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Weight Management –– Healthy Shape

A healthy weight starts with healthy habits

A healthy weight is key to your dog’s general health and wellbeing. Over this and the next two editions of the magazine Dogs Queensland will publish simple ways to maintain that healthy weight and keep your dog in good shape, courtesy of Royal Canin.

We continue with Weight Management – Healthy Shape (April) followed with Activity (May) and Growth (June).

Weight Management – Healthy Shape


Weighing your dog is not the only way to check if they’re overweight. You can find out if your dog is a healthy weight by asking your vet how to use the Body Conditioning Score.


The body conditioning score is used by vets to help you check whether your dog is overweight or underweight. It focuses on the look and feel of your dog because checking their weight alone doesn’t give an indication of a healthy shape.

The body conditioning score uses a 9-point system ranging from emaciated at 1 to severely obese at 9. The indicators used for scoring are your dog’s ribs, waist and abdomen, and a score of 5 is the ideal dog shape. This means a well-proportioned dog will have ribs that can be easily felt, a waist that can be seen from above and an abdomen that tucks up behind their rib cage when seen from the side.

Your vet can show you how to use the dog body condition score chart. It’s also important to visit them regularly so they can help you monitor your dog’s shape over the long-term. HOW TO TELL IF MY DOG IS OVERWEIGHT?

It’s crucial to identify if your dog is carrying too much weight and take action, as an overweight dog has a higher risk of serious and life-changing conditions. This can include diabetes, cancer, osteoarthritis and more.

A dog is classed as overweight when it is 15% to 20% over its ideal weight and is classed as obese when it is more than 30% over. It’s easy to underestimate how heavy your dog is though, so the best way to check if they’re gaining too much weight is a 3-step look-feel-weigh approach.

1. Look at their behaviour and shape. Are they somewhat lethargic or get tired easily? Does their stomach sag or can you see their waist and the tuck of their abdomen behind their ribs?

2. Feel their ribs – can you only feel them with heavy pressure?

3. Weigh your dog – by weighing them regularly you can monitor any weight gain. Your vet can tell you their ideal weight based on their current weight and assessing their body conditioning score.


The great news is that both overweight and obese dogs can be treated. And getting your dog back to an optimal weight you will increase their quality of life. Dogs of a healthy weight have also been shown to live longer than those with obesity. Being overweight is caused by eating more calories than are being used. So the important areas to address are your dog’s food and exercise. Ask your vet about diets designed for overweight dogs. If you just decrease your dog’s meal sizes it may lead to nutritional deficiencies or begging. Make sure you stick to the portion size on the pack and avoid giving treats in addition to this – or save some of their dry daily food allowance to use as treats.

Regular physical activity is essential for their overall wellbeing, as well as helping them lose weight and maintain a healthy shape. Ask your vet about the right level and type of exercise for your dog, and only increase it gradually with your vet’s guidance.


If you have any concerns or questions about your dog’s weight or shape, it’s always best to speak to your vet. They’ll be happy to help and can identify how overweight your dog is, if at all, and what actions you should take to help it lose weight or to advise you on how to prevent weight gain.

Likewise, it’s important to speak to your vet before making any changes to your dog’s diet, exercise patterns or lifestyle. Or before making any other decisions that could impact their health.

As no two dogs are the same, your vet can give you advice tailored to your dog as an individual. This will be based not just on their breed, age and sex, but on factors such as any existing health conditions and whether or not they’ve been sterilised.

A medieval Saxon Baron was once sitting in his large hall having a feast with his friends, as Saxon Barons were wont to do, when a bird flew in from the dark, flitted briefly around the hall and disappeared again out into the inky night. Upon seeing this the Baron, who was usually considered a hard, insensitive person, reflected that the bird’s action was a picture of life. We come from who knows where? We appear briefly on the scene of life, and then disappear just who knows where? In the millenniums of life our brief appearance is no longer than the birds’ in the hall light.

The life span of a Bullmastiff is but a short 10 years or less, a possible 15% of the average human being’s. When the time comes to fly back out into the night the way is not always clear; sometimes the exit is blocked by ignorance, insensitivity or, still worse, negligence.

Bullmastiffs are dogs with pride, loyalty, bravery and fidelity. Sometimes they do not know they are hurting or that they did not always the way they do today because of physical disabilities. Sometimes they just do not want to find the way out of the light even when they know it is high time. This is when you as a considerate owner must make the decision that will be hard to live with for many years after, but which must be faced. One thing you must remember is to let your Bullmastiff retain his pride and dignity to the very last. Be gentle and kind, but show him the way out of the hall into the darkness beyond in a way that he will thank you for, so that you can be content in your mind that it was the right time. Republished with the kind permission of Bill Walkey, author of Bullmastiff III: The Ultimate in Bullmastiff Breed Information. Image supplied by Brooke Turner and Glenn Sparham.

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