J. Kirkland J. G. Reynolds: Bloodhnd, Eng Fox, Greyhnd, Harr, Ibizan, Ir Wolf, Nor Elk, OtCO Pueblo* (I) ter, PBGV, Pharaoh, Saluki, ScotDeer, Whip COLORADO SPRINGS KENNEL CLUB Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Balance of Hound Breeds Colorado State Fairgrounds WORKING Group: J. G. Reynolds Beaulah & Summit St. Mrs. L. Simmons: Grt Dane CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 J. G. Reynolds: Std Schn Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Mr. R. H. Menaker: Balance of Working FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Breeds Judges And Their Assignments TERRIER Group: Mr. R. H. Menaker BEST IN SHOW P. L. Marsman Mr. R. H. Menaker: Bdlgtn SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. Mr. C. Coady: Airdle, Am Staff, Austr, Campbell-Freeman Border, Bull Ter, Cairn, Cesky Terrier, DanMrs. D. Campbell-Freeman: Brit, All Pointers, All Retrievers, All Setters, Set-Irsh die, Fox Ter (Smooth), Glen Imaal, Kerry, Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span- Norwich Norfolk J. G. Reynolds: Balance of Terrier Breeds Clum, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr TOY Group: Mrs. L. C. Hutchinson Ms. C. C. McGowan: Balance of Sporting R. Holloway: Yorks Breeds Mrs. L. C. Hutchinson: Balance of Toy HOUND Group: Mr. L. Boileau Breeds Mr. L. Boileau: All Hound Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: R. WORKING Group: Ms. C. C. Holloway McGowan Mr. C. Coady: Lhasa R. V. Horn: Leonberger Mrs. L. C. Hutchinson: Pood Dr. G. C. Penta: Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Boston, Shar-Pei, Dalm Kom, Kuv J. G. Reynolds: Am Esk Dog, Bulldog, Fr P. L. Marsman: Dobe, Grt Dane, Mast, Newf, Portuguese, Rottw, St Bern, Sam, Sib Bull, Schip, Tib Span, Tib Ter R. Holloway: Balance of Non-Sporting Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Breeds Ms. C. C. McGowan: Balance of Working HERDING Group: P. GutierrezBreeds Otero TERRIER Group: Dr. G. C. Penta Mr. C. Coady: GSD Dr. G. C. Penta: All Terrier Breeds J. G. Reynolds: OES TOY Group: Mrs. J. A. Penta Mr. R. H. Menaker: AustrlShep, Beauceron Mrs. J. A. Penta: All Toy Breeds Mrs. L. C. Hutchinson: Beard Coll, Bel Mal, NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. J. Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Brdr Coll, Bouv, Briard, V. Daniels Pemb-WC, Pol Low Shp, Pulik Dr. G. C. Penta: Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli Mrs. J. V. Daniels: Balance of Non-Sporting P. Gutierrez-Otero: Balance of Herding Breeds Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: M. HERDING Group: Mrs. K. Gutierrez-Otero Meredith-Cavanna M. Gutierrez-Otero: All Miscellaneous Ms. C. C. McGowan: Austrl Cat Dg, Pol Breeds Low Shp OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. K. Meredith-Cavanna: Balance of Mr. R. J. Squires: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov Herding Breeds A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Grad Openr MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. G. T. G. McCall: Open A, Open B C. Penta Mr. M. C. Carlucci: Util A, Util B Dr. G. C. Penta: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. J. A. Graham OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Eng Ckr Mrs. L. Hause: Nov A, Grad Novr, Open Susan Cascio A, Open B J. Nocilly: Nov B, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B SWEEPS VETERANS: Span-Eng Ckr Mrs. J. K. Jones: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B Susan Cascio JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. K. MeredithMI Kalamazoo* (I) Cavanna GRAND RAPIDS KENNEL CLUB Kalamazoo Co Fairgrounds CO Pueblo (I) 2900 Lake St DOBERMAN PINSCHER CLUB OF THE CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 ROCKY MOUNTAIN AREA (S) MB-F Inc., SUPT Colorado State Fairgrounds FEE: $29.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Beaulah & Summit St. Judges And Their Assignments CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 BEST IN SHOW Miss V. L. Lyne Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT SPORTING Group: Dr. R. A. R. V. Horn: Breed Indeglia SWEEPS VETERANS Dr. R. D. Smith: Span-Clum Cynthia Hutt Mr. E. J. Ringle: Pntr-GS, Pntr-GW, RetSWEEPS PUPPY Gold, All Setters, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Cynthia Hutt Spr Miss V. L. Lyne: Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, SpanFL Brooksville* (O) AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Irw, Span-Suss, HERNANDO COUNTY KENNEL CLUB Wirehair Ptg Grif Florida Classic Park Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Balance of Sporting 5360 Lockhart Road Breeds CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 12:00 p.m. HOUND Group: Dr. R. D. Smith MB-F Inc., SUPT Miss V. L. Lyne: All Hound Breeds FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd WORKING Group: Mr. J. RichJudges And Their Assignments ardson BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. V. Miller Mrs. P. D. Smith: Bullm SPORTING Group: Mrs. M. C. Mr. E. J. Ringle: Sib Hky Spacht Dr. E. Liebes: Berns Mtn, Boxer, Cane Corso, Mrs. B. L. Burns: Pntr-GS, Pntr-GW, RetCurl, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr, Chinook, Dobe Mr. J. Richardson: Balance of Working Span-Eng Spr Breeds Mrs. M. C. Spacht: Balance of Sporting *No Classes: Grt Dane Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. B. Brask: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: C. A. Herbel

Dog News 143

NC Winston-Salem (I) FURNITURE CITY KENNEL CLUB, INC. LJV War Memorial Coliseum 300 Deacon Blvd CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. C. L. Battaglia SPORTING Group: Mr. C. G. Liepmann Mr. C. G. Liepmann: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. E. B. Weiss Mr. E. B. Weiss: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. C. G. Liepmann Mrs. C. L. Alexander: Alas Mal, Bullm, Sam, Sib Hky Mr. C. G. Liepmann: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. E. E. Bivin Mr. E. E. Bivin: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. W. E. Usherwood Mr. W. E. Usherwood: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. E. E. Bivin Mr. E. B. Weiss: Bichon Mr. E. E. Bivin: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. W. E. Usherwood Dr. C. L. Battaglia: Brdr Coll, Card-WC, Coll (Rough), GSD, Icelandic Shpdg Mr. W. E. Usherwood: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. C. L. Battaglia Dr. C. L. Battaglia: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Dr. C. L. Battaglia

OK Chickasha (I/O) TOWN AND COUNTRY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Grady County Fairgrounds 500 East Choctaw Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. C. Coady SPORTING Group: Mr. C. Coady Mrs. C. Walkowicz: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. H. Clark Mrs. H. Clark: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. S. Keating Mr. C. Coady: All Working Breeds NC Concord (I) TERRIER Group: Mr. C. Coady CAROLINA TERRIER ASSOCIATION Mr. H. Clark: All Terrier Breeds Cabarrus Arena and Events Center TOY Group: Mrs. H. Clark 4751 Highway 49 North Mr. H. Clark: Pap, Pood Toy CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 Mr. T. W. Eubank: Cav KC Spans, Chin Cr, Tina Lunsford, SHW SEC, 4584 Cherry Hava, Pug Grove Rd, Elon, NC 27244 Dr. S. Keating: Balance of Toy Breeds FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. Mr. G. Flyckt-Pedersen: Terrier Group, H. Clark Airdle, Am Staff, Austr, Bdlgtn, Border, Mrs. C. Walkowicz: Dalm Bull Ter (Color), Cairn, Bull Ter (White), Mr. H. Clark: Pood Cesky Terrier, Dandie, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Glen Imaal, Irish Ter, Kerry, Mr. C. Coady: Bulldog, Lhasa Dr. S. Keating: Balance of Non-Sporting Lakelnd, Min and more Breeds MN Winona* (I) HERDING Group: Mrs. C. COULEE KENNEL CLUB, INC. NC Concord (I) Minnestoa Equestrian Center CAROLINA WORKING GROUP ASSOCIA- Walkowicz Mrs. H. Clark: Pemb-WC, Shetld 24621 Gilmore Valley Rd. TION (S) Mr. H. Clark: Balance of Herding Breeds Winona, MN 55987 Cabarrus Arena and Events Center MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. C. CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 4751 Highway 49 North Walkowicz Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 Mrs. C. Walkowicz: All Miscellaneous FEE: $27.50-1st/ $21.00-2nd MB-F Inc., SUPT Breeds Judges And Their Assignments FEE: $27.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. H. Clark BEST IN SHOW Ms. E. Muthard B. C. Dunn: Akita, Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, SPORTING Group: Mrs. B. D. Boxer, Bullm, Grt Dane, Mast, Newf, Rottw, OR Roseburg* (I) Alderman Sam TX Houston* Ms. E. Muthard: Spin Ital, Vizs, Weim, N. C. Russell: AnatolShep, Blk Russn Terrier, UMPQUA KENNEL CLUB, INC. CYPRESS CREEK KENNEL CLUB OF Wirehair Ptg Grif, Wirehair Vizsla Cane Corso, Chinook, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Douglas County Fairgrounds TEXAS 2110 SW Frear, I-5 Exit 123 Ms. K. A. Forbes: Brit, Pointer, Ret-Flat, Pinscher, Giant Schn, Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Houston Farm & Ranch Club Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Set-Eng, Span-Clum, Mtn, Kom, Kuv, Leonberger, Nepltn Mastiff, CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 1 Abercombie dr. Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Span-Ckr, Span-Fld, Span-Wel Spr Portuguese, St Bern, Sib Hky, Std Schn, CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of Sporting and more Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT Judges And Their Assignments Breeds A. M. Dunn: Dobe FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd BEST IN SHOW Ms. C. I. AlexHOUND Group: Ms. E. Muthard Ms. C. S. Brown: Jr. Showmanship Judges And Their Assignments ander Ms. K. A. Forbes: All Hound Breeds Mrs. J. M. Bousek SPORTING Group: R. Lopaschuk WORKING Group: Ms. E. Muthard BEST IN SHOW OH Columbus (I) SPORTING Group: Mrs. S. S. Rose J. R. Wood, Jr.: Brit Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Working Breeds SANDUSKY KENNEL CLUB Mrs. T. L. Burrows: Spin Ital R. Lopaschuk: Balance of Sporting Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Ohio Exposition Center/Ohio State D. Thornton: Ret-Gold, Set-Irsh HOUND Group: Mrs. A. Katona Mrs. B. D. Alderman: All Terrier Breeds Fairgrounds NOVEMBER 13 THURSDAY Mr. R. W. Powell: Span-Clum, Span-Ckr J. R. Wood, Jr.: Afghan, Saluki TOY Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis 717 East 17th Ave. Mrs. S. S. Rose: Balance of Sporting Breeds AZ Tucson (I) Mrs. A. Katona: Balance of Hound Breeds Mr. R. Miller: Pood Toy CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 HOUND Group: D. Thornton WORKING Group: J. T. Connolly Ms. E. Muthard: Balance of Toy Breeds MB-F Inc., SUPT ARIZONA TOY DOG FANCIERS Mr. R. W. Powell: Dach K. Sherling: Tibtn Mastiff NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. E. Judges And Their Assignments Pima County Fairgrounds A. R. Arthur: Borz, Greyhnd, Ir Wolf, J. T. Connolly: Balance of Working Breeds Muthard BEST IN SHOW Mrs. P. Hartinger 11300 South Houghton Rd RhoRidge, Saluki TERRIER Group: Mr. D. A. AlexMr. R. Miller: Dalm, Pood SPORTING Group: Mr. R. L. CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 D. Thornton: Balance of Hound Breeds ander Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of NonVandiver Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT *No Classes: Basset Mr. D. A. Alexander: All Terrier Breeds Sporting Breeds Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Span-Suss, SpanFEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd WORKING Group: D. Thornton TOY Group: Mrs. A. Katona HERDING Group: Mrs. B. D. Wel Spr Mr. L. W. Bayne: Toy Group, Bruss Grif, D. Thornton: Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Blk C. Strunge: Chin Cr Alderman Chihua (Long), Chihua (Smooth), Chin Cr, J P. A. Gaeta: All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Russn Terrier, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dogue Chin, Min Pin, Pap, Toy Manch, Peke, Pom, Spin Ital, Wirehair Ptg Grif J. R. Wood, Jr.: Eng Toy Sp Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Herding Breeds de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Pug, Pood Toy Ms. C. I. Alexander: Balance of Toy Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. K. Mr. C. G. Liepmann: Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Mtn, Kom, Kuv, Leonberger, Nepltn Mastiff, J. Jackson: Affenp, Hava, Eng Toy Sp (B & Vizs, Wirehair Vizsla NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. D. A. Forbes A. Alexander Ms. K. A. Forbes: All Miscellaneous Breeds Newf PC), I Greyhnd, Eng Toy Sp (KC & R), Malt, Mr. R. L. Vandiver: Ret-Gold, Span-AmW, G. M. Fritz: Balance of Working Breeds Ms. C. I. Alexander: Pood OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Span-Boykin, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr Shih Tzu, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks, Jr. TERRIER Group: Mr. R. W. Powell Ms. C. M. Pischke: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, Mr. R. D. Ennis: Balance of Sporting Breeds J. T. Connolly: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Bulldog, Showmanship Mrs. J. M. Bousek: All Terrier Breeds Kees PNOV, Open B, Util A, PUTL HOUND Group: Mr. M. Sosne *No Classes: Cav KC Spans TOY Group: Mrs. S. Walker Mrs. J. Bruton: Boston, Fr Bull, Lhasa, Tib Mrs. P. R. Krause: Nov B, Begnr Nov B, P. A. Gaeta: RhoRidge Mrs. S. Walker: All Toy Breeds Span Open A, POPN, Util B Mrs. P. Hartinger: Whip AZ Tucson (O) NON-SPORTING Group: G. M. Mr. D. A. Alexander: Balance of NonJR SHOWMANSHIP: M. Shepherd WORKING DOG CLUB OF ARIZONA (S) Mr. R. R. Hartinger: ScotDeer, Treeing Fritz Sporting Breeds Walker Coon Pima County Fairgrounds Mr. J. A. Moses: Pood HERDING Group: R. Lopaschuk MO Springfield (I) Miss K. J. Rockwell: Afghan, Greyhnd, 11300 South Houghton Rd G. M. Fritz: Balance of Non-Sporting R. Lopaschuk: All Herding Breeds OZARKS KENNEL CLUB, INC. Saluki CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 12:00 p.m. Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. C. Missouri Entertainment & Events Center Mr. M. Sosne: Balance of Hound Breeds Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT HERDING Group: Mr. J. A. Moses I. Alexander N Grant Ave & Norton Rd. WORKING Group: Mr. C. G. FEE: $30.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Mr. R. J. Lewis: AustrlShep, Bouv, Briard, Ms. C. I. Alexander: All Miscellaneous CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 Liepmann Ms. L. Olson: Working Group, AnatolShep, GSD Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT Blk Russn Terrier, Chinook, Dogue de Brdx, Mr. C. G. Liepmann: Rottw, St Bern, Sib Hky Breeds Mr. J. A. Moses: Balance of Herding Breeds Kuv, Leonberger, Newf, Portuguese, Rottw, Mr. R. L. Vandiver: Akita, Alas Mal, Anatol- OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd MISCELLANEOUS Group: D. Mrs. M. J. Shervais: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, Judges And Their Assignments Shep, Berns Mtn, Boxer Tibtn Mastiff Thornton BEST IN SHOW P. J. Green P. A. Gaeta: Dogue de Brdx, Leonberger, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Open B, Util B L. Blue: Akita, Alas Mal, Boxer, Bullm, Mr. C. Cornell: Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, SPORTING Group: Ms. L. C. More D. Thornton: All Miscellaneous Breeds Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Newf Dobe, Grt Pyr, Sib Hky OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, PUTL Ms. L. C. More: Span-Wel Spr Mrs. J. Voran: Berns Mtn, Cane Corso, Grm Mrs. P. Hartinger: Grm Pinscher, Grt Pyr, Mr. B. L. Roland: Nov A, Nov B, Open A, JR SHOWMANSHIP: J. R. Wood, Jr. Mr. K. J. Murray: Balance of Sporting Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kom, Kuv Pinscher, Giant Schn, Grt Dane, Gtr Swiss Open B Breeds Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Balance of Working Mtn, Kom, Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, St Bern, Ms. P. A. Strong: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov Sam, Std Schn, Jr. Showmanship HOUND Group: Ms. L. C. More Breeds B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Grad Openr, POPN, Mr. B. E. Voran: Misc Breeds , Boerboel, PA Oaks* (I) Ms. B. Capstick: All Hound Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. P. BeiselPENN TREATY KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) WORKING Group: Ms. B. Capstick Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility McIlwaine Dogo Argtn JR SHOWMANSHIP: D. Thornton The Greater Philadelphia Expo Center Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: Boxer Ms. M. J. Underwood: Bull Ter, Norwich 100 Station Avenue Mr. K. J. Murray: Dobe, Mast, Portuguese Norfolk, Parson Russell, Rat Terrier, Russel FL Ocala (O) CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Akita, Alas Mal, Terr SEMINOLE DOG FANCIERS ASSOCIABlk Russn Terrier, Bullm, Dogue de Brdx, Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Balance of Terrier MB-F Inc., SUPT NOVEMBER 10 - MONDAY TION Judges And Their Assignments Kuv, Nepltn Mastiff Breeds Ocala Dog Show Grounds BEST IN SHOW Ms. S. C. Way Mr. J. R. Cole: AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Grt AZ Tucson* (O) TOY Group: Mr. R. D. Ennis 10205 Northwest Gainesville Rd SPORTING Group: Mr. H. M. Yost Dane, Gtr Swiss Mtn, St Bern, Sib Hky, Mr. R. D. Ennis: Chin Cr CANADA DEL ORO KENNEL CLUB CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 Ms. S. C. Way: Span-Eng Ckr Std Schn P. A. Gaeta: Pug Rillito Park CO Park MB-F Inc., SUPT Mrs. L. Warren: Span-Eng Spr Ms. B. Capstick: Balance of Working Miss K. J. Rockwell: Pood Toy 4502 North 1st Ave. Judges And Their Assignments Ms. C. L. Richards: Pntr-GS, Ret-Ches, RetBreeds Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Toy Manch, Pom CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 BEST IN SHOW Mrs. B. D. AlderGold, Vizs, Weim TERRIER Group: E. Sweigart Ms. M. J. Underwood: Affenp, Hava, Eng Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT man Mr. H. M. Yost: Balance of Sporting Breeds P. J. Green: All Terrier Breeds Toy Sp, Peke, Shih Tzu, Silky FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd SPORTING Group: N. Liebes HOUND Group: Mrs. P. A. TOY Group: Mrs. A. D. Hearn Mrs. C. J. Gish: Balance of Toy Breeds Judges And Their Assignments N. Liebes: All Sporting Breeds Gabosch Ms. B. Capstick: Pood Toy NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. J. Shreve HOUND Group: Mr. R. E. Garren Mrs. P. A. Gabosch: All Hound Breeds Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Pom, Pug D. Ennis SPORTING Group: Mrs. B. Mr. R. E. Garren: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. E. Sullivan Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: Cav KC Spans, Mr. R. D. Ennis: Chow Stenmark WORKING Group: Mr. C. E. W. Boyd: Bullm Hava, Peke, Silky, Yorks Miss K. J. Rockwell: Dalm Mrs. L. Doumaux: Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Trotter J. A. Boyd: Grt Pyr E. Sweigart: Chihua, Eng Toy Sp, J Chin, Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Am Esk Dog, Lowch, Ret-Lab Mrs. F. W. Schwartz: Grt Dane L. Amodei: Akita, Dobe, Std Schn Min Pin, Shih Tzu, Toy Fox Terrier Norwegian Lndhnd Mrs. B. Stenmark: Balance of Sporting Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of Working D. Osborn: Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Dogue de Mr. J. R. Cole: Balance of Toy Breeds Ms. M. J. Underwood: Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Breeds Breeds Brdx, Newf, St Bern, Sam NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. B. Coton de Tulear, Lhasa, Pood, Schip HOUND Group: Dr. D. W. Dowling TERRIER Group: Mrs. P. V. Trotter Capstick Mrs. P. Hartinger: Balance of Non-Sporting Miss E. E. Vanden Avond: Boxer, Grt Dane, Dr. D. W. Dowling: All Hound Breeds Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Rat Terrier, Russel Terr Kuv, Leonberger, Mast, Portuguese, Rottw, P. J. Green: Schip WORKING Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mr. R. E. Garren: Am Staff, Border, Bull Ter, Breeds Sib Hky Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Boston, Bulldog, Group: Mr. R. L. Mrs. D. Cozart: All Working Breeds Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Min Bull HERDING Mrs. E. Sullivan: Balance of Working Chow Vandiver TERRIER Group: Mrs. B. Stenmark Terrs, Min Schn, Scotti, Staf Bull Breeds Mrs. A. D. Hearn: Balance of Non-Sporting Mr. Z. Smith: Am Staff, Austr, Border, Bull Mr. R. L. Vandiver: Pol Low Shp, Pulik Mr. C. E. Trotter: Balance of Terrier Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. Constantine Breeds Mr. C. G. Liepmann: Austrl Cat Dg, AusTer, Fox Ter (Smooth), Min Bull Terrs, Min TOY Group: Mr. C. E. Trotter HERDING Group: Ms. L. C. More trlShep, Beard Coll, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Pyre Mr. J. Constantine: All Terrier Breeds Schn, Staf Bull Mr. C. E. Trotter: All Toy Breeds TOY Group: D. McCoy Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Card-WC Shep, Swed Vallhund Mr. R. J. Shreve: Balance of Terrier Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. F. D. McCoy: Bruss Grif, Eng Toy Sp, Malt, Min Ms. L. C. More: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, TOY Mrs. S. J. Wolfskill: Balance of Herding Group: Mrs. D. Cozart W. Schwartz Pin, Toy Manch, Peke, Pood Toy, Yorks Beard Coll, Bouv, Coll, OES, Pemb-WC, Breeds C. A. Herbel: All Toy Breeds Mr. R. E. Garren: Boston, Lhasa Mr. H. M. Yost: Balance of Toy Breeds Shetld MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. P. NON-SPORTING Group: C. S. Mrs. F. W. Schwartz: Balance of NonNON-SPORTING Group: D. P. J. Green: Balance of Herding Breeds Hartinger Anderson Sporting Breeds McCoy MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. J. A. C. S. Anderson: All Non-Sporting Breeds Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Miscellaneous Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. P. V. Trotter L. Amodei: Boston Reeve-Newson JR SHOWMANSHIP: Miss K. J. Rockwell HERDING Group: Ms. G. Kerr Mrs. P. V. Trotter: All Herding Breeds D. McCoy: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: All Miscellaneous Ms. G. Kerr: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. F. HERDING Group: Mrs. E. Sullivan Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. W. Schwartz Mrs. E. Sullivan: All Herding Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. A. D. Hearn D. Cozart Mrs. F. W. Schwartz: All Miscellaneous MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. E. Mrs. D. Cozart: All Miscellaneous Breeds Breeds Sullivan OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. P. V. Trotter Mrs. E. Sullivan: All Miscellaneous Breeds Ms. B. Brask: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. Z. Smith TERRIER Group: Mr. D. Vice Mr. D. Vice: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Dr. R. D. Smith Mrs. P. D. Smith: Cav KC Spans Mr. D. Vice: Chihua, Pom Mrs. W. M. Kobrzycki: Pood Toy, Yorks Dr. R. D. Smith: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. D. Smith Mrs. W. M. Kobrzycki: Chow, Fr Bull, Pood Mrs. P. D. Smith: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Mr. E. J. Ringle: Card-WC Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Pemb-WC Dr. E. Liebes: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. R. A. Indeglia Dr. R. A. Indeglia: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. D. W. Haddock: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: B. Aimar

144 Dog News

CO Pueblo* (I) COLORADO SPRINGS KENNEL CLUB Colorado State Fairgrounds Beaulah & Summit St. CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. G. C. Penta SPORTING Group: Ms. C. C. McGowan Ms. C. C. McGowan: Brit, All Pointers, All Retrievers, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr Mrs. D. Campbell-Freeman: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. J. A. Penta P. L. Marsman: Afghan, Basenji, Basset, Bgle, B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Borz Mrs. J. A. Penta: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: P. L. Marsman Mrs. J. V. Daniels: Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn P. L. Marsman: Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Bullm, Cane Corso, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kom, Kuv, Leonberger, Nepltn Mastiff Dr. G. C. Penta: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. J. V. Daniels Mrs. J. V. Daniels: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. L. Boileau Mr. L. Boileau: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. Campbell-Freeman Mrs. J. V. Daniels: Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli Mr. L. Boileau: Am Esk Dog, Shar-Pei, Chow, Coton de Tulear, Kees, Norwegian Lndhnd Mrs. D. Campbell-Freeman: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. J. A. Penta Mrs. J. A. Penta: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. J. V. Daniels Mrs. J. V. Daniels: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. S. Oviatt-Harris: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. C. C. McGowan

NC Concord (I) CAROLINA TERRIER ASSOCIATION Cabarrus Arena and Events Center 4751 Highway 49 North CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 Tina Lunsford, SHW SEC, 4584 Cherry Grove Rd, Elon, NC 27244 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Ms. L. C. More: Terrier Group, Airdle, Am Staff, Austr, Bdlgtn, Border, Bull Ter (Color), Bull Ter (White), Cairn, Cesky Terrier, Dandie, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Glen Imaal, Irish Ter, Kerry, Lakelnd, Min and more

OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. D. L. Barrows: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr F. Cardillino: Nov B, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A Mrs. P. A. Hess: Open A, POPN, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. E. Sullivan SWEEPS VETERANS: Span-Eng Spr Sally Birgl SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Eng Spr Sally Birgl

NOVEMBER 14 - FRIDAY AZ Tucson* (I/O) TUCSON KENNEL CLUB (S) Pima County Fairgrounds 11300 South Houghton Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. E. Blake SPORTING Group: Mr. R. W. Powell Mr. S. H. McDonald: Brit, Pntr-GS, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Set-Eng, Set-Irsh, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Spin Ital Mr. R. W. Powell: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. J. M. Buehler Ms. J. M. Buehler: Afghan, Amer English Coon, B & T Coonhnd, Bluetick Coon, Harr, Otter, Plott, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon, RhoRidge, Saluki, Treeing Walker Coon Mr. E. Blake: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. L. A. Sanford Mr. R. W. Powell: Giant Schn Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Grt Dane, Portuguese, Rottw D. J. Emslie: Boxer, Mast, Sam, Sib Hky Mrs. L. A. Sanford: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. Paust Mr. R. Paust: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. G. Kerr Mr. G. Doxtater: Cav KC Spans, Chin Cr, Hava, J Chin, Pom, Shih Tzu, Pood Toy Ms. G. Kerr: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. L. W. Bayne Ms. G. Kerr: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Chow, Dalm, Fin Spitz, Kees, Xoloitzcuintli Mr. L. W. Bayne: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. D. J. Buxton Mr. K. A. Buxton: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. L. A. Sanford Mrs. L. A. Sanford: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. K. B. Miller: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility Ms. S. Osburn: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. J. M. Buehler SWEEPS PUPPY: Afghan Clay Williams SWEEPS VETERANS: Afghan Clay Williams SWEEPS PUPPY: Min Pin Louise Rossignal FL Ocala (O) SEMINOLE DOG FANCIERS ASSOCIATION Ocala Dog Show Grounds 10205 Northwest Gainesville Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. C. E. Trotter SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. V. Trotter W. Pinsker: Brit, Span-Boykin, SpanClum, Span-Eng Spr, Span-Fld, Spin Ital Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Balance of Sporting Breeds *No Classes: Set-Irsh HOUND Group: Mrs. F. W. Schwartz Mrs. P. V. Trotter: B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Nor Elk Mrs. F. W. Schwartz: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. F. W. Schwartz N. Liebes: Akita, Alas Mal, Boxer, Bullm, Dobe, Grt Dane, Newf, Sib Hky Mr. C. E. Trotter: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. E. Garren Mrs. F. W. Schwartz: Am Staff, Border, Bull Ter, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Min Bull Terrs, Min Schn, Scotti, Staf Bull Mr. R. E. Garren: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mrs. B. D. Alderman: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. E. Garren Mr. C. E. Trotter: Boston, Lhasa Mr. R. E. Garren: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: W. Pinsker W. Pinsker: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. E. Garren Mr. R. E. Garren: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. R. E. Garren

NC Concord (I) SALISBURY NORTH CAROLINA KENNEL CLUB (S) Cabarrus Arena and Events Center 4751 Highway 49 North CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. S. Kaluzniacki SPORTING Group: Mrs. K. C. Wilson Mrs. K. C. Wilson: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. C. M. Gonzalez Ms. C. M. Gonzalez: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: B. C. Dunn Mr. C. G. Haviland, IV: Boxer Dr. S. Kaluzniacki: Grt Pyr J. Owens: Rottw A. M. Dunn: Berns Mtn, Grt Dane B. C. Dunn: Dobe, St Bern, Sib Hky N. C. Russell: Akita, Alas Mal, Bullm, Mast, Newf, Sam G. Bassett: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. M. J. Carberry Mrs. S. J. Wolfskill: Norwich Norfolk, Parson Russell Ms. M. J. Carberry: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. J. L. Stacy Ms. M. J. Carberry: Toy Manch R. Bohannon: Bruss Grif, Pap, Pom, Pood Toy, Shih Tzu Mr. C. G. Haviland, IV: Cav KC Spans, Chin Cr, Hava, J Chin, Peke, Pug Mrs. J. L. Stacy: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. G. L. Doerge B. C. Dunn: Boston R. Bohannon: Pood Mr. C. G. Haviland, IV: Shar-Pei, Fr Bull G. Bassett: Kees, Tib Ter Mr. G. L. Doerge: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. S. J. Wolfskill H. Hector: Shetld G. Bassett: Bel Mal, Bel Terv, Bouv, OES, Pulik Mrs. S. J. Wolfskill: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: G. Bassett G. Bassett: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: A. M. Dunn NY Syracuse* (I) CHENANGO VALLEY KENNEL CLUB New York State Fairgrounds CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. E. J. Lessig SPORTING Group: M. Faulkner Mr. D. L. Kittredge: Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Ret-Nova Scotia T Mr. L. J. Sinclair: Set-Eng, Set-Irsh, SpanEng Spr, Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Span-Suss, Span-Wel Spr, Spin Ital, Vizs, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif M. Faulkner: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: L. L. Nelson Mrs. R. Kramer: Am Fox, Basset, Bloodhnd, Eng Fox, Ir Wolf Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq.: Afghan, Bgle, Borz, Dach, Greyhnd, RhoRidge L. L. Nelson: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. L. J. Sinclair Mr. L. J. Sinclair: Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Bullm, Rottw, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: Akita, AnatolShep, Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Chinook, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Giant Schn, Nepltn Mastiff, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq.: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. C. C. McGowan Mrs. R. Kramer: Cesky Terrier, Lakelnd, Min Bull Terrs, Manch Ter, Min Schn, Norwich Norfolk, Parson Russell, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Ms. C. C. McGowan: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. R. Kramer L. L. Nelson: I Greyhnd Mrs. R. Kramer: Affenp, Cav KC Spans, Chin Cr, Pood Toy, Shih Tzu Mrs. E. J. Lessig: Bruss Grif, Chihua (Smooth), J Chin, Malt, Min Pin, Pap, Toy Manch, Peke Ms. C. C. McGowan: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. D. L. Kittredge Mrs. R. Kramer: Pood Mrs. E. J. Lessig: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Dalm, Lhasa, Schip, Tib Span Mr. D. L. Kittredge: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. L. J. Sinclair Ms. C. C. McGowan: Coll M. Faulkner: Card-WC, GSD, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, OES, Pemb-WC, Pol Low Shp, Pulik, Pyre Shep, Shetld, Swed Vallhund Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. E. J. Lessig Mrs. E. J. Lessig: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. T. B. Igiel: Nov A, Nov B, Util A, Util B E. M. Van Uden: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Open A, Open B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. D. L. Kittredge

OH Columbus (I) DAYTON KENNEL CLUB, INC. Ohio Exposition Center/Ohio State Fairgrounds 717 East 17th Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW J. Hoke SPORTING Group: Mr. R. D. Ennis Mr. R. D. Ennis: Ret-Gold S. Kirschner: Ret-Lab Ms. B. Hale: Weim P. A. Gaeta: Brit, All Pointers, Ret-Ches, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Suss, Span-Wel Spr Mrs. S. Brown: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. B. Hale Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Afghan P. A. Gaeta: Pharaoh J. Hoke: RhoRidge, Whip Mrs. P. Hartinger: Amer English Coon, Bluetick Coon, Greyhnd, Plott, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon, Treeing Walker Coon Ms. B. Hale: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: P. A. Gaeta Mrs. S. Brown: Boxer Mrs. P. Hartinger: Dobe J. Hoke: Grt Dane Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Alas Mal, Blk Russn Terrier, Bullm, Dogue de Brdx, Kuv, Nepltn Mastiff, Sib Hky P. A. Gaeta: Cane Corso, Chinook, Grm Pinscher, Rottw, St Bern, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. C. G. Liepmann: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mr. R. R. Hartinger: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. S. Brown Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Hava, Min Pin, Pap, Peke, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier Mrs. P. Hartinger: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, Eng Toy Sp, Yorks J. Hoke: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger P. A. Gaeta: Dalm, Shiba Inu Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Boston, Bulldog, Chow Mr. R. D. Ennis: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. P. BeiselMcIlwaine Ms. M. S. Richey: AustrlShep, Shetld Mr. C. G. Liepmann: Brdr Coll, Bouv, Briard, Canaan, Card-WC Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Austrl Cat Dg, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv Mrs. P. Hartinger: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: P. A. Gaeta P. A. Gaeta: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. M. S. Richey OK Chickasha (I/O) TOWN AND COUNTRY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Grady County Fairgrounds 500 East Choctaw Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. S. Keating SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. Walkowicz Mr. C. Coady: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. H. Clark Mr. H. Clark: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. C. Coady Dr. S. Keating: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. H. Clark Mrs. H. Clark: Cesky Terrier, Glen Imaal, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Staf Bull, Wst Highlnd Mr. C. Coady: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Dr. S. Keating Mr. C. Coady: Toy Manch, Peke Mr. H. Clark: Bruss Grif, Chihua, Pom Mrs. F. Crump: Chin Cr, Hava, Pap, Pood Toy Mrs. H. Clark: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. S. Keating Mrs. F. Crump: Pood Mrs. H. Clark: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. H. Clark Mr. C. Coady: GSD Mrs. C. Walkowicz: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. S. Keating Dr. S. Keating: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Dr. S. Keating OR Roseburg* (I) UMPQUA KENNEL CLUB, INC. Douglas County Fairgrounds 2110 SW Frear, I-5 Exit 123 CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $23.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. B. Capstick SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. Katona Mrs. A. Katona: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: R. Lopaschuk R. Lopaschuk: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. C. I. Alexander Ms. C. I. Alexander: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. A. Katona Ms. C. I. Alexander: Bull Ter (White), Manch Ter, Min Bull Terrs Mrs. A. Katona: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. C. I. Alexander K. Cooper: Chin Cr Mr. D. A. Alexander: Pood Toy Ms. B. Capstick: Balance of Toy Breeds

NON-SPORTING Group: J. T. Connolly Mr. D. A. Alexander: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Boston, Bulldog, Fr Bull, Kees, Lhasa, Pood, Tib Span J. T. Connolly: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: J. T. Connolly J. T. Connolly: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. D. A. Alexander Mr. D. A. Alexander: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. C. Cornell: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Open B, Util B Mrs. M. J. Shervais: Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. B. Capstick PA Oaks* (I) GREATER PHILADELPHIA DOG FANCIERS ASSOCIATION (S) The Greater Philadelphia Expo Center 100 Station Avenue CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. Constantine SPORTING Group: B. DiDonato Ms. A. D. O’Reilly: Ret-Ches, Vizs Mr. E. E. Bivin: Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Irw, Span-Suss Mr. F. J. Washabaugh: Pntr-GW, RetCurl, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-Clum, Span-Fld, Spin Ital, Wirehair Ptg Grif, Wirehair Vizsla B. DiDonato: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. H. M. Yost Mr. H. M. Yost: Amer English Coon, Harr, Ibizan, Otter, Pharaoh, Port Pd Peq, Treeing Walker Coon Ms. A. D. O’Reilly: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman: Akita, Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Cane Corso, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. E. E. Bivin: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Dr. H. Kellogg Dr. H. Kellogg: Cesky Terrier, Glen Imaal, Kerry, Lakelnd, Min Bull Terrs, Norwich, Parson Russell, Scotti, Skye, Staf Bull Ms. B. K. Kneale: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. H. M. Yost Ms. B. K. Kneale: Toy Manch, Pood Toy Mr. L. C. Terricone: Cav KC Spans, Chin Cr, Pug Mr. F. J. Washabaugh: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. E. E. Bivin Ms. B. K. Kneale: Pood Mr. L. C. Terricone: Chow, Lhasa Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. L. C. Terricone Mr. L. C. Terricone: Beauceron, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, Pol Low Shp, Pyre Shep, Swed Vallhund Dr. H. Kellogg: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. H. M. Yost Mr. H. M. Yost: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. C. Bohren: Nov A, Util A, Util B Mr. A. L. Cartwright: Nov B, Open A, Open B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. H. M. Yost SWEEPS VETERANS: Span-Eng Spr Mr. Lorena Clark SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Eng Spr Mr. Lorena Clark

NOVEMBER 15 - SATURDAY AZ Tucson* (I/O) TUCSON KENNEL CLUB (S) Pima County Fairgrounds 11300 South Houghton Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. S. H. McDonald SPORTING Group: Mr. S. H. McDonald D. J. Emslie: Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Set-Irsh, Vizs Mr. R. W. Powell: Brit, Pntr-GS, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat Mr. G. Doxtater: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. G. D. Boulton Mr. S. H. McDonald: Ir Wolf Mr. R. Paust: Afghan, Basset, Borz, Greyhnd, Harr, Saluki, Whip Mr. G. D. Boulton: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. D. J. Buxton Mr. K. A. Buxton: Dobe Mrs. C. S. DiGiacomo: Grt Dane, Mast Mrs. L. A. Sanford: Boxer, Portuguese, Rottw, Sam, Sib Hky D. J. Emslie: Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Bullm, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher Mr. G. Doxtater: Balance of Working Breeds

TERRIER Group: Mr. R. W. Powell Mr. R. W. Powell: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. E. Blake Mrs. J. L. Dorough: Chin Cr Mr. R. Paust: Toy Manch Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Hava, Eng Toy Sp (KC & R), J Chin, Pom, Shih Tzu, Pood Toy Mr. E. Blake: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Eng Toy Sp (B & PC), I Greyhnd, Malt Mr. G. Doxtater: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. S. DiGiacomo Mrs. J. L. Dorough: Boston, Bulldog, Shar-Pei Mrs. C. S. DiGiacomo: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. K. A. Buxton Mr. S. H. McDonald: Austrl Cat Dg, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Canaan, Coll, Shetld Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. C. S. DiGiacomo Mrs. C. S. DiGiacomo: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. K. B. Miller: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility Ms. S. Osburn: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. G. D. Boulton SWEEPS VETERANS: Brit Alison Miller SWEEPS PUPPY: Brit Alison Miller CA Colusa (O) LEONBERGER CLUB OF AMERICA Colusa County Fairgrounds 1303 10th St CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 Jim Carretta, SHW SEC, 6745 BEECH AVE, ORANGEVALE, CA 95662 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Dr. W. V. Spediacci: Breed, Jr. Showmanship FL Ocala* (O) GREATER OCALA DOG CLUB, INC. (S) Ocala Dog Show Grounds 10205 Northwest Gainesville Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW W. Pinsker SPORTING Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman W. Pinsker: All Pointers, All Retrievers, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Vizs Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: S. Sakson S. Sakson: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. P. V. Trotter S. Sakson: Dobe, St Bern Mrs. M. Pinsker: Akita, Alas Mal, Boxer, Bullm, Grt Dane, Newf, Rottw, Sib Hky Mrs. F. W. Schwartz: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. C. E. Trotter N. Liebes: Am Staff, Manch Ter W. Pinsker: Rat Terrier, Russel Terr Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. E. Garren Mrs. D. R. Nachman: Silky Mr. C. E. Trotter: Peke, Toy Fox Terrier Mr. R. E. Garren: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, Hava, Eng Toy Sp N. Liebes: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman N. Liebes: Pood Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Schip Mrs. D. R. Nachman: Tib Span Mrs. M. Pinsker: Boston, Shiba Inu Mrs. E. Dykstra-Blum: Am Esk Dog, Coton de Tulear, Fin Spitz, Fr Bull, Xoloitzcuintli Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. C. E. Trotter Mrs. M. Pinsker: Bouv N. Liebes: AustrlShep, Pulik Mr. C. E. Trotter: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. P. V. Trotter Mrs. P. V. Trotter: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES C. Caballero: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. M. Pinsker SWEEPS PUPPY: Bel Mal Sandra Shaw SWEEPS VETERANS: Bel Mal Sandra Shaw SWEEPS WORKING DOG: Bel Mal Sandra Shaw SWEEPS PUPPY: Bel Terv Sandra M Shaw SWEEPS VETERANS: Bel Terv Sandra M Shaw SWEEPS WORKING DOG: Bel Terv Sandra M Shaw NC Concord (I) GREATER MONROE KENNEL CLUB (S) Cabarrus Arena and Events Center 4751 Highway 49 North CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW G. Bassett SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. Campbell-Freeman J. A. Smith: All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-Clum, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Wel Spr, Vizs, Weim Mrs. D. Campbell-Freeman: Balance of Sporting Breeds

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HOUND Group: Mr. G. L. Doerge Mr. D. J. Murphy: Whip Mrs. K. C. Wilson: Am Fox, PBGV Mr. G. L. Doerge: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: J. A. Smith Dr. S. Kaluzniacki: AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Sam G. Bassett: Akita, Alas Mal, Boxer, Bullm, Dobe, Grt Dane, Grt Pyr, Mast, Newf, Rottw, St Bern, Sib Hky J. A. Smith: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. D. J. Murphy Mrs. K. C. Wilson: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. D. J. Murphy Dr. S. Kaluzniacki: Chin Cr Mrs. M. D. Williams: Cav KC Spans, Hava, Min Pin, Pood Toy, Shih Tzu, Silky, Yorks Mr. D. J. Murphy: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. C. E. Gomes Mr. C. E. Gomes: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Dr. S. Kaluzniacki Mrs. M. D. Williams: AustrlShep M. Hector: Shetld M. F. Carroll: Card-WC, Pemb-WC Dr. S. Kaluzniacki: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. G. L. Doerge Mr. G. L. Doerge: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Dr. S. Kaluzniacki NY Syracuse* (I) CENTRAL NEW YORK KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) New York State Fairgrounds CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. L. Brown SPORTING Group: Mr. D. L. Kittredge Mrs. E. J. Lessig: Span-Eng Spr, Weim Mrs. (. Hardin: Pntr-GS, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Nova Scotia T M. Faulkner: Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Span-Suss, Span-Wel Spr, Spin Ital, Vizs, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mr. D. L. Kittredge: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq. M. Faulkner: Whip L. L. Nelson: Bloodhnd, Eng Fox, RhoRidge Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq.: Ir Wolf, Nor Elk, Port Pd Peq Mrs. R. Kramer: Afghan, Bgle, Borz, Greyhnd, Harr, Otter, PBGV, Plott, Saluki, ScotDeer Mr. L. J. Sinclair: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. L. J. Sinclair Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq.: Dogue de Brdx Ms. M. A. Falconer: Akita, Berns Mtn, Mast, Newf Mr. L. Brown: Alas Mal, Grt Dane, Sam, Sib Hky Ms. C. C. McGowan: Grm Pinscher, Giant Schn, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. L. J. Sinclair: AnatolShep, Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Chinook, Nepltn Mastiff Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. R. Kramer P. L. Gallagher: Lakelnd, Parson Russell, Russel Terr, Sealym, Soft Coated, Welsh Ter C. Taylor: Cairn, Cesky Terrier, Manch Ter, Min Bull Terrs, Min Schn, Norwich Norfolk, Scotti, Skye, Staf Bull, Wst Highlnd Mrs. R. Kramer: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. C. C. McGowan Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq.: Pood Toy C. Taylor: Hava, J Chin, Shih Tzu Mrs. E. J. Lessig: Chihua (Long), I Greyhnd, Eng Toy Sp, Pom, Pug, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Ms. C. C. McGowan: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq. Ms. M. A. Falconer: Dalm Mrs. E. J. Lessig: Shiba Inu Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: Am Esk Dog, Coton de Tulear, Norwegian Lndhnd, Tib Span, Xoloitzcuintli Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq.: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: M. Faulkner Ms. M. A. Falconer: AustrlShep, Card-WC, GSD, Pemb-WC Ms. C. C. McGowan: Brdr Coll, Bouv, Briard, Canaan, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph M. Faulkner: Austrl Cat Dg, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Coll Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. L. Brown Mr. L. Brown: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES S. J. Steele: Nov A, Open A, Open B W. D. Craig: Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. C. C. McGowan OH Columbus (I) LIMA KENNEL CLUB (S) Ohio Exposition Center/Ohio State Fairgrounds 717 East 17th Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. L. Vandiver SPORTING Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger Mr. R. D. Ennis: Span-Suss Mrs. P. Hartinger: Spin Ital Mr. R. L. Vandiver: Wirehair Ptg Grif, Wirehair Vizsla Dr. G. C. Penta: Ret-Gold, Set-Gord, Set-Irsh C. McMaster: Ret-Lab, Set-Eng, Weim Mr. C. G. Liepmann: Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Balance of Sporting Breeds

146 Dog News

HOUND Group: Mrs. J. A. Penta J. Hoke: Bgle, Dach Mr. K. M. McDermott: Basenji, Greyhnd, Ir Wolf, Otter, PBGV, Saluki, ScotDeer Mr. E. W. Hall: Eng Fox, Harr, Ibizan, Pharaoh, Plott, RhoRidge, Whip Mrs. J. A. Penta: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. G. C. Penta Mrs. P. Hartinger: Nepltn Mastiff Mrs. D. Hansen: Berns Mtn, Kom Mr. R. L. Vandiver: Blk Russn Terrier, Bullm, Dogue de Brdx, Mast L. D. Lange: Akita, Boxer, Grt Dane, Rottw, Sam, Sib Hky Mr. C. G. Liepmann: Cane Corso, Chinook, Dobe, Kuv, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Dr. G. C. Penta: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. M. D. Buckley Mr. R. D. Ennis: Manch Ter Mr. K. M. McDermott: Cesky Terrier, Rat Terrier, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Mr. M. D. Buckley: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: J. Hoke Mrs. J. A. Penta: Bruss Grif Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Chin Cr Mrs. D. Hansen: I Greyhnd L. D. Lange: Toy Manch Mrs. P. Hartinger: Toy Fox Terrier J. Hoke: Yorks Mr. K. M. McDermott: Cav KC Spans, Chihua Mr. R. D. Ennis: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. Hansen Mr. K. M. McDermott: Boston, Dalm J. Hoke: Lhasa, Pood Mrs. P. Hartinger: Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd Mrs. D. Hansen: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mr. K. M. McDermott: Pemb-WC Mr. C. G. Liepmann: Coll, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, Icelandic Shpdg Mr. R. L. Vandiver: GSD, Pyre Shep, Shetld, Swed Vallhund Mrs. J. A. Penta: Card-WC, Nor Buhund, OES, Pol Low Shp, Pulik Mrs. P. Hartinger: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: J. Hoke J. Hoke: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: C. McMaster SWEEPS PUPPY: Min Schn Carol Ann L Patterson SWEEPS VETERANS: Kees Debera Loesser SWEEPS PUPPY: Kees Debera Loesser OK Chickasha (I/O) CANADIAN VALLEY KENNEL CLUB (S) Grady County Fairgrounds 500 East Choctaw Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. E. Sullivan SPORTING Group: Ms. D. L. Malenfant Ms. D. L. Malenfant: All Sporting Breeds *No Classes: Ret-Gold HOUND Group: Ms. H. M. Haas Ms. H. M. Haas: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: J. P. Wade Mrs. E. Sullivan: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: D. McCoy D. McCoy: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Dr. J. F. Davidson Ms. D. L. Malenfant: Pug, Shih Tzu, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Dr. J. F. Davidson: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: D. McCoy Dr. J. F. Davidson: Pood Ms. H. M. Haas: Xoloitzcuintli D. McCoy: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. E. Sullivan J. P. Wade: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. D. L. Malenfant Ms. D. L. Malenfant: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: D. McCoy SWEEPS VETERANS: Bloodhnd Ms. Laurie King Telfair SWEEPS PUPPY: Bloodhnd Ms. Laurie King Telfair

PA Oaks (I) KENNEL CLUB OF PHILADELPHIA, INC. (BENCHED) (S) The Greater Philadelphia Expo Center 100 Station Avenue CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $34.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. E. E. Bivin SPORTING Group: Mr. J. Richardson Mr. K. J. Murray: Pntr-GS, Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches Dr. G. Morgan-Jones: Brit, Pointer, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Ret-Nova Scotia T V. Murray: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: D. Thornton Mr. J. Richardson: RhoRidge Mr. R. D. Albee: Afghan, Dach Mr. K. J. Murray: Am Fox, Basenji, Bgle, Borz, Greyhnd, Ir Wolf, Saluki, ScotDeer, Whip D. Thornton: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. K. J. Murray Mr. K. J. Murray: Portuguese Mr. J. A. Moses: Sam Ms. L. Whittier: Gtr Swiss Mtn, Sib Hky Mrs. C. B. McKenna: Dobe, Giant Schn, Grt Pyr, Rottw, Std Schn Mrs. C. O. Cooper: Akita, Boxer, Grm Pinscher, Grt Dane, Kom, Kuv, Leonberger, Nepltn Mastiff D. Thornton: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. E. Hutton Mr. J. A. Moses: Am Staff Mr. J. Richardson: Airdle, Austr, Bdlgtn, Border, Bull Ter, Cairn, Cesky Terrier, Dandie, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Min Bull Terrs, Soft Coated, Staf Bull Mrs. M. K. Kipp: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Dr. G. Morgan-Jones Mr. J. Richardson: Toy Manch Ms. L. Whittier: Yorks Mr. J. A. Moses: Chin Cr, Pood Toy Mr. R. D. Albee: Pap, Peke, Pom, Shih Tzu Mrs. G. Geringer: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Mr. J. A. Moses: Pood Mr. J. Richardson: Dalm, Kees Mr. R. E. Hutton: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. J. A. Moses Mr. R. D. Albee: Pemb-WC Mr. R. H. Futh: Beard Coll, Coll, Shetld Mrs. R. (. Futh: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. Richardson Mr. J. Richardson: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. C. B. McKenna

TOY Group: Mr. R. V. Miller Mr. D. Vice: Toy Manch Ms. E. Muthard: Pap, Peke, Pom, Pug, Shih Tzu, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mr. R. V. Miller: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. G. L. Andersen Mr. R. V. Miller: Pood Ms. E. Muthard: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Boston Mr. D. Vice: Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Chow, Coton de Tulear, Dalm Mr. G. L. Andersen: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. R. J. Caswell Mr. C. L. Olvis: Nor Buhund Mr. G. K. Newton: Coll, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, Icelandic Shpdg, Pol Low Shp, Pulik, Pyre Shep, Shetld, Swed Vallhund Mr. R. J. Caswell: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. E. Muthard Ms. E. Muthard: All Miscellaneous Breeds BISOH Group: Ms. E. Muthard NOHS SPORTING Group: L. Myles Dr. J. A. Newton: Ret-Gold Ms. E. Muthard: Span-Eng Spr Mr. G. L. Andersen: Pntr-GS, Ret-Lab Mr. C. L. Olvis: Span-Fld, Span-Irw, SpanSuss, Span-Wel Spr, Spin Ital, Vizs, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif, Wirehair Vizsla Mr. R. J. Shreve: Balance of NOHS Sporting Breeds NOHS HOUND Group: E. Kroll OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. J. A. James: Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Util B Ms. M. Dandridge: Nov B, Begnr Nov A, PNOV, Open A, PUTL Mr. E. B. Vaughan: Grad Novr, Open B, POPN, Util A JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. C. A. Bagnell

NOVEMBER 16 - SUNDAY AZ Tucson* (I/O) GREATER SIERRA VISTA KENNEL CLUB Pima County Fairgrounds 11300 South Houghton Rd CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW D. J. Emslie SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. J. Buxton Mr. G. Doxtater: Brit Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. D. Thompson Mr. D. Thompson: Afghan, Amer English Coon, Bluetick Coon, Eng Fox, Harr, Nor Elk, Plott, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon, Treeing Walker Coon, Whip Dr. K. H. Levison: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. K. A. Buxton Mr. D. Thompson: Mast M. Brown, M.D.: Boxer, Dobe, Grt Dane, Portuguese Mr. K. A. Buxton: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: D. J. Emslie Mr. G. Doxtater: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. G. Doxtater N. L. Van Camp: Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, Pap, Pom, Pug, Yorks D. J. Emslie: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. E. Blake Mr. E. Blake: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: N. L. Van Camp Mr. D. Thompson: Austrl Cat Dg, Shetld D. J. Emslie: AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Briard, Coll (Rough) Mr. G. Doxtater: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. E. Blake Mr. E. Blake: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. S. Osburn: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility Mr. K. B. Miller: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. E. Blake

OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES C. Caballero: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: N. Liebes NC Concord (I) FAYETTEVILLE KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Cabarrus Arena and Events Center 4751 Highway 49 North CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. J. L. Stacy SPORTING Group: Mr. D. J. Murphy C. C. Lane: Pntr-GS, Ret-Ches, Set-Gord, Set-Irsh, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr, Spin Ital, Weim Mr. D. J. Murphy: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. K. C. Wilson Mr. G. L. Doerge: Am Fox, PBGV Mrs. K. C. Wilson: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. L. R. DeRoulet Mr. J. Hedl: Boxer, Bullm, Dobe, Rottw Ms. L. R. DeRoulet: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. G. L. Doerge Mr. G. L. Doerge: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. D. CampbellFreeman C. Strunge: Chin Cr C. C. Lane: Cav KC Spans, Chihua Mr. G. L. Doerge: Toy Manch, Pood Toy Mrs. M. D. Williams: Bruss Grif, I Greyhnd, Malt, Pap, Pom, Pug Mrs. D. Campbell-Freeman: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. Campbell-Freeman Mr. D. J. Murphy: Shar-Pei Mr. G. L. Doerge: Boston, Pood, Tib Ter Mrs. J. L. Stacy: Coton de Tulear, Norwegian Lndhnd, Xoloitzcuintli Ms. L. R. DeRoulet: Am Esk Dog, Chow, Fr Bull, Shiba Inu Mrs. D. Campbell-Freeman: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. M. D. Williams Mr. D. J. Murphy: OES Mrs. M. J. Your: AustrlShep, Card-WC, GSD, Pemb-WC Mrs. M. D. Williams: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. K. C. Wilson Mrs. K. C. Wilson: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. Hedl

NY Syracuse* (I) DEL-OTSE-NANGO KENNEL CLUB (S) New York State Fairgrounds CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW M. Faulkner SPORTING Group: Mr. L. J. Sinclair Mrs. (. Hardin: Ret-Gold M. Faulkner: Ret-Nova Scotia T Mrs. E. J. Lessig: Ret-Lab, Set-Eng, Set-Irsh, Span-Ckr Mr. D. L. Kittredge: Span-Eng Spr, SpanFld, Span-Irw, Span-Suss, Span-Wel Spr, Spin Ital, Vizs, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mr. L. J. Sinclair: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. L. J. Sinclair Mr. L. J. Sinclair: Port Pd Peq M. Faulkner: Afghan, Bgle, Borz, Greyhnd, Ir Wolf, Nor Elk, RhoRidge Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq.: Balance of Hound Breeds *No Classes: Dach WORKING Group: Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq. Ms. M. A. Falconer: Boxer, Dobe Ms. C. C. McGowan: Cane Corso, Leonberger Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq.: AnatolShep, Blk Russn Terrier, Bullm, Chinook, Nepltn Mastiff, St Bern Ms. D. Beckman: Akita, Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Grt Pyr, Mast, Newf, Rottw, Sam, Sib Hky FL Ocala* (O) Mr. L. J. Sinclair: Balance of Working GREATER OCALA DOG CLUB, INC. Breeds Ocala Dog Show Grounds TERRIER Group: C. Taylor 10205 Northwest Gainesville Rd WA Monroe* (I) OR Roseburg* (I) P. L. Gallagher: Airdle, Cairn, Fox Ter CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 WHIDBEY ISLAND KENNEL CLUB INC ROGUE VALLEY KENNEL CLUB, INC. (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Kerry, Min Schn, MB-F Inc., SUPT Evergreen State Fairgrounds Douglas County Fairgrounds Norwich Norfolk Judges And Their Assignments Hwy 2 2110 SW Frear, I-5 Exit 123 C. Taylor: Am Staff, Austr, Bdlgtn, Border, BEST IN SHOW Mrs. F. W. CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 Bull Ter, Dandie, Glen Imaal, Irish Ter, Schwartz BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Parson Russell, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr SPORTING Group: W. Pinsker FEE: $29.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd FEE: $29.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Ms. C. C. McGowan: Balance of Terrier C. A. Beattie: Span-Boykin, Spin Ital Judges And Their Assignments Judges And Their Assignments Mrs. S. M. Riese: Brit, Span-Clum, Span-Eng Breeds BEST IN SHOW Ms. E. Muthard BEST IN SHOW Mrs. P. Nykiel TOY Group: Mrs. E. J. Lessig Spr, Span-Fld Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mrs. B. D. Alderman: All Pointers, All SPORTING Group: Ms. B. J. Young SPORTING Ms. C. C. McGowan: Shih Tzu Dr. J. A. Newton: Ret-Gold Ms. B. J. Young: All Sporting Breeds Mrs. E. J. Lessig: Affenp, Pood Toy Retrievers, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Ms. E. Muthard: Span-Eng Spr HOUND Group: Mrs. S. A. Krogh C. Taylor: Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chin Span-AmW, Vizs Ms. B. J. Young: Basenji, Basset, Bgle, Dach Mr. G. L. Andersen: Pntr-GS, Ret-Lab Cr, Toy Manch, Pap, Peke, Pom, Pug W. Pinsker: Balance of Sporting Breeds Mr. C. L. Olvis: Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Span- HOUND (Smooth), Dach (Wire), Nor Elk Mrs. R. Kramer: Balance of Toy Breeds Group: Mrs. P. V. Trotter Mrs. S. A. Krogh: Afghan, Borz, Dach NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. L. Suss, Span-Wel Spr, Spin Ital, Vizs, Weim, W. Pinsker: PBGV (Long), Ir Wolf, RhoRidge, Saluki, Whip J. Sinclair Wirehair Ptg Grif, Wirehair Vizsla Mrs. R. L. Campbell: B & T Coonhnd, Mrs. B. Stenmark: Balance of Hound Breeds Mr. R. J. Shreve: Balance of Sporting Mr. D. L. Kittredge: Dalm, Tib Span Bloodhnd, Nor Elk WORKING Group: Mrs. S. A. Breeds Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Balance of Hound Breeds Mrs. E. J. Lessig: Bulldog, Pood, Tib Ter Krogh Ms. R. J. Biddle, Esq.: Am Esk Dog, Coton HOUND Group: Mr. G. K. Newton WORKING Group: N. Liebes Mrs. P. Nykiel: All Working Breeds de Tulear, Norwegian Lndhnd, Xoloitzcuintli Mr. C. A. Bagnell: Saluki Mrs. D. Guerra: Grt Dane TERRIER Group: Mrs. B. Stenmark Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: Balance of Non-Sporting Mr. M. L. Sherman: Basset, Dach Mrs. F. W. Schwartz: Akita, Alas Mal, Mr. D. M. Krogh: All Terrier Breeds Breeds Mr. C. L. Olvis: Afghan, Amer English Coon, Boxer, Bullm, Dobe, Newf, Rottw, Sib Hky TOY Group: Mrs. S. A. Krogh HERDING Group: Mr. L. Brown Am Fox, B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Bluetick N. Liebes: Balance of Working Breeds Mrs. A. Katona: All Toy Breeds Ms. C. C. McGowan: AustrlShep, Bel Mal, Coon, ScotDeer TERRIER Group: Mr. T. L. Yates NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. D. Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Pemb-WC Mr. G. K. Newton: Ir Wolf, Nor Elk, Otter, Mr. T. L. Yates: All Terrier Breeds M. Krogh Mr. L. Brown: Balance of Herding Breeds PBGV, Pharaoh, Plott, Redbone Coon, Tree- TOY Group: W. Pinsker Ms. B. J. Young: Fin Spitz MISCELLANEOUS Group: M. ing Walker Coon W. Pinsker: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Mrs. S. A. Krogh: Balance of Non-Sporting Dr. J. A. Newton: Balance of Hound Breeds Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, Hava, Eng Toy Sp Faulkner Breeds M. Faulkner: All Miscellaneous Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mr. R. E. Garren: Balance of Toy Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. B. Capstick Mr. R. J. Caswell: Boxer OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. C. Ms. B. Capstick: All Herding Breeds W. D. Craig: Nov A, Open A, Open B Dr. J. A. Newton: Grt Dane E. Trotter MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. D. S. J. Steele: Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Mr. G. K. Newton: Cane Corso, Chinook, Mr. T. L. Yates: Boston, Lhasa M. Krogh Dobe, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Giant Mr. C. E. Trotter: Balance of Non-Sporting Nov B, Util A, Util B Mr. D. M. Krogh: All Miscellaneous Breeds Schn, Portuguese, Rottw, St Bern, Sam, Sib Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. M. A. Falconer OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff HERDING Group: Mr. C. T. Neale Mrs. S. Cox: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Mr. C. L. Olvis: Balance of Working Breeds Mr. C. T. Neale: All Herding Breeds Begnr Nov B, Open A, Open B TERRIER Group: Mr. D. Vice MISCELLANEOUS Group: N. Liebes Ms. S. B. Bluford: PNOV, Grad Novr, Mr. D. Vice: All Terrier Breeds N. Liebes: All Miscellaneous Breeds Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. B. J. Young TX Humble BRAZORIA KENNEL CLUB, INC. Humble Civic Center and Arena 8233 Will Clayton Pkway CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 12:00 p.m. Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. A. W. Krause SPORTING Group: Mr. W. J. Sommerfelt Dr. A. W. Krause: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: B. P. Threlfall B. P. Threlfall: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. M. Johnson-Snyder Mrs. M. Johnson-Snyder: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. B. Dale Ms. B. Dale: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. M. E. Moore Dr. A. W. Krause: Pood Toy Mr. M. E. Moore: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. B. Dale Dr. A. W. Krause: Lhasa, Pood Mr. M. E. Moore: Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Chow, Kees, Schip, Shiba Inu Ms. B. Dale: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. W. J. Sommerfelt Mr. W. J. Sommerfelt: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: B. P. Threlfall B. P. Threlfall: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: B. P. Threlfall

OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. A. A. Peterson: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Open A, Open B Mrs. S. Cox: PNOV, Grad Novr, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. D. M. Krogh

TOY Group: Ms. E. Muthard Mr. R. V. Miller: Toy Manch Mr. D. Vice: Pap, Peke, Pom, Pug, Pood Toy, Shih Tzu, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Ms. E. Muthard: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mr. C. L. Olvis: Coton de Tulear, Schip Mr. D. Vice: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Boston, Pood Mr. R. J. Shreve: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. G. K. Newton Mr. R. J. Caswell: Pulik, Pyre Shep, Shetld, Swed Vallhund Mr. C. L. Olvis: Coll, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, Icelandic Shpdg, Pol Low Shp Mr. G. K. Newton: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. D. Vice Mr. D. Vice: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. E. B. Vaughan: Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Util B, PUTL Ms. J. A. James: Nov B, Begnr Nov A, PNOV, Open A Ms. M. Dandridge: Grad Novr, Open B, POPN, Util A JR SHOWMANSHIP: C. A. Dawson

MA West Springfield* (I) WINDHAM COUNTY KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Eastern States Exposition Grounds 1305 Memorial Ave. CLOSES: NOVEMBER 5 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd PA Oaks (I) Judges And Their Assignments KENNEL CLUB OF PHILADELPHIA, INC. BEST IN SHOW Mr. C. Coady (BENCHED) (S) SPORTING Group: Mr. N. L. Patton The Greater Philadelphia Expo Center Dr. C. L. Battaglia: Ret-Gold 100 Station Avenue Mrs. L. Boutwell: Ret-Lab, Vizs CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 Mr. C. Coady: Brit, Pntr-GS, Set-Gord MB-F Inc., SUPT Ms. D. C. Mounce: Set-Irsh, Span-Ckr, Weim FEE: $34.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. N. L. Patton: Ret-Nova Scotia T, SetJudges And Their Assignments Eng, Span-Clum, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Wel BEST IN SHOW Mr. T. H. Bradley, Spr III Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Balance of Sporting SPORTING Group: V. Murray Breeds Mrs. C. B. McKenna: Pntr-GS HOUND Group: Mr. L. Boileau NOVEMBER 21 - FRIDAY Mr. P. Campanella: Ret-Ches, Ret-Gold, Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Dach Ret-Lab, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Weim N. L. Van Camp: Basenji, Basset, Ir Wolf, AL Montgomery* (I) Mr. T. H. Bradley, III: Balance of Sporting Nor Elk, Pharaoh, RhoRidge, Whip MONTGOMERY KENNEL CLUB Breeds Ms. B. L. Clarke: Balance of Hound Breeds Garrett Coliseum Grounds HOUND Group: Dr. G. MorganWORKING Group: J. R. Walsh 1555 Federal Drive Jones Mrs. L. Boutwell: Boxer, Mast CLOSES: NOVEMBER 5 Dr. G. Morgan-Jones: All Hound Breeds J. Langevin: Dobe, Grt Dane Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT *No Classes: Dach J. R. Walsh: Grt Pyr, Newf, Portuguese, FEE: $28.00-1st/ $19.00-2nd WORKING Group: Ms. L. Whittier Rottw Judges And Their Assignments Mrs. C. B. McKenna: Sib Hky Dr. C. L. Battaglia: Alas Mal, AnatolShep, BEST IN SHOW Ms. B. Capstick Mr. K. J. Murray: Akita, Alas Mal, Dobe, Blk Russn Terrier, Dogue de Brdx, Grm SPORTING Group: Mr. T. Stacy Giant Schn, Grt Dane, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kom, Pinscher, Kom, Kuv, Nepltn Mastiff, Sam, Mrs. J. L. Stacy: Ret-Gold, Span-Ckr, Kuv, Mast, Rottw, St Bern, Sam, Std Schn Sib Hky Span-Eng Ckr NOVEMBER 17 - MONDAY Ms. L. Whittier: Balance of Working Breeds Ms. B. L. Clarke: Balance of Working Mr. T. Stacy: Balance of Sporting Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. E. E. Bivin Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. J. L. Stacy AZ Tucson* (I/O) Mr. R. E. Hutton: Soft Coated, Staf Bull, TERRIER Group: Mr. R. C. Williams Mr. R. D. Albee: Afghan, Dach GREATER SIERRA VISTA KENNEL CLUB Wst Highlnd Ms. B. Capstick: Balance of Hound Breeds Mr. C. Coady: Bdlgtn, Cesky Terrier, Pima County Fairgrounds Mr. E. E. Bivin: Balance of Terrier Breeds Dandie, Glen Imaal, Rat Terrier, Russel WORKING Group: Mrs. H. Clark 11300 South Houghton Rd TOY Group: Mr. C. Winslow Terr, Sealym H. H. Schulman: Boxer, Dobe, Grt Dane, CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 Mr. R. E. Hutton: All Toy Breeds Mr. R. C. Williams: Balance of Terrier Sam, Sib Hky Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. Mrs. H. Clark: Balance of Working Breeds Breeds FEE: $29.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd E. Hutton TOY Group: Mrs. L. Boutwell TERRIER Group: Mr. H. Clark Judges And Their Assignments Mr. E. E. Bivin: Boston Mr. C. Coady: Pood Toy Mr. H. Clark: All Terrier Breeds BEST IN SHOW Mr. D. Thompson Mr. C. Winslow: Balance of Non-Sporting Mrs. L. Boutwell: Toy Fox Terrier TOY Group: Mr. H. Clark SPORTING Group: Mr. K. A. Breeds Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Hava, Toy Manch Mrs. J. L. Stacy: Chihua Buxton HERDING Group: Mrs. C. B. J. R. Walsh: Affenp, Min Pin, Silky Mr. R. D. Albee: Pap, Peke, Pom, Pug, Mr. K. A. Buxton: All Sporting Breeds McKenna Ms. D. C. Mounce: Pug, Shih Tzu, Yorks Shih Tzu HOUND Group: N. L. Van Camp Mrs. C. B. McKenna: AustrlShep, Bouv, Mr. L. Boileau: Balance of Toy Breeds Mrs. H. Clark: Min Pin, Toy Manch, Pood N. L. Van Camp: All Hound Breeds Briard, GSD NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. D. Toy, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks WORKING Group: Mr. G. Mr. J. A. Moses: Balance of Herding Breeds Doxtater C. Mounce Mr. H. Clark: Balance of Toy Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. C. Mr. L. Boileau: Am Esk Dog NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. J. Mr. D. Thompson: Grt Dane, Portuguese, Winslow J. Langevin: Dalm L. Stacy Rottw, Std Schn Mr. C. Winslow: All Miscellaneous Breeds Mr. C. Coady: Lhasa, Pood Mrs. J. A. Brown: Dalm Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Balance of Working JR SHOWMANSHIP: V. Murray Ms. B. Capstick: Pood, Schip, Shiba Inu, Tib J. R. Walsh: Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Schip Breeds SWEEPS VETERANS: Sib Hky Mr. N. L. Patton: Boston, Chow, Coton de Span, Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli TERRIER Group: Mr. G. Doxtater Carlene Way Tulear, Fin Spitz, Fr Bull, Tib Ter Mrs. J. L. Stacy: Balance of Non-Sporting D. J. Emslie: All Terrier Breeds SWEEPS PUPPY: Sib Hky Ms. D. C. Mounce: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds TOY Group: D. J. Emslie Carlene Way Breeds HERDING Group: H. H. Schulman D. J. Emslie: Cav KC Spans HERDING Group: N. L. Van Camp Mr. R. D. Albee: Pemb-WC N. L. Van Camp: I Greyhnd PA Reading (I) Mr. G. Doxtater: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Chihua, Mrs. J. A. Brown: Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Dr. C. L. Battaglia: Entlebucher Mnt Dog DACHSHUND FANCIERS ASSOCIATION Mr. R. S. Burdett: GSD Laph, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, Pol Eng Toy Sp, Malt OF BERKS COUNTY (S) Mr. T. W. Coen: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Low Shp, Pyre Shep, Swed Vallhund Mr. E. Blake: Balance of Toy Breeds Berks County 4-H Community Center OK Chickasha (I/O) H. H. Schulman: Balance of Herding Breeds Card-WC, Coll, Pemb-WC NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 N. L. Van Camp: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, CANADIAN VALLEY KENNEL CLUB MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. T. J. Buxton Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT Brdr Coll, Icelandic Shpdg, OES Grady County Fairgrounds Mr. G. Doxtater: All Non-Sporting Breeds Stacy FEE: $28.00-1st/ $10.00-2nd J. R. Walsh: Balance of Herding Breeds 500 East Choctaw Ave. Mr. T. Stacy: All Miscellaneous Breeds HERDING Group: D. J. Emslie Mrs. A. O’Connell: Breed, Jr. Showmanship N. L. Van Camp: Pemb-WC MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. C. CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Mrs. J. A. Brown: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov Coady Mr. D. Thompson: AustrlShep, Beard Coll, TX Humble FEE: $27.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open Mr. C. Coady: All Miscellaneous Breeds Briard, Coll (Rough) BRAZORIA KENNEL CLUB, INC. Judges And Their Assignments A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES D. J. Emslie: Balance of Herding Breeds Humble Civic Center and Arena Mrs. P. Broderick: Nov A, Begnr Nov B BEST IN SHOW J. P. Wade B, PUTL, Versatility MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. D. 8233 Will Clayton Pkway J. M. Charest: Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Grad SPORTING Group: Ms. N. J. JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. H. Clark Thompson CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 Openr Gallant Mr. D. Thompson: All Miscellaneous Breeds Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Mrs. M. Baird: PNOV, Grad Novr, Open B, Ms. N. J. Gallant: All Sporting Breeds CA Turlock* (I/O) OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd POPN, Util A, Versatility *No Classes: Ret-Gold Ms. S. Osburn: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, Grad GOLDEN VALLEY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Judges And Their Assignments Ms. K. J. Anderson: Open A, Util B, PUTL HOUND Group: Ms. D. L. Stanislaus County Fairgrounds Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, BEST IN SHOW Mr. W. J. SomMalenfant CLOSES: NOVEMBER 5 POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility merfelt MD West Friendship (I) Ms. D. L. Malenfant: All Hound Breeds Mr. K. B. Miller: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B MB-F Inc., SUPT Group: B. P. Threlfall ROCK CREEK KENNEL CLUB WORKING Group: Mrs. E. Sullivan SPORTING FEE: $29.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. D. Thompson B. P. Threlfall: All Sporting Breeds Howard County Fairgrounds J. P. Wade: All Working Breeds Judges And Their Assignments HOUND Group: Dr. A. W. Krause 2210 Fairgrounds Road TERRIER Group: Mr. R. E. Herner BEST IN SHOW Mrs. C. Vogels Dr. A. W. Krause: All Hound Breeds Mr. R. E. Herner: All Terrier Breeds SPORTING Group: Dr. G. C. Penta CLOSES: NOVEMBER 5 NOVEMBER 20 THURSDAY WORKING Group: Dr. A. W. MB-F Inc., SUPT TOY Group: D. McCoy Mrs. C. Vogels: Brit, Ret-Lab, Span-Eng Krause Judges And Their Assignments Mr. R. E. Herner: Pug, Shih Tzu, Silky, Toy Ckr, Vizs MA West Springfield* (I) Mr. W. J. Sommerfelt: All Working Breeds HOLYOKE KENNEL CLUB, INC. Mrs. B. D. AlderFox Terrier, Yorks B. R. Andersen: Pntr-GS, Ret-Gold, All Set- BEST IN SHOW TERRIER Group: Mrs. J. Felten man D. McCoy: Balance of Toy Breeds ters, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Spr Eastern States Exposition Grounds Mrs. J. Felten: All Terrier Breeds SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. Mr. G. L. Andersen: Balance of Sporting 1305 Memorial Ave. TOY Group: Ms. B. Dale Hartinger E. Herner Breeds CLOSES: NOVEMBER 5 Mrs. M. Johnson-Snyder: Cav KC Spans Mr. J. E. Noe: Pntr-GS, Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches, Ms. N. J. Gallant: Dalm HOUND Group: Mrs. J. A. Penta MB-F Inc., SUPT Mrs. J. Felten: Toy Manch Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab D. McCoy: Pood Mr. J. C. Walton: Basenji, Basset, Bgle, FEE: $29.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Ms. B. Dale: Balance of Toy Breeds Mrs. P. A. Hess: Brit, Pointer, Ret-Nova M. Otten: Boston, Bulldog Dach, Nor Elk, PBGV, Whip Judges And Their Assignments Group: Dr. A. Scotia T, All Setters, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr, Mr. R. E. Herner: Balance of Non-Sporting NON-SPORTING Mrs. J. A. Penta: Balance of Hound Breeds BEST IN SHOW Mr. F. G. Ferris W. Krause Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Vizs Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. K. A. SPORTING Group: Ms. D. C. Ms. B. Dale: Lhasa, Pood Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Balance of Sporting HERDING Group: J. P. Wade Buxton Mounce Dr. A. W. Krause: Balance of Non-Sporting Mr. N. L. Patton: Set-Irsh Breeds Mrs. E. Sullivan: All Herding Breeds Dr. G. C. Penta: Akita, Alas Mal, Giant Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. R. R. MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. E. Schn, Sam, Std Schn Mrs. L. Boutwell: Span-Eng Ckr HERDING Group: Mrs. M. Johnson- Ms. B. L. Clarke: Ret-Lab, Span-Eng Spr, Hartinger Sullivan Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Boxer, Bullm, Dobe, Grt Snyder Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Hound Breeds Mrs. E. Sullivan: All Miscellaneous Breeds Dane, Mast Weim Mrs. M. Johnson-Snyder: All Herding WORKING Group: Mr. J. E. JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. N. J. Gallant Mr. K. A. Buxton: Balance of Working Ms. D. C. Mounce: Brit, Pntr-GS, Ret-Flat, Breeds Frederiksen Breeds Ret-Gold, Set-Eng, Set-Gord, Span-Fld MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. Mrs. P. Hartinger: Sam, Std Schn OR Roseburg* (I) Group: Dr. G. C. Penta Mr. C. Coady: Balance of Sporting Breeds TERRIER J. Felten Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: Balance of Working ROGUE VALLEY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Dr. G. C. Penta: All Terrier Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. B. L. Clarke Mrs. J. Felten: All Miscellaneous Breeds Breeds Douglas County Fairgrounds TOY Group: Mr. J. C. Walton Mrs. L. Boutwell: Afghan, Basenji, Basset, JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. M. JohnsonTERRIER Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger 2110 SW Frear, I-5 Exit 123 Dr. G. C. Penta: Toy Manch Pharaoh Snyder Mrs. B. D. Alderman: All Terrier Breeds CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 Mrs. C. Vogels: Pood Toy Mr. L. Boileau: Balance of Hound Breeds Group: Ms. S. I. Wheat Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT WORKING Group: Mr. C. Coady Mrs. J. A. Penta: Chihua, I Greyhnd, J Chin, TOY WA Monroe* (I) Mrs. P. Hartinger: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav FEE: $29.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Pap, Pom, Pug, Toy Fox Terrier Dr. L. W. Dosier: Boxer WHIDBEY ISLAND KENNEL CLUB INC KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, Eng Toy Sp Judges And Their Assignments Mr. J. C. Walton: Balance of Toy Breeds Mrs. D. Baker: Bullm Evergreen State Fairgrounds Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of Toy BEST IN SHOW Mrs. B. Stenmark NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. G. Dr. K. A. Doeg: Tibtn Mastiff Hwy 2 Breeds SPORTING Group: Dr. D. D. L. Andersen Mrs. L. Boutwell: Dogue de Brdx, St Bern CLOSES: OCTOBER 30 NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. S. Simmons Mrs. C. Vogels: Pood Ms. B. L. Clarke: Sam, Sib Hky BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT I. Wheat Mrs. P. Nykiel: All Sporting Breeds Mr. G. L. Andersen: Balance of NonMr. C. Coady: Chinook, Giant Schn, Gtr Mr. R. R. Hartinger: All Non-Sporting HOUND Group: Dr. D. D. Simmons FEE: $29.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Sporting Breeds Swiss Mtn, Kom Judges And Their Assignments Ms. B. Capstick: All Hound Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. D. J. Buxton Breeds Mrs. S. Walker: Balance of Working Mr. D. Vice HERDING Group: Mr. J. E. Noe WORKING Group: Mrs. P. Nykiel BEST IN SHOW Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Austrl Cat Dg, Beard Breeds SPORTING Group: Mr. G. L. Ms. S. I. Wheat: All Herding Breeds Dr. D. D. Simmons: Sam, Sib Hky Coll, Beauceron, Bouv, Briard, Canaan, TERRIER Group: Mrs. L. Boutwell Andersen Group: Mrs. P. Mrs. B. Stenmark: Akita, Alas Mal, Berns Coll, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, GSD, MISCELLANEOUS Mr. F. G. Ferris: Bdlgtn, Cesky Terrier, Ms. E. Muthard: Ret-Gold A. Hess Mtn, Boxer, Dobe, Giant Schn, Gtr Swiss Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund Dandie, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Mr. R. J. Shreve: Ret-Lab Mrs. P. A. Hess: All Miscellaneous Breeds Mtn, St Bern, Std Schn Mr. K. A. Buxton: Balance of Herding Glen Imaal, Min Schn, Norwich Norfolk, Rat Dr. J. A. Newton: Pntr-GS, Weim JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. P. A. Hess Ms. B. Capstick: Balance of Working Breeds Terrier, Russel Terr, Sealym Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh Mr. C. Coady: Balance of Terrier Breeds Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. Mr. G. L. Andersen: Balance of Sporting TERRIER Group: Mr. D. M. Krogh C. Vogels TOY Group: Mr. N. L. Patton Breeds Dr. D. D. Simmons: Manch Ter Mrs. C. Vogels: All Miscellaneous Breeds NOVEMBER 22 - SATURDAY Mr. L. Boileau: Affenp, Pug HOUND Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mrs. B. Stenmark: Balance of Terrier OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. N. L. Patton: Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Mr. G. K. Newton: Saluki Breeds AL Montgomery (I) Hava, I Greyhnd, Pood Toy, Shih Tzu, Silky, Mr. W. K. Iwamoto: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Mr. R. V. Miller: Basenji, Bgle TOY Group: Mr. D. M. Krogh Nov A, Begnr Nov B COLLIE CLUB OF ALABAMA (S) Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mr. C. L. Olvis: Port Pd Peq, Treeing Dr. D. D. Simmons: Toy Manch Ms. C. Dutra: Open A, Open B, Util A, Garrett Coliseum Grounds Mrs. L. Boutwell: Balance of Toy Breeds Walker Coon, Whip Mrs. S. A. Krogh: Balance of Toy Breeds Util B 1555 Federal Drive NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. L. Mr. C. A. Bagnell: Borz, Eng Fox, Greyhnd, Boileau NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. S. JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. C. Vogels CLOSES: NOVEMBER 5 12:00 p.m. Harr, Ibizan, RhoRidge A. Krogh Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Mr. N. L. Patton: Pood (Std), Schip Dr. J. A. Newton: Balance of Hound Breeds Ms. D. C. Mounce: Bulldog, Fin Spitz, Pood Mr. D. M. Krogh: All Non-Sporting Breeds FEE: $28.00-1st/ $19.00-2nd WORKING Group: Mr. R. J. HERDING Group: Dr. D. D. SimM. L. Russell: Breed (Min) Caswell mons SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Rough) Mr. L. Boileau: Coton de Tulear, Dalm, Mr. C. L. Olvis: Boxer, Chinook, Portuguese, Shiba Inu, Tib Span, Tib Ter Dr. D. D. Simmons: All Herding Breeds Ms. Hailey Stoner Rottw, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn, MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Smooth) Mrs. L. Boutwell: Balance of Non-Sporting Tibtn Mastiff P. Nykiel Ms. Hailey Stoner Breeds Mr. R. J. Caswell: Balance of Working Mrs. P. Nykiel: All Miscellaneous Breeds Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. V. Miller Mr. R. V. Miller: All Terrier Breeds OH Columbus (I) CENTRAL OHIO KENNEL CLUB (S) Ohio Exposition Center/Ohio State Fairgrounds 717 East 17th Ave. CLOSES: OCTOBER 29 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $29.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. S. DiNardo SPORTING Group: J. E. Gregory Mrs. K. B. Ashe: Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, SpanEng Ckr Mrs. B. L. Burns: Brit, All Pointers, Ret-Curl, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-Clum, Span-Fld Mrs. S. DiNardo: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. E. W. Hall Mr. E. W. Hall: Basenji, Basset, Bgle, Dach, Nor Elk, Otter, PBGV, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon Dr. J. D. Sillers: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. L. Stansell Mr. E. W. Hall: Grt Dane Mrs. C. M. Thompson: Mast J. E. Gregory: Boxer, Dobe Mrs. C. Stansell: Bullm, Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Leonberger, Sam, Sib Hky Mr. R. L. Stansell: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Dr. E. K. Martin Dr. E. K. Martin: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Dr. A. D. DiNardo Dr. J. D. Sillers: I Greyhnd Dr. E. K. Martin: Toy Manch Mrs. K. B. Ashe: Yorks Mr. F. C. Bassett: Pom, Pood Toy J. E. Gregory: Pug, Shih Tzu, Toy Fox Terrier Dr. A. D. DiNardo: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. F. C. Bassett Mrs. B. J. Patrick: Schip J. E. Gregory: Dalm, Lhasa, Tib Span Mrs. C. Stansell: Am Esk Dog, Shar-Pei, Fin Spitz, Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd, Shiba Inu Mr. F. C. Bassett: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. B. J. Patrick Mrs. J. F. Fox: GSD, Pemb-WC Mrs. C. Stansell: AustrlShep, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund Mrs. K. B. Ashe: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, OES Mrs. B. J. Patrick: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. K. B. Ashe Mrs. K. B. Ashe: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: J. T. Caton

HERDING Group: Mr. T. W. Coen Mrs. B. W. Lopez: GSD N. S. Coen: AustrlShep, Coll, Pemb-WC, Shetld Dr. K. A. Doeg: Austrl Cat Dg, Beard Coll, Bel Shp, Brdr Coll, Card-WC, OES, Pulik Mr. T. W. Coen: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. F. G. Ferris Mr. F. G. Ferris: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. P. Broderick: Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV J. M. Charest: Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Grad Openr Mrs. M. Baird: Grad Novr, Open B, POPN, Util A, Versatility Ms. K. J. Anderson: Open A, Util B, PUTL

Dog News 147

AL Montgomery* (I) MONTGOMERY KENNEL CLUB Garrett Coliseum Grounds 1555 Federal Drive CLOSES: NOVEMBER 5 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $19.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. H. Clark SPORTING Group: Mrs. J. A. Brown Mrs. L. Clark: Ret-Flat, Ret-Lab, Vizs Mr. H. Clark: All Spaniels, All Spaniels, Spin Ital, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif, Wirehair Vizsla Mrs. J. A. Brown: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. T. Stacy Mr. A. W. Woodfork: Dach Mrs. L. Clark: Bgle, RhoRidge Mr. T. Stacy: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. A. W. Woodfork Mrs. L. Clark: Akita, Alas Mal, Bullm, Giant Schn Mr. A. W. Woodfork: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. J. L. Stacy Mrs. J. L. Stacy: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. B. Capstick Mr. T. Stacy: Hava, Malt Mr. H. Clark: Min Pin, Toy Manch Mrs. H. Clark: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, Eng Toy Sp, I Greyhnd, J Chin Ms. B. Capstick: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. B. Capstick Mr. T. Stacy: Pood Mrs. J. L. Stacy: Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli Mrs. H. Clark: Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Chow, Dalm, Kees, Schip, Shiba Inu, Tib Span Ms. B. Capstick: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. H. Clark Mrs. L. Clark: Austrl Cat Dg, Bouv, GSD, Pemb-WC Mrs. J. L. Stacy: Coll, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, OES, Pol Low Shp, Pulik, Pyre Shep, Swed Vallhund Mr. H. Clark: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. B. Capstick Ms. B. Capstick: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. A. W. Woodfork

IA Council Bluffs* (I) COUNCIL BLUFFS KENNEL CLUB Mid America Center One Arena Way CLOSES: NOVEMBER 5 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. A. S. Bolus SPORTING Group: Mr. E. Blake Ms. D. K. Petersen: Brit, Pntr-GS, Ret-Curl, Span-Irw, Span-Suss, Vizs Mr. E. Blake: Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Span-Fld Mrs. A. S. Bolus: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. E. Blake Mr. D. Bolus: B & T Coonhnd, Bluetick Coon, Dach, Eng Fox, Redbone Coon Ms. A. Sorbie: Afghan, Am Fox, Bloodhnd, Greyhnd, Ibizan, Ir Wolf, Pharaoh, ScotDeer Mr. E. Blake: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. D. Bolus Mr. D. Bolus: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mr. R. J. Shreve: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. E. Blake Mrs. A. S. Bolus: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, Hava, Eng Toy Sp, I Greyhnd, J Chin, Malt Mr. F. C. Bassett: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. F. C. Bassett Mr. E. Blake: Kees Mr. R. J. Shreve: Boston, Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Lhasa, Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd, Tib Span, Xoloitzcuintli Mr. F. C. Bassett: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. F. C. Bassett Mr. R. J. Shreve: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. E. Blake Mr. E. Blake: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES J. Caputa: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Open A, Open B Mrs. D. Schneider: Grad Novr, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. D. K. Petersen IA Council Bluffs (I)

MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. B. L. Clarke Ms. B. L. Clarke: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES J. M. Charest: Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Open A, POPN, Util A Mrs. P. Broderick: Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Versatility Mrs. M. Baird: PNOV, Grad Openr, Util B, PUTL Ms. K. J. Anderson: Grad Novr, Open B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. K. Mammano


AL Montgomery* (I) CAHABA VALLEY KC Garrett Coliseum Grounds 1555 Federal Drive CLOSES: NOVEMBER 5 12:00 p.m. Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $19.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. J. L. Stacy SPORTING Group: Mrs. M. C. Spacht MD West Friendship* (I) Mrs. J. L. Stacy: Ret-Lab, Set-Eng, SpanROCK CREEK KENNEL CLUB Eng Spr Howard County Fairgrounds Mrs. M. C. Spacht: Balance of Sporting 2210 Fairgrounds Road Breeds CLOSES: NOVEMBER 5 HOUND Group: Mrs. M. C. Spacht MB-F Inc., SUPT Mrs. M. C. Spacht: Dach FEE: $33.00 Mrs. J. L. Stacy: Balance of Hound Breeds Judges And Their Assignments WORKING Group: Mr. H. Clark BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. E. Frederik- J. Conroy: Grt Dane sen Mr. H. Clark: Balance of Working Breeds SPORTING Group: Mrs. M. Alston TERRIER Group: Mrs. H. Clark Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Vizs Mrs. H. Clark: All Terrier Breeds Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Brit, All Pointers, All TOY Group: Mr. T. Stacy Retrievers Ms. S. Bingham-Porter: Chihua, Hava, Malt Dr. R. H. Hilderman: Balance of Sporting Mr. T. Stacy: Balance of Toy Breeds Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. HOUND Group: Dr. R. H. HilderH. Clark man Mr. M. E. Moore: Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Chow, Mrs. M. Alston: All Hound Breeds Dalm, Kees, Schip, Shiba Inu, Tib Span WORKING Group: Mr. J. E. Noe Mrs. H. Clark: Balance of Non-Sporting Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Portuguese, Rottw, St Breeds Bern, Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff HERDING Group: Ms. B. Capstick Mr. J. E. Noe: Balance of Working Breeds L. Bankhead: GSD TERRIER Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Ms. B. Capstick: Balance of Herding Breeds Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Terrier Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. H. TOY Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Clark Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: Toy Manch Mr. H. Clark: All Miscellaneous Breeds Ms. S. I. Wheat: Balance of Toy Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. Mrs. J. P. Lynch: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov R. Hartinger A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Non-Sporting Breeds Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B HERDING Group: Ms. S. I. Wheat JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. B. Capstick Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Nor Buhund, OES, Pemb-WC, Pol Low Shp, Pulik, Pyre Shep, CA Stockton* (I/O) Shetld, Swed Vallhund SAN JOAQUIN KENNEL CLUB Mrs. P. A. Hess: Balance of Herding Breeds San Joaquin County Fairgrounds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. E. 1658 S. Airport Way Frederiksen CLOSES: NOVEMBER 5 Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Miscellaneous MB-F Inc., SUPT Breeds Judges And Their Assignments OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES BEST IN SHOW Mrs. L. C. Ms. D. Meade: Nov A, Nov B, Grad Novr, Hutchinson Open B, Grad Openr, Util A MA West Springfield* (I) SPORTING Group: Mr. R. Stein Mr. P. L. Shelmadine: Begnr Nov A, Begnr SOUTH WINDSOR KENNEL CLUB (S) C. Tye: Ret-Lab Nov B, Open A, Util B, Versatility Eastern States Exposition Grounds Mr. J. C. Walton: Ret-Gold, Span-Ckr JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen 1305 Memorial Ave. CA Turlock* (I/O) B. R. Andersen: Brit, Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches, CLOSES: NOVEMBER 5 GOLDEN VALLEY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Span-Wel Spr, Spin Ital MN Shakopee (I) MB-F Inc., SUPT Stanislaus County Fairgrounds Mr. R. Stein: Balance of Sporting Breeds MINNEAPOLIS KENNEL CLUB, INC. FEE: $29.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd CLOSES: NOVEMBER 5 HOUND Group: Mrs. B. G. Rupert Canterbury Park Judges And Their Assignments MB-F Inc., SUPT Mrs. B. G. Rupert: All Hound Breeds 1100 Canterbury Rd. BEST IN SHOW Ms. B. L. Clarke FEE: $29.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd WORKING Group: Mr. T. P. CLOSES: NOVEMBER 5 SPORTING Group: Ms. B. Hale Judges And Their Assignments Stanfield, Jr. Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT Mr. C. Coady: Ret-Flat BEST IN SHOW Mrs. J. A. Penta B. R. Andersen: Dobe Judges And Their Assignments Mr. A. Berrios: Set-Eng, Set-Gord SPORTING Group: Mr. G. L. Mr. R. Stein: Rottw, St Bern BEST IN SHOW Dr. R. A. Indeglia Mr. G. L. Andersen: Akita, Blk Russn Terrier, Mrs. M. Lyons: Brit, Ret-Ches, Vizs Andersen SPORTING Group: Mrs. G. Ms. M. A. Day: Ret-Gold, Set-Irsh, SpanMrs. C. Vogels: All Setters Grm Pinscher, Giant Schn, Grt Dane, Sam, Geringer Eng Spr B. R. Andersen: Vizs Std Schn Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab Ms. B. Hale: Pointer, Ret-Lab, Ret-Nova Dr. G. C. Penta: Wirehair Vizsla Mr. T. P. Stanfield, Jr.: Balance of Working Mr. J. Richardson: Ret-Nova Scotia T, All Scotia T, Span-Clum, Span-Fld Mr. G. L. Andersen: Pntr-GS, Ret-Gold, Breeds T. Hale: Pntr-GS, Pntr-GW, Span-Eng Ckr, Setters Ret-Lab, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr TERRIER Group: Mr. J. C. Walton Mrs. G. Geringer: Balance of Sporting Span-Wel Spr, Weim Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Balance of Sporting B. R. Andersen: Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter Breeds Mr. N. L. Patton: Balance of Sporting Breeds (Wire) HOUND Group: Mrs. P. B. Peat Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. J. C. Walton Mr. J. C. Walton: Balance of Terrier Breeds Mr. D. J. Peat: All Hound Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. L. Boutwell Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Nor Elk, PBGV, Port TOY Group: Mrs. D. CampbellWORKING Group: Mr. J. RichMrs. L. Boutwell: Dach Pd Peq Freeman ardson Mr. N. L. Patton: RhoRidge Mrs. J. A. Penta: Basenji, Basset, Bgle, Mrs. F. Crump: Chin Cr, Hava, Pap, Pood Mr. B. Meyer: Rottw, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky, Toy N. L. Van Camp: Afghan, Amer English Dach, Whip Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. J. C. Walton: Balance of Hound Breeds Coon Mrs. D. Campbell-Freeman: Balance of Mrs. C. Meyer: Balance of Working Breeds Toy Breeds Mr. L. Boileau: Basenji, Basset, Pharaoh WORKING Group: Mrs. D. J. TERRIER Group: Mrs. C. Meyer Mr. A. Berrios: Ir Wolf, Nor Elk, Otter, Buxton NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. M. Mrs. P. B. Peat: Cairn Mr. G. L. Andersen: Berns Mtn, Portuguese, PBGV S. Dobkin Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Saluki, ScotDeer, Treeing Mr. J. Richardson: Balance of Terrier Rottw Mrs. F. Crump: Pood Breeds Mr. K. A. Buxton: Boxer, Bullm, Dobe, Giant Walker Coon, Whip Ms. M. S. Dobkin: Balance of Non-Sporting TOY Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Ms. D. C. Mounce: Balance of Hound Schn, Grt Dane, Std Schn Breeds Mrs. G. Geringer: Hava Breeds Dr. G. C. Penta: Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, HERDING Group: Mr. R. Stein WORKING Group: Mr. A. Berrios Mrs. P. B. Peat: Balance of Toy Breeds Kom, Kuv, Leonberger, Mast, Nepltn MasMrs. L. C. Hutchinson: All Herding Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. B. Mr. C. Coady: Alas Mal tiff, Newf, St Bern MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. M. Dale Ms. M. A. Falconer: Sam Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Balance of Working S. Dobkin Ms. B. Dale: All Non-Sporting Breeds Mrs. L. Boutwell: Sib Hky Breeds Ms. M. S. Dobkin: All Miscellaneous Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. C. Meyer Dr. C. L. Battaglia: Akita, Grt Pyr TERRIER Group: Mrs. C. Vogels OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Austrl Cat Dg, AusJ. R. Walsh: Bullm, Dobe, Grt Dane Mrs. J. A. Penta: Manch Ter Mrs. P. R. Krause: Nov A, Grad Novr, Open trlShep, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Bouv, Ms. B. L. Clarke: Mast, Newf, Rottw Mrs. C. Vogels: Balance of Terrier Breeds B, Grad Openr, Util A, Versatility Card-WC, Coll, Pemb-WC, Shetld T. Hale: Cane Corso, Leonberger, PortuTOY Group: Mrs. C. Vogels Mr. R. F. Roberts: Nov B, Open A, Util B Mr. B. Meyer: Balance of Herding Breeds guese, Std Schn Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Hava, Eng Toy Sp, J Mr. D. J. Ladd: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B Group: Dr. R. Mr. A. Berrios: Balance of Working Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Chin, Pom JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. F. Crump A. Indeglia TERRIER Group: Mr. N. L. Patton Mrs. J. A. Penta: Cav KC Spans, Chin Cr, Dr. R. A. Indeglia: All Miscellaneous Breeds IA Council Bluffs* (I) Mr. C. Coady: Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter Malt, Toy Manch, Peke JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. D. J. Peat (Wire), Min Schn Mr. J. C. Walton: Chihua, I Greyhnd, Pug, COUNCIL BLUFFS KENNEL CLUB Mr. N. L. Patton: Cairn, Norwich Norfolk, Pood Toy, Toy Fox Terrier Mid America Center OH Tallmadge (I) Staf Bull, Wst Highlnd Mrs. C. Vogels: Balance of Toy Breeds One Arena Way AGATHON KENNEL CLUB, INC. Ms. D. C. Mounce: Kerry, Rat Terrier, NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. G. CLOSES: NOVEMBER 5 Summit County Fairgrounds Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated C. Penta Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Mrs. L. Boutwell: Balance of Terrier Breeds 1100 North Avenue Mr. J. C. Walton: Pood FEE: $27.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd 229 E Howe Road (also) TOY Group: Mrs. S. B. Tietjen Dr. G. C. Penta: Balance of Non-Sporting Judges And Their Assignments CLOSES: NOVEMBER 5 Mr. N. L. Patton: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Malt Breeds BEST IN SHOW Mr. E. Blake MB-F Inc., SUPT HERDING Group: Mr. K. A. Buxton N. L. Van Camp: Cav KC Spans, Chihua, SPORTING Group: Mr. S. L. Marx FEE: $27.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Yorks Mrs. J. A. Penta: AustrlShep, Bel Mal, Bel Mr. S. L. Marx: Span-Ckr Judges And Their Assignments Ms. B. L. Clarke: Chin Cr, Eng Toy Sp, J Shp, Bel Terv, Shetld Mrs. A. S. Bolus: Pntr-GS, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. R. Cole Chin, Peke, Pood Toy Mrs. D. J. Buxton: Brdr Coll, Card-WC, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Span-Eng Ckr, SpanGroup: Ms. E. Muthard Eng Spr, Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Span-Suss, Mr. L. Boileau: Hava, Toy Manch, Shih Tzu, SPORTING OES, Pemb-WC, Pol Low Shp, Pulik, Pyre Ms. V. M. Jordan: Pntr-GS Silky, Toy Fox Terrier Shep, Swed Vallhund Vizs Mrs. D. Kniola: Ret-Ches, Ret-Flat, Set-Gord Mr. R. J. Shreve: Balance of Sporting Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Balance of Toy Breeds Mr. K. A. Buxton: Balance of Herding Ms. E. Muthard: Balance of Sporting NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. G. Breeds Breeds Breeds M. Vukich MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. G. HOUND Group: Ms. D. K. Petersen HOUND Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mr. N. L. Patton: Am Esk Dog C. Penta Mr. D. Bolus: Afghan Mr. J. R. Cole: All Hound Breeds Ms. M. A. Falconer: Bulldog Dr. G. C. Penta: All Miscellaneous Breeds Ms. D. K. Petersen: Balance of Hound WORKING Group: Ms. V. M. Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Shiba Inu, Tib Span OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Breeds Jordan Ms. C. Dutra: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Ms. D. C. Mounce: Coton de Tulear, Dalm, WORKING Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mrs. C. Benson: Akita Pood (Std), Tib Ter Begnr Nov B Mr. R. J. Shreve: Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolMr. J. R. Cole: Grt Dane Mr. L. Boileau: Bichon, Boston, Shar-Pei, Mr. W. K. Iwamoto: Open A, Open B, Util Shep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Ms. E. Muthard: Sib Hky Kees, Schip A, Util B Cane Corso, Chinook, Nepltn Mastiff, Mr. G. M. Vukich: Balance of Non-Sporting Ms. V. M. Jordan: Balance of Working JR SHOWMANSHIP: B. R. Andersen Newf, Portuguese, Rottw, St Bern Breeds Breeds Ms. J. C. Sigler: Balance of Working TERRIER Group: Mrs. D. Kniola HERDING Group: Dr. C. L. Breeds Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Terrier Breeds Battaglia TERRIER Group: Mr. F. C. Bassett TOY Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mr. T. W. Coen: Bel Shp Mr. S. L. Marx: Austr, Border Mrs. D. Kniola: All Toy Breeds Mr. G. M. Vukich: Brdr Coll Mr. F. C. Bassett: Balance of Terrier Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. C. Mrs. M. G. Thomas: Card-WC TOY Group: Mr. F. C. Bassett L. Olvis Mrs. D. Hokkanen: GSD Mrs. A. S. Bolus: Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Non-Sporting Breeds Mrs. C. Magnan: Pemb-WC Mr. F. C. Bassett: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav HERDING Group: Mr. W. P. Shelton KC Spans, Chihua, Malt J. R. Walsh: Bel Mal, Bel Terv, OES Dr. C. L. Battaglia: AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Mr. W. P. Shelton: All Herding Breeds Mr. E. Blake: Balance of Toy Breeds Coll, Icelandic Shpdg MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. E. N. L. Van Camp: Balance of Herding Muthard Breeds Ms. E. Muthard: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. C. L. Olvis

148 Dog News

NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. S. Bolus S. S. Coffman: Shar-Pei Mr. E. Blake: Pood, Tib Span Mrs. A. S. Bolus: Bichon, Coton de Tulear, Lhasa, Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd, Schip, Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli Ms. J. C. Sigler: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. D. Bolus Mr. F. C. Bassett: Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, GSD, Coll (Smooth), Icelandic Shpdg Mr. D. Bolus: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. A. S. Bolus Mrs. A. S. Bolus: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. D. Schneider: Nov A, Nov B, Versatility J. Caputa: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. N. A. Elliott MA West Springfield* (I) SPRINGFIELD KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Eastern States Exposition Grounds 1305 Memorial Ave. CLOSES: NOVEMBER 5 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. S. B. Tietjen SPORTING Group: Ms. M. A. Day Mrs. L. Boutwell: Set-Gord Ms. B. L. Clarke: Vizs Mr. C. Coady: Span-Eng Spr, Span-Fld Ms. M. A. Day: Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Lab, Ret-Nova Scotia T T. Hale: Brit, Pointer, Ret-Ches, Ret-Gold, Set-Eng, Span-Clum, Wirehair Ptg Grif Ms. B. Hale: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. A. Berrios Mrs. L. Boutwell: Ir Wolf, Nor Elk, RhoRidge Ms. D. C. Mounce: Afghan, Amer English Coon, Basenji, Basset, Dach, Pharaoh, Whip N. L. Van Camp: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. C. L. Battaglia Ms. B. L. Clarke: Grt Pyr, Portuguese Dr. C. L. Battaglia: Cane Corso, Chinook, Gtr Swiss Mtn Mr. C. Coady: Dogue de Brdx, Grt Dane, Rottw, St Bern Mr. A. Berrios: Akita, Bullm, Dobe, Newf, Sam, Sib Hky J. R. Walsh: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. C. Coady Ms. D. C. Mounce: Airdle, Am Staff, Bull Ter, Wst Highlnd Mrs. L. Boutwell: Cairn, Min Schn, Norwich Norfolk, Staf Bull Mr. N. L. Patton: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. L. Boileau Mr. L. Boileau: Min Pin, Pood Toy Mr. N. L. Patton: Eng Toy Sp, J Chin, Peke, Pom Ms. B. L. Clarke: Hava, I Greyhnd, Toy Manch, Pap, Pug, Toy Fox Terrier Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. N. L. Patton Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Fin Spitz, Fr Bull, Schip Mr. L. Boileau: Bulldog, Chow, Lhasa, Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd, Pood, Xoloitzcuintli Mr. G. M. Vukich: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: T. Hale J. R. Walsh: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Icelandic Shpdg Mr. G. M. Vukich: Beard Coll, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Shetld N. L. Van Camp: Card-WC, Coll, PembWC Dr. C. L. Battaglia: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. S. B. Tietjen Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. M. Baird: Nov A, Grad Openr, Util B, PUTL Mrs. P. Broderick: Nov B, Begnr Nov A, PNOV, Open A J. M. Charest: Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, POPN Ms. K. J. Anderson: Open B, Util A, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: M. Claflin MD West Friendship (I) UPPER MARLBORO KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Howard County Fairgrounds 2210 Fairgrounds Road CLOSES: NOVEMBER 5 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $33.00 Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. S. I. Wheat SPORTING Group: Mr. J. E. Noe Mrs. M. Alston: Brit, All Pointers, All Retrievers Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. M. Alston Dr. R. H. Hilderman: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger Mrs. P. Hartinger: Bullm, Grt Pyr Ms. S. I. Wheat: Akita, Alas Mal, Dogue de Brdx, Giant Schn, Portuguese, Sam, Sib Hky Mrs. P. A. Hess: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mr. R. R. Hartinger: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. P. A. Hess Mr. J. E. Noe: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. S. I. Wheat Ms. S. I. Wheat: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. S. I. Wheat

MN Shakopee (I) MINNEAPOLIS KENNEL CLUB, INC. Canterbury Park 1100 Canterbury Rd. CLOSES: NOVEMBER 5 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. G. Geringer SPORTING Group: Mr. J. Richardson Mr. J. Richardson: Pntr-GS, Ret-Gold, RetLab, All Spaniels, All Spaniels Mr. B. Meyer: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. R. A. Indeglia Mr. P. Cunningham: Afghan, Basset Mrs. P. B. Peat: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. R. A. Indeglia Mrs. C. Meyer: Rottw, Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Grt Dane, Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kom, Kuv, Mast, Newf, Portuguese Mrs. D. J. Wilkins: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. B. Dale Mrs. G. Geringer: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. P. B. Peat Mrs. P. B. Peat: Hava Ms. B. Dale: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. R. A. Indeglia Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Boston, Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Chow, Coton de Tulear, Dalm, Fin Spitz, Fr Bull Mrs. G. Geringer: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. B. Meyer Mr. B. Meyer: Coll, Pemb-WC, Shetld Mrs. C. Meyer: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. B. Meyer Mr. B. Meyer: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. D. J. Wilkins

OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. R. F. Roberts: Nov A, Grad Novr, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Versatility Mrs. P. R. Krause: Nov B, Open A, Util B Ms. N. J. Pilat: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. J. L. McClary

NOVEMBER 28 - FRIDAY AZ Yuma* (I/O) YUMA KENNEL CLUB Yuma County Fairgrounds 2520 E 32nd St. CLOSES: NOVEMBER 12 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. N. L. Patton SPORTING Group: Mr. M. Forte Dr. G. Morgan-Jones: Span-Ckr Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Span-Boykin, Wirehair Ptg Grif, Wirehair Vizsla Mr. D. P. McFarlane: Brit, Pntr-GS, RetGold, Ret-Lab, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Vizs, Weim Mr. M. Forte: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. G. MorganJones Mr. M. Forte: Whip Dr. G. Morgan-Jones: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. M. Forte Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Dobe Ms. D. Dean: Akita, Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Bullm, Grt Dane, Newf, Portuguese, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky Ms. F. S. Godek: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. G. Dunlap Dr. G. Morgan-Jones: Manch Ter Ms. G. Dunlap: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Dr. G. Morgan-Jones Ms. G. Dunlap: Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr Mr. M. Forte: J Chin, Pap, Pom, Pug, Shih Tzu, Pood Toy, Yorks Dr. G. Morgan-Jones: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mrs. B. D. Alderman: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. F. S. Godek Mr. D. P. McFarlane: AustrlShep, Bel Shp Ms. D. Dean: Bel Mal, Bel Terv, Briard, Card-WC, Coll, Nor Buhund, OES, PembWC Ms. F. S. Godek: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. D. Dean Ms. D. Dean: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. S. M. Indelicato: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, PNOV, Open A, Util A, Versatility Miss B. Lee: Nov B, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. D. P. McFarlane

MI East Lansing (I) DALMATIAN CLUB OF GREATER DETROIT (S) Michigan State UniversityFarm Lane & Mt Hope CLOSES: NOVEMBER 12 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Ms. Kim Cains SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Kim Cains

Morgan-Jones Dr. G. Morgan-Jones: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Miss B. Lee: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, PNOV, Open A, Util A, Versatility Mrs. S. M. Indelicato: Nov B, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Dr. G. Morgan-Jones

CA Woodland (I/O) SANTA CRUZ KENNEL CLUB, INC. Yolo County Fairgrounds MI East Lansing* (I) Exhibit Hall DOBERMAN PINSCHER CLUB OF DEP O Box 826 TROIT, INC. (S) CLOSES: NOVEMBER 12 Michigan State UniversityMB-F Inc., SUPT Farm Lane & Mt Hope FEE: $29.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd CLOSES: NOVEMBER 12 Judges And Their Assignments MB-F Inc., SUPT BEST IN SHOW Ms. G. Kerr FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. Hubbell Mr. L. J. Sinclair: Breed Mr. J. R. Cole: All Retrievers Mr. W. Sahloff: Jr. Showmanship Mrs. S. McCue: Span-Eng Ckr R. Hornfisher: Obedience Ms. G. Kerr: Brit, All Pointers, All Setters, SWEEPS PUPPY Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Vizs, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Jeffrey Moore Grif, Wirehair Vizsla Mrs. C. Hubbell: Balance of Sporting MI East Lansing (I) Breeds MICHIGAN HOUND ASSOCIATION (S) HOUND Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Michigan State UniversityMs. G. Kerr: Whip Farm Lane & Mt Hope Mr. R. Lukins: Bgle, B & T Coonhnd, CLOSES: NOVEMBER 5 Bloodhnd, Bluetick Coon, Dach, Ibizan, OtMB-F Inc., SUPT ter, Redbone Coon, RhoRidge, Saluki FEE: $26.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mr. J. R. Cole: Balance of Hound Breeds Mrs. P. B. Peat: Hound Group, Afghan, WORKING Group: Mr. S. J. Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Bgle (13 Hubbell Under), Bgle (Over 13), B & T Coonhnd, Mr. D. Vice: Grt Dane Bluetick Coon, Borz, Eng Fox, Harr, Ibizan, Ms. G. Kerr: Akita, Dobe Nor Elk, Otter, Pharaoh, Plott, Port Pd Peq, Mr. S. J. Hubbell: Balance of Working Redbone Coon, and more Breeds Mr. W. Sahloff: Basenji, Basset, Bloodhnd, *Pending: Sam, Sib Hky Dach (Long), Dach (Smooth), Dach (Wire), TERRIER Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Greyhnd, Ir Wolf, PBGV, Jr. Showmanship Ms. G. Kerr: Min Schn Mr. J. R. Cole: Airdle, Am Staff, Bull Ter, MI East Lansing (I) OH Tallmadge (I) Min Bull Terrs, Staf Bull UNITED STATES NEAPOLITAN MASTIFF AGATHON KENNEL CLUB, INC. Mr. D. Vice: Balance of Terrier Breeds CLUB (S) Summit County Fairgrounds TOY Group: Mr. L. S. Reppond Michigan State University1100 North Avenue Mr. D. Vice: Pood Toy Farm Lane & Mt Hope 229 E Howe Road (also) Mr. L. S. Reppond: Balance of Toy Breeds CLOSES: NOVEMBER 12 CLOSES: NOVEMBER 5 *Pending: Toy Manch, Pom, Pug MB-F Inc., SUPT MB-F Inc., SUPT NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. D. Mrs. A. M. Taylor: Breed FEE: $27.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Vice SWEEPS VETERANS Judges And Their Assignments Mr. D. Vice: Boston, Bulldog, Fr Bull, Lhasa, Lena Moles BEST IN SHOW Ms. V. M. Jordan Pood, Shiba Inu SWEEPS PUPPY SPORTING Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Ms. G. Kerr: Balance of Non-Sporting Lena Moles Mr. J. R. Cole: All Sporting Breeds Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. E. Muthard *Pending: Coton de Tulear, Fin Spitz, Mrs. D. Kniola: Afghan, Ibizan Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd, Tib Span, Mr. C. L. Olvis: Balance of Hound Breeds Tib Ter NOVEMBER 29 - SATURDAY WORKING Group: Mr. W. P. HERDING Group: Mrs. C. Hubbell Shelton Mr. J. R. Cole: AustrlShep AR Fort Smith (I) L. Wertz: Boxer Mrs. C. Hubbell: Balance of Herding AMERICAN BRITTANY CLUB, INC. (P) Ms. V. M. Jordan: Grt Dane, Sib Hky Breeds Kay Rodgers Park Mr. W. P. Shelton: Balance of Working MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. 4400 Midland Blvd Breeds D. Vice Debra Rudert, SHW SEC, PO BOX 6898, TERRIER Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mr. D. Vice: All Miscellaneous Breeds C/O RAU DOG SHOWS, READING, PA Mrs. D. Kniola: All Terrier Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. D. Vice 19610 TOY Group: Mrs. D. Kniola FEE: $25.00 Ms. E. Muthard: All Toy Breeds FL Davie* (O) SWEEPS PUPPY: Brit NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. SOUTH DADE KENNEL CLUB Nancy Morabito D. Kniola Bergeron Rodeo Grounds GA Savannah* (I) SWEEPS VETERANS: Brit Mrs. D. Kniola: All Non-Sporting Breeds 4201 SW 65th Way SAVANNAH KENNEL CLUB Nancy Morabito HERDING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis CLOSES: NOVEMBER 12 Savannah International Trade & ConvenMr. C. L. Olvis: Austrl Cat Dg, Beard Coll, MB-F Inc., SUPT tion Center AZ Yuma* (I/O) Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Brdr 1 International Dr. FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd YUMA KENNEL CLUB Coll, Coll, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, Judges And Their Assignments CLOSES: NOVEMBER 12 Yuma County Fairgrounds Swed Vallhund BEST IN SHOW Mrs. J. L. Stacy MB-F Inc., SUPT 2520 E 32nd St. Ms. V. M. Jordan: Balance of Herding SPORTING Group: Mr. T. Stacy FEE: $30.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd CLOSES: NOVEMBER 12 Breeds Mr. R. H. Menaker: Ret-Curl, Ret-Lab, SetJudges And Their Assignments Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. V. Gord, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. E. Noe FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd M. Jordan Mr. T. Stacy: Balance of Sporting Breeds SPORTING Group: Miss V. L. Lyne Judges And Their Assignments Ms. V. M. Jordan: All Miscellaneous Breeds Mr. J. E. Noe: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. H. Clark BEST IN SHOW Dr. G. MorganJR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. E. Muthard Mrs. H. Clark: Bgle HOUND Group: D. P. Cline Jones Mrs. J. L. Stacy: Balance of Hound Breeds D. P. Cline: All Hound Breeds SPORTING Group: Mr. D. P. WORKING Group: Mr. H. Clark WORKING Group: Mr. J. E. Noe McFarlane Mr. H. Clark: All Working Breeds Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Working Breeds Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Brit, Pntr-GS NOVEMBER 24 - MONDAY TERRIER Group: Mr. H. Clark TERRIER Group: Miss V. L. Lyne Mr. N. L. Patton: Pointer, Set-Irsh Mr. B. Jenkins: Manch Ter Miss V. L. Lyne: All Terrier Breeds Mr. M. Forte: Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Weim CA Stockton* (I/O) Mr. H. Clark: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. P. J. Hauck Mrs. L. Boutwell: Set-Eng, Set-Gord, SetSAN JOAQUIN KENNEL CLUB TOY Group: Mrs. H. Clark Mrs. P. J. Hauck: All Toy Breeds Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Vizs San Joaquin County Fairgrounds Mr. B. Jenkins: Affenp, Cav KC Spans, NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. E. Mr. D. P. McFarlane: Balance of Sporting 1658 S. Airport Way Chihua Frederiksen Breeds CLOSES: NOVEMBER 5 Mr. R. H. Menaker: Bruss Grif, Eng Toy Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Non-Sporting HOUND Group: Mr. M. Forte MB-F Inc., SUPT Sp (B & PC), Min Pin, Peke, Silky, Toy Fox Breeds Dr. G. Morgan-Jones: Whip FEE: $29.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Terrier HERDING Group: Mr. J. E. Mr. R. D. Albee: Afghan, Dach Judges And Their Assignments Mrs. H. Clark: Balance of Toy Breeds Mr. N. L. Patton: Greyhnd, Ibizan BEST IN SHOW Mrs. J. L. McClary Frederiksen Group: Mr. B. Miss V. L. Lyne: All Herding Breeds Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Bgle, Eng Fox, Harr, Ir NON-SPORTING SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. Jenkins MISCELLANEOUS Group: D. P. Wolf, ScotDeer Campbell-Freeman Mr. R. H. Menaker: Chow, Kees, Lowch, Cline Mrs. L. Boutwell: Amer English Coon, B & Ms. P. Davern: Ret-Lab Norwegian Lndhnd, Schip D. P. Cline: All Miscellaneous Breeds T Coonhnd, Bluetick Coon, Plott, Redbone Mrs. D. Campbell-Freeman: Balance of Mr. B. Jenkins: Balance of Non-Sporting OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Coon, Treeing Walker Coon Sporting Breeds Breeds Mrs. L. C. Botko: Nov A, Nov B, Open B Mr. M. Forte: Balance of Hound Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. R. Stein HERDING Group: Mr. H. Clark Mr. G. Feathers: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov WORKING Group: Ms. F. S. Mr. R. Stein: All Hound Breeds Mr. R. H. Menaker: Brdr Coll B, Grad Novr, Open A, Grad Openr, Util Godek WORKING Group: Mr. R. Stein Mrs. J. L. Stacy: Balance of Herding Breeds A, Util B, Nov Wildc, Opn Wildc, Utl Wildc Ms. D. Dean: Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kom Mr. J. C. Walton: Dobe Group: Mr. B. JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. P. J. Hauck Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Blk Russn Terrier, Kuv, MISCELLANEOUS Ms. M. S. Dobkin: Sib Hky Jenkins Rottw, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. T. P. Stanfield, Jr.: Akita, Grm Pinscher, MA Worcester (I) Ms. F. S. Godek: Alas Mal, Bullm, Dobe, St Mrs. J. L. Stacy: Azawakh Grt Dane, St Bern, Sam, Std Schn Mr. B. Jenkins: Balance of Miscellaneous AKITA CLUB OF AMERICA (S) Bern, Sam, Sib Hky Ms. F. Brown: Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Boxer, Breeds D C U Center Mrs. L. Boutwell: Balance of Working Giant Schn, Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Mast, OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Worcester Convention Complex Breeds Newf, Rottw Mr. R. H. Mullen: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov 50 Foster Street TERRIER Group: Mrs. B. D. AlderMr. R. Stein: Balance of Working Breeds A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, POPN, PUTL CLOSES: NOVEMBER 12 man TERRIER Group: Mrs. L. C. Mrs. C. Klein: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, MB-F Inc., SUPT S. A. Cole: Min Schn Hutchinson FEE: $34.00-1st/ $34.00-2nd Mr. N. L. Patton: Soft Coated, Wst Highlnd Grad Openr, Util A, Util B Mrs. L. C. Hutchinson: All Terrier Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. H. Clark B. C. Dunn: Breed Mrs. L. Boutwell: Cairn, Fox Ter (Smooth), TOY Group: Ms. M. S. Dobkin SWEEPS PUPPY Fox Ter (Wire), Parson Russell Mrs. L. C. Hutchinson: Chin Cr, Hava, Pap, GA Savannah* (I) Graafin Ginger M Leeuwenburg Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of Terrier Pom, Pug, Shih Tzu, Silky SAVANNAH KENNEL CLUB SWEEPS VETERANS Breeds Ms. M. S. Dobkin: Balance of Toy Breeds Savannah International Trade & ConvenGraafin Ginger M Leeuwenburg TOY Group: Ms. G. Dunlap NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. tion Center Mr. R. D. Albee: Pap, Peke, Pom, Pug, C. Walton 1 International Dr. MA Worcester (I) Shih Tzu Mr. R. Stein: Pood BAY COLONY DACHSHUND CLUB Dr. G. Morgan-Jones: Cav KC Spans, Chi- CLOSES: NOVEMBER 12 Mr. T. P. Stanfield, Jr.: Chow, Dalm, Shiba MB-F Inc., SUPT D C U Center hua, Chin Cr, J Chin, Pood Toy, Yorks Inu FEE: $30.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd Ms. G. Dunlap: Balance of Toy Breeds Mr. J. C. Walton: Balance of Non-Sporting Worcester Convention Complex Judges And Their Assignments 50 Foster Street NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. N. Breeds BEST IN SHOW D. P. Cline CLOSES: NOVEMBER 12 L. Patton HERDING Group: Mrs. L. C. SPORTING Group: Mr. J. E. Noe MB-F Inc., SUPT Ms. G. Dunlap: Pood Hutchinson FEE: $34.00 Mr. N. L. Patton: Balance of Non-Sporting D. P. Cline: All Sporting Breeds Mr. T. P. Stanfield, Jr.: AustrlShep HOUND Group: Mr. J. E. Mrs. G. Geringer: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Breeds Mrs. J. L. McClary: Balance of Herding Frederiksen HERDING Group: Ms. D. Dean Breeds J. P. Wade: All Hound Breeds Mr. D. P. McFarlane: Bel Mal, Bel Terv MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. J. WORKING Group: J. P. Wade Ms. F. S. Godek: Briard, Card-WC, Coll, L. McClary Mr. J. E. Noe: All Working Breeds Nor Buhund, OES, Pemb-WC Mrs. J. L. McClary: All Miscellaneous TERRIER Group: J. P. Wade Ms. D. Dean: Balance of Herding Breeds Breeds J. P. Wade: All Terrier Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. G. TOY Group: Miss V. L. Lyne Miss V. L. Lyne: All Toy Breeds

NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. J. Hauck Mrs. P. J. Hauck: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Miss V. L. Lyne Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. P. J. Hauck Mrs. P. J. Hauck: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES C. Parrish: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B Mr. G. Feathers: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Nov Wildc, Opn Wildc Mrs. L. C. Botko: Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Utl Wildc JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. E. Noe MA Worcester (I) WORCESTER COUNTY KENNEL CLUB (S) D C U Center Worcester Convention Complex 50 Foster Street CLOSES: NOVEMBER 12 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $34.00-1st/ $34.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. A. P. Bianchi SPORTING Group: Mrs. L. Warren Mrs. G. Geringer: Brit, Pointer, Pntr-GS, Ret-Nova Scotia T, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, SpanClum, Span-Ckr Mrs. L. Warren: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Dr. K. H. Levison: Afghan, Dach, PBGV, RhoRidge, Whip Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: Basset, Bgle, B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Bluetick Coon, Borz Mrs. G. Geringer: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan Ms. M. E. Cook: Akita Mrs. V. T. Rowland: Rottw, Sib Hky, Std Schn Dr. A. P. Bianchi: Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Boxer, Dobe, Grt Dane, Mast, Newf Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. D. B. Taylor Ms. D. B. Taylor: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Mrs. A. H. Bowes: Pug Mrs. G. Geringer: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. D. B. Taylor Ms. D. B. Taylor: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Boston, Bulldog, Shar-Pei Dr. A. P. Bianchi: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan Mrs. A. H. Bowes: Card-WC, Pemb-WC, Shetld Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. D. B. Taylor Ms. D. B. Taylor: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. A. H. Bowes SWEEPS PUPPY: Akita Jeffrey Langevin SWEEPS VETERANS: Akita Jeffrey Langevin MD Westminster (I) CHESAPEAKE KENNEL CLUB OF MARYLAND (S) Carroll County Agricultural Center 706 Agricultural Center Dr CLOSES: NOVEMBER 12 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $31.00-1st/ $28.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. S. Martin SPORTING Group: Mr. J. A. Fehring Mr. N. Horn: Ret-Curl Mrs. J. L. Farmilette: Ret-Lab Mr. J. A. Fehring: Brit, Pointer, Pntr-GS, RetFlat, Set-Eng, Set-Irsh, Span-Clum, SpanCkr (Black), Span-Ckr (ASCOB), Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr Mr. J. S. Martin: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. S. D. Gladstone Dr. A. D. Kostic: Basset, Dach (Smooth), Greyhnd Mr. S. D. Gladstone: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. A. W. Woodfork C. A. Herbel: Kom, Kuv, Nepltn Mastiff, Portuguese Mr. L. Brown: Alas Mal, Boxer, Dobe, Rottw, Sam Mr. S. D. Gladstone: Cane Corso, Chinook, Dogue de Brdx, Leonberger, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. A. W. Woodfork: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. D. Black Mr. J. L. Howse: Kerry, Norfolk, Parson Russell, Sealym Mr. R. D. Black: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: C. A. Herbel Mr. J. A. Fehring: Pap Mr. A. (. Mills: Hava, Pug, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks C. A. Herbel: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. A. (. Mills C. A. Herbel: Pood, Shiba Inu, Xoloitzcuintli E. C. MacLennan: Boston, Fr Bull, Lhasa, Tib Span, Tib Ter Mr. A. (. Mills: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. L. Brown C. A. Herbel: Bel Mal, Bel Terv, Icelandic Shpdg Mrs. C. A. Chase: AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Briard, Card-WC, Coll, OES, Pemb-WC, Shetld Mr. L. Brown: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. D. Black Mr. R. D. Black: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. A. (. Mills

Dog News 149

MI East Lansing (I) INGHAM COUNTY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Michigan State UniversityFarm Lane & Mt Hope CLOSES: NOVEMBER 12 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. B. Stenmark SPORTING Group: Mr. B. Meyer Mrs. C. G. Rutar: Brit, Pntr-GS, Vizs Mrs. B. Stenmark: Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches, Ret-Lab, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Fld, Span-Irw Mrs. M. Martin: Pointer, Ret-Flat, RetGold, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Weim Mr. L. J. Sinclair: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. L. J. Sinclair Mr. W. Sahloff: Borz Ms. L. A. Brabyn: Ibizan, Saluki Mrs. B. Stenmark: Basenji, Basset, Bloodhnd, Dach, Eng Fox, Greyhnd, Harr, Ir Wolf, Nor Elk, Whip Mr. L. J. Sinclair: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. W. Sahloff Mr. J. Holava: Boxer Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: Tibtn Mastiff Ms. S. I. Wheat: Akita, Alas Mal Mr. B. Meyer: Cane Corso, Grt Dane, Kom, Kuv, Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Newf, Rottw, St Bern, Sib Hky, Std Schn Mr. W. Sahloff: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. P. B. Peat T. G. Spurr: Bull Ter Mrs. B. Stenmark: Irish Ter, Kerry, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr Mrs. P. B. Peat: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. S. I. Wheat Mrs. M. Martin: Pom, Shih Tzu, Pood Toy Mrs. P. B. Peat: Bruss Grif, Chihua, Eng Toy Sp, Malt, Pap Ms. S. I. Wheat: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. L. J. Sinclair Mr. L. J. Sinclair: Dalm Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. C. Meyer Mr. J. Holava: Bouv, Card-WC, Coll, GSD, Shetld Mrs. C. Meyer: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. Holava Mr. J. Holava: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR. SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. Holava TX Conroe* (I/O) CONROE KENNEL CLUB Lone Star Convention Center 9333 Airport Rd CLOSES: NOVEMBER 12 12:00 p.m. Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. D. M. Brown SPORTING Group: P. Bruce Mrs. L. Clark: Ret-Lab D. G. Sena, D.D.S.: Span-Ckr Mrs. D. M. Brown: Ret-Ches, Ret-Gold, Spin Ital, Vizs, Weim N. Liebes: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: P. Bruce Mrs. D. M. Brown: Dach N. Liebes: Saluki, Whip P. Bruce: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: N. Liebes Mrs. L. Clark: Alas Mal Mrs. D. M. Brown: Boxer N. Liebes: Rottw Mrs. S. A. Krogh: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. D. M. Krogh Ms. C. J. Seaberg: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. S. A. Krogh Mr. D. M. Krogh: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. D. M. Krogh Mrs. S. A. Krogh: Boston, Pood, Shiba Inu P. Bruce: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. D. M. Brown Mrs. N. D. Simmons: Beauceron, Pol Low Shp, Pyre Shep, Swed Vallhund Ms. E. McDowell: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. D. M. Brown Mrs. D. M. Brown: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. N. D. Simmons: Nov A, Nov B, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Versatility Mrs. C. M. Thompson: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. C. J. Seaberg

NOVEMBER 29 - SATURDAY thru NOVEMBER 30 - SUNDAY AR Fort Smith (I) AMERICAN BRITTANY CLUB, INC. (2) Kay Rodgers Park 4400 Midland Blvd CLOSES: OCTOBER 22 Debra Rudert, SHW SEC, PO BOX 6898, C/O RAU DOG SHOWS, READING, PA 19610 FEE: $40.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Mrs. J. Webb: Breed, Jr. Showmanship

150 Dog News

NOVEMBER 30 - SUNDAY AZ Yuma* (I/O) IMPERIAL VALLEY KENNEL CLUB Yuma County Fairgrounds 2520 E 32nd St. CLOSES: NOVEMBER 12 12:00 p.m. Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. M. Forte SPORTING Group: Mr. N. L. Patton Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Pointer Mr. W. P. Shelton: All Setters Mr. M. Forte: Span-Ckr Mr. N. L. Patton: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mr. W. P. Shelton: Bluetick Coon, Dach, Redbone Coon, Treeing Walker Coon Mr. M. Forte: Bgle, B & T Coonhnd, Eng Fox, Harr, Ir Wolf, ScotDeer Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mr. W. P. Shelton: AnatolShep, Blk Russn Terrier, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Leonberger, Portuguese Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Akita, Alas Mal, Giant Schn, Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kom, Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Newf, St Bern Mr. M. Forte: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. N. L. Patton Mrs. G. M. Denman: Bull Ter, Min Bull Terrs Mr. M. Forte: Airdle, Am Staff, Austr, Border, Kerry, Min Schn, Norwich Norfolk, Parson Russell, Russel Terr, Scotti, Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Wst Highlnd Mr. N. L. Patton: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. L. Boutwell Mrs. G. M. Denman: Pood Toy Mr. N. L. Patton: Cav KC Spans, Chihua Mrs. L. Boutwell: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. G. M. Denman Mrs. L. Boutwell: Am Esk Dog, Bulldog, Coton de Tulear, Kees, Lhasa, Schip, Pood (Std), Shiba Inu, Tib Span, Xoloitzcuintli Mrs. G. M. Denman: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. W. P. Shelton Ms. P. D. Norman: Card-WC, Pemb-WC, Shetld Mr. W. P. Shelton: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. L. Boutwell Mrs. L. Boutwell: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. G. Grissom: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, PNOV, Open A, POPN, Util A Mrs. S. M. Indelicato: Nov B, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open B, Grad Openr, Util B, PUTL, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. P. D. Norman CA Woodland (I/O) CAMELLIA CAPITAL KENNEL CLUB Yolo County Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall P O Box 826 CLOSES: NOVEMBER 12 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. L. S. Reppond SPORTING Group: Ms. G. Kerr S. M. Zaker: Ret-Gold K. Gaut: Set-Eng Ms. G. Kerr: Span-Clum, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Span-Suss Mr. S. J. Hubbell: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. S. J. Hubbell S. M. Zaker: Whip Mr. J. R. Cole: Bluetick Coon, Ibizan, Redbone Coon, RhoRidge Mr. R. Paust: Afghan, Basset, Borz, Greyhnd, Harr, Saluki Ms. G. Bridger: Bgle, B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Dach, Ir Wolf, Otter, PBGV Mr. S. J. Hubbell: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. C. Hubbell Ms. G. Kerr: Grt Dane Mr. J. R. Cole: Portuguese Mr. D. Vice: Bullm, Std Schn S. M. Zaker: Akita, Boxer, Dobe, Rottw, Sam, Sib Hky Mrs. C. Hubbell: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. Paust Mr. L. S. Reppond: Manch Ter Mr. R. Paust: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. D. Vice Mr. S. J. Hubbell: Pood Toy Mr. L. S. Reppond: Toy Manch, Pom, Pug Mr. D. Vice: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chin Cr, Hava, Eng Toy Sp, I Greyhnd Mr. J. R. Cole: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mr. S. J. Hubbell: Pood Mr. J. R. Cole: Schip D. Boyd: Boston, Bulldog Mr. L. S. Reppond: Dalm, Fr Bull, Lhasa, Shiba Inu Mr. D. Vice: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds

HERDING Group: Ms. G. Kerr Ms. G. Kerr: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. L. S. Reppond Mr. L. S. Reppond: All Miscellaneous Breeds Ms. G. Kerr: All NOHS Herding Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. L. S. Reppond FL Davie* (O) SOUTH DADE KENNEL CLUB Bergeron Rodeo Grounds 4201 SW 65th Way CLOSES: NOVEMBER 12 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. H. Clark SPORTING Group: Mr. H. Clark Mr. T. Stacy: Ret-Curl, Ret-Lab, Set-Gord, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh Mr. B. Jenkins: Ret-Gold, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Eng Spr Mr. H. Clark: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. T. Stacy Mrs. J. L. Stacy: Bgle Mrs. H. Clark: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. T. Stacy Mrs. H. Clark: Blk Russn Terrier, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Nepltn Mastiff, St Bern, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. T. Stacy: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. T. Stacy Mrs. H. Clark: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. B. Jenkins Mrs. H. Clark: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua Mr. B. Jenkins: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. J. L. Stacy Mrs. J. L. Stacy: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. J. L. Stacy Mr. H. Clark: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. J. L. Stacy Mr. T. Stacy: Azawakh Mrs. J. L. Stacy: Balance of Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. R. H. Mullen: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, POPN, PUTL Mrs. C. Klein: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. J. L. Stacy GA Savannah* (I) BEAUFORT KENNEL CLUB, INC. Savannah International Trade & Convention Center 1 International Dr. CLOSES: NOVEMBER 12 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. E. Frederiksen SPORTING Group: D. P. Cline Miss V. L. Lyne: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Miss V. L. Lyne Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: D. P. Cline J. P. Wade: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. A. D. Hearn Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. A. D. Hearn D. P. Cline: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. D. Hearn D. P. Cline: Schip Mrs. A. D. Hearn: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: J. P. Wade Mr. J. E. Noe: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. E. Noe Mr. J. E. Noe: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES C. Parrish: Nov A, Nov B Mrs. S. A. Redmer: Begnr Nov A, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Nov Wildc, Utl Wildc Mr. J. Iermiero: Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Opn Wildc JR SHOWMANSHIP: J. P. Wade MA Worcester (I) WORCESTER COUNTY KENNEL CLUB (S) D C U Center Worcester Convention Complex 50 Foster Street CLOSES: NOVEMBER 12 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $34.00-1st/ $34.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. G. Geringer SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: Span-Ckr Mrs. L. Warren: Brit, Pointer, Pntr-GS, Ret-Nova Scotia T, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Clum Mrs. G. Geringer: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. L. Warren Dr. A. P. Bianchi: Afghan Mrs. G. Geringer: Basset Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: Dach, Greyhnd, Plott, ScotDeer, Whip Mrs. L. Warren: Balance of Hound Breeds

WORKING Group: Dr. K. A. Doeg Mrs. G. Geringer: Boxer Dr. A. P. Bianchi: Rottw, Sam, Tibtn Mastiff Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Newf, Sib Hky, Std Schn Mrs. V. T. Rowland: Akita, Bullm, Dobe, Grt Dane, Grt Pyr, Mast Dr. K. A. Doeg: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. K. Brown Ms. S. Cooney: Irish Ter Mrs. G. Geringer: Balance of Terrier Breeds Group: Mr. T. W. Baldwin TOY Mrs. G. Geringer: Pug Ms. D. B. Taylor: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. A. P. Bianchi Ms. S. Cooney: Lhasa Mrs. G. Geringer: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Dr. A. P. Bianchi Dr. A. P. Bianchi: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. K. A. Doeg Dr. K. A. Doeg: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. S. Cooney SWEEPS PUPPY: Akita Abby Patrizio SWEEPS VETERANS: Akita Abby Patrizio MD Westminster (I) NORTHEASTERN MARYLAND KENNEL CLUB Carroll County Agricultural Center 706 Agricultural Center Dr CLOSES: NOVEMBER 12 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. L. Brown SPORTING Group: Mr. J. S. Martin Mrs. D. B. Jones: Ret-Lab Mr. J. A. Fehring: Ret-Gold, Span-Ckr (Parti), Span-Wel Spr, Vizs, Weim Mr. J. S. Martin: Brit, Pointer, Pntr-GS, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Set-Eng, Set-Irsh, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr (Black), Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Ckr (ASCOB), Span-Eng Spr Mr. N. Horn: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: H. T. Biermann H. T. Biermann: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. S. D. Gladstone Mr. L. Brown: Sib Hky C. A. Herbel: Akita, AnatolShep, Bullm, Grm Pinscher, Gtr Swiss Mtn Mr. S. D. Gladstone: Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Giant Schn, Grt Dane, Grt Pyr, Mast, Newf, St Bern, Std Schn Mr. A. W. Woodfork: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: C. A. Herbel J. Ritchie: Fox Ter (Smooth) C. A. Herbel: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. A. (. Mills C. A. Herbel: Hava Mr. C. Howard: Eng Toy Sp, J Chin, Toy Fox Terrier Ms. S. M. Sandlin: Malt, Pug, Shih Tzu, Yorks Mr. A. (. Mills: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: C. A. Herbel Mr. J. A. Fehring: Dalm Mr. A. (. Mills: Fr Bull, Pood, Shiba Inu, Tib Span, Xoloitzcuintli Mrs. B. A. Drake: Boston, Bulldog, Chow, Lhasa, Schip, Tib Ter C. A. Herbel: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. S. D. Gladstone Mr. N. Horn: Austrl Cat Dg, Bel Terv Mr. S. D. Gladstone: Beauceron, Bel Shp, Brdr Coll, Bouv, GSD C. A. Herbel: Canaan, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, Nor Buhund, Pol Low Shp, Pulik, Pyre Shep, Swed Vallhund Mr. L. Brown: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. S. Martin Mr. J. S. Martin: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. A. W. Woodfork MI East Lansing (I) INGHAM COUNTY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Michigan State UniversityFarm Lane & Mt Hope CLOSES: NOVEMBER 12 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. L. J. Sinclair SPORTING Group: Mrs. B. Stenmark Mrs. M. Martin: Pntr-GS, Ret-Lab, SpanWel Spr Mrs. B. Stenmark: Set-Eng, Wirehair Ptg Grif, Wirehair Vizsla Mr. L. J. Sinclair: Brit, Pointer, Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Fld, SpanIrw Mr. B. Meyer: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. M. Martin Mr. W. Sahloff: Afghan, RhoRidge, Saluki, ScotDeer Mr. L. J. Sinclair: Basenji, Basset, Eng Fox, Greyhnd, Harr, Ibizan Mrs. B. Stenmark: Borz, Otter, PBGV, Pharaoh, Plott, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon, Treeing Walker Coon Mrs. M. Martin: Balance of Hound Breeds

WORKING Group: Mrs. L. J. Sinclair Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: Dobe, Grt Dane Mrs. C. Meyer: Portuguese, St Bern Mr. B. Meyer: AnatolShep, Blk Russn Terrier, Bullm, Chinook, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Grt Pyr, Leonberger Mr. W. Sahloff: Cane Corso, Kom, Kuv, Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Newf, Rottw, Tibtn Mastiff Mrs. B. Stenmark: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. C. Meyer Mrs. P. B. Peat: Bull Ter Mrs. C. Meyer: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. P. B. Peat Ms. S. I. Wheat: Bruss Grif, Eng Toy Sp, Pap Ms. S. Bingham-Porter: Chihua, Hava, Malt Mrs. P. B. Peat: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. S. I. Wheat Mr. L. J. Sinclair: Boston Mrs. M. Martin: Bulldog Ms. S. I. Wheat: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. J. Holava Mrs. C. Meyer: Card-WC, GSD Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: Bouv, Coll, Shetld Mr. J. Holava: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. B. Stenmark Mrs. B. Stenmark: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. B. Meyer TX Conroe* (I/O) CONROE KENNEL CLUB Lone Star Convention Center 9333 Airport Rd CLOSES: NOVEMBER 12 12:00 p.m. Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. E. McDowell SPORTING Group: N. Liebes Mrs. D. M. Brown: Ret-Flat S. London: Ret-Lab C. C. Lane: Pntr-GS, Ret-Ches, All Setters, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Spin Ital, Weim P. Bruce: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. S. A. Krogh Mrs. S. A. Krogh: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. S. A. Krogh S. K. Steckler: Rottw N. Liebes: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. C. J. Seaberg N. Liebes: Am Staff P. Bruce: Min Schn, Rat Terrier Ms. E. McDowell: Fox Ter (Smooth), Kerry, Soft Coated Mr. D. M. Krogh: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: P. Bruce C. C. Lane: Cav KC Spans, Chihua Mrs. S. A. Krogh: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Chin Cr, Pom P. Bruce: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: P. Bruce Ms. C. J. Seaberg: Bichon Mrs. S. A. Krogh: Shar-Pei, Chow Mr. D. M. Krogh: Balance of NonSporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. E. McDowell Mrs. N. D. Simmons: Canaan, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund Mrs. D. M. Brown: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: N. Liebes N. Liebes: All Miscellaneous Breeds BISOH Group: Ms. E. McDowell NOHS SPORTING Group: N. Liebes Mrs. D. M. Brown: Ret-Flat S. London: Ret-Lab C. C. Lane: Pntr-GS, Ret-Ches, All Setters, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Spin Ital, Weim P. Bruce: Balance of NOHS Sporting Breeds NOHS HOUND Group: Mrs. S. A. Krogh Mrs. S. A. Krogh: All NOHS Hound Breeds NOHS WORKING Group: Mrs. S. A. Krogh S. K. Steckler: Rottw N. Liebes: Balance of NOHS Working Breeds



Photo by Toyomi Tsumura

Ch. Jakar Pamir Anam Cara Summer Storm Owned by Georjean Jensen and Tara Schultz Bred by Amy Donnell and Tara Schultz Presented by Bruce & Tara Schultz AKC Reg. Handlers & PHA •

Dog News

September 26, 2014

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