Do Good Charity 2020 Annual Report.

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Table of Content I.

Founder's statement




Activities / Impact


Financial overview (total income per activity expenses)


Awards/media mentions or features


Partners/grants received

VII. Plan for 2021

pregnant women, visually impaired, and marginalized children.

Founder’s Statement Dear DO GOODERS,

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a step. Four years ago, Do Good Charity Initiative was founded to address real-life situations of underprivileged children and women living in slums and underserved communities. We looked forward to the year 2020 with so much hope, expectations, and an exciting lineup of events. However, running an organization during such unprecedented times was distressing considering how many people looked up to the leadership for directions and most importantly, upkeep. We promptly thought of ways to still make a huge impact in communities despite the lockdown and the Covid-19 Food Relief Response was born. The door-to-door model of distribution which guaranteed minimal physical contact was adopted as we visited slums and low-income communities. Our target bene ciaries were people who could not easily access the stimulus packages and palliatives provided by the government; abandoned sick people, the aged,

Without a doubt, the education sector was greatly affected by the pandemic-induced lockdown leaving many private school teachers in distress and children at a loss. We took the opportunities at our outreaches to create awareness on handwashing (to curb the spread of the virus) and encouraged the children to imbibe the reading culture by giving them books. A fundraiser was also set up to provide food items for low-income private school teachers who were adversely affected by the pandemic. Addressing the issue of food security was very crucial to us at that very moment and we are extremely glad to have achieved the milestones highlighted in this report. From winning the #UnionRise Challenge organized by Union bank to bagging an international partnership with Sow A Seed Busby Foundation, Netherlands, we strongly believe that the lockdown, though a challenge, was an opportunity to innovate and do more impact-wise. None of these would have been possible without the support of friends of Do Good Charity Initiative. We are hopeful for a better and greater 2021. Thank you once again for being part of our story.

Folakemi Adesina Founder, Do Good Charity Initiative.

Our Vision To impact and make life a memorable experience for vulnerable children and women in Nigeria.

Our Mission To create sustainable change within our environment by contributing positively to the development of the community, catering for the needs of vulnerable children and empowering women.

Our Objectives To improve the standard of living in slums, particularly of children and women by promoting social impact initiatives.

Activities The pandemic induced lockdown caught nations and individuals by surprise but no less left the vulnerable, more vulnerable. As an organization, our initial itinerary was altered to allow timely response to the current needs of communities around us. Thus the ‘COVID-19 food relief’ was born. Our target bene ciaries were people who could not easily (or even possibly) access the stimulus packages and palliatives provided by the government. The door to door model of distribution was adopted as well as all covid-19 precautions. We were able to put smiles on the faces of over two thousand vulnerable individuals. Here’s a breakdown of our reach in 2020:



1. Senior citizens


Oshogun, Ketu

2. Nursing mothers


Ajegunle & Odunfa Ikorodu

3. Children


Ajegunle & Odunfa, Ikorodu

Bene ciaries

Odogunyan; Fatolu community, Ayobo; Itire, Surulere; Ketu, Alapere; Makoko; IDP Camp Okobaba, Ebutte Metta 4. Visually Impaired


Itamaga, Ikorodu

5. Low Cost Private School Teachers


Mate Secondary school, Ketu

6. 2 Orphanage Homes 7. 50 families

Support Funds

In 2020, we reached a total of Two Thousand and Thirty bene ciaries across over 10 locations in Lagos state. Back to school (Jeans for social impact project): One of the major events for the year is the jeans for social impact. The project was in phases that involved the collection of old/unused jeans; recycling them into bags and distributing them to children. The project aims to provide children with necessary school kits (books, bags, shoes) and to also advocate while contributing to the protection of the environment (recycling). Target bene ciaries were underprivileged children residing in Oworonshoki, a slum in Lagos, Nigeria. Love In The Streets: this was one of the covid-relief response initiatives set up to ght hunger in children during the lockdown. The street-model was used to reach out i.e. volunteers in strategic locations received supplies of cereals to be distributed on streets in their respective locality. Accountability and impact were measured and ascertained via pictures and videos sent in by volunteers. Red Christmas: 2020 left no stone untouched, impact-wise and this event was our way of putting a smile on people’s faces as we lightened their Christmas with hampers and clothing. The outreach held at Itamaga, Ikorodu

Online Impact Considerable growth was recorded on the organization’s online presence. Social media presence on Instagram and Facebook has also provided us with a platform for impact. With regular giveaways, contents and showcase of our outreaches; we have been able to educate, impact and leverage on our 1600+ organic followers. We are still growing and showcasing our level of impact online has helped us build trust amongst stakeholders.

Financial Overview DO GOOD CHARITY INITIATIVE, NIGERIA Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31st December, 2020 Statement of Activities Income: Surplus b/f Individual donations Corporate Donations Grants Events and Fundraising Membership Fees Interest Earned Total Income

Miscellaneous Media Coverage Website expenses Total Expenses Surplus for the year

35.20 865,620.36 250,000.00 242,000.00


Expenses Programmatic Activities: Back to School Donation Covid 19 Relief Activities Xmas Outreach

202,200.00 528,350.00 101,500.00

Other Expenses Airtime Bank Charges Cost of productions and branded items Fuel Expenses Legal Fees Logistics

27,200.00 3,930.70 170,800.00 9,000.00 69,000.00 142,800.00

19,500.00 45,100.00 18,700.00 1,338,080.70 19,574.86

Awards Despite the odds in the year, the organization won the following grants and awards in recognition of its contribution to society: Ÿ The #UnionRiseChallenge organized by Union bank where we were recognized for

rising above the challenge of Covid-19. Ÿ The Access Bank Sustainability Challenge for creating eco-friendly bags as one of

our headline projects (JEANS FOR SOCIAL IMPACT) Ÿ Google Ad Grants Ÿ The Nigerian Volunteers Award 2020 Ÿ MCA ICONIC AWARD; the fast-rising NGO Ÿ Recognized as an ambassador for the Global Impact Network.

Our Partners In 2020, we had exceptional individuals, businesses and organizations work with and support us. We appreciate your unwavering support and continued donations to our projects. We are especially grateful to the amazing team and volunteers of Do Good Charity Organization for their immeasurable contributions, hard-work and passion for impact. THANK YOU to our 52 volunteers and... LAGOS FOOD BANK INITIATIVE












Vision 2021 Our target in the year 2021 is to reach and impact 3000 underprivileged children and empower women living in slums and low-income communities. Some of our programmes outlined for the year include: Ÿ Love Without Limits 3.0 Ÿ Jeans For Social Impact Ÿ Empowering women through recycling Ÿ Regular clothing, provisions and medical drives.

We will continue to respond to the needs of immediate communities with innovation as the need arises. Exceeding the marks will be impossible without your support. Donate to the cause. Partner with us. Tell a prospect about us. Follow us on social media @dogoodcharity.

Thank You! @dogoodcharity @dogoodcharityinitiative

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