1 minute read
Committee Members, Working Party Members and Board Liaisons .................................................................. 24
Canine Health Committee
Miss Carolyn Pearen – Chair Mrs Julene Brady Miss Ainslie Carius Ms Paula Morgan Mrs Kathy Prentice
DOTY Committee
Ms Patrice Johansen – Chair Miss Ainslie Carius Mrs Ulla Greenwood Mr Andrew Ness Mrs Margaret Norton
Event Managers and Stewards Committee
Mr David Weil – Chair Mrs Marg Norton # – Deputy Chair Ms Jasmyn Grendon (Z2) Mrs Linda Halliwell (Z3) Ms Melissa Herdman (Z2) Mr Bernard James (Z1) Mrs Louise Marsden (Z3) Mrs Sharon Munro (Z1)
Junior Handlers Committee
Ms Mandy Schelbach – Chair Mrs Julene Brady Miss Ainslie Carius Mrs Amanda Maynard Mrs Deb Mclean Mr Murray Senior Ms Aleisha Watt Mr Michael Watt Ms Belinda West #
All Dogs Sports Spectacular Working Party
Miss Carolyn Pearen – Chair Miss Kim Dawson Mr Russell Ellem Ms Camilla Fowler-Lock Mrs Debbie Goodwin Ms Geraldine Heath Ms Valley Horne Mr Lawrie Knauth Mrs Janelle Mannell Ms Shannon Parker Ms Margaret Wedgwood
Finance and Planning Committee
Mrs Ulla Greenwood – Chair Ms Mandy Schelbach – Deputy Chair Mr Thomas Ray
Constitution and Rules Reform Committee
Miss Carolyn Ryan – Chair Mrs Netta Bainbridge – Deputy Chair Miss Ainslie Carius Miss Joanna Gurd Mr Geoff Lane Ms Elisa McCutcheon Mrs Helen Weil Mr Glenn Wilshier