Dog News The Digest Volume 29, Issue 50
Of American Dogs $5.00
December 13, 2013
…A TOAST TO SUCCESS! Team Gus Thanks Judges Mr. Michael Dougherty, Dr. Eric Liebes, and Mr. Carl Gene Liepmann for the recent Reserve Best In Show and Group Firsts.
Multiple Best In Show, National Specialty Best In Show
GCh. Derby’s Toast With Gusto
Top Winning Swissy In AKC History Number 1 Swissy, All-Breed (All Systems)•# 18 Working Dog*
Owned By: Rick & Sue Copeland Richmond, Texas
Bred By: Kristin Kleeman Robyn & Kenneth Toth
Presented By: Scott Sommer
*CC System
Dog News 3
Contents 10 Editorial
14 The Way It Is: Canine College
By ronnie irving
22 The Question Of The Week By matthew h. stander
26 Babbling: Kennel Blindness By geir flyckt-pedersen
By shaun coen
152 Fun To Play With: Border Terriers
54 California Shows, Russian Laws, A Long Six Days And More
164 Book Review: Hollywood Dogs
42 The British Scene By geoff corish
168 Dogs Don’t Have To Be Famous To Be Heroes
56 The Dog News Top Ten List 80 The Dog News Top Ten Best of Breed List 92 What The AKC PAC Can Do For You
By dennis sprung
38 Ten Questions Asked of Robert Schroll
By mj nelson
By matthew h. stander
30 News From The AKC President 34 Bests Of The Week
By desmond j. murphy
50 Off The Leash: Year-End Notes
By sari brewster tietjen
18 Irving’s Impressions: Puffing or Twisting?
140 Eurodogshow - 50th International Show
46 APHIS Updated Factsheet December 2013
By sheila goffe
104 The Kennel Club Art Gallery 10 Years On
By sharon pflaumer
172 Briards A Mile High: Briard National Specialty By Terry Miller
176 Rare Breeds Of The World: Tyrolean Hound By agnes buchwald
182 The Gossip Column
reprinted courtesy of the kennel gazette
116 Canaan Dogs: The Original Biblical Dogs? By richard vulliet, phD, dvm
BY Eugene Z. Zaphiris
188 Click - Shoreline & Malibu Kennel Clubs BY paddy spear
44 A Dog News Christmas Gift To...
194 Click - The Way We Were BY leslie simis
BY Eugene Z. Zaphiris
209 Letters To The Editor
December 13, 2013 S
202 handlers directory • 204 subscription rates • 206 classified advertising • 208 ADvertising rates 211 February DOG SHOW CALENDAR AND JUDGING SLATE DOG NEWS (ISSN 0886-2133) is published weekly except the last two weeks in December by Harris Publications, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010. Periodical Postage paid at New York. 4 Dog News
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to DOG NEWS, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010 All advertisements are copyrighted and owned by DOG NEWS, Harris Publications, unless received camera-ready. Permission to reprint must be requested in writing.
Best In Show, Best In Specialty Show Winning
GCh. Hil-N-Don & Canyonwood Seemore Of Me
. . . l l a o t s a m t s i r h C y r r e M
The Number One English Springer Spaniel
Thank you Judge Mr. Walter Sommerfelt on this very competitive Sporting Group win! All of us at Shadow Hill would also like to thank the Judges, Exhibitors and Ringside Fans for these wins, support and kind words throughout this year. Owner Silsby S. Pelissero Shadow Hill ESS Santa Barbara, California
Co-Owners / Breeders Jayne Crouch Canyonwood ESS Donna Hoffman Hil-N-Don ESS
Exclusive Handler for Shadow Hill: Ellen Cottingham 360 904-1777
. . . t h g i n d o o g a l l a o t d n a ...
*The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed
Dog News 5
Dog News Cover Story - December 15, 2013
212 807.7100 x588
he American Kennel Club® and Eukanuba are pleased to welcome the more than 4,000 dogs that will compete at the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship (AENC) on December 14 and 15, 2013 at the Orange County Convention Center (OCCC) in Orlando, Florida. The two-day Championship is held in one million square feet of space in the OCCC’s North/South Building in conjunction with the AKC Agility Invitational and the new AKC Obedience Classic (entries of 598 and 206 respectively), the Junior Showmanship competition (148 competitors), and the Eukanuba World Challenge (40 participants). Total entries top 16,300 for the week when you add in the Orlando Cluster Shows, Specialty Shows, FSS/Miscellaneous Breeds Open Show, AKC National Owner-Handled Series Final and the AKC National Juniors Obedience and Agility Competitions. Expanded streaming video will be available this year from the special site, which will be embedded at More than 300 hours of video coverage will air from a selection of
Friday Specialties, Special Attractions, and Obedience and Agility, plus every Breed, Group and Best in Show competition taking place over the weekend. Breed judging will be available in its entirety as streaming video, while all evening events will be aired live from the show floor. We’re also especially pleased to recognize and showcase the quality of the dogs being exhibited by owner-handlers with the inaugural AKC National Owner-Handled Series Final this year. This invitation-only event drew an entry of 520 dogs, representing 43 states and 160 different breeds. Finally, don’t miss out on the fun of Celebrate Dogs!, which includes AKC Meet the Breeds®, the Eukanuba Dock Dogs, holiday shopping at our vendor mall and more. We hope you meet up with old friends and have fun watching some of the most talented dogs in the country as you enjoy this week of canine competition. Stay tuned to www. for results and video/ photo coverage of the show.
For more up-to-the-minute results, video and photo coverage of the show, visit and to receive daily updates and show results via Facebook, visit 6 Dog News
Ian Miller 212 462.9624 Contributing Editors Sharon Anderson George Bell Andrew Brace Agnes Buchwald Patricia Gail Burnham Shaun Coen Carlotta Cooper Geoff Corish Michael Faulkner Denise Flaim Geir Flyckt - Pedersen Allison Foley Yossi Guy Ronnie Irving Roz Kramer John Mandeville Linda More Desmond J. Murphy M. J. Nelson Sharon Pflaumer John Shoemaker Kim Silva Matthew H. Stander Sari Brewster Tietjen Patricia Trotter Connie Vanacore Carla Viggiano Nick Waters Seymour Weiss Minta (Mike) Williquette Dog News Photographers Chet Jezierski Perry Phillips Kitten Rodwell Leslie Simis DOG NEWS is sent to all AKC approved Conformation Judges with more than one breed every week on a complimentary basis. No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without written permission from the editor. The opinions expressed by this publication do not necessarily express the opinions of the publisher. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted.
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*The Dog News Top Ten List
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A WORLDWIDE BUSY DOG WEEKEND Keep in mind that it is not only in the USA but the world of dog shows internationally which will be having one of its busiest weekends December 14 and 15 in the history of the dog show world. For those of you so gloomy and predicting the terminal decline of our sport you had better go and rethink again what is really going on with our great thriving sport generally and the world of dog shows specifically. First of all in our country there is a rousing just under 4,000 dogs entered for the AKC/Eukanuba Championship plus another 2,000 or more dogs in Cleveland and another 1,500 plus dogs in Allentown, PA to say nothing of the Eukanuba World Challenge Cup held in conjunction with the Orlando All-Breed. The AKC show brings to a culmination a week of four all-breeds and a series of specialties where the overall entry during the week is a mite over 16,000 entries. In the UK on the same weekend is the LKA (Ladies Kennel Association) in a new part of the N.E.C. with an entry of 10,681 dogs making 12,909 entries over a four-day period. Also on this weekend is the famed Amsterdam Winners Show in the Netherlands with an entry of over 4,000 dogs while in Finland last weekend in Helsinki was its Winners shows which in terms of pure numbers is probably per day the biggest in the world with 8,000 individual dogs entered. And this is followed of course by the big Swedish winner show coming this weekend in Stockholm. The numbers are massive, the vendors overwhelmed, the judges seeing the world and the sport seemingly growing like Topsy. It surely is a great time of promise as we at DOG NEWS prepare our usual two weeks of non-publishing but will return with our first issue in time for the great Palm Springs Kennel Club event in Indio, California. See you again on January 3rd or thereabouts. In the meantime have a great Christmas and a safe and healthy New Year.
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Editorial decEMBER 13, 2013
COMPETING FOR DOLLARS AMONG NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS The competition among non-profit organizations to raise money for its needs grows more intense with each passing year. Indeed the Urban Institute, a research organization which focuses on social and economic issues, estimates that 1.6 million such groups operate in America today, which is a 25% increase in the last decade alone. When it comes to the immediate dog world of the purebred dog the number of potential donors become even harder to find since the dog contributing community by all standards is a comparatively small one. Indeed the competition among the charities and various causes is immense and there is only a finite amount of money out there for the very specialized groups to whom to appeal. That is but one reason the Board’s decision at AKC to match ONLY funds from first time givers to the AKC/CHF was such a shocker! Certainly if the Board has been disappointed or lost confidence with CHF’s management job in raising new monies from outside sources at the very least they could have matched partial funds from former donors and fully matched funds from new donors. This kind of punitive action leaves a bad taste in every one’s mouths and truly discourages former donors from contributing at all. One would hope and trust that the Board would become benevolent in this matter and reverse its position accordingly. WOLF TO DOG, AN ENDURING MYSTERY Where did dogs come from? That question is the subject of an ongoing scientific debate as in May of this past year, a team of scientists published a study pointing to East Asia as the place where dogs evolved from wolves. Now another group of researchers has announced that dogs evolved several thousand miles to the west, in Europe. This is somewhat of an intriguing controversy as it illuminates the challenges scientists face as they excavate the history of any species from its DNA. Scientists have long agreed that the closest living relatives of dogs are wolves, their link confirmed by both anatomy and DNA. Somewhere, at some point, some wolves became domesticated. They evolved not only in a different body shape, but also a different behavior pattern. Instead of traveling in a pack to hunt prey, dogs began lingering around humans. Eventually, those humans bred them into their many forms be they Shar-pei or Newfoundlands. A few fossils supply some tantalizing clues to their transformation. As far back as 36,000 years, they look like wolfish dogs or doggish wolves. The oldest of these fossils have mostly turned up in Europe but new evidence may indicate Asia —more specifically, China— is from whence they came. Scientists roughly may agree on how the transformation occurred but the theories about where it began are conflicting for sure.
THE COMPUTER COLLEGE The continuing debate about the value of computer imaging in the education of a dog show judge has been somewhat overshadowed by the leaks coming out of the Board room that certain Board members wanted to make this facet of educating the judge the sole requirement in the approval of a judge’s progress within the sport. While this is not particularly shocking news considering the prior statements of certain Board members with regards to the judging approval processes it does tend to make one sit back and question the backgrounds of some of the people on these various committees who are proposing some of these rather far-fetched notions. Years ago when breed videos were de rigueur (produced by Roger Ailes as these pages recall) the expense was prohibitive and the Parent Clubs less than totally cooperative. Have times changed so radically since those years that the judging and understanding of dog breeding and livestock understanding has been so terribly altered? Has hands-on experience become a thing of the past or is the single breed judge to decide the ways of judging approvals without having undergone much of the process with which to begin? Let’s think hard and fast on this one and not push anything through without a thorough debate less the mistakes of the past come back to bite us in the you know what once again. On the subject of judges there are some 500 Judges listed in the Judges Book who have not been asked to judge a dog show within the last three years. Should they be removed from the list one must ask! THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK With Christmas right around the corner a number of articles and TV programs have criticized the trading of puppies over the Internet from thugs in East Europe and other places overseas as well as from puppy farms themselves. Some of the articles have been somewhat scandalous concentrating on illegal imports, so-called designer pups from people out to make a quick and fast buck to mixed breeds being transported sometimes illegally, other times in questionable situations from state to state by shelter agencies or at times people intent upon making a dollar from this fast growing business. That some form of regulation is necessary in these Internet sale situations is apparent but by whom and how remains the telling question. As to the transporting and rehoming of dogs from state-to-state the greatest Christmas gift you could possibly give in an effort to study how to assure that the dogs are treated properly in these situations is to assure the election of officials who will pass laws to meet the problems created by this comparatively new and thriving business. Happy Christmas and a Healthy and Safe New Year to all!!
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Canine College In the beginning of November, the Judging Task Force Committee (which was instituted by the American Kennel Club’s Board of Directors at the behest of Board Member Charles Garvin to explore ways and means to further and enhance AKC’s Judging Approval System) circulated among the fancy a draft proposal for an AKC Canine College.
he proposal is basically an online school for judges and judges-to-be. It relies heavily on the Parent Breed Clubs and their members for input, dogs and judgment evaluations of said dogs through the use of still photographs and videos. Those attending the “college” are to study and place these photographs of dogs as if they were before them in the ring: in other words, make one dimensional evaluations with justifications. Although the proposal does not spell it out, one can assume these placements and evaluations will be measured against those of the Parent Clubs’ members assigned by the club to that task. What is the real problem with all of this? 1) It will be very expensive to put in place; 2) Parent Club input is vital and anyone who has had any experience with Parent Clubs knows how difficult this will be; 3) One dimensional viewing of a photograph does not replicate a live dog; 4) In some breeds coat texture and feeling legs and body through a heavily coated dog cannot be ascertained with just a photograph; 5) Conditioning will also be difficult to assess; 6) As with the old “hands-on” and the breed videos, quality of dogs will vary; 7) Not everyone is computer savvy and with the different computer systems, it will not be easy to have uniformity for all; 8) Judges will have to be charged an exorbitant per breed fee in order to offset some of the expenses involved; 9) Most likely, Parent Clubs will be expected to finance their end; and 10) We are just judging dogs.
Of all the issues listed above, the last one is probably the least understood. We are dog show judges – not legal wizards, nor doctors, or any other profession where one makes a lot of dollars in exchange for their schooling and talent. Most dog show judges barely garner enough income to pay all expenses. While a so-called school would be a lot of fun, it would be extremely costly. It would be a good idea if AKC decided to take care of some of the other things regarding judges before it tackled anything so time-consuming and expensive. If it wants to have online teaching, put the breed videos online for all to see. If it wants online interaction, then put the breed exams online with answer sheets and online, instant grading. Get ALL Parent Clubs to put their “study guides” on AKC’s website. (I know this has been a hard one for AKC to fulfill because not all Parent Clubs are willing to do this, or are inattentive and keep putting it off – one example of how difficult it can be to work with all Parent Clubs). And, while on the subject of online assistance for judges, the AKC should reestablish and update the breed standard app for iPhones and iPads. A lot of judges are carrying their mobile devices instead of the paper standards. Unfortunately, even though judges initially paid for the app, AKC has let it fall by the wayside. Standard changes are not being made and new breeds are not being entered. The app is sadly out-of-date. There is also the matter of Field Representatives having to spend their time (usually during group judging) typing into their computers the group and Best In Show winners for submission to the AKC, where it is then put on AKC’s website the next business day. The trouble with this is that
it’s usually late (Friday’s winners may not appear until the following Monday or Tuesday), other websites have the winners posted almost immediately (thereby making AKC’s redundant), and most of the large Superintendents also post all class, group, and BIS winners by the following day. Field Reps could make better use of their time by watching the groups, talking with club members, exhibitors, handlers, spectators, and just generally getting a measure of things at the show. The bottom line in all of this is that judging requires an “eye for a dog”. This cannot be taught as it requires an innate artistic ability to assess a dog against an internal “eye” of the perfect specimen of that breed and then weighing that assessment against other dogs in the ring as they are on that day. You can teach procedure, how to handle odd things that happen in the ring, and the proper way to mark a Judge’s Book – all of which can be done online. You can use the breed standard exams – again online - but you cannot teach someone how to weigh the virtues of one dog against that of another if they do not possess that illusive “eye.” As I have written many times in the past, we have some really bad judges, many mediocre ones, and a few with the “eye.” The bad judges should be stopped from going further when they initially start; the mediocre ones are just part of the pack and should be held to a minimum and the ones with the “eye” should be quickly advanced. There are many things that can be done online, but an expensive, time-consuming, probably fraught with errors (think club infighting and personal egos!) “Canine College” as presented in the draft proposal is not going to be worth the cost, time and effort.
THE WAY IT IS By Sari Brewster Tietjen
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Best In Show, Best In Specialty Show Winning
GCh. Dejavu I Want’A Talk About Me *All Systems
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*The Dog News Top Ten List
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IRVING’s impressions By Ronnie Irving
AENC’S 16,300 ENTRIES Is it puffing? Most dictionary definitions of the word ‘puffing’ explain the term as meaning: ‘breathing in repeated short gasps’. But the definition for the word given in legal dictionaries goes as follows: “Puffing - An opinion or judgment that is not made as a representation of fact. Puffing is generally an expression or exaggeration made by a salesperson or found in an advertisement that concerns the quality of goods or services offered for sale. It presents opinions rather than facts and is usually not considered a legally binding promise. Such statements as “this car is in good shape” and “your wife will love this watch” constitute puffing.”
s ‘puffing’ the word you would use to describe the following recent headline in an announcement by the AKC: “More than 16,300 entries over AKC/Eukanuba National Championship week” and which goes on to say “The week, culminating with the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship, tops all other dog events in the nation with more than 16,300 combined entries.” Actually the DOG NEWS’ Editorial portrayed this announcement in somewhat stronger terms than just ‘puffing’. It described it as: “The latest AKC attempt to twist entry numbers!” and went on to say: “By including 18 Dog News
the entries of the three All-Breeds and the Friday Specialties the NEWS RELEASE about the size of the entries for the AENC twists and incorporates shows which have no immediate association with the AENC other than the use of the same space. Whomever dreamt up the figure of 16,300 entries has a very vivid imagination one must think.” To be fair the AKC never actually said that the AENC Championship Show itself did have 16,300 dogs entered. But it did say that it had 4,086 entries. Even that was a bit overstated and had to include the 40 dogs entered in the international Eukanuba World Challenge and the 148 Junior Handlers to get the entry to over the 4,000 mark. The truth of the matter is that the actual number of dogs entered in the conformation breed entry at the AENC was 3,898. Why did the AKC bother to talk the figures up in this way? Was it a bit of harmless ‘puffing’ or was it ‘twisting’ the figures? I leave you to decide.
The fact is, however, that here in Europe (the UK excepted of course!!!), we have become used to kennel clubs talking up the entries for their favorite shows. The famous Amsterdam Winners Show this year has announced over 6,000 entries but in reality the number is just over 4,000 with the other 2,000 being at another show held in the same venue the day before. Finland announces over 20,000 entries for its Helsinki/Nordic Winners Shows, which is also really three days of shows where the maximum entry is something over 8,000 for any one of the individual shows. Incidentally 8,000 dogs on one day of a show is no mean feat. It is probably the largest number of dogs in the world at any dog show held on a single day. Crufts with over 20,000 individual qualified dogs entered, because it is run over four days with only one or two groups a day, only normally has around 5,000 competing dogs attending per day. (Of course it also has hundreds of other dogs there for the rest of the event and for Discover Dogs - TKC’s equivalent of ‘Meet the Breeds’.) Continued on page 62
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*All Systems **The Dog News Top Ten List
Dog News 21
Do You Believe AKC Should Permit Five Consecutive Days Of All Breed Dog Shows On The Same Site? This Question was originally asked in the January 18 Issue of this year and I thought it appropriate to repeat it during National Championship Week. Denise Sutton No. Michelle Scott Funny you should ask this question immediately following our first 5-day weekend of 2013...and for many their FIRST weekend back at dog shows. We can only wonder if your responses may be a bit different due to the timing of the question! With that being said...we see nothing wrong with 5 consecutive shows on a given weekend. Most people work at least a 5-day work week do they not? It definitely is more tiring and more work caring properly for our dogs...but we know that, accept it and just do it. No doubt user friendly venues and hard working assistants are key factors in the equation. Jay Hyman I do not take a position on this, it seems to me if exhibitors or handlers object to it they can not come. This year I am advised that Florida suffered and the Virginia and Maryland shows have benefited.
Question Of The Week By
Judy Walker I, personally, could not withstand five days of showing and I think it is very hard on the dogs especially those that are kenneled or in a truck. I know the Clubs are suffering trying to put these shows on and I can see two Clubs joining together for 4 days; but Mondays are poorly attended...also Thursdays if it starts there. Some of the exhibitors like it due to gas expenses and I understand; but you have to be a handler or a “showaholic” to put yourself and your dog through 5 days...A lot of greed on AKC’s part in my estimation.
22 Dog News
Frank Murphy From the viewpoint of a handler, five days pay without moving (tearing down and setting up again), sounds great. I think the issue is where the ex-pens are. We don’t leave the dogs in the building overnight. We like to leave the dogs out for an hour in the morning and several hours at night. Five days of dogs urinating on the same ground smells awful and can’t be too sanitary. In previous years down in Brooksville, we had four shows, a day off and, four more. When you got over there from Deland on Monday and left on Monday after the shows, you were there for fourteen days. After that much time with large dogs urinating on the same spot, the topsoil is saturated with pee. Never mind if a dog gets loose stool or diarrhea. This year if you did all the shows that are in Ocala, you will have been there for THREE weeks! If you are going in to Ocala for part of the circuit you are going to park where someone was parked for the previous shows. Now your ex-pens are on the ground where their ex-pens were. I don’t have to explain about the questions running through your mind about whether or not they had a sick dog with them. I think dogs and exhibitors need a break after four days when a circuit Matthew H. Stander runs for two weeks. I think maybe five days in a row are ok when they stand alone. I think that when a circuit runs for three weeks in the same location there are sanitary issues to consider. Bryan Martin Other professions limit their personnel to operational times (truck drivers limited driving times, airline pilots and stewardesses can only fly set hours, etc.) why should we pound our dogs or judges to work overtime? Neither can be mentally sharp, as well as handlers and owners, at 5 days. Add to that unsanitary conditions in ex-pens and limited walking or turn out areas, as well as limited bathing facilities, all lead to a disaster waiting to happen. 5 days cannot be a healthy environment for man or beast. Also add to this that shows lose their identity by the end of the week, and most everyone looks at the final day(s) as “getaway day”. This just leads to “sheep” judging (following what has been done earlier in the week) and ribbon handing out, rather than true evaluation of breeding stock, the initial intention of Dog Shows!
Our sincere appreciation to Judge Mrs. Vicki Abbott for this win! Best In Show, Best In Specialty Show Winning
GCh. SAKS Winning Card 2013 National Specialty Best of Breed #1 Bichon* #5 Non-Sporting Dog* Breeders Roberta Bleecker Shirley Hamilton
Owners Anthony and Kim MacKenzie Cecelia Ruggles: High Ridge Sandra and Kieth Hanson: SAKS
Presented By Scott Sommer
*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points
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babbling By Geir Flyckt-Pedersen
Kennel Blindness
nd the ability to objectively assess the quality and admit the shortcomings of dogs we own or bred is one of the most destructive and, usually most incurable, diseases we face within our sport. And it becomes even worse when judges reward friendship and loyalty over type and quality. I have to confess that I recently committed a Capital Sin! I withheld Winners Dog and Reserve in a breed as there was no way I could honestly say that any of the “candidates” on that particular day in my opinion was worthy of the title of Champion! Only 2 males were entered, one an 8-month-old puppy that surely has time to improve in most areas, the other one 2 years old and both moved very poorly and erratically both ways and neither had sufficient freedom and drive going round the ring. This is a breed that in my experience doesn’t reach its “prime” until 4-5 years of age, so apart from one vital fault they both shared, time is on their side and they will hopefully get better with age. Coming from a world where you are used to awards being withheld if the judge for any valid reason finds that an animal is not up to par- and where we also in a written critique tell the exhibitor why- I was rather surprised by the owners’ reactions. That they wanted to ask “Why” was just fine- I don’t mind a question to which I have an answer- but the way in which they “defended” the 2 dogs was rather disturbing. The main argument being that one of the owners had been in the breed for 30 years, had been Top Breeder, had exported dogs to Europe etc., etc. So evidently she had bred dogs in the past of better quality than the 2 boys involved here. We all make mistakes, but in my opinion this was not one of mine. Anyway- I walked away from the conversation feeling rather sad and sorry for the lady who had bred these dogs. If she could win with these dogs it was certainly not her fault, but more the judges’. Could it possibly be that because she was well known in the breed, she was on the list of “safe faces” to put up for insecure judges? And possibly lived and showed in an
area without much competition, which is something we see in all breeds. Dogs being shown gaining impressive records in a certain state or region who then “fall flat on their faces” whenever the nation’s top dogs congregate? I admit willingly that I have never owned or bred any dogs of this breed although handled quite a few, but a working dog should at least be sound going round the ring. Or could it be that within the breed variation is tolerated as other points are prioritized?? There is no doubt that most breeders know their bloodlines and what is “typical” and acceptable regarding maturity, substance and movement for their dogs at different ages, so she might well be right in that these dogs in a year or two will be very worthy champions. On the day, in my opinion they were not, but I will definitely follow their progress and careers with interest- and maybe even learn from it. I wish I could get one of those crystal balls…..!!! Breeding dogs will never be an exact science and at a recent show I had a very interesting discussion with well known judge and Great Dane breeder Nikki Riggsbee: “Which qualities do some people have that make them outstandingly successful breeders” - and she referred to some interviews with prominent breeders from different parts of the world. Well, we did not come up with an answer, but one thing is for sure, Kennel Blindness is not part of their DNA! The conversation made me “go through” the list of famous breeders I have been fortunate to know during my life. Some of course sadly rather short lived, but thinking of the ones who bred top class dogs generation after generation. What did they have in common? Definitely not any kind of blindness! And all those wonderful and serious breeders I have known, who spent their life trying without ever making it…What did they have in common?
One of the important lessons I learnt from the ones who made it: Don’t expect to breed champions in every litter and don’t mind if you have to skip a generation to achieve your goals. Most had a long-term plan, but more than anything, they knew what they wanted and could objectively assess what they had. Many were of course very protective and would not openly discuss any problems they had, but getting to know them better some slowly opened up. And as long as they lived I would never share this (in some cases confidential) information with anybody. But it was of no importance who owned a particular dog, friend or foe, if they felt it would benefit their own breeding program: They would use it. Some of you might know that we for many years had very strong lines of Wire Fox Terriers but I will perhaps not even today be totally open about all things we experienced in this breed. Nothing really serious, but if published to the world things would be blown out of all proportions and not benefit the breed at alland people would still suspect we were hiding things… One of the problems you will have if you have bred dogs of the same line for generations, is that you at some stage have too much information. You know all the good the bad and the ugly in every litter, which you think should be helpful... Then one day you see an import in the ring that screams “Use Me”- you do- and breed the best litter of puppies in your life. Despite the fact that whatever information you have about this dog and his relatives is only about the specially selected individuals that appear in his pedigree. Or in some cases some well known siblings or cousins. In my own breeding program of WFT’s I always looked at the pedigree of a potential stud dog, but for a variety of reasons it was never a deciding factor. In some cases it made me decide not to use a dog, but my philosophy was based on “complimentary” breeding. In other words, trying to maintain the positives while at the same time improving the weaker points. To be able to do that, you have to be able Continued on page 66
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*Number Two overall, The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed. Number Three overall, *The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed
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News From AKC President, Dennis Sprung We are now in the midst of celebrating a year of canine competition in Orlando, Florida with national conformation, agility and obedience events as well as many special attractions and new enhancements.
wo brand-new events on Friday the 13th are the AKC Owner Handled Series Final and the AKC Breeder-2-Breeder Seminar. Dogs ranked in the top ten (plus ties) of their breed in the AKC Owner Handled Series Rankings at the end of the 2012 or 2013 qualifying periods were invited to compete in this year’s inaugural Final. Since owner handlers are the core of the conformation dog sport, comprising 80% of all show entries, we’re very happy to host this Final and celebrate the dedication these owners put into their dogs. The AKC Breeder-2-Breeder seminar is a FREE event open to all breeders, exhibitors and judges. Email to reserve your
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spot to learn about the finer points of breeding from respected experts. After the seminar, check out the more than 20 clubs that are hosting specialty shows and a Herding Group Show. Foundation Stock Service and Miscellaneous breeds will also compete in an Open Show. The AKC Obedience Classic will debut for the first time over the weekend. Dogs that qualified in either the Novice, Open, Utility or Masters classes will compete multiple times over the two-day competition until an ultimate winner in each class is crowned. The AKC Agility Invitational will also kick off as usual on Saturday, December 14 with 161 breeds plus All-American dogs competing. I hope you’ll stop by and see some of the top-performing dogs in both Obedience and Agility. Finally, there will be a lot of great year-end conformation competition at the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship, with competitors coming to Orlando from across the US and countries around the world. The Eukanuba World Challenge also returns for its 7th year. For a complete schedule, visit Many of these attractions will also be highlighted in the video streaming that will appear on I hope you enjoy everything the event has to offer! Sincerely, Dennis B. Sprung President and CEO
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32 Dog News
*The Dog News Top Ten List
Starved Rock Kennel Club - Thursday Valley Forge Kennel Club - Saturday Forsyth Kennel Club - Sunday Portuguese Water Dog
GCh. Claircreek Impression De Matisse Judge Mrs. Paula Nykiel Judge Mr. Robert D. Black Judge Mrs. Beverly A. Vics Owners Milan Lint, Peggy Helming, Donna Gottdenker Handler Michael Scott Mississippi Gulf Coast Kennel Club - Saturday and Sunday Miniature Pinscher
GCh. Marlex Classic Red Glare Judge Mr. James Frederiksen Judge Mrs. Ann Hearn Owners Leah Monte and Armando Angelbello Handler Armando Angelbello Skokie Valley Kennel Club Giant Schnauzer
GCh. Kenro’s Witching Hour Judge Mr. James White Owner Robin Greenslade, Luke Norton & Doug Hill Handler Amy Booth
ts Week The
of the
To report an AKC All Breed Best In Show or National Specialty Win Call, Fax or Email before 12:00 Noon Tuesday. Fax: 212 675-5994 • Phone: 212 462-9588 Email:
34 Dog News
Champlain Valley Kennel Club - Friday Eastern Dog Club - Saturday & Sunday Irish Water Spaniel
GCh. Whistlestop’s Riley On Fire Judge Mr. Dana Cline Judge Mr. Charles J. Foley Judge Mr. Frank T. Sabella Owners Gregory Siner and Tom and Bethany Urban Handler Rick Krieger Greater Hickory Kennel Club - Friday Bearded Collie
GCh. Ha’Penny Mirimar The Fab Fawn Judge Ms. Bonnie Linnell Clarke Owners Mrs. J. Richard Schneider, Michele Marini, Victoria Null Handler Greg Strong Edwardsville Illinois Kennel Club - Sunday Great Dane
GCh. Longo Miller N Lore Diamond Lil Judge Ms. Victoria Jordan Owners Tootie Longo, & Jay Miller & Lorraine Matherly & Col. Chuck Crawford Handler Laura L. Coomes
Dog News 35
36 Dog News *All Systems **The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed
Dog News 37
What person do you most look forward to seeing at the dog shows? Edd BivIn, as I always learn something when talking to him.
What is your greatest extravagance? Food.
What do you dislike most about your appearance? That I have lost more hair than Prince William.
What dog person would you like to see on ‘dancing with the stars’? Joe Gregory.
If you were forced to get a tattoo, what would it be? A zipper down my chest so they know where to cut.
If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you want to have with you? A good dog, a great book and an
asked of
Robert Schroll Born:
Wethersfield, Connecticut
Resides: Clarksville, Tennessee
Marital Status:
enormous wheel of Stilton.
When and where are you the happiest? In the van driving home after a REALLY
big win.
Other people think I am...? The “other one” as in, “who did you talk to, the nice one or ‘the other one.’”
What did you want to be when you were growing up? A horse trainer or photographer.
Making it legal on March 8, 2014 after 38 years with John Gammon! 38 Dog News
What would be your last request? Dinner with Meryl Streep.
* *
Flash! Back to Back Best In Shows Judges Mr. James Frederiksen and Mrs. Ann Hearn
Dog News 39
THE Westminster TIMES
MADISON SQUARE GARDEN UNVEILS $1 BILLION TRANSFORMATION Westminster’s longtime home celebrates new seating, expanded concourses, and more
n October, Madison Square Garden – the home of the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in virtually every year of its fabled history since 1877 -- marked the completion of its three-year, top-to-bottom Transformation at a starstudded, standing-room-only press event in the Garden’s reimagined 7th Avenue entrance, Chase Square. The event featured New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, The Madison Square Garden Company’s Executive Chairman, Jim Dolan, Knicks legend Willis Reed, Rangers great Mark Messier, and Malachy, the Pekingese that was Best In Show at the 2012 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. The Garden’s Transformation was self-funded at a cost of $1 billion. New elements from the third and final phase of construction, which took place during the summer months, include: • A transformed Chase Square 7th Avenue entrance that is nearly double in size, featuring a new merchandise store, box office and two 600 square foot ceiling video screens • Two spectacular new Chase Bridges with one-of-a-kind views of the action • A state-of-the-art GardenVision center-hung multimedia display 40 Dog News
Madison Square Garden Chase Lobby (MSG photo) National Hockey League Commissioner Gary Bettman and Malachy (Westminster Best In Show, 2012) and David Fitzpatrick at Madison Square Garden Transformation celebration
These most recent upgrades add to previous enhancements of new Upper and Lower Bowl seating, expanded concourses, and new suites. One of the most important facets of the transformed Arena is its extensive commitment to honoring Madison Square Garden’s unparalleled history. Among the displays is the Westminster Best In Show trophy won by the Beagle, Uno, in 2008. The Transformation project also included the addition of enhanced food offerings throughout the Arena, which
Uno, Westminster Best In Show, 2008 (photo by Mary Bloom)
now feature diverse fare from some of the world’s greatest chefs and restauranteurs, including Jeremy Marshall, JeanGeorges Vongerichten, Phil Suarez, Andrew Carmellini, Luke Ostrom and Drew Nieporent, as well as the popular Carnegie Deli, Hill Country Barbeque, La Esquina and Casa Nonna. To see photos of select new areas of the Arena, and a time-lapse video of the project, go to: https://
FOX SPORTS 1 TO TELEVISE LIVE THE FINALS OF THE MASTERS AGILITY CHAMPIONSHIP AT WESTMINSTER Feb. 8 telecast is first in 3-year agreement for worldwide, multi-platform rights
estminster Kennel Club and FOX Sports have reached a three-year, worldwide multi-platform media rights agreement to The Masters Agility Championship At Westminster. In the first event of the agreement, America’s greatest canine athletes will take over prime time on FOX Sports 1, Saturday, Feb. 8 (7-9 p.m. ET), live from Pier 94 in New York City. Subsequent events are scheduled for 2015 and 2016. Additional terms were not disclosed. The Westminster Kennel Club’s firstever agility trial precedes Westminster’s 138th Annual All Breed Dog Show, which will be held in the same location (and also in the evenings at Madison Square Garden) on Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 10-11. The finals of the All Breed Show will be televised live both nights from 8-11 pm ET on CNBC (Monday) and USA Network (Tuesday). With its live coverage of the agility trial, Westminster and FOX Sports 1 are
teaming up to bring what the American Kennel Club calls “the most exciting canine sport for spectators” to center stage on Westminster weekend. Dogs and their handlers excitedly attack the obstacle course of jumps, tunnels, weave poles, and more in a timed competition in the fastestgrowing dog sport in the country. “Agility is one of the most exciting and rapidly growing events in the dog world,” said Westminster Kennel Club President Seán W. McCarthy. “We are happy for the opportunity with FOX Sports 1 to share our inaugural Masters Agility Championship with our Westminster faithful and dog fans everywhere.” “We’re extremely pleased to have reached this agreement with the Westminster Kennel Club,” said Nathanson. “The Masters Agility Championship At
The Masters Agility Championship at Westminster Saturday, February 8 Pier 94 (711 12th Avenue at 55th Street), New York, NY Show hours 11 am - 9 pm, Judging 1 - 9 pm
The Westminster Kennel Club 138th Annual All Breed Dog Show
Monday and Tuesday, February 10-11 Piers 92/94 and Madison Square Garden, New York, NY Breed judging will take place during the day (8 am - 4 pm) Monday and Tuesday at Piers 92/94 (711 12th Avenue at 55th Street) Monday: Breeds of the Hound, Toy, Non-Sporting and Herding Groups Tuesday: Breeds of the Sporting, Working and Terrier Groups Groups, Junior Showmanship Finals and Best In Show will be judged Monday and Tuesday evenings at Madison Square Garden (West 33rd and Seventh Avenue) Monday at 8 pm: Hound, Toy, Non-Sporting and Herding Groups Tuesday at 7:30 pm: Junior Showmanship Finals, Sporting, Working & Terrier Groups, followed by Best In Show
Please see for the latest ticket and show information The Masters Agility Championship at Westminster Saturday, February 8 at Pier 94 Tickets can be purchased online at and may also be purchased at the door The 138th Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show Monday and Tuesday, February 10-11 Breed judging at Piers 92/94 during the day Groups, Junior Showmanship Finals and Best In Show At Madison Square Garden during the evenings Tickets for the Groups, Junior Showmanship Finals and Best In Show competition at Madison Square Garden are available through Madison Square Garden and Ticketmaster as follows (these tickets do not allow access to the Piers during the days): • Single night reserved seat tickets $55 plus fees per evening • Single night general admission tickets $40 plus fees per evening
For tickets: or 866-858-0008; or at
Westminster is a terrific competition that puts canine agility and athleticism on display. It’s a terrific complement to the sports, events and programs already featured on FOX Sports 1 and FOX Sports digital assets.” The Masters Agility Championship at Westminster will be open to dogs competing at Excellent or Masters level. That would include both purebred dogs and mixed breeds. The Mixed Breed category is especially significant, bringing non-purebred dogs to a Westminster event for the first time since the very earliest days of its show. Each dog will compete in two qualifying rounds and the dogs with the highest combined scores based on time and faults will move on to the televised championship finals. The qualifying rounds will take place from 1 – 5 p.m. and the televised finals from 7 – 9 p.m. ET. Trick dog demonstrations will take place in the break between qualifying rounds and the finals. Judges will be Andrew Dicker of Reading, England and Lori Sage of Oregon City, Oregon.
LIVE WESTMINSTER TELEVISION COVERAGE The Masters Agility Championship at Westminster Saturday, February 8 Championship Finals presented live FOX Sports 1 7-9 pm ET / 4-6 pm PT To find the channel location of FOX Sports 1 in your area, log on to story/find-fox-sports-1-on-your-tv and enter your zip code and cable provider. The Westminster Kennel Club 138th Annual All Breed Dog Show Monday and Tuesday, February 10-11, 2014 Groups and Best In Show presented live Monday on CNBC 8-11 pm ET Tuesday on USA Network 8-11 pm ET Breed judging during the days will be available on the Westminster website and the Westminster App
For additional information, log on to • • Dog News 41
t was a welcome relief to hear recently that The Kennel Club is not considering recognition of the so called ‘designer breeds’. Instead, it is focusing on pedigree breeds recognised in the UK. The KC chairman, Steve Dean, though did say, “It would be foolish not to discuss whether there is a role for the KC in helping such breeders produce healthier dogs.” Such discussion was started earlier in the year at the KC’s AGM, when it said that it was counseling opinion on whether it should open such a register. Answering a question from a member at the meeting, he said the idea was still up in the air, and if people were determined to breed cross-breeds the KC would have to decide whether it would help them or turn its back on them. The KC would not open the pedigree register but would do it some other way he said. The subject was again raised at one of the KC’s road shows, when those present were asked about the possibility of introducing a separate registration system for breeders of so-called designer breeds such as Labradoodles. The meeting was told that more than 4,000 of these dogs were micro-chipped in 2012, and that ‘cockerpoos’ and ‘puggles’ were increasing in popularity. The meeting was asked for a vote and almost unanimously voted against the move. Recently there was an informal meeting between Steve Dean and Barbara Turnbull of the Labradoodle Trust-which deals mainly with rescuing unwanted Labradoodles and Poodle crosses-, and educating the public on these types of dogs-both parties stated their aversion to such a regercise and stimulation they become ister for crossbreeds and Steve again ‘stir crazy’. The trouble is,” she said, stated that the KC had no intention “is that the dogs used for breeding of registering them. are ones that shouldn’t be used and Mrs Turbull said, “That an inwould be rejected by the knowledgecreasing number of Labradoodles able breeder because they are poor are being abandoned by people quality or have failed health tests-or who found out they are subject to not been tested at all.” the health problems of the breeds Those that read this column will involved-such as hip dysplasia, have read about the now famous, Jilepilepsy, eye conditions and autoimly’s Jolly Jaunt. The jaunt was set up mune diseases such as Addisonsby her owner Gavin Robertson after and that without the necessary exhis PBGV Ch Soletrader Peek A Boo, won BIS at Crufts, and his scheme brought the pedigree dog world together in quite a remarkable way. The scheme raised a staggering £49,000 ($70,000) and was divided between three great charities, Great Ormond St Childrens Hospital, Doglost and the KC’s Charitable Trust. One would think after that mammoth task that Gavin would take a breather and the story would end there. But two weeks after the funds were distributed, it was time for the next chapter in the story. On March 5 next year-the night before the doors open at Crufts-the first ever ‘Pawscars’ award ceremony will be held at the Metropole Hotel on the NEC campus. The awards will recognise success, hard work and effort in all areas of the pedigree dog scene, and are about celebrating all that is good on the UK dog scene. What’s even better is they will raise more money for good causes; some of the biggest businesses that serve the world of dogs are already lined up to offer their support. There will be 14 awards covering the likes of Ch show of the year, steward of the year, junior handler of the year, unsung hero, photographer of the year and many more. What a night this is going to be, l for one certainly won’t be missing it!!! When more details are available l will let you know.
British SCENE By Geoff Corish
42 Dog News
Dog News 43
A Dog News Chris tom, nual s u c e the nt our an m o c list, s be rese As ha e again p tmas Gift t and c is ri we on EWS Chr h the spi lways a it N DOG is given w son. As is ith w a which of the se ill rejoice nd some r a w humo e, some eir name wish you h as the c ntion of t er way we Happy e a th the m udder, ei mas and h st will s erry Chri Year. M y New all a h t l a e and H
Aaron Wilkerson-A wedding date
Andrew Green-A hole in one
Abbe Shaw-An avocado picker
Andrew Peale-A walk-in closet
Adam Bernardin-The Father Flanagan award
Andy Linton-How does he do it?
Adam Peterson-A big winner
Angie Lloyd-A ring
Adriano Rocha-That walk down the aisle
Anna Franzoso-Italian lessons
AKC’s Board of Directors-The Christmas balls to say enough is enough, 1 day, 1 dog show
Ann Rairigh-Another big winner
AKC’s Delegates-Term limits AKC’s Judges Education-A reorganization AKC’s Member Clubs-Up to date and AKC membership requirements AKC Eukanuba National Dog Show-Two days, one stand alone permanent location
Anne Fomon-Lots of dots Anne Katona-Tea, tea and more tea Annmarie Ruggieri-Anything she wants Annemarie & Randy Kubacz-A daughter-in-law Anthony DiNardo,Jr.-Spanish lessons
Amanda Giles-Most eligible award
Armando Angelbello-Great things in a small package
Al Krause- Good cheer
Barbara Alderman-All things bright and beautiful
Alan Kalter-Supporting the sport starts at home (Detroit Kennel Club)
Barbara Humphries-Our love
Allan Chambers-To attend only the shows he wants to go to
Barbara Keenan-A column or two
Alessandra Folz-Good health
Barbara Lounsbury-A new straight man
Alexandra Geremia-A dog’s best friend
Barbara Miller-A foot she can walk on but not put in her mouth
Alice & Steve Lawrence-Hair straightener
Barbara Scott-Self wrapping Yorkies
Alisa Syar-Her own sitcom “One Not Broke Girl”
Basenji Sisters-To always have EZZ present where they exhibit
Allison Foley-Visits south of the border
Beep Lee-Gene Simmons award
Allison Sunderman-Congrats on a great year
Bergit & Hans Kabel-A well deserved year
Amelia Musser-A better New Year
Bernie & Francine Schwartz-A life-sized portrait of Nancy & Bryan
American Kennel Club-To finally admit there are far too many dog shows and to act on the same
Beth Dowd-Think G6
Amy Kiell Green-Coconut cake Amy Linton-Ageless award Amy & Phil Booth- A smooth new year Amy Rutherford-A Hawaiian Lei Andrea Glassford-Say hi to Jeff Andrew Brace-A name he can’t pronounce 54 Dog News 44
Beth Johnson –A Golden new year Beth Sweigart-Westminster best in show assignment Betty Leininger-A great Garden line-up Betty-Anne Stenmark-To give seminars on how to run a dog show Bev Verna-A white Schnauzer Bill & Tina Truesdale-Attend more shows Continued on page 196
Gift To...
Dog News 45 00
Continued on page 70
46 Dog News
48 Dog News
Dog News 49
n the year-end rush to put points on dogs and claim top dog status amidst the hectic holiday season there are some issues affecting dog owners that may fly under the radar. APHIS has released an updated fact sheet about the retail pet store final rule. Included in the revision are, among many subjects, definitions of a retail pet store and breeding females. Anyone who breeds or sells dogs is encouraged to read the updated Q & A on the ruling in its entirety (see page 46 of this issue) to determine how or if it will affect your ability to continue doing so, if any modifications need to be made to your usual ways of doing business, or if you need to be licensed. To request a license application packet electronically visit the following link: https://web01.aphis. usda. gov/ApplicationKit.nsf/application?OpenForm or contact your respective regional office (Eastern Region at 919-855-7100 and Western Region at 970-494-7478) for assistance. As dog owners have come to realize, canine legislation issues never take a holiday. In Ventura County, CA the Board of Supervisors was to hold a final vote this week on an ordinance that would establish mandatory spay/neuter for all dogs and cats in the county unless the owner qualifies for an exemption. The proposal also requires that breeders purchase a $100 breeding permit per animal bred and submit to property inspections. The measure passed by a 4-1 vote in November and very few modifications were made to that proposal; a final vote is being held as we go to press. The American Kennel Club has been actively following these actions and has encouraged all constituents in the area to attend the Ventura County Board of Supervisors meeting to express opposition to the measure. There’s no denying that the AKC’s involvement has influenced the bill, as the registry is cited several times, but the AKC remains vehemently opposed to it. Under the exemptions allowed section of the bill, it states that animals may remain intact if “The dog or cat is a breed approved by and is registered with the American Kennel Club or a similar foreign registry recognized by the Division, whose program and practices are consistent with the humane treatment of animals, and the dog or cat is actively used to exhibit or compete and has competed in at least one legitimate exhibition or sporting competition hosted by, or under the approval of, the American Kennel Club or a similar foreign registry, within the last two years, or is being trained or groomed to exhibit or compete and is too young to have yet competed,” and also if “The owner of the dog or cat is an AKC ‘Breeder of Merit.’” The proposal also calls for some drastic measures for breeders. A breeding permit would be required for each animal bred, at $100 per animal. It also limits residents who own female dogs to a single litter per household per year unless written permission is obtained by the animal control director. Breeders would also have to allow inspections of their property and provide their permit number to purchasers and in advertisements and will have to provide animal control with contact information for all puppy purchasers. Anyone interested in
local laws requiring mandatory spay/neuter and other unnecessary legislation that could have dramatic impact on breeders and owners. Though we’ve sounded the alarm on these proposals before — Assembly Bill 740 and Senate Bill 3753 — the AKC’s Government Relations Department reports that some previous requests for Governor Cuomo’s veto were not received by the governor’s office. All New Yorkers are urged to voice their opposition to these bills by contacting the governor’s office at 518 4748390 and politely requesting that he veto these unnecessary, overly burdensome proposals, or fill out a form online at http://www.governor.
50 Dog News
Year-End Notes
ByShaun Coen submitting to these invasions of privacy should be aware that AKC Breeders of Merit are exempt from these requirements. It’s nice to see that the AKC is being recognized as an authority and consulted on canine legislation and that its Breeders of Merit are receiving due respect and prominent mention yet problems remain with the proposal. Mandatory spay/neuter laws have been ineffective wherever they have been implemented. The AKC cites Dallas, TX as an example where MSN was introduced in 2008 and the city has seen a 22 percent increase in animal control costs and a decrease in licensing compliance. As has been the case wherever it’s been enacted, MSN results in fewer dog owners complying with animal control laws, which could potentially result in a public health crisis. Pet owners who can’t afford or try to avoid costly sterilization procedures tend to fail to license their pets or even seek basic veterinary care such as inoculations and even rabies vaccines out of fear of being reported. Alternatively, they often turn their pets over to public shelters rather than spend the additional money to care for them. In the long run, taxpayers end up footing the bill for MSN, responsible owners and breeders are punished and the issue of irresponsible ownership is left unaddressed. This may not be what legislators have in mind when drafting such proposals but those have been the realities in areas where MSN and arbitrary breeding permits have been enacted. There is a lengthy track record of where the AKC and its constituents have been successful in defeating similar proposals and it’s hoped that the dog owners of Ventura County receive an early Christmas present this week in the form of the defeat of this one. Meanwhile, right here in New York there are two bills pending that would allow municipalities to create regulations for “pet dealers” that are more strict than state law. Current law defines pet dealers as those who sell 9 or more dogs per year, though breeders who raise fewer that 25 dogs per year on their residential premises are exempt. Under these proposals regulations could not be less stringent than state law and if they are more stringent it would be incumbent on local governments to enforce them. It’s possible that municipalities could enact
NO DOGS FOR CHRISTMAS Every year we hear tales of unwanted or unexpected pets being discarded in shelters shortly after Christmas, the result of an impulse or ill-conceived purchase. The AKC is urging restraint this holiday season, as is the Dogs Trust in the U.K., which for 35 years has been spouting its trademarked slogan “a dog is for life, not just for Christmas.” In an AKC press release spokesperson Lisa Peterson says, “With all of the time and attention he needs, on top of holiday safety risks in the home, it’s much safer and wiser to bring a puppy into your life after the holidays have ended.” Sound advice all around. Advise any family or friends thinking of getting a dog for Christmas to do research before making this addition at this time in their lives. Perhaps purchase a book on dog breeds or tickets to a dog show instead; it might not evoke the same excitement or reaction as would a puppy under the tree but it may ensure that the right dog for the right home is purchased from a reputable breeder and that a lifelong canine companion will bring untold joy to all concerned for many years to come. EARLY CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR K9 VETS In the November 15th issue of Dog News I wrote about efforts to create a K9 Veterans Day in New York. As we were preparing to go to press with this week’s issue, I received the following email update from Briana McNamee, Deputy Chief of Staff/Legislative Director, Office of New York State Senator Cecilia Tkaczyk, on the introduction of K9 Veterans Day Legislation: “I just wanted to email everyone with a quick update. The state has begun reviewing pre-filed legislation (what our bill is at present). What does that mean? We should have a bill number before the holidays! I will let you all know as soon as I can.” Hours later, a second email was forwarded from Marylyn Degregorio, Delegate of the Taconic Hills Kennel Club and Chair of the Doberman Pinscher Club of America Legislative Committee, also from Briana McNamee. The subject line read: “K9 Vets - We Have A Number!” That number is S6163. A sponsor in the Assembly will be identified and confirmed shortly; stay tuned. Kudos to first time New York State Senator Cecelia Tkaczyk, who attended this year’s Meet the Breeds at the Javits Center, for following through on this, and to Ann Lettis, representative of the Responsible Dog Owners Association of New York, Marylyn Degregorio, and all the many others who have worked to make a K9 Veterans Day a reality in New York. Vietnam veteran and military working dog handler Joseph White must also be cited for initially getting the ball rolling in New Jersey. Such a bill is an example of positive canine legislation that recognizes the important role the canine has played not only in our military history but in our everyday lives as well.
Dog News 51
52 Dog News
Dog News 53
e attended the last shows of the year held in California last weekend, which were held in Costa Mesa by Shoreline and Malibu on December 6th through the 8th. The usual end of the year Beverly Hills, Los Encino and Long Beach Shows held on the final weekend of the year were not held this year allegedly due to a territorial dispute among the three clubs whereby Long Beach is said to have exercised its territorial rights and denied the other two shows the right to hold its shows with or without them. Initially many people had heard that financial obligations prevented the holding of these shows, which was curious to hear since the Mayor of Long Beach I had heard was very anxious to have the shows held there as economically the shows brought a lot of business into the area. I was glad to hear-see David Powers’ letter in this edition clearing up somewhat the situation-but saddened to learn that Long Beach had acted in the manner in which it had done. Only re-emphasizes the need for the Board and the Delegate Body to restudy territorial rights granted decades ago when geographical boundaries were much less urbanized than they are today. I for one loved to attend the shows in Long Beach at Christmas time and look forward to a return to those events on those dates for sure. In the meantime Shoreline and Malibu run very competent and pleasant shows on a lesser scale but certainly
in a more than acceptable and enjoyable manner. With entries in the 1,200 to 1,400 area one has the opportunity to pass more time with friends and people you have not seen in a while and at the same time to watch the dogs on exhibit as well as the judging performances of the judges more closely. The problem of course with any form of ringside judging is that it never can be as accurate as is the person’s in the center of the ring. The ringside “judge” does not have the same vantage point of the person in the center of the ring, cannot look in the mouth of every dog nor at its eyes nor feel the muscles nor do they always watch the movement from the best vantage point. This nonsense of having ringsiders “voting” for or against a judge either on social media or elsewhere is as dangerous in my opinion as using computer imaging Continued on page 94
California Shows, Russian Laws, A Long Six Days...
More By Matthew H. Stander
photos of Malibu & Shoreline Kennel Clubs by Eugene Z. Zaphiris
54 Dog News
sporting group GCH CH Whistlestop’s Riley On Fire 1 Spaniels (Irish Water) T Urban/B Urban/G Siner GCH CH Clussexx Collaboration With Traddles 2 Spaniels (Clumber) W Holbrook/B Dowd/A Jaramillo/M Capone/J GCH CH Mt. View’s Ripsnortersilvercharm 3 Pointers (German Wirehaired) V Malzoni GCH CH Promenade Pay It Forward 4 Spaniels (Field) J Chopson/J Schildman/N Kuhn GCH CH Chesterhope State Of T Art 5 Pointers J Mosing/J O’Neill GCH CH Stargaz’R ‘N Wingfield Time Will Tell 6 Setters (English) D Coller/P Coller/E Hackett GCH CH Summits Emery Its In The Bag 7 Retrievers (Golden) B Johnson/J Sedivec/K Sedivec GCH CH Dogwdcreek’s La Vita E Belle 8 Pointers (German Shorthaired) L Duncan GCH CH Waterway Game Crk Hot Diggity JH 9 Spaniels (American Water) L Hattrem/J Hattrem/J Rose/S Rose/P Mett GCH CH Chesastar Hudson Bay RN 10 Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) K Sosik/J Sosik
(F) 36152 (M) 33282 (M) 25949 (M) 17510 (F) 16604 (M) 15972 (F) 13615 (F) 13293 (M) 13010 (M) 11976
hound group
GCH CH Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box (F) 1 American Foxhounds E Charles/L Miller GCH CH Downhome Hitech Innovator (M) 2 Harriers J Sanchez GCH CH Quiet Creek’s Kiss And Tell (F) 3 Bloodhounds S Lacroix/H Whitcomb GCH CH Tells Matrix Reloaded (M) 4 Afghan Hounds M Galloway GCH CH Sandstorm Blue Nile Bubbles Of Jatara (F) 5 Salukis J Harrington/S Winsted/S Middlebrooks GCH CH Exlysta Aries Ciel Noir (M) 6 Afghan Hounds P Rooks/C Smith/P Schafmayer/S Ferraro GCH CH Starline’s Oxford Victim Of Love (F) 7 Whippets L Lawrence/C Lawrence/L Wilson GCH CH Topsfield-Sanchu Eenie Meenie Miney Moe (M) 8 Basset Hounds S Shor/C Orlandi/C Steidel GCH CH Aberdeens Under The Influence (M) 9 Otterhounds A Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine GCH CH Windbourne Hd Ranch King Of The Road (M) 10 Black and Tan Coonhounds S Campbell/C Rutten/T Skinner/S Skinner
working group 34450 24217 21131 20913 19560 14298 11643 11021 10783 9566
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
GCH CH Claircreek Impression De Matisse Portuguese Water Dogs M Lint/P Helming/D Gottdenker GCH CH Kenro’s Witching Hour Giant Schnauzers R Greenslade/L Norton/D Hill GCH CH Longo Miller N Lore’s Diamond Lil Great Danes T Longo/J Miller/L Matherly/C Crawford GCH CH Blackhawk Finnegan’s Wake Standard Schnauzers L Studley/K Studley/L Green GCH CH Cr - Wicca’s Trade Secret Akitas A Bavaria/C Burke/T Bavaria/J Charnik GCH CH Winfall I Dream Of Style Boxers K Robbins/C Robbins/G Adkins/B Adkins/T GCH CH Hi-Tech The King Of Sherry Shoot Jp Boxers J Billhardt/S Tenenbaum/D Mccarroll GCH CH Tiburon Arsenal Doberman Pinschers J Dolan/A Dolan GCH CH Tiburon Ariel Bella Dona Doberman Pinschers M Moyer/T Moyer/K Drake/J Drake GCH CH Snowmist’s Quicksilver Speigas Siberian Huskies L Baryte/H Shimtzu
(M) 84546 (F) 44692 (F) 30224 (M) 25698 (M) 17094 (F) 17012 (M) 16708 (M) 15136 (F) 14653 (M) 14193
the dog news top ten dogs Top Ten In Group • Based On All-Breed Competition
The Dog News Top Ten List contains Best In Shows, Group Firsts and ALL Group Placements.
As of November 30, 2013
THE DOG NEWS TOP TEN LIST is a monthly listing of the Top Ten Dogs All Breeds and the Top Ten Dogs in each Group. There is also a listing of the Top Ten Dogs in Each Breed. All of these statistics are based on All Breed competition. 56 Dog News
The American Kennel Club compiles these figures from the AKC licensed and member club shows. These figures will be printed monthly in DOG NEWS by Annual Awards Rating System. These are the most current statistics available to the fancy.
terrier group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
GCH CH Afterall Painting The Sky Fox Terriers (Wire) V Malzoni/T Steele/S Olund/M Olund/D Rya GCH CH Goldsand’s Columbus Russell Terriers M Ulrich/C Areskough GCH CH Shaireab’s Bayleigh Maid Of Honor Welsh Terriers S Abmeyer/K Bailey/T Lee/X Xie GCH CH Allaruth Just Kidding V Sole Baye Miniature Schnauzers Y Phelps/R Ziegler GCH CH Yarrow Venerie Ticket To Ride Norfolk Terriers P Beale/J Beale GCH CH Crispy Legacy Fox Terriers (Wire) A Agenta/D Eggert/J Eggert/A Astrom CH Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie Skye Terriers V Malzoni/Cragsmoor Knl GCH CH Larkspur Acadia Save Me A Spot Lakeland Terriers A Barker/S Fraser/M Sacco GCH CH Absolutely Talk Of The Town Fox Terriers (Smooth) J Smith/E Boyes GCH CH Joval Angel’s Whisper Airedale Terriers V Rickard/J Rickard
(F) 101718 (M) 33203 (F) 24574 (M) 22517 (M) 14139 (M) 13611 (M) 13215 (M) 10923 (F) 10870 (F) 10265
toy group GCH CH Marlex Classic Red Glare 1 Miniature Pinschers A Angelbello/L Monte GCH CH Caper’s Sirius Endeavor 2 Pugs P Fisher/C Fisher/J Rowell/L Rowell GCH CH Yakee Easily Persuaded 3 Pekingese S Middlebrooks/D Fitzpatrick GCH CH Scylla’s Small Kraft Re-Lit 4 Maltese D Burke/R Scott/T Rowell GCH CH Hill Country’s Tag I’M It 5 Pugs C Koch GCH CH Involo The King Of Pop 6 Papillons M Mosing/G Garofalo GCH CH Smash Jp Sakura 7 Poodles (Toy) R Scott/D Burke GCH CH Lto Prosperity 8 English Toy Spaniels (King Charles & Ruby) R Cole/M Landers GCH CH Cr Chase What Matters 9 Pomeranians C Solano GCH CH Victory Spencer 10 Japanese Chin M Mc Cormick/M Cooley
(F) 61695 (M) 22972 (M) 18972 (M) 18223 (M) 17945 (M) 16505 (F) 16360 (M) 14745 (M) 13575 (M) 13533
GCH CH Brighton Lakeridge Encore (F) 1 Poodles (Standard) T Sosnoff/M Sosnoff GCH CH Vogelflight’s Honor” To Pillowtalk” (M) 2 Bichons Frises E Charles/K Vogel/M Abbott/P Abbott GCH CH Kan Sing’s Tenzin (M) 3 Tibetan Spaniels M Feltenstein GCH CH Shine’s Deck The Halls (F) 4 Chinese Shar-Pei D Cooper/R Cooper/L Teitelbaum/R Penteco GCH CH Saks Winning Card (M) 5 Bichons Frises A Mackenzie/K Mackenzie/C Ruggles/K Hans GCH CH Jade East Do You Know The Way To San Jose (F) 6 Chinese Shar-Pei L Anders/E Minne/K Nijholt GCH CH Dawin Hearts On Fire (F) 7 Poodles (Standard) L Campbell GCH CH Jaset’s Satisfaction (M) 8 Poodles (Standard) C Bailey/S Tompkins GCH CH Del Zarzoso Salvame From Afterglow (M) 9 Poodles (Standard) S Barnett/G Lindemann/M Gadsby/J Lynn GCH CH Gunther’s Gussied Up Edna (F) 10 Boston Terriers A Mcilwaine/B Berth/J Mcilwaine
26585 19702 16959 15398 15150
14613 14467 11214 9851 8283
herding group
top ten all breed Based on All Breed Competition
1 2
non sporting group
GCH CH Afterall Painting The Sky (F) 101718 Fox Terrier (Wire) V Malzoni/T Steele/S Olund/M Olund/D Rya
6 GCH CH Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box American Foxhound E Charles/L Miller
(F) 34450
GCH CH Claircreek Impression De Matisse (M) 84546 Portuguese Water Dog M Lint/P Helming/D Gottdenker
7 GCH CH Clussexx Collaboration With Traddles (M) 33282 Spaniel (Clumber) W Holbrook/B Dowd/A Jaramillo/M Capone/J
3 GCH CH Marlex Classic Red Glare Miniature Pinscher A Angelbello/L Monte
(F) 61695
8 GCH CH Goldsand’s Columbus Russell Terrier M Ulrich/C Areskough
(M) 33203
4 GCH CH Kenro’s Witching Hour Giant Schnauzer R Greenslade/L Norton/D Hill
(F) 44692
9 GCH CH Longo Miller N Lore’s Diamond Lil (F) 30224 Great Dane T Longo/J Miller/L Matherly/C Crawford
5 GCH CH Whistlestop’s Riley On Fire Spaniel (Irish Water) T Urban/B Urban/G Siner
(F) 36152
10 GCH CH Bugaboo’s Picture Perfect Old English Sheepdog R Scott/D Burke/C Johnson/H Johnson
(M) 28594
GCH CH Bugaboo’s Picture Perfect (M) 28594 1 Old English Sheepdogs R Scott/D Burke/C Johnson/H Johnson GCH CH Aubrey’s Tails Of Mystery (F) 22109 2 Cardigan Welsh Corgis C Savioli/V Savioli GCH CH Coventry Allure At Wyndstar (F) 21407 3 Pembroke Welsh Corgis A Geremia/B Shelton GCH CH Wolf Creek Galaxy Of Merivern (M) 18367 4 German Shepherd Dogs E Farrell/P Walker GCH CH Grandgables The Frat Boy (M) 14076 5 Shetland Sheepdogs P Buckles/A Buckles/J Moses GCH CH Cordmaker Topsy Turvey (F) 12706 6 Pulik J Beaudoin/S Huebner/P Kelly GCH CH Deja Vu Mia Cool As A Cucumber (M) 11874 7 Briards T Miller/A Melton/D Dube/L Bernard GCH CH Karizma’s Ike Of Edale (M) 10998 8 German Shepherd Dogs S Birch/S Birch/J Moses/S Moses GCH CH Paray’s Preferential (M) 10719 9 Shetland Sheepdogs K Furlong/T Pittman GCH CH Harmony Hill’s Money Talks (M) 10150 10 Australian Shepherds Continued on page 68 L Goetz/H Braddock Dog News 57
58 Dog News
*The Dog News Top Ten List
Dog News 59
60 Dog News
Dog News 61
IRVING’s impressions Continued FROM page 18
But this trend towards talking up entries at dog shows is not a new one. Even in the early days of dog shows in the 19th Century, Mr Charles Cruft was a past master at exaggerating the entries he was achieving for his shows. My old Border Terrier friend, the late Frank Jackson, in his book “Crufts – The Official History” quotes some fascinating examples. For instance in the year 1895 Charles Cruft proclaimed a figure of 2,849 dogs entered at his event. The weekly dog magazine OUR DOGS, which was founded in that same year, exposed the number that Cruft had announced as an over exaggeration. It pointed out that to get to that figure Mr Cruft had included the stuffed dogs in the stuffed dog classes (yes I think so - stuffed by taxidermy!) as well as the dogs depicted in paintings in the art section of his show. But he had also double-counted every entry in the brace class and given an additional number to every dog in the team classes as well as adding in the dogs for sale in the Crufts Auction. The added public scrutiny and criticism that OUR DOGS provided at that stage, did not seem to prevent Charles Cruft making further outlandish claims going forward. Will Dog News’ current scrutiny of the AKC achieve more success with the AENC? He even went a good deal further at some of his other later shows. Unlike in the USA where dogs entered are numbered breed by breed, in the UK exhibits are numbered from one onwards and the cumulative number of dogs entered at a show can be found by looking at the last numbered dog in the show catalog! What did Mr Crufts do? He made sure that between the end of many of the breeds and the beginning of the next breed, there were strategically placed missing runs of numbers. That of course, in the end, meant that the last numbered exhibit in the catalog was by no means an indication of the total number of exhibits entered at the show. In the year 1900 a letter to the editor appeared in OUR DOGS complaining about Mr Cruft’s exaggerations and saying that though the total number of dogs announced by the national press as entered at his show had been 2,203 the “actual number properly counted was 1,572”. That was an exaggeration of some 631 dogs or an over statement of some 40%!! The correspondent concluded by asking “How long will the Kennel Club countenance this style of conducting a show?”
62 Dog News
Another trick used by Charles Cruft to attract attention to his events was to make some outrageous claims about which important people were attending his show. This was especially needed in years when his entries were dwindling. He was particularly keen to have royalty present and even keener to have them as exhibitors. At the 1910 show for example the then Queen – Alexandra - made a Royal Visit. Although the Queen’s visit seems to have been dreamt up on the spur of the moment, Mr Cruft hurriedly managed to organise things with great style and it was reported that: “A Royal Box surmounted by the Royal Arms, was hastily prepared, and furnished in luxuriousness which would, we should say, almost vie with the Royal Box at Ascot. The tapestry was recherché, the suite of furniture being gilt, was upholstered in pale blue silk – the Queen’s favourite colour. A slope was arranged for the march past of the prize winners, who were appropriately marshalled to the point of inspection by the show stewards attired as ‘Jack Tars’. Nearby trade stands were decked in flags. After viewing the larger dogs paraded before her, the Queen visited the smaller dogs on their benches and is said to have taken especial interest in the Pekingese and the West Highland White Terriers.” Some years earlier in 1893 many of the press reports on that year’s Crufts event claimed that Tsar Alexander III of Russia had sent eighteen Borzois to compete at the show. An examination of the Crufts Catalogue for that year however shows that no Borzois were entered under the Tsar’s name but several were there from Russia in the name of a Mr Block, one of whose hounds was said to have died of distemper on its bench! It was later claimed that Mr Block was the Tsar’s Kennelman.
Incidentally exhibitors at present day shows who object to having to stay for more than a few hours at a time at modern dog shows might be interested to read the following rule which ensured that as many dogs as possible were on view to the public throughout the three days of the Crufts event. I spotted it when I was researching the 1893 Crufts catalog. “Removing Dogs at Night - Exhibitors will be permitted to take home their Dogs every
evening after the Show is closed on leaving a deposit of £1 (a small fortune in 1893) for each Dog, and producing a receipt for the Entrance Fee. This deposit will be forfeited if the Dog is not returned before 10 o’clock every morning the Show is open, and if the winner of a Prize is taken out and not punctually returned, the Prize will also be forfeited. Puppies whose age is under 12 months may be removed at the end of the second day of the Show, but at no other time. Exhibitors residing at a distance may remove their Exhibits on the Last Day at 4 p.m. by paying five shillings and at 7 p.m. by paying two shillings and sixpence for each exhibit so removed.”
So, returning to the main point, ‘puffing’ or exaggerating entry numbers or even, to quote the recent DOG NEWS Editorial, ‘twisting’ the figures is not a new phenomenon restricted to the present day AKC and its show organisers. It has long been used by show organisers to talk up their shows – some more successfully and with more long term beneficial effect than others. Having said all of that, the sport of dog showing, on this same weekend as the record entry at the AENC show in Orlando (whether 4,000 dogs or 16,300), will be demonstrating internationally that it is by no means on its last legs. As was pointed out in a recent editorial in the weekly British dog paper OUR DOGS, the UK’s Ladies Kennel Association championship show held in the same complex as Crufts near Birmingham will have an entry of 10,681 individual dogs on 14th and 15th December. The Amsterdam Winners Show in the Netherlands will also be taking place and the entry there will number over 4,000 dogs. And in Finland at the big Helsinki and Nordic Winners shows will have over 8,000 individual dogs entered. As OUR DOGS said in its recent Editorial: “With a weekend such as the one planned for December 14th and 15th, anyone who thinks that the world of dog shows is in terminal decline had better go and think again!”
Dog News 63
64 Dog News
Dog News 65
bKennel abbling Blindness
“In America a number of breed clubs have made up
their own standard, which in many cases have led to significant changes of the breeds. Only in a few cases-at this moment I can only think of one-have the breeds’ names been changed.”
Continued FROM page 26
to assess your own stock as well as potential partners- and here is where I think a number of the failing breeders went wrong. I could easily list a number of old friends and breeders, some relatively well known, who could have done so much better by removing their rose colored spectacles with which they admired their own dogs -and face reality. I think over the years I have had a tendency to be overcritical of my own dogs, which in some cases have been just as detrimental to our breeding program as those “rose colored ones” have been to others. I also think the fact that in this family we have constantly had 2 deviating opinions regarding choices of stud dogs, combinations as well as which puppies worth keeping as potential “Stars” has been good as well as bad. And there is no doubt in my mind that some people have a “specialized eye”. In other words that they can detect type and quality in one breed, but are totally lost in other breeds. Something I think we also see examples of by many multi breed judges. I think you can place successful breeders in 2 groups: The Lucky ones and the Consistent ones! We have all experienced “shooting stars” rising to the top of their breeds in no time at all, simply because they were lucky to acquire a bitch that was a great producer-in some known cases whatever they were bred to. This category never remains in the game long time- as when reality sets in, they’re lost and leave us… In many cases they will probably not have been very popular- as there is nothing more annoying than after having been in a breed for 40 years, having carefully planned and produced generation after generation- to be “run over” by some new face, who not only has the audacity to beat your dogs in the show ring- but also seems to know it all… It did happen to me and probably to most of you-so I know it can be hard to swallow! I think we are all basically vain! By this I mean we enjoy when what we have achieved or done for a breed is given attention and being appreciated. We have been seriously involved with 4 breeds- and even after years of inactivity we find our dogs’ names in lots of winning dogs’ pedigrees. So face it- we see a dog we really like or who wins a lot. Checking the pedigree and finding your own dogs there should make you proud-as without them- these particular dogs would never exist. Sounding selfish? Yes- but I think when it comes to claiming a part in other breeders’ success we all have a tendency to take credit for whatever we can. To focus first on American breeders: Some of 66 Dog News
you have not only bred some excellent dogs, but also radically changed some breeds. I think all FCI countries adapt the standard from each breed’s country of origin, which in my opinion in most cases is the right way to go. But then, has the country of origin monopoly regarding evolution and improvement of the breeds? In America a number of breed clubs have made up their own standard, which in many cases have led to significant changes of the breeds. Only in a few cases-at this moment I can only think of one-have the breeds’ names been changed. The Cocker Spaniel- in the rest of the world known as The American Cocker Spaniel. I don’t know who should be given credit for the changes this breed underwent, but what Julia Gasow did with English Springers was monumental. Although not totally accepted in FCI countries I know the breed in its current version is doing well in other parts of the world. I remember the legendary, but late, English breeder and judge Mary Scott of Bramhope fame, declaring that an ESS should never be glamorous enough to be a serious contender in the Gundog Group. Well, still there were some big winning Springers in the UK, but I would have loved to sit ringside with Mrs Scott at the ESS National today. The breed today is certainly “glammed up”, eye catching and serious contenders in the big ring! Another breed that has gone through dramatic changes in this country is Giant Schnauzers, one of my all time favorite breeds. But in this case the changes have been, to a large degree, accepted by the rest of the world. The fact that features which in days gone by would have been a DQ today are turned into assets may be hard to accept for some. I happen to like both versions, as they are still Giants and of course much of the credit for this huge transformation must be given to Sylvia Hammarström of Skansen fame. After a recent conversation with her I realize that this lady knows exactly what she wants to achieve- and where she is today. That she also can discuss dogs of different types belonging to her competitors without saying a single negative word about them- only pointing out their virtues- could easily be one of the main reasons for her success. To a Norwegian, the fact that she actually is Swedish, is not necessarily a plus! I could go on mentioning a large number of American breeders who have improved or in some way uplifted and changed breed: You can hardly find a top winning Newfoundland
anywhere in the world without a Pouch Cove in its pedigree. What the secret is behind the success of the Helmings is probably obvious, but their contribution to their selected breed is universally appreciated and taken advantage of. In my opinion they have not changed the breed, simply helped the world perfecting the dogs according to the existing standard. That they have had similar success with their next breed, Portuguese Water Dogs, might not be just a fluke… Would the Bichon Frise in its original state have gained the worldwide popularity it has today without the input of Dick Beauchamp and his “American Style” presentation? I don’t think so- and I suppose his input can be proved by looking way back in most of the current top winners’ pedigrees. I could list other breeds, in this country, the UK, Scandinavia or other European countries where individual breeders have seriously affected and improved their chosen breeds. Often with limited space and resources, but blessed with a natural gift and special talent, combined with intelligence and integrity. I can guarantee that this would not have happened if they were unable with critical eyes to assess their own dogs- as well as “cross enemy lines” to use dogs they found suitable regardless of their relationship with their owners. Without any kind of blindness involved. And for this we should all be grateful. But don’t forget that making the right combinations is just stage one! Where some of these people excel is expertise in the areas of feeding, training, exercising (or not in some cases) and thus from a basic, but hopefully perfect, skeleton create superstars. Without ATTITUDE I don’t think any dog has a chance to compete for next year’s Top Dog- and I suspect that this is where a few breeders score: They have the ability to make their dogs feel special, which keep them and their dogs at the top year after year… Dogs are like humans- if you want them to look special, you have to make them feel special. And that is an excellent starting point! Good Luck!
- Breed points
Dog News 67
Continued FROM page 57
The Dog News Top Ten List Presents
Based on All-Breed Competition
As of November 30, 2013
Sporting Group
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
Retrievers (Curly-Coated) TOTAL
1 GCH CH Rainbow Splash’s Ruggedly Handsome C Douglas/J Andras/A Andras/K Hogan/A Co 2 GCH CH Brookewood’s Just Too Hot CDX MX MXB E Drazek/C Miller 3 GCH CH Triumphant’s As Good As It Gets JH L Mccartney-Roy/K Mccartney 4 GCH CH Marsport Hot To Ride Lucky Seven MH P Snider/L Snider 5 GCH CH Star Flight Jumpin Jack Flash RN OA OAJ J Ceres 6 GCH CH Mich’s Mt Ready Aim Fire T Rickard/L Rickard/K Rickard/J Davies 7 GCH CH Sanbar’s Ride The Winds R West/P West/C West 8 GCH CH Sovereign’s Chasing Legends D Droel/J Droel 9 GCH CH Kabina’s Keep The Change A Wilkerson/K Sanchez 10 GCH CH Copley Paper Dragon E Ewart
(M) 2 22 30 20 9 10406
1 GCH CH Chesterhope State Of T Art J Mosing/J O’Neill 2 GCH CH Oncore Mykyna Storm P Haines/T Haines/P Davis 3 GCH CH Chesterhope Miss D’Arcy L Cayton/F De Paulo/D Ying 4 GCH CH Penpoint King Arthur K Bakker/L Stagg 5 GCH CH Seasyde Edgehill Heart Of Gold M Lane/H Medeiros/R Goldstein/J Johnston 6 GCH CH Seasyde Dobe’s Den In Fashion J Pahl/D Pahl/H Medeiros 7 GCH CH Bookstor Willy Wonka K Spey/H Spey/D Chan/S Morawiec 8 GCH CH Solivia’s Like Fine Wine At Hipoint J Mirto/R Mirto 9 CH Solivia’s Dexterity At Skyhi J Krohn/M Krohn/S Thompson/K Brown 10 GCH CH Solivia’s Kalahari Of Marsuz C Green/S Thompson/D Brown/K Brown
14 61 15 11 7 16604
2 16 9 5 2 4814
0 6 5 7 2 3012
(M) 0 6 10 18 7 5608 (M) 0 3 5 9 3 3314 (M) 1 2 1 4 4 3230 (M) 0 10 10 11 3 3166 (M) 0 1 3 6 4 2835 (M) 0 5 4 5 3 2797 (M) 1 5 0 1 2 1140 (M) 0 1 2 2 3 1063 (M) 0 0 2 1 4 967
(M) 1 1 2 0 2 1379 (M) 1 3 6 2 1 1243 (F)
(M) 0 1 0 0 4 730 (M) 0 2 2 1 2 706 (F)
1 GCH CH Dogwdcreek’s La Vita E Belle (F) L Duncan 2 GCH CH Stelor’s Royalty Remembered (M) D Stelmach 3 GCH CH Robin Crest Edelmarke Investigator (M) T Feneis/T Depietro/C Trost 4 GCH CH Kan-Point’s Makin’ The Chase (F) R Stanley/R Stanley/L Coonrod 5 GCH CH Robin Crest Great Expectations (M) R Remondi/R Remondi 6 GCH CH Ehrenvogel Say Cheese (F) M Lara/C Swensson/G Hostetter/A Lester 7 GCH CH Skypoint’s Our River Runs Free (F) F Del Prete/L Del Prete 8 GCH CH Ehrenvogel Key To My Heart CA (F) A Lester/E Baldobino/M Lara 9 GCH CH Robin Crest Spectacular Bid JH (M) J Hasart/R Remondi 10 GCH CH Starfield’s Army Strong V Bulkley JH (M) L Rhodes/S Herman
Pointers (German Wirehaired) 1 GCH CH Mt. View’s Ripsnortersilvercharm V Malzoni 2 GCH CH Mountain View National Acclaim N Paduch/P Paduch/B Stroh 3 GCH CH Heywire ‘N Highfield’s Hey Look Me Over P Kincaid/L Kincaid/B Brawn 4 GCH CH Harvest Meadow’s Truth Be Told L Minnick/A Resnick 5 CH Daybreak’s Morning Blend J Loken/K Loken/D Phillips 6 CH Willamette’s Bess Be Scout’N S Sprinkle/J Sprinkle 6 CH Hh Lookout Celtic Field Of Vision JH J Boyd/M Boyd/J Witt/E Shupp 8 GCH CH Darnelle’s Makin’ The Shot J Herrera/D Pusateri/L Napoli 9 CH Hawk Havens Go Daddy’s Girl P Paduch/N Paduch 10 CH Wirewick Dalliance JH R Wickes
Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay)
1 GCH CH Chesastar Hudson Bay RN K Sosik/J Sosik 2 GCH CH Albridens The Show Must Go On S Larson/D Baker 3 GCH CH Chesacolahardwoodbaltimoreraven G Sheetz 4 GCH CH Shiloah’s Harvard Girl One Smart Spicy T Coene/S Grasso 5 GCH CH Spinnakers Kodiak Fisher JH C Kling 6 GCH CH Quailridge’s Top Dee O Gee Maximilian C Macina/C Macina 7 GCH CH Poisett’s Doctor Mallard P Henshaw/A Henshaw 8 GCH CH Calico’s Colonial Rum Fire J Coutu/M Coutu 9 GCH CH Chesabar’s Anyone Anyone T Dennis/D Glasser 10 GCH CH Desert Winds Eight Second Ride L Schisler/R Schisler
0 2 0 2 0 1075
(M) 0 0 1 4 1 973
Pointers (German Shorthaired)
68 Dog News
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
0 2 0 3 1 661 2 30 13 14 8 13293 0 4 7 4 2 3373 0 6 5 5 5 2965 0 1 8 5 5 2169 0 5 5 4 3 2145 0 3 6 6 6 1914 1 1 4 7 1 1479 0 4 3 2 5 1248 0 5 3 1 2 1237 1 4 1 1 1 1179
(M) 22 41 1 1 0 25949 (M) 2 12 9 5 10 6825 (F)
1 1 3 6 5 2406
0 0 3 5 4 1266
(M) 0 0 0 0 2 225 (F)
0 0 0 0 2 220
0 0 0 3 1 220
(M) 0 0 1 0 0 184 (F)
0 0 0 0 1 133
0 1 0 0 0 113
(M) 0 22 31 18 10 11976 (M) 1 4 8 4 6 2843 (M) 0 4 3 6 5 2352 (F)
0 1 5 4 9 1331
(M) 0 0 3 3 1 715 (M) 0 1 0 1 3 687 (M) 0 0 1 3 1 627 (M) 0 1 0 2 1 612 (M) 0 1 0 2 3 534 (M) 0 0 0 1 0 372
1 GCH CH Down Datrail Hunting Thrills CD S Macre/D Akins 2 GCH CH Clarion’s Blackberry Bramble J Gentry/P Gentry 3 GCH CH Kurly Kreek Artic Express S Shifflett/M Shifflett 4 GCH CH Riverwatch Grand Illusion M Meek/G Meek 5 GCH CH Kyraco Kyrabean Pirate CA M Morel
(M) 0 2 7 5 5 3523
1 GCH CH Heirborn Moor Bang For The Buck M Jonas/P Jonas/C Jonas/A Richter 2 GCH CH Destiny As Good As It Gets CDX JH E Mound 3 GCH CH Feathurquest Moonlight Sonata R Morrill/R Briganti/M Shimizu/K Shimizu 4 GCH CH Windy Hill Dance To The Music JH R Rickert/S Rickert/L Selof/M Bettis 5 GCH CH Timberblac’s All Hands On Deck RN J Martin 6 GCH CH Beacon’s Jesse James II C Zelbst 7 GCH CH Fishercreek S A Star Is Born UD RN JH B Harrison/P Harrison 8 GCH CH Shannara’s Boston Legal W Heikes/M Burrows/T Spires 9 GCH CH Windsor’s Chairman Of The Board C Ryberg/D Edwards/R Kulp/C Elder 10 GCH CH Moonlight Wish Upon A Star RN R Morrill/S Morrill/P Briganti/R Brigant
(M) 1 5 4 6 2 1957
1 GCH CH Summits Emery Its In The Bag B Johnson/J Sedivec/K Sedivec 2 GCH CH Rush Hill’s Drama’Geddon JH T Struble/M Struble/C Meddaugh 3 GCH CH Easthill Broxden Woodland Lettuce C Collins/J Supple/S Skilkoff/J Ovalle/A 4 GCH CH Trance Mission Jp Cunard Adventure T Tsumura 5 GCH CH Venture’s Boys N Toys T Mccray/A Heuslein 6 GCH CH Hillock’s Bacardi CD RE T Tomlinson/C Ross/D Ross 7 GCH CH Steadmor’s Take A Gander J Morasco/N Sherick 8 GCH CH Glaciers Ringing In The New Year C Martin 9 GCH CH Regency Raise The Bet V Franchi/L Franchi/S Carpenter/L Ballar 10 GCH CH Boca Gold’s Peking Duck JH M Whitney/N Whitney/D Johnston
1 GCH CH Frakari’s Kool As Kiefer C Fisher/L Weiss 2 GCH CH Tande Grand Finale J Bowman-Cashman/K Cashman 3 GCH CH Tampa Bay & Snobo Gusty Seas Batten E Elliott/L Hess 4 GCH CH Big Skys Augustus JH B Bridges 5 GCH CH Everso’s Elephants & Flowers JH S Perrine 6 GCH CH Beechcroft Midnight Rose’s Baccara M Wiest/M Wiest 7 GCH CH Casbar’s A Hart Act To Follow J Moore/D Ammerman 8 GCH CH Premiere’s Ice Cold & Hot Wired I Jackson 9 GCH CH Briarwood’s Eye On The Prize M Henricks/S Sellers/P Sellers 10 GCH CH Broyhill Naughty Knickers B Nowak/K Nowak/K Jacobson
(M) 0 1 1 3 2 1332
Retrievers (Flat-Coated)
Retrievers (Golden)
Retrievers (Labrador)
(M) 0 4 4 4 2 1230 (M) 0 0 1 3 4 854 (F)
0 0 0 1 2 707
(M) 0 0 0 0 1 72
(M) 0 1 4 5 3 1857 (F)
1 1 2 2 0 1364
0 3 3 4 1 1053
(M) 1 2 0 5 1 700 (M) 0 0 2 3 5 590 (M) 1 1 0 0 1 460 (M) 0 1 0 1 0 458 (M) 0 0 2 1 0 440 (M) 0 1 0 0 1 400 8 36 15 14 3 13615
(M) 7 21 7 3 1 11400 (M) 0 6 8 12 7 5205 (M) 0 10 14 6 3 4250 (M) 1 6 8 4 4 3028 (M) 0 0 3 3 6 1573 (M) 1 2 2 1 1 1423 (F)
0 0 2 3 7 1373
0 2 3 3 3 1293
(M) 0 2 4 1 2 1222
(M) 0 2 2 2 3 1176 (M) 0 0 1 3 2 1022 (M) 0 0 4 3 0 960 (F)
0 0 1 4 1 903
0 1 1 1 0 657
(M) 0 1 1 0 0 634 (M) 0 0 0 0 1 595 (M) 0 0 1 3 2 593 (F)
0 0 1 1 0 562
Retrievers (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) 1 GCH CH Pikkinokka’s Lightning Bug (M) 3 S Einck-Paul/N Mages 2 GCH CH Javahill Surf2 An 8 Second Ride BN (M) 0 K Schultze/L Fitzmaurice/A Pasko 3 GCH CH Roaneden’s Int’L Harvester (M) 0 R Jones/C Jones 4 GCH CH Lennoxlove Susqudilla’s Mini Cooper CD RN (M) 0 R Haskin/P Campanella/M Waterstreet/J Ha 5 GCH CH Tollerpride Gathering Storm (M) 0 J Gordon/H Gordon/R Fearon 6 GCH CH Kd’s Tens Are Wild CD (M) 0 J Knight/D Nichols 7 GCH CH Princess Cut Diamond Beekauz CD RN JH (F) 0 S Kauzlarich/K Kauzlarich/D Kauzlarich 8 GCH CH Foxvale Foxbrooke Dare To Cruise (M) 0 K Lawless/J Lawless 9 GCH CH Pikkinokka Gift Of Moonboots (M) 0 M Niquidet 10 GCH CH Foxvale Avatar Best Of Times (M) 0 D Gibbs
Setters (English)
1 GCH CH Stargaz’R ‘N Wingfield Time Will Tell D Coller/P Coller/E Hackett 2 GCH CH Aerden’s Pretty In Pink JH L Engel/R Miller/V Ciaravino/B Silbernag 3 GCH CH Lochlomond’s Wrapped Up In You JH S Kuniansky/F Neal 4 GCH CH Set’R Ridge’s Dirty Dancing M Newman/J Gray/P Gray 5 GCH CH Linwood Resolute’s New Beginning RN CGC R Lloyd/W Lloyd 6 GCH CH Sagebrush’s Simply Irresistible J Harris
13 16 15 14 10848 2 5 8 6 2901 0 2 1 4 1258 0 0 3 7 1205 0 0 3 3 1169 0 0 1 2 504 0 1 0 4 400 1 0 1 0 351 0 0 1 3 344 0 0 1 0 253
(M) 6 40 23 15 5 15972 (F)
2 17 16 8 9 7310
(M) 1 8 3 5 5 3835 (M) 0 6 9 6 5 3076 (M) 0 1 5 12 4 2485 (M) 0 3 9 2 2 2173
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
7 GCH CH Wyndswept’s Reflection Of The Heart D Mack/S Costa 8 GCH CH Stardom Country Squire Livin’ In The D Jordan/S Jordan/D Jauron 9 GCH CH Palisades B52 M Dorward 10 GCH CH Set’R Ridge’s Imagin The Future D Scott/M Newman
Setters (Gordon)
1 GCH CH Hollyhunt Take A Chance On Me M Hunsinger/C Hunsinger 2 GCH CH Sandpiper’s Castles In The Air D Grant/J Beattie/D Snyder/P Reilly 3 GCH CH Sastya’s Eleven Eleven W Leonard/M Leonard 4 GCH CH Buteo’s Midnight Silence A Johnson-Edwards/C Edwards 5 GCH CH Saranac Toblerone E Fisher/W Fisher 6 GCH CH Bran Linn Talisman C Bell/J Bell/N Maounis 7 GCH CH Willowglen’s In The Midnight Hour D Burton 8 GCH CH Mcq Time To Crank It Up C Cazier/D Cazier 9 GCH CH Amberlove’s Are We A Pair? JH C Kushell 10 GCH CH Albannach A Knight’s Tale JH K Parke/E Desimone/T Albers/A Albers
Setters (Irish Red and White)
(M) 0 4 2 4 2 2097
(M) 0 0 1 1 1 474 (M) 0 1 0 0 1 317
Spaniels (Cocker) Black
(M) 0 0 2 9 2 1461 (F) (F)
0 1 3 4 0 1284 4 19 4 10 6 8807
(M) 0 7 10 10 8 7171 (M) 2 11 14 7 4 5588 (M) 0 4 1 5 4 1277 (M) 0 1 3 4 4 1124
(M) 0 0 1 1 1 262 (M) 0 0 1 0 0 221 (M) 0 0 0 0 1 159 (F)
1 GCH CH Northwinds First Reign R Arch/J Arch/D Keane/N Keane 2 GCH CH Crimsonacre Wind Chime R Perry 3 GCH CH Militza’s My Cherie Amour T Mcneal/R Mcneal/K Wall/J Fisher 4 GCH CH Evergreen Good Intentions M Merlo 5 GCH CH Militza’s Glamorous Attire M Foote/B Foote/J Fisher/K Wall/T Mcneal 6 GCH CH Cairncross Concierge With Tullane M Hills/C Hills/C Paine/R Berggren 7 GCH CH Bluerose Phantasmagorical D Hyman/M Hyman 8 GCH CH Abbeylane Tramore Above The Limit D Michaelson/B Rasmussen 9 GCH CH Vermilion’s Sea Breeze M Foote/B Foote 10 GCH CH Jadestar Rifleman C Brewer/J Smith
(M) 1 15 11 12 6 8507
1 GCH CH Waterway Game Crk Hot Diggity JH L Hattrem/J Hattrem/J Rose/S Rose/P Mett 2 Kei-Rin’s Bandida De Offshore K Hayes 3 GCH CH Ca- Beavercrk’s Best Kpt Secret RN CGC L Thorsness 4 CH Nissop’s Vesi Koira D Possin 5 CH Kei-Rin’s American Honey P Kozak/K Kozak 6 Aspen Springs Mountain Zephyr B Stuart/L Stuart
(M) 3 29 22 13 16 13010
Spaniels (American Water)
Spaniels (Boykin)
1 GCH CH Hollow Creek’s Texas Trace G Hurley/P Watts 2 CH Top Gun Keeping Faith JH J De Angelo 3 GCH CH Texas Trace Yellow Rose RN CGC M Machala/G Hurley 4 CH Texas Trace Hunter G Copeland/M Copeland 5 GCH CH Pocotaligo’s Nama Karoo MH JHR C Gebhard/K Parkman
Spaniels (Clumber)
1 GCH CH Clussexx Collaboration With Traddles W Holbrook/B Dowd/A Jaramillo/M Capone/J 2 GCH CH Nexus Total Eclipse S Miller/C Miller/J Fankhauser/B Freeman 3 GCH CH Cajun’s A Change Is Gonna Come P Holman/M Cole/R Froman 4 GCH CH Chiffon Revolution A Ries/D Wahman 5 GCH CH Nexus Dark Horse P Mccune/T Mccune 6 GCH CH Clumon Ragin Cajun At Breakaway J Scott/D Starr/R Moss 7 GCH CH Shogun’s Im It N Thats That BN RN JH D Marquart 8 CH Clussexx Freddie The Frog D Bach/J Haverick 9 GCH CH Breakaway’s Stevedore”” D Fitzpatrick/D Starr/P Holman/M Cole 10 GCH CH Nexus Locksley Point Of No Return K Hamaker/M Van Dyke/C Fankhauser
Spaniels (Cocker) ASCOB
1 GCH CH Trinity’s Tucked Under His Wing S Gray/S Dobmeier 2 GCH CH Blt Into The Wild B Lou/T Lam 3 GCH CH Aspire’s Semper Paratus C Rosales/L Rosales 4 GCH CH P’Gell N Blt Bonus Bucks C Kelley/P Kelley 5 GCH CH HiTrails Clouds In My Eyes K Fairey 6 GCH CH Be-Fit’s N Arikara Too Hot To Touch C Thompson/P Nazarko/D Christian 7 GCH CH Mardi Gras La Dolce Vita R Logrie 8 GCH CH Jems May The Force Be With You J Stamm/D Rosenblum/S Rosenblum 9 GCH CH Showtime My Lady Jane D Harris/C Harris 10 GCH CH Aspire’s Semper Forte M Wilson/D Wilson
(M) 0 3 7 2 2 1836
1 GCH CH Tullamore Toffi JH A Jones 2 GCH CH Aramis Farms High Road To Killary D Peterson/J Zawikowski 3 GCH CH Mizen Duchas Dilis JH J Baumgartner 4 Paterjay Ari Di Luna A Jones 5 GCH CH Laurel Oak Santana Heart Of Red Rocks A Lonardi/S Lonardi
Setters (Irish)
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
0 0 0 0 2 482
(M) 0 0 1 0 2 291 (M) 0 0 1 1 2 246 (F)
0 0 0 1 0 147
(M) 0 0 0 1 0 90
(F) (F)
0 8 11 3 8 5293 1 12 6 3 1 2725
(M) 0 6 2 7 3 2505 (M) 1 5 3 3 2 2363 (M) 0 5 4 4 3 2079 (M) 0 3 2 3 3 2014 (M) 0 2 5 2 3 1888 (M) 0 4 2 0 1 1658 (M) 0 5 6 3 2 1070
(F) (F)
0 0 1 1 2 276 0 0 1 0 0 191
(M) 0 0 0 0 1 124 (F)
0 0 0 0 1 98
(M) 0 0 0 0 1 35 (M) 0 0 1 1 1 306 (F) (F)
0 0 1 0 1 132 0 0 0 0 1 50
(M) 0 0 0 0 1 48 (M) 0 0 0 0 1 41 (M) 21 83 22 16 12 33282 (M) 2 14 16 14 12 8027 (M) 0 2 1 7 8 1306 (M) 0 0 1 2 4 886 (M) 0 1 3 1 2 700 (M) 0 0 0 0 4 361 (M) 0 0 0 0 1 287 (M) 0 0 3 1 0 261 (M) 0 1 2 2 3 247 (M) 0 0 0 1 2 215
(M) 1 1 6 6 9 4002 (M) 0 1 1 6 1 1092 (F)
0 0 1 2 4 863
(M) 0 1 0 3 0 570 (M) 0 1 1 1 0 463 (F)
0 0 1 0 3 461
(M) 0 2 1 2 0 423 (M) 0 0 0 0 1 392 (F)
0 0 0 2 2 336
(M) 0 0 0 0 1 274
1 GCH CH Mario N Beechwood’s Midnight Express CGC F Charest/C Charest/M Ragusa/P Ragusa 2 GCH CH Pbj’s Fearless B Pruitt/M Pruitt 3 GCH CH Ashdown’s Time To Thrill G White Jones/B Van Deman/C Douglas 4 GCH CH Tamra’s N Positively Over The Top M Walls/J Newton 5 GCH CH Casablanca’s Thrilling Seduction L Moore/B Van Deman/C Douglas/M Walker 6 GCH CH Sovran’s Aranjuez A Santos/M Buckley 7 GCH CH Korean Crystal Palace The Apple Of My J Sarkisian 8 GCH CH Amik-Creek Swiped By Marshens A Morgante/H Armour/M James 9 GCH CH Bib ‘N’ Tux Born This Way B Warren 10 GCH CH Avalonsfirst I Am The One B Santos/M Santos
(M) 1 8 11 5 6 6441
1 GCH CH Conquest’s This Is It! M Torres-Young 2 GCH CH Monthaven’s The Birdcage J Montanelli 3 GCH CH Sherwood & Lomapoint Captain Crunch J Bjelland/K Olsen 4 GCH CH Monthaven’s And The Band Played On J Montanelli 5 GCH CH Sherwood N Winchester’s The Thunder Rolls D Eastham/K Hampton 6 GCH CH Vivace Jp C. Gold Vega Y Tsuemura 7 GCH CH Flair-Rill N Tri-Pod Speed Trap K Tukua/D Podratz 8 GCH CH Tsunami’s Curtain Call I Tsvetkova 9 GCH CH Afterglow Tristar H Cole/S Roberts 10 GCH CH My-Ida-Ho N Jems Captain E Ross/S Gerling
1 GCH CH Foxwoods Dublin Diva K Lyons/D Mauterer 2 GCH CH Fieldstone Carousel Hell’s Kitchen K Florentine/C Kirby 3 GCH CH Blackstone Very Vassar E Courtney/A Howard/J Torres 4 GCH CH Nonnies No Doubt J Gerrish/V Umpleby 5 GCH CH Dawnglow Knight Rider E Neff/S Laflamme/B Hendrick 6 GCH CH Majestic Sweet Apple French Martini K Belter/D Belter/N Sweet 7 GCH CH Edgewood Devilish Design S Loritz/B Threlfall 8 GCH CH Indigo’s Quintessential Solution L Dobbins/C Bono/M Dobbins 9 GCH CH Gallant Majestic Shaken Not Stirred K Belter/N Gallant/D Belter 10 GCH CH Foxwoods Midnight Romance N Pearson/D Mauterer/K Lyons
1 GCH CH Hil-N-Don & Canyonwood Seemore Of Me S Pelissero/J Crouch 2 GCH CH Ocoee Dsqd With A Vengeance M King/K Lorentzen/B Breese/L Kiener 3 GCH CH Cerise Dixieland Duchess A Summerfelt/D Cherry 4 GCH CH Cerise Sentinel D Cherry/K Kirk 5 GCH CH Wynmoor Champagne Supernova E Kerfoot/C Florence/D Streng/E Fink/R N 6 GCH CH Winamere N Goldcamp Simply D” Best” G Mccain/L O’Connor 7 GCH CH Segre’s Brown Derby BN RA OA OAJ D Larson/M Mizelle 8 GCH CH Suncoast Wil-Orion Anticipation S Zuker/K Milne/N Siver 9 GCH CH Legacy Random Titleist R Mockoviak/S Mockoviak/K Fitzgerald 10 GCH CH Seaview’s Too Busy Being Fabulous D Van Vorst/C Florence/B Fink/R Novack
(M) 1 23 14 11 10 7794
Spaniels (Cocker) Parti
Spaniels (English Cocker)
Spaniels (English Springer)
1 11 6 4 7 4264
(M) 0 8 8 3 3 2427 (M) 0 3 4 3 8 1626 (M) 1 2 1 0 0 1312 (M) 0 1 2 3 2 1088 (F)
0 0 1 4 3 866
(M) 0 0 2 2 2 865 (F)
0 2 0 1 4 483
(M) 0 0 0 0 3 443 0 9 13 7 11 5216
(M) 0 1 3 3 5 831 (M) 0 1 0 1 3 469 (M) 0 1 0 2 5 414 (M) 0 0 1 0 1 397 (M) 0 0 0 1 1 374 (M) 0 0 1 1 1 360 (F)
0 0 0 0 2 340
(M) 0 0 0 0 2 275 (M) 0 0 1 0 1 190 1 9 18 24 9 9738
(M) 0 17 17 11 7 7796 (F)
0 10 11 8 7 4491
(M) 2 5 10 8 12 4306 (M) 1 8 3 5 2 3575 (F)
0 0 1 6 7 1643
0 3 1 1 1 956
(M) 0 0 1 3 1 550 (M) 0 0 3 2 2 526 (M) 0 0 0 2 6 518
(M) 4 18 12 8 5 7767 (F)
0 13 15 15 9 7540
(M) 0 13 12 6 3 5167 (M) 3 6 0 1 0 4589 (M) 0 3 14 9 9 3611 (M) 1 9 5 3 7 3481 (F)
0 3 2 6 8 3102
(M) 0 3 4 3 4 3090 (F)
0 2 9 6 3 2259
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
Spaniels (Field)
1 GCH CH Promenade Pay It Forward J Chopson/J Schildman/N Kuhn 2 GCH CH Sandscape Pardon Me Boys G Perry/C Dooley/N Bunch 3 GCH CH Tamarack’s Race You To Calico S Thornhill/B Hirschy/S Snyder-Work 4 GCH CH Pemberley’s Night Prowler BN RN OA NAP D Stover 5 GCH CH Killara’s Grand Idea RA A Eley/K Balinski 6 GCH CH Promenade Pierce The Veil J Schildman/C Carroll 7 GCH CH Killara Ono! The British Are Coming CA H Fiedler/K Balinski/D Fiedler 8 GCH CH Karomil’s Marbled Pumpernickel RN C Goodell 9 GCH CH Nautica’s Got Game R Ertle/D Brewer 10 GCH CH Upland’s Rockets’ Red Glare L Blaser/B Spencer
(M) 8 31 12 12 12 17510
1 GCH CH Whistlestop’s Riley On Fire T Urban/B Urban/G Siner 2 GCH CH Whistle Stop’s Wind On The Water M Cummings 3 GCH CH Whistlestop’s Fire & Ice S Duncan/C Mcdaniel/C Shelby 4 CH Beaufield’s Boundary Waters At Poole’s Ide B Kvarnlov/G Siner/D Patterson 5 GCH CH Poole’s Ide Got Water RN S Duncan/C Mcdaniel/C Shelby/G Siner 6 GCH CH Poole’s Ide Reversal Of Fortune T Urban/B Urban/G Singer 7 GCH CH Mallyree Here Comes The Son RN A Getchell/P Manus/P Getchell 8 GCH CH Whistle Stop’s The Wind On Fire G Siner/S Narfstrom/C Phillipson 9 GCH CH Navarone’s Back In Black RN CGC P Von Bacho/L Baglia 10 CH D’Locks Honeydukes Hogan RE M Williams-Marter
22 74 32 10 5 36152
1 11 13 7 9 7897
0 4 8 3 0 4511
1 GCH CH Remedi Maritime Criminalintent A Morris/K Booth 2 GCH CH Sundowners Orion Coast To Coast JH J Clendenon/D Clendenon/C Cooper/A Coope 3 GCH CH Companionway Sutton It Had To Be You C Holt 4 GCH CH He’s Simply Godiva’s Duck Chocolate D Engbertson/M Henderson/S Caniff 5 GCH CH Terreline’s Little Tug Of Old North Wharf C Peterson/M Peterson 6 GCH CH Wild Cherry Remedi In My World E Heiple/D Miller 7 GCH CH Kamand Tangled Up In Blue K Toner/A Toner 8 CH Lexxfield Stonybeck Bob J Hepper 9 GCH CH Companionway-Sutton Mandolin Wind L Carver/R Carver 10 GCH CH Chatapa Jason And The Argonauts R Valenzano/C Valenzano
1 GCH CH Trystyn Statesman Cactus Blue S Doss/S Doss/M Riese-Bassel/S Holmes 2 GCH CH Clussexx Rolyarts Payola NAJ S Marx 3 GCH CH Rolyart’s Tale-Gator C Ford/S Traylor 4 GCH CH Clussexx Win’Throp Loves Springtime J Haverick/D Massey 5 GCH CH Ivywild’s Seven Blessings D Sakach/R Sakach 6 GCH CH Statesman’s Kenducky Derby M Helms/P Gilson 7 GCH CH Holly House’s Making Waves RN TD S Roth/A Legare 8 GCH CH Royailes Willem Of Windsor R Burgess/S Burgess/N Carlton/G Carlton 9 GCH CH Holly House Gryffindor RE S Merriken/A Legare 10 GCH CH Farhill’s Liberte M Hilliard
(M) 3 9 2 1 1 4552
1 GCH CH Javal Tangerine Man J Austad/K Norton 2 GCH CH Bela’s This Time It’s Hudson P Miller/L Miller/K Miller 3 GCH CH Javal I’M Movin On To Hootwire BN RN CGC D Perrott/S Knipe 4 GCH CH Amico Peloso’s Double Dare You C Fritts/L Kunz 5 GCH CH Brier Creeks Ophelia Del Fredo JH R Koch 6 GCH CH Quattro Zampe Micca JH T Turner 7 GCH CH Sweetbriar’s Excalibur Niccolo Massimiliano D Cooker/D Graff 8 GCH CH Couchfields Giulia At Carpe Diem S Hudson/M Brustein/D Brooks 9 GCH CH Lancetta’s The Heart Of Rock & Roll J Joens/M Fornens-Joens 10 Collina D’Oro Honky Tonk Woman S Belt/A Kinney/T Kinney
(M) 0 1 1 4 5 1664
Spaniels (Irish Water)
Spaniels (Sussex)
Spaniels (Welsh Springer)
Spinoni Italiani
0 5 16 8 7 6526
0 1 0 2 1 763
(M) 0 0 1 2 3 752 (F)
0 0 1 0 2 479
(M) 0 0 1 1 3 291 (M) 0 0 0 0 2 197 (M) 0 0 1 0 1 185 (M) 0 0 0 1 0 161 (M) 0 1 1 1 0 101
(M) 2 2 2 1 3 1813 (M) 0 0 2 2 0 660 (M) 0 2 1 1 0 604 (M) 0 0 1 1 0 578 (F)
0 1 0 0 0 242
(M) 0 0 0 0 1 214 (M) 0 0 1 0 0 108 0 0 0 1 4 1161
(M) 0 2 2 1 2 730 (M) 0 0 0 0 2 677 (M) 0 0 0 2 0 453 (M) 0 1 0 0 1 428 (M) 0 0 0 1 1 385 (M) 0 0 0 0 1 366 (M) 0 0 0 2 2 358 (M) 0 0 0 0 3 338 (M) 0 2 0 1 1 311
(M) 1 2 4 2 9 2960 (F)
0 2 7 5 3 1339
(M) 0 1 2 0 4 975 (M) 0 0 0 4 1 846 (M) 0 1 3 4 3 759 (M) 0 0 1 1 3 686 (M) 0 0 1 3 2 643 (M) 0 0 2 0 1 523 (F)
0 0 0 1 0 257
(M) 0 2 7 4 2 1216 (M) 0 0 1 1 0 471 (M) 0 0 0 1 2 462 (F)
0 0 0 1 0 313
0 0 2 0 2 309
(M) 0 0 1 0 0 256 (F)
0 0 1 0 0 228
(M) 0 0 2 0 0 184 (F)
0 0 0 1 0 101
Continued on page 98
Dog News 69
UPDATED Continued FROM page 46
Continued on page 74
70 Dog News
Dog News is pleased to welcome and announce that
Leslie Simis
Nicholas Viggiano, Jr.
have joined our sales staff to help with your advertising needs
Leslie Simis 626.260.2750 626.350.4922
Nicholas Viggiano, Jr. 443.786.2209
Dog News 71
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74 Dog News
Dog News 75
76 Dog News
Dog News 77
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78 Dog News
Leo &
It is “
Three Group Seconds and a Group Third the Four days in Yuma
Judges Mrs. Jacqueline Stacy, Mrs. Susan Carr, Mrs. Inge Semenschin, and Mrs. Sally Vilas Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Baltic, Russian, Slovenian, Finnish, and Polish Champion
A Top Five* Lhasa Apso • A Best In Show Winner
Ch. Rufkins Monarchs Love Bytes Owners Roberta Lombardi, Jan Lee Bernards and Kersti Paju
Breeders Roberta Lombardi, Kris Harrison & Peggy Hoffman
Handler David Murray
*The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed
Dog News 79
Sporting Group
Brittanys 848 787 746 593 539 470 387 349 234 191
GCH CH Brookewood’s Just Too Hot CDX MX MXB E Drazek/C Miller GCH CH Triumphant’s As Good As It Gets JH L Mccartney-Roy/K Mccartney GCH CH Rainbow Splash’s Ruggedly Handsome C Douglas/J Andras/A Andras/K Hogan/A Co GCH CH Mich’s Mt Ready Aim Fire T Rickard/L Rickard/K Rickard/J Davies GCH CH Sanbar’s Ride The Winds R West/P West/C West GCH CH Star Flight Jumpin Jack Flash RN OA OAJ J Ceres GCH CH Copley Paper Dragon E Ewart GCH CH Marsport Hot To Ride Lucky Seven MH P Snider/L Snider GCH CH Dogwood Hollow Little Surfer Girl G Clements/G Clements/C Mika GCH CH Britt’s Ramblin’ The Perfect Cut J Larson/N Larson/K Schoppa
306 240 222 216 171 153 122 84 69 67
GCH CH Chesterhope Miss D’Arcy L Cayton/F De Paulo/D Ying CH Solivia’s Desiderata D Brown/K Brown/S Thompson GCH CH Chesterhope State Of T Art J Mosing/J O’Neill GCH CH Bookstor Willy Wonka K Spey/H Spey/D Chan/S Morawiec GCH CH Solivia’s Like Fine Wine At Hipoint J Mirto/R Mirto GCH CH Oncore Mykyna Storm P Haines/T Haines/P Davis GCH CH Creeksyde’s Heartbreaker G Griffin/J Walton/K Rath GCH CH Black Alder Archer Mayor P Kroll GCH CH Seasyde Fashion Avenue H Medeiros/J Griffith/H Griffith GCH CH Solivia’s Kalahari Of Marsuz C Green/S Thompson/D Brown/K Brown
149 141 121 116
Retrievers (Curly-Coated)
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F)
(F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F)
Pointers (German Shorthaired)
1361 GCH CH Dogwdcreek’s La Vita E Belle (F) L Duncan 791 GCH CH Kan-Point’s Makin’ The Chase (F) R Stanley/R Stanley/L Coonrod 748 GCH CH Robin Crest Edelmarke Investigator (M) T Feneis/T Depietro/C Trost 541 GCH CH Stelor’s Royalty Remembered (M) D Stelmach 480 GCH CH Starfield’s Army Strong V Bulkley JH (M) L Rhodes/S Herman 452 GCH CH Robin Crest Great Expectations (M) R Remondi/R Remondi 437 GCH CH Skypoint’s Our River Runs Free (F) F Del Prete/L Del Prete 407 GCH CH Ehrenvogel Say Cheese (F) M Lara/C Swensson/G Hostetter/A Lester 392 GCH CH Homesteader’s Star Burst JH (M) A Vitarius/B Vitarius/N Campbell 379 GCH CH De Lombardie Bulkley Solstice (F) L Cere/G Hostetter/C Cunningham
Pointers (German Wirehaired) 625 200 126 76 57 55 51 40 35 32
GCH CH Mountain View National Acclaim N Paduch/P Paduch/B Stroh GCH CH Mt. View’s Ripsnortersilvercharm V Malzoni GCH CH Harvest Meadow’s Truth Be Told L Minnick/A Resnick GCH CH Neudorf’s Cool Hand Luke Afterhours F Newwirth/C Whitmore GCH CH Ebbtide Lookout Gambler JH A Summerfelt/G Persinger/H Huber/F Funde GCH CH Heywire ‘N Highfield’s Hey Look Me Over P Kincaid/L Kincaid/B Brawn GCH CH Geronimo’s Goddess V Dazzle J Steffes GCH CH Aimn Hi Jet Stream RN MH CGC K Gunnarson/L Gunnarson CH Hh Lookout Celtic Field Of Vision JH J Boyd/M Boyd/J Witt/E Shupp GCH CH Hh Lookout’s Cherryfield S Oehlers
Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) 706 293 250 239 205 173
GCH CH Chesastar Hudson Bay RN K Sosik/J Sosik GCH CH Chesacolahardwoodbaltimoreraven G Sheetz GCH CH Hardwood’s Full House V Bartnicki/J Ohrnberger GCH CH Albridens The Show Must Go On S Larson/D Baker GCH CH Calico’s Colonial Rum Fire J Coutu/M Coutu GCH CH Quailridge’s Top Dee O Gee Maximilian C Macina/C Macina
GCH CH Poisett’s Doctor Mallard P Henshaw/A Henshaw GCH CH Irish’s Robert Garcia Depadua T Jennings/J Jennings GCH CH Shiloah’s Harvard Girl One Smart Spicy T Coene/S Grasso GCH CH Spinnakers Kodiak Fisher JH C Kling
165 137 100 68 51 47 32 23 18 14
GCH CH Down Datrail Hunting Thrills CD S Macre/D Akins GCH CH Kurly Kreek Artic Express S Shifflett/M Shifflett CH Amberlea’s Faultline Rattle BN RA CGC W Reed GCH CH Riverwatch Grand Illusion M Meek/G Meek GCH CH Kyraco Kyrabean Pirate CA M Morel GCH CH Charmstar Travels With Ghislaine CAA M Morris GCH CH Clarion’s Blackberry Bramble J Gentry/P Gentry GCH CH Walden Farm’s Zoot Suit Riot RN J Siebecker CH Sun Devil Bohemian Rhapsody Ordered By The L Rush GCH CH Fullcircle Gale Force BN RN JH CA J Harms/W Harms
382 335 283 232 225 199 172 165 151
J Martin GCH CH Bertschire Horse Power JH A Holsinger/K Goulding GCH CH Destiny As Good As It Gets CDX JH E Mound GCH CH Wind Dancer’s Kick A Little K Forni GCH CH Windy Hill Dance To The Music JH R Rickert/S Rickert/L Selof/M Bettis GCH CH Bertschire’s Triple Play BN PCD RAE AX R Morton/B Griffin/A Holsinger GCH CH Moonlight Wish Upon A Star RN R Morrill/S Morrill/P Briganti/R Brigant GCH CH Gamekeeper’s Medal Of Honor RA SH OA R Rickert/M White/L Lowy/M White GCH CH Feathurquest Moonlight Sonata R Morrill/R Briganti/M Shimizu/K Shimizu GCH CH Westlawn Free Born Man E Fino/D Fino
Retrievers (Flat-Coated) 607 GCH CH Timberblac’s All Hands On Deck RN
Retrievers (Golden)
(M) (M) (F) (M)
(M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)
(M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)
2709 GCH CH Summits Emery Its In The Bag B Johnson/J Sedivec/K Sedivec 2044 GCH CH Easthill Broxden Woodland Lettuce C Collins/J Supple/S Skilkoff/J Ovalle/A 1985 GCH CH Rush Hill’s Drama’Geddon JH T Struble/M Struble/C Meddaugh 1598 GCH CH Venture’s Boys N Toys T Mccray/A Heuslein 1570 GCH CH Trance Mission Jp Cunard Adventure T Tsumura 1207 GCH CH Shadowland’s Paws For Applause At Tristar S Dominke/M Honari 926 GCH CH Pennylane Jansun Justin Credible J Jesberger 888 GCH CH Hillock’s Bacardi CD RE T Tomlinson/C Ross/D Ross 730 GCH CH Glaciers Ringing In The New Year C Martin 692 GCH CH Regency Raise The Bet V Franchi/L Franchi/S Carpenter/L Ballar
1462 GCH CH Gateway’s Nothin’ But Trouble V Creamer/M Creamer 1230 GCH CH Frakari’s Kool As Kiefer C Fisher/L Weiss 961 GCH CH Epoch’s Moccasin Joe C Skiba 773 GCH CH Big Skys Augustus JH B Bridges 645 GCH CH Briarwood’s Eye On The Prize M Henricks/S Sellers/P Sellers 637 GCH CH Everso’s Elephants & Flowers JH S Perrine 613 GCH CH Belquest Deep Run Easy Peasy P Giroux/S Moses/J Moses 562 GCH CH Rosewater Babalu A Berarducci/R Harkow 546 GCH CH Greenstone’s Lady Luck S Green/S Green 511 GCH CH Tampa Bay & Snobo Gusty Seas Batten E Elliott/L Hess
Retrievers (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling)
(M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F)
(M) (M)
Retrievers (Labrador)
378 332 215 178
GCH CH Pikkinokka’s Lightning Bug S Einck-Paul/N Mages GCH CH Javahill Surf2 An 8 Second Ride BN K Schultze/L Fitzmaurice/A Pasko GCH CH Tollerpride Gathering Storm J Gordon/H Gordon/R Fearon GCH CH Princess Cut Diamond Beekauz CD RN JH S Kauzlarich/K Kauzlarich/D Kauzlarich
(M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F)
(M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M)
(M) (M) (M)
126 108 104 100 96 76
GCH CH Lennoxlove Susqudilla’s Mini Cooper CD RN (M) R Haskin/P Campanella/M Waterstreet/J Ha GCH CH Foxvale Avatar Best Of Times (M) D Gibbs GCH CH Hawks Nest Divine Providence RN CA (M) R Kurth/M Martin/C Kurth GCH CH Vermilion’s Ram’Njam’N Rosco Of Tnt CD RN (M) H Hietapelto/K Koebensky-Como GCH CH Starway Keeper Of The Stars (M) V Anderson/L Smith/K Audette GCH CH Aqueus Walks On Water OA OAJ OAP AJP (M) W Johansen/D Bannasch
Setters (English)
1133 GCH CH Stargaz’R ‘N Wingfield Time Will Tell D Coller/P Coller/E Hackett 560 GCH CH Sagebrush’s Simply Irresistible J Harris 316 GCH CH Aerden’s Pretty In Pink JH L Engel/R Miller/V Ciaravino/B Silbernag 287 GCH CH Sleepy Hollow’s Scarlett O Hara J Mowery/L Mowery 248 GCH CH Legends Love Potion No. Nine F Carisle/J Carlisle 239 GCH CH Wyndswept’s Reflection Of The Heart D Mack/S Costa 234 GCH CH Linwood Resolute’s New Beginning RN CGC R Lloyd/W Lloyd 230 GCH CH Palisades B52 M Dorward 203 GCH CH Lochlomond’s Wrapped Up In You JH S Kuniansky/F Neal 182 GCH CH Oakley’s B’Dazzled E Strickland/J Strickland
702 654 629 275 222 129 83 75 72 65
Setters (Gordon)
GCH CH Hollyhunt Take A Chance On Me M Hunsinger/C Hunsinger GCH CH Sandpiper’s Castles In The Air D Grant/J Beattie/D Snyder/P Reilly GCH CH Sastya’s Eleven Eleven W Leonard/M Leonard GCH CH Saranac Toblerone E Fisher/W Fisher GCH CH Buteo’s Midnight Silence A Johnson-Edwards/C Edwards GCH CH Amberlove’s Are We A Pair? JH C Kushell GCH CH Grizz’s Angus Firestorm N Warchant CGC D Hamilton/S Hamilton GCH CH Bluewin’s Wild Wild West CD D Ellis/N Ellis GCH CH Amberlove The One That I Wanted For L Ward/T Ward/R Schwiegerath GCH CH Sunrunners Untouchable B Young-Tompkinson
Setters (Irish Red and White) 88 47 39 37 31 29 25 21 16 15
GCH CH Mizen Duchas Dilis JH J Baumgartner GCH CH Tullamore Toffi JH A Jones GCH CH Aramis Farms High Road To Killary D Peterson/J Zawikowski GCH CH Nyastar’s Theif Of Hearts Of Riverun K Miller/S Hazen/K Ramirez CH Nyastar’s Bright Flame Burning K Miller/T Sexton GCH CH Paterjay Analita T Orcutt/C Orcutt/Z Orcutt GCH CH Tymaran Masterful L Derosa/S Derosa Paterjay Ari Di Luna A Jones CH Nyastar’s Dirty Little Secret K Miller/J Holt CH Shireoak Crimson Ice B Steinheimer/M Steinheimer/G Harrison/L
Setters (Irish) 708 670 651 558 457 355 307 243 240 213 213
GCH CH Vermilion’s Sea Breeze M Foote/B Foote GCH CH Northwinds First Reign R Arch/J Arch/D Keane/N Keane GCH CH Crimsonacre Wind Chime R Perry GCH CH Darnelle’s Pennies From Heaven M Higby GCH CH Dancin’ Prelude To Winter JH S Folts GCH CH Militza’s My Cherie Amour T Mcneal/R Mcneal/K Wall/J Fisher GCH CH Antares Bobby Jones M Goeke/P Goeke GCH CH Abbeylane Tramore Above The Limit D Michaelson/B Rasmussen GCH CH Jadestar Rifleman C Brewer/J Smith GCH CH Jadestar Rodeo Queen J Smith GCH CH Bluerose Phantasmagorical D Hyman/M Hyman
(M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)
(M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F) (F)
(M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)
21 20 19 17 13 9 9 8 8 8
CH Aspen Springs Northern Star RN (M) D Parker/F Parker Beavercreek’s Mystic Firestorm RATN CGC (F) L Thorsness/L Mcgrath/H Pemble CH Aspen Springs Blazing Sun (M) D Parker/F Parker GCH CH Beavercreek’s Chance Of A Life Time RATN (M) L Thorsness/H Pemble GCH CH Ca- Beavercrk’s Best Kpt Secret RN CGC (F) L Thorsness Aspen Springs Mountain Zephyr (M) B Stuart/L Stuart CH Carolina’s Running With The Hare BN RN SH JHR (M) L Mccracken GCH CH Beavercreek’s Secret Celebration RN RATN (F) L Mcgrath/L Thorsness/H Pemble Kei-Rin’s Bandida De Offshore (F) K Hayes CH Aspen Springs Ursa Major (M) D Parker/F Parker
102 67 63 54 38 29 18 16 13 11
GCH CH Pocotaligo’s Nama Karoo MH JHR C Gebhard/K Parkman GCH CH Hollow Creek’s Texas Trace G Hurley/P Watts GCH CH Texas Trace Vega G Copeland/M Copeland GCH CH Texas Trace Yellow Rose RN CGC M Machala/G Hurley GCH CH Texas Trace Skipper K Johnston/G Copeland CH Top Gun Keeping Faith JH J De Angelo GCH CH Hollow Creek’s Jagger Meister G Copeland CH Larley’s Shake Rattle And Roll P Knudsen/H Davis GCH CH Thornhill’s Sula Of Heronwyck JHR L Kern GCH CH Texas Trace Uvalde G Copeland/M Copeland
477 177 107 84 60 55 55 52 43 36
GCH CH Clussexx Collaboration With Traddles W Holbrook/B Dowd/A Jaramillo/M Capone/J GCH CH Nexus Total Eclipse S Miller/C Miller/J Fankhauser/B Freeman GCH CH Clumon Ragin Cajun At Breakaway J Scott/D Starr/R Moss GCH CH Chiffon Revolution A Ries/D Wahman GCH CH Clussexx King’s Ransom T Shores/M Merritt/J Haverick GCH CH Jazzin’s Shake A Tail Feather M Morris/C Jaynes/C Brannon GCH CH Nexus Dark Horse P Mccune/T Mccune GCH CH Whitehawk Nonsuch Wessex C L Sidorovich/V Simmonds GCH CH Lake Desire’s James Patterson’s The Gift C Wiseman/J Wiseman GCH CH Breakaway’s Outrigger S Beaird/D Starr/D Fitzpatrick
554 341 317 152 149 134 120 112 103 96
GCH CH Trinity’s Tucked Under His Wing (M) S Gray/S Dobmeier GCH CH Aspire’s Semper Paratus (F) C Rosales/L Rosales GCH CH Jems May The Force Be With You (M) J Stamm/D Rosenblum/S Rosenblum GCH CH Blt Into The Wild (M) B Lou/T Lam GCH CH Be-Fit’s N Arikara Too Hot To Touch (F) C Thompson/P Nazarko/D Christian GCH CH Creekridge Eye Wanna Be A Rock Starr (M) C Bredenbeck/F Bredenbeck GCH CH St. Hubert’s N Stanfield Farms Double Talkin (F) P Bigsby GCH CH Showtime My Lady Jane (F) D Harris/C Harris GCH CH Kaplar’s Heartsong (M) L Henson GCH CH P’Gell N Blt Bonus Bucks (M) C Kelley/P Kelley
Spaniels (Boykin)
Spaniels (Clumber)
(M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F)
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)
Spaniels (Cocker) ASCOB
Spaniels (Cocker) Black 482 390 347 225 219 192 168 160 147
GCH CH Mario N Beechwood’s Midnight Express CGC (M) F Charest/C Charest/M Ragusa/P Ragusa GCH CH Pbj’s Fearless (F) B Pruitt/M Pruitt GCH CH Sovran’s Aranjuez (M) A Santos/M Buckley GCH CH Tamra’s N Positively Over The Top (M) M Walls/J Newton GCH CH Ashdown’s Time To Thrill (M) G White Jones/B Van Deman/C Douglas GCH CH Bib ‘N’ Tux Born This Way (F) B Warren GCH CH Homespun’s Winchester (M) J Boote/L Boote GCH CH Casablanca’s Thrilling Seduction (M) L Moore/B Van Deman/C Douglas/M Walker GCH CH Quasar - Midnight’s On The Money (M) K Flanders
The Dog News 80 Dog News
Spaniels (American Water)
96 GCH CH Waterway Game Crk Hot Diggity JH L Hattrem/J Hattrem/J Rose/S Rose/P Mett
130 GCH CH Amik-Creek Swiped By Marshens A Morgante/H Armour/M James
Spaniels (Cocker) Parti 467 333 215 181 145 126 121 105 104 91 91 91
GCH CH Conquest’s This Is It! (F) M Torres-Young GCH CH Monthaven’s The Birdcage (M) J Montanelli GCH CH Ka-Sa-Ra’s Positively Priceless (M) K Korab/H Hesskew GCH CH Nosowea’N Wib’s New Brew-Who Knew! (F) J Thorp GCH CH My-Ida-Ho N Jems Captain (M) E Ross/S Gerling GCH CH Sherwood & Lomapoint Captain Crunch (M) J Bjelland/K Olsen GCH CH Lynn D’s Turn’N To The Dark Side (M) D Swier/J Mcnelly GCH CH Pinecliff’s Naughty Little Angel (F) L Gaertner GCH CH Tsunami’s Curtain Call (F) I Tsvetkova GCH CH Dalin’s Written In The Stars (F) L Donaldson/D Donaldson/T Higdon GCH CH Sherwood N Winchester’s The Thunder Rolls (M) D Eastham/K Hampton GCH CH Chris-Di’s Classic Flame (F) L Berger/D Shanks
Spaniels (English Cocker) 895 643 455 375 369 341 288 200 168 156
GCH CH Foxwoods Dublin Diva K Lyons/D Mauterer GCH CH Nonnies No Doubt J Gerrish/V Umpleby GCH CH Blackstone Very Vassar E Courtney/A Howard/J Torres GCH CH Dawnglow Knight Rider E Neff/S Laflamme/B Hendrick GCH CH Fieldstone Carousel Hell’s Kitchen K Florentine/C Kirby GCH CH Majestic Sweet Apple French Martini K Belter/D Belter/N Sweet GCH CH Jolyn N Indigo’s Rions Flag E Matuk/L Dobbins/C Bono/C Schlecht GCH CH Edgewood Devilish Design S Loritz/B Threlfall CH Dawnglow Ebonwood’s Whirlaway P Janzen/J Kaul GCH CH Newstead Echoes Of Love R Tingley/F Tingley
Spaniels (English Springer)
1180 GCH CH Ocoee Dsqd With A Vengeance M King/K Lorentzen/B Breese/L Kiener 964 GCH CH Cerise Dixieland Duchess A Summerfelt/D Cherry 811 GCH CH Hil-N-Don & Canyonwood Seemore Of Me S Pelissero/J Crouch 810 GCH CH Winamere N Goldcamp Simply D” Best” G Mccain/L O’Connor 789 GCH CH Suncoast Wil-Orion Anticipation S Zuker/K Milne/N Siver 590 GCH CH Cerise Sentinel D Cherry/K Kirk 423 GCH CH Seaview’s Too Busy Being Fabulous D Van Vorst/C Florence/B Fink/R Novack 373 GCH CH Legacy Random Titleist R Mockoviak/S Mockoviak/K Fitzgerald 342 GCH CH Segre’s Brown Derby BN RA OA OAJ D Larson/M Mizelle 314 GCH CH Wynmoor Champagne Supernova E Kerfoot/C Florence/D Streng/E Fink/R N
(F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M)
(M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)
Spaniels (Field) 324 255 99 72 72 68 57 27 26 22 22
GCH CH Sandscape Pardon Me Boys (F) G Perry/C Dooley/N Bunch GCH CH Pemberley’s Night Prowler BN RN OA NAP (M) D Stover GCH CH Karomil’s Marbled Pumpernickel RN (M) C Goodell GCH CH Killara’s Grand Idea RA (F) A Eley/K Balinski GCH CH Promenade Pierce The Veil (M) J Schildman/C Carroll GCH CH Winfarthing Pride & Prejudice RN SH (M) S Haskell/J Zachow/G Kofron GCH CH Killara Ono! The British Are Coming CA (M) H Fiedler/K Balinski/D Fiedler GCH CH Cabot N Seabreeze Night Train To Wicksford (M) S Meachem/L Carver/D O’Neil/D Mccrae GCH CH Promenade Pay It Forward (M) J Chopson/J Schildman/N Kuhn GCH CH Nautica’s Got Game (M) R Ertle/D Brewer GCH CH Wolftree’s Painted Rock (M) S Miller
Spaniels (Irish Water) 269 138 75 54
GCH CH Whistlestop’s Riley On Fire T Urban/B Urban/G Siner GCH CH Whistlestop’s Fire & Ice S Duncan/C Mcdaniel/C Shelby GCH CH Whistle Stop’s Wind On The Water M Cummings GCH CH Mallyree Here Comes The Son RN A Getchell/P Manus/P Getchell
(F) (F) (F)
48 47 28 26 25 24
GCH CH Navarone’s Back In Black RN CGC (M) P Von Bacho/L Baglia CH Beaufield’s Boundary Waters At Poole’s Ide (M) B Kvarnlov/G Siner/D Patterson CH Archwave A Shot Of Irish Mist (F) S Shanahan GCH CH Nawedshoe Dawns Early Lite O Freedom CGC (M) P Chapman GCH CH Waterford’s Anything You Want (F) S Ensign GCH CH Poole’s Ide Reversal Of Fortune (M) T Urban/B Urban/G Singer
Spaniels (Sussex) 137 78 60 55 54 48 40 38 37 34
GCH CH Wild Cherry Remedi In My World E Heiple/D Miller GCH CH Companionway Sutton It Had To Be You C Holt GCH CH Remedi’s Deep In The Heart T Launder/B Launder GCH CH Kamand Tangled Up In Blue K Toner/A Toner GCH CH He’s Simply Godiva’s Duck Chocolate D Engbertson/M Henderson/S Caniff GCH CH Chatapa Jason And The Argonauts R Valenzano/C Valenzano GCH CH Sundowners Orion Coast To Coast JH J Clendenon/D Clendenon/C Cooper/A Coope GCH CH Remedi Maritime Criminalintent A Morris/K Booth GCH CH Terreline’s Little Tug Of Old North Wharf C Peterson/M Peterson GCH CH Seamist Magnetic North E Rebischke/P Peterson/S Mccully/M Mizel
383 169 113 107 103 92 85 81 81 72 72
GCH CH Trystyn Statesman Cactus Blue S Doss/S Doss/M Riese-Bassel/S Holmes GCH CH Clussexx Rolyarts Payola NAJ S Marx GCH CH Saga’s Winsome Watson RN CGC J Cooley GCH CH Ivywild’s Seven Blessings D Sakach/R Sakach GCH CH Riverside’s Remington Magical Gun R Sieranski/P Nardone/C Wrenn/A Wrenn GCH CH Holly House’s Making Waves RN TD S Roth/A Legare GCH CH Rolyart’s Tale-Gator C Ford/S Traylor GCH CH Avalon’s All Hallows Eve Perseus J Lowry GCH CH Farhill’s Liberte M Hilliard GCH CH Trystyn’s State Secret P Williamson/R Williamson/S Holmes GCH CH Clussexx Win’Throp Loves Springtime J Haverick/D Massey
Spaniels (Welsh Springer)
Spinoni Italiani 190 114 78 72 64 63 58 54 45 44
GCH CH Amico Peloso’s Double Dare You C Fritts/L Kunz GCH CH Couchfields Giada At Dry Grass M Brustein/J Brustein/D Brooks GCH CH Nine Gates Matilda J Kennard GCH CH Bela’s This Time It’s Hudson P Miller/L Miller/K Miller GCH CH Javal Tangerine Man J Austad/K Norton GCH CH Collina D’Oro Get Off Of My Cloud CGC S Belt/D Cannon/J Hileman GCH CH Brier Creeks Ophelia Del Fredo JH R Koch GCH CH Darby Canyon Mick Jagger D Cannon/L Williams Stanton GCH CH Lancetta’s The Heart Of Rock & Roll J Joens/M Fornens-Joens GCH CH Couchfields Paolo Del Mucrone C Levine/D Brooks/M Brustein
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F)
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M)
(M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M)
2250 GCH CH Regal Point Pinnacle Of Kilauea JH D Verret/S Rushing/D Sullivan/S Middlebr 677 GCH CH Jaybren’s Irish Star J Brennan/J Brennan 577 GCH CH Solaris Tuzes Paprika JH CA A Gilliam/M Szechenyi/B Kirven/R Murphy 472 GCH CH Lorac’s Cap’N Jack Sparrow S Nakamura/W Sommerfelt/C Sommerfelt 463 GCH CH Tamaron’s Tag You’Re It L Westerbeck/T Westerbeck 401 GCH CH Nyircsaszari Szilva Palinka JH S Kerr 361 GCH CH Grouse Point Semper Fi Pretty In Pink C Miklos/T Lucas/R Bernstein 278 GCH CH HRQ Guess Who’s In Trouble JH OA OAJ C Meacham/S Sibley 274 GCH CH Just Spike JH L Busch 266 GCH CH Jen’s Penny Tamaron Tiana’s Perfect Alibi D Helms/C Helms/N Guarascio/T Westerbeck
1400 GCH CH Doc N’ Camelot’s Heaven Can Wait S Thomas
(M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F)
708 571 465 440 439 264 224 191 173
GCH CH Simpatico Equal Justice J Martin/J Logan/R Goularle GCH CH Silhouette’s All Revved Up C Cassidy/B Cassidy GCH CH Unity’s Bzyfeet Laverne Defazio G Mclogan/V Ruiz/A Tourond GCH CH Win’Weim’s It’s My Grey Goose D Massey/S Line GCH CH Diamond Mk The Eagle Has Landed M Wilson/N Lane GCH CH Rosewin Clasic Schwin Of Anson P Sage/A Sage/M Gearhart/W Gearhart GCH CH Camelot’s The Best Of Times II J Sherry/S Thomas GCH CH Nani’s So What B Shepard/C Grisell GCH CH Frost Oak N Quantrels Git R Done N Todd
Wirehaired Pointing Griffons 157 128 119 109 81 65 61 49 47 44
GCH CH Whiskeytown Brandewyn SH K Rogney/G Rogney GCH CH Kyloe’s Trekking Kb Amstel JH J Resler/J Riederer GCH CH Fireside’s Riding High SH S Martin GCH CH Bear Hug Fire In The Hole JH L Carroll/M Carroll GCH CH Fireside’s Hollow Crown Elsy W Marlow/P Marlow GCH CH Marquis Bear Hug Blue Fireworks CA M Dozier/S Dozier GCH CH Wyncliff’s Dark Shadow R Baggenstos/D Baggenstos CH Chukar Well Dressed Sharpshooter RN JH T Korthals GCH CH Fireside’s Mother Of Pearl M Tuttle/C Tuttle GCH CH Whiskeytown Chibuku J Tucker/K Rogney
(F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)
(F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M)
1268 GCH CH Tells Matrix Reloaded M Galloway 1250 GCH CH Exlysta Aries Ciel Noir P Rooks/C Smith/P Schafmayer/S Ferraro 693 GCH CH Elmo’s Martian Chronicles C Harker 490 GCH CH Mahali Arriva Sandpiper J Baukus/D Cooley/S Neill/L Schanzle/J P 411 GCH CH Thaon’s Wallstreet J Hafford/J Blanchard/D Rogers/J Rogers/ 341 GCH CH Maya’s Mockingbird C Rahaman/A Rahaman/K Bunce 223 GCH CH Karakush Storm In A D-Cup D Sorey/S Fisher/B Clark 219 GCH CH Jolie Orion J Taylor/J Taylor 211 GCH CH Boanne’s Thunderation A Evans/G Evans/B Blewett/G Ullom/L Mill 189 GCH CH Jakar An Affair Most Wicked B Warren
American English Coonhounds 41 39 17 8 3 1
GCH CH Color Me Bad Double Stuff Oreo A Alexander GCH CH Moonlight’s Most Wanted J Spieth/S Spieth CH Kentucky Mtn Diamond Cutter P Jessup GCH CH Alexanders Color Me Bad Ginn A Alexander I’M A Diamond Of A Peach J Green Color Me One Rotten Peach A Alexander/J Green
182 43 22 17 15 15 11 9 8 6
GCH CH Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box E Charles/L Miller GCH CH Dunstan Tucker G Shultz GCH CH Crossroads Just Right Joe A Whitfield GCH CH Devlon’s Fame And Fortune K Kendall/D Leonard/K Leonard GCH CH Kiarry’s Foolish Pride D Deonofrio CH Tallyho Jade D Leonard/K Leonard CH Hillwood’s Matilda S Grossman Hillwood’s Jackson S Grossman CH Tri County Crossroads Calaminty Jane A Hodges CH Kiarry & Deluxe Adam’s Rib R Lux/J Lux
American Foxhounds
GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Halleleujah Makes A Joyful J Behles/R Walley GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC N Sherman/N Scherwin GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet T Kirstein/T Huff GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow! P Geoffroy/S Lund/S Coe GCH CH Jokuba C-Quest First Round Knock Out R Bowen/C Russell GCH CH Sirobe Egotistical Rosewood B Phifer GCH CH Illusion’s Stairway To Heaven T Reed/B Reed GCH CH Ab Day Trip To Tanza-Jamaa SC CA J Sheldon/P Fragassi/T Rollins GCH CH Berimo Cavalia P Marshall
706 365 277 251 242 220 189 187 167 165
GCH CH Topsfield-Sanchu Eenie Meenie Miney Moe S Shor/C Orlandi/C Steidel GCH CH Topsfield-Sanchu Bibidy-Bobidy-Boo C Orlandi/C Steidel GCH CH Barnyard 3 Oaks Spark Of Hope C Lane/V Mcmackin/C Star/P Harder GCH CH Gypsy’s Pert ‘Neer’ Perfect K Collier/D Hagy GCH CH Fort Merrill Brunswick J Urban/A Costilla GCH CH Splash’s Riverboat Gambler J Nolan/B Nolan/J Nolan/W Nolan GCH CH Ingram’s Martha D Ingram/H Ingram GCH CH Kahl Me Foxglen’s Cool Dude B Kahl GCH CH Olde Fashion Affare D’Amore Italiano B Berger/J Baetz GCH CH Castlehill’s Ace In The Hole At Sasquatch S Dok/J Dok/T Whitney/T Whitney
461 302 258 119 91 76 60 50 50 45 45
GCH CH Bougain’E Naughty-N-Lovely Alvin (M) S Adungchongruk/S Ott GCH CH Encore’s Rerun Of Roirdan (M) C Kaplan/C Herr/T Nesmith/E Dziuk GCH CH Vinla-Cabaret’s Gold Standard (M) S Ayers/K Brooks GCH CH Barrister’s Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend (F) B Manifold/S Robblee GCH CH Saranan’s Sweet Sensation (F) N Prideaux/P Schmelkin GCH CH Kinsglo Road To Rhode Island (M) R Johnson/S Houle GCH CH Vinla’s L.A.Ink (F) J Lux/K Brooks CH Mtn Brook Sterling B (M) C Marlow/P Marlow GCH CH Hidden Dreams Premier Cru (F) L Mcpherson GCH CH We-Fuss Who’s At Riverrun (F) D Severns/M Severns/C Luetkens GCH CH Lomapoint Huckleberry (M) C Long
490 333 329 323 218 213 179 161 153 140
GCH CH Bridgehill’s Mr. Mason’s Misbehavin’ D Milke/G Milke GCH CH Legacy Busch’s Bold And Brave C Busch/W Busch/M Martin GCH CH Tashtins Lookin For Trouble L Crandlemire/K Crandlemire/B Cavanaugh/ GCH CH Lokavi’s Battle Flag Of The South J Bell/L Norman GCH CH Honeypot’s Poetry In Motion D Wolf/A Wolf GCH CH Daniel Boon (Pelaez) F Trigueros GCH CH K-Run’s We Could Have Had It All Around K Weichert/J Rodes GCH CH Jabrwoki’s A Canterbury Tail S Robblee/B Robblee GCH CH X’Plorer’s Destiny Done It L Bryson/R Ott/P Kanchana GCH CH Lochnaw Black Tie Affair N Adams/E Goldstein
138 100 99 96 85 76 24 24 15
GCH CH Windbourne Every Hand’s A Winner (M) A Mitchell GCH CH Jazzman Comebacker (M) Z Bolin GCH CH Foxfire Full Force Gale (F) A Mcilwaine/R Urban GCH CH Bayaway Jersey’s Due Process Of Law (M) G Rezendes/D Rezendes/J Stora GCH CH Windbourne Hd Ranch King Of The Road (M) S Campbell/C Rutten/T Skinner/S Skinner GCH CH Kalan’s Ramblin Rose Of Oak Hill (F) O Owens/A Willard/K Willard GCH CH Jazzman Southern Pacific Big Boy (M) J Magenau/Z Bolin GCH CH CCH Wyeast Willow Of Orion-Redsea (F) B Warner/M Finch/V Redditt CH CCH Windbourne Like A Rock (M) S Campbell Continued on page 146
Basset Hounds
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F)
(M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F)
(F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F)
Beagles (over 13 in.)
669 GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin J Jones/K Jones/C Kok
(F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)
(F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M)
(M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)
Black and Tan Coonhounds
Top Ten List (M)
Beagles (13 in. and under)
Hound Group Afghan Hounds
434 389 341 288 272 191 176 133 124
Based on breed competition Dog News 81
UPDATED Continued FROM page 78
Continued on page 90
82 Dog News
r e l y Sk
is shown enjoying two of his latest prestigious wins:
Best of Variety at The Nation al Dog Show, under Judge M Philadelphia K rs. Robert Fors ennel Club yth and Best o at Westchester f Variety Kennel Club u nder Judge Mr. Frank Sabella
Bronze GCh. Unique Diamond In The Ruff
Sire: Gr.Ch. Afterglow Alberto Dam: GrCh.Unique Jewel Of The Crown
Owner: Sharon Witte Califon, N.J. Breeders: Kathleen Stockman Diane Keeler Gail Wolaniuk Handler: Gail Wolaniuk Dog News 83
wishing you the best of the holiday season and a happy new year!
ch. cragsmoor good time
handled by larry cornelius marcelo veras
owned by victor malzoni, jr.
84 Dog News
judge dr. alvin krause judge mrs. dawn vick hansen
number one skye terrier and number seven among all terrier breeds all systems
Dog News 85
Now accepting reservations!
The Dog News Annual Magazine 2014 The next issue of D — THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL MAGAZINE will be distributed the week before Westminster. The deadline to submit advertisements for this very special publication is January 17, 2014.
s usual, everything about D—THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL MAGAZINE will contribute to making a lasting and continuing impact on readers, both nationally and internationally. Its distribution at Westminster is unparalleled,
and it is the only American magazine to be distributed at Crufts, the FCI World Show and at many other European, Asian and South American dog shows as well. In addition, it will contain the final statistics for all breeds for 2013.
For information, please contact 86 Dog News
2013 ANNU
From the quality of its design and production values to its editorial content, D—THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL MAGAZINE serves the fancy as a reference to which they go back to again and again. Discounts are available for four pages or more, whilst Handler Sections are available as well. Please contact us for preferred placement rates.
Please plan to be a part of D—THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL MAGAZINE now! Dog News/D Magazine: 212 462-9588 Dog News 87
88 Dog News
*All Systems
Dog News 89
UPDATED Continued FROM page 82
90 Dog News
Dog News 91
By Sheila Goffe
92 Dog News
Continued on page 184
Dog News 93
California Shows, Russian Laws, A Long Six Days...
as the sole or even the major tool in evaluating a judge’s performance. As for the Malibu and Shoreline shows I do know the Wire bitch was awarded best at two of them and the Harrier one Best but never did hear which exhibit won the fourth day. The weather was cold the first day, cold and rainy the second day and nicer but not real Southern California weather the third and fourth days.
see where the first formal meeting of the Canine Alliance was recently held in the UK. There appeared to be a large turnover of Directors and no announcement as to the number of members who attended. In a move that many considered as hostile to TKC the CA decided to invite a major officer of FCI to speak to explain FCI operations and to explore the relevancy of FCI in the UK. Personally I interpret this as a way for many on that Committee to get more judging assignments with FCI but that’s my personal reaction. I wonder if in these discussions the CA Directors will discuss with FCI why the World Show is being held in Moscow. With so many of the Directors openly out of the closet one would expect this to be a major cause of concern with the members of this organization, which is very quick to blame Chairman Dean for some of the alleged problems within TKC in the UK but makes no mention whatsoever of the shortcomings within FCI, which are well known to many within that organization as well. Out of the fire and into the frying pan jumps CA with “Eyes Wide Open” or should I say closed? Speaking of the Russian anti-gay and lesbian laws did you notice that the Russian concert agency that presented a concert by Lady Gaga was fined for promoting homosexuality and alcohol consumption? Of course the law the suit was brought under predated the more recent Russian federal law prohibiting foreign people from supporting homosexuality and
94 Dog News
coming to Russia nonetheless the feelings run high in certain Russian circles that both sets of laws were passed to protect children from these alleged predators. Come on folks, who’s kidding who?
any of you reading this article will be attending your fifth if not sixth consecutive day of successive dog shows in Orlando. While technically these are several sets of shows there is no denying the fact that AKC itself has labeled at the least and encouraged at the most the concept of National Championship Week. This very label and concept is exactly diametrically opposed to the very policies AKC has established for other AKC giving Circuits and Clusters! Indeed many of these events have in the past been required to lessen the number of days of its shows for both the health and welfare of the dogs and the exhibitors. In complete defiance and in utter disregard for this existing policy-be it a rule, regulation or policy AKC has begun and supported the concept of a Show Week!!! Not only is this to my mind contradictory to its established concepts it contradicts the very basis upon which dog shows had been run in this country for the past several decades. Now that this precedent has been established through the parent organization how can AKC in good conscience turn
down similar applications by leading Circuits and Clusters? Here we go again AKC and its Directors opening doors never intended to have been created or started with which to begin. All in the name of numbers and money instead of quality and principle--that’s my reaction to the holding of these six consecutive days of dogs shows for sure. Prepare yourself for the onslaught that is bound to occur in the future.
his is the last issue of the year for us and I want to wish each and every one of you a most Happy Christmas and Holiday Season as well as a healthy, and safe New Year. Look forward to seeing many of you at the Palm Springs Kennel Club in Indio if not before. Have a good one on me will you!!!
Dog News 95
96 Dog News
*All Systems **The Dog News Top Ten List
Dog News 97
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
Continued FROM page 69
1 GCH CH Regal Point Pinnacle Of Kilauea JH D Verret/S Rushing/D Sullivan/S Middlebr 2 GCH CH Solaris Tuzes Paprika JH CA A Gilliam/M Szechenyi/B Kirven/R Murphy 3 GCH CH Nyircsaszari Szilva Palinka JH S Kerr 4 GCH CH Jaybren’s Irish Star J Brennan/J Brennan 5 GCH CH Tamaron’s Tag You’Re It L Westerbeck/T Westerbeck 6 GCH CH Jakra’s Flirtn With Fifty Shades D Pedersen/J Koch 7 GCH CH Cinnabar’s Sasco Finale K Stookey/S Potocik 8 GCH CH Grouse Point Semper Fi Pretty In Pink C Miklos/T Lucas/R Bernstein 9 GCH CH Classic That Girl CD C Cline/P Lane/M Folley/S Cabral 10 GCH CH Lorac’s Cap’N Jack Sparrow S Nakamura/W Sommerfelt/C Sommerfelt
(M) 0 19 20 10 14 7373
1 GCH CH Doc N’ Camelot’s Heaven Can Wait S Thomas 2 GCH CH Simpatico Equal Justice J Martin/J Logan/R Goularle 3 GCH CH Silhouette’s All Revved Up C Cassidy/B Cassidy 4 GCH CH Diamond Mk The Eagle Has Landed M Wilson/N Lane 5 GCH CH Unity’s Bzyfeet Laverne Defazio G Mclogan/V Ruiz/A Tourond 6 GCH CH Win’Weim’s It’s My Grey Goose D Massey/S Line 7 GCH CH Colsidex Made Off With The Money JH J Cook 8 GCH CH Poets Bossa Nova Baby CA A Stowell/N Lillehamer 9 GCH CH Camelot’s The Best Of Times II J Sherry/S Thomas 10 GCH CH Rosewin Clasic Schwin Of Anson P Sage/A Sage/M Gearhart/W Gearhart
(M) 3 21 12 10 14 11746
1 GCH CH Fireside’s Riding High SH S Martin 2 GCH CH Wyncliff’s Dark Shadow R Baggenstos/D Baggenstos 3 GCH CH Fireside’s Mother Of Pearl M Tuttle/C Tuttle 4 GCH CH Bear Hug Fire In The Hole JH L Carroll/M Carroll 5 GCH CH Whiskeytown Brandewyn SH K Rogney/G Rogney 6 GCH CH Kyloe’s Trekking Kb Amstel JH J Resler/J Riederer 7 GCH CH Bear Hug High Explosive M Potter/L Carroll/M Carroll 8 GCH CH Stonehenge Spontaneous Flashpoint Of L Rogers/J Rogers/S Martin 9 GCH CH Stonehenge Spontaneous Will-O’-The Wisp D Conner-Wood 10 GCH CH Fireside’s Diamond Jim P Loomis/E Hunsicker
(M) 0 0 6 3 10 2103
Wirehaired Pointing Griffons
(M) 0 3 6 5 6 2248 (F)
0 1 2 9 5 2112
(M) 0 3 4 7 5 2012 (M) 0 2 9 3 1 1974 (F)
0 3 3 2 1 969
(M) 1 2 0 0 1 879 (F)
0 1 2 2 1 837
0 0 3 0 4 615
(M) 0 0 1 1 3 605
0 7 25 19 10 9710
(M) 0 5 6 6 8 3184 (M) 0 8 3 4 4 2633 (F)
0 5 5 5 5 2560
(M) 0 4 5 7 4 2397 (M) 0 0 4 2 1 576 (F)
0 2 0 1 0 454
(M) 0 0 0 2 0 417 (F)
0 1 1 1 0 414
0 1 3 2 4 2014
0 0 2 1 4 868
(M) 0 1 0 0 3 359 (F)
0 0 0 2 1 318
(M) 0 0 2 2 0 300 (M) 0 1 0 2 0 235 (M) 0 0 0 0 1 197 (F)
0 0 0 0 1 173
(M) 0 1 1 2 0 156
Hound Group Afghan Hounds
1 GCH CH Tells Matrix Reloaded M Galloway 2 GCH CH Exlysta Aries Ciel Noir P Rooks/C Smith/P Schafmayer/S Ferraro 3 GCH CH Elmo’s Martian Chronicles C Harker 4 GCH CH Thaon’s Wallstreet J Hafford/J Blanchard/D Rogers/J Rogers/ 5 CH Xandali Bon Vivant C Fairleigh/L Robertson 6 GCH CH Jakar An Affair Most Wicked B Warren 7 GCH CH Maya’s Mockingbird C Rahaman/A Rahaman/K Bunce 8 GCH CH Mahali Arriva Sandpiper J Baukus/D Cooley/S Neill/L Schanzle/J P 9 GCH CH Zen-Pahlavi You Ain’T Seen Nothing Yet JC E Klosson/K Wagner 10 GCH CH Regimes Thriller Of Elmo R Godfrey/M Viveiros
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
(M) 10 40 28 15 7 14298 (M) 1 18 18 15 7 4459
(M) 2 9 18 14 8 8731
1 GCH CH Topsfield-Sanchu Eenie Meenie Miney Moe S Shor/C Orlandi/C Steidel 2 GCH CH Topsfield-Sanchu Bibidy-Bobidy-Boo C Orlandi/C Steidel 3 GCH CH Kahl Me Foxglen’s Cool Dude B Kahl 4 GCH CH Gypsy’s Pert ‘Neer’ Perfect K Collier/D Hagy 5 GCH CH Castlehill’s Ace In The Hole At Sasquatch S Dok/J Dok/T Whitney/T Whitney 6 GCH CH Splash’s Riverboat Gambler J Nolan/B Nolan/J Nolan/W Nolan 7 GCH CH Bobac Boss’s Grand Canyon M Fairris/M Fairris/R Nance/S Nance 8 GCH CH Feenreich’s Buddy Of Country Time CGC P Swan 9 GCH CH Blossomhil’s Movin’ Out S Shor 10 GCH CH Olde Fashion Affare D’Amore Italiano B Berger/J Baetz
(M) 4 23 19 12 8 11021
1 GCH CH Bougain’E Naughty-N-Lovely Alvin S Adungchongruk/S Ott 2 GCH CH Encore’s Rerun Of Roirdan C Kaplan/C Herr/T Nesmith/E Dziuk 3 GCH CH Vinla-Cabaret’s Gold Standard S Ayers/K Brooks 4 GCH CH Vinla’s L.A.Ink J Lux/K Brooks 5 GCH CH Barrister’s Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend B Manifold/S Robblee 6 GCH CH Shoreviews Mango B Tague/A Lambie 7 GCH CH Gwencalon’s Macaroon K Friend/W Friend 8 CH Dyno-Mite Party Girl K Wallack/L Ugenti/I Schmitt 9 GCH CH We-Fuss Who’s At Riverrun D Severns/M Severns/C Luetkens 10 GCH CH Lomapoint Huckleberry C Long
(M) 2 9 6 14 7 6094
1 GCH CH Daniel Boon (Pelaez) F Trigueros 2 GCH CH Tashtins Lookin For Trouble L Crandlemire/K Crandlemire/B Cavanaugh/ 3 GCH CH Bridgehill’s Mr. Mason’s Misbehavin’ D Milke/G Milke 4 GCH CH Lokavi’s Battle Flag Of The South J Bell/L Norman
(M) 1 10 9 12 6 3173
Basset Hounds
Beagles (13 in. and under)
0 2 4 7 9 2431
0 10 6 8 3 2271
(M) 0 0 5 4 6 1599 (M) 0 1 3 4 1 824 (M) 3 13 4 2 0 794 (M) 0 0 1 1 2 496 (F)
0 2 2 1 2 458
0 0 2 2 5 395
0 1 1 2 2 385
1 1 11 6 10 2213
(M) 0 1 1 5 7 989 (M) 0 0 0 2 3 559 (M) 0 0 2 0 1 410 (M) 0 0 0 0 3 338 (M) 0 0 0 2 1 331 (M) 0 0 1 2 1 322 (M) 0 0 0 2 0 264 (F)
0 1 0 4 0 252
(M) 1 3 10 10 10 4024 (M) 0 5 13 11 11 3272 (F)
0 3 5 8 7 1187
0 2 2 4 5 994
(M) 0 0 0 0 2 588 (F)
0 0 2 3 2 441
0 0 1 2 0 285
0 0 2 1 2 269
(M) 0 0 0 0 2 263
0 5 5 5 3 2447
(M) 1 8 1 3 2 1807 (M) 0 5 7 4 5 1657
(M) 2 12 3 2 1 4362 (M) 1 2 3 0 0 2149 (F)
1 8 5 2 3 1860
The Dog News Top Ten List Presents
(M) 0 6 8 5 3 1768 (M) 0 0 1 2 2 974 (M) 0 1 4 2 2 940 (M) 0 2 3 4 1 863
1 GCH CH Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box (F) 33 101 22 6 3 34450 E Charles/L Miller 2 GCH CH Dunstan Tucker (M) 1 6 10 8 8 3165 G Shultz 3 GCH CH Kiarry’s Foolish Pride (M) 0 1 7 10 3 865 D Deonofrio 4 CH Tallyho Jade (F) 0 1 0 2 1 343 D Leonard/K Leonard 4 GCH CH Kiarry’s Back In The Saddle (M) 0 1 1 2 1 343 E Charles/L Miller 6 CH Crossroads Josie’s Dunwishin (F) 0 0 1 0 4 238 J Rathbun/T Mulhausen 7 GCH CH Kiarry’s Rag Doll (F) 0 1 0 1 0 136 A Alexander/H Miller/L Miller 8 GCH CH Devlon’s Fame And Fortune (M) 0 1 0 0 0 126 K Kendall/D Leonard/K Leonard 9 CH Hillwood’s Matilda (F) 0 0 1 0 0 102 S Grossman 10 GCH CH Orion Sundevil Luna (F) 0 0 0 1 0 74 L Patchell/D Pincheck
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
Based on All-Breed Competition
As of November 30, 2013
5 GCH CH Legacy Busch’s Bold And Brave C Busch/W Busch/M Martin 6 GCH CH K-Run’s We Could Have Had It All Around K Weichert/J Rodes 7 GCH CH Torquay Be Nice To Me M Chagas/M Botelho/A Botelho 8 GCH CH K-Run’s Count Your Blessings All Around J Rodes 9 CH Foxtail’s Race For The Chase S Berndt-Smith/D Smith 10 GCH CH Honeypot’s Poetry In Motion D Wolf/A Wolf
(M) 0 3 5 5 3 1372
1 GCH CH Windbourne Hd Ranch King Of The Road S Campbell/C Rutten/T Skinner/S Skinner 2 GCH CH Foxfire Full Force Gale A Mcilwaine/R Urban 3 GCH CH Bayaway Jersey’s Due Process Of Law G Rezendes/D Rezendes/J Stora 4 CH Southchase’s Wilbert Roy J Lobb/J Lobb 5 GCH CH Kalan’s Ramblin Rose Of Oak Hill O Owens/A Willard/K Willard 6 GCH CH CSG Clover Creek Big Daddy CD RE NJP K Winn 7 GCH CH Kennisaw I’m Getting Sentimental Over You J Doran 8 GCH CH Jazzman Southern Pacific Big Boy J Magenau/Z Bolin 9 GCH CH Windbourne Every Hand’s A Winner A Mitchell 10 GCH CH Kalan’s Lucky Lager M Fackrell
(M) 6 20 14 9 6 9566
0 0 0 0 1 130
1 GCH CH Quiet Creek’s Kiss And Tell S Lacroix/H Whitcomb 2 GCH CH Flessner’s International S’Cess S Vancamp/H Helmer/Z Helmer 3 GCH CH Flessner’s International Space Station At J Mcdonald 4 GCH CH Soonipi Friends In Low Places Mlh K Dewey/S Katos 5 GCH CH The Magpie’s Sophisticated Lady C Kaminski 6 GCH CH Badgershill Muldoon Of Heather L Sherman 7 GCH CH Heathers A Little Night Music E Befus 8 GCH CH I Get A Kick Out Of You At The Magpie K Briglia/Z Helmer/K Berestecky/C Kamins 9 GCH CH Sherick’s Dakota Agatha Christy & The Orient M Schnepel/A Schnepel 10 CH Quiet Creek’s Limited Edition S Lacroix Hamil
10 41 22 16 7 21131
Black and Tan Coonhounds
Bluetick Coonhounds
(M) 0 1 5 1 6 1035 (M) 0 2 1 2 2 1026 (F)
0 1 3 5 3 728
(M) 0 4 1 1 2 713 (M) 0 2 0 1 5 614
2 10 7 1 5 4010
(M) 0 2 0 4 5 930 (M) 0 3 1 0 1 482 (F)
0 0 0 3 2 404
(M) 0 0 1 3 2 314 (F)
0 0 0 2 2 311
(M) 0 0 3 0 1 244 (M) 0 0 2 1 0 179
(M) 3 18 18 17 15 9551 (M) 1 8 6 8 10 4077 (M) 2 5 8 6 5 3064 (F)
0 2 4 8 2 1683
(M) 0 0 5 0 2 1448 (M) 0 0 3 7 0 1177 (M) 0 0 2 2 3 431 (F)
0 0 1 5 2 413
(M) 0 1 0 0 2 280
1 GCH CH Charwin Fairmont Sweet Society Blue Snuff C Woods/T Kastner 2 GCH CH Live Oaks Call Me Kryptonite S Lloyd 3 CH CGCH Cedar Creek’s Tellin Secrets B Fischer 4 CH Shaker Trees Gable V Powell 5 CH CCH Plum Tree’N Hootchy Cootchy P Bodeving/K Bodeving/J Duby/D Duby
1 GCH CH Majenkir Bookstor Vintage Glamour K Spey/H Spey/K Staudt-Cartabona 2 GCH CH Greyhaven This Rough Magic SC F Vogel/M Hough/L Spiers 3 GCH CH Sylvan Silver Springbok C Neale/P Neale 4 GCH CH Aashtoria Wildhunt Hidden Agenda R Riel/C Riel/S Mcgraw 5 GCH CH Raynbos Run For The Roses J Zucker/R Zucker/E Szymanski 6 GCH CH Promises Crown Jewel Nicholas J Durdin 7 GCH CH Zabava Ostrov Casablanca I Terra/K Terra 8 GCH CH Morozova Sierra Sunrise At Rey JC K Novotny/G Novotny/S Cordova 9 GCH CH Aruzia Priority One JC L Scott/J Scott 10 GCH CH Jubilee Tadbit O’Brindle Mist C Gredys/A Gredys/R Stachon
1 GCH CH Hundeleben Queen’s Armada Sl C Puig/K Gonzalez/P Stephens 2 GCH CH Sleepy Hollow Carolina Special M Taylor/B Wlodkowski 3 GCH CH Sweetgrass Johann Tipper C Martine/R Sak/D Sak 4 GCH CH Aviance’s Pramada For Terms Of V Diker 5 GCH CH Gemdach Don’T Blame Me N Haupt/K Haupt 6 GCH CH Stonybrook’s Phinito T Durvin/B Durvin/R Gianopoulos/M Kepala 7 GCH CH Serenity’s Louisiana Getaway Sl RN W Snyder/R Cooper/P Baker 8 GCH CH Walmar-Solo’s Omg Sl P Carter/K Vidrine/W Jones/M Jones 9 GCH CH Walmar-Solo’s Iou Sl S Snyder 10 GCH CH Doxdane’s Aviance Encore Sl N Pearson
(M) 2 30 12 14 8 7292
Dachshunds (Longhaired)
American Foxhounds
98 Dog News
1 GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin J Jones/K Jones/C Kok 2 GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet T Kirstein/T Huff 3 GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Halleleujah Makes A Joyful J Behles/R Walley 4 GCH CH Jokuba C-Quest First Round Knock Out R Bowen/C Russell 5 GCH CH Klassic’s Slam Dunk S Gruber-Kite/J Gillespie 6 CH Teazer Kazor Ekundayo For Johari C Garcia/D Yeager/J Gaidos 7 GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC N Sherman/N Scherwin 8 GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow! P Geoffroy/S Lund/S Coe 9 GCH CH Laurel Aswan Abi Capt Morgan JC M Ross/A Jahnke 10 GCH CH Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina L Hesse
Beagles (over 13 in.)
(M) 9 71 22 9 10 20913
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
0 5 10 8 9 3172
(M) 0 0 1 0 1 163 (F)
0 0 0 1 0 137
(M) 0 0 0 1 0 109 (M) 0 0 1 0 2 92 2 11 8 5 2 4932
(M) 0 15 8 10 12 2588 (F)
1 5 6 2 3 1843
(M) 0 1 2 3 0 785 (M) 0 1 1 4 1 619 (M) 0 1 3 0 2 476 (F)
0 1 2 5 0 446
0 1 0 0 0 417
(M) 0 0 0 1 0 416 (M) 0 1 0 0 1 389
(M) 0 6 7 2 9 2815 (M) 0 5 8 8 9 2279 (M) 0 3 4 10 12 1750 (F)
0 6 4 3 5 1502
(M) 0 2 4 2 9 1280 (M) 0 1 5 1 10 1198 (M) 0 5 4 1 0 891 (M) 0 0 0 2 5 763 (M) 0 1 0 5 2 629 Continued on page 102
Dog News 99
100 Dog News
Dog News 101
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
Continued FROM page 98
Dachshunds (Smooth)
1 GCH CH Spellbound’s You Go First N Cooper 2 GCH CH Bessdachs Electric Martini M Lara/B Jeffery 3 GCH CH Beachside Dox Havana Daydreamin V C Ramos/M Singleton/W Cunningham 4 GCH CH Grandgables Sumbuddy Walden D Waldo 5 GCH CH Passport Boy You’Re One Of My Kind Ss A Debraganca/J Debraganca 6 GCH CH R Hill’s Total Knockout Ms RN T Frenia 7 CH Grandgables Ms French Kiss G Jeavons/M Houston-Mcmillan 8 GCH CH Marginns Fredricka V Ruf Knabe S Lutosky 9 GCH CH Diagram Joy-Dens Grant Ss J Warren/D Graham 10 GCH CH Turningpt Cass Edge R Eltringham/P Eltringham
(M) 0 8 12 6 16 3796
1 GCH CH Leoralee’s Baywatch Mw M Singleton/B Lasater 2 GCH CH Rivendells Hotwire Sw P Caddell/K Williams/D Rockwell 3 GCH CH Del Prado’s Bar Code W A Bischel/M Bedowitz 4 GCH CH Legibach Captain Crunch Sw S Sweatt/G Middings/P Leone 5 GCH CH Raydachs Ride My Ducati Sw S Ray 6 GCH CH Incahoots Howlin’ Tornado A Cotteleer/R Cotteleer/C Heitzmann 7 GCH CH Raydachs Fire Down Below V Gleishorbach S Ray/J Sakoda/M Sakoda 8 GCH CH Tievoli Rumors Oh Hail Yeah-Mw K Smith/S Ehr 9 GCH CH Daybreak’s Bewitching Blossom P Grant/D Krieg 10 GCH CH Kadell’s Rustic Gold W L Reynolds/C Cahill/J Cahill
(M) 0 4 8 7 11 2904
1 GCH CH Monocacy Bend’s Wellington T Koerber 2 Taillis Au Birchwood Tamsall L Lindberg 3 GCH CH Monocacy Bend’s Willow BN RN OA AXJ OF K Eckard 4 GCH CH Sunup’s Hellofapuzzle S Whaley 5 Monocacy Bend’s Wayward Fox T Koerber 6 Taillis Au Absolem Tamsall M Owen/S Owen 7 GCH CH Sunup’s Heavenly Scent S Whaley 8 CH Cottonwood’s Just My Little Prince A Kretschmaier/J Hendricks 9 CH Wee Beginnings Chloe P Mann/A Kretschmaier
(M) 0 0 1 0 2 292
1 GCH CH Grandcru Phelps Insignia M Steele/P Caddell/C Dabbs/A Phelan/R Ga 2 GCH CH Grandcru Caymus JC T Hilbert/R Rice 3 GCH CH Shylo The Party Spot B Clark/S Fisher/R Ungar 4 GCH CH Chaparral Tour De France C Curlee/T Marzlut 5 GCH CH Grandcru Orion With Mistweave C Dabbs/R Gaudet 6 CH Lorricbrook Royal Picture M Magder/P Smekens 7 GCH CH Aragon Black Ice VCD1 RE JC AX AXJ H Hamilton 8 CH Wildwood Helios Clark Gable A Adam/P Lyster 9 CH Grandcru Stag’s Leap With Mistweave JC M Steele/R Gaudet/C Jewett 10 GCH CH Tyran’s The Patriot C Stumbo
1 GCH CH Downhome Hitech Innovator J Sanchez 2 GCH CH Tallyho The Time Of My Life D Maguire/M Nell 3 CH Pacific Anthem Of Rh Infinita BN RN CGC P Rhyner 4 GCH CH Pacific’s He Ain’T Heavy He’s My Brother K Crary/P Crary 5 Icon Oak Hill’s Harmony In The Hills M Walsh 6 CH Wynfield Charmed At Briggcastle J Briggs/E Parr
(M) 14 67 32 12 6 24217
1 GCH CH Serandida East So Bigstar J Mosing/S St John-Brown/L Sikora 2 GCH CH Harehill’s Ace In The Hole K Gindler/D Gindler/W Anderson 3 GCH CH Serandida Abbaio La Contessa Scalza SC D Arbeit/R Zelig/S Murphy 4 GCH CH Alfheim’s Hawaii Five O SC K Williamson-Jensen 5 GCH CH Arbeca’s Opus For Danzante SC D Nester/J Stevens 6 GCH DC Aliki’s Yada Yada Yada SC A Mirestes/C Shaw
1 11 22 12 10 4899
0 4 3 10 5 2651
0 3 3 7 5 1943
Dachshunds (Wirehaired)
English Foxhounds
Ibizan Hounds
102 Dog News
0 4 7 9 8 1995
0 0 4 1 6 1182
(M) 0 0 2 3 4 951 (M) 0 3 1 2 4 765 (M) 0 2 2 1 4 661 (F)
0 2 0 1 0 439
0 0 0 0 4 348
(M) 0 0 0 1 2 287 (F)
0 1 1 1 1 259
0 4 3 4 7 2088
(M) 0 3 2 5 8 1767 (M) 0 2 5 7 10 1649 (M) 0 0 9 4 8 1481 (M) 0 9 5 8 8 1479 (M) 1 2 0 2 3 1366 (M) 0 0 2 3 8 1117 (F)
0 3 2 4 4 932
(M) 0 0 0 0 3 542
(M) 0 2 0 0 0 127 (F)
0 0 0 0 1 104
(M) 0 0 0 1 0 85 (M) 0 0 0 0 1 76 (M) 0 0 0 0 1 60 (F)
0 0 0 0 1 59
(M) 0 0 1 0 0 46 (F)
0 0 0 0 1 39 0 9 14 10 8 4136
(M) 0 5 6 2 2 1633 (F)
0 2 4 3 2 882
(M) 1 3 1 0 0 821 (M) 0 3 3 1 1 820 (F)
0 3 5 1 3 812
0 0 0 1 1 351
(M) 0 2 0 2 1 330 (F)
0 0 1 0 1 273
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
1 GCH CH Quest Rachel Alexandra Of Kerryarc C Collier/M Tyler/C Tyler 2 GCH CH Ansa Mo Caoimhin Modigliani CGC K Schaffter/A Schaffter 3 CH Kuriann Of First Avenue J Ryan 4 GCH CH Taryn Hickory Hollow B Fairbanks/G Fairbanks 5 GCH CH Dun Myrica Doctor Gonzo Of Eagle R Kubacz/N Salmon 6 GCH CH Kerryarc Breawyn Ffynnon Garw D Gallant/A Gallant 7 GCH CH Mistery Iz Volshebnogo Lesa V Murphree 8 GCH CH Kellcastle Rushmore J Ault/A Spalding 9 GCH CH Dun Myrica Lyra Of Eagle J Roland/K Roland/S Mcdonald 10 GCH CH Pinehurst Garret K Catov-Goodell
1 GCH CH Vin-Melca’s The Norseman P Trotter/J Reed 2 GCH CH Aspenrepublik Into The Wind M Kenton 3 GCH CH Tioka’s American Ride L Webster 4 GCH CH Aspen’s A Hard Act To Follow R Rhoden/R Rhoden 5 GCH CH Silhouettte’s Au Fish E Olsen/K Olsen/S Kaplan 6 GCH CH Somerri Dunharrow’s Dynamo J Silker/W Totten 7 GCH CH Vin-Melca’s Collectible R Sampson 8 GCH CH Vikrest ‘N Ruskar Hy Style L Forrest/P Viken/P Waltz 9 GCH CH Somerri Jamieson’s Sea Whiskey J Lewis/L Lewis 10 GCH CH Elvbend’s Ride Of The Valkyries A Peterson/J Peterson
(M) 1 9 6 4 5 4137
1 GCH CH Aberdeens Under The Influence A Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine 2 GCH CH Scentasia’s End Of An Era E Conway/D Emery/J Moyer 3 GCH CH Aberdeen’s Ultimate Addiction J Mullen/D Blunt/J Mcilwaine/A Mcilwaine 4 GCH CH Corcragael Frazer Nash R Damron/G Damron/B Loddesol 5 GCH CH Magicwood Willie Mae S Plucheck/W Plucheck 6 CH Riverrun Mchugh TDX E Glennon/M Hennessey 7 Otterbee’s Killian Red S Lumbery/A Constable/A Ghione 8 Riverrun’s Magenta Morning Blaze R Von Der Linden 9 Riverspruce’s No Redoubt About It OAP NJP R Abernathy/K Cheatham
(M) 4 26 23 13 10 10783
Irish Wolfhounds
Norwegian Elkhounds
0 0 1 0 2 181
(M) 0 1 0 2 2 376 (F)
Pharaoh Hounds
(M) 0 0 0 0 2 176 (M) 0 1 0 1 1 170 0 1 5 6 1 3605
(M) 0 8 5 2 3 1455 (M) 1 2 0 1 2 1212 (M) 0 0 1 8 1 1104 (M) 0 3 4 3 4 809 0 1 0 0 3 341
(M) 0 0 1 1 1 327 (F)
0 0 1 1 0 292
(M) 0 0 0 0 1 281
0 1 3 9 2 1866
(M) 0 4 4 5 0 1185 (F)
0 2 3 7 8 1138
(M) 0 4 2 3 3 948 (M) 0 0 2 8 3 828 (F)
0 0 1 2 4 512
(M) 0 1 0 3 6 511 (F)
0 0 0 3 1 329
0 0 2 2 0 275
(M) 0 4 2 5 7 1550 (M) 0 0 1 0 1 264 (M) 0 0 1 1 2 227 (F)
0 0 0 0 1 156
(M) 0 1 0 1 2 139 (M) 0 0 0 0 2 85 (M) 0 0 0 0 1 58 (M) 0 1 0 0 0 51
The Dog News Top Ten List Presents
0 0 0 3 0 209
(M) 0 0 0 0 1 80 0 0 0 1 0 31
0 0 0 0 1 17
(M) 0 1 2 5 3 861 (M) 0 0 0 1 0 184 (F)
0 0 1 2 0 183
Based on All-Breed Competition
As of November 30, 2013
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
4 13 13 11 7 7328 1 15 24 15 15 5354 0 1 10 9 11 3138 0 1 4 3 3 932 1 1 0 2 4 903 0 0 2 3 2 821 0 1 1 3 1 617 0 0 4 5 2 527 0 0 2 0 2 332 0 0 0 1 0 312
1 GCH CH Osiris Cowboy Casanova M Del Duca/K Carella/T Del Duca/B Carell 2 GCH CH Farao Anubis Inferno RN SC D Cooper/B Clooten 3 GCH DC Hallam’s Jordan Of Arolet SC S Sipperly/D Carota 4 GCH CH Shalimar Wild Fire Osiris V Harris/L Drolet 5 GCH CH Faouziah’s Faramir J Mosing/J Hall 6 GCH DC Mia’s Bakhu Risky Business Of Hallam RN D Kunard 7 GCH DC Nefer-Temu Vou Te Contar SC E Kerridge 8 GCH DC Mia Bakhu Sleeping With The Enemy Of R Newman/D Carota/P Haig/L Witt 9 GCH CH Mia-Bakhu Conspiracy Theory V Hallam SC T Haig/P Haig 10 GCH CH Shalimar Fire By Desire P Anthony/K Paone/L Drolet/R Ertle
(M) 0 7 22 16 10 6025
1 CH CGCH C-Cruz Mob Boss Vito’s Gotcha A Alexander 2 CH Hosker’s Heads I Win J Hosker/G Hosker
(M) 0 1 0 1 0 213
1 GCH CH Houla’s Potter C Houlihan/K Sullivan 2 GCH CH Pirata II De Viamonte CM J Evanoff/K Oglesby 3 GCH CH Prairie Pond’s Born In The Usa CM C Well/M Well/J Tusten 4 GCH CH Pioneer’s Carolina CM G Simonds/A Ghione 5 Ketka’s Benchmark Pendragon D Kahla 6 GCH CH Houla’s Border Patrol Pw CM P Reisert/S Faw/S Faw 7 GCH CH Brokenroad I Believe In Fairies CM G Nagy
(M) 0 2 4 10 13 2702
1 GCH CH CWSG CCH Sidearm Jungle King Mufasa J Mills/L Mills 2 GCH CH Twisted Creek Gentlemen, Start Your Engines S Dellapenta/J Kochensparger 3 CH Sidearm Return Of The King L Mills/T Mills/J Mills 4 GCH CH Idole’ Coonfused Cleatus N Grubb/C Paul 5 CH CCH Grand River’s Ok Dixie Mae Doo M Turner 6 Big D’s Old Brag Bubba C Cooper 7 GCH CH CSG Second Edition’s Making Waves S Smith 8 Redhawks Mark Of Valor-Sierra Legacy D Dang
(M) 0 3 5 5 4 1252
1 GCH CH Raquel Welch Of Malabo Apd A Paola Diniz 2 GCH CH Camelot’s Ventura Adventure F Walters/G Walters/C Heathcock 3 GCH CH Camelot’s Red Hot Tamale C Heathcock/C Hadley 4 GCH CH Diablo’s Dark Knight’s Nemesis L Weiss/N Faville 5 GCH CH Spring Valley’s Great Vincero H Trapasso 6 GCH CH Bakari’s Lor Vitra Caymus CGC N Ballantyne/G Ballantyne 7 GCH CH Hunter’s Ridge Sure Shot By Kwetu D Engelking/C Burridge/S Ford/T Fielder 8 GCH CH Tajamani Kwetu’s Rust Too J Morrone/B Sawyer-Brown/D Engelking 9 GCH CH Spurridge’s Axl Of Lionridge CGC P Olney 10 GCH CH Kuluta Along The Watchtower M Hatfield/E Belt/C Well
Portuguese Podengo Pequenos
Redbone Coonhounds
Rhodesian Ridgebacks
(M) 0 1 5 2 1 735
Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens
1 GCH CH M&M’s Fear The Beard (M) D Moore/J Hayes 2 GCH CH Monkhams Famous Grouse (M) J Neuschaefer/D Bruce/J Lacey-Black/L Sk 3 GCH CH Celestial Cj’s All’s Well That Ends Well (M) J Hurty/L Florian/C Hurty/M Florian/P He 4 GCH CH Mirepoix’s Figgy Pudding (F) J Zigich/R Litman 5 GCH CH Chien Blanc Summer Breeze (F) D Garrett 6 GCH CH Always Blue Caboose (M) J Hacker 7 GCH CH Jaren’s Ready Set Don’T Go At R-N-B (F) R Jones/B Helvey/K Prott-Clugston 8 GCH CH Jaren’s Put A Girl In It (F) K Prott-Clugston 9 CH Chepaul’s Bouton De Rose (F) A Tavtigian 10 GCH CH Soletrader Maggie May (F) D Moore
(M) 0 0 0 0 1 179
(M) 0 3 0 0 0 270
7 GCH CH Loco Motion’s Dancing Queen K Hjelm 8 DC Alfheim’s Beyond The Fringe BN RA SC A Mcleod/S Mcleod 9 CH Serandida East Abbaio Armando JC S Murphy/D Arbeit/K Burkholder 10 CH Nahala’s Midnight Train To Georgia M Ridenour/M Ridenour/A Mitchell
1 GCH CH Sandstorm Blue Nile Bubbles Of Jatara J Harrington/S Winsted/S Middlebrooks 2 GCH CH Appalachia’s Allamyrra Hajji P Arwood/M Mccowan/G Thornton 3 GCH CH Aurora’s The Song And Dance Man J Mueller/E Blake Continued on page 106
(M) 1 6 8 2 8 2407 (M) 0 3 7 7 2 1169 (M) 0 0 2 1 3 1003 (M) 0 2 1 2 3 823 (M) 0 1 3 4 4 732 (M) 0 0 0 1 3 521 (M) 0 1 1 1 1 506 (M) 0 1 2 2 1 503 (M) 0 0 1 1 1 396
(M) 0 0 0 1 0 62
(M) 0 1 3 4 3 421 (M) 0 0 2 1 3 279 (F)
0 0 0 1 1 241
(M) 0 0 0 1 2 164 (M) 0 0 0 2 2 142 (F)
0 0 0 0 1 40
0 1 1 2 0 347
(M) 0 0 0 0 1 232 (M) 0 0 0 2 2 138 (F)
0 0 0 0 1 104
(M) 0 0 0 0 2 65 (M) 0 0 0 0 1 52 (M) 0 0 0 0 1 34 3 28 18 16 7 5936
(M) 1 11 7 19 15 4939 (F)
1 9 5 4 4 4275
(M) 0 5 6 9 4 3196 (M) 0 1 7 13 7 2237 (M) 0 9 4 5 7 2074 (M) 0 6 5 3 0 1310 (M) 1 3 3 4 3 1177 (M) 0 2 2 2 3 605 (M) 0 1 2 3 2 560 (F)
16 67 16 6 2 19560
2 29 17 7 4 5906
(M) 2 13 10 3 1 4336
*The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed
Dog News 103
104 Dog News
Dog News 105
Continued FROM page 102
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
4 GCH CH Jamora Mystic Topaz JC (M) 1 3 4 4 5 2250 3 GCH CH Draco Greets Dassin With Fourbears (F) 2 8 10 12 2 5632 6 GCH CH Weir River’s Building Your Dream (M) 0 0 1 1 0 559 S Forsyth/J Forsyth/K Anselmo/J Morrison W Truesdale/Z Truesdale/J Vergnetti/J Pi P Cronk/M Cronk 5 GCH CH Hediyeh Uriela Priya Bat Yosef JC (F) 0 1 3 4 6 1630 4 GCH CH Nantess Caleno Numero Uno (M) 2 12 8 8 5 4513 7 GCH CH Storm Kloud’s Test Of Time (M) 0 1 2 0 2 551 C Pearce/R Pearce/J Aaron/J Pearce G Tafur/S Tafur/N Savage/T Savage J El Dissi 6 GCH CH Bay Watch Babe Von Agrani (F) 1 3 0 0 3 1519 5 GCH CH Jacquet’s Annie El Encanto (F) 2 10 9 9 2 3888 8 GCH CH Jazzland Rain On Quileute (F) 0 1 0 0 2 531 K Setty/L Bettis D Sparks/N Sparks J Dewing/R Dysart/C Neely 7 GCH CH Quanmarra Thonolan (M) 0 2 9 3 3 1278 6 GCH CH Ho-Pa’s Grand Slam (M) 0 6 10 10 6 3499 9 GCH CH Wolfmtn Luckysky Bze Be’N Fabulous (M) 0 0 2 0 1 430 K Scerbo/R Scerbo/I Rasmussen A Anderson/S Anderson S Spurling/P Jenkins 8 GCH CH Starlite’s Made Of The Best Stuff On Earth (M) 0 0 5 3 1 1011 7 GCH CH Daybreak’s Bad Influence (F) 0 7 3 5 3 2940 10 GCH CH Catera’s Keepin’ It World Class (F) 0 0 0 0 2 363 T Turley-Kocab/M Kocab A Russell/G Steele/M Rocca/D Galante A Kanzelberger 9 GCH CH Baha Persian Of Interest CD RN SC NA AXJ (M) 0 3 4 2 0 847 8 GCH CH Lazy K’s Dulce De Leche (F) 0 3 6 5 7 2789 Anatolian Shepherd Dogs C Coile S Gubernatis/A Clark/J Rosen/G Karwoski 1 GCH CH Lucky Hit Bethany Beyaz Kumru (M) 0 0 1 3 2 366 10 GCH CH Sundara’s Here Comes The Sun (M) 1 1 1 0 2 706 9 GCH CH Kaja’s Ruby Red Rascal At Maximus (F) 1 3 0 6 6 2245 J York/E Conard E Coogan/M Haag L Dissinger/J Smith/D Dissinger 2 GCH CH Carpe Diem’s Amadeus (M) 0 1 1 0 2 341 10 GCH CH Jokar’s N Happy Tail’s Fergalicious (F) 2 5 3 2 0 2215 Scottish Deerhounds L Edstrom-Smith/J Smith/Q Harned/M Harne A Bieri/M Burleson/M Bell 1 GCH CH Lehigh Ennis Carmichael JC (M) 0 1 4 4 2 1435 3 GCH CH Aegean’s Duke Of Milos (M) 0 0 0 1 1 277 Bullmastiffs P Pascoe/G Winchell D Kyres/G Kyres 1 GCH CH Dal Primo Magic Moment (M) 2 9 8 5 8 4558 2 GCH CH Jaraluv Tarot (M) 1 1 1 1 1 1226 4 CH Asiri Hisar Kazara (F) 0 0 1 0 0 208 M Harwood/C Corner J Brinlee/R Brinlee A Suhajda/P Suhajda 2 GCH CH Newcastle’s Blame It On The Sun (F) 1 4 4 6 3 2393 3 GCH CH Highlander’s Celtic Carol RN CGC (F) 0 3 2 4 5 969 5 GCH CH Carpe Diem’s Old School (M) 0 0 1 0 0 160 A Scully/K Spencer M Freeman/J Freeman S Wykle 3 GCH CH Windovers Hey There Handsome (M) 0 3 3 4 5 2217 4 GCH CH Thistleglen Foxcliffe Vintage Spirit (M) 0 1 4 0 0 688 6 GCH CH Timaru Serag Mounir (M) 0 0 0 1 1 127 D Pendleton/H Brogan/M Mcgovern/M Mcgove J Frye/C Dove L Brabyn/J Brabyn 4 GCH CH Starrdogs Midnight Rambler (M) 0 0 6 3 10 1904 5 GCH CH Lehigh Eilig Of Dunsmuir JC (M) 0 0 0 3 2 485 7 Islandfarm’s Heathrow (M) 0 0 0 1 0 112 W Ofshlag/J Ofshlag L Studer D Grunnah/J Voss 5 GCH CH Newcastle’s Cutting Edge (M) 0 2 3 1 2 1669 6 GCH CH Jaraluv Rain Dance CGC (F) 0 1 2 1 0 281 Bernese Mountain Dogs A Scully/K Spencer/P Mills/J Shadoian F Straw 1 GCH CH Avatars Smooth Criminal (M) 0 4 8 4 6 3895 6 GCH CH Baron Dye Of Ridgetop (M) 0 3 0 4 1 804 7 GCH CH Gemma O’ The Greenwood (F) 0 0 1 1 2 251 L Diaz Fernandes/K Groves R Wynes J Hills 2 GCH CH Tallpine’s Life Of The Party (M) 0 1 9 3 9 2637 7 GCH CH Starrdogs Kingston Horton (M) 0 0 3 0 3 519 7 Graybeard’s Bog Myrtle O’Riverspruce NA NAJ (F) 0 1 3 2 1 251 D Hitchcock/S Crisp J Horton/K Roberts K Cheatham/R Abernathy 3 GCH CH Alpenspirit It’s Our Game (M) 0 2 7 3 4 2196 8 GCH CH Tnt’s Ground Breaker (M) 0 0 0 2 0 472 9 GCH CH Glencrag’s Kiann O’Fernhill (M) 0 0 2 2 0 218 D Kelley/B Bauersfeld/M Turbide A Hodge J Giles/J Giles 4 GCH CH Marben’s Ruffian (F) 0 1 5 5 4 2188 9 GCH CH Starrdogs Power Play (M) 0 1 0 1 2 459 10 CH Gayleward’s Star Caerwicce (F) 0 0 0 0 2 213 T Gerli K Hebert/Z Melkonian G Bontecou 5 GCH CH Vinn October It Had 2VV You (F) 0 3 3 2 2 1747 10 GCH CH Rops Stealsaheart Bruin, Seeking Banner (M) 0 0 0 2 1 411 Treeing Walker Coonhounds E Buonpane A Baumeister/B Baumeister/H Gussis/L Bro 1 GCH CH CCH Alexanders Gold Rush Xcetera (M) 2 19 11 8 4 4395 6 GCH CH B-Havens Sherpa’s Mtn Endeavor (M) 0 3 7 2 0 1507 Cane Corso A Alexander J Byers 1 GCH CH Firehorse Franklin (M) 0 3 2 3 7 2740 2 GCH CH How The West Was Won (F) 0 3 0 4 3 631 7 GCH CH Greenway’s Test Of Time CGC (M) 0 0 5 1 4 1340 J Weaver/R Hoser S Randolph/M Hampton D Laveran/R Tamberino/R Gallizzo 2 GCH CH Liberty’s Armed And Dangerous (F) 1 1 1 2 1 1547 3 CH Stackem Up My Way Or Highway (M) 0 0 2 0 0 285 8 GCH CH Holiday’s Singular Sensation (F) 0 2 4 2 4 1311 R Cuzzo/J Hovorka/S Ribbs T Snedegar/B Snedegar C Jones 3 GCH CH Timoniere Zolee (M) 0 0 2 1 4 838 4 CH Stackem Ups Broadway Mistress (F) 0 0 0 0 3 122 9 GCH CH Sendache’s Moving Heaven And Earth At (M) 0 1 1 2 1 1184 D Musto A Carter/J Rentfro S Dominke/S Dominke/M Honari 4 GCH CH Castleguard’s Caillou (M) 0 0 1 3 5 828 5 GCH CH Stackem Up I Did It My Way CM (M) 0 0 1 0 0 93 10 GCH CH Villairns Tag You’re It (M) 0 2 2 2 0 873 W Rivera T Snedegar/B Snedegar S Slade/K Hodgson 5 GCH CH Del’ Agreste Bin Up To No Good At Sno- (M) 1 1 0 0 0 681 6 Pr Wildwoods Tx Foxie (F) 0 0 0 1 0 67 Black Russian Terriers D Rotkowski/W Yingling (Foreign Dog - Registration Pending.) 1 GCH CH Aristes Paint It Black (M) 0 0 7 14 8 3997 6 GCH CH Epic Diesel Of Castleguard (M) 0 0 1 1 3 652 6 GCH CH CSG Stackem Ups Best Kept Secret CM (F) 0 0 1 0 0 67 D Poulson/C Stumm/C Wathen/T Wathen C Cline/R Cline/H King R Geffs/D Geffs 2 GCH CH Valkyrie’s Funny Girl RN (F) 0 3 3 7 11 2771 7 GCH CH Campo’s Cosmo Di Amato Billy Whiteshoes (M) 0 0 2 0 1 631 8 Second Winds Mosaic (F) 0 0 0 1 0 55 V Vest/B Sothcott R Hudgens J Hunter 3 GCH CH Zilya’s Chicago Blues Fusion At Runes CD (M) 0 0 1 3 10 1226 8 GCH CH Wildwoods Cirino Di Campo CGC (M) 0 0 0 2 1 396 9 CH Lone Pine Skull N Bones Vom Stk CGC (M) 0 0 0 0 1 36 D Patterson R Hudgens V Brachfeld/R Brachfeld/L Ramsey 4 GCH CH Midnightsolo Ulan Chorniy (M) 0 0 0 1 0 451 9 GCH CH Firehorse Kickin Out The Jams (M) 0 0 0 0 1 244 Whippets D Tudor/J Brown J Molchan/R Hoser 1 GCH CH Starline’s Oxford Victim Of Love (F) 1 37 24 19 9 11643 5 GCH CH Gladiator S Zolotogo Grada (M) 0 0 1 0 2 360 10 GCH CH Lionheart’s La Nostra Stella Brillante (F) 0 0 1 0 1 196 L Lawrence/C Lawrence/L Wilson S Gaunt G Giraudo/M Giraudo/B Martin/J Martin 2 GCH CH Bo-Bett’s Quick Pick (F) 2 14 18 14 7 6650 6 GCH CH Rus Maknalis Shtorm Of Arbat (M) 0 0 0 0 2 326 Chinooks C Harris M Mastroianni 1 Sandhill’s Ranger (M) 0 0 0 0 1 293 3 GCH CH Karasar’s Remembrence (F) 1 23 13 7 3 4390 7 CH Russian Bears Rooting Tooting Shooting Cowboy (M) 0 0 0 1 0 312 T Brown/C Brown K Kuper/N Barthelette/A Alvarez/M Alvare H Haldi 4 GCH CH Artemis Hypnotic Opium SC (F) 2 5 10 11 2 4154 8 GCH CH Fun Nord’s Hariton Gavrilovich (M) 0 0 1 2 1 299 Doberman Pinschers R Gold/M Small P Gladu/M Hernandez 1 GCH CH Tiburon Arsenal (M) 2 35 22 9 8 15136 5 GCH CH Cottonwood Versace At Coreymore (M) 2 5 10 12 9 3520 9 GCH CH Black Pearls Avatar Iz Russkoi Dinastii (M) 0 0 0 1 1 272 J Dolan/A Dolan S Carbajal M Mesh/J Mesh/L Mesh/M Curtis/D Ludwig 2 GCH CH Tiburon Ariel Bella Dona (F) 4 26 25 18 7 14653 6 GCH CH Sporting Fields Shameless (F) 1 8 3 1 1 3150 10 GCH CH Queens Over’s The Last Airbender RN (M) 0 0 0 1 2 178 M Moyer/T Moyer/K Drake/J Drake D Butt/A Giles M Holloman/E Caldwell 3 GCH CH Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici (F) 10 28 7 2 0 11352 7 GCH DC Ableaim Que The Music MC (F) 0 3 12 5 2 1682 S Lundy/D Lundy/J Mullins/K Mullins G Boyd/J Boyd Boxers 1 GCH CH Winfall I Dream Of Style (F) 8 42 23 17 9 17012 4 GCH CH Vondura’s Xcelerator Belle Amie (F) 0 7 10 18 4 5859 8 GCH CH Kamada’s New York Minute (F) 0 4 8 5 2 1610 K Robbins/C Robbins/G Adkins/B Adkins/T R Tracy/J Covert/M Dellorto/K Fox D Davenport/K Davenport/D Kipp 2 GCH CH Hi-Tech The King Of Sherry Shoot Jp (M) 6 32 36 13 4 16708 5 GCH CH D’s Remember When (M) 1 9 10 4 5 5682 9 GCH CH Sporting Fields Bahama Sands (F) 1 5 0 1 1 1437 J Billhardt/S Tenenbaum/D Mccarroll A Dinardo/S Dinardo/G Demilta D Butt/A Giles 6 GCH CH Cambria’s Vraiment Parfait (F) 1 4 16 8 4 5661 10 GCH CH Solaris Saxon Shore Hypnotiq Kamio (F) 0 0 5 3 3 1330 G Lajeski/A Wulbrecht/K Thompson/A White P Magette/D Lockhart 7 GCH CH Jaroe Legend Of Irish Spirit (M) 2 8 10 5 1 4212 The Dog News R Kelly 8 GCH CH Sharjets Starr Catcher CD RA (F) 0 7 4 1 10 3660 Top Ten List Presents S Marinelli/J Marinelli/S Kapp/G Hanna/M B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 TOTAL Akitas 9 GCH CH Foxfire’s Tell Me About It (F) 0 4 4 3 7 3015 1 GCH CH Cr - Wicca’s Trade Secret (M) 7 31 26 15 8 17094 M Santana/S St. John A Bavaria/C Burke/T Bavaria/J Charnik 10 GCH CH Alisaton Blackbird V Allure Beaulane (F) 0 8 4 7 5 2692 2 GCH CH Ruthdales Candy From A Baby (F) 1 17 13 13 8 10145 R Kusumoto/J Kusumoto/L Cornelius L Stark/R Stark Dogues de Bordeaux 3 GCH CH Stardust’s See You At The Show RN (M) 3 19 10 13 10 8577 1 GCH CH Evergreen’s Rub My Belly At Rising Star (M) 2 7 3 7 12 6352 P Rogers/R Rogers/T Witte/R Witte J Roberts/L Parker 4 GCH CH Redwitch Adreneline Junkie (M) 1 6 4 5 3 2434 2 GCH CH Mount Sinai’s Neanderthal St Amand (M) 0 0 0 3 2 585 M Bauman/X Wang / Bauman P Duvall/W Duvall 5 GCH CH Hikay’s Witch With Attitude (F) 0 1 5 4 2 1606 3 GCH CH Ago Z Vlckovskeho Mlyna (M) 0 0 1 1 0 128 K Venezia J Garcia Flores 6 GCH CH Sondaisa Fyre When Ready CD (M) 0 0 5 3 2 1507 4 GCH CH Von Hof’s Cisco Kid (M) 0 0 0 1 0 105 C Sullivan T Kelly/D Von Hof 7 GCH CH Sondaisas Crossfyre (F) 0 1 1 4 4 1291 C Sullivan German Pinschers 8 GCH CH Liric’s Cinderella Man (M) 0 3 0 3 3 735 1 GCH CH Midernoch A Phortune Of Phranklins CA (M) 0 1 4 9 8 2004 L Coffey/B Coffey C French 9 GCH CH Nakodo’s My Blue Heaven (F) 0 1 0 1 2 581 2 GCH CH Rivendells Material Girl (F) 0 0 2 3 5 1699 K Venezia K Schiff 10 CH Dynamic Force Sharp Dressed Man With (M) 0 0 0 1 1 454 3 GCH CH Daveren’s Peaceful Dream CAA (M) 0 0 5 3 7 1583 M Huls/M Bostock-Armstrong J Robinson/J Eastman/R Brownfield Alaskan Malamutes 4 CH Legacy’s Time To Shine (M) 0 1 0 0 1 215 1 GCH CH Peaceriver Silverice Summer Solstice (M) 1 5 7 2 3 3837 D Bixler/L Mills L Bryne/A Syar 5 GCH CH Windamir’s Dajavu Ganymede (F) 0 0 0 0 1 204 2 GCH CH Catanyas Latin Lover (M) 0 3 3 5 0 2317 S Morgan/K Dorwart P Kendrisk/A Martinez/A Syar/M Stone 6 GCH CH Daveren’s Party Girl (F) 0 0 0 0 1 120 3 GCH CH Peace River’s Gathers No Moss At Sunstra (M) 0 2 3 2 1 1031 S Harlow/J Eastman T Robinson/A Syar/M Coburn/K Robinson 7 GCH CH Windamir Lover’s Tryst (F) 0 0 2 3 0 110 4 GCH CH Mytuk’s Technical Knock Out (M) 0 0 1 1 2 834 C Jobb/S Morgan Based on All-Breed Competition D Milburn/A Milburn 8 GCH CH Diamondmines One Class Act (F) 0 0 0 0 2 70 5 GCH CH Sno Quest’s For The Holy Grail (M) 0 0 0 2 2 590 B Diamond/R Diamond Continued on page 114 A Sautbine/M Sautbine
Working Group
As of November 30, 2013
106 Dog News
Dog News 107
108 Dog News
Dog News 109
110 Dog News
The Deadline For The Westminster Kennel Club 2014 issue of
Dog News
The Digest
Of American Dogs
which publishes on Friday, February 7, 2014 will be Friday, January 31, 2014 Dog News 111
Eddie Group First Judge Mrs. Patricia Trotter
Finished With Five Majors, A Best of Breed & A Group Third From The Puppy Class He is Now A Group Winner And A Dpca Top 20 Contender for 2014
Best in Specialty Show Winning
GCh. Shamrock’s Fast Eddie D Sire: GCh. D’s Remember When
Dam: Ch. Monarch’s Bellagio
Breeder/Owner: Victoria Sweeny Shamrock Dobermans | Lawrenceville, GA 770-365-7768 112 Dog News
Handler: Jeff Brucker Dog News 113
Continued FROM page 106
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
9 Nevars Quintessential Fabala (F) 0 0 0 0 1 65 6 CH Szumeria’s Prince Rainier (M) 0 0 0 0 1 120 6 GCH CH Numa’s Cest La Vie Seabrook (M) 0 4 3 3 3 1926 K Waltz/F Stuby L Brady/H Nichols/K Nichols/C Townsend K Griffin/P Helming 10 GCH CH Daveren’s Tribute To An Amazing Dream (F) 0 0 0 1 0 61 7 Taliszman Pull The Perfect Pint CGC (M) 0 0 0 0 1 58 7 GCH CH Spillways Man About Town Kodiak (M) 0 0 3 3 7 1806 J Eastman G Hayes/K Knapp/M Lee R Emery/K Emery 8 GCH CH Szumeria’s Sing A Song Of Sixpence (F) 0 0 0 1 0 36 8 GCH CH Heartsease King Of The Jungle (M) 0 0 6 0 2 1498 Giant Schnauzers L Brady/C Townsend/S Herring M Casler/L Anderson 1 GCH CH Kenro’s Witching Hour (F) 30 73 29 14 6 44692 9 GCH CH Windhaven She’s The Real Cruz-Penelope (F) 0 1 2 2 2 1460 Leonbergers R Greenslade/L Norton/D Hill C Legg/L Vande Ven 1 GCH CH A. Feiner Eros (M) 1 6 8 7 15 6224 2 GCH CH Lowdown Remys Girl V Ardenhout (F) 0 9 1 5 7 5061 10 GCH CH Castanewf’s Kodiak Bear (M) 1 3 1 1 1 1015 L Bazlen M Low/L Low D Wilken/L Wilken 2 GCH CH Kalahari’s Call To Attention RN (M) 0 3 7 7 6 1588 3 GCH CH Ramahill Absolutes I Am Legend Of Rw (M) 2 11 4 5 6 4177 Portuguese Water Dogs J Cook J Edmonds/L Edmonds/M Adler 1 GCH CH Claircreek Impression De Matisse (M) 87 126 19 8 3 84546 3 GCH CH Vavoom Mobster V. Sanftenloewen CGC (M) 0 1 0 1 1 277 4 GCH CH Skansen’s Havannah (F) 0 2 8 12 3 3066 M Lint/P Helming/D Gottdenker T Rogers/K Knight/K Hennefer C Sansone/S Sansone 2 GCH CH Roseknoll Sunny Benjamin (M) 0 6 10 5 7 6157 4 GCH CH Corleone’s Hidden Agenda (M) 0 0 0 0 1 213 5 GCH CH Skansen’s Holy Knight (M) 1 7 7 4 5 3018 C Diamant/C Teasley/S Teasley/E Leyda H Austin/N Austin C King 3 GCH CH Sail Away Root Beer Float (F) 0 3 3 10 11 3749 5 GCH CH Desperado’s Gentleman George (M) 0 0 0 0 1 159 6 GCH CH Nightline Viking A Tanglewood (M) 0 1 10 12 3 2783 M Parszewski/T Smith L Taft/B Dankanich E Fojtik/J Erath/C Erath 4 GCH CH Spyglass N Aviator Sail With The Wind (M) 0 3 2 3 2 1375 6 CH Khaimas’ 4 Y Daydream Believer CGC (M) 0 0 0 0 1 136 7 GCH CH Skansen’s Harvard (M) 2 10 8 0 3 2597 C Blancett K Mallory/D Mallory G Reyna/J Boston 5 GCH CH Dandelion’s Maxwell’s Silver Hammer RN (M) 0 0 1 1 6 1276 7 GCH CH Artemis Von Alpensee (F) 0 0 0 0 1 133 8 GCH CH Skansen’s Leather & Lace Of Twilight (F) 0 4 4 3 4 2572 V Morro/W Varr Iii A Greendyk P Poole 6 GCH CH Cortereal Iron Man CD BN RA AX MXJ MXF (M) 1 3 0 0 4 1210 8 GCH CH Corleone Joyful Burton CGC (M) 0 0 1 0 0 132 9 GCH CH Skansen’s Rose Colored Glasses (F) 0 1 2 1 5 1094 J Berger/N Hunter M Davidson/P Isaacson/R Isaacson J Davis 7 GCH CH NorthStar’s Hit The Deck Running RA NAJ (M) 0 1 3 6 5 1122 9 GCH CH Haus Gutfreund Acorn Diamond In The Sky (F) 0 0 0 0 1 120 10 GCH CH Skansen’s Got Guinness? (M) 0 0 1 4 2 1001 S Soviero/J Soviero B Goodfriend/N Goodfriend R Poyfair/J Poyfair 8 GCH CH Vindouro’s By All Means (M) 0 0 1 4 1 688 10 GCH CH Haus Gutfreund Acorn Diamond Jubilee (F) 0 0 0 0 1 87 Great Danes K Weinberg/M Groth B Goodfriend/N Goodfriend 1 GCH CH Longo Miller N Lore’s Diamond Lil (F) 24 51 26 22 6 30224 9 GCH CH Patriot’s Designer Girl CGC (F) 0 0 2 0 2 670 Mastiffs T Longo/J Miller/L Matherly/C Crawford T Snyder/L Snyder/K Maguire 1 GCH CH Willow Ridges Risky Business (M) 5 22 20 14 13 12308 2 GCH CH Ghdd Seamus Lord Of The Dance (M) 1 3 2 9 8 3003 10 GCH CH Aspencoves Nothing Like This Majik (M) 0 2 0 1 1 640 J Swarts/N Walker/M Tichenor K Kish/D Davis/J Deeming/J Ball K Durr/J Whetzel 2 GCH CH Kimmit’s Rockstar (M) 0 4 10 11 4 3852 3 GCH CH Mjm’s Hi-Air All Eyes On Me (F) 1 7 6 5 5 2925 Rottweilers K Wampler/L Gabhart A Solnick/L Solnick/L Maulucci/M Maulucc 1 GCH CH Chancellor Flirt’s Hi Flyin’ Gladiator (M) 2 14 4 10 4 9687 3 GCH CH Milleniums Moonshine (M) 0 3 3 3 14 2723 4 GCH CH Raintree Erinwood Dixie For Heaven’s Sake (F) 1 8 4 4 7 2516 W Lewellen T Plezbert/C Jones R Gumbs/P Deloria/L Landrum/L Cornelius 2 GCH CH Hemlock’s Jack Of Hearts RA CGC (M) 0 12 19 15 7 6159 4 GCH CH Lazy D’s Spartacus At Her Majesty’s Request (M) 0 1 4 1 5 960 5 GCH CH Lobato’s Caught Red Handed (F) 1 2 4 7 5 2240 K Bang/R Bang K Williams L Hotchkiss 3 GCH CH Highwood’s Call Of The Wild (M) 2 15 11 7 2 5468 5 GCH CH Sky High Fireside’s Hearts Desire (F) 0 0 4 2 3 922 6 GCH CH Graycn Lost Creek The Descendant Of Elan (M) 1 4 1 0 0 1507 D Austin/T Austin C Sanchez/J Sanchez/D Drozdoff/M Drozdof J Finck/S Finck 4 GCH CH Avatar Cosmac Storm (M) 2 5 8 7 8 4953 6 GCH CH Jadems Oliver Twist (M) 0 3 5 1 0 906 7 GCH CH Shalako It’s All About Me V Regent (F) 0 2 1 2 3 1118 M Brennan/J Mcilwaine/G Bidgood/A Mcilwa J Berning/T Woods S Taylor/M Davisson 5 GCH CH Parisans Stingray of RiverRidge (M) 0 3 6 7 5 3238 7 GCH CH Lexington Divine’s Put Me In, Coach RN (M) 0 1 1 2 0 839 8 GCH CH D.S.S. Kings Ransom Jp Mc Laren (M) 0 0 2 2 1 1101 R Ramsour/T Johnston J Sanchez/C Sanchez/M Delisa/E Tortorell T Mita/H Sayama 6 GCH CH Ecko Ridge’s Big Easy Fast And Furious (M) 0 6 9 10 9 2964 8 GCH CH Jadems Rythm-N-Boo (M) 0 0 0 1 3 828 9 GCH CH Alpine’s Ice Warrior V Hawthorne (M) 0 2 2 2 2 1085 T Larroquette/B Larroquette T Woods L Clesi/P Clesi/A Heavey 7 GCH CH Eis Haus Ivy League Big Red CD THD CGC (M) 0 4 5 4 4 2211 9 GCH CH Beowulfs Walkin On Sunshine (F) 0 1 0 2 0 748 10 GCH CH Hauerdane’s Don’t Bury The Treasure v Caps (F) 0 0 1 2 2 1053 J Martindale/V Mcgraw T Collins/K Collins A Brill 8 GCH CH Gamegards I’Ll Have Another V Braeside (M) 1 3 2 3 1 1635 10 GCH CH Dandylions Blowin’ It Out Da Box (M) 0 0 2 0 1 498 Great Pyrenees H Eldred J Cole 1 GCH CH Honor’s Promise Of The Future (M) 0 3 6 6 6 4339 9 GCH CH High Hills Holy Smoke CD BN RA CGC (M) 0 1 3 3 2 1546 Neapolitan Mastiffs B Ducker/K Bruneau E Ross 1 GCH CH Ironwood’s Papparrazi (M) 1 2 7 4 7 3232 2 GCH CH Framboise Something Ventured Something (M) 0 2 1 3 5 2599 10 GCH CH Lorals Walk This Way (M) 0 2 5 5 2 1384 J Deppen/S Van-Spruill P Hughes/S Hughes/P Watson P Clark 2 GCH CH Otella Bruto (M) 0 0 3 3 3 944 3 GCH CH Rivergroves Chateau De Castelnau (M) 0 0 5 3 4 1811 Samoyeds A Gurrola M Falatach 1 GCH CH Mcmagic’s Candied Ham Of Pebblesrun (F) 4 14 9 6 3 10578 3 CH Il Drago Severino (M) 0 0 0 0 2 195 4 GCH CH Rivergroves Sky’s The Limit (F) 0 0 3 1 4 1106 A Kiell Green/A Green/P Mccallum C Boczar J Hanover/J Hanover/J Boyd 2 GCH CH McMagic’s Mojo (M) 2 10 9 8 4 6371 4 GCH CH Ironwood’s Marcelo Roman Luciano (M) 0 0 0 1 0 85 5 GCH CH Guardenia’s Splish Splash (F) 0 2 0 3 3 1029 P Mccallum S Vann-Spruill V Coffman/K Justin/D Coffman/C Moore 3 GCH CH Glacier’s Goddess Of Fire (F) 2 6 3 0 1 2900 5 CH Mastino Templar Knight Of Cydonia (F) 0 0 0 0 1 30 6 GCH CH Rivergroves Vera Wang (F) 0 1 3 3 5 802 D Medeiros A Hosking/R Hosking/L Ramos A Stonehouse/J Boyd/M Cox/M Stewart 4 GCH CH Pebbles’ Run Play It Again Ham (M) 0 2 4 3 2 1892 6 CH Artu’ Patrizio Italia (M) 0 0 0 0 1 25 7 GCH CH Euzkalzale’s Legacy Of Hope (M) 0 0 3 3 2 690 A Kiell Green A Gurrola/J Wolf W Olson/T Denney-Combs 5 GCH CH White Magic’s Seasoned Traveler-Trek”” (M) 0 4 2 3 7 1881 8 GCH CH Rivergroves Enough Said (M) 0 0 0 1 3 683 Newfoundlands M Matto J Boyd/M Cox/M Stewart 1 GCH CH Rosewood’s Royal Flush (M) 2 6 10 8 12 5770 6 GCH CH Glacierwhite Moonlite Mist Chanel No. 5 (F) 0 2 5 1 1 1638 9 GCH CH Pyrpressure Connu, Mais A’ Dieu (M) 0 0 3 4 1 631 M Morris A Murphy G Johnson/M Johnson 2 GCH CH Pouch Cove’s Seabrook Enough Said (F) 1 15 11 11 10 5059 7 GCH CH White Eagle’s The Sky’s The Limit For (M) 0 1 3 2 2 1291 10 GCH CH Pyrless Don’T Blink (M) 0 1 1 3 1 538 P Helming/K Griffin T Litton/C Montgomery/M Augustus/J Augus P Knutson/G Knutson 3 GCH CH Darbydale’s All That And More (M) 0 1 3 6 3 2437 8 GCH CH Snoline ‘N Snowater’s On A Roll (M) 0 3 2 1 3 1140 Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs G Griffith/K Kemp K Granacki/S Alexander/N Alexander 1 GCH CH Derby’s Toast With Gusto (M) 6 27 12 8 10 8452 4 GCH CH Seacrest’s I’M Not What You Think (M) 1 3 0 1 0 2146 9 GCH CH Polar Mist Cruz’N T’Party At Zamosky (M) 1 2 3 1 1 1119 S Copeland J Taylor/D Nelson/D Nelson E Widjaja/L Blue 2 GCH CH Painted Mtn Oliver Twist Of Fate (M) 0 0 2 7 8 2732 5 GCH CH Susitna’s Deal Me In (M) 0 7 3 1 1 1969 10 GCH CH Polar Mist Midnight Delight (F) 0 1 2 2 0 1088 K Markley/R Markley K Gerrits/H Gerrits/H Kramer/A Gerrits K Horton/L Blue 3 GCH CH Derby’s X Marks The Spot (M) 0 0 1 4 6 1367 Siberian Huskies A Mcfadden/D Echols 1 GCH CH Snowmist’s Quicksilver Speigas (M) 7 20 22 13 13 14193 4 GCH CH Calypso V Alex Raven Moon (M) 0 1 0 1 0 631 The Dog News L Baryte/H Shimtzu A Wilson/C Wilson/T Brown/B Brown Top Ten List Presents 2 GCH CH Topaz Bad Action (M) 0 6 10 8 6 4800 5 GCH CH Nox’s George Bailey’s Irish Creme CGC (M) 0 1 0 1 1 496 H Tang N Kechner/J Comer/C Robson 3 GCH CH Snowmist’s Quidditch Seeker (M) 2 12 8 16 3 4276 6 GCH CH Rivendell’s Twilight (F) 0 0 0 2 1 244 K Leblanc R Ney/R Ney/S Ney/S Ney 4 GCH CH Mileka’s Belle Starr (F) 0 4 5 5 2 2449 7 GCH CH Wildest Dream Midnight In Havana (F) 0 0 0 1 1 205 S O Connell R Mezzanotte/S Trenholm/T Bailey/J Baile 5 GCH CH Kaniska’s Kauz For Kamotion At Talkeetna (F) 0 2 8 3 3 2072 8 GCH CH Breezy Ridge Maximus (M) 0 0 1 1 0 199 M Hinkle T Conway/K Krumpe 6 GCH CH Kontoki’s Isaiah Little Prayer For You (M) 2 2 2 1 1 1658 9 GCH CH Dandelion Oskar (M) 0 0 0 1 2 173 N Wisniewski/R Tang/S Kao/M De Palma/T O S Bullock/L Bullock 7 GCH CH Ziemabora’s Strut Your Stuff (M) 0 6 5 6 2 1609 10 GCH CH Derby’s All American (M) 0 0 0 1 2 155 B Schaeffel M Rusk/A Rusk/C Selleck/B Selleck 8 GCH CH Myla ‘N Poli’s Winter Rose (F) 0 1 3 4 0 1530 Komondorok M Falconer/F Polimeni/M Polimeni/R Davie 1 GCH CH Quintessential Chauncey (M) 0 0 4 3 2 1455 9 GCH CH Paragon’s You Had Me At Merlot (M) 0 1 1 3 4 1405 S Wilczewski/D Wilczewski T Erickson/L Wilson 2 GCH CH Nagyalma Unforgettable Too (M) 0 0 0 1 2 505 10 GCH CH Jes Just A Rockets Red Glare (M) 5 12 2 0 0 1273 A White/V Mcnelis N Char/C Zimmerman/S Zimmerman/D Char 3 Brae’s Joska A Pompas (M) 0 1 0 1 0 426 St. Bernards B Johnston 1 GCH CH Jamelle’s Aristocrat V Elba BN RN CGC (M) 3 16 19 17 10 8936 4 CH Ibis Goody Two Shoes (F) 0 0 0 1 0 157 L Baker/E Baker C Evans 2 GCH CH Gliddens Lady Isabella (F) 0 2 2 7 9 2753 Kuvaszok K Glidden 1 GCH CH Szumeria’s Wildwood Silver Six Pence CGC (M) 4 8 5 3 1 4331 3 GCH CH Jamelle’s Camelot (M) 0 1 0 2 3 1133 M Vila/L Brady/C Muir/C Townsend M Mulligan/J Mulligan 2 GCH CH Mattiaci High Voltage At Glacier Creek (F) 0 3 6 2 5 1888 4 GCH CH Revilo’s Liquid Asset From Redside (M) 0 1 0 3 1 600 D Blank D Oliver/B Oliver 3 GCH CH Casablanca’s Vakmero Pandur (M) 0 1 1 1 0 255 5 GCH CH Sleepy Hollows Ice Slicer (F) 0 0 1 0 3 486 G Dash/N Berger T Sleep 4 GCH CH Glacier Creek’s Sparks A Flyin’ (M) 0 0 0 1 1 183 6 GCH CH Trademark’s A Reed & Barton Von Joy (M) 0 0 0 2 2 474 S Stephens J Joy/F Joy Based on All-Breed Competition 5 GCH CH Double Ring Tarees Dream Machine (M) 0 0 0 0 1 153 7 GCH CH Szajda’s Neverending Story CGC (M) 0 1 0 0 1 271 C Ringering/K Ringering/I Miller/R Mille A Szajda/B Quagliaroli
As of November 30, 2013
114 Dog News
Continued on page 118
Dog News 115
Canaan Dogs
The Original Biblical Dog?
Although the Bible exhorts us to treat “all beasts of burden in a compassionate manner”, biblical text, especially the Old Testament, is strangely silent about man’s relationship with dogs and any role that they might have had in ancient families. So did dogs and humans interact during Biblical times? If so, how? And is the modern Canaan Dog a direct descendant of Biblical dogs?
116 Dog News
By Richard Vulliet, PhD, DVM
vidence of interaction of man unreliable for breed identification. Thus, DNA and dogs during Biblical times testing is the preferred method of identifying comes from many sources. From canine ancestral relationships. early religious training about Ashkelon, Israel, is located about 30 miles biblical times, most of us share the image south of Tel Aviv and contains one of the of “young shepherd boy tending flocks with largest archeological digs. Ashkelon was the his trusted herding dog”, even if it was not oldest and largest seaport in the land of Caspecifically mentioned. naan. Relics from this site Most dog authorities have been carbon-14 dated agree that herding is back to Neolithic times one of the first tasks that and evidence for human dogs learned as part of occupancy at this location their domestication. date back at least 5,000 Other documentation years. Among notable bibof man-dog interaction lical events that occurred has been found in many in Ashkelon: Samson slew archeological excava30 Philistines in Ashkelon tions. Most common after being deceived by a evidence for dog-man Philistine woman. There interaction include picis good evidence that Gotures of dogs of various liath walked the streets of shapes, sizes and color Ashkelon before his unforpatterns, such as those tunate (or fortunate) interfound on the Tombs action with a stone slung of Bene Hassan that by David. Much of biblidate back to 2,000 BC. cal history occurred in and At this site, there were around Ashkelon. A Canaan Dog, Magnum, very good images of demonstrating the hyper-alertness Modern archeological that allowed these dogs to survive what appears to be Ca- for thousands of years. investigation of this site was naan Dogs. These alert started in 1954 by a French desert-dwellers are well archeologist by the name of adapted for survival in harsh conditions. Jean Perrot. This was followed up by a much The Egyptians were also very good artists larger effort led by Professor Lawrence Stagand created images that are undeniably reers of Harvard University supported by the lated to Pharaoh Hounds. It is inviting to Leon Levy Foundation. This site has yielded speculate on the breed of the dogs from the many important discoveries. One that readcaricatures such as these. However, stick ers might be most familiar with is the discovfigures and color patterns are many times ery of a silver statue of a bull calf. Images
A plaster cast of a dog‘s remains found at the Ashkelon archeological site.
Shani and Taavi demonstrating some of the color patterns that Canaan Dogs have adapted over the millennium for survival.
would be expected to be a little larger than their ancesof calves are associated with the worship of the Cators due to better husbandry and nutrition. In addition, naanite gods, El and Baal. This statue was found near the ratio of the lengths of the limb bones can differentian entry gate to Ashkelon, suggesting that travelers ate between some breeds (e.g. the ratio of limb bone might have paid homage to it on the way in and out length and width would be much different between a of Ashkelon. Pembroke Welsh Corgi and a Pharaoh Hound). In this Of most interest to the readers of Dog News was case, the bone ratios were similar between Ashkelon the finding of a pre-Christian dog cemetery in AshDogs and Canaan Dogs but different from the older kelon that contained nearly 1,000 dog remains. The sighthound breeds. remains were carefully interred with each dog resting on its side and with their legs and tails neatly curled Properties Ashkelon Dogs Modern Canaan Dog around them, as shown in the photo of the plaster Height 20+ inches Dog 20 to 24 casting. This suggests that Bitch 19 to 23 whomever interred these dogs held them in high esWeight 30+ lbs Dog 45 to 55 lbs teem. From the other arti Bitches 35 to 45 lbs facts discovered near the dog remains, it is possible to date their interment durSo is the modern day Canaan Dog a truly biblical ing the Phoenician period, at approximately 500 BC. dog? Circumstantial evidence suggests that it is. We With each new discovery, there are always new quesknow that Canaan Dogs have lived in areas of biblical tions. What did these dogs die from? Why were these importance for a long time. Thus, the derivation of the dogs buried? What breed were they? Who are their name of Canaan Dog that has been applied to these descendants? The list goes on and on. native dogs found in the ancient Land of Canaan. We Most of the dog remains from the Ashkelon site have found remains of dogs that date back to biblical were evaluated by Drs. Paula Wapnish and Brian times. These dogs appear to have a similar body size to Hesse at Pennsylvania State University. Each was Canaan Dogs as well as a similar ratio of bones of the carefully examined for signs of disease, trauma or limbs. These facts support a circumstantial argument other indicators of cause of death. They very carefully for the modern CD being a direct descendant of bibcataloged the properties of all the bones from each of lical dogs in general, and the Ashkelon Dogs specifithe canine remains. From their data, it is possible to cally. However, to verify this suggestion will require estimate size and weight of the Ashkelon Dogs (AD) DNA testing. We intend to do this in the near future. using standard estimation formulas, similar to what is We will isolate DNA from Ashkelon Dog samples, amdone in forensic sciences. They estimate that the ADs plify it and then test it against Canaan Dog DNA for were about 20 inches in height and weighed a little similarities. If we get a match, then we will know the more than 30 pounds. In the table, the standards for answer to this important question. Stay tuned……… modern Canaan Dogs are provided. The modern CD Dog News 117
Continued FROM page 114
8 CH Lasquites Ula Of Valdez B Mead/M Smith 9 GCH CH Skydancer Zenyatta V Szajda A Szajda/B Quagliaroli/D Meyers 10 CH Royal K’s Royal Remington P Kramme
Standard Schnauzers
1 GCH CH Blackhawk Finnegan’s Wake L Studley/K Studley/L Green 2 GCH CH Mistic’s Longfellow Serenade S Marsh/A Derenzis 3 GCH CH Steinhaus Maxim Courage RN D Morse 4 GCH CH Chateau Palos Treaty Of Goarrhein TD E Mohrenweiser/M Just/H Mohrenweiser 5 GCH CH Katon’s Eye Of The Tiger V Morgenwald K Koehler/P Duffee/C Reidner 6 GCH CH Charisma Maxim Von Diable L Adiletti/J Adiletti 7 GCH CH Vikingus Caesar Eytukan C Sanchez/M Sanchez 8 GCH CH Von Berg’s Proof I’M True To Form C Kristensen/S Shardlow 9 GCH CH Seneca’s Sterling Midnight Tango G Beeson 10 GCH CH Sketchbook Smarty Jones L Hansen/G Freeman
Tibetan Mastiffs
1 GCH CH Dreamcatcher Major Victory Of Loki CGC D Parsons/W Slayton 2 GCH CH Drakyi Lion Of Judah M Lott 3 GCH CH Sierras’ Sasha - Yakone Nanuk J Butler/R Gallegos 4 GCH CH Comancheria’s Ciye Chiricahua Cochise G Nunnally 5 GCH CH Sierras’ Folly Loves Fame At Dawa L Claus/D Nechemias 6 GCH CH Aujudon’s Song Of The South A Lee/J Lee
1 GCH CH Joval Angel’s Whisper V Rickard/J Rickard 2 GCH CH Penaire’s Chip Leader At Longvue J Clarke/W Clarke/T Clyde/A Clyde 3 GCH CH Huntwood’s Command Performance Of C Vitosh/J Linn/S Kipp 4 GCH CH Epoch’s Time Bandit A Moore/D Moore 5 GCH CH Epoch’s New York Minute A Moore/D Moore 6 GCH CH Joval It’s My Time V Rickard/J Rickard 7 CH Avondale Isaac Tewton Of Tartan Scottshire M Loshak/C Scott 8 GCH CH Raynaire V Crescent’s Secret Storm C Johnson/K Coffey 9 GCH CH Windancer’s Aerosmith’s Dream On C Pitts 10 CH Huntwood’s Willin’ And Able Of Tobylinn T Pedersen/J Linn
0 0 0 0 1 152
(M) 0 0 0 0 1 126 (M) 5 40 41 23 15 25698 (M) 3 6 3 7 7 6366 (M) 2 8 4 9 10 5590 (M) 0 2 3 6 5 2863 (F)
(M) 0 1 3 2 6 764 (M) 0 0 0 3 4 685 (M) 0 0 1 0 2 308 (M) 0 0 1 1 1 303 (M) 2 19 13 15 1 7906 (M) 0 2 4 6 6 2261 (M) 0 2 1 1 3 1196 (M) 0 0 2 2 4 590 (F) (F)
118 Dog News
0 0 0 0 1 235 0 0 0 0 1 27
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
4 32 27 13 11 10265
(M) 0 3 4 7 7 1764 (M) 0 5 3 5 2 541 (M) 0 5 5 2 0 465 (M) 0 5 3 6 5 441 (M) 0 0 3 3 1 396 (M) 0 0 0 0 1 106 (F)
0 1 1 1 1 90
(M) 0 0 0 0 1 84 (M) 0 1 1 0 1 82
1 GCH CH Angarda Deja Vu Looking At You (M) E Mckee-Heath 2 GCH CH Alpine’s Ring Of Fire CGC (M) J Mosing/E Thomason/K Thomason/V Piltz 3 GCH CH Alpine’s Highwayman CGC (M) E Thomason/K Thomason/J Branch/S Janga 4 GCH CH Vaca Valley’s Bold Ruler For Frajaec (M) G Brown/K Rudzik/B Gottier/D Pesenti/J M 5 GCH CH Chavez Let It Ride At Bonsai (M) G Simonds/A Ghione 6 GCH CH Lbk’s Enuf Talk About Ruby Of Mule Creek (F) L Jagta/P Miller/L Keller 7 GCH CH Alpine’s Lonewolf Whisky River (M) S Killen/L Killen/G Thorton 8 GCH CH Cicero’s Clash Of The Titans (M) N Patrick/J Patrick 9 GCH CH Diablos Queen Sophie Anne (F) R Whitlow/S Whitlow 10 CH Aj Artillery’s Party Boy (M) A Oman/J Oman 1 GCH CH Dunham Lake Scout Master T Steinmetz/J Steinmetz/T Goiffon 2 GCH CH Temora Ri Diercc Z Smith 3 GCH CH Ryba’s Call Me Irresponsible S Bachman/T Schreeder 4 GCH CH Nellyson’s Mr Dont Skip The Zip C Mechalke/J Mechalke 5 GCH CH Benayr Nick Of Time M Porter 6 GCH CH Shastakin Flying Dust Buster Z Van Wyck De Ropp 7 GCH CH Ryba’s Gotham City Hero M Langham/S Bachman/T Schreeder 8 GCH CH Arista Redskys Love Is All There Is P Levy 9 CH Temora American Maid J Seaton/Z Smith 10 GCH CH P.S. Phoebe Ii Christhill K Hill/W Christensen
0 3 2 2 3 1207
(M) 0 1 0 1 0 765
American Staffordshire Terriers
Australian Terriers
0 0 0 1 1 232
Terrier Group Airedale Terriers
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
2 13 13 17 15 7253 2 16 11 6 6 5109 3 4 0 0 0 1786 0 3 6 4 8 1112 0 2 7 3 5 1093 0 2 2 3 5 847 0 1 3 5 6 542
Bedlington Terriers
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
1 GCH CH First Class Willow Wind The Phoenix S Friedemann/J Fogel 2 GCH CH Pineriver’s Show Me The Money S Holden/J Berk 3 GCH CH Wrightwyn’s Power Play S Bethea 4 GCH CH Glaurieus Top Supermodelle L Friesen/W Friesen 5 GCH CH Lamz Heads I Win Tails You Lose CAA L Zembrzuski/G Gilbeau 6 GCH CH Bling Bling’s Bleu Sapphire J Steele/E Wolkenmuth 7 GCH CH Patchwork’s Built To Last B Lundy 8 GCH CH Sandon N’ Oakhill Jazzy’s Top Secret C Foti 9 GCH CH Carillon Chazzen De Hayyim L Heyman 10 GCH CH Peremi I M A Player J Weiskopf/L Nilsson
(M) 0 9 10 9 5 1811
1 GCH CH Meadowlake Simply Sinful K Courtelis/K Fitzpatrick/J Wilkinson/D 2 GCH CH Meadowlake Pants On Fire K Fitzpatrick/T Bradley/K Courtelis 3 GCH CH Mchill’s Hrh Prince Gizmo House Of Gremlin P Holson/A Barrios 4 GCH CH Ristle Alley Hoop At Coldstream JE R Cobussen/G Cobussen 5 CH Orangebox Firecracker S Kane 6 GCH CH Devons La Tua Cantante K Myers/G Myers 7 GCH CH Foxburrow Celebrity Apprentice G Scott/R Scott 8 GCH CH Bellwether It’s Hard To Be Me At Coldstream R Cobussen/P Hulsing/A Straka 9 GCH CH Surefyre’s Just In Time M Smith/C Bartlett 10 GCH CH Brocair Field Of Cherry Blossoms A Donovan
4 13 1 1 1 4501
0 16 9 15 3 3429
0 1 3 0 2 244
1 GCH CH Banbury Bedrock Bright Star Bright M Remer/R Lamkins/K Lamkins/W Mackay-Smi 2 GCH CH Glentom’s Dirty Harry T Cournoyer/G Wright 3 GCH CH Yoeckydoe’s Kissproof H Knockaert 4 GCH CH Aragon’s Ruffin It At Honeytree P Selk/V Everett/P Grecco/M Bankus 5 GCH CH Action First Try C Claburn/F Berez 6 GCH CH Soquel Millenium Seafarer G Harlamoff/N Waynee 7 CH Hawthorn Leap Of Faith M Quinn/P O’Driscoll 8 GCH CH Javarke King At Arnolds A Salas/G Anderson 9 GCH CH Rockytop’s Outlaw Kid L Stafford/G Stafford/R Poole/W Poole 10 GCH CH Old England’s Montgomery A Bavol/W Bavol
1 8 6 2 0 2066
1 GCH CH Global Mighty White At Kilacabar C Whitmer/S Whitmer/C Kilpatrick/C Kilpa 2 GCH CH Bulliards Good Hearted Woman J Snider/M Long 3 GCH CH Bullseye Oliver Orion N May/M May 4 GCH CH Banbury Bedrock Bright Diamond K Longhofer/M Remer/K Lamkins/W Mackay-S
(M) 0 1 7 4 6 608
Border Terriers
Bull Terriers (Colored)
Bull Terriers (White)
(M) 0 6 6 4 9 1347 (M) 0 2 7 7 8 1114 (F)
0 4 7 6 2 668
(M) 0 4 4 2 5 666 (F)
0 1 4 1 4 482
(M) 0 0 4 6 5 444 (F)
0 0 2 2 5 343
(M) 0 3 4 3 1 325 (M) 0 3 1 1 1 225
(M) 0 6 14 10 9 2964 (F)
0 2 3 5 4 1008
(M) 0 1 1 1 6 574 (M) 0 0 2 4 2 537 (F)
0 0 0 5 7 461
(M) 0 0 1 3 2 318 (M) 0 0 2 1 1 305
(M) 0 9 9 8 8 1463 (M) 1 7 2 1 1 1314 (F)
0 3 3 3 6 691
0 0 1 0 1 390
(M) 0 1 1 2 1 300 (M) 0 0 0 2 3 254 (M) 0 0 0 1 0 158 (M) 0 0 0 1 0 123 (M) 0 0 0 1 0 103
0 0 7 2 0 553
(M) 0 1 1 3 5 538 (F)
0 0 1 0 1 177
The Dog News Top Ten List Presents
0 0 0 3 3 344 0 1 0 1 2 325
(M) 1 17 14 12 9 3258 (M) 0 15 11 9 8 2498 (M) 0 0 2 2 1 627 (M) 0 2 2 2 2 408 (M) 0 0 0 1 1 274 (M) 0 2 0 1 2 269 (M) 0 0 1 0 1 150 (F)
0 0 0 3 2 133
0 0 2 0 0 103
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
Based on All-Breed Competition
As of November 30, 2013
5 Stonebull Matrix Revolutions R Macdonald 6 CH Winsor And Legacy Mojo Rising S Wylie/D Wilson/M Dussault/F Wilson 7 GCH CH Allegro Rockstar S Harris/D Harris 8 CH Jump ‘N’ Jive At Bullistic The Joker I Morden/D Morden 9 GCH CH Brickhouse Lone Ranger K Frickert/J Bouthilet 10 Bestuvall Take It Easy D Merriam/J Dykema
(F) 0 1 3 3 3 162
0 0 0 1 0 90
1 GCH CH Hjohoo’s Save Hjour Love For Me V Malzoni/E Theodorsson 2 GCH CH Connacht A Ha’ Penny Will Do M Joyce 3 GCH CH Rocco’s Collar King Carl Xvi Gustaf K Kauffman/W Eckard 4 GCH CH Terriwood Mvp T Godwin/K Godwin/B Doyle/N Doyle 5 GCH CH Cyntu’s Twist N Shout D Vogt/S Vogt 6 GCH CH Dogwood Treasure Hunter P Davis 7 GCH CH Stonebridge Just A Little Bit Better D Ziesmer 8 GCH CH Cairndale Wonderful Life At Lovat RN P Patzman/J Mortenson 9 GCH CH Hjohoo’s Just The Way Hjo Are E Theodorsson/V Malzoni 10 GCH CH Bordairn’s Total Chaos M Welch
0 2 20 14 7 3882
1 GCH CH Zlatapraha Gillespie Bluefire P Huber/N Huber/T Smith/P Bale 2 GCH CH Milenka’s Hector In Act Four L Kapustina/A Kapustin/L Marino
(M) 0 2 2 6 8 537
1 GCH CH Lonsdale Sir Joseph Porter A Simpson 2 GCH CH Pastime The Dandie Wears Prada K Cramer 3 GCH CH King’s Mtn. Alice Springs C Chriscaden/M Furlong 4 GCH CH King’s Mtn. Angelina Ballerina S Hickson/B Stenmark 5 CH Aranisle’s Brute Force S Mcdannald/B Mcdannald 6 GCH CH Derrydown Double Indemnity G Myers/K Myers 6 Elfwish Mr Peepers S Wasserman/D Francis/S Wolfskill 8 CH Schooner’s Spirit Of Denison P Carr/K Dorn 9 GCH CH Clossongrey Jack O Lantern B Baese 10 CH Derrydown Schooner’s Keeping Up Appearances L Shelton/K Dorn/P Carr/L Carr
(M) 0 2 4 3 4 527
(M) 0 0 0 1 1 156 (M) 0 0 2 1 0 101 (F)
(M) 0 4 16 19 7 3602 (M) 0 3 7 8 6 1369 (M) 0 2 5 6 6 1349 (M) 0 3 8 10 13 1316 (M) 0 5 9 5 5 1153 (M) 0 1 7 8 4 838
Fox Terriers (Smooth)
0 0 1 0 3 234
0 0 0 1 0 181
(M) 0 2 2 2 4 169
Cesky Terriers
Dandie Dinmont Terriers
0 0 0 1 0 94
(M) 0 0 1 0 0 93
Cairn Terriers
(M) 0 0 0 1 0 52
0 0 0 0 3 289
0 0 0 0 3 276
0 1 0 1 0 264
(M) 0 3 1 0 0 91 (F)
0 0 0 0 2 60
(M) 0 0 0 0 1 60 (M) 0 0 0 0 1 52 (M) 0 0 0 0 1 45 (M) 0 0 0 0 1 26
1 GCH CH Absolutely Talk Of The Town J Smith/E Boyes 2 GCH CH Broxden Waybroke Halstan Heritage V Malzoni 3 GCH CH Sayo’s Jai Ho M Briceno/J Possenti 4 GCH CH High Mtn Everso Smooth S Perrine/C Snavely 5 GCH CH J’Cobe Broxden Danea V Malzoni/A Booth/P Booth/W Dalling 6 GCH CH Wedigit Paparazzi T Haines/L Smith 7 GCH CH Lil’Itch Pretty Woman At Foxwatch W Perry/W Perry/S Hoesman 8 GCH CH High Mountain Everso In Command P Farmer 9 GCH CH Foxjar Absolutely Awesome A Ruggieri/J Smith/D Gabel 10 GCH CH Lil’Itch Steeplechase M Aroney/T Haines/A Aroney
1 GCH CH Afterall Painting The Sky V Malzoni/T Steele/S Olund/M Olund/D Rya 2 GCH CH Crispy Legacy A Agenta/D Eggert/J Eggert/A Astrom 3 GCH CH Crynwyd Caprice H Cole/K Harris 4 GCH CH Gordon’s Bite Of The Apple J Hanson/S Hanson 5 GCH CH Fox Creek Jp I Wish H Tsuyuki/J Diehl 6 CH Br’Er Fox Philippa Of Hunterston J Hunter/C Mouris 7 GCH CH Frenchpark Ard Ri Niall M Hermon/J Killeen 8 CH Fox Creek J Flagship At Santeric H Tsuyuki/R Kramer 9 CH Fyrewyre Fit To Be Tied K Courtelis/D Benn/J Wilkinson 10 GCH CH Garcini & Rangel’s Rock N Rolla L Garcini/K Rogers/J Paquette
1 GCH CH Kilkenny’s Sullivan Of Castlerock C Chiddister/S Blum 2 GCH CH Liberty’s Darren Of Daulton P Estes/J Daulton 3 CH Tipperary Rumor Has It M Ewald/M Mcdaniel/J Lynn
(M) 0 0 2 4 6 503
Fox Terriers (Wire)
0 1 3 3 1 340
(M) 0 0 2 6 2 619
Glen of Imaal Terriers
11 32 7 1 2 10870
(M) 2 29 13 17 6 4267 (F)
6 23 19 2 4 4261
(M) 0 5 12 9 7 1908 (F)
0 6 2 6 0 1456
(M) 0 4 5 4 5 1416 (F)
0 3 9 7 7 1091
(M) 0 5 3 5 0 1073 (M) 0 0 3 6 7 787 (M) 0 2 6 3 3 691 80 140 11 0 0 101718
(M) 12 30 12 9 3 13611 (F)
0 2 4 11 0 1370
(M) 0 5 3 2 1 805 (F)
0 0 0 3 2 719
0 2 1 0 0 384
(M) 0 1 1 3 2 361 (F)
0 1 1 0 1 288
0 0 1 1 0 278
(M) 0 1 2 3 1 266
(M) 0 1 0 1 3 232 (F)
0 0 1 0 0 102
Continued on page 122
Dylan Keeps Getting The Nod
Group Judge Mrs. Loraine Boutwell awarding Group First at Furmiture City Kennel Club
Group Winning, Multiple Group Placing AKC Silver GCh./International Ch.
Rockstar Thanewood Freewheeling Had a Pace-Setting Fall
Breeder Judge Mrs. Molly Martin
Group Judge Mr. Richard Beauchamp
Group Judge Ms. Rita Holloway
UK Judge Mrs. Cate Cartledge
Thanks to the many judges who have recognized him, and thanks to all the exhibitors who have complimented him and rooted him on. Elegantly handled by Russella Bowen, JOKUBA Lovingly owned by Carol O’Brien, THANEWOOD and Pam Fisher, Rockstar, Samantha Stafford, Enchanted Hart Dog News 119
TIME 120 Dog News
*ALL SYSTEMS **The Dog News Top Ten List
Dog News 121
Continued FROM page 118
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
4 Glentyrs Lady Isabelle At Castlerock (F) 0 0 0 1 1 93 6 GCH CH Eggstream Gespiel’s G Force (M) 0 0 1 2 0 147 Parson Russell Terriers C Chiddister W Goldacker/J Goldacker/L Duncan 1 GCH CH Foxbend Colour Me More (F) 2 11 6 9 3 2318 5 GCH CH Finnabair Song O’My Heart (F) 0 0 0 0 1 42 7 GCH CH Ruffshaad’s Caprice At Royalbard (F) 0 0 0 0 1 113 K Courtelis/D Bryson/J Wilkinson M Mcdaniel/M Ewald R Hausken/O Hausken/E Held/C Korn 2 GCH CH Rosewoods O.M.G. (F) 0 3 8 9 6 1874 6 GCH CH Liberty’s Padraig (M) 0 0 0 0 1 40 8 GCH CH Gridiron Minotaur Mission To Marzipan (F) 0 0 0 1 0 106 S Johnson/C Howton E Pires/A Lynn P Denbow/V Giamo 3 GCH CH Shasta N Sonship A Skip (M) 0 4 5 9 9 1284 7 GCH CH Daulton’s Sen Quinn Of Blessington (M) 0 0 0 0 1 37 9 CH Debully’s Royal Spirit (F) 0 0 0 2 0 96 L Reinhard/T Reinhard S Eck/J Daulton/P Estes L Mann 4 GCH CH Panther Creek The Full Monty (M) 0 0 7 4 7 924 8 GCH CH Daulton’s Emerald Green (F) 0 0 0 0 1 26 10 CH Badlesmere Black Russian (M) 0 1 0 0 0 71 J Ramming/R Ford J Daulton/P Estes/M Greene/C Greene L Pethke/J Shaw 5 GCH CH Fox Valley Devil In Disguise (F) 0 0 4 11 10 894 9 CH Emerald Isle’s Keely With Daulton (F) 0 0 0 0 1 21 C Florence/J Felten Miniature Schnauzers T Thomas/S Thomas/J Daulton/P Estes 6 GCH CH Posey Canyon No Brainer! (M) 1 3 2 2 4 572 1 GCH CH Allaruth Just Kidding V Sole Baye (M) 19 62 28 7 2 22517 10 GCH CH Abberann Abaigeal (F) 0 0 0 0 1 17 T Stanczyk/R Stanczyk Y Phelps/R Ziegler S Blum/J Blum 7 GCH CH Cobblestone Gathers No Moss JE (F) 0 0 0 0 1 490 2 GCH CH Regency’s Play For Keeps (M) 2 6 14 6 7 4056 S Tolleson/K Baker Irish Terriers D Lewis/K Lewis/B Verna 8 GCH CH Dream Hi’s Lil’ Surfer Dude (M) 0 2 0 2 3 377 1 GCH CH Rockledge Mccallen Of Meath (M) 0 2 8 8 8 2103 3 GCH CH Joker Land’s Glacyka Fci (M) 0 7 8 10 4 1988 K Rickard/L Rickard L Honey/J Wilson/J Macdonald M Uryu/J Constantine 9 CH Posey Canyon Classic Stun Gun (M) 0 2 2 1 4 366 2 GCH CH Sharob’s Commander In Chief (M) 0 2 4 7 5 674 4 GCH CH Tomar’s Captain Kirk (M) 0 2 7 4 3 1334 T Stanczyk/J Johnston S Lindgren/R Lindgren M Paisley 10 GCH CH Northern Lights Mysia Zaglada (M) 0 0 1 1 1 119 3 GCH CH Windeire Aurora Borealis (F) 0 0 0 4 3 352 5 GCH CH Kruse’s High Interest (M) 0 1 3 8 7 1112 M Strom-Bernard/T Bernard P Macdonald M Lande/B Kruse 4 GCH CH Gingerbread’s Dark and Stormy (M) 0 1 0 4 2 285 6 GCH CH Rockyhill Icees Raisin’ The Bar”” (M) 0 1 2 7 10 988 Rat Terriers T Lahti S Fry 1 Bur-Way Without Limits (M) 0 0 0 0 1 206 5 CH Breezy’s Redhawk Jack Clancy (M) 0 1 0 0 1 206 7 GCH CH Legend’s B-B-B Bad To The Bone (M) 0 1 2 5 5 756 B Trammell/F Trammell E Campbell/T Vandezande D Huff/S Huff 2 GCH CH Stoneybays Ur Martini’s Serv’D CM (M) 0 0 0 1 1 97 6 CH Fleet St Fire And Ice (F) 0 1 2 0 0 188 8 GCH CH Laroh’s Irish Road Warrior (M) 0 3 3 4 3 649 S Mcwilliams/T Jordan A Barker R Hartshorn/L Hartshorn/B Kilbourne 3 Dos Kn Pn Rnb He’s The Wizard (M) 0 0 0 0 1 79 7 CH Red Devil’s Irish, Lucifers Fire”” (M) 0 0 0 1 1 113 9 GCH CH Kelly’s Tamar’s Made Of Steele (M) 1 1 0 2 2 648 S Hendrix/D Hendrix J Philip/M Mattus G Kelly/L Tamar 4 Hdk’s Sweetest Thing On Golden Hills (F) 0 0 0 1 0 71 8 GCH CH Kells Touch Of Fleet St. (M) 0 0 0 0 1 48 10 GCH CH Repittion Jolee’s Spring Time In April (F) 0 0 2 6 0 434 A Burns A Barker J Williams/K Garmaker 5 CH Raganrat’s Quintessential Q CM RN OA OAJ NF (M) 0 0 1 0 1 63 9 GCH CH Anamcara Aidan’s Angel (F) 0 0 1 0 0 46 D Ragan/H Browne Norfolk Terriers J Herring/R Hoh 6 Cohills You Can Do Magic (M) 0 0 0 0 1 48 1 GCH CH Yarrow Venerie Ticket To Ride (M) 6 43 24 18 9 14139 10 GCH CH Trackways Sun Stone (F) 0 0 1 0 0 38 T Dennis/A Hill P Beale/J Beale C Rivera/K Warner/T Cassidy 7 CH Kenann’s Liv’N N Lov’ N Life CM (M) 0 0 0 0 1 34 2 CH Yarrow Venerie Trader Vic From Owl Hollow (M) 0 3 6 3 6 894 A Agostine Kerry Blue Terriers B Thomas/A Thomas/P Beale 8 GCH CH Riverridge Trin2 Sail 2 The Top CM CA (M) 0 0 1 0 0 32 1 GCH CH True Blue Madonna (F) 1 30 29 19 12 7576 3 GCH CH Barnstable Bold Over NFP (M) 0 4 3 8 0 663 B Brown/S Mcwilliams E Randall S Stemmler 9 CH River Ridge Winning Ways (M) 0 0 1 0 0 17 2 GCH CH Class Act By Hallsblu (M) 2 22 18 12 6 5199 4 GCH CH Max-Well’s Diamond Thief (M) 0 2 1 0 1 313 L Iazzetti/S Mcwilliams W Berry B Miller/M Mcternan 3 GCH CH Saredon Shock Waves Of Irisblu (F) 0 8 7 5 5 2216 5 GCH CH Avalon’s Spring Cove’s Simon Eyes (M) 0 0 1 0 1 111 Russell Terriers A Norman/H Quigg K Nelson 1 GCH CH Goldsand’s Columbus (M) 26 98 20 6 9 33203 4 GCH CH Irisblu Mirage (F) 1 7 8 3 8 2023 6 CH Arroyo’s Jingle All The Way (F) 0 0 0 1 3 88 M Ulrich/C Areskough J Garahan/K Garahan A Dum/E Dum 2 GCH CH Appassionato Jp Monamour’s Star (M) 1 6 12 5 9 1568 5 GCH CH Edbrios Russian Roulette (F) 0 5 7 9 7 1494 7 GCH CH Max-Well’s Valley Girl (F) 0 0 0 1 1 82 A Hargrave/C Areskough E Hansen D Glas 3 GCH CH Rivendell’s Tinker Toy (F) 0 2 1 2 7 723 6 GCH CH Dinnyesvarosi Mexico (M) 1 2 2 2 2 898 8 GCH CH Happy Hart’s Queen Lilly (F) 0 0 0 0 4 63 S Sobel L Zambrano J Hartley 4 GCH CH Monamour Jpp Energy Of Kiss (F) 0 0 1 3 3 557 7 GCH CH Ciarrai’s Beltane Embers (F) 0 7 5 6 5 771 9 GCH CH Caprock Life Of The Party (F) 0 0 0 1 2 49 E Reisman P Fox/J Deaton E Davenport/J Harper 5 GCH CH Goldsand’s Billie Jean CA (F) 0 1 3 0 3 548 8 GCH CH Kamagh Too Busy Bein Fabulous (F) 0 1 1 3 2 647 10 GCH CH Some Buddy Llwydd Eric The Red (M) 0 0 0 0 1 47 M Wooldridge/J Stevens/C Manelopoulos/R N Han/W Mcfadden J Carter/T Carter/H Cole 6 GCH CH Monamour Jp Part Time Lover (M) 0 0 2 1 3 389 9 GCH CH Kerrisel’s Here’s Looking At You (M) 0 0 4 2 2 315 A Kiell Green/K Miichi/C Mascuch Norwich Terriers R Nicholson/C Nicholson 7 GCH CH Meadowbrook Madison CM (F) 0 0 0 2 2 189 1 GCH CH Camio’s Educated Exemplar (M) 1 8 12 10 11 2459 10 GCH CH Edbrios Cosmopolitan (M) 0 1 3 0 0 249 S Sobel C Rogers E Hansen 8 CH Falling Branch The Patriot (M) 0 0 2 0 2 186 2 GCH CH Skyscot’s Texas Hold ‘Em (M) 1 7 6 1 1 1534 L Mckinney/L Grimsley Lakeland Terriers S Esposito 9 CH Kajsenborg’s Dirty Diana (F) 0 1 1 1 0 185 1 GCH CH Larkspur Acadia Save Me A Spot (M) 4 37 22 12 11 10923 3 GCH CH Highwood’s Whirling Dun (M) 0 2 8 3 5 1429 H Andersen/T Grennaae A Barker/S Fraser/M Sacco J Fonyo/N Fonyo 10 CH Edison’s Knick Knack (M) 0 1 0 0 1 90 2 GCH CH Hi-Kel Terrydale Fortune Forward (M) 2 17 12 7 1 5862 4 GCH CH Apollo (M) 0 1 3 5 6 900 B Edison Terrydale Knl/K Mcindoe/C Dowd/B Dowd/C C Chen/C Trexler/C Foucrault 3 GCH CH Hi-Kel Terrydale Fortune In My Eyes (F) 0 6 13 5 9 2864 5 GCH CH Thunderwood’s First Robin Of Spring (M) 0 6 1 3 2 858 Scottish Terriers A Geremia/F Cashin/Terrydale Knl T Willrich/K Conlan 1 GCH CH Invercrest Surely Why Not (F) 1 12 13 14 11 3997 4 GCH CH Nanhalls Koichi Hikel Terrydale (M) 0 7 13 5 3 1728 6 GCH CH Itsy Bitsy Tanglewood Ranger (M) 0 0 0 2 5 318 D Eggert/J Eggert B Bates/W Bates K Cwik/A Cwik 2 GCH CH Mcvan’s Be Bop Baby (F) 1 2 1 1 1 2611 5 GCH CH Delzar Sweet Sin-Sation (F) 0 1 1 1 3 752 7 GCH CH Foxwood Chasing A Dream (M) 0 0 0 2 1 264 V Huber/R Cross P Harbison K Mines/A Kress 3 GCH CH Kelwyn’s History In The Making (M) 0 6 18 12 7 2145 6 CH Hi-Kel Terrydale Delzar Kanaloa (F) 1 7 5 4 3 647 8 GCH CH Dunbar’s Heir Apparent (M) 0 0 1 1 2 228 K Edell/D Edell K Brown/R Sray/V Skou/M Skou J Kefeli 4 GCH CH Charthill Top Billing (M) 0 7 7 7 8 1945 7 GCH CH Sheffield’s Damsel Of Irish Spirits (F) 0 0 0 2 0 103 9 GCH CH Ma-Ya Sweet ‘N’ Sassy (F) 0 1 1 4 4 210 K Vogt/C Hill/K Hill J Mccarthy/R Mccarthy Y Harr/M Harr 5 GCH CH Mcvan’s To Russia With Love (F) 0 3 3 0 5 1516 8 Larkspur Acadia Summer Secret At Greycottage (F) 0 0 0 1 1 98 10 GCH CH M & M’s Macho Man (M) 0 0 2 7 2 200 M Khenkina 6 GCH CH Chyscott’s Making An Entrance M Sacco/N Kenney/L Kenney/S Fraser D Moore (F) 0 0 4 4 5 1049 9 CH Snowtaires Back To The Future (M) 0 0 2 0 0 90 L Shafer/W Shafer/K Simmons B Decker/L Parker 7 GCH CH Kingsview Just Ebony (F) 0 5 9 10 12 999 10 Sherwood Sheer Magic At Hollybriar (F) 0 0 0 0 1 40 C Blain/L Tuttle The Dog News S Smith 8 GCH CH Dynasty’s Br Donald Rockfeller (M) 0 0 1 4 1 723 Top Ten List Presents D Burge/R Cross Manchester Terriers (Standard) 9 GCH CH Friendship Hill Stars And Stripes (M) 0 2 0 0 2 601 1 GCH CH Oasis Razzmatazz (M) 0 2 3 9 5 681 P Gallatin/M Browne V Stanert/B Stanert 10 GCH CH Cumbria’s Ready Jet Go (F) 0 0 2 3 2 232 2 GCH CH Toria Royalty In The Making (M) 0 0 2 4 8 627 P Wooster/T Wooster T Taylor/V Herbert-Thorsland 3 GCH CH Wilane’s Midnight Rydor (M) 0 0 1 2 2 425 Sealyham Terriers R Gates/B Wood/K Brewer 1 GCH CH Efbe’s Thunder Rd At Burberry (M) 0 9 15 16 20 4259 4 GCH CH Medley’s War Hunt (M) 0 1 2 3 2 374 S Hawks/F Bergeron/L Tetreault/S Middleb E Tonini/J Tonini/J Tonini-Zanotto 2 GCH CH Hotshot’s Royal She’ll Make ‘Em Cry (F) 0 1 1 2 3 368 5 GCH CH Oasis Pillow Talk (F) 0 1 3 0 3 326 B Dunlap/R Dunlap M Belanger/G Anderson/J Anderson 3 GCH CH Wildwind Mojito (M) 0 0 4 1 2 287 6 GCH CH Rum Runners Careless Love Udy (M) 0 0 1 1 2 156 B Snyder/J Ferrera/B Fain J Meister/C Waddell/A Guthrie 4 GCH CH Slyfox Sassy Lady Of Bluff’s End (F) 0 1 0 1 0 164 7 CH Doubletrees Apollo On Stage (M) 0 1 1 0 2 146 C Echelbarger/J Taggart/K Jacobson E Harris/T Smith 5 CH Thunder Rds Blueberry Hill (M) 0 0 3 4 2 132 8 CH Wilane’s All We R Is Dust On The Wind (M) 0 1 0 2 1 138 S Hawks B Wood/B Wood/J Emerick 6 CH Efbe’s Goodspice Special Agent (F) 0 0 0 1 0 20 9 GCH CH Y-Not Party Everyday CA (M) 0 0 0 0 1 123 M Good/F Bergeron K Craig/R Osborne/R Osborne 7 CH Thunder Rd Walking In The Sand (M) 0 0 0 0 1 7 10 GCH CH Wilane’s Sophisticated Lady (F) 0 0 1 1 1 99 I David B Wood/B Wood/J Emerick 8 CH Free Range White Warrior (M) 0 0 0 0 1 4 B Monteleone Miniature Bull Terriers 9 Bedlam’s High Speed Car Chase At Nerak (M) 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 GCH CH Cambria’s Kid N Play (M) 5 27 27 13 10 7594 R Wegner/K Wegner/W Jones/M Jones L Baggenstos/R Baggenstos/A Guerrero/D G 2 GCH CH Dytona Vip (M) 6 28 27 17 8 6124 Skye Terriers M Jacobs/A Klishas/E Feuz 1 CH Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie (M) 11 32 19 4 2 13215 3 GCH CH Amchara Roc Ur World (M) 1 2 2 3 3 1602 V Malzoni/Cragsmoor Knl K Toland/S Toland 2 GCH CH Talakan Trumpeter Swan (M) 0 1 1 2 1 802 4 GCH CH Evolution Runs With Scissors (F) 0 1 4 4 8 908 J Davis S Cummings/K Toomey/C Jensen 3 GCH CH Gleanntan Wonderful Wizard Of Oz (M) 0 0 0 2 7 498 Based on All-Breed Competition 5 GCH CH Bonsai Winning Colors At Bullikountry (F) 0 1 0 0 3 226 Gleanntan Knl R Kennedy/G Simonds Continued on page 126
122 Dog News
As of November 30, 2013
Dog News
First Issue of 2014: Friday, January 3, 2014 Deadline: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 Dog News 123
124 Dog News
Dog News 125
Continued FROM page 122
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
4 GCH CH Solana Demolition Man (M) 0 1 2 6 3 481 West Highland White Terriers Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) M Shiue 1 GCH CH Camcrest Andsurely Jasmine (F) 0 9 17 14 11 3504 1 GCH CH Sandy’s Babes Tradewinds As Ever (M) 0 3 12 4 8 2483 5 GCH CH Jay-Roy Byrne ‘N Hot For You (M) 0 7 4 1 4 431 J Downing/S Campbell/R Roberts/A Sanders D Corl D Salandro 2 GCH CH Deerhaven Hez Justin Kredible At Orion (M) 0 6 9 11 11 3386 2 GCH CH Shorepointe’s Buddy Dazzler (M) 0 4 3 7 10 2199 6 GCH CH Solana Big Lebowski (M) 0 0 0 1 5 397 D Bouderra/J Kays/G Kays/I Keushgenian W Mccollister/J Ward/S Chavez/J Standish M Shiue 3 GCH CH Devonshire Out Of The Starting Gate (M) 0 4 13 16 8 1643 3 GCH CH Gaga Lady De Aqlla (F) 0 3 3 3 2 1506 7 GCH CH Marwyn Keeper Of The Stars (M) 0 2 1 0 3 172 T Pancost M Blank/L George A Scott/C Schuman/M Smith 4 GCH CH Tullybloom’s Classified Credentials (F) 0 1 9 10 5 1105 4 GCH CH South Fork’s Sweet Harmony (F) 0 2 7 6 2 1446 8 Cragsmoor Mr. Good Stuff (M) 0 0 1 1 0 143 P Cohen/C Cohen M Held V Malzoni/Cragsmoor Knl 5 GCH CH Wyndbrae’s Maclaren (M) 0 0 0 1 3 671 5 GCH CH Genbrook’s Playin’ With Fire (F) 0 0 2 1 5 1056 9 GCH CH Gleanntan Gaelforce (M) 0 0 0 2 2 133 P Whiting/S Byrd/W Noble B Kaye/G Stiles T Wright/Gleanntan Knl 6 GCH CH Ashgate U S Great Expectations (M) 0 1 2 3 7 644 6 GCH CH Koniki’s Queen Of De Nile 4 Bellachi (F) 0 4 1 3 1 1033 10 CH Desire Of Love Dell’Antica Caledonia (F) 0 0 0 1 1 116 L Pacheco/N Brown S Molash/K Hirn-Sheppard S Middleton 7 GCH CH Glenns Monte Carlo (M) 0 2 2 5 1 555 7 GCH CH Grannycreeks One And Only Wild Bill (M) 0 2 1 1 1 814 W Falls J Guichon Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers 8 GCH CH A’Hylan New Moon A Rise’N (M) 0 0 0 1 0 315 8 GCH CH Ouachitah Defying Gravity (M) 0 0 1 3 3 717 1 GCH CH Doubloon’s Extreme Play (F) 0 3 10 6 8 2986 P Marks L Monte E Landa 9 GCH CH Doncastle’s Nathan Of Mac-Ken-Char (M) 0 0 2 1 2 302 9 GCH CH Silver Bluff Mahogany Sonador (F) 0 2 2 1 3 683 2 GCH CH Shandalee Fireworks (F) 0 7 9 11 5 1272 D Peacock/J Glodek L Wolfson/R Maser D Sealy/N Bailey 10 GCH CH White Oaks Invincible Snowplow (M) 0 1 0 0 2 275 10 GCH CH Rafina Logan’s Run (M) 0 0 0 2 1 482 3 GCH CH Ainle Villanova Mouth Of The South CGC (F) 0 1 5 1 7 515 S Meisels/G Meisels B Pendergrass K Elliot 4 GCH CH Lochlinear Gleanngay Cha Ching (M) 0 2 3 3 0 290 Chinese Crested P Mullin 1 GCH CH Dejavu I Want’A Talk About Me (M) 2 10 15 7 9 6087 5 GCH CH Villanova Blame It On The Bossanova (M) 0 2 0 1 2 275 R Kusumoto/J Kusumoto C Phelps/B Phelps B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 TOTAL 2 GCH CH Kulana’s Sh-Boom (F) 0 4 9 4 7 2849 6 GCH CH Bonney Labor Of Love (F) 0 0 0 1 2 196 Affenpinschers S Frumkin/M Frumkin V Gosnell/D Gosnell/B Snyder 1 GCH CH Tamarin Tarheel (M) 2 21 14 15 14 9849 3 GCH CH Storytime’s Rocky Road For Gingery (M) 0 6 4 6 9 2793 7 GCH CH Blessing High Regard (M) 0 0 1 0 1 175 A Shultz/G Shultz M Fields/A Butterklee/J Temple L Morgan/W Morgan 2 GCH CH Yarrow’s Hi-Tech Ben There Done That (M) 0 12 27 15 8 6066 4 GCH CH Belews Les Bons Temps Rouler (M) 0 2 8 1 3 1616 8 Doubloon’s All That Glitters (F) 0 0 0 1 0 157 W Truesdale/W Truesdale/L Wubbell D Parker/M Parker/S Frampton E Landa 3 GCH CH Xela’s Party Hat (F) 0 6 8 9 6 3380 5 GCH CH Stillmeadow Solo In The Spotlight (F) 0 3 4 3 3 1429 9 GCH CH Greentree Gold Charm (F) 0 0 2 1 2 153 S Jones/S Hill/A Romero M Patti/J Patti B Mcdonald/K Mcdonald 6 GCH CH Kaylens Girls Just Want To Have Fun (F) 0 0 0 6 2 1033 10 GCH CH Mil Mear Geragold Galileo CGC (M) 0 0 2 0 2 141 4 GCH CH Banana Joe V. Tani Kazari (M) 1 1 1 0 0 2379 T Isherwood/K Peiser/V Dorris B Hempel/M Kipp/N O’Sullivan Z Truesdale/M Cooymans 7 GCH CH Koridawns In Your Wildest Dreams (M) 0 1 3 2 1 936 5 GCH CH Airescot Peer Gynt (M) 0 1 1 3 2 982 K Karraker Staffordshire Bull Terriers D Gehnert/L Bitz 8 GCH CH Egillo Z Teramonu (M) 0 3 2 5 1 846 1 GCH CH Cumhil Hell Raiser (M) 2 17 15 20 16 3733 6 GCH CH Xela’s Party Tric (M) 0 1 0 3 1 869 A Lynn Z Smith D Wood/S Jones/D Hichborn/P Belmont 9 GCH CH Hampton Court’s Charlie Of Legend (M) 0 2 2 3 2 660 2 CH Seenworstaff Lucky Me (F) 1 1 0 0 0 935 7 CH Tamarin Tanner (M) 0 1 3 1 0 824 J Deeming M Bryant/S Carter C Clapp 10 GCH CH Daretobebare Flashy Threads (F) 0 4 2 0 1 527 3 GCH CH Shortyrocks Jasper By Dumbriton (M) 1 1 0 0 0 897 8 GCH CH Vily’s Apolo Ohno (M) 0 2 4 1 0 672 K Perret/S Lyon M Bryant/S Carter V Hutton 4 GCH CH Sylon Bruce Of Ringmaster (M) 0 1 4 5 6 811 English Toy Spaniels (Blenheim & Prince Charles) 9 GCH CH Airescot Sunset (F) 0 0 3 0 3 565 M Darwish/J Miller 1 GCH CH Loujon Thornwood Little Jacob (M) 0 9 5 9 6 3130 L Baker 5 GCH CH Vomhausharrock Dondiegoredrock (M) 0 0 2 5 2 672 K Miller/J Ward 10 GCH CH Strongfort Opium Puffn Muffn (M) 0 0 1 1 2 434 L Heimbuch/T Alberg 2 GCH CH Loujon Backroads To Paris (M) 2 4 1 2 3 2643 L Carpenter/C Beaver/Pramada Knl 6 GCH CH Red Samurai (M) 0 1 2 3 7 658 C Williams/J Ward/K Miller Z Smith Brussels Griffons 3 GCH CH Chaseland’s Howard Glodek (M) 0 2 3 13 8 2483 7 GCH CH Challenger’s Honky Tonk Man (M) 0 0 5 2 3 366 1 GCH CH Hilltop’s GQ Cover Boy (M) 1 10 10 12 20 6702 B Miller/J Glodek R Mcgaugh/S Hill/T Boyle P Brown 4 CH Cheri-A Wingo Lord O’Henry Marchog (M) 0 0 1 3 0 407 8 GCH CH Reigning Bulls Analyzed By The Devil (M) 0 3 3 4 0 270 2 GCH CH Paragons Sharp Dressed Man At Greengates (M) 0 9 14 13 11 6496 J Wood/W Goddyn C Chun/J Chun F Cashin/M Gale/K Fleener 5 GCH CH Clussexx Champagne Breakfast (M) 0 0 1 0 1 199 9 GCH CH Empire N Divines Change In My Pocket CA (M) 0 0 1 3 0 206 3 GCH CH Fist Face A Penny For Your Thought (F) 2 13 13 8 8 6049 D Johnson/J Hubbard/J Peterson L Divine/T Glover D Burvee 6 Xela’s Et Phone Home (M) 0 1 0 0 0 194 9 GCH CH Red Rocks Desert Storm (M) 0 1 5 3 0 206 4 GCH CH Hilltop’s Watch Me Now (M) 0 0 2 5 7 1691 S Hill/M Hill/A Romero B Kriger/C Kriger M Grafton 7 GCH CH Sanchi Valentino (M) 0 0 2 0 0 161 5 GCH CH Marsdon Frankly Speaking (M) 0 0 2 4 6 1415 B Miller Welsh Terriers B Strange 8 CH Cheri-A Wingo Lord Oakridge (M) 0 0 0 0 1 117 1 GCH CH Shaireab’s Bayleigh Maid Of Honor (F) 16 69 22 16 5 24574 6 GCH CH Seagryphs Cuba Libre (F) 0 4 6 4 6 1389 W Goddyn/J Wood/J Elliott S Abmeyer/K Bailey/T Lee/X Xie M Rogers/M Kornfeld/E Kornfeld 9 CH Betsy Karaj (F) 0 0 0 0 1 94 2 GCH CH Malvado Devil Woman (F) 0 9 4 6 6 1588 7 GCH CH Tupelo Axel Rose Br (M) 0 2 3 1 4 897 M Johnson P Clark/N Clark J Saba/P Kolesar-Stoltz/J Constantine/L 3 GCH CH Darwyn Esmeralda In Sanherpinc (F) 1 2 2 0 3 1009 English Toy Spaniels (King Charles & Ruby) 8 GCH CH Chismick’s Lights On Broadway (M) 0 0 2 3 0 755 J Anspach/M Duafala/P Allen/S Pinto 1 GCH CH Lto Prosperity (M) 10 28 23 17 14 14745 K Jaeger/M Jaeger 4 GCH CH Sanherpinc Poporopo At Teritails (F) 0 1 7 4 3 811 R Cole/M Landers 9 GCH CH Jimijo’s Bare With Me (M) 0 1 0 1 0 302 T Lohmuller 2 GCH CH Southdown Nevermind (M) 0 1 2 3 2 640 K Jacobson 5 GCH CH Shaireab’s Bayleigh Last Call To Penbryn (M) 1 4 0 2 1 669 B Van Deman 10 GCH CH Karmas My Fair Lady (F) 0 0 1 1 0 237 S Abmeyer/K Bailey/T Lee/X Xie 3 GCH CH Novel All Aquiver (M) 0 0 2 2 2 599 M Jaeger/K Jaeger 6 GCH CH Malvado Thunder Storm (M) 0 3 4 2 0 569 S Hepler P Clark/J Stephens Cavalier King Charles Spaniels 4 GCH CH Novel Backroads Run For The Roses (M) 0 1 1 1 0 167 7 CH Abbeyrose Black Diamond (F) 0 1 1 1 3 222 1 GCH CH Miletree Northern Star (M) 2 16 20 18 16 10151 S Plance/H Reid/M Reid J Anspach/M Duafala/P Allen B Henry/S Henry/B George 5 CH Danaho’s Golden Notebook (M) 0 0 0 0 1 114 8 CH Noraly Of The New Husken (F) 0 0 0 1 0 210 2 GCH CH Quail Garden Loch Lomond Deja Vu (M) 0 16 10 15 12 7361 D Hopkins B Schwartz/R Berg/S Curran J Mittelman/K Subramanian 6 GCH CH Marsward Miss Conduct (F) 0 0 0 1 0 47 9 GCH CH Summersun’s Sweet Memories (F) 0 0 2 4 4 196 3 GCH CH Piccadil’s Twist And Shout CD BN RN (M) 0 5 11 12 3 2358 J Swaine/M Tuesley J Simmons J York 10 Shaireab’s Bayleigh Caught With The Cash (F) 0 0 0 1 0 169 Havanese 4 GCH CH Burbrook Storm Chaser (M) 0 4 3 7 6 2142 S Abmeyer/K Bailey 1 GCH CH Yup’s Malibu Dream (M) 0 7 14 11 10 5217 J Ioia/B Ioia/D Petralia/C Rose E Omeara/J Birdsall/D Stout 5 GCH CH Full Of Malarkey Miles Of Aisles (M) 0 1 2 3 5 1606 2 GCH CH Oeste’s Flirt’N With An Outlaw (F) 0 9 8 11 11 5115 T Kelly/P Kelly The Dog News Top Ten List Presents R Schindler/M King/J Vogel 6 GCH CH Norlangos Nonpareil (M) 0 1 1 2 4 1256 3 GCH CH Qbin’s Strictly Confidential At Enginuity (M) 1 9 9 15 6 4235 B Schneider/M Schneider A Liebing/A Welling 7 GCH CH Grantilley Galaxy Moon (M) 0 3 2 3 7 1196 4 GCH CH Fuzzy Farm Qbin Who’s On First (M) 0 10 7 16 10 3186 M Talley/J Talley S Lawrence/A Lawrence 8 GCH CH Orchard Hill Only Human (M) 0 5 2 2 0 1075 5 GCH CH Peluito’s Papi Chulo (M) 0 3 10 2 4 2335 G Bill/G Wells A Etzig/L Galloway/M Peterson 9 GCH CH Fleet Street Bet Me At Rosebriar (M) 0 0 3 1 5 941 6 GCH CH Yayas Dancing Through Life (M) 0 3 6 8 4 2255 W Stang D Planche/C Livingston/K Livingston/B Ca 10 GCH CH We-Syng Royal Etiquette (M) 0 2 2 1 2 862 7 GCH CH Harbor’s Sky-Blue Pink (F) 0 2 5 7 7 2187 G Reardon C Field/H Bennett Chihuahuas (Long Coat) 8 GCH CH Marcosa’s Bachelor Button (M) 1 3 5 8 5 2141 1 GCH CH Bayard Wendy (F) 0 5 10 8 7 2684 J Mcgrath/H Kolzow M Newell/E Lanasa 9 GCH CH Ji Jo’s And Shatara’s High Voltage (M) 0 4 3 5 3 1657 2 GCH CH Matriart Lg Muffin (M) 0 7 8 4 8 2288 M Soave/S Tomassi A Paola Diniz/L Guilmerme Diniz Pretoni 10 GCH CH That’s Adorabull’s Dreaming Of You (F) 0 0 4 8 6 1649 3 GCH CH Bayard Yours Truly (M) 0 2 5 7 4 1375 D Scheiris/J Chavez/D Scheiris/P Lucas/S M Newell/B Miller/K Saenz Italian Greyhounds 4 GCH CH Mini Cooper (Lamuno) (M) 0 3 4 3 3 1279 1 GCH CH Donavin’s Caramel Macchiato (M) 0 2 8 11 7 3320 J Lamuno Gonzalez D Davis/J Davis 5 GCH CH Victory Mask Of Zorro (M) 0 1 1 4 2 1181 2 GCH CH Trotwood July Fourth Rocket Of Bo-Betts (M) 0 0 3 10 2 1606 K Hulstein/S Hartwig P Swindell 6 GCH CH Jetstar’s Simply Outrageous (M) 0 2 3 1 3 1087 3 GCH CH Integra’s Masquerade Party (F) 0 3 6 1 4 1586 J Chandler M Lucas/R Weyer 7 GCH CH Lone Pine’s Boston Legal D’Ouachitah (M) 0 1 3 4 2 986 4 GCH CH Gdm Zenyatta At Lakeside (F) 0 5 4 6 3 1497 M Blank/C Eugene/L George M Manning/D Snoble/J Kulic 8 GCH CH Timeless Cottondale Pink Champagne (F) 0 0 2 4 4 975 5 GCH CH Maplewood’s Aces And Eights (M) 0 3 3 3 5 1021 D Miller/S Miller/K Potts M Caton 9 GCH CH Pollack’s Trace (Sanchez) (M) 0 0 1 3 3 856 Based on All-Breed Competition 6 GCH CH Wynson Swan Princess (F) 0 1 1 0 2 534 C Totten D Chapman/W Chapman 10 GCH CH Whiteclouds Miss Kitty (F) 0 0 0 3 0 409 D Franklin/D White Continued on page 128
Toy Group
As of November 30, 2013
l e g n A
It’s All About
Thank you Mrs. Joan Goldstein for Group First and Mr. John C. Ramirez for Reserve Best In Show at Arkansas Kennel Club!
Angel is the #1 Toy Poodle in Breed and #2 in All Breed Ratings
A Multiple Reserve Best In Show Winner & A Multiple Group & Specialty Best In Show Winner
GCh. Donnchada Angel Wings At Dulcinea Owner: Sue Talkington Dulcinea Breeder: Helen Craft Co-Owned & Presented By: Betty Brown Donnchada *The Dog News Top Ten List
Dog News 127
Continued FROM page 126
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
7 GCH CH Voici Where There’s Smoke There’s Fire (M) 0 1 1 1 1 489 5 GCH CH Belaire’s Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs (M) 1 8 6 6 2 2919 9 GCH CH Jareaux Rip It Up Laren (M) 0 1 3 0 1 726 L Griffioen/K Gibson E Sedlak T Sommerson-Wilcox/J Mclaren 8 GCH CH Voici Island Of Mykonos (M) 0 1 1 1 2 421 6 GCH CH Moonstruck’s In The Pocket! (M) 0 7 15 4 8 2904 10 GCH CH Hallmark’s Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (M) 0 1 2 0 3 713 L Griffioen/R Conrad C Koch J Snider 8 GCH CH Cantex Gris Gris Sonofa Doc (M) 0 1 2 0 1 421 7 GCH CH Foursquare I’Ll Be A Shostopa Tu (M) 1 12 8 5 2 2838 Pekingese B Broom/T Mayers D Johnson/J Johnson 1 GCH CH Yakee Easily Persuaded (M) 13 62 13 10 1 18972 10 CH Integra Maja Scattered Pearls (F) 0 1 2 0 0 375 8 GCH CH Warpug Black And Blue Reme (M) 0 8 6 4 6 2561 S Middlebrooks/D Fitzpatrick M Lucas/R Weyer/T Catterson J Cupp/G Cupp/J Black 2 GCH CH Dunkirk Imagine That (M) 1 13 7 8 5 3893 9 GCH CH Moonstruck’s Smooth Sailing! (M) 1 6 7 3 1 2467 Japanese Chin M Merrill/T Reese/R Winters R Brewer 1 GCH CH Victory Spencer (M) 3 39 22 11 12 13533 3 GCH CH Oakhill’s Caught Red Handed (M) 1 6 1 0 1 1967 10 GCH CH Castlerock Pine Cone Mountain Rain (F) 0 0 6 4 7 1342 M Mc Cormick/M Cooley C Koch/K Cook/M Cook A Fischer 2 GCH CH Pem We-Syng Lucky Mi (F) 3 20 7 2 1 5965 4 GCH CH Schuyler’s Laparata Robert (M) 1 3 3 1 1 1897 Shih Tzu J Dalton/J Turjoman/M Ballard M Campbell 1 GCH CH Hallmark Jolei Bells Will Be Ringing (M) 1 31 23 15 10 10735 3 GCH CH Dunkirk Hop To It (M) 2 4 4 3 6 2560 5 GCH CH Oakhill’s Two Times The Dragon (M) 0 3 2 4 4 1701 L Ehricht/D Ehricht T Reese/R Winters J Franklin/B Royer/G Sisneros 2 GCH CH Krissy’s Savvy Jasper (M) 0 7 14 14 14 5955 4 GCH CH Touche’s Top Hat And Tails At Samskara (M) 0 2 2 0 5 1097 6 GCH CH Sunn Yenn Uncensored Dachari (M) 0 0 2 2 2 796 L Lawrence/J Miller D Martenson/J Martenson/R Wilson D Cole 3 GCH CH Jadesilk Luv T’ Auburn Locks (F) 7 17 7 6 3 5413 5 GCH CH Pochinka Polka Dot Dekobras (F) 0 1 0 4 0 971 7 GCH CH Hoong Tao’s Walk This Way (M) 0 0 2 1 9 789 B Chopey/S Orford J Dalton/J Turjoman S Reznick/L Reznick 4 GCH CH Xeralane’s Just Face It (M) 1 9 6 10 0 2024 6 GCH CH Pem We-Syng Perfect Pitch At Sirius (M) 0 1 0 2 2 707 8 GCH CH Benaire’s N Elphasun’s Razzmatazz (M) 0 2 1 1 2 754 Xeralane Knl D Christensen/G Christensen B Ray/S Masnick 5 GCH CH Ista’s Hurricain Chaser (M) 0 2 6 3 4 1689 7 GCH CH Junley’s Stan The Man Buke (M) 0 2 1 2 4 619 9 GCH CH Windemere’s This Style’s For You (M) 0 1 1 2 3 742 D Wheeler S Lysandrou/J Lysandrou L Markham 6 GCH CH Lohona Zephyr I Can’T Look Away (F) 0 3 5 5 1 1633 8 GCH CH Mar-Pem’s Tiz A Tizzy (F) 0 0 1 4 0 485 10 GCH CH Dunkirk Center Stage (M) 0 2 1 1 2 536 D Haley B Reese J Jacobsen/S Marotto/T Reese/R Winters 7 CH Zephyr Monogram Maybe Marilyn (F) 0 3 0 4 4 1285 9 GCH CH Sunojo’s Red Hot Chinni Pepper (M) 0 1 0 1 0 370 Pomeranians D Haley/C Williams/A Mcdearmon R Norris-Jones/L Baggenstos 1 GCH CH Cr Chase What Matters (M) 4 35 16 12 7 13575 8 GCH CH Ista’s Just The Way You Are (M) 0 6 4 3 0 1155 10 GCH CH Desert Jade Fabel-Mi Firedragon (M) 0 0 0 1 1 360 C Solano G Larson/T Larson J Dalton/J Turjoman/M Ballard 2 GCH CH Tab’s Scootin’ Boomer Of Storm (M) 0 6 8 10 6 2916 9 GCH CH Rocking K Mia’s Precious Surprise (F) 0 0 3 2 6 1035 Maltese T Brunner L Mulder/R Kitchens 1 GCH CH Scylla’s Small Kraft Re-Lit (M) 9 50 29 9 7 18223 3 GCH CH Ac Dynasty Dream Works (M) 0 4 7 3 2 2612 10 GCH CH Amitzu You Look Marvelous (M) 0 0 3 2 1 752 D Burke/R Scott/T Rowell S Freitas/F Almeida T Forman/M Forman/T Mcfadden 2 GCH CH Rhapsody’s Someone Like You (F) 0 16 20 22 9 6658 4 GCH CH Char’s Hotter Than Hot (M) 0 6 5 8 8 2085 Silky Terriers T Holibaugh/K Kasten C Meyer/K Stuart 1 GCH CH Tawny Mist Myan Mystic (M) 1 14 9 9 9 5546 3 GCH CH Rhapsody N Cherub’s Oh So Henry (M) 1 11 14 9 9 6264 5 GCH CH Castile’s Endless Love (M) 0 1 2 6 3 1450 S Biles/E Biles/K Wilson/D Renton T Mackenzie/K Mackenzie G Sisneros 2 GCH CH Lamplighter’s Tattle Tail (M) 0 2 5 8 9 3312 4 GCH CH Maltangel Heavenly Vision (F) 0 13 10 5 5 3956 6 GCH CH Oakrose High’N Mighty (M) 0 2 2 1 6 1342 M Benson/B Beissel I Gram/M Harrigan N Walker/R Walker/J Rose/G Stewart 3 GCH CH Karisma Heart And Soul (M) 1 6 3 5 6 3146 5 GCH CH Ta-Jon’s Pawsitively Pawparazzi (M) 1 11 4 0 0 3217 7 GCH CH Mc’s The Last Stand (M) 0 0 2 5 3 1307 M Hodge/K Gilbert/M Gagliardi/P Laperruq T Simon M Armstrong/C Armstrong/C Iken 4 GCH CH Wind Dancer Jenstar Backstage Pass (M) 0 0 4 3 1 822 6 GCH CH Richelieu’s Valentino (M) 0 4 5 7 4 2270 8 GCH CH Canton Jet Li (M) 0 4 3 3 4 1270 T Gallegos/L Hurt/D Renton P Keen Fernandes/J Mcquiston B Yap 5 GCH CH Mariblu Forevermore At Safire (F) 0 2 2 1 0 658 7 GCH CH Richelieu’s Here Comes Trouble Again (M) 0 6 7 2 3 1916 9 GCH CH Char’s Love Story (F) 0 3 1 3 4 1236 M Solvason/J Pizzirulli L Lawrence/J Mcquiston M Paredes 6 GCH CH Dorien Dancin’ On A Breeze (F) 0 0 0 4 2 546 8 GCH CH Divine’s Work Of Art (M) 0 2 4 3 5 1385 10 GCH CH Blue Moon & Lana’s L A Ink (M) 1 3 0 2 1 1228 D Weintraub K Kent/A Stanberry L Price/L Kamrath 7 GCH CH Hullablu’s Hellzabob (M) 0 0 2 1 3 525 9 GCH CH Fletcher Andes Henshaw (M) 0 2 1 3 4 909 Poodles (Toy) S Calestini R Setty/L Bettis 1 GCH CH Smash Jp Sakura (F) 9 46 28 10 6 16360 8 GCH CH Anjo Blu’s Once In A Blue Moon (F) 0 0 1 0 3 338 10 CH Affair White Star Of Eternity (M) 0 1 2 0 1 480 R Scott/D Burke P Gates S Scheffczyk 2 GCH CH Donnchada Angel Wings At Dulcinea (F) 0 16 12 15 12 7274 9 GCH CH Snow Glen’s Tesoro Cover Story (F) 0 0 1 1 0 331 Manchester Terriers (Toy) S Talkington/E Brown D Adamcik/D Caselli/P Laperruque 1 GCH CH Rustic Lane Still Waters Run Deep (F) 0 0 2 6 14 2779 3 GCH CH Sharbelle Silhouette (F) 4 12 0 3 1 4488 10 CH Stelin The Amazing Gracie (F) 0 0 0 0 2 302 P Lapinski/J Debraganca/C Horowitz/A Deb J Lange/J Moses L Gross 2 GCH CH Blossom’s Let’s Dance (M) 0 1 4 2 7 1372 4 GCH CH Smash Jp Winning Ribbon (F) 1 7 9 6 9 4005 Toy Fox Terriers B Scott-Heim J Steinhour 1 GCH CH Dejavu’s Big Dog Daddy (M) 0 3 5 5 22 3002 3 GCH CH Fwaggles Avant Garde (F) 0 2 1 3 5 944 5 GCH CH Baliwick Honey Boo Boo (F) 3 7 7 3 6 2911 J Spence R Travis/A Kelly/W Kelly I Bloomquist/D Dahl 2 GCH CH Ultra Quest Go For The Gold NAJ (M) 0 1 3 9 9 2559 4 GCH CH Burmack’s Highlander At Chesterfield (M) 0 0 0 0 10 471 6 GCH CH Baliwick Behold And Believe (M) 1 4 2 2 5 2680 W Howard K Levario/P Mackesey/J Burrows I Bloomquist/M Waldrop 3 GCH CH Valcopy Shively Son Of A Gun (M) 0 1 0 3 0 560 5 CH Nantam The Admiral’s Daughter (F) 0 0 0 0 2 339 7 GCH CH Kaylen’s Oh Really! (M) 0 3 9 4 8 2360 D Plonkey/R Davis L Miner/T Green V Dorris/B Bird/K Peiser 4 GCH CH Canby Icefox Keno Ninico (M) 0 0 0 2 4 438 6 CH Fwaggles She’s So Fine (F) 0 0 1 0 0 269 8 GCH CH Sharbelle Greg-Mar International Boy (M) 0 3 2 2 1 1557 D Temple-Burgess W Kelly/A Kelly R Stevens/S Stevens/M Gregory 5 GCH CH Centennial Farms Ironman (M) 0 1 0 1 2 332 7 CH Rustic Lane Mad Max (M) 0 0 0 0 2 254 9 GCH CH Foxmore Boxwood Bewitching Da Maya (F) 0 0 1 0 3 564 W Bellamy B Hodges/C Horowitz Z Borges Torrealba 6 GCH CH Snocrest Tom Boy (M) 0 0 0 2 1 331 8 CH Spiceisle Stand Your Ground (M) 0 0 0 1 1 201 10 GCH CH Laurelbury Zasu On The Runway (F) 0 0 0 1 1 361 S Noe Z Spicer/K Richardson/A Richardson B Rivet/K Rivet 7 GCH CH Jane’s Christmas Gift (M) 0 1 0 0 1 295 9 CH Burmack’s Something To Talk About At Aztec Sun (M) 0 0 0 1 1 174 Pugs J Reed J Acton/J Burrows/P Mackesey 1 GCH CH Caper’s Sirius Endeavor (M) 10 38 41 18 5 22972 8 GCH CH Foxlair Hi-De-Ho Smokey Joe (M) 0 0 0 2 1 284 10 GCH CH Celtic Cross Lady Of Shalott At Carpe Diem (F) 0 0 0 0 1 159 P Fisher/C Fisher/J Rowell/L Rowell V Denney/E Ward T Meeks 2 GCH CH Hill Country’s Tag I’M It (M) 11 62 24 7 6 17945 9 GCH CH Adamant Bang A Drum (M) 0 1 0 1 2 209 Miniature Pinschers C Koch K Lowe/K La Rue/J Joseph 1 GCH CH Marlex Classic Red Glare (F) 59 117 16 2 0 61695 3 GCH CH Winsome-Nirvana-Blaque Triple Play (M) 0 17 21 9 5 6855 10 GCH CH Promenade When She Loved Me (F) 0 0 0 1 1 198 A Angelbello/L Monte E Veltman/V Cox-Flatley/B Roberts W Hughes/L Hughes 2 GCH CH Kimro N Spiva’s Super Trooper (M) 0 11 13 13 7 3576 4 GCH CH Pocket’s Ameci (M) 1 7 8 8 4 3124 Yorkshire Terriers K Pastella Calvacca/R Greenslade/H Schwe J Bale-Woodside/R Robles 1 GCH CH Trio’s Big Shot (M) 1 9 7 13 3 4476 3 GCH CH Brackley My Amazing Warrior (M) 1 4 5 8 3 3224 K Goldfarb K Haney/D Haney 2 GCH CH Exmoor’s Epitome (M) 0 3 4 4 10 2312 4 GCH CH Marlex Kisa Wildfire (F) 0 1 8 11 5 2689 The Dog News Top Ten List Presents J Hupp/B Walker K Noel/J Wilds/A Angelbello 3 GCH CH Images Playboy At Serenade (M) 1 4 6 6 0 1139 5 GCH CH Blythewood Golden Warrior (M) 0 1 7 6 8 1339 Xeralane Knl/B Fink/P Fink J Huber 4 GCH CH Cantlon’s Jer-Ree’ Jer-Ree’ (M) 0 1 3 2 1 903 6 GCH CH Kisa The Iceman Cometh V Marlex (M) 0 2 3 5 2 1335 B Cantlon/M Mathews/V Steinberg/L Butz L Dewey/P Dewey 5 CH Nicnak’s Second To None (M) 0 2 1 3 0 776 7 GCH CH Marlex N Marisol Bold Moves (M) 0 0 3 3 6 1323 G Webster A Angelbello/M Hackett 6 GCH CH Nicnak’s Aftershock (M) 0 0 3 3 0 670 8 GCH CH Keridan My Favorite Toy (M) 1 1 1 1 1 1160 D Bryers K Hawkins/K Haney 7 GCH CH Stratford’s Alaskan Cruiser (M) 0 0 2 3 1 506 9 GCH CH Dar-Rich Sirius’ Einstein V-Redbarns (M) 0 0 1 1 2 520 B Scott J Ward 8 GCH CH Linshire’s Rolling Stone (M) 0 1 2 1 2 458 10 GCH CH Dynasty’s Little Bear (M) 0 0 2 2 4 448 K Ryan-Lavail/P Gregson/V Meadows H Greene 9 GCH CH Gotyorkies Dream High Stryker (M) 0 1 1 0 1 447 Papillons T Kulessa/K Lambert 1 GCH CH Involo The King Of Pop (M) 8 41 35 18 4 16505 10 GCH CH Silkiss’D Lets Rock (M) 0 1 0 2 0 422 M Mosing/G Garofalo G Echols/B Booty Bozung 2 GCH CH Wildfire On The Record (F) 1 23 23 10 6 9167 N Shaw/A Pickett/C Pickett 3 GCH CH Fenice Le Beaudreaux (M) 0 9 27 12 9 6664 R Greathouse/E Akers-Perry/M Perry B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 TOTAL American Eskimo Dogs 4 GCH CH Wingssong Here We Go Again (M) 0 7 7 12 7 2771 1 GCH CH Nuuktok’s Atka Inukshuk (M) 2 19 17 14 1 5972 P Jones/C Jones S Robertson 5 GCH CH Brevette Kid Incredible (M) 0 3 3 9 5 2532 2 GCH CH Sierra’s Hallmark (M) 0 2 14 9 9 2913 A Moser/L Tapyrik/J Ybaben R Sampson/S Schuldt 6 GCH CH Wildfire On The Edge (M) 0 6 3 4 7 1411 3 GCH CH Ducat’s Smokin’ Hot (M) 1 4 2 3 2 1129 G Bontecoo H Dorrance 7 GCH CH Titian’s Risky Business (M) 0 0 3 5 6 1278 4 GCH CH Voyagers Cause I Can Cuddle (F) 0 0 0 1 2 539 R Navarre/M Navarre/T Mcintyre/C Fredric Based on All-Breed Competition L Clark 8 GCH CH Micfriends Trujoy Eye Candy (M) 0 1 3 4 3 1265 5 GCH CH Anana’s Look Into The Future (M) 0 0 1 0 2 276 S Johnson/D Peterson K Strunk/S Strunk Continued on page 130
128 Dog News
As of November 30, 2013
Non Sporting Group
Continued FROM page 128
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
6 GCH CH Ms. Wiz’s Rain Of Terror (F) 0 0 2 0 0 215 4 GCH CH Karina’s You Can’T Stop The Beat (M) 0 3 5 11 6 1720 8 CH Flamingstar The Lion King (M) 0 0 4 2 3 532 B Davidoff V Louie/C Waddell V Degruy/P Degruy 7 CH Pat’s Irish Alpine Custom Built (M) 0 0 0 1 0 203 5 GCH CH Kj’s Hot Date (M) 0 8 4 5 2 1379 9 GCH CH Milin’s Emerson Tappin’ On The Bay CGC (M) 0 0 2 2 4 446 S O’Donnell/R Strong K Dowd P Fehr/R Fehr 8 CH Sierra’s Summer Celebration (F) 0 0 0 1 0 174 6 GCH CH Nightwind’s Little Ricky (M) 0 6 4 3 3 1037 10 GCH CH Padow Northwind’s Wicked Games (F) 0 0 0 1 1 424 M Mitchell M Moriarty/D Beurmann L Eyster/W Eyster/K Williams 9 GCH CH Emerald Citys Wildcard Winner (F) 0 0 0 1 0 112 7 GCH CH Karolina Bonnyvale Meant To Be (M) 0 2 5 4 2 958 Dalmatians K Oliversen B Stroud/P Stroud/D Bosch/D Smith 1 GCH CH Bret D N Engine Co To The Rescue (F) 1 9 17 6 6 4176 10 GCH CH Pinebrook Smilin’ Milo Of Vibo CA (M) 0 0 1 1 0 97 8 GCH CH Trumpet’s It’s Good To Be King (M) 0 1 5 6 3 930 J Bachey/M Zink/J Shupp D Christensen B Blankenship 2 GCH CH Folklore Celtic Crossfire Trail (M) 0 18 19 3 12 3754 9 GCH CH Showtyme’s Happy Feet (M) 0 4 1 2 3 651 Bichons Frises R Skibinski/D Skibinski/J Boyd/M Boyd L Hooper 1 GCH CH Vogelflight’s Honor” To Pillowtalk” (M) 16 87 25 9 4 19702 3 GCH CH Spotted Bliss Oreo Delight (M) 0 10 10 13 10 3534 10 GCH CH Kj’s Dream Date (F) 0 1 1 1 1 457 E Charles/K Vogel/M Abbott/P Abbott D Brumfield/K Smith K Dowd 2 GCH CH Saks Winning Card (M) 12 46 18 10 4 15150 4 GCH CH Kastle’s Go Speed Racer (M) 0 5 9 10 11 2994 Lhasa Apsos A Mackenzie/K Mackenzie/C Ruggles/K Hans M Squire 1 GCH CH Ta Sen Westgate On A High (F) 0 7 4 10 10 3023 3 GCH CH Paray’s Power & Privilege (M) 0 16 25 12 4 7626 5 GCH CH Canal-Side’s Imperator (M) 0 10 8 5 5 2473 S Giles/C Sehnert/E Lonigro P Flores/L Rosio B Little/J Eversole/J Langevin/P Masasch 2 GCH CH Sundancer Hylan Shotru Secret Dawn (F) 0 13 9 7 9 2355 4 GCH CH Overtops And The Winner Is (M) 2 17 18 9 6 6774 6 GCH CH Bret D Gabriel’s Lost Art CD BN RAE RD CGC (M) 0 8 5 1 2 1324 K Hamilton/M Worlton Z Luo/N Keung/J Rubin K Carey 3 GCH CH Shoyu Blowin’ My Horn At Orlane (M) 0 4 4 7 9 1860 5 GCH CH Glenleigh Gangs N’ Roses (M) 3 22 20 11 9 5886 7 GCH CH Milledals Alisa At Peace Valley (F) 0 1 4 7 7 1276 M Papke/R Alexander R Lauer/K Tormey/L Carlton/L Letsche/M Z M Gifford/A Miller 4 GCH CH Rufkins Monarchs Love Bytes (M) 0 0 7 3 6 1338 6 GCH CH Karmel’s Banana In Pajamas (M) 1 9 6 2 10 3532 8 GCH CH Alfredrich Indigo’s Dark Roast Of Robbsdale (M) 1 2 1 4 3 1131 K Paju/R Lombard/J Bernards S Phillips/C Bakker/R Drumond T Robbins/D Goebel/E Osowski/J Millaire 5 GCH CH Hope-Fulls Hugs Kist By Northwind (M) 2 5 4 5 3 1283 7 GCH CH Cher Ami’s Toast With Remy Martin (M) 0 1 5 6 4 1131 9 GCH CH Mapleaf Don’T Stop Believin In Sunrunner (M) 0 3 3 3 6 1122 J Hope/C Butsic D Mathog/R Mathog/R Wolfe A Smith/K Rochin 6 GCH CH Suntory Leonetti (M) 0 0 3 5 1 857 8 GCH CH Shyladawn’s Timeless Beauty (F) 0 0 4 4 2 808 10 GCH CH Centurion Anticipation Charming Dalfield (F) 0 2 4 5 3 1109 C De La Rosa/R De La Rosa S Newton E Lindhorst 7 GCH CH Kumi Kian Strike A Pose (F) 0 3 3 0 0 778 9 GCH CH L’Etoiles It’s All About Me (F) 0 2 3 8 3 766 Finnish Spitz T Mclaughlin/A Lanterman D Wycoff 1 GCH CH Finkkila’s Nalle Poika (M) 0 4 14 14 12 3470 8 GCH CH Kai-La-Sha Legacy (M) 0 0 2 7 2 763 10 GCH CH Judges Choice One Block Over (M) 0 1 1 2 6 541 K Swisher/D Helland C Marley/P Huffman/E Valle M Dunn/M Winkler 2 GCH CH Dv9k9’s Red Hot Star (M) 1 4 3 1 5 1665 9 GCH CH Monarchs Destination Dreamscape (M) 0 1 2 1 4 758 Boston Terriers A Bruce/E David K Harrison/M Stafford 1 GCH CH Gunther’s Gussied Up Edna (F) 2 24 22 15 13 8283 3 GCH CH Mickywins Mainio Skandia CGC (M) 0 2 4 6 7 1356 10 GCH CH Sutra Gemk’s Sweet William (M) 0 1 1 5 2 653 A Mcilwaine/B Berth/J Mcilwaine P Urton G Moses/M Stretch 2 GCH CH Kennedy’s N Barcomm’s On The Catwalk (F) 0 3 2 3 5 1251 4 GCH CH Marblehill’s Gleaming Icecaps (F) 0 3 1 3 5 614 Lowchen B Rettick/S Kennedy/R Rettick J Anastas/L Saari 1 GCH CH Paceaway Play It Again (M) 0 10 8 12 14 3500 3 GCH CH Motif’s Unstoppable At Rio (M) 0 1 3 4 8 1092 5 GCH CH Finkkila’s Tuk (M) 0 0 1 0 2 305 P Dyer/L Dyer A Beskau/K Beskau K Raleigh/M Walker/C Stone 2 GCH CH Laser Kiji No Way No How (M) 0 5 7 10 5 2450 4 GCH CH Kennedy’s Wild Traveling Man (M) 0 1 3 4 4 1069 6 GCH CH Pikkinokka’s This Girl Rockz BN RA (F) 0 0 0 1 1 167 W Koistinen/R Crowder M Stahmer/L Fisher/S Kennedy H Horton/A Bruce 3 GCH CH Sweetmeadows Don’T Make My Brn I’s Blu (F) 0 0 1 3 0 324 5 GCH CH Deja-Vu I’M The Prince (M) 1 3 4 3 2 1062 7 GCH CH Dv9k9’s Alaskan Winter Wilderness (M) 0 0 1 1 0 138 K Bumiller R Binder/D Brunning/D Pine E David/H Mak 4 GCH CH Touche’s Vindication (M) 0 0 1 3 0 285 6 GCH CH Windermeres Mystify (M) 0 1 4 4 8 1014 8 GCH CH Pikkinokka Badgr Sir Barksalot (M) 0 0 0 1 2 135 R Lawless/J Lawless/A Schlaud/G Denninge J Covill M Badger/H Leftwich 5 CH Bihar Windsor’s Sweet Memories At Senecan (F) 0 0 1 0 0 80 7 GCH CH Campbell Clan’s Idol Chatter (M) 0 1 1 4 4 850 9 CH Marblehill’s Pikku Karhu (M) 0 0 0 1 0 71 M Cropsey/K Giles K House/D Campbell/G Campbell L Saari/P Denno 6 CH Boondock’s Bailey’s N Cream Musicbox (M) 0 0 0 0 1 55 8 GCH CH Naughty Norteno’s Clik Clik Bang (M) 0 1 3 0 2 840 10 GCH CH Jayenn’s Archer (M) 0 0 0 0 1 48 J Davis/D Jones M Fish/K Norton J Grant/L Carlson-Elliott 6 Ikon Clap For Caveman (M) 0 0 0 1 1 55 9 GCH CH Kc’s Just Out Of Reach (F) 0 0 5 3 4 754 French Bulldogs L Harding/R Harding/E Iverson/B Iverson K Bogenholm/J King 1 GCH CH Lebull’s El Morocco At Lecirque (M) 1 16 15 10 10 5986 8 CH Musicbox Double Dare Dickens (M) 0 0 0 0 1 46 10 GCH CH Gumbo’s Stargazing At Northern Lights (F) 0 1 3 3 1 479 A Geremia J Shepherd/D Jones J Mangum/A Mangum/C Mcenaney 2 GCH CH Bandog’s Major League Homerun at TX Star (M) 0 19 18 20 8 5640 9 GCH CH Musicbox Upon A Star (F) 0 0 0 0 1 29 Bulldogs N Shaw/C Stephens/A Phelan D Jones/G Robertson/L Neel 1 GCH CH Mytoys Epic Against The Wind (M) 2 19 19 15 11 7925 3 GCH CH Coco Vialatte Robobull Hot Flash CGC (M) 0 4 10 12 11 4415 10 CH Bare Tracks-Desusa Heads Will Turn (F) 0 0 0 1 0 19 D O’Connor/T Oconnor/L Scott/A Mcdearmon K Yamanaka L Pettengill 2 GCH CH Newcomb’s Pandamonium @Beda (M) 2 18 16 7 6 4994 4 GCH CH Diva’s Bastille My Heart (F) 1 12 12 5 7 3070 Norwegian Lundehunds B Long/C Johnson/B Newcomb P Shaw 1 CH Neocles Aleksander (M) 0 1 0 0 0 161 3 GCH CH Imperious Hamitup Southern Bell (F) 0 7 9 3 10 2859 5 GCH CH Evergreen’s Girls In White Dresses (F) 0 7 3 11 7 1926 K Conroy-Votca/L Afong Imperious Knl/Hamitup Knl/Hetherbull Knl J Cooney-Waterhouse/J Flowers 4 GCH CH Wilson-Dixon’s Wd-40 (M) 0 1 4 10 6 2234 6 GCH CH Bella Ridge Imperiale Shadyharbor Mafia (M) 1 4 10 3 4 1885 Poodles (Miniature) J Wilson/C Wilson/R Dixon/W Dixon B Covalucci/J Neidig/L Schettino 1 GCH CH Bellefleet’s Living In The Fast Lane (F) 1 10 20 11 7 5334 5 GCH CH Cherokee Legend Cowboy (M) 0 9 9 5 3 2214 7 GCH CH Lefox Born To Boogie (M) 0 4 2 6 6 1606 A Reichertz C Sickle/C Chambers S Sweatt/J Drucker 2 GCH CH Durandel Bella Donna (F) 0 8 4 9 5 3184 6 GCH CH Imperious Hamitup Double Vision (M) 0 4 5 1 6 1921 8 GCH CH Hilsman Napachai Cruel Intentions (M) 1 3 4 2 6 1483 R Wanger L Jordan/J Jordan D Berrey/A Lee/R Hilsman 3 GCH CH Rio Skye’s Flashback (F) 1 3 8 8 4 2260 7 GCH CH Magic Valleys Purple Rain (M) 0 1 1 8 11 1268 9 GCH CH Rockydell Hotschott Sirius Dancer (M) 0 4 4 7 7 1247 C Chaddock/T Chaddock/A Shishido K Kirsch/R Meck M Schott 4 GCH CH Karadale Clarion Born This Way (M) 0 7 7 5 4 1638 8 GCH CH Majestic I’m Her Man! (M) 0 3 2 2 2 945 10 GCH CH Foxmoor Petite Cherie Coup De Grace (M) 1 7 4 3 5 1236 K Berlind/K Kennedy Vigil/A Kennedy S Neely/G Neely D Berrey/W Stoyka/A Mcintyre/P Berry 5 GCH CH Dimarko Endurance (M) 0 2 6 8 9 1577 9 GCH CH Only Bill Bailey (M) 0 1 0 2 6 782 Keeshonden M Bigham C Eke 1 GCH CH Summerwind’s Rumor Has It (M) 0 26 16 13 7 6244 6 GCH CH Sandstorm X’s In Texas AX AXJ (F) 1 3 5 5 0 1050 10 GCH CH Fairytale’s Knight In Shining Armour (M) 0 0 2 4 5 749 J Gauchat-Hargis/J Hargis J Neal T Sweeney/G Sinibaldi/R Whitley 2 GCH CH Foxfair Rudy Valentino (M) 0 4 15 13 7 2215 7 GCH CH Rio Luci In The Skye With Diamonds (F) 0 1 1 7 4 1017 Chinese Shar-Pei H Myers/D Lynch C Chaddock/T Chaddock 1 GCH CH Shine’s Deck The Halls (F) 7 47 43 16 6 15398 3 GCH CH Ruttkay Chance (M) 1 4 7 12 7 2155 8 GCH CH Surrey Sugar Baby (F) 0 5 5 1 0 806 D Cooper/R Cooper/L Teitelbaum/R Penteco M Mcloughlin R Scott/D Burke/K Hosaka 2 GCH CH Jade East Do You Know The Way To San (F) 6 45 34 21 9 14613 9 GCH CH Nalani Regency Time Brings Hope (M) 2 9 2 2 0 731 L Anders/E Minne/K Nijholt C Rivers/A Rivers/H Tomb-Taylor 3 GCH CH Vaje’s Jethrene Bodine (F) 0 18 17 13 10 4869 GCH CH Jaboas Second To None (M) 0 1 1 2 1 442 The Dog News Top Ten List Presents 10 T Paddock/S Paddock/J Mauk/V Mauk B Thomas 4 GCH CH R-Lee Sparkle Plenty (F) 0 5 6 4 4 1568 Poodles (Standard) L Harvey/D Harvey 1 GCH CH Brighton Lakeridge Encore (F) 25 60 3 1 1 26585 5 GCH CH Jade East Is This The Way To Amarillo (F) 0 7 3 1 6 1119 T Sosnoff/M Sosnoff L Anders/K Nijholt/E Minne 2 GCH CH Dawin Hearts On Fire (F) 9 61 18 5 5 14467 6 GCH CH Yu Kou’s Keep On Luvn U CGC (F) 0 0 1 2 2 710 L Campbell G Schaefer 3 GCH CH Jaset’s Satisfaction (M) 11 22 5 1 1 11214 7 GCH CH Nustar Dolly Pardon Me Boys, I’M Here V Jgar (F) 0 2 3 1 1 492 C Bailey/S Tompkins J Kerstein/G Richards/J Wyatt 4 GCH CH Del Zarzoso Salvame From Afterglow (M) 7 26 9 9 5 9851 8 GCH CH Tabirds Issac Newton (M) 0 1 2 1 0 394 S Barnett/G Lindemann/M Gadsby/J Lynn D Bird 5 GCH CH Penndragon Owain (M) 2 19 9 5 3 4181 9 GCH CH Blurubein Aged To Perfection (M) 0 0 1 1 1 208 J Smith/K Smith/K Bates/R Bates J Lockery/R Steinke 6 GCH CH Luminary Black Velvet Bejeweled With Pearls (F) 0 12 12 10 6 3114 10 CH Meiting Wings To Fly At Shen Te (F) 0 1 1 1 0 204 V Law/L Estaver H Kamp/B Berney 7 GCH CH Brighton Mikamoto (F) 1 9 9 6 0 2486 Chow Chows R Smith 1 GCH CH Dreamland’s Wanna Be A Billionaire (M) 2 16 9 17 8 7716 8 GCH CH Ale Kai Hillwood Celebration (M) 0 17 9 0 1 2307 R Banghart/L Banghart/M Brantley/L Brant E Charles/A Fisher/K Lefrak 2 GCH CH Padow’s Twilight Embrey In A New Moon At (M) 0 4 8 10 12 3230 9 GCH CH Hillwood Dassin Rock On By (F) 0 8 5 6 0 1858 A Sanders/K Williams/A Young J Vergnetti/E Charles Based on All-Breed 3 GCH CH Padow’s Too Hot To Handle (M) 0 7 4 5 4 1583 10 GCH CH Litilann’s Show Time (M) 0 6 2 8 5 1826 Competition R Sampson/K Willaims J Kinsey/A Rairigh 4 GCH CH United’s Light My World (F) 0 0 2 5 6 769 Schipperkes E Sangkunakup/S Miller 1 GCH CH De Lamer Point Break (M) 0 9 12 8 9 3120 5 GCH CH Jidi The Great One At Rebelrun (M) 0 1 2 1 0 674 N Lazarowitz/D Mankovich R Banghart/L Banghart 2 GCH CH Dante Fire When Ready (M) 2 7 5 3 0 2926 6 GCH CH Fair Hill’s Plymouth Rock (M) 0 1 1 3 2 599 A Gossman/S Middlebrooks/M Jameson/P All L Leonzio/M Leonzio Based on All-Breed Competition 3 GCH CH Bonchien Cedric The Entertainer (M) 0 9 10 6 5 2643 7 GCH CH Are-Jay’s Harlem Renaissance (M) 0 3 1 5 2 588 K Henry R Jackson/G Kantak
130 Dog News
AsofofNovember November 30, 30, 2013 As
Continued on page 138
Dog News 131
Precious The Number One Sealyham Terrier Bitch & Number Two All Systems
Number One Sealyham Terrier Owner Handled *
Multiple Group & Specialty Winner
Bronze Grand Champion *AKC Owner Handler System
132 Dog News
Group First - Judge Mr. James R. White - Thank you! Special thanks to all the judges who have recognized Precious as a Sealyham of outstanding breed type, correct size and exceptional quality
Bronze GCh. Hotshot’s Royal She’ll Make ‘Em Cry Bred, Owned and Exclusively Handled by Barbara and Royal Dunlap AKC Breeder of Merit Colleyville, TX. *The Dog News Top Ten Lists
Dog News 133
2014 Specialty, All Breed, & Group Variety Shows
Dog News Dog Show
Calendar Is Now On Sale
$15.00 per copy with free shipping! Club discounts available for 20 copies or more The Dog News Specialty, All Breed & Group Variety Show 2014 Dog Show Calendar CHECK ONE:
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MAIL TO: Dog News • 1115 Broadway • New York, NY 10010 134 Dog News
Also available at • Cherrybrook
• Davis Animal Products
• Red Barn Pet Products Elliott and Michelle Federman Dog News 135
Best In Specialty Show Winning GCh. Mileka’s
Two Reserve Best In Show Seven Group Firsts Two Best In Specialty Shows 136 Dog News
#1 Siberian Bitch - All Breed
Judge Mrs. Cindy Meyer Breeder / Owner: Mileka Siberians • Sally O’Connell • Gainesville, FL Handler: Jeffrey Brucker • Belleview, FL • 352-347-4628 *Number Four overall, The Dog News Top Ten List
Dog News 137
Continued FROM page 130
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
3 GCH CH Burr Oak’s Rock My World OA AXJ NF (M) 0 0 0 1 1 225 4 GCH CH Rivendel’s Barefoot Bandit (M) 0 0 5 4 8 1294 Xoloitzcuintli L Wetherell/C Russell A Halterman 1 GCH CH Bayshore Stonehaven Espiritu Isabella De (F) 0 1 2 4 7 816 4 CH Caveat’s Hd Ultra Classic Outlaw (M) 0 0 0 0 1 146 5 GCH CH De Lamer Black Ice (F) 1 2 0 1 2 1270 D Voss/S Middlebrooks/J Baylis B Todd K Nuovo 2 GCH CH Bayshore Georgio Armani (M) 0 4 1 3 4 777 5 GCH CH Mystique’s Son Of A Beach BN RN CGC (M) 0 1 0 0 1 112 6 GCH CH Delamer Off The Hook (M) 0 1 7 2 0 1065 J Baylis/L Hylton/T Johnson B Blume K Nuovo 3 GCH CH Blancho’s Tonateuh (M) 0 0 4 1 4 728 6 GCH CH Caveat’s The Road To Sturgis BN RN CGC (F) 0 0 0 3 0 104 7 GCH CH De Lamer Sea Ya At The Top (M) 0 4 2 3 5 931 M Moros/Z Vonpohlman S Williamson J Giovinetti/R Stone/K Nuovo 4 GCH CH Shida Mighty Joe Young (M) 0 3 1 3 2 700 7 GCH CH Halle Berry Du Domaine De Vauroux (F) 0 0 0 1 0 101 8 GCH CH Beachviews Oops I Did It Again (F) 0 2 1 1 8 888 C Loutzenniser/J Young-Johnson J Ennis/C Ennis J Penatello 5 CH Fullibus Aquia (F) 0 2 3 4 3 551 8 GCH CH Desert Mtn Hope’s Eternal Fyre BN RN (F) 0 0 1 0 0 95 9 GCH CH Bonchien Prodigal Son (M) 0 0 3 4 2 751 R Yenchesky/C Bossart/D Baker S Belger/L Swarthout R Rollins/B Burke 6 GCH CH Bayshore Stonehaven La Perla Negra (F) 0 0 0 3 1 244 9 GCH CH Bull Mtns To Kill A Mockingbird CDX RE PT (M) 0 0 1 0 0 88 10 GCH CH Aned’s Guillaume (M) 0 0 0 5 5 613 J Boose A Swarthout/L Swarthout J Murphy/M Simanek 7 CH Bayshore Sol-Azul (M) 0 0 0 1 0 149 10 GCH CH Trisorts Cassiopeia RA (F) 0 0 0 0 1 87 L Hylton/J Bayliss Shiba Inu L Brandt/K Brandt/L Knock 8 CH Blanch-O’s Carolina Herrera (F) 0 1 0 0 0 143 1 GCH CH Lee-Fen’s An Everlasting Love (M) 0 6 1 6 3 1505 A Barfoot/D Mullusky Caponetto/J Caponet Belgian Sheepdogs C Giffin/K Soafer/A Young 9 GCH CH Himnotico Caliente (M) 0 0 1 0 1 130 1 GCH CH Bonntymes Keepn It Real At Devine HSAs (M) 0 5 7 5 3 1872 2 GCH CH Jotoichi Perfect Madness (M) 0 1 2 5 9 1328 E Burch/K Wise/A Wise S Manier/B Leonard D Trotter 10 CH Blanch-O’s Lolita At Dreamstar (F) 0 1 0 0 1 102 2 GCH CH Sanderle Kindred R (M) 0 1 11 4 8 1584 3 GCH CH Mr2 Three Ships To The Wind (M) 1 2 1 2 0 1023 T Garrod R Chumbley/R Skinner T Harris/S Rolenaitis/T Rolenaitis 3 GCH CH Sans Brancos Stunned At Kindred RN (M) 1 3 0 1 1 765 4 GCH CH Kumi One Ten Soldier (M) 0 1 2 6 6 874 R Chumblay/T Votava/D Ramsey P Peterson 4 GCH CH Sundown’s Nitemagic Just What I Do (M) 0 0 1 3 5 584 5 GCH CH Morningstar’s Dances With Wolves (M) 0 2 5 3 6 569 B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 TOTAL C Toma/D Toma L Cribbs Australian Cattle Dogs 5 GCH CH Sarron Simply Complicated CGC (M) 0 1 1 3 3 494 6 GCH CH San Jo Jay-Z (M) 0 1 1 1 0 536 1 GCH CH Kokopelli’s Sobe It (F) 0 11 6 12 11 3943 S Swabb C Mamiya J Rowland/H Warn/K Watkins/C Kurpas 6 GCH CH Verseau’s Passage To India MX MXJ MJB (F) 0 0 1 1 0 470 7 GCH CH Morningstar Jack Sparrow Black Pearl (M) 0 0 2 2 2 452 2 GCH CH Turnabout Fort Apache CGC (M) 0 2 5 7 5 1141 A Mcgregor/S Mcgregor/P King/R Kraft M Peterson/D Peterson T Thomas/D Thomas/T Wilkinson 7 GCH CH Hobbiton’s Song Of Solomon Of Laralee (M) 0 0 2 0 3 404 8 GCH CH Cantebriar Red E Set Go (F) 0 0 1 1 3 277 3 GCH CH Onthego’s Here’s Lookin’ At Ya (M) 0 1 0 5 4 859 L Gilbert D Lucero/F Lucero D Quain/P Salladay/J Pulliam 8 GCH CH Chargany’s Voyageur (M) 0 0 1 0 2 402 9 GCH CH Taichung Oso Handsome (M) 0 0 1 0 0 196 3 GCH CH Littleflock The Peacemaker (M) 0 0 3 3 5 859 J Powers/J Powers L Perkinson/A Perkinson S Swanton 9 GCH CH La Neige’s Once In A Blue Moon (F) 0 0 0 1 2 362 10 GCH CH Dengar Swiper No Swiper (M) 0 0 0 0 1 173 5 GCH CH Desperados Bless The Broken Road (M) 0 0 3 0 4 494 C Ryder/T Holloway/P Snow D Garber D Price/C Price/C Moore/R Moore 10 GCH CH Sans Brancos Ultimatum (M) 0 0 0 3 0 356 6 GCH CH Moonflys Maid For Show (F) 0 0 3 5 4 387 Tibetan Spaniels A Jones/M Jones/T Votava L Hilt 1 GCH CH Kan Sing’s Tenzin (M) 7 60 28 15 10 16959 7 GCH CH Buzzards Tazmanian B’ Devil HSAds (M) 0 0 1 0 1 363 Belgian Tervuren M Feltenstein M Hunter/G Calvert 1 GCH CH Sky Acres Flying Solo (F) 1 11 7 12 3 4779 2 GCH CH Shilo Time For A Good Time (M) 0 0 9 8 8 2751 8 GCH CH Littleflock Stand My Ground HT (M) 0 0 1 1 2 313 M Edling S Carroll G Todd 2 GCH CH Tacara’s Racelon Rembrandt CD RN NA NAJ (M) 0 4 5 5 7 1505 3 GCH CH Wanaseas Mystic Lake Effect (M) 0 1 1 3 2 482 9 GCH CH Buzzards Keely Does Vegas (F) 0 0 1 2 2 287 C Lautzenheiser L Gembala K Warner/M Warner 3 GCH CH Mishaook Lulu At Chateau Blanc HSCs HICs (F) 1 5 3 4 1 1446 4 GCH CH Starlite The Gremlin (M) 0 0 1 0 4 475 10 GCH CH Dawn Heir’s He’s The Boss! (M) 0 0 1 0 0 261 D Laurin/J Laurin S Lucernoni/M Lucernoni D Price/C Price 4 GCH CH Stonewall’s Let’s Make It A Double (M) 0 3 5 3 8 1413 5 GCH CH Wexford Namtrah Second Hand News (M) 0 0 0 4 4 414 V Havicon/R Skief D Tyree/H Hartman/M Hartman Australian Shepherds 5 GCH CH Hillside Special And Hamazing (F) 0 2 0 2 3 980 6 GCH CH Wassong’s Riva Ridge CGC (M) 0 0 2 1 2 362 1 GCH CH Harmony Hill’s Money Talks (M) 6 28 17 8 3 10150 B Kreider/S Kreider V Marks/P Sarles L Goetz/H Braddock 6 GCH CH Mishaook’s Lautrec (M) 0 0 4 1 5 825 7 GCH CH Lionheart’s E-Z Always Betts On The River (M) 0 2 2 1 1 328 2 GCH CH Woodstock’s Belle Starr (F) 4 23 10 6 3 7915 K Gauchat/J Pavlichko C Waddell L Buell 7 GCH CH Georgi Bear De Faire L’Affaire (F) 0 0 2 1 3 558 8 Ambrier’s Rokirk Zendo Dozen (M) 0 0 0 1 0 214 3 GCH CH Mcmatt’s Autumn Breeze (F) 3 12 15 12 6 5823 D Dawe/J Dawe L Unfried F Mcdaniel/J Loehr/V Wehrle 8 GCH CH Sky Acres Flying Dutchman PT (M) 0 0 4 1 3 549 9 GCH CH Maciain’s North Side Irish (F) 0 0 0 1 0 186 4 GCH CH Copperridge What’s Your Dream (F) 0 9 11 12 12 3519 E Harding M Acker/L Acker J Hanigan/J Miller/J Margeson 9 GCH CH Chateau Blanc’s I’M Coyote Trouble VCD2 (F) 0 1 4 0 2 482 10 CH Tibroke’s Thrilling Possibilities (M) 0 1 0 0 0 152 5 GCH CH Aussbern Premier Ticket Of Myshara (M) 0 6 4 8 6 2117 K Eldredge/D Eldredge K Dickeson S Fontanini/J Clute 10 GCH CH Matilde Of Anduin CD RN (F) 0 1 2 0 2 377 6 GCH CH Broadway’s Cruisin’ Like Royalty of Canyon (M) 1 7 5 2 0 1861 Tibetan Terriers L Friedow/R Friedow S George/M Pryor 1 GCH CH Rinchen’s Blazing Black Icon (M) 2 23 11 12 8 4901 7 GCH CH Melodys Armed And Dangerous (M) 1 1 0 0 0 1812 Border Collies E Coppola/C Coppola/J Wiseman R Duellge 1 GCH CH Tang Dynasty Rocky (M) 2 13 26 14 8 5071 2 GCH CH Kimik’s Sir Gawain (M) 0 5 13 13 12 3587 8 GCH CH Melody Hit The Jackpot CD RN PT CGC (M) 1 4 3 3 2 1527 N Tang K Bolak/C Rose-Bolak/D Planche T Edwards/E Edwards 2 GCH CH F Si A Ge Of Fu You Yuan Kennel (M) 0 7 14 15 19 4203 3 GCH CH Rinchen’s Blazing Illusion By Dzine (F) 0 4 9 13 13 2387 9 GCH CH Double R’s Alberta Clipper (M) 0 2 4 7 6 1480 J Mosing/J Li L Meyer/M Allway/M Laffler/C Coppola R Kirwan/K Fox/E Lanasa 3 GCH CH Majestic Avatar Storm Warning PT (M) 0 2 13 14 13 3937 4 GCH CH Players Palermo (M) 0 1 3 5 2 1236 10 GCH CH Rosevalley’s Special Edition (F) 0 3 3 7 5 1399 R Johnson/J Braylis/M Karger/R Delay L Whittier K Ostrander/L Kennedy 4 GCH CH Kensington’s Artful Dodger (M) 0 5 7 9 8 3591 5 GCH CH Ri Lee’s Stellar Performance (M) 0 1 3 5 3 664 L Waldo N Kinziger Bearded Collies 5 GCH CH Sporting Field’s Heiress HSAs HIAs (F) 0 3 6 2 3 1073 6 GCH CH Starlight’s Lady In Waiting (F) 0 0 5 4 2 626 1 GCH CH Dunhill Celebration (F) 4 40 30 16 12 8996 D Butt/D Einck/A Giles C Basgall/C Friemel C O’Neil/R Harrington 6 GCH CH Borderton Lou Easy An I A (M) 1 3 3 2 2 968 7 GCH CH Aurora’s Welcome To The Jungle (M) 0 0 1 3 4 460 2 GCH CH Spiritwood’s Gandalf The Blue (M) 1 9 7 8 6 4907 T Edwards/E Edwards D Haynam S Larsen/J Larsen 7 GCH CH Bordalace Flash N Dash (M) 0 1 6 5 4 874 8 GCH CH Cedar Creek She’s Got It All (F) 0 1 2 1 1 345 3 GCH CH Ha’Penny Mirimar The Fab Fawn (M) 0 17 15 9 10 4398 C Geiss/J Lacey-Black C Van Pelt J Schneider/M Marini/V Null 8 GCH CH Hamilton’s Secret Agent Of Bayshore (M) 0 0 0 6 3 649 9 GCH CH Pandan Ashlyn’s Meeka At Honeycreek (F) 0 1 1 2 0 319 4 GCH CH Wigglesworth Thriller (M) 0 8 11 15 3 3439 C Hamilton/J Boylis A Soderman/J Martin/R Jaramillo A Yura/D Mieras/S Ipser 9 GCH CH Kensington’s Dragon Heart CGC (M) 0 1 2 1 4 544 10 GCH CH Kimik’s Who Dunnit (M) 0 1 0 0 1 257 5 GCH CH Spiritwood’s A Dream Is A Wish (F) 2 4 0 3 0 2058 A Iwamoto/B Bailey D Planche/M Demers/L Demers S Larsen/J Larsen 10 GCH CH Bayshore’s Hot Chocolate Of Avatar (M) 0 0 2 0 4 481 6 GCH CH Daybar For Your Eyes Only (M) 0 3 4 1 1 1158 N Mages/J Baylis/S Einck-Paul B Barton/D Frady/C Perron The Dog News Top Ten List Presents 7 GCH CH Ha’Penny Deja Aphrodite (F) 0 0 5 7 1 1050 Bouviers des Flandres S Shafer/V Shafer 1 GCH CH Stonepillar’s Steel Blu (M) 2 33 23 5 9 8956 8 GCH CH Classical’s Magical Meemie (F) 0 1 1 8 2 946 D Garrison/J Garrison/E Paquette J Atkins/C Namey/B Sawka 2 GCH CH Take Aim’s Playing For Gryffindor (M) 3 26 13 6 6 7388 9 GCH CH Scott Ragtyme You Are The Music In Me (F) 0 2 2 4 8 777 T Peterson/P Peterson/M Hieronimus-Dimer C Wathen/L Zagerella/J Olivera/S Olivera 3 GCH CH Margaux’s Takes Two To Tango (M) 1 8 7 15 4 2678 10 GCH CH Legacy’s Chance Of A Lifetime (M) 0 1 2 2 2 446 P Martin/S Lyon S Underhill/N Otto 4 GCH CH Delux Jumpin’ Jack Flash (M) 0 3 4 3 4 1136 J Edick Beaucerons 5 GCH CH Austin Ally Van Aachen (M) 0 1 2 3 4 871 1 GCH CH De Joie Du Chateau Rocher CA (M) 0 13 10 8 12 4406 W Gillespie M Palmer 6 GCH CH Wise Choice Hercule Poirot CGC (M) 0 2 1 6 1 850 2 GCH CH Beowolf Rime Des Monts Du Lac (M) 0 2 3 2 2 719 S La Croix/K Steiner P Prager/J Prager 7 GCH CH Cam’s Rogue Warrior CD BN THD (M) 1 1 0 0 0 684 3 GCH CH Falcon Blue Du Chateau Rocher (M) 0 0 2 2 4 636 B Sturgill/P Sturgill/M Adams K Davis/R Bednarski/L Hanna-O’Neill/H Cl 8 GCH CH Stonewall I-Zak De La Salsa (M) 0 1 1 1 2 597 4 GCH CH Bijou Noir Du Chateau Rocher RE HT (F) 0 2 1 2 0 603 J Abramsohn/P Anderson/R Bishop/S Brocke J Tornquist 9 GCH CH Margaux’s Stacked Deck (M) 0 1 2 2 0 467 5 GCH CH Eo Des Ombres Valeureux (M) 0 0 1 1 2 251 P Martin D Skinner/D Pluss 10 GCH CH I’M Special Kountry’s Great Communicator (M) 0 1 1 0 0 454 6 Holy Grail Mes Yeux Vigilants (M) 0 0 0 1 1 88 P Murray/J Litogot A Scott/S Bass 7 CH Garmin Du Chateau Rocher (M) 0 0 0 1 0 82 Briards L Porter 1 GCH CH Deja Vu Mia Cool As A Cucumber (M) 6 36 31 25 10 11874 8 CH Fenix Noir Du Chateau Rocher (M) 0 0 1 0 0 78 T Miller/A Melton/D Dube/L Bernard K Davis 2 GCH CH Lighting Strike El Xargall (M) 3 24 18 8 7 8319 M Millner/T Millner Belgian Malinois 3 GCH CH Majestique Brave Heart (M) 0 6 8 10 6 3036 1 GCH CH Broadcreek’s Marcus Junis Brutus (M) 0 2 0 5 2 782 M Warcholik M Kornfeld/S Legg/L Legg/E Kornfeld Based on All-Breed Competition 4 GCH CH Deja Vu Pomme Despair Came Knocking (F) 0 1 2 6 6 1153 2 GCH CH De Vel Cy Pres’ HSAsc (M) 0 1 1 1 1 327 M Sanders/T Miller A Bath Continued on page 142
Herding Group
As of November 30, 2013
Ch. Shira Yuri’s Great White
‘Jaws’ Multiple Group Placements 2013 Looking Forward to a Great 2014
Breeder/Owner Janet & George Hartmann
Shira Yuri Bichons Shira
Handler Oscar Quiros Assisted by Remington Schmidt 818 421-0293
Dog News 139
140 Dog News
50 th International Show
Kortrijk, Belgium November 16th & 17th, 2013 By Desmond J. Murphy Photo by Joël Vanlerberghe
had accepted an assignment to judge for this club for 2011 sometime in 2009. Due to a terrible miscommunication mistake on my part because of changing an email address, I thought the assignment was cancelled. By the time I realized my terrible mistake I already had accepted an assignment in Japan. I was terribly embarrassed and was surprised at how understanding Joël Vanlerberghe was about my error. He asked me to find a replacement of someone who would be a good American Staffie judge. Luckily Bob Hutton had the date available. His judging was very well received and Joël thanked me for recommending Bob. I was so pleased when I was invited back for 2013. When the formal invitation arrived I was pleased that the first day I would judge Greyhounds and French Bulldogs, which are so strong in this part of the world. The second day would be only Am. Staffs. Am Staffs are a very strong breed in all of Europe. When I accepted the invitation I did not know if it would be a small or large show. I quickly learned it would be a large International show. As time passed I was able to pick up
details from the Internet. I saw they had a huge panel of judges. Chris Kilpatrick from England would do Bull Terriers and was the only judge I knew. Some of the judges hailed from countries I did not even know where they were. One detail I did know was the show would be held in Kortrijk, which a world atlas showed me was not far from Brussels and that would be the airport I would fly into. Originally I planned to come from Belgium to the Netherlands where I would be the weekend before. Since I have been living on the road for well over two months this would have been difficult to do time wise. Coming home Monday from Amsterdam would allow me three nights at home, which has not happened recently. The committee sent a chart with the arrival times of the judges. I would be the first to arrive at 7:50 AM and a taxi would take me and five others that would be arriving within an hour after me. We were to meet at the Java Coffee House right outside the arrival hall. Being there was just the one arrival hall made it very clear on where to meet. The previous week in Amsterdam a friend said we would Continued on page 190
Dog News 141
Continued FROM page 138
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4
5 GCH CH Sendero’s Femme Fatale (F) 0 3 6 2 3 968 5 GCH CH Riverside Xtra Style (M) 0 3 5 6 8 1593 German Shepherd Dogs M Millner/T Millner P Panzarella/D Shindle 1 GCH CH Wolf Creek Galaxy Of Merivern (M) 12 66 22 13 3 18367 6 GCH CH Deja Vu Mia Chain Of Fools (M) 0 2 2 3 1 857 6 GCH CH Eden Crowns Designer Label (M) 0 1 3 3 2 928 E Farrell/P Walker J Holava/M Holava L Williams/J Williams 2 GCH CH Karizma’s Ike Of Edale (M) 4 41 32 17 8 10998 7 GCH CH Deja Vu Mia Cake Walk (M) 0 0 2 1 2 500 7 GCH CH Coventry Swinging On A Star (F) 0 0 2 4 1 833 S Birch/S Birch/J Moses/S Moses G Klang/T Miller/A Melton B Shelton/S Leyerly/B Williams/D Salow 3 GCH CH Pine Hill’s Payday Of Hays Hill (M) 1 13 15 5 7 4940 8 GCH CH La Vie Rose Dior-August-Moon CD RN (M) 0 1 0 4 2 491 8 GCH CH Hillcrest Xiv Karat Cause For Applause (M) 0 0 1 1 4 631 P Hays/B Hill/K Salvucci M Minor/R Minor K Lord 4 GCH CH Anne-Isle’s Promise Keeper RA TDX OAP (M) 2 3 1 4 1 1534 9 GCH CH Ne Orageux’s Flash Point (F) 0 1 1 2 4 469 9 GCH CH Gwyndolyns Kalypso Great Jubilee (M) 0 1 2 2 1 482 C Laczniak/K Laczniak/M Simonett M Millner/T Millner C Luce/M Poineal 5 GCH CH Suboja’s Army’s Soldier HT (M) 0 2 7 8 4 1389 10 GCH CH Aladax’s Divine Dream By Kaliphi RN HSAs (M) 0 0 1 1 2 356 10 GCH CH Honeyfox So Dash N Debonair CD BN RE CGC (M) 0 0 1 3 3 459 S Sisemore V Swarowski/D Morrow/M Huslig J Richardson/W Richardson 6 GCH CH Winter Hawk’s Breakfast At Rohan (F) 1 1 0 0 0 1023 C Simmons/J Frentz Canaan Dogs Polish Lowland Sheepdogs 7 GCH CH Windcrest Gun Powderd Led (F) 0 6 0 4 2 1000 1 GCH CH Pleasant Hill Magnum Of Samara (M) 1 12 18 16 15 6011 1 GCH CH Swan Crest The Power Of Love Eternal (M) 0 1 8 8 3 1240 S Wendel/S Roudebush/L Wendel P Rosman M Hirata/L Bettis/R Wolfe 8 GCH CH Imp-Cen Diamonds Are Forever (F) 1 2 2 0 0 859 2 GCH CH Rivroc Lycm Own Dream Bsnatch Rsndog (F) 0 0 0 0 2 205 2 GCH CH Ponwood’s Smoky (M) 0 2 2 1 4 801 C Halliday/C Halliday/S Myers C Miller/E Miller/M Houchard B Bruns/W Stamp 9 GCH CH Woodside’s Lacy (F) 0 3 2 0 3 803 3 CH Mad River Cool Breeze Blowing (F) 0 0 0 0 1 33 3 GCH CH Stonebrook’s Divine Design (F) 0 1 3 1 3 403 S Anderson R Davila/C Sargent M Cabral/B Wilson 10 GCH CH Celeste Of R.O. Anne-Isle (F) 0 4 2 0 0 691 4 CH Snowhill’s Zak Misha Z Starpons CGC (M) 0 0 3 1 3 396 V Dukeman Cardigan Welsh Corgis R Young/D Holloway/D Gray 1 GCH CH Aubrey’s Tails Of Mystery (F) 14 62 27 9 6 22109 5 Druh Dziechcinek (M) 0 0 1 0 2 260 Icelandic Sheepdogs C Savioli/V Savioli B Lynch 1 GCH CH Vinlands Leifur CGC (M) 0 1 6 7 9 2288 2 GCH CH Riverside Telltail Coco Posh (F) 3 17 20 13 7 6560 6 GCH CH Applewood’s Mojo Flow (F) 0 0 0 1 0 178 J Sanders D Planche/D Shindle/J Divens S Heavens 2 GCH CH Bjarkarkots Hroi Hottur Luke MX AXJ OF (M) 0 1 2 2 1 1234 3 GCH CH Mariel’s Harvest Moon (M) 1 9 17 8 10 4426 7 CH Sinclair’s Little Miss Zoee (F) 0 0 1 0 0 113 L Dribinsky M Mizelle K Nottingham/D Nottingham/R Kerner/C Ker 3 GCH CH Isneista Alspora Snati Of Bayshore (M) 0 0 0 3 2 446 4 GCH CH Allegro Southern Charm (M) 0 2 1 1 5 1088 8 GCH CH Stonebrook Mon Amies Chance Worth Ta (F) 0 0 1 0 0 107 T Runolfsson J Lamy K Klang/G Klang 4 GCH CH Isneista Christmas Star BN RA (F) 0 0 0 1 0 124 5 GCH CH Kingsbury Tail Ridge Road (M) 0 2 1 3 7 891 9 CH Swan Crest’s Silver Lining @ Stonebrook (M) 0 0 0 1 0 94 P Ross B Poole/D Poole/J Glenn B Wilson/M Cabral/D Busby 6 GCH CH Kosmar Striking Back Of Bridgelady (M) 0 0 3 1 6 823 10 CH Swan Crest Pons Lady Godiva (F) 0 0 0 1 0 81 Norwegian Buhunds M Stahr/G Roach M Hirata 1 GCH CH Jotunn Bella Binna (F) 0 3 5 5 7 2293 7 GCH CH Serah Celtic Legend Of Llynhill (M) 0 3 1 2 2 760 V Eberhardt/J Bradstreet Pulik B Tannahill/P Smith 2 GCH CH Hundehaven’s Gigi (F) 0 1 2 3 4 768 1 GCH CH Cordmaker Topsy Turvey (F) 3 77 35 9 9 12706 8 GCH CH Turn-Key’s Little Big Man RN (M) 0 0 1 4 2 553 C Lassesen J Beaudoin/S Huebner/P Kelly M Hulme 3 GCH CH Trollheimen Kiss My Cash (M) 0 0 0 0 2 204 2 GCH CH Fuzzy Farm Twist And Shout (F) 1 6 12 9 10 3004 9 GCH CH Legacy Legend’s Run For The Triple Crown (M) 0 0 3 2 2 535 E Turner A Lawrence/S Lawrence S Wilson/C Clark 4 GCH CH Trollheimen’s Moonstruck At Grandcru (F) 0 0 0 0 2 81 3 GCH CH Mt Hood’s Leapin’ Linni Of Tordor (F) 1 5 8 9 4 2805 10 GCH CH Mockingbird Elyan Magic Moment HSAd (F) 0 1 0 1 3 464 J Comish/E Comish B Stelz/G Stelz/B Hiett P Adrian/S Long/C Kienast 5 GCH CH Randalyn Spring Jada CD BN RN AX AXJ NF (F) 0 0 0 1 0 70 4 GCH CH Cordmaker Rumpus Bumpus (M) 2 10 3 2 1 2694 C Mazzotta/E Yacknin Collies (Rough) J Beaudoin/S Huebner/F Licciardi 6 CH Arnscroft Di Sing An Aire (F) 0 0 0 1 0 49 1 GCH CH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger (M) 1 8 6 14 6 3599 5 GCH CH Moonshadow Rongyos Kis Medve (M) 0 3 1 3 3 995 J Fowler/R Fowler J Caruso/R Caruso K Kocsondy/Z Kocsondy 2 GCH CH Windcrest Blown Away (F) 0 8 2 8 3 1966 6 GCH CH Prydain Joshua CGC (M) 0 1 3 3 5 862 Old English Sheepdogs H Morgan D Fields/K Edwards 1 GCH CH Bugaboo’s Picture Perfect (M) 23 54 9 4 0 28594 3 GCH CH Milas Latin Fever (M) 0 6 7 5 6 1616 7 GCH CH Wallbanger Fringe (M) 0 2 3 3 2 854 R Scott/D Burke/C Johnson/H Johnson L Butler/L Hedman A Bowley/D Zeman/B Zeman 2 GCH CH Lambluv’s Live The Dream (F) 2 22 19 17 16 7807 4 GCH CH Rainbow’s Rising Karma At Weston (F) 0 1 2 3 1 698 8 GCH CH Zaydah Guns A Blazing (M) 0 0 2 3 2 556 J Marder/C Hastings/K Richardson M Holliday/N Reid R Dimatteo 3 GCH CH Whisperwood’s Wild Horse (M) 0 2 5 4 6 1652 5 GCH CH Highcroft Night Ryder (M) 1 1 1 0 0 595 9 GCH CH Prydain Oscar’s Wilde Child (M) 0 1 1 1 2 499 J Wetzler/K Burdash L Jeszewski/D Jeszewski P Smeenk 4 GCH CH Snowdowne My Favorite Color Is Purple (F) 1 2 3 0 0 1506 6 GCH CH Gentry’s About Face THD (M) 0 1 2 3 0 589 10 GCH CH Cedarrun Little Caesars (M) 1 2 0 2 0 465 D Freiheit/C Grady/C Crawford-Gorath K Convertini/R Stachon D Melroy 5 GCH CH Masquerade Mikey Likes It (M) 0 4 7 7 5 1493 7 GCH CH Clarion Nightline II (M) 0 1 1 2 1 557 J Hewitt Pyrenean Shepherds J Evans/A Sanchez Corea/L Sanchez Corea 6 GCH CH Lambluv’s Daytime Hustler (M) 0 3 6 4 4 1311 1 GCH CH La Brise Sun Bear (M) 0 15 21 14 21 6338 8 GCH CH Wyndlair Cherokee Vindication (M) 0 1 2 2 2 488 L Douglas/J Marder P Princehouse/K Laram R Beals/L Rizzo/M Stelter/A Stelter 7 GCH CH Zottels Shaggy Star (M) 0 3 4 2 1 1277 2 GCH CH La Brise Renardette (F) 0 1 0 0 0 122 9 GCH CH Highcroft Hush Hush (F) 0 4 1 1 0 472 C Furtado/J Furtado/J Ansell V Davis/L Hull C Dowling/A Dowling/L Dowling/D Jeszewsk 8 GCH CH Wynward’s Remember That (M) 0 3 2 7 2 1058 3 CH La Brise Louis Quatorze (M) 0 0 0 0 1 109 10 GCH CH Highcroft A Grateful Heart (F) 0 1 1 2 2 439 E Fujikawa/R Glickman /G Fujikawa J Steddom/P Princehouse L Jeszewski/D Jeszewski 9 GCH CH Ken-Bear’s Herbie The Love Bug (M) 0 1 1 4 2 746 4 CH Eclipse De La Petite Ferme De Wihr (M) 0 0 2 0 0 95 L La Zebnik/B Ginther/C Drummonds Collies (Smooth) P Princehouse/E Edgerton 10 GCH CH Lambluv Elmknolls Dream Girl (F) 0 2 2 4 1 663 1 GCH CH C And J Silver Charm Of Chrysalis (F) 1 5 2 4 3 2454 5 GCH CH La Brise Bali Batik (F) 0 0 0 0 1 48 K Joe/N Winter J Walburn/C Thompson P Princehouse 2 GCH CH Provenhill’s Devilicious (F) 1 1 4 2 2 1467 6 GCH CH La Brise Golden Bear BN RA (M) 0 0 0 0 1 43 Pembroke Welsh Corgis K Provenzano/L Cohen C Wilmoth/P Princehouse 1 GCH CH Coventry Allure At Wyndstar (F) 11 48 29 14 9 21407 3 GCH CH Row-Bar’s Heartbreaker (M) 0 4 2 5 5 1169 7 CH Hourcadet De Terra-Blue (M) 0 0 0 0 1 42 A Geremia/B Shelton J Brady/R Johns/S Mcalear/K Mcpherson J Williams 2 GCH CH Riverside Get Over It (F) 1 16 13 11 13 5690 4 GCH CH Cyndella’s Yes, I’M Charmed (F) 1 3 0 1 1 1113 8 GCH CH Terra-Blue Ariege (F) 0 0 0 0 1 29 D Shindle/V Malzoni K Neeley K Rice/P Princehouse 3 GCH CH Coventry Just A Little Crush (F) 0 5 11 10 15 3672 5 GCH CH Travler’s Pierce Arrow (M) 0 4 3 0 1 693 J Johnson/J Johnson/B Shelton/S Leyerly/ Shetland Sheepdogs C Ardizzone/R Tehon/B Ardizzone/G Lewis 4 GCH CH Nchanted Silk Lining (M) 0 3 6 4 8 1775 1 GCH CH Grandgables The Frat Boy (M) 5 51 19 20 15 14076 6 GCH CH Sunnland’s Top Gun (M) 0 2 1 2 4 672 C Braunstein P Buckles/A Buckles/J Moses K George/S Ray/O George 2 GCH CH Paray’s Preferential (M) 4 24 13 8 8 10719 7 GCH CH Travler Kelise Overdrive (M) 0 0 3 3 1 590 K Furlong/T Pittman R Ardizzone/C Ardizzone/B Ardizzone/K Re 3 GCH CH Jesstar Nirvana (M) 2 18 19 7 3 6351 8 GCH CH Sunnland’s Copacabana VCD1 RAE PT NAP (F) 0 0 1 0 1 545 R Von Pusch/J Starbuck A Griffith-Morris The Dog News Top Ten List Presents 4 GCH CH Grandgables Jolie Victor Ludorum (M) 0 6 10 15 9 3141 9 GCH CH Tir Nan’ Og The Legend Of Banzai Maguire (F) 0 1 2 2 3 521 P Hannah/K Hannah E Blaisure 5 GCH CH Acadia Stage Presence (F) 1 11 2 8 4 2542 10 GCH CH Fashions Glamourus Gal CGC (F) 0 1 1 2 3 412 C Pruss M Flood/R Flood 6 GCH CH Suncrest Cerulean (F) 1 3 2 5 2 1720 Entlebucher Mountain Dogs G Speeks/D Mock 1 GCH CH Jumanji V. Brunswick RN CGC (M) 0 0 0 2 4 459 7 GCH CH Serenity’s Walk In The Park (M) 1 3 0 1 4 1621 T Lilliedoll/N Lilliedoll/R Hahn V Weis 8 GCH CH Thunderhill’s Apple Bottom Jeans (F) 0 2 2 1 3 1144 Finnish Lapphunds M Miller/M Miller/A Power 1 GCH CH Lumiturpa Arvi (M) 0 5 10 7 22 3623 9 GCH CH Mistybrooks Panda Crossing (M) 1 2 2 1 0 841 M Feltenstein S Waller-Michalsky 2 GCH CH Yutori’s Shades Of Autumn (M) 0 1 1 4 3 593 10 GCH CH Sandcastle Raggedy Ann (F) 0 4 1 3 1 782 L Drumm/C Pollack C Meek/K Meek 3 GCH CH Calaban’s Armahani Rakentaa (F) 0 0 0 3 0 381 Swedish Vallhunds C Brillinger 1 GCH CH Solborg Faramir (M) 0 0 1 0 0 255 4 GCH CH Sugarok Macce Too (M) 0 0 1 0 1 199 A Vetter B Murray/L Marden 2 GCH CH Caliente Once In A Blue Moon RE HSAds (M) 0 0 0 1 2 105 5 GCH CH Teelikamentten Iikka (M) 0 0 1 1 1 153 M Fromm L Marden 3 GCH CH Minikota Mill Creek’s October Rust (M) 0 1 0 0 1 102 6 CH Yutori’s Winter In The Heart (M) 0 0 0 0 2 137 D Tapp/L Schaunaman L Drumm/C Pollack Based on All-Breed 4 GCH CH Beidelyn Still The One St (M) 0 0 0 0 1 82 7 GCH CH Sugarok Robert Redford (M) 0 0 0 1 0 84 Competition L Law/C Rolfe L Marden 5 GCH CH Svedala Sven Snickaren Fran Hall (M) 0 0 0 0 1 63 8 Calaban’s Kuutamo (M) 0 0 0 0 1 79 R Hooper/S Hooper/L Fisher/G Hall C Brillinger/D Lohn 6 GCH CH Corval Bless Yer Cot’N Socks (F) 0 0 0 0 1 29 9 GCH CH Sugarok Stonewall Jackson (M) 0 0 0 1 0 62 S Mullinix/S Keth S Lockwood 7 CH Jonricker Prince Oscar BN RN OA AXJ AXP MJP2 (M) 0 0 0 0 1 11 10 GCH CH Sugarok Casanova CM (M) 0 0 0 1 0 42 D Polito E Blanch/W Blanch Based on All-Breed Competition
142 Dog News
November30, 30,2013 2013 AsAsofofNovember
Dog News 143
144 Dog News
Dog News 145
Dog News Top Ten List Continued FROM page 81
Based on breed competition
15 15
CH Kosnik’s Black It Is What It Is J Kosnik CH Jazzman Never Count Your Money A Magenau/J Magenau
521 394 156 126 112 103 70 46 40 37
GCH CH Flessner’s International S’Cess S Vancamp/H Helmer/Z Helmer GCH CH Quiet Creek’s Kiss And Tell S Lacroix/H Whitcomb GCH CH Flessner’s International Space Station At J Mcdonald GCH CH Soonipi Friends In Low Places Mlh K Dewey/S Katos GCH CH The Magpie’s Sophisticated Lady C Kaminski GCH CH Badgershill Muldoon Of Heather L Sherman GCH CH I Get A Kick Out Of You At The Magpie K Briglia/Z Helmer/K Berestecky/C Kamins GCH CH Quiet Creek’s Windfall K Hansen/M Hansen/S Hamil/L Burch CH Benthe Of Joyful Happiness T Winkley GCH CH Flessner’s International Espionage R Owen
84 45 43 33 23 15 9 8 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
GCH CH Charwin Fairmont Sweet Society Blue Snuff C Woods/T Kastner GCH CH Live Oaks Call Me Kryptonite S Lloyd CH CCH Plum Tree’N Hootchy Cootchy P Bodeving/K Bodeving/J Duby/D Duby CH CGCH Cedar Creek’s Tellin Secrets B Fischer CH ‘Bawlin’ Blues Rock Me Baby Z Lewis/L Snyder CH Evenstar N Heritage Mint Julep B Potash CH Charwin Fairmont Stella’s Sister Blanche C Woods/T Kastner GCH CH CSG So. Flame Blame It On The Rain C Grooms/G Black Sidearm Southern Comfort K Block/B Gerst Razor Ridge West Coast Dream N Cook Teslin River Far Blue Hills M Crooks Bawlin Blues Goin’ Down Slow Z Lewis/L Snyder Fairmont Charwin Smoky Mt Blue T Kastner/C Woods CH Sidearm Brando Of Johnson Crk J Mills/L Mills Spanky’s Rockin Blue Popacap L Galbreath CH Miown Razorridge Ziptop B Taylor Live Oaks Call Me The Boy Wonder S Lloyd
452 411 367 292 283 282 258 225 146 145
GCH CH Sylvan Silver Springbok C Neale/P Neale GCH CH Aashtoria Wildhunt Hidden Agenda R Riel/C Riel/S Mcgraw GCH CH Majenkir Bookstor Vintage Glamour K Spey/H Spey/K Staudt-Cartabona GCH CH Promises Crown Jewel Nicholas J Durdin GCH CH Greyhaven This Rough Magic SC F Vogel/M Hough/L Spiers GCH CH Raynbos Run For The Roses J Zucker/R Zucker/E Szymanski GCH CH Aruzia Priority One JC L Scott/J Scott GCH CH Jubilee Tadbit O’Brindle Mist C Gredys/A Gredys/R Stachon GCH CH Aashtoria Wildhunt 4 Your I’s Only RA G Duncan/R Jamison GCH CH Zabava Ostrov Casablanca I Terra/K Terra
Bluetick Coonhounds
(F) (F)
(M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)
(F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M)
(F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)
410 410 373 367
GCH CH Aviance’s Pramada For Terms Of V Diker GCH CH Serenity’s Louisiana Getaway Sl RN W Snyder/R Cooper/P Baker GCH CH J-Lyn’s All About The Bling Mld J Van Niman/T Van Niman GCH CH Jt’s Kaycees Phoenix Of Tam-Boer Mld L Tamboer
959 748 687 599 504 214 214 192 170 155
GCH CH Bessdachs Electric Martini M Lara/B Jeffery GCH CH Spellbound’s You Go First N Cooper GCH CH Beachside Dox Havana Daydreamin V C Ramos/M Singleton/W Cunningham GCH CH Grandgables Sumbuddy Walden D Waldo GCH CH Marginns Fredricka V Ruf Knabe S Lutosky GCH CH R Hill’s Total Knockout Ms RN T Frenia GCH CH Diagram Isn’T She Lovely V Brownwood J Cerasini/D Graham GCH CH Passport Boy You’Re One Of My Kind Ss A Debraganca/J Debraganca GCH CH Toskydox Witchy Woman Ss S Lutosky GCH CH Dynadaux Redneck Fancy Boy Ms C Senff/P Spencer/B Claxton/B Sandoval
Dachshunds (Smooth)
Dachshunds (Wirehaired) 928 763 553 535 433 368 367 243 135 118
English Foxhounds 52 32 9 6 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
Dachshunds (Longhaired)
146 Dog News
GCH CH Monocacy Bend’s Wellington T Koerber GCH CH Sunup’s Hellofapuzzle S Whaley GCH CH Sunup’s Heavenly Scent S Whaley GCH CH Monocacy Bend’s Willow BN RN OA AXJ OF K Eckard CH Cottonwood’s Just My Little Prince A Kretschmaier/J Hendricks CH Sunup’s Hoisted High S Whaley CH Wee Beginnings Freedom P Mann CH Drycreek Chuggin Down The Line A Johnson/C Stewart/B Patterson/J Patter Monocacy Bend’s Wayward Fox T Koerber CH Wee Beginnings Chloe P Mann/A Kretschmaier GCH CH Sunup’s Steeplechase S Whaley Foxhunter’s General Lee M Owen/S Owen/J Somogui/R Peet Taillis Au Absolem Tamsall M Owen/S Owen
Greyhounds 324 86 79 78 63 56 51 48 47 46
GCH CH Grandcru Phelps Insignia M Steele/P Caddell/C Dabbs/A Phelan/R Ga GCH CH Aragon Black Ice VCD1 RE JC AX AXJ H Hamilton GCH CH Sky Hi’s The Show Goes On M Bertoli/S Cinotti/A Pugh GCH CH Huzzah Cuchulain Irish Lace SC K Gingles/P Ide/B Gingles CH Greycott Shylo Ruff N Ready S Thomson/C Thomson Comstock GCH CH Sierra’s Maserati Spyder S Hempel/B Hempel/M Money GCH CH Tyran’s The Patriot C Stumbo GCH CH Chaparral Tour De France C Curlee/T Marzlut GCH CH Aroi Aryal Remarkable BN CGC D Arcaro GCH CH Trireme Doctor Who J Ramming/K Kostic
47 19 8 1021 GCH CH Hundeleben Queen’s Armada Sl (M) C Puig/K Gonzalez/P Stephens 8 989 GCH CH Sweetgrass Johann Tipper (M) C Martine/R Sak/D Sak 7 735 GCH CH Sleepy Hollow Carolina Special (M) M Taylor/B Wlodkowski 7 640 GCH CH Walmar-Solo’s Iou Sl (M) S Snyder 5 523 GCH CH Stonybrook’s Phinito (M) T Durvin/B Durvin/R Gianopoulos/M Kepala 5 445 GCH CH Gemdach Don’T Blame Me (F) N Haupt/K Haupt 5 (F)
GCH CH Del Prado’s Bar Code W A Bischel/M Bedowitz GCH CH Leoralee’s Baywatch Mw M Singleton/B Lasater GCH CH Legibach Captain Crunch Sw S Sweatt/G Middings/P Leone GCH CH Rivendells Hotwire Sw P Caddell/K Williams/D Rockwell GCH CH Daybreak’s Bewitching Blossom P Grant/D Krieg GCH CH Incahoots Howlin’ Tornado A Cotteleer/R Cotteleer/C Heitzmann GCH CH Raydachs Ride My Ducati Sw S Ray GCH CH Raydachs Ruby Tuesday Sw S Ray GCH CH Tievoli Rumors Oh Hail Yeah-Mw K Smith/S Ehr GCH CH Kadell’s Rustic Gold W L Reynolds/C Cahill/J Cahill
GCH CH Downhome Hitech Innovator J Sanchez CH Pacific Happytail’s Heartbreaker W Mccleery Icon Oak Hill’s Harmony In The Hills M Walsh Guernsey’s Poe’s Cask Of Amontillado W Lamb/S Keaton Lamb/R Lamb/D Thomas-Lam GCH CH Pacific’s He Ain’T Heavy He’s My Brother K Crary/P Crary CH Wynfield’s Money Talks R Hoffecker Guernsey’s Verne’s Captain Nemo W Lamb/S Keaton Lamb/R Lamb/D Thomas-Lam CH Wulfflairs Yeager Buzz The Tower M Isham/E Isham CH Blythmoors Scholarly Pursuit M Dykstra
(M) (M) (F) (M)
(F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M)
(M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)
(M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)
(F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)
(M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F)
CH Downhome Prestidigitator At Mason K Reid/S Lowder
Ibizan Hounds 377 185 127 125 108 83 78 76 72 43
GCH CH Harehill’s Ace In The Hole K Gindler/D Gindler/W Anderson GCH CH Serandida Abbaio La Contessa Scalza SC D Arbeit/R Zelig/S Murphy GCH CH Serandida East So Bigstar J Mosing/S St John-Brown/L Sikora GCH CH Alfheim’s Hawaii Five O SC K Williamson-Jensen GCH DC Bramblewood’s Synergy Of Atair SC NAJ C Allen/J Parker GCH CH Ahram You Ve Got The Look J Pusztay/S Pusztay/R Pusztay/M Paulin GCH CH Loco Motion’s Dancing Queen K Hjelm FC Arbeca’s Jump For Joy SC CGC M Fox/T Burke GCH DC Aliki’s Yada Yada Yada SC A Mirestes/C Shaw GCH CH Arbeca’s Opus For Danzante SC D Nester/J Stevens
Irish Wolfhounds 634 230 215 167 155 125 113 108 107 104
GCH CH Quest Rachel Alexandra Of Kerryarc C Collier/M Tyler/C Tyler GCH CH Limerick Frosty The Showman J Bartlett/E Bartlett GCH CH Carrickaneena Tyrconnell E Flanagan/E Flanagan CH Hound Hill Valley Of Aerie D Brown/D Marx/A Benjamin GCH CH Taryn Hickory Hollow B Fairbanks/G Fairbanks GCH CH Dun Myrica Doctor Gonzo Of Eagle R Kubacz/N Salmon GCH CH Loyalty’s Tie Dyed Trouble A Pederson/D Mar Rockhart Treason L Simon GCH CH Ansa Mo Caoimhin Modigliani CGC K Schaffter/A Schaffter GCH CH Gigolo Roan Inish A Constable
Norwegian Elkhounds 334 111 106 93 85 83 81 80 63 61 61 61
GCH CH Vin-Melca’s The Norseman P Trotter/J Reed GCH CH Silhouettte’s Au Fish E Olsen/K Olsen/S Kaplan GCH CH Tioka’s American Ride L Webster GCH CH Aspen’s A Hard Act To Follow R Rhoden/R Rhoden GCH CH Aspen’s Playin’ Around R Rhoden/R Rhoden GCH CH Somerri Dunharrow’s Dynamo J Silker/W Totten GCH CH Somerri Jamieson’s Sea Whiskey J Lewis/L Lewis GCH CH Vikrest ‘N Ruskar Hy Style L Forrest/P Viken/P Waltz CH Vikrest Silver Leif B Drake/P Viken/L Forrest GCH CH Elvbend’s Ride Of The Valkyries A Peterson/J Peterson GCH CH Skyemar’s Silver Cyclone A Hoak GCH CH Aspenrepublik Into The Wind M Kenton
Otterhounds 194 73 65 40 34 25 21 13 11 10
GCH CH Aberdeens Under The Influence A Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine GCH CH Aberdeen’s Told You So A Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine/A Co GCH CH Scentasia’s End Of An Era E Conway/D Emery/J Moyer GCH CH Magicwood Willie Mae S Plucheck/W Plucheck GCH CH Aberdeen’s Ultimate Addiction J Mullen/D Blunt/J Mcilwaine/A Mcilwaine GCH CH Wild West Texas Two-Step K Bostick/D Russell GCH CH White River’s News Flash S Malone/M Couch CH Hunter’s Taking Moonlight Chances T Kahn GCH CH Blue Fairy’s Wizard Of Oz J Gordon CH Oheavens I Believe In Miracles N Lange/K Lange
Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens 325 156 114 113 112 89 77 71 67 66
GCH CH Celestial Cj’s All’s Well That Ends Well J Hurty/L Florian/C Hurty/M Florian/P He GCH CH M&M’s Fear The Beard D Moore/J Hayes GCH CH Mirepoix’s Figgy Pudding J Zigich/R Litman GCH CH Monkhams Famous Grouse J Neuschaefer/D Bruce/J Lacey-Black/L Sk GCH CH Tetu Comedie Francais De Bordeaux R Claude/D Claude GCH CH Jus Strike It Rich M Morey GCH CH Jaren’s Ready Set Don’T Go At R-N-B R Jones/B Helvey/K Prott-Clugston GCH CH Chien Blanc Summer Breeze D Garrett GCH CH Soletrader Maggie May D Moore GCH CH Lacey’s I Don’T Give A Sit J Lacey-Black/D Bruce/J Neuschaefer
Pharaoh Hounds 164 163
GCH CH Osiris Cowboy Casanova M Del Duca/K Carella/T Del Duca/B Carell GCH CH Farao Anubis Inferno RN SC D Cooper/B Clooten
(F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M)
(F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)
(M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F)
(M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)
(M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M)
(M) (M)
161 153 108 85 75 68 42 34
GCH DC Hallam’s Jordan Of Arolet SC S Sipperly/D Carota GCH CH Mia-Bakhu Conspiracy Theory V Hallam SC T Haig/P Haig GCH DC Mia Bakhu Sleeping With The Enemy Of R Newman/D Carota/P Haig/L Witt GCH DC Nefer-Temu Vou Te Contar SC E Kerridge GCH DC Mia’s Bakhu Risky Business Of Hallam RN D Kunard GCH CH Siphra’s No Remorse JC L Lysher GCH CH Faouziah’s Faramir J Mosing/J Hall GCH CH Shalimar Wild Fire Osiris V Harris/L Drolet
Plotts 17 17 16 13 6 6 5 3 3 3 3 3
CH Stackem Ups Travelin With Toad C Tyler/M Tyler/J Strohm/C Collier CH Hosker’s Heads I Win J Hosker/G Hosker GCH CH Alexanders Mob Boss Capone A Alexander CH CGCH C-Cruz Mob Boss Vito’s Gotcha A Alexander Vandygriff’s Skyline Kira D Vandygriff CH Hosker’s Emily Em G Hosker/J Hosker Suncrest Outstanding Roz B Church CH County Line Eleanor C Officer/P Jessup CCH County Line Lil Miss Ricki P Jessup County Line She’s A Keeper C Officer CH Hosker Gollygosh G Hosker/J Hosker Live Oaks I Am Legand S Lloyd/D Hoard
Portuguese Podengo Pequenos 213 200 148 76 70 60 59 59 46 39
GCH CH Pirata II De Viamonte CM J Evanoff/K Oglesby GCH CH Houla’s Border Patrol Pw CM P Reisert/S Faw/S Faw GCH CH Houla’s Potter C Houlihan/K Sullivan GCH CH Miguel Da Casa De Maio CM R Hidlay/R Hidlay/D Devaney GCH CH Phaererin Agustinho CM J Fitzpatrick/L Mcginness GCH CH Pioneer’s Carolina CM G Simonds/A Ghione GCH CH Brokenroad I Believe In Fairies CM G Nagy GCH CH Prairie Pond’s Born In The Usa CM C Well/M Well/J Tusten CH Falcao’s Fired Up G Bowles CH Magnifico Da Terra De Montoito S Truitt
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)
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(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M)
Redbone Coonhounds 143 66 43 42 19 17 14 13 13 12
GCH CH CWSG CCH Sidearm Jungle King Mufasa (M) J Mills/L Mills GCH CH Twisted Creek Gentlemen, Start Your Engines (F) S Dellapenta/J Kochensparger GCH CH Sidearm Reba Is Taylor Made (F) H Joyce GCH CH Twisted Creeks Xlnt Adventure (M) M Smith/C Smith/B Casciole GCH CH Tree Rizin’ Maine Edition (F) P Samuelson GCH CH CSG Second Edition’s Making Waves (M) S Smith CH Red Ferns Sierra Kan Do Madge (F) T Winkley Sidearm Mufasa’s Peacemaker At Bnd (M) D Michaud/B Michaud CH Jagged Edges (F) D Baker CH Grand River’s Ok Red Chief (M) J Woods
Rhodesian Ridgebacks
2042 GCH CH Diablo’s Dark Knight’s Nemesis L Weiss/N Faville 1325 GCH CH Raquel Welch Of Malabo Apd A Paola Diniz 1283 GCH CH Camelot’s Red Hot Tamale C Heathcock/C Hadley 918 GCH CH Spring Valley’s Great Vincero H Trapasso 916 GCH CH Camelot’s Ventura Adventure F Walters/G Walters/C Heathcock 906 GCH CH Bakari’s Lor Vitra Caymus CGC N Ballantyne/G Ballantyne 477 GCH CH Hunter’s Ridge Sure Shot By Kwetu D Engelking/C Burridge/S Ford/T Fielder 470 GCH CH Spurridge’s Axl Of Lionridge CGC P Olney 455 GCH CH Whirlaways Ida Belle’s A Ringing L Fitzgerald/J Lozowski/C Kitsch 328 GCH CH Kuluta Along The Watchtower M Hatfield/E Belt/C Well
650 646 437 315 288 286
GCH CH Sandstorm Blue Nile Bubbles Of Jatara J Harrington/S Winsted/S Middlebrooks GCH CH Jamora Mystic Topaz JC S Forsyth/J Forsyth/K Anselmo/J Morrison GCH CH Aurora’s The Song And Dance Man J Mueller/E Blake GCH CH Ladyhawk Guinness The Menace Of Tazi S Ghaemmaghami GCH CH Hediyeh Uriela Priya Bat Yosef JC C Pearce/R Pearce/J Aaron/J Pearce GCH CH Starlite’s Made Of The Best Stuff On Earth T Turley-Kocab/M Kocab
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Continued on page 150
Dog News 147
148 Dog News
Dog News 149
Dog News Top Ten List Based on breed competition
Continued FROM page 146
278 247 232 212
GCH CH Quanmarra Thonolan (M) K Scerbo/R Scerbo/I Rasmussen GCH CH Appalachia’s Allamyrra Hajji (F) P Arwood/M Mccowan/G Thornton GCH CH Baha Persian Of Interest CD RN SC NA AXJ (M) C Coile GCH CH Scimitar Avari Aajah Jager (M) C Steiner
Scottish Deerhounds 233 113 99 96 90 77 45 41 36 35 35
GCH CH Lehigh Ennis Carmichael JC P Pascoe/G Winchell GCH CH Thistleglen Foxcliffe Vintage Spirit J Frye/C Dove GCH CH Highlander’s Celtic Carol RN CGC M Freeman/J Freeman GCH CH Jaraluv Tarot J Brinlee/R Brinlee GCH CH Dhu Mohr Gentom Pennant’s Peacekeeper S Matheson/F Smith GCH CH Hobarra’s Let’s Get It Started S Hogan-Cirincione/A Cirincione/T Rizzit GCH CH Glencrag’s Kiann O’Fernhill J Giles/J Giles GCH DC Altnamara’s Cappuccino SC A Hammond/R Wilkins GCH CH Gemma O’ The Greenwood J Hills GCH CH Lehigh Eilig Of Dunsmuir JC L Studer GCH CH Jaraluv Rhapsody In Blue R Rice/B Rice/R Brinlee/J Brinlee
Treeing Walker Coonhounds 183 44 43 31 25 22 16 15 10 9 9
GCH CH CCH Alexanders Gold Rush Xcetera A Alexander GCH CH CSG Stackem Ups Best Kept Secret CM R Geffs/D Geffs CH Stackem Up My Way Or Highway T Snedegar/B Snedegar GCH CH C-Cruz Gold Rush X-Rated A Alexander/C Willis CH Dry River’z Shattered Dreams J Confer/K Purchiss GCH CH How The West Was Won S Randolph/M Hampton CH CGCH Brushy Mtn Dust To Diamonds K Block/B Gerst CH Lone Pine Skull N Bones Vom Stk CGC V Brachfeld/R Brachfeld/L Ramsey GCH CH Stackem Up I Did It My Way CM T Snedegar/B Snedegar GCH CH White Deer Lil Nite Music N Winton/J Confer CH Pony Mtns May The Odds B Ever N Your Favor R Geffs/D Geffs
1860 GCH CH Starline’s Oxford Victim Of Love L Lawrence/C Lawrence/L Wilson 779 GCH CH Bo-Bett’s Quick Pick C Harris 715 GCH CH Karasar’s Remembrence K Kuper/N Barthelette/A Alvarez/M Alvare 711 GCH DC Ableaim Que The Music MC G Boyd/J Boyd 544 GCH CH Sporting Fields Shameless D Butt/A Giles 509 GCH CH Artemis Hypnotic Opium SC R Gold/M Small 472 GCH CH Cottonwood Versace At Coreymore S Carbajal 432 GCH CH Solaris Saxon Shore Hypnotiq Kamio P Magette/D Lockhart 335 GCH CH Sporting Fields Heavenly Body JC M Indeglia 310 GCH CH Kamada’s New York Minute D Davenport/K Davenport/D Kipp
Akitas Working Group 881 616 565 223 212 189 170 132
GCH CH Cr - Wicca’s Trade Secret A Bavaria/C Burke/T Bavaria/J Charnik GCH CH Stardust’s See You At The Show RN P Rogers/R Rogers/T Witte/R Witte GCH CH Ruthdales Candy From A Baby L Stark/R Stark GCH CH Dem-Be’s Smokin Hot A Draper/M Draper GCH CH Sondaisa Fyre When Ready CD C Sullivan GCH CH Liric’s Cinderella Man L Coffey/B Coffey GCH CH Redwitch Adreneline Junkie M Bauman/X Wang / Bauman GCH CH Mt Joys Notice To Airmen At Yuzawa J Vendramin/J Vendramin/P Ellis
150 Dog News
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(M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)
131 130
GCH CH Sondaisa Tough Act To Follow Stardust C Sullivan/R Witte/T Witte/S Milton GCH CH Hikay’s Witch With Attitude K Venezia
318 304 264 256 243 196 170 152 147 143
GCH CH Storm Kloud’s Test Of Time J El Dissi GCH CH Sno Klassic Nanuke Lifes A Dance J Taylor/P Peel/M Peel GCH CH Peaceriver Silverice Summer Solstice L Bryne/A Syar GCH CH Jazzland Rain On Quileute J Dewing/R Dysart/C Neely GCH CH Sno Quest’s For The Holy Grail A Sautbine/M Sautbine GCH CH Ice Crystal’s Top Gun N Bennett/J Plourde GCH CH Alcan Come Snodanc With Me D Mccomb/D Ragsdale GCH CH Illusions Beyond Imagination P Fusco/J Fusco GCH CH Canute’s U Talking To Me A Welch GCH CH Wolfmountain’s Warhammer P Jenkins/E Jenkins
Alaskan Malamutes
Anatolian Shepherd Dogs 154 104 81 50 50 44 32 28 27 26
GCH CH Birinci’s Piedpiper Goes Full Circle J Hahn/N Wargas GCH CH Timaru Serag Mounir L Brabyn/J Brabyn GCH CH Carpe Diem’s Amadeus L Edstrom-Smith/J Smith/Q Harned/M Harne CH Asiri Hisar Kazara A Suhajda/P Suhajda GCH CH Sahin’s Ekstra Faith L Long/D Bayer GCH CH Full Circle’s Treasure Island N Wargas/D Grunnah GCH CH Lucky Hit Divakiz Rondo Alla Turca L Ayers GCH CH Rbr Karabash Vasi C White GCH CH Lucky Hit Bethany Beyaz Kumru J York/E Conard GCH CH Carpe Diem’s Optimus Prime L Edstrom-Smith/J Smith
Bernese Mountain Dogs 991 573 440 427 416 413 408 345 246 243
GCH CH Avatars Smooth Criminal L Diaz Fernandes/K Groves GCH CH Tallpine’s Life Of The Party D Hitchcock/S Crisp GCH CH Greenway’s Test Of Time CGC D Laveran/R Tamberino/R Gallizzo GCH CH Indian Hill’s Unleash The Dragon G Vogel/C Gersler GCH CH Vinn October It Had 2VV You E Buonpane GCH CH Marben’s Ruffian T Gerli GCH CH Jura’s Premier Vintage Quintessa K Mcintyre GCH CH B-Havens Sherpa’s Mtn Endeavor J Byers GCH CH Brightwater’s Jest A Wicked Rhyme G Reeve/D Cox GCH CH Alpenspirit It’s Our Game D Kelley/B Bauersfeld/M Turbide
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(M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M)
Black Russian Terriers 260 235 226 166 85 57 48 45 44 40
GCH CH Valkyrie’s Funny Girl RN (F) V Vest/B Sothcott GCH CH Aristes Paint It Black (M) D Poulson/C Stumm/C Wathen/T Wathen GCH CH Zilya’s Chicago Blues Fusion At Runes CD (M) D Patterson GCH CH Fun Nord’s Hariton Gavrilovich (M) P Gladu/M Hernandez GCH CH Black Pearls Avatar Iz Russkoi Dinastii (M) M Mesh/J Mesh/L Mesh/M Curtis/D Ludwig GCH CH Over The Moon About Nagyka (F) S Robinson/C Robinson CH Tsaritsa Ekaterina Iz Russkoi Dinastii (F) A Shishkin/O Vorobyeva GCH CH Gladiator S Zolotogo Grada (M) S Gaunt GCH CH Midnightsolo Ulan Chorniy (M) D Tudor/J Brown GCH CH Malahovskiy Graf Rossiyskiy CD RAE CA CGC (M) E Pleskov
2993 GCH CH Hi-Tech The King Of Sherry Shoot Jp J Billhardt/S Tenenbaum/D Mccarroll 2680 GCH CH Winfall I Dream Of Style K Robbins/C Robbins/G Adkins/B Adkins/T 1548 GCH CH Nantess Caleno Numero Uno G Tafur/S Tafur/N Savage/T Savage 1261 GCH CH Draco Greets Dassin With Fourbears W Truesdale/Z Truesdale/J Vergnetti/J Pi 1058 GCH CH Daybreak’s Bad Influence A Russell/G Steele/M Rocca/D Galante 1033 GCH CH Ensign’s Justified D Young/J Young/A Clark/J Crane/G Freer 1011 GCH CH Lazy K’s Dulce De Leche S Gubernatis/A Clark/J Rosen/G Karwoski 962 GCH CH Ho-Pa’s Grand Slam A Anderson/S Anderson 726 GCH CH Irondale’s Look At Me Now A Gonzalez/C Vose/W Bettis 694 GCH CH Jacquet’s Annie El Encanto D Sparks/N Sparks
900 451 446
GCH CH Dal Primo Magic Moment M Harwood/C Corner GCH CH Starrdogs Midnight Rambler W Ofshlag/J Ofshlag GCH CH Windovers Hey There Handsome D Pendleton/H Brogan/M Mcgovern/M Mcgove
(F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F)
(M) (M)
376 334 271 245 216 199 159
GCH CH Newcastle’s Cutting Edge A Scully/K Spencer/P Mills/J Shadoian GCH CH Baron Dye Of Ridgetop R Wynes GCH CH Starrdogs Power Play K Hebert/Z Melkonian GCH CH Newcastle’s Blame It On The Sun A Scully/K Spencer GCH CH Tondra’s What’s Cookin’ Highpoint K Gonzalez/S Gonzalez/M Mcgovern/E Falk GCH CH Rops Stealsaheart Bruin, Seeking Banner A Baumeister/B Baumeister/H Gussis/L Bro GCH CH Dal Primo’s Seventh Samurai G Vandenburg/C Corner
480 290 279 209 193 183 148 147 130 111
GCH CH Firehorse Franklin J Weaver/R Hoser GCH CH Castleguard’s Caillou W Rivera GCH CH Timoniere Zolee D Musto GCH CH Liberty’s Armed And Dangerous R Cuzzo/J Hovorka/S Ribbs GCH CH Del’ Agreste Bin Up To No Good At Sno- D Rotkowski/W Yingling GCH CH Campo’s Petros Zeus R Hudgens/B Hernandez GCH CH Lionheart’s La Nostra Stella Brillante G Giraudo/M Giraudo/B Martin/J Martin GCH CH Italica’s We Didn’T Start The Fire Z Devita/A Petillo/M Petillo GCH CH Wildwoods Cirino Di Campo CGC R Hudgens GCH CH Epic Diesel Of Castleguard C Cline/R Cline/H King
Cane Corso
Chinooks 31 22 18 6 5 4 4 4 2 2 2
CH Channahon’s Kikiah Tyee CM M Mandt CH Lakeside Run’s Little Bear CA K Holleran CH Forever Greene Talis CM RN P Richards Intervale’s Riverstone Beltaine BN RN CA N Bartol Moonsong Never Cry Wolf C Taylor Greatmountain Tanaina D Schiller/J Maurer Forever Greene Tagluk P Richards Mountainthunder Scarletbegonia D Schiller/K Schiller Frontier In Bocca Al Lupo RN S Fletcher/D Silvertree Crossing Creek Encore D Fowler/J Blackman Sandhill’s Ranger T Brown/C Brown
Doberman Pinschers
2515 GCH CH Tiburon Ariel Bella Dona M Moyer/T Moyer/K Drake/J Drake 2282 GCH CH Tiburon Arsenal J Dolan/A Dolan 1321 GCH CH Cambria’s Vraiment Parfait G Lajeski/A Wulbrecht/K Thompson/A White 1086 GCH CH Vondura’s Xcelerator Belle Amie R Tracy/J Covert/M Dellorto/K Fox 905 GCH CH Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici S Lundy/D Lundy/J Mullins/K Mullins 823 GCH CH Alisaton Blackbird V Allure Beaulane R Kusumoto/J Kusumoto/L Cornelius 799 GCH CH Sharjets Starr Catcher CD RA S Marinelli/J Marinelli/S Kapp/G Hanna/M 793 GCH CH Jaroe Legend Of Irish Spirit R Kelly 773 GCH CH Foxfire’s Tell Me About It M Santana/S St. John 770 GCH CH Raklyns Talbot Of Alisaton P Healy/C Shimpeno/H Engel
Dogues de Bordeaux 510 130 116 108 77 74 59 48 46 44
GCH CH Evergreen’s Rub My Belly At Rising Star J Roberts/L Parker GCH CH Mount Sinai’s Neanderthal St Amand P Duvall/W Duvall GCH CH Trojans Timetobe Notice Mount Sinai’s G Rodriguez GCH CH Storm De Legeane J Chicatelli GCH CH Urszula Z Orisku J Chicatelli GCH CH Ago Z Vlckovskeho Mlyna J Garcia Flores CH Varela’s King Phillip” M Langley GCH CH Primal’s Gorgon Guardian Medusa”” R Bina/S Fabian CH Beaches Deveraux’s Leon Pierre A Page GCH CH Maritime’s Heavenly Suck Em Up Kirby S Cantrell/J Cantrell
German Pinschers 217 171 84 73 73 67 61 47
GCH CH Daveren’s Peaceful Dream CAA J Robinson/J Eastman/R Brownfield GCH CH Rivendells Material Girl K Schiff GCH CH Clefell’s Romeo M Salva/L Mills GCH CH Midernoch A Phortune Of Phranklins CA C French GCH CH Windamir’s Dajavu Ganymede S Morgan/K Dorwart CH Legacy’s Time To Shine D Bixler/L Mills GCH CH Windamir’s Franco Des Charmettes N Coppinger/K Dowart GCH CH Diamondmines One Class Act B Diamond/R Diamond
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40 31
GCH CH Windamir Lover’s Tryst C Jobb/S Morgan GCH CH Nevars Quick Silver F Stuby/A Issleib/D Velda/M Barkman
Giant Schnauzers 466 301 174 162 109 106 91 87 75 54
GCH CH Kenro’s Witching Hour R Greenslade/L Norton/D Hill GCH CH Ramahill Absolutes I Am Legend Of Rw J Edmonds/L Edmonds/M Adler GCH CH Skansen’s Havannah C Sansone/S Sansone GCH CH Nightline Viking A Tanglewood E Fojtik/J Erath/C Erath GCH CH Lowdown Remys Girl V Ardenhout M Low/L Low GCH CH Skansen’s Got Guinness? R Poyfair/J Poyfair GCH CH Skansen’s Leather & Lace Of Twilight P Poole GCH CH Skansen’s Rose Colored Glasses J Davis GCH CH Skansen’s Harvard G Reyna/J Boston CH Onyxstar’s Black Falcon M Jones/S Fox
(F) (M)
(F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M)
Great Danes
2639 GCH CH Longo Miller N Lore’s Diamond Lil (F) T Longo/J Miller/L Matherly/C Crawford 1360 GCH CH Raintree Erinwood Dixie For Heaven’s Sake (F) R Gumbs/P Deloria/L Landrum/L Cornelius 1063 GCH CH Ghdd Seamus Lord Of The Dance (M) K Kish/D Davis/J Deeming/J Ball 1031 GCH CH Mjm’s Hi-Air All Eyes On Me (F) A Solnick/L Solnick/L Maulucci/M Maulucc 912 GCH CH Hauerdane’s Don’t Bury The Treasure v Caps (F) A Brill 761 GCH CH Shalako It’s All About Me V Regent (F) S Taylor/M Davisson 690 GCH CH Alpine’s Ice Warrior V Hawthorne (M) L Clesi/P Clesi/A Heavey 639 GCH CH Sunstrike Spellbinder At Karmel CGC (M) M Yellish 631 GCH CH Alpine’s Bohemian Rhapsody (M) P Smallwood 599 GCH CH Diola’s Saks And The City V Hi Class (M) S Bealko
Great Pyrenees 271 222 150 126 104 99 97 93 76 70
GCH CH Honor’s Promise Of The Future B Ducker/K Bruneau GCH CH Rivergroves Chateau De Castelnau M Falatach GCH CH Framboise Something Ventured Something P Hughes/S Hughes/P Watson GCH CH Rivergroves Sky’s The Limit J Hanover/J Hanover/J Boyd GCH CH Rivergroves Bon Appetit BN PCD RE CA R Morton/J Boyd GCH CH Calurian Ailo Mountain Sage RA N Wood-Taber GCH CH Guardenia’s Splish Splash V Coffman/K Justin/D Coffman/C Moore GCH CH Monark Abbeyroads Molly Malone T Duncan/S Simard/M Hudon GCH CH Pyrpressure Connu, Mais A’ Dieu G Johnson/M Johnson GCH CH Euzkalzale’s Legacy Of Hope W Olson/T Denney-Combs
Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs 591 265 226 223 200 195 175 100 98 87
GCH CH Painted Mtn Oliver Twist Of Fate K Markley/R Markley GCH CH Derby’s Toast With Gusto S Copeland GCH CH Derby’s All American M Rusk/A Rusk/C Selleck/B Selleck GCH CH Derby’s X Marks The Spot A Mcfadden/D Echols GCH CH Wildest Dream Midnight In Havana R Mezzanotte/S Trenholm/T Bailey/J Baile GCH CH Nox’s Luck Of The Irish CD RE D Fralick/B Fralick GCH CH Breezy Ridge Maximus T Conway/K Krumpe GCH CH Nox’s George Bailey’s Irish Creme CGC N Kechner/J Comer/C Robson GCH CH Calypso V Alex Raven Moon A Wilson/C Wilson/T Brown/B Brown GCH CH Serendipity’s Handsome Dr.Zhivago D Holly
Komondorok 32 13 12 10 6 6 5 4 4 4
GCH CH Nagyalma Unforgettable Too A White/V Mcnelis GCH CH Quintessential Chauncey S Wilczewski/D Wilczewski CH Ibis Goody Two Shoes C Evans Quintessential Calamity Jane D Fry/L Fry/J Reisinger Cupolo Brae’s Joska A Pompas B Johnston CH Lajosmegyi’s Nagyalma U2 A Quigley/N Jacobson/P Turner CH Meadow View Southern Gentleman Of Ibis S Harman/M Harman/C Evans Delwyn Ivan The Lovable R Collado/A Collado CH Zoe The Lovable A Collado/R Collado/K Raleigh Kevilyn’s Fischer Finley Of Meadow View D Miller/S Harman
Kuvaszok 128 126
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GCH CH Szumeria’s Wildwood Silver Six Pence CGC (M) M Vila/L Brady/C Muir/C Townsend GCH CH Mattiaci High Voltage At Glacier Creek (F) D Blank Continued on page 154
Thank you to Judge Mr. George Milutinovich for Layla Rose’s Best of Breed, The Kennel Club of Riverside
Everything’s Sire: Tupelo Axel Rose, Coming Up 2013 National Specialty Winner Roses! Multiple Best of Breeds & Group Placements 50 Grand Champion points 10 Majors & 13 Champions defeated
GCh. SleepyHollow You Can Do Magic Bear 100% Owner Handled to Grand Champion by Kira A. Schlesinger Bred By Jaye Schultz, SleepyHollow Groomer Eric Conrad Dog News 151
Jumping appears to be something that Trixie classifies as “fun.” (Laura Johnson, Button Photo and Design, photo)
Boogie,(Ch Sunkist Shake Rattle and Roll RA OA AXJ AXF EE CAA CGC TDI NATCH-8 Versatility NATCH-8 S-XBR-N XCC-O S-XGT-O O-XHP-O) Debbie Mason’s Border Terrier, has stepped in to help her as a service dog as mobility became an issue with her.
Trixie, (Ch Otterwise Gift of Hope Weehill AJX CD JE OA RA Cl3-R CL3-F Cl4-H Cl4-S VX CGC) Gay Bowling’s Border Terrier, won’t play if an activity isn’t fun and doesn’t involve treats or hunting rats or chasing something. (Laura Johnson, Button Photo and Design, photo)
152 Dog News
’s so darned much fun to play with Border Terriers. The titles are great and they’re important milestones but the real pleasure is watching your dog have fun, sometimes doing the things they were bred to do and other times doing the things we ask them to do. Border Terriers are scrappy, smart little dogs that love, love, love their people and want to be with them. Their intelligence and adaptability help them excel at multiple dog sports,” said Gay Bowling, whose dog “Trixie” (Ch Otterwise Gift of Hope Weehill AJX CD JE OA RA Cl3-R CL3-F Cl4-H Cl4-S VX CGC) won’t play if an activity is not fun and doesn’t involve treats or hunting rats or chasing something. “It’s really important, with a Border Terrier, to keep a sense of humor and remember that the dog doesn’t care one whit about ribbons or titles.” “My Border ‘thinks’ he can do anything,” said Debbie Mason, whose dog “Boogie” (Ch Sunkist Shake Rattle and Roll RA OA AXJ AXF EE CAA CGC TDI NATCH-8 Versatility NATCH-8 S-XBR-N XCC-O SXGT-O O-XHP-O) has stepped in to help her as a service dog as mobility became an issue with her. “He may be small in looks but he is a giant in attitude. However, we do get a lot of questions from folks who are not familiar with Border Terriers. I commonly get asked ‘A Border Terrier? So, a Border Collie and what kind of terrier?’ As for becoming my service dog when mobility became a problem, it seemed much more his idea to help me than me asking him to help. He is so intuitive. One of the many tasks he does for me is taking all the dishes after every meal and putting them in the dishwasher. He seems to be a natural at any activity we expose him to although as a pup, he found butterflies, birds, bugs and just about anything else all much more interesting than obedience. But as
“If you are going to do performance sports with a terrier, you better have a good sense of humor and understand that sometimes they are going to do things their way. There are just some days you aren’t going to get a qualifying score...”
he matured, anything that is a game–read ‘gives him treats’– is very fun and interesting for him.” Borders, according to the folks who know them, are very versatile dogs capable of being successful in a wide variety of dog sports. “Border Terriers are a very sturdy and smart breed plus they have a very well developed sense of humor,” said Bille Rosen, who owns Kruz’n (MACH 5 Sunkist Kruz’n A Blue Streak PACH PAX MXF TQX TQXP MXP4 MJP6 MXFP UD ME EE RAE NATCH 27 Versatility NATCH 14 ADCH APD LAA Bronze TDI), Klev’r ( MACH 4 Sunkist Smoke and Mirrors MXF TQX NAP NJP NATCH 14 Versatility NATCH 11 ADCH LAA Bronze ME CDX RE TDI) and Book’n (Sunkist Life in the Fast Lane MX MXJ OF NJP NFP NATCH 1 Versatility NATCH 1 MAD RN SE TDI.) “Physically, they are capable of almost any sport. In agility, it is not uncommon for dogs to get injured. But, I rarely see Border Terriers that are sidelined because of injury. They are also very food driven so training them with food rewards as well as toy rewards is pretty easy. They definitely WILL work for food! The biggest obstacle to training a BT is that they are smart and they want to do what pleases them which isn’t necessarily what pleases the human member of the team. For example, in earthdog, they learn quickly that the rats are where the judge is located and since it’s faster to get there on top of the ground rather than underneath, they just run over to the judge to try to get to the rats that way. It takes some time for them to learn that they have to go into the dark tunnel if they want to get to dance with the rats. In obedience or agility, they soon figure out that the person doesn’t have the food or toy with them as they do in the show ring so they are more likely to go looking elsewhere for that morsel or goodie. You may have to use a number of different methods to teach them that the reward will come. They just have to be a bit more patient than they are in the show ring.” “Border Terriers are really wonderful
Boogie says his owner is small in stature but a giant in attitude. Apparently that giant attitude also includes aspirations to be a sporting dog.
Zest, (Ch Sunkist Soap on a Rope CDX RE ME OAP NJP CL4 TD NW1 FDX TDI) Jackie Sheridan-Moore’s Border Terrier, has titles in more than a half dozen disciplines including obedience, rally, agility, tracking, flyball, nosework and a master title in the activity most instinctive for small terriers, earthdog. (Donna Kelliher, photo)
If Zest is getting a lot of corrections, she just won’t work, according to Sheridan-Moore.
working dogs. They are high-spirited and enthusiastic workers. They are also high energy dogs that need something positive to do with themselves so they don’t go finding things on their own that can get them in trouble. Terriers in general are known as independent thinkers. They’re bred that way to be great hunters in the field when the human hunters are not necessarily in close proximity. While this trait makes them fabulous hunters, it can make success in performance events a bit challenging sometimes as they apply their independent thinking to sports that are geared for not quite so much creativity. If you are going to do performance sports with a terrier, you better have a good sense of humor and understand that sometimes they are going to do things their way. There are just some days you aren’t going to get a qualifying score,” said Jackie Sheridan-Moore, whose dog Zest (Ch Sunkist Soap on a Rope CDX RE ME OAP NJP CL4 TD NW1 FDX TDI) has titles in more than a half dozen disciplines including obedience, rally, agility, tracking, flyball, nosework and a master title in the activity most instinctive for small terriers, earthdog. One issue that often surfaces with Border Terriers is their ability to “outsmart” whatever game you are playing with them, according to Mason. “Once they know a game fairly well, they are very good at figuring out how to do it ‘better.’ While it actually may be a better, smarter or more fun way, their ‘better way’ doesn’t always conform to the rules for that particular activity. We did not encounter this issue with the lower level titles in any activity I did with Boogie but after he had many upper level titles he started trying to outsmart the game. For example in earthdog, he figured out that when we take him out of the tunnel, the game is over. So, he started backing up when the lid would open. It has taken us up to 30 minutes to get him out. While I would absolutely agree that his way really did make more sense, it just wasn’t what the rules stated. So, what we did was open the lid and then totally ignore him. We would set a cage of rats about five feet away from the lid openContinued on page 178
Dog News 153
The Dog News Top Ten List
Based 415 on breed competition
Continued FROM page 150
96 39 20 19 17 14 13 10
GCH CH Casablanca’s Vakmero Pandur G Dash/N Berger CH Aegys Unforgettable RN L Vogel GCH CH Casablanca Elso Peachtree In Cahoots M Goodman/B Lenoski/R Ham/G Dash GCH CH Double Ring Tarees Dream Machine C Ringering/K Ringering/I Miller/R Mille GCH CH Glacier Creek’s Sparks A Flyin’ S Stephens CH Gypsy Wind Purple Heart C Clegg/R Barnes/M Clegg GCH CH Rebel Ridge Blue Moon I Miller/R Miller CH Furrondie Alaskan Whiteout S Dankberg-Yontz/A Dankberg
Leonbergers 593 116 92 90 84 69 65 57 56 52
GCH CH A. Feiner Eros L Bazlen GCH CH Bluebonnet’s Fricis Is On Fire Of Acorn RN A Mozeleski/W Jones/J Hatlas-Pepper GCH CH Corleone’s Hidden Agenda H Austin/N Austin GCH CH Haus Gutfreund Acorn Diamond Jubilee B Goodfriend/N Goodfriend GCH CH Yoks Vom Kaniberg M Beck/R Beck GCH CH Bellawood’s Deja Vu V Sanftenloewen M Ruggiero-Smith/K Knight GCH CH Koosa Van Leodipako RN K Stickel GCH CH Haus Gutfreund Acorn Diamond In The Sky B Goodfriend/N Goodfriend GCH CH El Dorado’s Chili Pepper P Mcdaniel/L Taft GCH CH Desperado’s Gentleman George L Taft/B Dankanich
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)
(M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M)
Mastiffs 944 500 388 379 378 312 312 305 292 270
GCH CH Willow Ridges Risky Business (M) J Swarts/N Walker/M Tichenor GCH CH Kimmit’s Rockstar (M) K Wampler/L Gabhart GCH CH Bendegeit’s William The Brave (M) C King GCH CH Talamascas Big Cheese (M) L Watson/M Mcgilvery/T Sholes GCH CH Mcf Midnight Masquerade (M) J Lovece/C Lovece GCH CH Milleniums Moonshine (M) T Plezbert/C Jones GCH CH Jadems Oliver Twist (M) J Berning/T Woods GCH CH Lazy D’s Spartacus At Her Majesty’s Request (M) K Williams GCH CH Jadems Rythm-N-Boo (M) T Woods GCH CH Genesis Jethro At Rydalmount RN CGC (M) G Cuthbert
Neapolitan Mastiffs 147 128 40 24 23 22 20 17 17 17
GCH CH Otella Bruto A Gurrola GCH CH Ironwood’s Papparrazi J Deppen/S Van-Spruill CH Il Drago Severino C Boczar CH Maximum’s Morocco M Aaron-Mcelyea CH Amazing Love’s Locked And Loaded CGC L Hershberger/S Deans CH New Moon Carlisle Of Amazing Love S Subler/L Hershberger CH Mastino Templar Knight Of Cydonia A Hosking/R Hosking/L Ramos CH Centurian Mastini Phoenix Platino A Goetz/W Goetz King Gigi Of The Oaks T Hood CH Cassio Del Gheno A Pierret
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)
Newfoundlands 822 544 443 405 356 288 237 197 184 184
GCH CH Pouch Cove’s Seabrook Enough Said (F) P Helming/K Griffin GCH CH Rosewood’s Royal Flush (M) M Morris GCH CH Spillways Man About Town Kodiak (M) R Emery/K Emery GCH CH Darbydale’s All That And More (M) G Griffith/K Kemp GCH CH Susitna’s Deal Me In (M) K Gerrits/H Gerrits/H Kramer/A Gerrits GCH CH Darbydale’s Don’T Stop Believin’ RN (M) K Rowland/C Bergmann GCH CH Windhaven She’s The Real Cruz-Penelope (F) C Legg/L Vande Ven GCH CH Heartsease King Of The Jungle (M) M Casler/L Anderson GCH CH Bear N Mind’s Stand Up And Cheer RN CGC (M) D Kappe/C Gorsuch/D Gorsuch GCH CH Legacy’s Sir Lucan Of Camelot (M) V Nguyen/G Dotzman/L Roser
Portuguese Water Dogs
1521 GCH CH Claircreek Impression De Matisse (M) M Lint/P Helming/D Gottdenker 620 GCH CH Roseknoll Sunny Benjamin (M) C Diamant/C Teasley/S Teasley/E Leyda 456 GCH CH NorthStar’s Hit The Deck Running RA NAJ (M) S Soviero/J Soviero
154 Dog News
GCH CH Spyglass N Aviator Sail With The Wind C Blancett 358 GCH CH Sail Away Root Beer Float M Parszewski/T Smith 319 GCH CH Cortereal Iron Man CD BN RA AX MXJ MXF J Berger/N Hunter 311 GCH CH Dandelion’s Maxwell’s Silver Hammer RN V Morro/W Varr Iii 200 GCH CH Patriot’s Designer Girl CGC T Snyder/L Snyder/K Maguire 182 GCH CH Odyseas Reel Sailors Eat Spinach CD S Forman/F Forman 170 GCH CH Manitou Lone Star CD GN RA A Phelan
1557 GCH CH Hemlock’s Jack Of Hearts RA CGC K Bang/R Bang 1190 GCH CH Chancellor Flirt’s Hi Flyin’ Gladiator W Lewellen 1048 GCH CH Eis Haus Ivy League Big Red CD THD CGC J Martindale/V Mcgraw 820 GCH CH Ecko Ridge’s Big Easy Fast And Furious T Larroquette/B Larroquette 718 GCH CH Avatar Summer Storm Chaser RN C Walker 649 GCH CH Avatar Cosmac Storm M Brennan/J Mcilwaine/G Bidgood/A Mcilwa 607 GCH CH Parisans Stingray of RiverRidge R Ramsour/T Johnston 491 GCH CH Gamegards Rhythm Of The Rain C Krown/V Weaver/P Marsh/D Rosetta 486 GCH CH Highwood’s Call Of The Wild D Austin/T Austin 389 GCH CH High Hills Holy Smoke CD BN RA CGC E Ross
Samoyeds 599 572 512 501 482 472 461 400 255 247
GCH CH Mcmagic’s Candied Ham Of Pebblesrun A Kiell Green/A Green/P Mccallum GCH CH McMagic’s Mojo P Mccallum GCH CH Polar Mist N Bark Bark’s Built Tough C O’Neill/J O’Neill GCH CH Storytales Past Present & Future B King/K King/N King GCH CH White Magic’s Seasoned Traveler-Trek”” M Matto GCH CH Glacier’s Goddess Of Fire D Medeiros GCH CH Glacierwhite Moonlite Mist Chanel No. 5 A Murphy GCH CH Pebbles’ Run Cot’Npic’N Cotton Gin M Goodenough/A Kiell Green GCH CH White Eagle’s Full Moon Rising On Alpine T Litton/M Augustus/J Augustus/C Montgom GCH CH T-Snow Star’s Beyond Destiny M Willdigg/L Ragsdale
Siberian Huskies
1750 GCH CH Snowmist’s Quicksilver Speigas L Baryte/H Shimtzu 749 GCH CH Topaz Bad Action H Tang 534 GCH CH Britestars Jamesons Whiskey A Aguirre/L House/C French 497 CH Highlander’s Rumour Has It M Ralsky/C Pacht 483 GCH CH Kaniska’s Kauz For Kamotion At Talkeetna M Hinkle 368 GCH CH Paragon’s You Had Me At Merlot T Erickson/L Wilson 325 GCH CH Tackora’s Cookie Cutter D Studwell/P Benincasa 296 GCH CH Melrose Walk The Line J Carpenter/L Carpenter 295 GCH CH Ziemabora’s Strut Your Stuff B Schaeffel 289 GCH CH Snowmist’s Quidditch Seeker K Leblanc
St. Bernards 869 624 497 288 137 135 108 100 82 75
GCH CH Jamelle’s Aristocrat V Elba BN RN CGC L Baker/E Baker GCH CH Revilo’s Liquid Asset From Redside D Oliver/B Oliver GCH CH Gliddens Lady Isabella K Glidden GCH CH Opdyke’s Your Place Or Mine? C Cataldo/G Radcliffe GCH CH Belle Isle’s Cookie V Cretan R Patterson/J Little/D Cox GCH CH Trademark’s A Reed & Barton Von Joy J Joy/F Joy GCH CH Sleepy Hollows Ice Slicer T Sleep GCH CH Twin Branch’s Red Bull Of Empty Keg D Boyd/B Boyd GCH CH Starbrite’s Olive V. Northpointe R Ertle/M Zwerk CH Lasquites Ula Of Valdez B Mead/M Smith
Standard Schnauzers
1016 GCH CH Mistic’s Longfellow Serenade S Marsh/A Derenzis 788 GCH CH Blackhawk Finnegan’s Wake L Studley/K Studley/L Green 288 GCH CH Chateau Palos Treaty Of Goarrhein TD E Mohrenweiser/M Just/H Mohrenweiser 218 GCH CH Steinhaus Maxim Courage RN D Morse 195 GCH CH Vikingus Caesar Eytukan C Sanchez/M Sanchez
(F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)
175 143 140 100 75 75
GCH CH Bardwoods Black Hat Harry P Lombardi/R Lombardi GCH CH Seneca’s Sterling Midnight Tango G Beeson GCH CH Uhlan A Star Is Born J Legan GCH CH Sketchbook No Deductions CGC T Rothwell/L Hansen GCH CH Shana’s Ultimate Utopia L Shank/C Brown GCH CH Sketchbook Smarty Jones L Hansen/G Freeman
Tibetan Mastiffs 250 157 53 37 37 28 27 22 19 13
GCH CH Dreamcatcher Major Victory Of Loki CGC D Parsons/W Slayton GCH CH Comancheria’s Ciye Chiricahua Cochise G Nunnally GCH CH Sierras’ Sasha - Yakone Nanuk J Butler/R Gallegos CH Drakyi Timberline’s Moxie D Bosak/C Radcliffe GCH CH Drakyi Lion Of Judah M Lott GCH CH Himalaya’s A F Mufasa Of Stone W Puckett/D Puckett GCH CH Dawa’s Welcome Stranger From Sierras D Nechemias/L Claus/W Wickman/D Wickman GCH CH Aujudon’s Song Of The South A Lee/J Lee CH Sequoiaoaks Aleutian R Eichhorn/M Brantley/L Brantley Drakyi Dreamland Red With Envy R Eichhorn/M Brantley/L Brantley
Airedale Terrier Group Terriers
754 482 163 109 94 75 67 57 53 43
American Staffordshire Terriers
(M) (M)
(F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)
GCH CH Joval Angel’s Whisper V Rickard/J Rickard GCH CH Penaire’s Chip Leader At Longvue J Clarke/W Clarke/T Clyde/A Clyde GCH CH Raynaire V Crescent’s Secret Storm C Johnson/K Coffey GCH CH Epoch’s New York Minute A Moore/D Moore GCH CH Huntwood’s Command Performance Of C Vitosh/J Linn/S Kipp GCH CH Bryndale Penaire Mistletoe ‘N Holly A Brinker/C Brinker/J Clarke/W Clarke GCH CH Joval It’s My Time V Rickard/J Rickard GCH CH Epoch’s Time Bandit A Moore/D Moore GCH CH Jet Aire’s Ursa Major, The Greater Bear D Turba/J Turba GCH CH Timberwyck Glenayr Heads Up P Frye/S Kuhn/T Maher
904 721 327 271 254 252 182 163 157 140
Australian Terriers
(F) (F)
(M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)
(M) (M)
(M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F)
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M)
GCH CH Angarda Deja Vu Looking At You E Mckee-Heath GCH CH Lbk’s Enuf Talk About Ruby Of Mule Creek L Jagta/P Miller/L Keller GCH CH Alpine’s Lonewolf Whisky River S Killen/L Killen/G Thorton GCH CH Cicero’s Clash Of The Titans N Patrick/J Patrick GCH CH Alpine’s Ring Of Fire CGC J Mosing/E Thomason/K Thomason/V Piltz GCH CH Chavez Let It Ride At Bonsai G Simonds/A Ghione GCH CH Vaca Valley’s Bold Ruler For Frajaec G Brown/K Rudzik/B Gottier/D Pesenti/J M GCH CH Major League’s Silver Slugger C Ward/H Ward GCH CH Old River’s Talk About A Mystery S Allison/L Jones GCH CH Diablos Queen Sophie Anne R Whitlow/S Whitlow
268 230 152 114 113 110 72 65 61 57
GCH CH Ryba’s Call Me Irresponsible S Bachman/T Schreeder GCH CH Temora Ri Diercc Z Smith GCH CH Dunham Lake Scout Master T Steinmetz/J Steinmetz/T Goiffon GCH CH Benayr Nick Of Time M Porter GCH CH Nellyson’s Mr Dont Skip The Zip C Mechalke/J Mechalke GCH CH P.S. Phoebe Ii Christhill K Hill/W Christensen GCH CH Ryba’s Gotham City Hero M Langham/S Bachman/T Schreeder GCH CH Shastakin Flying Dust Buster Z Van Wyck De Ropp GCH CH Arista Redskys Love Is All There Is P Levy GCH CH Ryba’s A Bit Risque S Bachman/T Schreeder
241 229 179 101 101 96 59 58 57
GCH CH Wrightwyn’s Power Play S Bethea GCH CH Lamz Heads I Win Tails You Lose CAA L Zembrzuski/G Gilbeau GCH CH First Class Willow Wind The Phoenix S Friedemann/J Fogel GCH CH Sandon N’ Oakhill Jazzy’s Top Secret C Foti GCH CH Patchwork’s Built To Last B Lundy GCH CH Carillon Chazzen De Hayyim L Heyman GCH CH Kaylynn’s Guiding Light S Beutler/R Beutler/E Beutler GCH CH Bling Bling’s Bleu Sapphire J Steele/E Wolkenmuth GCH CH Peremi I M A Player J Weiskopf/L Nilsson
Bedlington Terriers
(M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M)
(M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)
51 GCH CH First Class Delaine Merino J Fogel
Border Terriers 747 483 236 220 203 162 156 150 120 112
GCH CH Mchill’s Hrh Prince Gizmo House Of Gremlin (M) P Holson/A Barrios GCH CH Meadowlake Pants On Fire (F) K Fitzpatrick/T Bradley/K Courtelis GCH CH Ristle Alley Hoop At Coldstream JE (F) R Cobussen/G Cobussen CH Ganymede’s Hope And Glory (F) M Matheson/J Matheson GCH CH Foxburrow Celebrity Apprentice (F) G Scott/R Scott GCH CH Surefyre’s Just In Time (M) M Smith/C Bartlett GCH CH Devons La Tua Cantante (M) K Myers/G Myers GCH CH Brocair Field Of Cherry Blossoms (F) A Donovan GCH CH Kilcreggans Poppy Of Eilean Donan (F) M Bond/W Bond GCH CH Riverside Play By Play (M) S Mannings/B Novak
Bull Terriers (Colored) 145 140 122 109 83 76 74 53 49 48
GCH CH Action First Try C Claburn/F Berez GCH CH Yoeckydoe’s Kissproof H Knockaert GCH CH Banbury Bedrock Bright Star Bright M Remer/R Lamkins/K Lamkins/W Mackay-Smi GCH CH Aragon’s Ruffin It At Honeytree P Selk/V Everett/P Grecco/M Bankus GCH CH Javarke King At Arnolds A Salas/G Anderson GCH CH Glentom’s Dirty Harry T Cournoyer/G Wright GCH CH Soquel Millenium Seafarer G Harlamoff/N Waynee CH Magor Millenium Moonstruck G Smith/N Smith/S Byzewski GCH CH Iceni Shot Taken K Bebb/M Campbell Hegg/L Myall GCH CH Old Forge Gentleman Jim M Whalen/W Whalen/D Schuur
187 95 93 85 68 50 47 42 40 36
GCH CH Sandstone’s Conceived In Liberty For Paradox (F) G Snyder/I Hudson/M Whitehair/T Whitehai GCH CH Allegro Rockstar (M) S Harris/D Harris GCH CH Global Mighty White At Kilacabar (M) C Whitmer/S Whitmer/C Kilpatrick/C Kilpa GCH CH Glentom Seeking Fame And Fortune (M) A Graulau/J Graulau/T Cournoyer/G Wright GCH CH Banbury Bedrock Bright Diamond (F) K Longhofer/M Remer/K Lamkins/W Mackay-S GCH CH Bulliards Good Hearted Woman (F) J Snider/M Long GCH CH Bullseye Oliver Orion (M) N May/M May GCH CH Rhydaman Frosty (M) L Martin/I Morden GCH CH Sandstone’s Visions Of Liberty (F) E Bluhm/T Bluhm/M Whitehair/T Whitehair CH Nuance Naughty Or Nice (F) C Parker
456 451 431 420 351 286 258 170 138 132
GCH CH Connacht A Ha’ Penny Will Do M Joyce GCH CH Terriwood Mvp T Godwin/K Godwin/B Doyle/N Doyle GCH CH Rocco’s Collar King Carl Xvi Gustaf K Kauffman/W Eckard GCH CH Hjohoo’s Save Hjour Love For Me V Malzoni/E Theodorsson GCH CH Cyntu’s Twist N Shout D Vogt/S Vogt GCH CH Stonebridge Just A Little Bit Better D Ziesmer GCH CH Dogwood Treasure Hunter P Davis GCH CH Hjohoo’s Give Me Hjour Love L Spain GCH CH Hjohoo’s Just The Way Hjo Are E Theodorsson/V Malzoni GCH CH Maverston Double Dutch T Erickson/M Lucier
87 17 17 13 13 12 11 10 8 7 7
GCH CH Zlatapraha Gillespie Bluefire P Huber/N Huber/T Smith/P Bale CH Chalma’s Fiky Dzem L Brandt-Comer/R Comer CH Talyot Hermione D Loewe/L Richardson/S Richardson/D Wils Zlatapraha Jazz T Cashman CH Artur Of Bumble-Bee Castle J Hester-Kyttle/N Devine GCH CH Devineheart’s Goodnight Irene N Devine/J Devine/B Risi-Diamond CH Xcaliber Laraff D Loewe CH Sambarbs Cedric Diggory B Hopler CH Devineheart’s Idus Martias L Drew GCH CH Milenka’s Hector In Act Four L Kapustina/A Kapustin/L Marino Devineheart’s Hill & Dayl N Devine/J Devine
Dandie Dinmont Terriers
(F) (F) (F)
(F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)
(M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)
(M) (M) (M) (F)
(F) (F) (M)
(F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)
Bull Terriers (White)
Cairn Terriers
Cesky Terriers
74 69 68
GCH CH King’s Mtn. Angelina Ballerina S Hickson/B Stenmark GCH CH Pastime The Dandie Wears Prada K Cramer GCH CH Derrydown Double Indemnity G Myers/K Myers
(M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)
(M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)
(F) (F) (F)
Continued on page 158
Dog News 155
156 Dog News
*All Systems
Dog News 157
The Dog News Top Ten List
Based on breed competition
Continued on page 154
51 32 29 24 20 19 18
GCH CH Lonsdale Sir Joseph Porter A Simpson CH Pennywise Tiddlywinks C Nelson GCH CH Clossongrey Frankystein K Dorn/L Dorn GCH CH King’s Mtn. Alice Springs C Chriscaden/M Furlong GCH CH Tigh O’Tykes Hugo N Ryan CH Von Maser’s Highland Fling J Maser CH Aranisle Star Of San Jacinto C Blair/B Mcdannald
363 295 278 177 157 140 137 120 90 87
GCH CH Wedigit Paparazzi T Haines/L Smith GCH CH High Mtn Everso Smooth S Perrine/C Snavely GCH CH Broxden Waybroke Halstan Heritage V Malzoni GCH CH Foxjar Absolutely Awesome A Ruggieri/J Smith/D Gabel GCH CH Lil’Itch Steeplechase M Aroney/T Haines/A Aroney GCH CH Absolutely Talk Of The Town J Smith/E Boyes GCH CH Sheeze-Beez Soldier Of Fortune Tlc V Boyle GCH CH J’Cobe Broxden Danea V Malzoni/A Booth/P Booth/W Dalling GCH CH Warfox Wild Flower L Nelson/S Nelson/M Kralik/P Kralik CH Absolutely Oh No J Smith/L Boyes
534 155 120 107 101 98 91 81 57 56
GCH CH Afterall Painting The Sky V Malzoni/T Steele/S Olund/M Olund/D Rya GCH CH Crispy Legacy A Agenta/D Eggert/J Eggert/A Astrom GCH CH Garcini Rangels Concerto With TES L Garcini/J Paquette/E Singer GCH CH Aljamar Accentuate The Positive M Laschinski/J Warling/A Waters GCH CH Crynwyd Caprice H Cole/K Harris GCH CH Frenchpark Ard Ri Niall M Hermon/J Killeen GCH CH Garcini & Rangel’s Rock N Rolla L Garcini/K Rogers/J Paquette GCH CH Briarlea’s Keaira V Matanic GCH CH Gordon’s Bite Of The Apple J Hanson/S Hanson GCH CH Fox Creek Jp I Wish H Tsuyuki/J Diehl
106 66 58 53 49 45 31 30 28 21
GCH CH Liberty’s Darren Of Daulton (M) P Estes/J Daulton GCH CH Liberty’s Padraig (M) E Pires/A Lynn GCH CH Finnabair Ardmore Ned (M) D Doyle GCH CH Rainbow Springs Wicklow’s Warrior Of Ber -D- (M) W Roland/R Roland/M Carty GCH CH Daulton’s Clodagh From Cill Dara (F) J Daulton/L Knight/P Estes GCH CH Kilkenny’s Sullivan Of Castlerock (M) C Chiddister/S Blum GCH CH Daulton’s Emerald Green (F) J Daulton/P Estes/M Greene/C Greene GCH CH Finnabair Pride Of Wicklow (M) A Tighe/S Kohlhepp/M Mcdaniel GCH CH Daulton’s Sen Quinn Of Blessington (M) S Eck/J Daulton/P Estes Glentyrs Lady Isabelle At Castlerock (F) C Chiddister
Fox Terriers (Smooth)
Fox Terriers (Wire)
(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M)
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M)
(F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F)
Glen of Imaal Terriers
Irish Terriers 255 110 106 104 87 19 18 16 15 15 15
GCH CH Rockledge Mccallen Of Meath L Honey/J Wilson/J Macdonald GCH CH Gingerbread’s Dark and Stormy T Lahti GCH CH Donedaire’s Emerald Of Erin P Shaw/M Shaw GCH CH Windeire Aurora Borealis P Macdonald GCH CH Sharob’s Commander In Chief S Lindgren/R Lindgren GCH CH Glenstal’s Standing Ovation J Nash/J Nash CH Takala’s Hot Topic Casey T Carr CH Fleet St Fire And Ice A Barker CH Laochragh’s Aurora Borealis P Gill/C Marsh/K Marsh CH Woodley’s Rough Flynn Rustle M Lee/J Lee/D Rapport GCH CH Donedaire Sharob’s Good As Gold W Webber/B Webber/S Lindgren
535 342 199 132 111
GCH CH True Blue Madonna E Randall GCH CH Class Act By Hallsblu W Berry GCH CH Irisblu Mirage J Garahan/K Garahan GCH CH Saredon Shock Waves Of Irisblu A Norman/H Quigg GCH CH Edbrios Russian Roulette E Hansen
Kerry Blue Terriers
158 Dog News
(M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F)
(F) (M) (F) (F) (F)
105 90 83 80 68
GCH CH Ciarrai’s Beltane Embers P Fox/J Deaton GCH CH Tontine’s Chance Redemption L Croley/C Dwyer GCH CH Kamagh Too Busy Bein Fabulous N Han/W Mcfadden GCH CH Kerrisel’s Here’s Looking At You R Nicholson/C Nicholson GCH CH Dinnyesvarosi Mexico L Zambrano
Lakeland Terriers 212 110 45 38 35 26 23 18 16 16
GCH CH Larkspur Acadia Save Me A Spot A Barker/S Fraser/M Sacco GCH CH Hi-Kel Terrydale Fortune In My Eyes A Geremia/F Cashin/Terrydale Knl GCH CH Delzar Sweet Sin-Sation P Harbison GCH CH Hi-Kel Terrydale Fortune Forward Terrydale Knl/K Mcindoe/C Dowd/B Dowd/C CH Snowtaires Back To The Future B Decker/L Parker GCH CH Nanhalls Koichi Hikel Terrydale B Bates/W Bates CH Glacieridge Goodie Two Shoes JE R Mcmillan CH Wakefield Face The Music M Wamback/K Hoy/J Kerr Snowtaires Cruisin’ In Style To Wardrum J Hefferman CH Wardrum Lil’ Bit O’Gold W Jenkins/J Hefferman
Manchester Terriers (Standard) 214 148 68 49 47 40 35 26 25 23 23
GCH CH Medley’s War Hunt E Tonini/J Tonini/J Tonini-Zanotto GCH CH Toria Royalty In The Making T Taylor/V Herbert-Thorsland GCH CH Oasis Razzmatazz V Stanert/B Stanert GCH CH Medley’s Joker’s Gamble S Gerritz/T Myers GCH CH Wilane’s Midnight Rydor R Gates/B Wood/K Brewer GCH CH Oasis Blue Lagoon S Cafferty GCH CH Medley’s The World Is Not Enough S Berrend/T Myers/D Asplund-Green CH Ra’s Unsinkable Molly Brown At Mosaic R Jonas GCH CH Jetcitys Little Red Rocker At Spirit A Cain/L Nonog GCH CH Wilane’s Sophisticated Lady B Wood/B Wood/J Emerick GCH CH Y-Not Party Everyday CA K Craig/R Osborne/R Osborne
Miniature Bull Terriers 414 187 100 84 68 59 47 44 38 31
GCH CH Cambria’s Kid N Play L Baggenstos/R Baggenstos/A Guerrero/D G GCH CH Dytona Vip M Jacobs/A Klishas/E Feuz GCH CH Evolution Runs With Scissors S Cummings/K Toomey/C Jensen GCH CH Amchara Roc Ur World K Toland/S Toland GCH CH Kingsmere Rambunctious Romeo L Lethin/G Simonds GCH CH Ruffshaad’s Caprice At Royalbard R Hausken/O Hausken/E Held/C Korn GCH CH Bonsai Winning Colors At Bullikountry R Kennedy/G Simonds CH Pagwin Little Big Man B Hee/J Kane GCH CH Envisionregistan Sweet William V Driscoll GCH CH Cambria’s Odd Man Out D Guerrero/M Ward
Miniature Schnauzers
(F) (M) (F) (M) (M)
(M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F)
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M)
(M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M)
1004 GCH CH Allaruth Just Kidding V Sole Baye Y Phelps/R Ziegler 653 GCH CH Tomar’s Captain Kirk M Paisley 590 GCH CH Kruse’s High Interest M Lande/B Kruse 473 GCH CH Repittion Jolee’s Spring Time In April J Williams/K Garmaker 393 GCH CH Regency’s Play For Keeps D Lewis/K Lewis/B Verna 354 GCH CH Joker Land’s Glacyka Fci M Uryu/J Constantine 311 GCH CH Rockyhill Icees Raisin’ The Bar”” S Fry 292 GCH CH Regency’s Playmaker B Verna/S Wang 250 GCH CH Minuteman Toxicology C Mcmillan/K Prokopetz 228 GCH CH Legend’s B-B-B Bad To The Bone D Huff/S Huff
617 93 91 78 54 51 45
Norfolk Terriers
GCH CH Yarrow Venerie Ticket To Ride P Beale/J Beale CH Yarrow Venerie Trader Vic From Owl Hollow B Thomas/A Thomas/P Beale GCH CH Barnstable Bold Over NFP S Stemmler GCH CH Some Buddy Llwydd Eric The Red J Carter/T Carter/H Cole GCH CH Avalon’s Spring Cove’s Simon Eyes K Nelson CH Arroyo’s Jingle All The Way A Dum/E Dum GCH CH Rightly So Smart Syndicate M James/R Newton/S Augustine
(M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)
(M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)
37 33 29
CH Avalon’s First Mate L Pelletier GCH CH Tater Tot’s Bisou Des Montagnes L Vogt/G Belcher GCH CH Dexter M Seewald
541 510 305 243 232 217 200 188 131 125
GCH CH Apollo C Chen/C Trexler/C Foucrault GCH CH Highwood’s Whirling Dun J Fonyo/N Fonyo GCH CH Dunbar’s Heir Apparent J Kefeli GCH CH Tuxedo Junction J Little/S Little/D Hanna GCH CH Waiterock Jack Falstaff C Harper GCH CH Roserock’s Atticus Finch A Garcia Gomez/M Lopez GCH CH Camio’s Educated Exemplar C Rogers GCH CH Thunderwood’s First Robin Of Spring T Willrich/K Conlan GCH CH Watermark Hunter At High Pines P Giroux GCH CH Michan’s Mick Like A Rolling Stone L Marshall/H Marshall
Norwich Terriers
Parson Russell Terriers 401 321 231 136 131 131 102 75 59 57
GCH CH Panther Creek The Full Monty J Ramming/R Ford GCH CH Foxbend Colour Me More K Courtelis/D Bryson/J Wilkinson GCH CH Shasta N Sonship A Skip L Reinhard/T Reinhard GCH CH Fox Valley Devil In Disguise C Florence/J Felten GCH CH Rosewoods O.M.G. S Johnson/C Howton GCH CH Ardsley Run Heaven Sent J Smith/J Gardner GCH CH Shalimar Wild Montana Sky Of Orejac C Burgasser/J Caulk GCH CH Dream Hi’s Lil’ Surfer Dude K Rickard/L Rickard GCH CH Cobblestone Gathers No Moss JE S Tolleson/K Baker GCH CH Premiere Gossip Girl @ Sunrock T Houser/D Chenoweth/K Owsley/D Anibal
90 86 55 41 27 24 23 22 19 19
GCH CH Stoneybays Ur Martini’s Serv’D CM S Mcwilliams/T Jordan CH Raganrat’s Quintessential Q CM RN OA OAJ NF D Ragan/H Browne GCH CH Riverridge Trin2 Sail 2 The Top CM CA B Brown/S Mcwilliams GCH CH River Ridge’s Level Of Intrigue S Mcwilliams CH Sands’ Black Diamond Wilson BN RN CGC L Lee/J Leigh CH Cohills Night Passage T Dennis/A Hill Dos Kn Pn Rnb He’s The Wizard S Hendrix/D Hendrix CH Tanaga Baileys Tru Obsession CM RN R Lutwinas CH King Pen Rnb’s Queen Ann S Hendrix GCH CH River Ridge’s I Put A Spell On U J Babarsky/S Mcwilliams
310 149 86 80 57 47 41 33 33 27 27
GCH CH Goldsand’s Columbus M Ulrich/C Areskough GCH CH Rivendell’s Tinker Toy S Sobel GCH CH Monamour Jp Part Time Lover A Kiell Green/K Miichi/C Mascuch GCH CH Goldsand’s Billie Jean CA M Wooldridge/J Stevens/C Manelopoulos/R CH Falling Branch The Patriot L Mckinney/L Grimsley GCH CH Meadowbrook Madison CM S Sobel GCH CH Star Valley Baer Dude Impact CM BN RA K Baer/A Black GCH CH Heritage Jp Cotton Snow M Yamazaki GCH CH Monamour Jpp Energy Of Kiss E Reisman GCH CH Appassionato Jp Monamour’s Star A Hargrave/C Areskough GCH CH All Jacks Be Special A All Jacks
Rat Terriers
Russell Terriers
Scottish Terriers 398 319 299 281 251 249 218 151 126 100
GCH CH Charthill Top Billing K Vogt/C Hill/K Hill GCH CH Mcvan’s To Russia With Love M Khenkina GCH CH Charthill Premier Performance C Hill/K Hill GCH CH Invercrest Surely Why Not D Eggert/J Eggert GCH CH Chyscott’s Making An Entrance L Shafer/W Shafer/K Simmons GCH CH Kelwyn’s History In The Making K Edell/D Edell GCH CH Mcvan’s Be Bop Baby V Huber/R Cross GCH CH Cumbria’s Ready Jet Go P Wooster/T Wooster GCH CH Roundtown Everyday Magic Of Maryscot A Musser GCH CH Kingsview Just Ebony C Blain/L Tuttle
Sealyham Terriers
169 GCH CH Efbe’s Thunder Rd At Burberry S Hawks/F Bergeron/L Tetreault/S Middleb
(M) (F) (M)
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)
(M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F)
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)
(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)
(M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F)
117 90 39 13 12 12 11 11 10
GCH CH Hotshot’s Royal She’ll Make ‘Em Cry B Dunlap/R Dunlap GCH CH Wildwind Mojito B Snyder/J Ferrera/B Fain GCH CH Slyfox Sassy Lady Of Bluff’s End C Echelbarger/J Taggart/K Jacobson CH Wildwind Keep Your Hat On B Snyder/J Ferrera CH Dubwyre Cherrydun Ladyhawke J Thill/D Francois/N Dunleavy CH Afterglow’s Rapunzel L Inman/R Inman CH Thunder Rds Blueberry Hill S Hawks Afterglows Princess Kate L Inman/R Inman CH Thunder Rd For A Dancer S Hawks
Skye Terriers 123 111 91 76 61 54 49 38 25 23
CH Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie V Malzoni/Cragsmoor Knl GCH CH Gleanntan Wonderful Wizard Of Oz Gleanntan Knl GCH CH Jay-Roy Byrne ‘N Hot For You D Salandro GCH CH Kuhlbreeze Voice Of Reason D Ridley/D Divis/E Ridley GCH CH Marwyn Blackfyre Rebellion E Shaw/C Schuman GCH CH Talakan Trumpeter Swan J Davis CH Desire Of Love Dell’Antica Caledonia S Middleton GCH CH Solana Big Lebowski M Shiue GCH CH Solana Demolition Man M Shiue GCH CH Marwyn Keeper Of The Stars A Scott/C Schuman/M Smith
792 295 229 210 203 193 178 156 152 139
GCH CH Doubloon’s Extreme Play E Landa GCH CH Shandalee Fireworks D Sealy/N Bailey GCH CH Diamonds Cactus Cash B Hillwig GCH CH Ainle Villanova Mouth Of The South CGC K Elliot GCH CH Greentree Gold Charm B Mcdonald/K Mcdonald GCH CH Cuilinn Expresso Con Panna H Million GCH CH Greentree Cayenne Dancer R Reey/B Mcdonald GCH CH Mirikal Double Top Breakout NA NAJ S Mcgee GCH CH Lochlinear Gleanngay Cha Ching P Mullin GCH CH Reyem’s Red Rover Come Over R Hager/L Hager/G Meyer
Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers
Staffordshire Bull Terriers
(F) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F)
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)
(F) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)
485 398 147 142 131 129 126 119 110 103
GCH CH Sylon Bruce Of Ringmaster M Darwish/J Miller GCH CH Red Samurai Z Smith GCH CH Vomhausharrock Dondiegoredrock L Heimbuch/T Alberg GCH CH Shortyrocks Jasper By Dumbriton M Bryant/S Carter CH Ashbull Odriscoll T Matusiak/M Czyzak GCH CH Trugrip Summer Dayz T Pawson GCH CH Tartans Eddie Van Halen By Dynastaff M Haney GCH CH Moonstruck Calamar’s Mighty Worrier M Neale/J Heller GCH CH Empire N Divines Change In My Pocket CA L Divine/T Glover GCH CH Red Rocks Desert Storm B Kriger/C Kriger
364 158 140 106 37 28 26 24 21 18
GCH CH Shaireab’s Bayleigh Maid Of Honor S Abmeyer/K Bailey/T Lee/X Xie GCH CH Andover See-Z The Moment P See/J See GCH CH Malvado Devil Woman P Clark/N Clark GCH CH Sanherpinc Poporopo At Teritails T Lohmuller GCH CH Brynmawr Loud And Proud K Rost/J Callens GCH CH Malvado Thunder Storm P Clark/J Stephens GCH CH Redragon’s Brown Eyed Girl F Adams/P Adams GCH CH Summersun’s Sweet Memories J Simmons GCH CH Cambrian Four Star Brigadier General J Fox-Stephens/T Stephens CH Musart Ruby Dee Of Maridawn J Williams
770 573 336 264 233 232 229
GCH CH Deerhaven Hez Justin Kredible At Orion (M) D Bouderra/J Kays/G Kays/I Keushgenian GCH CH Camcrest Andsurely Jasmine (F) J Downing/S Campbell/R Roberts/A Sanders GCH CH Tullybloom’s Classified Credentials (F) P Cohen/C Cohen GCH CH Devonshire Out Of The Starting Gate (M) T Pancost GCH CH Ashgate U S Great Expectations (M) L Pacheco/N Brown GCH CH Mizzentop Storm King (M) M Fiore/H Fiore GCH CH Glenns Monte Carlo (M) W Falls Continued on page 162
Welsh Terriers
West Highland White Terriers
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)
(F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F)
h Flas Winner reed B f of o Best tiff Club Mas Ohio n r e h Nort ted Show or ge Supp eeder Jud n r Br e Simo d h n t u e b Eliza . s r M
GCh. Genesis Jethro at Rydalmount, CGC, RN Our appreciation to Judge Mrs. Sharon A. Krough, pictured, for Best of Breed and a Group Second. Handled by Peggy Coffman
Get ready for the next generation of Genesis Mastiffs Owner: Gloria Cuthbert Breeders: Debbie Vanderveer & Gloria Cuthbert Dog News 159
Pictured below going Best of Breed • Yorkshire Terrier Club of Northern California Specialty • October 19, 2013 Thank you Judge Mr. George Milutinovich
Best In Specialty Show
Currently JORDAN is the Number 2 Yorkshire Terrier All Breed & Number 3 Breed*
JORDAN *The Dog News Top Ten List
160 Dog News
Flas *Jordan h * Wins Best of Breed At The Southea ste Michiga n Yorsh rn ire Terrier C l ub Novemb er 29, 2 013 Thank Y ou Judg e Ms. Ter ri Lydd on
Shown Above Winning Three Toy Groups In One Month Thank you Judges Ms. Charlotte Clem McGowan, Mrs. Charlotte P. Patterson, & Mrs. Nancy Hafner Bred and Owned by James J. Hupp & Bret Walker EXMOOR YORKIES Presented by Zachary Newton Dog News 161
The Dog News Top Ten Lis
Based Chin on breed Japanese GCH CH Victory Spencer competition 747 M Mc Cormick/M Cooley
Continued FROM page 158
208 148 135
GCH CH Wyndbrae’s Maclaren (M) P Whiting/S Byrd/W Noble GCH CH Plum Creek’s Hear Me Roar (M) E Keener/K Mcdonald GCH CH Whitesprite’s Most Happy Fella Of Glenmaw (M) J Auger Maw
Toy Group
Affenpinschers 484 239 76 42 39 37 33 21 21 20
GCH CH Tamarin Tarheel A Shultz/G Shultz GCH CH Yarrow’s Hi-Tech Ben There Done That W Truesdale/W Truesdale/L Wubbell GCH CH Strongfort Opium Puffn Muffn L Carpenter/C Beaver/Pramada Knl GCH CH Xela’s Party Tric D Wood/S Jones/D Hichborn/P Belmont GCH CH Aberdeens Monkey Man K Hickey GCH CH Airescot Peer Gynt D Gehnert/L Bitz GCH CH Airescot Sunset L Baker GCH CH Induna’s Ink Spot C Duran/L Duran CH Coachlight Frolicn Highwayman S Boyd/S Wymore CH Schnaffentangens Norwegian Wood J Plank
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)
Brussels Griffons 393 329 289 236 230 161 131 71 68 67
GCH CH Paragons Sharp Dressed Man At Greengates (M) F Cashin/M Gale/K Fleener GCH CH Hilltop’s GQ Cover Boy (M) P Brown GCH CH Hilltop’s Watch Me Now (M) M Grafton GCH CH Fist Face A Penny For Your Thought (F) D Burvee GCH CH Marsdon Frankly Speaking (M) B Strange GCH CH Tupelo Axel Rose Br (M) J Saba/P Kolesar-Stoltz/J Constantine/L GCH CH Chismick’s Lights On Broadway (M) K Jaeger/M Jaeger GCH CH Krossfire Bellini (F) D Henderson GCH CH Seagryphs Cuba Libre (F) M Rogers/M Kornfeld/E Kornfeld GCH CH Genesis Ben-Jamin To My Own Beat (M) S Yarnall/S Seymour
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
1584 GCH CH Quail Garden Loch Lomond Deja Vu J Mittelman/K Subramanian 1289 GCH CH Miletree Northern Star B Henry/S Henry/B George 921 GCH CH Piccadil’s Twist And Shout CD BN RN J York 754 GCH CH Orchard Hill Play For Keeps C Darr/E Venier/R Venier 594 GCH CH Tudorose Apollo P Mixon 584 GCH CH Grantilley Galaxy Moon M Talley/J Talley 571 GCH CH Kinvaar Make Pretend G Reardon 481 GCH CH Burbrook Storm Chaser J Ioia/B Ioia/D Petralia/C Rose 455 GCH CH Orchard Hill Only Human G Bill/G Wells 398 GCH CH Fleet Street Bet Me At Rosebriar W Stang
Chihuahuas (Long Coat) 634 618 571 520 460 380 370 368 364 331
GCH CH Mini Cooper (Lamuno) J Lamuno Gonzalez GCH CH Timeless Cottondale Pink Champagne D Miller/S Miller/K Potts GCH CH Matriart Lg Muffin A Paola Diniz/L Guilmerme Diniz Pretoni GCH CH Jetstar’s Simply Outrageous J Chandler GCH CH Don’T Blame Me I’M Cute (Lamuno) J Gonzalez Lamuno GCH CH Victory Mask Of Zorro K Hulstein/S Hartwig GCH CH Bayard Wendy M Newell/E Lanasa GCH CH Whiteclouds Miss Kitty D Franklin/D White GCH CH Lone Pine’s Boston Legal D’Ouachitah M Blank/C Eugene/L George GCH CH Bk’s Wild About Harry B Smith
357 355 340 328 300 293 291 285
GCH CH Genbrook’s Playin’ With Fire B Kaye/G Stiles GCH CH Gaga Lady De Aqlla M Blank/L George GCH CH South Fork’s Sweet Harmony M Held GCH CH Sandy’s Babes Tradewinds As Ever D Corl GCH CH Flo-Davi ‘N Timeless Creating Havoc F Davis/D Davis/K Potts GCH CH Shorepointe’s Buddy Dazzler W Mccollister/J Ward/S Chavez/J Standish GCH CH Aqlla Quo Vadis A Dinardo GCH CH Koniki’s Queen Of De Nile 4 Bellachi S Molash/K Hirn-Sheppard
Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat)
162 Dog News
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)
(M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M)
(F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)
258 255
GCH CH Krispin Ever Done Good J Breazeale/S Guthrie/B Overstreet GCH CH Super Cj Of Golden Side M Macaraig/G Manas
Chinese Crested 756 719 643 539 515 489 429 363 295 282
GCH CH Dejavu I Want’A Talk About Me R Kusumoto/J Kusumoto GCH CH Storytime’s Rocky Road For Gingery M Fields/A Butterklee/J Temple GCH CH Kaylens Girls Just Want To Have Fun T Isherwood/K Peiser/V Dorris GCH CH Egillo Z Teramonu A Lynn GCH CH Belews Les Bons Temps Rouler D Parker/M Parker/S Frampton GCH CH Stillmeadow Solo In The Spotlight M Patti/J Patti GCH CH Kulana’s Sh-Boom S Frumkin/M Frumkin GCH CH Hampton Court’s Charlie Of Legend J Deeming GCH CH Pegasus Ace In The Hole T Watson GCH CH Creekside’s Put On The Red Light V Burdine
211 90 65 63 25 24 23 14 14 14
GCH CH Chaseland’s Howard Glodek B Miller/J Glodek GCH CH Loujon Thornwood Little Jacob K Miller/J Ward GCH CH Clussexx Champagne Breakfast D Johnson/J Hubbard/J Peterson GCH CH Loujon Backroads To Paris C Williams/J Ward/K Miller GCH CH Adair’s Journey To Ravissant OA AXJ J Smedley GCH CH Sanchi Valentino B Miller CH Dragon’s Lair Hoard Of Treasure I Cary GCH CH Legacy Sleeping Dragon D Molsee/D Stevens Lindemaier CH Dragonfly Great Balls Of Fire S Tietsworth/G Buck CH Marsward On A Mission M Tuesley/J Swaine
(F) (M)
(M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F)
English Toy Spaniels (Blenheim & Prince Charles)
English Toy Spaniels (King Charles & Ruby) 204 194 49 47 31 22 21 20 19 12
GCH CH Lto Prosperity R Cole/M Landers GCH CH Southdown Nevermind B Van Deman GCH CH Novel All Aquiver S Hepler GCH CH Novel Backroads Run For The Roses S Plance/H Reid/M Reid GCH CH Denim Wicked Storm C Hess GCH CH Backroads Ruff An Rowdy S Plance/C Williams CH Marjaniemen Golden Ivory J Peterson GCH CH Marsward Miss Conduct J Swaine/M Tuesley CH Surucas Time To Shine S Jackson CH Eli M Rasmussen/J Young
1015 GCH CH Oeste’s Flirt’N With An Outlaw R Schindler/M King/J Vogel 911 GCH CH Yup’s Malibu Dream E Omeara/J Birdsall/D Stout 816 GCH CH Harbor’s Sky-Blue Pink C Field/H Bennett 805 GCH CH Marcosa’s Bachelor Button J Mcgrath/H Kolzow 592 GCH CH Wyhaven’s How D’Ya Like Me Now C Wilson 590 GCH CH That’s Adorabull’s Dreaming Of You D Scheiris/J Chavez/D Scheiris/P Lucas/S 525 GCH CH Qbin’s Strictly Confidential At Enginuity A Liebing/A Welling 464 GCH CH Yayas Dancing Through Life D Planche/C Livingston/K Livingston/B Ca 453 GCH CH Fuzzy Farm Qbin Who’s On First S Lawrence/A Lawrence 374 GCH CH Windfall’s Dude With Attitude K Ambler
Italian Greyhounds 987 411 331 311 306 247 218 185 183 182
GCH CH Donavin’s Caramel Macchiato D Davis/J Davis GCH CH Integra’s Masquerade Party M Lucas/R Weyer GCH CH Voici Island Of Mykonos L Griffioen/R Conrad GCH CH Trotwood July Fourth Rocket Of Bo-Betts P Swindell GCH CH Gdm Zenyatta At Lakeside M Manning/D Snoble/J Kulic GCH CH Kashmir’s Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler! C Weatherhead GCH CH Maplewood’s Aces And Eights M Caton GCH CH Wynson Swan Princess D Chapman/W Chapman GCH CH Voici Where There’s Smoke There’s Fire L Griffioen/K Gibson GCH CH Deerfield’s Point Blank D Wallace/A Shute
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)
(F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)
(M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M)
289 190 176 162 158 149 147 139 125
GCH CH Touche’s Top Hat And Tails At Samskara D Martenson/J Martenson/R Wilson GCH CH Pem We-Syng Perfect Pitch At Sirius D Christensen/G Christensen GCH CH Mar-Pem’s Tiz A Tizzy B Reese GCH CH Pochinka Polka Dot Dekobras J Dalton/J Turjoman GCH CH Blue Willow Cherbo Lil Bit Rocknroll M Dulin/C Boice/N Stedman GCH CH Cin-Don On The Road Again B Merritt GCH CH Pem We-Syng Lucky Mi J Dalton/J Turjoman/M Ballard GCH CH Dunkirk Hop To It T Reese/R Winters GCH CH We-Syng Black Jack Luck B Czapor
Maltese 525 398 226 223 197 170 115 101 96 88
GCH CH Rhapsody’s Someone Like You T Holibaugh/K Kasten GCH CH Scylla’s Small Kraft Re-Lit D Burke/R Scott/T Rowell GCH CH Rhapsody N Cherub’s Oh So Henry T Mackenzie/K Mackenzie GCH CH Divine’s Work Of Art K Kent/A Stanberry GCH CH Richelieu’s Valentino P Keen Fernandes/J Mcquiston GCH CH Maltangel Heavenly Vision I Gram/M Harrigan GCH CH Fletcher Andes Henshaw R Setty/L Bettis GCH CH Rolling Glenn’s Baby Bear A Glenn GCH CH Mollydear’s Schubert Impromptu V Yanez/S Rowe GCH CH Richelieu’s Here Comes Trouble Again L Lawrence/J Mcquiston
240 136 117 84 65 49 38 32 31 29
GCH CH Rustic Lane Still Waters Run Deep P Lapinski/J Debraganca/C Horowitz/A Deb GCH CH Blossom’s Let’s Dance B Scott-Heim GCH CH Burmack’s Highlander At Chesterfield K Levario/P Mackesey/J Burrows GCH CH Rosewood Casanova D Texter/P Rank/B Hodges GCH CH Fwaggles Pret A Porter CGC K Cornell/A Kelly/W Kelly CH Fwaggles She’s So Fine W Kelly/A Kelly GCH CH Celtic Cross Lady Of Shalott At Carpe Diem T Meeks GCH CH Fwaggles Avant Garde R Travis/A Kelly/W Kelly CH Poricias Straight From My Heart To Jades D Becker GCH CH Spotted Oak’s Vampire Slayer J Tonini-Zanotto/D Zanotto
821 583 314 274 246 235 164 161 160 151
GCH CH Marlex Classic Red Glare A Angelbello/L Monte GCH CH Brackley My Amazing Warrior K Haney/D Haney GCH CH Marlex Kisa Wildfire K Noel/J Wilds/A Angelbello GCH CH Blythewood Golden Warrior J Huber GCH CH Pinnacole Winters Feel The Fire K Swilling/R Tarlton/K Winters GCH CH Kimro N Spiva’s Super Trooper K Pastella Calvacca/R Greenslade/H Schwe GCH CH Dar-Rich Sirius’ Einstein V-Redbarns J Ward GCH CH Keridan My Favorite Toy K Hawkins/K Haney GCH CH Marlex N Marisol Bold Moves A Angelbello/M Hackett GCH CH Brackley My Warrior Princess B Stanert/V Stanert
Manchester Terriers (Toy)
Miniature Pinschers
2076 GCH CH Involo The King Of Pop M Mosing/G Garofalo 1720 GCH CH Fenice Le Beaudreaux R Greathouse/E Akers-Perry/M Perry 1337 GCH CH Wildfire On The Record N Shaw/A Pickett/C Pickett 1036 GCH CH Brevette Kid Incredible A Moser/L Tapyrik/J Ybaben 762 GCH CH Micfriends Trujoy Eye Candy S Johnson/D Peterson 686 GCH CH Titian’s Risky Business R Navarre/M Navarre/T Mcintyre/C Fredric 655 GCH CH Wingssong Here We Go Again P Jones/C Jones 537 GCH CH Jareaux Rip It Up Laren T Sommerson-Wilcox/J Mclaren 371 GCH CH Domino Clearlake Raise The Bar E Vandermoleu/L Temperato/L Domino/S New 334 GCH CH Wildfire On The Edge G Bontecoo
Pekingese 259 254 178 146 143
GCH CH Yakee Easily Persuaded S Middlebrooks/D Fitzpatrick GCH CH Dunkirk Imagine That M Merrill/T Reese/R Winters GCH CH Sunn Yenn Uncensored Dachari D Cole GCH CH Oakhill’s Caught Red Handed C Koch/K Cook/M Cook GCH CH Windemere’s This Style’s For You L Markham
(M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)
(F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)
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(M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M)
111 87 79 74 63
GCH CH Schuyler’s Laparata Robert M Campbell GCH CH Dunkirk Center Stage J Jacobsen/S Marotto/T Reese/R Winters GCH CH Hoong Tao’s Walk This Way S Reznick/L Reznick GCH CH Sunburst Sunshine Superman T Jenkins/V Hedrick GCH CH Saymore’s Orson Wells I La Fleur
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M)
1551 GCH CH Cr Chase What Matters C Solano 684 GCH CH Ac Dynasty Dream Works S Freitas/F Almeida 563 GCH CH Char’s Hotter Than Hot C Meyer/K Stuart 514 GCH CH Oakrose High’N Mighty N Walker/R Walker/J Rose/G Stewart 475 GCH CH Canton Jet Li B Yap 474 GCH CH Tab’s Scootin’ Boomer Of Storm T Brunner 434 GCH CH Castile’s Endless Love G Sisneros 404 GCH CH Char’s Love Story M Paredes 331 GCH CH Mc’s The Last Stand M Armstrong/C Armstrong/C Iken 261 GCH CH R-Luv Macho Mustafa J Cohen
1075 GCH CH Donnchada Angel Wings At Dulcinea S Talkington/E Brown 656 GCH CH Smash Jp Sakura R Scott/D Burke 411 GCH CH Smash Jp Winning Ribbon J Steinhour 347 GCH CH Kaylen’s Oh Really! V Dorris/B Bird/K Peiser 211 GCH CH Baliwick Honey Boo Boo I Bloomquist/D Dahl 131 GCH CH Sharbelle Greg-Mar International Boy R Stevens/S Stevens/M Gregory 127 GCH CH Sharbelle Silhouette J Lange/J Moses 122 GCH CH Laurelbury Zasu On The Runway B Rivet/K Rivet 100 GCH CH Fontella’s Thank You Frances T Meyers/D Dahl 90 GCH CH Foxmore Boxwood Bewitching Da Maya Z Borges Torrealba
1513 GCH CH Hill Country’s Tag I’M It C Koch 1247 GCH CH Caper’s Sirius Endeavor P Fisher/C Fisher/J Rowell/L Rowell 1087 GCH CH Winsome-Nirvana-Blaque Triple Play E Veltman/V Cox-Flatley/B Roberts 688 GCH CH Warpug Black And Blue Reme J Cupp/G Cupp/J Black 532 GCH CH Moonstruck’s In The Pocket! C Koch 514 GCH CH Foursquare I’Ll Be A Shostopa Tu D Johnson/J Johnson 441 GCH CH Pocket’s Ameci J Bale-Woodside/R Robles 403 GCH CH Moonstruck’s Smooth Sailing! R Brewer 393 GCH CH Pine Cone’s Green Mountain Boy A Fischer/E Sheeran 378 GCH CH Castlerock Pine Cone Mountain Rain A Fischer
619 583 255 231 192 185 171 156 153 134
Poodles (Toy)
Shih Tzu
GCH CH Hallmark Jolei Bells Will Be Ringing L Ehricht/D Ehricht GCH CH Krissy’s Savvy Jasper L Lawrence/J Miller GCH CH Jadesilk Luv T’ Auburn Locks B Chopey/S Orford GCH CH Ista’s Hurricain Chaser D Wheeler GCH CH Rocking K Mia’s Precious Surprise L Mulder/R Kitchens GCH CH Lohona Zephyr I Can’T Look Away D Haley GCH CH Amitzu You Look Marvelous T Forman/M Forman/T Mcfadden GCH CH Xeralane’s Just Face It Xeralane Knl CH Zephyr Monogram Maybe Marilyn D Haley/C Williams/A Mcdearmon GCH CH Shroki-Wilakii’s Time To Play S Rowe/J Wilson/J Currie
Silky Terriers 317 278 276 110 100 95 79 71 60 39
GCH CH Lamplighter’s Tattle Tail M Benson/B Beissel GCH CH Karisma Heart And Soul M Hodge/K Gilbert/M Gagliardi/P Laperruq GCH CH Tawny Mist Myan Mystic S Biles/E Biles/K Wilson/D Renton GCH CH Wind Dancer Jenstar Backstage Pass T Gallegos/L Hurt/D Renton GCH CH Anjo Blu’s Once In A Blue Moon P Gates GCH CH Mariblu Forevermore At Safire M Solvason/J Pizzirulli GCH CH Hullablu’s Hellzabob S Calestini GCH CH Wyncliff’s Wallstret Wonder D Baggenstos/R Baggenstos GCH CH Dorien Dancin’ On A Breeze D Weintraub GCH CH R-Blu’s Captain Jack E Sparrow R Rich
Continued on page 166
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Dog News 163
Hollywood Dogs A
perfect gift for film buffs, and for anyone that loves dogs!!! Hollywood Dogs presents an extraordinary selection of rarely seen photographs of movie stars and their dogs from the Golden Age of Hollywood, all drawn from the prestigious collection of the John Kobal Foundation. Taken between 1920 and 1960, they feature movie stars such as Humphrey Bogart, Buster Keaton, Audrey Hepburn, Rock Hudson and Elizabeth Taylor, each with their beloved dogs. Hollywood Dogs celebrates the special relationship between these famous owners and their animals. Often caught off-guard, and almost always relaxed and natural, these are photographs of the Hollywood stars as real people. Amongst the canine subjects are some of the most famous dogs in Hollywood films: Lassie; Asta; Rin Tin Tin and Toto from The Wizard of Oz. Hollywood Dogs Foreword William Secord Introduction Robert Dance 176 pages; 147 black and white photographs Size: 11 x 9 x 1 inches Tony Curtis in Las Vegas in 1953 with a boxer puppy that was given to him by a fan.
Charles Butterworth dines with his wire fox terrier in 1935.
164 Dog News
Catherine Deneuve
Elizabeth Taylor bathing her cocker spaniel Amy in 1950.
Elvis Presley poses with a basset hound in honor of his hit song, Hound Dog, in 1957.
Audrey Hepburn with her Yorkshire Terrier, Mr. Famous, in California in 1961.
Grace Kelly
Charlie Chaplin with his A Dog’s Life co-star, Scraps, in 1918.
Frank Sinatra
Don Ameche in the pool with his Irish Setter Flanagan in 1939.
Marilyn Monroe
Dog News 165
The Dog News Top Ten List Continued FROM page 162
Fox Terriers Toy 390 GCH CH Ultra Quest Go For The Gold NAJ 253 243 221 186 142 142 141 121 105
W Howard GCH CH Adamant Bang A Drum K Lowe/K La Rue/J Joseph GCH CH Centennial Farms Ironman W Bellamy GCH CH Snocrest Tom Boy S Noe GCH CH Canby Icefox Keno Ninico D Temple-Burgess GCH CH Azefer Sir Isaac L Fast GCH CH Foxlair Hi-De-Ho Smokey Joe V Denney/E Ward GCH CH Jane’s Christmas Gift J Reed GCH CH Dejavu’s Big Dog Daddy J Spence GCH CH Promenade When She Loved Me W Hughes/L Hughes
Yorkshire Terriers 976 473 437 408 354 327 315 193 189 185
GCH CH Trio’s Big Shot K Goldfarb GCH CH Stratford’s Alaskan Cruiser B Scott GCH CH Exmoor’s Epitome J Hupp/B Walker GCH CH Brookview’s Rebel Yale M Johnson GCH CH Gotyorkies Dream High Stryker T Kulessa/K Lambert GCH CH Cantlon’s Jer-Ree’ Jer-Ree’ B Cantlon/M Mathews/V Steinberg/L Butz GCH CH Stratford’s Diamond Jim B Scott GCH CH Annstef’s Gotta Dream P Groves/M Hogan Groves GCH CH Carasel’s Valentino CGC T Cuchiaro GCH CH Silkiss’D Lets Rock G Echols/B Booty Bozung
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)
(M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)
Non-Sporting Group American Eskimo Dogs 305 178 156 134 129 58 50 43 37 35 35
GCH CH Nuuktok’s Atka Inukshuk S Robertson GCH CH Sierra’s Hallmark R Sampson/S Schuldt GCH CH Ducat’s Smokin’ Hot H Dorrance GCH CH Anana’s Look Into The Future K Strunk/S Strunk GCH CH Ms. Wiz’s Rain Of Terror B Davidoff GCH CH Pinebrook Smilin’ Milo Of Vibo CA D Christensen GCH CH Artc Mgc’s Heart Of Hearts C Wood/J Wood GCH CH Ducat’s Frosty Polar Prince H Dorrance GCH CH Anana’s Magnificent 1 S Strunk/K Strunk GCH CH Voyagers Cause I Can Cuddle L Clark GCH CH Mystic Knight Of Magic K Scholz
Bichons Frises 388 341 341 336 329 294 271 138 101 83
GCH CH Saks Winning Card A Mackenzie/K Mackenzie/C Ruggles/K Hans GCH CH Overtops And The Winner Is Z Luo/N Keung/J Rubin GCH CH Paray’s Power & Privilege P Flores/L Rosio GCH CH Vogelflight’s Honor” To Pillowtalk” E Charles/K Vogel/M Abbott/P Abbott GCH CH Glenleigh Gangs N’ Roses R Lauer/K Tormey/L Carlton/L Letsche/M Z GCH CH L’Etoiles It’s All About Me D Wycoff GCH CH Karmel’s Banana In Pajamas S Phillips/C Bakker/R Drumond GCH CH Lormi Ecco’s Anticipation Y Seok/L Lim GCH CH Cher Ami’s Toast With Remy Martin D Mathog/R Mathog/R Wolfe GCH CH Shyladawn’s Timeless Beauty S Newton
Boston Terriers
1305 GCH CH Gunther’s Gussied Up Edna A Mcilwaine/B Berth/J Mcilwaine 576 GCH CH Kc’s Just Out Of Reach K Bogenholm/J King 541 GCH CH Kennedy’s N Barcomm’s On The Catwalk B Rettick/S Kennedy/R Rettick 474 GCH CH Naughty Norteno’s Clik Clik Bang M Fish/K Norton 413 GCH CH Katbird’s Evolution Matters At Kayas A Hullender/A Hullender 389 GCH CH Windermeres Mystify J Covill 381 GCH CH Campbell Clan’s Idol Chatter K House/D Campbell/G Campbell 327 GCH CH Ivylane N Barrett Train Of Love S Frederick/T Starr/P Duffy 310 GCH CH Peja’s N’ Ken’s Saddle’ Em Up For Suze S Roberts 242 GCH CH Escalibur’s Kc Double The Trouble T Rendic/D Rendic 242 GCH CH Lonestar’s Yellow Rose J Allen
166 Dog News
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(F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)
Based on breed competition
2301 GCH CH Mytoys Epic Against The Wind D O’Connor/T Oconnor/L Scott/A Mcdearmon 1840 GCH CH Newcomb’s Pandamonium @Beda B Long/C Johnson/B Newcomb 1779 GCH CH Imperious Hamitup Southern Bell Imperious Knl/Hamitup Knl/Hetherbull Knl 1588 GCH CH Dowats Decisive Double Down L Watson/D Watson/J Milam/E Hugo-Milam 1161 GCH CH Wilson-Dixon’s Wd-40 J Wilson/C Wilson/R Dixon/W Dixon 816 GCH CH Cherokee Legend Cowboy C Sickle/C Chambers 799 GCH CH Imperious Hamitup Double Vision L Jordan/J Jordan 601 GCH CH Majestic I’m Her Man! S Neely/G Neely 504 GCH CH Only Bill Bailey C Eke 486 GCH CH Mytoys Frontier Lady Pink Cadillac L Scott
(M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)
Chinese Shar-Pei
921 700 322 304 273 171 146 112 99 99
GCH CH Jade East Do You Know The Way To San (F) L Anders/E Minne/K Nijholt GCH CH Shine’s Deck The Halls (F) D Cooper/R Cooper/L Teitelbaum/R Penteco GCH CH R-Lee Sparkle Plenty (F) L Harvey/D Harvey GCH CH Vaje’s Jethrene Bodine (F) T Paddock/S Paddock/J Mauk/V Mauk GCH CH Yu Kou’s Keep On Luvn U CGC (F) G Schaefer GCH CH Jade East Is This The Way To Amarillo (F) L Anders/K Nijholt/E Minne GCH CH Tabirds Issac Newton (M) D Bird CH Shine’s It’s Miller Time (M) R Pentecost GCH CH Tzo Wen’s Love Story (F) T Bohlke/B Lavere GCH CH Nustar Dolly Pardon Me Boys, I’M Here V Jgar (F) J Kerstein/G Richards/J Wyatt
821 709 249 176 151 102 76 71 70 66
GCH CH Dreamland’s Wanna Be A Billionaire R Banghart/L Banghart/M Brantley/L Brant GCH CH Padow’s Twilight Embrey In A New Moon At A Sanders/K Williams/A Young GCH CH United’s Light My World E Sangkunakup/S Miller GCH CH Moonshine’s Magic Man T Alexander GCH CH Padow’s Too Hot To Handle R Sampson/K Willaims GCH CH Fair Hill’s Plymouth Rock L Leonzio/M Leonzio GCH CH Are-Jay’s Harlem Renaissance R Jackson/G Kantak GCH CH Tamarin Velvet Fogg P Baxter/P Martinez GCH CH Jidi The Great One At Rebelrun R Banghart/L Banghart GCH CH Xlnt’s Oops Imasmooth At Tedi-Lan D Myers
Chow Chows
(M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)
Dalmatians 807 734 669 549 505 490 366 314 292 254
GCH CH Spotted Bliss Oreo Delight (M) D Brumfield/K Smith GCH CH Kastle’s Go Speed Racer (M) M Squire GCH CH Milledals Alisa At Peace Valley (F) M Gifford/A Miller GCH CH Folklore Celtic Crossfire Trail (M) R Skibinski/D Skibinski/J Boyd/M Boyd GCH CH Bret D N Engine Co To The Rescue (F) J Bachey/M Zink/J Shupp GCH CH Canal-Side’s Imperator (M) B Little/J Eversole/J Langevin/P Masasch GCH CH Spotlights Ruffian (M) J Lyons/B Lyons GCH CH Bret D Gabriel’s Lost Art CD BN RAE RD CGC (M) K Carey GCH CH Mapleaf Don’T Stop Believin In Sunrunner (M) A Smith/K Rochin GCH CH Hallmark Turbo Charged Lexus (M) T Mcdonald
Finnish Spitz 181 114 93 81 57 54 33 31 30 19
GCH CH Finkkila’s Nalle Poika K Swisher/D Helland GCH CH Mickywins Mainio Skandia CGC P Urton GCH CH Dv9k9’s Red Hot Star A Bruce/E David GCH CH Pikkinokka Badgr Sir Barksalot M Badger/H Leftwich GCH CH Dv9k9’s Royal Star H Leathers/M Leathers GCH CH Finkkila’s Tuk K Raleigh/M Walker/C Stone GCH CH Dv9k9’s Alaskan Winter Wilderness E David/H Mak GCH CH Finkkila’s Tulipallo Poika T Walker/M Walker GCH CH Marblehill’s Gleaming Icecaps J Anastas/L Saari CH Finkkila’s Kaveri T Walker/M Walker
French Bulldogs
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)
1958 GCH CH Lebull’s El Morocco At Lecirque (M) A Geremia 1675 GCH CH Coco Vialatte Robobull Hot Flash CGC (M) K Yamanaka 1228 GCH CH Bandog’s Major League Homerun at TX Star (M) N Shaw/C Stephens/A Phelan
885 760 588 565 527 524 467
GCH CH Evergreen’s Girls In White Dresses J Cooney-Waterhouse/J Flowers GCH CH Lefox Born To Boogie S Sweatt/J Drucker GCH CH Diva’s Bastille My Heart P Shaw GCH CH Hilsman Napachai Cruel Intentions D Berrey/A Lee/R Hilsman GCH CH Gypsy Canyon Bubbling Romance With L Parshaver/K Parshaver/J Kott GCH CH Lionheart’s Fortune Five Hundred J Miklos/M Miklos GCH CH Chitawee’s Jest In Case K Clayton/C Atteberry
Keeshonden 608 460 440 245 212 199 190 189 175 137
GCH CH Kj’s Hot Date K Dowd GCH CH Summerwind’s Rumor Has It J Gauchat-Hargis/J Hargis GCH CH Sprookje Lunar Appellation S Sorice/M Sorice CH Trumpet’s Gimme Back My Bullets B Blankenship GCH CH Windrift’s Money Maker R Gum/T Gum GCH CH Trumpet’s It’s Good To Be King B Blankenship GCH CH Daimler’s Caviar Dreams T Benz/D Benz GCH CH Legend’s Breaking Rules At Earlscamp J Clymer/D Cox/S Anton GCH CH Ruttkay Chance M Mcloughlin GCH CH Foxfair Rudy Valentino H Myers/D Lynch
Lhasa Apsos 319 178 173 146 139 122 114 114 108 96
GCH CH Ta Sen Westgate On A High S Giles/C Sehnert/E Lonigro GCH CH Sundancer Hylan Shotru Secret Dawn K Hamilton/M Worlton GCH CH Ha-Lee Kiki-Ari Captain Morgan T Bagley/J Sauve/D Heller GCH CH Suntory Leonetti C De La Rosa/R De La Rosa GCH CH Shoyu Blowin’ My Horn At Orlane M Papke/R Alexander GCH CH Monarchs Destination Dreamscape K Harrison/M Stafford GCH CH Santa Inez Charlie Just Like His Dad M Henley GCH CH Kai-La-Sha Legacy C Marley/P Huffman/E Valle GCH CH Hope-Fulls Hugs Kist By Northwind J Hope/C Butsic GCH CH Rufkins Monarchs Love Bytes K Paju/R Lombard/J Bernards
Lowchen 222 203 93 76 75 46 41 25 22 21
GCH CH Laser Kiji No Way No How W Koistinen/R Crowder GCH CH Paceaway Play It Again P Dyer/L Dyer GCH CH Lamberts Sundance Kid E Dingel/M Murphy GCH CH Musicbox Upon A Star D Jones/G Robertson/L Neel GCH CH Sweetmeadows Don’T Make My Brn I’s Blu K Bumiller CH Bihar Windsor’s Sweet Memories At Senecan M Cropsey/K Giles CH Sage Hill’s Ariosa Nobody Does It Better J Seibert CH Marday’s Flash & Sass Of Senecan E Giles/K Giles GCH CH Marquesan’s Madriglace Encore J Swindler/C Hawkes/N Creedon/J Beckett CH Tyyris Ego D Jones
Norwegian Lundehunds 34 28 17 16 13 12 9 8 8 5 5 5 5
GCH CH Hammarhojdens Ypsilon L Hustad GCH CH Norsetrek’s Yankee Klipper L Hustad GCH CH Dusty Dawn Lonewolf L Hustad GCH CH Sakari’s Bound For Infamie S St.Cyr/T Rousseau GCH CH Cliffhanger Floria Of Neocles L Afong/S Pederson CH Neocles Aleksander K Conroy-Votca/L Afong CH Emma Tallulah Lonewolf L Hustad CH Branstock Tyr Rockdancer K Rainesalo/L Morrison CH Sonja Christina Lundejeger L Hustad CH Seacliff Claire Luna K Woerner CH Maud Angelica Seacliff L Hustad Fleurette Lonewolf T Rousseau/P Rousseau Cliffhanger Elsking Prinsess T Rousseau/P Rousseau
583 447 445 381 265 235
GCH CH Rio Luci In The Skye With Diamonds C Chaddock/T Chaddock GCH CH Durandel Bella Donna R Wanger GCH CH Dimarko Endurance M Bigham GCH CH Bellefleet’s Living In The Fast Lane A Reichertz GCH CH Rio Skye’s Flashback C Chaddock/T Chaddock/A Shishido GCH CH Karadale Clarion Born This Way K Berlind/K Kennedy Vigil/A Kennedy
Poodles (Miniature)
(F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)
(F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)
(M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)
(M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F)
(F) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M)
183 153 138 118
GCH CH Jaboas Second To None B Thomas GCH CH Sandstorm X’s In Texas AX AXJ J Neal GCH CH Skygem Busy Being Fabulous S Kuklina/G Morisette GCH CH Makays Shoulda Been A Cowboy M Williams/E Brown
(M) (F) (F) (M)
Poodles (Standard)
1503 GCH CH Dawin Hearts On Fire (F) L Campbell 822 GCH CH Brighton Lakeridge Encore (F) T Sosnoff/M Sosnoff 662 GCH CH Luminary Black Velvet Bejeweled With Pearls (F) V Law/L Estaver 515 GCH CH Del Zarzoso Salvame From Afterglow (M) S Barnett/G Lindemann/M Gadsby/J Lynn 499 GCH CH Brighton Mikamoto (F) R Smith 469 GCH CH Penndragon Owain (M) J Smith/K Smith/K Bates/R Bates 425 GCH CH Hillwood Dassin Rock On By (F) J Vergnetti/E Charles 407 GCH CH Jaset’s Satisfaction (M) C Bailey/S Tompkins 364 GCH CH Byrequest Bon Mot (F) W Penn 347 GCH CH Aleph American Idol (M) E Brown/P Morgan
Schipperkes 379 279 260 257 166 136 135 130 117 105
GCH CH Bonchien Cedric The Entertainer K Henry GCH CH Bonchien Prodigal Son R Rollins/B Burke GCH CH De Lamer Point Break N Lazarowitz/D Mankovich GCH CH Dante Fire When Ready A Gossman/S Middlebrooks/M Jameson/P All GCH CH Rivendel’s Barefoot Bandit A Halterman GCH CH Willow’s Make My Day D Johnson/T Johnson GCH CH Bonchien Park Place M Dauven/J Outhet GCH CH Tangerea’s Where’s The Beef D Grulke GCH CH Beachviews Oops I Did It Again J Penatello GCH CH Tumbleweed Walkin’ Streets O’Gold J Moore/T Lucas
381 224 216 209 190 165 112 105 93 85
GCH CH Lee-Fen’s An Everlasting Love C Giffin/K Soafer/A Young GCH CH Gold Strike Takachiyo Go H Dickey/D Dickey/T Arndt GCH CH Kumi One Ten Soldier P Peterson GCH CH Jotoichi Perfect Madness D Trotter GCH CH San Jo Jay-Z C Mamiya GCH CH Morningstar Jack Sparrow Black Pearl M Peterson/D Peterson GCH CH Morningstar’s Dances With Wolves L Cribbs GCH CH Mokelumne Reno Sakura Banjo K Besana/J Holden GCH CH Kunikototoro Maui Go Des-Mar D Cole/M Cole GCH CH Kobushi Justa Draco Rosso K Nielsen
Shiba Inu
Tibetan Spaniels
1145 GCH CH Kan Sing’s Tenzin M Feltenstein 336 GCH CH Shilo Time For A Good Time S Carroll 228 GCH CH Lionheart’s E-Z Always Betts On The River C Waddell 171 GCH CH Wanaseas Mystic Lake Effect L Gembala 162 GCH CH Wassong’s Riva Ridge CGC V Marks/P Sarles 159 GCH CH Wexford Namtrah Second Hand News D Tyree/H Hartman/M Hartman 127 GCH CH Starlite The Gremlin S Lucernoni/M Lucernoni 113 GCH CH Duart’s Chevalier D’Or J Briggs 90 GCH CH Maciain’s North Side Irish M Acker/L Acker 87 GCH CH Lionheart’s E-Z Calls Place Your Betts C Waddell
Tibetan Terriers 638 335 283 124 97 96 96 90 76 75
GCH CH Rinchen’s Blazing Black Icon E Coppola/C Coppola/J Wiseman GCH CH Kimik’s Sir Gawain K Bolak/C Rose-Bolak/D Planche GCH CH Rinchen’s Blazing Illusion By Dzine L Meyer/M Allway/M Laffler/C Coppola GCH CH Aurora’s Welcome To The Jungle D Haynam GCH CH Players Palermo L Whittier GCH CH Starlight’s Lady In Waiting C Basgall/C Friemel GCH CH Fabulous Teddy’s I Will Return B Algar/N Kinziger GCH CH Bluvali Stormy Weather B Leonard/M Wikerd GCH CH Alilah Real Mchoy For Siddhartha G Carr/S Carr GCH CH Cedar Creek She’s Got It All C Van Pelt Continued on page 170
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(M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)
is the #1 Standard Schnauzer
2013 National Specialty Winner
Multiple Best In Show & Best In Specialty Show Winner
GCh. Mistic’s Longfellow Serenade Sire: Ch Centara Underfire
Dam: Ch Centara Zorah V Mistic
Thank you to Best In Show Judge Mrs. Joan Anselm
Flash Group First Kennel Club o Philade f lphia Judge Mr. Wil liam Shelton
Owned by: Sally Marsh and Al DeRenzis Bred By: Carol Filer, Mistic Standard Schnauzer Presented by: Shawne Imler *The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points
Dog News 167
To Be Famous To Be Heroes W
e’ve all read the newspaper and magazine accounts of the courageous feats performed by dogs trained in Search and Rescue, Law Enforcement, Bomb Detection, etc. Although it’s unlikely they’ll ever be featured on a television newscast, there’s another kind of canine hero that deserves mentioning: all of the dogs across the country that make regular donations to their local veterinary blood bank each year. The blood donated by them is used to save the lives of their sick or injured canine counterparts, who otherwise might die without treatment.
This trio of Greyhounds owned by Maria Lutz has been donating blood for a year. After the donation procedure is completed, they’re fed a meal and rewarded with a bag of treats to take home. Lemon Drop (aged 4), Chief (aged 6) and Big Buddy Bob (aged 6) were rescued from the track by Greyhound Friends of New Jersey. “Since my dogs were saved, I want them to ‘pay it forward’ by saving the lives of other dogs,” Lutz says. “Donating blood is a way for them to do that. I encourage other owners to do the same thing.” Photo by Maria Lutz
168 Dog News
By Sharon Pflaumer Photos provided by NorthStar VETS unless specified otherwise
Blood donor dogs are needed
Years ago, owners often were forced to euthanize their dogs if they became seriously ill because no treatment options were available. Although many animals can be treated successfully now thanks to the advances in veterinary medicine and testing capabilities, there‘s still a problem. The demand for the blood products needed to treat many conditions greatly exceeds the supply. Indeed, the need for blood--and the dogs that donate it--has grown exponentially in recent years. “The need has increased because more owners are willing to spend additional funds to provide advanced level care for their dogs. This is probably due to the fact the human-animal bond has intensified because of the increasingly important roles that pets play in their owners’ lives,” says Rose Pierson, CVT. She is the Veterinary Nursing Manager at NorthStar VETS - Veterinary Emergency Trauma and Specialty Center, which is located in Robbinsville, NJ. The short supply of veterinary blood products is due to the general, pet-owning public’s lack of awareness there is a need for donations. Likewise, many owners are unaware their dogs could receive a life-saving transfusion if need be.
NorthStar VETS, along with the American Red Cross, hosted their second human and companion animal blood drive on Tuesday, September 11, 2012. The event’s theme was “America depends on many types of heroes” and was a tribute to the soldiers, First Responders and working dogs, who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving their country or community.
Blood banks for animals have been around since the early 1990s. For example, the blood bank at the Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine was opened in 1992. Today, several state universities with a School or College of Veterinary Medicine now operate one: The Veterinary Medical Center at The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine; The Small Animal Blood Bank at the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of North Carolina; etc. An increasing number of specialty practices across the country have begun harvesting their own supply of blood products as well. In addition to meeting the increased need to treat pets, specialty practices have gotten involved because it’s more cost effective, i.e., they don’t have to pay for processing and shipping. (In the case of the former, they don’t have pay for processing blood products because they do it themselves in house.) There’s also less loss due to expired expiration dates on unused product because donations are taken on an as-needed basis. “When we built our new hospital in 2011, we designed it to have an area for blood banking to meet our own need for blood products,” Pierson says. “Prior to establishing it, we ordered blood products from an outside vendor whenever we needed them.” (Before animal blood banks were established, some clinics kept a donor dog or cat on the premises that could be used when blood transfusions were needed by trauma patients.) “NorthStar VETS also provides blood products to referring veterinarians, who mostly are located within the state of NJ. Eventually, we hope to sell them to other animal hospitals nationwide,” says Joan Fischer, the Hospital Manager. “While some of the savings gained from harvesting blood products in house are passed on to our clients, transfusions are still costly to pet owners because the conditions requiring them usually involve longer hospital stays and more treatments,” Pierson says. At the time of this writing, NorthStar VETS performed 164 transfusions on dogs and cats during 2013, with between 12 and 21 transfusions performed per month. Examples of conditions that require transfusions include the following: internal bleeding from ruptured splenic tumors; Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia (IMHA), where the body destroys its own red blood cells; trauma patients that suffered blood loss
NorthStar VETS was recognized by the American Red Cross after holding its first human and companion animal blood drive. On Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2012, NorthStar VETS collaborated with the American Red Cross and Greyhound Friends of New Jersey, along with support from Antech and Hill’s Pet Nutrition, to hold their first human and companion animal blood drive.
Greyhounds are universal canine blood donors. Their blood can be used to save the life of any breed of dog.
Blood donations--and the dogs that make them--are needed. Owners should check with their local veterinary specialty practice to see if their dogs can help save canine lives by donating.
after being hit by a car; and Rodenticide toxicity caused by rat poison. In the case of the latter, rat poison kills the rat by causing it to bleed to death internally by inhibiting the body’s ability to clot blood. It has the same effect on dogs that eat it or eat a rat that was poisoned with it. They can be saved if given blood and/or plasma transfusions along with the antidote.
NorthStar VETS blood donor program
“In addition to accepting donations on an asneeded basis, we hold two blood drives annually where our facility teams up with the American Red Cross,” Pierson says. “The first team blood drive was held on Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14, 2012. We had about 100 human donors and about 60 animals that came in for screening.” When owners were invited to donate blood during the drive, they were asked to bring their pet along for a free screening to determine its donor eligibility. Those dogs (and cats) that met the criterion were added to the NorthStar VETS donor list so they could be called in to make donations when needed. Dogs can donate blood as often as once every six weeks. “At present, we have 48 donor dogs, with 13 more pending from our last blood drive. The more donors we can get, the more blood we Continued on page 186
NorthStar VETS holds two blood drives annually where the facility teams up with the American Red Cross.
When blood drives are held, the animal hospital is busy with people and animals coming in throughout the day to donate or be screened for pet donor eligibility.
Dog News 169
The Dog News Top Ten List
Based on breed competition
Continued FROM page 166
Xoloitzcuintli 90 82 75 71 64 54 46 40 33 30
GCH CH Bayshore Stonehaven Espiritu Isabella De D Voss/S Middlebrooks/J Baylis GCH CH Bayshore Georgio Armani J Baylis/L Hylton/T Johnson GCH CH Shida Mighty Joe Young C Loutzenniser/J Young-Johnson GCH CH Himnotico Caliente E Burch/K Wise/A Wise GCH CH Blancho’s Tonateuh M Moros/Z Vonpohlman CH Un Papalote Caliente C Caliente CH Bayshore Stonehaven South Of The Border L Hylton/J Baylis/J Margeson/J Dale GCH CH Blanchos Rosita Fernandez A Barfoot/D Mullusky Caponetto/J Caponet CH Fullibus Aquia R Yenchesky/C Bossart/D Baker CH Besitos Munequita T Vila/K Crosby
(F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F)
Herding Group 865 319 252 233 216 163 159 158 140 130
GCH CH Kokopelli’s Sobe It J Rowland/H Warn/K Watkins/C Kurpas GCH CH Littleflock The Peacemaker S Swanton GCH CH Onthego’s Here’s Lookin’ At Ya D Quain/P Salladay/J Pulliam GCH CH Turnabout Fort Apache CGC T Thomas/D Thomas/T Wilkinson GCH CH Buzzards Tazmanian B’ Devil HSAds M Hunter/G Calvert GCH CH Moonflys Maid For Show L Hilt GCH CH Desperados Bless The Broken Road D Price/C Price/C Moore/R Moore GCH CH Cinnabar’s Single Shot P Cembura GCH CH Littleflock Stand My Ground HT G Todd GCH CH Dawn Heir’s Maverick A Renegade HSAs J Rowland/M Youmans-Griffith/E Baldwin
Australian Shepherds
1634 GCH CH Woodstock’s Belle Starr L Buell 1628 GCH CH Harmony Hill’s Money Talks L Goetz/H Braddock 1127 GCH CH Copperridge What’s Your Dream J Hanigan/J Miller/J Margeson 865 GCH CH Mcmatt’s Autumn Breeze F Mcdaniel/J Loehr/V Wehrle 684 GCH CH Aussbern Premier Ticket Of Myshara S Fontanini/J Clute 520 GCH CH Rosevalley’s Special Edition K Ostrander/L Kennedy 519 GCH CH Double R’s Alberta Clipper R Kirwan/K Fox/E Lanasa 364 GCH CH Copper Hills No Reservations S Rapadas/N Resetar 358 GCH CH Melody Hit The Jackpot CD RN PT CGC T Edwards/E Edwards 354 GCH CH Broadway’s Cruisin’ Like Royalty of Canyon S George/M Pryor
Bearded Collies 637 506 353 298 227 224 128 107 97 82
GCH CH Wigglesworth Thriller A Yura/D Mieras/S Ipser GCH CH Dunhill Celebration C O’Neil/R Harrington GCH CH Ha’Penny Deja Aphrodite S Shafer/V Shafer GCH CH Ha’Penny Mirimar The Fab Fawn J Schneider/M Marini/V Null GCH CH Spiritwood’s Gandalf The Blue S Larsen/J Larsen GCH CH Daybar For Your Eyes Only B Barton/D Frady/C Perron GCH CH Dreamchaser Follow Your Dreams C Desmond/J Desmond/D Quadland/T Dixon GCH CH Colquhoun’s Noble Wizard BN RN D Gentile/R Hood GCH CH Scott Ragtyme You Are The Music In Me C Wathen/L Zagerella/J Olivera/S Olivera GCH CH Dunhill Locomotion D Frame-Bealer/R Harrington
Beaucerons 233 99 37 30 26 25 23 19 19 15
GCH CH De Joie Du Chateau Rocher CA M Palmer GCH CH Falcor Mes Yeux Vigilants RN C Hartwell GCH CH Fury Mes Yeux Vigilants J Rosenthal GCH CH Falcon Blue Du Chateau Rocher K Davis/R Bednarski/L Hanna-O’Neill/H Cl GCH CH Eo Des Ombres Valeureux D Skinner/D Pluss CH Garmin Du Chateau Rocher L Porter CH Fenix Noir Du Chateau Rocher K Davis CH Hadrian Chevaliers Du Roland D Bitz CH Harbin L’Amour De Ma Vie CGC P Johnson/C Hartwell CH Levi De L’Amouraudiere K Davis
GCH CH Broadcreek’s Marcus Junis Brutus M Kornfeld/S Legg/L Legg/E Kornfeld CH Ireland Du Hameau St-Blaise RN D Anderson/A Mccalla GCH CH Burr Oak’s Rock My World OA AXJ NF L Wetherell/C Russell GCH CH Element’s Written In Red HSAs E Harding/T Pluim GCH CH Broadcreek’s Storm Warning J Rotondo/S Legg GCH CH Gallents Stillwater Reflection J Gallent CH Caveat’s Hd Ultra Classic Outlaw B Todd GCH CH De Vel Cy Pres’ HSAsc A Bath GCH CH Mystique’s Son Of A Beach BN RN CGC B Blume GCH CH Bull Mtns To Kill A Mockingbird CDX RE PT A Swarthout/L Swarthout GCH CH Phantom’s Foreign Intrigue RN HSAds C Shields/R Wasniewski
250 168 162 162 105 99 97 91 74 69
GCH CH Bonntymes Keepn It Real At Devine HSAs S Manier/B Leonard GCH CH Verseau’s Passage To India MX MXJ MJB A Mcgregor/S Mcgregor/P King/R Kraft GCH CH Hobbiton’s Song Of Solomon Of Laralee L Gilbert GCH CH Sanderle Kindred R R Chumbley/R Skinner GCH CH Sans Brancos Ultimatum A Jones/M Jones/T Votava GCH CH Adagio’s Beastie Boy HSAs CGC F Patterson GCH CH Sundown’s Nitemagic Just What I Do C Toma/D Toma GCH CH Morningstar’s All That Jazz Ma’Am C Copeland/J Fiechter GCH CH Cibola’s Brazos De Dios Of Adagio M Andric/J Niemeck GCH CH La Neige’s Once In A Blue Moon C Ryder/T Holloway/P Snow
381 267 262 172 161 142 136 128 121 86
GCH CH Sky Acres Flying Solo (F) M Edling GCH CH Stonewall’s Let’s Make It A Double (M) V Havicon/R Skief GCH CH Hillside Special And Hamazing (F) B Kreider/S Kreider GCH CH Mishaook’s Lautrec (M) K Gauchat/J Pavlichko GCH CH Hexen House Beyohnd OA OAJ (M) L Shafer GCH CH Chateau Blanc’s I’M Coyote Trouble VCD2 (F) K Eldredge/D Eldredge GCH CH Georgi Bear De Faire L’Affaire (F) D Dawe/J Dawe GCH CH Tacara’s Racelon Rembrandt CD RN NA NAJ (M) C Lautzenheiser GCH CH Sky Acres Flying Dutchman PT (M) E Harding GCH CH Nizhoni’s Me First (T) CA (M) P Morgan/S Walker
Belgian Sheepdogs
Australian Cattle Dogs
Belgian Malinois
327 80 77 65 64 62 35 30 26 23 23
(F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)
(F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)
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(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)
(M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F)
Belgian Tervuren
Border Collies 973 507 487 483 334 238 232 230 172 139
GCH CH Majestic Avatar Storm Warning PT R Johnson/J Braylis/M Karger/R Delay GCH CH Tang Dynasty Rocky N Tang GCH CH Hamilton’s Secret Agent Of Bayshore C Hamilton/J Boylis GCH CH Kensington’s Artful Dodger L Waldo GCH CH F Si A Ge Of Fu You Yuan Kennel J Mosing/J Li GCH CH Bordalace Flash N Dash C Geiss/J Lacey-Black GCH CH Kensington’s Image Of Bon-Clyde B Buchanan GCH CH Bayshore’s Hot Chocolate Of Avatar N Mages/J Baylis/S Einck-Paul GCH CH Rising Star’s Dancin’ In The Moonlight CD J Aniskoff GCH CH Borderton Lou Easy An I A T Edwards/E Edwards
Bouviers des Flandres 673 GCH CH Stonepillar’s Steel Blu 323 168 168 147 109 106 105 97 93
D Garrison/J Garrison/E Paquette GCH CH Take Aim’s Playing For Gryffindor T Peterson/P Peterson/M Hieronimus-Dimer GCH CH Wise Choice Hercule Poirot CGC S La Croix/K Steiner GCH CH Delux Jumpin’ Jack Flash J Edick GCH CH Margaux’s Stacked Deck P Martin GCH CH Stonewall I-Zak De La Salsa J Abramsohn/P Anderson/R Bishop/S Brocke GCH CH Maijeune’s Amazing Grace K Schydlowski/T Greer/G May GCH CH Bedrock’s Kingfish Of Barbu P Klecan/Y Savard GCH CH Quiches Intrepid Captain Sully S Bowerman/E Herring GCH CH Austin Ally Van Aachen W Gillespie
Briards 445 GCH CH Deja Vu Mia Cool As A Cucumber
293 170 Dog News
T Miller/A Melton/D Dube/L Bernard GCH CH Lighting Strike El Xargall M Millner/T Millner
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M)
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)
(M) (M)
174 116 108 102 92 82 75 46
GCH CH Deja Vu Pomme Despair Came Knocking M Sanders/T Miller GCH CH Deja Vu Mia Cake Walk G Klang/T Miller/A Melton GCH CH Caleidoscope De L’Heureux T Lee GCH CH Majestique Brave Heart M Warcholik GCH CH Aladax’s Divine Dream By Kaliphi RN HSAs V Swarowski/D Morrow/M Huslig GCH CH La Vie Rose Dior-August-Moon CD RN M Minor/R Minor GCH CH Sendero’s Femme Fatale M Millner/T Millner GCH CH Apple Of Our Eye Moravia Campanella V Bochorski/J Couture
Canaan Dogs 86 55 22 18 18 13 12 10 8 6 6 6
GCH CH Pleasant Hill Magnum Of Samara P Rosman GCH CH Rivroc Lycm Own Dream Bsnatch Rsndog C Miller/E Miller/M Houchard GCH CH Bandersnatch Rsndg Ida Know Rivroc RN A Pough/J Rosenthal/C Miller CH Celev Boot’s Coco And All That Jazz C Grider/M Gardiner GCH CH Celev Ron’s Bashert Ameetz C Grider/M Gardiner CH Ph Firestorm’s View From Above T Vinson CH Rivroc Onto Somethin Bsnatch Rosndog C Miller/E Miller GCH CH Cherrrysh Burning Desire C Hennings CH Naturally Noahs At Eastland A Israel Celev Shoshana D Goodstein/H Goodstein GCH CH Pleasant Hill Heavenly Daze K Shank/C Shank/D Dodson CH Serenity Lane Rumor Has It L Anderson/M Linton
Cardigan Welsh Corgis
(F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F)
(M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (F)
1183 GCH CH Aubrey’s Tails Of Mystery C Savioli/V Savioli 633 GCH CH Mariel’s Harvest Moon M Mizelle 629 GCH CH Riverside Telltail Coco Posh D Planche/D Shindle/J Divens 327 GCH CH Kosmar Striking Back Of Bridgelady M Stahr/G Roach 313 GCH CH Allegro Southern Charm J Lamy 204 GCH CH Telltail Like A Rolling Stone L Sams 190 GCH CH Heart Of Gold Power Play L Phillips/J Phillips 188 GCH CH Kingsbury Tail Ridge Road B Poole/D Poole/J Glenn 183 GCH CH Tregaron Rhys Emrys R Doggett/R Wolf 173 GCH CH Turn-Key’s Little Big Man RN M Hulme
773 441 431 414 347 322 240 216 215 206
GCH CH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger J Caruso/R Caruso GCH CH Wyndlair Cherokee Vindication R Beals/L Rizzo/M Stelter/A Stelter GCH CH Blu Ridge Make Way J Johnson GCH CH Kirkhaven Gold Strike J Kirkland GCH CH Overland Remembrance Of Things Past E Chang GCH CH Windcrest Blown Away H Morgan GCH CH Milas Latin Fever L Butler/L Hedman GCH CH Tartanside Ticonderoga S Mayes/J Buddie GCH CH Gentry’s About Face THD K Convertini/R Stachon GCH CH Concord The Franchise R Altvater/S Altvater
532 515 392 318 242 231 212 168 167 153
GCH CH Provenhill’s Devilicious K Provenzano/L Cohen GCH CH C And J Silver Charm Of Chrysalis J Walburn/C Thompson GCH CH Gateside Kiss The Sky At Greyfriar D Eramo/R Robertson GCH CH Travler’s Pierce Arrow C Ardizzone/R Tehon/B Ardizzone/G Lewis GCH CH Bandor’s The Wyching Hour L Cox GCH CH Row-Bar’s Heartbreaker J Brady/R Johns/S Mcalear/K Mcpherson GCH CH Calibre’s Key To The Fortune S Kaelin GCH CH Sunnland’s Top Gun K George/S Ray/O George GCH CH Jereco’s Satin Sheets C Sulewski/J Sulewski/C Sulewski/K Sulew GCH CH Travler Kelise Overdrive R Ardizzone/C Ardizzone/B Ardizzone/K Re
50 27 10
GCH CH Jumanji V. Brunswick RN CGC T Lilliedoll/N Lilliedoll/R Hahn GCH CH Natessah Von Adhem J Vincent CH Liberty Run’s A Ruckus Among Us A Wallace
Collies (Rough)
Collies (Smooth)
Entlebucher Mountain Dogs
(M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)
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Continued on page 174
Briards, A 172 Dog News
2013 Briard National Specialty, Denver, Colorado
Story & Photos By Karl Donvil
By Terry Miller
photos by Bill Kohler & Associates
n any dog person’s life, the National Specialty looms large. It is our annual convention. Our yearly meeting of the minds. Our once a year chance to show off our wares as breeders and take note of the direction and results of others. Most will agree that it is not about the win, since at a National there are so few winners compared to the number of competitors. It is about your accomplishments in the whelping box. The chance for perusing family successes and disappointments in the breed that are not necessarily yours. An attempt to put on display to others what represents you and your line of dogs. Each breeder’s vision of the breed. This year marked the 85th anniversary of the Briard Club of America. A first for the breed, the national was held in Colorado at The Red Lion Hotel in Aurora from Friday, September 27th to the commencement of Best of Breed on Sunday, October 6th. Our usual week-long events of agility trials, herding trial, seminars, obedience, sweepstakes and conformation kicked off with three all breed Agility and Rally trials hosted by the Briard Club of America at Foot Hills Sports Arena. Monday and Tuesday were club hosted Herding Trials and Wednesday provided a Herding Instinct test, Carting, Temperament Tests and miscellaneous performance demos in things like Flyball and Freestyle. Thursday was what we have come to expect as the usual day devoted to education with health clinics and seminars. In attendance were a canine ophthalmologist and cardiologist. In Briards many of us check hearts not because a problem exists but instead, trying to stay ahead of the
Mile High! Continued on page 180
Dog DogNews News173 61
The Dog News Top Ten List
Based on breed competition
Continued FROM page 170
9 5 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
Liberty Run’s Beautiful Things A Wallace GCH CH Queso Von Adhem RA CGC R Hahn CH Liberty Run’s A Dash Of Sass A Wallace Larry Of Brunswick R Hahn/J Morro CH Applecreek’s Sigmund D Sumner/A Sumner CH Liberty Run’s A Room A Zoom Zoom A Wallace Blue-Jay’s Daisy Kopp Flinchpaugh B Flinchpaugh/P Lacker/A Lacker Moratel Pogo Ryder CGC K St. Onge/K St. Onge CH Liberty Run’s A Rang A Tang A Wallace CH Yosemite Von Adhem J Vincent
Finnish Lapphunds 127 97 86 41 33 33 28 27 20 19
GCH CH Sugarok Robert Redford L Marden GCH CH Lumiturpa Arvi M Feltenstein GCH CH Yutori’s Shades Of Autumn L Drumm/C Pollack GCH CH Teelikamentten Iikka L Marden GCH CH Sugarok Stonewall Jackson S Lockwood GCH CH Calaban’s Armahani Rakentaa C Brillinger GCH CH Sugarok Macce Too B Murray/L Marden GCH CH Sugarok Casanova CM E Blanch/W Blanch CH Ciowa Des Chevaloupsgreg C Brillinger GCH CH Calaban Armahani Iwannatalkaboutme CM C Petersen
German Shepherd Dogs
1731 GCH CH Wolf Creek Galaxy Of Merivern E Farrell/P Walker 916 GCH CH Karizma’s Ike Of Edale S Birch/S Birch/J Moses/S Moses 638 GCH CH Pine Hill’s Payday Of Hays Hill P Hays/B Hill/K Salvucci 583 GCH CH Suboja’s Army’s Soldier HT S Sisemore 436 GCH CH Neo’s Ego V Pearl R Beham/D Davari 371 GCH CH Depahl’s Halston M Campo/N Campo/J Perez-Gurri/K Perez-Gu 286 GCH CH Von Zecher’s Broken Arrow RN M Cressman/J Cressman 269 GCH CH Mar Haven’s Johnnie Black H Lee/S Lee/B Basu 252 GCH CH Windfall’s Who Says V Chablis T Bartley/J Pyle/T Bogdanich/G Szymczak/ 219 GCH CH Kysarah’s Cauz’N Trouble F De Bem/C Huff/M Huff
Icelandic Sheepdogs 244 150 82 81 69 50 31 29 20 19
174 Dog News
GCH CH Vinlands Leifur CGC J Sanders GCH CH Bjarkarkots Hroi Hottur Luke MX AXJ OF L Dribinsky GCH CH Isneista Fjari C Smith GCH CH Isneista Alspora Snati Of Bayshore T Runolfsson GCH CH Glacier Point’s Jazzy Kinda Blue S Freeman/X Moreno GCH CH Fox Meadow Hausti Solstafir D Whitescarver/J Secondino CH Fox Meadow Thorra Kari J Secondino/D Whitescarver CH Caradoc’s Heaven Help Us CGC S Sucky/G Romney/V Romney GCH CH Caradoc’s Just Shy Of Heaven CGC B Williams/S Sucky GCH CH Eyjahunda Thorarinn PT CGC D Mcdermott/T Warnock
(F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F)
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M)
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F)
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)
Norwegian Buhunds 122 62 39 33 25 23 20 12 7 6 6
GCH CH Hundehaven’s Gigi C Lassesen GCH CH Jotunn Bella Binna V Eberhardt/J Bradstreet GCH CH Trollheimen’s Moonstruck At Grandcru J Comish/E Comish GCH CH Trollheimen Kiss My Cash E Turner GCH CH Jotunn Gnipa Bergitta V Eberhardt/J Bradstreet GCH CH Kyon’s Bold Norseman D Deeley GCH CH Trollheimen’s Pink Tourmaline P Adcox/E Turner GCH CH Port Gamble Fjord’s Anders V Eberhardt/B Daniels CH Port Gamble Fjord’s Annika V Eberhardt Nordspetsens Kuzco L Higgins Thunderpaws Spirit Of The Wolf L Higgins
Old English Sheepdogs 388 356 237 185 164 136 117 87 84 83
GCH CH Lambluv’s Live The Dream J Marder/C Hastings/K Richardson GCH CH Bugaboo’s Picture Perfect R Scott/D Burke/C Johnson/H Johnson GCH CH Zottels Shaggy Star C Furtado/J Furtado/J Ansell GCH CH Snowdowne My Favorite Color Is Purple D Freiheit/C Grady/C Crawford-Gorath GCH CH Blue Panda Kissing Bandit CD RN CGC L Barchenger/D Rowland/L Long GCH CH Love’N Stuff Summertime Blues K Marshall/M Marshall GCH CH Masquerade Mikey Likes It J Hewitt GCH CH Ken-Bear’s Herbie The Love Bug L La Zebnik/B Ginther/C Drummonds GCH CH Lambluv’s Daytime Hustler L Douglas/J Marder GCH CH Cottonwood Man In The Moon D Caswell/R Caswell
Pembroke Welsh Corgis
1253 GCH CH Coventry Allure At Wyndstar A Geremia/B Shelton 1157 GCH CH Riverside Get Over It D Shindle/V Malzoni 663 GCH CH Coventry Just A Little Crush J Johnson/J Johnson/B Shelton/S Leyerly/ 503 GCH CH Aubrey’s Moon River C Savioli/V Savioli 459 GCH CH Riverside Xtra Style P Panzarella/D Shindle 456 GCH CH Llandians Champagne On Ice D Connolly 344 GCH CH Nchanted Silk Lining C Braunstein 309 GCH CH Eden Crowns Designer Label L Williams/J Williams 234 GCH CH Coventry Swinging On A Star B Shelton/S Leyerly/B Williams/D Salow 222 GCH CH Jorash Aim For The Heart At Corgard E Schusterson/Y Davies/K Boll
Polish Lowland Sheepdogs 133 87 58 41 36 32 24 23 21 20 20
(F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M)
(F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)
(F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M)
GCH CH Swan Crest The Power Of Love Eternal (M) M Hirata/L Bettis/R Wolfe GCH CH Applewood’s Mojo Flow (F) S Heavens GCH CH Ponwood’s Smoky (M) B Bruns/W Stamp CH Snowhill’s Zak Misha Z Starpons CGC (M) R Young/D Holloway/D Gray GCH CH Starpons Magical Mystery Tour Z Ponder Us (F) J Gryck/B Gryck GCH CH Stonebrook Mon Amies Chance Worth Ta (F) K Klang/G Klang GCH CH Sasquehanna Malwa (F) M Maciagiewicz GCH CH Stonebrook’s Divine Design (F) M Cabral/B Wilson CH Nadzieja Midnite Merlot (M) K Willson/S Willson Druh Dziechcinek (M) B Lynch GCH CH Applewood’s Where’s My Sheep? (F) S Appel/D Appel/J Appel/E Appel
Pulik 104 71 60 54 54 52 35 30 28 23
GCH CH Mt Hood’s Leapin’ Linni Of Tordor B Stelz/G Stelz/B Hiett GCH CH Fuzzy Farm Twist And Shout A Lawrence/S Lawrence GCH CH Moonshadow Rongyos Kis Medve K Kocsondy/Z Kocsondy GCH CH Wallbanger It’s All In The Genes S Schickedanz GCH CH Cordmaker Topsy Turvey J Beaudoin/S Huebner/P Kelly GCH CH Zaydah Guns A Blazing R Dimatteo GCH CH Wyldmor Unscripted Z Stadelman/P Anspach GCH CH Moremi Matter Of Fact B Pessina/P Anspach/S Mcconnell/I Crowth GCH CH Prydain Oscar’s Wilde Child P Smeenk GCH CH Prydain Joshua CGC D Fields/K Edwards
254 33 27 18 17 17 15 15 15 13
GCH CH La Brise Sun Bear P Princehouse/K Laram Chaparral’s Eureka HS SDS S Buttivant CH Ederra Du Castelmouly T Walker GCH CH La Brise Special Agent K Rice/P Princehouse CH Burgerhaus Lumiere Noire De La Foret TD NA S Snyder CH Eclipse De La Petite Ferme De Wihr P Princehouse/E Edgerton GCH CH La Brise Renardette V Davis/L Hull CH Eprise De Coolmoor M English/A Burnette CH Hourcadet De Terra-Blue J Williams CH La Brise Louis Quatorze J Steddom/P Princehouse
Pyrenean Shepherds
Shetland Sheepdogs
2265 GCH CH Jesstar Nirvana R Von Pusch/J Starbuck 1979 GCH CH Grandgables The Frat Boy P Buckles/A Buckles/J Moses 1332 GCH CH Paray’s Preferential K Furlong/T Pittman 1003 GCH CH Grandgables Jolie Victor Ludorum P Hannah/K Hannah 622 GCH CH Sandcastle Raggedy Ann C Meek/K Meek 525 GCH CH Serenity’s Walk In The Park V Weis 483 GCH CH Suncrest Cerulean G Speeks/D Mock 481 GCH CH Homespun Casual Blues PT NA OAJ NF J Iverson 406 GCH CH Acadia Stage Presence C Pruss 294 GCH CH Rosmoor Mojave J Hynes/R Tomlin
Swedish Vallhunds 110 61 53 28 23 23 20 20 17 17 17
GCH CH Corval Bless Yer Cot’N Socks S Mullinix/S Keth GCH CH Champoeg High Tales At Stillwater M Day/B Jette/C Vannoy GCH CH Minikota Mill Creek’s October Rust D Tapp/L Schaunaman GCH CH Caval’s Mia NJP C Albert/L Kiedaisch/M Ispas-Hennessey GCH CH Caliente Once In A Blue Moon RE HSAds M Fromm GCH CH Xsbaggage Pippi Longstocking C Telleen/J Franzen GCH CH Beidelyn Still The One St L Law/C Rolfe CH Sunfire’s Class Act RN L Clayton CH Hightower Where’s Waldo S Pokorski CH Mill Creek’s Guilty Pleasure D Tapp CH Minikota’s Ramblin’ Man L Schaunaman
(F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)
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Dog News 175
by Agnes Buchwald
Breeds Of The World The Tyrolean Hound – Austria I have a lovely young niece -15 years-old- with a special talent for arts (this runs in the family). I love this girl since the moment she was born! She designs, she likes poems (nowadays at her age?), adores Edgar Alan Poe, plays the piano, dies for heavy metal, and collects old long plays. We have a great and friendly relationship, and laugh a lot together. Besides she is really beautiful, tall, slim, bright eyes, cute face, and an important plus; adores animals. Some days ago Iza (her name) called my attention to a singer she just “discovered” on the Internet called Tiffany Jo (Tiffany Jo’s mind blowing yodeling!!! - YouTube ). I tell you this singer is amazing. My readers know me. I just need a sparkle and there I go to research! Thank you Iza. So - what about an article about a breed from the land of yodeling?
yrol is a federal state in western Austria, covering an area of 12.683.85 km2 with a population of 714,469. The capital city is Innsbruck, which is the third largest state in Austria. The state’s territory is entirely located in the Eastern Alps. The highest mountain in the state is the Grosglockner within the Hohe Tauern range, and with an elevation of 3,797 m (12,457.35 ft), it is also the highest mountain of Austria. Tyrol is sought after from visitors for its famous ski resorts, and winter sport places, and of course for its peculiar ethnic dance such as the “shoe slapping*, the “Yodel songs”** and leather pants (every second European boy had one). Innsbruck also serves as a place for outdoor activities in the mountains. The locale is famous for its hiking opportunities surrounded by a spectacular scenery. Along with the magnificent Alps, Tyrol has many rivers that offer wild water sport and adventures. River rafting is a very popular activity and provides a different perspective of viewing the mountains and their breathtaking beauty. There are several Canyoning places where tourists can visit. Canyoning is a sport that combines hiking, climbing, and swimming; doing this in the beauty of Tyrol is a plus. Also if the visitor is in Innsbruck it is highly recommended to visit the stunning Swarovski Museum not far from the city. The location is amazing, the architecture and the museum’s pieces are unforgettable. At the Roman Empire times the region was
176 Dog News
divided in the Roman provinces of Raetia and Noricum. Around the 6th century the Germanic Bavarii tribes invaded, and established the duchy of Bavaria. Until after the deposition of the Bavarian duke Henry the Proud in 1138 Tyrol was a state of the Holy Roman Empire. In 1271 the Tyrolean possessions were divided between Count Meinhard II of Görz and his younger brother Albert I. The last Tyrolean countess of the Meinhardiner dynasty, Margaret bequeathed her assets to the Habsburg duke Rudolf IV of Austria. In 1420 the committal residence was relocated from Meran to Innsbruck. The Tyrolean lands were reunited, when the Habsburgs inherited the estates of the extinct Counts of Görz in 1500. Tyrol was ceded to Kingdom of Bavaria in 1805. Five years later South Tyrol was a state of First French Empire of Bavaria. After Napoleon’s defeat Tyrol was returned to Austria. Then again it became Kronland (royal territory) of Austria-Hungary. After WWI, part of Tyrol was part of the Kingdom of Italy, then was governed by France until Austria regained independence in 1955. The Tyrolean Regional Archives house has a collection of significant documents produced by the regional authorities over the years. The documents are made available to the public, and the staff of the archives offers an information service on historical questions. They are also active in the field of basic research, and findings are published in a series called “Tiroler Geschichtsquellen”. This marvelous region of Austria is the Tyrolean Hound homeland. The Tyrolean Hund can be dated back to the middle of the 19th century. The breed descends from the ancient Celtic hounds. The dogs originated at the Gaelic Ireland, are described in Irish history, and legends. They traveled with the Celtic people all around Europe and were the forefathers of several breeds of dogs of different, sizes, colors, and utility. Nowadays we can see them only in antique Celtic jewelry, designs, and paintings. Celtic Hounds were praised for their many different abilities but above all were credited as fierce protectors, and in healing the sick, and guiding the dead info the Otherworld. These dogs appear in most of the Celtic legends as heroes. The most famous history or legend is related to the Celtic hero Cuchulainn, who killed a blacksmith’s Celtic hound in self-defense. When Culann, the blacksmith, asked who would now guard his shop the young Cuchulainn offered to take the dog’s place. The offer was turned down and says the legend that Cuchulainn became one of the greatest warriors of that era. If you like Celtic legends (I love them) you can hear an audio of Celtic myths at myths-legends/ The Tyrolean hunters and fanciers serious breeding program began around 1860 and in 1896 a standard was drawn up which in its essence is almost unchanged until today. The Tyrolean Hound is an excellent hunting dog, it excels in working with hunters in the woods and mountains. These dogs were used to hunt hare and fox and for tracking all sorts of wounded game. The Tyrolean is a medium sized, strong, and muscular hound with a dense, double coat. The body
is rectangular in shape. The chest is very deep and moderately broad, with a rounded forechest. The withers are pronounced and the back is firm and straight. The croup slopes gently. There is moderate tuck-up. The gait is ground covering, quick, and enduring. Ground covering, quick, and resistant. The tail is set on high and reaches at least to the hock joint. It is carried high when the dog is excited, a saber curve is permitted. A thick coated, brush like tail is preferred. The coat is thick and double, with the undercoat being coarse rather than fine. The color may vary from red, black and tan, and tri color. The intelligent eyes are dark brown, large and round, not deeply set, and close fitting (from the standard). Besides being a great hunter, these dogs are excellent family companions for their trustable and even temperament. As always to turn a “hunting machine” into a pet the early education and training is a must. Seldom found out of Tyrol, the breed should be considered as Rare. Out of the Austrian Kennel Club the breed was recognized by the United Kennel Club in 2006 where our dear readers can find the complete Standard. *The original purpose of shoe-slapping was nothing else but to guarantee the survival of mankind in areas such as Bavaria, Tyrol, and Salzburg: Shoe-slapping was a ritual by which men hoped to impress women. In other words, it was simply a mating dance. The first shoeslappers were probably rough and pretty strong
farmers and lumberjacks who needed to draw some attention to their manliness at the regular after work festivities. And really, what is a better way to have everybody look at you than to make an incredible amount of noise? It should not be surprising that because of this the shoe-slapper has never been described as sophisticated or fleet-footed. The dance was solely a display of male strength, creativity, musicality, and skillfulness **Since prehistoric times the sound of someone yodeling has travelled through the mountains, trees and across stones sometimes even past the Alps. As a matter of fact, the yodel was a global phenomenon long before globalization ever took place. For most people yodeling is simply part of living in the Alps. A yodel is mostly connected with cows on green pastures, jagged mountains, and rough-looking mountaineers. It is without a doubt that this sort of chant is typically heard in Austria, Switzerland, and Germany. However, there are some untypical places on earth where a yodel can also be observed. The American DJ and author Bart Plantenga wrote a book about yodeling called “Yodel-Ay-EeOooo - The secret history of yodeling around the world”. According to his researches, yodeling is not only a growing trend in the US country music scene. There seems to be a whole lot of yodeling going on around the globe! ( * and ** fom Dog News 177
THE BORDER TERRIER Continued FROM page 153
“The greatest challenge we
face today is temperament. I’m seeing and hearing of more Border Terriers that can be aggressive and crotchety and snappish around other dogs.”
Book’n (Sunkist Life in the Fast Lane MX MXJ OF NJP NFP NATCH 1 Versatility NATCH 1 MAD RN SE TDI), another of Rosen’s Border Terriers, needed to learn that the reward would come in agility and rally if the dog could be just a little bit patient. (Lisa Jack photo)
ing. Eventually he learned that coming out could be fun also as there might be rats out there waiting for him. In obedience, he picked up the basics very quickly but as we progressed, he found out that it was not nearly as exciting as his other activities. He had no difficulty learning the exercises but it was hard getting him to be interested in it long enough.” “The biggest challenge we faced was boredom,” said Bowling. “I have to work to keep things non-repetitious and fun for Trixie. We’re currently also battling a case of ‘ring nerves’ in agility when we’re actually in competition. I’m trying to overcome this problem by making sure all of our runs are happy and fun. Agility has also been difficult for me due to my lack of athletic ability. Lure coursing was the easiest. Although we’ve not yet Klev’r ( MACH 4 Sunkist Smoke and Mirrors MXF TQX NAP NJP NATCH 14 Versatility NATCH 11 ADCH LAA Bronze ME CDX RE TDI), one of Billie Rosen’s Border Terriers, like many of her Borders, took some time to understand that it was necessary to go down the dark tunnel in order to get to play with the rats. Klev’r quickly determined that the rats were where the judge was located and it was much faster to get there on top of the ground rather than underneath. (Lisa Jack, photo)
178 Dog News
achieved a title at this sport simply because there aren’t a lot of trials in our area, the first time we walked on to a course, she wiggled out of my arms and off she went chasing that evil white bag.” Moore said corrections have been the big issue with Zest. “She will get ‘sour’ on any activity that gets corrected. If she’s getting a lot of corrections, she just won’t work. If I’m having a bad day and start correcting her, I have to stop and quit working with her for that day. As a general rule, when we’ve had one of these bad sessions, I’ll make the exercise a little easier at the start of the next training session so she can be successful and then we gradually work our way back to the point where she was having difficulty.
I’ve found that if I’m happy, she’s happy. Luckily there have not been any activities where she has thrown in the towel completely and not wanted to do for the long term.” Although Border Terriers are still relatively rare, there is a concern in the breed that because they are small dogs, this may not continue. “There is a concern that Border Terriers might start becoming popular as other smaller breeds have had to deal with this issue and that people will breed for money rather than to better the breed,” said Rosen. “Already we are seeing a problem with temperaments. There are too many that are aggressive or snarky. This is a breed that should be social and able to interact with other dogs but I’m seeing more and more Borders that cannot.” Sheridan-Moore agreed. “The greatest challenge we face today is temperament. I’m seeing and hearing of more Border Terriers that can be aggressive and crotchety and snappish around other dogs. The Border Terrier was bred to work in packs with dogs on the hunt. They are supposed to be good natured despite being fierce hunters. It’s really upsetting to see BTs that can’t get along with other dogs as it gives the breed a bad reputation. People generalize and the result is that they tend to shy away from the good-natured ones in performance events.”
Just two years old....
TANNER and Connie’s favorite Affen ever. Ch. Tamarin Tanner, shown sparingly by Phil and Amy Booth Reserve Best In Show Winner; Group Winner and frequent Placer; Award of Merit at the 2013 Affenpinscher Club of America National Specialty. Connie was dedicated and devoted to the Affenpinscher, a lifetime member of the Affenpinscher Club of America, and former President, AKC delegate, Judges Education Chair and Director.
Bred by Tamarin Knl., reg. Owned by Connie Clapp Tanner will continue to be shown by the Booths as Connie requested. Dog News 179
Briards, A Mile High! Continued FROM page 173
eight ball, preventing a problem developing undetected. There was a blood draw clinic for blood to be sent to Optigen for the DNA test our breed has available for Stationary Night Blindness. Seminars planned were Movement 101-which includes a PowerPoint about structure and movement. As the title implies, it is the examination of movement pros and cons for beginners. We use live dogs and dissect their movement strengths and weaknesses. A grooming seminar was also offered with live demonstrations, and A-Z topics about Briard coat care on all levels and goals. That day was a seminar on estate planning for your dog offered by the Briard Rescue Trust. Lastly, ear care and gluing for the cropped ear (yes Briard ears, if they are erect, get that way through cropping and gluing) was another seminar planned. These seminars and a beautifully done collection of education seminars for the membership and/or judges were developed by our Briard Club of America Breed Education Committee several years ago utilizing Claudia Orlandi’s model as inspiration. Each year the membership is polled to guide the committee’s selection of seminars during the national specialty week complete with PowerPoints to provide visual augmentation. Friday, October 4th was the specialty day that seemed like it would never end. Two Briard Club of America regional specialties were hosted by the North Central Briard Club. One planned for the morning, one for the afternoon. No one expected such a large turn out so the day was unexpectedly long and exhausting for both dogs and exhibitors. Complete immersion and saturation for hours of Briard judging. Exhausting to some, total deliciousness to others-especially the dyed in the wool attendees coming for their annual “Briard fix” during the week of the national. The morning regional specialty was judged by Mark Houstin-McMillan from Moffat, Ontario although originally from South Africa. Mark’s famed kennel name Grandgables, with partner Guy Jeavons, has worldwide recognition in Dachshunds and Shetland Sheepdogs including notable wins at both Crufts and Westminster. Best of Breed was Ch Deja Vu Mia Cool As A Cucumber owned by Lynn Bernard, Dominique Dube and breeders Terry Miller and Amie Melton and shown by Regina Keiter. Best of Opposite Sex was Ch Deja Vu Pomme Despair Came Knocking owned by Mary Sanders and breeder Terry Miller. Winners Dog from the 9-12 class was Hocus Pocus Du Nuveau owned by Sharon Skelly and Victoria Borchorski. Hocus Pocus was bred by Victoria and Janet Couture and shown by Victoria. Reserve Dog was from Open tawny class, Suite High Flying Saucer owned by Julie Knutson and breeder Jackie Mourning. This dog was shown by Jackie. Winners Bitch and eventual Best of Winners from the 180 Dog News
Bred By Exhibitor class was Deja Vu Popsakadoo Hints From Heloise owned by breeders Dominique Dube and Terry Miller and shown by Dominique. Reserve Bitch from Open tawny was Huenteco Did It My Way owned, bred and handled by Paula Fischl. The afternoon regional specialty was judged by Jackie Stacy. Jackie, a former and accomplished handler, is known for her breeding success in Affenpinschers under the Tamarin prefix. Best of Breed was Ch Lightening Strikes El Xargall owned by Tom and Marry Jean Milner, shown by Gretchen Conradt and bred by Eleana Alberich Rodriguez. Best of Opposite Sex was Ch Heartsong’s Duchess D’Aubrey handled by owner George and Cheryl Mahony. She was bred by Pam Ohlsson. Winners Dog was Suite High Flying Saucer from Open Tawny. It is interesting to note that he was Reserve during the morning regional specialty also. The Reserve Dog was Hercules Heroin Disqguise Du Nuveau from the Bred By class. Another notable fun fact is that he is a litter brother to the morning specialty’s Winners Dog, owned by breeder Victoria Borchorski and Annette Thies and shown by his breeder Victoria. Winners Bitch was from 12-18 and was Sendero’s Heard It Through the Cornfield, owned and bred by Tom and Merry Milner and shown by the owner. Reserve Bitch was from the Bred By Class, Sendero’s Here Comes Fannie bred and owned by M and T Milner. Saturday was a day for sweepstakes and obedience. Typically, the Breed Education Committee offers their excellent PowerPoint and Breed seminar to judges. Oddly, not one judge signed up. We were in Denver, a location we have never been in before-yet no takers. Some of us muse over why this would be. No judges interested in education? No judges interested in breed immersion? A definite sign of the times and the changing judge’s application procedures. Saturday was 4-6 Beginner Puppy Competition, sweepstakes and obedience. A sweepstakes judge change created more absentees and withdrawals. Originally the elected judge was 40 years plus Briard breeder Barbe Lynch, of Bigtree Briards, Livonia New York. Unexpected health concerns with an impromptu hospital stay caused an assignment change to Jim Albrecht from Massachusetts. Jim found his Best In Junior sweeps Hocus Pocus Du Nuveau- Best of Opposite was littermate Heed My Advice Du Nuveau, both owned by breeder V Borchorski and Sharin Skelly. Best in Senior Sweeps was Helios de Bejaune owned and shown by owner David Sullivan and breeder Meg Weitz. Best of Opposite was La Vie Rose Horsdoeuvres at Eight owned, shown and bred by Matti and Roger Minor. Veteran sweepstakes had a wonderful aged entry. As a
breed, Briards tend to stay healthy, youthful and sound for a long time up into advanced ages. It has not been unusual for 9,10 and 11-year-old Briards to win the National. As far as many are concerned, our veterans are the precious jewels in the crown of the breed. Veterans were represented well at this national with Best veteran going to Ch La Vie Rose Dior August Moon CD RN bred, owned and handled by Roger and Matti Minor. Best of Opposite going to breeder owner handled Ch Blackstone’s Blush China Rose and Lee Kirklewski. Best of Breed at the national was scheduled to start Sunday morning, judges by John Studebaker from Battle Creek Michigan. Mr. Studebaker’s fascinating history in dogs- his beloved Windy Ridge Samoyeds- and his lifetime of involvement in dairy cows, judging livestock and the seed trade industries makes for unique conversation and life experience contributing to the selection of breeding stock. Winners Dog was Hercules Heroin Disguise Du Nouveau (Ch Keep An Eye On Me Moravia Campanella-GCh Apple of Our Eye Moravia Campanella) bred by Janet Couture and Victoria Bochorski, shown by Victoria and co-owned by Annette Theis. Reserve Dog was Suite High Flying Saucer (Ch Suite Car Named Desire-Ch Briardale’s Cooked Up Something Suite) bred by Jackie and Frank Mourning, owned by Jackie and Julie Knutson, shown by Jackie. More than three times more class females were entered than males at this national. It is not unusual to have a larger entry in bitches, but those proportions were rather unusual! Because of the new rule, which the BCA voted for, our Reserve Bitch received a major for her win, but the Reserve Dog did not. Winners Bitch was Paula and Christian Fischl’s Open Tawny Huenteco Did It My Way (Ch Touché In Cahoots With Deja Vu -Rapsodia Bohemia Ruca Malen). Marge came up with owner Paula from their home in Mexico City and was shown by Fernando Paz. Reserve and Best Puppy in Show was from 9-12, Popsakadoo Deja Vu Here Kitty Kitty (Ch Deja Vu Mia Cool As A CucumberCh Popsakadoo Deja Vu Bad Seed) bred by Dominique Dube and Terry Miller, shown by Dominique and owned by breeders and Mary Sanders. Veteran Dog was Ch Deja Vu Section Eight RN (Ch Deja Vu In Like Flynn CD PT-Ch Deja Vu Non-NegotiableCD RAE bred by John and Judith Maier
and Terry Miller and shown by John. Various unique classes represented in Best of Breed were Veteran 7-9 GCh Dior AnamCara Bit of Blarney CGC (Ch Deja Vu Dior True Blue-Ch Mon Ami Dior Umayyad Neta Do Pele) bred by Denise Simenaur, Gina Klang and owner handled by Candy and Terry Aaron. 9-11 year Vet bitches was Ch Dior Vive L’Amour (Ch Dior Aigner Made To Order-Ch Élan Dior Rain In Spain) bred and owned by Sandra Morris and Peter and Denise Simenauer. 11 and over winner and the eventual Best Veteran In Show was Ch Deja Vu Ten (Ch Dior Aigner Made To Order-Ch Deja Vu Purple People Eater) bred by Terry Miller and owned by Terry and Dominique Dube, shown by Dominique. Herding titled class was Radieux And the Winner Is HIAS (Ch Deja Vu Up Close & Personal x Radieux Sweet Charity) bred my Fran Davis and Scott Chermak owned and shown by Gail O’Neal. Obedience titled/Rally dog and bitch class winners were Ch Bijou Educated Guess BN CD RE (Ch Popsakadoo Deja Vu Bono-TCBijou All Flash No Cash UDX HSAS HXCS) owned by Tracy Thorleifson, Haley Pemble and breeder C Wolfram, and CH Zotzy Guess Again RN (Ch Deja Vu Popsakadoo Elephant In The Room-Ch Anita La Rubia de la Maison de Suzie bred by Tracy Roche and owned by Tracy Thorleifson. Cutting to the chase, Best of Breed was awarded to Ch Deja Vu Mia Cool As A Cucumber (Ch Deja Vu Up Close & Personal-Ch Deja Vu Runaround Sue) bred by Terry Miller and Amie Melton, owned by the breeders, Lynn Bernard and Dominique Dube. Dill, as he is called, is shown by Regina Keiter. Best of Opposite, Ch Deja Vu Pomme Despair Came Knocking (Ch Butler De Bejaune-Ch Deja Vu Quikslver Vanilla Sky) bred by Terry Miller and Ami Baro, owned by Terry and Mary Sanders and handled by Dominique Dube. Best of Winners was Winners Bitch. Stud dog was Ch Celebra’s E Equals MC Squared (Ch Celebra’s Best Bang for Da Buck-Ch Celebra’s Tres Extravigant) bred and owned by Christi Leigh. Brood Bitch was Radieux And The Winner Is, which also won the Herding Titled class. Best Junior was Kaycee Klang with Ch Deja Vu Mia Cake Walk (Ch Deja Vu Up Close And PersonalCh Deja Vu Runaround Sue). Select Dog was littermate of BOB Ch Deja Vu Mia Cake Walk, Select Bitch was Ch Zotzy Golden Girl (Ch Deja Vu Elephant In The Room-Ch Anita la Rubia dela Maison de Suzie) owned by breeder Tracy Roche and shown by Tari Welch. Awards of Merit were Ch Deja Vu Popsakadoo Grin And Bear It, Ch Celebra’s Good Enough For Government Work, Ch La Vie Rose Dior August Moon, Ch Aladax’s Duvine Dream by Kaliphi, Ch Celebra’s Good Time was Had By All, and Ch Honeycreek’s Country Bell. As always, a good time was had, it was work to near exhaustion, grooming and more grooming, some bad behavior on the part of some humans and some dogs, endless hours of fascination, gossip, learning, observing and more grooming. It could never have happened without the dedicated hours and months of planning by our show committee. We thank you. Dog News 181
Gossip The
By Eugene Z. Zaphiris
OG NEWS is pleased to welcome LESLIE SIMIS and NICHOLAS VIGGIANO, JR. to the DOG NEWS family. They have joined our sales team to help with your advertising needs. LESLIE is a well known Poodle breeder and is winding down her career as a professional handler and NICK is a former junior showmanship handler and well known as the assistant to professional handler GREG STRONG. They both bring a unique point of view to DOG organizing the benching for the early NEWS and we look forward to a arrivals at Madison Square Garden long and happy union. HARROD’S, for the Westminster Kennel Club. In the world famous department store addition to his many friends around known for purchasing just about the country he is survived by his anything you can imagine, will no son ROBIN and stepson JOHN. CAL longer sell puppies, closing their PERRY, well known Whippet breeder, Pet Kingdom department as a has passed away. His Appraxin prefix result of long negotiations totaling was on many winners in the breed. ten years with the English Kennel DR. JAMES STEELE, a veterinarian Club. The other big news from the who led the way to prevent the UK is the start of the construction spread of disease from animals to work on Clarges Street that will humans, has passed away at the culminate in the English Kennel age of 100. Because of his good Club’s new home. Sorry to hear works he was called “The father of that ill health caused those two veterinary public health.” Celebrating well known Uruguayans JORGE Birthdays…MARY DUKES, ANDY NALLEM & ADRIAN LADARTE LINTON, TERRY HUNDT, RON from judging in Orlando this MENAKER, SUE ADAMS, HANS weekend. They certainly are two of KABEL, CHARLENE MASCUCH, the best judges to hail from South HELEN INGHER, MIKE BOWSER, America. All of us at DOG NEWS NANCY SELF, LINDA GEORGE, send our best wishes to MARG & CARLOS PUIG, TOM BRADLEY, CARROLL JAMES on the occasion LEE HERR, IRVING BONIOS, HEIDI of their 69th wedding anniversary. COLE, MARCELO SANTIAGO, COLE FRED OLSON, German shepherd GABEL, BOB FLANDERS, JOHN dog breeder and professional REEVE-NEWSON, BOBBY PAUST, handler, passed away at the age of DAVID HARPER, ADRIAN GHIONE 83. FRED always ranked high on and a special Birthday greeting to my the list of most popular even with buddy GARY WITTMEIER. It is hard his exes. He was the recipient of to believe that another year has gone the LAMAR KUHNS award for by so quickly. As the last dog shows his contribution to the breed. His of the year are being held, I would Redrock Kennels produced many like to take this opportunity to thank winners including Redrock Gino, you for your continued support of the national grand victor winner of DOG NEWS and to wish the merriest the German Shepherd dog club. For of holidays and a happy healthy and many years, FRED could be found winning new year.
182 Dog News
s a m t s i r h C y r Mer ! s y a d i l o H y & Happ
Karen Jenny
Dog News 183
Continued FROM page 93
184 Dog News
His Name Says It All!!
Giant Schnauzer National Specialty Winner as well as Two Mid-Western Specialties, And now The Eastern Regional Specialty too. Legend has also won Multiple Best In Shows
A Giant Thank you to Judge Mrs. Olga Gagne for this wonderful win
GCh. Ramahill Absolutes I Am Legend of RW Owners: Mrs. Marcia Adler Mr. & Mrs. Luke Edmond
Handler Cliff Steele Dog News 185
Dogs Don’t Have To Be Famous...
Continued FROM page 169
can provide to the community and other veterinary clinics,” Pierson says. To become blood donors at NorthStar VETS, dogs first must be screened for a number of characteristics. For example, they must have a calm, friendly disposition. “We want the dogs to ‘volunteer’ to give blood just like their owners do. We don’t want to have to muzzle or restrain them too much and make blood donation a stressful experience,” Pierson says. Dogs also must weigh more than 50 pounds because 350-450 ml. of blood is drawn. If dogs weigh less than 50-lbs., blood donation could have adverse side effects. (While blood donor cats obviously don’t weigh more than 50-lbs., they donate a substantially smaller amount: only 60 ml.) The exact amount drawn from each animal is determined by its temperament and how well its blood flows in addition to body weight. “Greyhounds are our ideal canine donors,” Pierson says. “Usually, we can get the full 450 ml. from them. They have higher PCVs--percentage of red blood cells--and very large blood vessels that are close to the skin because they’re so lean. They’re easier to handle as well because they’re very docile.”
Blood Donor Dogs Save Canine Lives Blood donor dogs save canines lives - just ask Mark and Joyce Passen, the owners of a 6-year-old labradoodle named Cali. If not for the multiple, life-saving blood transfusions she received, Cali would no longer be with them. In August of 2010, she developed a rare reaction to a sulfa drug prescribed by her local veterinarian to treat an infection. When the Passens learned of the reaction, they immediately returned home from a cruise. They found Cali, who was left in their son’s care, passing bloody diarrhea and bleeding from the mouth and nose.
• Dogs cannot be taking any medications for chronic conditions, i.e., thyroid supplementation, blood pressure medications, etc. • Dogs must to be current on heartworm, and flea and tick preventative. • Dogs must be between 1 and 8 years of age. Dogs are automatically ineligible to donate blood for the following reasons. Japanese breeds are ineligible to donate because they carry an antibody that could be troublesome if passed on to other dogs. 186 Dog News
How donation works
When dogs come into NorthStar VETS to donate blood, a PCV is drawn to determine their red cell volume to ensure they’re not anemic. If they’re not, the donation is drawn. The procedure only takes between 10 and 15 minutes. Although it’s not required, owners may remain with their dogs during it so they can see that it’s not stressful. No anesthesia or tranquilizers are given. Those dogs requiring either are disqualified from the program. (Blood donor cats are given a light sedative.) After dogs donate, they’re fed a meal and a wrap is applied around their neck to protect the area from where the blood was drawn, i.e., the jugular vein.
Other canine blood donor eligibility criterion includes the following. • Dogs must be current on all vaccinations and free of infectious diseases. To determine the latter, all potential donors have a blood panel drawn.
Likewise, dogs cannot donate if they received a transfusion before because they have antibodies to different blood types making a transfusion reaction more likely. “If a dog has never been transfused, it can be given any type of blood for its first transfusion with minimal risk of a transfusion reaction. Dogs are different than people because they don’t have any naturally occurring antibodies to any blood type. Within a week or two however, they can develop them against whatever blood type they were transfused with. From then on, they should be cross-matched to minimize the risk of a transfusion reaction,” Pierson says.
Three years ago, Cali’s life was saved by multiple blood transfusions. No one would guess that anything was ever wrong with the playful pup now, or that she once came so close to dying.
The Passens, who live in Monroe, NJ, were referred to NorthStar VETS for Cali’s treatment because the reaction completely destroyed her bone marrow. Cali was immediately hospitalized at the animal hospital, where she received as many as three blood transfusions per week with the hope her marrow would regrow over time. After several weeks of her treatment, NorthStar VETS’s blood supply began to dwindle. So, staff members began bringing in their own dogs to donate blood for Cali. After 2-1/2 months of multiple weekly transfusions, Cali’s bone marrow regenerated and she was able to go home. Three years later, no one would guess anything was ever wrong with the playful pup, who once came so close to dying.
Typically, veterinary blood banks reward clients for bringing their dogs in to donate. At NorthStar VETS for example, donor pets are guaranteed a transfusion free of charge if they ever need one. They also receive the following at no cost: • A thorough physical examination before each donation; • A complete blood screening annually and a copy of the lab work; • Blood typing, which means the owner knows what blood type his pet has in the event it ever needs an emergency blood transfusion; • A bag of treats to take home and enjoy after each donation.
The Epitome of a Scottish Deerhound
t is with great pride that we present FERGIE. She is the Epitome of a Scottish Deerhound; Proper Coat, Majestic Outline & Breeder, Owner Handled by Topline, Very Sound, a Magnificent The Hounds of Hobarra Head & Tail that never stops wagging! Shawny & Tony Cirincione Terry Rizzitiello
*Number three overall, The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed Points
Dog News 187
CLICK Shoreline & Maslibu Kennel Club PHOTOS BY
188 Dog News
Dog News 189
Eurodogshow 50th International Show Continued FROM page 141
meet at the coffee bar just outside the arrival hall. Upon exiting I found out there were four different arrival exits. The arrival board listed which flights would be exiting which ones. While waiting at arrival #2 for a friend the board changed that flight to #4 so I went across the airport to #4, but they actually arrived at door #2. Here in Brussels once the scheduled group had all arrived we motored off to Kortrijk. The drive was just over an hour and sitting in the back with Carol and Chris Kilpatrick we talked about Bull Terriers. The judges were staying in three different hotels. I and three others were taken to the Kennedy Park Hotel and the Kilpatricks went on to the Troopeird Hotel. Having the judges in three different hotels made for more organizational duties for the committee. I noticed from the arrival airport list there were 29 judges to be picked up at the airport. At the hotel I was given an envelope containing some more details and noticed there were six different halls for judging with 47 different rings. So I presume there are at least 47 or more judges. Many of the European judges would be driving. It is only an eight-hour drive for many of the people from England. There are many countries a short driving distance from Belgium. When we arrived at the Kennedy Hotel about 10:45 AM we were informed check-in time was not until 3 PM. This came as very depressing news that we might have to sit in the lobby for better than 4 hours. The young ladies behind the desk explained the hotel had been full last night and rooms had not been cleaned yet. They were very nice and said they would try and get us rooms as quickly as possible. In less than a half hour someone from the desk approached me and told me my room was available. The others would have their rooms shortly. When given my room key there also was two large pieces of paper that I was not sure what they were for. One read – Dinner/7/11/2013 and the other – Dinner 21/11/2010. When I went back downstairs the young lady at the desk explained they were dinner vouchers for Friday and Sunday evenings. I suspected that, but the one for the 21st of November
was 2010 and had me confused. club provided a voucher for dinner. When I was outside smoking, When I looked at the menu I realized Hana Bolzinova and her husband I could not have lunch for the 35 came out of the hotel. They informed euros I was allotted for the day. me they were walking into town I looked at the positive side that I and going to lunch there. They could not afford to go to Belgium said the food in the hotel was very for a weekend at my own expense expensive. When Hana recognized just to see wonderful dogs and me at the airport I learned she was have such a learning experience. an expert breeder and judge of Am I had a wonderful lunch and just Staffs. When I mentioned that here gave the waitress my room key in Belgium I knew the Am Staffs so I did not even know the cost. It would have natural ears, but we always amazes me in so much of were seeing more of them in the US. Europe while checking in I only gave I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, them my name. No identification in a large entry in Atlanta, I gave was asked for or a credit card for WB to a puppy with natural ears incidentals. Before going to lunch, that was from Europe. I asked the desk if I What a small world as “I noticed a should give them a Hana informed me she credit card for charges very large I would be making. They knew the bitch as it luxury tour was of her bloodlines. informed me this was bus parked Hana informed me in not necessary and just right in front her country the Czech upon leaving I would of the hotel Republic, they no longer supply a credit card with dogs show them with cropped for any charges I ran in it. I was ears. I know this is up. This is so different surprised disappointing to breeders than staying anywhere to see this in certain countries, but in the States. At the because in at least their countries Holiday Inn in Leiden Europe even have not banned the last weekend, after my motor homes breed, as Denmark has initial visit to the bar, I are rare. Upon done. Even in the States was treated as a guest asking where certain cities have laws the bus was not as a customer. I was where the breed has to be always greeted by “Mr. from, I was muzzled while passing told Moscow. Murphy, good to see through the city. I have I should have you, what can we get judged thousands and for you?” Even though guessed thousands of Am Staffs in the States tipping is this since all over the world and anywhere you higher than anywhere, never once had a bad go in Europe service is much less natured dog in my ring. and parts of friendly as a whole. Since I had been China there Before going to traveling for so long, will be buses lunch, I noticed a very walking into town for from Russia.” large luxury tour bus lunch did not seem parked right in front of appealing. Just a few the hotel with dogs in it. days ago in Holland, I walked so I was surprised to see this because much my walking quota is filled in Europe even motor homes are for several months to come. Upon rare. Upon asking where the bus was entering the restaurant, which was from, I was told Moscow. I should a lovely setting, I learned from the have guessed this since anywhere menu the food was quite expensive you go in Europe and parts of China even by New York standards. At the there will be buses from Russia. FCI shows they do not pay a fee, but While in Paris for the World Show one gets 35 euros per day, plus the in 2011 I could not get over the day of and after judging to offset large flock of busses from Russia. expenses that might not be covered The Russian dog fancy has such by the club. This is an example of a passion for the sport. The large the 35 euros I would receive for my busses have the seats removed Friday expenses, which would be to make room for the crates. The used for breakfast and lunch. The owners can sleep on top on the
crates while the bus will drive for days to get to shows all over Europe or China. When I was showing dogs I thought it was roughing it when I had to stay at a Red Roof Inn. The cost of fuel must be enormous to move these busses all over Europe. Fuel costs have always been so much higher than the US. Several years ago when the World Show was in Stockholm, some Americans had rented cars. They could not get over the fact they were paying over $11 per gallon for gas. It is a very controversial subject about the FCI allowing Russia to hold the World Show in Moscow in 2016. I am the very, very small minority that is not against the show being held there. The AKC and several other kennel clubs will boycott the show. The show was voted to be held in Moscow by the FCI in the summer of 2011 before Russia passed such anti-gay regulations. I do feel our government should take a strong stand. As dog fanciers I am not sure how far we can get into world politics. There are certain states that have laws I do not agree with. I do not believe in communism, but China being a communist country doesn’t mean I would boycott China. The Russian dog fancy has no control over this terrible law their government has implemented. I do not think Americans boycotting dog shows in Russia will send a big signal to the Russian government. Money talks and if we stop buying Russian vodka it would maybe show how strongly we feel. In the States we held our AKC/Eukanuba show when some very anti dog legislation was going on. We did not boycott the show because of this legislation. When the World Show takes place in 2016, hopefully the Russian government will see how the gay community adds so much to humanitarian causes. Yes, I certainly think the entire world should take a stand, but boycotting Russian dog shows will not make a dent in their government. About 7:30 I ventured down to dinner and upon viewing the dining room I saw it looked pretty much full. Luckily there was one small table I could be seated at. I am not good with names, but the faces of some of the European judges I recognized. Continued on page 192
190 Dog News
Best of Breed
American Toy Fox Terrier Club Parent Club Specialty Judge Mr. Charles Trotter
Best of Breed
American Toy Fox Terrier Club National Specialty Judge Mr. Darryl Vice
Group Winner • Multiple Best In Specialty Show • National Specialty Winner
Silver GCh. Adamant Bang A Drum Owner
Kathy Keator Lowe Tres Beau Bichons
Owner/Handler Katherine La Rue Stone Lea GSMDs
Owner/Breeder Jennifer Joseph Adamant Bulldogs
Drummer lives in Beautiful Mendocino County California Dog News 191
Eurodogshow 50th International Show Continued FROM page 192
Looking around the room there was not one face I recognized. Towards the end of dinner there were three people sitting behind me with English accents. I turned around to ask if they had a clue how many dogs would be in the show. A young lady answered my question and went on to say she enjoyed watching me judge Cavaliers in Atlanta a couple of weeks ago. She had introduced herself to me in Atlanta, but I did not recognize her being on the other side of the pond. She and two charming gentlemen invited me to join them. Within minutes we realized we had so many Cavalier friends in common. We instantly hit it off together and I enjoyed getting to spend the end of the evening with them. I was so pleased the young lady approved of my Cavalier judging in Atlanta or she might not have been so friendly. I was in no rush to get to bed since I had a nap before dinner. Later in the day in Atlanta I mentioned to my good friend David Kirkland that an English lady complimented me on my judging and she probably was just some friend of the winner. I was pleased when David informed me she was one of the leading breeders in England and had been here to judge a club show. Over coffee and dessert Norma Ingles and Mark Sedgwick talked about so many mutual friends we shared in the States. Mark, a leading breeder in England, has also judged in the US. Judging did not start until 10 AM on Saturday and the bus was not picking us up until 8:30. Normally not being a breakfast person I thought I should have something since I do not know if I would get a lunch break. Upon entering the dining room, I was pleased to find Norma, Mark and his companion. Immediately the conversation rotated around the world of Cavaliers. Norma was not judging Saturday and was going to be entertained in a nearby city by friends. Upon arriving at the venue there was a huge line to enter the meeting room. This was a line to check in and pick up our judges books. Once seated the other judges showed me where I would 192 Dog News
pre sign the different forms. Having bitches was also of extremely high my stamp with my signature always quality. It seems to be anywhere you makes it so much easier. I was to go in the world today there will be judge Frenchies in the morning and the Russian “A’Vigdor” Frenchies of Greyhounds later in the afternoon. top quality. I felt like a total idiot by going to Saturday after a lovely lunch, the wrong ring and had I judged fourteen difficulty finding the ring I Greyhounds. I got to “After was to start in. You cannot the ring an hour late I finished due to a judge in believe how embarrassed judging, I was arriving at my ring the morning getting many 5 minutes late. However behind. I thought the exhibitors nobody seemed to care but entry was small, but asked if I me. Actually they were not was told they never quite ready to start judging would critique had more than six their dogs until another 5 minutes before. since written after I appeared. In the The main critiques meeting room, we were all group ring was a were not pleased to learn that we did spectacular display. done. I think not have to do the critiques Each group or it is more on each dog. We only had to competition had meaningful grade them excellent, very a huge flag of when the good, etc. This meant the the country of the judging would go so much exhibitors can officiating judge. get an oral quicker. The Frenchies were The lineup was very divided by color - solids and critique and nice for Best. A lovely parti colored. That meant they have the Bullmastiff went opportunity to championship certificates Best. At 6:45 PM were given to two males and ask questions all of the nearly 70 about their two bitches. I had 42 solids judges were escorted dogs.” and 27 parti coloreds so a back to the three total of 69, which was one different hotels. of the largest entries in the At 7:45 PM, show. I was very taken by a brindle the buses returned to the hotels puppy dog. He was just 7 months for a banquet held back at the old and owned in Ireland, but bred Expo center. It was scheduled in England by the “Kingfriend” to start at 8 PM and at midnight kennels. I was so pleased to watch the buses would return us to our him being placed 6th Best Puppy in different hotels. Since the hotel the entire show. I predict this young was less than a ten-minute walk dog will mature into a dog that will from my hotel, Norma Ingles, Mark be able to win big anywhere in the Sedgwick and I thought we might world. walk back before midnight. Upon BOB in the solid colors went arriving at the Expo center a large to a world class brindle dog, Ch. room was used for a champagne A’Vigdors Stranger in the Night. reception to honor the guests and This Russian dog won the breed at the committee. The banquet room the World Show in Budapest and was decorated beautifully and can win big anywhere in the world the waiters were always quick to today. BOB in the parti-colors was a fill our wine glasses. The sit down brindle and white dog, Ch. A’Vigdors dinner was fabulous, including Ramasseur Des Compliments. When a buffet of the most wonderful the two dogs came into compete for array of desserts. Several groups the final BOB, I thought it would go of singers were very entertaining to the Brindle dog. The handler of and the wonderful band had people both dogs stayed on the parti-color. dancing all night after dinner. The brindle dog wanted to get to We were all very saddened when his usual handler and did not move midnight arrived and the great his best. The parti dog is a moving evening ended. We would like to machine and uses his expression have enjoyed ourselves for several to say “put me up”. The quality in more hours. The evening is one I
will remember for years to come. Awakening around 6 on Sunday morning I was looking forward to judging 56 Am Staffs. Because ear cropping is banned in Belgium, dogs did not come from neighboring countries where it is still allowed. The Am Staffs were very mixed in quality. A few top notch ones, a lot in the middle, and quite a few poor ones. The winning male is a son of the record breaking dog in the States. “Jelly” was best male. There were two outstanding Champion bitches that could compete anywhere. The winning bitch and BOB had just competed at the American National where she was RWB and Winners Bitch the other three days. She could win big here in the States even with her non-cropped ears. So many judges forget that our standard states uncropped are preferred. If they have proper ears they still can have a nice expression. After I finished judging, many exhibitors asked if I would critique their dogs since written critiques were not done. I think it is more meaningful when the exhibitors can get an oral critique and they have the opportunity to ask questions about their dogs. After lunch Norma resumed her Cavalier judging of the Tri-colors. Mark, who had judged them the day before, and I went to watch. There were several top quality Cavaliers. A lovely Black and Tan male had won the Toy group the night before. Sunday for Best was a Mastiff and runner-up was the Russian Scottie that has done a lot of winning at some of the big European shows recently. The show had dogs from 34 different countries and judges from probably that many countries. I was honored to be the only American on the panel. Joel Vanlerberghe and a huge committee have to be congratulated on putting on such a fabulous show. I have two days home from Belgium and then I’m off to Mexico to judge. I have to change gears for a much different setting and atmosphere of shows, but it is all worth it to be able to see such wonderful dogs in so many different countries.
The Multiple All Breed Best in Show and Multiple National Best in Specialty Show Winning
Silver GCh. Pleasant Hill Magnum Of Samara #1 Canaan Dog All Systems
Magnum Shatters All Records! • BM • BM •T •M N
ultiple All Breed est in Show Winner ultiple National est in Specialty Show
20* Herding Dog ultiple AKC/Eukanuba ational Championship Best of Breed Winner op
• CF
irst Group Placing anaan Dog in
Westminster History
Our appreciation to Judge Mr. William C. Stebbins for Magnum’s Breed RecordBreaking 29th Herding Group Win and 170th Herding Group Placement Owned By Pamela Rosman and Richard Vulliet DVM
Presented By Bruce and Tara Schultz Dog News 193
194 Dog News
Dog News 195
s w e N g o D A . . . o T t f i G s a m X Continued FROM page 45
Bill McFadden-His own antique shop Bill Shelton-A wire haired Corgi Bill Taylor-National hero award Bob & Jean Hetherington-A buyer Bob Forsyth-Weekly judging assignments for Janie Bob Smith-Lunch with Alan Kalter Bob & Helen Stein-Congrats on staying put Bob & Mary Indeglia-More trips to China Bobbie Davis-On time Fed-Ex deliveries Bobby Fisher-A reinstatement of his judge’s license Bonnie Threlfall-A course in diaper folding Brian Livingston-I presume Brian Still-Another year closer to 90, pucker up Bruce & Tara Schultz-A month-long fishing trip Bruce Schwartz-His own American flag shirt Bruce Sussman – A SRO Broadway hit Bryan & Nancy Martin-His and hers Birkenstocks Bud McGivern-An Irish terrier puppy Candy Caciolo-Purina power Captain & Kathleen Sevastopoulos-Three-month cruise Carissa Shimpeno-The best hands award Carla Sanchez-Massive Mastiff wins Carla Viggiano-Someone to unpack her boxes Carey & Lori Lawrence-A Jimmy Choo whippet Carmen Battaglia-His own computer college Carmen Skinner-A big Boxer winner Carlos Puig-Lunch in West Linn Carol, Honi & Fran Reisman-A remake of Three’s Company Carol Beattie-Flats Carol Grossman-Trade in those Steely Dan albums for Dick Ames Carolyn Koch-A great new year with a new team Ceil Ruggles-Four married sons Celie Florence-To bring those two girls closer to the east coast Charles Foley-A signed photo of Joe Girardi Charlotte Meyer-Pom Poms
Charlotte McGowan-Her own dog re-homing organization Charlotte Patterson-Deck railings with lights Cheryl Robbins-Those same ole seed pearls Chris Berg-A Heath bar Chris King-An express lane to Rockland County Chris Manelopoulos-Another white standard number 300,000,001 and counting Chris & Woody Wornall-A pool for the grandkids Chuck & Pam Krothe-Tartan plaids Chuck Winslow-Iris de la Torre Bueno’s hope chest Cindy Cassidy-Winning Weims Cindy Vogels-A grandmother & granddaughter riding class Clay Coady-A couple of girls for those five guys Cliff Steele-A beard Clint Harris-Golf balls Clint Livingston-A trip to Ibiza Connie Vanacore-An Irish setter puppy Correy & Sarah Krickeberg-A trip to the Shetland Islands Cristina & Jose Hererra-Toll free calls to Nevada Curtiss Smith-An American Pom Darlene Bello-A completed office redo Daryl Martin-A new slant on life Dave Berrey-Anything French David Fitzpatrick-Peking ducks David Frei-The angel’s angel David Helming-Some kind of award David Merriam-Dual closings David Murray-A portable hair dressing chair David Roberts-A title they can’t rescind, “Grandpa” Deb Cooper-Lunch at Katz’s Deb Shindle-The next chapter “Life Without Jane” Debbie Butt-Happiness Dennis Brown-A Big Red title conference Dennis McCoy-To author the Complete Book of McCoy Beauty Secrets Dennis Sprung-Uninterrupted elevator service to the 23rd floor Derek Glas-A home warming party Desi Murphy-A home in Santa Barbara Continued on page 198
196 Dog News
GCh. Sunquest’s More of a Good Thing
Thank you Judge Mr. Terry Temple for starting our girls special career off with a Best of Breed and Group Second in tough Southwestern competition. We would like to wish everyone Happy Holidays. We look forward to an exciting 2014 in the specials ring. Owners: Sunquest Danes Pam Koerper Karen Burkhart
Always Breeder-Owner-Handled Handler: Karen Burkhart
Breeders: Pam Koerper Leslie Kettring Karen Burkhart Judy Martin Dog News 197
s w e N g o D A . . . o T t f i G s a m X Continued FROM page 196
Diana Wilson-A black Kuvasz Dick Meen-Good health Dick Schaefer-A new hat Diego Garcia-Boxer shorts Dina Planche-A Skye terrier for Lois Don & Pat Rodgers-Good things Don Snyder & Tracy Monahan-Apple sauce Don Sturz-His own old fashioned English kennel Dorothy Cherry-Art auctions with Graham Kirkham Dottie Collier-A home in New York Dottie James-A paper shredder Doug & Rita Holloway-More assignments Doug Huffman-Good health Doug Johnson- Another year of positive gift giving Dylan Kipp-A college degree Ed Farrell-Yergin’s tuna fish Ed Fojtik-Anything Giant Ed Thomasson-Weekends off Edd Bivin-A Westchester home Eddie Boyes-A car sale Eddie Dziuk-15 inches Elizabeth Nelson-Just one more, then the bases are loaded Ellen Charles-A Kentucky Derby winner Ellen Cottingham-A month at home to make new hair ribbons Ellen Roberts-24 hour babysitting services Elliot More-A vet column Elliott Weiss-An Eastern shore accent Enid Wright-A husband for Catherine Erin Roberts-A trip to the Sahara Ernesto Lara- Lunch with Roxie Ethan Wheeler-A snowless winter Felicia Cashin-A trip to Brussels Florence Foti-Dinner at Carbones Florence Males-More benefits
198 Dog News
Fran Smith-More articles Frank Murphy-Anything ginger Frank Sabella-Vegas odds he stays put Fred Basset- A show during fashion week Fred & Carol Vogel-Good health Gabriel & Yvonne Rangel-Congrats on a great year Gary Doerge-Anything he wants just don’t get caught Gary & Michelle Steele-Judging assignments Gary Wittmeier-Our love Gay Glazbrook-An unretouched photo Gayle Bontecou-A warm Florida winter Geir Flyckt Pedersen-Lunch with the Queen, any queen Geoff Corish-To always be on everyone’s list Geri Kelly-A feather’s best friend award Gina DiNardo-A groom Dana Bryson-Benn-Anything Kiki wants Glenda Dawkins-The joy of the season Gloria Reese-A trip east Glorvina Schwartz-A Norwich litter Grace Acosta-A Christmas tail Greg Myers-The Nancy Martin book on retirement Greg Strong-A winning new year Gretchen Schultz-A honeymoon Guy Fisher-Good health Gwen DeMilta-The Queen of Dobermans Gwyneth & John Spurling-Another Karli Harriette Borsuch-A trip east Harry & Lisa Miller- More grandchildren Heather Alderson Lindeberg-An Afghan special Heather & Colton Johnson-A very ole English year Helen Chrysler-Greene-A Jeep Helen Lee James-Columns Helyne Medeiros-Her POINT of view Hiram Stewart-A rickSHAW Holly Eldred-Another Daphne
s w e N g o D A . . . o T t f i G s a m X Howard Huber-A Cherry picker
Jimmy & Wendy Bettis-A winning new year
Howard Huber, Jr.-His own Cherry
Jimmy Mitchell-A home in Rhode Island
Iris Love-Phone calls she returns
Joan Ambrose-A trip to Havana
J.W. Smith- Walls for all his artwork
Joan Fisher-A Bank Street sale
Jack & Karen Smith-A Long Beach, Shoreline & Beverly Hills December weekend complete with Christmas decorations Jack Bradshaw-A van
Joan Huber-A living legend award
Jack Secrest-A bull market Jack Simm-Shortbread Jackie Gottlieb-Another 90 years Jackie Beaudoin-Our good luck charm Jackie Stacy-A pin brush for that Skye puppy Jamie Donelson-The most eligible award Jamie Cluke-Peace Jane Doty-An Engie special Jane Flowers-A judge’s license Jane Forsyth-Her own 800 toll free phone number Jane Myers-Patience and then some in your new job Janet Lange Moses-A girls only safari Janet York-Agility queen Jean Fournier-Our love Jean Heath-Judging approval everywhere Jeff Brucker-Ageless award Jeffery Deaver-A NY times #1 best seller Jennelle Larson-Knee jerks Jennie & Christian Rangel-Diaper service Jennifer Costantinidis-Never enter the bred by class when working Jennifer & Esteban Farias-One of the best new clients handlers can have Jennifer Stevens-A full kennel with lots of play time Jere Marder-An Old English with a tail Jesse Sutton- Matching ties, socks and smalls Jessica Plourde-A winning new year Jim Crowley-Is this the year? Jim Frederiksen-To always say Noe Jim Moses-An all male safari Jim Reynolds-A shave Jim White-A good new year
Joan Katz-Her own deli Joan Scott-A gentleman caller Jodi & Leonardo Garcini-Happiness Jodi Longmire-Nicest lady award Joe Kinnarney-Schnauzer shorts Joe Sanchez-A Harrier jet Joe Vergnetti-A move to Massachusetts Joe Walton-A winning NCAA selection Joe Waterman-Always be nice to Doreen Joel Rosenblatt-A case of Longo’s tomato sauce John Ashbey-A doctorate in photography John Lilliston-Anything black & white John Low-A balmy Palm Springs John Mandeville-An occasional article John McCartney-A hole in one John & Grahm Miller-Happiness John Penatello-A wheaten colored Skip John Reeve-Newson-To share his cable stations with his American cousins John Wade-Judge, rep, judge, rep, judge ???? John & Tammie Wilcox-A willie kind of corgi Johnny Shoemaker-Sequins Jon Cole-An Oyster Bay named litter Joy Quallenberg-Something she doesn’t know Joyce Rowland-A trip to Australia Jr Das-Pigeon poop Judi Daniels-Winner of the Kitty Steidel look alike contest Karen Fitzgerald-An undisputed article Karen Lefrak-A Pas de Deux Karen Miller-Murray puppies Karen Williams-Artichokes Kathy Ferris-A beau Continued on page 200
Dog News 199
s w e N g o D A . . . o T t f i G s a m X Continued FROM page 199
Kathy Kirk-A judge’s license Kathy Menaker-Rosalind Russell Kay Palade-Peiser-Worldwide Poodle princess Karen Wilson-Moe Wilsonettes Karen & Paul Bruneau-A Great Pyrenees new year Kaz Hosaka-To tell Roxy there are more than two shows, PCA & the Garden Keith Pautz-Group and best in show signs Keith Venezia-A Japanese Akita Keke Kahn-A Garden gown that fits Kellie Fitzgerald-A Detroit Kennel Club show Ken McDermott-Air conditioned dog shows Ken Murray-A class in letter writing Kiki Courtelis-A Derby winner Kim Booth-A photo library Kim Griffith-Good health Kim & Tony Calvacca-Their own Zagat’s rating system Kim Langlands-An appearance Kim Silva Garrett-Her own junior Kimberlie Steele-A faceless book Kirsi Sainio-A great Crufts assignment Kitten Rodwell-Her own photograph platform Kitty Burke-Good luck in her job Klaus & Joan Anselm-A trip to Denver Krista Nuovo-A little white dog Kurt Hermann-A degree Larry & Carol Brown-A Montgomery party we can attend Larry Cornelius-To keep all his clients happy, especially …… Larry Fenner-Sideburns Laura King-A hyphenated name Laura Coomes-A white Dane Laurie Fenner-Most youthful grandmother award Lee Canalizo-Good health Lee Riddle-A Singer sewing machine Lesley Boyes-Registered Griffons and a breeding to Howie Leslie Simis-Happy retirement 200 Dog News
Letisha Wubbell-A Boy from Bogota Linda Rowell-Her weekend back Linda Stark-Page 31 Linda & John Krukar-Agility titles Linda Low-All of our love and happiness Lisa Bettis-Another winner for Ellen Lisa Croft Elliott-One less of her nine lives Lisa Weiss-Italian Labs Lois Demers-That long awaited Skye Loren Morgan-Just for Men hair color Lorene Hogan-Three top winners in three varieties Lori Wilson-California dreamin’ Lorrie Richer-Our love Luc Boileau-His own house Luke & Diane Ehricht-Another Gilbert Lynn Bernard-Empty nightstand table drawers Lynn Meyer-Not the field rep Myer Lynette & Stan Saltzman-All good things Madeleine Condon-Cookie dough Maggie Renihan-Some kind of award for being wonderful Marcelo Chagas-More Louis Vuitton hangers Marcelo Santiago-Christmas balls Marcelo Veras-Breeder of Merit award Margie Sullivan-Her own line of eye glasses Margo Koga-A Pineapple Pom Marjorie & Jim McTernan-No co-ownerships Mari-Beth O’Neill-An unlisted office phone number Marjorie Good-A black Sealy Marion Bradshaw-An end to PETA Marion Lawrence-Another cruise Maripi Wooldridge-To exhibit her own Lakelands Mark Desrosiers-A Charlie of his own Martin Sosnoff-A Palm Beach buyer
s w e N g o D A . . . o T t f i G s a m X Mary Donnelly-A raise Mary Dukes-A riding holiday with Valerie Mary Ann Alston-Burping towels Mareth Kipp-A Waukesha weekend with good weather Maxine Beam- That Garden BIS assignment Meg Callea-Calls to Jim Mercedes Vila-A Breeder’s cup winner Michael Canalizo-A four wheeled segway Michael Coad-A trip to the States Michael Dachel-Love from Chuck Michael Greenberg-O rings Michael Faulkner-More eventful weekends for more columns Michael Kemp-A recording of Danny Boy Michael Pawasarat-A winners circle photo Michael & Michelle Scott- Another trip to Africa Michael Shepherd-A flower on his mound Michael Work-A judge’s license Michele & Elliott Federman –A Barn, red perhaps Michele Molnar-A big winner Miguel Betancourt-Portraits Mike Buckley-Anything Asian Mike & Linda Pitts-A Yolo Mike Stone-A Golden gate Mike Szabo-A trip east Mimi Winkler- A nice Jewish man Miyuki Ueno-The real McCoy M.J. Nelson-A first and middle name Moe Miyagawa-Remember she goes back to Ocala Nancy Battaglia-A singing career Nancy Bosley-Another go round Nancy Martin-A call from Gene Nancy Spelke- Ads Nancy Shaw-She’s the blonde Frenchie Shaw with Cornelius Nancy Sweet-Potatoes Nick Viggiano-Welcome aboard Nina Fetter- Keep an eye on Deb
Noble Inglett-A promising Pom Norm Kenney-The hound group Norman Patton-A great Garden assignment Pam & David Peat-Moss Pam & John Beale-2014 World Series tickets in the Bronx Pam Desrosiers-More shows Pat Cruz-Go for broke..four dog shows a day Pat Laurans-A Dok by the bay Pat Trotter-10 reasons why we love her Pat Scully-Another four years Patricia Hearst-Shaw-She’s the blonde Frenchie Shaw with Longmire Pat Billhardt-Another big winning year Patti Gallagher-The terrier group Patti Haines-Condolences on her Michigan loss Patti Proctor-Two more reps Patti Long Smith-Candy giver Patti Strand-A Rose City Classic we attend Patty Keenan-More breeds Patty & Phil Smith-A white toy dog Paul Catterson-A new Lincoln without wheels Paul Flores-Something he doesn’t have to brush Paul Levesque-Japanese lessons Paul Reilly-Smooth skies Paula Nykiel-Her own fountain of youth Paula Spector-Seamless travel Peggy Beisel-McIlwaine-Tea bags Penny Peterson-Another winning year Perry Phillips-Those old photographs Peter & Valerie Atkinson-A month in Hawaii Peter Green-Memory pills Peter Kubacz-A significant other Phil Guidry-Lunch in Mebane Phoebe Booth-To open up the store Polly Smith-Her own board seat Queensboro Kennel Club-A show in Queens Continued on page 207
Dog News 201
Directory Safari Handling and Training LLC
Robert A. Fisher Kaki Fisher
All Breed Professional Dog Handlers
Kathy Eiler
614-352-5017 cell
7.09 12.13
Diana Wilson
Debbie angela l lloyd Old West Goldstein PROFESSIONAL DOG HANDLER 1.10
& Groomer Kennels 2418 Grandview Drive 703-622-5808 724-735-9994 C 412-491-5520
P.O. Box 180 Forestville, Pennsylvania Sparta, N.C. 16035 28675
DAVE & LYNDA O’CONNOR-SCHNEIDER Members PHA & AKC Registered Handlers
1981 East 141 Avenue Brighton, Colorado 80602 210 865 8415 - Clint 210 865 2348 - Karen
9691 Flinn Springs Road El Cajon, CA 92021 (619)443-8250 Fax (619)443-0944 E-mail /
Tiffany Knox
Carlos Carrizo Professional Handling
Jean Gauchat-Hargis & Joshua Hargis
Summerwind Canines
PO Box 277 • Woodland, CA 95776-0277 3.10 (916) 765-9421 9.11
Hailey Griffith Tiffany Saxon
Jenny Wornall Rangel Christian Rangel Andrew Peel
Heritage Show dogs All Breed Dog Handler 9372 S Union • Tulsa, OK 74132 • 508-864-6262 6.13
PO BOX 331 • Santa Ynez, CA 93460 LLC 805.686.1708 • Fax 805.686.9548 7.13 •
Cell: 415 819-5773
Clint and Karen Livingston
7.11 4.14
AKC Registered Handler
12.13 9.14
REGINA 570 369-0192 email:
113 Capone Lane Saylorburg, PA 18353
7430 Sierra Ponds Lane Cell: 415-819-5773 Granite Bay, CA Phone: 916-791-5207 95746-7300 Fax: 916-791-5209 Email: 9.10 6.14 •
336 372-2039 © Debbie Goldstein
SUE 570 992-5705 email:
303/638-1669 1298 Bluejay Avenue Brighton, CO 80601
*Fees feed rescued horses*
Sue Capone, PHA Regina Keiter
Show Dogs Beautifully Presented
Training class Joe T. Caton 614-313-9536 cell information: 614-262-1317 3.14
Professional Dog Handlers Frakari Kennels 194 Quivey Hill Road/P.O. Box 204 Middle Granville, NY 12849 518.642.9225 KNL • 440.813.6388 c 12.09
Ernesto Lara
AKC Registered Handler Assisted by Leonardo Garcini
Greenfield P.O. Box 330 Tel: (717) 445-9936 1181 Reading Road Fax: (717) 445-0577 Bowmansville, PA 17507 email: 6.10 6.14 mobile: 717-475-7069
Professional Presentation & Care of Show Dogs A drienne O wen 6849 S hadow R idge P l ace A lta L oma , CA 91701 909-472-5519 adrienne @ newpointkennel . com www 8.09 . newpointkennel . com 7.12
Professional Dog Handler All Breed Dog Handler
1637 Moon Rock Rd Fallbrook, CA 92029
905 933-8412
Office: 760-723-9564 Cell: hailey.griffith@hotmail.com626-277-7172 11.14 1.11
202 Dog News
The American Kennel Club’s Registered Handlers Program Congratulates our 2013 member of the year,
Greg Strong
The AKC RHP member of the year is chosen annually through nomination by the membership and based on exemplary conduct, participation and professionalism.
Congratulations and Thank You!
® ®
For more information on the American Kennel Club’s Registered Handlers Program contact: (919) 816-3884 Dog News 203
Directory Doug And Mandy Carlson AKC Registered Handlers
Doug 405 370-1447 Mandy 405 826-3884 5.14
8260 McColl Drive W Savage, Minnesota 55378 Phone: 952 890-6010 3.13
All Breed Professionals AKC Reg. and PHA
407 810-4036 4.14
Evan & Stacy Threlfall
Mary Dwyer 167 By-Pass 28 •Derry, NH 03038 E 919.741.0226 • S 518.209.7988 1.14
BRUCE & TARA SCHULTZ Board Certified Professional Handlers Members of P.H.A.
204 Dog News
5540 San Miguel Rd. Bonita, California 91902
Bruce: 951 314-8357 Tara: 951 515-0241
Dog News 205
I have collected over 70 years dog books from 1800 to current 12.10
If It Is A Dog Matter D. Jay Hyman, Attorney
FREE Subscription to Grooming Industry Magazine!
If disputes arise, Co-Ownership or Problems with your Breeder. Registration Problems, Veterinary Mal-Practice, Contractual Issues, Better to Resolve Without Litigation. Fifty Years of Experience in Dogs and Law. 717-691-3388 12.10 12.11
P.O. Box 2000 * Perris, California 92570 Email:
D. Jay Hyman • 5905 Kim Court, Mt. Airy, MD. 21771 • Phone (301) 606-2097 12.09 Email: 12.13
FOLEY BOYS CRATE MEN Floor Management Loading & Unloading Tent Control Bob Flemm
181 Bronico Way Phillipsburg, NJ 08865
862-266-6891 12.13
Sergio Brown President
Office 562 789-9800 Cell 562 652-9022 E mail:
Tax Preparation (all states)
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HOBBY KENNEL AND HOME Cargo - Minivans - Trucks For Vans sale in Northern
California redwoods, semi-rural area, two plus bedrooms, two baths, nice kennel building with three in / out chainlink runs and room for more. 856-220-3582 Contact Melanie at King Realty for photos 707 677-0733 Delivery Available or 352-493-2221 541 254-0678
In Chiefland,Transit Florida, Connects near Gainsville/Ocala/ Brooksville, ft, Leading East3,200 CoastsqFord Fabulous 3BR, 2 1/2 BA, I/G Pool, all tile, Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep Dealer Hot Tub, Patios, RV carport, 50 & 30 Offering preferred pricing to amp all plugs for guests, fenced dog yard, Owners/Handlers/Breeders/AKC Members Large Concrete Runs, Gated, 6 Acres,
7.09 4.11 2.12
30 Years of Accounting And Tax Knowledge in the Dog World
EDUCATIONccessful Kennel Busin
ess Su PRICEProfessional REDUCED! Learn Pet Grooming! New Jersey Licensed Kennel For Sale
Merryfield of Pet Grooming is looking for people like you who love Great opportunity for a Handler, Breeder or justSchool an Entrepreneur. animals. In Just exciting months you will learn the skills necessary to An established 30-year kennel with an unlimited kennel8 license, 24 indoor/outdoor covered runs, qualify 8 turn outaspaddocks, upgradedPet Groomer ... Job opportunities are excellent and a professional electric, newer septic and a grooming business all on 5 fenced you could even start your own profitable business. acres. Property includes a 3 bedroom remodeled guest or manMerryfield School of Pet agers cottage, a four car garage with a tractor bay, a four stallGrooming will provide you with everything you need to succeed the advantage of HANDS ON training with live animals. barn, run in shed, paddock and fenced pasture.including All the property It’s the The onlyvintage way to learn. is surrounded by farm land preservation. 1840 cen- You are learning by doing. ter hall colonial has a front to back For foyer,more two stone fireplaces, about an exciting career working with animals, information an elegant living room and dining room, all remodeled kitchen Call Merryfield School of Pet Grooming with more. There is an inground pool to comNewgranite classesand aremuch forming now plete stunning To view this beautiful property or andthis financial assistance available those whoplease qualifycontact carol Comerford to receive to a brochure @ Colding NOW!! well Banker 908-534-4085 147rm or my cell 908-581-6206. ClassesX Fo
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2.14 3.12
FOR SALE REAL ESTATE All-Breed Transportation Sale Home With Kennel
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Dog Show Services • Grounds Management • Day of Show Parking • Set Up • Overnight Parking • Logisitics • Transportation
Breeders Directory
Rottweilers and Toy Manchesters Puppies occasionally and stud service phone 800 454-5067 fax 303 745-7319 Pedigrees done for all AKC breeds
206 Dog News
s w e N g o D A . . . o T t f i G s a m X Continued FROM page 201
R.C. Carusi-A house in New Hampshire
Sarah Lawrence-A Florida tan
Regina Keiter-A man old enough to shave
Sari Tietjen-Kudos for telling it as it is
Randy Benns-Nice guy award
Scott Kellogg-More breeds
Randy Garren- New joints
Scott Yergin-His smoothie recipe
Renee Gumbs-Her appearance in the show photos
Scott Kipp-Peace
Renee Idonne-Something bullie
Scott Sommer-To know all his clients’ names
Rhanda Glenn-Sexy award
Sandy Frei-A Pandora moment
Ric Plaut-Isagenix
Sean Gaffney-To never be forgotten
Rick Justice-Something to fill those Monday nights
Sean McCarthy-An AKC board seat
Ricky Kreiger-A successful presidency
Sergio Brown & The Crew-Work more shows
Rindi Gaudet-Jane’s clients
Shari Lee-That standing invite to Oyster Bay
Roberta Lombardi-All good things...all systems
Sharon Anderson-Her own playground
Robin Greenslade-Another Giant year
Sharon Newcomb-A match making service
Robin Novack-The same hyphenated name
Shaun Coen-A dozen Roses
Robin Remondi-A trip to Germany
Sheila DiNardo-The hottest
Rob Garrett-Timely show reports
Sheree Moses-Her own special
Ron Scott & Debbie Burke-Another winning year
Sioux Forsyth-Release
Ron Mattson- Parking Tickets
Spankey Clothier-A coated special
Ron Menaker-Election celebrations
Stacy & Evan Threlfall-Lamaze classes
Ronnie Irving-Chairman of the Canine Alliance
Stan Flowers-Bonus Prevost miles
Roxie Sutton-Lunch with Ernesto
Stephen Gladstone-Come on it’s time for that Ritchie or Poorie walk down the aisle Steve Sipperly-A visit from Stacy
Roy & Jo-Ann Kusumoto-A winning new year Roxy Wolfe-An expanded spectrum Roz Kramer-A hairball remover named for her Roz Mintz-Fusco-A girl Russella Wilkerson-Anything in writing Ruth Sampson-Anything white Sally Sweatt-Lunch with Geoff Sam & Karen Mammano-His and hers racers Sam McDonald-Canine nail clippers San Mateo Kennel Club-Thanks again Sandra Middlebrooks-Crounuts Sandy D’Andrea-Take no prisoners Sara Melichar Lopez-Great hands Sarah & Matt Perchick-A copy of The Great Gatsby
Sue & Rick Copeland-A bride for Gus Sue Capone-A secret she can keep Sue Hamil-An AKC director’s seat Sue Vroom-A big fat rich straight Texas with no heirs Sukey Shor-Basset babies Sulie Greenslade-Paveza-Legalized weed in Connecticut Susan Fraser-A breeding pair of Griffs Susan Sprung-An elevator Susie Atherton-A Bar B Que recipe book Susie & Jorge Olivera-A home in the East Sydney Good-Her own beauty line of make up Taffe McFadden-Our Ideal Tara Rowell-A month in Texas
Continued on page 210
Dog News 207
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LettersTo The Editor battling it out in dog sports such as agility and flyball, and the world-famous Best in Show competition. The individual breed judging that leads to the Best in Show final will see Working and Pastoral breeds compete on Thursday 6th March, Terriers and Hounds on Friday 7th March, Toy and Utility breeds on Saturday 8th March and Gundogs on Sunday 9th March. National TV treasure, Clare Balding, will again be guiding viewers through the canine extravaganza on More 4 from Thursday to Saturday and then culminating on Channel 4 for the Best in Show finale on Sunday evening. Those outside the UK can watch all the key action live on the Crufts YouTube Channel - Crufts. Crufts will be preceded by a three week Channel 4 series called The Dog Show, where dogs will compete in a series of activity challenges and the winner will make an appearance at Crufts. The Kennel Club will also be asking for people to submit videos of their own talented SOCIAL MEDIA AND HOW WE STINK USING IT canines in the New Year, for its online Crufts Factor For the past few months, there is an organizacompetition. tion that has offered funds to seven dog or “Crufts is a British institution and a must see for all hunting related organizations. These orgadog lovers” says Caroline Kisko, Kennel Club Secretary. nizations include rescue, hunting, children’s “It is the world’s largest gathering of all dogs – pedigree education (4-H shooting), and the American and crossbreed, large and small, athletic and competiKennel Club- Canine Health Foundation (AKCtive, companion and heroic, and celebrates everything CHF). This is a contest where it appears that that we love the most about man’s best friend. everyone wins. For every vote received for the “The event hosts a vast range of exciting compeorganization, money is donated to that orgatitions, and is packed with information, advice and nization. People can vote daily and can use entertainment for all dog lovers. Every single dog is multiple e-mail addresses. I believe in the special and so we will be hosting an online Crufts Factor AKC CHF and the work it does, so I vote. My competition to showcase the vast range of talents our parent club has sunk an enormous amount of dogs possess and will be asking people to post photos money into it. However, the AKC fancy is NOT and stories about their dogs for competitions on our voting on this website. Prior to Thanksgiving, Facebook page.” we led the vote by 2000 votes. For awhile, the Among the competition and events at Crufts will be votes stayed with that lead. In the last week, THE WORLD’S BIGGEST CELEBRATION OF the inaugural ‘Obreedience’ competition, where differour votes have dropped to only 700. In fact, DOGS - CRUFTS 2014 ent breeds will go head-to-head to demonstrate their yesterday we were ahead by 800. I highly Celebrating the British love affair with dogs, superior obedience skills. suspect that someone has contacted all the Crufts will be returning to the NEC Arena in Visitors to the show will be able to visit the Discover young people (4-H) to get all their friends to Birmingham and to our television screens Dogs area, where they will meet more than 200 breeds vote and it has done a mini-viral thing. We, again on 6th – 9th March 2014. and find out more about buying the right dog for them. on the other hand, have done nothing. A The four-day event will see the nation’s Visitors will also be able to learn about Kennel Club faithful few keep voting daily. We don’t share most heroic dogs rewarded in the prestigious Assured Breeders, who put the health and welfare of it with our clubs, our friends. In fact, one list Friends for Life competition; the UK’s fatheir puppies first and foremost, and about the piothat I am on has banned any conversation vourite crossbreeds compete in the Scruffts neering projects that the Kennel Club and the Animal of this effort. Apparently, it was offensive to grand final; the world’s most athletic canines Health Trust are working on to people to discuss canine improve dog health. health in the context of As well as enjoying the sport of dogs. watching the many different So there are a few events and competitions at the issues in my statement show, visitors can also enjoy above. If we think that the ultimate doggie shopping we have a bad image experience with hundreds of with the public, there’s trade stands selling everything no lack of good reasons. and anything for dogs and dog We are fuddy-duddies lovers. who are afraid of using Tickets cost £16.50 for the Internet....and basiadults in advance and £18 on cally afraid of change. (I the door. Best in Show tickets have not once received start from £17.50. Concesany spam from this sions are also available. organization). I’m fully All tickets are subject to a aware that someone is booking fee. Book by calling using my one minute of the Crufts Ticket Hotline at time to click on my vote The Ticket Factory on 0844 338 for their advertising pur0338, or online at www.crufts. poses. Okay. Have at it. In the scope of things, For more information, it’s minor. My Internet please visit usage is being tracked “Hey, I’ve just been listening to the family and they say some joker is gonna come down the chimney tonight!” Laura Quickfall in a lot more ways than “Oh, yeah? Well, I’ll be right there waiting for him!” London, England that! (I refuse to shop CORRECTION TO DESI’S “THE NEED FOR CLUBS TO EVOLVE” Just a small correction -- the Long Beach weekend did not disappear because of financial reasons. Beverly Hills KC and Los Encinos KC wanted to hold shows on our regular weekend in the same location but were refused permission by Long Beach KC citing territorial rights and to further hinder BH and LEKC from holding shows on this weekend, I am told on very strong authority that LBKC applied for the Sunday date on the weekend even though “they had no intention of holding a winter show in 2013”. Best regards, David Powers Los Angeles, CA
on-line unless I absolutely have to.) AKC CHF will be having big bashes at both Eukanuba and at Westminster. I don’t have anything against raising funds this way, but these parties aren’t for everyone. First of all, you have to BE present! Isn’t a simple click on the computer another effective way of raising money? In a conversation with my own club’s president, she said she just deletes the emails because she doesn’t understand what it’s about. I walked her through it and she was surprised at how easy it was. We don’t use social media at all in my opinion. Is anyone sharing this with their clubs? My Parent Club has at least 500 members on its list. I also am on a breeders’ list which represents another 500 people and five or six other “lists.” If even a 10th of all those people chose to vote, we would be miles ahead! But not us! We allow big business (Petco giving training classes) and our own fear of the NSA to stifle our abilities. But ask us to do something positive and we all back into our dog houses. I’m a competitive person. It’s my reading that a lot of people are dropping out of our sport because they always lose. Well, sometimes they lose because they don’t put ANY effort into winning. Sorry to vent. Speaking for myself. See y’all in Florida. Mary Alice Eschweiler, Waukesha KC Hartland, WI
Dog News 209
s w e N g o D A . . . o T t f i G s Xma Continued FROM page 207
Tiffany & Shea Skinner-Easy opening bottles
Kimberley Meredith Cavanna-Glad we cleared the air
Tonia Holibaugh-A black dog
Bobby Hutton-Continued good health
Teresa Nail-Lunch with Edd
David Williams-A trip to China
Terry Hundt-All breed license
Loretta Anders-An FCI best in show
Terry Miller-The missing N that would make you a Millner
Rebecca Cross - Think pink
Terry Stacy-Ice cream sundae with all the works
Madeline & Jennifer Mosing-A successful 2014
The James Brothers-The Reisman sisters
Oscar Quiros -Holiday wishes
Tim Catterson-Paul’s big brother
Joe Berkau-Take one on the chin
Tim Brazier-12 months in Palm Springs
Remy Smith-Lewis-His own Polo collection
Tim Thomas-Dean of judges education
Jason Hoke-Another 39 breeds
Tina Truesdale-A chain of Gyms
Neena Flyckt-Pedersen-To give people her apple pie recipe
Tom Bradley-Award for successful dual show venues
Lisa Gallizzo-A trip to the Swiss Alps
Tommy O-2014 is the year of Olympia Toni Sosnoff-Something off the rack from Bergdorf Sosnoff Tommy & Merry Jean Millner-Drop the N and you’re a Miller Tony DiNardo-Lucky man award Tony & Kim MacKenzie-Self brushing Maltese Tootie Longo-The original promoter of Black Is Beautiful Torie Steele-A completed home renovation Tracy Szaras-A walk down an aisle Tray Pittman-Isagenix Tuni Claflin-A great 2014 for the NY Yankees Vicki Holloway-A month-long trip to ole Blighty Vicki Seiler-A designer gown shoppe Victor Malzoni, Jr.-Appearances that last more than an hour or two Wayne Ferguson-Morris & Essex donations Wendell Sammet-A housemate named Joseph Zane Smith-Anything Staffordshire Cheryl Lent-A welcome back
210 Dog News
And to all of our advertisers, readers and columnists and to all of our many friends who we missed this year, we send you all the best wishes for this holiday season. Until next year... peace.
Dog News The Digest
Of American Dogs
The Dog Show Calendar Lists All Shows Offered Through The Month Of February 2014
In order to further serve the fancy, Dog News will publish the upcoming All Breed and Specialty Breed Show schedules including judging panels, show superintendents and closing dates in the first issue of each month.
Full Page Color: $600 prepaid • $675 billed Full Page B/W: $275 prepaid • $325 billed Half Page B/W: $200 prepaid • $275 billed Dog News 211
FEBRUARY 1 - SATURDAY AR Pine Bluff* (I) SOUTHEAST ARKANSAS KENNEL CLUB Pine Bluff Convention Center 500 E Eight Ave. CLOSES: JANUARY 15 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.50-1st/ $15.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. M. Purkhiser SPORTING Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Col. J. B. Purkhiser: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. J. C. Briley Mrs. M. Purkhiser: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Mr. J. C. Briley: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Mrs. G. Geringer: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. M. Purkhiser Mr. R. E. Hall: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. E. Hall Mrs. M. Purkhiser: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Brdr Coll, Bouv, Briard, Canaan, Card-WC, Coll (Rough) Mrs. B. A. Brooks: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. B. A. Brooks Mrs. B. A. Brooks: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. R. M. Burgin: Nov A, Open B, Util A, Versatility Mr. D. E. Herald: Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A Mr. G. Norman: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Openr, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. B. A. Brooks AZ Phoenix (I) ARIZONA RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK CLUB Arizona State Fairgrounds 1826 W McDowell Rd. CLOSES: JANUARY 15 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd Ms. D. K. Petersen: Breed AZ Phoenix (I) RIO SALADO VIZSLA CLUB, INC. (S) Arizona State Fairgrounds 1826 W McDowell Rd. CLOSES: JANUARY 15 Mrs. Jackie Lawrence, SHW SEC, 2070 E Melrose St, Glendale, AZ 85297 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mr. R. W. Powell: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY AZ Phoenix* (I) SAHUARO STATE KENNEL CLUB (S) Arizona State Fairgrounds 1826 W McDowell Rd. CLOSES: JANUARY 15 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. A. (. Mills SPORTING Group: Mrs. H. Glendinning Mrs. K. Meredith-Cavanna: Ret-Lab Mr. R. W. Powell: Ret-Gold, Set-Eng, Set-Irsh Ms. D. K. Petersen: Brit, Pntr-GS, Ret-Curl, Span-Irw, SpanSuss, Vizs Mrs. H. Glendinning: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. A. Katona Mr. R. W. Powell: Dach Mrs. L. Boutwell: Basset, RhoRidge Ms. D. K. Petersen: B & T Coonhnd, Ir Wolf, Otter, ScotDeer, Treeing Walker Coon, Whip Mrs. K. Meredith-Cavanna: Bgle, Bloodhnd, Ibizan, PBGV, Pharaoh, Plott, Redbone Coon Mrs. A. Katona: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. K. Meredith-Cavanna Mrs. K. Meredith-Cavanna: Berns Mtn, Boxer Mrs. A. Katona: Bullm, Portuguese Mr. R. W. Powell: Giant Schn, Std Schn Mrs. H. Glendinning: Alas Mal, Cane Corso, Dogue de Brdx, Grt Dane, Leonberger, Mast, Newf, St Bern Mrs. L. Boutwell: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. M. Taylor Mr. M. Taylor: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. L. Boutwell Mr. A. (. Mills: Cav KC Spans Mr. M. Taylor: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Chihua, Toy Manch Mrs. A. Katona: Chin Cr, Hava, Eng Toy Sp, I Greyhnd, J Chin, Malt, Min Pin, Pap Mr. J. R. Shoemaker: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. R. Shoemaker Mr. J. R. Shoemaker: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. J. M. Leonard Mrs. J. M. Leonard: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. A. (. Mills Mr. A. (. Mills: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. C. A. Curtis: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A Mr. R. L. Garvin: Nov B, Open A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. A. (. Mills SWEEPS PUPPY: Pntr-GS Alison Miller SWEEPS VETERANS: Ret-Lab Kim Nowak SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Lab Kim Nowak CA Fresno* (I) SUN MAID KENNEL CLUB OF FRESNO, INC. (S) Fresno County Fairgrounds 1121 S Chance Avenue CLOSES: JANUARY 15 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. M. J. Woods SPORTING Group: T. Deptuch Dr. M. J. Woods: Ret-Lab Mr. N. L. Patton: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: R. A. Fletcher Mr. R. J. Masse: Nor Elk Dr. M. J. Woods: Afghan, Port Pd Peq Mrs. J. S. Watkins: Basset, Bgle, Dach, Ir Wolf R. A. Fletcher: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. M. J. Woods A. Ritter: Berns Mtn, Leonberger, Newf J. P. Wade: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: J. P. Wade Mr. W. P. Harkin: Staf Bull Ms. M. L. Zingler: Airdle, Am Staff, Cesky Terrier, Glen Imaal R. A. Fletcher: Kerry, Lakelnd, Manch Ter, Min Schn, Norwich Norfolk, Parson Russell, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated, Welsh Ter Mr. N. L. Patton: Balance of Terrier Breeds
212 Dog News
TOY Group: Mr. N. L. Patton C. Cool: Pug Dr. M. J. Woods: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: C. A. Herbel R. C. Sampson: Am Esk Dog A. Quesada: Bulldog Dr. M. J. Woods: Fin Spitz, Norwegian Lndhnd, Pood T. Deptuch: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Dr. M. J. Woods Ms. M. L. Zingler: Pol Low Shp C. A. Herbel: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: T. Deptuch T. Deptuch: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. S. Osburn: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B Mrs. M. L. Just: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. M. L. Zingler SWEEPS VETERANS: Staf Bull Kyana-Ann Mick SWEEPS PUPPY: Staf Bull Kyana-Ann Mick GA Atlanta (I) (Evening) (PENDING APPROVAL) CHOW CHOW FANCIERS OF ATLANTA Atlanta Exposition Cntr South 3850 Jonesboro Rd CLOSES: JANUARY 16 12:00 p.m. Phyllis Poolos, SHW SEC, PO BOX 25764, C/O ONOFRIO DOG SHOWS, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73125 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Dr. G. C. Penta: Breed GA Atlanta (I) COLLIE CLUB OF GEORGIA, INC. (S) Atlanta Exposition Cntr South 3850 Jonesboro Rd CLOSES: JANUARY 15 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $26.00-2nd Mrs. R. Heit: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Crystal Stoner SWEEPS PUPPY Crystal Stoner GA Atlanta* (I) CONYERS KENNEL CLUB OF GEORGIA (S) Atlanta Exposition Cntr South 3850 Jonesboro Rd CLOSES: JANUARY 15 12:00 p.m. Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. H. Clark SPORTING Group: Mr. R. L. Vandiver Mr. R. Stein: Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mr. A. Berrios: Pntr-GW, Ret-Flat, Set-Gord, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Irw Mrs. C. Vogels: Brit, Pointer, Pntr-GS, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab Mr. R. L. Vandiver: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. E. Muthard Mrs. M. Meyer: Nor Elk Ms. E. Muthard: Otter, PBGV, Pharaoh, Plott, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon, RhoRidge, Saluki, ScotDeer, Treeing Walker Coon, Whip Mrs. J. Webb: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. C. Bell Mrs. M. Meyer: Akita Mr. R. Stein: Grt Dane Mrs. T. L. Berrios: Giant Schn, Kuv, Leonberger Ms. E. Muthard: Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kom, Mast Mrs. C. Bell: Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Bullm, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dobe Mr. C. L. Olvis: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. C. Vogels Mr. T. L. Yates: Parson Russell, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Mr. H. Clark: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. T. L. Berrios Mrs. S. S. Hedgepath: Cav KC Spans Mr. R. Stein: Chihua Mrs. H. W. Stein: Chin Cr Mrs. T. L. Berrios: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Hava, Eng Toy Sp, I Greyhnd, J Chin Mr. D. Vice: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. M. Meyer Mr. R. Stein: Shar-Pei, Chow Mrs. M. Meyer: Fr Bull, Lhasa Mrs. H. W. Stein: Bulldog, Dalm, Kees Mrs. H. Clark: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. M. D. Williams Mr. R. Stein: Coll (Rough) Mrs. S. S. Hedgepath: Austrl Cat Dg, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Fin Laph, GSD, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, OES, Pemb-WC, Pol Low Shp, Pulik, Pyre Shep, Swed Vallhund Mrs. M. D. Williams: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. H. W. Stein Mrs. H. W. Stein: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. S. A. Redmer: Nov A, Nov B, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility Mrs. J. P. Lynch: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV Mr. R. R. Withers: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. M. Meyer SWEEPS PUPPY: Chow Harvey Kent SWEEPS VETERANS: Chow Harvey Kent SWEEPS PUPPY: Cav KC Spans Brenda Martz GA Atlanta (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) GREATER ATLANTA PUG CLUB, INC. (S) Atlanta Exposition Cntr South 3850 Jonesboro Rd CLOSES: JANUARY 15 Ms. Vallarie Smith Cuttie, SHW SEC, 53 W. Oak St., Luthersville, GA 30251 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $27.00-2nd T. W. Heres: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Ms. Michelle Bearden SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Michelle Bearden GA Atlanta (I) (Evening) SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB OF GEORGIA, INC. Atlanta Exposition Cntr South 3850 Jonesboro Rd CLOSES: JANUARY 15 Michael Kilgore, SHW SEC, 11 WACCAMAW AVE, GREENVILLE, SC 29605 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. B. K. Cleveland: Breed
IL Frankfort (I) ILLINI GREAT DANE CLUB (S) Heritage Plaza Sport & Fitness Center 10850 Laraway Road CLOSES: JANUARY 15 Lynda Moriarty, SHW SEC, 1256 Nesbitt Road, C/O Kathy Baraga, Sagamore Hills, OH 44067 Ms. L. L. Ridder: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Kathleen Davis MA W Springfield (I) GREAT BARRINGTON KENNEL CLUB, INC. Eastern States Exposition Grounds 1305 memorial Ave. CLOSES: JANUARY 15 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. C. Noe SPORTING Group: Mr. M. E. Threlfall Mr. D. R. Miller: Brit, Ret-Curl, Ret-Lab, Set-Eng, Set-Gord, Span-Ckr, Vizs Mr. M. E. Threlfall: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. W. R. Russell Mrs. D. Kniola: Afghan, Ibizan Mr. W. R. Russell: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: R. H. Slay L. Berberich: Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Cane Corso, Dogue de Brdx, Grt Pyr, Leonberger, Newf, Portuguese, St Bern, Sam, Std Schn R. H. Slay: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. D. Kniola Mrs. D. Kniola: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. F. J. Washabaugh Mrs. D. Kniola: Pood Toy, Shih Tzu Mr. F. J. Washabaugh: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. D. R. Miller Mr. D. R. Miller: Am Esk Dog, Fin Spitz, Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd, Pood (Std), Shiba Inu, Xoloitzcuintli Mrs. C. Noe: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. J. K. Laurin P. M. Barrett: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv Ms. J. K. Laurin: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. F. J. Washabaugh Mr. F. J. Washabaugh: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. J. K. Laurin MO St Joseph (I) ST. JOSEPH KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) St Joseph Civic Arena 4th & Felix St CLOSES: JANUARY 15 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. J. Shreve SPORTING Group: Mrs. M. C. Spacht Mrs. L. Clark: Ret-Flat, Ret-Lab, Vizs Mrs. M. C. Spacht: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: T. S. Robbins Mrs. L. Clark: Bgle, RhoRidge Mrs. M. C. Spacht: Borz, Dach, Saluki T. S. Robbins: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman Mr. R. J. Shreve: Dobe, Grt Dane, Rottw Mrs. L. Clark: Akita, Alas Mal, Bullm, Giant Schn Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. J. E. Frederiksen Mr. R. J. Shreve: Pood Toy Mrs. A. K. Catterson: Cav KC Spans, J Chin Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman: Pap, Silky T. S. Robbins: Chihua, Chin Cr, Peke, Pom, Pug, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman Mr. J. E. Noe: Bulldog T. S. Robbins: Fr Bull Mrs. A. K. Catterson: Boston, Shar-Pei, Dalm, Fin Spitz, Xoloitzcuintli Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman: Am Esk Dog, Lhasa, Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd, Schip, Tib Span Mr. R. J. Shreve: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. J. E. Noe Mrs. L. Clark: Austrl Cat Dg, Bouv, GSD, Pemb-WC Mr. J. E. Noe: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: T. S. Robbins T. S. Robbins: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. L. Clark SWEEPS PUPPY: Afghan Mr. Bruce Coffman NJ Wildwood (I) BOARDWALK KENNEL CLUB OF CAPE MAY COUNTY Wildwood Convention Center 4500 Boardwalk CLOSES: JANUARY 15 12:00 p.m. Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $31.00-1st/ $27.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW R. N. Rella SPORTING Group: Mrs. N. S. Cowley Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Vizs Dr. R. D. Smith: Set-Irsh, Span-Eng Ckr, Spin Ital Mrs. N. S. Cowley: Brit, All Pointers, All Retrievers, SpanBoykin Mr. C. E. Trotter: Set-Eng, Set-Gord, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW Mrs. P. D. Smith: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. C. E. Trotter Mr. C. E. Trotter: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. P. V. Trotter Mrs. P. D. Smith: Newf Mr. V. P. Chianese: Grt Dane, Rottw Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Akita, Alas Mal, Chinook, Giant Schn, Portuguese, Sam, Sib Hky, Tibtn Mastiff Mrs. J. M. Rayner: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. P. D. Smith L. L. Reece: Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Rat Terrier R. N. Rella: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. J. M. Rayner Mr. V. P. Chianese: Pood Toy Dr. R. D. Smith: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. D. Smith Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Fin Spitz Mr. V. P. Chianese: Bulldog, Chow, Dalm, Kees, Pood, Schip Mrs. P. D. Smith: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. R. Ambrosio Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Austrl Cat Dg, Bel Mal, Brdr Coll, Bouv, Briard, Card-WC, Coll, Nor Buhund, OES, Pemb-WC, Pol Low Shp, Pulik Mr. R. Ambrosio: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. R. D. Smith Mr. V. P. Chianese: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. V. P. Chianese
NM Hobbs (I) HOBBS NEW MEXICO KENNEL CLUB Lea County Event Center 5101 Lovington Highway CLOSES: JANUARY 15 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. S. J. Hubbell SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. D. Hearn Mrs. A. D. Hearn: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. G. K. Newton Mr. G. K. Newton: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. A. D. DiNardo Mr. S. J. Hubbell: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. S. J. Hubbell Mrs. A. D. Hearn: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Dr. A. D. DiNardo Dr. A. D. DiNardo: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. D. Hearn Mrs. A. D. Hearn: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. G. K. Newton Mr. S. J. Hubbell: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. S. J. Hubbell Mr. S. J. Hubbell: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Dr. A. D. DiNardo PA Washington (I) COLLIE CLUB OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA (S) Washington County Fairgrounds PA 2151 North Main Street CLOSES: JANUARY 17 6:00 a.m. Mrs. Beverly Ann Schwab, SHW SEC, 438 Midway Candor Rd, Bulger, PA 15019 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Mrs. B. L. Schwartz: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Naomi Ragan PA Washington (I) PANHANDLE COLLIE CLUB OF WEST VIRGINIA Washington County Fairgrounds PA 2151 North Main Street CLOSES: JANUARY 17 Mrs. Beverly Schwab, SHW SEC, 438 Midway Candor Rd, Bulger, PA 15019 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd B. Peplin: Breed PA Washington* (I) THREE RIVERS SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB OF GREATER PITTSBURGH (S) Washington County Fairgrounds PA 2151 North Main Street CLOSES: JANUARY 15 6:00 p.m. Mrs. Debra Lundy, SHW SEC, 5474 DELPHINIUM CT, COLUMBIA, MD 21045 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Ms. K. Schive: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mr. T. A. Walshesky: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV Mrs. N. J. Glabicki: Open A, Open B, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Holly Hatcher WI St. Francis* (I) COLLIE CLUB OF SOUTHERN WISCONSIN (S) Cudahy Kennel Club Building 3820 South Pennsylvania Ave St. Francis Center CLOSES: JANUARY 15 Mrs. Sue Fregien, SHW SEC, 24902 APPLE RD, WATERFORD, WI 53185 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd J. A. Caruso: Breed Mr. E. J. Willems: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Karen Martin SWEEPS PUPPY Karen Martin
FEBRUARY 2 - SUNDAY AR Pine Bluff* (I) SOUTHEAST ARKANSAS KENNEL CLUB Pine Bluff Convention Center 500 E Eight Ave. CLOSES: JANUARY 15 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.50-1st/ $15.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. G. Geringer SPORTING Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Mrs. G. Geringer: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. M. Purkhiser Mr. J. C. Briley: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. J. C. Briley Mrs. B. A. Brooks: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. G. Geringer Col. J. B. Purkhiser: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. E. Hall Mrs. M. Purkhiser: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. M. Purkhiser Mr. R. E. Hall: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. B. A. Brooks Mrs. B. A. Brooks: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Brdr Coll, Bouv, Briard, Canaan, Card-WC, Coll (Rough) Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. C. Briley Mr. J. C. Briley: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. G. Norman: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Open A, Grad Openr, Versatility Mr. D. E. Herald: Grad Novr, Open B, Util A Mr. R. M. Burgin: Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. C. Briley AZ Phoenix* (I) LOST DUTCHMAN KENNEL CLUB Arizona State Fairgrounds 1826 W McDowell Rd. CLOSES: JANUARY 15 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. L. Brown SPORTING Group: Mrs. K. Meredith-Cavanna Mrs. L. Boutwell: Vizs Mrs. A. Katona: Ret-Lab, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mrs. K. Meredith-Cavanna: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. D. K. Petersen Mrs. L. Boutwell: Whip Mrs. A. Katona: B & T Coonhnd, Dach, Ir Wolf, Otter, Pharaoh, RhoRidge, ScotDeer, Treeing Walker Coon Ms. D. K. Petersen: Balance of Hound Breeds
WORKING Group: Ms. F. S. Godek Ms. F. S. Godek: Chinook, Leonberger, Nepltn Mastiff, Tibtn Mastiff Ms. C. C. Smith: Grt Dane, Newf, Portuguese, Rottw, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn Mr. T. P. Stanfield, Jr.: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. L. Boutwell Mrs. L. Boutwell: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. J. R. Shoemaker Mrs. L. Boutwell: Toy Manch Mr. M. E. Moore: Pap, Peke, Pom, Pug, Shih Tzu, Pood Toy, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mr. J. R. Shoemaker: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. Katona Mr. M. E. Moore: Bichon, Dalm, Pood, Tib Span, Tib Ter Ms. B. A. Langlois: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. M. Taylor Mr. M. Taylor: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. L. Brown Mr. L. Brown: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. M. Williquette: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, Grad Novr, Open A Dr. W. T. Beauchamp: Nov B, Begnr Nov B, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. R. Gordin CA Fresno* (I) SUN MAID KENNEL CLUB OF FRESNO, INC. (S) Fresno County Fairgrounds 1121 S Chance Avenue CLOSES: JANUARY 15 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW C. A. Herbel SPORTING Group: Mr. N. L. Patton Mr. N. L. Patton: Ret-Lab T. Deptuch: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: J. P. Wade R. A. Fletcher: Dach, Nor Elk J. P. Wade: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: J. P. Wade G. J. Vogel: Berns Mtn Mr. N. L. Patton: Boxer, Dobe, Grt Dane, Std Schn Dr. M. J. Woods: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. N. L. Patton Dr. M. J. Woods: Cairn Mr. A. Dodsworth: Staf Bull J. P. Wade: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Dr. M. J. Woods Ms. M. L. Zingler: Pood Toy R. A. Fletcher: Chihua, Hava C. A. Herbel: Chin Cr, I Greyhnd, Pom, Shih Tzu, Toy Fox Terrier Mr. N. L. Patton: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. M. J. Woods M. Quesada: Bulldog G. Milutinovich: Lowch R. A. Fletcher: Am Esk Dog, Xoloitzcuintli Ms. M. L. Zingler: Kees, Lhasa, Pood, Shiba Inu C. A. Herbel: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: C. A. Herbel Dr. M. J. Woods: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: C. A. Herbel C. A. Herbel: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. M. L. Just: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B Ms. S. Osburn: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: A. Quesada SWEEPS VETERANS: Staf Bull Calvin Murphy SWEEPS PUPPY: Staf Bull Calvin Murphy GA Atlanta (I) COLLIE CLUB OF GEORGIA, INC. (S) Atlanta Exposition Cntr South 3850 Jonesboro Rd CLOSES: JANUARY 15 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $26.00-2nd Mr. T. W. Coen: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Jackie Henson SWEEPS PUPPY Jackie Henson GA Atlanta* (I) LAWRENCEVILLE KENNEL CLUB, INC. Atlanta Exposition Cntr South 3850 Jonesboro Rd CLOSES: JANUARY 15 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. Stein SPORTING Group: Mrs. J. Webb Mrs. M. Meyer: Ret-Nova Scotia T Mrs. J. Webb: Set-Irsh, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, SpanBoykin, Span-Clum Mrs. S. S. Hedgepath: Brit, All Pointers, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Set-Eng, Set-Gord Ms. E. Muthard: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. H. Clark Mrs. H. W. Stein: Basenji, RhoRidge Mrs. H. Clark: Dach, Eng Fox, Greyhnd, Harr, Ibizan, Ir Wolf Mr. C. L. Olvis: Afghan, Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Basset, Bgle, B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Bluetick Coon, Borz Mrs. J. Webb: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. H. Clark Mrs. H. Clark: Chinook Mr. D. Vice: Akita, Boxer, Bullm, Dobe, Grt Dane, Std Schn Mr. H. Clark: Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Cane Corso, Sib Hky, Tibtn Mastiff Mrs. C. Bell: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. D. Vice Mrs. C. Vogels: Airdle, Am Staff, Austr, Bdlgtn, Border, Bull Ter, Cairn, Cesky Terrier, Glen Imaal Mrs. H. Clark: Dandie, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Irish Ter, Kerry, Lakelnd, Min Bull Terrs, Manch Ter, Min Schn, Norwich Norfolk Mr. H. Clark: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. E. Muthard Mrs. J. Webb: Hava Mrs. H. W. Stein: Chihua, Eng Toy Sp, Toy Manch, Pap, Peke Mrs. C. Vogels: Affenp, Bruss Grif, J Chin, Pom, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mrs. M. D. Williams: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. H. W. Stein Mr. R. Stein: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Boston, Dalm, Fr Bull, Kees, Lhasa Mrs. M. Meyer: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds
HERDING Group: Mr. R. L. Vandiver Mrs. M. D. Williams: GSD Mr. R. Stein: Coll (Smooth) Mr. R. L. Vandiver: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Brdr Coll, Bouv, Briard, Card-WC, Coll (Rough) Mr. C. L. Olvis: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. Stein Mr. R. Stein: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. R. R. Withers: Nov A, Nov B, Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility Mrs. S. A. Redmer: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV Mrs. J. P. Lynch: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN JR SHOWMANSHIP: N. Whitney IL Frankfort* (I) ILLINI GREAT DANE CLUB Heritage Plaza Sport & Fitness Center 10850 Laraway Road CLOSES: JANUARY 15 Mrs. Lynda Moriarty, SHW SEC, 1256 Nesbitt Road, C/O Kathy Baraga, Sagamore Hills, OH 44067 Mr. R. E. Layne: Breed Mr. F. Buroff: Obedience MA W Springfield (I) GREAT BARRINGTON KENNEL CLUB, INC. Eastern States Exposition Grounds 1305 memorial Ave. CLOSES: JANUARY 15 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. S. Walker SPORTING Group: Mr. W. R. Russell R. H. Slay: Pointer, Ret-Lab, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr Mr. W. R. Russell: Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Vizs, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mr. F. J. Washabaugh: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. D. R. Miller Mr. W. R. Russell: Afghan, Ibizan Mr. D. R. Miller: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. K. A. Doeg L. Berberich: Boxer, Bullm, Dobe, Grt Dane, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Mast, Rottw, Sib Hky Dr. K. A. Doeg: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. F. J. Washabaugh Mr. F. J. Washabaugh: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. C. Noe Mr. F. J. Washabaugh: Pood Toy Mrs. C. Noe: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. Kniola Mr. W. R. Russell: Pood (Min) Mrs. D. Kniola: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: R. H. Slay R. H. Slay: AustrlShep, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Card-WC, Coll, GSD, Pemb-WC, Pulik, Shetld Dr. K. A. Doeg: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. K. A. Doeg Dr. K. A. Doeg: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. K. A. Kelso MO St Joseph (I) ST. JOSEPH KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) St Joseph Civic Arena 4th & Felix St CLOSES: JANUARY 15 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. E. Frederiksen SPORTING Group: Mr. J. E. Noe Mrs. M. C. Spacht: Ret-Flat, Ret-Lab, Vizs Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman: All Pointers, Ret-Ches, Ret-Gold, All Setters, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr, SpanFld, Span-Wel Spr Mr. J. E. Noe: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. M. C. Spacht Mrs. D. Sorenson: Dach L. Sorenson: Afghan, Basenji, Basset, Bgle, Borz, Saluki Mrs. M. C. Spacht: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. J. E. Noe T. S. Robbins: Dobe L. Carvajal: Alas Mal, Grt Dane, Rottw, Sam Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: St Bern, Sib Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. J. E. Noe: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mrs. D. Sorenson: Skye Mr. R. J. Shreve: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman Mrs. J. B. Blackerby: Pug Mrs. D. Sorenson: Shih Tzu Mr. J. E. Noe: Pood Toy Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: Chihua, Chin Cr, Pap, Peke, Pom, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: T. S. Robbins Mrs. J. B. Blackerby: Fr Bull Mr. J. E. Noe: Pood Mrs. D. Sorenson: Bichon, Lhasa T. S. Robbins: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve M. L. Russell: Coll, Shetld Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Brdr Coll, Pemb-WC Mr. R. J. Shreve: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. M. C. Spacht Mrs. M. C. Spacht: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. M. C. Spacht SWEEPS PUPPY: Afghan Ms. Edweena McDowell NJ Wildwood (I) BOARDWALK KENNEL CLUB OF CAPE MAY COUNTY Wildwood Convention Center 4500 Boardwalk CLOSES: JANUARY 15 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. V. P. Chianese SPORTING Group: Mr. C. E. Trotter Dr. R. D. Smith: Span-Wel Spr Mr. C. E. Trotter: Brit, All Pointers, All Retrievers, SpanBoykin, Spin Ital, Vizs Mrs. N. S. Cowley: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. P. V. Trotter G. M. Leeuwenburg: Nor Elk Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. R. D. Smith Mrs. P. V. Trotter: Grt Dane, Grt Pyr, Rottw Mr. V. P. Chianese: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: R. N. Rella R. N. Rella: Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Rat Terrier Mrs. P. D. Smith: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. P. D. Smith Mrs. P. D. Smith: Peke, Pood Toy Mrs. N. S. Cowley: Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Pug R. N. Rella: Balance of Toy Breeds
NON-SPORTING Group: R. N. Rella Mrs. P. D. Smith: Pood Dr. R. D. Smith: Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli R. N. Rella: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Dr. R. D. Smith Mr. C. E. Trotter: GSD Dr. R. D. Smith: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. N. S. Cowley Mrs. N. S. Cowley: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. N. S. Cowley NM Hobbs (I) HOBBS NEW MEXICO KENNEL CLUB Lea County Event Center 5101 Lovington Highway CLOSES: JANUARY 15 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00 Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. A. D. DiNardo SPORTING Group: Dr. A. D. DiNardo Mr. S. J. Hubbell: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. S. J. Hubbell Dr. A. D. DiNardo: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. G. K. Newton Mr. G. K. Newton: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. A. D. Hearn Mr. S. J. Hubbell: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. A. D. Hearn Mrs. A. D. Hearn: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. S. J. Hubbell Mr. S. J. Hubbell: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. S. J. Hubbell Mr. G. K. Newton: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. G. K. Newton Mr. G. K. Newton: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. A. D. Hearn PA Washington (I) COLLIE CLUB OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA Washington County Fairgrounds PA 2151 North Main Street CLOSES: JANUARY 15 6:00 a.m. Mrs. Beverly Ann Schwab, SHW SEC, 438 Midway-Candor Road, Bulger, PA 15019 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd J. Corwin: Breed PA Washington (I) PANHANDLE COLLIE CLUB OF WEST VIRGINIA Washington County Fairgrounds PA 2151 North Main Street CLOSES: JANUARY 17 Beverly Schwab, SHW SEC, 438 MIDWAY CANDOR RD, BULGER, PA 15019 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Miss J. A. Bryant: Breed PA Washington* (I) THREE RIVERS SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB OF GREATER PITTSBURGH (S) Washington County Fairgrounds PA 2151 North Main Street CLOSES: JANUARY 15 6:00 p.m. Mrs. Debra Lundy, SHW SEC, 5474 DELPHINIUM CT, COLUMBIA, MD 21045 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Ms. M. S. Richey: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. N. J. Glabicki: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV Mr. T. A. Walshesky: Open A, Open B, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Geri Mercer WI St. Francis* (I) COLLIE CLUB OF SOUTHERN WISCONSIN (S) Cudahy Kennel Club Building 3820 South Pennsylvania Ave St. Francis Center CLOSES: JANUARY 15 Sue Fregien, SHW SEC, 24902 APPLE RD, WATERFORD, WI 53185 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd L. M. Montero: Breed Ms. C. Simonsen: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Dr. Bev Sigl Felten SWEEPS PUPPY Dr. Bev Sigl Felten
FEBRUARY 3 - MONDAY AZ Phoenix* (I) LOST DUTCHMAN KENNEL CLUB Arizona State Fairgrounds 1826 W McDowell Rd. CLOSES: JANUARY 15 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. C. Erickson SPORTING Group: Dr. S. D. Herman Mrs. L. Boutwell: Ret-Lab Mr. J. A. Fehring: Brit, Pntr-GS, Ret-Gold, Set-Irsh, SpanClum, Span-Eng Spr Dr. S. D. Herman: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. L. Boutwell Dr. S. D. Herman: Afghan D. A. Ross: Basenji Ms. R. Crandahl: Greyhnd, ScotDeer Ms. B. A. Langlois: Basset, Bgle, Bloodhnd, Borz, Dach, Eng Fox, PBGV, Pharaoh, RhoRidge, Saluki, Whip Mrs. L. Boutwell: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. C. C. Smith Mrs. L. Boutwell: Boxer, Grt Dane Mr. T. P. Stanfield, Jr.: Newf, Portuguese, Rottw, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn Ms. C. C. Smith: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. A. Katona Ms. C. Erickson: Austr Mrs. R. Gordin: Soft Coated Mrs. A. Katona: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. M. E. Moore Mr. J. A. Fehring: Pap Mrs. A. Katona: Toy Manch Ms. C. C. Smith: Pood Toy Mrs. L. Boutwell: Peke, Pom, Pug, Shih Tzu, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mr. M. E. Moore: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. B. A. Langlois Mr. M. E. Moore: Boston, Fr Bull Mrs. A. Katona: Am Esk Dog, Fin Spitz, Lowch, Tib Span, Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli Ms. C. C. Smith: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. L. Brown Mr. L. Brown: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. S. D. Herman Dr. S. D. Herman: All Miscellaneous Breeds
OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Dr. W. T. Beauchamp: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A Mrs. M. Williquette: Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. A. Fehring
FEBRUARY 6 - THURSDAY IN Indianapolis (I) CENTRAL INDIANA KENNEL CLUB, INC. Indiana State Fairgrounds 1202 East 38th Street CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. L. Robey SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Ms. L. Robey: Ret-Lab Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Brit, Pointer, Pntr-GS Mr. J. R. Cole: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. R. I. Spritzer Mr. K. H. Delaney: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. F. Strauss Ms. B. Capstick: St Bern Mrs. F. Strauss: Portuguese, Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Akita, Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Cane Corso, Newf Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Boxer, Dogue de Brdx, Grt Dane, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Mast, Nepltn Mastiff D. P. Cline: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. D. Vice D. P. Cline: Bull Ter, Min Bull Terrs Mr. D. Vice: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. K. H. Delaney Mr. K. H. Delaney: Peke Mr. J. R. Cole: Pug Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Chihua, Malt, Min Pin, Toy Manch, Pap Ms. B. Capstick: Pom, Shih Tzu, Pood Toy, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mr. D. Vice: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. B. Capstick Mrs. P. Hartinger: Shar-Pei Ms. B. Capstick: Dalm, Pood Mrs. F. Strauss: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger Mrs. P. Hartinger: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Shetld, Swed Vallhund Ms. L. Robey: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. B. Capstick Ms. B. Capstick: All Miscellaneous Breeds
FEBRUARY 7 - FRIDAY IN Indianapolis (I) (Evening) CENTRAL INDIANA ST. BERNARD CLUB, INC. Indiana State Fairgrounds 1202 East 38th Street CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Kaye Wessar, SHW SEC, Po Box 828, C/O Roy Jones Dog Shows, Auburn, IN 46706 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $12.00-2nd Mrs. A. F. Brown: Breed IN Indianapolis (I) HOOSIER KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Indiana State Fairgrounds 1202 East 38th Street CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. D. Vice SPORTING Group: D. P. Cline Mrs. F. Strauss: Ret-Gold D. P. Cline: Ret-Lab Ms. L. Robey: Brit, All Pointers Mrs. J. McGinnis: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. K. H. Delaney Mr. R. R. Hartinger: RhoRidge Ms. B. Capstick: Bluetick Coon, Dach Mr. J. R. Cole: Borz, Whip Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Afghan, Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Basenji, Basset, B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd Mrs. J. McGinnis: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. B. Capstick D. P. Cline: St Bern Mrs. P. Hartinger: Alas Mal, Berns Mtn Mrs. F. Strauss: AnatolShep, Boxer Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Chinook, Gtr Swiss Mtn Ms. B. Capstick: Dobe, Rottw Mr. J. R. Cole: Bullm, Cane Corso, Grt Dane, Nepltn Mastiff Ms. L. Robey: Dogue de Brdx, Giant Schn, Mast, Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mr. N. L. Patton: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger Mr. J. R. Cole: Pom Mr. N. L. Patton: Pood Toy Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Cav KC Spans, Hava, Shih Tzu Mr. D. Vice: Peke, Pug, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mr. K. H. Delaney: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. N. L. Patton V. Rodger: Shar-Pei Ms. L. Robey: Dalm Mr. N. L. Patton: Pood Mr. D. Vice: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Boston, Bulldog Mrs. P. Hartinger: Shiba Inu, Tib Span, Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli Ms. B. Capstick: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Austrl Cat Dg, Beard Coll, Shetld, Swed Vallhund Mr. J. R. Cole: AustrlShep, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Bouv Mrs. P. Hartinger: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mrs. P. Hartinger: All Miscellaneous Breeds SWEEPS VETERANS: Rottw Michael Liposack SWEEPS PUPPY: Rottw Michael Liposack IN Indianapolis (I) HOOSIER STATE CHINESE SHAR-PEI CLUB (P) Indiana State Fairgrounds 1202 East 38th Street CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT SWEEPS PUPPY: Shar-Pei Christine Smith
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NY Bay Shore* (I) LONG ISLAND GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB, INC. (S) Doggie “U” K-9 Academy 41 Saxon Ave CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. M. C. Spacht: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. P. Broderick: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY Heather Donnelly NY New York (I) PROGRESSIVE DOG CLUB New York Hotel Pennsylvania Pavillion Level (on the mezzanine) 401 Seventh Avenue (at 33rd Street) CLOSES: JANUARY 22 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd P. J. Green: Toy Group Mr. T. Catterson: Affenp, Chihua (Long), Chihua (Smooth), I Greyhnd, Min Pin, Peke, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. J. Webb: Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Hava, Eng Toy Sp (B & PC), Eng Toy Sp (KC & R), J Chin, Toy Manch, Pood Toy, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier A. Easdon: Chin Cr, Malt, Pap, Pom, Pug, Shih Tzu Mr. M. Feigelson: Yorks NY Rye Brook (I) EMPIRE SALUKI CLUB (S) Hilton Westchester 699 Westchester Ave CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $38.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Dr. B. M. Deitch: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Ms. Debra Bumbaugh SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Debra Bumbaugh NY Rye Brook (I) IRISH SETTER CLUB OF LONG ISLAND (S) Hilton Westchester 699 Westchester Ave CLOSES: JANUARY 22 12:00 p.m. Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $38.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd J. Virosteck: Breed Ms. K. M. McAteer: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Mrs. Susan Willumsen SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Susan Willumsen TX Houston (I) BULLDOG CLUB OF AMERICA Crowne Plaza Hotel 12801 NW Freeway CLOSES: JANUARY 24 6:00 p.m. Mrs. Lynda Matcek, SHW SEC, 3003 Founders Ct, Missouri City, TX 77459 FEE: $28.00 Mrs. B. Staley: Breed VA Glen Allen (I) BLUE RIDGE SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB (S) Dude Ranch Pet Resort 11015 Dude Ranch Rd. CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Pat Schaap, D.V.M., SHW SEC, 13019 TRIADELPHIA MILL RD, CLARKSVILLE, MD 21029 FEE: $28.00 Y. Samuelson: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Rachel Pratt-Szczeszynski
FEBRUARY 8 - SATURDAY AZ Phoenix (O) GREAT DANE CLUB OF ARIZONA (S) Clarion Hotel Phoenix 5121 E La Puente Ave. CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Cheryl Cazier, SHW SEC, 3360 E FLOWER ST, PHOENIX, AZ 85018 FEE: $30.00 L. Maulucci: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Mort Evans CA Claremont (O) SANTIAGO SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB Hotel Claremont 840 So Indian Hill Blvd CLOSES: JANUARY 21 Judy Wilson, SHW SEC, 209 WAINWRIGHT CT, SACRAMENTO, CA 95838 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd B. Llewellyn: Breed CA Claremont (O) SANTIAGO SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB Hotel Claremont 840 So Indian Hill Blvd CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Judy Wilson, SHW SEC, 209 WAINWRIGHT CT, SACRAMENTO, CA 95838 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Ms. S. Rubenstein: Breed CA Santa Maria (O) (PENDING APPROVAL) SANTA MARIA/SAN LUIS BAY GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB Elks Lodge 1309 N Bradley CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Meredith Dorty, SHW SEC, 2685 Ocean Blvd, Cayucos, CA 93430 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $17.00-2nd Mr. J. Kilgour: Breed CT Southbury (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) COLLIE CLUB OF CONNECTICUT, INC. Crowne Plaza Hotel1284 Strongtown Rd CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Ms. Lori Carver, SHW SEC, 18 Plainfield Rd, Cummington, MA 01026 FEE: $30.00 Ms. A. L. Cross: Breed, Jr. Showmanship
214 Dog News
CT Southbury (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) COLLIE CLUB OF LONG ISLAND, INC. Crowne Plaza Hotel1284 Strongtown Rd CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Lori Carver, SHW SEC, 18 Plainfield Rd, Cummington, MA 01026 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Miss M. E. Halinen: Breed, Jr. Showmanship
IN Indianapolis (I) HOOSIER ROTTWEILER CLUB Indiana State Fairgrounds 1202 East 38th Street CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Gwen Chaney, SHW SEC, PO BOX 828, C/O ROY JONES, AUBURN, IN 46706 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mr. M. W. Conradt: Breed
CT Windsor Locks (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) COLONIAL AFGHAN HOUND CLUB, INC. (S) Hillspoint Hotel 383 S Center St CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Deborah Burnham, SHW SEC, 340 BROAD ST, WINDSOR, CT 06095 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Ms. C. P. Smith: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Harry Bennet
IN Indianapolis (I) HOOSIER STATE CHINESE SHAR-PEI CLUB (P) Indiana State Fairgrounds 1202 East 38th Street CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $15.00 SWEEPS PUPPY: Shar-Pei Dora Wagner
CT Windsor Locks (I) NUTMEG AFGHAN HOUND CLUB (S) Hillspoint Hotel 383 S Center St CLOSES: JANUARY 22 6:00 p.m. Amy Mero, SHW SEC, 1181 PLEASANT ST, BROCKTON, MA 02301 FEE: $30.00 Mr. L. G. Hearn: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Erica Jantos IN Indianapolis (I) CENTRAL INDIANA KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Indiana State Fairgrounds 1202 East 38th Street CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. F. Strauss SPORTING Group: Ms. L. Robey Mrs. R. J. Hochfield: Ret-Lab Mrs. J. McGinnis: Brit, Pointer, Pntr-GS Ms. L. Robey: Ret-Gold, Ret-Nova Scotia T, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. J. McGinnis Mrs. P. Hartinger: Bgle Mrs. F. Strauss: Dach Mrs. J. McGinnis: Afghan, Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Basenji, Basset, B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Bluetick Coon, Borz Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: D. P. Cline Mrs. D. D. Conradt: Rottw Ms. L. Robey: Dobe, St Bern Mr. D. Vice: Boxer, Bullm, Grt Dane, Std Schn Mrs. P. Hartinger: Akita, Cane Corso, Kom, Kuv, Leonberger Ms. B. Capstick: Alas Mal, Newf, Portuguese, Sib Hky, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. R. R. Hartinger: AnatolShep, Dogue de Brdx, Giant Schn, Nepltn Mastiff, Sam Mrs. F. Strauss: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. N. L. Patton Mrs. C. J. Sharp: Bull Ter, Min Bull Terrs Mr. J. R. Cole: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. D. Vice Mr. J. R. Cole: Pood Toy Mrs. P. Hartinger: I Greyhnd, Malt Ms. B. Capstick: Min Pin, Pap Mr. K. H. Delaney: Cav KC Spans, Hava, Pom, Shih Tzu, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mr. N. L. Patton: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mrs. D. L. Skibinski: Shar-Pei Mr. J. R. Cole: Dalm, Pood Mr. K. H. Delaney: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Boston Ms. B. Capstick: Bulldog, Shiba Inu, Tib Span, Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli Mrs. P. Hartinger: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. B. Capstick Mr. J. R. Cole: Shetld Ms. B. Capstick: Austrl Cat Dg, Swed Vallhund D. P. Cline: AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Bouv, Canaan, Card-WC, Pemb-WC Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. J. McGinnis Mrs. J. McGinnis: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. F. Strauss SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Lab Nicole McCarthy SWEEPS PUPPY: Dalm Mrs. Anne Marie Taylor SWEEPS VETERANS: Dalm Mrs. Anne Marie Taylor SWEEPS PUPPY: Pug Karen Thompson SWEEPS VETERANS: Pug Karen Thompson SWEEPS VETERANS: Bullm Ellen Vanden Avond SWEEPS PUPPY: Bullm Ellen Vanden Avond IN Indianapolis (I) CENTRAL INDIANA ST. BERNARD CLUB, INC. (S) Indiana State Fairgrounds 1202 East 38th Street CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Kaye Wessar, SHW SEC, Po Box 828, C/O Roy Jones Dog Shows, Auburn, IN 46706 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $12.00-2nd Mr. V. R. Dingus: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Raina Lewis IN Indianapolis (I) DOBERMAN PINSCHER CLUB OF INDIANA Indiana State Fairgrounds 1202 East 38th Street CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Karl Kreck, SHW SEC, PO BOX 828, C/O ROY JONES, AUBURN, IN 46706 FEE: $19.00 Mrs. F. Strauss: Breed
MN Lake Elmo (I) COLLIE CLUB OF MINNESOTA, INC. (S) Animal Inn Show Center Lecture Hall & Training Center 8633 34th Street North CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Cindy O’Hare, SHW SEC, 8221 Griffith Ave Nw, Maple Lake, MN 55358 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd J. Pitt: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Cindy Phillips SWEEPS PUPPY Cindy Phillips MN Lake Elmo (I) COLLIE CLUB OF MINNESOTA, INC. Animal Inn Show Center Lecture Hall & Training Center 8633 34th Street North CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Cindy O’Hare, SHW SEC, 8221 Griffith Ave Nw, Maple Lake, MN 55358 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Mrs. J. R. Hitt: Breed MO Wentzville* (I) ST. LOUIS COLLIE CLUB, INC. (S) Westinn Kennel Building 1522 Swantnerville Road CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Sherri Spavale, SHW SEC, Po Box 510491, Saint Louis, MO 63151 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mr. T. W. Coen: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. D. J. Propst: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Rough) Karen Hynek SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Smooth) Karen Hynek NC Charlotte* (I/O) (PENDING APPROVAL) LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB OF THE PIEDMONT (S) Piedmont Kennel Club Showplace 13607 Choate Circle CLOSES: JANUARY 17 Libby Flowerree, SHW SEC, 139 N. Union Street, Concord, NC 28025 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Mrs. J. Hodge: Breed Mr. R. J. Wlodkowski: Jr. Showmanship Mr. A. R. Cherubini: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS SWEEPS PUPPY NJ Edison (I) LONG ISLAND BULLDOG CLUB Sheraton Edison Raritan Center 125 Raritan Center Parkway 732 225-8300 CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Earle McCloe, SHW SEC, PO BOX 6898, C/O JIM RAU DOG SHOWS, READING, PA 19610 FEE: $30.00 Dr. J. A. Little: Breed NJ Edison (I) LONG ISLAND BULLDOG CLUB (S) Sheraton Edison Raritan Center 125 Raritan Center Parkway 732 225-8300 CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Earle McCloe, SHW SEC, PO BOX 6898, C/O JIM RAU DOG SHOWS, READING, PA 19610 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd M. R. Kennedy: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Steve Aikman NY Bay Shore* (I) LONG ISLAND GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB (S) Doggie “U” K-9 Academy 41 Saxon Ave CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. C. G. Miller: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. L. Ferrullo: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY Jennifer Craig NY Holbrook (I) LONG ISLAND GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER CLUB (S) Dog Works 780-2 Broadway Ave Same complex as Total Pet (Retail Store) CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Mrs. Bonnie Lane, SHW SEC, PO BOX 6898, C/O RAU DOG SHOWS, READING, PA 19610 Dr. R. Meen: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Melissa Campbell NY New York (I) BOSTON TERRIER CLUB OF NEW YORK (S) New York Hotel Pennsylvania Pavillion Level (on the mezzanine) 401 Seventh Avenue (at 33rd Street) CLOSES: JANUARY 22 MB-F Inc., SUPT Mrs. V. L. Abbott: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Richard LaJoye
NY New York (I) CHIHUAHUA CLUB OF GREATER NEW YORK (S) New York Hotel Pennsylvania Pavillion Level (on the mezzanine) 401 Seventh Avenue (at 33rd Street) CLOSES: JANUARY 22 MB-F Inc., SUPT G. Lajeski: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY: Chihua (Long) Marge B Calltharp SWEEPS PUPPY: Chihua (Smooth) Marge B Calltharp NY New York (I) EMPIRE MINIATURE PINSCHER CLUB OF GREATER NEW YORK (S) New York Hotel Pennsylvania Pavillion Level (on the mezzanine) 401 Seventh Avenue (at 33rd Street) CLOSES: JANUARY 22 MB-F Inc., SUPT G. Lajeski: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Marge B Calltharp NY New York (I) FRENCH BULLDOG CLUB OF AMERICA (S) New York Hotel Pennsylvania 401 Seventh St. (at 33rd St.) Penn Top Ballroom (18th Floor) CLOSES: JANUARY 22 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mrs. E. C. Hugo-Milam: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Karen Cram SWEEPS PUPPY Karen Cram NY New York (I) GREATER NEW YORK HAVANESE CLUB (S) New York Hotel Pennsylvania Pavillion Level (on the mezzanine) 401 Seventh Avenue (at 33rd Street) CLOSES: JANUARY 22 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. W. deVilleneuve: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Sandy Moyer SWEEPS VETERANS Sandy Moyer NY New York (I) METROPOLITAN NEW YORK SHIH TZU FANCIERS (S) New York Hotel Pennsylvania Pavillion Level (on the mezzanine) 401 Seventh Avenue (at 33rd Street) CLOSES: JANUARY 22 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Dr. W. V. Spediacci: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Cindy C Lane SWEEPS PUPPY Cindy C Lane NY New York (I) PAPILLON CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (S) New York Hotel Pennsylvania Pavillion Level (on the mezzanine) 401 Seventh Avenue (at 33rd Street) CLOSES: JANUARY 22 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Ms. J. N. Paulk: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY SWEEPS VETERANS NY New York (I) PEKINGESE CLUB OF NEW JERSEY (S) New York Hotel Pennsylvania Pavillion Level (on the mezzanine) 401 Seventh Avenue (at 33rd Street) CLOSES: JANUARY 22 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $35.00 R. N. Rella: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Mrs. Marilyn Ann Elizabeth Tuesley SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Marilyn Ann Elizabeth Tuesley NY New York (I) YORKSHIRE TERRIER CLUB OF GREATER NEW YORK (S) Crowne Plaza Times Square 1605 Broadway @ 49th St CLOSES: JANUARY 22 12:00 p.m. Leslie M Stolfi, SHW SEC, PO BOX 22107, C/O MB-F INC., GREENSBORO, NC 27420 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $26.00-2nd Mrs. T. B. Frisch: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Ann Lambert NY Rye Brook (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) DACHSHUND ASSOCIATION OF LONG ISLAND (S) Hilton Westchester 699 Westchester Ave CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $38.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Dr. K. H. Levison: Breed Ms. K. Kostic: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Ms. Kandice Kostic SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Kandice Kostic NY Rye Brook* (I) GORDON SETTER CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (S) Hilton Westchester 699 Westchester Ave CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $38.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd E. Sweigart: Breed, Jr. Showmanship S. J. Steele: Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B Mrs. M. McCloskey: Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Grad Openr, Util A, Util B SWEEPS PUPPY Debra Freidus
NY Rye Brook (I) HUDSON ENGLISH SETTER CLUB (S) Hilton Westchester 699 Westchester Ave CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $38.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Dr. J. Warren: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Laura Bedford SWEEPS PUPPY Laura Bedford NY Rye Brook (I) IRISH SETTER CLUB OF LONG ISLAND (S) Hilton Westchester 699 Westchester Ave CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $38.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Mrs. A. M. Hearn: Breed A. Tripodi: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Mr. Richard Anderson SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. Richard Anderson NY Rye Brook (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) SALUKI CLUB OF AMERICA (S) Hilton Westchester 699 Westchester Ave CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $38.00 Mrs. L. Scanlon: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Catherine Comroe SWEEPS PUPPY Catherine Comroe NY Rye Brook (I) VIZSLA CLUB OF LONG ISLAND (S) Hilton Westchester 699 Westchester Ave CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $38.00 Mr. C. Coady: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Mrs. Becky Feigh SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Becky Feigh TX Houston (I) BULLDOG CLUB OF TEXAS (S) Crowne Plaza Hotel 12801 NW Freeway CLOSES: JANUARY 24 6:00 p.m. Lynda Matcek, SHW SEC, 3003 FOUNDERS CT, MISSOURI CITY, TX 77459 FEE: $28.00 D. J. Ehntholt: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Catherine A Eke TX Houston (I) SOUTH TEXAS COLLIE CLUB Smart Dog Training Center 910 Curtin CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Mrs. Tori Landis, SHW SEC, 1913 Robin Meadow, Pearland, TX 77581 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $27.00-2nd R. K. Sheets: Breed, Jr. Showmanship TX Midland (I) WEST TEXAS KENNEL CLUB The Horseshoe 2514 Arena Trail CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. H. Clark SPORTING Group: Mr. H. Clark Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. H. Clark M. F. Loller: Afghan Dr. D. A. Gill: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. D. A. Gill Mr. H. Clark: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mr. H. Clark: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. H. Clark Mrs. H. Clark: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. H. Clark M. F. Loller: Schip Dr. D. A. Gill: Am Esk Dog, Boston, Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Chow, Dalm, Fr Bull, Kees Mr. C. L. Olvis: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mr. H. Clark: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. D. A. Gill Dr. D. A. Gill: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. H. Clark TX Selma* (I) ALAMO AREA SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB (S) Bluebonnet Bunk’n Biscuit 16302 IH 35 N CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Mr. Angel Juan, SHW SEC, 3515 Mistic Grv, San Antonio, TX 78247 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd D. Nordby: Breed Mrs. J. A. Brown: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Donna Sammons VA Glen Allen (I) BLUE RIDGE SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB Dude Ranch Pet Resort 11015 Dude Ranch Rd. CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Pat Schaap, D.V.M., SHW SEC, 13019 TRIADELPHIA MILL RD, CLARKSVILLE, MD 21029 FEE: $28.00 M. Hector: Breed VA Glen Allen (I) CENTRAL VIRGINIA SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB Dude Ranch Pet Resort 11015 Dude Ranch Rd. CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Pat Schaap, SHW SEC, 13019 Triadelphia Mill Rd, Clarksville, MD 21029 FEE: $28.00 H. Hector: Breed
FEBRUARY 9 - SUNDAY AZ Phoenix (O) GREAT DANE CLUB OF ARIZONA Clarion Hotel Phoenix 5121 E La Puente Ave. CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Cheryl Cazier, SHW SEC, 3360 E FLOWER ST, PHOENIX, AZ 85018 FEE: $30.00 L. J. Tonnancour: Breed CA Santa Maria (O) (PENDING APPROVAL) SANTA MARIA/SAN LUIS BAY GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB Elks Lodge 1309 N Bradley CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Mrs. Meredith Dorty, SHW SEC, 2685 Ocean Blvd, Cayucos, CA 93430 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $17.00-2nd Ms. K. A. Reamensnyder: Breed CT Southbury (I) HARTFORD-SPRINGFIELD COLLIE CLUB (S) Crowne Plaza Hotel1284 Strongtown Rd CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Ms. Lori Carver, SHW SEC, 18 Plainfield Rd, Cummington, MA 01026 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Mr. T. C. Garrison: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Megan Nelson CT Windsor Locks (I) AFGHAN HOUND ASSOCIATION OF LONG ISLAND (S) Hillspoint Hotel 383 S Center St CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Barbara Silverstone, SHW SEC, PO BOX 691, MANORVILLE, NY 11949 FEE: $30.00 Mr. V. Vojtek: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Dr. Enrico Stefanizzi IN Indianapolis (I) HOOSIER KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Indiana State Fairgrounds 1202 East 38th Street CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. R. Cole SPORTING Group: Dr. R. I. Spritzer Mrs. L. Vaughn: Ret-Lab Mrs. J. McGinnis: Pntr-GW, Ret-Gold Mrs. F. Strauss: All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh Mrs. P. Hartinger: Brit, Pointer, Pntr-GS Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Ret-Nova Scotia T, Span-AmW, SpanBoykin, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr Ms. L. Robey: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: D. P. Cline Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Bgle Mrs. J. McGinnis: Dach Mrs. P. Hartinger: Redbone Coon, RhoRidge, Saluki, ScotDeer, Treeing Walker Coon, Whip D. P. Cline: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mr. J. R. Cole: Blk Russn Terrier D. P. Cline: Boxer Ms. L. Robey: Rottw Mr. D. Vice: Akita, Dobe Ms. B. Capstick: AnatolShep, Grt Dane Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Grt Pyr, Kuv, Mast Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Berns Mtn, Cane Corso, Chinook, Sam, Sib Hky Mrs. P. Hartinger: Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Giant Schn, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Portuguese, Std Schn Mrs. F. Strauss: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger Mr. J. R. Cole: Bull Ter, Min Bull Terrs Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. N. L. Patton Mr. K. H. Delaney: Pug, Pood Toy Mrs. P. Hartinger: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Hava Mr. D. Vice: Chihua, Malt, Min Pin, Pap Mr. J. R. Cole: Chin Cr, Eng Toy Sp, J Chin, Toy Manch, Peke Mr. N. L. Patton: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. K. H. Delaney Mrs. P. Hartinger: Am Esk Dog Ms. B. Capstick: Shar-Pei Mr. K. H. Delaney: Dalm, Pood Mr. N. L. Patton: Boston, Bulldog, Chow, Fr Bull Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. L. Robey Ms. L. Robey: Bel Terv Mr. J. R. Cole: Austrl Cat Dg, Beard Coll, Brdr Coll, Bouv, Briard, Canaan, Card-WC, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, OES, Swed Vallhund Ms. B. Capstick: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: D. P. Cline D. P. Cline: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. J. McGinnis SWEEPS PUPPY: Dalm Mr. James E Taylor SWEEPS VETERANS: Dalm Mr. James E Taylor SWEEPS PUPPY: Boxer Tony Louwerse MO Wentzville* (I) ST. LOUIS COLLIE CLUB, INC. (S) Westinn Kennel Building 1522 Swantnerville Road CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Sherri Spavale, SHW SEC, Po Box 510491, Saint Louis, MO 63151 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Ms. J. Evans: Breed P. F. Caldwell: Jr. Showmanship Mr. F. Buroff: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Rough) Bertha Garrison SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Smooth) Bertha Garrison
NC Charlotte* (I/O) (PENDING APPROVAL) LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB OF THE PIEDMONT (S) Piedmont Kennel Club Showplace 13607 Choate Circle CLOSES: JANUARY 17 Ms. Libby Flowerree, SHW SEC, 139 Union St N, Concord, NC 28025 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Ms. L. Bednarski: Breed Mrs. J. H. Robinson: Jr. Showmanship T. G. McCall: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS SWEEPS PUPPY NJ Edison (I) BULLDOG CLUB OF AMERICA (S) Sheraton Edison Raritan Center 125 Raritan Center Parkway 732 225-8300 CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Earle McCloe, SHW SEC, PO BOX 6898, C/O JIM RAU DOG SHOWS, READING, PA 19610 FEE: $30.00 Mr. J. C. Dundas: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Judee Shuler NY New York (I) BOSTON TERRIER CLUB OF NEW YORK (S) New York Hotel Pennsylvania Pavillion Level (on the mezzanine) 401 Seventh Avenue (at 33rd Street) CLOSES: JANUARY 22 MB-F Inc., SUPT L. Amodei: Breed S. Kennedy: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Jason Shuckhart NY New York (I) CHIHUAHUA CLUB OF GREATER NEW YORK (S) New York Hotel Pennsylvania Pavillion Level (on the mezzanine) 401 Seventh Avenue (at 33rd Street) CLOSES: JANUARY 22 MB-F Inc., SUPT C. C. Lane: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY: Chihua (Long) Ms. Ann Lambert SWEEPS PUPPY: Chihua (Smooth) Ms. Ann Lambert NY New York (I) EMPIRE MINIATURE PINSCHER CLUB OF GREATER NEW YORK (S) New York Hotel Pennsylvania Pavillion Level (on the mezzanine) 401 Seventh Avenue (at 33rd Street) CLOSES: JANUARY 22 MB-F Inc., SUPT Mrs. S. Newcomb: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. Clayton G Haviland IV NY New York (I) FRENCH BULLDOG CLUB OF AMERICA (S) New York Hotel Pennsylvania 401 Seventh St. (at 33rd St.) Penn Top Ballroom (18th Floor) CLOSES: JANUARY 22 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Dr. R. Meen: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Helene Neer SWEEPS PUPPY Helene Neer NY New York (I) KNICKERBOCKER DACHSHUND CLUB (S) New York Hotel Pennsylvania Pavillion Level (on the mezzanine) 401 Seventh Avenue (at 33rd Street) CLOSES: JANUARY 22 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Ms. T. L. Hundt: Best of Breed/Variety, Dach, Jr. Showmanship Ms. P. W. Laurans: Dach (Long) E. Henningsen: Dach (Smooth) L. Sorenson: Dach (Wire) SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Long) Diana McPhearson SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Smooth) Diana McPhearson SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Wire) Diana McPhearson NY New York (I) MEADOWLANDS CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL CLUB (S) New York Hotel Pennsylvania Pavillion Level (on the mezzanine) 401 Seventh Avenue (at 33rd Street) CLOSES: JANUARY 22 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Miss V. L. Lyne: Breed Miss E. Bisso: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Miss Emily Bisso SWEEPS VETERANS Miss Emily Bisso NY New York (I) PAPILLON CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (S) New York Hotel Pennsylvania Pavillion Level (on the mezzanine) 401 Seventh Avenue (at 33rd Street) CLOSES: JANUARY 22 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Mr. R. D. Albee: Breed Mrs. P. W. Neale: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Patti Neale SWEEPS VETERANS Patti Neale NY New York (I) PUG DOG CLUB OF GREATER NEW YORK (S) New York Hotel Pennsylvania Pavillion Level (on the mezzanine) 401 Seventh Avenue (at 33rd Street) CLOSES: JANUARY 22 MB-F Inc., SUPT R. N. Rella: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Robert Banks
NY New York (I) YORKSHIRE TERRIER CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (S) Crowne Plaza Times Square 1605 Broadway @ 49th St CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Cheryl Rangel, SHW SEC, PO BOX 22107, C/O MB-F INC., GREENSBORO, NC 27420 FEE: $29.00 R. Owen: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Jamie Bennett NY Rye Brook (I) CONNECTICUT VALLEY VIZSLA CLUB (S) Hilton Westchester 699 Westchester Ave CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $38.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mrs. L. Clark: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS SWEEPS PUPPY NY Rye Brook (I) EASTERN IRISH SETTER ASSOCIATION (S) Hilton Westchester 699 Westchester Ave CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $38.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Mr. F. J. Martire: Breed Mrs. D. L. Davis: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Heidi Laabs SWEEPS VETERANS Heidi Laabs NY Rye Brook (I) EMPIRE SALUKI CLUB (S) Hilton Westchester 699 Westchester Ave CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $38.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Ms. A. H. Roth: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Mr. Jeffery A. Lipps SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. Jeffery A. Lipps NY Rye Brook (I) GORDON SETTER CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (S) Hilton Westchester 699 Westchester Ave CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $38.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Mrs. A. M. Hearn: Breed Mrs. G. Owens: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Gloria Owens NY Rye Brook (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) SLEEPY HOLLOW GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER CLUB (S) Hilton Westchester 699 Westchester Ave CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $38.00 Mr. J. R. Lawreck: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Mrs. Becky Feigh SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Becky Feigh TX Houston (I) BULLDOG CLUB OF TEXAS (S) Crowne Plaza Hotel 12801 NW Freeway CLOSES: JANUARY 24 6:00 p.m. Lynda Matcek, SHW SEC, 3003 FOUNDERS CT, MISSOURI CITY, TX 77459 FEE: $28.00 S. Terry: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. Samuel Steding TX Houston (I) SOUTH TEXAS COLLIE CLUB Smart Dog Training Center 910 Curtin CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Tori Landis, SHW SEC, 1913 Robin Meadow, Pearland, TX 77581 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $27.00-2nd Mrs. P. C. Merrill: Breed, Jr. Showmanship TX Midland (I) WEST TEXAS KENNEL CLUB The Horseshoe 2514 Arena Trail CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. C. L. Olvis SPORTING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mr. H. Clark: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. D. A. Gill Mr. H. Clark: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. H. Clark Dr. D. A. Gill: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. H. Clark Mr. C. L. Olvis: Airdle, Am Staff, Cesky Terrier, Glen Imaal, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Staf Bull, Wst Highlnd Mrs. H. Clark: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. H. Clark Mr. C. L. Olvis: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mrs. H. Clark: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. H. Clark Mr. J. F. Booth: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Brdr Coll, Briard, Canaan, GSD, Icelandic Shpdg, Swed Vallhund Dr. D. A. Gill: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. H. Clark Mr. H. Clark: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. H. Clark TX Selma* (I) ALAMO AREA SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB (S) Bluebonnet Bunk’n Biscuit 16302 IH 35 N CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Mr. Angel Juan, SHW SEC, 3515 Mistic Grv, San Antonio, TX 78247 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Ms. J. Virden: Breed Mrs. J. A. Brown: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Diana Rockwell
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VA Glen Allen (I) CENTRAL VIRGINIA SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB (S) Dude Ranch Pet Resort 11015 Dude Ranch Rd. CLOSES: JANUARY 22 Patricia Schaap, SHW SEC, 13019 Triadelphia Mill Rd, Clarksville, MD 21029 FEE: $28.00 Ms. B. L. Miramon: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Judy Guthrie WA Fife* (I) ST. BERNARD CLUB OF PUGET SOUND (S) Paws-AbilitiesTotal Dog Center 7338-26th Street East Bldg F CLOSES: JANUARY 22 6:00 p.m. Glenn Whitten, SHW SEC, Po Box 88183, Tukwila Station, Seattle, WA 98138 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd T. Nuss: Breed Mrs. B. M. Winthers: Jr. Showmanship, Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY Robert Nanfito
FEBRUARY 10 - MONDAY thru FEBRUARY 11 - TUESDAY NY New York (I) WESTMINSTER KENNEL CLUB (2) (BENCHED) Madison Square Garden Center Piers 92 and 94 CLOSES: DECEMBER 6 3:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $100.00-1st/ $75.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. B. R. Leininger SPORTING Group: Mr. S. H. McDonald B. P. Threlfall: Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab V. Murray: Pointer, All Setters, Span-Irw Mr. J. S. Covey: Pntr-GS, Pntr-GW, Vizs J. Virosteck: Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr Dr. E. L. More: Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Ms. P. Davern: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. D. A. Johnson Mrs. H. W. Stein: Borz Ms. S. Pretari Hickson: Dach Dr. R. Meen: Afghan, Pharaoh, ScotDeer Mr. D. J. Peat: Basenji, Greyhnd, Harr, Ibizan Mr. E. B. Weiss: Bloodhnd, Ir Wolf, Treeing Walker Coon, Whip Mrs. P. B. Peat: Nor Elk, Otter, Port Pd Peq, Saluki Mr. R. Stein: B & T Coonhnd, Bluetick Coon, Plott, Redbone Coon, RhoRidge B. P. Threlfall: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. C. Coady Ms. S. Pretari Hickson: Akita, Sib Hky Mr. E. E. Bivin: Alas Mal, Mast Ms. B. A. Finch: Newf, Portuguese Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Boxer, Dobe, Rottw, Sam J. R. Walsh: Berns Mtn, Grt Dane, Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Leonberger Mr. P. A. Baynes: Bullm, Cane Corso, Chinook, Grm Pinscher, Tibtn Mastiff D. R. Holloway, Jr.: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: B. R. Schwartz Dr. D. Sturz, Jr.: Parson Russell Dr. R. Meen: Cairn, Skye, Wst Highlnd Mrs. K. A. Reynders: Austr, Bdlgtn, Norwich Norfolk, Scotti, Sealym Ms. C. Erickson: Airdle, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Min Schn, Soft Coated, Welsh Ter Mr. E. E. Bivin: Border, Glen Imaal, Irish Ter, Kerry, Lakelnd, Russel Terr Mr. R. D. Black: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. K. Kahn Dr. D. Sturz, Jr.: Pood Toy Mr. T. Catterson: Cav KC Spans, Eng Toy Sp Mrs. J. Webb: Affenp, Chihua, Chin Cr Mrs. H. W. Stein: Hava, I Greyhnd, J Chin Ms. J. M. Allen: Pap, Peke, Pom Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Pug, Shih Tzu, Yorks Mr. R. G. Beauchamp: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Miss V. L. Lyne Ms. J. M. Allen: Chow Mr. T. Catterson: Dalm Dr. D. Sturz, Jr.: Pood Mrs. J. Hetherington: Bulldog, Fr Bull M. R. Kennedy: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Boston Mr. E. E. Bivin: Schip, Shiba Inu, Tib Span, Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli Mr. C. Winslow: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. W. J. Sommerfelt Mrs. L. Bianchi: Coll Dr. D. Sturz, Jr.: Pemb-WC Mrs. S. Newcomb: Beard Coll, OES, Pulik, Swed Vallhund Mr. K. L. Rayner, Jr.: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Card-WC, GSD Dr. A. P. Bianchi: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Brdr Coll, Entlebucher Mnt Dog, Pyre Shep, Shetld J. R. Walsh: Balance of Herding Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. P. Kubacz: FIN J. Virosteck: PRE1 B. P. Threlfall: PRE2
FEBRUARY 13 - THURSDAY CO Denver FRONT RANGE AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD ASSOCIATION (S) National Western Complex 4655 Humbolt St. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Dr. M. J. Woods: Breed C. Noe: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Alan Krenek SWEEPS PUPPY Alan Krenek
216 Dog News
CO Denver (I) MILE HIGH SPORTING DOG FANCIERS National Western Complex 4655 Humbolt St. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mr. D. W. Flanagan: Sporting Group, Brit, Pointer, RetChes, Set-Eng, Set-Gord, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Span-Fld, Span-Wel Spr, Spin Ital, Vizs, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mr. P. B. Averill, D.V.M.: Pntr-GS, Ret-Lab, Set-Irsh, Weim, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. A. Mills: Pntr-GW, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, RetNova Scotia T, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin, Span-Clum, Span-Ckr (Black), Span-Ckr (ASCOB), SpanCkr (Parti), Span-Irw, Span-Suss, Misc Breeds , and more CO Denver* (I) PEAK TO PEAK WORKING DOG ASSOCIATION OF COLORADO (S) National Western Complex 4655 Humbolt St. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $19.00-2nd A. E. Bennett: Working Group Ms. M. D. Ward: Akita, Chinook, Giant Schn, Portuguese, Sib Hky, Tibtn Mastiff, Misc Breeds , Dogo Argtn, Boerboel H. E. Engel: Alas Mal Mr. L. F. Sosa: AnatolShep, Newf, Rottw Miss E. E. Vanden Avond: Berns Mtn, Boxer, Bullm, Dogue de Brdx, Grt Dane, Grt Pyr, Kuv, Sam P. A. Sosa: Blk Russn Terrier, Cane Corso, Dobe, Grm Pinscher, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kom, Leonberger, Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, St Bern, Std Schn Mrs. B. A. Shaw: Jr. Showmanship Mrs. S. Oviatt-Harris: Nov A, Nov B, Util A, Util B, Brace, Sub-Novice, Veteran, Nov Wildc, Opn Wildc, Utl Wildc C. Caballero: Open A, Open B SWEEPS PUPPY: Akita Mr. Luis F Sosa SWEEPS VETERANS: Akita Mr. Luis F Sosa SWEEPS PUPPY: Alas Mal Mrs. Barbara A Shaw SWEEPS VETERANS: Alas Mal Mrs. Barbara A Shaw SWEEPS PUPPY: AnatolShep Holly Scott SWEEPS VETERANS: AnatolShep Holly Scott SWEEPS PUPPY: Berns Mtn Mr. Luis F Sosa SWEEPS VETERANS: Berns Mtn Mr. Luis F Sosa SWEEPS PUPPY: Blk Russn Terrier Holly Scott SWEEPS VETERANS: Blk Russn Terrier Holly Scott SWEEPS PUPPY: Boxer Mrs. Barbara A Shaw SWEEPS VETERANS: Boxer Mrs. Barbara A Shaw SWEEPS PUPPY: Bullm Mr. Stuart Craig Lynn SWEEPS VETERANS: Bullm Mr. Stuart Craig Lynn SWEEPS PUPPY: Cane Corso Howard E Engel SWEEPS VETERANS: Cane Corso Howard E Engel SWEEPS PUPPY: Chinook Mr. Luis F Sosa SWEEPS VETERANS: Chinook Mr. Luis F Sosa SWEEPS PUPPY: Dobe David Osborn SWEEPS VETERANS: Dobe David Osborn SWEEPS PUPPY: Dogue de Brdx Mr. Stuart Craig Lynn SWEEPS VETERANS: Dogue de Brdx Mr. Stuart Craig Lynn SWEEPS PUPPY: Grm Pinscher Howard E Engel SWEEPS VETERANS: Grm Pinscher Howard E Engel SWEEPS PUPPY: Giant Schn Howard E Engel SWEEPS VETERANS: Giant Schn Howard E Engel SWEEPS PUPPY: Grt Dane David Osborn SWEEPS VETERANS: Grt Dane David Osborn SWEEPS PUPPY: Grt Pyr Mrs. Barbara A Shaw SWEEPS VETERANS: Grt Pyr Mrs. Barbara A Shaw SWEEPS PUPPY: Gtr Swiss Mtn Mr. Luis F Sosa SWEEPS VETERANS: Gtr Swiss Mtn Mr. Luis F Sosa SWEEPS PUPPY: Kom Mr. Luis F Sosa SWEEPS VETERANS: Kom Mr. Luis F Sosa SWEEPS PUPPY: Kuv Patricia A Sosa SWEEPS VETERANS: Kuv Patricia A Sosa SWEEPS PUPPY: Leonberger Mrs. Barbara A Shaw SWEEPS VETERANS: Leonberger Mrs. Barbara A Shaw SWEEPS PUPPY: Mast Howard E Engel SWEEPS VETERANS: Mast Howard E Engel SWEEPS PUPPY: Nepltn Mastiff David Osborn SWEEPS VETERANS: Nepltn Mastiff David Osborn SWEEPS PUPPY: Newf Joan Gunn SWEEPS VETERANS: Newf Joan Gunn SWEEPS PUPPY: Portuguese David Osborn SWEEPS VETERANS: Portuguese David Osborn
SWEEPS PUPPY: Rottw David Osborn SWEEPS VETERANS: Rottw David Osborn SWEEPS PUPPY: St Bern Mrs. Barbara A Shaw SWEEPS VETERANS: St Bern Mrs. Barbara A Shaw SWEEPS PUPPY: Sam Holly Scott SWEEPS VETERANS: Sam Holly Scott SWEEPS PUPPY: Sib Hky Mr. Stuart Craig Lynn SWEEPS VETERANS: Sib Hky Mr. Stuart Craig Lynn SWEEPS PUPPY: Std Schn Miss Ellen E Vanden Avond SWEEPS VETERANS: Std Schn Miss Ellen E Vanden Avond SWEEPS PUPPY: Tibtn Mastiff Miss Ellen E Vanden Avond SWEEPS VETERANS: Tibtn Mastiff Miss Ellen E Vanden Avond CO Denver (I) NEWFOUNDLAND CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (P) National Western Complex 4655 Humbolt St. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT SWEEPS PUPPY: Newf Joan E Gunn FL Lakeland (I) AKITA CLUB OF AMERICA (S) Sun & Fun Property 4175 Medulla Road CLOSES: JANUARY 29 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd T. Buckley: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Luis Ortiz SWEEPS VETERANS Luis Ortiz FL Lakeland (I) TAMPA BAY BULLDOG CLUB (S) Sun & Fun Property 4175 Medulla Road CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Caroline Wilson, SHW SEC, PO BOX 22107, C/O MB-F INC., GREENSBORO, NC 27420 FEE: $26.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd M. R. Kennedy: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Johnny Babb
FEBRUARY 14 - FRIDAY AR Camden (I) TOY DOG CLUB OF CENTRAL ARKANSAS Highland Airport Facilities 204 Quachita 211 CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. C. E. Trotter: Toy Group, Affenp, Bruss Grif, Chin Cr, Hava, Eng Toy Sp (B & PC), Eng Toy Sp (KC & R), J Chin, Malt, Toy Manch, Pom, Pug, Silky, Yorks Mrs. G. Yamaguchi: Cav KC Spans, Chihua (Long), Chihua (Smooth), I Greyhnd, Min Pin, Pap, Peke, Shih Tzu, Pood Toy, Toy Fox Terrier, Jr. Showmanship CA Claremont* (O) PEMBROKE WELSH CORGI CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (S) Hotel Claremont 840 So Indian Hill Blvd CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Ms. Rhonda Storm, SHW SEC, 9522 DERBY DR, RIVERSIDE, CA 92509 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mr. A. E. Carter: Breed Ms. K. Moore: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Janet Summer SWEEPS PUPPY Janet Summer CA San Jose* (I) NOR-CAL TOY DOG FANCIERS Santa Clara County Fairgrounds 344 Tully Rd. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd E. K. Moureau: Toy Group, Chin Cr, Min Pin, Pap, Peke, Pom, Pug, Shih Tzu, Pood Toy, Silky, Yorks Mrs. D. Cozart: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua (Long), Chihua (Smooth), Hava, I Greyhnd, Eng Toy Sp (B & PC), Eng Toy Sp (KC & R), J Chin, Malt, Toy Manch, Toy Fox Terrier Ms. C. Dutra: Obedience CO Denver* (I) PLUM CREEK KENNEL CLUB OF COLORADO (S) National Western Complex 4655 Humbolt St. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. M. D. Ward SPORTING Group: Mrs. J. Webb Mrs. J. Webb: Ret-Ches, Wirehair Ptg Grif Ms. D. L. Malenfant: All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Weim Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Ret-Lab, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Span-Suss, Span-Wel Spr, Spin Ital Ms. S. B. Morgan: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. N. Riggsbee R. E. Nance: Basset, Bloodhnd Ms. D. L. Malenfant: Borz, Nor Elk, Otter, PBGV, Pharaoh, Plott, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon, Saluki, ScotDeer, Treeing Walker Coon, Whip Mrs. P. A. Murphy: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. R. A. Indeglia Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Grt Pyr, Tibtn Mastiff Ms. M. D. Ward: Alas Mal, Newf, Sam Ms. M. K. Miller: Akita, Boxer, Dobe, Rottw Ms. C. (. Ringstrom: Bullm, Cane Corso, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Giant Schn A. E. Bennett: Chinook, Grt Dane, Mast, Portuguese, St Bern Ms. N. Riggsbee: Balance of Working Breeds
TERRIER Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Dr. M. J. Woods: Min Schn, Norwich Norfolk, Parson Russell, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Mr. T. D. Parrotti: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. M. K. Miller Ms. N. Riggsbee: Hava Mrs. J. Webb: I Greyhnd, J Chin, Min Pin, Pap, Toy Manch, Pom, Pug, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Ms. J. N. Paulk: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. M. J. Woods Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Boston, Bulldog, Fr Bull, Kees, Lhasa, Lowch, Tib Span Ms. C. (. Ringstrom: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. C. (. Ringstrom A. E. Bennett: Coll (Rough), GSD Mrs. A. Inman: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Brdr Coll, Bouv, Briard, Canaan, Card-WC Dr. M. J. Woods: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. M. J. Woods Dr. M. J. Woods: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. L. F. Eggers: Nov A, Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B Mr. C. Cornell: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Grad Openr, Versatility, Nov Wildc, Opn Wildc, Utl Wildc JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. M. K. Miller SWEEPS PUPPY: Newf Kathleen Carter SWEEPS PUPPY: Alas Mal Sharlene DeFee-Rubenstein SWEEPS VETERANS: Alas Mal Sharlene DeFee-Rubenstein SWEEPS PUPPY: Borz Stephen Sims SWEEPS PUPPY: Sam David Osborn SWEEPS VETERANS: Sam David Osborn FL Lakeland (I) SARA BAY KENNEL CLUB Sun & Fun Property 4175 Medulla Road CLOSES: JANUARY 29 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. L. F. Sosa SPORTING Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Span-Wel Spr, Vizs, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mr. C. Coady: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mr. L. F. Sosa: Dach Mr. J. R. Cole: Eng Fox, Harr, Ibizan, Ir Wolf, Pharaoh, Plott, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon, ScotDeer, Treeing Walker Coon Mr. G. L. Doerge: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. C. Coady Mr. J. R. Cole: Chinook, Dogue de Brdx, Grt Pyr, Kuv, Tibtn Mastiff P. A. Sosa: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. C. Coady Mr. G. L. Doerge: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mr. L. F. Sosa: Pood Toy Mr. J. L. Chamberlain: Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, Hava, Eng Toy Sp, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. G. L. Doerge P. A. Sosa: Fr Bull Mr. L. F. Sosa: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mr. J. R. Cole: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. L. F. Sosa Mr. L. F. Sosa: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. L. F. Sosa IA Des Moines* (I) DES MOINES GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB (S) Iowa State Fairgrounds E 30th & Grand Ave. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $17.00-2nd C. Nelson: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Ms. V. Kinion: Nov A, Nov B, Open A, Util A Mrs. D. L. Allen: Open B Mr. J. J. Ham: Util B SWEEPS VETERANS Ms. Betty Nelson SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Betty Nelson IA Des Moines* (I) DES MOINES SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB, INC. (S) Iowa State Fairgrounds E 30th & Grand Ave. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Mrs. D. M. Brown: Breed Ms. V. Kinion: Nov A, Nov B, Open A, Util A Mrs. D. L. Allen: Open B Mr. J. J. Ham: Util B SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Beth Shonts IA Des Moines* (I) POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER DES MOINES (S) Iowa State Fairgrounds E 30th & Grand Ave. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $24.00-1st/ $19.00-2nd Mrs. A. S. Bolus: Breed Mr. D. Bolus: Jr. Showmanship Ms. V. Kinion: Nov A, Nov B, Open A, Util A Mrs. D. L. Allen: Open B Mr. J. J. Ham: Util B SWEEPS VETERANS Mr. David Bolus SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. David Bolus
The March Alamo Cluster 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9, 2014 Exposition Building • Joe & Harry Freeman Coliseum 3201 E. Houston Street • San Antonio, Texas 78219
SPECIALTIEs - march 5, 2014 Celeb ratinhg Our 100t ! y r a s r e v i n n A
High Dollar Raffle During The Whole Event!
Cash ! Prizes
Veterans Competition Saturday, March 8, 2014
First Veteran In Group: $150.00 Best In Show Veteran: $1500.00 Special Guest Judge Ms. Maxine Beam
Western Theme
March 6, 7, 8, & 9 Yee No suits or ! haw ties needed!
FREE BAR-B-Q FOR EXHIBITORS & VENDORS SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 2014 (following the Veteran’s Best In Show)
Dog News 217
Oregon Dog Judges Judges Education Series
Focus On Toy Breeds Rose City Classic Cluster Portland, Oregon January 17th - 19th, 2014
Jan 17
8:00 AM
11:30 AM Saturday
Jan 18
3:00 PM 8:00 AM 9:45 AM 11:30 AM 1:30 PM
Comparison* - Yorkshire Terrier and Silky Terrier Comparison* - Affenpinscher and Brussels Griffon MEET WITH AKC Japanese Chin Chinese Crested Maltese Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Sharon McCadam Donna Renton Pam Peat Karen Wisnieski Jane Pearson Carolyn Strunge & Karen Cooper Pamela Armstrong Patty Kanan & Cindy Huggins David Krogh Jane Ruthford William Monohon
Jan 19
8:00 AM Miniature Pinscher 9:45 AM Havanese 11:30 AM Italian Greyhound * Comparison seminars are considered a credit for each breed All presenters are Parent Club approved, and all sessions will meet AKC criteria. Certificates will be provided. Attend as many sessions as you like. Opportunities for observation or ringside mentoring: 18 specialty shows and a group show on Wednesday, January 15th ; four all-breed shows January 16th thru January 19th.
When Where
Friday, Saturday & Sunday January 17,18,19 starting at 8:00 am East Hall, Portland Metro Exposition Center
$50 per day
$25 per seminar
After Jan 10th
$60 per day
$30 per seminar
More info
Co-Chair - Rosemary leist
Co-Chair - Christie Smith
Stay at the Ramada Inn Airport hotel at the ODJ rate of $50 per night (plus tax). Free shuttle service to and from the Expo Center, as well as pdx airport. This rate cannot be booked online, so call 503-255-6511 and ask for the ODJ rate. Additional lodging and transportation information in the premium lists for The Rose City Classic at
Focus on Toy Breeds - January 17 - 19, 2014 Pre- Registrations must be received by January 1 0, 201 4 Name
City St Zip
Circle days you will attend
Friday Saturday Sunday OR - Single Breed Seminar _________________________ Make checks payable to: Mail reservations to: Oregon Dog Judges Rosemary Leist PO Box 1633 Clackamas, OR 97015-1633 218 Dog News
RoseCityClassic Series of Dog Shows
Four All Breed Shows, 34 Specialties & Supported Entries January 15-19 2014: Wednesday – Sunday Majors H Majors H Majors H Majors H Majors H Majors Entries Close: Wednesday, January 1, 2014 Wed: Breed and Group Specialties
Wednesday, Jan 15 2014
Belgian Sheepdog Club of America Cascade Australian Cattle Dog Club Columbia Poodle Club Fort Vancouver Cocker Spaniel Fanciers German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Oregon Mt. Hood Dalmatian Club Mt. Hood Doberman Pinscher Club Multnomah Irish Setter Association Newfoundland Club of America Pacific NW French Bulldog Club Terrier Association of Oregon
Majority of Specialty/Group Shows
Thursday & Sunday January 17 & January 19, 2014
Tualatin Kennel Club: Two All-Breed Shows Show Chair, Kathy Corbett • 503-649-2712
Friday & Saturday, January 17-18 -2014 Dog Fanciers Association of Oregon: Two All-Breed Shows
Akita Club of America Parson Russell Terrier Association of America The Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of America
Saturday, January 18, 2014 Portland Dog Obedience Club
Supported Entries
Show Chair: Theresa Temple • 503-807-9321
Supt: Onofrio Dog Shows • Sign up at: Location: Portland Metro Exposition Center 2050-2060 N Marine Dr. Portland OR 97217 Stay at Headquarters Hotel and ride free shuttle from airport to hotel and between hotel and show grounds for you and your dog. Call 503-283-4466 and ask for the special Rose City Classic rate. Special rates on Alaska Air to dog show (only $100 each way for your dog carried as extra baggage)
Obedience, Rally and Agility with All-Breed Shows Eukanuba Friday: Canine Good Citizenship : Breeder Stakes Friday & Saturday: Health Clinic Friday night at Agility Saturday: Limited Jr. Showmanship Competition Headquarters all four days Saturday – Beginner Puppy 4-6 Class Hotel and a special Meet the Breeds, Friday –Sunday limited juniors
competition, meet the breeds (70 clubs participated last year)
Please note: The Headquarters Hotel is also the host hotel for the Eukanuba Breeder Stakes competition and dinner. Dinner is free for entered breeders and two handlers. It’ll be a fun night!
Friday: Willamette Valley Basenji Club Saturday: Afghan Club of Greater Portland
Designated Specialties
Show Chair, John Rowton • 503-312-5581
Concurrent Specialties
German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Oregon Rose City Labrador Retriever Club Willamette Valley English Setter Fanciers Willamette Valley English Springer Spaniel Assoc. Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of the United States, Inc. American Whippet Club, Inc Akita Club of America Oregon Boxer Club German Pinscher Club of America Miniature Bull Terrier Club of America American Eskimo Club of Portland Boston Terrier Club of Portland Mt Hood Dalmatian Club Pacific Northwest French Bulldog Club, Inc. Belgian Sheepdog Club of America, Inc Columbia Bouvier Des Flandres Club German Shepherd Dog Club of Oregon Inc. Columbia River Pemboke Welsh Corgi Club Emerald Empire Shetland Sheepdog Club, Inc. Swedish Vallhund Club of America
Eukanuba is a major supporter of The Rose City Classic Series of Dog Shows Dog News 219
FEBRUARY 15 - SATURDAY AR Camden* (I) SOUTH ARKANSAS KENNEL CLUB Highland Airport Facilities 204 Quachita 211 CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. P. V. Trotter SPORTING Group: Mr. S. J. Hubbell Mrs. P. V. Trotter: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. D. C. Mounce Ms. D. C. Mounce: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. C. E. Trotter Mr. C. E. Trotter: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. P. L. Lloyd Ms. P. L. Lloyd: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. S. J. Hubbell Mr. S. J. Hubbell: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. C. E. Trotter Mr. C. E. Trotter: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. S. J. Hubbell Mr. S. J. Hubbell: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. D. C. Mounce Ms. D. C. Mounce: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. M. A. West: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open B, Util A, Versatility Mrs. A. Lorenz: Nov B, Open A, Grad Openr, Util B To Be Assigned: Nov Wildc, Opn Wildc, Utl Wildc JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. P. Montez AZ Mesa (O) CENTRAL ARIZONA SALUKI ASSOCIATION (S) Windemere Hotel And Conference Center Windemere Hotel and Conference Center 5750 East Main Street CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Jackie Lawrence, SHW SEC, 2070 E MELROSE ST, GILBERT, AZ 85297 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd D. L. Webster: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Pamela S Lambie SWEEPS PUPPY Pamela S Lambie CA Claremont* (O) PEMBROKE WELSH CORGI CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (S) Hotel Claremont 840 So Indian Hill Blvd CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Ms. Rhonda Storm, SHW SEC, 9522 DERBY DRIVE, RIVERSIDE, CA 92509 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mrs. B. S. Ribble: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY CA San Jose (I) CAIRN TERRIER CLUB OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA (S) Santa Clara County Fairgrounds 344 Tully Rd. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 MB-F Inc., SUPT Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Devon Allen SWEEPS PUPPY Devon Allen CA San Jose (I) CAIRN TERRIER CLUB OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Santa Clara County Fairgrounds 344 Tully Rd. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 MB-F Inc., SUPT J. P. Wade: Breed CA San Jose (I) COLLIE CLUB OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Santa Clara County Fairgrounds 344 Tully Rd. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Mr. Judy Wilson, SHW SEC, 209 Wainwright Ct, Sacramento, CA 95838 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $10.00-2nd K. Hansen: Breed Mrs. L. J. Churchill: Jr. Showmanship CA San Jose (I) COLLIE CLUB OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC. Santa Clara County Fairgrounds 344 Tully Rd. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Judy Wilson, SHW SEC, 209 Wainwright Ct, Sacramento, CA 95838 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $10.00-2nd Mrs. R. A. Hendrix: Breed, Jr. Showmanship CA San Jose (I) (Evening) GOLDEN GATE SHIH TZU FANCIERS Santa Clara County Fairgrounds 344 Tully Rd. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Ms. Pat Keen, SHW SEC, PO BOX 119, KNIGHTSEN, CA 94548 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $28.00-2nd G. Lajeski: Breed CA San Jose* (I) NOR-CAL TOY DOG FANCIERS Santa Clara County Fairgrounds 344 Tully Rd. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 12:00 p.m. MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mrs. D. Cozart: Toy Group, Chin Cr, Min Pin, Pap, Peke, Pom, Pug, Shih Tzu, Pood Toy, Silky, Yorks E. K. Moureau: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua (Long), Chihua (Smooth), Hava, I Greyhnd, Eng Toy Sp (B & PC), Eng Toy Sp (KC & R), J Chin, Malt, Toy Manch, Toy Fox Terrier, Jr. Showmanship Ms. C. Dutra: Obedience
220 Dog News
CA San Jose* (I) SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA (S) Santa Clara Fairgrounds 344 Tully Rd CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Mrs. Halina Christie, SHW SEC, 6695 Sunnyslope Ave, Castro Valley, CA 94552 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd R. A. Piccirillo: Breed Mrs. L. B. Delinger: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Kathryn Coon SWEEPS PUPPY Kathryn Coon CA Valley Center* (O) SAN DIEGO LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB (S) Bates Nut Farm 15954 Woods Valley Rd. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Mrs. Sharon Licciardi, SHW SEC, 38513 12Th St E, Palmdale, CA 93550 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mr. R. D. Orton: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mr. J. D. Thomson: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Util A, Util B, Brace, Veteran Mrs. N. E. Craig: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Jennifer Kelly CO Denver* (I) PLUM CREEK KENNEL CLUB OF COLORADO (S) National Western Complex 4655 Humbolt St. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. D. L. Malenfant SPORTING Group: Ms. N. Riggsbee Mrs. J. Webb: Pntr-GS, Spin Ital Dr. M. J. Woods: Set-Eng, Set-Gord Ms. D. L. Malenfant: Span-Clum, Span-Ckr Mrs. P. A. Murphy: Brit, Ret-Flat, Ret-Nova Scotia T, SpanEng Ckr Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Set-Irsh, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW, Span-Boykin Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Pointer, Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Gold, Vizs Ms. S. B. Morgan: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: A. E. Bennett Ms. A. Sorbie: Basenji, Basset, Dach, Whip Mrs. P. A. Murphy: Borz, Nor Elk, Otter, PBGV, Pharaoh, Plott, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon, Saluki, ScotDeer, Treeing Walker Coon Ms. D. L. Malenfant: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. M. D. Ward Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Portuguese Mrs. K. V. Carter: Alas Mal, Sib Hky Ms. M. D. Ward: AnatolShep, Blk Russn Terrier, Dobe, Grt Pyr Ms. M. K. Miller: Berns Mtn, Kuv, Newf, Sam Ms. J. N. Paulk: Chinook, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Kom, Nepltn Mastiff Ms. N. Riggsbee: Grt Dane, Mast, Rottw, St Bern, Tibtn Mastiff A. E. Bennett: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. C. (. Ringstrom Mr. T. D. Parrotti: Min Schn, Norwich Norfolk, Parson Russell, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Dr. M. J. Woods: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Dr. M. J. Woods Ms. M. K. Miller: Shih Tzu, Pood Toy Ms. J. N. Paulk: I Greyhnd, J Chin, Min Pin, Pap, Toy Manch, Pom, Pug, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mrs. J. Webb: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. R. A. Indeglia Ms. C. (. Ringstrom: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Boston, Bulldog, Fr Bull, Kees, Lhasa, Lowch, Tib Span Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Ms. M. D. Ward: AustrlShep Dr. M. J. Woods: Austrl Cat Dg, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Shp A. E. Bennett: Bel Terv, Brdr Coll, Bouv, Briard, Canaan, Card-WC Mrs. A. Inman: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. D. L. Malenfant Ms. D. L. Malenfant: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. C. Cornell: Nov A, Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B C. Caballero: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Grad Openr, Versatility, Nov Wildc, Opn Wildc, Utl Wildc JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. M. D. Ward SWEEPS PUPPY: Vizs Ms. Ashley Foster SWEEPS VETERANS: Vizs Ms. Ashley Foster SWEEPS PUPPY: Borz SWEEPS VETERANS: Borz SWEEPS PUPPY: Alas Mal Cynthia Hutt SWEEPS VETERANS: Alas Mal Cynthia Hutt SWEEPS PUPPY: Sam Cynthia Hutt SWEEPS VETERANS: Sam Cynthia Hutt CT Hartford (I) FIRST COMPANY GOVERNOR’S FOOT GUARD ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Hartford Civic Center One Civic Center Plaza CLOSES: JANUARY 29 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. C. Walton SPORTING Group: Mrs. T. M. DePietro Mrs. T. M. DePietro: Pntr-GS, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Ret-Nova Scotia T, All Spaniels, All Spaniels P. A. Gaeta: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. C. A. Reisman Ms. C. A. Reisman: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. L. G. Bond Mr. N. L. Patton: Boxer Dr. L. G. Bond: Balance of Working Breeds *No Classes: Sib Hky TERRIER Group: Mr. N. L. Patton Mr. N. L. Patton: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. N. L. Patton Mr. N. L. Patton: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. N. L. Patton Mr. J. C. Walton: All Non-Sporting Breeds
HERDING Group: Mrs. R. C. Davies Mrs. R. C. Davies: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. L. G. Bond Dr. L. G. Bond: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. R. C. Davies CT Manchester* (I) CONNECTICUT VALLEY SIBERIAN HUSKY CLUB Tails U Win Canine Center 175 Adams Street CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Sharon Hirt, SHW SEC, 14 COTTAGE ST, PLAINVILLE, CT 06062 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $16.00-2nd Mrs. S. Walker: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. S. Walker: Obedience CT Manchester (I) CONNECTICUT VALLEY SIBERIAN HUSKY CLUB (S) Tails U Win Canine Center 175 Adams Street CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Sharon Hirt, SHW SEC, 14 COTTAGE ST, PLAINVILLE, CT 06062 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $16.00-2nd Mr. K. M. McDermott: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Laurie Maulucci SWEEPS PUPPY Laurie Maulucci FL Lakeland (I) SARA BAY KENNEL CLUB (S) Sun & Fun Property 4175 Medulla Road CLOSES: JANUARY 29 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. L. Chamberlain SPORTING Group: Mr. C. Coady Mr. J. R. Cole: All Retrievers, Span-Wel Spr, Vizs, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mrs. K. B. Ashe: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. K. B. Ashe Ms. C. Andrew: B & T Coonhnd, Otter, RhoRidge Mrs. K. B. Ashe: Afghan, Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Bgle, Bluetick Coon F. R. Vogel: Borz, Dach, Greyhnd, Ir Wolf, ScotDeer Mr. C. Coady: Basenji, Basset, Bloodhnd, Nor Elk, PBGV, Saluki, Whip Mr. G. L. Doerge: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. J. R. Cole M. Brown, M.D.: Boxer, Dobe, Grt Dane, Portuguese Mrs. K. B. Ashe: Bullm, Newf, Sam, Sib Hky Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. G. L. Doerge Mr. C. Coady: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mrs. M. Russo: Chihua, Pug Mrs. D. B. Read: Hava, Pom Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Cav KC Spans, Chin Cr, Eng Toy Sp, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier Mr. J. L. Chamberlain: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mr. J. L. Chamberlain: Pood Mrs. D. B. Read: Am Esk Dog, Shar-Pei, Fin Spitz, Lhasa, Lowch, Norwegian Lndhnd, Schip, Tib Span, Tib Ter Mr. G. L. Doerge: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. C. Andrew Ms. S. L. Whiticar: AustrlShep Mrs. P. J. Hauck: Beard Coll, Brdr Coll, Bouv, Briard, CardWC, Coll, Pemb-WC, Shetld Ms. C. Andrew: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. L. Chamberlain Mr. J. L. Chamberlain: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. L. Chamberlain SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Flat Candi Pearce SWEEPS VETERANS: Ret-Flat Candi Pearce HI Hilo (I) ORCHID ISLAND DOG FANCIER CLUB, INC. Edith Kanakaole Multi-Purpose Stadium Kalanikoa Street CLOSES: JANUARY 29 BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $35.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW A. Brown SPORTING Group: Mrs. G. R. Taylor Mrs. G. R. Taylor: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. T. P. Brown Mrs. T. P. Brown: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. G. R. Taylor Mrs. G. R. Taylor: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. G. R. Taylor Mrs. G. R. Taylor: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. T. P. Brown Mrs. T. P. Brown: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. T. P. Brown Mrs. T. P. Brown: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. T. P. Brown Mrs. T. P. Brown: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. G. R. Taylor Mrs. G. R. Taylor: All Miscellaneous Breeds IA Des Moines* (I) CYCLONE COUNTRY KENNEL CLUB OF AMES Iowa State Fairgrounds E 30th & Grand Ave. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. A. B. Schoen SPORTING Group: Mr. J. Richardson Mrs. D. Kniola: Set-Gord Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: Span-Eng Spr Mrs. A. S. Bolus: Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab C. Nelson: Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh Mr. J. Richardson: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. D. Bolus Mrs. A. B. Schoen: Boxer, Dobe, Grt Dane, Portuguese, Rottw, St Bern Mr. D. Bolus: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. D. Kniola C. Nelson: Manch Ter Mrs. D. Kniola: Airdle, Am Staff, Austr, Bdlgtn, Border, Bull Ter, Cairn, Cesky Terrier, Dandie, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Glen Imaal, Irish Ter Mr. J. Richardson: Balance of Terrier Breeds
TOY Group: Mrs. A. S. Bolus Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: Pom C. Nelson: Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, Hava, Pap, Pug, Shih Tzu, Toy Fox Terrier Mrs. A. S. Bolus: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: C. Nelson Mrs. A. B. Schoen: Fr Bull Mrs. D. Kniola: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. D. M. Brown Mr. D. Bolus: Shetld Mrs. D. M. Brown: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. A. B. Schoen Mrs. A. B. Schoen: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. J. J. Ham: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Nov Wildc Mrs. D. L. Allen: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Opn Wildc Ms. V. Kinion: Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Versatility, Utl Wildc JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. A. S. Bolus IL Huntley* (I) CENTRAL STATES COLLIE CLUB (S) Car-Dun-Al Dog Training Club 10783 Wolf Drive CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Sue Fregien Caperllc, SHW SEC, 24902 APPLE RD, WATERFORD, WI 53185 FEE: $26.00-1st/ $19.00-2nd Mr. D. M. Cardoza: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mr. F. Buroff: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS: Coll (Rough) Mr. Tim Bauder SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Rough) Mr. Tim Bauder IL Huntley (I) HEARTLAND COLLIE CLUB OF CENTRAL ILLINOIS Car-Dun-Al Dog Training Club 10783 Wolf Drive CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Sue Fregien, SHW SEC, 24902 APPLE RD, WATERFORD, WI 53185 FEE: $26.00-1st/ $19.00-2nd Mrs. B. A. Linder: Breed IL Melrose Park (I) SHORELINE GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB For Your Canine, Melrose Park 1975 Cornell Ave. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Dawna Smeltzer, SHW SEC, 1508 GREENVIEW CT, SCHAUMBURG, IL 60193 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $16.00-2nd Mr. D. Jones: Breed IL Melrose Park (I) SHORELINE GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB For Your Canine, Melrose Park 1975 Cornell Ave. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Dawna Smeltzer, SHW SEC, 1508 GREENVIEW CT, SCHAUMBURG, IL 60193 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $16.00-2nd Mr. J. H. Bemont: Breed MD Frederick* (I) POTOMAC VALLEY BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG CLUB (S) Frederick County Fairgrounds CLOSES: JANUARY 29 12:00 p.m. Susan Trivers, SHW SEC, C/O Jim Rau Dog Shows, PO Box 6898, READING, PA 19610 FEE: $32.00-1st/ $28.00-2nd N. Stewart: Breed, Jr. Showmanship T. G. McCall: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY Kathy Deyo SWEEPS VETERANS Kathy Deyo MD West Friendship (I) MARYLAND KENNEL CLUB Howard County Fairgrounds 2210 Fairgrounds Road CLOSES: JANUARY 29 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $26.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. M. Alston SPORTING Group: Mr. E. J. Ringle Mr. E. J. Ringle: Ret-Gold Ms. B. E. Jung: Pntr-GS, Span-Eng Spr J. Hubbard: Set-Irsh, Vizs, Weim Mrs. L. Warren: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. L. Warren Mrs. M. Alston: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. K. S. McFarlane Mr. E. J. Ringle: Boxer, Cane Corso, Dobe, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Mast, Portuguese Mrs. K. S. McFarlane: Balance of Working Breeds *No Classes: Berns Mtn TERRIER Group: Mrs. S. Goldberg Mrs. S. Goldberg: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. G. Dunlap Ms. G. Dunlap: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. J. Haas Mrs. P. J. Haas: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. A. Cuneo J. Hubbard: Austrl Cat Dg, Brdr Coll Ms. M. Koltes: Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Briard, Card-WC, PembWC Mrs. A. Cuneo: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. A. Cuneo Mrs. A. Cuneo: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. B. E. Jung
FEBRUARY 16 - SUNDAY AR Camden* (I) SOUTH ARKANSAS KENNEL CLUB Highland Airport Facilities 204 Quachita 211 CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. S. J. Hubbell SPORTING Group: Mr. C. E. Trotter Mr. S. J. Hubbell: Brit, All Pointers, All Retrievers, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW Mr. C. E. Trotter: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. P. V. Trotter Mrs. P. V. Trotter: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. P. V. Trotter Mr. S. J. Hubbell: All Working Breeds
TERRIER Group: Ms. D. C. Mounce Ms. D. C. Mounce: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. P. L. Lloyd Ms. P. L. Lloyd: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. P. L. Lloyd Ms. P. L. Lloyd: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. C. E. Trotter Mr. C. E. Trotter: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. P. V. Trotter Mrs. P. V. Trotter: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. A. Lorenz: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Grad Novr, Open B, Util A, Versatility Ms. M. A. West: Nov B, Open A, Grad Openr, Util B To Be Assigned: Nov Wildc, Opn Wildc, Utl Wildc JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. P. V. Trotter AZ Mesa (O) (PENDING APPROVAL) SALUKI LEAGUE OF SOUTHERN ARIZONA (S) Windemere Hotel And Conference Center Windemere Hotel and Conference Center 5750 East Main Street CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Jackie Lawrence, SHW SEC, 2070 E MELROSE ST, GILBERT, AZ 85297 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd T. Kyman: Breed P. S. Lambie: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Fiona Bennett SWEEPS PUPPY Fiona Bennett CA San Jose (I) GOLDEN GATE AKITA CLUB (S) Santa Clara County Fairgrounds 344 Tully Rd. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Karen Toth, SHW SEC, 7825 CRANFORD LN, DUBLIN, CA 94568 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Ms. L. R. White: Breed C. Dugan: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Cathy Dugan SWEEPS PUPPY Cathy Dugan CA San Jose (I) SANTA CLARA VALLEY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Santa Clara County Fairgrounds 344 Tully Rd. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. P. Nykiel SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. Burkholder Mr. E. Dziuk: Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Spr Mrs. C. C. Sommerfelt: Brit, Pointer, Pntr-GS, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Set-Eng, Set-Irsh, Span-Eng Ckr, Vizs, Weim Mrs. P. Nykiel: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. W. J. Coombs Mr. E. Dziuk: Afghan, Am Fox, Basset, Bgle, Bloodhnd, Dach, Eng Fox, Harr, PBGV, Whip Mr. W. J. Coombs: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. W. J. Sommerfelt Mr. W. J. Coombs: Rottw Mr. W. J. Sommerfelt: Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Bullm, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dobe, Newf Mrs. P. Nykiel: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine P. A. Davis: Cairn J. Jackson: Manch Ter Mrs. P. B. Peat: Am Staff, Bull Ter, Min Bull Terrs, Staf Bull Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. A. Reid Mrs. D. Burkholder: Cav KC Spans, Chihua Mr. A. Reid: J Chin, Malt, Min Pin, Peke, Pood Toy, Yorks J. Jackson: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. A. Reid Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Fr Bull Mr. A. Reid: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. D. K. Christiansen Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Nor Buhund Mrs. D. K. Christiansen: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. W. J. Coombs Mr. W. J. Coombs: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: J. Jackson CA Valley Center* (O) SAN DIEGO LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB (S) Bates Nut Farm 15954 Woods Valley Rd. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Mrs. Sharon Licciardi, SHW SEC, 38513 12Th St E, Palmdale, CA 93550 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mr. M. A. Silva: Breed Mrs. N. E. Craig: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Util A, Util B, Brace, Veteran Mr. J. D. Thomson: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Luann Curtis CO Denver* (I) COLORADO KENNEL CLUB National Western Complex 4655 Humbolt St. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. B. Meyer SPORTING Group: Ms. L. Robey Mr. B. Meyer: All Retrievers Ms. L. Robey: All Spaniels, All Spaniels, Spin Ital, Vizs Ms. L. C. More: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. K. H. Delaney Ms. L. C. More: PBGV Mr. K. H. Delaney: Ir Wolf, Nor Elk, Otter, Pharaoh, Plott, Port Pd Peq, Redbone Coon, RhoRidge, Saluki, ScotDeer, Treeing Walker Coon, Whip Mr. J. G. Pepper: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. C. Meyer Mrs. C. Meyer: Akita, Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Bullm, Cane Corso Mrs. L. D. Peterson: Nepltn Mastiff, Newf, Portuguese, Rottw, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Ms. F. S. Godek: Balance of Working Breeds
TERRIER Group: Ms. M. J. Underwood Ms. M. J. Underwood: Min Schn, Norwich Norfolk, Parson Russell, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Ms. P. A. Keenan: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. C. P. Patterson Mrs. F. A. Males: Pap, Peke, Pom, Pug, Pood Toy, Shih Tzu, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. R. Shoemaker Mr. J. R. Shoemaker: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Boston, Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Chow, Dalm, Fin Spitz, Fr Bull Mrs. V. L. Abbott: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. N. Horn Mr. N. Horn: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Brdr Coll, Bouv, Coll Mrs. M. Canestrini: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. C. Meyer Mrs. C. Meyer: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. B. H. Humer: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. M. J. Underwood CT Hartford* (I) FIRST COMPANY GOVERNOR’S FOOT GUARD ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Hartford Civic Center One Civic Center Plaza CLOSES: JANUARY 29 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. N. L. Patton SPORTING Group: Dr. A. D. DiNardo B. DiDonato: Brit, All Pointers, Ret-Ches, Ret-Flat, RetGold, Ret-Lab, All Setters, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr, SpanEng Spr, Span-Wel Spr Dr. A. D. DiNardo: Balance of Sporting Breeds *Pending: Pntr-GW, Ret-Curl, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh HOUND Group: Mr. J. C. Walton Mr. J. C. Walton: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: P. A. Gaeta Ms. C. A. Rubens: Portuguese P. A. Gaeta: Balance of Working Breeds *Pending: Rottw, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff TERRIER Group: *Pending *Pending: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. J. C. Walton P. A. Gaeta: Min Pin Mr. J. C. Walton: Balance of Toy Breeds *Pending: Shih Tzu NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. C. Walton P. A. Gaeta: Dalm Mr. N. L. Patton: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds *Pending: Tib Span HERDING Group: Dr. T. M. Davies Dr. T. M. Davies: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: *Pending *Pending: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES To Be Assigned: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Open A, Open B, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: B. DiDonato FL Lakeland (I) AKITA CLUB OF TAMPA BAY (S) Sun & Fun Property 4175 Medulla Road CLOSES: JANUARY 29 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd M. Goss: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY SWEEPS VETERANS FL Lakeland* (I) LAKELAND WINTER HAVEN KENNEL CLUB Sun & Fun Property 4175 Medulla Road CLOSES: JANUARY 29 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. S. Keating SPORTING Group: T. Buckley R. Velez-Pico: Vizs Dr. S. Keating: Ret-Ches, Ret-Gold Mr. R. de Santiago: Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, SpanSuss T. Buckley: Brit, All Pointers, Ret-Lab, Set-Eng, Set-Gord, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-Fld, Weim Mr. D. Richards: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: R. Velez-Pico Mr. R. de Santiago: Afghan, Borz Dr. S. Keating: Bgle, Dach Mrs. C. Bell: Bloodhnd, Ibizan, Port Pd Peq, RhoRidge, Saluki, ScotDeer R. Velez-Pico: Basenji, Basset, Eng Fox, Nor Elk, Otter, PBGV, Pharaoh, Whip A. Bradford, M.D.: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. C. Bell A. Bradford, M.D.: Alas Mal T. Buckley: St Bern Dr. S. Keating: Sam Mr. R. L. Stansell: Akita, Cane Corso, Giant Schn, Std Schn Mrs. C. Stansell: Boxer, Bullm, Grt Dane, Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Leonberger Mr. A. Addicott: AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Dobe, Portuguese, Rottw, Sib Hky Mrs. C. Bell: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: T. Buckley Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Rat Terrier A. Bradford, M.D.: Staf Bull R. Velez-Pico: Border, Cairn, Min Bull Terrs, Min Schn, Parson Russell Mr. R. de Santiago: Airdle, Am Staff, Bdlgtn, Dandie, Glen Imaal, Manch Ter, Norwich Norfolk, Sealym, Skye, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd T. Buckley: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. de Santiago Mr. D. Richards: Pug Mr. A. Addicott: Pood Toy Mrs. P. J. Hauck: Toy Fox Terrier R. Velez-Pico: Chihua, Hava T. Buckley: Cav KC Spans, Eng Toy Sp, Pap, Silky Dr. S. Keating: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Min Pin, Pom, Shih Tzu Mr. R. de Santiago: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. L. Stansell T. Buckley: Bichon Mrs. P. J. Hauck: Schip R. Velez-Pico: Tib Span Mr. R. de Santiago: Xoloitzcuintli Mr. A. Addicott: Lhasa, Pood Mr. R. L. Stansell: Boston, Chow, Dalm, Tib Ter Mrs. C. Stansell: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds
HERDING Group: Mr. A. Addicott Mr. A. Addicott: AustrlShep, GSD Mrs. C. Stansell: Briard, Nor Buhund T. Buckley: Austrl Cat Dg, Card-WC, Fin Laph, Pemb-WC, Swed Vallhund Dr. S. Keating: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Brdr Coll, Canaan, Coll, OES Mr. D. Richards: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. de Santiago Mr. R. de Santiago: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. S. D. Hemminger: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr Mr. T. B. Masterson: Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN Mrs. N. K. Withers: Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility To Be Assigned: Nov Wildc, Opn Wildc, Utl Wildc JR SHOWMANSHIP: Dr. S. Keating FL Lakeland (I) MID-FLORIDA HAVANESE CLUB (S) Sun & Fun Property 4175 Medulla Road CLOSES: JANUARY 29 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Patti Widick Neale SWEEPS VETERANS Mrs. Patti Widick Neale HI Hilo (I) ORCHID ISLAND DOG FANCIER CLUB, INC. Edith Kanakaole Multi-Purpose Stadium Kalanikoa Street CLOSES: JANUARY 29 BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. G. R. Taylor SPORTING Group: Mrs. T. P. Brown Mrs. T. P. Brown: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: A. Brown A. Brown: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. T. P. Brown Mrs. T. P. Brown: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. T. P. Brown Mrs. T. P. Brown: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: A. Brown A. Brown: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: A. Brown A. Brown: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: A. Brown A. Brown: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. T. P. Brown Mrs. T. P. Brown: All Miscellaneous Breeds IA Des Moines* (I) CYCLONE COUNTRY KENNEL CLUB OF AMES Iowa State Fairgrounds E 30th & Grand Ave. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $21.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan SPORTING Group: Mrs. A. S. Bolus Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: Ret-Gold Mrs. D. M. Brown: Ret-Lab Mr. J. Richardson: Span-Eng Spr Mrs. A. S. Bolus: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. A. S. Bolus Mrs. D. M. Brown: Dach Mr. J. Richardson: Nor Elk, RhoRidge Mrs. D. Kniola: Afghan, Bgle, Ibizan Mr. D. Bolus: Otter, Redbone Coon, Saluki, ScotDeer Mrs. A. S. Bolus: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. A. B. Schoen Mrs. D. M. Brown: Boxer Mr. J. Richardson: Dobe, Grt Dane, Portuguese, Rottw, St Bern Mrs. A. B. Schoen: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. Richardson Mr. J. Richardson: Airdle, Am Staff, Austr, Bdlgtn, Border, Bull Ter, Cairn, Cesky Terrier, Dandie, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Glen Imaal, Irish Ter Mrs. D. Kniola: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: C. Nelson Mrs. A. S. Bolus: Hava Mrs. D. Kniola: Affenp, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Eng Toy Sp, Min Pin, Toy Manch, Peke, Pom, Toy Fox Terrier Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. Kniola C. Nelson: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. D. Bolus Mrs. A. B. Schoen: Shetld Mr. D. Bolus: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. P. A. MowbrayMorgan Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. V. Kinion: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, Nov Wildc Mr. J. J. Ham: Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Opn Wildc Mrs. D. L. Allen: Grad Openr, Util A, Util B, Versatility, Utl Wildc JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. D. M. Brown IL Huntley* (I) CENTRAL STATES COLLIE CLUB (S) Car-Dun-Al Dog Training Club 10783 Wolf Drive CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Mr. Sue Fregien Caperllc, SHW SEC, 24902 APPLE RD, WATERFORD, WI 53185 FEE: $26.00-1st/ $19.00-2nd Mrs. H. J. Kane: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mr. M. C. Carlucci: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS: Coll (Rough) Patricia Caldwell SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Rough) Patricia Caldwell IL Huntley (I) HEARTLAND COLLIE CLUB OF CENTRAL ILLINOIS Car-Dun-Al Dog Training Club 10783 Wolf Drive CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Sue Fregien, SHW SEC, 24902 APPLE RD, WATERFORD, WI 53185 FEE: $26.00-1st/ $19.00-2nd IL Melrose Park (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) ILLINI GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB For Your Canine, Melrose Park 1975 Cornell Ave. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Mr. Deb Norman, SHW SEC, 531 BAILEY DR, BATAVIA, IL 60510 FEE: $28.00
MD Frederick (I) POTOMAC VALLEY BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG CLUB Frederick County Fairgrounds CLOSES: JANUARY 29 12:00 p.m. Susan Trivers, SHW SEC, C/O Jim Rau Dog Shows, PO Box 6898, READING, PA 19610 FEE: $32.00-1st/ $28.00-2nd Mrs. J. Pero: Breed, Jr. Showmanship MD West Friendship (I) MARYLAND KENNEL CLUB Howard County Fairgrounds 2210 Fairgrounds Road CLOSES: JANUARY 29 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $26.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. L. Warren SPORTING Group: J. Hubbard J. Hubbard: Pntr-GW Mr. E. J. Ringle: Brit, Pointer, Pntr-GS, Ret-Ches Mrs. M. Alston: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. M. Alston J. Hubbard: Afghan, Basenji, Basset, Bgle (Over 13), Borz, Dach, PBGV, RhoRidge, Saluki, ScotDeer, Whip Mrs. L. Warren: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. A. Cuneo Mr. E. J. Ringle: Alas Mal Mrs. L. Warren: Akita, Cane Corso Ms. M. Koltes: Boxer, Sib Hky Mrs. A. Cuneo: Balance of Working Breeds *No Classes: Berns Mtn TERRIER Group: Ms. G. Dunlap Mrs. P. J. Haas: Soft Coated Ms. M. Koltes: Glen Imaal, Lakelnd Ms. G. Dunlap: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. S. B. Tietjen Mrs. P. J. Haas: Toy Manch, Pug, Shih Tzu, Silky, Yorks Mrs. S. B. Tietjen: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. K. S. McFarlane Mrs. K. S. McFarlane: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. E. J. Ringle Ms. M. Koltes: Fin Laph, Icelandic Shpdg, Nor Buhund, Pol Low Shp, Swed Vallhund Mr. E. J. Ringle: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. P. J. Haas Mrs. L. Warren: Lag Rom Mrs. P. J. Haas: Balance of Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. M. Koltes
FEBRUARY 17 - MONDAY AZ Mesa (O) CENTRAL ARIZONA SALUKI ASSOCIATION (S) Windemere Hotel And Conference Center Windemere Hotel and Conference Center 5750 East Main Street CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Jackie Lawrence, SHW SEC, 2070 E MELROSE ST, GILBERT, AZ 85297 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Dr. K. H. Levison: Breed P. S. Lambie: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Laura Waites SWEEPS PUPPY Laura Waites CA San Jose (I) GOLDEN GATE AKITA CLUB (S) Santa Clara County Fairgrounds 344 Tully Rd. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Karen Toth, SHW SEC, 7825 CRANFORD LN, DUBLIN, CA 94568 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd A. D. Hussin: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Carol Foti SWEEPS PUPPY Carol Foti CA San Jose (I) SANTA CLARA VALLEY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Santa Clara County Fairgrounds 344 Tully Rd. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. A. Reid SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. Nykiel Mr. W. J. Sommerfelt: Brit, All Pointers, Set-Eng, Set-Gord, Span-AmW, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Weim Mrs. D. Burkholder: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. D. J. Peat Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: PBGV Mr. W. J. Coombs: Am Fox, Bgle, Bloodhnd, Dach, Eng Fox, Harr Mrs. P. Nykiel: Afghan, Basset, Borz, Ir Wolf, RhoRidge, Saluki, Whip Mr. D. J. Peat: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. P. Nykiel Mr. W. J. Sommerfelt: Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher Mrs. P. Nykiel: Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Boxer, Cane Corso, Chinook, Rottw Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Dobe, Giant Schn, Grt Pyr, Leonberger, Newf, Std Schn Mr. W. J. Coombs: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. Constantine Mrs. P. B. Peat: Min Schn Mr. J. Constantine: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. D. Burkholder Mr. J. Constantine: Toy Manch Mrs. D. Burkholder: I Greyhnd, Eng Toy Sp, J Chin, Malt, Min Pin, Peke, Pood Toy, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mr. A. Reid: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: M. B. Calltharp M. B. Calltharp: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. W. J. Sommerfelt Mr. W. J. Coombs: Pyre Shep Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: AustrlShep, Card-WC, Coll, GSD, Shetld Mr. W. J. Sommerfelt: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. D. Burkholder Mrs. D. Burkholder: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. D. Burkholder
Dog News 221
CO Denver* (I) COLORADO KENNEL CLUB National Western Complex 4655 Humbolt St. CLOSES: JANUARY 29 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. M. J. Underwood SPORTING Group: Ms. L. C. More H. Lindberg: Pointer Ms. L. C. More: All Retrievers Mr. B. Meyer: All Spaniels, All Spaniels, Spin Ital, Vizs Ms. L. Robey: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. J. G. Pepper H. Lindberg: Afghan, Bgle Mr. K. H. Delaney: Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Basenji, Basset, B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Bluetick Coon, Borz, Dach, Eng Fox, Greyhnd, Harr, Ibizan Mr. J. G. Pepper: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. F. S. Godek Mrs. L. D. Peterson: Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Bullm, Cane Corso Ms. F. S. Godek: Nepltn Mastiff, Newf, Portuguese, Rottw, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mrs. C. Meyer: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. P. A. Keenan Ms. P. A. Keenan: Min Schn, Norwich Norfolk, Parson Russell, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Ms. M. J. Underwood: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. F. A. Males H. Lindberg: Chin Cr Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Pap, Peke, Pom, Pug, Shih Tzu, Pood Toy, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mrs. F. A. Males: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. V. L. Abbott Mrs. V. L. Abbott: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Boston, Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Chow, Dalm, Fin Spitz, Fr Bull Mr. J. R. Shoemaker: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. M. Canestrini Mrs. B. H. Humer: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv Mrs. M. Canestrini: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Brdr Coll, Bouv, Coll Mr. N. Horn: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. K. H. Delaney Mr. K. H. Delaney: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Ms. K. J. Anderson: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: H. Lindberg FL Lakeland* (I) LAKELAND WINTER HAVEN KENNEL CLUB Sun & Fun Property 4175 Medulla Road CLOSES: JANUARY 29 MB-F Inc., SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. de Santiago SPORTING Group: Dr. S. Keating Mrs. S. R. Baugniet: Set-Irsh T. Buckley: Vizs Mrs. S. D. Hemminger: Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold Mr. R. de Santiago: Ret-Lab, Span-Ckr Mr. D. Richards: Pntr-GS, Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches, Span-Fld R. Velez-Pico: Brit, Ret-Curl, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Eng, Set-Gord, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh Dr. S. Keating: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. C. Bell Dr. S. Keating: B & T Coonhnd Mr. D. Richards: Ibizan Mr. R. de Santiago: Port Pd Peq T. Buckley: Whip R. Velez-Pico: Afghan, Bloodhnd, RhoRidge, Saluki, ScotDeer Mrs. C. Bell: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. L. Stansell T. Buckley: Giant Schn, Rottw Mrs. C. Bell: Akita, Cane Corso, Portuguese Mrs. C. Stansell: Alas Mal, Sam, Sib Hky Mr. A. Addicott: Dogue de Brdx, Grt Pyr, Kom, Kuv, Leonberger, Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Newf, Std Schn Mr. R. L. Stansell: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: R. Velez-Pico Dr. S. Keating: Manch Ter Mr. A. Addicott: Min Schn Mrs. S. R. Baugniet: Airdle, Bdlgtn, Cairn, Cesky Terrier, Dandie, Norwich Norfolk, Parson Russell, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr R. Velez-Pico: Am Staff, Austr, Glen Imaal, Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Mr. R. de Santiago: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: T. Buckley Mr. R. de Santiago: Chihua Mrs. C. Bell: Pood Toy Mrs. S. R. Baugniet: Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks R. Velez-Pico: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Pug, Silky T. Buckley: Chin Cr, Hava, Min Pin, Peke, Pom, Shih Tzu Dr. S. Keating: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: T. Buckley Mr. R. de Santiago: Boston R. Velez-Pico: Shar-Pei Mrs. C. Stansell: Dalm Dr. S. Keating: Lowch Mrs. C. Bell: Pood Mr. A. Addicott: Chow, Schip, Shiba Inu, Tib Ter Mr. R. L. Stansell: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. D. Richards Mrs. M. D. Williams: Entlebucher Mnt Dog Mrs. C. Stansell: AustrlShep, Icelandic Shpdg Dr. S. Keating: Beauceron, Briard Mr. D. Richards: GSD, Nor Buhund Mr. A. Addicott: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. L. Stansell Mr. R. L. Stansell: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. S. D. Hemminger: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr Mr. T. B. Masterson: Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN Mrs. N. K. Withers: Util A, Util B, PUTL, Versatility To Be Assigned: Nov Wildc, Opn Wildc, Utl Wildc JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. C. Stansell
222 Dog News
HI Hilo (I) ORCHID ISLAND DOG FANCIER CLUB, INC. Edith Kanakaole Multi-Purpose Stadium Kalanikoa Street CLOSES: JANUARY 29 BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT FEE: $35.00-1st/ $35.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. T. P. Brown SPORTING Group: A. Brown A. Brown: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. G. R. Taylor Mrs. G. R. Taylor: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: A. Brown A. Brown: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: A. Brown A. Brown: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. G. R. Taylor Mrs. G. R. Taylor: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. G. R. Taylor Mrs. G. R. Taylor: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. G. R. Taylor Mrs. G. R. Taylor: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: A. Brown A. Brown: All Miscellaneous Breeds
FEBRUARY 20 - THURSDAY FL Tallahassee (I) GREATER PANAMA CITY DOG FANCIERS ASSOCIATION North Florida Fairgrounds 441 Paul Russell Rd CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. C. P. Patterson SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. P. Patterson Miss V. L. Lyne: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr.: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. S. C. Smith Mrs. S. C. Smith: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr.: Manch Ter Mrs. C. P. Patterson: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr. Mrs. C. P. Patterson: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr.: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr. Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Miss V. L. Lyne Miss V. L. Lyne: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr. IL Chicago (I) PARK SHORE KENNEL CLUB, INC. McCormick Place 23rd & martin Luther King Dr. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. A. W. Krause SPORTING Group: Ms. S. B. Morgan Ms. S. B. Morgan: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. A. W. Krause Dr. R. A. Indeglia: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. R. A. Indeglia Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Giant Schn Dr. A. W. Krause: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Dr. J. Klein Ms. M. McNally: Staf Bull Dr. J. Klein: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. D. J. Kirkland Mr. D. J. Kirkland: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. J. Murray Mrs. J. Murray: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. D. N. Collier Mrs. D. N. Collier: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. D. N. Collier Mrs. D. N. Collier: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Dr. J. Klein MS Hattiesburg (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) GREATER HATTIESBURG KENNEL CLUB Forest County Multi-Purpose Complex 962 Sullivan Rd CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. C. Walton SPORTING Group: Miss M. A. Schwartz Miss M. A. Schwartz: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. J. C. Briley Mr. J. C. Briley: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mr. J. R. Cole: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mr. J. R. Cole: All Terrier Breeds *Pending: Am Staff TOY Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Peke Mrs. D. Edge: Balance of Toy Breeds *Pending: Affenp, Chin Cr, Hava, Eng Toy Sp (B & PC), J Chin, Eng Toy Sp (KC & R), Malt, Min Pin, Toy Manch, Pap, Pug, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. S. Keating Dr. S. Keating: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. R. L. Campbell Mrs. R. L. Campbell: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. C. Walton Mr. J. C. Walton: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. C. Walton
FEBRUARY 21 - FRIDAY CA Carlsbad (O) HIGH DESERT COLLIE CLUB Magee Park 258 Beech St. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Janine Walker-Keith, SHW SEC, 3664 BUDD ST, SAN DIEGO, CA 92111 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd B. A. McIlvoy: Breed
CA Carlsbad (O) HIGH DESERT COLLIE CLUB (S) Magee Park 258 Beech St. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Janine Walker-Keith, SHW SEC, 3664 BUDD ST, SAN DIEGO, CA 92111 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. C. A. Stanley: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Rough) Lynda Powers SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Smooth) Lynda Powers CA Del Mar (I) BICHON FRISE CLUB OF SAN DIEGO Del Mar Fairgrounds 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Gwen Lattin, SHW SEC, 5092 LOLINA LN, CYPRESS, CA 90630 FEE: $26.00-1st/ $17.00-2nd Mrs. J. V. Daniels: Breed CA Del Mar (I) BICHON FRISE CLUB OF SAN DIEGO (S) Del Mar Fairgrounds 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Gwen Lattin, SHW SEC, 5092 Lolina Ln, Cypress, CA 90630 FEE: $26.00-1st/ $17.00-2nd T. S. Robbins: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Camille Bakker CA Del Mar (I) BOXER CLUB OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, INC. (S) Del Mar Fairgrounds 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Lois Trist, SHW SEC, 28273 SPARKLING OAKS TRL, ESCONDIDO, CA 92026 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mr. H. J. Williams: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Audra Nescher CA Del Mar (I) CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL OF GREATER SAN DIEGO (S) Del Mar Fairgrounds 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Ms. Lea Plaut, SHW SEC, 16750 Paradise Mtn Rd, Valley Center, CA 92062 Mr. H. J. Williams: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS SWEEPS PUPPY CA Del Mar (I) COCKER SPANIEL CLUB OF SAN DIEGO (S) Del Mar Fairgrounds 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mrs. T. M. DePietro: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Black) Marianne Terry SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (ASCOB) Marianne Terry SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Ckr (Parti) Marianne Terry CA Del Mar (I) COCKER SPANIEL CLUB OF SAN DIEGO Del Mar Fairgrounds 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mr. T. J. Feneis: Breed CA Del Mar (I) DALMATIAN CLUB OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY (S) Del Mar Fairgrounds 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Boyd Goddard, SHW SEC, Po Box 2005, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd T. S. Robbins: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Mr. Terry Lee Wissinger SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. Terry Lee Wissinger CA Del Mar (I) IRISH SETTER CLUB OF SAN DIEGO, INC. Del Mar Fairgrounds 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Mrs. Carolyn Sisson, SHW SEC, 6325 Lake Aral Dr, San Diego, CA 92119 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mrs. T. M. DePietro: Breed CA Del Mar (I) IRISH SETTER CLUB OF SAN DIEGO, INC. (S) Del Mar Fairgrounds 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Carolyn Sisson, SHW SEC, 6325 Lake Aral Dr, San Diego, CA 92119 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mr. T. J. Feneis: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Ms. Kristy Hanes SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Kristy Hanes CA Del Mar (I) NEWFOUNDLAND CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. (S) Del Mar Fairgrounds 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Lea Plaut, SHW SEC, 16750 PARADISE MOUNTAIN VALLEY RD, VALLEY CENTER, CA 92002 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Ms. V. M. Jordan: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Doreen Beale SWEEPS PUPPY Doreen Beale
CA Del Mar (I) SAN DIEGO DACHSHUND CLUB, INC. Del Mar Fairgrounds 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $20.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mr. R. V. Miller: Breed CA Del Mar (I) SAN DIEGO DACHSHUND CLUB, INC. (S) Del Mar Fairgrounds 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd H. T. Biermann: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Long) Ms. Linda Castaneda SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Smooth) Ms. Linda Castaneda SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Wire) Ms. Linda Castaneda CA Del Mar (I) SOUTHWESTERN ROTTWEILER CLUB OF SAN DIEGO (S) Del Mar Fairgrounds 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 6 Hazel “Scotty” Maloney, SHW SEC, 9606 BENAVENTE ST, SAN DIEGO, CA 92129 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd J. P. Wade: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Laura Jane Worsham SWEEPS PUPPY Laura Jane Worsham CA Del Mar (I) ST. BERNARD CLUB OF SAN DIEGO (S) Del Mar Fairgrounds 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Doris Bandoian, SHW SEC, 1220 N RICHFIELD RD, ANAHEIM, CA 92807 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mr. S. A. Zielinski: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Mrs. Diane R Landstrom SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Diane R Landstrom CA Del Mar (I) TOY DOG FANCIERS OF NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNTY (S) Del Mar Fairgrounds 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Ms. W. L. Paquette: Toy Group, Affenp, Bruss Grif, Chihua (Long), Chihua (Smooth), Hava, Eng Toy Sp (B & PC), Eng Toy Sp (KC & R), J Chin, Malt, Min Pin, Toy Manch, Pom, Shih Tzu, Pood Toy, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mrs. P. C. Inan: Cav KC Spans, Chin Cr, I Greyhnd, Pap, Peke, Pug SWEEPS PUPPY: Affenp Mrs. Penelope C Inan SWEEPS PUPPY: Bruss Grif Mrs. Lorelei Bayliss SWEEPS PUPPY: Cav KC Spans Mrs. Lorelei Bayliss SWEEPS PUPPY: Chihua (Long) Mrs. Lorelei Bayliss SWEEPS PUPPY: Chin Cr Mrs. Lorelei Bayliss SWEEPS PUPPY: Chihua (Smooth) Mrs. Lorelei Bayliss SWEEPS PUPPY: Hava Mrs. Penelope C Inan SWEEPS PUPPY: Eng Toy Sp (B & PC) Mrs. Penelope C Inan SWEEPS PUPPY: I Greyhnd Mrs. Lorelei Bayliss SWEEPS PUPPY: J Chin Mrs. Lorelei Bayliss SWEEPS PUPPY: Eng Toy Sp (KC & R) Mrs. Penelope C Inan SWEEPS PUPPY: Malt Mrs. Penelope C Inan SWEEPS PUPPY: Min Pin Mrs. Lorelei Bayliss SWEEPS PUPPY: Pap Mrs. Lorelei Bayliss SWEEPS PUPPY: Toy Manch Mrs. Penelope C Inan SWEEPS PUPPY: Peke Mrs. Lorelei Bayliss SWEEPS PUPPY: Pom Mrs. Penelope C Inan SWEEPS PUPPY: Pug Mrs. Lorelei Bayliss SWEEPS PUPPY: Shih Tzu Mrs. Penelope C Inan SWEEPS PUPPY: Pood Toy Mrs. Penelope C Inan SWEEPS PUPPY: Silky Mrs. Penelope C Inan SWEEPS PUPPY: Toy Fox Terrier Mrs. Lorelei Bayliss SWEEPS PUPPY: Yorks Mrs. Penelope C Inan FL Tallahassee (I) GREATER PANAMA CITY DOG FANCIERS ASSOCIATION North Florida Fairgrounds 441 Paul Russell Rd CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Miss V. L. Lyne SPORTING Group: Miss V. L. Lyne Mrs. C. P. Patterson: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr. Ms. N. Bodine: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson Miss V. L. Lyne: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. C. P. Patterson Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. C. P. Patterson Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr.: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr. Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. N. Bodine Ms. N. Bodine: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. C. P. Patterson
SAVE THE DATE! Ring in the New Year with the...
Clemson Kennel Club Saturday & Sunday,
January 4th & 5th, 2014 T. Ed Garrison Arena Pendleton, South Carolina Enjoy our southern hospitality with free hot chocolate and coffee each morning. All exhibitors are invited to join us for hors d’oeuvres and beverages durning Groups and Best In Show on Saturday, January 4, 2014. Don’t miss the Best Bred By Exhibitor competition with a cash prize of $200 for Best Bred By Exhibitor In Show on Saturday! B/OB AKC Sanctioned Match on Friday, January 3, 2014 6:30 p.m. New this year....Raffle Baskets & a 50/50 drawing on Saturday. Plenty of RV hookups!
Entries Close at 12:00 Noon Wednesday, December 18th, 2013
We Hope To See You There! Dog News 223
IL Chicago* (I) BLACKHAWK KENNEL CLUB, INC. McCormick Place 23rd & martin Luther King Dr. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. E. E. Bivin SPORTING Group: Mr. H. Clark Mr. H. Clark: Pointer, Pntr-GS, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Irsh Mr. E. E. Bivin: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. R. A. Indeglia Mr. E. E. Bivin: Afghan Mrs. H. Clark: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Chinook, Dogue de Brdx, Grt Pyr, Kuv, Mast, Tibtn Mastiff P. A. Sosa: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: W. Wornall Mr. E. Williams: Staf Bull W. Wornall: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. H. Clark Mrs. H. Clark: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, Hava, I Greyhnd, Eng Toy Sp, J Chin Mr. H. Clark: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. R. A. Indeglia Dr. R. A. Indeglia: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. H. Clark Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Bouv, Card-WC, Coll, Pemb-WC, Shetld Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. E. E. Bivin Mr. E. E. Bivin: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. S. D. Hemminger: Nov A, Nov B, PNOV, Open A, Open B, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: P. A. Sosa MO Eureka (I) BULLDOG CLUB OF GREATER ST. LOUIS (S) Holiday Inn Six Flags 4901 Six Flags Road CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Robert Cocks, SHW SEC, 3945 CHARBONIER RD, FLORISSANT, MO 63031 FEE: $24.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Dr. R. L. Church: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Robert Rodenski MS Hattiesburg (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) MERI-MISS KENNEL CLUB, INC. Forest County Multi-Purpose Complex 962 Sullivan Rd CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. R. L. Campbell SPORTING Group: Mrs. B. D. Alderman Mrs. B. D. Alderman: All Sporting Breeds *Pending: Ret-Gold HOUND Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mrs. R. L. Campbell: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Miss M. A. Schwartz Miss M. A. Schwartz: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. C. Walton Mr. J. C. Walton: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. J. C. Walton Mr. J. C. Walton: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mr. J. R. Cole: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: *Pending *Pending: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Miss M. A. Schwartz Miss M. A. Schwartz: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Miss M. A. Schwartz NY Suffern (I) WALLKILL KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Rockland Community College 145 College Ave CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $32.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW N. Liebes SPORTING Group: Mr. D. J. Murphy Ms. C. L. Richards: Pntr-GS, Ret-Ches, Span-Eng Spr N. Liebes: Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab Mr. D. J. Murphy: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. N. Horn M. F. Loller: Afghan, Greyhnd Mr. N. Horn: Am Fox, Eng Fox, Harr, Port Pd Peq Dr. C. White-Moser: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. L. Pelland M. Winkler: Cane Corso Ms. G. Kerr: Sib Hky N. Liebes: Grt Dane, Grt Pyr, Gtr Swiss Mtn, St Bern, Sam Mr. R. J. Caswell: Akita, Alas Mal, Bullm, Giant Schn, Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Newf, Portuguese, Rottw, Std Schn Mr. R. L. Pelland: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. D. J. Murphy Mr. D. J. Murphy: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. B. J. Wood Ms. G. Kerr: Peke Mr. D. J. Murphy: Toy Fox Terrier N. Liebes: Pom, Pug, Shih Tzu, Pood Toy, Silky, Yorks Ms. B. J. Wood: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. L. Pelland M. Winkler: Bichon, Chow M. F. Loller: Boston, Shar-Pei, Fr Bull, Schip Mr. R. L. Pelland: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. G. Kerr Ms. G. Kerr: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: N. Liebes N. Liebes: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: N. Liebes SWEEPS PUPPY: Dalm Shannon Pratt SWEEPS VETERANS: Dalm Shannon Pratt
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OR Albany* (I) LINN COUNTY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Linn County Fair & Expo Center 3700 Knox Butte Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $29.50-1st/ $23.50-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. S. J. Hubbell SPORTING Group: Mr. C. Coady Mr. R. J. Shreve: Vizs Mr. S. J. Hubbell: Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab Mrs. C. Hubbell: Span-Ckr, Weim Mr. C. Coady: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. L. Boutwell Mrs. L. Boutwell: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. C. Hubbell Mr. S. J. Hubbell: Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Newf, Portuguese, Rottw, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mrs. C. Hubbell: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. E. Garren Mr. R. E. Garren: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. S. A. Krogh Mr. C. Coady: Pom Mr. R. E. Garren: Toy Manch, Pood Toy Mrs. S. A. Krogh: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. S. Brown Mr. R. E. Garren: Pood Mrs. S. Brown: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mr. R. J. Shreve: All Herding Breeds *No Classes: Coll MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. C. Hubbell Mrs. C. Hubbell: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. L. Hause: Nov A, Open B, Util A Mr. C. A. Curtis: Nov B, Open A, Util B Mrs. A. A. Peterson: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Grad Openr, POPN, PUTL, Versatility, Brace, Sub-Novice, Veteran JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. M. Brown TX Cedar Park (O) GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF AUSTIN Elizabeth Melbourne Park 1901 Sunchase Blvd. Cedar Park, TX 78613 CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Margaret Bleakney, SHW SEC, 612 N ROSS AVE, MEXIA, TX 76667 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mrs. N. L. Nellis: Breed, Jr. Showmanship WA Auburn (I) COLLIE CLUB OF WASHINGTON, INC. (S) Argus Ranch Facility For Dogs 35612 212th Way SE CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Ann Akerill, SHW SEC, P. O. Box 2005, Oregon City, OR 97045 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mr. T. C. Garrison: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Rough) Ms. Carol Zielke SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Smooth) Ms. Carol Zielke
FEBRUARY 22 - SATURDAY AZ Phoenix (O) ARIZONA CHINESE SHAR-PEI CLUB OF PHOENIX (S) Clarion Hotel Phoenix 5121 E La Puente Ave. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Mrs. Stephanie Weise, SHW SEC, 79394 Mission Drive West, La Quinta, CA 92253 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. N. C. Cartwright: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Patricia A Sosa SWEEPS PUPPY Patricia A Sosa AZ Phoenix (O) CHINESE SHAR-PEI CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. Clarion Hotel Phoenix 5121 E La Puente Ave. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Stephanie Weise, SHW SEC, 79394 MISSION DR W, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. L. F. Sosa: Breed, Jr. Showmanship CA Carlsbad (O) SAN DIEGO COLLIE CLUB Magee Park 258 Beech St. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Janine Walker-Keith, SHW SEC, 3664 Budd St, San Diego, CA 92111 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mrs. P. L. Conger: Breed, Jr. Showmanship CA Carlsbad (O) SAN DIEGO COLLIE CLUB (S) Magee Park 258 Beech St. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Janine Walker-Keith, SHW SEC, 3664 Budd St, San Diego, CA 92111 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Ms. L. J. Runnels: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Rough) Ginny White SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Smooth) Ginny White CA Del Mar* (I) SILVER BAY KENNEL CLUB OF SAN DIEGO (S) Del Mar Fairgrounds 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. W. L. Paquette SPORTING Group: Mrs. T. M. DePietro Ms. W. L. Paquette: Ret-Gold, Set-Irsh Mr. H. J. Williams: Ret-Lab, Set-Eng, Set-Gord, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-Ckr, Span-Irw, Weim Mrs. T. M. DePietro: Balance of Sporting Breeds
HOUND Group: T. S. Robbins Ms. V. M. Jordan: Afghan Ms. W. L. Paquette: Basenji, Ibizan, Ir Wolf H. T. Biermann: Basset, Bgle, Whip T. S. Robbins: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. V. P. Chianese Mr. T. J. Feneis: Grt Pyr Mr. H. J. Williams: Newf Ms. W. L. Paquette: Rottw H. T. Biermann: Boxer, Dobe Mr. V. P. Chianese: Akita, Bullm, Giant Schn, Portuguese, Sam, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Ms. V. M. Jordan: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: B. R. Schwartz B. R. Schwartz: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. V. Miller Mr. V. P. Chianese: Pood Toy Mrs. G. Yamaguchi: Chihua, Chin Cr, I Greyhnd, Min Pin, Pap, Peke, Pom, Shih Tzu, Toy Fox Terrier Mr. R. V. Miller: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: T. S. Robbins Mr. V. P. Chianese: Bulldog, Chow, Pood, Schip Mrs. B. Newcomb: Am Esk Dog, Boston, Dalm, Kees, Norwegian Lndhnd, Xoloitzcuintli Mr. R. V. Miller: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. T. J. Feneis Mr. T. J. Feneis: All Herding Breeds *No Classes: Coll MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. B. Newcomb Mrs. B. Newcomb: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. L. Cox: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, Grad Novr, Open A, Util B Miss B. Lee: Nov B, Begnr Nov B, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. B. Newcomb SWEEPS PUPPY: Leonberger Genette Fuller SWEEPS VETERANS: Leonberger Genette Fuller
SWEEPS VETERANS: Portuguese Carlin Rasmussen SWEEPS VETERANS: Border SWEEPS PUPPY: Border SWEEPS PUPPY: Set-Eng Ms. Susan Ann Kerwin-Bush SWEEPS PUPPY: Cav KC Spans Stanley Matsumoto SWEEPS PUPPY: Am Staff SWEEPS VETERANS: Am Staff SWEEPS VETERANS: Giant Schn Jason Hoke SWEEPS PUPPY: Giant Schn Jason Hoke SWEEPS VETERANS: Malt Debra Ferguson-Jones SWEEPS PUPPY: Malt Debra Ferguson-Jones
FL Tallahassee (I) OCHLOCKONEE RIVER KENNEL CLUB OF FLORIDA, INC. (S) North Florida Fairgrounds 441 Paul Russell Rd CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Ms. J. S. Brewster SPORTING Group: Mr. J. Richardson Ms. J. S. Brewster: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. J. S. Brewster C. Pyrkosz: Bgle Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Miss V. L. Lyne Mr. J. Richardson: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. Richardson Miss V. L. Lyne: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Miss V. L. Lyne Mrs. N. Hafner: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. N. Hafner Miss V. L. Lyne: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Miss V. L. Lyne Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr.: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr. Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr.: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. W. T. Rice SWEEPS VETERANS: Cav KC Spans Gayla Spivey SWEEPS PUPPY: Cav KC Spans Gayla Spivey SWEEPS VETERANS: Card-WC Susan Buxton SWEEPS PUPPY: Card-WC Susan Buxton
IL New Lenox (I) ILLIANA COLLIE FANCIERS Stone City Kennel Club Building 13606 W. Laraway Road CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Mr. Robert Olson, SHW SEC, 22 W 462 SYCAMORE DR, GLEN ELLYN, IL 60137 FEE: $25.00 K. Hansen: Breed
IL Chicago* (I) INTERNATIONAL KENNEL CLUB OF CHICAGO, INC. (BENCHED) (S) McCormick Place 23rd & martin Luther King Dr. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. S. Goldberg SPORTING Group: Dr. R. A. Indeglia Mrs. S. Goldberg: Brit, Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Vizs Mr. E. E. Bivin: Pointer, Pntr-GS, Ret-Flat, Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab, Ret-Nova Scotia T Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. H. Clark Mr. H. Clark: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. A. W. Krause Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Boxer Mrs. D. N. Collier: Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Bullm, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dobe, Dogue de Brdx, Giant Schn Mrs. H. Clark: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. D. J. Kirkland Ms. H. Haydon: Border Mrs. S. Goldberg: Norwich Mrs. L. Williams: Staf Bull Dr. A. W. Krause: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. E. E. Bivin Mr. H. Clark: Cav KC Spans Mr. S. Hayden: Malt Mrs. S. Goldberg: Pood Toy Mr. T. Catterson: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. A. A. Czech Mrs. S. Goldberg: Pood Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Am Esk Dog, Shar-Pei, Chow, Fin Spitz, Fr Bull, Kees, Norwegian Lndhnd, Shiba Inu, Xoloitzcuintli Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Mr. D. J. Kirkland: AustrlShep, Brdr Coll, Card-WC Ms. A. A. Czech: Balance of Herding Breeds *No Classes: Coll MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. D. J. Kirkland Mr. D. J. Kirkland: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES R. Cox: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN Mr. K. H. Delaney: Util A, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. A. A. Czech SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Eng Spr SWEEPS PUPPY: Irish Ter Ronald Hoh SWEEPS PUPPY: Min Schn Stanley Matsumoto SWEEPS PUPPY: Portuguese Carlin Rasmussen
IL Chicago (I) NORWICH TERRIER CLUB OF GREATER CHICAGO (BENCHED) (P) McCormick Place 23rd & martin Luther King Dr. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT SWEEPS PUPPY: Norwich Tonnie Willrich IL Chicago (I) STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER CLUB OF AMERICA (BENCHED) (P) McCormick Place 23rd & martin Luther King Dr. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT SWEEPS VETERANS: Staf Bull Robin Ramos SWEEPS PUPPY: Staf Bull Robin Ramos
IL New Lenox (I) ILLIANA COLLIE FANCIERS (S) Stone City Kennel Club Building 13606 W. Laraway Road CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Mr. Robert Olson, SHW SEC, 22 W 462 SYCAMORE DR, GLEN ELLYN, IL 60137 FEE: $25.00 Mr. L. G. Willeford: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Rough) SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Smooth) MO Eureka (I) BULLDOG CLUB OF AMERICA (S) Holiday Inn Six Flags 4901 Six Flags Road CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Robert A Cocks, SHW SEC, 3945 CHARBONIER RD, FLORISSANT, MO 63031 FEE: $24.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Mrs. J. E. Kozatek: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Ken Calloway MS Hattiesburg (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) GREATER HATTIESBURG KENNEL CLUB Forest County Multi-Purpose Complex 962 Sullivan Rd CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. S. Keating SPORTING Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Dr. S. Keating: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: A. L. Odom A. L. Odom: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: *Pending *Pending: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. R. L. Campbell Mrs. R. L. Campbell: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. J. C. Briley A. L. Odom: Min Pin Mr. J. C. Briley: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. C. Walton A. L. Odom: Boston, Bulldog Mr. J. C. Walton: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. J. R. Cole A. L. Odom: AustrlShep, Shetld Mr. J. R. Cole: Balance of Herding Breeds *Pending: Card-WC MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. R. Cole Mr. J. R. Cole: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. R. Cole NY Suffern* (I) DALMATIAN CLUB OF GREATER NEW YORK (S) Rockland Community College 145 College Ave CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $29.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. S. Regan: Breed Mrs. L. Ferrullo: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Nancy Reiter SWEEPS PUPPY Nancy Reiter NY Suffern (I) ROCKLAND COUNTY KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Rockland Community College 145 College Ave CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $32.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. J. Caswell SPORTING Group: Ms. G. Kerr N. Liebes: Brit, All Pointers, Ret-Ches, Vizs, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Ms. G. Kerr: Balance of Sporting Breeds
Dog News 225
HOUND Group: Mrs. S. M. Carr Mr. J. J. Ham: Am Fox, B & T Coonhnd Mr. N. Horn: Afghan, Amer English Coon, Basenji, Basset, Bgle, Bloodhnd, Bluetick Coon, Borz, Saluki, ScotDeer, Treeing Walker Coon, Whip Mrs. S. M. Carr: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: N. Liebes Mrs. B. Harvey: Mast N. Liebes: Nepltn Mastiff, Rottw Ms. H. Nietsch: Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Portuguese Mr. R. J. Caswell: AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Chinook, Dobe, Dogue de Brdx, Grm Pinscher, Grt Dane, Kom, Kuv, Leonberger, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. R. L. Pelland: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. F. G. Ferris Dr. J. V. Ioia: Cairn Mr. F. G. Ferris: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Dr. J. V. Ioia Ms. B. J. Wood: Peke, Pom, Pug, Pood Toy, Shih Tzu, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Dr. J. V. Ioia: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: K. L. Beliew Mrs. S. M. Carr: Bichon, Boston, Bulldog K. L. Beliew: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. J. Nahikian Mr. J. J. Ham: AustrlShep, Brdr Coll Mr. N. Horn: Bouv, Shetld Mr. R. J. Caswell: Austrl Cat Dg, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, GSD Mrs. J. Nahikian: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. J. Ham Mr. J. J. Ham: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. J. J. Ham SWEEPS VETERANS: RhoRidge Maureen Tauber SWEEPS PUPPY: RhoRidge Maureen Tauber SWEEPS VETERANS: Mast Karin Stephens SWEEPS PUPPY: Mast Karin Stephens OH Hilliard (I) CENTRAL OHIO SHETLAND SHEEPDOG ASSOCIATION (S) Franklin County Fairgrounds CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Betty Willis, SHW SEC, PO BOX 22107, C/O MB-F, GREENSBORO, NC 27420 FEE: $27.00 Mrs. D. K. Christiansen: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Lea Anne Broseus OR Albany* (I) LINN COUNTY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Linn County Fair & Expo Center 3700 Knox Butte Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $29.50-1st/ $23.50-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. R. E. Garren SPORTING Group: Mrs. E. Laurin Mrs. S. Brown: All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh Mrs. E. Laurin: Brit, All Pointers, All Retrievers Mr. J. M. Brown: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. S. Brown Mr. R. E. Garren: Afghan, Bgle, ScotDeer, Whip Mrs. S. Brown: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mrs. C. Hubbell: Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Newf, Portuguese, Rottw, St Bern, Sam, Sib Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. R. J. Shreve: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. C. Coady Mr. C. Coady: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. L. Boutwell Mr. S. J. Hubbell: Affenp Mr. C. Coady: Toy Manch Mrs. S. A. Krogh: Pood Toy Mr. R. E. Garren: Pom, Shih Tzu, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mrs. L. Boutwell: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. S. A. Krogh Mr. R. E. Garren: Am Esk Dog, Kees Mr. J. M. Brown: Dalm, Fr Bull Mrs. S. A. Krogh: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. S. J. Hubbell K. Shira: Card-WC Mr. C. Coady: Bouv, GSD Mr. S. J. Hubbell: Balance of Herding Breeds *No Classes: Coll MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. R. E. Garren Mr. R. E. Garren: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. A. A. Peterson: Nov A, Open A, Util B Mrs. P. N. Gannon: Nov B, Open B, Util A Mrs. L. Hause: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Grad Openr, POPN, PUTL, Versatility, Brace, SubNovice, Veteran JR SHOWMANSHIP: K. Shira OR Albany (I) OREGON TRAIL CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL CLUB (S) Linn County Fair & Expo Center 3700 Knox Butte Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $29.00 M. Mynott: Breed Mr. D. M. Krogh: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Mrs. Susan Shidler SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Susan Shidler OR Albany TRAILS END VIZSLA CLUB OF OREGON (S) Linn County Fair & Expo Center 3700 Knox Butte Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $26.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Mrs. C. Hubbell: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS John R Wood Jr. SWEEPS PUPPY John R Wood Jr. TX Cedar Park (O) GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF SAN ANTONIO Elizabeth Melbourne Park 1901 Sunchase Blvd. Cedar Park, TX 78613 CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Margaret Bleakney, SHW SEC, 612 N ROSS AVE, MEXIA, TX 76667 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $17.00-2nd F. Fasano: Breed
226 Dog News
TX Cedar Park (O) GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF SAN ANTONIO Elizabeth Melbourne Park 1901 Sunchase Blvd. Cedar Park, TX 78613 CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Margaret Bleakney, SHW SEC, 612 N ROSS AVE, MEXIA, TX 76667 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $17.00-2nd Mr. J. D. LaRosa: Breed
HERDING Group: Ms. W. L. Paquette Mrs. T. M. DePietro: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: H. T. Biermann H. T. Biermann: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. W. K. Iwamoto: Nov A, Begnr Nov A, Grad Novr, Open A, Util B Mrs. L. Cox: Nov B, Begnr Nov B, Open B, Grad Openr, Util A, Versatility JR SHOWMANSHIP: B. R. Schwartz
TX Georgetown (I) COLLIE CLUB OF AUSTIN, INC. (S) Williamson County Show Barn 425 E. Morrow Street CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Vikki Youngmeyer, SHW SEC, 7910 Picador Dr, Houston, TX 77083 FEE: $27.00 H. H. Schulman: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Rough) Mary Visser SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Smooth) Mary Visser
FL Tallahassee (I) OCHLOCKONEE RIVER KENNEL CLUB OF FLORIDA, INC. (S) North Florida Fairgrounds 441 Paul Russell Rd CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. J. Richardson SPORTING Group: Ms. J. S. Brewster Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: Set-Gord Mr. J. Richardson: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Miss V. L. Lyne Ms. J. S. Brewster: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. J. Richardson Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Miss V. L. Lyne Mrs. N. Hafner: Am Staff, Border, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Manch Ter, Min Schn, Norwich Norfolk, Parson Russell, Scotti, Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter Mr. J. Richardson: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. N. Hafner Ms. J. S. Brewster: I Greyhnd, Min Pin, Pap, Pom, Pug, Pood Toy Miss V. L. Lyne: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Miss V. L. Lyne Ms. J. S. Brewster: Pood Mrs. N. Hafner: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson Ms. J. S. Brewster: Austrl Cat Dg, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Briard, Coll, GSD, OES, Pemb-WC Miss V. L. Lyne: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. N. Hafner Mrs. N. Hafner: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. C. J. Rice SWEEPS VETERANS: Cav KC Spans SWEEPS PUPPY: Cav KC Spans SWEEPS VETERANS: Card-WC Ms. Susan Landry Whiticar SWEEPS PUPPY: Card-WC Ms. Susan Landry Whiticar
TX Georgetown (I) COLLIE CLUB OF SAN ANTONIO Williamson County Show Barn 425 E. Morrow Street CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Vicki Youngmeyer, SHW SEC, 7910 Picadorl, Houston, TX 77083 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd A. Stelter: Breed TX Houston* (I) GREATER HOUSTON PEMBROKE WELSH CORGI FANCIERS (S) Crowne Plaza Hotel 12801 NW Freeway CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Mr. Kathleen Milford, SHW SEC, 20918 Hamlet Ridge Ln, Katy, TX 77449 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd P. Gailey: Breed Ms. M. R. Spalding: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Mrs. Nancy Oehlhof SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Nancy Oehlhof VA Glen Allen (I) CENTRAL VIRGINIA COLLIE CLUB (S) Dude Ranch Pet Resort 11015 Dude Ranch Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Vicki Crew, SHW SEC, 4572 STUDLEY RD, MECHANICSVILLE, VA 23116 FEE: $29.00 Mr. J. Koehler: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Marianne Sullivan WA Auburn* (I) OVERLAKE COLLIE CLUB (S) Argus Ranch Facility For Dogs 35612 212th Way SE CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Ann Akerill, SHW SEC, P. O. Box 2005, Oregon City, OR 97045 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mrs. J. R. Hitt: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Ms. P. A. Weaver: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Rough) Ms. Alisa Pesek SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Smooth) Ms. Alisa Pesek
FEBRUARY 23 - SUNDAY AZ Phoenix (O) ARIZONA CHINESE SHAR-PEI CLUB OF PHOENIX (S) Clarion Hotel Phoenix 5121 E La Puente Ave. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Mrs. Stephanie Weise, SHW SEC, 79394 Mission Drive West, La Quinta, CA 92253 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. L. F. Mackai: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Kathy Mackai SWEEPS PUPPY Kathy Mackai AZ Phoenix (O) CHINESE SHAR-PEI CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. Clarion Hotel Phoenix 5121 E La Puente Ave. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Stephanie Weise, SHW SEC, 79394 MISSION DR W, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. G. A. Dunlop: Breed, Jr. Showmanship CA Del Mar* (I) SILVER BAY KENNEL CLUB OF SAN DIEGO Del Mar Fairgrounds 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. T. M. DePietro SPORTING Group: Mr. T. J. Feneis Mr. H. J. Williams: Set-Irsh Ms. W. L. Paquette: Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Set-Eng, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Span-Fld Mr. T. J. Feneis: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: H. T. Biermann Ms. W. L. Paquette: Whip Mrs. G. Yamaguchi: Basset, Bgle, Dach H. T. Biermann: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. V. M. Jordan B. R. Schwartz: Boxer, Bullm, Dobe, Giant Schn, Grt Dane Ms. V. M. Jordan: Akita, Grt Pyr, Portuguese, Rottw, Sam, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. V. P. Chianese: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. V. Miller Mr. R. V. Miller: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: T. S. Robbins Mrs. G. Yamaguchi: Cav KC Spans, Pood Toy Mr. H. J. Williams: Bruss Grif, Hava, Malt, Min Pin, Peke, Pom, Pug, Silky, Yorks T. S. Robbins: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. R. V. Miller T. S. Robbins: Bulldog Mr. V. P. Chianese: Dalm Mrs. G. Yamaguchi: Pood Ms. W. L. Paquette: Boston, Xoloitzcuintli Ms. V. M. Jordan: Am Esk Dog, Kees, Norwegian Lndhnd Mrs. B. Newcomb: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds
IL Chicago* (I) INTERNATIONAL KENNEL CLUB OF CHICAGO, INC. (S) McCormick Place 23rd & martin Luther King Dr. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Col. J. B. Purkhiser SPORTING Group: Mr. E. E. Bivin Dr. A. W. Krause: Brit, All Pointers, All Retrievers Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Vizs, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mrs. S. Goldberg: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. T. Catterson Col. J. B. Purkhiser: Afghan, Amer English Coon, Am Fox, Basenji, Basset, Bgle, B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Bluetick Coon, Borz Mr. T. Catterson: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. D. N. Collier Dr. A. W. Krause: Giant Schn Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Bullm, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dobe, Dogue de Brdx, Kuv, Leonberger Mrs. D. N. Collier: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Dr. A. W. Krause Mrs. L. D. Looper: Border Mr. Z. Smith: Staf Bull Mr. D. J. Kirkland: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. H. Clark C. Taylor: Malt Mr. E. E. Bivin: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. D. J. Kirkland Ms. A. A. Czech: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. A. A. Czech Mr. H. Clark: All Herding Breeds *No Classes: Coll MISCELLANEOUS Group: Col. J. B. Purkhiser Col. J. B. Purkhiser: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. S. M. Mayborne: Nov A, Nov B, Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Open A, Open B, Grad Openr, POPN, Util A, Util B, PUTL JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. T. Catterson SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Eng Spr SWEEPS PUPPY: Am Staff SWEEPS VETERANS: Am Staff SWEEPS PUPPY: Wst Highlnd Dr. L. Carol Blain SWEEPS VETERANS: Border SWEEPS PUPPY: Border SWEEPS PUPPY: Set-Eng Carol Ulrich SWEEPS PUPPY: Norwich Mrs. Louise Leone IL New Lenox (I) CHICAGO COLLIE CLUB (S) Main Building - Fred Francis 4-H Field Main Building Fred Francis 4-H Field Francis Road CLOSES: FEBRUARY 7 Ann Sallay, SHW SEC, 1400 Corrie Ln, New Lenox, IL 60451 FEE: $27.00 Mrs. E. K. Gammill: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Rough) Mr. Robert Shuldes SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Smooth) Mr. Robert Shuldes IL New Lenox (I) CHICAGO COLLIE CLUB Main Building - Fred Francis 4-H Field Main Building Fred Francis 4-H Field Francis Road CLOSES: FEBRUARY 7 Ann Sallay, SHW SEC, 1400 Corrie Ln, New Lenox, IL 60451 FEE: $27.00 Mrs. C. E. Chapman: Breed, Jr. Showmanship
MO Eureka (I) BULLDOG CLUB OF GREATER ST. LOUIS Holiday Inn Six Flags 4901 Six Flags Road CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Robert Cocks, SHW SEC, 3945 CHARBONIER RD, FLORISSANT, MO 63031 Mr. E. Kozatek: Breed MS Hattiesburg (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) MERI-MISS KENNEL CLUB, INC. Forest County Multi-Purpose Complex 962 Sullivan Rd CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. D. Rogers SPORTING Group: Dr. S. Keating Mr. J. R. Cole: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: *Pending Mrs. B. D. Alderman: All Hound Breeds *Pending: Bgle (Over 13) WORKING Group: Mr. J. C. Briley Mr. J. C. Briley: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: *Pending *Pending: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Dr. S. Keating Dr. S. Keating: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. F. C. Bassett Mrs. B. D. Alderman: Pood (Std) Mr. F. C. Bassett: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. F. C. Bassett Dr. S. Keating: Austrl Cat Dg, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Coll Mr. F. C. Bassett: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. S. Keating Dr. S. Keating: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Dr. S. Keating NY Suffern (I) ROCKLAND COUNTY KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Rockland Community College 145 College Ave CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., SUPT FEE: $32.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. N. Horn SPORTING Group: N. Liebes N. Liebes: Ret-Nova Scotia T, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, All Spaniels, All Spaniels, Spin Ital Mr. N. Horn: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. H. Nietsch D. A. Ross: Afghan, Basenji, Basset, Bgle, B & T Coonhnd, Borz, Dach, Ibizan, Ir Wolf Ms. H. Nietsch: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. R. J. Caswell Mr. R. J. Caswell: Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Grt Pyr Ms. H. Nietsch: Mast, Nepltn Mastiff, Newf, Rottw, St Bern Mrs. S. M. Carr: Akita, Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Grt Dane, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Sam, Sib Hky N. Liebes: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. J. Ham Mr. J. J. Ham: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Ms. G. Kerr Mr. D. J. Murphy: Chin Cr, Peke Mr. J. J. Ham: Toy Manch, Pom, Pood Toy Ms. G. Kerr: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. J. Ham Dr. J. V. Ioia: Boston, Bulldog, Shar-Pei, Fr Bull, Lhasa, Pood, Tib Span, Tib Ter Mr. J. J. Ham: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. R. J. Caswell Mrs. J. Nahikian: Austrl Cat Dg, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, GSD Mr. R. J. Caswell: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. S. M. Carr Mrs. S. M. Carr: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. S. M. Carr SWEEPS PUPPY: Mast Dennis Collins SWEEPS VETERANS: Mast Dennis Collins OH Hilliard (I) CENTRAL OHIO S HETLAND SHEEPDOG ASSOCIATION (S) Franklin County Fairgrounds CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Betty Willis, SHW SEC, PO BOX 22107, C/O MB-F, GREENSBORO, NC 27420 FEE: $27.00 Mr. J. P. Molloy: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Lauren Boston OR Albany* (I) MCKENZIE CASCADE DOG FANCIERS Linn County Fair & Expo Center 3700 Knox Butte Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $29.50-1st/ $23.50-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. S. A. Krogh SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. Hubbell J. R. Wood, Jr.: Brit Mrs. C. Hubbell: All Pointers, All Retrievers, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh Mrs. S. Brown: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. S. J. Hubbell Mrs. S. Brown: ScotDeer J. R. Wood, Jr.: Afghan, Saluki Mr. C. Coady: Basenji, Basset, Bloodhnd, RhoRidge Mr. S. J. Hubbell: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. C. Coady Mr. C. Coady: Akita, Alas Mal, AnatolShep, Berns Mtn, Blk Russn Terrier, Boxer, Bullm, Cane Corso, Chinook, Dobe Mrs. S. A. Krogh: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. J. Shreve Mr. R. J. Shreve: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. E. Garren J. R. Wood, Jr.: Eng Toy Sp Mr. R. J. Shreve: Toy Manch Mr. J. M. Brown: Pood Toy Mrs. L. Boutwell: Pom, Shih Tzu, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mr. R. E. Garren: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. L. Boutwell Mr. S. J. Hubbell: Fr Bull Mr. J. M. Brown: Boston, Shar-Pei, Chow, Kees, Pood, Schip, Shiba Inu Mrs. L. Boutwell: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. J. E. Noe Mr. S. J. Hubbell: Bouv Mr. J. E. Noe: Balance of Herding Breeds *No Classes: Coll
Michigan Winter Dog Classic Four All-Breed Dog Shows Seven Obedience & Seven Rally Trials Four Agility Trials $1000 Prize for Best In Show Saturday & Sunday! Special Events & Clinics
Novi, Michigan
Reserved Groomin g
22 rted Suppo & s Entrie ties l a i c e Sp
311 Majors in 2013
Thursday, January 16, 2014 Through
Sunday, January 19, 2014 Presented by :
Livonia Kennel Club, Inc. Oakland County Kennel Club, Inc. Entries Close January 1, 2014 • Superintendent MB-F Note ~ Due to Entries Closing on a Holiday, Entries will be taken with the first mail on Thursday, January 2, 2014 So mark your calendars and join us! For more information, contact: Dr. Alan Dorfman • 248 361-3061 • Dog News 227
MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. J. M. Brown Mr. J. M. Brown: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. P. N. Gannon: Nov A, Open A, Util B Mrs. A. A. Peterson: Nov B, Open B, Util A Mr. C. A. Curtis: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Grad Openr, POPN, PUTL, Versatility, Brace, SubNovice, Veteran JR SHOWMANSHIP: J. R. Wood, Jr. TX Cedar Park (O) GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF AUSTIN Elizabeth Melbourne Park 1901 Sunchase Blvd. Cedar Park, TX 78613 CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Margaret Bleakney, SHW SEC, 612 N ROSS AVE, MEXIA, TX 76667 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Mr. D. Jones: Breed, Jr. Showmanship TX Georgetown (I) COLLIE CLUB OF AUSTIN, INC. Williamson County Show Barn 425 E. Morrow Street CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Vikki Youngmeyer, SHW SEC, 7910 Picador Dr, Houston, TX 77083 FEE: $27.00 Ms. M. E. Benjamin: Breed, Jr. Showmanship TX Georgetown (I) COLLIE CLUB OF SAN ANTONIO Williamson County Show Barn 425 E. Morrow Street CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Vikki Youngmeyer, SHW SEC, 7910 PICADOR DR, HOUSTON, TX 77083 FEE: $27.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd M. A. Stelter: Breed VA Glen Allen (I) CENTRAL VIRGINIA COLLIE CLUB (S) Dude Ranch Pet Resort 11015 Dude Ranch Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Vicki Crew, SHW SEC, 4572 STUDLEY RD, MECHANICSVILLE, VA 23116 FEE: $29.00 Ms. J. Evans: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Sharon Mullaney WA Auburn* (I) COLLIE CLUB OF WASHINGTON, INC. (S) Argus Ranch Facility For Dogs 35612 212th Way SE CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Ann Akerill, SHW SEC, P. O. Box 2005, Oregon City, OR 97045 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Ms. P. A. Autrey: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. C. S. Wray: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Rough) Ms. Marilyn Van Vleit SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Smooth) Ms. Marilyn Van Vleit
FEBRUARY 24 - MONDAY OR Albany* (I) MCKENZIE CASCADE DOG FANCIERS Linn County Fair & Expo Center 3700 Knox Butte Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 5 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $29.50-1st/ $23.50-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. L. Boutwell SPORTING Group: Mr. J. M. Brown H. Lindberg: Pointer Mr. J. M. Brown: Brit, Pntr-GS, Pntr-GW, All Retrievers, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh Mrs. L. Boutwell: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. R. E. Garren H. Lindberg: Afghan, Bgle Mrs. S. A. Krogh: ScotDeer, Whip Mr. R. E. Garren: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. J. E. Noe Mr. S. J. Hubbell: Boxer, Dogue de Brdx, Grt Dane Mr. J. E. Noe: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. D. M. Krogh Mr. D. M. Krogh: Airdle, Austr, Bdlgtn, Border, Bull Ter, Dandie, Irish Ter, Lakelnd, Manch Ter, Norwich, Wst Highlnd Mrs. L. Boutwell: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. S. Brown H. Lindberg: Chin Cr Mr. D. M. Krogh: Toy Manch Mrs. S. Brown: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. S. J. Hubbell Mr. R. J. Shreve: Bichon, Dalm, Fin Spitz, Fr Bull, Kees, Pood, Shiba Inu, Tib Ter Mr. S. J. Hubbell: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. C. Hubbell Mrs. C. Hubbell: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. D. M. Krogh Mr. D. M. Krogh: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. C. A. Curtis: Nov A, Open B, Util A Mrs. L. Hause: Nov B, Open A, Util B Mrs. P. N. Gannon: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B, PNOV, Grad Novr, Grad Openr, POPN, PUTL, Versatility, Brace, Sub-Novice, Veteran JR SHOWMANSHIP: H. Lindberg
FEBRUARY 26 - WEDNESDAY AZ Mesa (O) PHOENIX BULLDOG CLUB (P) Windemere Hotel And Conference Center Windemere Hotel and Conference Center 5750 East Main Street CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Mary Lou Allred, SHW SEC, 534 S SYCAMORE, MESA, AZ 85202 SWEEPS PUPPY: Bulldog Crystal McDermott
228 Dog News
FEBRUARY 27 - THURSDAY AZ Mesa (O) PHOENIX BULLDOG CLUB Windemere Hotel And Conference Center Windemere Hotel and Conference Center 5750 East Main Street CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Mary Lou Allred, SHW SEC, 534 S SYCAMORE, MESA, AZ 85202 Mr. S. Davison: Breed AZ Mesa (O) PHOENIX BULLDOG CLUB Windemere Hotel And Conference Center Windemere Hotel and Conference Center 5750 East Main Street CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Mary Lou Allred, SHW SEC, 534 S SYCAMORE, MESA, AZ 85202 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mrs. L. Handley: Breed Dr. J. Brown: Jr. Showmanship AZ Scottsdale (O) ARIZONA COLLIE CLAN, INC. Scottsdale Westworld 16601 N Pima Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Kathy Hand Arizona Dog Show Services, SHW SEC, 315 S 163rd St, Gilbert, AZ 85296 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $10.00-2nd J. A. Caruso: Breed AZ Scottsdale (O) ARIZONA COLLIE CLAN, INC. (S) Scottsdale Westworld 16601 N Pima Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Arizona Dog Show Services Kathy Hand, SHW SEC, 315 S 163rd St, Gilbert, AZ 85296 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $10.00-2nd Mr. R. E. Hawkins, Jr.: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Rough) SWEEPS PUPPY: Coll (Smooth) AZ Scottsdale (O) ARIZONA WHIPPET ASSOCIATION (S) Scottsdale Westworld 16601 N Pima Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Nancy Wilson, SHW SEC, 8307 E CAMELBACK RD, SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 FEE: $26.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Ms. K. J. Hamilton: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Karen Pynsia AZ Scottsdale (O) BOXER CLUB OF ARIZONA (S) Scottsdale Westworld 16601 N Pima Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Cheryl Cazier, SHW SEC, 3360 E FLOWER ST, PHOENIX, AZ 85018 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. L. J. Sinclair: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Phillip Koenig AZ Scottsdale (O) BOXER CLUB OF ARIZONA (S) Scottsdale Westworld 16601 N Pima Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Cheryl Cazier, SHW SEC, 3360 E FLOWER ST, PHOENIX, AZ 85018 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. Phillip Koenig AZ Scottsdale (O) CACTUS STATE MINIATURE SCHNAUZER CLUB (S) Scottsdale Westworld 16601 N Pima Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Linda Jacobs, SHW SEC, 3120 W CAREFREE HWY STE 1-635, PHOENIX, AZ 85086 FEE: $29.00 Mrs. L. Berar: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Carma Ewer AZ Scottsdale (I) CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL CLUB OF CENTRAL ARIZONA (S) Scottsdale Westworld 16601 N Pima Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Ms. Rhonda Storm, SHW SEC, 9522 DERBY DR, RIVERSIDE, CA 92509 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $19.00-2nd Mrs. C. Ackroyd-Gibson: Breed Mrs. C. K. Steidel: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Ginger Harrison AZ Scottsdale (O) DALMATIAN CLUB OF GREATER PHOENIX (S) Scottsdale Westworld 16601 N Pima Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Ron Wilson, SHW SEC, 8307 E Camelback Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. D. A. Alexander: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Ms. Jane M Gentzen SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Jane M Gentzen AZ Scottsdale (O) DALMATIAN CLUB OF GREATER PHOENIX (S) Scottsdale Westworld 16601 N Pima Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Ron Wilson, SHW SEC, 8307 E Camelback Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd D. Mc Intyre: Breed Mrs. D. R. Landstrom: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Mrs. Diane R Landstrom SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Diane R Landstrom
AZ Scottsdale (O) DESERT VALLEY DOBERMAN PINSCHER CLUB (S) Scottsdale Westworld 16601 N Pima Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Dr. D. A. Gill: Breed Mr. D. J. Peat: Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS David Peat SWEEPS PUPPY David Peat AZ Scottsdale (O) DESERT VALLEY DOBERMAN PINSCHER CLUB (S) Scottsdale Westworld 16601 N Pima Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mrs. J. B. Van Wormer: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Christine Erickson SWEEPS PUPPY Christine Erickson AZ Scottsdale* (O) ENGLISH SETTER CLUB OF PHOENIX ARIZONA (S) Scottsdale Westworld 16601 N Pima Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Mr. Karen Martin, SHW SEC, 6333 E MONTREAL PL, SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85254 Mrs. C. K. Steidel: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Ms. Jan R Borchardt SWEEPS PUPPY Ms. Jan R Borchardt AZ Scottsdale (O) GRAND CANYON STATE BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG CLUB (S) Scottsdale Westworld 16601 N Pima Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Nancy Wilson, SHW SEC, 8307 E CAMELBACK RD, SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd P. Junehall: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Lori Jodar SWEEPS PUPPY Lori Jodar AZ Scottsdale (O) IRISH SETTER CLUB OF ARIZONA (S) Scottsdale Westworld 16601 N Pima Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Mr. Patrick Martin, SHW SEC, 6333 E Montreal Pl, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $15.00-2nd D. Mc Intyre: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Rita L Mather SWEEPS PUPPY Rita L Mather AZ Scottsdale (O) SAMOYED CLUB OF CENTRAL ARIZONA (S) Scottsdale Westworld 16601 N Pima Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Mr. Darryl Vice SWEEPS PUPPY Mr. Darryl Vice AZ Scottsdale (O) SCHIPPERKE CLUB OF CENTRAL ARIZONA Scottsdale Westworld 16601 N Pima Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $22.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mrs. J. Maschhoff: Breed, Jr. Showmanship AZ Scottsdale (O) SCHIPPERKE CLUB OF CENTRAL ARIZONA (S) Scottsdale Westworld 16601 N Pima Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $22.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mr. N. L. Patton: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Mrs. Anne K Catterson SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Anne K Catterson AZ Scottsdale (O) SUN COUNTRY TERRIER CLUB (S) Scottsdale Westworld 16601 N Pima Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mrs. C. Vogels: Terrier Group, Airdle, Cairn, Dandie, Glen Imaal, Lakelnd, Std Manch, Norfolk, Norwich Mr. Z. Smith: Am Staff, Austr, Border, Bull Ter (Color), Bull Ter (White), Fox Ter (Smooth), Min Bull Terrs, Staf Bull, Jr. Showmanship Mr. C. Coady: Bdlgtn, Cesky Terrier, Irish Ter, Kerry, Parson Russell, Rat Terrier, Russel Terr, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Ms. J. A. Smith: Fox Ter (Wire), Min Schn SWEEPS PUPPY: Terrier Group Mr. Zane Smith SWEEPS PUPPY: Airdle Beverly R Andersen SWEEPS PUPPY: Am Staff Ed Thomason SWEEPS PUPPY: Austr Ed Thomason SWEEPS PUPPY: Bdlgtn Beverly R Andersen SWEEPS PUPPY: Border Ed Thomason SWEEPS PUPPY: Bull Ter (Color) Ed Thomason SWEEPS PUPPY: Cairn Beverly R Andersen
SWEEPS PUPPY: Bull Ter (White) Ed Thomason SWEEPS PUPPY: Cesky Terrier Ed Thomason SWEEPS PUPPY: Dandie Beverly R Andersen SWEEPS PUPPY: Fox Ter (Smooth) Beverly R Andersen SWEEPS PUPPY: Fox Ter (Wire) Beverly R Andersen SWEEPS PUPPY: Glen Imaal Beverly R Andersen SWEEPS PUPPY: Irish Ter Beverly R Andersen SWEEPS PUPPY: Kerry Beverly R Andersen SWEEPS PUPPY: Lakelnd Beverly R Andersen SWEEPS PUPPY: Min Bull Terrs Ed Thomason SWEEPS PUPPY: Std Manch Ed Thomason SWEEPS PUPPY: Min Schn Shirley A Cole SWEEPS PUPPY: Norfolk Beverly R Andersen SWEEPS PUPPY: Norwich Beverly R Andersen SWEEPS PUPPY: Parson Russell Ed Thomason SWEEPS PUPPY: Rat Terrier Ed Thomason SWEEPS PUPPY: Russel Terr Ed Thomason SWEEPS PUPPY: Scotti Beverly R Andersen SWEEPS PUPPY: Sealym Beverly R Andersen SWEEPS PUPPY: Skye Beverly R Andersen SWEEPS PUPPY: Soft Coated Beverly R Andersen SWEEPS PUPPY: Staf Bull Ed Thomason SWEEPS PUPPY: Welsh Ter Beverly R Andersen SWEEPS PUPPY: Wst Highlnd Beverly R Andersen AZ Scottsdale* (O) VALLE DEL SOL GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB (S) Scottsdale Westworld 16601 N Pima Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. L. C. Botko: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Tammy Tomlinson SWEEPS PUPPY Tammy Tomlinson AZ Scottsdale (O) VALLEY OF THE SUN POODLE CLUB Scottsdale Westworld 16601 N Pima Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Mrs. P. B. Peat: Breed AZ Scottsdale (O) VALLEY OF THE SUN POODLE CLUB Scottsdale Westworld 16601 N Pima Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Mr. D. A. Alexander: Breed AZ Scottsdale (O) VALLEY OF THE SUN WEIMARANER CLUB Scottsdale Westworld 16601 N Pima Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Susan Morgan, SHW SEC, 1841 E MONTECITO AVE, PHOENIX, AZ 85016 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $26.00-2nd Mrs. D. D. Stafford: Breed AZ Scottsdale (O) VALLEY OF THE SUN WEIMARANER CLUB (S) Scottsdale Westworld 16601 N Pima Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Susan Morgan, SHW SEC, 1841 E MONTECITO AVE, PHOENIX, AZ 85016 FEE: $29.00-1st/ $26.00-2nd P. Taylor: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Dorothy Thomson SWEEPS PUPPY Dorothy Thomson
FEBRUARY 28 - FRIDAY AZ Scottsdale* (O) SCOTTSDALE DOG FANCIERS ASSOCIATION, INC. (S) Scottsdale Westworld 16601 N Pima Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. C. Vogels SPORTING Group: Mrs. B. Stenmark Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Brit Mrs. B. Stenmark: Ret-Lab Dr. D. A. Gill: Span-Ckr Mrs. C. Vogels: Ret-Gold, Span-Suss Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: All Pointers, Ret-Nova Scotia T, Set-Gord, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-Irw, Span-Wel Spr, Spin Ital, Vizs, Weim, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mrs. V. Gervais: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. D. A. Gill Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Dach, Whip Mrs. B. Stenmark: Afghan, Am Fox, Borz, RhoRidge, Treeing Walker Coon Dr. D. A. Gill: Nor Elk, Otter, PBGV, Pharaoh, Redbone Coon, Saluki, ScotDeer Mr. L. J. Sinclair: Balance of Hound Breeds
WORKING Group: Mr. L. J. Sinclair Ms. F. S. Godek: AnatolShep Ms. C. I. Alexander: Boxer Mrs. J. B. Van Wormer: Rottw Mrs. P. A. Mowbray-Morgan: Sam Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Blk Russn Terrier, Bullm Mr. L. J. Sinclair: Berns Mtn, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: Chinook, Dobe, Mast D. Mc Intyre: Akita, Alas Mal, Grt Dane, Grt Pyr, Leonberger, Newf, Portuguese, St Bern Dr. D. A. Gill: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. K. J. Ferris Ms. C. I. Alexander: Bull Ter, Manch Ter, Min Bull Terrs Mr. R. E. Hutton: Airdle, Am Staff, Austr, Bdlgtn, Border, Sealym, Skye, Welsh Ter Mr. D. A. Alexander: Cairn, Cesky Terrier, Dandie, Glen Imaal, Irish Ter, Kerry, Lakelnd, Wst Highlnd Ms. K. J. Ferris: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. S. Newcomb Mr. R. E. Hutton: Cav KC Spans Mr. R. R. Merry: Pood Toy Ms. C. I. Alexander: I Greyhnd, J Chin, Malt, Toy Manch Mrs. C. Vogels: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Chihua, Chin Cr, Eng Toy Sp Mrs. S. Newcomb: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Dr. R. A. Indeglia Mrs. L. J. Sinclair: Dalm Mr. D. A. Alexander: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Bulldog, SharPei, Chow Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Fin Spitz, Norwegian Lndhnd, Shiba Inu, Tib Ter, Xoloitzcuintli Mr. R. R. Merry: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. L. J. Sinclair Dr. R. A. Indeglia: Coll Mrs. S. Newcomb: Brdr Coll, Briard Mr. R. E. Hawkins, Jr.: AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Bouv, GSD, OES, Pemb-WC, Shetld Dr. D. A. Gill: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. S. Newcomb Mrs. S. Newcomb: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. B. S. Ribble: Nov A, Nov B, Open A, Open B, Util A, Util B Mrs. M. J. Shervais: Begnr Nov A, Begnr Nov B JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. R. R. Merry SWEEPS PUPPY: Wst Highlnd Ms. Pamela Johnston SWEEPS VETERANS: Wst Highlnd Ms. Pamela Johnston SWEEPS PUPPY: Set-Eng Jan Smith SWEEPS VETERANS: Set-Eng Jan Smith SWEEPS PUPPY: Whip Ms. Gloria Kerr MI Davisburg* (I) GREATER BRIGHTON COLLIE CLUB Springfield Oaks County Park 4h Fairgrounds 12451 Andersonville Road CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Karla Hutchings, SHW SEC, 20293 VINING RD, NEW BOSTON, MI 48164 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd S. Christie: Breed Mrs. T. A. Woodrow: Obedience MI Davisburg (I) MIDWEST COLLIE CLUB Springfield Oaks County Park 4h Fairgrounds 12451 Andersonville Road CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Ms. Karla Hutchings, SHW SEC, 20293 Vining Road, New Boston, MI 48164 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $23.00-2nd S. L. Wrenn: Breed
MO Gray Summit (I) DACHSHUND CLUB OF ST. LOUIS, INC. (S) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd J. Cerasini: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Long) Sandra Arnold SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Smooth) Sandra Arnold SWEEPS PUPPY: Dach (Wire) Sandra Arnold MO Gray Summit (I) DALMATIAN CLUB OF GREATER ST. LOUIS Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $28.00-1st/ $24.00-2nd D. G. Rogers: Breed MO Gray Summit DALMATIAN CLUB OF GREATER ST. LOUIS (S) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT Mrs. A. D. Hearn: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS Lily Strait SWEEPS PUPPY Lily Strait MO Gray Summit* (I) GATEWAY MINIATURE SCHNAUZER CLUB (S) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mr. S. Hayden: Breed Ms. V. Kinion: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY Richard Isley MO Gray Summit (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) GATEWAY VIZSLA CLUB (S) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Mary Martin, SHW SEC, 410 Elm Crossing Ct., Ballwin, MO 63021 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. N. B. Kenney: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS VETERANS SWEEPS PUPPY MO Gray Summit* (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) GATEWAY VIZSLA CLUB (S) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Mary Martin, SHW SEC, 410 Elm Crossing Ct., Ballwin, MO 63021 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Ms. P. W. Laurans: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Ms. V. Kinion: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS SWEEPS PUPPY
MO Gray Summit (I) GREAT DANE CLUB OF GREATER ST. LOUIS (S) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $25.00 P. J. Gray: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Micki Boswell
MO Gray Summit (I) ST. BERNARD CLUB OF GREATER ST. LOUIS, INC. (S) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $12.00-2nd Ms. J. Lemieux: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Margaret Rothschiller
MO Gray Summit (I) GREAT DANE CLUB OF GREATER ST. LOUIS Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $25.00 P. J. Gray: Breed
MO Gray Summit (I) (Evening) ST. BERNARD CLUB OF GREATER ST. LOUIS, INC. (S) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $12.00-2nd Mrs. G. L. Rush: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Soundra Nadalin
MO Gray Summit (I) GREATER ST. LOUIS BOXER CLUB (S) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Mrs. Maggie Brinkmann, SHW SEC, 2256 Brookview Dr, Washington, MO 63090 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mr. J. E. Noe: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY MO Gray Summit (I) (Evening) GREATER ST. LOUIS BOXER CLUB Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Maggie Brinkmann, SHW SEC, 2256 Brookview Dr, Washington, MO 63092 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mrs. S. Orr: Breed MO Gray Summit (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) GREATER ST. LOUIS FOX TERRIER CLUB Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Camille Porter, SHW SEC, 75 Killarney Ln, Moscow Mills, MO 63362 FEE: $27.00 Mr. N. B. Kenney: Breed MO Gray Summit (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) GREATER ST. LOUIS FOX TERRIER CLUB (S) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Camille Porter, SHW SEC, 75 KILLARNEY LN, MOSCOW MILLS, MO 63362 FEE: $27.00 Mr. S. Hayden: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS: Fox Ter Janice Wavra SWEEPS PUPPY: Fox Ter Janice Wavra MO Gray Summit (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) HEART OF AMERICA SCOTTISH TERRIER CLUB (S) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Janet Bartholomew, SHW SEC, 7756 FIR RD, REEDS, MO 64859 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $25.00-2nd Mr. R. Paust: Breed SWEEPS VETERANS Patty Brooks SWEEPS PUPPY Patty Brooks
MO Gray Summit* (I) WEIMARANER CLUB OF GREATER ST. LOUIS (S) Purina Farms 300 Checkerboard Loop CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Foy Trent Dog Shows, SUPT FEE: $27.00-1st/ $22.00-2nd Ms. P. W. Laurans: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Ms. V. Kinion: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY Robert Frost TX Wichita Falls (I) (PENDING APPROVAL) TEXOMA BULLDOG CLUB OF WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS (S) J S Bridwell Agri Center 111North Burnett Street CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Valerie Caviness, SHW SEC, 2521 Kimberly Ln, Plano, TX 75075 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $17.00-2nd J. Richardson: Breed SWEEPS PUPPY Tomy Adams WI Ixonia* (I) GREATER MILWAUKEE NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND ASSOCIATION (S) Western Waukesha Co Dog Training Club W1314 Cedar Drive CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 William Timmler, III, SHW SEC, 14350 W Honey Ln, New Berlin, WI 53151 FEE: $28.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Mr. K. H. Delaney: Breed, Jr. Showmanship Mrs. C. Peters: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY WI West Bend* (I) BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG CLUB OF SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN (S) Washington County Fair WI 3000 Pleasant Valley Rd. CLOSES: FEBRUARY 12 Kathy Dachlet, SHW SEC, 7821 Morrison Road, Greenleaf, WI 54126 FEE: $30.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Ms. D. D. Mulvey: Breed Mr. E. J. Willems: Obedience SWEEPS VETERANS Mrs. Janis C Watts SWEEPS PUPPY Mrs. Janis C Watts
Dog News 229