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A Day In The Life Of Pearl – Blood Donor

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Board Notes

Board Notes

– Peter Boniface


Pearl’s day begins as any other day. She has her normal routine in the morning with only one difference. She has to forgo her breakfast as this is important to ensure that her blood donation is not too fatty when collected.

When Pearl arrives at the underwood clinic, she is met with opens arms by one of the Pet ICU blood bank nurses. She then follows either Peter or Wendy (her parents) into the donation room trying to jump on all the consult room tables along the way. Pearl has a love for being up on the tables like no other dog I’ve seen before.

When we finally arrive at the donation room, she is straight up onto the table awaiting her many hugs and treats from the blood bank nurse.

Once all the fun is over Pearl is requested to give a small sample of her blood which she does willingly. This is to ensure she can always give blood ensuring the health of all donors is paramount. Once her blood test has come back OK, she then normally receives another treat before the next part of the donation begins.

Her neck is then clipped, and an anaesthetic gel is applied to numb the skin. She is given lots of cuddles from one of the blood bank team while the other blood bank team member is performing a surgical prep for the neck skin to ensure the sterility of the collection.

Pearl is now ready for the collection to begin. Her


Mum or Dad is there every step of the way and are constantly giving her encouragement to stay nice and still. Pearl is a fantastic donor and has made multiple full collections saving the lives of many dogs. Pearl then receives more treats which she happily accepts. The remainder of Pearl’s day is a bit of a lazy one as the Pet ICU recommend all donors refrain from participating in any physical activity for the next 24 hours.

Pearls blood donation then goes on for processing where it is spun down in the centrifuge to seperate the packed red blood cells (PRBC) from the plasma. It can store her PRBC for the next 35 days in a temperaturecontrolled fridge and her plasma is frozen and stored for up to 5 years.

There are two main blood types that donors and recipients are tested for – they are DEA 1.1 Positive or DEA 1.1 Negative. Pearl is DEA 1.1 Negative which means she can donate to both positive and negative recipients. DEA 1.1 Positive donors can only donate to positive recipients.

When looking for new donors there are a few things that Pet ICU look for to find our ideal donors.

They are:

Healthy large breed dog.

Calm temperament, ideally being happy to lay on their side on the donation table.

Over 25 kg.

Between the ages of 1 and 8 years of age.

Up to date with vacc, heart worm prevention and worming.

At this stage the blood bank has just had an intake of potential new donors and are currently working through the screening process.

The Pet ICU blood bank has saved many lives through the generosity and dedication of our donors and their families. They are so very proud of Pearl and are extremely grateful to Pearl, Peter and Wendy for being part of our program.

We will be putting a call out for new donors later in the year!!!

The following link is a video the Pet ICU made of Pearl donating blood. https://vimeo.com/524589110/908121ffe4


Dogs Queensland is always on the look-out for interesting and amazing stories, like Pearl – the blood donor. If you have a canine story you’d like to see published in the Dog World magazine, email barbara@dogsqueensland.org.au.org.au

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