Dog News The Digest Volume 29, Issue 45
Of American Dogs $5.00
November 8, 2013
American Sealyham CENTENNIAL
Our appreciation to Judge Mrs. Frandel Brown Presented by Mr. Bill McFadden
Terrier Club SPECIALTY
MO GCh. Wildwind Mojito
Bred and Owned by Jill Ferrera and Bonney Snyder Dog News 3
Contents 10 Editorial
38 Ten Questions Asked of Guy Fisher
14 The Way It Is: Fill The Judging Gap
44 Michele Billings Remembrances
By Sari Brewster Tietjen
Compiled by Desmond J. Murphy
18 The Lighter Side of Judging: Social Prostitution Cowboy Style
46 AKC Podcasts Transcribed: Pain Medications And Canine Immune Function
By michael H. Faulkner
22 The Question Of The Week By Matthew h. Stander
26 The Barbary Organ Grinders’ Dogs (Bichon Frise)
By lee connor
34 Bests Of The Week
By matthew h. stander
68 An Interview With Rafael de Santiago, FCI President By yossi guy
50 Montgomery Round-Up Part IV: Border Terriers
74 A Microchip: The Best Form Of Permanent Identification For Your Dog
By karen fitzpatrick
By sharon pflaumer
Scottish Terriers By barbara anderson lounsbury
54 Off The Leash: Election Reflections
By mj nelson
30 The Fancy Speaks: Crossing The Headlines
58 “Mike” Billings, The CHF Slap, Charlie’s College... And More
By shaun coen
56 Brace Yourself: A Right Royal Experience By andrew brace
78 The Gossip Column BY Eugene Z. Zaphiris
84 Click - Soaring Gull Cluster Virginia Beach, VA BY carla Viggiano
92 Click - The Way We Were BY leslie simis
103 Letters To The Editor November 8, 2013 98 handlers directory • 100 subscription rates • 102 classified advertising • 104 ADvertising rates
DOG NEWS (ISSN 0886-2133) is published weekly except the last two weeks in December by Harris Publications, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010. Periodical Postage paid at New York. 4 Dog News
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to DOG NEWS, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010 All advertisements are copyrighted and owned by DOG NEWS, Harris Publications, unless received camera-ready. Permission to reprint must be requested in writing.
Dog News 5
Dog News Cover Story - November 8, 2013
212 807.7100 x588 FAX NUMBER
Ian Miller 212 462.9624
Contributing Editors Sharon Anderson George Bell Andrew Brace Agnes Buchwald Patricia Gail Burnham Shaun Coen Carlotta Cooper Geoff Corish Michael Faulkner Denise Flaim Geir Flyckt - Pedersen Allison Foley Yossi Guy Ronnie Irving Roz Kramer John Mandeville Linda More Desmond J. Murphy M. J. Nelson Sharon Pflaumer John Shoemaker Kim Silva Matthew H. Stander Sari Brewster Tietjen Patricia Trotter Connie Vanacore Carla Viggiano Nick Waters Seymour Weiss Minta (Mike) Williquette Dog News Photographers Chet Jezierski Perry Phillips Kitten Rodwell Leslie Simis
*Number Two overall, The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed points through September 30, 2013
6 Dog News
DOG NEWS is sent to all AKC approved Conformation Judges with more than one breed every week on a complimentary basis. No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without written permission from the editor. The opinions expressed by this publication do not necessarily express the opinions of the publisher. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted.
*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points
Dog News 7
8 Dog News
*The Dog News Top Ten List
Dog News 9
VERY REVEALING BOARD MINUTES For the first time in quite some while the Board Minutes indicate a direction the Kalter Board is taking. And like the direction or not and these pages question most seriously certain aspects of the Minutes at last and quite candidly “it’s about time” the Board has decided to be more open with its constituents and tell us what they think and where we may or may not be heading. The very first item in the Minutes refer to a Strategic Planning Special Meeting with a goal to establish a Plan for three years with a Directional Plan for two years after that! At long last a real look into the immediate future! What will come out of that is anyone’s guess but at least it is being thought about! Next item of interest is an admission--finally from someone---that there have been a decline in Conformation entries over the ten-year period of 2003 though 2012. The analysis was not made public by the Minutes but at least someone--the COO-owned up to that fact for sure. The 2014 Budget was adopted after a lengthy discussion which discussion was not revealed but everyone present voted for it except Director Gladstone who these pages are told has never voted favorably for any budget adopted by a Board at AKC. The Proposed amendment sent in by the Delegate Bylaws Committee to eliminate eligibility requirement to become a Delegate was reviewed by the Board and will be discussed further at the December 2013 meeting. In addition to the Eligibility Removal additional language may be added with regard to Delegates being seated who have felony animal cruelty charges lodged against them. Territorial changes were discussed and will be discussed further while two breeds will now be judged on a Ramp during Groups and Best at the request of their parent clubs-the Basset Hounds and the Bulldogs. And then of course there was the matter of a…NEW GROUP APPROVAL SYSTEM BEING ADOPTED. In effect the Board turned the clock back 40 or 50 years and has re-established a Key Breed System akin to what is done in the UK and which now applies to Foreign Judges as well. The distinguishing factor in this proposal seems to be that if an individual is approved to judge breeds which comprise 80% of the dogs in competition (NOT THE ENTRIES but dogs in competition) in the previous year they COULD be approved for the group after passing the breed tests and paying $25 per breed test. How fair this is to the low entry breeds is the first question to ask and will there now be an even greater run for high entry breeds than 10 Dog News
Editorial NOVEMBER 8, 2013
ever before. Additionally one gets this approval for a 3-year period and may judge breeds in the Group they are not approved to judge in the breed. If they do not get the missing breeds within three years they lose the privilege of doing the Groups thereafter. Periodically these pages and writers for DOG NEWS have made similar suggestions as a means to increase the number of Group judges, which was a directive of the Board to the Staff sometime ago. Interestingly this proposal was initiated by the Board and not Staff, which to these pages indicates a reluctance of Staff in agreeing with the Board in this proposal. The major saving grace for the proposal at all is the use of the word COULD instead of would since this at least indicates some desire on someone’s part to require that some consideration be given to the quality of the applicant’s performance and hopefully will not be an automatic approval as is the case of the foreign judge. Furthermore the affect of masking the applications rears its ugly head once again as no one seems able to explain how it will be used in the new proposal which effective date is to be determined at the December Board meeting. Good luck to you and the Indians as the old baseball expression goes!!! THE DONATIONS CONTRETEMPS The AKC/CHF has been in existence for 18 years now and has just completed the approval of no fewer than 17 research grants to 14 universities in its commitment to the health of all dogs for the year 2014. These grants total nearly $1.5 million for researchers studying canine health and most probably is the shining star insofar as AKC is concerned in answering animal rights allegations that purebred dog breeders do little in improving the health of the dog. CHF comes to the fore annually and is our prime positive example of how dog people put their money where their mouth is when it comes to improving the health of the dog. So how does the Board reward the CHF? Absent Dr. Newman and with Mr. Feeney abstaining it approves a matching fund of $500,000 to the AKC Canine Health Foundation and then throws up a roadblock stating that the matching funds will apply ONLY to new sources for donations!! They giveth with one hand and taketh with the other. True AKC Board has been one of the strongest financial supporters of this operation and true times are hard and even if there are significant differences in points of view of the organizations one would have hoped a bit more benevolence from AKC’s Board in these donation matters. If they have a point to make and prove with regard to CHF not developing sufficient new donors they easily could have compromised the
issue and match funds of existing donors by one half or one third and not potentially cut out totally donations to this critical super organization and Foundation. One would think a little soul searching is called for on the part of the Board and the Board hopefully will react accordingly and agree to really donate a firm dollar amount plus establish a matching program of some sort. On the other hand the Board’s decision to take funds from the Dog Museum Reserves to cover the expenses seems wise considering the absolute continued questionable state of that organization in Queeny Park in St. Louis. STATE REGULATIONS A MUST 15 people were treated for rabies as a result of an adopted puppy biting someone and passing the disease on. The pup according to the Wall Street Journal was brought into Vermont under unusual circumstances resulting in the first case of rabies in that State in over two decades. The concept of adopting rather than purchasing which has gained such acceptance in certain circles presumes a certain degree of health safety is assured. Obviously that is not the case as illegal sales of dogs through the Internet as well as illegal transport of these dogs from state to state for individual profit seem to run rampant in certain parts of the country. It is inherent upon us all to push our local ordinances to include protection for the health and welfare of not only dogs but the prospective owners as well. Indeed the Ralph Lauren and London Jewelers of the world so intent upon pushing sales up for their corporations by taking advantage of the promotion of adopted puppies would be well advised to add the caveat that the puppies they are promoting are all health checked out as well lest they find themselves held responsible for a rabid pup sold under their influences. THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Computer imaging has reached new heights as the Garvin Committee of Charlie, Kent Delaney, Doug Johnson and Daryl Hendricks seem to believe this concept is the way to go to teach prospective judges about dogs. Indeed they seem to be considering a College to this effect and are seeking responses to their suggestions. There is an Appendix A attached to the Board Minutes which outlines what these guys are thinking. It is based on an article in a Medical Magazine but it is a concept to apply towards livestock and breeding generally. Whether or not it makes good sense these pages leave for you the reader to decide although after more study these pages will no doubt offer its own analysis . It sounds cost prohibitive for sure but in this era of social media why not just have the Facebook devotees decide through streaming computers which dogs should win and do away with the shows altogether?
Dog News 11
� e Oh, r o m ee
Thank you Judge Mrs. Honey Glendinning for awarding S’mores Best In Show at the San Antonio English Springer Spaniel Specialty
Best In Show & Best In Specialty Show Winning Owner Silsby S. Pelissero Shadow Hill ESS Santa Barbara, California 12 Dog News
What a Week!
Thank you Judge Mr. Desmond Murphy for awarding S’mores Group First and Judge Mr. Stephen Hubbell for Reserve Best In Show
GCh. Hil-N-Don & Canyonwood Seemore Of Me Co-Owners / Breeders Jayne Crouch Canyonwood ESS Donna Hoffman Hil-N-Don ESS
Exclusive Handler for Shadow Hill: Ellen Cottingham 360 904-1777 Dog News 13
Fill The Judging Gap Has the American Kennel Club painted itself into a corner with regards to its judging approval process? The answer has to be a resounding “yes!” With the loss of some of our most respected judges this past year, the pool of honored, admired and appreciated judges is getting smaller and smaller as many current and would-be judges have refused to climb the burdensome and expensive ladder required by AKC that has nothing to do with one’s ability to judge dogs.
KC’s arduous approval process had a slow start back in the early ‘70s when the new Field Representatives were charged with observing judges and filing reports with the New York office. Then when one of the most respected, all-breed judges of that time boasted that he had never read a standard, the requirement to take written tests began. Of course, this judge was a true dogman and, indeed, a livestock man who knew and valued conformation. Gradually, the process morphed from what was in the ‘60s a one man’s “yes or no” to the time-consuming, cost driven process of today that reveals little about whether a person can or cannot judge dogs. Checking the boxes became the byword of the day and persons with more ambition than ability plodded along picking up whatever was the required number of breeds at the time with some of them eventually becoming all-breed judges. Looking into the future and recognizing the fact that we were faced with a crisis of not having enough capable judges who had sufficient groups to meet the requirements of the expanding number of conformation shows, then Board Member, Bob Smith, convinced his fellow AKC Board of Directors that something had to be done. Thus was born the Smith Committee, which was comprised of some of our most experienced and admired fanciers who were judges and/ or breeders of note. The Smith Committee’s report detailed how identified judges should be more quickly advanced through the system without having to “check those dreaded boxes.” Its one flaw – which was to appease certain factions who believed that clubs and fanciers should have input in the processwas to allow others to recommend judges for quick advancement. As expected, this lead to friends calling friends/handlers to
recommend them. The other problem was the fact that there were complaints from those not asked to bypass the process for quick advancement and as a result AKC’s Board buckled under this pressure and everything was put at a standstill while yet another Committee was appointed. This new Judges Task Force, lead by Board Member Charles Garvin, has yet to make its report public although speculation abounds. In the interim, AKC’s Board has made two memorable new stipulations: 1) that applicants’ names would be covered up (masked is the term used) so that the rotating judges’ approval committee would not know who is applying (although a perusal through the background portion of an application would give committee members an idea as to who is applying rendering the masking ridiculous and unnecessary), and 2) as just released in a highlight of the October Board Minutes (effective date not yet known) granting “an AKC judge approved to judge breeds comprising 80% of the entries in a group the previous year could be approved for the group after passing the breed standard tests and submitting a $25 non-refundable processing fee per breed for the remaining breeds in that group; the group approval would be for no more than three years, dating from the first group assignment; the judge may not be assigned breeds not currently approved on either regular or permit basis constituting the balance of the group; [and] group status would be removed after three years if a judge has failed to gain approval for the balance of the breeds within the group.” Aside from the fact that the last policy is convoluted and confusing as quoted above (neither clubs nor judges will know whether or not a group can be assigned if the 80% of entries for the previous year is going to be a floating number and clubs frequently line up judges two, three or more years in advance
– just two instances that come immediately to mind), why did the Board elect not to use the old “key breeds” system, which had been used by AKC in the past to give judges Group approval without having to be approved for all breeds within a group? This certainly would be easier for all to understand. To get back to the beginning premise – AKC has boxed itself in with regards to its judges’ approval process. It needs more respected, knowledgeable, capable judges who have the illusive “eye for a dog”. The process of Field Rep. ringside evaluations has shown that they are ineffective except for new judges who need encouragement and help or who have demonstrated that they do not have the aptitude or ability to sort through a class of dogs and should not be advanced; the present interviews mean little other than whether or not at that moment in time a person can memorize a breed standard; and attending seminars, seeking mentors, going to specialties does not translate into whether or not a person can apply what they may or may not have learned. The only present requirement that has true value is the written breed tests as they serve as an acknowledgement that a judge has read the standard. A valued and respected judge is born with a talent and ability that cannot be created. We have a lot of good judges and breeders who should be encouraged and advanced, not discouraged and held back because of an expensive, complicated judges’ approval process that has nothing to do with competence and aptitude. The bottom line is that all is not fair and all judges are not equal. We have some excellent ones, many mediocre ones and some poor ones. Let’s encourage and advance those who excel as quickly as possible (and according to their desires) so we can fill the gap that presently exists with the passing of so many of our long time valued and respected judges.
THE WAY IT IS By Sari Brewster Tietjen
14 Dog News
Judge Dr. Klaus Anselm Judge Mrs. Jacqueline Stacy Judge Dr. Klaus Anselm
16 Dog News
*The Dog News Top Ten List
Dog News 17
TheLighter Side
By Michael H. Faulkner
of Judging
Social Prostitution Cowboy Style
ocial Prostitution is the name I call the sociological phenomena in which I sell myself---by doing whatever is needed to raise money for worthy causes. I often wish this exchange for money resulted in fame, my own personal financial gain, or attention---like so many professional athletes and celebrities are afforded. “Oh, it would be so wonderful not to just act dysfunctional for a few times a year but rather, be encouraged to be dysfunctional and to be rewarded daily with whatever my heart desires,” I project, almost audibly into the Wichita Falls, Texas Holiday Inn mirror while preparing for the Golden Retriever Club of America/Golden Retriever Foundation, 2013 Top Twenty Gala and Art Auction. The chauffeur from Carey Limousine Service arrives at Holly Springs (Center Cross, VA) at 4:30 AM, and with the aid of my personal DROID, he is going to escort me to the Richmond International Airport (RIC) for a 7:00 AM flight to Dallas. I arrive at the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport on schedule---whereupon, another chauffer from Carey Limousine Service, dressed in black, proudly displays a sign bearing my name and greets me in the baggage claim area. The dysfunctional celebrity side of me goes into full throttle as I climb into the chauffeured-black –Lincoln-Navigator with tinted windows for the two-hour drive to Wichita Falls. Three individuals---waiting curbside for their transportation---are baffled by my sunglasses, T-shirt, jeans, sandals, and un-
shaven appearance, as I climb into my chauffeured chariot. I did nothing to expose my true celebrity status as a Dog Show Judge/Emcee/ Auctioneer/Social Prostitute. I rather let them fantasize about Hollywood and Nashville (Could that be Bruce Willis?) as CARL the chauffer pulls away from the curb and I fall back in obscene comfort. Totally exhausted, I doze in and out consciousness during the two-hour drive. CARL opens the limousine door at 12:52 PM, depositing me at the doorsteps of the Wichita Falls Holiday Inn. I immediately call my Gala Committee friend and colleague, MGL---not only to let her know of my arrival, but for moral support as well. The Gala Committee consists of five women, who dedicate a tremendous amount of effort and creativity in executing a five-starstudded event that not only acknowledges the Top Twenty Golden Retrievers that were shown in this calendar year, but that also generates a significant amount of money for the Golden Retriever Foundation, which is a major contributor to the Morris Animal Foundation and the AKC Canine Health Foundation. These five women also generate a formidable amount of estrogen, leaving me as the Host/Emcee to manage, diffuse, encourage, celebrate, counsel, and mediate throughout the event. “Oh, we are so glad you finally arrived. Listen….get something to eat, get a few hours of sleep and we will have a brief meeting in the
“Three individuals--waiting curbside for their transportation---are baffled by my sunglasses, T-shirt, jeans, sandals, and unshaven appearance, as I climb into my chauffeured chariot.”
18 Dog News
bar at 5:00 PM, before the start of the show. Oh, we also purchased a special white-buttoned Cowboy shirt, Big-Kick-Ass-Buckled Belt, and a black Cowboy hat for you and LM, my co-host, (my Vanna White, as it were.) to wear,” MGL shares, “I will consider wearing the shirt and hat. But, return the belt, don’t be wasting your money. I am not wearing a Big-Kick-Ass-Buckled-Belt. Lord, if I sport a belt buckle bigger than my shoe size, they will think I’m a Redneck,” I say before ending the call and before claiming lunch and a highly welcome nap. At 3:45 PM there is a knock on the door to my room. I crawl from a deep sleep, stagger over to open the blackout curtains, and welcome MGL and LM into the room. “Well, time to get ready and do your thing. Here is your shirt, your hat, and are you sure you don’t want the belt?” MGL laughingly questions. The two of them visit for only eighteen minutes before exiting and returning to their respective rooms to facilitate their own personal Cowboy/ Cowgirl makeover. The shower provides adequate relief from the tiresome day on the trail. I squeeze my fat ass into a pair of appropriately too-tight jeans, snap my new white cowboy shirt into place, slide on a custom pair of black Lucchese Cowboy Boots---that I had made for me fifteen-years ago---over my tired feet and complete the look in front of the Wichita-Falls-Holiday-Inn-mirror, attached to the sliding closet door, by placing the recently purchased black Cowboy hat on my head. “Yeeha, giddy-up Big Boy!” I jokingly exclaim. I take a moment to ponder the term YEEHA. Craving more information, I activate a DROID, search for more details into the origin and meaning of the expression. DROID gives me several options to choose and I select “URBAN DICTIONARY” Yeeha Guys who dress up like they’re at a rodeo to impress ho’s at the local country bar. Busch beerdrinking, beer-muscle having, can’t get a woman, Copenhagen all up-in-da-teeth, chicken-shit, corn bread eating, cracker-ass, country boys. “Well, hell, that’s me, damn it. Let’s get this Continued on page 62
Dog News 19
Grand CH. Stonepillar’s STEEL BLU AMERICA’S NUMBER 1 Bouvier All Systems
BREAKS NEW GROUND!! Becomes the FIRST EVER to win: • BEST OF BREED Canadian Bouvier des Flandres Club National Specialty
• BEST OF BREED American Bouvier des Flandres Club National Specialty
and • Top Twenty Winner
In The same year !! 20 Dog News
Judge Mr. Peter Green
TOP TWENTY WINNER All Breed Judge Dr. Steve Keating Handler/Judge Mrs. Linda Clark Breeder/Judge Mrs. Sheila Hoffman
American Bouvier des Flandres Club National Specialty Breeder Judge Mrs. Nancy Elks
Owners Julianna & Daniel Garrison Breeders Diane and Bruce Ham Handled by Co-Owner Elaine Paquette (Quiche Bouviers) Dog News 21
Should AKC Judges, as in many other professions, be required to take breed refresher courses and/or tests to continue to be approved to judge their approved breeds?
Winnie Stout I think that if they judge frequently and have not been a subject of complaints, no. However, if they have not judged a breed for 5 years or more, or had an entry of under 5 in that breed in 5 years (assuming it is not rare), it could be a good idea. Beth Sweigart My answer would be no, many professions which require refresher courses and re certifications are areas which are changing and evolving, often very quickly. Breed standards on the other hand are pretty stable and change if made is usually deliberate and slow. I think anyone who judges with some regularity would have no trouble keeping up with the changes made in various breed standards. Also the breed clubs are very efficient on sending to judges directives about how the clubs feel about timely issues. The current question of undocked tails comes to mind and the various ways different clubs feel the question should be dealt with.
Question Of The Week By Matthew H. Stander
Annemarie Moore This is a subject raised by Dog News on previous occasions and I understand that Matt feels strongly about requiring judges to take refresher courses. Some individuals are extremely capable with the written tests but not necessarily with a hands on. In judging dogs, Terriers for instance, you either have it or you don’t. It takes a lot more understanding of those breeds than a written test can provide. Paul Reilly I would like to see Judges who are truly committed to judging to the utmost of their ability, welcome the opportunity to receive annual or at least periodic properly qualified recurrency and testing, to ensure that they have the most Breed specific information possible. No matter what field of work we are in, even as professionals, we can all use refreshers. And since money is being spent for our various expertise, we owe it to our clients to be the best we possibly can be. Dennis Morgan No! Janet York Yes, I think it would be a wonderful idea for judges to take refresher courses. There are sometimes changes in breed standards and a refresher course would bring them up to date. Many a judge has commented to me that even if they have judged a breed for many years there is always something new to learn. A refresher course would keep them on their toes as well as give us exhibitors more confidence in our judges.
22 Dog News
Ann Bavaria Yes, providing the process can be done in a timely fashion (especially if you haven’t judged a breed a lot). Hands on judging is preferred versus reading about the breed in a book and taking a test. Robert G. Russell A friend asked my husband if being a dog show judge was my profession. He replied, “Dog Show Judging is not a profession but a passion.” He was correct as I will never recoup the money spent to obtain the breeds I judge. While continuing education may sound appealing to exhibitors as an assurance of a judge’s integrity, even more persons may be eliminated if costly continuing education is required. Those judges who are passionate about doing a good job of judging are always striving to learn and improve. Those that do not do a good job can be eliminated by lack of entries from exhibitors. The exhibitors have the power to eliminate a poor judge as clubs do not hire judges that do not draw an entry.
*All Systems
24 Dog News
Dog News 25
the bichon frise
Max (Ch Sundaze Maximum Kash Wager OA AXJ), Shirley Hamilton’s Bichon, does a vertical jump on an agility course.
Tate (Ch Petit Ami’s Noble-Art UD TDX NA NAJ VCD1), Barbara Chaffin’s Bichon seems pretty certain he has the correct article in an obedience trial.
Running and jumping are clearly something that fall within Tate’s definition of fun.
26 Dog News
everal years ago, while competing in an obedience trial and awaiting the time when my dog was due to go back in the ring for the group exercises, a lady whose Bichon Frise had just been spectacularly naughty in the ring plopped down alongside me. To say that she radiated disgust with her dog would be a considerable understatement. “Did you ever see anything quite that bad?” she asked. Well, yes, as a matter of fact I had several times seen even more sensational disobedience and just plain screwups in the field as both a hunt test judge for all three types of sporting dogs as well as a participant in those tests and as a competitor in obedience. “But,” I asked, “How can you get angry at a dog that is so cute when they’re being bad?” “That,” she replied, “Is the trouble. They’re cute and they know it so they think they can get by with just about anything and nobody will get upset because they are so cute. Hearing people laugh when they mess up only encourages them to do it again. They love playing to an audience.” This may stem from the breed’s history as a performing dog doing tricks in circuses and at fairs as well as being something of a shill for the organ grinders of Barbary, a historic name for a region of north Africa which extended from west of Egypt to the Atlantic Ocean and included the Barbary States of Tripolitania, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. The Bichon’s job was to do tricks to attract an audience that would give the grinder coins to show their appreciation for both the music and the dog’s an-
tics. While the breed is known to be gentle, cheerful and one that loves to play games, it also has an independent streak and for some reason, on that particular day, this poor lady’s Bichon decided that she needed to be shown that independence. All in all, it was a highly entertaining performance for everyone who witnessed it including the judge with the exception of the person who had paid the entry fee. “In my early days of training a Bichon, I was worried because I never had a chance to train with another Bichon and did not know what would happen when I took my dog to the national specialty to compete in obedience. Bichons know and love their own kind and I could only imagine the long sits and downs turning into a great playtime in the ring. Well, over the years, this has happened only once proving that they can determine when they are supposed to be working. They were bred to be companions, which means they enjoy doing things with their owners. They are attentive and intelligent and they learn quickly if the learning is made interesting and fun. They are generally confident and outgoing and like to be with other people and animals. These are all attributes that help make the breed successful in a number of different activities although they are sometimes more of a challenge than many of the breeds that are bred to work,” said Barbara Chaffin, who owns or has owned Fancy (Showboat’s Fancy Face UDX MX MXJ TD VCD1) and Tate (Ch Petit Ami’s Noble-Art UD TDX NA NAJ VCD1). “The Bichon is a very adaptable dog. They are dogs that want to be with their humans and they want to Continued on page 66
Dog News 27
28 Dog News
A Top-Ranking
Dog News 29
The Fancy Speaks
Crossing The Headlines By Lee Connor
aving seen the success ITV has enjoyed with its plethora of dog related shows it seems the BBC has decided that it too wants a piece of the action and so it brought us ‘The Wonder of Dogs’. The programme promised to investigate why this “single species comes in such an array of shapes and sizes” and the team also aimed to find out “how the extraordinary genetics of modern dogs underlies the extreme differences we see between the breeds”.
Hearing that promise and those lofty aims combined with the fact the show was being produced by the BBC immediately set alarm bells ringing and it was a feeling obviously shared by many others as one wag posted on Facebook, “has everyone got Ofcom’s address to hand!” But we needn’t have worried as the ‘investigative’ and ‘science bits’ were really only there to plug the gaps in the filming of cute dogs shot in the Beeb’s current favourite style - slow motion. As ‘Auntie’ began her campaign to woo back its alienated, dog-loving viewers, the team of expert presenters (a strange cobbling together of The One Show’s social historian & celebrity vet and an ex-Springwatch presenter) set up camp in the Oxfordshire village of Brightwell. The ever-upbeat and, when it comes to anything animal-related, omnipresent Kate Humble soon began her trademark overenthusiastic bounding around, ricocheting around the village green with her curly golden locks bouncing in the summer sunshine looking for all the world like an overgrown Labradoodle on an agility course! And so our lessons in Cynology began; we learned that all dogs (both large and small) have basically the same bone structure, that Chihuahuas come from Mexico and that Poodles were good in water. These pearls of wisdom were added to the mindblowing revelation that there is now “no doubt that all our breeds are descended from the Grey wolf” – all facts that the majority of dog owners already know and have heard before. It was at this point that I had to check the TV guide…was this actually a repeat? I was convinced I’d seen it before…but no…this Continued on page 70
30 Dog News
AKC Humane Fund announces the 2014 Theatre Benefit
Broadway’s New High-Heeled Hit The 2013 Tony Award Winner for Best Musical Friday, February 7, 2014
Price: $350.00 per person Includes Theatre & Dinner For reservations, more information contact: Daphna Straus American Kennel Club 260 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016 212 696-8243 or email: Dog News 31
Absolutely Smooth Fox Terriers
Taylor The Nation’s Number One Smooth Fox Terrier A Top Ten Terrier *
Best Again! Group First Judge Mrs. Jacqueline Stacy
Best In Show
Judge Mrs. Suzanne Dillin
Ch. Absolutely Talk Of The Town Owner J.W. Smith Handlers Edward and Lesley Boyes *The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed
32 Dog News
Dog News 33
Travis County Kennel Club Bichon Frise
GCh. Saks Hamelot Little Drummer Boy Judge Ms. Beverly Capstick Owners B. Weidner, L. Darman, K. Griffin, C. Ruggles Handler Scott Sommer Beaumont Kennel Club Tri-State Kennel Club II Miniature Schnauzer
GCh. Allaruth Just Kidding V Sole Baye Mrs. Margo E. Klingler Mr. Michael J. Dougherty Owners Ruth Ziegler & Yvonne B. Phelps Handler Bergit Kabel
Sturgis Kennel Club - Friday Great Dane
GCh. Longo Miller N Lore Diamond Lil Judge Mrs. Christine Hubbell Owners Tootie Longo, Jay Miller & Lorraine Matherly & Col. Chuck Crawford Handler Laura L. Coomes Oak Ridge Kennel Club I Pug
GCh. Caper’s Sirius Endeavor Judge Mrs. Carol Kniebusch Noe Owners Phil & Carol Fisher and John & Linda Rowell Handler Linda G. Rowell Tri State Kennel Club - Saturday Cardigan Welsh Corgi
GCh. Aubrey’s Tails of Mystery
ts Week The
of the
To report an AKC All Breed Best In Show or National Specialty Win Call, Fax or Email before 12:00 Noon Tuesday. Fax: 212 675-5994 • Phone: 212 462-9588 Email:
34 Dog News
Judge Mrs. Helen Gleason Owners Cynthia & Vincent Savioli Handler Sherri S. Hurst English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association National Specialty
GCh. Ocoee D Sqd With A Vengeance Judge Mrs. Mary Ann Alston Owners Melanie King, Kathy Lorentzen, BA Breese and Liz Kiener Handler Melanie King
Now accepting reservations!
The Dog News Annual Magazine 2014
his is to let you know that the next issue of D — THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL MAGAZINE will be distributed the week before Westminster. The deadline to submit advertisements for this very special publication is January 17, 2014.
2013 ANNU
s usual, everything about D—THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL MAGAZINE will contribute to making a lasting and continuing impact on readers, both nationally and internationally. Its distribution at Westminster is unparalleled, and it is the only American magazine to be distributed at Crufts, the FCI World Show and at many other European, Asian and South American dog shows as well. In addition, it will contain the final statistics for all breeds for 2013.
From the quality of its design and production values to its editorial content, D—THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL MAGAZINE serves the fancy as a reference to which they go back to again and again. Discounts are available for four pages or more, whilst Handler Sections are available as well. Please contact us for preferred placement rates.
Please plan to be a part of D—THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL MAGAZINE now! For information, please contact Dog News/D Magazine: 212 462-9588 Dog News 35
number one* skye terrier and number seven* among all terriers
ch. cragsmoor good time
owned by victor malzoni, jr. handled by larry cornelius marcelo veras *The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed
36 Dog News
Dog News 37
What person do you most look forward to seeing at the dog shows? Bill Strand.
What is your greatest extravagance? Chiropractic adjustment & massage.
What do you dislike most about your appearance? My weight.
What dog person would you like to see on ‘dancing with the stars’? John Connolly.
If you were forced to get a tattoo, what would it be?
I already have them of my four children and their dates of birth.
If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you want to have with you? Diana, my children and my dogs.
asked of
Guy Fisher Born: WARREN, MI
When and where are you the happiest? Sitting down to enjoy my coffee
when all the dog chores are done.
Other people think I am...? Unapproachable but I am not.
What did you want to be when you were growing up? A doctor.
What would be your last request? For my children to be happy and to know I shared a full and complete life with them.
38 Dog News
Dog News 39
40 Dog News
Dog News 41
*All Systems
42 Dog News
The AKC/Eukanuba National Championship Issue of Dog News
“The Silver Issue” will be published
Friday, December 13, 2013 The Advertising Deadline is
Friday, December, 6, 2013 Dog News 43
Michele L. Billings Remeberances... As compiled by Desmond J. Murphy
Michele Billings awarding Best In Show at Westminster Kennel Club in 1988.
ichele was so much more than a great friend. She was my hero and she was also a hero to so many people in the Sport. It was in the late seventies our friendship started and continued to grow and grow. When Mike or myself were on the road we would try and talk each night, even for just a short time. If she got home Sunday night we would usually have a long talk Monday evening or by Tuesday. Her impressions of what she found over the weekend was always interesting and her reasons very enlightening. She instilled in me that judging was what you saw right at the moment. You never judged a dog on past impressions or previous opinions you had about an entry. This was the most important thing she taught me. Mike also instilled in me the essence of so many factors that made for type in so many breeds. I never will be the caliber of judge she was, but yet in our conversations, she would treat me as an equal. She often called to pick my brain on how I felt about something. She was a on a pedestal to so many, but always treated people as though they were on her level. So many of the younger generation she took under her wing and gave them great guidance. She was always so proud of the achievements of some of her students. She was a stickler for dogs being in hard condition and would get on handlers cases when their charges were not in the form they should be. Exhibitors, handlers and fellow judges valued her opinions so much. Mike was sought after to judge all over the World. She at one time judged more than any other judge and it was difficulty to hire her unless you booked her years in advance. Her charm and grace always added some class to any show, small or large. Several weeks after her stroke, I woke up one morning with a feeling of being
so scared. I realized my life would never be the same. There never will be anyone else who can fill what she added to my life. When I would get somewhat down about the Sport she always had a way of restoring my faith. Many handlers would also cry on her shoulder and she would also make them see things in a positive light. Nobody in the Sport was more admired and respected as she was. She set the bar for trying to judge to the best one could possibly do. So often when I have had a difficult decision to make her opinions on a breed helped me come to the decision to be made. Sometimes after I made a decision she would inquire by asking “Desdimona” upon what did you base your choice? And it was always a learning experience when I had to give my reasons. Mike is no longer with us, but her spirit and knowledge will live on through some of our younger members of the Sport. The next time we meet our conversations will start catching up on so much. Missing my greatest hero,
—Desmond J. Murphy
44 Dog News
he dog show world lost a wonderful and gracious lady when Michele passed away on October 31, 2013. She was a role model for all who knew her. We were very fortunate to be her close friends from the late 1950’s. She is loved by us, as well as everyone who knew her. Her character, knowledge, and personality as well as her innate ability to judge dogs was recognized by worldwide dog fanciers. She will continue to be an icon in the sport and there will never be another person so beloved by so many.
—Toddie and Houst on Clark
very bright light has gone out today with the passing of Premier Judge Michele Billings. Michelle has been an ICON for over forty years in the dog show rings around the world. I am proud to have been one of her closest friends for most of those years. We spoke on the phone once each day and we talked “dogs” constantly. We valued our thoughts and opinions and never spent useless time bashing those dogs that we felt were not top drawer. Judging was everything to my friend and she gave
wholeheartedly of herself and her thoughts and prayers to everyone. My opinion is that she understood every breed better than all of us put together. She was definitely NUMBER 1 and her legend will live on into eternity. Michele Billings had it all. From her sweet manner and knowledge to her style and good looks. Truly she looked like a million dollars and was one of a kind. Sleep well dear friend -------Until we meet again.
—KeKe Kahn
ichele Billings and I were friends for more years than we wanted to admit. An Afghan Hound, Salute, owned by Herman and Judy Felton, won the first Best In Show that I awarded. Our conversations through the years ranged over a wide spectrum. The day before her last severe stroke we commiserated about the changes in our sport and many other topics. Michele was very reluctant to talk about her health. Her passion for our sport was always obvious and I doubt seriously that most realized the pain and suffering beneath the joy she experienced in her many days of judging. Her life in dogs should serve as an example to all. Please delight in her life and celebrate her contribution to our lives and sport.
—Edd E. Bivin
It is extremely difficult for me to sum up my feelings on the loss of Mrs. Billings. I met her when I was 6 years old and instantly she became my idol. Her clothes, her make up, her jewelry, her smile and her laugh...always a beautiful lady both inside and out. Her words of encouragement through the years and wealth of knowledge of our sport were something I became reliant on. The most wonderful thing about her is that I am not alone in these feelings. She touched and supported so many in our community in the same way. She truly gave back to what gave her so much joy...the dogs and the people behind the dogs. May her love for the dog shows live on in all of us who loved her and may we all never forget her life’s example.
—Amy Boot h
Michele with an Afghan Hound in 1964.
ichele Billings was known to many as a stellar world renowned judge but to us not only a noble judge but a close personal friend. Mike was a true professional with an immense knowledge of dogs, whatever the breed; an incredible talent with an articulate eye. Her elegant poise, regal stature and commanding ring presence reigned throughout her passionate involvement with the sport of dogs, a few of her attributes that made her a bright and shinning star. Starting out as a breeder and professional handler in her earlier years, progressing to become one of our all breed judges in her latter years, she was a lady of great integrity, an inspiration to many. She can easily be well defined as the first lady in dogs. Mike, you were one in a million. We shared great times together and the memories will always be at the forefront of our minds. There will never be another like you. You were one of a kind, the end of an era. Our cherished memories of you will last forever; you will always be remembered with the greatest of love and affection. Heaven has gained one very special angel.
—Frank Sabella and Ron Menaker
s a young girl with Afghans I one day a long time ago saw Michele Leathers! (aka Billings) with a beautiful Afghan. It was Gabby; he was beautiful and so was she. Immediately I decided I want to be just like her someday. She became my hero. Through the years we became very best friends, talked every week. I will miss her forever. Another star is gone.
—Barbara Alderman
any of you might not know this about Michele Leathers Billings; she was an outstanding Beagle Breeder. She bred one of my favorite Beagles, Ch. Kings Creek Triple Threat. After working for Mike a few years showing our Cocker Spaniels, Mike decided it was time I got a good dog I could possibly win with, one of her beagles. After waiting what seemed to be a lifetime, Mike gave me my first Beagle, which I showed and finished pretty easily, Ch. Kings Creek Satan’s Doll. I could not have asked for a better mentor then Mike. This coming December 3rd, I have known Mike fifty years. When Mike retired from handling, for me there was a void at the shows having worked with her from the age of 10 until she retired. Mike was a great dog person but an even better friend.
—Joe de Poo
t is with great sadness that we had to say goodbye to a remarkable lady, Michele Billings. Mike, you were a wonderful friend, a great mentor and a dignified lady. It was an honor and privilege to have known you. You will forever be in our hearts and minds and we will always love you. Heartfelt thoughts go to Bob, who looked after you so well through your last day on this earth, and to your family and close friends. The dog world will mourn the loss of a great lady.
— Lorna Hast ings
e were so sorry to hear of the passing of Michele Billings although we knew the end was near, but we prayed for her recovery. Her great smile and laugh are going to be missed by many all over the world. Mike was not only a great dog person, she was a lady. Wonderful memories of the great times and stories we shared are now in our minds.
—Bob & Jane Forsyt h
Dog News 45
This is the first in a series of transcribed podcasts that Dog News will publish as they become available from the American Kennel Club’s Canine Health Foundation!
Pain Medications and Canine Immune Function
The following interview was originally released as a podcast on June 6, 2013. If you prefer to listen to the interview, the podcast is available at: multimedia/podcasts/pain-medications-and-canine.html - Additionally, a glossary of some of the scientific terms used in the interview has also been provided.
n this interview, Dr. Amy DeClue, Assistant Professor of Small Animal Internal Medicine at the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine, provides a research update on her CHFfunded grant, which investigates whether any of the common pain medications used in dogs could inadvertently suppress the immune system, leaving dogs susceptible to infection after surgery or a major procedure.
AKC CANINE HEALTH FOUNDATION (CHF): Can you describe the common medications used to treat pain in dogs. DR. AMY DeCLUE: The most common medications we use are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs and opioids. Opioids are the strongest class of pain medication and they provide the best pain relief. Of the opioids there are drugs that are complete opioid receptor agonists, drugs like morphine, fentanyl, and tramadol. There are also partial agonists, drugs like buprenorphine. Each drug is a little bit different, has different potential side effects, and is administered in different ways.
CHF: What are some examples of when these drugs would be used?
DeCLUE: Opioids are used on a routine basis in a variety of situations and are used in almost all anesthetic and analgesic protocols for animals undergoing surgery, including spays and neuters and orthopedic procedures. Opioids are also used to manage pain associated with cancer and they’re a very
G lossa ry Cytokine: Soluble proteins used as messengers between cells that can either activate or suppress the immune response. Macrophage: Cell of the immune system used to engulf and destroy invading pathogens. Neutrophil: Cells that are the first line of defense of the immune system; they can engulf and destroy invading pathogens or release toxins that destroy pathogens. The release of toxins can also cause collateral damage to healthy tissue and cells. Phagocytosis: The act of a macrophage or neutrophil internalizing ( “eating”) foreign bacteria. Cytolytic: Term used to describe the destruction of infected cells by toxins released from cells of the immune system. Inflammation: The outcome of an immune response, as cells of the immune system respond to an invading pathogen they cause collateral damage to healthy cells, causing pain, heat, redness and swelling. Respiratory Burst: The events that occur inside a macrophage or neutrophil that lead to destruction of engulfed bacteria.
important part of managing orthopedic disease. As you know, sports related injuries and osteoarthritis, are common problems in our canine athletes. Opioids are important for managing the pain associated with these problems, as well as managing the pain injury, especially after the injury, or during physical therapy and sports rehabilitation.
CHF: What led you to believe these drugs might affect the immune system?
DeCLUE: Opioids are actually made by the body, and opioid receptors are found on almost all types of immune cells, suggesting that endogenously produced opioids help signal the immune system. The opioids we use for pain management can bind and signal through the same receptors as endogenously produced opioids. This means that the opiate medications we give to dogs to help manage their pain could affect the immune system. Additionally, there’s some work in rodents and some evidence in people that opioids alter immune function.
CHF: Your CHF grant focused on the three major indicators of immune function: cytokine function, cytolytic function of macrophages and neutrophils, and respiratory burst function of neutrophils. Can we take these individually and can you explain why they’re important parameters of immune function? Let’s start with cytokines why do they matter?
DeCLUE: When a white blood cell identifies danger, let’s say from an invading bacteria, the first response is to send out a message to the other white blood cells. This message summons the white blood cells to the site of conflict and helps activate them. Cytokines are that message. Cytokines make up the communication system for immune cells so that there’s an orchestrated attack that the body’s making. The cytokines are also important for stopping the immune reaction once the threat has been cleared. It’s through the use of these messages, or cytokines, that the immune system becomes activated and also returns to rest. Cytokines help maintain the balance and communication within the immune system.
CHF: What is phagocytosis and why does this matter? DeCLUE: Phagocytosis is the process by which white blood cells engulf foreign material, like bacteria. This prevents the bacteria from multiplying and spreading. So phagocytosis, in a way, is one of the first lines of defense against infection. Continued on page 96
46 Dog News
Dog News 47
GCh. Quiet Creek’s Kiss and Tell 48 Dog News
Judge: Mr. Eugene Blake
Owners/Breeders: Susan LaCroix Hamil Heather Whitcomb Laguna Beach, California
# 4 Hound, #1 Bloodhound All Breed *
Judge: Ms. Sharon Lyons
Handlers: Bruce Schultz Tara Schultz *The Dog News Top Ten List
y r e m o g t n o M 2013
r e d r Bo
By Karen Fitzpatrick
As always, one can never predict the weather for the most anticipated weekend in our Terrier competition here in the US. It doesn’t matter if you look up the weather forecast before you leave, it will never cease to amaze me how I can be so “not” prepared.
ans? Really? Last year I brought propane space heaters and used them! I did not pack fans. Nor did I pack enough warm weather suits from the time I left home, stopping in Monroe, Michigan first. I know the weather said warm, but I wasn’t ready for the mid 80’s humidity and heat that I encountered on Day 1 of Hatboro. Amazing. I came into Hatboro with my new Motor Home, missing I might add, my passenger side mirror that I managed to take off in a tollbooth. The tollbooth came out unscathed, but I managed to chalk up another $580 expense taking it out. Thank goodness I still had the camera that lit up when I turned on the right turn signal enabling me to see my right side, or I would have turned around and went home. Lesson learned. But once I arrived, the crew at Hatboro couldn’t be more accommodating. My thanks to those wonderful gentlemen who gave me the most fabulous space right next to my ring. I could watch from my driver’s seat if I wanted to. It ended up being the gathering place for lunch and dinner by our friends and acquaintances, not to mention, a cooling place for hot terriers. That made it most enjoyable. Our judge for Day 1 of Hatboro was Mrs. Vandra L. Huber, Phd, a very well respected terrier judge with more than 25 years of dog experience. Under the McVan T preface, she and her husband have bred nearly 100 champion Scottish Terriers. A highlight was winning BIS at Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show with Ch. Gaelforce Postscript “Peggy Sue” in the mid 1990s. Dr. Huber has owned and shown Border Terriers, Cairns, Smooths, Wire Fox Terriers, Wire Dachshunds, a Bearded Collie, the #4 Affenpincher in 2004 and Canada’s all time winning top miniature poodle, Am. Can. Ch. Gayle’s My Girl. We were thrilled to have her judge our Border Terriers for Day 1! 50 Dog News
We had a decent turn out with 45 Border Terriers exhibited. It was a sweltering day, surprising most of us with crazy temperatures and a tepid afternoon for our Borders. For most, it was a competition for who could withstand the climate and still keep on top of their game. For her Winner’s Dog, Dr. Huber chose Happy Hobbit’s Park and Ride. Bred by Sandra Gillen and owned by Patricia Ross. Winner’s Bitch was given to a showy little girl bred by Constance and William Bartlett and owned by Constance Bartlett, Surefyre’s Magic Moment. She also went on to a well-deserved Best of Winners. Best of Breed went to our #1 male and #1 in Breed points, GCh McHill’s HRH Prince Gizmo House of Gremlin. Bred by Peter Holson and owned by Peter Holson and Antonio Barrios. He was shown to his best by Danielle Green, and was a step above the rest this day. Best of Opposite went to the #1 bitch, BISS GCh Meadowlake Pants on Fire. Owned by Thomas H Bradley 3rd, Karen Fitzpatrick and Kiki Courtelis. Select Dog was Ch. Ottermask Who’s Your Daddy and Select Bitch was GCh. Brocair Field of Cherry Blossoms. AOM were as follows: GCh. Starkweather The Right Stuff, CGC, GCh. Blue Rock The Dude, GCh. Trebol Wild Indigo of Surefyre and Ch. The Tear Thief At Happy Hobbits. Mrs. Connie H. Clark of Rio Del Mar, California and Chicago, IL judged Day 2. Mrs. Clark has been involved in the purebred dog fancy since 1976 as a breeder of Wire Fox Terriers and Irish Terriers, an exhibitor, a professional handler, an AKC Delegate and a judge. She judged several terrier breeds including Wire Fox Terriers, at the Societe Centrale Canine’s Championship Show and the FCI Centenary World Show in 2011 in Paris, France and has judged the American Fox Terrier Club’s National Specialty. Similar as yesterday, the weather was simply crazy for this time of year. It’s amazing! But I think on this day, people were a bit more prepared for the sun and humidity. Winner’s Dog was a lovely young male, at only six and half months old, McHill’s Bits and Bobs, bred by Hillary Zimmerman and owned by Linda Apel. This future young superstar went on to Best Of Winners. Winner’s Bitch was also a stellar 6 ½ month old bitch, Meadowlake I’ll Have Another. Bred by Karen Fitzpatrick, Thomas H Bradley 3rd, Kiki Courtelis and Joyce Wilkinson and owned by Katherine Shorter and Karen Fitzpatrick. Icing on the cake is that this youngster also went on to an Award Of Merit! Pretty spectacular for a 6 ½ month old. Really shown well by her owner, Kathy Shorter. Better prepared for the heat today, Best of Breed went to BISS GCh Meadowlake Pants on Fire. Owned and Bred by Karen Fitzpatrick and Thomas H Bradley 3rd and co-owned with Kiki Courtelis, and always owner handled by Karen Fitzpatrick. Best of Opposite, shown superbly by his owner, Peter Holson, went to GCh. McHill’s HRH Prince Gizmo House of Gremlin. Select Dog went to GCh Marlyn Celtic Warrior and Select Bitch went to GCh Brocair Field of Cherry Blossoms. Award of Merits were given to Ch. Ottermask Who’s Your Daddy, GCh Blue Rock The Dude and Ch Kindred Katy Bar The Door. A huge congrats to all! BISS GCh Meadowlake Pants On Fire went on to an exciting Continued on page 82
*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points
Dog News 51
Best of Breed & Group First Thank you Judge Mr. Johnny Shoemaker
h t u r a l l A . h C G m u n i t Pla e y a B e l o S V g n i d d i K Just
aye v Sole B D L O G h PIXIE Allarut . h C : Dam
“Justin” is Co-Owned By Ruth Ziegler - “Allaruth” and Yvonne B. Phelps - “Sole Baye” Los Angeles and El Monte, California 310 472-7993 • 626 448-3424 52 Dog News
Handled Exclusively By Bergit & Hans Kabel Assisted by Nanae Murayama
wins Best In Show Number 28!
Best In Show Thank you Breeder-Judge Mrs. Margo Klinger
The Number One Miniature Schnauzer & Number Four* Among All Terriers *The Dog News Top Ten List
Dog News 53
nother Election Day has passed. Did your candidate(s) win or lose? Or, perhaps the more important question to ask in the aftermath of the elections is, where does your candidate stand on canine legislation? Whether or not your choice for candidate won or lost, it’s time to make yourself, your club and your concerns with canine legislation known to your elected officials because the animal rights extremists certainly will if they haven’t done so already. From the local to the federal level, non-stop canine legislation issues are threatening to impede the ability of responsible people to own and breed dogs. From limit laws to mandatory spay/neuter to breed specific legislation, dog owners have faced it all and everything in between. On the national level, the United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS) final rule regarding Retail Pet Stores and Licensing Exemptions goes into effect just ten days after the publication of this week’s Dog News (November 18). If you haven’t already done so, you are urged to visit the USDA APHIS web site ( or the American Kennel Club Government Relations Department’s Regulations Resource Page ( usda_aphis.cfm) to see how or if this rule may affect or restrict your ability to sell dogs and if you will need to be regulated under USDA guidelines. On the topic of USDA regulations, the Puppy Uniform Protection & Safety Act (PUPS) is still being considered on the federal level as well. This act would require anyone who owns or co-owns female dogs that produce 50 or more puppies that are sold in a 12-month period to be subject to USDA regulations that were originally designed for large-scale wholesale dog dealers and breeders. Should you meet those criteria, you would be required to obtain an annual USDA license and to maintain standards of care designed for commercial breeding facilities, in addition to being subjected to regular inspections at least biennially. Also troublesome with the PUPS bill is the definition of a “breeding female,” which is defined as an “intact female of 4 months or older.” It seems that the definition of a “breeding female” can be broadly interpreted in federal legislation, as questions also remain with this definition as presented in the APHIS ruling. When I asked Dr. Ellen Magid, an APHIS Supervisor who accompanies inspectors that investigate questionable breeders, to define ‘breeding female’ more clearly she said, “For us, it starts as any intact female. It doesn’t matter if you choose to breed it’s if it can be bred.” Reputable breeders certainly wouldn’t consider a four month-old intact female to be a ‘breeding female’ so expect questions to abound on this definition, the APHIS ruling and the PUPS act.
Government. Another Massachusetts bill, if passed, would allow anyone to bring a legal action for the protection and humane treatment of animals. This is a common tactic of the AR extremists and one that all newly elected officials should be made aware of by dog owners. Well-funded AR groups with an agenda would be able to bring suit against anyone they accuse of committing cruelty. Yet another Massachusetts bill would allow cities and towns to enact breed-specific legislation. Looks like the Massachusetts Federation of Dog Clubs and Responsible Dog Owners and all dog lovers in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts really have their work cut out for themselves. It’s not all bad news with state legislation, though some of the reasons why new laws have been enacted were born out of horrific circumstances. New Jersey passed two bills that would allow pet owners to board public transportation with domesticated animals during emergency evacuations. The catastrophe that was Superstorm Sandy made these actions necessary. The Garden State followed the lead of New York, which has allowed for pets to travel on public transportation in the event of emergency evacuation, a motion made after the lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina. History has shown that pet owners refuse to evacuate when forced to give up their animals and all states should enact similar legislation to help save the lives of people and pets in the event of future disasters. On the local level, many communities are faced with mandatory spay/neuter proposals. Lee County, Florida is considering MSN, along with breeder licensing, warrantless inspections and restrictions on keeping dogs outside even in fenced yards, in a major overhaul attempt of its animal control code. The AKC reports that Madison County, IN may also be considering MSN in the near future, and Johnson City, TN has already approved MSN on a first reading, with a second measure to be heard on Nov. 7th. Under this proposal, all cats and dogs six months of age and older would be required to be sterilized unless an owner obtains a $25 unaltered permit for each animal or qualifies for one of the exemptions, which range from service dogs to nonresident dogs, and include “dogs maintained for training and/or handling purposes.” It’s unclear if showdogs would fall under these exemptions, but fanciers would certainly want to be clear about this, as violations would subject them to a fine of $50 per day. A proposal to enact MSN in Pasadena, CA was deferred for six months as the AKC rallied the troops and helped enlighten lawmakers that MSN has been ineffective wherever it’s been instituted. Those efforts will likely have to be rekindled in communities across the country where the baton has been passed to newly elected officials. As Tip O’Neill has been credited with saying, “All politics is local,” and the easiest way to staunch the proliferation of anti dog owning and breeding legislation is to convince your locally elected officials that many of these proposals are superfluous, ineffective and unfair to responsible dog owners and do nothing to prevent animal cruelty or protect the community.
LEASH Election Reflections ByShaun Coen One positive note on federal canine legislation is a bill pending in the House Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines and Hazardous Materials titled the “Pets On Trains Act of 2013,” which would require Amtrak to designate at least one car where passengers may transport a dog or cat if the pet is in a kennel that can be stowed according to Amtrak’s requirements for carry-on baggage and the passenger is traveling less than 750 miles. Pets will also be allowed to travel as cargo on Amtrak if they are in a kennel, the cargo area is temperature controlled and the passenger is travelling less than 750 miles. There would be a required fee for pet travel, but this act seems like a no-brainer and should be, pardon the pun, on the fast track (but if it mimics Amtrak’s less than stellar on time performance record, one can never be sure when it will finally arrive). If you live in a state where new governors or state representatives have been elected, you may want to enlighten those newly elected that so far in 2013 there have been more than 1,100 state bills filed that could impact dogs and dog ownership, according to the AKC’s GR Department. From Maine to Washington and everywhere in between, including the two states that the AKC calls home, New York and North Carolina, there have been bills filed that greatly affect the ability to own or breed dogs. Massachusetts dog owners seem to be facing an abundance of potentially damaging laws, including a proposal that would provide for breeder licensing, breeder regulation and consumer protection provisions that could have significant impact on all breeders in the Commonwealth. Under this pair of bills (HB 1874/SB401) hobby breeders would be considered pet dealers - the same as pet shops - and would have to be licensed as such. The Department of Agricultural Resources would have authority over kennels and persons selling, exchanging or transferring the offspring of their personally owned dogs. These bills have already been heard and are currently pending in the Joint Committee on Municipalities and Regional
“It’s not all bad news with state legislation, though some of the reasons why new laws have been enacted were born out of horrific circumstances. “
54 Dog News
*Number 12 overall, CC Breed points
Dog News 55
by Andrew Brace
A Right Royal Experience
ach of the states in Australia has a “Royal” show, huge events organised by the various agricultural societies that encompass all aspects of the country’s agricultural heritage from cavies and rabbits to cattle, sheep and horses along with plant machinery, arts and crafts and countless other attractions. Each Royal has a dog section of course and the judging thereof is spread out over the duration of each individual show, which can take as much as ten days for the larger events. Consequently the entire dog shows tend to be judged by just two judges. I hadn’t judged a Royal for several years when the original invitation arrived for me to judge the Hobart Royal on the island of Tasmania, a part of Australia I had never previously visited but had heard was extremely beautiful and rather more laid-back than much of mainland Oz. Obviously if you are going to be closeted in a hotel with just one co-judge for company it is essential, if the assignment is to be fully enjoyed, that the co-judge is someone with whom you can get along. In recent years I have turned down numerous Australian in-
56 Dog News
vitations because, in these cost-conscious days, they were not prepared to pay for a night’s stopover both ways and, quite frankly, I refuse to fly to Australia now without breaking the journey. It’s not fair on my body and it’s not fair on the exhibitors who expect a judge to arrive in possession of all their faculties. So when the initial invitation came through I replied by pointing out that unless stopovers were agreed to and the identity of my co-judge revealed we would not be able to progress any further. I had a feeling that this was going to turn into a good trip when the reply came back by return – the stopovers were no problem and I could actually choose my co-judge. All show organisers should be that understanding! I immediately called Ann Ingram in Ireland to see if she was free; not only is Ann a very close friend, I consider her one of the best all rounder judges in the world. She is also a connoisseur of fine wines and will fit in with any company. Apparently she had judged in Tasmania twice in the past, and was perfectly happy to return. From the start I decided that I
would make a trip of this, having four days stopover on the way out in Kuala Lumpur with my good friend Gopi Krishnan and his wife Christine. Gopi is a dedicated breeder of Dachshunds, notably Smooths, and has exported dogs from his Hacienda kennel all over the world that have won their titles, notably to the USA, UK, Finland and Australia. I would then spend a day in Sydney where my long standing friend and genius Labrador breeder Guy Spagnolo would collect me from the airport and drive into downtown Sydney to visit Bob Curtis who was responsible for getting me, and countless others, to judge in Australia for the very first time ... in my case 29 years ago. When at Hacienda Gopi had persuaded me to have an afternoon with local handlers, giving an informal talk on “giving the judge what he wants”. Around twenty enthusiastic handlers turned up with their dogs and I offered various suggestions as to how their handling could be improved, which seemed to be well received. On the Monday evening I flew on to Hobart where Rex Lowe collected me.
He and his wife Roslyn along with Cindy Gangell proved to be the most generous and welcoming hosts and rather than just being abandoned after judging, this trio looked after our every need. Poor Ann (who had decided to travel without a stopover) ended up spending one night on a bench in Melbourne airport as her connecting flight was cancelled. Thankfully she had arranged to have an extra day in Hobart prior to judging so when I arrived at the Motel she was having a 24 hour sleep-through. We had a very pleasant day’s sightseeing on Tuesday and the show began on Wednesday. The Australian grouping system is slightly different from both ours and the Americans’ even though they do have seven groups. Their Group 1 is Toys, which corresponds to the UK Toy Group. Group 2 is Terriers, again akin to our own. Group 3 is Gundogs or Sporting and Group 4 Hounds, both fairly straightforward. It gets a bit confusing with Group 5, which the Aussies call Working, but it relates to our Pastoral and the American Herding groups. Group 6 they call Utility, which causes further confusion as it actually contains a cocktail of breeds from the British Utility, Working and Pastoral groups! Group 7 is Non Sporting in Australia, which essentially contains breeds that we classify as Utility and you Americans have in Toy and Non Sporting. I was to judge Terriers on Wednesday and Ann Gundogs, Thursday I had Working and Ann Utility, Friday my assignment was Toys with Ann doing Non Sporting and then on Friday I had the final group – Hounds – and general specials whilst Ann had the huge responsibility of deciding which of the talented junior handlers in the finals would represent the country at the International Junior Handling Competition at Crufts next year. The venue of the permanent Royal Showground has two superbly maintained large
grass rings with tiered seating outside and, should the weather turn ugly, indoor halls with similarly sized rings and a great floor surface. Sadly the weather got very windy; we only had drops of rain but there were really icy blasts on some occasions and this didn’t make it pleasant for judge, handler or exhibits. I actually went indoors for most of the Toy judging and some of the Hounds. Ann soldiered on valiantly outdoors for the duration. My Terrier group was interesting and from the outset I was enthralled by a white Bull Terrier bitch that I had first clocked in the collecting ring when the breed was being called and couldn’t wait to get my hands on her. As she stood there for the hands-on, displaying typical Bully character, animation and general naughtiness, her conformation was evident for all to see and it is indeed rare to see such a well-knit example of
“My Terrier groupwas
interesting and from the outset I was enthralled by a white Bull Terrier bitch that I had first clocked in the collecting ring when the breed was being called and couldn’t wait to get my hands on her.”
the breed with such flow of neck into shoulders, firm topline, wonderful rib and bone and amazing angulation at both ends at any age, let alone at less than ten months of age. My heart was in my mouth as I contemplated her fantastically well filled head with dramatic sweep, perfectly placed ears and the wickedest eye as I was convinced that anything this good would have a nasty surprise in store when I opened her mouth, as if so often the way with the Bull Terriers. Imagine my joy when I discovered a perfect scissor bite! Then on the move she gave me a fantastic scopey and powerful profile, went away true and with great drive, and came on clean enough. Not only did she win the breed but I saw nothing to put over her in the group where so often the smooth coated breeds tend to get overlooked in favour of the flashier, hairier competition. Having now seen the catalogue I gather she was bred in Tasmania from semen imported from Am Ch Gothic’s Earl of Warwick. Ann’s group winner that day was a Weimaraner bitch who also had an American sire, but this time a direct import. Before telling you about the dogs on Thursday I must share with you the amusement of Wednesday evening. Earlier on Rex Lowe had handed over the gold-embossed invitations that invited Ann, myself and Rex to a civic reception that was being held at the Hobart Town Hall and hosted by The Lord Mayor of Hobart. It was to run from six to seven and Rex duly collected us from the motel so that we made it in good time. It was pouring with rain but he gallantly dropped Ann and me off at the Town Hall steps where we sheltered and watched hundreds of people arriving. When a slightly damp Rex joined us we followed him, and countless others, up the grand Continued on page 76
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cannot say that I was the closest of friends with Michele Billings but I did consider myself to be a good solid acquaintance of hers with whom I passed some serious fun time away from dog shows and with whom I always looked forward to seeing and talking. Michele was one of those magical people who seemed to grow more beautiful with age as the recent photograph of her taken at the Woofstock event which accompanies this article will prove. Mike and her dear friend Pat Cabot (lovingly referred to as “Fang” and for whom Houston and Toddie Clark handled) were a pair of beauties who could turn heads whenever they appeared together or individually. An acknowledgment of an exhibit’s worth by Michele Billings was one of the most coveted approvals an owner/breeder could achieve and she was considered in many circles as being one of the outstanding adjudicators of our time. She understood an exhibit immediately and was an experienced hands-on person whose depth of knowledge and ability to perform as a judge were achieved by few individuals in the past or may I add in the present as well. No need to rely on computer imaging in her case that was for sure as she worked her way up through the ranks of handlers and judges by the old method of study and hard work. No need to create percentage equations to determine her worth!!!! It was 100% knowledge and hard work for her, which was recognized by her peers and not a phony analysis of 80% of dogs competing as presently proposed to award her a Group that’s for sure. What better example than a Michele Billings this Board should be looking to in determining new judging
“Mike” Billings, The CHFSlap, Charlie’s College... Michele at this past Woofstock in 2013
More By Matthew H. Stander 58 Dog News
approval processes instead of falling back on people who apparently know so little about dogs that they have to turn to computer generated images of dogs to learn from instead of good solid experience and hands-on work as used to be the case in our great sport. One must wonder whether the leadership today on the Board comes from dog experienced people determined to find the best dogs possible or from men and women more interested in finding ways for AKC to make a buck rather than in breeding, showing and judging the best dogs around. Too bad there is no longer a Michele Billings to fall back upon to ask her opinion of some of the new Board proposals. She will be missed for many reasons not the least of which was her good common sense when it came to thinking about the dog show world generally. Continued on page 97
*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points
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60 Dog News
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TheLighter Side of Judging Continued FROM page 18
sorry cowboy, social-prostituting-ass out of here and let’s go make some money,” I cheer to myself, while exiting the fourth floor room to the hotel lounge for the brief pre-event meeting. Wishing I had a can of chewing tobacco to place in my back jeans pocket, I settle for a metallic Sheriff’s badge attached to the front of my black-cowboy hat. “YEEHA!” “OMG – if only I did not have to see anyone before I start whoring myself to the public for cash,” I quietly ponder while waiting for the elevator to arrive. “It would be so nice if I could be slowly lowered from above; using a simple but strategically placed spot light and I could be delicately placed on the back of Trigger, or some other famous equine creature, at the start of the event. This would alleviate the need for idle chit-chat, dog show win updates, who said what to whom and who did what to whom. Yes, I need quiet, privatetime to prepare for my big night of celebrity whoring and entertainment,” I add to the selfconversation. The elevator door slides open. The small square space is jammed packed with pseudo cowboys and cowgirls all geared up for the night. I keep my black cowboy hat low and try not to make eye contact with anyone in fear of captive conversation. To my left, decked out in purple leather chaps, and enhanced with every matching purple cowgirl accessory ever made, is KM, a handler from Western New York (go figure). We exchange mutual greetings. I am completely unaware that DC, one of the Gala Committee cowgirls, stands directly behind me, along with her husband, and I fail to acknowledge them. The door slides open, I exit and begin my humble crawl to the saloon. The meeting is one drink long. We go over the event schedule, goals, and various roles. “Now MICHAEL, it is important you feel rested, that you are relaxed, and if there is anything you need---just let us know,” DC remarks. “Also, your driver will be picking up at 4:00 AM. The event should end around midnight. This will give you a few hours’ sleep and you can doze in the car on the way back to Dallas.”
“I will be fine, the power-nap helped, and I’m dressed and ready to roll.” Three other Gala Girls join the pre-event gathering in the saloon. MGL, EWS, DDH, along with my assistant LM, and DDH’s husband. The eight of us down our various libations like true rustlers. We exit---not through “batwing doors”---but rather proceed to the event venue through mundane sliding glass doors. And, not on the backs of quarter horses, but rather in rental cars of various makes and sizes---and lots of horsepower. Upon entering the venue, I am careful to go immediately and directly to the banquet room. I do not pass go, I do not collect two hundred dollars, I find a quiet space, sit down and avoid personal contact at all cost. The large space has been transformed into a Western Wonderland (If there is such a thing!). White cloths, burlap runners and red bandanas festoon each long table. Floating displays of helium-filled cowboy boots, stars, and Texas Long Horns swagger above---framing the linear shape of the massive room. Several cowboys look like they just stepped out of the set of the movie, The Great Northfield Minnesota Raid---with marvelous mustaches, leather chaps, and authentic long riding coat dusters. Jesse James (aka SB) lives again…and he is going to be one of my auction bidderspotters. I marvel at the numerous themed staging areas that offer guests a unique photo opportunity. It is extremely hard not to be drawn into the Western Wonderland and I force myself to intentionally focus on my social prostituting duties, the money to be made. I begin to make several personal notes in the event program. I review the seating chart, taking note of the “High Rollers,” and the location of various people whom I like to acknowledge and also those that I like to tease throughout the evening. I am briefly interrupted by a tap on my left shoulder. I turn and standing over me is my dear friend DOT (Daughter of THOR). Welcoming the invasion, I stand, we embrace and I observe her careful attention to Western Style, while at the same time acknowledging “Breast Cancer Awareness Month” with numerous added pink accessories. I especially
“WishingI had a can of chewing
tobacco to place in my back jeans pocket, I settle for a metallic Sheriff’s badge attached to the front of my black-cowboy hat. “YEEHA!”
62 Dog News
adore her pink rubber cowgirl boots, which she purchased at the local Wal-Mart. “Smashing boots!” I remark. “Oh, I just knew you would love them. Don’t tell, but I had to cut the backs out of the boots to get them on my feet!” DOT laughingly and clandestinely shares. “I know you’re trying to concentrate---we will talk later.” DOT dashes towards a group of friends at the far end of the room. I take a break, order a drink, and attempt to meditate prior to my performance. JMW, the Gala Committee head Cowgirl, comes forward. “MICHAEL, I cannot thank you enough for making the trip and helping us again. We need to start in fifteen minutes. You have the program and the timeline, and the rest is yours.” “Got it! Don’t worry all is under control. I watch from my strategically placed perch as hundreds of guests enter, grab cocktails and start to mingle. I also find tremendous humor in the juxtaposition between four hundred and fifty plus attendees dressed in Western Wear and the thirty plus guests from various foreign countries. I attempt to read their minds as I watch them scan the room and stare in my direction. “These people are crazy! What is with these hats, boots, chaps, spurs and what does any of this have to do with breeding and evaluating Golden Retrievers? We want to see the dogs!” Forgetting to remove my black cowboy hat, I lower my head and bow in the direction of two gentlemen that I recognize from Japan. They smile. I return to my note taking. Five minutes to show time. I swagger toward the DJ in my custom-made Lucchese boots. I receive a quick briefing on the microphones and prepare for my opening remarks. Two minutes to show time. I gulp down a bottle of Bud Light, grab my belt, hitch up my pants, make sure my white snap-buttoned shirt is properly tucked in, adjust my hat to the perfect tilt, button my blazer, and proceed to the center of the room. Thirty seconds and counting---ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one! “Cowboys and Cowgirls, welcome to the 2013 GRF Top Twenty Competition and Art Gala. My name is Michael Faulkner. I will be your host for the evening, along with my beautiful co-host LM.” Applause. LM comes forward, says a few words, and then I continue “Everyone, please take your seats. We will begin our evening with dinner.” The crowd moves in multiple directions. Once seated, I introduce the President of the Golden Retriever Foundation, NT. NT keeps her remarks short and to the Continued on page 72
You’re the Best of The Best! Gold AKC GCH & CH & CKCSC USA CH Piccadil’s Twist & Shout, CD, BN, RN
Thank you judge Mrs. Joan Scott for this Best In Specialty Show Win!
Multiple Specialty & Group First Winner in AKC Multiple Best In Show Winner in the CKCSC- USA Reserve Best In Show Winner AKC on 10/20/13 Obtained his RN Rally title in AKC with 2 100 scores on 11/2/13 Number 3 Cavalier in Breed, Number 4 in All Breed *
(Note: Only being shown on a limited basis in Breed Competition while obtaining performance titles.)
Bred, Owned, and Shown by: Owner/ Handler Janet York *The Dog News Top Ten List
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64 Dog News
Dog News 65
THE BICHON FRISE Continued FROM page 26
please or they can be very spiteful. Putting them to work has made mine bond with me and I’ve seen it with other Bichons. They enjoy working for their owners and the bond that develops with this lovely breed with this lovely breed and its owner is something that can’t compare. People don’t believe a beautiful dog like this can do anything but look pretty. But, this is a well rounded breed that can do many tasks if they are just given the chance and they are good at it,” said Linda Ferrullo, who owns Am/Can OTCH Gaylors Jokers Wild UDX9 RE CGC TDI, M&M Valley’s Blue Chip Stock UDX RE CGC TDI and Ch M&M Valley’s Image Maker CDX RE CGC TDI and is also an AKC obedience and rally judge. “While Bichons are not seen at agility trials in large numbers, they make terrific agility dogs. They are a naturally happy breed that loves to run and jump, they are eager to please and very attentive to their owners. This is a perfect combination for an agility dog. They are strong and study, well suited for the sport. It always amazes me when we are at a trial that people really stop to watch when the little fluffy white Bichon enters the agility field. It is as though they expect them to be fragile little ‘foo-foos’ but what they see is a streak of white energy flying around the course,” said Shirley Hamilton, who owns Max (Ch Sundaze Maximum Kash Wager OA AXJ) and with Vicki and Ernie Hobbs owns Mojo (Ch Sheramor Joie de Vivre CDX RAE NA NAP THD CGC). Vicki Hobbs added, “Bichons are very bright and curious and they love being the center of attention. They bond completely with their people/person, which gives them a high drive to please. They are very reward motivated and that gives them a high work drive. But, you have to make sure that you are the one in charge when you are working with a Bichon. Many Bichons can be very strong-willed and stubborn. This is true of Mojo and I have to be constantly vigilant in letting him know that what I say goes. He tests the boundaries regularly to see if I might have gone soft overnight and maybe now he can be the one running things. In order to get him to cooperate in the obedience and rally rings without the instant treat gratification, I had to start a routine that convinced him that we had to ‘work first’ before he could have a treat. Letting him know that this was the case and then rewarding him with multiple treats afterwards clicked and kept him on track during trials. I have used a similar technique in agility even to the point of doing some obedience work just before entering the course to remind him that I am in charge and he must follow me.” The fact that the breed is capable of doing many different activities does not mean that the road is always smooth. “My current 66 Dog News
Joker (Am/Can OTCH Gaylors Jokers Wild UDX9 RE CGC TDI) one of Linda Ferrullo’s Bichons, hops over the broad jump in an obedience trial.
Mojo (Ch Sheramor Joie de Vivre CDX RAE NA NAP THD CGC,) Vicki and Ernie Hobbs’ and Shirley Hamilton’s Bichon, needs to be convinced fairly regularly that Vicki has not gone soft overnight and is still the one in charge.
Mojo demonstrates that he is more than a cute, fluffy “foo-foo.”
Bichon has an independent streak and early in our obedience training decided that when he didn’t want to work, he would just run away from me. At first I would just go to the dog and restart the training wherever I caught up with him. So, he quickly learned that running away did not stop the training. It just changed where we did it. The second thing I did was increase the value of his food treats and thus his desire to earn them. A slightly hungry dog that really likes the treats available is likely to work harder. He is also something of a character in agility. He is slow and seems timid on the dog walk and the teeter but runs like a man on the rest of the course. He has learned to ‘see’ a line of
jumps and take it, which is great for leading out at the beginning of a course or sending him on to finish ahead of me at the end. However if he spots a jump sequence in the middle of a course, we are in for creativity and problems as he will create his own course from there. So, we’re taking lessons and classes to learn distance handling and directional commands. Fortunately, this is going well. One thing you absolutely have to do with a Bichon is ‘proofing’ meaning training for distractions. Bichons are particularly social dogs and sometimes become distracted by interesting things around them. You have to make yourself more interesting than anything else that’s around,” said Chaffin. “One of my dogs did not like it when the judge was wearing a big hat,” said Ferrullo. “This happened at outdoor shows on occasion. So, I had to take him around to shopping centers and have lots of people touch and pet him. I always looked for people wearing crazy hats to do this and I started training wearing different hats to overcome this problem. Roscoe, another of my dogs, had an issue with scent work. So he had to get an article every morning before he had breakfast. If you can imagine, we were doing scent work every morning at 5 a.m. before I went to work. Rocky would seem to ‘forget’ his training in utility when he needed a rest. I found that if I let him rest a month and then brought him back out without training him in between he always came back well rested and raring to go.” This was also the case with Mojo, according to Hobbs. “I like the term ‘sour’ because that is exactly what happens sometimes,” said Hobbs. “It happened with Mojo when we were working toward his CDX. We had done a lot of training with several different instructors and had competed several times. Since obedience is very structured with only the heeling patterns differing from trial to trial, it should get easier with each competition. But, at a certain point, Mojo started finding a new way to fail at each trial. So, I just backed off and stopped doing any obedience training with him for several months. We did other things that were fun but no structured obedience training. When we started with some obedience training after this layoff, he jumped back in like he had found an old friend and he finished the last two legs for his CDX in one weekend.” Even though this is a companion breed, it is important to give them a job, according to Chaffin. “Unfortunately, most Bichon breeders don’t think multi-titled dogs are important to our breed because they are companion animals only and they are experts at that. The breed standard doesn’t mention performance. I also suspect that most people who purchase a Bichon are only looking for a small, fun, non-shedding companion. What breeders and owners need to understand is that training for performance events enhances the relationship between dog and owner as well as being lots of fun. All dogs, including Bichons, need to be allowed to be dogs and have fun doing lots of things. A performance dog is a happy, well-exercised dog.”
Westbury Kennel Association Best In Show Judge Mr. Carl Gomes Group First and LIGSP Club Specialty Judge Mr. Sam Houston MacDonald
Thank you to the Judges!
Owners Lynn Rhodes and Dr. Steve Herman
Multiple Best In Specialty S how Winnin g
Grant GCh.Starfi eld’s Army Stro n Bulkley JH g V NRD
Top 10 GSP Breed & All Breed C.C. Systems
Presented By Pam Bober Dog News 67
What do you call a someone who is considerate, kind, friendly, open, a good listener, a person with a vision and a true gentleman? In the FCI we call him “Mr. President,” Mr. Rafael de Santiago.
An Interview with Rafael
de Santiago The Newly Elected President of the FCI
At the opening ceremony of the World Winner Show 2013 in Budapest, Hungary, with Andras Korozs, president of the Hungarian Kennel Club
As casual as it gets – on a hot day at the Dracula Show 2012 in Romania
Awarding Best Veteran at the World Winner Show 2013
68 Dog News
Story & Photos By Yossi Guy
n May 2013, the FCI ushered in a new era. The eternal president Hans Muller stepped down after decades in office and in his stead the member countries elected Puerto Rico’s Rafael de Santiago. Dog News set out to learn more about this amiable but enigmatic person. Before being elected to the supreme post in the global canine organization, Santiago served for years as the FCI’s treasurer. He is more at home on planes and in hotels than most people, due to his never-ending stream of judging appointments that take him far and wide around the globe. Our interview took place in two sessions, one in Hungary at the World Winner Show 2013 in May, right after he was elected, and the other in October in Turkey.
How did you set out in dogs? “I started in the dog world many years ago with a poodle. My father gave it to me as a present. Then I got involved with other breeds and finally started breeding Afghan Hounds. My kennel name was Radesa and we finished many champions in North America. Then I got a dog from Carla Molinari. I was a very poor handler but Roberto (Velez Pico – YG) handled him. We stopped when I started judging and became the president of the Puerto Rican KC. In 1979 I applied for membership in the FCI. Our championship title was not recognized and that’s why I applied. In the WDS in Verona our kennel club became an associate member and eventually we became a full member.”
How did you last so long in the sport? “I guess I have a passion for dogs and their welfare. Things related to the health of dogs are of interest to me. One of my aims is to have the FCI become the leader in disseminating information regarding health. I am sure we can work together with the KC, AKC and CKC from this aspect. This is one of my goals. We are improving all our scientific work in the commissions. We are continuing the current research and asked the kennel clubs to send information so we can set up a joint venture.” Continued on page 99
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The Fancy Speaks Continued FROM page 30
was indeed a ‘brand new’ offering from the BBC. Then we learned that…when a dog gets wet…it shakes itself dry! I know! Who would have thought it, huh? But, for those disbelievers out there - just for good measure we were treated to the sight of dogs being doused with buckets of water and then filmed in the series’ muchloved style of slow motion. And whilst watching this riveting footage I was suddenly struck by that same feeling of déjà vu that had plagued me since the show had begun. I was quite convinced that I’d seen it all before and I had - or at least something remarkably similar. Were we not treated to the sight of a Basset Hound shaking off water in slow motion in Martin Clunes’ ‘The Secret Life of Dogs’ broadcast back in January? Did that show not delve into how the dog perceived the world around it, how they curved their tongues to drink (also shown in glorious slow motion) and why the dog barked? Is this really what we pay our TV licence for - to see shows ‘mirror’ other shows’ ideas and content? Once again the BBC has given us yet another mentally unchallenging documentary as it continues in its unrelenting spiral of ‘dumbing down’. It was in stark contrast to a programme on the dog by Horizon broadcast a couple of years ago which covered all this ground in far more and they managed their fascinating investigation into the ancestral relationship between man and dog with the construction of a ‘genetic timeline’ thrown in for good measure all in 60 minutes! But I suppose this new ‘touchy feely’ approach is to be expected
after the outrage expressed over Horizon’s coverage of the work of Russian researcher, Lyudmilla Trut, whose controversial work with Silver Foxes (a domesticated colour morph of the Red Fox) showed that, through domestication, the new foxes became tamer and more ‘dog-like’. By selecting for tameness, the team of Russian scientists witnessed staggering changes in physiology and morphology such as spotted or mottled coat patterns (some showed exactly the same colour patterns as a well marked Border Collie) and the emergence of ‘doglike’ physical traits such as dropped ears, raised tails and coming into heat every six months instead of annually. Back to ‘The Wonder of Dogs’ where we were next treated to various ‘tests’. One was a visualisation test to demonstrate the visual field of dogs and the differences between the breeds’ range of sight. Vet Steve Leonard stood in a chalked out circle and a researcher waving a bright yellow ball walked behind him and asked him to let him know when he could see the ball being waved. As the man crunched his way behind Steve unfortunately blurted out, “I can’t see you but I can hear you.” Doh! Immediately revealing the weakness of the test, maybe we were supposed to forget that when dogs hear a sound they can move their ears towards it to maximise reception and that includes sound coming from behind! This test was as flawed as the test to ‘monitor intelligence’ which basically involved throwing a blanket over a dog and seeing how long it took to struggle free. A Pug owner affirmed that her dog was “remarkably intelligent” (as all the Pugs I’ve ever encountered have indeed been) but when a blanket was thrown over the poor little dog it just (quite understandably) froze and was quickly awarded the dunce’s hat. The
“I was quite convinced that I’d seen
it all before and I had - or at least something remarkably similar. Were we not treated to the sight of a Basset Hound shaking off water in slow motion in Martin Clunes’ ‘The Secret Life of Dogs’ broadcast back in January?”
70 Dog News
larger Collie just shrugged off the cover and immediately went to the top of the class! Thankfully the show did not go on a full out attack of the pedigree dog world; indeed we had several vignettes of a few breeds’ histories (for me the highlight of the whole programme) but, to justify the BBC’s stance over withdrawing its Crufts coverage, there had to be some dig at “those inbred pedigrees” and the poor, old Bulldog was offered up as the sacrificial lamb. In scorching heat, two Bulldogs were briefly shown side by side. We didn’t really get to see what would have been labelled the ‘typical’ Bulldog; all we heard was the loud rasping sound of it breathing but the camera couldn’t get enough of the new and improved ‘Bulldog’ (which had been achieved by crosses with Staffordshire Bull Terriers) with its longer legs and muzzle. The owner of the ‘new and improved Bulldog’ was interviewed at length whilst we never even got to see the face or hear from the ‘other’ bulldog owner. It would have been so refreshing to hear some debate between the two or to hear from the ‘voice of all dogs’ - our KC - to explain the improvements the show Bulldog breeders are striving for (and achieving) but, no - BBC bias seemed to be in full effect. That was until a ray of light shone out in a truly breathtaking moment; when discussing the Border Collie (the most intelligent of breeds) it was stated (actually on the BBC) that every Border Collie can trace its heritage back to just one amazing dog and, despite this intense linebreeding, Old Hemp’s descendants aren’t dribbling, disease-riddled wrecks; in fact, the talents of this amazingly intelligent breed have been recognised and exported all around the world. And then in one of the ‘breed vignettes’ on the Golden retriever (one of the world’s most popular breeds) once again that word, ‘linebreeding’ was mentioned when describing Lord Tweedmouth’s new creation. I was waiting to hear a mention of that extraordinary bitch, Golden Camrose Tess, who is in the background of most of today’s Goldens but maybe that was hoping for too much! So, there you have it; even the BBC is mentioning that forbidden word ‘linebreeding’. Maybe there is hope after all!
Dog News 71
TheLighter Side of Judging Continued FROM page 62
point. She also takes the opportunity to introduce JM of TOPBRASS GOLDENS and the new “COTTON FUND” to the members of the audience. “One of the greatest Golden Retrievers in our breed’s history was NAFC FC AFC Topbrass Cotton OS FDHF. As both a competition field trial dog and as a producer of dogs whose accomplishments in field, obedience, and tracking are legendary--his qualities exemplified the breed. It is in his honor, and as a tribute to his long life and progeny, that this fund is now established. It is my pleasure to introduce JM of TOPBRASS GOLDEN RETRIEVERS, to share more insight with you.” JM begins to speak: “This fund has, as its mission, the task of providing the means to successfully relocate Goldens- in-need, as they move through the silver years of their lives. In recognition of the contributions that Cotton made to the breed, and especially to honor his almost 17 years of life, the Golden Retriever Foundation establishes The Cotton Fund, created through the unending love and memory of his progeny, ‘Diesel.’ Also, I am thrilled to announce that we have already received $10,000.00 from one special donor in support of the Cotton Fund.” My mind begins to spin as I wait for JM to stop talking and for the microphone to return to my hands. “OK, this is a golden opportunity (no pun intended…well, OK…maybe intended!) to capitalize on the moment. The microphone comes in my direction. I raise it to my mouth and begin to speak, “Ladies and gentlemen, before we continue, let’s give a round of applause to NT, JM, and to the newly established Cotton Fund. Ladies please stay standing. I would like to make this first $10,000.00 donation to the Cotton Fund as a challenge to all of you tonight. I would like to start by asking twenty people to come up and to be acknowledged for pledging $500.00 each. So if you are willing to donate $500.00---right now--- please come up, take out your checkbook, and give to the Cotton Fund.” Immediately people start to come forward. Within three minutes, an additional $10,000.00 is pledged and the evening begins with a fundraising success story. LM and I move directly into the Art Auction. Numerous items have been donated. LM describes each item from the program. I begin the bidding---“$500.00, $600.00, $650.00, $1,000.00, $2,000.00, $2,500.00---Sold for $2,500.00.” The next item---Sold - $7,000.00, the next---$3,100.00…so on and so on. I take a quick breather while the last item to auction is being paraded around for all to see. Another Bud
72 Dog News
Light hits the spot and I am ready to roll. “The last and final auction item is an original painting of your dog by my dear friend and respected artist KATIE ROPAR. KATIE come up and stand alongside me, while we auction your item.” I shame my friend into coming forward, despite her desire to remain hidden in the back of the room. KATIE is wearing kickass, red and blue, hand-tooled boots and I cannot refrain from numerous comments as she saunters forward. Co-Host LM continues to describe Katie and her accomplishments. He ends and I begin my Social Prostitution. “Let’s start the bidding at $1,000.00. I have a bid for $5,000.00, $6,000.00, $7,000.00, $10,000.00, $15,000.00, $20,000.00, $22,000.00, $23,000.00…Sold for $25,000.00. The gentleman sitting right over there. (I point in his direction) Katie, if the second highest bidder will pay the same amount, will you do two paintings?” I ask, clearly putting my bidder-friend on the spot. Katie nods in agreement. I return to the second highest bidder who happens to be my friend and Gala Committee Cowgirl DC. “Will you put up the same amount? The artist has agreed to do two paintings?” I ask and inform, knowing the chances of her saying “No” in front of 500 people are next to zero. She raises her hand and moves her head in agreement. “SOLD for an additional 25,000.00!” “Thank you again, everyone, for your support and I am proud to announce a record $146,000.00 has been raised in forty-five minutes for the Golden Retriever Foundation,” I share to the Western World and the Cowboy Wannabes in attendance. After the Art Auction, the evening continues with more music, drinks and the Top Twenty Competition, judged by SDF, DR.CS, and TS. Co-Host LM, whom I was able to get to share his bare chest with the crowd for a bid of $1,000.00, thanks to MS. MALAGOLD, directs each of the competitors to enter, pose, and exit during the individual movement portion of the competition. Each entry is enhanced by background music of their choice. Some enter the ring to the lat-
est Country Western hit, others to classic R & B, Jimmy Buffett, and many choose songs that directly tie to the dog’s registered name. Scores are tallied, dogs and handlers make their way back to the ring to thunderous applause, and the winners are crowned; both a Top Twenty Winner and the People’s Choice Winner. 11:45 PM. I waste no time and quickly return back the Wichita Falls Holiday Inn thanks to my friend DOT, who deftly applies the hot pink (backless) Wal-Mart boots to the gas pedal. Sleep finally consumes my tired mind and body around 1:15 AM. DROID’s alarm startles me to early-morning reality at 3:15 AM, through the sound of a traditional ringing bell. “@#($#^$*(^, I thought for sure that I had it programmed to the soothing sounds of Louis Armstrong and “It’s a Wonderful World.” Flying out of bed, I stumble over the already packed black-ballistic-nylonrolling-garment-bag, shower and brush my teeth. I do not bother to shave and I do not bother to make coffee in the small Mr. Coffee two-cup pot. I struggle, attempting to pull a loose t-shirt over my head, while at the same time sliding into a comfortable pair of jeans. I land on the floor. My ample butt provides little help on the hard surface, and I just have to learn I am not as young as I once was and multi-tasking with articles of clothing may not be an option after a long night of social prostitution. “OK, breathe---wallet, sandals, sweater, black-ballistic-nylon-rolling-garment-bag (no Man-bag this trip), DROID, power cord, eyeglasses, sunglasses, Take the Lead baseball cap, toiletry bag---now quietly open the door and get your ass down stairs,” I say to myself with only two minutes to spare before CARL from CAREY Limousine service arrives. CARL from CAREY pulls the slick black Navigator with tinted windows up to the entrance of the Holiday Inn, directly in front of the wide sliding glass doors. Dressed in official black attire, he approaches to help me with my one bag. I look around. No one anywhere. (Not even a Bruce Willis autograph seeker.) Just me---an exhausted Dog Show Judge/Emcee/Auctioneer/Social Prostitute--and Carl.
“KATIEis wearing kickass, red
and blue, hand-tooled boots and I cannot refrain from numerous comments as she saunters forward.”
Ch. Beechcroft Midnight Rose’s
Group Third
Thank you Judge Mrs. Charlotte P. Patterson
Group Second Thank you Judge Mr. Jamie Hubbard
Owned and Bred By: Mary & Michael Wiest; Beechcroft Labradors
Presented By: Fabian Negron Dog News 73
THE Microchip The Best Form of Permanent Identification for Your Dog A microchip close up. Photo provided by AKC Reunite.
Foreground: A syringe loaded with a microchip. Photo provided by HomeAgain.
After a six-year disappearance, a beloved Pomeranian named Pooh Bear was reunited with her owner, Bambi Lesne. Pooh Bear disappeared one day when she accompanied Lesne to her job at an animal hospital. Lesne searched for her little Pom for weeks and months without success. Despite this, she did not give up. For the next 2-1/2 years, Lesne posted missing pet notices throughout Florida, the state in which she lived. Six years of pet loss sorrow later, Lesne got a phone call from a friend at a local humane society. She told Lesne that Pooh Bear had been picked up, while wandering the streets in Cincinnati! Lesne was identified as the owner, of the now 14-year-old Pom, thanks to Pooh Bear’s AVID microchip. Only Pooh Bear knows how she ended up seven hundred miles away from her devoted owner so many years later. Photo provided by AVID.
By Sharon Pflaumer
O A scanner registering a microchip ID number. Photo provided by AVID.
ne in three pets goes missing during its lifetime and, without proper identification, never returns home. A study of more than 7,700 stray animals at animal shelters showed that dogs without microchips were returned to their owners only 21.9% of the time, whereas microchipped dogs were returned to their owners 52.2% of the time. Cats without microchips were returned to their owners only 1.8% of the time, whereas microchipped cats were returned to their owners 38.5% of the time. (Lord et al, JAVMA, July 15, 2009). Given the above, it’s not surprising that permanent identification in the form of a microchip is recommended by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA).
Pet IDs in the past
A dog being scanned for a microchip. Photo provided by AKC Reunite.
74 Dog News
“Historically, there really wasn’t a good way to increase the recovery of lost pets. If collars slipped off, so did the ID tags attached to them. Tattooing worked in some instances but over time they could become difficult to read,” Vince Silverman, DVM, says. He is a project manager and consultant for AVID Identification Systems, Inc., a microchip and pet recovery assistance provider. There also was no system to ensure that each tattoo number was unique. While some individuals had their social security number or their dog’s American Kennel Club® (AKC) registration number tattooed on their dog, others used made up number sequences that were only meaningful to them. Because tattoos have declined in popularity in recent years, most people wouldn’t think to check for one now even though several microchip and pet recovery assistance providers register them. “To address the need for a better form of permanent pet identification and increase the chances of lost dogs and cats being returned to their
owners, AVID founder, Hannis Stoddard, DVM, who still operates a veterinary clinic in Norco, CA, developed Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) microchip technology for the pet identification market in the late 1980s,” Silverman says.
Microchips are called a RFID device because they receive and send a radio frequency signal. They’re a permanent form of identification that’s designed to last for the lifetime of a pet. They’re about the size of a grain of rice and encapsulated in bio glass. (Bio glass is FDA approved as safe to use for medical purposes in animals.) “Microchips are passive devices with no internal energy source. They remain dormant until activated by a microchip scanner,” Kathy Miranowic says. She is the Veterinary and Shelter Marketing Manager for HomeAgain®. HomeAgain launched its microchip and pet recovery service in 1995, when it partnered with AKC Companion Animal Recovery® (AKC CAR®). HomeAgain and AKC CAR ended their partnership in 2005. The latter is now known as AKC Reunite®. “When a microchip scanner ‘reads’ a microchip, the scanner sends a radio frequency signal that activates the microchip causing the microchip to send a signal back to the scanner. The signal sent by the microchip to the scanner is its unique number,” Miranowic says. There are three different kinds of microchips with different frequencies: 125, 128 and 134.2 kilohertz. Regardless of frequency, the technology is the same for all: a scanner queries a microchip for the ID number on it. “The 125 kilohertz microchip was the standard for many years. Then, some providers brought the 134.2 kilohertz frequency microchip over from Europe. This led to confusion because the scanners used in this country, at the time, only read the 125 frequency. Most of the current scanners are universal and read all three frequencies now,” Silverman says.
“Microchips are implanted in a pet by an injection under the skin. It’s no more painful than the injection of a vaccine. No local or general anesthesia is necessary,” Tom Sharp says. He is CEO of AKC Reunite, the nation’s largest nonprofit
microchip and pet recovery assistance provider. While there are no known health side effects associated with microchip implantation in dogs, some other concerns may arise. For example, a dog should be scanned for an existing microchip before implantation to eliminate the possibility of duplication. Migration also can be an issue when microchips move out of position after being implanted. In fact, it’s one of the most commonly reported problems. Still, the rate it happens is very low at only 1% or less. “If a microchip is implanted correctly, it shouldn’t move,” Silverman says. “It should be injected into the little ‘dip’ at the dorsal midline between the shoulder blades. Missing the mark during implantation allows the microchip to migrate under the influence of gravity. That means it could slide down toward the elbow or abdomen.” While migration doesn’t cause any health issues, it does mean a microchip could be missed if the person scanning for it doesn’t cover a broader area. To help eliminate this concern, most of the major microchip suppliers developed anti-migration technology, i.e., the tissue surrounding a microchip attaches to it within 24 hours of implantation.
Once a dog is microchipped, the next step is to register its microchip ID number. Most providers of microchip and pet recovery assistance register all brands of microchips—not just their own. “Registration means the microchip number and the pet owner’s personal contact information are entered into a microchip database registry. This is necessary because personal contact information cannot be put on the microchip. It only has a unique number. Sometimes veterinarians complete registration on behalf of their clients as part of the implanting process and include it in their fee. Other times, the owner must do it himself. “Likewise, some breeders microchip their puppies before they sell them. They may complete registration or the new owner may need to do it. Many animal shelters microchip the animals that come into their facilities as well. When they do, they usually register each animal’s microchip number,” Sharp says.
“In 13 years of having Bella, our beautiful Australian Shepherd never left the yard--let alone wandered off.” So says Bella’s owner, Maxann. “However, last night our precious fur baby disappeared. We hadn’t put her collar on when we let her out but knew we had her microchipped with HomeAgain. Within minutes of Bella’s disappearance, we notified HomeAgain . . . today, we received a call from the Arizona Humane Society. Someone found Bella last night, limping in the street and far from our neighborhood. When AZHS responded, the driver scanned Bella on the spot, got our information from HomeAgain, called us and then delivered her to us!” Photo provided by HomeAgain.
After a pet’s microchip number is registered, its owner should advise the registry of any changes in his personal contact information for the remainder of his pet’s life. “Keeping owner contact information—phone number, and email and home addresses--up to date is critical in reuniting an owner immediately with his lost pet once it’s found. The pet recovery system still works, however, even when a microchip isn’t registered. “Microchip companies keep a record of who bought each of its microchips. Veterinarians and animal shelters, in turn, keep a record of each microchip they implant. That means the owner of a lost pet, with an unregistered microchip, still could be tracked. But the pet recovery process would be slowed,” Miranowic says. Although collar tags would be lost if the collar they’re attached to slips off, they’re still recommended. A visible ID is helpful when a loose dog is found by a neighbor, who isn’t likely to have a microchip scanner on hand. In instances where a dog is running loose with no visible form of identification, a microchip serves as a permanent form of backup identification.
Pet recovery assistance
“When a lost dog is picked up by a neighbor for example, he would look for a collar tag. The collar tag would have the microchip number and the registry’s phone number on it. The neighbor would phone the registry and say he has a lost dog with a microchip number on its ID tag. A registry staff member would provide pet recovery assistance by looking up the microchip number to learn the name of the pet’s owner and his contact information. The registry staff member would then contact the owner by phone, email and text message. He would tell the owner the name and telephone number of the person who has his lost dog,” Sharp says. If a dog with no visible identification is picked up by animal control or if a person takes it to animal control, an animal shelter or a veterinary clinic, the staff at these facilities would scan the incoming pet for a microchip. Once the pet’s microchip number is known, a staff member would contact the microchip pet recovery registry assuming he recognizes the brand of microchip by its number. If not, the staff member could identify the brand by looking up the microchip number at the AAHA Universal Pet Microchip Lookup Continued on page 101
“I was at the store buying dog food, when I got a call from AKC Reunite. Our dog, Josey, was at the neighbor’s house,” says Josey’s owner, Ashley. “Our daughter had come home from school and let Josey out into the backyard. Apparently, the back gate was open and Josey decided to check out the neighborhood! We have a new neighbor and Josey wandered into her nice, cool garage where she laid down for a nap. Gwen, the neighbor, called AKC Reunite after checking Josey’s collar ID tag and they called us. We had our roaming Great Pyrenees back home in ten minutes!” Photo provided by AKC Reunite.
Dog News 75
Royal Hobart Show 2013 Results General Specials Judge Andrew H. Brace Best in Show Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Ch Dapsen A Blonde Moment
Intermediate in Show Affenpinscher Supreme Ch Strongfort Que Seara Seara
Best Exhibit in Group 2 Bull Terrier Lowdina Refresh (AI)
Best Exhibit in Group 5 Bearded Collie Ch Stylewise Simple Plan (AI)
Runner up in Group 2 Fox Terrier (Smooth) Sashgar Are You Game Enough
Runner up in Group 5 Welsh Corgi Pembroke Ch Nireno Goldfinger
Runner up in Show Bull Terrier Lowdina Refresh (AI)
State Bred in show Bernese Mountain Dog Supreme Ch Cloudforest Kallistemon
Baby in Show Bernese Mountain Dog Cloudforest Quantum Leap
Australian Bred in Show Bull Terrier Lowdina Refresh (AI)
Best Exhibit in Group 3 Weimaraner Ch Ghostwind U Have My Number
Minor in Show Border Collie Allclarity Collectors Edition
Open in Show Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Ch Dapsen A Blonde Moment
Runner up in Group 3 Cocker Spaniel Ch Doulton Fascination
Puppy in Show Weimaraner Ghostwind Let Me Entertain You
Best Exhibit in Group 1 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Ch Dapsen A Blonde Moment
Best Exhibit in Group 4 Afghan Hound Ch. Alaqadar Rigoletto (AI)
Best Exhibit in Group 7 Poodle (Standard) Supreme Ch Huffish Dynamite Street (Imp Sweden)
Junior in Show Poodle (Miniature) Magic Shamrock Vasariana (Imp Italy)
Runner up in Group : Affenpinscher Supreme Ch Strongfort Que Seara Seara
Runner up in Group 4 Whippet Supreme Ch Peperone New Sensation
Runner up in Group 7 Poodle (Miniature) Magic Shamrock Vasariana (Imp Italy)
A Right Royal Experience Continued FROM page 00
red carpeted sweeping staircase and into a beautifully decorated chamber with the most ornate ceiling, magnificent crystal chandeliers and imposing oil paintings where an Oriental pianist played a grand piano on one corner of the stage and uniformed waitresses provided a continuous flow of champagne and canapés. I asked Rex if all the people who were filling the room were involved with the Royal show and he confirmed that was the case, but did point out that he didn’t see too many
familiar faces ... and The Lord Mayor had not been sighted yet. Having been wallowing in our luxurious surroundings, enjoying the hospitality for a good half hour, a gentleman took to the lectern and silenced the room. I quietly asked Rex if his was a Tasmanian accent as he sounded decidedly Polish to me! The speaker began by welcoming us all and thanking us for the sterling work that we had done for the company over the past twelve months, whereupon Rex discreetly checked that this was actually The Lord Mayor’s Court Room, only to discover that we should have been downstairs in a room that turned out to be distinctly less opulent and, by the time we arrived somewhat red-faced, rather low in the food and drinks department. When we did eventually meet The Lord Mayor, he found our story highly amusing, confid-
“On FridayI had Toys and this was by far the strongest group overall I felt with competition being really tough. “
76 Dog News
Best Exhibit in Group 6 Akita Grand Ch Daykeyne Care Factor Runner up in Group 6 Siberian Husky Ch Koolmove Precious Cargo (AI)
ing that we probably got a better deal, and Rex took it all in great spirit. My Thursday assignment was Working and when the group was called I was pretty confident that the winner would be a very handsome Pembroke Welsh Corgi male who I see is sired by Ch & Am Ch Nireno Goldfinger. However on the final run-off he wasn’t as coordinated on the move as he could have been, unlike the Bearded Collie bitch whose main asset was her fantastic easy, ground-covering movement where she exhibited absolutely the correct head and tail carriage for the breed and a ramrod topline that puzzlingly she tended to lose at times on the stack. She has a beautiful head and wise expression, is correctly proportioned, well boned and has enough rib for a Beardie, which should never be barrel-chested. Her coat texture is ideal and she was sensibly presented. Radiating breed type, she was a very pleasing winner. Ann’s Utility group winner was an Akita male that I see was line-bred to a Redwitch export to Australia. On Friday I had Toys and this was by far the strongest group overall I felt with competition being really tough. After having got down to a reContinued on page 90
l e g n A
It’s All About
Angel is the #1 Toy Poodle in Breed and #2 in All Breed Ratings
Thank you Judge Mr. Michael Dachel for Best of Breed at the Creole Poodle Specialty!!
Multiple Group & Specialty Best In Show Winner
GCh. Donnchada Angel Wings At Dulcinea Owner: Sue Talkington Dulcinea Breeder: Helen Craft Co-Owned & Presented By: Betty Brown Donnchada *The Dog News Top Ten List
Dog News 77
Gossip The
By Eugene Z. Zaphiris
ICHELE LEATHERS BILLINGS, without exemption the most popular and sought after judge in this country, passed away following a devastating stroke compounded by many other health problems. From breeder of German shepherd dogs and Beagles, to professional handler to all breed status, MIKE was one of a kind. Her career has so many highlights that listing them would take volumes. Assignments such as Following several weeks of Best in Show at Westminster, the AKC/ feeling poorly, terrier judge Eukanuba show, every major show in the ROZ KRAUS was told that States, numerous National Specialties a growth had to be removed (repeating many of these assignments from her lung. Doctors were several times). Some would say that her unsure of what they would judging could be spot on one day and find, but thankfully it turned not the next, but what was unanimous out to be non cancerous was her undisputed popularity. Always and the surgery resulted polite and pleasant in the ring, looking in the best possible result very much the part of her position she and was a success. Thanks held in our sport. Many female judges to FRED ASKIN and PATTY could take a lesson on her wardrobe WARRENDER all of ROZ’S choices. Judging early every weekend close friends were kept either nationally or internationally, she abreast of her progress. Some would think nothing of judging in South friends not in the medical America, returning home to repack and profession said the cause fly off the next day to judge in another was a huge hairball coated part of the world. MIKE has survived in chalk. I don’t think that several major health problems over the was the cause, but whatever years that caused her friends much it was we are elated she will dismay. She was a wonderful lady and be fine. One who never lets would managed through it all to never grass grow under his feet, get involved in idle gossip. I was always FRANK SABELLA has given amazed, how when we would speak, she up the idea of living abroad would be unaware of certain current and will be moving from events (real or imagined) in the sport. Florida to Las Vegas, now that It was what I most respected about her, is something you can bet on. how she kept to her herself and didn’t SUSAN & DENNIS SPRUNG indulge in repeating stories as did many are flying over this weekend of her close friends. A special lady, to attend the English Kennel never to be duplicated, she leaves a Club’s Discover Dogs held at huge void in our sport. All of us at DOG Earl’s Court in London. The NEWS send our deepest sympathies to two-day event draws tens of her family and friends around the world. thousands of visitors. Once
78 Dog News
again, the never say no to anyone or anything Board of Directors has changed the requirements for judging a variety group. You could be approved if you judge 80% of the breeds in that group that were in competition the preceding year. The AKC says it has the computer program to figure the percentages out per dog show. If you deemed to judge on this basis, the AKC will give you three years to apply and pass the rest of the breeds in that group that you are not approved for or else they will take away you group approval. Confused?... Don’t ask me, I just report this stuff. But here’s a hint, apply for big entry breeds and you’ll be judging groups in no time. Finally, I have to congratulate PAM & JOHN BEALE and TUNI CLAFLIN on the Boston Red Sox winning the World Series. After all, think of all the times they have to congratulate us on the New York Yankees.
The #1 English Setter Bitch #2 English Setter* A Top Twenty Sporting Dog**
We would like to thank Judges Mrs. Bettyann Hale and Ms. Gloria Kerr for Kiki’s 40th & 41st group wins The Best In Show, Best In Specialty Show Winning
GCh. Aerden’s Pretty In Pink JH Owned by Laurie Engel, Rose Miller, Brian Silbernagel and Vito Ciaravino Bred by Laurie Engel and Rose Miller Presented and Conditioned by Vito and Amanda Ciaravino, Assisted by Sabrina Rundle 708-288-4967 *The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed **CC Sytsem
Dog News 79
Quality Northeast
Multiple Group Winning
Thank You Judge Mr. Kent Delaney for this Group Fourth
Multiple Specialty Best In Show and Group Winning
GCH. SOMERRI JAMIESON’S SEA WHISKEY Owned & Bred by Jamieson Lewis Laura Hall Lewis Merrimack, NH OFA - Good 80 Dog News
SOMERRI KENNELS 50 YEARS with 14 Generations of Norwegian Elkhounds Bea Hall & Ed Hall & Laura Lewis & Alice Lewis & Holly Lewis
Handled by Laura Hall Lewis
Mr. Turner
We want to thank Judges Ms.Theresa Hundt, Dr. James Sillers, Ms. Sharol Candace Way, Ms. Christine Calcinari, & Mrs. Ann Katona for Turner’s many wins at Norwegian Elkhound Specialties & Supported Entries.
GCH. SOMERRI WHY IS THE RUM ALWAYS GONE Owned & Bred by Jamieson Lewis Laura Hall Lewis Merrimack, NH OFA - Good
SOMERRI KENNELS 50 YEARS with 14 Generations of Norwegian Elkhounds
Handled by Alicia Lewis
Dog News 81
y r e m o g t n o M
r e d r o B
By Barbara Anderson Lounsbury
Continued FROM page 50
and well-deserved Group 3 in the stiff competitive terrier group judged by Dr. Vandra Huber!! I could not be more elated with this award. It simply made our weekend! Devon Dog Show was again, no disappointment. The weather draped us with another hot and muggy day. The strangest weather I have ever encountered this time of year for this cluster of shows. I was so thrilled this was the year I had the Motor Home and the sweet relief of the air conditioning to escape to. I know my dogs were too. Our judge for the day was Ms. Betsy Dale, a well-known and respected terrier judge from Stockbridge, Michigan. Ms. Dale has been judging Border Terriers and the Terrier Group since 1997. Ms. Dale had been breeding Airedales for 20 years, and owned Scotties and Welsh Terriers before starting to judge in 1984. Taking on 55 lovely Border Terriers, she sorted through them with expertise. She chose for her Winner’s Dog Surefyre’s Dream Weaver. Owned and Bred by Constance and William Bartlett. A very nice young dog with a lot of potential! I look forward to watching this young dog mature. Her Winner’s Bitch, who went on to Best of Winners, was the pretty Meadowlake Pure Imagination. Bred by Karen Fitzpatrick and Cynthia Olson, and owned by C. Olson. Great job shown by her owner! Best of Opposite went again to GCh McHill’s HRH Prince Gizmo House of Gremlin. Best Of Breed was again awarded to BISS GCh. Meadowlake Pants On Fire. Select Dog was GCh Marlyn Celtic Warrior and Select Bitch was again GCh Brocair Field of Cherry Blossoms. Day 4, Montgomery County Kennel Club. The most anticipated terrier show of the year. Terrier enthusiasts from all over the world, all gathering to watch the future, the past and the present of the top terriers here in the United States, surround the rings.
82 Dog News
h s i t t o c S Terriers
Judged by Border Terrier judge, Mr. Patrick D Glover of Aurora ME. Judging Border Terriers six times since 2009, he was given this huge assignment at Montgomery County! This is the only breed Mr. Glover is approved to judge but he has bred Border Terriers under the kennel name of Greywoode. Mr. Glover sorted through his outstanding group of Border Terriers and at times I thought was in a bit of a quandary to find what he thought was his best choice. I had a hard time following what he was looking for, but he surely found what he liked the best about each of his placements. I think in the future, any judge that is judging in this kind of sweltering heat should keep in mind the safety and health of not just the dogs, but also his exhibitors that were left in the sun for a bit longer than they should have been. I think Mr. Glover lacks the experience in ring procedure, but I’m sure this assignment was a bit overwhelming and he wasn’t quite sure what to do with all the outstanding Borders he had in the ring at the end and had a hard time making his final decisions. Mr. Glover found a nice young dog for Winner’s, Greley’s Super Extraordinary Scout. Owned and Bred by Leslie Francis. He also went on to Best of Winners. His Winner’s Bitch was Woodberry’s Royal Maid of Honor ME CA, owned and bred by Gail Warnick. Congratulations to both! Well done!! Best of Breed went to GCh Fairview Mile Marker CD BN RN CA ME EE. Owned and Bred by Kathleen and Margaret Henning. Shown superbly by his owner, Margaret! Well done, a team well deserved! Best of Opposite went to GCh Foxburrow Celebrity Apprentice. Owned and bred by Ray and Ginger Scott. Both BOB and BOS were sired by Ch Kandu’s Marathon Man “Miles”, a sire consistently producing type and movement regardless of the bitches he is bred to. A sire, I think, that will make his mark on our breed in many future generations. Select Dog was given to GCh McHill’s HRH Prince Gizmo House of Gremlin and Select Bitch was Kevrah Wish Upon a Star. There were no AOM’s on this day.
There are lots of conversations surrounding the “Montgomery Weekend” that start with, “Do you remember the year that…?” Last year’s lingering memory was of sitting for hours on the Jersey Turnpike, watching my gas gauge dropping like a stone.
his year the trip was uneventful, and my travelling companion Geoff Corish and I caught up on recent events in each other’s lives and reminisced about our twenty-or-so years of travelling down I95 together. For the first time in several years, the hotel actually did have my reservation, and we met up with Gavin and Sara Robertson for a quick bite before calling it a night. Gavin and Sara are worldclass PBGV breeders, and Gavin and his stunning Jilly garnered the Supreme Champion title at Crufts last March. Wanting to do something to give thanks for their good fortune, they organized a charity event called “Jilly’s Walk” in which people and dogs Continued on page 86
Am. GCh. & Can Ch. Shagshadow Pandamonium’s First Edition
Our appreciation to Judges Mr. Joseph Gregory for Best of Breed & Mrs. Shirley Limoges for Group First Breeders/Co-owners: Patty & Tom Schulte, Pat Schneider Web Site:
Handled by Brian Still Owners: Jane & Bob Ogg Dog News 83
ster u l C l l u G g n i Soar Virginia ch,
Virginia Bea
84 Dog News
Dog News 85
y r e m o g t n o M 2013
Continued FROM page 82
walked various legs from Birmingham to London to raise money for several very worthwhile charities. Geoff and partner Michael Coad did an impressive ten miles, and Lisa Croft-Elliot reportedly did her stint in a walking cast after having surgery! I had met them both at Crufts, but their attention was obviously not on making new acquaintances. This time, however, I got to spend some real time with them and can report that, not only are they extremely nice, but they are two of the funniest people I’ve had the pleasure to meet in a long while. Can’t remember laughing so much. We will likely never be allowed in the Red Lobster again. I miss the old Hatboro but I’ve been told that the choice to have the show at its present location isn’t a choice, as there are a number of new buildings on the old site. So apologies to Bob Black for asking him to please return the show to its former spot. Apparently there’s nothing to be done. The fragmented arrangement not only makes it difficult to see more than a handful of breeds, but also doesn’t have the same “buzz” as the old show with its wide greenway and dozens of accessible rings. Of course, the Ludwig’s Corner firehouse and its wonderful breakfast disappeared years ago and, like it or not, you can’t stop progress, even if you are running a dog show. Rodney Herner passed on Scotties on Thursday with Winners Dog going to Juscot All Black Spirit owned by Nedezhda Arzumanova, with RWD to Land Rose JP All Good Things owned by Jeanice Barton. Winners Bitch and BOW went to Whiskeybae Lochraven Lollipop owned by Carla LaCoe, with McVan’s Olympic Fire in the Reserve spot. This was quite a day for Jeanice Barton, who owned this bitch as well. It was also quite a day for the McVan clan, with GCH McVan’s To Russia With Love capturing the breed. She is listed as being owned by Vandra Huber, but this is apparently an error, as Vandra was judging Scotties on the following day. Best Opposite went to GCH Charthill Top Billing owned by Charla and Kari Hill. GCH Rock Castle’s Jovial Patriot owned by Amanda Thomas was Select Dog, with Select Bitch going to John and Daphne Eggert’s GCH Invercrest Surely Why Not. Awards of Merit went to Danica Burge’s CH Dynasty’s BR Donald Rockfeller, CH Fairy Party JP Silky owned by
86 Dog News
Nobuko Yamamoto, Amelia Musser’s CH Roundtown Everyday Magic Of Maryscot and CH Lanscot Larkspur owned by Judy Boughton. Hatboro II was even hotter than the previous day, with record temperatures and unrelenting sun. I’m sure that a lot of us were out shopping in the evening, trying to find something more suitable than the autumn garb we packed. Thanks, Lisa C-E, for the tip about the best TJ Maxx in the East! What’s not to love about a travelling companion who doesn’t mind shopping? Vandra Huber was Friday’s judge, with the Winners Dog and Reserve switching places on this day. The Land Rose dog ultimately went BOW. Kristen Simmons’ Chyscott’s Whisper In The Dark took the bitch points from the Bred By class, with Reserve going to McPhee’s Talisman Of Tallulah owned by Joanne Jansen. Dr. Huber found her Best of Breed in the dog GCH Charthill’s Premier Performance, with Best Opposite to Whiskybae Lochraven Lollipop who, I assume, was a move-up. CH Charthill Top Billing was Select Dog and Kristen Simmons’ CH Chyscott Masquerade was Select Bitch. There were again four Awards of Merit. They went to Robert Kerr’s CH Wetteraui Jolly Joker, Nancy Walther’s CH Greatscot’s Jezebel, Amelia Musser’s bitch CH Roundtown Everyday Magic Of Maryscot and Judy Boughton’s bitch CH Lanscot Larkspur.
evon was a bit of a disappointment this year. When Geoff and I sat down to have some lunch at about 1:30, he remarked that nearly half of the rings were done and the crew was breaking them down. It could have been any dog show, anywhere. The heat and humidity were severe, and, of course, many of the terrier people leave as soon as possible so that they can get in the queue at Blue Bell. Gone are the days when you could arrive at Montgomery at 5:00 AM and get set-up space. Keke Kahn did the breed this day with Winners Dog and BOW going to the Land Rose dog. Reserve went to Eroglen’s We’re No Angel from Bred By owned by Sharon Ero, Tom & Gail Feske and Eric Varner. With only two bitches in Am Bred, Ms. Kahn found her Winners Bitch there, giving the points to Destiny’s Ruff And Ready owned by Claudia Leffler and Susan Finn. Reserve went to Brookhill’s Table Talk owned by Luis Arroya and Thomas Callahan. The bitch that everyone referred to as the “Russian bitch,” CH McVan’s To Russia With
Love took the Breed and went on to a very nice Group 4. This time she was apparently correctly listed by MB-F as being owned by Marina Khenkina, with Best Opposite to GCH Charthill Top Billing. Select Dog went to Rebecca Cross & Danica Burge’s Donald Rockfeller, with Select Bitch to GCH Kingsview Just Ebony owned by Dr. Carol Blain & Lori Tuttle. Apparently no Awards of Merit were on offer. No Awards of Merit, no Overseas Visitors tent, no decent food…OK - end of rant. Sweepstakes classes were judged by Joseph Pendon, with Best In Sweeps going to Anstamm Demur Lonestar owned by Anstamm Kennels. I didn’t make it to Sweeps and so didn’t see my old friend Joseph, but I’m glad that he was given the honor of doing the puppies on this important weekend. Breeder-judge Barbara Casey had the honor of judging on Sunday. There was an entry of 132 (less absentees) which is considerably down from our heyday of 200+ at Ambler. By the way, it seems nearly impossible to believe that the last show held at the Ambler site was in 2004! While there was much bitching and moaning when the show was forced to move to Blue Bell, the new site has grown on me, and the old cachet returned quickly, I think. I never thought I’d be grateful for a cloudy day, but I was this year, as it made the day comfortable for dogs, handlers and spectators. Winners Dog from the 12-15 month class was Ruffton’s High Noon, owned by Rick and Debby Fowler. There is something wrong when an entry of 33 dogs is only a 4 point major. Yes, I know that AKC has eliminated national specialties from the point tally, but until they eliminate the preceding three shows with their huge terrier entries, the point count in this zone will continue to be absurd. Juscot All Black Spirit went Reserve. The Shafer/Shafer/Simmons partnership took the bitch points with Chyscott’s Wild At Heart, which ultimately went BOW. What a nice win from the Bred By class! Reserve went to McPhee’s Talisman Of Tallulah. “The Russian bitch” CH McVan’s To Russia With Love captured the breed with the very talented Rebecca Cross handling. CH Charthill’s Premier Performance took the Best Opposite spot. Select Dog went to Donald Rockfeller with Select Bitch to Whiskybae Lochraven Lollipop. Only four Scotties won Awards of Merit: Roundtown Everyday Magic, Fairy Party JP Silky, Charthill Top billing and GCH Rose’s Wild Wind Heavenscent owned by the Lindsay’s. Top Stud Dog went to Ken & Peg James and Susan James-Jacobsen’s CH Anstamm Sodak Go West Young Man, with Best Brace going to two Charthill bitches, Charthill Queen of the Nile and Charthill Greek Goddess, owned by STCA president Charla Hill and daughter Kari, handled by Kari. Sadly, there were no veterans this year. As group judging commenced, an announcement came over the loudspeaker that former Montgomery president and legendary Skye breeder and judge Walter Goodman had passed away. I had known Walter from my childhood, and he always referred to me as “our little Barbara.” Someone commented that he died during the judging of his beloved breed. A few minutes later, visible only to those of us who were facing west, a rainbow appeared in the sky. “Oh my God,” someone said, “that’s for Walter!” And then, as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone. A fitting farewell to a legend in the sport, and a fitting finale to the 79th Montgomery.
GCh. We-Fuss Who’s At Riverun Cindy Lou Who
Thank you Judge Ms. Barbara J. Wood Breeders Peggy Weissfuss & Penny Kretchmer Owners Diane & Michael Severns Carol Luetkens Handled By Danielle Goodland 608 712-6662 Mauston, Wisconsin Dog News 87
You Can Help A Friend...
How a Club may support Take The Lead:
lubs have been the keystones in enabling Take The Lead to provide education to members of the fancy, provide opportunities to support annual membership as well as opportunities for fund raising events in conjunction with their shows. There are a myriad of ways in which a club may support Take The Lead. A Club may offer space to set up a membership and educational booth at their event. This may be expanded to be an opportunity to do different forms of fundraising activities. A popular fundraiser is “Chuck A Duck”. We have invested in flocks of ducks that we can provide to a club with the appropriate directions for rental. The size of the flock is 100 and the ducks are rented for $5 to attendees at the show. At an appointed time, usually before Groups start or BIS a children’s wading pool is placed in the center of the ring and all duck renters are assembled to Chuck their rented ducks. The duck landing closest to the center of the pond is the lucky winner of half of the rental pot. The ducks are numbered and each renter receives a card with their duck’s number allowing us to verify the winning duck tosser. Winners of the duck toss have been very generous, donating some or all of the winnings back to Take The Lead. Raffles throughout the day at the Take The Lead Booth have become another means in which clubs and individuals can support the fundraising efforts. Clubs and members may coordinate theme baskets or items to donate to the raffle as well as solicit raffle items from the vendors attending their shows. The creativity of the items donated to the raffles is amazing, ranging from the ever popular “ It is five o’clock somewhere” Cocktail themed baskets, to Margarita makers, “Coffee Makers”, Holiday themed baskets, regional baskets, and the ever popular wine assortments top the popularity list. A recent addition to the donations from area Reproductive Specialists has been an assortment of services including progesterone testing, semen collection and storage for a year, ever popular and incents client to purchase lots of tickets. We have been fortunate to have continuous support from so many individuals and companies. Our appreciation to all who support our events and raffles with their wonderful, creative donations In the Northeast we are forever grateful for the artistic talent of Joan Scott who assists in putting together theme baskets and decorating the tables at multiple booths and events throughout the year. What if your club wishes to hold an event to support Take The Lead? The inaugural event was a cocktail party held the Thursday night prior the Tuxedo Park Kennel Club show in September of 1993. This was followed by what has become the annual Holiday Party held in conjunction with Eastern Dog Club in early December.
88 Dog News
If a Club or Cluster wishes to be involved with coordinating an event in conjunction with their shows things to consider: space and location of the party, theme, and most importantly how the party will be underwritten to allow it to be a successful fundraiser. One of the first fundraising parties which continue to be an annual Holiday party is held in conjunction with Eastern Dog Club. The donation of baskets and raffle items grows each year. The theme and decorating for the party is coordinated by Joan Scott with her band of merry elves, Whitney Perry and Sue King, who transform the host locations to Holiday Celebrations! Everyone in New England looks forward to our annual holiday gathering. The Take the Lead Board is fortunate to have as a member Michael Faulkner. His professional career includes fundraising and he has coordinated unique and fun parties, the most recent was at the Middle Peninsula Kennel Club of Virginia show this past January. The show is held at the Richmond Raceway Complex, in Richmond,VA. Attendees participated in changing tires in a simulated pit stop to racing miniature cars on a track. Probably his greatest talent has been his skill as an auctioneer, including tripling the earnings for the evening when auctioning off a gourmet dinner prepared in your own home; complete with wine. Bidding was consistent between three attendees at the dinner, at the point when a generous donation was being offered; it was asked if all bidders would be willing to be winners at that point? As a result, Michael provided three gourmet dinners and raised a substantial donation for Take The Lead in one evening. The Tar Heel Cluster in March has become an annual celebration for Take The Lead, with an extensive raffle table and on alternating years a party right on the Fair Grounds allowing easy access for everyone attending the shows. Live music and dancing the night away has become the theme! The Harvest Moon cluster consisting of Del Valle Dog Club of Livermore and Skyline Kennel Club have hosted parties over the years including an auction of artwork created by members of the fancy and most recently a comedy night. These are only a few examples of what has been done, the ideas for fun are endless, and it just takes some creativity and desire to create an evening of fun to benefit those in our sport who may need assistance. Take The Lead appreciates the support that All Breed and Specialty Clubs have provided over the years which have provided camaraderie, good times and support to this worthwhile cause. If your club has the interest to host a booth or coordinate an event please contact the office : Take The Lead PO Box 6353 Watertown, NY 13601 800-814-1123 FAX: 315-786-1874
Here’s How You Can Help A Friend...
Dog News 89
A Right Royal Experience Continued FROM page 76
ally impressive shortlist the dog that was flawless in my eyes was the most glorious Cavalier King Charles Spaniel bitch. She had impressed me enormously in the breed where she glided through to a comfortable Best despite strong competition. As an example of her breed she is outstanding as she is of perfect size, has a beautiful head and eye, her colour is well broken up and her conformation is pretty much flawless. I love the fact that she has legs and so daylight underneath her, and therefore displays correct balance for the breed, which is not always the case. Furthermore she was in optimum coat and not dripping in unnecessary and incorrect hair. However it was on the move that she really pulled it off as up, down and around her footfall was perfect and on the go-around she held her topline and tail perfectly, her head carriage showing that inherent class bestowed on all the great ones. She was pushed all the way however by a really super Affenpinscher male that is a wonderful example of the breed and a great showman to boot. I felt really sorry for Ann as she battled to judge her Non Sporting group in the howling gale as some of the dogs that I know, having chatted to her over lunch, she really rated looked a mess with their hair being blown all over the place. Her winning Standard Poodle (and watching it from the office I would have done exactly the same at that point in time) however had presumably had a little help in that department as his hairdo seemed pretty motionless! So on the last day I had the Hound group and here a comfortable winner was an Afghan Hound male. To go over here was a very majestic noble male with an impressive outline, perfect balance and the well defined topline and fall-away that you don’t always get these days. His head and expression pleased and it’s good to see Mandarin whiskers that again seem to be a fast disappearing breed characteristic. Beautifully conditioned, his movement demonstrated the necessary style of high 90 Dog News
order and that element of elevation that is essential in a great Afghan, and when he was focussed and happier in the breed and group rings he exuded charisma and real class. Sadly in his final run-off for Best he couldn’t decide whether his perfectly ringed tail was going up or down and so at that point in time he could progress no further. On another day, in different conditions, who knows what might have happened? For sure he has many better days ahead. Ann built up the Junior Handling final to quite a climax before deciding that it was 15-year -old Alarnah Roberts from New South Wales who would be heading off to Crufts in March. She had displayed enormous talent and empathy with her charges when handling a Brussels Griffon and Bearded Collie. I then had Best in Show to judge and the breeze was still with us though not quite as violently as it had been. It is apparently customary to give something of a verbal commentary on General Specials so before any decision had been made a microphone was thrust into my hand. I explained to the crowd that at that point in time I still had no idea who was going to be my winner, and that the ultimate decision would rest with performance as I asked each dog to circuit the ring individually one more time. I really had a huge admiration for the Afghan but he was clearly the dog most unhappy with the wind and he couldn’t decide what he wanted to do with his tail, which rather took him out of the equation. The dog who pulled out all the stops and displayed perfect footfall and carriage was however the Cavalier bitch and so it was she who triumphed with the really handsome Bull Terrier bitch taking Runner Up. Then came the whole glut of “in show” awards, which appear in the appendix to the article, all won by dogs for whom I had more than a passing regard.
In particular the Minor Border Collie, Puppy Weimaraner and Junior Miniature Poodle are I believe three future great ones. Having said farewell to my new friends in Hobart I flew on to Sydney on the Sunday where I had arranged to spend four days with Guy Spagnolo and Ross Selvaggio at their beautiful home and that of the Driftway Labradors. Knowing I was coming to Sydney Barbara Killworth and John Bryson had persuaded me to agree to “an audience with”, with me in the hot seat instead of asking the questions, which was quite a strange experience. In any event it was good to see so many old friends in attendance on Monday evening at the Spilstead Complex, home to most of New South Wales’ canine activities. The time flew but it was, as always, wonderful to see so many outstanding Labradors in one place, all so typey and such great movers. Guy is one of those rare breeders who are ruthlessly critical of their own dogs and is refreshingly modest and self-effacing when it comes to his achievements. This is probably why he is so sought after internationally as a judge of very high repute. In fact, I think he established a record for the number of dogs judged by any one judge on one day at Westminster when he judged there a few years ago. I then left Sydney for a week in Bangkok with no shows, lectures or classes, just to spend a relaxing time at the Pathumwan Princess Hotel and meet up with the ubiquitous Ping Ping Panda, who performs the role of retail therapist so admirably. Whilst on this trip it has been sobering to hear of the deaths of both Skip Stanbridge and Michele Billings, both of whom I had been fortunate enough to judge with on several occasions, and both of whom I considered good friends. The substantial characters within the fancy are with us all too briefly and it makes us realise that we should really appreciate them when we have them as no one knows what the future has in store.
“It is apparently customary to give
something of a verbal commentary on General Specials so before any decision had been made a microphone was thrust into my hand.”
2 1 0 2
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Friday, December 13, 2013
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Dog News 91
92 Dog News
Dog News 93
2014 Specialty, All Breed, & Group Variety Shows
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Pain Medications and Canine Immune Function Continued FROM page 46
CHF: What is respiratory burst and why does it matter?
DeCLUE: After bacteria invade the body the white blood cells have to be able to kill them. The white blood cell puts bacteria into a special compartment and then the white blood cell produces toxic chemicals, things like peroxide and bleach, and injects these chemicals into that special compartment to kill the bacteria. This is called respiratory burst. It’s a highly effective means for clearing infection from the body.
CHF: Going back to your CHF grant, how exactly did you conduct your study? DeCLUE: We collected blood from six healthy adult dogs and we used that blood to study the effects of several opioids on immune function. The opioids we studied were morphine, fentanyl, buprenorphine, and tramadol. We also studied O-desmethyltramadol which is the active metabolite of tramadol.
CHF: What were the results of your study, beginning with tramadol and O-desmethytramadol?
DeCLUE: We found that tramadol and O-desmethytramadol did not affect phagocytosis or respiratory burst function. However, we found that O-desmethyltramadol, which is the active metabolite of tramadol in the body, decreased the production of a key anti-inflammatory cytokine. This could be important because the anti-inflammatory cytokine helps regulate inflammation and prevent an over zealous inflammatory response. Anti-inflammatory cytokine’s also help turn off the immune system at the end of the inflammatory response. Of course we have to be cautious about over-interpreting these findings. This is what happens in a test tube. Before we make any changes in how we use drugs in dogs, we need to see if tramadol and O-desmethytramadol effects the anti- inflammatory cytokine production actually in the body.
CHF: What were the results when you considered the effects of morphine, fentanyl and buprenorphine?
DeCLUE: None of these opioids altered immune function. However, morphine increased respiratory burst activity in neutrophils. Morphine, fentanyl and buprenorphine all promoted cytokine production, both pro-inflammatory cytokines and anti-inflammatory cytokines. This tells us that all of these opioids are able to alter immune function, but that morphine has the most dramatic effect. These findings can mean that morphine helps activate the immune system and can prevent or can clear infection. It may also mean that morphine could promote inflammation which could be damaging. Again, we’re looking at what happens in test tubes, and we need to see what happens inside the dog. These initial findings help us know which pathways are most likely to be effected so we can target our future investigations in the most appropriate pathways in dogs. 96 Dog News
CHF: Did you expect to see a differential effect of these medications on the immune system? DeCLUE: Since each of these medications has a different structure and different receptor binding characteristics, we did expect to see some differences.
CHF: And given your results does this change your recommendation for using certain drugs in certain situations?
DeCLUE: The information we have currently is very preliminary. Again, this is what happens in a test tube and it doesn’t necessarily mean that’s what happens in a dog. Before changing clinical practice, we must do more research. Managing pain is very important. In fact, pain itself has major effects on the immune system. For now, the focus will remain on providing excellent pain control for our patients. We will also pursue further research to determine how opioid selection can be used to strategically alter the immune response in dogs that potentially have inflammatory conditions.
CHF: As we continue to fund canine research in both immunology and pain management, where do you think our greatest gaps in knowledge are and what type of research do we need to fund?
DeCLUE: First, I want to emphasize the importance of understanding the effects of opioids. Opioids are some of the most commonly prescribed medications. In fact, millions of dogs receive opioids every year. When they’re used it’s typically in a population of dogs that is at risk for infection or immune system violated problems like severe inflammation. Learning more about how to select the best opioids not only enables effective pain management, but also stands to enhance our understanding of the immunological affects which will have widespread benefits for dogs. This initial study has allowed identification of key pathways for further investigation. My lab is working on the next steps in the process. This will include expanding our evaluation of the effects of opioids on additional immunologic parameters and evaluating the effect of opioids on the immune system after they are administered to a dog (i.e. not limiting our studies to the effects of opioids on cells in a test tube). Then, we need to evaluate how opioids alter immune function in dogs with common illness, dogs that have surgical trauma, or dogs with orthopedic disease. Finally, once the best candidate drugs are identified, clinical trials can determine the impact of opioid selection on things like critical illness, cancer, surgery, and orthopedic disease. For now, my colleagues and I are continuing this line of research and we greatly appreciate the AKC Canine Health Foundation for their support. We hope that our results will pave the pathway for future discovery in improved animal health.
Glossa ry Cytokine: Soluble proteins used as messengers between cells that can either activate or suppress the immune response. Macrophage: Cell of the immune system used to engulf and destroy invading pathogens. Neutrophil: Cells that are the first line of defense of the immune system; they can engulf and destroy invading pathogens or release toxins that destroy pathogens. The release of toxins can also cause collateral damage to healthy tissue and cells. Phagocytosis: The act of a macrophage or neutrophil internalizing (“eating”) foreign bacteria. Cytolytic: Term used to describe the destruction of infected cells by toxins released from cells of the immune system. Inflammation: The outcome of an immune response, as cells of the immune system respond to an invading pathogen they cause collateral damage to healthy cells, causing pain, heat, redness and swelling. Respiratory Burst: The events that occur inside a macrophage or neutrophil that lead to destruction of engulfed bacteria.
“Mike” Billings, The CHFSlap, Charlie’s College...
Continued FROM page 58
KC/CHF awarded over $1.5 million in grants for canine health for 2014. Indeed AKC/CHF is the star example most people use in fighting the good fight against the animal rightists. For 17 years now the CHF, with the assistance of AKC and others, has shown the world generally and the American public specifically how concerned the breeders of the purebred dog are with the health of their dogs. Now comes the AKC’s Board in this year’s budget restricting its annual gift to a matching $500.000 figure PROVIDING the money to be matched comes from only new sources of money as approved by an outside accounting firm! What a stab in the back-give with one hand take with the other. True AKC has been one of the chief if not primary fund givers to CHF since its
inception-some $17 million, which is a lot of scratch for sure! And certainly we all know AKC is tighter for money than usual due to the registration debacle but at the very least and so long as AKC is not able or willing to give money outright should not a better solution than matching only new contributors monies have been found by the Board? Why not give CHF some breathing room if the Board is so unhappy with the manner in which CHF is finding new contributors? Match a half or a third of the existing or past donors and fully match only the new donors. Doesn’t that make more sense and show a willingness to work with CHF, which the existing proposition totally ignores?
Messina Italy Dog Show
ell we’ve heard from both the Board and the Judges Review Committee headed by Charles Garvin in the matter of Judges Approvals--not completely mind you but initial revisions and ideas. As I wrote a few months ago citing Carmen’s letter to Charlie, an article appeared in Scientific Monthly endorsing computer imaging in certain instances. Charlie as a Doctor applied this article to judging situations just as he has endorsed masking on applications to a doctor’s test and the like. But however he thought he could convince Kent Delaney and Doug Johnson to go along with that concept too. Daryl Hendricks is on that Committee and as a total non-dog person his support of this concept comes as little surprise but the other two?? Come on is my reaction and they want to set up a College to boot and yet there is no money to be had for CHF!!!! The cost of this computer imaging will be prohibitive but nothing for canine health? Are we returning to the days of Roger Ailes and the breed visualization films and remember how much that cost and those were the days AKC could easily afford those charges. And if the cost of the so-called College is not your main concern what about the concept itself? That requires much thought and study. I am pretty positive about the Board’s KEY BREED idea although I consider it too discriminatory insofar as the low entry breeds are concerned but still consider it an overall positive step. This notwithstanding the fact that the only thing separating the Board’s proposal from an outright gift to everyone applying for the Groups is the word COULD instead of would. “C”ould gives a little room for quality to be a consideration in the approval process but I fear this subtle interpretation will be lost on the great majority. More to come on that as well. Dog News 97
Directory Safari Handling and Training LLC
Robert A. Fisher Kaki Fisher
All Breed Professional Dog Handlers
Kathy Eiler
614-352-5017 cell
Professional Dog Handlers Frakari Kennels 194 Quivey Hill Road/P.O. Box 204 Middle Granville, NY 12849 518.642.9225 KNL • 440.813.6388 c 12.09
7.09 12.13
Diana Wilson
Debbie angela l lloyd Old West Goldstein PROFESSIONAL DOG HANDLER 1.10
& Groomer Kennels 2418 Grandview Drive 703-622-5808 724-735-9994 C 412-491-5520
P.O. Box 180 Forestville, Pennsylvania Sparta, N.C. 16035 28675
DAVE & LYNDA O’CONNOR-SCHNEIDER Members PHA & AKC Registered Handlers
1981 East 141 Avenue Brighton, Colorado 80602 210 865 8415 - Clint 210 865 2348 - Karen
9691 Flinn Springs Road El Cajon, CA 92021 (619)443-8250 Fax (619)443-0944 E-mail /
Tiffany Knox
Carlos Carrizo Professional Handling
Jean Gauchat-Hargis & Joshua Hargis
Summerwind Canines
PO Box 277 • Woodland, CA 95776-0277 3.10 (916) 765-9421 9.11
Tiffany Saxon
Jenny Wornall Rangel Christian Rangel Andrew Peel
Heritage Show dogs All Breed Dog Handler 9372 S Union • Tulsa, OK 74132 • 508-864-6262 6.13
PO BOX 331 • Santa Ynez, CA 93460 LLC 805.686.1708 • Fax 805.686.9548 7.13 •
Cell: 415 819-5773
Clint and Karen Livingston
7.11 4.14
AKC Registered Handler
12.13 9.14
REGINA 570 369-0192 email:
113 Capone Lane Saylorburg, PA 18353
7430 Sierra Ponds Lane Cell: 415-819-5773 Granite Bay, CA Phone: 916-791-5207 95746-7300 Fax: 916-791-5209 Email: 9.10 6.14 •
336 372-2039 © Debbie Goldstein
SUE 570 992-5705 email:
303/638-1669 1298 Bluejay Avenue Brighton, CO 80601
*Fees feed rescued horses*
Sue Capone, PHA Regina Keiter
Show Dogs Beautifully Presented
Training class Joe T. Caton 614-313-9536 cell information: 614-262-1317 3.14
Ernesto Lara
AKC Registered Handler Assisted by Leonardo Garcini
Greenfield P.O. Box 330 Tel: (717) 445-9936 1181 Reading Road Fax: (717) 445-0577 Bowmansville, PA 17507 email: 6.10 6.14 mobile: 717-475-7069
Professional Presentation & Care of Show Dogs A drienne O wen 6849 S hadow R idge P l ace A lta L oma , CA 91701 909-472-5519 adrienne @ newpointkennel . com www 8.09 . newpointkennel . com 7.12
All Breed Dog Handler
1637 Moon Rock Rd Fallbrook, CA 92029
Office: 760-723-9564 Cell: 626-277-7172 1.11
98 Dog News
AnA Wonderful Interview What do you do in your Integration of East and West spare time? Rafael with
de Santiago Continued FROM page 69
How do you see the FCI now?
“The FCI now, as I said in my inaugural speech, is at a point of change. Change just for the sake of change is unnecessary. We will have to do many things. There are problems with different kennel clubs that need to be solved. I am sure we will soon see a new vision for the dog world come from the FCI.”
What is your position on the Russian government’s anti-gay legislature? “I believe we have no influence over the Russian government. The Russian Kennel Club was awarded the 2016 World Show long before this law came into effect. Even if we boycott the show, we will not cause the government to change this law, but will cause damage to the kennel club.”
What kind of a person are you?
“I am very much a people person. I am a listener. I like to listen to people, I don’t just take action, I study things and then provide suggestions. I hate when animals are mistreated. When I see a stray dog I am very upset. To me dogs are part of our families and should be treated as such. I would like to do something about that.”
an important family in local society. His father was the editor of the largest newspaper. His mother was executive secretary of a govern“I work, I have an advertising agency in San Juan. We do ment department. She was into charity work crisis management and PR for clients. When I became inwith the wife of the governor at the time. He volved with the FCI, I downsized and my employees do most was born several years after his only sister of the work. If I have a day off I would get up early, swim in died as a child. He is a very self confident perthe pool, then if it’s not a rainy day I will go to the ocean, son. read, catch up on my sleep, listen to some good music and “After graduating high school, he was dego to a restaurant. I used to play the piano when I was termined to become a doctor but after studyyoung. I read a lot. I enjoy a good science fiction book.” ing two years at Pennsylvania University he realized that was not his destiny and decided erard Jipping, president of the Dutch Kennel Club to follow in his father’s footsteps by studying and FCI board member, added his slant on the new journalism in Madrid. He graduated with a leader: PhD but never uses the title. He then returned “Rafael embodies a new form of management in the to the island and worked for the Department FCI. He is trying to increase cooperation between partners of Industry. A couple of years later, a politi- keep things together but also works very hard himself. cian, Rafael Hernandez Cologn, asked him to He wants to bring the FCI to the future where members are become his press officer at the senate and in real members and trust the organization. He is the right 1972 after the senator was elected governor person at the right time, trying to create a family that prohe served as assistant to the government. He tects each other. then worked for the Popular Democratic Party “On the personal level, we have had a lengthy and taught journalism in the unirelationship. We both come from the same breed versity. and we can talk for hours about Afghans in partic“In those years, Rafael ular and dogs in general. He takes care of people, also established his PR firm concerned for their well-being. He wants to help and in 1981 decided to become others any way he can and on the other hand is not independent. It was a full adverafraid to say he does not agree with you, but always tising agency but they decided gives reasons for his approach. to downsize and specialize in “When you work together with a person that communications and public has a passion for bringing people together it is al- Gerard Jipping, relations. ways easy. He is well-educated and can talk about president of the As for his personal preferDutch Kennel Club ences: “he does not like the a lot of things,” says Jipping. Roberto Velez Pico is Santiago’s partner, an taste of vinegar, cucumber, all-round judge too, who gave us some insight on his mayonnaise, mustard or sourkraut. On the friend’s personality. other hand, he likes pasta and sweets.” “Rafael is a simple person at heart, although he “We don’t have dogs now because of our comes from a sophisticated background. He grew up in travels,” continued Pico. “He used to collect antiques, in particular chairs and rugs. We enjoy looking at them and even cleaning them, although when we are in Puerto Rico we are constantly invited by friends and don’t have much of an opportunity to have people over.” Santiago is a soft spoken person who knows his mind. A listener with an agenda. A leader who believes in teamwork. He easily wins over anyone who has the opportunity to talk to him. Who knows, maybe his vision will light the way for the future of the world of dog breeding.
What would your legacy be?
In Romania, judging Eukanuba World Challenge European preliminary round with Ron Menaker
“Modernization, innovation and empowerment, dogs and dog owners’ rights and a push for growth in the form of additional nations joining us. We also need to involve the young people. I am working to create something that will use the resources of the young people from technological aspects that will reach all breeders. We are a little behind in the technological aspect.” Dog News 99
Directory Doug And Mandy Carlson AKC Registered Handlers
Doug 405 370-1447 Mandy 405 826-3884 5.14
8260 McColl Drive W Savage, Minnesota 55378 Phone: 952 890-6010 3.13
All Breed Professionals AKC Reg. and PHA
407 810-4036 4.14
Evan & Stacy Threlfall
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BRUCE & TARA SCHULTZ Board Certified Professional Handlers Members of P.H.A.
100 Dog News
5540 San Miguel Rd. Bonita, California 91902
Bruce: 951 314-8357 Tara: 951 515-0241
Continued FROM page 75
website. After the correct registry is identified and contacted to learn the identity of the owner, the owner would be contacted as in the above example. (See Sidebar 2 for more information about the AAHA Universal Pet Microchip Lookup website.)
Veterinary clinics and animal shelters establish their own pricing for the implantation of a microchip, which may or may not include registration. As a result, prices vary from one facility to another.
Contact Information
AAHA Universal Pet Microchip Lookup
AVID: 800-336-AVID (800-336-2843) Website:
Although AVID® did not participate, HomeAgain®, AKC Reunite® and some other microchip and pet recovery assistance providers worked with the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) to create a free microchip lookup website:
HomeAgain: 888-HomeAgain (888-466-3242) Website:
Here’s how it works. After typing in any microchip number and clicking on search, the website would search for the microchip number. If the microchip is registered with one of the participating microchip and pet recovery assistance providers, the website would identify it and provide its phone number and website address. The lookup tool would not provide any of the pet owner’s personal information however.
AKC Reunite: (800) 252-7894 Website:
The website speeds pet recovery, while simplifying life for staff at veterinary clinics and animal shelters, i.e., when staff at these facilities scan for microchips, often, they find microchip numbers with brands they don’t recognize.
Microchip Registries and Lost Pet Recovery Services AVID®, HomeAgain® and AKC Reunite® are among the largest providers of microchip and pet recovery services. The table below summarizes the type of assistance each provides, the fees charged, etc. Note: While there are many other online registries that register microchip numbers and claim to provide pet recovery assistance; in some instances, they may be operated by a single person with a computer. Thus trained 24/7 pet recovery assistance may or may not be provided. Microchip Registry and Lost Pet Recovery Services:
Type of microchip used
125 and 134.2 kHz
Microchip can be read by a universal scanner
Yes Yes Yes
Sells universal scanners that read all types of microchips.
Yes Yes Yes
AKC Reunite
134.2 kHz
128 and 134.2 kHz
Sells microchips directly to veterinarians, animal shelters, rescue groups and breeders
Yes Yes Yes
Also registers tattoo numbers
Yes Yes Yes
One-time, lifetime registration fee that may be included in the cost of microchip implantation
Yes Yes Yes
One-time, lifetime fee for registration when microchip registration is done by the owner
$19.95 $17.99 $19.95 Discounted to $17.50 when done online
Offers optional additional services that may be purchased
Registration fee includes cost of ID tag with registry phone number and pet’s microchip number
Yes Yes Yes
Fee to update pet owner contact information in database registry Sends yearly email reminder to update contact information if necessary
$6 per None None instance No Yes Yes
Registry information:
AKC Reunite
Statistics and company/organization information:
AKC Reunite
Total number of pets microchipped
10,000,000+ 5,000,000+ since 1995
since 1995
Total number of lost pets reunited with their owners
Private corporation or nonprofit organization
Private corporation
Division of. Merck, Inc
501c3 nonprofit AKC affiliate
Registers all brands of microchips Registry phones answered by trained personnel 24/7 Listed at AAHA Universal Pet Microchip Look Up website
Dog News 101
AKC Reunite
$17.99 annual $15 onetime, membership fee lifetime fee after the first year
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
+ since 1986
“Some animal shelters implant a microchip at their microchip clinics for as little as $20,” Silverman says. “A veterinary hospital might charge as much as $60 or $70. Regardless of the source, the fee covers implantation and an ID tag with the microchip number on it.” “Because the fee charged for microchip registration and pet recovery service varies, it’s important for owners to understand the assistance provided and the costs associated with each particular brand of microchip,” Miranowic says. (See the chart shown on this page for a listing of the fees charged by the three providers discussed in this article.) In addition to microchip registration and pet recovery assistance, some providers offer some optional services. HomeAgain offers a suite of additional services that includes 24/7 access to a pet emergency medical helpline staffed by ASPCA veterinarians. The additional services are provided at no charge during the first year. To continue them after that, an annual membership fee of $17.99 is required. If pet owners decide not to renew their annual membership and their dogs get lost, non-member owners would not be eligible for the additional services included with the annual HomeAgain membership. However, once entered in the HomeAgain database, microchips are registered for life, whether or not pet owners renew their annual memberships, and owners’ contact information may be updated online anytime free of charge. AKC Reunite offers some optional addon services that include 24/7 access to a pet poison hotline. They may be purchased for a one-time $15 fee for the life of the pet. If the add-on services are not purchased, the owner’s and his pet’s information still would remain in the AKC Reunite database for the life of the pet and could be updated at no charge at any time. Some other providers charge a fee to update the owner’s information after it’s entered in their database registry, i.e., AVID charges $6 per instance.
For more information
To learn more about AVID, HomeAgain and AKC Reunite microchip and pet recovery services, visit each provider’s website. (See the blue box on this page for website addresses and contact information.)
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Rottweilers and Toy Manchesters Puppies occasionally and stud service phone 800 454-5067 fax 303 745-7319 Pedigrees done for all AKC breeds
102 Dog News
LettersTo The Editor
AKC PET DISASTER RELIEF ROLLS OUT HELP FOR PETS ACROSS THE COUNTRY AKC Pet Disaster Relief, a program dedicated to keeping pets and their owners safe during storms, fires and other natural or civil disasters, presented its first-ever trailer to emergency officials from North Carolina’s Pamlico County. The trailer was presented to Chris Murray of Pamlico County Emergency Management during a ceremony held at the Agriculture Building Plaza in downtown Raleigh attended by representatives from the Department of Agriculture, including Director, Emergency Programs Sharron Stewart, and the Department of Public Safety, including Deputy Secretary Ellis Boyle, as well as State Representative Michael Speciale. AKC Pet Disaster Relief supplies create a safe, temporary home-base for at least 50 pets immediately after a disaster is declared, whether it is a for a co-location shelter where people can evacuate with their pets or as an emergency animal shelter for displaced animals. The trailers house and deliver essential supplies
such as fans, lighting and generators; cleaning supplies; maintenance items; and animal care items including crates and carries, microchips and a scanner as well as bowls, collars and leashes. “We’re proud to kick off this program in North Carolina, the home state of AKC Reunite, and look forward to expanding the program across the US to help as many pets and owners as possible,” said AKC Reunite CEO Tom Sharp. “The beauty of successful public/private partnerships like AKC Pet Disaster Relief is that it can help states and counties prepare for disaster without taxpayer dollars.” Representative Speciale said, “It is an honor to attend the Pamlico County trailer presentation. The efforts of folks like Patrick and Almira Dallas (members of the Forsyth Kennel Club) are appreciated by those of us who love animals.” The purchase of Pamlico County’s first-ever emergency trailer was made possible by $22,000 in donations and grants from North Carolina’s Forsyth Kennel Club, the German Wirehaired
“Oh, I do love reading about the new baby prince,
and George is such a regal name, don’t you think?”
Pointer Club of America, the English Springer Spaniel Foundation, the American Chinese Crested Club and AKC Reunite. In addition to the Pamlico County trailer, members of AKC Kennel Clubs in other cities across the country have dedicated themselves to raising money to supply AKC Pet Disaster Relief to their local Emergency Management. Federal law requires municipalities to prepare and care for citizens and their pets in the event of disasters like floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and wildfires. Over 30 dog clubs, including national parent club organizations with members in every state and local groups in Northern New Jersey, Arizona, Ohio, New York, Tennessee, North Carolina and Connecticut, have donated money toward AKC Pet Disaster Relief trailers. The national Orthopedic Foundation for Animals has donated a trailer to Missouri, the state where it is located. AKC Reunite has also pledged $250,000 over the next two years to assist with funding. Individuals, corporations and other interested parties can donate to trailer projects in local areas or across the country. Donations are tax deductible and accepted online. Approved organizations that raise a minimum of $1,000 will have their logo featured on the AKC Pet Disaster Relief trailer. Learn more about how to get involved in AKC Pet Disaster Relief at www.akcreunite. org/relief or contact us at 919-816-3980 and AKC Reunite Raleigh, NC CONTRIBUTORS’ OMISSIONS •The credit for the candid photo on the November 1st back cover was inadvertently left off. That photo was taken by Michelle Steigmeyer. • The pictures of the Poodle Club of America Regional in Salem, Oregon that accompanied the article written by Johnny Shoemaker in the October 11 issue of Dog News were taken by Kitten Rodwell. Dog News 103
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