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In this episode, Gopi Krishnan speaks with Emmy Simonsen, the President of the FCI Dog Dancing Commission, who pioneers this fairly new FCI sport that seems to be gaining much global popularity and support.

There has always been a fair amount of assumptions made about the largest global organisation for Pedigree Dogs, so this series of the FCI Podcast Channel titled “Inside the FCI” aims to shed light and dispel assumptions about this international organisation that stands For Pedigree Dogs Worldwide!

Comprising of ninety-eight member countries globally, the FCI is the largest global organisation for Pedigree Dogs covering almost every area of interest with dogs from conformation dog shows to dog sports and hunting trials.

But to keep such a large organisation working effectively will take a mountain of people to be involved in each area of specialist interest.

In the FCI, these committees or groups are known as FCI Commissions.

They comprise of volunteers from that particular area or expertise or field who dedicate their time and efforts to ensuring that their respective areas of interest are served with the sole aim being for the benefit of pedigree dogs.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnnfoL_F6kg&ab_ channel=FCIforYOUtube

2022 NATIONAL SHOW: LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB OF QUEENSLAND Dogs Australia’s previous email of 28 July 2021 advised the postponement of the 2021 National Show by the Labrador Retriever Club of Queensland. Members are advised this show will now be held on the 8 and 9 August 2022 at Dogs Queensland Showgrounds, 247 King Avenue, Durack, Queensland. The Club has provided written confirmation from the Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland (RNA) in accordance with Regulations Part 13 Section 4. DOGS QUEENSLAND OFFICE BREAK IN The Dogs Queensland Office and Function Room were broken into sometime on Wednesday night with persons getting away with a few items.

If any members saw anything or anyone suspicious or have any information relating to this incident, please advise Rob Harrison by email to rob@dogsqueensland. org.au.

We will continue to work with Queensland Police Services in regards to the incident and have provided video footage to assist them.

We will advise members with any further of developments and will of course be reviewing our current security measures.

ZONE 3 CASUAL VACANCY As mentioned in the President’s Message sent via Paw Prints on 23rd November 2021, Director Sharron Taylor resigned as a Dogs Queensland Director on the 23rd November 2021. Sharron was in the block of Directors that were elected by Members until March 2023, her resignation and the consequential casual vacancy is dealt with under Clause 32 of the CCC(Q) Ltd Constitution that is reproduced below, as Sharron was elected as the Zone 3 Director, this casual vacancy is dealt with specifically under Clause 32.2.

For more information and how to apply, click on the following link: https://emarketing-au.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.

DOGS QUEENSLAND: 2022 FLOOD ASSISTANCE It is believed that some our clubs/members have sustained serious property damage as a result of floods in the Maryborough area.

Whilst insurance cover may eventually go some way towards replacing the essential items, we also realise that the need for immediate access to funds to ensure that our members’ dogs are kept safe and in good order

becomes absolutely critical. The cost of temporary boarding, feeding, replacement of secure fencing / kennel runs, Veterinary care and transport are all very real expenses confronting our members across the State. We invite our clubs/members who have been directly affected by this tragic event to apply for immediate financial assistance using the previously established Dogs Queensland Disaster Fund. Please use the attached Dogs Queensland application form to submit your request for assistance and it will be processed as a priority.

At this worrying time, please accept the warmest wishes from your fellow dog world members right across Australia, Interstate and Overseas.

To apply, click here:APPLICATION FORM

GROUNDS COMMITTEE – LIGHTING UPDATE The following message appeared in Paw Prints on 28 October 2021; ‘Ring Lighting’ A project will be embarked upon to convert all the Floodlights to LED Lights on Field 1 (Rings 1-10) and Field 2 (Rings 11-16). The work on Field 1 will be undertaken first and will be scheduled shortly. The project to complete both fields will cost in the region of $100,000.’ There have been delays with the parts arriving which is beyond anyone’s control. We will keep you updated on the progress. Apologies for any inconvenience this has caused but is out of the hands of Dogs Queensland and the Grounds Committee.

2022 PRICE INCREASES In planning Fees for 2022, Dogs Queensland has endeavoured to keep increases to a minimum, all other fees will remain the same.

Effective from 1st January, Registrations Per Pup Main Register and Limited Register with DNA Parentage Verification will be increased as per below; $50 to $51 $80 to $81 $101 to $102 $112 to $113 Registrations Per Pup Limited Register; $65 to $67 $106 to $109 $134 to $138 $147 to $151 Transfers; $35 to $37 CURRENT VACCINATION PROCEDURE FOR EVENTS AT DOGS QUEENSLAND All Members, Exhibitors and Guests are asked to note the updated Dogs Queensland Vaccination Policy below;

DOGS QUEENSLAND VACCINATION POLICY Please note that in line with Queensland’s Public Health and Social Measures, from 17 December 2021 only fully COVID-19 vaccinated staff and patrons will be permitted to enter or attend any Dogs Queensland event. For the purposes of Queensland’s Public Health Measures linked to vaccination status – a plan for 80% and beyond, a person is considered fully vaccinated when they have had two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine recognised by the Therapeutic Good Administration (TGA). A person is not required to give their contact information, proof of vaccination or evidence of exemption from vaccination on genuine medical grounds if they are under the age of 16 years. • I agree to check-in via the State Government ‘Check In Qld’ App every time I enter or re-enter any Dogs Queensland Events. • I note the provisions above in regards to being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to enter any Dogs Queensland Events and confirm that I am fully vaccinated or I have an exemption from vaccination on genuine medical grounds. • I note the provisions above in regards to being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to enter any Dogs Queensland Events and confirm that anyone that accompanies me to any Dogs Queensland event is fully vaccinated or has exemption from vaccination on genuine medical grounds and will also check-in via the State Government ‘Check In Qld’ App every time they enter or re-enter any Dogs Queensland Events. • I note that by entering any Dogs Queensland Event, I accept checks may be conducted throughout the Event to verify my COVID-19 vaccination status.

Vaccinated members, guests and staff are required to accept the Terms and Conditions as noted above.

MEMO TO: ALL MEMBER BODIES FROM: Tracey Barry DATE: 19 January 2022 SUBJECT: R Review of the Rules for the Conduct of Dances with Dogs Competitions & Trick Dog Tests

The following are scheduled for review over the next couple of years in order for the new rules and regulations to take effect from 1 January 2024. • Rules for the Conduct of Dances with Dogs Competitions; • Rules for the Conduct of Trick Dog Tests. • Regulations Part 3H – Dances with Dogs Competition Judges Training

Scheme • Regulations Part 3Hb – Trick Dog Judges Training Scheme It is therefore requested that any proposals for changes to these Rules and Regulations be submitted to the Dogs Australia Administrator by no later than 31 July 2022. As these submissions will form part of the agenda of the next meeting of the National Committee, we ask that you ensure they comply with Clause 9.1 (g) of the Dogs Australia Internal Policy as noted below: g) Rationale No items are to be accepted by the Dogs Australia Administrator for inclusion on any Dogs Australia Board, Committee, or Subcommittee agenda unless a detailed explanation concerning the reason/rationale for submitting the item is provided in agenda format electronically in MS Word or similar by the Member Body proposing the agenda item. (Amended 11/03) Submissions should include the following detail: A) the current rule/regulation number and rule/regulation detail; B) the proposed amendment; C) a full rationale for the proposed amendment. D) list any current rules/regulations which could be affected as a result of a consequential change/s from a proposed new rule/regulation or an amended rule/regulation.

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The following timetable as listed below will be used:

2022 January Request from Dogs Australia Administrator for rule/regulation change proposals to be submitted.

31 July Drafting completed by State/Territory Dances with Dogs and submitted to the Dogs Australia Administrator.

October All submissions distributed to Canine Controls by Dogs Australia Administrator.


March National Committee meeting

July Final draft completed and submitted to Dogs Australia Administrator. Minutes of the March 2023 National Committee meeting receives Dogs Australia ratification (via the electronic approval process). Whilst the minutes are in circulation with the Dogs Australia Directors being approved, a volunteer from the National Committee will finalise the amended rules/regulations in accordance with the minutes and forward a copy to the Dogs Australia Administrator. November Once the minutes receive Dogs Australia ratification, a copy of the new amended rules/regulations will be made available (in addition to the existing rules/regulations) on the ANKC Ltd website. They will be clearly identified as effective from 1 January 2024.

2024 1 January Effective date of new rules/regulations.

[PLEASE NOTE: The abovementioned timetable is subject to change and is only achievable with the cooperation of all parties involved.]

Attached please find a Word version of the current rules and regulations.

Yours faithfully

Tracey Barry Administrator | Dogs Australia


Providing the submission in this way allows other Member Bodies to easily assess only those rules/regulations to be amended instead of the time-consuming task of checking the entire rulebook/regulations. The following timetable as listed below will be used: 2022 January Request from Dogs Australia Administrator for rule/regulation change proposals to be submitted. 31 July Drafting completed by State/Territory Dances with Dogs and submitted to the Dogs Australia Administrator. October All submissions distributed to Canine Controls by Dogs Australia Administrator. 2023 March National Committee meeting July Final draft completed and submitted to Dogs Australia Administrator. Minutes of the March 2023 National Committee meeting receives Dogs Australia ratification (via the electronic approval process). Whilst the minutes are in circulation with the Dogs Australia Directors being approved, a volunteer from the National Committee will finalise the amended rules/regulations in accordance with the minutes and forward a copy to the Dogs Australia Administrator. November Once the minutes receive Dogs Australia ratification, a copy of the new amended rules/regulations will be made available (in addition to the existing rules/regulations) on the ANKC Ltd website. They will be clearly identified as effective from 1 January 2024. 2024 1 January Effective date of new rules/regulations. [PLEASE NOTE: The abovementioned timetable is subject to change and is only achievable with the cooperation of all parties involved.] Attached please find a Word version of the current rules and regulations. Yours faithfully Tracey Barry Administrator | Dogs Australia att.

The links to the current Rules and Regulations are:

Rules For The Conduct Of Dances With Dogs Competitions

Regulations For The Conduct Of Dances With Dogs Competition

Rules For The Conduct Of Trick Dog Tests

Regulations For The Conduct Of Trick Dog Test PLEASE NOTE: Submissions are due no later than close of business 31 July 2022.

K:\13. CORRESPONDENCE\2022\01. Jan\0119l01.docx

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