4 minute read

President’s Message

Dogs Queensland Election Time “Hopefully all of you are aware that our Board elections are approaching. Six of our 12 director positions are up for re-election.

These directors have contributed significantly to the operations of Dogs Queensland over the term of their appointments. Being a director of Dogs Queensland is an opportunity to give back to our dog world and is a voluntary role with no financial remuneration whatsoever.

Although it is a big-time commitment with monthly board meetings and a range of other responsibilities it can be a very satisfying experience. The directors bring their varied work and dog world experience to the board table and this has enriched our decision-making processes. I would like to thank these six directors for the wonderful job they have done in the role over the last number of years. Personally, I hope they will re-nominate but that is entirely a matter for them individually. I make no excuses in regard to briefly highlighting these Directors and some of their many achievements;

Mr William Smith – CJC Chair, responsible for the reinvigoration of the Judges Training Scheme during this COVID year Miss Ainslie Carius – Responsible for the coordination of the safe reintroduction of Shows at Durack

Mr Lawrence Knauth – QDS Committee and Chair of the Obedience Training Committee Mr Duncan McAllister – Grounds Liaison Director, responsible for a number of projects including Rings 11-16 and Lure Coursing Area improvements Mr Shane Thomas – Junior Handler Chair, provided invaluable advice re JobKeeper and the Finances during 2020 Mr David Weil – Event Managers and Stewards Chair, continuing to provide vital training now via an online platform However, what is equally important to the success of Dogs Queensland is the engagement of all our members in the forthcoming election. And this will start with the nomination process that will open this month. Despite baseless claims to the contrary our finances are in excellent shape. We are coming out of this first year of the pandemic in a strong position but there are a number of challenges ahead of us.

In our membership we have a tremendous repository of knowledge, experience and skill. If you have ideas, are passionate about our dog family and are positive and progressive put your hand up. You could be part of a great future, so why not consider nominating for a position on our Board? If it is not for you, do you know someone who would be a great director? Encourage them to stand.

Any great organisation is built on positive and imaginative leadership and an inclusive and enthusiastic membership. At our last election in February 2019 just 21.42% of our membership bothered to vote. We must do better.

By voting you show that you care, by voting you say that your membership of Dogs Queensland is valuable, is important.

We need our silent majority to vote, it’s easy, it’s a privilege and a right of your membership. Use it.

Show Happenings

It has been great that we have been able to stage more events at Durack and that more shows and events are in the pipeline for Durack, Bundaberg and Cairns for the balance of this year. Although we are seeing a welcome relaxation with numbers and some COVID requirements it is all about our personal safety and so important that we collectively and individually take care. I know some of our members complain about restrictions, but it is such an important cause. This posting from Canada, shared with me by a member, does show how comparatively lucky we are with our running of shows in these Covid times-

Back in the social media park

Since we restarted our social media platforms on 30 June, we’ve attracted 671 new followers to our public Facebook and Instagram pages. A total of 29,046 engagements is an overall increase of 103 per cent on both platforms since 2 March, purely through organic not paid posts. We now have over 515 followers on our @DogsQueensland Instagram page up by 210 followers since 30 June. We’d really love it if you could follow our Instagram page too! Numbers are all well and good however people on social media love creative imagery, pictures and videos so please note that images used in our social media posts are not used to promote individuals or breeders but to promote the #DogsQLD brand, breed, sport or event. Please like, share and follow our social media platforms to keep spreading the word that #WeKnowDogs! On a personal note, it might have been stormy weather last Saturday night, but I really enjoyed getting back to judging. The atmosphere was great, and it was terrific to see members and their dogs enjoying themselves. We are seeing a nice band of new exhibitors both at the puppy training classes and now in the rings. It is so rewarding encouraging and supporting these new entrants in the conformation and dog sports rings. It was great to see stewards and other exhibitors looking out for them and making sure they had an enjoyable time.

Final Note

On going through some old folders, I came across an article about an Irish Wolfhound at the end of his life and a little boy. Its message resonated with me so I thought I would share it with you. It is on the following page. Take care and stay safe. Ulla Greenwood President ”

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