6 minute read
First Aid – Heat Illness
Joanne Bibby – Fursafe® Heat illness is the initial stage of heat stroke and your job is to prevent it at all costs.
Prevent heat illness and you’ll prevent heat stroke!
Heat stroke is a state of hyperthermia (where the dog has a dangerously high body temperature) – a condition in which the body loses the ability to cool down after being exposed to extreme and / or prolonged heat. Dogs eliminate heat by panting and by way of sweat glands in their paw pads. However once a dog is unable to self-regulate, their temperature rises and their life is threatened. The signs and symptoms below outline what to keep an eye out for and PREVENT them. CAUSES OF HEAT ILLNESS EXERTIONAL / ENVIRONMENTAL • Hot weather, especially humid environments; • Leaving a dog in a hot car; • Dog left outside without shade or water; • Excessive exercise/activity on hot days; • Walking on hot roads; • Inside rooms without cooling systems; and • Lack of acclimatisation to hot environments. ACTIVITIES WHICH CAN EXACERBATE HEAT ILLNESS • Running with your dog during the hotter part of the day (in Qld that could be any time); • Boating with your dog. If you are out on the water for long periods of times be aware of exposure to glare, sun, heat and dehydration; • Sporting events where your dog is required to do activities in full sun for long periods; • Hiking / walking long distances and not drinking sufficient water for the particular need of the dog size and breed; • Travelling to hot and humid cities / towns where your dog is not use to the tropical, sub-tropical or drought regions of Australia. BIOLOGICAL / MEDICAL • Obesity; • Large breeds greater than 15kg body weight, e.g.
Labradors, Retrievers, Bulldogs; • Poor physical fitness; • Exaggerated physical features – Brachycephalic breeds (flat faced), Bulldogs, Pugs; short limbs, excessive skin wrinkling; • Medical conditions – respiratory, general illness, seizures, dehydration; and • Puppies / Elderly Dogs.
Prevention Priority for all dog owners is to be aware of what causes heat illness and take all the necessary precautions to reduce its effects as soon as possible. This will ensure your dog’s condition does not progress into lifethreatening heat stroke. Some ideas to think about:
HOME • Have multiple water bowls in place in case a bowl is tipped over; • Ensure your backyard has shade available regardless of the time of day; • Consider a paddling pool like those half shell pools; • Give your dog electrolytes as directed on the packaging or recommended by your Vet; and • Leave your dog inside with the fan or air conditioner running at 23/24ºC. ACTIVITIES AWAY FROM HOME • Carry water and bowl; • Set up dog in shaded areas only; • Ensure your dog sits and walks on grass as its cooler; • Make sure you take items with you to counter-act and treat any signs and symptoms of heat illness; • Give electrolytes to your dog throughout the day to reduce the risk of heat stroke manifesting. Complications of Heat Stroke If your dog is not treated when signs of heat illness occur, their condition may deteriorate into heat stroke – a condition which may bring with it lifelong health conditions, such as, but not limited to, damage to their: • Kidneys; • Lungs; • Muscles; • Brain and
• Heart.
If heat stroke is not managed urgently, a dog may face multiple organ failure followed by death
Learning how to prevent or manage this condition will improve your dog’s chances of survival and continued wellbeing.
Signs and Symptoms Some of the signs and symptoms which your dog may begin to display are: • Dog will begin to pant excessively;
Est 1977
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• Paws will be hot to the touch; • Excessive drooling; • Dog may have become agitated and aggressive; • Dog is experiencing anxiety, distress and disorientation; • Vomiting; • Gums appear dark red, dry and tacky to the touch; • Rapid heart rate: • Puppy and Small dog over 160bpm • Medium and Large dog over 100bpm; • Rectal temperature over 39.2 °C; • Collapse.
Your dog will likely go into cardiac arrest if symptoms are left untreated
Action 1. Undertake Primary Assessment DRSABC a. Check for Dangers – a danger may be that the dog has become aggressive (warning: never put a muzzle on a dog who has breathing difficulties). b. Is your dog responding to your voice or your touch? If not your dog may be unconscious. c. Send for help. If there is someone else in the house or with you get them to do things like: • get the heat relief kit, • help carry dog into house, • prepare the car and • call the Vet They may also be able to help you restrain your dog.
d. Check the airway for vomit in the mouth and remove if there is. e. Check the breathing (respirations). Feel / watch the rise and fall of the chest – start artificial respiration if not breathing. f. Check circulation (pulse) – start CPR if no pulse. 2. Check dog’s temperature – normal temperature is between 38.5°C and 39.2°C. Use a lubricated rectal thermometer inserted into dog’s rectum up to 2.5cm for up to 1 minute (or until result registers). Record temperature for the Vet. 3. If your dog’s temperature is above normal, you must get your dog’s temperature down immediately. Run cool (NOT ICE COLD) water over your dog’s entire body, place a towel or sheet over the dog and wet while on the dog to help with the cooling process. 4. Make sure you have airflow over the dog using a fan or air-conditioner. Wetting a cooling towel and waving it over dog can also assist with cool airflow. 5. Monitor temperature every 5 minutes.
Warning: do not over-cool your dog as you risk hypothermia. Cease cooling at 39.2 °C.
6. Calm your dog, talk in a soothing way. 7. Move your dog into the shade / create shade or move indoors. 8. Treat for shock, elevate dogs rear end with a towel (even whilst in the car), monitor breathing and heart rate. 9. Offer your dog a bowl of water to drink. 10. Get to Vet.
If you have a driver: 11. Continue the cooling process if dog’s temperature is still high. Use a spray bottle of water or keep wet sheet or towel on. Move towel around body of dog every few minutes – a. Feet, belly, neck, arm pits. 12. If your dog stops breathing, begin artificial respiration on the way to the Vet surgery. 13. If your dog’s heart stops beating, begin CPR on the way to the Vets.
Pixabay Reference: Fursafe® Emergency Dog Heat Relief Kit