D The Dog News Annual 2015

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GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO BAIT! Mex./Am. GCh. Sonnus Filho (Sanchez)


27 Best In Shows 22 Reserve Best In Shows 92 Group First Wins 2014 Purina ProPlan Show Dog of the Year Toy Group Winner (A first for a Chihuahua) Owners James and Janet Moses Presented By Erika Lanasa *The Dog News Top Ten List

The Top Winning Chihuahua in Breed History

In less than ten months with Erika, Sonnito became

Breeder/Owner Romulo Sanchez Torres



6 Editorial 10 Angel On A Leash 14 Brace Yourself

Look At 26 A William F. Stifel AKC PRESIDENT 1978-1987 By Karl M. Stearns Hereís An Insightful Look At One Of AKCís And Westminsterís Greatest Living Treasures, Bill Stifel, Who Is In His Early 90íS.

By David Frei A Fresh Look At One Of The Best Therapy Dog Programs In The USA.

POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, BOUNDARIES AND TRUST By Andrew Brace Andrew Sets Us All Straight As Only Andrew Can Do As He Expresses His Viewpoints About Political Correctness In The International World Of The Exhibition Of The Purebred Dog.

30 Check Up

THE VETERINARY PROFESSION IS UNDERGOING A WHIRLWIND OF CHANGES ñ WHERE WILL IT ALL LAND? By Denise Flaim Changes Undergoing The Veterinary Profession Analyzed Thoroughly By Denise Flaim In An Article Certain To Be Discussed Throughout The Profession.


(THE MINIATURE SCHNAUZER) By MJ Nelson One Of The Recognized Writers About The Need To Encourage And Support The Dual Nature Of Dog Owning-Both For Show And At Work -- M.J. Continues Her Leadership Role In This Arena, This Time Writing About That Delightful Versatile Breed The Miniature Schnauzer.

An Exceptional Ratcatcher And A Lot More!

Pot Of Gold At 34 The The End Of The Rainbow RAINBOW THERAPY DOGS By Sharon Pˇaumer Throughout The United States The Increasing Role Of The Therapy Dog Is Analyzed In Depth By Award Winning Writer Sharon Pˇaumer.


No-Kill Shelters Save Millions Of Pets

38 Survey Says...

BUT NOT ALL By Greg Allen, Courtesy of NPR Given The Reaction Of The Negative Animal Rightists To Any Positive Writings About Purebred Dogs This No-Kill Article Must Be A Recognized Positive Statement Encouraged By NPR.

SURVEYS YIELD CONFLICTING TRENDS IN PET OWNERSHIP By Jim Downing & Edie Lau What Are The Real Trends In Pet OwnershipEven The Experts Seem To Be Unsure!

40 The Dog News Top Ten List 2014 YEAR-END STATISTICS


50 Babbling: 58 76

THE FATHER, THE SON ANDÖ By Geir Flyckt-Pedersen The Father Or The Son--Which Is Preferred In Your Breeding Program?

88 Winery Dogs

By Shaun Coen Who Else But Our Own Shaun Coen Would Discover The Mighty World Of Dogs Protecting Wineries? From Corkage To Mealybugs The Wine We Drink Is Watched Over By Specially Trained Dogs! WESTMINSTER 2014 Photo Essay By Chet Jezierski Once Again We Are All Treated To The Masterful Photography Of Chet Jezierski As He Captures In Photos The Essence Of Westminster 2014. AT PURINA By Bronwyn Bauer, Karen Florentine & Susan Upcraft Itís Always Nice To Feature A National Specialty In D And This Yearís Choice Is That Multi-Faceted Incredible Herding Breed The Bouvier Des Flandres.

The British Scene

90 Painting The Sky

THE TOP STUD DOGS FOR 2014 By Geoff Corish The Top Stud Dogs In The UK Are Pictured, Re-Emphasizing The Need To Recognize These Exhibits.

114 The Bouviers Are Back! 116


SANS THE EUKANUBA WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP By Desmond J. Murphy Desi Murphy In His Own Style And Ways Looks At The AENC Events Held In 2014.

World Show 2014 Helsinki

KC 84 Swedish Museum

By Nick Waters Dog Museums Throughout The World Are Becoming De Rigueur But The Museum In Sweden Is Just That Extraordinary To Receive Special Recognition From One Of The Worldís Leading Authorities On Dog Art.

By Karl Donvil The FCIís Annual World Show, This Time Hosted By The Fabulous Finnish Kennel Club Is Pictured And Analyzed In Depth By The President Of The Worldís Press Organization Karl Donvil. No One Is Better Qualiˇed To Write About This Show, Thatís For Sure. BEST OF BREED LIST 2014 YEAR-END STATISTICS

128 The Dog News Top Ten 188 The One Hundred Club By Matthew H. Stander Two Additions To The Club This Year With One Of Them Becoming Only The Fourth Exhibit To Achieve More Than 200 Bests During His Career And The First Male To Do So. There Are Now 39 Members Of This Exclusive 100 Club.

D - The Dog News Annual Magazine is published once a year by Harris Publications, Inc. 1115 Broadway, New York, New York 10010. Single copy price: $20.00. Submissions of manuscripts, illustrations and/or photographs must be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Copyright 2015 by Harris Publications, Inc. All rights reserved under International and Pan American Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Printed in the U.S.A. The Editor reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication.

Stanley R. Harris Publisher Eugene Z. Zaphiris Editor-In-Chief Sean Kevin Gaffney Creative Director Matthew H. Stander Editor Shaun Coen Associate Editor York Christopher King Adv. Manager

Breeds Of 232 Rare The World


By Agnes Buchwald Yet Another Dog Discovered By Agnes Buchwald This Time In The Far Wilds Of Uzbekistan.


Handler’s Directory


D MAGAZINE EDITIORIAL 2015 Welcome to D Magazine’s 20th Annual issue celebrating dogs in general and the people who enjoy and love them. This once a year coffee table presentation about the international world of dogs is usually long on history and the people and organizations that have done so much to further and continue the relationships between man and his best friend the dog. THIS GIANT SHIFT in priorities in man’s relationships with his dogs is no better illustrated in our law schools where today over 70 of them teach courses in animal law! Indeed seminars throughout the country have been and are continuing to be held to discuss the relationship between man as a dog’s owner or guardian as to the older concept of the dog being mere chattel to his/her owner. Figures continue to roll in showing that Americans spend $2 to $3 billion more on their dogs (excluding food) than they do on their children!!! What does that tell you about the American financial mentality when it comes to their dogs? Add to that the moral standards they extend to the dogs and one finds a mind-set among many dog owners that is both unsettling and mind-boggling. tionships are healthy and happy situations which mutually benefit all involved but taken to the extreme over indulgence and over humanization can be as questionable as a downright abusive situation in which some dogs find themselves. The Conformation World is in our opinion a happy medium and is unique in that most people who travel the circuit treat their charges in various ways. The show dog is a pet, it is a worker and it is a companion all at the same time. It is the single pet owner who tends to fall into the trap of over humanizing the pet and who wittingly or not encourages the extremists within the animal rights movement. One of the problems today is that many of these extreme movements within the animal rights contingencies seem to have become magnets for monied activists who mistakenly believe they are supporting the “good cause” when the fact is the exact opposite. We must positively and aggressively get our message out to the public at large and encourage them to join us in our endeavors to promote not only the health and welfare of our dogs but the right to breed them and own them as well. ON A MORE PERSONAL NOTE D and DOG NEWS are excited and proud to welcome the Westminster Kennel Club as the cover supporter now for the second year in succession. This ensures a doubleheader between our operations, both of which happily call New York City our home. D is honored to have the BIG W as its cover supporter and trust this will remain the case in the years to come.



ew can or should want to deny the fact that when the term ‘man’s best friend’ was applied to the canis familiaris it was as a result of the dog’s work alongside man as a hunter, herder or guardian of the family. Sadly in today’s American society too many people apply the above-mentioned moniker to the dog as the result of it having become in all too many circles a companion dog only! The trick today seems to be the ability to keep the purebred dog oriented towards the work it was originally bred to do and to be a companion animal as well. Fortunately there are a large number of areas in which the original purpose of the dog has not only been preserved but expanded upon such as in guard dogs, therapy dogs, war dogs and nose work dogs. It seems today the dog’s duties are as varied and complex as our own lives can be and mirror those lives as well. However in too many an urban situation the role of the family dog as being a part of the family and the carry over of human ethical standards to the breeding of dogs expanded in a manner unvisioned by most. How to measure the differences and at the same time protect the health and well-being of our charges is one of the major problems facing breeders and owners today, as compared for instance the goals and desires of dog owners generally. How to encourage the breeding of dogs and at the same time care for and find owners for the dogs in shelters is a major problem with which to contend.


hese intimate relationships between dog and owner can and do give rise to a sort of canine identity crisis that overflows into society on a more general path. The values that some people place on their dogs psychologically, financially and morally extended to the point that some people consider dogs to be human or at least treat them as though they are. Now then these pages in no way are implying nor stating that all pet relationships between owners and dog or cats are suspect to over exaggeration, obviously they are not. There are and the great majority of these rela-



“I’ll Paint The Sky” Is Westminster Art For 2015 ’ll Paint the Sky”, invoking the name of the 2014 Westminster Best In Show winner and also referring to the presence of the Manhattan skyline in the illustration, has been selected as the winning artwork for the 2015 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. It’s another spectacular pen, ink and watercolor image produced on paper by noted illustrator Chris Duke, whose works have represented Westminster previously in 2012 and 2014. “For me,” said Ms. Duke, “I’ll Paint the Sky evokes the feeling that the absolute winner is honoring dogs everywhere.” As it has been every year since 2011, the contest was sponsored by the New York Academy of Art (www.nyaa. edu). To order the poster, please log on to the Westminster website at www.westminsterkennelclub.org.


Te charity recipient for poster sales proceeds in 2015 will be the AKC Humane Fund.




*The Dog News Top Ten List


Miracles Moment OF THE By David Frei Founder, Angel On A Leash GRACE AND I STOPPED OUTSIDE A ROOM on the 4th ˇoor at the VA Hospital in New York City. ìHow about this one?î I asked the nurse who accompanies us on our weekly Angel On A Leash visit to the veterans in the hospital. ìOh, no, we probably shouldnít go in there,î she said. ìHeís about 85 and is in the early stages of dementia. Anytime someone comes in the room he gets agitated and starts yelling in gibberish.î ìWell, I think thatís all the more reason for us to visit him,î I said. ìHow about it, Gracie?î I looked at Grace, she was ready, as always, and then looked again at the nurse: ìLetís do it.î ìWell, OK,î she said, ìbut donít say I didnít warn you.î We walked into the room and Anthonyís eyes got real big. And he smiled. I picked up Grace and held her at his bedside level, face to face. He reached out and put his hands on each side of her head and drew her gently to him, that big smile spreading to his eyes and his entire body language. I set her down on his bed, her head on his shoulder. He started talking in gibberish as the nurse said he would, but in a quiet conversational tone. I just responded with some general ìvisiting talkî: ìYes, she is beautiful, isnít she? Her

name is Grace, sheís a Brittany. Sheís been visiting here for almost three years now and she loves it. And everyone loves her, too. I am so proud of her.î We went back and forth like this for a minute or two. I took a quick glance at our nurse. She was totally transˇxed, apparently not believing what she was seeing. She was shedding a few tears, and I had to ˇght the urge, myself. In the meantime, Grace was doing what she always does: generating smiles, conversation (gibberish counts!), and getting someone to think about something other than the challenges they were facing. And, of course, getting pets and hugs from the patient. This is what we do with our dogs in our Angel On A Leash programs. Every day our teams are visiting people in need ñ veterans in VA hospitals, pediatric oncology patients and their families at Ronald McDonald Houses in New York and elsewhere, at the New York-Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Childrenís Hospital, and other places around the country. Whether it is a delighted child smiling and talking to the dogs, a veteran talking about his own dog from his past or his military dog in Vietnam, an exhausted or frightened cancer patient smiling, or a parent saying to me, ìThat is the ˇrst time that he has smiled this week,î this is what it is all about. Itís both heartwarming and heartbreaking. We meet special people and courageous warriors every day, young and old alike. Our dogs take us places with them as they change peopleís lives. Yes, maybe only for the moment, but it is ìa miracle of the moment.î For information about Angel On A Leash, please see www.angelonaleash.org




*#6 overall, The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed


Political Correctness, Boundaries and Trust... By Andrew Brace


hen I ˇrst became fascinated by the world of purebred dogs I was an eleven year-old schoolboy. I had been given my ˇrst Boxer by my parents and began attending local dog shows. When I eventually became an exhibitor (a few years later and with a Boxer bitch as my original pride and joy, bought purely as a pet, turned out to be a monorchid and so never saw the inside of a show ring) I was a rank novice, trying to learn and mixing mainly with other total greenhorns who were as ignorant as I was, if not as obsessively enthusiastic about the magical world I had stumbled into. I donít think itís a question of distance lending enchantment because I have observed how society at large has changed outside the microcosm of the dog fancy, but in those days we humble exhibitors had huge respect for the older breeders and consistently successful exhibitors, and possibly even more for the judges who were treated with the same kind of reverence as ˇlm stars. These celebrities were to be observed from afar and never spoken to, unless one was actually spo- ken to ˇrst, and if that were the case a brief encounter with a superstar was something to be dined out on for weeks! Basic manners have changed in my lifetime. Not only is it a rarity to see a man offering his seat to a lady on a crowded train, doors are seldom opened and ìpleaseî and ìthank youî are becoming a thing of the past. In truth the latter statement is probably far less applicable in the USA than in Britain and Europe, as in your service industries I always ˇnd employees helpful and well-mannered in the extreme, and I refuse to let the cynic in me believe that this is purely in the interests of the anticipated tip in a gratuity-oriented culture. As I started off in the dog world at such a young age I gradually found myself having a circle of friends who were considerably older than myself. To me my school friends

ìAll they were interested in was getting drunk and pulling what were referred to in the sixties as ìbirdsî. THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL • 14

were immature and shallow. All they were interested in was getting drunk and pulling what were referred to in the sixties as ìbirdsî. As you can imagine, one of these activities held little attraction for me. While my schoolmates were putting notches on their bedposts I was off at committee meetings held in smoky back rooms in run-down pubs as from a young age I had become involved with several local dog clubs; to them having such a young enthusiast was I dare say something of a novelty. Having been brought up the way I had been, it went rather against the grain to refer to someone who was old enough to be my grandparent by their Christian name. (I hope the use of that expression doesnít offend anyone by the way, but in our multi-belief world it seems that some have become overly sensitive about what some of us merely regard as traditional values.) However eventually I was worn down and I acquired several close friends who were mainly women of my motherís age, leading her to actually accusing me (in the preenlightened days) of being a gigolo! But I digress Ö the truth is that there was much greater respect for our elders and betters in those days. Today it is not uncommon for relative newcomers to address the old die-hards in their breed, and also leading judges, by their ˇrst names, without having been invited to do so, and make it patently obvious that they believe they know more than their seniors do! They think nothing of telling judges what they thought of their opinion (provided it didnít coincide with their own of course) and then in the post-show aftermath take to their keyboards with gusto as they proceed to decimate not only the poor judge who failed to recognise the merits in their selfacclaimed superstar, but the poor creatures whose misfortune it was to beat it. Social media has a lot to answer for ñ could you actually imagine some of the BS you read online ever being submitted as a ìLetter to the Editorî? There are basic good manners which should be preserved at all costs in terms of behaviour and sportsmanship, and then there is political correctness which is the scourge of our CONTINUED ON PAGE 42



*CC System



An Exceptional Ratcatcher And A Lot More! Kelsi (MACH5 Loneacre’s Found A Peanut MXB2 MJX2 MXF TQX T2BW ADCH), another of Baitinger’s Miniature Schnauzers, and her owner at a barn hunt.

Te Miniature Schnauzer

By M.J. Nelson CATCHING RATS has never been a simple task. For one thing, these vermin are quick and agile. For another, they can be ferocious fighters and their lairs are often inaccessible to most humans. For thousands of years, most civilizations have waged unrestricted warfare against the rat population and with good reason. They destroy millions of dollars in crops every year and at least a dozen diseases that affect human beings are carried by rats. Given the physical capabilities of rats and their preferences for where they live, it is easy to underGrace (Ch Mojave’s Miss Congeniality stand why virtually all of RN MXP3 MXPB the small terrier breeds MJP3 MJPB NFP were developed for roTBAD), one of Jeri dent control. Muntis’ Miniature Schnauzers, does One of the best at this the A-frame on an particular job is the Minagility course. iature Schnauzer. A friend CONTINUED ON PAGE 69




No-Kill Shelters Save Millions Of Unwanted Pets... But Not All Of Them ITíS BEEN 20 YEARS since San Francisco helped start a revolution: It became the first U.S. community to guarantee a home to every adoptable dog and cat. Since then, the no-kill movement, as itís called, has been credited with greatly reducing the number of dogs and cats that are euthanized, from some 20 million down to about 3 million each year. By Greg Allen, Courtesy of NPR But like any movement, this one has had its disagreements ó including what the term ìno-killî actually means. While some shelters indeed put no animals down, shelters are allowed to euthanize a percentage of their animals and still keep the no-kill designation. And some animal advocates say trying to place every animal in a home isnít advisable. ìAt some point, you begin to adopt out animals that have serious health issues or serious temperament issues that you should not.î - Patti Strand, director, National Animal Interest Alliance There are an estimated 14,000 shelters and pet rescue groups in the U.S., taking in nearly 8 million animals each year. Most are small groups, like Paws 4 You, founded 7 years ago in Miami by Carol Caridad. At any given time, she says, the shelter has between 80 and 95 dogs. Paws 4 You works to ˇnd homes for dogs the group pulls from MiamiDade Animal Services, the county-run shelter. And some dogs are easier to place than others. Caridad points out two, Charlene and Cisco, who CONTINUED ON PAGE 80



*The Dog News Top Ten List




William F . I DID NOT KNOW BILL STIFEL when I started this article. However, I had a wonderful opportunity to speak with him (as well as Carolyn and she is indeed charming!) on the telephone. Then I started asking people who were around during his time at AKC and the picture came into focus. Bill Stifel had quite a bit of impact on the American Kennel Club and some of his initiatives leave an imprint down to this day. Bill Stifel was born in Toledo, Ohio in June, 1922. During World War II he served in the US Coast Guard. In 1957 he married Carolyn Graham, and they had two daughters. As a young man, Bill studied art for a time. This led to a stint in Paris to pursue his artistic inclination. He also studied at Western Reserve University and Harvard. ìHe was a literary type,î Edd Bivin told me recently. ìHe and Jim Crowley are cut from the same cloththeyíre good people. Irene (Bivin) used to work for Bill.î Edd continued, ìIn his younger years he had set out to write the Great American Novel.î The Great American Novel never appeared, but a phenomenal publication titled The


AKC President 1978 to Dog Show was penned by Stifel to chronicle the ˇrst 125 years of the Westminster Kennel Club. It is a true work of art, coffee table-sized with amazing historicity. One could page through this beautiful book for hours just contemplating pictures and enjoying Stifelís writings on the history of WKC. Unfortunately, the book is hard to come by. ìOur supply was sold out years ago,î David Frei told me. ìWeíve been scouring every possible source to buy some of them back,î he lamented. Billís career with AKC start-

Bill using the AKC Library 5-6 years ago to research a GAZETTE article

Lou Auslander and Bill Stifel at the 1984 Centennial Show.

By Karl M. Stearns


Stifel ed in a rather nondescript way. Recalled Bivin, ìHe was hired by Jim Clark (husband of Anne Rogers Clark). Bill and the Clarkís became close friends.î Jim Crowley added, ìBill was best man at their wedding!î So, Bill arrived on the doorstep of the AKC in 1957 needing a job and was hired as a part-time typist. Little did he realize in just 20 years he would be heading the organization. Within three weeks, he was granted full-time employment. Eventually, he would become Supervisor of the Show Plans and Show Records Departments, and would have a young James P. Crowley working for him. Crowley was hired by Norm Furber. In 1964, he was elected Executive Secretary. From 1969 to 1977 he served as Chairman of the Beagle Advisory Committee. In 1976, he became Executive Vice-President of AKC. He followed this up with being elected to the Board of Directors in 1977 and was elected President of AKC in 1978. Stifel had a very active involvement in the dog world. He is a member of the Westminster CONTINUED ON PAGE 98

ìHave an idea for an interview. How about Bill Stifel, a former President of AKC, who is at least in his early 90ís and has become quite an artist in his later years-You will ˇnd his wife Carolyn charming as well.î So said the email from my Editor, Matt Stander, and my search for information began.

Lou Auslander, Ken Marden, and Bill. Ken followed Bill as President, and Lou followed Ken. Lou was the only individual who concurrently served as Chairman and President. It was for six months at the end of 1990 until Bob Maxwell was elected President, with Lou remaining on the Board as Chairman.

Jack Lafore, Bill’s predecessor as president , and Al Feldman (AKC Board Chairman) and Bill at the 1976 Santa Barbara Kennel Club show.



Check Up The veterinary profession is undergoing a whirlwind of changes ñ where will it all land? By Denise Flaim o say that the purebred dog fancy is in the middle of a swelling sea change is kind of like saying it’s nice to go Best in Show at the Garden. Everything we have taken for granted about the sport of dogs is being upended, from society’s perception of dog breeding to the longterm viability of dog shows. If it’s any consolation, the veterinary profession is in just as much turmoil. Economic, demographic and generational forces are reshaping what was once a genial, guaranteed career choice into a brave new world where all the conventional wisdom is now up for grabs. Sound familiar?


The More, The Not So Merrier Arguably, it’s never been easier to become a veterinarian: Accredited schools are being added at a rate not seen since the 1970s, and they are turning out ever-larger graduating classes. A half-century ago, veterinary-school graduates were almost all men; today, that statistic

has been turned on its head, with women representing 80 percent of newly minted veterinarians. Fully half of all practicing veterinarians are now women, a number that is expected to balloon to more than 70 percent by 2030. Regardless of gender, most of those new graduates find jobs: At 3.4 percent, the unemployment rate among veterinarians is enviably low and far below the national average. But there is a persistent sense that the nation’s 100,000 veterinarians are eventually going to discover that their supply exceeds demand. While veterinarians are finding jobs, an increasing number are finding themselves underuti-

lized. A 2012 workforce study by the American Veterinary Medical Association found that 12.5 percent of veterinarians’ capacity to provide services was going unused: It’s hard to spend time with patients when their owners haven’t booked an appointment. (That number is even higher in equine practices, because the sheer expense of keeping horses has caused a dramatic downturn in ownership.) At its economic summit in October, the AVMA announced that the underutilization number had dropped to less than 10 percent and was expected to stay that way in the foreseeable future, thanks to the recent economic upturn. Still, more and more veterinarians are segueing into careers outside of veterinary practices. Only about two-thirds of veterinarians in the United States are working in traditional practices. The rest have found niches for themselves in government and industry research, for-profit corporations and academia.

And those who do stay in private practice might not be interesting in owning one. When DVM Newsmagazine asked nonowning veterinarians “Is practice ownership one of your aspirations?” 70 percent of respondents said no. In a related question, respondents to the 2012 survey said that a lack of balance between their professional and personal lives was their greatest professional fear. And ownership was seen as one way to up that risk. The older generation of veterinarians “… loved being the goto guy 24-7, the whole ‘jumping into the car to save the day’ lifestyle,” one veterinarian told the magazine. “The profession has changed since then – slowly, over decades – and today we have part-time jobs, job sharing, specialists and emergency hospitals for overnight care. Veterinarians still have a good quality of life, not so much because of the excitement of years past, but because we balance our life and work and family time and are nicer to ourselves – we’re still awesome, but maybe emotionally healthier.”

five years. During that same period, vet visits for feline patients were down 13.5 percent.) Though modern pet ownership has increasingly led to the concept of dogs as members of the family, as deserving of a Christmas stocking and birthday cake as you are, that same parity doesn’t extend to health care, a point driven home during the economic downturn. “We’ve learned that the veterinary profession and the demand for veterinary services are heavily influenced by the economy, as we took a large hit during the recent recession,” said Dr. Michael Dicks, AVMA director of veterinary economics, at the group’s economic summit this fall. “We learned that for every $1,000 drop in personal disposable income, veterinarians see a nearly $1,700 drop in their practice income. Veterinary care spending, particularly for pets, is discretionary spending, and the recent recession provided added evidence of that.”

stagnating for years. While the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges estimates that the cost of out-of-state tuition, fees and living expenses is up 35 percent in the last decade (to the tune of about $63,000 a year), starting salaries have decreased by about 13 percent in the same period, to $45,575 a year, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association. It’s interesting to consider whether the burgeoning gender imbalance within veterinary medicine has exacerbated these stubbornly low salaries: A 2011 report from the AVMA found that female veterinarians in private practice had a median income of $88,000, compared to $112,000 for their male peers — a more than 20 percent difference in income. The median salaries in public and corporate practices — $112,00 and $136,000, respectively — were only marginally better, with male vets still making 17 percent more than their female colleagues.

Show Me The Money (Plus Interest) Student debt for veterinary students is shockingly high by anyone’s standards, with a median of $160,000 in 2013. (Ten percent of students report having no debt at all.) Some veterinary experts have described the huge debt load as predatory lending that is camouflaged by the fact that income-based repayment policies spread the financial burden over decades. At the same time, repaying that debt grows increasingly difficult: The average debt of veterinary-school graduates is three times their starting salary, and those paychecks have been

Is That You, Mom and Pop? Though the Amazonification of our culture has led to a rapid consolidation in many industries, the majority of veterinary practices – 60 to 65 percent – are still small ones, with one or two doctors. That said, these mom-and-pop operations have been declining in number over time, though it has been a very slow process. CONTINUED ON PAGE 100

Where’s Fido? Whether because of tightening purse strings, more hectic lifestyles or the success of spayneuter campaigns, Americans are keeping fewer companion animals: From 2006 to 2011, the number of dogs in the country dropped to 70 million from 72 million – the first time dog ownership has experienced a decline, even if it is a relatively small one, according to a survey by the American Veterinary Medical Association. (Cat ownership is in far worse shape, with a little over 36 million households owning cats in 2011, a decline of 6 percent in




...Special Kids

Animal assisted activities performed by Rainbow therapy dogs help children and adults with special needs develop or regain essential skills.


All photos provided by Rainbow Animal Assisted Therapy, Inc.

ˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇ ˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇ tíˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇ ˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ meet speciˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇ


S A TEACHER OF SPECIAL NEEDS children by profession, Nancy Lind routinely performed many tasks for her students such as putting on their boots and mittens. Typically, the children at the beginning of line had taken their boots and mittens off by the time she got to the children at the end of it. So, she had to start all over again. As a long time dog owner and trainer involved with therapy dog work, one day, it occurred to her that she could motivate the children to do these things for themselves by making a game of it with her dog. After handing a mitten to a child for example, she told him her dog would pull it off if he put it on. Soon, the youngsters were

rushing to put on their mittens. The idea worked so well, it led Lind to devise other dog assisted activities to motivate her students to develop the skills needed to perform other self-help tasks. When those activities succeeded as well, she began to think about how the underlying concept could be used to help children on a larger scale. That, in turn, led her to found Rainbow Animal Assisted Therapy, Inc. in 1987. Itís an organization where specially trained therapy dogs participate in programs that help develop or restore essential skills through the use of animal assisted activities. In addition to being its founder, Lind is the nonproˇt organizationís current President and Executive Director. THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL • 34

Animal Assisted Activities Since its inception, Rainbow has developed therapeutic programs for children and adults who have cognitive, behavioral and physical issues. At present, it serves the city of Chicago and the 5 surrounding counties with 270 therapy dog and handler teams who provide 155 different programs that reach more than 1000 children each month. Rainbow dog and handler teams visit 23 hospitals, 35 schools (with more than 100 classrooms seen) and pediatric residential facilities. In addition to the above, the organization offers therapy dog reading pro-

grams in more than 30 libraries and schools. It has a canine Crisis Response Unit as well and does presentations for people who are afraid of dogs and about dog safety. Rainbow uses dogs to help children and adults gain or regain a variety of different skills at the request of the various facilities its teams visit. The activities the dogs perform are aimed at helping them develop the skills needed to accomplish goals in a wide variety of areas: motor, behavioral, emotional, selfhelp, language, cognitive and social. ìFor example, Rainbow uses the dogs to help developmentally disabled children develop the motor skills needed to feed themselves. To do this, we might have a child spear pieces of cooked vegetables with a fork and then feed them to the dog,î Susan Burrows says. She is Rainbowís Program Coordinator, a member of its Board of Directors and one of its Animal Assisted Therapy Instructors. ìThe dogs also are used to teach developmentally disabled children the skills needed to dress themselves. In this instance, the child might practice putting a skirt on the dog and zipping it up or putting a shirt on the dog and buttoning it. The child also practices putting headbands and necklaces on the dog and clipping barrettes in its fur. Clipping barrettes in the dogís fur also is beneˇcial for stroke patients in rehab who are trying to regain movement in an affected hand.î

Rainbowís hospital pediatric programs are geared toward providing comfort, helping to reduce pain, improving patient morale, and humanizing the complexity of medical treatments. Rainbow Therapy Dogs, Abbey and Ridley, are two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels owned by Susan Burrows.

Different Kinds of Therapy Dog Work Therapy dog visitation programs are the basis for all therapy dog interactions: dog and handler teams visit patients or residents in hospitals and nursing homes where the handler chats with them while they pet the dog. There also are specially trained therapy dogs like Rainbowís that perform animal assisted activities as a goal-directed intervention in a therapeutic environment that becomes part of the treatment process. (Animal assisted activities provide the same beneˇts of therapy dog visitation programs, i.e., interacting with the dog still positively impacts the participantís psychological and physiological well-being by reducing his stress and blood pressure levels, etc.) ìWe utilize the relationship between people and animals to fulˇll therapeutic goals,î says Burrows. ìAt Shrinerís Hospital for Children in Chicago, where Rainbow dogs visit regularly for example, there are many children hospitalized for orthopedic conditions or spinal cord injuries that require surgery. Oftentimes, the children donít want to do physical therapy after surgery because it is very painful. As a result, the therapistís efforts to get them to walk meet with no success.î When a dog is added to the equation however, the dynamic changes dramatically. ìIf I tell a child my dog, Abbey, needs to go for a walk and then ask him if he wants to hold the leash and take the dog for a walk CONTINUED ON PAGE 202

Feeding vegetables to a dog with a fork helps children with disabilities develop the motor skills they need to feed themselves.

In order to be used therapeutically, Rainbow therapy dogs must know how to do a lot of activities, i.e., playing basketball or bowling can motivate children or adults to accomplish therapeutic goals.


*The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed




Survey Says... Surveys Yield Conˇicting Trends In U.S. Pet Ownership Counts Of Dogs & Cats Differ By Millions By Jim Downing and Edie Lau mericans own 70 million dogs and 74 million cats, and pet ownership is waning. Or no, wait. Itís 83 million dogs and 96 million cats, and pet ownership is at a record high. These contradictory messages come from two organizations that separately track the population of pets in U.S. households and are cited equally as authoritative sources. Dog and cat counts by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and the American Pet Products Association (APPA) never have matched exactly in 17 years of their asking similar questions in pet ownership surveys of American households. But the gaps in their most recent tallies yawn wider than ever. The dog counts diverge by 13 million; the cat counts, 22 million. Thatís as many cats as the AVMA estimates live in California, Texas, Florida and New York households combined. The inconsistent numbers yield opposite conclusions about pet ownership in America. The AVMA reported in 2012 that pet ownership had declined, reversing a trend the professional association said had lasted at least 20 years. Six months later, in early 2013, the trade organization APPA said its latest surveyshowed pet ownership at an alltime high. The number of pets in American households and prospects for population growth or decline matter to a range of industries, sectors and interest groups, including the veterinary profession and businesses that support veterinary medicine; animal-welfare organizations; local governments with aniCONTINUED ON PAGE 208



Watch Him Perform At Upcoming Shows! THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL

Top Ten In Group • Based On All-Breed Competition

TOP TEN ALL BREED Based on All Breed Competition 1 GCH CH Claircreek Impression De Matisse (M) 169186 Portuguese Water Dog M Lint/P Helming/D Gottdenker 2 GCH CH Bugaboo’s Picture Perfect Old English Sheepdog R Scott/D Burke/C Johnson/H Johnson 3 GCH CH Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie Skye Terrier V Malzoni/Cragsmoor Knl 4 GCH CH Dawin Hearts On Fire Poodle (Standard) L Campbell (M) 146514

(M) 60657

(F) 60369

The Dog News Top Ten List contains Best In Shows, Reserve Best In Shows,Group Firsts and all Group Placements. THE DOG NEWS TOP TEN LIST is a monthly listing of the Top Ten Dogs All Breeds and the Top Ten Dogs in each Group. There is also a listing of the Top Ten Dogs in Each Breed. All of these statistics are based on All Breed competition.

5 GCH CH Rainbow Splash’s Ruggedly Handsome (M) 50749 Brittany C Douglas/J Andras/A Andras/K Hogan/A Cone

SPORTING GROUP 1 GCH CH Rainbow Splash’s Ruggedly Handsome Brittanys C Douglas/J Andras/A Andras/K Hogan/A Cone (M) 50749

HOUND GROUP 1 GCH CH Flessner’s International S’Cess Bloodhounds S Carter/S Vancamp/H Helmer/Z Helmer 2 GCH CH Tashtins Lookin For Trouble Beagles (over 13 in.) L Crandlemire/K Crandlemire/E Dzuik 3 GCH CH Sporting Fields Shameless Whippets D Butt/A Giles/B Call 4 GCH CH Tells Matrix Reloaded Afghan Hounds M Galloway (M) 44976

WORKING GROUP 1 GCH CH Claircreek Impression De Matisse Portuguese Water Dogs M Lint/P Helming/D Gottdenker 2 GCH CH Cr - Wicca’s Trade Secret Akitas A Bavaria/C Burke/T Bavaria/J Charnik 3 GCH CH Pebbles’ Run Play It Again Ham Samoyeds A Kiell Green/A Green/B Bruns/W Stamp (M) 169186

2 GCH CH Stargaze’R ‘N Wingfield Wait Wait Don’T Tell (M) 37180 Setters (English) D Coller/P Coller/E Hackett 3 GCH CH Telltale American Ride (M) 37127 Spaniels (English Springer) C Florence/D Strong/B Fink/R Novack/D Van Vorst/C Van Vorst 4 GCH CH Promenade Pay It Forward Spaniels (Field) J Chopson/J Schildman/N Kuhn 5 GCH CH Ashdown’s Time To Thrill Spaniels (Cocker) Black G White Jones/B Van Deman/C Douglas 6 GCH CH Weymouths En Fuego Setters (English) P Disiena/G Godley/S Nordstrom 7 GCH CH Sandpiper’s Let Freedom Ring Retrievers (Golden) T Tsumura 8 GCH CH Militza’s My Cherie Amour Setters (Irish) T Mcneal/R Mcneal/K Wall/J Fisher (M) 35323

(F) 41698

(M) 30034

(F) 30779

(M) 24005

(M) 28308

4 GCH CH Brisbane N” Blue Monday’s Diamonds Are Decadent” (F) 20498 Boxers W Truesdale/Z Truesdale/M Mckamey/E Mckamey/J Vergnetti 5 GCH CH Cambria’s Vraiment Parfait Doberman Pinschers G Lajeski/A Wulbrecht/K Thompson/A White 6 GCH CH Gamegards I’Ll Have Another V Braeside Rottweilers H Eldred/G Bach/D Bach 7 GCH CH Willow Ridges Risky Business Mastiffs J Swarts/N Walker/M Tichenor 8 GCH CH Derby’s Toast With Gusto Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs S Copeland 9 GCH CH Cypress Bay’s Big Sur Newfoundlands K Caesar/W Caesar 10 GCH CH Goldleaf’s Trouble Coming CGC Mastiffs L Watson (F) 20206

(M) 27363

5 GCH CH Topsfield-Sanchu Eenie Meenie Miney Moe (M) 14679 Basset Hounds S Shor/C Orlandi/C Steidel 6 GCH CH Foxtail’s Race For The Chase Beagles (over 13 in.) S Berndt-Smith/D Smith (M) 13884

(M) 26271

(M) 18744

(M) 21564

7 GCH CH Thaon’s Wallstreet (M) 12043 Afghan Hounds J Hafford/J Blanchard/D Rogers/J Rogers/B Moore/J Moore 8 GCH CH Raquel Welch Of Malabo Apd Rhodesian Ridgebacks A Paola Diniz 9 GCH CH Aberdeens Under The Influence Otterhounds A Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine 10 GCH CH M&M’s Fear The Beard Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens D Moore/J Hayes (F) 11477

(M) 18602

(F) 19340

(M) 16895

9 GCH CH Hil-N-Don & Canyonwood Seemore Of Me (M) 16753 Spaniels (English Springer) S Pelissero/J Crouch 10 GCH CH Cerise Celtic Thunder Spaniels (English Springer) Y Nobechi (M) 16742

(M) 11013

(M) 14704

(M) 10161

(M) 14677


TOY GROUP 6 GCH CH Flessner’s International S’Cess (M) 44976 Bloodhound S Carter/S Vancamp/H Helmer/Z Helmer 7 GCH CH Hitimes What The Inferno Pomeranian B Bird/U Littichaikun (M) 44914 1 GCH CH Hitimes What The Inferno Pomeranians B Bird/U Littichaikun 2 GCH CH Sonnus Filho (Sanchez) Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) J Moses/J Moses/R Sanchez-Torres 3 GCH CH Hallmark Jolei Rocket Power Shih Tzu P Shaw/L Ehricht/D Ehricht 4 GCH CH Involo The King Of Pop Papillons M Mosing/G Garofalo 5 GCH CH Hill Country’s Tag I’M It Pugs C Koch 6 GCH CH Marlex Classic Red Glare Miniature Pinschers A Angelbello/L Monte 7 GCH CH Caper’s Sirius Endeavor Pugs P Fisher/C Fisher/J Rowell/L Rowell 8 GCH CH Lto Prosperity English Toy Spaniels (King Charles & Ruby) R Cole/M Landers/S Carter 9 GCH CH Pequest General Tso Pekingese D Fitzpatrick 10 GCH CH Starfire’s Spank Me Hard Call Me Crazy Pomeranians M Koga/J Fabian Arienti (M) 44914

NON SPORTING GROUP 1 GCH CH Dawin Hearts On Fire Poodles (Standard) L Campbell 2 GCH CH Shine’s Deck The Halls Chinese Shar-Pei D Cooper/R Cooper/L Teitelbaum/R Pentecost 3 GCH CH Skyline’s Unit Of Measure Keeshonden K Cullen/S Cullen/J Gauchat-Hargis/J Hargis 4 GCH CH Saks Winning Card Bichons Frises S Ayers/C Ruggles/K Hanson/S Hanson 5 GCH CH Bayshore Georgio Armani Xoloitzcuintli S Blanco/J Hanigan/L Hylton/T Johnson/J Baylis 6 GCH CH Del Zarzoso Salvame From Afterglow Poodles (Standard) S Barnett/G Lindemann/M Gadsby/J Lynn 7 GCH CH Dowats The Gladiator Bulldogs J Vasquez/R Jenkins/L Scott 8 GCH CH Cher Ami’s Toast With Remy Martin Bichons Frises D Mathog/R Mathog/R Wolfe 9 GCH CH Spotted Bliss Oreo Delight Dalmatians D Brumfield/K Smith 10 GCH CH Newtnine Crown Of Queen Bichons Frises X Rui (F) 60369

(M) 36316

(F) 25361

(M) 32849

(M) 22499

8 GCH CH Shaireab’s Bayleigh Maid Of Honor (F) 44783 Welsh Terrier S Abmeyer/K Bailey/T Lee/X Xie 9 GCH CH Tashtins Lookin For Trouble (F) 41698 Beagle (over 13 in.) L Crandlemire/K Crandlemire/E Dzuik 10 GCH CH Stargaze’R ‘N Wingfield Wait Wait Don’T Tell (M) 37180 Setter (English) D Coller/P Coller/E Hackett

(M) 29218

(M) 22170

(M) 22701

(M) 18486

(F) 19705

(M) 17525

TERRIER GROUP 1 GCH CH Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie Skye Terriers V Malzoni/Cragsmoor Knl 2 GCH CH Shaireab’s Bayleigh Maid Of Honor Welsh Terriers S Abmeyer/K Bailey/T Lee/X Xie 3 GCH CH Hjohoo’s Save Hjour Love For Me Cairn Terriers V Malzoni/E Theodorsson 4 GCH CH Mcvan’s To Russia With Love Scottish Terriers M Khenkina 5 GCH CH Absolutely Talk Of The Town Fox Terriers (Smooth) J Smith/E Boyes 6 GCH CH Meadowlake Pants On Fire Border Terriers K Fitzpatrick/D Tack/S Tack/K Richardson/K Courtelis 7 GCH CH Roundtown Everyday Magic Of Maryscot Scottish Terriers A Musser 8 GCH CH Yarrow Venerie Ticket To Ride Norfolk Terriers P Beale/J Beale 9 GCH CH King’s Mtn. Angelina Ballerina Dandie Dinmont Terriers P Stephens/D Chambers-Rau 10 GCH CH Garcini & Rangel’s Rock N Rolla Fox Terriers (Wire) L Garcini/K Rogers/J Garcini (M) 60657

(M) 17833

(M) 12326

(M) 16998

(M) 10871

(F) 44783

(M) 16838

(M) 9826

(F) 20990

(M) 14812

(F) 8203

(F) 17731

HERDING GROUP 1 GCH CH Bugaboo’s Picture Perfect Old English Sheepdogs R Scott/D Burke/C Johnson/H Johnson 2 GCH CH Cordmaker Topsy Turvey Pulik C Tell-Collinge/S Huebner/P Kelly/B Hamilton 3 GCH CH Riverside Telltail Coco Posh Cardigan Welsh Corgis D Planche/D Shindle/J Divens 4 GCH CH Lockenhaus’ Rumor Has It V Kenlyn German Shepherd Dogs P Mcelheney/K Boyles/D Stern/A Derose/M Derose 5 GCH CH Woodsides Megabucks German Shepherd Dogs J Duin/J Duin/S Anderson (M) 146514 6 GCH CH Stonepillar’s Steel Blu Bouviers des Flandres D Garrison/J Garrison/E Paquette 7 GCH CH Ha’Penny Mirimar The Fab Fawn Bearded Collies J Schneider/M Marini/V Null 8 GCH CH Grandgables The Frat Boy Shetland Sheepdogs P Buckles/A Buckles/J Moses 9 GCH CH Classical’s My Turn CGC Bearded Collies W Marciante/J Kempster/B Sawka 10 GCH CH Lambluv’s Sultry Sensation Old English Sheepdogs J Marder/K Richardson (M) 16532

(F) 16233

(F) 14123

(F) 28616

(M) 15000

(F) 13604

(F) 22983

(M) 13678

(M) 13502

(F) 20634

(M) 13309

(F) 11709

(M) 18085

(M) 12991

(M) 10701


The American Kennel Club compiles these figures from the AKC licensed and member club shows. These figures will be printed monthly in DOG NEWS by Annual Awards Rating System. These are the most current statistics available to the fancy. THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL • 41


generation in my opinion. This results in the dumbing down of so many aspects of our sport, whilst at the same time weakening the backbone of society itself. Freedom of expression is discouraged by the very establishments that were founded by very colourful individuals. They prefer to be kept in power by grey suits who never rock any boats and nod when asked to. Rebels become outcasts and anyone with new ideas that challenge the way things have been done for generations by the establishment is viewed with great suspicion and even disdain. It is assumed these days that people donít know how to behave, have no ethics or scruples, as we ˇnd more and more ìCodes of Conductî being published to rigidly govern all manner of levels of the sport. Are people really widespread morons? Some of the guidelines and regulations suggest that they must be. When you are a rank beginner everything is crystal clear. Life in dogs is very much a ìthemî and ìusî situation and demarcation lines are totally apparent. However, if you then stick with it and achieve a modicum of success the waters become somewhat muddied. With achievement will come further opportunities ñ to become involved with clubs, and to maybe begin judging your own breed. As your involvement deepens so do the chances of your every move being misinterpreted increase. Ever since I can remember one of the most frequently heard complaints at dog shows is that of judges ìputting up their friendsî, and of course the complaint will always come from those who were standing down at the wrong end of the line that day. I have had occasion to point out many times to those who are thus complaining that when anyone ˇrst comes into the sport, they have no friends. Logically they will gravitate towards people in the same breed who are showing the same type of dog they are, possibly with similar breeding, and oftentimes friendships will develop based on nothing more than the fact that they see the breed through similar eyes and appreciate the same ìtypeî ñ even though in those early days they may not really fully understand what the word means. As time goes on they may use each otherís stud dogs, exchange puppies or whatever, as their vision of the breed continues to coincide. There will come a day when that ˇrst judging invitation arrives Ö what to do? Should their friends show under them? There seem to be so many different attitudes towards who should show what to whom these days. I must say that I have found few people who believe that it is perfectly in order for a dog to be shown to its breeder in the breed classes (as was at one time

permissible in the UK, provided the dog had been out of its breederís ownership for a minimum period of twelve months). That scenario I always felt was a question of ìdamned if you do, damned if you donítî. Put up a dog that you bred and you are demonstrating nepotism and crookery. Put down a dog that you bred and you are publicly declaring a very low opinion of the stock you breed yourself. It really was the road to nowhere. Strangely, in the UK it is still allowed to judge a dog you bred if it comes through to you at group level, however I cannot remember a case yet when this has actually happened as the usual course of action has been, when the group judge is the breeder of a BOB winner, to perform what we Brits love Ö ìa lap of honourî Ö before retiring to tumultuous applause. So as your career progresses, as exhibitor, breeder, show ofˇcial, judge or whatever so does your role change and the number of hats you wear increases. There is now an overlap when you cease to be ˇsh nor fowl. I well remember some dear American friends visiting the UK many years ago and being horriˇed at the fact that so many of our major Championship shows held dinner dances at which judges and exhibitors mingled freely. I pointed out that we actually trusted our judges to judge the dogs regardless of who they were drinking with the previous night. I was then reminded of propriety and how important it is that things should be seen to be correct. The mischievous side of me asked if it was preferable and acceptable to host a private dinner party behind closed doors! The whole question of perception and propriety can get very cloudy in the dog world and in my opinion far too many people get too hung up on what things look like rather than what really matters. Yes, common sense should always play its part but quite frankly I am more concerned with what happens in the ring as regards the merits of the dogs competing than any relationships, real or imagined, between judges and handlers. I am always puzzled when I hear of close ìfriendsî falling out forever because THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL • 42

they didnít do as well as expected when one showed to the other. Surely friendships develop gradually over a period of time based on, as I pointed out earlier, seeing a breed through similar eyes. With friendship comes a level of genuine affection but also respect; respect for opinions and respect for integrity. Over half a century in the sport I have discovered that genuine friends who are worthy of the name accept each other, warts and all. Their acceptance of their friends also reˇects the attitude they adopt when they come to judge dogs ñ they appreciate their virtues yet see their failings in perspective, fully aware that no one is perfect. Some of my friends have what are, to me, strange ideas about who should or who should not show to them. Surely provided no rules are broken everyone is free to take dogs to whoever they like. Many I know do not like ìfriendsî showing to them as they get embarrassed ñ preferring not to put them up, but not wanting to put them down. Surely if embarrassing easily is your problem, then the centre of the dog ring is not for you! It can be the loneliest place and requires the thickest of skins. Judging dogs is not for the sensitive or faint hearted. I have no problem with watching a specialist judge awarding most of the major prizes to dogs that are sired by their stud dogs if - and itís a very big IF ñ they are the best and deserving of the awards. It stands to reason that if they own dominant stud dogs they should produce the type that judge most admires. What riles me is watching someone rewarding mediocre family relations whilst robbing superior dogs that are not connected with their breeding. That clearly indicates one of two things ñ ignorance or dishonesty. I recently had occasion CONTINUED ON PAGE 62








Babbling THE FATHER, THE SON or…. By Geir Flyckt-Pedersen

...Maybe just doing it your own way When we were still very much in the thick of things, breeding and showing dogs with all the enthusiasm and ambition in the world, discussions with fellow breeders exchanging experiences or picking their brains to get some new ideas are aspects of this hobby that I personally miss. And by re ection: So many useful thoughts, but many absolutely silly ideas seemed to be accepted. It might seem like something from the Stone Ages, though I suppose you all heard the theory that if a pure bred bitch ever had a “mixed marriage,” she could never produce pure bred dogs again!!! I think there were people who actually believed that. But more seriously :One advice I got from a very experienced breeder early on was: If you see a male you want to use for breeding, try his sire! I could never understand that way of thinking, as all my early mentors stressed unanimously the importance of a strong bitch line, a theory I think we in this household have found is working! I must admit that in one of my breeds I never paid much attention to pedigrees, unless I knew they were really authentic, as I was aware there were lots going on behind the scene. In this breed we had a lot of success by just doing complimentary breeding, based on looks plus temperament and showmanship. To pursue this method successfully you of course have to look at your own dogs without any sentimentality- and also judge other breeders’ dogs objectively! Not always so easy! In other breeds, where the paperwork was more trustworthy, we seriously studied pedigrees when planning new combinations. And again with a fair amount of success. Traveling through the UK during our annual crusades it was always exciting to spend time with other, often famous, breeders. Listen to their philosophy and how they had achieved what they had achieved, plus anything from how to select your stud dogs to how and when to make your pick of the litter, how to train and socialize them and also at what age the bitch should be when bred for the rst time. The answers varied from breeder to breeder, but what was wonderful in those days was of course that it was up to the breeders to THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL • 50

make such decisions. And they were and are naturally the ones with most competence and knowledge in this eld. I nd it so sad and disturbing that in many countries there are rules and regulations that make it impossible for breeders to follow their own head or intuition. I think in most European countries today, a bitch of any breed has to reach the age of two years before any romantic liaison can take place. For some breeds this must be rather tragic, as I know that due to special breed features, the earlier they were bred the better for the dog and the owner. We have had many famous breeders of various Spaniel breeds among our friends- and it was very common to have a litter from a bitch early, normally ok if she were over a year old, before starting campaigning her on a serious level. For a variety of reasons. One being that if she “took off” in a big way and the owner decided to keep her in the ring for a few years, it very often seemed to affect the reproductive side of life! And how many Top Winning bitches of many breeds haven’t we witnessed never producing anything worthwhile, if anything at all? My favorite mentor aka my English Mum was the one and only Ada Bishop of Laund Collie fame. Her father of course the one and only W.W. Stans eld who bred the only Rough Collie to so far win Westminster- a couple of years ago - 1929 I think. And who supplied the Belhaven Kennels over here with a number of well-known dogs. Anyway, Mrs. Bishop CONTINUED ON PAGE 54

Am.& Intíl.Ch.Nomarak Snow Leopard CHIC #95324

True Malamute Type

AM-I 3437G38M-PI ï AM-EYE I 55/42M-PI ï AM-EL778M38-PI Sire: Ch. Nomarak Nomor Cabin Fever CHIC #53084 AM I13932 Dam: Ch. Alcan Nomarak Peachy Keen CHIC #96087 AM I3598

Representing eight consecutive generations of Nomarak champions - four of whom were specialty winners - three of them ROMs. He reminds us of the legendary Kodara style who are in his early pedigree.The Malamute on the show logo is Am/Can. Ch. Karohonta Skymaster ROM who is in his ninth generation. Breeders/Owners: Marilyn Curtis ï James D. Kornder DVM, Ph.D. 2408 Bohannon Road ï Newnan, GA 30263-5054 ï mcurtis60@rocketmail.com ï 770 583-2555 ï Presenter: Susan Wise THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL




GCH. BUGABOO’S PICTURE PERFECT 2013 Number One Herding Dog and Number 10 Dog Among All Breeds 75 shows with 28,954 dogs defeated* 23 All Breed Best In Shows 17 Reserve Best In Shows 56 Group Firsts Best In Specialty Show OESCA National and Top Twenty and Regional Winner 2014 Number One Herding Dog & Number Two Among All Breeds 153 Shows with 118,500 dogs defeated* 88 All Breed Best In Shows 33 Reserve Best In Shows 147 Group Firsts Top Winning Old English Sheepdog In The History Of The Breed Breeders Heather & Colton Douglas and Michealanne Johnson Owners Ron & Debbie Scott, Heather & Colton Johnson Handled by Colton Johnson *CC System




I am soooo impressed with all those herself never had a large kennel. experts who know the Latin name for Breeding Rough Collies only, alevery part of the dogís anatomy. You ways a Smooth Collie (Champion of could of course blame some of those course) from her friend Kay Alexanearly breeders for ignorance and for der of Peterblue fame as a houseputting their heads in the sand, but I dog. She taught me so much about assure you most of them knew exactly raising puppies and how to get them what they were doing and WHY. adjusted to the outside world. And at If they had been trying the same times you could ˇnd her sitting in the ìtacticsî today, many rules of modern middle of a nearby, busy roundabout ethics would have been broken, which with a youngster to get him/her used could have caused them serious pento the hustle and bustle of trafˇc and alties and classiˇed them as irresponI think she was the one who told me sible. that whatever work you put into a How many breeds were not created puppy before four months of age and later improved by close, close inwould beneˇt you for the remainder breeding? of the dogs life. Which today in most countries And after having a spell with would have been totally illegal, but problems in this area, this was exactthe breeds would never had the looks ly the policy we followed. Remarkthey have today! ably if you did the work at this stage, Growing up in a little country where you could be pretty sure that things each breed had maywould work even if you therebe two or three serious after left them to their own “I don’t it was commondevices. think that breeders, place to import a new stud One of Mrs. Bishopís rather dog for each generation. different points of view was many of regarding the age to breed the breed- Of course some of them were rotten reproducers from a bitch. She was conand were quickly elimivinced that a young, healthy ers who nated, while the good ones animal would produce health- created ier puppies than an older the breeds were often responsible for an entire generation of a bitch. So ideally would prefer breed. Could of course not to breed from the bitch we have the benefit be risky, but normally it after four years of age!! worked- and based on Many will come up with ar- of owning what the actual sire proguments against this theory, but to me it kind of makes and breed- duced, the sire for the next sense. ing today generation was selected. Most breeders had very I donít think that many of had much limited ˇnancial resources the breeders who created and even space, particuthe breeds we have the ben- knowleˇt of owning and breeding edge about larly after WWII, so this was the only way. But this today had much knowledge system would never work about genetics. They prob- genettoday. In some countries, ably worked by ìˇngertip ics. They based on annual registrafeeling,î intuition and common probably tions, a dog is only allowed sense. And in private dealt with any problems they were worked by to sire a small number of litters ñ and if lo- and befaced with. No publication “fingertip hold the inbreeding coefabout any defects anywhere feeling,” ˇcient is too high, which it and if ever discussed at least can often be worldwide in I never heard about it. To- intuition numerically small breeds. day I deˇnitely think there and comMaybe not at all! is a tendency to overcompli- mon I am fully aware of the cate the entire process and


fact that we cannot turn back the clock- and even if I happen to have a Swedish Uncle in Ojaj, CA who claims that I have a tendency to glorify the past, is there anything wrong in hoping that common sense in this area might one day return? Rules or no rules, breeding dogs will never be an exact science - but somebody will ˇnd in their sleep ìthingsî that will give others sleepless nights! Or is it luck, just like winning the lottery? Example: A short history of unplanned success within one of my own breeds: Mr. X comes to Miss H to breed his bitch to her famous Crufts winner. Miss H did not consider the bitch a worthy partner for her superstar, but lets him use one of his ìunderstudiesî, a son. Result: One very plain, but well built male, who eventually becomes an English Champion. Then Mrs. Y who lives in London plans to breed her pet bitch and she has been recommended a very suitable male in Yorkshire. The snow sets in and her husband gets involved: Stupid to go all the way to Yorkshire in this weather when there is a champion male just down the road. The plans were changed and the above-mentioned local male had a visit. A year later an extremely handsome animal from the litter appears in the ring, some handler gets his hands on him and they have the most fantastic couple of years together. The dog making himself and his owners rather famous- and was eventually sold to the US for record ˇgures according to reliable rumoursÖ But for those of us who for years had tried so hard to come up with the perfect animal it was of course more like a tragedyÖThese people achieved in their ˇrst litter what we had been aiming for a lifetime! Sadly there is no next chapter to this story as the chance bred dog never reproduced anything near his own superior quality-and the owners/breeders whose impression of themselves as extremely talented ñ eventually woke up when no more miracles happened in their world. Probably believed that their lack of continued success was based totally on envy and corruption so lost all interest in this game. To brighten the story a little: Another dog sired by Mr. Xís plain champion also happened to end up in the US and can be found in thousands of pedigrees all over the world. Could it be that the importance of an excellent bitch line actually had some truth, even if the girl in question was in no way a superstar? I happen to think so! So whether you choose The Father or The Son, I donít think they can create lasting miracles without some helpÖ


GCh. Badgershill Muldoon of Heather, MT, MTI Multiple Group Winning & Placing Bloodhound


Owned by Lyn Sherman, California Bred by Aina Dorgan, Ireland Handled by Larry Fenner *The Dog News Top Ten List


Owners: Bonnie Bird and Udomisin Littichaikun Presented By: Curtiss Smith *CC System & The Dog News Top Ten List PHOTO: NOR-CAL BULLDOGGER

Gold GCh. HiTimes What The Infer no

2014 National Specialty Show Winner America’s Number One Toy & Number One Pom 2014 * *

Best In Show Judge Mrs. Vicki Abbott





ning progeny were the importI AM SURE IT WILL DELIGHT 2013ís overall runner-up, the Weimaraed brothers Ch/Am Ch Artmels MY READERS to hear that ner Sh Ch Gunalt Unstoppable from MiVoici Valente of Regallust, and the Top Stud Dog all breed anja, owned by Jacqui and Mick Ward Am Ch Artmels Voice Vincente and in that phenomenal kennel of Patsy for 2014 is the US-bred of Regallust. and Stephen Hollings by Gunalt Idealist Keeshond Ch/Am/Can Ch In sixth place and for the for Mianja ex Gunalt Crazy about FlimKemonts Skylineís Game third time, top hound is the BaBoy. Bred by Jan Corrington moric. Among his wining progeny in 2014 senji Ch/Am Ch Kazorís Make and co-owned in the UK by were top Weimaraner and BIS winner at My Way For Riley, bred in the Joan Miles, and Kristen and Belfast Sh Ch Gunalt de Ice at Strideview, US by Carol Webb and owned Susan Cullen in the US, he is which was from an amazing litter that inwith her by Dee hardy and sired by Am/Can Ch Kees- cluded his sister Sh Ch Gunalt Socialite Trish Hallam from the UK. He and litter brother Sh Ch Gunalt Distinction heeís Lock StockíN Barrel is by Am Dual Ch Tajiís Klassic from Brownbank. ex Am Ch Skylineís MateArchitecture ex Am Ch Kazorís Another gundog is in fourth place, rial Girl. He spent less than Ima lilytoo. He is a group and the English Springer Sh Ch Mompestwo years in the UK but was reserve BIS in the UK. son Royal Destiny, the same position he twice top Keeshond, and Close behind the Basenji won 17 ccís and was group was in 2013. He was bred and owned by one point is another hound, by Frances and Bob Jackson by Sh Ch 2 at Crufts under myself. the Wire Dachshund, Ch/Irish Runner-up is the White Mompesspon Blinking Hell ex Sh Ch TriCh Ex Sentia Iím Bond James mere Time to Remember from MompesStandard Bull Terrier Ch Bond owned by Anne Moore son. Included in his winning progeny was Megavilleís Visions, owned and Roger and Linda Coverley the top ESS in 2014 Sh Ch Trimere Talking and bred by Anna and Peand bred in Poland by Ina and Point at Allenie. ter Blair by Ch Tulsadoom Agnieszha Malecka. He is sired Leading the toys for the third time Abi Albon ex Megaville by Hungarian-bred Romanian and in ˇfth place is the Italian greyhound Sheís The One. During his Ch New Wave Especially For Ch/Am Ch Artmels Simone de la Scala, show career he won the You ex US-bred Int/Pol/Rus Ch prestigious Bull Terrierís Re- owned by Jo Amsel and imported from Brazos Ski Snicker Bar. Don and Lillian Barber in the US. He is by gent trophy and the OrmanA Border Collie leads the export Ch/Am/Sw/Norw Ch Artmels Cíest dy Jug. No less than seven herding group, Sh Ch Sashdan Si Bon (bred by Jo Amsel) ex Am Ch La of his progeny won ccís in Smokin Joe, imported by Ross Scala Angelica Di Belini. Among his win2014. Green and Alicia Pennington Third and top gundog is By Geoff Corish from Peppi and Danielle Inverno from Australia. He is sired by New Zealand - bred Aust/NZ Ch Tazman Trekker OíClanabby ex Finealta Magical Melody. Another herding dog is just behind him, Brenda Whiteís Ch Moonhill Power of Dreamz, bred by her and by the Swedish dog Sw Ch Woolpackís Quality Zweet ex Ger Ch Moonhill In Your Dreams. In tenth this time the dog that topped the table for the previous years, the Irish Setter Sh Ch Caskeyís Concept at Aoibheanne owned by Eva Clechonska and bred by Bob, Christine and Fiona Heron by Caskeys Persuader from Amberˇight ex Sh Ch Sh Ch Dunnygask Ginger Spice at Caskeys. The working group is headed by a dog which has also done that in his role as a showdog, the breed cc record holder and a best in show winner. This is the Boxer Ch/Irish Ch Winuwuk Lust At First Sight owned by Julie Brown and Tim Hutchins and bred by them with the late Marion Ward-Davies by Ch Winuwuk Lust In The Dust ex Ch Winuwuk Story Book.





*CC Systen **All System



to have stern words with someone who is young and enthusiastic, showing dogs successfully and now starting off on the judging path. Given guidance this young man could have a future as he has obvious talent and a good eye for a dog. It was therefore disheartening and disappointing to hear that he had approached a friend of mine and told him that he would be showing to him in the near future. What was the point of that? In any event I told the young offender in no uncertain terms that he had made a huge error of judgement that had not been appreciated by my friend who, thankfully, is not the kind to allow any level of inappropriate behaviour to blind him to a deserving dog. I went on to explain that when I was showing dogs I never, ever, told a judge that I would be showing under them. I merely got the dogs looking as good as possible, turned up and took my chance. This applied to total strangers and good friends alike. Eventually he took my point and I would like to think he wonít make the same mistake twice. If we have respect for our friends we must respect their judgement, whether we are watching from inside the ring or from ringside. If we show to them we take our wins or losses, hopefully knowing that they were made honestly and with knowledge. Another perplexing trait of some judges I know very well is the need they feel to apologise to someone who has shown dogs to them and who hasnít done as well as the judge would have liked to do them, based purely on their friendship. Why would anyone ever feel they should apologise for doing the best job they could? That is what they were there to do and that is what any friend should expect them to do. Some years ago a very close friend of mine was judging a breed speciality and another good friend of his showed a dog that was in search of the third Challenge Certiˇcate that would make it a Champion. My friend was aware of this fact but on the day preferred another dog so the hopeful Champion returned home with the Reserve CC. I was horriˇed to discover in the coming months that my friend who had judged had sent a case of wine to the disappointed owner of the Reserve CC winner by way of an apology! We had harsh words and he vowed to never apologise again for anything he did in the ring.

Those of us who have spent virtually a lifetime in dogs have many friends and acquaintances with whom we socialise from time to time. Some of us are judges, some of us are breeders and or exhibitors and some of us are handlers. Contrary to what some rather sad minds might conclude, when we do get together the talk never gets round to who is handling what, when and where as there is a mutual respect that would outlaw such talk. Only last year I had a situation where I was entertaining a good friend from overseas at dinner as he was in the UK to judge a breed specialty. The meal took place because most of the committee wanted to show under someone whose opinion they greatly valued; it was no big secret and was publicised on Facebook for all the world to see. Weeks later I was judging in my friendís own country and he appeared in the ring. I dare say some of his competitors would have seen those Facebook pictures and may have been thinking this gave him some kind of advantage. Thankfully I was mentored at a very young age by Nigel Aubrey-Jones in the art of judging dogs cold and ignoring all the extraneous rubbish that can ˇood into the brain and cloud it. Did I give undue attention to the fact that my friend was in the ring? Not really, I liked his bitch up to a point, fully aware of her winning record, but in my opinion there was a superior male that I had never seen before with a handler I had never seen who beat her in three convincing areas and so he won the Breed whilst she was Opposite. Did my friend throw a hissy ˇt? Did he blank me when we spoke hours later? No. He could see the merits in the dog that beat his and we remain good friends. Most of our judges regularly get to judge dogs that are shown by handlers who are friends, acquaintances or possibly even past employees. Sometimes they win, sometimes they lose, it all depends on the quality of the dog they happen to be handling and the level of competition they meet. Judging dogs is not rocket science Ö if you concentrate on what matters. At judging seminars the attendees sometimes are visibly horriˇed when I admit to them that nothing gives me greater pleasure than being able to put up a friend when they have the best dog. That is not a crime. Putting up a friend when you are robbing a superior dog in the process is. Ownership does not affect any dogís merits. What matters above all else in the sport is that all dogs are judged on a level playing ˇeld, evaluated without fear or favour, and the best dogs suitably rewarded. Whatever dog wins you can be sure that the chuntering classes will be guaranteed to ˇnd a reason why. It was ever thus and I daresay always will be.



Brazen Best in Show & Four Group Placements! Orlando Cluster & Eukanuba First Place Whippet Bred By and Second Place Group Bred By

Thank you Judges Mr. Michael Dougherty, Mr. Timothy Catterson, Mrs. Sharon A. Krogh, Mr. Raymond V. Filburn, Jr. & Ms. Bonnie L. Clarke Owned By: Barbara Call, Jane Cooney-Waterhouse & Her Breeders Dionne Butt and Amanda Giles • Owner Handled by Her Breeder Amanda Giles THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL

Spotlight On At Eukanuba


GCh. Sporting Fields Shameless ★ America’s Number One Whippet* Defeating 2,493 Other Whippets 2014 ★ Number One Sighthound ★ Number Three** Hound ★ Number 14** Dog Among All Breeds *All Systems **C.C. System


Platinum GCh. Sporting Field’s Heiress HSAs HIAs 2014 BCSA National Specialty Best In Show Our Appreciation to Judge Kimberly Meredith-Cavanna


Top-Winning Border Collie Bitch Of All Time Multiple BIS and Multiple BISS Winner World Winner Border Collie-Paris 2011 World Winner Border Collie Bitch-Salzburg 2012 2013 Best of Opposite Sex-Westminster & AKC/Eukanuba National Championship Show

Bred By Dionne (Debbie) Butt, 2010 AKC Breeder of the Year & AKC Breeder of Merit Presented By Dionne (Debbie) Butt & Amanda Giles Co-Owned By: Dionne Butt ï Amanda Giles ï Darnell & Linda Martens THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL

Ch Sporting Fields Empress


2014 AKC/Eukanuba National Championship Best Bred By in Breed 2014 AKC/Eukanuba National Championship Best of Breed 2014 AKC/Eukanuba National Championship Herding Group Four Our Appreciation to Judges David Cavill and Roberta C. Davies, respectively

2014 BCSA National Specialty Winners Bitch (New Champion) Following in her motherís paw prints (GCh. Sporting Fieldís Heiress), Empress ˇnishes at the 2014 National Specialty. Bred By Dionne (Debbie) Butt, 2010 AKC Breeder of the Year & AKC Breeder of Merit; Amanda Giles, Dave Einck, Darnell & Linda Martens Presented By Lexi Rogers, Amanda Giles and Dionne (Debbie) Butt Co-Owned By: Craig & Sheri Hartgrove ï Dionne Butt ï Amanda Giles THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL

Our 2014 was a year that a breederís dreams are made of. With BOB wins at both the Whippet and Border Collie National Specialties, Amanda and I are both humbled and honored by the Judges that appreciated and awarded these amazing wins to the dogs of Sportingˇelds. We started out the year with our prestigious BOB win with GCh Bahama Sands ì Tawnyî at Westminster under Mr Elliott Weiss and on to a Group 2 under Mr Doug Johnson In April at the American Whippet Clubís National Specialty GCh. Sportingˇelds Shameless ìBrazenî won Best In Specialty under Pauline Oliver. This cinched Brazenís # 1 spot in the breed for the year and with 14 all breed Best In Shows to follow, placed her #1 sighthound and # 3 hound for 2014. In Sept at the Border Collie National Specialty GCh Sportingˇeldís Heiress ì Heiressì wins Best In Specialty under judge Kim Meredith Cavanagh. As well as Sportingˇelds Robinson N Carusso earning WD BOW and Best Bred By and Sportingˇelds Empress WB And Ch Sportingˇelds Flying Solo ì Ameliaî taking the select Bitch award.


Platinum GCh. Sporting Fields Bahama Sands 2014 Westminster Kennel Club Best of Breed 2014 Westminster Kennel Club Hound Group Two Our Appreciation to Judges Elliott Weiss and Doug Johnson, respectively

Bred By Dionne (Debbie) Butt, 2010 AKC Breeder of the Year & AKC Breeder of Merit; Jesse Martin Presented By Amanda Giles & Dionne (Debbie) Butt Co-Owned By Jane Cooney-Waterhouse & Dionne (Debbie) Butt

CARUSO Our Appreciation to Judge Kimberly Meredith-Cavanna

—Debbie & Amanda

GCh. Sporting Fields Robinson N Caruso 2014 BCSA National Specialty Best Bred-By Exhibitor 2014 BCSA National Specialty Best of Winners (New Champion)

Bred By Dionne (Debbie) Butt, 2010 AKC Breeder of the Year & AKC Breeder of Merit Presented By Dionne (Debbie) Butt Co-Owned By Dionne (Debbie) Butt, Amanda Giles and Darnell & Linda Martens www.sportingfields.com ï e-mail: sportingfields@yahoo.com ï phone: 1-540ñ335ñ8250 THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL

Te Miniature Schnauzer CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18

of mine who happens to live within a mile of a sanitary landfill and thus is in a continual state of all-out war against rats contends that his Miniature Schnauzer is a whole lot more effective at rat control than any cat he has ever owned. Despite his proximity to a veritable rat factory and having growing soybeans or oats and barley as his primary farming activity, his loss to rodents is minimal thanks largely, he says, to the diligence with which his dog pursues the “enemy.” He figures the word is out in the rat colony that his farm is not rat-friendly and each new rat generation is warned about the extreme peril of being found in his farmyard. He says he began keeping a count of the rat corpses when his dog was only six months old and he started seeing a LOT of dead rats around his grain bins. Through Steeler (Ch the years–his dog is Enjoy’s Reminton Steele RN OA now eight–his MinOAJ), Muntis’ iature Schnauzer other Mini, seems has been responsito love his work in a novice jumpble for the deaths of ers class. more than 500 rats and he only counted

Connor (MACH 3 Loneacre’s Firecracker CD RE MXS2 MJG2 MXF MFB TQX T2B RATN ADCH), one of Lynn Baitinger’s Minis, exits the weave poles on an agility course.

rat corpses where there was clear and convincing evidence of a kill by the dog. What makes this breed so formidable as a vermin hunter? According to Lynn Baitinger, who owns Morgan (Am/Can Ch Loneacres Small Town Girl CDX RE MX MXB MXJ MJS Of0, Connor (MACH 3 Loneacre’s Firecracker CD RE MXS2 MJG2 MXF MFB TQX T2B RATN ADCH) and Kelsi (MACH5 Loneacre’s Found A Peanut MXB2 MJX2 MXF TQX T2BW ADCH), while the breed is small and compact, they are incredibly tough and rugged. While he had a tendency to lose “Miniature Schnauzers MJP3 MJPB NFP focus in his early truly believe they are days in obediTBAD), agreed. big dogs. They are ence and agility, “They have incredalso highly confident it is obvious that ible prey drive and Reagan and Kirk and not easily intimihave overcome in my opinion are dated by anything. This this issue. one of the most verparticular quality makes satile of breeds. They them very capable in many are extremely intelligent dog sports and they absolutely and willing and most are very moLOVE barn hunt. They are naturals tivated by toys and treats which at this activity and it’s a lot of fun makes it easy to reward them in for both my dogs and for me.” training. They are naturally very Jeri Muntis, who owns Steeler active, athletic and have a lot of (Ch Enjoy’s Reminton Steele RN stamina. They readily take to a OA OAJ) and Grace (Ch Mojave’s wide variety of activities and they Miss Congeniality RN MXP3 MXPB truly enjoy doing these sports. They pretty much defy you to try and teach them something they can’t master.” “Miniature Schnauzers are intelligent and very trainable,” said Beth Santure, who owns Ch. MACH Loneacres Spring Fling MXB MJB RATO (“Spring.’) “They are also very athletic by the nature of their conformation. There are no extremes such as being too short of leg or too heavy of body. They are small, but sturdy and nearly square with angles front and rear that lend the breed toward ease of running and jumping. But you have to be careCONTINUED ON PAGE 70


Te Miniature Schnauzer CONTINUED FROM PAGE 69

ful not to over train or over proof. They don’t like to be drilled on any exercise. So, if they get it right, I move on to something else. If they don’t get it right, I still move on but then come back to it later. You don’t want this breed to start questioning whether they are right or wrong. The new sport of barn hunt has been a delight. The dog does most of the work purely on instinct and your job as handler is mainly to watch and guide. It’s a sport that requires more practice than training and for that reason, it is a refreshing sort of fun for both the dog and I.” “The Miniature Schnauzer is in the terrier group but many of us believe they should be in the working group,” said Pat Heinzelman, who owns Raja (U-UD Ch OTCH MACH Mythago’s Moonlight Mirage UDX2 OM2), the first Ch/OTCH in the breed. “They love to work and they can do anything. They excel in agility and obedience. Because of their keen sense of smell, they are also very good at nosework, barn hunt, earthdog and tracking.” “Miniature Schnauzers are smart, they like to be with people and they are willing to do whatever it takes to be with people. They do have a mind

of their own but generally, once they know what you want, they are willing to try. They are really lively little guys and very good natured. My biggest problem with Reagan (U-Ch Ch Intl Ch Aristos’ the GREAT Communicator for Okaye CD BN PCD RE OA NAJ NF CGCA TSAD TG3 RATN RATI SPJ AMSC-VA) was when we moved from rally novice to advanced and went off lead and then again in agility. He sees the world as his oyster and he is interested in everything. As a result, he’d lose focus in these activities in the beginning. In fact, when he got off lead in rally, he left the ring a couple of times to go visit with dogs playing outside the ring and we had the same issues in agility. I ultimately had to figure out what the triggers were that would make him want to go out and visit. Then we worked to avoid them and I rewarded him for staying with me and not giving in to temptation. I had to be willing to be embarrassed a few times until we could work through

these issues. While this meant we spent a long time in rally advanced, he did qualify for the first ever rally championship and he finished 16th in that event. So, it was worth the trouble. There haven’t been any problems in barn hunt and nose work. Like many Miniature Schnauzers, he took to these activities instinctively and did not need much training to be successful although I realize that if we go on to the higher levels in these sports, we’re probably going to have to get a bit more serious about training. One thing about this breed is that they don’t tolerate a lot of drilling on the same exercise. About the third time I ask one of mine to do the same thing, when they have done it correctly, they look at me like I’m crazy and put a new, and usually not favorable, twist in the exercise,” said Kaye Kirk. Baitinger said her problems in performance activities had little to do with her dogs and a lot to do with her own misconceptions. “When I started, I wanted the ‘recipe.’ I wanted to know the steps I had to take to make my dog learn and be perfect. Alas, dog training in and of itself is very subjective. You have to tailor your training to the dog Reagan (U-Ch Ch and each dog is different so I Intl Ch Aristos’ the quickly discovered there was GREAT Communicator for Okaye CD BN no ‘recipe.’ This is what makes PCD RE OA NAJ NF dog training so perplexing CGCA TSAD TG3 RATN but also a lot of fun. I had to RATI SPJ AMSC-VA), overcome several major trainKaye Kirk’s Miniature Schnauzer, ing problems with the most difshows more ficult one being the retrieve in than a little joie obedience. I finally realized that de vivre as he bounds out of the ‘normal’ training methods the chute on an did not work with my dog. I had agility course. to be original and innovative to train her to love the dumbbell. In CONTINUED ON PAGE 75


Even the most exciting day... ch. cragsmoor good time charlie... Group First Judge Mrs. Karen Wilson

d e e r B f o t s e B Judge Mrs. Loraine Boutwell


Best in Show - 2015 AKC/Eu

owner victor malzoni, jr.

breeders & co-owners Cragsmoor Kennels, Reg. THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL

kanuba National Championship

Judge Mr. Ronald Menaker

handled by larry cornelius & marcelo veras


photo by Jeffrey Hanlin

...has to end!!!! THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL

Te Miniature Schnauzer CONTINUED FROM PAGE 70

a whole that Miniature Schnauzers are a versatile and capable breed,” said Muntis. “Dogs that have the correct structure and the right amount of intelligence, ability and drive do not really struggle with the actual learning of performance activities to the point where these issues cannot be overcome. The conscientious breeders seem to be increasingly aware of the natural talents the Mini has with regard to performance events and many more breeders are themselves getting agility, we have had probinvolved in performance competiCh. MACH Loneacres lems with the dog walk. Spring Fling MXB tion. Many breeders are striving My dogs just want to MJB RATO (“Spring’), to produce dogs that will not Beth Santure’s Minlaunch. But when you only be great show dogs but also iature Schnauzer, run into a problem great performance dogs even takes the red panel the first thing to do jump at the 2013 though they may not compete in is make it fun for the Schnauzapalooza. performance events themselves. I dog. I also only train that think our greatest concern, like many problem area so the focus is breeds, is the influence that animal not on every aspect of that level rights groups seem to have on politicians. The of training which would probably standard for the breed calls for a docked tail overwhelm the dog and make them and although both cropped and uncropped even more confused. I go back to the ears are permitted, the overfoundation training of that behavior whelming majority of show and go through every single step dogs have cropped ears. Raja (U-UD Ch so the dog has a review of the comNot only are cropping OTCH MACH plete exercise because I really have and docking threatMythago’s Moonno way of knowing just what part of light Mirage UDX2 ened but the existence the exercise the dog really doesn’t OM2), Heinzelof the breed itself is in man’s Mini, is the understand. It’s important to keep in first Ch/OTCH in mind that the Miniature Schnauthe breed. zer is a breed born to work and ‘to do.’ They’re not lap dogs. Fortunately, most Miniature Schnauzer breeders seem to be aware of what is needed in a performance dog. I want my dogs to be confident and tough little devils eager to work, train and cause mischief.” “It is really important to me to demonstrate to the dog fancy as

jeopardy as litter registrations have plummeted in the past few years. More and more puppy buyers want natural ears but even more seek mixed breeds or rescue dogs. Many breeders have simply become tired of the hassle they get from city and county governments and mandatory spay/neuter laws that are mainly the result of lobbying by AR groups.” Santure agreed. She said, “Animal rights agendas that want to ban or restrict dog breeding are the greatest challenge we face. Their political activities in behalf of laws that threaten to take away our rights as dog breeders, exhibitors and owners of purebred dogs along with the political correctness push that the right way to dog ownership is adoption and rescue rather than buying a purebred dog from a reputable breeder are serious threats not just for Miniature Schnauzer people but for every breed. Specifically for my breed, it is the issue of anti-dock and crop laws. But, overall, and I speak not only to the Miniature Schnauzer community here but rather to the entire purebred dog fancy, we simply need to be much more proactive in protecting our sport.”



he ˇrst AKC/Eukanuba show was in 2001 and many changes have followed. Each year this magniˇcent show goes through changes to improve. 2013 was the ˇrst year the National Owner Handler Series Finals were offered. This is a program that many owner handlers are seriously competing for. Although the program is now in effect three years, certain areas of the country have very few shows that offer the competition. This means that the owner handlers drive very long distances at great expense for a chance to accumulate points to be in the top rankings. More clubs would offer the competition if the



mechanics were not so confusing to the stewards, who are responsible for the judging process. Now, after three years, a lot of the procedure is becoming easier for all to understand and I am sure in the coming years more clubs will offer the competition. Not having to host the World Challenge this year gave the show an opportunity to use that needed time slot for other competitions for the American exhibitors and breeders. This show was originally founded to honor the achievements of our native breeders and exhibitors. This CONTINUED ON PAGE 130



No-Kill Shelters... CONTINUED FROM PAGE 22

have been with her for more than 3 years. ìThey may react and get loud when they ˇrst see someone new,î she says, ìbut they are all extremely loving.î If the dogs had not been taken from the county shelter, they likely would have been euthanized years ago. Paws 4 You, like most pet rescue groups, operates a no-kill shelter. But the term means different things to different people. Caridad saves all her dogs ó including one or two that arenít that friendly and may never be adopted. But shelters can euthanize up to 10 percent of their animals for reasons of health and temperament, and still be considered ìnokill.î ìThe no-kill concept will be a constantly debated question among a lot of animal lovers, as to whether we are there or whether we are still working on getting to the goal,î says Richard Avanzino, former head of San Francisco SPCA, which kick-started the nokill movement in 1994. Avanzino is now president of Maddieís Fund, a group that works to promote the no-kill movement. He says about 700,000 of the 3 million dogs killed each year are, as he calls it, ìlegitimate euthanizationsî ó animals that are unadoptable because of health or behavior. But not all dog lovers embrace the no-kill philosophy. Patti Strand, director of the National Animal Interest Alliance, an organization that represents the American Kennel Club and other dog

breeders, says ìthe word ëno-killí has become, really, a marketing term.î Like just about all in the dog world, Strand supports shelters and adoptions. But she says the phrase no-kill is misleading. Unlike government-run, ìopen-accessî shelters that take all the animals that come in, most nokill shelters limit the number and types of dogs and cats they accept. For open-access shelters, Strand says the goal of adopting out 90 percent of the dogs taken in may not be practical ó or safe. Of particular concern, she says, are shelters in rural areas and the South, which take in large numbers of strays and unwanted dogs. ìAt some point, you begin to adopt out animals that have serious health issues or serious temperament issues that you should not,î she says. Strand says that in Portland, Ore., where she works with the American Kennel Club chapter, most of the calls to the groupís help line come from people who have adopted dogs that turn out to have unexpected problems. The no-kill movement has taken hold strongest in Northern states, from New England to the West Coast. In other states, like Florida, the supply of unwanted dogs still outstrips the demand ó and euthanizations are still very much a fact of life. In Miami, the county-run animal shelter takes in more than 15,000 dogs and 13,000 cats each year. In 2012, the county adopted a resolution that its shelter, the largest in Florida, would become a no-kill facility.

Alex Munoz, director of the Animal Services Department, says theyíre making progress toward that goal. ìOver the past few years weíve increased our overall save rate from less than 50 percent to over 80 percent for both dogs and cats,î he says. But that still means Miamiís animal shelter, while embracing the no-kill philosophy, euthanizes thousands of dogs and cats each year. Itís a fact that upsets many rescue groups, some of whom have been critical of the county agency. But Munoz says it all comes down to numbers. ìThe shelter is not an inˇnite space. There are 222 cages, and on any given day, thereís more than 300 dogs.î Munoz says the agency is stepping up its spay and neuter program and holding more adoption events in the community, and hopes to get Miami close to the 90 percent no-kill goal within the next year.

ze up to 10 percent of their animals for reasons of health and temperament, and still be considered “no-kill.” THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL • 80

Just about everyone loves puppies. But around the country, thereís heated disagreement about where, and from whom, people can get one. While the large national pet store chains donít sell dogs, other chains and shops do. But in several states, including Florida, cities are passing laws that ban puppy sales in pet stores. At the Petland store in Plantation, Fla., a suburb of Ft. Lauderdale, customers come in all day long to look at and play with the puppies. At this store, in fact, doggie accessories and puppies are all that owner Vicki Siegel sells. ìMaltese, cavalier King Charles, Yorkies, Chihuahuas, dachshunds ó one of my favorites,î Siegel lists off. Even at her larger, full-service pet store in the nearby town of Davie, Siegel says, puppies and puppy products account for 85 percent of her sales. ìSo the puppies are the ones that pay the bills,î she says. CONTINUED ON PAGE 250

In More Cities, That Doggie In The Window Is NOT FOR SALE



*2013, Breed points, 2014 All Breed points, The Dog News Top Ten List

**CC System


SwedishKennel The American Kennel Club Museum of the Dog and known internationally in the dog art world and beyond THERE ARE A FEW other collections around the world open to the public, each playing a role in our understanding of the development of breeds, dogs in society and showing the myriad of ways in which dogs come into our lives. The Swedish Kennel Club Museum is one of the hidden gems. Established in 1992 in rooms made available in the clubís new premises, it was the idea of a group of enthusiasts, including well known international judge, RenÈe Sporre-Willes, who acted as curator for two decades and is a member of the Swedish Cynological Academy, which now looks after the collection. The museumís aim is in some ways unique, concentrating as it does primarily on collecting Swedish and Nordic art and introducing Scandinavian artists to a wider public. In the short time since the museum was founded, through fortunate ˇnds, selective buying and generous legacies from judges and breeders of the past, the museum has been able to extend its holding quite substantially. The chief testators have been Ulla Segerstrˆm and her husband, Bertil Sted Gren, who left their assets in a substantial legacy to the Swedish Kennel Club. They entertained lavishly their many friends in dogs, hence the decision to relocate their dining room to the museum as a show room and a reminder to many of pleasant times past. CONTINUED ON PAGE 222



the Art Collection at the Kennel Club (UK) are well for their exhibitions and permanent displays. By Nick Waters


GCh. Reignon Lutra Fastest Girl In Town Multiple Group and Specialty Winner 2014 Best In Specialty Show The American Fox Terrier Club Judge Mrs. Cindy Vogels


Breeders/Owners James & Janet Moses Tracy Szaras

Presented By Tracy Szaras LUTR

THE NEXT TIME youĂ­re sipping a succulent Sonoma Chardonnay or a complex Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon, you just may have to thank a dog. Dogs are not only responsible for keeping vintners company while they work the land and fruit is fermenting, they also greet customers in tasting rooms, tag along on winery tours and protect vineyards from vermin that can decimate crops. They also helped save countless acres of prime vineyards from an insidious pest that was costing vintners millions of dollars a year and posed a serious threat to the multi-billion dollar California wine industry.

Michael Honig, owner of Honig Winery, with sniffer dogs on the hunt for mealybugs. Photo by Lindsay Garvey.

Joseph Phelps Vineyards Dog

By Shaun Coen he canine has long been more than a companion, it has also been a reliable, dedicatBenziger ed worker, aiming Family to please and willWinery ing to put in long Dogs hours, asking very little in return ñ some attention, a treat, a belly rub, solid food and plenty of clean water. In addition to putting customers at ease in tasting rooms and catching consumersí eyes from the wine bottles they grace in retail shops, dogs are also working the land to ensure that crops yield their biggest harvest and quality wine ends up in your glass. Winery Dogs have Clos Du Val long been escorting winemakers through all Winery Dogs steps of the process, hanging around to provide comfort and a homey feel, but vintners in Napa and Sonoma counties had to employ ìSniffer Dogsî to detect the female mealybug pheromone that was threatening to destroy their businesses along with their vines. Mealybugs were ˇrst discovered in southern Grgich Hills California in 1994, believed Estate Dog to have entered the U.S. illegally on some Israeli vine cutting in the early 1990s and then spread north, to NapaSonoma wine country. Dozens of these microscopic insects can ˇt in a square inch and they rapidly reproduce, hiding under bark and roots. Often accompanied by an army of CONTINUED ON PAGE 226


Tara Bella Winery Dogs

Keever Vineyards Dog

Paradigm Winery Dog

All Photos © Wine Dogs 2014 unless indicated. All images from ìWine Dogs Californiaî, published by Giant Dog Wine Dogs books and products available at www.winedogs.com and all participating wineries. Winery Dogs of New York cover, Winery Dogs of Napa Valley cover, Joseph Phelps Vineyards Dog and Paradigm Winery Dog courtesy of Andrea Jacoby © Winery Dogs available at winerydogs. com and at participating wineries. THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL • 89

William F . Stifel The Best in Show presentation at the Centennial Show. The line-up was really a who’s who in dogs at the time. From left to right the individuals are: Charles O’Neill, AKC Executive VP and Show Chairman for the Centennial Show; Bill Stifel, AKC President; Dr. Richard Meen, President, Canadian Kennel Club; William Kendrick, BIS judge; James Moses, handler of the BIS, Ch Covy Tucker Hills Manhattan; William Rockefeller, AKC Board Chairman; and J.A. MacDougall, Chairman of The Kennel Club (the UK). CONTINUED FROM PAGE 27

Kennel Club, Westchester Kennel Club, and the Greater St. Louis Training Club. He served as Delegate from the San Francisco Dog Training Club, then later was Delegate for the Greater St. Louis Dog Training Club. He also was the AKC Delegate for the Westminster Kennel Club. Mari-Beth OíNeillís father, Charles A.T. OíNeill, worked closely with Bill. Mari-Beth recalled, ìBill was always even tempered. He was a wonderful gentleman with an interesting career at AKC. He enjoyed doing research and was truly dedicated to history.î She continued, ìBill was always at the top of the ramp at Westminster, along with other WKC members, welcoming the exhibitors.î What did Stifel do that left such an impact on the AKC? In a few short years he accomplished some major things that affected the sport and the organization ñ

some of which are still with us today. Jim Crowley gave me a list: ï 5/79-For the ˇrst time Obedience judges were required to undergo provisional status just like conformation judges, before being granted regular status. ï 1/80-Applicants could get up to a group at a time. However, it would take two applications to get the Working Group (this was three years before the Herding breeds were removed from Working to create the herding Group). The one-for-one system in what an applicant could get was established. An applicant had to do 5 assignments in his/ her approved breeds before an application could be submitted for additional breeds. ï 8/81-The Board review committee no longer made the ˇnal decision on judging applicants, with that ˇnal decision to be made by the full Board. THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL • 98

ï 9/82-Bill Stifel announced a plan to develop a system of judgesí education, based upon input from the breed clubs. The program was to include more effective testing, better interview procedures, and improved ways to conduct observations. This led to the in ring observer program in 2/83. ï 12/82 ñ Details were given to the Delegates on a new three-phase program to bring parent Clubs into the judging approval process and to place more emphasis on education. The signiˇcant changes instituted in the judgeís approval process led in part to Stifelís receiving the FIDO Award as Man of the Year in 1982. According to Dogs-The First 125 Years of the American Kennel Club, ìThe citation singled out his work in lifting the American Kennel Club to ëgreater heights than ever beforeí and, speciˇcally, ëhis direction in bringing about major changes in the judge selection process and the standards for judges.íî I asked Bill about CONTINUED ON PAGE 99

William F . Stifel CONTINUED FROM PAGE 98

the judgeís approval changes. He told me, ìIt seemed like judgeís approval standards got changed every 5 years. Itís still like that.î He chuckled, ìJudgeís approval standards are like breed standards. Everybody goes too far in one direction then they change and go back in the other direction. I donít know if it will ever be any different.î Jim Crowley recounted a few more of the things that occurred during Stifelís tenure as President. He wrote to me, ìOther 1978-1987 achievements while Bill was President included, but are certainly not limited to: ï 1/78-AKC discontinued licensing handlers ï 1983-as previously indicated we went from 6 to 7 Variety Groups ï 1/81-The GAZETTE was split into separate GAZETTE and Show Awards magazines. ï In 1978 the $.25 recording fee was reinstituted. It was in the rules , but had not been collected since 1954. ï In 1983, the recording fee was raised to $.50.î In amongst all the organizational changes, Stifel also represented AKC at the First World Conference of Kennel Clubs (London, 1978), the Second World Congress of Kennel Clubs (Edinburgh, 1981), and he was Chairman of the Third World Congress of Kennel Clubs hosted by AKC in Philadelphia in 1984. He was also founding President of the American Kennel Club Foundation, which established the Dog

Museum of America in 1980. The AKC Centennial Show was held in 1984, during his tenure as President. Regarding that show, The New York Times published an article on November 12, 1984. Stifel was quoted saying this: ìDogs have seen man at his best and worst; his kindest and cruelest and still they are loyal. A dog is happy for what he gets and never asks anything of you. Now imagine if mankind met a higher life form. Weíd be asking for this and that and the other thing.íí Bill retired as President in 1987. He remained on the Board for a couple of years. Jim Crowley commented: ìNow, after I do the draft minutes of Board meetings, I send it to the whole Board for corrections before publishing the ˇnal version. The Boardís conˇdence in Bill was such, however, that when my predecessor did the draft it only had to be approved or amended by Bill before being published. Bill undertook that responsibility with the understanding that he would have the ˇnal say. The rest of the board agreed to that without dissent. Bill stayed on the Board until, after two years, a majority of the Board did not reelect Billís successor, Ken Marden, as President. Bill resigned right after that.î One interesting honor has been reserved for Stifel. Crowley told me, ìJust an aside regard-

ing something unique accorded Bill that has not been extended to any other former AKC ofˇcer or Board member. When we moved into the current NY headquarters in 1998, there was an area where the current Board members have their private lockers. The brass name plates are changed out as Board members come and go. Bill spent so much time doing research in the AKC Library, that he was given his own locker with his name plate on it. While he has not visited the Library for at least the last 6-7 years, his locker with the brass plate carrying his name remains. I donít think anyone would have the temerity to remove it.î These days, Bill Stifel at 92 is not active in dogs. However, he continues to enjoy his art and recently had a showing of his pen and ink drawings (ìLife Lines,î Irvington, NY, Public Library). One can easily access some photos of his drawings on his Facebook page (www.facebook. com/william.stifel) Occasionally, David Frei will ring him up to ask a question. ìHeís my go-to guy on details. I have always been amazed at his recollection of details,î David told me recently. As I researched this article, my reference point is the sport of dogs as I know it today. It intrigued me to know the roots of many of the things I know related to the AKC. What struck me especially was the enormously high regard for Bill Stifel mentioned by everyone I interviewed. I often could hear a pleasant tone in the voices of people as they spoke about him. I have had the opportunity to read Mr. Stifelís marvelous book The Dog Show, and gained a greater insight into the Westminster Kennel Club along with its impact and inˇuence on the sport of purebred dogs. We today are beneˇtted greatly by the contributions Mr. Stifel has made through many years of work with the American Kennel Club and the Westminster Kennel Club. 1980 retirement party for Len Brumby, SenÚr VP, and Norm Furber (the one you can blame for hiring me ), Vice President of Show OperatÚns. It was held at the Copper Club on the 52nd floor of what was then ( 1979), the Pan Am buŠding. In the picture are Len, Norm, as well as BŠl and Carolyn Stifel.



The real hurt is on at rural practices. In line with national population trends, most veterinary-college graduates want to live in urban and suburban communities, and James Herriot hopefuls who have a calling to treat all animals, great and small, in what’s called a “mixed” practice are in short supply. “There are fewer people out there who want to do large-animal medicine,” says Karen E. Felsted, CPA, MS, DVM, CVPM, a veterinary-management consultant in Dallas, Texas, who is both a veterinarian and a certified public accountant. “They don’t want to go out at night and see colicking horses.” Instead, modern-day veterinarians find themselves needing to channel their energy toward such previously uncharted territories as marketing. “I think practices are better run than they used to be, and they have to pay more attention, because clients are pickier about what they want,” Felsted says. “More and more veterinarians are looking at branching out and doing things they didn’t do before, like laser therapy or acupuncture.” When Jim Guenther, DVM, of Strategic Veterinary Consulting in Asheville, North Carolina, graduated from vet school in 1970, the business model was pretty straightforward: “Hang a shingle up, and they shall come.” “It was a trusted profession, and there was in essence a shortage of practicing vets,” he says. “Right now what I think is happening is that it’s getting harder to start a practice because a lot of new graduates want to live in metropolitan areas, and it’s getting crowded. “The biggest challenge, and I’m not sure everybody agrees with this,” he continues, “is if the animal population of companion dogs and cats is decreasing in size, and we have new vet schools opening up, are we going to get to a point where we have more vets than animals?” On top of that, Guenther says, “we know most practices are doing less surgery because we have spay/neuter clinics doing so many.” Simi-

larly, specialty practices that offer board-certified surgeons have siphoned off business for more complex procedures. “If you don’t use your surgery room, you’re down to wellness, and that’s going to be vaccines and preventatives. If that’s the case, you’re diminishing the number of services you’re going to offer.” The antidote to that shift, Guenther says, is “finding your niche” – offering boarding, grooming, holistic modalities like acupuncture and chiropractic – along with a very client-centric approach. “It can’t be a typical vet practice, with white walls, somewhat sterile but cluttered environment, bring them in and out they go.” Instead, veterinarians are investing in soothing wall colors, quality time with clients and pets, and, in Guenther’s words, “creating a bond.”

But Do You Really Love Me? That approach isn’t just warm and fuzzy: It’s good business. At the American Animal Hospital Association’s 2014 State of the Industry address, the group’s executives focused on why some veterinary practices grew their business in challenging economic conditions. According to the data analyzed by AAHA, the average annual revenue growth for animal hospitals was 5.5 percent. But AAHA identified 23 percent of hospitals, which it dubbed “Outgrowers,” that accomplished annual growth of 10 percent. Fifty percent of hospitals grew from zero to 10 percent (“Growers”), and 27 percent had negative growth (“Decliners”). AAHA also identified a fourth group, which it dubbed “Consistent Outgrowers,” that grew their revenue more than 10 percent two years in a row. Their secret? A focus on four important bonds: between pet and owner, between the vet practice and the owner, the practice and the animal patient, and the veterinarian and the staff. Consistent Outgrowers nurtured all these bonds, describing their clients as “partners in providing the best care possible for their pets,” investing in community events to build their local CONTINUED ON PAGE 126





*All Systems 2014



*Tibetan Terrier, All Systems 2014




*CC All Breed System 2014




*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points 2014









veryone praised the facility which is speciˇcally designed to meet the needs of dogs and their owners. The Six Flags Holiday Inn provided a wonderful venue for banquets, auctions and housed most of the participants. This is the third time that ABdFC has visited this site. The staff members in both locations were friendly, accommodating and welcoming. The show committee chaired by Bronwyn Bauer and assisted by Susan Upcraft ensured that every detail was perfect. We appreciate all their work as well as the contributions of the entire committee, Marilyn Adams, Scott and Penny Anderson, Shelley Bowman, Susan Costanzo, Frank Dreyfus, Nancy Eilks, June Guido, Mo HieronimusDiMercurio, Denise Hunse, Patte Klecan, Jean Nocilly, Nereyda Pederson, Mary Poineal, Ann and Kate Schallert, Nancy Swenson, Cynthia Thames and Christa Townsend. The attendees enjoyed the week from start to ˇnish. Bronwyn Bauer, 2014 show chair, described the specialty, ìCarting, herding, agility, obedience, rally, puppies, ribbons, trophies, auction, Top 20, Futurity, Sweeps, logo wear, ROM, BOB, Stud dog,


It was with great anticipation that the American Bouvier des Flandres Club (ABdFC) returned to the Purina Events Center for its National Specialty. As in 2011, the facility was outstanding and sharing with the Giant Schnauzers provided both clubs with an amazing week.


By Bronwyn Bauer, Karen Florentine & Susan Upcraft Photos by Nancy Villwock

here will be shows that made history in our canine world and without any doubt, this WDS held by the Finnish Kennel Club is absolutely one of them. Never ever has the standard for a show been that high. In every aspect the Finnish Kennel Club has surprised us all. The Finnish Kennel Club had proposed its candidature for the WDS 2014 in order to celebrate its 125th anniversary and without any objection or concurrence their candidature was accepted. They showed already their potential and skills during the previous times that they welcomed the cynological world. Their previous WDS was in 1998, while no longer ago than 2006, they organized the European section show. Already months before the closing date, the entries proved that it would become a very big show and ad the end 21,200 individuals dogs were entered. Paris was bigger, but CONTINUED ON PAGE 118





FRIDAY THE BEST BRACE CLASS Judge Zake Ligita, Latvia 1. Miniature Schnauzer, black Astra Fortunata Game Point/Astra Fortunata Isida Darck Shadows, om. Prokofyev Vladimir, 2. Dobermann Edwin/Ediva, om. Saarinen Anu, Pankakoski 3. Italian Cane Corso Vankoor Hypnos Jc/Vankoor Hartaís Memory Jc, om. Arups Olegs, LATVIA 4. Labrador Retriever Tjotteís Lover Under Cover/ Tjotteís Fan Bloody Tastic, om. Burman Anncharlott, SWEDEN THE BEST VETERANS Judge Filippini Enrique, Argentina 1. Cocker Spaniel Flyers Zim Bean, om. Kaario Milla & Saarinen Paula, Tampere 2. Dachshund, Miniature Long-haired Caelestis SoundTrack, om. Hakola Jaana, Helsinki 3. Miniature Schnauzer, pepper and salt Super Playís Ocean Wind, om. Varonen Johanna, J‰rvenp‰‰ 4. Shar Pei Ingrem Rey Victoria Valentina, om. Kibko Irina, RUSSIAN FEDERATION THE BEST BREEDER’S GROUPS Judge Stanton Paul, Sweden 1. Flat Coated Retriever Almanza, Karlstrˆm Susanne & Ulin Ragnhild, Sweden 2. Shar Pei Aisti Ileal, Ilyina E, Russia 3. Pyrenean Mountain Dog Chenespace, TammialaSalonen Tuulikki & Salonen Tuulia 4. Dachshund, Miniature Smooth-haired FCI 2 - Pinscher and Schnauzer type, Molossians Judge Khomasuridze Revaz, Russian Federation 1. Affenpinscher Tricky Ricky From Yarrow-Hi Tech, om. Budiman Jongkie & Cooijmans Mieke & None None, INDONESIA 2. Newfoundland Pouch Coveís Southwind I Love Lucy At Cayuga, om. Quartiglia Riccardo, ITALY 3. Miniature Schnauzer, black and silver Steadlyn Recognition, om. Ejerstad Conti Mia, SPAIN 4. Boxer Sat`Elit Van Helsing, om. Gornova Elena, RUSSIAN FEDERATION FCI 4 - Dachshunds Judge Jeavons Guy, Canada 1. Dachshund, Standard Wire-haired Dolce Fontana Di Trevi, om. Saletti Annaluce, ITALY 2. Dachshund, Miniature Wire-haired Alpheratz Just Do It, om. Boza Enrique, SPAIN 3. Dachshund, Standard Smooth-haired Zoldachs Jolly Joker, om. Eva Majoros, ROMANIA 4. Dachshund, Standard Smooth-haired - Magik Rainbow Givenchy Hot Couture, om. Ivanova Victoria, RUSSIAN FEDERATION FCI 8 - Retrievers, Water Dogs and Flushing Dogs Judge Heikkinen-Lehkonen Paula, Luhtikyl‰ 1. American Cocker Spaniel Pbjís Back In Black, om. Kristensen Michael & Pruitt BeautÈ & Pruitt Jamie, DENMARK 2. Golden Retriever Riera Domenika, om. Petrov L., RUSSIAN FEDERATION 3. Flat Coated Retriever Almanza End Of Discussion, om. Ulin Ragnhild & Bengt Danielsson, SWEDEN 4. Portuguese Water Dog Tajmadoran Palmeiro, om. Railamaa Jaana THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL • 118 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 116

keep in mind that France is localized in the centre of Europe while Helsinki is a long way from countries like Greece, Italy, Spain. On the other hand it was to be expected that Finlandís neighbor Russia would lead the list of foreign countries. Finland had 10,838 entries, which is amazing, taken into account that the population of Finland is about 5 million. Russia follows by 4,127 entries, then comes Sweden with 1,764, Norway with 696 and after that comes Italy with no less than 472 dogs, a really high number. Itís hard to tell if there is a connection with Italy taking over the FCI ˇag as next yearís organizer, but itís very well possible. 68 Competitors came from the UK, but the USA had more entries, 73. There were even 22 entries from Kazakhstan. In total were 60 countries were represented and itís hard to ˇnd a show where so many different breeds were shown, 360 in total. No less than 124 judges from 35 different countries were invited. The Obedience competition was held during the days prior to the World Dog Show, about 15km from Helsinki. Obedience had 100 competitors from 20 countries. Heelwork To Music and Freestyle had 50 participants from nine different countries. Junior Handling was open for anyone between 10 and 17 years old on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday the winners of Friday and Saturday had to compete against the national winners. No less than 353 competitors showed up from 28 different countries. Finns are very fond of dogs. The Kennel Club registers every year about 50,000 dogs and of all the dogs about 75% are pure bred. From the 5.4 million inhabitants, 150,000 are Kennel Club members and they like dog CONTINUED ON PAGE 119


SATURDAY THE BEST BREEDER’S GROUP Judge V D Berg Hans, Netherlands 1. Saluki Badavie, Nordin Maria, Sweden 2. Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Cameron, Hulthen Helena, Sweden 3. Samoyed Cabakaís, Morell Gitte, Tanska 4. Yorkshire Terrier Stribrne Prani, Bystrianska Alena, Czech Republic THE BEST VETERANS Judge Payro Jose Luis, Mexico 1. Afghan Hound Be A Dream A Touch Of Freedom, om. M¸hlemeyer Michaela, GERMANY 2. Petit Basset Griffon VendÈen Soletrader Bjorn Borg, om. Huikeshoven Gwen & Doherty Wendy/Martin & Robertson Sara, NETHERLANDS 3. American Staffordshire Terrier Cudaís Speedˇghter, om. Huttunen Marika & Huttunen Niko, Lahti 4. Skye Terrier Finnsky Evergreen, om. Utter Marita & Mikkola Kalevi, Nedervetil THE BEST BRACE CLASS Judge Kamisato Hiroshi, Japan 1. Borzoi Solovyev Troekurov Barin/Solovyev Nostalgia, om. Ostrovskaya Marina, RUSSIAN FEDERATION 2. Kerry Blue Terrier Avalanche Eire-Kerry U Hippy/Avalanche Eire-Kerry Yarvi Cute, om. Pecherkina Natalia 3. Australian Silky Terrier Curiosity Hot Like Mexico/Curiosity Her Royal Highness, om. Korhonen Terhi 4. Zwergspitz (Pomeranian) Fonís Flying Prince To Thai Silk/Thai Silk Zone Of Perfection, om. Mironenko Svetlana, RUSSIAN FEDERATION FCI 3 - Terriers Judge: Ericsson Dan, Sweden 1. Fox Terrier, Wire-haired Kingarthur Van Foliny Home, om. De Munter Rony & Malzoni Viktor Jr & Uiterwijk Winkel Dieny, BELGIUM 2. Bull Terrier Dyouknowwhatimean, om. Ahvenainen Janne, Helsinki 3. Fox Terrier, Smooth-haired Texforrier Get Off My Cloud, om. Nyman Molli & Laitinen Sari, Vill‰hde P 4. Yorkshire Terrier Debonaireís Hold Me Now, om. Unden Bernice, AlingsÂs, Sweden FCI 5 - Spitz and primitive types Judge Vuorinen Rainer, Vantaa 1. Shiba Dragon House Mr. Jones, om. Puranen Marjo & Smith Sandi 2. Samoyed Cabakaís Everything I Do, om. Qvist Nana & Morell Gitte, DENMARK 3. Karelian Bear Dog Bear Busters Ari, om. Hyyti‰inen Heikki & Lahtinen Kati & Ruotsalainen Vesa, Oulainen 4. Basenji Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever, om. Kuittinen Tuija, Kuopio could sit and place the benches for the dogs. The remaining space between rings and those areas were walking ways and it worked very well. It was really easy walking around as there was nothing in the way. Everybody was so happy with this, visitors, as well as exhibitors, no frustration to get to the rings, no frustration to see the ring entrance being blocked by seats and bags, etc. Smart, smart, smart! It was noticed by the Italian Kennel Club, too, which will hopefully copy it for Milano next year. The exhibitors were also pleased with the good parking, THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL • 119

sport too. That explains why the Public Relations did not miss its effect. On Sunday, during the ˇnals it was announced that over 52,000 visitors passed the entrance and the stands in the arena were sold out on Sunday for the ˇnals. The halls are very convenient, huge and very big, big enough to hold all these dogs and masters within lines drawn on the ˇoor, indicating areas where they

signs and other facilities, etc. If there is no frustration from the start, people will more easily keep up the good mood, be more supportive and happy with their results and critiques. It was remarkable that I heard almost no people complaining about the judging. They started all in a good mood and could probably stand much more than on some other shows where frustration leads to intolerance from the start on. And that proves how important it is to have a good organization and a well-oiled team. Not only during CONTINUED ON PAGE 120



FCI 6 - Scenthounds and related breeds Judge Mattila Paavo, Lauteala 1. Finnish Hound R‰nt‰aamun Rane, om. Koivisto Tomi & Jaako Eveliina, Kemi 2. Rhodesian Ridgeback Faira Arif Kamilifu, om. Syalmova Olga & Evmenova Angelina, RUSSIAN FEDERATION 3. Petit Basset Griffon VendÈen Caramel Apple Van Tum-Tumís Vriendjes, om. Huikeshoven Gwen & Doherty Wendy/Martin & Robertson Sara, NETHERLANDS 4. Basset Hound Youra Dos Sete Moinhos, om. Homem De Mello JosÈ, PORTUGAL FCI 10 - Sighthounds Judge Podesta Ramon, Chile 1. Saluki Qirmizi Magnolia, om. Eriksson Nicklas & Eriksson Ingunn, SWEDEN 2. Azawakh Azamour Khemosabi, om. Klishas Andrey, RUSSIAN FEDERATION 3. Borzoi Zabava Ostrov Catalina, om. Piippo Seija & Piippo Jari, Kokkola 4. Whippet Pendahr Fred Perry, om. Sandqvist Anita, Vantaa P

SUNDAY THE BEST BREEDER’S GROUPS Judge De Santiago Rafael, Puerto Rico 1. Shetland Sheepdog Shellrickís, Reider Anne, Sverige 2. Collie Smooth Timonan, Tikkanen Tuula 3. Medium Size Poodle, black, brown and white Olymbinarís, Lehtiranta Henni 4. Lhasa Apso Chic Choix, Kares Juha THE BEST VETERANS Judge Wilberg Leif-Herman, Norway 1. Puli, other colors Cordmaker Hurdy Gurdy, om. R¸sz Bodil & Huebner Sue & Laub Michael, DENMARK 2. Lhasa Apso Crystal Eyeís Happy Hour, om. Wandborg Charlotte & Wandborg Frank, DENMARK 3. Shetland Sheepdog Japaro Eye Of The Storm, om. Olsen Finn Helge, NORWAY 4. Chinese Crested Dog Sun Dan Puzzle, om. Kahri Katariina, Helsinki THE BEST BRACE CLASS Judge Jovanovic Nemanja, Serbia 1. Lhasa Apso Chic Choix Alexander The Great/Chic Choix Cleopatra Eurydice, om. Kopola-Hirsim‰ki Sanna, Vihti 2. Welsh Corgi Pembroke Andvol Mercury/Andvol Monro, om. Sidorenko Raisa, RUSSIAN FEDERATION 3. Australian Shepherd Triplemoon Absolute Storm/Triplemoon Captain Niobe, om. Kovalenko Adina, RUSSIAN FEDERATION 4. Boston Terrier Boston Style Gail Bi Black/Boston Style Perfect Blasing Star, om. Safronova Svetlana, RUSSIAN FEDERATION FCI 1 - Sheepdogs and Cattledogs Judge: De Giuliani Claudio, Italy 1. Australian Shepherd Allmark Fifth Avenue, om. Mr Allan Neil & Allan Angie & Harlow Robert, UNITED KINGDOM PHOTO NUMBER KD88660 & 88723 2. Puli, other colors Bubbleton Feel The Spirit, om. Vonge Steen & Ravn Jesper, DENMARK PHOTO NUMBER KD88728 3. Bearded Collie Paradise For Dirty Talking, om. Gerasimenko Regina, RUSSIAN FEDERATION PHOTO NUMBER KD88734 4. Maremma and Abruzzese Sheepdog Giotto Di Lucus Angitiae, om. Segato Gabriella, ITALY PHOTO NUMBER KD88735 THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL • 120

the show, but also before and after the show the Finnish Kennel Club is a pioneer in ˇnding new ways to improvement. It starts with one of the best websites on a World or European Section Show so far. The site is so intuitive and covers every aspect of the show in a logical way without getting lost. During the show there was live streaming directly via the site. For the ˇrst time ever, the results were immediately available via the social media as in every ring was a tablet with direct connection to the internet and if you were there or thousands of kilometers from there, you could have the results of the ring of your breed right away. New was also the Finnish Kennel Clubís museum, an interesting initiative that made other Kennel Clubs turn green with envy. A very unusual but nice looking stand attracted the attention and invited you to satisfy your curiosity. There were very interesting pieces on display, including a 2000 yearold Chinese terracotta statue of a molossian type dog, bought by Kari Jarvinen at an auction and offered to the Kennel Club. The rings were posed behind the trade stands so that exhibitors and visitors had to pass by them before they could reach the rings. This is the best commercial option alike at Crufts. One of the most successful stands CONTINUED ON PAGE 121



FCI 7 - Pointing Dogs Judge: Skok Damir, Kroatia 1. English Setter Blue Balticís Ultra Sonic Bullet, om. Pietik‰inen Anu, Lapinlahti 2. Weimaraner Short-haired Dalton Silver Angel Flying Forward, om. Lapshina Elena, RUSSIAN FEDERATION 3. Braque díAuvergne Eíjazz Du Ruisseau De Montbrun, om. Fantgauthier Gerard, FRANCE 4. Gordon Setter Ludstar Frederick Frankenstein, om. Ivaldi Michele & Salamon Ludovica, ITALY FCI 9 - Companion and Toy Dogs Judge: Ingram Ann, Ireland 1. Maltese Cinecittaí Sasha Baron Colen, om. Prosperi Franco, ITALY 2. Standard Poodle, black, brown and white Afterglow Maverick Sabre, om. Biondi Ilaria, PERU 3. Bichon FrisÈ Ashmair Here Comeís Sunshine, om. Lehto Laura & Kein‰nen Elina, Vuorela 4. Tibetan Terrier Ti La Shu United Magic Colours, om. Rauhut Sabine + Katja, GERMANY was the one with the Kennel Clubís numerous merchandizing items. The logo for this World Dog Show was by the hand of Timo Lemmetti and was worldwide appreciated of its style and originality. Numerous items were available and most of them were sold out or almost sold out after the show. The main ring was very nice with a big LED screen as background and a cine screen on top. There was one big podium so that the dogs were not afraid and posed more natural. It was only two small steps high. The background music was played by the Kennel Clubs House band. Jimmy Cola assisted for this occasion by a string ensemble. Jussi Mikkola even composed a theme song, ìPaws & Tailsî. There was not too much distraction in the main ring except for a kidsí band performing a kind of acrobatic musical act and a very stylish strange ballet act. ìI didnít want it to turn the main ring into a circus act,î as Mr. Jarvinen said to me and indeed the dose was perfect. The trophies were made by glass artist Tarmo Maaronen. During the day there were many demonstrations in the main ring, but also in Hall 6 there was a ìDog Activitiesî ring with more interactive activities. And every day Animagi, the Veterinary Clinic Chain, gave demonstrations

on how to clean dogsí ears, cut nails and clean teeth, while in the conference rooms there were lectures, some in English, some in Finnish. Groups 2, 4 and 8 were on term on Friday. Group 2 had amazing numbers like 206 Bernese Mountain Dogs, 168 Dobermans, 141 Bulldogs and 138 Cane Corsos. A surprising number of 215 Miniature Pinschers draws the attention as well as the 460 Miniature Schnauzers (all colours) and the 211 Medium Schnauzers. Group 4 are Dachshunds only but imagine to see 831 together ...in one word, amazing. Group 8 had CONTINUED ON PAGE 122



also nice numbers; 187 English and 123 American Cockers, 151 English Springer Spaniels, 177 Flat Coated Retrievers, 274 Golden and 291 Labrador Retrievers and a nice number of 146 Lagotto Romagnolos. Saturday was the busiest day with no less than 8,151 dogs to be judged. The Terriers were on term with 197 American Staffordshires, 192 Staffordshire Bull Terriers and 188 Jack - and 120 Parson Russell Terriers. And also the Yorkshire Terriers were numerous, 171 in total. There were also two Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz Terriers from Spain, looking like Brazilian Terriers. In Group 5 we ˇnd many Finnish Native breeds. The Finnish Lapphund is the record holder of the show with 526 specimen. The Laponian Herder had 234 specimen, and the Finnish Spitz was represented by 165 specimen and the Karelian Dog by 103. But that group had also 167 Pomeranians, 143 Samojeds and 176 Siberian Huskies. In Group 6 we ˇnd another Finnish Breed, the Finnish Hound. Finns are hunters and this explains that the Finnish Hound is very popular, compared to national hounds in other countries. The Finnish hound counted 161 specimen. The Beagle and the Rhodesian Ridgebacks are two other breeds with high entries, 170 and 191 respectively. The Dalmatian belongs also to this group, 129 were here. In this group we ˇnd rare breeds like the Briquet Griffon VendÈen, the Estonian Hound, the Dunker Hound, Kope, Plott and Montenegrin Mountain Hound, the Russian Hound, Shiller and Smaland Hound. Saturday had also the Sighthound group scheduled including 143 Salukis, 166 Whippets, 137 Barzois and 127 Afghan Hounds, dazzling numbers. But it didnít stop as Sunday had Group 1 with 145 Australian Shepherds, 149 Shelties, 156 Rough Collies and 238 Welsh Corgis. The Swiss White Shepherd is becoming another big challenger with 118 entries. The Irish Red Setter was the most numerous of Group 7 with 127 entries. This Group also has some rare breeds in this show like the Blue Picardy Spaniel,

BEST IN SHOW Judge: Lehtinen Hans, Vantaa 1. Affenpinscher Tricky Ricky From Yarrow-Hi Tech, om. Budiman Jongkie & Cooijmans Mieke & None None, INDONESIA 2. Maltese Cinecittaí Sasha Baron Colen, om. Prosperi Franco, ITALY 3. Fox Terrier, Wire-haired Kingarthur Van Foliny Home, om. De Munter Rony & Malzoni Viktor Jr & Uiterwijk Winkel Dieny, BELGIUM 4. American Cocker Spaniel Pbjís Back In Black, om. Kristensen Michael & Pruitt BeautÈ & Pruitt Jamie, DENMARK THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL • 122

the Braque de líAriËge, the Pudelpointer and the Burgos Pointing Dog. In Group 9 we ˇnd 406 Chihuahuas, 200 Chinese Crested Dogs, 189 French Bulldogs, 180 Pugs and 128 Boston Terriers. Seven Russian Tsvetnaja Bolonkas were exhibited, a Russian variety on the Bolognese. But as if this was not enough, we had every evening in the main ring an amazing number of Breeders groups. On Saturday and Sunday they were all lined up and occupied almost the whole large main ring. I have no exact number but the Finnish Kennel Club broke another record entering the most breed groups on a World- or European Section Show. Best In Show judge was Hans Lehtinen, Finlandís World Famous judge. He had 10 absolutely top dogs to chose from, but only four were placed. ìPbjís Back in Blackî came from Denmarkt to take away the 4th place and trophy. This American Cocker Spaniel is owned by Kristensen Michael & Pruitt BeautÈ & Pruitt Jamie. Belgium saw its top winning Fox Terrier ìKingarthur Van Foliny Homeî go to the 3rd place. This wire fox is bred and owned by Rony De Munter & Viktor Malzoni, Jr & Dieny Uiterwijk Winkel and won the Terrier special held on Wednesday. The 2nd place went to Italy. ìCinecittaí Sasha Baron Colen,î a Maltese , was the lucky dog, owned by the lucky owner Franco Prosperi. The ˇrst place was to many no surprise. Seeing ìTricky Ricky From Yarrow-Hi Techî move around the ring, small as he was, was a pleasure for the eye and many could not hide their smile when this little monkey dog or Affenpinsher took a ˇerce look around as if he knew he could not but win this show. He takes back the BIS trophy to Indonesia along with Jongkie Budiman & Mieke Cooijmans & None None his housemates. Yet another World Dog Show is over and Finland has set the standard again one step higher, or maybe two. It will for sure not be Finlandís last World or European Section show. And if the other countries will lose track again, there will always be Finland to show them again how it should be done.


The Dog News Top Ten List Presents


Brittanys GCH CH Rainbow Splash’s Ruggedly Handsome C Douglas/J Andras/A Andras/K Hogan/A Cone GCH CH Sanbar’s Ride The Winds R West/P West/C West 3 GCH CH Triumphant’s As Good As It Gets JH L Mccartney-Roy/K Mccartney 4 GCH CH Britt’s Ramblin’ The Perfect Cut J Larson/N Larson/K Schoppa 5 GCH CH Millette’s Sweet Memories AX AXJ NAP NJP W Archinal 6 GCH CH MACH Brookewood’s Just Too Hot CDX RE E Drazek/C Miller 7 GCH CH Dream Hi’s Don’T Hate The Player Hate The T Rickard/L Rickard 8 GCH CH Star Flight Jumpin Jack Flash RN OA OAJ J Ceres 9 GCH CH Brigadier’s Lightning Strikes Twice M Lee 10 GCH CH Premier’s The Chosen One Of Dream Hi C Walters/D Walters/K Rickard 2 1 (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)







25 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

22 1 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 0

97 12 6 2 1 1 0 2 1 0 GP1

44 9 8 1 4 2 6 1 3 0 GP2

19 6 8 3 4 4 5 2 2 3 GP3

5 8 0 3 4 2 2 3 0 2 GP4

50749 7129 2695 2439 2366 1883 1514 1329 813 679 TOTAL

Pointers GCH CH Chesterhope State Of T Art D O’Neil GCH CH Hipoint Here Comes The Sun L Cayton/F Depaulo 3 GCH CH Oncore Mykyna Run To Daylight P Haines/T Haines/P Davis/E Dziuk 4 CH Solivia’s Dexterity At Skyhi J Krohn/M Krohn/S Thompson/K Brown 5 GCH CH Bookstor Willy Wonka K Spey/H Spey/D Chan/S Morawiec 6 GCH CH Chesterhope My Boys Girl P Kroll 7 GCH CH Solivia’s Decadence Of Beagood L Goodman/A Nash/K Brown/S Thompson 8 CH Solivia’s Champagne Taste D Brown/K Brown/S Thompson 9 GCH CH Penpoint In Dress Blues L Stagg/S Ward/J Medlin 10 GCH CH Solivia’s Kalahari Of Marsuz C Green/S Thompson/D Brown/K Brown 2 1 (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F)


1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0

1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 6 7 4 1 3 2 1 4 0 GP1

8 5 5 7 4 2 4 0 4 3 GP2

7 5 8 7 4 1 3 3 4 2 GP3

2 10 5 0 3 1 2 3 5 1 GP4

4114 3960 3880 3522 1379 1347 1292 1268 1129 1105 TOTAL

Based on All-Breed Competition

Final 2014 Year-End Stats

Pointers (German Shorthaired) GCH CH Ehrenvogel Achy Breaky Heart C Swensson/M Lara GCH CH Robin Crest Edelmarke Investigator T Feneis/T Depietro/C Trost 3 GCH CH Kan-Point’s Makin’ The Chase R Stanley/R Stanley/L Coonrod 4 GCH CH Vjk-Myst Garbonita’s California Journey V Atkinson/A Manning/Y Hassler-Deterding 5 GCH CH Relentless Country Wind Tornado JH E Jennings/E Brown 6 GCH CH Kempfers Follow Me JH K Fulk 7 GCH CH Parador High Road J Atkinson 8 GCH CH Crk On The Double M Farone/W Farone 9 GCH CH Shade Mountain’s Cane Bello Moon Dancer P Busso-Campana 10 GCH CH Markann-N-Kk’s It Is All About Me C Matula/L Matula/K Kohlmeyer/K Jeglum/J Hasart 2 1 (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F)


4 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

34 11 8 11 3 1 0 0 4 0 GP1

14 10 10 4 5 3 0 3 3 2 GP2

15 9 16 4 6 1 3 0 0 2 GP3

11 12 12 1 3 4 0 4 2 2 GP4

10788 9022 7370 5361 1841 1206 876 855 698 640 TOTAL

Pointers (German Wirehaired)


The Dog News Top Ten List is comprised of: s "EST )N 3HOWS s 2ESERVE "EST )N 3HOWS s 'ROUP &IRSTS s 'ROUP 0LACEMENTS

GCH CH Harvest Meadow’s Truth Be Told L Minnick/A Resnick GCH CH Harvest Meadow’s Money To Burn J Bish/M Bish 3 GCH CH Neudorf’s Cool Hand Luke Afterhours F Newwirth/C Whitmore 4 CH Windmill Wireworks Chance Of Rain B Watkins/A Kostishak 5 GCH CH Scotian Too Much Information @Avanti L Reeves/L Puppo 6 CH Claddagh’s Artemis Violet Moon JH S Handevidt/L Handevidt/C Vogel-Bastian/M Lembke *&+ &+ +K /RRNRXW¶V &KHUU\¿HOG S Oehlers 8 GCH CH Reece Afterhours Periwinkle RN CGC B Blanchard 9 GCH CH Hh Lookout Celtic Field Of Vision JH J Boyd/M Boyd/J Witt/E Shupp 10 GCH CH Aspendel’s Pale Rider JH B Watkins/R Perry/S Ferraro 2


(F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) ) (F) (F) (F)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 GP1

5 2 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 GP2

7 5 3 2 2 0 1 1 1 GP3

3 6 6 0 1 0 1 1 0 GP4

1755 1183 1024 456 323 250 220 210 192 TOTAL

Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 GCH CH Albridens The Show Must Go On S Larson/D Baker GCH CH Shiloah’s Harvard Girl One Smart Spicy T Coene/S Grasso GCH CH Chesacolahardwoodbaltimoreraven G Sheetz GCH CH Poisett’s Doctor Mallard P Henshaw/A Henshaw GCH CH Coolwater’s The Tide Is High T Flores/K Tatarka GCH CH Monarchs Zero Cool T Dennis/D Glasser/C Dennis GCH CH Salmoncove-Sago Ruby Mae Of 96 R Gonzales/C Gonzales/D Cronin (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F)


5 1 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 1 1 1 1 0 0

3 7 4 1 3 0 3

3 14 5 2 1 2 1

2 11 6 2 3 6 1

4601 3543 1989 1482 1092 678 429


GCH CH Mudcreek Red Moose RN THD D Lentz/L Lentz 9 GCH CH Hardwood’s Full House V Bartnicki/J Ohrnberger 10 GCH CH Jala’s Misty Hill Coolwater Oak K James/C James/M Thomson


(M) (M) (M)














0 0

0 0

1 0 GP1

1 1 GP2

0 5 GP3

2 1 GP4

340 335 TOTAL

Retrievers (Curly-Coated) GCH CH Clarion’s Blackberry Bramble J Gentry/P Gentry 2 GCH CH Riverwatch Grand Illusion M Meek/G Meek 3 GCH CH Amberlea’s Faultline Rattle CD BN RA CGCA W Reed 4 GCH CH Down Datrail Hunting Thrills CD S Macre/D Akins 5 CH Kurly Kreek Kid Curry 0 6KLIÀHWW 6 6KLIÀHWW 6 CH Sun Devil Ive Gotta Feeling For CudyNCae A Eales/J Kofron/G Kofron 7 GCH CH Kyraco Kyrabean Pirate CA CGC M Morel 8 CH Softmaple’s Sexy And I Know It BN RN CA CGC C Lewandowski/E Raczka 9 CH Laketower Hey There Georgie Girl L White/E Connolly 10 GCH CH Pizzazz Trigger I Andre/S Mcdowell/C Mcdowell 1 (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M)


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 GP1

3 4 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 GP2

1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 GP3

3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 GP4

1894 1347 316 303 211 191 118 117 70 69 TOTAL

GCH CH Star Crowned Javahill 2sexy4my Genes RN L Fitzmaurice/K Webb/V Anderson/L Smith 6 GCH CH Pikkinokka’s Lightning Bug CGCA S Einck-Paul/N Mages 7 GCH CH Aqueus Walks On Water OA OAJ AXP AJP W Johansen/D Bannasch 8 GCH CH Foxvale Avatar Best Of Times N Mages/D Gibbs/S Einck-Paul 9 GCH CH Princess Cut Diamond Beekauz CD RN JH S Kauzlarich/K Kauzlarich/D Kauzlarich 10 CH Katyra Avatar Repeat Offender S Einck-Paul/K Adorjan


(M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)














0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 GP1

1 1 0 1 0 GP2

0 0 0 2 0 GP3

1 1 2 1 1 GP4

492 441 348 326 236 TOTAL

Setters (English) *&+ &+ 6WDUJD]Hœ5 ¾1 :LQJ¿HOG :DLW :DLW 'RQœ7 D Coller/P Coller/E Hackett 2 GCH CH Weymouths En Fuego P Disiena/G Godley/S Nordstrom 3 GCH CH Linwood Resolute’s New Beginning RN CGC R Lloyd/W Lloyd 4 GCH CH Sagebrush’s Simply Irresistible J Harris 5 GCH CH Legends What Women Want S Bennett/N Bennett/S Doratti 6 GCH CH Sleepy Hollow’s Scarlett O Hara J Mowery/L Mowery 7 GCH CH Stardom Country Squire Livin’ In The D Jordan/S Jordan/D Jauron 8 GCH CH Prairie Crest’s Infrared L Neff 9 GCH CH Merriman & Stardom Fire At Hiddenlane JH H Wooding/K Lishinski 10 CH Reidwood Just My Style N Warner/J Warner/C Reid 0 (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)


10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

46 2 2 3 2 1 0 3 2 GP1

19 10 5 5 2 1 1 1 0 GP2

11 10 4 4 4 3 5 4 0 GP3

7 8 7 6 6 2 3 1 0 GP4

26271 3470 3279 2812 1659 1384 792 782 712 TOTAL

Retrievers (Flat-Coated) GCH CH Windy Hill Dance To The Music JH R Rickert/S Rickert/L Selof/M Bettis 2 GCH CH Windy Hill God Of Fire RN JH CGC K Johnson/C Johnson/R Rickert/S Rickert 3 GCH CH Beachcliff Eye Of The Storm D Edwards/A Lloyd/M Rendich 4 GCH CH Heirborn Who’Ll Stop The Reign L Jacobson/S Jacobson/M Jonas/P Jonas 5 GCH CH Windsor’s Chairman Of The Board C Ryberg/D Edwards/R Kulp/C Elder 6 GCH CH Destiny As Good As It Gets CDX JH E Mound 7 GCH CH Shasta’s Western Samurai L Dunn/D Kerschner 8 GCH CH Kistryl Happy Together JH P Ronin/H Ronin/M Wilcox 9 GCH CH Bertschire Pyromania K Goulding/A Holsinger 10 GCH CH Flyway Farms Boom Boom Pow MH A Latta 1 (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)


1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 11 1 2 2 1 2 2 0 0 GP1

17 8 1 1 2 0 4 1 1 0 GP2

18 2 7 1 3 4 1 3 1 3 GP3

9 5 3 0 3 5 1 1 1 1 GP4

10230 4258 1503 1265 950 883 739 731 592 541 TOTAL

Setters (Gordon) GCH CH Sandpiper’s Castles In The Air D Grant/P Reilly 2 GCH CH Sastya’s Eleven Eleven W Leonard/M Leonard 3 GCH CH Saranac Toblerone E Fisher/W Fisher 4 GCH CH Amberlove’s Are We A Pair? JH C Kushell 5 GCH CH Raggededge Joyride To Kericreek K Chard-Savage/J Hafer/S Sealock 6 GCH CH Sandpiper’s Shore Why Knot! P Reilly/D Grant 7 GCH CH Fair Isle Black Tie CD JH C Obrien/K Mccartney 8 GCH CH Skara Braes I Was Worth The Wait S Grober 9 GCH CH Hollyhunt Take A Chance On Me M Hunsinger/C Hunsinger/K Mccartney 10 GCH CH Blazen Spellbound’s Wonder Woman C Gold 1 (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F)


2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 6 4 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 GP1

16 9 6 4 3 0 0 1 0 0 GP2

14 7 5 5 3 1 1 0 0 0 GP3

15 6 7 1 2 2 2 0 2 0 GP4

11511 4972 3022 1273 1195 643 536 479 426 317 TOTAL

Retrievers (Golden) GCH CH Sandpiper’s Let Freedom Ring T Tsumura GCH CH Easthill Broxden Woodland Lettuce Entertain C Collins/L Fernandes/J Supple/J Ovalle/A Rodrigues 3 GCH CH Rush Hill’s Murder Mystery JH T Struble/C Meddaugh/C Rutten 4 GCH CH Forever’s All Jacked Up CGC J Hoffmann/C Nee 5 GCH CH Rush Hill’s Drama’Geddon JH T Struble/M Struble/C Meddaugh 6 GCH CH Emery’s In The Midnight Hour P Sherry/R Sherry/B Bischoff/J Moreno 7 GCH CH Castlerock Come Together D Ramsey/D Ramsey/T Waite 8 GCH CH Summits Back By Popular Demand G Dinges/M Dinges/B Johnson 9 GCH CH Pebwin Hocus Pocus A Cazares/B Welch 10 GCH CH Hillock’s Bacardi CD RE T Tomlinson/C Ross/D Ross 2 1 (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)


9 1 4 1 2 1 1 0 0 0

9 1 0 3 0 0 0 3 1 0

34 15 7 14 7 10 3 8 4 1 GP1

20 17 2 7 2 12 7 4 3 7 GP2

12 16 4 8 1 13 7 9 4 10 GP3

12 6 6 6 2 5 6 0 1 7 GP4

21564 7684 5833 5394 4568 4072 3409 3208 3056 2649 TOTAL

Setters (Irish Red and White) 1 2 3 GCH CH Mizen Duchas Dilis JH J Baumgartner GCH CH Aramis Farms High Road To Killary D Peterson/J Zawikowski GCH CH Laurel Oak Santana Heart Of Red Rocks JH A Lonardi/S Lonardi (M) (M) (M)


1 0 0

0 0 0

2 0 0 GP1

3 3 1 GP2

2 2 0 GP3

4 1 0 GP4

1632 903 211 TOTAL

Setters (Irish) GCH CH Militza’s My Cherie Amour T Mcneal/R Mcneal/K Wall/J Fisher GCH CH Stoneypoint’s Time To Reign J Mcclure/D Demorest/J Arch/R Arch 3 GCH CH Tramore Notorious S Hassler/L Hassler/G Swanson 4 GCH CH Chamberlaynes Mutiny O’Captiva C Cooper 5 GCH CH Evergreen Good Intentions M Merlo 6 GCH CH Jadestar Ride ‘Em Cowboy S Crocker/K Crocker 7 GCH CH Courtwood Whirly Girl M Annandale 8 GCH CH Windrose Dressed To Kill C Horner/C Pearen/L Van Borssum *&+ &+ -DGHVWDU 5LĂ€HPDQ C Brewer/J Smith 10 GCH CH Crimsonacre Wind Chime R Perry 2 1 (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) 0 (F)


6 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0

9 1 4 2 2 0 1 1 0

40 13 12 7 9 4 7 3 1 GP1

16 8 12 6 9 6 12 4 2 GP2

10 11 7 4 2 6 2 1 2 GP3

3 13 13 2 3 5 8 1 0 GP4

19340 7612 6265 5847 4678 3220 2972 1457 1010 TOTAL

Retrievers (Labrador) GCH CH Beechcroft Midnight Rose’s Baccara M Wiest/M Wiest 2 GCH CH Big Skys Augustus JH B Bridges 3 GCH CH Tampa Bay & Snobo Gusty Seas Batten Down E Elliott/L Hess/A Allen 4 GCH CH Everso’s Who’s Pimpin Who J Acker/S Perrine 5 GCH CH Everso’s Elephants & Flowers JH S Perrine/J Acker 6 GCH CH Nipntuck Chasing Fame R Gorton/K Gibson/K Jack 7 GCH CH Chambray’s Ruff Jewel Walter M Baker/J Church Baker/V Herzon/J Herzon 8 GCH CH Paradocs Obsidian K Helmers/J Helmers/J Romeo 9 GCH CH Blackthorn Hailstorm R Vali 10 GCH CH Tulgeywood’s Victoria S Kuhn/N White 1 (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)


0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0

4 2 0 2 0 1 2 1 1 0 GP1

7 5 4 1 6 0 1 4 2 0 GP2

5 2 7 0 1 0 4 3 1 1 GP3

4 8 4 0 3 0 2 4 4 5 GP4

4117 2024 1840 1736 1174 1044 1032 1018 970 829 TOTAL

Spaniels (American Water) 1 2 GCH CH Waterway Pistol Packin’ Dixie Pixie JH J Rose/S Rose/L Hattrem GCH CH Carolina’s Running With The Hare BN RN L Mccracken (F) (M)


0 0

0 0

0 0 GP1

0 0 GP2

1 0 GP3

6 1 GP4

658 133 TOTAL

(Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) 1 2 3 4 GCH CH Javahill Surf2 An 8 Second Ride BN RN K Schultze/L Fitzmaurice/A Pasko GCH CH Water’s Edge Mr Majestyk BN RN D Rode GCH CH Lennoxlove Susqudilla’s Mini Cooper CD RN R Haskin/M Waterstreet/J Hamilton GCH CH Tollerpride Gathering Storm RN J Gordon/H Gordon/R Fearon (M) (M) (M) (M) 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 8 3 0 0 9 5 0 0 8 3 3 2 10 1 6 2 4251 1795 1585 746



Spaniels (Boykin) 1 2 3 4 GCH CH Larley’s Nothing But the Truth P Stevens Knudsen/J Sexton GCH CH Texas Trace Yellow Rose BN RN CGC M Machala/G Hurley GCH CH Texas Trace Hunter G Copeland/M Copeland GCH CH Texas Trace Vega G Copeland/M Copeland CONTINUED ON PAGE 126 144 CONTINUED ON PAGE


(M) (F) (M) (F)

0 0 0 0

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reputation, offering payment plans, and following up after appointments by phone or email. Owners are in unambiguous agreement. Last year, another AAHA survey of clients of Colorado veterinary hospitals showed that relationship was far more important than other factors, including price, convenience or even hygiene when it came to client satisfaction. The most important factor (with a score of 74 percent) was a veterinarian who was “interested in the well-being of my pet,” followed closely by a veterinarian with “excellent medical knowledge” (68 percent). Third on the list (at 42 percent) was a veterinarian who “explains things thoroughly.” “Services are reasonably priced” was a distant fourth (29 percent), followed closely by a vet who was “comforting to my pet” (28 percent). Rounding out the rest of the list were “location” and “friendly staff” (21 percent each), “hours of operation” (12 percent), “exceptionally clean hospital” (7 percent) and “prompt service” coming in dead last (6 percent).

some non-Banfield practices scoffed at the idea of “care credits” like these, despite the fact that consumer surveys indicated they favored the idea of monthly wellness plans. And now those skeptics, forced to focus more on preventive care in their own practices, are offering plans of their own. Founded in 1986 under the name Veterinary Centers of America, VCA is another corporate veterinary model. Publicly traded on NASDAQ under the symbol WOOF, the company has grown steadily by acquisition, with more than 600 practices in its orbit. It is now called VCA Antech Inc., a nod to the fact that it owns one of the country’s largest diagnostic laboratories, which provide services to more than 14,000 independent hospitals nationwide. VCA also owns Sound-Eklin, a supplier of diagnosticimaging equipment and practice-management software, and Vetstreet, an online marketing and client-communication service. Despite its many-tentacled approach, VCA is selective about the practices it acquires, preferring larger suburban and urban outposts.

Company’s Here Today, large, corporate-owned practices are in the distinct minority, with less than 10 percent of the market share. But if graduating veterinarians continue the trend of wanting to be employees rather than employers, these numbers might continue to climb. And, like neighborhood hardware and grocery stories, privately owned veterinary storefronts might eventually be crowded out by corporate conglomerates, though admittedly that scenario is nowhere in the near future. Different veterinary chains employ different business models. Banfield, for example, is a franchise, with most practices located in PetSmart stores. Franchise owners pay a fee and have to meet certain goals, somewhat limiting their independence. That said, Banfield was way ahead of the curve in consumer-friendly services like in-house wellness plans, where preventive-care services are “bundled” and spread across monthly payments. Felsted says

A Breeder? What’s That? As breeders know from personal experiences, veterinary practices that cater to their needs are in the distinct minority. Most have to be cultivated by proactive breeders who forge a good relationship with a sympathetic vet. Guenther points out that the most important ingredient – interest on the part of the veterinarian – is also the most difficult to find these days. As a practicing veterinarian, Guenther sees this firsthand. “My business partner is 77 – how many more years can he do ear crops?” he asks rhetorically. “It’s hard to try to find someone young who wants to learn, especially when it’s beaten into their heads that it’s cosmetic surgery.” Whether we’re talking about purebred fanciers or veterinary professionals, the one thing that’s clear is that change is here to stay – and it’s nowhere near over yet.



*The Dog News Top Ten List


Sporting Group Brittanys 1313 GCH CH Rainbow Splash’s Ruggedly Handsome C Douglas/J Andras/A Andras/K Hogan/A Cone 865 GCH CH Sanbar’s Ride The Winds R West/P West/C West 783 GCH CH Dream Hi’s Don’T Hate The Player Hate The T Rickard/L Rickard 662 GCH CH Triumphant’s As Good As It Gets JH L Mccartney-Roy/K Mccartney 562 GCH CH Millette’s Sweet Memories AX AXJ NAP NJP NF W Archinal 323 GCH CH Britt’s Ramblin’ The Perfect Cut J Larson/N Larson/K Schoppa 273 GCH CH Star Flight Jumpin Jack Flash RN OA OAJ J Ceres 186 GCH CH Marsport Hot To Ride Lucky Seven MH P Snider/L Snider 162 GCH CH Premier’s All About Avatar J Reardon 158 GCH CH Labyrinth N Illusion Slippery When Wet K Hanson (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)

67 GCH CH Caramel Heywire Lookout Honey Glazed At B Stroh/A Meinke 58 GCH CH Ebbtide Lookout Gambler JH A Summerfelt/G Persinger/H Huber/F Funderburk 57 GCH CH Reece Afterhours Periwinkle RN CGC B Blanchard 49 GCH CH Hh Lookout Celtic Field Of Vision JH J Boyd/M Boyd/J Witt/E Shupp 43 GCH CH Claddaghnripsnorter Baby Come Back CD MH T Weber/C Vogel-Bastian

(F) (M) (F) (F) (F)

Retrievers (Golden) 3128 GCH CH Sandpiper’s Let Freedom Ring T Tsumura 2229 GCH CH Easthill Broxden Woodland Lettuce Entertain You C Collins/L Fernandes/J Supple/J Ovalle/A Rodrigues 2208 GCH CH Forever’s All Jacked Up CGC J Hoffmann/C Nee 1684 GCH CH Emery’s In The Midnight Hour P Sherry/R Sherry/B Bischoff/J Moreno 1571 GCH CH Hillock’s Bacardi CD RE T Tomlinson/C Ross/D Ross 1280 GCH CH Nautilus Keystone J Mackinnon 1209 GCH CH Pebwin Hocus Pocus A Cazares/B Welch 1173 GCH CH Rush Hill’s Murder Mystery JH T Struble/C Meddaugh/C Rutten 1109 GCH CH Castlerock Come Together D Ramsey/D Ramsey/T Waite 1064 GCH CH Wingold’s Eagle Scout RN JH J Cassella/J Cassella/J Mcdaniel/R Bell (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)

Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) 504 GCH CH Chesacolahardwoodbaltimoreraven G Sheetz 297 GCH CH Ottercreek’s Give Me A Shot JH D Boyce/G Boyce 290 GCH CH Coolwater’s The Tide Is High T Flores/K Tatarka 190 GCH CH Albridens The Show Must Go On S Larson/D Baker 171 GCH CH Shiloah’s Harvard Girl One Smart Spicy Cookie T Coene/S Grasso 152 GCH CH Hardwood’s Full House V Bartnicki/J Ohrnberger 125 GCH CH Cal-I-Co Hope On The Rocks J Colvin 119 GCH CH Salmoncove-Sago Ruby Mae Of 96 R Gonzales/C Gonzales/D Cronin 116 GCH CH Poisett’s Doctor Mallard P Henshaw/A Henshaw 110 GCH CH Cabin Ridge’s Mega Margarita C Meyer/H Bremmer/K Bednar (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F)

Retrievers (Labrador) 1989 GCH CH Beechcroft Midnight Rose’s Baccara M Wiest/M Wiest 1636 GCH CH Big Skys Augustus JH B Bridges 1229 GCH CH Blackthorn Hailstorm R Vali 1155 GCH CH Tampa Bay & Snobo Gusty Seas Batten Down E Elliott/L Hess/A Allen 953 GCH CH Epoch’s Moccasin Joe C Skiba 862 GCH CH Tabatha’s Sunfest Decker L Parschauer/K Parschauer/C Heidl/N Nivera 833 GCH CH Paradocs Obsidian K Helmers/J Helmers/J Romeo 815 GCH CH Paradocs Delians Scrubbing In D Vansant/P Van Sant 673 GCH CH Barra’s Saturday Knight Special CGC L Halterman 597 GCH CH Everso’s Elephants & Flowers JH S Perrine/J Acker (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)

Pointers 472 GCH CH Hipoint Here Comes The Sun L Cayton/F Depaulo 395 GCH CH Bookstor Willy Wonka K Spey/H Spey/D Chan/S Morawiec 229 GCH CH Solivia’s Kalahari Of Marsuz C Green/S Thompson/D Brown/K Brown 212 GCH CH Penpoint In Dress Blues L Stagg/S Ward/J Medlin 162 GCH CH Solivia’s Decadence Of Beagood L Goodman/A Nash/K Brown/S Thompson 124 GCH CH Creeksyde’s Heartbreaker G Griffin/J Walton/K Rath 118 GCH CH Black Alder Dashiell Hammett P Wessberg/P Kroll 113 GCH CH Oncore Mykyna Run To Daylight P Haines/T Haines/P Davis/E Dziuk 104 GCH CH Chesterhope My Boys Girl P Kroll 102 GCH CH Edgehill’s In Hot Pursuit J Bulger/E Collins/J Johnston (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M)

Retrievers (Curly-Coated) 163 GCH CH Riverwatch Grand Illusion M Meek/G Meek 43 GCH CH Amberlea’s Faultline Rattle CD BN RA CGCA W Reed 32 CH Kurly Kreek Kid Curry M Shifflett/S Shifflett 32 GCH CH Kyraco Kyrabean Pirate CA CGC M Morel 26 CH Softmaple’s Sexy And I Know It BN RN CA CGC C Lewandowski/E Raczka 25 GCH CH Sun Devil Bohemian Rhapsody Ordered By The L Rush 23 GCH CH Podunk’s Better Days Ahead CDX MH MHU A Shull 22 CH Brio’s Grand Master Flash At Darkside S Davis 22 GCH CH Riverwatch Crescent City Postmark BN RN M Kime/G Meek/M Meek 19 CH Gorchest Chief Of Staff N Biglin/D Evans (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)

Retrievers (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) 397 GCH CH Water’s Edge Mr Majestyk BN RN D Rode 320 GCH CH Javahill Surf2 An 8 Second Ride BN RN K Schultze/L Fitzmaurice/A Pasko 239 GCH CH Lennoxlove Susqudilla’s Mini Cooper CD RN WC R Haskin/M Waterstreet/J Hamilton 164 GCH CH Star Crowned Javahill 2sexy4my Genes RN L Fitzmaurice/K Webb/V Anderson/L Smith 144 GCH CH Roaneden’s Int’L Harvester R Jones/C Jones 135 GCH CH Leyline’s King Of The Gods CGCA R Titerence/L Titerence/F Kaplan 95 GCH CH Tollerpride Gathering Storm RN J Gordon/H Gordon/R Fearon 90 GCH CH Foxvale Avatar Best Of Times N Mages/D Gibbs/S Einck-Paul 90 GCH CH Aqueus Walks On Water OA OAJ AXP AJP OF W Johansen/D Bannasch 64 GCH CH Pikkinokka’s Lightning Bug CGCA S Einck-Paul/N Mages (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Pointers (German Shorthaired) 1382 GCH CH Kan-Point’s Makin’ The Chase R Stanley/R Stanley/L Coonrod 1295 GCH CH Robin Crest Edelmarke Investigator T Feneis/T Depietro/C Trost 1162 GCH CH Ehrenvogel Achy Breaky Heart C Swensson/M Lara 374 GCH CH Vjk-Myst Garbonita’s California Journey V Atkinson/A Manning/Y Hassler-Deterding 302 GCH CH Stelor’s Royalty Remembered D Stelmach 299 GCH CH Tempos Honorable Ashley Wilkes K Cronyn 277 GCH CH Markann-N-Kk’s It Is All About Me C Matula/L Matula/K Kohlmeyer/K Jeglum/J Hasart 250 GCH CH Parador High Road J Atkinson 212 GCH CH Kempfers Follow Me JH K Fulk 209 GCH CH Crk On The Double M Farone/W Farone (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M)

Retrievers (Flat-Coated) 1198 GCH CH Windy Hill Dance To The Music JH R Rickert/S Rickert/L Selof/M Bettis 315 GCH CH Windsor’s Chairman Of The Board C Ryberg/D Edwards/R Kulp/C Elder 311 GCH CH Flyway Farms Boom Boom Pow MH A Latta 241 GCH CH Shasta’s Western Samurai L Dunn/D Kerschner 203 GCH CH Windy Hill God Of Fire RN JH CGC K Johnson/C Johnson/R Rickert/S Rickert 150 GCH CH Blazin’s Joie De Vivre CDX JH D Bierer/S Bierer 143 GCH CH Shannara’s Boston Legal W Heikes/M Burrows/T Spires 135 GCH CH Beachcliff Eye Of The Storm D Edwards/A Lloyd/M Rendich 135 GCH CH Bertschire Pyromania K Goulding/A Holsinger 133 GCH CH Gamekeepers Prince Charming RN JH M White/M White (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Setters (English) 1466 GCH CH Stargaze’R ‘N Wingfield Wait Wait Don’T Tell D Coller/P Coller/E Hackett 967 GCH CH Sagebrush’s Simply Irresistible J Harris 628 GCH CH Weymouths En Fuego P Disiena/G Godley/S Nordstrom 429 GCH CH Linwood Resolute’s New Beginning RN CGC R Lloyd/W Lloyd 218 GCH CH Gold Rush Party Attire CA L Nielsen/N Michelsen/D Michelsen 214 GCH CH Sleepy Hollow’s Scarlett O Hara J Mowery/L Mowery 189 GCH CH Blu’Star’s Bedrock Boss RA B Silbernagel/J Flaherty (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)

Pointers (German Wirehaired) 293 GCH CH Scotian Too Much Information @Avanti L Reeves/L Puppo 154 GCH CH Neudorf’s Cool Hand Luke Afterhours F Newwirth/C Whitmore 153 GCH CH Harvest Meadow’s Money To Burn J Bish/M Bish 147 GCH CH Harvest Meadow’s Truth Be Told L Minnick/A Resnick 97 GCH CH Reece Afterhours The Buck Stops Here RN JH M Johnson/A Johnson (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)


The Dog News THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL • 128

180 GCH CH Prairie Crest’s Infrared L Neff 179 GCH CH Stardom Country Squire Livin’ In The Limelight D Jordan/S Jordan/D Jauron 166 GCH CH Indian Bend Kelyric Heart And Soul S Mccue/J Mccue/M Mccue

(M) (M) (F)

Setters (Gordon) 520 GCH CH Sastya’s Eleven Eleven W Leonard/M Leonard 493 GCH CH Saranac Toblerone E Fisher/W Fisher 492 GCH CH Sandpiper’s Castles In The Air D Grant/P Reilly 265 GCH CH Amberlove’s Are We A Pair? JH C Kushell 236 GCH CH Mcq Time To Crank It Up C Cazier/D Cazier/R Quaco 173 GCH CH Hollyhunt Take A Chance On Me M Hunsinger/C Hunsinger/K Mccartney 170 GCH CH Fair Isle Black Tie CD JH C Obrien/K Mccartney 157 GCH CH Raggededge Joyride To Kericreek K Chard-Savage/J Hafer/S Sealock 146 GCH CH Sandpiper’s Shore Why Knot! P Reilly/D Grant 103 GCH CH Blazen Spellbound’s Wonder Woman C Gold (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (F)

11 GCH CH Beavercreek’s Chance Of A Life Time RATN L Thorsness/H Pemble 9 Little Brownies Amazing Gracie JH P Morrison/L Morrison/P Owens/C Owens 8 CH Kei-Rin’s Wile E. Coyote P Kozak/K Kozak 8 GCH CH Kei-Rin’s American Honey P Kozak/K Kozak 6 Little Brownies Peanut M And M JH P Morrison/L Morrison 5 Coastal Magic Thunderbolt And Lightning L Tufts

(M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M)

Spaniels (Cocker) Black 800 GCH CH Ashdown’s Time To Thrill G White Jones/B Van Deman/C Douglas 386 GCH CH Mario N Beechwood’s Midnight Express CGC F Charest/C Charest/M Ragusa/P Ragusa 176 GCH CH Casablanca’s Thrilling Seduction L Moore/B Van Deman/C Douglas/M Walker 172 GCH CH Mar-K’s Black Diamond R Paz/D Paz/M Ragusa/M Ness 171 GCH CH Quasar - Midnight’s On The Money K Flanders 157 GCH CH Toybox Double Dutch L Kerr/L Bennett 126 GCH CH Mardi Gras Black Tie Affair R Logrie 115 GCH CH Glen Royal’s Knight To Remember J Horton/K Horton 106 GCH CH K-J’s Shadow Of A Hope J Pruitt/K Pruitt 100 GCH CH Quasar’s Great Expectations M Belanger (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)

Spaniels (Boykin) 78 GCH CH Larley’s Nothing But the Truth P Stevens Knudsen/J Sexton 68 GCH CH Texas Trace Yellow Rose BN RN CGC M Machala/G Hurley 48 GCH CH Fall Creek’s Justymyluckyraydar T Macdonald 47 GCH CH Pocotaligo’s Nama Karoo MH JHR C Gebhard/K Parkman 46 GCH CH Top Gun Keeping Faith SH J De Angelo 41 GCH CH Top Gun Lone Wolf R Baebler/J De Angelo 39 GCH CH Texas Trace Vega G Copeland/M Copeland 28 GCH CH Texas Trace Hunter G Copeland/M Copeland 11 GCH CH Hollow Creek’s Texas Trace G Hurley/P Watts 7 CH Dovewood’s For Greater Glory Andy R Thompson (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)

Spaniels (Cocker) Parti 568 GCH CH Jems Going For The Knockout J Stamm/B Buell/R Buell 566 GCH CH Monthaven’s The Birdcage J Montanelli 220 GCH CH Sherwood & Lomapoint Captain Crunch J Bjelland/K Olsen 175 GCH CH Tri-Pod N Flair-Rill In The Fast Lane K Tukua/D Podratz 124 GCH CH My-Ida-Ho N Jems Captain E Ross/S Gerling 110 GCH CH Lynn D’s Turn’N To The Dark Side D Swier/J Mcnelly 91 GCH CH Pbj’s Sure As Shootin S Dobmeier/M Pruitt 85 GCH CH Miss January Zoe P Reed 81 GCH CH Kamps’-Normandy’s Calling Card R Beinhauer/H Kamps 81 GCH CH Chris-Di’s Classic Flame L Berger/D Shanks (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F)

Setters (Irish Red and White) 249 GCH CH Mizen Duchas Dilis JH J Baumgartner 96 GCH CH Aramis Farms High Road To Killary D Peterson/J Zawikowski 59 GCH CH Laurel Oak Santana Heart Of Red Rocks JH CGC A Lonardi/S Lonardi 51 GCH CH Truly Gotta Have Faith JH W Bockman/L Bockman/R Bockman 47 GCH CH Mountain Star Donegal JH H Hazen/B Hazen 39 GCH CH Pata Conrad Curage JH W Bockman/E Bockman 28 GCH CH Mountain Star Danny Boy H Hazen/B Hazen/J Smith/E Heffernan 22 CH Connemara Morning Sea Star P Thompson 21 GCH CH MACH5 Affinity Day Tripper RN MXB3 MJC2 P Wallace-Jones/T Tennison 19 GCH CH Truly Everybody’s Talking W Bockman/E Bockman/M Mcgroaty (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F)

Spaniels (Clumber) 228 GCH CH Clussexx Over The Legal Limit J Sanchez/C Sanchez 207 GCH CH Nexus Total Eclipse S Miller/C Miller/J Fankhauser/B Freeman 128 GCH CH Clumon Ragin Cajun At Breakaway J Scott/D Starr/R Moss 126 GCH CH Chiffon Abbey Road D Wahman/G Wahman 86 GCH CH Jazzin Tell Tail Heart L Scarborough/C Jaynes 82 GCH CH Nexus Roundhay Cmdr Adam Dalgliesh B Hoyle/K Hoyle 68 GCH CH Clussexx King Of The Mountain B Bjerkestrand/D Bjerkestrand/J Haverick 68 CH Shoguns Coded In Cobol H Marshall/M Miserak/C Mccarthy 54 GCH CH Nexus Locksley Point Of No Return K Hamaker/J Fankhauser/M Van Dyke 49 GCH CH Whitehawk Nonsuch Wessex C L Sidorovich/V Simmonds (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Spaniels (English Cocker) 661 GCH CH Foxwoods Dublin Diva K Lyons/D Mauterer 393 GCH CH Dawnglow Knight Rider E Neff/S Laflamme/B Hendrick 376 GCH CH Fieldstone Carousel Hell’s Kitchen K Florentine/C Kirby 263 GCH CH Jolyn N Indigo’s Rions Flag E Matuk/L Dobbins/C Bono/C Schlecht 257 GCH CH Sweet Apple Temptation N Sweet 243 GCH CH Indigo’s Quintessential Solution L Dobbins/C Bono/M Dobbins 183 GCH CH Winfree’s Imprint On Barkshire C Schinker/L Schinker 178 GCH CH Foxwoods Rock Of Cashel D Mauterer/K Lyons 143 GCH CH Ebonwood Medicine Hat P Janzen/J Kaul/G Joseph 138 GCH CH Blackstone Very Vassar E Courtney/A Howland/E Threlfall/J Torres (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F)

Setters (Irish) 1772 GCH CH Militza’s My Cherie Amour T Mcneal/R Mcneal/K Wall/J Fisher 984 GCH CH Jadestar Ride ‘Em Cowboy S Crocker/K Crocker 684 GCH CH Stoneypoint’s Time To Reign J Mcclure/D Demorest/J Arch/R Arch 528 GCH CH Evergreen Good Intentions M Merlo 467 GCH CH Tramore Notorious S Hassler/L Hassler/G Swanson 439 GCH CH Darnelle’s Pennies From Heaven M Higby/S Schafer 434 GCH CH Chamberlaynes Mutiny O’Captiva C Cooper 398 GCH CH Jadestar Rifleman C Brewer/J Smith 243 GCH CH Courtwood Whirly Girl M Annandale 231 GCH CH Jadestar Remington Special J Sullivan (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M)

Spaniels (Cocker) ASCOB 536 GCH CH Trinity’s Tucked Under His Wing S Gray/S Dobmeier 242 GCH CH Aspire’s Semper Forte M Wilson/D Wilson 176 GCH CH Be-Fit’s N Arikara Too Hot To Touch C Thompson/P Nazarko/D Christian 161 GCH CH Mardi Gras La Dolce Vita R Logrie 141 GCH CH Blondheim’s Easy Matters S Blondheim/B Blondheim 107 GCH CH Twin Pines And Cliffside’s Pretty Naughty L Evans 106 GCH CH Raelyn In Pursuit Of Perfection L Davis/R Davis 106 GCH CH Bib ‘N’ Tux Runvs B Warren 81 GCH CH Silverhall Strike Force R Beinhauer/C Cohn 81 GCH CH Cocoas Moonshine K Vino (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F)

Spaniels (English Springer) 1388 GCH CH Cerise Celtic Thunder Y Nobechi 1288 GCH CH Foxboro N Shardust Authentic S Perreira/S Still/R Dehmel/E Charles 1239 GCH CH Telltale American Ride C Florence/D Strong/B Fink/R Novack/D Van Vorst/C Van 1031 GCH CH Legacy Random Titleist R Mockoviak/S Mockoviak/K Fitzgerald 704 GCH CH Hil-N-Don & Canyonwood Seemore Of Me S Pelissero/J Crouch 496 GCH CH Crossroad Jockeyhill On The Green NAJ AXP L Green/D Green/B Custer/M Osbun/E Jesseman/M Bockhorn 406 GCH CH Wynmoor Sweetgrass White Diamonds E Kerfoot/B Kerfoot/A Smith CONTINUED ON PAGE CONTINUED PAGE 200 198

(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)

Spaniels (American Water) 53 GCH CH Carolina’s Running With The Hare BN RN SH L Mccracken 36 GCH CH Waterway Pistol Packin’ Dixie Pixie JH J Rose/S Rose/L Hattrem 22 CH Beavercreek’s Storm Warning L Thorsness/L Mcgrath/H Pemble 19 CH Beavercreek’s Take ‘Em By Storm L Thorsness/L Mcgrath/H Pemble/G Mckim (M) (F) (M) (M)

Top Ten List THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL • 129



year on Friday many more specialties were held and two Open Shows for the Miscellaneous and F.S.S. Breeds. I judged an Open Show Friday morning and was so pleased to see a lot of depth of quality in some of the Miscellaneous breeds. I can see that some of these breeds will be very competitive when they are fully recognized. It was difˇcult in judging the F.S.S. breeds in that most of

the breeds were so unfamiliar to me. An example was the Swedish/Danish Farm dogs. I had never seen one before and all six looked totally different. In the next few years quite a few breeds will be fully recognized, but they were not shown hardly ever in the miscellaneous classes. The Veterans Class was featured for the ˇrst time this year. I have to admit when it was ˇrst announced I just thought another competition added to two very

long days. Before the show I became more enthused when I heard some great Veterans were coming out of retirement for the show. One of the few specialties I did get to see the end of was the Brussels Griffons. Ch. Cashins Walk The Line became the breed winner. On Sunday the legendary Smooth Fox, Ch Jcobe Kemosabe Vigilante Justice, ìDodgerî, won a highly competitive breed. Just a few years ago in 2010 he was number one dog all-breeds in America and in 2011 number one in Brazil. On Saturday afternoon when the Veteran Toy, which was the ˇrst of the Veterans groups, entered the ring I could not get over the depth of quality. Immediately I saw Rita Holloway had a very challenging assignment. Some extremely top quality dogs were not able to be placed. Here again, the Brussels Griffon became the victor. So often when top dogs are retired people forget about them and they are used less frequently at stud. Out of sight, out of mind, as they say. I think bringing these Veterans back out reminds breeders what they have to offer and they reincorporate them into breeding programs. There is something to be said for dogs that last so greatly into their senior years. Several people commented that they thought ìDodgerî looked better than when he was being campaigned. Also many top dogs are retired when they are just coming into their prime. Hopefully several years from now we will enjoy seeing the likes of ìMatisseî or ìSwaggerî in the Veterans circle. There are many who feel that having shows are too much, but it does give one a chance to see more of the different breeds being judged. I never got to see as many breeds as I would have liked to. I just wish the all-breed shows can come up with a method that will enable the shows to ˇnish much earlier. On Tuesday it was 8:30 PM by the time BIS was awarded. This starts the long six days off by putting people in a tiring mood. Even for spectators this meant not arriving at any restaurant before 9 PM. Hopefully the clubs will address this issue, but it was also the same when the shows were even much smaller in Long Beach. Most handlers and many exhibitors are up by 5 AM so this makes for a 15 ½ hour day before even thinking about dinner. The Miscellaneous class had 95 dogs competing under judge David A. Ojalvo of Argentina. David had to replace Dinky Santos, who had originally been assigned. When the World Challenge moved to the same day in Amsterdam, Dinky had to be present at the World CONTINUED ON PAGE 131


Challenge. David was an excellent choice, having judged these breeds in foreign lands. The entry was surprisingly good in several of the breeds. Berger Picards ñ 14, Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen -11, Miniature American Shepherds ñ 25, Peruvian Inca Orchid ñ 8 and Pumi ñ 9. These numbers give one a chance to see an idea of what the breed should look like. There were 124 Juniors competing this year. In order to compete each junior has to have had great success in the ring and also has to have academic achievement. The winning handler now gets to represent the US at Crufts along with all the top Juniors of so many different countries. Although the winning handler was awarded a $2,000 scholarship they do not receive any ˇnances to help cover the cost of the trip, which will run several thousands of dollars. I imagine that many other countries help with the ˇnancial needs for the Juniors to represent their countries. I am surprised that the AKC/ Eukanuba has not come up with a way to help ˇnance the cost for the winner. I am happy to report that some of the show will later be seen on TV. The time and date has not been conˇrmed yet. This is a major breakthrough to have it seen again by the American public. We only have today two shows that the public can watch on TV.: The Philadelphia National Championship, which is seen on NBC right after the Macyís Thanksgiving Day Parade - a perfect time slot in that millions and millions of young people see our sport; the other show is Westminster ,which is aired live. We probably do not realize just how many people came into the sport by seeing a dog show on TV. This might be a large reason we are seeing fewer and fewer new people coming into the sport. We have fewer inner city shows being held any longer. Detroit, Philadelphia, Eastern and others can no longer afford to hold shows in the major cities of the US. Also the gate is down quite dramatically at nearly all shows. This coming year, the Santa Barbara Kennel Club is not going to charge a gate. Although Santa Barbara is one of the most afˇuent areas of the US, the feeling is people are always attracted to something for free. Hopefully it will attract more people to come see the show, which is held in such a beautiful setting and will show the public what a genteel family sport showing dogs can be. Hopefully more people attending the show will also increase the sales of the vendors. The entry year by year has continued to grow and this is in a time when most of our larger shows have dropped in entries. In 2003, the Best Bred By competition was initiated. This turned the show

into a showcase for the American breeders. It has been a major factor in drawing the large entries that have made the show what it is today. Roger Hartinger had the honor this year of judging the Best Bred By in show. Roger and his wife Paula started in the sport as breeders of Standard Schnauzers before becoming handlers. This year the Bouvier, Ch. Quicheís Luck Be A Lady, bred by Elaine & Louise Paquette became Best Bred By in Show. This Canadian kennel has produced so many big winning Bouviers for as long as I can remember. In 2008 this kennel won the Herding Bred By with Ch. Quicheís Demetrius, which did such big winning on both sides of the border. Each year seven outstanding breeders are honored representing each group. These seven represent hundreds of years of breeding and have been the backbone of the sport. This year Gwen THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL • 131

DeMilta and daughter, Carissa DeMilta Shimpeno, of Alisaton Dobermans were named Breeder of the Year, 2014. Seeing both Gwen and Carissa week after week handling many top dogs, it sometimes overshadows our vision of the great breeders that they are. Ron Menaker had the honor of judging BIS this year. How ˇtting since it was Ron that made this show a reality and developed it and was Show Chair for so many of those years. Ron also has been show chair for Westminster and Tuxedo Park Kennel Clubs. The AKC beneˇted greatly from his years as Chairman of the Board. Combining a great business sense with a great understanding of the sport, his leadership has greatly enhanced the sport in so many areas. The lineup for BIS was certainly a very challenging assignment when looking at the records of the seven different dogs competing. The Field Spaniel, Portuguese Water Dog, Skye Terrier and Old English Sheepdog are all the top winning dogs of their breeds in history. The Portie, OES and Skye were the number one, two and three dogs in America for 2014. The Bloodhound was number one hound. Just up until October 31st, the seven group winners had accounted for 268 BISís and 107 Reserve Bests. The Standard Poodle, Ch. Afterglow Maverick Sabre, which now resides in Peru, won the entire World Challenge in 2013 and BIS at Crufts in 2014. Just getting out of the breed this dog had to reign over the Non Sporting dog and the winner of PCA and Westminster. I am sure Ron would agree this had to be one of the most, if not the most, challenging assignments ever. I am not sure anyone can see that any of these dogs is better than the others. It really comes down to the performance on the evening and personal priorities. One mistake on the part of the dog or handler can eliminate the entry from gaining the top spot or even reserve. All seven dogs and handlers were at the top of their form making the decision even harder. The Skye Terrier, Ch. Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie, needed to put on a stellar performance. ìCharlieî is an extremely great representative of the breed, but he has to be the most consistent show dog that the breed has ever seen. Having been interested in the breed for 50 years, he is the most consistent in the show ring I have ever seen. Earlier in the week, I mentioned to Larry, his handler, how great CharCONTINUED ON PAGE 132


lie was showing and he replied that he liked the carpeting. Twice last spring, I had awarded him BIS and on those days it was on lumpy grass footing and he still performed greatly. One has to realize that Skye Terriers are not generally show machines like most Terriers are. Being a long, low breed if they are not totally on, it can cause their topline to sag a bit even when standing still. Larry Cornelius has to be congratulated on keeping Charlie showing better than any Skye in over 50 years. Charlie just recently broke the record set by Ch. Cragsmoor Buddy Goodman. ìBuddyî had just two years ago broken the record held by Ch. Jacinthe de Ricelaine and her record was set in the mid sixties. This unforgettable bitch produced ìSusie,î Ch. Glamoor Good News, which went BIS at Westminster in 1969. This was the year of the terrible blizzard and Walter Goodman had to carry ìSusieî to the Garden since no cars were moving in New York City. This victory at AKC/ Eukanuba came much easier for Larry than it did Walter. I remember when Matt and Gene got their ˇrst Skye from Walter. I am conˇdent even they never dreamed they would build an empire of the breed. Many people believed nobody could do what Walter accomplished with this rare breed. Walter won 99 BIS and Matt and Gene are just

a few shy of this record. How ˇtting it was that they were the AKC Terrier Breeders of the Year. Walter would be so proud that his legendary breeding is being continued that his mother, Adele, started in 1935. So now 80 years later, the breeding line continues. Victor Malzoni, Jr. has to be credited with being a sponsor of both Charlie and Buddy. Without his support these campaigns would not have been possible. It is interesting to note that three of the placements in the Terrier group were dogs co-owned or owned by Victor. He also co-owns the Smooth, Dodger, who was third and had just won Best Veteran in Show. Fourth went to his Cairn, Ch. Hjohooís Save Hjour Love for Me. This Cairn bitch, ìLexiî, has built a great record considering she had to take a back seat in 2013 to her kennel mate ìSkyî the legendary Wire Fox, also co-owned by Victor. Karen Wilson, who judged the group, comes from Cairns so she must have been pleased to place a Cairn. Several other good breeders of Skye Terriers also started in the breed from Glamoor stock. Reserve Best went to the Portie, ìMatisseî. Words cannot express the achievements of this great machine of a dog, including Best at this show last year. This dog has given so much pleasure for two years to the entire sport. Just several days before Eukanuba, I was judging and in the ˇnal lineup as I turned to walk up to examine Matisse, he had struck a pose. I stood a little longer and even walked up to him a bit slower than normal. I only wished I could have pulled out my phone and taken a picture. I am sure the Field Rep would have come running into the ring asking if I had lost my mind. Michael Scott, his handler, and his breeders and owners have to be con-

gratulated and thanked for the great pleasure Matisse has given the sport. How wonderful it is that Matisse has already made his mark as a great sire. His puppies clearly dominated the National this past year. I have a hard time realizing that several of the handlers in the BIS lineup have become our senior handlers. I am referring to Michael Scott, Larry Cornelius and Luke Ehricht. I have known all these handlers since they were teenagers just starting out in the sport. Now they are all considered old timers in the handling ranks. The other three handlers, Elizabeth Nelson, daughter of Laurie and Larry Fenner, Heather Helmer and Colton Johnson, even though so young to the ranks, have become our leading handlers today. Colton and Heather are also the co-breeders of the dogs they won the group with. It is so rewarding that some of the younger handlers have become top breeders as well. Luke also is the breeder of the Shih Tzu. By the time this is being read, the panel for 2015 will have been announced. This show continues to grow year after year and I am conˇdent 2015 will be bigger and better than ever. There will be some changes next year that will make it more enjoyable for all. It is the only large show in the States where the entry continues to grow. Most of our largest shows have seen a decline in entries. Even the magniˇcent Palm Springs show saw about a 10% decline this year. Hopefully some of our larger shows can continue to hold the large numbers. This year the AKC/Eukanuba saw 806 competing in the Owner Handler Series ˇnal. This was way up from last year. Most people never realize just how much detail goes into organizing a show of this magnitude. First and foremost, Eukanuba has to be thanked for their generous sponsorship. Vickie Seiler and Jason Taylor work on this project day in and day out to bring it all together. Each year Michael Canalizo keeps the show improving with new innovations. The AKC and Eukanuba work closely with the all breed clubs preceding the show. The unsung hero is Paula Spector. To many of us she is known as Saint Paula. Nobody can comprehend the hours of coordination she puts into organizing the Delegates Meeting and booking all the hotel rooms for hundreds and hundreds of people. Just alone dealing with several different hotels is not easy task. I hope everyone will mark their calendars for the AENC next year, which will be held December 12th and 13th, 2015. CONTINUED ON PAGE 143








BEST IN SHOW: GCH CH Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie, a Skye Terrier known as ìCharlie,î owned by Victor Malzoni Jr. and Cragsmoor Kennels, Reg. of Oyster Bay, New York. RESERVE BEST IN SHOW: GCH CH Claircreek Impression De Matisse, a Portuguese Water Dog known as ìMatisse,î owned by Milan Lint, Peggy Helming and Donna Gottdenker of Doylestown, Pennsylvania. BEST BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR IN SHOW: GCH CH Flessner's International S'Cess, a Bloodhound known as ìNathanî was awarded Best Bred-By-Exhibitor in Show, edging out more than 1,000 dogs representing 25 percent of the total competitors entered in the National Championship. GROUP WINNERS: SPORTING: GCH CH Promenade Pay It Forward, a Field Spaniel known as ìGideon,î owned by Jane Chopson, Jane Schildman and Nicki Kuhn of Port Costa, California. HOUND: GCH CH Flessner's International S'Cess, a Bloodhound known as ìNathan,î owned by Susan Carter, Shirley Van Camp and Heather Helmer of Saginaw, Michigan. WORKING: GCH CH Claircreek Impression De Matisse, a Portuguese Water Dog known as ìMatisse,î owned by Milan Lint, Peggy Helming and Donna Gottdenker of Doylestown, Pennsylvania. TERRIER: GCH CH Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie, a Skye Terrier known as ìCharlie,î owned by Victor Malzoni Jr. and Cragsmoor Kennels, Reg. of Oyster Bay, New York. TOY: GCH CH Hallmark Jolei Rocket Power, a Shih Tzu known as ìRocket,î owned by Patricia Hearst Shaw and Luke and Diane Ehricht of Monclova, Ohio. NON-SPORTING: CH Afterglow Maverick Sabre, a Standard Poodle known as ìRicky,î owned by Ilaria Biondi de Ciabatti of Lima, Peru. HERDING: GCH CH Bugaboo's Picture Perfect, an Old English Sheepdog known as ìSwagger,î owned by Ron Scott, Debbie Burke and Colton and Heather Johnson of Dilsburg, Pennsylvania. BEST VETERAN IN SHOW GCH CH J'Cobe Kemosabe Vigilante Justice JE, a Smooth Fox Terrier known as ìDodgerî owned by Victor Malzoni Jr. and Phil and Amy Booth of Fowlerville, Michigan was awarded the ˇrst Best Veteran in Show award at the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship. AKC NATIONAL OWNER-HANDLED SERIES FINALS BEST IN SHOW GCH CH Divine's Tropical Breeze, a Maltese known as ìKiwiî owned by Sandy Bingham-Porter of Charleston, Illinois won the AKC National Owner-Handled Series (NOHS) Finals Best in Show, prevailing over an invitation-only entry of 610 dogs representing 171 breeds. BEST IN MISCELLANEOUS GROUP Abington's Da Vinci CM10, a Miniature American Shepherd known as ìLeoî owned by Patti Cutler of Tucson, Arizona.

JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP In the Junior Showmanship competition, for handlers from between 9 to 18 years of age, Lauren Hull with her Irish Setter Redridge Kent Irish Fire was awarded the coveted title of Best Junior Handler, along with a $2,000 scholarship. AKC OBEDIENCE CLASSIC Four obedience dogs and their owners ñ one dog/handler team in each of the four classes ñ were crowned at the AKC Obedience Classic, which brought together 202 dogs from across the country and beyond. PLACING FIRST IN THEIR CLASS (NOVICE, OPEN, UTILITY AND MASTERS RESPECTIVELY) WERE: NOVICE: Starhaven's Laser Beam CD RA CA, a Shetland Sheepdog owned by Laura Romanik of Belleville, Michigan. OPEN: GCH CH Holther's Racin' Bye Ewe CDX BN RAE PT OA OAJ, a Border Collie owned by Lara Avery of Somers, Connecticut. UTILITY: Goldstar Micah UD, a Golden Retriever owned by Judy Rasmuson and Connie Cleveland of Madison, Florida. MASTERS: OTCH Sunsplash No Free Time UDX25 OGM RE OA OAJ NAP NJP, a Golden Retriever owned by Helen Smith of Newalla, Oklahoma. AKC JUNIORS OBEDIENCE/RALLY CLASSIC Juniors who participated in the AKC Juniors Classic competed in Obedience and/or AKC RallyÆ. In Obedience, Juniors competed in two divisions (Obedience Junior Titled (OJT) ñ where the Junior earned all the titles on the dog that met the requirements and Obedience Junior Handler (OJH) ñ where the Junior may handle any dog that met the requirements) and two age groups (Level I: 13 and under; and Level II: 14-18 as of October 30, 2013). The Juniors competed in the Beginner Novice, Novice and Open classes twice, based on their AKC obedience accomplishments. PLACING FIRST IN THEIR DIVISIONS WERE: Obedience Junior Titled (OJT) Level I (ages 13 and under) LEVEL I BEGINNER NOVICE: Nathaniel Stark, BluValley Candy Crush, Shetland Sheepdog LEVEL I NOVICE: Krista Baker, Maximus Tank BN, Poodle LEVEL I OPEN: Abigail Stark, Drumlinís Fujo Made For Pictures CD BN RN, Shetland Sheepdog OBEDIENCE JUNIOR TITLED (OJT) LEVEL II (AGES 14-18) LEVEL II BEGINNER NOVICE: Brittaney Allen, Allenís Ollie RN CGC, All-American Dog LEVEL II NOVICE: Sarah Saddoris, Topbrass The Greatest Show On Earth CD, Golden Retriever LEVEL II OPEN: Breanna Durham, Nike D The Perfect Fit For Me CD, Australian Shepherd OBEDIENCE JUNIOR HANDLER (OJH) Level I (ages 13 and under) LEVEL I BEGINNER NOVICE: Avery Adams, Smokingold Vibrant Spark AX OAJ, Golden Retriever LEVEL I OPEN: David Frasca, Zonkers Letís Party the Night Away CDX RAE AX AXJNAP NJP NF, Golden Retriever OBEDIENCE JUNIOR HANDLER (OJH) Level II (ages 14-18) LEVEL II BEGINNER NOVICE: Kaitlyn Scripko, Katwalkís Donít Blink RN OA OAJ NF, Border Collie LEVEL II NOVICE: Hope Peavey, Charlie, Australian Shepherd LEVEL II OPEN: Palmer Cross, Kuventre Life From the Ashers Phoenix CDX GN, Golden Retriever In AKC RallyÆ, Juniors competed in Rally Novice, Rally Advanced or Rally Excellent, based on the dogís class eligibility (qualifying scores and/or titles earned). CONTINUED ON PAGE 150

Reserve Best In Show

NOHS Best In Show

Classic Masters Winner

Best Veteran


the top ten dogs CONTINUED FROM PAGE 125

Final 2014 Year -End Stats BASED ON ALL-BREED COMPETITION GCH CH Blackstoneís Midnight Magic R Lesnau/M Lesnau 9 GCH CH Foxwoods Rock Of Cashel D Mauterer/K Lyons 10 GCH CH Foxwoods Midnight Romance N Pearson/D Mauterer/K Lyons 8 (M) (M) (M) B. I. S. RBIS GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 TOTAL

Spaniels (Clumber) GCH CH Clussexx Over The Legal Limit J Sanchez/C Sanchez GCH CH Nexus Total Eclipse S Miller/C Miller/J Fankhauser/B Freeman 3 GCH CH Chiffon Abbey Road D Wahman/G Wahman 4 GCH CH Breakawayís Stevedoreîî D Fitzpatrick/P Holman/M Cole 5 GCH CH Jazzin Tell Tail Heart L Scarborough/C Jaynes 6 GCH CH Nexus Roundhay Cmdr Adam Dalgliesh B Hoyle/K Hoyle 7 GCH CH Nexus Locksley Point Of No Return K Hamaker/J Fankhauser/M Van Dyke 8 CH Shoguns Coded In Cobol H Marshall/M Miserak/C Mccarthy 9 GCH CH Cajunís A Change Is Gonna Come P Holman/M Cole/R Froman 10 CH Clussexx Atlas Primordial Titan W Mellon/S Macquiddy 2 1 (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)







0 0 0

0 0 0

0 2 2 GP1

0 1 5 GP2

2 1 2 GP3

6 2 2 GP4

936 887 846 TOTAL

3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

27 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 GP1

19 6 5 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 GP2

19 5 5 5 1 0 0 0 2 1 GP3

18 11 8 6 3 2 2 2 3 1 GP4

15785 3443 2013 683 515 508 451 444 369 366 TOTAL

Spaniels (English Springer) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GCH CH Telltale American Ride C Florence/D Strong/B Fink/R Novack/D Van Vorst/C Van GCH CH Hil-N-Don & Canyonwood Seemore Of Me S Pelissero/J Crouch GCH CH Cerise Celtic Thunder Y Nobechi GCH CH Legacy Random Titleist R Mockoviak/S Mockoviak/K Fitzgerald GCH CH Foxboro N Shardust Authentic S Perreira/S Still/R Dehmel/E Charles GCH CH Crossroad Jockeyhill On The Green NAJ L Green/D Green/B Custer/M Osbun/E Jesseman/M Bockhorn GCH CH Cerise Sentinel D Cherry/K Kirk GCH CH Cerise Blindside D Cherry GCH CH Designers I Think IíM In A Dance Off (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)


15 6 6 2 2 0 0 0 0 0

22 4 4 5 4 1 0 0 0 0

96 37 31 27 18 5 6 3 1 2 GP1

24 35 26 20 23 4 5 4 2 4 GP2

10 15 17 12 22 2 1 4 9 3 GP3

5 11 6 7 13 9 2 2 7 2 GP4

37127 16753 16742 15874 15302 2185 2170 1656 1412 1349 TOTAL

Spaniels (Cocker) ASCOB GCH CH Trinityís Tucked Under His Wing S Gray/S Dobmeier GCH CH Blondheimís Easy Matters S Blondheim/B Blondheim 3 GCH CH Be-Fitís N Arikara Too Hot To Touch C Thompson/P Nazarko/D Christian 4 GCH CH Mardi Gras La Dolce Vita R Logrie 5 GCH CH Loch Lomond N Kaplarís DíArtagnan T Dowell/T Skinner/L Henson 6 GCH CH Bib ëNí Tux Runvs B Warren 7 GCH CH Jems May The Force Be With You J Stamm/D Rosenblum/S Rosenblum 8 GCH CH Showtime My Lady Jane D Harris/C Harris 9 CH Madmans Cometh Rock ëNí Roll Over C Havasi 10 GCH CH Rexbon Lets Get It Started B Buell/R De Santo 2 1 (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M)


0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 GP1

5 1 2 5 0 1 1 0 0 1 GP2

8 0 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 GP3

5 4 4 2 1 2 0 2 0 2 GP4

3395 2293 1097 789 313 270 239 193 148 140 TOTAL

10 GCH CH Wynmoor Sweetgrass White Diamonds E Kerfoot/B Kerfoot/A Smith

Spaniels (Field) GCH CH Promenade Pay It Forward J Chopson/J Schildman/N Kuhn GCH CH Sandscape Pardon Me Boys G Perry/C Dooley/N Bunch 3 GCH CH Wingsongís Living The Dream M Foley/C Mcgowan/N Foley 4 GCH CH Pemberleyís Night Prowler CD BN RN OA D Stover 5 GCH CH Killara Ticket To Ride At Greymorn CD BN C Dillberger/S Mcatee/J Dillberger/K Balinski 6 GCH CH Killaraís Grand Idea RA A Eley/K Balinski 7 GCH CH Nauticaís Drama Free At Alasana D Brewer/A Macbain/A Angoli 8 CH Wingsongís Wild Obsession C Mcgowan 9 GCH CH Uplandís Made You Look L Blaser/K Gasper 10 Lacinchaís Pride Of Dallas B Cox 2 1 (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M)


15 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

57 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 GP1

24 8 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 GP2

16 4 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 GP3

5 5 2 0 1 2 4 1 0 1 GP4

35323 5132 335 230 192 165 159 86 80 5 TOTAL

Spaniels (Cocker) Black GCH CH Ashdownís Time To Thrill G White Jones/B Van Deman/C Douglas 2 GCH CH Mario N Beechwoodís Midnight Express F Charest/C Charest/M Ragusa/P Ragusa 3 GCH CH Mar-Kís Black Diamond R Paz/D Paz/M Ragusa/M Ness 4 GCH CH Toybox Double Dutch L Kerr/L Bennett 5 GCH CH Bib ëNí Tux Diamonds Are Forever B Warren 6 GCH CH MyrdiníS-N-Cocoas Dancin In The Rain S Moskala/K Vino 7 GCH CH Mar-Kís Sunrise At Midnight J Hanlin/M Ragusa/M Ness 8 GCH CH Casablancaís Thrilling Seduction L Moore/B Van Deman/C Douglas/M Walker 9 GCH CH K-Jís Shadow Of A Hope J Pruitt/K Pruitt 10 GCH CH Glen Royalís Knight To Remember J Horton/K Horton 1 (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)


7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

63 4 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

29 5 3 4 2 0 1 1 0 0 GP2

14 3 3 4 3 0 1 0 0 1 GP3

3 2 11 3 3 5 1 0 7 0 GP4

27363 3447 2117 1567 719 572 439 428 421 249 TOTAL

Spaniels (Irish Water) 1 2 GCH CH Whistlestopís Riley On Fire T Urban/B Urban/G Siner GCH CH Cat N Pats Luck Of The Irish K Dassel (F) (M) B Kvarnlov/G Siner/D Patterson GCH CH Mallyree Here Comes The Son RN A Getchell/P Manus/P Getchell 5 GCH CH Arroyoís Begin The Beguine AX AXJ NF S Lewis/L Macdonald 6 GCH CH Whistle Stopís Wind On The Water M Cummings 7 GCH CH Navaroneís Back In Black RN CGC P Von Bacho/L Baglia 8 GCH CH Stanegate Itís Showtime JHU S Duncan 9 CH Whistle Stopís Bring It On J Sklar 10 CH Muddy Waters Ulsterman Cuchulainn J Landau 4 (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)


7 0

2 0

18 1

2 1

1 1

0 3

10094 1187

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

0 2 2 0 0 0 1 GP2

3 0 1 0 1 0 1 GP3

1 1 1 1 1 1 0 GP4

548 360 289 248 219 202 106 TOTAL

Spaniels (Cocker) Parti GCH CH Monthavenís The Birdcage J Montanelli GCH CH Jems Going For The Knockout J Stamm/B Buell/R Buell 3 GCH CH Sherwood & Lomapoint Captain Crunch J Bjelland/K Olsen 4 GCH CH Tri-Pod N Flair-Rill In The Fast Lane K Tukua/D Podratz 5 GCH CH My-Ida-Ho N Jems Captain E Ross/S Gerling 6 CH Lomapoint Dangerous Intentions T Pittman/L Tarantino 7 GCH CH Miss January Zoe P Reed 8 GCH CH Chris-Diís Classic Flame L Berger/D Shanks 9 CH Galaksi This Is Me M Kristensen 10 CH Bow-Kís Cold Play L Bowers 2 1 (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M)


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

14 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 GP1

10 1 2 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 GP2

12 5 0 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 GP3

14 4 4 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 GP4

5099 1595 672 516 486 197 146 141 131 114 TOTAL

Spaniels (Sussex) 1 GCH CH Kamand Tangled Up In Blue K Toner/A Toner J Hepper GCH CH Sundowners Orion Coast To Coast JH CGC J Clendenon/D Clendenon/C Cooper/A Cooper (M) 3 (M) L Peterson/S Folsom/B Folsom/S Adams GCH CH Terrelineís Little Tug Of Old North Wharf C Peterson/M Peterson 6 CH Maritime Time Bandit A Morris/K Booth 7 GCH CH Remediís Churchill Downs M Marsh 8 GCH CH Clussexx Howdy Doody Time J Haverick 9 GCH CH Remedi Maritime Criminalintent A Morris/K Booth 10 GCH CH Wild Cherry Remedi In My World E Heiple 5
















(M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M)

0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

0 1 0 0 0 1 GP2

2 0 0 1 0 1 GP3

2 1 4 1 1 0 GP4

487 421 415 259 225 158 TOTAL

Spaniels (English Cocker) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 GCH CH Foxwoods Dublin Diva K Lyons/D Mauterer GCH CH Fieldstone Carousel Hellís Kitchen K Florentine/C Kirby GCH CH Dawnglow Knight Rider GCH CH Blackstone Very Vassar E Courtney/A Howland/E Threlfall/J Torres GCH CH Sweet Apple Temptation N Sweet GCH CH Edgewood Devilish Design S Loritz/B Threlfall GCH CH Indigoís Quintessential Solution L Dobbins/C Bono/M Dobbins (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M)


1 1 0 0 0 0 0

2 1 0 1 0 2 0

13 14 1 1 0 2 0

17 12 4 2 0 1 1

10 14 4 3 1 0 2

9 10 1 2 9 0 3

9751 7996 1746 1384 1372 1278 1114

Spaniels (Welsh Springer) 1 2 3 GCH CH Trystyn Statesman Cactus Blue M Helms/P Gilson/S Doss/M Riese-Bassel/S Holmes GCH CH Royailes Willem Of Windsor R Burgess/S Burgess/N Carlton/G Carlton GCH CH Clussexx Rolyarts Payola OA AXJ S Marx (M) (M) (M)


1 0 0

1 0 2

20 1 4

19 6 1

14 6 2

10 7 1

6332 3434 2191


the top ten dogs B. I. S. RBIS GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 TOTAL

Final 2014 Year -End Stats BASED ON ALL-BREED COMPETITION 10 GCH CH Whiskeytown Xellent Emma CGC B Meadows (F) B. I. S. RBIS GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 TOTAL

4 5 6 7 8 9

GCH CH Clussexx Sticky Wicket K Gonzalez/J Haverick GCH CH Klassís Action Jackson T Faires/M Faires GCH CH Cole Creek PSF Sophisticated Lady S Sherwood/K Goodrich GCH CH Avalonís All Hallows Eve Perseus J Lowry GCH CH Trystynís Tag Heuer It BN RN J Keller GCH CH Rolyartís Tale-Gator C Ford/S Traylor S Merriken/A Legare

(M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F)

0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0 0

3 0 1 0 0 2

3 0 2 0 0 0

0 6 2 1 1 0

639 631 565 315 312 218



0 GP1

1 GP2

0 GP3

0 GP4


Wirehaired Vizslas 1 2 3 CH Zoldmali Cetli A Sagh CH Vizcayaís Wired For Sound CM JH L Ross/B Ross/N Edmunds CH Zoldmali Csongor CM SH M Goodwein/B Goodwein (M) (M) (M)


0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

1 0 1

2 2 1

434 269 232

Spinoni Italiani 1 2 3 4 5 GCH CH Javal Tangerine Man J Austad/K Norton GCH CH Belaís This Time Itís Hudson P Miller/L Miller/K Miller GCH CH Javal IíM Movin On To Hootwire BN RN D Perrott/S Knipe/K Mcleland GCH CH Lancettaís The Heart Of Rock & Roll J Joens/M Fornens-Joens GCH CH Sweetbriarís Diamonds Are Forever JH D Graff/D Graff/D Hasley/J Roberts V Lewis/D Spence/B Spence GCH CH Klondikeís Frederico Ilario S Moen/C Sheridan GCH CH Collina DíOro Get Off Of My Cloud CGC S Belt/D Cannon/J Hileman Afterglow Standing Ovation S Belt/J Little (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)








0 0 0 0 0

2 2 0 0 0

4 5 0 0 1

3 2 2 2 0

0 5 1 2 0

1 5 1 2 1

3019 1925 832 651 329

Afghan Hounds GCH CH Tells Matrix Reloaded M Galloway GCH CH Thaonís Wallstreet J Hafford/J Blanchard/D Rogers/J Rogers/B Moore/J Moore 3 GCH CH Exlysta Aries Ciel Noir P Rooks/C Smith/P Schafmayer/S Ferraro 4 GCH CH Regimes Thriller Of Elmo N Shaw/R Godfrey/M Viveiros 5 GCH CH Elmoís Martian Chronicles CGC C Harker 6 GCH CH Agha Djariís Eye Candy Of Sura CGC J Dalton/S Neill/J Souza 7 GCH CH Spirit Ridge Something Royal Of Rustic G Alligood/S Kinley-Alligood/B Kinley Blewett/W Mines 8 GCH CH Poloís Air Force One L Amadeo 9 GCH CH Elmoís Dreamboy K Hirano 10 GCH CH Zen-Pahlavi You AiníT Seen Nothing Yet JC E Klosson/K Wagner 2 1 (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M)







17 5 5 1 2 0 0 0 0 0

17 2 5 0 0 1 1 1 0 0

69 22 21 13 16 6 1 3 2 4 GP1

25 6 15 10 20 3 5 2 2 5 GP2

10 4 6 10 13 2 2 3 7 5 GP3

4 2 3 11 7 2 4 0 4 4 GP4

28308 12043 9039 4550 4205 2848 2271 1457 1359 1327 TOTAL

7 8 9

(M) (F) (M)

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

1 1 1

156 116 110

M Brustein/J Brustein/D Brooks 10 GCH CH Del Mare Keep My Resolution S Mcgregor




0 GP1

0 GP2

0 GP3

1 GP4


Vizslas 1 2 GCH CH Szizlin Rhapsody Never Say Never (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) GCH CH Jaybrenís Irish Star J Brennan/J Brennan GCH CH Tamaronís Tag YouíRe It L Westerbeck/T Westerbeck 4 GCH CH Jakraís Flirtn With Fifty Shades D Pedersen/J Koch 5 GCH CH Solaris Smokiní Hot Habenera A Martin/D Martin/B Kirven 6 GCH CH Renaissance Xxxís And OooíS L Durham/T Knox 7 GCH CH Kyllburg N Woodlandís Jazz And Blues A Freyer/A Freyer/C Zuercher 8 GCH CH Nyircsaszari Szilva Palinka JH S Kerr 9 GCH CH Hilldaleís Protector Of Prosperity R Sachs 10 GCH CH Solaris Tuzes Paprika JH CA CGC A Gilliam/M Szechenyi/B Kirven/R Murphy 3


American English Coonhounds 1 CH Color Me Bad Like My Grandad A Alexander (M)


0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 5 2 1 2 3 2 4 0 1 GP1

1 4 0 5 3 5 1 0 3 1 GP2

6 5 1 2 1 3 1 1 5 2 GP3

8 5 2 2 3 2 3 0 1 0 GP4

3519 2846 1045 963 861 781 698 691 682 633 TOTAL



0 GP1

1 GP2

1 GP3

2 GP4


American Foxhounds 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GCH CH Kiarryís Stonewall Jackson E Charles/L Miller GCH CH Kiarryís Back In The Saddle S Rogers/E Rogers/K Rogers/F Rogers GCH CH Devlonís American Trilogy D Leonard/K Leonard/D Gibbons CH Kiarrys Foolish Jokester GCH CH Kiarry Girl On Fire K Beal/G Swayze/L Miller CH Crossroads Full Throttle GCH CH Crossroads Josieís Dunwishin J Rathbun/T Mulhausen GCH CH Kiarryís Rag Doll A Alexander/H Miller/L Miller GCH CH Crossroads Just Right Joe (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M)


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 0 4 1 2 0 1 0 0 GP1

13 6 3 4 2 1 1 0 1 GP2

14 4 5 2 2 0 1 1 0 GP3

6 6 4 0 1 2 0 0 0 GP4

3597 1807 1166 719 693 218 172 132 84 TOTAL

Weimaraners GCH CH Simpatico Equal Justice J Martin/J Logan/R Goularle GCH CH Docís Greyborn North Star Of Acadia R Sanborn/P Christopher 3 GCH CH Docís Crosswinds Absolut Ten Of Acadia A Stewart-Zimmerman/A Stewart/M Stewart/D Stewart/D 4 GCH CH Diamond Mk The Eagle Has Landed M Wilson/N Lane 5 GCH CH Harline Winweim Encore Bravo Love YíAll S Line/A Andras/D Johnson 6 GCH CH Silhouetteís All Revved Up C Cassidy/B Cassidy 7 GCH CH Kristenís On The Record With Ashmore T Sanders-Milan/P Ernst/G Thornton/M Richard 8 GCH CH Trifarís Earthís Shelters Of Moonstone JH J Aune 9 GCH CH Frost Oak N Quantrels Git R Done N Todd/C Rappoport 10 GCH CH Graysong N Silhouetteís Heyjude S Burns/J Schulz 2 1 (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)


1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

3 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0

20 18 6 9 4 2 1 1 1 1 GP1

16 18 16 9 2 3 3 1 0 0 GP2

18 9 13 4 7 2 6 5 2 2 GP3

20 9 16 1 3 2 4 2 0 2 GP4

14181 9093 6237 3025 1878 1555 1148 801 428 383 TOTAL

Basenjis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin J Jones/K Jones/C Kok GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle P Geoffroy/S Lund/S Coe GCH CH Arubmecís Take A Chance On Me P Cembura/K Collins GCH CH Reveille Waltz Me Around D Bolteí/J Lodge GCH CH Teazer Kazor Ekundayo For Johari C Garcia/D Yeager/J Gaidos GCH CH Ahmahr Nahrís Best Of The Best J Behles/R Walley GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow! P Geoffroy/S Lund/S Coe GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet T Kirstein/T Huff GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F)


0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0

10 3 1 0 11 2 1 1 0 0 GP1

11 5 1 3 1 0 1 4 2 1 GP2

13 3 5 5 0 7 3 1 2 6 GP3

8 9 5 8 1 2 7 2 1 1 GP4

6431 1544 1272 1240 1049 833 763 570 478 428 TOTAL

Wirehaired Pointing Griffons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GCH CH Whiskeytown Brandewyn SH K Rogney/G Rogney GCH CH Firesideís Riding High SH S Martin GCH CH Wyncliffís Dark Shadow R Baggenstos/D Baggenstos GCH CH Firesideís Spontaneous Combustion JH J Coughlin GCH CH Bear Hug High Explosive J Goldman/M Potter GCH CH Glacierís Gertie Queen Of Spades L Durand/A Durand GCH CH Firesideís Hollow Crown Elsy W Marlow/P Marlow GCH CH Firesideís Rio Grande JH CGC E Hunsicker/J Scheck GCH CH Firesideís Mother Of Pearl JH M Tuttle/C Tuttle (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F)


10 GCH CH Dragonete Itapuca JC J Morgan/S Morgan

0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 0 4 0 0 1 0 1

2 3 3 0 4 2 1 0 0

8 5 5 0 1 3 0 2 2

4 4 5 0 1 0 0 3 0

2127 1728 1426 1032 541 434 424 370 349

Basset Hounds 2 3 4 5 S Shor/C Orlandi/C Steidel GCH CH By U Calís Monkey On The Bayou S Calhoun/S Calhoun/B Williams GCH CH Splashís Oceanic Whitetip Shark B Nolan/J Nolan/J Nolan/W Nolan GCH CH Kahl Me Foxglenís Cool Dude B Kahl GCH CH Stonewall Olí South Loretta R Opeka/K Hutchinson C Orlandi/S Frischmann/A Testoni/C Steidel GCH CH Fairytailís Semper Fi J Aitken/S Aitken CH Ure My Aimwell V. Grunsven B Brandt/D Coker CONTINUED ON PAGE 138


(M) (F) (M) (F)

0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0

7 2 2 2

8 1 4 0

3 1 4 1

6 3 10 3

2476 1473 1462 487

7 8

(M) (M)

0 0

0 0

0 4

0 2

1 4

2 1

388 316

Dog ON News CONTINUED PAGE 127 148



the top ten dogs CONTINUED FROM PAGE 145


GCH CH Rebel Houndís Blues Man S Bertsch/M Meadows 10 GCH CH Pan Clan Danika B Teixeira


(M) (F)












298 243




0 GP1

0 GP2

1 GP3

1 GP4

Borzois 1 2







GCH CH Torquay Midnight Interlude B Manifold/M Chagas/M Botelho/A Botelho/R Travis GCH CH Shoreviews Raise Your Glass B Tague/C Herr 3 GCH CH Vinlaís L.A.Ink J Lux/K Brooks 4 GCH CH BougainíE Naughty-N-Lovely Alvin S Adungchongruk 5 GCH CH We-Fuss Whoís At Riverrun D Severns/M Severns/C Luetkens 6 GCH CH Barristerís Diamonds Are A Girlís Best B Manifold/S Robblee 7 CH Lanbur Thompsons Eye Candy J Woodring 8 GCH CH Carlota Sommerled De Suarias J Calleja/D Kirby 9 GCH CH Woodland Westís Mirror Mirror D Honey Pippin 10 GCH CH Bahiyas Espresso Caramel Machiato D Sanchez 2

Beagles (13 in. and under) 1 (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M)



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 6 2 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 GP1

6 10 2 3 1 1 0 2 2 0 GP2

7 6 5 0 5 1 0 1 0 1 GP3

6 7 7 0 5 1 4 1 1 2 GP4

2714 2406 881 861 700 543 309 283 209 183 TOTAL

GCH CH Majenkir Bookstor Vintage Glamour K Spey/H Spey/K Staudt-Cartabona GCH CH Soyaraís The Flying Dutchman P Hlatky/G Hlatky 3 GCH CH Aashtoria Wildhunt Hidden Agenda R Riel/C Riel/S Mcgraw 4 GCH CH Sylvan Silver Springbok C Neale/P Neale 5 GCH CH Chihawk Echovesna I Luv You T Marshall/P Marshall 6 GCH CH Promises Crown Jewel Nicholas J Durdin 7 GCH CH Raynbos Run For The Roses J Zucker/R Zucker/E Szymanski 8 GCH CH Avatar Sedona Evermore T Carey 9 GCH CH Raynboís Foolish Pleasure J Spiers/R Zucker/J Zucker/S Mcgraw 10 GCH CH Zabava Ostrov Casablanca I Terra/K Terra

(F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)

0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

13 2 4 4 2 2 1 2 1 2 GP1

17 6 3 4 1 1 2 0 1 2 GP2

6 3 1 3 1 2 3 0 1 0 GP3

2 3 1 4 2 3 5 0 1 1 GP4

9226 1516 1501 1250 1014 837 835 489 446 382 TOTAL

Dachshunds (Longhaired) GCH CH Walmar-Soloís Iou Sl S Snyder GCH CH Sleepy Hollow Carolina Special M Taylor/B Wlodkowski 3 GCH CH Walmar-Soloís Omg Sl JE P Carter/K Vidrine/W Jones/M Jones 4 GCH CH Stonybrookís Phinito T Durvin/B Durvin/R Gianopoulos/M Kepalas 5 GCH CH Avianceís Pramada For Terms Of V Diker 6 GCH CH Kaycees Galewinns Starburst At Wagsmore K Dionne/J Dionne 7 GCH CH Jtís Kaycees Phoenix Of Tam-Boer Mld L Tamboer 8 GCH CH Hundeleben Queenís Armada Sl C Puig/K Gonzalez/P Stephens 9 GCH CH Gemdach DoníT Blame Me N Haupt/K Haupt 10 GCH CH Serenityís Louisiana Getaway Sl RN W Snyder/R Cooper/P Baker 2 1 (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 3 8 5 1 1 0 1 0 0 GP1

6 5 3 2 8 2 5 4 2 2 GP2

8 5 7 9 11 7 3 2 6 3 GP3

11 3 1 13 13 4 4 3 4 4 GP4

2786 2733 2480 2421 2101 1130 1075 1013 991 898 TOTAL

Beagles (over 13 in.) GCH CH Tashtins Lookin For Trouble L Crandlemire/K Crandlemire/E Dzuik GCH CH Foxtailís Race For The Chase S Berndt-Smith/D Smith 3 GCH CH Torquay Midnight Victory M Chagas/M Botelho/A Botelho/R Travis 4 GCH CH Pun Kotzky Treasure Island O Voloshin/O Gavrilova 5 GCH CH XíPlorerís Destiny Done It L Bryson/R Ott/P Kanchana 6 GCH CH Honeypotís Poetry In Motion D Wolf/A Wolf 7 GCH CH Gwencalonís Lux Stellarum K Friend/W Friend 8 GCH CH Legacy Buschís Bold And Brave C Busch/W Busch/M Martin 9 CH Cherry Creek Tattletale R Biesiedzinski/V Biesiedzinski/T Skinner/S Skinner 10 GCH CH Gwencalonís Tam OíShanter K Friend/W Friend 2 1


(F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M)

19 5 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

20 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

91 28 19 1 1 3 2 0 3 2 GP1

27 16 16 6 2 5 0 1 1 0 GP2

16 12 3 7 6 6 1 3 1 1 GP3

5 4 8 9 8 5 0 5 2 2 GP4

41698 13884 7775 2541 2223 1509 1091 769 591 563 TOTAL

Dachshunds (Smooth) GCH CH Marginns Fredricka V Ruf Knabe S Lutosky GCH CH R Hillís Total Knockout Ms RN T Frenia 3 GCH CH Dublinís Black Ice S Hagan 4 GCH CH Tres Pinheiros Keep Walking Ss C Pedroso Neto 5 GCH CH Barkerville Keyshia T Brunner/K Brunner 6 GCH CH Turningpt Hot As Blue Blazes R Eltringham/P Eltringham 7 GCH CH Bessdachs Jaguar Jubilee G Lopez/M Lara 8 GCH CH Bensarka Sunkissed Sky E Henningsen/D Starr-Gimeno 9 GCH CH Leoralees Barstool Boogie Ms R Addison 10 GCH CH Bessdachs Master Maserati S Lehrmann/J Lehrmann/M Lara 2 1


(F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M)

0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 GP1

2 2 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 GP2

5 3 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 2 GP3

11 4 4 1 0 0 1 0 4 0 GP4

1324 718 580 462 363 325 317 316 315 275 TOTAL

Black and Tan Coonhounds 2 3 4 5 6 A Mcilwaine/R Urban GCH CH Bayaway Jerseyís Due Process Of Law G Rezendes/D Rezendes/J Stora GCH CH Southchaseís Wilbert Roy J Lobb/J Lobb/E Mccarthy GCH CH Windbourne Hd Ranch King Of The Road S Campbell/C Rutten/T Skinner/S Skinner Cashlane Santana As The Crow Flies R Urban/S Cafferty GCH CH Kalanís Ramblin Rose Of Oak Hill O Owens/A Willard/K Willard/K Settle (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)


0 0 0 0 0

1 2 0 0 0

4 14 3 1 1

17 3 2 0 0

15 6 4 2 1

13 7 3 1 1

4410 4260 1720 471 279

J Magenau/Z Bolin GCH CH Jazzman Comebacker Z Bolin 9 GCH CH Winbourne Time To Rock A Tanner/E Mccarthy/S Campbell 10 GCH CH CSG Windbourne Like A Rock S Campbell 8

(M) (M) (M)

0 0 0

0 0 0

1 1 0 GP1

0 1 1 GP2

0 0 0 GP3

1 1 0 GP4

223 164 128 TOTAL

Dachshunds (Wirehaired) GCH CH Raydachs Ride My Ducati Sw S Ray GCH CH Leoraleeís Baywatch Mw M Singleton/B Lasater 3 GCH CH Daybreakís Bewitching Blossom P Grant/D Krieg 4 GCH CH Twinkleís Corbin At Carowynd Mw C OíNeil 5 GCH CH Treis Pinheiros Buona Sera Sw C Pedroso Neto/P Romaneli 6 GCH CH Del Pradoís Bar Code W A Bischel/L Gold 7 GCH CH Tievoli Rumors Oh Hail Yeah-Mw K Smith/S Ehr 8 GCH CH Tarabon Willowood Man With The Golden S Wang 9 GCH CH Raydachs Wildcard Walt M Fritz/K Fritz/R Fritz 10 GCH CH Raydachs Fire Down Below V Gleishorbach S Ray/J Sakoda/M Sakoda 2 1



1 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

3 4 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0

17 14 7 3 4 4 0 1 1 1 GP1

17 14 2 6 6 2 3 0 3 2 GP2

16 12 10 4 6 2 5 1 5 4 GP3

13 12 12 8 13 6 1 4 6 2 GP4

9367 7847 4198 2581 2564 1701 1115 987 980 931 TOTAL

(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Bloodhounds 1


GCH CH Flessnerís International SíCess S Carter/S Vancamp/H Helmer/Z Helmer 2 GCH CH Quiet Creekís Limited Edition S Lacroix Hamil 3 GCH CH Flessnerís International Space Station At J Mcdonald 4 GCH CH Soonipi Friends In Low Places Mlh K Dewey/S Katos 5 GCH CH Quiet Creekís Kiss And Tell S Lacroix/H Whitcomb 6 GCH CH Quiet Creeks Double Or Nothing For Heather H Whitcomb/S Hamil 7 GCH CH Badgershill Muldoon Of Heather L Sherman 8 GCH CH Citationís First And Foremost C Mcardle 9 GCH CH Pikespeak Uss George Washingtonís Top Gun E Befus 10 GCH CH M&Mís Price Of Freedom R Greenlee/A Greenlee/M Nye

(M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)

24 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

17 2 1 3 2 1 0 0 0 0

87 6 6 8 6 5 0 3 0 2 GP1

33 6 9 8 1 3 5 6 2 0 GP2

16 6 11 6 2 3 3 5 0 1 GP3

6 8 6 2 1 0 1 3 1 2 GP4

44976 5313 4608 3752 2995 2438 1778 1226 348 302 TOTAL

English Foxhounds 1 2 3 4 CH Taillis Au Birchwood Tamsall L Lindberg GCH CH Monocacy Bendís Windsor T Koerber/K Eckard GCH CH Sunupís Steeplechase S Whaley Taillis Au Absolem Tamsall M Owen/S Owen


(M) (M) (M) (M)

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

4 0 0 0

2 0 1 1

3 1 0 0

4 1 0 0

722 168 58 28

Bluetick Coonhounds 1 2 3 4 GCH CH CCH Plum TreeíN Hootchy Cootchy P Bodeving/K Bodeving/J Duby/D Duby GCH CH Evenstar N Heritage Mint Julep B Potash Razor Ridge Dixie Fleur De Lis C Petersen/J Petersen CH Bawlin Blues Goiní Down Slow Z Lewis/L Snyder


(M) (F) (F) (M)

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

2 0 1 0

3 1 3 1

230 109 47 43


the top ten dogs Greyhounds 1 B. I. S. RBIS GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 TOTAL

Final 2014 Year -End Stats BASED ON ALL-BREED COMPETITION 4 CH Dekencharís Raisiní A Ruckus E Carmichael/D Carmichael/D Steffen/K Steffen 5 GCH CH Riverrun Magical Moment B Follett/D Follett 6 CH Magicwood Kalevala Ohenry Otterhound CGCA W Mellon/S Macquiddy 7 GCH CH Otterbeeís Killian Red S Lumbery/A Constable/A Ghione 8 CH Oheavens I Believe In Miracles N Lange/K Lange 9 Riverspruceís No Redoubt About It OAP NJP R Abernathy/K Cheatham 10 GCH CH OíHeavens What A Scalliwag C Pratley/N Lange/K Lange (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) B. I. S. RBIS

0 0

0 0


0 0 0 0 1 0 0


0 0 0 1 0 1 0


1 1 0 0 0 0 0


1 1 1 0 0 0 1

108 96 95 57 48 40 33


GCH CH Grandcru Phelps Insignia M Steele/P Caddell/C Dabbs/A Phelan/R Gaudet 2 CH Lorricbrook Royal Picture M Magder/P Smekens 3 GCH CH Tyranís The Patriot C Stumbo 4 GCH CH Shylo The Party Spot B Clark/S Fisher/R Ungar 5 GCH CH Helios Tulip Atheart S Bartel/E Miller 6 CH Wildwood Helios Clark Gable A Adam/P Lyster 7 GCH CH Chaparral Isle Of Skye C Marzluf/T Marzluf/C Curlee 8 CH Grandcru Alexana N Billups/K Billups 9 GCH CH Grandcru Rombauer J Haverick/M Steele 10 GCH CH Aragon Northern Lights VCD1 RN JC AX H Hamilton

(F) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F)

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 6 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 GP1

13 7 1 4 1 3 1 3 3 1 GP2

14 7 3 1 5 3 3 0 0 0 GP3

9 5 3 1 5 2 0 0 2 0 GP4

5522 1455 901 618 570 503 297 269 235 193 TOTAL

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

1 2

Harriers 2 E Biles/S Biles/W Mccleery CH Jackpots Ginger Snap M Walsh/D Percy (F)




0 GP1

0 GP2

1 GP3

0 GP4


Ibizan Hounds 1


GCH CH Paradise Bette Davis Eyes L Puskas 2 GCH CH Serandida Abbaio La Contessa Scalza SC D Arbeit/R Zelig/S Murphy 3 GCH CH Serandida East So Bigstar J Brown/S St John-Brown/L Sikora/N Sikora 4 CH Amahteís Blades Of Glory R Hozempa 5 GCH CH Alfheimís Hawaii Five O SC K Williamson-Jensen 6 GCH DC HareHillís Adorible Mata Hari At Danzante SC D Nester/J Nester/W Anderson 7 DC Malachiteís Daily Dose Of Payaso SC L Campbell 8 GCH DC Davinciís Primera Nina SC B Murray/J Morris 9 GCH DC Aliki Notanuffís Spice It Up A Notch SC R Shaw/M Pierotti-Tietje/C Shaw 10 GCH CH Sunrumbaís Lovestruck By Life R Castillo

(F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M)

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 GP1

2 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 GP2

10 8 3 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 GP3

6 6 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 GP4

3362 1690 593 510 356 275 176 163 152 124 TOTAL

GCH CH M&Mís Fear The Beard D Moore/J Hayes GCH CH Iceage V. Tum-Tums Vriendjes N Frost/G Huikeshoven 3 GCH CH Icecream V Tum-Tums Vriendjes J Hurty/C Hurty/L Florian/M Florian/B Sittibavornsakul 4 GCH CH Laceyís Deck Plate Leader W Craigmiles/J Lacey-Black/D Bruce/J Neuschaefer 5 GCH CH Mirepoixís Figgy Pudding J Zigich/R Litman 6 GCH CH Always Blue Caboose J Hacker 7 GCH CH Bubblegum V. Tum-Tumís Vriendjes D Planche/G Huiheshoven/D Bolak 8 GCH CH Jarenís Put A Girl In It K Prott-Clugston 9 GCH CH Jus Strike It Rich M Morey 10 GCH CH Tetu Comedie Francais De Bordeaux R Claude/D Claude

Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M)







2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

28 8 13 18 0 1 2 1 0 1 GP1

18 16 8 20 4 1 0 1 2 1 GP2

12 14 11 14 4 2 2 2 0 1 GP3

10 14 5 9 2 4 2 3 2 1 GP4

10161 7153 4011 3818 988 650 483 333 298 221 TOTAL

Pharaoh Hounds 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 GCH CH Farao Anubis Inferno BN RN SC J Mosing/D Cooper/B Clooten GCH DC Hallamís Jake Of Arolet SC S Sipperly/D Carota GCH CH Osiris Cowboy Casanova M Del Duca/K Carella/T Del Duca/B Carella GCH CH Shalimar Wild Fire Osiris L Drolet GCH CH Siphraís Wish You Were Here L Lysher GCH CH Bazinga A Dream Of Spring For Mia P Haig/R Newman GCH DC Nefer-Temu Vou Te Contar MC LCX E Kerridge GCH CH Shalimar Fire By Desire P Anthony/K Paone/L Drolet/R Ertle GCH CH Sharqiya Who Dares Wins SC A Hamilton/E Kerridge CH Hallam Farao Anubis Elodie Ramzi D Carota/S Sipperly


(M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)

0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 2 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0

17 12 22 3 5 2 0 0 0 1 GP1

14 22 12 5 3 1 1 0 0 0 GP2

20 15 7 0 5 0 3 0 0 1 GP3

11 12 7 0 7 0 2 3 2 0 GP4

5851 5507 4698 2493 1563 975 634 246 133 133 TOTAL

Irish Wolfhounds 1 GCH CH Ansa Mo Caoimhin Modigliani CGC K Schaffter/A Schaffter 2 GCH CH Dun Myrica Doctor Gonzo Of Eagle R Kubacz/N Salmon 3 GCH CH Limerick Frosty The Showman J Bartlett/E Bartlett 4 GCH CH Kerryarc Breawyn Ffynnon Garw D Gallant/A Gallant 5 GCH CH Kuriann Of First Avenue J Ryan 6 CH Wildisle Brie Andromeda J Bregy/D Chastain/B Chastain 7 GCH CH Carrickaneena Tyrconnell E Flanagan/E Flanagan 8 GCH CH Bainbridge Frank Sinatra T Kuntz 9 GCH CH Pinehurst Stuart K Catov-Goodell 10 Cunknocklong Mrs Pears S Skaalid


(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)

2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1

10 7 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 1 GP1

18 5 1 2 0 2 1 1 1 1 GP2

11 4 2 7 1 2 2 2 1 0 GP3

10 8 5 2 3 1 3 2 1 0 GP4

4535 2175 1609 1257 1006 780 506 429 398 378 TOTAL

Plotts 1 2


GCH CH CGCH C-Cruz Mob Boss Vitoís Gotcha A Alexander GCH CH Alexanders Married To The Mob A Alexander

(M) (F)

0 0

1 0

2 0 GP1

0 0 GP2

1 1 GP3

1 0 GP4

632 61 TOTAL

Portuguese Podengo Pequenos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GCH CH Houlaís Potter CA C Houlihan/K Sullivan GCH CH Pirata II De Viamonte CM J Evanoff/K Oglesby GCH CH Prairie Pondís Born In The Usa CM C Well/M Well/J Tusten Houlaís Icefox Xpect Unxpected D Temple-Burgess/C Houlihan GCH CH Anevan The Captain S Souza/J Evanoff Radical De Viamonte S Carter Houlaís Whinny C Houlihan/J Baltz GCH CH Brokenroad I Believe In Fairies CM G Nagy Ketkaís Tea Cozy S Truitt (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F)


2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GP2

7 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 GP3

12 5 3 3 1 1 0 0 1 GP4

3987 420 249 150 92 85 83 66 29 TOTAL

Norwegian Elkhounds 1 2 GCH CH Aspenrepublik Into The Wind M Kenton GCH CH Vin-Melcaís Daggarwood Delight P Trotter 3 GCH CH Tiokaís American Ride L Webster 4 GCH CH Silhouettteís Au Fish E Olsen/K Olsen/S Kaplan 5 GCH CH Aspenís It Takes A Thief R Rhoden/R Rhoden 6 GCH CH Somerri Dunharrowís Dynamo J Silker/W Totten 7 GCH CH Leraanís Midnight Blue Fire R Johnson 8 GCH CH Bristlecone Itsuitsme S Graves 9 GCH CH Somerri Jamiesonís Sea Whiskey J Lewis/L Lewis 10 GCH CH Quiquen Kingdom Sceptre J Woito


(F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 7 4 3 5 2 0 0 2 0 GP1

4 6 5 4 3 2 0 0 0 0 GP2

7 5 8 6 7 0 0 1 0 2 GP3

6 0 7 7 4 6 2 2 1 1 GP4

3384 3138 2440 1698 1087 655 433 285 279 255 TOTAL

Redbone Coonhounds 1 2 GCH CH Twisted Creeks Xlnt Adventure M Smith/C Smith/B Copeland GCH CH Sidearm Return Of The King L Mills/T Mills/J Mills


(M) (M)

0 0

0 0

0 0 GP1

0 0 GP2

1 0 GP3

0 3 GP4

535 249 TOTAL

Otterhounds 2 3 A Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine GCH CH Aberdeenís Ultimate Addiction J Mullen/D Blunt/J Mcilwaine/A Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine CH Hunterís Lonestar Barclay M Schrader (M) (M)


Rhodesian Ridgebacks 1 2 3 4 GCH CH Raquel Welch Of Malabo Apd A Paola Diniz GCH CH Bakariís Lor Vitra Caymus CA CGC N Ballantyne/G Ballantyne GCH CH Shabaniís Johnnie Walker Blue R Macfarlane/K Macfarlane GCH CH Diabloís Back Alley Brawler CGC


(F) (M) (M) (M)

0 1 1 0

2 2 0 0

24 10 6 0

31 8 5 1

25 10 7 4

16 8 6 4

11477 5554 1729 1558

0 0

0 0

1 1

1 0

2 0

1 0

614 216



Dog News 139


PLACING FIRST IN THEIR CLASS WERE: RALLY NOVICE: Clara Selle and Selleís Charming Aristocrat, an All-American Dog RALLY ADVANCED: Linnea Corlette and Reece BN RA, an All-American Dog RALLY EXCELLENT: David Frasca and Zonkerís Letís Party the Night Away CDX RAE AX AXJ NAP NJP NF, a Golden Retriever AKC AGILITY INVITATIONAL ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇ s ñ one dog/handler team in eacˇˇ ˇˇ the ˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇgories ñ wˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇ ˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇ PLACING FIRST IN THEIR HEIGHT DIVISION ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇ 8î ñ NAC MACH11 Rosen Hill's Blink Of An Eye MXC3 MJC4 (ìBlinkî), a Toy Fox Terrier owned and handled by Johanna Ammentorp. 12î ñ MACH5 Keebler's Elˇn' Magic MXG2 MJG2 (ìKeeblerî), a Pembroke Welsh Corgi owned and handled by Roger O'Sullivan. 16î ñ MACH4 Vidam Kertesz Sugar MXC MJB2 OF T2B (ìZu-Zuî), a Pumi owned and handled by Tammy Hall. 20î ñ NAC MACH5 Hidden Valley Mynx MXC MJG2 FTC1 MFC TQX T2B9 CAA (ìMynxî), a Border Collie owned and handled by Robin Kletke. 24î ñ MACH2 Jamaica Party All The Time TD MXG MJS XF T2B2 (ìPattî), a Belgian Tervuren owned and handled by Barb VanEseltine. AKC JUNIORS AGILITY COMPETITION ˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇ ˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇ PLACING FIRST IN THEIR HEIGHT DIVISION ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇ 8î- Hannah's Molly OA AXJ OA OAJ AX AXJ (ìMollyî), an All-American Dog owned and handled by Hannah Naiburg 12î- PACH3 Genral Tommy Franks AX MXJ MJB MXPG, MXP8, MJP12, MJPC, PAX2, XF, NFP (ìTommyî), a Parson Russell Terrier owned by Cherie Whittenberg and handled by Deva Wilson 16î- Mystic Looked N Liked It MX, MXB, MXJ, MjB, NF (ìSlyî), a Border Collie owned by Susan Ryan and handled by Sydney Ryan 20î- MACH Clever K9s Little Gem MXB MJB OF (ìRubyî), a Border Collie owned by Ann Marie Scripko and handled by Kyle Scripko 24î- MACH3 Kali's Lil Kasha RN (ìKashaî), a Poodle owned by Nancy Borga and handled by Michael Borga PLACING FIRST IN THEIR HEIGHT DIVISION (12î, 16", 20" and 24" respectivˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇ ˇ ˇˇˇˇ 12î- LEVI BN (ìLeviî), a West Highland White Terrier owned and handled by Cassandra Doss 16î- Ross Roi's Maximum Ride (ìRiderî), a Shetland Sheepdog owned by Paula Kvarnberg and handled by Haley Kvarnberg 20î- Whim, a Border Collie owned by Michael Scripko and handled by Kyle Scripko 24î- Sergeant Spencer (ìSpencerî), a Golden Retriever owned by Lamar Tregler and handled by Emily Tregler BREEDER OF THE YEAR Gwen DeMilta and Carissa DeMilta Shimpeno, Alisaton Doberman Pinschers AKC MEET THE BREEDSÆ BEST BOOTH IN SHOW Keeshond

Best Bred By Exhibitor

Best Junior Handler

Breeder of the Year

Top Five Agility Dogs



* **

*All Systems **CC System




*All Systems







the top ten dogs CONTINUED FROM PAGE 149



GCH CH Celtic Loreís Moonlight And Magic CGC D Garbett
















M Prendergast/E Prendergast GCH CH Camelotís Ventura Adventure F Walters/G Walters/C Heathcock 8 GCH CH Spring Valleyís Jojo J Hlis/M Hlis 9 GCH CH Juba Lee Papa Pinotage At Rimrock CGC W Peirce/R Cohen/K Williams 10 GCH CH Kimaniís Indelible Impression JC A Walls/A Hanna/E Demopoulos/R Porter 7

(M) (M) (F) (M)

0 0 0 0

0 0 1 0

1 2 1 1 GP1

5 3 1 6 GP2

8 2 1 2 GP3

3 2 0 0 GP4

1158 1015 959 938 TOTAL

Akitas GCH CH Cr - Wiccaís Trade Secret A Bavaria/C Burke/T Bavaria/J Charnik GCH CH Mojoís Continuation Of A Myth S Borrmann 3 GCH CH Stardustís See You At The Show RN P Rogers/R Rogers/T Witte/R Witte 4 GCH CH Sondaisa Fyre When Ready CD RN C Sullivan/J Ellis 5 GCH CH Redwitch Adreneline Junkie M Bauman/X Wang / Bauman 6 GCH CH Alderís Strike It Rich G Hamilton 7 GCH CH Wiccaís Rule The Air R Stark/L Stark/J Charnik 8 GCH CH Rising Riverís Day DreamíN About My Time B Mitchell 9 CH Daykeyne Eatin My Cake Too T Buckley 10 GCH CH Estava Rain Play Magic K Courtelis/J Wilkinson 2 1 (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)







19 8 1 2 0 1 0 1 1 0

10 2 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0

59 34 19 15 11 2 5 2 3 1 GP1

34 21 19 9 8 2 3 2 1 5 GP2

14 5 13 2 2 5 3 4 0 3 GP3

5 6 10 2 4 0 1 1 1 1 GP4

30034 14138 9744 6900 4872 1977 1663 1132 896 792 TOTAL

Salukis GCH CH Appalachiaís Allamyrra Hajji P Arwood/M Mccowan/G Thornton 2 GCH CH Takara The Time Is Now J Rimerman/P Mohr 3 GCH CH Sandstorm Blue Nile Bubbles Of Jatara J Harrington/S Winsted/S Middlebrooks 4 GCH CH Starliteís Made Of The Best Stuff On Earth T Turley-Kocab/M Kocab/S Middlebrooks 5 GCH CH Auroraís The Song And Dance Man J Mueller/E Blake 6 GCH CH Sundaraís Here Comes The Sun E Coogan/M Haag 7 GCH CH Baha Persian Of Interest CD RN SC OA AXJ C Coile 8 GCH CH Baghdad Eleganza Extravaganza L Ackerman 9 GCH CH Impala Ladies Love Outlaws L Snyder/D Aube 10 CH Baghdad A Missdemeanor D Pfeil/L Ackerman/A Chato 1 (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F)


2 2 3 3 3 1 0 0 0 1

6 2 4 3 2 0 0 1 0 0

23 17 19 24 14 4 6 4 4 1 GP1

25 19 10 19 3 11 6 5 4 0 GP2

8 14 5 5 0 9 10 1 4 2 GP3

8 9 1 7 1 5 6 0 2 0 GP4

9422 7733 7631 7301 3814 2674 2488 1887 1264 1049 TOTAL

Alaskan Malamutes GCH CH Peace Riverís Gathers No Moss At Sunstra T Robinson/A Syar/M Coburn/K Robinson GCH CH Peaceriver Silverice Summer Solstice A Syar/M Stone 3 GCH CH Cateraís Keepiní It World Class J Dewing/R Dysart 4 GCH CH Tugarís Taking On Tyson K Hausner/S Das 5 GCH CH Storm Kloudís Test Of Time CA J El Dissi 6 GCH CH Sno Klassic Nanuke Lifes A Dance J Taylor/P Peel/M Peel 7 GCH CH Mytukís Technical Knock Out D Milburn/A Milburn 8 GCH CH Samaljankanís IíM The One At Nyrakym K Colman/J Nirhamo 9 GCH CH Kasaan Snokist Ropin ëNí ëTí Fortune D Roberts-Burrill 10 CH Chikaraís DoníT Stop Believing J Dewing/R Dysart 2 1 (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)


3 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 11 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 2 GP1

16 6 1 2 2 3 1 1 0 0 GP2

4 5 2 1 3 0 1 0 2 0 GP3

5 3 1 1 1 2 0 3 1 0 GP4

9442 7301 2285 2086 1476 1139 745 647 439 393 TOTAL

Scottish Deerhounds GCH CH Foxcliffe Chelsea Piers C Dove/R Dove 2 GCH CH Lehigh-Darkwynd Flora P Pascoe/P Smithson 3 GCH CH Hobarraís I Dreamed A Dream S Hogan-Cirincione/A Cirincione/T Rizzitiello 4 GCH CH Highlanderís Celtic Carol BN RN CGC M Freeman/J Freeman 5 GCH CH Glencragís Kiann OíFernhill J Giles/J Giles 6 GCH CH Jaraluv Reach For Glory J Brinlee/R Brinlee 7 GCH CH Jaraluv Rain Dance CGC F Straw 8 GCH CH Lehigh Guilty Pleasure C Chapman 8 Graybeardís Bog Myrtle OíRiverspruce NA NAJ K Cheatham/R Abernathy 10 GCH CH Thistleglen Foxcliffe Ultraviolet J Frye/C Dove 1 (F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F)


2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 2 2 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 GP1

9 3 6 3 5 1 3 1 0 0 GP2

6 5 7 1 4 1 0 0 3 1 GP3

1 2 6 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 GP4

5385 1633 1474 542 533 371 323 226 226 182 TOTAL

Anatolian Shepherd Dogs GCH CH Carpe Diemís Amadeus L Edstrom-Smith/J Smith/Q Harned/M Harned 2 GCH CH Islandfarmís Heathrow D Grunnah/J Voss 3 GCH CH Horizonís Samson Of Carpe Diem S Hart/L Edstrom-Smith 4 GCH CH Full Circleís Treasure Island N Wargas/D Grunnah 5 GCH CH Lucky Hit Bethany Beyaz Kumru J York/E Conard 6 GCH CH Big Willowís Kundakci S Wykle 7 GCH CH Horizonís Banshee At Chevaliers Du Roland D Bitz 8 GCH CH Timaru Serag Mounir L Brabyn/J Brabyn 9 GCH CH Sakaryaís Palace Guard At Brenlar B Hughes/L Hughes 10 GCH CH Karaboudjanís Mystic Moonspell J Dotson 1 (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M)


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

1 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 GP2

4 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 GP3

3 2 2 2 3 2 0 1 0 0 GP4

1344 420 389 384 167 158 105 98 79 40 TOTAL

Treeing Walker Coonhounds GCH CH Cherry Creek Confetti A Alexander/S Houston 2 GCH CH CCH Dry Riveríz Shattered Dreams J Confer/K Purchiss 3 GCH CH CCH Alexanders Gold Rush Xcetera A Alexander 4 GCH CH Stackem Up I Did It My Way CM T Snedegar/B Snedegar 5 CH Lost Heritage Cherry Crk Gone with the Wind C Vanover/A Carter 6 CGCH Rockin Wís Justa Ladies Man M Hampton/N Cook 7 CH Sidearm Shootiní The Bull L Mills/T Mills 8 GCH CH Stackem Ups Broadway Mistress A Carter/J Rentfro 9 GCH CH How The West Was Won D Planche/S Randolph/A Alexander 10 CH Lone Pine Skull N Bones Vom Stk CGCA V Brachfeld/R Brachfeld/L Ramsey 1 (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M)


0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 6 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

6 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 GP2

8 3 4 3 1 0 0 0 1 1 GP3

14 8 1 7 3 1 2 2 1 0 GP4

3258 3095 1475 1086 175 126 117 82 75 54 TOTAL

Bernese Mountain Dogs 1 2 3 GCH CH Tallpineís Life Of The Party D Hitchcock/S Crisp GCH CH Vinn October It Had 2VV You E Buonpane GCH CH Alpenspirit Itís Our Game D Kelley/B Bauersfeld/M Turbide T Gerli GCH CH Nashem Moore Then Friends J Moore/S Karl GCH CH Trulliís Little Lion Man M Lella GCH CH Little Mtnís 1 Shot Deal From Windy Knob C Konicki/J Hughes/W Konicki/L Hughes GCH CH Lavishís Brut Premier L Bouaoun/N Bouaoun (M) (F) (M)


0 0 0

2 1 0

2 2 4

3 6 7

13 6 5

8 11 8

4405 4001 3129

Whippets GCH CH Sporting Fields Shameless D Butt/A Giles/B Call GCH CH Karasarís Masterpiece K Kuper/N Barthelette/K Mlynar/W Othick 3 GCH CH Winway Ramona Quimby S Fosnot/V Atkinson 4 GCH CH Princetonís Falling In Love At Starline A Worden/L Lawrence/L Wilson 5 GCH CH Bo-Bett Appraxin Angel C Harris 6 GCH CH Debmar Loviní Dixie D Bahm 7 GCH CH Kamadaís New York Minute D Davenport/K Davenport/D Kipp 8 GCH CH Bo-Bett Tivio Man Of Steel J Hite/R Edison/J Jarvise 9 GCH CH Bohem Swan Song SC S Northern/B Bengtson 10 GCH CH Sporting Fields Beach Baby D Butt/A Giles/D Samuelson/G Samuelson 2 1 (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F)


5 6 7 8

(M) (M) (M) (M)

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 2 0

2 6 5 4

4 1 3 4

3 1 2 3

1494 1167 1165 1084

14 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

9 3 2 1 2 0 0 1 1 1

73 27 6 8 9 10 5 4 4 3

25 17 6 9 9 7 8 1 2 0

20 14 8 2 10 9 7 4 3 2

8 5 4 3 10 12 1 3 5 0

30779 9265 4182 3861 3021 3011 2018 1758 1604 1235

S Johnson 10 GCH CH Avatars Letís Try It Again J Goularte/J Goularte




1 GP1

1 GP2

0 GP3

3 GP4


Black Russian Terriers 1 2 3 4 5 GCH CH Aristes Paint It Black D Poulson/R Looker/C Stumm GCH CH Gladiator S Zolotogo Grada S Gaunt GCH CH Malahovskiy Graf Rossiyskiy CD RAE CA E Pleskov GCH CH Zilyaís Chicago Blues Fusion At Runes CD D Patterson GCH CH Tsarskaya Prihot Iz Russkoi Dinastii L Jordan/S Jordan (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)


0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

2 1 3 0 1

6 3 1 2 2

14 3 1 8 1

6 6 6 3 3

4605 2041 1007 966 589


the top ten dogs GCH CH Russian Bears Not Just Another Rock Starr D Kremer/H Haldi 7 GCH CH Over The Moon About Arbalet CGC N Lilley/B Lilley/R Keeling 8 GCH CH Black Pearls Avatar Iz Russkoi Dinastii M Mesh/J Mesh/L Mesh/M Curtis/D Ludwig 9 CH Charodeyka Iz Russkoi Dinastii I Babchenko/M Mesh 10 GCH CH Fun Nordís Hariton Gavrilovich P Gladu/M Hernandez 6 (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) B. I. S. RBIS












520 510 485 465 447


0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 1 0 0 GP1

0 0 1 1 GP2

3 0 0 2 GP3

4 4 1 0 GP4

Dogues de Bordeaux 1 2 3 4 5 GCH CH Evergreenís Rub My Belly At Rising Star CGC J Roberts/L Parker GCH CH Woodland Parkís Low Country Benne P Smith/V Smith GCH CH Heartstrings Jasmine J Chicatelli GCH CH Oak Hollows Windtalker C Middleton/W Muller GCH CH Mount Sinaiís Tess St Amand P Duvall/W Duvall







(M) (M) (F) (M) (F)

0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0

5 0 0 0 0 GP1

1 0 0 0 0 GP2

2 1 0 0 1 GP3

2 2 1 1 0 GP4

3195 496 149 138 27 TOTAL

GCH CH Brisbane Nî Blue Mondayís Diamonds Are W Truesdale/Z Truesdale/M Mckamey/E Mckamey/J 2 GCH CH Hijinx This Is How I Roll B Nunn 3 GCH CH Cherkeiís Dick Tracey C Robbins/K Robbins 4 GCH CH Mephistoís Speak Of The Devil J Billhardt/S Tenenbaum 5 GCH CH Nantess Caleno Numero Uno G Tafur/S Tafur/N Savage/T Savage 6 GCH CH Hi-Tech The King Of Sherry Shoot Jp S Teragaki 7 GCH CH Rummer Runís Black Magic A Anderson/S Anderson 8 GCH CH R And G Ní Hunter Creekís Mystical Attraction A Tan Chan/R Ang 9 GCH CH Inspirationís Breath Of Heaven G Freer/W Truesdale/Z Truesdale/M Young/J Young 10 GCH CH Breho Fortuity Shared Treasure B Stuckey/T Galle/J Sutherlin

Boxers 1



(F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F)

9 1 3 1 1 1 0 1 1 2

3 3 0 3 0 0 2 1 0 0

26 23 16 11 16 6 11 6 3 4 GP1

20 7 13 14 16 10 10 8 2 4 GP2

16 10 15 3 11 2 12 5 5 5 GP3

14 7 11 1 6 5 5 1 4 1 GP4

20498 9674 7433 6823 5746 5179 4856 4845 2871 2325 TOTAL

German Pinschers 1 GCH CH Daverenís Peaceful Dream CAA CGC 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GCH CH Midernoch A Phortune Of Phranklins CA C French GCH CH Leilaniís That, That Is, Is CA K Hapgood/K Mounts GCH CH Daverenís Tribute To An Amazing Dream J Eastman GCH CH Desert Moon Arriving In Style D Lang GCH CH Nevars Polaris Temerity C Dwyer/L Croley/F Stuby GCH CH Legacyís Time To Shine D Bixler/L Mills GCH CH Rivendells Material Girl K Schiff CH Daverenís Wolfgang Von Blitzen L Anderton


(M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 GP2

4 2 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 GP3

11 2 0 4 1 0 2 1 1 GP4

1474 780 596 365 166 129 94 78 22 TOTAL

GCH CH Baron Dye Of Ridgetop R Wynes GCH CH Dal Primo Magic Moment M Harwood/C Corner 3 GCH CH Far Isle The Wizard Of Bullrinkle M Hellmers/J Matano/A Oakerson 4 GCH CH Banstock N Highpoint New Day Bruin At Kimo J Treiber/E Thomason 5 GCH CH Dal Primo The Jester Of Nv K OíBrien/C Corner/M Harwood 6 GCH CH Newcastleís Cutting Edge A Scully/K Spencer/P Mills/J Shadoian 7 GCH CH Lonely Creekís Bruce Almighty B Britton/S Britton 8 GCH CH Newcastleís Blame It On The Sun A Scully/K Spencer 9 GCH CH Tracabullís An Evening To Remember At K Snyder/D Snyder/V Mcgraw/B Heck 10 GCH CH Burningwoodís Up And At ëEm B Jacobs 2

Bullmastiffs 1


(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M)

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 6 2 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

5 7 2 4 3 3 0 3 1 1 GP2

3 4 3 4 9 2 4 0 2 1 GP3

8 7 2 5 9 3 2 0 2 0 GP4

4838 4639 2788 2688 2375 898 645 593 534 502 TOTAL

GCH CH Skansenís Holy Knight C King GCH CH Nightline Viking A Tanglewood J Erath/C Erath/E Fojtik/C Watterson/J Watterson 3 GCH CH Skansenís Havannah C Sansone/S Sansone 4 GCH CH Skansenís Leather & Lace Of Twilight P Poole 5 GCH CH Kenroís Time Is Money M Mcgee/R Greenslade 6 GCH CH Ramahill Absolutes I Am Legend Of Rw J Edmonds/L Edmonds/M Adler 7 GCH CH Skansenís Jose Cuervo V. Eastwood M Owen 8 GCH CH Lowdown Remys Girl V Ardenhout J Starink/L Hawes/L Low 9 GCH CH Lindsayleighís Sherman D Wood 10 CH Spicerackís Whispering Sweet Nuthins R Henderson/D Henderson 2

Giant Schnauzers 1


(M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F)

7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

17 19 2 4 5 1 2 1 0 0 GP1

8 18 7 1 5 3 0 1 1 0 GP2

10 9 16 5 4 2 2 0 1 2 GP3

4 1 13 9 4 3 3 2 0 1 GP4

7874 7688 6098 3590 2337 809 726 501 482 341 TOTAL

GCH CH Campoís Petros Zeus R Hudgens GCH CH Red Rock Canyonís Pretty Boy Floyd A Cardena/D Musto/L Parschauer 3 GCH CH Italicaís Locked N Loaded BN RA THDN S Taurone/A Taurone/Z Devita 4 GCH CH One And Onlyís Godís Property L Rew 5 GCH CH Dolcetto Dionysus Of Garritani CGC M Roderiques 6 GCH CH Palazzoís All By Himself Blue Ridge G Dilello 7 GCH CH Delí Agreste Bin Up To No Good At SnoD Rotkowski/W Yingling/S Edgerton 8 GCH CH Mar E Solís Allora At Black Pearl CGC D Connors/A Ruvio 9 CH Old Worldís Ironclad Lockjaw A Davis 10 GCH CH Stonecroft Prince Xerxes Nel Palazzo S Ard/S Ard 2

Cane Corso 1


(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

5 3 1 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 GP2

6 4 1 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 GP3

4 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 GP4

2695 1482 1142 654 462 322 290 285 268 200 TOTAL

Great Danes T James/H James/S Taylor/J Apuna GCH CH Ghdd Seamus Lord Of The Dance K Kish/P Harris/D Davis/J Ball 3 GCH CH Lobatoís Caught Red Handed L Hotchkiss 4 GCH CH Graycn Lost Creek The Descendant Of Elan J Finck/S Finck/J Gerszewski/J Gerszewski 5 GCH CH Journeyís Gentlemen Prefer Blondes L Hotchkiss/P Hix 6 GCH CH Alpineís Bohemian Rhapsody P Smallwood 7 GCH CH Mk Danes All Aboard The Crazy Train M Moore/D Moore 8 GCH CH Birkinís A Cup Above Z Lawson/C Lawson/L Lawson/N Hennig/S Arnold 9 GCH CH Alpineís Ice Warrior V Hawthorne L Clesi/P Clesi/A Heavey 10 GCH CH Rosendaneís So This Is Heaven @ Spot-On S Widner 2 (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)


1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

4 7 6 2 0 0 0 1 1 GP1

5 7 1 6 4 1 5 3 0 GP2

7 7 4 1 4 6 3 7 2 GP3

8 5 3 5 6 4 4 2 2 GP4

3771 2351 2290 2267 1355 1317 1117 966 870 TOTAL

Doberman Pinschers GCH CH Cambriaís Vraiment Parfait G Lajeski/A Wulbrecht/K Thompson/A White GCH CH Dezperadoís Hallelujah CA CGC J Wendt/A Wendt/H Zimmerman 3 GCH CH Phillmar Superman T Stone/J Stone/C Green 4 GCH CH Kamterraís Legato K Moats/M Moats 5 GCH CH Tiburon Arsenal J Dolan/A Dolan 6 GCH CH Allure Playing With Fire N Bosley 7 GCH CH Tiburon Ariel Bella Dona M Moyer/T Moyer/K Drake/J Drake 8 GCH CH Black Bartís Calamity Jane C Jordan 9 GCH CH Holly Woods Angels N Demons D Mcgarvey/M Thomas 10 GCH CH Monarchís Empire Maker M Brucker 2 1


(F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M)

8 3 6 1 0 1 0 0 0 1

5 6 6 2 2 1 1 0 1 3

30 27 24 8 6 9 4 2 7 5

26 10 7 21 2 7 6 8 5 4

12 10 8 12 3 9 4 13 5 3

5 4 4 4 0 5 1 8 5 1

20206 12895 10863 7892 5616 5165 4025 3912 3905 3298

GCH CH Rivergroves Chateau De Castelnau M Falatach GCH CH Rivergroves Enough Said J Boyd/M Cox/M Stewart 3 GCH CH Rivergroves Skyís The Limit J Hanover/J Hanover/J Boyd 4 GCH CH Honorís Promise Of The Future B Ducker/K Bruneau 5 CH Karolaska Resurrection Bay K Kentopp 6 GCH CH Tip ëN Chipís Ice Bear King C Kruzan/D Kruzan 7 GCH CH Euzkalzaleís Legacy Of Hope W Olson/T Denney-Combs 8 GCH CH Pyrless DoníT Blink RN CGC P Knutson/G Knutson/S Beck 9 GCH CH Charlottes Something To Talk About C Hickey 10 CH Geysercreeks Red Carpet Romeo N Shields/C Grimshaw 2

Great Pyrenees 1


(M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 6 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0

11 8 1 3 1 1 3 2 0 0

15 2 6 4 3 2 1 2 0 0

10 5 4 2 2 3 5 2 3 1

7387 4051 3029 2673 1062 682 656 389 330 322



#1 English Toy Spaniel-B & PC (2014) All Systems

GCh. Loujon Thornwood Little Jacob 2014 and 2012 ETSCA National Specialty Winner

Multiple All Breed Best in Show & Multiple Best in Specialty Show Winner 2014 ETSCA Regional Specialty Winner Our sincere appreciation to Mr. Joe C. Walton and to all of the judges who acknowledged Jacob’s outstanding breed characteristics during his first full year of campaigning.

Breeders/Owners: Karen Miller & Jamie Ward *The Dog News Top Ten List Breed and All Breed




Final 2014 Year -End Stats BASED ON ALL-BREED COMPETITION 3 4 5 GCH CH Otella Bruto A Gurrola CH Mastini Della Forteís Denali A Gurrola GCH CH Palma Del Gheno A Pierret (M) (F) (F) B. I. S. RBIS

Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs GCH CH Derbyís Toast With Gusto S Copeland 2 GCH CH Breezy Ridge Maximus T Conway/K Krumpe 3 GCH CH Remingtonís Pride First Knight S Rensch/S Streit 4 GCH CH Witkacy Caveat Actor BN CGCA K Kimmeth/D Cavanaugh/B Cavanaugh 5 GCH CH Trout Creekís On Fire At Shadetree C Cooper 6 GCH CH Painted Mtnís Olaf The Viking Pirate L Simonsen/K Deyo 7 GCH CH Alpinez In Living Color J Crown/S Robinson/A Shah 8 GCH CH Cedarcoves Hardy Stout CGC A Nusbaum/J Nusbaum 9 GCH CH Wildest Dream Midnight In Havana R Mezzanotte/S Trenholm/T Bailey/J Bailey 10 GCH CH Senecaís Collective Soul J Kaiser/E Coit 1 (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F)









0 0 0








86 75 61


9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

23 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 GP2

12 3 2 0 2 1 1 0 2 1 GP3

9 2 1 1 3 1 0 1 1 1 GP4

16895 696 631 570 540 303 296 215 211 196 TOTAL

0 0

0 0

0 0 GP2

0 0 GP3

2 1 GP4

Newfoundlands 1 2 3 GCH CH Cypress Bayís Big Sur K Caesar/W Caesar GCH CH Pouch Coveís Seabrook Enough Said (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) GCH CH Heartsease King Of The Jungle M Casler/L Anderson/P Jackson/J Latchaw GCH CH Kilykaís Three Sheets At Aegir RN N Dobson/M Vanek 5 GCH CH Seacrestís IíM Not What You Think J Taylor/D Nelson/D Nelson 6 GCH CH Black Watchís Timbucktoo RN G Strong/R Kestin 7 GCH CH Susitnaís Deal Me In K Gerrits/A Gerrits 8 GCH CH Avalon Beyís Are The Stars Out Tonight B Bohannon/L Bohannon/L Rader 9 GCH CH Kirenskaís The Polar Express K Benenati 10 GCH CH Shadrackís My Hearts Darling E Murphy/J OíNeill 4




3 3 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

28 13 6 7 1 6 1 2 2 1 GP1

27 12 7 10 2 2 3 4 4 1 GP2

16 9 7 9 3 1 6 3 2 2 GP3

10 2 1 9 1 3 3 5 1 5 GP4

14704 7856 3689 3438 2910 1549 1475 1470 1138 963 TOTAL

Komondorok 1 2 GCH CH Quintessential Chauncey S Wilczewski/D Wilczewski GCH CH Nagyalma Yes I Can N Liebes/V Mcnelis/A White (M) (M)


0 0

0 0

4 1 GP1

7 3 GP2

2 2 GP3

5 7 GP4

2157 1652 TOTAL

Kuvaszok GCH CH Casablancaís Vakmero Pandur T Weber/G Dash/N Berger 2 GCH CH Mattiaci High Voltage At Glacier Creek D Blank 3 GCH CH Casablanca Elso Peachtree In Cahoots M Goodman/B Lenoski/R Ham/G Dash 4 GCH CH Elsoís Prairie Smoke B Lenoski/M Goodman 5 GCH CH Glacier Creekís Silver Bullet D Blank 6 GCH CH Szep Tars Push The Beat At Autumn Winds B Tatay 7 GCH CH Glacier Creekís Sparks A Flyiní S Stephens 8 Taliszman Pull The Perfect Pint CGC G Hayes/K Knapp/M Lee 9 GCH CH Double Ring Tarees Dream Machine C Ringering/K Ringering/I Miller/R Miller 10 GCH CH Rebel Ridge Blue Moon I Miller/R Miller 1 (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)


Portuguese Water Dogs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 GCH CH Claircreek Impression De Matisse M Lint/P Helming/D Gottdenker GCH CH Patriotís Designer Girl CGC T Snyder/L Snyder/K Maguire GCH CH Dandelionís Maxwellís Silver Hammer RN V Morro/W Varr Iii GCH CH High Winds Three Hour Tour S Carter/C Mannor GCH CH Sagmarís Merlin Is Magic CGC M Tintes/R Chesnut/A Mills GCH CH Cnsand Ardanwood Whitewash The Fence 4 (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 GP2

2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GP3

4 2 1 0 4 1 1 2 0 1 GP4

849 668 411 252 205 136 93 90 89 53 TOTAL

134 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

180 6 1 0 2 3 0 1 0 0 GP1

8 8 2 1 3 5 0 0 0 1 GP2

4 4 6 3 3 1 3 0 5 0 GP3

1 1 12 6 5 1 3 6 1 0 GP4

169186 3412 2375 1368 1140 902 854 650 574 547 TOTAL

GCH CH Spyglass N Aviator Sail With The Wind C Blancett GCH CH Aviator Successí Waterbug Blackjack N Sedlacek/T Sedlacek 9 GCH CH Prata Lua Tsar Nickolas Of Farallon S Holden 10 GCH CH Salt Heirs Wookiee Monster L Green 8

Leonbergers GCH CH A. Feiner Eros L Bazlen 2 GCH CH Cherrywoodís Viceroy S Wickman 3 GCH CH Seelowenís Kayak Calm Waters CD R Robitaille/A Robitaille 4 GCH CH Vavoom Mobster V. Sanftenloewen CGCA T Rogers/K Hennefer 5 GCH CH Kalahariís Call To Attention CD RN OAP J Cook 6 GCH CH Yuhar Vom Kaniberg CGC C Barnum 7 GCH CH Leos By The Sea Lucifer R Chatel/W Chatel 8 GCH CH Corleone Joyful Burton CGC P Isaacson/R Isaacson 9 CH Frayleyís Gossip Girl S Sinclair-Wood 10 GCH CH Bluebonnetís Fricis Is On Fire Of Acorn BN A Mozeleski/W Jones/J Hatlas-Pepper 1 (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)


Rottweilers GCH CH Gamegards IíLl Have Another V Braeside H Eldred/G Bach/D Bach GCH CH Chancellor Flirtís Hi Flyiní Gladiator W Lewellen 3 GCH CH Avatar Cosmac Storm M Brennan/J Mcilwaine/G Bidgood/A Mcilwaine 4 GCH CH Loralís Trooper L Pyeatt/A Pyeatt 5 GCH CH Highwoodís Call Of The Wild D Austin/T Austin 6 GCH CH Nighthawkís Limited Edition CD RE THD J Labombard/T Labombard 7 GCH CH Haines Abel For Queans CD BN RA CGC J Kessler-Miller/Y Gallardo 8 GCH CH Ivoss Super Flash D Voss 9 GCH CH Brush Creekís Chances Are IíDeal CGC K Holt/S Deal 10 GCH CH Von Wilhelms Over The Rainbow D Mclaughlin/S Mclaughlin/D Nardini 2 1 (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)


6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

17 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 GP2

9 3 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 GP3

14 10 1 2 2 2 4 0 0 1 GP4

13317 1530 506 503 306 245 204 94 93 76 TOTAL

9 1 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 0

4 3 1 2 1 0 0 1 1 0

35 16 7 4 3 7 3 1 4 5 GP1

23 14 12 4 9 9 0 4 2 4 GP2

14 10 20 5 7 4 0 7 3 2 GP3

12 7 6 11 5 6 2 2 1 1 GP4

18744 11805 6889 5038 4250 2879 2209 1919 1828 1467 TOTAL

Mastiffs GCH CH Willow Ridges Risky Business J Swarts/N Walker/M Tichenor 2 GCH CH Goldleafís Trouble Coming CGC L Watson 3 GCH CH Milleniums Moonshine T Plezbert/C Jones 4 GCH CH Loutheironhorse S Olesen/D Becker/C Kendrick 5 GCH CH Kimmitís Rockstar K Wampler/L Gabhart 6 GCH CH Rainy Days Keiko San S Strohmaier/A Sanders 7 GCH CH Heritage Hearth Wicked Game D Meyers/S Child 8 GCH CH Friends Sargeant Breakthrough J Friend/D Friend 9 GCH CH Priderock Saddle Up For R3 CGC T Pearson/S Pearson/A Collins 10 GCH CH Lazy Dís Spartacus At Her Majestyís K Williams 1 (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)


Samoyeds GCH CH Pebblesí Run Play It Again Ham A Kiell Green/A Green/B Bruns/W Stamp GCH CH Snoline ëN Snowaterís On A Roll K Granacki/S Alexander/N Alexander 3 GCH CH White Eagleís The Skyís The Limit For T Litton/C Montgomery/M Augustus/J Augustus/C Mcnellie 4 GCH CH Polar Mist Midnight Delight K Horton/L Blue 5 GCH CH Tobilís Storm Warning At Sunrise J Morgan/S Morgan 6 GCH CH White Magicís Seasoned Traveler-Trekîî M Matto 7 GCH CH Polar Mist N Bark Barkís Built Tough C OíNeill/J OíNeill 8 GCH CH Pebblesí Run CotíNpicíN Cotton Gin M Goodenough/A Kiell Green 9 GCH CH Celticfrost Ranger N West Free P Kreif/F Kreif 10 GCH CH Polar Mist CruzíN Zhivagoís Party R Stern 2 1 (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)


7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

32 31 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 GP1

39 20 3 2 1 3 1 0 0 1 GP2

19 25 5 4 0 0 1 2 1 1 GP3

10 9 5 2 1 1 1 0 0 3 GP4

18602 14677 1357 1060 669 493 478 352 343 330 TOTAL

8 2 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

8 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

27 6 5 3 7 5 3 3 2 0 GP1

29 4 6 6 2 5 2 4 0 5 GP2

14 7 11 2 3 5 3 4 1 3 GP3

7 2 5 2 5 4 1 2 1 3 GP4

24005 5226 4683 2434 2318 2227 2059 1600 1245 1153 TOTAL

Neapolitan Mastiffs 1 2 GCH CH Ironwoodís Papparrazi J Deppen/S Van-Spruill CH Artuí Patrizio Italia A Gurrola/J Wolf (M) (M)


Siberian Huskies 1 2 3 GCH CH Topaz Bad Action H Tang GCH CH Highlanderís Rumour Has It M Ralsky/C Pacht GCH CH Davikís Snowstorm Gussit D Piercey/T Teralla (M) (M) (M)


1 0

1 0

3 0

3 0

3 0

3 1

3169 134

4 2 0

2 2 0

21 18 6

13 31 2

11 19 7

5 8 3

13283 10387 3363


the top ten dogs GCH CH Dynastyís Husky Lucky Strike H Tang 5 GCH CH Paragonís Absolutely Entertaining OíKristari S Osharow/O Kanjanachusak 6 GCH CH Ziemaboraís Strut Your Stuff B Schaeffel 7 GCH CH Paragonís You Had Me At Merlot T Erickson/L Wilson 8 GCH CH Antaraís Nothing To Sneeze At T Devlin/E Brandon 9 GCH CH Snowmistís Soda Pop K Leblanc/H Shimizu 10 GCH CH Myla ëN Poliís Winter Rose M Falconer/F Polimeni/M Polimeni/R Davies/T Davies 4 (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) B. I. S. RBIS

Final 2014 Year -End Stats BASED ON ALL-BREED COMPETITION GCH CH Est Etiam Junctus Maximus At Arily F Salas/E Gualtieri 10 GCH CH Raynaire V Crescentís Weekend Gambler C Johnson/K Coffey 8 (M) (M) B. I. S. RBIS GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 TOTAL













0 0

0 0

1 0 GP1

2 1 GP2

0 3 GP3

3 2 GP4

170 169 TOTAL

1 1 0 1 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0

3 4 0 2 1 0 GP1

4 3 3 2 5 3 GP2

5 6 5 0 5 2 GP3

2 4 1 2 3 7 GP4

2119 1891 1572 1492 1415 1340 TOTAL

American Staffordshire Terriers GCH CH Angarda Deja Vu Looking At You E Mckee-Heath/D Berrey GCH CH Sierraís Ground Zero R Sampson/L Wilson 3 GCH CH Explicitís Full Throttle To Alpine B Mosing/J Branch 4 GCH CH Red Warrior Geneva Z Smith 5 GCH CH Ciceroís Clash Of The Titans N Patrick/J Patrick 6 GCH CH Chavez Let It Ride At Bonsai G Simonds 7 GCH CH Vaca Valleyís Bold Ruler For Frajaec G Brown/K Rudzik/B Gottier/D Pesenti/J Mccartney 8 GCH CH Diablos Queen Sophie Anne R Whitlow/S Whitlow 9 GCH CH Alpineís Catch Me If You Can E Thomason/K Thomason/W Wickman/D Wickman 10 GCH CH Plkís Incredibly Delicious L Ellis/R Ellis 2 1 (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F)


0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18 10 11 1 2 0 0 0 1 2 GP1

30 13 14 5 4 5 5 0 0 2 GP2

16 13 17 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 GP3

14 2 17 6 2 2 1 4 2 0 GP4

7524 4114 2182 898 543 455 428 352 304 246 TOTAL

St. Bernards 1 2


GCH CH Gliddens Lady Isabella K Glidden/E Salewsky GCH CH Aksalaís Peyton CGCA L Baker/E Baker/S Lewis/R Lewis 3 GCH CH Szajdaís Neverending Story CGC A Szajda/B Quagliaroli 4 GCH CH Jamelleís Aristocrat V Elba BN RN CGCA L Baker/E Baker 5 GCH CH Jamelleís Peyton Place M Mulligan/J Mulligan 6 GCH CH Mahoganyís Gallant Spirit V Charley D Denis/B Denis 7 GCH CH Belle Isleís Cookie V Cretan CGC R Patterson/J Little 8 GCH CH Bericís Sweet Retreat N Nosiglia/M Gustavson/B Nosiglia/R Nosiglia 9 CH Mistihil Promises Promises Rules BN RN F Stephens 10 GCH CH Lasquiteís May Of Denver CDX BN PCD GN M Smith/J Cox

(F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

8 7 3 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 GP2

10 14 3 4 1 4 0 0 0 0 GP3

8 5 4 0 3 1 4 0 1 1 GP4

5274 3208 1093 888 698 485 463 276 202 162 TOTAL

Standard Schnauzers GCH CH Misticís Longfellow Serenade S Marsh/A Derenzis GCH CH Blackhawk Meyer Of Comiskey Park J Greenberg 3 GCH CH Ogee Saltus Ze Zahrabske C Earle/E Yamada/C Cheng/B Yamada 4 GCH CH Chateau Palos Treaty Of Goarrhein TD E Mohrenweiser/M Just/H Mohrenweiser 5 GCH CH Katonís Eye Of The Tiger V Morgenwald K Koehler/P Duffee/C Reidner 6 GCH CH Steinhaus Maxim Courage RN D Morse 7 GCH CH Charisma Maxim Von Diable L Adiletti/J Adiletti 8 GCH CH Uhlan A Star Is Born CGC J Legan 9 GCH CH Geistvoll High Hope J Pope/R Pope 10 GCH CH Sketchbook No Deductions PT CGC T Rothwell/L Hansen 2 1


(M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M)

1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0

6 8 5 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 GP1

8 10 3 3 1 6 0 2 0 0 GP2

6 4 3 3 2 5 0 1 1 2 GP3

14 8 4 6 8 2 0 3 4 5 GP4

6229 5267 3921 3202 2183 1853 1732 857 801 464 TOTAL

GCH CH Dunham Lake Scout Master T Steinmetz/J Steinmetz/T Goiffon 2 GCH CH Dunham Lake Unanimous Decision T Goiffon/L Goiffon/E Goiffon 3 GCH CH Arista Redskys Love Is All There Is CGC P Levy 4 GCH CH Temora Say It With Bacon Z Smith 5 GCH CH Benayr Nick Of Time M Porter 6 GCH CH Nellysonís Mr Dont Skip The Zip C Mechalke/J Mechalke 7 CH Outbackredís Advent Star D Anderson/J Peters 8 CH Aka Inu Jaskarin Circo Massimo K Occhiuti 9 GCH CH Redsky Flyboy Wellington E Linda Demartine 10 Christhill General Dwight David K Hill/W Christensen

Australian Terriers 1


(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 1 2 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 GP1

16 0 2 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 GP2

12 2 5 1 2 3 1 0 1 1 GP3

3 3 2 5 4 1 1 0 1 1 GP4

1878 1098 789 498 431 326 108 89 85 76 TOTAL

Bedlington Terriers GCH CH First Class Willow Wind The Phoenix S Friedemann/J Fogel GCH CH Pineriverís Show Me The Money S Holden/J Berk 3 GCH CH Lamz Strike A Pose RN CAA CGC L Zembrzuski/G Gilbeau 4 GCH CH Wrightwynís Power Play NAJ CGCA S Bethea 5 GCH CH Bling Blingís Bleu Sapphire J Steele/E Wolkenmuth 6 GCH CH Tiffanieís Fame And Fortune D Smith/D Smith 7 GCH CH Sandon Ní Oakhill Jazzyís Top Secret C Foti 8 GCH CH Patchworkís Built To Last N Sheets 9 GCH CH Carillon Chazzen De Hayyim L Heyman 10 GCH CH First Class Willow Wind Time & Again J Fogel 2 1


(M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F)

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

20 15 8 5 0 4 0 0 0 1 GP1

25 9 5 6 11 4 0 1 2 0 GP2

13 8 7 3 6 0 4 0 4 2 GP3

12 7 7 1 8 4 9 3 2 2 GP4

6541 4681 1589 1147 977 691 530 279 265 205 TOTAL

Tibetan Mastiffs GCH CH Drakyi Lion Of Judah M Lott 2 GCH CH Sierrasí Sasha - Yakone Nanuk J Butler/R Gallegos 3 GCH CH Shang-Haiís Repeat Offender At Susitna A Gerrits 4 CH Dawaís Primo Argento Gomez At Tiems D Nechemias/A Brizzola 5 GCH CH Dawaís Welcome Stranger From Sierras D Nechemias/L Claus/W Wickman/D Wickman 6 GCH CH Ayyangadoo Honcho Of Drakyi D Bosak/R Eichhorn 7 GCH CH Dreamcatcher Major Victory Of Loki CGC D Parsons Slayton/W Slayton 8 CH Northstarís Darth Vader D Bosak 9 GCH CH Drakyi Dreamland New Moon At D Parsons Slayton/B Slayton/J Carter/T Carter 10 GCH CH Comancheriaís Ciye Chiricahua Cochise G Nunnally 1


(M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

4 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

9 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

13 6 2 1 1 1 1 2 0 0

2507 1526 784 503 338 288 185 129 82 29


Airedale Terriers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GCH CH Joval Sweet Time L Bryan/V Rickard GCH CH Penaire Cash Game At Longvue T Clyde/A Clyde/J Clarke/W Clarke GCH CH Blackwatch In Control D Spendolini GCH CH Epochís New York Minute A Moore/D Moore GCH CH Joval Itís My Time V Rickard/J Rickard GCH CH Darling Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds E Darling/G Darling GCH CH Huntwoodís Command Performance Of C Vitosh/J Linn/S Kipp GCH CH Joval Angelís Whisper V Rickard/J Rickard







(F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F)

5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0

29 7 1 7 3 3 3 2

17 7 3 9 0 1 2 1

11 20 4 8 2 1 1 0

4 9 5 5 4 3 2 0

10229 5229 1061 813 787 772 353 170

GCH CH Meadowlake Pants On Fire K Fitzpatrick/D Tack/S Tack/K Richardson/K Courtelis GCH CH Mchillís Hrh Prince Gizmo House Of Gremlin P Holson/A Barrios 3 GCH CH Foxburrow Celebrity Apprentice G Scott/R Scott 4 GCH CH Bascovail Essence Of Purple Sage D Behan 5 GCH CH Bascovail Essence Of A Purple Storm D Behan/J Gould 6 GCH CH Full Throttleís Wee Drop Of Mischief Oí D Bartholomay/G Bartholomay 7 GCH CH Bellwether Itís Hard To Be Me At Coldstream R Cobussen/G Cobussen/P Hulsing 8 GCH CH Meadowlake Simply Sinful K Courtelis/K Fitzpatrick/J Wilkinson/D Fitzpatrick 9 GCH CH Kilcreggans Poppy Of Eilean Donan M Bond/W Bond 10 CH Tasoak Wallaby Darned L Muramaru 2

Border Terriers 1


(F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (F)

6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

27 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 GP1

17 4 7 2 3 3 2 0 2 2 GP2

9 6 9 5 5 4 1 1 3 7 GP3

8 3 9 7 5 4 3 0 1 6 GP4

14123 2467 791 693 568 493 448 240 231 196 TOTAL

Bull Terriers (Colored) 1 2 3 4 GCH CH Banbury Bedrock Bright Star Bright M Remer/R Lamkins/K Lamkins/W Mackay-Smith GCH CH Glentomís Dirty Harry Z Smith/G Wright GCH CH Soquel Millenium Seafarer G Harlamoff/N Waynee/B Ruppel CH Notorious Never Say Never A Woodman-Jaspers/P Jaspers CONTINUED ON PAGE 160


(F) (M) (M) (M)

3 0 0 1

2 1 1 0

14 9 2 4

11 12 3 2

5 22 4 1

1 9 6 2

5790 2951 1579 1382

CONTINUED ON PAGE 168 155 Dog News




the top ten dogs CONTINUED FROM PAGE 165 B. I. S. RBIS GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 TOTAL

Final 2014 Year -End Stats BASED ON ALL-BREED COMPETITION GCH CH Absolutely Revenge M Hendren/J Smith/D Gabel 10 GCH CH Hampton Court Broxden In Queso Emergency A Rodrigues/V Malzoni/P Booth 9 (M) (M) B. I. S. RBIS

CH Action Spark Of The Divine CA CGC D Dean/F Berez 6 GCH CH Magor Galactic Agent D Davis/G Smith/N Smith 7 CH Hawthorn Leap Of Faith M Quinn/P OíDriscoll 8 CH Brigadoon Ciera Strawberry Blonde L Craig/D Alexander/C Alexander 9 CH Quicksliver Wicked LiíL Sister B Ruppel/J Ruppel 10 CH Acclaimís Rose Of Sharon J Snider


(M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F)

1 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0

5 2 0 0 0 0 GP1

3 0 1 0 1 0 GP2

6 2 0 1 0 1 GP3

4 1 1 0 0 0 GP4

1240 377 159 145 118 92 TOTAL



1 2








770 738




2 GP2

2 GP3

2 GP4

Fox Terriers (Wire) 1 2 3 4 5 GCH CH Garcini & Rangelís Rock N Rolla L Garcini/K Rogers/J Garcini GCH CH Afterall Painting The Sky V Malzoni/T Steele/S Olund/M Olund/D Ryan CH Kingarthur Van Foliny Home V Malzoni/R De Munter/D Ulterwijk GCH CH BríEr Fox Philippa Of Hunterston J Hunter/C Mouris GCH CH Crispy Legacy A Agenta/D Eggert/J Eggert/A Astrom GCH CH Crynwyd Caprice H Cole/K Harris




(M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

3 4 1 2 0 0

8 1 2 3 2 1

25 7 5 15 13 6

15 1 0 12 3 6

19 0 0 8 1 3

12 0 0 9 2 1

10701 6684 4459 3435 2490 1457

Bull Terriers (White) B Wyckoff/M Bankus/P Grecco GCH CH Global Mighty White At Kilacabar C Whitmer/S Whitmer/C Kilpatrick/C Kilpatrick 3 GCH CH Glentom Seeking Fame And Fortune A Graulau/J Graulau/T Cournoyer/G Wright 4 GCH CH Allegro Rockstar S Harris/D Harris 5 CH Imperials Kiss N Tell Aragon M Bankus/H Jones/J Jones 6 GCH CH Bullseye Oliver Orion N May/M May 7 GCH CH Nuance None Of Your Biz At Foxairn S Mcilwaine/M Beisel-Mcilwaine 8 GCH CH Sandstoneís Conceived In Liberty For Paradox G Snyder/I Hudson/M Whitehair/T Whitehair 9 GCH CH Actions Formula For A Queen K Prater-Piles/F Berez 10 CH Shadowood Smooth Operater B Strahley/B Strahley/S Whalen-Keillor 2 (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M)


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

2 0 2 1 0 0 0 2 0 GP2

7 2 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 GP3

6 1 0 2 3 1 2 0 1 GP4

592 496 214 188 168 167 149 101 94 TOTAL


S Pinto GCH CH Tsarshadow Kentucky Windage At Foxheart J Ashburn/B Ashburn/D Belter/D Deeley 9 CH Gravitas Mgk Bonita Del Mar K Read/L Mcgimpsey/G Molinari 10 GCH CH Fyrewyre Fit To Be Tied K Courtelis/D Benn/J Wilkinson/D Ryan 8

(F) (F) (F)

0 1 1

1 2 1

3 4 6 GP1

4 0 6 GP2

2 1 0 GP3

0 1 0 GP4

1330 1153 1092 TOTAL

Cairn Terriers 1 2


GCH CH Hjohooís Save Hjour Love For Me V Malzoni/E Theodorsson GCH CH Connacht A Haí Penny Will Do M Joyce 3 GCH CH Stonebridge Just A Little Bit Better D Reynolds 4 GCH CH Caledonian Tea Time Of Wolfpit L Hutchinson/V Malzoni 5 GCH CH Janwell Midnight Ryder E Grabow/K Loken 6 GCH CH Terriwood Mvp T Godwin/K Godwin/B Doyle/N Doyle 7 GCH CH Brenndarcy Borgen B Shannon/D Storr/I Kaplan 8 GCH CH Dornoch Turnberryís Tom Watson A Dorn/D Ondo 9 GCH CH Dogwood Treasure Hunter CAA CGC P Davis 10 GCH CH Captainís Destiny Taylor Made C Mittelstaedt

(F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)

3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

49 16 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 GP1

18 10 11 3 0 2 1 3 1 0 GP2

12 12 10 6 1 2 6 3 2 0 GP3

6 12 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GP4

20990 4233 2259 812 525 524 327 248 225 141 TOTAL

GCH CH Finnabair Ardmore Ned D Doyle/A Doyle/M Mcdaniel Glentyrs Lady Isabelle At Castlerock C Chiddister 3 GCH CH Emerald Isleís Keely With Daulton T Thomas/S Thomas/J Daulton/P Estes 4 GCH CH Rainbow Springs Wicklowís Warrior Of Ber W Roland/R Roland/M Carty 4 GCH CH Abberann Torcan T Nesbitt 6 GCH CH Finnabair Song OíMy Heart JE CA M Mcdaniel/M Ewald 7 GCH CH Daultonís Seanchai Of Blessington T Nesbitt/J Daulton/P Estes 8 GCH CH Kilkennyís Sullivan Of Castlerock C Chiddister/S Blum 9 GCH CH Daultonís Emerald Green J Daulton/P Estes/M Greene/C Greene 10 GCH CH Emerald Isleís Sweet Molly Malone With S Carlson/T Carlson/J Daulton/P Estes 2

Glen of Imaal Terriers 1


(M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F)

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

15 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

16 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 GP2

8 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 GP3

13 9 4 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 GP4

4249 907 134 96 96 54 38 37 33 30 TOTAL

Cesky Terriers 2 P Huber/N Huber/T Smith/P Bale Zlatapraha Pandora At Dornick N Fletcher/D Fletcher (F)




0 GP1

0 GP2

1 GP3

0 GP4


GCH CH Kingís Mtn. Angelina Ballerina P Stephens/D Chambers-Rau 2 CH Aranisleís Brute Force S Mcdannald/B Mcdannald 3 GCH CH Lonsdale Sir Joseph Porter A Simpson 4 CH Aranisle Star Of San Jacinto C Blair/B Mcdannald 5 GCH CH Pennywise Cinnamon Toast C Nelson 6 GCH CH Derrydown Can Webe Frank G Myers/K Dorn 7 GCH CH Clossongrey As You Wish M Couto/S Maehara/A Judge 8 GCH CH Tigh OíTykes Hugo N Ryan 9 Kingís Mtn. Harriet Hodgepodge P Borkgren/A Borkgren/S Hickson 10 CH Derrydown Son Of Frankystein K Dorn/C Furlong

Dandie Dinmont Terriers 1



6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

36 1 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 GP1

23 4 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 GP2

6 7 3 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 GP3

5 1 3 0 0 2 1 0 3 1 GP4

11709 345 282 163 146 133 117 109 61 19 TOTAL

(M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)

GCH CH Rockledge Mccallen Of Meath L Honey/J Wilson GCH CH Red Devilís Irish, Lucifers Fireîî J Philip/M Mattus 3 GCH CH Sharobís Commander In Chief S Lindgren/R Lindgren 4 GCH CH Irvonhill Leave It To Me A Barker/T Lahti 5 GCH CH Donedaireís Emerald Of Erin P Shaw/M Shaw 6 CH Breezyís Redhawk Jack Clancy E Campbell/T Vandezande 7 GCH CH Donedaireís Donegal Dandy P Shaw/M Shaw 8 CH Trackways Cassidy Keepsake C Rivera/K Warner/T Cassidy 9 CH Gloccomara Gentleman James E West 10 GCH CH Trackways Sun Stone C Rivera/K Warner/T Cassidy 2

Irish Terriers 1


(M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 1 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

12 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 GP2

9 5 6 3 0 1 1 0 0 1 GP3

8 2 3 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 GP4

3032 2021 1601 429 310 160 101 91 55 39 TOTAL

Fox Terriers (Smooth) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GCH CH Absolutely Talk Of The Town J Smith/E Boyes GCH CH JíCobe Broxden Shark Dressed Man V Malzoni/A Rodrigues/P Booth GCH CH JíCobe Broxden Accidentally On Porpoise M Jacobs/L Aune/J Aune GCH CH Absolutely Signature J Smith/D Gabel GCH CH High Mtn Everso Smooth S Perrine/C Snavely GCH CH Buchanan Focus Cat Ballou E Barker GCH CH Raybills Yesireebob B Lewis/S Theel/R Robison GCH CH LilíItch Pretty Woman At Foxwatch W Perry/W Perry/S Hoesman


(F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F)

6 1 1 0 0 1 0 0

7 7 1 1 0 1 0 0

27 26 14 5 1 2 2 1

4 21 18 8 4 0 6 5

4 15 9 3 4 0 5 10

2 7 12 3 7 0 9 4

16233 8583 3763 2892 1581 1342 1275 812

GCH CH Class Act By Hallsblu W Berry GCH CH Ciarraiís Beltane Embers P Fox 3 GCH CH Edbrios Russian Roulette E Hansen 4 GCH CH Teaganís Purple Rain H Hunter/A Retezatu 5 GCH CH Kallehanís Timeless Classic Styling For Blue L Mathers/N Han 6 GCH CH Bluebeardís Barnum C Brown/L Brown/L Pheasant 7 GCH CH Kamagh Too Busy Bein Fabulous N Han/W Mcfadden 8 GCH CH Cheronís Dirty Water C Purcell/R Purcell 9 GCH CH Quinn Perpetrator Of Bloomsday Magic G Quinn/R Beuter/B Beuter/E Schultz 10 GCH CH Tontineís Chance Redemption L Croley/C Dwyer 2

Kerry Blue Terriers 1


(M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M)

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

18 9 2 7 0 0 0 3 0 1 GP1

12 7 9 6 6 3 0 4 0 2 GP2

13 9 8 5 1 0 1 1 2 1 GP3

10 7 4 5 6 1 0 3 0 0 GP4

3075 2946 2121 1823 1035 344 336 330 233 211 TOTAL

Lakeland Terriers 1 2 3 4 GCH CH Brocairís Hrh Prince Harry L Rogan/K Rogan CH Snowtaires Next Generation B Decker/L Parker GCH CH Delzar Sweet Sin-Sation P Harbison GCH CH Teraz Runs On Dunkiní J Crowe


(M) (F) (F) (M)

2 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

5 1 8 0

7 1 2 2

8 1 2 4

11 0 4 2

4985 1510 561 357


the top ten dogs B. I. S. RBIS GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 TOTAL


5 6 7

GCH CH Northcoteís Elite Crimson Fire D Lawrence/C Lawrence/P Peters GCH CH Snowtaires Back To The Future B Decker/L Parker CH Larkspur Acadia Summer Secret At Greycottage M Sacco/N Kenney/L Kenney/S Fraser J Mccarthy/R Mccarthy CH Thor-Kourt Krusader Tyraspot M Cohen/B Robinson J Ostoski/R Ostoski

(F) (M) (F)

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 1

4 1 4

1 1 0

224 173 157

Norwich Terriers GCH CH Dancyís Rough Rider N Lentz/D Lentz GCH CH Highwoodís Whirling Dun J Fonyo/N Fonyo 2 GCH CH Camioís Educated Exemplar C Rogers 4 GCH CH Michanís Mick Like A Rolling Stone L Marshall/H Marshall 5 GCH CH Thunderwoodís First Robin Of Spring T Willrich/K Conlan 6 GCH CH Loxwood Cuter Than The Average Bear J Hoenig/K Callaghan 7 GCH CH Roserockís Atticus Finch A Garcia Gomez/M Lopez 8 GCH CH Ma-Ya Storminí Norman Y Harr/M Harr 9 GCH CH Capabilityís Hot Tin Lizzie C Johnson/A Geremia/S Stemmler 10 GCH CH Millerís Memorable Alaska Bound J Ashpole 2 1







(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)

1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

4 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0

15 4 8 13 13 11 0 2 2 2 GP1

6 9 6 10 13 6 4 2 2 5 GP2

0 11 18 13 5 4 3 2 2 1 GP3

3 5 16 3 7 1 6 5 0 6 GP4

3043 2402 2402 2116 1662 774 672 266 265 236 TOTAL










Manchester Terriers (Standard) GCH CH Toria A New Leash On Life V Herbert/D Thorsland 2 GCH CH Oasis Razzmatazz CA V Stanert/B Stanert 3 GCH CH Doubletrees Apollo On Stage E Harris/T Smith 4 GCH CH Wilaneís Midnight Rydor R Gates/B Wood/K Brewer 5 CH Earendils Trinity Morning Star S Weeks/J Mcclister/R Mcclister 6 GCH CH Medleyís Set Fire To The Rain V Levendi T Myers/C Caridis 7 GCH CH Reidís Impeccable Topsey S Harris/P Hall 8 GCH CH Jazzman Tonightís The Night Z Bolin 9 CH Ambricks Formal Oasis M Zoz 10 GCH CH Wilaneís Sophisticated Lady B Wood/B Wood/J Emerick 1 (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F)







0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 7 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

4 4 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 GP2

5 4 2 2 2 3 0 1 0 1 GP3

5 3 5 1 4 1 1 0 1 2 GP4

956 913 609 274 140 135 108 73 60 46 TOTAL

Parson Russell Terriers GCH CH Dream Hiís Lilí Surfer Dude K Rickard/L Rickard GCH CH Posey Canyon Classic Stun Gun T Stanczyk/J Johnston 3 GCH CH Ardsley Run Heaven Sent J Smith/J Gardner 4 CH Posey Canyon Classic Hijinx T Stanczyk/J Johnston/D Rathgeber/W Schwery 5 GCH CH Shalimar Jack Of Diamonds J Outhet/A Hall 6 GCH CH Fox Valley Devil In Disguise J Felten/C Florence 7 GCH CH Fox Valley Bustin Loose S Frerichs 8 GCH CH Highland Downs Proud Tiger N Montalone/R Ford/J Ramming 9 CH Bayshore Bobbie Sue A Backos/J Baylis/D Backos/N Backos 10 GCH CH Red Rock High Surf Warning K Raduziner 2 1


(M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 6 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 GP1

4 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GP2

6 7 1 2 0 0 3 1 0 2 GP3

6 5 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 GP4

1384 1203 580 134 127 123 105 87 86 83 TOTAL

Miniature Bull Terriers GCH CH Cambriaís Kid N Play L Baggenstos/R Baggenstos/A Guerrero/D Guerrero GCH CH Dytona Vip M Jacobs/A Klishas/E Feuz 3 GCH CH Vipís Playtime Prince K Toomey/S Cummings/F Milteer 4 GCH CH Vipís I Know You Know At Albion K Short/A Short 5 GCH CH Amchara Roc Ur World K Toland/S Toland 6 CH Bonsai Raise A Glass A Ghione/G Simonds/S Holden/T Taylor 7 Kingsmere Dark Side Of Notorious A Jaspers/L Lethin/P Jaspers 8 GCH CH Evolution Runs With Scissors S Cummings/K Toomey/C Jensen 9 CH Sunrise Minotaur Ready To Rock It M Dreyer/V Giamo/R Massingill/E Massingill 10 CH Labamba Bull Position D Takayama 2 1


(M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F)

2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

33 21 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

20 12 5 2 2 2 0 1 0 0 GP2

15 15 2 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 GP3

16 17 9 2 1 2 1 0 1 1 GP4

10279 6025 1067 415 374 175 74 61 43 29 TOTAL

Rat Terriers 1 2 3 4 5 6


Miniature Schnauzers GCH CH Regencyís Play For Keeps D Lewis/K Lewis/B Verna 2 GCH CH Yangaís All The Time R Martinez Rahme 3 GCH CH Allaruth Just Kidding V Sole Baye Y Phelps/R Ziegler 4 GCH CH Allaruth Carmel Still Kidding V Sole Baye Y Phelps/C Ewer/R Ziegler 5 GCH CH Lonestarís Which Witch R Edwards/S Edwards 6 GCH CH Gangwayís Mission Engineer B Brown/M Larsen 7 GCH CH Evalill Excalibur Gus D Forwell 8 GCH CH Landeís Chairman Of The Board,Esq M Lande/L Harstad 9 GCH CH Loneacreís Grand Slam S Quinn 10 Tomarís Whimsical Dream M Paisley 1


GCH CH Felixvilles Traveling Pooch T Little/R Little GCH CH Stoneybays Ur Martiniís ServíD CM S Mcwilliams/T Jordan GCH CH Clover Valleyís Sheís Got Whatever It Is D Kneeland/C Kneeland GCH CH Riverridge Sank Ur Battleship B Brown/S Mcwilliams GCH CH River Ridge Winning Ways L Iazzetti/S Mcwilliams Skippin Cj Spanish Legacy Rides Again R Morgan/C Martinez

(M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)

0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

0 1 0 0 0 0 GP2

2 0 0 0 0 1 GP3

2 0 1 1 1 0 GP4

333 79 38 36 20 10 TOTAL

(M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)

3 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 1

18 1 3 9 3 1 1 0 1 1 GP1

25 6 7 4 5 3 2 3 0 0 GP2

12 4 2 1 7 7 6 3 2 0 GP3

4 4 1 1 12 6 1 3 4 0 GP4

8688 3584 3395 2713 1755 958 537 499 367 354 TOTAL

Russell Terriers 1 2


Norfolk Terriers GCH CH Yarrow Venerie Ticket To Ride P Beale/J Beale 2 GCH CH Yarrow Venerie Winning Ticket Venerie Knl/Yarrow Knl 3 GCH CH Max-Wellís Cradle Robber B Miller 4 GCH CH Tenterra Rise To The Summit At Starmtn A Gabrielli/J Latterner 5 CH Hubbestad Wee Marius E Neff/P Beale/J Beale/D Neff 6 GCH CH Avalonís Come Fly With Me RN S Foran/L Pelletir 7 CH Highlands Beam Me Up Scotty CA K Kotke-Partington/J Partington/H Cole/K Slump 8 CH Barnstable Paws To Celebrate S Stemmler 9 CH Arroyoís Jingle All The Way A Dum/E Dum 10 CH Yarrow Venerie Trader Vic From Owl Hollow B Thomas/A Thomas/P Beale 1


GCH CH Appassionato Jp Monamourís Star A Hargrave/C Areskough GCH CH Goldsandís Columbus M Ulrich/C Areskough 3 GCH CH Baylock Heart Of Fire M Ulrich/L Ulrich/K Azzorpardi 4 GCH CH Rivendellís Tinker Toy M Title/C Mckenzie/S Sobel 5 GCH CH Monamour Jpp Energy Of Kiss E Reisman 6 GCH CH Dbf Woodsong Of Kcr C Florence/C Van Vorst/R Novack 7 GCH CH Goldsandís Billie Jean CA M Wooldridge/J Stevens/C Manelopoulos/R Corbin/M Bark 8 GCH CH Edisonís IíM Just Getting Warmed Up B Edison 9 GCH CH Dbf Hart Trophy N Bitner/C Lundin 10 GCH CH Kajsenborgís Dirty Diana H Andersen/T Grennaae

(M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F)

2 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

3 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 0

10 9 11 7 7 3 5 2 0 2 GP1

14 3 12 11 10 8 3 1 3 2 GP2

10 0 16 11 2 3 3 0 3 4 GP3

8 1 8 14 6 15 1 1 4 1 GP4

6121 4871 3837 2541 1982 1892 1848 672 480 416 TOTAL

(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M)

3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

21 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

28 2 2 4 2 2 1 0 0 0

19 1 2 4 1 0 0 1 0 0

15 5 4 3 2 1 2 2 1 1

13502 3414 510 373 206 192 169 129 40 35

Scottish Terriers GCH CH Mcvanís To Russia With Love M Khenkina GCH CH Roundtown Everyday Magic Of Maryscot A Musser 3 GCH CH Kelwynís Gm Freestyle Flyer K Edell/D Edell 4 GCH CH Peabar Goodness Gracious CA P Gallatin/P Browne/M Fegus Siroka 5 GCH CH Dynastyís Br Donald Rockfeller D Burge/R Cross 6 GCH CH Anstamm Sodak Go West Young Man P James/K James 7 GCH CH Camdyn Fall From Grace S Barry 8 GCH CH Charthill Highland Lad Canty Troubadour J Pickett/W Pickett 9 GCH CH Whiskybae Lochraven Lollypop J Boughton/A Van Ravensway/C Lacoe 10 GCH CH Cumbriaís Ready Jet Go P Wooster/T Wooster 2 1


(F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F)

8 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 5 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

50 24 17 6 0 2 1 1 1 0

28 10 10 16 4 3 2 0 2 1

8 7 9 8 4 1 4 2 1 4

5 6 8 5 4 1 2 3 1 1

17731 13604 5494 2311 964 561 500 482 435 319



Best of Breed Silky Terrier Club of America National Specialty 2013 and 2014 2014 Westminster Kennel Club Best of Breed






the top ten dogs CONTINUED FROM PAGE 169 B. I. S. RBIS GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 TOTAL


Sealyham Terriers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GCH CH Efbeís Thunder Rd At Burberry S Hawks/F Bergeron/L Tetreault/S Middlebrooks GCH CH Slyfox Sassy Lady Of Bluffís End C Echelbarger/J Taggart/K Jacobson GCH CH Hotshotís Royal Sheíll Make ëEm Cry B Dunlap/R Dunlap CH Goodspice Efbeís Know Easy Way Out J Hetherington/M Good GCH CH Wildwind Keep Your Hat On B Snyder/J Ferrera CH Dunnville Da Vinci D Francois/J Thill/K Haugland CH Bedlamís Ball Of Confusion T Childers/J Childers/M Childers/W Jones GCH CH Dubwyre Cherrydun Ladyhawke J Thill/D Francois CH Bedlamís High Speed Car Chase At Nerak R Wegner/K Wegner/W Jones/M Jones (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

21 3 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 GP2

19 3 7 0 1 1 1 1 1 GP3

14 2 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 GP4

4772 1490 484 308 243 90 44 16 14 TOTAL

GCH CH Teritails Loyal Knight T Lohmuller 9 CH Darwynís Special Blend L Hotchin 10 GCH CH Shaireabís Bayleigh Last Call To Penbryn S Abmeyer/K Bailey/T Lee/X Xie


(M) (M) (M)

1 0 1

0 0 0

2 0 1 GP1

2 2 0 GP2

0 1 1 GP3

2 0 0 GP4

622 247 240 TOTAL

West Highland White Terriers P Cohen/C Cohen GCH CH Whitebriar Jaw Dropper (Nzd) J Fraser 3 GCH CH Glenns Monte Carlo W Falls 4 GCH CH Ridgmarís Just Joking Around D Cox Davis 5 GCH CH Trueheartís Courage Danny Barker L Mclellan 6 GCH CH White Oaks Invincible Snowplow S Meisels/G Meisels 7 GCH CH Holyroodís Here Comes The Son @ Briarton F Locke/J Francisco/R Marsh 8 GCH CH Imperialís Major League J Parcel 9 GCH CH Plum Creekís Hear Me Roar E Keener/K Mcdonald 10 GCH CH Weathervane Abroathís Lahaina Noon G Moniz/K Moniz/D Waterman 2 (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)


1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 4 4 0 2 1 0 1 4

7 6 8 1 1 3 0 2 7

2 4 6 8 2 2 1 1 4

0 10 4 7 6 7 5 1 3

5507 1903 1149 715 518 407 262 260 247

Skye Terriers GCH CH Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie V Malzoni/Cragsmoor Knl 2 GCH CH Royalist SnoKnight O Kuhlbreeze E Ridley/D Ridley/K Jennings Turnbell 3 GCH CH Solana Demolition Man M Shiue 4 GCH CH Jay-Roy Byrne ëN Hot For You D Salandro 5 GCH CH Desire Of Love DellíAntica Caledonia S Middleton/P Flanagan 6 GCH CH Gleanntan First Lady Of The Skyes Gleanntan Knl 7 GCH CH Talakan Trumpeter Swan J Davis 8 GCH CH Kuhlbreeze Voice Of Reason D Ridley/D Divis/E Ridley 9 GCH CH Marwyn Keeper Of The Stars A Scott/C Schuman/M Smith 10 Kuhlbreeze Speckled Movement C Wennberg/J Wennberg/D Ridley 1 (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)


33 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

29 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

113 6 2 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 GP1

7 4 3 4 3 3 0 1 0 0 GP2

6 1 7 4 8 2 2 1 1 0 GP3

4 2 2 6 3 4 1 2 2 1 GP4

60657 1228 992 788 678 482 198 190 96 75 TOTAL


Affenpinschers GCH CH Yarrowís Hi-Tech Ben There Done That W Truesdale/W Truesdale/L Wubbell GCH CH Xelaís Party Hat S Jones/S Hill/A Romero 3 GCH CH Strongfort Opium Puffn Muffn L Carpenter/C Beaver/M Peat 4 CH Champagne Charly V. Tani Kazari V Phrukwattanakul/M Cooijmans 5 GCH CH Airescot Sunset L Baker 6 GCH CH Tamarin Tarheel A Shultz/G Shultz 7 GCH CH Vilyís Apolo Ohno V Hutton 8 GCH CH Xelaís Party Tric D Wood/S Jones/D Hichborn/P Belmont 9 GCH CH Tamarin True Grit S Biszantz 10 GCH CH Tamarin Tanner A Shultz 2 1 (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)







3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

36 2 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 GP1

27 4 2 4 0 2 0 1 1 0 GP2

16 4 3 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 GP3

6 1 4 3 3 1 3 0 1 0 GP4

14387 2214 1434 1423 619 548 432 389 356 289 TOTAL

Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers GCH CH Doubloonís Extreme Play E Landa GCH CH Shandalee Fireworks S Goldberg/H Goldberg/D Sealy/N Bailey 3 GCH CH Bryr Rose Phoenix Rising C Garrett 4 GCH CH Lochlinear Gleanngay Cha Ching P Mullin 5 GCH CH Villanova Blame It On The Bossanova C Phelps/B Phelps 6 GCH CH Lismore I Like Ike M Ryan 7 GCH CH Greentree Cayenne Dancer R Reey/B Mcdonald 8 GCH CH Ainle Villanova Mouth Of The South CGC K Elliot 9 GCH CH Atas Graumanís Gypsy Run Through M Montes-Capton/J Flavell 10 GCH CH Marqueeís Love The One YouíRe With L Thompson/J Thompson/S Urquhart/R Urquhart 2 1 (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M)


1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

2 3 4 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 GP2

3 2 9 3 2 2 1 3 3 0 GP3

7 2 5 2 1 0 1 1 0 3 GP4

3950 1180 1177 581 340 257 229 209 164 151 TOTAL

Brussels Griffons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 GCH CH Fist Face A Penny For Your Thought L Pagacz/C Pagacz/K Catterson GCH CH Hilltopís GQ Cover Boy P Brown GCH CH Cashinís Sizzling Bacon Bit F Cashin/C Ross GCH CH Homestead Zoey Of Treyacres St Johns Knl/E Hole GCH CH Seagryphs Sleeping With The Anemone K Rogers/M Rogers/A Bernardin GCH CH Fist Face Reloaded L Vance/R Vance GCH CH Jo Li Drummer Boy B Hansen/B Strange GCH CH Paragons Sharp Dressed Man At M Gale/K Fleener GCH CH Windtrotterís Von Fischer Justa Dorable P Fischer/D Hois GCH CH Jn Ambrosiaís Raise Your Glass J Neposchlan/M Dunsworth (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F)


3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

6 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

27 29 4 4 2 8 1 1 0 2 GP1

29 26 4 7 3 4 2 0 2 2 GP2

16 16 8 2 3 2 2 3 4 4 GP3

9 13 8 7 4 2 3 2 3 1 GP4

13763 12606 2372 2143 1531 1426 944 834 825 825 TOTAL

Staffordshire Bull Terriers GCH CH Cumhil Hell Raiser Z Smith 2 GCH CH Vomhausharrock Dondiegoredrock L Heimbuch/T Alberg 3 GCH CH Seenworstaff Lucky Me M Bryant/S Carter 4 GCH CH Nazanís IíM In Like Flynn J Irwin 5 GCH CH Sylon Bruce Of Ringmaster M Darwish/J Miller 6 GCH CH Prada Classic Aranisle At Donnellas P Briasco/P Briasco/R Hopkinson/D Hopkinson 7 GCH CH Sheamanís Son Of A Irishman J Carreiro/R Carreiro 8 GCH CH Aktionís Sassy Sadie Mae D Jones/J Jones 9 GCH CH Massieís Mommaís Boy (Iggi) C Addison/J Massie 10 GCH CH Sikaistaff Dancing Devil T Lohr 1 (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)


3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

27 3 2 1 2 0 3 3 0 0 GP1

32 11 3 2 0 0 2 0 1 2 GP2

14 8 0 12 5 2 4 0 2 1 GP3

13 5 0 6 3 4 2 0 3 1 GP4

7610 2276 1108 918 526 404 402 399 318 282 TOTAL

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels 1 2 3 4 5 6 GCH CH Quail Garden Loch Lomond Deja Vu J Mittelman/K Subramanian GCH CH Miletree Carnival S Henry/B Henry GCH CH Forestcreek Louisiana Lagniappe GCH CH Piccadilís Twist And Shout CD BN RE J York GCH CH Forestcreek Brass In Pocket (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M)


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

14 7 6 5 0 2 0 3 0 0

18 9 6 14 4 3 3 2 2 0

15 12 3 13 10 4 1 2 2 3

10 8 4 11 3 4 7 2 0 2

8539 3609 3465 3104 1173 1127 1112 794 554 475

Welsh Terriers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 GCH CH Shaireabís Bayleigh Maid Of Honor S Abmeyer/K Bailey/T Lee/X Xie GCH CH Abbeyrose Black Diamond J Anspach/M Duafala/P Allen GCH CH Andover See-Z The Moment P See/J See GCH CH Darwyn Bruhilís Flying Circus L Hotchin GCH CH Sanherpinc Poporopo At Teritails T Lohmuller GCH CH Darwyn Here For A Good Time L Hotchin/S Cornick GCH CH Brynnmawr ëN Seaplumeís Built Tough C Stevens/M OíFarrell (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M)


23 1 0 0 0 0 1

24 2 2 0 1 1 0

91 12 7 7 5 5 4

27 11 3 6 7 6 6

11 12 2 11 3 3 5

2 9 4 3 3 3 6

44783 4297 2720 1531 1420 1347 1052

GCH CH Orchard Hill Just Enough Luck C Darr/E Venier 7 GCH CH Kinglyís Clint Black Of Bekenhall J Herrington/F Hall 8 GCH CH Manorhouse Right As Rain P Mccaslin 9 GCH CH Wandris Buttons And Bows G Reardon 10 GCH CH Carverís Uncle Lenny B Bromley


the top ten dogs B. I. S. RBIS GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 TOTAL

Final 2014 Year -End Stats BASED ON ALL-BREED COMPETITION Novel Say The Magic Words H Chiappetta/S Hepler 9 CH Southdown Fait Accompli B Van Deman 10 Southdown Au Fait B Van Deman 8 (F) (M) (M) B. I. S. RBIS

Chihuahuas (Long Coat) 1 GCH CH Jetstarís Simply Outrageous J Chandler (M) 0 0 1 3 7 10 2421 A Paola Diniz/L Guilmerme Diniz Pretoni GCH CH Lone Pineís Boston Legal DíOuachitah M Blank/C Eugene/L George 4 GCH CH Ouachitah Diamond In The Sky At Lone Pine J Finkel/M Blank/A Finkel/N Finkel 5 GCH CH Bamboo High Sky II T Wachanahkunarkorn/U Littichaikun 6 GCH CH Grace Acre Almost Persuaded T Dejarnett 7 GCH CH Carouselís Lovin Spoonful K Specht 8 GCH CH Bkís Wild About Harry B Smith 9 GCH CH Winterfell Prince William Of Ludi Hill H Son 10 GCH CH Mgm Spellbound B Gentile/S Guthrie 3 (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 GP1











56 51 38


0 0

0 0

0 0 GP1

1 0 GP2

0 0 GP3

0 1 GP4

4 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 GP2

5 4 4 0 1 0 0 0 GP3

8 3 4 1 3 1 0 2 GP4

1702 890 781 364 357 244 213 200 TOTAL

Havanese 1 GCH CH Peluitoís Papi Chulo A Etzig/L Curtis (M) A Liebing/A Welling GCH CH Bellatak Valleeís Maximum Dream K Patrick 4 GCH CH Thatís Adorabullís Dreaming Of You D Scheiris/J Chavez/D Scheiris/P Lucas/S Lucas 5 GCH CH Oesteís Stealing The Starlight M King/J Vogel/R Schindler/T Mcfadden 6 GCH CH DíVaís Second Star To The Right D Planche/D Hinkle 7 GCH CH Ji Joís And Shataraís High Voltage M Soave/S Tomassi 8 GCH CH Harborís Sky-Blue Pink C Field/H Bennett/B Call 9 GCH CH Joyfulnoise Come Fly With Me CDX RN NAJ D Hart/G Hart 10 GCH CH Tigerlily Tamaran Smoke On The Water S Roach 3 (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)










0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0

3 1 4 1 2 0 1 2 GP1

7 5 2 6 3 1 0 3 GP2

10 13 1 10 3 7 0 0 GP3

11 11 2 11 6 1 3 4 GP4

4226 3009 2933 2848 1431 1214 1182 1053 TOTAL

Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) GCH CH Sonnus Filho (Sanchez) J Moses/J Moses/R Sanchez-Torres 2 GCH CH South Forkís Sweet Harmony M Held 3 GCH CH Jomey Benny Boo P Duong 4 GCH CH Shorepointeís Buddy Dazzler W Mccollister/J Ward/S Chavez/J Standish 5 GCH CH Ouachitah One Life To Give L George 6 GCH CH Genbrookís Playiní With Fire G Stiles/V Stiles 7 GCH CH Cogieís Precious Streak C Cogan Bird/D Roy 8 GCH CH Promenade Ring O Fire L Hughes 9 GCH CH Kokura Yama Jp Darling Dartan K Yama 10 GCH CH Ouachitah Glitz And Glamour At Lone Pine L George/C Eugene/M Blank 1 (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F)


27 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

22 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

93 4 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

24 6 3 2 2 2 0 0 0 1 GP2

8 4 2 3 1 3 1 3 0 1 GP3

4 7 6 7 2 2 5 2 4 3 GP4

36316 2247 1621 1398 772 684 597 556 534 487 TOTAL

Italian Greyhounds 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 GCH CH Donavinís Caramel Macchiato D Davis/J Davis GCH CH Gdm Zenyatta At Lakeside M Manning/D Snoble/J Kulic GCH CH Trotwood July Fourth Rocket Of Bo-Betts P Swindell GCH CH Libertyís Gris Gris Creole Treat C Odom/T Mayers GCH CH Integra Maja Scattered Pearls M Lucas/R Weyer/T Catterson GCH CH Fiore Viva Ladyís Tresses M Smart/C Resnick/D Stutzman GCH CH Marchwind Barbara Ann C Harris D Wallace/A Shute GCH CH Voici Where Thereís Smoke Thereís Fire (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F)


0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 8 0 0 3 2 0

10 4 2 4 4 1 2

7 4 7 3 2 1 5

7 5 7 6 1 3 2

3533 2088 1690 1265 987 950 766

Chinese Crested GCH CH Kulanaís Sh-Boom S Frumkin/M Frumkin 2 GCH CH Dejavu I WantíA Talk About Me R Kusumoto/J Kusumoto 3 GCH CH Kaylenís Kahlua V Dorris/K Peiser 4 GCH CH Zenís Cirque Du Soleil N Feldman 5 GCH CH Koridawns In Your Wildest Dreams K Karraker 6 GCH CH Gingeryís Rhubarb A Butterklee 7 GCH CH Crestline Butters Scotch CA M Vila 8 GCH CH Palmettoís Flying Dutchman B Kruse/G Kruse 9 GCH CH Daretobebare Flashy Threads K Perret/S Lyon 10 GCH CH Pammars I Got The Magic In Me S Giles/P Charen 1 (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)


3 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

25 33 10 8 1 0 1 1 0 0 GP1

26 23 13 11 4 1 1 1 1 2 GP2

21 14 20 13 0 6 0 3 2 0 GP3

9 11 8 11 2 0 1 2 1 3 GP4

14431 13656 6326 4690 857 676 520 468 462 387 TOTAL


(M) (F)

0 0

0 0

0 0 GP1

1 1 GP2

1 4 GP3

2 1 GP4

510 479 TOTAL

10 GCH CH Tebo Menteí The Generals Dance K Thibeault/C James

Japanese Chin GCH CH Victory Spencer M Mc Cormick/M Cooley 2 GCH CH Toucheís Top Hat And Tails At Samskara C Rado/M Pollock/D Martenson 3 GCH CH Dojoís Suikoden Tenmei D Jobe 4 GCH CH Chindaleís Anything She Wants J Stevens/M Wooldridge/V Adams 5 GCH CH Toucheís Bravado R Wilson/D Martenson 6 GCH CH Randalets Wok N In Sunshine W Schnarrenberger/M Schnarrenberger 7 GCH CH Dunkirk Hop To It T Reese/R Winters 8 GCH CH Pem We-Syng Perfect Pitch At Sirius D Christensen/G Christensen 9 GCH CH We-Syng Black Jack Luck B Czapor 10 GCH CH Genkiís Blue Moon J Dalton/J Turjoman 1 (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)


1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 6 7 5 4 4 0 0 0 0 GP1

10 20 7 4 1 6 1 0 0 1 GP2

8 13 12 3 4 5 3 0 0 1 GP3

6 11 7 0 3 3 2 2 3 1 GP4

6931 6132 3641 2197 1872 1765 394 380 301 282 TOTAL

English Toy Spaniels (Blenheim & Prince Charles) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 GCH CH Loujon Thornwood Little Jacob K Miller/J Ward GCH CH Maibee Orlando C Williams GCH CH Sanchi Pleasant Surprise B Miller CH Xelaís Et Phone Home S Hill/M Hill/A Romero/A Romero GCH CH Danahoís Jack Of Hearts D Hopkins GCH CH Clussexx Champagne Breakfast D Johnson/J Hubbard/J Peterson/M Kirschbaum/K GCH CH Chaselandís Howard Glodek B Miller/J Glodek (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)


1 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 0 0 0 0 0

12 9 7 0 0 0 0 GP1

19 10 9 1 1 0 0 GP2

14 8 12 2 0 0 1 GP3

7 10 7 2 3 1 1 GP4

7456 4339 2790 534 367 214 98 TOTAL

Maltese GCH CH Rhapsodyís Someone Like You T Holibaugh/K Kasten GCH CH Scruffyís-Validian Busy Buzzing Around C Landry/P Rogers/T Rowell 3 GCH CH Ta-Jonís Sugar Dumpliní J Bingaman 4 GCH CH Rhapsody N Cherubís Oh So Henry T Mackenzie/K Mackenzie 5 GCH CH Scyllaís Small Kraft Re-Lit D Burke/R Scott/T Rowell 6 GCH CH Sands Rs More Than A Crush J Ray/A Preuett 7 GCH CH Mollydearís Schubert Impromptu V Yanez/S Rowe 8 CH Scyllaís Small Kraft Illuminati V Abbott/T Rowell 9 GCH CH Richelieuís Valentino P Keen Fernandes/J Mcquiston 10 GCH CH Divineís Work Of Art K Kent/A Stanberry 2 1 (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)


1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

11 9 6 3 4 0 0 0 1 2 GP1

13 11 9 3 1 3 4 2 2 1 GP2

12 13 7 4 1 4 4 1 1 1 GP3

18 2 2 4 0 4 1 2 1 0 GP4

5948 5440 2544 1914 1609 1017 844 751 710 664 TOTAL

(King Charles & Ruby) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 GCH CH Lto Prosperity R Cole/M Landers/S Carter GCH CH Novel Backroads Run For The Roses S Plance/H Reid/M Reid GCH CH Siriusí The Red Saint B Maurer/P Cox/J Swanson/J Cox GCH CH Novel All Aquiver S Hepler CH Kenjockety Luigi B Van Deman CH Novel Tugs At My Heart S Hepler/S Tietsworth GCH CH Eliza Jeann De La Rivieroise B Van Deman/C Dumortier (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 31 3 2 1 0 0 1 25 2 1 1 3 1 0 16 6 2 1 0 0 0 9 1 2 4 0 1 0 16998 1419 668 505 188 133 82

English Toy Spaniels


Manchester Terriers (Toy) 1 2 3 GCH CH Cottage Lakeís Our Lady Of Fatima R Travis/M Chagas GCH CH Rustic Lane Resident Evil At Fwaggle C Horowitz/A Kelly GCH CH Blossomís Letís Dance B Scott-Heim (F) (F) (M) CONTINUED ON PAGE 172


2 0 0

0 0 0

10 1 1

11 2 2

11 2 2

7 5 4

5309 1273 1052


Dog News 167




the top ten dogs CONTINUED FROM PAGE 173 B. I. S. RBIS GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 TOTAL


K Levario/P Mackesey/J Burrows GCH CH Rustic Lane Sunshine Daydream C Horowitz/M Lee 6 CH Maggical Roadwarrior L Dewey/P Dewey/C Williams/D Williams 7 GCH CH Argoel Poricias Dahling L Croft-Elliott/P Hall 8 CH Doubletree Call Me Maybe B Jenkins 9 GCH CH Baysideís Beginning D Texter 10 GCH CH Thunderhills Irish Cream At Burmack M Miller/M Miller/J Burrows/P Mackesey 5

(F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M)

0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0

2 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

1 0 0 1 0 0 GP2

0 0 1 0 2 0 GP3

0 5 2 2 2 2 GP4

555 386 381 368 216 189 TOTAL

Poodles (Toy) GCH CH Smash Jp Beauty & Beat R Scott/D Burke 2 GCH CH North Well Vivian Jp Rose Queen T Sosnoff/M Sosnoff 3 GCH CH Lomar Swagís One Tin Soldier L Logli/T Meyers 4 GCH CH Baliwick Honey Boo Boo I Bloomquist/D Dahl 5 GCH CH Sharbelle Greg-Mar International Boy R Stevens/S Stevens/M Gregory 6 GCH CH Donnchada Angel Wings At Dulcinea S Talkington/E Brown 7 GCH CH Pamperís Cash In Hand B Elmer 8 GCH CH Baliwick The Whole Shebang I Bloomquist/L Morgan 9 CH Paperbirch One More Pina Colada P Lorenz/K Herrmann 10 GCH CH Kudos Fifty Shades S Svoboda/M Nilsson/F Nilsson 1 (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) 3 6 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 19 1 5 4 2 0 1 0 1 GP1

22 2 4 2 5 5 1 4 2 2 GP2

28 3 7 4 1 3 7 3 1 2 GP3

6 1 13 0 0 3 3 2 1 1 GP4

10659 10427 2428 1951 1651 1648 1459 694 607 393 TOTAL

Miniature Pinschers 1 2 GCH CH Marlex Classic Red Glare A Angelbello/L Monte GCH CH Kimro N Spivaís Super Trooper K Pastella Calvacca/R Greenslade/H Schwell/J Spiva (F) (M) K Noel/J Wilds/A Angelbello GCH CH Blythewood Golden Warrior J Huber 5 GCH CH Marlex Call Me La Lupe K Helming/A Angelbello 6 GCH CH Pinnacole Winters Feel The Fire K Swilling/R Tarlton 7 GCH CH Marlex N Kisa Set Fire A Angelbello 8 GCH CH Kisa N Marlex Firestorm B Cooper/K Cooper/K Byrd 9 GCH CH Marlex N Marisol Bold Moves A Angelbello/M Hackett 10 CH Blakswan Risingstar One For The Road J Gaidos/A Halemann/S Bailey 4 (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)


14 0

10 1

34 2

4 8

0 13

0 12

19705 3498

0 0 0 0 0 0 1

0 0 1 0 0 0 0

2 8 2 0 2 0 1 GP1

4 0 0 2 1 1 4 GP2

5 1 0 2 0 0 0 GP3

10 0 0 5 2 3 2 GP4

1509 927 745 743 429 424 367 TOTAL

Pugs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GCH CH Hill Countryís Tag IíM It C Koch GCH CH Caperís Sirius Endeavor P Fisher/C Fisher/J Rowell/L Rowell GCH CH Winsome-Nirvana-Blaque Triple Play E Veltman/V Cox-Flatley/B Roberts GCH CH Carevaís Boodelicious M Henricks/P Stoltz/R Stoltz GCH CH Pocketís Jato Jetliner R Robles/J Bale-Woodside/W Woodside GCH CH Bookmarkís Uncommonly Good P Caldwell/R Caldwell GCH CH Warpug Black And Blue Reme J Cupp/G Cupp/J Black GCH CH Charchenís Billy The Kid (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)


8 6 1 0 3 0 3 0 1 1

13 7 4 3 2 0 0 2 1 0

47 45 17 11 14 5 7 10 4 2 GP1

28 10 20 8 17 11 8 5 7 3 GP2

16 11 13 14 9 10 0 9 5 0 GP3

7 2 9 10 6 8 3 6 4 1 GP4

22701 17833 11176 7457 6865 3929 3363 3012 2890 1940 TOTAL

Papillons 1 2 GCH CH Involo The King Of Pop M Mosing/G Garofalo GCH CH Fenice Le Beaudreaux E Akers-Perry/M Perry/L Jaeger N Shaw/A Pickett/C Pickett GCH CH Wingssong Singular Sensation P Jones/C Jones GCH CH Titianís Risky Business R Navarre/M Navarre/T Mcintyre/C Fredrick GCH CH Mysteryís Question Mark J Widing/K Widing GCH CH Medinaís Luck Be A Lady Tonight S Haber GCH CH Involo Wanna Be Startiní Somethiní M Mosing/D Garofalo/M Garofalo/G Garofalo (M) (M) 4 5 6 7 8 (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)


18 0

14 0

74 10

40 15

11 15

6 14

29218 7098

GCH CH Brigadoonís Shanghai Charlie L Bridge/J Bridge 10 GCH CH Storybookís Perfectly Sirius K Birdwell/R Birdwell


0 0 1 0 0

2 1 1 0 0

9 4 10 3 4

10 6 3 6 1

9 2 5 7 1

5 9 4 7 1

3288 2986 2353 1989 1055

Shih Tzu GCH CH Hallmark Jolei Rocket Power P Shaw/L Ehricht/D Ehricht GCH CH Symarunís Endless Love C Randle/C Randle/A Carlson 3 GCH CH Zephyr Monogram Maybe Marilyn D Haley/C Williams/A Mcdearmon 4 GCH CH Dancee IíVe Got A Secret At Purple Jade J Danner/D Watson/R Watson 5 GCH CH Krissyís Never Ending Dream J Miller/J Miller/L Lawrence 6 GCH CH Krissyís Savvy Jasper L Lawrence/J Miller 7 GCH CH Istaís Southern Gentleman R Marshburn 8 GCH CH Xeralaneís Music Lover Xeralane Knl/B Prato/E Takamoto 9 GCH CH Marja-Tu Chuís Solar Flare K Kwait/M Stempel/J Stemple 10 GCH CH Jadesilk Luv Tí Auburn Locks B Chopey/S Orford 2 1 (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)


16 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0

12 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

78 10 6 6 1 1 3 6 1 0 GP1

21 9 8 4 1 6 8 5 3 2 GP2

17 9 7 6 4 2 5 4 2 2 GP3

6 6 6 4 4 4 5 3 4 0 GP4

32849 4626 3153 2694 1994 1715 1415 1353 1243 664 TOTAL

G Bontecou 10 CH Lawood Kickiní Against All Odds L Cox/A Cox




0 GP1

0 GP2

0 GP3

0 GP4


Pekingese GCH CH Pequest General Tso D Fitzpatrick GCH CH Dunkirk Imagine That M Merrill/T Reese/R Winters 3 GCH CH Pekeden Phd For Schuyler T Curley/D Bell 4 GCH CH Yakee Easily Persuaded S Middlebrooks/D Fitzpatrick 5 GCH CH Linn-Leeís & Jenkarís Makers Mark E Holcombe/K Crane 6 GCH CH Oakhillís Caught Red Handed K Cook/M Cook 7 CH Pequest Peking Duck D Fitzpatrick 8 GCH CH Sunn Yenn Uncensored Dachari D Cole 9 GCH CH Hoong Taoís Walk This Way S Reznick/L Reznick 10 GCH CH Da Maoís IíM Not Telling The Truth BN RA C Chang/K Chang/A Chang 2 1 (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)


6 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

33 12 3 3 0 2 0 1 1 0 GP1

16 18 7 1 2 2 0 1 1 5 GP2

5 7 6 4 2 1 1 1 3 3 GP3

5 8 3 3 7 0 3 2 6 5 GP4

16838 7141 2658 2403 1249 859 628 564 556 441 TOTAL

Silky Terriers GCH CH Karisma Heart And Soul M Hodge/K Gilbert/M Gagliardi/P Laperruque GCH CH Lamplighterís Tattle Tail B Beissel/M Benson/J Aslett 3 GCH CH Wyncliffís Wallstret Wonder D Baggenstos/R Baggenstos 4 GCH CH Anjo Bluís Once In A Blue Moon P Gates 5 GCH CH Dorien Danciní On A Breeze D Weintraub 6 GCH CH Tumbelle ëN Silkyence Eye Candy J Bell/V Bratton/S Bunnell 7 CH Stelin The Amazing Gracie L Gross 8 GCH CH Rhk Isabella Catale E Harrison/K Kvarnstrom 9 GCH CH Tawny Mistís Thing For Bling D Renton/K Wilson 10 GCH CH Weeluvís M. T. Pockets C Infranca/L Schlenker 2 1 (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M)


0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 2 0 1 2 2 1 0 0 1 GP1

5 7 3 4 2 1 0 0 1 2 GP2

12 5 3 0 3 3 0 2 0 0 GP3

7 10 11 5 6 0 2 1 0 0 GP4

3392 2967 1810 1319 939 794 390 286 249 188 TOTAL

Pomeranians 1 GCH CH Hitimes What The Inferno B Bird/U Littichaikun (M) M Koga/J Fabian Arienti GCH CH Charís Seattle Slew For Triple Crown M Lyons/C Meyer 4 GCH CH Mythical Traveling In Style N Godbout 5 GCH CH Abbapoolaís Mr. Slice Of Life T Moynihan/D Brown/K Brown 6 GCH CH Kartellas Pressed And MezhÈôRd Gold K Clark/M Clark 7 GCH CH Zeigen Aurora Australis C Solano/K Haddon 8 GCH CH Cr Chase What Matters D Ford/P Fielder 9 GCH CH Moxiepomsí Diego Gabriel Chavez N Panpruet 10 GCH CH Northmoor Victorian Tycoon B Heimbach 3 (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)









5 2 1 1 0 1 0 0

6 3 1 1 2 0 0 1

24 12 8 5 4 4 2 2

16 3 6 2 5 3 3 2

10 5 4 10 6 2 4 2

13 3 6 5 4 3 7 3

9629 6366 4076 3612 3123 2210 1350 1212

Toy Fox Terriers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 GCH CH Ultra Quest Go For The Gold NAJ W Howard GCH CH Centennial Farms Celebration W Bellamy GCH CH Centennial Farms Catch Me If You Can W Bellamy GCH CH Valcopy Gunslinger D Plonkey GCH CH Barbaryís Gold N Jewels S Thibodeaux GCH CH Wesannís God Of Thunder K Davis/A Davis GCH CH Foxlair Hi-De-Ho Smokey Joe V Denney/E Ward (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)


2 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 0 0 0 0 0 0

13 2 2 1 0 0 0

17 2 2 2 2 0 1

17 5 3 1 3 4 3

17 8 7 2 2 0 2

11115 1582 1410 789 708 525 506


the top ten dogs GCH CH Janeís Christmas Gift J Reed 9 GCH CH Starfox Stealing My Heart At Juslyn J Sutton/R Sutton/S Irwin 10 GCH CH Ultra Quest Look At Me Now S Kendall/K Mando 8 (M) (F) (F) B. I. S. RBIS

Final 2014 Year -End Stats BASED ON ALL-BREED COMPETITION GCH CH Dowats The Gladiator J Vasquez/R Jenkins/L Scott GCH CH Imperious Hamitup Southern Bell E Charles/Imperious Knl/Hamitup Knl/Hetherbull Knl 3 GCH CH Cherokee Legend Cowboy C Sickle/C Chambers 4 GCH CH Just Lonestar Bright Lights Big City K Gordon 5 GCH CH Lilí Boyís Tennessee Trash J Lancaster/B Lancaster/S Lancaster/P Lancaster 6 GCH CH Kr Emperor Pyrus R Brown/K Anderson 7 GCH CH Dulinís Lord Of The Rings M Dulin/J Dulin/M Watkins 8 GCH CH B-Loved Nothing But Net B Love 9 GCH CH Creedence IíM Sexy And I Know It C Uasike/A Smith/A Smith/N Short 10 GCH CH Redrocks Chip Off The Old ëRockí C Bouge/R Bouge 2











346 223 187


0 0

0 0

0 1 GP1

0 0 GP2

0 0 GP3

2 1 GP4

Bulldogs 1







(M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 4 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0

34 22 6 6 1 3 0 0 0 1 GP1

21 12 8 4 4 1 2 2 2 1 GP2

18 7 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 2 GP3

11 8 2 2 2 5 10 3 1 4 GP4

12326 6266 1823 1792 1183 899 859 709 677 675 TOTAL

GCH CH Trioís Big Shot K Goldfarb GCH CH DíArleen American Idol K Vega/K Garcia 3 GCH CH Exmoorís Epitome J Hupp/Z Newton 4 GCH CH Stratfordís Rose De France B Scott 5 GCH CH Karmaís Promise Key-Per K Halbur/N Smith/J Huff 6 GCH CH Images Playboy At Serenade Xeralane Knl/B Fink/P Fink 7 GCH CH Orwickís Fast Break R Owen/A Stringer 8 GCH CH Linshireís Rolling Stone K Ryan-Lavail/P Gregson/V Meadows 9 GCH CH Riverdelís Making Memories J Lamborn 10 GCH CH Rosemarkís Saint Or Sinner R Fett 2

Yorkshire Terriers 1



(M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 0 3 2 1 5 0 2 1 0

10 2 7 2 2 2 1 0 1 2

8 4 3 5 6 3 0 1 1 2

10 6 3 5 6 6 3 1 2 0

5436 1924 1763 1642 1374 899 621 577 528 456

Chinese Shar-Pei GCH CH Shineís Deck The Halls D Cooper/R Cooper/L Teitelbaum/R Pentecost 2 GCH CH R-Lee Sparkle Plenty L Harvey/D Harvey 3 GCH CH Jade East Mission Into Space L Anders/E Minne 4 GCH CH Yu Kouís Keep On Luvn U CGC G Schaefer 5 GCH CH Jade East Do You Know The Way To San L Anders/E Minne 6 GCH CH No Faux Paw Big Rock Singer D Williams 7 GCH CH Blurubein Aged To Perfection J Lockery/R Steinke 8 GCH CH Tzo Wen N Xiao Maiís Rhythm Of Rio A Bauer 9 GCH CH Baggins IíVe Had The Time Of My Life L Coffee 10 GCH CH Shineís Itís Miller Time R Pentecost 1


(F) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M)

7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 3 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 0

59 22 8 5 4 1 1 1 0 1 GP1

41 12 7 4 4 3 0 0 2 0 GP2

9 6 11 3 0 4 4 2 3 1 GP3

11 7 6 4 0 4 3 1 2 1 GP4

25361 5940 2829 2305 1508 1117 810 737 483 435 TOTAL


American Eskimo Dogs 1 2 3 GCH CH Ducatís Smokiní Hot H Dorrance GCH CH Sierraís Hallmark R Sampson/S Schuldt GCH CH Nuuktokís Atka Inukshuk S Robertson S Strunk/K Strunk GCH CH Emerald Citys Wildcard Winner K Oliversen 6 GCH CH Sierraís Summer Celebration M Mitchell 7 GCH CH Ananaís Champagne Wishes B Brown 8 GCH CH Ananaís Look Into The Future K Strunk/S Strunk 9 GCH CH Nuuktokís Kaneq Tikaani CAA C Gagnon/S Schilling 10 GCH CH Voyagers Cause I Can Cuddle L Clark 5







(M) (M) (M)

1 0 0

1 1 0

5 5 2

12 10 12

11 6 4

9 6 4

2984 2521 2503

(F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)

0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 1 0

2 1 0 0 1 0 GP1

0 2 2 2 0 0 GP2

2 0 1 1 1 0 GP3

1 2 1 2 0 1 GP4

532 479 361 336 269 203 TOTAL

Chow Chows 1 2


Bichons Frises 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GCH CH Saks Winning Card S Ayers/C Ruggles/K Hanson/S Hanson GCH CH Cher Amiís Toast With Remy Martin D Mathog/R Mathog/R Wolfe GCH CH Newtnine Crown Of Queen X Rui GCH CH Belle Creekís All I Care About Is Love P Odette/L Van Keuren/L Carlton/L Letsche GCH CH Ecco Lormiís True Grit Of Dove-Cote M Fahy/P Schafmayer/M Hyde/M Small GCH CH Barberryís Take A Chance On Me E Charles/P Abbott/M Abbott/L Bettis GCH CH Karmelís Banana In Pajamas S Phillips GCH CH Kmanís Miss Fancy Pants N Pellegrini/K Andrew S Kennedy/K Paulson/R Swindle/S Swindle G Blue


(M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)

7 3 3 0 0 0 0 0

14 1 5 1 1 1 0 0

59 31 20 5 6 9 4 2

17 26 11 11 5 4 4 4

10 25 5 17 11 4 2 1

4 10 4 9 11 6 3 4

22170 10871 8203 3251 2912 1514 1388 1380

GCH CH Eastern-Magic Fly Me Safe M Fan/K Pratna GCH CH Padowís Too Hot To Handle R Sampson/K Willaims 3 GCH CH Padowís Twilight Embrey In A New Moon At A Sanders/K Williams/A Young 4 GCH CH Are-Jayís Harlem Renaissance R Jackson/G Kantak 5 GCH CH Milinís Emerson Tappiní On The Bay CGC P Fehr/R Fehr 6 GCH CH Chowlamars Rebelrun Mr Kidd R Bailey/S Raposo/A Raposo 7 CH Flamingstar The Lion King V Degruy/P Degruy 8 GCH CH Redclouds Chowlamar Big Daddy R Bailey/Z Coogan 9 GCH CH Fortuneís All Eyez On Me M Heldt/K Wronski 10 CH Imagine What A Wonderful World K Beliew/G Beliew/D Spence/T Spence

(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)

2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 5 2 9 6 5 4 2 1 1 GP1

12 7 10 8 5 8 4 1 3 0 GP2

9 5 6 9 7 6 1 4 1 1 GP3

3 4 4 5 10 1 3 1 2 2 GP4

6759 3130 2696 2500 1618 1375 970 963 699 455 TOTAL

Coton de Tulear 1 2 3 4 GCH CH Hopecrestís Monkey Business CM14 A Dering GCH CH Just Incredible Chanel CM2 J Romano GCH CH Dior A Votre Sante CM5 D Simenauer/P Simenauer CH Hayden De LíEtoile Procyon D Kuhn GCH CH Mi-Toiís Icon CM L Ortiz/C Ortiz GCH CH Lenny Vom Zotteligen Zomperl C Fox/M Engelking GCH CH Diorís Besame Mucho Morninglow CM2 L Machado/E Machado/D Simenauer/P Simenauer


(M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 0 0 0 0 GP1

2 1 0 2 4 0 0 GP2

6 2 0 1 0 0 0 GP3

5 2 2 0 0 2 1 GP4

942 386 202 194 179 75 60 TOTAL

Boston Terriers GCH CH Naughty Nortenoís Clik Clik Bang M Fish/K Norton GCH CH Sabeís Simply Invincible S Saberton 3 GCH CH Deja-Vu IíM The Prince R Binder/D Brunning/D Pine 4 GCH CH Kenís Always Gets The Last Laugh K Roux/C Dickinson/B Dickinson 5 GCH CH Kennedyís Bumble Bee V Kennedy/S Kennedy/W Walthall/T Starr 6 GCH CH Katbirdís Evolution Matters At Kayas A Hullender/A Hullender/M Lippert 7 GCH CH Candarís This Girl Is On Fire C Gerson/D Gerson/C Gerson 8 GCH CH Kennedys Hoot N Holler T Hill/T Hill 9 GCH CH Gumboís Stargazing At Northern Lights J Mangum/A Mangum/C Mcenaney 10 GCH CH Mtnview And Dorkays No Tell Motel C Jones 2 1







5 6 7

(M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M)

2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

1 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0

7 6 2 4 2 3 0 2 3 0

10 2 1 9 2 3 2 0 1 1

11 5 1 5 5 5 2 1 1 0

18 1 6 5 9 5 9 1 3 7

7845 2215 1736 1553 1392 1339 1273 1169 943 918

Dalmatians 1 GCH CH Spotted Bliss Oreo Delight 2 3 4 5 6 GCH CH Merry Go Round Coach Master P Filho GCH CH Erinís IíM Your Man GCH CH Kastleís Go Speed Racer M Squire GCH CH On The Spotís Chase Me Charlie L Stevens/B Rose/L Brown GCH CH Country Luvz A Rockstar K Duran/P Fisher M Smith/J Mirro/E Mirro GCH CH Planettís Star Reporter B Kaplan-Barrett/E Barrett GCH CH Bret D N Troika N Engine Co Timeless J Bachey/L Maloney/J Shupp/M Zink E Lindhorst


(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

0 1 2 0 0 0

1 0 2 0 0 0

25 17 6 3 3 8

22 19 13 5 6 3

36 15 3 4 3 9

11 6 7 5 1 3

9826 5040 3791 1667 1473 1449

8 9

(M) (M)

0 0

0 0

4 3

5 2

4 9

6 10

1275 1241






Final 2014 Year -End Stats BASED ON ALL-BREED COMPETITION (F) (F) (F) 8 CH Willowcreeks Fat Bottom Girl L Neel/C Wolfe/D Jones 9 CH Touche Wicked Elegance OA OAJ R Stewart 10 CH Donalen Magical Spell D Cullen B. I. S. RBIS

Finnish Spitz 1 GCH CH Mickywins Mainio Skandia CGC P Urton 2 GCH CH Dv9k9ís Red Hot Star A Bruce/E David 3 GCH CH Marblehillís Gleaming Icecaps D Tyree/B Isacoff/T Davies/L Saari/J Anastas 4 GCH CH Dv9k9ís Alaskan Winter Wilderness M Leathers/H Mak 5 GCH CH Dv9k9ís Royal Star M Leathers 6 GCH CH Skandia Keksi Chava Of Timanti RN D Urbauer 7 CH Suomiís Set Fire To The Rain C Stone/D Stone 8 GCH CH Finkkilaís Tuk C Stone/M Walker 9 CH Suomiís Huckleberry Finn C Stone/K Raleigh/G Schultz 10 CH Kitaís Ajuaq Drum Dancer J Boughton/H Houghton/A Bruce/V Horton (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)







0 0 0

0 0 0


0 0 0


1 0 1


0 1 0


1 0 0

139 75 64


0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 3 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

4 6 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 GP2

9 9 3 0 3 1 0 1 0 1 GP3

12 10 6 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 GP4

2686 2489 1508 468 267 131 98 45 38 31 TOTAL

Poodles (Miniature) 1 2 GCH CH Surrey Cherry Garcia K Wallen/K Hosaka GCH CH Rosebell Pzazz Perfectly Charming C Gauche/J Gauche (M) (F) A Reichertz GCH CH Lavandaire Storybook Dreams J Haggett 5 GCH CH Black Sky Jukka K Smith/J Smith/I Semenschin 6 GCH CH Alegria Ashton Martin H Tyson/B Wood/L Berg 7 GCH CH Tulip Gardens Double Trouble E Charles/B Dalema 8 GCH CH Durandel Bella Donna R Wanger/L Simis 9 GCH CH Marrettís I Live For The Applause M Williams 10 GCH CH Sandstorm Shaq Attack NA NAJ J Neal 4 (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)







1 1

1 0

14 5

11 8

13 4

12 4

5805 2448

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 1 0

3 3 4 2 1 3 0 GP1

6 5 6 0 2 1 3 GP2

6 2 10 8 0 0 3 GP3

3 2 7 4 1 0 2 GP4

1724 1721 1646 999 655 612 547 TOTAL

French Bulldogs GCH CH Bandogís Major League Homerun at TX Star N Shaw/C Stephens/A Phelan 2 GCH CH Lebullís El Morocco At Lecirque A Geremia 3 GCH CH Highwoodís Big Shot A Vorbeck/A Lee 4 GCH CH Major Leagues Mighty Joe At Winsome L Jordan/J Jordan 5 GCH CH Fulla Bull Soulja Boy T Fagin/J Norris 6 GCH CH Divaís Bastille My Heart P Shaw 7 GCH CH Lionheartís Fortune Five Hundred J Miklos/M Miklos 8 GCH CH Escada Del Veintisiete At Qazara D Burvee 9 GCH CH Florestaís Luckdragon CGC K Parschauer/L Parschauer/J Burns 10 GCH CH Grandslam The Skipper P Tanjasiri/J Flowers 1 (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M)


0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

2 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0

14 8 4 14 10 12 4 5 1 0 GP1

17 11 14 12 3 9 6 0 8 4 GP2

18 11 5 10 6 5 5 0 9 7 GP3

13 13 11 8 7 5 5 0 10 8 GP4

7410 5189 5178 4621 4123 2915 2044 1789 1399 1380 TOTAL

Poodles (Standard) GCH CH Dawin Hearts On Fire L Campbell GCH CH Del Zarzoso Salvame From Afterglow S Barnett/G Lindemann/M Gadsby/J Lynn 3 GCH CH Byrequest Bon Mot W Penn 4 GCH CH Unique Da Maya Dancing Queen G Wolaniuk/A Shade/J Mcfadden 5 GCH CH Brighton Lakeridge Encore D Ferguson-Jones/T Sosnoff/M Sosnoff 6 GCH CH Litilannís Show Time J Kinsey/A Rairigh 7 GCH CH Luminary Black Velvet Bejeweled With Pearls V Law/L Estaver 8 GCH CH Ale Kai Hillwood Moonbeam Magic E Charles/A Fischer 9 GCH CH Lakeridge Atalanta Summer In Paris D Jones/L Gorder 10 GCH CH Safariís This Side Of Paradise C Huff/J Haefner 2 1 (F) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F)


47 6 1 3 1 2 2 0 0 1

23 10 4 1 2 2 1 3 0 0

121 55 28 29 3 14 16 3 8 10 GP1

10 14 12 17 0 4 8 6 6 7 GP2

4 10 10 7 0 3 7 2 1 6 GP3

3 5 4 5 0 0 4 1 1 6 GP4

60369 17525 7720 6309 5084 4507 4255 2889 2036 1838 TOTAL

Keeshonden GCH CH Skylineís Unit Of Measure K Cullen/S Cullen/J Gauchat-Hargis/J Hargis 2 GCH CH Trumpetís No Questions Asked B Blankenship 3 GCH CH Trumpetís Gimme Back My Bullets B Blankenship 4 GCH CH Trumpetís You Could Be Mine B Blankenship 5 GCH CH Skylineís Chemin De Fer J Ventre 6 GCH CH Kjís Hot Date K Dowd 7 GCH CH Karinaís You CaníT Stop The Beat V Louie/C Waddell 8 GCH CH Twin Trees Shoot For The Moon K Evasuik 9 GCH CH Nightwindís Little Ricky M Moriarty/D Beurmann 10 GCH CH Cedarhills First Harvest-Quincy B Cook/B Cook/T Cook 1 (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)


7 3 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0

11 5 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1

42 21 6 6 3 4 1 4 4 1 GP1

31 18 9 7 10 5 7 2 3 1 GP2

15 7 4 5 5 3 8 4 2 3 GP3

10 5 9 3 5 1 7 1 7 2 GP4

22499 6251 2654 1909 1843 1644 1483 988 973 872 TOTAL

Schipperkes GCH CH Rivendelís Barefoot Bandit A Haltenman/S Brook GCH CH Telstar The Way We Wanted It R Rollins/B Burke 3 GCH CH De Lamer Point Break N Lazarowitz/D Mankovich 4 GCH CH Bonchien Bee-Utiful Ba-Bee M Ryan/K Henry 5 GCH CH De Lamer Sea Ya At The Top J Giovinetti/R Stone/K Nuovo 6 GCH CH De Lamer Overboard J Penatello/K Nuovo 7 GCH CH Mardeckís The Sorcererís Son E Layng/U Hutton 8 GCH CH Beachviews Oops I Did It Again S Carter/J Penatello 9 GCH CH Bonchien Park Place M Dauven/J Outhet 10 CH Everwoods Dads Sweet Success K Pacanowski/L Pacanowski/M Pacanowski 2 1 (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F)


0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 2 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 1

4 7 9 3 2 3 3 1 0 1 GP1

8 3 10 3 0 3 6 2 5 0 GP2

7 3 15 5 6 0 1 3 4 1 GP3

6 2 3 6 6 0 2 5 1 1 GP4

3049 2882 2267 1766 1590 1548 1127 875 783 747 TOTAL

Lhasa Apsos GCH CH Sundancer Foxy Lady K Hamilton/T Horibaugh/T Worlton/M Worlton 2 GCH CH Kumi Kian Strike A Pose T Mclaughlin/A Lanterman 3 GCH CH Ta Sen Swinging On A Star S Giles 4 GCH CH Ha-Lee Kiki-Ari Captain Morgan T Bagley/J Sauve/D Heller 5 GCH CH Shoyu Blowiní My Horn At Orlane M Papke/R Alexander 6 GCH CH Rufkins Hunk Of Burniní Love R Lombardi/J Bernards/J Spiropoulos 7 GCH CH Rufkins Monarchs Love Bytes K Paju/R Lombard/J Bernards 8 GCH CH Monarchs The Messenger K Harrison/M Stafford 9 GCH CH Ta Sen I WoníT Dance DoníT Ask Me J Glodek/C Williams/S Giles 10 CH Xeralaneís Born To Rock Xeralane Knl/B Prato/E Takamoto 1 (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)


0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3

3 4 3 6 5 4 1 1 2 9 GP1

12 1 6 8 11 4 6 5 3 0 GP2

12 3 12 13 13 10 8 8 3 1 GP3

12 1 6 8 11 4 2 6 4 3 GP4

2675 2607 2520 2430 2353 2324 1879 1309 977 808 TOTAL

Shiba Inu 1 2 GCH CH Lee-Fenís An Everlasting Love (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) GCH CH Dragon House Mr.Jones S Smith 3 GCH CH Kari-Onís Tommy Lee Jones D Chenoweth/T Houser 4 GCH CH Morningstar Jack Sparrow Black Pearl M Peterson/D Peterson 5 GCH CH Justa Wizard Of Oz B Kuehler/L Fletcher/B Fletcher 6 GCH CH Sagewood Tsunami VCD1 RN THD RATN M Johnson/J Johnson 7 GCH CH Gold Strike Takachiyo Go H Dickey/D Dickey/T Arndt 8 GCH CH Morningstarís Dances With Wolves L Cribbs 9 GCH CH Pendragon Take It To The Limit L Pendergast 10 GCH CH Cantebriar Red E Set Go D Lucero/F Lucero


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

0 1 0 0 0 3 0 6 0 0 GP1

1 1 1 0 2 0 0 4 1 1 GP2

2 2 2 4 0 1 2 0 0 2 GP3

7 0 1 1 1 0 3 1 1 1 GP4

946 532 447 389 357 340 325 259 224 191 TOTAL

Lowchen 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 GCH CH Paceaway Play It Again P Dyer/L Dyer/F Darling GCH CH Madriglace Gingery Jet Setter A Butterklee/D Roder GCH CH Boondock Musicbox Donít Roll Those Eyes At J Davis/D Jones CH Ikon Clap For Caveman L Harding/R Harding/E Iverson/B Iverson GCH CH Boondockís Baileyís N Cream Musicbox J Davis/D Jones GCH CH Sweetmeadows DoníT Make My Brn Iís Blu K Bumiller GCH CH Charisma - Bare Tracks Flyiní High S Heckart/L Pettengill (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M)


0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 1 0 0 0

5 2 2 1 0 0 0

5 3 0 0 1 2 2

2 3 1 1 1 2 0

1474 548 339 333 224 203 154

Tibetan Spaniels 1 2 3 GCH CH Kan Singís Po-Ba-Ri At Arundina M Feltenstein/J Seppanen GCH CH Kan Singís Tenzin M Feltenstein GCH CH Shilo-Gracele Tennessee Tu Step J Guimbellot/S Carroll (F) (M) (M)


0 1 0

3 0 0

18 4 2

20 4 2

13 3 6

11 2 3

7696 2361 947


the top ten dogs B. I. S. RBIS GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 TOTAL


GCH CH Lionheartís E-Z Always Betts On The River C Waddell 5 GCH CH Ambrierís Rokirk Whatever Lola Wants D Kirkland/M Cosby Driskill 6 GCH CH Wanaseas Mystic Lake Effect L Gembala 7 GCH CH Wassongís Riva Ridge CGC V Marks/P Sarles 8 GCH CH Primah Moment In Time C Zieris/S Carroll 9 GCH CH Hi-Hope First Man On The Job For Calirose E Ctibor/M Ctibor 10 GCH CH Shenanwood Simply Imagine This S Reeve/K Okey/C Bias Chaffee


(M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 1 0 0 0 0 0

1 2 0 0 1 0 0 GP1

2 0 1 3 1 1 0 GP2

2 0 1 1 4 0 2 GP3

4 0 3 2 1 2 6 GP4

586 498 427 426 374 327 322 TOTAL

Bearded Collies GCH CH HaíPenny Mirimar The Fab Fawn J Schneider/M Marini/V Null GCH CH Classicalís My Turn CGC W Marciante/J Kempster/B Sawka 3 GCH CH Wigglesworth Thriller A Yura/D Mieras/S Ipser 4 GCH CH Daybar For Your Eyes Only B Barton/D Frady/C Perron 5 GCH CH Dunhill Steeler Nation R Harrington/K Harrington/V Shafer/S Shafer 6 GCH CH Scott Ragtyme You Are The Music In Me C Wathen/L Zagerella/J Olivera/S Olivera/T Wathan 7 GCH CH Dreamchaser Follow Your Dreams C Desmond/J Desmond/D Quadland/T Dixon 8 GCH CH Aberlourís Sea Biscuit D Maynard/D Mieras/S Ipser 9 GCH CH Blu Chipís Serendipity R Jeram/K Raleigh 10 GCH CH Classicalís Magical Meemie CGCA J Atkins/C Namey/B Sawka 2 1 (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F)







8 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

28 63 8 6 5 0 1 0 2 0 GP1

26 37 14 9 2 2 3 0 3 1 GP2

9 13 10 9 2 5 1 2 0 3 GP3

7 3 14 10 3 5 3 4 3 3 GP4

15000 13309 4134 3106 1362 1234 819 615 606 550 TOTAL

Tibetan Terriers 1 2 3 GCH CH Kimikís Who Dunnit D Planche/M Demers/L Demers GCH CH Barnstorm To-Jo BíEn Wicked @ Adominos (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) GCH CH Auroraís Welcome To The Jungle D Haynam GCH CH Rinchenís Blazing Black Icon E Coppola/C Coppola/J Wiseman 5 GCH CH Bluvali Players Paradigm B Leonard/M Wikerd 6 GCH CH Ri Leeís Stellar Performance N Kinziger 7 GCH CH Starlightís Lady In Waiting C Basgall/C Friemel 8 GCH CH Salishan Princess Of The Wind CGCA J Slothower/H Slothower 9 GCH CH Regalia Delta Breeze At Zoji La J Mccullough/G Mccullough/J Chaix 10 GCH CH Zoji-La Tiesun G Mccullough/J Mccullough 4


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 1 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 0

7 10 8 5 3 4 2 0 1 1 GP1

21 25 13 4 4 3 7 3 2 2 GP2

18 13 7 1 3 2 2 2 0 2 GP3

12 13 3 1 4 1 6 2 4 0 GP4

5088 3955 2283 1884 1398 1381 1280 487 467 445 TOTAL

Beaucerons GCH CH De Joie Du Chateau Rocher CA M Palmer 2 GCH CH Egypt Du Chateau Rocher J Watson 3 GCH CH Bijou Noir Du Chateau Rocher RE HT J Tornquist 4 GCH CH Harmony Jewel Mes Yeux Vigilants A Scott/L Christopherson/S Bass 5 CH Gabek Eamon Du Chateau Rocher T Graham 6 GCH CH Eo Des Ombres Valeureux D Skinner/D Pluss 7 Great Expectations For Bleue Du Chateau Rocher S Gates/L Zemouri/K Davis 8 Illuminati Chevaliers Du Roland D Bitz 9 GCH CH Holy Grail Mes Yeux Vigilants A Scott/S Bass 10 CH Filigree Mes Yeux Vigilants M Barbusin/S Bass/A Scott 1 (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F)


3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

8 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 GP2

8 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 GP3

9 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 GP4

7392 314 136 116 105 87 78 72 46 19 TOTAL

Xoloitzcuintli GCH CH Bayshore Georgio Armani S Blanco/J Hanigan/L Hylton/T Johnson/J Baylis GCH CH Himnotico Caliente CA CGC A Wise/K Wise 3 GCH CH Bayshore Stonehaven Espiritu Isabella De D Voss 4 GCH CH Mistli (Avalos) J Young/C Loutzenhiser 5 GCH CH Besitos Alegre Cielito CA P Braz/S Polk 6 GCH CH Besitos Munequita T Vila/K Crosby 7 GCH CH Blanchoís Tonateuh M Moros-Sanson/Z Vonpohlman/D Mullusky Caponetto/J 8 GCH CH Blanch-Oís Carolina Herrera A Barfoot/D Mullusky Caponetto/J Caponetto 9 GCH CH Besitos Tepal P Pentland/R Olvera 10 CH Bigstar Magic Mike E Kent/L Pierce 2 1 (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M)


9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

37 3 4 5 0 3 0 0 0 0

32 9 2 1 1 0 5 1 2 1

27 2 8 2 3 1 1 2 1 1

17 8 4 1 0 2 3 2 0 0

18486 1671 1400 750 628 487 420 306 153 142

Belgian Malinois GCH CH No-How Ever NíEver D Keith GCH CH De Vel Cy Presí BN HSAsc HIAc A Bath 3 GCH CH Isellís Ivano Aka Zenvo CA BH E Antos/D Erspamer 4 CH Caveats Road King CGCA N Hendricks 5 GCH CH Broadcreekís Abbey Road S Legg/L Legg/M Kornfeld/E Kornfeld 6 GCH CH Trisorts Summer Harvest HSAs L Knock/B Vitarelli 7 GCH CH Isellís Itoby HSAds HIAds HXAd CGC C Kaiser/H Doucette 8 CH Avonlea Singular Sensation BN RN J Rothert/A Mackay 9 GCH CH Halle Berry Du Domaine De Vauroux J Ennis/C Ennis 10 GCH CH Alouetteís Prim And Proper Taliesen K Greenwood/S Mullinix/J Greenwood 2 1 (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F)


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

0 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 GP2

1 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 GP3

2 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 GP4

311 288 278 271 261 138 117 92 91 85 TOTAL


Australian Cattle Dogs GCH CH Kokopelliís Sobe It J Rowland/H Warn/K Watkins/C Kurpas 2 GCH CH Taylryderís Dyn-O-Mite At Turnabout CGC D Thomas/T Wilkinson/D Mintzer 3 GCH CH Vistaís Wait For The Beep At Mgk J Owen/K Read 4 GCH CH Stock Options What Goes Around Comes J Lewis/K Broster/R Mccall/R Sisk 5 GCH CH Stock Options Bet Ya DidníT See Me Cominí J Lewis/K Broster/R Hutson/R Sisk 6 GCH CH Studios Outlaw Tagalong PT V Fowler 7 GCH CH Desperados Bless The Broken Road D Price/C Price/C Moore/R Moore 8 GCH CH Corral West Feel The Sting S Maclennan 9 GCH CH Corral West Once Upon A Time S Maclennan/T Fells 10 GCH CH Reddenbluís Canadian Boy B Susen 1 (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)







1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 6 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 GP1

9 10 2 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 GP2

15 10 0 3 2 2 4 1 1 3 GP3

9 8 3 7 1 1 1 1 1 2 GP4

4737 1990 1133 1085 395 364 352 350 339 287 TOTAL

Belgian Sheepdogs GCH CH Morningstarís All That Jazz MaíAm C Copeland/J Fiechter GCH CH Bonntymes Keepn It Real At Devine HSAs S Manier/B Leonard 3 GCH CH Sarron Simply Complicated CD RN CGC S Swabb 4 GCH CH Cibolaís Brazos De Dios Of Adagio M Andric/J Niemeck 5 GCH CH Hobbitonís Song Of Solomon Of Laralee L Gilbert 6 GCH CH Sundownís Nitemagic Just What I Do C Toma/D Toma 7 GCH CH Sarron Simply Three Times A Lady RN PT E Dillon/B Dillon/S Swabb 8 GCH CH MACH Verseauís Passage To India MXB A Mcgregor/S Mcgregor/P King/R Kraft 9 GCH CH Celebre Herrera S Alligood 10 GCH CH Mikaís Jedi Knight BN RA NA NAJ OAP OJP G OíNeil/T OíNeil 2 1 (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M)


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

3 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

6 3 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 GP2

7 8 5 3 0 3 3 1 0 1 GP3

4 3 3 2 1 3 1 0 2 0 GP4

1506 1299 1088 585 571 386 278 254 243 234 TOTAL

Australian Shepherds GCH CH Copperridge Whatís Your Dream J Hanigan/J Miller/J Margeson GCH CH Collinswood Sparks Fly T Collins/J Plourde/K Mallory/B Rhoads 3 GCH CH Mcmattís Autumn Breeze F Mcdaniel/J Loehr/V Wehrle 4 GCH CH Copper Hills No Reservations S Rapadas/N Resetar 5 GCH CH Wind Spirit Rodís Amazing Grace M Bertero/C Bertero 6 GCH CH Reverie Cameo L Goetz 7 GCH CH Copperridgeís Debonair CD RA CGC J Miller/S Miller 8 GCH CH Bayoulands Capture The Flag CGC D Gunter/K Gunter/H Hadley/Y Leblanc 9 GCH CH Limeliteís Tenfold A Tavares/M Mullin 10 GCH CH Harmony Hillís Say Yes To The Dress H Braddock/L Schlarb 2 1 (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)


3 1 2 3 1 2 0 0 0 0

6 6 1 1 4 0 1 1 0 1

22 19 22 15 12 3 8 4 5 5

27 15 35 12 13 1 6 5 10 5

16 16 7 8 8 4 6 4 10 2

10 4 4 6 3 2 7 2 2 2

11445 9037 7845 7689 7324 4018 3186 2367 1836 1810

Belgian Tervuren 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GCH CH Sky Acres Maximum Altitude M Edling GCH CH Sindarinís Where The Magic Begins J Hawes/M Andric GCH CH Stonewallís Letís Make It A Double V Havicon/R Skief GCH CH Mishaookís Lautrec K Gauchat/J Pavlichko GCH CH Mishaook Lulu At Chateau Blanc HSCs HICs D Laurin/J Laurin GCH CH Bilgayís Eye Of The Hurricane CD RN OA R Grinsell/L Wetherell GCH CH Bilgayís Eye Of The Storm HSAds A Viner/R Grinsell/L Wetherell GCH CH Chateau Blancís IíM Coyote Trouble VCD2 K Eldredge/D Eldredge


(M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F)

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 3 3 1 1 0 1 1

15 2 4 1 2 3 0 2

11 4 4 4 2 2 0 2

5 8 8 2 1 1 2 1

5932 1593 1429 632 422 408 339 324





the top ten dogs CONTINUED FROM PAGE 181 B. I. S. RBIS GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 TOTAL


GCH CH Nizhoniís Me First (T) CAA P Morgan/S Walker 10 GCH CH Sky Acres Flying Solo M Edling


(M) (F)

0 0

0 0

0 0 GP1

0 0 GP2

1 1 GP3

1 0 GP4

296 245 TOTAL

Border Collies 1 2 3 4 5 6 GCH CH Tang Dynasty Rocky N Tang GCH CH Wedgewoodís Abracadabra M Wall/D Degidio GCH CH F Si A Ge Of Fu You Yuan Kennel J Mosing/J Li GCH CH Borderton Lou Easy An I A RN PT CGC T Edwards/E Edwards GCH CH Lucky For You Gangster PT S Mcloughlin GCH CH Avatar Bayshore Dare Ewe To Be A Hot Shot H Laskowski-Schramm/J Baylis N Mages/K Kaul/D Butt 9 M Ingerson GCH CH Sporting Fieldís Heiress HSAs HIAs D Butt/D Einck/A Giles 10 GCH CH Sporting Field Robinson N Caruso D Butt (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)


GCH CH Aldís Speed Racer RN CGC A Driver/I Driver 9 GCH CH Yasashiikuma Lest We Forget S Camm 10 GCH CH Kingsbury Tail Ridge Road B Poole/D Poole/J Glenn


(M) (M) (M)

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 2 1 GP1

1 2 2 GP2

2 0 0 GP3

4 5 2 GP4

690 601 433 TOTAL

0 1 1 0 0 0

0 1 0 1 0 0

13 12 12 4 1 0

22 5 13 6 3 4

24 8 9 8 7 5

9 10 7 3 7 4

7086 3840 3186 1800 1241 1121

Collies (Rough) GCH CH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger J Caruso/R Caruso GCH CH Milas Latin Fever L Butler/L Hedman 3 GCH CH Arrowhill Swordís Held High C Lee/K Foster 4 GCH CH Clarion Nightline II J Evans/A Sanchez Corea/L Sanchez Corea 5 GCH CH Taradells Silent Leader C Dowling/A Dowling/L Dowling/K Hartig/C Mallonee 6 GCH CH Tartanside Savoir-Faire J Buddie 7 GCH CH Overland Deal Me In K Martin/M Fine/C Keefer Meier/K Pirro 8 GCH CH Susitna Royal Strider Of Tara Dells M Nelson 9 GCH CH Sylvan Argent Pumped Up Kicks C Bossart/C Dubois 10 GCH CH Lynloch Steele McDowall R George 2 1 (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M)


1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

16 10 4 2 6 4 3 2 2 0 GP1

10 10 3 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 GP2

3 1 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 GP3

8 1 8 6 0 2 1 1 0 1 GP4

5253 3930 1482 904 862 861 760 451 406 290 TOTAL

0 0

0 0

2 0 GP1

3 0 GP2

1 2 GP3

0 4 GP4

484 427 TOTAL

Bouviers des Flandres 1 GCH CH Stonepillarís Steel Blu D Garrison/J Garrison/E Paquette (M) A Dimercurio/M Hieronimus-Dimercurio GCH CH Margauxís Va Voom S Lyon 4 GCH CH Bon Ideeís London Calling D Sullivan/A Motta 5 GCH CH Brimarís Rough And Ready M Bender/B Bender 6 GCH CH Wise Choice Hercule Poirot CGC S Carter/S La Croix 7 GCH CH Delux Jumpiní Jack Flash CGC J Edick 8 GCH CH Obvious Sonic Boom C Langley 9 GCH CH Bon Ideeís Love American Style RN CAA J Moore/A Motta/D Sullivan 10 GCH CH War Bouviator Ekabuís Deringer @ Dewerker M Hood/T Hood/D Potter 3 (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)









Collies (Smooth) GCH CH Travler Kelise Overdrive R Tehon/C Ardizzone/E Miller GCH CH Alexy Handsome Devil M Skilton/K Provenzano/L Cohen 3 GCH CH C And J Silver Charm Of Chrysalis J Walburn/C Thompson 4 GCH CH Bit O Heavens Sorceress CD RN PT M Bergstraser/L Bergstraser/J Lafrenier 5 GCH CH Jerecoís Satin Sheets C Sulewski/J Sulewski/C Sulewski/K Sulewski 6 GCH CH Travlerís Nissan Rogue CD BN RN CGC R Tehon/C Ardizzone 7 GCH CH Chrysalis Star Of Green Acres L Mabus 8 GCH CH Chrysalis Formal Wear PT D Waelde/R Waelde 9 GCH CH Calibreís Gold Digger S Kaelin 10 GCH CH Ceilidhís Deep River Haute Couture M Elliott/K Moll 2 1 (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F)


3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

17 7 3 0 2 1 0 1 3 0 GP1

12 7 2 2 1 1 2 1 0 0 GP2

18 7 3 3 2 1 2 3 1 2 GP3

17 4 7 4 7 4 3 0 1 0 GP4

8353 2352 1099 1040 858 543 498 479 439 337 TOTAL

1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

23 6 1 2 2 1 3 2 GP1

17 8 2 6 5 0 3 5 GP2

14 4 3 5 9 4 3 2 GP3

5 1 2 8 8 6 2 8 GP4

5884 2938 2158 2083 1792 950 937 900 TOTAL

Briards GCH CH Deja Vu Mia Cool As A Cucumber T Miller/A Melton/D Dube/L Bernard 2 GCH CH Ne Orageuxís Flash Point M Millner/T Millner 3 GCH CH Majestique Brave Heart M Warcholik 4 GCH CH Celebraís Good Time Was Had By All C Leigh/J Feldman 5 GCH CH Deja Vu Elephant In The Room K Boettcher 6 CH Hyssopp De Bejaune C Daniels/J Daniels/M Weitz 7 GCH CH Bijou Educated Guess CDX BN RAE T Thorleifson/C Wolfram/H Pemble 8 GCH CH Deja Vu Mia Chain Of Fools J Holava/M Holava 9 GCH CH Mon Amies Georgie Porgie Puddin And Pie G Klang/K Klang 10 GCH CH Lighting Strike El Xargall M Millner/T Millner 1 (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)


1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

25 12 4 2 4 1 0 1 0 0 GP1

23 27 5 7 1 1 3 2 1 3 GP2

15 20 8 14 10 2 3 0 3 1 GP3

6 15 7 8 7 0 1 4 2 0 GP4

8672 8056 2379 2224 1554 1091 867 488 444 344 TOTAL

Entlebucher Mountain Dogs 1 2 3 4 Obediah Of Wildhorn P Parent GCH CH Jumanji V. Brunswick RA CGC T Lilliedoll/N Lilliedoll/R Hahn CH Liberty Runís Crime Writer A Wallace GCH CH Lady Biscuit Of Brunswick CGC R Hahn/D Carlisle (M) (M) (M) (F)


0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 GP1

1 0 0 0 GP2

0 1 1 0 GP3

1 0 1 1 GP4

157 78 57 31 TOTAL

Finnish Lapphunds GCH CH Lumiturpa Tapakka M Feltenstein CH Bearspaw Sampo N Prokopishyn/E Prokopishyn/S Bernardin 3 GCH CH Sugarok Robert Redford L Marden 4 GCH CH Sugarok Macce Too B Murray/L Marden 5 GCH CH Sugarok Shenya At Comancheria G Nunnally 6 GCH CH Lapinlumon Xukulaku L Marden/S Lee/M Lee 7 GCH CH Lumiturpa Arvi M Feltenstein 8 GCH CH Calaban Armahani Iwannatalkaboutme CM N Dacosta/C Petersen 9 CH Calabanís Mustikka D Lohn/C Williams/C Brillinger 10 GCH CH Sugarok Eminent Domain C Toth/L Toth/L Marden 2 1 (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 GP1

8 3 3 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 GP2

15 2 3 2 0 2 0 1 1 0 GP3

11 8 4 2 3 1 1 1 0 1 GP4

2962 992 790 436 270 196 166 121 118 66 TOTAL

Canaan Dogs 1 2 3 4 5 6 GCH CH Pleasant Hill Magnum Of Samara P Rosman GCH CH Rivroc Onto Somethin Bsnatch Rosndog C Miller/E Miller GCH CH Rivroc Lycm Own Dream Bsnatch Rsndog C Miller/E Miller CH Cherrysh Fire And Rain CD RE L Boyd River Rock Reach Any Higher CGC M Muller/J Muller HaíAretz Lev Gahdohl RN CGC B Comsky (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F)


0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0

3 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

2 1 0 0 0 0 GP2

6 0 1 1 0 0 GP3

4 2 2 0 1 2 GP4

1282 307 218 110 101 86 TOTAL

Cardigan Welsh Corgis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 GCH CH Riverside Telltail Coco Posh D Planche/D Shindle/J Divens GCH CH Aubreyís Tails Of Mystery C Savioli/V Savioli/S Hurst GCH CH Allegro Southern Charm J Lamy GCH CH Beaguileís Suit Up F Beashau/J Beashau/N Willoughby GCH CH Kosmar Striking Back Of Bridgelady M Stahr/G Roach GCH CH Marielís Harvest Moon M Mizelle GCH CH Blackdales Larkspur C Black/K Chandor (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)


German Shepherd Dogs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GCH CH Lockenhausí Rumor Has It V Kenlyn P Mcelheney/K Boyles/D Stern/A Derose/M Derose GCH CH Woodsides Megabucks J Duin/J Duin/S Anderson GCH CH Wolf Creek Galaxy Of Merivern E Farrell/P Walker GCH CH Wonderlandís Force Of Nature E Farrell/J Conely GCH CH Heidelbergís Austin V Melissa J Schumacher GCH CH Keylis Spotlite Just Do It D Foulkrod/A Barbash/S Barbash/B Duncan/H Clausen GCH CH Windcrest Gun Powderd Led S Wendel/S Roudebush/L Wendel GCH CH Covy Tucker Hillís Kean Marc Flash Drive PT J Calkins/G Birch/C Pottle/M Cox (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M)


7 14 1 0 0 0 0 0

11 5 1 1 1 3 1 1

47 39 10 10 5 3 2 3

9 17 6 10 8 2 2 3

10 1 1 11 6 1 6 5

3 3 0 5 9 2 3 4

20634 18085 4461 3950 2898 1947 1845 1524

13 3 0 0 0 0 0

6 2 0 0 0 0 0

50 7 5 1 5 3 0

29 1 3 3 5 2 3

15 3 4 2 6 2 4

12 5 6 6 5 1 5

22983 3339 1933 1659 1317 844 769


the top ten dogs B. I. S. RBIS GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 TOTAL



GCH CH Hylowes Bitter Sweet Symphony CA J Tittl/T King 10 GCH CH Stuttgartís Now DoníT Refuse Me Of Masrock S Schrock/K Kelley/L Dancosse/L Bones

(F) (M)

0 0

0 0

0 2 GP1

2 4 GP2

7 10 GP3

3 0 GP4

972 934 TOTAL

6 7 8 9

Icelandic Sheepdogs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GCH CH Vinlands Leifur CGC J Sanders GCH CH Frostfyreís Roskur S Hartman/J Baylis GCH CH Brosandi Einar Snorrason D Hale/T Carney GCH CH Isneista Fjari C Smith GCH CH Eyjahunda Thorarinn PT CGC D Mcdermott/T Warnock GCH CH Isneista Alspora Snati Of Bayshore T Runolfsson/J Baylis GCH CH Dyggurís Twilight Jasper Of Glacier Point X Moreno/A Harwell GCH CH Bjarkarkots Hroi Hottur Luke PT MX AXJ L Dribinsky (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 GP2

0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 GP3

3 0 3 1 0 0 1 0 GP4

349 286 203 181 130 111 55 33 TOTAL

GCH CH Bogdankaís Existential Earl N Bogdanow GCH CH Sunshineís I Feel The Love J Devlin/R Stillwaggon GCH CH Applewoodís Mojo Flow S Heavens CH Starpons Forevermore An Allstar D Goodland/J Rose

(M) (F) (F) (M)

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 GP1

1 0 0 0 GP2

0 1 0 1 GP3

0 1 1 0 GP4

168 155 114 23 TOTAL

Pulik GCH CH Cordmaker Topsy Turvey C Tell-Collinge/S Huebner/P Kelly/B Hamilton GCH CH Mt Hoodís Leapiní Linni Of Tordor B Stelz/G Stelz/B Hiett 3 GCH CH Fuzzy Farm If Not Now, When? S Lawrence/A Lawrence 4 GCH CH Wallbanger Fringe A Bowley/D Zeman/B Zeman 5 GCH CH Cordmaker Rumpus Bumpus J Beaudoin/S Huebner/F Licciardi 6 GCH CH Moonshadow A League Of Her Own CD BN N Guagenti/A Guagenti/B Pessina 7 GCH CH Prydain Joshua CGC D Fields/K Edwards 8 GCH CH Zaydah Guns A Blazing R Dimatteo 9 GCH CH Szederís Little Miss Sunshine A Coulman/B Brubaker/M Wakeman 10 GCH CH Szep Apati Angyal Z Kocsondy/K Kocsondy 2 1 (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F)


15 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 4 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0

68 8 2 4 2 3 1 1 2 0 GP1

47 10 4 2 0 0 0 0 3 1 GP2

16 13 15 3 0 4 6 6 2 4 GP3

7 5 12 0 0 3 7 2 3 2 GP4

28616 6405 1940 1260 1057 980 724 653 621 543 TOTAL

Norwegian Buhunds 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 8 9 GCH CH Jotunn Bella Binna V Eberhardt/J Bradstreet GCH CH Kyonís Bold Norseman D Deeley GCH CH Jotunn Cheval Bayard V Eberhardt/J Bradstreet GCH CH Jotunn Gnipa Bergitta V Eberhardt/J Bradstreet GCH CH Hundehavenís Kendall CGC C Lassesen/E David/S Martinez CH Jotunnís Razzle Dazzle S Bates/V Eberhardt VAULARTUNíS TOMBA KIMURA (Foreign Dog - Registration Pending.) GCH CH Jotunnís Dashing Darwin RE V Eberhardt/M Kincaid GCH CH Tolgenís Jaeren Fredrick Kaare V Eberhardt/J Bradstreet (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)


2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

10 9 3 1 2 0 0 0 0 GP2

3 12 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 GP3

7 11 4 2 1 1 0 1 0 GP4

3937 3137 541 263 238 85 85 63 40 TOTAL

Pyrenean Shepherds 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GCH CH La Brise Sun Bear P Princehouse/K Laram GCH CH La Brise Margot La Fleur CGC R Lennox GCH CH Eclipse De La Petite Ferme De Wihr P Princehouse/E Edgerton GCH CH Isaby De Terr-Blue D Clayton GCH CH Terra-Blue Ariege K Rice/P Princehouse Chaparralís Pyrenean Echo M Elkins CH Gabizos Du Picourlet S Buttivant GCH CH La Brise Louis Quatorze J Steddom/P Princehouse (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M)


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

13 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 GP1

29 1 4 1 0 0 0 0 GP2

12 3 3 1 1 1 1 0 GP3

17 4 4 0 1 0 0 1 GP4

6945 640 513 243 174 104 79 69 TOTAL

Old English Sheepdogs GCH CH Bugabooís Picture Perfect R Scott/D Burke/C Johnson/H Johnson GCH CH Lambluvís Sultry Sensation J Marder/K Richardson 3 GCH CH Bagatelle Rolling Moon Stone R Corbett/B Charest/J Charest 4 GCH CH Whisperwoodís Wild Horse J Wetzler/K Burdash 5 GCH CH Snowdowne My Favorite Color Is Purple D Freiheit/C Grady/C Crawford-Gorath 6 GCH CH Wynwardís Remember That E Fujikawa/R Glickman /G Fujikawa 7 CH Barkshireís Uncle Sam J Collen 8 GCH CH Shagshadow Pandamoniumís First Edition J Ogg/R Ogg/P Schneider/T Schulte 9 GCH CH Masquerade Madness Moonraker BN RA PT D Finch/T Finch/K Loland 10 GCH CH LoveíN Stuff Summertime Blues K Marshall/M Marshall 2 1 (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)


88 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

33 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0

147 31 7 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 GP1

3 40 4 2 4 8 2 3 0 2 GP2

1 18 4 5 2 3 3 5 1 1 GP3

1 11 5 6 0 5 4 5 0 2 GP4

146514 12991 2277 1307 1015 843 742 628 519 392 TOTAL

Shetland Sheepdogs GCH CH Grandgables The Frat Boy P Buckles/A Buckles/J Moses GCH CH Parayís Preferential K Furlong/T Pittman 3 GCH CH Thunderhillís Apple Bottom Jeans M Miller/M Miller 4 GCH CH Grandgables Jolie Victor Ludorum P Hannah/K Hannah 5 GCH CH Serenityís Walk In The Park V Weis 6 GCH CH Acadia Stage Presence C Pruss 7 GCH CH Solange Body Language L Nicholas 8 GCH CH Trelynnís Something About Amy D Tresnak 9 GCH CH Jesstar Erovra L Baum/J Starbuck/L Baum 10 GCH CH Solange Valedictorian L Nicholas 2 1 (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (M)


6 6 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

4 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0

37 21 9 7 3 4 1 1 1 0 GP1

26 7 8 6 2 3 3 2 2 1 GP2

14 4 4 13 6 5 3 4 2 0 GP3

9 1 4 8 3 5 1 2 4 5 GP4

13678 8542 5262 3514 1933 1839 865 855 701 532 TOTAL

Pembroke Welsh Corgis GCH CH Coventry Just A Little Crush J Johnson/J Johnson/B Shelton/S Leyerly/B Williams GCH CH Aubreyís Moon River C Savioli/V Savioli 3 GCH CH Coventry Fly Me To The Moon D Salow/A Geremia/K Foist/W Shelton 4 GCH CH Riverside Get Over It D Shindle/V Malzoni 5 GCH CH Sundance Ringside Rumor K Janiszak/L Price/D Price 6 GCH CH Coventry Swinging On A Star B Shelton/S Leyerly/B Williams/D Salow 7 GCH CH Coventry Allure At Wyndstar A Geremia/B Shelton 8 GCH CH Nchanted Silk Lining C Braunstein 9 GCH CH Foxlore Xmas Kane Jareaux L Sawyer/J Wilcox/T Sommerson-Wilcox 10 GCH CH Cityside Splitting The Defense J OíNeil/W Perry 2 1 (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M)


3 4 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0

4 2 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 1

21 22 11 11 6 5 1 1 3 4 GP1

22 11 13 11 5 6 5 3 6 6 GP2

21 9 10 4 7 1 2 6 5 5 GP3

11 11 11 8 8 3 0 9 6 7 GP4

12078 10110 5287 4642 2731 2509 1880 1527 1521 1422 TOTAL

Swedish Vallhunds GCH CH Minikotaís Medicine Man L Fisher/L Schaunaman GCH CH Aswallens Lukas Lupin L Schaunaman/L Fisher 3 GCH CH Caliente Once In A Blue Moon RAE HSAds M Fromm 4 GCH CH Svedala Sven Snickaren Fran Hall R Hooper/S Hooper/L Fisher/G Hall 5 GCH CH Beidelyn Still The One St L Law/C Rolfe 6 GCH CH Solveigcoís Gustav Vasa At Akutchi C Sayles 7 CH Fantasi Little Jack Horner R Fuller 8 GCH CH Minikota Mill Creekís October Rust D Tapp/L Schaunaman 9 Hideaways Cool Man Luke M Stevens/T Raden/D Schmidt 10 CH Hallís Worth My Weight In Gold L Fisher 2 1 (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0

6 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

2 3 1 1 2 0 2 0 1 1

649 313 143 122 121 117 116 74 73 56

Polish Lowland Sheepdogs 1 2 3 4 5 GCH CH Stonebrookís For Your Eyes Only B Wilson/M Cabral/W Lewis/L Lewis GCH CH Swan Crest The Power Of Love Eternal M Hirata/L Bettis/R Wolfe GCH CH Starponís Chere Brigitte B Bruns/W Stamp/C Czerechowicz GCH CH Ponadto Amarant S Heavens GCH CH Snowhillís Zak Misha Z Starpons CGC R Young/D Holloway/D Gray (F) (M) (F) (M) (M)


1 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

6 2 0 1 2

2 3 5 1 2

9 1 2 2 2

7 4 2 3 2

2240 704 415 405 292




The two new additions to the 100 Club, Matisse and Swagger, in magni cent portrait shots. They were also the Number One and Number Two All-Breed Dogs for 2014, respectively.


100 CLUB MEMBERS GCh. Claircreek Impression De Matisse - Portuguese Water Dog GCh. Bugabooís Picture Perfect - Old English Sheepdog GCh. Jasetís Satisfaction - Standard Poodle GCh. Marlex Classic Red Glare - Miniature Pinscher GCh. After All Painting the Sky - Wire Fox Terrier GCh. Mt. Viewís Ripsnorter Silver Charm - Ger. Wirehaired Pointer GCh. Brighton Lakeridge Encore - Standard Poodle Ch. Casablancaís Thrilling Seduction - Black Cocker Spaniel GCh. PalaceGarden Malachyó Pekingese GCh. JíCobe Kemosabe Vigilante Justice - Smooth Fox Terrier Ch. Galileeís Pure of Spirit-Giant Schnauzer Ch. Randenn Tristar Afˇrmation - Standard Poodle Ch. Roundtown Mercedes of Maryscot - Scottish Terrier Ch. Cookieland Seasyde Hollyberry ñ Pointer Ch. Smash JP Win A Victory ñ Toy Poodle Ch. Yakee If Only ñ Pekingese Ch. Kaleffís Genuine Risk-German Shepherd Dog Ch. Special Times Just Right ñ Bichon Frise Ch. Torumís Scarf Michael ñ Kerry Blue Terrier Ch. Ta-Jonís Tickle Me Silly ñ Maltese Ch. Ch. Kismets Sight For Sore Eyes-German Shepherd Dog Ch. Brunswigís Cryptonite ñ Doberman Pinscher Ch. Registryís Lonesome Dove ñ Wire Fox Terrier Ch. La-Shayís Bart Simpson ñ Black Cocker Spaniel Ch. Lake Cove Thatís My Boy ñ Standard Poodle Ch. Revelryís Awesome Blossom ñ Lakeland Terrier Ch. Tryst of Grandeur - Afghan Hound Ch. Anasazi Billy the Kid ñ Welsh Terrier Ch. Altanaís Mystique ñ German Shepherd Ch. Galbraithís Iron Eyes ñ Bouvier des Flandres Ch. Salilynís Condor ñ English Springer Spaniel Ch. Whisperwind On Carousel ñ Standard Poodle Ch. Galsul Excellence ñ Wire Fox Terrier Ch. Covy Tucker Hillís Manhattan ñ German Shepherd Dog Ch. Braeburnís Close Encounterm ñ Scottish Terrier Ch. Lo-Ginís Kiss Me Kate ñ Standard Poodle Ch. Bangaway of Sirrah Crest ñ Boxer Ch. Chik TíSun of Caversham ñ Pekingese Ch. Rock Falls Colonel ñ English Setter THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL • 189


By Matthew H. Stander

ack to normal is the theme of this yearís 100 CLUB additions as two exhibits--both males-- have achieved that very distinctive honor. Both are from breeds heretofore unrepresented on this luminous list and one not only entered the 100 Club but in fact was awarded over 200 All-breed bests in a record-breaking year. I refer of course to the number one dog in America for the year 2014 the Portuguese Water Dog GCH Claircreek Impression De Matisse, which was awarded a total of over 200 all-breeds during his career, and to the Old English Sheepdog GCH Bugabooís Picture Perfect, the number two dog point ways for 2014. After last yearís record-breaking number of ˇve additions, which of course included the Black Standard Poodle dog Ch. Jasetís Satisfaction, it is fascinating to note that the Portie is the ˇrst male exhibit to have entered the 200 Club joining Shannon the Scottie, Mystique the German Shepherd and Lacey the Wire Fox Terrier. Hereís the story about Matisse: GCh. Claircreek Impression De Matisse Sire: GCh. Pouch Cove Caribe Dam: Ch. Claircreek Femme Fatale Bred By: Donna Gottdenker Owned By: Milan Lint, Peggy Helming & Donna Gottdenker Presented By: Michael and Michelle Scott CONTINUED ON PAGE 190


Michael and Matisse kicked off their incredible journey just over two years ago, in the last couple months of 2012. Throughout 2013 Matisse garnered 94 Bests in Show, 19 Reserve Bests, 135 Group Firsts, Best in Show at the AKC Eukanuba Invitational and the very thrilling Group victory at the Garden. This propelled Matisse to 2013’s Number Two Dog All Breeds, Number One Working Dog, Number One PWD and the top winning PWD of all time. The momentum intensified in 2014, where Matisse won an incredible 134 Bests, 23 Reserve Bests and 180 Groups Firsts, including another Group win at Westminster and his second PWDCA National Specialty Best of Breed. Matisse ended 2014 as the Number One Dog All Breeds and the top winning male show dog in US history. To date Matisse has accumulated 237 Bests, 48 Reserve Bests and 333 Working Group wins. And to top it off, at the 2014 PWDCA National Specialty Matisse’s offspring won Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Reserve Winners Dog, Reserve Winners Bitch and Best Puppy in Show. While the winning has certainly been a thrill, the reception that Matisse has generated has been extremely gratifying. And here’s the scoop about Swagger: GCh. Bugaboo’s Picture Perfect Sire GCh. Bugaboo’s Big Shot Dam Ch. Bugaboo’s Georgie Girl Bred by Colton & Heather Johnson Owned by Ron Scott and Debbie Burke and Colton & Heather Johnson Presented by Colton Johnson 2013 Number 1 Herding Dog And Number 10 Dog Among All Breeds 75 Shows with 28,954 Dogs Defeated 23 All Breed Best In Shows 17 Reserve Best In Shows 56 Group Firsts Best In Specialty Show OESCA National & Top Twenty And Regional Winner 2014 Number 1 Herding Dog & Number Two Among All Breeds 153 Shows with 118,500 Dogs Defeated 88 All Breed Best In Shows 33 Reserve Beat In Shows 147 Group Firsts Top Winning OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG In The History Of The Breed.


ell that’s the story about the two top winners for year 2014, both of which became members of at least the 100 CLUB. Behind the scenes however is the well known fact that as competitive as these two exhibits were the degree of sportsmanship between the two teams of owners and handlers was incredibly high and should set the standard in the future for people campaigning not only exceptionally fine exhibits such as Matisse and Swagger but as examples at every level of competition. Hats off to the records for sure--even more kudos for the manner in which these campaigns were conducted. IT IS INTERESTING TO NOTE that FIVE new exhibits, three of them bitches, have earned the distinction of having become new members of the 100 Club for the year 2013. The idea for this distinctive Club was developed by the late Sam Lawrence, who of course was the sponsor of many a top Best In Show award winner. Never before in the history of this recognition and since such records have been kept have five exhibits been so acknowledged. This year two of the winners are from breeds heretofore not represented in the past - a Miniature Pinscher and a German Wirehaired Pointer - while two of the five inductees were owned in whole or part by the same person, the GWP and the Wire Fox Terrier bitch. The victorious inductees, which accumulated 100 All Breed Best in Shows, for the year 2013, are the Top Winning Male Standard Poodle in the breed’s history, GCh. Jaset’s Satisfaction, bred by Chris Bailey and Sandra Tomkins, co-owned by Michele Molnar and Jamie Danburg and handled by Ann Rairigh; Miniature Pinscher bitch GCh Ch Marlex Classic Red Glare bred by Carole Mohr-Rio, co-owned by Leah Monte and Armando Angelbello and handled by co-owner Armando Angelbello; the number one dog All-Breeds for the year 2013 the Wire Fox Terrier bitch GCh Ch After All Painting the Sky bred by A.J. Pertuit Jr, and Betty Seaton, co-owned by Victor Malzoni, Jr., Torie Steele, Mary and Scott Olund and Diane Ryan, and handled by Gabriel and Ivonne Rangel; the number one dog all-breed for the year 2012 the German Wirehaired Pointer INT, Br. Am GCh Ch Mt. View’s Ripsnorter Silver Charm bred by Claire and Kelly Wisch and Helen Witt, handled by Phil and Amy Booth and lastly but hardly least the Standard Poodle Bitch GCh Ch Brighton Lakeridge Encore bred by L’Dyne Brennan and Debra FergusonJones owned by Martin and Toni Sosnoff’s Atalanta Kennel and handled by Timothy Brazier. Quite an impressive list of long time and devoted dog people who have played such an important role in the development and continuation of the competitive world of showing the dog and in influencing people to participate in making people more aware of the need to perpetuate the virtues of the purebred dog in America today.



he Black Standard Poodle, whose call name is London, was the Number One Poodle of All Varieties as well as the Number One Non Sporting Dog in 2012, and was Number Nine among all breeds in 2012 and 2013. The Min Pin whose call name is Classie -GCh Ch Marlex Classic Red Glare- first came to my attention when a prominent All-Breed judge called to tell me of her existence after she adjudicated upon it for the first time. She thence accumulated 120 all-breed bests and is only 4 years old today. Additionally she has been awarded 24 Best in Specialty Shows including National Specialty wins with 64 Bests in 2013 and 122 Group Firsts. Min Pins are considered one of the more difficult breeds to exhibit since they certainly tend to have a mind of their own but even when being “naughty” as Classie can be, her handler Armando Angelbello, who has such a long and successful background with this breed, has been able to control her and gotten her to display true Min Pin form so fittingly described in the breed standard as the King of Toys. From the moment Classie made her ring debut at the age of 6 months many judges and fanciers took notice of her. She has been a showgirl of outstanding breed type and her movement and special character took the ring and the fancy by storm as she never looked back. Her record-breaking show career has been a joy for all concerned with her and in the process she broke a 50-year-old breed record to become the top Best in Show winning Min Pin in history. Armando is quoted as saying about her, “We are told to dream Big, but Classie taught us that she could deliver even Bigger--this has been the ride of a lifetime!” The next two dogs to have earned the privilege of joining the 100 Club have as a common denominator two major factorsthe first is that both were Number One Among All-Breeds for the years 2012 and 2013 and were owned or co-owned by the same individual, Victor Malzoni, Jr. of Hampton Court in Sao Paulo, Brazil. How unusual and rare is it for anyone to own consecutive top dogs all-breed much less two different breeds exhibited by two different handlers that’s for sure. I hesitate to call this a first ever but unless Gloria and Nat Reese did so in the 50’s or 60’s or the Lawrences did so later on this is prob-

ably a first ever accomplishment, which really shows a devotion to the sport by Victor Malzoni, Jr. exhibited by few people alive today. The first of the two, the German Wirehaired Pointer whose call name is Oakley, began his show career in the US in 2011 although he finished to his American Championship at the GWPCA at 12 months in 2007. Prior to that time beginning in 2010 he was exhibited in Brazil and South America and was used in Mr. Malzoni’s breeding program for GWP’s. In June of 2011 the dog earned his first Best but like many a great show dog his spirit of independence and desire to have fun made showing him quite a challenge. His

GCh. Jaset’s Satisfaction

performances became more dependable in early 2012 and his performances in the ring drew fans for him wherever he went. By the end of 2012 he had 73 All-Breed Bests and then in early 2013 he became the 37th dog in the history of AKC to earn 100 or more Bests with the crowning glory being his 3rd National Specialty under no less of an authority than Joy Brewster. Oakley then went back to Victor in Brazil where he is retired and living the life of glory at Hampton Court. He is and was a once in a lifetime dog for all involved. Oakley was immediately followed up by Sky, the ginger Wire Bitch handled pri-

marily by Gabriel Rangel, who handles many of Mr. Malzoni’s terriers here in the States and as noted was the Number One all-breed for 2013. Her glorious career abetted by her association with long time successful WFT breeder in the States Torie Steele was topped of course by her amazing and well deserved win at the Montgomery Kennel Club this past year. Winner of 127 Bests in Show including the very prestigious AENC in 2012, her wins have been highlighted by recognized terrier breeders and exhibitors the worldwide. She was heralded by many people before she even entered the show ring and let me tell you she lived up to her advance notices and in fact outdid the raves of those who had seen her early on. The last of the achievers to be reported upon is Ally the incredible and widely acclaimed White Standard bitch. Her greatness was recognized early on as she was awarded Best in Show from the classes at the prestigious and highly respected Poodle Club of America. This is now the second time the Atalanta team of the Sosnoffs and Tim Brazier have entered the 100 Hall of Fame-the first being with the Standard Poodle Ch. Randenn Tristar Affection. Toni and Martin Sosnoff have been long time concerned breeders of Poodles and together with Tim Brazier form one of the most respected and trusted teams of dog owners and handlers the dog world has developed in the modern dog world age. Teams such as the Rangel-Malzoni and the Booth-Malzoni, Jr. and the Brazier-Sosnoff are hard to come by and develop but in a sense it is their relationships that help to keep the sport going and alive and kicking. Considering the backgrounds of the dogs involved and their owners and handlers and of course their breeders, all of whom are steeped in the long term values and traditions of our sport, one must conclude that our conformation world is growing stronger and strengthening the very foundations upon which our sport was originally founded. CONTINUED ON PAGE 192



INDEED THE TOTAL NUMBER of allbreeds Beckham has to his credit so far is 122 and that was with limited campaigning in 2012 to boot. The fact is that he was actively campaigned by the well known and respected husband-wife team of Linda and Michael Pitts for only two years--2012 and 2011 and six months into 2012. He has been exhibited sparingly since then but conquered all at the very prestigious 2013 Spaniel Club held in Knoxville, Tennessee to the thrill of his co-owners Bruce Van Deman, Carolee Douglas, Mary Walker, Cindy Cassidy and breeder and co-owner Linda Moore. Just to give you an idea of the background and breeding experience of this consortium of owners a total of 120 years combines the experience and devotion of these people in and to the breed of the Spaniel (Cocker) Black. What an achievement and what a history behind this dog!! Don’t you agree? And then combine that fact with an exuberant and magnificent show animal and handlers extraordinaire of this breed and variety and success is basically assured and most predictable. D Magazine warmly welcomes Beckham into this group of illustrious and famous show dogs! And now to prove how imperfect I actually am is the fact that I failed to list the achievements of the Giant Schnauzer, only the second exhibit from the Working Group--the first being the Doberman Cryptonite, as a Member of the 100 Club. I refer of course to Ch. Galilee’s Pure of Spirit a bitch which was the number one exhibit all-breed in 2008 and certainly one of the great show dogs of her time if not of the century. She earned the honor of the 100 Club membership in 2008 which was the year she was awarded the Working Group at the Big W in a performance which to this day has the aficionados in awe! The bond between this bitch and her handler Taffy McFadden was one of the all-time relationships which existed between dog and handler but who amongst us can resist the talent and charm of Taffy? I know I can’t! She was owned by Maryann Biscaglia and Mary Hayes as well as the renowned husband wife team of Carla

and Joe Sanchez in the latter part of her career. Bred by Maryann she was a one of a kind exhibit and I apologize to all for having failed to report this achievement when it first occurred. Malachy was the only exhibit to be so honored in 2011 and one has to go back to 2005 when the last Peke earned this distinction. That dog exhibited by David as well was Eng. and Am. Ch. Yakee If Only. David discovered the latest top winner from the PalaceGarden Pekes whilst judging the Ventura Pekingese Championship show in the UK in May of 2008. Unlike in America where David is occupationally ineligible to judge, the British encourage talented and experienced breeders from all over the world to judge at the shows they hold. This was a great experience for David as the entry was 117 dogs, the largest entry of the year next to Crufts! A lesson perhaps for AKC to digest as years ago professional handlers were permitted to judge Specialty shows in the US. Perhaps our own priorities in this area should be reevaluated if indeed it is the intent of those running these shows to truly find the best breeding stock instead of being so concerned with filling judging slots with less experienced breeders. Most of David’s winners at this show were PalaceGarden Pekes and when he got home he contacted the Smiths and asked them to send him a dog after carefully researching the pedigrees. He asked them if they had any stock available and in June of 2009 Malachy arrived as a five-month-old puppy sight unseen by David. The rest is of course history as this little dog so correct in type, small, compact and unadulterated, shouting Pekingese arrived at Newark Airport. To say that Malachy stole the hearts of the American dog show world is to understate the case and his Best in Show at the famed Morris and Essex Show clearly cemented him as one of the great Pekes of our time. Co-owned by Sandra Middlebrooks and Iris Love, with David, both ladies are wonderful clients with whom to work. Ever mindful of the

importance the role of handler plays in exhibiting dogs, Sandra Middlebrooks and her husband Butler rely on David’s decisions, always saying, “David, whatever you think is best-you know what you are doing.” An attitude other clients would do well to learn from as Mrs. Middlebrooks has evolved into one of the premier sponsors of the best of purebred dogs. What a team--what a Peke-- and you better believe there will be more to come--for sure. For the first time since the establishment of the 100 Club a Smooth Fox Terrier has accomplished this incredible feat. Becoming the 29th exhibit to accomplish this incredible feat GCH J’Cobe Kemosabe Vigilante Justice, affectionately called Dodger, became the 29th dog in history to achieve the esteemed honor of 100 or more Best in Shows. Indeed this dog, which was also the Number One exhibit All-Breed for the year 2010, actually recorded 105 All-Breed Bests. A grandson of the recordbreaking Ch. Broxden Rio Oso Best Dressed (Tux), his pedigree is one to simply blow you away, with some of the most outstanding show and stud dogs and dams dominating throughout. One of the things which makes Dodger’s feat all the more phenomenal is the fact that today in America the Smooth Fox Terrier breed is one of the strongest in the world as specials class after specials class are marked by unusually high quality. Certainly the highlight of any Montgomery is to watch Smooths where in 2008 Dodger finished his championship by being awarded Winners Dog and Best of Winners at the Specialty that year and was Best of Breed at Montgomery the following year, too. He broke the record for Smooth Fox Terriers in August, which was previously set at 70. But Dodger certainly could not have accomplished his incredible feats alone and fortunately for all involved a team was formed headed by Amy and Phil Booth, who formed and created his amazing career. Tux was brilliantly handled by Amy and so it was only natural for her to continue with his Grandson, which collaboration resulted in Amy as coowner and handler with Howard


and Sandra Hoffen as co-owners, as they were with Tux as well. Now at just 3 1/2 years of age everyone involved is looking forward to contributing to the Broxden/J’Cobe/ Kemosabe breeding program. Bill Dalling of J’Cobe and Stacy Turner of Kemosabe Smooths, the breeders, have combined with the Hoffens and Booths to form one of the most formidable teams of owners and breeders in the sport of dogs. DOG NEWS enthusiastically welcomes Dodger and his team as members of the DOG NEWS 100 Club.

and healthily. Her owners Toni and Martin Sosnoff of Atalanta poodle fame have been long time concerned breeders of the Poodle and together with Tim and Yes have formed one of the most formidable and trustworthy teams of people and dogs to have been developed in the modern dogworld age. Teams like this are what help perpetuate our sport in the long run, and I am happy to say that the “Sadie team” falls into a similar category as the team developed through the “Yes” relationship.


s the first decade of the millennium century came to a close two more exhibits, both American bred bitches, became members of the prestigious and highly regarded 100 Club bringing the total number of dog membership to 27! Both the Standard Poodle Ch. Randenn Tristar Affirmation (whose call name is Yes) and the Scottish Terrier Ch. Roundtown Mercedes of Maryscot (whose call name is Sadie) were handled by two of the more respected and expert of professional handlers whose reputations in their breed and group are of what legends are made. Both Tim Brazier, Yes’ handler, and Gabriel Rangel, Sadie’s handler, are among the most respected dog men of our day, and it is particularly fitting that these honors have been earned and recognized by these teams of handlers and dogs. And as important and necessary as these recognitions are let us not forget the people and the history of both the breeders and owners of these two great exhibits. Yes is the fourth Standard Poodle to earn the bragging rights to be called a member of this great club preceded in time by her grandfather Ch. Lake Cove That’s My Boy and her great-great-grandfather Ch. Whisperwind On Carousel. This kind of amazing use of line breeding by her breeders Randy Garren and Dennis McCoy (and co-breeders the Laceys) is a solid example of what dog breeding should be all about – a careful selection and understanding of lines and genes which result in improving a breed carefully, selectively


adie is now the second Scottish Terrier to join the club, both bitches, and of course has set her mark both nationally and internationally. Competently and ably conditioned and handled by Gabriel Rangel she is an outstanding show animal whose presence is expected to be continued in the near future for sure. Gabriel of course has matured into one of the most respected and consulted terrier men in America, if not the world, whose opinion of a dog is solicited near and far. Combine this with the acknowledged breeding talents of Anstamm Kennels and Mary O’Neal (Anstamm of course being the team of Cindy Cooke and Buffie Stamm) and you have magical results insofar as the breeding of Scotties are concerned. And on the subject of magical of course are Sadie’s owners, the Mussers, Amelia and Dan. To say that they are two of the nicest people in the sport is to understate the situation; but of interest, of course, is the background of Mr. Musser whose uncle George Hartman was one of the most respected judges in America in the ‘40s and a director of AKC as well. Considering the backgrounds of these dogs, their owners and their breeders all of which and whom are steeped in the long term values and traditions of our sport one would have to conclude that not only is our conformation world growing stronger by encouraging dog show competitions but that the dogs and teams of people associated with them are adding allure and strengthening the foundation of the sport itself. Wel-

come “Yes” and “Sadie” to the 100 Club! In 2009 the first Pointer and the fourth Sporting Dog in American history joined the list of dog show exhibits to become a 100 Club member. Of particular interest in the case of Ch. Cookieland Seasyde Hollyberry, now the top winning Sporting dog of all time in terms of Bests, is the comparatively short period of time she had been campaigned in order to achieve this amazing accomplishment. Holly as she is called began her show career in late 2007 and was not campaigned in earnest until March of 2008. This is probably the shortest time period in our history for an exhibit to have gained this monumental honor. And candidly up until the AKC/ Eukanuba National Event she had never been flown to compete in a dog show! Imagine an American dog not only winning close to 90 shows in one year but also competing to become the number two exhibit all-breed without having earned one advantage mile for the handlers Michael and Michelle Scott until the last month of the year. That’s got to tell you the regard with which Holly has been held by the American judging community. Watching Holly in action in the show ring is a very special experience as she never has for one moment let handler Mike Scott down. But as importantly is her attitude out of the show arena. Pointers do not have the reputation for being the steadiest of animals in crowded social situations. As a former owner of the breed I feel safe in making that generalized kind of statement. But I can tell you without hesitation this is not the case with Holly. After her glorious, well-earned and deserved National win she was introduced to the throngs of people celebrating the two-day event at the after show party. To the great credit of her breeders Cheryl Laduc, A. Cantor & A. Walker and of course her owners Sean and Tammy McCarthy and Helyne Medeiros, she walked into this buzzing room, took one look around and owned the place! Visiting table after table and one celebrant after the other as though they were long lost friends, while totally off her leash, she made friends of everyone. If ever one doubted a dog’s ability to captivate and mesmerize a roomful of over 200 CONTINUED ON PAGE 194



partying people just keep in mind the story of Holly on that night. When I wrote in the 2007 ‘D’ “100 Club” article that many exhibits were on the threshold of entering the elusive “100 Club”, the toy poodle Ch. Smash JP Win a Victory with “only” 38 all-breed bests in show in 2006, was not high in my mind as a likely entrant. But Vikki, as she is called, defied all odds by winning 67—yes, that’s right, 67!— all breed bests in 2007, becoming the 23rd exhibit in AKC history to earn this coveted distinction. Furthermore, she is the first and only exhibit to achieve this distinction since 2005. She now has a total of 105 all breed bests as we go to press. And guess what… this incredible show animal and truly great toy poodle is still going strong! Of interest to many people, of course, is that AKC did not officially award the Best in Show ribbon until 1925, so that the span is over an actual period of 82 years in which, including Vikki’s award, only a total of 22 other exhibits have earned such a distinction. PERSONALLY, I AM PARTICULARLY PLEASED with her achievements, since I spotted her in the classes as a mere puppy and immediately asked Kaz Hosaka, her handler, about her. The rest, of course, is history. Bred in Japan by the most successful of breeders, Yukiko Omura of Smash Kennels, whose toy poodles are internationally acclaimed. She is an unstoppable show dog with an exquisite attitude. Her very presence demands your attention, and to deny her is indeed a most difficult task. Of course, Vikki is handled by one of the master handlers and craftsmen of our time, the aforementioned Kaz Hosaka. Originally mentored by Annie and Jim Clark, Kaz has earned the role of mentor himself! Today Kaz helps set the world standard in the presentation and exhibition of all poodles— toy, miniature, and standard. He is a unique, loving caretaker of all his dogs, and in my opinion, one of the leaders within the professional handling community.

his having been said, my not yet mentioning the owner of Vikki until now is done for a particular reason. The owner, of course, is Ron Scott. The reason I wanted to write about Vikki and Kaz first was to emphasize the dog aspect of the “100 Club.” The human and practical side involves one of the great (and I use the word “great” deliberately) owner-handler teams of our time. You know as well as I that it takes more than just money to put a dog over. How many people do we all know who have attempted to buy their way into our sport, only to fall flat on their you know what? Ron Scott has been involved for years and has remained committed to both dogs and to Kaz for what seems an eternity. This team has developed an unusual rapport and a friendship grounded in a loyalty hard to find in most client-handler relationships. Ron and Kaz stand out as a team for us all to admire and respect. “D” Magazine warmly welcomes Vikki, Kaz, and Ron to the prestigious “100 Club!” English and American Champion Yakee If Only, earned the distinct honor of becoming a member of the 100 Club! The years 2004 & 2006 saw no new entrants, but in 2005, Jeffrey, as this exhibit is called, racked up his 124th All-Breed Best in Show, to the delight of his owner, Kit Woodruff, and his handler, David Fitzpatrick. Lest one wonder about this dog’s credentials, keep in mind that he was number one exhibit All-Breed for the year 2005 and became the first Toy exhibit in history to defeat over 100,000 other exhibits in one year. In 2004, Jeffrey was number 2 AllBreed but had the most All-Breed Bests for the calendar year, with 58. His 64 All-Breed Bests in 2005 set a new record for Toy Dogs in a single year. And, yes, I failed to point out that these feats were accomplished in less than a two-year time period. His first show was late in January of ’04, when, of course, he was awarded Best, and this past January Jeffrey just turned four years of age! Those are some pretty incredible fig-


ures to appreciate, but his lineage is equally as dazzling to every respectable breeder. This is particularly true in these days of the so-called “designer dogs,” whose breeders are attempting to pass off their own creations as purebreds, when, in fact, anyone involved in any form of animal husbandry is aware that these dogs are purely of a mixed-breed lineage. Let’s talk a little about Jeffrey and the fact that his sire, Eng. Ch. Yakee Dangerous Liaisons, was the Crufts 2003 Best in Show winner, and that his kennelmate, Ch. Yakee Leaving Me Breathless (Les, as he was called), broke into the 100 Club in 2003 as well. And if you were wondering whether there is a common denominator in both of these dogs’ pedigrees, the answer is a resounding yes. The exhibit Eng. Ch. Yakee For Your Eyes Only is that individual. The success as breeders of the owners of the Yakee kennel prefix, Albert (Bert) Easdon and Phillip Martin, is world-renowned. Nigel Aubrey-Jones and Bill Taylor introduced me to Bert years and years ago at a show in the U.K. The Yakee kennel is located in Glasgow, Scotland, and the over-25 years of successfully breeding Pekingese is the hallmark of their dog life achievements. But as we all know, it takes an awful lot to put a top-winning dog over in America. Kit Woodruff, who is a native of Colorado and who presently lives outside of Houston, has been a patron and owner of Pekes (and other dogs) for more than the past 10 years. She wisely selected as her handler the longtime involved, knowledgeable and very well liked professional handler David Fitzpatrick to work with her. This was to both show Jeffrey and to develop her own breeding program. David I have known from his working days—first with Hermine Cleaver and then Mrs. Walter (Kay) Jeffords. While he started working for Hermine at the tender age of 14, it was in the Jeffords era that he fully blossomed and gained the dog knowledge for which he is so well known. With over 250 dogs of various breeds to work with at Mrs. Jeffords’ famed Chinatown Kennels (the great majority of which were Pekes), he became steeped in understanding animal husbandry to a


degree few people in the dog world can lay claim to. This kind of invaluable exposure is what makes him a true dog person, entitled to at least one Group should he decide to judge, wouldn’t one think! As for Jeffrey, when David first saw him, he was fearful that in America he would not be understood because he was “too Pekey and too typey.” As far as David was concerned, this dog had nothing generic about him, but was, in fact, the perfect representative of what makes a Peke “different than any other dog.” He was delightedly surprised and happy to be wrong in these fears, as quite obviously, the American judges took to Jeffrey as one of their own. Welcome to the 100 Club, Jeffrey, David and Kit! IN 2003, Ch. Yakee Leaving Me Breathless At Franshaw won his 100th AllBreed Best in Show award in an amazing 17-month period of time. “Les,” as this British import is called, is truly a storybook dog. Since his “breathless” debut in February 2002 in New York, where he was awarded Best of Breed at the Garden, he became the first Pekingese to break a 45-year-old record held by the famous Ch. Chik T’Sun of Caversham for the most All-Breed Best in Shows to be awarded a Pekingese. As of this writing, Les has a total of 113 All-Breed Bests. Interestingly, his breeders, A. Easdon and P. Martin, showed and breed the Crufts 2002 Best in Show winner as well. The Yakee Kennel prefix is known worldwide as one of the most respected breeding programs ever designed. Les has only added to this reputation as the cognoscenti as well as the lay individual continue to recognize this exhibit’s outstanding attribute. Owned by John Shaw and Maria Francis and handled by Hiram Stewart, this team of individuals combines to make one of the most formidable owner/handler teams in America today. Under Hiram’s expert guidance and conditioning, Les’s rapid rise was eagerly anticipated. That this exhibit succeeded in reaching the pinnacle of success it did came as no surprise to those of us in the dog world who recognize quality on both ends of the leash.

ithout too much fear of being contradicted, I think it is safe to say that the additions that achieved membership in the coveted DOG NEWS 100 Club in the year 2002 are two of the bestknown exhibits to have ever competed on the American dog show circuit. Both were the Top Winning dog of the year in terms of points accumulated—the Bichon Frise in 2000 and the Kerry Blue terrier in 2001. I refer, of course, to Ch. Special Times Just Right, the Westminster and AKC/Eukanuba 2001 victor, and Ch. Torum’s Scarf Michael, the Crufts 2000 and Montgomery 2001 victor. Both dogs were and remain internationally recognized and have had myriad American followers both within and outside of the Fancy. With the growth of the sport being encouraged by continuously growing TV coverage in many homes, both “JR”— the Bichon—and “Mick”—the Kerry— have become as familiar as sports or movie star names. Let’s start with JR. When he was awarded Best at Westminster it, was his 98th all-breed achievement. He was exhibited three more times and won his 100th Best at the prestigious Long Beach June show in a fiercely fought competition against Mick. He was exhibited one more time at the first AKC/Eukanuba Invitational, where once again he prevailed. While Mick did not compete, as most of you very well know, the breed and group competition at this show was highly competitive for not only were there great “bragging” rights involved, but both the breeder and owner received monetary awards of over $25,000 each! JR was the sort of showdog who never let his handler, Scott Sommer, down in the ring. He was always up and totally reliant as a performer—indeed, some may say overly extroverted, but this was said positively. Indeed, this very attitude is strongly supported by the Bichon Frise standard itself. Eleanor McDonald, who had the good fortune to see him win the Westminster event before, sadly, passing away prior to the Invitational, bred JR. Unfortunately another co-owner, Flavio Werneck,


met an untimely death three months prior to the Big W. The happy news, of course, is that the third co-owner—and if truth be known, the force behind JR’s career—was the gracious and lovely Cecelia Ruggles. Ceil and Scott have formed one of the most powerful and respected owner/ handler teams within the history of our modern day sport, and JR now lives, most happily, at home with Scott in Houston. Mick, of course, is a British import who had mesmerized the dog show goers in the U.K. His victory at Crufts capped his career cross the pond. As of this writing he has 109 all-breed Best in Shows and is still being exhibited, seemingly on a somewhat random basis. He is now six years old and was first shown in the States when he was four. He captured the hearts of most American terrier people in his initial California outing and continues to captive people today. On occasion his performance may have been somewhat erratic; however, when he is on, he is tough to beat. His handler, who has done an incredible job of presenting him here in America, is Bill McFadden. When Marilu Hansen brought Mick over from England, there was some talk that Mick might not have been able to withstand the pressure of American campaigning. Obviously the British show circuit and ours is totally different, and the American circuit much more demanding. Nonetheless, and I believe through the good works of Bill, the dog basically held up 95 percent of the time. Personally, I am not too sure how successful other American handlers would have been with Mick, since I saw him in England on numerous occasions—sometimes he showed well; others not so well. And that takes nothing away from the British handler Geoff Corish, who did a great job with him, particularly since the dog was truly a housedog of breeder Ron Ramsay and his family. It’s one thing when a dog stays with the handler all of the time; another when it’s brought the day of the show or a day before for trimming. There is no doubt that JR and Mick will go down in history, both in the U.K. and in the States, as two of our greatest show dogs of all time. And perhaps even more importantly to the sport of purebred dogs is the fact that both are proving to be great sires, thereby only improving considerably the future for both the Bichon and the Kerry Blue terrier. CONTINUED ON PAGE 196


tioned above have now retired from handling and will now assume the role of professional judge under the American Kennel Club. We all wish them well in their new endeavors. AS OF THE ORIGINAL WRITING, only 15 exhibits have been awarded 100 or more All Breed Best in Shows in the United States. Of this number, four have actually been awarded 200 or more all-breed bests. Within the last several years and since 1990, the ranks of those dogs and bitches achieving these astronomical Best in Shows have practically doubled. Through 1990, only two exhibits had 200 or more Bests and five others had 100 or more wins. Since 1990 two more exhibits surpassed the 200 high water mark and four others went over the 100 figure! Considering the tremendous increase in the number of AllBreed championship events now being held in America—in 1994, there were 1,220 such shows—and with the ease of modern transportation, it wouldn’t be surprising to see these figures triple or even quadruple within the next decade. Certainly the astounding record of the German Shepherd bitch Ch. Altana’s Mystique is considered unbreakable today with her 275 all-breed awards. While the records of father and daughter Select Am/Can Ch. Kismet’s Sight For Sore Eyes with 101 bests and his (daughter) Ch. Kaleff’s Genuine Risk with 101 bests, both under the guidance of handler Jimmy Moses will probably never be broken either. Nonetheless, one must wonder whether any record is indeed unbreakable—just look at Lou Gehrig and Cal Ripken’s feat—and keep in mind, nothing is forever insofar as record making is concerned. Indeed, when Ch. Rock Falls Colonel, an English Setter, succeeded in the very early fifties of being awarded 100 Best in Shows, whoever would have thought that some 44 years later he would remain the only exhibit to have been handled to this feat by breeder and owner Mr. William Holt. And this was the case even though his brother (Ch. Rock Falls Racquet) actively campaigned against him through the formidable team of owner Ellsworth Howell and handler Jane Camp (Forsyth). Who says owner/handlers can’t win against the ‘”big boys?” Mr. Holt put exactly 100 Best in Shows on this dog. The next dog to achieve this number was the incredible Boxer Ch. Bangaway of Sirrah Crest, owned and bred by Dr. and Mrs. R.C. Harris. Bangaway was primarily handled by Nate Levine except when shown on the West Coast when Harry Sangster did the job. In the mid-fifties, it was more acceptable to fly only the dog coast to coast rather than the dog and its handler, which is why Bangaway basically had two handlers. To tell the truth, the practice of going


We were delighted to announce in 2001 the addition of an American Toy exhibit, Ch. Ta-Jon’s Tickle Me Silly, a Maltese, who has reached this incredible pinnacle and has now a total of 103 all-breed Best in Shows. A multiple National Specialty Show winner, Silly, as she is called, was also Winners Bitch at her National at only 14 months of age. Tammy and John Simon bred her seven years ago. Since her retirement she has whelped three litters and is the proud producer of champion get. A credit to the breeding program of Tammy and John, which started in 1989. The “Ta-Jon” prefix is established internationally as breeders of quality Maltese. Tammy personally handled this incredible bitch throughout her career. In 1998 she broke the record for Toy exhibits by amassing over 60,000 allbreed points. This record, in turn, was broken by a sharing Cross Shih Tzu two years later. Tickle Me Silly was owned and campaigned throughout her career by Samuel and Marion Lawrence. Sam and Marion now have the unheard total of four members of the DOG NEWS 100 Club!!! In addition to Silly, they owned the Doberman Pinscher Ch. Brunswig’s Cryptonite, the Wire Fox Terrier bitch Ch. Registry’s Lonesome Dove and the Black Cocker Spaniel Ch. La-Shay’s Bart Simpson. It is unlikely that this kind of ownership will ever be achieved in our dogs exhibited by lifetime again. In addition the Lawrence’s through June 13, 2001 have been awarded 707 all-breed Best in Shows with all of their dogs! What a mind-boggling accomplishment.


s a further point, three more exhibits entered the elusive 100 or more all-breed Best in Show Club since 1999. A Standard Poodle Dog, which was number one dog all breed two years in a row (1998 and 1999), Ch. Lake Cove That’s My Boy, was awarded his 169th Best, while the Lakeland Terrier Bitch. Ch. Revelry’s Awesome Blossom was awarded her 100th. Another member of the “Club” which had been retired for motherhood in 1996 was brought out in April of 1999 and increased her all-breed bests from 133 to 161. She

was the Afghan Hound bitch Ch. Tryst of Grandeur. And last but not least was the incredible and great show dog Ch. Anasazi Billy The Kid. Billy is owned by Bruce Schwartz and was handled by Wood Wornall. Billy was awarded his 100th Best in January 1999 and is the sire of three Best in Show winners, including the classy and top winning Welsh bitch owned by Bruce and campaigned by Wood, Ch. Wyndam Worth The Wait. Billy is but another example of the devotion which Lillian and Bruce Schwartz have, both toward the sport generally and the Welsh Terrier breed specifically. Blossom, who is owned by Jean Heath and Bill Cosby, had been retired to become a mother, but when the litter missed she was brought out again to join this exclusive group of show dogs. Shown expertly by Clay Coady, who in the same year retired from handling to begin a judging career, Blossom attained this coveted win early on in 1999. Tré is well-known to anyone associated with the world of the exhibition of the purebred dog. Shown by Dennis McCoy and expertly conditioned and groomed by his partner, Randy Garren, he was number one dog allbreeds for an incredible 24 consecutive months. He is attributed to be the number one non-sporting dog of all time and is owned by that dog person extraordinaire Mrs. Alan Robson. Tryst, of course, ended up top Hound in 1999, being shown only from April on. She is the top-winning hound of all time and broke the 100 in January 1996. The year before, she was the top-winning dog of all breeds. The owners, the Rechlers, father and sons, are well known breeders of Afghans, having long been associated with the Grandeur Kennels originally conceived by the late and great Sunny Shay. Michael Canalizo has been responsible for the incredible career of this bitch, as well as the presentation and promotion of the kennel and the dogs attendant thereto. It is interesting to note, of course, that all of the professional handlers associated with the three dogs men-


out of ones territory for wins was probably introduced by Mr. Holt of Rock Falls Kennel fame—little did he realize the influence this practice would have upon the showdog of today! Bangaway was awarded 121 Best in Shows. The first imported dog and the next in line to go over the 100 mark was the Pekingese Int. Ch. Chik T’Sun of Caversham, who had 127 Best in Shows. Bred by Mary de Pledge and Mrs. Herminie Lunham in England, Chik T’Sun was imported to Canada by Nigel AubryJones and R. William Taylor, and subsequently sold to Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Venable and handled in America by the beloved Clara Alford. He was the “winningest dog” of all time in America; his record maintained from 1959 until 1980, when the Standard Poodle Ch. Lo-Gin’s Kiss Me Kate returned the record to an American-bred exhibit by achieving 140 Best in Shows. Louis Duncan bred Kate, who was owned by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phelan and Terri Myers, and in 1979 she broke Chick T’Sun’s record before hitting the 140 BIS mark in 1980. Can you believe throughout that entire time period not one exhibit, and this through a twenty-year period, won over 100 Best in Shows? Kate was handled by Bob Walberg throughout her illustrious career. NOW COMES THE EARLY and mid eighties and not only is a rush made on the 100 mark, but, miracle of miracles, the 200 mark is made and broken by two exhibits! The first, the incomparable Scottish Terrier bitch Ch. Braeburn’s Close Encounter, hit the 100 mark in 1983 and the 200 mark in 1986—records which she held until the mid nineties. Shannon, as the bitch was known to the dog world, was bred by R.E. and H.M. Gurling and first shown by George Ward for her owner, William MacInne. In 1983 her ownership was transferred to Alan and Sonny Novick, and in 1985 re-transferred to Mr. MacInne. From the time she was six months old until her death in January of 1994, she was kept by her handler, George Ward. For many years throughout this period, an intense rivalry between Shannon and another record-breaking dog—the German Shepherd Ch. Covy Tucker Hill’s Manhattan—blossomed. Manhattan broke the 100 mark in 1985 and the 200 mark in 1987. Manhattan won the Garden in that year, and Shannon won it in 1985. The two dogs, on more than one occasion, were shown against each other in Best in Show line-ups in the days when deals between handlers as when to show and when not to show were common. Deals, I might add, never entered into between Jimmy or George.

If you think competition is hot today, the rivalry between Manhattan and Shannon and George and Jimmy was unbelievable. James Moses, of course, handled Manhattan for owners Shirlee Braunstein and Jane A. Firestone. He accumulated 204 Best in Shows and was bred by Cappy Pottle and Gloria Birch. Another import, this time Wire Fox Terrier Ch. Galsul Excellence, was making his mark during this period of 1986 and 1987 as well by breaking the 1OO mark with 103 Best in Shows in 1988. Owned by Ruth Cooper and the MacKays, his career was shortened by the unhappy “MacKay affair.” Whether a dog should be penalized for the faults of an errant co-owner remains an unanswered question philosophically in our sport even today, but certainly Paddy’s career came to an early end. He was handled by Peter Green and bred by J. Galvin. Eventually he became the sole property of his then co-owner Ruth Cooper. As we entered the nineties, specifically from 1990 through 1995, nine exhibits, three bitches and six dogs would break the 100 Best in Show mark, with two of them, both bitches, going over 200. As mentioned in the beginning of this story, Ch. Altanta’s Mystique set the new record for wins with 275. A bitch who excelled at specialties as well as all-breeds, Mystique was owned by Jane A. Firestone and handled by James Moses—the same team which stood behind Manhattan. Mystique is in the Guinness Book Of World Records as the top-winning showdog ever. This formidable duo was shattered by Jane’s untimely passing in December 1994, but hers and their devotion to the sport generally, and the German Shepherd specifically, are what legends are made of. In 1991, entering this select circle of winners and record setters was the Standard Poodle Ch. Whisperwind On Carousel, owned by Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Harsock, bred by Linda Blackie and handled to perfection by Dennis McCoy and Randy Garren. “Peter” accumulated 105 Best in Shows. He basically was shown in his home territory and truly not flown throughout the country to accumulate his victories. Similarly, the English Springer spaniel shown by Mark Threlfall for breeder-owner Julia Gasow and coowner Herzig was a territorial accumulator of 103 or 104 all-breed bests. He carried the legendary Salilyn kennel prefix and was registered as Ch. Salilyn’s Condor. And lastly are the three dogs owned by Sam and Marion Lawrence, which set enviable and amazing records in the mid-nineties. First there was the Doberman Pinscher Ch. Brunswig’s Cryptonite breaking the 100 mark with ease, with a total of 123 allbreed Best in Shows. Handled by George Murray and bred by R.G. and P.K. Farrer. His career was established and guided by the firm hand of owner Sam Lawrence

and the handling of George Murray. During Cryptonite’s campaigning, the Lawerences acquired the Wire Fox Terrier bitch Ch. Registry’s Lonesome Dove, who probably exceeded even the wildest dreams of their owners as she accumulated 216 Best in Shows throughout her career. Handled by Mike Kemp again, Sam provided the course to follow, as Lacey just this past year broke Shannon’s longstanding terrier record for Best in Show wins. And to top the cake, just one month ago, the Lawrence’s Black Cocker Spaniel Ch. La-Shay’s Bart Simpson established himself as the top-winning sporting dog, beating the Springer record with 106 Best in Show awards. The handler herein was Bob Covey, but again the long and able guidance of Sam Lawrence was apparent to all. Bart’s breeder is Sherry Marley. In 1991 the Bouvier des Flandres Ch. Galbraith’s Iron Eyes achieved the win of his lifetime when he was awarded his 100th all-breed Best in Show win at the Santa Ana Valley Kennel Club. This outstanding exhibit joined the list of top winners campaigned and owned by Nat and Gloria Reese who were no strangers at all to top winners. With the handling team of Corky and Sue Vroom, the Reeses and Vrooms presented one of the most formidable top winning dogs ever to perform in the showring. Iron was bred by the Galbraith’s—David and Joan—who have long been involved in the breed and have devoted many years to producing some of the top Bouviers to be shown in America.


o there you have it, folks, the dogs that have set the records insofar as Best in Show wins at all-breed shows are concerned. Records no doubt meant to be broken, but these numbers, for whatever they are worth, add up to staggering successes of individual dogs over other dogs. They are imposing figures, and while some may question the value of these types of wins, since we all agree there are many fine dogs that for geographic, economic or other reasons are shown only on a limited scale, the winning competitive spirit established by these dogs and their owners, handlers and breeders not only serve the sport well but add an excitement and interest which are impossible to beat.




The Dog News Top Ten List 265 GCH CH Ocoee Dsqd With A Vengeance M King/K Lorentzen/B Breese/L Kiener 226 GCH CH Cerise Starlight Express M Eschborn/E Tiftickjian/S Corrigan 211 GCH CH Cerise Sentinel D Cherry/K Kirk (M) (M) (M)

FINAL 2014 YEAR-END STATS BASED ON BREED COMPETITION 73 GCH CH Bear Hug High Explosive J Goldman/M Potter 72 GCH CH Whiskeytown Si Drakes Gran Legacy CGC J Scarrott 60 GCH CH Southern Jes A Lit’L Hunting Sensation JH K Cate/B Cate 52 GCH CH Fireside’s Rio Grande JH CGC E Hunsicker/J Scheck 51 GCH CH Whiskeytown Grey Goose K Rogney/L Scanland (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)

Spaniels (Field) 392 GCH CH Sandscape Pardon Me Boys G Perry/C Dooley/N Bunch 161 GCH CH Promenade Pay It Forward J Chopson/J Schildman/N Kuhn 80 GCH CH Killara’s Grand Idea RA A Eley/K Balinski 77 GCH CH Pemberley’s Night Prowler CD BN RN OA NAJ D Stover 64 GCH CH Killara Ticket To Ride At Greymorn CD BN RE C Dillberger/S Mcatee/J Dillberger/K Balinski 39 GCH CH Calico’s Back In Black J Zachow/B Hirschy/K Hirschy-Seivert 36 GCH CH Wingsong’s Living The Dream M Foley/C Mcgowan/N Foley 36 GCH CH Pioneer’s Jim Bowie CGC K Holmes 27 GCH CH Karomil’s Marbled Pumpernickel RN C Goodell 23 GCH CH Nautica’s Causing Drama K Gault/D Brewer (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

80 GCH CH Cole Creek PSF Sophisticated Lady S Sherwood/K Goodrich 60 CH Clussexx Pay Per View For Dons Clussexx Knl 46 GCH CH Farhill’s Fraternite M Hilliard 46 GCH CH Trystyn’s Tag Heuer It BN RN J Keller

(F) (M) (M) (M)

Spinoni Italiani 114 GCH CH Javal I’M Movin On To Hootwire BN RN CGCA D Perrott/S Knipe/K Mcleland 96 GCH CH Javal Tangerine Man J Austad/K Norton 89 GCH CH Couchfields Puccini Del Mucrone W Carucci/M Brustein/D Brooks 79 GCH CH Couchfields Giada At Dry Grass M Brustein/J Brustein/D Brooks 72 GCH CH Brier Creeks Ophelia Del Fredo JH R Koch 69 GCH CH Standfast Luck Be A Lady From Montana D Hodges/G Sponseller 66 GCH CH Lancetta’s The Heart Of Rock & Roll J Joens/M Fornens-Joens 64 GCH CH Bela’s This Time It’s Hudson P Miller/L Miller/K Miller 56 GCH CH Darby Canyon’s Dante’s Inferno RN CGC L Stanton 47 GCH CH Collina D’Oro Get Off Of My Cloud CGC S Belt/D Cannon/J Hileman 47 GCH CH Bellaebravo Absolute Passion D Spence/B Spence (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F)

Wirehaired Vizslas 61 CH Vizcaya’s Wired For Sound CM JH L Ross/B Ross/N Edmunds 38 CH Zoldmali Cetli A Sagh 30 CH Zoldmali Csongor CM SH M Goodwein/B Goodwein 14 Quodian’s Kadarka RN JH B Perry 12 Zoldmali Oliva M Goodwein/B Goodwein 11 CH Quodian’s Quita CM N Edmunds 8 Vidor’s Dinca Dancer JH D Schroeder/J Schroeder 5 CH Compass’ Carpe Each N Every One RN JH B Perry/J Gowen 5 CH Vizcaya’s Jammie Time At Obies CM M O’Brien/N Edmunds 4 Vizcaya ‘N Obie’s Flint River P Swain/N Edmunds 4 Vizcaya ‘N Obie’s Savannah River J Daly/S Daly/N Edmunds (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F)

Spaniels (Irish Water) 133 GCH CH Mallyree Here Comes The Son RN A Getchell/P Manus/P Getchell 114 GCH CH Whistle Stop’s Wind On The Water M Cummings 91 GCH CH Stanegate It’s Showtime JHU S Duncan 82 GCH CH Whistlestop’s Riley On Fire T Urban/B Urban/G Siner 67 GCH CH Cat N Pats Luck Of The Irish K Dassel 64 GCH CH Nawedshoe Dawns Early Lite O Freedom CGC P Chapman 63 GCH CH Navarone’s Back In Black RN CGC P Von Bacho/L Baglia 42 GCH CH Poole’s Ide Reversal Of Fortune T Urban/B Urban/G Siner 40 GCH CH Mallyree’s Contessa At Pooles Ide G Siner/E Pikul 24 GCH CH Poole’s Ide Got Water RN S Duncan/C Mcdaniel/C Shelby/G Siner (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)

Vizslas 1175 GCH CH Szizlin Rhapsody Never Say Never L Kourtei/M Porfido 828 GCH CH Jaybren’s Irish Star J Brennan/J Brennan 536 GCH CH Hilldale’s Protector Of Prosperity R Sachs 518 GCH CH Jakra’s Flirtn With Fifty Shades D Pedersen/J Koch 431 GCH CH Solaris Smokin’ Hot Habenera A Martin/D Martin/B Kirven 414 GCH CH Tamaron’s Tag You’Re It L Westerbeck/T Westerbeck 356 GCH CH Double Gun’s A Royal Flush JH DN J Buttermore/J Buttermore/S Thomas 329 GCH CH Jen’s Penny Tamaron Tiana’s Perfect Alibi D Helms/C Helms/N Guarascio/T Westerbeck 315 GCH CH Lorac’s Cap’N Jack Sparrow W Sommerfelt/C Sommerfelt 267 GCH CH Everwhen A Country Girl In Paris M Lara/J Richey (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F)

Hound Group Afghan Hounds 1000 GCH CH Exlysta Aries Ciel Noir P Rooks/C Smith/P Schafmayer/S Ferraro 817 GCH CH Tells Matrix Reloaded M Galloway 712 GCH CH Regimes Thriller Of Elmo N Shaw/R Godfrey/M Viveiros 706 GCH CH Agha Djari’s Eye Candy Of Sura CGC J Dalton/S Neill/J Souza 505 GCH CH Zen-Pahlavi You Ain’T Seen Nothing Yet JC E Klosson/K Wagner 439 GCH CH Elmo’s Martian Chronicles CGC C Harker 431 GCH CH Thaon’s Wallstreet J Hafford/J Blanchard/D Rogers/J Rogers/B Moore/J Moore 274 GCH CH Shekinah Jakar Pamir The Seeker D Jensen/G Jensen 258 GCH CH Criston Enchanted C Pinkston/N Shaw 239 GCH CH Spirit Ridge Something Royal Of Rustic G Alligood/S Kinley-Alligood/B Kinley Blewett/W Mines (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F)

Spaniels (Sussex) 190 GCH CH Kamand Tangled Up In Blue K Toner/A Toner 73 GCH CH Lexxfield Stonybeck Bob J Hepper 47 GCH CH Companionway Sutton It Had To Be You C Holt 47 GCH CH Wild Cherry Remedi In My World E Heiple 44 GCH CH Hiland Monarch Butterfly L Peterson/S Folsom/B Folsom/S Adams 24 GCH CH Sundowners Orion Coast To Coast JH CGC J Clendenon/D Clendenon/C Cooper/A Cooper 23 GCH CH Remedi’s Churchill Downs M Marsh 23 GCH CH Stonybeck’s Duncan Of Rockport CGC B Ohmann 20 GCH CH Terreline’s Little Tug Of Old North Wharf C Peterson/M Peterson 18 GCH CH Remedi’s Deep In The Heart T Launder/B Launder (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Weimaraners 1030 GCH CH Simpatico Equal Justice J Martin/J Logan/R Goularle 981 GCH CH Doc’s Crosswinds Absolut Ten Of Acadia A Stewart-Zimmerman/A Stewart/M Stewart/D Stewart/D 841 GCH CH Doc’s Greyborn North Star Of Acadia R Sanborn/P Christopher 544 GCH CH Diamond Mk The Eagle Has Landed M Wilson/N Lane 376 GCH CH Graysong N Silhouette’s Heyjude S Burns/J Schulz 336 GCH CH Harline Winweim Encore Bravo Love Y’All S Line/A Andras/D Johnson 300 GCH CH Trifar’s Earth’s Shelters Of Moonstone JH J Aune 299 GCH CH Colsidex Made Off With The Money JH J Cook 285 GCH CH Silhouette’s All Revved Up C Cassidy/B Cassidy 261 GCH CH Kristen’s On The Record With Ashmore T Sanders-Milan/P Ernst/G Thornton/M Richard (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)

American English Coonhounds 24 CH Color Me Bad Like My Grandad A Alexander 21 Charwin Kelly Ms Scarlett The Red Tick Diva C Woods/G Kelly 17 CH Kentucky Mtn Diamond Cutter P Jessup 6 CH Cedar Ridges Color Me Bad Tequila T Goodman/A Alexander 4 CH Kentucky Mtn. Cinderella Girl P Jessup 4 Cedar Ridge’s Forever Midnight T Goodman/G Goodman/A Alexander 3 CH Moonlight’s Most Wanted In Blue J Spieth/S Spieth/T Snedegar 2 CH CGCH River Ridge Mercy Mercy Me T Goodman/M Myers/G Ricklef (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F)

Spaniels (Welsh Springer) 255 GCH CH Trystyn Statesman Cactus Blue M Helms/P Gilson/S Doss/M Riese-Bassel/S Holmes 252 GCH CH Clussexx Rolyarts Payola OA AXJ S Marx 220 GCH CH Avalon’s All Hallows Eve Perseus J Lowry 205 GCH CH Klass’s Action Jackson T Faires/M Faires 153 GCH CH Royailes Willem Of Windsor R Burgess/S Burgess/N Carlton/G Carlton 133 GCH CH Holly House Gryffindor RE S Merriken/A Legare 106 GCH CH Mystic Acres First Lady At Five Star W Jordan (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)

Wirehaired Pointing Griffons 306 GCH CH Whiskeytown Brandewyn SH K Rogney/G Rogney 202 GCH CH Fireside’s Spontaneous Combustion JH J Coughlin 131 GCH CH Fireside’s Riding High SH S Martin 83 GCH CH Fireside’s Mother Of Pearl JH M Tuttle/C Tuttle 78 GCH CH Timoria’s See Spot Win J Bish/M Bish (F) (M) (M) (F) (M)

American Foxhounds 93 GCH CH Kiarry’s Back In The Saddle S Rogers/E Rogers/K Rogers/F Rogers 74 GCH CH Kiarry’s Stonewall Jackson E Charles/L Miller 48 GCH CH Devlon’s American Trilogy D Leonard/K Leonard/D Gibbons (M) (M) (F)

198 Dog News THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL • 200

The Dog News Top Ten List 28 GCH CH Kiarry’s Rag Doll A Alexander/H Miller/L Miller 21 CH Kiarrys Foolish Jokester B Coffield/D Kipp/L Miller 21 GCH CH Crossroads Josie’s Dunwishin J Rathbun/T Mulhausen 13 GCH CH Kiarry Girl On Fire K Beal/G Swayze/L Miller 8 CH Crossroads Full Throttle A Whitfield 7 Kelly Mt.N Dakota Here To Yonder J Benoit/K Benoit/J Rea 6 GCH CH Crossroads Just Right Joe A Whitfield (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) 311 GCH CH Honeypot’s Poetry In Motion D Wolf/A Wolf 295 GCH CH Pun Kotzky Treasure Island O Voloshin/O Gavrilova 271 GCH CH Honey Pot Bee In Love With Me C Williams/A Ferrari 230 GCH CH Torquay Midnight Victory M Chagas/M Botelho/A Botelho/R Travis 212 GCH CH Legacy Busch’s Bold And Brave C Busch/W Busch/M Martin 160 GCH CH Lokavi’s Battle Flag Of The South J Bell/L Norman 131 GCH CH Lanbur Busy Touring With Sumrdreams K Lockwood/J Woodring (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)


Borzois 615 GCH CH Soyara’s The Flying Dutchman P Hlatky/G Hlatky 549 GCH CH Majenkir Bookstor Vintage Glamour K Spey/H Spey/K Staudt-Cartabona 403 GCH CH Raynbos Run For The Roses J Zucker/R Zucker/E Szymanski 343 GCH CH Promises Crown Jewel Nicholas J Durdin 328 GCH CH Aashtoria Wildhunt Hidden Agenda R Riel/C Riel/S Mcgraw 215 GCH CH Zabava Ostrov Casablanca I Terra/K Terra 207 CH Taugo’s Ulric G Cook/W Konski 172 GCH CH Vento Danza Versachi Of The Wild Hunt D Burkholder/C Cedeno 169 GCH CH Chihawk Echovesna I Luv You T Marshall/P Marshall 157 GCH CH Raynbo’s Foolish Pleasure J Spiers/R Zucker/J Zucker/S Mcgraw (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M)

Basenjis 783 GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin J Jones/K Jones/C Kok 602 GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle P Geoffroy/S Lund/S Coe 226 GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow! P Geoffroy/S Lund/S Coe 195 GCH CH Reveille Waltz Me Around D Bolte’/J Lodge 192 GCH CH Arubmec’s Take A Chance On Me P Cembura/K Collins 191 GCH CH Undercover Ab Ur A Bell Ringer W Pooley/G Whitehurst 184 GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet T Kirstein/T Huff 184 GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Best Of The Best J Behles/R Walley 152 GCH CH Taji’s After Six K Campbell 120 GCH CH Alapocas Queen Of The Elves J Dugan/M Dugan/E Dugan (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F)

Black and Tan Coonhounds 194 GCH CH Bayaway Jersey’s Due Process Of Law G Rezendes/D Rezendes/J Stora 125 GCH CH Jazzman Comebacker Z Bolin 85 GCH CH Windbourne Hd Ranch King Of The Road S Campbell/C Rutten/T Skinner/S Skinner 79 GCH CH Jazzman Southern Pacific Big Boy J Magenau/Z Bolin 78 GCH CH Southchase’s Wilbert Roy J Lobb/J Lobb/E Mccarthy 56 GCH CH Foxfire Full Force Gale A Mcilwaine/R Urban 47 GCH CH Winbourne Time To Rock A Tanner/E Mccarthy/S Campbell 38 GCH CH CSG Windbourne Like A Rock S Campbell 30 CH CCH Creeksides Running Man Of Woodwynd L Pincheck/D Pincheck/M Jensen/C Pincheck 28 GCH CH Carlin Life Is A Highway A Pillow/T Mitchell (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Dachshunds (Longhaired) 813 GCH CH Stonybrook’s Phinito T Durvin/B Durvin/R Gianopoulos/M Kepalas 744 GCH CH Aviance’s Pramada For Terms Of Endearment V Diker 684 GCH CH Leoralees Little Bitofheaven @Jbs Sl J Scott/M Singleton 619 GCH CH Walmar-Solo’s Omg Sl JE P Carter/K Vidrine/W Jones/M Jones 618 GCH CH Walmar-Solo’s Iou Sl S Snyder 520 GCH CH Serenity’s Louisiana Getaway Sl RN W Snyder/R Cooper/P Baker 418 GCH CH Sleepy Hollow Carolina Special M Taylor/B Wlodkowski 382 GCH CH Kaycees Galewinns Starburst At Wagsmore Mld K Dionne/J Dionne 375 GCH CH Jt’s Kaycees Phoenix Of Tam-Boer Mld L Tamboer 366 GCH CH Laurjosh’s Prince Palatine Of Poulstead D Humphrey (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Basset Hounds 763 GCH CH Topsfield-Sanchu Eenie Meenie Miney Moe S Shor/C Orlandi/C Steidel 459 GCH CH Splash’s Oceanic Whitetip Shark B Nolan/J Nolan/J Nolan/W Nolan 454 GCH CH By U Cal’s Monkey On The Bayou S Calhoun/S Calhoun/B Williams 275 GCH CH Kahl Me Foxglen’s Cool Dude B Kahl 271 GCH CH Fairytail’s Semper Fi J Aitken/S Aitken 236 GCH CH Fort Merrill Brunswick J Urban/A Costilla 210 GCH CH Stonewall Ol’ South Loretta R Opeka/K Hutchinson 192 GCH CH Houndwalker’s Hush Money M Burk 188 GCH CH Topsfield-Sanchu Pizza Pizza C Orlandi/S Frischmann/A Testoni/C Steidel 179 GCH CH Barnyard 3 Oaks Spark Of Hope C Lane/V Mcmackin/C Star/P Harder (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F)

Bloodhounds 797 GCH CH Flessner’s International S’Cess S Carter/S Vancamp/H Helmer/Z Helmer 187 GCH CH Quiet Creek’s Limited Edition S Lacroix Hamil 175 GCH CH Badgershill Muldoon Of Heather L Sherman 164 GCH CH Flessner’s International Space Station At J Mcdonald 128 GCH CH Quiet Creeks Double Or Nothing For Heather H Whitcomb/S Hamil 123 GCH CH Soonipi Friends In Low Places Mlh K Dewey/S Katos 119 GCH CH M&M’s Price Of Freedom R Greenlee/A Greenlee/M Nye 97 GCH CH All That Meat And No Potatoes At The Magpie C Cain/S Saunders/H Buehner/C Kaminski 63 GCH CH I Get A Kick Out Of You At The Magpie K Briglia/Z Helmer/K Berestecky/C Kaminski 59 GCH CH Benthe Of Joyful Happiness T Winkley (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)

Dachshunds (Smooth) 1252 GCH CH Marginns Fredricka V Ruf Knabe S Lutosky 962 GCH CH Leoralees Barstool Boogie Ms R Addison 423 GCH CH Barkerville Keyshia T Brunner/K Brunner 382 GCH CH Dublin’s Black Ice S Hagan 345 GCH CH R Hill’s Total Knockout Ms RN T Frenia 206 GCH CH Summerhill Freedom Ss C Blatz/M Blatz 200 GCH CH Turningpt Hot As Blue Blazes R Eltringham/P Eltringham 185 GCH CH Sunrise-Xo Little Rascal At Gateway Ms C Holman 163 GCH CH Bessdachs Jaguar Jubilee G Lopez/M Lara 160 GCH CH Diagram Joy-Dens Flynn Ss D Graham (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M)

Beagles (13 in. and under) 294 GCH CH Torquay Midnight Interlude B Manifold/M Chagas/M Botelho/A Botelho/R Travis 171 GCH CH Shoreviews Raise Your Glass B Tague/C Herr 103 GCH CH Barrister’s Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend B Manifold/S Robblee 94 GCH CH Carlota Sommerled De Suarias J Calleja/D Kirby 73 GCH CH Bahiyas Espresso Caramel Machiato D Sanchez 73 GCH CH Bougain’E Naughty-N-Lovely Alvin S Adungchongruk 70 GCH CH Mtn Brook Sterling B C Marlow/P Marlow 67 GCH CH Vinla’s L.A.Ink J Lux/K Brooks 64 GCH CH Kinsglo Road To Rhode Island R Johnson/S Houle 64 GCH CH We-Fuss Who’s At Riverrun D Severns/M Severns/C Luetkens (F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F)

Bluetick Coonhounds 70 GCH CH CCH Plum Tree’N Hootchy Cootchy P Bodeving/K Bodeving/J Duby/D Duby 54 GCH CH CSG Cedar Creek’s Tellin Secrets B Fischer 32 CH Black Knights Balu Jeti K Steffen/A Alexander 24 CH CCH Cedar Creek Fleurdelis Howlinforyou C Petersen/B Fischer/J Petersen 18 CH Bawlin Blues Goin’ Down Slow Z Lewis/L Snyder 15 GCH CH Legacy Legend’s Of Jcs King Of Hearts S Wilson/C Clark/B White 14 GCH CH Evenstar N Heritage Mint Julep B Potash 11 GCH CH Live Oaks Call Me Kryptonite S Lloyd/D Heywood 10 CH Ghost Creek Jethro Augustus K Martin/K Barnes 9 CH CCH Plum Tree’N Krazy Kooter M Fredrickson/P Dodson 9 CH Regal-C Blue’s Lacey J D Gunter (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)

Dachshunds (Wirehaired) 886 GCH CH Raydachs Ride My Ducati Sw S Ray 769 GCH CH Leoralee’s Baywatch Mw M Singleton/B Lasater 640 GCH CH Kadell’s Gold Dust W L Reynolds/C Cahill/J Cahill 535 GCH CH Treis Pinheiros Buona Sera Sw C Pedroso Neto/P Romaneli 344 GCH CH Daybreak’s Bewitching Blossom P Grant/D Krieg 290 GCH CH Raydachs Wildcard Walt M Fritz/K Fritz/R Fritz 267 GCH CH Tievoli Rumors Oh Hail Yeah-Mw K Smith/S Ehr 255 GCH CH Twinkle’s Corbin At Carowynd Mw C O’Neil 218 GCH CH Tarabon Willowood Man With The Golden Gun S Wang 170 GCH CH Del Prado’s Bar Code W A Bischel/L Gold (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Beagles (over 13 in.) 769 GCH CH Tashtins Lookin For Trouble L Crandlemire/K Crandlemire/E Dzuik 599 GCH CH Foxtail’s Race For The Chase S Berndt-Smith/D Smith 464 GCH CH X’Plorer’s Destiny Done It L Bryson/R Ott/P Kanchana (F) (M) (M)





The Pot of Gold At The End... CONTINUED FROM PAGE 35

down the hall, the child almost always says ëYeahí and is willing to do it. We see this kind of thing happen all the time. Children and adults are willing to do things for animals because itís fun.î

each facility they visit and always are accompanied by a staff member or a specially trained hospital volunteer. ìWhen visiting pediatrics or oncology in a hospital, we might be accompanied by a child life therapist or nurse. When visiting rehab, we might be accompanied by a physical therapist,î Burrows says. The staff member or volunteer provides the handler with the information he needs to know, i.e., if the patient just had surgery, has a port on his left side, etc.

Goal Directed Intervention

Simple activities like the above and the following are used to accomplish goals in the patientís treatment plan. ìIf youngsters have motor skill issues with their hands for example, then we ask them to throw a ball for the dog to fetch or to brush the dog,î Burrows says. The goals of each individualís treatment plan determine the activities done with the dog. ìWhen I visit Advocate Childrenís Hospital in Park Ridge, I might be asked to go to the Peds Intensive Care Unit. Once there, I might be told to visit a child coming out of surgery who has intense pain. The nurse might ask me to help the child manage his pain. My dog would be able to do that because stroking and petting dogs can lower stress hormones. My dog also serves as a distraction, while providing comfort at the same time. In these situations, the child often wonít use the pain pump at all during the time my dog interacts with him.î Rainbow handlers work closely with the staff at

Part Of The Treatment Plan

The animal assisted activities performed by Rainbow dogs are written into the treatment plans of the individuals with whom they interact. At Advocate Childrenísí Hospital in Park Ridge, they become part of the childís medical record, i.e., the accompanying staff member or volunteer takes notes on the outcome of the animal assisted activities which the dog was asked to perform. For example, if Burrows was instructed to try to stop a childís crying and her dog succeeded in doing it, it would be notated in the childís medical record. Rainbow dog and handler teams may be asked to do anything from making the medical experience less scary to dealing with end-of-life issues, i.e., they might be asked to distract a child having blood drawn or an ultrasound performed or to comfort a child with terminal cancer.

Rainbowís Dog Safety presentations reach more than 3000 students annually. In the photo above, second graders at Queen of Angels School in Chicago learn how to stay safe around dogs and not be bitten.

Given all they do, itís not surprising Rainbow dog and handler teams are trained extensively. ìEveryone is required to take our Introduction to Animal Assisted Therapy Course. It meets for four, 90-minute sessions and is for both the dog and handler,î Burrow says. ìIn it, we cover a lot of different components not the least of which are making sure the handler has adequate handling skills, and their dog has an appropriate temperament for performing animal assisted activities in a therapeutic setting. ìWe begin the course by introducing some of the different activities that handlers use during therapy sessions. We do this by teaching the activity ˇrst; then, explaining how to use it in a variety of programs. For example, we teach the dogs how to bowl. This activity could be used at a preschool program for youngsters learning colors or positioning. In that event, we might ask the child to place the red pin next to the blue pin or to arrange the pins in a triangle. We also do bowling for stroke victims in rehab, who need to regain motor skills.î (The activities the dogs perf orm are designed to encourage par ticipant interaction. In the case of bowling, itís more fun to do w hen competing with the dog . When the dogs motivate the person to participate in the activity, often, the person doesnít realize heís doing therapy.) After completing the introductory course, the dog and handler team is required to take the Rainbow registration test. It is based on the American Kennel Clubís Canine Good Citizen Evaluation but includes seven additional test exercises, i.e., being comfortable around medical equipment, taking a treat gently, etc. After the dog and handler team complete the class and pass the test, CONTINUED ON PAGE 236

Rainbow teams participate in Therapy Dog Reading Programs in libraries and schools. These programs provide children with an opportunity to practice reading aloud to a non-judgmental therapy dog. THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL • 202


*All Systems


The Dog News Top Ten List English Foxhounds 55 GCH CH Monocacy Bend’s Windsor T Koerber/K Eckard 35 CH Monocacy Bend’s Wayward Fox T Koerber 33 GCH CH Monocacy Bend’s Wellington T Koerber 8 GCH CH Sunup’s Hellofapuzzle S Whaley/M Mitchell-Hetrick 3 CH Wee Beginnings Freedom P Mann 3 CH Monocacy Bend’s Winsome At Sunup’s CGC T Koerber 3 CH Sunup’s Hoisted High S Whaley 2 CH Cottonwood’s Just My Little Prince A Kretschmaier/J Hendricks 1 GCH CH Monocacy Bend’s Wallis T Koerber 1 GCH CH Sunup’s Heavenly Scent B Hetrick (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F)


Irish Wolfhounds 640 GCH CH Limerick Frosty The Showman J Bartlett/E Bartlett 342 GCH CH Dun Myrica Doctor Gonzo Of Eagle R Kubacz/N Salmon 187 GCH CH Ansa Mo Caoimhin Modigliani CGC K Schaffter/A Schaffter 181 GCH CH Pinehurst Stuart K Catov-Goodell 158 CH Shellane Braniff M Lubera 141 GCH CH Kerryarc Breawyn Ffynnon Garw D Gallant/A Gallant 123 GCH CH Glenn Eyrie’s Ashford J Williams 115 Nightwing’s Conspiracy J Mattson/W Mattson 112 GCH CH Glenamadda Starkeeper Chevonne J Gagne 96 GCH CH Kailne’s Smokey Blue Night M Demeter/M Demeter (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)

Pharaoh Hounds 286 GCH DC Hallam’s Jake Of Arolet SC S Sipperly/D Carota 168 GCH CH Osiris Cowboy Casanova M Del Duca/K Carella/T Del Duca/B Carella 140 GCH CH Farao Anubis Inferno BN RN SC J Mosing/D Cooper/B Clooten 105 GCH CH Bazinga A Dream Of Spring For Mia P Haig/R Newman 99 GCH DC Nefer-Temu Vou Te Contar MC LCX E Kerridge 58 GCH CH Shalimar Wild Fire Osiris L Drolet 51 GCH DC Mia Bakhu Sleeping With The Enemy Of Hallam R Newman/D Carota/P Haig/L Witt 32 CH Hallam Sovrin Kayla SC D Carota/S Sipperly 26 GCH CH Sharqiya Who Dares Wins SC A Hamilton/E Kerridge 24 GCH CH Xo Bellini L Evans/J Buchanan (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F)

Greyhounds 229 GCH CH Grandcru Phelps Insignia M Steele/P Caddell/C Dabbs/A Phelan/R Gaudet 169 GCH CH Shylo The Party Spot B Clark/S Fisher/R Ungar 97 GCH CH Tyran’s The Patriot C Stumbo 96 GCH CH Sky Hi’s The Show Goes On M Bertoli/S Cinotti/A Pugh 66 GCH CH Chaparral Isle Of Skye C Marzluf/T Marzluf/C Curlee 63 GCH CH Epic Knightly S Usseglio 59 GCH CH Pioneer’s Amazing Black Pearl J Ragusano 54 CH Grandcru Grange M Steele/R Gaudet 51 GCH CH Huzzah Cuchulain Irish Lace SC K Gingles/P Ide/B Gingles 46 GCH CH Helios Tulip Atheart S Bartel/E Miller (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F)

Norwegian Elkhounds 248 GCH CH Tioka’s American Ride L Webster 224 GCH CH Aspen’s It Takes A Thief R Rhoden/R Rhoden 220 GCH CH Silverdal’s Crown Of Cortez R Vaturro/B Wade-Vaturro 192 GCH CH Vin-Melca’s Daggarwood Delight P Trotter 173 GCH CH Silver Sleuth Vikrest P Viken/L Forrest 140 GCH CH Legend Of The Dreamseekers B Bruce/R Bruce/K Bruce 136 GCH CH Silhouettte’s Au Fish E Olsen/K Olsen/S Kaplan 115 GCH CH Aspenrepublik Into The Wind M Kenton 77 GCH CH Leraan’s Midnight Blue Fire R Johnson 70 GCH CH Bristlecone Itsuitsme S Graves (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)

Plotts 88 GCH CH CGCH C-Cruz Mob Boss Vito’s Gotcha A Alexander 34 GCH CH Hosker’s Heads I Win J Hosker/G Hosker 21 GCH CH Hosker’s Second Chance K Block 17 CH Hosker’s First Strike At Knockhill B Gerst 16 CH Macks High Mtn Smokey Summer Drought L Mack 15 CH High Mtn Ebony Springs L Mack 14 GCH CH Alexanders Married To The Mob A Alexander 8 Macks High Mtn Mesquite Summer L Mack 6 CH Hosker’s Heather Anne J Samonte/C Budd 5 Macks High Mtn King Leonidis D Laustrup/C Laustrup (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M)

Harriers 44 GCH CH Pacific Happytail’s Heartbreaker E Biles/S Biles/W Mccleery 18 GCH CH Bluhils Sakura Way Too Easy S Allen/A Judge/L Johnston 17 GCH CH Happy New Year’s Celebration Bray”” K Bowers/S Bowers 14 CH Guernsey’s Homer’s Greek Epic Odyssey D Lamb/R Lamb/S Lamb/W Lamb 14 GCH CH Hartshire Walkabout R Phillips 13 CH Jackpots Ginger Snap M Walsh/D Percy 8 GCH CH Wynfield Charmed At Briggcastle J Briggs/E Parr 8 CH Pacific Anthem Of Rh Infinita BN RN CGC P Rhyner 7 Guernsey’s Grimms Rumpelstilzchen W Lamb/S Keaton Lamb/R Lamb/D Thomas-Lamb 5 CH Guernsey’s Poe’s Cask Of Amontillado W Lamb/S Keaton Lamb/R Lamb/D Thomas-Lamb 5 CH Icon Oak Hill’s Harmony In The Hills M Walsh/D Percy (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F)


257 GCH CH Aberdeens Under The Influence A Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine 51 GCH CH Wild West Texas Two-Step K Bostick/D Russell 37 GCH CH Aberdeen’s Told You So A Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine/A Constable/K Higgins 26 GCH CH Aberdeen’s Ultimate Addiction J Mullen/D Blunt/J Mcilwaine/A Mcilwaine/J Mcilwaine 23 GCH CH Otterbee’s Killian Red S Lumbery/A Constable/A Ghione 18 GCH CH Riverrun Magical Moment B Follett/D Follett 17 CH Magicwood C Major Merrily Dreaming’s 5th M Hajjar 16 GCH CH Dekenchar’s Freedom Rising D Steffen/K Steffen 16 GCH CH Blue Fairy’s Breaking Dawn CGC J Gordon 14 GCH CH Oheaven’s Worth Repeating N Lange/K Lange

(M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (F)

Portuguese Podengo Pequenos 236 GCH CH Houla’s Potter CA C Houlihan/K Sullivan 144 GCH CH Pirata II De Viamonte CM J Evanoff/K Oglesby 86 GCH CH Phaererin Agustinho CM J Fitzpatrick/L Mcginness 59 GCH CH Houla’s Dar Sorriso K Conrey 56 GCH CH Prairie Pond’s Born In The Usa CM C Well/M Well/J Tusten 53 GCH CH Houla’s Border Patrol Pw CM2 P Reisert/S Faw/S Faw 47 GCH CH Anevan The Captain S Souza/J Evanoff 40 CH Falcao’s Emerald Of Tsavo K Button 38 GCH CH Miguel Da Casa De Maio CM2 R Hidlay/R Hidlay 27 GCH CH Windshift Teasel At Happy Hobbits S Gillen (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F)

Ibizan Hounds 285 GCH CH Serandida Abbaio La Contessa Scalza SC NAJ D Arbeit/R Zelig/S Murphy 222 GCH CH Paradise Bette Davis Eyes L Puskas 102 GCH CH Sunrumba’s Lovestruck By Life R Castillo 96 GCH DC Aliki’s Yada Yada Yada SC LCX A Mirestes/C Shaw 81 GCH CH Ahram You Ve Got The Look J Pusztay/S Pusztay/R Pusztay/M Paulin 74 GCH DC Aliki Notanuff’s Spice It Up A Notch SC R Shaw/M Pierotti-Tietje/C Shaw 70 GCH CH Nahala’s Signed Sealed Delivered A Mitchell-Lynch 67 GCH CH Alfheim’s Hawaii Five O SC K Williamson-Jensen 60 GCH CH Harehill’s Say No More B Phifer/W Anderson 55 GCH CH Nahala’s Papa Was A Rollin’ Stone M Ridenour/A Mitchell-Lynch (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M)

Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens 399 GCH CH M&M’s Fear The Beard D Moore/J Hayes 269 GCH CH Icecream V Tum-Tums Vriendjes J Hurty/C Hurty/L Florian/M Florian/B Sittibavornsakul 198 GCH CH Iceage V. Tum-Tums Vriendjes N Frost/G Huikeshoven 101 GCH CH Bubblegum V. Tum-Tum’s Vriendjes D Planche/G Huiheshoven/D Bolak 98 GCH CH Mirepoix’s Figgy Pudding J Zigich/R Litman 93 GCH CH Lacey’s Deck Plate Leader W Craigmiles/J Lacey-Black/D Bruce/J Neuschaefer 61 GCH CH Jus Strike It Rich M Morey 57 GCH CH M&M’s Rawhide Ramrod Movin’ Out K Crist 54 GCH CH Hicotton Can’T Stop Rockin B Childs/T Childs 34 GCH CH Lacey’s I Don’T Give A Sit J Lacey-Black/D Bruce/J Neuschaefer 34 GCH CH Tetu Comedie Francais De Bordeaux R Claude/D Claude (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Redbone Coonhounds 111 GCH CH Sidearm Return Of The King L Mills/T Mills/J Mills 89 GCH CH Red Ferns Sierra Kan Do Madge T Winkley 23 GCH CH CGCH Twisted Creek Gentlemen, Start Your S Dellapenta/J Kochensparger 20 CH Redhawks Mark Of Valor-Sierra Legacy D Dang 19 GCH CH Twisted Creeks Xlnt Adventure M Smith/C Smith/B Copeland 13 CH Sidearm Mufasa’s Peacemaker At Bnd D Michaud/B Michaud 11 CH Jagged Edges D Baker 10 CH Sidearm The Meerkat Manner D Rocco/L Mills/C Choffy/R Darrigo 9 CH Grand River’s Ok Red Chief J Woods 9 Sidearm One In The Chamber At Roccridge D Rocco/L Mills/C Choffy/R Darrigo (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F)


The Dog News Top Ten List Rhodesian Ridgebacks 2489 GCH CH Raquel Welch Of Malabo Apd A Paola Diniz 1278 GCH CH Bakari’s Lor Vitra Caymus CA CGC N Ballantyne/G Ballantyne 1199 GCH CH Diablo’s Back Alley Brawler CGC H Rasmussen/N Faville/R Boese 610 GCH CH Shabani’s Johnnie Walker Blue R Macfarlane/K Macfarlane 573 GCH CH Diablo’s Dark Knight’s Nemesis L Weiss/N Faville 409 GCH CH Camelot’s Ventura Adventure F Walters/G Walters/C Heathcock 407 GCH CH Sunstone’s Magic Man R Springer 404 GCH CH Kuba’s Call Of The Wild By Copperridge SC K Bains/J Bains 389 GCH CH Raviro Chiposhi Remington Rimfire JC M Prendergast/E Prendergast 384 GCH CH Kimani’s Indelible Impression JC A Walls/A Hanna/E Demopoulos/R Porter (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)


Whippets 2493 GCH CH Sporting Fields Shameless D Butt/A Giles/B Call 1120 GCH CH Winway Ramona Quimby S Fosnot/V Atkinson 879 GCH CH Karasar’s Masterpiece K Kuper/N Barthelette/K Mlynar/W Othick 547 GCH CH Princeton’s Falling In Love At Starline A Worden/L Lawrence/L Wilson 518 GCH CH Bo-Bett Appraxin Angel C Harris 513 GCH CH Debmar Lovin’ Dixie D Bahm 482 GCH CH Kamada’s New York Minute D Davenport/K Davenport/D Kipp 318 GCH CH Bo-Bett Tivio Man Of Steel J Hite/R Edison/J Jarvise 296 GCH DC Ableaim Que The Music MC G Boyd/J Boyd 291 GCH CH Artemis Hypnotic Opium SC R Gold/M Small (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F)

Bernese Mountain Dogs 995 GCH CH Tallpine’s Life Of The Party D Hitchcock/S Crisp 849 GCH CH Vinn October It Had 2VV You E Buonpane 691 GCH CH Alpenspirit It’s Our Game D Kelley/B Bauersfeld/M Turbide 670 GCH CH Little Mtn’s 1 Shot Deal From Windy Knob C Konicki/J Hughes/W Konicki/L Hughes 505 GCH CH Nashem Moore Then Friends J Moore/S Karl 432 GCH CH Greenway’s Test Of Time CGC D Laveran/R Tamberino/R Gallizzo 416 GCH CH Peacefield’s Searching For Stars At Lin Cars L Carney/S Starbird 379 GCH CH Marben’s Ruffian T Gerli 312 GCH CH Blackrock Jungle Juice RN K Greenwood/R Greenwood 264 GCH CH Nobleheart’s Rigel C Mellalieu/J Bogdan 264 GCH CH Villairns Tag You’re It S Slade/K Hodgson (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M)

Salukis 417 GCH CH Takara The Time Is Now J Rimerman/P Mohr 399 GCH CH Sundara’s Here Comes The Sun E Coogan/M Haag 361 GCH CH Appalachia’s Allamyrra Hajji P Arwood/M Mccowan/G Thornton 260 GCH CH Tamarisk Cemal Coroarrah CGCA C Johnson 243 GCH CH Baha Persian Of Interest CD RN SC OA AXJ NF C Coile 226 GCH CH Starlite’s Made Of The Best Stuff On Earth BN T Turley-Kocab/M Kocab/S Middlebrooks 215 GCH CH Impala Ladies Love Outlaws L Snyder/D Aube 206 GCH DC Freespirits Almost Midnight At Kushiel SC M Parton/M White/E Parton 182 GCH CH Baghdad Eleganza Extravaganza L Ackerman 152 GCH CH Tributes Ringside Scandal B Cummings/K Cummings/K Murphy/J Witmer (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F)

Working Group Akitas 1041 GCH CH Stardust’s See You At The Show RN P Rogers/R Rogers/T Witte/R Witte 518 GCH CH Mojo’s Continuation Of A Myth S Borrmann 486 GCH CH Cr - Wicca’s Trade Secret A Bavaria/C Burke/T Bavaria/J Charnik 407 GCH CH Sondaisa Fyre When Ready CD RN C Sullivan/J Ellis 224 GCH CH Redwitch Adreneline Junkie M Bauman/X Wang / Bauman 219 GCH CH Rising River’s Day Dream’N About My Time To B Mitchell 210 GCH CH Alder’s Strike It Rich G Hamilton 144 GCH CH Wicca’s Rule The Air R Stark/L Stark/J Charnik 128 GCH CH Estava Rain Play Magic K Courtelis/J Wilkinson 84 GCH CH Minda Fujisvs Violets Are Blue L Morgan/F Hamblet/H Walker (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)

Black Russian Terriers 257 GCH CH Aristes Paint It Black D Poulson/R Looker/C Stumm 235 GCH CH Gladiator S Zolotogo Grada S Gaunt 147 GCH CH Over The Moon About Arbalet CGC N Lilley/B Lilley/R Keeling 140 GCH CH Malahovskiy Graf Rossiyskiy CD RAE CA CGC E Pleskov 125 GCH CH Zilya’s Chicago Blues Fusion At Runes CD RN D Patterson 87 GCH CH Russian Bears Not Just Another Rock Starr D Kremer/H Haldi 75 GCH CH Black Pearls Avatar Iz Russkoi Dinastii M Mesh/J Mesh/L Mesh/M Curtis/D Ludwig 71 GCH CH Fun Nord’s Hariton Gavrilovich P Gladu/M Hernandez 48 GCH CH Tsarskaya Prihot Iz Russkoi Dinastii L Jordan/S Jordan 30 GCH CH Russian Bears One Flew Over The Cuckoos E Foster/E Leisure (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)

Scottish Deerhounds 305 GCH CH Foxcliffe Chelsea Piers C Dove/R Dove 90 GCH CH Hobarra’s I Dreamed A Dream S Hogan-Cirincione/A Cirincione/T Rizzitiello 70 GCH CH Jaraluv Rain Dance CGC F Straw 61 GCH CH Lehigh Guilty Pleasure C Chapman 59 GCH CH Lehigh-Darkwynd Flora P Pascoe/P Smithson 56 GCH CH Wild Turkey D’Lux Dag Hammarskjold JC C Marriott 42 GCH CH Highlander’s Celtic Carol BN RN CGC M Freeman/J Freeman 41 CH Foxcliffe Tribeca M Blair/J Blair/C Dove/R Dove 28 GCH CH Kininvie D’Lux JC E Winter/K Winter 28 GCH CH Jaraluv Reach For Glory J Brinlee/R Brinlee 28 GCH CH Thistleglen Foxcliffe Ultraviolet J Frye/C Dove (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F)

Alaskan Malamutes 424 GCH CH Peace River’s Gathers No Moss At Sunstra T Robinson/A Syar/M Coburn/K Robinson 251 GCH CH Peaceriver Silverice Summer Solstice A Syar/M Stone 249 GCH CH Catera’s Keepin’ It World Class J Dewing/R Dysart 223 GCH CH Tugar’s Taking On Tyson K Hausner/S Das 200 GCH CH Northern Lites Mr. Lincoln H Donovan 192 GCH CH Samaljankan’s I’M The One At Nyrakym K Colman/J Nirhamo 175 GCH CH Storm Kloud’s Test Of Time CA J El Dissi 139 GCH CH Northern Lites Patriot Of Snowvale R Phillips/D Phillips/H Donovan 137 GCH CH Koolrunnings’N’Terraglos’U’Can’T Touch This G Toussaint/T Toussaint 119 GCH CH Mytuk’s Technical Knock Out D Milburn/A Milburn (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Boxers 3309 GCH CH Brisbane N” Blue Monday’s Diamonds Are W Truesdale/Z Truesdale/M Mckamey/E Mckamey/J 1934 GCH CH Cherkei’s Dick Tracey C Robbins/K Robbins 1920 GCH CH Nantess Caleno Numero Uno G Tafur/S Tafur/N Savage/T Savage 1766 GCH CH Hijinx This Is How I Roll B Nunn 1192 GCH CH Inspiration’s Breath Of Heaven G Freer/W Truesdale/Z Truesdale/M Young/J Young 1069 GCH CH Rummer Run’s Black Magic A Anderson/S Anderson 948 GCH CH R And G N’ Hunter Creek’s Mystical Attraction A Tan Chan/R Ang 946 GCH CH Mephisto’s Speak Of The Devil J Billhardt/S Tenenbaum 926 GCH CH Hi-Tech The King Of Sherry Shoot Jp S Teragaki 712 GCH CH Breho Fortuity Shared Treasure B Stuckey/T Galle/J Sutherlin (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F)

Treeing Walker Coonhounds 128 GCH CH Cherry Creek Confetti A Alexander/S Houston 48 GCH CH CCH Alexanders Gold Rush Xcetera A Alexander 46 GCH CH Stackem Up I Did It My Way CM T Snedegar/B Snedegar 40 GCH CH Stackem Up Man Of Mayhem At Knockhill K Block/R Schwenke 38 GCH CH CCH Dry River’z Shattered Dreams J Confer/K Purchiss 28 GCH CH Alexanders Gold Rush Xcel A Alexander/R Geffs 27 GCH CH C-Cruz Gold Rush X-Rated A Alexander/C Willis 22 CH Sidearm Shootin’ The Bull L Mills/T Mills 17 CH Lone Pine Skull N Bones Vom Stk CGCA V Brachfeld/R Brachfeld/L Ramsey 15 CH Lost Heritage Cherry Crk Gone with the Wind C Vanover/A Carter (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)

Anatolian Shepherd Dogs 239 GCH CH Carpe Diem’s Amadeus L Edstrom-Smith/J Smith/Q Harned/M Harned 184 GCH CH Full Circle’s Treasure Island N Wargas/D Grunnah 100 GCH CH Horizon’s Banshee At Chevaliers Du Roland D Bitz 59 GCH CH Timaru Serag Mounir L Brabyn/J Brabyn 58 GCH CH Full Circle Tip Of London Tower N Ward 53 GCH CH Islandfarm’s Heathrow D Grunnah/J Voss 44 GCH CH Sakarya’s Palace Guard At Brenlar B Hughes/L Hughes 38 GCH CH Karaboudjan’s Mystic Moonspell J Dotson 32 CH Rbr Kadir Comar C White/F White (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Bullmastiffs 758 GCH CH Dal Primo Magic Moment M Harwood/C Corner 462 GCH CH Baron Dye Of Ridgetop R Wynes 404 GCH CH Dal Primo The Jester Of Nv K O’Brien/C Corner/M Harwood 365 GCH CH Banstock N Highpoint New Day Bruin At Kimo J Treiber/E Thomason 347 GCH CH Dal Primo In 7he Making C Corner/K Martin/M Harwood 276 GCH CH Dal Primo’s Seventh Samurai G Vandenburg/C Corner 270 GCH CH Lonely Creek’s Bruce Almighty B Britton/S Britton 263 GCH CH Far Isle The Wizard Of Bullrinkle M Hellmers/J Matano/A Oakerson CONTINUED ON PAGE 206

(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)



The Dog News Top Ten List (M) (M) 45 GCH CH Etalon Petit Gateau CA M Wells 42 GCH CH De Las Dunas Arriba Chihuahua J Garcia Flores (M) (F)

FINAL 2014 YEAR-END STATS BASED ON BREED COMPETITION 88 GCH CH Tip ‘N Chip Heza Knockout M Fleming/J Cooper (M)

250 CH Bramstoke’s Carved In Stone K Reil 247 GCH CH Newcastle’s Cutting Edge A Scully/K Spencer/P Mills/J Shadoian

Cane Corso 521 GCH CH Red Rock Canyon’s Pretty Boy Floyd A Cardena/D Musto/L Parschauer 509 GCH CH Campo’s Petros Zeus R Hudgens 461 GCH CH Italica’s Locked N Loaded BN RA THDN CGCA S Taurone/A Taurone/Z Devita 190 GCH CH Castleguard’s Riddle Of Steel Di Serafina S Demoss/T Dragan 158 GCH CH Stonecroft Prince Xerxes Nel Palazzo S Ard/S Ard 142 GCH CH Brickhouse’s Northern Light RN CGC G Shipley/K Shipley 135 GCH CH Dolcetto Dionysus Of Garritani CGC M Roderiques 127 GCH CH Italica’s We Didn’T Start The Fire Z Devita/A Petillo/M Petillo 116 GCH CH Epic Diesel Of Castleguard CA C Cline/R Cline/H King 112 GCH CH One And Only’s God’s Property L Rew (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)

German Pinschers 172 GCH CH Daveren’s Peaceful Dream CAA CGC J Robinson/J Eastman/R Brownfield 127 GCH CH Midernoch A Phortune Of Phranklins CA C French 101 GCH CH Nevars Stop N Stare At Temerity E Schenck/F Schenck/A Issleib/F Stuby 82 GCH CH Rivendells Material Girl K Schiff 69 GCH CH Daveren’s Tribute To An Amazing Dream J Eastman 54 GCH CH Diamond Bay A Chevelle Bentley Tribute BN RN V Vihlen Schluter/E Steele 52 GCH CH Legacy’s Time To Shine D Bixler/L Mills 48 GCH CH Nevars Polaris Temerity C Dwyer/L Croley/F Stuby 40 GCH CH Clefell’s Romeo M Salva/L Mills 39 GCH CH Leilani’s That, That Is, Is CA K Hapgood/K Mounts (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)

Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs 426 GCH CH Derby’s Toast With Gusto S Copeland 399 GCH CH Breezy Ridge Maximus T Conway/K Krumpe 396 GCH CH Swiss Run’s Jamaican Me Crazy CD RE PT D Never/B Never 339 GCH CH Trout Creek’s On Fire At Shadetree C Cooper 284 GCH CH Wildest Dream Midnight In Havana R Mezzanotte/S Trenholm/T Bailey/J Bailey 216 GCH CH Derby’s All American M Rusk/A Rusk/C Selleck/B Selleck 156 GCH CH Painted Mtn’s Olaf The Viking Pirate L Simonsen/K Deyo 142 GCH CH Painted Mtn Oliver Twist Of Fate K Markley/R Markley 139 GCH CH Cedarcoves M’Bers Blue Moon RN CGC T Maceachern 137 GCH CH Fireside’s Pick Me Out A Winner CD BN OAP M Jarriel/B Jarriel (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Chinooks 26 CH Forever Greene Atka P Richards 9 CH Forever Greene Talis CM RN P Richards 5 CH Forever Greene Tagluk P Richards 3 Intervale’s Riverstone Beltaine BN RA CAA N Bartol 3 Moonsong Never Cry Wolf C Taylor 3 CH Lakeside Run’s Little Bear CA K Holleran 2 Forever Greene Kima A Galullo 2 Forever Greene Qannik CM CD RN NA NAJ NF P Richards 1 CH Channahon’s Kikiah Tyee CM M Mandt 1 Sandhill’s Ranger T Brown/C Brown (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M)

Giant Schnauzers 379 GCH CH Skansen’s Havannah C Sansone/S Sansone 218 GCH CH Skansen’s Holy Knight C King 158 GCH CH Kenro’s Time Is Money M Mcgee/R Greenslade 143 GCH CH Ramahill Absolutes I Am Legend Of Rw J Edmonds/L Edmonds/M Adler 123 GCH CH Nightline Viking A Tanglewood J Erath/C Erath/E Fojtik/C Watterson/J Watterson 118 GCH CH Skansen’s Leather & Lace Of Twilight P Poole 103 GCH CH Fanta C J’s Bien Parado S Lynn/N Nier 70 GCH CH Skansen’s Jose Cuervo V. Eastwood M Owen 61 GCH CH Momentumm Stars And Bright Lights TD C Lietzau 49 GCH CH Ingebars Sadie Oh What A Lady H Reed/M Bisceglia/C Reed (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F)

Komondorok 78 GCH CH Nagyalma Yes I Can N Liebes/V Mcnelis/A White 19 GCH CH Quintessential Chauncey S Wilczewski/D Wilczewski 14 CH Nagyalma Bbetty Boop A White 9 Meadow View Winner Take All S Harman/M Harman 8 CH MeadowView The BattleofBrices XRoads At Irishcords V Murphree/F Murphree 8 Ujmagyari Hoss N Torok 6 Ibis Icicles C Evans 4 CH Lajosmegyi Stormy Weather L Finegan/A Quigley/P Turner 3 GCH CH Nagyalma Xanadu Vision In A Dream A White 3 Kevilyn’s Fischer Finley Of Meadow View D Miller/S Harman (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F)

Doberman Pinschers 2397 GCH CH Cambria’s Vraiment Parfait G Lajeski/A Wulbrecht/K Thompson/A White 1689 GCH CH Dezperado’s Hallelujah CA CGC J Wendt/A Wendt/H Zimmerman 1595 GCH CH Kamterra’s Legato K Moats/M Moats 1359 GCH CH Phillmar Superman T Stone/J Stone/C Green 924 GCH CH Allure Playing With Fire N Bosley 866 GCH CH Black Bart’s Calamity Jane C Jordan 849 GCH CH Winmar’s Chase’N The Dream L Burroff/N Bletzer 788 GCH CH Excelsia’s This Side Of Paradise N Barksdale/M Barksdale/D Gau/L Gau 740 GCH CH Tiburon Ariel Bella Dona M Moyer/T Moyer/K Drake/J Drake 667 GCH CH Marienburg’s Spec Ops Commando R Kusumoto/J Kusumoto (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M)

Great Danes 1742 GCH CH Tue-J’s Pacific Category Five T James/H James/S Taylor/J Apuna 1393 GCH CH Ghdd Seamus Lord Of The Dance K Kish/P Harris/D Davis/J Ball 1134 GCH CH Windycity-Orion’s Guitar Hero K Wood/C Wood/B Phelan 1105 GCH CH Mk Danes All Aboard The Crazy Train M Moore/D Moore 900 GCH CH Journey’s Gentlemen Prefer Blondes L Hotchkiss/P Hix 794 GCH CH Alpine’s Bohemian Rhapsody P Smallwood 755 GCH CH Graycn Lost Creek The Descendant Of Elan J Finck/S Finck/J Gerszewski/J Gerszewski 725 GCH CH Naples Tlbrk Dana Sanroque Cause And Effect M Donovan-Tandy 660 GCH CH Alpine’s Ice Warrior V Hawthorne L Clesi/P Clesi/A Heavey 626 GCH CH D.S.S. Kings Ransom Jp Mc Laren T Mita/H Sayama (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Kuvaszok 183 GCH CH Casablanca’s Vakmero Pandur T Weber/G Dash/N Berger 62 GCH CH Mattiaci High Voltage At Glacier Creek D Blank 40 GCH CH Aegys Set Fire To The Rain RN L Vogel 36 GCH CH Glacier Creek’s Silver Bullet D Blank 35 GCH CH Double Ring Tarees Dream Machine C Ringering/K Ringering/I Miller/R Miller 32 GCH CH Szumeria’s Wildwood Silver Six Pence CGC M Vila/L Brady/C Muir/C Townsend 30 GCH CH Rebel Ridge Blue Moon I Miller/R Miller 11 GCH CH Glacier Creek’s Sparks A Flyin’ S Stephens 11 CH Glaciercreek Mtn Wildflower Of Furrondie J Volkheimer/D Blank 10 GCH CH Budagyongye Diamond Lil A Hejja (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F)

Dogues de Bordeaux 248 GCH CH Evergreen’s Rub My Belly At Rising Star CGC J Roberts/L Parker 236 GCH CH Heartstrings Jasmine J Chicatelli 224 GCH CH Excaliburs Josie Jo A Page 164 GCH CH Trojans Timetobe Notice Mount Sinai’s Breitling G Rodriguez 122 GCH CH Von Hof’s Billy The Kid D Von Hof 110 GCH CH Oak Hollows Windtalker C Middleton/W Muller 105 GCH CH Woodland Park’s Low Country Benne P Smith/V Smith 53 GCH CH Ago Z Vlckovskeho Mlyna J Garcia Flores (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Great Pyrenees 408 GCH CH Honor’s Promise Of The Future B Ducker/K Bruneau 288 GCH CH Rivergroves Chateau De Castelnau M Falatach 208 GCH CH Guardenia’s Splish Splash V Coffman/K Justin/D Coffman/C Coffman 144 GCH CH Rivergroves Sky’s The Limit J Hanover/J Hanover/J Boyd 135 GCH CH Charlottes Something To Talk About C Hickey 133 GCH CH Rivergroves Enough Said J Boyd/M Cox/M Stewart 131 GCH CH Pyrsrus Silver’s Royal Flush R Trinka/K Trinka 130 GCH CH White Rose Chase What Matters CGCA T Chase/L Taylor 126 GCH CH Geysercreek Starmounts Tag IM It” P Butler (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Leonbergers 494 GCH CH A. Feiner Eros L Bazlen 205 GCH CH Cherrywood’s Viceroy S Wickman 197 GCH CH Yuhar Vom Kaniberg CGC C Barnum 139 GCH CH Kalahari’s Call To Attention CD RN OAP NJP J Cook 136 GCH CH Bluebonnet’s Fricis Is On Fire Of Acorn BN RN A Mozeleski/W Jones/J Hatlas-Pepper 51 GCH CH Seelowen’s Kayak Calm Waters CD R Robitaille/A Robitaille 50 GCH CH Royal Rainier Vom Dreiburgenland S Boos 48 GCH CH Tempest Powerful Influence CGC M Mchale 44 CH Ex Animo’s Bellissima Primadonna F Huml/H Geiger-Winings 41 GCH CH Bludrift’s Bold Lion’s Roar CGC T Coe /L Moede (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)

206 Dog News


The Dog News Top Ten List Mastiffs 1286 GCH CH Goldleaf’s Trouble Coming CGC L Watson 785 GCH CH Willow Ridges Risky Business J Swarts/N Walker/M Tichenor 437 GCH CH Loutheironhorse S Olesen/D Becker/C Kendrick 408 GCH CH Pioneer’s Shabri-El’s Shaken Bacon E Hamilton 371 GCH CH Kaigan’s What’s The Holdup? BN RN CGC L Burns 339 GCH CH Watchman’s Redbarn’s Brutus CGC J Ackers/M Ham/B Ham 323 GCH CH Cabezon’s Life Is A Highway CGC B Hernandez 270 GCH CH Heritage Hearth Wicked Game D Meyers/S Child 201 GCH CH Wynwood Summer’s Rh Windsor Of Woodhill M Smola/R Macfarlane 169 GCH CH Friends Sargeant Breakthrough J Friend/D Friend (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)


Rottweilers 1396 GCH CH Chancellor Flirt’s Hi Flyin’ Gladiator W Lewellen 1283 GCH CH Gamegards I’Ll Have Another V Braeside H Eldred/G Bach/D Bach 1135 GCH CH Avatar Cosmac Storm M Brennan/J Mcilwaine/G Bidgood/A Mcilwaine 983 GCH CH Loral’s Trooper L Pyeatt/A Pyeatt 771 GCH CH Highwood’s Call Of The Wild D Austin/T Austin 513 GCH CH Nighthawk’s Limited Edition CD RE THD J Labombard/T Labombard 471 GCH CH Ivoss Super Flash D Voss 436 GCH CH Brush Creek’s Chances Are I’Deal CGC K Holt/S Deal 392 GCH CH Big Beach’s Rhumba Man E Namour 382 GCH CH Ecko Ridge’s Big Easy Fast And Furious T Larroquette/B Larroquette (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Standard Schnauzers 888 GCH CH Mistic’s Longfellow Serenade S Marsh/A Derenzis 359 GCH CH Cortaillod Dexter C Davies/M Davies 342 GCH CH Blackhawk Meyer Of Comiskey Park J Greenberg 296 GCH CH Ogee Saltus Ze Zahrabske C Earle/E Yamada/C Cheng/B Yamada 212 GCH CH Steinhaus Maxim Courage RN D Morse 199 GCH CH Katon’s Eye Of The Tiger V Morgenwald K Koehler/P Duffee/C Reidner 149 GCH CH Windsong Roman Ruler F Kingery 143 GCH CH Chateau Palos Treaty Of Goarrhein TD E Mohrenweiser/M Just/H Mohrenweiser 138 GCH CH Uhlan A Star Is Born CGC J Legan 111 GCH CH Am.Made’s Gallantly Streaming At Boundary S Arnold/D Dudas (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M)

Neapolitan Mastiffs 117 GCH CH Ironwood’s Papparrazi J Deppen/S Van-Spruill 45 GCH CH Vincent De Bluhouse CGC M Mcdonald/G Mcdonald 40 GCH CH Amazing Love’s Locked And Loaded CGC L Hershberger/S Deans 38 GCH CH Romeo’s Sweet Debut In Paradise C Parish 23 GCH CH Molosser Farms Angelo J Thornton/R Jacobsen 22 CH Il Drago Xiomar S Drake 21 GCH CH Otella Bruto A Gurrola 20 CH Artu’ Patrizio Italia A Gurrola/J Wolf 19 CH Caligola Del Mazzarino S Drake 16 CH New Moon Carlisle Of Amazing Love S Subler (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Samoyeds 1084 GCH CH Pebbles’ Run Play It Again Ham A Kiell Green/A Green/B Bruns/W Stamp 982 GCH CH Snoline ‘N Snowater’s On A Roll K Granacki/S Alexander/N Alexander 487 GCH CH Polar Mist N Bark Bark’s Built Tough C O’Neill/J O’Neill 438 GCH CH Polar Mist Cruz’N Zhivago’s Party R Stern 418 GCH CH Pebbles’ Run Cot’Npic’N Cotton Gin M Goodenough/A Kiell Green 402 GCH CH Celticfrost All Tuckered Out J Pearson/K Pearson/J Deleo 348 GCH CH Celticfrost Ranger N West Free P Kreif/F Kreif 337 GCH CH White Magic’s Seasoned Traveler-Trek”” M Matto 330 GCH CH Polar Mist Midnight Delight K Horton/L Blue 310 GCH CH Azteca’s Triple Seven K Fewlass/S Fewlass (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F)

Tibetan Mastiffs 173 GCH CH Comancheria’s Ciye Chiricahua Cochise G Nunnally 101 GCH CH Drakyi Lion Of Judah M Lott 99 GCH CH Sierras’ Sasha - Yakone Nanuk J Butler/R Gallegos 89 GCH CH Himalaya’s Apache Eyota Ba’Cho Goshe G Nunnally 65 GCH CH Dawa’s Welcome Stranger From Sierras D Nechemias/L Claus/W Wickman/D Wickman 50 GCH CH Ayyangadoo Honcho Of Drakyi D Bosak/R Eichhorn 36 GCH CH Drakyi Dreamland New Moon At Dreamcatcher D Parsons Slayton/B Slayton/J Carter/T Carter 31 GCH CH Shang-Hai’s Singin’ In The Rain D Mayer 30 GCH CH Great Lakes Citadel Jin Viraat CGC M Szarek/K Hannan/K Dewitt 30 GCH CH Wright’s Drakyi Dragon At Adynasty C Lange-Abbitt/J Abbitt 30 CH Dawa’s Primo Argento Gomez At Tiems D Nechemias/A Brizzola (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Newfoundlands 1178 GCH CH Cypress Bay’s Big Sur K Caesar/W Caesar 670 GCH CH Heartsease King Of The Jungle M Casler/L Anderson/P Jackson/J Latchaw 423 GCH CH Pouch Cove’s Seabrook Enough Said P Helming/K Griffin 344 GCH CH Geminorum Noto K Stankey 313 GCH CH Seacrest’s I’M Not What You Think J Taylor/D Nelson/D Nelson 274 GCH CH Kilyka’s Three Sheets At Aegir RN N Dobson/M Vanek 269 GCH CH Darbydale’s Don’T Stop Believin’ RN K Rowland/C Bergmann 267 GCH CH Shadrack’s My Hearts Darling E Murphy/J O’Neill 250 GCH CH Susitna’s Deal Me In K Gerrits/A Gerrits 208 GCH CH Sunvalley’s Its As Simple As Abc B Moore-Beck/K Moore (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)

Siberian Huskies 1285 GCH CH Topaz Bad Action H Tang 1090 GCH CH Highlander’s Rumour Has It M Ralsky/C Pacht 668 GCH CH Davik’s Snowstorm Gussit D Piercey/T Teralla 499 GCH CH Paragon’s You Had Me At Merlot T Erickson/L Wilson 398 GCH CH Dynasty’s Husky Lucky Strike H Tang 390 GCH CH Ziemabora’s Strut Your Stuff B Schaeffel 361 GCH CH Myla ‘N Poli’s Winter Rose M Falconer/F Polimeni/M Polimeni/R Davies/T Davies 348 GCH CH Snowmist’s Soda Pop K Leblanc/H Shimizu 307 GCH CH Zvezda’s Icarus SD B Barnes/J Barnes/T Schonberger/M Mcdougall 217 GCH CH Highlander Halo’s Georgia Peach M Patton (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F)

Terrier Group Airedale Terriers

Portuguese Water Dogs 2435 GCH CH Claircreek Impression De Matisse M Lint/P Helming/D Gottdenker 633 GCH CH Patriot’s Designer Girl CGC T Snyder/L Snyder/K Maguire 578 GCH CH Dandelion’s Maxwell’s Silver Hammer RN V Morro/W Varr Iii 417 GCH CH Spyglass N Aviator Sail With The Wind C Blancett 317 GCH CH Aviators Blackjack Legacy RN CGCA J Brock/S Brock 244 GCH CH Marshview Uh, How You Doin’? RATN P Devries/J Kaspar 228 GCH CH Cnsand Ardanwood Whitewash The Fence 4 Me K Cofiell/A Wagner 214 GCH CH Prata Lua Tsar Nickolas Of Farallon S Holden 186 GCH CH Sagmar’s Merlin Is Magic CGC M Tintes/R Chesnut/A Mills 185 GCH CH Fair Skies Turquoise Bay Rum Buddy B Ferrandino (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

St. Bernards 485 GCH CH Jamelle’s Aristocrat V Elba BN RN CGCA L Baker/E Baker 412 GCH CH Opdyke’s Your Place Or Mine? C Cataldo/G Radcliffe 411 GCH CH Gliddens Lady Isabella K Glidden/E Salewsky 377 GCH CH Aksala’s Peyton CGCA L Baker/E Baker/S Lewis/R Lewis 348 GCH CH Belle Isle’s Cookie V Cretan CGC R Patterson/J Little 258 GCH CH Revilo’s Liquid Asset From Redside D Oliver/B Oliver 207 GCH CH Lasquites Ula Of Valdez B Mead/M Smith 149 GCH CH Szajda’s Neverending Story CGC A Szajda/B Quagliaroli 117 GCH CH Twin Branch’s Red Bull Of Empty Keg D Boyd/B Boyd 111 GCH CH Westhaven’s The People’s Choice V Thunderhill M Osher/S Mccormick Osher (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F)

593 GCH CH Joval Sweet Time L Bryan/V Rickard 411 GCH CH Penaire Cash Game At Longvue T Clyde/A Clyde/J Clarke/W Clarke 250 GCH CH Blackwatch In Control D Spendolini 220 GCH CH Epoch’s New York Minute A Moore/D Moore 194 GCH CH Darling Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds E Darling/G Darling 124 GCH CH Huntwood’s Command Performance Of Tobylinn C Vitosh/J Linn/S Kipp 106 GCH CH Jet Aire’s Ursa Major, The Greater Bear D Turba/J Turba 99 GCH CH Est Etiam Junctus Maximus At Arily F Salas/E Gualtieri 87 GCH CH Joval It’s My Time V Rickard/J Rickard 77 GCH CH Huntwood’s Wildest Expectations Of Tobylinn J Linn/S Kipp

(F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

American Staffordshire Terriers 1032 GCH CH Angarda Deja Vu Looking At You E Mckee-Heath/D Berrey 632 GCH CH Explicit’s Full Throttle To Alpine B Mosing/J Branch 214 GCH CH Cicero’s Clash Of The Titans N Patrick/J Patrick 176 GCH CH Red Warrior Geneva Z Smith 158 GCH CH Sierra’s Ground Zero R Sampson/L Wilson 152 GCH CH Plk’s Incredibly Delicious L Ellis/R Ellis 142 GCH CH Vaca Valley’s Bold Ruler For Frajaec G Brown/K Rudzik/B Gottier/D Pesenti/J Mccartney 125 GCH CH Majestic Staffs Shooting Star C Stroupe CONTINUED ON PAGE 210

(M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M)

Dog News 207



frequency, to name just a few.î She addmal control and shelter operaed, ìAPPA has duplicated the Pet Owntions; and makers and merchants ers Survey results in subsequent studies, of pet foods, drugs, accessories and therefore is conˇdent in the data.î and related merchandise. Similarly, Sharon Granskog, a From the perspective of spokeswoman for the AVMA, said by veterinarians, for example, if the email: ìI know that some of the differnumber of pets is increasing, then ences Ö are due to different samples.î demand for veterinary services She, too, mentioned differences in quesconceivably will rise. Conversely, tion wording. if the number is shrinking, then To explore why the AVMA and APPA demand conceivably will fall. survey results deviate markedly, the VIN Which way demand is headed is News Service examined the methodolespecially pertinent to the proogy of each and consulted experts in fession today owing to concerns polling. about an excess of companion For its surveys, the animal veterinarians AVMA hires Irwin Broh Rein the United States. Having reliable “To explore why search, while the APPA withIpsos. AVMA ˇgures on the populathe AVMA and contracts surveys are conducted evtion of pets is imporery ˇve years; APPA, every tant, too, to animalAPPA survey two years. Both have fairly welfare advocates, results deviate high numbers of responmany of whom mark dents. In the most recent success by individual markedly, the polls, 50,347 responded lives saved. ìWeíre well VIN News Service to the AVMA; 25,109 responded to the APPA. By aware of the disexamined the comparison, public opinion crepancy (in statisand political polls such as methodology tics), and itís a bit the CBS News Poll typifrustrating,î said of each and cally survey roughly 1,000 Aimee Gilbreath, executive director consulted experts people. Although the AVMA of Found Animals, a in polling.” netted twice as many renonproˇt organizaspondents as the APPA, tion in Los Angeles. statistical theory says that ìFor a variety of proboth sample sizes are large enough to grams, whether they are for dog yield small margins of error ó more licensing or spay and neuter, it than 95 percent conˇdence that the rewould be useful to know how sults are accurate to within 1 percent ó many dogs and cats there are ... provided the surveys are based on ranso you know how much you have dom samples of the entire population. to do to move things.î In previous years, both surveys were The APPA and AVMA acconducted by mail, but the most recent knowledge that their results difeditions were conducted online. The fer but each expresses conˇchange in approach coincides with a dence in its ˇgures. marked jump in the size of the discrepAnna Ferrante, APPA senior ancies between the survey results. vice president for member relaThe difference in the past was as tions and business development, small as 3 percent and as great as 12 said by email: ìWhile we cannot percent. The latest surveys produced a comment on research done by discrepancy of 19 percent in the number other organizations, any variaof dogs, and 29 percent in the number tions are most likely due to difof cats. ferences in methodology, such Don Dillman, a survey expert and as sample size and composition, sociology professor at Washington State question wording, and survey

University, said both surveys are likely to produce unreliable results in part due to their use of online panels, which he said can give skewed samples of the population. ìMy suggestion would be to be really careful with these numbers,î Dillman said. Hereís why: When conducting a survey by mail, itís possible to start with a list of nearly every physical address in the nation ó provided by the U.S. Postal Service, with names removed ó and then select households to survey. Online methods, by contrast, donít reach signiˇcant chunks of the population, particularly older and low-income households. At least 15 percent of American adults do not use the Internet, according to a 2013report by the Pew Research Center. In addition, databases that correlate email addresses with physical locations are far less complete than the Postal Serviceís address list, Dillman said, so itís not possible to create a truly random sample even of all Internet-connected households. Further, he said, common problems exist with the types of volunteer online panels used for the APPA and AVMA surveys. These panels are collections of hundreds of thousands of people who have provided basic demographic information ó mailing address, age, income, gender, race, household size, marital status, education and employment ó and signed up to complete online surveys in exchange for modest rewards. Hours of survey-taking are required to earn a $10 gift card. (Anyone interested may volunteer for the Ipsos panel, the panel used by Irwin Broh, or at any of at least 20 similar websites.) ìThey have the aura of being scientiˇc because they have so many respondents,î Dillman said. ìÖ But theyíre just not good science.î The trouble with online panels, he said, is that they tend to be composed of people who have spare time and Internet access and for whom a small reward is a signiˇcant CONTINUED ON PAGE 214


2015 Westminster Kennel Club Invitee Gold GCh. Zen-Pahlavi You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet, JC, CGC Breeders/Owners: Ellen Klosson Zen Karen Wagner Pahlavi Superbly presented by Terri Galle eklosson@prodigy.net PHOTO BY RHONDA CASSIDY PHOTO BY TEDDY LEI

The Dog News Top Ten List CONTINUED FROM PAGE 207

FINAL 2014 YEAR-END STATS BASED ON BREED COMPETITION 22 GCH CH Clossongrey Jack O Lantern B Baese 22 GCH CH Clossongrey As You Wish M Couto/S Maehara/A Judge 19 GCH CH Lonsdale Sir Joseph Porter A Simpson 17 CH Day O Joy’s Spicy Brown J Bernander/D Bernander/R Bernander (M) (M) (M) (M)

105 GCH CH Diablos Queen Sophie Anne R Whitlow/S Whitlow 102 GCH CH Chavez Let It Ride At Bonsai G Simonds

(F) (M)

Australian Terriers 438 GCH CH Arista Redskys Love Is All There Is CGC P Levy 139 GCH CH Dunham Lake Unanimous Decision T Goiffon/L Goiffon/E Goiffon 83 GCH CH Christhill Morongo K Hill/W Christensen 80 GCH CH Ryba’s Nothing But Blue Skies C Bessant/P Levy 73 GCH CH Dunham Lake Scout Master T Steinmetz/J Steinmetz/T Goiffon 65 GCH CH Benayr Nick Of Time M Porter 57 GCH CH Redsky Flyboy Wellington E Linda Demartine 50 GCH CH Rock Village Izabella Dinki-Di ME CAA CGC S Jacobsen 50 GCH CH Temora Say It With Bacon Z Smith 47 GCH CH Ryba’s And The Beat Goes On For Tera-K D Evans/S Bachman/T Schreeder (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)

48 GCH CH Apprentice Finnegan Begin Again CA M Whitman/C Perrott/M Carter/B Deevers 39 GCH CH Rockytop’s Outlaw Kid L Stafford/G Stafford/R Poole/W Poole 35 GCH CH Magor Galactic Agent D Davis/G Smith/N Smith

(M) (M) (M)

Bull Terriers (White) 188 GCH CH Sandstone’s Conceived In Liberty For Paradox G Snyder/I Hudson/M Whitehair/T Whitehair 136 GCH CH Glentom Seeking Fame And Fortune A Graulau/J Graulau/T Cournoyer/G Wright 116 GCH CH Allegro Rockstar S Harris/D Harris 74 GCH CH Actions Formula For A Queen K Prater-Piles/F Berez 69 GCH CH Bullseye Oliver Orion N May/M May 67 GCH CH Sandstone’s Visions Of Liberty E Bluhm/T Bluhm/M Whitehair/T Whitehair 50 GCH CH Rocky Top’s Smokey Mountain Rain R Poole/W Poole 44 GCH CH Global Mighty White At Kilacabar C Whitmer/S Whitmer/C Kilpatrick/C Kilpatrick 37 GCH CH Winsor And Legacy Mojo Rising S Wylie/D Wilson/M Dussault/F Wilson 36 GCH CH Jump ‘N’ Jive At Bullistic The Joker I Morden/D Morden (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)

Fox Terriers (Smooth) 552 GCH CH J’Cobe Broxden Shark Dressed Man V Malzoni/A Rodrigues/P Booth 363 GCH CH J’Cobe Broxden Accidentally On Porpoise M Jacobs/L Aune/J Aune 327 GCH CH Absolutely Signature J Smith/D Gabel 282 GCH CH Absolutely Talk Of The Town J Smith/E Boyes 277 GCH CH High Mtn Everso Smooth S Perrine/C Snavely 228 GCH CH Raybills Yesireebob B Lewis/S Theel/R Robison 165 GCH CH Nileefox Taylor Made D Rathgeber/S Rathgeber 113 GCH CH Broxden Waybroke Simphuni Burlesque B Huntington/D Simpson 109 GCH CH Bluestone Mirror Mirror E Tobin/J Vaudo 97 GCH CH Absolutely Uncensored A Ruggieri/J Smith/D Gabel (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M)

Bedlington Terriers 456 GCH CH First Class Willow Wind The Phoenix S Friedemann/J Fogel 227 GCH CH Lamz Strike A Pose RN CAA CGC L Zembrzuski/G Gilbeau 77 GCH CH Sandon N’ Oakhill Jazzy’s Top Secret C Foti 75 GCH CH Carillon Chazzen De Hayyim L Heyman 68 GCH CH Wrightwyn’s Power Play NAJ CGCA S Bethea 53 GCH CH First Class Willow Wind Time & Again J Fogel 43 GCH CH First Class Soul Of Rock And Roll J Fogel 40 GCH CH Patchwork’s Built To Last N Sheets 38 GCH CH First Class Secret Lover A Batey/J Fogel 33 GCH CH Pineriver’s Show Me The Money S Holden/J Berk (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M)

Cairn Terriers 620 GCH CH Hjohoo’s Save Hjour Love For Me V Malzoni/E Theodorsson 462 GCH CH Connacht A Ha’ Penny Will Do M Joyce 328 GCH CH Stonebridge Just A Little Bit Better D Reynolds 264 GCH CH Terriwood Mvp T Godwin/K Godwin/B Doyle/N Doyle 226 GCH CH Caledonian Tea Time Of Wolfpit L Hutchinson/V Malzoni 226 GCH CH Havenshire’s Show Girl Lola M Havens 111 GCH CH Runrig Devilishly Dangerous At Copperglen C Ackerson 109 GCH CH Dornoch Turnberry’s Tom Watson A Dorn/D Ondo 103 GCH CH Joywood’s Heart Of Gold O’ Qwentessential T Akimoto/B Mcnamee 100 GCH CH Brenndarcy Borgen B Shannon/D Storr/I Kaplan (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Fox Terriers (Wire) 380 GCH CH Garcini & Rangel’s Rock N Rolla L Garcini/K Rogers/J Garcini 191 GCH CH Reignon Lutra Fastest Girl In Town J Lange/J Moses/T Szaras 116 GCH CH Br’Er Fox Philippa Of Hunterston J Hunter/C Mouris 111 CH Kingarthur Van Foliny Home V Malzoni/R De Munter/D Ulterwijk 101 GCH CH Commander’s Bold Stryker Of Foxchase D Bohle/F Bohle 86 GCH CH Tsarshadow Kentucky Windage At Foxheart J Ashburn/B Ashburn/D Belter/D Deeley 73 GCH CH Foxheart’s Rough And Ready J Ashburn/W Ashburn 54 GCH CH Aljamar Accentuate The Positive M Laschinski/J Warling/A Waters 46 GCH CH Fox Creek Jp Ideal Or Idiot H Tsuyuki 41 GCH CH Wyrlake Foxhollow Mirror Mirror S Carter Nowicki/A Digiorgio (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)

Border Terriers 729 GCH CH Meadowlake Pants On Fire K Fitzpatrick/D Tack/S Tack/K Richardson/K Courtelis 396 GCH CH Mchill’s Hrh Prince Gizmo House Of Gremlin P Holson/A Barrios 374 GCH CH Bascovail Essence Of Purple Sage D Behan 256 GCH CH Ottermask Who’s Your Daddy G Duke/J Duke 242 GCH CH Bascovail Essence Of A Purple Storm D Behan/J Gould 226 GCH CH Shadowhills Risky Business T Carey 214 GCH CH Foxburrow Celebrity Apprentice G Scott/R Scott 183 GCH CH Sundevil’s Last Chance For Finiki J Strassels/S Avram-Hanna 158 GCH CH Kilcreggans Poppy Of Eilean Donan M Bond/W Bond 138 GCH CH Surefyre’s Once In A Blue Moon J Gibson/A Gibson/C Bartlett (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M)

Cesky Terriers 166 GCH CH Zlatapraha Gillespie Bluefire P Huber/N Huber/T Smith/P Bale 100 GCH CH Milenka’s Hector In Act Four L Kapustina/A Kapustin/L Marino 44 GCH CH Talyot Hermione D Wilson/D Loewe/L Richardson/S Richardson 24 CH Placido Argentia J Hester-Kyttle/G Kyttle 22 CH Rylandson Zeleny Akr S Bridge-Chase 21 GCH CH Xcaliber Laraff D Loewe 13 CH Windrush Gunther Lrd Of Manr CGC S Cassel/N Cassel 9 For Your Eyes Only De Katatao’S J Gritten 7 CH Ispagnola Du Champ D’Eole L Marino/M Marino 7 CH Cc’s Angel Eye J Gritten/C Gritten (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F)

Glen of Imaal Terriers 168 GCH CH Finnabair Ardmore Ned D Doyle/A Doyle/M Mcdaniel 78 GCH CH Abberann Torcan T Nesbitt 66 GCH CH Daulton’s Emerald Green J Daulton/P Estes/M Greene/C Greene 45 GCH CH Rainbow Springs Wicklow’s Warrior Of Ber -DW Roland/R Roland/M Carty 32 GCH CH Emerald Isle’s Keely With Daulton T Thomas/S Thomas/J Daulton/P Estes 22 GCH CH Emerald Isle’s Sweet Molly Malone With Daulton S Carlson/T Carlson/J Daulton/P Estes 18 GCH CH Tipperary American Girl JE RATN J Lynn 17 GCH CH Finnabair Song O’My Heart JE CA M Mcdaniel/M Ewald 11 GCH CH Liberty’s Darren Of Daulton P Estes/J Daulton 9 GCH CH Abberann Abaigeal S Blum/J Blum 9 GCH CH Liberty’s Padraig E Pires/A Lynn (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M)

Bull Terriers (Colored) 225 GCH CH Soquel Millenium Seafarer G Harlamoff/N Waynee/B Ruppel 162 GCH CH Glentom’s Dirty Harry Z Smith/G Wright 128 CH Notorious Never Say Never A Woodman-Jaspers/P Jaspers 120 GCH CH Banbury Bedrock Bright Star Bright M Remer/R Lamkins/K Lamkins/W Mackay-Smith 75 GCH CH Broken Arrow’s Black Bear D Hensley/P Hopkins/M Hopkins 63 GCH CH Javarke King At Arnolds A Salas/G Anderson 55 CH Action Deliciously Divine S Brown/F Berez/K Brown (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F)

Dandie Dinmont Terriers 165 GCH CH King’s Mtn. Angelina Ballerina P Stephens/D Chambers-Rau 59 GCH CH Derrydown Can Webe Frank G Myers/K Dorn 51 CH Holyrood Legally Blonde S Dulaney/R Dulaney 46 GCH CH Pennywise Cinnamon Toast C Nelson 41 CH Pastime That’s All Folks K Cramer 23 GCH CH Tigh O’Tykes Hugo N Ryan (F) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M)

Irish Terriers 195 GCH CH Rockledge Mccallen Of Meath L Honey/J Wilson 143 GCH CH Red Devil’s Irish, Lucifers Fire”” J Philip/M Mattus 117 GCH CH Sharob’s Commander In Chief S Lindgren/R Lindgren 78 GCH CH Gingerbread’s Dark and Stormy T Lahti (M) (M) (M) (M)


61 GCH CH Irvonhill Leave It To Me A Barker/T Lahti 50 CH Rockledge Destiny’s Bounty E Hillegeist 31 GCH CH Donedaire’s Emerald Of Erin P Shaw/M Shaw 24 CH Diamond’s Blu Boy R Geddes/G Geddes 18 GCH CH Breezy’s X-Tra Top Priority T Vandezande/B Vandezande 15 CH Woodley’s Rockledge Marcus The Conqueror D Rapport

(F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M)

42 CH Panda Of Bully Lake Z Bagi 40 GCH CH Bonsai Winning Colors At Bullikountry R Kennedy/G Simonds 28 GCH CH Ruffshaad’s Hot Roddin’ To Paradise At Dier D Takayama/R Takayama/E Held/C Korn

(M) (F) (M)

Rat Terriers 235 GCH CH Stoneybays Ur Martini’s Serv’D CM S Mcwilliams/T Jordan 203 GCH CH Felixvilles Traveling Pooch T Little/R Little 97 GCH CH Kenann’s Liv’N N Lov’ N Life CM A Agostine 79 GCH CH King Pen Rnb’s Queen Ann S Hendrix 63 GCH CH Rock-E-Hill Tennesse L Hibbard 56 CH Trimark’s Ooh La-La-Polka-Dah B Veltri 56 GCH CH Dos Kn Pn Rnb He’s The Wizard S Hendrix/D Hendrix 53 GCH CH Rnb Dos Defying Gravity T Gillies/D Gillies 52 GCH CH River Ridge’s I Put A Spell On U J Babarsky/S Mcwilliams 43 GCH CH Clover Valley’s She’s Got Whatever It Is D Kneeland/C Kneeland (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)

Miniature Schnauzers

Kerry Blue Terriers 284 GCH CH Kallehan’s Timeless Classic Styling For Blue L Mathers/N Han 275 GCH CH Ciarrai’s Beltane Embers P Fox 203 GCH CH Class Act By Hallsblu W Berry 138 GCH CH Aristocrat’s Firestone Of Cross The Rubicon G Lee/L Lee/D Beaulieu 126 GCH CH Kirkpatrick’s First Generation C Myers/C Davis 126 GCH CH Edbrios Russian Roulette E Hansen 123 GCH CH Krisma’s Rave Reviews L Grier/T Grier 103 GCH CH Teagan’s Purple Rain H Hunter/A Retezatu 76 GCH CH Tontine’s Chance Redemption L Croley/C Dwyer 64 GCH CH Aristocrat’s Firelord Of Cross The Rubicon N Kunze/D Beaulieu (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (M)

1188 GCH CH Regency’s Play For Keeps D Lewis/K Lewis/B Verna 820 GCH CH Yanga’s All The Time R Martinez Rahme 744 GCH CH Lonestar’s Which Witch R Edwards/S Edwards 438 GCH CH Repittion Jolee’s Spring Time In April J Williams/K Garmaker 395 GCH CH Lande’s Chairman Of The Board,Esq M Lande/L Harstad 391 GCH CH Evalill Excalibur Gus D Forwell 304 GCH CH Gangway’s Mission Engineer B Brown/M Larsen 259 GCH CH Allaruth Just Kidding V Sole Baye Y Phelps/R Ziegler 229 GCH CH Loneacre’s Grand Slam S Quinn 187 GCH CH Allaruth Carmel Still Kidding V Sole Baye Y Phelps/C Ewer/R Ziegler

(M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Russell Terriers 357 GCH CH Rivendell’s Tinker Toy M Title/C Mckenzie/S Sobel 138 GCH CH Monamour Jpp Energy Of Kiss E Reisman 116 GCH CH Mon Amour Jp Rainbow Blossoms A Barker/K Miichi 104 GCH CH Dbf Hart Trophy N Bitner/C Lundin 104 GCH CH Baylock Heart Of Fire M Ulrich/L Ulrich/K Azzorpardi 87 GCH CH Kajsenborg’s Dirty Diana H Andersen/T Grennaae 74 GCH CH Dbf Stanley Cup P Jackson/C Lundin 73 GCH CH Chrystals Lil Duke Of Earl C Rackley 58 GCH CH Dbf Woodsong Of Kcr C Florence/C Van Vorst/R Novack 57 GCH CH Appassionato Jp Monamour’s Star A Hargrave/C Areskough (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Norfolk Terriers 510 GCH CH Yarrow Venerie Ticket To Ride P Beale/J Beale 181 GCH CH Yarrow Venerie Winning Ticket Venerie Knl/Yarrow Knl 74 GCH CH Tenterra Rise To The Summit At Starmtn A Gabrielli/J Latterner 54 GCH CH Avalon’s Come Fly With Me RN S Foran/L Pelletir 50 CH Yarrow Venerie Trader Vic From Owl Hollow B Thomas/A Thomas/P Beale 45 GCH CH Abbedales Diamond Jim’s Brady L Sons 37 GCH CH Tweedledee Teddy As Kevin K Dennis 30 CH Highlands Beam Me Up Scotty CA K Kotke-Partington/J Partington/H Cole/K Slump 29 GCH CH Bethany Beach Love Letter In The Sand CGC R Coppedge/B Kravetz 24 GCH CH Max-Well’s Cradle Robber B Miller 24 GCH CH Rightly So Smart Syndicate M James/R Newton/S Augustine (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Lakeland Terriers 224 GCH CH Brocair’s Hrh Prince Harry L Rogan/K Rogan 42 GCH CH Nanhalls Koichi Hikel Terrydale H Keyes/F Keyes 40 GCH CH Northcote’s Elite Crimson Fire D Lawrence/C Lawrence/P Peters 35 CH Snowtaires Next Generation B Decker/L Parker 32 GCH CH Delzar Sweet Sin-Sation P Harbison 31 GCH CH Teraz Runs On Dunkin’ J Crowe 24 GCH CH Snowtaires Back To The Future B Decker/L Parker 22 CH Snowtaires Cruisin’ In Style To Wardrum J Hefferman 18 CH Wakefield Ardynas Hearmy Voice J Ostoski/R Ostoski 16 CH Norwest Importance Of Being Earnest M Peterson (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)

Scottish Terriers 834 GCH CH Roundtown Everyday Magic Of Maryscot A Musser 806 GCH CH Mcvan’s To Russia With Love M Khenkina 373 GCH CH Peabar Goodness Gracious CA P Gallatin/P Browne/M Fegus Siroka 320 GCH CH Kelwyn’s Gm Freestyle Flyer K Edell/D Edell 187 GCH CH Dynasty’s Br Donald Rockfeller D Burge/R Cross 181 GCH CH Camdyn Fall From Grace S Barry 173 GCH CH Whiskybae Lochraven Lollypop J Boughton/A Van Ravensway/C Lacoe 133 GCH CH Charthill Highland Lad Canty Troubadour J Pickett/W Pickett 107 GCH CH Cumbria’s Ready Jet Go P Wooster/T Wooster 105 GCH CH Woburn Camelot Unbridled Spirit D Russell/S Russell (F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M)

Norwich Terriers 561 GCH CH Dancy’s Rough Rider N Lentz/D Lentz 486 GCH CH Highwood’s Whirling Dun J Fonyo/N Fonyo 356 GCH CH Michan’s Mick Like A Rolling Stone L Marshall/H Marshall 342 GCH CH Camio’s Educated Exemplar C Rogers 259 GCH CH Thunderwood’s First Robin Of Spring T Willrich/K Conlan 208 GCH CH Dunbar’s Heir Apparent J Kefeli 189 GCH CH Roserock’s Atticus Finch A Garcia Gomez/M Lopez 130 GCH CH Pretty Boy Bruno Of Hidenwood J Tuttle-Kuhm 114 GCH CH Foxwood Super Hero T Lee/X Xie 100 GCH CH Cherber’s Double Your Money At Image C Berens/M Craig (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Manchester Terriers (Standard) 196 GCH CH Oasis Razzmatazz CA V Stanert/B Stanert 111 GCH CH Medley’s Set Fire To The Rain V Levendi T Myers/C Caridis 110 GCH CH Oasis Blue Lagoon S Cafferty 105 GCH CH Medley’s War Hunt E Tonini/J Tonini/J Tonini-Zanotto 84 GCH CH Toria A New Leash On Life V Herbert/D Thorsland 70 GCH CH Doubletrees Apollo On Stage E Harris/T Smith 68 GCH CH Jetcitys Cactus Jack CA A Cain/L Nonog 48 GCH CH Wilane’s All We R Is Dust On The Wind B Wood/B Wood/J Emerick 42 GCH CH Wilane’s Midnight Rydor R Gates/B Wood/K Brewer 39 CH Jetcity By A Landslide A Cain/L Nonog (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)

Sealyham Terriers 187 GCH CH Efbe’s Thunder Rd At Burberry S Hawks/F Bergeron/L Tetreault/S Middlebrooks 118 GCH CH Hotshot’s Royal She’ll Make ‘Em Cry B Dunlap/R Dunlap 40 GCH CH Slyfox Sassy Lady Of Bluff’s End C Echelbarger/J Taggart/K Jacobson 37 GCH CH Goodspice Efbe’s Ez Once U Know How J Cohron/M Good/F Bergeron 34 CH Stonebroke Tee It Up N La Sota/K Haugland 31 GCH CH Dubwyre Cherrydun Ladyhawke J Thill/D Francois 30 CH Bushaway Bitter Lemon S Sweatt 21 CH Avalonis New Olympian L Jowett 20 CH Thunder Rd Walking In The Sand I David 18 CH Bushaway Bossie Britches S Sweatt (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F)

Parson Russell Terriers 406 GCH CH Ardsley Run Heaven Sent J Smith/J Gardner 333 GCH CH Dream Hi’s Lil’ Surfer Dude K Rickard/L Rickard 215 GCH CH Shasta N Jager Meister N Herman 163 GCH CH Rosewoods O.M.G. S Johnson/C Howton 133 GCH CH Thunder Hill Rumer Has It J Slater/V Moody 129 GCH CH Highland Downs Proud Tiger N Montalone/R Ford/J Ramming 126 GCH CH Laurel Oak Brywood Legal Tender A Walden/G Colfer-Cobussen/C Walden/K Dahlberg 95 GCH CH Shalimar Orejac’s Dignified Diva J Caulk/C Burgasser 95 GCH CH Fox Valley Bustin Loose S Frerichs 91 GCH CH Panther Creek’s Hidden Treasure T Parra/J Ramming (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F)

Miniature Bull Terriers 444 GCH CH Cambria’s Kid N Play L Baggenstos/R Baggenstos/A Guerrero/D Guerrero 225 GCH CH Dytona Vip M Jacobs/A Klishas/E Feuz 106 GCH CH Amchara Roc Ur World K Toland/S Toland 102 GCH CH Cambria’s Cisco Kidd D Guerrero/A Guerrero 100 GCH CH Vip’s Playtime Prince K Toomey/S Cummings/F Milteer 71 CH Omega’s Angelo Dundee M Barnes/S Cairns 55 CH Sunrise Minotaur Ready To Rock It M Dreyer/V Giamo/R Massingill/E Massingill (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Skye Terriers 212 GCH CH Solana Demolition Man M Shiue 191 GCH CH Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie V Malzoni/Cragsmoor Knl 117 GCH CH Jay-Roy Byrne ‘N Hot For You D Salandro CONTINUED ON PAGE 212

(M) (M) (M)

Dog News 211


The Dog News Top Ten List CONTINUED FROM PAGE 211


94 GCH CH Ro Royal Royalist yalist ist Sn SnoKn SnoKnight oKnigh ight t O Ku Kuhlb Kuhlbreeze hlbree reeze ze E Ridley/D Ridley/K Jennings Turnbell 65 GCH CH Desire Of Love Dell’Antica Caledonia S Middleton/P Flanagan 55 GCH CH Gleanntan First Lady Of The Skyes Gleanntan Knl 34 GCH CH Kuhlbreeze Voice Of Reason D Ridley/D Divis/E Ridley 33 GCH CH Talakan Trumpeter Swan J Davis 19 GCH CH Gold River As You Like It K Sanders/W Sanders 18 CH Finnsky Pagan Poetry S Ahuja

(M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F)

Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers 554 GCH CH Doubloon’s Extreme Play E Landa 537 GCH CH Bryr Rose Phoenix Rising C Garrett 395 GCH CH Lochlinear Gleanngay Cha Ching P Mullin 198 GCH CH Mirikal Double Top Breakout NA NAJ S Mcgee 175 GCH CH Greentree Gold Charm B Mcdonald/K Mcdonald 153 GCH CH Shandalee Fireworks S Goldberg/H Goldberg/D Sealy/N Bailey 125 GCH CH Cuilinn Expresso Con Panna H Million 121 GCH CH Sundance Second Chance S Russo/F Russo 120 GCH CH Marquee’s Love The One You’Re With L Thompson/J Thompson/S Urquhart/R Urquhart 117 GCH CH Ainle Villanova Mouth Of The South CGC K Elliot (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)

Toy Group Affenpinschers

Holyr lyrood ood’s s Her Here e Come C omes s The The Son @ Bri Briart arton on 281 GCH CH Ho Holyrood’s Comes Briarton F Locke/J Francisco/R Marsh 252 GCH CH Whitebriar Jaw Dropper (Nzd) J Fraser 193 GCH CH White Oaks Invincible Snowplow S Meisels/G Meisels 192 GCH CH Ridgmar’s Just Joking Around D Cox Davis 166 GCH CH Ashgate U S Great Expectations L Pacheco/N Brown 160 GCH CH The Boss De New Gryffindor F Askin 145 GCH CH Plum Creek’s Hear Me Roar E Keener/K Mcdonald

(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

C hihuahuas (Long (Long Coat) Coat) Chihuahuas

989 GCH CH Matriart Lg Muffin A Paola Diniz/L Guilmerme Diniz Pretoni 894 GCH CH Jetstar’s Simply Outrageous J Chandler 595 GCH CH Lone Pine’s Boston Legal D’Ouachitah M Blank/C Eugene/L George 439 GCH CH Kokura Yama Jp Gold Medallion K Yama 431 GCH CH Bamboo High Sky II T Wachanahkunarkorn/U Littichaikun 370 GCH CH Bk’s Wild About Harry B Smith 298 GCH CH Winterfell Prince William Of Ludi Hill H Son 287 GCH CH Pollack’s Trace (Sanchez) C Totten 277 GCH CH Dazzles Scout’s Honor Promenade L Hughes 262 GCH CH Ouachitah Diamond In The Sky At Lone Pine J Finkel/M Blank/A Finkel/N Finkel

(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Staffordshire Bull Terriers 414 GCH CH Vomhausharrock Dondiegoredrock L Heimbuch/T Alberg 367 GCH CH Sylon Bruce Of Ringmaster M Darwish/J Miller 324 GCH CH Nazan’s I’M In Like Flynn J Irwin 243 GCH CH Roughnecks Masta Of Puppets J Massie 174 GCH CH Seenworstaff Lucky Me M Bryant/S Carter 170 GCH CH Massie’s Momma’s Boy (Iggi) C Addison/J Massie 159 GCH CH Prada Classic Aranisle At Donnellas P Briasco/P Briasco/R Hopkinson/D Hopkinson 130 GCH CH Cumhil Hell Raiser Z Smith 123 GCH CH Sikaistaff Dancing Devil T Lohr 120 GCH CH Challenger’s Honky Tonk Man R Mcgaugh/S Hill/T Boyle (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

384 GCH CH Yarrow’s Hi-Tech Ben There Done That W Truesdale/W Truesdale/L Wubbell 102 GCH CH Strongfort Opium Puffn Muffn L Carpenter/C Beaver/M Peat 90 GCH CH Seamonkey’s Bazinga D Nelson/D Nelson 63 GCH CH Airescot Sunset L Baker 57 GCH CH Vily’s Apolo Ohno V Hutton 47 GCH CH Tony Baloney V. Tani Kazari E Shoemaker/L Ferris 44 GCH CH Pramada’s Naughty Neville D Peat/Pramada Knl/L Carpenter 41 GCH CH Xela’s Party Tric D Wood/S Jones/D Hichborn/P Belmont 40 GCH CH Tamarin Tarheel A Shultz/G Shultz 37 GCH CH Collindale’s Kelly J Acton 37 GCH CH Xela’s Party Hat S Jones/S Hill/A Romero 37 GCH CH Tamarin True Grit S Biszantz

(M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)

Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) 1011 GCH CH Sonnus Filho (Sanchez) J Moses/J Moses/R Sanchez-Torres 533 GCH CH Jomey Benny Boo P Duong 478 GCH CH Kokura Yama Jp Darling Dartan K Yama 463 GCH CH Shorepointe’s Buddy Dazzler W Mccollister/J Ward/S Chavez/J Standish 324 GCH CH Genbrook’s Playin’ With Fire G Stiles/V Stiles 302 GCH CH Matriart Lg Louvre A Diniz/L Diniz Pretoni 301 GCH CH Ouachitah One Life To Give L George 229 GCH CH South Fork’s Sweet Harmony M Held 215 GCH CH Promenade Ring O Fire L Hughes 187 GCH CH Bolding Brinn G Bolding (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F)

Brussels Griffons 534 GCH CH Hilltop’s GQ Cover Boy P Brown 386 GCH CH Fist Face A Penny For Your Thought L Pagacz/C Pagacz/K Catterson 269 GCH CH Sunny Bear’s Sonic Boom At Shar’s S Massad/V O’Brien Humbird 199 GCH CH Windtrotter’s Von Fischer Justa Dorable P Fischer/D Hois 188 GCH CH Cashin’s Sizzling Bacon Bit F Cashin/C Ross 177 GCH CH Seagryphs Sleeping With The Anemone K Rogers/M Rogers/A Bernardin 167 GCH CH Homestead Zoey Of Treyacres St Johns Knl/E Hole 144 GCH CH Jo Li Drummer Boy B Hansen/B Strange 134 GCH CH Fist Face Reloaded L Vance/R Vance 83 GCH CH Hix Just The Way You Are P Hicks/G Hicks (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)

Chinese Crested 1192 GCH CH Kulana’s Sh-Boom S Frumkin/M Frumkin 1078 GCH CH Zen’s Cirque Du Soleil N Feldman 1013 GCH CH Dejavu I Want’A Talk About Me R Kusumoto/J Kusumoto 794 GCH CH Kaylen’s Kahlua V Dorris/K Peiser 425 GCH CH Koridawns In Your Wildest Dreams K Karraker 313 GCH CH Pammars I Got The Magic In Me S Giles/P Charen 264 GCH CH Egillo Z Teramonu A Lynn 238 GCH CH Palmetto’s Flying Dutchman B Kruse/G Kruse 234 GCH CH Country’s You Rock My World L Uselton/K Knoles 230 GCH CH Gingery’s Rhubarb A Butterklee (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Welsh Terriers 318 GCH CH Shaireab’s Bayleigh Maid Of Honor S Abmeyer/K Bailey/T Lee/X Xie 247 GCH CH Andover See-Z The Moment P See/J See 122 GCH CH Darwyn Here For A Good Time L Hotchin/S Cornick 96 GCH CH Sanherpinc Poporopo At Teritails T Lohmuller 79 GCH CH Darwyn Bruhil’s Flying Circus L Hotchin 73 GCH CH Abbeyrose Black Diamond J Anspach/M Duafala/P Allen 64 GCH CH Brynnmawr ‘N Seaplume’s Built Tough C Stevens/M O’Farrell 42 GCH CH Teritails Loyal Knight T Lohmuller 32 GCH CH Cambrian Supernova J Fox-Stephens/P Clark 22 GCH CH Malvado Thunder Storm P Clark/J Stephens (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M)

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels 1734 GCH CH Quail Garden Loch Lomond Deja Vu J Mittelman/K Subramanian 1286 GCH CH Piccadil’s Twist And Shout CD BN RE J York 951 GCH CH Orchard Hill Just Enough Luck C Darr/E Venier 903 GCH CH Kingly’s Clint Black Of Bekenhall J Herrington/F Hall 819 GCH CH Forestcreek Louisiana Lagniappe K Cline/D Cline/M Mayfield/K Chandor 786 GCH CH Miletree Carnival S Henry/B Henry 709 GCH CH Wandris Buttons And Bows G Reardon 495 GCH CH Manorhouse Right As Rain P Mccaslin 426 GCH CH Forestcreek Brass In Pocket M Mayfield/K Chandor 308 CH Mileslip Licorice S Skidmore/A Skidmore (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M)

English Toy Spaniels (Blenheim & Prince Charles) 265 GCH CH Loujon Thornwood Little Jacob K Miller/J Ward 162 GCH CH Sanchi Pleasant Surprise B Miller 64 GCH CH Dragon’s Lair Hoard Of Treasure I Cary 59 GCH CH Danaho’s Jack Of Hearts D Hopkins 39 GCH CH Maibee Orlando C Williams 37 CH Legacy Sparks Will Fly A Ream/D Stevens Lindemaier 31 GCH CH Sequel Martin Chuzzlewit D Cunningham 30 GCH CH Madde’s Dream Big D Bell/R Ekle 29 CH Magic Montanas X” Factor” M Rasmussen/D Rasmussen 18 CH Kd’s Still Rock N Roll To Me D Hill/K Lawrence (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)

West Highland White Terriers 717 GCH CH Tullybloom’s Classified Credentials P Cohen/C Cohen 309 GCH CH Trueheart’s Courage Danny Barker L Mclellan 304 GCH CH Glenns Monte Carlo W Falls (F) (M) (M)


English Toy Spaniels (King Charles & Ruby) 175 GCH CH Sirius’ The Red Saint B Maurer/P Cox/J Swanson/J Cox 135 GCH CH Lto Prosperity R Cole/M Landers/S Carter 57 GCH CH Novel All Aquiver S Hepler 36 CH Southdown Fait Accompli B Van Deman 30 CH Ashton Winmar Rags To Riches D Thompson/M Winters 20 GCH CH Marsward Miss Conduct J Swaine/M Tuesley 20 CH Kenjockety Luigi B Van Deman 16 Sirius Lee Hellzapoppin J Smedley 14 CH Southwycks Send Me Home J Dooley 13 CH Clussexx Too School For Kool D Johnson/J Hubbard/J Haverick (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)

156 GCH CH Edgewood’s Spot In The Bijou C Hill/J Bennett 113 GCH CH Divine’s Let Em Talk About Me A Stanberry/S Newton 112 GCH CH Rolling Glenns Little Miss Muffet A Glenn 99 GCH CH Divine’s Work Of Art K Kent/A Stanberry 97 GCH CH Scruffy’s-Validian Busy Buzzing Around C Landry/P Rogers/T Rowell 79 GCH CH Rhapsody N Cherub’s Oh So Henry T Mackenzie/K Mackenzie

(M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)

58 GCH CH Sunburst Fernando B Spencer/J Lockard


Pomeranians 1615 GCH CH Hitimes What The Inferno B Bird/U Littichaikun 1286 GCH CH Char’s Seattle Slew For Triple Crown M Lyons/C Meyer 748 GCH CH Kartellas Pressed And Mezhé™Rd Gold K Clark/M Clark 727 GCH CH Zeigen Aurora Australis C Solano/K Haddon 588 GCH CH Abbapoola’s Mr. Slice Of Life T Moynihan/D Brown/K Brown 586 GCH CH Starfire’s Spank Me Hard Call Me Crazy M Koga/J Fabian Arienti 396 GCH CH Moxiepoms’ Diego Gabriel Chavez N Panpruet 361 GCH CH Mythical Traveling In Style N Godbout 248 GCH CH Animation’s Marina L Vasuta/D Lane 220 GCH CH Cr Chase What Matters D Ford/P Fielder (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)

Manchester Terriers (Toy) 271 GCH CH Blossom’s Let’s Dance B Scott-Heim 258 GCH CH Cottage Lake’s Our Lady Of Fatima R Travis/M Chagas 141 GCH CH Burmack’s Highlander At Chesterfield K Levario/P Mackesey/J Burrows 115 GCH CH Bayside’s Beginning D Texter 103 GCH CH Baysides Cody Joy S Umlauft/D Texter 90 GCH CH Rustic Lane Sunshine Daydream C Horowitz/M Lee 75 GCH CH Rustic Lane Resident Evil At Fwaggle C Horowitz/A Kelly 53 GCH CH Fwaggles Pret A Porter CGC K Cornell/A Kelly/W Kelly 52 CH Maggical Roadwarrior L Dewey/P Dewey/C Williams/D Williams 49 GCH CH Burmack’s Tap That At Newbeg R Duncan/J Burrows (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F)

Havanese 1136 GCH CH Peluito’s Papi Chulo A Etzig/L Curtis 945 GCH CH Qbin’s Strictly Confidential At Enginuity A Liebing/A Welling 738 GCH CH Bellatak Vallee’s Maximum Dream K Patrick 729 GCH CH That’s Adorabull’s Dreaming Of You D Scheiris/J Chavez/D Scheiris/P Lucas/S Lucas 658 GCH CH Harbor’s Sky-Blue Pink C Field/H Bennett/B Call 548 GCH CH D’Va’s Second Star To The Right D Planche/D Hinkle 378 GCH CH Fuzzy Farm Wait Wait Don’T Tell Me S Lawrence/A Lawrence 350 GCH CH Surluv Lickin Larrgo De Grace D Heydt/E Heydt 327 GCH CH Prairiwind’s N Lordoc’s Marco Island L Jergenson 306 GCH CH Luv Bug’s Permanent Impression C Banitt (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Poodles (Toy) 449 GCH CH Pamper’s Cash In Hand B Elmer 447 GCH CH Donnchada Angel Wings At Dulcinea S Talkington/E Brown 397 GCH CH Smash Jp Beauty & Beat R Scott/D Burke 297 GCH CH Dalin Dreamy C Cushman 280 GCH CH Lomar Swag’s One Tin Soldier L Logli/T Meyers 242 GCH CH Arja’s Runway Beauty Y Aoyagi Tokura 181 GCH CH Donnchada Wink’s Touch Of Elegance T Winkleman/B Winkleman 157 GCH CH Kudos Fifty Shades S Svoboda/M Nilsson/F Nilsson 145 GCH CH Sharbelle Greg-Mar International Boy R Stevens/S Stevens/M Gregory 140 GCH CH North Well Vivian Jp Rose Queen T Sosnoff/M Sosnoff (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)

Miniature Pinschers 437 GCH CH Kimro N Spiva’s Super Trooper K Pastella Calvacca/R Greenslade/H Schwell/J Spiva 352 GCH CH Marlex Classic Red Glare A Angelbello/L Monte 342 GCH CH Marlex Kisa Wildfire K Noel/J Wilds/A Angelbello 313 GCH CH Dar-Rich Sirius’ Einstein V-Redbarns J Ward 289 GCH CH Risingstar Off The Hook P Shaw/J Shaw 260 GCH CH Blythewood Golden Warrior J Huber 198 GCH CH Flashfires Dark Shadow @ Spiva’S J Spiva/K Swilling 181 GCH CH Marlex N Marisol Bold Moves A Angelbello/M Hackett 176 GCH CH Pinnacole Hot Child In The City R Wang/D Stuckey 149 GCH CH Sidels Attitude Abbie J Siotto-Zwirn (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F)

Italian Greyhounds 838 GCH CH Donavin’s Caramel Macchiato D Davis/J Davis 392 GCH CH Voici Where There’s Smoke There’s Fire L Griffioen/K Gibson 330 GCH CH Trotwood July Fourth Rocket Of Bo-Betts P Swindell 308 GCH CH Gdm Zenyatta At Lakeside M Manning/D Snoble/J Kulic 300 GCH CH Marchwind Barbara Ann C Harris 286 GCH CH Liberty’s Gris Gris Creole Treat C Odom/T Mayers 227 GCH CH Integra Maja Scattered Pearls M Lucas/R Weyer/T Catterson 183 GCH CH Kashmir’s Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler! C Weatherhead 169 GCH CH Tebo Mente’ The Generals Dance K Thibeault/C James 155 GCH CH Bravehound’s Medal Of Honor At Windancer A Allen/P Allen/J Milko/D Milko (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M)

Pugs 1913 GCH CH Hill Country’s Tag I’M It C Koch 1378 GCH CH Winsome-Nirvana-Blaque Triple Play E Veltman/V Cox-Flatley/B Roberts 866 GCH CH Careva’s Boodelicious M Henricks/P Stoltz/R Stoltz 864 GCH CH Caper’s Sirius Endeavor P Fisher/C Fisher/J Rowell/L Rowell 820 GCH CH Charchen’s Billy The Kid C Griffith/E Griffith 650 GCH CH Pocket’s Jato Jetliner R Robles/J Bale-Woodside/W Woodside 613 GCH CH Bookmark’s Uncommonly Good P Caldwell/R Caldwell 531 GCH CH Brigadoon’s Shanghai Charlie L Bridge/J Bridge 307 GCH CH Prima Lucca Wishing On A Shoboat Tu K Rasmussen 261 GCH CH Moonstruck’s In The Pocket! C Koch (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Papillons 2122 GCH CH Involo The King Of Pop M Mosing/G Garofalo 1608 GCH CH Fenice Le Beaudreaux E Akers-Perry/M Perry/L Jaeger 1220 GCH CH Wildfire On The Record N Shaw/A Pickett/C Pickett 736 GCH CH Involo Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ M Mosing/D Garofalo/M Garofalo/G Garofalo 667 GCH CH Titian’s Risky Business R Navarre/M Navarre/T Mcintyre/C Fredrick 602 GCH CH Wingssong Singular Sensation P Jones/C Jones 505 GCH CH Medina’s Luck Be A Lady Tonight S Haber 325 GCH CH Mystery’s Question Mark J Widing/K Widing 282 GCH CH Brevette Oh So Coco J Ybaben 264 GCH CH Mgl-Isle Royal Ransom Of Vw B Winthers/C Peel/R Winthers (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M)

Japanese Chin 465 GCH CH Victory Spencer M Mc Cormick/M Cooley 432 GCH CH Touche’s Top Hat And Tails At Samskara C Rado/M Pollock/D Martenson 402 GCH CH Randalets Wok N In Sunshine W Schnarrenberger/M Schnarrenberger 335 GCH CH Touche’s Bravado R Wilson/D Martenson 224 GCH CH Chindale’s Anything She Wants J Stevens/M Wooldridge/V Adams 149 GCH CH Dojo’s Suikoden Tenmei D Jobe 140 GCH CH We-Syng Black Jack Luck B Czapor 111 GCH CH Chiboya Ni Kokoro Kitto Gimme A Riesen J Valentine 106 GCH CH Chinpen’s Sento-Ki By Cargeo C Peterson/M Trangmar 105 GCH CH Keepsake Touche’ Face To Face M Armstrong/C Armstrong (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)

Shih Tzu 812 GCH CH Hallmark Jolei Rocket Power P Shaw/L Ehricht/D Ehricht 460 GCH CH Zephyr Monogram Maybe Marilyn D Haley/C Williams/A Mcdearmon 414 GCH CH Symarun’s Endless Love C Randle/C Randle/A Carlson 356 GCH CH Ista’s Southern Gentleman R Marshburn 226 GCH CH Dancee I’Ve Got A Secret At Purple Jade J Danner/D Watson/R Watson 203 GCH CH Chatterbox Light My Fire L Lawrence/D Gerl 203 GCH CH Krissy’s Never Ending Dream J Miller/J Miller/L Lawrence 167 GCH CH Amitzu Tribute To Malala T Forman/M Forman/T Mcfadden 109 GCH CH Marja-Tu Chu’s Solar Flare K Kwait/M Stempel/J Stemple 95 GCH CH Jianzhuang-De Get Back Jo Jo F Govostes (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M)

Pekingese 385 GCH CH Pekeden Phd For Schuyler T Curley/D Bell 377 GCH CH Dunkirk Imagine That M Merrill/T Reese/R Winters 131 GCH CH Pequest General Tso D Fitzpatrick 123 GCH CH Oakhill’s Caught Red Handed K Cook/M Cook 106 GCH CH Sunn Yenn Uncensored Dachari D Cole 80 GCH CH Linn-Lee’s & Jenkar’s Makers Mark E Holcombe/K Crane 74 GCH CH Windemere’s Dance Fever J Thoms/M Schoos 66 GCH CH Deja Vu Michaelmas Game On S Armstrong/R Griffin 63 GCH CH Windemere’s Remember To Dream Taibel S Dublinski (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Maltese 512 GCH CH Rhapsody’s Someone Like You T Holibaugh/K Kasten 203 GCH CH Divine’s Tropical Breeze S Bingham-Porter 203 GCH CH Mollydear’s Schubert Impromptu V Yanez/S Rowe 177 GCH CH Sands Rs More Than A Crush J Ray/A Preuett (F) (F) (M) (M)

Silky Terriers 417 GCH CH Karisma Heart And Soul M Hodge/K Gilbert/M Gagliardi/P Laperruque 342 GCH CH Lamplighter’s Tattle Tail B Beissel/M Benson/J Aslett CONTINUED ON PAGE 218 216 CONTINUED ON PAGE

(M) (M)

Dog News 215

Survey Says... CONTINUED FROM PAGE 208

incentive ó and thatís not likely to be a representative slice of the national population. The two surveying companies tried to account for that. The methodology sections of the AVMA and APPA survey publications state that demographic information about panel members was used to adjust data from survey respondents to produce results that are valid for the U.S. population as a whole. For instance, if certain age groups of people are underrepresented among survey respondents, their answers are given greater weight when calculating survey results. But Dillman said dataweighting is highly reliable only when there are well-established correlations between demographic traits and the variable being surveyed. For instance, data-weighting in election-day exit polls works fairly well because the demographics of voting have been studied exhaustively. Pet ownership, he said, likely doesnít fall into that category. The upshot, Dillman said, is that both pet ownership surveys may be signiˇcantly biased. Ipsos, Irwin Broh and MySurvey.com, the panel used by Broh, did not respond to requests from the VIN News Service for more information about their techniques. Without more information, Dillman said it is impossible to assess whether one survey is more reliable than the other. ìI donít think a scientist can make anything out of it,î he said. Granskog at the AVMA acknowledged that the switch to online survey techniques may have accounted for some of the shift in its survey results. ìIt is certainly something we will be looking at as we move forward with the next survey, which will also be via an electronic sample,î she said by email.

SPECIFIC NUMBERS NOT ëGOD-GIVENí ndrew Rowan, chief scientific officer of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and a former director of the Center for Animals and Public Policy at Tufts University Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, has followed animal population numbers for years and is highly familiar with the discrepancies. They caught his attention even before the release of the latest figures with the largest variance. In 2008, Rowan convened a workshop in Houston involving the AVMA, APPA and others in an attempt to reconcile divergent statistics. In a report he distributed afterward to participants and subsequently shared with the VIN News Service, Rowan wrote: “…it was generally accepted that the AVMA pet population estimates from their quinquennial surveys are likely to be more reliable than the biennial surveys used to produce the APPMA demographic reports. This is because the APPMA is mainly focused on a detailed analysis of pet owner behavior and purchases rather than estimating national population trends.” (The report refers to the APPA as the APPMA because at the time, the trade organization went by the name American Pet Products Manufacturers Association.) A spokeswoman for the APPA said it could not comment on the meeting, but that the group stands behind its survey “100 percent.” Despite Rowan’s understanding that the AVMA results are likely to be more reliable, the HSUS presents APPA figures on its website. Rowan said that decision was made by his organization’s companion


“The APPA figures are useful for tracking trends in pet ownership, if not exact numbers of pets...”

animal section. “I’ve talked to them about it, but they do it,” he said in a telephone interview. “I don’t feel strongly enough about it to push for a change.” Rowan explained that the APPA report appeals to HSUS staff because it is updated more frequently than the AVMA’s and includes a variety of data. “It comes out every two years in a big, professional-looking book. It’s got lots of interesting information, so they use it,” he said. (Following the interview, Rowan reported that the HSUS plans to change the website reference.) The APPA figures are useful for tracking trends in pet ownership, if not exact numbers of pets, Rowan added. In the 2008 report, he wrote: “The reason these trend data are reliable is because the methods used were broadly the same each time the survey was done. Therefore, even though the APPMA data might overestimate dog and cat populations, the method would have the same bias towards overestimation each time.” He told the VIN News Service: “You don’t want to take each number as a particularly God-given number. You want to look at the trends.” Looking at APPA and AVMA data since their surveys began in the 1980s, he said, “Both show an increase (in pet ownership). But the AVMA data is much lower than the APPA data. I suspect the APPA is quite comfortable having it be high,” he added. “It serves their purposes.”

AS FOR THE CONFLICT BETWEEN THE AVMAíS latest ˇnding that pet ownership dipped and the APPAís ˇnding that pet ownership continued to climb, Rowan suspects the AVMAís two most recent results are the problem. ìIím fairly conˇdent their 2011 number is low, and their 2006 number is high, and the real number is somewhere in between,î he said. Why? Because looking back 20 years, he said, the surveyís trend line is ìalmost exactly parallelî with the number of households in the United States. Rowan does not believe the recent economic slump drove a downturn in pet ownership. The popular perception that many Americans couldnít afford to keep pets during the bad times, Rowan said, isnít borne out by databases tracking shelter activity. CONTINUED ON PAGE 230



*All Systems



The Dog News Top Ten List 132 GCH CH Wyncliff’s Wallstret Wonder D Baggenstos/R Baggenstos 99 GCH CH Anjo Blu’s Once In A Blue Moon P Gates 88 GCH CH Dorien Dancin’ On A Breeze D Weintraub 87 GCH CH Tumbelle ‘N Silkyence Eye Candy J Bell/V Bratton/S Bunnell 84 GCH CH Hullablu’s Hellzabob S Calestini 70 GCH CH Tawny Mist’s Thing For Bling D Renton/K Wilson 36 CH Lamplighter Bendill Tails I Win B Beissel/M Benson/J Dillman 35 GCH CH Double U’s Bit Of Texas Mojo W Harmon (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M)


Bichons Frises

Toy Fox Terriers 603 GCH CH Ultra Quest Go For The Gold NAJ W Howard 283 GCH CH Centennial Farms Catch Me If You Can W Bellamy 256 GCH CH Foxlair Hi-De-Ho Smokey Joe V Denney/E Ward 225 GCH CH Centennial Farms Celebration W Bellamy 163 GCH CH Snocrest Tom Boy S Noe 162 GCH CH Jane’s Christmas Gift J Reed 127 GCH CH Barbary’s Gold N Jewels S Thibodeaux 117 GCH CH Valcopy Gunslinger D Plonkey 113 GCH CH Starfox Stealing My Heart At Juslyn J Sutton/R Sutton/S Irwin 63 GCH CH Wesann’s God Of Thunder K Davis/A Davis (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M)

398 GCH CH Saks Winning Card S Ayers/C Ruggles/K Hanson/S Hanson 331 GCH CH Cher Ami’s Toast With Remy Martin D Mathog/R Mathog/R Wolfe 310 GCH CH Ecco Lormi’s True Grit Of Dove-Cote M Fahy/P Schafmayer/M Hyde/M Small 302 GCH CH Newtnine Crown Of Queen X Rui 253 GCH CH Belle Creek’s All I Care About Is Love P Odette/L Van Keuren/L Carlton/L Letsche 228 GCH CH Karmel’s Banana In Pajamas S Phillips 194 GCH CH Bodacious Moon Reflection G Blue 162 GCH CH Absolute Affinity Agape Bullet Proof S Kennedy/K Paulson/R Swindle/S Swindle 126 GCH CH Karmel’s Fairspride Lord Jasper E Fair/S Fair 115 GCH CH Kman’s Miss Fancy Pants N Pellegrini/K Andrew

(M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F)

Chow Chows 716 GCH CH Padow’s Twilight Embrey In A New Moon At A Sanders/K Williams/A Young 582 GCH CH Eastern-Magic Fly Me Safe M Fan/K Pratna 235 GCH CH Chowlamars Rebelrun Mr Kidd R Bailey/S Raposo/A Raposo 185 GCH CH Are-Jay’s Harlem Renaissance R Jackson/G Kantak 143 GCH CH Padow’s Too Hot To Handle R Sampson/K Willaims 106 GCH CH Redclouds Chowlamar Big Daddy R Bailey/Z Coogan 95 GCH CH Jenuine My-Sam Fair Hill Oriental Black Beauty L Leonzio/J Stroop 94 GCH CH Solo Sen Sei L Burr/R Burr/J Sedillos 80 GCH CH Flamingstar Some Like It Hot C Clapp 77 GCH CH Fortune’s All Eyez On Me M Heldt/K Wronski (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F)

Boston Terriers 1552 GCH CH Naughty Norteno’s Clik Clik Bang M Fish/K Norton 630 GCH CH Kennedy’s Bumble Bee V Kennedy/S Kennedy/W Walthall/T Starr 575 GCH CH Katbird’s Evolution Matters At Kayas A Hullender/A Hullender/M Lippert 545 GCH CH Ken’s Always Gets The Last Laugh K Roux/C Dickinson/B Dickinson 364 GCH CH Candar’s This Girl Is On Fire C Gerson/D Gerson/C Gerson 331 GCH CH Motif’s Unstoppable At Rio K Beskau/A Beskau/J King/K Bogenholm 324 GCH CH Danicrest Bullet’s Brunello’s Rare Essence M Brown/J Royce/D Butler/N Brown 309 GCH CH Deja-Vu I’M The Prince R Binder/D Brunning/D Pine 295 GCH CH Gumbo’s Stargazing At Northern Lights J Mangum/A Mangum/C Mcenaney 287 GCH CH Mtnview And Dorkays No Tell Motel C Jones (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)

Coton de Tulear 228 GCH CH Hopecrest’s Monkey Business CM14 A Dering 78 GCH CH Mi-Toi’s Icon CM L Ortiz/C Ortiz 72 CH Hayden De L’Etoile Procyon D Kuhn 67 GCH CH Dior’s Besame Mucho Morninglow CM2 L Machado/E Machado/D Simenauer/P Simenauer 54 GCH CH Lenny Vom Zotteligen Zomperl C Fox/M Engelking 51 GCH CH Just Incredible Chanel CM2 J Romano 45 GCH CH Dior A Votre Sante CM5 D Simenauer/P Simenauer 41 GCH CH Mi Toi’s Bark At The Moon CM M Amsden 40 CH James Madison Of Windcrest Cottage CM R Weidrick 39 GCH CH Hopecrest’s Raise Your Glass W Dior CM T Laitner (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)

Yorkshire Terriers 911 GCH CH Trio’s Big Shot K Goldfarb 410 GCH CH Rosemark’s Saint Or Sinner R Fett 322 GCH CH Carasel’s Valentino CGC T Cuchiaro 287 GCH CH Gotyorkies Dream High Stryker T Kulessa/K Lambert 269 GCH CH Stratford’s Rose De France B Scott 252 GCH CH D’Arleen American Idol K Vega/K Garcia 236 GCH CH Stringer’s So Amazing P Gregson/A Stringer 235 GCH CH Orwick’s Fast Break R Owen/A Stringer 216 GCH CH Fenway’s Hot Shot B Faunce 203 GCH CH Karma’s Promise Key-Per K Halbur/N Smith/J Huff (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Bulldogs 2673 GCH CH Dowats The Gladiator J Vasquez/R Jenkins/L Scott 1767 GCH CH B-Loved Nothing But Net B Love 1706 GCH CH Imperious Hamitup Southern Bell E Charles/Imperious Knl/Hamitup Knl/Hetherbull Knl 900 GCH CH Lil’ Boy’s Tennessee Trash J Lancaster/B Lancaster/S Lancaster/P Lancaster 869 GCH CH Just Lonestar Bright Lights Big City K Gordon 836 GCH CH Mousers Royal Regent D Mouser/R Mouser 672 GCH CH Cherokee Legend Cowboy C Sickle/C Chambers 596 GCH CH My Heart’s Bazinga C Pankhurst 572 GCH CH Kr Emperor Pyrus R Brown/K Anderson 487 GCH CH Low Rider Gimme Back My Bullets C Long/E Karshner (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Dalmatians 1495 GCH CH Spotted Bliss Oreo Delight D Brumfield/K Smith 645 GCH CH Kastle’s Go Speed Racer M Squire 542 GCH CH Merry Go Round Coach Master P Filho 512 GCH CH Planett’s Star Reporter B Kaplan-Barrett/E Barrett 455 GCH CH Erin’s I’M Your Man O Firuski/B Lyons/J Leyton/K Blanchfield 331 GCH CH Bret D N Troika N Engine Co Timeless J Bachey/L Maloney/J Shupp/M Zink 305 GCH CH Hallmark Turbo Charged Lexus T Mcdonald 272 GCH CH Centurion Anticipation Charming Dalfield E Lindhorst 254 GCH CH Blackflash Star’s Comet M Smith/J Mirro/E Mirro 240 GCH CH On The Spot’s Chase Me Charlie L Stevens/B Rose/L Brown (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)

Non Sporting Group American Eskimo Dogs 374 GCH CH Ducat’s Smokin’ Hot H Dorrance 144 GCH CH Sierra’s Hallmark R Sampson/S Schuldt 135 GCH CH Anana’s Magnificent 1 CGC S Strunk/K Strunk 97 GCH CH Anana’s Champagne Wishes B Brown 70 GCH CH Anana’s Look Into The Future K Strunk/S Strunk 63 GCH CH Nuuktok’s Atka Inukshuk S Robertson 61 GCH CH Emerald Citys Wildcard Winner K Oliversen 51 GCH CH Kodiaks Living It Up Nunavek J Smith 49 GCH CH Sierra’s Summer Celebration M Mitchell 44 GCH CH Artc Mgc’s Heart Of Hearts C Wood/J Wood (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M)

Chinese Shar-Pei 822 GCH CH Yu Kou’s Keep On Luvn U CGC G Schaefer 599 GCH CH Shine’s Deck The Halls D Cooper/R Cooper/L Teitelbaum/R Pentecost 568 GCH CH R-Lee Sparkle Plenty L Harvey/D Harvey 227 GCH CH Blurubein Aged To Perfection J Lockery/R Steinke 215 GCH CH Jade East Mission Into Space L Anders/E Minne 191 GCH CH Jade East Do You Know The Way To San Jose L Anders/E Minne 158 GCH CH Tzo Wen N Xin Jin Heart Of The Matter T Bohlke/B Lavere 127 GCH CH Kaitak Jolerob Yur Gonna Fly D Schuerman/T Ball/J Bradley 123 GCH CH Tzo Wen N Xiao Mai’s Rhythm Of Rio A Bauer 111 GCH CH Dot De Rides The Barbarian G Dodero/L Del Po/B Stoney (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M)

Finnish Spitz 276 GCH CH Dv9k9’s Red Hot Star A Bruce/E David 92 GCH CH Mickywins Mainio Skandia CGC P Urton 59 CH Suomi’s Set Fire To The Rain C Stone/D Stone 43 GCH CH Badgerden’s Bark Shadows M Badger/H Leftwich 34 CH Kita’s Ajuaq Drum Dancer J Boughton/H Houghton/A Bruce/V Horton 25 GCH CH Dv9k9’s Alaskan Winter Wilderness M Leathers/H Mak 25 GCH CH Skandia Keksi Chava Of Timanti RN D Urbauer 22 GCH CH Finkkila’s Jasmir De Jayenn L Carlson/T Walker 21 GCH CH Finkkila’s Tuk C Stone/M Walker 15 CH Kunniakas Whizz Bang Wallop S Krupski/B Krupski (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)


French Bulldogs 1707 GCH CH Lebullís El Morocco At Lecirque A Geremia 1619 GCH CH Bandogís Major League Homerun at TX Star N Shaw/C Stephens/A Phelan 1418 GCH CH Highwoodís Big Shot A Vorbeck/A Lee 1320 GCH CH Major Leagues Mighty Joe At Winsome L Jordan/J Jordan 1020 GCH CH Lionheartís Fortune Five Hundred J Miklos/M Miklos 903 GCH CH Fulla Bull Soulja Boy T Fagin/J Norris 683 GCH CH Divaís Bastille My Heart P Shaw 677 GCH CH Florestaís Luckdragon CGC K Parschauer/L Parschauer/J Burns 639 GCH CH Grandslam The Skipper P Tanjasiri/J Flowers 457 GCH CH Chambordís IíLl Not Be A Gentleman K Brott (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)

10 GCH CH Emma Tallulah Lonewolf L Hustad 10 CH Fleurette Lonewolf T Rousseau/P Rousseau 9 CH Neocles Aleksander K Conroy-Votca/L Afong 5 GCH CH Sakariís Bound For Glorie L Hustad/L Afong 5 GCH CH Cliffhunters Brinn K Dahlinger/K Woerner 5 GCH CH Maud Angelica Seacliff L Hustad 5 CH Fransiska Lundejeger Lonewolf C Nugent

(F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F)

95 GCH CH Dragon House Mr.Jones S Smith 92 GCH CH Cape Codís Catch Of The Day C Maxim 87 GCH CH Kumi One Ten Soldier P Peterson

(M) (F) (M)

Tibetan Spaniels 876 GCH CH Kan Singís Po-Ba-Ri At Arundina M Feltenstein/J Seppanen 313 GCH CH Shilo-Gracele Tennessee Tu Step J Guimbellot/S Carroll 219 GCH CH Lionheartís E-Z Always Betts On The River C Waddell 184 GCH CH Wassongís Riva Ridge CGC V Marks/P Sarles 172 GCH CH Ambrierís Rokirk Whatever Lola Wants D Kirkland/M Cosby Driskill 157 GCH CH Judoís Millions Of Happy Memories B Rodriguez/D Etchison 138 GCH CH Primah Moment In Time C Zieris/S Carroll 114 GCH CH Starlite The Gremlin S Lucernoni/M Lucernoni 111 GCH CH Kan Singís Tenzin M Feltenstein 106 GCH CH Shenanwood Fire And Brimstone C Bias Chaffee/W Chaffee (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M)

Poodles (Miniature) 520 GCH CH Rosebell Pzazz Perfectly Charming C Gauche/J Gauche 347 GCH CH Surrey Cherry Garcia K Wallen/K Hosaka 310 GCH CH Alegria Ashton Martin H Tyson/B Wood/L Berg 223 GCH CH Lavandaire Storybook Dreams J Haggett 220 GCH CH Rio Luci In The Skye With Diamonds C Chaddock/T Chaddock 201 GCH CH Bellefleetís Living In The Fast Lane A Reichertz 153 GCH CH Sandstorm Shaq Attack NA NAJ J Neal 151 GCH CH Black Sky Jukka K Smith/J Smith/I Semenschin 134 GCH CH Penhurst Careful What You Wish For C Hume/T Ghezzi/N Stephenson 124 GCH CH Horizonís Absolutely Me D Strumbel/T Glavan (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)

Keeshonden 836 GCH CH Skylineís Unit Of Measure K Cullen/S Cullen/J Gauchat-Hargis/J Hargis 296 GCH CH Daimlerís Caviar Dreams T Benz/D Benz 288 GCH CH Trumpetís Gimme Back My Bullets B Blankenship 283 GCH CH Sprookje Lunar Appellation S Sorice/M Sorice 283 GCH CH Trumpetís You Could Be Mine B Blankenship 217 GCH CH Twin Trees Shoot For The Moon K Evasuik 211 GCH CH Karolina Bonnyvale Wants To Be B Fowler/R Fowler 201 GCH CH Trumpetís No Questions Asked B Blankenship 151 GCH CH Karinaís You CaníT Stop The Beat V Louie/C Waddell 149 GCH CH Kjís Hot Date K Dowd (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Tibetan Terriers 365 GCH CH Kimikís Who Dunnit D Planche/M Demers/L Demers 297 GCH CH Auroraís Welcome To The Jungle D Haynam 186 GCH CH Barnstorm To-Jo BíEn Wicked @ Adominos By R Bailey/J Sheffield/M Lafler 185 GCH CH Geribob Salishan To The Manor Born T Titus/S Carr/R Hennings 145 GCH CH Bluvali Players Paradigm B Leonard/M Wikerd 132 GCH CH Zoji-La Tiesun G Mccullough/J Mccullough 130 GCH CH Regalia Delta Breeze At Zoji La J Mccullough/G Mccullough/J Chaix 114 GCH CH Salishan Alilah Bandito R E G Mattison/D Mattison/G Carr/S Carr 88 GCH CH Starlightís Lady In Waiting C Basgall/C Friemel 84 GCH CH Teeshas How Cute Am I Cedar C S Van Hecke 84 GCH CH Sashiís Love On The Run J St Arnaud (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (F)

Poodles (Standard) 2128 GCH CH Dawin Hearts On Fire L Campbell 1184 GCH CH Del Zarzoso Salvame From Afterglow S Barnett/G Lindemann/M Gadsby/J Lynn 631 GCH CH Byrequest Bon Mot W Penn 581 GCH CH Luminary Black Velvet Bejeweled With Pearls V Law/L Estaver 573 GCH CH Unique Da Maya Dancing Queen G Wolaniuk/A Shade/J Mcfadden 399 GCH CH Lakeridge Atalanta Summer In Paris D Jones/L Gorder 379 GCH CH Safariís This Side Of Paradise C Huff/J Haefner 310 GCH CH Litilannís Show Time J Kinsey/A Rairigh 307 GCH CH Unique Diamond In The Ruff S Witte 301 GCH CH Bar-None Picture Book N Wilson/D Johnson/J Johnson/J Bailey (F) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F)

Lhasa Apsos 177 GCH CH Ta Sen I WoníT Dance DoníT Ask Me J Glodek/C Williams/S Giles 177 GCH CH Ha-Lee Kiki-Ari Captain Morgan T Bagley/J Sauve/D Heller 169 GCH CH Rufkins Monarchs Love Bytes K Paju/R Lombard/J Bernards 167 GCH CH Sundancer Foxy Lady K Hamilton/T Horibaugh/T Worlton/M Worlton 162 GCH CH Red Foxís Strike It Rich S Cannimore/D Winslow 148 GCH CH Kumi Kian Strike A Pose T Mclaughlin/A Lanterman 142 GCH CH Shoyu Blowiní My Horn At Orlane M Papke/R Alexander 132 CH Black Boots Stars And Stripes L Friberg/A Friberg 101 GCH CH Ta Sen Swinging On A Star S Giles 99 GCH CH Monarchs The Messenger K Harrison/M Stafford (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M)

Xoloitzcuintli 393 GCH CH Bayshore Georgio Armani S Blanco/J Hanigan/L Hylton/T Johnson/J Baylis 292 GCH CH Himnotico Caliente CA CGC A Wise/K Wise 190 GCH CH Bayshore Stonehaven Espiritu Isabella De Ivoss D Voss 124 GCH CH Besitos Munequita T Vila/K Crosby 93 GCH CH Mistli (Avalos) J Young/C Loutzenhiser 84 GCH CH Blanch-Oís Carolina Herrera A Barfoot/D Mullusky Caponetto/J Caponetto 60 GCH CH Blanchoís Tonateuh M Moros-Sanson/Z Vonpohlman/D Mullusky Caponetto/J 54 GCH CH Besitoís Chimalli P Hoover/J Acton 47 GCH CH Bayshore Stonehaven Haute Couture J Miller/S Miller/J Hanigan 46 GCH CH Blanch-O El Es El Diablo En Disfraz CAX B Paul (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M)

Schipperkes 424 GCH CH Rivendelís Barefoot Bandit A Haltenman/S Brook 401 GCH CH De Lamer Point Break N Lazarowitz/D Mankovich 271 GCH CH Telstar The Way We Wanted It R Rollins/B Burke 171 GCH CH Bonchien Bee-Utiful Ba-Bee M Ryan/K Henry 132 GCH CH Bonchien Park Place M Dauven/J Outhet 120 GCH CH Daradanís On The Fast Track D Wilcox 116 GCH CH Mardeckís The Sorcererís Son E Layng/U Hutton 111 GCH CH Hobbiton Chatelet Elijah D Dellamonica/L Gilbert/R Dillman 106 GCH CH De Lamer Sea Ya At The Top J Giovinetti/R Stone/K Nuovo 102 GCH CH Tumbleweed Walkiní Streets OíGold J Moore/T Lucas (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Lowchen 159 GCH CH Sweetmeadows DoníT Make My Brn Iís Blu K Bumiller 150 GCH CH Paceaway Play It Again P Dyer/L Dyer/F Darling 68 GCH CH Boondockís Baileyís N Cream Musicbox J Davis/D Jones 63 GCH CH Madriglace Jj J Swindler/J Beckett 48 GCH CH Madriglace Gingery Jet Setter A Butterklee/D Roder 45 GCH CH Kismetís Roseland Mercedes V Ashford S Zemrak/K Fletcher 33 GCH CH Boondock Musicbox Donít Roll Those Eyes At J Davis/D Jones 30 GCH CH Charisma - Bare Tracks Flyiní High S Heckart/L Pettengill 27 CH Ikon Courvoisier E Iverson/L Harding/B Iverson 23 CH Suite Subterranean Supervisor J Degnan/J Mourning 23 GCH CH Musicbox Double Dare Dickens J Shepherd/D Jones (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Herding Group Australian Cattle Dogs 941 GCH CH Kokopelliís Sobe It J Rowland/H Warn/K Watkins/C Kurpas 450 GCH CH Studios Outlaw Tagalong PT V Fowler 437 GCH CH Stock Options What Goes Around Comes J Lewis/K Broster/R Mccall/R Sisk 375 GCH CH Taylryderís Dyn-O-Mite At Turnabout CGC D Thomas/T Wilkinson/D Mintzer 211 GCH CH Desperados Bless The Broken Road D Price/C Price/C Moore/R Moore 158 GCH CH Kelly Mt. Locked And Loaded D Heywood/A Vandiver 155 GCH CH Vistaís Wait For The Beep At Mgk J Owen/K Read 151 GCH CH Littleflock Stand My Ground HT G Todd CONTINUED ON PAGE 218 CONTINUED ON PAGE 222

Shiba Shiba Inu 542 GCH CH Lee-Fenís An Everlasting Love C Giffin/K Soafer/A Young 322 GCH CH Gold Strike Takachiyo Go H Dickey/D Dickey/T Arndt 183 GCH CH Morningstarís Dances With Wolves L Cribbs 179 GCH CH Morningstar Jack Sparrow Black Pearl M Peterson/D Peterson 148 GCH CH Kari-Onís Tommy Lee Jones D Chenoweth/T Houser 113 GCH CH Pendragon Take It To The Limit L Pendergast 98 GCH CH Tobishiís Heavy Hauler T Szabo (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M)

(F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Norwegian Lundehunds 45 GCH CH Frontpage Nils L Hustad 17 GCH CH Dusty Dawn Lonewolf L Hustad 11 GCH CH Rockdancers Ruby Tuesday K Rainesalo (M) (F) (F)


Dog News 219

The Dog News Top Ten List CONTINUED FROM PAGE 217


149 GCH CH Stock Options Bet Ya Didn’T See Me Comin’ J Lewis/K Broster/R Hutson/R Sisk 131 GCH CH Reddenblu’s Canadian Boy B Susen

(M) (M)

38 GCH CH De Vel Cy Pres’ BN HSAsc HIAc A Bath


Briards 271 GCH CH Deja Vu Mia Cool As A Cucumber T Miller/A Melton/D Dube/L Bernard 256 GCH CH Ne Orageux’s Flash Point M Millner/T Millner 143 GCH CH Mon Amies Georgie Porgie Puddin And Pie G Klang/K Klang 110 CH Hyssopp De Bejaune C Daniels/J Daniels/M Weitz 107 GCH CH Celebra’s Good Time Was Had By All C Leigh/J Feldman 102 GCH CH Majestique Brave Heart M Warcholik 96 GCH CH Deja Vu Elephant In The Room K Boettcher 64 GCH CH Mon Amies Garden Party K Klang/G Klang 41 GCH CH Deja Vu Popsakadoo Grin & Bear It J Epperson/C Epperson 32 GCH CH Deja Vu Mia Chain Of Fools J Holava/M Holava (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)

Australian Shepherds 1985 GCH CH Copperridge What’s Your Dream J Hanigan/J Miller/J Margeson 1327 GCH CH Collinswood Sparks Fly T Collins/J Plourde/K Mallory/B Rhoads 1150 GCH CH Mcmatt’s Autumn Breeze F Mcdaniel/J Loehr/V Wehrle 1121 GCH CH Wind Spirit Rod’s Amazing Grace M Bertero/C Bertero 1117 GCH CH Copper Hills No Reservations S Rapadas/N Resetar 1101 GCH CH Limelite’s Tenfold A Tavares/M Mullin 805 GCH CH Copperridge’s Debonair CD RA CGC J Miller/S Miller 564 GCH CH Bayoulands Capture The Flag CGC D Gunter/K Gunter/H Hadley/Y Leblanc 532 GCH CH Legacy’s Power Play S Ritter 410 GCH CH Tk Rocks Runnig Like The Wind S Ostrander/K Ostrander (F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Belgian Sheepdogs 235 GCH CH Morningstar’s All That Jazz Ma’Am C Copeland/J Fiechter 235 GCH CH Hobbiton’s Song Of Solomon Of Laralee L Gilbert 163 GCH CH Chargany’s Voyageur J Powers/J Powers 147 GCH CH Bonntymes Keepn It Real At Devine HSAs S Manier/B Leonard 112 GCH CH Sundown’s Nitemagic Just What I Do C Toma/D Toma 84 GCH CH Cibola’s Brazos De Dios Of Adagio M Andric/J Niemeck 79 GCH CH Sarron Simply Complicated CD RN CGC S Swabb 77 GCH CH Sans Brancos Stunned At Kindred RN R Chumblay/T Votava/D Ramsey 61 GCH CH Sans Brancos Fire Fighter HT A Jones/M Jones/T Votava 58 GCH CH Sarron Simply Three Times A Lady RN PT CGC E Dillon/B Dillon/S Swabb (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)

Canaan Dogs 87 GCH CH Pleasant Hill Magnum Of Samara P Rosman 38 GCH CH Rivroc Lycm Own Dream Bsnatch Rsndog C Miller/E Miller 37 GCH CH Rabbi Me Shevet Knaanim S Grider/C Grider/D Murphy 35 GCH CH Gemari’s 1st Hope M Banister/M Larsen 26 GCH CH Rivroc Onto Somethin Bsnatch Rosndog C Miller/E Miller 18 CH Hatikva Harvest Rain At Relic A Preston/A Geretz 12 CH Cherrysh Fire And Rain CD RE L Boyd 12 GCH CH Pleasant Hill Heavenly Daze K Shank/C Shank/D Dodson 11 River Rock Quite The Comedian R Prince/N Renteria 10 GCH CH Sufat Sheleg Ziva Bat Ash K Cabrera/C Cabrera (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F)

Bearded Collies 560 GCH CH Wigglesworth Thriller A Yura/D Mieras/S Ipser 367 GCH CH Ha’Penny Mirimar The Fab Fawn J Schneider/M Marini/V Null 349 GCH CH Classical’s My Turn CGC W Marciante/J Kempster/B Sawka 309 GCH CH Daybar For Your Eyes Only B Barton/D Frady/C Perron 186 GCH CH Dunhill Steeler Nation R Harrington/K Harrington/V Shafer/S Shafer 180 GCH CH Dreamchaser Strathearn Soulmate D Quadland/T Dixon/G Burdon 150 GCH CH Scott Ragtyme You Are The Music In Me C Wathen/L Zagerella/J Olivera/S Olivera/T Wathan 137 GCH CH Dreamchaser Follow Your Dreams C Desmond/J Desmond/D Quadland/T Dixon 112 GCH CH Briarpatch Just One Look CD BN RE PT OA L Campbell-Gracie/A Gracie/C Lamb 66 GCH CH Blu Chip’s Serendipity R Jeram/K Raleigh (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F)

Belgian Tervuren 520 GCH CH Sky Acres Maximum Altitude M Edling 302 GCH CH Stonewall’s Let’s Make It A Double V Havicon/R Skief 245 GCH CH Nizhoni’s Me First (T) CAA P Morgan/S Walker 238 GCH CH OTCH MACH Starbright Casino Royale VCD2 D Allen 211 GCH CH Sky Acres Flying Dutchman HSAs E Harding 139 GCH CH Mishaook’s Lautrec K Gauchat/J Pavlichko 118 GCH CH Chateau Blanc Olivier J Laurin/D Laurin/E Laurin 114 GCH CH Blackwater Peloton Federal Offense HSAs K Vent/L Fung 86 GCH CH Bilgay’s Eye Of The Hurricane CD RN OA OAJ R Grinsell/L Wetherell 83 GCH CH Starbright Winning Bet BN RN J Kroll/M Kroll (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Cardigan Welsh Corgis 1326 GCH CH Riverside Telltail Coco Posh D Planche/D Shindle/J Divens 426 GCH CH Allegro Southern Charm J Lamy 321 GCH CH Riverside Telltail Goldigger CA C Bossi/D Shindle/D Planche 310 GCH CH Kosmar Striking Back Of Bridgelady M Stahr/G Roach 283 GCH CH Blackdales Larkspur C Black/K Chandor 277 GCH CH Beaguile’s Suit Up F Beashau/J Beashau/N Willoughby 222 GCH CH Aubrey’s Tails Of Mystery C Savioli/V Savioli/S Hurst 208 GCH CH Ald’s Speed Racer RN CGC A Driver/I Driver 197 GCH CH Grangefield Aberdovey Vanity S Hobbs/S Stockslager/M Mizelle 177 GCH CH Yasashiikuma Lest We Forget S Camm (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M)

Beaucerons 218 GCH CH De Joie Du Chateau Rocher CA M Palmer 52 GCH CH Levi De L’Amouraudiere K Davis 39 GCH CH He’s The Man In BlkDU Chateau Rocher S Wilcox 38 GCH CH Holy Grail Mes Yeux Vigilants A Scott/S Bass 30 GCH CH Harmony Jewel Mes Yeux Vigilants A Scott/L Christopherson/S Bass 30 GCH CH Egypt Du Chateau Rocher J Watson 29 GCH CH Harbin L’Amour De Ma Vie NAP OJP CA CGC P Johnson/C Hartwell 17 GCH CH Isis Isis Baby Du Chateau Rocher CD BN RE J Bourell-Casey 14 GCH CH Glacier Bleue Souers Jumelles J Law 12 CH Heaven Sent L’Amour De Ma Vie CGC C Hartwell (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F)

Border Collies 846 GCH CH Tang Dynasty Rocky N Tang 623 GCH CH Wedgewood’s Abracadabra M Wall/D Degidio 312 GCH CH F Si A Ge Of Fu You Yuan Kennel J Mosing/J Li 306 GCH CH Sportingfields Quest For The Gold CD BN RN M Ingerson 279 GCH CH Sporting Field’s Heiress HSAs HIAs D Butt/D Einck/A Giles 217 GCH CH Lucky For You Gangster PT S Mcloughlin 204 GCH CH Avatar Bayshore Dare Ewe To Be A Hot Shot H Laskowski-Schramm/J Baylis 203 GCH CH Brittemar Sportingfields Right At Home N Mages/K Kaul/D Butt 198 GCH CH Shura’s Notorius Of Avatar A Mehrkam/D Mehrkam 186 GCH CH Wedgewood Voodoo Child D Pruitt (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M)

Collies (Rough) 631 GCH CH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger J Caruso/R Caruso 440 GCH CH Wyndlair Point Given M Stetler/A Stelter 400 GCH CH Clarion Nightline II J Evans/A Sanchez Corea/L Sanchez Corea 373 GCH CH Headline’s Soldier Of Light T Sutter 265 GCH CH Tartanside Savoir-Faire J Buddie 245 GCH CH Highcroft Worth The Wait D Jeszewski/L Jeszewski/J Belluomini 243 GCH CH Tallywood Radioactive N Anstruther/R Findlay 228 GCH CH Arrowhill Sword’s Held High C Lee/K Foster 227 GCH CH Oxford Fantasy’s Where Eagles Soar R Mondillo/D Holland 220 GCH CH Creekwood Hot Chocolate R Reed/V Reed Mehr/D Williams/T Wright/E Geldkop (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F)

Belgian Malinois 281 GCH CH Broadcreek’s Abbey Road S Legg/L Legg/M Kornfeld/E Kornfeld 124 GCH CH Isell’s Ivano Aka Zenvo CA BH E Antos/D Erspamer 73 GCH CH Tbears Life In D’Fast Lane BN RA HT CGC J Lasater 70 GCH CH Trisorts Summer Harvest HSAs L Knock/B Vitarelli 49 GCH CH Caveat’s Hd Ultra Classic Outlaw B Todd 44 GCH CH Burr Oak’s Rock My World OA AXJ OF L Wetherell/C Russell/R Grinsell 41 GCH CH Roulets Wild Allysum HSAs S Haase 40 GCH CH Alouette’s Prim And Proper Taliesen K Greenwood/S Mullinix/J Greenwood 38 GCH CH Alouette’s Lord Of The Rings S Mcsherry/K Greenwood (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M)

Bouviers des Flandres 596 GCH CH Stonepillar’s Steel Blu D Garrison/J Garrison/E Paquette 433 GCH CH Margaux’s Va Voom S Lyon 327 GCH CH Delux Jumpin’ Jack Flash CGC J Edick 163 GCH CH Bon Idee’s Love American Style RN CAA CGC J Moore/A Motta/D Sullivan 160 GCH CH Obvious Sonic Boom C Langley 134 GCH CH War Bouviator Ekabu’s Deringer @ Dewerker M Hood/T Hood/D Potter 121 GCH CH Brimar’s Rough And Ready M Bender/B Bender 120 GCH CH Calm Dajeen Jobu Almighty C Calm/B Calm 115 GCH CH Wise Choice Hercule Poirot CGC S Carter/S La Croix 111 GCH CH Take Aim’s Playing For Gryffindor CGC A Dimercurio/M Hieronimus-Dimercurio (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)


Collies (Smooth) 707 GCH CH Travler Kelise Overdrive R Tehon/C Ardizzone/E Miller 563 GCH CH C And J Silver Charm Of Chrysalis J Walburn/C Thompson 290 GCH CH Travler’s Nissan Rogue CD BN RN CGC R Tehon/C Ardizzone 260 GCH CH Alexy Handsome Devil M Skilton/K Provenzano/L Cohen 222 GCH CH Bit O Heavens Sorceress CD RN PT M Bergstraser/L Bergstraser/J Lafrenier 213 GCH CH Chrysalis Formal Wear PT D Waelde/R Waelde 210 GCH CH Ceilidh’s Deep River Haute Couture M Elliott/K Moll 209 GCH CH Jereco’s Satin Sheets C Sulewski/J Sulewski/C Sulewski/K Sulewski 208 GCH CH Bandor’s The Wyching Hour L Cox/J Bailey 185 GCH CH Chrysalis Ginger Snaps RN PT D Waelde/C Thompson (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F)

40 GCH CH Dyggur’s Twilight Jasper Of Glacier Point X Moreno/A Harwell 40 GCH CH Tri-Star Jord CD BN RE CAA RATO CGCA P Gaudette/S Thelen 38 GCH CH Caradoc’s Just Shy Of Heaven CGC B Williams/S Sucky 38 GCH CH Hidow Thrymheim’s Tryggur CGC S Terrant 32 GCH CH Frostfyre’s Roskur S Hartman/J Baylis 26 CH Lavandels Thorri V Barnes/L Ball-Gisch

(M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M)

14 CH Fryderyk Chopin Kontekst M Hirata/M Korzeniowska 12 GCH CH Bogdanka’s Existential Earl N Bogdanow 10 GCH CH Starpons Magical Mystery Tour Z Ponder Us J Gryck/B Gryck

(M) (M) (F)

Pulik 99 GCH CH Cordmaker Topsy Turvey C Tell-Collinge/S Huebner/P Kelly/B Hamilton 96 GCH CH Szeder’s Little Miss Sunshine A Coulman/B Brubaker/M Wakeman 92 GCH CH Zaydah Guns A Blazing R Dimatteo 68 GCH CH Fuzzy Farm If Not Now, When? S Lawrence/A Lawrence 65 GCH CH Wallbanger Fringe A Bowley/D Zeman/B Zeman 59 GCH CH Hamzabegi-Cimboram Buzavirag M Sweeney 47 GCH CH Mt Hood’s Leapin’ Linni Of Tordor B Stelz/G Stelz/B Hiett 47 GCH CH Wallbanger It’s All In The Genes S Schickedanz 47 GCH CH Szep Apati Angyal Z Kocsondy/K Kocsondy 39 GCH CH Piroskai Quite The Talk Of Pajkos P Erstling/I Fertl (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F) (F)

Norwegian Buhunds 179 GCH CH Jotunn Bella Binna V Eberhardt/J Bradstreet 119 GCH CH Hundehaven’s Kendall CGC C Lassesen/E David/S Martinez 101 GCH CH Jotunn Cheval Bayard V Eberhardt/J Bradstreet 26 GCH CH Jotunn’s Dashing Darwin RE V Eberhardt/M Kincaid 25 GCH CH Zodiac’s Little Kimura Loki D Schueller/C Gilgenbach 21 CH Thunderpaws Buddy L Higgins 14 GCH CH Port Gamble Fjord’s Anders V Eberhardt/B Daniels 10 Trollheimen Wisdom Of The World BN RN CGC M Aasmul 9 GCH CH Jotunn Gnipa Bergitta V Eberhardt/J Bradstreet 8 CH Trollheimen’s Iorek C Gonzalez-Loesch 8 CH Nordspetsens Kuzco L Higgins (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)

Entlebucher Mountain Dogs 90 GCH CH Larry Of Brunswick R Hahn/J Morro 46 GCH CH Jumanji V. Brunswick RA CGC T Lilliedoll/N Lilliedoll/R Hahn 45 CH Liberty Run’s Crime Writer A Wallace 37 GCH CH Applecreek’s Sigmund D Sumner/A Sumner 23 CH Neva Of Wildhorn K Kinney/D Dayton 23 GCH CH Liberty Run’s A Dash Of Sass A Wallace 20 CH Riverwest Asante CGC M Renger 17 CH Ladakh Of Brunswick K St. Onge 16 CH Pettier Von Adhem CGC J Lockhart 16 GCH CH Maribo Muffin Of Brunswick RA R Hahn (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)

Pyrenean Shepherds 232 GCH CH La Brise Sun Bear P Princehouse/K Laram 87 GCH CH Eclipse De La Petite Ferme De Wihr P Princehouse/E Edgerton 60 GCH CH La Brise Margot La Fleur CGC R Lennox 56 GCH CH La Brise Louis Quatorze J Steddom/P Princehouse 40 GCH CH Isaby De Terr-Blue D Clayton 36 GCH CH La Brise Special Agent K Rice/P Princehouse 24 CH Ioko Du Pic D’Espade N Sharpe/A Shepard 17 GCH CH Terra-Blue Ariege K Rice/P Princehouse 16 CH Chaparral’s Dusky Bear A Burnette 15 CH Gabizos Du Picourlet S Buttivant (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (M)

Old English Sheepdogs 392 GCH CH Lambluv’s Sultry Sensation J Marder/K Richardson 283 GCH CH Bugaboo’s Picture Perfect R Scott/D Burke/C Johnson/H Johnson 162 GCH CH Blue Denim’s The Designer E Fritts 161 GCH CH Snowdowne My Favorite Color Is Purple D Freiheit/C Grady/C Crawford-Gorath 147 GCH CH Bagatelle Rolling Moon Stone R Corbett/B Charest/J Charest 146 GCH CH Peek-A-Boo’s Onstar Cover Girl BN RN PT J Caplan/G Caplan 108 GCH CH Lambluv Elmknolls Dream Girl K Joe/N Winter 90 GCH CH Love’N Stuff Summertime Blues K Marshall/M Marshall 73 GCH CH Loehrs’ Island Bound D Smith 71 GCH CH Whisperwood’s Wild Horse J Wetzler/K Burdash 71 GCH CH Blue Panda Artaius CA L Barchenger/R Randall/L Long/D Rowland (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (F)

Finnish Lapphunds 124 GCH CH Sugarok Robert Redford L Marden 109 GCH CH Sugarok Shenya At Comancheria G Nunnally 72 GCH CH Sugarok Macce Too B Murray/L Marden 53 GCH CH Lumiturpa Tapakka M Feltenstein 41 GCH CH Sugarok Eminent Domain C Toth/L Toth/L Marden 38 GCH CH Yutori’s Shades Of Autumn L Drumm/C Pollack 31 GCH CH Yutori’s Winter In The Heart L Drumm/C Pollack 30 GCH CH Lapinlumon Xukulaku L Marden/S Lee/M Lee 30 GCH CH Calaban’s Armahani Ace Of Hearts G Vereen 25 GCH CH Sugarok Year Of The Dragon L Marden/S Cohen (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Shetland Sheepdogs 1805 GCH CH Grandgables The Frat Boy P Buckles/A Buckles/J Moses 884 GCH CH Serenity’s Walk In The Park V Weis 833 GCH CH Paray’s Preferential K Furlong/T Pittman 810 GCH CH Grandgables Jolie Victor Ludorum P Hannah/K Hannah 668 GCH CH Solange Onstar L Nicholas 490 GCH CH Jesstar Erovra L Baum/J Starbuck/L Baum 440 GCH CH Thunderhill’s Apple Bottom Jeans M Miller/M Miller 419 GCH CH Trelynn’s Something About Amy D Tresnak 410 GCH CH Solange Valedictorian L Nicholas 346 GCH CH Acadia Stage Presence C Pruss (M) (M) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (F)

Pembroke Welsh Corgis 1367 GCH CH Aubrey’s Moon River C Savioli/V Savioli 1154 GCH CH Coventry Just A Little Crush J Johnson/J Johnson/B Shelton/S Leyerly/B Williams 614 GCH CH Riverside Get Over It D Shindle/V Malzoni 481 GCH CH Nchanted Silk Lining C Braunstein 456 GCH CH Foxlore Xmas Kane Jareaux L Sawyer/J Wilcox/T Sommerson-Wilcox 448 GCH CH Coventry Fly Me To The Moon D Salow/A Geremia/K Foist/W Shelton 359 GCH CH Sundance Ringside Rumor K Janiszak/L Price/D Price 290 GCH CH Pennyshire Solid Alibi D Burk/M Burk 283 GCH CH Riverside Xtra Style P Panzarella/D Shindle 238 GCH CH Lionhart’s Educated Guess CGC D Royster/D Hartman (F) (F) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M)

German Shepherd Dogs 1000 GCH CH Lockenhaus’ Rumor Has It V Kenlyn P Mcelheney/K Boyles/D Stern/A Derose/M Derose 641 GCH CH Heidelberg’s Austin V Melissa J Schumacher 573 GCH CH Von Zecher’s Broken Arrow RN M Cressman/J Cressman 424 GCH CH Windfall’s Who Says V Chablis RN T Bartley/J Pyle/T Bogdanich/G Szymczak/P Szymczak 423 GCH CH Woodsides Megabucks J Duin/J Duin/S Anderson 393 GCH CH Wonderland’s Force Of Nature E Farrell/J Conely 333 GCH CH Hylowes Bitter Sweet Symphony CA J Tittl/T King 316 GCH CH Winsome’s Lil’ Bit Of Bearadice F Fasano/K Fasano 305 GCH CH Asgard’s Kierkegaard HT C Pottle/G Birch/E Ginsburg/T Ginsburg 302 GCH CH Windcrest Gun Powderd Led S Wendel/S Roudebush/L Wend (F) (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M) (F)

Swedish Vallhunds 178 GCH CH Minikota’s Medicine Man L Fisher/L Schaunaman 81 GCH CH Aswallens Lukas Lupin L Schaunaman/L Fisher 66 GCH CH Corval Bless Yer Cot’N Socks S Mullinix/S Keth 51 GCH CH Jaxonville Uusi Urbaanilegenda G Hall/L Fisher 48 GCH CH Solborg Loven Katherine Maija Lt M Gunderson/G Gunderson/I Underdahl 47 GCH CH Champoeg High Tales At Stillwater M Day/B Jette/C Vannoy 47 GCH CH Solborg Sophie Uma Av Luna Sea Lt HT CGC D Quick/M Quick 26 GCH CH Beidelyn Still The One St L Law/C Rolfe 21 GCH CH Solveigco’s Gustav Vasa At Akutchi C Sayles 20 CH Solborg Tom Bombadil I Underdahl 20 CH Hall’s Worth My Weight In Gold L Fisher (M) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (M) (M) (M)

Polish Lowland Sheepdogs 126 GCH CH Swan Crest The Power Of Love Eternal M Hirata/L Bettis/R Wolfe 73 GCH CH Stonebrook’s For Your Eyes Only B Wilson/M Cabral/W Lewis/L Lewis 50 GCH CH Snowhill’s Zak Misha Z Starpons CGC R Young/D Holloway/D Gray 44 GCH CH Starpon’s Chere Brigitte B Bruns/W Stamp/C Czerechowicz 37 GCH CH Ponadto Amarant S Heavens 15 GCH CH Sunshine’s I Feel The Love J Devlin/R Stillwaggon 14 GCH CH Ponadto Frykas K Kim (M) (F) (M) (F) (M) (F) (M)

Icelandic Sheepdogs 193 GCH CH Vinlands Leifur CGC J Sanders 108 GCH CH Isneista Alspora Snati Of Bayshore T Runolfsson/J Baylis 79 GCH CH Isneista Fjari C Smith 43 GCH CH Fox Meadow Hausti Solstafir D Whitescarver/J Secondino (M) (M) (M) (M)

Dog News 223


Cragsmoor Kennels, Reg. Skye Terriers Since 1972

Home of the Two Top Winning Skye Terriers In The History of the Breed Ch. Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie Ch. Cragsmoor Buddy Goodman


Recipient of the 2014 AKC Terrier Breeder of the Year Award


Q Eugene Z. Zaphiris Cragsmoor Kennels, reg. Matthew H. Stander Oyster Bay Cove, New York ezzaphiris@aol.com THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL


SwedishKennel ClubMuseum CONTINUED FROM PAGE 84

In 1986 they lost many of their dogs in a devastating ˇre at their home. Two of the successful that perished were the French Bulldog, Multi Ch. Pahling Corinthian, imported from England and who was Dog of the Year in Sweden in 1973 and the English bred Bulldog, Ch. Tygarth Lucifer, a Best in Show winner at all the major shows in the 1980s. To commemorate these dogs they commissioned Erik O. Stˆvling (born 1913) to paint their portraits and these are two from the many beautiful and historic pieces of dog art they bequeathed to the museum. Count Adolf Patrik Hamilton was the driving force behind the founding in 1889 of the Swedish Kennel Club. All were members of landed families and Swedish nobility interested in shooting over Pointers and Setters, so one of the clubís original aims was to establish a body caring for the pure-bred dog and nurture and preserve the breedsí original working ability. A link in the museum to the clubs beginning is the Countís personal writing accoutrements and other memorabilia that were donated by the Hamilton family. Two historically important pictures painted soon after the club was founded were both the work of Bruno Liljefors (1860-1939), Swedenís most inˇuential and commercially successful wildlife and animal painter from the late 19th/ early 20th century who kept a virtual private zoo of animals he used as models. One picture features the ˇrst Swedish champion made up in 1909, the Swedish Hound, Kling, owned by Captain Torstehn Kroplien. Fittingly, Kling was a descendant of Count Hamiltonís most famous hounds and the breed was re-named in 1920 the Hamiltonstˆvare in the Countís honour. This picture was one of lifeís fortunate ˇnds for an eagle-eyed observer noticed it coming up for auction in Stockholm. The other picture is of the ˇrst

two ˇeld trial winners in Sweden, both English Setters owned by Arthur Wendel. The blue belton is the English bred Ranger of Moors, winner of the ˇrst ˇeld trial in 1893 and the orange belton is Rangerís daughter, Loola, winner of the second trial in 1895 and also the 1896 and 1897 trials. It was originally loaned to the museum by Wendelís descendants to feature in an exhibition celebrating the centenary of the ˇrst ˇeld trial but in 2006 the museum was able to purchase it along with two silver cups won by Ranger and Loola. The earliest picture in the museum was bought by the club at auction as a gift to itself to celebrate the clubís centenary. A huntsman resting with three hounds, it was painted by the Swedish nobleman and portrait painter, David Klˆcker Ehrenstrahl (1628-1698), one of the most important artists of the period for his depictions of so many breeds and who was the favourite artist of the dog-loving Queen Hedvig Eleonora. It shows a huntsman resting with three hounds, the white hound is thought to be King Charles XIís favourite hound, Gallas. Carl Fredrik Kiˆrboeís (17991876) The Inundation tugs at the heartTHE DOG NEWS ANNUAL • 222

strings of all who see it. It is a sentimental and tragic mid-19th century picture, so popular at the time, of a Landseer Newfoundland bitch and her puppies on a raft being swept down a ˇooded river. Kiˆrboe made copies of his own work, including this picture, one of which is in a museum in Gothenburg and another is said to have been purchased by the French government in 1850. The Museum acquired theirs in 2008. All though was not lost for there is a much less well-known follow-up picture (not in the museum), where they have all arrived safely at shore. Setters and Pointers were at the very root of the Swedish Kennel Clubís founding, so it is ˇtting the museum has an impressive picture of Pointers. Painted by zoologist, sportsman and artist, Gustaf Swenander (1874-1952), the dogs have been identiˇed as the artistís own. In the foreground is Lord of Stockholm, born in 1891, who was descended from famous stud dogs from Germany and England and backing him is Pang, born in the mid1890s. Perhaps the picture that stirs oneís imagination of rural northern CONTINUED ON PAGE 224

Durandel Leslie Simis Roslyn Maner Beverly Simis

Breeder/Owner /Handler of Multiple Best In Show & National Specialty Winning Poodles

SwedishKennel ClubMuseum CONTINUED FROM PAGE 222

Sweden of the past is the S·mi boy sitting on a tree-trunk in an extensive landscape, his Lapland dog at his side. It was painted by Johan TirÈn (1853-1911) who captures the daily life of the S·mi people and also for their engagement in their social and political situation in society. Alongside so many works by artists who are important to the art world, the museum also displays works by lesser artists that are nevertheless equally important to the dog world. One that ˇts into this category is the ˇrst picture purchased by the Academy of two Bulldogs. It was painted by the 19th century British artist, Joshua J. Gibson and the rationale behind the purchase was to show the breed at the time of the breedís ˇrst standard in the 1870s. 20th century pictures of dogs that were important to their respective breeds include Airedale breeder and artist Richardis Sˆrvikís (1893-1975) picture of the blue roan Cocker Spaniel Ch. Valstar Craftsman; Axel Lindegrenís (1860-1933) double portrait of the Salukis, Sidi Asad Ben Gana and Sarona Sogna; the French Bulldog, Finnish Ch. Fleurette by Margit Aarni Aaltonen (1900-1980); the Irish Terrier Ch. Rowsley Betty by the American artist Gustav Muss Arnoltís (1858-1927) and the Dalmatians Int. Ch. Garrets Ice Cream Check Mate and Int. Ch. Annelunds Bessie painted by artist, actor and ˇlm director, Bror B¸gler (1908-1975), whose other work includes the Pekingese, Elise, pet of Swedenís Queen Louise and former US President, Lyndon B. Johnsonís Beagles. The Cocker was imported from England by Lilian ÷hrstrˆm in 1947 and became Swedenís most inˇuential sire of any breed; the Saluki, Ben Gana was in the ˇrst Litter of Salukis born in Sweden in 1926; Fleurette was the foundation female of Ulla Segerstrˆmís kennel; the Irish Terrier picture was one of four Muss Arnolt pictures bought by one-time Chairman of the Swedish Kennel Club, Carl-Reinhold von Essen, while serving as a Military-attachÈ in London during the Second World War and the Dalmatians were the foundation of Karin Gustavsson Annelundís kennel successes in the 1970s. In 2000 the Swedish Kennel Club commissioned Folke Bagger (born 1960) to paint a series of pictures and to com-

memorate the clubís 125th anniversary last year the artist donated to the club his portrait of the clubís founder surrounded by a group of mainly Scandinavian breeds. The most historically important three dimensional piece of art is a bronze head of a Pointer modelled on the head of Largo who was owned by William Arkwright. Attributed to Maud Earl (1863-1943), Arkwright took it with him when he went to judge at Stockholm show in 1906. There are no records of Miss Earl ever having worked in anything other than paint, so this could well be the ˇrst known sculpture by her and if so would rewrite the history books of Englandís most famous dog artist. Other three dimensional art and trophies includes a hunting group in porcelain of two riders on white horses with hounds from Italyís bestknow ceramic factory, Capodimonte; a bronze patinated bÈton (a fancy name for architectural concrete) of a Leonberger sculpted by Norwegian artist Brit Skajaa, a gift from

the Finnish Kennel Club to commemorate the Swedish Kennel Clubís 75th anniversary; an earthenware group of three Airedales by Aase CornÈer, and one of the most important and impressive dog trophies ever made. It stands nearly two feet high, is made in 22 carat gold and enamel with a cast Pointer in gold as the ˇnial to the cover and is mounted on a marble base with gold plaques applied. It was made by goldsmith K. Andersson in 1927, commissioned by Erik Akerlund and awarded to encourage young promising Pointers at ˇeld trials. If you are not fortunate enough to be able to visit the museum you can now enjoy it in its entirety in the comfort of your own home with a glass of your favourite wine via a sumptuously produced book written by RenÈe Sporre-Willes. It was published last year to celebrate of the clubís 125th jubilee. The book is priced at US $72 to include postage and is obtainable direct from the Swedish Kennel Club, details from info@skk.se. The text of the book is bilingual being in both English and Swedish.



Klinker Brick Winery Dog

Wilson Winery Dog for paraplegics and disabled people, about the possibility of training dogs to sniff out the vineyard pest. They donated $33,000 to test the theory, which began in late 2005 by training a litter of seven-weekold golden retrievers, selected because of their work with humans as guide dogs and other capacities, and for their detective work. ìThe puppies were trained to smell the mealybug pheromone,î said Honig, who called the cost ìminimalî in light of the millions of dollars in damage done to the Napa community. However, the initial group of dogs proved too clingy ó they could identify the scent of mealybugs but they wouldnít race out through the vineyard to the infected vines ó so a retriever from a line of hunting dogs was introduced and the mealybug pheromone ìsniffer dogî came into existence. ìThe dogs were very effective,î said Honig. ìWhen we discovered a certain area that had it, they were like a surgical team. They would go in and bark to announce. The big challenge was in covering the ground, because weíre dealing with hundreds of acres.î Though the dogs were effective in combating this speciˇc pest, Honig stopped using them about two years ago when an easier way to get rid of the honeydew was discovered ñ the Argentine ant, which likes the secretions and ˇghts off its predators. ìThe industry didnít know it existed at the time but that speciˇc problem has now been eradicated,î he said, in no small part to the handiwork of the dogs. Dogs have also been used to combat another costly nemesis of the wine industry: tainted cork. Wine Spectator reports that in 2007 up to 9.5 percent of Californiaís wine bottles were ìcorked,î resulting in a moldy, wet basement type of smell, CONTINUED ON PAGE 228

Kelham Vineyards Dogs

Balo Vineyards Dog ants to protect them, mealybugs feed on vines and ruin grapes by leaving heavy excretions of honeydew that forms mold and other disease. By the time that honeydew is visible to the naked human eye, it can mean that entire sections of a vineyard have been infested. Vintners spent tens of millions each year trying to eradicate them, which usually involved heavy use of pesticides and herbicides, detrimental for an industry and a culture trying to move away from using chemicals, and posing a huge threat to sustainable and organic farming efforts. As one pest-control adviser told The Wall Street Journal in 2007, ìItís like the war on terror. These guys are trying to attack our way of life and we need to neutralize them.î Dogs were successfully deployed to aid in the war on terror, and once again were called upon to help in the war on terroir. Michael Honig, president of the family-owned sustainable Honig Vineyard and Winery in Napa Valley, and a group of like-minded vintners didnít want to use insecticides and knew that early detection was the key to controlling the epidemic, so they contacted the Assistance Dog Institute (now the Bergin University of Canine Studies) in Santa Rosa, CA, which trains companion dogs CONTINUED FROM PAGE 89




due to the presence of into the tastthe compound 2,4, 6-triing room patio PHOTO BY LINDSAY GARVEY choloroanisole (TCA), which there are three or can turn a white wine yellow and a four dogs hanging out red wine purple. Once again, the canineís with their owners. When dogs are outstanding olfactory capabilities came to the happy, they make people happy.î rescue, trained to sniff out the TCA compound in An electric powered golf cart takes up tainted corks. By 2012, Wine Spectator put the to eight passengers on tours of the Honig percentage of Californiaís corked bottles at vineyard, with seats often occupied by dogs 3.7 percent, while other industry accounts place and others following behind it, a common the number as low as one to two percent. One sight on many vineyards. To wit, there are particularly stubborn Bloodhound with a two series of books ó Wine Dogs and Winhyper personality worked Napaís Cliff ery Dogs ó celebrating some of the cherLede Vineyards to prevent the loss ished canines that call the vineyard home. of small production bottles of Stags The books feature stunning photography Leap Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet of gorgeous canines at work and play Sauvignon and Claret that can accompanied by heartfelt testimonifetch over $120 a bottle. als, stories and observations from In vineyards all over the owner-vintners and celebrities, such world, dogs are used to ward off as this claim from the late Australian birds, deer and wild turkeys that winemaker Peter Lehmann, ìYou canít can decimate crops. Turns out, make good wine without a dog.î just about every breed or mixed These treasures make a welcome adbreed of dog imaginable can do dition to any library, wine cellar or the job, according to the online fowinery, and ˇne company while siprum winepress.us. Norwegian Elkping anything from Albarino to Zinfanhounds, German Shepherds, Doberdel. Famous wine critic Robert M. Parker, man Pinschers, Labrador Retrievers, Jr., dog enthusiast and founder of Wine Donati Basenjis, Treeing Walker Coonhounds, Advocate, writes in the foreward to Wine Family Redbone Coonhounds, and Roosevelt TerDogs California, ìÖI believe dogs are one Vineyard of Godís greatest gifts,î and ì...dogs are riers all received kudos from vintners, with one post summing it up succinctly: ìAny dog re- Dogs also an intricate part of vineyards.î ally can be a good ˇt for a vineyard.î ìThe dog books are the best selling item Though Honig no longer employs the sniffer in our tasting room,î said Honig. dogs, which were adopted, he still has winery While enjoying the nose of whatever dogs, a yellow lab whose likeness graces the is in your glass, be mindful and appreciacompanyís website and a rescue dog that both tive that the canineís nose and unwavering live on his animal friendly, sustainable vineyard. companionship helped put it there and will ìIím surprised how many dogs are brought hopefully continue to keep your glass full to the winery,î Honig said. ìEvery time I walk and your heart content. Cheers.


Survey Says... CONTINUED FROM PAGE 214


Another organization that uses AVMA and APPA data is the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the U.S. Department of Labor. In an article published last May, ìSpending on pets: ëTailsí from the Consumer Expenditure Survey,î the bureau obtained from the AVMA the proportion of American households with pets, and from the APPA, the total number of pets in the United States. Steve Henderson, chief of the information and analysis branch in the Consumer Expenditure Survey Division and author of the article, didnít recall noticing discrepancies between population ˇgures from the two sources. ìI did not use the information in a way that I needed to ˇgure out one number over the other,î he said in a telephone interview. Learning that the surveys produce inconsistent answers didnít surprise him, though. Henderson observed that surveys on household and personal spending conducted separately by his agency and by the U.S. Department of Commerce donít always yield consistent information, either. Thatís to be expected to some degree, he said, due to differences in the questions and when theyíre asked. Thinking about pets, Henderson noted that asking ìDo you have any pets COUNTING COMPANION animals appears to be difficult even now?î and ìHow many pets have you had durin a much smaller geographic region than the United States. ing the past 12 months?î could elicit different When the pet welfare advocacy organization Found Animals answers. set out to determine the population of dogs and cats in the In fact, the AVMA and APPA do ask about city and county of Los Angeles, it identified five sources of pet ownership in different ways. The AVMA asks figures. None matched. two questions: whether a household owned a “The estimated dog and cat populations for the City of pet on Dec. 31 of the previous year, and whethLos Angeles and Los Angeles County vary drastically and are er a household owned a pet at any point in the nearly impossible to calculate accurately,” states the report previous calendar year. (In summaries of survey published in 2009. results, it usually gives the number derived from “More specifically, dog and cat population estimates for answers to the Dec. 31 question.) APPA asks whether a household currently owns a pet. the City of Los Angeles range from the 200,000s to nearly Beyond the AVMA and APPA, no other or900,000 for each species. In Los Angeles County, estimates ganization attempts to tally the nationís pets range from approximately 700,000 to over 2 million for both regularly. cats and dogs.” The U.S. Census Bureau doesnít ask about The sources Found Animals consulted are the APPMA, pet ownership during its once-a-decade count the AVMA, the City of Los Angeles Animal Servicof the American populace. The Laes, 1-800-SAVE-A-PET and Zogby International. bor Department tracks pet ownership Gilbreath, executive director of Found Anionly peripherally through its Consum- “Either you mals, said she decided after that frustrating exerhave to er Expenditures Survey. ìWe donít that the only way to obtain reliable data for a be willing cise ask if people have pets,î Henderson specific community is to do one’s own survey. said. ìWe ask, ëDid you buy any pet to look at Found Animals has not done so, preferring to food?í ëAny trips to the vet?í î secondary spend its money on spay and neuter and adoption Asking about pets and pet ownersources, or programs, Gilbreath said. It makes do with secship ìwould be fun,î Henderson said, be willing ondary data such as pet product spending or the but the survey, which is conducted in to develop a number of pet supply stores in the community. person continuously through the year, “Either you have to be willing to look at secprogram to already is long. ì(It) takes about an ondary sources, or be willing to develop a program hour, so it would take longer,î which get the data to get the data yourself,” she concluded. potentially would add cost, he said. yourself...”

Five Tallies, Five Different Answers



IN ONE OF MY ERRANDs having to use a cab, the company sent to pick me up an elderly lady driver, this was supposed to be a short drive, and when in a taxi I like to travel in the front seat. I had no packages just my purse and an issue of the Dog News in my lap. The trafˇc was heavy and we got stacked for some time - time enough - for the driver take note of my magazine. îAha, this is a dog magazine, so

you like dogs,î she exclaimed. Short explanation and conversation (about dogs of course), the lady told me that she was from Uzbekistan (now this is different I thought) and that her patriotic parents had a big dog known by the locals as a Sarkangik Shepherd, (she pronounced Charkanjik), loved and pampered by the whole family. The dog was free to circulate not only around the house premises but inside the house as well - the kids beds


By Agnes Buchwald

included. We really had a nice talk, and needless to say that as soon as I arrived home, went to look after, and to research about the strange named breed (I had to take note of the name, as strange and rare as the breed itself). Thank you Mrs. Agnieszka (from all the names) for introducing me to the breed and consequently Uzbekistan - where ñif not for this casual conversation - I would never have gone. The Uzbek Republic, in Central Asia, is a presidential country. The capital, and largest city is Tashkent, the ofˇcial language is Uzbek (a Turkic language related to several other Central Asian languages, which are also spoken in western China). It is important to note that each country has its own dictionary, and do not believe that all of them speak the better known Russian/Slav language. Uzbekistan has an area of 447,400 square kilometers and according to the latest census the population is of 27,865,738 inhabitants. Humansí habitation in the country can be traced back from 55,000 to 70,000 years. When the 1st millennium BC arrived, Uzbekistan was already divided in powerful states. Before the Christian era old cities as Samarkand, Tashkent, and Bukhara were established, and turned into well known resting places along the great Silk Road*. The ˇrst known civilization was the Sogdian Empire conquered by Alexander the Great. Circa 150 BCE the land was occupied by nomad tribes who ended the CONTINUED ON PAGE 234




SARKANGIK SHEPHERD ñ U Z B E K I S TA N mostly over 5000 meters in altitude, and are dangerously narrow, with precipices dropping into deep ravines. A great part of Uzbekistan is taken up by the Taklimakan desert. The climate is cruel; in the summer daytime temperatures go from 110 to over 130 degrees or above, and in the winter the temperatures drop below minus 20 degrees. The passages crossing these mountains had given a lot of problems for the courageous travelers of the past. Uzbekistan is also member of The Region Initiative (TRI). TRI is a Tri-regional Umbrella of Tourism related organizations. TRI is functioning as a link between three regions----South Asia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe. The tourists traveling to this gelid country will be amazed by its peculiar beauty, and impressive landscape. Uzbekistan, situated on the ancient Great Silk Road between Europe and Asia, invites travelers to visit the marvelous cities of Bukhara and Samarkand, famous for their architectural richness and once a trade and cultural center. The History Museum of the People of Uzbekistan is a must-stop for anyone looking for the localeís history. Khiva has the Museum of Applied Arts. It exhibits ˇne woodcarving and metalwork of Uzbek and Turkmen artisans. Tashkentís most famous farmers market exhibits tons of spices, sacks of grains, candy, dairy products and bread, interminable rows of pomegranates, melons, and other fruits of the season. Looking for a souvenir one will ˇnd colorful sitting mattresses, various incredibly beautiful tapestry, caps, cloaks, and metal objects. This strange part of the world is the home of the powerful Sarkangik of Uzbekistan. The breed is considered a sub-type of the Central Asian Ovcharka, but it is a much stronger working dog, and older than the Russian breed. Uzbekistan has been frequently used by travelers, explorers, and merchants since the 4th century B.C emerging as the locale of the famous route from Europe to Asia, named by Marco Polo as the ìSilk Roadî. The shepherds of Uzbekistan have trusted their indigenous large dogs to protect their herds CONTINUED ON PAGE 248

Greek (Hellenistic) control over Central Asia, which around the 8th century CE was occupied by the Arabs who implanted Islam in the country. Centuries later the Mongol hordes of Genghis Khan invaded the area destroying cities and towns. In 1363 the Timurs (aka Tamerlane) occupied Uzbekistan expulsed the Mongols, established in the city of Samarkand and modiˇed its appearance imposing their particular architectural style and introducing their style of art work. The Timur Empire retained the power from 1363 to 1506. By 1920 the Russian Red Army was beginning the revolution, and in 1924 the leader Stalin took over, and divided ìSoviet Turkestanî creating the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic. Uzbekistan became a part of the union and was cooperating with Russia growing, and delivering cotton and permitting the installation at the most isolated regions for the Soviets to test their nuclear devices. The Uzbeks never were totally satisˇed with the communist politics and in August 31, 1991 Uzbekistan declared independence from the Soviet Union. Since this date until today Islam Karimov is the President of Uzbekistan. The ´ after Soviet ª government created many small farms to produce agricultural goods, but the land itself was owned by the state, and the farmers were in fact employees of the government. Today Uzbekistan is the worldís ˇfth

largest producer and exporter of cotton. The land is hostile, especially at the Gobi desert region, which has a harsh climate. Some of the highest mountains in the world such as the Himalaya, Karakorum and Kunlun ranges form the natural barrier separating Central Asia from the Indian sub-continent. Only a few slippery and narrow passes cross these ranges considered as the most difˇcult to cross in the world, they are



The Pot of Gold At The End... CONTINUED FROM PAGE 202

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they spend time observing other dog and handler teams performing animal assisted activities in a variety of settings: a hospital, library and school. In this way, the handler gets a sense of the depth and breadth of the programs offered by Rainbow. That better enables him to choose the kind of program in which he wants to participate with his dog. Rainbow programs span everything from basic therapy dog visitation at Level I to Level V where dog and handler teams work with children with behavioral issues such as autism or are in psych programs. In the case of Level V program work, dog and handler teams must have lots of skills and know lots of activities. ìThe handler next is asked to bring his dog to different settings where we can observe how he and his dog behave as a team,î Burrows says. ìIf they work well together, then they are asked to complete a 4- to 6-month internship. The internshipís length is determined by the difˇculty of the program in which the handler is interested in participating. During the internship, the team is mentored by an experienced dog and handler team who teaches them things like how to position the dog next to a hospital patient, how to have a patient walk the dog without tripping on its leash and how to plan activities to accomplish goals. ìAny handler who wants to work in a hospital setting also is asked to complete our two-part hospital training program. The ˇrst part focuses on the handling skills needed in a hospital environment. The second part is conducted in a hospital medical training classroom, which duplicates a patient room. During the second part, the dog and handler team work on things like how to greet a hospital patient appropriately, how to get the dog on and off a bed as well as various animal activities suitable for visiting a patient in a bed.î

ˇ ˇˇˇˇˇ wíˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇesponse Unit is an ofˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇ ˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ to ˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇ a bow or touch a noise buzzer on the handlerís command, itís more desirable if the dog also will take directions from a participant. When working with autistic children for example, we stress activities where the children give commands to the dog when verbalization is the goal.î The total number of points the dog earns during retesting determines the level of program difˇculty in which the team may participate. ìYearly retesting is required because dogs change over time. Eventually, participating at a particular level of program difˇculty may begin to tire them. In that event, we might suggest the handlers try a different program thatís not quite as stressful for the dogs,î Burrows says. Any new skills the dog and handler learned during the past year, as a result of additional course work, also are assessed during retesting. ìIf they learned a lot of new skills, then the handler might be asked if he wants to move up to a more difˇcult program level,î Burrows says. Rainbowís all-volunteer, animal assisted activity programs are open to any breed of dog from Chihuahuas to Great Danes as long as the dog is at least one year of age. Any handler at least 18 years of age may participate as well. For more information, those interested may visit the organizationís website at http://www.rainbowaat.org/

ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇ ˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˇ

In order to be registered and authorized to continue working in any of Rainbowís programs, all therapy dog and handler teams must be retested yearly. During retesting, each dog earns points for the animal assisted activities it will perform for its handler and additional points for those it will perform for someone else. ìWhile itís great if a dog will take THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL • 236

Annual Retesting



Brood bitch, old friends, new friends, visitors from afar, long time members, rst time attendees, Awards galore, Multi-level Performance, Sportsmanship Award, Veterans, 25 year members, members remembered, tears and memories all in one week.” Quite a leap from the initial club meeting with seventeen Bouvier fanciers. The specialty began on Saturday October 25th with Herding at RottiEwe Farm in Wright City, MO with Sheep judged by Debbie George and Ducks judged by Joyce Norris. On Sunday October 26th the judges switched assignments. On Saturday, High Bouvier in Trial – sheep – was La’ Perla’s Genevieve HSAS CGC bred by Pam Garrey and owned by Mary Sloane and Mike Sloane. Reserve High Bouvier in Trial – sheep – was GCH War Bouviator Ekabu’s Mercury v Dewerckers RE HSAD bred by Debbie & Steve Potter, Tom & Denise Hunse and owned by Kim Morissette. High Bouvier in Trial – ducks – was Flanders eld’s Kimmicki RN PT bred by Jim & Dianne Underwood and owned by Leslie Houttuin and Kim Morissette. Reserve High Bouvier In Trial – ducks – was CH Rock Run’s Lillies Of The Field BN RE HSADC HSASM NJP CGC bred by Kathleen Miller and owned by Kim Morissette. During the second trial on Sunday, in sheep the High Bouvier in Trial and Reserve High Bouvier in Trial repeated their performances from Saturday. In ducks, High Bouvier in Trial was GCH Eclipse Be Careful What You Wish For CD GN RE HIAD HXASC OAP NJP bred by Deborah Eckles and Jean Nocilly and owned by Jean Nocilly. Reserve High Bou-

vier in Trial was GCH Frontier Just Do It BN RA HIAD HXAS NAP bred by Lucy Peacock and Lee Calhoun and owned by Jean Nocilly. Carting tests were held outside on the Purina grounds on Monday and Tuesday. On Monday, Julie Cramer judged and eight Bouviers quali ed in Novice Draft Dog and three quali ed in Draft Dog. On Tuesday, Kim Markwell judged and there were three Bouvier quali ers in Novice Draft Dog and four in Draft Dog. The judges were delighted with so many quali ers as they are both Bouvier owners. Agility trials were held indoors at Purina on Tuesday and Wednesday both judged by Bob Jeffers from Odessa, FL. Twenty-four Bouviers took part in these All Breed


Trials. High Bouvier in Trial trophies were awarded each day with Caliente del Sol du Matin OA AXJ OF owned by Matthew & Leslie Helge, handled by Matthew winning on Tuesday and GCH CH I’m Special Inspired Design CDX BN RE owned and handled by Leslie Shimp taking the trophy on Wednesday. There were 16 qualifying Bouvier runs on Tuesday and 13 qualifying Bouvier runs on Wednesday. This was a record number of qualifying Bouvier teams. Obedience took place inside the Purina Center on Wednesday with Virginia “Ginger” Kinion as judge. Trophies were awarded for High Scoring Dog in Regular Classes and High Scoring Champion of Record in Regular Classes. Both went to CH Delux Rhinestone Cowboy CD owned by Sharron & Erick Lux. When Obedience was nished Rally took center stage with Charlotte Mielziner from St. Charles, MO judging. The trophy for High Combined Score in Advanced B and Excellent B Classes went home with Jean Nocilly and her dog “Callie” GCH Eclipse Be Careful What You Wish For CD GN Re HXAsc HIAd OAP NJP for two great performances with scores of 99 and 98. Tuesday morning, Dr. Dana Ann Smith-Massey judged the puppy and veteran sweepstakes. Dr. Massey is AKC 2012 Sporting Group Breeder of the Year. Her dogs carry AKC VCD1, TDX, SH with MH legs, All-Breed High in Trial in Obedience, and over 85 AKC performance titles plus several WCA Versatile Excellent designations. Quiche’s Next Generation owned and bred by Elaine & Louise Paquette won Best in Sweepstakes. Best of Opposite in Sweepstakes went to Bon




Idee’s Made You Look CGC bred by Brenda Watson, Angie Motta & Nancy Hewitt and owned by Sandra Mestyanek, Angie Motta and Brenda Watson. Best in Veteran Sweepstakes was GCH Bon Idee’s Garden Party bred by Angie Motta and owned by Dayle Sullivan & Angie Motta. Best of Opposite in Veteran Sweepstakes went to CH Warwick’s Fire in Becketts Eyes bred by Karen Florentine & Jessica Sheridan and owned by Karen Schydlowski, Tammy Greer & Jessica Sheridan. Also on Tuesday morning, Mrs. Karen Hynek judged the 4-6 Puppy class. Mrs. Hynek has bred and shown seven German Shepherd champions and continues to show her German Shepherds. There is no doubt that she found the promise in each puppy brought to her to evaluate. Her Best 4 to 6 Month was Puppy Dog, Margaux’s Lone Ranger bred and owned by Sandi Lyon and Best of Opposite 4-6 Month Puppy Bitch was Galheights Bemmy Stelvio bred by Sophie Galland and owned by Sophie Galland, Patrick Mel & Elaine Paquette. Susan Vroom judged Futurity at the Purina Center on Tuesday afternoon. Susan came to her assignment with long history of Bouviers and an understanding of the “thoughtfulness and effort of each breeder and owner that goes into every entry.” Susan is an AKC Executive Field Representative and a long-time member of ABdFC. Susan awarded Best Dog in Futurity to Bon Idee’s Mark My Word bred by Brenda Watson, Angie Motta & Nancy Hewitt and owned by Susan Upcraft & Angie Motta. Best Bitch in Futurity was CH Bon Idee’s Made You Look bred by Brenda Watson, Angie Motta & Nancy Hewitt and owned by Sandra Mestyanek, Angie Motta and Brenda Watson.

On Wednesday evening, the ABdFC’s Top 20 event was held in the Founder’s Room at Purina. This annual event is both a celebration and recognition for the hard work and accomplishments of the breed’s top performers in the conformation and performance arenas, as well as the dedicated breeders who have produced these ne Bouviers. The evening began with the Bouviers who have risen to the top ranks of performance events including herding, agility, carting, rally and obedience, being individually presented to spectators in person and through a full color catalog including a photograph, pedigree and a biography of each dog’s accomplishments. It is especially rewarding that each year the participation of this diverse group of performance dogs increases. This year’s Top 20 Conformation Bouviers were judged by a three-person panel including Carmen Battaglia, representing All Breed Judges, Michaelanne Johnson, representing Bouvier Breeders, and Paul Catterson, as our handler judge. The 2014 Top 20 Conformation competition winner is Am/Can GCH Intl CH Zegen van Vlaanderen CGN, bred and owned by Brian R. and Owen X Gunther of Quebec, THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL ¥ 240

Canada. Heartfelt congratulations to Zegen and each of the Bouviers who quali ed for the event. Thursday evening Auction committee rose to the challenge started last year by the Texas Auction Committee and surprised the audience with three “guest” auctioneers. Doug Johnson, Frank Dreyfus and Scott Anderson, dressed as The Three Musketeers, lead the audience through a variety of items for auction, a number of which were donated by past members or past owners of Bouviers. Beautifully displayed, the items included a gorgeous sterling silver Bouvier motif necklace handmade by Tony DiGiorno and several pieces of original artwork used for The Illustrated Bouvier. There were a number of beautiful paintings and one of Nancy Villwock’s photographs on canvas. The evening ended with a successful fundraiser and quite a few leaving with their one of a kind treasures. Thursday, October 30 began at 10 am, with the regular classes. Judge Patricia Hastings began with many entrants in the Dog and Bitch Classes. Winner’s Dog was Galheights Amazing Big CONTINUED ON PAGE 246



enowned judge Jane Forsyth will award Best in Show honors at the 2015 show, on Thursday, October 1, on the grounds of Colonial Park, in Franklin Township, NJ. The next Morris & Essex Kennel Club show features a total of 80 AKC judges. Group judges are as follows: Sporting Group: Karen Wilson, Hound Group: Patricia Trotter, Working Group: Klaus Anselm, Terrier Group: Desmond Murphy, Toy Group: Peter Green, NonSporting: Johnny Shoemaker, Herding Group: Dorothy Collier, and Miscellaneous Breeds & Group: Randy Garren

SOMERSET, NJ - The curtain rises on one of the dog show world’s most carefully guarded secrets: Morris & Essex Kennel Club President Wayne Ferguson, due to overwhelming requests, has decided to release the judge’s list months earlier than in past years. Best in Show from the first Morris & Essex revival show

SPORTING American Water Spaniel Boykin Spaniel Brittany Chesapeake Bay Retriever Clumber Spaniel Cocker Spaniel Curly-Coated Retriever English Cocker Spaniel English Setter English Springer Spaniel Field Spaniel Flat-Coated Retriever German Shorthaired Pointer German Wirehaired Pointer Golden Retriever Gordon Setter Irish Red and White Setter Irish Setter Irish Water Spaniel Labrador Retriever Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Pointer Spinone Italiano Sussex Spaniel Vizsla Weimaraner Welsh Springer Spaniel Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Wirehaired Vizsla HOUND Afghan Hound American English Coonhound American Foxhound Basenji Bassett Hound Beagle Black and Tan Coonhound Bloodhound Bluetick Coonhound Borzoi Dachshund English Fohound Greyhound Harrier Ibizan Hound Irish Wolfhound Norwegian Elkhound Otterhound Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Pharaoh Hound Plott Portuguese Podengo Pequeno Redbone Coonhound Rhodesian Ridgeback Saluki Scottish Deerhound Treeing Walker Coonhound Whippet

Christine Calcinari Christine Calcinari Christine Calcinari Elliot Mor Elliot More Terry Stacy Jeffrey Pepper Mary Ann Alston Lorraine Bisso Elliot More Paula Nykeil Elliot More Elliott Wess Paula Nykeil Jeffrey Pepper Lorraine Bisso Anne Bolus Anne Bolus Mary Ann Alston Michael Falkner Michael Falkner Elliott Weiss Doug Johnson Christine Calcinari Paula Nykeil Paula Nykeil Lorraine Bisso Doug Johnson Doug Johnson

WORKING Akita Alaskan Malamute Anatolian Shepherd Dog Bernese Mountain Dog Black Russian Terrier Boxer Bullmastiff Cane Corso Chinook Doberman Pinscher Dogue de Bordeaux German Pinscher Giant Schnauzer Great Dane Great Pyrenees Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Komondor Kuvasz Leonberger Mastiff Neapolitan Mastiff Newfoundland Portuguese Water Dog Rottweiler Saint Bernard Samoyed Siberian Husky Standard Schnauzer Tibetan Mastiff TERRIER Airedale Terrier American Staffordshire Terrier Australian Terrier Bedlington Terrier Border Terrier Bull Terrier Cairn Terrier Cesky Terrier Dandie Dinmont Terrier Glen of Imaal Terrier Irish Terrier Kerry Blue Terrier Lakeland Terrier Manchester Terrier Miniature Bull Terrier Miniature Schnauzer Norfolk Terrier Norwich Terrier Parson Russell Terrier Rat Terrier Russell Terrier Scottish Terrier Sealyham Terrier Skye Terrier Smooth Fox Terrier Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Staffordshire Bull Terrier Welsh Terrier West Highland White Terrier Wire Fox Terrier

Robert Stein Ronald Menaker Robert Stein William Shelton Joan Anselm Jack Ireland Patricia Sosa Ronald Menaker Joseph Gregory William Shelton William Daugherty Joan Anselm Joan Anselm Glen Lajeski Debra Thornton William Shelton Ronald Menaker Joseph Gregory Ronald Menaker Debra Thornton Joseph Gregory Debra Thornton Joyce Vanek Robert Stein William Shelton Robert Stein Joseph Gregory Joan Anselm Joseph Gregory

“We are releasing the names in October because, for the first time in Morris & Essex Kennel Club history, we are nearing 100 breeds holding specialties and supported entries and want to M&E Best in reward their enthusiasm Show Trophy with the early announcement of the judge’s lists,” Mr. Ferguson announced today. The silver trophy tent is recreated at the current show/

Abby Shaw Robert D. Smith Robert D. Smith John Reeve-Newson Kent Delaney Howard Atlee Mrs. Robert D. Smith John Reeve-Newson Robert D. Smith Carol Reisman Luis Sosa Carol Reisman Espen Engh Michael Dougherty Helen Stein Gayle Bontecou Espen Engh Gayle Bontecou Michael Dougherty Helen Stein Michael Dougherty Kent Delaney Mrs. Robert D. Smith Frank DePaulo Helen Stein Gayle Bontecou Mrs. Robert D. Smith Michael Dougherty

James Reynolds Peggy Beisel Seymour Weiss Elizabeth Sweigart Richard Powell Rebecca Pool Kenneth McDermott Kathleen Ferris Elliott Weiss Rodney Herner Richard Powell Wood Wornall Kenneth McDermott Seymour Weiss Rebecca Pool Geraldine Kelly Rosalind Kramer Betty-Anne Stenmark Betty-Anne Stenmark Kathleen Ferris Robert Black Peggy Beisel Lydia Hutchinson Lydia Hutchinson Michael Buckley Sue Goldberg Robert Black Richard Powell Edd Bivin Michael Buckley


TOY Affenpinscher Brussells Griffon Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Chihuahua Chinese Crested English Toy Spaniel Havanese Italian Greyhound Japanese Chin Maltese Manchester Terrier Miniature Pinscher Papillon Pekingese Pomeranian Poodle Pug Shih Tzu Silky Terrier Toy Fox Terrier Yorkshire Terrier NON-SPORTING American Eskimo Dog Bichon Frise Boston Terrier Bulldog Chinese Shar-Pei Chow Chow Coton de Tulear Dalmatian Finnish Spitz French Bulldog Keeshond Lhasa Apso Lowchen Norwegian Lundehund Poodle Schipperke Shiba Inu Tibetan Spaniel Tibetan Terrier Xoloitzcuintli HERDING Australian Cattle Dog Australian Shepherd Bearded Collie Beauceron Belgian Malinois Belgian Sheepdog Belgian Tervuren Border Collie Bouvier des Flandres Briard Canaan Dog Cardigan Welsh Corgi Collie Entlebucher Mountain Dog Finnish Lapphund German Shepherd Dog Icelandic Sheepdog Norwegian Buhund Old English Sheepdog Pembroke Welsh Corgi Polish Lowland Sheepdog Puli Pyrenean Shepherd Shetland Sheepdog Swedish Vallhund

Evalyn Gregory Ruth Pereira Vicki Abbott Glen Lajeski Elaine Lessig Sari Brewster Tietjen Sari Brewster Tietjen Doug Johson Sari Brewster Tietjen Luc Boileau Rodney Herner Elaine Lessig Marjorie Tuff Luc Boileau Jacqueline Stacy Dennis McCoy Chuck Winslow Chuck Winslow Vicki Abbott Elaine Lessig Vicki Abbott

MISCELLANEOUS BREEDS AND GROUP Randy Garren (Breed List as per AKC which may still be Miscellaneous as of Oct 1, 2015) American Hairless Terrier Azawakh Belgian Laekenois Dogo Argentino Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen Kooikerhondje Norrbottenspets Peruvian Inca Orchid Portuguese Podengo Pumi Sloughi SPECIALTIES AND SUPPORTEDS - 97 SPECIALTIES BY GROUP : 30 SPORTING American Pointer Club Anthracite Brittany Club Cocker Spaniel Club of New Jersey English Cocker Spaniel Club of America Irish Water Spaniel Club of America Nutmeg Weimaraner Club Spinone Italiani Club of America HOUND American Black and Tan Coonhound Club Mid- Jersey PBGV Association WORKING American Boxer Club Black Russian Terrier Club of NorthernNJ Cane Corso Club of America Newfoundland Club of America Potomac Valley Samoyed Club TERRIER American Sealyham Club Bedlington Terrier Club of America Bull Terrier Club of America Parson Russell Terrier Club of America Philadelphia Kerry Blue Terrier Club United States Lakeland Terrier Club Welsh Terrier Club of America TOY American Brussels Griffon Association American Pomeranian Club Delaware Valley Pug Club NON-SPORTING American Bulldog Club, Div. I American Eskimo Dog Club of America French Bulldog Club of America Xoloitzcuintli Club of America HERDING German Shepherd Dog Club of America Spanish Water Dog Club of America Supporteds by Group 67 SPORTING American Chesapeake Bay Retriever Club Eastern German Shorthaired Pointer Club Eastern Irish Setter Association Field Spaniel Society of America Garden State Golden Retriever Club Gordon Setter Club of America Hudson English Setter Club

Irish Red & White Setter Association Jersey Skylands Labrador Retriever Club Keystone English Springer Spaniel Club Mid-Atlantic Flat Coated Retriever Club Mid-Jersey Labrador Retriever Club Vizsla Club of Greater New York HOUND Afghan Hound club of Northern New Jersey American Foxhound Club American Whippet Club Greyhound Club of America Knickerbocker Dachshund Club Pharaoh Hound Club of America Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of the United States Scottish Deerhound Club of America WORKING Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Watchung Colonial Rottweiler Club Dogue de Bordeaux Society of America Garden State Great Pyrenees Club Garden State Mastiff Fanciers Great Dane Club of Raritan Valley Komondor Club of America Leonberger Club of America Portuguese Water Dog Club of America TERRIER Airedale Club of America American Cesky Terrier Fanciers American Fox Terrier Club American Miniature Schnauzer Club Border Terrier Club of America Cairn Terrier Club of America Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club of America Glen of Imaal Terrier Club of America Irish Terrier Club of New York Miniature Bull Terrier Club of America Norfolk Terrier Club Norwich Terrier Club of America Raritan Australian Terrier Club Rat Terrier Club of America Scottish Terrier Club of America Skye Terrier Club of America Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of America Staffordshire Terrier Club of America West Highland White Terrier Club of Northern NJ TOY American Chinese Crested Club American Maltese Association Chihuahua Club of America Delaware Valley Havanese Club Empire Miniature Pincher Club of Greater New York Meadowlands Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club Pekingese Club of New jersey Watchung Mountains Yorkshire Terrier Club NON-SPORTING Finnish Spitz Club of America Lenape Boston Terrier Club Tibetan Terrier Club of America Watchung Mountain Poodle Club HERDING American Shetland Sheepdog Association Caanan Dog Club of America Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club of America Collie Club of Northern New Jersey Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of the Garden State Puli Club of America

Chuck Winslow Jacqueline Stacy Jean Hetherington Jean Hetherington Randy Garren Randy Garren Jacqueline Stacy Edd Bivin Luc Boileau Patricia Sosa Marcy Zingler Randy Garren Chuck Winslow Luc Boileau Dennis McCoy Luc Boileau Marcy Zingler Luis Sosa Michael Dougherty Chuck Winslow

James Frederiksen William Daugherty William Daugherty James Frederiksen Linda Robey Linda Robey Linda Robey Linda More Charles Trotter Charles Trotter Linda More Stanley Saltzman Marjorie Tuff Linda More James Frederiksen James Moses Stanley Saltzman James Frederiksen Joyce Vanek Stanley Saltzman Charles Trotter Linda More William Daugherty Marjorie Tuff Charles Trotter



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THE BOUVIERS ARE BACK! Jay bred by Sophie Galland & Normand Poirier and owned by Sophie Galland & Guylaine Savoie. Reserve Winner’s Dog was Bon Idee’s Mark My Word bred by Brenda Watson, Angie Motta & Nancy Hewitt and owned by Susan Upcraft & Angie Motta. Winner’s Bitch was Galheights Always Kilimandjaro bred by Sophie Galland & Normand Poirier and owned by Sophie Galland, Monique Marinelli & Andre Rohpre RWB was Donlee Coco Chanel bred by Sherry Hold, Susie Olivera & Jorge Olivera and owned by L. Watson, R. Donnelly, S. Olivera & S. Sprading. Best Bred By was Winners Dog. Best Puppy was Reserve Winners Bitch. The Best Junior Handler was KayCee Klang showing GCH Bon Idee’s Luck Of The Irish O’Riley CA. Club business was addressed with the Annual Meeting on Thursday afternoon including installation of ABdFC President, Dennis Craig and two new Board members – Sherell Guichard-Thomas and Angela Motta. Dennis thanked outgoing Board members and Susan Costanzo, outgoing President, and stated that he is looking forward to the upcoming year. The specialty continued on Friday with the Best of Breed Competition followed by the Veterans and Working classes. Ms. Hastings awarded Best in Specialty to GCH Margaux’s Va Voom bred by Sandi Lyon and owned by Dr. Megan Rheingans Michael & Sandi Lyon. Best of Opposite Sex was GCH Obvious Sonic Boom bred by Cindy Langley and owned by JR Gabbert & Cindy Langley. Best of Winners was the Winners Dog. Select Dog was GCH Stonepillar’s Steel Blue bred by Bruce & Diane Hamm & M J Sears and owned by Juliana & Daniel Garrison & Elaine Paquette. Select Bitch was CH Bon Idee’s Made You Look bred by Brenda Watson, Angie Motta & Nancy Hewitt and owned by Sandra Mestyanek, Angie Motta and Brenda Watson. Award of Merit winners were CH Valkin’s Dante Too bred and owned by Nancy Valaske, GCH Wise Choice Hercule Poirot bred by Kathy Wise & Nancy Wilder and owned by Susan Carter & Suzanne LaCroix, CH Delux Leap Of Faith bred and owned by Sharon & Erick Lux, GCH War Bouviator Eukabu’s Deringer @ Dewerker bred by Debbie Potter, Tom & Denise Hunse and owned by Michael & Theresa Hood & Debbie Potter, CH JBB’s We Could Have It All bred by Patte Klecan, Yvonne Savard & Ray Waterman and owned by Cindi Christman & Patte Klecan, CH Obvious Torrid Affair bred and owned by Cindy Langley & JR Gabbert. Best Novice Owner Handled winner was GCH I’m Special Knock Out Blue CGC bred by Patricia Murray and owned by William & Patricia Webb. Best Veteran was CH Joyalens Zealous Riley Rebel RA CD CGC TT bred by R. & J. Allen and owned by Rebecca & Tim Robbins. Friday evening was the Awards Banquet. Among the many awards were several unique presentations. The 2014 National Specialty Multi - Level Performance Winner was CH CHDD Adara’s Jubelen Jedi VCD2 UDX VER RE PT MX MXJ XF DD BH THDX CGCA VBCH. Owner: Chris & Anne Jurey & Leslie McFarTHE DOG NEWS ANNUAL • 246

land. Handler: Chris Jurey. Reserve was GCH CH Eclipse Be Careful What You Wish For CD GN RE HXAsc HIAd OAP NJP. Owner/Handler: Jean Nocilly. The coveted 2013 ABdFC’s AKC Outstanding Sportsmanship Award, nominated and voted on by the membership, was presented to Nancy Eilks. Nancy Eilks is a strong advocate for honoring the performance abilities of the Bouvier. She established the Multi-Level Performance awards and managed the rst tracking trials at the specialties. Nancy served in various Of cer, Board and Committee positions including two terms as President and Show Chairman for the ABdFC. She is active in Judge’s Education as a breeder judge and chairs the ABdFC Register of Merit, ABdFC Trophy and the Ways and Means Committees. The person who nominated Nancy said, “Nancy’s most important attribute for our Club is her love and commitment to our breed and this Club. Always stepping up when needed, always offering to help, and always extending her hand, while for many years, working at a ‘regular’ job, developing her own well known bloodline and always maintaining her dedication to this wonderful breed. Her honesty and integrity deserve the utmost respect.” Nancy was moved by her selection and graciously accepted the award. And so it was with the 2014 National Specialty. We celebrated the dogs with the recognition that was exempli ed by many years of dedication to the breed and we enjoyed renewing old friendships and making new ones.


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from predators for more than 3000 years. They never interfered with the selection or ever controlled the dogís natural breeding. Probably descending from the Alabai, the Sarkangik had also inˇuence of other breeds as for instance the Persian Mastiff, the Mongolian Shepherd, and the Russian Ovcharka. These dogs certainly enforced their resilience and courage. Other outcrosses contributed for ensuring the preservation of the best working qualities of the breed. The Sarkangik is one of the most valued dogs of the country because it has reliable temperament, is smart and intelligent, and is well-adjusted to the harsh temperatures of the locale. The Uzbekistan Shepherd Dog is separated in two types according to the duties they perform. The one called Torkuz is a heavier, enormous mastiff whose head is broad, the bones and muscles are very strong and are used as guard and defense dogs (unfortunately as ring ˇghters as well). The other type is not as tall or as heavy as the Torkuz, but is as strong and powerful as the other, and its duty is to drive and defend the herds, seldom used for ˇghting. Crosses between the two types are frequent but regardless of the differences the Uzbekistan Shepherd Dog is an impressive Mollosser, appreciated for its calm temperament and

gentle ways around people, proving themselves as excellent family partners for selected, strong and patient owners. Instinctively territorial and alert toward strangers, these enormous dogs are not vicious or aggressive, instead they are trustable and obedient, yet serious and mostly for their impressive appearance intimidating guard and watchdogs. Due to their size and temperament (also for being naturally deˇant with other dogs) early socialization and responsible handling is of great importance. This healthy and resilient breed requires a certain amount of exercise, and likes to have some task to be occupied with. The ears

and tail can be seen either cropped or in their natural state in Uzbekistan. The dog is slightly longer than tall. The ribs are well sprung and let down to, or slightly below, the elbows. The chest is broad and deep. The line of the back declines very slightly downward from broad, muscular, prominent withers to a strong, broad back with a straight upper line. The loin is short, broad, muscular and slightly arched. The croup is broad, long, muscular, and slightly sloped. Tuck-up is moderate. The skin is thick and elastic. The coat is fairly short, but very thick and densely undercoated, usually a bit longer during the winter months. Many colorings exist, but most dogs are either whitebased with patches of darker shades or mostly black, brown, grey or fawn with white markings. Average height is around 32 inches, although smaller shepherds, as well as taller mastiffs, can be found. Our dear readers can ˇnd the complete Standard at the United Kennel Club breeds section under the Central Asian Sheepdog title. *The Silk Road was a network of trade routes formally established during the Han Dynasty of China which linked the regions of the ancient world in commerce. As the Silk Road was not a single thoroughfare from east to west, the term ëSilk Routesí has become increasingly favored by historians, though ëSilk Roadí is the more common and recognized name. Both terms for this network of roads were coined by the German geographer and traveler, Ferdinand von Richthofen, in 1877 CE, who designated them ëSeidenstrasseí (silk road). The network was used regularly from 130 BCE, when the Han ofˇcially opened trade with the west, to 1453 CE, when the Ottoman Empire boycotted trade with the west and closed the routes. (Ancient History Encyclopedia).



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No-Kill Shelters... CONTINUED FROM PAGE 80

cracking down on substandard commercial breeders who activists say supply the puppies that pet stores sell.” Thatís why Siegel says she was shocked a year ago when she learned the Davie Town Council was considering a law that would ban stores from selling dogs. The ban, she says, would put her out of business. After Siegel brought her case to the council, the bill was rejected. But in at least 30 other communities in Florida, local governments have passed similar bans ó most of them in the past three years. Bans on dog sales in pet stores have also been adopted in California, New Jersey and other states. The laws are aimed at cracking down on substandard commercial breeders who activists say supply the puppies that pet stores sell. Michele Lazarow is clearly a dog lover ó she has three of her own. She has led the effort to stamp out pet store dog sales in South Florida. She says the laws are intended to encourage pet stores to follow the lead of national chains like Petsmart, Petco and Pet Supermarket. None sells dogs; instead, they promote adoptions through shelters and rescue groups. About 10 years ago, Lazarow bought a pet store puppy that developed a chronic illness. That opened her eyes about where pet stores get the puppies they sell, she says. ìAll stores ó 99 percent of them ó sell whatís called puppy mill dogs, or large-scale commercial breeder dogs,î she says. ìYes, theyíre USDA, but that means nothing, as weíve come to see.î That phrase ó puppy mill ó is loaded and controversial. Lazarow says it includes any large-scale breeding operation that places monetary value over the welfare of the animal. Itís a broad deˇnition, one often applied to any breeder who sells dogs to pet stores. Those breeders are all subject to annual Agriculture Department inspections. But animal welfare activists, like Cori Menkin of the ASPCAís Puppy Mills Campaign, say the inspections donít amount to much because federal regulations are too lax. ìThe regulation of breeders is so poor that all it really does is give consumers and the general public a false sense of security that their dogs are coming from a humane environment when theyíre not,î she says. Menkin says her group, the American Society for the Pre-

vention of Cruelty to Animals, is working to put pressure directly on breeders. It posts USDA inspection reports that show breeder violations on its website. A ban on pet store dog sales would put additional pressure on an industry that she says has been slow to change. There are many, though, who disagree, including the American Kennel Club, which opposes bans on pet store dog sales. Patti Strand, president of the National Animal Interest Alliance, a group that works closely with the AKC, says commercial breeders have improved practices in recent years ó progress that she says is ignored by activists. ìThey assume everybody who is selling dogs to pet stores and every pet store that sells them are engaged in some kind of horriˇc puppy mill kind of operation,î she says. ìThatís not only not fair, itís not true.î In Miami, the city commission recently adopted a six-month moratorium on new pet stores selling dogs while it studies a permanent ban. The future of these bans, though, may be decided not by local governments, but by the courts. Lawsuits ˇled by pet store owners are pending in Florida, Illinois and Arizona.

“They assume everybody who is selling dogs to pet stores and every pet store that sells them are engaged in some kind of horrific puppy mill kind of operation,” she says. “That’s not only not fair, it’s not true.”



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