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Media Update

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Rates Guide

Rates Guide

– David Margan

It was quality not quantity for social media this month.Facebook and Instagram both drew almost 100 new followers to each platform.

• Facebook followers 8889 • Instagram followers 1108 • FB post engagements remained steady this month.

Instagram followers have become more engaging, tagging Dogs Queensland in posts and interacting in the comments too. Instagram impressions are up by 39.5 per cent and engagements up by 7.9 per cent. Top Instagram posts were the November 2021 Dog World magazine cover dog, the Border Collie and the October 2021 article ‘This Season Is A Tick-ing Time Bomb’.

Top Facebook posts were again the Border Collie breed feature and tick safety on Instagram and Facebook plus the ‘Volunteering With Your Dog’ post on Facebook.

Most engaging Facebook post at a rate of 17.8 per cent was the Junior Handler State Finalists with over 200 engagements and 783 video views!


• CALLING ALL DOGS QUEENSLAND MEMBERS to sign-up to Dogs Australia’s Facebook page and to receive the Bush Telegraph. • AND A REMINDER TO DOGS QUEENSLAND MEMBERS to follow the private Dogs Queensland Members Facebook group: (1) Dogs Queensland Members | Facebook You will have to provide their membership number and answer a few questions too. If you are not a paid up member you can follow us on (1) Dogs Queensland | Facebook Facebook page.

On another note, Uber ride share, have introduced a program to assist passengers with assistance dogs in tow. Apparently some drivers have refused to take the dogs!! Details of the program can be found by going to: https://www.uber.com/en-AU/newsroom/ sapinitiative/

And let’s go French!!

Via Change.org a petition is running to change the rules so we can take our pooches on public transport.


43,625 have signed.

Go to https://www.change.org/p/allow-dog-ownersto-travel-with-their-pets-on-public-transport


Watch Channel 7 ‘Sunrise’ on 8 December 2021 for more good news about our Dog World.


The film crew on our video shoot for the rebranding launch of the ANKC, Eliza Allard and Kate Sclavos totally love dogs and fell in love with ours and that affection was clearly reciprocated. The latest Scamwatch Radar Alert by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has revealed that “Pet scams were the most reported when it came to online shopping scams and were the most financially damaging. Scamwatch received over 2,800 reports and almost $3.5 million in losses so far, a 78 per cent increase compared to the same period last year”. People who think they have been scammed should contact their bank or financial institution immediately. If the scam occurred on a social media platform, contact the platform and inform them of the circumstances surrounding the scam. They can also make a report to Scamwatch and find more information on where to get help on https://www.accc.gov.au/.


Members are invited to submit dog related stories of interest for inclusion in upcoming issues of our Dog World magazine. All canine topics are accepted whether they be unusual, quirky or factual and can include ‘paw-friendly’ walks and cafes, heart-warming tales or antics while in lockdown to name a few. Dogs Queensland would like to showcase your dog’s story to the wider canine community. To see your story published simply send it through tobarbara@ dogsqueensland.org.au

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