Dog News, January 15, 2010

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DogNews The Digest Volume 26, Issue 2

Of American Dogs $5.00

January 15, 2010

All Systems

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Group Winning

Ch. Kan-Point’s Leading The Chase



Our sincere appreciation to Judge Ms. Patricia Laurans for this exciting win.

Owners: Richard & Linda Stanley

Breeder/co-owner/handler: Lucretia Coonrod

10 ♦ Editorial


January 15, 2010


18 ♦ The Chairman’s Report BY RON MENAKER

22 ♦ Question Of The Week BY MATTHEW H. STANDER

26 ♦ A Rational And Intelligent Response To “Pedigree Dogs Exposed” BY JOAN C. HENDRICKS

30 ♦ Brace Yourself BY ANDREW BRACE

34 ♦ Bests Of The Week 38 ♦ Ten Questions BY LESLEY BOYES

42 ♦ Dog News Top Ten List 46 ♦ Dog News Top Ten Best Of Breed List 58 ♦ The Comforts Of Home BY NICK WATERS

62 ♦ Sirius About Dogs BY CECILIA BARNETT

66 ♦ Remembering Steve Huneck 68 ♦ Make A Difference BY WILLIAM MILLER & SHARON NEWCOMB

70 ♦ Off The Leash BY SHAUN COEN

72 ♦ Land O’ Lakes, Reactions And More BY MATTHEW H. STANDER

102 ♦ The Gossip Column BY EUGENE Z. ZAPHIRIS

110 ♦ Click – The Kennel Club Of Palm Springs BY EUGENE Z. ZAPHIRIS

120 ♦ Click – The Way We Were BY MICHAEL GROSSMAN

122 dog show calendar • 126 handlers directory • 128 subscription rates • 130 classified advertising • 132 advertising rates All advertisements are copyrighted and owned by DOG NEWS, Harris Publications, unless received camera-ready. Permission to reprint must be requested in writing. 4 Dog News

DOG NEWS (ISSN 0886-2133) is published weekly except the last two weeks in December by Harris Publications, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010. Periodical Postage paid at New York.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to DOG NEWS, 1115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010

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Dog News Cover Story JANUARY 15, 2010








212 807.7100 x588 FAX NUMBER




IAN MILLER 212 462.9624 CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Sharon Anderson Lesley Boyes Andrew Brace Shaun Coen Carlotta Cooper Geoff Corish Yossi Guy Mary Jung Barbara Lounsbury John Mandeville Billy Miller Desmond J. Murphy M. J. Nelson Sharon Newcombe Robert Paust Lenora Riddle Sharon Sakson Gerald Schwartz Kim Silva Matthew H. Stander Sari Brewster Tietjen Patricia Trotter Connie Vanacore Carla Viggiano Nick Waters Seymour Weiss Minta (Mike) Williquette DOG NEWS PHOTOGRAPHERS Chet Jezierski Perry Phillips Kitten Rodwell Leslie Simis Paddy Spear

DOG NEWS is sent to all AKC approved judges every week on a complimentary basis. No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without written permission from the editor. The opinions expressed by this publication do not necessarily express the opinions of the publisher. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted. 6 Dog News

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Nine All Breed Best In Shows Nine Best In Specialty Shows The top breed point winning Rhodesian Ridgeback of all time



McKenzie Cascade Kennel Club Group Judge Dr. Gareth Morgan-Jones Best In Show Judge Mr. Garry Newton

*All Systems

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What A Response If ever there was a must read for American and British dog breeders it appears in this issue of DOG NEWS and is written by Dr. Joan Hendricks Dean at the U of P Veterinary School. Her reasoned and intelligent approach about the “negative focus” of the program “Purebred Dogs Exposed” is a lesson for dog breeders everywhere to follow and from which to learn as well. The obvious negativity of the program toward the purebred dog made no mention whatsoever of the efforts of the breed clubs within the UK and the Kennel Club itself to support the health problems outlined in the program and their efforts to eliminate them. The misleading and continuous usage by the producers of the term “inbreeding” implied that all purebred dogs are closely bred. Implied, but not said per Dr. Hendricks was the notion that mixed breed dogs are healthier than purebreds. Specifically Dr. Hendricks states that “high-quality scientific studies of mixed breed dogs in comparison to purebred dogs are sorely lacking.” A point stressed by Dr. Fran Smith of the University of Minnesota during the Kennel Club Health Conference in July held in London and one may add virtually ignored by all Brits in attendance! Dr. Hendricks plea for breed clubs to expand their role in American society to teach the public about canine health problems by seizing the high ground and to raise it even higher with the collaboration of AKC, individual scientists in dogs, veterinary schools and foundations like the CHF and the Morris Animal Foundation should be done immediately. It is very possible had this been accomplished in the UK with the same emotional intensity the reaction by the general public would have been less intense and the Kennel Club itself could have reacted differently as well. Read this article for sure and pass it on to as many people as you can. Shelters And Who Run Them It is an appropriate time to revisit the article written by Wayne Cavanaugh in BLOODLINES the official publication of the United Kennel Club. The article is called “Shelter Scams” and deals with the confusion among the most dedicated of dog lovers when it comes to our nation’s shelter and the SAS as he labels it of the Shelter Alphabet Soup! He stresses the fact that there is no national organization overseeing or coordinating America’s shelters. HSUS does not operate a single animal shelter in America or anywhere else. Indeed its concern to understand and improve animal health on the financial level is zilch. They have extraordinary levels of funds available but like PETA and the ASPCA offer not a penny to support animal health much less the health and welfare of the dog. The fact is that there are thousands of shelters in America all of which are individually operated and funded locally. AHA operates no shelters but does have about 300 shelters that are affiliated and agree to maintain AHA standards of care at their shelters. SPAC is simply a term used for any animal shelter and is generic in nature but is not a nationwide organization. In your local community the local shelters can be run by anyone from volunteers, to a local government to a private party but are not affiliated with a national group. For example the SPCA of Podunk or the Humane Soceity of Nowhere has no group affiliation to the ASPCA (except in NYC where the ASPCA does operate one shelter) nor is there any HSUS affiliation. Yet the general public in the overwhelming number of instance thinks that by donating to HSUS they are helping their local shelters. And then there are the large groups which use the goodwill of words such as “Humane” or “Cruelty” in their national name and take advantage of animal lovers without ever stating their mission. Ask what the mission of the shelter you are contributing to maybe. Ask what their connection is directly to improving the welfare of the dog. There are many excellent and worthy shelters throughout the country but be sure you are not being taken in thinking you are contributing to any of these organizations without finding out what their goal and missions are. The USA Today Column For a national publication USA Today probably has the most coverage of dog and pet related stories as any publication there is. Some of them are quite useful and fair-sided. It would appear however that certain reporters particularly Sharon Peters are so animal right oriented towards HSUS and PETA for sure that much of the reportage is agenda ways proactive to the goals of those two organization. Indeed that is how these pages got suckered into reporting questionable figures and ideas as promoted in a major story reported in USA Today in its December 8th or 9th issue about the proposed Missouri laws. Now comes a survey reported by them about “the Sterilization of Pets” taken by Ipsos Marketing for PetSmart Charities. The implication being that all pets should be sterilized and that overpopulation figures are underestimated. Sound like a familiar argument being furthered by guess who – Sharon

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Peters. Now then there’s probably not too much that can be done to get Ms. Peters to change the direction of her writing but USA Today does have a weekly or bi-monthly column entitled Paw Print Post which acts as a forum of sorts for pet owners. Our suggestion is to bombard them at and present discussions which encourage buying dogs from breeders and to hear the other side of the story other than those of the animal rightists. Let’s get to the core of the argument and get USA Today to at least present both sides of the argument not just those of PETA and HSUS. The Controversy Continues The question and value of the foreign opinion at American dog shows goes on. Last week’s Fancy Speaks by Terry Stacy certainly illustrated the extent of some of the dissatisfaction with the practice while the QUESTION OF THE WEEK in the December 11th Issue highlighted the concern in other diverse quarters. Now comes the announcement of the new panel for the 2010 AKC/Eukanuba panel. While it is true there are two fewer judges from foreign countries on the panel the number of breeds and/or varieties to be judged by them has more than doubled! Twenty-one breeds and varieties and one group were the number in 2009 whereas in 2010 it will be 47 breeds and/or varieties and one group! That’s quite a jump – 26 more breed foreign opinions for American dogs. Now then we realize that this year was the 125th Anniversary and many breed clubs which had specialities received and got judges of their choice which were obviously Americans. Nonetheless it seems unusual to have that many breeds judged by the foreign judge in 2010 despite the fact that there are now 164 recognized breeds. And on the subject of recognized breeds how in the world does AKC or any other organization which runs shows automatically grant approvals for newly recognized breeds without having judges go through the same process of approval required for prior recognized breeds. All judges should be provisional until they meet the requirements of AKC, sub-standard though these requirements may be! Let the Judge keep the Group if they have it but remain provisional in the breed until they at least have judged the breed the required number of times. And we all know how lacking those requirements are. Which requirements must be changed forthwith as well. Just as the low-entry breed status must be re-evaluated so must the policy toward the newly admitted breed be re-examined. Thought For The Week For the first time in years we have not reported what went on at the last Board Meeting. One would expect that very shortly the so-called Board Highlights will be distributed which of course are totally meaningless. The Board Minutes now too must be called questionable as matters accomplished in Executive Session seem to go unannounced until the program or policy is introduced. The reason offered by AKC seems to be, and we quote, ”We don’t want our ideas stolen by competitors.” Well some of those ideas sometimes are so contrary to its Constitutions and By-laws so as to be labeled incorrect and possibly illegal. That’s not protecting business theories that’s usurping powers it does not have, which unfortunately this Board seems to be doing. It will be interesting to see if this philosophy is questioned in the coming election campaign and whether or not all of the candidates will endorse this kind of thinking. •

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InsideOut by John Mandeville


he Kennel Club’s complaint to Ofcom over the beating it took at the hands of BBC’s “Pedigree Dogs Exposed” program more than anything reminded me that while we speak the same language as they do across the pond, understanding is something else. That and what The Kennel Club should have done is sued the miserable people who made and broadcast “Pedigree Dogs Exposed.” That sentence is a nice example of the belligerent, litigious English we speak on this side of the pond. Our polite, impeccably mannered Brit cousins might do with a tad more, “No more Mr. Nice Guy”; especially when it comes to protecting themselves and the sport. Even with speaking the same language, often enough we’re far from understanding each other. That most definitely includes me. Other than having awareness libel is reportedly easier to prove in English courts, I know nothing about their legal system, let alone the niceties of suing for libel over a program produced for and broadcast by the BBC. Nor do I have any idea whether The Kennel Club gave any consideration to suing over the abusive misrepresentations in “Pedigree Dogs Exposed.” What I know is sometimes you sue to draw a line in the sand. Is that feasible in the UK? Presumably not with the ease that is possible here. What we know is The Kennel Club took their 14 Dog News

“Purebred Dogs Exposed”...Continued

grievances about “Pedigree Dogs Exposed” to the Office of Communications – Ofcom as it is familiarly known in the UK. It turns out Ofcom, independent of anything to do with The Kennel Club and “Pedigree Dogs Exposed,” is a much different entity than one might think, beginning with it’s very recent creation, coming into existence at the end of 2003 when it inherited the responsibilities of five older broadcast, TV, and radio regulatory agencies. Most important Ofcom has very extensive responsibilities and regulatory authority for all broadcasting in the UK. Specifically it is the entity which handles complaints about programs that have been aired. I don’t know how long Ofcom would be expected to review, deliberate and decide once it has received a complaint. The year or so from the time The Kennel Club made its complaint until Ofcom’s report seems unduly long. The Kennel Club’s complaints about “Pedigree Dogs Exposed” are so fundamentally important to their reason for being they are “entitled” to a much faster definitive ruling – notwithstanding a somewhat earlier preliminary finding was made…but then I think relying on some quasi-regulatory bureaucracy for satisfaction when your basic integrity and purpose has been defamed should hardly be your first or only course for redress. I’ll gladly plead to being a wild-eyed, impolite Yank, but as I say sometimes your fundamental integrity is so affronted you must

seek redress in the courts. Ofcom’s decision is contained in a 100 page single-spaced, densely packed, small type “Partly Upheld” finding decision, available online at http:// “Partly” is no understatement. These are the exact summary findings: “The Kennel Club was in a position to give informed consent for its participation in the programme and was given enough information during the lengthy production process to alert it to a change in the emphasis of the proposed programme. The Kennel Club was not deceived about the nature and purpose of the programme. “Mr Ronnie Irving, the Chairman of the Kennel Club, was able to state his position that there was a distinction between dog breeding and any analogy with humans. “Footage of an interview with Dr Jeff Sampson, of the Kennel Club, did not fairly represent his views, but this did not result in any overall unfairness to the Kennel Club itself. “The Kennel Club was given an appropriate and timely opportunity to respond to some of the serious allegations included in the programme. However it was not given such an opportunity in respect of an allegation regarding eugenics, a comparison with Hitler, and association with Nazi racial theory; or an allegation that it covered up an operation carried out on a Crufts Best in Show winner. The programme was unfair in respect of these allegations.”

The producers of “Purebred Dogs Exposed” and the BBC skated. In his December 9, 2009 statement on Ofcom’s findings the Kennel Club’s Chairman Ronnie Irving, after again noting the undue length of time it took Ofcom to resolve The Kennel Club’s complaint, wrote, “This process has taken a significant amount of time and the Kennel Club now wants to move forward.” Amen. Hopefully we are all the wiser. And while this was a direct assault on The Kennel Club it is certain the forces that do not like what we are about will not stop seeking ways to bring the purposeful breeding of purebred dogs before the American public in as disparaging terms as possible. It was no coincidence “Purebred Dogs Exposed” appeared on BBC America on the eve of AKC’s 125th Anniversary Show. We cannot rest easy, but there is significant comfort in knowing AKC is infinitely more media savvy than The Kennel Club. AKC has professionals on staff, an acknowledged world class PR authority on the Board, and relatively longstanding, if not particularly major, relations with various professional PR and media authorities. This is all good. But none of us should ever think something comparable to “Pedigree Dogs Exposed” can’t happen here. So, can we escape a national media roasting a la “Purebred Dogs Exposed” in the UK? •

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Winning Multiple Specialties and numerous Sporting Groups has ranked this young dog in the Top Five* in All Breed Points for his breed. We now look forward to 2010. Thank you to the many judges who have made 2009 a fun year. *The Dog News Top Ten List

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* B

“Jake� is pictured winning the San Antonio English Springer Spaniel Specialty Show. Thank you to Judge Ms. Jane Roppolo. Owned By Linda Myslinski 631-929-4701

Bred By Donald Snyder and Tracey Monahan

Handled By Scott Sommer Assisted By Adam Peterson Dog News 17


ew York, NY If you are planning to visit New York City for next months Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show dont miss an opportunity to discover fascinating canine artifacts and fine canine art as well as support the good works of the AKC Humane Fund by viewing one of its newest collections at the American Kennel Club or joining us for the annual Barkfest at Bonhams Charity Brunch.

The Chairman’s Report Barkfest at Bonhams Benefits AKC Humane Fund

The American Kennel Club founded the nonprofit AKC Humane Fund not only to promote responsible dog ownership and celebrate the bond between people and pets througheducation, outreach, and grant-making but as a meaningful way to give back to the dogs we love. Since the funds inception one main goal has been to develop a rescue grant program for parent clubs and parent club-approved organizations. Im proud to say that vision has now become a reality. To date the fund has given 9 grants of $1,000 each the first going to The Silky Terrier Rescue Charitable Trust. Silky Rescue began more than 20 years ago and today rescues approximately 60 dogs each year from shelters and owner surrenders nationwide. The organization places dogs in foster homes, provides needed veterinary care including vaccines, dental procedures, spays/ neuters and other necessary surgeries. Once the dogs are stable, both physically and emotionally, they are adopted into new, loving homes.

In addition to the Silky Terrier Rescue Charitable Trust, other grant recipients include the Tibetan Mastiff Rescue, Inc., Arizona Basset Hound Rescue, Australian Cattle Dog Rescue, Inc., American Bouvier Rescue League, Tibetan Terrier Health and Welfare Foundation, Magnolia Gordon Setter Club Rescue, American Belgian Malinois Charitable Trust, and the Akita Club of America, Inc.

The AKC Humane Fund not only gives but receives as well. A recent contribution - the antique canine-themed cane collection of Lawrence and Shirlee Kalstone featuring 98 canes - is now on display at the AKC headquarters at the entrance to the AKC Library. We encourage fanciers to come visit these delightful artifacts which besides having intricate and ornate handles transform into other uses like a sword and a rifle. The AKC Humane Fund provides fanciers an appropriate place to donate art, books or collectibles which will benefit not only those who donate to the 501 (c)3 charity but provides them a permanent home where fanciers can enjoy, appreciate and view them for generations to come. Any donations of $1,000 or more will be memorialized on a brass plaque featured on the funds Wall of Honor at AKC. To further the funds mission once again this year all proceeds from the annual Barkfest at Bonhams Charity Brunch for the AKC Humane Fund on Sunday, February 14th from 10am to 12pm will help us continue our good works. This years event, a preview for the Bonhams Dog Sale on the following Tuesday, Feb., 16, 2010, promises to be a real thrill for literary fans as a dog collar belonging to Victorian literary great, Charles Dickens, will be among the items on display. The large thick leather collar with brass buckle and nameplate reads, C. Dickens, Esqe., Gads Hill Place, Higham. was likely worn by one of Dickenss larger dogs such as his Newfoundlands, Mastiffs, or St. Bernards. In addition to the Dickens dog collar over two hundred works of canine art and memorabilia from the 19th and early 20th centuries will be on display. Well-known canine artists include Maud Earl, Arthur Wardle, William Trood, and many others. Both you and your canine companion are welcome at the Barkfest at Bonhams fashionable new galleries located at 580 Madison Avenue, between 56th and 57th Streets. Admission to the Charity Brunch is a $50 donation to the AKC Humane Fund with reservation by phone, or $60 at the door. To reserve your space, please call AKCs RSVP line at 212-696-8277. We hope to see you there! For more information on the AKC Humane Fund visit Sincerely, Ron Menaker Chairman 18 Dog News

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*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points

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T he

of t he Week In Light Of The Latest Club Treasury Embezzlements Do You Think AKC Should Require All Clubs To Bond Their Treasuries, And If Not, What Solution Do You Offer To Stop These Incidents From Happening?

Bettyann Hale I feel that the club members, not necessarily the AKC, need to require that the Club Treasurer be bonded. I would also recommend that all club accounts carry two signatures on all checks and an audit by an outside firm be completed and a report provided to the membership on an annual basis. Jane Haefner I don’t feel it should be mandated by AKC because some smaller clubs may not be able to afford it, or a very capable individual will refuse to be bonded because of the information they will have to disclose. For those who have never been bonded you have to list all your assets owned and co-owned including investments, IRA, cars, homes, savings and checking accounts. Some members may refuse to disclose this kind

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of information but they can mail the information directly to an insurance company and not to another member of the club. I do think all clubs should bond their treasurer as well as carry board of directors insurance and once yearly conduct an audit by different club members. And always conduct an audit when a new person takes over the position. Hach Hachtel No, AKC has other activities to better spend their time other than policing clubs for bonds. Yes, I feel clubs should bond their treasuries or at minimum install the requirements that a bonding company requires when they bond a clubs treasurer. Rosalind Hack My opinion is that clubs should require their people to be bonded if they are dealing with money OR the club should have directors and

officers insurance to cover any problem. Bonding is the best means as it is low cost insurance and extremely worthwhile. Helen M. Haas I think that if the AKC should require all licensed clubs to bond their Treasurers would cause a serious problem. Each club would have to change their Constitution and By-laws to require the club to bond their treasurers. This would also involve each club to submit these changes to the AKC to approve the changes to their constitution. But not all of the absconding of club funds have not been only the Treasurer, others have been involved. It seems to me that clubs should be responsible for being very diligent in keeping tract of their funds and not involve the AKC in this problem.

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* *The Dog News Top Ten List

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Dog News 25

by Joan C. Hendricks

A Rational And Intelligent Response To “Pedigree Dogs Exposed” [Ed note: Joan C. Hendricks, V.M.D., Ph. D, is The Gilbert S. Kahn Dean of Veterinary Medicine, The School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.]


n 2008 BBC aired “Purebred Dogs Exposed,” a program that had a dramatic impact on the purebred dog world in the UK. Recently, the show aired in the US on BBC America and was promoted on the Today Show. There is great concern among breeders and those of us who work closely with breeders that the American public might have a negative view of purebred dogs as a result of the documentary, as was clearly the case in the UK.

Because a faculty member of my school was interviewed both for the original documentary and for the Today Show promotion, I received a lot of feedback from breeders. I am concerned about the potential impact of this documentary for several reasons. The documentary focused on a few breeds, among them the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. It highlighted syringohydromyelia, a disease that presents with visually dramatic images. Not once was it mentioned that Cavalier breeders in the UK and the US for years have supported research efforts to eliminate this disease and other inherited problems in the breed; studies are ongoing to determine modes of inheritance and develop of genetic tests. That same negative focus was applied to other breeds’ problems highlighted in the “expose”: epilepsy in boxers, breathing problems in bulldogs, pugs, and Pekingese, structural problems in German shepherds, and dermatitis in Westies. There was no mention of the efforts by breed clubs and the Kennel Club (UK) to support studies of these health problems in order to find ways to eliminate them. Such negative emphasis and repeated mention of the term “inbreeding” implied that purebred dogs are all closely bred. Implied, but not said, was the notion that mixed breed dogs are healthier. Already the public is enthralled by claims made by promoters of mixed breeds – Labradoodles, Goldendoodles, and many other crosses of poodles and toy breeds as well as small hounds – all with the claim of cuteness and no human allergic reactions. However, high-quality scientific studies of mixed breed dogs in comparison to purebred dogs are sorely lacking. In contrast, there are many studies of specific breeds. Breeders of purebred dogs, individually, through their breed clubs, and through the Canine Health Foundation, have for decades supported research at veterinary and other institutions to ensure knowledge about canine diseases, treatment, and above all, prevention. These efforts 26 Dog News

not only benefit individual breeds, but frequently other breeds, mixed breed dogs, and in some cases, humans. Unlike human health studies, where the National Institutes of Health has an annual budget in the billions, there is no public funding for such studies, so improvements in canine health rely on dog-lovers to fund them. In theory, organizations that support animal advocacy, like PETA, HSUS, and the ASPCA could also be a source of funding – they certainly have extraordinary levels of funds – but these organizations have other priorities. None supports studies to understand and improve animal health. The biggest organization that supports canine research outside the purebred dog community is the Morris Animal Foundation – and its funding is spread among many species of animals, not just dogs. It is really in the dog breeders’ hands to react appropriately to mitigate the negative potential impact if the general public takes “Purebred Dogs Exposed” to heart with the same unquestioning emotional intensity that they did in the UK. Certainly I would expect that veterinary institutions would wholeheartedly support a rational and organized response – I certainly would. I note that the AKC, through the convening of the Canine Health Advisory Panel, whose members are highly qualified and highly independent, is working to develop clear, measurable improvements in canine health. When the Today Show promotional piece aired, we received a number of contacts from breeders and others, many negative and some very positive. At the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Veterinary Medicine, we value and encourage academic freedom for all our professors to express their opinions, as they have come by them through years of rigorous training and research. As such, Dr. Serpell is entitled to express his opinions. Our goal at PennVet is to promote animal health and we consider the AKC an important partner in advancing understanding of genetics and disease. In fact, our faculty works hand-inhand with the AKC and I serve on the AKC’s independent canine health advisory board. We recognize, too, that responsible breeders who aim to better the health and lineage of purebred dogs out-number irresponsible breeding practices and we aim to educate and support those who do act responsibly and ethically. I believe this may be a moment for breed clubs to use their place in US society to teach the public about canine health problems, what they are doing to identify, treat and prevent them, when they DO have the microphone such as at the Invitational and Westminster dog shows. The AKC and breed clubs have an honored and important role – fostering healthy breeding practices, supporting canine health research, supporting training to make dogs better citizens – and of course their owners, too. Seize this high ground and raise it even higher – with the happy collaboration of individual scientists interested in dogs, veterinary schools, and foundations like the Canine Health Foundation and the Morris Animal Foundation. The CHIC seems to be an excellent start. Here breeders and future owners can obtain information about the health test outcome of breeding animals. Be prepared, adopt real measures to monitor health problems and promote rational measures that prevent them, supported by science. By writing this opinion piece I hope I am showing that academic veterinarians are very likely to be strongly supportive and to help you get your message out. •

Best Bred-By Working Group #1 AKC/Eukanuba National Championship


Flash! Best In w Sho y t l a i c Spe Judge ara b r a B . Mrs ey Demps an Alder m gs, prin S m l a P nia Califor

Special thanks to Group Judge Mr. Stephen Hubbell and Breed Judge Mr. John Connolly

Multiple Best In Specialty Show Winning

Ch. R & G’s Mystical Dancer Owners: Roberto Bezerra Richard Servetnick Barbara Bachman Carole Desmond

Breeders: Gayann Jones Kimberlie Steele-Gamero

Proudly Presented By Breeder/Handler: Kimberlie Steele-Gamero

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Dog News 29

BRACE YOURSELF by Andrew Brace

A Century Of Evolution


was recently pointed in the direction of a fascinating on-line book, “Dogs of All Nations,” written by Walter Esplin Mason to coincide with the Panama Pacific International Exposition – the famous world’s fair held in San Francisco in 1915. Taking over three years to construct, the fair had great economic implications for the city that had been almost destroyed by the great earthquake and fire of 1906. The exposition was a tremendous success and did much to boost the morale of the entire Bay Area and to help get San Francisco back up on its feet. I have visited the area of the city where one of the major buildings still stands, but had never been aware of this link with pure-bred dogs. Officially, the exposition was a celebration of the completion of the Panama Canal, and also commemorated the 400th anniversary of the discovering of the Pacific Ocean by the explorer Balboa. San Francisco was only one of many cities hoping to host the PPIE. New Orleans was its primary rival, but in 1911 after a long competition of advertising and campaigning, President Taft proclaimed San Francisco to be the official host city. There was some initial uncertainty about where exactly to hold the fair (Golden Gate Park had been the main contender), but it was later decided to fill in the mud flats at the northern end of the city, and to build in the location currently known as the Marina. The 635acre fair was located between Van Ness and the Presidio – its southern border was Chestnut Street and its northern edge bordered the Bay. The tallest most well-recognised building of the PPIE was the Tower of Jewels. Standing 43 storeys tall, the building was covered by more than a hundred thousand coloured glass “jewels” that dangled individually to shimmer and reflect light as the Pacific breezes moved them. There were


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Multiple Best In Show Winning

CH. CHAOYANG’S TAKE IT TO THE LIMIT AT NUSTAR First Shar-Pei Group Win of the Year! THANK YOU YOU Judge Ms. Elizabeth Muthard We would also like to Thank Judge Mr. Jon Cole for the group placement this past weekend

Owned and loved by NuStarShowDogs Bred By: ChaoYang Glen and Linda Cosier And Asia Lisa Myers

Deb and Robert Cooper 2912 State Porter Beach, Indiana 46304 AND Linda Teitelbaum, MingYu NuStar Show Dogs are always presented by: Nina Fetter, PHA, DHG, AKC Or his Owner Deb Cooper Dog News 31


*Weimaraner, All Systems

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Dog News 33

The Bests oftheWeek

JANUARY 15, 15 2010 To report an AKC All Breed Best In Show or National Specialty Win Call, Fax or Email before 12:00 Noon Tuesday Fax: 212 675-5994 Phone: 212 462-9588 Email:

Clemson Kennel Club II Toy Poodle

Kennel Club of Palm Springs - Sunday Irish Setter

Ch. Smash JP Moon Walk

Ch. Shadagee Caught Red-Handed

Judge Mr. Houston Clark Owners Ron Scott and Debbie Burke Handler Kaz Hosaka Nolan River Kennel Club II Pekingese

Ch. Franshaw Hear Me Roar Judge Mr. Ralph Ambrosio Owner John Shaw Handler Hiram Stewart

Inland Empire Hound Club Of Southern California - Friday Kennel Club Of Palm Springs - Saturday Whippet

Ch. Starline’s Chanel Judge Mrs. Carol Spritzer Judge Mrs. Paula Hartinger Owners Carey and Lori Lawrence Handler Lori Wilson

Jacksonville Dog Fanciers Association - I & II Standard Poodle

Ch. Dawin Spitfire Judge Mr. William Shelton Judge Mr. Thomas Kilcullen Owner Linda Campbell Handler Sarah Riedl

Land O’Lakes Kennel Club - Sunday Gordon Setter

Ch. Firethorn & Sandpiper’s Easy on the Eyes

Judge Mrs. Sari Brewster Tietjen Owners Don and Pat Coller, Mary McLoughlin DVM, Christina Kirby Handler Eileen Hackett

Judge Mr. Roger R. Hartinger Owners Debra S. Burke and Nancy Lee Conner Handler Adam Bernardin Greater Daytona Dog Fanciers Association Welsh Terrier

Ch. Bayleigh Shaireab’s Super Hero Judge Mr. Terry Stacy Owner Marilyn Jacobs, Keith Bailey & Sharon Abmeyer Handler Jorge Olivera Clemson Kennel Club Skye Terrier

Ch. Cragsmoor Buddy Goodman Judge Mr. Robert Forsyth Owners Carolyn Koch and Victor Malzoni, Jr. Handler Lawrence W. Cornelius Columbiana Kennel Club Pomeranian

Ch. Mountain Crest U Don’t Own Me Judge Mr. Charles Olvis Owners David and Carlene Gilstrap Handler Nina M. Fetter Saw Mill River Kennel Club Whippet

Ch. Sporting Field’s Bahama Sands Judge Mrs. Monica Canestrini Owners Jane Cooney-Waterhouse & Debbie Butt Handler Amanda Giles

Desert Empire Terrier Club of Southern California Smooth Fox Terrier

Ch. Slyfox Sneak’s A Peek Judge Dr. Richard Greathouse Owners J.W. Smith and Edward Boyes Handler Edward Boyes

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What is your favorite dog show moment exclusive of a win?

When Tim Brazier won the group at the Garden with the standard poodle Ch. Rimskittle Ruffian.



To be able Which to sing ... talent well! would you most like to have?

“You’ve got Which to be words or phrases do kidding.” you most overuse?


Who is The late Robert (Bobby) N. Peebles. your real life hero or heroine?

5 6 7 What is in your wallet/ purse right now?

A bit of everything with lots of credit cards.

Other people think I am:

How would you describe yourself in a personal ad?

Responsible, hardworking and dedicated to my profession.

8 9 What was your most embarrassing moment at a dog show?

When I accidentally scissored the end of my finger right before I had to go into the Best in Show ring!

Quiet, shy and loves animals.

Which judge, no longer alive or judging, do you miss the most? I have to mention several ... Annie Clark, Dorothy Nickles, Jackie Hungerland, Elaine Rigden, and my dear friend Douglas H. Wilson.

10questions What do you miss the most at dog shows?

All of the great judges and handlers that we have lost in the past decades. True old-school dog people with a level of experience that is irreplaceable.

Asked of Elizabeth (Betty) Brown

Born: Dallas, Texas Resides: Plantersville, Texas Marital Status: Single

38 Dog News

By Lesley Boyes

Dog News 39





40 Dog News

Dog News 41


The Dog News Top Ten List lists Best In Shows, Group Firsts and ALL Group Placements. ompetition petition titi TOP TEN IN GROUP • Based on All-Breed Competition

Sporting Group Hound Group 1 CH Toasty’s Treasure Island 42404 Retrievers (Golden) P Oxenberg/J Oxenberg/J Bates 2 CH Ripsnorter’s Mt View Lookout 28860 Pointers (German Wirehaired) K Courtelis/J Witt/H Witt/J Wilkinson 3 CH Casbar’s Hart To Hart 26295 Retrievers (Labrador) D Ammerman 4 CH Vineyards Bad Boy 20323 Setters (Irish) R Okeefe/B O’Keefe/D Johnson/J Hubbard/K 5 CH Star K’s Mile Hi Valentine 18513 Pointers (German Wirehaired) R Stark/L Stark/V Malzoni 6 CH Exl’s Leather N Lace 15869 Spaniels (Cocker) Black S Knaus/J Huml 7 CH Cerise Jesse James 15037 Spaniels (English Springer) D Cherry/R Fugit 8 CH Shadagee Caught Red Handed 15036 Setters (Irish) D Burke/N Conner 9 CH Smokycity Silhouette Dbl Ur Pleasure 14694 Weimaraners C Cassidy/B Cassidy 10 CH Flatbrook Royal Point Attitude JH 13855 Wirehaired Pointing Griffons R Byrne/L Byrne

Working Group

1 CH Rokeena Carte Blanche 37373 1 CH Allure Blazing Star Alisaton Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens Doberman Pinschers J Herrera/C Herrera/R Wallis/R Wallis N Bosley/J Porter/C Pitts 2 CH Dun Myrica Speaker Of Eagle 27990 2 CH Winfall Brookwood Styled Dream Irish Wolfhounds Boxers S McDonald/J Roland D McCarroll/M Fagan/J Billhardt/S Tenenb 3 CH Pupukearidge Ikaika O Sprngvly 20240 3 CH Galilee’s Pure Of Spirit Rhodesian Ridgebacks Giant Schnauzers T Peach/B Peach/P Lambie/I Mc Kinnon/S M M Hayes/J Sanchez/C Sanchez 4 CH Starline’s Chanel 18499 4 CH Sno Klassic Play The Game Whippets Alaskan Malamutes L Lawrence/C Lawrence P Peel/M Peel 5 CH Afterglow Ebeneezer 17102 5 CH Mojo’s Rock’N Your World Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens Akitas B Thompson/S Russell/R Ellingford/M Gads S Borrmann/B Rule 6 CH Sporting Fields Bahama Sands 16680 6 CH Duba-Dae’s Who’s Your Daddy Whippets Boxers D Butt/J Cooney-Waterhouse C Vose/W Bettis/L Jansson 7 CH Genesis Silverado 15704 7 CH Aviators Luck Be A Lady Afghan Hounds Portuguese Water Dogs J Shaw M Dugan/C Dugan 8 CH Torquay Midnight Confession 13286 8 CH Catanyas Latin Lover Beagles (over 13 in.) Alaskan Malamutes M Chagas/M Botelho/A Botelho P Kendrick/A Martinez/A Syar 9 CH Of Afrikka Spring Valley Dorian Gray SC 12351 9 CH Nanuke’s Still The One Rhodesian Ridgebacks Alaskan Malamutes C Wistrom/S Mc Kinnon S d’Andrea/G George/S Rich/S Rich 10 CH Adili’s American Idol 11663 10 CH Rivergroves Trump This Rhodesian Ridgebacks Great Pyrenees K Courtelis/T Lynch/K Lafleur N Shields/C Shields/J Boyd

DE6 78G :6?F D8! D6: =CFD '* B "23()#4 #'*('3+ 2. ()/ D20 D/3 72+* <## ;-//1* B31 ()/ D20 D/3 72+* '3 /B>) G-2&05 D)/-/ '* B#*2 B #'*('3+ 2. ()/ D20 D/3 72+* '3 6B>) ;-//15 <## 2. ()/*/ *(B('*('>* B-/ AB*/1 23 <## ;-//1 >2"0/('('235 D)/ <"/-'>B3 @/33/# 9#&A >2"0'#/* ()/*/ ,+&-/* .-2" ()/ <@9 #'>/3*/1 B31 "/"A/- >#&A *)2$*5 D)/*/ ,+&-/* $'## A/ 0-'3(/1 "23()#4 '3 78G :6?F A4 <33&B# <$B-1* HB('3+ F4*(/"5 D)/*/ B-/ ()/ "2*( >&--/3( *(B('*('>* B%B'#BA#/ (2 ()/ .B3>45

42 Dog News

71288 36952 23704 22099 22048 20604 17192 16460 16055 15186

Terrier Group 1 CH Roundtown Mercedes Of Maryscot 122358 Scottish Terriers A Musser 2 CH J’Cobe Kemosabe Vigilante Justice 38781 Fox Terriers (Smooth) S Hoffen/H Hoffen/A Booth/P Booth 3 CH Hi-Kel Terrydale Soldier Of Fortune 24539 Lakeland Terriers C Dowd/B Dowd/C Ruggles/Terrydale Knl 4 CH Stirling Cool Hand Luke 21198 Airedale Terriers T Steele/F Pulice 5 CH Efbe’s Merci Pour Le Poivre 17569 Sealyham Terriers M Good/S Middlebrooks 6 CH Skyscot’s Poker Chip 16782 Norwich Terriers C Dodwell 7 CH Fleet St. Fenway Fan 16215 Irish Terriers A Barker/V JNR 8 CH Slyfox Sneak’s A Peek 12647 Fox Terriers (Smooth) J Smith 9 CH Sanherpinc Paisa 12092 Welsh Terriers L Hotchin/B Schwartz 10 CH Cornerstone Soliloquy 11475 Staffordshire Bull Terriers M Goethals/L Goethals

Toy Group

9 CH Queen Bless Jp World Idol Papillons M Mosing/C Ejima/H Hibara/J Alseth 10 CH Norkus’ Risky Business Pugs M Molnar/J Danburg


Based on All-Breed Competition


Non-Sporting Group

1 CH Kepley’s Showbiz Razzle Dazzle 28745 Bulldogs J Fisher/R Speiser/B Wolfe 2 CH Hillwood Dassin De-Lovely 23493 Poodles (Standard) J Vergnetti/E Charles/K Lefrak/W Sammet/G Lajesky 3 CH Dawin Spitfire 15804 Poodles (Standard) L Campbell 4 CH Rushmar’s Charmer 14609 Lhasa Apsos L Mccutcheon/D Planche 5 CH Randenn Tristar Affirmation 14054 Poodles (Standard) T Sosnoff/M Sosnoff 6 CH Donnchada Sweet Dreams 13751 Poodles (Standard) E Brown/N Baldwin/K Black/D Schuchart 7 CH Brighton Lakeridge Summer In Hampton 10676 Poodles (Standard) T Sosnoff/M Sosnoff/D Ferguson-Jones 8 CH Paray’s Rime Time 9767 Bichons Frises L Rosio/M Winston/P Flores 9 CH Risgae Miabella Sweet Georgia 9141 Bichons Frises S Kapella/R Day 10 CH My Thai Ta Sen Halleluiah Chorus 8575 Lhasa Apsos 38395 S Giles

1 CH Smash Jp Moon Walk Poodles (Toy) R Scott/D Burke 2 CH Tamarin Tug 28946 Affenpinschers P Smith/P Smith 3 CH Linn-Lee’s For The Good Times 25610 Pekingese E Holcombe/C Carter 4 CH Tupelo Shoboat Tu China Tu 24507 Pugs M Molnar/J Danburg/P Kolesar/R Kolesar/D 5 CH Franshaw Hear Me Roar 21409 Pekingese J Shaw 6 CH Velocity’s Shake Ur Bon Bon 19059 Pomeranians A Koga 7 CH Mondrian V.H. Lamslag RE 17926 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels J York 8 CH Ayrwen Star Kissed Delight 15598 Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) G Johnson/A Johnson


CH Roundtown Mercedes Of Maryscot Scottish Terrier A Musser



CH Allure Blazing Star Alisaton Doberman Pinscher N Bosley/J Porter/C Pitts



CH Cordmaker Field Of Dreams Puli S Huebner/J Beaudoin



CH Toasty’s Treasure Island Retriever (Golden) P Oxenberg/J Oxenberg/J Bates


5 CH J’Cobe Kemosabe Vigilante Justice 38781 Fox Terrier (Smooth) S Hoffen/H Hoffen/A Booth/P Booth 6

CH Smash Jp Moon Walk Poodle (Toy) R Scott/D Burke



CH Rokeena Carte Blanche 37373 Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen J Herrera/C Herrera/R Wallis/R Wallis


CH Winfall Brookwood Styled Dream 36952 Boxer D McCarroll/M Fagan/J Billhardt/S Tenenb

9 CH Tamarin Tug Affenpinscher P Smith/P Smith


Herding Group

10 CH Ripsnorter’s Mt View Lookout Pointer (German Wirehaired) K Courtelis/J Witt/H Witt/J Wilkinson


1 CH Cordmaker Field Of Dreams 52124 Pulik S Huebner/J Beaudoin 2 CH Shoal Creek’s Sangria V Barick 26619 German Shepherd Dogs E Farrell/B Stamper/L Jewell/G Middei 3 CH Tolkien Raintree Mister Baggins 22212 Bearded Collies E Charles/A Stein/L Stein/S Ross/L Woodc 4 CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible 21546 Collies (Rough) C Bossart/C Dubois/N Comparato/D Greene/ 5 CH Lambluv’s Daydream Believer 20271 Old English Sheepdogs K Richardson/J Marder

6 CH Avalon Frontier Sleepnlady Webber Bouviers des Flandres J Mcconnell/S McDaniel/J Guido/L Fenner/ 7 CH Bugaboo’s Georgie Girl Old English Sheepdogs B Callahan/C Johnson/H Johnson 8 CH Sky Acres Spy Plane Belgian Tervuren M Edling/W Thompson 9 CH Coventry Vanity Fair Pembroke Welsh Corgis D Salow/K Kirtley/K Foist/B Shelton 10 CH Quiche’s Demetrius Bouviers des Flandres S Riser/D Riser/E Paquette

18365 14965 12562 12117 11685


Dog News 43


! We sincerely appreciate all the judges who awarded

“Sweepea� his


BESTS IN SHOW and record number of Group Placements!

Sweepea will be shown selectively in 2010. He looks forward to seeing his offspring (brushed and corded) break his records! Proudly bred, owned, and presented by Steve and Alice Lawrence The Fuzzy Farm Best In Show Cords Since 1972 44 Dog News

Judge Dr. Robert D. Smith

Judge Mrs. Sheila H. Balch

Judge Dr. John V. Ioia

Judge Mr. Thomas W. Baldwin

Dog News 45

The Dog News Top Ten List


Sporting Group Brittanys 729 CH RJ’s Sierra Edition SH J Wire/R Wire 513 CH Tonan-Hope’s R U Kiddin’ Me D Tighe/N Morabito 491 CH Mich’s Mt Ready Aim Fire K Rickard/L Rickard/J Davies/D Peek 489 CH Vem Country Mile G Manifold/N Redick/H Manifold/R West 478 CH Melridge Stir N It Up D Bingham/F Bingham 427 CH Triumphant’s Absolute’ JH L McCartney-Roy/K Mccartney 426 CH Gourley’s Dfl 99 Carat Diamond G Stern/C Gourley 374 CH Willowick Talltean C Fitzgerald 369 CH Magic Read My Lips K Hanson/B Hultgren/N Otterson 344 CH Dogwood Hollow Bengal Zero Zero G Clements/G Clements/C Mika/R Cornum Pointers 316 CH Tahari’s To Wild To Be Serious L Cayton/D Ying/F DePaulo 314 CH Creeksyde’s Witches Promise J Walton/G Griffin/K Rath 233 CH Chesterhope My Boys Girl P Kroll 209 CH Cookieland Seasyde Hollyberry H Medeiros/S McCarthy/T McCarthy 173 CH Penpoint In Dress Blues L Stagg 131 CH Coralwood Strykepoint Centerfield K Shorter/S Barton 118 CH Sankris That’s My Boy S Bures/K Kirkland 118 CH Seasyde Cookielnd Forecast Triple Crown J Cappellina/H Medeiros 112 CH Edgehill’s Comin Out Strong M Johnston/J Kearney/J Johnston 111 CH Seasyde Dobe’s Den In Fashion J Pahl/D Pahl/H Medeiros Pointers (German Shorthaired) 1183CH Fieldfines Back In Action JH D Simberlund/W Simberlund/D Hand 918 CH Shomberg’s One Hot Ticket Deppe-Haus J Deppen/M Winkler/S Dattilio 729 CH Robin Crest Charismatic JH R Remondi 566 CH Kan-Point’s Leading The Chase R Stanley/L Stanley/L Coonrod 552 CH Crk In The Fast Lane M Farone/W Farone 540 CH Shortales N Cahoots W Irondale JH L Estes/W Bettis/M Bettis 527 CH Dogwoodcreek’s Hot Money L Duncan 429 CH Bleugras Shaggbark She’So Fine E Parsons 368 CH Kempfers Destiny JH K Fulk 365 CH Vjk-Myst Bring It On V Nunes-Atkinson/Y Hassler-Deterding Pointers (German Wirehaired) 432 CH Ripsnorter’s Mt View Lookout K Courtelis/J Witt/H Witt/J Wilkinson 244 CH Star K’s Mile Hi Valentine R Stark/L Stark/V Malzoni 209 CH Mountain View’s Mr Jack SH R Brannan 168 CH Aspendel’s Pale Rider JH B Watkins/R Perry/S Ferraro 136 CH Geronimo’s Flying Calypso J Steffes 96 CH Weidenhugel Abby V Jessie C Heiller/K Boyd 59 CH Mt. View’s Ripsnortersilvercharm C Wisch/K Wisch 39 CH Tagalong’s Cherry Bomb M Marley 33 CH Darnelles Get The Party Started C Reininger/J Reininger 21 CH Cynisternidawires Final Fantasy C Magoon/J Quesnell Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) 806 CH Chesabar Pawprints In The Sand M Vaccaro/P Barber 239 CH Northwyns Whispering Reflection JH M Fisher 223 CH Cal-I-Co Kiss The Girls J Colvin/J Colvin 195 CH Chesabar’s True Grit R Barber/P Barber 187 CH Ches-Shores Hurricane Hattie R Kirwan/K Fox 166 CH Sandbar’s Stock Exxchange D Baker/F Konrad/G Gearhart/A Gearhart 136 CH Chesabar’s Brimstone Kodiak E Zboran 130 CH Irish’s Master Jake J Soulliere/G Irish 129 CH Hi-Ho’s Riff Raff E Cottingham 128 CH Cal-I-Co Hialeah J Colvin/J Colvin

46 Dog News

Based On Breed Competition

Retrievers (Curly-Coated) 184 CH Kurly Kreek Sherlock Holmes M Shifflett/S Shifflett 144 CH Down Datrail Hunting Thrills CD S Macre/D Akins 95 CH Riverwatch Frozen Assets G Meek/M Meek 94 CH Gladrags Original Buttonfly R Cataldo/M Mcgroarty 89 CH Pizzazz Trigger I Andre/S McDowell/C McDowell 81 CH Manawanui Blackberry Jack H Stout/R Alley 70 CH Clarion’s Blackberry Bramble J Gentry/P Gentry 68 CH Kurly Kreek Artic Express S Shifflett/M Shifflett 68 CH Dryfork Curly Moe RN L Rush 61 CH Boyerie’s The Intimidator G Cooper/Y Cooper/G Caudill

Setters (English) 1021CH Artizoe High Caliber S Hoeflinger/S Ping 821 CH Reidwood Red Alert G Perry 723 CH Palisades Silhouette C Kopfstein/J Mayr/B Fischer 372 CH Chebaco Blames It On Trabeiz D Coller/P Coller/E Hackett 328 CH Esthete’s The Mountain King L Mowery/J Warren 227 CH Kaska’s Capture The Moment L Kuhn/L Gancer 186 CH Kelyric Blues Traveler RN JH A Mann/K Kennedy 186 CH Stardom Chebaco Just Blame Me JH D Coller/P Coller 177 CH Horizon’s Rag’s To Riches T Callo 128 CH Honeygait Wilsonlake Esquire Liz J Borchardt/S Kerwin-hagen/M Nowak

Spaniels (Clumber) 377 CH Monarch American Pie S Beaulieu/J Mui 243 CH Moonrysn’s Moon Dawg P Holman/M Cole/J Sutherland 150 CH Clussexx Tickling The Ivories S Miller/C Miller 142 CH Quail Hollow’s Gelato A Morphis/P Scholey/D Morphis 111 CH Avalea Magical Minstrel A Lefebvre/J Cooper/R Thayer 96 CH Nexus Dark Horse P McCune/J Fankhauser 93 CH Nexus Jazzin’s Jenga C Jaynes/S Fankhauser 76 CH Casmir Guns N Red Roses V Lovins/M Gundlach 43 CH Avalea The Pumpkin King W Schernekau/J Schernekau/A Lefebvre/R T 40 CH Celtic’s Nose For News J Eaton/K Mcgriff

Retrievers (Flat-Coated) 823 CH Starworkers Dealers Choice JH OA OAJ K Martin 793 CH Light-Foot’s Sugar On Snow T Mohr/S Meaker 618 CH Petersfield Famous Amos S Stilwell/P Debree/S Stilwell/D Edwards 320 CH Quillquest’s Living Legend D Sickles/L Zimic/G Impey 311 CH Glenwan’s Sidney On Lanier JH NAJ W Jacobson 277 CH Shannara’s Chamber Of Secrets JH W Heikes/T Spires 168 CH Starworkers King Of The Castle JH K Postrozny 140 CH Whazthat’s Headliner CD RN JH S Garolis/J Allen 130 CH Jubilee’s Curveball Majic P McClain 120 CH Valhala’s Burning Ring Of Fire G Wilson/M Doheny

Setters (Gordon) 848 CH Firethorn And Sandpiper Easy On The Eyes D Coller/P Coller/M McLoughlin/C Kirby 298 CH Sastya Raggededge Peer Review M Leonard/W Leonard/C Mayers/M Grill 293 CH Sandpiper’s Shore Enough D Grant/J Beattie/P Reilly 244 CH Glen Oaks River Breeze Shiraz M Wetzel/G Godding/M Devalt 220 CH Birch Run Full Moon Fever JH S DePottey/T DePottey 170 CH Hillock National Security J Piette-Abitz/S Piette 167 CH Cascade’s Sunrunner Here Comes The Son B Young-Tompkinson/J Tiano 166 CH Tamarack Brynbar Calendar Girl JH D Brnger/M Brnger/E Shanahan 150 CH Grtscots Frontrunner K Smith 76 CH Leadra’s Leading Lennox Lad CD RA S Nicoll/S Nicoll

Spaniels (Cocker) ASCOB 875 CH Shaman’s No Doubt About It J Stamm/J Fehring 513 CH Somerset’s Sweet Talkin’ Girl L Ferland 331 CH Creekridge Quarterback Sneak C Bredenbeck/L Rosenhammer 303 CH Carbert Arikara Magic Touch C Shute/P Nazarko 268 CH Quasar’s & Sherwood’s Odd Couple M Santos/B Santos/S McAlister 248 CH Windsong All Kidding Aside K Toner/A Toner 235 CH Mardi Gras Strut The Stage R Logrie 215 CH Mei-Hardt’s Shining Quasar J Meister/S McAlister 84 CH Creekridge Eye Wanna Be A Rock Starr C Bredenbeck/F Bredenbeck 80 CH Sunhaven’s Premier Package C Omatsu/A Lawrence

Retrievers (Golden) 5541CH Toasty’s Treasure Island P Oxenberg/J Oxenberg/J Bates 2495 CH Tempo’s U’Ve Got What Gets Me C Meddaugh 1509 CH Easthill Broxden Pop Star M Hill/C Hill/S Kim Koffen/A Rodrigues-B 1162 CH Birnam Wood’s Hoot Gibson S Donahey/W Feeney 1154 CH Rush Hill’s River Road Payoff T Struble/M Struble/K Dunn 1143 CH Golden Trip Snow Dream B Johnson/M Nishikawa 1090 CH Avalor Sandpiper Tickled Pink P Pace 911 CH Avalor’s Inxs L Reuter 902 CH Gaia Of Yoshida Enterprise K Oshima/L Jordan-Fenner 872 CH Shor’Line Jetoca High Seas Adventure RN JH C Binder

Setters (Irish Red and White) 121 CH Shireoak Caniscaeli Windsong Y Herrera/L Stark/V Malzoni/G Harrison/D 90 CH Moonstone Darcy D Cournoyer/P Cournoyer 89 CH Dalriach Alchemy JH A Jones/L Robinson 48 CH Rossmore Ruanard JH H Hazen 47 CH Mizen Duchas Dilis JH J Baumgartner 45 CH Machias Forged In Fire H Riggle/K McCartney 41 CH Affinity Day Tripper RN MX MXJ P Wallace-Jones/T Tennison 33 CH Tymaran Masterful L DeRosa/S DeRosa 33 CH Rossmore Thunder N Lightnin W Bockman/E Bockman/K Miller 33 CH O’Dobhailien Cailin Alainn JH J Baumgartner/T Baumgartner

Spaniels (Cocker) Black 771 CH Bracon’s Leapin Lilly Pads H Sullivan 577 CH Exl’s Leather N Lace S Knaus/J Huml 314 CH Hillside’s Black Miracle X Larson/R Larson 268 CH Markann-N-Kk’s Charlotte’s Winning Web K Jeglum/K Kohlmeyer 258 CH Hartlines True To Bear M Hart/K Brown/K Weaver/J Stern 254 CH Micadee’s My Two Sense C Fennelly 234 CH Tl’s On The Ball T Procuniar 227 CH Lomapoint 18k You Da Man J Bjelland/T Kelso 203 CH Shanz Island Calypso D Harris 195 CH Lehi’s Crystal Ball At Bluriver B Guyer/H Armour/N Guyer/A Morgante

Retrievers (Labrador) 4276CH Casbar’s Hart To Hart D Ammerman 3352 CH Beechcroft Study’s Top Secret M Caban/C Martinez/M Wiest 2776 CH Robnie’s Chantilly At Lighthouse L Greskevitch/B Anthony 2594 CH Salty Dog Of Tampa Bay L Hess 1212 CH Paradocs Delians Scrubbing In B Anthony/D Vansant 985 CH Sher-Mi Front Runner JH S Anderson/B Whitson/K Whitson/K Knowles 952 CH Ridge View’s Magician D Bloom-Schwartz/D Reece 917 CH Tande Last Stand At Baywynds R Turnham/G Koonce/J Koonce 829 CH Starquests Right On Que G Plotkin/N Plotkin/L Mitchell/S Sellers 731 CH Windswepthill Storm Tracker E Zgrabik/J Ridilla

Setters (Irish) 1594CH Shadagee Caught Red Handed D Burke/N Conner 1339 CH Vineyards Bad Boy R Okeefe/B O’Keefe/D Johnson/J Hubbard/K 971 CH Ashton Peaceful Easy Feeling J Jenkins Hylton/G Hylton 670 CH Greengate Buzz Lightyear J Killam/M Killam/B Elliott 606 CH Beaubriar Premiere Event B Pierhal/L Pierhal/M Dechambeau/E Decha 577 CH Windrose I’Ve Got A Secret C Horner/J Horner 482 CH Windwood Inferno P Seipkes 470 CH Marlyn All About Magic M Title/C McKenzie 398 CH Jewelset Second Attraction J Bonfiglio 241 CH Bryn Myrddin Ramblin’ Red Arawyn K Toohey/N Salmon/A Kubacz/M O’Malley

Spaniels (Cocker) Parti 460 CH Showcase Medicine Man S Forbes/B Rapoport 427 CH Windsor 18k Rolls Royce J Bjelland/T Kelso 361 CH Showcase On Board For One More D Swier/J Mcnelly 304 CH Pbj’s Gimme All Your Lovin B Pruitt/J Pruitt 285 CH Shaankata Kataxin Chorus Girl B Bunert 262 CH Mario’s Grand Slam Playa J Hanlin/M Ragusa/P Ragusa 214 CH Blkwater’s Hunkrdown My Heart N Virden/M Walls 203 CH Nosowea’s Navy Seal J Thorp 151 CH Christycrest Broadway Star B Garrow/C Wagner 141 CH Blue Mtn’s Work Of Art L Belch

Retrievers (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) 250 CH Foxvale’s Lennoxlove Patriot J Gibbs/D Gibbs/K Heiden/K Lawless 219 CH Manitou’s Granturismo JH C Lindemer/G Lindemer 153 CH Lennoxlove Susqudilla’s Mini Cooper R Haskin/J Merred/P Campanella 148 CH Littleriver’s Brynwood Celtie E Boryczka 144 CH Fionavar Javahill Topgun CD L Fitzmaurice/M Noreen 114 CH Jetstream’s Sit Up And Take Notice C Siflinger/L Siflinger 89 CH Littleriver’s Brynwood Mccoy JH E Boryczka 74 CH Cinnstars Chaos Theory RN OA OAJ C Parker/J Curran 62 CH Foxvale Foxbrooke Dare To Cruise K Lawless/J Lawless 56 CH Honeyrun’s Amber Waves M Beckstead/R Beckstead

Spaniels (American Water) 41 CH Waterway Game Crk Hot Diggity J Hattrem/L Hattrem/P Boyer 37 CH Aspen Springs Water Lily CD RE JH NA NAJ F Parker/D Parker 31 CH Carolina’s Wild March Hare RA NA NAJ L Mccracken 18 CH Mtnstar Wedding Of The Waters C Curtis-Dihel/B Wahlberg 16 Waterway Game Crk Ralphie Boy-How Sweet It Is! D Hancock/L Hattrem/P Boyer 16 CH Kei-Rin’s Honeyweiss K Kozak/P Kozak 14 CH Ca- Beavercrk’s Best Kpt Secret RN L Thorsness 12 Aspen Springs Northern Star D Parker/F Parker 7 CH Nissop’s Joki Koira SH D Possin 7 Aspen Springs Stargazer D Parker/F Parker

Spaniels (English Cocker) 1023CH Sweet Apple Sir Prize N Sweet/M Benson 866 CH Itoba Little Miss Can’T Be Wrong D Rand/J Winkels 675 CH Brasswinds Remember When L Fusco 519 CH Lynann’s Touchstone L Gall/R Gall/D Deane 450 CH Primetimes American Pride J Gerrish/K Mitchell 289 CH Indigo’s Priceless M Dobbins/L Dobbins 273 CH Ragtime Zane Grey K Wyckoff/S Peterson 257 CH Heritage Adam’s Rib V Zwart 244 CH Stage Door Curtain Call B Penny/C Collins/D Collins 235 CH Copperclad Stone Throw To Caib R Mertsching/D Mertsching CONTINUED ON PAGE 106



FLASH ck -Ba o T k Bac ents m e c Pla p u o r G s Judge Olvis rles a h C . Mr and eth b a z i l Ms. E ard Muth

BRYCE Ends A Successful Year With a GROUP SECOND Judge Mr. Raymond Filburn, Jr.


At Tidewater Kennel Club Judges Mr. B. Nolan Dale and Mrs. Donnelle Richards Our Appreciation To All Co-Owners: SOMERRI KENNELS, REG. Merrimack, New Hampshire

Breeders: Ed Hall Roland Masse Laura Lewis

Owner-Handler: Judy Silker DUNHARROW Winfield, Pennsylvania Dog News 47

new moon

for 2010 Ch. Bodacious Moon Madness “Madison” Finished in two weekends. Winners Bitch - Best of Winners - 1st Award of Merit AKC/Eukanuba National Championship 2009 Thank you Judge Dr. Anthony D. DiNardo Breeders/Owners: Glenda and Daniel Blue, M.D. 48 Dog News

Presented by: Dennis and Katey Brown Dog News 49

Based on All-Breed Competition Continued from page 43

Sporting Group Brittanys 1 CH Tonan-Hope’s R U Kiddin’ Me D Tighe/N Morabito 2 CH RJ’s Sierra Edition SH J Wire/R Wire 3 CH Willowick Talltean C Fitzgerald 4 CH Vem Country Mile G Manifold/N Redick/H Manifold/R West 5 CH Mich’s Mt Ready Aim Fire K Rickard/L Rickard/J Davies/D Peek 6 CH Dogwood Hollow Bengal Zero Zero G Clements/G Clements/C Mika/R Cornum 7 CH Melridge Stir N It Up D Bingham/F Bingham 8 CH Triumphant’s Absolute’ JH L McCartney-Roy/K Mccartney 9 CH Britt’s Ramblin’ Bourne Identity S Richards/N Larson/J Larson 10 CH Dualan Marsport Supercharger H Harrison/D Harrison Pointers 1 CH Cookieland Seasyde Hollyberry H Medeiros/S McCarthy/T McCarthy 2 CH Tahari’s To Wild To Be Serious L Cayton/D Ying/F DePaulo 3 CH Coralwood Valcopy Switch Hitter R Davis/D Plonkey 4 CH Penpoint In Dress Blues L Stagg 5 CH Seasyde Dobe’s Den In Fashion J Pahl/D Pahl/H Medeiros 6 CH Sankris That’s My Boy S Bures/K Kirkland 7 CH Creeksyde’s Witches Promise J Walton/G Griffin/K Rath 8 CH Dobe’s Den Point Zapata J Wornall/D Breim 9 CH Chesterhope My Boys Girl P Kroll 10 CH Bookstor Inherit The Wind K Spey/E Reisman/B Reisman/H Spey Pointers (German Shorthaired) 1 CH Fieldfines Back In Action JH D Simberlund/W Simberlund/D Hand 2 CH Robin Crest Charismatic JH R Remondi 3 CH Shomberg’s One Hot Ticket Deppe-Haus J Deppen/M Winkler/S Dattilio 4 CH Bleugras Shaggbark She’So Fine E Parsons 5 CH Pointsetter Steal The Thunder C Edwards/A Johnson-Edwards 6 CH Shortales N Cahoots W Irondale JH L Estes/W Bettis/M Bettis 7 CH Kan-Point’s Leading The Chase R Stanley/L Stanley/L Coonrod 8 CH Crk In The Fast Lane M Farone/W Farone 9 CH Dogwoodcreek’s Hot Money L Duncan 10 CH Ludlams Wish Upon A Prairiestar S Ludlam/C Slagle

50 Dog News

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


2 13 5 11 9


1 7 5 7 10 3863 1 4 2 2 3


0 2 4 7 4


0 2 3 2 7


0 0 1 6 5


0 2 2 5 4


0 1 3 4 2


0 1 0 1 5


0 2 2 3 5


13 16 0 0 0


1 4 4 3 5


0 5 1 1 4


0 4 4 6 6


1 1 1 0 0


0 1 1 4 5


0 0 2 1 1


0 0 1 1 2


0 1 1 3 1


0 0 0 3 0


1 14 11 3 3


2 14 3 6 5


1 8 9 5 5


0 4 10 4 3


0 1 3 2 2


0 1 3 4 2


0 1 2 3 4


0 2 3 1 2


0 1 1 2 3


0 0 3 3 2


Pointers (German Wirehaired) 1 CH Ripsnorter’s Mt View Lookout K Courtelis/J Witt/H Witt/J Wilkinson 2 CH Star K’s Mile Hi Valentine R Stark/L Stark/V Malzoni 3 CH Mt. View’s Ripsnortersilvercharm C Wisch/K Wisch 4 CH Aspendel’s Pale Rider JH B Watkins/R Perry/S Ferraro 5 CH Mountain View’s Mr Jack SH R Brannan 6 Timo II Bockenhagen At Kimmax (Foreign Dog - Registration Pending.) 7 CH Geronimo’s Flying Calypso J Steffes 8 CH K-S-Tzarr-Balkanoff Vom Sepp K Sunda/B Stroh 9 CH Ripsnorter’s A Fringe Benefit R Miller 10 CH Drakkar’s Rlb Celtic Private Eye J Boyd/M Boyd/J Wilkinson Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) 1 CH Sandbar’s Stock Exxchange D Baker/F Konrad/G Gearhart/A Gearhart 2 CH Alibi ‘N’ Royals Heiress L Krokover/D Bleifer/R Plaut 3 CH Chesabar Pawprints In The Sand M Vaccaro/P Barber 4 CH Cabin Ridge’s Mega Margarita C Meyer/K Rauschmeier/J Martin 5 CH Ches-Shores Hurricane Hattie R Kirwan/K Fox 6 CH Spinnakers Oc’s Little Miss Vixen D Peckman/K Peckman/S Silva 7 CH Cal-I-Co Kiss The Girls J Colvin/J Colvin 8 CH Ches-Shores Rockets Red Glare K White/J White/L Waid 9 CH Chesabar’s Brimstone Kodiak E Zboran 10 CH Goose Creek’s Hunt Goddess CD RN M Misegadis/L Misegadis Retrievers (Curly-Coated) 1 CH Dryfork Curly Moe RN L Rush 2 CH Down Datrail Hunting Thrills CD S Macre/D Akins 3 CH Kurly Kreek Sherlock Holmes M Shifflett/S Shifflett 4 CH Boyerie’s The Intimidator G Cooper/Y Cooper/G Caudill 5 CH Pizzazz Trigger I Andre/S McDowell/C McDowell 6 CH Sun Devil Veni Vidi Vici Of Hot Feet L Bauer/D Brannon 7 CH Kurly Kreek Artic Express S Shifflett/M Shifflett 8 CH Clarion’s Blackberry Bramble J Gentry/P Gentry 9 CH Walden Farm’s Zoot Suit Riot RN J Siebecker 10 CH Gladrags Original Buttonfly R Cataldo/M Mcgroarty Retrievers (Flat-Coated) 1 CH Petersfield Famous Amos S Stilwell/P Debree/S Stilwell/D Edwards 2 CH Starworkers Dealers Choice JH OA OAJ K Martin 3 CH Light-Foot’s Sugar On Snow T Mohr/S Meaker 4 CH Valhala’s Burning Ring Of Fire G Wilson/M Doheny


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5 CH Quillquest’s Living Legend D Sickles/L Zimic/G Impey 6 CH Blacklace Magic Mocha Sapphire C Johnson/K Johnson 7 CH Wingmaster’s History Repeats CD RE JH A Schultz/G Murtonen 8 CH Feathurquest Dangerous Drifter M Shimizu/K Shimizu 9 CH Shannara’s Chamber Of Secrets JH W Heikes/T Spires 10 CH Whazthat’s Headliner CD RN JH S Garolis/J Allen Retrievers (Golden) 1 CH Toasty’s Treasure Island P Oxenberg/J Oxenberg/J Bates 2 CH Rush Hill’s River Road Payoff T Struble/M Struble/K Dunn 3 CH Tempo’s U’Ve Got What Gets Me C Meddaugh 4 CH Easthill Broxden Pop Star M Hill/C Hill/S Kim Koffen/A Rodrigues-B 5 CH Golden Trip Snow Dream B Johnson/M Nishikawa 6 CH Avalor’s Inxs L Reuter 7 CH Gaia Of Yoshida Enterprise K Oshima/L Jordan-Fenner 8 CH Birnam Wood’s Hoot Gibson S Donahey/W Feeney 9 CH Dalane Doizaki Buckingham’s Pride H Doizaki/J Jensen 10 CH Shor’Line Jetoca High Seas Adventure RN JH C Binder Retrievers (Labrador) 1 CH Casbar’s Hart To Hart D Ammerman 2 CH Robnie’s Chantilly At Lighthouse L Greskevitch/B Anthony 3 CH Salty Dog Of Tampa Bay L Hess 4 CH Beechcroft Study’s Top Secret M Caban/C Martinez/M Wiest 5 CH Ridge View’s Magician D Bloom-Schwartz/D Reece 6 CH Paradocs Delians Scrubbing In B Anthony/D Vansant 7 CH Millmar’s Truely High Lites J Miller 8 CH Sher-Mi Front Runner JH S Anderson/B Whitson/K Whitson/K Knowles 9 CH Starquests Right On Que G Plotkin/N Plotkin/L Mitchell/S Sellers 10 CH Brooksflyway Em Spiritotexas RN E Mcclurg/D Mcclurg Retrievers (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) 1 CH Lennoxlove Susqudilla’s Mini Cooper R Haskin/J Merred/P Campanella 2 CH Javahill’s Backwoods Boy RN P McDonald/L Fitzmaurice 3 CH Foxvale’s Lennoxlove Patriot J Gibbs/D Gibbs/K Heiden/K Lawless 4 CH Littleriver’s Brynwood Celtie E Boryczka 5 CH Manitou’s Granturismo JH C Lindemer/G Lindemer 6 CH Jetstream’s Sit Up And Take Notice C Siflinger/L Siflinger 7 CH Fionavar Javahill Topgun CD L Fitzmaurice/M Noreen 8 CH Tollchester’s Top Secret C Redmond/S Sortwell CONTINUED ON PAGE 74

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Dog News 51

52 Dog News

Dog News 53

Now accepting reservations!

The Dog News Annual Magazine 2010


his is to let you know that the next issue of D — THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL MAGAZINE will be distributed no later than February 6, 2010. The deadline to submit advertisements for this very special publication is January 27, 2010. As usual, everything about D—THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL MAGAZINE will contribute to making a lasting and continuing impact on readers, both nationally and internationally. Its distribution at Westminster is unparalleled, and it is the only American magazine to be distributed at Crufts, the FCI World Show and at many other European, Asian and South American dog shows as well.

From the quality of its design and production values to its editorial content, D — THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL MAGAZINE serves the fancy as a reference to which they go back to again and again. Basic rates are $750 for a four-color page and $300 for a black-andwhite page. Discounts are available for four pages or more, whilst Handler Sections are available as well. Please contact us for preferred placement rates. Please plan to be a part of D—THE DOG NEWS ANNUAL MAGAZINE now.

For information, please contact Matthew Stander 212 462-9588 54 Dog News

Dog News 55


56 Dog News

Dog News 57


ach year the William Secord Gallery holds a special show to coincide with Westminster and this year presents the first solo exhibition in New York of the work of Pamela Hall. She had her first solo show when she was in the first grade at school and at the age of 10 sent some sketches to her favorite equine illustrator, Paul Brown,whoseillustrationshaveappearedinmanybooksandperiodicals. His encouragement prompted her to pursue a career as a painter.

Pamela began her formal art education in high school with weekend classes at the Cleveland Institute of Art and completed a Bachelor of Science Education at Ohio State University. She continued to draw and paint, which is all she had ever wanted to do from a small child, and some 20 years ago began specializing in the depiction of dogs. Her work has chiefly been on commission by word of mouth and she has completed numerous commissions for clients all across America. These have included a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel for Gilbert Kahn, Chairman of the Board of the AKC Museum of the Dog, and an English Springer Spaniel for Thomas Vail, whose FC/AFC Salmy’s Zorro was inducted into the Bird Dog Hall of Fame in 2009 at the Bird Dog Museum in Grand Junction, Tennessee. A member of the Portrait Society of America, her life today is all about animals, from dogs and horses to goats. She works from her studio in Fredericksburg, Texas, where she lives with

The Comforts of Home by Nick Waters

58 Dog News

her doggy family of Sunni the Pug, Annie the Cavalier, Sister, a German Shepherd and Suzy the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. With such a canine menagerie it is no wonder that she is comfortable painting all breeds, but secretly admits to the Cavalier being her favorite to paint. Pamela Hall’s pictures are traditional depictions inspired by the 19th century masters of the CONTINUED ON PAGE 96

Dog News 59

60 Dog News


*The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed

Dog News 61


his wonderful tale of “heartbreak” and “dreams really do come true” starts back in September when 501(c)3 Sirius decided to hold one of its three annual fundraisers at Paws Ability on Saturday, January 2nd. Regina Osborne was chosen as the Match Chairman and Coordinator for this “Fun” Match, or in reality, Training Match for all the puppies and unruly adults who are entered in the AKC Puyallup Cluster of Dog Shows.

SIRIUS by Cecilia Barnett

About Dogs

Everything was going along smoothly (as usual) until the end of December when we discovered that there were no First Place in the Group Rosettes AND the ribbon company was closed for the holidays. But Sirius is a tough group of individuals and are not easily daunted. Tony Galliano, lovingly called Mr. Pres by his friends, volunteered to do the Best In Match Rosette and Regina volunteered to take care of the Group Rosettes. Then disaster almost drove the match

into the ground. Regina was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery and she was the only one who knew all the details. All the information was on her laptop and husband, Randy, wasn’t sure how to turn it on. With a great effort on Regina’s part she called me from her hospital bed and bravely tried to pretend she was fine and not to worry. She asked me to pick up a few things to round out the match which was easily accomplished. On December 27th I received a lovely email from a lovely young girl, Debbie Egge, who had a Samoyed puppy that she thought she’d like to show but was new to the dog shows. I told Debbie to arrive between 8:30 & 9:00 and we’d try to help her out a bit. Debbie’s email triggered an idea – why not offer one on one handling lessons from all the experience from within Sirius? So with my normal gusto I attempted to coordinate this in the unused rings while registration was going on. Debbie arrived in fine style at 8:30. I knew it was her by the Samoyed Puppy at the end of the lead CONTINUED ON PAGE 98

62 Dog News


Dog News 63 *The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed points


The Digest

64 Dog News

Of American Dogs

The Deadline For The Westminster Kennel Club 2010 issue of Dog News, which publishes on Friday, February 12, 2009 will be Friday, February 5, 2009

Dog News 65


Stephen Huneck


og and art lovers this week are mourning the loss of Stephen Huneck. The painter, sculptor, author and wood carver is perhaps best known for Dog Mountain, a chapel built atop his hilltop farm in St. Johnsbury, Vermont that was devoted to dogs and was featured in Architectural Digest. A sign outside the chapel read, “Welcome all creeds, all breeds. No dogmas allowed.” Thousands of visitors, both two and four-legged, made Dog Mountain a popular tourist destination for the last decade. Made from wood harvested from his 175-acre property, it featured vaulted ceilings, stained-glass windows and images of dogs threaded throughout and even into the furniture. Huneck’s primary gallery was in Woodstock, Vermont and a large collection of his work could be found at the Vermont Scenic Cluster and at other area dog shows. Owners of black Labs (myself included) were partial to his art because he managed to capture the essence of the breed’s characteristics by observing and depicting two of his own black Labs in much of it. His work was humorous and inspirational, as was his life. A self-taught sculptor, he was discovered after doing his very first woodcarving of an angel. Then, in 1994, he suffered from Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome after falling down a flight of stairs, which left him in a coma for two months. With the help of his wife, Gwen, he made a full recovery, even having to learn how to sign his name all over again. He reportedly became distressed after having to lay off workers at the Dog Mountain Chapel and studios and committed suicide with a self-inflicted gunshot wound outside of his psychiatrist’s office last week in Littleton, New Hampshire. As Huneck himself penned in one of his books, “It hurts beyond words to suffer the loss of a friend.” Our deepest sympathies to his wife, family and many, many friends. (To view Stephen Huneck’s work, visit

66 Dog News

Group First Judge Dr. Alvin Krause • Best In Show Judge Mr. Dana Cline

THE # 1 NON-SPORTING DOG 2009* Owners: Joan L. Fisher Robert D. Speiser Barbara Wolfe

Handler Extraordinaire! Phoebe J. Booth 203 938-0226 *The Dog News Top Ten List - All Breed

Dog News 67

by William Miller & Sharon Newcomb



e are hoping that some of you will want to “have a conversation about dogs,” share your knowledge and teach all of us to be better dog people. It has dawned on us that we spend as much time complaining about the judging as we do being students and trying to do a better job. Complaining is not making anything better. This column is going to be all about “learning” and doing things in a positive way to improve our sport. Do you have a point to make? Just want to get something off your chest about the way your breed is judged? Want to talk about the way an entry was handled? Will it educate a novice? Will it help your breed be better judged? E-mail us and as long as it is positive and informative we will print it. We know a newbie judge blazing her way to her second group when asked if she really thought she was ready to judge all these new breeds said, “Well, I won’t be as bad as some of them!” What an aspiration!!!!! Let’s get busy and make it better. MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!! And have fun talking dogs while we are doing it.

68 Dog News

Comments To Judges BEAGLES “Expression” – gentle and pleading. Eyes large, set well apart – soft and houndlike. Jim Lisano MINIATURE PINCHERS Read the standard & know what it is!!!! Judy Ward PAPILLONS The standard says, “Ears large with rounded tips.” Some stages of hair growth can make the ear look pointed when it is not. You should feel the leather. A pointed ear is a fault. Kent Armstrong CHIHUAHUAS Please look at the whole dog, not just the head. They have legs and body parts that are for use. Please consider movement. Jackie Dew IRISH TERRIERS Please be mindful of type. Racing outline, not short backed or too long. “Flat back skull – with the stop hardly noticeable except in profile.” Character/personality — evil daredevil. No rise in the croup. Nancy O’Neal WELSH TERRIERS Square outline, stands tall in the grass. Short back, moderate length of neck. Old Man of the Mountain expression. Ears must break above skull. Wide set eyes. Red grizzle in back coat is OK! High tail set. Nancy O’Neal •

Livin’ The Life O’ Riley!!! “INTRODUCING”

Ch. Falkore Taking Care of Bizness STNHDG Sire: Ch. Gamegards US Marshall

Dam: Am. & Can. Ch. Stonehedge Rising Phoenix, VCD2, MX, AX, CAN CD

“FLASH” Best of Breed Ladies Kenne l Club • Best of Breed & Group Third Eastern Kenn el Club

Award of Merit Thank you Judge Mrs. Joan Klem Flash e s th n i w y e Ril oup r G g n i Work ys in a D h t o B lina! o r a C h Sout , n o s m Cle

Group Third Thank you Judge Mrs. Wendy Willhauck Thank you Breed Judge Mr. Eric Ringle Owners: Henry & Betty Ward Tollison

Breeders: Susan Catlin Dr. Roger & Elissa O’Sullivan

Handlers: Jessy & Roxanne Sutton Dog News 69


ell the calendar may have changed but the attacks keep coming against responsible dog breeders. The first state targeted in the new decade? New Hampshire, whose motto is “Live Free or Die.” Breeders are hoping HB 1624 dies in the House Environment and Agriculture Committee, which will consider the bill on Thursday, January 21. All responsible breeders and owners in the Granite State are urged to attend and voice their opposition to the measure in its current form. Like many bills of this type, HB 1624 seeks to establish a limit on the number of intact dogs a person may own. In this case, the magic number is 50. It also requires that any person having 10 intact dogs over four months of age meet care and condition requirements, including breeding limits. Qualifying breeders living in private homes would have to outfit their residences with the same costly building standards required of pet shops and animal shelters. In addition, all debarking, tail

docking and surgical births must be done by a licensed veterinarian and with anesthesia. And yet another provision in the bill would authorize any duly appointed agent of any humane society, SPCA incorporated in the state, or any animal control officer to investigate possible violations. To the general public unfamiliar with the tactics of animal rights extremists, this may all seem well and fine. Who wouldn’t want to ensure that dogs receive the same standard of quality care throughout the state? Isn’t that a good thing? But what the general public doesn’t know is that legislation of this sort is used by the well heeled extremists - who do nothing to save the lives of dogs - to establish an arbitrary number as a limit. Once a number is established, they intend to grab the hatchet and finally a scalpel to amend the law and reduce that number to zero. Their ultimate goal is no pet ownership, which is why all breeders have to fight against any piece of legislation that introduces a limit, regardless of the number.

When it comes to the hotly contested debates of debarking and tail docking, John Q. Public is usually going to side with the extremists who paint these practices as unnecessary and cruel. But what the general public also may not know, is that the American Kennel Club states that “a six-day old puppy would not be able to endure the anesthesia required by this bill.” Aren’t the decisions regarding cropping and docking best left in the capable hands of licensed veterinarians and responsible breeders and not legislators who are lobbied to advance the agenda of the super powerful, so-called animal rights movement? What the general public also needs to know is that this legislation would allow individuals who aren’t trained or sworn in as public officers to enter and seize private property on the grounds of investigating possible violations. And the general public needs to know - and will certainly understand – what will be the fiscal impact of the bill. On the state’s official legislative web site, http://www. HB1624. html, it reads: “The

OFF LEASH by Shaun Coen


70 Dog News

Judicial Branch, the Judicial Council, the Department of Justice and the New Hampshire Association of Counties state this bill may increase state and county expenditures by an indeterminable amount in FY 2011 and each year thereafter.” Furthermore, “The Department of Agriculture, Markets and Food states that this bill will increase state expenditures and may increase local expenditures by an indeterminable amount. The Department assumes no additional funding or personnel would be provided. The Department states that without additional personnel the state veterinarian will not be able to assume the additional responsibilities contained in this bill and continue to perform the state veterinarian’s current responsibilities. The state veterinarian would need to not perform 366 to 687 hours of other functions per year to meet the responsibilities contained in this bill.” Is that a cost the residents of the “Live Free or Die” state want to absorb? Does the bill really address problems or concerns in the state? The AR extremists have been taking their one-sided messages to the general public with great results for years; it’s imperative that responsible breeders and owners do the same, because they’re facing an uphill, ever-expanding battle with nowhere near the resources at their disposal.

Dog News 71


have not been back to the Land O’ Lakes shows held in St. Paul Minnesota for at least ten years now. Not since the Great Blizzard of l999 when it took Dennis Sprung and me almost two full days to get home because of that East Coast Nor’Easter and quite candidly I missed going there. I returned this year notwithstanding the bitter cold and snows of the upper Midwest and I can only tell you how glad I am that I made the decision to go there again. Years ago this show was a very active political show insofar as AKC power thrusts were concerned. What with the influence of the late Bob Kelly and a number of his contemporaries including Asa Mays many a Board Director and/or Staff members career could be made or broken here. That’s not the case today but I can happily report that through the efforts of Club President and Show Chairperson Marcia Holdren (who is held in such esteem by various knowledgeable show goers that she is labeled by them “as the most capable and able show chairperson in America” – and believe me that’s quite an accolade) and her most concerned officers and fellow workers – Carol Langer, Jan Croft and Sharon Danley, like fine wine this show has only improved in quality. From an interesting and almost impeccable panel of judges to a concern for the exhibitor above and beyond the call of duty these people just seem to think of everything. Ånd of course it pays off in spades for them as the wise handler knows to come here and the Minnessotians flood the place to come see the dogs. Within the venue are several restaurants, there are indoor connections to most hotels and motels and the friendliness of the atmosphere is almost overwhelming. The quality of the dogs was good with the Bests dominated by the new Bichon Frise of Scott Sommers the first night and Eileen Heckart’s Gordon the next. Eileen’s history with Gordon’s of course is something about which legends are made and Scott’s success with Bichons is a legend in itself.


Land O’ Lakes, Reactions ...

by Matthew H. Stander 72 Dog News

Both of these exhibits are in the tradition of their finest charges I am glad to report. For me I always look forward to seeing Mary Price who lives in Minnesota anywhere anytime – she is the delegate from the Newfoundland Club of America and how lucky this breed is to have her represent them is something accepted by most who know anything about delegates and their history. If only we had more Mary’s what a better state AKC would be in for sure! Also in St. Paul’s is one of my favorite hotels in America The St. Paul. It just oozes charm and elegance and has been doing this for I venture more years than most would care to say. I’m going back next year – God willing – no matter how long it takes to get there or get home – so there Dennis meet that challenge. Strange things are afoot as we enter 2010 at AKC. A total beak not only with tradition but with the By-laws themselves has become de rigueur by the Board. Indeed they have taken some steps which are so out of joint with the Rules one could legitimately question whether certain Board Members who are now actively soliciting advertisements through their agents have the privilege to judge anymore much less sit as Delegates. Indeed taken to its logical conclusion one may legitimately question whether the actions of this Board of late pre-empt any DelCONTINUED ON PAGE 100

Based on All-Breed Competition CONTINUED FROM PAGE 50

9 CH Cinnstars Chaos Theory RN OA OAJ C Parker/J Curran 10 CH Readyfor Going To The Max C Calado/J Klein Setters (English) 1 CH Reidwood Red Alert G Perry 2 CH Artizoe High Caliber S Hoeflinger/S Ping 3 CH Palisades Silhouette C Kopfstein/J Mayr/B Fischer 4 CH Chebaco Blames It On Trabeiz D Coller/P Coller/E Hackett 5 CH Kaska’s Capture The Moment L Kuhn/L Gancer 6 CH Country Squire Heaven Can Wait D Jordan/S Jordan 7 CH Honeygait Wilsonlake On The Rocks A Duncan 8 CH Oakley’s B’Dazzled E Strickland/J Strickland 9 CH Esthete’s The Mountain King L Mowery/J Warren 10 CH Kelyric Blues Traveler RN JH A Mann/K Kennedy Setters (Gordon) 1 CH Firethorn And Sandpiper Easy On The Eyes D Coller/P Coller/M McLoughlin/C Kirby 2 CH Glen Oaks River Breeze Shiraz M Wetzel/G Godding/M Devalt 3 CH Sastya Raggededge Peer Review M Leonard/W Leonard/C Mayers/M Grill 4 CH Sandpiper’s Shore Enough D Grant/J Beattie/P Reilly 5 CH Bryce Brodie Of Macrae R Pallas/M Pallas 6 DC Sun-Yak Spellbnd Heaven Scent C Gold 7 CH Beaconfield Momentum T Ward/F Patterson 8 CH Portree’s California Dreamin’ A Pickrell/J Crystal 9 CH Raggededge Joyride To Kericreek K Chard-Savage/J Hafer/S Sealock 10 CH Schofield Headliner Hopi R Schmidt Setters (Irish) 1 CH Vineyards Bad Boy R Okeefe/B O’Keefe/D Johnson/J Hubbard/K 2 CH Shadagee Caught Red Handed D Burke/N Conner 3 CH Ashton Peaceful Easy Feeling J Jenkins Hylton/G Hylton 4 CH Jewelset Second Attraction J Bonfiglio 5 CH Windwood Inferno P Seipkes 6 CH Greengate Buzz Lightyear J Killam/M Killam/B Elliott 7 CH Militza’s Starry Starry Nite T Mcneal/R Mcneal/J Fisher/K Wall 8 CH Beaubriar Premiere Event B Pierhal/L Pierhal/M Dechambeau/E Decha 9 CH Marlyn All About Magic M Title/C McKenzie 10 CH Windrose I’Ve Got A Secret C Horner/J Horner Setters (Irish Red and White) 1 CH Shireoak Caniscaeli Windsong Y Herrera/L Stark/V Malzoni/G Harrison/D 2 CH Affinity Day Tripper RN MX MXJ P Wallace-Jones/T Tennison 3 Seargent Sunset Do Porto-Rio M Wallace/D Wurz 4 CH Machias Forged In Fire H Riggle/K McCartney 5 CH Moonstone Darcy D Cournoyer/P Cournoyer Spaniels (American Water) 1 CH Waterway Game Crk Hot Diggity J Hattrem/L Hattrem/P Boyer 2 CH Ca- Beavercrk’s Best Kpt Secret RN L Thorsness 3 CH Nissop’s Joki Koira SH D Possin 4 CH Tarheel’s Dixie R Darlin RN T Marley/C Jones 5 CH Mtnstar Wedding Of The Waters C Curtis-Dihel/B Wahlberg 6 Waterway Game Crk Ralphie Boy-How Sweet It Is! D Hancock/L Hattrem/P Boyer Spaniels (Clumber) 1 CH Moonrysn’s Moon Dawg P Holman/M Cole/J Sutherland 2 CH Monarch American Pie S Beaulieu/J Mui

74 Dog News

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3 CH Quail Hollow’s Gelato A Morphis/P Scholey/D Morphis 4 CH Nexus Jazzin’s Jenga C Jaynes/S Fankhauser 5 CH Avalea Magical Minstrel A Lefebvre/J Cooper/R Thayer 6 CH Nexus Dark Horse P McCune/J Fankhauser 7 CH Celtic’s Nose For News J Eaton/K Mcgriff 8 CH Clussexx Tickling The Ivories S Miller/C Miller 9 CH Avalea The Pumpkin King W Schernekau/J Schernekau/A Lefebvre/R T 10 Clussexx Proof Positive C Wanamaker/J Haverick Spaniels (Cocker) Black 1 CH Exl’s Leather N Lace S Knaus/J Huml 2 CH Bracon’s Leapin Lilly Pads H Sullivan 3 CH Hartlines True To Bear M Hart/K Brown/K Weaver/J Stern 4 CH Hillside’s Black Miracle X Larson/R Larson 5 CH K-J’s Othello J Pruitt/K Pruitt 6 CH Tl’s On The Ball T Procuniar 7 CH Casablanca’s Thrilling Seduction L Moore 8 CH Touchstone’s O Solo Mio R Young/K Rigsby 9 CH Lomapoint 18k You Da Man J Bjelland/T Kelso 10 CH K-J & Coldry Sherman Tank J Pruitt/K Pruitt/C Grimes/A Grimes Spaniels (Cocker) ASCOB 1 CH Somerset’s Sweet Talkin’ Girl L Ferland 2 CH Carbert Arikara Magic Touch C Shute/P Nazarko 3 CH Shaman’s No Doubt About It J Stamm/J Fehring 4 CH Mei-Hardt’s Shining Quasar J Meister/S McAlister 5 CH Quasar’s & Sherwood’s Odd Couple M Santos/B Santos/S McAlister 6 CH Mardi Gras Strut The Stage R Logrie 7 CH Lydgate Rise N’ Shine D Knight 8 CH Rx Victorious Secret E Domondon 9 CH Be-Fit’s Star Of The Class C Thompson/D Christian/G Jorgensen 10 CH Aspire’s Rocket Man M Reid/M Wilson Spaniels (Cocker) Parti 1 CH Showcase Medicine Man S Forbes/B Rapoport 2 CH Showcase On Board For One More D Swier/J Mcnelly 3 CH Windsor 18k Rolls Royce J Bjelland/T Kelso 4 CH Mario’s Grand Slam Playa J Hanlin/M Ragusa/P Ragusa 5 CH Jo-Bea’s Rebecca For Rowingdale C Rowe/J Rowe 6 CH Keda’s Hellz A Poppin’ D Sutliff/K Neal/C Gray/J Gray 7 CH Pbj’s Gimme All Your Lovin B Pruitt/J Pruitt 8 CH My-Ida-Ho N’ Jems Nabisco E Ross/S Gerling 9 CH Blkwater’s Hunkrdown My Heart N Virden/M Walls 10 CH Vista’s Music In Motion J Kasper Spaniels (English Cocker) 1 CH Sweet Apple Sir Prize N Sweet/M Benson 2 CH Primetimes American Pride J Gerrish/K Mitchell 3 CH Itoba Little Miss Can’T Be Wrong D Rand/J Winkels 4 CH Brasswinds Remember When L Fusco 5 CH Destiny’s Midnight Rose Xpress R Goodyear/R Goodyear 6 CH Majestic’s Keeping The Drama S Johnson/K Belter/D Belter 7 CH Lynann’s Touchstone L Gall/R Gall/D Deane 8 CH Cobblestone Tuscany Corazon D O’connell 9 CH Especially Magic Happens P Harris/S Moss/M Bartholomew

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0 0 1 1 0


0 0 0 1 1


0 3 6 5 2

8 40 27 16 6



2 22 27 12 18 12302 0 6 9 8 7


0 0 4 4 5


1 5 6 7 5


0 2 5 3 0


0 5 0 2 1


0 4 2 1 1


0 0 0 1 1


0 1 2 3 3


0 5 12 9 12 5918 0 1 5 7 11 3071 1 2 2 5 8


0 2 4 2 1


0 3 3 1 0


0 2 1 2 4


1 4 0 0 0


0 1 0 1 2


0 0 0 1 2


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 3 4 4


0 0 1 2 1


0 0 1 1 2


0 1 1 0 1


0 0 1 1 1


0 0 3 2 1


0 1 1 0 0


0 0 0 1 1


0 0 1 0 1


0 0 0 0 2


0 6 9 11 6


1 3 7 5 10 2936 0 1 0 5 8


0 8 3 3 2


0 3 2 6 3


0 2 1 1 3


0 1 0 2 2


0 0 1 2 3


1 1 1 1 2


B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4

10 CH Ragtime Zane Grey K Wyckoff/S Peterson

0 0 2 1 1

Spaniels (English Springer) 1 CH Cerise Jesse James D Cherry/R Fugit 2 CH Tiffanys Esspecial Imagery C Florence/E Fink/K Goodhue-McWilliams/D 3 CH Cerise Signature Of Telltale CD RN S Pelissero/C Pelissero/R Fugit/D Cherry 4 CH Tara’s Master Of “D” Game J Spence/J Spence/D Trueblood/G McCain/J 5 CH Capulet’s Innovation L Myslinski 6 CH Wil-Orion’s Twenty Twenty L Green/E Johnson/E Jesseman/J Johnson 7 CH Crossroad Crownroyal Miracle L Green/D Green/E Jesseman/M Osbun/J Ket 8 CH Wynmoor Brightwater Timeless N Siver/E Kerfoot/R Kirby 9 CH Gentry’s Mesmerize V Suriano 10 CH Caran’s Days Of Future Passed NA OAJ C Racey Spaniels (Field) 1 CH Bitterblue Here Comes Da Judge K Sullivan/H Howard/L Finney 2 CH Capriole’s Mystic Chalice P Archer/K Klein 3 CH Promenade Perfect Alibi J Chopson/J Schildman 4 CH Evans’ Rumor Has It C McGowan 5 CH Gooseberrys Red Sky At Night K Salerno/S Ward Fernau 6 CH W-Haven’s Traces Of Gold S Strong/S Douthit/A Winters 7 CH Seabreeze The Secret Storm RN S Meachem/L Carver/D O’Neil/G O’Neil 8 CH Tamarack’s Race You To Calico S Thornhill/B Hirschy 9 CH Nautica’s Siren Song C Dooley/D Brewer 10 CH Nautica’s Ladies Knight RN L St Hilaire/D Brewer/A Morissette Spaniels (Irish Water) 1 CH Poole’s Ide Got Water RN S Duncan/C McDaniel/G Siner 2 CH D’Locks St. James’s Gate CD JH R Rubin 3 CH Tara’s Teal Take Flight RN T Darlingdyer/M Williams 4 CH Stanegate Supertramp T Ufkes/H Gervais 5 CH Poole’s Ide Bonnie Brook S Lewis/L Macdonald 6 CH Saracen Blue Thunder On The Marsh CD JH S Sarracino/R Deihl 7 CH D’Locks Evenstar Of Beaufield B Kvarnlov/L Musgrave 8 CH Poole’s Ide Who’D A Thought It R Brooks/G Siner 9 CH Whistle Stop’s Venator CD RN R Nelson/C McDaniel 10 CH Poole’s Ide Freewater A Kew/M Richmond Spaniels (Sussex) 1 CH Seamist On A Windward Tack RN P Peterson/T Peterson/A McGloon/S McCull 2 CH Clussexx Three D Grinchy Glee C Ruggles/B Dowd/S Sommer 3 CH Erinhill Cpnwy Mr Fuzzywrinkles C Curtis/C Holt-Grenier 4 CH Hilands Happy Highwayman B Folsom/S Folsom/L Peterson 5 CH Remedi’s Fastrax Heart O’Gold J Haenszel/C Drake 6 CH Castles Gift Of The Wizard TDX K Marshburn/R Marshburn 7 CH Remedi’s Maritime Stern Star A Morris/D Miller 8 CH Sundowners Thyme For Tea P Davern 9 CH Primetime Idols Hot Rocker S Ainscough/F Keck/K Cottingham/J Cottin 10 CH Taliesin Stone Soul Pinic L Shannon/M Lanham/S Owens Spaniels (Welsh Springer) 1 CH Royailes Hasta B A Cut Above D Maddox 2 CH Statesman’s Winners Circle A Grant/V Gill/M Helms/P Gilson 3 CH Rolyart’s Full Of Grace JH S Traylor/C Ford 4 CH Royaile’s Man For All Seasons R Burgess/S Burgess/N Carlton 5 CH Saga’s Sweet Sherlock J Cooley



3 22 31 20 14 15037 2 11 11 15 9


2 10 8 12 6


0 10 8 9 4


0 11 23 15 12 5603 1 8 4 0 2


0 4 6 5 9


0 1 4 5 0


0 1 6 4 5


0 1 3 3 1


1 10 6 8 7


0 1 1 0 3


0 0 3 1 4


0 0 0 3 2


0 0 1 4 3


0 1 0 2 2


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 1 0


0 2 0 0 0


0 0 1 1 0


2 7 12 5 6


0 2 7 8 9


0 1 2 2 5


0 3 2 1 1


0 1 2 1 1


0 1 3 0 2


0 0 2 4 1


0 0 1 2 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 1 0 1


0 2 4 9 5


1 1 0 0 0


0 1 2 3 7


0 0 2 1 4


0 1 2 2 4


0 0 0 1 2


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


3 13 14 16 9


2 7 9 8 10 4478 0 0 4 0 3


0 1 1 1 5


0 0 1 0 4



Dog News 75

Based on All-Breed Competition CONTINUED FROM PAGE 74

6 CH Heatherstone’s Jopa Blue K Sinclair-Dunn 7 CH Rock SPGS Hawk Of The Battle K Goodrich/K Berry 8 CH Clussexx Rolyarts Payola S Marx/J Haverick 9 CH Statesman’s Autumn Amberlynne M Helms 10 CH Truepenny The Secret Is Out J Parry/T Parry Spinoni Italiani 1 CH Italix Massimiliano D Graff/K Holden 2 CH Sharpshot Aris A Schultz 3 CH Bela’s Presto Change-O P Miller/L Miller/K Miller 4 CH Mountain Valley Agathia R Koch/D Forry 5 CH Klondike’s Frederico Ilario S Moen/C Sheridan 6 CH Javal I’M Movin On To Hootwire RN D Perrott/S Knipe 7 CH Caccia Cane Fonzie JH S Bauer/F Bauer 8 CH Javal Tangerine Man J Austad/K Norton 9 CH Kala’s Qualcosa Parlare Di S Coates/K Hamaker 10 CH Quietwood Gunsmoke JH H Key/C Key Vizslas 1 CH Renaissance Girls Gone Wild L Durham/G Durham 2 CH Derby’s Destination Moon JH M Vila/B Mchughs/C McHughs/S Barr 3 CH Artisan Grouse Point Pink Panther JH C Miklos/S Lonabaugh/J Toepke 4 CH Annian’s Great Explorer JH S Towne 5 CH Plaza’s Willow Weep For Me D Scott 6 CH Titan’s Take Me Seriously RN A Stout/B Stout/P Schmidt-Edwards 7 CH Pagliacci Kizmar Wicked Brew P Hussa/K Rust 8 CH Russet Leather Boulder’s Wild Tok MH T Walden/J Hetkowski/E Hetkowski/C Dosta 9 CH Kezdet’s Grand Mark Gedeon N Russo 10 CH Jaybren’s Irish Star J Brennan/J Brennan Weimaraners 1 CH Smokycity Silhouette Dbl Ur Pleasure C Cassidy/B Cassidy 2 CH Smokycity Nanis Dbl Silhouette C Cassidy/B Cassidy 3 CH Harline Win’Weim It’s My 2nd Martini S Line 4 CH Doc’s Seven Ships Of Acadia A Stewart-Zimmerman/A Stewart/D Stewart/ 5 CH Liberty’s Dancin In The Moonlight G Heinze/D Heinze/L Moon/T Moon 6 CH Rosewin Clasic Schwin Of Anson P Sage/A Sage/M Gearhart/W Gearhart 7 CH Bowbent Carousels Perfect World M Doherty/N Mages/P Van Camp/A McClure 8 CH Camelot’s Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door S Thomas 9 CH Smokycity Sweet Revenge J Martin 10 CH Hibourne’s It’s All About Me B Lane/S Lane Wirehaired Pointing Griffons 1 CH Flatbrook Royal Point Attitude JH R Byrne/L Byrne 2 CH Fireside’s Spontaneous Combustion J Coughlin/E Hunsicker 3 CH Wyncliff’s Wanna Be Loved By U R Baggenstos/D Baggenstos/S Biles/E Bile 4 CH Zerubbabel Von Herrenhausen SH C Ptak/J Ptak 5 CH Fireside’s Rio Grande E Hunsicker 6 CH Fireside’s Sugar Plum Faerie JH S Young 7 CH Flatbrook Duet Hide And Seek JH K Rogney/G Rogney 8 CH Griffondor Trey L Boyer-Miller/R Miller 9 CH Fireside’s Dot Dot Dash JH M Thompson/K Krautz 10 CH Bear Hug Cee Barry Rockbridge JH K Boehner

76 Dog News

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 1 2 2 1


0 1 2 3 2


0 0 1 3 2


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 1 0 0


0 0 1 5 5


0 2 1 4 0


0 1 4 6 2


0 0 0 1 1


0 3 0 1 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 2 0 0


0 0 1 0 1


0 0 1 0 1


2 22 11 11 12 8726 0 8 9 13 5


2 7 11 3 3


0 1 2 3 8


0 1 0 3 3


0 2 4 1 2


0 0 0 4 0


0 1 1 0 1


0 0 3 1 0


0 0 0 3 2


3 22 28 22 12 14694 0 9 6 12 8


1 7 6 6 7


0 3 4 6 8


0 5 5 7 3


0 1 3 4 4


0 2 5 2 4


0 0 1 4 2


0 0 2 2 0


0 0 0 1 2


1 27 21 19 10 13855 2 17 21 19 18 13605 0 3 3 9 5


0 1 0 0 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 1 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


Hound Group

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4

Afghan fg Hounds 1 CH Genesis Silverado J Shaw 2 CH Shenandoah Smoke And Mirrors W Slowe/L Guerrero 3 CH Polo’s The Aviator L Amadeo/D Eiswerth 4 CH Thaon’s Mowgli J Hafford/J Blanchard/A Sterner 5 CH Jakar Winsong Elevate Your Game G Jensen/D Jensen 6 CH Karakush Dot Com Dot Au K Setty/L Bettis 7 CH Silhouette Shame Shame Shame JC E Berman/R Berman/J Fisher 8 CH Gengala Nobodys Bizness J Rogers/D Rogers/D Pfeil/W Pfeffer 9 CH Majic Whatever I Want K Todd/L Bettis 10 CH Amare Rider In The Rain T Richardson/L Vaughn/D Cochrane/C Cochr

Basenjis 1 CH Ab-Rafiki The Icon Of Cool M Jameson/W Pooley/S Middlebrooks 2 CH Wakili Signet Dooney T Curry 3 CH Klassic’s Slam Dunk K Courtelis/S Kite/J Gillespie 4 CH Jasiri-Sukari Just Sprite JC J Jones/K Jones/P Lopez/R Lopez 5 CH Arubmec’s Crocodile Rock JC P Cembura 6 CH Platinum’s Adrenaline Rush S Moore/R Moore/M Quinnett 7 DC C-Quest’s Jokuba Hide And Sneak SC C Russell/R Bowen-Wilkerson 8 CH Grandquest Kazor’s Motumbo Xequemate J Gaidos/A Halemanu/C Webb 9 CH Signet ‘Tis-A Wild Honeysuckle JC F Hughes/B Cassell/J Hughes 10 CH Klassic’s Rivers Edge C Shattuck Basset Hounds 1 CH Topsfield-Sanchu American Express C Orlandi/C Steidel/S Frischmann 2 CH Splash’s The Professor J Nolan/B Nolan/J Nolan/S Ponsart 3 CH Blossomhil’s Mamma Mia S Shor 4 CH Topsfield-Sanchu Pop Art O’Bridi C Orlandi/C Steidel 5 CH Foxglen Deal Or No Deal H Pybus/S Pybus/S Deans/B Deans 6 CH Topsfield Vision Silvernoodles C Orlandi/C Steidel/N Richmond/A Testoni 7 CH Gladiator It’s So Floppy M Martinez 8 CH Sasquatch Silver Bullett B Brandt/D Coker 9 CH Switchstand Cannonball D Taylor 10 CH Barnyard Legends Of The Fall P Harder/B Mercer/S Smyth/M Harder Beagles (13 in. and under) 1 CH Jabrwoki’s Le Jazz Hot S Robblee/B Manifold 2 CH Alamo’s El Caporal P Baffert/K Brooks 3 CH Skyline’s Dream Big K Forbes/J Forbes 4 CH Roirdan Lanbur Motor City D Kirby/P Lipani/J Woodring/C Herr 5 CH Roirdan’s Meant To Be E Nesbitt/S Mason-Saunders/C Herr 6 CH Tesoros Winner Takes It All N McCormick 7 CH Del Rey Roosevelts Rough Rider R Hilton/D Lipari/E Brandt/J Catz 8 CH Torquay Over The Top M Botelho/A Botelho/M Chagas 9 CH Copper Rose Myles Of Smiles T Gaier 10 CH Lomapoint Huckleberry C Long Beagles (over 13 in.) 1 CH Torquay Midnight Confession M Chagas/M Botelho/A Botelho 2 CH Just Wright The Full Monty J Wright


6 51 37 18 4


4 21 15 6 7


1 9 5 6 10 5299 0 17 6 5 1


2 5 4 2 5


0 9 5 3 2


1 5 2 1 2


0 6 4 3 5


0 4 4 2 6


0 7 5 2 1


5 38 19 11 5


1 5 9 14 17 4418 0 4 7 8 9


0 1 3 7 4


0 0 3 8 6


0 5 5 3 2


0 0 3 7 4


4 9 11 1 0


0 0 2 7 2


0 0 0 3 2


3 26 19 15 15 7590 2 8 7 7 8


1 14 6 13 4


1 6 8 6 7


0 3 4 3 9


1 6 0 0 0


0 1 0 6 6


1 2 0 0 1


0 0 0 2 4


0 2 2 2 0


0 7 8 9 8


0 1 3 1 3


0 0 0 4 2


0 0 4 5 1


0 1 2 1 2


0 0 0 1 1


0 0 1 0 2


0 2 0 1 2


0 0 0 2 1


0 0 0 1 2


10 32 23 19 9


1 8 13 11 4


3 CH Jabrwoki’s A Canterbury Tail S Robblee/B Manifold 4 CH Talbot Hill’s Thyme After Time C Davis/D Hiltz 5 CH Cabaret Come Catch The Dream R Sampson/J Simpson/T Olson 6 CH Rockwoods Milo Tipster J Hubenak/S Moore/S Hubenak 7 CH Springfield’s Crystal’s Twister J Formisano 8 CH Quijote De La Plaza Grunauer L Cranford 9 CH Cabaret Come As You Are T Olson/J Simpson/P Ivett/D Blickenstaff 10 CH Lynnstone Omega P Staub Black and Tan Coonhounds 1 CH Silver Ridge Showtyme At Windbourne S Campbell/L Schermerhorn/S Skinner/T Sk 2 CH Windbourne Every Hand’s A Winner A Mitchell 3 CH Windbourne High Performance E McCarthy/S Tasker/S Campbell 4 CH Windbourne Carolina Hurricanes CD K Settle 5 CH Windbourne Dr Watson L Seabrook/R Seabrook/S Campbell 6 CH Foxfire Rockytop Desperado H Bevan/R Urban 7 CH Genesis Criminal Intentions D Cornsilk/M Cornsilk 8 CH CSG Clover Creek Big Daddy RN K Winn/J Carr 9 CH Windbourne Champagne Girl D Myers/B Myers/S Campbell 10 CH Thunderfoot’s Bayaway Jackson D Rezendes Bloodhounds 1 CH Heathers A Little Night Music E Befus 2 CH Ghost Hollow’s Spectacular Bid L Griffith/J Hahn 3 CH Soonipi Dncin In The Moonlite Mlh K Dewey/S Wittman 4 CH Heathers Where Eagles Dare L Sherman/H Whitcomb 5 CH Flessner’s International Harvester B Flessner/C Flessner 6 CH Legend’s Nutrageous Hamlet M Zitek/S Anderson/S VanCamp/C Thomas 7 CH ChurchilsI’llTakeTheChallenge C Lyons/W Lyons 8 CH Quiet Creek’s Mi Amor E Jones/S Hamil 9 CH Wychway’s Dawggone Terriffic L Burch/S Hamil 10 CH Hold The Mayo At The Magpie S Allen/C Kaminski Borzois 1 CH Jubilee-Katushka Ebel C Gredys 2 CH Auroral’s Ajax J Steele 3 CH Majenkir Bookstor Glamour Girl K Staudt-Cartabona/K Spey 4 CH Po Dusham Royalist A Edlin/R Williams 5 CH Aashtoria Wildhunt Hidden Agenda R Riel/C Riel 6 CH Aria’s The Quiet Man R Rice/B Rice 7 CH Raynbo’s Triumphal Fire R Zucker/J Zucker 8 DC Gryffyn’s It’s All About Me SC R Shell-Whitlock/V Whitlock 9 CH Vento Danza Independence Day G Thiele/C Greene/C Cedeno 10 CH Scheremetjew Porsche Targa SC K Johnson/J Johnson Dachshunds (Longhaired) 1 CH Sunteckel’s Samuel II S Lutosky/T Abst 2 CH Xeralane’s Supersonic Xeralane Knl 3 CH Leoralee’s What Love Is Sl D Amiel/W Cunningham/M Singleton 4 CH Insight’s On The Verge F Overdahl/R Overdahl 5 CH Rose Farm’s Slamdunks Aces High K Toohey/R Hansen 6 CH Homar’s Solo Aviator Sl C Puig/W Jones/M Jones 7 CH Vongays It’s A Wrap Sl M Boyle/G Richards 8 CH Add-Sim’s Scout Of Mt M Taylor 9 CH Insight Rumorhasit At Pramada F Mitchell/E Mitchell/M Peat

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


1 3 3 3 4


0 5 2 3 2


0 1 5 6 1


0 1 1 5 6


0 3 1 2 1


0 2 5 4 6


0 0 1 1 4


0 0 2 3 1


3 23 17 12 7


0 1 4 3 4


0 1 5 8 1


0 0 1 1 0


0 0 0 1 1


0 1 0 1 0


0 0 0 0 3


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 1 0 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 9 9 21 9


0 11 8 12 9


1 7 6 9 6


0 2 4 2 3


0 3 3 3 2


0 2 2 2 1


0 0 3 0 2


0 2 1 1 0


0 2 0 1 1


1 1 0 0 0


0 4 5 5 2


1 5 1 2 2


0 1 2 3 5


0 1 2 5 0


0 1 2 3 2


0 0 2 0 3


0 0 1 0 0


0 0 1 1 1


0 0 0 1 2


0 0 1 1 1


1 4 8 13 17 5152 1 5 13 9 6


0 3 7 11 10 2569 0 4 4 10 7


1 5 1 4 4


1 1 2 1 2


1 1 1 0 5


0 0 2 4 8


0 2 1 2 4



Dog News 77

Based on All-Breed Competition CONTINUED FROM PAGE 76

10 CH Dikerdachs Jessie V Diker Dachshunds (Smooth) 1 CH Pawprints Add Sim’s Kristal Ms C Simones/R Addison 2 CH Bessdach Drisheen Hot Shot M Lara/D Bell 3 CH Brodny Schoolhouse Dixie F Vogel/C Vogel/J Anderson/N Eby 4 CH Petalpusher Pumpkin Seed Ms L Abbott 5 CH Woldorf’s The Prince Noir P O’Hanley/S Wolden 6 CH Grandgables Banded Mongoose Ms M Olich Nie/J Todd 7 CH Dynadaux Honky Tonk Girlicious Ms G sutton/S Summers/C Senff 8 CH Brownwood The Dance Ss J Cerasini/R Brown/S Steele 9 CH Grandgables Wee Mr Red Thorn G Jeavons/M McMillan 10 CH Hialeah’s Cinnabar V Lucene S Lutosky Dachshunds (Wirehaired) 1 CH Gleneagle’s Who’s Famous Now A Bischel/C Erickson 2 CH Rosethorn Unique Answer S Parish 3 CH Rivendell Dark Side Of The Moon Sw S Ray 4 CH Jake’s Desperado Sw J Mayhall/K Jensen/D Maloney 5 CH Daybreak’s Classique Cruiser W D Krieg 6 CH Icon-Hudson’s Move Over Rover K Toomey/S Cummings/R Tonnancour/L Tonna 7 CH Coppercreek’s Kachina Kid Mw S Steel/B Lasater 8 CH Ez Goins Wire-E-Coyote MW S Rodriguez/B Rodriguez/R Loyd 9 CH Brodny Schoolhouse Dancecard J Anderson/S Sewall/C Vogel/F Vogel 10 CH Daybreak’s Garden Party W D Krieg American Foxhounds 1 CH Devlon’s Fame And Fortune K Kendall/D Leonard/K Leonard 2 CH Kiarry’s Walk This Way W Sommerfelt/C Sommerfelt/P Reilly/L Mil 3 CH Kiarry’s Foolish Pride B Wyckoff/H Miller/L Miller 4 CH Kiarry’s Reflections Of The Sun L Millman/D Millman/H Miller/L Miller 5 CH Kelly Mt. American Idol J Rea/J Lance 6 CH Brazos Remmington C Petrick 7 CH Devlon’s It’s Now Or Never D Leonard/K Leonard/K Kendall/S Leonard 8 CH Hewly Camilla S Petter/R Urban/G Shultz 9 Polk’s Gallant Man N Polk 10 CH Winquest’s Master Of Disaster P Snell English Foxhounds 1 CH Whipperin’s The Wizard M Henricks/V Crowell-Book/M Penny 2 CH Foxhrode Thndafrmdwnunda C Stewart/A Johnson/J Patterson/B Patter 3 CH Sunup’s Copper Fox T Koerber 4 CH Drycreek’s Born To Boogie C Stewart/J Patterson/B Patterson/A John 5 CH Sunup’s Green Valley Serenade L Allison-Foley/J Nowell Greyhounds 1 CH Gaia Elfin Dance M Kunisa/J Ito/S Lemieux 2 CH Grandcru Clos Erasmus R Gaudet/M Steele 3 CH Quicksilver Sierra Jaguar D Hempel/B Hempel 4 CH Sobers Galathea At Grandcru M Steele/B Ahrens/T Butler 5 CH Gaia Woodland Waltz J Raymer/T Richardson/S Lemieux 6 CH Lorricbrook Tribute K Brennan 7 CH Rubicon’s Ice Maiden P Rubinstein/S Cassem 8 CH Hewly Hilton D Klein/S Petter 9 CH Aryal Aroi Stoney Ridge CD RE TD SC NAJ H Hamilton 10 CH Fairlanes Lorricbrook Lola C Stumbo

78 Dog News

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 2 0 3 8


3 16 14 11 7


1 6 9 5 9


0 0 0 3 7


0 0 0 2 2


0 0 1 1 2


0 0 0 3 0


0 0 1 1 3


0 0 0 0 4


0 1 0 0 0


0 0 0 0 2


2 15 16 11 13 8262 1 3 6 9 7


1 8 2 6 3


0 4 5 2 0


0 1 6 3 5


0 0 2 3 6


0 0 0 4 6


0 0 1 0 7


0 0 1 6 10 803 0 1 2 3 3


3 17 19 15 15 6601 3 7 9 8 9


1 18 12 10 6


2 3 1 0 0


0 0 2 2 3


0 1 2 2 0


0 2 3 1 1


0 0 0 2 3


0 0 0 1 1


0 0 0 0 2


0 5 8 6 3


0 2 1 1 4


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


3 17 13 8 13 7679 3 17 10 4 6


1 4 7 7 3


0 4 5 1 4


1 3 1 4 2


0 1 3 1 4


0 0 2 4 0


0 0 2 1 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 1 1 1 0


Harriers 1 CH Happytails Keepin The Faith C Newman/W Mccleery/F Newman 2 CH Pacific’s Serenading Anthem E Benner 3 CH Downhome Family Tradition W Truesdale/Z Truesdale/S Lowder 4 CH Pacific’s Skybird P Crary/G Nash/K Crary 5 CH Jackpot Kingsbury Beamer D Shettle/L Whitney/C Whitney 6 CH Hartshire Walkabout R Phillips 7 CH Downhome Halcyon Wizard L Steedle/V Steedle 8 CH Bluhils Sakura Catch Me If You Can B Fox/J Fox/J Lawrence/L Johnston 9 CH Jackpot Kingsbury Penthouse D Leonard/K Shupenia/K Leonard 10 CH Happytails Take A Chance On Faith TD W Mccleery Ibizan Hounds 1 CH Ahram’s Do You Believe In Magic J Sikora/M Paulin-Brown 2 CH Harehill’s Ace In The Hole K Gindler/W Anderson 3 CH Harehill’s Love On The Run G Brand/W Anderson 4 CH Serandida Spirit’s Imagine S St John/J Brown 5 DC Gryphons Pogo Podenco SC T Forbes 6 CH Silverbell’s Lucky Charm Of Sikoras L Sikora/N Sikora/S Brown/J Brown 7 CH Aliki’s Shaken Not Stirred E Roberts/A Mirestes 8 CH Bodean’s Six-Pack St Pauli Girl D O’Neal 9 DC Orion’s Xxx Of Eden MC LCX3 J Dannenbring/C Freeling/M Paulin-Brown 10 CH Amahte’s Gold Fever R Hozempa Irish Wolfhounds 1 CH Dun Myrica Speaker Of Eagle S McDonald/J Roland 2 CH Highgate’s Andrew Of The Ridge J Cooper 3 CH Wildisle Castlekeepers Quest A Kneavel/J Bregy 4 CH Kerryarc Fast Cars M Tyler 5 CH Garbo Of Eagle R Kubacz/N Salmon/S McDonald 6 CH Druid Rock Shellane’s Skylark JC C Morrison/M Lubera 7 CH Cu Muirin Turrean S Heller/D Heller 8 CH Steppin Wolf’s Dans Mon Coeur L Emory/L Emory/D Yeldell/J Jones 9 CH Ansa Mo Merlin D’Eirinn K Schaffter/A Schaffter 10 CH Tirowen Lord O The Dance S Weeks/C McLean/F McEvoy/A McEvoy Norwegian Elkhounds 1 CH Vin-Melca’s Voyager P Trotter 2 CH Vin-Melca’s Master Card M Vila 3 CH Somerri Dunharrow’s Devil Ray J Silker/Somerri Knl 4 CH Vin-Melca’s Wells Fargo B Dowd/C Dowd/C Ruggles 5 CH Aspen’s A Hard Act To Follow R Rhoden/R Rhoden 6 CH Republik’s Sundowner M Kenton 7 CH Glacier Valleys Knows The Game R Munson/M Munson 8 CH Bristlecone’s Tracker L Gamble/L Gamble 9 CH Silhouette’s Kaboom K Olsen/E Olsen/S Garrity 10 CH Vin-Melca’s Monterey Jakk J Steele Otterhounds 1 CH Scentasia’s Shake Rattle N Roll C Glenn/S Glenn 2 CH Adeline’s Sticky Wicket N Wallens/R Wallens/R Van Houten/B Van H 3 CH Clearwater Howlaway Whatsontap W Mellon/S MacQuiddy 4 CH Scentasia’s Double Trouble S Malone/M Couch 5 CH Scentasia’s Diamonds Are Forever E Conway/D Emery/J Moyer 6 CH Lonestar Angus Prime Choice R Loddesol/B Loddesol/R Damron/G Damron 7 CH Aberdeen’s Neanderthal J Mcilwaine/A Mcilwaine/K Churchill/D Ch

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 4 7 8 4


0 6 10 6 8


0 10 5 2 1


0 1 2 3 3


1 4 2 0 2


0 2 0 1 1


0 1 0 1 0


0 0 0 2 0


0 0 1 1 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 4 1 5


0 1 2 0 3


0 1 0 2 0


0 0 1 0 2


0 0 0 2 1


0 0 0 1 1


0 0 0 2 2


0 0 0 2 0


0 0 0 1 1


0 2 1 0 0


20 65 15 16 6


0 16 8 15 6


0 2 2 2 4


0 1 2 1 0


0 2 0 4 2


0 1 2 2 2


0 0 0 1 2


0 0 1 1 3


0 0 1 1 2


0 0 2 0 1


2 6 7 4 3


0 7 11 10 9


0 5 8 13 10 2461 0 4 6 4 6


0 0 8 8 10 1606 0 0 1 3 3


0 0 1 1 3


0 0 3 1 1


0 1 0 4 1


0 0 2 1 0


1 7 9 10 7


0 3 7 10 9


0 2 0 1 2


0 2 0 3 4


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 3


0 0 0 1 0


8 CH Scentasia’s The Price Is Right N Lange/G Lange 9 CH Scentasia’s Bedazzled In Diamonds N Lange/K Lange 10 CH Scentasia’s Second To None S Glenn/C Glenn/J Sheaves Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens 1 CH Rokeena Carte Blanche J Herrera/C Herrera/R Wallis/R Wallis 2 CH Afterglow Ebeneezer B Thompson/S Russell/R Ellingford/M Gads 3 CH Soletrader Donald Duck D Gau/G Robertson 4 CH Celestial Cj’s Hearts On Fire J Hurty/C Hurty/L Florian/M Florian/P He 5 CH Monkhams Famous Grouse J Neuschaefer/D Bruce/J Lacey-Black/L Sk 6 CH Jodell Boogie Back To Texas D Moore 7 CH Spellbound La Petite Coquette A Sneider 8 CH Soletrader Ozzy Osbourne S Cooper 9 CH Jodell’s Shakein It Up D Gogulski/C Hajek 10 CH Westwinds Idol Simon Growl P Koprovic Pharaoh Hounds 1 DC Hallam-Churuka’S-Limited-Edition MC M Youell/R Newman/D Carota/S Sipperly 2 CH Tiara Ne-Kabu Abu Simbel Ankh J Ault/K Grega/T Ault 3 CH Siphra’s No Remorse JC L Lysher 4 DC Mia Churuka Bright Side Of Life SC P Haig 5 CH Xoez JC L Evans/J Buchanan/R Frank/D Frank 6 DC Nefer-Temu Mia Sambasonic RA SC E Kerridge 7 DC Senbi’s Memories Of Spring SC L Tetreault 8 CH Hallam’s Gysai Kali S Sipperly/D Carota 9 DC Churuka Mia Caught Red Handed SC L Witt/G Witt 10 Northgate’s As You Like It (Foreign Dog - Registration Pending.) Plotts 1 CH CCH Black Monday A Alexander 2 CH Alexanders Mob Boss Capone A Alexander 3 CH White Deer Texas Playboy K Baxter

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 1 1 2 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


27 93 28 22 2


2 51 38 17 12 17102 1 16 6 13 8

0 13 18 12 10 5254 1 5 11 9 3



0 4 7 7 10 2037 0 0 5 7 3


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 1 0 4


0 1 2 0 1


0 2 3 8 4


0 3 6 5 4


0 2 4 3 7


0 0 2 2 7


0 3 1 3 6


0 2 1 0 1


0 0 3 1 3


0 1 1 2 4


0 0 1 0 2


0 0 0 1 0


0 2 5 8 9


0 3 1 5 3


0 0 0 2 0


Rhodesian Ridgebacks 1 CH Pupukearidge Ikaika O Sprngvly 6 T Peach/B Peach/P Lambie/I Mc Kinnon/S M 2 CH Of Afrikka Spring Valley Dorian Gray SC 5 C Wistrom/S Mc Kinnon 3 CH Adili’s American Idol 2 K Courtelis/T Lynch/K Lafleur 4 CH Tji-Wara’s Distant Drums 0 C Well/K Rice/M Hatfield 5 CH Paradigm Aariel’s Entourage CD RA 0 S Ford/A Ford/D Engelking 6 CH Nashira’s Ciro Of Anjari JC 1 A Ernst 7 CH Hpk Tropaco Midsummer Night’s Dream CD RA JC 0 R Dechert/A Dechert 8 CH Spring Valley’s Gandalf Of Pr 0 S Mc Kinnon/I Mc Kinnon 9 CH Vyrtuous Zaka Of Zimbabwe 0 J Turner 10 CH Calico Ridge Maiden Lane Bling 0 P Mallen Salukis 1 CH Carma’s Indian Summer L Ackerman 2 CH Cat Tales Cat Mandu H Onto-Murphy/C Murphy/G Neidig/S Hamilt 3 CH Sandstorm Blue Nile Bubbles Of Jatara J Harrington&Sara Winsted 4 DC Shahtani Ivory Moon SC L May 5 CH Z’Bee Che Bellina Dante L Bade/P Keckonen/D Aube 6 DC Jamora High Society SC S Forsyth/J Forsyth/K Anselmo/J Morrison 7 DC Solari Talisa Instygator SC J Oslund/L Oslund/J Newton/G Newton 8 CH Hajji’s Porsche JC M Mccowen/G Thornton 9 CH Khiva’s Prophet Of Baha CD RA SC C Coile 10 CH Aurora’s Walk This Way J Mueller/E Blake


44 30 16 12 20240 42 31 19 8


28 30 18 14 11663 4 9 7 5


4 5 11 11 2357 4 3 2 7


0 3 6 3


2 2 1 2


2 0 3 2


1 2 2 1


1 9 13 13 8


1 4 12 12 17 4755 2 6 7 6 3


1 6 5 8 3


1 7 3 2 1


1 3 2 0 2


0 0 3 3 1


0 3 0 1 1


0 0 4 3 2


0 4 8 1 1


Thank you to Judge Mrs. Edeltraud Laurin.

Dog News 79

Based on All-Breed Competition CONTINUED FROM PAGE 78

Scottish Deerhounds 1 CH Foxcliffe Hickory Wind S Sweatt/C Dove/R Dove 2 CH Gayleward’s Jaraluv Nike G Bontecou 3 CH Gayleward’s Tiger Woods G Bontecou 4 CH Lehigh-Darkwynd Caragh P Pascoe/P Smithson 5 CH Thistleglen Nola J Frye 6 CH Jaraluv Ouija R Brinlee/J Brinlee 7 CH Jaraluv Spirit Of Vale Vue S Biles/R Brinlee/J Brinlee 8 CH Vale Vue’s Sunshine O’Caerwicce R Matthews/N Sellers 9 CH Altnamara’s Trial By Fire L Madden/N Madden 10 CH Lehigh Dunedain Of Greymorn J Dillberger/P Pascoe Whippets 1 CH Starline’s Chanel L Lawrence/C Lawrence 2 CH Sporting Fields Bahama Sands D Butt/J Cooney-Waterhouse 3 CH Sonsteby’s In A Pickle K Padon/K Kenyon 4 CH Winway Redford With A Splash S Fosnot/T Lowe 5 CH Karasar’s Parexcellence K Kuper/N Barthelette 6 CH Bo-Bett Hallmark Break Dance C Harris 7 CH Tattershall Ticket To Fly P Richey/D Butt 8 CH Moongaze Jomyr Some Splainin Ta Do A Miller/B Wayne 9 CH Kamada’s Instant Millionaire D Davenport/K Davenport 10 CH Snowcap’s ap Sierra Rose J Clever/D Reimer

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


3 13 8 9 2


0 10 12 16 6


0 8 4 6 6


1 2 1 2 1


0 1 1 1 3


0 0 3 0 0


0 0 1 2 2


0 0 1 0 0


0 1 0 1 3


0 0 3 0 0


7 38 36 15 6


11 34 23 10 9


2 8 9 13 11 6993 1 4 1 2 1

1 9 5 7 10 2266 2 5 1 4 1


0 4 5 3 3


1 4 2 1 2


1 5 7 0 0


0 2 7 2 4


Working Group Akitas Ak 1 CH Mojo’s jo Rock’N Your World S Borrmann/B Bo /B Rule Rul 2 CH Sondaisa Seize The Moment C Sullivan/T Kaartinen/M Varpula/A Meyer 3 CH Nakodo’s Reign Of Glory K Venezia 4 CH Stardust Sherob Georgia On My Mind T Witte/R Witte/S Wallis 5 CH Cas Dozak I Got It R Moore/C Moore 6 CH Minda Fujisvs Violets Are Blue L Morgan/F Hamblet 7 CH Csides Simply Irrestible Rc D Mauldin/S Mauldin 8 CH Crown Royals Start’N A Revolution I Linerud/S Compton 9 CH Buckridge’s Positive Energy D Osborn/E Vanden Avond 10 CH Wicca’S-Cr Lethal Weapon B Cook/J Cook

Alaskan Malamutes 1 CH Sno Klassic Play The Game P Peel/M Peel 2 CH Catanyas Latin Lover P Kendrick/A Martinez/A Syar 3 CH Nanuke’s Still The One S d’Andrea/G George/S Rich/S Rich 4 CH Rogues Jonny Walker Blk Labl S Weston/J Weston 5 CH North Face Sno Klassic Glory Days P Peel/M Peel 6 CH Wild Wind Best Rose Addition M Wild 7 CH Nanuke’s Take It To The Limit J Radford/S Andrea 8 CH Aspenmyst Prince Of The Island J Rich/S Rich/C Bowen 9 CH Sno Ridge’s Sudden Impact L Ryer/T Szabo 10 CH Kiewa Perfect Pitch Of Snodanc M Walker Anatolian Shepherd Dogs 1 CH Inanna Bay Boudreau Of Luckyhit E Tallon/K Marcus 2 CH Birinci’s Hint Of Hoja C Emanuel/L Emanuel 3 CH Honey Rock View Ty Chapa G Heifetz/E Heifetz

80 Dog News


13 31 25 15 6


0 4 7 9 4


0 2 4 6 9


0 2 3 7 8


0 0 3 8 5


0 2 1 2 3


0 2 2 1 1


0 2 3 1 0


0 4 4 4 1


0 2 1 2 5


13 47 24 5 4


8 20 12 8 5


8 19 20 13 3


1 5 2 3 1


1 3 4 1 4


1 4 4 6 3


0 1 3 1 3


0 4 3 6 3


0 1 5 5 1


0 0 0 2 0


0 2 1 4 4


0 0 1 1 0


0 0 0 1 0


4 Lucky Hit Bethany Keskin E Conard/J York 5 CH Full Circle’s Sasquatch N Wargas 6 CH Lucky Hit Shadow Zirva E Conard Bernese Mountain Dogs 1 CH Alpenspirit’s Lion King D Hitchcock/M Turbide 2 CH Nashems Hes The Man Of Woodmoor CD R Karl/S Karl/C Arbuthnot/D Schulte 3 CH Blumoon Tanzenite V Blackrock CD D Cox/G Reeve 4 CH Avatars Try Try Again K Groves/L Fernandes/F Bushnell 5 CH Adesa The Heat Is On R Harrison 6 CH Sendache’s Key To Success A Johnson/T Rosling/m DeVries 7 CH Taplacs Invincible Vinny RN E Buonpane/G Taplac 8 CH Jenda’s Hail The Queen J West 9 CH Trevi’s Lonestar B Bych 10 CH Alpenspirit Just In Time J Singleton/M Turbide Black Russian Terriers 1 CH Jeff Yvonne Orlowsky Laimus C Stumm/F Dilsaver/B Phillips 2 CH Petr Pervy Iz Russkoi Dinastii L Jordan 3 CH Over The Moon About Borislav R Keeling/C Keeling 4 CH Nord Praid Roskosh Dushechka L Jordan 5 CH Kamila At Aristes S Nadezhdonoi Poljany C Stumm/F Dilsaver/S Gaunt/W Nelson 6 CH S Tioplyh Zvezd Lizaveta Prokaznitsa CD RE H Haldi 7 CH Rus Maknalis Shtorm Of Arbat M Mastroianni 8 CH Kaliostro Iz Chigasovo Y Morozov/I Morozov 9 CH Cerberus Some Like It Hot D Renton/J Ried 10 CH Aristes Back In The Ussr J Baugh Boxers 1 CH Winfall Brookwood Styled Dream D McCarroll/M Fagan/J Billhardt/S Tenenb 2 CH Duba-Dae’s Who’s Your Daddy C Vose/W Bettis/L Jansson 3 CH Bravo N Sunset Stealing Time K Robbins/C Robbins/G Adkins/B Adkins 4 CH Capri’s Magic Maker Of Sassy R Servetnick/M Servetnick/B Bachman 5 CH Hi-Tech’s Southern Belle J Poller/G Alix/Z Truesdale 6 CH Sabo’s Majesetic Provocation S Williams/R Williams 7 CH Desert’s She’s Everything V Bice 8 CH Lattalane’s Kiss Me I’M Irish T Latta/C Latta/M Rocca/D Galante 9 CH Tamaron’s Leonidas V Milic/J Iannaconi 10 CH Raklyns The Bronx Mvp At Third D Struff/E Struff/K Quagliana/P Quaglian Bullmastiffs 1 CH Ishana’s Play It Again Sam A Kay/T Kay 2 CH Tru Grit Muscle Mayhem RN C Corner/E Gonzalez 3 CH Escalades All Tricked Out J Palecek/P Henson 4 CH Bullstock’s Heavy Equipment I Robertson/C Robertson 5 CH Paradise’s Woks Empire State E Revuelta/K Skow/R Stephanos 6 CH Blackjack Double Down On Bobeck V Allenbrand/A Ersin 7 CH A’Dell’s Yukon Gold M Roberts/J Hofer 8 CH Brynmar’s Road Warrior A Gurrola 9 CH Sagehill’s Fired Up N Ready K Stark/S Harmon 10 CH Briart’s Solar Storm Of Tracabull B Heck/V McGraw/T Mummert Doberman Pinschers 1 CH Allure Blazing Star Alisaton N Bosley/J Porter/C Pitts 2 CH Phillmar Sobe Monster M Klein/H Farias/A Farias/P Martin 3 CH Marienburg’s Inaqui Sukiyaki R Kusumoto/J Kusumoto/M Rodgers

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4

0 0 0 0 2



0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


1 16 13 8 11 6751 3 9 4 7 1


0 11 5 9 9


2 3 2 2 1


1 10 3 8 2


0 4 4 3 5


0 0 6 6 4


2 5 4 5 2


0 5 4 7 3


0 0 2 4 5


0 3 1 2 2


0 1 1 3 3


1 1 2 0 1


0 0 0 2 4


0 0 3 0 1


0 1 1 0 3


0 0 2 0 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 1 1 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


21 61 36 6 4


7 28 19 8 10 20604 6 38 14 10 8


2 15 12 12 7


0 9 10 12 7


2 12 5 4 5


1 10 6 0 7


0 9 6 5 4


1 6 4 6 4


0 4 8 4 1


0 5 14 7 10 5159 0 3 5 8 7


0 1 0 4 5


1 1 0 0 0


0 2 4 0 3


0 0 2 2 0


0 1 0 0 1


0 0 0 4 2


0 0 1 0 1


0 1 0 2 1


51 115 20 10 1


1 24 15 5 2


3 15 6 13 4


4 CH Foxfire’s All The Glitznglamour S Cheng/S Ze-Ting Wang/M Santana 5 CH Perfex Cyclone Mahina E Baron/R Baron/N Baron/D Baron/M Perfec 6 CH Phillmar Sisterella P Weems/R Weems/C Green 7 CH Sun Style’s Sensation V Sweeny 8 CH Steinway’s Paris Is Burning M Loflin 9 CH Aquarius’ Garbo V Tiburon M Mee 10 CH Cambria’s Victoria Secret A DiNardo/S DiNardo/A White German Pinschers 1 CH Oakwood V Kaitlers Revival J Vandervort 2 CH Dabney’s Sweet William NA A Dengler/A Dengler/L Krukar/J Krukar 3 CH Dark Angels Aden Red Energy D Gannon 4 CH Leilani’s That, That Is, Is K Hapgood/K Mounts 5 CH Diamondmines Black Ty Affair B Diamond/R Diamond 6 CH Dabney’s Snapdragon RA L Krukar/J Krukar 7 CH Rhodesend’s Superstition D Turner 8 CH Daveren’s Peaceful Dream J Robinson/J Eastman 9 CH Nevars Jules A Issleib/F Stuby 10 CH Windamir Bentley Of Irvington On Hudson E Hurwitz Dogues de Bordeaux 1 CH Gargoyles Brando T Beefcake V Barfield 2 CH Evergreen’s Indigo Sky C Ozbirn 3 CH Just Raising Kane M Busby/M Busby 4 CH Evergreen’s Prima Donna H Branscum/A Norman Giant Schnauzers 1 CH Galilee’s Pure Of Spirit M Hayes/J Sanchez/C Sanchez 2 CH Skansen’s Sir August Brigs M Williams 3 CH Tanglewood’s Bocephus R Domas/R Domas/P Domas/E Fojtik/J Erath 4 CH Skansen’s C’Sofia Of Grandeur R Rechler/A Stromberg 5 CH Skansen’s Bacchus II S Sansone 6 CH Kenro’s Happy Hour R Greenslade 7 CH Sonnenschein River Chase R Foster/P Foster 8 CH Spicerack She’s All That RN M Davis 9 CH Skansen’s Foolish Pleasure S Smith/C Smith/S Smith 10 CH Skansen’s Even Money At Kenro R Greenslade/K Greenslade Great Danes 1 CH Elan’s Command Decision Reimroc J Gerszewski/J Gerszewski/N Yokota/R Cor 2 CH Lobato’s Code Red J Lobato/A Stillwell/K Lyon/T Miller 3 CH Lobato’s JitterBug Man M Thomas/J Lobato/G Cole 4 CH Raintree Erinwood Dixie Magic Dragon R Gumbs/P Deloria/L Cornelius/S Fetters 5 CH Shalako Conspiracy Of Rondomar D Marks 6 CH Summerfield’s Lady Of Hope F Hogg/J Dumesnil/S Hennessey/N Lerch 7 CH Double D Daynakin Party Brew B Smith/A Smith/J Chopson 8 CH Jerdans V Asbury Building Bridges M Davidson/J Ribo/K Allison 9 CH Blackhills Dark Side Of MyLady L Elgin/M Stadler 10 CH Kaviroz Code Of Excellence K Zeckser Great Pyrenees 1 CH Rivergroves Trump This N Shields/C Shields/J Boyd 2 CH Pyrpressure L’Orgueil M Johnson/G Johnson 3 CH Saddle Ridge Power Of Won B Tompkins-Weiss 4 CH Pyrless Les Monts De Lourdes K Piston/R Piston 5 CH Tip’Nchip Clipper Young America T Mahanor/J Cooper CONTINUED ON PAGE 82

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


2 9 8 1 6


1 6 4 8 2


0 11 5 8 3


1 2 4 7 7


0 2 6 6 2


1 2 2 2 0


0 0 4 0 8


0 0 1 3 3


0 0 0 1 1


0 0 0 0 3


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 2 1 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 0 2


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 1 2 2


0 0 0 1 1


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 0 1


16 20 0 0 0


4 16 14 5 4


0 6 9 13 3


0 4 12 4 9


3 9 3 2 3


0 3 7 3 5


1 5 3 2 4


0 0 2 2 8


0 0 2 1 4


0 1 1 0 2


1 16 5 14 5


2 6 6 10 3


2 2 5 2 6


5 10 6 7 3


0 5 6 6 12 3364 0 3 5 6 4


0 3 8 4 2


0 1 5 2 3


1 1 1 6 4


0 1 1 3 2


0 2 3 5 4


11 29 10 5 6


2 7 10 10 9


0 7 10 7 11 4292 0 3 9 3 10 3490 1 3 3 1 1



Owners Ollie Firuski Bailey Lyons

Handler Sara Gregware, PHA, AKC Registered 860 482-0734 Dog News 81

Based on All-Breed Competition CONTINUED FROM PAGE 80

6 CH Honor’s Bound For Glory B Ducker/K Bruneau 7 CH Tip’N’Chip’s Epic Of Romanesca M Bankus/J Roman-Royer 8 CH Pyrless Stilistic Law - Order J Stiles/M Stiles 9 CH Rivergroves Dom Perignon CDX RN A Stonehouse/J Boyd 10 CH Pyrless Brother Love V Seeley/J Krausman Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs 1 CH Treensea’s Lupine Serenade T Killpatrick/M Jensen 2 CH Snowy Mountain’s Zeus T Davis/S Davis 3 CH Klaus Of Trout Creek B Huett/L Simonsen 4 CH Sennenhund Rossii Zhrets Gran Vencedor A Klishas 5 CH Derbys Storm Warning V Claddagh C Fleming/K Kleeman 6 CH Twinpeaks Sammy The Redbull E Mcwilliams/G Ruth 7 CH Lone Star’s Dusty Dawg L Mayo/M Usery 8 CH Houha’s Silvio Dante Giovanni M Grunewald/J Grunewald 9 CH Calypso Kai’s Ub Vibe N Kronk C Brown/T Brown 10 CH Land’s End Gotta Get It W Sienkewicz/W Sienkewicz Komondorok 1 CH Lajosmegyi Djaam N Powell/T Powell 2 CH Meadow View Officer N A Gentleman S Harman/M Harman/J Cupolo 3 CH Nagyalma Slew ‘Em N Liebes/E Liebes 4 CH Nagyalma Unforgettable Too N Liebes/E Liebes/V McNelis 5 CH Szilvahelyi A Szerelem Rabja J Kachel/J Kachel/M Horvath/J Horvath 6 CH Meadow View Nyx Of Kyllburg A Freyer/S Harman/A Freyer Kuvaszok 1 CH Szumeria’s Wildwood Silver Six Pence L Brady/C Townsend/C Muir 2 CH Elso Paca’s Astroid Shooter D Shaw/B Lenoski 3 CH Szumeria’s Wildwood Penny From Heaven CD RE B Page/C Page/L Brady/C Townsend 4 CH Mattiaci High Voltage At Glacier Creek D Blank 5 CH Aegis Fatal Attraction CD RAE L Vogel 6 CH Double Ring Peterbilt T Ducheck/I Miller Mastiffs 1 CH Southports Ulysses S Grant J Sanchez/C Sanchez/D Sanchez 2 CH Resolute’s Ticket To Ride T Smith/L Watson/S Low 3 CH Kingmonts Kalifornia Dreamin A Page/C Harvey 4 CH Lazy D’s Southern Gentleman N Walker/T Furr/M Alexander 5 CH Wildrose’s Music Man G Fife/P Wilkenson/B House 6 CH Pegasus Country Stary Night RN J Kruer/M Kruer 7 CH Quietwood Chances R B Blink/D Baisey 8 CH Lexington Divine’s Put Me In, Coach J Sanchez/C Sanchez/M Delisa/E Tortorell 9 CH Lazy D’s Bonnie Blue N Walker/C Livingston 10 CH Fireside Serenade D Drozdoff/M Drozdoff/M Aherns Neapolitan Mastiffs 1 CH Beefcake Bodacious Of Majestic J Deppen/S Neely/G Neely 2 CH Bruno Della Vecchia Roma J Wolf 3 CH Ironwood’s Marcelo Roman Luciano S Vann-Spruill 4 CH Ambasciatori Gladius Bean K Gonzales 5 CH Conan Barberian Texan Of The Oaks C Perdomo/M Lebolo 6 CH Achille C Pietroniro/J Deppen 7 CH Asias When In Rome L Lee-Myers/C Calderon 8 CH Il Drago Isotta B Lankford Newfoundlands 1 CH Skipper’s Eminence King Of Helluland L Vande Ven/P Helming

82 Dog News

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 0 5 3 7


0 0 3 1 3


0 1 1 3 1


0 1 3 1 2


0 2 1 1 3


0 0 3 2 1


0 1 1 0 2


0 0 0 2 0


0 0 1 0 1


0 0 1 0 1


0 0 1 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 2 3 4 3


0 0 1 4 6


0 5 1 2 1


0 0 2 4 2


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


2 11 5 4 4


0 0 1 1 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 1 0 1


0 0 1 1 0


0 0 1 0 0


1 7 7 4 11 7208 0 1 11 8 14 4286 0 0 3 4 6


0 2 3 3 9


0 1 3 0 2


0 0 0 0 4


0 2 2 0 0


0 1 0 0 2


0 0 0 2 3


0 0 0 2 0


0 1 3 11 13 3828 0 1 2 4 10 2662 0 0 1 3 4


0 2 0 0 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 1 0 0


0 0 0 0 2


0 0 0 0 1


3 17 6 4 8


2 CH Halcyon-Cofino Queen Isabela L Cofino 3 CH Oceano’s Reflection On Sundust M Smilanich/G Griffith/P Morgan/J Rowlan 4 CH Fairweather’s Keepsake At Darbydale C Bergmann 5 CH Bifrost’s Gust O’Boradaile W Betchley/P Betchley 6 CH Bruin’s Onyxbay Premonition RA W Espander/M Espander/K Sylvia/D Stewart 7 CH Karazan I Am No Angel-Ina Jolie P Colgan/A Parker/C Legg 8 CH Bear N Mind’s The Guardian CD C Gorsuch/D Gorsuch 9 CH Bigdogfarm Hannibals Mr. Moses L Cole/R Cole 10 CH Top Shelf’s El Presidente D Trakas/B Trakas Portuguese Water Dogs 1 CH Aviators Luck Be A Lady M Dugan/C Dugan 2 CH Camlinseadancermakitso Secretariat R Cawley/B Cawley 3 CH Belaluna Ferncliff Jackson M Novy/S Duncan/A Jackson 4 CH Timber Oaks Music Man L Scheele 5 CH Odyseas Card Shark M Thomas 6 CH Surfdogs Haole Boy “Gq” K Kissel/G Gillion 7 CH Bantry’s Umber Ecco R Valliant/L Motta 8 CH Pouch Cove’s Britannia J Thibault/J Thibault 9 CH Carowynd Creed Bois Duportugal C O’Neil 10 CH Pouch Cove’s Monkey See Monkey Do A Robins/D Robins/M Lint/P Helming Rottweilers 1 CH Nighthawks Born For Highwood A Vorbeck 2 CH Ecko Ridge’s American Justice V Von Wilhelm’S D Rosetta/R Rosetta 3 CH Cammcastle’s Friar Tuck A O’Brien/V O’Brien 4 CH Blackrocks Kazanova J Kestner/M Kestner/G Mcglynn/P Maher 5 CH Lorals Number One Caesar T Spiece 6 CH Cammcastle’s Hollywood First Lady J Payne 7 CH Cannon River Traveler E Rice/Q Andrus 8 CH Pfeffer-Schloss On The Town UD RE P Crawford 9 CH Evrmor Xtraodinaire V Stoneridge R Mysliwiec 10 CH Chancelor’s Gorgeous Patrone P Rubio/W Lewellan St. Bernards 1 CH Alta Vista’s Billion Kilowatt CD RN T Brown/R Bonito 2 CH Mickey III K Welch/C Figueroa 3 CH Vicdory’s Julius Ceasar RN L Griffin/V Graves/J Wolf/N Scott 4 CH Opdyke’s Drives Me To Drink C Cataldo/G Radcliffe 5 CH Tinkberbells Solid Gold B Leech/S Furgeson/K Parkman 6 CH Mahogany’s Little Reatta K Denis/D Denis 7 CH Lasquite’s Banjo V Orlando P Woods/J Woods/M Smith 8 CH Skydancr Great Pirate Robert L Latimer/M Glover 9 CH Stoan’s Rupert Of Oz RA P Wensman/J Zielinski 10 Storybook’s Yes Dear V Hatch/C Whiting Samoyeds 1 CH White Eagle’s Celestial Sky T Litton/S Klar/M Augustus/J Augustus/C 2 CH Polar Mist X-Tasy B Bruns/W Stamp 3 CH Pebbles’ Run Hammy Davis Jr A Kiell 4 CH Selene Of Inn Wang San Kr J Elford/E Son 5 CH Echo’s Perfectly Clear R Sampson/L Kitzman 6 CH T-Snow Star’s Journe’ Of The Heart M Willdigg/L Ragsdale 7 CH Rossia’Stexasrocket Ocedar Ridge K Mason/J Mason/G Spieker/J Hargis/J Har 8 CH Pebbles’ Run Love Actually A Kiell 9 CH Holly’s Sabre Jet D Hollingsworth/D DiDomizio 10 CH “Stolichnaya” Stoli L Edel/J Augustus

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 0 5 5 5


2 4 2 0 0


0 4 4 6 8


1 1 2 2 2


0 0 1 2 6


0 3 2 2 2


0 1 2 4 0


0 0 3 5 1


5 22 14 12 7


2 3 5 7 6


1 10 13 16 13 8060 0 2 5 6 8


0 2 3 3 6


0 5 3 4 5


0 3 2 1 2


0 0 1 5 5


0 0 2 1 3


0 2 0 3 5


0 1 1 2 0


2 12 20 14 7


2 11 12 16 10 10508 0 14 14 16 12 9392 0 13 25 11 8


0 7 7 10 6


1 11 9 11 2


0 4 8 8 2


1 4 7 3 1


1 5 3 4 4


0 2 2 3 0


1 4 6 6 6


0 3 4 6 11 2955 0 2 2 2 6


0 1 2 3 7


0 1 1 1 0


0 0 0 2 2


0 1 1 0 2


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 2


0 0 0 1 1


5 13 14 9 3


3 20 17 9 7


1 11 6 6 8


0 3 5 5 4


0 4 3 6 3


0 5 3 3 0


0 1 1 3 1


0 0 3 3 1


0 0 2 4 3


0 2 1 1 1


Siberian Huskies 1 CH Paragon’s Red Red Wine T Erickson 2 CH Coventry’s Peace Negotiator J Edwards/V Jaramillo 3 CH Kontoki’s A Bend In The Road N Wisniewski/J Guin/M De Palma/T Oelschl 4 CH Antara’s Put On The Red Light T Devlin 5 CH Topaz T.R.O.U.B.L E. K Courtelis/C French/B Yarling 6 CH Blueridge Soma’s Mel Gibson J Paillot/B Miller/P Miller 7 CH Topaz Enjoy The Ride L House 8 CH Noatak’s Party Of One J Rogers/J Coutu 9 CH Tamarak’s Just Jammin R Adler/S Fields/L Schertz/C Dowling 10 CH Trillium Blue Czar Nikolas J Rosenbaum Standard Schnauzers 1 CH Pepper Tree Apollo V Silverado J Legan 2 CH Pepper Tree Zorro V Morgenwald P Duffee 3 CH Sketchbook Neon Lights L Hansen 4 CH Charisma Maxim Von Diable L Adiletti/J Adiletti 5 CH Cortaillod Quinta Do Portal A Bordetsky/G Bordetsky 6 CH Charisma Utopia Von Rocky L Bedford/R Bedford 7 CH Goarrhein Chateau Palos Shiraz RN TD PT M Just/D Just/E Mohrenweiser/H Mohrenwei 8 CH County Clare’s Jewel Of Beauty M Thomas/J Thomas 9 CH Stahlkrieger’s Rudy Vallee M Odum/C Crompton 10 CH Hicotn’s Goodtothelastdrop D Burgin/C Worsham Tibetan Mastiffs 1 CH Drakyi Gold Standard R Eichhorn/M Brantley/L Brantley 2 CH Seng Khri Bartok Of Dawa D Nechemias/L Claus/E Thomason 3 CH Shang-Hai’s Kurukula For Loki S Novarro/D Parsons/P Novarra 4 CH Shang-Hai Kayakyi Matisse J Bach 5 CH Shang-Hais Sachi S Novarro/P Novarra/C Schlecht 6 Shang-Hai’s King Of Eden R Colson/E Colson 7 CH Samrat Of Saras S Ochsenbein/H Sekhon

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4

3 10 16 7 8

American Staffordshire Terriers 1 CH Gaff’s I’M Here For The Party Z Smith/P Carter 2 CH Wonderlands Heavily Armed Agitator A Alexander 3 CH Absolute’s Ring Leader H Burton/M Aguillard/K Gonzales 4 CH Pirouette Rebbull Exemplar H McClure 5 CH Fraja Ne Gold Ticket J Lee/K Rudzik 6 CH Circle C’s Whimpy C Wick 7 CH Castle Rock’s Sbigstaff Mad About You G Brown/D Pesenti 8 CH De Paco Xz Hollywoodgoldbolt R Zanoia/E Heath


1 11 11 5 11 5851 1 13 6 8 2


0 10 7 5 7


0 8 10 5 7


1 3 5 5 2


0 1 3 2 4


0 4 3 1 6


2 3 3 3 0


0 1 2 2 1


0 3 2 3 7


0 3 6 8 4


0 0 4 7 2


0 2 1 0 5


0 1 3 5 4


0 1 2 0 3


0 0 0 4 4


0 1 1 1 2


0 0 1 1 1


0 1 0 1 3


2 10 14 16 9


2 8 6 11 15 9071 0 0 0 2 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 1 0 0 0


0 0 0 1 0


7 57 31 10 3


0 10 19 12 7


1 4 4 3 3


0 0 4 3 2


0 0 0 1 4


0 4 4 5 3


0 0 0 2 0


0 1 4 3 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 2 1 2


0 1 5 5 8


0 9 9 8 7


1 1 8 5 8


Terrier Group Airedale Air iredale Terriers 1 CCH St Stirling ng Coo Cool Ha Hand Luke T Steele/F Pulice 2 CH Hunt Huntwood’s od’s Wildest PPerformance fo M Jacobs/S Kipp 3 CH Sherwood’s King Arthur L Bryan/S Bryan 4 CH Buon Maras Little Me J Mara/L Buonauro/R Mara 5 CH Devonshires Celtic Pride F Stevens 6 CH Stone Ridge Tobylinn J Linn/J Framke/S KIPP 7 CH Longvue Jackpot A Clyde/T Clyde 8 CH Sherwood’s Lady Of The Lake S Williams/L Bryan 9 CH Redbeard Don’T Cry For Me S Hill 10 CH Droffats National Pastime S Stafford


0 6 7 6 10 1165 1 3 2 1 0


0 2 3 8 2


0 0 3 1 2


0 1 2 6 1



Dog News 83

Based on All-Breed Competition CONTINUED FROM PAGE 82

9 CH Doggy World’s Apple Jack Junior K Europapat 10 CH Fraja Ne Hot Ticket B Gottier/K Rudzik Australian Terriers 1 CH Blue Moon Call Me Irresistible J Popovits 2 CH Benayr Nessun Dorma P Levy 3 CH Wismiss Aussome Sturt Pea C Sazama/K Bryan 4 CH Benayr I Believe In Love Alfie P Levy 5 CH Crestwoods Glamour Girl M Reignier 6 CH Merrigangs Wild N Crazy Guy H Rife 7 CH Aka Inu Story Teller S Hopkins/K Occhiuti/S Boyd 8 CH Tera-K’s Parson Brown D Evans 9 CH Shastakin Bush Ranger E Krom 10 CH Harringtons Red Hook Of Figaro J Harrington Bedlington Terriers 1 CH Velvety Angel Eyes J Weiskopf/A Bengtson/L Nilsson 2 CH Boardwalk’s Bling Bling J Steele/E Kenmuth/R Kraft/K Kraft 3 CH Sudor Epoch Journey With Devonshire L Timmerman/H Whitbread 4 CH Versailles Of Celtic Odyssey J Fogel/T Rich 5 CH Bluenote’s Jazzfest At Carillon R Wenrich/C Wenrich 6 CH Sangeo Farscape CD RA MX MXJ AXP OJP OF OFP JE S Bethea 7 CH Tiffianie’s Too Hot To Handle B Redinger 8 CH Lamz Eleanor Rigby L Zembrzuski/G Gilbeau 9 CH First Class Cormac Mccarthy J Fogel 10 CH Kaylynn’s Stroll In The Park P Hansen Border Terriers 1 CH Tyrolian Eight Belles At Meadowlake K Fitzpatrick/T Bradley 2 CH Devon Lady Simper Fi S Middlebrooks/A Miller/L Miller 3 CH Meadowlake Overnight Celebrity R Scott/G Scott/T Bradley/K Fitzpatrick 4 CH Jen-Lar Secret Warrior Of Marlyn M Title/C McKenzie/J Larson 5 CH Sirius’s I Could Be At Cb’S P McCune/N Fetter 6 CH Meadowlake Whistler At Amberly L Leone/K Fitzpatrick 7 CH Banner’s Rory At Ranthorn E Blake 8 CH Standish’s Total Knock Out R Cobussen/D Chapman/G Helmbrecht 9 CH Sunrise King Of Swings C Ware/G Ware/J Moore 10 CH Meadowlake Van Gogh M Dubois Duke Bull Terriers (Colored) 1 CH Black Shark De Rocabull Z Smith 2 CH Mystique The Grinch T Johnston/L Wilson 3 CH Crescent Silmaril Shadowfax V Everett/D Chorn/P Frangos/M Bankus 4 CH Soquel Millenium Black Fern G Harlamoff/N Waynee 5 CH Paradox Muse-Ic To My Ears J Fournier-Fike/S Fike/G Snyder 6 CH Magor The Minotaur From Stonebull R Macdonald 7 CH Bur Oak’s Yogi Berra Of Winsor B Ralston/M Dussault 8 CH Nocturnal Knight At Arnold’S A Salazar/G Anderson 9 CH Flashbak’s Amazing Grace J Jones/H Jones 10 CH Brigadoon Go Go Boots C Alexander/C Mason/S Mason/D Alexander Bull Terriers (White) 1 CH Action Chaos And Charisma R Idone/F Berez 2 CH Stellar Quicksilver Showshocker B Ruppel/J Ruppel 3 CH Bully Manor’s Centurion P Azeur 4 CH Action Pure Class S Butcher/C Butcher/F Berez 5 CH Deslynn’s Moondance At Donnybrk J Farrington/C Farrington/C Aron/D Foote

84 Dog News

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 1 4 1 2


0 1 5 3 1


0 1 5 1 7


0 6 5 5 8


0 1 1 2 4


0 1 4 1 2


0 1 1 2 2


0 1 0 1 2


0 0 2 1 0


0 0 2 2 1


0 0 1 2 2


0 0 0 1 1


0 12 9 9 6


0 9 7 13 8


0 9 8 8 7


0 4 13 16 6


0 0 2 6 3


0 5 7 7 2


0 0 1 1 1


0 0 1 2 4


0 2 1 2 1


0 1 4 1 0


1 9 9 8 9


0 11 18 10 12 3501 1 16 10 11 5


0 1 4 10 6


0 6 7 11 9


0 2 4 5 5


0 2 5 3 4


0 1 2 4 5


0 0 0 2 1


0 0 1 2 2


1 7 6 7 3


1 1 0 1 0


0 1 5 1 4


0 0 0 4 0


0 2 1 3 1


0 6 3 1 2


0 0 1 2 3


0 0 1 0 0


0 1 1 0 0


0 0 1 0 2


0 2 4 4 0


0 0 3 3 1


0 0 3 2 1


0 1 1 1 2


0 0 1 0 0


6 CH Action Bogart Play It Again B Edwards/S Edwards/K Burnett 7 CH Sandstone Mohawk Great Bear E Bluhm/T Bluhm/M Whitehair/T Whitehair 8 CH Bur Oak’s Schulz Of Winsor B Ralston/M Dussault 9 CH Sinabar Exotic At Valentino S Frascone/N Robards 10 CH Tng N Buoys Concrete Blonde NAJ J Killion/J Krukenkamp/I Krukenkamp Cairn Terriers 1 CH Zalazar Walk The Line S Bidegain 2 CH Terriwood Mojo B Doyle/N Lentgis/K Godwin/T Godwin 3 CH Winsome Fergus Macflynn K Lake 4 CH Dogwood Love Affair P Davis 5 CH Caledonian In-For-A-Penny Of Wolfpit V Malzoni 6 CH Kiowa Mmdw Driving Miss Daisy S McAlpin/P Hassey/B Fykerud 7 CH Stonehaven Casting Crowns R Balcerak 8 CH Stonehaven Lord Of The Rings C Burleson/L Harpel 9 CH Kyleakin Dees Darling L Wubbel/C Wubbel 10 CH Hampton Court’s Ashley V Malzoni Dandie Dinmont Terriers 1 CH King’s Mtn. Minnie Mouse D Watkins/M Smith/S Hickson 2 CH Pennywise Hot Pursuit C Nelson 3 CH Schooner’s Spirit Of Sherman B Mcdannald/S Mcdannald/P Carr 4 CH King’s Mtn. Angelina Ballerina S Hickson/B Stenmark 5 CH Lonsdale Ralph Rackstraw S Andrus/P Andrus 6 CH Pastime Eloise At The Plaza K Cramer/P Cramer 7 CH Jollygaze Time Lord S Wolfskill/D Francis/E Greenway 8 CH King’s Mtn. Fievel Mousekewitz S Hickson/J Hecker 9 CH Glahms Lady Katherine A Johnston 10 King’s Mtn Olivia Flaversham K Leslie/S Pretari Hickson Fox Terriers (Smooth) 1 CH J’Cobe Kemosabe Vigilante Justice S Hoffen/H Hoffen/A Booth/P Booth 2 CH Slyfox Sneak’s A Peek J Smith 3 CH Warfox Double Exposure L Nelson/S Nelson 4 CH Foxlorr Double Dare J Fishbach/L Gyenge 5 CH Avalon Eclipse N Hansen/D Buchwald/W Stout 6 CH Kemosabe Broxden High Button Shoes J Shindle/D Shindle/J Herrera/A Booth 7 CH Torquay S Demetrio M Botelho/E Martinelli 8 CH Lil’ Itch Cheerleader W Perry/W Perry/S Hoesman 9 CH Absolutely Grand Garcon J Smith/D Gabel 10 CH Nileefox Dirty Idea D Rathgeber/S Rathgeber Fox Terriers (Wire) 1 CH Dalriada’s Mystic C Campbell/M Doleski/C Ruggles/B Dowd 2 CH Topwyre Candy Man L Hembree/R Pensinger/S Roberts 3 CH Kathrich Maximo K Reges 4 CH Tamedale Orinoco V Malzoni 5 CH M & M’s Nicholas Nickelbe C Moore 6 CH Jadee-Connacht Just You Wait J Diehl/L Manning/K Reges 7 CH Sanherpinc Pablito M Jacobs 8 CH Cheviots Aston Martin C Pensinger/C Krickeberg/R Krickeberg 9 CH Beinnein’s Painted By Santeric D Heck 10 CH Steele Prima Donna T Steele/A Wyly/M Roma Glen of Imaal Terriers 1 CH Finnabair Waking Kilmurray C Dougherty 2 CH Daulton’s Oriana Of Cill Dara J Daulton/P Estes

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 0 1 3 1


0 0 2 0 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 3


0 0 1 0 0


0 1 2 3 3


0 1 3 6 2


0 3 10 7 4


0 0 1 6 11 1115 0 2 0 8 4


0 3 1 2 3


0 1 4 2 3


0 1 1 7 5


0 1 0 3 2


0 0 1 0 1


3 8 3 2 0


0 0 5 8 5


1 3 3 3 3


0 0 1 2 1


0 1 3 1 3


0 1 0 1 3


0 1 1 1 0


0 0 0 1 1


0 1 0 0 1


0 0 1 1 1


30 79 39 15 5


6 21 14 8 2


4 18 16 10 13 10827 1 15 14 8 19 5912 2 18 10 8 6


1 10 19 11 9


2 2 0 0 0


0 4 8 6 4


0 1 3 3 3


0 3 2 3 2


5 9 4 5 3


0 9 14 13 7


0 9 4 8 11 2471 0 12 5 11 5


0 3 4 4 4


0 1 7 4 2


0 0 6 0 5


0 4 5 2 2


0 2 2 3 1


0 0 4 1 2


0 0 1 0 1


0 0 0 0 2


3 CH Daulton’s Maeve Of Cill Dara J Daulton/J Carlson/L Klein/P Estes 4 CH Coleraine’s Mandalay Royalty B Sussman/R Shuter/M High 5 CH Rainbow Springs Kylee Of Cnoc CD RE L Gilbert Trainor/M Carty 6 CH Finnabair Rocket’s Red Glare A Henschel/M McDaniel 7 CH Finnabair Roisin O Tipperary J Lynn 8 CH Liberty’s Clear Vision A Lynn/K Georgianna 9 CH Daulton’s Hunter Green C Cleary/J Daulton/P Estes 10 Glenbride TullyRednally M Bates Irish Terriers 1 CH Fleet St. Fenway Fan A Barker/V JNR 2 CH Breezy’s X-Tra Top Priority T VanDezande/B Vandezande 3 CH Dearg Madra’s Foolish Pleasure M Ulrich/L Ulrich 4 CH X-Tra Special Kalaney Girl N O’Neal 5 CH Huntermoon Midnight Ryder M Kowalczuk/N Petersen/B Petersen 6 CH Leahy’s Lad Of Redloch E Nagel/R Nagel/F Kuntz 7 CH Rockledge’s Marco Of Meath L Honey 8 Diamond’s Mystic Dancer R Geddes/G Geddes 9 CH Trackways Cinnabar C Rivera/L Rivera/K Warner 10 CH Donedaire Defoxy Lady R Lindgren/S Lindgren/P Shaw/M Shaw Kerry Blue Terriers 1 CH Perrisblu Paris D Gau 2 CH Irisfingel Blue Badge G Sullivan 3 CH Bluebeard’s Suddenly Bridey L Brown/C Brown 4 CH Echo Of Aran Cross The Rubicon D Beaulieu/N Samajova-Glover 5 CH Cranmoss Finbar Of Colinca J McGrath 6 CH TNT Major Player C Myers 7 CH Kallehans Hot N Spicy Of Jorkaite N Loya/N Han 8 CH Rathangan’s Mystic At Morwin W Morris 9 CH Casey’s Blue Mountain Promise L Croley/C Dwyer 10 CH Valtera’s Irish Jokester T Worful Lakeland Terriers 1 CH Hi-Kel Terrydale Soldier Of Fortune C Dowd/B Dowd/C Ruggles/Terrydale Knl 2 CH Talydales Friend Of The Force S Smith 3 CH Manoir’s Match Pointe R Wilson/M Wilson 4 CH Black Watch On The Rocks J Heath/S Atherton/W Cosby 5 CH Tuscaroran Champ Luna P Martinez/H Luna 6 CH Saredon For Your Eyes Only A Geremia/F Cashin/J Cashin 7 CH Delzar Tooray Singin For Blues R Murray/W Reeves 8 CH Brocair’s Flower Power At Revelry T Thomas/D Green 9 CH Wenrick’s You Know It J Paquette 10 CH Delzar Hi-Kel Terrydale Miss Madison J Heath/W Cosby/T Deloria/Terrydale Knl Manchester Terriers (Standard) 1 CH Medley’s War Hunt E Tonini/J Tonini 2 CH Kadenz A Different Rhythm R Rasmussen/J Rasmussen 3 CH Starfire’s Hottest Ticketintown B Odell/B Buell/E Hines 4 CH Oasis Hi Jack The Show W Ringel/G Anderson 5 CH Kreuzritters Six Grindlewald T Brown/E Sandford/K Brown/K MacPhee 6 CH Saint Lazar’s Ring Of Fire R Travis/W Walker/C Walker 7 CH Wilane’s Notorious Rebel B Wood/J Emrick 8 CH Shal-Mar’s Mancunian Hot Rock CDX RE J Sampson/M Sampson 9 CH Y-Not Wish Upon A Star R Osborne/R Osborne/B Odell 10 CH Neverland Justa Kerigold Gigilo CD RA JE C Wert/H Wert

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 1 0 2 2


0 0 0 0 3


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 1 0 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 1 1 0


6 49 19 17 4


0 11 18 7 10 2706 0 1 2 2 6


0 3 3 2 1


0 1 1 3 1


0 0 1 1 3


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 1 0 0


0 0 0 1 0


3 18 17 10 6


1 8 8 9 3


0 7 9 11 2


0 0 3 5 1


0 0 3 2 3


0 2 8 8 4


0 3 3 4 2


0 4 7 4 5


0 2 4 5 5


1 2 2 0 0


24 82 17 5 2


1 7 10 12 9


0 4 9 9 9


0 10 3 10 4


0 1 3 3 2


1 3 4 4 2


0 1 4 5 3


0 2 7 0 2


0 3 5 2 2


0 0 1 0 0


1 5 4 2 4


0 0 4 3 8


0 0 0 1 2


0 1 0 1 1


0 0 2 2 2


0 0 0 1 1


0 1 3 0 1


0 0 0 0 2


0 0 0 2 0


0 1 1 1 0




CH. PINEHILL’S PAYDAY OF HAYSHILL THANK YOU, Judge Mr. Charles Trotter, and to all the judges who have recognized “SOLO” with Group Placements & Best of Breeds!! HAYSHILL SHEPHERDS WOULD LIKE TO WISH A HAPPY & HEALTHY NEW YEAR TO ALL!! Handler: Trisha Wylie

Owners: Priscilla Hays, Brad Hill & Kathleen Salvucci Dog News 85

Based on All-Breed Competition CONTINUED FROM PAGE 84

Miniature Bull Terriers 1 CH Camino’s Lucy Lou E Zwicker/G Marquez 2 CH Eggstream Edwina Over Easy L Duncan 3 CH Cambrias Shel Be All Fired Up E Held/C Korn 4 CH Temris Bully For Me A Nelson 5 CH Menusha’s Red Scarlet B Krautler 6 CH Nederes’ Adventures With Stitch A Gunter 7 CH Sterling’s King Of Wendadam G Adkins/B Adkins 8 CH Evolution’s Eddie Izzard S Cummings/K Toomey/D Toomey/J De Grucci 9 CH Dier’s Gabrielle Of Brownstone C Brown-Stone/S Stone 10 CH Nederes’ Lucky Horseshoe L Duncan Miniature Schnauzers 1 CH Earthsong Remedy For The Blues K Hoffmann/R Hoffmann 2 CH Allaruth Solebay Chipothgoldblok Y Phelps/R Ziegler 3 CH Regency’s Good To Go B Verna/C Haney/J Weirick/D Haney 4 CH Awesome’s Kiss My Gritz H Smith/J Smith 5 CH Beauideal It’s Raining Men B Weidner/L Darman/K Cox Griffin 6 CH Blythewood Full Metal Jacket J Huber 7 CH Lonestar’s Wicked Good S Edwards/R Edwards 8 CH Gangway Murphy’s Paradox B Brown/C Benson 9 CH Regency’s I Believe In Miracles B Verna 10 CH Carmel Race To Kelvercrest V Potiker Norfolk Terriers 1 CH Max-Well’s Viper S Kipp/B Miller 2 CH Venerie’s Regatta Dr. Who P Beale/R Stamm/P Dzuik 3 CH Cracknor Cross The Ts P Beale/E Matell/B Sweigart 4 CH Jaeva Gold Auric M Hovet/M Phillips/A Gullick 5 CH Arriba Chunky River R Tant/K Tant 6 CH Max-Well’s Violet S Kipp/B Miller 7 CH Max-Well’s Mr. Cruise S Kipp/B Miller 8 CH Max-Well’s Candycane K Kopack/B Miller 9 CH Starmtn Lukas Chesterfield Of Domby K Sternberg/J Sternberg 10 CH Kilwinning The Graduate R Bell/M Bell Norwich Terriers 1 CH Skyscot’s Poker Chip C Dodwell 2 CH Abbedale Take Two At Taliesin L Sons/J Sons/J Eckert 3 CH Maystar’s Coast To Coast D Vogt/S Vogt 4 CH Winsome’s Aston Martin R Hoch 5 CH Havic’s Red Baron Of Fly’N High S Jones 6 CH The Island’s My Cup Of Tea C Wilson 7 CH Huntwood’s Joy Ride Of Moorcroft J Kinney/L Kinney/S Kipp 8 CH Foxglyn’s Once Upon A Time L Keller/N Conroy/J McClure 9 CH Wildwest Buckshot R Greathouse/C Taylor/B Bossio 10 CH Loxwood’s Black Tide C Loui/M Loui-Sakamoto/D Miyasato/S Miya Parson Russell Terriers 1 CH Thunder Hill Soul Journey J Gardner/J Miller 2 CH Bayshore N’Rv Queen Victoria Y Herrera/J Baylis 3 CH Brillwood Dress Blues L Edwards 4 CH Stonebrook’s Academy Award B Wilson/M Cabral/K Dawson 5 CH Zealous Brodie Daybreak D Page/D Page 6 CH Star Valley Double Double K Fitzpatrick/D Fitzpatrick/L Apel 7 CH Laurel Oak Shockwave K Dahlberg/D Dahlberg/R Cuffari 8 CH Ratrace Surfer Girl Rosewood T Rickard/L Rickard/K Rickard/J Davies 9 CH Ricochet-Foxfire Riff Raff R Urban/T Zeitz

86 Dog News

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 4 13 7 9


0 3 2 8 6


0 0 2 7 1


0 1 1 0 1


0 0 2 2 0


0 2 1 0 1


0 0 0 0 3


0 0 0 1 2


0 2 0 0 2


0 0 2 1 0


0 5 9 9 12 2833 1 6 1 4 6


0 2 4 5 7


0 2 4 6 6


0 0 6 4 11 1068 0 1 3 5 5


0 1 2 2 3


0 0 3 5 1


0 1 1 2 0


0 0 1 1 1


3 18 6 3 7


1 5 13 8 14 3616 1 1 1 2 1


0 3 6 7 3


1 1 1 2 2


0 1 2 3 4


0 3 4 1 1


0 1 3 1 2


0 1 0 1 4


0 1 0 1 3


10 37 29 17 13 16782 2 19 11 10 3


1 6 5 5 0


0 0 7 5 5


0 2 7 4 4


0 0 2 4 4


0 3 2 2 1


0 3 1 1 2


0 0 3 0 3


0 6 5 1 0


1 5 14 4 13 2545 0 0 3 11 4


0 0 1 3 5


0 0 1 3 4


0 0 0 3 2


0 1 0 1 3


0 2 2 3 0


0 0 0 2 4


0 0 1 0 0


10 Posey Canyon No Brainer! T Stanczyk/R Stanczyk Scottish Terriers 1 CH Roundtown Mercedes Of Maryscot A Musser 2 CH Blueberry’s Surely You Jest J Eggert/D Eggert 3 CH Mcvan’s Trip The Light Fantastic C Greenwald 4 CH Barbary Bitofa Vamp M Mcconnell/R Mcconnell 5 CH Sodak Vanguard’s Laird P James/S James-Jacobsen 6 CH Mcscots-Karascots Agatha Rules J Shultz/S Karas 7 CH Mcvan’s Fire Starter V Huber/M Krolewski 8 CH Charthill Virtuoso S Morse 9 CH Morningstar Bourbon St. Bouncer M Parsons/R Fowler 10 CH Kilrak Oceania Gold CD RE A Auld Sealyham Terriers 1 CH Efbe’s Merci Pour Le Poivre M Good/S Middlebrooks 2 CH Efbe’s Hidalgo At Goodspice M Good/S Middlebrooks 3 CH Rosemont’s High Society L Hildebrand/J Cohron 4 CH Goodspice Sweep’Em Up Hoover V Teany 5 CH Be The Number One C Metzelthin/S Yard 6 CH Thunder Rds Chile Bean Goodspc J Miller 7 CH Goodspice Duchesse De Peluches P Harbison/R Rhoades 8 CH Sir Hampton Prince Of Wales J VanScoik 9 CH Dubwyre Dragonslayer D Francois/J Thill 10 Goodspice Billy The Kid T Doake/K Doake Skye Terriers 1 CH Cragsmoor Buddy Goodman C Koch/V Malzoni 2 CH Shawn Rae Lord Evan B Cline/R Cline/L Zigler 3 CH Solana Avantgarde M Shiue 4 CH Royalist Dust Devil K Jennings/H Reburn/K Svee 5 CH Seamist Big Man In Town RN E Hersey/S Hersey 6 CH Lairdoglen Rob Roy J Degnan/L Weber 7 CH Jay-Roy Byrne ‘N Hot For You D Salandro 8 CH Windshift Miss Marple S Poole 9 CH Royalist SnoKnight O Kuhlbreeze E Ridley/D Ridley/K Jennings 10 CH Gold River Good Vibrations K Sanders/W Sanders Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers 1 CH Doubloon’s Ultimate Player E Landa 2 CH Lovesong’s Dream Along With Me N Mansfield/K Williams 3 CH Sho-Well’s Bree’s Boy Toy K Elliot 4 CH Andover Mayhem Magic J Gottlieb 5 CH Desertrose Bonney Mans Dream B Fain/R Fain/B Snyder 6 CH Vintage Signed Sealed And Delivered L Marrero/B Ness/M Weiss 7 CH Gemstone Lontree Star Studded K Johnson/E Johnson/J Laylon 8 Keepsake Timtara Spicy Secret (Foreign Dog - Registration Pending.) 9 CH Aran Built A Betr Mouse Trap S Carusi 10 CH Candance Dazed And Confused C Littre/L Bishoff Staffordshire Bull Terriers 1 CH Cornerstone Soliloquy M Goethals/L Goethals 2 CH Prada Classic Aranisle At Donnellas P Briasco/P Briasco/R Hopkinson/D Hopkin 3 CH Trugrip One Singular Sensation D Merritt/E Day/J Merrittt 4 CH Cresstock Walk The Line C Pew/L Woodward/B Cresse 5 CH Tomorrow’s Doc Hollywood K Estlund 6 CH Bullblade Blood And Honour Z Smith 7 CH Mustang Sally’s Dream Boy D Rashke/P Rashke

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4

0 0 0 1 3

79 138 9 2 2




1 7 7 12 15 3076 0 8 3 7 6


0 4 1 3 4


0 0 1 5 6


0 2 4 2 8


0 0 4 1 0


0 0 3 2 4


0 0 3 2 4


1 4 5 1 1


6 45 34 18 7


7 13 8 2 0


1 1 2 4 2


0 2 10 1 0


0 2 3 1 6


0 1 2 1 1


0 0 1 1 0


0 0 1 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 3


7 34 10 13 11 9895 0 1 4 3 6


0 2 2 3 3


0 0 0 2 1


0 1 2 3 1


0 1 0 2 1


0 0 1 1 3


0 2 1 0 0


0 1 0 0 0


0 0 0 1 0


2 11 8 5 2


0 0 0 3 3


0 1 2 1 3


0 0 0 1 1


0 0 3 0 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 1 0 2


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 2 0


7 29 25 18 11 11475 0 3 9 6 10 1874 0 4 7 6 2


0 3 3 5 4


0 0 3 3 3


0 1 1 2 6


0 1 2 3 3


8 CH Trugrip Good Boy Dex R Schwab/K Steinbock/D Merritt 9 CH Cornerstone Tapestry P Levine/J Levine/D Folmar 10 CH Sirius The Most Indubitable L Hester/R Hester

Brussels Griffons 1 CH Cilleine Masquerade A Jahelka 2 CH Cashin’s Walk The Line F Cashin/C Ross 3 CH Knolland Little Devon O’ Luna B Wyckoff/C Ginsberg/S Kipp 4 CH Cloud Nine Happy Hour P Henson 5 CH Jo-Li I’M A Tease B Strange 6 CH Fist Face’s Woot Woot R Vance/L Vance 7 CH Belleterre Shall We Dance S Wentland 8 CH Beauview Talk Dirty E Wong/J Draund/B Yamasaki 9 CH Belleterre Hard Hearted Hannah B Norris/A Jahelka 10 CH Ingram’s Mighty Heart S Ingram Cavalier King Charles Spaniels 1 CH Mondrian V.H. Lamslag RE J York 2 CH Orchard Hill Shirmont Backtalk S Henry/E Venier

0 2 3 2 1


0 0 2 2 1


5 11 19 13 6



3 25 11 8 11 7264 0 7 9 14 10 3026 1 5 7 7 4


0 3 3 10 6


0 0 2 1 0


0 0 1 1 1


0 0 1 2 1


0 0 0 6 5


0 0 1 0 0


12 32 11 10 7


0 12 17 15 10 4036

Toy Group Affenpinschers Affe Af in he 1 CH Tamarin Tug P Smith/P Smith 2 CH Induna Oliver Twist S Jones/C Carlyle/S Hill/A Romero 3 CH Pramada’s Naughty Natalie D Gehnert/L Bitz 4 CH Frolicn Handsome Hercules B Bolling/E Andrews 5 CH Velvet Dandy’s Dipsy B Gresser/S Gresser 6 CH Tamarin Towntalk Nyteflyte A Alvarez 7 CH Hilanne’s Shoot For The Moon S Lex 8 CH Hilanne N Rumors Itsallaboutme L Millman/S Lex 9 CH Yarrow’s Hi Tech Baby Spice J Gupko 10 Tamarin Traveler G Galbreath/W Galbreath


0 0 3 2 0

Welsh Terriers 1 CH Sanherpinc Paisa L Hotchin/B Schwartz 2 CH Bayleigh Shaireab’s Super Hero M Jacobs/K Bailey/S Abmeyer 3 CH Marydale’s Limited Edition M Duafala/E Leaman/J Anspach 4 CH Cambrian Four Star General J Stephens 5 CH Teritails National Treasure T Lohmuller 6 CH Timbucktwo Sunspryte El Diablo Diamente A Megia G Smith 7 CH Shiloh Morn’s Go In Peace C Francis 8 CH Sanherpinc Galilea A Pennypacker 9 CH Maridawns The Jolly Roger D Garis 10 CH Darwyn’s Webslinger L Hotchin West Highland White Terriers 1 CH Arbroath’s Rosewood Rise N’ Shine J Low/W Matthews 2 CH Mac-Ken-Char’s Here I Am J Glodek/J Jaacks/M Cross/B Neff 3 CH Ashscot’s Secret Of Tullybloom P Cohen/C Cohen/J White 4 CH Serendipity’s Crazed About You D Huffman/I Langner 5 CH Lite N Lively’s Special Delivery E Schoonover/B Plasse 6 CH Glennhaven’s Danny Boy O’ Donnybrook F Askin/B Miran 7 CH Plum Creek Di’s Amazing Grace J Forster 8 CH Whitefire’s Fancy Dancer D Vanek/A Carr/D Diemer 9 CH Richmont Mclaren Lindores S Hind 10 CH Royalcartier O’Riley C Biggs

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4

0 4 14 13 9


0 3 2 11 7


0 2 4 7 4


0 3 3 1 0


0 7 3 3 2


0 3 1 6 5


0 1 2 5 4


0 0 3 2 3


13 69 30 12 6


0 4 10 11 9


1 11 2 5 4


0 3 6 6 9


0 8 12 4 6


0 1 0 4 3


0 0 0 2 1


0 0 0 2 0


0 0 0 1 1


0 0 0 1 0


7 20 2 3 1


1 23 21 9 4


1 3 5 11 7


0 3 3 7 8


0 3 2 6 4


1 1 4 3 3


0 3 6 2 1


0 0 1 1 2


0 0 2 1 4


0 0 0 3 2


5 33 40 19 14 17926 1 10 14 19 14 7828 CONTINUED ON PAGE 88

*The Dog News Top Ten List - Breed 12/09

Dog News 87


Based on All-Breed Competition CONTINUED FROM PAGE 86

3 CH Timsar Mister Moonlighter P Kanan/C Huggins 4 CH Full Of Malarkey Miles Of Aisles T Kelly/P Kelly 5 CH Hickoryridge Tartan Pride A James 6 CH Pinecrest Rock The Boat T Eubank/E Venier 7 CH Moonvale Augustinian By Shenlyn E O’Brien 8 CH Grantilley Take That L Adair 9 CH Bekenhall Jailhouse Rock F Hall 10 CH Shado Run Rush To Ministik L Swatko/G Crawford/S Miller Chihuahuas (Long Coat) 1 CH Jocal Dancing With The Stars K Yama/H I Chi Kawa/P Murray 2 CH Dragon Lair Wildrose Mojo Risin C Marley/K Garrett 3 CH Ouachitah Giselle P Holzkopf/M Holzkopf/L George 4 CH Dartan Flash Dancer J Hopper/J Ramirez/K White 5 CH Sweet Indeed Newyorkbound R Facchin 6 CH Saiyai’s Thai Little Florist “Malee” Y Sakawee/S Sakawee 7 CH Whitecloud Loma Mister Big Stuff J Yasenchok/J Seitz 8 CH Mina’s Yes It’s Stu Little M Anderson 9 CH Mogwie Tradewinds Oprawinfamee D Corl/E Lanasa 10 CH Ouachitah Forever L George Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) 1 CH Ayrwen Star Kissed Delight G Johnson/A Johnson 2 CH South Fork’s Go For Broke M Held 3 CH Galways Dark Eyes M Anderson/S Hanke 4 CH Baroque Creme De Cassis M Hamilton 5 CH Yuum Gomez P Suarez/J Gomez/L George 6 CH Phareview Mystic Regent J Phariss 7 CH Dartan On The Rocks D Lewitzke 8 CH Lugari Holiday Rocco I Lugo 9 CH Yococo’s Olympic Bolt J Eoff/M Eoff 10 CH Kimza’s Sweet Dreams K Stephens/R Stephens Chinese Crested 1 CH Kamikazi’s Star Kissed J Kusumoto/R Kusumoto/M Miyagawa/T Miyag 2 CH Whisperinglane Back Seat Betty C Baldwin/M Baldwin/S Weigand 3 CH Dejavu B Careful What U Wish For S Jacobsen/J Jacobsen/K Matlock 4 CH Crestline Butters Scotch M Vila 5 CH Pahlavi Peepin’ Tom S Johnston/S Frazier/L Calderon 6 CH Delende First To The Finishline S Brunsell/A Brunsell/C Baldwin/M Baldwi 7 CH Castaway’s Mzindypendence At Xiao Ma R Ligocki/L Fox-Mann 8 CH Risin Star’s China Doll J Miller/L Davi 9 CH Tacori’s Mr. Inkaholic M Benton/A Butterklee/A Wall/V Helu 10 CH Vanitonia Devil Wears Prada V Dorris/K Peiser/L Grinells English Toy Spaniels (Blenheim & Prince Charles) 1 CH Cheri-A Wingo Lord Nelson J Wood/J Elliott/W Goddyn 2 CH Royalist Ready To Reign D Johnson/J Haverick/J Hubbard/W Holbroo 3 CH Loujon Backroads To Paris C Williams/J Ward/K Miller 4 CH Cheri-A’s Lord Leopold J Wood/R Shannon/M Shannon/J Elliott 5 CH Beauprix Baritone B Miller 6 CH Novel Heir To The Cosmos S Hepler/C Hepler 7 Royalist Raison D’Etre D Johnson/J Haverick/J Hubbard/C Van Pat English Toy Spaniels (King Charles & Ruby) 1 CH Southdown Nonetheless B Van Deman 2 CH Loujon Backroad Traveler B Czapor 3 CH By Design Kahlua M Dullinger 4 CH Flivverway Fancy Feet J Peterson

88 Dog News

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


1 4 7 5 6


0 2 1 1 4


0 1 5 3 0


0 1 2 4 6


0 0 3 1 5


0 2 1 2 0


0 1 2 2 0


0 2 10 9 13 5559

0 6 7 10 8


0 4 7 4 4


1 2 1 8 10 2905 0 3 6 3 7


0 1 1 7 10 1656 0 2 3 2 5


1 1 1 0 0


0 0 2 2 2


0 0 1 3 1


0 1 3 1 1


4 31 19 15 8


0 7 12 12 8


1 5 6 12 2


0 5 4 5 2


1 4 3 3 8


0 0 3 2 5


0 2 2 3 2


0 0 0 2 5


0 0 2 2 0


0 0 0 0 2


1 7 11 16 7


1 3 3 2 3


0 2 5 6 3


0 6 4 3 3


0 6 3 2 0


0 0 3 2 3


0 0 1 3 3


0 0 2 1 1


0 0 2 1 2


0 0 2 3 0


1 11 12 10 13 7272 1 9 5 13 6


1 10 6 8 4


0 1 1 3 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 11 22 17 13 8287 0 0 0 2 1


0 0 2 0 1


0 0 1 0 0


5 CH Adair Amicus Magical Kiss C Williams 6 Adair’s Red Fire J Naimark 7 CH Adair’s I’M Jet Black J Naimark/G Weyandt Havanese 1 CH Bellatak My Funny Valentine K Patrick/T Patrick/J Oakes/C Shea 2 CH Harbor’s It Had To Be Me C Field 3 CH Fuzzy Farm Devil Made Me Do It S Lawrence/A Lawrence 4 CH Los Perritos-Shallowbrook Heir I Am L Nieto/C Ambrose/J Ambrose 5 CH Askin Steppin’ To The Bad Side L Curtis/E Curtis 6 CH Gingerbred Yukon Jack Desiderio P Lucas/S Lucas 7 CH Heartland’s Rumor Has It W Koistinen/R Crowder/K McCabe/S McCabe 8 CH Mojito’s Desilu De Solana J McGrath 9 CH Trufaith Ego Trip V Valentine-Davis/D Stout/R Viall 10 CH Qbin’s Happy Feet At Enginuity A Liebing/A Welling Italian Greyhounds 1 CH Honore’s Lily-Belle D Milko/J Milko 2 CH Pineridge Trophy Hunt M Heliker/D Heliker 3 CH Bo-Bett’s Open Button C Harris 4 CH Everafter Love’s Ds Otello I Love/J Maleck/M Rosanske 5 CH Deerfield’s Jackson Cage P DiMaggio/D Wallace/G Dimaggio 6 CH Integra’s Purple Passion M Lucas 7 CH Salswift Clever Secret S Smyth 8 CH Kc’s Shake Your Groove Thing C Bakker/K Bakker 9 CH Helaynes Red Hot Mini-Cooper S Swanson/B Swanson 10 CH Terra Pavan Bright Angel Rising D Sandve/C Sandve Japanese Chin 1 CH Kelaury Good Luck From We-Syng L Bertani/N Wright/A Free 2 CH Chindales Farah Fawcett J Stevens/M Wooldridge/V Adams 3 CH Victory Viceroy Of Kirin B Gossett/D Gossett 4 CH Teabear’s Royal Penguin L Kopatch 5 CH Victory Next Of Chin V Cohen/L Engen/B Overstreet 6 CH Randalets Oso Lucky K Donnelly 7 CH Kelaury At Twilight B Czapor 8 CH Alijon’s Bnking On A Dream A Galliano 9 CH Willowoods Very Versace S Warfield/S Berney 10 CH In-Oz’ It’s Lonely At The Top R Wilson Maltese 1 CH Rhapsody’s Too Many Remarks T Holibaugh 2 CH Seabreeze Caribbean Sun Calling S Bingham-Porter 3 CH Angels Addicted To Love M Barnes/B Palmer 4 CH Delcost Marc By Design C Gillies 5 CH Chatterbox Nothin’ But Love L Lawrence 6 CH Ta-Jon’s Whose Your Sugar Daddy? T Lehman/T Simon 7 CH Diamond Tea Leona K Martin/D Tran 8 CH Ta-Jon’s Just Bee-Ing Silly T Simon 9 CH Josymir’s Page Turner J Dieppa/L Lange 10 CH Oakwynd Whipper Snapper M Reinke Manchester Terriers (Toy) 1 CH Burmack’s Rosie V Evrmor J Burrows/P Mackesey 2 CH Evrmor’s Ruby Of Burmack M Fox/J Morgan/P Mackesey 3 CH Bright Light’s Rosewood B Hodges/P Rank 4 CH Rosewood Raise The Curtain B Hodges/P Shane/P Rank 5 CH Blossom’s Bandit Queen B Scott 6 CH Saint Lazar’s Topaz W Walker/C Walker/P Hall 7 CH Aquarius Next Generation R Bristol/K Bristol

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4

0 0 0 1 2



0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 1 0


1 17 24 14 4


3 14 16 12 14 8669 2 9 13 17 16 5916 0 4 10 13 14 4426 0 1 8 4 9


1 3 5 5 3


0 3 8 2 4


0 5 2 3 7


0 1 3 0 4


0 3 3 3 1


0 17 17 27 16 9029 0 0 7 6 4


0 2 9 6 4


0 2 3 9 1


0 2 2 5 6


0 4 0 1 2


0 0 0 3 3


0 2 3 2 1


0 0 2 2 2


0 1 2 3 2


0 4 10 7 16 5832 1 9 5 2 3


0 4 5 3 1


0 0 4 10 7


0 1 2 2 2


0 1 2 2 2


0 2 1 2 2


0 0 0 3 1


0 0 3 1 3


0 2 1 0 0


1 16 10 22 23 10535 0 3 14 9 10 4379 0 2 7 9 6


0 3 5 5 2


0 2 3 1 4


0 4 2 3 0


0 2 2 0 1


0 2 2 1 1


0 1 4 4 1


0 0 1 2 3


0 6 6 11 7


0 1 0 2 5


0 2 0 2 1


0 0 1 1 1


0 1 1 1 1


0 1 0 1 0


0 0 0 1 1


8 CH Evrmor Fresh Water Pearl V Burmack S Williams-Weinberger/J Morgan/M Fox 9 CH Rustic Lane Sugar Magnolia D Horowitz/C Horowitz 10 CH Kismet’s Maserati At Kcm K McClellan Miniature Pinschers 1 CH Kimro’s Soldier Boy L Stark/R Stark/K Calvacca 2 CH Windwalker Call In The Clowns L Dewey/R Mills 3 CH Marlex Lulin Mojito L Colarte/L Colarte/A Angelbello/X Angel 4 CH Wannabee Biker Bob C Rerko/K Rerko 5 CH Sycuan’S-Desperado F Johnson 6 CH Altanero Barnstormer K Byrd/S Goldman/J Wilds 7 CH Nevaeh Red Cloud Of Tall Oaks K White/J White 8 CH San Spur’s Forty Five Calibur A Fields 9 CH Bubic Regatta Bobby’s Girl P Dziuk 10 CH Marlex Mister Chips A Angelbello Papillons 1 CH Queen Bless Jp World Idol M Mosing/C Ejima/H Hibara/J Alseth 2 CH Arkeno’s Ears To You K Mckay/M Berg/S ALFADL/M Loye 3 CH Wingssong Rock Star P Jones 4 CH Starsign’s Trickn’ St. Nick H Moses/V Cantwell/J Cantwell/P Gemmill 5 CH Wildfire On The Rocks A Pickett 6 CH Zelicaon Butch Cassidy At Draco A Wright 7 CH Akai’s No Jacket Required M Ford 8 CH Forevr Errol Flynn L Landis 9 CH Namaste Miniature Perfection E Perry/M Perry 10 CH Queen Bless Jp Principal Kid C Ejima/M Mosing/E Pyatte Pekingese 1 CH Linn-Lee’s For The Good Times E Holcombe/C Carter 2 CH Franshaw Hear Me Roar J Shaw 3 CH Dunkirk Im Gonna Live Forever T Reese/R Winters 4 CH Dunkirk Center Stage J Jacobsen/S Marotto/T Reese/R Winters 5 CH Claymore Rip Tide C Rice 6 CH Deja Vu True Grit At Shambala N Kinzler 7 CH Pequest’s Grand Slam A Syar/M Stone 8 CH Pequest Match Point S Rockefeller 9 CH Dunkirk Eye Candy J Jacobsen/T Reese/R Winters 10 CH Briar-Mar Fan The Fire O Gonzalez/G Veach Pomeranians 1 CH Velocity’s Shake Ur Bon Bon A Koga 2 CH Mountain Crest U Don’T Own Me D Gilstrap/C Gilstrap 3 CH Horizon-N-Janesa Indian Sundown R Smith/M Smith/K Morris 4 CH Char’s Bringin’ Sexy Back C Meyer 5 CH Castile’s Endless Love G Sisneros/C Gatewood 6 CH Pufpride Somewhere In Time L Beard/V Dimick 7 CH Cr Tuff Guy Of Isabella R Solano/C Solano/R Smith/M Smith 8 CH Jan-Shars Elementary My Dear Watson S Hanson 9 CH Jan-Shars Cisco Kid S Hanson 10 CH Oakrose High’N Mighty J Rose/G Stewart Poodles (Toy) 1 CH Smash Jp Moon Walk R Scott/D Burke 2 CH Tropical’s House Of The Rising Sun M Russo 3 CH Sisco’s Charm School Dropout K Sisco/T Sisco 4 CH Taladayga Lotsmoor Albert C Elliott 5 CH Barclay Lyca Heavenly Design B Burdick 6 CH Forever Master Of The Game V Dorris/K Peiser 7 CH Cache’s Lord Grayson H Tyson/S Basinger

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 0 1 0 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 3 0


1 32 23 24 18 11829 1 5 2 9 9


0 2 8 4 4


0 2 4 3 6


1 1 2 1 6


0 1 3 1 2


0 3 2 2 2


0 1 1 3 4


0 1 2 1 2


0 0 2 1 2


2 21 23 22 14 14211 3 32 8 25 8


1 15 13 10 7


0 6 10 7 5


0 2 5 6 3


0 1 3 7 7


0 1 4 5 2


0 0 4 5 6


0 1 2 1 1


0 0 3 4 0


12 57 27 8 5


12 63 21 8 5


3 18 6 3 4


1 6 4 6 6


0 0 2 1 11 2366 0 0 1 4 8


0 7 1 1 0


0 6 4 1 0


0 3 2 2 1


0 1 2 2 3


10 48 29 9 8


0 14 21 8 11 7039 2 6 10 11 6


1 9 12 8 8


1 5 4 12 9


0 8 4 9 6


0 1 5 2 6


0 4 5 3 9


0 2 2 1 4


0 2 3 1 1


25 111 20 6 1


0 0 2 3 3


0 2 2 1 4


0 0 0 1 1


0 0 3 0 1


0 1 2 1 1


0 0 0 0 3




Dog News 89

Based on All-Breed Competition CONTINUED FROM PAGE 88

8 CH Excell Belle Of The Ball S Talkington 9 CH Pomroth Sweet Mesquite H Hamilton 10 CH Cache’s Lady Olivia De Plata H Tyson/S Basinger Pugs 1 CH Tupelo Shoboat Tu China Tu M Molnar/J Danburg/P Kolesar/R Kolesar/D 2 CH Norkus’ Risky Business M Molnar/J Danburg 3 CH Ivanwold Diva At Riversong C Koch 4 CH Nonesuch Annie’s Mainsail P Crane 5 CH O-Day Mystical Klondike L Bridge/J Bridge 6 CH Brazos River Legal Lion S Dillin/C McKinney 7 CH Winsome’s Trouble At Coral Bay J Sanchez/C Sanchez/V Flatley/C Giles 8 CH Warpug Au34 Kc’s Vbo Of Ivanwold J Black/C Black/C Patterson 9 CH Mtn Aire’s Star Of Aslan C Dunham 10 CH Loralar’s Bachelor Pad P Caldwell/R Caldwell/L Libner Shih Tzu 1 CH Xeralane’s Face The Music Xeralane Knl 2 CH Krissy’s Dream Lover L Lawrence/R Lawrence 3 CH Symarun’s Look N Good C Randle/C Randle 4 CH Amitzu China Doll T Forman/M Forman 5 CH Ista’s Tearn’ It Up R Marshburn/G Larson 6 CH Yingsu’s Nothin’ To Lose D Lanier/M Jones 7 CH Ying’s Miss Congeniality K Kroeplin 8 CH Jazzie’s Because I Said No C Aucamp/E Aucamp 9 CH Xeralane’s Face The Future L Jacklin/Xeralane Knl 10 CH Hallmark Jolei Surfer Girl L Ehricht/D Ehricht Silky Terriers 1 CH Lamplighter’s Bingo M Benson/B Beissel 2 CH Bar-B’s Tawnymist Topias W Leavell/B Leavell 3 CH Safire Rock It To The Stars A Syar/S Calestini 4 CH Shellkirk’s Joy To Shalee S Jeffries 5 CH Mtnview Prince Chbaka Ekruro N O’Rourke/S O’Rourke 6 CH Alltogether Its All About Me E Harrison/L Mowrer/L Rosewell 7 CH My Royal Rebel Hans Solo G Schwartz/J Schwartz 8 CH Wyncliff’s Tawny Mist Tumtrees D Renton/P Powell/D Baggenstos 9 CH Stonecroft-Wyncrest Mirage B Heckerman/J Scheidt 10 CH Tawnymistmi-Ohn Princeofangels M Isabel Toy Fox Terriers 1 CH Valcopy Hannah Montana A Sanders/M Starry 2 CH Prairie Farm Angel Eyes K Stanforth 3 CH Valcopy Kasey Kahne D Plonkey/L McKee/R Davis 4 CH Dynasty Valcopy What Happens In Vegas A Price/T Topham 5 CH Valcopy The Bounty Hunter J Mc Cloud/D Plonkey 6 CH Tropicfox Bootstrap Bill R Day/G Renegar 7 CH Barbary’s Fame ‘N Fortune W Bellamy 8 CH Shively Valcopy Miss Charlie D Plonkey/M Shively 9 CH Lalique Marc Of Distinction D Fisher 10 CH Barbary Timbuctoo D Monette Yorkshire Terriers 1 CH Groveshire’s Allure N Amies 2 CH Stringer’s Somethings Gotta Give A Stringer/S Barnes 3 CH Stratford’s Diamond Jim B Scott 4 CH Durrer’s Talk About Bossy T Fredrickson/S Bingham 5 CH Sugarfoot’s Living Th’ Good Life V Edwards/M Edwards 6 CH Gaelwyn’s Celtic Reflection M Bradley/T Bradley

90 Dog News

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 0 0 1 3


0 0 1 1 1


0 0 1 1 0


21 63 19 4 1


4 37 21 16 5


3 21 12 9 2


0 6 14 14 9


0 8 8 8 5


0 7 9 1 3


1 2 2 2 2


0 1 1 0 7


1 2 3 2 3


0 1 1 6 5


3 17 19 15 9


0 15 21 19 12 8878 1 16 8 7 10 5878 2 5 6 5 4


0 10 5 13 9


0 6 9 5 3


0 1 1 7 2


0 1 1 2 6


2 8 4 1 2


0 7 3 0 0


0 4 11 18 17 8329 0 7 11 3 14 5393 1 12 6 6 7


0 4 7 9 1


0 5 3 9 4


0 1 4 2 2


0 0 1 4 2


0 2 4 0 0


0 0 4 1 0


0 1 2 1 0


0 10 5 7 7


0 0 5 3 8


0 3 3 1 3


0 1 1 2 3


0 1 2 0 0


0 1 2 0 1


0 0 1 0 3


0 0 0 1 1


0 0 0 1 2


0 0 1 2 0


0 2 5 11 10 4145 0 7 6 7 9


0 2 1 8 3


0 1 1 1 5


0 1 2 2 1


0 1 2 1 1


B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4

7 CH Empee’s Georgie Porgie M Dearinger 8 CH Lane’s Mini Cooper V Wilson 9 CH Estugo’s Nina Ricci L Rojas 10 CH Hekan’s Promise For Karma K Halbur


0 0 3 3 1


0 1 0 2 0


0 0 0 1 1


0 1 1 0 0


Non-Sporting Group Am American Eskimo Dogs gs 1 CH Silveroaks First & Foremost R Sampson 2 CH Smokey Mtn Trader Pup E Tamburine 3 CH Nuuktok’s Atka Inukshuk S Robertson 4 CH Silveroak’s Dogone Fire S Brown/J Hackmeyer 5 CH Timber’s Next Step Up S Sung 6 CH Captivating Cora Of Fuji R Brekke/H Halverson 7 CH Decacs She’s Causing A Commotion D Cromer 8 CH Kort-Mar’s Sparkling Diamond S Ray 9 CH Sunfall’s Desperado R Heard 10 CH Kiva’s Looking Back At You K Gallowy

Bichons Frises 1 CH Paray’s Rime Time L Rosio/M Winston/P Flores 2 CH Risgae Miabella Sweet Georgia S Kapella/R Day 3 CH Bodacious In Enemy Territory G Blue/D Blue/D Jr 4 CH Mybliss Petite Coquette L McDonald/M Wotton/C Boele 5 CH Belle Creek’s I Love Lucy B Zoss/L Carlton/L Letsche/M Provost 6 CH Saks Hamelot Little Drummer Boy B Weidner/L Darman/K Griffin/C Ruggles 7 CH Whitebreds Kissed By Kenningway K James/K Graeber 8 CH Risgae’s Duke Of Wessex J Clas/R Day 9 CH Paray’s Private Label II S Phillips/T Pittman/P Flores 10 CH Pride Of Tamlilly T Yelland/S Toom Boston Terriers 1 CH Annalee Told Ya So D Huml 2 CH Gumbo-Kean’s Cosmic Stargazer J Mangum/A Mangum 3 CH Shines Cupid Dolly J Johnson 4 CH Keynote’s Knockout Kid G Weyandt/J Harner/C Mccord/V Prater 5 CH Sunwoods Lamburgini D Campbell/B Campbell 6 CH Kc’ S Midnight Rambler K Bogenholm 7 CH Charue’s Man Oh Man P Bale/C Bale 8 CH Sunglo Sparkling Wine Cooler C Winter/A Sunday 9 CH Raising The Bar At Dabs B Griner/D Morton 10 CH Ken’s N’ Roobarb N’ The Horse Ya Rode In On K Roux Bulldogs 1 CH Kepley’s Showbiz Razzle Dazzle J Fisher/R Speiser/B Wolfe 2 CH Legacy Empress Of The Copa J Serion/K Copen 3 CH Evergreen’s Sweet Clover Anne C Auckenthaler/A Auckenthaler/J Flowers/ 4 CH Dickey’s Nostradamus B Newcomb/D Dickey/E Dickey/C Johnson 5 CH Calees The Skye Is The Limit K Hennefer/C Plummer/J Winick 6 CH Globe And Anchor Sgt Iron Mike D Boyd/D Boyd/V Hearne/M Hearne 7 CH Impressive Oliver R Love 8 CH Avalon Patch-Adams C Campbell/K Campbell 9 CH Kepley’s First Impression M Kepley/J Kepley 10 CH Millcoats Pilgrim’s W. J. D Miller/C Miller Chinese Shar-Pei 1 CH Vaje’s Miss Jayne Hathaway J Mauk/V Mauk 2 CH Guthries How Sweet It Is G Bowles/W Bloxham 3 CH Chaoyang Chick Magnet At Asia B Berney/H Kamp

2 24 18 13 8


0 4 6 6 5


0 1 4 4 2


0 0 2 3 10 1050 0 2 1 3 8


0 0 1 0 2


0 0 1 0 3


0 0 0 1 0


0 1 0 1 0


0 0 2 0 0


2 32 15 14 6


5 21 14 22 12 9141 2 18 19 19 9


0 19 21 13 8


1 8 21 8 13 4742 0 7 3 5 1


1 3 2 1 2


0 1 3 4 6


0 0 1 5 5


0 0 2 2 3


0 1 6 5 8


0 2 6 3 5


0 3 3 2 6


0 3 7 5 8


0 0 5 3 4


0 0 3 2 5


0 1 1 3 4


0 1 2 2 1


0 2 2 5 1


0 0 0 1 5


20 77 22 11 10 28745 3 15 13 4 8


0 7 9 11 11 2915 2 5 2 1 3


1 3 6 5 7


1 5 4 2 3


0 3 3 4 5


0 2 1 7 6


0 3 3 6 4


0 1 2 6 5


1 13 29 24 16 6630 0 11 23 13 9


2 12 16 4 9


B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4

4 CH Elite’s By Design S Woodall 5 CH Chaoyangs Take It To The Limit D Cooper/R Cooper/L Teitelbaum 6 CH Melvard’s Doll Of Destiny K Fudge/D Melvard/J Medrano/J Medrano 7 CH Willo’s Caught Ya Lookin R Arnold/J Kolnik 8 CH Yu Kou’s Only In America G Schaefer 9 CH O-Na-Pei I Go Back D Schuerman/K Kleinhans 10 CH Firetown’s Out Of The Blue M Calltharp Chow Chows 1 CH Liontamer’s Dial 1-800-Hotstuff K Tracy/G Roberts/R Roberts 2 CH D-Jin Gang Of An Na Kennel K Beliew/Y Ling 3 CH Kelin’s There Can Be Only One J Esposito/O Hayes 4 CH Dreamland’s Light Up The Sky J Phillips/A Smith 5 CH Rebelrun Chowlamar Dapper Dan R Banghart/L Banghart 6 CH Charming Rockefella C Grayson/J Grayson 7 CH Rosewine’s Rockabilli Red J Olson/B Boyes 8 CH Sitze-Gou’s Glazz Paragon B Buell 9 CH United’s In A Different Light E Sangkunakup 10 CH Cross B Impressive Willie N R Bradley/J Burke Dalmatians 1 CH Xanadus Angel Sabrina J Ulloa/A Fomon 2 CH Bretd’s Sergeant Major J Bachey/E Bachey/M Zink 3 CH Perdita’s Absolute Adorable C Carro/I Liban 4 CH Paisley Nspird By Broadway S Macmillan/M Iwaoka/G Iwaoka 5 CH Tramac Just Walk’N On Sunshine J Smith/M Callea 6 CH Nspird Spotsafire Its A Wrap T Bailey/C Jordan 7 CH Karefree Giovanna At Milledals N Reiter/A Miller 8 CH Bret D Gabriel’s Lost Art K Carey 9 CH Blackthorns Flower Power B Little/J Eversole 10 CH Royalty’s Splash Of Taylor W Polaski/P Polaski Finnish Spitz 1 CH Icecaps Cool Hand Luke N Lloyd/E Lloyd/K DeCosta 2 CH Pikkinokka Badgr Sir Barksalot M Badger/H Leftwich 3 CH Pikkinokka Icecaps Finn McCool E Lloyd/N Lloyd/L Saari/J Anastas 4 CH Pikkinokka’s This Girl Rockz H Horton/A Bruce 5 CH Finkkila’s Tuk K Raleigh/M Walker/C Stone 6 CH Jayenn’s Ivan Of Tsankawi L Carlson-Elliott 7 CH Suomi’s It Takes Two To Tango D Roberts-Green/K Raleigh/C Stone 8 CH Crowns Valentino D Wiechmann/A Wiechmann 9 CH Jayenn Foxmount Click N Print S Brown 10 CH Suomi’s Born To Be Wild C Stone/K Raleigh French Bulldogs 1 CH Raindrops Justus Lifes A Game R Readmond/S Orban-Stagle 2 CH Highwood’s Big Shot A Vorbeck 3 CH Robobull Fabelhaft Im On Fire M Hulick/J Dalton/S St John 4 CH Petite Cherie Femme De Puissance W Stoyka/A McIntyre/P Berry 5 CH Shore Lookin’ Good B Orr/M Hulick/A Rosenstein 6 CH Lebull’s Midnight Confessions A Geremia 7 CH Devine’s LA Confidential M Devine/D Kowata/A Weinberg 8 CH Justus I’M Your Man Justus Knl 9 CH Fabelhaft Robobull Toodarn Hot C Darr/S Abernathy/J Dalton 10 CH Starhaven Allenhill’s Lock N Load K Allen/S Allen/R Meyer Keeshonden 1 CH Daimler’s Caviar Dreams T Benz/D Benz/C Cinnamon 2 CH Quest Stand By Me M Winters/J Sturgeon 3 CH Sprookje Lunar Appellation S Sorice/M Sorice

0 12 21 4 7



2 11 10 15 10 4473 0 6 9 3 8


1 7 9 2 3


0 0 0 4 15 1492 1 1 3 1 1


0 4 5 1 3


3 19 11 15 9


1 15 10 8 7


0 18 12 7 9


0 8 9 4 5


0 0 0 3 2


0 1 1 3 0


0 2 0 2 3


0 0 3 4 1


0 1 3 1 0


0 1 1 3 4


0 9 16 14 5


1 6 10 14 7


1 7 11 8 6


0 12 3 6 4


0 6 5 3 2


0 4 8 5 1


1 2 3 1 4


0 2 1 3 6


0 5 7 1 2


0 3 5 3 2


0 0 4 8 7


1 3 2 1 2


0 0 4 0 3


0 0 1 1 1


0 0 1 1 1


0 0 0 1 1


0 0 1 0 0


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 1 0


0 12 20 23 11 6724 2 17 13 11 9


0 7 10 18 7


0 17 21 8 6


0 13 12 8 9


0 2 7 6 8


0 10 3 10 6


0 3 3 6 9


0 0 2 7 11 1400 0 6 7 0 0


2 12 12 8 5


2 11 8 10 8


1 6 5 4 5



Dog News 91

Based on All-Breed Competition CONTINUED FROM PAGE 90

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


4 CH Karolina Bonnyval Deal No Deal B Stroud/P Stroud/D Bosch/D Smith 5 CH Legend’s Purple Reign D Cox/C Johnson/M White 6 CH Windrift’s Dance To The Music J Reed 7 CH Wund-R Y’s Best Kept Secret T Van Schyndel 8 CH Shamrock’s Captain Stormalong W Milwee/W Milwee 9 CH Kemonts Skyline’s Game Boy K Cullen/S Cullen 10 CH Trumpet’s Shoot To Thrill B Blankenship

0 5 6 13 5


0 7 5 4 3


0 5 6 1 4


1 4 1 2 1


0 2 4 7 6


0 2 3 5 1


0 2 2 5 3


4 34 25 16 7


Lhasa Apsos 1 CH Rushmar’s Charmer L Mccutcheon/D Planche 2 CH My Thai Ta Sen Halleluiah Chorus S Giles 3 CH Northwind Nothing But Trouble C Butsic/J Hope 4 CH Northwind Amaze Me W Stamp/B Bruns/N Armbrustmacher/C Butsi 5 CH Sharles The Hacker S Yadley/R Smith/M Smith 6 CH Alasara Northwind Anbara Maestro E Jones/S Fitzgerald 7 CH Suntory Prada C De La Rosa/R De La Rosa 8 CH Desiderata Il Paradiso K Bogatin/A Miller 9 CH Hylan Shotru Riverview Our Dream P Naumann/P Keen Fernandes 10 CH Red Fox’s One Wing In The Fire S Cannimore/D Cannimore Lowchen 1 CH Chic Choix Bihar Cuba C Strong 2 CH Touche’s Undercover Agent Rainbow C Laskey/R Lawless/J Lawless 3 CH Desusa’s Who’s Your Daddy L Pettengill/S Williams/S Heckart 4 CH Desusa’s Some Like It Hot S Williams/S Heckart 5 CH Touches Rainbow RN C Laskey 6 CH Musicbox Doublestuffed D Jones/R Day 7 CH Seafever’s Fleur De Lis G Aubert/J Nienhaus 8 CH Bihar’N Ivytree Hrt Of A Lion J Hollow/C Strong/M Decker 9 CH Ashfords Baruch At Cordin G Denninger/S Strickland Poodles (Miniature) 1 CH Amity Mystical Horizon’s Heaven Sent D Strumbel/A Seppo 2 CH Splash Di Caprio Z Torrealba 3 CH Alegria Shamus J James/S James/B Wood/L Berg 4 CH Durandel Fashionista L Simis 5 CH Campostela The Perfect Storm K Berlind/M Watson/E Phelps 6 CH Poof’s Divalicious D Lambert/L Williams/L Wickwire 7 CH Surrey Sweet Spice R Scott/D Burke 8 CH Mipar Revamp M Parks 9 CH Clarion In Between Dreams K Kennedy/K Poe/A Kennedy 10 CH Bar King Fair Isle Poppy Seed K Poe/C Braswell Poodles (Standard) 1 CH Hillwood Dassin De-Lovely J Vergnetti/E Charles/K Lefrak/W Sammet/G Lajesky 2 CH Dawin Spitfire L Campbell 3 CH Randenn Tristar Affirmation T Sosnoff/M Sosnoff 4 CH Donnchada Sweet Dreams E Brown/N Baldwin/K Black/D Schuchart 5 CH Brighton Lakeridge Summer In Hampton T Sosnoff/M Sosnoff/D Ferguson-Jones 6 CH Penndragon Masaniello K Bates/R Bates 7 CH Bar-None Dawin Travelin’ Man L Campbell/N Wilson 8 CH Anastasia Da Maya Z Torrealba 9 CH Jaset’s Satisfaction C Bailey/S Tompkins 10 CH Chrystal’s Totally Chromed Out M Sanders/D Hancock

1 25 21 11 12 8575 0 13 9 15 8


0 5 8 6 8


0 4 4 5 5


0 1 3 10 3


0 1 6 4 4


3 9 3 2 2


0 1 1 7 2


0 0 2 2 4


0 3 5 8 8


0 0 1 2 4


0 1 2 2 2


0 0 1 0 2


0 0 0 1 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 2


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 0 1


1 12 14 12 6


1 11 13 5 3


0 6 9 6 8


0 4 4 2 5


1 2 2 2 0


0 1 1 5 3


0 4 1 2 1


0 2 3 0 0


0 0 6 1 0


0 0 0 2 1


19 81 17 3 2


13 54 8 14 4


11 24 0 1 0


10 42 16 12 4


7 24 6 6 2


4 24 13 3 2


2 22 6 1 3


0 13 3 1 1


2 8 3 1 0


0 8 5 2 2


Schipperkes 1 CH Dante Fire When Ready 3 19 17 21 12 7997 J Gossman/A Gossman/M Jameson/P Allison 2 CH De Lamer Point Break 0 11 18 19 14 6248 N Lazarowitz/D Mankovich 3 CH Bonchien Mr.Monopoly 0 7 5 12 7 3533 K Henry

92 Dog News

4 CH Dante’s Over The Top A Gossman/S Middlebrook/M Jameson/P Alli 5 CH Aned’s Le Rocher Noir J Wells/M Simanek 6 CH De Lamer Pink Flamingo C Falk 7 CH Starship’s I’M A Believer B Brimacomb 8 CH Sandevel’s Light My Fire S King/M Kraus 9 CH De Lamer Burning Desire C Falk 10 CH Aladdin’s Too Sexy To Tango E Baldwin/G Nash Shiba Inu 1 CH Jogoso’s Notorious S Ozasa/G Ozasa 2 CH Banshou Go Ryuukyuu Uruma S Rolenaitis/T Rolenaitis/F Daum/G Burch 3 CH Yuko’s Chief Red Eagle K Vano 4 CH Justa Wizard Of Oz B Kuehler/L Simons/L Kuehler 5 CH San Jo She’s On Fire L Pasquarello/S Roble 6 CH Roscka’s Bijutsu No Sosaku B Richardson/C Ross 7 CH Taichung Oso Handsome L Perkinson 8 CH Ranchlake’s Aki Kohana D Warren/J Nelson/C Nelson 9 CH San Jo The Ruthless One P Peterson 10 CH Tanasea’s Taimatsu D Meador Tibetan Spaniels 1 CH Lorac’s Yeshe Wongchhu M Feltenstein 2 CH Wassong’s Djebel Of Lollipop P Sarles/K Wassong 3 CH Yeti Asawin Ez Texas Legacy B Keith/J Dean 4 CH Loracs Rock And Roll Band It G Covey/R Covey 5 CH Ragmop’s Part-Li Nanjo P Burris/N Cook/K Macy 6 CH Lionhearts Ez Betts On Texas Hold’Em C Waddell/C Waddell 7 CH Westview Sandhill Next Apprentice H Longley/C Longley 8 CH Shenanwood Simply Imagine This S Reeve/K Okey/C Bias Chaffee 9 CH Krisala’s Singular Sensation M Hendricks/B Maag 10 CH Aldea Pucker Up S Cottrell Tibetan Terriers 1 CH Cedar C Barnstrom L&D Edition P Bernardo/M Lafler/D Ogden 2 CH Players Protocol D Murray 3 CH Araki Tinckle Winckle Of Dialynne J Shaw 4 CH Players Just Like Butter J Weldon/D Murray/L Clark 5 CH Atisha’s Vsop Courvoisier J Ayotte 6 CH Merryway’s Midnight Magic Myst C Wagner/W Harding 7 CH Bluvali Brouhaha B Richards 8 CH Ri Lee Ashlyn Diamond Heirloom N Kinziger 9 CH Kimik’s It’s Tough To Be A Bug M Demers/D Planche/K Potts 10 CH Ri Lee’s Diamonds Are Forever B Algar/N Kinziger

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 1 4 3 4


2 5 2 8 6


0 1 4 7 2


0 0 4 6 7


0 1 1 4 6


0 0 5 3 7


0 2 2 2 1


0 3 3 5 4


0 7 5 1 5


0 1 0 8 12 1451 0 0 5 5 1


0 0 4 3 4


0 0 0 2 5


0 0 2 1 2


0 0 0 4 1


0 0 1 1 1


0 0 0 1 4


0 10 19 20 14 7655 3 15 13 14 18 6468 0 0 3 5 8


0 2 2 4 6


0 0 0 2 4


0 1 1 4 3


0 0 2 3 0


0 0 1 0 4


0 0 1 1 3


0 0 0 1 2


2 22 29 22 5


0 7 8 7 5


0 7 8 3 4


0 3 4 7 4


0 2 5 7 10 1694 0 1 7 9 3


1 3 2 0 1


1 7 6 3 1


0 2 1 3 3


0 1 6 1 1


Herding Group AAustralian ustralian Cattle Dogs 1 CH Reddenblu’s Look Again J Rowland/R Isley/R Hughes 2 CH Sf Adams The Chosen One RN NA T Johnson/B Adams 3 CH Dalaussie’s Rough Rider L Olson 4 CH Littleflock My Deliverer RN G Todd 5 CH Hillhaven Journey The Rapids PT L Brooks/J Brooks/A Brooks 6 CH Castle Butte Hardrock N Tuff M Myers/P Myers 7 CH Buzzards Miss Worthy J Buzzard/T Couch/C Couch 8 CH Dawn Heir’s He’s The Boss! D Price/C Price 9 CH Buzzards Esperanzos Duramax J Lewis 10 CH Moonflys Ice Blue Flame RA PT S Dodson

0 2 12 11 9


0 1 3 3 4


0 1 3 5 1


0 0 0 2 6


0 1 0 0 3


0 0 0 2 2


0 0 0 1 3


0 0 0 2 2


0 0 1 1 2


0 1 0 1 1


B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4

Australian Shepherds 1 CH Mysharas Dream Girl S Fontanini 2 CH Briarbrooks Copyright L Wilson 3 CH Alydar’s California Poppy D Farthing/D Cunningham/F Shimamoto 4 CH Whidbeys Moonlight Frost RA L Thompson 5 CH Windrift’s Latitude C Brown 6 CH Copperridges’s Fire N Bayouland K Mosing/Y LeBlanc 7 CH Hearthside Say It Like It Iz L Buzzell 8 CH Ross-Mar’s What Dreams May Come R Harbaugh/M Harbaugh 9 CH Turnagain Backcountry Ranger PT L Dowling 10 CH Equinox Ad Astra C Bell Bearded Collies 1 CH Tolkien Raintree Mister Baggins E Charles/A Stein/L Stein/S Ross/L Woodc 2 CH Brigadoondaybarbelieveitornot A Yura/B Barton/D Frady/P Hanigan 3 CH Wildwood Kinikia Nobody’s Fool C Cerjan/T Stepankow 4 CH Brigadoon’s Just George P Hanigan 5 CH Brigadoon Showstopper At Scott P Hanigan/C Scott 6 CH Ha’Penny Lilac J Schneider 7 CH Briarpatch Look At That CD RE HT AX AXJ AXP AJP L Campbell Gracie 8 CH Brigadoon’s One Day At Atime P Hanigan/C Scott 9 CH Xtc’s What Can Brown Do For You? D Szecsy/B Szecsy 10 CH Ragtyme Beautiful Soul L Zagarella/V Zagarella Beaucerons 1 CH Volcan De La Negresse G Curtis/R Ring 2 CH Uscar Des Ombres Valeureux D Skinner/M Morrison 3 CH Capitaine Du Chateau Rocher M Taylor/C Taylor 4 CH Bijou Noir Du Chateau Rocher RN HT J Tornquist 5 CH Arco Du Chateau Rocher PT K Davis Belgian Malinois 1 CH Broadcreek’s Fancy That N Gosnell/M Kornfeld/E Kornfeld/L Legg 2 CH Trisorts Code Of The Road RA L Knock/B Vitarelli 3 CH Taliesin’s La Boheme S Mullinix 4 CH Broadcreek’s Marcus Junis Brutus M Kornfeld/S Legg/L Legg/E Kornfeld 5 CH Trisorts Zorro Del Mango RE S Donadei-Blood/C Knock 6 CH Flashpointe’s I’Ll Drink To That T Hilliard/P Cazenave 7 CH Carousel’s Dream Of Fire N Ice HT A Silvestri 8 CH Inca Del Valle Dorado S Williamson 9 CH Carousel’s American Dream M Brown/C Shields 10 CH Bord Du Lac’s Vintner’s Meritage J Melton Belgian Sheepdogs 1 CH Isengards Oncore P King/L Miller 2 CH Uri De Beauvoir K Kinnane/C Mascach 3 CH Chargany’s Voyageur J Powers/J Powers 4 CH La Neige’s A Kodak Moment T Jasinski/C Jasinski 5 CH Sundown’s Nitemagic Just What I Do C Toma/D Toma 6 CH Sumerwynd Quiz At Trouvaille TDX R Watson/W Watson/M Foley 7 CH Beljekali Nu Satin Doll HSAs S Manier 8 CH Takishan Black Mariah CD RE L Black/B Freedman/L Goldstrom 9 CH Liswyn’s Twizzler B Weiner/L Leffingwell 10 CH Sans Brancos Uppin The Ante T Votava Belgian Tervuren 1 CH Sky Acres Spy Plane M Edling/W Thompson 2 CH Majic’s Image Maker V Havicon/M Jensen 3 CH Char-Ma’s The Chosen One F Mascuch/C Mascuch 4 CH Sanroyale’s Devil’s Delight J Hawes


1 10 17 8 9


0 6 14 5 7


0 5 9 8 8


0 6 5 9 5


0 7 5 3 4


0 3 6 7 8


0 2 8 8 3


1 3 6 1 4


1 6 6 2 0


0 2 3 5 0


14 80 30 19 5


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0 0 9 12 5


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0 0 1 0 0


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0 0 0 1 3


0 0 0 0 2


0 1 0 0 0


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 1 0


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1 1 4 7 3


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0 0 2 4 5


0 1 1 2 0


0 0 1 2 0


0 0 0 3 1


0 0 1 3 2


0 1 1 1 0


6 20 18 8 6


0 4 7 8 8


0 4 2 8 4


0 3 3 5 6



“HARVEY” The Start of a Great Weekend!

Thank you Judge Mr. Fred Bassett for this very nice win at the Long Beach Kennel Club Show!! A Prelude to This Very Special Award: Winning the Breed under AT


Ch. Mariel’s Harvest Moon Owner-Breeder Marian Mizelle Co-Owner Bob Caldwell Carmel Valley, California

Exclusively Shown By His Best Buddy Kelly Shane Cardigan Welsh Corgi Dog News 93

Based on All-Breed Competition


5 CH MACH Just Sayno Toujours Jeune VCD2 UD RE XF D Deuth/L Keele 6 CH Tacara’s Touchstone Takoda D Unsell/L Newsome 7 CH Tintigny Naughty But Nice S Kreider/B Kreider 8 CH Sky Acres Blazin’ Blue Angel CDX RA PT J Stanfield 9 CH Chateau Blanc’s High Society CD RN J Laurin/G Schneider/D Laurin 10 CH Sky Acres Flying Solo M Edling Border Collies 1 CH Sportingfields Reflections O Borderfame D Butt/D Black 2 CH Border Lane Jp Talisman Forever N Mages/Y Oneyama/L Somers/C Hamilton 3 CH Majestic Avatar Storm Warning PT R Delay/C Woods/J Baylis/S Einck 4 CH Sporting Fields B Noble D Butt/C Geiss/J Black 5 CH Borderfame Signature D Butt/D Black 6 CH Gesse Bravo S Hill/A Guthrie/J Santos 7 CH Bon-Clyde’s Take One B Buchanan 8 CH Sportingfields Pieta D Butt 9 CH Sportingfield Little Surfer Girl R Windley 10 CH Abfab’s Hot Toddy J Allardice/C Biondi Bouviers des Flandres 1 CH Avalon Frontier Sleepnlady Webber J Mcconnell/S McDaniel/J Guido/L Fenner/ 2 CH Quiche’s Demetrius S Riser/D Riser/E Paquette 3 CH Voodoo Slam Dunks Susants S Digiorno/T Digiorno 4 CH Delux Think Tank At Runamok C Townsend/K Butchee/S Lux 5 CH Donlee Man O’War K Clark/B Clark/J Olivera/S Olivera 6 CH Limerick’s Shakespeare P Ogden/W Ogden/K Bickle/D Patterson 7 CH Warwick’s Paint The Town Red K Florentine/J Sheridan/T Benyo-bracale 8 CH Margaux’s Venture Capital S Lyon/P Martin 9 CH Rocheuses Pretty In Pink G Lopez/M Johnson 10 CH Brimar’s Always Mandrake HT B Bender/M Bender Briards 1 CH Uniquehengo Des Uns Et Des Autres M Warcholik/J Deaver 2 CH Deja Vu Up Close & Personal T Miller/D Dube’ 3 CH Fairytale’s Balthazar Le Sage O Smith/T Smith 4 CH Sendero’s Absolutely Irresistible K Kelley/M Millner 5 CH Eastbay Dejavu Enjoy The Ride S Schweinghaut/C Schweinshaut/L Bernard/ 6 CH Deja Vu Mia Chain Of Fools J Holava/M Holava 7 CH La Vie Rose Dior-August-Moon CD RN M Minor/R Minor 8 CH Briardale’s Carolina In My Mind L Kenitz/R Kenitz/C Collins 9 CH Celebratia Vintageeightyfour C Leigh 10 CH Ne Orageux’s Al Capone M Millner/T Millner/W Weber/R Weber Cardigan Welsh Corgis 1 CH Heart Of Gold Power Play L Phillips/J Phillips 2 CH Roragyn’s Tuff Enuff C Smith/I Hunt 3 CH Twinroc Santa Paws D Planche/P O’Donnell 4 CH Xtacee Dancin In The Moonlight A Reilly 5 CH Mariel’s Harvest Moon M Mizelle/R Caldwell 6 CH Lady Tuckaway Of Camelot D Salow/K Foist 7 CH Toshay’s Firefly D Waiting 8 CH Dragonpatch Amoretta Joliette D Anthony/D Anthony/S Smith/L Smith 9 CH Baewyn Telltail Smooth Operator G Dovolis/P O’Donnell 10 CH Beaszak’s Blue Nude F Beashau/E Banaszak Canaan Dogs 1 CH Mad River Cool Breeze Blowing R Davila-Sargent/C Sargent 2 CH Renegade Camber A Preston/R Kent 3 CH Pleasant Hill Magnum Of Samara P Rosman

94 Dog News

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 0 0 7 3


1 2 2 1 0


0 0 2 3 1


0 0 2 2 3


0 0 3 2 0


0 3 0 1 0


3 17 16 19 7


1 8 5 9 8


0 7 3 9 3


1 4 4 3 3


0 4 2 3 2


0 1 5 4 3


0 2 5 3 2


0 1 1 3 1


0 0 1 3 1


0 0 0 3 1


10 46 19 8 6


5 49 18 8 6


1 10 4 3 3


1 3 5 5 7


0 8 7 6 3


0 8 2 5 4


0 1 13 9 6


0 2 9 4 4


1 1 0 1 1


0 6 1 6 1


0 7 9 16 15 4836 1 17 8 7 3


0 6 10 11 4


0 5 4 2 4


1 2 3 1 2


0 6 4 0 4


0 3 3 1 6


0 1 2 2 3


0 1 1 2 2


0 0 2 2 2


1 11 11 16 18 6359 1 4 10 9 13 4206 0 9 12 8 7


0 1 3 5 13 2057 0 5 2 9 7


0 3 2 3 6


0 2 1 4 6


0 3 3 3 7


0 1 5 4 4


0 3 1 2 6


0 4 2 13 9


0 2 2 1 5


0 0 0 1 1


4 Amos Me Shevet Knaanim D Murphy 5 CH Renegade Melanchollie Air A Preston Collies (Rough) 1 CH Sylvan Argent Simply Irresistible C Bossart/C Dubois/N Comparato/D Greene/ 2 CH Gentry’s Braveheart P Gordon/G Nash/L Greer 3 CH Kelso’s Moon Dancin’ HSAs N Kelso/T Duvall 4 CH Westwood Aladdin K Drabik/D Jennings 5 CH Highcroft Bourne Supremacy D Jeszewski/L Jeszewski/J Belluomini 6 CH Highcroft Bourne Ultimatum TD J Billuomini/D Jeszewski/L Jeszewski 7 CH Diamante’s Little Red Corvette A Inman/R Myers-Barth 8 CH Crispin Faithful OAJ B Corriveau 9 CH Donnybrooke’s Mallorca B Linder/C Allerton 10 CH Fantasy’s Rockledge Beginning T Franzel Collies (Smooth) 1 CH Sunnland’s Grand Entrance M Mullin/T Diede/B Mullin 2 CH Deep River In The Limelight K Jeong-Yoon 3 CH Liege’s Standing In The Rainbow E Berkley 4 CH Lisara’s Smooth Operator C Leonard/J Sulewski 5 CH Sunnland’s Tom Terrific M Mullin/B Mullin 6 CH Chrysalis Ginger Snaps D Waelde/R Waelde 7 CH Uneeda Last Minute Wish B Rutherford/G Winstone 8 Starlet Sunkissed First Edition T Castro 9 CH Timeless Golden Image D Heit/R Heit 10 CH Camloch Long Acres Iridescent K Hansen/D Hansen/M Benedict German Shepherd Dogs 1 CH Shoal Creek’s Sangria V Barick E Farrell/B Stamper/L Jewell/G Middei 2 CH Woodsides Pacino J Lange/J Moses 3 CH Kridler’s Nutmeg V. Signature R Dickson/J Moses/S Moses 4 CH Stone Ridge Whol Stop T Rain L Webb 5 CH Vonhamm Bedkar Leathern Lace K Reamensnyder/R Hamm 6 CH Anneisle’s Heiress V. Kenlyn Kaleef M Simonett/V Dukeman/S Moses 7 CH Kaleef’s Katarina V Kenlyn A Ramoundos/S Genereux/J Moses/S Moses 8 CH Lockenhaus’ Isis V. Kenlyn Hi-Cliff P McElheney 9 CH Marquis Stealing The Show D Oster/L Oster/K Fasano/F Fasano 10 CH Rebars Wind Sweep Of Sylmar S Mcdaniel Norwegian Buhunds 1 Randalyn Spring Jada RN C Mazzotta/E Yacknin 2 Sandyhill’s Maud Catodatter C Lassesen/R Lassesen Old English Sheepdogs 1 CH Lambluv’s Daydream Believer K Richardson/J Marder 2 CH Bugaboo’s Georgie Girl B Callahan/C Johnson/H Johnson 3 CH Lightnings Tequilla Sunrise K Panzer 4 CH Windfall Slam Dunk A Pietrocola 5 CH Whisperwood’s Wild Biscuit J Wetzler/L Rueille 6 CH Deja Blu Deal Me In B Barbaz 7 CH Saxen Farm’s Prizeworthy L Brody/E Saxen/C Brody 8 CH Snowdowne Platinum Promise R Smith/C Allen Grady/D Freiheit 9 CH Aryakas Hermes D Graesser 10 CH Masquerade Megabucks RN S McQuiston/M Harris Pembroke Welsh Corgis 1 CH Coventry Vanity Fair D Salow/K Kirtley/K Foist/B Shelton 2 CH Riverside Wicked Wonderful D Shindle/t jordan 3 CH Maplecreek Back In Black L Veik/B Shelton 4 CH Tim Tam Avant Garde A McBride/C Mcclure/L McClure

B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


13 54 31 18 10 21546 4 30 27 13 12 11387 1 15 17 13 6


2 7 4 3 0


1 4 5 4 2


1 3 1 1 2


1 1 2 1 3


1 1 2 0 1


1 1 0 1 1


0 1 1 1 0


4 8 20 8 14 6409 0 2 6 8 7


0 1 4 1 6


0 4 1 0 3


0 0 2 2 1


0 2 2 1 3


0 0 3 1 1


0 0 1 1 1


0 1 1 0 0


0 1 0 0 2


17 55 27 15 8


6 37 17 3 0


2 8 4 2 2


0 6 4 10 11 2705 0 8 4 3 7


1 3 1 1 1


0 4 1 2 1


1 3 1 0 0


1 5 0 2 0


0 2 2 2 0


0 0 0 0 2


0 0 0 0 1


12 65 34 17 10 20271 7 38 16 5 3


0 10 19 12 8


0 3 13 9 7


0 7 4 3 5


0 5 5 10 7


0 2 3 8 8


0 4 3 7 6


0 1 2 2 6


0 0 6 4 4


7 29 11 2 0


5 21 7 8 2


2 7 1 6 4


0 6 15 7 6


B. I. S. GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4

5 CH Merit’s Heartfelt Thanks R Blume 6 CH Riverside In The Dark Zone D Shindle 7 CH Overo Secret Garden PT J McKinney Bragg 8 CH Caamora All Dolled Up PT V Kirsher/P Seifert 9 CH Triple H Get Ready To Rumble V Malzoni/D Cox 10 CH Sandfox Destiny V Sandage/D Rodgers Polish Lowland Sheepdogs 1 CH Sasquehanna Malinnik Ponadto B Bruns/W Stamp 2 CH White Star’s It’s A Sirius Family Affair N Bogdanow 3 CH Swan Crest Windy City Robert Henry M Hirata 4 CH Bluegrass Ivy League Z White Star J Devlin 5 CH Belka Van Het Goralenhof S Willson/K Willson Pulik 1 CH Cordmaker Field Of Dreams S Huebner/J Beaudoin 2 CH Lajosmegyi Singin’ In The Rain P Turner/S Lawrence/A Lawrence/A Quigley 3 CH Cordmaker Rumpus Bumpus J Beaudoin/S Huebner/F Licciardi 4 CH Bubbleton Bedazzled N Powell/J Ravn 5 CH Mitonka As Good As It Gets R Di Matteo 6 CH Fuzzy Farm Twist And Shout A Lawrence/S Lawrence 7 CH Moonshadow Rongyos Kis Medve K Kocsondy/Z Kocsondy 8 CH Prydain Aviva J Ravn/K Edwards 9 CH Weatherby Great Expectations M Witwer/C Nusbickel 10 CH Prydain Joshua D Fields/K Edwards/C Nagle Pyrenean Shepherds 1 CH Germinale De La Brise RN P Princehouse/J Princehouse/F Princehous 2 CH Terra-Blue Ariege K Rice/P Princehouse 3 CH La Brise Tug Of War K Burger 4 CH Audace De La Brise M Emmell/N Frantz/B Atkinson 5 CH Bigorre De Terra-Blue B Atkinson/J Johnson 6 Delice De Terra-Blue I Mclaughlin/k mclaughlin 7 CH Chippewa Blue De La Brise V Davis 8 CH Burgerhaus Grand Prix RN S Peterson Shetland Sheepdogs 1 CH Kylene Eden The Dragonslayer K Hannah/K Dziegiel/L Patrick/M Bulens 2 CH Paray Cirque Du Soliel T Pittman/J Wixson/D Clabby 3 CH Suntera City Life R George 4 CH Jesstar Affirmation R Pusch/J Starbuck 5 CH Emperor Homeward Angel M Stuller 6 CH Braeleen Foreign Intrigue K Brown/J Williams 7 CH Brandywines Indelible Moment B Smith/J Smith 8 CH Norwood Nenana A Luhrs-Briggs 9 CH Jusdandy Devine Mz M C Frank 10 CH Neahm’s Kiss Me Kate W Christensen/M Christensen/V Robinson Swedish Vallhunds 1 CH Laurelwood’s Noah’s Ark Av JNKR V O’Neil/M Bennett/K Ottmar 2 CH Starvon I’M The One A West 3 CH Svedala Sven Snickaren Fran Hall R Hooper/S Hooper/L Fisher/G Hall 4 CH Jonricker Nicke Lilltroll M Thell/K Ottmar 5 CH Starvon In The Limelight D Michehl/G Michehl 6 CH Minikota Mill Creek’s October Rust D Tapp/L Schaunaman


0 3 9 6 11 2738 0 6 9 6 11 2416 0 1 4 4 9


0 4 3 2 5


0 0 2 5 6


0 2 2 3 2


2 17 17 32 12 8736 0 4 11 7 11 3026 0 0 2 3 1


0 0 0 1 2


0 0 0 0 1


33 112 34 7 4


1 6 10 9 5


0 8 5 6 5


0 4 6 8 4


0 0 4 6 8


0 2 4 5 13 1605 0 2 6 6 1


0 1 1 1 4


0 0 2 2 1


0 0 2 2 4


0 1 7 7 10 2267 0 0 0 1 6


0 0 2 0 3


0 0 0 0 2


0 0 0 1 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 1 0


0 0 0 0 1


5 22 17 11 10 8569 5 18 14 4 3


1 5 4 9 10 3719 0 4 6 7 8


0 1 7 10 5


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0 2 1 1 2


0 1 1 3 7


0 0 1 1 1


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 2


0 0 0 0 1


0 0 0 0 1


Ch. Solana Avant Garde

The Number One* Skye Terrier, breed points, for 2009 In his ďŹ rst year out as a special, Keegan made his presence felt as a Multiple Group Winner and ďŹ nishing the year Number One* Skye Terrier in Breed points and Number Three* All Breed points Watch for more of this exciting young dog in 2010! Bred, Owned and Loved by Michelle Shiue Solana Skye Terriers Plano, Texas

Presented By Brenda Lee Combs Assisted by Thomas Katzenstein *The Dog News Top Ten Lists

Dog News 95

The Comforts of Home CONTINUED FROM PAGE 58

genre. Each is posed at home, with natural lighting and surrounded by the furnishings of an opulent lifestyle. Her aim is to capture the character of the sitter, its gentle nature, and the companionship it offers. Working in oil on canvas, over 25 of her paintings will be featured in the exhibition. The breeds shown include a French Bulldog gently licking a puppy companion; two Clumber Spaniels lying on a rug titled “Conversation after the Show”; two Japanese Chins beneath a spray of oriental blossom; a recumbent Pointer; a Foxhound bitch with her puppies; a head study of a Parson Russell Terrier; a Pug sitting on an armchair with a full glass of champagne on a table beside it; a Bulldog ready to play with a football; a Griffon beside an empty blue and white porcelain bowl and others, including of course, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.

The exhibition opens on the 13th February and runs until the 27th March. The William Secord Gallery Inc. is at 52 East 76 Street, New York, NY 10021 and can be contacted on 212 249 0075. The exhibition can also be viewed on the gallery’s Web site

96 Dog News

Dog News 97


as she went flying by the registration table. Ten minutes later she was back attempting to make the wiggling master hold still. Mr. Pres took Debbie into the efficiently coordinated rings and gave her a 20 minute intensive while relaxed handling lesson. The handling lesson was so popular that we had to get Lee Kornielison and Randy Gemmel (a real AKC Professional Handler) into the act. And when it came time for the match class, our three instructors stood outside the ring and cheered their protégés on Due to Regina’s efficiency and those of the Obedience Judges, Dee Carlson & Mary, when they arrived they asked where the obedience rings were, went to their rings and “made it happen.” It was an extremely fine bunch of obedience entrants. No one complained at the lack of Ring Stewards, they just professionally stood like posts, and generally helped each other out. The Conformation group could take a camaraderie lesson from them. Our Junior Showmanship Judge, Faye Strauss had a lovely entry of very professional juniors. I thought all the girls should have won. I would be proud to have any of them show my dogs for me. They were spectacular. Faye’s decision of the day went to the real sweetheart showing the Japanese Chin. I hope to see all of them in August at our Canine Festival. Not to be outdone, our Conformation Judges, Penny King, Jeanette Dorsey, Nancy Warfield, & Naimi Gunther with the help of ring stewards, Carol Wolf & Lee K. ran a very professional ring atmosphere while giving plenty of practice to each & every dog. Nancy chose a Golden Retriever puppy for the winner from the Sporting Group and the Manchester Terrier from the Terrier Group. Naimi’s winner from the very large Toy entry was the Papillon. Jeanette chose the Borzoi from the Hound Group and the Standard Poodle from the Non-Sporting Group. Penny King chose the Australian Shepherd Puppy from the Herding Group and the Samoyed Puppy who was finally settling down from the Working Group. All four of our Conformation Judges jointly chose our newcomer to showing, (and a Sirius About Dogs new Protégé) Debbie Egge and her Samoyed Puppy for BEST IN MATCH at their very, very first show. I know lots of people at the match will be watching Debbie at the Puyallup Cluster in a few weeks. Regina is now home from the hospital and recovering. Sirius members are home recovering from a very hectic but really fun day. •

98 Dog News

Dog News 99


egate from being seated so long as the Delegates by their silence condone the activities of this Board in that area. I wrote a naive and perhaps incorrect editorial based on a report which emanated from USA Today on either December 8th or 9th in the last issue of the year 2009. I have received a ton of mail about this – some in support of what I wrote the great majority condemning what I wrote. Let me first say I answered every civil letter I received explaining to people that for the last 25 years we fought against the extremists of HSUS and anyone connected with PETA. Furthermore we supported PAWS when it was not the least bit acceptable to do so. Maybe I was mislead by that article but to receive the nasty, insulting and threatening letters which I did considering our history of fighting those two organizations tooth and nail was astounding. I believe, we all should believe in promoting the health and welfare of the dog at all costs. Do we all have to believe in doing it the same way – I should hope not?


Land O’ Lakes, Reactions ...

100 Dog News


*Breed points, All Systems **C.C. System



Gossip column VICTOR CAPONE, all breed professional handler, passed away on Saturday, January 9th. VIC, along with his wife SUE, a Great Pyrenees breeder of note, enjoyed a very successful career handling and campaigning many top winners including a two-time Westminster hound group winning bloodhound. Always professional in their demeanor, the CAPONES were very popular with their peers and competitors. As you can imagine, this is a trying time for SUE and her family and she has requested no phone calls for the next week or so and that those wishing can make a contribution to Take The Lead in VICTOR’S memory. All of us at DOG NEWS send SUE and her family our deepest sympathies. TONI WHITE, the widow

102 Dog News

By Eugene Z. Zaphiris

of the late American Kennel Club Field Representative JACK WHITE, has passed away. TONI, as most of you know, was confined to a wheel chair as a result of a terrible automobile accident many years ago. She was one of the nicest, most vibrant ladies and I still have vivid memories of her when she worked for BOBBY & SUSAN HECKMANN FISHER back in the day. She is survived by her son JOHN D. WHITE, JR. and we send him our deepest sympathies. On to much happier news, handler ELIZABETH JORDAN NELSON and husband ROBERT are expecting their first child. That was our DOG NEWS Christmas list wish to LIZ, to make her mother, handler LAURIE JORDAN FENNER, a grandmother … but who knew!!!

Congratulations all. Speaking of about-to-be grandmothers… a little bird told me that CINDY & DAVID VOGELS’ son PHILLIP and wife MEGAN VOGELS are to become firsttime parents this summer. Wasn’t it yesterday that PHILLIP was a child himself? I couldn’t be happier for this wonderful couple… Congratulations…but hard as I try, I can’t imagine CINDY knitting little hats and gloves. Mrs. Irish Setter, delegate and DOG NEWS columnist CONNIE VANCORE is recuperating and rehabilitating from double knee replacement surgery. All of us wish her a speedy and complete recovery. A major move of the specialties held before WESTMINSTER from New Jersey to the exposition area of the Nassau Coliseum (home of the Islanders hock-

ey team) in Hempstead, Long Island, New York. On Saturday, the friends of the CANINE HEALTH FOUNDATION will host a charity cocktail party at the Affinia Manhattan Hotel (the one time Southgate). For tickets and information contact the CANINE HEALTH FOUNDATION at 888.682.9696 or www.caninehealthfoundation. org. Recently, the CANINE HEALTH FOUNDATION awarded the ASA MAYS,DVM EXCELLENCE IN CANINE HEALTH RESEARCH AWARD to DR. MARK OYAMA for his work in the fight against canine heart disease. The first night of the WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW, Monday, February 15th , is the TAKE THE LEAD cocktail party in Madison Square Garden following the group

judging. Always a sell-out, information and reservation information appears in this week’s issue of DOG NEWS. Also during WESTMINSTER, WILLIAM SECORD GALLERY will feature “The Comforts of Home” dog portraits by PAMELA HALL. The SECORD GALLERY is located on East 76th Street in Manhattan. Another loss from the handlers’ rank. HALL KEYES, longtime handler, passed away on Wednesday, February 6th. The Carolinas were owned by HALL and his wife FRAN who in addition to handling clients dogs were very successful breeders and handlers of their own Schipperkes. All of us at DOG NEWS send our deepest sympathies to FRAN and their daughter HALEY.

Best In Specialty Show Winning


2009 #1 Chinese Shar-Pei-All Breed Points 2009 National Specialty Winner 2009 Top 25 Invitational Winner Thanks to Tim Thomas for handling Jayne to Number One* Chinese Shar-Pei for 2009

B d & Owners: O Breeders Jeff & Vicki Mauk New Albany, Ohio 614 855-3095

Look for Jayne in 2010 with New Handler Clint Livingston

*The Dog News Top Ten List

Dog News 103

104 Dog News

(Number 5 overall)

Dog News 105

The Dog News Top Ten List Based On Breed Competition CONTINUED FROM PAGE 106 81 73 61 60 52

CH Solstice Gainsborough N Soyster/M Uva CH Shylo Greycott Miss Tallulah B Clark/S Fisher/R Ungar CH Grimner Brigid Of Imbolc SC M Franzen/S Franzen CH Helios Foxglove Atheart S Bartel/S Johnston CH Lorricbrook Tribute K Brennan

Harriers 61 CH Pacific’s Skybird P Crary/G Nash/K Crary 43 CH Bluhils Sakura Encore Performance B Fox/J Fox/L Johnston 40 CH Jackpot Kingsbury Beamer D Shettle/L Whitney/C Whitney 38 CH Happytails Keepin The Faith C Newman/W Mccleery/F Newman 33 CH Jackpot Kingsbury Playboy C Steen/S Crawford/K Shupenia/D Smiley-A 32 CH Hartshire Walkabout R Phillips 31 CH Wynfield Charmed At Briggcastle J Briggs 24 CH Pacific’s Serenading Anthem E Benner 18 CH Bluhils Sakura Catch Me If You Can B Fox/J Fox/J Lawrence/L Johnston 16 CH Kingsbury Endeavor D Smiley-Auborn/J Auborn Ibizan Hounds 176 CH Bodean’s Six-Pack St Pauli Girl D O’Neal 153 CH Harehill’s Ace In The Hole K Gindler/W Anderson 135 CH Ahram’s Do You Believe In Magic J Sikora/M Paulin-Brown 125 DC Orion’s Xxx Of Eden MC LCX3 J Dannenbring/C Freeling/M Paulin-Brown 107 CH Aliki’s Shaken Not Stirred E Roberts/A Mirestes 107 CH Harehill’s Breaking The Bank SC W Anderson/K Anderson 101 CH Harehill’s Love On The Run G Brand/W Anderson 76 CH Bodean’s Six-Pack Dos Equis A Davison/D O’Neal/L Thorne/A Mitchell/M 72 CH Arbeca’s Capriole G Wolsiefer 44 CH Serandida Shadow On The Moon N Baker/J Baker/P Baker Irish Wolfhounds 599 CH Cu Muirin Turrean S Heller/D Heller 502 CH Dun Myrica Speaker Of Eagle S McDonald/J Roland 277 CH Wolfhaven Aint No Fool To Olugh A Dormady/M Dormady/D Osborne 276 CH Kellykerry Emmit Of Aerie G Myer 229 CH Steppin Wolf’s Dans Mon Coeur L Emory/L Emory/D Yeldell/J Jones 150 CH Garbo Of Eagle R Kubacz/N Salmon/S McDonald 148 CH Quest Sea Raider’s Alvilda CD RN E Powers/C Lursen 137 CH Triple E Murray Of Limerick M Mckee-Eidson/L Souza/J Souza-Bartlett 131 CH Wolfhvn Dont Go Breakn My Heart D Osborne 119 CH Mysham Edoc’Sil Of Redwall G Hawksworth/C Collier Norwegian Elkhounds 328 CH Vin-Melca’s Master Card M Vila 269 CH Silhouette’s Kaboom K Olsen/E Olsen/S Garrity 180 CH Vin-Melca’s Wells Fargo B Dowd/C Dowd/C Ruggles 146 CH Vin-Melca’s Voyager P Trotter 142 CH Somerri Dunharrow’s Devil Ray J Silker/Somerri Knl 115 CH Bristlecone’s Tracker L Gamble/L Gamble 100 CH Republik’s Sundowner M Kenton 94 CH Ruskar Ck’s Hy And Mighty P Waltz/G Waltz 81 CH Elvbend’s The Soldier’s Tear A Peterson/J Peterson 76 CH Aspen’s A Hard Act To Follow R Rhoden/R Rhoden Otterhounds 228 CH Scentasia’s Shake Rattle N Roll C Glenn/S Glenn 77 CH Aberdeen’s Made You Look A Constable 75 CH Adeline’s Sticky Wicket N Wallens/R Wallens/R Van Houten/B Van H 75 CH Lonestar Angus Prime Choice R Loddesol/B Loddesol/R Damron/G Damron 56 CH Aberdeen’s Neanderthal J Mcilwaine/A Mcilwaine/K Churchill/D Ch 30 CH Aberdeen’s Quintessential Lady J Mcilwaine/A McIlwaine/M Greaver/A Cons 30 CH Scentasia’s Double Trouble S Malone/M Couch 29 CH Scentasia’s Diamonds Are Forever E Conway/D Emery/J Moyer 27 CH Scentasia’s Fire N Ice D Steffen/K Steffen 22 CH Scentasia’s Yorktown Patriot CD M Bayer/V Bayer

108 Dog News

Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens 443 CH Rokeena Carte Blanche J Herrera/C Herrera/R Wallis/R Wallis 407 CH Afterglow Ebeneezer B Thompson/S Russell/R Ellingford/M Gads 283 CH Celestial Cj’s Hearts On Fire J Hurty/C Hurty/L Florian/M Florian/P He 271 CH Jodell Boogie Back To Texas D Moore 192 CH Spellbound La Petite Coquette A Sneider 163 CH Westwinds Idol Simon Growl P Koprovic 95 CH Gebeba Texas True Grit G Robertson/S Robertson/D Moore 51 CH Soletrader Donald Duck D Gau/G Robertson 43 CH Jodell’s Shakein It Up D Gogulski/C Hajek 39 CH Tangaer Quelque Choses S Belflower/R Belflower Pharaoh Hounds 253 DC Hallam-Churuka’S-Limited-Edition MC M Youell/R Newman/D Carota/S Sipperly 225 CH Siphra’s No Remorse JC L Lysher 150 CH Hallam’s Gysai Kali S Sipperly/D Carota 147 CH Xoez JC L Evans/J Buchanan/R Frank/D Frank 109 DC Mia Churuka Bright Side Of Life SC P Haig 83 CH Tiara Ne-Kabu Abu Simbel Ankh J Ault/K Grega/T Ault 60 DC Churuka Mia Caught Red Handed SC L Witt/G Witt 50 CH Shalimar Mercury Rising L Drolet 44 DC Nefer-Temu Mia Sambasonic RA SC E Kerridge 28 DC Senbi’s Memories Of Spring SC L Tetreault Plotts 83 CH CCH Black Monday A Alexander 48 CH White Deer Texas Playboy K Baxter 18 CH Alexanders Mob Boss Capone A Alexander 12 CH CCH Stackem Up Journey With Shiloh B Clary/T Snedegar 9 Hosker’s Hornet G Hosker/J Hosker 8 CCH County Line Uncle Sam C Farthing/J Farthing 6 CH Alexanders Married To The Mob A Alexander 5 CSG County Line Crazy Carson J Phegley 4 Hosker’s Emily Em G Hosker/J Hosker 4 CH Hosker’s Georgie Boy G Hosker/J Hosker Rhodesian Ridgebacks 3245CH Pupukearidge Ikaika O Sprngvly T Peach/B Peach/P Lambie/I Mc Kinnon/S M 1905 CH Of Afrikka Spring Valley Dorian Gray SC C Wistrom/S Mc Kinnon 1505 CH Adili’s American Idol K Courtelis/T Lynch/K Lafleur 797 CH Paradigm Aariel’s Entourage CD RA S Ford/A Ford/D Engelking 714 CH Tji-Wara’s Distant Drums C Well/K Rice/M Hatfield 572 CH Nashira’s Ciro Of Anjari JC A Ernst 454 CH Spring Valley’s Gandalf Of Pr S Mc Kinnon/I Mc Kinnon 416 CH Hpk Tropaco Midsummer Night’s Dream CD RA R Dechert/A Dechert 403 CH Manzanita’s Trifecta SC L Valdivia 304 CH Kimani’s Sneak Preview L Campbell Salukis 441 CH Cat Tales Cat Mandu H Onto-Murphy/C Murphy/G Neidig/S Hamilt 412 DC Karob Parmenides At Elea SC R Frost/K Frost 311 DC Shahtani Ivory Moon SC L May 305 CH Carma’s Indian Summer L Ackerman 303 CH Z’Bee Che Bellina Dante L Bade/P Keckonen/D Aube 244 CH Blue Nile Vanilla Ice M Mcmillan/S Winsted 207 DC Solari Talisa Instygator SC J Oslund/L Oslund/J Newton/G Newton 183 CH Khiva’s Prophet Of Baha CD RA SC C Coile 156 CH Srinagar Glory Halelujah Of Ladyhawk D Ratliff/Srinagar Knl 146 CH Sarea Sheik Rattle N Roll B Griffith/C Beyerle Scottish Deerhounds 465 CH Foxcliffe Hickory Wind S Sweatt/C Dove/R Dove 206 CH Gayleward’s Tiger Woods G Bontecou 108 CH Gayleward’s Jaraluv Nike G Bontecou 96 CH Thistleglen Nola J Frye 75 CH Altnamara’s Trial By Fire L Madden/N Madden 54 CH Lehigh-Darkwynd Caragh P Pascoe/P Smithson 32 CH Foxcliffe The Boatman R Dove/C Dove

31 30 29

DC Cu Liath Jynx SC L Kiaer/C Edwards CH Lehigh-Darkwynd Enella P Pascoe/P Smithson CH Lehigh Jaraluv Even Song R Brinlee/J Brinlee

Whippets 2145CH Starline’s Chanel L Lawrence/C Lawrence 1217 CH Sporting Fields Bahama Sands D Butt/J Cooney-Waterhouse 906 CH Sonsteby’s In A Pickle K Padon/K Kenyon 765 CH Snow Hill Calliope SC S Hughes 460 CH Snowcap’s Sierra Rose J Clever/D Reimer 399 DC Arwen’s Main Event At Summit SC S Vernon/R Vernon 352 CH Tattershall Ticket To Fly P Richey/D Butt 342 CH Winway Redford With A Splash S Fosnot/T Lowe 336 CH Snow Hill Onyx At Stoneledge SC J Clever/S Hughes 297 CH Kamada’s Instant Millionaire D Davenport/K Davenport

Working Group Akitas 781 CH Mojo’s Rock’N Your World S Borrmann/B Rule 595 CH Sondaisa Seize The Moment C Sullivan/T Kaartinen/M Varpula/A Meyer 501 CH Cas Dozak I Got It R Moore/C Moore 439 CH Stardust Sherob Georgia On My Mind T Witte/R Witte/S Wallis 295 CH Nakodo’s Reign Of Glory K Venezia 262 CH Crown Royals Start’N A Revolution I Linerud/S Compton 227 CH Takara’s Right Up My Ally J Berg/D Berg/J Breen 210 CH Minda Fujisvs Violets Are Blue L Morgan/F Hamblet 194 CH Dunes Bark At The Moon R Shaw/K Shaw 168 CH Mystik’s Jersey Had-Ta-Go To Gekko M Colvin/G Colvin Alaskan Malamutes 742 CH Nanuke’s Still The One S d’Andrea/G George/S Rich/S Rich 672 CH Catanyas Latin Lover P Kendrick/A Martinez/A Syar 596 CH Sno Klassic Play The Game P Peel/M Peel 324 CH Sno Ridge’s Sudden Impact L Ryer/T Szabo 266 CH Wolfmountain’s Special Ops P Jenkins/E Jenkins 254 CH North Face Sno Klassic Glory Days P Peel/M Peel 237 CH Rogues Jonny Walker Blk Labl S Weston/J Weston 204 CH Nanuke’s Take It To The Limit J Radford/S Andrea 192 CH Wild Wind Best Rose Addition M Wild 160 CH Awanuna’s Tornado Of Snow B Pfeiffer/R Pfeiffer Anatolian Shepherd Dogs 127 CH Birinci’s Hint Of Hoja C Emanuel/L Emanuel 79 CH Carpe Diem’s Champagne L Kenny/M Griffith 72 CH Inanna Bay Boudreau Of Luckyhit E Tallon/K Marcus 67 CH Lucky Hit Shadow Zirva E Conard 56 CH Full Circle’s April Showers N Wargas/J Plank 56 CH Island Farm Case Closed D Barron/D Grunnah 47 CH Gerlach Zorlu Veli M Griffith/L Kenny 40 CH Carpe Diem’s Phoenix At Sakarya M Harned/Q Harned 22 CH Full Circle’s Sasquatch N Wargas 22 CH Island Farm Afet Of Kandira R Owen/S Owen/D Grunnah Bernese Mountain Dogs 772 CH Blumoon Tanzenite V Blackrock CD D Cox/G Reeve 734 CH Taplacs Invincible Vinny RN E Buonpane/G Taplac 662 CH Alpenspirit’s Lion King D Hitchcock/M Turbide 653 CH Sendache’s Key To Success A Johnson/T Rosling/m DeVries 620 CH Nashems Hes The Man Of Woodmoor CD R Karl/S Karl/C Arbuthnot/D Schulte 531 CH Avatars Try Try Again K Groves/L Fernandes/F Bushnell 528 CH Jenda’s Hail The Queen J West 526 CH Adesa The Heat Is On R Harrison 498 CH Elexia Von Alpentraum J Goularte/J Goularte 498 CH Bernherrs Storm Surge V Ayehli F Bushnell/L Fernandez/L Mcneil Black Russian Terriers 185 CH Jeff Yvonne Orlowsky Laimus C Stumm/F Dilsaver/B Phillips 136 CH Petr Pervy Iz Russkoi Dinastii L Jordan

117 CH Setextra-Chevalier Noir D Lynn/K Lynn 116 CH Nord Praid Roskosh Dushechka L Jordan 108 CH S Tioplyh Zvezd Lizaveta Prokaznitsa CD RE H Haldi 95 CH That’s Rozalia Liliya Vita D Scheiris/D Scheiris/C Jones/K Jones 70 CH Over The Moon About Borislav R Keeling/C Keeling 62 CH That’s Keeping The Karma RN V Vest/D Scheiris/D Scheiris 55 CH Oiran Iz Sozvezdija Streltsa I Devy A Savel/L Rezny 54 CH Rus Maknalis Shtorm Of Arbat M Mastroianni Boxers 4602CH Winfall Brookwood Styled Dream D McCarroll/M Fagan/J Billhardt/S Tenenb 2377 CH Bravo N Sunset Stealing Time K Robbins/C Robbins/G Adkins/B Adkins 1786 CH Duba-Dae’s Who’s Your Daddy C Vose/W Bettis/L Jansson 1504 CH Sharledar’s Crown Jewel S Darby/D Westendorf/T Westendorf/M Sech 1482 CH Capri’s Magic Maker Of Sassy R Servetnick/M Servetnick/B Bachman 1462 CH Hi-Tech’s Southern Belle J Poller/G Alix/Z Truesdale 1243 CH Lattalane’s Kiss Me I’M Irish T Latta/C Latta/M Rocca/D Galante 1212 CH Desert’s She’s Everything V Bice 1111 CH Rummer Run’s Brigadier S Anderson/A Anderson 1045 CH Sabo’s Majesetic Provocation S Williams/R Williams Bullmastiffs 1047CH Tru Grit Muscle Mayhem RN C Corner/E Gonzalez 1001 CH Ishana’s Play It Again Sam A Kay/T Kay 421 CH Highpoint’s Taylor Made M McGovern/M Mcgovern/H Netsch/K Gonzale 344 CH Brynmar’s Road Warrior A Gurrola 289 CH Tarheel’s Turbo Man G Cole/K Cole 280 CH Escalades All Tricked Out J Palecek/P Henson 254 CH Starrdogs Concrete Cowboy RN M Edwards/J Lane/K Roberts 237 CH Bullstock’N Garroways Nikita O Whittall 210 CH Newcastle’s Instant Karma E Schreiber/P Schreiber 209 CH A’Dell’s Yukon Gold M Roberts/J Hofer Doberman Pinschers 3731CH Allure Blazing Star Alisaton N Bosley/J Porter/C Pitts 1609 CH Foxfire’s All The Glitznglamour S Cheng/S Ze-Ting Wang/M Santana 1555 CH Phillmar Sobe Monster M Klein/H Farias/A Farias/P Martin 1413 CH Marienburg’s Inaqui Sukiyaki R Kusumoto/J Kusumoto/M Rodgers 980 CH Aquarius’ Garbo V Tiburon M Mee 978 CH Phillmar Sisterella P Weems/R Weems/C Green 830 CH Steinway’s Paris Is Burning M Loflin 726 CH Perfex Cyclone Mahina E Baron/R Baron/N Baron/D Baron/M Perfec 702 CH Sun Style’s Sensation V Sweeny 509 CH Cambria’s The Captain N Barksdale Dogues de Bordeaux 158 CH Gargoyles Brando T Beefcake V Barfield 98 CH Rising Star’s Hugo Boss J Roberts 88 CH Evergreen’s Indigo Sky C Ozbirn 75 CH Darco Van De Paterhoek C Hammond/K Hammond 57 CH Sinbad De Legeane P Sunseri/J Wymoore 54 CH Oak Hollow D’Star Bogilicious H Branscum 53 CH Evergreen’s Big Bruiser A Reed/R Reed 50 CH Ballack De Achterkrim E Kellam 50 CH Nadjeschka Congo For Kindoro D Scott/E Scott 48 CH Powerhouse Gothic Guardiens Emma RE B Delisi German Pinschers 286 CH Oakwood V Kaitlers Revival J Vandervort 139 CH Leilani’s That, That Is, Is K Hapgood/K Mounts 120 CH Nevars Jules A Issleib/F Stuby 77 CH Dabney’s Sweet William NA A Dengler/A Dengler/L Krukar/J Krukar 39 CH Oakwood V Kaitlers Tribute J Eastman 37 CH Dark Angels Aden Red Energy D Gannon 36 CH Dzili Z Pyselky J Brazee 36 CH Rhodesend’s Superstition D Turner


The Multiple Best In Show Winning

Ch. Aned’s Le Rocher Noir


Judge Dr. Lee Anthony Reasin Owner: Judy Wells Breeder & Handler: Ed Simanek Breeder & Owner: Maryann Simanek Dog News 109

l Club e n n e K The rings p S m l a of P

click y photos b iris Z. Zaph Eugene

110 Dog News

Dog News 111


Est’d 1948


CH. BROBUD’S BLACK MACTOU OF BULLMAST MacTou Is Shown Here, At The AKC/Eukanuba National Championship Show Taking The First Award of Merit Under Judge Dr. William R. Newman, His First Time Out As A Special After A Three-Month Vacation. MacTou Is A Brilliantly Colored Brindle, The Original Bullmastiff Color And The Epitome of The Bullmastiff Standard. He Exhibits Strong Breed Type, True And Excellent Movement, Correct Angulation And A Head Piece To Die For. We Are Very Proud of This Young Man As The Representative of Bullmastiffs Back To The Future And The Future Is BRINDLE!

Sire: Berbrins Buddyboy Bullmast Bred By: Bullmast Bullmastiffs Patricia O’Brien (714) 870-5235 Owned, Loved And Spoiled By: Peg And Dave Stanwood

Dam: Ch. Briggans Bronwyn Of Bullmast Handled By: Judith Murdock

Dog News 113

The Dog News Top Ten List Based On Breed Competition CONTINUED FROM PAGE 112

Bull Terriers (White) 198 CH Action Pure Class S Butcher/C Butcher/F Berez 197 CH Bully Manor’s Centurion P Azeur 66 CH Stonewall’s Hot Action Holiday E Ebey/C Perrott/N Quigg/F Berez 62 CH Bur Oak’s Schulz Of Winsor B Ralston/M Dussault 59 CH Sinabar Exotic At Valentino S Frascone/N ROBARDS 58 CH Action Dreams Of The Divine F Berez 58 CH Banbury Bedrock Bugatti A Glaser/M Remer/W Mackay-Smith 56 CH Lechmere’s Our Tuppence A Cooke/R Cooke 53 CH Deslynn’s Moondance At Donnybrk J Farrington/C Farrington/C Aron/D Foote 42 CH Tulsadoom Chiyonofuji J Davis Cairn Terriers 744 CH Dogwood Love Affair P Davis 535 CH Hampton Court’s Ashley V Malzoni 529 CH Terriwood Mojo B Doyle/N Lentgis/K Godwin/T Godwin 323 CH Zalazar Walk The Line S Bidegain 268 CH Caledonian In-For-A-Penny Of Wolfpit V Malzoni 238 CH Winsome Fergus Macflynn K Lake 225 CH Maverston Double Dutch T Erickson/M Lucier 195 CH Kiowa Mmdw Driving Miss Daisy S McAlpin/P Hassey/B Fykerud 188 CH Stonebridge Christmas Spirit D Ziesmer 140 CH Stonehaven Lord Of The Rings C Burleson/L Harpel Dandie Dinmont Terriers 155 CH King’s Mtn. Minnie Mouse D Watkins/M Smith/S Hickson 132 CH Pennywise Hot Pursuit C Nelson 50 CH King’s Mtn. Angelina Ballerina S Hickson/B Stenmark 45 CH Glengarry Cause For Applause L Winfrey/B Winfrey 34 CH Jollygaze Time Lord S Wolfskill/D Francis/E Greenway 33 CH Clossongrey Frankystein K Dorn/M Couto 32 CH Pastime The Eyes Have It K Cramer/P Cramer 30 CH Pastime Eloise At The Plaza K Cramer/P Cramer 23 CH Glahms Lady Katherine A Johnston 20 CH Dreamboat Lady Killer J Boyet Fox Terriers (Smooth) 799 CH J’Cobe Kemosabe Vigilante Justice S Hoffen/H Hoffen/A Booth/P Booth 607 CH Slyfox Sneak’s A Peek J Smith 517 CH Warfox Double Exposure L Nelson/S Nelson 421 CH Foxlorr Double Dare J Fishbach/L Gyenge 336 CH Avalon Eclipse N Hansen/D Buchwald/W Stout 225 CH Nileefox Dirty Idea D Rathgeber/S Rathgeber 170 CH Foxxsake American Spirit A Chapa/J White 166 CH Absolutely Grand Garcon J Smith/D Gabel 155 CH Lil’Itch A Kiss For Luck S Hoesman/S Lopez 147 CH Kemosabe Broxden High Button Shoes J Shindle/D Shindle/J Herrera/A Booth Fox Terriers (Wire) 310 CH Gallant Statesman Of Steele T Steele 266 CH Topwyre Candy Man L Hembree/R Pensinger/S Roberts 204 CH Kathrich Maximo K Reges 204 CH Dalriada’s Mystic C Campbell/M Doleski/C Ruggles/B Dowd 140 CH Tamedale Orinoco V Malzoni 128 CH M & M’s Nicholas Nickelbe C Moore 107 CH Fyrewyre Too Hot To Handle D Breiter/R Breiter 100 CH Mcfox’s Stellaluna K Hudziak/J Hudziak/C Puig 78 CH Sanherpinc Pablito M Jacobs 71 CH Jadee-Connacht Just You Wait J Diehl/L Manning/K Reges Glen of Imaal Terriers 100 CH Daulton’s Hunter Green C Cleary/J Daulton/P Estes 93 CH Rainbow Springs Dermot RE NJP L Trainor/M Carty 64 CH Daulton’s Maeve Of Cill Dara J Daulton/J Carlson/L Klein/P Estes 55 CH Finnabair Roisin O Tipperary J Lynn 51 CH Finnabair Rocket’s Red Glare A Henschel/M McDaniel 36 CH Coleraine’s Mandalay Royalty B Sussman/R Shuter/M High 28 CH Finnabair Waking Kilmurray C Dougherty

114 Dog News

27 25 25

CH Daulton’s Oriana Of Cill Dara J Daulton/P Estes CH Abberann Conan A White CH Broc Rua Queen Maeve Of Caroy L Rosebrock/N D’More/S O’More

Irish Terriers 521 CH Fleet St. Fenway Fan A Barker/V JNR 136 CH Breezy’s X-Tra Top Priority T VanDezande/B Vandezande 65 CH Dearg Madra’s Foolish Pleasure M Ulrich/L Ulrich 54 CH Trackways Cinnabar C Rivera/L Rivera/K Warner 24 CH Rockledge’s Marco Of Meath L Honey 23 CH Rockledge’s Markham Of Meath L Honey 18 CH Rockledge Anamcara Mia R Hoh/J Herring 16 CH Gloccomara Just In Time M Frank/P Frank/E West 16 Limerick’s Maria Eva Duarte De Peron J Wessel/B O’Connor 14 CH Glenstal’s Born Ready J Nash/J Nash Kerry Blue Terriers 395 CH Bluebeard’s Suddenly Bridey L Brown/C Brown 344 CH Irisfingel Blue Badge G Sullivan 320 CH Perrisblu Paris D Gau 236 CH Echo Of Aran Cross The Rubicon D Beaulieu/N Samajova-Glover 214 CH TNT Major Player C Myers 146 CH Cranmoss Finbar Of Colinca J McGrath 121 CH Heritage Billy Flynn W Kearney/C Kearney 103 CH Krisma’s Licensed To Thrill L Grier/T Grier/J Deaton 73 CH TNT Promise Of Cnocaphuca C Hines/E Hines/C Myers 71 CH Wildside’s Breakaway D Harrison Lakeland Terriers 152 CH Tuscaroran Champ Luna P Martinez/H Luna 113 CH Delzar Tooray Singin For Blues R Murray/W Reeves 88 CH Hi-Kel Terrydale Soldier Of Fortune C Dowd/B Dowd/C Ruggles/Terrydale Knl 81 CH Black Watch On The Rocks J Heath/S Atherton/W Cosby 67 CH Brocair’s Flower Power At Revelry T Thomas/D Green 37 CH Talydales Friend Of The Force S Smith 36 CH Manoir’s Match Pointe R Wilson/M Wilson 29 CH Serendipity Red Hot Pepper J Valle/V Malzoni 18 CH Wenrick’s You Know It J Paquette 16 CH Thor-Kourt Kweetbt Tyrakeag M Cohen/B Robinson Manchester Terriers (Standard) 244 CH Medley’s War Hunt E Tonini/J Tonini 204 CH Kadenz A Different Rhythm R Rasmussen/J Rasmussen 151 CH Oasis Hi Jack The Show W Ringel/G Anderson 99 CH Starfire’s Hottest Ticketintown B Odell/B Buell/E Hines 63 CH Wilane’s Notorious Rebel B Wood/J Emrick 55 CH Medley’s Inside Daisy Clover RA M Zanotto/J Zanotto/T Myers 49 CH Kreuzritters Blue Moon Rising OA OAJ K Baer/E Sanford 46 CH Shal-Mar’s Mancunian Hot Rock CDX RE J Sampson/M Sampson 38 CH Mystic Crazy From The Heart P Hodel/K Schiff 29 CH Redfern’s One Look And You’Re Hypnotized I Diritsky/K Lanam Miniature Bull Terriers 202 CH Envision Registan Heartbreak Hotel G Simonds/B Peach 161 CH Eggstream Edwina Over Easy L Duncan 144 CH Camino’s Lucy Lou E Zwicker/G Marquez 120 CH Cambrias Shel Be All Fired Up E Held/C Korn 112 CH Nederes’ Adventures With Stitch A Gunter 82 CH Temris Me Tarzan Of The Jungle A Hartgrove/R Hartgrove 79 CH Amchara Roc Ur World K Toland/S Toland 63 CH Dier’s Gabrielle Of Brownstone C Brown-Stone/S Stone 61 CH Bonsai Genuine Risk R Kennedy/G Simonds 49 CH Hellion’s Midsummer’s Titania G Aikens/K Brosnan Miniature Schnauzers 1069CH Beauideal It’s Raining Men B Weidner/L Darman/K Cox Griffin 664 CH Earthsong Remedy For The Blues K Hoffmann/R Hoffmann 587 CH Regency’s Good To Go B Verna/C Haney/J Weirick/D Haney 536 CH Lonestar’s Wicked Good S Edwards/R Edwards

wesome’s Kiss My Gritz 492 CH Awesome’s H Smith/J Smith 410 CH Belgar’s Desert Sand M Lande/L Harstad 372 CH Allaruth Solebay Chipothgoldblok Y Phelps/R Ziegler 371 CH Carmel Race To Kelvercrest V Potiker 334 CH Gangway Murphy’s Paradox B Brown/C Benson 277 CH Regency’s I Believe In Miracles B Verna Norfolk Terriers 376 CH Venerie’s Regatta Dr. Who P Beale/R Stamm/P Dzuik 228 CH Max-Well’s Viper S Kipp/B Miller 131 CH Kilwinning The Graduate R Bell/M Bell 125 CH Jaeva Gold Auric M Hovet/M Phillips/A Gullick 116 CH Max-Well’s Candycane K Kopack/B Miller 108 CH Caprock’s Yankee Clipper E Davenport/J Hays 90 CH Max-Well’s Violet S Kipp/B Miller 89 CH Starmtn Ez Link To Domby J Sternberg/K Sternberg 52 CH Arroyo’s Tater Tot Arroyo Knl/R Welcher/M Welcher 47 CH Max-Well’s Rainbow K Kopack/B Miller/S Kipp Norwich Terriers 1026CH Skyscot’s Poker Chip C Dodwell 370 CH Havic’s Red Baron Of Fly’N High S Jones 361 CH Abbedale Take Two At Taliesin L Sons/J Sons/J Eckert 159 CH Me And Bobbie Magee K Peterson 153 CH Cobblestone’s Gooseberry L Loeffler/P Loeffler 138 CH Abbedale Dibs On Domhnal Torin P Seifert/J Eckert 114 CH Reverie’s Mr Cool Stuff C Berens/J Berens 111 CH Elysium’s Ciao Bella C Clark/K Sullivan 104 CH Newmiller’s Handsome Hubert P Newcomer/E Miller 97 CH Suffolk Louis Latte M Verre/B Martignetti Parson Russell Terriers 585 CH Star Valley Double Double K Fitzpatrick/D Fitzpatrick/L Apel 422 CH Brillwood Dress Blues L Edwards 363 CH Thunder Hill Soul Journey J Gardner/J Miller 264 CH Ratrace Surfer Girl Rosewood T Rickard/L Rickard/K Rickard/J Davies 191 CH Bayshore N’Rv Queen Victoria Y Herrera/J Baylis 170 CH Stonebrook’s Academy Award B Wilson/M Cabral/K Dawson 154 CH Panther Creek Be Proud J Ramming 114 CH Bayshore Bugsy Who J Valle/S Fuller/J Baylis/V Malzoni 105 CH Bluskye’s Hey Macarena M Midkiff/L Midkiff 94 CH Rosewoods Forget Me Not C Howton/S Howton Scottish Terriers 1392CH Roundtown Mercedes Of Maryscot A Musser 626 CH Blueberry’s Surely You Jest J Eggert/D Eggert 306 CH Mcscots-Karascots Agatha Rules J Shultz/S Karas 243 CH Mcvan’s Trip The Light Fantastic C Greenwald 196 CH Blueberry’s Nun Left Dancing J Makem/A Makem/F Long 180 CH Sodak Vanguard’s Laird P James/S James-Jacobsen 178 CH Anstamm Wild West Anstamm Knl/J Craig 132 CH Sugarbush She’s A Sinner P Kuhn/S Kenney 112 CH Barbary Bitofa Vamp M Mcconnell/R Mcconnell 101 CH Anstamm Maryscot No Speed Limit M O’Neal/Anstamm Knl Sealyham Terriers 292 CH Efbe’s Merci Pour Le Poivre M Good/S Middlebrooks 49 CH Rosemont’s High Society L Hildebrand/J Cohron 27 CH Thunder Rds Chile Bean Goodspc J Miller 24 CH Shshown’s Royal Double Dip Delight B Dunlap 23 CH Fanfare’s Celebrity Stardust A Anderson/L Prather 22 CH Bushaway Barton Noble S Sweatt 18 CH Goodspice Sweep’Em Up Hoover V Teany 18 CH Efbe’s Hidalgo At Goodspice M Good/S Middlebrooks 18 CH Goodspice Duchesse De Peluches P Harbison/R Rhoades 16 CH Dubwyre Dragonslayer D Francois/J Thill

Skye Terriers 153 CH Solana Avantgarde M Shiue 118 CH Shawn Rae Lord Evan B Cline/R Cline/L Zigler 116 CH Cragsmoor Buddy Goodman C Koch/V Malzoni 42 CH Kuhl Breeze Lil’ Less Talk E Ridley/D Ridley 36 CH Gleanntan Comeflywithme! G Wolf/Gleanntan Knl 30 CH Finnsky Gladiator Gleanntan Knl 30 CH Gold River Good Vibrations K Sanders/W Sanders 27 CH Royalist Dust Devil K Jennings/H Reburn/K Svee 21 CH Gleanntan GiveMeBusyBee! Gleanntan Knl 18 Royalist Rain Dropo Lairdoglen J Isbell Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers 1169CH Doubloon’s Ultimate Player E Landa 347 CH Candance Dazed And Confused C Littre/L Bishoff 225 CH Desertrose Bonney Mans Dream B Fain/R Fain/B Snyder 222 CH Sho-Well’s Bree’s Boy Toy K Elliot 170 CH Derryhumma Mr Mistoffelees B Snyder/R Alexander/P Edmonds 146 CH Lovesong’s Dream Along With Me N Mansfield/K Williams 130 CH Stratford Top Brass M O’Connell/M Ryan 129 CH Gemstone Lontree Star Studded K Johnson/E Johnson/J Laylon 125 CH Michaleen’s Song O’Morning Star D Gordin/P Weir 123 CH Greentree Keepsake Tobasco Cat S Robinson/K McDonald/B McDonald Staffordshire Bull Terriers 533 CH Prada Classic Aranisle At Donnellas P Briasco/P Briasco/R Hopkinson/D Hopkin 425 CH Cornerstone Soliloquy M Goethals/L Goethals 290 CH Trugrip One Singular Sensation D Merritt/E Day/J Merrittt 216 CH Cresstock Walk The Line C Pew/L Woodward/B Cresse 182 CH Homebrewed Page Three Girl L Craig/J Nicolai 181 CH Trugrip Good Boy Dex R Schwab/K Steinbock/D Merritt 137 CH Bullblade Blood And Honour Z Smith 115 CH Heart ‘N’ Soul’s Doctor ‘X’ C Long 101 CH Tomorrow’s Doc Hollywood K Estlund 100 CH Hi-Impact’s Mark Of Zorro R Newberger Welsh Terriers 291 CH Bayleigh Shaireab’s Super Hero M Jacobs/K Bailey/S Abmeyer 207 CH Marydale’s Limited Edition M Duafala/E Leaman/J Anspach 136 CH Teritails National Treasure T Lohmuller 78 CH Darwyn’s Webslinger L Hotchin 77 CH Cambrian Four Star General J Stephens 73 CH Sanherpinc Paisa L Hotchin/B Schwartz 36 CH Rangel’s Li’L Bigman At Redsky S Lucas/R Lucas 33 CH Counselor Storm Warning D Orange 22 CH Sanherpinc Galilea A Pennypacker 18 CH Snowtaires Lady Of Enchantment E Snowden/B Decker West Highland White Terriers 1045CH Mac-Ken-Char’s Here I Am J Glodek/J Jaacks/M Cross/B Neff 820 CH Arbroath’s Rosewood Rise N’ Shine J Low/W Matthews 531 CH Serendipity’s Crazed About You D Huffman/I Langner 361 CH Lite N Lively’s Special Delivery E Schoonover/B Plasse 288 CH Ashscot’s Secret Of Tullybloom P Cohen/C Cohen/J White 266 CH Richmont Mclaren Lindores S Hind 230 CH Glennhaven’s Danny Boy O’ Donnybrook F Askin/B Miran 173 CH Whitefire’s Fancy Dancer D Vanek/A Carr/D Diemer 154 CH Whitefire’s You Keep Me Hangin’ On D Vanek/A Carr 98 CH Camcrest Bebe Queen Of Trouble SE R McCaskill/S Campbell

Toy Group Affenpinschers 403 CH Tamarin Tug P Smith/P Smith 73 CH Velvet Dandy’s Dipsy B Gresser/S Gresser 73 CH Frolicn Handsome Hercules B Bolling/E Andrews 72 CH Pramada’s Naughty Natalie D Gehnert/L Bitz 61 CH Tamarin Towntalk Nyteflyte A Alvarez 48 CH Yarrow Hi-Tech Dream A Little Dream B Sweigart/W Truesdale/W Truesdale



Ch Masquerade Mikey Likes It, Chic

Sire: Ch Masquerade Megabucks, RN (2009 National Specialty Winner)

Dam: Ch Masquerade Moccasin

Thank You To The Following Judges Who Recognized The Quality, Balance & Superior Movement Of This Dog! Dr. Robert Smith - Group Third Mrs. Robert Smith - Group Third Mr. James Noe - Group Fourth Mrs. Patricia Hastings - Group Fourth Ms. Mary Anne Brocious - Group Third Mrs. Judith Goodin - Group Fourth Owners: Julia Hewitt/Marnie Harris

Dr. Harry Smith - Group Second Mr. W illiam Bailey - Group Third Mrs. Lee Canalizo - Group Third Col. Joe Purkhiser - Group Second Mrs. Lydia Hutchinson - Group Fourth

Always Owner Handled!

Breeder: Marnie Harris Masquerade OES Dog News 115

The Dog News Top Ten List Based On Breed Competition CONTINUED FROM PAGE 114 29 27 25 25

CH Turloch’s Simma Down Now J Acton/M Downey CH Hilanes Best Kept Secret M Hammond/J Cushman/A Waterman CH Afpint The Real Mccoy K Timko/K Timko/A Cornejo CH Pramada’s Naughty Nellie Nelson D Nelson/D Nelson

Brussels Griffons 400 CH Cilleine Masquerade A Jahelka 362 CH Cashin’s Walk The Line F Cashin/C Ross 307 CH Belleterre Shall We Dance S Wentland 244 CH Cloud Nine Happy Hour P Henson 209 CH Knolland Little Devon O’ Luna B Wyckoff/C Ginsberg/S Kipp 187 CH Ingram’s Mighty Heart S Ingram 173 CH St Johns Your Name In Lights St Johns Knl 133 CH Chismick’s Lights On Broadway K Jaeger/M Jaeger 117 CH Desert Skies Cosmic Galaxy M Brown/P Brown 109 CH Sleepyhollow Tupelo No Jacket R’Qired J Schultz Cavalier King Charles Spaniels 2027CH Mondrian V.H. Lamslag RE J York 1451 CH Orchard Hill Shirmont Backtalk S Henry/E Venier 1391 CH Timsar Mister Moonlighter P Kanan/C Huggins 1187 CH Moonvale Augustinian By Shenlyn E O’Brien 1029 CH Full Of Malarkey Miles Of Aisles T Kelly/P Kelly 743 CH Hickoryridge Tartan Pride A James 485 CH Forestcreek’s Lucky Number One K Cline/D Cline/P Mixon/J Mixon 485 CH Firethorne Majesty J McDowell 452 CH Grantilley Take That L Adair 311 CH Pinecrest Rock The Boat T Eubank/E Venier Chihuahuas (Long Coat) 1373CH Jocal Dancing With The Stars K Yama/H I Chi Kawa/P Murray 811 CH Dartan Flash Dancer J Hopper/J Ramirez/K White 610 CH Sweet Indeed Newyorkbound R Facchin 590 CH Silver Bluff White Mercedes B Fischer 495 CH Dragon Lair Wildrose Mojo Risin C Marley/K Garrett 478 CH Ouachitah Giselle P Holzkopf/M Holzkopf/L George 469 CH Tlaloc Bp Martinez P Martinez 385 CH B And J’s Carmaleta J Smith 367 CH Hack’s Pack Small Craft Warning B Overstreet/J Breuzeale/P Hackelton 298 CH Durbin’s Icee Vision Of C&M’S-L C Williams/M Williams Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) 1352CH Ayrwen Star Kissed Delight G Johnson/A Johnson 723 CH South Fork’s Go For Broke M Held 710 CH Galways Dark Eyes M Anderson/S Hanke 533 CH Baroque Creme De Cassis M Hamilton 448 CH Phareview Mystic Regent J Phariss 378 CH Donavins Go Go Gomez D Erickson 229 CH Bk’s N Dewcastle’s Desperado J Dew 217 CH Carryon For No Reeson M Ufford 199 CH Lugari Holiday Rocco I Lugo 155 CH Dartan On The Rocks D Lewitzke Chinese Crested 1018CH Kamikazi’s Star Kissed J Kusumoto/R Kusumoto/M Miyagawa/T Miyag 745 CH Whisperinglane Back Seat Betty C Baldwin/M Baldwin/S Weigand 719 CH Delende First To The Finishline S Brunsell/A Brunsell/C Baldwin/M Baldwi 639 CH Pahlavi Peepin’ Tom S Johnston/S Frazier/L Calderon 628 CH Crestline Butters Scotch M Vila 447 CH Castaway’s Mzindypendence At Xiao Ma R Ligocki/L Fox-Mann 377 CH Belews Natural Heartbreaker S Frampton/T Frampton 359 CH Risin Star’s China Doll J Miller/L Davi 356 CH Wavecrest ‘N’ Silkyence Jax Blax J Chaffin-Bell 347 CH Tacori’s Mr. Inkaholic M Benton/A Butterklee/A Wall/V Helu

116 Dog News

English Toy Spaniels (Blenheim & Prince Charles) 191 CH Loujon Backroads To Paris C Williams/J Ward/K Miller 158 CH Royalist Ready To Reign D Johnson/J Haverick/J Hubbard/W Holbroo 66 CH Cheri-A Wingo Lord Nelson J Wood/J Elliott/W Goddyn 63 CH Novel Heir To The Cosmos S Hepler/C Hepler 28 CH Draggonfly Call Me Your Sugar G Pistor 22 Kenjockety Jasper G Steenson/T Rainey/V Weber 18 CH Kd’s Whiskey River D Hill/K Lawrence 16 CH Amantra Christiano C Williams 16 CH Maramond A Stillmeadow Aria M Guimond 14 CH Tucherish Thomas P Cox English Toy Spaniels (King Charles & Ruby) 202 CH Southdown Nonetheless B Van Deman 55 CH Loujon Suruca Last Issue K Miller/S Jackson/M Jagger/C Williams 45 CH Flivverway Fancy Feet J Peterson 29 CH Chasen Cole Of Carolean M Garritson/D Garritson 29 CH Loujon Backroad Traveler B Czapor 25 CH Adair Amicus Magical Kiss C Williams 25 CH Smokey Valley’s Augustus B Miller 19 CH Danaho’s Black Orpheus D Hopkins 18 CH Southdown Nevertheless B Van Deman 14 CH M’s Lord Guinness Nee Novel M Choby Havanese 1356CH Harbor’s It Had To Be Me C Field 1101 CH Bellatak My Funny Valentine K Patrick/T Patrick/J Oakes/C Shea 970 CH Los Perritos-Shallowbrook Heir I Am L Nieto/C Ambrose/J Ambrose 729 CH Askin Steppin’ To The Bad Side L Curtis/E Curtis 505 CH Heartland’s Rumor Has It W Koistinen/R Crowder/K McCabe/S McCabe 495 CH Fuzzy Farm Devil Made Me Do It S Lawrence/A Lawrence 491 CH Mojito’s Desilu De Solana J McGrath 413 CH Gingerbred Yukon Jack Desiderio P Lucas/S Lucas 329 CH Qbin’s Happy Feet At Enginuity A Liebing/A Welling 318 CH Wyhaven’s Walking In Memphis E Ingram/C Wiley/M Hayes Italian Greyhounds 1222CH Pineridge Trophy Hunt M Heliker/D Heliker 720 CH Honore’s Lily-Belle D Milko/J Milko 432 CH Bo-Bett’s Open Button C Harris 419 CH Deerfield’s Jackson Cage P DiMaggio/D Wallace/G Dimaggio 361 CH Helaynes Red Hot Mini-Cooper S Swanson/B Swanson 267 CH Kc’s Shake Your Groove Thing C Bakker/K Bakker 257 CH Salswift Clever Secret S Smyth 217 CH Terra Pavan Bright Angel Rising D Sandve/C Sandve 215 CH Logos Walking In The Light S Phillips/S Meyer 206 CH Everafter Love’s Ds Otello I Love/J Maleck/M Rosanske Japanese Chin 535 CH Kelaury Good Luck From We-Syng L Bertani/N Wright/A Free 359 CH Chindales Farah Fawcett J Stevens/M Wooldridge/V Adams 339 CH Randalets Oso Lucky K Donnelly 339 CH Teabear’s Royal Penguin L Kopatch 247 CH Shomei’s Top Gun At Magique B Fleming 244 CH Gayel’s Signature Touche’ G Rivers/J Martenson 221 CH Victory Viceroy Of Kirin B Gossett/D Gossett 219 CH Touche’s Walk The Line M Mixon 211 CH Willowoods Very Versace S Warfield/S Berney 187 CH Kelaury At Twilight B Czapor Maltese 723 CH Rhapsody’s Too Many Remarks T Holibaugh 307 CH Seabreeze Caribbean Sun Calling S Bingham-Porter 298 CH Angels Addicted To Love M Barnes/B Palmer 264 CH Delcost Marc By Design C Gillies 213 CH Chatterbox Nothin’ But Love L Lawrence 102 CH Ta-Jon’s Whose Your Sugar Daddy? T Lehman/T Simon

86 86 83 62

CH Josymir’s Page Turner J Dieppa/L Lange CH Rolling Glenn’s Baby Bear A Glenn CH Diamond Tea Leona K Martin/D Tran CH Ta-Jon’s Just Bee-Ing Silly T Simon

Manchester Terriers (Toy) 508 CH Burmack’s Rosie V Evrmor J Burrows/P Mackesey 177 CH Bright Light’s Rosewood B Hodges/P Rank 134 CH Kismet’s Maserati At Kcm K McClellan 117 CH Vesta Ck’s Midnite Magnam M Earthling 104 CH Evrmor’s Ruby Of Burmack M Fox/J Morgan/P Mackesey 80 CH Ebets Quervo Gold At Kcm K McClellan 74 CH Rosewood Raise The Curtain B Hodges/P Shane/P Rank 59 CH Heaven Hi’s Spirit Dancer R McClister/J McClister/D Kemp/J Kemp 53 CH Rhapsody’s Admiral Sir T Green 48 CH Poricias Straight To The Top P Hall/K Hamilton Miniature Pinschers 1015CH Kimro’s Soldier Boy L Stark/R Stark/K Calvacca 855 CH Wannabee Biker Bob C Rerko/K Rerko 701 CH Marlex Lulin Mojito L Colarte/L Colarte/A Angelbello/X Angel 571 CH Sycuan’S-Desperado F Johnson 403 CH Windwalker Call In The Clowns L Dewey/R Mills 361 CH Nevaeh Red Cloud Of Tall Oaks K White/J White 338 CH Denalis-Riess So Hot I Sizzell F Riess 245 CH San Spur’s Forty Five Calibur A Fields 225 CH Freespirit’s Simply Awesome L Grems 205 CH Lulin Unbridled Artistry E Shore/S Shore/H Greene Papillons 2233CH Queen Bless Jp World Idol M Mosing/C Ejima/H Hibara/J Alseth 2213 CH Arkeno’s Ears To You K Mckay/M Berg/S Alfadl/M Loye 1310 CH Akai’s No Jacket Required M Ford 961 CH Wildfire On The Rocks A Pickett 957 CH Forevr Errol Flynn L Landis 852 CH Starsign’s Trickn’ St. Nick H Moses/V Cantwell/J Cantwell/P Gemmill 722 CH Wingssong Rock Star P Jones 657 CH Zelicaon Butch Cassidy At Draco A Wright 478 CH Queen Bless Jp Principal Kid C Ejima/M Mosing/E Pyatte 465 CH Namaste Miniature Perfection E Perry/M Perry Pekingese 578 CH Linn-Lee’s For The Good Times E Holcombe/C Carter 358 CH Franshaw Hear Me Roar J Shaw 223 CH Dunkirk Im Gonna Live Forever T Reese/R Winters 188 CH Dunkirk Center Stage J Jacobsen/S Marotto/T Reese/R Winters 176 CH Briar-Mar Fan The Fire O Gonzalez/G Veach 171 CH Claymore Rip Tide C Rice 151 CH Dunkirk Backstage Pass K Langlands/T Reese/R Winters 104 CH Pequest’s Grand Slam A Syar/M Stone 93 CH Ai Kou Just One More Chance L Thomas 84 CH Windemere’s Different Shade Of White J Thoms Pomeranians 1374CH Velocity’s Shake Ur Bon Bon A Koga 1097 CH Char’s Bringin’ Sexy Back C Meyer 1096 CH Mountain Crest U Don’T Own Me D Gilstrap/C Gilstrap 888 CH Pufpride Somewhere In Time L Beard/V Dimick 741 CH Castile’s Endless Love G Sisneros/C Gatewood 489 CH Starlight’s Smile From Siam S Ekviriyakit 471 CH Horizon-N-Janesa Indian Sundown R Smith/M Smith/K Morris 443 CH Starfire’s Dbl Trouble G Arnold/W Arnold/D Flaata 364 CH Jan-Shars Elementary My Dear Watson S Hanson 342 CH Oakrose High’N Mighty J Rose/G Stewart

Poodles (Toy) 1158CH Smash Jp Moon Walk R Scott/D Burke 474 CH Cache’s Lord Grayson H Tyson/S Basinger 453 CH Cache’s Lady Olivia De Plata H Tyson/S Basinger 357 CH Tropical’s House Of The Rising Sun M Russo 354 CH Excell Belle Of The Ball S Talkington 325 CH Forever Master Of The Game V Dorris/K Peiser 212 CH Sisco’s Charm School Dropout K Sisco/T Sisco 172 CH Ivteasome’s Jp Sweet Blue L Urrea 152 CH Darcon’s Are You Sirius D Crosby 141 CH Sharbelle Yerbrier Sidekick B Yerington Pugs 1367CH Tupelo Shoboat Tu China Tu M Molnar/J Danburg/P Kolesar/R Kolesar/D 1295 CH Nonesuch Annie’s Mainsail P Crane 1059 CH Norkus’ Risky Business M Molnar/J Danburg 953 CH Ivanwold Diva At Riversong C Koch 791 CH O-Day Mystical Klondike L Bridge/J Bridge 663 CH Winsome’s Trouble At Coral Bay J Sanchez/C Sanchez/V Flatley/C Giles 470 CH Mtn Aire’s Star Of Aslan C Dunham 449 CH Brazos River Legal Lion S Dillin/C McKinney 392 CH Jetta Enchanteds Digitally Remastered “Bozz” S Baldwin/D Baldwin 350 CH Caper’s Sirius Endeavor P Fisher/C Fisher Shih Tzu 1044CH Krissy’s Dream Lover L Lawrence/R Lawrence 591 CH Xeralane’s Face The Music Xeralane Knl 525 CH Ista’s Tearn’ It Up R Marshburn/G Larson 421 CH Symarun’s Look N Good C Randle/C Randle 352 CH Amitzu China Doll T Forman/M Forman 350 CH Yingsu’s Nothin’ To Lose D Lanier/M Jones 205 CH Ying’s Miss Congeniality K Kroeplin 180 CH Jazzie’s Because I Said No C Aucamp/E Aucamp 156 CH Tuff Stuffs Special Encore V Youngquist/T Piper 145 CH Hallmark Jolei Surfer Girl L Ehricht/D Ehricht Silky Terriers 689 CH Bar-B’s Tawnymist Topias W Leavell/B Leavell 435 CH Lamplighter’s Bingo M Benson/B Beissel 314 CH Safire Rock It To The Stars A Syar/S Calestini 234 CH Wyncliff’s Tawny Mist Tumtrees D Renton/P Powell/D Baggenstos 156 CH My Royal Rebel Hans Solo G Schwartz/J Schwartz 101 CH Lynndell’s Lightening Mcqueen Tx H Bleasdell/M O’Connell/N Baugh 100 CH Elfinsilk’s Rock Solid T Klatt/S Calestini 85 CH Tawnymistmi-Ohn Princeofangels M Isabel 83 CH Mtnview Prince Chbaka Ekruro N O’Rourke/S O’Rourke 74 CH Shellkirk’s Joy To Shalee S Jeffries Toy Fox Terriers 390 CH Barbary’s Fame ‘N Fortune W Bellamy 292 CH Valcopy Hannah Montana A Sanders/M Starry 285 CH Tropicfox Bootstrap Bill R Day/G Renegar 275 CH Prairie Farm Angel Eyes K Stanforth 201 CH Dynasty Valcopy What Happens In Vegas A Price/T Topham 169 CH Shively’s Baron Jazzmine’s Contessa M Shively 130 CH Valcopy Kasey Kahne D Plonkey/L McKee/R Davis 122 CH Valcopy C-Lyn Raising Kahne L Cannon/J Pardue 119 CH Azefer Hopalongcassidy L Fast 96 CH Barbary’s Rich ‘N Famous W Bellamy Yorkshire Terriers 1239CH Groveshire’s Allure N Amies 1033 CH Stringer’s Somethings Gotta Give A Stringer/S Barnes 550 CH Durrer’s Talk About Bossy T Fredrickson/S Bingham 547 CH Gaelwyn’s Celtic Reflection M Bradley/T Bradley 494 CH Stratford’s Diamond Jim B Scott 349 CH Sugarfoot’s Living Th’ Good Life V Edwards/M Edwards CONTINUED ON PAGE 118

Dog News117

The Dog News Top Ten List Based On Breed Competition CONTINUED FROM PAGE 116 336 CH Tyava’s Sure Shot A Tyree/K Gonzales/M Gonzales 323 CH Empee’s Georgie Porgie M Dearinger 212 CH Rothby’s Rolex II R Rothenbach/V Meadows 205 CH Sanston’s Kick’N’ Up Trouble A Bender

Non-Sporting Group American Eskimo Dogs 288 CH Silveroaks First & Foremost R Sampson 166 CH Nuuktok’s Atka Inukshuk S Robertson 162 CH Silveroak’s Dogone Fire S Brown/J Hackmeyer 112 CH Timber’s Next Step Up S Sung 96 CH Smokey Mtn Trader Pup E Tamburine 72 CH Decacs She’s Causing A Commotion D Cromer 69 CH Timbers Evanescence RN T Vittetoe 55 CH Sierra’s Countin’ On A Miracle H West/L West 54 CH Sierra Mystc Knight To Remembr K Scholz 45 CH Captivating Cora Of Fuji R Brekke/H Halverson Bichons Frises 869 CH Risgae Miabella Sweet Georgia S Kapella/R Day 619 CH Bodacious In Enemy Territory G Blue/D Blue/D Jr 317 CH Paray’s Rime Time L Rosio/M Winston/P Flores 301 CH Mybliss Petite Coquette L McDonald/M Wotton/C Boele 253 CH Whitebreds Kissed By Kenningway K James/K Graeber 244 CH Belle Creek’s I Love Lucy B Zoss/L Carlton/L Letsche/M Provost 215 CH Risgae’s Duke Of Wessex J Clas/R Day 172 CH Risgae’s Dutchess Of Wessex M Fahy/P Schafmayer 161 CH Paray’s Private Label II S Phillips/T Pittman/P Flores 115 CH Craigdale Romio Palomo A Mito/R Mito/S Watts Boston Terriers 916 CH Sunwoods Lamburgini D Campbell/B Campbell 582 CH Kasinos Domino Effect R Pasbrig/S Sanders 520 CH Kc’ S Midnight Rambler K Bogenholm 518 CH Keynote’s Knockout Kid G Weyandt/J Harner/C Mccord/V Prater 484 CH Kennedy’s Wild Lincoln Navigater S Kennedy/V Kennedy/A Dunn/B Dunn 419 CH Ken’s N’ Roobarb N’ The Horse Ya Rode In On K Roux 415 CH Charue’s Man Oh Man P Bale/C Bale 406 CH Shines Cupid Dolly J Johnson 382 CH Gumbo-Kean’s Cosmic Stargazer J Mangum/A Mangum 354 CH Sunglo Sparkling Wine Cooler C Winter/A Sunday Bulldogs 2264CH Legacy Empress Of The Copa J Serion/K Copen 1707 CH Kepley’s Showbiz Razzle Dazzle J Fisher/R Speiser/B Wolfe 1079 CH Major League National Treasure T McDermott/H Mcdermott/C McDermott 907 CH Cherokee Legend Rock C Chambers/C Sickle 896 CH Impressive Oliver R Love 825 CH Evergreen’s Sweet Clover Anne C Auckenthaler/A Auckenthaler/J Flowers/ 802 CH Millcoats Pilgrim’s W. J. D Miller/C Miller 767 CH Kepley’s First Impression M Kepley/J Kepley 734 CH Calees The Skye Is The Limit K Hennefer/C Plummer/J Winick 708 CH Avalon Patch-Adams C Campbell/K Campbell Chinese Shar-Pei 801 CH Elite’s By Design S Woodall 621 CH Vaje’s Miss Jayne Hathaway J Mauk/V Mauk 498 CH Chaoyang Chick Magnet At Asia B Berney/H Kamp 498 CH Chaoyangs Take It To The Limit D Cooper/R Cooper/L Teitelbaum 392 CH Yu Kou’s Only In America G Schaefer 351 CH Strong’s Special Diamond By Ruff-Cut D Walquist/W Walquist/R Walquist 309 CH Guthries How Sweet It Is G Bowles/W Bloxham 216 CH Margem’s Hats Off To Prunehill P Davis/M Snyder Davis 132 CH Melvard’s Doll Of Destiny K Fudge/D Melvard/J Medrano/J Medrano 130 CH Willo’s Caught Ya Lookin R Arnold/J Kolnik

118 Dog News

Chow Chows 867 CH Liontamer’s Dial 1-800-Hotstuff K Tracy/G Roberts/R Roberts 668 CH D-Jin Gang Of An Na Kennel K Beliew/Y Ling 368 CH Kelin’s There Can Be Only One J Esposito/O Hayes 176 CH Dreamland’s Light Up The Sky J Phillips/A Smith 164 CH Man Kou Vindicator C Gagnon/A Shum 148 CH Rio’s American Design A Young/R Rosario 123 CH Creole’s Fannie May M McCleve/A Young/M Zoller 117 CH Paramount Maria Maria J Sedillos/S Sedillos 115 CH Rosewine’s Rockabilli Red J Olson/B Boyes 103 CH E-Lin Traveling Man V Fernandez/L Albert Dalmatians 760 CH Bretd’s Sergeant Major J Bachey/E Bachey/M Zink 506 CH Tramac Just Walk’N On Sunshine J Smith/M Callea 477 CH Perdita’s Absolute Adorable C Carro/I Liban 476 CH Xanadus Angel Sabrina J Ulloa/A Fomon 416 CH Tcj N Satin’s Star Appeal K Jenning/T Jardine/J Hanson 372 CH Royalty’s Splash Of Taylor W Polaski/P Polaski 367 CH Paisley Nspird By Broadway S Macmillan/M Iwaoka/G Iwaoka 317 CH Karefree Giovanna At Milledals N Reiter/A Miller 316 CH Sunnyoaks Ready To Rumba M Wrath/T Wrath 310 CH Nspird Spotsafire Its A Wrap T Bailey/C Jordan Finnish Spitz 134 CH Pikkinokka Badgr Sir Barksalot M Badger/H Leftwich 69 CH Pikkinokka’s This Girl Rockz H Horton/A Bruce 59 CH Icecaps High Desert Fox E Lloyd/N Lloyd 54 CH Pikkinokka’s Far Darrig Kodiak CD RE H Horton 51 CH Pikkinokka Icecaps Finn McCool E Lloyd/N Lloyd/L Saari/J Anastas 38 CH Jayenn’s Ivan Of Tsankawi L Carlson-Elliott 30 CH Suvi-Kettu Of Storm Valley R Young/T Young 23 CH Jayenn’s Archer J Grant/L Carlson-Elliott 22 CH Crowns Valentino D Wiechmann/A Wiechmann 22 CH Royaltouch’s King Kovu B Occhiuto French Bulldogs 1745CH Raindrops Justus Lifes A Game R Readmond/S Orban-Stagle 1639 CH Robobull Fabelhaft Im On Fire M Hulick/J Dalton/S St John 1297 CH Highwood’s Big Shot A Vorbeck 1200 CH Lebull’s Midnight Confessions A Geremia 877 CH Petite Cherie Femme De Puissance W Stoyka/A McIntyre/P Berry 819 CH Devine’s LA Confidential M Devine/D Kowata/A Weinberg 718 CH Fabelhaft Robobull Toodarn Hot C Darr/S Abernathy/J Dalton 531 CH Shore Lookin’ Good B Orr/M Hulick/A Rosenstein 523 CH Egon De Serres Bull V Galsky/A Galsky/M Cicuta 494 CH Justus I’M Your Man Justus Knl Keeshonden 835 CH Daimler’s Caviar Dreams T Benz/D Benz/C Cinnamon 452 CH Sprookje Lunar Appellation S Sorice/M Sorice 345 CH Legend’s Purple Reign D Cox/C Johnson/M White 308 CH Trumpet’s Shoot To Thrill B Blankenship 291 CH Shamrock’s Captain Stormalong W Milwee/W Milwee 287 CH Quest Stand By Me M Winters/J Sturgeon 244 CH Karolina Bonnyval Deal No Deal B Stroud/P Stroud/D Bosch/D Smith 239 CH Kemonts Skyline’s Game Boy K Cullen/S Cullen 232 CH Windrifts Non-Negotiable Asset L McKnight/R Spaulding/J Reed 227 CH Windrift’s Dance To The Music J Reed Lhasa Apsos 785 CH Rushmar’s Charmer L Mccutcheon/D Planche 562 CH My Thai Ta Sen Halleluiah Chorus S Giles 285 CH Hylan Shotru Riverview Our Dream P Naumann/P Keen Fernandes 264 CH Sharles The Hacker S Yadley/R Smith/M Smith 237 CH Northwind Nothing But Trouble C Butsic/J Hope

221 CH Suntory Prada C De La Rosa/R De La Rosa 137 CH Tara Huff Edrey Starbuck P Huffman/E Valle 120 CH Northwind Amaze Me W Stamp/B Bruns/N Armbrustmacher/C Butsi 96 CH Desiderata Ain’T She Sweet B Corbett/A Miller 85 CH Oakwynd Toodle Loo M Reinke Lowchen 273 CH Chic Choix Bihar Cuba C Strong 143 CH Touche’s Undercover Agent Rainbow C Laskey/R Lawless/J Lawless 81 CH Desusa’s Some Like It Hot S Williams/S Heckart 65 CH Seafever’s Fleur De Lis G Aubert/J Nienhaus 64 CH Madriglace Name Of The Game D Carlson 51 CH Seafever’s Killian Red J Nienhaus 49 CH Donalen Magical Spell D Cullen 38 CH Desusa’s Who’s Your Daddy L Pettengill/S Williams/S Heckart 37 CH Musicbox Doublestuffed D Jones/R Day 36 CH Fox Lane’s Southern Bell M Billman Poodles (Miniature) 709 CH Amity Mystical Horizon’s Heaven Sent D Strumbel/A Seppo 694 CH Alegria Shamus J James/S James/B Wood/L Berg 327 CH Splash Di Caprio Z Torrealba 297 CH Campostela The Perfect Storm K Berlind/M Watson/E Phelps 273 CH Divine No Doubt Deagra M Hoaglund/D Agre-Gill 259 CH Durandel Fashionista L Simis 153 CH Clarion In Between Dreams K Kennedy/K Poe/A Kennedy 124 CH Poof’s Divalicious D Lambert/L Williams/L Wickwire 85 CH Mipar Revamp M Parks 83 CH Sisco’s Marjonlie Take It To The Limit K Sisco/J Smith Poodles (Standard) 1709CH Donnchada Sweet Dreams E Brown/N Baldwin/K Black/D Schuchart 1464 CH Hillwood Dassin De-Lovely J Vergnetti/E Charles/K Lefrak/W Sammet/G Lajesky 1130 CH Dawin Spitfire L Campbell 778 CH Bar-None Dawin Travelin’ Man L Campbell/N Wilson 630 CH Randenn Tristar Affirmation T Sosnoff/M Sosnoff 601 CH Beauciel Orion Dartagnan C Crawley/W Crawley 590 CH Penndragon Masaniello K Bates/R Bates 430 CH Unique Anticipation F Esposito/J McFadden 371 CH Monfort Ariel Arietta K Calkins/J Calkins 368 CH By Request Tie The Knot W Penn Schipperkes 434 CH Bonchien Mr.Monopoly K Henty 416 CH De Lamer Point Break N Lazarowitz/D Mankovich 286 CH Dante Fire When Ready J Gossman/A Gossman/M Jameson/P Allison 180 CH De Lamer To Sea And Be Seen K Nuovo 172 CH Dante’s Over The Top A Gossman/S Middlebrook/M Jameson/P Alli 154 CH Dante’s All Fired Up J Gossman/A Gossman 151 CH Steigerwald’s Legend At Ramar M Schafer 128 CH Aned’s Le Rocher Noir J Wells/M Simanek 122 CH Sheradin’s Secret Spirit T Williford/D Harris 114 CH Buckin O’s Doc Holliday M Bettencourt Shiba Inu 439 CH Banshou Go Ryuukyuu Uruma S Rolenaitis/T Rolenaitis/F Daum/G Burch 434 CH Yuko’s Chief Red Eagle K Vano 319 CH Jogoso’s Notorious S Ozasa/G Ozasa 260 CH Jogoso’s Fool For Love M McCarty/H McCarty 252 CH Justa Wizard Of Oz B Kuehler/L Simons/L Kuehler 204 CH Ranchlake’s Aki Kohana D Warren/J Nelson/C Nelson 194 CH Justa Setsuzan Roki Yama’s Azorra E Maes/L Simons/W Fletcher/K Fletcher 176 CH San Jo She’s On Fire L Pasquarello/S Roble 152 CH Roscka’s Bijutsu No Sosaku B Richardson/C Ross 148 CH Oak’s Fuyu Kazan Ryuu P Gilliard

Tibetan Spaniels 1055CH Lorac’s Yeshe Wongchhu M Feltenstein 774 CH Wassong’s Djebel Of Lollipop P Sarles/K Wassong 336 CH Lionhearts Ez Betts On Texas Hold’Em C Waddell/C Waddell 260 CH Yeti Asawin Ez Texas Legacy B Keith/J Dean 129 CH Lemar Tamzil’s Stetson Untamed C Swaim 115 CH Shenanwood Simply Imagine This S Reeve/K Okey/C Bias Chaffee 114 CH Kofuku Windom Bear With Me Too S Rose/M Miller 109 CH Flolin Telsomeone L Foiles 109 CH Lyric Fire In The Hole S Waller 99 CH Tibroke’s Wee Thief ‘N Da Nite M Housley/B Beckmann Tibetan Terriers 690 CH Atisha’s Vsop Courvoisier J Ayotte 551 CH Cedar C Barnstrom L&D Edition P Bernardo/M Lafler/D Ogden 391 CH Merryway’s Midnight Magic Myst C Wagner/W Harding 226 CH Players Protocol D Murray 214 CH Ri Lee’s Diamonds Are Forever B Algar/N Kinziger 207 CH Kimik’s It’s Tough To Be A Bug M Demers/D Planche/K Potts 161 CH Players Just Like Butter J Weldon/D Murray/L Clark 138 CH Ri Lee Ashlyn Diamond Heirloom N Kinziger 116 CH Salishan Princess Of The Wind J Slothower/H Slothower 105 CH Shakira’s Classic Patriot B Peters

Herding Group Australian Cattle Dogs 604 CH Reddenblu’s Look Again J Rowland/R Isley/R Hughes 378 CH Austmans Ground Control L Allen/K Jebson 337 CH Buzzards Esperanzos Duramax J Lewis 267 CH Sf Adams The Chosen One RN NA T Johnson/B Adams 225 CH Buzzards Maximus Red L Tackett 224 CH Dawn Heir’s He’s The Boss! D Price/C Price 204 CH Kurpas’ Promise Land C Kurpas/J Kurpas 190 CH Dalaussie’s Rough Rider L Olson 157 CH Kombinalong Supernitrous W Lance/M Lance/T Lance 156 CH Buzzards Miss Worthy J Buzzard/T Couch/C Couch Australian Shepherds 1872CH Mysharas Dream Girl S Fontanini 1299 CH Briarbrooks Copyright L Wilson 965 CH Copperridges’s Fire N Bayouland K Mosing/Y LeBlanc 834 CH Alydar’s California Poppy D Farthing/D Cunningham/F Shimamoto 826 CH Ross-Mar’s What Dreams May Come R Harbaugh/M Harbaugh 728 CH Whidbeys Moonlight Frost RA L Thompson 638 CH Hearthside Say It Like It Iz L Buzzell 583 CH Veritas Truth B Told S Mccully 578 CH Windrift’s Latitude C Brown 468 CH Paradigm’s Bayouland On Broadway M Pryor Bearded Collies 494 CH Tolkien Raintree Mister Baggins E Charles/A Stein/L Stein/S Ross/L Woodc 452 CH Brigadoondaybarbelieveitornot A Yura/B Barton/D Frady/P Hanigan 308 CH Ha’Penny Lilac J Schneider 198 CH Hillside Spirit Of Christmas G Wantland/B Wantland 194 CH Brigadoon Showstopper At Scott P Hanigan/C Scott 184 CH Wildwood Kinikia Nobody’s Fool C Cerjan/T Stepankow 167 CH Briarpatch Look At That CD RE HT AX AXJ AXP L Campbell Gracie 156 CH Briarpatch Top That RE PT OA NAJ A Gracie/L Campbell Gracie 139 CH Brigadoon’s Just George P Hanigan 134 CH Willowisp Never Say Never K Hale/B De Borba Beaucerons 95 CH Arco Du Chateau Rocher PT K Davis 70 CH Volcan De La Negresse G Curtis/R Ring 41 CH Maison Du Brigette D’Eplin J Plank/J Plank


Dog Show Calendar FEBRUARY 14 - SUNDAY CO Denver* (I) COLORADO KENNEL CLUB, INC. National Western Complex 4655 Humbolt St. CLOSES: JANUARY 27 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. D. M. Booxbaum SPORTING Group: Mr. G. L. Andersen Dr. K. M. Ericson: Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab Mr. G. L. Andersen: All Spaniels, All Spaniels, Spin Ital, Vizs, Wirehair Ptg Grif Mrs. P. A. Smith: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. J. A. Newton Dr. J. A. Newton: Afghan, Basenji, Bgle, B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Borz, Dach Ms. L. S. Tamboer: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. N. D. Simmons Mr. D. M. Booxbaum: Akita, Alas Mal, Berns Mtn, Boxer, Bullm Mrs. N. D. Simmons: AnatolShep, Blk Russn Terrier, Dobe, Rottw, Sam Dr. P. P. Emily: Mast, Portuguese, St Bern, Sib Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Ms. D. B. Taylor Mr. M. Taylor: Parson Russell, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Ms. D. B. Taylor: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: M. A. Reed M. A. Reed: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, Hava, Eng Toy Sp, I Greyhnd, J Chin, Malt Mrs. D. Cozart: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. B. A. Langlois A. D. Hussin: Kees, Lhasa, Lowch, Pood, Schip, Shiba Inu, Tib Span, Tib Ter Ms. B. A. Langlois: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. D. E. Werdermann Mrs. D. E. Werdermann: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Coll, OES, Pyre Shep, Swed Vallhund Mrs. M. D. Williams: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. D. M. Booxbaum Mr. D. M. Booxbaum: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Miss B. Lee: Nov A, Open A, Util B Mrs. L. C. Botko: Nov B, Open B, Util A, Nov Wildc, Opn Wildc, Utl Wildc JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mr. M. Taylor HI Hilo (I) ORCHID ISLAND DOG FANCIER CLUB, INC. Edith Kanakaole Multi-Purpose Stadium Kalanikoa Street CLOSES: JANUARY 27 BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. J. C. Shelton SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. J. Buxton Mrs. D. J. Buxton: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. J. Webb Mrs. J. Webb: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. D. J. Buxton Mrs. D. J. Buxton: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. J. Webb Mrs. J. Webb: All Terrier Breeds 122 Dog News

TOY Group: Mr. J. Tacker Mr. J. Tacker: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. J. Tacker Mr. J. Tacker: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. J. Tacker Mr. J. Tacker: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. J. C. Shelton Dr. J. C. Shelton: All Miscellaneous Breeds IN Indianapolis* (I) HOOSIER KENNEL CLUB, INC. (S) Indiana State Fairgrounds 1202 East 38th Street CLOSES: JANUARY 27 Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc., SUPT FEE: $25.00 Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. P. A. Gellerman SPORTING Group: Dr. J. D. Jones Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Pntr-GS Ms. L. Robey: Ret-Gold Ms. L. E. Weiss: Ret-Lab Mrs. P. A. Gellerman: Ret-Nova Scotia T Mr. C. L. Olvis: Weim Mrs. P. Hartinger: Span-Boykin, Span-Clum Mrs. J. Fournier: All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-AmW Ms. E. Muthard: Brit, Pntr-GW, Ret-Ches, RetCurl, Ret-Flat Dr. J. D. Jones: Pointer, Span-Ckr, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Span-Fld Mrs. P. Nykiel: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mrs. P. Hartinger Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Basset Mrs. P. A. Gellerman: RhoRidge Mr. C. L. Olvis: PBGV, Plott Mrs. P. Hartinger: Afghan, Dach, Saluki Mr. J. R. Cole: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Ms. C. C. McGowan Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Alas Mal Mr. C. L. Olvis: Bullm Dr. R. S. Pritchard: Giant Schn Dr. W. V. Spediacci: Mast, Tibtn Mastiff Mrs. P. A. Gellerman: Rottw, Sib Hky Ms. B. R. Leininger: Akita, AnatolShep, Boxer Mrs. J. Fournier: Dobe, Newf, Portuguese, St Bern, Sam, Std Schn Mrs. P. Nykiel: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. R. R. Hartinger Ms. C. C. McGowan: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Dr. W. V. Spediacci Ms. C. C. McGowan: Chin Cr Mr. J. R. Cole: Pom Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Pood Toy Mr. F. C. Bassett: Min Pin, Pap, Peke, Pug, Shih Tzu, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Dr. R. S. Pritchard: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Ms. E. Muthard Dr. W. V. Spediacci: Shar-Pei Mrs. P. Hartinger: Dalm Mrs. P. A. Gellerman: Fr Bull Mr. R. R. Hartinger: Kees, Pood Dr. R. S. Pritchard: Lhasa, Lowch, Tib Ter Ms. E. Muthard: Bulldog, Chow, Schip, Shiba Inu Ms. B. R. Leininger: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. C. L. Olvis Mr. F. C. Bassett: Coll Dr. J. D. Jones: AustrlShep, Bel Mal, Shetld Ms. L. Robey: Bel Terv, OES, Pemb-WC, Pol Low Shp Mr. C. L. Olvis: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Ms. L. Robey Ms. L. Robey: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. K. H. Delaney: Nov A, Nov B, Grad Novr

Mr. T. B. Masterson: Open A, Open B, Grad Openr Mr. M. C. Carlucci: Util A, Util B, Grad Verr JR SHOWMANSHIP: Dr. W. V. Spediacci SWEEPS PUPPY: Dalm David Galloway SWEEPS VETERANS: Dalm David Galloway SWEEPS PUPPY: Ret-Lab Kathy DeVito SWEEPS VETERANS: Ret-Lab Kathy DeVito SWEEPS PUPPY: Span-Fld Linda Elbert SWEEPS VETERANS: Span-Fld Linda Elbert OR Albany* (I) LINN COUNTY KENNEL CLUB, INC. Linn County Fair & Expo Center 3700 Knox Butte Rd. CLOSES: JANUARY 27 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00 Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. A. Grossman SPORTING Group: Mrs. C. Hubbell Dr. A. Grossman: Brit, All Pointers, All Retrievers, Set-Eng, Set-Gord Mrs. C. Hubbell: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. R. L. Reynolds Mrs. M. Fair: Borz S. Deans: Basset, Dach Mr. R. L. Reynolds: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. S. J. Hubbell J. A. Smith: Newf, Sam, Sib Hky Mr. S. J. Hubbell: AnatolShep, Blk Russn Terrier, Grm Pinscher, Kom, Kuv, Nepltn Mastiff Mrs. R. W. Leist: Berns Mtn, Boxer, Bullm, Dobe, Grt Dane, Mast, Tibtn Mastiff Mrs. C. C. Smith: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. G. L. Doerge Mr. G. L. Doerge: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr. Mrs. A. B. Schoen: Pood Toy C. S. Anderson: Peke, Pom, Pug, Shih Tzu, Silky, Toy Fox Terrier, Yorks Mr. R. V. Filburn, Jr.: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: C. S. Anderson Ms. J. A. James: Dalm C. S. Anderson: Am Esk Dog, Bichon, Boston, Bulldog, Kees Mr. S. J. Hubbell: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. A. B. Schoen Mrs. M. Fair: Pemb-WC Mrs. A. B. Schoen: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mr. G. L. Doerge Mr. G. L. Doerge: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mr. D. J. Ladd: Nov A, Open B Mrs. J. K. Jones: Nov B, Util A Mr. C. M. Cunningham: Open A, Util B JR SHOWMANSHIP: S. Chryssanthis TX Midland (I) WEST TEXAS KENNEL CLUB The Horseshoe 2514 Arena Trail CLOSES: JANUARY 27 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $24.00-1st/ $19.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. K. Kahn SPORTING Group: Mrs. K. Kahn Mr. R. L. Boothe: Weim Mrs. J. A. Brown: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Dr. H. Smith CONTINUED ON PAGE 124

Dog Show Calendar


Dr. H. Smith: Afghan, Basenji, Basset, Bgle, B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Bluetick Coon, Borz, Dach Mr. R. L. Boothe: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mrs. J. A. Brown Mrs. M. K. Bryant: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. M. K. Bryant Mr. R. R. Merry: Manch Ter Mr. N. B. Kenney: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mr. R. R. Merry Mrs. M. K. Bryant: Chihua, I Greyhnd, Min Pin, Pom, Yorks Mrs. K. Kahn: Bruss Grif, Hava, Eng Toy Sp (KC & R), J Chin, Peke, Pood Toy, Toy Fox Terrier Mr. R. R. Merry: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. M. K. Bryant Mr. R. R. Merry: Bulldog, Dalm Dr. H. Smith: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Dr. H. Smith Mrs. J. A. Brown: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Bouv, Card-WC, Coll, Pemb-WC, Shetld Mrs. M. K. Bryant: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. J. A. Brown Mrs. J. A. Brown: All Miscellaneous Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. J. A. Brown TX Seguin* (I) ALAMO AREA SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB (S) Guadalupe County Fair Assoc Exhibit Hall 728 Midway CLOSES: JANUARY 27 Angel Juan, SHW SEC, 3515 Mistic Grv, San Antonio, TX 78247 FEE: $25.00-1st/ $18.00-2nd Mr. J. P. Molloy: Breed Mr. F. D. Harding: Obedience SWEEPS PUPPY Paula Hoover VA Glen Allen (I) CENTRAL VIRGINIA SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB (S) Dude Ranch Pet Resort 11015 Dude Ranch Rd. CLOSES: JANUARY 27 Madeline WingďŹ eld, SHW SEC, 6138 Adams Ln, Mechanicsville, VA 23111 R. Thompson: Breed, Jr. Showmanship SWEEPS PUPPY Patti Jackson FEBRUARY 15 - MONDAY CO Denver* (I) COLORADO KENNEL CLUB, INC. National Western Complex 4655 Humbolt St. CLOSES: JANUARY 27 Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., SUPT FEE: $25.00-1st/ $20.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Dr. R. I. Spritzer SPORTING Group: Mrs. P. A. Smith Mr. G. L. Andersen: Ret-Gold, Ret-Lab Dr. K. M. Ericson: Brit, All Pointers, Ret-Ches, Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Nova Scotia T, All Setters, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh, Span-Boykin, Weim Mrs. P. A. Smith: Balance of Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Ms. L. S. Tamboer Ms. L. S. Tamboer: Afghan, Basenji, Bgle, B & T Coonhnd, Bloodhnd, Borz, Dach Dr. J. A. Newton: Balance of Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Dr. P. P. Emily Dr. R. I. Spritzer: Akita, Alas Mal, Berns Mtn,

124 Dog News

Boxer, Bullm Dr. P. P. Emily: AnatolShep, Blk Russn Terrier, Dobe, Rottw, Sam Mrs. N. D. Simmons: Mast, Portuguese, St Bern, Sib Hky, Std Schn, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. D. M. Booxbaum: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. M. Taylor Ms. D. B. Taylor: Parson Russell, Scotti, Sealym, Skye, Soft Coated, Staf Bull, Welsh Ter, Wst Highlnd Mr. M. Taylor: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. D. Cozart Mrs. D. Cozart: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Chin Cr, Hava, I Greyhnd, Eng Toy Sp, J Chin, Malt M. A. Reed: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: A. D. Hussin Ms. B. A. Langlois: Kees, Lhasa, Lowch, Pood, Schip, Shiba Inu, Tib Span, Tib Ter A. D. Hussin: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mrs. M. D. Williams Mrs. M. D. Williams: Austrl Cat Dg, AustrlShep, Beard Coll, Beauceron, Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Coll, OES, Pyre Shep, Swed Vallhund Mrs. D. E. Werdermann: Balance of Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Dr. R. I. Spritzer Dr. R. I. Spritzer: All Miscellaneous Breeds OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Mrs. L. C. Botko: Nov A, Open A, Util B Miss B. Lee: Nov B, Open B, Util A, Nov Wildc, Opn Wildc, Utl Wildc JR SHOWMANSHIP: Ms. D. B. Taylor HI Hilo (I) ORCHID ISLAND DOG FANCIER CLUB, INC. Edith Kanakaole Multi-Purpose Stadium Kalanikoa Street CLOSES: JANUARY 27 BaRay Event Services, Inc., SUPT FEE: $30.00-1st/ $30.00-2nd Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mrs. D. J. Buxton SPORTING Group: Mrs. J. Webb Mrs. J. Webb: All Sporting Breeds HOUND Group: Mr. J. Tacker Mr. J. Tacker: All Hound Breeds WORKING Group: Mr. J. Tacker Mr. J. Tacker: All Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mr. J. Tacker Mr. J. Tacker: All Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Dr. J. C. Shelton Dr. J. C. Shelton: All Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mr. K. A. Buxton Mr. K. A. Buxton: All Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Mr. K. A. Buxton Mr. K. A. Buxton: All Herding Breeds MISCELLANEOUS Group: Mrs. D. J. Buxton Mrs. D. J. Buxton: All Miscellaneous Breeds FEBRUARY 15 - MONDAY thru FEBRUARY 16 - TUESDAY NY New York (I) WESTMINSTER KENNEL CLUB (2) (BENCHED) Madison Square Garden Center 2 Pennsylvania Plaza CLOSES: DECEMBER 4 MB-F Inc., SUPT Judges And Their Assignments BEST IN SHOW Mr. E. B. Weiss

SPORTING Group: Dr. D. Sturz, Jr. Ms. P. A. Keenan: Span-Ckr Ms. K. M. McAteer: Pointer, Ret-Ches, SetIrsh, Set-Irsh Rd&Wh Mr. L. Berg: Pntr-GS, Pntr-GW, Vizs, Weim Mrs. M. Lyons: Ret-Curl, Ret-Flat, Ret-Lab, Ret-Nova Scotia T Miss V. L. Lyne: Ret-Gold, Span-Eng Ckr, Span-Eng Spr, Span-Fld, Span-Irw, Span-Wel Spr Mr. M. H. Faulkner: Balance of Sporting Breeds *No Classes: Span-Boykin HOUND Group: Mr. W. E. Dean, Jr. Ms. P. A. Keenan: Bgle Mrs. B. G. Rupert: Dach, Ir Wolf Dr. R. Meen: Basenji, RhoRidge, Saluki, ScotDeer, Whip Mr. F. T. Sabella: Afghan, Borz, Greyhnd, Ibizan, Nor Elk, Pharaoh Mr. W. Cunningham: Balance of Hound Breeds *No Classes: Bluetick Coon, Redbone Coon WORKING Group: Mrs. K. MeredithCavanna Ms. G. McGlynn: Dobe, Rottw Dr. J. A. Reeve-Newson: Giant Schn, Portuguese, Std Schn Mr. R. L. Vandiver: Akita, Boxer, Bullm, Newf Mr. L. R. Mapes: AnatolShep, Grm Pinscher, Gtr Swiss Mtn, Mast Mrs. D. N. Collier: Berns Mtn, Grt Dane, Sib Hky, Tibtn Mastiff Mr. J. E. Frederiksen: Balance of Working Breeds TERRIER Group: Mrs. L. Boutwell Mrs. K. C. Wilson: Border, Bull Ter, Glen Imaal, Min Bull Terrs, Staf Bull, Wst Highlnd G. Flyckt-Pedersen: Airdle, Fox Ter (Smooth), Fox Ter (Wire), Kerry, Lakelnd, Norfolk, Welsh Ter P. J. Green: Am Staff, Bdlgtn, Dandie, Manch Ter, Min Schn, Parson Russell, Skye Mr. W. F. Potter, II: Balance of Terrier Breeds TOY Group: Mrs. S. D. Limoges Mr. J. F. Joly, III: Affenp, Bruss Grif, Cav KC Spans, Chihua, Eng Toy Sp Mr. R. L. Bauer: Chin Cr, Hava, I Greyhnd, J Chin, Malt A. H. Brace: Pap, Peke, Pom, Pug, Pood Toy Dr. S. Keating: Balance of Toy Breeds NON-SPORTING Group: Mrs. D. A. Dalton J. G. Reynolds: Fr Bull A. H. Brace: Bichon, Pood Mr. C. E. Trotter: Am Esk Dog, Boston, Bulldog, Shar-Pei Mr. R. E. Garren: Kees, Lowch, Tib Span, Tib Ter Miss M. V. Beam: Balance of Non-Sporting Breeds HERDING Group: Ms. L. C. More Mrs. L. J. Saltzman: AustrlShep, Nor Buhund, OES, Pyre Shep, Shetld Ms. P. Beisel-McIlwaine: Bel Mal, Bel Shp, Bel Terv, Bouv, Briard Mrs. H. L. James: Austrl Cat Dg, Beard Coll, Brdr Coll, GSD, Pol Low Shp, Pulik Dr. K. Anselm: Balance of Herding Breeds JR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. J. Pahl: FIN Ms. P. A. Keenan: PRE1 Mr. R. L. Vandiver: PRE2

Handler’s Directory Jessy & Roxanne Sutton

Robert A. Fisher Kaki Fisher

Professional Dog Handlers

Specializing in Terriers and Working Dogs

Professional Dog Handlers Frakari Kennels 194 Quivey Hill Road/P.O. Box 204 Middle Granville, NY 12849 518.642.9225 KNL • 440.813.6388 c 12.09 12.10


Roxanne phone: 513-235-2099




Jessy phone: 215-778-1253


1.10 9.10







Old West

Members PHA & AKC Registered Handlers




P.O. Box 180 Forestville, Pennsylvania 16035 724-735-9994 C 412-491-5520



Clint and Karen Livingston 1981 East 141 Avenue Brighton, Colorado 80602 210 865 8415 - Clint 210 865 2348 - Karen

9691 Flinn Springs Road El Cajon, CA 92021 (619)443-8250 Fax (619)443-0944 E-mail /








Ernesto Lara

AKC Registered Handler Assisted by Leonardo Garcini


Greenfield 3.10

P.O. Box 330 Tel: (717) 445-9936 1181 Reading Road Fax: (717) 445-0577 Bowmansville, PA 17507 email: 6.10 6.10 mobile: 717-475-7069

1.10 8.09

12.09 1.10

126 Dog News



Handler’s Directory 8.10





Jimmy & Mary Dwyer

407 321-6426 or 407 810-4036 3.10



BRUCE & TARA SCHULTZ Board Certified Professional Handlers Members of P.H.A.


128 Dog News


5540 San Miguel Rd. Bonita, California 91902

Bruce: 951 314-8357 Tara: 951 515-0241 2.10



many other palaces, courts, state and foreign buildings to see at the fair – however most of them were made of a temporary plaster-like material, designed to only last for the duration of the fair. Luckily, one of the primary exposition buildings, the Palace of Fine Arts, was not torn down with the rest of the buildings, and was completely reconstructed in the 1960s. The fair ran from February 20th until December 4th, 1915 and was widely considered to be a great success. It is unclear whether or not the author of this fascinating book was British or American, or indeed whether examples of the breeds listed were actually physically assembled for the fair, but there is mention that most of the featured specimens could be bought so maybe that was the case. The book also carries an acknowledgement to various titled British for “the patronage bestowed on his effort to assemble a representative collection of all known breeds of dog at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition.” The author’s European office is listed as being in Lord Street, Southport, England. It is fascinating to look at the photographs and drawings of the featured breeds and see how many have changed almost beyond recognition, yet others have virtually stayed the same. Indeed, some of the specimens could well hold their own in the show ring today – the Dalmatian looks stunning and the Dandie Dinmont is no

slouch. The Bloodhounds look a very acceptable team and the English Setter is a perfectly presentable example of the breed. Obviously breeds such as the Scottish Terrier, Bull Terrier and Schnauzer have changed dramatically (interestingly the Schnauzer also being listed as a “Wire Coated German Terrier”) and the English Springer Spaniel appears almost mutt-like by today’s standards. Some of the breeds featured have developed into other breeds with other names; others have persisted on the FCI register of breeds. There is a huge collection of French sporting breeds, some of which have survived to this day. There is an intriguing line drawing of Dogues de Bordeaux and, with my long-standing interest in Pekingese, I was particularly fascinated by the Happa. I am ashamed to say that although I have heard about the existence of the Happa, essentially a smoothcoated Pekingese and described in Mason’s book as being “identical in every respect with the Pekingese Spaniel, except that his coat is short and smooth,” my knowledge of its history is limited. I have since read an article by Tony Rosato following his visit to the Tring museum where Ta-Jen, a Happa, stands alongside the coated Ah-Cum, accepted to be the founding father of the British Pekingese. Tony wonders whether – in view of the excellent Pekingese type shown by Ta-Jen – he was actually used by Pekingese breeders to establish certain breed points. He also questions whether or not the Happa was instrumental in developing the Pug. All fascinating stuff. Mason’s book can be viewed in its entirety on line and if you have a few hours to pass, delving into the history of your own breed, go to this site: www.archive. org/details/dogsofallnations00masorich I guarantee that you will find it fascinating. •

Dog News 129

Classified Advertising 12.10

E-Mail: 12.10 12.10

If It Is A Dog Matter D. Jay Hyman, Attorney


If disputes arise, Co-Ownership or Problems with your Breeder. Registration Problems, Veterinary Mal-Practice, Contractual Issues, Better to Resolve Without Litigation. Fifty Years of Experience in Dogs and Law. D. Jay Hyman • 5905 Kim Court, Mt. Airy, MD. 21771 • Phone (301) 606-2097 12.09 Email: 10.10


FOLEY BOYS CRATE MEN Floor Management Loading & Unloading Tent Control Bob Flemm


PO Box 15 • 2257 Route 57 Broadway, NJ 08808 12.10

862-266-6891 12.10



FOR SALE 2003 Sprinter Powered by Mercedes $29,5000


90,000 mi w,100,000 mi extended roadside warranty new tires, brakes and rotors, Just serviced, TV, Fridge, Microwave, Awning, Water tank, Generator, Battery disconnect, Back-up camera, CD/iPod/ Satellite, Too many extras to list! Truck located in Alabama. 256-759-3393


Breeders Directory Rottweilers and Toy Manchesters Puppies occasionally and stud service phone 800 454-5067 fax 303 745-7319 Pedigrees done for all AKC breeds


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Reverses/Screens - $35.00 • B/W or single color bleeds $35.00 • Four color bleeds $100.00

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